anxa 87-B 24463 c.2 Ropai /icaaemp of ilrts i EXHIBITION OF WORKS BY ixlrj OLD MAoiiiiXib 2Decca2;cli q^astere of tl)e 20nti0|) ^cljool WINTER EXHIBITION FORTY-FIRST YEAR MDCCCCX WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY [^Price Sixpence"] R. /I EXHIBITION OF WOEKS BY THE OLD MASTERS AND 2Decea0eD JHasteris^ of tlje Brittsl) ^cljool WINTEE EXHIBITION MDCCCCX WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED PRINTERS TO THE ROYAL ACADEMY The Exhibition opens on Monday, January 3rd, and closes on Saturday, March 12th. Hours of Admission, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Price of Admission, Is. Price of Catalogue, 6d. Season Ticket, 5s. General Index to the Catalogues of the first forty Exhibitions, in four parts ; Part I. 1870-1879, 2s. ; Part II. 1880-1889, 2s. ; Part III. 1890-1899, Is. 6d. ; Part IV. 1900-1909, Is. 6d. No sticks, umbrellas, or parasols are allowed to be taken into the Galleries. They must be given up to the attendants at the Cloak Eoom in the Entrance Hall. The other attendants are strictly forbidden to take charge of anything. The Refreshment Room is reached by the staircase leading out of the Water Colour Room. The Gibson (Sculpture) Gallery and the Diploma Galleries are open daily, from 11 A.M. to 4 p.m. Admission free. All Communications should he addressed to " The Secretary*' KOYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS. 1910. HONORARY MEMBERS. The Most Rev. Archbishop Maclagan, D.D., Chaplain. The Very Rev. H. D. M. Spence-Jones, Dean of Gloucester, Professor of Ancient History. The Viscount Morley, O.M., Professor of Ancient Literature. The Viscount Dillon, Antiquary. The Lord Avebury, Secretary for Foreign Correspondence. HONORARY FOREIGN CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. Il Gommendatore Giacomo Boni. Osman Hamdy Bey. HONORARY RETIRED ACADEMICIANS. Macbeth, Robert Walker, Esq. Shaw, Richard Norman, Esq. HONORARY FOREIGN ACADEMICIANS. BoNNAT, Leon J. F. Dagnan-Bouveret, p. A. J. Fremiet, Emmanuel. Israels, Joseph. Knaus, Ludwig. Laurens, Jean Paul. Mercie, Antonin. Abbey, Edwin Austin, Esq. AiTCHisoN, George, Esq. Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence, O.M. Belcher, John, Esq. Brock, Thomas, Esq. Clausen, George, Esq. Crofts, Ernest, 'Esq., Keeper and Trustee. Davis, Henry Wm. Banks, Esq. DiCKSEE, Frank, Esq. FiLDES, Sir Luke. Frampton, Sir George James. Gow, Andrew C, Esq. Graham, Peter, Esq. Herkomer, Sir Hubert von, C.V.O. Jackson, Thomas Graham, Esq., Treasurer and Trustee. John, William Goscombe, Esq. Leader, Benj. Williams, Esq. Leslie, George Dunlop, Esq. Lucas, John Seymour, Esq. MacWhirter, John, Esq. ACADEMICIANS. Murray, David, Esq. Orchardson, Sir William Quiller. OuLESS, Walter William, Esq., Auditor, PoYNTER, Sir Edward John, Bart., President and Trustee. Richmond, Sir William Blake, K.C.B. Riviere, Briton, Esq., Trustee. Sant, James, Esq. Sargent, John Singer, Esq. Shannon, James Jebusa, Esq. Solomon, Solomon Joseph, Esq. Stone, Marcus, Esq. Swan, John McAllan, Esq. Thornycroft, W. Hamo, Esq., Auditor. Waterhouse, John William, Esq. Waterlow, Sir Ernest Albert. Webb, Sir Aston. C.B., Auditor^ Woods, Henry, Esq. Wyllie, William Lionel, Esg^. Yeames, William Frederick, Esq; Librarian, Bacon, John Henry Fredk. Blompield, Reginald Theo- dore. Bramley, Frank. Brangwyn, Frank. Brown, John Alfred Arnesby. GoLTON, William Robert. Cope, Arthur Stockdale. Ggwper, Frank Cadogan. Crowe, Eyre. ASSOCIATES. Drury, Edward Alfred Briscoe. East, Alfred. Farquharson, Joseph. Forbes, Stanhope A. Hacker, Arthur. Hemy, Charles Napier. Henry, George. La Thangue, Herbert Henry. Mackennal, Bertram. North, John William. Parsons, Alfred. Pegram, Henry Alfred. PoMEROY, Fredk. William. Short, Frank. Sims, Charles. Smythe, Lionel Percy. Storey, George Adolphus. Stott, Edward. Strang, William. Tuke. Henry Scott. PROFESSORS. Of Painting, Sir W. B. Richmond, Of Architecture, R. T. Blomfield, A.R.A. K.G.B., R.A. Of Anatomy, Arthur Thomson, M.A. Of Sculpture,^. R. Golton, A.R.A. Of C/^emis^r7/,SIRA.H. Church, K.C.V.O.,F.R.S. Teacher of Perspective, G. A. Storey, A.R.A. SECRETARY— F-RT-D. A. Eaton. CONTENTS Oil Paintings— Gallery I 11 Water Colour Room Gallery III IV V Oil Paintings and Water Colours — Black and White Eoom (E. J. Gregory, R.A.) Index to the Names of the Contributors Index to the Names of the Painters PAGE 5 13 19 31 41 47 53 60 62 PLAN OF THE GALLERIES. r OIL PAINTINGS H 4 • 5 OIL PAINTINGS H OILPAINTINGS OIL PAINTINGS 1 OILPAINTINGS H OIL PAINTINGS ref_reshment| water colour ^ ROOM OIL PAINTINGSl ENTRANCE B. W.Em. JTort* by J. J. Gregory, 1 I 1 4 1 1 "1 CATALOGUE. The numbers follow fmn left to rigid. The Portraits are described under four sizes : — " bust,''^ the head and shoulders ; " ha,lf figure^^ to the icaist ; " three-quarter figiire,'' to the knee and below ; ^^full length,'^^ the entire fig are. The terms " to right," " to left,'' and " on right " ''on left,'' in all descriptions denote the right and left of the spectator. The following abbreviations are used: — b. born: m. married; d. died; r. right ; t. left. In the sizes of the Works the height is alwaijs placed before ilie width. The Works are Catalogued under the names given to them by the Contributors. The Academy can accept no responsibility as to their authenticity. GALLERY No. I. OIL PAINTINGS— Nos. 1-33. LENT BY PAINTER. 1 THE ANNUNCIATION. R. H. Benson, Esq. Giovanni di Paolo The Virgin, in bhic cloak, lil;ic rohc, und white liead-dress, is seated to 1., in the loggia of her house ; her liands crossed on her breast. Her bed, with green canopy, is seen in a recess behind ; and a passage leads to other rooms, in one of which on the r. is seated St. Joseph, wanning his hands at a fire. The angel, in pale rose-coloured dress over a whitt^ skirt, with wings of golden peacock's feathers, approaches, with arms folded, through the arch from the 1. Outside is a representation of the Fall, and above, in the clouds, is seen Go I the Father. In the foreground rabbits play among the flowers; the background is a hedge of fruit trees; pale blue sky. Tauel. V)\ by 18 in. 2 THE " MADONNA DE' TALENTI." Sir Theodore C. Hope, K. C.S.I. Early Sienese School So called from its having been purchased from the Talenti family. The Virgin, enthroned, with the Child in her lap. Panel, 42 by 28 in. 6 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1010 LENT BY PAINTER. 3 TBE JUDGMENT OP PAEIS. R. H. Benson, Esq. Florentine School, 15th century Small full-length figures of Paris and the three goddesses. On the 1. Paris, seated, is represented giving the apple to Venus, behind whom stand the other two goddesses ; rocky and wooded landscape. Panel, 16 by 19i in. 4 THE OOEONATION OF THE VIKGIN. Sill Theodore C. Hope, K. C.S.I. Florentine School An ancient replica of Era Angelico's well-known picture in the Uffizi Gallery, at Florence ; its chief difference is, that it is on a gold ground instead of a blue sky. Panel, 44 by 44^ in. 6 VIEOm AND CHILD. Majoe-General John Sterling. Pinturicchio Small half-length figure of the Virgin, in a mandorla, holding the Child on her r. arm ; gold background. Panel, 18 by 13^ in. 6 INTEEOESSION. R. H. Benson, Esq. Cosimo Rosselli Our Lord and the Virgin are seen kneeling to r. and 1. on a platform, and interceding for the donor and his family to God the Father, from Whom descends the Holy Dove ; the Virgin places her hand on the donor's shoulder. In the foreground is a monk (St. Eeriiardino) kneeling and pointing towards an inscribed scroll, which he holds with his 1. hand; mountainous country and a city in the background. Panel, 34^ by 22 in. 7 VIEGm AND CHILD. R. H. Benson, Esq. Botticini The Virgin, seated in a Jandscape, holding and looking down at the Child, Who stands beside her clasping her r. shoulder ; near her lies an open book; mountainous background, with water and buildings. Panel, 41 by 41 in. (circular). 1910] GALLERY No. L 7 LENT BY PAINTER. 8 THE NATIVITY. R. H. Benson, Esq. Bernardino Luini The altar-piece of the Maestri family of Milan. Small full-length figures. The Virgin kneeling, on tlie 1., adores the Child, Who is held by St. Joseph on the manger ; the ox and the ass are behind them ; on the 1. stands a shepherd, with a lamb in his arms ; through an opening behind is seen the angel appearing to the shepherds. Panel, 69 by 47 in. 9 VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH ST. JOHN AND TWO ANGELS. R. H. Benson, Esq. Raffaellino del Garbo In the centre, the Virgin seated witli the Child on lier lap; he is taking a pomegranate from the angel on the 1., close by wliom kneels St. John, at the foot of the Virgin, adoring; the other angel stands behind the Virgin on the r. Panel, 45 by 45 in. (circular). 10 VIRGIN AND CHILD. R. H. Benson, Esq. Sandro Botticelli The Virgin seated imder a canopy, holds witli both liands the Child, Wlio stands on her lap; His r. hand is raised. Panel, 31 i by 20 in. 11 THE HISTORY OF THREE MARTYRS— SS. SICINIO, MARTINO, AND ALESSANDRO. E. H. Benson, Esq. Bernardino Luini This and the two following pictures represent scenes in the history of the three martyrs, SS. Sicinio, Martino, and Alessandro, known as the Martyrs of the Val di Non,a valley on the w. side of the valley of the Adige, some miles above Trent. They formed the predella portion of the Torriani di Mendrisio altar-piece, of which the central part, representing the Nativity, is in the Palazzo Scotti at Milan. The three friends, who were Greeks from Cappadocia, are liere repre- sented setting forth as pilgrims; in the background they are seen crossing the sea in a boit; in the distance are the gates of a citv. Panel, 12^ by 18 in. 8 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 12 THE HISTOEY OT THEEE MAETYES— SS. SIOINIO, MAETINO, AND ALESSANDEO. E. H. Benson, Esq. Bernardino Lnini See No. 11. This picture is divided into three compartments. On the 1. the friends are receiving their investiture before Yigilius, Bishop of Trent, in the presence of a lady and others — Sicinio as deacon, after the fashion of the Ambrosian rite, with the stole fastened outside the dalmatic, the other two as monks— after which they went forth to preach the gospel. In the centre, they are rebuking a sacrifice to the local deity, whose cult resembled that of Saturn; priests and soldiers murmuring. On the r. the two monks are being stabbed by soldiers in a wood ; the lady is in the background. Panel, 12^ by 38i in. 13 THE HISTOEY OP THEEE MAETYES— SS. SIOINIO, MAETINO, AND ALESSANDEO. R. II. Benson, Esq. Bernardino Luini See No. 11. The three wounded bodies are being dragged with ropes by soldiers ; the two monks dead, the deacon still praying ; in the back- ground is seen their church, with the wood of which Sicinio was afterwards burned. Panel, 12^ by 18 in. 14 A PEMALE SAINT EEADING. R. H Benson, Esq. Vittore Carpaccio The Saint is seated to 1., reading a book, on a balcony which overlooks a lake with a mountainous background ; red dress. Panel, 30 by 19 in. 15 SUSANNA. R. H. Benson, Esq. Lorenzo Lotto In the foreground, on the 1., is Susanna, kneeling at the edge of the bath ; opposite her on the r. are the two elders, one of them holding a scroll on which is inscribed the accusation they are bringing against Susanna; she holds another scroll repudiating it ; two young men are entering the enclosure ; without the wall, are the house and garden ; liillv landscape beyond. Signed and dated, "Lorentius Lotus pictor^ 1512." Panel, 26^ by 19^ in. 1910] GALLERY No. L 9 LENT BY PAINTER. 16 VIK&IN AND OHILD AND ST. JOHN. R. H. BensoxN, Esq. Andrea del Sarto Small tliree-quarter figure of the Virgin seated to 1., holding the Child^ Who stands on her lap ; the head and shoulders of the little St. .Tohn seen on the 1. Panel, 26 by 26 (circular). 17 VIKGIN AND OHILD AND ST. FR^NOIS. R. H. Benson, Esq. Francesco Francia Half-figure of the Virgin holding the Child in her lap ; in His r. hand He holds a bunch of cherries, and, turning, holds out His 1. to St. Francis ; landscape background. Panel, 25 by 19 in. 18 Portrait of A M^N. John Carrington, Esq. Giovanni Bellini Bust to 1. ; head turned, looking at the spectator ; black dress slashed with white, black cap; bushy brown hair; landscape background. Panel, 13^ by 10] in. 19 TOBIAS AND THE ANGEL. R. H. Benson, Esq. Filippino Lippi Small full-length figures. Tobias is being led by the angel along a road which crosses the picture ; the dog is beside them ; buildings and hills in the distance. Panel, 12 i by 9 in. 20 VIKGIN AND OHILD, AND ST. JOSEPH. T. Humphry Ward, Esq. Francesco Melzi Three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated beneath a jasmine-tree, holding the Child in her lap ; He is stretching out His hands to take an apple from St. Joseph, who, staff in hand, stands on her 1. Panel, 37 by 28 in. 10 AVOEKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 21 TBE AraUNOIATION. J. PiEEPONT Morgan, Esq. Lorenzo Costa The Virgin, with clasped hands, in an attitude of adoration, kneels in a richly ornamented loggia, through the arches of which is seen a river bordered by distant hills ; in front of her, also kneeling, is the angel, the r. hand extended in the act of blessing, the 1. grasping a lily. Panel, 10 by 7 in. 22 Portrait of THE PAINTER. R. H. Benson, Esq. Palma Vecchio B. 1480; d. 1528. Bust to 1. ; head turned, looking at the spectator ; long hair, black dress ; dark background. Canvas, 20 by 18 in. 23 THE MAEEIAGE OF ST. OATHEEINE. R. H. Benson, Esq. Ascribed to Francesco Rizzo de' Vecchi Half-length figures. On the 1. is the Virgin with the Infant Christ on her lap ; He is placing a ring on the finger of St. Catherine ; St. Joseph stands behind ; landscape background. Formerly ascribed to Vincenzo Catena. Panel, 22 by 30 in. 24 Portrait of AN AETIST. R. H. Benson, Esq. Franciabigio Bust to r., of a young man, in black cloak and cap, looking back over his r. shoulder ; long hair falling over his neck ; brown background. Panel, 22^ by 18| in. 25 VIEGIN AND CHILD, WITH SAINTS AND A DONOE. Charles Davis, Esq. Giovanni BeUini ^ Three-quarter figures. On the r. the Virgin, seated, looks down at the Infant on her knee ; before them kneels a donor richly clad, whom the Infant blesses with His r. hand, and whose head the Virgin gently touches ; behind the donor stands St. Paul, with a bare sword beneath his r. arm ; on his 1., facing the spectator, is St. Theodore, bare-headed, wearing a coat of mail, and holding a candle adorned with red crosses ; next to him is a young girl praying, and at her side St. Catherine, wearing a veil and crown of flowers and holding a palm. Panel, 30 by 43 in. 1910] 11 LENT BY PAINTER. 26 Portrait of A LADY. R. H. Benson, Esq. Bernardino Luini Half-length figure, facing the spectator; grey dress, white embroidered chemisette, and white coif ; in her r. hand she holds a pet animal of the marten tribe, the 1. touching a necklet to which is suspended a jewelled cross; dark background. Panel, 29 by 21 i in. 27 SANTA OONVEESAZIONE. R. H. Benson, Esq. Giovanni Bellini Three-quarter length figures. The Virgin sits in front, holding the Child ; on the r, are St. Lucy holding a cup and palm-brancli, and St. John a cross and scroll on which is inscribed " Ecce Agnus Dei," and pointing with his r. hand towards the Infant Christ; on tlie 1. are St. Catherine holding a palm-branch, and St. Peter with two keys and a closed book ; mountainous landscape backaround. Signed on a cartcllino, " loannes Bellinvs." Panel, 38 by GO in. 28 Portrait of E. DE TISIO, Papal Notary. R. H. Benson, Esq. Ascribed to Lorenzo Lotto Half figure, seated to r. at a table, signing his name to a deed, whicli he holds with his 1. hand ; dark dress ; dark background, with green curtain ; bundles of papers lie on a shelf beside him ; the paper which he is signing has the seal of St. Peter and St. Paul. Canvas, 33 by 27 in. 29 SANTA OONVEESAZIONE. R. H. Benson, Esq. Palma Vecchio Full-length figures, slightly under life-size. The Virgin is seated to the 1., with the Child on her knees; on her r. St. Joseph, on her I. St. Catherine ; before her kneels a donor, in black dress, presented by St. John the Baptist, who has his hand on the donor's back; landscape background, with buildings, and a shepherd tending liis flock. Panel, 41 by 66 in. 12 LENT BY PAINTER. 30 Portrait of A MAN. K. H. Benson, Esq. Venetian School Three-quarter figure of a man, standing to r., facing the spectator; hands resting on a column, and holding gloves ; black dress, cut square at the throat, showing white shirt ; green background. Canvas, 38 by 32 in. 31 VIEGIN AND CHILD, AND ST. JOHN. K. H. Benson, Esq. School of Leonardo da Vinci Small full-length figure of the Virgin, seated to r., holding on her lap the Child, Who leans forward in the act of blessing the little St. John, kneeling at the Virgin's feet ; landscape seen on the r. Panel, 28 hj 22 in. 32 VIRGIN AND CHILD. K. H. Benson, Esq. School of Vicenza Half figure of the Virgin holding the Child, Who is seated on a green cushion that rests on a balustrade in front of the Virgin ; landscape background. Panel, 23 by 17 in. 33 VIRGIN AND CHILD, AND ST. JOHN. E. H. Benson, Esq. Ascribed to Marco Belli Small three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated to r., with the Child ou her lap, on a bench overlooking a lake, with mountains beyond ; at their feet the little St. John ; behind her is a red curtain. Panel, 19 by 25 in. 1010] GALLERY No. II. GALLERY No. TI. OIL PAINTINGS-Nos. 34-57. LENT BY PAINTER. 34 THE RIALTO BRIDaE, VENICE. Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. Francesco Guardi View, looking along the canal, which is crowded witli gondolas and other craft ; houses on either side, with the bridge in the middle distance ; blue sky, with light clouds. Canvas, 17 by 24 in. 35 VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH ST. CATHERINE AND. ST. MICHAEL. Full-length figures. On the 1. the Virgin is seated to r. holding tlie Cliild, Who stretches forward to St. Catherine kneeling before Him, lier 1. ham I on a book, her r. supporting the r. arm of tlie Child ; on the r. stands St. Michael, holding scales and banner; landscape background, with a city on the 1. from whicli issue two horsemen ; brown cypress-tree behind. Canvas, 38 by 35 in. The church occupies the centre and 1. of the picture ; in tlie foreground are several boats, some with sails set, and gondolas. Canvas, 17 by 24 in. K. H. Benson, Esq. Polidoro Lanzani SAN GIORGIO, VENICE. Francesco Guardi 14 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 37 THE MAEEIAGE OP ST. OATHEBINE. Captain A. F. Daavson. Moretto On the r. the Virgin, seated, holds the Child on her lap with her 1. hand ; her r. is round the neck of the Saint, on the third linger of whose r, hand He is placing a ring ; in her 1. hand the Saint holds a palm. Canvas, 32 by 26 in. 38 Portrait of SANSOVINO. Mademoiselle de Peyronnet. Ascribed to Titian Jacopo Tatti Sansovino, Italian Sculptor and Architect ; designed several important buildings in Venice ; b. 1477 ; d. 1570. Half-length ; head slightly turned to 1. ; r. hand leaning on a table, 1. pressed against his hip ; black dress. Canvas, 44 by 885 in. 39 SUSANNA AND THE ELDEES. The Duke of Devonshire. Veronese This picture is a smaller rendering of the same subject by Veronese in the Louvre. Three full-length figures. Susanna, partially draped, is seated on a circular bench at the head of the steps leading to the bath ; beside her are the two elders ; landscape background. Canvas, 43 by 46^ in. 40 Portrait of ALPHONSO D'ESTE. Sir George Donaldson. Italian School Half-length; head slightly turned to 1., looking away from the spectator; black dress slashed with white ; lace cuffs and narrow collar ; a scarf thrown loosely over his shoulders ; black hat with large feather ; his r. hand is placed in his belt, and his 1. grasps the hilt of his sword ; green background. Canvas, 42 by 32 in. 41 ST. GEOEGE AND THE DEAGON. The Earl or Wemyss. Moretto In the centre stands St. George, bare-headed, and with both arms uplifted, looking down at the Princess, who is seated on the dragon, which she holds bound with her girdle ; opposite her, on the r., is a bishop with his crozicr. Canvas, 31 by 22 in. 1910] LENT BY PAINTER. 42 ST. AUGUSTINE OP HIPPO. Ernest G. Pretyman, Esq., M.P. Murillo Full-length of the Saint, in robes and wearing a cope, kneeling witli both hands outstretched, and looking up at the sky on the 1., wherein appears a vision of a flaming heart surrounded by the words " in- QUIETUM EST COR MEUM DONKO PERVKNIAT AD TK"; OU the r. are some books, a mitre, and a crozier. Canvas, 78 by 53 ^ in. 43 THE NATIVITY. General The Lord Methuen. Tintoretto This picture is divided into three parts. In the centre is the Holy Family, and the three Magi worshipping and bringing gifts; above them, on a pergola, are groups of angels ; below is the manger with the ox and the ass and numerous figures. Canvas, 44 i by 18 2 in. 44 Portrait of A OHILD. J. PiERPONT Morgan, Esq. Spanish School Whole-length, standing, and looking at the spectator, full face; long brown-and-gold pattern dress with pleated front, and square lace collar; head-dress of white muslin, arranged over both ears ; long red coral necklace passing over 1. shoulder to r. side of waist; in her 1. liand she holds a two-handled water-bottle, in her r. some flowers ; on tlie index finger of the 1. hand and the third of the r. are rings ; balustrade and curtain background. Dated, on lower r. side of the portrait, 1646 (?). Canvas, 34.^ by 26 in. 45 OUR LADY OP THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. Laurie Frere, Esq. Velasquez Full-length figure, standing on a crescent moon amid clouds; hands folded ; and with blue and purple drapery. Canvas, 53 by 41 in. 16 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 46 THE PAEALYTIO. Ernest G. Pretyman, Esq., M.P. Murillo Christ healing the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda. Our Lord, accompanied by some of His disciples, looks down, and stretches out His hand towards the paralytic, who is lying on the 1. ; on the r. are other figures at the edge of the pool, which is seen in the back- ground ; in the sky above appears the angel who went to trouble the water. Canvas, 93 by 102 in. 47 ST. JOHN WKITING THE APOCALYPSE. Laurie Frere, Esq. Velasquez Pull-length, seated to L, near a tree, with an open book on his knees and a pen in his r. hand ; looking up at a vision in the sky ; beside him is an eagle. Canvas, 54 by 41 in. 48 ST. CATHERINE AND THE WHEEL. John Francis Whale Ure, Esq. Juan Carreno de Miranda Half-length, seated to 1., head turned to r. ; red and blue dress, cut low at the neck ; lace cuffs ; hair bound with red ribbon ; both hands in front, holding the wheel, which is only partly visible. Canvas, 28 by 22 in. 49 THE STEWARD. Sir J. C. Robinson, C.B. Velasquez A man, seated at a table, facing the spectator, and holding with both hands a bowl of wine. Before him, on the table, are fish, poultry, meat, and a flagon, with some coins and a pack of cards ; dark background. Painted about 1615. Canvas, 40 by 48 in. 60 JUDITH Am HOLOFERNES. George Bradley, Esq. Unknown Judith is seen on the r., accompanied by her maid, being led into the presence of Holofernes, who is seated under a canopy attended by two soldiers and a page ; over the head of Judith hovers an angel. Canvas, 29^ by 45 in. 1910] 17 LENT BY PAINTER. 61 THE DAUGHTER 01 HERODIAS. E. H. Benson, Esq. Titian Half-length life-size figure, in red and white drapery, standing to r., and holding with both hands the head of St. John the Baptist on a charger; on the 1. is an attendant; on the r. a landscape is seen through an arch under which hovers a cherub. Canvas, 33 by 28 in. 52 VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH ST. LAWRENCE AND THE CORNARO EAMILY. The Eaul of Powis. Tintoretto The Virgin, seated in the clouds, with the Child on her lap, and surrounded by angel heads. Beneath, on the 1., is a full-length figure of St. Lawrence gazing up at the Virgin, and on the r. a member of the Cornaro family holding a gridiron, the emblem of St. Lawrence ; other members of the family, a well-known one in Venetian history, are seen on either side. Canvas, 91 by G7s in. 63 Portrait of LAURA DIANTL W. Newall, Esq. Palma Vecchio Half-length to 1., leaning on a table, and holding a paper in her 1. hand ; richly slashed green dress falling off her shoulders; long fair hair ; beside her stands an attendant, in a red dress, witli his back to the spectator, and looking over his r. shoulder. Canvas, 31 i by 28 in. 64 VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH ANGELS. E. H. Benson, Esq. Bartolommeo Veneto Three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated in the centre, with hands clasped, in the attitude of adoration, over the Child, Who is Ijing on a cushion on her lap; an angel is on either side; in the back- ground are two windows, through each of which is seen a landscape. Panel, 17 by 19 in. 66 THE ENTOMBMENT. Charles Newton-Robinson, Esq. Tintoretto The dead body of Our Lord is being lowered into the tomb ; at the hciitl is St. John, and at the feet the Virgin, who is swooning; Joseph of ArimathiEa and the holy women are grouped around ; landscape back- ground. Canvas, 20 by 29 in. B 18 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 56 CEEES ENTHRONED. H. H. Benson, Esq. Bonifazio di Pitati Part of a ceiling from the Palazzo Giustiniani Calerglii at Padua. The goddess, enthroned on clouds, being presented with the first-fruits of the earth hj five winged figures. Panel, 60 by 60 in. 67 VIRGIN AND CHILD. B. H. Benson, Esq. Ascribed to Titian Small three-quarter figure of the Virgin, seated to 1., with the Child, Who holds a pomegranate, on her lap ; landscape background. Panel, 18 by 22 in. 1910] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 19 WATER COLOUR ROOM. OIL PAINTINGS— Nos. 58-107. LENT BY PAINTER. 68 THE DOCTOR AND THE OLD LADY. Captain IIeywood-Lonsdale. Gerard Dow Interior of a room, seen through ls beside a basket : farther to the r. a dog eating some food on the floor. Canvas, 9^ by 24 in. 94 SEA-PIECE. The Lor]) Huntingfield. William van de Velde Close to the beach, in the foreground, are a man-of-war, a yacht, and a fishing-boat ; other vessels, including another man-of-war, are seen iu the distance, and far away to the r. is a low coast-line ; cloudv skv. Signed on the fishing-boat, " W.Y. Y." Canvas, 23 by 33 in. 95 Portrait of A DUTCH LADY. Lieut.-Colonel Sir Audley D. Neeld, Bt., C.B. Frank Hals Three-quarter figure, standing to 1., nearly full face, looking at the spectator, hands clasped in front and holding her gloves; black figured dress, lace cuffs and collar, wide rnft', close cap; gold necklace and bracelets, pearl ear-rings, rings on forefinger of r. liand ; light back- ground. Canvas, 40 by 31 in. 28 WOEKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. LENT BY PAINTER. 96 A EIVEE SCENE. Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. Jan van Goyen Yiew, looking across the river towards a village, on the r. of which is a windmill ; in the 1. foreground is a boat, in which two men are seated, and a third taking in a net ; another man is bending down on the bank ; blue sky, with clouds. Signed and dated on the boat, " Y.G. 1647." Panel, 15 by 20 in. (oval). 97 HALT OP OAVALIEKS AT AN im. T. HuMPHKY Ward, Esq. Albert Cuyp The inn, with its sign, occupies the 1. of the picture ; before it stand three horses, a grey, a bay, whose rider is about to mount, and a chestnut, whose rider, with plumed hat, is already in the saddle ; near them is a dog. On the r, is seen a hilly landscape; cloudy sky. Signed A.C." Pcxnel, 17 by 12^ in. 98 VIEW OP A DUTCH TOWN BY MOONLiaHT. Major E. H. Griffith. Aart van der Neer Yiew, looking along a river, on which are several rowing and sailing boats; the town is on the r. ; in the foreground, on the 1., is a landing stage ; dark clouds, with the moon shining through. Signed with monogram. Canvas, 26 by 37 in. 99 Portrait of A MAN. Mrs. Thorbon. Dutch School Bust, nearly full-face ; black dress, large falling white collar ; long hair ; grey background. Painted in an oval. Canvas, 22 by 18 in. 100 A MUSIO PAETY. T. Humphry Ward, Esq. Jan Miense Molenaer Composition of four figures in a room. On the 1. a man in red coat and brown breeches, and holding his hat in his 1. hand, is dancing ; in the centre another man, seated, is playing the violin, and a third, standing behind, a tambourine ; on the r. a child is drinking from a jar placed upon a cask. Signed "I ME" (the M and E connected). Panel, 15 by 16 in. 1910] WATER COLOUR ROOM. 29 LENT BY PAINTER. 101 Portrait of A LADY. The Hon. Edward Wood. French School Half figure, nearly full face, with r. hand holding a bag ; black gold- embroidered dress, white red-striped bodice with gold buttons, lace rutf and narrow lace cuffs, jewelled head-dress; grey background. Panel, 16 by 12 in. 102 Portrait of A YOUTH. Edwabd Speyer, Esq. Joost van Cleeve Half figure, nearly full face ; his r. hand holds a pen, and rests on a table, on which is a paper ; his 1. is pressed against his side ; black dress ; white rulf ; dark background. Panel, 21 by 16 in. 103 LA CHEMISE BLANCHE. Major E. H. Griffith. David Teniers Interior of an inn, divided by a partition. In the foreground on the 1. are three men, one of whom, seated, in white shirt and cap, is ligliting his pipe ; the other two are smoking and drinking ; in the background, on the r,, are several figures seated near the fireplace, and a woman, coming in at a door, carrying a pitcher. Signed, " D. Teniers F." PaneCl3by 19^ in. 104 Portrait of A MAN. Edmu^jd E. Hollond, Esq. German School Half figure, head slightly to r. ; black dre?s, with white lace at neck ; black hat; holding gloves in his r. hand; dark background. Panel, 12 by 9 in., arched top. 105 Portrait of A YOUNG LADY. Sir George Donaldson. Bartholomew van der Heist Three-quarter figure, seated to 1., both hands on her lap; the r. holds a fan, the 1. her gloves ; black dress, white ruif, wide cutfs, and close cap ; dark background. Panel, 20 by 16 in. so WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 106 Portrait of MRS. ANNE EOPEE. General The Lord Methuen. Hans Holbein This picture lias also been thought to be a portrait, by Mabuse, of Mar- garet, Countess of Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry YIL Half-figure, seated to 1., with an open book on her lap; dark over-dress, trimmed with fur, red under-sleeves ; dark head-dress, with white cap underneath ; triple gold chain round neck, with crucifix attached ; medallion brooch ; dark background. Panel, 14 by 10 in. Interior of a room, lighted by a window in the roof; the^loom, at which a man and a boy are working, is near the centre ; on the 1. is a ladder leading to a loft. Signed, C.J." (?) Panel, 15 by 18 in. 107 THE LOOM. The Lord Belhaven and Stenton. Dutch School 1910] GALLERY Xo. IIL 31 GALLERY No III OIL PAINTINGS— Nos. 108-142. LENT BY PAINTER. 108 Portrait of MISS HENRIETTA VANE, afterwards LADY LANaSAM. Colonel Sanford. Unknown Henrietta Elizabeth Frederica, daughter of the Hon. Charles Vane, 6th son of the 2nd Baron Barnard ; m., 1795, Sir Wm. Langham, 8th Bart. ; d. 1809. Full length of a little girl, standing in a landscape, and gathering honeysuckle from a plant growing round a tree on the 1., at the foot of which is a basket containing flowers ; white dress, with pink sash and bows, pink hat. Canvas, 66 by 39 in. 109 Portrait of THE EiaHT HON. SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, BART., of Thurso Oastle, Caithness. The Trustees op Archibald H. M. Sinclair, Esq. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. B. 1754 ; political economist and philanthropist ; founder and President of the old Board of Agriculture ; published " Statistical Account of Scotland," and many other books and pamphlets ; M.P. for many years ; created a Baronet, 1786 ; d. 1835. Full-length, standing to 1. in a landscape, head turned towards the spec- tator; in uniform of Colonel-in-Chief of the "Caitluiess Fencibles '* and " Caithness Legion," both of whicli he raised during the French war. Painted about 1790. Canvas, 93 i by 60 in. On the 1. is a three-masted man-of-war, to which stores are being taken from the land in the r. foreground ; other boats in the distance, and in the r. background is seen the line of coast and a town. Canvas, 30 by 110 Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. SEASCAPE. Agostino Tassi 62 in. 32 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. Ill Portrait of MISS LAWRENCE. LocKETT Agnew, Esq. Georgs Romney Sophia Elizabeth, daughter of William Lawrence, Esq., M.P. ; b. 1761 ; d. 1845; a sister of No. 113. Half figure, seated to r., on a crimson chair, on a terrace; black dress, with lace frills and cap ; curls falling on her shoulders ; hands folded in front ; red curtains and landscape background. Painted 1786. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 112 THE HAEBOUR OP DIEPPE. J. Murray Naylor, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. View, looking towards the town; the harbour is thronged with boats, on which are numerous figures ; a market is being held on the quay on the r. ; blue sky, with clouds. Exhibited 1825. Canvas, 66 by 88 in. 113 Portrait of WILLIAM LAWRENCE, ESQ. (the Younger). LocKETT Agnew, Esq. George Romney Son of William Lawrence, M.P. for Eipon 1761-98; b. 1764; d. 1785; brother of No. 111. Half figure, seated to 1. in a crimson chair on a terrace ; bulf coat and gentleman commoner's gown, black breeches, and white stockings; powdered hair; hands folded in front, holding a coin; landscape back- ground. Painted 1785. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 114 THE DESTRUCTION OF NIOBE'S OHILDBEK. The Earl of Wemyss. Richard Wilson, E.A. Eocky and hilly landscape, with a waterfall on the r. ; in the foreground are Niobe and her children, some of whom are already dead, while from a cloud on the 1. Apollo and Artemis are shooting at the others with arrows; stormy and cloudy sky. Canvas, 39 1 by 50 in. A replica of the picture in the National Gallery. 1910] LENT BY PAINTER. 115 Portraits of MRS SHERIDAl^ AM SOiT. Newton C. Ogle, Esq. John Hoppner, E.A. Esther Jane, eldest daughter of Rev. Newton Ogle, D.D., of Kirkley, Dean of Winchester and Prebendary of Durham ; b. about 1775 ; m. 1795, as his second wife, the Right Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, M.P. ; d. 1817. Her son, Charles Brinsley Sheridan; b. 1796 ; d. 1843. AVhole-length, facing slightly to r., in a landscape, carrying her son pick-a-back ; dark brown dress with short sleeves, brick-red over- mantle, and green under-skirt ; carries a pitcher in her r. hand, the 1. supports the child, who looks at the spectator ; behind her is a donkey, while another is lying down beside her ; on the r. is a small cauldron or kettle, witli fire beneath. Canvas, 94 by 58 in. Exhibited, 1797, at tlic Royal Academy, under the title " Portrait of a Lady." 116 Portrait of PAUL METHUEN, of Oorsham. General The Loud Methuen. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Son of Thomas Methuen; m. Cliristian, daughter and co-heir of Sir George Cobb; father of the children represented in No. 180; d. 1795. Three-quarter figure, seated to 1. ; red coat, waistcoat, and breeches ; 1. hand glove(l anfl holding other glove; wig and sword. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 117 Portraits of THE PAINTER AND HIS WIFE. Mrs. Wauchope of Niddrie. Rembrandt The painter— b. at Leyden, 1607 ; d. at Amsterdam, 1669. His wife, Saskia van Uylenborch— b. 1612 ; m. 1634 ; d. 1642. Half-length figures, standing. The painter on the 1., in a brown dress and black hat and feather, is looking at Saskia, and holding her r. liand in his 1, Saskia, turned towards him, but looking at the spectator, has a low cut brown velvet dress ; a jewelled fan hangs from her 1. wrist, and round her shoulders is a gold chain, from which hangs a jewel ; dark background. Signed, "R." Canvas, 34^ by 47 in. C 34 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 118 Portrait of WILLIAM 11. OF OKANaE. The Lord Belhaven and Stenton. Albert Cuyp Born 1626 ; m. 1641 Mary, eldest daughter of Charles 1. (see No. 124) ; Stadtholder of the Dutch Republic ; d. 1650. Full-length of a boy, standing to 1., in brown dress, boots and spurs, lace collar, brown hat ; over his 1. shoulder is thrown a scarlet cloak ; his 1. hand is pressed against his side, and his r. holds the barrel of a gun which rests on his r. shoulder, and a bird ; beside him stands a dog. Inscribed " Aetatis 13, 1638." Canvas, 59 by 35 in. 119 LAmSOAPE, WITH BOAE HUNT. Sm J. C. Robinson, C.B. Rubens A wooded and undulating landscape, with water in the middle distance. In the foreground on the r. are men on horseback and dogs pursuing a wild boar, which rushes towards a man standing behind a fallen dead tree and holding a spear; two other figures with spears stand on either side of the tree ; on the 1. is a man blowing a horn, and another holding a dog ; farther in the background are seen youths and dogs pursuing another boar. Canvas, 62 i by 90 in. 120 Portrait of MRS. CHARLOTTE HANBURY. The Yiscount Iveagh. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Daughter of Charles James Parke, Esq., of Prestwold, Leicestershire; m. 1778 William Hanbury, Esq., of Kelmarsh, and was mother of first Lord Bateman ; d. 1800. Three-quarter figure, seated to r., three-quarter profile to r., her r. arm resting on the arm of the seat; powdered hair; white dress, pink clo:xk lined with fur; curtam and landscape background. Painted 1777. Canvas, 48 by 38 in. GALLERY No. III. 35 LENT BY PAINTER. 121 POETRAIT GROUP. The Duke of Devonshire. Jacob Jordaens This picture is thought by some to represent the Crown Prince and Princess of Orange ; but according to Mr. Max Eooses the portraits are those of a Berr von Surpjle and his wife, members of a well known family living in the 17th century at Diest, in South Brabant, whose arms are seen at the top of the picture. Full-length figures. The lady, dressed in black, with white lace collar and cuffs, is seated to r. in an arm chair. Opposite her stands her husband, also in black, with white lace collar and cuffs, and wearing a red sash embroidered with gold, and a sword ; he carries a staff in his r. hand, his 1. rests on his hip; near him is a white dog, and above a red curtain. The sky appears through some arched openings behind, on one of wliich is perched a parrot. Canvas, 84 by 74 in. 122 Portrait of LADY MiRY LESLIE. The Viscount Iveagh. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Youngest daughter of John, 10th Earl of Rofches; b. 1753; m. 1770 William Charles, third Earl of Portmore ; d. 1799. Whole-length, in a print dress with blue scarf; kneeling to 1. at a raised stone slab, on which is a lamb encircled by her arms ; in her r. hand is a bouquet of flowers ; sheep and lambs by her side ; landscape background. Painted 17G4. Canvas, 55 by 43 in. 123 THE INFANT CHRIST AND ST. JOHN. J. S. Murray, Esq. Rubens' Full-length figures in a landscape, of the Infant Clirist, seated on the r., and St. John on the 1., with a lamb; landscape background. Canvas' 43 by 58 in. 124 Portrait of PRINCESS MARY OP ORANGE. R. H. Benson, Esq. Van Dyck Eldest daughter of Charles I. ; b. 1C31 ; m. 1641 William XL, Prince of Orange (see No. 118); d. 1660; her son became William III. Full length of a girl standing to 1., nearly full face, looking at the spec tator; rose coloured embroidered dress, white lace collar and cuffs, pearl necklace ; pearls in her hair, which falls in curls ; curtain back- ground. Canvas, 62 by 41 in. 36 [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 1S6 Portrait of A GENOESE LADY. Anonymous. Van Dyck Bust to 1., three-quarter profile; ckrk bodice; white lace ruff; pearls in her hair. Canvas, 26 by 21 in. 126 Portrait of Xim CHAELES II. AT THE AGE OP ELEVEN. E. H. Benson, Esq. Van Dyck Son of Charles 1. and Henrietta Maria of France; b. 1630; after his lived in exile until his restoration in 1660; d. 1685. Full-length, standing to 1.; in armour, wearing a sword, and hoUing a staff m his r. hand ; white lace collar ; long dark hair ; beside him, on a table, is his helmet ; curtain background. Canvas, 61 by 42 in. 127 Portrait of TEE COUNTESS OF PETERBOEOUGH. Colonel S. G. Stopford Sackville. Van Dyck Elizabeth Howard, daughter of William, Lord Effingham; m. John Mordaunt, first Earl of Peterborough. -Full-length, standing to 1., looking at the spectator; low cut white satin dress ; pearls round her neck and on her bosom ; with her 1. hand she holds her skirt, and with her r. a rose ; architectural and curtain back- ■gTOund. Inscribed Elizabeth, Countess of Peterborough, wife to John Mordaunt, Earl of Peterborough, Daughter and Sole Heir to the L^i William Howard, son to Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham." Canvas, 90 by 48 in. 128 LANDSCAPE. The Earl of Leicester. Claude Yiew, looking down through an opening between trees towards a lake on the r., with flat country and hills beyond ; buildings on the 1. ; in the foreground are a shepherd with his dog, and other figures, together with sheep, cattle, and goats. Canvas, 31i by 41 in. 37 LENT BY PAINTER. 129 Portrait of A MAN. The Earl Amherst. Rubens Half figure, standing, facing the spectator ; black dress, white rufi' and cuffs ; holding his hat in his 1. hand ; sky, cnrtain, and pillar back- ground. Panel, 51 by 40 in. 130 Equestrian Portrait of THE DUKE D'AREMBERG. The Eap.l of Leicester. Van Dyck Born 1600 ; greatly distinguished himself at the siege of Breda and other actions in the Low Countries ; d. 1674. Full-length, bare-headed, in armour, with a red sash, riding to 1. in a wooded landscape, and looking over his 1. shoulder; behind him is an attendant on foot bearing his helmet ; in the valley l)elow are seen numerous troojis of mounted soldiers. Canvas, 120 by 90 in. 131 Portrait of A MAN. Lieut. -Colonel Sir Audley D. Neeld, Bt , C.B. Rubens Three-quarter figure, seated to 1. near a pillar, holding a letter in his r. hand; black robes, white rutt"; signed, "P.P.R." (on the letter). Canvas, 60 by 46 in. 132 LANDSCAPE. The Earl of Leicester. Claude On the r. are trees and the ruins of a temple ; beyond is a. wide expanse of sea, on which are several ships and smaller lx)ats ; on the 1. is an artist making a drawing under a tree, and a dog ; figures and sheep in centre. Canvas, 20 by 38.i in. 133 Portrait of MISS S. D. CHAMBERS. Lockett Agnew, Esq. John Russell, R.A. Full length, seated to 1., in a landscape, leaning against a tree, her 1. elbow resting on the back of a bench ; her r. hand holds a book ; white low-cut dress, and pink sash ; beside her lies a dog. Canvas, 93 by 57i in. 38 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 134 A COAST SCENE. The Eev. Robert L. Dashwood. George Morland Cliffs stretching from the r. to the centre of the picture; on the 1. is the sea, and in the foreground on the shore are several figures; smugglers are taking ashore cargo from a lugger and boat, which are aground in the middle distance; cloudy sky. Signed and dated, "G. Morland pinxf., 1790." Canvas, 35 by 49 in. 136 Portrait of THE EIGHT HON. SIE CHAKLES MOEGAN, BT, LL.D. Equitable Life Assurance Society. Thomas Gainsborough^ R.A. B. 1724; Military judge advocate-general for many years; M.P. for Brecon County in six parliaments; President of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1773-1806 ; created a Baronet 1792 ; d. 1806. Full-length, standing, facing the spectator; claret-coloured coat ; carries his hat in his r. hand; with his 1. he holds the hilt of his sword. Painted 1783. Canvas, CO by CO in. 186 A YAEMOUTH WATEE-EROLIC. The Viscount Iveagh. John Crome Mouth of the harbour, with numerous boats, their sails set and flags flying, and crowded with sightseers, great numbers of whom swarm on the bank to the 1. ; houses and trees on r. ; the reflections in the water very strong in the light of the setting sun. Canvas, 42 by 68 in. 137 Portrait of LADY EAEDLEY AND CHILD. The Lady Wantage. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Maria Marow, daughter of the Eight Hon. Sir John Eardley Wilmot, Chiet Justice of the Common Pleas ; m. 1766 Sampson Gideon, created 1784 1st Baron Eardley ; d. 1794. The child is her eldest daughter, Maria Marow ; m. 1794 George William, Lord Saye and Sele ; d. 1834. Full length, in a low cut pink dress ; standing to r. in a landscape, holding the child, who stands on a pedestal. Canvas, 90 by 60 in. 1910] GALLERY No. III. 39 LENT BY PAINTER. 138 SHEERNESS. The Lady Wantage. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. In the foreground a small sailing-boat, and near it a rowing-boat in which arc fishermen ; man-of-war and other vessels on the 1. ; land and buildings in the distance ; cloudy sky. Canvas, 40^ by 57s in. 139 Portrait of VISCOUNTESS BEAUOHAMP, afterwards MARCHIONESS OF HERTPORD. The Hon. Edward Wood. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Isabella Anne, daughter of Charles Ingram, 10th Viscount Irvine; m. 1776, Francis, Viscount Beauchamp, who succeeded his father as second Marquis of Hertford, 1794; d. 1836. Full length, standing to 1. in a garden, at the foot of a flight of steps ; yellow skirt, with white dress over it, yellow scarf on her shoulders, high head-dress and white feathers ; holds a feather fan in her r. hand. Painted 1781. Canvas, 93 by 57 in. 140 LANDSCAPE. Miss Holland. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. The edge of a wood; in the foreground is a girl standing, holding a pail on her head ; two other figures are seated on the .ground beside her ; near them are two dogs fighting ; beyond are cattle, sheep, and goats, tended by a man ; cloudy sky. Canvas, 47 by 58 in. 141 Portrait of JOHN ELD, ESQ., of Seighford Hall, Stafford. The President (Earl of Lichfield) and Governors of the Staffordshire Thomas General Infirmary, Stafford. Gainsborough, R.A. B. 1704; mainly instrumental in founding and establisliing the Stafford- shire General Infirmary in 176G ; d. 1796. Full-length, standing in a landscape, bareheaded, holding a plan of the Staffordshire General Infirmary; his 1. elbow leans against a pillar, on the base of which is inscribed " By the Commmdand at the Expence of the Subscribers"; red dress, trimmed with gold lace. Painted about 1772. Canvas, 94 by 60 in. 40 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 142 THE LADY'S LAST STAKE. J. PiEKPONT Morgan, Esq. William Hogarth Hogarth himself writes as follows about this picture: — ''While I was making arrangements (in 1759) to confine myself entirely to my graver, an amiable nobleman (Lord Charlemont) requested that before I Ibade a final adieu to the pencil, I should paint him one picture, the subject to be my own choice, and the reward — whatever I demanded. The story I pitched upon, was a young and virtuous married lady, who, by playing at cards with an officer, loses her money, watch, and jewels; the moment when he offers them back in return for her honour, and she is wavering at his suit, was my point of time." Two small whole-length figures. The lady in a low cut amber satin dress, with short sleeves trimmed with lace, pearls in her hair, is seated near a fire, her 1. arm resting on a fire screen. The officer, in the military dress of the period, is standing behind the table, close by her, and is offering to stake against her honour all that he has won from her — her w^atch, jewels, the miniature of her husband, and a £00/. note which the latter has sent her — holding them out to her in his hat. On the chimney-piece, near which the lady sits, is a clock with a figure of Time on it, and the motto " Nunc " ; on the floor is the letter from her husband sending her the COO/, note; some of the cards that have been used are lying on the floor, others burning in the fire. The lady is a portrait of Miss Salusbury, afterwards Mrs. Piozzi, according to that lady's account as given in a letter from her to Sir James Fellows in 1815. Lord Charlemont gave Hogarth 100/. for the picture. In a letter, dated January 29, 1760, sending him the money, the Earl says : " I beg you would think I by no means attempt to pay you according to your merit, but according to my own abilities. Were I to pay your deserts, I fear I should leave myself poor indeed. Imagine that you have made me a present of the i^icture, for literally as such I take it, and that I have begged your acceptance of the enclosed trifle." The picture was exhibited at Spring Gardens in 1761, under the title of ''Picquet, or Virtue in Danger." Canvas, 36 by 41^ in. -1910] GALLERY No. IV. 41 GALLERY No. IV. OIL PAINTINGS-Nos. 143-169. LENT BY PAINTER. 143 ST. BENET'S ABBEY, NOEFOLK. The Eakl of Wemyss. Henry Bright On the r. arc the ruins of the abbey, within which a windmill has l3een built; flat and marshy country to 1., with cattle in the foreground; two other windmills seen in the distance to r. and 1.; cloudy sky. Canvas, 31 by 52 in. 144 Portrait of WILLIAM, 5th Son of the EIGHT HON. SIR JOHN SINCLAIR, BART. The Archdeacon of London. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. B. 1804; Yicar of St. George's, Leeds; Rector of Pullwroiiah, Sussex, and Prebendary of Cliichester Cathedral ; d. 1878. Full-length of a fair-haired boy, seated on a couch, looking at the spec- tator; legs and arms bare; white drapery; curtain and landscape background. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 146 Poi-trait of JOBN, 5th DUKE OE ARGYLL. The Earl of Arran. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1723; d. 180G. Half figure, standing to r. ; liead turned to ]. ; r. arm resting on the base of a jMllar; blue velvet dress; dark Q;rev bnckaround. Painted 1770. Canvas, 40 In- 30 in. 146 Portrait of MISS FANNY KEMBLE, afterwards MRS. TWISS. Mrs. AVAucHorE of Niddrie. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Daughter of Roger Ivemble, and sistx r of Mrs. Siddons; b. 1759; became an actress and performed at Drury Lane ; m. Francis Twiss, Esq., and retired from the stage ; d. 1812. Half figure to 1., three-quarter profile to 1. ; white dress with blue sash, and ribbon round neck; fair liair; light grey background. Painted 1783. Canvas, 28 by 23 in. 42 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 147 TEE BEAUMONT FAMILY. H. F. Beaumont, Esq. George Romney The four children and the son-in-law of Richard Beanmont, Esq., of Whitley Beaumont, near Wakefield. (1) Richard Henry Beaumont, b. 1749 ; d. 1810. (2) Charles Beaumont, b. 1750; d. 1774. (3) Thomas Beaumont, b. 1751; d. 1782. (4) Elizabeth, b. 1753; m. 1774 Lieut.- General George Bernard ; d. 1814. (5) Lieut.-General George Bernard. Five full-length life-sized portraits. On the 1. stand Richard, in a red coat, and Charles, side by side ; seated on a chair, a little to the r.^ of centre, is Elizabeth Bernard, in white satin dress open at neck, with bare arms, pointing to a partially painted portrait of her brother Richard, which is held by Thomas Beaumont ; over the back of her chair leans her husband. Canvas, 80 by 106 in. 148 Portrait of H.M. GEORGE IV , AS "PLORIZEL." The Earl of Aeran. Maria Cosway Eldest son of George III. ; b. 1762 ; succeeded to the throne, 1820 ; d. 1830. Half figure to 1., head turned towards the spectator ; dark coat; landscape and sky background. Canvas, 35 by 28 in. George IV. when Prince of Wales corresponded under this name with Mrs. Robinson, the actress, generally known as ''Perdita." 149 Portrait of MRS. PEAMPTON. H. Fetherstonhaugh Frampton, Esq. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Wife of James Frampton, Esq., of Moreton, Dorset. Three-quarter figure, standing to r., three-quarter profile to 1.; blue dress with white gauze scarf, flowers in her hair; her r. hand is holding her skirt. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 160 Portrait of MRS. HATFIELD. Mrs. Perryn. George Romney Mary, daughter of Sir Richard Perryn, Baron of the Exchequer ; b. 1757 ; m. 1788 Alexander Hatfield, Captain 15th Regiment of Dragoons; d. 1834. Half figure, seated to 1., looking at the spectator ; hands clasped, and only partly seen; white dress cut low, dark blue sash, light gauze veil thrown over her head; landscape background. Canvas, 29 by 24 in. 43 LENT BY PAINTER. 161 THE DISEMBAEKATION. John Francis Whale Ure, Esq. William Hogarth This picture may represent a scene suggested to Hogarth during his five days' trip down the river to Sheppey. The principal figure is a stout citizen, for whose custom as he descends from the vessel two boatmen are disputing. Various other amusing incidents are depicted. Inscribed " Tho' in Pleasure's pursuit Thus I brave the fierce Tide Yet no Comfort I find Like my Shop in Cheapside." Painted in an oval. Canvas, 24^ by 31 in. 162 Portrait of ADMIRAL HAWKINS. Mrs. Fleischmann. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Three-quarter figure to r., in naval uniform ; large wig ; curtain back- ground. Canvas, 35! by 28 i in, 163 LA^JDSOAPE. The Hon. Evan Charteris. Richard Wilson, R.A. Eocky foreground, with two men and trees on the 1., and a lake ; on the farther side of the lake are hills, on one of which is a tower ; flat country to the r. ; blue sky, with clouds. Canvas, 27 by 35 in. 164 Portraits of SIR JOHN OLERK:, 5th BT., of Penicuik, and ROSEMARY DAORE, his Wife. Sir George D. Clerk, Bt. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Son of Sir George, 4th Bt. ; m Rosemary, dauuhter of Joseph Dacre, Esq. ; d. 1798. Two three-quavter figures, standing together in a landscape under a tree; Lady Clerk, bareheaded, in white; Sir John, with broad-brimmed hat, in dark coat and light breeches, his r. arm outstretched. Painted about 1700. Canvas, 57 by 82 in. 155 LANDSCAPE. B. H. Benson, Esq. Thomas Gainsborough, R.A. Trees on 1 , with a cottage, in front of which are two figures ; in the centre is a man with three horses, one of which is lying down, and a dog ; un- dulating country to r. ; cloudy sky. Canvas, 21 by 27 in. 44 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 156 Portrait cf LADY WILLIAM GOEDON. The Hon. Edward Wood. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Hon. Frances Ingram-SlieplierJ, second daughter of diaries Ingram, 10th Lord Irvine; m. 1781 Lord William Gordon, second son of Cosmo George, 3rd Duke of Gordon. This lady was the mother of the child who sat for the " Angels' Heads," by Sir Joshua, in the National Gallery. Bust; full face; black dress, cut low; hair dressed high, and powdered. Painted in an oval. Canvas, 29 by 24 1 in. 157 Portraits of THE MIS3ES COTTON, AND THEIR NLEOE. The Rev. W. J. Stracey Clitherow. "WiHiam Hogarth » Interior of a room, in which are six small full-length figures. Four ladies are seated near a tea-table, with their backs to the fireplace ; a fifth is standing, and a servant on the 1. is bringing a chair for her. Canvas 25^ by 29 in. 158 Portraits of GEORGIANA, COUNTESS SPENCER, AND HER DAUGHTER GEORGIANA, afterwards DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. The Duke of Devonshire. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Daughter of the Eight Hon. Stephen Poyntz; m, 1755 John Spencer, Esq., of Althorp; created successively Baron, Viscount, and Ear! Spencer. The child — Lady Georgiana Spencer — m. the 5th Duke of Devonshire, and was noted for her wit and beauty. Gainsborough and Reynolds both painted well-known pictures of her. Inscribed " Georgiana Countess Spencer, and her daughter Lady Geor- giana, afterwards Duchess of Dei^onshire, by Sir Jos^ Reynolds." Sketch. Life size. Canvas, 29^ by 24 in. 159 A SPANISH GJRL. Mrs. Marshall. Sir WiHiam Beechey, H.xA. Bust to 1., head turned and looking at the spectator ; brown dress ; dark background. Canvas, 22 by 18 in. (oval). GALLERY No. IV. 45 PAINTER. LANDSCAPE. 1910] LENT BY 160 The Key. Egbert L. Dashwood. George Morland View, looking over an undulating country, with trees and a cottage on the 1. ; in the foreground are cattle, horses, and sheep ; on the r., seated, are a man and a woman nursing a child, and a dog; beyond them, in the middle distance, is seen a waggon, drawn by three horses ; cloudy sky. Signed, " G. Morland." Canvas, 33 by 42 in. 161 Portrait of LADY BEAUMONT. The Eakl of Akkan. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Margaret, daughter of John Willes, of Astrop, Northants ; m. 1778 Sir George Beaumont, 7t]i Bart., a distinguished patron of the Arts: d. 1829. Bust to r. ; dark dress; hair dressed high; dark background. Painted 1778-80. Canvas, 30 by 25 in. 162 Portrait of THE PAINTEE. The Eaul of Ahuan. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.K.A. B. 1723 ; first President of the Eoyal Academy ; d. 1792. Bust to r.,full face ; blu(^; dark background. Canvas, 22 by IGi in. 163 VIEW IN VENICE. Colonel E. J. CooPKit. Canaletto View, looking across water, on which are many boats and gondolas, to a church on the iarther side ; bridge on r. ; blue sky, with white clouds. Canvas, 26 by 44 in. 164 Portrait of THE EAEL OF PEMBEOKE, K.G. John Francis Whale Uue, Esq. Van Dyck Philip Herbert ; b. 1584 ; succeeded his brother as 4th Earl, 1G30 ; Lord Chamberlain, 1626-41 ; d. 1650. Bust to 1., head turned towards the spectator; blue dress, wide lace collar ; long hair ; dark background. Canvas, 22 by 17 in. 46 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 166 LANDSCAPE, WITH CATTLE. Ralph Aldehson, Esq. Thomas Sidney Cooper, R.A. Cattle, sheep, and a horse, standing and lying down in front of a thatched shed ; trees and a cottage in the middle distance, on the r. ; cloudy sky. Signed and dated, " T. S. Cooper, 1835." Canvas, 17 by 20^ in. 166 Portrait of GEORaE JOSEPH BELL. The Hon. Evan Charteris. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Professor of Scots Law, Edinburgh University ; b. 1770 ; d. 1843. Bust to r. ; nearly full-face; dark coat; spectacles; dark background. Canvas, 29 by 24 in. 167 THE DEPOSITING OP 6I0VANUI BELLINPS THEEE PICTUEES IN THE CHUKOH OP THE REdENTORE, VEEICE. J. Pierpont Morgan, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Yiew, looking along the Canal of the Giudecca towards San Giorgio, which is seen in the distance; to r. the Eedentore; in the middle of the picture a State Barge, decorated with flags and flowers, and surrounded by numerous gondolas, in some of which are the pictures, supported by men ; crowds watch the pageant from boats and from the shore ; blue sky, with clouds. Canvas, 28 by 44 in. 168 Portrait of MISS ELIZABETH WELWOOD, of Garvock. John A. Maconochie Welwood, Esq. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. B. 1752 ; m. Allan Maconochie, 1st Lord Meadowbank ; d. 1822. Half figure to L, nearly fulhface; white cap, white ruff, black gown; curtain background. Painted 1818. Canvas, 29 by 24 in. 169 THE CHUECH STA MAEIA DELLA SALUTE, VENICE. The Hon. Evan Charteris. James Holland Yiew, looking across the water towards the church, alongside which are lying many boats and gondolas; buildings on r. and in the background. Canvas, 13^ by 17 in. 1910] GALLERY No. V. 47 GALLERY No. V. OIL PAINTINGS-Nos. 170-192. LENT BY PAINTER. 170 THE BKITISH INSTITUTION, PALL MALL. Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. Unknown This may be the picture by J. S 'arlett Davies, exhibited at the British Institution in 1830 under the title " Interior of the British Gallery." Among the well-known pictures depicted on the walls is "The Holy Family," of Sir Joshua Eeynolds, which had been sold by Lord Gwydyr's executor-; to the British Institution, and was exhibited in the Institution's Old Masters Exhibition in 1829, and subsequently presented by the Governors of the Institution to the National Gallery. Another picture is the " Woman Pumping," by N. Maes, in the present Exhibition (No. 71). The portrait of Benjamin West, to whom Northcotc is si i owing a portrait of Eeynolds, appears to be taken from that by Lawrence in the National Gallery. Northcote died in 1831, the year after this picture was painted. Nothing is known of the other figures. Canvas, 43 by 55 in. 171 HERCULES AUD OMPHALE. Harry N. Jonas, Esq. Gavin Hamilton On the 1. Hercules, seated beneath a canopy, and holding a skein of wool, leans back and looks up at Omphale standing on the r. ; she has put on his lion's skin ; landscape background. Canvas, 26 by 21 in. 172 DIANA AND OALLISTO. Charles Newton-Robinson, Esq. Fran9ois Le Moine At the foot of some high rocks on the r. flows a stream overhung by trees on the 1. ; beside it, seated on a rock, Diana, attended by several nymphs, is pointing with her 1. hand at Callisto, who, on the other side of the stream, has sunk in a suppliant attitude, and covers her face. Canvas, 28 i by 35 in. 173 Portrait of A GIKL. E. H. Benson, Esq. William van der Vliet Half-figure, standing to 1. at a t>ble, looking at the spectator; dark figured dress, witle lace collar and cuffs; jewelled heail-dress ; in her r. hand she holds a pink, and in her 1. her gloves ; dark backirround Panel, 34 by 27 in. 48 WOEKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 174 Portrait of A MAN. The Marquess of Winchester. Unknown Half-figure, standing to r., holding in liis r. hand a book which rests on a table, on which there are also an inkstand, a bag of coins, and two documents with Dutch inscriptions; black dress trimmed with fur; white ruff and cuffs; dark background. Inscribed "An" Dfii 1597, acta, suae 55." Panel, 42 by 32 in. 176 THE KING OF TWELFTH NiaHT. The Duke or Devonshire. Jacob Jordaens A composition of thirteen figures At the centre of a richly laden table sits the King, facing the spectator ; on his head a crown, and in his hand a glass of wine; behind him stands a buffoon with raised arms; two women are seated on the King's 1 , the nearest to him laughing and holding in her r. hand a fork, the other holding a glass of wine in her r hand, and supporting with her 1. a child on her lap, who is blowing a whistle ; three other figures, one of them blowinjj; the bag-pipes, are seen behind. On the King's r. sits a laughing woman, whom a man standing behind is chucking under the chin ; near them another woman is holding the head of a man who is feeling rather the worse for his debauch ; behind are a woman, in a hat, holding a glass, into which a man standing behind her is pouring wine. Some flagons stand on a wine cooler in front of the table, and near them is a dog. Canvas, 65 by 93 in. Variants of this picture are to be found at A^ienna, Brunswick, Cassel, and elsewhere, under the title Das Fest des Bohnenkonigs," and at Brussels and the Louvre under that of " Le Eoi Boit." 176 Portrait of THE PAINTEE'S WIFE. Mrs. Drummond Forbes. Nicholas Maes Three-quarter figure, nearly full-face, standing in a wooded landscape, and resting her 1. elbow on a bank ; with her r. hand she holds a brown scarf; white satin dress, short sleeves; pearl earrings and necklace ; dark background. Canvas, 49 by 39 in. 177 Poi-trait of CAPTAIN (afterwards ADMIRAL) NORWICH DUFF. E. Alexander Duff, Esq. Sir Henry Raeburn, R.A. Half-length, seated to 1 , looking at the spectator ; bareheaded, in uniform ; his r. hand holds his hat, and his 1. rests on the hilt of his sword ; brown background. Painted 1822. Canvas, 34.} by 27 in. 1910] GALLERY No. Y. 49 LENT BY PAINTER. 178 Portrait of A LADY. Colonel J. G. Williams. Jan Anthony van Ravestein Bust to L, looking at the spectator; black dress trimmed with fur, white ruff and cap ; dark background. Inscribed, " Aetatis 70, A'^ 1612." Panel, 27^ by 21 in. (oval). 179 Portrait of A MAN. Mrs. Wauchope of Niddrie. Dutch School Half-figure; head slightly to 1. ; black dress, and white collar with tassels, black high-crowned hat; long hair; holding a paper in his 1. hand; dark background. Inscribed, "Toledo, el afio 1634. d.v.'" Canvas, 30 by 26 in. 180 Portraits of MASTER PAUL COBB METHUEN, AND HIS SISTEB CHRISTIAN (afterwards LADY BOSTON). General The Lord Methuen. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. Children of Paul Methuen, Esq., of Corsham. (See No. 116.) Full-length figures, both in fancy costume ; he leaning against some steps, she seated on the ground ; a cat is crouching on a wall, looking at a puc-dog below ; landscape background. Painted 1758. Canvas, 80 bv 67 in. 181 Portrait of H.M. GEORGE III. Royal Academy. Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A. B. 1738; succeeded his grandfather, George II., 1760; founded the Royal Academy in 1768; d. 1820. Full-length, seated in front on the throne, in robes, holding the sceptre in his r. hand ; his r. foot on a footstool ; on a table to 1. is the crown ; curtain and architectural background. Painted 1779. Canvas, 108 bv 72 in. D 50 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 182 LANDSCAPE. The Lord Belhaven and Stenton. Frederick Moucheron Tall trees occupy the greater part of the picture ; through an opening between them is seen a plain, with a house in the middle distance and hills beyond ; in the foreground are several men in pursuit of game ; aniongst them one running and blowing a horn, another with two dogs drinking from a pool; beside him lies some game. Signed, "F. de Moucheron." Canvas, 70 by 57 in. 183 Portrait of MRS. WHEELER. The Loed Gwydyr. Nathaniel Dance, E.A. Half-figure, seated to 1.^ looking at the spectator; hands crossed, and holding a book ; blue dress, trimmed with lace ; white lace shawl and cap under large black hat ; dark background. Inscribed " A. W. Ob' 1778." Canvas, 35 by 27 in. 184 Portrait of A LITTLE GIRL. Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. Nicholas Lancret Small full-length figure, sitting in a wooded landscape ; full face ; low-cut pink satin dress, short sleeves ; holding an open fan in her raised r. hand ; beside her is a dog. Canvas, 31 by 25 in. 185 Portrait of THE PAINTER. J. PiERPONT Morgan, Esq. Marie L. E. Vigee le Brun B. 1755 ; d. 1842. Three-quarter figure, seated to r , facing the spectator, her r. arm resting on a green cushion ; white and gold dress nnd head-dress, puce coloured velvet jacket, belt with medallion in front ; long fair hair falling over her shoulders ; grey background. Panel, 39 by 31 in. 186 Portrait of MADAME DE GRiaNAN. Anonymous. Pierre Mignard Daughter of Madame dc Sevigne. Half-figure to r., looking at the spectator; low-cut rich dress; pearl necklace and ear-rings, pearls in her fair hair, which falls in curls over her shoulders ; dark iDackground. Painted in an oval. Canvas, 29 by 23 in. 1910] GALLERY No. V. 53! LENT BY PAINTER. 187 rOX HUNTING. General The Lord Methuen. Francis Snyders View, over a wide spreading wooded landscape, with high trees on the 1. ; in the foreground a mixed pack of hounds are pursuing some foxes, one of which a greyhound has caught. Canvas, 81 by 132 in. 188 LA DEVIDEUSE. J. PiERPONT Morgan, Esq. Jean Baptiste Greuze Three-quarter figure of a fair-haired girl, seated to 1. ia a wooden chair, winding a ball of wool, with the threads of which a kitten is playing; full face; blue-and- white striped dress and white necker- chief, and mob-cap with blue band ; she holds a workbasket on her lap, and a pair of scissors is suspended by a piece of string from the chair, on the top bar of which is carved the letter "B"; grey back- giound. Painted 1759. Canvas, 28^ by 23 in. 189 Portrait of TEE HON. CHARLOTTE OLIVE. The Earl of Powis. Angelica Kauffman, R.A. Daughter of Eobert, first Lord Clive; m. 1788 Lieut.-Col. Lambert P. Walpole; d. 1814. Three-quarter figure, seated to r. in a wooded landscape, looking over her r. shoulder ; low-cut pink dress, trimmed witli gauze, short sleeves, gauze scarf ; large straw hat. Signed and dated, " Angelica Kauffman, pinx : Eomae, 1787." Canvas, 50 by 40 in. 190 Portrait of MADAME DE POMPADOUE. J. PiERPONT Morgan, Esq. Charles Andre Van Loo The famous mistress of Louis XV., and a great patroness of art ; b. 1721 ; d. 1764. Half figure, standing to 1. in a garden ; head slightly turned, and looking at the spectator ; low cut old-gold dress with short sleeves, trimmed with bows of blue ribbon ; straw hat, lined with blue, and tied under her chin ; r. hand upraised and holding a spray of plumbago : pearl bracelet on 1. arm, on which is suspended a basket of various cut flowers. Painted 1750. Canvas, 32 by 25 in. D 2 52 WOEKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 191 Portrait of A LADY, WITH DOG. Captain Heywood-Lonsdale. Jean Baptiste Le Prince Small full-length, seated to 1. at a tea table ; white skirt and pink jacket trimmed with fur; her 1. hand pats a dog, which jumps up at her; on :the 1. behind the table stands an artist, with palette, brushes, and mahlstick. Canvas, 24 by 18 in. View, looking along the Thames, which bends to the r. ; wooded banks on either side ; houses in the middle distance, with the castle above ; in the foreground is a barge towed by a horse in charge of a man, beside whom is a dog ; cattle coming to the river to drink on r. ; cloudy sky. (Canvas, 51 by 77 in. 1193 WINDSOE CASTLE. .Athol Thorne, Esq. George Barret, R.A. 1910] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 53 BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. OIL PAINTINGS & WATER COLOUR DRAWINGS, by the late EDWARD JOHN GREaORY, R.A.— Nos. 193-229. LENT BY PAINTER. 193 DAWN. Harold PIaktley, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small sketch for tlie finished picture No. '200. Sitrned witli monogram and inscribed, " Retouched Aug./05." Canvas, 10^ by 9 in. 194 THE BRIDE. William ViviAxV, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small full-length figure, in profile, to 1. ; wliite satin dress, and veil. Signed, " E. J. G." Water colour, 5 by 3i in. 196 TWO aiRLS IN A BOAT. Wolf Haiikis, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. View, looking along the bank of a river, with flat country beyond ; in the foreground is a boat, in which are two girls, one of whom holds an open parasol, and the other a fishing-rod. Signed and dated, "E. J. G., '83." Canvas, 11 by 16 in. 196 Portrait of THE PAINTER. John Maddocks, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. B. 1850; A.R.A. 1883; R.A. 1898; d. 1909. Bust to r. ; head slightly turned, looking at the spectator; dark coat. Signed E. J. Gregory."' Canvas, 19 by 14^ in. 54 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 197 INTEUDERS. James Mueray, Esq., M.P. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Two girls, one seated in a rowing-boat, and the other standing on a houseboat moored beside a river bank overhung with trees, are watching some swans; blue sky, with white clouds. Signed and dated, E. J. Gregory, '84." Canvas, 34 by 20 in. 198 Portrait of MISS OALLOWAY. Mes. David Lascelles. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Three-quarter figure, seated, facing the spectator; white satin dress, open at the neck, short sleeves ; holding a fan in her r. hand. Signed with monogram, and dated '80." Canvas, 49 by 38 in. 199 THE EEHEAESAL. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Interior of a room ; a lady, in a pink dress, seated, holding a fan ; behind her stands a gentleman, his r. hand resting on the back of the chair. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, '81." Canvas, 35^ by 21^ in. 200 THE MEDWAY. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. View looking up the river, on which are many craft ; hills in the background ; docks, with steamers and lighters alongside, on the 1. ; cloudy sky, a strong wind blowing. Signed, " E. J. G." Canvas, 7 by 18 in. 201 STUDY OP A MAN. Mes. Geegoey. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Bust, full face; wearing a gorget. Canvas, 232 by 19i in. 202 "HE COMETH NOT." SiE Alexandee Hendeeson, Bt. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Small full-length figure of a girl, in blue and pink dress, standing beside a grassy bank, and looking at the spectator. Canvas, 24 by 16 in. 1910] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 55 LENT BY PAINTER. 203 THE GROD CANAL, VENICE. Egbert F. Riddick, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. View, looking towards the Church of St. Maria della Salute ; houses on either side ; on the canal are several gondolas. Signed, " E. J. Gregory." Canvas, 14^ by 25 in. 204 Portrait of the late DUNCAN McLAEEN, ESQ., M.P. The Eight Hon. Sir Charles McLaren, Bt., M.P. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Bust to r. in profile ; dark coat. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, 77." Canvas, 23^ by 19^ in. 206 Portrait of H. R. ROBERTSON, ESQ. H. E. EoBERTsoN, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Bust, head turned to r. ; wearing armour, and holding a helmet in his 1. hand. Canvas, 24 by 20 in. 206 DAWN. John S. Sargent, Esq., E.A. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Interior of a room; small full-length figures of a lady and gentleman, in evening dress, standing leaning against a piano, at which is seated a musician, whose head and shoulders are seen on the 1. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, Oct. 7G." Canvas, 57 by 44 in. 207 Portrait of the late C. J. GALLOWAY, ESQ. Captain H. B. Galloway. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Bust, slightly to 1. ; nearly full face, looking at the spectator ; wearing an eye-glass; dark coat; dark red tie. Signed, "E. J. Gregory." Canvas, 29^ by 24 in. 208 GIRL WITH WINE-FLASK. Mrs. Gregory. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Half-length figure ; head turned to r. ; wearing a red shawl, and holding a flask in her 1. hand. Canvas, 26^ by 21^ in. (oval). 56 WOKKS BY THE OLD MAST EES. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 209 MAKOONED. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. A girl is seen reclining in a canoe, holding a parasol, and turning towards another girl, who stands on a small island to the 1. ; bright snnshine. Signed, " E. J. G." Canvas, 16 by 22 in. 210 m THE DUMPS. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small full-length figure of a little girl, in pale green dress with pink sash ; seated in a dejected attitude at the top of a staircase ; oak panelling in the background. Signed, "E. J. G." Water colour, Idh by 10 in. 211 THE PIEATE SHIP. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. On the deck of the ship, which, in full sail, occupies the. foreground of the picture, are several figures ; the principal one is that of a man, whose arm is being bandaged by an old woman ; near them are two women reclining on cushions in the stern. Signed, " E. J. G." Water colour 14 by 22 in. 212 BUTTEEPLIES. Sir Alexander Henderson, Bt. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Small half length of a young girl, in striped bodice and flowered skirt, seated on a bench, looking at the spectator, and supporting her head with herl. hand; three butterflies hover over her hat. Signed and dated, " E. J. G. '97." Water colour, 15i by 15i in. (circular). 213 Portrait of MISS VIOLET HENDERSON. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, E.A. Full length of a little girl, standing to 1., with her head turned over her 1. shoulder, looking at the spectator; on a stool to the r. is a kitten, about to spring on a ball of pink wool which lies on the floor; on the wall behind hangs a mirror, in which is seen the reflection of the studio, with the artist arranging his easel, and another man seated. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, 1905." Water colour, 31 by 21 in. 1910] 57 LENT BY PAINTER. 214 ON THE BKINK OF A DISCOVERY. H. W. Henuekson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. On the bank of a stream overhung by trees are four ladies, who have!" left their boat and are having tea ; three of them are seated, and the fourth standing against a willow, listens to the conversation of a man and a girl in a punt. Signed and dated, "E. J. Gregory, 1901." Water colour, 12 by 16^ in. 216 APRES. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small full-length figure of a girl with long fair hair, in a richly em- broidered red and white dress, seated on a stool facing the spectator; her chin rests on her 1. hand, and her r. liolds a mandolin. Signed and dated, '^E. J. G., 1900." Water colour, 10^ by 11 in. Small replica in water colour of tlie artist's Diploma picture. 216 Portrait of RONALD HENDERSON. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Full-length of a little boy, in white, sitting in a woodland scene, at the foot of some birches ; in his 1. hand he holds a string attached to a toy balloon. Canvas, 55^ by 44 in. 217 THE SOUND OF OARS. W. Newall, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. A girl reclining in a hammock, which is slung between trees on the wooded bank of a stream, turns lier head to 1. in a listening attitude. Signed, and dated, " E. J. G., 89 ? " Water colour, 10 by 14 in. 218 A GIRL READING. WohF Harris, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small full-length figure, seated before a mirror, with her back to the spectator, reading a paper; low-cut white satin dress. Signed and dated, " E. J, G., 1902." Water colour, IG by 11 in. 58 WORKS BY THE OLD MASTERS. [1910 LENT BY PAINTER. 219 DOREEN ; Dangliter of WILLIAM NEWALL, ESQ. W. Newall, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Full-length of a little girl leaning against a bench, at the foot of which some pansies and iris are growing; she holds a doll in her 1. hand, and supports herself with her r. ; wooded background. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, 1903." Water colour, 29i by 19 in. 220 Portrait of J. WHITE TODD. ESQ. J. W. Todd, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Head, facing the spectator ; dark coat and waistcoat. Water colour. 12i by Hi in. (octagonal). 221 THE YOUNG BOTAIIIST. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Full-length figure of a young girl, in a white dress, stooping to pick some flowers at the edge of a field of ripe corn ; in the distant back- ground are wooded hills. Signed and dated, " E. J. G., '95." Water colour, 15 by 9 in. 222 LAST TOUCHES. Sir Horace Regnart. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Interior of a studio ; the artist, seated before his easel and holding a palette, leans back to look at the canvas ; in the background is a lady in evening dress, who stands with her back to the fireplace, on either side of which is a suit of armour. Signed and dated, " E. J. Gregory, '81." Water colour, 22i by 17 in. 223 ON THE NAZE. Harold Hartley, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. A wide stretch of water, on which are several vessels, the principal being a barge with brown sails ; blue sky, with clouds. Signed " E. J. Gregory." Water colour, 8 by 14 in. 224 THE MILLEE'S DAUGHTER. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. A girl, in white dress with yellow sash, seated on a wooden fence, and fishing in a stream close to a bridge ; part of a mill is seen in the background. Signed, and dated, " E. J. G., 96." Water colour, 13^ by 10 in. 1910] BLACK AND WHITE ROOM. 59 LENT BY PAINTER. 335 ST. GEORGE. SiK Alexander Henderson, Bt. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Bust, to 1., showing hands ; head turned slightly to r. ; wearing armour, which is partly concealed by a red cloak ; hands folded, and grasping the hilt of his sword. Signed, " E. J, Gregory." Water colour, 25^ by 22 in. 336 A LOOK AT THE MODEL. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Portrait of the artist. Small three-quarter figure, seated, with hands clasped round his knee, and holding palette and brushes. Signed, " E. J. G." Water colour, 10 by Uh in. 337 THE PET OF THE CREW. H. W. Henderson, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Looking along the deck of a ship ; the stern occupies the whole of the foreground ; in it are several figures, male and female, in recumbent attitudes ; towards them advances a man with a child. Water colour, 8i by 13.1 in. 338 A STITOH IN TIME. William Vivian, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. A lady, seated to r., at a window; slie has tlirown back lier fur cloak over her shoulders, and is mending the liem of lier skirt with a sewing- machine. Signed, " E. J. G." Water colour, 14 by 11 in. 339 SIR GALAHAD. John Hart, Esq. E. J. Gregory, R.A. Small full-length figure of the knight, on horseback. Signed, "E. J. Gregory." Water colour, 29 by 17^ in. 60 INDEX No. 1. [1910 INDEX No. 1. NAMES OF THE CONTEIBUTOES OF WORKS. Agnew, Lockett, Esq., Ill, 113, 133 Alderson, Ralph, Esq., 165 Amherst, The Earl, 78, 89, 129 Anonymous, 125, 186 Arran, The Earl of, 145, 148, 161, 162 Beaumont, H. F., Esq., 147 Belhaven and Stenton, The Lord, 107, 118, 182 Benson, R. H., Esq., 1, 3, 6-17, 19, 22-24, 26-33, 35, 51, 54, 56, 57, 124, 126, 155, 173 Bradley, George, Esq., 50 Carrington, John, Esq., 18 Charteris, The Hon. Evan, 153, 166, 169 Clerk, Sir George D., Bt., 154 Clitherow, The Rev. W. J. Stracey, 157 Cooper, Colonel R. J., 75, 79, 163 Dashwood, The Rev. Robert L., 134, 160 Davis, Charles, Esq., 25 Dawson, Captain A. 37 De Peyronnet, Mademoiselle, 38 Devonshire, The Duke of, 39, 121, 158, 175 Donaldson, Sir George, 40, 105 Duff, E. Alexander, Esq., 177 Edwardes, Thomas, Esq., 63 Equitable Life Assurance Society, 135 Fleischmann, Mrs., 152 Forbes, Mrs. Drummond, 176 Frampton, H. Fetherstonhaugh, Esq., 64, 149 Frere, Laurie, Esq., 45, 47 Galloway, Captain H. B., 207 Gregory, Mrs., 201, 208 Griffith, Major E. H., 65, 73, 82, 84, 93, 98 103 Gwydyr, The Lord, 60, 183 Harris, Wolf, Esq., 195, 218 Hart, John, Esq., 229 Hartley, Harold, Esq., 193, 223 Henderson, Sir Alexander, Bt., 202, 212, 225 Henderson, H. W., Esq., 209, 211, 213, 214, 216, 224, 226, 227 Heywood-Lonsdale, Captain, 34, 36, 58, 67, 96, 110, 170, 184, 191 Holland, Miss, 140 HoUond, Edmund R., Esq., 70, 83, 86, 88, 104 I Hope, Sir Theodore C, K.C.S.I., CLE., 2, 4 Huntingfield, The Lord, 91, 94 Iveagh, The Viscount, 120, 122, 136 Jonas, Harry N., Esq., 171 1 Lane, J. Henry H. V., Esq., 59, 62, 66, 68, 90 Lascelles, Mrs. David, 198 Leicester, The Earl of, 128, 130, 132 London, The Ven. the Archdeacon of, 144 McLaren, The Rt. Hon. Sir Charles, Bt., M.P., 204 Maddocks, John, Esq., 196 Marsh, Colonel Jeremy-Taylor, 80 Marshall, Mrs., 159 j Methuen, Gen. the Lord, G.C.B., 43, 76, ' 106, 116, 180, 187 1910] INDEX Morgan, J. Pierpont, Esq., 21, 44, 142, 167, 185, 188, 190 Mortlock, The Rev. Edward, 74, 77 Murray, James, Esq., M.P., 197 Murray, J. S.,Esq., 123 Naylor, J, Murray, Esq., 112 Neeld, Lieut.-Col. Sir Audley D., Bt., C.B., 95, 131 Newall, W., Esq., 53, 217, 219 Newton-Robinson, C, Esq., 55, 172 Ogle, Newton C, Esq., 115 Parker, The Rev. Sir W. Hyde, Bt., 92 Perry n, Mrs., 150 Powis, The Earl of, 52, 189 Pretyman, Ernest G., Esq., M.P., 42, 46 Regnart, Sir Horace, 222 Riddick, Robert P., Esq. 203 Robertson, H. R., Esq., 205 Robinson, Sir J. C, C.B., 49, 119 Royal Academy of Arts, 181 Sackville, Colonel S. G. Stopford, 127 Sanford, Colonel, 108 Sargent, John S., Esq., R.A., 206 No. 1. 61 Sinclair, Trustees of Archibald H. M., Esq., 109 Speyer, Edward, Esq., 85, 87, 102 Staffordshire General Infirmary, Stafford, The President (Earl of Lichfield), and Governors of, 141 Sterling, Major-General John, 5 Swaythling, The Lord, 69, 71 Thorbon, Mrs., 61, 72, 81, 99 Thome, Athol, Esq., 192 Todd, J. W., Esq., 220 Ure, John Francis Whale, Esq., 48, 151, 164 . Vivian, William, Esq., 194, 199, 200, 210, 215, 221, 228 Wantage, The Lady, 137, 138 Ward, T. Humphry, Esq., 20, 97, 100 Wauchope of Niddrie, Mrs., 117, 146, 179 Welwood, John A. Maconochie, Esq., 168 Wemyss, The Earl of, 41, 114, 143 Williams, Colonel J. G., V.D., 178 Winchester, The Marquess of, 174 Wood, The Hon. Edward, 101, 139, 156 62 INDEX No. 2. [1910 INDEX No. 2. NAMES OF THE AETISTS. Barret, George, E.A. [1732 ?-i784]... 192 Bartolommeo Veneto [early in 16th century]... 54 Beechey, Sir William, R.A. [175 3-1839]... 159 Belli, Marco, ascribed to [early IGtli cent.] ...33 Bellini, Giovanni [c. 1426-15 16]. ..18, 25, 27 Botticelli, Alessandro Filipepi, caUed San- dro [144 7-1510]. ..10 Botticini [late 15th cent.]... 7 Brauwer, Adrian [c. i6o5-i638]...61 Bright, Henry [18 14-1873]... 143 Canaletto, Antonio Canale, called [1697- 1768]. ..163 Capelle, Jan Van der [p. i65o-i68o]...73 Carpaccio, Vittore [c. 1450-c. 15 22]. ..14 Carrefio de Miranda, Juan [1614-1685]... 48 Claude Gellee, called Claude de Lorraine [c. i6oo-i682]...128, 132 Cleeve, Joas or Joost van [p.c. 1 5 20-c. 15 5 6] ...102 Cooper, T. Sidney, R.A. [i8o3-i9o2]...165 Costa, Lorenzo [1460-1 5 3 5]... 21 Cosway, Maria [175 9-1 8 3 8]... 148 Crome, John [i769-i82i]...186 Cuyp, Albert [1620-1691]... 59, 97, 118 Dance, Nathaniel, R.A. [i734-i8ii]...183 Dow, Gerard [i6i3-i675]...58 Dusart, Cornelius [i66o-i704]...67 Dutch School... 99, 107, 179 Florentine School... 4 Florentine School [15th century]... 3 Francia — Francesco Raibolini, called II [1450-15 17]. ..17 Franciabigio — Francesco Bigi, called [i482-i525]...24 French School... 101 Gainsborough, Thomas, R.A. [i 727-1788] ...116, 135, 137, 140, 141, 152, 155 Garbo— Raffaellino Capponi, called del [i476-i524?]...9 German School... 104 Giovanni di Paolo da Siena [1403-0. 1482] Goyen, Jan van [i596-i666]...72, 91, 96 Gregory, Edward John, fR.A.'ri8so-iQOQ] ...193-229 Greuze, Jean Baptiste [1725-1805]. ..188 Guardi, Giovanni Francesco [1712-179?] ...34,36 Hals, Frank [c. I58i-i666]...75, 78, 89, 95 Hamilton, Gavin [1 730-1797]. ..171 Heem, Jan David de [c. 1603- 16 74]... 74 Heere, Lucas de [15 34-15 84],.. 64 Heist, Bartholomew van der [c. 161 2-1670] ...105 Hogarth, William [i697-i764].,.142, 151, 157 Holbein, Hans [1498-1543]. ..60 106 Holland, James [i8oo-i87o]...169 Hooghe, Peter de [c. 1632-c. 1681]. ..69 Hoppner, John, R.A. [175 8-1810]... 115 Italian School... 40 1910] INDEX No. 2. 63 Jordaens, Jacob [1593-1678]. ..121, 175 Kauffman, Angelica, R.A. [r 741-180 7]... 189 Lancret, Nicholas [1690-1743]. ..184 Lanzani, Polidoro, called Polidoro Vene- ziano [15 15-1565]. ..35 Le Brun, Marie Louise Elisabeth Vig6e [1755-1842]. .,185 Lely, Sir Peter [1618-1680]... 6G Le Moine, Francois [i688-i737]...172 Le Prince, Jean Baptiste [1733-1781]. ..191 Lippi, Filippino [c. 145 7-1504]. ..19 Lotto, Lorenzo [c. 1480-after 155 4]... 15 Lotto, Lorenzo, ascribed to... 28 Luini, Bernardino [c. 1465-after f53o]...8, 11-13, 26 Maes, Nicholas [i632-i693]...71, 80, 176 Melzi, Francesco [c. i49i-i568]...20 Metsu, Gabriel [c. 1630-c. 1667]. ..84 Mignard, Pierre [i6io-i695]...186 Mignon, Abraham [163 9- 1697]... 63 Molenaer, Jan Miense [early in 17th cent.- 1668]... 100 Moretto — Alessandro Bonvicino, called [1498-1555]. ..37, 41 Morland, George [i 763-1 804]... 134, 160 Moucheron, Frederick [c, 163 3-1686]. ..182 Murillo, Bartolome Est6ban [16 17-16 8 2]... 42, 46 Nason, Peter [17th century]... 92 Neer, Aart van der [1603-1677]. ..98 Palma, Jacopo, called Palma Vecchio [1480-15 28]. ..22, 29, 53 Pickenoy, Nicholas Elias, called Elias [c. i59o-i65o]...85 Pinturicchio — Bernardino Biagio di Betto, called [1454-15 13]. ..5 Pitati,.Bonifazio di [1487-1 55 3]... 56 Potter, Paul [1625-1654]. ..65 Raeburn, Sir Henry, E.A. [1756-1823]... 109, 144, 154, 166, 168, 177 Ravestein, J. A. van [c. 15 72-1657]. ..178 Rembrandt van Rhyn [1607-1669]. ..62, 117 Reynolds, Sir Joshua, P. R.A. [1723-1792]... 120, 122, 139, 145, 146, 149, 156, 158, 161, 162, 180, 181 Rizzo de'Vecchi, Francisco, ascribed to... 23 Romney, George [1734-1802]. ..Ill, 113, 147, 150 Rosselli, Cosimo [1439-1507]. ..6 Rubens, Sir Peter Paul [1577-1640I...II9, 123, 129, 131 Russell, John, R.A. [1744-1806]. ..133 Ruysdael, Jacob van [c. 1630-1682]. ..77 Ruysdael, Solomon van [c. 1600-1 670]... 87 Saftleven, Herman [1609-1685]. ..81 Sarto, Andrea del [1487-1531]... 16 Sienese School [early]... 2 Snyders, Francis [1579-1657]. ..187 Spanish School... 44 Steinwyck, Hendrik van (the younger) [1580-1648]. ..76 Subleyras, Pierre [1699-1 749]... 93 Tassi, Agostino [15 65 -1644]... 110 Teniers, David (the younger) [1610-1694]... 79, 90, 103 Terburg, Gerard [16 17-1681]... 82 Tintoretto — Jacopo Robusti, called [1519- 15 94]... 43, 52, 55 Titian — Tiziano Vecelli, called [1477-1576] ...51 Titian, ascribed to... 38, 57 Turner, J. M. W., R.A. [1775-185 1]... 112, 138, 167 Unknown... 50, 68, 86, 108, 170, 174 Van Dvck, Sir Anthony [15 99-1 641]... 124-127, 130, 164 Van Loo, Charles Andr6 [1705 -176 5]... 190 Velasquez, Diego [1599-1660]. ..45, 47, 49 Velde, Adrian van de [c. i635-i672]...70 Velde, William van de [163 3-1 707]... 94 Venetian School... 30 Veronese — Paolo Cagliari, called Paolo [1528-1588]. ..39 Vicenza, School of... 32 Vinci, Leonardo da [1452-15 19]... 31 Vliet, William van der [1584-1642]. ..173 Wilson, Richard, R.A. [1714-1782]... 114, 153 Wouverman, Philip [1614-1668]. ..83, 88 WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED Printers to the Royal Academy GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01429 7150 f