..-^:-.^-- /^OS', ^ ^4/ f //^///^ \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/youngpaintersmauOOmalt THE YOUNG PAINTER'S AULSTICK; BEING A PRACTICAL TREATISE ON PERSPECTIVE; CONTAINING RULES AND PRINCIPLES FOR DELINEATION ON PLANES, Treated fo as to render the Art of Drawing correflly, eafy of Attainment even to common Capacities; and entertaining at the fame Time, from its Truth and Facility. Founded on the clear mechanical Procefs of VIGNOLA AND SIRIGATTI; UNITED WITH THE THEORETIC PRINCIPLES OF THE CELEBRATED DR. BROOK TAYLOR. ADDRESSED TO STUDENTS IN DRAWING. BY JAMES MALTON, ARCHITECT AND DRAFTSMAN. That not in fancy's maize he wander'd long. But ftoop'd to truth andmoraliz'd his fong. Pope. ILontion : PRINTED BV V. GRIFFITHS, NO. I, PATERNOSTER ROW; AND PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, SY CARPENTER AND CO. OLD BOND STREET. 1800. TO BENJAMIN WEST, ESQ; OF THE ROYAL BRITISH ACADEMY FOR PAINTING, AND TO THE ACADEMICIANS anti ASSOCIATES OF THAT INSTITUTION, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, With hope that It may be approved by them and efteemed deferving of being recommended to the Attention of the Students under their Care ; BY THEIR HUMBLE SERVANT, JAMES MALTON. APOLOGY. Desirous to avoid every charge of prefumption, for prefenting a work on Perfpeaivc to the public, while fo many are extant, and during the lifetime of my father Mr. Thomas Malton, fen. who has himfelf fent into the world fo extenfive and fo excellent a treatife on the fame fubjccl ; I deem it but proper to urge a few reafons which afluated me to add another to the number, in vindication of myfelf, (hould any be inclined to cenfure me for having fo done. 1 had lon<. heard it advanced, and by perfons poffcffing the works of the beft informed wnters on ■this head, n°ot excepting even that by my father, that there yet was wanting a praft.cal treatde, which would exemplify the doarine of delineation, in an eafy, familiar, and engagmg manner j and wherein its rules might be applied to pleafing and painter-l.ke fubjeas I could not but ^dmit the juftnefs of fuch remarks, nor deny that I had obferved the fame, and had very early m life felt a (trong inclination to be myfelf the perfon who fhould fupply that defideratum. Vly acquaintance with the fubjea, according to the elegant principles of Brook Taylor, and my havin<^ made frequent, but inefFeaual, endeavours to teach it on thofe principles, and make it engaging at the fame time, reduced me to the neceffity of adopting the method of pradice that Is followed throughout this work, which is a mixture of the fcientific principles of Brook Taylor, with the clear mechanical mode of Vignola and Sirigatti ; making a moft pleafmg, facile, and entertaining, union ; the correanefs and difpatch of which manner of delineation is admitted ■by my father, and {lightly treated on by him in the appendix to his valuable work. Independent of the want of an agreeable method of procedure, the figures whereon the generality of authors on Perfpeaive have employed their rules, have, very feebly, conveyed pofitive information, beino-, by much the greater part, ill conceived, and rather difgufting, in lieu of being inviting. The voluminous prolixitv of feme, obfcure brevity of others, trifling littlenefs of many, and partial ap- plication of moft of^them, have neither rendered the fubjeft interefting, nor given general information. Some have been purely mathematical, others wholly mechanical, and few, or none, feem to have made due reference to the painter. I hope that I fliall be found to have proceeded othervvlfe. By nature I was better gifted with the talent requifite for a painter, than for a mathematician ; yet I delighted in the purfuits of both, and was capable at the age of fourteen, to demonftrate any probh-m in the twelfth book of Euclid, of delineating any regular piece of architeaure in perfpeaive, of taking a correa draft from a plafter caft of the human figure, of drawing any of the five orders of architeaure, or of copving a landfcape of Barratt, or of Gainfborough. This, it will be obferved, 1 advance not with a view of boafting of what I was, or am, capable of performing, but to inftance the likdihood there is, that this work will be found lefs tedioufly dry, than thofe of my prcdeceffors on the fame fubjea. 'The inclination I entertained, I was carncffly encouraged to the performance of, by perfons ^^.ho judged me competent to the talk, fome of whom I had the honor to inftrua in the art. For Kn years paft I have been occafionally engaged preparing the fubjea raattei", from my own knowledge of the art, obfervations from great praaice, and remarks from the obfervations of others, (arifing from imperfea knowledge, or erroneous conceptions concerning it,) and arranging and digefting the whole that it might, as much as I could make it, be worthy to meet the mafter painter's eye, and engage the ferious attention of the ftudent. It is not my intention to attempt to prove that the principles of procedure of this work, are the beft that could be given ; there being feveral ways to effea the fame end, each may, probably with g<5od reafon, have its diftina admirers. It will be fufficient for me to aflure my re.iders tliat, from knowledge pf thefe various ways, great praaice, and experience in teach- b ii APOLOGY. ing, I have ever found mine moft expeditious, certain, and eafy of attainment. Should any be / down * to any pofiible degree next to obliteration, it fliould be properly delineated, by poflefling the chara£ler of the kind of archited:ure intended to be reprefented. The French painters, in general, (hew a laudable attention to their aiding concomitants, be they in what department they will ; a fine inflance, among many, is fliewn in that truly great performance, the portrait of Lewis XVI. by Callet, where the ftyle and correftnefs of the architecflure, and the truth of the prefpeftive, are a reproach to mofl Britifh productions of the fame nature ; which, to be rid of that great trouble, are conflantly backed by a curtain, or troubled landfcape, or clouded fky, even when the fijbjects are the portraits of noblemen or fenators ia their robes, or ladies in drawing-room drefles. Theftudy of perfpective combines that of architecture along with it, becaufe the preciiion of architectural fubjects moft obvioufly expreffes its effedls. The acquire- ment tlierefore of a knowledge of perfpective has a double advantage, uniting two informations, without the help of which, an artift is necelTarily compelled to wander in uncertainty; and to feel his way, as do the blind, uncertain of their path. And here I cannot avoid remarking on a new proceeding that has lately been adopted, and is dally gaining ground, as it were to the exclufion of ^// necejjity of the introduftion of architecture, or the effect of perfpective in hiftorical fubjeds, where it would be a proper and almoft indifpenfable requifite ; and this is, the practice of crowding three, five, or ten, or more, Herculean figures into the fmall compals of the frame, fo crammed upon one another that fufficient room is not given for action; and the whole appears a fcene tranfacted in a clofet, and that of no greater compafs than from eight to ten feet fquare; which fmall extent of platform has been thought, by fome, fufficient fpace for exprefiing the ceremory of a public execution, or grandeur of a coronation. ^ A technical term of painting, implying duUnefc of tint, fliunning of infpeilion, . PREFACE. xi In fcenes of great extent, whether reprefenting tranfactions within or without the walls of a palace, orcaftle, appropriate architecture, well introduced, produces grand effects, ^ as may be ieea in many of the works of the Roman and Venetian fchools. Indeed moft of their great painters were great architedls. I could rea- dily draw out a long lift, but the few following names are of fufficient authority and celebrity, to inftance that a combination of the two arts is not at all detrimen- tal to either. Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, Julio Romano, Hans Holbien, Vafari, Paolo Veronefe, Michel Angelo, Rubens, Domenichino, Frefnoy. Many have a notion that perfpe6live, not only merely relates to architedlural fubjedts, but to them fimply when.they are reprefented as receding in the pidlure, and exhibiting in a fmall fpace of a plane placed diredt before the eye, the appear- ance of great depth of ftrudure as retiring farther and farther off, particularly in infide fubjeds ; as looking down the aifles of churches, long galleries, and the like ;. in which cafes, the nearer the eye is to being in the plane of the extent looked at,, the fliorter will be the fpace required in which the depth of the fubjeft will be to be delineated, and the greater and more fudden the apparent convergency of horizon- tal lines. Such delineations appearing to the not well-informed in the fubjed of delineation, unpleafing pidlures, and not being able to reconcile to their minds, what is, apparently, fo repugnant to truth, I have heard it obferved that fuch fubjedls were too much in perfpedlive, when it was only meant to imply, that the point of view was taken too clofely to the plane of the building, to have a fatis- fadory, and pleafing picture of the object.. To fay any fubject is drawn too much in perfpective, is tantamount to faying, it is too well, or too naturally, reprefented. Among the various informations and acquirements forming a polite and liberal education, as well of a lady, as of a gentleman, the art of drawing ever did, and a One of the greateft painters of the prefent day, I know, entertains veryjuft, and, I believe, original ideas, as to the applicable introdudion of archite£ture into hiftorical compofitions. When the fubject is of a folemn kind, as a funereal or facred proceffion, the architefture, he confiders, fliould be of few parts, grave, maffive, and very little ornamented, with its horizontals in a parallel dire£lion, or nearly fo, with the picture; in fubjeils of lefs gravity, the architedlure may admit of more divifion, be lighter and more ornamented, and a quicker declination of horizontals may be more congenial; in fcenes of mirth and feflivity, the architecture may he fevered, various, light, and ornamented. To the feeling mind I cannot better inltance what I underftand of thefe notions than by drawing a parallel to them. from poetry, and Pope's Eflay on Criticifm furniflies me with an admirable one. When Ajax ftrives fome rocks' vaft weight to throw, The lint too labours, and the words move flow : Not fo, when fwift Camilla fcotirs the plain. Flies o're th' ujibending corn, and fkims along the main, e xii PREFACE. always will, hold a diftinguilhed place. The certain and general principles for attaining that elegant accomplifliment, which perfpective affords, are abfolutely necelTary to be known, to draw even the flighteft Iketch from nature with pre- clfionj and to judge with truth the works of others. The defire of attaining to great excellence in any art would be confiderably checked, if there were not to be found admirers fufficiently informed in their judgment, as to be well able to difcriminate difference of excellence. The praife of having done well, is a powerful inducement to further improvement. Di-awing, in my opinion, is a vehicle of communication among mankind, as neceffary to be fomewhat informed in, as the art of writing. The pen may ex- prefs our fentiments, but not always our ideas and conceptions ; at times, that can alone be done by the pencil. A mechanic is required to execute a new and fingular piece of work; it is impoffible he can thoroughly conceive it without a draft, the which, not being able to give, is a fpecies of ignorance nearly as great as the not being able to write; and a deficiency that many an intelligent pcrfon has mortifyingly and detrimentally experienced. The moll: laboured defcription of fccnes, conveys not half fo perfect an idea of their form and effect, as a few juffc lines of the pencil. Drawing is an univerfal language, comprehenfible to a very lavage, and plainly fpeaks to every eye. No perfon therefore, dehrous of a liberal education, fhould be deficient in a tolerable acquaintance with the firff principles of delineation, perfpective. few who take upon them the tafk of teaching drawing, are qualified for the pro- feffion they engage in. In Landfcape drawing, the pupil is fet to copy houfes, trees, &c. after a promifcuous manner, to refemhle as nearly as they are able thofe of their originals ; but without being made acquainted with any fixed principles of delineation m general. They advance from fimple to complex fubjects, and, when capable of making a tolerably decent copy in colors, are looked upon to be greatly ikllful; though at the fame time they are as incapable of doing any thing original, or of taking a view from nature, as if they never had handled a pencil. They are made to draw flant lines to reprefent horizontal ones ; to make parallel lines tend to a point of union ; ovals to reprefent circles ; acute, or obtufe angles to re- prefent right ones ; but without being fhewn the reafon, or having the caufe de- monftrated to them, why they do lo. It is common for perfons after long inftructlon in drawing, under what are termed able maflers, and after they have obtained great proficiency in copying, to requeft being informed how they are to take a view ; to do which they feel themfelves as PREFACE. xm incapable, as would be their pencil without the guide of ihe hand and judgment. This would not be the cafe had their mailers, from time to time, inculcated the principles of perlpective, by giving familiar objects, as chairs, tables, or other furniture, or fmall models which they might furnifli, to be drawn as they would appear in different places and politions j and after defcanting on, and correcting the fkctches of them, proceed with their pupils to delineate the fame exactly by rule, from determined ftations. The folid knowledge that would be thus inftUled and ingrafted on the more pleafurable part of the art, would fo deeply fix the whole, as would render it permanent and readily ufeful, whether in copying, compofuig, or drawing from actual nature. The whole of my Theory, if it can be called one, is contained in the introduc- tion. I have there briefly explained the nature of, and how to produce perlpective delineations of given, or known objefts, from determined flations. After the Introduftion I proceed to the pradice, where, by the clearefl, and fimplelt me- thod that I could devife, I have traced the fubjeifl, in regular progreflion to the end of my propofed defign. To the refletfling mind 'tis needlefs to obferve that the number of examples given might exceed all bounds, were endeavour made at introducing every poflible cafe that might be fuggefted. In purfuance of my plan the moft prominent features only have been the obje£l of mv attention ; fu- bordinate ones, and repetition, mufl be left to the care and praftice of the fludent. That I might make this work as ufeful and as compact as I well could, and that it might contain In Itfelf every information neceflary to the profecution of the fubject, I have prefaced the practice of Perfpective with feme problems and obfervatlons on practical Geometry; giving fuch only as are indifpeniibly necef- fary to enable the lliudent to draw correctly the fchemes required in the practice of perfpective delineations. This I have done, as I confider it extremely dif- couraglng, and deflructive of the end required, to tell the reader, who opens a book for Ibme pleafmg and neceflary Information, that he has firft fomething elfe to learn, as a prior knowledge, and which is not there to be obtained, before he can comprehend what he Is in fearch of, and delirous to know. And this is ftill more repulfive, when probably the fufficlency of fuch prior knowledge is fo tri- vial, that it could all be exprefled in a few pages ; to avoid the little addition of which, the ftudent Is turned back, and left to fearch for the mentioned books without guide or direction of how much, or how little of it, it is necefliuy he fhould make himfelf acquainted with ; a circumflance fo difcournging as fre- quently to end In a total neglect of both. XIV PREFACE. Without a good fhare of ingenuity and refolution, 'tis Impofllble to become thoroughly acquainted with any art or fclence by felf fludy, from book alone. In the firft place, what is there faid, if not clearly intelligible at firfl, exprelTes but the fame on a fecond reading, nor is it placed in any new light on a third ; and the ftudcnt is left to ponder and work his way, as his genius and his patience fults : but let it be obferved, no information obtains fo deep a root as that we give ourfelves. With information and inclination competent to advance, all difficulties will fpeedily vanlfh, all clouds of darknefs will difperfe, and a bright and clear prof- pect open to the view ; there may indeed a few fwamps and brambles obfliruct the path and Impede progrefs ; but thefe I fliall not only endeavour to re- move, but will place fuch Ifep-ftones and finger-pofts in the way as will enfure a certain road, and leave little chance of being bewildered, or loft in a mire. Should my traveller be led unexpectedly into a path apart from the main road, he may reft aflured it will be to notice a profpect by the way that otherwife might have efcaped his obfervation, and that he will be brought a gainer there- by, to the place whence he ftarted ; his mind expanded and eager fur further dif- covery. Through the whole I will be the companion of his travels, nor will I enforce my principles by harfh or feverc means, but ufe him as a friend that I would wilh to inform. To drop the metaphor, I will do my endeavour to ad- vance ftep by ftep unto the end of my purfuit, with a careful attention to the ca- pacity of my ftudent ; advance not any thing I cannot prove, nor leave aught, if . pofiible, not clearly explained and inveftlgated. All controverted points I fhall keep to be dlfcufled at the laft, they having nothing to do with true and juft re- prefentation, may be looked into, or not, at the option of the reader ; though it does not behove me to pafs them unnoticed. How far I have fuccceded in my endeavours at fimplifvlng and generalizing my fubject, the public, who are now become my judges, muft determine. How far I have jufdy exprefled my conceptions, or how fatisfactorily conveyed to others a fourcc of great pleafure to mylclf, I cannot fay ; but of this 1 am aflured, that the ftudy and practice of perfpectlve may be made as entertaining as any branch of painting whatever, except coloring, and giving relief of light and fliade, which Is the laft thing a painter has to ftudy, and which he can never be Hud to have acquired. INTRODUCTION. EVERV thing we fee is feen perfpedlively ; whether it be a houfe, a man, or beaft, or tree, or fliip, or plains, or hills, or water, or all together. It will ap- pear a ftrange cbntradidion to advance, but which in a few words I hope to make clear and manifeft, that no objedl whatever appears as it is, in any one point of view ; that is, prefents a figure to the eye fuchas we know it to poflefs, but one objea alone excepted -, which objea is a globe. A globe in every point of view, and to every eye at the fame time looking at it, and in every diredion, appears a globe, or fpherlcal body bounded by a circular line. Every other objedl affumes, apparently, a different form in every change of pofition, or different point of view whence it is feen. A circle, for inftance, the mofl perfect of plane figures, never appears a circle but in one point of view, and that is, when the eye is per- pendicularly over the center of it: in every other fituation its appearance is an oval, more or lefs extended, the more or lefs the eye is in the direftion of its plane ; like figures A, B, and C : when the eye is in the direiflion of the plane" of the circle, then is its appearance a right line, as the line D. Parallel right lines never appcui pmallel ^ confequently a fquare can never appear a fquare. There is no one capable of making ferious reflexion, and of drawing confequences from certain principles, but muff be fenfible and admit, that of two equal heights, one placed nearer the obferverthan the other, that that which is farther off will ap- pear lefs than the one that is nearer. Apparent diminution of fize, is the reafon for concluding diftance of objeifls : we do not fcruple to fay of two men, or of two fliips, of known equal ' ''^ ' dimenfions, that one is farther off than the other, becaufe one appears lefs than the other i and that one is much farther off, becaufe it appears much lefs. 2 INTRODUCTION. This principle being adrriltted, the confequences take place in every degree of diftance, however great, or however fmall. It the eye of a fpedlator be at E, (Fig. 1 , Plate 1 ,) looking at a height, as AB, and an equal height be at CD, farther from the eye than AB, then will the nearer height AB, appear to the eye fome- what higher than the equal, but more dlftant, height CD. For Vvhich reafon, parallel right lines, as was before advanced, can never appear parallel, not even when they are dlredt before the eye, as the lines AB, and CD. Fig. 2. For If the eye be oppofite the middle between the extremes of the lines, fuppofe op- pofite the point E, then would the diflance of the two lines at E, as FG, appear greater than the fame height AC, Or BD, at the two extremes ; becaufe they are equal heights feen at greater diftances. Confequently the parallel fides of a fquare can never appear parallel, nor the figure be feen as it really is : But more or lefs cur- ved, according as the eye is nearer or more remote from the parallel lines regarded. Now the bufinefs of drawing, that is, of drawing perfpecftively, is to de- lineate things as they appear, in every poflible diredtlon that they can be prefented to the eye ; and not as they are, or as we know them to be. Thus of a book, fuppofed placed In various pofitions on a table, as Fig'. 3, 4, 5, and 6, which, though all corre£t delineations of the fame objed:, are neverthelefs all different in their reprefentations, exprefilng the book as ken in as many different pofitions. If a bafon is delineated, as ftanding on a table, it is mofi; commonly reprefented as Fig, 7, which may be truly its appearance from a certain point of view, and fatif- fadlorily indicate the real form, in the lituatlon intended, to mofl beholders ; yet is neither the bafon, nor the table it is reprefented ftanding on, fuch figures as the table and the bafon are really known to be i for the tops of both are known to be truly circles ; yet in their reprefentations they are made ovals, and ovals very much extended. Let a fquare box, which, for particular reafons, we will fuppofe of cubical form, that is, having every fide a fquare, be required to be delineated. It is often fatisfafto- rlly reprefented, as Fig. 8, with one fide a fquare, and the top not In the kafl like a fquare, but which has the appearance of a fquare horizontally fituated. Or a re- prefentation may be given, as Fig. 9, with two fides and a top feen, of which one fide only fliall adually be a fquare, the other fide, and top, very different figures, yet appearing the reprefentations of fquares fo placed. Or a cubical form may be reprefented, as Fig. 10, when neither fide nor top fliall be adtual fquares, yet all do appear as fuch, and the whole together conveys a juft idea of the obje^l intended to :Ayr./. E< C A B D ^t:^^ '^i7./0. SBES ^.//. _rf,..,fo, .•^,i'ell comprehended in general as are geometrical delineations ; which, though it may appear paradoxical to allert, are abfurd delineations, and no repre- fentation of any real objedl at all. I would not have it fuppofed that I mean to imply, there is no utility in geometrical drawings; my meaning here is, only relative to their not being reprefentations of exiting forms as they appear. Now though geometrical appearances, in real objedts, never can be feen, and perfpedtive ones always are feen, yet do the firft, in reprefentation, feem more fatisfadtory to the untutored eye than the other ; which, overlooking the appear- ance of objedts, immediately reverts to the thing fignified ; and knowing that houfes in reality are equally high at their extremes, and that their tops are level, and parallel to their bottoms, immediately conclude the former to be true repre- fentations, and the latter erroneous conceptions, which, though frequently com- mitted, cannot be defended or accounted for. If it be pofitively true that thefe irregular figures take place as the reprefenta- tions of others of truly regular forms, is it to be concluded there is fome deter-" minateprecifeform of reprefentation, from certain confequences ? or is it all random work, and left to the guidance of the eye and reafon only? The whole is govern- ed by rule, and there is a determinate mode of procedure, upon infallible prin- S^. 2. INTRODUCTION. 5 ciples ; by which, knowing the pkn and form of the objedV, and diftance and height of the eye that views it, aperfeft delineation fhall be effeded ; which may fo impofe upon the eye, as to be miftaken for the objeft itfelf. I will now enter on this important fubjedl, but prev.ioufly it will be neceflary to explain feme iiitrodudlory matter, upon which the certainty of effeding this defirablc end is grounded. The truth of perfpedive reprefentations depends upon an eftablifhed and certain principle in optics, that vijloji, through the fame medium, is co7iveyed in right lities to the eye. If the attention of the eye be directed to any particular fpot, it obtains its perception, by a ray cf vifion, or of light, extending in a right line between the obje£l and the eye : thus, the £ eye at E, fig. i, upon looking at the point A, forms, whatisg^^— termed in optics, a ray of vifion, or vifual ray, EA, ex- tending in a right line between the point of obfervance and the eye; which line of vifion it is contended, is a right line ; and fliould any other obje£l, as B, intervene between a,., the firft point. A, and the eye, fo as to touch the vifual.r::-- ray, it would efte<5tually hide the point A from' view of the eye at E. To prove that a ray of vifion direfted from the eye to any particular point, is a right line, and not a curved one, as EGA, the following fimple experiment may eafily be tried, which, anfwering, will in- conteftibly eftablifli the fad. Place any height, as AB, (Fig. 'i.) before the eye, at E ; halfway between the fight and the firft height AB, place a fecond height, as CD, fo placed, that the other may be feen immediately behind it. Then direding the eye to the bottom of the objedl, mark the place where it will appear (which it will do) to touch the firft height, as at /^ ; then direft the eye to the top of the far objeft, and mark where it will appear to touch the firft height, as at a ; then if the fpace comprehended between a and b, be but half the height of AB, it will be clear that the vifual rays EA and EB, direded from the eye at E, to the points A andB, are right lines. To my reader converfant in geometry, further proof need not be given of the certainty of the vifual rays EA and EB being right lines, than has juft now been ftated. The line ^ ^ is half the line AB, but the line AB is parallel to ab, and twice as far from the point E ; then will the lines E ^ A, and E ^ B, be right lines, and the triangles Y, a b, and EAB, be fimilar. D 6 INTRODUCTION. It would be entirely foreign to the purpofes of perfpe£llve, to enter more oft the fubject of optics ; the eftabliflunent of this fiiigle fa£l, paves the way to the certainty of all delineation on planes. To prove that rays of vifion are fubjefl to refraftion, as theypafs through mediums of different denfities, would be entirely irrelevant tothe prefent purfuit, which has only one medium of optical pervicity under confideration. Air ; and to that alone we are to be confined. Neither would it be of any account to the prefent inquiry, to inveftigate the nature cr eflence of light ; for whether it is material, or immaterial, is perfeftly unim- portant here. On fuch points of contention it is neither my province, nor my in- clination, to dwell: it only regards the fubjedlin queftion to eftablifli, not by what 7}ieans vifion is performed, but, that it is conveyed in right lines from the eye, the eye and the objeiS being in the fame medium of light ; of which I hope demonftrativc, but of which I am certain, (the enquiry anfwerlng the propo- fition) pra£lical, proof has been given. On the certainty of the diredl procedure of the vifual rays from the eye, it is, that we are capable of calculating the exaft apparent dimenfions of objefts, as they are more and more remote from us. Not that this calculation is of any par- ticular fervice in perfpeilive delineations, jbut only as it obtains inconteftible proof of what othervvifc might remain doubtful, the exaft proportion of dimi- nution that does take place ; and which is, in the inverfe ratio of the fquares of their dijlcmces from the eye that regards them. If an object be at a certain difi^ance from the eye, it will appear four times the dimenfions of an equal objedl feen at twice that diftance ; nine times the dimenfions of an equal body placed at three times the diftance ; fixteen times as large as an equal body at four times the diftance ; and fo on, inverfely as the fquares of tlie diflances ; that is, Inafmuch as the fquares of the diftances increafe, in the fame ratio do their appa- rent magnitudes diminifh. If a fquare, as ABCD, be placed before the eye, it will cover, and hide from view a fquare of four times its dimenfions, at twice the diflance, as FGHI: confcquently, an equal fquare, at twice the diftance, will appear but a fourth part the dimenfions of the firfi:, as any one of the four fquares marked on FGHI. The difiance is 2, the fquare of which is 4, the inverfe then is only a quarter, or a fourth part. At three times the diftance of tiie firft fquare from the eye, it will cover a fquare of nine times the dimenfions, as KLMN ; of con- fequence an equal fquare there, would appear but a ninth part the fize; the fquare of 3 being 9, the inverfe of which would be but a nintli part. At four INTRODUCTION. times the diftance, it would hide a fquare of iixteen times its dimenfions, as the fquare OPQR, determining an equal Iquare there placed, to appear but a fix- teenth part its fize ; the fquare of 4 being 16, the inverfe is but a fixteenth "^ '> p.__ ^^ h^ ^ : ••-...Gr ^""^ R t- x ^^ :, i i .« ^^ ....•■■ ....- ...-• 'i Y'::. '\\\\^^^ part. So the proportion, or ratio, would go on to infinity, agreeably to the in*- verfe of the fquares of the diftances; if at five times the diftance, but a twenty- fifth part ; and, if at ten times, but a hundredth part. Probably the invefligation of this curious circiirpflance may be aided by an where examination of the following diagram .■^«^->s 9V are three equal fquares, X, Y, and Z, placed dired before the eye at E, each having one corner touching the fame vifual ray to the eye, K F A E ; of con- fequence, being all vertical, and parallel to each other, their tops and near per- pendicular fides, are all in the fame planes of vifion. The fquareY being twice tlie diftance from the eye at E, that the fquare X is, appears, to that eye, but a fourth part the dimenfions of the firfl fquare ; as is manifeft by the vi-fual rays FE, GE, and HE, which pafilng the plane X, touch it in the points A, g, and h, determining the fquare A g h i, as its apparent magnitude, when compared with the fquare X ; which fquare A g h i, is but a fourth part the fquare X ; for the line A h, is but half the line A C, and A g, but half A B ; of confe— quence then the fquare A gh i, is but quarter of the fquare A BC D, or fuper- 8 INTRODUCTION. fides X. In the fame diagi-am, the fquare Z is four times the dlftance from, the eye that is the fquare X ; on which account its apparent dimenlions are, when compared to the fquare X, but a fixteenth part of the fquare X, as is clearly evident by the vifual rays K E, L E, and M E, which, interfeding the fquare X, determines thereon, a fquare equal a fourth part of the fquare Agh i, and con- fequently but a fixteenth part of the fquare X ; an apparent diminution agree- ably to the proportion intimated, being itiverfely as thefquares of the dijfances. ^ .DEFINITION I. A Visual Ray. Is an imaginary right line extended from the eye, to any particular point, the objeft of the eye's regard, or contemplation. It is curious to obferve the play of the eye, while it is employed in minutely furveying any particular objeft, orobjedls; to remark its gradual (hiftlngs as it changes the immediate fpot of contemplation to the regarding of another, or others. It will naturally refult from this confideration, and the knowledge of vifual rays being right lines, that no two fpots can be fo near, but that the di- rection of the eye will be changed, and a new vifual ray be formed, in the fepa- rately examining the one and the other. Obferve but the dial of a watch ; and the motion of the flfifting of the eye will not only be felt as it pafles from re- garding one hour to another, but it will be fenfibly felt as it glides by the minutes; evincing in its progrefs a fubtlety of motion, fuperior tu the mechanlfm of the delicate machine it contemplates. From the fhifting of the eye, while employed in examination of any obje£l, or number of objefts, it may be figured that while contemplating the borders of a circle (as the minutes of the dial of a watch), there would be generated a cone of vifual rays, of which the eye is the apex, or point, and the dial the bafe ; as Fig. 1 , Plate 3. And it muft of courfe be refledied, that, as the objefts of contempla- tion differ in figure, fo mufl vary the body of the collection of rays proceeding from the eye in their examination. As, fuppofe the objeCl a fquare fuperficies, fee Fig. 2. then will there be generated a pyramid of ra_ys; if it be a triangle, then is there another pyramid formed, having a triangular bafe, as Fig. 3 ; or, the objeCt being a folid, as Fig. 4 ; or the figure may be a man^ or beaft, as Fig'. 5. and 6. it matters not what, on the eye's regarding them all around, there will be formed a body of vifual rays, of which the contour of the cbjedt regarded, be it what it will, is the bafe, and the eye the apex. TLATE 5. ^/u/.i _^w. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 1-9 Angles, formed by right lines, are of three kinds only^ viz. Right Angles, [Plate o,"! Obtufe Angles, and Acute Angles. When one of the Knes forming of an angle is perpendicular to the other, tlien is fuch an angle faid to be a right angle; fuch is the angle ABC, Fig. i, Plate 9, the line AB being per- pendicular to the line B C. When the lines have a greater degree of ex- panfion than a right angle, fuch an angle is faid to be an obtufe angle, as the angle D E F, Fig. 2 ; and when- they have a lefs degree of expanfion than a right angle, fuch an angle is faid to be acute, as the angle G H IvFig, 3. The magnitude of an angle is computed by the portion it comprehends of a circle, ufing the angular point as the centre to revolve the circle upon. For the general admeafurement of angles, the circumference of a circle is di- vided into 360 equal pa^rts, called degrees ; a divifion univerfally^afTented to ; and an angle is faid to contain, or to be an. angle of as many degrees as fall within the expanfion of the two lines. If two lines, one perpendicular to the other, crofs each other, there are formed. four angles, all right angles. By the croffing of the perpendicular lines AC and B D, (Fig- 4j there are formed four right angles, and ufing the point of their common interfeclion, E, as the point to revolve a circle around upon, each angle will of courfe contain a quarter of that circumference ; and the whole circumferejKe being divided into 3 60 equal parts, each rjght angle, (all right angles being equal,) muft contain a quarter of 360, that is 90 degrees. A right angle is a determinate one, and there can be no variety of them ; but of obtufe and acute angles there may be many, of various magnitudes. The circle ABCD, Fig. 4, is divided into 360 equal parts. The angle AEF, is an acute angle of 20 degrees ; the angle AEG an acute angle of 50 degrees ; and fo on to any number fhort of 90. The angle AEO is an obtufe angle of i3o. degrees, and the angle AEL an obtufe angle of 170 degrees, and fo on to any number Ihort of l80> at which period the expanfion of the two lines would fall into one right line, as AEC. For the greater accuracy, in the eftimating of angles, each degree is fubdivided into 60 equal parts, called minutes ; and each, minute into 60 equal parts, called feconds ; fo the meafurement of an angla may be a certain number of degrees, minutes, feconds, thirds, 6cc. An angle is not enlarged by lengthening of the lines forming of it ; for the angle ABC (Fig. 5.) is flill the fame and not at all increafed by extending qf the lines to D and E. An angle is eftimated only by the degrees of iiicli- 20 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. rPlate 1 J^^'^''^^ which one line forming it has to the other ; and that incUnation is not increafed by lengthening of the lines ; for the line DB has no greater, but the fame inclination to AB that any portion of the line has ; and the angle DBE and ABC are one and the fame angle, and would flill be fo were the lines lengthened out infinitely. This may be more clearly perceived in Fig. 4, where the angle aEf is the fame with AEF ; and aEg with AEG, &c. For, each contains fimilar portions of the curve of their refpedlive circles ; confequently an equal number of degrees. By attentively examining the figure, it will be fully comprehended that the magnitude of angles is afteited only by the degree of inclination which the lines have to each other, however (hort they are, or however long. It is not my intention to give a complete fyftem of Pradtical Geometry ; that would form an extenfive work of itfelf. I purpofe to give only that fufficiency of it as will enable the Student in Perfpedlive to draw his figures on true principles, and corredtly. A Point may be defined to be the extremity of a line ; a line, curved, or ftraight, the extremity of a furface ; and a surface, plane, or irregular, the boundary of a folid. A Right Line, is the fhorteft line that can be drawn between two ex- treme points. A Curved Line, is a line that lays indireft between its ex- trea.e points. Lines are faid to be parallel when the perpendicular dif- tance between them is in every part equal. Curved lines are parallel when they are oppofite portions of concentric curves; and Concentric Circles are fuch as are llruck upon a common center j as are the circles ABCD, EFGH, IKLM, Fig. 6. being ftruck upon the common center O. In which circles, the portions BC, FG, and KL, are parallel. An Arc is any portion of a circle, as the arc PQRST, Fig. 7. A Chord of an arc, is a right line drawn from one extent of an arc to the other, as the line PT of the arc PQRST, Fig, 7. An Ordinate, or Ordinates, is a line, or any number of lines, dropped from an arc, or curved line, perpendicularly to the chord of that arc, or curved line, as the lines Qa, Rb, Sc, Fig. 7. which are dropped from the curve PQRST perpendicularly to the chord PT. An Angle has already been defined; page 18. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 21 Problem I. To make an angle equal to a given angle, from a given point, [Plate 10.] in a given line. ABC, [Prob.i. Plate 10.] is the given angle, anJE the given point in the line EF\ With one leg of the compaffes fixed on the vertex B, of the given angle, with the other defcnbe the arc AC; with the lame extent of compafTes, and with one leg fixed in the given point E, defcribe the arc, FD, indefinite ; then extend the compafles from A to C, and apply that meafure from F to D, . making the arc F D equal the arc AC; draw the line E D, then Will the angle DEF, be equal to the angle ABC. Nste. For greater accuracy in meafuring, or making equal angles, let the expanfion of the com- pafles be as great as the angle to be meafiired, or the compafles will well allow. Prob. II. To draw a line from a given point, parallel to a given line. GH is the given line, and I is the given point. From the given point I, draw a line as 1 H at pleafure, touching the given line, in a point at H ; make the a gle H I K, equal the angle GH 1, by Problem I, and the line IK will be paruUei to t e line GH. Prob. IT. To bifed, or to divide, a given line into two equal parts. LM is the given line. With an extent of compafies greater than half the given line, on each of its extremes L, and \1, defcribe two arcs croffing each other in the points a and b ; draw the line a b which will bii.£t, or divide the line LM into two equal parts. Prob. IV. To Dife£l, or divide, any given angle into two equal div.fions. NO? is the given angle to be divided. On the vertex O of tue given angle, defcribe an arc, as NP ; with tlie fame or any extent of compa-Tes greater than half that arc, on the points N, a. 1.1 P^ defcribe two arcs interfecling each other at c ; then draw the line O c, which will bifedt the angle NOP. Definition . A right line is Jaid to be perpendicular to another right line ichen it does not incline to cither /ide, but makes a right angle on both Jides of the line. And this, be the two hues pqjited as they 'u:i!l, iziiihout regard to --ivhat is really horizontal or vertical, » Throughouc thefe Problems, the given requifites, liich as lines, angles, &c. ere drawn with. ftout lines ; the opeiau/e !ine«, or lines of the procefs, are all dotted j a:iJ the required iiaes, or the lines obtai.ied, are expiefied by fine lines. F it PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. [Plate 10.] Prob. V. To draw a right line perpendicular to a given right line, from a given point in that line. RS is the given line, and T is the given point. On each fide of the given point T, fet off equal meafures, as T R, and T S ; then, with any greater meafure in the compalles, on the points R, and S, de- fcribe two arcs interfecting each other in the point d ; draw the line d T, which w^ll be perpendicular to the line RS. Prob. VI. At the extreme point of a given right line, to draw another right line perpendicular to the given line. VX is the given lifie, and X the given point. Afliime any point, as the point e, at pleafure, but let it be fomewhere about midway between the line given and the line required, and fixing one leg of the compaffes in that point, extend the other to the point X, from whence the perpendicular is required, and draw the curve VXZ Indefinite ; then applying a ruler to the points e, and V, where the curve touches the line V X, draw the right line VeZ, touching the other extreme of the curve in the point Z, and draw the line XZ which will be perpendicular to the line VX. The foregoing propojition is a very I'feful ojie, and ivo'rthy of particular cotzjide- r at ion. If from each extreme of the diameter of a circle, lines be drawn meetijig in the circumference, the angle that ivould be formed, would be a right angle ; and of confequence the lines one perpendicular to the other. Thus in thefemicircle ylBCDE, Fig. 7, if two lines AB and BE, be drawn, meeting in the point B, the angle made, the angle ABE, will be a right angle : alfo the angle A C E is a right angle, fo is the angle ADE ; and fo would a?7y angle be which extended the diameter, and ivhfe vertex touched the circumference. In Problem VI. before performed, the curve VXZ is a femicircle, of which VZ is the diameter -, and the angle VXZ is an angle extending the diameter, and •whofe vertex touches the circumference, co?ifequently the angle VXZ is a right angle. Prob. VII. To draw a line perpendicular to a right line, from a given point out of that line. FG is the given line, and H is the given point. On H, the given point, with any opening of the compalles greater than the dillance of the line, draw an arc, as FG, cutting the given Hue in the two points PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 23 F and G. Then with the fame, or any opening of the compaffes greater than [Plate 10. half the fpace between the two points F and G, defcribe two arcs oa the other fide of the line, interfering at f, and draw fH, which will be perpendicular to FG. Prob. VIII. To divide a line proportionally, as another is divided. I K is the line required to be divided in tbefatne parts, proportionally^ as is the line LM in the poijits g and h. Place the two lines parallel to each other, and at any diflance at difcretion, as IK; draw the lines L/and MK, touching the extremes of the given lines, and pro- duce them till they meet in the point N ; then draw the lines hN and gN, cutting the line I K in the points i and k, the points required. The divifions made on the line IK will be proportionally to each other, and to the whole line, as are the divifions in the line LM, to one another, and to the whole line. Def. a Square /j<7 ^adrilateral whofe oppofite fides are equal and parallel, and its four internal angles all right ones. Prob. IX. To conftrudl a Square on a given line. OP is the given litie. On either "extreme of the given line, O or P, fuppofe O, draw a perpendicular line, as O R, (Prob. VI) make the line OR equal to the line O P, and with the fame meafure in the compaffes, on the points P and R, draw two arcs inter- fering each other at S -, then draw the lines S R and S P, which will complete the Square O R S P. De f. a Regular Hexagon, is afx equal fided right lined figure, having fix internal angles, which fhould alfo all be equal. Prob. X. To conftruft a regular hexagon on a given line, for a fide. T V is the given line, for a fide of the hexagon. On the two extremes of the given line T and V, with the length of the line TV in the compaffes, defcribe two arcs, as TmW, and VmZ, interfering each other at m ; on which point m, with the fame meafure in the compafles, defcribe the circle T Z X Y W V, and flill with the fame meafure, on the points Z and W, mark the circle in the two other points X and Y, and draw the lines TZ, ZX, XY, YW and WV, which will complete the hexagon T Z X Y W V. Note, a fide of a regutar hexagon, is the chord of the fixth part of the circumference of a circle cir- cumfcribing of it. Def. a Regular Octagon, is an eight equal fided, right lined figure, having eight internal angles, ii'hich fiould alfo all be equal. 24 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY, [Plate lo.] Proe. XI. To conftrud a regular odlagon, on a given line, the dimenfion of one of its fides. AB is the given line for the fide of an oEiagon. Produce, or lengthen, the line AB, both ways, towards I and K, and on the points A and B, draw the perpendiculars AE and BF indefinite (Prob. V.) Bi- fe£l the right angles EAI and FBK (Prob. IV.) by the lines AC and BH, which lines make each equal to the given fide of the odlagon AB. Draw CD and HG pa- rallel to AE and BF, and make themalfo each equal to AB ; lafiily, make the lines AE and BF, each equal to CH, and draw the lines DE and FG, which will complete the octagon ACDEFGHB. As an oftagon is a figure of very frequent occurrence in buildings, often forming the ground plan of apartments, and, as commonly as the circle, fliaping the bows or projefling ends and fides of rooms ; I have defire therefore, to give as corred and expeditious ways of conftructing it, as poflible, and probably the following maybe found more {o^ than the one juft defcribed, when fuch method can be followed. Note, — It often happens that an oftagon is required to be conftrufted in a given fpace, that is, its dia- meter or breadth is given, and not a fide. When that is the cafe, the bufinefs is foon ac- compliflied, by firft making a fquare of the diameter, and proceeding as follows. Prob. XII. To conftruct an octagon on a given line, its diameter or breadth. jLO is the given line for the diameter of an oSlagon. On the given line LO firfl conflruct a fquare (Prob. IX.) as LMNO, and draw the diagonals LN and MO, Interfecting each other in the point k ; then on the four angles of the fquare, with themeafure of one half of a diagonal in the com- pafl'es, defcribe the four arcs ckh, b k e, d k g, and fka, cutting the fides of the fquare in the points abcdefg and h; laftiy, draw the lines ab, cd, ef, and gh, which will form and be fides of the odtagon required, abcde f gh. Jffrcm afiy point within a triangle, tifo right lines are drawn to the extremes of any fide of that triangle, thofe lines form a larger angle than the remaining twofdes of the triangle. In the triangle ABC, (Fig.iS) let a point, as D, be alTumed, and draw the lines DBandDC; then will the angle BDC, be greater than the' angle BAC. By drawing the lines AE and AF, refpcftively parallel to the lines DB, and DC, the circum- ftance will be manifeft, for the angle E A F is equal the angle BDC, the lines being parallel ; but the angle AEF is greater than the angle BAC, which expands but the portion from a to b of a circle meafuring of it, while the other extends from c to d ; wherefore the angle BDC, equal the angle E A F, is greater than the angle BAC; agreeably to the premifes ftated. PKACTICAI. GlEOMlETRT Flatex. D Prol, . -i H '. Fmb.3. M h.;<,l,n L'uhUflteA InJnm.x ?l,il'u.n />/'. '< Tracticai. Geometry )',r.i,.-i. c ^%iij:>'' /,.«„/,«. l'..i.t,fi.tJ if^J.>..„'M.'lu- f'ri.. PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. 25 Thefe are all the geometrical problems I think neceflaryto the profecuting of [Plate 10.] pradtlcal perfpealve delineations ; (hould the fludent wifti for farther, or more ■complete information, on this fubje^:, I mufl refer him to the Work pvib- iiflied by my Father, entitled, " a royal road to geometry ;" where will be found a complete body of Geometry, both elementary and pradical, fully and clearly inveftigated ; and alfo a comprehenfive and brief theory of menfuration of luperficies and folids, with fome of the mofl commonly uleful properties of the ellipfis or oval, pleafingly illaftrated. Proposition 14. Draw the following perfpeftive fcheme. As a confirmation of acquaintance with pradical Geometry, and of the ufe of the compares, it is required to draw the following fcheme, which muft be done with facility, as it is the previous ftep to drawing any regular perfpec- tive delineation, according to the praftice of the following work. On a given line, as A B, conftruft a fquare, as A B C D, (Prob. 9) draw a line GL, at pleafure, touching the angle A of the fquare. Through a pointy as S, aflumed on this fide the line G L, draw a line, as X Z, parallel to the line G L. (Prob. 2). From the point S, draw a line as S O, perpendicular to the line GL. (Prob. 7). Alfo from the point S, draw the lines S G, and SL, feve- rally parallel to the fides of the fquare, A B, and A D, by making the angles GSX and LSZ refpedively equal tothe angles BAG and DAL. (Prob. i.) And laftly, draw the Une SE bifedling the angle G SL. (Prob. 4). Which line will be parallel to the diagonal of the fquare, AC. Li the courfe of drawing perfpedive delineations of houfes, &c. continual mention and reference muft be made to plans and their component parts, with which the ftudent will be confidered to be well acquainted ; but left that fhould not be the cafe, it is necefiary he be inftrufted as to what is meant and exprefled in a plan of a building, and informed how the fame is read by architefls and others, acquainted with their indications. A plan of a houfe is commonly explained or defined, as being the figure, marked out on the ground of the external boundaries, and internal divifions of the apartments of a building, either in actual exiftence, or intended to be built. In one refped fuch is a juft definition, but in general, much more is exprefled in plans than merely the fituation, fize, and figure, of the apartments j both to fLew the proprietor what he is to exped, and that the builder may fully G a6 PRACTICAL GEOMETRY. '^' comprehend what he is about to ered. A plan, as moft generally drawn,. Is properly an horizontal fedlion of a building at a ftated height ; or it is the fi- gure, which the top of the walls would exhibit, when raifed all to the fame level a few feet above the ground, if looked at from above direftly down upon them ; whereby many incidents in the flru£ture are exprefled, that cannot be marked out in the trenches, or even take place, fome four, five, or fix, feet above ground. [Plate 1 1. j This will be better underftood by reference to fenfible figures. To thofe who are converfant in Architedlure, the Elevation (Fig. i, Plate ii,) would be nearly pictured in the imagination from the mere infpedion of the plan ; Fig. 2 ; but the plan, Fig. 2, is not the figure that would be cut out in the ground, as fhaping the foundation to the building ;fuch would be fimply as Fig. 3, exprefling little more than the length and breadth of the apartments, and thicknefs of the walls, more information could not be gathered from it. Whereas, from the plan. Fig. 2, is underftood that in front there are two pillars ftanding in a recefs, with a door between them, and a niche in the middle of the pier on each fide ; alfo, that in each end of the apartment, within, there is a window, that there is a chimney in the middle of the crofs- wall, with a door on the right leading into another apartment, and a recefs for a falfe door on the other, fide the chimney, to be uniform with the real door ; that the lines i, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. exprefs an ai'cendlng flight of ilalrs ; that A is the half-landing, on which -there is a window to light the ftaircafe, and that the dotted lines imply the returning flight to the next ftory : all which is clearly gathered and immedi- ately underftood from infpeftlon of the plan fimply, with other minute par- ticulars ; fuch as the number of fteps that condudl into the dwelling, implied by the lines marked a, b, c, that they fall' within the pillars, that there is intended a plinth around the building exprefled by the double line around, that there Is meant a bafe to the pillars, and fuch like minutia ; anJ to the- whole there is affixed a fcale of feet, proportionally to the plan la^d down, by. means of which the dlmenfions, that is, the lengths and breadths of apartmcnrs,. maybe knowii, and the breadths of doors, windows, fire-places, ftairs, and. treads of ftairs, &c. may be accurateJy meafured.. Such delineation is undoubtedly an horizontal feftion of the walls, takea fome fix or feven feet from the ground ; fomewhere about the height of the line BC, Fig. i. Indeed tlieie are particulars exprefled that caruiot bei noticed till the building is raifed confiderably higher, as the window D, on tha rA^. /. :^f.s. C\ ^& /'/,^r£: // '/. 2. D P ^ rz\ ' S r r" =L ( ;ftife them twice, or thrice, varving their pofitions, and atten- tively following the general rules given for their proper delineation ; by which procedure his Knowledge will not only be ftrengthened, but the practice will become eafy and familiar. He (hould alio obferve to proceed ftep by flep, as direfted, nor draw one line but as told; then will all confufion vanifli, mifunderftanding be avoi.led, and the whole be clear and fatisfaiSory. Difgufl is but too often conceived at the multiplicity of lines exhibited in works on pcrfpediive delineations, refledlion not being made, that every line of the whole example, and every needful procefs requifite for the completion of that example, are there obligated to remain, that the fame may be fecn and done by the fiudent ; but in his performance much the greater part need only be drawn in pencil, and obliterated when the end required is obtained; and this of every procefs from firfl to laft; thereby avoiding all neceffity of confufion of operative lines, they being removed like as the fcafl^blding is taken from about a building as it is completed. As my entrance on this fubjedl is different from any that has hitherto been made public, I deem it fomewhat incumbent on me to give my reafon for deviating from the beaten track j and it is briefly, that I think, before a ftudent is capable of executing the minutiae of this art, he fliould firff comprehend and pradtife it upon a general and broad bafis. I am therefore induced, in the firlf place, to give a number of examples for the delineation of the various fimple forms of buildings, from the proper requifites given or known. In the fecond I fliall exemplify the different parts of buildings, as doors, windows, fiepS; pcdefials. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. . 29 bafes, and capitals of columns, cornices, vafes, &c. And in the third, I fhall combine the two former parts together, in the reprefentation of regular, and fome difficult, pieces of Architecture ; and conclude with the leading principles for calling of Ihadows from a given place of the light. I purpofe alfo, in an Addendum, to touch upon the fubjed: of refledlions on water, and plane mirrors, fhowing their pofitive and only true attainment by the rules of perfpe(5tive ; and a critical inquiry into fome circumftances of difpute relative to diftorted repre- fentations of objeds, ariling from injudicious proceeding, but from no error or fallacy in the rules of perfpedive delineation. Before the practice is begun, I think it expedient once more to draw the attention to the principal definitions of terms ufed in the procefs of perfpedlive delineations; and that they may be the more certainly underftood, and more deeply imprefTed on the mind, I fliall make reference from them to a fcheme, which will, I am of opinion, with a little refledion, clearly (how their relation and unity, beyond almoft a poflibility of mifunderftanding. DEFINITIONS*. r rlate 12' I 1. Original Object, or Objects. Is any objed:, or number of objeds, propofed to be delineated; as a houfe, a fhip, a man, or all, or many of them, together. In Figure i, Plate 12, the houfe ABCDFHK, is the original ohje&. 2. Original Lines. Are any lines that are the boundaries of orio-inal objeds, or of planes in thofe objects. The lines A B, EC, CD, &;c. are original lines, being the boundaries of the original ohjeU ABCDFHK. 3. Ground Plane. Is the plane upon which the objeds to be drawn are placed; and is always confidered a boundlefs level plane. The plane X, is \.\\g ground plane, whereon ftands theobjedt ABCDFHK. 4. Point of View, or Point of Sight. Is the fixed place of the eye of the obferver, viewing the objed: or objeds to be delineated. E, The eye of the obferver, is the point of view, or point of Jight. 5. Station Point. Is a point on the ground plane, perpendicularly under the point of fight, or eye of the obferver, and exprefi!es the ftation whence the view is taken. S, is the flat ion point, being a point on the ^roz^wi ^5/^/?^ perpendicularly under the eye of the obferver, at E. * Thefe definitions refer alfo to my Appnratus. H 30 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate 12. ]6. Plane of Delineation, or The Picture. Is the canvafs or paper, upon which it is intended to draw any objedt or number of objetfts. The plane G I K L, is the plane of delineation ; but in the cxtenfive fenfe of the word, the plane of delineation is confidered a boundlefs plane, however circumfcribed may be the draft thereon made. y. Horizontal Line, or the Horizon. In perfpedive delineations, is a line on the ■plane of delineation, in every part level with the eye of the ohferver, or point of view. V Z, Figure i, is the horizontal line, on th^ plane of delineation GIKL. The horizontal line is fuppofed obtained by the interfedlion of a plane paffing through the eye of the obferver, parallel to the ground plane, produced till it touches the plane of delineation. . The mere infpedtion of the diagram, Figure 2, cannot fail of giving thorough infight as to what is meant by the horizontal line, and how it is fuppofed obtained. FGHI is t\\& plane of -delineation, ABCD the horizon^ tal plane ^dii^Wig through the eye of the obferver touching the plane of deli" ncation in the line B C, which is the horizon, or horizontal line. S. Centre of the Picture. Is the point on the pi . PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 33 To know perfpedtive, is to know the rules fo to delineate objedls, as to exprefs their apparent leflcning, as they are more and more remote. The appa- rent leffening of objedls, and their change of form, is the filent language of nature indicative of diftance and variety of pofition. Perfpcdive, according to the elegant and corred: definition of Addifon, is, " the fcience by which things are ranged in pidure, according to their appearance in their real fituation." The fituation of the objeds being given, with the place and pofition of the plane of delineation, and height and diftance of the eye of the obferver; the delineation of the objedls is truly determinable by rule, and may moft mecha- nically be perforrned, as follows : EXAMPLE I. Let it be required to find the apparefit form that a cube would exhibit, ij when placed over the fquare ABCD {Fig. i, Plate 13), its bafe, it was viewed by an eye elevated two inches perpendicularly over the ftation S, and Juppofing the ■plane of delineation tofiand vertically over the like GL. Firfl, I would advife the Student to place a cube before him in the pofition ftated, and recommend that a fketch of its appearance be made by the eye alone, as corredly as he can, which will for certain be a form agreeable to the figure below. In {ketching, particularly of regular objeds, judgment fliould ever [Plate 13.] direct the hand ; as here, the eye being elevated fomewhat above the cube, the top of it will, of confcquence, be feen, and, in the pofition fiated, will appear nearly of the form of the delineation G CD E, and whatever may be the height of the near angle of the cube in the drawing, as A G, the more remote angle, C B, being to repreicnt an equal height feen at a greater diftance, lliould be made fomewhat lefs than A B. In which cafe the horizontal lines of the top and bottom, GC and A B, will be inclined to each other, and would, if pro- duced, meet; and being horizontal lines, or the reprefentations of horizontal lines, would meet fomewhere in the horizontal line. Suppofe the line VZ the place of the horizon, V would be the point of their union or tendency, I 34 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. called their vcviifl^ing point . For the fame rcafon the angular line EI^", fliouM alfo he aiade Icfs tlian the angle A B ; and the point of tendency of tl:e horizon- tal lines GE and A F, would alfo he in the horizon, at the point Z. The figure required, therefore, will nearly refemble the figure here drawn, the figure ABCDEF\ [Plate 13.3 Clearly co underftand what we are about to do, is the nrft and furefl ftep to compafs the end defired. We are now going to obtain, by mechanical procefs, the figure that the contour of a cube would make flanding over the fquare A B C D, to the eye of an obferver raifcd two inches above the point S ; the pofnt S, and the bafe of the cube, ftanding on the fame level plane. Knowing the figure of its appearance from the fketch, we will now obtain its prccife form, according to principle, with ruler and com.pafies ''. Draw the ne- ceffary operative lines (Fig. 14, Plate 10); Through the llation S, Fig. i, draw the line X Y, parallel to the diredion of the plane of delineation, G L ; then the lines SG and SL, refpedively parallel to the lines AB and AD of the bafe of the objed:, which lines, produced to the plane of delineation, determine the vanijhtng points of the horizontal lines AB and AD, and of all horizontal lines parallel to them. Draw the line S O, perpendicular to GL; which line being the perpendicular diredion of the eye to the plane of delineation, deter- mines the point on the pidure to which the eye fhould be diredly oppofite to view it when donej and Ihows how much of the objed is on the one fide, and how much on the other, of th« point of view, Laftly, draw the vifual rays SB, SC, and SD, cutting the plane of delineation in the points b, c, and d. Thus much is necefi^ary for the preparation of the plan ; the pidaire% or plane of delineation, is prepared, as follows. (See Figure 2.) Firft, draw the ' I would recommend the Student to have three or four cubes, of about three inches fquare, and advife that he apply them before him agreeably to the cafes as they occur, and firft (ketch their appearance by the eye and hand alone, and after, perform the fame by rule. ' The Student fliould here put paper on his drawing-board, and fet the very examples himfelf as they occur, and to a larger fcale. In the prefent inftance, he (hould place the fquare of the bafe of the objeft A B C D ; then draw the line of the plane of delineation G L, fix his ftation, S, and proceed with his drawing exaftiy as direfted in the procefs. Among many good advantages that will attend the fo doing, will be one, not the leaft, that of his not having a confufion of lines at one time; for, drawing them only as directed, evtry thing will be clear and devoid of confufion. It is otherwife with all the diagrams in the work ; the prefent, for inftance, includes four diftinft Examples that will be feparately treated on, and has all the neceffary lines drawn that relate to them, exhibited at once to view. ' The pifture fhould be made on a paper feparate from the pUn, though here they are done all on one, to ihow their connexion the more clearly, and fox want of room. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 35 ground line G L, and, parallel to it, and two inches above it % as flated, the [Plate 13.J horizontal line, VZ. Mark on the horizon the point O, to which the eye is iuppofed to be perpendicularly oppolite, to view the pidlure when done. Every other preparation is taken from the plan, and may be done in the order follow- ing. Set off the diftances of the vanifliing points O G and © L, Figure i, on the horizon, Figure 2, at © V and ©Zj alfo the feveral diftances ©b, © c, O A and d, Figure i, at ©b, © c, © A, and © d, on the ground line of the pidture, Figure 2, through which points draw fine perpendicular lines, indefi- nite, which lines I will call vifual lines, and thus proceed. As the near angle of the objed:, A, touches the plane of delineation, it is clear that that angular line, in the reprefentation, will be the fame height as the objedt ; that is, equal to the length AB or AD in the plan. Figure i. Take therefore the length from A to B in the compaffes, and apply it on the perpendicular line A B, Figure 2, and draw the lines B V and BZ ; alfo A V and AZ, which cutting the other vifual lines in the points e, f, and h, i, determines the two perpendicular fides of the cube A e f B and A B h i. Then draw the lines h V and f Z, interfedling each other in the point g, in the perpendicular line g c ; which will complete the whole linear reprefentation of the cube A e f g h i. If the delineation A e f g h i were placed upright over the line G L (Figure i), the line G L of the one, placed exadlly on the line G L of the other, and the points b, c, A and d of the one, over the points b, c, A and d of the other, a folid cube put on the fquare A B C D would exad:ly fit the figure A e f g h i, were it cut out, and viewed by an eye elevated two inches over the flation point S''. EXAMPLE II. [Plate 13.] Let it be required to find the form that another cube "would exhibit, when placed by thejide of the Jirjl, and viewed from the fame ft at ion and point of view. The fquare B EFC, Fig. i , is the bafe of the fecond cube, and being pofited in the fame diredion, and parallel to the ftrft, the fame preparatory lines will {&x\t', there only remains to draw the vifual rays ES and FS cutting the ground line GL in the points x and w. • In this diagram it is two inches, but in that made by the Student it may be to three or four times the fcale, that is, fix or eight inches, or any height at pleafure. ^ The Student, provided with cubes, is advifed to try this little experiment, when he has completed his drawing, and he will find it perfcdly fatisfaftory. i 36 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate 13.] The fame preparatory lines on the picture (Figure 2) will alfo ferve in this cafe. VZ will be the horizon, and Y, and Z, will be the vanifliing points of the horizontal lines. Take the diftances O w and x, Figure i, in the com- pafles, and apply them at o w and © x, Figure 3, and draw the perpendicular vifual lines pw and n x, indefinitely. The two cubes being in contad. with each other, the angle over B is common to them both; and becaufe in the fame direction, the lines B V and A V, Figure 2, being drawn, determine the fide ekmf; which fide being obtained, draw then the lines m Z and g V, interfe ' The Student is particularly advifed to be fure he ferfellly underftands the procefs of thefe two examples ere he proceeds farther ; as all that will follow, will, more or lefs, have relation to theni. He is recommended to praftife them on a large fcale, that he may the better fee the affinity and relation the lines and planes have to one another ; and to be very careful in the procefs. M 46 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. angles of the ftrudlure ; but the exemplification of this procefs fhall be made part of the fubjeft of the next example. [Plate 16.] EXAMPLE X. Let the form ABC DE F, Fig. i, Plate 16, be the general plan of a build- ing, of which, let the fquare FGCH be the plan of a tower, and the other two parts A B G F and E F H D be fubordinate parts, with gable-end roofs, and refting againfl: the fides of the tower. Fig. 2, is a geometrical elevation of the building; IKLM the height and breadth of the tower; ON the height of the roof of the lower building, and O P the height of the upright walls. It is required to jind the reprefentation of the above building, as it Jlands fojited to the platie of delineation at the line R T,frotn theflation S. Find the vanifhing points R, and T, by lines from the ftation drawn parallel to the different faces of the building ; alfo the centre of the picture ; produce the line FE to X, for an interfecftion ; and draw all the neceffary vifual rays. Prepare the pidure, Fig. 3. Let V Z be the horizon; © the centre of the pidlure ; V and Z the vanifliing points of the horizontal lines ; G L the ground line, and © the vertical line. Set off the diftances of the points b, a, g, f, n, h, e, d, and X, Fig. i, at b, a, g, f, n, h, e, d, and X, Fig. 3, and draw fine up- lines through them indefinitely ; then proceed as follows : On the interfedling line X T, Fig. 3, fet up the height X Y, equal the height of the walls of the building O P, Fig. 2. Alfo the height Y W, equal the height of the roof PN, Fig. 2; and draw the lines Xi, Y k,andW v, to the fame vanifiiing point, V; determining the plane of the building u i k m, and the height of the roof on the angular line, at v. From the points v, m, and u, draw the lines v Z, m Z, and u Z, obtaining the height of the roof, at o, in its vifual line ; and by drawing the lines o m and o p, the whole gable-end u m o p q is completed. Draw the ridge of the roof o z, cutting the end vifual line n, in the point z, and draw the line 2 k ; then is the whole building over the plan E F H D, Fig. I , completed ; from which the other parts may readily be projetfled. Draw the lines ks, and i r, by direction to their vanifhing point, Zj alfo the lines sy, and r t, by tendency to their vanifhing point, V. In the plan Fig. i, produce the ridges of the two roofs till they meet, at the point K ; from which point draw the vifual ray K 1, agreeable to which interfedlion, draw a vifual line at 1 on the pid:ure. Fig. 3 ; to which line produce the ridge of the roof o z, touching it at c; from c draw the line cw, tending to the vanifhing point Z, £:utting the vifual lines of the ridge of that building in the points w and x j w x Plate XV. Fy.3. O P I.oulon PiMithrd hv Jxmrj- Mation JanfiSw f£,4TE /6- K .ji„y^„ (/■„//,,..../ /y yi-^~ y-""' -/~f^ • PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 47 is the ridge of the roof. Draw the hnes wy, w s, and x k, completing the [Y'hte 16.] other building, over the plan A B G F, Fig. i. The delincaftion of the tower is foon accompliflied : on the inteifeding line XT, make the height X T, equal the height of the tower M L, Fig. 2, and draw the line T V, cutting the viftial lines of that face of the tower, in the points a and i ; from the angular point a, draw a Z, cutting the other vifual line of the tower in the point e, which will complete the whole of the required reprefentation. Fig. 4 is introduced to fliow to what a complicated objedt, fuch a figure, as is jul^ now obtained, may apply. I will give one more example on the true de- lineation of roofs, and then proceed to other objecfts. EXAMPLE XI. [Plate 17.] Let the figure FA BCD (Fig. i, PI. 17) be the plan of a building, the ridge of whofe roof let be the line H I K ; forming a gable-end at the face A B, and a hip at the end E D Let Fig. 2 be the geometrical elevation of the faid building, expreffing the feveral heights ; and let P O be the height of the horizon. // is required to find the figure fuch building would prefent, fianding in the pofition and place it does, to the plane of delineation over the line V X,frorn the flat ion S ; the point of fight being equal the height from P /o O, Tig. 2. Obtain the centre of the pidlure ©, as alfo the vanifliing points of the differ- ent diredlions of horizontal lines in the building V, and Zj draw all the vifual rays from the vifible angles of the building, cutting the ground line in the points b, h, a, g, i, k, e, t, d ; and produce the face G E to R, for an interfedlion. Prepare the picfture, by drawing the horizontal and ground lines X Y and G L, parallel to each other and diftant equal the height P O (Fig. 2) ; fix the diflances of the vanifhing points, and place the centre of the picture, on the horizontal line Fig. 3 at X, Y, and © ; alfo fet off the diftances of the vifual interfeftions at Fig. i , at the correfponding diftances, Fig. 3, and draw the vi- fual lines perpendicularly through them. On the interfeding line, R D, fet up the feveral heights of the building R A, RB, RC, and R D, equal the geometrical heights L m, rn, L W, and L M, of the elevation, Fig. 2, and proceed with the delineation, as follows. The height R C, on the interfedting line. Fig. 3, is the height of the upright walls; defcribe it around the building, by means of the vanilhing points, to the feveral vifual lines, in the points r, x, w, v, and s ; and defcribe the bottom line of the building, to the fame vifual lines by means of the point R. The height of the roof, from the point D, may alfo readily be transferred to its proper place, as follows J Firft, to the extreme vifual line in that diredion of the wall of the 48 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE, [Plate 17.] building, in the point c ; whence convey it to the angular vifual line through the point a, at f, by means of the vaniOiing point Y; and thence to its proper vifual line through the point h, at m, determining the point of the gable-end, which the lines m v, and m w, complete. From the point of the gable, m, draw the ridge, m n, to its vanifliing point Y ; and the return of the ridge, n o, to its va- nifliing point, X : draw the hip lines o r, and o s ; and the line n x, and the whole roof will be completed. The fhed, or lean-to, is obtained from its heights A and B; as may clearly and fatisfadlorily be feen, from examination of the figure. The truth of delineation, that is, drawing agreeably to the flridtefl: perfpec- tive, is unqueftionably as requisite to be attended to in dcfcribing old and de- cayed objedls, as in tracing the moft perfect. Without due attention to truth in the delineation of the former, they may be moft prepofteroufly reprefented. It is not becaufe being inclined, being really out of perpendicular, that they may be made to incline any how; they muft be made fo with judgment. It is an advifable method to delineate a rude objecfl, of any importance, truly, as if quite perfect, and then deftroy it at pleafure, tempering the flroke of ruin with the hand of judgment. For inflance, in the fubjedl but juft truly deline- ated (Fig. 3), and lliown in a pid:urefque manner (Fig. 5); let it firft be delineated lT:rid:ly corred:, in pencil, with every angle and boundary made per- fedlly fliarp and regular, as is expreffed by the fharp lines. Fig. 4; then, with the deftroying hand of time, trace the rougher figure there drawn around it. The rude figure is not lefs under the governance of perfpedlive than the perfed: one, but only lefs indicative of abfolute departure from truth. A tree is deline- ated perfpeftively when delineated properly. "Delineate a tree agreeably to rule," I was told by a gentleman* to whom I made the obfervation, and who well underftood perfpedive, and much admired it. " I will, my Lord," I replied, •' if you will draw its geometrical plan and elevations." It is a very pleafurable procefs, the breaking down a regularly drawn fub- je:Csh:d by / .H.t/t„f, fW^/^/t^i* . PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 49 I know not for what reafoa writers on perfpe(flive commonly divide the fubjed: of linear delineation into two parts, which they term rcdiilinear and curvilinear; there feems to be an evident impropriety in this divilion of the fubject, fince the fame procefs, (imply, is followed in both cafes in determining of known forms, whether bounded by right lines or curves. It is generally ob- ferved on entering on the inveliigation of curvilinear delineation, that the perfpedive reprefentation of a circle is a fedtion of the cone of rays, which, pro- ceeding from the eye to all parts of the circumference of the circle, is made by a plane cutting them in any direction : that when the fedion of rays is taken parallel to the bafe of the cone, the figure of the fedtion made is fimilar to the bafe whence the rays proceed, that is, a circle. When the fedlion is taken in- clined to the bafe of rays, that then the figure made will be an oval ». And {o they proceed till they have enumerated every different way a cone may be cut, and particularized the forms that would thence be alTumed, making reference to the fcience of conic fedtions, as if convinced their readers were well verfed in that ingenious and elaborate inquiry. With equal propriety it might be faid of any redlilinear figure, whether right-angled or polygonal, that ^ fedlion of the pyramid of rays, formed by the eye viewing it, taken parallel to the bafe, will be a fimilar figure to the original, and that, taken in any other diredlion, would determine a figure confiderably different and difTimilar. All this, though very true, forwards the fubjedl nothing ; and the ftudent, unlefs acquainted with thefe truths, mufl rely folely on the aflertion of his informer that it is fo. The fadl is, the operative part of all perfpedlive delineation is by the interfedlion of right lines ; that when right lines are to be obtained, by finding the extremes of them, the whole line is determined, and the reprefentation of a folid bounded by planes is, on that account, very foon accompliflied : but this is not the confequence with refpedt to the obtaining the reprefentations of curves ; a ffraight ruler will in no way coincide with a curved line between its two extreme points. There is no mode of procedure for determining the apparent forms of curved lines, but by finding points in the curvature, and by obtaining fuch fuffi- citnt number of them, that the hand may be enabled to trace the curve through ihcm with adequate corredtnefs. ' Except in one poCtion, and that is, when>the cone of rays is cut by the plane of delineation fub-contra- wifc, as it is termed ; that is, when the portion cut off is fimilar to the whole cone, then, of courfe, the bafts, of tjoih, being fimilar, muft be circular. But this takes place only in inclined cones. N so PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate i8.] When the curve is irregular, as the curve A BC DEFG (Fig. i, Plate i8), a point mull be aflumed at every confiderable variation in the curve, as at B, C, D, E, F, G, and ordinates be dropped from them to the bafe or chord of the curve AH, as B b, C c, Dd, &c. the various heights of wliich ordi- nates being found, the curve may be traced through their top extreme points with very fufficient corredtnefs. Nor can any other mode be followed, let the curve be ever fo regular; as a circle or an ellipfis. The only difference is, that the curve being regular, the points may be regularly afiumed, and thereby be more eafily found ; but however regular the curve, it can be obtained only by finding points in its curvature. By circumfcribing and infcribing a circle •withafquare (as Fig. 2), eight points in its circumference may readily be ob- tained by fimply finding the reprefentation of thofe fquares; and this, whether placed horizontally (as Fig. 3), or vertically [zs Fig. 4), or inclined (as Fig. 5), and, with care, the curve may be traced through them. Eight points I con- lider fufficient for tracing the curvature of an oval, even of confiderable magni- tude j but if not thought fo by others, more may eafily be acquired. Points in the curvature of the reprefentation of an ellipfis, or oval, may alfo be obtained hy circumfcribing and infcribing it with redtangles, and finding thofe recftangles, as Fig. 6 : fo of a hexagon or of an 0(flagon, by circumfcribing them red:angularly, and drawing the regular parallel lines from one correfponding point to another, and delineating them merely, the required figure is like- wife afcertained by only drawing the boundary lines from the points fo ob- tained (fee Figs. "7 and 8). By finding the reilangular circumfcribing figures, and the parallel lines A B, CD, and E F, of the one, and C H, IK, LM, and N O of the other; the hexagon and odtagon will be defcribed by drawing their boundary lines from the interfed;ing points made by the lines of the right- angled figures before found, as C A, AD, E B, and B F, of the one, and the lines 1 L, N K, H O, and G M, of the other. Not but that fuch figures may be more fcientifically delineated by the aid of vanifhing points, as will be fhown by and by, but fuch method as is now pointed out has confi- derable advantages. EXAMPLE XII. It is required to Jin d the perfpe&ive reprefentation of an irregular curved line,, defcribed on a plane flanding inclined to the plane of delineation. The curve ABCDEFGH (Fig. i, Plate 1 8) is the curved line ; let it be inclined to the plane of delineation, I K, in the angle H I K; and let S be the flation point. The curve is fuppofed to fland upright on its chord or bafe A Ho- PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 51 AfTume the points B, C, D, E, F, G, at the different variations of thc[Plate 18; J curve, and draw the feveral ordinates B b, C c, Dd, 5cc, perpendicular to the chord of the curve A H, and produce the chord line, or bafe of the curve, to I, for an interfedtion. Find the centre of the pid;ure ©, and the vanifliing point of the line A H, by the line S K being drawn parallel to it. Prepare the pidure (Fig. 9). Let X V be the horizon, and I L the ground line; I is the interfedting point, the centre of the pidlure, and V is the vanifliing point. Let the vifual lines through the points a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h, correfponding with the vifual interfedions at Fig. i, be drawn. Set up the feveral heights of the ordinates, Fig. i, on the interfering line ID, Fig. 9, at G, B, E, F, C, and D, and draw pencil lines from them to the vanifhing point V, which crofling the correfponding vifual lines, determine the points B, C, D, E, F, and G, through which the curve required may be traced with fufficient accuracy. EXAMPLE XIII. Tf is required to find the reprefentation of a circle lying in an horizontal plane, and touching the plane of delineation. Let the line M N (Fig. 10) be the length of a fide of a fquare circumfcribing the required circle; let P be the horizontal line, and © the centre of the pidlure. 'J"he centre of the pidlure will be the vanifhing point of the lines of the fquare perpendicular to the pidlure, the other lines will be truly horizontal, therefore be drawn parallel to the horizon. If the Student defcribe a circle of diameter equal tlie fide of the fquare M N, and therein infcribe a fquare touching its circumference, he will find the length from a to c (on the line MN, Fig. lo) equal the length of the fide of the infcribed fquare (as 86, Fig. 2), which length he will divide and fet off equally on each fide the middle point b ; and which is in the figure fet down for the completion of the example enjoined. Make P equal the diftance of the pidlure, or plane of delinration, that is, equal the diftance of the eye from the plane of delineation; P will then be the vanifliing point of one of the diagonal lines of the fquare, and a point oi\ the horizon, equally diftant on the other fide of the centre of the pidlure ©, would be the vanifhing point of the other diagonal line. To obtain eight poitits in the circumference of the required circle proceed as follows : Draw the lines M © and N © ; then the diagonal line N P, cutting the line M © in the point R; draw the line RS parallel to the line MN, and the figure M R S N will be the reprefentation of the circumfcribing fquare of the required circle. Draw the fecond diagonal M S, interfedling the firfl in the 5^ PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [ Plate i3.] point g ; through which point draw the lines b g d to 0, and e g f, parallel to MN, which will obtain the four points wherein the infcribed circle will touch the fides of the fquare, b, e, d, and f. Let the infcribed fquare be now defcribed to obtain four other points in the curvature of the circle. Draw the lines a and c ©, cutting the diagonals in the points i, m, n, and o, which will be the four angles of the infcribed fquare, and four points of the circum- ference of the fought circle; which may very corredlly be drawn through the eight points b, i, e, m, d, n, f, and o, as is fhown in the figure. - EXAMPLE XIV. // is required to jind the rcprefentation of a circle in a vertical plane, per- pendicular to the pi£lure, the circle touching the plane of delineation. Let the line N V (Fig. ii) be the fide of a fquare circumfcribing the re- quired circle; let P © Q^be the horizontal line, and the centre of the pidlure. The centre of the pidlure being the vanifhing point of all lines per- pendicular to the pidure, will be the vanifliing point of the top and bottom lines of the circumfcribing and infcribed fquares. As was defired in the laft Example, if the Student defcribe a fquare within a circle of the required dimendons, he will find it equal the length h p, fet off equally on each fide the middle point k. Proceed as follows. Draw the vertical line X, which line will be the va- nifliing line of the plane of the required circle (Def. 15). Make X equal the diftance of the pi(fture (Def. 10), the point X will be the vanilhing point of one of the diagonals of the fquare circumfcribing the required circle. Draw the lines V and N ; draw the diagonal N X, which, inter- fe(5ling the line V © in the point T, determines V T for the fide of the fquare ; and drawing the line TS parallel to V N, completes the circumfcribing fquare. Draw the diagonal VS, interfering the other in the point z, the centre of the required circle; through which point draw the lines 1 z k, and x z f, deter- mining the four points in which the circle comes in contad; with the external fquare, the points f, x, 1, and k. To obtain the internal fquare draw the lines p and h ©, which interfediing the diagonals of the circumfcribing fquare, determine the four angles of the internal one, which are alfo four points in the circumference of the required circle; the points q, r, s, v. Eight points in the circumference are now obtained, viz, the points k, q, f, r, 1, s, x, and V ; through which the curve may be traced with very fuificient accuracy. The two lall Examples confidered unitedly, will ferve to exemplify the do(5lrine of vanifhing lines; and the truth and infallibility of the rules of per- fpettive delineation. 4 JV.ATi: //f \ . \f 1. / ^ \ / \ I /' ^^^_ _^ \ \ ^ A i MV \ V / 1 / ^^=^ y \ a b c /-\ d e f g ;li _^S>«f„ ,/t^ -,<•„/ 4yt'„«. lA./t-^ . I„f~./ PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. $3 When arches are in a vertical plane, and the plane of delineation placed pa- rallel to the plane they are in, they muft then be truly geometrically drawn on the pidlure, their decrealed dimenfions, agreeably to their diftance from the pidurc, muft be obtained, which bifeded, the arch muft be ftruck on that centre. But when they are drawn as fltuated in planes inclined to the plane of delineation, that is, when they are the reprefentations of original arches ftanding inclined to the plane of delineation, then will they vary each from the other, agreeably to their place and diftance, and in juft relation thereto. When arches are of equal magnitude, on the fame level, and in the fame plane, as are the arches of a long arcade, the trouble of finding their apparent curva- ture, when inchned to the pidlure, is but little, as the fame heights of the ordinatcs that ferve for the finding of one ferve for all, were they ever fo many. EXAMPLE XV. [Plate 19.3 Let the three equal arches. No. i. No. 2, and No. 3 (Fig. i, P/ate 19), JlandiDg in a plane inclined to the plane of delineation, I K, in the angle R 1 K, be requited to be delineated ; and let S be the Jlation of the obfcrver. When arches are not drawn to a large fcale, three points found in their cur- vature between their extremes, or fpringings, will be fufficient to trace their curves through. In the arches here required to be drawn, let the points c, d, e. No. I ; h, i, k, No. 2 i and n, o, p. No. 3 ; be the points of the ordinates, taken all equally diftant from their centres. The vifual lines drawn from each of the ordinates, alfo from the extremes of the fpan of each arch, to the ftation S, will cut the plane of delineation in the points a, b, c, d, &c. Produce the plane of the arches to the plane of delineation for an interfedlion at I. Let the three arches be fuppofed to be feen below the horizon, which let be equal the height I X, Fig. 2. The line XV will be the horizon, and I G will be the ground line. Set off" the diftances of the interfedions of the vifiial rays a, b, c, d, ficc. Fig. i, from the interfering point I, on the ground line I G, Fig. 2, a, b, c, d, &c. and draw the vifual lines perpendicularly tlirougli them, and alfo a vertical line through the interfering point I. On the interfering line I X, Fig. 2, fet up the heights of the ordinates taken, of the required arches, that is, make 1 1, and 1 v, equal the ordinates c t, and dv. Fig. i, and draw the lines IV, t V, and v V, Fig. 2, cutting the vifual lines of the ord nates, in the points i, 2, 3, No, i ; 4, 5, 6, No. 2 j 7,8,9, No. 3 ; through which points the curves may be drawn from the fpringing of the arches with a fteady hand with fufficient accuracy, o 54 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate 19.] EXAMPLE XVL Suppofe the arches of the lajl example •■d.cre required to he drawn above the horizon, at any height at pleafure, fuppofe at the height IN, Fig. 3; the horizon andjlation remaining as before. The flation and pofition of the arches being as before, the fame vifual line^ with the laft, both in plan and elevation, will ferve; it will only be neceflary to heighten the vifual lines. Fig. 2, to Fig. 3. Make Nx and N z, Fig. 3, equal the heights of the ordinates c t, and d v, of the plan Fig. i, and draw the lines NV, z V, and xV, cutting the vifual lines of the ordinates and fpringings in the points o, o, o, o, o, &c. through which the curves may with care be traced. Fig. 4, fhows an arcade, ftanding on piers, agreeably to the dimenfions and height of the arches of the laft example. Should the arches be unequal, as the arches of a bridge generally are, Hill the fame mode of drawing ordinates, and fmding their heights according to their diftancc, muft be purfued. The arches differing in dimenfions or in figure, that is, being either femicircular, fegments of circles, or femi-cllipfes, will caufe only a little more trouble in the operation of finding them. EXAMPLE XVII. Let Fig. 5, be the geometrical elevation of a bridge. Let it be fuppofed to ftand perpendicularly on the line AC ; and let B be the ftation whence it is viewed. Let I K be the g-found line of the plane of dr-lineation. // is required to fnd the perfpe£live reprefentation of the above bridge^ under the Jlated premifcs, f'/ppo/ing the horizon equal the height I N, Fig. 6. Let the ordinates of the different arches be regularly ailumed; and from their points of interfedion, i, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9, en the chord line A C, let vifual rays be drawn to the ftation B, as alio from the piers or fpringing of the arches, cutting the plane of delineation in the points a, b, c, d, e, &c. ; and let the chord line A C be produced to D for an interfedlion. Draw the line B E, from the flation B, parallel to the chord of the arches, AC, for the va- nifliing point of horizontal lines in that dired;ion. Draw the horizontal line O N, Fig. 6, and parallel to it the ground line through the point I. Make N O equal the diflance D E, Fig. 5, and let off the diftances of all the vifual rays, Da, D b, D c, &c. Fig. 5 ; at la, lb, Ic, &c. Fig. 6, and draw the vifual lines through them. PLATE XC\. bcde f g- K X k 1 m IX o p q r FuAtyKdbYJ-Vnllim (I,/ i J.<'m PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 55 Firfl, to obtain the points in the curvature of the two fmall arches, which [Plate 19.] being of a fize, and their ordinates of equal height, the operation of finding the heights of the perfpedlive ordinates will ferve for both, as was fliown in the laft example. Make the heights I 2, 1 3, on the interfetfling line I N, Fig. 6, equal the heights of the ordinates of the fmall arches, Fig. 5, and draw the lines 3 O, 2 O, and I O, cutting the vifual lines of the arches in the points o, o, o, o, o, and o, o, 0,0,0; through which points the curve may be traced, as is there done\ On the interfedtion. Fig. 6, make I 4, and I 5, equal the heights of the ordinates of the centre arch No. i , Fig. 5 ; and draw the lines 5 O and 4O, cutting the vifual lines of the centre arch in the points c,c,c,c,c; through which the curve may readily be drawn. I 4 and 16 are equal the heights of the coping of the bridge C b and d e, Fig. 5 ; from which points, if lines be drawn to their vanifhing point O, the proper vifual lines will be inter- fedled, as in the figure, in the points a, a, j, a ; joining which points, by right lines, completes the entire of the bridge, and, cleared of its operative lines, and ihaded, would be as Fig. 7. Thus, by finding of points in the curvature of regular or irregular lines, are their apparent forms obtainable, nor can there be any other method devifed, by which that end can be effetled. EXAMPLE XVIIL [Plate 20.] Let it be required to find the apparent form of a circular flrud.ure, part cy- lindrical, part conical, in the fhape of a potter's kiln. Fig. i, Plate 20, is the geometrical elevation of the given ftrudlure; its bafe, A BCD, cylindrical; its fuperftrudurc, B E F C, conical. The circle a a a a, &c. Fig. 3, is the plan of the bafe, and the fmall concentric circle 4444, &c. the dimenfions of the circle of the top of the conical part, at E F, Fig. i . It is required to find the apparent form of fuch a figure, from the fiation S, the plane of delineation being ai \ X, and the height of the horizon being equal the height AG, Fig. i. Circumfcribe and infcribe the two circles of the plan Fig. 3, by fquares, and draw vifual rays from the angles of thofe fquares to the plane of delineation. Produce the diagonal of the fquares MK to I for an interfedion, and draw a line from the fiation parallel to the diagonal, to obtain its vanifliing point, which will be difi:ant from the centre of the pidure ©, equal the diftance S Q. • The Student is advifed to praftife this£;(ampIeto a much larger fcale. 56 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. rPlate 20. 1 A line from the ftation S, drawn to the pifture, parallel to the diagonal of the plan, would not come within the limits of the plate ; half the diftance is therefore taken, at s, and the line s Z drawn. Q Zi will then be half the diflance of the vanifliing point, that is, Z will be equal © s, or half O S. Firft, to the delineation of the cylindrical bafe. The two circles of the top and bottom being equal and parallel, 'tis only rcquifite to find them, and being joined together by the external vertical lines, tangents ^ to them both, the whole figure is completed, as is fliown, Fig. 5. Prepare the pidure, Fig. 4. The line KK is the horizon, and LM the ground line, diftant from each other equal the height AG, Fig. i. From the centre of the pi(flure © , fet off the diftances of the feveral interfedtions of t!ie vifual lines from the plan Fig. 3, as alfo the intcrfed:ing point of the diagonal, I, at the correfponding letters b, c, e, and f, and L, Fig. 4. Draw the inter- fediing line LP, and the vifual lines of the fquares through the points b, c, e, and f, and make © d on the horizon equal the diilance of the vanilhing point of the diagonal, that is equal twice © Z, Fig. 3. On the interfering line Fig. 4, fet up L E, equal the height of the cylin- drical bafe of the objedl A B, Fig. i ; and draw the lines Ed and Ld cutting the vifual line of the exterior angle of the fquare in the points m and n, and draw the horizontal lines m o and n p, to the vifual line through the oppofitc angle of the fquare. Then draw the lines m©, n©, o©, and p©, and vvv and r t, completing the circumfcribing fquares of the top and bottom circles. Draw the other diagonals, VO and rp, which, interlecling, determines the centres of each of the circles, through which centres, diameters being drawn to the middle of the fides of the fquares, the four points are obtained wherein the infcribed circle touches the fides of the fquare. The diagonal lines Ed and Ld alfo cut the vifual line of the angle of the in- fcribed fquare in the point 2 ; and drawing the line 2 3, and the lines 2 4, and 35, to Q, the internal fquare 2453 '^ determined, and four other points in the curvature of the required circle are obtained ; through which eight points the curve may very well be drawn. The fame is to be done of the circle above the horizon, but it being fo contradled- in its appearance, from its nearnefs to the horizon, the procefe of obtaining it can better be traced from infpedion of the figure, than by defcription. Draw the vertical lines a If and cd, tangents to the above curves, and the bafe of the figure will be completed ; the extent of which will be found to be exadlly the fame with the fquare comprehended » A Tangent to a circle, or other cun e, is a right line which juft touches the curve, and of courfe in nowife coincides with it, but the curve quits it inuiiediateiy on each fide. PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 57 between the points of interfedlion x and z, Fig. 3, where vifual rays from [Plate 20.] the flation are tangents to the cylindrical bafe of the objedl. To obtain the circle of the top of the objed:, draw the diagonal line Pd, iuti making the height LP, on the interfcdlion, equal the height TR, Fig. 1. The Ihort lines e, f, g, and b, are the vifual lines anfwering to the vifual in- tcvicaions 0,0,0,0, (Fig. 3,) of the two fquares circumfcribing and infcribing the circle of the top, which interfedlions are fet off from the centre point B, the ray of the dotted vifual line in the middle of the objedt Fig. 4. Where the line e interfeds the diagonal line Pd, draw the horizontal line e,b, and the lines e © , and fj Q , to their vaniHiing point O. Where the line b inter- feds the diagonal hne at /, draw the horizontal line / k, and the circumfcribing fquare ehik will be completed. Draw the other diagonal line of the fquarc, and through the centre of the fquare draw the Imes 00, and 00, determining four point^I of the curve of the circle. The inner fquare is obtained in like manner with the foregoing, from the lines f, and g, by which four other points are had in the curvature, 3, 3^ 3^ 3' through which eight points the circle may eafily be traced. The circle of the top, and the circle of the bafe, being joined by the tangent lines ol>, and od, the whole required figure is completed. EXAMPLE XIX. Let it be required to find the reprefentation of a circular objed, of which let Fig. 2 be the geometrical elevation. The bafe A B C D is the fame as the bafe of the former objed, but the fuperftrudure is fomewhat different, as well as more complicated ; the conical part being the form HIKE. The circular plan, Fig. 3, IS as well the plan of the prefent as of the former objed, with the ad- dition of two circles expreffing the dimenfions of the flructure at HL and IK. The circle of the gallery is the fame, in diameter, as that at HL, and the top the fame with EF of the former objed. // is rerjidred to find the perfpeBive of the above objeSf, Fig. 3 being the ■plan and ft nation 'with the plane of delineation VZ, and ?> is the fat ion. Let each circle of the plan, Fig. 3, be infcribcd and circumfcribed by a fquare; and from the angles of thofe fquares, let vifual rays be drawn to the plane of delineation, and let the general diagonal, LN, be produced to P for an interfedion with the pidure. Let LM, Fig. 6, he the ground line of the pidure, and let KK be the horizon. is the centre of the pidure, and g, on the horizon, is the va- niihing point of the diagonal line, g being equal the diflancc V, Fig. 3. p 5S PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate 2c.] The viTual lines through the points b, c, e, and I, Fig, 6, are the vifaal lines from the near angles of the two fquarcs of the great circle of the bafe of the object. The height MO, on the interfe•■•' . ^. 3. Jjdr/'. ^y K D E T. ,^t,,An> .'AA/tit/Cf./ /-^ y.t^^fn.. J(i(r/V>M /"'.vwC-* 0*e*f> . IPP PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE, 6i Thus, at whatever height required, the proccfs of finding the figure is with [Plate 21. J facihty performed: as fuppofe at the height LO, on the intcrfedlion ; tht diagonal hne OY being drawn, cuts the near vifual hue, Fig. 6, in the points, whence is drawn the fide of the fquare e z ; from which the whole may be completed by the fame procefs as before fliown in Figures 4 and 5. The diagonal vanifning points Y and Z are as well the vmiilhing points of the corner fides of the odeagon, as of the diagonals of the fquare j for thofo fides of the olan. On the interfecling line, the height A C is made equal the height AG of the elevation. Fig. 2 ; and the lines C c and A a being drawn in diredtion to the vanifhing point V, determine the height ac, the height of that part of the building on the viiual line anfwering to the ray from the point M in the plan Fig. I. Through the points a and c draw the lines de and bf to their vanifii- ing point X, determining the plane bdef, the reprefentation of the plane AG lie. Fig. 2; the vifual lines bd and fe anfwering to the rays from the points I and O, in the plan. Draw the lines dh and bg tending to their vanilhing point V, to the ray from K in the plan, completing the plane bghd. On the interfedlion, make the height AD, equal the height of the roof N E of the elevation Fig. 2, and draw D i in diredlion to V j through i draw the line kl, to the vaniOiing point X, touching the vifual lines of the roofs in th« PRACrrCAL PERSPECTIVE, 65 points k and 1; draw the lines km, mh, kd, k c, 1 c, and le, which will [Pbteaa.J complete the whole of the ftrudlure over the plan IKN O, Fig, i. The height of the roofs of the low buildings is equal the height of the up- right walls of the body of the ftrufture, as is fhown by the line P R, in tb.e elevation Fig. 2 ; wherefore, the line m o, and the return line o n, may be drawn to the vifual lines correfponding with the interfecftions from the angles A and B of the plan. Alfo, from the angle g, the line gs may be drawn, which will de- termine the lines sr, rt, and tp, of the porch. Make AE, on the interfedion, equal the height of the roof BF in the elevation, and draw the line E V, de- termining the ridge of the roof between the two vifual lines from the points 1' and L of the plan. Draw the lines of the gable end vo and vz; the point z is obtained by the line om being drawn to its vaniflaing point X, cutting the vifual line from the angle D of the plan, in the point z. Make A G and A F, on the interfedtion, equal the heights of the tower, BO, and B M, of the elevation, and draw the lines G V and F V, cutting the vifual hue from P in the plan, in the points a and 6 ; through which points draw the lines ac and ef, to their vanifhing point X; and the lines cd and eg, to their vaniiliing point Vj the points g, e, and y, being in the proper vifual lines from the angles of the tower F, E, and H, in the plan. Complete the tower by drawing the lines Jg, de, ae, and af. The prcfent example was contrived to elucidate the general pradlice of vanifli- ing points, which are as well to be obtained of other pofirions of lines, as hori- zontal ones. It is not always that the vanifliing points of inclined lines are re- quired, but they arc often iifeful, and fomctimes abfolutely necefTary. In the geometrical elevation, Fig. 2, the lines MO, P F, G D, IE, are all parallel lines, as alfo are the lines OF, FR, EH, and DI; and though fituated in different, yet they are in parallel planes, and will therefore have a common va- nifliing point. A line drawn perpendicularly to the horizon through the vanifhing point X (Fig. 3), as LO, will be the vanifliing line of the plane of the end of the church over the line IG of the plan, alfo of the end of the body AD, like- wife of the fide of the tower EH. And a line drawn through the point V (Fig. 3), perpendicularly to the horizon, as G M, will be the vaniihing line of the planes over the lines (Fig. i), IK, A B, ab of the porch, and FK of the tower J and all lines in thofe planes, or the boundaries of thofe planes, will have their vanifliing points fomewhcre in thofe vanifliing lines ^ To obtain the vanifhing points of the inclined lines of the roofs and tower, ' This circumftance of finding the vaniOiing points of inclined lines was/before treated on in Examnle 8,^, Fig. 5, Plate 15 ; but here it is more fully exemplified. 64 PRACTICAL P E R S P E C 'f I V E. 1_ Plate 22. J proceed as follows: take the diilance of the vanifhing point, Z, from the ftatioa S, in the compalTes ; that is, take the length of the line S Z, and apply it on the horizon from X to H. At the point H make an angle with the horizontal line, equal the angle of the roofs a. Pc, Fig. 2; the curve K I, and the diflance of it from the centre H, being equal to the curve a< , and diftance of it from its centre P; then is the angle KHI equal the angle of the roof aPc, Fig. 2. Produce the line H K to Q ; Q will be the vanilhing point of the line ea of the tower, alfo of the parallel lines ov, d k, and cl; which, though obtained by a different procefs, will all be found, by application of a ruler, to tend truly to that point, as is Ihown by the dotted lines in tl-e example. A like procefs being performed of the diflaace of the vanifhing point Y, from the flation S, will obtain the vanifliing point of the fan^e inchnation of lines in the other planes of the objedf. Take the length S Y in the compaffes^ and fct it off on the horizon, from V to N. At the point N, make an angle INT, on the horizon, equal the angle KHI, that is, equal the angle of inclination of the roof, aPc, Fig. 2. The line NT produced to M in the vanilhing ■ line G M, will be the vanilhing point of the line Je of the top of the lower, alfo of the lines W3, and y^, of the porch (the inclination of the roof of the porch being the fame as the other roofs of the body of the church), as is Ihown by the dotted lines in the example. The walls of the porch arc obtained from the height AP, on the incerfedion, equal the height JT, Fig. 2. P;« being drawn to the vanifhing point V, and m /i to X gives the lines n 5, 53, and 3 2. It mufl: be obferved that the inclined lines ^7/, le, kc, and vz, have a com- mon vanifhing point, obtainable if required ; and which vanifliing point will be in the fame vanifliing line with the point Q, and as much below the hori- zontal vanifliing point X, as the point Q is above it j to which point, were it obtained, thofe lines, already drawn, will be found exadly to tend. It is leldom abfolutely neceffary to have both thofe points ; in the prefent inftance one of them only, the point Q, is obtained, which would anfwer every end required of both ; for fuppofing it were left to that vanifliing point for the finding the in- clined lines,, the vifual lines being drawn, and the heights of the upright walls being found, the line d k drawn in diredion to the vanilhing point O, determines one fide of the gable-end at the vifual line in tlje middle ; the other is accom- plilhcd by joining the points k and c together. So of the other gable, cl being drawn, le is alfo had by joining the points 1 and e together. To complete the whole, draw the line xy, on tlie tower, from the point jc, to the angle of the tower, in diredion to the vanifliing point Qj thea M V-*-^ H B P E F^ . J F/y.J A K ^>V / Fu;.7 O M ^ yr H */ I? o m 1 •U V tl^TE X\II. Fti]. 7 .i/t -r A-. ' : X — L F: O R // fl A' C /•/./..; G SB. 1 P t Inl'lilJullnJ.iLH.ill.m <'./'' PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 65 draw die lines ah, and n/6 , to their proper vifual lines, and vaniHiing points f Plate 22.1 V and Q. The putting on of the Ipire is a work of fome confideration, and muft be proceeded on with thought and care. The bafc of the fpire is intended to be a regular o(5lagon. If the two external lines in the geometrical of the fpire, be continued till they touch the fides of the tow€r, as is done at K and L, (Fig. 2), and an odtagon be there conftruded , extending the fquare of the tower, it will be the bafe of the fpire. Set up the height of the fpire B W, Fig. 2, on the interfed:ion. Fig. 3, at B ; alfo the height of the bafe line KL, at R ; and draw the lines B V and R V ; the firfl-, cutting the vifual line through the centre of the tower in the point O, determines the height of the fpire j the other, cutting the tower in the point u, determines its bafe. Through the point u draw a line around the tower, and find the points of the o(9:agon in the middle of each face of the tower, to w hich let lines be drawn from' the top O, and the fpire and whole objed; will be completed, as is (hown in the Example. I have now gone through the procefs of finding the above complicatecf objed:. I had expedations of performing it with lefs confufion of lines than" the refult has made neceffary ; but one thing fucceeding another, and each ne- ceffitated to remain, for the obfervance of the ftudent, the whole together un- avoidably becomes intricate. Nor is it now fo entirely performed, but that fomething remains for the ftudent to complete, but which would take more words to make clear, than the defcription of the whole has done. What I allude to is, the interfedions that take place at the lodgment of the fpire on the top of the tower, which, for clearer obfervance, is drawn to a larger fcale at Fig. 4; the mere infpedion of that figure will ferve to convey a full, and I hope fatisfador)'-, idea of what I allude to. The Student has alfo been left to complete the bafe of the odagon, which, no doubt, he is well enabled to do,' or he has gone through the work to little purpofe. As before obferved, it is next to an impofi"ibility to give fuch thorough explanation in intricate matters as to leave nothing for the Student to exercife his own judgment o\\ -, however copious his infi:rudor may be, there will always fufiicient remain undone fo keep alive the adive powers of his pupil, and give him opportunity of exerting' his own ingenuity. That fcholar muft not fleep who would inftrud himfdf in fcience from book alone. Fig. 5 is a pidurefque reprefentation of the objed juft performed, which is the form of a church very commonly met with in the country. Having, by the exercife of the foregoing examples, advanced the Student to fome tolerable knowledge of the pradice of perfpedive drawing, I will now 66 PRACTICAL PEPvSPECTlVE. enter into an inquiry of a very important confidcration. Methodically pro- ceeding, it fliould have been antecedent to any pradice ; it is, however, fonie- times expedient to do that firll, which in juil progrcffion ftiould follow ; as it ie not until fome infight is had into a fubjedl that the neccHity of certain inquiries becomes evident. It has been matter of much difference of opinion, the adjufling what may generally be confidered the befl angle of vifion, within w hich objeds fliould be regarded to obtain the moft agreeable reprefentation of them. For, accordingly as the angle of vifion is enlarged or leffened, by viewing the objects near or remote, will their appearance vary, and their delineation in confequence be affeded thereby. £Plate 23.] ^y ^^^ angle of vifion, or angle of view, is to be underftood, the expanfion of the lines, proceeding from the eye, by the two extreme vifual rays embracing the whole extent of the view ; and this, whether it confift of one objed: or of many. This can clearly be explained only by reference to fome figure. (Fig. i , Plate 23.) Let A reprefent the plan of a manfion ; let B be the fituation of an outhoufe contiguous to the manfion ; and let the places of trees be intimated by the fpots C,C,C, and D,D,D. Let S be the flation or point of view whence the whole is regarded. Confidering the manfion A, as a lone objedl, the extreme vifual rays Sa, Sb, form at the eye, the angle aSb ; then is the angle aSb the angle of view under which that objed: is feen, Sa and Sb being the two ex- treme vifual rays embracing the whole extent of the objed. Again, if the out- houie B be confidered as a lone objed, then will the extreme vifual rays, cS and dS, form, at the eye, the angle cSd, being the magnitude of the angle- Under which that objcd is feen. And fo of any objed, the vifual rays that: embrace its whole extent, form the angle of view under which it is faid to be feen. It mull be manifefl tlien, that this angle of view will be large or fmall, as the eye is near to, or remote from the objed. Let it be intended to take both objeds A, and B, into one view, with the ad- dition of trees to the right, and to the left of them. Let vifual rays be drawn from the extreme tree on either fide, to the ftation S: the angle CSD is the angle of view under which the whole extent is feen ; and the rays CS and DS are denominated the extreme vifual rays of the view. Objeds may be placed too near the eye for fatisfadory obfervance of them s they may be placed fo near as to pain the eye. The eye can contemplate only a point at one time ; it is by its celerity and continual motion, that it becomes perfedly fenfible of a whole, or many forms^ But when an objed, or many PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 67 objeds, widely extended, are placed too near, the travcrfes of the eye in con- [P'^ie 23.] templation of the whole become painful. It is not neceflary for nne to account 'trby it is fo, but that it is fo, every one muft have experienced ; and when that is the cafe, t!ie caufe, or the eye, is removed to a more agreeable diftance, or the head, as well as the eye, is turned from one fide to the other, the better to comprehend the extent of the objedl or objefts in view. The neceflity of turning the head fhould be avoided in taking a view : a view fliould compnfe no greater extent than the eye can agreeably contemplate at one coup d\til (or glance of fight), or than can be viewed by a pleafing and fatif- faftory traverfe of the eye alone; which neceffarily confines the extent of matter, and of courfe the angle of vifion, to fome certain limits. The eye refts with compofure on what it can contemplate with little trouble; not only too great an extent, but too many objedts, however they may intereft and delight at firft, foon diftradt and tire the eye, a circumftance that may account why a pidurefque bit gives more delight than an extenfive fcene comprifing many parts. Smallnefs of objed has nothing to do with angle of view ; a die, or the fmallefl miniature, by being placed too near the eye, may form a large angle of view, and caufe the eye pain in obferving it. A large extent of view, or a large pifture, may be contemplated with as much eafe as a fmallone ; it is only placing the larger at a greater diftance. If the place of the plane of delineation be at FG (Fig. i). then will the angle FSG be the angle of view. If a fedion of the fame vifual rays be taken at H I, then will HI be the extent of the pifture, and the angle HSI be the angle of view; but the angles FSG and HSI are one and the fame, of confequence the eye can contemplate either pidure with equal fatisfadion-, but then one muft be placed at the diftance SO, the other at the diftance SP. ^ From whatever ftation an objedl be viewed, however diftant, or however near, it never appears other wife than on refledlion we know or expedt it ftiould do. ' Far different is the cafe with refped to perfpedtive delineation on planes, according to certain pofitions. To find the reprefentation of a circle, viewed horizontally, aft'ume the figure of un upright oval, as Fig. a : or the repre- lentation of a fquare fo pofited, affume the form KM N L. Fig. 2 ; muft cer- tainly exc.te doubt in the mind of the young ftudent, as to the truth of the . In this view of tl-.e fubjeft of vifion, what is termed near, or fhort fightednefs, is not Uken into confidei*. ■ Icoked UDon as a defeft in the organ itfelf. 68 PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. [Plate 23.] rules by which fuch deh'neations, fo repugnant ta belief, are afccrtaincd, and given as the reprefentations of fuch well-known forms. Yet fuch may rever- thclefs be true and juft reprtfentations, according to the point of view taken, and ppfition chofen of the plane of delineation. It is the fhortnefs of the diftance of the eye from the plane of delineation, that caufes fuch unpleafant diftortion. This may clearly be feen by infpe<3ion of Fig. 3, where, let the figure A BCD reprefent a fquare lying on the ground plane; let the plane GHKL be the plane of delineation, and let E be the point of view. It muft be evident by the vifual rays EA and EB, that the figure DabC, on the plane of delineation, is to the eye at E, the reprefenta- tion of the fquare ABCD, and that an oval defcribed therein would, of courfc, be the reprefentation of a circle, and would be as much diftorted as the oval within the fquare KMNL, Fig. 2. But let the eye be removed to a greater diftance from the plane of delineation, fuppofe to the point E, then will the reprefentation of the fquare, and circle within, come within more admiflible and pleafing forms; as may be gathered by the vifual ray to the farther place of the eye E in the diagram. Fig. 3, determining the figure DefC as the reprefenta- tion of the fame fquare; and which feen direcflly before the eye, would be as the lower fquare KOPL, and circle within, Fig. 2. To fix upon an angle that fliould extend to every cafe, as being the i>r^ angle of view, would be as vain, as it would be an abfurd endeavour. Different fubjedls require diflFerent treatment ; infide fubjedts different from external ones, and external ones from each other, as they happen to be fituated. The angle of view, as was before obfervcd, is regulated by the diftance of the eye from the plane of delineation. Thus, if GL, Fig. 4, be the extent of the picfture, and A the diftance of the point of view, the angle GAL will be the angle of view ; and fo on, every remove of diftance varying the angle of view of the f^ime extent looked at. Some authors on perfpedlive have cxpreftly advifed, that the greateft diftance of the eye from the pifture fliould not exceed the width of the pidture laterally, which makes the angle of view fifty-three degrees. Others would have tlie diftance lefs, requiring the angle of view never to be fmaller than an angle of fixty degrees ; fuch is the ■ angle GAL ; others are for having a ftill Icfs diftance to be the greateft ufed, and, of confequence, would have a larger angle of view than fixty degrees. My Father, who, I am perfuaded, fpeaks from more prad:ical experience than any of his predeceflbrs, advifes the extent of the pidiure, laterally, to be the leaft diftance ufed, its angle of view fifty-three degrees, or at the very moft, fixty PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 69 degrees, to the largeft angle of view ; and recommends an angle of forty-five de- [Plate 23.3 grees as the befl angle of view, being, in his opinion, neither too large nor too fmall; fuch is the angle GB L. It is his advice to keep between the one and the other, that is, not to let the angle of view exceed fixty degrees, nor be Icfs than forty-fiv« ; too large an angle of view fubjeding the objedls to diftortion, and too fmall a one rendering them too tame. His advice I know, from my own experience, to be ftridly good j I have, however, in fome inftances, in adlual views, experienced the abfolute neceffity of iifing a larger angle of view than lixty deo-rees, but fuch do not often occur. After all that can be faid, determination in this particular muft ever be left to the difcretion of the artift, and the abfo- lute neceffity his fubje ; and ftill kfs fo, if delineated agreeably to the point M, M, or .M, as the centre; but vwhich, from want of knowing better, are often as erroneoufly, though un- wittingly, delineated. From what has now been advanced in this work, if thoroughly underftood, it is poflible to perform any thing that linear perfpedive can efFedt; but it is apprehended, few will feel themfelves competent to fuch a trial. There arc perfons of fuch profound thinking, fo acutely penetrating, that from a clofely i'ompaded theory can extradt a general pradice. To fuch, Brook Taylor's condenfed Elements on this fubjedl, would be ample infight. But works like his are not addrelled to the many : one compadled general obfervation ne^*ds much elucidation to make it manifeft to the multitude : wherefore the necefiity ■of works of a more open inquiry, of more familiar and minute inftrudlion, and according to the different powers and intention by which authors work, ilifterent roads are made to the fame fummit, and each who follows will prefer that path which, moft agreeably to his humour, will condud; him to the objed he wilhes to attain. The endeavour to avoid trouble is continually inflanced in every occupation in life : Lazy perfons give themfelves moil trouble, lays the proverb. Com- plaint may be made of the extraordinary tedioufnefs of true perfpedive delinea- tion, and impatience may fpurn at the apparent tedioufnefs of the procefs. From my own experience I have ever found, when by lazinefs or impatience I have been induced to flight or rejed the application of rule, that at laft I have been forced to have recourfe to it, even for the advantage of that difpatch i Tl..tTF.Z- •J^i^ . s. GM L K I H HM L K F E A.^ -£ JT C B __^//rfi»^ .i^i*fA»/ft//^ ^rffK*. i/fi/A'^t . 4hfffAfr f-foi' PRACTICAL PERSPECTIVE. 71 I was endeavouring othcrwife in vain to obtain, and after confiderable time had [Plate 23.] been loft, to wave the ncccflity of the appeal. Thus had the aid of method been firH applied to, not only much time had been faved, but the delufive effed: required been better accompliflicd. However ftrong the wifti to fliorten the road leading to a defired objedl, that way is not always found the readieft, that feemingly points the moft diredly to it. Sir Jofhua Reynolds, in his divine Difcourfes on Painting, moft aptly fpeaks my fentiments j and fays, " The im- petuofity of youth is difgufted at the flow approaches of a regular fiege, and de- fires, from mere impatience of labour, to take the citadel by ftorm. They wifli to find fome ftiorter path to excellence, and hope to obtain the reward of eminence by other means than thofe which the indifpenfable rules of art have prefcribed, — In this art, as in others, there are many teachers who profefs to fliow the neareft way to excellence; and many expedients have been invented by which the toil of ftudy might be faved. But let no man be feduced to idlenefs by fpecious promifes. Excellence is never granted to man, but as the reward of labour." FINIS. S. GosNtii, Printer, Little Queen Street, Holborn. : Tiiil P£C lAL : -I - 6 ^^ o o