■ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/christophercolumOOcolu CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS HIS OWN BOOK OF PRIVILEGES 1502 ARMS OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS ACCORDING TO THE LETTERS PATENT GRANTED BY THEIR CATHOLIC MAJESTI ES 20 MAY 1493 01)tT5toi)l)ct* 0o I u ml) u g HIS OWN BOOK OF PRIVILEGES 1502 PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE OF THE MANUSCRIPT IN THE ARCHIVES OF THE FOREIGN OFFICE IN PARIS, NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME PUBLISHED, WITH EXPANDED TEXT TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH AND AN HISTORICAL INTRODUCTION THE TRANSLITERATION AND TRANS- THE INTRODUCTION BY LATION BY GEORGE F. BARWICK B. A. OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM HENRY HARRISSE THE WHOLE COMPILED AND EDITED WITH PREFACE BY BENJAMIN FRANKLIN STEVENS LONDON: 4 TRAFALGAR SQUARE, CHARING CROSS B. F. STEVENS 1893 CHISWICK PRESS: — C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO. TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. CONTENTS. Pages Illuminated arms of Christopher Columbits according to the Letters Patent of 20 May, 1493 .... Frontispiece Contents ........... i-iv Preface v-xii Facsimile of the bag of Cordovan leather belonging to Columbus, face xvi INTRODUCTION By Henry Harrisse. Chapter I. Origin of the four cartularies prepared by order of Christopher Columbus in 1502. Presentation of two of them to the Republic of Genoa . xiii Chapter II. A discovery among the Archives of the Department of Foreign Affairs in Paris ........... xxi Chapter III. When and how did the Paris cartulary enter the Archives of the State Department ? .......... xxv Chapter IV. Comparison of the Paris , Genoa , and (lost) Boston cartularies . xxxiii Chapter V. The coat of arms which is emblazoned in the original Paris and Genoa cartularies ........... xl Chapter VI. No heraldic motto in the Paris and Genoa cartularies . . . xlv Chapter VII. Description of the documents comprised in the Paris cartulary . xlviii Chapter VIII. The autograph letters of Columbus to Nicol'o Oderigo and the Office of St. George ........... lxiii Chapter IX. The engraving of the Monastery of las Cuevas and of the mansion of Fernando Columbus .......... lxv CODEX DIPLOMA T 1 CUS OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. Reproduced in facsimile with transliteration and translation. Illuminated title-page ......... 5 Illuminated arms as drawn up by Columbus ..... 7 Notarial declaration of the transcription, made for Columbus , of the following thirty-five documents. ( The end of this declaration is oti pages 177 - 181 .) . . . . 5 January, 1502 10 Document I. Warrant to Fra 7 icis de Soria to deliver to Colum- bus a copy of the privileges and confirmations of the Adi 7 iiral of Castile (repeated at page 122 ) . . . 23 April, 1497 10 Authenticated copy of the confirmation a 7 id amplifications by John II., 1416 and 1419 , of the patent of Henry III., 4 April, 1405 , appointing Alfo 7 iso Enriques Admiral of Castile. The certificate of collation is dated 13 Nov., 1489 . . . . 13-37 Document II. Confirmation of the capitulation or ai'ticles of 1 7 Ap 7 'il, 1492 — the following patents granted to Columbus : (a) Commission as Admiral. (b) Co 77 i 7 nission as Viceroy and Governor General. (c) Right to a tenth of all gold , precious stones, merchan- dise, etc. (d) Cognizance of suits arising from the trade of his A d 7 niralty. (e) Right to contribute art eighth of the cost and take an eighth of the profits of all vessels trading in his Ad- miralty . . . . . 23 April, 1497 37-49 Document III. Confirmation, 23 April, 1497 , of the letters patent of 30 April, 1492 , conferring 071 Colu 77 ibus the rank of A d- 77 iiral, V iceroy, and Governor of the la 7 id he might discover, with recital of these letters patent and their confirmation, 28 May, 1493 , after his first voyage . . . 23 April, 1497 49-66 i a Document IV. Concession to Columbus concerning expenses and the eighth and tenth of the profits . . .12 June , 1497 Document V. Order for the appointment of deputies chosen by the Crown and Cohimbus the better to ascertain his part of the gains ........ 30 May, 1497 Document VI. Instructions to Columbus for the settlement of the Indies ..... Without date [23 April, 1497] Document VII. Order for the supply of provisions for the Indies at customary prices . . . . .23 April , 1497 Document VIII. Instructions to Cohimbus and Antonio de Torres as to settlers , stores , and provisions . . . 15 June , 1497 Document IX. Revocation of the Licence of 10 April, 1495, for voyages of discovery, with recital of Licence . 2 June , 1497 Document X. Remission of duty and toll upon Indian exports and imports . . . . . . .23 April, 1497 Document XI. Further remissions, with Crown officers’ note that these shall be observed from 1 January , 1498 . 6 May, 1497 Document XII. Patent allowing persons guilty of certain crimes to settle in Hispaniola , at their own cost , with a prospective pardon . . . . . . .22 June, 1497 Document XIII. Order to the judicial officers that persons liable to banishment are to be sent to Hispaniola . 22 June, 1497 Document XIV. Order to the Governor of Seville to receive such prisoners and deliver them on board . .22 June, 1497 Document XV. Warrant for the seizure and freightage of vessels required for the Indies . . .22 June, 1497 Document X VI. Delivery order for corn from the Royal Stores for the Indies . . . . . .22 June, 1497 Document X VII. Repetition of the warrant to Francis de Soria [see Doc. I., page 10) . . . . 23 April, 1497 Document XVIII. Authority to Columbus to take into pay 330 persons . . . . . . .23 April, 1497 Document XIX. Mandate for payment of wages upon the Ad- miral's warrants . . . . . .23 April, 1497 Document XX. Mandate for repayment of advances made by Columbus ....... 9 May, 149 7 Document XXL Licence and authority to Columbus to increase the number of persons to 500 [cf. pages 1 22-1 25, Doc. XVIII.) 22 should be 23 April, 1497 Document XXII. Authority to Columbus to afpportion land amongst the settlers in the Indies . . .22 July , 1497 Document XXIII. Commission to Bartholomew Columbus to be “ Adelantado ” of the Indies . . . .22 July, 1497 Document XXIV. Authority to Columbus to pay wages, etc., from the merchandise and other things which may be obtained in the Indies ...... 23 Dec., 1497 Document XXV. Authority to the Bishop of Badajos and the Admiral to contract for provisions . . 23 Dec., 1497 Document XX VI. Mandate ordering the people in the Indies to obey the Admiral as Viceroy and Governor . 16 Aug., 1494 Document XX VII. Mandate ordering captains and mariners to obey the Admiral as Captain-General . . 28 May, 1493 Document XXVIII. Authority to the person whom Columbus might appoint to act in his absence , to grant decrees and charters, sealing them with the royal seal . . .28 May, 1493 ii Pages 66-69 69-70 73 - 7,8 78-82 82-89 89-98 98-101 101-106 106-113 1 1 3-1 1 7 1 17- 118 118- 121 121- 122 122 122- 125 125- 126 126 1 26- 129 129-133 1 33-137 i37 137- 138 138- 141 141-145 145-146 Pages Document XXIX. Licence or authority leaving to the Admiral the sole right of appointing his officers ( cf the second article of the Capitulation, page 42) . . . . 28 May, 1493 Document XXX. Letters patent authorizing the Admiral to ci'eate the sort of entail called “ May or azgo" . . 23 April, 1497 Document XXXI. Letter from Ferdinand and Isabella inviting the Admiral to the Court at Barcelona . 30 March , 1493 Document XXXII. Letter from Isabella sending the A dmiral a transcript of a book left by him , and asking for a sailing chart which he was to prepare .... 5 Sept . , 1493 Document XXXIII. Letter from Ferdinand and Isabella in reply to letters from the Admiral by Antonio de Torres ; they send supplies, express their vexation at the things done contrary to his wish, and recall Bernal de Pisa . . 13 April, 1494 Document XXXIV. Letter from Ferdinand and Isabella promis- ing great rewards to the Admiral, desiring information about the Indies and sending the Articles of the Convention with Portugal . . . . . . .16 Aug., 1494 Document XXX V. Warrant to the Admiral and Fonseca to fit out the second expedition ... . . 24 May, 1493 End of the Notarial declaration ( commenced on page 1 o) of the transcription of the foregoing documents .... Document XXX VI. Bull of Pope Alexander VI., with notarial certificate, 30 Dec., 1502, should be 1501 . 4 May, 1493 Document XXX VII. Mandate ordering the delivery or restitu- tion of property to the Admiral and his brothers, in reparation of wrongs committed by Bobadilla . . . 27 Sept., 1501 Document XXXVIII. Warrant to Commander de Lares to execute the preceding ..... 28 Sept., 1501 Document XXXIX. Warrant to Ximines de Briviesca to give the Admiral an account of the merchandise to be conveyed to the Indies, that he might furnish the eighth part . 27 Sept., 1501 Document XL. Letter from Ferdinand and Isabella respecting the arrangements for the fourth voyage . 14 March, 1502 Document XLI. Repetition of the capitulation or articles of 17 April, 1492 {cf. pages 42-45) ...... Document XLI I. Legal opinion as to the right of Columbus to the third, eighth, and tenth, under the capitulation of 1 7 April, 1492 ........... Document XLIII. Declaration explaining the rights and privi- leges of Columbus under the five articles of the capiticlation Document XLIV. Copy of the letter of Columbus to f uana de Torres, Nurse of Prince Don John of Castile . . .1500 146-149 149-161 161- 162 162- 165 165- 166 166- 170 1 70- 1 77 1 77-181 182-197 198-205 205- 206 206- 209 209-213 218-221 222-226 229-245 246-265 The following four documents from the Genoa Archives are added : — Columbus to Nicolo Oderigo (autograph letter) 21 March, 1502 268 Columbus to the Bank of St. George (< autograph letter ) 2 April, 1502 271 Columbus to Nicolo Oderigo (autograph letter) . 27 Dec., 1504 272 Decree of the Republic of Genoa signifying acceptance of the two Cartularies . . . . . .10 January, 1670 275 INDEX 277 CHRONOLOGICAL ARRANGEMENT OF THE DOCUMENTS COMPRISED IN THE CODEX. 4 April, 1405. 17 April, 1492. 30 March , 1493 - 4 May, 1493 - 24 May, 1493 - 28 May, 1493 - 28 May, 1493 - 28 May, 1493 - 5 Sept., 1493 - 13 April, 1494. 16 Aug., 1494. 16 Aug., 1494. 23 April, 1497. 23 April , x 497 - 23 April, 1497. [23 April, 1 497 -] 23 April, 1497. 23 April, 1497. 23 April, 1497. 23 April, 1497. [2 3] April, 1497 - 23 Ap 7 -il, 1497. 6 May, 1497. 9 May, 1497. 30 May, 1497. 2 June, 1497. 12 June, 1497. 15 June, 1497. 22 June, 1497. 2 2 June, 1497. 22 June, 1497. 22 June, x 497 - 22 Jmie , 1497. 22 July, 1497. 22 July, 1497. 23 Dec., 1497. 23 Dec., 1497. 1500. 27 Sept., 1501. 27 Sept . , 1501. 28 Sept., 1501. 5 Jan., 1502. 1 4 March, 1502. Not dated. Not dated. Patent appointing Alfonso Enriques Admiral of Castile ; confirmed and amplified 17 Aug., 1416, and 6 June, 1419. Doc. I., 13-37 The Capitulation or Articles agreed upon between Columbus and Ferdinand and Isabella. Doc. XLI. , 218-221 The King and Queen to Columbus. Doc. XXXI, 161-162 Bull of Pope Alexander VI. Doc. XXXVI. , 182-197 Warrant to fit out the second expedition. Doc. XXXV., 1 70-1 77 Mandate ordering captains and mariners to obey the Admiral as Captain-General. Doc. XXVII, 141-145 Authority to Columbus's deputy to grant charters and use the royal seal. Doc. XXVIII., 145-146 Licence leaving to Columbus the sole right of appointmg officers. Doc. XXIX., 146-149 Queen Isabella to Columbus. Doc. XXXII., 162-165 The King and Queen to Columbus. Doc. XXXIII., 165-166 The King and Queen to Colutnbus. Doc. XXXIV., 166-170 Mandate ordering the people iti the Indies to obey the Admiral as Viceroy and Governor. Doc. XXVI., 138-141 Warrant to Francis de Soria. Docs. I. and XVII., 10 and 122 Confirmation of the capitulation of 17 April , 1492. Doc. II., 37-49 Confirmation of letters patent of 30 April, 1492. Doc. III., 49-66 Instructions to Columbus for the settlement of the Indies. Doc. VI., 73-78 Order to supply provisions at customary prices. Doc. VII, 78-82 Remission of duty and toll on Indian exports and imports. Doc. X., 98-101 Authority to Columbus to take into pay 330 persons. Doc. XVIII, 122-125 Mandate for payment of wages on the Admiral's warrants. Doc. XIX., 125-126 Licence to Columbus to increase the persons in his pay to 500. Doc. XXI., 126-129 Letters Patent to Columbus to create an entail. Further remission of duties and tolls. Mandate for the repayment of advances made by Columbus. Order to appoint deputies. Revocation of licence of 10 April, 1495. Concession to Columbus concerning expenses and the eighth and tenth of the profits. Instructions to Columbus as to settlers, etc. Patent allowing criminals to settle in Hispaniola. Order that persons liable to banishment be sent to Hispaniola. Order to the Governor of Seville to receive such prisoners and deliver them on board. Warrant for seizure and freightage of vessels. Delivery order for corn froin the Royal Stores. Authority to Columbus to appo7lion land a7/iongst the settlers. Co77i7/iission to Bartholo77iew Colu77ibus. Authority to Columbus to pay wages, etc., fro7n the merchan- dise obtained m the Indies. Authority to the Bishop of Badajos and the Ad77iiral to co 7 itract for provisions. Colmibus to the Nurse of Prince Don foh7i of Castile. Mandate ordering delivery or restitution of property to Colu77tbus and his brothers. Warrant to Ximenes de Briviesca. Warrant to the Co77i77iander de Lares. Nota7-ial certificate , Doc. XXX., 149-161 Doc. XI., 1 01- 1 06 Doc. XX., 126 Doc. V, 69-70 Doc. IX., 89-98 Doc. IV, 66-69 Doc. VIII, 82-89 Doc. XII. , 106-113 Doc. XIII, 113-117 Doc. XIV, 117-118 Doc. XV, 118-121 Doc. XVI, 121-122 Doc. XXII., 129-133 Doc. XXIII., 133-137 Doc. XXIV, 137 Doc. XXV, 137-138 Doc. XLIV, 246-265 The King and Queen to Colwnbus. Legal opmion as to the right of Columbus to the third, eighth, a7idtenth, under the capitulatio7i of 17 April, 1492. Declaration explaining the rights and privileges of Colu/7ibus imdcr the five articles of the capitulation. iv Doc. XXXVII, 198-205 Doc. XXXIX., 206-209 Doc. XXXVIII, 205-206 Pages 10 and 177-181 Doc. XL., 209-213 Doc. XLI I., 222-226 Doc. XLIII., 229-245 preface. OME years ago, in the interchange of civilities and compliments touch- ing rare manuscripts, I had an opportunity of asking M. Girard de Rialle, the learned Director of the Archives des Affaires Etran- geres, Paris, to let me see the most precious document in his keeping. Replying that the most precious object in the Archives was not readily accessible to his assistants, he left me, returning in a few minutes with a small folio volume, which on opening I found to my delight and surprise to be Christopher Columbus’s own Book of Patents, Privileges and Concessions granted to him by Ferdinand and Isabella, a manuscript of exquisite beauty and in an almost perfect state of preservation. Anticipating the great pleasure students would feel in perusing the text of the superior of the two existing transcripts of the Codex in the very form in which Columbus took so much pains to preserve it, I conceived, after many months’ careful consideration, the plan of making the present companion volume to my series of Facsimiles of Manuscripts in European Archives relating to America. That plan involved the separate steps of photographic reproduction, transliteration and translation, with the addition of some autograph letters of Columbus, and an Historical Introduction which should bring Columbian bibliographical and historical information concerning this cartulary down to the present time. My application to the French Government for per- mission to photograph the whole volume was transmitted through Mr. Whitelaw Reid, the American Minister, with v A3 a cordial letter of commendation, and was supported by Mr. Henry Vignaud, the Secretary of Legation, himself a zealous and enlightened antiquary. It was known that I had had considerable experience in making photographic facsimiles of documents, and the Director of the Archives became much interested in my project. Both he and M. Ribot, the then Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, heartily recommended it to the Commission des Archives Diplomatiques, a board of control consisting of a Presi- dent, three Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and about twenty- five members. In due time my request was granted on the general grounds that it was prudent to let the Codex be reproduced in facsimile by some absolutely permanent process, and that the multiplication and distribution of copies would tend to the better preservation of this original text, which in certain respects differs from that of the Genoa Codex. I was permitted to erect a studio in the garden of the Foreign Office for the purpose of making my photo- graphs, and every facility, under most liberal limitations, was extended to me and to the operators by the officials and attendants of the Archival Department. For each separate part of my plan I have been so fortunate as to secure the cordial assistance and co-opera- tion of the best experts, while my own experience in printing was of material use to me in the arrangement of type and in interleaving the manuscript so that all facing pages, whatever their quantity of matter (cf. pp. 106 and 1 66), should have the corresponding amount of trans- literation and translation. In the transliteration the contractions have been ex- panded and a few stops have been introduced, but these, with the usual difference in the use of capital letters, are the only alterations that have been made. Wherever it has been found necessary to emend the text, the reading suggested is added in a bracket. Many Latin phrases in the Bull of Alexander vi. are faulty in spelling, and it has been thought better not to overload the transliteration with bracketed words, but to give at the foot of each of these six pages a copy of the text from the Bullarium. I do not vi know whether the Bull in the other codices, if made by other scribes, was more or less accurate than this. In the translation every effort has been made to give to each word its due force, and, by adopting a strictly literal rendering, to avoid warping the sense. The following illustrative points may be specially mentioned. (i.) “ Privilegio rodado” (pp. 25, 57): this is not, Mr. Barwick thinks, to be found in any Spanish-English dictionary, which no doubt accounts for its previous trans- lation as “ a privilege done up in a roll ” ; it is here rendered “ a privilege with the circle of signatures,” and the circle is really a round robin having the King’s signature in the centre. The word “ rodado” {lit. “wheeled”) admirably expresses the appearance which such a circle presents. (ii.) In pp. 74, 85, etc., several measures of capacity are mentioned ; they are probably Castilian, but as such measures varied very considerably, according to the province in which they were used, it has been thought advisable to retain them in the translation, and to mention here that the equivalents of the Castilian or standard measures at that time were approximately : Azumbre = 3 quarts ; Fanega = ii bushels ; Cahiz = 12 fanegas = 18 bushels. (iii.) A passage in the Letter of Columbus to the Nurse (p. 246), “ Sy yo robara las Yndias o tierra que jaz fase ellas, de que agora es la fabla, del altar de Sant Pedro, y las diera alos moros,” has hitherto been regarded as obscure. But it has apparently escaped notice that “jaz ” is simply an old form of “ yaz ( = yace), while there can be no doubt that, as already suggested by Mr. Major, “ fase ” = fasia (= hacia). With this reading the passage makes both good Spanish and good sense, and its punctuation becomes intelligible. The ink used in the manuscript is generally well preserved, but where the writing is very heavy in the initial letters and opening words of some of the docu- ments, and occasionally in the closer writing and folia- tion, it is partly perished, leaving a bronzed or metallic appearance. Instances in which this has occurred are shown in the broken lines in the facsimile, see pages 107, vii a # hi , 1 1 2, 148, 152, 155, etc. In other places there are evidences of the use of a drying powder, which still adheres to the ink. The rubrications or lines and flourishes at the foot of every page to the end of the Privileges (p. 212) are not mere meaningless ornaments, but the ritbricas , or personal and peculiar flourishes of the scriveners or notaries, giving to every page thus marked the utmost validity. It will be noticed that neither these rubricas nor any authenticating certificates appear on the subsequent documents. To the manuscript volume I have ventured to add three autograph letters of Columbus, and the Decree of the Republic of Genoa in 1670 heretofore unpublished, all relating to the transmission of the precious documents to Genoa and their future preservation. It seems to me that there is no ambiguity in these letters. I quote for ready reference : — Columbus to Oderigo. 21 March, 1502 (p. 268). “ I have given the book of my writings to Messer Francesco di Rivarola, in order that he may send it to you, with another transcript of letters missive. . . . Another similar one shall be finished and sent to you in the same manner, and by the same Messer Francesco ; you will find a new writing in it.” Columbus to the Bank of St.George. 2 April, 1502 (p. 271). “I have sent him [Oderigo] the transcript of myprivilegesand letters.” Columbus to Oderigo. 27 Dec., 1504 (p. 272). “When I set out upon the voyage from which I have just arrived ... I left with Francesco di Rivarola a book of transcripts of letters and another of my privileges in a bag of coloured cordovan, with a silver lock, and two letters for the Office of Saint George. ... I left another book of my privileges, like the abovesaid, at Cadiz with Franco Catanio ... in order that he might forward it to you in like manner.” My own belief is that the notaries put the vellums containing the Patents and Privileges together in the usual form, making them into one “ book,” and then they put the other letters and writings together to form another “ book,” and that these two books, in notarial style, but unbound, were placed in the bag for transmission to Genoa. Perhaps a careful description of the present appear- ance of the Paris Codex will be my best argument as to the absence of any antique binding, and at the same time these particulars may have other interest. The volume, now bound in green morocco stamped with the arms viii of the Second Republic, consists of thirty-eight skins of vellum carefully folded into seventy-six numbered leaves. The first leaf is blank, the second is the notarial title-page (p. 5), the third is the Coat of Arms (p. 7), the fourth to the fifty-third leaves (pp. 10 to 209) comprise the manu- script with the foliation 1 to l. There is no original foliation li and lii, and the Book of Patents, Privileges, etc., ends on the back of folio liii, i.e. on the fifty-fourth leaf (p. 213). Leaves fifty-five to sixty-three are blank, with the exception of their foliation liiii to lxii. The sixty-fourth leaf is folio lxiii, on which begin the Letters missive and other writings (p. 218), continuing to the seventy-fourth leaf, which has the folio number lxxiii. There is no folio lxxiv. The seventy-fifth leaf has the folio number lxxv, and on the reverse of this leaf the Codex ends (p. 265). The seventy-sixth leaf, which is the last original vellum in the volume, has the folio number lxxvi. It should be noted that the blank mem- branes are between the Book of Privileges and the Book of Letters, at the division mentioned by Columbus. The manuscript itself is complete and consecutive, notwithstanding the irregularities and omissions in the foliation. Each sheet of vellum is carefully folded so that it becomes two leaves, and these folio sheets are sewn sometimes singly as two leaves and sometimes with one sheet inset, so making four leaves. None of the mem- branes are cut in the back margins, and there are no single leaves on guards or otherwise, and hence every skin is sewn through its own fold. The vellums were originally intended to be cut to a uniform size, but in a very few cases some are a little short or irregular in the bottom margin. With the careful folding all the top and fore edges are very even, but they have never been cut since being folded, nor have they ever been giit. There are some small holes, at irregular distances from the back in the inner margin, cut clean and sharp like worm-holes, but as book-worms love not vellums these may have been made by other insects that are enemies to vellum books. There are no holes made by a needle or other form of pricking which indicate a previous stitching ix or binding, and hence one must either assume that the sew- ing of the present binding was done with such unexampled carefulness as to exactly utilize all old sewing holes or else that this binding, which was done between 1848 and 1852, is the first that was ever put on the Paris Codex. At the end of the Genoa Codex is added a statement to the effect that four transcripts were made (see Intro- duction, p. xxxix), but there is nothing to indicate when or by whom. It was probably between March 22 and May 8-10, 1502. The transcript on paper taken by Carvajal to the Indies early in 1502 and that on parch- ment deposited in the Monastery of Santa Maria de las Cuevas are both lost. The remaining two are the Paris and Genoa Codices. Adverting to the above quotations, Columbus, March 21, in the confident expectation of being able to get one of the transcripts finished ready for transmission that day with his letter, writes to Oderigo that he is forwarding it, and that another shall be sent. Pie failed, however, to get this transcript from the notaries until the next day, March 22, as appears by the date of the notarial certificate on page 213. This great haste may perhaps partly explain the errors in the foliation of the Paris Codex. In the meantime the promised other copy was finished. The certificate on page 213 is the same in both codices, and both bear the same date, March 22. The “ new writing” may be the letter from the King and Queen dated at Valencia de la Torre, March 14, 1 502, which Columbus received at the “ very time of his depar- ture ” and caused to be inserted at the end of his Book of Privileges, so that the transcript is certified only a week later than the date of the original letter. He marks his sense of the importance of this “ new writing,” not only by mentioning it in his letters to Oderigo, but also by himself marking on one of the transcripts (that now in Paris), in red ink, the hand pointing to a particular passage. Instead of giving the two copies to Rivarola for transmission as intended March 21, he gave him only one, in the bag with the silver lock, and two letters for the Office of Saint George, and there could have been no time X for binding, as he writes on April 2 that it had been sent. The other he retained about a fortnight in Seville and took with him to Cadiz, where, before his departure for the Indies, he gave it to Catanio, also for transmission to Oderigo (letter of Dec. 27, 1 504). It is possible that in this broken interval of less than seven weeks the manuscript may have been bound, a theory in accordance with that of eminent Genoa antiquaries, who believe their volume was bound before it was transmitted by Columbus, and that it is now in the original Spanish binding of 1502. The alternative, and perhaps the probability, is that the interval may have been occupied in executing the table of contents, the marginal precis, and the ornamental initials and borders of that transcript, and that the volume may have been bound by Oderico on the occasion of the presentation of the cartularies to the Republic in 1670. That binding will undoubtedly be technically described in the “ Raccolta di Documenti e Studi ” now being issued, and as, according to the foliation in the table of contents, some blank leaves between the “ Book of Privileges ” and the “ Book of Letters” are missing, and as the subsequent foliation appears to have been tampered with, some particulars on these points will surely be included. The volume easily enters the cordovan bag (p. xvi). It is presumed that Columbus, March 21, had already obtained, for the two transcripts, when completed, bags of coloured cordovan with silver locks, as he says “ another similar one [transcript] shall be sent in the same manner ,” and that these bags were for the preservation of the “ books” of privileges and “ books” of letters and were in lieu of substantial bindings. Probably the bag that originally covered the transcript now designated as the Paris Codex was never forwarded from Italy, or else one bag may have been lost at the time of the respective bindings, whether in Spain, Italy, or France. My projected reproduction in facsimile of the Paris Codex naturally suggested to the Italians the reproduction of their own Codex. The City of Genoa has this year made a limited number of facsimiles of it by phototype, but without any transliteration, translation or introduction, xi for presentation to certain dignitaries and to those Governments whose men -of- war participated in the naval functions and manoeuvres in Genoese waters on the occasion of the Columbian celebration there in 1892. It may be mentioned that the Royal Italian Columbian Commission announces that a transliteration and translation into Italian of the Genoa Codex (but without photographic facsimile) willappear in the “ Raccolta di Documenti e Studi,” Part il, with an Introduction by the learned antiquaries Professor Luigi Tommaso Belgrano and the Marquis Marcello Staglieno. The expressed opinion of the Marquis Staglieno and Signor Angelo Boscassi, the Director of the Archives at Genoa, is that the Genoa transcript is much less perfect than the one taken to Paris by order of Napoleon 1. and which is now preserved in the French capital. This invites the following very superficial comparison. The Paris Codex contains an additional transcript of the Articles of April, 1492, page 218, on which Columbus bases his claims and arguments, pages 222-245, while its text of the Letter to the Nurse is more extended, as mentioned in Mr. Harrisse’s Introduction. The Genoa volume contains the table of contents inserted before the Codex, the marginal prdcis, and the statement already referred to. The fuller text of the Paris Codex is shown by my facsimile. The Genoa Codex is in another hand, more neatly and legibly written, with beautiful arabesque ornaments by pen and by brush, and many of its initial letters are artistically illuminated. To all controversialists and especially to those writers who claim that there were no portraits of Columbus made during his lifetime, I have nothing to say ; but those who are much more imaginative and who would like to find faces for their fancies whether of Columbus, his sons, or of the notaries and scribes, may refer to the notarial title-page of the Paris Codex, where they will find sketch faces in the f of the last line, in the e of the third line, and in the first letter of the page. Different ones there and elsewhere are in the Genoa Codex. These faces were drawn at a period when portraits or grotesques were xii sometimes introduced into initial letters in English, French, Italian and Spanish manuscripts. In conclusion, I give my heartiest thanks to all those who from the outset have given me their most cordial co- operation and assistance. I am indebted to M. Girard de Rialle, the helpful Director of the Foreign Office in Paris, and to his courteous assistants ; to Mr. Henry Vignaud, my never-failing friend at the American Embassy ; to M. Gruel, for his technical examination of the binding and his opinions, which coincide with those of M. de Rialle and with my own ; to Mr. James Fletcher, the United States Consul at Genoa, and through him to Baron Podesta (Mayor of Genoa), the Marquis Staglieno, Signor Grillo, and Mr. William Smith, for numerous courtesies ; to Signor Boscassi for the photograph of the bag at page xvi ; to Mr. G. F. Barwick, for his transliteration and translation ; to Mr. R. E. G. Kirk, for valuable assis- tance in proof-reading the transliteration and translation ; to Messrs. Palm Brothers, who have made the paper in close imitation of that used four hundred years ago ; to Mr. Zaehnsdorf, who has assisted me in carrying out a binding of the period; and finally, I am grateful to Mr. FI enry H arrisse for his scholarly I ntroduction. To M essrs. Malby and Sons, who made the photographic plates, and printed in colours the Coats of Arms and the manuscript title-page, and to the Chiswick Press for its careful printing, the highest praise I can give is to refer to this finished volume. November, 1893 . B. F. s. Chapter I. Origin of the Four Cartularies prepared by order of Christopher Columbus in 1502 . Presentation of two of them to the Republic of Genoa . N the hope of repressing the depredations committed on Ligurian vessels by Catalan and Majorcan seamen, the Republic of Genoa sent Nicolo Oderigo to Spain, in 1501, as special envoy to Ferdinand and Isabella. 1 Christopher Columbus sought his acquaintance at Granada, and had such frequent intercourse with him during his embassy, that in one of his letters he speaks of the Genoese diplomatist as “knowing more about his (Columbus’s) own affairs than he did himself.” 2 The chief topic discussed was the intention on the part of Columbus to assign perpetually to the Bank of St. George, then called the “ Ufficio di San Giorgio,” one-tenth of his income arising from all his rights and privileges in the New World. The object of the intended gift was to reduce the customs- duty or tax laid upon provisions brought into the city of Genoa. 3 Doubtless Columbus then also informed the Genoese ambassador of his desire to entrust to him for safe-keeping a certified copy of the privileges granted by their Catholic Majesties as a reward for the discovery of the transatlantic regions. Meeting with no success in his diplomatic mission, Oderigo returned to 1 The files in the Genoese Secret Archives, 2 “ Mycer Nycolo de Oderigo sabe de mys — General , No. 2707, G. Palazzetto, — contain, fechos mas que yo propio.” Letter of Co- under the date of April 16, 1501, the instructions lumbus to the Bank of St. George, April 2, given to Oderigo. Columbus met him for the 1502. Infra, page 27 t. first time at Granada, in the summer of that 3 Our Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. year, during which they had many conferences, George, New York (London, privately printed), but subsequently they never saw each other again . 4to, page 5 . xiii B Italy during the autumn of 1501, but visited Spain again on the same errand the following year. When Columbus succeeded in obtaining the consent of Isabella that a fourth expedition, the last which he was destined to command, should be fitted out, his heart was sore, and filled with misgivings. It is evident that the recollection of the facility with which the Queen, disregarding his positive rights, had consented two years before to appoint Bobadilla to rule over the newly-found regions, made him apprehend worse treatment still. Nor did he feel certain that in case of his death the privileges granted to him would revert to Diego, his son and heir. In fact, the legal advisers of the Crown openly advocated that the Capitulations or Articles embodying those rights were null and void ab initio. Their principal argument deserves to be recalled : “ En especial por la ley del Ordena- myento de Alcald . . . sy el Rey las diere a su natural e vasallo e vecino en su reino, en tal caso vala la donacion como en la escritura de previllejo lo dixere ; pero sy la donacion o enaje- nacion se hiziese en persona no natural ny vecino del reino o estranjero del reino, en tal caso la donacion o enaje- nacion de las dichas cosas no vale ny debe ser guardada ; de donde se con- cluye que pues el dicho don Cristoval Colon hera estranjero, no natural ny vecino del reino ny morador en el, segund la dicha dispusycion de la dicha ley, la merced que le fue fecha, aunque fuera para syempre e para sus herederos, no valid ny se deve guardar.” “ Especially, by the law of the Ordi- nance of A leald, . . . if the King makes the grant in favour of one of his sub- jects and vassals, and a denizen in his kingdom , then the grant is valid to the full extent of the wording of the charter of privilege ; but if the grant or aliena- tion be made in favour of one who is neither a subject nor a denizen of the realm, or an alien, in such case the donation or alienation is not valid, and ought not to be observed. Consequently , as the said Don Christopher Columbus was a foreigner and not a native or deni- zen, and possesses besides no domicile in the kingdom, according to the terms of the said law , this grant, although made to him and his heirs for ever, is not valid, and Should not be observed.” 1 It was apparently under this impression, and for the purpose of placing beyond the reach of enemies the documentary proofs of his rights, that Columbus, when engaged at Seville in preparing for the fourth expedition, determined to have several legalised copies of his privileges made, and lodged safely in different places. The fact that two of these authenticated transcripts were to be kept in Genoa, indicates perhaps the hope that in case of difficulties the Republic would interfere on behalf of his descendants ; as in fact it did in favour of a spurious Genoese claimant 2 in 1586, when certain lawyers entertained the belief that no member of the family of Columbus then dwelling in Spain, or in the New World, could inherit the estate. This expectation may also be inferred from the letter which he addressed at the same time to the Bank of St. George, conveying the information that steps had been taken 1 Respuesta a la petition presentada por parte del Almirante de las Indias ; in Colection de documentos ineditos relativos al descubrimiento , conquista y organization de las antiguas posesiones espaiiolas de Ultramar. Segunda serie. Publicada por la Real Academia de la Historia. Madrid, 1892, 8vo, Yol. VII. — Vol. I. of the Pleitos de Colon, pages 15-16. This argument was urged, in judicial proceedings, against Diego Columbus, when he endeavoured to enter into possession of the rights and privileges which he had inherited ; but it necessarily applied likewise to his father. Thanks to Diego’s marriage with the niece of the Duke of Alba, he obtained a sort of satisfaction, with special reservation, however, on the part of the Crown of its pretensions in this respect : “ sin perjuicio del derecho.” 2 Bernardo Colombo, of Cogoleto. Missiva del Senato di Genova a Giambattista Doria, Ambasciatore per la Repubblica pres so la Corte di Madrid, datata del 7 novembre 1586. See the authorities quoted as regards that singular affair in our Christophe Colomb , son origine, sa vie, etc., vol. 1., pages 154-155. XIV by him to secure to that institution one-tenth of his income, to be employed, as we have already said, in reducing the impost laid on victuals brought into the city. 1 * Be that as it may, on the 5 th of January, 1502, Columbus requested Estevan de la Roca and Pero Ruys Montero, alcaldes, or city judges, to repair to his dwelling-house, in the parish or quarter of Seville called “Colacion de Santa Maria.” There they met the three notaries public required for authenticating legal acts of the kind which he intended to execute. These were Gomez Nieto, Alonso Lucas, and Martin Rodriguez.* Columbus then and there exhibited originals of the titles, privileges and concessions which Ferdinand and Isabella had granted to him, 3 and having submitted these documents to the inspection of the magistrates, 4 requested them to permit the above-mentioned Gomez Nieto to make several authentic copies of the same. The permission was immediately granted, and four transcripts were duly executed, three on parchment, and one on paper. 5 The documents thus copied and authenticated amounted only to thirty- five. 0 Soon afterwards, 7 however, Columbus caused nine more to be engrossed and added, but, with the exception of two, 8 without any authentications. Several of these doubtless constituted the “ Libro de traslados de cartas ” mentioned in his letters to Oderigo, 9 as distinct from what he called “ otro de mis privilegios,” which expression certainly refers to the codex in its original form. We are not certain whether these additions were similar in the four cartularies, 10 but notwithstanding the ambiguity of the language used by Columbus in mentioning the two sets sent to Oderigo, we believe that the additional documents were sewed up or bound with the rest, and did not form consequently a separate package. The copy on paper was remitted at once to Alonso Sanchez de Carvajal, who had been appointed Factor to Columbus, 11 and intended to sail shortly for Hispaniola on board one of the ships of the ileet of Nicolas de Ovando. 1 These benevolent intentions were never carried into effect. Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. George , page 1 9. 3 The name of Martin Rodriguez was omitted by Spotorno in his transcript of the Genoese Codex as being illegible, — Codice Diplomatic , page 228. Compare the Paris Codex, infra , page 181. He was Columbus’s own notary, and in that capacity drafted the famous deed of entail of 1498. Christophe Colombo vol. ii., page 155, note 2. 3 That collection of original documents re- mained until 1609 in the iron chest which con- tained the archives of Columbus, in a vault of the chapel of Santa Ana, in the Monastery of Nuestra Sehora de las Cuevas, near Seville. On the 23rd of July of that year, Nuno Colon de Portugal, grandson oflsabella, Diego’s youngest daughter, whom a recent decision of the Council of the Indies had just declared heir to the titles of his ancestor and to the entailed estate, caused the chest and its contents to be handed over to himself. Most of that original collection is now at Madrid, in the archives of the Duke of Vera- gua, a descendant of Christopher Columbus, through Francisca, the wife of Diego Ortegon, and daughter of Christoval, who was the son of Diego Columbus, son of Christopher. Christophe Colornb , vol. ii., genealogical table iv. bis, page 276. 4 See the preamble of the first document in the two codices. 5 See the notarial certificate in the Genoese Codex, infra , page xxxix. 0 This is shown by the wording of the authen- tications placed after the document of May 24, 1493, in f ra , page 177. 7 Concerning the date of 1501, instead of 1502, see infra, page xxxviii, in chapter iv. of the present introduction. 8 Document XXXVI., infra, page 182, which is the Papal Bull, had been previously authen- ticated at Seville, December 13, 1501 (the date of 1502 is clearly erroneous). Doc. XL., infra, page 209, was authenticated also at Seville, March 22, 1502, two months after the first series of documents. Consequently, it cannot have figured in the codex engrossed on paper which Columbus remitted to Carvajal, as the latter left Spain for Hispaniola, February 13, 1502. The probability is that that codex lacked also all the documents of the second series. 9 See facsimiles of these letters, infra , pages 268-275. 10 See infra, page xxxiii, the remarks of Mr. Edward Everett. 11 November 4, 1501. Munoz Transcripts, vol. xc., fo. 12. We infer that Carvajal sailed with Ovando, from the recommendation ad- dressed to the latter in that document. See also our Fasti Cohmbini, under the above date. As to the paper copy of the codex having been re- mitted to Carvajal, see the notarial declaration in Spctorno’s Genoese Codex, infra, page xxxix. B 2 xv One of the copies engrossed on parchment was completed and remitted a few days after March 22, 1502, 1 to Francesco di Rivarola, or “ Ribarol,” a Genoese banker settled in Seville, 2 to be forwarded to Nicolo Oderigo, who had returned to Genoa. 3 This was enclosed in a bag of red Cordovan leather, kept fast by means of a silver lock, 4 and contained, besides, a letter requesting him 5 to acknowledge receipt to Diego Columbus, his son. 6 In that letter Christopher also informed Oderigo that another copy of the codex was being prepared, and would be sent to him in the same manner by Ribarol. 7 But when at Cadiz, in May, 1 502, and on the eve of sailing, he changed his mind, and entrusted that duplicate to another Genoese banker, called Francesco Cataneo, 8 to be forwarded immediately. It follows that in the course of the next summer or autumn the two codices intended for Nicolo Oderigo were actually dispatched to Genoa. The fourth cartulary, which, like the two last, had been engrossed on parchment or vellum, was deposited in the Monastery of Las Cuevas, 9 near Seville, with the archives of the Columbus family. 10 We will now inquire what has been the fate of the four collections of authenticated copies. Carvajal sailed from Spain on the 13th of February, 1502, taking with him the codex on paper. No traces of it have ever been found. The probability is that, on account of its texture, it was destroyed in the course of time by the worms and ants in St. Domingo. The copy deposited in Las Cuevas is apparently the one which Baldassare Colombo, of Cuccaro, one of the claimants in the great suit for the heirship, exhibited to the Council of the Indies at Madrid, January 12, 1583, when he boldly assumed the title of heir to the “ mayorazgo,” or entailed estate, created by Christopher Columbus in 1498. The description of the codex submitted to 1 March 21, 1502, Columbus writes to Oderigo : “ El libro de mys escrituras di a miger Frangisco de Ribarol, para que os le enbie, con otro traslado de cartas mesajeras vifrci, page 268. But the date of his letter is certainly erroneous, for the authentication of Doc. XL. is dated March 22, 1502. 2 Archivo Municipal de Sevilla , Sevilla, i860, folio, vol. i., Carpetas no and in, No. 22. Concerning Ribarol, who had extensive deal- ings with Christopher Columbus, see our Fasti Columbini , and infra , page lxiii. 3 At the beginning of the letter of March 21, 1502, — infra, -page. 268 — Columbus says to Ode- rigo : “ La soledad en que nos habeys desado non se puede dezir.” * “Tanbien aese tiempo dese a Frangisco de Ribarol um libro de traslados de cartas y otro de mis privilegios en una barjaca de cordoban Colorado con su gerradura de plata.” Letter of Columbus to Oderigo, December 27, 1504, infra, page 272. That silver lock has long dis- appeared, but, as we have already said, the bag is yet in existence. It is the only object once belonging to him which has come down to us. 5 In the above-mentioned letter of March 21, 1502, Columbus refers to “ otro traslado de cartas mesajeras,” and in his other letter to Oderigo, December 27, 1504, mentioning again that package, he also speaks of a “libro de traslados de cartas,” which he distinguishes ex- pressly from “ otro de mis privilegios ; ” infra, pages 268 and 272. In our opinion, those transcripts of letters are Docs. XXXVII., XXXVIII., XXXIX., XL., XLI., XLII., XLIII. and XLIV. ; infra, pages 198-265. 6 “ Os pido per merced que lo escrivays a Don Diego.” Letter of March 21, 1502; infra , page 268. 7 “ Otro tal se acabara, y se os enbiara por la mesma guisa, y el mesmo miger Francisco.” Letter above quoted. 8 “ Otro libro de mys privilejios, como lo sobre dicho dese en Calis, a Franco Catanio portador desta [carta], para que tanbien os enbiase, el uno y el otro fuesen puestos en buen recabdo, adonde a vos fuese bien visto.” Letter of Columbus to Oderigo, December 27, 15043 infra, page 272. 0 We read in the Instructions which Columbus left with his son Diego : “ Todos mis privilegios y escrituras quedan a fray don Gaspar,” and in the notarial certificate, vifra, page xxxix : “ Esta en el dicho Monasterio un libro traslado de los previlegios e cartas susodichos, semejante que esto.” 10 Columbus first kept his papers in a plain casket. He refers to it in his letter to Father Gorricio of April 4, 1502 : “Mi arquita para algunas escrituras.” Navarrete, vol. i., page 331. This was replaced by a box made of cork, and lined with wax : “ Querria mandar hacer una caja de corcha enforrada de cera.” Op. cit., page 333. Finally, for that box he substituted a large iron coffer. See the certificate of Pedro de Artiaga, July 24, 1566, in the Memorial del Pleyto, fo. 156, § 1013 — § 1021. xvi BAG IN WHICH COLUMBUS TRANSMITTED THE BOOK OF HIS PRIVILEGES TO THE GENOESE AMBASSADOR. MARCH, 1502. (PHOTOGRAPHED FROM THE ORIGINAL IN THE CITY HALL, GENOA). the judges on that occasion is as follows: “A bound volume containing transcripts of the privileges of the Admiral, executed at Seville, January 5, 1502, and professing to be signed by Martin Rodriguez, a notary public of that city.” 1 The date and autographic name of the notary indicate that it was one of the original transcripts made by order of Columbus in 1502. Our reasons for believing that it is the one which was originally deposited in Las Cuevas, is that according to a certificate added to the Genoese codex, only four transcripts were executed. 2 Now, one of these, which was on paper, and less complete than the others, went to Hispaniola, and is not likely to have been sent back to Spain. Two were forwarded directly to Genoa, and can be easily identified, as we will soon show. The fourth one was the Las Cuevas copy, which we take to be identical with the legalised transcript produced by the Montferrat claimant, because, to controvert this supposition, the critic must assume that the notary Martin Rodriguez made a fifth and antedated copy after Columbus had left Spain; which is possible, but not very probable. In the fourth chap- ter of the present introduction, we shall perhaps find other traces of that valu- able manuscript. We know what became of the two codices intended for Nicolo Oderigo. That diplomatist received them in good order. 3 Immediately upon his return to Genoa the second time, 4 he remitted to the Bank of St. George the letter of Columbus of April 2, 1502, addressed to that institution, wherein mention is made of his intended legacy of a part of his income to the city of Genoa. The two cartularies and the bag of Cordovan leather, he retained. As they had been sent to him for safe keeping, 5 without specifying the manner in which the recommendation was to be carried into effect, we infer that, in the opinion of Oderigo, the archives of his own family were as good a place as any. These two precious manuscripts remained in the possession of his descen- dants, till Lorenzo Oderico, in 1670, presented both of them to the Republic of Genoa, not, however, as a gift absolutely disinterested. 6 In his mind, and in that of his son and heir Giovanni Paolo, it was rather a bid for certain favours, as can be seen from these two previously unpublished documents : 7 — “1700. 29 Gennaio. Pro M co Joanne Paulo Oderico q m Laurentii, a quo fuerunt presentati libri privilegio- rum q m Christophori Columbi. Sernii Signori : II q. hora M. Lorenzo Oderico sin 1 ’anno 1670 presento a’ Sernii Coleggi 1 “Un libro enquadernado en que estantras- lados de los privilegios del Almirante, sacados en Sevilla, en cinco de Enero de 1502, y parecen signados de Martin Rodriguez, escrivano publico de Sevilla.” Memorial del Pleyto, § 198. 2 See this certificate quoted, infra, page xxxix. 3 “ Micer Francisco diz que todo llego alia.” Infra , page 272. 4 “Per lo spectabile jureconsulto messer nicolo de oderigo ritornato da la legatione per questa excelsa nostra comunita apresso de quelli excellentissimi et gloriosissimi Re, m’e stata data una lettera de vostra claritudine. — Through the honorable jurist, M. Nicolo de Oderigo, on his return from the embassy to those Most Excellent “ 1 700. 29 January. For the Magni- ficent Giovanni Paolo Oderico , son of the late Lorenzo Oderico , by whom the books containing the Privi- leges of Christopher Columbus were presented. Most Serene Lords : In the year 1670 the late Messer Lorenzo Oderico presented to the Most and Glorious Sovereigns entrusted to him by our exalted Commonwealth, I have received a letter from Your Excellency.” Letter addressed by the Bank of St. George to Christopher Co- lumbus, December 8, 1502. Christopher Co- lumbus and the Bank of St. George , pages 9 and 1 o. 5 “ Para que los ponga en buena guardia.” Letter of Columbus of April 2, 1502, infra , page 271. G Infra , page 274, the reader will find a fac- simile of the hitherto unpublished text of the decree signifying acceptance of the two car- tularies. 7 State Archives in Genoa. Files entitled “ Privilegj onorifici. — Honorary Privileges.” due risguardevoli libri di carta per- gamena, ne’ quali si contiene copia autentica delli privileggi concessi dal Re Ferdinando e Regina Isabella di Spagna a Cristoforo Colombo Geno- vese, a fin che loro Signorie Serme facessero conservare detti libri nel pubblico Archivio, come degna me- moria d’un nationale cosi glorioso. Si compiacquero VV. SS. Serme, in segno del benigno gradimento dell’ affetto e zelo di detto M. Oderico, decretare che a suo favore ne fosse fatta una pubblica testimonianza, con raccomandarlo efficacemente tanto a’ Sermi Coleggi, quanto all’ uno e l’altro Consiglio, in tutte le occasioni che al medemo si rapresenteranno di aspirare ad alcun officio cosi di Terraferma come di Corsica, come dal decreto che si presenta. Non ha havuto detto M. Lorenzo tempo di ricevere il beneficio cosi generosamente da VV. SS. Serme concessole, mentre assai subito si ri- dusse in stato di non poter servire, e poi mori. Ricorre hora alia generosita di VV. SS. Serme il M co Gio. Paolo, suo unico figlio, humilmente suppli- candole a voler essere servite, in se- guito di detta devota attione di suo Padre, rinovare a suo favore detto decreto, per poter participare del be- neficio di detta Gratia, giacche l’anti- cipata morte del Padre non le ha permesso goderne quel frutto che era stato prefisso : il che come effetto della paterna benignita di VV. SS. Serme sperando ottenere, le fa pro- fondissima riverenza Di VV. SS. Ser me Detto Supplicante.” Serene Colleges two notable parchment books, containing an authentic copy of the privileges granted by King Ferdi- nand and Queen Isabella of Spain to Christopher Columbus, a Genoese, to the intent that their Most Serene Lord- ships might cause the said books to be preserved in the public Archives, as a worthy memorial of such an illustrious compatriot. Your Most Sere 7 ie Lordships were pleased, in token of your gracious ap- preciation of the affection and zeal of the said Messer Oderico, to decree that a public acknowledgment thereof should be made in his favour, by recommending him effechially, both to the Most Serene Colleges and to each of the two Councils, upon every occasion that might occur to him of aspiring to any office, whether on the mainland or in Corsica, as shown by the decree which is presented. The said Messer Lorenzo did not have time to receive the favour so generously granted to him by You-r Most Serene Lordships, for he fell very rapidly into a state of inability for service, and then died. The Magnificent Giovanni Paolo, his 07 i ly son, now has recourse to the generosity of Your Most Serene Lord- ships, praying that You will be pleased , in consideration of the said generous action of his father, to renew the said decree in his favour, so that he may be e 7 iablcd to participate in the benefit of the said Grace, seemg that his father , to whom the advantage had been limited, was unable to e 7 ijoy it owmg to his pre- mature death. In the hope of obtahiing this through the patemial benignity of Your Most Serene Lordships, the most profound revere 7 ice is 7 nade to you by Your Most Serene Lordships' said Petitio 7 ier." “1700. a 29. Gennaio. Avendo l’ora q. M. Lorenzo Oderico presentato nell’ anno 1670 a Ser mi Collegi due libri, in ognuno de’ quali si contiene in carta pergamena copia autentica delli privilegi concessi dal Re Fernando e dalla Regina Isabella di Spagna sua moglie a Cristoforo Colombo, Genovese, in premio delle di lui famose operazioni nella con- “1700. 29 fanuary. The late Messer Lore 7 izo Oderico having prcsc 7 itcd to the Most Serene Colleges, in the year 1670, two books , hi each of which is co 7 itamed a 7 i au- thentic copy, on parchme 7 it, of the privileges gra 7 itcd by King Fci'di 7 ia 7 id a 7 id Queen Isabella of Spam, his wife, to Christopher Cohimbus, a Genoese, as a reward for his celebrated achieve- xvm quista del Nuovo Mondo, ad effetto che le SS. Loro Semie si compia- cessero di far conservare detti libri nel pubblico Archivio, come degna memoria d’un Nazionale si glorioso, ricevuti per un attestato dell’ affetto e zelo che detto M. Lorenzo professava al servizio pubblico : Per il che accettarono i Serhii Col- legi detti libri, e per dar segno del loro gradimento ordinarono che se ne facesse una pubblica testimonianza a favore del detto M. Lorenzo, con rac- comandarlo efficacemente tanto a me- desimi Serhii Collegi, quanto all’ uno e l’altro Consiglio in tutte le occasioni che al medesimo si fossero rappre- sentate di aspirare ad alcun ufficio. Ma essendo egli morto senza aver avuto tempo di godere del beneficio da lor SS. Serhie concessogli, hanno le medesime a palle ordinato, che si rinnovi a favore del M co Gio. Paolo suo figlio detto attestato, e raccoman- dazione da farsi al medesimo in ogni occasione che egli aspiri a qualche ufficio, ad effetto che si possa avere il dovuto riguardo del zelo et affetto, che ha dimostrato detto M c0 Lorenzo, suo padre, nella presentazione di essi libri, e si possa anche conveniente- mente gratificarlo in dette congiun- ture. (C a ) Francesco Maria.” ments in the conquest of the New World , in order that their Most Serene Lordships might be pleased to cause the said books to be preserved in the public Archives , as a worthy memorial of such an illustrious compatriot , accepting them as a token of the affection and zeal which the said Messer Lorenzo avowed for the public service : The Most Serene Colleges therefore accepted the said books , and desiring to give a proof of their appreciation , de- creed that a public acknowledgment thereof shoidd be made in favour of the said Messer Lorenzo , by recommending him effectually both to the Most Serene Colleges and to each of the two Councils , zip on every occasion that might occur to him of aspiring to any office. But see- ing that he died without having had time to enjoy the favozir granted to him by their Most Serene Lordships , they have decreed by ballot that the said acknowledgment be renewed in favour of the Magnificent Giovanni Paolo, his son, and that recommendation be made on his behalf whenever he may aspire to any office, in order that due regard may be paid to the zeal and affection shown by the said Magnificent Lorenzo, his father, in the presentation of those books, and that it may also be possible to requite him suitably on the said occasions. ( Certified ) Frazicesco Maria!' “1700, a 29. Gennaio. Letta a Serrhi Collegi detta sup- plica e il decreto fatto a 10. Gennaio del 1670 a favore del M. Lorenzo Oderico, etc. Discorsa la pratica che si rinnovi a favore del detto M. Gio. Paulo, sup- plicante l’attestato, e decreto suddetto in tutto e per tutto, come era fatto per detto M. Lorenzo. Ad Calculos. (D) Francesco Maria .” 1 “1700, 29 fanuary. There having been read to the Most Serene Colleges the said petition and the decree made on the 10th of fanuary , 1670, in favour of the Magnificent Lorenzo Oderico, etc. The matter having been discussed, [it was resolved J that the acknowledgment and decree aforesaid should be renewed in favour of the said Magnificent Giovanni Paolo, the Petitioner, in everything and by everything, as it was done for the said Messer Lorenzo. Ad Calculos. ( Certified ) Francesco Maria!' We are unable to say how long the two codices remained undisturbed in the place where they had been deposited. When the great Orientalist 1 See in the State Archives of the Palazzetto, in Genoa, the collection of Privilegj onorifici ; separate file. XIX Sylvestre de Sacy went to Genoa in 1805, on a mission from the French Institute, 1 he saw one of them in the State Archives. If he had seen the other, the existence of a duplicate of a manuscript of that importance would have certainly attracted his attention. We infer from his silence on the subject that he saw only one of the two codices. Whether the other was kept in a chest which he did not examine, or had already disappeared, 2 is a question which at the present day cannot be satisfactorily answered. The codex which De Sacy saw will be the subject of our next chapter. Its mate was recovered in June, 1816, when the heirs of Count Michel-Angelo Cambiaso offered his library for public sale in Genoa. The recovery happened under the following circumstances. No. 1922 of the Cambiaso catalogue was a manuscript bearing the title of Codice de Privilegj del Colombo. The Genoese archivists recognised it as one of the two cartularies sent by Columbus to Nicolo Oderigo in 1502. It was acquired by the King of Sardinia, who, after causing a copy to be made and lodged in the Royal Archives at Turin, sent the original as a gift to the city of Genoa. It is now preserved in the Palace of the Genoese’Municipality, 3 in a columnar marble receptacle, called “Custodia,” together with three autograph letters of Christopher Columbus, and the original bag of Cordovan leather in which the first duplicate of the codex and the letter to the Bank of St. George were forwarded to Genoa, as we have related. In 1823, the Decurions of that city ordered the manuscript to be translated and printed. 4 Soon afterwards, a translation into English appeared in London, 5 and in 1867 the Spanish text was republished in Havana. 6 1 Memoires de PInstitut royal de France, classe d'hist. et de litterature ancienne, vol. iii. , 1 8 1 8, p. 9 1 . 2 If we may judge from the following remark of Signor Cornelio Desimoni, there was already a rumour that the two codices had disappeared as early as January 29, 1700 : “Egih nell’ anno 1700 vociferandosi che i due Codici non fossero piu al loro posto, si ne era fatto interpello in Consiglio ed ordinata al Magistrate della Inqui- sizione di Stato una inchiesta ad appurare il fatto.” — Archivio di Stato. Secretorum , January 29, 1700. Desimoni, Di alcuni recenti Giudizi intorno alia patria di Cristoforo Colombo , page 9. 3 Spotorno, introduction to the Codice Diplo- matic Colombo-Americano, pages lxxii-lxxvii. 4 Codice diplomat ico Colombo-Americano ossia Raccolta di Documenti Originali e inediti , spet- tanti a Cristoforo Colombo , alia scoperta ed al Go- verno delP America. Pubblicato per or dine degP Illmi. Decurioni della Cittd di Genova. Genova, dalla stamperia e fonderia Ponthenier , Novembre 1823. 4to, lxxx and 348 pp. With the arms, facsimiles of two autograph letters of Christopher Columbus, lithograph of the Custodia, and steel engraving of a portrait entitled “Cristoforo Colombo.” The introduction is by Father Spotorno. Reprinted, with other matter, by Giuseppe Banchero, Genoa, 1857, large octavo, lxxix and 588 pages, with facsimiles. 6 Memorials of Columbus : or a collection of authentic documents of that celebrated navigator , now first published from the original manuscripts, by order of the Decurions of Genoa. Translated from the Spanish and Italian. London : Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, Jun. and Richter, 30, Soho Square, 1823. 8vo, clix and 256 pp. Same engraved portrait as the above, and facsimiles of the autograph letters of Columbus of March 21, 1502, and December 27, 1504. 6 Codice Diplomatic- Americano de Cristobal Colon. Coleccion de cartas de privileges, cedillas y otras escripturas del gran descubridor del Nuevo Mundo. Habana, 1867, 4to, x and 299 pages, with facsimile and portrait. xx Chapter II. A Discovery among the Archives of the Department of Foreign Affairs in Paris. E have now to give an account of the discovery of one transcript of the Columbus Codex and other Genoese documents among the muniments preserved in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Paris. But it is neces- sary first of all to make a few remarks regarding that archival repository. The archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for a long time after their creation by the Marquis de Torcy in 1710, were inaccessible, and surrounded with a mystery which is not entirely dispelled at the present day. People imagined that they contained terrible State secrets. No one, therefore, ventured during more than a century even to express the wish to enter such hallowed precincts. But under the reign of Louis-Philippe, when documentary history commenced to find favour in France, a number of conscientious workers, who had chosen for the subject of their studies the reign of Louis XIV. and the Regency, made strenuous efforts to be allowed to consult the archives of that department for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A chosen few, with great difficulties, succeeded in examining certain files, but the generality of applicants were debarred from the privilege. Of course, no inventory or catalogue had ever been communicated to the public. Perhaps there was none in existence. At all events, the generality of historians knew only of such stray lists as could be found in the manuscript division of the Paris National Library. 1 These, however, related exclusively to the dealings of France with foreign nations one or two hundred years ago. This paucity of data led the searchers engaged in writing on subjects of an earlier period, or relating to other countries, to view with a sort of indifference the illiberality of the State Department ; convinced as they were that its archives contained nothing which could be of any avail to them. Then the custodians had a well-deserved reputation for hostility towards all outsiders, sufficient to repel endeavours in that direction. Being, nevertheless, anxious to study the negotiations initiated in 1629 by Cardinal de Richelieu to obtain from England the restitution 2 of Quebec, and vaguely supposing that the dispatches of Chateauneuf still existed in what was left of the old portfolios, we appealed, when writing the Notes sur la Nouvelle-France , to one of the directors, who had been Minister to the United States. This enlightened diplomatist kindly seconded our research, and, on the plea that he required the documents for his own investigations, obtained communication of the files relating to Canada ; which we examined 1 Such, for instance, as the Memoire concer- 2 See “ Depeche du Cardinal de Richelieu a nant les papiers de la charge de Secretaire cTEtat M. de Chateauneuf, Ambassadeur a Londres,” dcs pais estrangers (1681), since published by 8 Nov., 1629, in Collection de documents inedits Mr. Leopold Delisle, in the Biblioth'eque de sur Vhistoire de France ; Paris, 1858, vol. iii., PEcole des Cliartes , 1874, page 356. page 461. XXI iii his private office. 1 Nothing that could be seen or heard then and there was calculated to convey the impression that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs possessed any other documents than such as were of merely local importance. Strange to say, it was historical literature which finally forced the doors of those mysterious archives, and disclosed their riches. The admirable Memoirs of the Due de Saint-Simon (1694-1754), as much on account of peculiar literary merit as of great historical worth, attracted in France, from the moment of their first publication in an abridged form (1789), the greatest attention. Gradually, as new fragments were published (1791, 1829, 1856), the popularity of the Memoirs increased to such an extent that a regular campaign was organized to ferret out the original manuscripts and other writings of Saint-Simon which had not then been printed. It was generally believed that the entire collection lay hidden in the archives of the department of Foreign Affairs; but nothing definite could be ascertained on the subject. Finally, by means of notarial inventories, the complete list was made out, and proofs were obtained that those valuable papers were actually preserved in the State Department. The Paris press thereupon became so clamorous, and protestations from French savants were uttered with such energy, that the Due Decazes made it a point, on being appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, to give satisfaction to public opinion. On the 21st of February, 1874, he decided that the archives of his department should be accessible, but only to those who had obtained permission from a board, which was immediately instituted. Unfortunately, the archivists were more than ever bitterly opposed to that liberal measure, and those good intentions therefore remained almost a dead letter. The Due Decazes was succeeded by other ministers who cannot be said to have been prompted in that respect by the enlightened spirit of their predecessor. And, mirabile dictu , it was particularly when a savant or an academician took possession of the office that difficulties increased. At last a civil engineer, M. de Freycinet, was made Minister of Foreign Affairs, and on a day of the spring of 1880, ever to be remembered, the archives of his department were thrown open to the public ! Immediately upon being kindly informed that these archives contained numerous ancient Genoese documents which had never been brought to light, on May 20, 1880, we addressed a petition to the Minister, asking leave to consult those of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. This was granted on the 31st of May, and, bright and early the next day, we repaired to the Palace of the Quai d’Orsay. The custodians introduced us at once into a room in which had been collected, for the purpose of inspection, a vast number of manuscripts, bound in volumes of various sizes. We were particularly struck with a series of very large and thick folios, in extremely old calf binding, shut by means of bronze clasps in the shape of pilgrim shells. But our astonishment may well be imagined when, on examining those stately manuscripts, we ascertained that they were the famous Libri jurium of the Genoese Commonwealth, which everyone in Italy believed to have been destroyed during the first quarter of the present century. Although their contents are not quite germane to the subject, we beg leave to give a short account of these invaluable documents. In the thirteenth century, the Genoese still adhered to the Imperial 1 Those files contain nothing on the subject, Paris , Philippes Patisson, 1605, 8vo, — and the but there is inserted among the manuscripts, the printed Lettres de provision de la charge de Viceroy extremely rare printed pamphlet, Commissions du ... donnees d Monsieur le Due Dampuille [de Roy et de Monseigneur V Admiral au Sieur de Damville], 1655; sine anno aut loco, 4to. Notes Monts pour P habitation is terres de Lacadie ; sur la Nouvelle-France, pages 17, 98, 303. xxii custom 1 of annually selecting a foreign nobleman to rule over the Republic. There was no other means of keeping at peace the adverse political parties which, when left to themselves, were a constant cause of strife, turmoil, and bloodshed. That imported ruler bore the title of Podesta. In the year 1229, Jacopo Balduino received the appointment. He came from Bologna, and justly enjoyed the reputation of a great jurist. 2 One of his first steps was to order that all the compacts and treaties with foreign nations, with the Church, and with the Office of St. George, as well as the privileges, deeds, bonds of fealty, public resolutions, in fine, every act of importance to the Commonwealth, in the past and in the future, should be transcribed by appointed notaries in registers, to which full faith and credit was to be given, and which were designed to replace the originals in case of destruction. 3 The registers thus compiled soon became so numerous that, fearing their dispersion, the City Council in 1253 ordered a new transcription, but in one very large register only. In 1296, there were nevertheless in existence already two such enormous books of records, and the series was continued until a Sextus had been completed in 163 5. 4 It was that venerable and magnificent set of original and authentic documents which had been spread on the table. With it were other manuscripts not less important, particularly the decisions promulgated by Marshal de Boucicault, when, acting as representative of the King of France at the beginning of the fifteenth century, he re-organized the administration of Genoa, and enacted those laws which contributed so much, for more than 300 years, to the prosperity of the Republic. 5 There were, besides, manuscripts of great beauty and historical importance, such, for instance, as the Annals of Caffaro- Taschifellone, the oldest of the Genoese chroniclers, 6 and those of his successors, including the Annalia of Giorgio Stella. Finally, resting upon a pile of Miscellanea , chiefly in the handwriting of Federico Federici, we beheld one of the two original cartularies which Christopher Columbus had sent to Nicolb Oderigo in 1502 ! In the following chapter we shall endeavour to ascertain how such manu- scripts happen to be at present in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But before dismissing the subject just now, it should be stated that they were spoils sent from Genoa during the long occupancy of the city by the French at the beginning of the present century, and have been retained, although the over- 1 The system of podestas originated with the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa, in the middle of the twelfth century. It lasted in Genoa until 1257, when the “podesta” was replaced by a “ capitano,” native born. 2 Savigny, Geschichte des Romischen Rechts im Mittelalter ; second edition, Heidelberg, 1850-1851, 8vo, vol. v., pp. 99-114; Tira- boschi, Storia della letteratura italiana ; edit, of 1807, vol. iv., part ii., pp. 267, 268. 3 The decree has been published by M. de Sacy, Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Billiot lieque da roi et autres bibliothiques ; pub- lics par rinstitut royal de France ; faisant suite aux notices et extraits lus aa comite etabli dans I'Acadbnie des inscriptions et belles-lettres , vol. xi., 1827, page 21. 4 Three other volumes are improperly desig- nated under the names of Septimus , Octavus, and Nonas. These are quite different from the real Libri jurium. The Septimus , for instance, is Jacopo Doria’s duplicate transcript of the Primus , and does not contain any new matter. The Octavus is a sort of compendium of indexed extracts. The Jurium Nonas might be said to belong to the series if it referred to acts emanating from the City authorities ; but this Instrumentoruni et Investiturarum Liber is a chronological repertory of the decrees promul- gated by the representatives of the French King, Charles VI., when Genoa placed herself under the protection of France (1396-1409). 5 See Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. George , pages 51-69. 0 As with the Columbus Codex and a number of 4to volumes of that Genoese collection, the original binding has been torn away, and re- placed by a very poor modern one. At the end of the Caffaro MS., there is a note by Giovanni Cibo, dated 1568, stating that he bought it from a priest for four gold “ nomma.” Then comes a note by Giulio Pasqua to the effect that he purchased it from Cibo in 1573; and one by Federico Federici relating that he acquired the MS., November 25, 1613, for twenty-five gold “ nom." XXIll throw of Napoleon’s empire had in most cases led to the restitution of the foreign archives collected in Paris. Nearly all the other documents of Genoese origin were in fact sent back to Italy in 1816, but they remained in Turin during at least forty years. 1 Finally, the Sardinian government consented to restore the Genoese portion to the city of Genoa ; and when the cases were opened, the absence of the Libri jurium , Caffaro and Stella was noticed, but without surprise. The archivists shared the common belief that those manuscripts had disappeared from the Ligurian State Repository at the time when the archives were being packed to be sent to France; as it was well known that several of the Genoese employes then committed great depredations, and stole quantities of valuable manuscripts, especially from among those which were engrossed on parchment or vellum. Patriotism, or a taste for collecting historical documents, was not the incentive of such nefarious acts. They were prompted simply by the desire to turn the volumes into money ; and, in fact, entire files were sold, and put to ignominious uses in the city. Parchment was an article employed in various ways ; but it had become so scarce in Genoa, that to copy the treaty of peace of 1748 none could be obtained, except by tearing off four blank sections from the Jurium Septimus . 2 So that when, several years after the removal of the archives to Paris, a duplicate of the Primus and one of the Secundus 3 were found in the workshop of a gold-beater in Genoa, ready to be cut up, everyone became convinced that the rest of the Libri had been destroyed in serving to foliate gold for gilding purposes. This great misfortune did not deter the last archivist of the Office of St. George, Signor Cornelio Desimoni, from endeavouring to reconstruct those documental series, which are of such paramount importance for the history of the Ligurian Republic. When we first met that venerable savant, at the time of our early researches among the Genoese archives, he was sedulously engaged in that patriotic undertaking, but with limited success, notwithstanding the extracts and notes left by Poch, Federici, Botto and other ancient searchers. It is easy to imagine his joy when we informed him of the existence of the original documents ; although some time elapsed before he could be permitted to learn where they were deposited. 1 These archives were still at Turin in 1851, and even in November, 1857. See Archives des Missions scientifiques et litteraires , Paris, 1851, vol. ii., page 380, and, infra, the quotation from Canale’s pamphlet : Del riordinamento degli Archivi di Genoa , con una indicazione ragio- nata di tutti i documenti gid trasportati di Genova a Parigi. But they were finally restored, as above. 2 See the note in the handwriting of the Abbd Poch de Sarzane, at the end of the Septimus so called. They still possess in the State Archives at Genoa three of those volumes, viz. : a Primus jurium duplicatus, a Secundus jurium (wanting its second part), and a sort of triplicate of the Primus. The latter, not being kept with the others in the Secret Archives, but among the papers of the “Camera” (Finances), escaped the fate of the volumes which were sent to Paris. The other two are the Libri which were saved from the hands of the gold-beater. The Liber jurium , published in the Historice Patrice Monumenta (1836-1855, fob), constitute an amalgamated edition of the three volumes just described. Copies from the other Libri have since been secured. xxiv Chapter III. When and how did the Paris Cartulary enter the A re hives of the State Department ? NE of the greatest wishes of Napoleon I. was to make Paris the capital of the civilized world, in every sense of the term. An entire chapter could be written on the plans which he devised to that effect. One of them was to centralise in a large palace, which his architects commenced to build, 1 all the archives of the French Empire, then embracing most of the continent of Europe, with a fair prospect of soon absorbing the rest. 2 The project, which seems to have been conceived in 1 809, 3 was immediately put in execution. On the 7th of October, 1810, 2,206 cases of documents sent from Vienna were already unpacked and lodged in the attic of the Soubise Palace ; thirty wagons full of Spanish archives were on their way from Simancas to Paris, and about 470 more had been prepared to follow. Austria again forwarded 933 cases, Rome 12,147. Then came the archives of Florence, Perugia, Spoleto, Sienna, Parma, Piacenza, Genoa, besides numerous files taken from the repositories of Tyrol, Galicia, Belgium, and Holland. 4 Archivists from those countries were compelled to accompany the consignments to Paris. At first, only important documents seem to have been selected for trans- portation to the French capital ; but soon afterwards, the rest was packed up bodily, and forwarded. 5 The Soubise Palace and its new dependencies became so crowded, that Napoleon himself had to interfere, and damp the zeal of his chief archivist, Daunou. 6 The bulk, however, was already on the high road, in long files of wagons, many of which finally returned to their legitimate abode without having been unloaded. The little we know concerning- the Parisian history of those foreign archives, is to be derived from certain printed statements written and published 1 Decree of March 21, 1812. But Napoleon had already in his possession the plans of that immense palace, at least since 1810, as he showed them to Metternich in that year. The building had risen two metres above ground when the work was stopped in 1816. All the plans and correspondence on the subject are yet preserved in the National Archives at Paris, MSS. N. hi, Seine, 1089. a Metternich, Memoires , Paris, 1880, vol. i., pages 106-107. 3 “ Daunou provoqua l’enlevement des ar- chives partout oil un regiment frangais plantait son drapeau, et il fit ecrire a tous nos generaux de preter main-forte a l’execution du decret du 2 f^vrier 1810." Marquis de Laborde, Ar- chives de V Empire. Monuments historiques. Paris, 1866, 4to, page cvi. This decree, how- ever — Archives Nationales, A F iv, 433, MS. — refers exclusively to the Austrian archives then collected at Passau, and to those of the Vatican. 4 Bordier, Archives de la France, Paris, 1855, 8vo, page 403. 5 “ Nos generaux prenant la lettre le ddcret, [du 2 fevrier 1810] les envoyaient [ces archives] sans triage et tout entibres en France.” De La- borde, op. cit., page cvii. An eye-witness re- lates how curious it was to meet on the high- ways of Europe those immense wagons loaded to the top with heavy boxes full of manuscripts, drawn by long teams of mules, travelling at a very slow pace, and led on by drivers in their national costume. 0 Ibidem, pages civ-cvi. C XXV by Daunou in 1 8 1 1 , 1812 and 1813, which' have become so extremely scarce that only three copies are known to exist. 1 According to these pamphlets, not one of which is complete, the archives of Genoa did not constitute a separate section, nor did they preserve their entity, having been amalgamated with others, first under the title of Archives chi PiSmont et de la Savoie , then of Archives de la Ligurie rSunies. In August, 1 81 1, that division was yet simply prospective, so to speak, as a note of the time mentions French agents who “ were then engaged preparing the trans- portation of the said archives from Turin to Paris.” 2 On August 13, 1 8 1 1 , Daunou was commissioned “to repair beyond the Alps to examine the various bodies of archives, and ascertain which it seemed desirable to unite with the Archives of the Empire.” 3 And as we find him in Genoa from August 30 until September 7, 18 11, the probability is that the real selection 4 was commenced then. More than a year elapsed, however, before the archives selected on that occasion were sent to Paris. In Genoa or elsewhere, no positive information on the subject could be obtained ; nor was a detailed list of the documents which at any time had been removed from the city to be found. The schedule in the possession of the Genoese archivists is a very meagre one, not superior at all events to the rough list inserted in a rare and curious pamphlet written by the late Signor Canale in 1 857. 5 From this publication, we learn that the shipment was effected in October and November, 1812, and comprised 1 10 cases. 6 Concise as may be the list of documents then and thus sent, it is sufficient to warrant the assertion that neither the Libri jurium , Caffaro, Columbus Codex, nor any of the documents which are at present in the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, formed part of that shipment. We must also infer that those valuable manuscripts had already disappeared from Genoa when Daunou first came to organize the removal of the Genoese archives. It is evident that he would have selected them before all others, particularly in the A rchivio segrelo, if they had then been extant in the State repository. The fall of the French Empire and the Treaty of Vienna compelled the 1 We have been able to see but two of those pamphlets. One is entitled Tableau systematique des Archives de 1’ Empire au 15 a out 1811, 4to, 18 pages, the last of which bears the imprint, Baudoin, Imprimerie de r Inst it ut Imperial. The other is similar, except that the numbers of the registers, files and packages, instead of being designated by a mere capital letter, are given in printed figures. There must have been a third edition, bearing on the title, an 30 decembre 1812. Finally, we have the positive assertion of the Marquis de Laborde, op. cit., page xcii, note, that an edi tion was published under the title of Tableau systematique des Archives de l' Empire au i er janvier 1813, presente a S. M. P Empereur et Roi par son tres- humble , trh-obbissant et trh-fidble sujet, garde de ses archives , Daunou. We think that Henri Bordier borrowed from the latter his division entitled Archives liguriennes r’eunies , on page 403 of his valuable Archives de la France. According to this, on the 18th of January, 1813, there were lodged in the Soubise Palace 3,002 packages of Ligurian documents ; but nothing indicates how many of these belonged originally to Genoa. 2 “On est occupy en ce moment du transport de ces archives de Turin a Paris. D’autres corps d’archives sont encore a reunir.” Daunou, Tableau systematique , page 1 7. 5 De Laborde, op. cit., page cviii, note. 4 “ Triages,” to use the nefarious French term, — see in our Notes sur la Nouvelle-France a history of the archives of the French Navy De- partment, in the Introduction, page xi, — were, however, made also in Turin, as, in a letter of Daunou, Sept. 7, 1812, he recommends M. Dupre as a fit person to make the required selection in the archives of Belgium, owing to his having “ddja rempli avec succbs une mis- sion semblable a Turin.” De Laborde, op. cit., page cvii, note. 6 Michele Giuseppe Canale, Del riordina- viento degli Archivi di Genova, con una indicazione ragionata di tutti i documenti gid trasportati da Genova a Parigi, ed ora esistenti negli archivi di Corte in Torino. Genova, 1857, sm. 8vo, 28 pages. 0 “ Nous soussignes Agens gendraux des trans- ports de la Marine et du Ministbre de l’Int£- rieur, certifions avoir regu de Mons. Raimondo, Archiviste de la Prefecture de Genes, tous les papiers, registres et titres ^nonctis au present etat, renfermes dans cent dix caisses, lesquelles ont ete adressees it Mons. Daunou, selon les instructions de Mons. Fortin, entrepreneur general du susdit transport. — Genes, le 30 no- vembre, 1812. Charbonel freres.” Quoted by Canale, op. cit., pages 11-12, note. xxvi restitution of all the foreign archives in 1815. Commissioners were appointed by Spain, Rome, Austria, etc., to retake possession. The King of Sardinia sent Signor A. L. Costa, who received, April 22, 1816, from M. de la Rue, who had superseded Daunou, in the Soubise Palace, “ one hundred and fifty-one cases containing the archives of Genoa, together with a portion of those of Savoy and Piedmont.” The wording of the receipt, and the fact that no schedule or list was added, seem to indicate that the documents were still in their original cases, and therefore had not been placed on the shelves of the great French archival centre, or even unpacked. 1 Costa’s receipt covers 151 cases, whilst Charbonel, the common carrier to whom the archives were delivered at Genoa in 1812, acknowledges having received in all only 1 10. The Soubise Palace has harboured therefore 41 cases, the origin of which needs to be ascertained. Were these exclusively com- posed of documents coming from Savona, Chiavari, Ivrea, Turin, Chambery, Alexandria, and other cities of Piedmont and Savoy, or did they not also include other cases which might have been removed from Genoa prior to the autumn of 1812 ? This may be, as we shall presently show that Genoese docu- ments were taken away before the latter date. But the point, so far as the cases remitted to Costa are concerned, can be of no importance, since we know positively, from Canale’s description of them, that they did not contain the manuscripts which we are now examining. Nevertheless, it behoves the critic to investigate the question of that first removal of Genoese archives. On May 7, 1808, 2 an Imperial decree was issued, ordering that all the archives of the Transalpine Departments, of which Genoa was one, should be brought to Turin, not however in transitu preparatory to being sent to France ; for the notion of making Paris the great archival centre of Europe did not originate till a year or two afterwards. The decree was founded on the practice, still followed in France, of centralising the archives of each province in its chief city. On the 9th of September, 1808, twenty-five cases were removed from Genoa. Was it in compliance with the alleged decree of May 7, preceding, and, in con- sequence, were they sent to Turin, or, rather, to Paris? We do not see why so large a shipment of archives should have been forwarded to the French capital at such an early date. Our impression is that notwithstanding the address inscribed on the boxes, — “ To the Minister of the Interior,” the bulk of the expedition of 1808 went to Turin. Be that as it may, there is no schedule of the contents of the twenty-five cases. We possess only their mark, viz., F M, and weight. Canale, however, says, without stating his authorities, that they contained “ the originals of the History of Genoa.” 3 If so, the Libri jurium , Caffaro, Columbus Codex, and the rest, may have been in one or two of them; and September, 1808, is the time of the removal of those particular documents from Genoa. But, thus far, this is only an hypothesis. On the 18th of June, 1852, a French archivist, M. Camille Friess, was 1 It must be said, nevertheless, that accordingto Daunou’s own statement, as quoted by the Mar- quis de Laborde, op. at ., page cxi, note, at the close of the year 1812, there were already arranged on the shelves of the Soubise Palace, 292,739 bundles and registers: “A la fin de 1812, Daunou rappelle avec satisfaction que 292,739 articles, Hasses et registres, reposaient sur les rayons de l’Hotel de Soubise.” 2 “ Le 7 mai 1808, un ddcret imperial avait ordonnd la reunion, a Turin, des archives des departements transalpins.” De Laborde, op. cit., page cvi, note. There is, however, a decree of the kind issued two years previous, March 7, 1806, declaring that “ les archives du ci-devant Pidmont, existant a Turin, sont une dependance des Archives Nationales,”and a general archivist, M. F. A. Gavozzi, was appointed for all the “archives des departements au dela des Alpes.” MS. in the Archives of the Ministry of the Interior. 3 “ Precedentemente alia spedizione in Parigi da Genova dei suindicati docurnenti, add! 9 Settembre del 1808, erano gia state inviate cola al ministro dell’ interno casse n. 25, contenenti gli originali delle storie di Genova, e molte carte relative a diverse legazioni.” Canale, op. cit., page 22. C 2 XXV11 sent by the Institute of France to Genoa, for the purpose of making researches in the State archives. The main object of his mission was to study the documents relating to Corsica ; the Academy, however, also instructed him to investigate the files which concerned the administration of Marshal de Boucicault, and others relative to French history. 1 His report, when he returned to Paris, was read before the Academy, March n, 1853. The Permanent Secretary, after remarking that the mission had proved a failure, 2 made the following statement : “ According to what was said to M. Friess, the State papers and historical documents were abstracted and taken to Paris, in 1806, following upon the researches which M. de Sacy had made in the public repositories of Genoa.” 3 M. de Sacy had then been dead fifteen years ; but many of his former colleagues were present at the meeting, and no one protested against the allegation, which, after all, rested only upon the statements made to M. Friess by the Genoese archivists, nearly half a century after the alleged event. The Secretary, however, made the following remark : “ Without having to justify what happens to have been a coincidence , and not a connection , as regards the entirely scientific mission of M. de Sacy to Genoa, and the removal of the papers, it is to be regretted that M. Friess should not have known, before replying to the custodians of the Genoese archives, of the declaration from the chief archivist of the kingdom made in 1816, to the effect that he had just remitted to Signor Costa, the Sardinian commissioner, all the collections which came from Genoa.” 4 That statement indicates a sort of confusion in the mind of the Secretary, who evidently possessed information only as regards the archives sent to the Soubise Palace, which came to Paris so late as 1812, and were returned to Piedmont in 1816, apparently without having been even unpacked. The word “ coincidence ” in his remark is consequently an error on his part ; and until a document has been produced by the Genoese archivists to prove their allegation that the removal of the archives in Genoa and the mission of M. de Sacy were “connected,” or even “coincided,” the statement must be left in abeyance. This alleged intervention of M. de Sacy induces us to relate how he happened to go to Genoa. At the close of the last century, there was current among the French savants a legend, just as there is one at present almost everywhere, relative to the existence of important oriental manuscripts in certain inaccessible recesses. In our days, credulous people point to Samarcand, or to the Golden Horn in Constantinople. Formerly, it was Genoa which enjoyed that reputation. The old orientalists were convinced that the numerous incursions of the Genoese in the East, and their wars with the Saracens, had been productive of numerous Arabic, Turkish and Hebrew manuscripts, which were entombed, as they believed, either in the Palace of the Govern- 1 Report of M. Lenormant, Prods verbaux des seances de V Acad'emie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres , MS. in the office of the Secretary of the Institute of France, June 18, 1852. 2 If M. Friess had gone to Turin, and asked for the documents contained in cases 98-105, he would have obtained all he desired, so far as the chief object of his mission, viz., the history of Corsica, was concerned. 3 “ Les papiers d’Etat et les documents his- toriques furent enleves, lui a-t-on dit, et trans- port's a Paris en 1806, a la suite des recherches que M. de Sacy avait faites dans les depots publics de Genes.” Proch verbaux de V Acad'emie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres de 1849 ^ 1 853, MS., page 508 ; and Memoir es de I Acadhnie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres , Paris, 1861, vol. xx., page 19. 4 “ Sans avoir a justifier la coincidence et non pas la liaison de la mission toute scientifique de M. de Sacy a Genes avec l’enlevement des papiers, il est a regretter que M. Friess, pour repondre aux conservateurs des depots qu’il visitait, n’ait pas eu connaissance de la declaration du garde g^ndral du royaume, en 1816, portant qu’il venait de remettre a M. Costa, commissaire du roi de Sar- daigne, sur son recepisse, toutes les collections provenant des archives de Genes.” Op. cit. ment in Genoa, or in the Bank of St. George. To ascertain the matter, Napoleon ordered the Institute of France to send a mission to initiate researches in the Genoese archives. It was intrusted to M. Sylvestre de Sacy. The great French savant repaired at once, in 1805, to Genoa ; and, let it be said and noted, he never made another journey out of France. His first visit was to the Palace of the Government ; and when by the orders of Lebrun and of M. Bureau de Puzy, the French Prefect of Genoa, the employes opened to him the Archivio segreto , he went deliberately to two cabinets, or presses, which had been privately pointed out as containing many ancient manuscripts of importance. We know from his own description that the Libri jurium , Caffaro, and Federici’s memoranda, together with the Columbus Codex, were then kept in those two cabinets, the entire contents of which he carefully inventoried. 1 M. de Sacy’s account led us to infer that these documents, all of which, as we have already said, still exist side by side in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, just as when kept in the Genoese repository, eighty-seven years ago, were not separated by the parties who first packed and sent them to France, evidently all in the same case. Our inference was strengthened by the fact that the documents form a sort of medley, with no historical connection for the most part. It is clear that the Columbus Codex, or the papers concerning the difficulties with Savona, for instance, have but little analogy to the col- lection of Statutes at large and other legal documents embraced in the Libri jurium. These circumstances forced upon us the conviction that the Genoese series which we are now examining were originally packed up precisely as they came out of the cabinet, and belonged to a case kept undisturbed and entire until its contents were lodged in the State Department of France. The deliberate manner in which M. de Sacy caused the cabinets to be opened, as well as the private information which prompted his action, indicate that in the opinion of his informers, and in his own, those two cabinets con- tained the most precious documents in the Archivio segreto. And although there was among them only one of immediate interest to that savant, a Hebrew Bible in six large folio volumes, the careful analysis which he gave then and afterwards of the Libri jurium shows that those documents proved extremely interesting to him. 2 Taking into consideration that his countrymen in 1805 were absolute masters of the city, may he not have conceived then the desire of endowing France with this admirable set of ancient and historical manuscripts ? Such a thought was in keeping, it must be said, with the practice of the time. The conquests of the French, in Belgium, in Holland, in the Rhenish pro- vinces, in Italy, were always followed by the arrival of agents sent expressly 1 “ Deux armoires m’avaient ete designees par quelques renseignements particuliers,comme l’endroit sur lequel je devois diriger principale- ment mon attention. . . . C’est la que se trouvent . . . le manuscrit des annales de Caffari, les privileges accordes a Christophe Colomb par les rois d’Espagne et donnes aux archives en 1670 par Louis Oderico, les collections pre- cieuses de Federico Federici, Roccatagliata et autres ; le recueil manuscrit en onze volumes in-folio, intitule Liber jurium .” See Rapport sur les recherches faites dans les archives du gouvernement et autres depots publics a Genes , in Histoire et Memoires de I’Institut royal de Fratice, classe d’histoire et de litterature ancienne , vol. iii., Paris, 1818, 4to, page 91. On page 103, M. de Sacy says, “le recueil intitule Liber jurium est compose de dix gros volumes in-folio.” 2 See in vol. iii. of the Histoire et Memoires de Vlnstitut royal de France, just quoted, pages 103-125, Notices des pieces tirees des Archives secretes du gouvernement, a Genes, where M, de Sacy gives an analysis of a number of docu- ments taken from the Libri jurium. In 1827 he published, in the Notices et Extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque du Roi, vol. xi., pages 1-96, the full text of many of the docu- ments which he had copied in 1805, and besides, very important ones of the years 958, 1178, 1181, 1229, and 1380, also borrowed from the Libri jurium, but theretofore unnoticed. It is worthy of remark that we find another French savant, Saint Martin, publishing likewise, op. cit., pages 97-122, an Armenian document of considerable importance, derived from the same source. c 3 XXIX from Paris to select in the conquered cities such objects of art and manuscripts as the Government thought desirable to add to the public collections in the Louvre and National Library. Those agents were extremely keen and com- petent, and invariably chose manuscripts of historical, philological, or artistic importance, 1 disdaining, as a rule, that mass of theological and ecclesiastical writings which constitute the bulk of collections everywhere in Europe. So far as Genoa was concerned, a number of its mediaeval charters were in the hands of French savants so far back as the year 1800. 2 The famous original Caffaro, which is among the jewels of the Paris National Library, 3 is one of the manuscripts which found their way to the capital of France in that manner. Under the circumstances, it was not impossible that M. de Sacy should have called the attention of M. Bureau de Puzy to those documents, and expressed the wish to have them sent to France, in 1806. All this reasoning, however, would contradict two facts. The first is that there are no traces in Genoa of a removal of archives before 1808 ; and con- sequently, the archivists who made the statement to M. Friess spoke at random. The second fact is that on the 7th of July, 1807, those documents were still in the same cabinets in Genoa where M. de Sacy had examined them two years previous. We possess his own statement to that effect. In the report which he submitted to the Institute at the above-mentioned date, 4 after describing the Libri jurium , Caffaro, Columbus Codex, &c., &c., and the two cabinets where they were kept, M. de Sacy added: “I have examined with the utmost care all the volumes, manuscripts, boxes, bundles and portfolios which are preserved within the same , and drafted a succinct inventory.” 5 What is more, after calling the attention of the Institute to the importance of the Genoese archives for writing a history of Commerce and Navigation, and to make a corpus of certain documents which would find their proper place in Dumont’s Corps Diplomatique , the celebrated savant used this noble language : “Je l’ai deja insinud et je le repete, le travail dont il s’agit ici ne peut etre bien fait qua Genes ; il n’y manque point de personnes capable del’executer a la satisfaction du public eclaire. Il n’y a point de doute qu’un semblable “ / have already intimated , , and I repeat , that this undertaking can be properly carried out only in Genoa , where there are persons competent to accomplish it satisfactorily. There is 710 doubt but such a work would acquire 1 Such manuscripts are easily recognised in the foreign libraries to which they were restored in r8r6, by the stamp R. F., i.e., “Republique Franqaise,” which they still bear. 3 Memoir es de PLnstitut national. Classe des sciences morales et politiques, vol. iii., An IX., page 23, where we read : “ Les chartes qu’on a envoyees de Genes sont curieuses a cet dgard.” 3 The three oldest and most complete manu- scripts of Caffaro are in Paris, viz. : 1st, the MS. above mentioned, in the National Library — Latin , 10,136, — where it arrived between 1795 and r8o5. This valuable codex is the first in every respect, and probably the one which Muratori was not permitted to see in Genoa; 2nd, Federici’s codex, in the State Department, which we have already cited ; 3rd, Giorgio Stella’s own copy, also in the National Library — Latin , 5899, — acquired in r662, with other manuscripts, which, by the order of Louis XIV., were bought from the heirs of the book- seller Trjchet Du Fresne. It figures under the designation of Antiqui Annales Genuenses, 4. maroq. in the Catalogus librorum bibliotheca Raphaeli Tricheti Du Fresne; Parisiis, apud viduam et hceredes , mdc.lxii, 4to, last page of the Codices latini. Although Du Fresne’s manuscripts had been for the greater part pur- chased by himself in Italy, the Latin , 5899, must have been in France already in the fifteenth cen- tury, since it was consulted there by Tristan Calchi, the Secretary of Louis XII. 4 Extrait du rapport lu a la classe d'histoire et de litterature ancienne de PLnstitut de France , par M. Silvestre de Sacy, sur les recherches faites dans les archives de Genes, en execution des ordres du Gouvernement et de la deliberation de cette classe du 14 thermidor an 13. Small 8vo, sine anno aut loco, 11 pages. See also the Moniteur , No. 186, July 7, 1807, page 728. 5 “ J’ai examine avec le plus grand soin tous les volumes et manuscrits, les cartons, liasses et portefeuilles qui y sont renferm'es, et j’en ai fait un etat sommaire.” Op. cit., page 5. The italics are not in the original. XXX recueil n’acquiere un nouveau merite, additional value if made by men who , s’il est fait par des hommes qui, au besides being incited by the desire of desir d’attacher leurs noms a une col- adding their names to a collection of that lection recherchee, joindront encore important character , would be further cet orgueil national qui se plait a re- animated by the national pride which tracer les anciens titres de gloire de la delights in reviving ancient testimonies patrie.” 1 to the glory of the country!' The man who spoke in such terms certainly did not endeavour to deprive Genoa of her national archives ! Although it matters but little whether the Genoese archives now deposited in the Department of Foreign Affairs came to Paris in 1806, in 1808, or after- wards, for the fact is incontestable that they were forwarded to France as spolia opima, yet every circumstance calculated to elucidate the subject requires to be stated. It was the celebrated Baron de Gerando, a scholar, a philanthropist and a great patriot, who suggested to Napoleon the idea of sending De Sacy to Genoa. He had himself occupied a high official position in that city, having been sent with De Champagny in 1805 to effect the annexation of the Ligurian Republic to France. De Gerando returned to Italy in 1808, as one of the five members of the Junta appointed by the Emperor to reorganize the Kingdom of Etruria. As he was a colleague of De Sacy in the French Institute, he must have been made aware of the great importance of that series of Genoese documents, and it is not impossible that he availed himself of the circumstance to order their removal to Paris. And as he occupied then the office of Secretary General of the Ministry of the Interior, it is natural to suppose that the cases containing those valuable manuscripts may have been directed to the archives of his department, preparatory to a distribution between the Institute and the National Library. But Canale asserts that twenty-five cases (“ casse n. 25”) were sent to Paris in 1808. Now, all the Genoese manuscripts at present preserved there could be held in one large box. What became then of the other twenty-four cases ? Must we suppose that these were sent to Turin, whilst one was sepa- rated from the lot and forwarded to Paris ? These are questions which it is impossible to answer at the present day with the information within the reach of inquirers. As the reader will perceive, if the Parisian history of the Italian archives in the main is pretty well known, something yet remains to be ascertained relative to the most valuable portion of the archives of Genoa ; and, more than anyone else, we regret to have failed to answer in a positive manner the question raised at the outset, viz. : — How does it happen that the Columbus Codex and other Genoese documents are at present preserved in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Paris ? 1 2 After all, it is sufficient for us to know that the manu- 1 Extrait du rapport , above quoted, page 10. 2 As in 1812 Genoa had ceased to be inde- pendent, and was a mere department of the French Empire, its archives were not considered as foreign, and consequently every action per- taining to them was under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior, or Home Secretary. And as its archives at that time were kept in the Rue de Grenelle, as well as those of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this coincidence may be the sole cause, after all, of the presence of the Genoese documents in the State Department at the present day. We are convinced that they never went to the Soubise Palace ; otherwise they would have been restored to Costa in 1816 with the 15 1 other cases of Ligurian ar- chives. And if perchance they had been omitted, owing, we suppose, to the case having been mislaid, but discovered afterwards, when Article 26 of the Treaty of Vienna made it lawful for the French to keep that class of archives, we would find the Libri jurium , Columbus Codex, &c., &c., still in the great archival palace, side by side with the large residue from Simancas, which is yet there on file. We can see no reason why a different xxxi script in that superb collection which alone interests the student of American history, viz., the Book of the Privileges of Christopher Columbus, is still pre- served in the archival department of the Palace of the Quai d’Orsay, and generously placed at the disposal of the public. course should have been pursued regarding this set of Genoese manuscripts. With the excep- tion of the Slatuta enacted by Marshal de Boucicault, in the name of Charles VI., they do not interest French history. And as to the Archives Nationales parting with them for the benefit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it is difficult to imagine of what use such foreign records of the Middle Ages could be to Champagny or to Talleyrand. XXXll Chapter IV. Comparison of the Paris , Genoa , and {lost) Boston Cartularies. S we have already remarked, two of the four authenticated copies which Christopher Columbus caused to be made of his Book of Privileges at Seville in 1502 are the Paris and Genoese codices. There has been in a private library of Boston a codex on parchment, which was perhaps the third one engrossed on that substance, and certified as above stated. We know of it only through the following statement written in 1824 by Mr. Edward Everett: “When I was in Florence in 1818, a small folio manuscript was brought to me, written on parchment, apparently two or three centuries old, in binding once very rich, but now worn, containing a series of documents in Latin and Spanish, mostly the latter, with the following title on the first blank page, ‘ Treslado de las Bullas del Papa Alexandro VI. de la Concession de las Indias y los titulos , privileges, y cedillas reales, qne se dieron a Christoval Colon! I was led by this title to purchase the work ; but, deterred by the abundant use of abbreviations and a limited acquaintance with the language, I made no attempt for several years to read it. My attention having been turned again to it, by the publication of the work in Genoa, and having had an opportunity, by the kindness of a friend, of seeing a copy of it, the only one perhaps in this part of the country, I was surprised to find my manuscript, as far as it goes, nearly identical in its contents with that of Genoa, supposed to be one of the only two in existence. My manuscript consists of about eighty closely written folio pages, which coincide precisely with the text of the first thirty- seven documents, contained in two hundred and forty pages of the Genoese volume. A few more documents, wanting in my manuscript, are found in the Genoese work ; and a second Bull of Alexander VI., in Latin, is contained in the former, and is wanting in the latter. In the last of the documents, contained in the Genoese volume and wanting in my manuscript, we read as follows ; ‘ Los originales destos privillegios y cartas y cedulas y otras muchas cartas de sus Altezas e otras escripturas, tocantes al Senor Almirante, estan en el Monasterio de Sancta Maria de las Cuevas de Sevilla. ‘Otrosy esta, enel dicho Monasterio, un libro traslado de los privilegios e cartas suso- dichos, semejante que esto. ‘Otro traslado levo este, aho de M.D.II., y tiene Alonso Sanchez de Carvajal a las Yndias, escripto en papel e abtorizado. ‘ Otro traslado en pergamino tal como este.’ Mention is here accordingly made of four copies of these documents, three on parch- ment and one on paper. Two of them were sent by Columbus himself to Genoa. Whether that procured by me at Florence be a third ; whether it be that supposed to be at Paris ; or what is more probable perhaps, another copy, there are at present no means of deciding. I hope to have in my power, on some other occasion, to describe it more accurately, particularly in those respects in which it differs from the Genoese volume.” 1 Mr. Everett never referred again to the subject, and the above is the only description ever made of that valuable manuscript, which has since dis- appeared altogether. 1 Edward Everett, An Oration delivered at not to be found in the subsequent edition or Plymouth , December 22, 1824. Boston, 1825, editions of that oration, nor even in the complete 8vo, pages 64-65, note B. The above extract is works, 1850-59. xxxiii We notice first that its title was different from that of the Paris and Genoese codices, although to the same purport. Then the manuscript is reported to have contained “ a series of documents in Latin and Spanish, mostly the latter.” The Genoa and Paris cartularies contain only one document in Latin, and that is the second Bull of Alexander VI., said inadvertently by Mr. Everett to have existed in no other codex than his own. But as the title of the manuscript mentioned “ Bullas,” in the plural tense, we suppose that it embraced both Bulls (May 3rd and 4th, 1493). On the other hand, Mr. Everett’s codex was written on parchment, and set forth the first thirty-seven 1 documents of the Genoese manuscript, that is, the original series which the great navigator exhibited to the notaries, and caused to be authenticated by the alcaldes. These data, however, are not sufficient to identify beyond a doubt the Everett codex with the vellum one which was deposited at Las Cuevas. But if the former is ever found again, and shown to contain the preamble of Martin Rodriguez, as well as the authentication at the end of the thirty-sixth 2 document of the Genoese manuscript, then it will very probably be the Las Cuevas or Baldassare Colombo codex, though the documentary additions should be different from those in the Genoa and Paris cartularies. Baldassare may have taken that valuable manuscript to Italy, when he returned home in 1605 ; and its being discovered in Florence by Mr. Everett could be accounted for in that manner. We now come to the codex preserved in Genoa, the vicissitudes of which have been already described in the preceding pages, as far as known. Not having it before our eyes just at present, we borrow Father Spotorno’s descrip- tion, having had occasion several times to ascertain its exactitude : “The manuscript is on parchment, in a small folio volume, bound in Spanish leather, with two silver ornaments on the sides, and inclosed in a Spanish leather bag, which had originally a silver lock, but it has been taken off, leaving only a mark on the place to which it had been fastened. At the beginning of the manuscript is an original letter of Philip II., King of Spain, to Ottaviano Oderico, Doge of Genoa. 3 Then follows a leaf of parchment, on the back of which is a memorandum relative to Lorenzo Oderico, who, in 1669, or 1670, gave this manuscript to the Republic. 4 Then comes the title, written in red and black letters, with arabesque ornaments : Cartas, Previleg 3 , Ledulas Y OTRAS ESCRITURAS DE Don Christoval Colon, Almirante Mayor del Mar Oceano, VlSOREY Y GOVERNADOR DE LAS ISLAS Y TIERRA FIRME. 1 Actually thirty-six. The Genoa Codex in- advertently omits the figures xxxii. in numbering. 3 Thirty-fifth in the Paris Codex. 3 The letter of Philip II. has no connection whatever with the codex. It contains only con- gratulations addressed by the King to Ottaviano Oderico on his being elected Doge of the Genoese Republic. 4 Here is the text of that memorandum, heretofore unpublished : “ Questo con l’altro simile Libro, che ambi contengono i privileggi concessi dal Rk Ferdi- “ This and the other similar book , both of which contain the privi- leges granted by King nando di Spagna e Regina Isabella sua consorte a Cristoforo Colombo, furono do- nati alia Republica da Lorenzo Oderici, come da attestato e graciozo decreto ac- cordatogli de Ser ml Colleggi li 10. Gen- najo 1670, che ve- desi annesso ad altm simile Decreto con- cesso al M co Giovanni Paolo Oderico, figlio Ferdinand of Spain and Queen Isabella his con- sort to Christopher Co- lumbus, were presented to the Republic by Lo- renzo Oderici, according to the certified and gra- cious decree accorded to him by the most serene Colleges on the 10 th of fanuary, 1670, which appears annexed to another similar decree granted to the Magni- ficent Giovanni Paolo xxxiv The writing is a species of Gothic. On the back of the title is the coat-of-arms of Christopher Columbus. The next leaf contains the table of the documents contained in the manuscript. Then begin the documents themselves, which occupy forty-two leaves, numbered only on one side. The initial letters are painted and ornamented ; and the argument of each document is written in the margin in a beautiful miniature character. Strictly speaking, the MS. finishes at the end of the forty-second leaf (Document XXXVI.), where the subscriptions of the notaries and alcaldes of Seville are placed. . . . Then follows, on eight pages of parchment, the Bull of Pope Alexander VI. about the famous line of demarcation. Then follow eight other pages of documents, written after the first, and legalised in the usual form ; and these are succeeded by five blank leaves. Next comes a document in which Columbus comments upon his privileges and defends his rights ; this occupies three pages, the fourth being blank. The piece which follows is of the same description ; in this Columbus himself recapitulates methodically the articles of the convention which he made with the Catholic monarchs, on his setting out on his first expedition, and defends his rights with much warmth and force of reasoning. This occupies nine pages and part of a tenth. After this comes Columbus’s Letter to the Nurse of the Prince Don Juan, which fills ten pages. On the last leaf is a memorandum of the different copies which had been made of the original privileges of Columbus ; and this finishes the part of the MS. which is on parchment. The two autograph letters of Columbus to his friend Nicolo Oderigo, written on paper, are pasted into the book; as is also the reply of the Magistrate of St. George to Columbus . 1 At the end of the whole, there is a pictorial sketch 2 on half a sheet of paper, symbolical of Columbus and his discovery .” 3 Jal, who examined the Genoa codex in 1834, 4 says that “ back of the frontispiece is to be seen the seal which Columbus used, when after his discovery of America he was made an Admiral.” 5 We do not recollect having seen that or any seal in the Genoa codex. Perhaps there was one affixed to one of his letters to Oderigo then inserted in the cartulary, and which may have since frittered away. It is certain that Columbus possessed a seal, which he frequently used. An impression on sealing wax has been lately discovered by the Duquesa de Alba in the archives of her family. 6 Although very much injured by time, it can yet be reconstructed as follows : del detto Lorenzo, di Oderico, son of the said 29. Gennaro 1700, Lorenzo , on the zfih of ambi infilzati nel Fo- January, 1700, both of gliaccio de’ privileggi them filed in the collec- onorifici.” tion of honorary privi- leges The text of the decree of 1670 mentioned in this memorandum is given in facsimile on page 274; for that of the year 1700, see supra , xvii. 1 Thatletter was first made known by Girolamo Bordoni, in the edition of the Historic which he gave forth at Milan in 1614. It has been re- printed from the original text with a translation into English in our Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. George , pages 7 - 1 1 . 2 There is not a shadow of evidence or pro- bability that this sketch was ever drawn by Christopher Columbus, as we see it so often stated, — Cliristophe Colomb et ses historiens espa- gnols, page 17. In our opinion it is simply a project for a fresco, or for a canvas painting, perhaps a ceiling, prepared by some Italian artist of the end of the sixteenth century by order of Ottaviano Oderico. 3 Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Americano, pages Ixx-i ; translation taken from the English edi- tion of 1823, pages cxxxviii-cxli. 4 Jal, De Paris ct Naples , Paris, 1836, 8vo, vol. i., page 257. 0 “ Derribre le frontispice se trouve le cachet de Colomb, celui dont il se servit lorsqu’ apres la decouverte de l’Ambrique il eut obtenu les dignites d’amiral, de vice-roi et gouverneur des Indes.” We have ascertained that there is no trace of such a seal in the Codex at the present time. A. Jal, Le Triomphe de Cliristophe Colomb dessine par lui-meme , in La France Maritime, •by Grehan, Paris, 1852, 8vo, vol. ii., page 264. 6 Autografos de Cristobal Colon y Papeles de America, los publica la Duquesa de Berwick y de Alba, Condesa de Siruela, Madrid, 1892, folio, fronting page 39. xxxv This monogram constitutes the well-known signature of Christopher Columbus, but without the words “ xpo ferens,” and with the addition of a terrestrial globe, which is not mentioned anywhere. The exact meaning of these initials has not yet been ascertained ; and although his successors are ordered in his will to use the same signature, he has failed to give the necessary explanation. The clause reads as follows : “ D. Diego, mi hijo, 6 cualquier otro que heredare este mayorazgo, despues de haber heredado y estado en posesion de ello, firme de mi firma, la cual agora acostrumbro, que es una X con una S encima, y una M con una A romana encima, y encima della una S, y despues una Y griega, con una S encima con sus rayas y virgulas.” 1 “ Don Diego , my son , or any other who shall inherit this entail , after in- heriting and coming into possession of the same , shall sign with my signature which I now make use of, which is an X with an S over it, and an M with a Roman A over it, and over that an S, and then a Greek Y, with an S over it, with its lines and commas According to Spotorno, these seven letters signify the words Xristus, Sancta Maria, Yosephus, and, added to the last line read : Salva-me , Xristus, Maria, Yosephus. Other interpretations, however, have been proposed : SERWS SVM ALTISSIMI SALVATORIS XRISTE MARIA YESV / AM THE SERVANT OF THE MOST HIGH SAVIOUR. 0 CHRIST, MARY, JESUS. SALVET ME SALVATOR ADJVVET SVCCVRAT XSTVS MARIA YOSEPHVS THE SAVIOUR SHALL SAVE, HELP AND SUCCOUR ME. CHRIST, MARY, JOSEPH. SVM SEQVAX AMATOR SERWS XRISTI MARI/E YOSEPHI I AM THE FOLLOWER, LOVER, SERVANT, OF CHRIST, OF MARY, OF JOSEPH. SARACENOS SVBIGAT AVERTAT SVBMOVEAT XSTVS MARIA YOSEPHVS. HE SHALL SUBJUGATE, TURN AWAY, REMOVE THE SARACENS. CHRIST, MARY, JOSEPH. The letters, indeed, lend themselves to a multitude of combinations, but what Columbus really meant cannot at the present day be confidently affirmed. As to the two autograph letters to Oderigo, both of which bear the above described signature, they are no longer pasted into the book. 2 The Syndic of Genoa ordered them, some years ago, to be taken out, and inserted each separately, between two panes of glass, and framed. There is no necessity for describing the Paris codex, as a facsimile of it is presented herewith, complete, and taken direct from the original, recently on exhibition (on the occasion of the fourth centenary of the discovery of America), in the Geographical Department of the Paris National Library. The only additional details of interest are that each leaf measures 29 by 20 centimeters ; that the vellum is particularly fresh, with some blank membranes 1 Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXVI., page 2 The two letters to Nicolo Oderigo are 229. described, infra, page lxiii. xxxvi between the fifty-fourth and the sixty-second leaves, as if Columbus intended to insert other documents; and that the original binding has been torn away, since 1848, and replaced by a very common one, in dark green morocco, bearing on the recto of the first side, within a circle, the inscription : R. F. Liberty Egalitt , Fraternity. Archives des Affaires Etrangeres. As we had occasion to state when we first made known and described in detail the Paris codex, in 1S84, 1 there are between the two codices many differences in the spelling and abbreviations. The Paris codex is somewhat more complete. Its text of the Letter to the Nurse, for instance, contains in addition the following sentence : “ Digo que la fuerga del mardesyr de descongertados me ha mas danado que mis servigios fecho provecho, mal exemplo es por el presente y por lo futuro. Fago juramento que cantidad de onbres han ydo a las Yndias que non meresgian el agua para con Dios y con el mundo, y agora buelven alia, y se les consiente.” “I assert that the violence of the calumny of turbulent persons has in- jured me more than my services have profited me ; which is a bad example for the present and for the future. I take my oath that a number of men have gone to the Eidics who did not deserve water in the sight of God and of the world ; and now they are returning thither, and leave is granted them ." 2 Christopher Columbus frequently added to his printed books and manu- scripts certain marks to call attention. They consist chiefly of a double cross, a sort of omega, small circles with a bar, resembling the head of a screw, a pair of waved lines, and a hand with extended finger generally pointing to the right of the reader. 3 The latter sign is the most frequent, presenting great variety, especially in the shape of the cuff around the wrist ; sometimes the forearm is added. There are two such maniform signs in the Paris codex, and one in that of Genoa. The sign in the latter is on the verso of the third leaf, facing the following words : “ E tengo por bien que todas las ganangias que el dicho mi Almirante mayor oviere o fisiere en la mi flota, o por la mar, que aya Yo las doss par- tes, e el dicho Almirante la tergia parte, e yendo el por su cuerpo mesmo en la dicha flota, aunque la dicha flota o parte della se aparte por su mando, o syn su mandado.” “ And I ordain that of all the gains which my said High Admiral may re- ceive or make in my fleet or at sea, / shall receive two parts and the said Admiral the third part, he going in his own person in the said fleet , even though the said fleet or part thereof may go away by his order or without his order." This refers to Columbus’s claim of one-third of the gains, which he believed to apply to all lands which he, and the navigators who came after him, might discover. For further information, we beg to refer the reader to our analysis of the forty-third document in the Paris cartulary. 4 The first maniform sign in the Paris codex is in red ink on the verso of the forty-fourth leaf (p. 184), in the Papal Bull of May 4th, 1493, opposite the following sentence addressed to Ferdinand and Isabella (we quote from the amended text) : 1 Christophe Colomb, vol. i., pages 20-22. 2 Infra, page 254. 3 For some of these marks, see, in the Notes on Columbus, fronting pages 84 and 215, photo- graphic facsimiles taken from Columbus’s own annotated copies of the Imagine Mundi of Pierre d’Ailly, and of the Ilistoria rerum ubique ges- taram of ./Eneas Sylvius Piccolomini, Venice, 1477, folio. 1 Infra , pages lx and lxi. D xxxvii “ dilectum filium Christoforum Colon virum utique dignum et pluri- mum commendandum ac tanto negotio aptum cum navigiis et hominibus ad similia instructis .... destinastis.” “ You appointed [our] beloved son Christopher Columbus , a man particu- larly worthy and much to be commended, and well suited to so great an under- taking, with vessels and men equipped for such purposes, . . .” This sentence is not in the first Papal Bull of May 3rd, 1493. The second sign is on the recto of the fifty-third leaf (p. 21 1), in the letter addressed to Columbus by Ferdinand and Isabella, March 14th, 1502, and opposite the following important sentence : “ Y tened por P a ge 9°- 3 “ Defendemos firmemente que alguna ni algunas personas no sean osadas de ir contra ellas [the former mercedes] . . . ; e si el tenor e forma dellas, . . . en algo le perjudica la dicha provision que asi mandamos dar, que de suso va encorporada, por la presente la revocamos.” Navarrete, vol. ii., pages 201-202. A certain phrase of Columbus seems to apply to new in- fringements of that ordinance: “Fago juramento que cantitad de onbres han ydo a las Indias que no meresgian el agua para con Dios y con el mundo, y agora buelven alia.” Infra, page 254. That sentence is not to be found in the Genoa codex. 4 Cartas de Indias, Doc. I., page 5. Americus Vespuccius was far from being so liberal, but expressed his opinion several years later. Having been asked by Cardinal Ximenez, on the 9th of December, 1508, whether it was not desirable that “ cada uno tenga lybertad de yr i llevar lo que quisyere,” which was the policy of Portugal E 3 Consistently with his altered views in this respect, Columbus authorized many commanders, “ muchos capitanes,” to explore the newly-discovered lands. This we learn from Andres Bernaldez, 1 who was an eyewitness : “ Y estando ^1 en la corte se negocid 6 concertd, 6 se dio licencia d otros muchos capitanes que la procuraron para ir a descubrir, 6 fueron 6 descubrieron diversas islas. — And being at the Court, authorization was negotiated, agreed, and granted to many other captains, who obtained it for the purpose of going to discover ; and they went, and discovered various islands.” 2 *** The first of those two documents has been published by Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. LXXXVI., pages 165-168 ; the second, in the same vol., Doc. CXIII., pages 201-202. Document X. Pages 98-101. An order, April 23, 1497, addressed to the customs-officers, receivers of rents, &c., of Seville and Cadiz, that all goods shipped for or brought from the Indies should be exempt from customs-duty, market-toll, or any other duties. *** This document has been published by Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CVII., page 189. Document XI. Pages 101-106. Further and more explicit orders, May 6, 1497, addressed to the governors, magistrates, customs-officers, tithe-collectors, &c., of Seville and Cadiz, for the free lading and unlading of goods destined for or brought from the Indies, on production of a certificate signed by Columbus or his agents, so as to prevent fraud and deception. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CX., pages 196-198 ; but without the mandamus addressed to all the judicial officers in Seville and Cadiz, fixing January 1, 1498, as the day when those regulations would commence to be enforced. We have found that important order only in the Paris and Genoa codices. Document XII. Pages 106-113. Licence, June 22, 1497, to subjects of Queen Isabella who have been guilty of certain crimes, to settle in Hispaniola, at their own cost, with a pro- spective pardon. We find this practice from the very beginning. There is an ordinance to that effect, dated as early as April 30, 1492. 3 No wonder therefore that Columbus’s intention to return to Spain was hastened by the desire to escape from the villains who accompanied him in his first voyage : “ Por quittarse de la mala compania que tenia, y que siempre habia dicho que era gente desmandada.” 4 *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXX., pages 212-215. Document XIII. Pages 113-117. An order to the judicial officers in the kingdom, June 22, 1497, directing that persons who are or mav be under sentence of banishment and to work in the mines, should be sent to Hispaniola, and that those under simple sentence of banishment should also be sent thither but with reduction of the term of the sentence. *** This document has been published by Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXVI., pages 207-208. concerning her African colonies — “segunque lo 2 Discovery of North America, pages 125-126. haze el rey de Portugal en lo de la mina del 3 Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. IX., page 15. Oro ” — Vespuccius raised considerable objec- See also Bibliotheca Americana Velustissima, tions against such an enlightened course of Additions, No. 10, page 14. action. Ibidem, Doc. III., page 11. 4 Logbook, January 7, 1493, in Navarrete, ' Bernaldez, Historia de los Reyes Catolicos , Coleccion de los viages que hicieron los Espaholes, vol. ii., cap. xxxi., page 79. vol. i., page 129. liv Document XIV. Pages 117-118. Warrant to the Conde de Cifuentes, Chief Standard Bearer and Assistant of Seville, June 22, 1497, to receive such prisoners sent to him by the various justices, and retain them in safe custody till he should deliver them to the Admiral or his agents on board the vessels when ready to sail. *** Also published by Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXVII., page 209. Document XV. Pages 118-121. An order directed, June 22, 1497, to an officer of the Crown, whose name is omitted, to compel underwriters and ship-chandlers to furnish ships and provisions at the usual prices. *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXVIII., page 210. Document XVI. Pages 121-122. Orders directed, June 22, 1497, to the port officers in Seville and Cadiz, to permit Columbus to ship free of charge a certain quantity of wheat and barley, from the thirds belonging to their Majesties and held of their right in the Archbishopric. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXIX., page 21 1. Document XVII. Page 122. This is a mere duplicate of the order directed to Ferdinand de Soria, April 23, 1497, to give to Columbus an authenticated copy of the documents per- taining to the privileges of the Admiral of Castile, which we have already mentioned. %* See above, Doc. I., page xlviii. Document XVIII. Pages 122-125. An authorization given to Columbus, April 23, 1497, to take into pay for the Indies, soldiers, labourers, gardeners, &c., to the number of three hundred and thirty persons, including thirty women. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. Cl 1 1 ., page 181. Document XIX. Pages 125-126. An order to the Crown Treasurer to pay out of the receipts all salaries and sums due to employees of the Spanish government in the New World. April 23, 1497. *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CVII., page 189. Document XX. Page 126. The Chief Accountant is authorized to reimburse Columbus for moneys lent to certain parties in the Indies. May 9th, 1497. *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXI., page 199. Document XXI. Pag6o 126-129. Columbus is authorized, April 22, 1497, to increase the number, to five hundred, of persons to accompany him to the West Indies. It is curious to note that this is dated a day earlier than the order which it appears to amplify. See Document XVIII. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CVI., page 188. lv Document XXII. Pages 129- 133. Columbus, July 22, 1497, is authorized to apportion land amongst settlers. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXI., page 215. Document XXIII. Pages 133-137. Bartholomew Columbus is appointed “ adelantado ” 1 of the West Indies, July 22, 1497. Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXII., page 217. Document XXIV. Page 137. Columbus, December 23, 1497, is authorized to pay whatever may be due to certain persons in the West Indies. Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXIII., page 219. Document XXV. Pages 137-138. Ferdinand and Isabella write, December 23, 1497, to Fonseca and Columbus jointly, in reply to a letter sent by them, concerning the purchase of provisions for the third voyage. We notice that Fonseca and Columbus are designated as both belonging to the Royal Council : “ anbos del nuestro consejo.” *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXIV., page 219. Document XXVI. Pages 138-141. Mandamus addressed to all men in the West Indies to obey Columbus as Viceroy and Governor of the same. August 16, 1494. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. LXXX., page 156. Document XXVII. Pages 141-145. Mandamus to all officers and men on board the ships of the second expe- dition, to obey Columbus, May 28, 1493, and appointing him Captain General of the fleet. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. XLII., page 62. Document XXVIII. Pages 145-146. Columbus having been authorized to grant charters and decrees patent and seal them with (a duplicate) of the royal seal and to appoint a proxy to act in his absence, that proxy is now authorized to exercise these powers while Columbus is engaged in prosecuting maritime discoveries. %'* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. XLIV., page 65. Document XXIX. Pages 146-149, The King and Queen forego their right to choose functionaries from a certain list prepared by Columbus, and leave the sole right with him. May 28, 1493- *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. XLIII., p. 64. 1 We feel constrained to use the Spanish term, de algun Reyno, provincia, 6 districto : y en la there being no corresponding word in English, guerra el Capitan general : — The Adelantado, in The office of “Adelantado” is described by time of peace is President and Chief Justice of Salazar de Mendoca (Origen de las Dignidades ; any Kingdom, province or district, and, in time Toledo, 1618, folio 61) as follows : “ El Adelan- of war, Captain-General.” It corresponds to the tado en la paz, es Presidente, y Justicia mayor Grand Shiechal de France in the Middle Ages. lvi Document XXX. Pages 149-161. Letters patent of April 23, 1497, authorizing Columbus to create the sort of entail called “ Mayorazgo.” It is very much to be regretted that Columbus should not have inserted also the deed creating the entail, February 22, 1498. We possess the latter document in notarial copies absolutely authentic, but in this place it would complete the series. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXXVI., pages 221-226. See our Christophe Colomb, vol. ii., pages 148-163, 265-270, 287-292, 325-327. Document XXXI. Pages 161-162. This is the letter which Ferdinand and Isabella addressed to Columbus, March 30, 1493, on his return from the first voyage, bidding him come to the Court at once to relate his discovery of the New World. We possess three texts of that letter, all dated “ De Barcelona a treinta dias de Marzo de noventa y tres anos.” There can be no doubt therefore as to the exactness of the date of March 30th, 1493. It does not follow, however, that their Catholic Majesties were not already in possession of all the details of that memorable expedition. The Fasti Columbini show, by the Journal of Tribaldo d’Amerigo de’ Rossi, by the Chronicle of Pietro Parenti, by one of Simon Verde’s letters to Piero Niccoli, and by other contemporaneous authorities, that the news of the discovery, borrowed from Columbus’s own letter, commenced to circulate in Northern Italy at a time when their Catholic Majesties had not yet been informed of his arrival at Palos ; and that they knew the leading circum- stances of Columbus’s voyage twenty-one days before he was invited by the above-mentioned letter to come to Barcelona. 1 *** This letter is also in Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. XV., page 21, from the original in the archives of the Duke of Veragua ; and in Las Casas, Historia General de las Indias, lib. i., cap. lxxvii., vol. i., pages 475-476. Document XXXII. Pages 162-165. Letter from the Queen individually to Columbus, September 5, 1493, sending him a copy of a book which he had left with her, and requesting him to send, as soon as finished, the sailing chart which he was to prepare. Columbus received that letter, September 8, 1493, in the Puerto de Santa Maria. Already, on the 4th of August preceding, Queen Isabella had reminded Columbus to make and give her that map. The request seems to have been prompted by the fact that the relation of the first voyage which he remitted to the Queen failed to state the geographical position of the newly-found regions, and the degrees of longitude which he traversed to reach those countries. This omission was evidently intentional on the part of Columbus, as Isabella in her request says : “ Y si vos pareciere que no la debemos mostrar, nos lo escribid : — And if it appears to you that we ought not to show it, write so to us.” 2 *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. LXX., page 107. Las Casas, lib. i., cap. lxxxiii., vol. ii., page 2. Document XXXIII. Pages 165-166. Ferdinand and Isabella, April 13, 1494, acknowledge receipt of the letter which Columbus had sent them by Antonio de Torres, apparently on the 2nd of February preceding. That letter is lost. 1 The account was sent direct by Columbus 2 Cartographia Americana Vetustissima , No. to Barcelona, from Cascaes, or from the Rastello, 16, in the Discovery of North America, page in the Tagus, March 4th, 1493. 402. Ivii %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. LXXIII., page 115. Las Casas, lib. i., cap. ciii., vol. ii., page 91, where this letter of Ferdinand and Isabella is dated, “a diez y ocho : — the eighteenth,” instead of “ a trese : — the thirteenth.” Document XXXIV. Pages 166-170. Reply of their Catholic Majesties, August 16, 1494, to the letters which Columbus sent to them by Antonio de Torres. This letter implies the fact of a voyage of Torres heretofore unnoticed, and which must have taken place, to and fro, between April and August, 1494. The present letter was conveyed by Torres in the course of a subsequent transatlantic expedition, from which he returned to Spain in April, 1495. 1 It is by this letter that Columbus was first informed of the treaty of Tordesillas, and of the new line of demarcation established thereby. The reader will notice that their Majesties express the wish that Columbus will go himself and join the Portuguese mariners appointed to fix the point where the boundary line is to pass. For Columbus’s opinion concerning that infringement of his rights, see below, Document XXXVI. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. LXXIX., page 154. Las Casas, Historia General de las Indias, lib. i., cap. ciii., vol. ii., pages 92-94. Document XXXV. Pages 1 70-1 77. Authorization and powers addressed to Columbus and Fonseca, May 24, 1493, to enable them to fit out the second expedition. To this act, which completes the first series of authenticated documents, is added the certificate delivered by the Alcaldes and authenticated by the Sevillan notaries, January 5, 1502. (This certificate, beginning on p. 10, is continued on p. 177, and ends on p. 181.) %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. XXXIII., pages 48-51. Document XXXVI. Pages 182-197. This is the second Papal Bull (of May 4, 1493), preceded here by an authenticating preamble from the Bishop of Barcelona, and ending with a certificate of legalization, apparently by the same, which bears the date of July 19, 1493, with a further authentication delivered at Seville, Thursday, December 30, 1501, but erroneously dated 1502. The importance of this Bull to Columbus is that it establishes a line of demarcation from the North to the South Pole, one hundred leagues west and south of the Azores and Cape Verd islands, thus fixing the transatlantic domain of Spain, together with Columbus’s rights (by implication), west of that line. Portugal being dissatisfied with only 1 00 leagues, entered into negotiations to have the apportionment increased ; the outcome of which was the Treaty of Tordesillas, of June 7, 1494, in which the new dividing line was drawn 370 leagues west of the Cape Verd islands. These facts are well known. But historians have failed to notice that neither Christopher Columbus nor his heirs ever assented to such a great concession on the. part of Ferdinand and Isabella. In fact, those 370 leagues corresponded to 28° 13' longitude, of which about 1 9 0 , according to the anonymous Weimar chart, encroached on the South American Continent, thus depriving Columbus of the third, tenth, and eighth of the profits which were afterwards obtained by Portugal from Brazil. It is for this reason that when Columbus has occasion to speak of his rights, he always ignores not only the Tordesillas Treaty, but at times even the Papal Bull of May 4th, and goes so far as to fix a Demarcation Line of his own 1 Chronology of Voyages, in the Discovery of North America , No. viii., page 670. Iviii invention. For instance, in the very curious legal opinion lately brought to light by the Duchess of Alba, 1 which is entirely in the handwriting of Columbus, and commences with the pious invocation, Jesus cum Maria sit nobis in via , he makes his lawyer say to him : “ Por vuestro priuilegio y capitu- “ It appears from your privilege and lagion parece que S. A. os fizieron su agreement that their Highnesses made you almirante del mar ogeano, el qual their Admiral of the Ocean sea, which they fizieron marcar por vna raya que pasa caused to be marked [ divided ] by a line de las yslas del cabo verde aquelas passing through the islands of Cape Verd de los adores de polo a polo.” and those of the Azores from Pole to Poled The reader will notice that no mention is made therein of the ioo leagues west of that line, granted by the Bull of May 4th, 1493. But in the entail which Columbus created on the 22nd of February, 1498, he implicitly accepts the concession of 100 leagues, as we find the Demarcation Line mentioned in these words : “ Y plugo a Sus Altezas de me hacer su Almirante en el mar Oceano, allende de una raya imaginaria que mandaron senalar sobre las islas de Cabo Verde, y aquellas de los Azores, cien leguas que pasa de Polo a Polo.” “ And it pleased their Highnesses to appoint me their Admiral of the Ocean sea, beyond an imaginary line which they ordered to be drawn from Pole to Pole, 100 leagues from the islands of Cape Verd and those of the Azores .” 2 And as in the will which Columbus executed at Segovia, August 25, 1505, 3 and confirmed almost in articulo mortis , May 19, 1506, 4 that description of the Line of Demarcation is repeated word for word, it is evident that Columbus never assented to the concession of the 270 leagues additional made by Spain to Portugal, June 7, 1494. %* This Bull has been frequently printed and translated, but the legalizations and authentications above mentioned are to be found only in the Paris and Genoa codices. Navarrete, vol. ii.. Doc. XVIII., pages 28-35, takes his text from what he calls “ the original in the Archives of the Indies at Seville,” and his Spanish translation from the Politica Indiana of Solorzano. We do not know, and it is impossible to ascertain from the title, whether that “original” is the Bull which was printed, in a sort of broadside, at the time, and sold in London, at auction, by Puttick and Simpson, May 24th, 1854, and bought by Rich for 8 s., or whether it is the Bull of May 3rd. 5 Document XXXVII. Pages 198-205. Proclamation from the King and Queen, issued September 27, 1501, ordering that certain wrongs committed by Bobadilla against Columbus, and which are specified, be set right. 1 Informacion de los privileges y mercedes del Almirante, reproduced in facsimile in Autografos de Cristobal Colon . ... los publica la Duquesa de Berwick y de Alba, Madrid, 1892, pages 17-20. 2 Memorial del Pleyto, verso of the 136th leaf, No. 885, and Navarrete, vol. ii., page 226. 3 Legalized copy delivered by the successor of Pedro de Hinojedo, the original notary, Pedro de Ascoytia, at the request of Diego Columbus, April 27, 1524. MS. in the Archives of the Indies at Seville, Patronato , Esf. 1, Caj. 1, Leg. -A, Pie$a 6. See also Navarrete, vol. ii-, P- 313 - 4 Ibidem, and our Christophe Colomb, vol. ii., pages 148-163. 6 Bibliotheca Americana Vetustissima, Addi- tions, No. 1, pages 1-2. During a late visit to Rome, we made great and fruitless efforts to discover a printed copy (of the time) of either of those bulls, particularly in the Archives of the Lateran. While on the subject, we beg to recom- mend to the reader the Demarcation Line of Alexander VI. : an Episode of the Period of Dis- coveries, written by Mr. Edward Gaylord Bourne, and published in the number for May, 1892, of the Yale Review. In our humble judgment, that little pamphlet exhibits more original research and greater critical acumen than many recent and ponderous histories of Columbus which we could name. Navarrcte, vol. ii., Doc. CXLII., pages 275-278, from the original record in the Archives of the Indies in Seville, with slight verbal differences, which do not affect the sense, and of course with the omission of the two annotations : “ Vala o dis que escripto sobre raydo en esta plana ; ” that is, the passage is written over an erasure. Document XXXVIII. Pages 205-206. Order and instructions to execute the preceding, addressed to the Com- mander de Lares (Nicolas de Ovando), September 28, 1501. %* Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXLIV., page 279. Las Casas, lib. ii., cap. iv., vol. ii., page 24. Document XXXIX. Pages 206-209. Order of September 27, 1501, addressed to Ximenode Bribiesca, 1 recalling that Columbus is entitled to one eighth part of the profit, provided he ships, at his own cost, one eighth of the merchandise exported to the Indies ; and, in consequence, ordering that he be informed of the amount of the goods which the King and Queen are about to send thither, in order that he may contribute an eighth part thereof. *** Navarrete, vol. ii., Doc. CXLIII., page 278. Document XL. Pages 209-213. Letter from Ferdinand and Isabella to Columbus, March 14, 1502, in reply to his letter of February 26 preceding, which is lost. *** Navarrete, vol. i., pages 277-279. Las Casas, lib. ii., cap. iv., vol. ii., pages 26-27. The latter omits five short clauses, and also the authentication of the three Seville notaries of March 22, 1502. This document is also to be found in the Historic , cap. Ixxxvii., fo. 193, verso. As regards the sketch of a hand with extended finger, drawn by Columbus in the margin of the present, see above, page xxxvii. Document XLI. Pages 218-221. The Capitulations or Articles of 17 April, 1492. These five Articles are recited in the Confirmation granted by Ferdinand and Isabella, 23 April, 1497, Document II., pages 37-49. Document XLII. Pages 222-226. Legal opinion given by Columbus’s lawyer, as to his privileges and right to the thirds, eighths, and tenths, under the Capitulations or Articles of 17 April, 1492. *** This document is to be found only in the Paris and Genoa codices. Document XLIII. Pages 229-245. Rejoinder from Columbus to legal objections raised by the Crown against his interpretation of the Capitulations relative to his share of the profits. The preceding document and the present should not have been separated, although the first is of a date anterior to the second, which we take to be of the year 1501. They present a certain interest as belonging to the series of legal papers which have rendered the name of Columbus proverbial in Spain as an indefatigable scribbler. 2 These two legal opinions, and two others lately 1 That is the menial of Bishop Fonseca, mas que Tolomeo y que Colon, el que hallo las whom Columbus had kicked out of his ship in Indias: — I hope to God that Gutierrez will always 1497. Las Casas, lib. i., cap. cxxvi., vol. ii., have plenty of paper, for he writes more than page 199. Ptolemy and than Columbus who discovered 2 The buffoon of Charles V., Francesillo de the Indies.” Cronica de Don Francesillo de Zuniga, once exclaimed: “ Ruego a Dios que a Zuniga , in the Curiosidades bibliograficas, pub- Gutierrez nunca le falte papel, porque escribe lishedby Rivadeneyra at Madrid, i855,page59. lx brought to light by the Duchess of Alba, 1 are the only documents of the kind which have been preserved. The loss of the others is not to be regretted, as the present are amply sufficient to initiate us into the cause of his complaints against the Spanish Government. The reader will notice that Columbus first claims one third, not only of the gains made over the seas, in virtue of his office of Admiral, but over the land, and of the land itself, whether insular or continental, discovered or to be discovered beyond the Ocean, either by himself or others : the land to be held, apparently, as a sort of fief or feud by him and his heirs for ever. Their Catholic Majesties always opposed that leonine interpretation of the Capitulations, and it remained during the lifetime of Columbus in the sphere of mere discussion. But after his death, this alleged right became the source of great litigation, initiated, before the Council of the Indies and Fiscal, by his son and heir, Diego Columbus. The latter claimed that in consequence of the grant, Vicente Yanez Pinzon, Diego de Lepe, Rodrigo de Bastidas, Alonso de H ojeda, indeed, all the Spanish navigators who discovered the north coast of South America, from the Gulf of Paria to Yucatan, owed him one third, besides one tenth of all the profits arising and to arise from their discoveries. 2 Another exorbitant pretension, certainly unjustified, on the part of Christopher Columbus, was that one eighth of the profits belonged to him, though he should not have furnished a corresponding eighth of the costs. In his own words : “ Porque en la primera armada de que resulto las dichas Yndias es a saber la ganan^ia que dellas pro^ede, tal dicho Almirante contribuyo en su ochava parte, y aun cerca de la mitad de la costa de donde consyguio per- petuo tytulo al dicho ochavo por ser el resulto de la dicha armada senpyterno. “Because in the first expedition, from which resulted the said Indies , that is to say the gain which arises from them , the said Admiral contributed his eighth share , and even about half of the cost ; whence he acquired a perpetual title to the said eighth, because the result of the said expedition is [. likewise ] perpetual .” Nowhere else do we find that Columbus at any time supplied more than one eighth of the cost ; and as to his perpetual right under all circumstances to one eighth of the profits, it existed only in his imagination. True it is that, June 12, 1 497, 3 * certain additional concessions were made to him in regard to that part of the gains, but only for three years. This document is to be found only in the Paris and Genoa codices. Document XLIV. Pages 246-265. Columbus’s famous letter “to the Nurse.” The prince mentioned in the title of this letter is the son of Ferdinand and Isabella, and heir apparent, who died prematurely, September 28, 1497. 4 The lady to whom it is addressed was his nurse, Dona Juana de Torres, 5 the sister of Antonio de Torres, one of Columbus’s lieutenants in the second expedition, and who afterwards repeatedly commanded squadrons sent to the New World. 0 1 Information de los privileges y mercedes del Almirante, and Respuesla del Almirante it los capitulos de sus privileges, in the Autografos, pages 17 and 23. 2 Probanzas hechas por el fiscal del Rey, in Navarrete, vol. iii., pages 538-591, and Los Pleitos de Colon , vol. vii. of the second series of the Colection de documentos inediios de Ultramar , Madrid, 1892, 8vo. 3 Supra , Document IV., page xlix. 1 “ Hortantur medici Reginam, hortatur et Rex, ut h Principis latere Margaritam aliquando semoveat, interpellet, inducias precantur, pro- testantur periculum ex frequenti copula ephebo imminere.” Peter Martyr d’Anghiera, Opus Epistolarum, Amstelodami, 1670, folio, Epist. clxxvi., page 100. 5 Navarrete, vol. i., page 265, note. 6 Las Casas, lib. i., cap. Ixxxii., vol. i., page 497; vol. ii., pages 85, 90; vol. iii., page 18. Discovery of North America, Chronology of Voyages, No. viii., p. 690. F The letter is undated as to month and day, but, contrary to our first im- pression, 1 it was written by Columbus on board the caravel 2 which brought him in chains, and forwarded immediately upon his landing in Spain, about November 20, 1500. It first appeared in print as an Italian translation pub- lished by the Genoese Academicians in 1814. They doubtless borrowed their text from some relatively modern extract of the Paris cartulary, as it contains a paragraph which exists only in that Codex. 3 It was published for the first time in the original Spanish in Spotorno’s Codice Diplomatic , from the Genoese manuscript, 4 in 1822. The second time it appeared in that language was in Navarrete’s Coleccion , in 1825, from a copy taken by Munoz, we do not know whence, but revised on Spotorno’s text. 5 The letter exists in the manuscript Historia de las Indias of Las Casas, 6 borrowed apparently from a copy which he seems to have found among the papers of Fernando Columbus, when they were still deposited, pendente lite , in the Monastery of San Pablo at Seville, in 1544. 7 Columbus in the course of his manifold troubles may have written two or more letters like the present to Dona Juana de Torres; but we know of no other than the above. The Historie speaks of only one: “ Ch’ egli scrisse in vna sua lettera alia Nutrice del principe Don Gioan di Castiglia : — What he wrote in a letter of his to the Nurse of Prince Don Juan of Castile.” If the letter alluded to is the one which we are now describing, then the latter lacks an important passage, viz. : “ Io non sono il primo Ammi- “ I am not the first Admiral of my raglio della mia famiglia. Mettanmi family . Let them call me by whatever pure il nome, che vorranno, che in name they please , for after all , David , vltimo Dauid, Re sapientissimo, fu the wisest of kings, who at first had guardiano di pecore, et poi fu fatto been a mere shepherd, became king of Re di Gierusalemme ; et io seruo son Jerusalem ; and I am a servant of the di quello istesso Signore, che mise lui same Lord who raised him to such a in tale stato.” 8 position .” Whether Columbus actually made such a statement, or it is a vain boast of his son Fernando, we claim to have shown that there had never been any admiral in the family of Columbus, except himself. 9 *** The text of this Letter to the Nurse, taken from the Paris Codex, with an intro- duction, notes, and the different readings in the Genoa cartulary, and in Las Casas, has been published in the Raccolla di intti gli scritti autentici conosciuti di Cristoforo Colombo tolti dagli archivi di Simancas, di Siviglia, di Madrid , di Genova , e del suo discendcnte Sua Eccelenza il Duca di Veragua, annotati , comrnentati, e pubblicati sui testi originali in occasione del quarto centenario della scoperta del Nuovo Hondo da Henry Harrisse . — Genova, Tipografia del R. Istituto Sordo-Muti , MDCCCXCII {sic, pro 1890]. Folio (Specimen number), pages 7-25. 1 Christophe Colomb, vol. ii., page 114. 2 The heading of the letter states that Co- lumbus wrote it “ while on his way from the Indies as a prisoner : — viniendo preso de las Indias.” Then Las Casas (lib. i., cap. clxxxii., vol. ii., page 501) says that as soon as the Admiral arrived at Cadiz, the captain of the ship La Gorda, on which he came, named An- dres Martin, kindly allowed him to send one of his servants secretly with his letters for their Majesties and other persons : “ con sus cartas para los Reyes y para otras personas.” We are indebted for this correction to Don Jose Maria Asensio y Toledo, of Seville. 3 Ragionamento, of Seville, in Memorie delP Accademia ddle scienze, lettere ed arti di Genova, vol. iii., Genova, 1814, 4to, pages 97-107. 4 See the Codice Diplomatico Colombo- Ameri- cano, Spotorno’s edition, pages 298-318. 5 Navarrete, ubi supra. , 6 Las Casas, lib. i.,cap. clxxxii., vol. ii., pages 501-51°. 7 D. Fernando Colon, historiador de su padre, Sevilla, 1871, 4to, pages 96-107; Christophe Colomb , vol. i., pages 128-9. 8 Historie, cap. ii., verso of leaf 6. 9 Christophe Colomb, chap, ii., § iv., vol. i., page 162. Les Colombo de France et d'ltalie, fameux mar ins du XV C sibcle. D'aprls des documents nouveaux ou inedits tires des archives de Milan, de Paris et de Venise. Memoire lu a r Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres dans ses seances des i cr et 15 mai 1874. Paris, 1874, 4to, page 74. lxii Chapter VIII. The A utogvaph Letters of Columbus to Oderigo and to the Office of Saint George. Pages 268-275. HEN Lorenzo Oderico presented to the Republic the two cartularies which we have described, there were pasted in one of them two autograph letters of Chris- topher Columbus. Those two letters are addressed to Nicolo Oderigo ; and as they refer to the two codices, there is added to the present publication a facsimile of both, together with an elucidated reproduction of the text and a translation. Afterwards, the letter addressed to the Bank of St. George by Columbus having been found in the archives of that institution, it was taken out of the files, and added to the two letters to Oderigo, in the Custodia of the municipality. This is reproduced likewise here in facsimile, with a printed text, and translation into English. The first letter is dated March 21, 1502. Its meaning, as well as that of the other two epistles, is too clear to require explanation. The persons mentioned only need to be made known. Nicolo Oderigo was ambassador to France in 1495 and 1515; to Spain in 1501, 1 502, and 1506; and a member of the deputation sent by the Genoese to meet the King of France, Francis I., at Milan in 1 5 1 5 A Francesco Ribarol, or di Rivarola, was a Genoese banker established in Seville. We first see his name February 4, 1500, when he was fined for having equipped and sent a clandestine expedition to the New World. 1 2 March 19, 1501, Ribarol appeared before the Fiscal in Seville, to protest against being taxed, on the plea that he was a Genoese : “ per razon de ser genoves.” 3 We then notice his figuring with countrymen of his among the silent partners who advanced Columbus’s eighth for the fourth voyage, there- fore in the spring of 1502. 4 July 5, 1503, he is mentioned by Queen Isabella in connection with the expedition of Juan de la Cosa to Uraba. 5 One of the letters of exchange which Columbus sent to his son Diego, at the Court, in December, 1504, was furnished by Ribarol. 6 “ Micer Juan Luys ” is doubtless Gian Luigi Fieschi, whom the documents of the time show to have been a personal friend of Oderigo. “ Madona Cata- lina ” is his wife, daughter of Gian Maria del Caretto. The letter which Columbus says he sent to them is lost. 1 Federico Federici, Nobiltd Ligust., MS. in the Berio Library in Genoa. Casoni, Annali della Reppublica di Genova , 1707, fol., lib. i., pages 26-30 et seq. 2 Natarrete, vol. iii., Doc. XLII., pages 513-5 14 ; The Discovery of North America, in the Chronology of Voyages, No. xxx., page 681. 3 Archivo municipal de Sevilla, Sevilla, i860, folio; vol. i., carpetas no and iri, No. 22. 4 Vargas Ponce’s Collection of Transcripts. MS. in the Library of the Academy of History at Madrid, vol. liv., page 1423. 5 Carta de la Reina Catolica Dona Isabel a los oficiales de la Contratacion de Sevilla; in the Coleccion de documentos inedilos de Espaha, vol. xiii., page 501. 6 Letter of Columbus to his son Diego, from Seville ; Navarrete, vol. i., page 345. F 2 lxiii “ Geronimo de Santi Esteban ” seems to be the Genoese traveller Girolamo da Santo Stefano, the companion of Girolamo Adorno in a noted voyage accomplished between 1496 and 1499. 1 The second letter to Oderigo is dated from Seville, December 27, 1504. The “Franco Catanio” therein mentioned was a Genoese banker in Seville, and one of the parties who advanced the eighth for Columbus’s fourth voyage. The other letter, second in point of date, is addressed to the famous Office of St. George, April 2, 1502. With regard to this and the preceding letter, we beg leave to refer the reader to our work entitled Christopher Columbus and the Bank of St. George, where their importance is shown in detail. 1 Ramusio, Raccolta , 1563, vol. i., fo. 345. lxiv Chapter IX. The Engraving of the Monastery of Las Cuevas and of the Mansion of Fernando Columbus. HE ornamental headpiece of the present Introduction is taken from the admirable bird’s-eye plan of Seville in the sixteenth century, drawn on the spot about the year 1563 by the Antwerpian painter George Hoefnagel, and afterwards engraved for Braun or Bruin and Hochenberg, who inserted it in their well-known Civitates orbis terrarum , published at Cologne in 1572. 1 The monumental arch (26) on the right of the reader is the “ Puerta de Goles : — the Gate of Hercules,” which was one of the main entrances into Seville. The figure 8 indicates the street “ Calle de las Armas.” The buildings (4) extending on the west side of the gate, to the banks of the Guadalquivir, are the “ Casas de Colon — the houses of Columbus,” and comprise the celebrated dwelling-place of Fernando, the ille- gitimate son of Christopher, which that enlightened bibliophile commenced to build in 1526, and where he died, on the 12th of July, 1539. The famous Biblioteca Fernandina (now Colombina) was apparently located in the largest of those four structures. If Hoefnagel had been able to give the details of the front, we should doubtless see the white marble portico and architectural orna- ments which Fernando, in the summer of 1529, requested Nicolao de Grimaldi to have sculptured in Genoa, and which, having been partly paid for in advance, were doubtless executed. 2 The large garden adjoining, labelled “ Guerta de Colon : — Columbus’ Grove,” was an enclosure of about eight English acres, planted with 5,000 trees, the majority of which came from the New World. 3 All that was left of that princely abode in 1871 consisted of a single tree, a sapote {Achras Sapota , L.), which we in vain endeavoured to purchase from the city with the ground on which it stood, enclose the same in an iron railing, and save the venerable tree from impending destruction. 4 As to the edifice on the other side of the river, bearing the inscription “ Monsterio de las Cuevas,” it is the Carthusian convent founded in 1400 by Archbishop Gonzalo de Mena, who named it “ Monasterio de Nuestra Senora Santa Maria de las Cuevas: — the Monastery of our Lady Saint Mary of the Caves.” It contained a chapel, built in 1507 by the Prior Diego de Luxan, and dedicated to “ Santa Ana,” wherein the ashes of Christopher Columbus 1 Excerpta Colombiniana , page 27, note 2. The same plan of Seville is to be found in all the editions of the Civitates orbis terrarum, which work contains also a smaller sketch of the city, pre- senting certain differences relative to the “ Casas de Colon.” We have found lately a smaller and rougher copy, 23 x 16 mm., coloured, with the legends in French, and the inscription : “ a Paris chez Chereau le Jeune, rue S. Jacq.,” where “la Maison de Colon ” is somewhat different. 2 See the contract drafted by Stefano Sauli- Carrega, September 10, 1529, borrowed from the Notarial Archives preserved in the Palaz- zetto in the city of Genoa, and published in our Excerpta , pages 289-291. 3 Juan de Mal-Lara, Recibemiento qite hizo la muy tioble ciudad de Sevilla d la C. R. M. del Rey D. Philipe , Sevilla, 1572, 8vo, fo. 50. 4 Fernand Colo mb, pages 158-161. Mr. Cle- ments R. Markham, Life of Christopher Columbus, London, 1892, 8vo, p. 325, says it is a star- appletree ( Chrysophyllum Cainito). were deposited in 1509. Those of his brother Diego, in 1515; of his legitimate son, of the same name, in 1526 ; and of his worthless grandson, Luis, after 1572, were also interred in that chapel. 1 On the 2nd of June, 1537, Charles the Fifth granted to Doha Maria de Toledo, widow of Diego, son of the great Genoese, the privilege to have the remains of the latter and of his descendants buried in the chancel of the cathedral church of St. Domingo. 2 Those of Columbus and of his son Diego were consequently transferred to that city, probably when Doha Maria de Toledo returned to Hispaniola, on the 6th of April, 1538, with the squadron of Hernandez de Soto, 3 or perhaps later ; 4 but, at all events, before 1549. 5 It was also in that chapel of the Monastery of Las Cuevas that the archives of Christopher Columbus and, until 1609, of his descendants were preserved. 8 All these facts certainly entitle Hoefnagel’s fine sketch to a place in the present work. Las Cuevas still exists, outwardly, as it stood in the days of Christopher Columbus. But the building is no longer a monastery. Everything inside has been destroyed or removed, leaving only naked walls, whitewashed with lime ; and the chapels are now occupied by an English company which manufactures porcelain wares for the Seville market. Not only no vestiges remain of Columbus’s grave or tombstone, but there are no local traditions as to its real position and appearance. Nay, the people in the neighbourhood do not even know that Las Cuevas was during more than thirty years the burial-place of the discoverer of America. H. H. Paris , October , 1893. 1 Christophe Colomb , vol. ii., pages 141-144, 243, 261, 472. 3 Los restos de Don Cristoval Colon, Sevilla, 1878, 8vo, pages 41-42. 3 Sr. Jacopo de la Pezuela, Historia de la isla de Cuba, Madrid, 1868, vol. i., page 155. 4 We have seen it stated that Garibay, in a manuscript work, gives 1544 as the date when the remains of Columbus were removed from Seville ; but that “ credulous compiler of old fables,” as Ticknor justly calls him, is so un- reliable that before accepting his statement we would require some other proof. For instance, he is made to say in the same breath that Doha Maria de Toledo died the next year ; that is, in 1545. Now, her will is not dated till September 27, 1548, and shediedonthe 1 ithof May, 1549. — Christophe Colomb, vol. ii., pages 250, 511-521. 3 Les sepultures de Christophe Colomb, Paris, 1879, 8 vo, pages 6-7. 6 Autographes de Christophe Colomb recemment decouverts, page 6. lxvi CODEX DIPLOMATICS OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS I 5 02 G &tmto ^nuilcflco Warranto ($ otfjcr Wrtti'nao of Bon ffjriotojrtKr dolumtmo %) tgf) 3tnmrat of tfjc detail Bicero p anti obcinor of tfje olantio anli jHatn 2. anti [N ote. — The original Codex on vellum is written on both sides of the leaf and is here reproduced in the same form , but is interleaved with corresponding pages of tra?^sliteration and translation.^ tlje most noble and most loyal city of §>ebtlle, 3|ft aVlour 3]c0uss Cljnst one thousand fitae hundred and ttoo, 3Dn this 0ai'd dap, at tljc hour toljen Vespers ate said, ot a little before oc after, being Eniamuy noble emuy fa tfte Dtoelllng house of t^e BorD admiral of tlje 3lnble0 toffi'ch 10 In this Said cltp In tlje parish of »>t, 3£arp, before Stephen de la Koca and ^eter Eups S^ontero, ordlnarp alcaldes In this said cttp of Seville for tbe Bing and ^Tiueen our BorDS, and tn tbe presence of me Martin Eodrtgues, public scrivener of tljlS ssaid cltp of »>eVllle, and of tlje undermentioned toltnesses, did appear there present the bcrp magnificent Bord 3Don Christopher Columbus, %'gh Admiral of the <©cean, SLTlcerop and (Governor of tlje islands and Strain Band, and laid before tlje said alcaldes certain patents and privileges and toarrants of the said Bing and £Dueen our Boros, torttten on paper and parchment, and signed toltlj tljelr ropal names, and sealed totth their seals of lead hanging bp threads of coloured Silk, and tottlj coloured toar on the back, and countersigned bp certain officers of tljelr ropal household, as appeared In all and each of them, tenor tohereof, one after the other, Is as follows. leal gibdad de Sevilla, miercoles ginco dias del mes de enero, aho del nasgimiento de nue- stro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e qui- nientosedossahos. En este dicho dia a ora de bisperas dichas, poco mas o menos, estando enla posada del Senor Almirante delas Yn- dias que es enesta dicha g ibdad enla collagion de Santa Maria, ante Estevan dela Roca e Pero Ruys Montero al- caldes ordinarios en- esta dicha g ibdad de Sevilla por el Rey e la Reyna nuestros Seho- res e en presengia de mi Martin Rodrigues escrivano publico des- ta dicha gibdad de Se- villa, e delos testigos yuso escriptos, pares- fio ende presente el muy magnijico Senor Don Christoval Colon Almirante mayor del mar ogeano, Viso rey e Governador delas yslas e tierra jirme, e pre- sento ante los dichos alcaides giertas car- tas e previlegios e gedulas, delos dichos Rey e Reyna nuestros Senor es escriptas en papel e pargamino e jirmadas de sus reales nombres, e selladas con sus sellos de plomo pendientes en filos de seda a colores, e degera colorada enlas espal- das, e refrendadas de giertos ofigiales de su real casa, segund por ellas e por cada una deltas paregia. una en pos de otra es este que se sigue. Sting anb tljc flueett. -Ip&ancls be £>oria,3Ueutenant of our $tgl) ^ admiral of Castile, dclle command pou to gibe and to cause to be glben to 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of the 3Dcean, acopp,so authenticated as to obtain credence, of anp letters of grace and privilege and confirmations tohlclj tlje said ^Igh admiral of Castile holds of tlje said charge and office of admiral, toljerebp he and others for hint map obtain and collect the dues and other things .appertaining to hint In tlje said charge; for toe babe granted to tlje said 2Don Christopher Columbus the favour of having and enjoplng tlje graces, honours, prerogatives, liberties, dues and salaries In tljc admlraltp of the 3 notes, toljlch our said l£lgh 30= ntlral Ijas, holds and enj'ops In tlje aontlraltp of Castile, and this do and fulfil as Soon as pou are required bp this* our letter, toltljout making anp excuse or delap therein, and If pou do not so perform and fulfil It, toe command our (Governor and other justices of tlje dtp of Seville to compel and force pou to so perform and fulfil It, and neither pou nor tljep shall do contrarp thereto, 2Done In tlje cltp of Burgos, on the ttoentp=tljlrd dap of the month of aprtl of tlje pear nlnetp=seben, 31 the Bing, 31 tlje iueen. Bp command of the Bing and of tlje £Dueen, jferdlnand aibares. F.l thenor delas quales El Rey e la Reyna. Francisco de Soria Lugarteniente de nuestro Almirante mayor de Castilla, nos vos mandamos que dedes e fagades dar a Don Christoval Colon, nuestro Almirante dela mar ogeano, un treslado abtorizado, en manera que faga fee de quales quier cartas de merged e privilegio, e confirmagiones, quel dicho Almirante mayor de Castilla tiene del dicho cargo e ofigio de Almirante , por donde el y otros por el lieven e cojan los derechos e otras cosas a ello pertenesgientes conel dicho cargo, por que avemos /echo merged al dicho Don Christoval Colon, que aya e goze delas mergedes e honrras e prerrogativas e libertades e derechos e salarios enel Almirantadgo delas Yndias que ha e tiene e goza el dicho nuestro Almirante mayor enel Almirantadgo de Castilla. Loqual fazed e complid luego como fuerdes requerido con esta nuestra carta, sin que enello pongays escusa ni dilagion alguna. E sy ansi non lo fizierdes e cumplierdes, mandamos al nuestro Asistente e otras justigias dela gibdad de Sevilla, que vos conpellan e apremien alo asi fazer e complir. E non fagades ni fagan ende al. Fecha enla gibdad de Burgos, a veynte e tres dias del mes de abril de noventa e siete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna , Fernand Alvar es. pt tMUr&C&a*^ StFmtfjb CnCics'*** & -C^xjn^uf Jt ijeC^ \a^s^4m) yiyot AfVtiiC P (^m 4 (* &ff ^5* ^’mrflc $%«\SictA A (per*# £>&>&***& O ********* cjhud* cn&^Woita IStfgc* *w" Jl&**j r A vuV^ HWWUi'AHt* C|nWuv Ci ^ ^P+i&ia C cj * 0 c*w/In9^ cn^.1 fvtltp' tvuV; cjhn^ aJZ£& ci*t**G rt>\£v$ "3*»irJasv-to , 'rr*utj$rt? 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A M?tJ ^uitfc+iol&C ^ ■ ^•T u , t vtc (jt Jl* & 10 S pA&o^Sjo 0*vkA> 0pm ttv'/^ J4M fofpxrf ^Vvj a -^fyv»A lvi0u {awM* * ^rSA* Ci£ <^clt*ti4^>i 0vyU < hixnskJL; 9^ aCww tnm« 0rtmtrt ' don Gutierre de Toledo obispo de Palenfia oydor dela dicha ab- dienfia, enel palafio e logar acostumbrado, ado continua mente se t'S a copp of a Document boritten on paper anti signed este es tresiado de anti certified bp a scribener and notarp public, a0 appeared therebp; una escriptura escrip- tlje tenor boljereof us erpressed tn tljiS manner* jn the tobon of ta en papei e signada Mladoltd, tlje court and chancerp of our Hord tlje Iking being; e Jirmada de escrivano tfjere, on 'tfuesdap the fifth bap of the month of Jttlp, tn the pear e notario publico, se- at tlje nattbttp of our ?Lord Jesus Christ one thousand four hundred s und P or eiiapare ( ia, and thtrtp=fibe, before the Eords Auditors of our sat'd 3Lord tljelu'ng, su thenor deiaquaidize Sitting; to make reports in the palaces and houses of the 3 Lord 2 Don (Butierre de Toledo, Bishop of Valencia, auditor of tlje said chant-- Vllla de vaiiadoiid,es- ber, in tlje palace and cuStontarp place, boljere tlje said 2LordS audt-- r T an ° c uZ ia a dT Pel tors are conttnuallp accustomed to hold and do hold public audience nu J tro Sehor marte y s and report, tn tlje presence of us John S^arttnes of ILeott and } 9 eter fi nco dias del mes de (Barcta of Madrigal, scribeners of our said ilord tlje Iking and of hi£ juiiio, aho del nasfi- cljantber, and IjtS notaries public in Ijte court and in all his* kingdoms miento de nuestro Se- and dominions, and tn tlje presence of tlje bottnesses boritten belobo, nor Jesu Christo de appeared (Bonjalo fernandes de Medina, attornep here in tlje court mill e quatrofientos e of our Said Hord the Bing, in the name and botth the autljorttp of treynta e fmeo ahos, the Hord admiral SDon ifadrique, boljose attornep Ije declared him* ante ios Sehores o y - Self to be, and presented before tlje said Hords Auditors, and caused dores del dicho Sehor to be read bp us and before us tlje said scribeners, a patent of pru Rey, estando faziendo btlege of our said Hord the Bing, bearing the circle of signatures, rela f lones enl ° s P a l a ~ boritten on parchment of stun, and signed tottlj hts* name, and sealed (l0S e casas del senor botth hie> 0eal of lead hanging bp threads of silk; tlje tenor botjere-- of is as follobos. !OOXX John, bp tlje grace of (Bod, Iking of Castile, Heon, Toledo, (Baltcta, »>ebtlle, Cordoba, Murcia, Jaen, Sth garbe and aigectras,and Hord of Biscap and S^oltna, to all prelates, masters of orders, dukes, counts and grandees, and to tlje members of ntp council and auditors of ntp chamber, and to tlje alcaldes, nota-- suelenfazer efasen ab ties, justices and other officers of mp court and cpancerp, and of mp diencia publica e rela- palace and precinct, and to gobernors, chief justices, kntgljts and es= con ios dichos sehores quires, and to all counsellors, magistrates, alcaldes, bailiffs, judges, oy dores, en present a prestanteros, probosts and other justices and officers boljomsoeber de nos Juan Martines of the most noble citp of »>ebtUe, and of all tlje other cities and tobons de Leon ePero Gar f ia and places of mp kingdoms and dominions, and to tlje captains of tlje de Madri % al : esc ™ a - Sea, and to ntp’ superintendent of tlje fleet, and to tlje masters and n ° s d y. dlcho Senor boatsboainSof mp galleps, and to masters, mariners, merchants and Ge y edelasuabdien ca, other persons boljomsoeberbDljo nabigate bp sea and riber, and all and anp other persons of boljatsocber state, and condition, pre-eminence todos los sus ' os or dignitp tljep map be, to tobom boljat is boritten belobo appertains e sehorios, e deios t es - or map appertain, or to bofjom tljiS mp patent of pribilege map be t igos yuS o esenptos, Shobon, or the copp thereof authenticated and signed bp a public scru paresfio Gon^alo Fer- bener, and to each of pou, health and grace. Ik nobo pe that 1 Ijabe nandes de Medina seen a patent of pribilege bearing tlje circle of signatures, and sealed procurador aqu i enia boith mp seal of lead hanging thereto, boljtcfj bp mp command boas corte del dicho sehor giben to 2 Don Alfonso (Enriques, mp uncle, mp fuglj Admiral of tlje Rey, en nombre e en Sea, boritten on parchment of skin, the tenor boljereof is as follobos. boz del sehor aimir ante XXI "ttXlGZ XlJHiHGC of (Bod, father, &o n and l£olp don Fadnque cuyo (Bhost,botjo are tljree persons and one onlp true (Bod, boho reigns for p^urador se dixo e eber and eber, and of tlje most blessed glorious (Eirgin S»aint Sl^arp P re j ent0 ante ios dichos his mother, bofjom J regard as mp soberetgn and as intercessor llTZl'e ante nos los dichos escrivanos, una carta de previlegio del dicho Sehor Rey , rodado, escripto en pergamino de cuero, e firmado de su nombre, e sellado con su sello de plomo pendiente en filos de seda. El thenor del quad es este que se sigue. DON Johan por la grafia de Dios Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Toledo, de Galizia, de Sevilla, de Cordova, cle Murcia, de Jahen, del Algarbe, de Algezira, e Sehor de Vizcaya e de Molina, a todos los perlados, maestres delas ordenes, duques, condes , ricos omes, e alos del mi consejo oydores dela mi abdienfia, e alcaldes, e notarios, e justifias, e otros ofifiales dela mi corte e cbanfilleria, e dela mi casa e rastro, e adelantados e merinos mayores, cavalleros, escuderos, e a todos los conrejos, regidores e alcaldes e alguasiles, merinos e prestameros, prebostes e otras justiefas e ojifiales quotes quier dela muy noble (ibdad de Sevilla, e de todas las otras (ibdades e villas e logares deios mis reynos e sehorios, e alos capitanes dela mar, e al mi armador dela flota, e patrones e comitres delas mis galeas, e alos maestres e marineros e mar- cantes e otras personas quotes quier que navegaren por la mar e rio, e todas las otras e quales quier personas de qual quier estado e condition, preheminengia, o dignidad que sean, a quien atahe o ataher puede lo yuso escripto, o a quien esta mi carta de previlegio fuere mostrada , o el tresiado della abtorizado e sygnado de es- crivano publico, e a cada uno de vos, Salud e grafia sepades, que vide una carta de previlegio rodado, e sellada con mi sello de plomo pendiente, que por mi mandado fue dado a Don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio mi Almirante mayor dela mar, escripta en pargamino de cuero, su thenor del qual es este que se sigue. ENEL nonbre de Dios Padre e Fijo e Spiritu Santo que son ires personas e un solo Dios verdadero que reynapor sienpre jamas, E dela bien aventurada Virgen gloriosa Sancta Maria Su madre a quien yo tengo por Sehora e por abogada 13 b 3 en todos mis fecbos e a honrra e servigio del bien aventurado Apostol Santiago, luz e espejo de todas las Espahas e patron, e guiador delos Reyes de Castilla mis antege- sores e mio e de todos los Santos e Santas dela corte gelistial e por que es natural cosa todos los que bien sirven alos Reyes con linpia voluntad, enlo qual ban grande tra- bajo e afan que regi- ban por ende grande galardon dello, por que sea grande refrigerio e consolagion de sus afanes, e otrosy, por que esta bien alos Reyes de dar galardon alos que bien le sirven, lo uno por faser lo que deven, lo otro por que sea enxenplo alos que lo supieren e oyeren, por que de mejor my- ente le sirvan, el Rey que lo fase ba de catar enello tres cosas, la primera que merged es aquella que fase la segunda quien es aquel a quien la baze e como se la merege e la ter- gera que es el pro o el daho que le puede venir si la biziere, por ende yo acatando e conside- rando todo esto eotrosi los muchos e buenos servigios que vos don Alonso Enrriques mi tio, e mi adelantado mayor de la mar, fe- sistes al Rey don Johan de esclaresgida memo- ria mi abuelo, que Dios de santo parayso, e al Rey don Enrrique mi »t all my dotngs, anti to the honour anti Serblce of the most blesseb Apostle »>alnt James, tlje light and mirror of all the spaing and patron and guide of tbelktngs ofCasttle mg predecessors and mine-, and of all tlje saints of the celestial court, Ifrobo since It is natural that all those toljo serbe kings boell and botth sincere disposition, In a serblce boberetn they babe great labour and toll, should recelbe large reboard on account thereof, In order that It map be a great com= fort and consolation for their distresses, and likewise because It IS boell for kings to gibe reboard to tljose botjo Serbe them boell, firstly In order to do boljat they ought, secondly In order tljat It may be an example to those bobo may knobo tt or hear of It, so that they may serbe them botth better disposition: the king bobo does this must consider three things therein, firstly bobat fabour It is boljlcb he confers, secondly boljo It IS upon bohom he confers It and hobo far It is deserbed, thirdly boljat IS tlje gain or tlje loss bohlclj may accrue to hint If he should confer It: boberefore 31, taking Into account and considering all tljls and llkebolse tlje many and good serbtees bohlcb you 2Don aifonso (Enriques my uncle, and my high prefect of the sea, rendered to Iking 2Don John of Illustrious memory, my grandfather, to boljom may (Bod grant IjlS holy paradise, and to Iking 2Don l^enry my father and lord, boljom may (Bod pardon, and Ijabe rendered and do render to me dally, and tlje lineage from boljlclj you come, and the duty boljlcb 3 oboe you, and boljo you are, and to gibe you reboard for them, do bull tljat all men that nobo are or henceforth Shall be may knobo by this my prtbllege tljat 3 2Don John by tlje grace of (Bod Iking of Castile, Hcon, Toledo, (Baltcta, »>ebtlle, Cordoba, Sl^urcta, Jaen, £lgarbe and Sllgectras, and Eord of Biscay and S^oltna, babe Seen a patent of tlje said Hord Iking 2Don l£enry my father and my lord, bohont may (Bod pardon, borltten on paper and signed bolth bus name and sealed on tlje back bolth ht^ seal,drabonup In this manner. !OOXX ^enry by tlje grace of (Bod Iking of Castile, Heon, Toledo, (Baltcta, S>ebllle, Cordoba, S^urcla, Jaen, 3lgarbe and Sllgeclras, and Hord of Biscay and Molina, In order to confer fabour and grace on you 2Don SUfonSo (Enriques, my uncle, for tlje many and loyal and special serblces boljtclj you rendered to Iktng2DonJobn my father and my lord, boljom (Bod pardon, and babe rendered and do render to me dally and to gibe you reboard for them, 3 make you my fetgb Admiral of tlje sea, and It is my botll and pleasure that you shall be from henceforth my ^tglj Admiral of the sea, In the Same manner as 2Don 2Dtego ifurtado de Q^endoca, deceased, used to be, and that you hold the said Admiralty bolth all the rebenues, rights and jurlsdlc* tlons boljtclj belong and ought to belong thereto tnboljatsoeber man= ner, according as they boere best and most completely possessed by padre e Sehor que Dios perdone e avedes fecho e fazedes a mi de cada dia e el linaje de donde vos venides e el debdo que con vusco he e quien vos soys e por vos dar galardon dellos , quiero que sepan por este mi previllejo todos los omes que agora son o seran de aqui adelante, como yo don Johan por la gragia de Dios Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Toledo, dc Galizia , de Sevilla, de Cordova, de Murgia, de Jahen, del Algarve, de Algezira, e Sehor de Viscaya e de Molina, vi una carta del dicho sehor Rey don Enrrique my padre e mi sehor, que Dios perdone, escripta enpapel e jirmada de su nonbre e sellada con su sello enlas espaldas, feeba en esta guisa. DON Enrrique por la gragia de Dios Rey de Castilla, de Leon, de Toledo, de Galizia, de Sevilla, de Cordova, de Murgia, de Jaben, del Algarve, de Algezira, e Sehor de Viscaya e de Molina, por faser bien e merged a vos don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio por los muchos e leales e sehalados servigios, que fezistes al Rey don Johan mi padre e mi Sehor, que Dios perdone, e avedes fecho e fazedes a mi de cada dia, e por vos dar galardon dellos, fago vos mi Almirante mayor dela mar, e quiero e es mi merged que seades de aqui adelante mi Almirante mayor dela mar, segund que lo solia ser el Almirante don Diego Furtado de Mendoga que es finado, e que ayades el dicbo Almirantadgo con todas las rentas e derechos e juridigiones que le pertenegen e perteneger deven, en qual quier manera, segund mejor e mas conplida mente los avia <1* H _ 'dk^* ha^vaI A pg*^f»Jk fed ^ (?««^0tr frwA?$ '{ajU» (pprtnj Nf»H^(5 A <«fr ^rrX^^L* $&>£ fo^e^fjrl.iuS -£< -fivnr rv*»(*> rt»n (S®^*®* i&* / fet*4‘$lh n 4 'dl~ ccpArpS a r£V»\ fifin'* ! cft6-^vy5 ^ v *F^ 7n«i^" { &\>t*v &- 0j ~fP **** •Ikfpi'Z ^x et/dantCi fliidytn *^P °^(1I1C9t\**v n (r ^7 »w £T\jc*rc O t(L£ ^ crt- tti^ W $ A * **&0*n&lkra*&-bJ§> £— -* g> ^ Aog tnmey& '(yryX* “"**k» •^(^^&^-»»*t»>S > * ||»*^of* 0& tn2 'Jlsc C^M*C 5 a^i% * v«vr tt*t i* «.^n* ©^> l*j$Ce<,e LUero(0 *? V2 £!*”&* * n 'vjf&jdihf'* efc •Wk. 4&~£»§fo A. «£«-^ 0. ^^VS^^-Sn-^ ^©P'* <&. Wa *?-«*•* fc* &&5*su. f J&-^ A( ft^ V? 1$ V*® ,r *? p** £ p« r/» ® * %_f ^5^ ^ W*j s-^r^yv •vsrtvjtrt, yty* w'jf^^k*****^ «&»*«• * dlf 4nT«wA irt. C%)g o-i^4 i>i,vt,v»v »w«j^ 6,»» ^vyi4 ill- pp*' <|rA As-* hw«^w Pv ^y3^0«>sdl* ^*cflre^*V«djJ^^v.vd ow»S ctm^€l«£ $ Jin &**o6 »-«io/ ? f^* (jl Ofpr ***wr^tvvC£r /»\.&8*S •S’^J kzfary ^ f A -4i?0p»|^ r *6 0 +r"Afi (4^&\2 £a£ (® *** 7 $ * £> «^W «p* • • iAA^ ( j^jLz^ iI«m& n Jij*^c** cy^%» ©Oc&As*** •d^)©8 •/!?$$ J(+m K'h«*rrt«»5S>S fw $& »«J%* «*+«o9-*%$ fir^A^V-dVi 'VsoC-^.* OvCnl (H* >^ h jP*A»y**w 1 ^5**" , >vv *■*2 w *^^P < ^H r«i^\>»r «3»ve*< H<^««r(.itV^ Oa . •«tt» ‘^VUu^, _ „ _ S^^^rftSf -dl^S c|Kv0*v55» n^>Cj3r*v wwwr^pOTA «e ifta $4so/U> A <4U ^""vs ^ \)|< ftce • 93^1 nr *. ^« *0 ^vy,t ($ r(»ntu^£> ft^r-H*«^»V(3jL>^r « * ft ^ ks.J) > ^“S ^ -, - v r ^ ^ r ..,. -’^»wtni|**^ ,,.^., ■ n. ..f.c^oS Po 0- {pt^r^ . c-mm. B«y* VwitvStw' efxAjS* $'*'■• r *a^ g)*«S-(s$ -reiirsjos jjtt rW^» Kn>CC.v^ftttS^c»-c t jc> l**w f*$ pLS+Cfe jjl*(^US* (Pn$xj? I £<&r6 jltjh l A cnf>r» ifllC^ $t^T^S5ficpm-^8"*^?s/vpi(? <»Vop f*£ APt^ m*rf* jcfi* A po*^(? no»v <5V-£t? N^jOt) ix&foep @*£ A* ir v ^*a r v r V ’wp-- ” r ^v w v *1 i' rw tjjV w^dl^rfw»w^o* |em-+o%S •>**"^*»V*nt3 ft tvt) ^ *H' j |$ «ISs cjlxLrtn wwai)l > -jl o |Av»A C^jtvvcn Ct,^ »t4 <♦ *»*«W ^ o»* j9 m^T'd mn» )^WS OfroS hT- p\jW>C.U pnPvfi.ro (H- J»n0vtr ftf .0,Cv A^- , ny ^nrHi- nxr^^* ef tZstiPw,*^* ■ S^*S vty&r : ' * ^ vt«A a ^ A^v ^ krfi ojb Ar|v*.|r^A£. ^5 ^Sa5 ^VCUTa6 1)UWa« ^ r <-»vw A* W>vi' S-f-^ 0* w3 rxdS. «• - - - 5 v%*«~»v*? ?A»Cc ■■ »• \w— - - * - vr- • — iV' *]${* cA •w«>v%3^>»jt2 / t il aw 1 ^ v >»rkry o»^* jl • | *|*3HhS(p ii5vpK**^(5 0 K 4 \V*J~ tn ^ V * ’ I (zy* 0 ^o^TpioV ^ |(*v3 r ^ il S.y> rc n? Cj 2^ Jo ^ -Cv { (» I (^'CP^T T 5 ' Wvv'n ^ ^ ^ ^ l — — — • •"' ^tro« tfj e said 2Don SDlego jfurtado anti tljc otljer ^timtraljs doljo fjabe been up to thus time* and lip tljl# mp patent 31 command all prelate# and masters, count#, grandee#, knlgljt# and esquire# and all counsellor#, alcalde#, bailiff#, judge#, prestanteros, probost# and otljer justice# doljomsoeber, of tlje most noble cltp of »>ebllle and of all tlje otljer cities, todon# and place# of mp kingdom# and dominion#, and cap= tain# of tlje sea, and mp superintendent of tlje fleet, and tlje master# and boatsdoaln# of mp'galleps, and tlje masters, mariners, mer* cljant# and otljer person# doljatsoeber doljo map traberse and nabigate tpe sea, and eaclj and all of tljem, to recelbe and obep pou tlje said 2Don Alonso (Enrique#, as mp ItJlglj admiral of tlje sea In all tljlng# doljlclj appertain to tlje said office of aomiraltp, and In eaclj separatelp, and to pap and cause to be paid to pou all tlje rebenue# and due# doljiclj bp rlgljt of tlje said office belong and ottgljt to belong to pou, doell and completelp, In suclj manner tljat pou map not suffer loss In anp tljlng, according as tljep best and most completelp recelbed, obeped and rendered papment to tlje sat'd Admiral 2Don 3Dlego jfurtado and tlje otljer Admirals tljat Ijabe been until nolo. Sind bp tljl# mp patent 3 ffibe pou mp full and complete podoer, In order tljat pou map be able to ejrerctse and map ererclse tlje clbll and criminal jurisdiction toljlclj belongs and ottgljt to belong to tlje Said office of admlraltp In anp manner doljatsoeber, In all tlje rlgljt# of tlje Sea, botlj to issue letters of marque and to judge all tlje suit# doljlclj map arise at sea and also In tlje Ijarbour# and tljelr end l tons, as far as tlje salt boater enters and dcssels nadlgate, and tljat pou tlje said Admiral map Ijade tlje podoer of appointing and map appoint pour alcaldes, bailiffs, scrldener# and officers In all tlje toton# and places of mp kingdoms doljlclj are #ea=ports, and tljat tljep map take cog- nljance of and map decide all tlje suits, criminal and cldll, doljlclj map arise at sea and In tlje rider doljere tlje current# rise and fall, In accordance doltlj tlje manner In doljlclj mp otljer former Admirals most fullp and completelp appointed tljem and In doljlclj pou dolll appoint tljem In tlje said cltp of »>ebllle. and bp tljl# mp patent 3 command tlje members of mp council and tlje auditors of mp cljamber, tlje alcaldes of mp court, and all tlje otljer justice# of tlje Said todons and places of tlje sea-ports, and of mp kingdoms, not to Intermeddle In taking cognljance of and deciding tlje said suits, nor to disturb pou or pour said officers belonging to pour Said jurt#= diction, doljom pou map appoint In pour stead to take cognisance of tlje Said suits In tlje manner aforesaid. and moreodcr3 tom* mand mp llJlglj Chancellor, notaries, Scrldener# and otljer officers doljomsoeder doljo are In tlje commission of mp Seals, to gibe, deltder and Seal for pou mp strongest, firmest and most suffi* clent patents of prldlleges, doltlj tlje greatest securities tljat map be needful, and according as tljep doere glden to tlje otljer admiral# el dicho don Diego Furtado e los otros Almirantes que fasta aqui ban sydo, e por esta mi carta mando a todos los perlados e maestres, condes , ri- cos otnes, cavalleros e escuderos, e a todos los confejos e alcal- des, e alguaziles, e merinos e prestame- ros e prebostes e ot- ras justifias, quales quier, dela muy noble fibdad de Sevilla e de todas las otras fibda- des e villas e logares delos mis reynos e sehorios, e alos capi- tanes dela mar, e al mi armador dela jlo- ta, e patrones,e comi- tres delas mis galeas, e alos maestres e marineros e marcan- tes e otras presonas quales quier que an- dovieren e navegaren por la mar, e a qual quier o quales quier dellos, que vos ayan e obedescan a vos el dicho don Alonso Enrriques, por mi Almirante mayor de- la mar en todas las cosas e cada itna del- tas, queal dicho ofifio de Almirantadgo per- tenesfen, e que vos recudan e fagan re- cudir con todas las rentas e derechos que por razon del dicho ofifio pertenefen e pertenefer vos deven, bien e conplida mente en guisa que vos non mengue ende cosa alguna, segund que mejor e mas conplida mente avian e obedefian e recudian al dicho Almirante don Diego Furtado e alos otros Almirantes .que fasta aqui han seydo. E por esta mi carta vos do todo mi poder conplida mente, para que podades usar e usedes dela juridif ion fevil e crreminal, que al dicho ojifio de Almirantadgo pertenefe e pertenefer deve en qual quier manera en todos los derechos dela mar, asy para dar cartas de represarias e judgar todos los plitos que enella acaesfiere, como enlos puertos e enlos lugares dellos, fasta do entra el agua salada e navegan los navios, e que vos el dicho Almirante ayades poder de poner e pongades vuestros alcaldes e alguasiles y escrivanos e ofifiales en todas las villas e logares delos mis reynos que son puertos de mar, e para que conoscan e libren todos los plitos creminales e feviles que acaescieren enla mar e enel rio donde llegaren las crefientes e menguaren segund e enla manera que mejor e mas conplida mente los otros mis Almirantes pasados lo pusieron e pusierdes enla dicha fibdad de Sevilla. E por esta mi carta mando alos del mi consejo e alos oydores dela mi abdienfia e alcaldes dela mi corte e a todas las otras justifias delas dichas villas e lugares delos puertos dela mar, e delos mis reynos, que se non entremetan de conosfer e librar los dichos pleytos ni perturbar a vos ni alos dichos vuestros ojifiales dela dicha vuestra juredifion que pusierdes por vos para conosfer delos dichos plitos enla manera que dicha es. Esobre esto mando al mi chanfiller may ore notarios e escrivanos e otros ojifiales quales quier que estan enla tabla delos mis sellos que vos den e libren e sellen mis cartas de previllejos las mas fuertes efirmes e bastantes e con mayores jirmesas que fueren menester e segund fueron dadas alos otros Almirantes l 7 vuestros antefesores, o a qual quier dellos, pour predece00or0, or to an? one oE them tofjo held it nto0t completelp, and neither one nor other ot'pou 0hall Do the contrarp in an? boa? under que mas compiida pam oE m? di0plea0ure* and pereoE 31 command to be gtben tljt0 m? mente to ovieron, e patent 0igned Vd itt) nt? name, and 0ealed botth m? pribp 0eal* dffiben ios unos m los otros m t^jc cttp oE^oro, on the Eourtfj da? oE the month oE ^Lprll, in the pear oE non fagades ende ai ^ xtatitiit? oE our feabiour 3c0u0 Cljri0t one thou0and Eour hundred par aiguna manera, anl3 ^ g| 0 | gi£ a cttne0, Chancellor oE the Bing, C3U0ed tljio to be nl? commano.^ J tijeJUnn. mcgfssKKO. 33XiX> dar esta mi carta firmada de mi non- bre , e sellada con mi sello dela poridad. Dada enla fibdad de Toro, a quatro dias del mes de Abril, XlOftK the 0aid 2Don SUEon0o Cnrique0 m? uncle and m? l§igb admiral oE the 0 ea, ba0 0upplicated me a0 a Eabour to confirm to pirn the 0aid patent oE the 0aid Bing m? Eatljer and m? lord, tofiom d5od pardon, and tlje Eabour0 therein contained, and to command that the? should be ob0erbed and Eulfilled, in eberptljtng and bp eberptljtng, ac'= cording to toljat 10 contained in tlje 0aid patent, b? directing tljat m? patent oE privilege 0ljould be gtben to hint boritten on parchment oE aho del nasfimiento 0tun, and 0ealed boitlj nt? 0eal oE lead hanging thereto, in order that he de nuestro Salvador n tap moot f U np an p complete!? be able to enjo? and ma? enjo? the 0aid office oE Sffintiraltp and the 0 aid Eabour 0 contained in tlje 0aid patent o£ the 0 aid lord the Bing m? father ; and nioreober that he 0hould be paid Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofientos e f in - c< m T s ' rh Ju v n a "H rebenue0 and due0,~and tljat tlje? 0ljould be pre0erbed to him, and iMRel'ia nsTsclivir ^ at ?3t)ould babe all tlje jurisdiction^ Eranclji0e0, pribilege0 and nor su mandadn Yo libertte0 bDljicIj belong and ougljt to belong to him in an? manner b>hat= 0oeber bp rea 0 on oE the 0aid S^ntiraltp, according a0 m? other Sffi= mtral 0 lji0 predece00or0, or an? one oE them, held it moot Eull? and Alfonso Enrriques coniplctel?, and bohiclj are contained in tlje 0 aid patent oE tlje 0aid lord mi tioemi Almirante the Bing m? father and m? lord, botjom C5od pardon* Sind 31 the abobe= mayor deia mar, pi- 0aid Bing, 2Dott loljn, in order to conEct fiindne00 and Eabour on the diome por mer ( ed gat'd 2Don SU£on0o Cnrique0 m? uncle and m? l^iglj Admiral oE the que le conjirmase la gc a , Eound it good, and 3 confirm to ljtm tlje 0aid patent oE the 0aid dicha carta del dicho Bing nt? Eatljer and the £abour0 therein contained, and 3 command that the? be bail'd and be ob0crbcd Eull?, perEectl? and completelp, ac= cording a 0 tlje? are contained in the 0aid patent* Sind b? tlji'0 m? pribilege and b? tlje cop? thereof 0igned b? a notar? public and drabori up under tlje autljorit? oE a judge or an alcalde, 3 command all prelate 0 , ma0ter0, prior 0 oE ordcr0, count 0 , grandee0, commanded, 0ub=cotm por su mandado. Yo el Rey. Registrada. E agora el dicho don Rey mi padre e mi Sehor, que Dios per- done, e las merfedes enella contenidas e gelas mandase guar- dar e conplir en todo e por todo segund mandcr0, Um'gljt0, e0quire0, and mentber0 oE m? council and auditor que enia dicha carta o£ nt? chamber^ alcaldc0 and bailiffs oE mp court, and all coun0ellor0, se contiene, mandan- dole dar mi carta de alcalde0, bailtff 0 , j'udgeg, pre0tantero0, probo0t0, commandant0 oE ca 0 tle 0 and oE Eortified and unEortified palace0, and other ju 0 ttce 0 , priviiegio escripta en officer0 and ntagi 0 trate 0 bDljont0oeber o£ tlje mo 0 t noble ct'tp oE >s>ebille pergamino de cuero, and o£ all the otljec citic0, toton0 and place0 oE our fitngdom0 and e sellada con mi sello domtnton0, and captain0 oE the 0ea, ma0ter0, boat0boain0, barge= de phmo pendiente, m en nta0ter0 oE 0ljip0 and galle?0, and m? 0uperintendent oE the para que mejore mas an jj 0 a (ior0, mercljant0, and all 0eamen, ribermen, fioljermen conphda mente ei anC , i 3oatmei t n a bHg a re 0ea and riber, and all otljer0 toho go in pudiese gosar e go- a eet anJ) out j t j n fojt^tgoebcr manner, or in boljat0oeber s^tpS 7e Se Aimirantadgoe tl J e P nia ? 5°’ from time Eortlj, oE toljat 0 oeber 0tatc and condition delas dichas merfe- des enla dicha carta del dicho Sehor Rey mi padre contenidas, e otrosy para que le recudiesen con todas las rentas e derechos, e le fuesen guardadas, e oviese todas las juridifiones e franquesas e privilegios e liberlades que le pertenefen e pertenesfer deven en qualquier manera por rason del dicho Almirantadgo, segund que mejor e mas conplida mente lo ovieron los otros mis Almirantes sus antefesores o qual quier dellos enla dicha carta del dicho Sehor Rey mi padre e mi Sehor , que Dios perdone , se contienen. E yo el sobre dicho Rey don Juan por faser bien e merfed al dicho don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio e mi Almirante mayor dela mar, tovelo por bien, e con- firmole la dicha carta del dicho Rey mi padre e las merfedes enella contenidas, e mando que valan e que sean guardadas en todo e por todo bien e conplida mente segund que enla dicha carta se contienen. E por este mi previlegio o por el traslado del signado de escrivano publico, sacado con abtoridad de jues o de alcalde , mando a todos los perlados, maestres, priores delas ordenes, e condes, e ricos omes, e comendadores e subcomendadores, cavalleros, escuderos, e alos del mi consejo, e alos oydores dela mi abdienfia e alcaldes e alguasiles dela mi corte, e a todos los confejos e alcaldes e alguasiles e merinos e prestameros e prebostes, alcaydes delos castillos e casas fuertes e lianas, e otras justifias e ofifiales e aportellados quales quier dela muy noble fibdat de Sevilla e de todas las otras fibdades e villas e logares delos nuestros reynos e sehorios, e alos capitanes dela mar e patrones e comitres e navicheles, maestres delas naos e galeas, e al mi armador dela jlota, e alos marineros e marcantes, e a todos ios omes dela mar e rio, e alos Pescadores e bar- queros que navegaren por la mar e rio, e a todos los otros que andan enla mi flota e fuera della en qual quier manera, o en quales quier navios que anduvieren de aqui adelante de qual quier estado e condition 18 L "I (JMvJilMfrt »wm^» [-i.it n>w>»Ar to? v*o -j-i\tpi 9 & i «r*» Ji r«0 -'*^ > ^ yvi ' t $T .O Wvl vn*- 9 * (lr >*»**>*•* 9 »" ®~ 6 Vr ( 3 iy r ' lt ‘ irrCtyTui-i^* »ft Vv*< v\ o (r? . (Jl* ■JVIImI^ t."V^ VfcvT ’Tp t ~^° ^>Ot*u 3 w 9 • n$^tv 9 Jlr-froxo- S\i.jvw\i^ J& *^/\Q$Yir vd* J 2 r£ , - [[ -yU^n-M £>£*> ✓J rvw»v AWP* V|<» p cj^^C&T f*Jp& * 4*1 2» c JZyw *c^»Q cw vyjs* ^j-Ko (fl« (^'Ju*~] ^ ^ ^wwcrx ^o* r»vr9 • 4»»« & rvwf e 3 p*tjfc~l A *~*p • dt 1 prlLSLx~ L v^LswVc- M Vwvlo^ /a v*^c-6 ♦»*<"»»*- %>*&*&' (IrrfZ' r&S' ^ r &~tyjzz S3 o Jc^Lc-g < V y^j — , p Vrt aVt^***^ o yfg»t t fr >n X£| f*~ **^ S > ^'™i' r ‘$ f &^ ^p**<1oi (Z'dxrg M^s£9*KV~t£? o-tVo6 (3 ^ vwt-J'v.f^ (3 £>V ' ~*' 1 " £* ^ ~^~v*v * 8 ? } VV / ( 7 ^ — /-* / »m^is u^-ho (*w ! g l *rt -r~ UVC ( zrr r^WM VVMWtfX Jtecn ~( ** $ 1 tytCKcirS * 5 \^ ^ J 2 rw jijwi £\ J&*y nvt*^ *vwvy*>t — fv»V»<^aA37l duZ*D 1 1 Cx&f&t#? ~£*Z 1 ^ JvT (3 (3?"^ y *vlv ^ • h§>^ (^ ( 2 ^nc\-t-v**£[!^& ^(^^(piLjb dk \^Mda 9 ‘ v »v^w»9«i9 Jkjjvt+-&(p Jk exd£S • vvivi-nji ^ N? dh& ljirf *pL\. > crtvX^ U*|K^rS(-> Of ^ct» ^\ Cfctr* vvw^^ v^ki ^v/? 3 »' l -+— *^- gtp^-C* ^Qjv 2 Cc-j^ , V ^wS (® vvwtrt ^ Wwvj^f ^ (d?~G s>rv%-6 UvJvv^ '(V < $\ &SlrG & ~0 *t** (J (S* ^ c^Cjjt(^cn~U ^4 -(3 (jTTy Jfc Q> o> f- 07 Jf&wJ? >^N?i «s?»*c(? ^(f* &A+* i-t'-'&xpy J ++v\ £-va-Svi ^ CV ^MI Vi-tr^ . |^V(!m(S 2 wJ^Scj^ **$ * (3 %£^gp&>* 4 i 4 ut (3 (g*y v t*‘ * (3 '.(f]-<^ (gNJ1 i j>*e-vi' ik ( 3 }~fa>&'G^*=rS‘ ^ >v*\ O-iJ^ £ CrH^^jb^^C-^Q> 9^0 SlTvvuc-fC^ ^ (p^-g Jl' (j*r£ v 0 -^ ' G~^’ * 0 0 yra»x? . ^Wr$*v=S«*£ f g fc^r e >SE p i®- ^ tfjep map be, that pou anb tljep bo Ijolb anb recelbe tlje Salb Alfonso (Enriques, mp uncle, as mp ^ifflj ^bmlral of tlje 0ea In all parts of mp 0alb kingdoms anb bomlntons, anb tljat pott act unber Ijtm in tlje salb office of tlje salb &bmlraltp anb clbll anb criminal jurlsblctlon, ap= pearing; upon ljt'0 citations anb 0umnion0e0 or upon those of tlje pcr0on0 toljom bt map appoint In ljl0 steab, accorbtng; a0 pour pre= bece00or0 anb pou acteb unber tlje 0alb ^bmlrals toljo toere In tlje time of tlje king# from toljom 3 be0cenb, or totoarbs anp one of tljem, anb tljat pou act stmllarlp In re0pect of tlje 0alb patent of tlje 0alb Iking; mp fatljer anb mp lorb, toljom (Bob parbon, anb tljat pou pap anb catt0e to be path all tlje rebenue0 anb bue0 toljlclj belong; anb oufftjt to belong; to tlje salb office of &bmtraltp tn toljat0oeber manner anb bp tobat0oeber rlgljt that map erlst, anb llketolse that pou obcp ijlm anb erecute ljl0 comntanb, a0 tljat of ntp l£tg;b Sfbmlral of tlje 0ea, anb a0 pou tooulb bo In mp oton pre0ence anb for mp ropal per- 0on* 3nb llketolse 3 orbaln anb contmanb tljat If anp per0on or per0on0 of tlje 0ea or of tlje 0alb rtbers sboulb bo anptljlng; on 0ea or In tlje rlber or elsetoljere for toljlclj It map be nece00arp to pro= 0ecute anb punish Ijlm or them, or If tbep 0ljoulb be bl0obeblent to tlje salb 2Don aifonso (Enriques mp uncle anb to ljl0 officers appolnteb bp Ijlm In W 0teab, on 0ea or In tlje rlber or on lanb, tljat tlje 0alb abmtral map babe potoer to execute anb map orber to be erecuteb anb map execute justice upon bmx or upon tljem, anb Inflict or orber to be tnfllcteb on tlje 0pot tbe punl0bntent or punl0bment0 toljlclj tljep b^be lepllp beserbeb* 0nb j orbaln that of all tlje pins toljlclj tnp 0alb ^lg;b Sibmlral map recelbe or make tn mp fleet or at 0ea, 31 0ball recelbe ttoo part0 anb tlje 0alb £bmlral tlje tljlrb part, be ping; In ljl0 oton per0on In tbe 0alb fleet, eben tboug;lj tbe 0alb fleet or part thereof map p atoap bp bis other or toltljout bis orber, anb llketolse In tlje ca0e of all pllep0 toblclj 3 map orber to be eqttlppcb apart from tbe fleet for tlje purpose of making; pins, tljat of tlje pin toljlclj 3 map recelbe 3 am to babe ttoo pacts anb tlje salb &bmtral tlje tljlrb part* 3Uketolse 3 orbaln anb commanb tljat In tbe case of all pl-- leps, SblpS, plleots, besseis anb other foists toljatsoeber toljlclj map be equlppeb for other parts toljereof tlje fifth pact is papable to me, 3 am to recelbe ttoo'-tblrbs of tlje salb fifth anb tlje salb &bmlral one= tfjlcb thereof* 3Llkctolse 3 orbaln tljat toljeneber mp salb. $bmlral Shall fit out a bessel bp mp commanb, be map Ijabe potoer to take anb map take anp four men toljo map be unber arrest, being; accuses of anp crime toljatsoeber for toljlclj tljep ougljt to be conbemneb to beatlj, toljo map p anb come embarkeb or to embark In tlje salb cltp of »>ebille anb anp other ports of mp klnpoms anb bomlntons, tljat mp salb 3b- mtral map be able to place to bi'S oton account tlje tljlrb part for such person or persons, accorblng; to tlje price or prices at toljlclj tbep map come embarkeb or to embark* llketolse 3 orbaln tljat ntp salb 0btnn ral shall babe mp salb &bntlraltp anb fleet anb jurlsblctton, clbll anb que sectn, que ayades e ayan e refibades e refiban al dicho Al- fonso Enrriques mi tio por mi Almircinte mayor dela mar en todas las partes delos dichos mis reynos e sehorios,e que usedes conel enel dicho ofi- fio del dicho Almi- rantadgo cjuridifion fivill e criminal, e vengays a sus llama- mientos e emplasa- mientos o delos que el por sy pusiere, se- gund que mejor e mas conplida mente usaron e usastes con los dichos Almir antes quefueron en tiempo delos Reyes donde yo vengo o con qual quier dellos, e otrosi enla dicha carta del dicho Rey mi padre e mi Sehor que Dios perdone , e que recu- dades e fagades re- cudir con todas las rentas e derechos que al dicho oficio de Al- mirantadgo pertene- fen e pertenefer deven en qual quier man- era, e por qual quier rason que sea, e otrosi que lo obedescades e fagades su mandado asi como de mi Al- mirante mayor dela mar, e como faria- des por mi cuerpo mesmo e por mi per- sona real. E otrosi tengo por bien e mando que sy alguno o algunos dela mar e delos dichos rios fzieren enla mar o enel rio o fuera por que menester sea fazer derecho del, e justiria enel o enellos, o sy le fueren desobidientes al dicho don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio e a sus offiales que el por sy pusiere enla mar o enel rio, o en tierra, que el dicho Almir ante pueda faser e mandar faser e faga la justifa enel o enellos, e deles dar o mandar dar ay, la pena o penas, que de derecho meresfieren aver. E tengo por bien que todas las ganan^ias que el dicho mi Almirante mayor oviere o fiziere enla mi flota o por la mar, que ay a Yo las doss partes, e el dicho Almirante la terfia parte, e yendo el por su cuerpo mesmo enla dicha flota, aunque la dicha flota o parte della se aparte por su mando , o syn su mandado, e otrosi que todas las galeas que yo mandare armar syn flota para ganar, que dela gananfia que oviere, que aya Yo las doss partes, e el dicho Almirante la terfla parte. Otrosy tengo por bien e mando que todas las galeas e naos e galeotas e lehos e otras fustas quales quier, que armaren a otras partes de que Yo aya de aver el quinto, que Yo aya las doss partes deste dicho quinto, e el dicho Almi- rante la terfia parte del. E otrosi tengo por bien que cada que el dicho mi Almirante fiziere armar por mi mandado, que pueda sacar e saque quatro omes acusados de qual quier malefifio, por que devan ser condenados de muerte, que esten presos, quales quier que fueren e vinieren enla dicha fibdad de Sevilla, e otros puertos quales quier delos mis reynos e seiiorios flotados o por flotar, que pueda el dicho mi Al- mirante cargar la terfia parte enel o enellos para si, segund el presfio o presfios que vinieren flotados o flotare. Otrosi tengo por bien que el dicho mi Almirante que aya el dicho mi Almirantadgo e avelaje e juridifion fivill e 21 criminal, bien e con- criminal, fully anti completely In all the port# and places puda mente, en todos of all my kingdoms and dominions tolled are Seaports like ios puertos e logares t^e said city of »>ebille, britd all the powers and rights todied de todos hs mis rey- ^fong and ought to belong to tde said office of Admiralty in nos e senonos que an p manncc totjatsoeber* and lifeetotse tdat dt and tdose sean puertos de mar m ay appoint in dte Stead may babe and may be w/? rnt ablc t0 WCTCfse and may exercise tde said cibil and criminal todas ins fuercas e jurisdiction, in tobatsoeber form, in all tde said seaports and J f - in tde totons and tillages thereof, as in granting letters of marque, and in judging all suits todirij may arise in tde said j ( . sea and rider, as also in tde said ports and in tde tobms and pertenefer deven en tillages tdereof, as far as tde salt toater enters or ships qual quier manera. natigate, and tdat tde said admiral may place dis alcaldes, bailiffs, scriteners and officers in all tde tobons and tillages of my kingdoms and dominions tobied are seaports in order tljat they may take cognisance of and decide all tde criminal deia dicha jundifion oc tobicb may arise at sea or in tde rider tobere tde funa e criminal en tl j, e n -0 e!3 an j, f a jj^ j n accordance britd tde manner in tidied tde other admirals, or any one of them, most fully and com= pletely placed them in the said city of »>ebille + and 31 com= ntand the aforesaid members of my council, auditors of my deltas asi \arT'd7r chamber and alcaldes of my said court, and all the other jus= cartas de represarias ttces of the Said totons and places of t^e said seaports of my e judgar todos hs 0^iO kingdoms not to intermeddle in taking cognisance of or deciding tlje said suits, nor in troubling, nor shall tljey trou- ble, my said admiral or dis Said officers brijom Ije may appoint in Ijt'S stead to take cognisance of the said suits in the manner aforesaid, in the said cibil and criminal jurisdiction or in any las e logares deiios, part thereof* and 3 Strictly forbid any person or persons to fasta donde entra pare t0 oppose or contrabene the said patent of the said lord agua saiada o nave- tny father and my lord, brijom (Bod pardon, or the fa= gan ios nanos, e p ouc $j } franchises and liberties contained in it and in this my que el dicho Almirante ^ pfrPiJ^ or ail p p act 0 £ tj)em, 0C eitfjeC not) Ot bmCe= aluasviel Tcscrim to biolate them or to diminish any or any one of them* g y and any person or persons dodo shall do the contrary or shall oppose or contrabene it, or any part of it, brill incur my anger and shall pay to me in penalty for ebery time that they oppose reynos e senorios que or contrabene it, tb)o thousand Castilian doblas of fine gold son puertos de mar, and of just toeigfjt, and to my said l£igb admiral or to bodom= para que conozcan e Soeber may dabe bis* procuration, the double of all the dam-- libren todos ios piitos ages and losses bidicd dt may thereby suffer, and further 3 criminates e fiviies gfgall babe recourse to their persons and property for the que acaesfieren enia game* and 3 command the said justices, and each one of you mar o enei no par m p 0ur places and jurisdictions, to take from the property of tiente eZlnguare an P P crs * on or P*t#ons b>bo oppose or contrabene or attempt segund e enla manera que niejor e mas conplida mente los otros Almirantes, o qual quier dellos, los pusieron en la dicha fibdad de Sevilla. E mando alos sobre dichos del mi consejo, e oydores dela mi abdienfia, e alcaldes dela dicha mi corte, e a todas las otras justifias delas dichas villas e logares delos dichos puertos dela mar delos dichos mis reynos , que se non entremetan de conofer ni librar los dichos piitos, ni de perturbar ni perturben al dicho mi Almirante ni alos dichos sus ofifiales que el por sy pusiere para conofer delos dichos piitos enla manera que dicha es, la dicha juridifion fivill ni criminal ni parte della, e dejiendo jirme mente que ninguno ni algunos non sean osados de yr ni pasar contra la dicha carta del dicho sehor Rey mi padre e mi Sehor que Dios perdone, ni contra las mergedes ni franquezas ni libertades enella e enesto dicho mi previllegio contenidas ni contra parte deltas, agora ni de aqui adelante para gelos quebrantar o menguar ninguna ni alguna deltas. E qual quier o quales quier que lo contrario Jizieren derechos que al dicho ofifio de Almiran- tadgo pertenegen E otrosy, que aya e pueda usar e use el e los que por sy pusiere, qual quier manera, en todos los dichos puertos dela mar e las villas e logares piitos , que enla di- cha mar e rio acaes- fieren, como enlos dichos puertos e vil- nos e ojifiales en todas las villas e logares delos o contra ello o contra parte dello fuesen o pasasen avrian la mi yra e pechar meyan en pena por cada vegada que contra ello fuesen o pasasen, doss mill doblas castillanas de fino oro e de justo peso, e al dicho mi Almirante mayor o a quien su bos toviese todos los dahos e menoscabos que porende resfibiese doblados, e demas, alos cuerpos e alo que toviesen me tornaria por ello. E mando alas dichas justifias e a cada uno de vos en vuestros lugares e juridifiones, que pren- dades en bienes de aquel o aquellos que contra ello o contra parte dello f uer en o pasaren o quisieren 22 L » • mj * _ <9 Af^Jufb cMX>Slr£to 0 'e^ ^ .vi*« ^ 0w^Uk£ *ii?fkvS JJr^u|(K% • &*gr T'^Jelt s )fn r ^p v jk*~? nmW.1* (}l - 0i %frj . t , . v- vuTt* . V**^«***i &C*w*c 2 . ■^"- $S?\C£c 4 (jN? 9^1 e$J^~£r^ £pzj.\rj Qc :^|^VtvirM^'^S( "*l$ -ffxvw^ v? ^ry;^ - /2{£tlS vmcHw «| vwr|Oi(?W.v ( y^ w**.; lr* o*M<% nyyo^^Q 0 ^ (7, viv a 9 &eJk AX pjtf* *tS SMW oj-^u^c p**J%£pc (b\f vt><\” 4/^: »wv^f A ♦Wf- § jte d^ 0v*>^ -£gv c? (5 gv»o_0 *jP«fin*<* .gT wV* PerC (%y -~j-ViA*t v«CvC < ' 7 ^*^^ 7<: <5 vv ^ fl ^i i^" iblJ*(**/f& J$r$Pre *v£W^&77!W? Jb-fcJ* (oxc ^ / Jfe • (p 5Y? (j*»/ c ^ t< i v ^W* / £ |«^*(ap »V (pN^*' -+v> .iLttV# S^vm^p 0 ^\n 0Ni* -J-fi^6 »-fV^ &@fc*Jlr& . 0 . ^\/!r^ . (ft. V^X,% S^rC' Vvv •0^>vc^%9^ Q^CCsl z ^ t .. L . L - Jl; J^x*kr|fW »<*Xw «Sr^p> ** J»/^> -gryS #«t .tr^l - ^g^- f Vw-v* * ^ »t* C**wta ^ Jtpm*+0 5vc^_ rji AwtW* •~~ ^1c rL £*?$ *w^.»-@v— O 1 Btld w -- v-.—Wvi <£"(**+**%• iik*' 5 9^> tfL, *$£ ' w ~ ft ~ -• ' I '**■£'' O ('V^- ^ " ■ ''-‘~v~ < — K ' L." r to oppose or contrabene ft, or anp part of ft, the equivalent of yr o pasar, p or u tfje said penalty of the said ttoo thousand doblas from each per- d [ cha P en « Mas di- stort for each time, and to retain them for disposal according to chas doss dob ~ mp good pleasure* and liketoise pou shall compensate and lcts ) a cclda uno P or cause to be compensated mp said piglj admiral, or tohocber cada ve & ada > e ias map Ijabe Ijfs Said procuration, bp double for all the said damages g ” en lo p “™ and losses, tohtclj Ije map suffer from tlje said cause, as afor e= ed f J re E ot _ Said, and further, toljoeber pou map be through to torn ft map ros i emendades e remain undone and unfulfilled, 31 command tlje person tofjo f aga des emendar ai Shall present this mp privilege, or a transcript thereof Signed dicbo mi Almirante as aforesaid, to cite pou to appear before me toljereber3 map be, mayor o a quien la pou tlje said counsellors bp pour authorised attorncps and one or ttoo of tlje officers of eberp citp or toton tofjere this map occur, personallp, toitlj the procuration of tlje other officers pour col- leagues, toithtn fifteen daps follototng the dap of citation, under p° r la dicha ra ~ the Said penaltp, to state the reason tohp pou hade not executed mp son re sphere dobia- order* and 3 command, under tlje said penaltp, that anp public dos como dlcho es > e Scrtbener toho map be summoned for such purpose shall tljereup= demcls ' ^ or qml on deliber to tlje person presenting this patent a certificate signed quler 0 qu 7 es quie / toith W Signature, in order tljat 3 map knoto fn tohat manner ZLTlZZlZlnr mp order fs executed, and hereof 3 command pou to deliber to tlje mand J oa i omeq J est l Said 2Don aifonso (Enriques, mp uncle, and mp pigfj admiral of mi p rev iiegio mo$- thesea, this mppribilege toritten on parchment of sfun, bearing trar e 0 ei tresiado tlje circle of signatures and sealed toith mp seal of lead fastened sygnado como dicbo toith threads of silk* dffiben in the toton of (Halladolto on the Sebenteentlj dap of august in tlje pear of the natibitp of our HorO 3eSuSCijriSt one thousand four hundred and Sixteen* jBLXIX} X the abobesaid Bing 2Don 3ohn, reigning together toitlj tlje sea, vos i os dichos 3Dueen 2Donna Catherine, mp mother and mp ?Ladp and mp dffiiar* por mestros dian and Eegentof mp kingdoms, and toitlj thejnfantaSDonna P r °^radores sufifi- Catherine, mp sister, in Castile, Beon, Toledo, (Kalicia, »>ebille, e . ntes 1 un ? 0 Z s d T Cordoba, StfHircia, 3aen, Baeja, BadajoS, aigarbe, aigeciras, los °fc iales de cada Biscap and Molina, grant this pribilege and confirm it* %t)z f 0 3nfant2Don3ohn, cousin of tlje said Hord tlje Bing and ljis ptglj »>tetoard, confirms it* SDonpentphiV brother, cousin of the said Hotd the Bing, faster of Santiago, confirms it* Clje 3 nfant Ties ZeTtros 7onp7h 2Donl9eterljis brother, cousin of the said Hord tlje Bing, confirms eros, del dia que vos it. 2Don Bout's de (Bujman, faster of the order of tljeBnigljts of enplasaren en quinse Calatraba, confirms it. HDon peter, Bord of^onte Alegre, ^Ias= dias primeros sygui- Sal of the Bing, confirms it* 2Don Bout's de la Cerda, Count of entes,soladichapena , ^edinacelt, Vassal of tlje Bing, confirms it* SDon Paul, 23iSkop a desyr por qual ra- ti Burgos, piglj Chancellor of tlje Bing, confirms it. 2Don son n0 c onpndes mi Hope de St^endoja, Archbishop of Santiago, pigh Chaplain of mandado. e mando tlje Bing, confirms it. 2Don father aifonso, Bishop of &i* sola . dlcha P ena a guenja, confirms it* 2Don3oljn, BiSljopof^egobia, confirms it* qual quier es crivan ° 3Don 3Dicgo, Bishop of Cuenja, confirms it* 2Don CSonjalo de ^ZuTZadJqZde ende al que vos la mos- trare testimonio sygnado con su sygno,por que yo sepa en como se comple mi mandado e desto le mando dar al dicbo don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio e mi Almirante mayor dela mar este mi previlegio escripto en pargamino de cuero , rodado e sellado con mi sello de plomo colgado enfilos de seda. Dada enla villa de Valladolid dies e syete dias de Agosto, ano del nasqimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Cbristo de mill e quatroqientos e dies e seys ahos. E Yoel sobredicbo Rey don Juan reynante enuno conla Reyna dona Catalina mi madre e mi Sehora e mi tutura e regidora delos mis reynos e conla ynfanta dona Cata- lina mi hermana, en Castilla e en Leon e en Toledo e en Galizia , e en Sevilla e en Cordova , e en Murfia e en Jaben e en Baefa e en Badajos e en el Aigarbe e en Algezira e en Vizcaya e en Molina otorgo este previlegio e confirmolo. El y nfant e don Juan primo del dicbo Seiior Rey e su mayordomo mayor confirma. Don Enrrique su bermano, primo del dicbo Sehor Rey , maestre de Sanctiago, conjirma. El ynfante Don Pedro su bermano primo del dicbo Sehor Rey confirma. Don Buys de Guzman maestre dela orden dela Cavalleria de Calatrava confirma. Don Pedro Sehor de Montalegre vasallo del Rey confirma. Don Buys dela Cerda Conde de Medina Celi, vasallo del Rey confirma. Don Pablo Obispo de Burgos_Cbanfiller mayor del Rey confirma. Don Lope de Mendoqa Arqobispo de San- tiago, capellan mayor del Rey confirma. Don fray Alfonso Obispo de Santiago [ Siguenzai] confirma. Don Johan Obispo de Segovia confirma. Don Diego Obispo de Cuenqa, confirma. Don Gonqalo de 25 C 2 dicba su boz toviere, de todos los dichos dahos e menoscabos, es, que vos enplase que parescades ante mi do quier que yo villa do esto acaesqiere personal mente con procura- tion delos otros ofiqi- Zuniga, Bishop of Placentia confirms ft* 3Don 2Diego (BomeS lie »>anfiobal, 3£iglj prefect of Murcia, confirms it* 2Don 3oljn Eamires fie arellano, Horfi of ILoss Cameros, Vassal of ttje Iking, confirms it* SDon (Barcta §zi-. Sandoval Adeiantado nanfies S^anrique, Horfi of £guilar, Vassal of tfje Iking, confirms it* mayor de Murcia ^gn^tius Hopes fie 9t£enfio?a, Horfi of Ha (Mega, (Massal of the H&ing:, com ' firms it* 3], 3]oljn ifernanfies of Valencia, S>crtbener of the saifi Horfi t^e Iking, babe causefi it to be toritten bp ijis comntanfi in the tenth par of the reign of tlje saifi Horfi ttje Iking* jf erfiinanfi, Bachelor of Hatos, Alfonso* finna *d on Garcia Registered* £nfi noto the said SDon Alfonso (Enriques, ^igb Admiral of Femandes Marrique the sea, has prapefi me as a fabour to confirm to him tlje saifi pribilege Senor de Aguilar, of fabour herein contained, anfi to commanfi that it be preserbefi to film in vasaiio del Rey con- all things, fullp anfi completelp, accorfiing to tobat is containefi therein* firma.Yhigo Lopes de &nfi 3 the afoteSaifi Iking SDon3olm,in orfier to confer fabour anfi grace Mendofa Sehor deia upon the saifi SDon aifonso (Enriques, mp uncle anfi mp ^tgh Admiral of the Sea, anfi Ijabing respect to the merit toljiclj be enjops toitlj me anfi the manp, goofi anfi notable serbices tobicb be renfierefi to Iking SDon 3|obn mp granfifather, anfi to Iking SDon l^enrp mp father anfi mp lord, toljom ien;ia escnvano del 45 0 a pardon, anfi \x>htch be tenders to me fiatfp, approbefi it, anfi therefore dicho senor Rey jis 0 £ m0t i 0n an a certain knotolefige, it is mp tot'll anfi pleasure to confirm anfi 31 fio confirm to him tlje saifi pribilege, anfi all tlje fabours therein containefi, anfi noto 3 grant it to him aneto in its entiretp accorfiing anfi in such manner as is containefi in tlje saifi pribilege^ anfi that he map Ijabe potoer to erercise anfi map ererciSe the saifi office of £fimiraltp,totth all the autijorttp anfi jurisdiction, high anfi loto, cibil anfi criminal, anfi in mero et mtrto imperio, anfi toitlj all the other things, anfi each of them, containefi in tlje saifi patent of privilege incorporated abobe, anfi mapabatl Ijimself thereof anfi of eberptljing therein, as map also those tofjorn he map appoint in IjiS place, both toitljin mp court, cljancerp, palace anfi precinct anfi diome por merged outside thereof; anfi tie, anfi tljose toljom be map appoint in hi# Steafi, shall aue le conjirmase ei babe potoer to perform and map perform all th e otljec things anfi each of tljem containefi in the Saifi patent of pribilege incorporatefi abobe, tojjicb things 3 noto ffit>e anfi grant toith free anfi full judgment anfi potoer anfi complete authority, accorfiing as 3 possess it* #nfi 3 firntlp forbifi, bp this ... mp patent of pribilege or bp tlje transcript thereof signefi bp a public seen IZTZ Z n ti Z bener, ertractefi unfier the autljoritp of a judge or of an alcalfie, that from noto henceforth anp person or persons should fiare to act or proceefi to- toarfis him contrarp to tlje saifi pribilege or contrarp to part thereof, so as to Juan por faser bien biolate or diminish in anpth ing toljat is therein containefi ; for anp person e merged al dicbo don Alfonso Enrri- ques mi tio e mi Al- mirante mayor dela mar, e acatando al Cuhiga Obispo de Placentia conjirma. Don Diego Gomes de conjirma. Don J ohan Ramires de Arellano Senor delos Cameros, vasallo del Rey con Vega vasallo del Rey conjirma. Yo Juan Fernandes de Pa- escrivir por su man- dado en el aho dezeno que el dicho Sehor Rey reyno. Fer- nandas Bachalaureus en legibus Alfonso. Registrada. E agora el clicho Don Alfonso Enrriques Almirante mayor dela mar , pi- nt i e confir dicho previlegio de merged aqui conte- nido, e gelo mandase guardar en todo bien ; conplida mente se- gund que en el se contiene. E yo el sobre dicho Rey don or persons toljo map fio so, or toljo map act or proceefi either contrarp to it or to part thereof, toill incur mp anger, anfi moreober shall pap to me tlje penaU ties containefi in tlje saifi patent of pribilege incorporatefi abobe, anfi to the Saifi SDon Alfonso (Enriques, mp uncle anfi mp ^iglj Admiral, or to toljom- soeber map babe Ijitf procuration, all tlje damages anfi losses tofjicb be map debdo que conmigo differ tberebp* 0nfi also tljep must pap a penaltp of ten thousand marabefiis ha e los rnuchos e to the chamber of tlje Said SDon aifonso (Enriques, mp uncle anfi mp afimi= buenos e senaiados ra j t0 toijiclj Said penaltp of ten thousand marabefiis 3 desire, anfi it is mp services que jizo ai antl pj Ea 0 Ut;C5 t jj at a np pe^on bp tlje berp fact itself shall become liable aZeiTeai Rey don sW* tontrabene or attempt to contrabcne toljat is containefi in this Enrrique mi padre e mi sehor que Dios perdone e fase a mi de cada dia, tovelo por bien e porende de mi propio motuo e fierta sfenfia, es mi voluntady merged de confirmar e conjirmole el dicho previlegio, e todas las merfedes enel contenidas, e do gelo agora de nuevo en todo segund e enla manera que enel dicho previlegio se contiene, e que pueda usar e use del dicho ojifio de Almirantadgo con toda la justigia e juridifion alta e baxa fivill e criminal e enel mero mixto imperio, e con todas las otras cosas e cada una deltas enla dicha carta de previlegio suso encorporada contenidas , e use dello e de cada cosa dello e los que por sy pusiere asi enla my corte e changilleria e casa e rastro, comofuera della, e pueda faser e faga elolos que por sy pusyere todas las otras ccsasecada una deltas contenidas enla dicha carta de pre- vilegio suso encorporada, las qualesyo agora do e otorgo con libre eplenaria judifio e poderio e conplida abtoridad segund que yo la he, e defiendo firme mente por esta mi carta de previlegio o por el treslado sygnado de escrivano publico sacado con abtoridad de jues o de alcalde que de aqui adelante ninguno ni algunos, nonsean osados dele yr ni pasar contra el dicho previlegio ni contra parte del, para gelo quebrantar o amenguar en alguna cosa delo que enel se contiene, que a qual quier o quales quier que lo Jizieren o contra el o contra parte del fuesen o pasasen avrian la miyra e de mas pechar meyan las penas enla dicha carta de previlegio suso encorporada contenidas, e al dicho Don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio e mi Almirante mayor o a quel que su bos toviese, todos los dahos e menoscabos que por ende resfibiese. E eso mismo pagarle han dies mill maravedis de pena para su camera , al dicho Don Alfonso Enrriques mi tio e mi Almirante, enlos quotes dichos dies mill maravedis de pena quier o e es mi merfede voluntad que cayga por esso mesmo fecho qual quier que viniere o tentare venir contralo contenido en este 26 fWWil u XT- 1 OL£V >o* iU<< ,1W ' Jl-jxJl twvC tfO>i «v**^ *^‘ (3 'zfcy^SL^k’Z «■■' I m W Vvt«vwv« |&r?a L K*^**»t? $£€ $jZ icri ^ .t?»H CM.V 0^0 iflc ^ ^>oi '|S V ***^ Lsy& \*TV»St^ tvv, H? Jl>*0 aT/v«»3cv» __^ ^ r*^9 ^ *A (*? (3 /M.vS» (acO A*v]^viK% ■»^*^ S ‘TCV(^^0 (5^ *j 07 b*l d\~ (**y I SW+£j C^y*>r}~S$\ >0 »v (O ' Jk* ■£> & (jrtV^5^pr 5; ^>oi (*Mv& c v ^-^;r&’ ^t'f*'C(>*Of*^ /o»mW /*> *y< * ■»! H«^r« wyf *«^*vp • ^ »' «[ 9-v A [V»* _ t»T«r^ irnt,^ cviW r v»|© C** • '£H OjJr"^ /!?$ ^\)>ri ^>vi /3m«x4v ‘-K?jl-btl-^ tw. ftji *»1 o C*v*?l JWA&'V •ExQGIjC*- ^STV Sx^ff Sb^vxnf* ^sCc^vcy^f ^>©«$>vw ^ ,v^r£.3- v — 0(5^ * (? Z£^ ^ JL' J [Jjjo'cjZ tpltLxJb jfiv^+JL A : hth^v*^ i a| wgj^ito qag ^ IVH1 0w rt > iP' k ** r ^ %1 -fj 0“ \ Wr^vwx O 5 L~v dU&TQ ©M S' «W> , ctjw'c? 5 (? < ^> , r ^lU wv»*.«qf ^ (2JS\(7ff 0 ^Wbbhc r mwS Qw»&o. (Javo L «•«?«* r* jl *%?&{) I L\J> 1 * •["; v: I * C*»»3E> fM4W^0<(p HI v ^xn, Gl—A^r JtrL> AtS^ / * /p dcnrtiPffjt )n*A^ot Jk~v> \+Cy *v $&$+* rC*.Q> MULs^e * ’/> «♦**££*. h? 5V& (: v~« C tv^ljbrc' ***2%t?^* <%&*&*p>G t^Zur^tG **2* +\"l£C< $?oO **&? (5?1 9C&«^£fl2 t*4^ «4 ^y ^3 ±y+\CxCvl* Cc&£p &*4 f v* *ivur6> Q$* i VJvj ^ V*m$ 2 ^‘duF^ &jR£u ^6*0 <\m^p /! Ji< IJLHWA &C£? i C^vS- 4 | M&l i *^/J> 4v4f C+ <&tfe<^Lz 1 rC£^. inr%^fc(* 9 ei!i%%^Qu+-^ (3 cQ.&£r (*j t A-+reS£x& n ebille, and of all tlje cities?, tobons and placet of mp kingdoms and dominions?, and tlje captains? of tlje s?ea and mp intendant of tlje fleer, mas?ters? and superintendents of mp galleps?, and tlje mas?ters?, mariners? and merchants? and anp other pers?ons? boljo map traberse or nabigate the sea, and all otljer persons of tohateber s?tate, condition, pre-eminence or dignitp, boljo Shall See this? mp patent of pribilege, or tlje tran- script thereof Signed as aforesaid, to obserbe and perform, and cause to be obserbed and performed, toboardS the said 2Don Al- fonso (Enriques, mp uncle and mp l?igh Admiral of the sea, or of boljomSoeber ought to receibe it for him, tljiS Said pribilege and all the fabours therein contained, in all things tulip and completelp, as and in tlje manner therein contained, and that tljep are not to oppose or contrabene nor agree to oppose or contrabene it or part thereof, at anp time or for anp possible reason, under pain of mp displeasure and of tlje pcnaltp tm= posed in the said patent of pribilege incorporated abobe, upon anp person through bohont it map remain undone and unful- filled* and 31 command tlje l£igfj Chancellor of mp pnbp seal, and members of mp council, auditors of mp chamber, afcaldes and notaries, and mp Ijlffh treasurers and mp officers and Scribeners boljo are at the board of mp seals, that if boith re* Spect to all the things abobesaid, or anp one or more of them, mp Said admiral, or those boljont h e map appoint in IjiS Stead, Shall demand from them anp of mp patents and pribilegcs boith the circle of Signatures, or anp others boljatsoeber, to gibe them to him and to deltber, pass and Seal them as Stronglp, Suffi= ctentlp and completelp as tljep are able and as tljep map find necessarp for all that is abobesaid and eberp clause and part thereof, and tlje execution thereof* £nd neitljerpou nor tljep shall act contrarp thereto, under the said penaltp^ and moreober if through anpof pott orof them it remains undone and unfulfilled, 3 command the person boho map erljibtt to pou this mp patent of pribilege or the said transcript thereof Signed as aforesaid, to cite pou to appear before me in mp court, the counsellors bp pour attorneps, and the officers and other indibidual persons mi privilegio o con- tra cosa o parte dello, ca yo le fago merged al dicho Alfonso En- rriques mi tio e mi Almirante mayor o a quien el quisiere e por bien toviere , e sobresto mando a to- dos los sobre dichos perlados,maestresde- las ordenes e comen- dadores e subcomen- dadores, duques e condes e ricos omes e alos del mi consejo e oydores dela mi ab- diengia e alcaldes e notarios e alguaziles e justigias e otros ofigiales dela mi corte e changilleria e dela mi casa e rastro, e alos mis adelantados e merinos mayores cavalleros e escude- ros, e a todos los congejos e corregi- dores e alcaldes e alguasiles e merinos e prestameros e pre- bostes e otras justi - cias e ofigiales quales quier dela muy noble gibdad de Sevilla e de todas las gibdades e villas e logares de- los mis reynos e se- horios, e alos capi- tanes dela mar, e al mi armador delajlota e patrones e comitres delas mis galeas e alos maestres e mari- neros e marcantes, e otras pers onas quales quier que anduvieren e navegaren por la mar, e a todas las otras personas de qual quier estado e condition prebeminengia o dinidad que sean que esta mi carta de privilegio vieren o el treslado della sygnado como dicho es, que guarden e cumplan efagan guardar e conplir al dicho don Alfonso Enrri- ques mi tio, e mi Almirante mayor dela mar o al que lo oviere de aver por el, este dicho privilegio e todas las mergedes enel contenidas, en todo bien e cunplida mente segund e enla manera que enel se contiene, e que le no vayan ni pasen ni consientan yr ni pasar contra el ni contra parte del en alguno tienpo ni por alguna rason que sea, so pena dela mi merged e dela pena contenida enla dicha carta de previlegio suso encorporada, a cada uno por quien fine are delo asy f user e conplir, e mando al mi changiller mayor del mi sello dela poridad e alos del mi consejo e oydores dela mi abdiengia e al- caldes e notarios, e alos mis contadores mayores e alos mis ofigiales e escrivanos que estan ala tabla delos mis sellos, que si sobre todas las cosas suso dichas o sobre qual quier o quales quier deltas, el dicho mi Almirante o los que el por sj pusiere, les pidieren quales quier mis cartas e previlegios ro- dados o otros quales quier, que gelos den e libren e pasen e sellen los mas jirmes e bastantes e com- plidos que pudieren e menester ovieren para todo lo suso dicho e para cada cosa e parte dello e para la exsecugion dello. E non fagades ni fagan ende al, sola dicha pena, e demas por qual quier o quales quier de vos o dellos por quien fincare delo asi fazer e conplir, mando al ome, que vos esta mi carta de privilegio mostrare o el dicho su treslado signado como dicho es,que vos enplase que parescades ante mi enla mi curie, los congejos por vuestros procuradores, e los ofigiales e las otras personas singlares 29 C * personally bottpin tpe first fifteen days follodung tpe day of ci- tation, eacp one to Declare tlje reason dopy you Did not fulfil my command, under tlje said penalty ; and 31 command edery public scridener dopo may be Summoned for tpis purpose to ffide tfjere= upon to tpe person datjo may ebpibit tpis patent, a certificate Signed doitp Ijig? seal, dopereby 31 may bnodo pod) my command is fulfilled* And pereof 31 order to be giden to my Said Ad= mtral, my uncle, tpis my patent of pridilege, diritten on parcp-- ment of Skin, signed doitp my name doitp tpe circle of signa= tures, and sealed doitp my Seal of lead Suspended by tpreads of Silfe* (Eiden in tpe city of »>egodia on tpe si^tp of 3une in tpe year of tpe natidity of our ^adiour 31esus Cprist one tpousand four pundred and nineteen* 31 tpe l&ing* X 'TOQGC abode* Said Bing 2Don3opn reigning, jointly doitp tpe £Dueen2Donna A^ary my dotfe and doitp tpe Infanta Catperine, my sister, in Castile,Heon,(Micia,%oleDo,»>edille,CorDoda,A£urcia,3aen, Baeja, Badajos, Algarde, Algectras, Biscay and g^olina, grant tpis pridilege and confirm it* 'flfpe Jnfante 2Don 3opn, cousin of tpe said Hord tpe Hing, 3nfante of dragon, faster of fe»an= tiago, confirms it* tlpe 3nfante 2Don $edro, cousin of tpe said Hord tpe Hing, confirms it* 2Don Alfonso (Enriques, uncle of tpe Bing, Iffigp Admiral of tpe Sea, confirms it* 2Don ftuy Hopes de Adalos, Constable of Castile, Cptef prefect of A£ur* cia, confirms it* 2Don Horn's de (EuSman, faster of tpe £>rder of tpe Bnigpts of Calatrada, confirms it* 2Don Horn's de la Cerda, Count of A^edinaceli, (Hassal of tpe lung, confirms it* 2Don 31opn Alfonso Pimentel, Count de Benadente, Vassal of tpe l&t'ng, confirms it* 2Don peter, Hord of Aponte Alegre, (Vassal of tpe l&ing, confirms it* 2Don Hope de A^endoja, Arcp* bispop of Santiago, pigp Cpaplatn, confirms it* 2DonEodericft de (Velasco, BiSpop of Valencia, confirms it. 3Don Alfonso, BiS= pop of suguenja, confirms it* 2Don3opn, Bispop of »>egodia, confirms it* 2Don 3opn, Bispop of Adila, confirms it* 2Don Aldaro,BiSpopof Cuenja,confirmsit* 2DonjFerdinand,BiSpop of Cordoda, confirms it. 2Don (Eutierre (EomeS, Administrator of tpeCpurcp of palencia^igp Cpancellor of tpe^Dueen of Cas= tile, confirms it* 2Don Eodericfe, Bispop of 3aen, confirms it. And33°!) n if :ctrnan beSde(EuadalajaracauSedittobed)rittenby command of ourHord tpel&ing* 5FerdinanD,Bacpelor of Hados. Eegistered* Cillpicp said patent of pridilege of tpe said Hord tpe 2&ing, being presented and read in tpe form aforesaid, tpe Said C5on?alo jfernandes, in tpe name of tpe said Hord Admiral cay a e en Molina, otorgo este previlegio e conjirmolo. El ynfante don Juan primo del dicho Senor Rey, ynfante de Aragon maestre de Santiago conjirma. El ynfante don Pedro primo del dicho Senor Rey con- jirma. Don Alfonso Enrriques tio del Rey Alrnirante mayor dela mar confirma. Don Ruy Lopes Davalos Conde estable de Castilla, Ade'antado mayor de Murcia confirma. Don Luys de Gusman maestre dela orden dela cavalleria de Calatrava confirma. Don Luys dela Cerda Conde de Medina Celi vasallo del Rey confirma. Don Juan Alfonso Pimentel conde de Benavente vasallo del Rey confirma. Don Pedro Senor de Montalegrc vasallo del Rey, confirma. Don Lope de Men- doca Arfobispo de Sanctiago capellan mayor confirma. Don Rodrigo de Velasco, obispo de Palenfia confirma. Don Alfonso obispo de Ciguenga confirma. Don Juan obispo de Segovia confirma. Don Juan Obispo de Avila confirma. Don Alvaro obispo de Cuenca confirma. Don Fernando obispo de Cordova confirma. Don Gutierre Gomes administrador dela iglesia de Palenfia ck an filler mayor dela Reyna de Castilla, confirma. Don Rodrigo obispo de Jahen confirma. E yo Johan Fernandes de Guadalajara, la fis escrivir por su mandado del Rey nuestro Senor. Fernandus bachalaureus en legibus. Registrada. La qual dicha carta de privilegio del dicho Senor Rey presentada e leyda enla manera que dicha es, el dicho Gonralo Fernandes en nombre del dicho Senor Alrnirante 3 ° personal mente del dia que vos empla- saren fasta quinse dias primer os sygui- entes, cada uno a desyr por qual rason non conplides mi mandado, sola dicha pena, e a qual quier escrivano publico que para esto fuere lla- mado que de ende al que vos la mostrare testimonio sygnado con su sygno, por que yo sepa en como se cunple mi man- dado. E desto le mando dar al dicho mi Alrnirante mi tio, esta mi carta de pre- vilegio escripta en pergamino de cuero firmado de mi non- bre rodado e sellado con mi sello de plomo pendiente en filos de seda. Dada en la fibdad de Segovia a seys dejunio aho del nasfimiento de nues- tro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofientos e dies e nueve ahos. Yo El Rey. Yo El sobre- dicho Rey don Juan reynante en uno con- la Reyna dona Maria mi esposa e conla ynfante dona Cata- lina mi hermana, en Castilla e en Leon e en Galizia e en To- ledo e en Sevilla e en Cordova e en Murfia e en Jahen e en Baefa e en Badajos, e enel Algarbe e en Algezira e en Vis- ***> (Z ^e$USL> tVw v jje**^*^ (+r&*f>i 4 ‘p&+> • «£&*$& Q^fVf* 00 ** 4A<^0 Jkjtpbo A«o Jte-4j^m+*tj ^ *r»ii2£(*> l%%+e~i£ i*%**r^ 2 * w lw<0 e*So*to ♦** *Vv» T»A. l-^V^ C*^w " (W»V^ 3* '»* < ^* *^ C*» Cv» £*% 0-c^ gv>. jg&($c*U&L (*'£** «wttA<* •w3 • (flgyj* ** y ■ A *»♦ I^ w ^Z ^* v »vm»VOI A- wIjT^ Z^h ^) lviy5 4 -^" hDwAtf/^^?«iio?o (1 ' t ** rt ^ ^ iS^-wbl \w» Vvwt j w/**vS ^ri9»^ • 8*v ♦ cth>> Jtr£xxi4:+m < < 0-^ /» ^ ^ n ^ — ^nv^i-hriu^ c&p*’ L* Vt-vr^***.^ *'5rjl \terftr&pe H^^lvvvrti fvi *^VH^ Vi flypc Sb +*£$yrn, tVZ&C** — -^”tfer vw* • ^_JOV8 i^.ML'TVW^g^ A^ *>{^A? Qz^CIpb+f ft4 ^ left < d w wwy » wrwrr iprv 5 V&G Ij^ofk*. 3 v • t|v»< fcL . ------ tw*xJL' vw<***vA^ AS? TT"**^ Juk*M OV»wf Vvvvr ^ ^>fl( 5 vwvJ 6 « JT 'vv*-^ ,fu (S^> gwv $$ HMv rt nt — ^W \9 ^\*££» /> — PflsA UJIVI >\£jwx3*\9 ( lNr^ $£r€ '/fxv^&" > *T (sp^M 1 5 ^*^ "N. n -N. /I rt /^N <-«v (^7 wy-$V© Qj^* t^^crgyy »>3 , —flrC L* *?/ ° vm ovt 'V tr t > v ^ -(/V^? • y wygvo ^ ^ f-v^Aiyv^cisy V // % <"J £j^*TS*P 9 O+v**^ 9>A ^V • acwotf jp t»vvit-^ (vY^WKiX- »V*v Vww • — poicmX*Ahtf*wP Ic^jW*- '- ^> 9 wjo ^ W *' V (V CP°( 5 »^\ j.*hi\ 3 »H^ SK'JhfV l J*~X »»vmt^ ^aur^fc. OJV>w ff>Ovwx& J,Yj?£ftrlf - $/?0 * 9 “C Declared to the?lords Auditors aforesaid, that inasmuch as the dixo alos dichos Se- Said Admiral intended and found It necessarp to send tlje said hores oydores, que patent of pribilege and present It fn certain places in execution P or cribeners,0o tljat boe botlj jointlp as public persons might transcribe or cause to be transcribed from tlje said ori= ginal patent of pribilege of our said Hord tlje Ibing one copp or tboo, or as manp more as migljt suffice and be needful for tlje Said admiral 2Don jfadrique, and tljat boe should deliber tljem Signed bp each of us jointlp in such botse tljat tljep migljt ob= tain credence, being collated boitlj the said original patent of 3 WoeTorm pribtlege; and that such copp or copies of tlje said patent of 0 por otra cabsa o pribtlege of tlje Said Hord tlje I&ing as boe should tljtts deliber to the said admiral, or to boljomsoebcr Should recetbe it on Ijt'S behalf, should be signed boitlj our signatures* and in order tljat tbep migljt be more stable and balid, he ashed tlje said ?Lords au= ditors to gibe and to interpose, in that and for tljat, tljeir decree and autljoritp, so that Such copp or copies of it as boe tlje said »>cctbeners Should so deliber signed as aforesaid might abatl and obtain credence, boljeresoeber tljep migljt appear, bottljin and boitljout a court of justice, in Suclj manner as tlje said original P orende d,xo patent of pribilege abobe contained boottld abail and obtain pedia e pldw credence upon being put in ebidence* and thereupon tlje said ilords auditors, Ijabing Seen tlje said petition, took tlje said original patent of pribilege in tljeir hands and inspected, ' p Ziae Lii77e7e- tendia e le era ne- fesario de embiar la dicha carta de privi- legio, e la presentar, en algunos lugares do conplia a servifio del dicho Sehor Rey e del bien comun de- los sus reynos e se- norios e delos sub- ditos e naturales del- los e guarda e con- servation del dicho Almirantadgo e del dicho Almirante, e que se refelava que la dicha carta de privilegio se podria perder e danificar , asy por robo como caso furtuyto o peli- gro alguno que po- dria acaesfer e dello se podria seguir de- servifio al dicho Sehor Rey e al dicho Sehor Almirante re- crefer enello daho, que e pidio alos dichos Sehores oy- dores enla mejor manera e forma que considered and erantined it, and inasmuch as on tlje present occasion tljep did not find it either torn, or broken or cancelled or interpolated or in anp part thereof doubtful or suspicious, but rather free from eberpdefect; therefore, considering all that is aforesaid tljep declared tljat tljep ordained and did ordain and gibe licence to us tlje said John Martines of Heon and ^eter (Karciaof Madrigal, scribeners aforesaid, tljat boe both jointlp as public persons Should make or cause to be made from tlje Said original patent of pribilege of our said 3lord tlje Bing, one recho, que de su ojifio el qual ymplorava mandasen e diesen li- tenfia , a nos los di- chos Juan Martines e Pero Garfia escri- vanosparaque ambos a doss junta mente como personas pub- licas, sacasemos o jiziesemos sacar de- la dicha carta de privilegio del dicho Sehor Rey original un treslado o doss o mas quantos cunpliesen e fuesen menester al dicho Sehor Almirante don Fadrique, e gelos diesemos signados de cada uno de nos junta mente en manera que fiziesen fe, confertados conla dicha carta de privilegio original , e que al tal treslado o treslados que asy diesemos sygnados de nuestros sygnos dela dicha carta de privilegio del dicho Sehor Rey, al dicho Sehor Almirante, o al que lo oviese de aver por el. E porque fuesen mas firmes e valederos, pidio alos dichos Sehores oydores que diesen e ynterpusiesen aello e para ello su decreto e abtoridad para que delos tales treslado o treslados que nos los dichos escrivanos asi diesemos dello sygnados como dicho es, valiesen e fiziesen fe do quierque paresfiesen en juysio e fuera del asi como valdria e f aria fee la dicha carta de privilegio original suso contenida pares^iendo. E luego los dichos Sehores oydores visto el dicho pedimiento tomaron la dicha carta de privilegio original en sus manos e vieron e cataronla e exsaminaronla, e por quanto al presente no la fallaron rota ni casa ni changellada ni sopuntada ni en alguna parte della dubdosa ni sospechosa, mas antes cares^iente de todo vifio, porende acatando lo sobredicho todo, dixeron que mandavan e mandaron e dieron lifenja, a nos los dichos Juan Martines de Leon e Pero Garcia de Ma- drigal escrivanos sobredichos, para que amos a doss junta mente como personas publicas, saca- semos o Jiziesemos sacar dela dicha carta de privilegio del dicho Sehor Rey, original, un 33 treslado o dos o mas transcript, or ttoo, or as many more as might suffice anti be necessary qmntos cumpiiesen f or the saib ?LorD jasmtral, anti shoulb beltVer them to him signeb toith our efuesen menester, ai ^natures, anti collatcti toith the satb original patent of privilege, in such dicho Senor Aimi- manner as to obtain crebence •, anti toith respect to the transcript or tram rante, e geios diesse- g cri p t 0 thereof toe Shoulb thus beliVer to tfje satb Horb £bmtral, ZLroTsTnos con aS aforesaiS, the saib Mortis aubttors Hectares that they interposes ans they certados con la dicha interpose their authority anS Secree, thus anS So far anS in the best carta de priviiezio manner anS form tohich they coulS ans ought of right, in orSer that such original en manera transcript or transcripts thereof as toe shouts beliVerbuly signeb, shouts que jiziesen fe, e ei at ail anS obtain cccSence tohereVer they might appear, tohether totthin or treslado o treslados toithout a court of justice, as anb in the same manner anS as completely as que nosotros asy the sais original patent of privilege of the satb Horb the l&ing tooulS abail diessemos deiio ai anS obtain crebence upon being presented ftffiitnessestoho toere present at dicho Senor Almi- all that is aforesaiS, the licentiate lotjn Slopes Se piranha ans the bacfje^ rante como dicho es, fors 2Diego anS Slpunos alcalSeS of the gentry, ans Horn's Eobttgues ans ios dichos sehores jfettiinanb ^atheos ans Alonso Hopes of Seville, ans Houis (Bonjales of oydores, dixeron que corboVa, scriveners of our sais Hors theming* Sins Sirectly this took place ynterpoman e ynter- t ^ e ^onjalo jFernanbeS, in tlje name of the sais Horb &bmtraf, re= questeb uS the saib ^criVeners to beliVer to him this transcript of the sais uuanto e enia meior original patent of privilege of our saib HorS the iking, toith tlje sais autljo-- manera e forma que tijation anS becree for -the security anS conservation of the sais &bmiral podian e devian de anS of the matters aforesaiS; tohich toas Sone ans passes on the Say, month derecho, para que ios anb year above toritten, before tlje aforesaiS toitnesses. ans toe, the SaiS tales treslado o tresla- 3oIjn Sl^artineS of Heon anb peter (Barcta of St^abrigal, scriveners afore= dos que asi diessemos saib, in Virtue of the saib licence ans orber mabe anb beliVereb to us by the deiio sygnados, vaiie- satb HorSS aubitors upon the sais authorisation anb Secree thus by them sen e jiziesen fee do interposes, have causes to be toritten anb Sraton out anb So brato out quierqueparesfiessen this transcript of tlje saib original patent of privilege of our saib HorS the en juyzio e fuer a del, ^fng, both together jointly, anb toe So collate it toith the Saib original sy e asy e a tan con- p atent 0 f pritillege, toorb for toorS, in tlje presence of the toitnesses toljo phda mente como ^ t, e i 0 VD toho toere present at the Saib collation, anb sato anb J" e Jan t a f hears tljt'S Saib transcript reab anb collates toith the saib original patent imivilerrio 'ordinal o£ privilege; tohich sais toitnesses, toho toere present anb toere summoneb dd dicho sehor Rev t0 ri) e saib collation, are the follotoing: francisco Martines of TOla 2Ln-- paresfiendo Testi- panSo, scriVener of the Saib chamber, anb &nbrcto of (Mallaboltb anb jFerbi-- gos que fueron pre- nans of Sl^ebina, son of 3 |oljn of S^ebina, servant of the saib 3 Iohn S^arttnes sentes a todo lo que of Heon. 31 1 is toritten over erasure in a place tohere it says porenbe grans dicho es, el lifen- galarbon, anb tohere it says e it is toritten bettoeen lines, anb tohere it f Mo Juan Lopes de says mi it is toritten bettoeen lines, anb tohere it says qualquier naVio, Miranda, e ios ba . anb tohere it says enla Sicha mar, anb bettoeen lines tohere it says bicha, chiiieres Diego Mu- a nb over erasure toljere it says publico que para anb bettoeen lines be, nos, alcaides dehs an & tohere it says orga?, it is toritten oVer erasure toljere it says tenorio fjos dai go, e Lays notan'o, it is toritten bettoeen lines tohere it says mi, anb tohere it says Rodrigues eRernand g| uan itopes ; let tlji'S be no prejuSice thereto* ^inb 31, tlje saib 3ohn Matbeos, e Alonso ^ art m e g 0 £ ^Leon, scriVener anb notary public aforesaiS, toho toas present iavs c an r nip* “'Se at rtj at to hielj 10 aforesaiS, toith tyt saib peter CBarcia of Slpabrigal, scriVe-- cordova escrivanos nEr ’ before tlje Saib HorSS ^ubitors, together toith the Saib toitnesses toho del dicho Senor Re y to cre Present thereat, anb by the saib orber anb licence of the saib HorSS e desto encomo paso ^ubitors, together toitlj the saib Peter (Barcia, scriVener, causes to be ei dkho Gon^aio Fer- toritten anb Sraton out tljis transcript of the saib patent of privilege of the nandes, en nonbre del dicho Sehor Almirante pidio anos los dichos escrivanos que le diesemos este treslado dela dicha carta de privilegio original del dicho Sehor Rey conla dicha abtoridad e decreto para guarda e conservation del dicho Almirante, e delas cabsas sobre dichas que fue f echo e paso, dia e mes e aho,ante los testigos sobre dichos desuso escriptos. E nos los dichos Juan Marlines de Leon e Pero Garcia de Madrigal escrivanos sobre dichos, por virtud dela dicha litenfia e mandamiento a nos fecho, e dado por los dichos Sehores oydores dela dicha abtoridad e decreto por ellos asy ynterpuesta, fizimos escrivir e sacar e sacamos este treslado dela dicha carta de privillejo original del dicho Sehor Rey, amos a doss junta mente, e lo confertamos conla dicha carta de privilegio original de verbo ad verbo, en presenfia delos testigos queyuso seran escriptos que fueron presentes al dicho confertamiento, e vieron e oyeron leer e confertar, este dicho treslado conla dicha carta de privilegio original, los quales dichos testigos que fueron presentes e llamados al dicho confertamiento son estos que se syguen, Francisco Martines de Villanpando escrivano dela dicha abdienfia, e Andres de 'Valladolid e Fernando de Medina, fijo de Juan de Medina, criado del dicho Juan Martines de Leon. Va escripto sobre raydo,en un lugar donde dise, porende grand galardon, e o dis e, e escripto entre renglones e o dis mi, e escripto entre renglones e o dis qual quier navio, e o dis enla dicha mar, e entre renglones o dis dicha, e sobre raydo o dis publico que para e entre renglones de, e o dis de orgaz,e escripto sobre raydo o dis tenorio notario, e entre renglones escripto o dis mi, e o dis Juan Lopes, non le empezea. E yo el dicho Juan Martines de Leon escrivano e notario pu- blico sobredicho, que a esto que sobredichoes presente fuy, con el dicho Pero Garcia de Madrigal escrivano, ante los dichos Sehores oydores enuno conlos dichos testigos que aello fueron presentes, e por el dichomandamientoelicenfia delos dichos Sehores oydores enunoconeldicho PeroGarfia escrivano fis escrivir e sacar este treslado dela dicha carta de privilegio del 34 -j-virruK p ..iK^ tvvt <& - .y ac z ji ?*™!?* (| ^ (J -A^e «$ (p <£"*> * ****^ $yj$t£r$4& y *&?^e • &frc‘‘l»* *Ctjpj j2^«Vd S\vvIV -f^ ^$*db ^&£re J^hT $&) <5™*r vt-frrtpv«*ti-£t*Ji> I eb*$* ?daJ 2> H' VvwVKtf 0^*0 &£? $\&$ TSfA^j!, SL-& fi° Jl-(5- o udtv I JbwA Wtgr -^Lw c V v j2'(t~p^ Jl* «»Ktf*C • £>9^2> vnf • (/}' ^p»V ■ -^j^r™<^£e>y*@ ^)«?»^& ‘J^’^'^ ^ dl- S^~ArvwAc> >v-o^» (fl* C*v£ 4-Cr»vaO^ H>y.v cdi&*^*s&o9i&tt*+) * ^ ^ - -- - 13^44 " lf^M» ¥ .nu$t dl* t^ic 0CMi^ xC'^S c*»«ihM*£ (fbpcn&Jk *»£#0V <£- sSM j^W &n)PC *0 H^p$\e£& ‘(fl 4 ^* ^%£&**Zpk. 'SMdr^^s^zii fgSc. ~&f#*$£e 4 ' &+$\rl<»Z nJbM. t-fjv* ]&*&&&■& A A off A A. V, A if ^ I -*5v ^ A~$U ’y^U-O&^Cfi && ttelnonibzcrcda «ft ™_, Qumyt flu ■J^«dl* fc. inm 2W efcufu^^t44f^u^mdJCtL£(p ^Vw*SVva » l -> ? K I - \V ^ J£ ^tcnvtn jin 4%ns*(fl* km abiour 3lcsus Christ one thousand four hundred and eightp-nine* (Lillttnesses toljo toere present at the reading and collation of tljiS Said transcript ertracted from the said toriting: Alfonso de flalle and 2Diego de St^eSa, al= caldes, and jpuno de ^endoja and ferdinand de Csquibel and 3lofjn de Montanos, Scribener of our Hord tlje Bing, and others* Sind 31, (Bonjalo (Barcta of (Hilla Sl^apor, scribener of our Hord the Bing and his notarp public in hiS court and in all IjiS realms and dominions, toas present, together toith the Said toitnesses, at tlje collation of this Said transcript toith the Said toriting, from toijtclj it toas er= tracted, tohich transcript 31 habe caused to be toritten, and therefore 31 habe made here this mp signature, in testimonp thereof: (Bonjalo (Barcta, scribener of the Bing* dicbo Sehor Rey conla dicha abtoridad, en estas tresfojas e me- dia de pergamino de cuero, con esta en que va mi sygno, e de- baxo de cada plana , va puesto mi nonbre e confertado este tres- lado conla dicha carta de privilegio original del dicbo Sehor Rey, en uno conel dicbo Pero Gar- fia escrivano en pre- senfia delos testigos que enesta escriptura faze mention que fueron presentes al dicbo confertamiento. E porende fis aqui este mio signo que es tal en testimonio de verdad, Juan Mar- tines. E yo el dicbo Pero Garfia de Ma- drigal escrivano e notario publico suso dicbo que a esto que sobre dicbo es pre- sente fuy conel dicbo Juan Marlines de Leon escrivano ante los dichos Sen ores Oydores, en uno con los dicbos testigos que aello fueron pre- sentes , e por el dicbo mandamiento e lifen- fia delos dichos Se- ri ores Oydores en uno conel dicbo Juan Martines escrivano 3|j]2 tbe name of tlje $olp Crtntfp anti eternal ZiZ ^ (Hnttp, father, fe>on and itolp (Bljost, three persons reallp distinct dicha carta de privi- in one dtbtne essence toljiclj libes and reigns for eber toitljout end, legio del dicbo Sehor and of the blessed and glorious (Mt'rgtn S^aint St^arp, our Hadp, !£is Rey conla dicha ab- Slpother, tohom toe regard as Hadp and adbocate in all our actions, and toridad enestas tres fojas e media de per- gamino de cuero con mas este pedafo en que va este mio sygno e debaxo de cada plana , va puesto mi nombre e confertado este treslado conla dicha carta de privilegio original del dicbo Sehor Rey en uno conel dicbo Juan Martines escrivano, en presenfia delos testigos que enesta escriptura fase minfion que fueron presentes al dicbo confertamiento, e porende fis aqui este mio sygno en testimonio de verdad, Pero Garfia. E este treslado fue confertado conla dicha escriptura original donde fue sacado ante los testigos que aello fueron presentes en viernes trese dias del mes de noviembre, aho del nasfimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofientos e ochenta e nueve ahos, testigos que fueron presentes al leer e confertar deste dicbo treslado sacado dela dicha escriptura, Alfonso de Valle e Diego de Mesa alcaldes, e Nuho de Mendofa e Fernando desquivel e Juan de Montanos escrivano del Rey nuestro Sehor, e otros. E yo Gonfalo Garfia de Villamayor escrivano de nuestro Sehor el Rey e su notario publico enla sti corte, e en todos los sus reynos e sehorios presente fuy, en uno conlos dichos testigos, a confertar este dicbo treslado conla dicha escriptura donde fue sacado, el quad fis escrivir e porende fis aqui este mio sygno , atal en testimonio, Gonfalo Garfia escrivano del Rey. Enel nombre dela Sancta Trinidad yterna Unidad Padre e Fijo Spiritu Sancto, tres personas real mente distintasenunaesenfiadivina, quebive ereyna por siempre sin fin ,e dela bien aventurada Virgen gloriosa Sancta Maria nuestra Sehora su Madre, aquien nos tenemos por Sehora e por abogada entodos los nuestros f echos e 37 S e a honrra e reverengia suya, e del bien aven- turcido Apostol Sehor Sanctiago, luz e es- pejo delas Espahas patron e guiador de- los Reyes de Castilla e de Leon , y asy mes- mo a onor y reveren- gia de todos los otros santos e santas dela corte gelestial. Por- que aunque segund natura non puede el ome conplida mente conoger que cosa es Dios por el mayor conosgimiento que del mundo puede aver, puedelo conoger vi- endo e contenplan- do sus maravillosas obras e f echos que fizo e faze de cada dia, pues que todas las obras por su po- der son fechas e por su saber governadas e por su bondad man- tenidas, y asy el ome puede entender que Dios es comiengo e medio e fin de todas las cosas, e que enel se engierran , y el mantiene a cada uno en aquel estado que las ordeno,y todas le ban menester, y el no ha menester aellas , y el las puede mudar cada que quisiere se- gund su voluntad , y non puede caber enel que se mude nin se canbie, en alguna manera e el es dicho Rey sobre todos los Reyes, por que del ant to her honour ant toorsblp> ant o f tlje blesset apostle £>amt 3 antes, light ant mirror of the fepalns, patron ant gulte of tfje Bings of CaSti'leantHeon : ant likewise to tlje honour ant toorsblp of alltbe other saints of t^ e celestial court* #iob), though bp nature man cannot full? knobo bobat(Dot is, botoeber great Ijts knotoletge of the boorlt map be, pet be is able to knobo Ijlm bp Seeing ant content: plating tfje marbellous boorks ant acts boblcb be has tone ant toes eberp tap, Since all boorks are tone bp bte potter, ant gobernet bp Ijls bolStom, ant malntalnet bp bltf gootneSS •, ant tljus man can unterstant tljat (Dot is t be beginning ant mlttle ant ent of all things, ant tbatlnljlm tbep are contprebenbet, ant be maintains each one in that state boblcb be IjaS ortalnet for them, ant all babe neet of bint ant lje has no neet of tljem, ant lje Is able to change them, toljeneber be map choose, accortlng to IjlS bolll •, ant It is not In bis nature to change or alter In anp manner; ant be 10 callet Btng ober qll Bings, because from bint tljcp terlbe their name, ant bp him tbep reign, ant be goberns ant maintains tljem, ant tbep ace blcegerents each one In bis klngtom, placet bp him ober the nations to maintain them In justice ant In blrtue temporallp-, bobteb IS Sljoton completelp In tboo boaps, one being spiritual, as the prophets ant saints IjabeSljobm, tobbljom ourBort gabe grace to babe ac= curate knoboletge of all things ant to cause tljem to be unterstoot; tlje other boap Is accortlng to nature, as philosophers babe sbobm, tobo boere tlscerners of things naturally for tlje saints Salt that tlje Bing is Set upon earth In tlje place of (Dot to fulfil justice, ant to gibe to each one Ijls tue, ant therefore tbep callet him tlje heart ant Soul of tlje people j ant just as the soul is In tlje heart of man, ant bp It tlje botp llbes ant IS malntalnet, so in tlje Btng resltes justice, boblclj to the life ant Support of tlje people of fjlstomlnlons ; ant just as there is but one heart, ant bp It all the other members are unltet to form one botp, eben so all the members of the klngtom, boboeber rnanp tljep map be, are one, because the Bing must be, ant is, one j ant therefore tbep must all be one boltb ljlnt> to follobo him ant to help In the things toljlcb be has to to j ant accortlng to nature the pbtlo: sopljers teclaret tbatBtngs are tlje beat of the klngtom, forasfcom the beat proceet the perceptions bp boblcb all the members of the botp are gobernet, eben so bp the mantate boblcb proceets from t be Bing, boljo IS tort ant beat of all the members of the klngtom, tbep must be gobernet ant tlrectet ant must pap obetlence thereto ; ant So great is tlje autljorltp of tlje poboer or Bings that all labos ant rights are belt subject to tljelr poboer, for tljep to not terlbe It from men, but from (Dot, boljose place tbep occupp In matters temporal- to toljom, among other things, It cbleflp appertains to lobe, honour ant protect bte people, ant among others be must particularly Select ant honour those toljo teserbe It on account of the seebtees ban ellos nonbre, y por el reynan, y el los govierna y mantiene, los quales son vicarios cada uno en su reyno puestos por el sobre las gentes para los mantener en justifia y en virtud temporal mente, lo qual se muestra conplida mente en doss maneras, la una dellas spiritual, segund lo mostraron los prophetas e los santos aquien dio nuestro Sehor gratia de saber todas las cosas ( ierta mente e las faser entender, la otra manera es segund natura asi como lo mostraron los omes sabios que fuer on conosgedores delas cosas natural mente. Ca los Santos dixeron que el Rey es puesto enla tierra enel lugar de Dios para complir la justigia, e dar a cada uno su derecho, y porende lo llamaron coragony alma del pueblo, y asi como el alma esta enel cor agon del ome e por el bive el cuerpo y se mantiene, asi enel Rey esta la justigia que es vida e mantenimiento del pueblo de su sehorio, y asy como el coragon es uno y por el regiben todos los otros miembros unidad para ser un cuerpo, bien asi todos los del Reyno maguer sean muebos son uno, por que el Rey deve ser y es uno, y por esto deven ser todos uno conel para lo seguir y ayudar enlas cosas que ha de baser, y natural mente dixeron los sabios que los Reyes son cabega del reyno por que como dela cabega nagen los sentidos por que se mandan todos los mienbros del cuerpo, bien asy por el mandamiento que nage del Rey que es sehor y cabega de todos los del Reyno, se deve mandar y guiar y lo obedesger, y tan grand es derecho del poder de los Reyes que todas las leyes e los derechos tienenlo so su poderio, por que aquel non le ban delos omes, mas de Dios cuyo lugar tienen enlas cosas temporales al qual entre las otras cosas pringipal mente pertenege amar e bonrrar e guardar sus pueblos, y entre los otros sehalada mente deve tomar y bonrrar alos que lo meresgen, por servigios 38 ^JoS^.v«^^Ws $*P™ f?Jr« 9 4> C® r N„ *T CnflU j^ri?+4nc **>CnP fT © m*» (piri' «tt/tr^ tvr ^ im * , » *»^l • 0% ® I I A v it^jr«^^^.%-«* ^* 5!, ***> •*‘^(^‘ ,rn (£ p\ BMV^-nVr iVHtrrt ^wjrA|MTf ^ ,^llr» v#s'\?4>grft> (^MW *n (^ mrlynS e»»W» *ltajp^<5T~ www# m TJV^ fexiwW^ »tf p "*>V < ^pZn»«' ^ ♦w^tfrtruOl**^ liw^i»Ctj» ol »i^S} A -\L^-f f! ^ o ** _ a* o.c_il_^® tv5^AP^s\ in- B~e™ g (J*3 *-1* »w **<> ^ til(5*^.v^?^*i27rcg (f\„ .flP rffiffift^o/sS-W/TOrS fo&i h»<* »\£tY** me- */*.««» »jmrf «V pQ? ^tA)§ fnjfo C^i iVTV®rrt«S»S* V) c |^ «^»» .D>i4>rtw1 Jb| 0-TW»i>i .(JUS tnT^ilV^J ^rtTlX^' ®^ ,Uii»«^*«'» n ^’ %rocS ^ < i' ,,s ^(^** iB i & ’'’’ ^ r”^ a_ ,* c |K» 4-i^VCC y d\ 9~^ -^t y^ »*vW- ricv*»^*'S v J p , ’J < S (t\ C«t C*T*fr i*v/p(Vri.» Co v Ow,0r^ I wicriP l«<| Mrtl K *2J' &q , itfeiS C2*"« — i«m T*jS ® ® $ ^of*^ P.%^w»c«t «$ n ro'^Vnorr 4%*»lC _ •Hr (.I h*£ j? rt«^r: * y 6 v>**tt> Cp*»tvftvrtrc^ i|n«*hirP *t9.i -f?r* « « & «rn A< ^ s f 5 * 4 ’ *3^* i\tro« iA .*^y *4 w^» cl lctlp, (Branada, Toledo, tlalencla, (Ballcta, Majorca, »>ebule, Sardinia, Cordoba, Corgtca,9^urcla, ^aen, tlje &lgarbeg, aigectrag, (Btbraltar, and tlje Canarp Jglandg, Count and Countegg of Barcelona, Horog of Btgcap and 9l^olt= na, 2Dtthegof£thengandiI2eopatrta,€ountg of Iftottgglllon and quetes \le\ ay an f echo. Y porende el Rey o el Principe, entre los otros poderes que ha no tan sola mente puede mas deve fazer grafias alos que las meresfen, por servi- fiosquele ayanfecho , y porbondad quefalle enellos, y por que entre las otras vir- tudes anexas alos Reyes segunddixeron los Sabios es la jus- tifia, la qual es ver- tud e verdad delas cosas, por la qual mejor e mas endere- tada mente se man- tiene el mundo y es asicomofuentedonde manan todos los dere- chos e dura por syem- pre enlas voluntades delos omes justos , e nunca desfallete e da e reparte a cada uno ygual mente su dere- cho, e conprehende en si todas las virtudes prinfipales y na<;e dellas muy grand hutilidad por que haze bivir cuenda mente y enpaz a cada uno segund su estado syn culpa e synyerro, e los buenos se hasen por ella mejores re- t ibiendo galardones por los bienes que jizieron e los otros por ella se enderefan e emiendan, la qual justifia tiene en si doss partes prinfi- pales , la una es co- mutativa,quees entre un ome e otro , e la otra es distributiva, enla qual consisten los galardones e re- munerations delos buenos e virtuosos travajos e servifios que los omes fazen alos Reyes e Prinfipes e ala cosa publica de sus reynos por que segunt dizen las leyes dar galardon alos que bien e leal mente syrven es cosa que conviene mucho a todos los omes mayor mente alos Reyes e Print'xpes e grandes Sehores que tienen poder delo hazer, e aellos es cosa propia honrrar e sublimar aquellos que bien e leal mente les syrven e sus virtudes e servifios lo merefen. En galardonar los buenos f echos los Reyes que lo hazen muestran ser conosfedores dela virtud e otrosy justifieros, ca la justifia no es tan sola mente en escarmentar los malos mas aun es gualardonar los buenos , e demas desto nas(e della otra muy grand utilidad por que da voluntad alos buenos para ser mas virtuosos , e alos malos para emendarse , e quando asy non se haze podrya acaefer el contrario, e porque entre los otros gualardones e remunerations que los Reyes pueden hazer alos que bien e lent mente les syrven , es honrrarlos e sublimarlos entre los otros de su linaje e " los ennoblefer e decorar e honrrar e les hazer otros muchos bienes e grafias e merfedes, porende considerando e acatando todo lo suso dicho, queremos que sepan por esta nuestra carta de previllejo o por su traslado signado de escrivano publico todos los que agora son e seran de aqui adelante como Nos Don Fernando e Doha Ysabel pur la gratia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla , de Leon , de Aragon, de Sefilia , de Granada , de Toledo, de Valenfia, de Gcdlisia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha, de Cordova, de Corcega, de Murfia, de Jahen, delos Algarbes, de Algesira, de Gibraltar , e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Bar- telona, Sehores de Viscaya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellon, e de 41 D 3 Cerdania, Marqueses de Orystan e de Go- fiano, vimos unos capitulos Jirmados de nuestros nonbres e sellados con nuestro sello fechos enesta guisa , § Las cosas suplica- das e que Vuestras Altezas dane otorgan a Don Christoval Co- lon en alguna sa- tisfafion delo que ha descubierto enlas mares ofeanas e del vyaje que agora conla ayuda de Dios ha de hazer por ellas en servifio de Vuestras Altezas son las que se siguen. Primera mente que Vuestras Altezas co- mo Sehores que son delas dichas mares ofeanas fazen dende agora al dicho Don Christoval Colon su Almirante en todas aquellas yslas e tier- ras Jirmes que por su mano e yndustria se descubriran o ga- naran enlas dichas mares ofeanas para durante su vida e de- spues del muerto a sus herederos e sub- fcsores de uno en otro perpetua mente con- todas aquellas pre- heminenfias e prer- rogativas pertene- fientes al tal ofifio e segund que Don Alonso Enriquez vu- estro Almirante may- or de Castilla e los Cerdagne, S^acqulgeg of £>rlgtano anti (Bo?tano, babe gem certain article# glgned toltb our name# anti gealed toltb our geal, and matie in tljl# form: ^Ije tijinorg praped for, anti tablet four l^lgbneggeg gibe anti grant to 2Don Cbrlgtopber Columtmg ag gome recompenge for toijat Ije tag Digcolaered In tlje oceang, and for tije bopage tablet nob), toltfj the help of predeceggorg In tte gald office Ijeld It In ttelr dlgtrlctg. 3t go pleageg tljelr l£lgljneggeg* 3obn de Coloma* 31 n like manner, tt at four l^'tgb neggeg appoint tte gald 2Don Cbrlg- topber to be pour taerop and (Bobernor (Beneral In all tte gald Ig- landg and mainland# and In tlje Iglandg tablets# aforegald,te map dlgcober and acquire In tte gald geag ; and tljat for tte gobernment of eaclj and anp of ttern te map make ctolce of ttree pergong for eaclj office, and ttat four l^lgtneggeg map gelect and ctooge tte one tobo gtall be mogt gerblceable to pou ; and ttug tlje land# tablet our Eord gtall permit tint to dlgcober and acquire for tte gerblce of four l^lgljneggeg, talll be tte better goberned* 3t s>o pleageg ttelr HHgljneggeg* 3otn de Coloma* 3tem, ttat all and eberp kind of merctandlgc, tot etter pearl#, pre- clou# gtoneg, gold, gllber, gplceg and otter object# and merctandlgc totatgoeber,of toljateber kind, name and gort, tablet map bebougljt, bartered, dlgcobered, acquired and obtained talttln tte limit# of tte gald adnuraltp, four liJlgljneggeg grant from noto henceforth to tlje gald 2Don Cbrlgtopber, and talll ttat lje map babe and take for Ijlmgelf tte tenth part of tte toljole of It, after deducting all tte ec- pengeg tablet map be Incurred ttereln, go ttat of tobat gljall remain clear and free Ije niap babe and take tlje tentlj pact for tlmgelf, and map do tteretoltlj ag be pleageg, tlje otter nine part# being regerbed for four ^Igljneggeg. gt go pleageg ttelr i^lgtneggeg. 3obn de Coloma* ?Llketalge,ttat If on account of tlje mercljandlgetoljlct Ije gtall bring from tte gald Iglandg and land# tablet thug, ag aforegald, map be acquired or dlgcobered, or of ttat tablet map be taken In exchange for tlje game from otljer merchant# here, anp gult gtould artge otros predefesores enel dicho ojifio lo tenian en sus distritos. Plaze a Sus Altezas. Iohan de Coloma. Otrosy, que Vuestras Altezas fazen al dicho Don Christoval su Viso Rey e Governador general en todas las dichas yslas e tierras jirmes e yslas que como dicho es el descubriere e ganare, en las dichas mares , e que para el regimiento de cada una e qual quier dellas faga elefion de tres personas para cada offio, e que Vuestras Altezas tomen e escogan uno el que mas fuere su servifio, e asy seran mejor regidas las tierras que nuestro Sehor le dexara hallar e ganar a servifio de Vuestras Altezas. Plaze a Sus Altezas. Juan de Coloma. § Yten que todas e quales quier mercaderyas sy quier sean, perlas, piedras prefiosas, oro, plata, espie- ferya, e otras quales quier cosas y mercaduryas de qual quier espefie, nonbre e manera que sea, que se conpren, trocaren, hallaren, ganaren, e ovieren dentro delos limites del dicho Almirantadgo, que dende agora Vuestras Altesas hazen merfed al dicho Don Christoval e quieren que aya e lieve para sy la dezena parte de iodo ello quitadas las costas todas que se hizieren enello, por manera que delo que quedare linpio e libre aya e tome la defima parte para sy mismo, e faga della a su voluntad quedando las otras nueve partes para Vuestras Altezas. Plaze a Sus Altezas. Juan de Coloma. Otrosy que syacabsa delas mercadurias que el trahera delas dichas yslas e tierras que asy como dicho es se ga- naren odescubrieren o delas que entroque de aquellas se tomaren,aca de otros mercaderes nasfiere plito alguno 42 •I>* ^ A>«»»3 »+ii iVj -^i'r w A m-oj « *> ^ ^yV U a A>$— •V*i nrogfHo c *^P~* tvx <§'»*"«»»«> J\ vn $-*» (Hr ^ (£v 'S&Z ii iin rt^nMi ft»8 Wrt»clJ^nfrtn— » |orS tA*V**PCwCHTO VCt rct«<» tn c«^0<> rrtD^rt g a<»«clC«$ vH)«tnj»civ»S ocp%H^ n^S W»*U-r " C«H>rg .li^lr^X^o t fl72e»5twl cn-^nTicVV^ l ^? rrtn p- w.vfc*. won c«i ©r»S ♦t-pS-1^‘ 4C ? r tO©*^ A P-*r<5r*$ r ..J— — -^ — * f * ffc^ J*" * ^ cS rf 19 &£•><■» .. ,n r 'j V|‘i^|; ? 3'l*.,»r»9M(yf*fc «'T VV ‘' S- a vr<\?»l it fcwi«SV™*' < * rn *(!**'•' ^ ^ Jc*-t «ro©V n a clloi f*>tmrtn<* ““'SSmsKAIJS ctii Sl-c£$*'£ I t v cx (tl"h-(l 4 -c r«-H’t*i^ A, >-xl*» |’rcj7c*mwcVi^% g z trtt l’<^nv iJ,*l+iW yK^yrt~v> ylc^ -+Virrt v »i„ 7 ,-A.i ♦ — Ic i’^czrrtil’«vnv 0 <*n^j«v^ vKVjrt-u vl iV>ncp-** vli n VCoS pI'toS ^ii sSY. t~jn cry vt-*£o <^€i,V> .llrt^.tn.t; — ■*- — e^:;s ~ nirlt^n tricn A/mt -9 ^VoS < 2 ^\>rcS «i — y --^-.’/mt-. V ..„y.j V r* wsw 9i 0 ” wp 5 ^l n > | m -t-vS Ol &Jf*t 2*1 PV*-S $££>* in the place biljere tlje Said commerce anti traffic shall lie held and ton- cnel logar donde el ducted; and If bp tlje pre=emlnence of ljlS office of ^admiral it appertains to dicho comer foetrato film to take cognljanceof sucl) suit, Itrnap please four ^igfjnesses tljat seternaefaraquesy be or W Deputy, and not another judge, sljall take cognisance thereof por ia prehemmentir and gibe judgment In tlje same from henceforth* 3|t so pleases tljctr desuo w 10 anta jf c de la (Mega of (Branada, on the sebenteenth dap of aprtl In tlje pear of tlje natlbltp of our feablour 3|eStt0 Christ, one thousand four hundred and nfnetp=tbio* 3 the 1&mg* i tlje 3Dueen* Bp command of tlje Bing and of tlje SDueen* loljn de Coloma* Registered, Calcena. and nob) biljereaspou, tlje sat'd 2Don Christopher Columbus, our&dmlral of tlje £Dcean and our taerop and (Bobernor of tlje mainland and islands, babe Supplicated and praped us as a fabour tljat In order tljat tlje said patent of prlbllege might be tlje better and more contpletelp obserbed to pou and to pour sons and descendants, bie biottld confirm and approbe It to pou and biould command our patent of prlbllege thereof to be gtben to pou, or boljateber might be our pleasure ; and bie taking Into considera- tion bihat is aforesaid, and tlje manp, good, faithful, great and continual Serblces biljlclj pou tlje said 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral and Ulcerop and (Bobernor of tlje isles and mainland, dlscobered and to be discobered In tlje £Bcean, In tlje region of tlje Indies, babe rendered and bie hope bull render to us, especlallp In dlscobeting and bringing Into our poboer and under our dominion tlje Said islands and mainland, cljlefip because bie hope tljat bp tlje aid of (Bod our 3Lord it bull redound much to hiss Serbtce and to our honour, and to the profit and adbantage of our kingdoms and dominions, for bie hope tljat, bilth tlje Ijtlp of (Bod, tlje Indian Inhabitants of the Said Indies bull be conberted to our Ijolp catholic faith ; Mle Ijobe ordained, and bp this our Said patent of prlbllege, or bp tlje transcript thereof Signed as aforesaid, of our obin motion and certain knobiledge and absolute ropal poboer, boljlch in this matter boe bull to use and do use, boe confirm and approbe, for tlje present time and for cber, to pou, the said 2Don Christopher Columbus, and to pour said sons and grandsons, and to pour descendants and theirs, and to pour heirs, rante le pertenefera conosfer del talpleyto plega a Vuestras Al- tezas que el o su teniente e non otro Juez conosca del tal plito, e asy lo pro- vean dende agora. Plaze a Sus Altezas sy pertenefe al dicho ofifio de Almirante segunt que lo tenia el Almirante Dun Alfonso Enriquez, y los otros sus antefe- sores en sus distrytos eseyendojusto. Juan de Coloma. § Yten que en todos los navios que se ar- maren para el dicho trato e negotiation cada e quando e quan- tas vezes se armaren qucpuedael dicho Don Christoval Colon sy quisyere contribuyr e pagar la ocheva parte de todolo que se gas- tare end armazon, e que tanbien aya e lieve del provecho la ocheva parte delo que resultare dela tal ar- mada. Plaze a Sus Altesas. Iohan de Coloma. § Son otorgados e despachados conlas respuestas de Vues- tras Altezas enfyn de cada un capitulo enla villa de Santa Fe dela Vega de Granada a diez e syete dias de Abril del aho del nastimientodenuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mille quatrofientos e noventa e doss anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna , Iohan de Coloma. Registrada Calfena. E agora por quanto vos el dicho Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar otcano e nuestro Viso Rey e Governador dela tierrafirme eyslas, nos suplicastes e pedistes por merfed que por que mejor e mas cunplida mente vos fuese guardada la dicha carta de merfed a vos e a vuestros hijos e detendientes que vos la conjirmasemos e aprovasemos e vos mandasemos dar nuestra carta de previllejo della o como la nuestra merted fuese, e nos acatando lo suso dicho e los muchos e buenos eleales e grandes e continuos servifios que vos el dicho Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante e Viso Rey e Governador delasyslas e tierra firme descubiertas e por descubryr enel mar ofeano, enla parte delas Yndias, nos avedes fecho e esperamos que nos hareis, espefial mente en descobryr e traher a nuestro poder e so nuestro Sehorio alas dichas yslas e tierra firme, mayor mente por que esperamos con ayuda de Dios nuestro Seiior redundara en mucho servitio suyo e honrra nuestra e proe utilidad de nuestros reynos e sehorios, por que esperamos con ayuda de Dios que los pobladores Yndios delas dichas Yndias se convertiran a nuestra santa fie catolica,tovimoslo por biene por esta dicha nuestra carta de previllejo o por el dicho su traslaclo signado como dicho es, de nuestro propio motivo e fierta f ienfia e poderio real absoluto de que enesta parte queremos usar e usamos, confirmamos e aprovamos para agora e para syenpre jamas a vos el dicho Don Christoval Colon, e alos dichos vuestros hijos, nietos e detendientes de vos e dellos e a vuestros herederos, 45 la sobre dicha nues- our aforesaid patent incorporated abode, and the fabour therein tra carta suso encor • contained •, and toe device and command and it is our toill and porada e la merged pleasure that it bebalid and be obserbed to pou and to pour sons eneiia contenida , e and descendants noto and from Ijencefortlj inbiolablp for tlje queremos e manda- present time and for eber, in eberptbing and bp eberptbing, fuUp mos e es nuestra mer- and completelp, according to and in tlje form and manner com ged e voiuntad que tained therein ; and if ttbe necessarptoe noto again confer upon vos vaia e sea guar- pu tlje gain fabour, and toe firmlp forbid tljat anp person or dada a vos e a vues- persons Sijall dare to binder pou contrarp tljereto or’to anp part tros bijos e degen- tp re0 ^ ae [ to dtolare or diminish it, at anp time or in anp dientes agora e de manner: ^hereupon toe command tlje prince 3Don 3]obn, our lloLie mente mra and son, and tlje Infantes, dukes, prelates, apora e tiara sient)re marquises, counts, grandees, masters of orders, priors, com-- iamas en todo e par manders and subcommanders, and tlje members of our Council, to do biene cunpiida auditors of our Chamber, alcaldes, bailiffs and otljer justices mente segund e por toljomsoebec of our palace and court and cljancerp, and gober= la forma e manera nors of castles and of fortified and unfortified palaces, and all queeneiia se contiene, councillors, assistants, gobernors, alcaldes, bailiffs, judges, e sy negesario es prodosts and otljer justices of all tlje cities, totons and places agora de nuevo vos of our kingdoms and dominions, and each one of tljem, to ob= fazemos la dicha mer- setije and cause to beobscrded to pou this our said patent of pri= ged e de/endemos bilege and confirmation and tlje charter of grace therein contained, jinne mente que mn- ar jj, t {j 8 t tljcp do not binder pou contrarp to the tenor and form guna?n aigunas per- tijercof, nor agree to do so, at anp time or in anp manner, under sonas non seen osa- tlje penalties therein contained: CLtLlljereof toe order to be delidereti uasdevosyrmvemr t0 p 0U t jj lg j 0ur ^at'd patent of pribilege and confirmation, toritten ‘oarte Lila Yor Jos on parchment of sfetn, and signed toitlj our names and sealed i 0 quebrantarni men- tottf) our seal of lead hanging from threads of coloured Still, guar en tienpo ai- tohiclj toe command our chancellor, stetoard and notarp, and guno ni por aiguna the other officials toljo are at tlje board of our seals, to seal, dis= manera, sobre lo qual patch and pass: Sill toljiclj, as it is Stated in tlje said articles mandamos al Prin- incorporated abode and contained in this our confirmation, toe gipeDon Juan nues- desire and it is our ton'll and pleasure that it be obserbed and tro muy caro e muy fulfilled tljus, according to toljat is contained therein - and amado hijoeaios Yn- neither one nor tlje other of pou or them shall do contrarp thereto jantes, duques, per- fa aU p manner, under pcnaltp of our displeasure and of ten thorn iados,marqueses, con- 0 anJ) ntarabedis for our chamber upon each one toljo shall do the des, ncos omes,maes- CO ntearp. and further toe command tlje man toljo shall exhibit tres delas ordenes, f0 ^ out: p atcnt t0 n ' te p OU t0 a pp eat ; before US in OUC COUCt, p r Z° re f' ZJnTJdT toljeresoeder toe map be, toitljin fifteen daps from tlje dap of cita= dares P ains del nueJ tion, under tlje said peitaltp, under tohiclj toe command ederp tro consejo oydores public scn'denec toljo map be Summoned for this purpose to gide deia nuestra abdien- to tlje person toljo sijall efljibit it a certificate thereof signed gia, alcaides, aigua- toitlj ljiS Signature, in order that toe map knoto Ijoto our cotm ziies e otras justigias maud is fulfilled. (Biben in tlje citp of Burgos, on tlje ttoentp* quales quier dela third dap of the month of £pril, in tlje pear of tlje natiditp of our nuestra casa e corte iford 31 esus Christ one thousand four hundred and ninetp^Seden. e changilleria e al- caydes delos castillos e casas fuertes e lianas e a todos los congejos, asystentes, corregidores, alcaldes, alguasiles, merinos, prebostes, e a otras justigias de todas las gibdades e villas e logares delos nuestros reynos e sehorios e a cada uno dellos que vos guarden e hagan guardar esta dicha nuestra carta de previllejo e conjirmagion e la carta de merged enella contenida e contra el tenor e forma della no vos vayan ni pasen, ni consientan yr ni pasar en tienpo alguno ni por aiguna manera solas penas enella contenidas delo qual vos mandamos dar esta dicha nuestra carta de previllegio e conjirmagion escrita en pargamino de cuero e fir mad a de nuestros nonbres e sellada con nuestro sello de plomo pendiente en filos de seda a colores la qual mandamos al nuestro changiller mayordomo e notario e alos otros ofgiales que estan ala tabla delos nuestros sellos que sellen e libren e pasen lo qual todo que dicho es enlos dichos capitulos suso encorporados,y en esta nuestra confirmagion contenidos queremos, e es nuestra merged e voiuntad que se guarde e cumpla asy segunt que enellos se contiene e los unos ni los otros non fagades ni fagan ende al por aiguna manera so pena dela nuestra merged e de diez mill maravedis para la nuestra camera a cada uno que lo contrario fiziere,e demas mandamos al ome que vos esta nuestra carta mostrare que vos enplase que parescades ante nos en la nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos del dia que vos en- plasarefasta quinze dias primeros siguientes sola dicha pena, sola qual mandamos a qual quier escrivano publico que para esto fuere llamado que de ende al que gela mostrare testimonio signado con su signo por que nos sepamos en como se cunple nuestro mandado. Dada enla gibdad de Burgos a veynte a tress dias del tries de Abril anodel nagimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Christo de mill e quatrogientos enoventae syete ahos. 46 Xuui <9 %nt] ^ k +/L ^ SL^SirC l«tf - - £ 1 • ^/ I I -»wvK*|C h^-^'*^ eo^vte* ♦*w-*v^ s \>VCVi& £ rtntejfCjrJb (•?♦** n«irA»M^rt oft-A^ Cf L^x JL' ctx&+9** • *>*& L p0t iF^^bAri (l* ‘mLc&JS £&*** '$* &>*$*»$ *vwi-f •*y* 4"%,*? $: ♦VjCXtf 1 Cv^ \+J*4%3 *N(v^V»^* «**£* (s^: ‘T(5 V * Cv» HMtU Cl cl ilJ -if &*btC &Jlr*€r&'£-e2^£y*14‘4KjfaPtC&&. aVy „»rA co^il&*V iwjvvv 90W'fp*V kJ9 C> w>mr<*v7“ (W gjl** $19'****' ^C*^v A&H-tt»J E^W 1 1 * <,mV CP ~j*rjr^~ (X Ofw\ •-€* ^*^v***9 ©*vt^ ^J'tV^voS i firJbt-g Jt^Vvgtr v^ivUc^. (3***» (^V% £p £^**wVwTf ♦*%$ Qjynel £vm_€_*C ((ciVC^'fy *J^\ h\~l*jl*'*u: / 4 »^Vm3vV. ■‘“j 1+CMHMJ4A V &tr&G O+ro#' »»V| c***$\+rtT' __ _ Wvatf Mi|t*^i*r ^ca\?v» *^t4 (c^*; ♦*wvm*v^ •^ 7dl ~~{yv ^ r '- 'yj y ~G' \ V W*V^»1 KM) cOv^C (pxr£j *V (37^ V ^ t+*j 07 cX 7 f> L ^ y>^ y^c^xs, jfr^Jlrt’&G &€~{r^ * ^ Jc->V* Ti^Sc^r- r « " • '2 4 ^ v+»—or ( •toreQ (S> H”™^} 9 **** Hw*d Jkt <4k^^ *+isLJlj s « |U££<(5^C* g .y c \y8 J&~6Lj*Ul£f '* ^»j”Krf ^ a\y-ffa-g P i(^ »rtvi£ C^Mr- *c&*Y**c*+‘^r H*»V*vfM>0 (flC *♦***♦& ^ «wi> -|U***X* Jkvdi* ***<**«^4v - ~ -V— 1> p*x*jx£b V **«**r $e&‘ ^sJiJ-i-rtti *wn >■ flit Cf «-n r m « fn*"! u>8 rrvtTvo^ — « CL^SVSte JW* u fc» o\ £s~.-s *#-fe ^f.vsTc &£.s 6v ^ s’ilt' ^^JUJjS'-V-th •£?£ *“’ S y i , ' s ^ (p.%ccvx<^"i-r*^ dl ^x.7 ^ c ToS (* '^Tn lJ)pU.aJ& @- fp m wwC i}WS"P^S VI M_£ 9“a J _ .. ^ /■ Q ^ct-Xb® /-% Qirn.eVc^ . ^r_s rz uCCt CrH-i 9-^ 4«) »• «^q, ()W/<9 «^-* % ' 8 ’ C (Vs j? «* (®+*o5 *tr>v+£> O S G\£ tf 9 0\ (trVl^y d\ /yn&£ V»«? CmS-? »*m {£ u£'r» i J b g> A •"■ WSl£~ *T »9« r | W ~ i &&&&%* tT&*» 1.^3 vK^Sp tcr^r-?»~* «i 9 " ' l- ~*'"" ^ rt ‘ vvOvS cl\ Jv %v*?Tj < 5> l *l'Sj U^S ^V«SL* « Co |*»9't*r «^i »^*y r 31 the Iking* 31 tlje 3Dueeru 31 > iferDfnanti aibace# of 'Eolebo, seccetarp of tlje Bing: anti of tljc ^Duccn ouc Hocb#, caujSeU It to be tocltten bp tljelc comntanb* antljonp 2Doctoc* Kcgtsteceb* 3Doctoc Kobeclck,2Doctoc SLn- tljonp, 2Doctoc jfectu'nanD £lbace#, ^oljti (Helajques* 3nb on tlje back of tjjesalb patent of pclbllege toa# tocltten a# folloto#: afllltljoutcljancecp anb toltbout fee#, bp commanb of tfjeic highnesses. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo se- er etario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores, la Jiz escri- vir por su mandado. Antonius Doctor re- _ . _ v , gistrada. Doctor Ro- Tin? ttje name of ttje $olj> Cruntp ant) eternal dericus, Doctor Anto- ^ iBnltp, fatljec, %>on anb holp (Eljost, tfjcce pecson# ceallp blstlnct anb n ™ s ’ DoctorFerna " d one btblne essence toljtclj Itbes s anb celgn# foe ebcc toltbout enb, anb of tlje blcsseb anb gloclou# (Hlcgln »>alnt fl|arp ouc Habp, ljlS motljec, toljont dasdeia dkha carta toe cegacb a# sobecelgn anb abbocate In all ouc action#, anb to Ijec Ijonouc * previiiejo estava anb toocsljlp, anb of tlje blesseb £po#tle S>alnt 31 ante#, light anb escrito to siguiente, mlrcor of the Spains, patcon anb gulbe of tlje lung;# of Ca0tile anb Hcon, sin cbangilleria e sin anb llketolse to tlje Ijonouc anb tooc 0 ljlp of all tlje otljec 0alnt0 of tlje derechos, por man- celestlal couct. jpoto though accocblng to natuce man cannot knoto pec= dado de sus Altesas. fectlp toljat (Eob 10, fjotoebec geeat Ijl# knotolebgc of tlje tooclb map be, pet Enel nombre deia be can knoto bint bp seeing anb contemplating; Ijl# toonbec# anb tlje toocks sancta Trinidad e anb act# toblclj be ba# bone anb boe# ebeep bap, #lnce all toock# ace bone eterna Unidad Padre bp bis potoec, gobecneb bp ljlS tol#bont anb malntalneb bp ljls goobne##; e Hi ->° e spintu san- anb tlju# man can unbec#tanb tljat (Eob l# tlje beginning, nubble anb enb t0 tress P ersonas reaL ofalltljlng#,anb tljatln Ijlmtljep acecontpcebcnbeb; anb tje maintain# eaclj mentedlst ' ntaseuna one In tljat #tate toblci) Ije Ija# ocbalncb foe them, anb all babe nceb of Ijlnt e , sen(ia dlv ™ a ? ue ana \,t das no nets of tljem, and Ije is al.lt to tdan B e tljem toJeiwDer Ijt AlZltVTu map cljoo#e, accocblng to ljlS tolll; anb It l# not In bis natuce to cljangc oc bien /venturada vir- altecln anp ntanncc; anb lje l# calleb Iking obec all Iking#, becau#e fcom „ en g i or iosa Santa bint tljep beclbe tljetc name anb bp hint tljep reign, anb Ije gobecn# anb Maria nuestra &- malntaln# tljem, anb tljep ace ljlS blcegerents, eaclj one In ljlS klngbont, horasu madre aquien placeb bp Ijlnt obec tlje nation# to maintain tljem In justice anb In tcutlj, nos tenemos por Se- tempocallpi toljlclj l# Sljobjn contpletelp In ttoo toap#, one being Spiritual, hora e por abogada a# tlje pcopbet# anb #alnt# babe sljoton, to toljont our Hocb gabe gcace en todos los nuestros to babe accucate knotolebge of tljing# anb to cause tljetn to be unbec* f echos e a onrra e Stoob ; tlje otbec I# accocblng to natuce, a# philosopher# Ijabe sljoton, toljo reverend suya e del toece blscecnec# of thing# naturallp. jfoc tlje Saint# salb that tlje Iking l# set upon eactb In tlje place of (Ebb to fulfil justice anb to gibe to eaclj one blS bue, anb tljecefoce tljep calleb hint tlje Ijeact anb soul of tlje people; anb just a# tlje soul l# In tlje Ijeact of man, anb bp It tlje bobp llbe# tmaZr’dehT Revel anb l# malntalneb, so In tlje Iking ccsibe# justice, toljlclj IS tlje life anb g de castuia e de Leon Support of tlje peopleof bt'S bomlnlon#; anb just a# tljece is but one Ijeact anb e flsymism0 a honrra bp It all tbe mernbec# ace unlteb to foent one bobp, eben so all tlje menu e referenda de todos bee# of tlje klngbont, Ijotoebec ntanp tljep map be, ace one, because tlje Iking i os otros santos e must be, anb is, one, anb tljecefoce ttjep must all be one toltlj Ijlnt to santas dela corte ce- folloto bint anb to help In tbe thing# toljtcb bt b^S to bo ; aitb accocblng lestial,porque aunque to natuce the philosopher# #atb tljat Iking# ace^tlje Ijeab of tlje klngbont segun natura non puede el ome cun- plida mente conofer que cosa es Dios por el mayor conofimiento que del mundo puede aver, puedelo conosfer veyendo e contenplando sus maravillas e obras e fechos que hizo e faze de cada dia pues que todas las obras por su poder son fechas e por su saber governadas e por su bondad mantenidas e asy el ome puede entender que Dios es comienfo e medio e fyn de todas las cosas e que enel se engierran, y el mantiene a cada uno en aquel estado que las hordeno, y todos le ban menester y el no ha menester aellas y el las puede mudar cada vez que quisiere segund su voluntad, y non puede caber enel que se mude ni se canbie en alguna manera, y el es dicho Rey sobre todos los Reyes por que del ban ellos nonbre e por el reynan y el los govierna e mantiene los quales son vicarios suyos cada uno en su reyno puestos por el sobre las gentes para los mantener en justigia, y en verdad tenporal mente lo qual se muestra cunplida mente en dos maneras, la una dellas es espiritual segund lo mostraron los prof etas, y los santos aquien dio nuestro Senor gragia de saber las cosas gierta mente e las hazer entender, la otra manera segund natura asy como lo mostraron los omes sabios que fueron conogedores delas cosas natural mente ca los Santos dixeron que el Rey es puesto enla tierra en lugar de Dios para cunplir la justigia, e dar a cada uno su derecho, y porende lo llamaron coragon, y alma del pueblo, e asy como el alma esta enel coragon del ome, y por el bive el cuerpo y se mantiene, asy enel Rey esta la justigia que es vida e mantenimiento del pueblo de su sehorio, e asy como el coragon es uno e por el regiben todos los otros mienbros unidad para ser un cuerpo bien asy todos los del reyno maguer sean muchos son uno, porque el Rey deve ser, y es uno y por eso deven ser todos unos conel para lo seguir e ayudar enlas cosas que ha de fazer,y natural mente dixeron los sabios que los Reyes son cabega del reyno 49 bienaventuradoApus- tol Senor Santiago luz y espejo delas Espahas, patron for asf from the Ijcati proceed the perception# bp tofjict) all tbe member# of the bodp are directed, eden 00 bp tbe mandate bohich proceed# from tbe l&ing, boljo i# lord and brad of all tbe member# of tbe kingdom, tljep must be governed and directed 5 . and mu0t pap obedience thereto-, and 00 great i# tlje autborttp of tbe poboer of king#, that all labo# and right# are subject to their poboer, for tbep do not deride it from men, but from ( 0 od, boljose place tljep occupp in matter# temporal; to boborn among other thing# it cljicflp appertain# to lode, honour and protect hi# people, and among other# lje mu#t especiallp #elect and honour those botjo de#erbe it on account of tlje #erdice# tbep babe rendered to him 1 and therefore tlje king or prince, among IjS other poboer#, not onlp can but ought to bestobo fadour# upon tljo#e boljo are de#erding thereof for the serdice# tljep bade rendered to bint, and for the goodne## be map find in them and becau#e among the other dirtue# appertaining to king#, according to tlje #aping of the pbilo#opber#, justice t# one, and i# the btrtue and truth of thing#,’ and bp it the dtorld t# be#t and nto#t rigb= teou#lp maintained, and it i#, a# it boere, a fountain from tobteb all rigljt# Hobo, and it alboap# e;ri#t# in the disposition# of just men, neder failing, and gibing and distributing to each W due; and it cont= prebend# in itself all the principal btrtue#, and derp great utilitp arise# therefrom, for it cau#e# ederp one to lide prudentlp and peaceablp ac-- cordtng to IjtS condition, boitljout fault and boitljout error; and tberebp tlje good become better, recetbtng reboard# for the good deed# tljep bade done, and the other# are reformed and amended, and this justice corn #t#t# of tbjo principal part#, the one commutattde, bohich iS betboeen one man and another, tlje other distributive, in bohich are obtained the redoard# and remuneration# of the good and btrtuou# labour# and Serdice# toljicb good men do for king# and prince# and for the public boelfare of tljetr kingdom#, and since, a# the labo# declare, to gibe re= board# to tbo#e boljo #erde boell and faitljfullp t# a thing botjicb i# derp becoming to all men, but especiallp to king#, prince# and great lord#, boljo bade tlje poboer to do it, and it t# their peculiar pridtlege to honour and ecalt those boljo #erde tljem boell and fatthfullp, and bobose dirtue# and Serdice# de#erde it; and in reboardtng good deed# the king# boho do #0 #ljobo that tbep are di#cerner#of dirtue and likeboise administrator# of justice, for justice doe# not con#i#t onlp in the eremplarp punish- ment of edtldoer#, but al#o in reboarding the’ good, and moreoder another great utilitp arise# therefrom, for it incite# the good to become more dirtuou# and the hoicked to amend tljem#elbe#, and bohen thi# cour#e i# not pur#ued the contrary might happen, and #ince among the other reboard# and remuneration# bohich king# can bestod) upon tbo#e boljo #erde them boell and faitljfullp tbep can honour them and eledate them among tlje other# of their farnilp, and ennoble, decorate, and honour them, and confer manp other benefit#, grace# and fadour# upon them: therefore considering and taking into account all that t# aforesaid, boe desire tljat bp tlji# our patent of pridilege, or bp the transcript thereof signed bp a public scridener, all boljo nobo are y es asy como fuente donde manan todos los dereebos e dura por sienpre enlas voluntades delos ornes justos, e nunca desf allege, e da e reparte a cada uno ygual mente su derecho, e comprehende ensi todas las virtudes pr inf ip ales, y nage della mui grand utilidad, por que fase vivir cuerda mente y en paz a cada uno segund su estado, syn culpa e syn yerro , e los buenos se hasen por ella mejores, regibiendo galardones por los bienes que jizieron, e los otros por ella se enderegan e emiendan, la qual justigia tiene ensi doss partes pringipales, la una es comutativa que es entre un ome e otro, la otra es distributiva, enla qual consiguen los galardones e remuneragiones delos buenos e virtuosos trabajos e servifios, que los buenos fasen alos reyes e prinfipes e ala cosa publica de sus reynos. E por que segund disen las leyes, dar galardon, alos que bien e leal mente syrven, es cosa que conviene mucho a todos los omes mayor mente alos reyes e prinfipes e grandes senores, que tienen poder delo faser, y a ellos es propia cosa bonrrar y sublimar a aquellos que bien e leal mente le syrven, e sus virtudes e servifios lo meresfen, y en galardonar los buenos j echos , los Reyes que lo fasen muestran ser conofedores dela virtud, otrosy justifieros, ca la justiria non es tan sola mente en escarmentar los malos mas aun en galardonar los buenos, y demas desto nafe della otra grand utilidad, porque da voluntad alos buenos para ser mas virtuosos e alos malos para emendarse, y quando asy no se base podria acaesfer por contrario, y porque entre los otros galardones e remunerafiones que los Reyes pueden faser alos que bien e leal mente le syrven, es bonrrarlos e sublimarlos entre los otros de su linage, e los ennoblefer e decorar e bonrrar e les faser otros muchos bienes e grafias e merfedes, porende considerando, e acatando lo suso dicbo, queremos que sepan por esta nuestra carta de privilegio, o por su treslado sygnado de escrivano publico, todos los que agora son 50 por que como dela cabefa nagen los sen- tidos, porque se man- dan todos los mien- bros del cuerpo, bien flsi por el manda- miento que nage del Rey, que es Sehor y cabega de todos los del reyno, se deven mandar y guiar y lo obedeger,y tan grande es el derecho del poder delos Reyes, que to- das las leyes y los de- rechos tienen so su poderio, porque aquel no le ban delos omes, mas de Dios, cuyo lugar tienen enlas cosas temporales, al qual entre las otras cosas pringipal mente pertenege amar y hon- rrar y guardar sus pueblos , y entre los otros sehalada mente deve tomar y bonrrar alos que lo meregen, por servigios que le ay an f echo, y porende el Rey o el Pringipe entre los otros po- deres que ba, no tan sola mente puede mas deve faser gragias alos que las meresgen por servigios que le ayan fecho y por bondad que falle en- ellos, y porque entre las otras virtudes an- exas alos Reyes se- gund dixeron los sa- bios, es la justigia, la qual es virtud e verdad delas cosas, por la qual mejor e masenderegadamente se mantiene el mundo, U w/vv< . 9 ^aU •>$& T?** »wi^Nc>Wtvw>^ ('D r« fSW ^yp\^Sk £*»?* O i fiv& <£****•» $e h$>~+*u> y>\J$£l>y. ~te>$£& *%rG <7 e wo 9 &on c Jv 2 *u\$> Q g &£«i v(2a&1* yxnd\ ( t^ A 9 ^o 8 ^' t ^ v dl* 4^ Cty+i JeS\mtp 9 Jl* 0triij * &&&& ij^Mt «&* vu&bjxrf A 0c (gj&cit ixtSLZa A eoio?<*rf 4 >* v*w&uiSc Jk&D & cCcnssxwK &&*& vc&rx. (J *^“ fc^WWlYvC • gctwj «X —- fjk-jPytfcCtit] ♦wfv-tf Jl* onftiD JLtS«i.Jl.‘ t u l rf VVO*H^X0 ^ 0 ll* 5 *\. A) >MTp ®®* 3 £SNf* r^j^s- roc p, K(V _.™ — ^ .^^r6^^r6-jfi • fitowjbsi Jl* (fAzerCo* / £W~P\* A\*ec 2 * &JzUe*£z+ £ ksf*H uk A-at&z* &*&**>& V*>t4~t ‘SK*-I *t£^CV &W&*& /0 jl* tfcl^VMjkw JLvx£«W> «& &&o£***o ■^»(^C^b WW^ $**+£ (2-** gH+*wci o*r*» •< • fll* ^ «&*]« j ww&*Jt+ — ^ ^ ^vmC|OVi < ^ N^* **vXi (<*$ »*$< ^ntfr*h?0 "dir C^tao * -oryw+^ywir**^-*. QXU* i**^*f*&? IgiiggS* tpewCLwdl\* TJ^ V^pgy^ »r*JM 't SS 5 . r .i£|£ jf i ■■ n ^r r <0*~> JT^irt- ^,H»«I‘ . gS\ <*&C?fe^> 9W& C ^O***^!/ and 0ball be front henceforth map fenoto that toe 2Don jferdi- nand and 2Donna 3|^atieUa, bp ttje grace of (Bod Iking and iiueen of Castile, Heon, dragon, »>ictlp, (Branada, Toledo, (Ealencta, (Balicia, Majorca, Metafile, Sardinia, Corsica, 9$ur- eta, 3|aen, Algarbe, £lgcctra0, (Btbraltar and tbe Canarp 3l0land0; Count and Counte00 of Barcelona; HorOg of 25t0- cap and S^olina; 2Duke0 of 8tljen0 and Jl^eopatrta ; County of Eou00illon and Cerdagne,9$arqut0e0of €>ri0tano and (Boji- ano, babe 0een a patent of grace, (Signed toitb our name# and (Sealed toitb our steal, made in tbtes manner: X)OXl JFrrdn nand and SDonna Jssabella, bp tlje grace of (Bod Iking and 4Dueen of Cassttle, Heon, dragon, feucilp, (Branada, Toledo, Valencia, (Balicia, Majorca, »>ebtlle, Sardinia, Cordoba, Cor- 0tca, Murcia, 3|aen, algarbe, aigectra0, (Btbraltar and tbe Canarp 30land0 ; Count and Counte00 of Barcelona ; Hord0 of Biscap and S^olina; 2Duke0 of atben0 and Jpeopatrta, Count0 of Eou00tllon and Cerdagne, S©arqut'0e0 of 3Dri0tano and (Bojtano : jF&ra0mucb a0 pou, Christopher Columbu0, are going bp our command, toitb (Some of our 0fjtp0 and toitb our 0ubj'ect0, to dt0cober and acquire certain i0land0 and mainland in tbe ocean, and it t0 hoped that, bp tlje help of (Bod, 0ome of tbe 0atd t0land0 and mainland in tbe 0atd ocean totll be dt'0- cohered and acquired bppourpain0 and tndu0trp i and therefore it t'0 a ju0t and rea0onable tijing that 0tnce pou incur the 0atd danger for our gerbice pou 0bould be retoarded for: it, and a0 toe de0tre to honour and fabour pou on account of tobat t'0 afore0atd, it t0 our tot'll and plea0tire that pou the 0atd Chris- topher Columbu0, after pou babe dtScobered and acquired the 0atd t0land0 and mainland in tlje (Sat'd ocean, or anp of tljem tobat0oeber, 0ball be our Admiral of the 0aid t0land0 and mainland tofjicb pou map tlju0 dt0cober and acquire, and 0ljall be our admiral and (Eicerop and (Bobernor therein, and 0ljall be entpotoered from tljat time fortoard to call and entitle pour- 0elf SDon Christopher Columbtt0, and that pour 0on0 and 0uc- ce00or0 in the 0atd office and charge map lifeetotSe entitle and call tbem0elbe0 2Don, and admiral and (Eicerop and (Bobernor thereof; and tljat pou map Ijabe potoer to usfe and ererctSe the 0atd office of admiral, together toitb tlje 0atd office of (Eicerop and (Bobernor of tlje 0aid t'0lanO0 and mainland toljtclj pou map this dt0cober and acquire, bp pour0elf or bp pour lieu- tenant0, and to bear and determine all tlje 0utt0 and cau0e0 ct'bil and criminal appertaining to the 0aid office of admtraltp, (Eicerop and (Bobernor according a0 pou 0ball find bp lato, and a0 tlje admiraS of our btngdom0 are accu0tomed to u0e and ererct0e it ; and map babe potoer to puni0b and cba0tt0e delinquent0, and ererctSe the0aidoffice0of Admtraltp, lEtcerop and (Bobernor, pou and pour 0aid lieutenant0, in all that con- cern0 and appertain to tlje 0aid office0 and to each of them; e seran de aqui ade- lante, como nos Don Fernando e Doha Ys- abel, por la gragia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla e de Leon , de Aragon , de Sigilia, de Granada, de Tole- do, de Valengia, de Galizia , de Mallor- cas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha , de Corgega, de Murgia , de Jaben, del Algarbe, de Al- gezira, de Gibraltar e delas Yslas de Ca- naria, Conde e Con- desa de Barcelona, Sehores de Viscaya e de Molina, Duques de Atbenas e de Neo- patria, Condes de Rosellon e de Cerda- nia, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gogiano, vimos una carta de merged, firmada de nuestros nombres e sellada con nuestro sello, fecha enesta guisa. Don Fer- nando e Doha Ysabel, por la gragia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Cas- tilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de Sigilia, de Granada, de To- ledo, de Valengia, de Galizia, de Mallor- cas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha, de Cordova, de Corgega, de Mur- gia, de Jaben, del Algarbe, de Algezira, de Gibraltar, e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Bargelona e Sehores de Viscaya e de Mo- lina, Duques de Atbe- nas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rosellon e de Cerdania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gogiano, Por quanto vos Christoval Colon, vades por nuestro mandado, a descobrir e ganar con giertas fustas nuestras e con nuestras gentes giertas yslas e tierra firme enla mar ogeana, e se espera que conla ayuda de Dios se descobriran e gana- ran algunas delas diebas yslas e tierra firme enla dicha mar ogeana por vuestra mano e yndustria, e asy es cosajusta e rasonable, que pues os pones al dicho peligro por nuestro servigio, seades dello remunerado, e queriendos honrrar e faser merged por lo suso dicho, es nuestra merged e voluntad que vos el dicho Christoval Colon, despues que ayays descubierto e ganado las dichas yslas e tierra firme enla dieba mar ogeana o quales quier deltas, que seades nuestro Almirante delas diebas yslas e tierra firme que asy descubrierdes e ganardes, e seades nuestro Almirante, e Viso Rey, e Governador enellas, e vos podades dende en adelante llamar e yntitular, Don Christoval Colon, e asy vuestros fijos e subgesores enel dicho ofigio e cargo, sepuedan yntitular e llamar, Don, e Almirante e Viso Rey, e Governador deltas, e para que podades usar eexerger el dicho ofigio de Almirantadgo, conel dicho ofigio de Viso Rey ,e Governador delas dichas yslas e tierra firme, queasy descubrierdes y ganardes, por vos, o por vuestros lugar tenientes, e oyr e librar todos los plitos e cabsas giviles e criminates tocantes al dicho ofigio de Almirantadgo, e de Viso Rey e Governador, segund fallardes por derecho, e segund lo acostumbran usar eexerger los Almirantes de nuestros reynos,e podades punir e castigarlos delinquentes, e usedes delos dichos ofigios de Almirantadgo e Viso Rey e Governador ros e vuestros dichos lugar tenientes, en todo lo que alos dichos ofigios, e a cada uno dellos, es anexo e congerniente, 53 t 2 anli that pou ssfjall fjatic anti lebp the fee# anti salaries an-. ne^reU, belonging anti appertaining; to the said officer anti to each of them, according a# our !£igb admiral in the admiralty of our kingdom# lebie# and i# accustomed to lebp tljetm and bp tin# our patent, or bp the transcript thereof signed bp apub- lic scribener, toe command prince 2Don John, our berp dear and toell belobed son, and ttje 31 nf antes, dukes, prelates, mar-. qui'Se#, counts, master# of orders, priors, commanders, and members of our council, and auditors of our chamber, alcaldes, and other justice# toljomSoeber of our household, court and chancerp, and subcommanders, gobernor# of castle# and for- tified and unfortified houses, and all councillors, assistants, gobernor#, alcaldes, bailiffs, judges, beinticuatros, jurats, knight#, esquire#, officer# and liege men of all the citie#,totons and places of our kingdoms and dominions, and of those tohich pou map conquerand acquire, and the captains, masters, mates, officers, mariners and seamen, our natural subjects tofjo noto are or hereafter shall be, and each and anp of them, that upon the said island# and mainland in the said ocean being dis- cohered and acquired bp pou, and the oath and formalitp requi- Site in such case habi'ng been made and done bp pou or bp him toho map babe pour procuration, thep shall habe and hold pou from thenceforth for the tohole of pour life, and pour son and Successor after pou, and successor after successor for eber and eber, as our Admiral of the said ocean, and as (Eicerop and (Bobernor of the said island# and mainland, tohtch pou the Said 2Don Christopher Columbus map discober and acquire; and thep shall treat toith pou, and toith pour sat'd lieutenants tofjom pou map place in the said officesof Admiral, (Eicerop and Cober- nor, about eberpthing appertaining thereto, and shall pap and cause to be paid to pou the #alarp,due# and other things annered and appertaining^ the said offices, and shall obserbe and cause to be obserbed totoard# pou all tlje honours, graces, fabours, li- beetles, pre-eminences, prerogattbes, exemptions, immunities and all other things, and each of them, tohich in birtueof the said offices of admiral, (Eicerop and d5obernor pou shall be entitled to babe and enjop, and tohtch ought to be obserbed totoard# pou in eberp respect fullp and completelp, so that nothing map be diminished therefrom; and tljat neither therein nor in anp part thereof shall thep place or consent to place hindrance or obstacle against pou ; for toe bp tlji# our patent from noto rineros, e gentes dela mar, nuestros subditos e naturales, que agora son o seran de aqui adelante, e a cada uno e qual quier dellos, que siendo por vos descubiertas e ganadas las diebas yslas e tierra firme enla dieba mar ofeana, e f echo por vos o por quien vuestro poder oviere, el juramento e solepnidad que en tal caso se requiere, vos ayan e tengan dende en adelante para en toda vuestra vida, e despues de vos a vuestro fijo e subfesor, e de subfesor en subfesor, para sienpre jamas, por nuestro Almirante dela dicha mar ofeana, e por Viso Rey e Governador delas dichas yslas e tierra firme que vos el dicho Don Christoval Colon descubrierdes e ganardes, e usen con vos, e conlos dichos vuestros lugar tenientes, que enlos dichos ofifios de Almirantadgo e Viso Rey e Governador pusierdes, en todo lo aellos, confer niente, e vos recudan efagan recudir, conla quitafion e derechos, e otras cosas, alos dichos ofifios anexas e pertenesfientes, e vos guarden e fagan guardar todas las honrras e grafias e merfedes e libertades, preheminenfias prerrogativas esenfiones ymunidades, e todas las otras cosas, e cada una deltas, que por rason delos dichos ofifios de Almirante, e Viso Rey, e Governador devedes aver e gosar e vos deven ser guardadas, en todo bien e conplida mente, en guisa que vos non mengue ende cosa alguna, e que enello ni en parte dello enbargo ni contrario alguno vos non pongan ni consientan poner, ca nos por esta nuestra carta desde agora para 54 e que ayades e levedes los derechos e sala- rios alos dichos ofi- fios e a cada uno dellos anexos e con- fernientes epertenes- fientessegund e como los lieva e acostumbra levar el nuestro Al- mirante mayor enel Almirantadgo delos nuestros rey nos. E por esta nuestra car- ta, o por su treslado sygnado de escrivano publico , mandamos al Prinfipe Don Juan, nuestro muy caro e muy amado fijo, e alosynfantes,duques, perlados, marqueses, condes, maestres de- las ordenes, priores, comendadores, e alos del nuestro consejo, e oydores dela nuestra Abdienfia, alcaldes e otras justifias quotes quier dela nuestra casa e corte e chan- filleria, e alos sub- comendadores, alcay- des delos castillos e casasfuertes e lianas, e a todos los confejos e asystentes e regi- dores, e alcaldes e alguasyles , merinos, veynte e quatros, ca- valleros, jurados, es- cuderos, ofifiales e omes buenos,de todas las fibdades e villas e logares delos nues- tros reynosesenorios, e delos que vos con- quistardes e ganar- des, e alos capitanes, maestres, contrama- estres e ofifiales ma- 0 * cfl gc^w 1? L*? {VgJnxS+^vnc &£&>$ a\x C yo$ (^ t VM«vii ^1 «lVc > ^>p+Cvxc( fl^krJ »^row» vt%**p0\.~C**A itXUvjra i •2M* J^rtv-^v<: vvc ra- P*^4|»c JJMLb^wtv *^ /^iiv^cr^ct 9€ C&e • »| >^ (^ tc c 5^xScx»5 ^r€«*Jluii^%\& ^7»vr*A •ftrwwt t i »» w»?(W^M 4V-* (fl* *~-f**fs < J*>vW« (i ‘pa* >*t*r* e*y*'iC • (fl*^ AVA f«*V *A Vvi^. • (H* J(.-Y>0% >^fpe T^rfr 1 ,v*%«t^ * rwr ' i 4?i!ViV>«^ » ul'/^VX- ">t - . - rwu-5^ e v ^ _ (J—-^ v II . JH/f? \p£*a«*e€ xjhdhn£23£ Q (Jy m &+***?S6 c ^ «X>Vv^> g ^^^V»»-00 [dx^ZX ~fv Wj €*l+-G^ if**C (2 ej-p\ -f^v m*L — p ^rvs V ft ^ ^ -va***’*'’ — J I * 1 “* " »| ^*— * Jot 9f^ * ajeMrt . r $>***& <3ii ^5 ^rJ~^~J <0 Cp $* * P - d“ i ^2_ &Pr~6 Jt J\il*+j • (fl*\n/^ -^ Vy ♦ ^Vt^ltAjhx v (Z(t?Jipc:\ ^*>0$ S-P -firxg+uxljlr X(f*CvvW? (rtjC (&> v»^m? Cm (tp** kA «4»\v^ »vO Vvv^. rt ^ ^ ^ J ^-»eesc*L JOS-j-i l*pcrn«6 . '~$yg J(^ v H4J£*Jbz '^VI j * \ 3 * \$VTf*fevv /.Sr m&Neuo »vt^t*v^\3 (S^uSrf*^ Q^^en^r Pj2£c*mt» £>t££s Ht^e'^LV: Lv *w»% «Vrt^> Jjwjj** ^J|« j|*l*»Mrf W»A^m s>vi%wt ef ^ i *•/ ^£Ar€*« /» vJo+%cb*fr SoT .wog.-^V^? Jt( ~fcVV • \ (> L*’ £ 'QP*mJ*pC U?f) / ^^ W ^ T4 ^‘' v*v5 j^^r*4pyz*K ^so\ Jv*< ^ju^to ^ v*Jv ^ N **' 1 ** r^i. *.Wvij2: — ■ • JLe »v*vSvcVi9^ •gv.P rcfl \^>X Cvtjx>0 itcH*0 &^cjrs* cfi$z-$ S\ ^Mr»vC-flwW v< - $$yzy***** C f'$tJ 7U ly x ' X rt ^f<^^\J™r x ^ 9 (*(5^^ JV^^v(»Ve ^>ViJ fD (jv»v2^nvvJt»V • CF^<»*3 X 2_ wp^€ Jl: ccJv*££k ^ henceforth grant to pou tlje gfai'D office# of £bmiraltp,3Utcetop anb d5otier= enton ges vos/azemos nor bp right of inheritance for eber anb eber, anb toe gibe pou actual anb ( f el % dlc r h a os pro#pectibe po##e##ion thereof, anb of each of them, anb potoer anb am °£ s 0 eVioRey'e thoritp to u#e anb ererci#e it, anb to collect the bue# anb #alarie# annereb Governador, porjuro anb appertaining to them anb to each of them, accorbing to tohat i# afore* de beredad para sy- #aib, Concerning all that i# afore#aib, if it #houlb be nece##arp anb em P re j“ mas ’ e vos pou #fjoulb require it of them, toe commanb our chancellor anb notaries* taTyZoL^ZZdiol anb the other officer# toljo are at the boarb of our #eal# to gibe, beliber, e decada und deiios, pa## anb #eal for pou our patent of pribilege toitlj tlje circle of #igna= e poder e abtoridad ture#, in the #tronge#t, firme#t, anb mo#t #ufficient manner that pou P ara lo usar e exer ~ ntap reque#t anb map finb neebful, anb neither one nor tlje other S„ s e ^IZ-ios tiL of pou or them #hall bo contrarp hereto in anp manner, unber penaltp e a cada uno ’ deUos of our bt#plea#ure anb of ten thou#anb marabebi# to our chamber, anexos e pertenegien- upon eberp one tobo #hall bo the contrarp* £nb further toe commanb tes > segund e como the man toho #hall #ljoto tljem tlji# our patent, to cite them to appear dlc ^° ^f d e J° before u# in our court, toljere#oeber toe map be, toitljin fifteen bap# sy ° ZegesZiZlol from the bap of citation, unber the #aib penaltp, unber toljich toe com* fuere e gelos vos pi- manb eberp public #crtbener toljo map be #ummoneb for thi# purpo#e, to dierdes, mandamos gibe to the per#on toljo #ljall #hoto it to hint a certificate thereof #igneb al nuestro chancier toith hi# #ignature, toljerebp toe map imoto in tohat manner our com-- l^LTqZeeZaTaTa ntanb i# erecuteb* dffiben in our citp of d5ranaba, on the thirtieth bap of tabu deios nuestros the month of £prtl, in the pear of the natibitp of our Horb 3]e#u# Chrt#t sellos, que vos den e one thou#anb four tjunbreb anb ninetp*ttoo* 31 tljel&ing* j tlje <0ueen* ubren e pasen e seiien 31, John be Colonta, fe>ecretarp of tlje iking anb of tlje jClueen, our Horb#, ^ZVoZlh f a ZZ cau#eb thi# to be toritten bp their commanb* (Branteb in form, l&obericb ZSZT/mie eZZ 3Doctor* Eegi#tereb, ^eba#tian3Dolano* franci# be 9l£abrib, Chancellor* tante , que les pidier- tfince it ha# plea#eb our Eorb tljat pou #houlb finb ** e ovierdes mene- manp of the #aib i#lanb#, anb toe hope that toitlj hte help pou Xoill finb ster ■ E los unos m anb bi#cober other t#lanb# anb mainlanb in the #aib ocean in the #aib Z faZZlZilZI'pZ region of tlje 31nbt'e#, pou habe entreateb anb prapeb u# a# a fabour to alguna manera, so confirm to pou our #aib patent, tofjiclj i# abobe incorporateb, anb tlje pena deu nuestra fabour therein contatneb, in orber tljat pou anb pour #on#, be#cenoant# merged, ede dies mill anb #ucce##or#, one after tlje other, toljen pou #hall habe enbeb pour ZZlZZaiZZ ’ a bap#, map be able to Ijolb anb map Ijolb the #aib office# of £bmiral, cada uno que /o c ’ on . frltcerop anb (Bobernor of the #aib ocean anb i#lanb# anb mainlanb, trario jiziere. E de toljich pou habe tfju# bi#cobereb anb founb anb #ljall from henceforth mas mandamos at bi#cober anb finb, toith all tljo#e potoer#, pre*cmtnence# anb preroga* Za ZZ\Z ZmstrZe ttbe# tohich habe been anb noto are enjopeb bp our former anb pre#ent q “e iZ empUsZZul Slbmiral#, dltcerop# anb (Kobernor# of our #aib fungbom# of Ca#tile anb parescades ante nos enla nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos del dia que los emplasare, a quinze dias primeros siguientes sola dicha pena, sola qual mandamos a qual quier escrivano publico, que para esto fuere llamado, que de ende al que gela mostrare testi- monio signado con su signo, por que nos sepamos encomo se cumple nuestro mandado. Dada enla nuestra f ibdad de Granada a treynta dias del mes de Abril, aho del nasgimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Christo de mill e quatrogientos e noventa e dos anos. Vo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Iohan de Coloma Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores lajis escrivir por su mandado. Acordada en forma. Rodericus Doctor. Registrada. Sa- vastian Dolano. Francisco de Madrid Changiller. E AGORA por que plugo a nuestro Sehor que vos fallastesmuchas delas dichas yslas e esperamos conla ayuda suya quefallareys e descobrireys otras yslas, e tierra jirme enel dicbo mar ogeano, ala dicha parte delas Indias, Nos suplicastes e pedistes por merged, que vos confirmasemos la dicha nuestra carta, que de suso va encorporada , e la merged enella contenida, para que vos e vuestros jijos e desgendientes e susgesores uno enpos de otro y despues de vuestros dias, podades tenery tengades los dichos ojigios de Almirante e Viso Reye Governador del dicho mar ogeano, e yslas e tierra Jirme, que asy aveys descubierto efallado,e descubri- erdes efallardesdeaqui adelante, contodasaquellasfacultadesepreheminengias eprerogativas,dequehangozadoego- san los nuestros Almirantes e Viso ReyeseGovernadores, que ban sydoe son deios dichos nuestros reynos de Castillay de Leon, e vos sea %to n, and that pou map be pai'ti all tlje due0 and 0alarle0 annexed acudido con todos los and appertalnlngto tbe 0ald o0fice0 a0 u0ed and ob0erbed totoard0 derecbos e saiarios quc gald aontlral0, (Klcerop0 and tf^»itfi<0o^i<4n«.fl»»*i> w »*|«r (f|* vvet? l vvr ^ ojiSt^c*^nS\rxocx ^Jl^^t^. &*<££_>pg£r6 0 7* gpox\*4y& C**^y 1 <*»* ^kIj-ci.^ ‘ dr* O erT* ■efc'fr 0 ; A r&*~z@z£ ‘ ^ w**w ^r»*jlitf •fo£9o^&0&Y*rC r ^ w ^ «*vt5»^Lvwi^)* ?9@ if&O &y^I\sp-G ~fl**(3 &e?9j7to' &>ob Ao£ '** s l (3 Sr^oS »*►&<$ ^ ^ Vvm? Cm Ao^ (^» ^ |«MM)& • IW» ( W-/VW - i hO eyg -^U££a$> jUti^ - o tf%r-C — ‘I />- " /1 «U(y ,ic\£ *K*^> Cjt<< r@ * (fl*4^ /Cv^5 ^^^OoI+ha l-t%9 * 7^ ^'f\^i3<‘ ^ &-&$>*& JSpW« 9j AdN> v<£>S 7\-6 Q , ^*p^rTV»^ •!”• (fhLJ1hs^*-*‘^-' it% C* . — ^ ^ $£$%y |^»tf , ij s ^ v«^o ♦ i| »v ~ gill# »v i A '’j w^? Olr ui*6^^o$~rvxrfr>~+rf ^ cp»*%*w^ *t»«c *— 4^©$^Sjuvi ^S> t* ch? ~fi/l*>S * >vw»\ OA'jUW * tflkv («W • $pU»* Jl* jv^v^o': /<* SL' to e Jl**vl vvm* /*> -fV^ ' POrv"^ 2 ^ «&\ (p^; & T ^^‘r n ^ 'r*' »w\ ^ a?v«4«^ ^ {Z^CX’txy Ctrg ^ «.W^ ^^>-?‘Vvt* &$ vvp?3 «ic rc~6^^V' ^ -tv*** gjUa" — | X ^U.*l"Vy , *»<3 te%2 A@ (^ (£i& S^> ^><5 ^ $v(-0 A &&> *£C& • Wi<|^ \](tp*u£'ml $'^**0 VVvv 0%vnw^-fc^ d&S&fZ -A»v»-nlf i iS /pv‘ '^^po 5c\?j££ £*)*• ill i\££&-6 q /\C cp^cri>flS > (v «>*H*^5 o&iCd&'a* tnvtv* Cxio ^**jt€i &-€> - Uj h^^^a-oT* rt**jll f^z «p**C***r£ L*$/n (*? b^fcA ™o£ ~£b*y ^(Jr'WHSiuijj^^^rt^?' OV*- ^ 130 ^^AjvJItgZh; &&£' 9e&*l~tn*tid' c$ (Tjjvczfoi? X* Jhw $* *tyc£&r*io *Vi miVwn -gf ^cS(jyjvC2^S A‘^V £> (t-ovtoz***. Jbv « jr*> < &u-pi?Sj , iA?~£ &£%**&$ t « vu^T «%« 0"£ fh~&~£pretwjl*& • fi*r& Ot\y&& &9$ ^(^r?Kn.^ •jVosJs&hwfl 'jn? » ^ l TV»>hO • (j^» ' Iff ** '4v»*t»M} -‘^SscS • 0 oJa vo £“Vv» CZtv>tX\. J-iUtrS * • (fj * PjCstf 4p »Vn« &g-*< f< >> {aZf*& / y *» < 4f' /CVt li JW*h 3»^N?^ 5 O w^/nW 0$ OteWoLZ Hcjktj ^ «? $ cy 0^vt vS. (*? < \?o I»wa ^V^\r€ ^ ” 0 ‘ n a T r ‘ ‘ "Wfr^ i *^z g ] ^w mero mixto imperio, los quales dichos ofifios podades amo- ver e quitar e porter otros en su lugar, cada e quando qui- sierdes e vierdes que our flHlcerop and (Botiernor, to exercise bp pottrself and bp nuestro Viso Rey e pour lieutenants, alcaldes, bailiffs and other officials, tofjom Governador tisar por pou map thereto appoint, the clblland criminal jurisdiction hlffh vos e por vuestros and loto, In mero et mt'xto Imperio ; and that pou Shall be able lup j a , r tenientes ' e al ~ to remote or totthdrato tlje Said officers and put others In tljelr c * tro e s s e „ fifties "qul place, toheneber pou map choose and map see that It IS expedient para eiio pusierdes, for our serblce •, tobo tfljall be able to bear, despatch and deter* la juridifion fivill e mine all the suits and causes clbll and criminal toblcb map arise and be brought forward In the said islands and mainland, and to recelbeand collectthefees and salaries customarp In our kingdoms of Castile and 3leon, annered and appertaining to tlje said offices* and pou, our said (Elcerop and (Bobernor, shall hate potoer to hear and take cogntjance of all tlje said causes and each of tljem, toljeneber pou please, bp first Instance, bp toap of appeal, or bp 7um P Te a nuesTrlslr Simple plaint, and to Inquire, determine and despatch them as vifio, los quales pue- our (Elcerop and (Bobernor; and pou shall hate potoer to make dan oyr e librar e and shall make, pou and pour said officers, such Inquisitions determinar todos los as of right are Incident to the cases, and all other things apper* putos e cabsas fiviies taming to tlje sat'd offices of fElcerop and (Bobernor, and toljlclj e crimin « les > jferdlnand £lbareg of Toledo, feecretarp of the Iking and of the ^Dueen our ILordg, cauged It to betorltten bp their command, fitter (Bu-- tlerreg, Chancellor, jfeeg of the geal and reglgter, nihil* £nd on tlje dorge: (Granted Eodertck 2Doctor, Iftegtgtered aiongo l^ereg, JELXV . O becauge pou the gatd Chrlgto; pher Columbug, our Admiral of the ocean and our SItcerop and (Bobernor of the mainland and tglandg, hobe guppltcated ug and praped ag a fabour, In order that the gatd patent of grace map be the better and more cotnpletelp obgerbed totoardg pou, pour children and degcendantg, that toe toould confirm and los unos ni los otros non [ fagades ni] fagan ende al por alguna manera, so pena dela nuestra merged, e de dies mill maravedis para la nuestra camara, a cada uno que lo contrario jiziere, e demas mandamos al ome que vos esta nuestra carta mostrare, que vos emplase, que parescades ante nos enla nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos del dia que vos enplasare fasta quinse dias pri- meros syguientes sola dicba pena, sola qual mandamos a qual quier escrivano publico, que para esto fuere llamado que de ende al que gela mostrare testimonio sygnado con su sygno porque nos sepa- mos en como se cumple nuestro mandado. Dada enla fibdad de Barcelona, a veynte e ocho dias del mes de mayo, ano del nasfimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofientos e no- venta e tres anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores lafs escrivir por su mandado. Pero Gutierres chanfiller. Dere- chos del sello e registro, nichil, e enlas espaldas, acordada, Rodericus doctor. Registrada. Alonso Peres. E agora por quanto vos el dicho Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar or ( eano e nuestro Viso Rey e Governador dela tierra jirme e yslas, Nos suplicastes e pedistes por merged, que por que mejor e mas conplida mente vos juese guardada, la dicha carta de merged a vos e a vuestros jijos e desrendientes que vos la conjirmasemos, e 62 «»« " tv ~ vJL-f^Po ^ t y * c ^ tct^ jUVf • *v J»tl P»' *-W ^SVaLJ ' * * -A CTVvjV < errcrG tsr^S w»v 'vik ojysiii u^Ctf »*' HJW* *v*J^-4w^ ®*» z&m. 3k T VM>S 0?’ l£r$? r ^ ^XT | — JWv- vv*r ^ vp* v>t^ Ae *w»^v9v»i(i. ^ <> (^ * ox it v«*v'V»o0 c£ 9xo*<2£ < J (f <5°'^ yrbtlrf • Vw-^ (^^^ytl*€7^f % \U9^' Cq 7^ a^w *vw]v>x • 0>vw6 ^.’Vt^A, ^'*^>*^0 v^'£ jQ-^W>PV?v» / t Qy\.-*++4\l »«tam r^-^T *%-: ~ ~ ' tLx ^ -ff^- *w#f A*^-vo 6/ >» w A v*w\ -JS^s &T e£ i?4 rk.&*£*/Orp*\ yx? bfcr*&W> T pS - i' w^' ^ vw\D %cCd -C c rKX>^<*» I vw ^l*wp rn * ****&¥ *T*‘ ‘ 7 ^ xn tpS’&Jk 0uw ClPf. (j^r.U^V? '.4N <*»<* ? ,- r/ ~ - V 3 - T '^XwW /• V* J.v**».»^ £**»vfi/^> l>#i,v Ji> -X2 . ^^eyMgVcwVv tx&^Xt CC* ^9 wwW»« ■Hc^ >cft ' (^frrtn w C*vKi>cCoH »*^ ^ ^^-fv[o ‘(JI*< m£> 6^ " ',4S>v6 JtCw^v £J^W il?|-£ fvtO JV&V^wvc- tK&C$-G A^wcr ^ rC&^ocp.'vft |W$"^ ^CxT k vr^w0j~c «c$V6 — £vct*^pj2&w*rf’ /> ~ OC^r &>LCk£*r ., 7»Wb *^w**^~e-^e«cv5v — MetH C /OC W **ve£ ^ p 4 « e' w ^ w, ,/ 1 c*l ^c^>Cj approve It to you, and toould command our patent of prldllege thereof to be delldered to you or tobateder else might please us. and toe, considering; tobat is aforesaid, and tbe man? pod, faithful, peat and continual serdlces toljlcb you, tlje Said 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral, (Wlceroy and (Bodernor of tbe islands and mainland dlscodered and to be dlscodered In tlje €>cean In tlje region of tlje Indies, bade rendered, and toe hope to III render, to us, especially In dls^ codering; and bringing; Into our potoer and under our dominion tbe Said islands and mainland, chiefly because toe hope tljat, toltb tbe aid of our 3Lord (Bod, It tolll redound much to blS Serdlce, and to our honour, and to the addantage and utility of our kingdoms; for toe hope that the Indian settlers of the said Indies tolll be conderted to our holy catholic faith; fkade ordained, and by this our said patent of prldllege, or by the said transcript thereof, signed as IS aforesaid, of our oton proper motion, certain knotoledge, and absolute royal potoer, toljlcb In tljlS matter toe tolll to use and do use, toe confirm and approde for the present time and for eder to you, the said 2Don Christopher Columbus, and to your said sons and grand- sons, and to the descendants of you and of your heirs, our aforesaid patent Incorporated abode, and the fadour therein contained* and toe tolll and command, and It is our tolll and pleasure, that It be of force and be obserded totoards you and totoards your said sons and descendants, noto and from bence= forth Indiolably, for the present time and for eder and eder, In ederythlng and by ederytljlng, fully and completely, In and ac-- cordlng to the form and manner therein contained ; and If It IS necessary, toe noto again confer upon you the said fadour, and toe stringently forbid any person or persons to presume to molest you contrary thereto or to any part thereof by Infringing It or diminishing It at any time or In any manner* and con-- cernlng this toe command tlje prince SDon ^obn, our dery dear and toell beloded son, and the jnfantes, dukes, prelates, mar- quises, counts, grandees, masters of orders, priors, comman-- ders, and the members of our council, auditors of our chamber, alcaldes, bailiffs and other justices toljomsoeder of our house* hold, court and chancery, and godernors of castles and fortified and unfortified houses, and all councillors, assistants, goder nors, alcaldes, bailiffs, judges, prodosts and other justices of all the cities, totonS and places of our kingdoms and dominions, and each of them, to obserde and cause to be obserded to you this our said patent of prldllege and confirmation, and thechar- ter of grace therein contained, and not to oppose or contradene, or consent to oppose or contradene tlje tenor and form tbcre= of, at any time or In any manner, under the penalties therein aprovasemos, e vos mandasemos dar nu- estra carta de privi- legio della o como la nuestra merged fu- esse, e nos acatando lo suso dicbo e los muckos e buenos e leales e grandes e continuos servicios que vos el dicbo Don Cbristoval Colon nu- estro Almiranie e Viso Rey e Governa- dor delas Yndias e tierra jirme descu- biertas e por desco- brir enel mar ofeano enla parte delas Yn- dias . , nos avedes fe- cbo, e esperamos que nos fareys, espefial mente en descobrir e traer a nuestro poder e so nuestro sehorio, las diebas yslas y tierra jirme, mayor mente por que espera- mos que con ayuda de Dios nuestro Sehor redundara en mucho servifio suyo, e bon- rra nuestra e pro e utilidad de nuestros reynos, porque espe- ramos que los pobla- dores yndios delas diebas Yndias se con- vertiran a nuestra santa fee catolica, to- vimoslo por bien, e por esta dieba nues- tra carta de previle- gio, o por el dicbo su treslado, signado co- mo dicbo es, de nues- tro propio motuo e fierta sfienfia e po- derio real absoluto, de que enesta parte queremos usar e usamos, conjirmamos e aprovamos para agora e para siempre jamas , a vos el dicbo Don Cbristoval Colon e alos dichos vuestros fjos e nietos e cles<;endientes de vos e de vuestros berederos , la sobre dieba nuestra carta suso encorporada e la merged enella contenida, e queremos e mandamos e es nuestra merged e voluntad, que vos vala e sea guardada a vos e alos dichos vues- tros fij os e desgendientes, agora e de aqui adelante inviolable mente para agora e para siempre jamas, en todo e por todo bien e conplida mente segund e por la forma e manera que enella se contiene y sy netesario es, agora de nuevo vos fasemos la dieba merged, e defendemos firme mente que ninguna ni algunas personas non sean osadas de vos yr ni venir contra ella ni contra parte della, por vos la quebrantar ni menguar en tienpo alguno nipor alguna manera. Sobre lo qual mandamos al Principe Don Juan nuestro mui caro e muy amado fijo , e alos ynf antes, duques, perlados, marqueses, condes, ricos omes, maestres delas ordenes, priores, comendadores, e alos del nuestro consejo oydores dela nuestra abdienfia , alcaldes, alguasyles e otras justifias quales quier dela nuestra casa e corte e eban- (illeria, e alcaydes delos Castillos e casas fuertes e lianas, e a todos los consejos e asystentes, corregidores, alcaldes, alguasyles , merinos, prebostes e otras justifias de iodas las (ibdades e villas e logares delos nuestros reynos e sehorios, e a cada uno dellos, que vos guar den efagan guar dar esta dieba nuestra carta de privilegio e confirmation, e la carta de merfed enella contenida, e contra el tenor e forma della no vos vayanni pasen niconsientan yrni pasaren tienpo alguno nipor alguna manera, solas penas eneltas 65 ' f contenidas, deh quai contained. Qflltjcreof toe command to be delldered to pou this t-os mandamos dar out Said patent of prldllege and confirmation, toritten on parch- esta dicha nuestra m ent of sfeln, and signed toft!) our names and sealed toitf) our ToXtaciml^Zta of lm fuom tfpreadjaf of coloured Stilt; tohlch toe enpergamino de cue- command our l£lgb Chancellorand notary, and tfjeotljer officers ro, e jirmada de nu- toho are at tlje board of our seals, to Seal, dellder and pass; estros nonbres e sei- a nd neither one nor the other of you or them shall act contrary ladacon nuestro seiio In any manner, under penalty of our displeasure, and jifosikseda a 'coiores, of ten thousand maradedlS to our chamber, to ebcry one toho la qual mandamos Shall do the contrary* Sind further toe command the man toho al nuestro changiller Shall Shoto you this our patent to cite you to appear before us mayor e notano e in ouc court fthecesoeder toe may be, toltljln fifteen days nert que estan aiatabfa follotolng the day of citation, under the said penalty- under delos nuestros sellos, tohlch toe command edery public scrlbener toho may be sutm que seiien e libren e moned for this purpose, to gibe to hint toho shall 0l)oto It a pasen, e los unos ni certificate thereof Signed to i ft) hlS Signature, tohereby toe may nifwanendealpZ ouc tommand Is executed. (Blben In the city of aiguna manera so Burgos, on the ttoenty^thlrd day of the month of £prll, In the pena dela nuestra year of the natlblty of our -s>ablour Jesus Christ one thousand merged e de dies mill f our hundred and nlnety-Seden. J the Bing. J the £Rucen. nZZZllmaTaca- iftfdtnand aibares of Toledo, Secretary of the Bing and da uno que to contra- of the £Dueen, our BordS, hade caused It to be toritten by their rio fiziere e demas command. l&oderlclt 3 Doctor. Anthony SDoctor. jFrrdtnand mandamos aiome que #it> a res. John flMasques. Anthony ^Doctor, collated* #nd vos esta nuestra carta Qn ^ 5oC 0 e ^ ^ pffijflggg ft a 0 Written: Registered. mostrare que vos en- ^ J T v plase que parescades sUOCtOr. ante nos enla nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos del dia que vos enplasare fasta quinse dias primer os siguientes sola dicha pena. Sola qual man- damos a qualquier es- crivano publico que para esto fuere lla- mado, que de ende al que gela mostrare testimonio sygnado con su sygno, por que nos sepamos en co- mo se cumple nuestro mandado. Dada enla g ibdad de Burgos , a veynte e tres dias del mes de Abril, aho del nasgimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatrogientos e noventa e syete anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Senores, la Jis escrivir por su mandado. Rodericus Doctor. Antonius Doctor. Fernand Alvares. Juan Velasques. Antonius Doctor congertado. ®t)e Mins and tpe Hueen. jf£>rasmuct) as in ttje capitulation and contract tohlch by our command has been made and en= tered Into toltlj you, 2 Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of tlje SDcean, In the region of the Jndles,lt IS contained thatyou are to hade a certain part of toljat might be recelbed and brought from the said Jndles, first of all deducting the costs and erpen-- Sestoljlclj may hade been or shall be Incurred therein, as IS more fully contained In tlje said capitulation; and forasmuch as until noto you hade laboured much In dlscoderlng land In the said re= glonoftljeJndles,and therefore notmuchprofitljasbeenrecelded Y enlas espaldas del dicho privillegio desya Registrada Doctor. EL REY E LA REYNA. POR QUANTO enla capitulagion e asyento que por nuestro mandado se hizo e tomo con vos Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar ogeano, enla parte delas Yndias, se contiene que vos ayays de aver gierta parte delo que se oviere e truxiere delas dichas Yndias, sacando primera mente las costas e gastos que enello se ovieren fecho e fizieren, como mas larga mente enla dicha capitulagion se contiene, e porque fasta agora vos aveys trabajado mucho en descobrir tierra enla dicha parte delas Indias, de cuya cabsa non se ha avido mucho ynteresante 66 JJ ^ >v im Awotf 9*u* 5 fc-r •? Jlry+* Q (xd p^»*wc^I^ U^\^>.v7 cvi *& . — -% Hvv’lJ | *w(na? /? *»h M^i/^rljtf VC'H^vK*^ Qjifoc jl u^ix^.(u^5v i fac&^ixr ^v^ +*v^/ CS ^X* ■ ^/^/cvv. ' (J\fc£\>^v6(Zrf!r4r^ Off rdrrb^' for t efr~ **K •s***^ ViovSwV^ <3T'41 Hi (S'"- P~£y.w.«. fitJCJprf /3 "<^?4 ( j> -^.cv^fi ••^odk-Afv v.c.) ..*4l J^ l JS- ■^v A - 'I V II ~J (T ^ Ay 6 Vc ^^(t 7 C- 6 v '^ y^X ^ J^\v£ 4 ^^; *vi ^5 • ^ (*&« ■** * * ' rfl* f^‘ ^ V I - ■Vti-Mivtcw *vnw r- 0 ”'~ '©'V 7 % - *r/T r *' 1 ^ rt ' rA /»w 5 ”^N QtH* *&*£• ^T **p? f ‘VvwV^. ^j*r ^'•P 0 ^,

r^w *€.£$&, P -fc&£t<-J> ^ (h^VvO ^ ^ ^ ‘&l$^(5* J^e*^ cfli? ^ iH*# S Kgg^ W eiU *y£V«r* ^W; ^(5^5 <5^ ^ntvUL^* /iCv 3 ~ £^fvrtf-* 's-u 4 c A-/- vvc^JV^o -5 - Pft y ^ A , . A^^XSvSL AC ^ on frnunro.6T»ua •^(^js^- A* ♦♦vcCit-u^ *& ***£&. A «t Jkiv<& l/V from them, although -some co?3tjSanti efpenseshabebeenincurred; and Since it is our toill and pleasure to shoto ?ou fabour, toe toil! and command b? tfjejse pre^entgi that of tfje costs and expenses tDfji'cf) habe Ijitberto been incurred in matters touching the said JndieS, and tofttetj shall be incurred in this bo?age tohich toe do noto command to be made and equipped for the said Indies, until the? arribe at the island of Isabella Hispaniola, no part tohat: Soeber Shall be demanded from ?ou ; nor shall ?ou be obliged to contribute thereto anything; be?ond toljat ?ou expended at tlje time of the first bo?age ; upon condition that ?ou do not demand or leb? an? part of toljat has until noto been brought from the said islands, b? reason of the tenth at of tlje eighth tohich ?ou the Said Admiral are to habe of the mobeables of the said islands, or for an? other reason ; and toe matte a present to ?ou of tohat ?ou habe recetbed until noto* Sind because ?ou tlje said Admiral sa? that from tohat shall in future be recetbed from the said islands the eighth is first of all to be deducted, and that tlje costs are to be deducted from toljat remains, and then the tenth; and because b? the order and tenor of tlje said capitu= lation it appears that first tlje expenses are to be deducted, then the tenth, and then tlje eighth ; and it is not ?et ascer= tamed hoto this ought to be done: it is our pleasure, in order to shoto fabour to ?ou, tlje Said Admiral, that for three ?ears the eighth £ljall first be deducted for ?ou, free of all expenses; and then the costs shall be deducted ; and from toljat remains the tenth Shall be deducted for ?ou, the said Admiral; but that after the said term has expired, tlje said tenth, and tlje erpenses, and tlje eighth are to be deducted, as it is contained in the Said capitulation* Sind tljatb? tljiS fabour tohich toe grant to ?ou for the said term, there shall neither be gtben to ?ou nor taken from ?ou an? greater right tljan tljat tohich ?ott possess in birtue of the said capitulation, but tlje same shall henceforth remain in force and bigour after the said term has expired* 2Done in the toton of Medina del Campo, on the ttoelfth da? of 3une, in the ?ear ntnet?:Seben* 31 tlje Iking. 3 tlje 3Dueen* B? command of the Iking and of the £Dueen, jFerdinand Sllbares* £nd on the dorse of this patent toas toritten, (Branted* SDon jf ertitnanD ant> Donna Jsabella, tp & grace of (Bod Iking and ^Dueen of Castile, Eeon, Slragon, »>ictl?, (Branada,^oledo,5I3alencia,(Balicia,^ajorca,fe»ebille,^ardtnia, detlas, aunque se ban fecho algunas costas y gastos, y porque nuestra merged y vo- luntad es de vosfazer merged, por la pre- sente queremos y mandamos que las costas y gastos que fasta aqui se ban fecho enlos negogios tocantes alas dichas Yndias, e se Jizieren enesteviage que agora mandamos faser e armar para las di- chas Yndias, fasta que scan llegados a la ysla Ysabela espaho- la, que non se os de- mande cosa alguna della, ni vos seays obligado acontribuyr enellas cosa alguna demas delo que po- sistes al tienpo del primer viage, con- tanto que vos non pi- days ni lleveys cosa alguna delo que fasta aqui se ha traydo de- las dichas yslas, por rason del diesmo, nin del ochavo, que vos el dicho Almirante aveys de aver delas cosas muebles delas dichas yslas, nin por otra rason alguna, delo que aveys avido fasta aqui vos fase- mos merged. E por que vos el dicho Al- mirante desys que delo que aqui adelante se oviere delas dichas yslas, se ha de sacar primera mente el ochavo y delo que re- stare se ban de sacar las costas, e despues el diesmo, e porque por la orden e thenor dela dicha capitulagion, paresge que se deven sacar primero las costas, e despues el diesmo, e despues el ochavo, e non esta por agora averi- guado como esto se ha de baser, es nuestra merged, por faser merged a vos el dicho Almirante, que por tres ahos se saque primero el ochavo para vos syn costa alguna, e despues se saquen las costas, e delo que restare se saque el diesmo para vos el dicho Almirante, pero pasado el dicho tienpo, que se aya de sacar el dicho diezmo e las costas e ochavo, segund enla dicha capitulagion se contiene. E que por esta merged que vos fasemos por el dicho tienpo, non se os de ni quite mas derecho del que teneys por virtud dela dicha capitulagion, antes aquella quede en sufuerga e vigor para adelante pasado el dicho tienpo. Fecha enla villa de Medina del canpo, a dose dias de junio de noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. E enlas espaldas desta carta desya Acordada. DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la gragia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de Sigilia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valengia, de Galizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha, de 69 £3 CordoPa, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, tlje aigarPes, aigeciras, (Btb-- raltar, and tlje Canarp Jsiands, Count and Countess of Barce= Iona, Hords of BiScap anti St^oltna, 2Dukes of ^tttjens anti fce o= patria, Counts of Roussillon and Cerdagne, Marquises of <2Dristano and (Bojiano. forasmuch as at the time tohen 2Don Christopher Columbus, out admiral of the 3Dcean,pjent to dis^ coper the islands and mainland, tohiclj bp the grace of our Hord (Bod toere found and discoPered bp Ijim in the said €>cean in tlje region of tlje Indies, it to as agreed Pjitlj tint tfjat he should haPe and take for himself a certain portion of P)l)at might be found- and not? Pie are petitioned on hte behalf tljat, in order tfjat P 3 ljat is aboPesat'd map be tlje better and more completelp obserPed and performed, it toould please our grace to command tljat tlje Pstjole business and all things toljicl) migljt fjaPe to be done and proPided in these our kingdoms touching tlje said business of tlje said Jndies, Should tjaPe to be done and should be done bp one or more persons on our behalf folding our autljoritp to attend thereto, and bp Ijimself, or bp anpone pjho migljt fjaPe his pro= ettratton, jointlp, because it could thus be better ascertained Poljat return Poas obtained from tlje erpenses, and tlje profit and adPantage of tlje said business, in order that he migljt receiPe tljat part Patjiclj belongs to kirn bp tlje said coPenants, and of Paljiclj Poe made him a grant ; or else tljat Pae sljould proPide for this matter according to our good pleasure: and Pae tiaPe found it good, and bp tljis our patent do command tlje persons Paljo bp this our mandate IjaPe or shall haPe tlje cljarge of attending henceforth to Paljat is aboPesatd, that tljep do and transact it jointlp Paitlj tlje person or persons Paljont tlje said admiral, or PaljoePer map Ijold Ijis procuration, sljall appoint or nominate for tljat purpose, and not in anp otljer manner ^ it being under-- Stood tljat tlje said admiral of tlje Indies Poill keep a person or persons deputed and nominated, Paljo on Ijis beljalf and pDttfj IjiS autljoritp are to attend thereto; and that Poe sljall be in- formed Poljeri suclj persons are deputed and nominated bp tlje Said admiral, to attend on Ijis beljalf to tlje said business, thereof pje command pou to giPe these presents signed Pmlj our names and sealed P>itlj our seal. (BiPen in tlje toton of Medina del Campo, on tlje thirtieth dap of tlje month of St^ap, in the pear of tlje natiPitp of our Hord Jesus Cljrist one thorn Sand tour Ijundred and ninetp=sePen. J tlje Iking. J the £Dueen. J, jferdinand aiPares of Toledo, »>ecretarp of t{je Iking and of tlje ^Dueen our Hords, IjaPe caused this to be Pmtten bp their command, and on tlje dorse of this Said patent Poas Poritten: (Branted in tlje form [requested], Roderick SDoctor. Registered, aionso l^eres. f rancis 3Dias, Chancellor. estras con poder nu- estro que enello entendiesen, e por el o por quien su poder oviese, junta mente, par que asi se podria mejor saber lo que resultava delos gastos, e pro e utilidad dela dicha negotiation para que sele pudiese ael acudir con aquella parte que por los dichos asientos le pertenefe, e de que nos le fezimos merged, o sobre ello proveyesemos como la nuestra merged fuese, e nos tovimoslo por bien, e por esta nuestra carta mandamos alas personas que por nuestro mandado tienen o tovieren cargo de entender enlo suso dicho de aqui adelante, que lo fagan e negofien junta mente conla persona , o personas , que el dicbo Almirante, o quien su poder oviere, pusiere o nonbrare para ello, e non en otra manera, lo qual se entienda, teniendo el dicho Almirante delas Yndias diputadas e nonbradas persona o per- sonas que por su parte o con su poder enello entiendan, e siendo nos fecho saber como las tales personas estan diputadas e nonbradas por el dicho Almirante, para entender por su parte enla dicha negotiation, delo qual vos mandamos dar la presente firmada de nuestros nonbres, e sellada con nuestro sello. Dada enla villa de Medina del Canpo, a treynta dias del mes de mayo, ano del nasfimiento del nuestro Sehor Jesu Xristo de mill e quatrotientos e noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Senores la jis escrivir por su mandado. E enlas espaldas desta dicha carta desia, Enla forma, acordada. Rodericus Doctor. Registrada. Alonso Peres. Francisco Dias Chanfiller. 70 Cordova, de Corfega, de Murfia, de Jahen, delos Algarbes, de Algezira, de Gibral- tar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barfelo- na, Senores de Vis- caya e de Molina , Duques de Athenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rosellon e de Cer- dania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gofiano, Por quanto al tienpo que Don Cristoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante del mar ofeano, fue a descobrir las yslas e tierra firme, que por gratia de Dios nuestro Sehor el fallo, e sele descu- brieron enel dicho marofeano ala parte delas Indias,se asen- to conel que oviesse e levase para sy fierta parte de aquello que se fallase. E agora por su parte nos es suplicado, que por que mejor e mas conplida mente lo suso dicho se guardase e cum- pliese que a nuestra merfed pluguiese mandar que toda la negotiation e cosas que se oviesen de fa- ser e proveer en estos nuestros reynos, to- cantes ala dicha ne- gotiation delas di- chas Indias que se oviesen de faser e fi- ziesen por una per- sona, 0 personas nu- I -2? v ! !* Jkva-uj ,J[, , JW^g HCPjSp • -vZczlfirZ; ' <^ m ~h™- 4 w>. " /~~ &pifa£fa - (ft v_, ft *i J\&. CPW i»fce KAV<-. *5* j\tf~lx><\»tr •}<*»< tfe£&*^(^Tg- (fc«U (Jw/jfc \*» ce, ' ^, _ «» (ZS’lfi cC Co Vno*x£* ^| »(|l* ^ ^ (/ ty x£ lhrP l ‘^? f*og 1 *»m£? »*«% ‘+-U*5‘ drvnfCU Ctp* tvicvtf « Ce> t fw ^y* »£wrS * ^ ^ ^ Cyd^^yjs}** * cm &+*&& c*tf+ucfr»f£D*^3 0 uhJZj (ft ^j^h * Sw*£j . gs?c**£sl&£&&% (h^w* (^* * $*V2. ■— ^n*4^p\^c£&9+. ® ^v 4j^rtM«e.w *$"C h*v /*j^ Jj j o *$*> •«vm£C /O ^ • ^Sr v^/«2\w»£ U-&S V a Cl {ft (STCm? V^^a-Cfir*? J?-£Vc ($]//V /|) in. ^i t'l 4 ?n c(»iftoual colon. CVlC »«•’! fctXAviO I ^ * eft %* e <&*£«* (z^&cfc- & ^iU tf«T%«^vt Hth^hm ^\x>^ycC c&pe Jt 6 a9»*Jo0^N?< 1 » i m-m i M- i wwiiii .ii '■—.■I * ^ *n€n*p • r £rt, / 0»’ »»rtf ^tWco? «t'^r»‘ ntfjjoluc* V*?oc2w^^»v/o>^ Jfe^yx. A.< a 5 w> wrtr4X^ gAMi^Wf^wUs -^v liowfVtf ^ c£<>$ #5 twr^i Clie I&tng and tde £lueen. de baser e conphr para la poblagion de- las Yndias e tierra El Rey e la Reyna. Don Cbristoval Co- £d>n Clmstopljer Columbus, our 3U>* ntiral, (Hiceroy and (Bobernor of tlje <3Dcean, dje t^morss dor del mar ogeano, topic!), fn our opinion, must and ought to be done and performed, Las cosas que nos toitp tfjc pelp of (Bod our 3Lord,for tlje settlement of tpe isflanDc* paregen que con ayu- and mainland discobered and placed under out: dominion, and of da de Dios nuestro those toljiclj remain to be discobered in tlje region of tlje Jndies s ™°f se deven e hc f l in rlje €)cean,and of tpe people toljo bp our command are already tpere and are to go and to continue tp ere from henceforth, bt- 0idess and beyond that topic!) by our otljer instruction you and l i- , , ■ . tt>z Bfsiop of Bat a, 00 : ace to oraaln, ate t&e follotom ff . fZj s “ nZVo C&at as soon as pou attiSt, (BoD tofUtnj, in tlje saio 3 no its, ZIZZol ZZj'ZI you are to stride toitp tlje utmost diligence to encourage and in-- a ia parte deiasindias duce tlje natibes of tlje said Indies to all peace and quietness, enel mar ogeano, e dela and to serde us and to remain lodtngly under our dominion genie que por nuestro and subjection^ and ctjiefiy tljat tljey may be conderted to our mandado alia esta e boly catljolic faitp, and that to them,’ and to those toljo Ijade to ha de yr e estar de go and dtoell in tlje said Indies, the l$oly Sacraments may aquiadeiante,demas be administered by the friars and priests bjtjo are and dull be e aiiende deio que par there, in such a manner tljat (Bod our 3tord may be serded, and otraynstrugionnues- tpetr consciences may be assured, t J\ vo f - y el oblsp ,° de Badajos aveys de Item, tljat for tljiS time, until dse command further order to proveer, es to sigui- be taken, there may and shall go doitlj you the number of three ente ■ . hundred and thirty persons, doljom you shall choose of suclj rank " nmcra mente - and occupations as is Specified in the said instruction; but if it ? Q^omo seays en - Sljall appear to you tljat some of tljem ought to be changed, by % s . increasing or diminishing, from some occupations to others, and c^JTonToda din' from some ranks to others, tljcn you, or bjljoebcrmay hade your J l(l de animar e procuration, can and may do so, according and in suclj manner tr aer aios natural and form, and at suclj time or times, as you shall find and per= deias dichas Yndias ceide to be expedient for our serdice, and for tlje djelfare and ad* a toda paz e quietud, dantage of tlje said godernment of tlje said Judies, e que nos ay an de ser- viv c estar so nuestro Jtem, tljat djfjen, (Bod doilling, you shall be in tlje said Jndies, seiiorio e subjegion you arc to gibe orders to found and let there be founded in the benigna mente , e Jsland of Hispaniola another settlement or Stronghold besides principal mente que tlje one already established, on tlje other side of tlje island near se conviertan a nues- tlje gold mine, according and in suclj Site and form as you may tra sancta fe catbo- deent Suitable, y 9 ^ aeiios, e alos que ban de yr a Jtem, that near to tlje said settlement, or near to that Vohiclj estar enlas dichas IS already established, or in any otljer part bjljiclj may Yndias sean admini- appear to you to be suitable for Suclj purpose, there shall strados los Santos Sacramentos por los religiosos e clerigos que alia estan e fueren, por manera que Dios nuestro Senor sea servido y sus con- giengias se seguren. § Yten que por esta vez, entanto que nos mandamos mas proveer, ay an deyr e vayan con vos, el numero deias trezientas e treynta personas, quales vos eligierdes dela calidcid e ofigios e segund se contiene enla dicha ynstitugion [ynstrugion], pero sy a vos paregiere que algunos de aquellos se deven mudar , acregentando o amenguando de unos ojigios en otros, e dela calidad de unas personas en otras, que vos o quien vuestro poder oviere, lo podays faser e fagays, segund e enla manera e forma, e enel tienpo o tienpos que vierdes e entendierdes que cumple a nuestro servigio e al bien e utilidad dela dicha gover- nagion deias dichas Yndias. § Yten que quando seays enlas dichas Indias, Dios queriendo, que ayays de mandar baser y que se faga enla ysla espahola una otra poblagion o for taleza, allende dela que esta fecha, dela otra parte dela ysla gercana al minero del oro, segund, enel logar e dela forma, que a vos bien visto fuere. § Yten que gerca dela dicha poblagion, o dela que agora esta fecha o en otra parte qual a vos os parezea dispuesto, se aya 73 de hazer e asentar al- guna labranfa e cri- anya, para que mejor e a menos costa , se puedan sostener las personas que estan e estaran enla dicha ysla, e que por que esto se pueda mejor fazer e se aya de dar e de alos labradores que agora yran alas dichas Yndias del pan que alia se etn- biare,fasta ( inquenta cahises de trigo e Ne- vada prestados para lo sembrar, e fasta veynte yuntas de va- cas e yeguas e otras bestias para labrar, e que los tales labra- dores que asi refi- bieren el dicbo pan, lo labren e sienbren e se ayan de obligar delo bolver ala cose- cha, e pagar el dies- mo delo que cogieren, e lo restante que lo puedan vender alos Christianos a como mejor pudieren,tanto que los prefios no ex- f edan en agravio de- los que lo conpraren, por que en tal caso, vos el dicho nuestro Almirante, o quien vuestro poder oviere, lo aveys de tasar, e be made and gettled gome bind of farm and plantation, in ordet tfjat tfje pergong toljo ate and ghall be in tbe gaid igland map be the better able to gupport tbemgelbeg, and at legg ejpenge ; and to tbe end that tbig map be tlje better accompligbed, there rnugt be giben and let there be giben to the labourerg toljo gball noto go to the gat'd ]flndt'eg, out of the corn tohtcb ghall be gent thither, up to fiftp cahi?eg of tobeat and barlep on loan, for gotoing, and up to ttoentp poke of cotog and mateg and otljer beagtg for tillage ; and tijatgucb labourerg, tobo gljall thug receibe the gat'd corn, ghall goto and culttbate it, and ghall bind them* gelbeg to return it at tlje barbegt, and to pap the tenth of tobat tbep gather; and that tbep ghall be at libertp to gell the remainder to the Chrt'gttang ag begt tljep can, provided tljat tlje prtceg are not go high ag to be oppreggibe to the buperg ; for tn guclj cage pou our gatd adtnt= ral, or toboeber map hold pour authorttp, are to taj; and moderate it* Item, that to the gatd number of tlje gatd three hundred and thirtp pergong tobo are to go to tlje gatd 31ndteg there ghall and map be paid the toageg agreed upon, at tlje rate at tohtcb tljep bade hitherto been paid; and in place of tlje food tohiclj it ig customarp to gibe them, there map and ghall be giben them, out of tlje corn tohtcb toe coim ntand to be gent thither, a fanega of tobeat eberp month, and ttoelbe ntarabedig dailp apiece, in order that tbep map bup other neceogarp bictualg; and thege are to be deltbered to them bp pou our gatd ao= rniral and bp pour lieutenant, and bp tlje ofScerg of our chief account-- antg tobo are and ghall be in tlje gaid 31ndt'eg ; and therefore upon pour ligtg, toarrantg and btllg, in the form abobegaid, our treagurer, tobo ghall be in tlje gaid Jndieg, ghall and map pap them* ^tern, that if pou the gaid Admiral ghall perceibe and congtder it ad= bantageoug for our gerbt'ce that the number of pergong ghould be in-- creaged bepond three hundred and thirtp, pou map go do, until the number reacheg fide hundred pergong in all ; probided that the toageg and maintenance tohtcb guch tncreaged number of pergong tot'll re= quire be paid from toljatgoeber mercljandt'ge and articleg of balue tohiclj gljall be found and obtained in the gat'd 31ndteg, toithout our ordering it to be gupplted from otljer gourceg. 3tem,thatto the pergong tobo babe been and are m the gat'd 'ilndieg there gljall and map be paid tlje galarp toljtcb ig and ghall be due to them bp the ligtg, according and in the manner ag it ig abode contained; and tljoge toljo babe Ijad no galarp are to be paid for their gerbtee ag it ghall geem good to pou, and thoge toljo hade gerbed for otljerg, in like manner* moderar. § Yten que el dicho numero delas dichas trezientas e treynta personas que ban de yr alas dichasYndias, seles aya de pagar e pague el sueldo delos prefios segund que fasta aqui seles ha pagado e en lugar de mantenimiento, que seles suele dar, seles aya de dar y de del pan que mandamos alia embiar, a cada persona una fanega de trigo cada mes, e doze maravedis cada dia, para que ellos compren los otros mantenimientos nefesarios, los quales seles ayan de librar por vos el dicho nuestro Almirante e por vuestro lugar teniente, e por los ojigiales de nuestros contadores mayores, que enlas dichas Indias estan, e estovieren, e porque por vuestras nominas, libramientos e <;edulas, enla forma suso dicha, les ayan de pagar e pague nuestro thesorero que estoviere enlas dichas Indias. § Yten que sy vos el dicho Almirante vierdes e entendierdes que cumple a nuestro servifio que allende delas dichas trezientas e treynta personas se deve creeper el numero deltas, lo podays faser, fasta llegar a numero de quinientas personas por todas, con tanto que el sueldo e mantenimiento que las tales personas acrefenta- das ovieren de aver , se pague de quales quier mercaderias e cosas de valor que se hallaren e oviere[n ] enlas dichas Yndias, sin que nos mandemos proveer para ello de otra parte. § Yten que alas personas que ban estado e estan enlas dichas Yndias seles aya de pagar e pague el sueldo que les es e fuere devido por nominas e segund e enla manera, que de suso se contiene, e algunos que non llevaron sueldo seles pague su servi$io, segund que a vos bien visto fuerb, e alos que ban servido por otros asi wismo. 74 ^ e£$hfp ^ ^^rAt».»^c«^y^^x^a^V>tctg« J& fit^i £*pQ // l^vc. (ltd Iv^'etct (Jl- ht>+**f m^^r*w| 0 tC&**C*& • C** * -■■ - * 1 f 1 ' 11 — — v ™,^ .n^MV?* ti. -^, r Vt-Uo tf'-flJV* cf^S\Pmir*^?\>«tf»«'(» mina^eiSe^ ««»r~ »^#^5 c f Tc ^< _| — ..... ». \a.»ii(^-.:. 0c^»*«'cre« , i J IC wM ^wf $££%& • tUoai* J\www -Vclfce y^T^» ThS^/S^z* r^ssr jjAth* 2«* r (vW » ^ o. «r ----- o oV?$^ se ~ dicbo nuestro Almi- rante paresfiere que se de ve fazer , avida consideration ala ca- lidad delas personas, y alo que cada uno ha syrvido y sirviere, 3]tem, toben tbe heir# of abbot (Ballego anD anbreto of »>ala-- manca, toljo DieD in tbe SaiD InDieS, appear, tbep are to be paiD rbebalue of tlje cask# anD pipe# tobiclj toere spoileD anD taken from tljem because tbep toent to tbe #aiD InDie# contrarp to our prohibition, 3tem, in toljat concerns tlje Discharge of tlje souls of tljose toljo babe DieD anD Shall Die in the saiD 3nDie#,it appears to us tljat P or( i ue demas dest °> tlje form must be follotoeD toljicb occurs in tlje article of pour me= 9 M(!nrfo « Dlos pH* morial tobicb pou gabe us upon this matter, anD tobicb i# as folloto# : g^anp foreigners anD nattbe# babe DieD in the 3inDie#, anD 31 orDereD, bp birtue of the potoers toljicb 3 bolD from pour i^ig;lj= para geias fazer, io nesses, that tbep sbottlD make toills anD tljat tlje same sljoulD qual se aya de asen- be erecuteD •, anD 3 gabe charge thereof to (Escobar, a resiDent of tar ante los dichos S>ebille, anD to 3obn of 3leon, a resiDent of 3#abella, to attenD to this matter tborougblp anD faitbfullp, a# toell in paping toljat tbep (tlje DeceaseD) otoeD, if their erecutor# IjaD not paiD it, as in receibing all their gooDsanD toage#; anD tljat all tlji# SljoulD be Done in the presence of a justice anD a public scribener ; and tljat all tbep recetbeD sbottlD be placeD in a chest Ijabing tljrce keps, anD tljat tljep SljoulD babe one kep, a priest another, anD 3 tbe tljirD; anD tljat these tljeir saiD motteps sboulD be placeD tn tlje saiD chest, anD sljoulD remain tljere for three pears, in orDcr that in the meantime tlje heirs might Ijabe the opportunitp of gar el valor delos tone- coming or senDtng to claim tljem anD that if tljep be not claimed les e pipas que seles toitbin tlji# perioD, tljep sljoulD be DtStctbuteD in offices for tljeir gastaron e tomaron. Soul#. Hiketoise it appears to u# that tlje golD toljicb map be obtaineD in tlje saiD 3nDie# sbottlD be coineD, anD monep maDe of it like excellent# of (BranaDa, accorDing as toe babe orDaineD to be Done in these our kingDoms, for Ijerebp que aya de que ha- selles merfedes enlas dichas Yndias, nos averemos memoria nuestros offiales, e que seles aya de li- brar e pagar enla forma suso dicha. § Yten parefiendo berederos del abad Gallego, e Andres de Salamanca que mu- rieron enlas diebas Yndias, seles deve pa- por aver ydo alas di- chas Yndias contra nuestro defendimi- ento. § Yten enlo que toca al descar go delas ani- mus delos que enlas dichas Yndias ban fallefido e fallefieren, nos parefe que se deve guardar la forma que esta enel capi- tulo de vuestro memorial, que sobre esto nos distes, que es el siguiente. § Muchos estrangeros y naturales son muertos enlas Yndias, eyo mande por virtud delos poderes, que de vuestra Altesa tengo, que diesen los testamentos e se cumpliesen, e dellos di cargo a Escobar vezino de Sevilla, e a Juan de Leon vezino dela Ysabela, que bien e fiel mente procurasen todo esto, asy en pagar lo que devian sy sus albafeas, no lo oviesen pagado, como en recabdar todos sus bienes e sueldo, e que esto todo pasase por ante justifia e escrivano publico, y que todo lo que recabdasen fuese puesto en una area que toviese tres Haves, e que ellos toviesen la una Have, e un religioso otra, eyo otra, e que estos dichos sus dineros fuesen puestos enla dicha area, e estoviesen alia fast a tres ahos, por que entre tanto oviesen lugar sus berederos delo venir o enbiar requerir, y sy en este tienpo no requiriesen, que se destribuyesen en cosas por sus animas. § Asy mismo nos parefe que el oro que oviere enlas diebas Yndias, se acuhe efaga dello moneda de ex- felentes dela Granada, segund nos avemos ordenado que sefaga en estos nuestros Reynos,porque enesto se 77 evitaran de fazer fra- udes e cautelas del di- cho oro enlas dicbas Yndias. E para la- brar la dicba moneda, mandamos que lleveys las personas e cuhos e aparejos, que ovi- erdes menester , ca para ello vos damos poder complido, con tanto que la moneda que se jiziere enlas dicbas Yndias sea conforme alas orde- nan^as, que nos agora mandamos fazer so- bre la lavor dela mo- neda , e los off ales que la ovieren de la- brar guarden las di- cbas ordenanfas so las penas enellas con- tenidas. § Yten nos par e<;e que los Indios con quien esta confertado que ay an de pagar el tri- buto ordenado, seles aya de poner una pi- e(a o serial de moneda de laton o de plomo, quetraya al pescuefo, y esta tal moneda se le mude la Jigura o serial, que tuviere ca- da vez que pagare , por que se sepa el que no viniere a pagar, e quequeda, e quando se failure por laysla per- sonas que no truxie- ren la dicba serial al pescue^o que seanpre- sos, e seles de alguna pena liviana. § Yten por que enel coger e recabdanfa del dicho tributo sera frauDjS anli Rearing toitlj the said gold in the gain 3[nlifejs tout be prebented* and in order to fashion the said rnonep, toe com= manti pou to take the persons, dies and implement# bob tcfi pou map require, for toe gibe pou full potoer in the matter; pro= bided that tty rnonep toljich Shall be Strucb in tlje gaiti 3ndies be conformable to tlje ordinances* toljich toe do noto command to be draton up respecting tlje toorbing of tlje rnonep ; and the officers toljose dutp it 0ljall be to toorb it shall obserbe tlje 0aid ordinance0, under tlje penaltie0 therein contained* Item, it appear0 to u# that on tlje 3ndians toljo habe agreed to pap ttje tribute imposed tljere 0ljould be placed a piece or toben of bra00 or lead rnonep, tljat each one map toear it on ljt'0 necb; and tlje figure or marb borne bp 0ucb coin #ball be changed eberp time ty mabe0 a papntent ; in order that it map be bnoton toljo ha# not paid; and toheneber per0on0 0hall be found in the inland toljo do not toear the 0aid toben on the necb, thep are to be seized, and 0ome 0light penaltp 0hall be infticted on them* 3tent, 0eeing that for the collection and receipt of tlje said tribute ittoill be needful to appoint a diligent and tru0tp per= 0 on to attend thereto, it i0 our toil! and plea 0 ure that 0ljould habe the 0 aid charge, and that out of the tribute and merchandise toljiclj ty Shall thus receibe, collect and pap, he Shall habe and tabe for himself fide toeigljts, measures or pounds per cent., tohich is tlje ttoentieth part of tohat he Shall thus receibe and cause to be collected and receibed* 3 the liing* 31 the ^Dueen* Bp command of the Htf ng and of the £Dueen* Ferdinand alb ares of Toledo* (Granted* 3BSDn jFerdtnanti and SDonna Isabella, bp tlje grace of (Bod 3btng and £&ueen of Castile, Eeon, aragon,&icilp, (Branada, Toledo, Valencia, (Balicia, Majorca, ^ebille, Sardinia, Cordoba, Corsica, Murcia, 3aen, the SLU gardes, aigeciras, (Gibraltar and tlje Canarp Inlands, Count and Countess of Barcelona, fiords of Biscap and Molina, 2Dubes of Athens and Jpeopatria, Counts of Roussillon and Cerdagne, S^arquiscs of ^)ristano and (Bojiano, to our Chief justice, tlje members of our council, auditors of our chamber, menester proveer de persona diligente e fable, que enello entienda, e es nuestra merged e man- damos que que tenga el dicbo cargo, e que del tributo e mercaderias que asy recabdare e cogiere e pagare, aya e lieve para si finco pesos, o medidas o hbras por fiento, que es la veyentena parte delo que asy recabdare , efziere coger e recabdar. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna. Fernand Alvares de Toledo. Acordada. DON Fernando e Dona Ysabel por la grafa de Dios, Rey e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon , de Seflia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Galizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdena, de Cordova, de Corfega, de Mur fa, de Jaben, delos Algarbes, de Algezira, de Gibral- tar, e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barcelona, Sehores de Vizcaya e de Molina, Duques de Athenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rosellon e de Qerdania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gofiano, al nuestro justifa mayor e alos del nuestro Consejo oydores dela nuestra Abdienfia, 78 I cto •(&€%& Ar^ . jk Aa _ .. fli A Jw9« Xut.^ ^1‘ bum* (X(kj7*£* 0omt0^owg9g a^ktzcjei 5* mjctM**** neflvt • ipisyar** c£&\>o9 Atfn » £Tu* h*c*w 5>«% tg 1 AA» a9$nvi^ JLt OX JlnCTSre. *no$l v»owc9A levies* ft*f nvc*t.v ^ ^ w g 0cw«f^ Jntff vy t m3^g ^ ^A* (He tf«i\^CK dl* 4 4nc&*' (H m ^njl^ £ \y $PjL pet (<£o™s^ ^^^pvcj*0 • W& ~ **£tict ffQCfiZSJs • sk 9&*"&^SviyfCK en vuestros lugares e juridifio- nes, a quien esta nu- estra carta fuere mo- alcaldeS anti bailiffs of our household, court and cljancerp, anti alcaldes e alguaziles all gobernors, aj 50 i 0 tant 0 , alcaldes, bailiffs and otljcr jujsttce<3 dela nuestra casa e totjomjsoeber of all tlje cities, totons and places of our klng= TZdlZiZ^regi- tioms and dominions, and to cacb and anp of pou, In pour dores asistentes al- placeS and jurisdictions, to tofjont tfjlS our patent shall be c aides e alguaziles e ejljt'tuteo, or the transcript Ijereof Signet) bp a public scribe^ otras justifms quales ner, health and grace* l¬o pe that for the settlement of tlje q T d r a J s e e islands anti malnlanti dlscobered anti placet) under our doml= gares ddos nuestr0 s nlon In tlje region of the Jndles In tbe Ocean, It tot'll be neces-- reynos e sehorios, e a Sarp to purchase In these our said kingdoms, for conbepance cadaunoequaiquier thereto, certain merchandise, blctuais, problslons, lmple= mentS,trontoare, casks, butts and other things, tofjtch are to be purchased bp the person toho for us and for 2Don Christo- pher Columbus, our Admiral of the Ocean, has or shall Ijabe strada o su traslado charge thereof* £nd since It has been reported to us that tlje deUa si s nado de es - persons homing tlje said merchandise and other things re-- c J g Z^iTsep7£fque fuse to sell the same, In order to enhance the price, tohtch paraia pobiafxonde- toould be to our dlSSerblce, It is our tolll and pleasure tljat las yslas e tierra anp purchases of tlje aforesaid articles Shall be made at tlje fi rme descubiertas e prices thep are uSuallp toortfj: tlQlljerefore toe command pou ZSlZ aZ ZTtfZ to cause to be furnished to our agents and to those of our tas Yndias , ne i mar Said Admiral the aforesaid articles or anp others toljatsoeber ofeano,seramenester tofjtch thep map purchase for the habitation and probi'Slon of conprar enestos di- tty said Indies, and for nablgatlng thereto, at reasonable ch ™ a nu iuJar ZuZ prices and at their customarp balue In those Said cities, totons ZilZasZZrZderZas and places, among the Inhabitants thereof, toltljout further en= e mantenimientos e hancement ; and pou shall not act contrarp hereto In anp toisc provisiones e apare- under penaltp of our displeasure and of ten thousand mara- jos e ferramientas e bedts to our chamber upon each of pou toljo shall do tlje com toneles e vasyjas, e trarp* &nd further If bp anp one or more of pou tlje said jus* ° iras coscts - lo d ual tlces It Shall remain undone and unfulfilled, toe command tlje ba de conprar ia per- person toho shall stfjoto this our patent to cite pou to appear sona ^ po f nos ' e before us In our court toheresoeber toe map be, toltljln fifteen p ° r , Don Christ ° val 6B f a ntff follotomB t»e Day of cttatfon, .uitter tjt saio penalty, if.PZZtliZ under tohtch toe command cberp public scrtbener toljo map be summoned for this purpose to gibe to him toho shall sljoto It to pou a certificate thereof signed tottlj hto Signature In order tljat toe map knoto Ijoto our command IS credited* Otben In the cltp of Burgos, on the ttoentp'-tljtrd dap of tlje month of aprll, in the pear of the natlbltp of our Hord 3 esus Christ one thousand four hundred and ntnetp*seben* 31 tlje Bing* 3 theOueen* 3, se escusan delo vender por lo encarefer mas, lo qual seria en nuestro deservifio, nuestra merged e voluntad es que lo que delo suso dicho se con- prare, sea por los prefios e segund suele valer. Porende nos vos mandamos , que alas personas nues- tras e del dicho nuestro Almirante, que las cosas suso dichas, o otras quales quier, que conpraren para la abitapion e proveymiento delas dichas Yndias e para el navegar aellas, gelo fagays dar por prefios rasonables, e segund que suelen valer enesas dichas fibdades e villas e logares entre los vesynos deltas syn encarefer mas, e non fagades ende al por alguna manera so pena dela nuestra merged, e de dies mill maravedis a cada uno de vos que lo contrario fizierdes para la nuestra camera. E de mas por qual quier o quales quier de vos las dichas justifias por quien jincare delo asi faser e cumplir, mandamos al ome que esta nuestra carta mostrare, que vos enplase que parescades ante nos, enla nuestra corte, do quier que nos seamos, del dia que vos enplazare fasta quinze dias primeros siguientes sola dicha pena, so la qual manda- mos a qual quier escrivano publico que para esto fuere llamado que de ende al que vos la mostrare, testimonio signado con su sygno por que nos sepamos en como se cumple nuestro man- dado. Dada enla fibdad de Burgos, a veynte e tres dias del mes de abril, aho del nasfimiento de nuestro Senor Jesu Christo de mille quatrofientos e novent a e syete anos. YoelRey. YolaReyna. Yo 8 1 g 2 rante del mar ofeano , tiene o diere cargo dello. E porque nos es fecha relation, que las personas que tie- nen las dichas merca- derias e otras cosas Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Bey e dela Reyna nu- estros Senores, la fis escrivir p or su man- dado. Acordada. Ro- dericusDoctor. Regi- strada, Alonso Peres. Francisco Dias Chan- filler. f erdinand £lbares of Coledo, Secretary of the % fng and of the 3Dueen our HordS,babe caused this to be toritten bp their command. (Branted, Eodertcb 2Doctor. Registered, Silonso ^eres. f rancisco 2Dias, Chancellor. € be Sing anO tbe £lueen. El Rey e la Reyna. DON Christoval Co- lon nuestro Almirante del mar ofeano , Viso Rey e Governador de- la iierrafirme eyslas delas Yndias, e Anto- nio de Torres, Contino de nuestra casa. Las cosas que nos parefe que con ayuda de nu- estro Sehor Dios se deven proveher e en- biar alas Yndias para la governafion e mantenimiento de- las personas que alia esianehan deyr para las cosas que alia se ban de hazer cunpli- deras a servifio de Dios y nuestro son las siguientes. Primera mente cn este primer viaje, y en tanto que nos mandamos proveher ayan de yr a estar enlas dichas Yndias numero de trezientas e treynta personas dela suerte e calidad e ofifios que de yuso seran contando el di- cho numero delas di- chas trezientas e tre- ynta personas conlas que agora estan e quedaron enlas dichas Yndias las quales di- ©on Christopher Columbus, our ab* ^titlral of tlje (Dcean,«tjrt A»_JlriI5UCii»T» ^9^’/*^’ S ^Vjpni/^V s'ltioWtO^y ^i™-^ m -V^^V-V'St^>3AV‘ , '^ oS ^^ cP i'^V- €jr&^s® <| (T** p" r3% p p\>2™ ^ ^ ^11 " & — 1 -i »- - UV- \n i man- Item, that for tlje maintenance of pou, tfje said Admiral, and of § Yten que para pour brothers ano otter chief officers Voljo are to go tottlj pou to tenimiento de vos el remain In tlje sat'd kindles, and for the said tljree hundred and M - t -~ A1 - : — *--■*" tljtrtp persons, and for tillage and soVung, and for tlje sustenance of tlje animals tofjtcl) pou Vu'll carrp tetter, there Shall and map be taken fide hundred and fiftp cables of toljeat, and also fiftp ca= Iji^es of barlep, toljtch Stall and map be supplied from tbe corn appertaining to us out of tbe thirds of tbe Archbishopric of S>e= Vllle and tbe Bishopric of Cadi? for tlje past pear nlnetp^seVen, according as It IS contained In the Warrants of deliVetp tohtclj toe do command to be given thereupon* jtem, that there must be Sent to the said Indies Such ironware and Implements as map Seem good to pou, the sat'd admiral, for tillage In tlje said Judies ; and likewise mattocks, Spades, pt'ckares, hammers and crotobars suitable for tlje said Indies* and UkeVrise that besides tlje cotos and mares toljlclj are In tlje Said Indies there Shall be made up tlje number of ttoentp poke of cotoS, mares and asses, totjereVutlj tillage map be carried on In the Said Indies, according as It shall seem good to pou, the Said admiral* and llketot'Se It seems to us that It totll be desirable to purchase an old ship* l^ toljtclj the prolusions and articles aforesaid, to tlje extent of h cr capacltp, map be sent; for her decks and timber and nails might be used for the Settlement toljtch Is* noto netolp to be made on the other side of the island of Hispaniola, near the mines ; but should It appear to pou, the said admiral, that It Is not desirable to take the said Vessel, let It not be taken* illketolse there must be taken to the sat'd Jndtes fiftp caffes of Hour and as much as a thousand quintals of biscuit, for prolusion lohlle mills and bakehouses are being constructed, and for tlje building thereof there must be taken from hence some grindstones and other Implements of mills* Jtem, there must be taken to the sat'd Indies tVoo field=tents, Vohtch map cost up to tiuentp thousand maraVedt's* 3Item, Vu'tlj respect to the other supplies and provisions toht'cb It map be needful to take to tlje said Indies for the maintenance and clothing of those toho are to go and to dtoell there. It seems to us that the follototng order ought to be observed* 3let some upright and trusttoorthp persons be sought out, Such as, It is Said, pou, tlje said Admiral, declare that dicho Almirante e de vuestros hermanos e otros ojifiales perso- nas prin<~ipales que con vos ban de yr a estarenlas dichas Yn- dias e para las diebas tresientas e treynta personas e para la- brar e senbrar e para el govierno delas bes- tiasque alia llevardes se ayan de llevar e lleven quinientos e ( inquenta cabizes de trigo e mas f inquenta cabizes de fevada los quales se ayan depro- veber e provean del pan a nos pertene- f iente delas terfias del Arfobispado de Sevilla e Obispado de Cadiz del ano pasa- do de noventa e seys ahos segund se con- tiene enlas cartas de libramiento que sobre ello mandamos dar. § Yten que se ayan de cnbiar alas dichas Yndias las herrami- entas e aparejos que parefiere a vos el di- cho Almirante para labrar, enlas dichas Yndias, e asy mismo afadones e afadas e picos,y almadanas,y palancas que convi- nieren para las di- chas Yndias. § E asy mismo que sobre las vacas e ye- guas que estan enlas dichas Yndias se ayan de cunplir numero de veynte yuntas de vacas e yeguas e asnos con que puedan labrar enlas dichas Yndias segunt a vos el dicho Almirante parefiere. § E asy mesmo nos parefe que sera bien que se conpre una nao vieja en que vayan los mantenimientos e cosas suso dichas, que copieren enella porque dela tablazon e madera e clavazon della se podria aprove- char para la poblafion que agora nuevamente se ha de hazer enla otra parte dela ysla Espanola ferca delas minas pero sy a vos el dicho Almirante parefiere que no es bien llevarse la dicha nao que non se lie ve. § Otrosy se deven llevar alas dichas Yndias cinquenta cabizes de harina e fasta mill quintales de vizco- cho, para entanto que se provehe de hazer molinos e atahonas e para los fazer se deven de llevar de aca algunas piedras y otros aparejos de molinos. § Yten se deven llevar alas dichas Yndias doss tiendas de canpo, que cuesten fasta veynte mill maravedis. § Yten para lo que toca alos otros mantenimientos e proveymientos que scan neresaryos llevarse alas dichas Yndias para el mantenimiento e vestido delos que alia ban de yr e estar, nos parefe que se deve tener la forma siguiente. § Que busquen algunas personas lianas e abonadas las quales diz que vos el dicho Almirante diz que 85 g * ieneys easy con(erta- das que ayan de car- gar e llevar alas di- chas Yndias los di- chos mantenimientos e otras cosas alia ne- fesarias para lo qual se les ay a de dar y de delos maravedis que nos mandamos librar para esto lo que a vos parefiere que ellos den seguridad porlos maravedis que asy refibieren, los quales ayan de enplear enlos dichos mantenimien- tos e cargarlos e lie- varlos a su costa alas diebas Yndias e que vaya a nuestro riesgo e a ventura dela mar e que llegando alia, Dios queriendo, ayan de vender e vendan los dichos manteni- mientos , el vino a quinze maravedis el a^unbre e la libra de tofino e came salada a ocho maravedis e los otros mantenimi- entos e legunbres alos prefios que vos el di- cho Almirante o vu- estro lugar teniente les pusierdes, de ma- nera que ellos ayan alguna gananfia e non pierdan enello e ala gente non se les baga agravio, e que delos maravedis que la tal persona o per- sonas refibiere delos dichos mantenimien- pou Ijatie almost agreed With, that thep map haVe the charge o£ lading anti transporting to the said Indies t he said provisions and other articles required tljere, for which there shall and map be giben tljent, out of tlje morteps Which Voe haVe ordered to be delivered for tljat purpose, Whatever pou map think fit • and thep Sljall give Securitp for ttje moneps thus received, Which tljcp are to expend upon t^e said provisions, and in lading tljem and convening them at their oWn cost to ttj e said Indies ^ and it Sljall be at our risk and at tlje fortune of ttje sea: and upon ar- riving there, (Bod billing, tljep shall and map sell the said pro= Visions, the tome at fifteen maravedis the ajumbre, and a pound of bacon and salt meat at eight maraVedis, and the other pro-. Visions and Vegetables at the prices Which pou, the said ad-. miral,orpour lieutenant shall place upon tljem, so that thep map ljaVe some profit and not losetljerebp, and tljat no injurp be done to tlje people* and out of the monep Which Such person or pec= sons Shall receive for tlje said provisions Which thep shall thus sell, thep shall and ought to gibe and pap there to our treasurer, Voljo is or shall be in tlje said Indies, the Said monep Vohich pou map ljaVe given tljent, and Which is thus to be given them to purchase the said provisions, in order that Ije map pap therewith the triages of tlje people* But if the said people shall take the said provisions on account of their triages, let them be received bp tljem on account, thep showing an acknowledgment of What tljep haVe received, tnherebp tlje Said treasurer and accounting officers map charge it to the account of their pap. Sind tlje said persons Shall gibe securitp; and on tljetr binding themselves so to do and perform as it is aforesaid, tljere shall and map be giVen tljem out of tlje said amounts of monep tnhat shall so Seem good to pou* 31tem, it ought to be procured tljat tljere map go to the said 3)n-- dies Some friars and priests of good report, to tlje end tljat tljep map administer tlje Ijolp Sacraments tljere to those Wljo shall be tljere, and that tljep map endeavour to convert to our Ijolp catljolic faith the said Indians, natives of the said Indies i and tljep Shall take for this purpose the furniture and things neces= sarp for the celebration of divine Worship and for the adminis-- tration of its hoi? sacraments* ^Likewise tljere must go a pljpsffcian, an apothecarp and an her* balist, and some instruments and music for the amusement of tlje people Wljo are to live there* tos que asy vendieren ayan de aar e pagar e den e paguen alia a nuestro tesorero que es o estoviere enlas diebas Yndias los dichos maravedis que les dierdes e asy se les ban de dar para conprar los dicbos mantenimientos para que dellos pague el sueldo dela gente. Pero sy la dieba gente tomaren los dichos mantenimientos para encuenta de su sueldo, sean les refibidos en cuenta mostrando conosfimiento delo que refibieron por donde el dicho tesorero e los ofifiales de cuenta selo carguen en cuenta de su sueldo, e las diebas per- sonas den seguridad e obligandose delo asy hazer e cunplir segund dicho es seles ayan de dar e den delas diebas quantias de maravedis que asy vos parefiere. § Yten se deve procurar que vayan alas diebas Yndias algunos religiosos e clerigos buenas personas para que alia administren los santos Sacramentos alos que alia estaran que procuren de convertir a nuestra santa fe catolica alos dichos Yndios naturales delas diebas Yndias y lleven para ello los aparejos e cosas que se requieran para el servifio del culto divino e para la administration delos sus Sacramentos. § Asy mismo deve yr unfisyco e un boticario e un ervolario e algunos ynstrumentos e musycas para pasatienpo delas gentes que alia ban de estar. 86 JXS 4 Q.t[^tn(rrt**+S * atQc ?oS 9^il L^+i-rtj wj^S «ll/mf£tf«* «*S fLrtw.*^ ^*‘ (’o 9^ 9rti « 2| •««»'9-*i l c ft» ft* «| ,A» ^O&jCCoS <&*» g f >»»'«^rt9» < ^v^) S w?S (J\ <|«<^rS A C*»^> Ct*rx CttfoQp n^+v«| *»Tw Js (H nng|l’* S\f*9rJi(S^«^iA9 ^lt (^7«yrt J1 ^ ri i« m 9& - '•• « - “ ~ - 1 r»«rt-rtT-f-»*«sjtf H f— C?| Ctvfi-S* j$* 5« yl <&, ncn£*~ no* itlcy SfaS -3$ * *Vc* ri"CS^7^ CcSrpA n$te$4? (7^ r*Yr*T2^ ?o$ j 9 « r£ft ^*^4r ** Qv e«« (f»Av 0 ttcfn^ «jQirir«M E*g- Uett«n mofi-r-mA ivn«3 f / i)»|^p' t]*^ *3®X i^3«Sl c£S$^'QJrC*J 0l£^(£ 0*7tVcg~»t-^ Cftt &M.* Q t% miS ^+rrtR''<® rtC SVPaS 3> »-o fi^V^c>e24^ A Sfy *fy^+Sj£C& **£* v«»r* cXlCo CoS JV &*£& .^Po ft 4? (7&C+* O mtf H @* m * % * -. -T^Vtg J^fl»C+c9i«)t»tf ( (^u<& \i? ^3SSS5% a ''****' XT* 9 * >XJU* rAtr^O JUi Vr-»»S *"** P* "\ 4 ^ (J (^Vc»’ J>W?C fcriura> 6 txuu J«.*r«V^r»* t3riwM-***» 9* I«i <»r •»!*»*»•* i^*\)iSrnyA ill 3 o »«Ut|*m'3nrtCj $««vr V •1 rv< wi A &t* >*© ^ tt«A» lM;r*»M^-^-C > w9.ir * 51*8"/* 'tv &ry -z +tm ■*• I. 4 *)“/)i^4 •» y« i«m| m»l ^-»*9+-» ^•-tviflo »»n O rtlIMft . y?0- *>!*>«• — » l^“ /^lH.AMwK»|j/^»ljn*«M‘fi' i^VjrrtmTTS? **Jc Vj< »n rt^w^l^j^wS wT lft^tv^»-^Vr*wC le rtm^r»nrtt»*li> (ft rt ^rd«*»w»<»S C>P ‘ttfV **•* p»m*- C ^>n^ E ^HV^2A-«v«cgS\rt Vn rt «*r^r«r4 Vfmvy.'.^ j^> ^ „ 7r , M ^ c»tdL^. giporeobec toe hafoe ordered a certain quantity of rnonep to be § Otrosy agora man- DeitbereO for this bopage, tohlclj pou, tlje said Admiral, are damos librar ( ierta noto about to make. Oflie command pou to Spend ft in accor= IZTesteZZ^aue bance tolth a report Signed bp tfje l^lglj Commander of 1-eon, « gora aveys de fa H zer our chief accountant, and bp SDoctor l&oderlcfi St^aldonedo, of vos el dicho Almi- our council, and bp jFerdlnand Shares, our secretarp* rante nos vos man- tBljerefore toe command pou to cause ft to be thus obserbed, dam . os que aqu , ann irrortifph flrrnrhfnrr fn Vnhaf t'tf rnntvitneh ahnfap gasten segund va por damos que aquellos se fulfilled and erecuted according to tobat is contained abo be, unarelacinn £rmada totjereln pou tolll do us pleasure and 0erblce -, and toe gibe pou de i Co m e ndadormav for tins purpose full potoer toitlj all Its Incidences and depen-- or de l^ n uZ?ro dencleS,annereSand connects* (Blben In tljetoton of Medina contado,- mayor e del del Campo, on tlje fifteenth dap of tlje month of June, In tlje doctor Rodrigo Mai- pear of tlje natlbltp of our 1-ord Jesus Christ one thousand donedo del nuestro four hundred and nlnetp'-Sebem J tlje l&lng. J tlje £Dtteetu consejo e de Fernand Bp command of tlje l&lng and of tlje gDueen, jferdlnand 8LU Aivares nuestro se- bares* (Branted, Eoderlcfi 2Doctor* jjjoit jFerbtnanD and SDonna Isabella, cretario. Por que vos manda- mos que lo asifagays guardar e cunplir e bp the graceof (Bod Itlng and £Queen of Castile, Heon, ^^s^s™ se g ™n- aho del nasfimiento de nuestro SenorJesu Christo de mill e qua- trofientos e noventa e YoelRey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna Fernand dragon, ^Icllp, (Branada, Toledo, (Halencla, (Ballcia, Majorca, tiene enloaual , lazer %>ebllle, Sardinia, Cordoba, Corsica, Murcia, Jaen, tlje SLU e ser vido Ls hLeys gacbes, &lgectras, (Blbraltar, and the Canarp Jslands ; Count ca para Mo vos da l and Countess of Barcelona and ILords of Blscap and S^ollna ; mos poder C unpiido 3Dufees of Athens and JReopatrla; Counts of l&ousslllon and con todas sus ynfi- Cerdagne; 9©arqulses of fprlstano and (Bojlano* (LQiljrreas denfias e dependen- at the time toljen 2Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of f ias anexidades e co- the€>cean,toent to dtscober land In tlje said ocean bp our com-- nexidades. Fecha en- ntand, a certain contract toas concluded tolth hint; and after- la villa * Medina bDardS,toljrn tlje first bopage resulted In dlscoberlng and find= del Can P° a ebille, »>arbinia, Corboba, Corsica, Murcia, jaen, the £lgarbes, aigeciras, (Bibraltar anb the Canarp (islanbs ; Count anb Coun-. tess o f Barcelona anb ilorbs of Biscap anb Molina; 2Duftes of atljensanb Jlieopatria; Counts of Koussillon anbCerbagne- ^ar= quises of €>riStano anb (Bojiano* forasmuch as it has been re; porteb to us that certain persons, citizens anb inhabitants of cec-. tain cities, tobons, places anb ports of our feingboms anb bomtmons, our natural subjects, booulb boish to go anb biscober other islanbs anb matnlanb in tfje region of the jnbies in the €>cean, in abbition to the islanbs anb matnlanb botjich babe been biscobereb bp ouc commanb in the saib part of the £Dcean- anb libebotse that others booulb boislj to go to libe anb sojourn in the islanb of Hispaniola, our commanb, if licence thep toere assisteb toitlj boljich has been biscobereb anb founb bi toere granteb them bp us to bo so, anb it probisions for a certain time ; anb that thep refrain from boing so in consequence of the prohibition tehtclj toas iSSueb bp our cotm manb, that no person sljoulb go to tlje jnbies hoithout our licence anb commanb unber certain penalties-, tohich habing been unber: Stoob bp us, anb considering that if tljep shoulb biscober the saib lanbS anb islanbs, anb toe sljoulb allobo them to traflSc therein anb to settle in the saib islanb of Hispaniola, tohich 10 biscobereb, it tooulb be for the Serbice of (Bob our 3Lorb, for their intercourse migljt bring those totjo btoell in the saib lanb to the fenoholebge of (Bob our Horb anb conbert tljem to our holp catholic faith; anb it booulb also be for our ebon serbice, anb for the general boelfare anb abbantage of our fctngboms anb bomtmons anb of our natural . subjects: toe agree to commanb tljat there be gtben, anb bp these otras ysias e tierra presents toe gibe anb grant to our saib natural subjects the saib firme ala parte de- licence to go to the Saib islanbs anb mainlanb, botlj to biscober them las Yndyas enei mar anb to traffic in tljem, unber the conbittons anb in the form anb manner tohich bo ill be containeb anb erpresseb in this our patent, as follotos* firstlp, that all the bessels bohich are to go to the region of the Saib islanbs, in anp of the heaps that boill be containeb beloto in tljis our patent, shall be bounb to set out from the citp of Cabij anb not from anp other part; anb that before setting out thcp (the bopagers) must present themselbes there before the officers totjo Shall be appointeb bp us or bp anpone toho Shall habe our authoritp, so tljat thep (the officers) map fenoto toljo are going to the Saib Jn= bies, anb tljat each person in Ijis obon case map perform anb ob= Serbe boljat is containeb beloto in this our patent* ^hat anp persons totjosoeber botjo map boish to go to ofeano, demas delas yslas e tierra firme que por nuestro man- dado se ban descu- bierto enla dicha parte del mar ofeano e asy mesmo otros querrian yr a bivir e morar ala ysla espa- hola que esta descu- bierta e fallada por nuestro mandado , sy por nos lesfuese dada lifenfia para ello, e fuesen ayudados con mantenimientos por fierto tienpo, e que dexan de fazerlo por el vedamiento que por nuestro mandado fue puesto, para que ninguna persona fuese alas Yndias syn nuestra lifenfia e mandado so fiertas penas lo qual por nos visto, e acatando que sy descubriesen las dichas tierras e yslas, e resgatar enellas e poblar dexamos la dicha ysla espaiiola, que esta descubierta, que es servifio de Dios nuestro Sehor por que la conversation dellos podrya atraher alos que avitan enla dicha tierra en conofimiento de Dios nuestro Senor e a redu- zirlos a nuestra santa fee catolica , otrosy que es servifio nuestro e bien e pro comun de nuestros reynos e senorios e de nuestros subditos e naturales acordamos de mandar dar e por la presente damos e con- fedemos la dicha lifenfia alos dichos nuestros subditos e naturales para que vayan alas dichas yslas e tierra firme e a descobryrlas e contratar enellas, conlas condifiones e segund e enla manera que enesta nuestra carta seran contenidas e declaradas enesta guisa. Primera mente que todos los navios que ovieren de yr ala parte delas dichas yslas en qual quier delas maneras que de yuso enesta nuestra carta seran contenidas, ayan de partir desde la f ibdat de Caliz, y non de otra parte alguna e que antes que partan se presenten alii ante los ofifiales que estovieren puestos por nos o por quien nuestro poder oviere para que sepan los que van alas dichas Yndias e ayan de cunplir e guardar cada uno en su caso lo que de yuso enesta nuestra carta sera contenido. § Que quales quier personas que quisieren yr a 90 ir« gcJt h' VM i*9 9 -fc *}? «S^^^^^W »’^C(g < cnpc,.it«.u« (Wfrff •» fi«"r w|a4 S*r$Z% @»£ S lW" * ^4wv-«w y%£*$ 4ll+v«^-AVm« £>*S. i\\&tr1rr**+r%- ^tetfUAf jIVumw IM(IIM» * Wi«trn>9«»S rty(w ^3~€ (&-f-r«* VArzr* cutVVllj »«fl**r- nc$ £

*» I rrv^+tt (Jl vnrt% @« i ^ erfJ}*rog (), '^^^ rr< jg ^ r 4 ?(n * ili <*$ 6 f «*? 0 ^? li ?+ n ^ cn ^ !f <£ 7 T * & i$yp*J 'tf*r***£\ p£g&)%&^i£&Z3i nr « tVw *> ^ rs >*» dt ^ QfW^S C\- C$ ^ c * f ( h \? crP.t d ^ y «« il?w Av ict-c 1.^1 *»vS t 7 v> (y»MCl -ic* $^Soail c.i$> S b$ ^ l ?t»rfri%7 < f ^” 1 *’ ’C*& <*j jk & (tfpttVbnrc* _n O f . oC . r ^ vvS - ** \>5\&!s 'T c P~* tn *^f — Hi J+v •} *«o y &&* (*))> * 4A ^ *? e tF r ^* ef&ye** <«jM(|l tt»< CV » 1+rm >\> ^ -. ffc >< l !*^'^-| y**&5S e ~ fcjn ” . v « 4 *»VfcE e^.WN? veS 5 Gw 0»^<^4V (+»vMfo cVStPiy^ or&‘ SPniV $ 'l libe anD Dtoell in the Sat'D (gland of Hispaniola toitfjout pap can bivir e morar enla anD map go freelp, anD tljat tljep stall lie frank anD free there, dicha ysla espahola anD stall not pap anp ta;r, anD stall IjolD for tljemselbes anD as syn sueldo puedan yr rijetr oton, anD for tljet'r heirs anD for anpone of tljent toljo map e vayan libre mente e lie entitles thereto, tlje bouses toljiclj tljep stall but ID, tlje lanDss que Maser an francos toljicb tljep Stall cultivate anD tlje plantations toljiclj tljep stall e hbre . s e , M0 P a ~ make, accorDing as lanDS anD farms Stall be allotteD to tljem E u ^derechoaiguno,e for suclj purpose in tlje SatD islanD, bp tpe persons toljo Ijabe tern “ n P ara sy e P or anD Stall babe charge on our behalf ; anD tljat to suclj persons S S U J S herZos'epara toljo stall tljuS libe anD Dtoell in tlje SatD t'SlanD of Hispaniola ■ n dellos 0 p viere anD Stall not take pap frotnus as aforesat'D, probiSions Stall be C absaiascosas[casas] giben for one pear. £nD fttrtljer toe toill anD it is our pleasure que hiziereneiastier- rljat if tljep go to tbe SatD t'SlanD of Hispaniola bp licence of tljose ras que labraren , e las toljo stall babe anD Ijolb our auttoritp to grant it, tljep map babe beredades que plan- for tljemselbes tlje tljirD part of tlje golD toljict ttep map finD anD taren segutit que alia obtain in tlje SatD t'SlanD, probiDeD rbat it be not bp barter anD enla dicha ysla le se- tlje otljer ttoo ttirDS Stall be for us, toljict tljep are to pap to tlje ransehaiadastierras officer toljo tot'll represent us in tpe SatD t'SlanD. £nD further* e togares para eiio more, going bp licence, ttep map babe for tljemselbes all tlje nter* P or las P ersonas que ct anD is e anD otljer things toljatsoeber toljict ttep stall finD in ^ZToTqL^ial tlje SatD t'SlanD, gibing the tenth thereof to us or to tlje person toljo tales personas que Stall babe our auttoritp to recetbe it; except tlje golD, toljereof asy bivieren e mora- tbep are to gibe us ttoo tljirDS, as aforesat'D ; all toljict tljep are ren i n \ a dicha ysla to ercljange in the SatD t'SlanD of Hispaniola before our officers, anD to pap to our recet'ber, toljo stall be empotoereD to recetbe it for us, tlje ttoo tljirD parts of the golD anD tlje said tenth part dara mantenimiento of all tlje otter things ttep map finD, as aforesatD. espahola e non lleva- ren sueldo nuestro como dicho es se les por un aho. Edemas queremos, e es nu- estra merged que yen- do con lifenpia delos que nuestro poder to- vieren e ovieren para ello ala dicha ysla es- Itent, tljat anp persons, being our natural subjects, toljo map tot'Sb to Do so, map go from noto henceforth, as long as it map be our toill anD pleasure, to Dt'scober islanDS anD matnlanD in the SatD region of tlje sat'D InDt'es, anD map go as to ell to those toljict babe been DtscobereD up to tlje present time as pahola ayan para sy to anp others toljatsoeber, to traffic in tljem, probt'DeD tljat it ter ( ia P arte del be not in tlje sat'D t'SlanD of Hispaniola- anD tljep map pur* oro que batiaren e chase from the Christians toljo are or Stall be therein anp Z^Znto que non articles anD mercljanDise totatsoeber, probiDeD tljat it be not sea por resgate e las golD; toljict tljep can anD map Do tot'tlj anp kt'nD of ships ttep otras doss terfias please, probiDeD tljat at tlje time of Setting out from our king* partes sean para nos Dorns tljep Depart from tlje satD ct'tp of CaDtj, anD present ttemselbes tljere before our officers. £nD because tljep Ijabe to estoviere enla dicha take front thence in each of Such Ships one or ttoo persons to ysla. Edemas desto yendo con lifenfia aya[n] para sy todas las mercaderias e otras quales quier cosas que hallaren enla dicha ysla dando el diezmo dello a nos o a quien nuestro poder oviere para lo refibir efebto el oro de que nos han de dar las doss partes como dicho es, lo quad todo ayan de resgatar enla dicha ysla espahola ante los nuestros ojifiales e pagar a nuestro regetor que por nos lo oviere de aver las dos terfias partes del oro e la dicha diezma parte de todas las otras cosas que hallaren como dicho es. § Yten que quales quier personas nuestros subdictos e naturales que quisieren puedan yr de aqui adelante, en quanto nuestra merged e voluntad fuere a descobryr yslas e tierra firme enla dicha parte delas dichas Yndias asy alas que estan descobiertas fasta aqui como a otras quales quier a resgatar enellas tanto que non sea enla dicha ysla espahola que pueden conprar delos christia- nos que enella estan o estovieren quales quier cosas e mercaderias con tanto que non sea oro, lo qual puedan fazer e fagan con quales quier navios que quisieren con tanto que al tienpo que par- tieren de nuestros reynos partan dessde la dicha fibdad de Cadiz, e alii se presenten ante nuestros ojifiales. E por que desde alii han de llevar en cada uno delos tales navios una o doss personas que 93 b Sean nonbradas por los nuestros ofifiales ante quien asy se pre- sentaren, e mas ban de llevar la diezma parte delas toneladas del porte delos tales na- vios de cargazon nu- estra syn que por ello les ay a de serpagado Jlete alguno, e lo que asy llevaren nuestro lo descarguen enla dicba ysla espanola, e lo entreguen ala persona o personas que alia estovieren cargo delorefibir por nuestro mandado , de- lo que de aca se enbie tomando conofimi- ento suyo de como lo refibe. E queremos e es nuestra merged, que delo que las di- chas personas falla- ren enlasdichas yslas e tierra Jirme ayan para sy las nueve partes e la otra de- zena parte sea para nos conla quad nos ayan de recudir al tienpo que bolvieren a estos nuestros rey- nos enla dicba fibdat de Caliz donde ban de bolver primera mente a lo pagar ala persona que alii to- viere cargo por nos delo re$ibir,e despues de asy pa gado sepue- dan yr a sus casas, o donde quisieren conlo que asy truxieren e al tienpo que partie- ren dela dicba fibdat de Caliz ayan de dar be named bp our officer# before tohom thep shall thus present themselbe#, anti further babe to carrp of our carp to the tenth part of the tonnage'-burden of such Ships*, toitljout being paid anp freight for it; anti toljat tbep shall tlju# carrp of our# tpep are to unlade in tpe said island of Hispaniola, and deliber it to the per#on or per#on# toljo #hall there habe charge to receibe it bp our order, taking his* or their acknotoledgment for toljat i# #ent from hence a# to the condition in toljich it i# receibed: toe ton'll and it i# our pleasure that of toljateber the #aid person# map find in the said island# and mainland tljep are to habe nine parts for themselbe#, and the other tenth part shall be for us, toljich thep are to render to u# at the time to>hen tljep return to these our kingdoms, in the said citp of Cadi?, toljittjer thep are to return first of all, in order to pap it to the person to>ho shall there habe charge to receibe it for it#; and after thep habe thus made papment thep map depart to tljeir otorn homes or tohereber tljep choose tout!) to>hat thep shall habe tljus brought. Sind at the time toljen thep set out from the said citp of Cadi? thep must gibe securitp that thep ton'll So perform the same. Item, that anp person# tofjo map desire to carrp probisions of anp kind for the said island of Hispaniola or for anp other island# of the Said Indies toljich £hall be settled bp our cotm ntand, map transport and Sell them there freelp, and at such prices a# map be agreed upon toitlj the purchasers, toho map pap them there in merchandise or in anptljing else thep map habe there; and that if thep sell all tlje said probisions or a portion thereof to our officers toljo shall be there, for the supplp of the people in our serbt'ce, those officers shall and map pap for it there as aforesaid, or thep map gibe tljern bills to be paid here; and upon such bills toe guarantee them papment, probided that at the time tohen the said bessel# containing the said probisions Set sail, tljep shall depart from tlje sat'd citp of Cadi?, to tlje end tljat thep map present tljentselbes tljere before our said officers, and map take, free of freightage, the tenth part (of the capacity) of such Ships* of tlje cargo toljiclj toe map order to be conbeped to tlje Sat'd island as aforesaid ; and thep shall bind themselbe# to pap the tenth part of toljat thep shall bring from thence, redeem^ tng tljeir Securitp according to the agreement contained abode; and on tljeir return tljep shall be bound to come to the said citp of Cadi? to pap it as aforesaid. Ht'ketot'Se, forasmuch as toe habe granted to 3Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral seguridad que lo cunpliran asy. § Yten que quales quier personas que quisieren llevar quales quier mantenimientos para la dicba ysla espaholao para otras quales quier yslas que por nuestro mandado estovieren pobladas delas diebas Yndias lo puedan llevar e vender alia francamente e por los pregios que se ygualaren conlos conpradores losquales les paguen alia en mercadurias o en otro delo que alia tovieren e que sy todo el dicho mantenimiento o parte dello vendieren a nuestros ojifiales que alia estovieren para los bastimentos dela gente que ay no [nos] sirven lo ayan de pagai e paguen alia como dicbo es o les den f edulas para que aca seles paguen conlas quales fedulas nos les f erteficamos que les sera pagado con tanto que al tienpo que partieren los dichos navios en que fueren los dichos mantenimientos ayan de partir dela dicba fibdad de Caliz para que alii se presente[n] ante los dichos nuestros ojifiales e lleven syn Jlete la dezima [ del porte] delos tales navios dela cargazon que nos mandaremos llevar para la dicba ysla segund de suso dize e se obliguen de pagar la dezima parte delo que de alia truxeren rescatandose segund la capitulation que de suso se contiene, e ala buelta sean tenudos de venir ala dicba fibdat de Caliz para lo pagar como dicbo es. Otrosy por quanto nos ovimos feebo merfed a Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante 94 " r TV c -f2_ rn v ^ 1 ‘'jS^ v^' cry * 1 M c *’ » _ W^$0‘^ e f**z erc rrtr i^ ■*«? ^ »vt?U> Co *£ll i] rc»\oS (^?c$ $ dkC&r+T^ C **? ,V S a *•-* ^|+T*nv^r n»C t/Ty.»£«%* A&* ^-*(^oj ‘1 ,,h 0 » c * c «v » 4 **CSz '« v^/ VZ 7 ^ 9 cfr*» ?Q v ;j” ** ^ U « v y v »■* ^ ft' ft*'' & ^ fcpnc&5» ;"X^‘ r ^ lU0fi'y® wf r .vT^S.Cg'r-lJb.S ditaft-s »- p * r \&\t «eCft -f^p /rt * Gy * H? ‘ S> c^£§^ (vyeM-tviy £’ tX ^*~ c (o jr 9 uP.« 5 (JV 5 'l SW” ^'S flu** ^*"S ’^'V eln &%T$fcvS **4V w>S QjtJV 4 ^ n^N$ JV^«p»d JlylSm ? «£» 9tSfrT^&™™C‘ ? * *»hj$. — I^crcl mfl^rG^ <5 (S* F « 9 *^ 75 V <^5 C* rt iVticTfl; s^rmt ircitp (^\t uMn9nX» ol *»r^»«9*V U «>* (f'^ •«C v« , t;*^‘*^r ,n ^T^ L £ L _ PXQ*. |5»^ ^5* ylfcSut^ zRSAn^tiS^ v» *T* r ”n *«c»i«-4f ***^S' rrt r t ^ tS.^2., J©ft*T4 C££, — ypn-Ht siyw tv &e&Cg c™ •»»*>•* o^»e e»S %^ 4-€>n9^k C^Wecre= tarp of tlje lung and of the 3Dueen our Hords, babe caused it to be toritten bp their command* (Granted, Roderick doctor* Eegtsteted, f ranct'S 2DiaS, Chancellor* 3©on jferdinantj and SDonna Isabella, t> E tte grace of (Bod lu'ng and €iueen of Castile,ILeon, £ragon, »>icilp, deMefcnTdlTcanpo Granada, Toledo, (Ealencia, (Galicia, Majorca, »>ebille, Sardinia, Cor= a doss dias del mes doba, Corsica, Sl^urcia, Jaen, the aigarbes, aigeciras, CBtbraltar and tlje Canarp Jslands, Count and Countess of Barcelona and Hords of Biscap and S^olina, 2Dukes of Athens and jReopatria, Counts of Houssillon and Cerdagne, Marquises of ^Drtstano and (Bojiano, to pou our customs-officers, receibers, farmers, clerks of markets, cofi lectors and other persons tobo babe or shall babe the charge of cob lecttng and receibing, in rent or in securitp, or in anp other manner, the rents, customs and market- tolls of the cities of ^ebtlle and Cadt? in this present pear of tlje date of this our patent, and in future pears, as long as it shall be our pleasure, and to each and anp of pou, health and grace* Imoto pe that it is our toill and pleasure that all the pro= bisions and other things tohich bp our command and bp that of 2Don Christopher Columbu#,our Admiral of the<3Dcean in the region of the Jndtes, map be shipped for conbepance thereto, and liketoise tohatso= S Francifc oDias chan- £tj er ma P bt bought from the said Jndtes to those said cities and filler, their ports, Shall not be required to pap nor shall pap for the first sale thereof either cuStoms=dutp or marketuoll or anp other dutp, either in tljis present pear or from noto henceforth, as long as it Shall be our toill and pleasure* (Lcfiberefore toe command all and each of pou thus de Junio aho del nas- f imiento de nuestro Salvador JesuCbristo de mill e quatro (ien- tos e noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nu- estros Sehores la fiz escrivir por su man- dado. Acordada Ro- dricus Doctor. Regi- de Leon, de Aragon, de Sefilia, de Grana- da , de Toledo, de Va- lencia, de Gallisia,de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha, de Cor- DON Fernando Doha Ysabel por la f Reyna d^castfiia, t0 obsccbe and fulfil all that is contained abobe in this our patent; and in obserbing and beeping it pou Shall not ask, demand or lebp customs-dutp or ntarket=toll or anp other duties for the first sale and lading and unlading of anp kind of merchandise and probisions, and otljer things tohich, bp certificate of our officers and of the said admiral, and of tlje persons tobo babe or shall babe charge of the dova, de cor ( ega, de said lading and unlading, shall be declared to be laden for the said Murfia, de Jahen, delos Algarves, de Algezira, de Gibraltar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barcelona e Sehores de Viscaya e de Molyna, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellon e de Cerdania , Marqueses de Orystan e de Goc'iano, a vos los nuestros Almoxarifes e recabdadores e arendadores e fieles e cogedores e otras personas que tenedes o tovierdes cargo de coger e de recabdar en renta o en jieldad o en otra qual quier manera las rentas e almoxarifadgo e alcavalas delas cibdades de Sevilla e Cadiz este presente aho dela data desta nuestra carta, e los ahos venideros tanto quanto nuestra voluntad fuere e a cada uno e qual quier de vos salud e gracia: Sepades que nuestra merced e voluntad es que todos los mantenimientos e otras cosas que por nuestro mandado e de Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar oceano enla parte delas Yndias se cargaren para llevar aellas e otrosy delo que se truxiere delas dicbas Yndias aesas dicbas cibdades e sus puertos, non se ay an de pagar ni paguen, por la primer a venta dello, almoxarifadgo ni alcavala ni otro derecbo alguno este presente aho ni dende en adelante quanto nuestra merced e voluntad fuere. Por que vos mandamos a todos e a cada uno de vos que asy lo guardeys e cunplays como de suso enesta nuestra carta se contiene e en guardandolo e cunpliendolo non pidays ni demandeys ni lleveys almoxarifadgo ni alcavala ni otros derechos algunos por la primera venta e cargo e desscarga de quales quier mercaderyas e mantenimientos e otras cosas que pareciere por fe de nuestros offices e del dicho Al- mirante e personas que tienen o tovieren cargo dela dicba cargo e descarga [ que se cargan ] para las dicbas 98 2 ‘=f r ‘ tv •'Is /lf*Hj»m«r dl^od 4 jjnv«v ,| fvri^* (A «v>j^r««M i* tfir »*wS **® C ri? ^ hT »*| tn- c*i w«t> pnfcnuo?. ercnm 3 -{V 5«-H> ?< &&**%0™* -^- — - • «\ l)V $< tn^lyn«% 9 »* ** ^ ^ n ^ (it* C HX* 9, & : * (%&**&$ 4* *&-kig&$i*lf 1*1 $«<2^ »<&?- ^vw-0-kS ^Tt (£3^»V«> I»~JUr»9 ■ * ■■ P “VygrC (11^2f^Q^ *t0fi>j>*^5? W (rtwg ^ ^ ^irrl-rtr* l^|’ew« 0-&S* «w»* gt4v* /ft 0_£ «|r«^HHn UW0< 0*t^% " ** &n>*+v'« ****^* ^ jftXsWg (^d\$s *“ ^*2L* ^ *&-£^v wj ^fs^9 ^5^ t% *&*5Tr&3tt J3K>i **»«*''»<^*fi» Si cal^s^Tf# /oii mTi^ecom i&^r^-^iifesfe , .‘ t ^!s. (S' rc&+tvi o^rt***- «» <$7«*s\?4? (f **&% J, ^H|V(tt<4$ /%. &?(T^? (ft ♦JJ 1 ^ QVt n*mto r X-&ISS :<>0— ~ trayendolo deltas en esas dichas f ibdades e puertos e cada una deltas este dicho aho e de aqui adelante quanto nuestra mer- for tfje 0aiti 3IntiiCEf, or on tl)osse are brought from thence par a las dichas Yn anti unladen in t&ojse said citie0 and port# and in eacf) of them, d ^ ^ descar gan in tl)i0 0aid pear and from noto henceforth, a0 long: a0 it 01) all be our toill and ptoure* and if pou do not 00 perform and fulfil it, toe bp tbi0 our patent command all our ju0tice0 to con0train and compel pou 00 to do and fulfil it, and neitljer the one nor ttje other of pou or them 0ljall do tlje contrarp thereof in anp manner under pain of our Ot'0plea0ure and of f s e alynonhMzkrdel ten tljou0and marabedt'0 upon eberp one toljo 0hall fail 00 to e cunplierdes poresta perform and fulfil it; and further toe command tlje man toho dicha nuestra carta 0hall 0hoto pou tljf0 our patent to 0ttmmon pou to appear mandamos a 9 ^ies before u0 in our court toljere0oeber toe map be, toithin fifteen ITal^lTfoTcoltrin- dap0 next follotoing tlje dap of citation under tlje 0ante pern gan e apremien ah altp; under toljieh al0o toe command anp public 0crtbener asi faser e cunplir e toljo map be 0umntoned for tbi0 purpo0e to gibe to tlje per= 0on exhibiting: it a certificate lj^tof, 0igned toitlj lji2 0igna= ture, 00 that toe map fenoto Ijoto our command 10 fulfilled* (Biben in tlje mo0t noble citp of Burgo0, on tlje ttoentp=tljird t>ap of tie monti) of 0ptfl, in tl ,e mv of tlje natiittp of out Herd 31e0u0 Cljri0t one tljou0and four hundred and ninetp= acadaun0 porauien 0eben* 3 the Iking. 3 the teen* 3, jferoinand 3lbare0 of nncaredehasyfazer Toledo, S>ccretarp of the minty and of the £Dueen our Xord0, e CU nphr e de mas cau0ed it to be toritten bp their command* (Granted, Kobe-- rich 2Doctor* Eegt0tered, £lon0o ^ere0* Chancellor* los unos ni los otros non fagades nifagan ende al por alguna manera so pena dela nuestra merged e de mandamos al ome que ifranci'0 2Diaj, vos esta nuestra carta mostrare que vos en- plaze que parescades ante nos enla nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos del dia que vos enplazare fas- ta quinze dias pri- Hott jferbtnanti anb Donna Isabella, bp the pace of (Bod Iking and 3Dueen of Ca0tile, Heon, dragon, ^icilp, (Branada, Toledo, (Elalencia, (Balicia, Majorca, »>ebille, Sardinia, Cordoba, Cor0ica, Murcia, 3aen, the 511= prbe0, &lgectra0,(Bibraltar and the Canarp 30land0, Count meros syguientes so- and Counte00 of Barcelona, 3Lord0 of Bi0cap and Molina, la dlcha P ena sola 2Dube0 of atljen0 and Stopatria, Count0 of Eou00tllon and 9 ua \ niandamos « Cerdagne, S©arqui0e0 of €>ri0tano and (Bojiano, %o tlje go= ebillc and Cadij, { { . , q and of tlje toton0, place0 and port0 of tljeir arcljbi0hopric trare tes q timomo Sl ],. and bishopric, and to pou tlje fartner0 and receiber0, cu0= nado con su Slgn0 tom0=ofBcer0, tolUcollector0, cu0tomljou0e'-officer0, titlje=col= por que nos sepamos lector0 and other per0on0 toljo Ijabe and 0ljall Ijabe the en como se cunple nu- charge of collecting and recetbmg in rent or in 0ecuritp or in anp other manner the profit0 of tlje marbet=toll0, estromandado. Dada enla muy noble (ibdad de Burgos a veynte e tres dias del mes de Abril, aho del nasfimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Christo de mill e quatro- fientos e noventa e siete ahos. Yoel Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehor es la jiz escrivir por su mandado. Acordada Rodricus Doctor. Registrada Alonso Peres. Francisco Diaz Chanfiller. Don Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la gratia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla , de Leon, de Aragon , de Sefilia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Gallizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha, de Cordova, de Cor^ega, de Murcia, de Taken, delos Algarves, de Algesyra, de Gibraltar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barcelona, Sehores de Vizcaya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellone de £ erdania , Marqueses de Orystan e de Gofiano. Alos corregi- dores, alcaldes, alguaziles, regidores, cavalleros , escuderos, ofi(iales e omes buenos delas ( ibdades de Sevilla e Caliz,e delas villas e logares e puertos de su arfobispado e obispado, e a vos los arendadores e recabdadores, almoxarifes eportadgueros e aduaneros e dezmeros e otras personas que teneys e tovierdes cargo de coger e de recabdar en rentaoen fieldadoen otra qual quier manera las rentas delas alcavalase 1 01 aimoxarifadgos e customs, road-tolls anH admlraltp-dues of the efaiti citiejs anti portadgos e aimiran- totons, and to each of pou, health anti grace* 'l¬o pc ttiat tadgo delas dicbas for the settlement of the islands and mainland discovered and dbdades e villas e a placed under out dominion, oc to be discovered, In the 3Dcean cada uno de vos saiud j n the region of the 3]ndles, It tolll be necessarp to bring from egracw. Sepadesque thence to these our kingdoms for sale certain merchandise para la pobiafion de- aniJ ot ij er ^ingS, and to take t^ltljcr from hence stores and firn^ S descubiertcis^ ot ^ r provisions and things, both for the traffic of the said puestas so nuestro Indies and for other goods tohlch are or tolll be needful there sehorio o par descu- for the Support and maintenance of the persons toho are and brir enei mar 0 ;eano 0fj a u remain there, and for their dwellings and farms* and liasKlll menestTr forasmuch as It Is our tolll and pleasure that on the things traher a vender deltas Which be thUS brought tO thtSC OUt kingdoms from the a estos nuestros rey- said Indies no dutp Whatever Is to be paid, but rather that nos aigunas merca- tijep ace t0 jj e unladen freelp, and that on the unlading thereof dUr \levar ^IdlaZde 1X0 ° Ut P be P attl ’ to WJ et: IWlpOtt'-dUtp, CUStOmS, mV'-tOll, La mantenimientos e admlraltp=dues or anp other dutp, nor anp market- toll for the otras provisiones e first Sale that map be made of them-, and likewise that those cosas e para el res- Who Shall purchase anp goods Whatsoever to send or take to cate deias dicbas Yn- t jj e a g provision and Sustenance for themselves z antI fo* people toho map be therein, are not to pap erport=dutp, ran menester para customs, road=toll, admlraltp-dues, or other dutp for the lading sustentagion e man- thereof: toe command this our patent to be given to pou for tenimiento deias per- t jj e rea g onj an p herebp toe command all and each of pou TTbraT de la e star an y tljat Whensoever anp goods £hall be brought from the said e para sus biviendase Indies and unladen In these our kingdoms, pou shall per* labranfas. e porque mlt and allow Such goods as haVe been thus brought to be nuestra merged e vo- unladen freelp, as long as It Shall be our tolll and pleasure, l c u o f“ s d ZaT \e e tra Without ^eVplng from them (the Importers) greater or smaller ZermLestos ZJes- Import-duties, customs, admlraltp-dues, road-toll, or anp other tros reynos deias di- duties, not anp market-toll upon the first sale tohlch map be chas Yndias non se m ade of such goods as shall haVe thus been brought from the pague derecho aiguno g aill gjndfes ; a certificate being exhibited to pou signed bp2Don Zb re mint e TqueLei Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of the said Indies, or bp descargo deltas non tlje person toho shall haVe hfo authorttp for that purpose, and se pague derecho ai- bp the personor persons toho for us or for our chief accountants guno de aimoxari- fu our name Shall be In tlje said 31 ndles, that those goods toere porZdgo “nTZiZi- sWppeU in t&e Said Indies for these our kingdoms* and like* rantadgoni otro de- wise pou shall permit, So long as It shall be our tolll and plea= recho aiguno, ni ai- sure, the free lading of anp Such goods as map be taken to the cavala dela primera venta que della se biziere, e asy mismo que los que conpraren quales quier cosas para enbiar e llevar alas dicbas Yndias para proveymiento e sostenimiento deltas e deias gentes que enellas estovieren, non paguen derecho de almoxarifadgo ni aduana ni portadgo, ni almirantadgo ni otro derecho por el cargar deltas, mandamos dar esta nuestra carta para vos enla dieba razon por la qual vos mandamos a todos e a cada uno de vos cada e quando se truxieren y descargaren deias dicbas Yndias quales quier cosas a estos nuestros reynos que en quanto nuestra merged e voluntad fuere, los dexeys e consintays descargar las tales cosas que asy truxieren libre mente syn les llevar almoxarifadgo mayor ni menor ni aduana ni almirantadgo ni portadgo ni otros derechos algunos ni alcavala dela primera venta que se jiziere deias tales cosas que asy truxieren deias dicbas Yndias mostrando vos carta Jirmada de Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante deias dicbas Yndias o dela persona que toviere para ello su poder e dela persona o personas que por nos o por nuestros contadores mayores en nuestro nonbre estovieren enlas dicbas Yndias como aquellas cosas se cargaron enlas dicbas Yndias para estos nuestros reynos. E asy mismo dexeys libre mente cargar en quanto nuestra merged e voluntad fuere quales quier cosas que se llevaren alas 102 ^» ****** 1 / 'ZS ^sJTie .^P.l Q. U* - If . ^”S .-v 1 - - - ^ Ml JMi>^ft J>»|M .ss' aH.% ^ ***°* V <5T»«r*VN* » »» rr * x»/ v y»nfr<\Vcn »»vr« w ~ y - C^L* • *V *^^r.w+-?Tk> *“'- gsOrcSc ci l .^0 tf-P * vv? <^*^7r.w^^«|fe> j^{o-f-i C*% fl*v*^Vi>S ^?^4*noS ^ ^\>v% ot9*% ji ir*^^ 1 * > •VniS^ 1 ttjL_ Vi- Pm..«9 -ps- .w^'t-yr" • ^ ^p- P.^M-ts.vpk «Trt SV-K..^^^ fiJ5rc^-g^„. Pv9U«CrJjll^^^*'y’^ ^”*^ < S r ^‘^r'| - •*"•* c\ o ^A-So'rz: t^fp+™$9r#^i»L- Va 1 ^|/,g *£*&**€ v»P$ (WdlU. (J\j cjN% w^TrSf**** ^ U< V i/y %^Ot ♦ v tv$ ;>yC^, Cvd? rt§ 'V'rt^V^^oiOS ^ _ _ {J Q p^ / ^Vi J5? 1 ii7vH> wnT^jM^ :niix^ 9**y*& yti9tag jw« yw nrtWrn*? A Ovinhitcu «-t>QiU^ JVt PcU* ip^rn-S enj 114$ c|KnvC»-cn} gyn f%go i w/V wttfna , z(^i{VfB««w rS w~* “C»X rtjczj I ^'tv»"«jj P*l?*h»iVS oiCiVilJbwS iTB |l-krti*(|l^ m*>S «?&S; lit-**/ i •w If II /^ytt m«|K'iit frt^fK» 6 i»Srrti'tvS Wlo'&- ^ On - si «rfti »**»•* I . _ „ aW* (b *t"uj *g tfl 04 - 1 'rtS --|^iV tii| IH 4 Uii ^t«5vx fr£lM£. . .., Wd k A0V'^V rsiTefm^ (pip ll<"i<«? $\ |^vl!fflf»i|^ ol^m^a!i-»tmtn9,tm^ *V*?oSLv«S ’"‘^‘^’'CS*' JO .. „ l ^ c "JT "Tv£’“ k ec j i+r 0 , '’ So ^V''"^’ ti.^>/inr?> ^ ofU* *+t J- -p* V cvriti »» ftf-ig * 0\-^\ edllle anti Cadi?, anti of tlje ports? of that district* and toe command our puertos desa comar- chief accountants? to take tlje transcript of this our patent, and to place and ca. e mandamos aios record It In our books, and to endorse tins original patent and return It to tjj e nuestros contadores gat'd 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of tlje Indies, and that m mayores que tomen tlje accounts thep shall render from noto henceforth, as long as It shall be ei trasiado desta nu- our tolll and pleasure, of our Import and export-- duties, marfeet-tolls, road-. estra carta e lo pon- customs and otljer our dues, tljep sljall enter as excepted toljateber Is g an e asyenten enios conta j ne j, llt tfjt 0 our patent j and neither tlje one nor tlje ottjer of pou or them Sljall do contrary tljereto In anp manner, under pain of our displeasure and of ten thousand maradedls to our chamber to ederpone toljo shall do the midat'eia 'tornenai eontrarp. and further toe command the man toho shall Shoto tljls our patent dicho Don christovai t0 cite pou to appear before us In our court toljeresoeder toe map be, tolthln colon, nuestro Aimi- fifteen daps next follotolng the dap of citation, under tlje sat'd penaltp, under rante ’deias Yndias e toljlclj also toe command anp public scrtdcner toljo map be summoned for this queconios arendami- purpose to deltderto the person exhibiting It a certificate thereof signed tottlj entos que bizieren de JjlS signature, toherebp toe map knoto Ijoto our command is fulfilled. (Btden aquiadeianteenquan- in the cttp of Burgos, on the sixth dap of the month of Stf^ap In the pear of to nuestra merged e tlje natldltp of our »>adlour 3esus Christ one thousand four hundred and voiuntad fuere deios nt'netp=seden. 3! the Iking. 3 tlje^Dueen. 3>iFerdlnand £ldare? of Toledo, nuestros aimoxan- ^ecretarp of tlje Bing and of tlje ^Dueen our Hords, caused It to be torltten fadgos e aicavaias e then; command, In tlje form [requested]. (Branted, Iftoderlck 2Doctor. portadgos e aduanas j&egigtered, &lonso P>ere?. ifrancis 2Dla?, Chancellor. 7 (Bodernors, alcaldes, bailiffs, magistrates, knights, esquires, officers and C vndo P io contenido en men cities of £>edllle and Cadi?, and of the totons and places es t a nuestra carta e *&e poets of cticlc arcfjblsljopn'e and bishopric, and farmers, recelders, cus-- ios unosni los otros tomS*officers> toll'-collectots, customhouse officers, tlthe=collectors and other nonfagades ni fagan persons mentioned In this patent of tlje Iking and 3Dueen our Horos herein ende ai por aiguna torltten: »>ee tljls Sat'd patent of their highnesses, and fulfil It In all and manera so pena dela through all according to tlje form and manner therein contained. #nd their nuestra merged e de hlgljuesses command tljerebp, and let tt be understood, that for all the mer= diez mill maravedis cljandise tofjtch Sljall go from Andalusia or from anp other ports enjoptng para la nuestra cama- tljls Said exemption for the sat'd 3ndles securttp shall be glden to produce the ra acada uno que lo certificate and attestation of the said Admiral, or of anpone toljo Shull hade contrario fiziere. e jjfg authorltp, and of tlje person toljom tljet'r highnesses or their said chief demas mandamos ai accountants Shall hade nominated thereto ; and UketotSe the licences and cer-- omeque esta nuestra t ift cate 0 xofjlclj hade to be taken to the 3 ndtes or brought therefrom for the ZlLZZaZlares- S° ot,G Shall be taken or brought, Shall be signed bp tlje said Admiral, cades ante ^nos enia anpone toljo map hade Ijt's autljorltp, and bp the person toljom their nuestra carte do quier highnesses and tljet'r ctjlef accountants map nominate, bp both, and not bp one quenosseamosdeidia tottljouttfje other. Ht'kctot'Se be itunderstood that for tohat IS contained In this quevosenpiazarefas- patent neither ntonep noranpthingelset's to be taken Into account against the ta quinze dias prime- farmers, chief recetders, cttstoms^officers and other persons toljo hade or shall ros siguientes sola hade the charge of collecting and receldlng tlje redenues belonging to us In the dicha pena, sola quai said archbishopric of »>edllle and bishopric of Cadi?, either In tljls Said pear mandamos a quai or In anp pear from noto henceforth, as long as It shall be the tolll of their quier escrivanopubii- igijnesses tljat toljat t's contained In tljls their said patent Should be In force co quepara esto fuere an j, obserded. 3nd although It Saps tljat this exemption is to be obSerded iiamado que de ende f rom present pear, be It understood tljat It IS to be obserded from ai que vos la mostrare ^ j, a p 0 f 3 anuarp of the coming pear ntnetp-efght, and from that time testimonio signado f or ^ oar j 3> agi a ffore 0 a iD, a nd not before. »>tetoard, 3ohu Hope?, iFerdtnand nos Zepamos eZcomo ®°ntes, 3 oljn hurtado S^ontoro, Horn's f>ere?, ^eter de &rbolanctja. se cunple nuestro mandado. Dadaenla fibdad de Burgos, seys dias del mes de mayo,ano del nasfimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofientos e noventa e siete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvarez de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores , lajiz escrevir por su mandado, enla forma. Acordada, Rodricus Doctor. Registrada, Alonso Perez. Francisco Diaz Chan filler. Corregidores, alcaldes, alguaziles, regidores, cavalleros, escuderos, ojif tales e omes buenos deias fibdades de Sevilla e Caliz, e deias villas e logares delos puertos de su Arfobispado e Obispado, e arendadores e recabdadores, almoxaryfes e portadgueros, aduaneros e dezmeros e las otras personas enesta carta del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Senores desta parte escrita contenidas ved esta dicha carta de sus Altezas e cunplidla en todo e por todo segund e por la forma e manera que enella se contiene e sus Altezas por ella lo mandan e sea entendido que todas las mercaderyas que fueren del Anda- luzia o de otros quales quier puertos gozando de esa dicha franqueza para las dichas Yndias, ban de dar seguridad que traheran testimonio e fe del dicho Almirante o de quien su poder oviere e dela persona que por sus Altezas o los dichos sus contadores mayores para ello ovieren seiialado eso mesmo las lifenfias e fees que se ban de llevar alas Yndias o traher deltas deias cosas que se llevar en o truxieren ban de ser firmadas del dicho Almirante o de quien su poder oviere e dela persona que sus Altezas e sus contadores mayores nonbraren, de anbos e no del uno syn el otro. Ansy mesmo, se entienda que por lo en esta dicha carta contenido non se ha de refibir en cuenta maravedis ni otras cosas algunas alos arendadores e recabdadores mayores e almoxarifes e otras personas que tienen o tovieren cargo de coger e recabdar las rentas a nos pertenesfientes enel dicho Arfobispado de Sevilla e Obispado de Caliz este dicho ano ni dende en ade- lante en ningund ano quanto fuere la voiuntad de sus Altezas que dure e se guarde lo enesta dicha su carta contenido. E como quiera que dize que esta dicha franqueza se ha de guardar dessde este dicho presente aho sea entendido que ha de ser guardada desde primero dya de enero del aho venidero de noventa e ocho ahos e dende en adelante segund dicho es e no antes. Mayordomo Juan Lopez, Fernand Gomes, Juan Hurtado Montoro, Luys Perez, Pedro de Arbolancha. DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la grafui de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon, de 106 Jgott jferDtnanb anb SDonna Isabella, w grace of (Bod l&t'ng and 3Dtteen of Castile, 3Leon, flVWWW'J-m* Ul alvcn rc« Cn»0* WM-SIT* ' T" frty.v ptfip'n^ d nf.iv Cj]’^?n^lrt fvrn^rtWryO 3on Hj»on*\ ^lcfl*iw?^l«W‘i*»nK «k!*W vnV* 1 ^ ()V<| * * M ^«Lgn?Lsu1«.t^J*%rifrtb*p>3 ill- rtf «*•»**;»* iH* 5al£t«M i^ikSo-^n- r&tcfT Will m7*4^r.»!..n7U n»«« rt J^ot5Atn0^ mitn^itnO^Al0M( <| f|n»m(ir« rc|nt»^ ttnf n^ciiUm^iVtA t^4mDVV rv «itii m.*jp to iSWrtreO fWt«biilV Vrtr»» crtv'fnCZ cuSritl .jVaiil*twc*(Virrt~^ -txO^ (£?UZ^mrt* ivn fn fi£«olxvz. i| no£(W»»«** art mcf rt wrtVO mio a4mtr»traftrtr* *Vi)ro fitl tutors iKhS.lv ffimll^ wi?/5 itimc nhi & ' , -£**-• »«v.^ 'X 2 npip%, 3* ♦ flU mfoy m n>nmaTrf» m Oto+i a^vc ifo ii ttcnc(0 ttwcxc (Ta*^ aw^rx^ ^VrnKUx t a £ -££*4o*J“ .n\l}ai?yn &t*$. "twiii>4 fttUn>nVfff«m (JlirotlU ri^n (1*114$ jj f ;, ^ utV> CcnOTLC* C£, -^twtc$ C“C4 H n; diu^ tfl^aracllp rtVfwo5m*mJ>rtttcmpltf aUt>W;4 futi^crnvft 3 tfl nAtr»rri0tano and (Bojiano, tlje members of our council, auditor of our chamber, alcalde0 and bailiff0 of our ljou0eljold, court and chancerp, and to all cott nctllor0, ju0tice0, magt'0trate0, bnigljtc, e0quire0, officer and pod men of all tlje citie0, totono and place0 of our fia, de Jaben, delos bingdom0 and domtnion0,a0 toell ropal a0 abbattal, and memticr0 of order0 Algarves,deAlgezira, and of free=toton0, and anp other per0on0 tofjont0oeber, our ba00al0, 0ub'- * Gibraltar e deias ject0 and denijen0 toljom tlje content0 of tlji'0 our patent touclje0 and com ysias de Canaria, cern0, and to each and ebcrp one of poti to toljom tlji0 our patent, or tlje condes de Barcelona tran0ctipt thereof 0igned bp a public 0 cribener,map be 0ljoton, health and pace* %noto pe that toe Ijabe commanded 2Don Cfjti0topljer Columbu0, our admiral of tlje flDcean, to return to tlje inland of l£i0paniola and to tlje otljer I0land0 and mainland toljiclj are In tlje 0atd '3ndle0, and to attend to the conber0lon and 0ettlement thereof, becau0e tljerebp our 3Lord (Bod t '0 0erbed, ljl0 Ijolp faltlj lncrea0ed, and our bingdom 0 extended • and for tljat ZZ^aZZeGodano- purpo0e toe Ijabe commanded certain be00el0 and carabel0 to be equipped, ai „ s deinuestro c on - tn tofjicfj are going certain people paid for a certain time, and to'ctttal0 and se j 0 e oydores deia probi0ion0 for them* and fora0muclj a0 tljo0e per 0 on 0 are not 0ufficient nuestra abdienda,ai- to mabe tlje 0aid 0ettlement, 00 a0 to perform (Bod’0 0erbice and our0, cables e alguaziles unle00 otljer per 0 on 0 p to dtoell, lilac and 0 erbe tljere at tljeir oton e;cpen 0 e, dela nuestra casa e toe, toilling to probide tljerefor, to tlje end tljat a0 toell tlje 0aid conber-- corte e cbanfilleria e 0 ion and 0 ettlement map be carried out, a 0 tljat toe map 0ljoto clemencp and a todos los con<;ejos e pitp totoard0 our 0ubject0 and deni?en 0 , do command tlji '0 our patent to be justidas, regidores, giben to tljat effect, toljerebp, of our oton motion and certain bnotoledge, toe cavaiieros,escuderos, tofll and ordain tljat all and toljat0oeber per0on0, men and toomen, our °f dales e omes bue- 0ubject0 and denipn0 toljo map Ijabe committed, until tlje dap of tlje publi- cation of tlji0 our patent, anp mtirder0 and blood-- 0 fjedding 0 or anp otljer crime0 of totjat0oeber 0ort or bind tljep map be, except ljere0p, le?e=maje 0 tp, perduellione0, trea0on, di0lopaltp, murder committed bp fire or 0toord, uttering ba0e coin, or 0odomp, or 0 ljall Ijabe taben out of our bingdom 0 coin, or gold, or 01 'lber, or otljer tljing0 bp 110 prohibited, and toljo 0ljall tdVs e otras quaies go and 0erbe in per0on in tlje inland of %0paniola, and 0erbe tljerein qu ier personas nues- at tljeir oton co0t, and attend to tljo0e tljing0 toljiclj tlje 0atd Admiral tros vasallos, subdi- 0fjall tell and command tljem on our behalf ; tljo0e toljo habe incurred tos e naturales a the penaltp of death, for ttoo pear0, and tljo0e toljo Ijabe incurred anp quien toca e atahe lo other le00er penaltp than death, then though it map be the 1000 of a limb, enesta nuestra carta for one pear ; map be pardoned for anp crime0 and mi0dced0 of toljat* contemdo, e a cada 0oeber 0 ort, bind and enormitp toljiclj thep map Ijabe done and com= mitted until the dap of the publication of tlji0 our patent, toitlj tlje e;rccp= tion of tlje ca 0 e 0 abobe-mentioned, upon being pre0ented before the 0atd 2Don Chri0topljer £olumbu0, our Admiral of tlje £>cean, in tlje pre0ence , „ , , of a public 0cribener, from tlje dap of tlje date of thi0 our patent until fdvaZTubiico LZ the end of tlje month of September nect follotoing, in order tljat tljep Sepadesque map go toith tlje 0aid Admiral to tlje 0atd inland of l£i0paniola, and nos avemosmandado to the otljer t'0land0 and mainland of the 0aid 3]ndie0, and 0erbe tljere-- in for the tofjole of the 0aid term, in toljatcber the 0aid Admiral 0ljall command them for our 0erbice a0 afore 0 aid* Sind after tljep habe thu0 been pre0ented, thep 0 hall go to tlje 0aid i0land0 and mainland, 1 que buelva ala ysla Espaiiola e alas otras ysias e tierra Jirme que son enlas dichas Yndias e entienda enla conversion e pobladon dellas, porque desto Dios nuestro Senor es servido e su santa fe acregentada e nuestros reynos ensanchados, e para ello avemos man- dado armar d^ntos navios e caravelas en que va fierfrt gente pagada por d et 'lo tienpo e bastimentos e mante- nimientos para ella, e por quanto aquello no puede abastar para que se haga la dicha pobladon como ample a ser- vido de Dios e nuestro, s_y no van otras gentes que enellas esten e bivan e syrvan a sus costas, e nos queriendo proveher sobre ello, asy por lo que cunple ala dicha conversyon e pobladon como por usar de clemendia e piedad con nuestros subditos e naturales, mandamos dar esta nuestra carta enla dicha razon,por la qual de nuestro propio motuo e derta d en G a queremos e hordenamos que todas e quaies quier personas varones e mugeres nuestros sub- ditos e naturales que ovieren cometido fasta el dia dela puhhcadion desta nuestra carta, quaies quier muertes e feridas o otros quaies quier delitos de qual quier natura e calidad que sean, egebto la eregia o lege magestatis o perdu- liones o traydon o aleveo muerte segura ofecha confuego o con saeta o crymen de falsa moneda o de sodomia o ovieren sacado moneda o oro o plata o otras cosas por nos vedadas fuer a de nuestros reynos, que fueren a servir en persona ala ysla Espaiiola e syrvieren enella a sus propias costas e syrvieren enlas cosas que el dicho Almirante les dixere e mandare de nuestra parte, los que meresderen pena de muerte por doss aiios e los que merederen otra pena menor que non sea muerte aunque sea perdimiento de mienbro por tin ano Sean perdonados de quaies quier crimines e delitos de qual quier natura e calidad e gravedad que sean que ovieren f echo e cometido fasta el dia dela public adon de esta nuestra carta, efebto los casos suso dichos, presentados ante el dicho Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante del mar o^eano ante escrivano publico desde oy dela data desta nuestra carta fasta en fin del mes de setienbre primero que viene, para que puedan yr conel dicho Almirante ala dicha ysla Espaiiola e alas otras ysias e tierra Jirme deias dichas Yndias, e servir enellas por todo el dicho tienpo, enlo que el dicho Almirante les man- dare, cunplideras a nuestro servido como dicho es. E asy presentados fueren alas dichas ysias e tierra Jirme 109 ( 2 uno e qual quier de vos a quien esta nu- estra carta fuere mo- strada o el traslado della signado de es- crivano publico, salud a Don Christoval Co- lon nuestro Almi- rante del mar opeano e estovieren enel dicho servifio con- tinua mente por todo el dicho tienpo tra- yendo carta patente jirmada del dicho Almirante e signada de escrivano publico, en que den fe como servieron los tales delinquentes enlas dichas yslas, o en qual quier deltas por todo el dicho tienpo sean perdonados, e por la presente de nuestro propiomotuo e fierta sfienfia los perdonamos de todos los dichos delitos que asy ovieren fecho e cometido fasta el dia dela publication de esta dicha nuestra carta, como dicho es, e que dende en ade- lante non puedan ser acusados por los dichos delitos ni por ninguno dellos, ni se profeda, ni pueda ser profedido contra ellos ni contra sus bienes por nuestrasjustifas a crimen ni a pena alguna f evil nin creminal a pedimi- ento de partes, ni de su ojifio ni de otra manera alguna, ni puedan ser esecuta- das enellos ni en sus bienes las sentenfias que contra ellos son o fueren dadas las quales nos por esta nuestra carta revoca- mos e damos por and gball remain in the gaid gerbtce continually for the tobole of t|>e gat'd term, taking a letter patent gt'gned bp the gaid Admiral and attegted by a public gcribener, certifying that guclj delinquentg, bating gerbed in tbe gaid tglandg, or in any one of them, foe tbe toljole of tlje gaid term, may be par= boned; and by tbege pregentg,of our oton motion and certain knowledge, toe pardon them for all tbe gaid crimeg tobicb they babe tbug done and committed until tbe day of tbe pub- lication of tljig our gaid patent, ag it tg aforegaid ; and from tbencefortoard they gljall not be liable to be arraigned for tbe gaid crimeg, nor for any one of them, nor gball pro= ceedingg be taken, nor are they liable to proceedingg, agatngt them, or agatngt tljetr property, by our j'ugticeg, for crime or for any cibil or criminal penalty, either at tlje tngtance of partteg or in birtue of tbeir (tbe j'ugticeg’) office, or in any other manner ; neither can there be execution agatngt them, or agatngt tbeir goodg, of the judgmentg tobicb are or gball be delibered agatngt them, and toljtclj toe, by tljig our patcnc, reboke and declare to be botd and of no effect and baltdity after the gaid gerbtce bag been completed* Sind toe command the gat'd Admiral of tlje Jndt'eg, and any other pergong tobo gball repregent ug in the gaid Jndteg, to alloto the free de- parture of tljoge tobo gball babe tljug gerbed the term tobicb they are bound to gerbe, according to the tenor of tljig our patent, and not to detain them in any manner* and, by tbig our patent, toe command tlje tnemberg of our council, auditorg of our chamber, alcaldeg of our court and chancery, and all goberttorg and other j'ugticeg tobomgoeber of all the ettieg, totong and placegofour ktngdomg and domtniong to obgerbe and fulfil, and to cauge to be obgerbed and fulfilled, tbig our patent of pardon and remiggton, and tobat tg contained tbere= in, and each clauge and part thereof, in all and through all, according to tobat tg contained therein; and in obgerbt'ngand fulfilling it they gball not proceed agatngt gucb pergong ag gljall babe thug gerbed in the gaid ^ndtegfor any crime tobicb they may babe done or committed, excepting in the cageg aforegaid, either at the tngtance of partteg or in birtue of tbeir office, or in any other manner, nor grant execution agatngt tljetr pergong or goodg by reagon of gucb crimeg ; and if any procecOinggarealreadytakenorjudgmentggtbenagaingt them, tljey gball rebokeand bold tljern ag botd, for toe by tbege pregentg of our gat'd certain knotoledge do from noto henceforth reboke, ningunas e de nin- gund efecto e valor, cunplido el dicho servifo, e mandamos al dicho Almirante delas Yndias, e a otras quales quier personas que por nos estovieren enlas dichas Yndias que dexen libre mente venir alos que asy ovieren servido el tienpo que son obligados de servir segund el tenor desta nuestra carta, e que no los detengan en manera alguna. E por esta nuestra carta mandamos alos del nu- estro consejo e oydores dela nuestra abdienfia, alcaldes dela nuestra corte e chanfilleria, e a todos los coregidores e otras justifias quales quier de todas las f ibdades e villas e logares delos nuestros reynos e senorios que esta nuestra carta de perdon e remision, e lo enella contenido e cada una cosa e parte dello guarden e cunplan e fagan guardar e conplir ei todo e por todo segun que enella se contiene, e en guardandola e cunpliendola, no profedan contra los tales que asy ovieren servido enlas dichas Yndias por ningunt delito que ovieren fecho ni cometido, efebto enlas cosas suso dichas a pedimiento de parte ni de su ofifio ni de otra manera alguna ni las exsecuten en sus personas ni bienes por razon delos tales delitos, e sy algunos pro- fesos contra ellos estan /echos o sentenfas dadas lo revoquen o den por ningunas, que nos por la presente dela dicha nuestra fierta sfienfia desde agora para estonfes lo revoca- IIO (lie * 4* $w#? *vW*> 0#rw? £*r^s$ ^Sr&vfc* «? fwtpWf (jMjfr &-CC*r& ^ifxAxft* C&&P \-y* (§***+* ^K^N'n-p' Jb jvro < y»‘D < p^o wn>tri<> (Jl yn.W pu f tl$ &>$ 4 5^<'+vS ci «lS^ 0^C**c'^+*££'* »t y? mi Ji* C ffrt • >^'A? (V Kwt? ChS\ ^fffw— Itv «^- ii_ yos ft* a.^S* JH^s ?'-Jt2r' O »^*<3**> r« ^7$ l w | ' +*v^* M4 ^liptiM^* i»Mjl WHi ^i’ »?tTrt *»Mi»Hj dltrW S*t£c»t«it7V»M nw«» cU<& {p+fri*ere+* £Mi>d3 1«%$ kv m>$ !j^2. l »n»* wl »i( Co$ *-,iCrS rt ,% ^y^jcrC*t 0fri C frn+% ^0~Z. V*| (pwr ^Jrfl^hP £? «^r^v * fr- (V*/ ’ [0^*47^^ CT^? 4 iy c>^rrwV*^ fw &£*>$ A&3~* &<* (11 fiy il^p^oiS n irO&ci fH ^ , -eiSg efl^JLM rX — “n ' T 1 **** P'iSn fi £e «(^m>itW k • rf *W£* t»vc*w>£ &>$ *> f ^S » »»K4U tfp* AS w» /mrJift A* ^*'*5’ t**5i GX* w *♦ rt rrt ^N^wVX"* fo i\^i*r jVr .t x4^\ )Q^ (TTV'^cS* iirrt (S* (if »*i )Jm;C I* r(*»^ A> CS d*»^r- v . - - ^ vr —"• **^xy: c< * y x hJ x •****vfcv&« M v |^* v -~ 4/ V"£ ”+rt~K)wv$ *»3Vl?^ S\ ’ A <$*&^*+* <*rr^WZ^ &»*&£<& ► I I $«s2> jl^**/^* wS-lSpA^S d^^Un’V £&/& Uy9&-g 0-f-r.V* Is GVf. V* kd&s^gjii . iTs i rr ~ rrtr.%^4tW/ mvjV'*^ Jf***™ £>>ball bo tlje contrarp* and further toe command tlje man toljo Shall Sljoto tljlS our , „ patent to cite pou to appear before us In our court, toljereso'- e * in t f*?°. d f opueda ebertoe map be, tottjjin fifteen daps nert foUobjing the dap of p m e anda mJ que sea pregonado publica mente por las plazas e mercados e otros logares acostunbra- dos, e los unos ni los otros non fagades ni mos, casamoseanula- mos e damos por nin- gunos e restituymos alos dichos delinquen- tes en su buena fama e enel punto e estado en que estevan antes que oviesen feebo e cometido los dichos delitos. E por que lo susodicho sea notorio ynoranfia , . . . u w 111 n •vt r I n i/M r\ citation, under the Said penaltp ; under toblclj also toe com= ntand anp public scrlbener tobo map be Summoned for this purpose to gibe to tlje man tobo Shall Shobo It to pou a certlfi= cate hereof signed toltfj bte Signature, so tljat Voemap knobo hobo our command is fulfilled* (Blben In the tobon of Medina del Campo, on tlje ttoentp^second dap of tlje month of 31tme, Jagan ende al por al- ln the pear of the natlbttp of our »>abtour lesus Christ one guna tnanera sopena thousand four hundred and ntnetp'-Sebcn. 31 tlje iking. 31 del , a ” uestr(l mer ( ed the <©ueen. % f erdlnand aibares of Toledo, ^ecretarp of leLlZ^UnuesZa tlje Iking and of tlje Cmeen ourHords, caused It to be torltten cama ra a cada uno bp their command. Granted, Roderick 2Doctor. IfteglS; tered, SDoctor. francls 2Dlaj, Chancellor* que lo contrario hi- ziere. E de mas man- damos al ome que esta nuestra carta mostrare que vos en- IJort jFeririnant) anti 3Donna Isabella, bp the grace of (Bod Iking and £Dueen of Castile, Heon, p “Z zca ?/l dragon, Sucllp, (Branada, Toledo, Valencia, (Ballcla, 9l£alorca, ^ »>ebllle, Sardinia, Cordoba, Corsica, SK-ktrcta, 3oen, tlje ebllle, and those o algunas personas, toho Shall conbep them to the said chanceries are to deltder asy varones como them to our alcaldes thereof; and those toho shall be con-. mugeres, de nuestros t0 t | je pn^an of »>ebllle are to be dellbered to out reynos,ovierencome- ^gtgtant, at the erpense of Such condemned persons If thep quai quie?Z7it7 n 0 an P an & t[ W l J ate no thep are to be paid deiitos por que mere- for out of the moneps arising from the fines of our chamber* Sind toe command our Said justices So to perform and fulfil It, as contained abobe, and the councils of all the cities, totons and places of our kingdoms to gibe them for such purpose aiguna 'yliTe para all tlje Support and assistance thep map require* #nd If labrar o servir enlos anp other persons Shall Ijabe committed and shall commit metales, que los des- terreys que vayan a estar e servir enia dicba ysla Espanoia, enias cosas que el dicho nuestro Aimirante delas Yndias les dixere e mandare por el tienpo que avian de estar enia dicba ysla e lavor de metales, e asy mismo todas las otras personas que fueren culpantes en deiitos que non merescanpena demuerte, seyendo tales los deiitos que justa mente seles pueda dar destierro para las dichas Yndias , segund la calidad delos deiitos, los condeneys e desterreys para la dicba ysla Espanoia, para que esten alii efagan lo que por el dicho Aimirante les fuere mandado por el tienpo que a vos otros paregiere. E alos que fasta aqui teneys condenados e condenardes de aqui adelante servyr alas dichas ysias e los tovierdes presos, los enbieys presos a buen recabdo a una delas nuestras cargeles delas nuestras abdiengias de Valladolid o Cibdat Real o ala cargel real de Sevilla, e los entreguen los que los llevaren alas dichas cbangillerias alos nuestros alcaldes deltas, e los que se llevaren ala cargel de Sevilla se entreguen al nuestro asystente, a costa delos tales condenados sy tovieren bienes, e sy bienes non tovieren se paguen a costa delos maravedis delas penas de nuestra camara. E man- damos alas dichas nuestras justigias que asy lo fagan e cunplan segun de suso se contiene, e alos congejos de todas las gibdades e villas e logares de nuestros reynos, que les den para ello todo el fabor e ayuda que menester ovieren. E sy otras algunas personas ovieren cometido e cometieren 1 14 scan o devan ser des- terrados segund de- recbo e leyes de nu- estros reynos para "X f _ a jt> rt 5r^ H,r ^ * v *?* £?,%*•&(** (It rt ^.V> ^W* .1 mjtrtpr^ &K»* ^Vt^jWnviikl ^-(Jri.%, jfcHf ^ v~-* A, 2* fi«* r «* £®‘"*|« c~0>3 «« J& S e*4ssf»''f» <*(• ^«««a 'Hsly«tr*Zmi?3 cvwj»^^v(5v!,«-{r<^ rrt4\^^Vw?- »*«£ ^ W^g (^y<»rr^ S &b? S*£ iar^ ■SCV rtwy wj *)’ 1 C*t U V • ft* ’ *n4^1**4 JJC «i^»» [\VV ^ 4^> ***&& '5ll*w|») muhJl'i k*»|»(»^i? Jr*<* J2: ^ £* *+<*’♦»»»$ (i^M«t r$ A't^fir^^CVfirC'M J$r&~T*ihz *3^0 *$ tj>****vS &*>•-* f»» »*^*9>iA J\) M< t?MitH)«Ji *p?9' , | U^^X)abtour 31e0u0 Cljct0t one tljou0anb four hunbreb anb ninetp= pena dela nuestra 0eben* 31 the l&ing* 31 the 3Dueen* % jferbinanb aibare0 mer f ede dediezmin ofWebo, »>ecretarp of tlje I&ing anb of tlje <2Dueen our 3Lotb0, cau0eb it to be toritten bp tljeir commanb* 2Don aibaro* C ada uno que io con - dftranteb, Eobericfe 2Doctor* Eegt0tereb, 3Doctor* jfranct'0 trario hiziere. E 2Diau Chancellor* demas mandamos al 1 ome que esta nuestra carta mostrare que . ¥ vosenplazequeparez- ISUrtS and tl )t jUltCCtt* cades ante nos enla nuestra corte do Count tie Ctfuentes.our cl)tef£>tant>artH q JlZr~Z Bearer anb &00i0tant of the citp of »>cbtlle: flflle are 0enbtng Pj azare .f asta anc *™0 of (Uallabollb or Clubab l&eal, anb bp an? otfjec nados for los presi- Pbernor0 anb ju0ttce0 of our 0atb felngbom0, 0ball be 0ent dentes e oydores e to pou, pou are to recelbe them anb beep them prt0oner0 in alcaides deias nues- gafe cu0tobp until pou bellber them to our &bmtral of tfje 3m r rt ?/ Ms* *!)* ^c^an, or, in bl£ absence, to the person tobo on out Real e l por ’ quaies all babe the charge of attenbmg to the affairs of tbe quier otros corregi- 0alb 3nble0, anb to the peroon tobo 0ballbe appotnteb for that dores e justifias de- purpo0ebp the 0aib abmlral; anb tbeptolllbemanb them from ios dichos nuestros p 0U t^en the be00el0 are reabp to 0et out on tbetr bopage to bays° S e q Tos Bengal's £ aid l ndle & at tot)icl) 0aib time pou are to 0enb anb be= presos a buen recabdo liber them ober on boarb the 0alb be00el0 m tlje 0afb Cltp of fasta que los entre- »>ebtlle or in tlje citp of CLabl^, totjetcber tlje 0atb be00cl0 0i)aU gueys ainuestro 4i- be toaltlng to bepart, a0 pd0oner0 In 0afe cu0tobp, In the pre= d^mar olZ^oTn * ence of a ^ibener anb bntne 00 e 0 , recelbtng an acfcnotolebg- SM absent ala per- merit anb 0ecurltp from tbe ma0ter0 of 0uclj be00el0 that tbep sona que por nos to- totll conbep tljem a0 pn'0oner0 In. 0afe cu0tobp until tbep be> viere cargo del pro- utier them to the 0alb £bmiralorto tbeper0on toljombemap veymiento deias cosas appoint t0 receibe them m the 0atb l 0 lanb of ^i'0panlola, anb / aia ( 'person a que f fJ at dnn 5 dacfe a certificate anb atte0tatlon that tbep para ello estoviere babe been conbepeb anb belibereb, anb that tbep remalneb In puesta por ei dkho tlje 0a(b I0lanb* 8nb tlje erpen0e tobtclj 0ball be tncurreb Aimir ante, ios quaies untl 'i tbep are belibereb on boarb tbe 0alb be00el0 pou are to Ziios^aiTieZpo P q Z tm $ z t0 de P^blbeb anb palb out of tbe goob0 of 0uclj com tovieren prestos ios bemneb per0on0, anb, if tljep po00e00 no goob0, cau0e it to be navios para partir e probibeb anb pat'b out of tlje monep anting from tbe fine0 of f“ zer 5 “ j ia J e a ias our chamber-, anb pou 0ljall not bo contrarp hereto* 2Donem dZhTtiZlZZsZe- toton o£ S^fma del Campo, on the ttoentp^econb bap of los dad e entregad the month of 3une In the pear nmetp=0eben* 31 the Bing* 3 dentro enlos dichos the dBueem Bp commanb of the l&tng anb 3E*ueen, iferblnanb navios enla dicha fib- £lbare0* dad de Sevilla o enla Zf)e Ming anb the Hueen. jFor tbe settlement of tbe ts* lanb0 anb mafnlanb bt'0cobereb In the <©cean, anb for conbeplng probt0ton0 to the per0on0 tobo are anb 0ball be there, anb for bt'0coberlng other lanb0 or bringing from thence tobateber mercljanbl0e0 0ball be founb, It tot'll be nece00arp to freight 0ome 0btp0 or carabel0 anb maestres delos tales navios que los llevaran asy presos e a buen recabdo fasta los entregar al dicho Almirante o ala persona que el nonbrare para lo refibir dentro enla dicha ysla Espanola e que traeran fee e testimonio de como los llevo e entrego e quedaron enla dicha ysla. E la costa que se hiziere fasta los entregar enlos dichos navios fazed cunplir e pagar delos bienes delos tales con- denados , e sy non tovieren bienes fased lo cunplir e pagar delos maravedis deias penas de nuestra camara, e non fagades ende al. Fecha enla villa de Medina del Canpo, a veynte e doss dias del mes de junio de noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela fibdad deCaliz donde quier que los dichos navios estovieren prestos para partir presos e a buen re- cabdo por ante escri- vano e testigos refi- biendo conosfimiento e seguridad delos Reyna , Fernand Alvares. El Rey e la Reyna. Para la poblagion deias yslas e tierra firme descubiertas enel mar ofeano e para llevar mantenimiento alas personas que alia estan e ovieren de estar, e para descobrir otras tierras o traher de alia quaies quier mercaderias que se fallaren sera menester fleytar algunas naos o caravetas e 1 1 8 - j|'»tW *»*m^ «dp? (j«MCf rf - /l ebille and Bishopric of Cadij, and each of pou: flflle command pou tljat from tlje grain doljiclj doe hold in tljis said archbishopric, of tlje thirds belonging to us, pou permit and allodo 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of tlje 9n= dies, or the person doljom lje Shall Send doitlj a letter subscribed doitlj Ijttf name, to take freelp and lade on board ship fitie hun- dred and fiftp caljices of doljeat and fiftp caljices of barlep, for the dictualling and prodision of tlje islands of tlje 9ndicS. and pou are to allodo him to take tlje said grain doitljin fide months nert ensuing, reckoning from tlje dap of tlje making of tljis our bill, in as manp journeps as lje map please doitljin tlje said term, prodided tljat at each j'ournep lje is to register and shall register, in the presence of an alcalde and tdoo others of pou and a scribener, on tlje dorse of tljis our grant, Ijodo much he takes, so that Ije map not take more tljan tlje said fide hundred and fiftp caljices of doljeat and fiftp caljices of barlep; and for the said grain doe command pou not to demand or ledp anp zv- port=dues or other dues, Since it is our doill and pleasure that dare quales quier na- vios e caravelas e otras fustas para los tales viajes que vos veades los navios e fustas que oviere me- nester e dedes forma conlos duenos dellos que gelos Jteyten a pregios razonables, segund a vos pare- giere que just a mente gelos deven jleytar, e tengays manera que los duenos e maestres dellos vayan conlos dicbos navios, lo mas syn agravio e per- juizio delas partes que ser pueda que por la presente vos damos para ello po- der cunplido. Fecba enla villa de Medina del Canpo a veynte e dos dias del mes de Junio de mill e quatrogientos e noventa e syete anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. El Rey e la Reyna. Alcaldes de sacas e cosas vedadas, dezmeros e portadgueros e guardas del Argobispado de Sevilla e obispado de Cadiz, e a cada uno de vos, nos vos mandamos que del pan que nos tenemos en ese dicho argobispado, delas terras a nos pertenegientes dexedes e consentades libre mente sacar e cargar por la mar a Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante delas Yndias o ala persona que enel enviare con su carta firmada de su nonbre, quinientos e ginquenta cahizes de trigo e ginquenta cabizes de p evada para bastimento e proveymiento delas yslas delas Yndias, el qual dicho pan le dexad sacar dentro de ginco meses primeros siguientes contando desde oy dia dela fecba desta nuestra g edula , en quantos caminos el quisyere e dentro del dicho termino , tanto que en cada camino aya de registrar e registre por ante un alcalde e dos de vos otros e un escrivano enlas espaldas desta nuestra p edula lo que sacare, por que non pueda sacar mas delos dicbos quinientos e p inquenta cahizes de trigo e p inquenta cabizes de Nevada, del qual dicbo pan vos mandamos que non le demandedes ni llevedes derechos algunos de saca ni otros derechos algunos, por quanto nuestra merged, e voluntad es que 121 k los non pague, por que el dicho pan es nuestro, e lo manda- tnos llevar para cosas de nuestro servigio, lo qual vos mandamos que lo fagades e cun- plades asy , syn le po- ner enbargo ni con- trario alguno. E non fagades ende al so pena dela nuestra merged e de dies mill maravedis para la nuestra camara e fisco a cada uno que lo contrario hiziere. Fecha enla villa de Medina del Canpo a veynte e doss dias del mes de junio de no- venta e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por man- dado del Rey e dela Reyna , Fernand Al- vares. Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. FRANCISCO de Soria logar teniente de nuestro Almirante mayor de Castilla, nos vos mandamos que dedes e fagades dar a Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante del mar ogeano un traslado abtori- zado en manera que faga fe de quales quier cartas de mer- ged e previllejos e conjirmagiones que el dicbo Almirante mayor de Castilla tiene del dicho cargo e ofigio de Almirante, por donde el e otros por el lleven e se co- tje t0 not to pap them-, for tfje said grain is ours, anti toe ace commanding it to be tafcen for our serblce: and toe command pou 00 to perform and fulfil It, toi'tpout placing anp obstacle or Impediment In bl0 toap* and pou shall not act contrary hereto under pain of our dl0plea0ure and of ten thousand mara= bedls to our chamber and trea0urp to each per0on toljo stall do tlje contrarp. 2Done In the totonof Medina del Campo, on tlje ttoentp^Second dap of tlje month of June, In the pear ntnetp= Seben* 3 tlje l&lng. 3 the 3Dueen* Bp command of the Iking and of the 3Kueen, jferdtnand aibares* Granted. Cpe l&tng and tpe £Jueen. jprancts de Sorta, lieutenant of out *** ^Igh admiral of Ca0tlle : Qflle command pou to gibe and cau0e to be glben to 3Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of tlje €>cean, a transcript, authenticated so as to obtain credence, of toljateber patents of fabour and prlblleges and confirmations the Said ^Iglj admiral of Castile holds of the Said charge and office of admiral, toljerebp hd and others on IjtS behalf, map lebp and collect the dues and other things pertaining to him In tlje said charge ; for toe habe granted to the Said 2Don Christopher Columbus tljat hf map habe and enjop In tlje aomlraltp of tlje Jndles the fabours, honours, prerogatlbes, liberties, dues and salaries toljtclj our said ^igh admiral has, holds and enjops In the admlraltp of Castile* and this do and fulfil as soon as pou shall be required under tljlS our letter, tolthout Interposing anp excuse or delap ; and Should pou not so do and fulfil It, toe command our assistant and otljer justices of the dtp of »>ebllle to constrain and force pou So to do and fulfil tt* and neither pou nor thep Shall do com trarp hereto* 2Done In' the cltp of Burgos, on the ttoentp=thlrd dap of tlje month of aprtl, In the pear ntnetp=seben* 3 the Hung* J the £Dueen* Bp command of tlje Iking and of the ^Dueen, jferdtnand aibares* (Branted* Cpe I&tng and tbe jHueen. these presents toe gtPe licence and autljorltp to pou 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of the €>cean, that pou map be able to tafce and do take Into pap jan los derechos e otras cosas a el pertenegientes conel dicho cargo, por que avemos fecho merged al dicho Don Christoval Colon que aya e goze delas mergedes e honrras e prerrogativas e libertades e derechos e salaries enel almirantadgo delas Yndias que ha e tiene e goza el dicho nuestro Almi- rante mayor enel almirantadgo de Castilla, lo qual based e conplid luego como fuerdes requerido con esta nuestra carta, syn que enello pongays escusa ni dilagion alguna, e sy asy non lo hizierdes e cunplierdes, mandamos al nuestro asystente e a otras justigias dela gibdad de Sevilla que vos conpelan e apremien alo asy hazer e cunplir. E non fagades ni fagan ende al. Fecha enla gibdad de Burgos a veynte e tress dias del mes de abril de noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. § POR la presente damos ligengia efacultad a vos Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar ogeano para que podays tomar e tomeys a sueldo 1 22 V >v(l? n « H|^ w jv s ji fe 2 |«?TV f yiagtes I »t$ O'* r 4 Vl * (fl „ gp«£ M <£\* $ “Z&*+ 0 — _ *Ce q ?+•*» 4$ i r- V* 1 *'T* 5 d| M^S (^A-*i ^^•><5^ ^X \ eynte ubra- anp of tlje 0ald occupation or per0on0, bp lncrea0lng tlje dares de oro. fin- nttmber of 0otne and bp diminishing othec0, pou map do 00, g«e»<« labradores, a 0 pou 0ljall 0ee and percelbe to be be0t for our 0erblce; pro= Z]ZZZZdosofi- blded tljat altogether tljep do not exceed In all tlje 0aid tljree ^treynta mugeres, hundred and tljlrtp per0on0» 2Done In the dtp of Bttrgo0, on que son todets las the ttoentp=tljtrd dap of tlje month of £prll, In tlje pear one diebas tresientas e tljou0and four hundred and nlnetpseben* 31 the lung:* 3 tre y* ta P ersonas ' l(ts tlje 4Bueen. Bp command of the mine: and of tlje flBueen. ZddllegZdZcZ jferdlnand #lbare0* dBranted, tiene enla ynstrufion que ferca dello man- damos dar, e sy algu- , . . v no delos dichosoficios {Ustyt iBitnjQf flllD t\)Z iUltCCrL o gente fuerenegesa- rio mudarse o cret;er ©ur treasurer of the property ant) ef* zizzi tt fect0 appertaining; to ti0 from tlje I0land0 and mainland ofroS) lo podays j, a . diScobered and placed under our dominion In tlje flDcean In tlje zer , segund vierdes e region of the 3ndle0 : 3flle command pou that from tlje gold, entendierdes ser cun- mercljandl0e and other tljlng0 toljlch 0hall be obtained In tlje plidero a nuestro ser- 0ald 31ndle0 pou do gibe and pap to tlje per0on0 toljo map be vifio e con tanto que entitled to recelbe them from u0,anp 0alarp, toagc0 and otljer nos [non\ sean mas ntonep0 tohlclj tljep ought to Ijabe for frcight0 of 0ljlp0 and portodosdeias diebas marlner0, and for otljer tljlng0 toljlclj map be needful for tlje tresientas e treynta ljou0lng and 0ettllng of tlje people rc0ldlng and going to P ersonas - Fechaenia re0lde In the 0ald 3ndle0, for toage0 and 0alarp, and for flbdat de Bur . gos ' a . toljateber map be papable and due to tlje people toljo babe ve y nteetres ias 5 0erbed u0 In time pa0t, according to tlje Il0t0, I1UI0 and / a ri , toarrant0 tohiclj 0hall be deltbcred to pou, 0igned toitlj the v ; nta e \ ahos name0 of 2Don Cljrl0topljer Columbia, our admiral, tllce= Yo el R Yo la rop and (Kobernor of tlje 0atd 3ndle0, or of ljl0 lieutenant, Reyncu p orm andado and of the officer of our chief accountant0 toljo are and 0ljall del Rey e dela Reyna , be In the 0atd 3^ble0i bp the tohlch recelpt0 and U0t0, and Fernand Alvares. bp acqulttance0 of tlje pactle0, toe command that there be Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. § NUESTRO tesorero dela hasienda e cosas a nos pertenef ientes delas yslas e tierra fir me descu- biertas e puestas so nuestro sehorio enel mar ofeano enla parte delas Yndias, nos vos man- damos que del oro e mercaderias e otras cosas que se ovieren enlas dichas Yndias dedes e paguedes alas personas que ovieren de aver de nos qual quier salario e sueldo e oiros maravedis que ayan de aver por jletes de navios e maryneros e para las otras cosas que sean nefesarias para la abitafion e poblafion dela gente que esta e oviere de yr alas dichas Yndias por sueldo e salario e la gente que nos oviere servido el tienpo pasado lo que asy oviere de aver e les fuere devido segund se vos diere por nominas e fedulas e libramientos firmadas de sus nonbres de Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante, Viso Rey e Governador delas dichas Yndias o su logar teniente, y los ojifiales de nuestros Contadores may ores que enlas dichas Yndias estan e estovieren , conlos quales recabdos e nominas e con cartas de pago delas partes mandamos que vos 125 b 3 seun refibidos en cu- enta los dichos ma- ravedis que asy li- braren el dicho Al- mirante e ofaiales, e dierdes e pagardes como dicho es, e non fagades ende al. Fe- ck a enla fibdat de Burgos, a veynte e tres dias del mes de credited to pou tit account tlje 0aid ntonep0 foe toPcf) tp 0aid Admiral and officers* 0b all ttjusf gibe toarrant0, and to^ictj pou 0ball gibe and pap a0 afore0atd; and pu 0ball not do com trarp hereto, 2Done in tlje ettp o f Burgo0, on ttje ttoentp^tbird Oap of tfje month of saprtl tn tlje pear one tpussand four burn dred and mnetp-0eben. 3 tp Iking. 31 tbe gliueen. Bp command of tlje Iking and of ttje^ueen,ferdtnand &lbare0. (Branted. abril de mill e qua- „ trofientos e noventa )0 UjttTS Uttl) tl)0 £1110011 ♦ e syete ahos. Yo el < Rey. Yo la Reyna. Co pou our CDt 0 f Accountants anti edeZ an Reyna Fer- Keutenant0 and office^. 2Don Cbrt'0topber Column nand Alvares. ’ Acor- &U0, OUt Admiral Of tp €)CCan, 1)30 reported to U0 tl)at Ije lja0 dada. lent and t'0 lending to 0ome of tlje per0on0 top are tn tbe 3n* dte0 certain 0um0 of monep, toiled fje 0tate0 are to be repaid ei Rey e 1(1 Reyna • to Ijtnt from tbe pap and probt0ton0 topcb tp 0atd per0on0 § nuestros con- are to receibe from u0, and p0 0upplicated u0 to command l esiZT ZZlTeniln- ? ou t0 l ^ ue a Warrant to pm upon tp monep0 toljtclj 0UCl) tes e ojtfiaies , Don per0on0 are to receibe from u0. Hffiprefore toe command Christoval Colon nu- pou tpt upon tp0aid Admiral, or anpone bolding p0 autp= estro Aimirante del trttp In due legal form, 0ljotoing pou tpt 0uclj monep0 are due ZZcion™ 0 'uTdba t0 & im per0on0, pou 0pll grant pm a toarrant on our Zestado y^prlsta a ^rea0urer, or on ljt'0 lieutenant tn tp 0atd 3ndte0, to pap tp aigunas deias perso- 0ame to pm from topt tpp map babe to gibe and pap to 0uclj nas que esian enias pec0on0 top map be tp0 indebted to tp 0atd Admiral. Yndias aigunas quan- in on tbe ntntl) dap of 9©ap tn tp pear ntnetp: quales diz que le ban 1 tp Iking. 3 tp &WZII. Bp Command Of tp de ser pagadas del Iking and of tp 3Eiueen, ferdinand 8lbare0. (Branted. sueldo e mantenimi- ento que ban de aver de nos las dichas per- sonas, nos suplico vos mandasemos que ge- las librasedes enlos maravedis que las tales personas ovieren de aver de nos. Po- rende nos vos man- damos que mostrando vos el dicho Aimi- rante o quien supoder oviere en forma bastante de dereebo, como los tales maravedis le son devidos por las tales personas, gelos libreys enel nuestro tesorero o en su logar teniente deias dichas Yndias para que gelos paguen delo que ovieren de dar e pagar alas tales personas que asy los devieren al dicho Aimirante. Fecba Cbe Sins anti tbe Hueen. j$j> tpese presents toe gtPe licence and autljorttp to pou, 2Don Cpt0toppr Columbu0, our Admiral of tp SDcean, tpt if pou 0pll perceibe it to be for our 0erbice to take into pap a larger number of per0on0 tpn tp0e topm toe noto command to go to tp 3ndte0 and re0tde tljerein, pou map take and retain rpm until tpp reach tp number of fibe pndred en Burgos a nueve dias de mayo de noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por man- dado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. § POR la presente damos li(en(ia e facultad a vos Don Christoval Colon nuestro Aimi- rante del mar ofeano para que sy vierdes que conviene a nuestro servifio que se tome a sueldo mas numero de personas deias que agora mandamos yr alas Yndias a estar enellas, las podays tomar e tener fasta llegar a numero de quinientas 126 I M>$ Ct+ luf ^9 p* S *nn^A>^5 jJilji^V (Jl { ^VC f^r »»wp »t*rS Him srfftll '** { y fn f 4^chive -br*V®*»fr»'^ yra *%“ ^'S 3 '- Y\J frvw IvjTWO ***tu W4 3 *wl>V *| »• (|r®^ v^vCn. * n -P l •<* *-c^ T CX , 'h r ^ r < h i / G * «% (^TrV^Vv^ (] %**rs •> 'S-'-Sr'f (* k. "“1 6? 1 per0on0 in all, for ssutlj time and in 0ttch manner a0 pou map personas por todas, think fit ; protiiDeD tljat the pap and maintenance to be rectified por el tienpo e se- bp 0uclj person# a0 pou map 00 increa0e, 0ljall be paid to tljem gunt que a vos bien from anp merchandise and other thing# of fialue toljiclj map vistofuere, con tan- be obtained in tlje 0aid '3lndie0, toitljout our commanding: the i0 v ue ,ei suddo e 0ame to be profiided from other 0ource0* 2Done tn tlje citp of mantenimento que Burgo0, on the ttoentpsecond dap of the month of £prtl in la * e a Cre P entard e S s the pear one tfjou0and four hundred and ninetp=0efien, 31 tlje VvlerenZ'awrlehs Bing;* 3 tlje 3Dueen* Bp command of the Bing and of the pague de qual quier 4Dueen* Ferdinand aifiare0* (Branted, mercaderia e otras cosas de valor que se t oviere enlas dicbas 30on jFerlmtanb and 2Donna Isabella, Yndias , syn que nos bp tlje grace of (Bod Bing; and £Dueen of Ca0tile, Beon, para^dil P d?'*otra dragon, feucilp, (Branada, Toledo, Valencia, (Balicia, Majorca, pa, ■te. Fecba enla »>efiille, Sardinia, Cordofia, CotSica, Sl^urcia, 3&en, tlje 2L\- fibdat de Burgos a garfie0, £lgectra0, (Bibraltar and tlje Canarp 3s»land0, Count ve y* te e dos dias del and Counte00 of Barcelona and Bord0 of BiScap and Molina, Tquatro&ntos eZo- 3Dube0 of &tljen0 and j^eopatria, Count0 of Eou00illon and venta e syete anos. Cerdagne, a£arqtu#e0 of €>n#tano and (Bojiano* SQlherea0 Yo ei Hey. y 0 u on behalf of certain per0on0 e0tabli0hed in tlje island of l£i0= R e >’ na ■ Por m “ n ~ paniola, and of other0 tofjo de0ire to e0tabli#lj tljem0elfie0 4/! therein, toe Ijafie been petitioned to command tljat land0 0ljould be granted and a00igned to tljem in the 0aid island, in toljich tljep might 0oto corn and otljer 0eed0, and plant orchard0, don cotton=tree0, fla;r, fiine0, tree0, 0ttgar=cane0 and otljer plant0, Reyna, Fernand Al- vares. Acordada. Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la and migljt make and build Ijou0e0, mill0 and macljine0 for %^ l n a a ^d^castlua, tlje 0aid 0ugar, and other building0 profitable and nece00arp for their lifieliljood, all toljiclj 1# of 0erfiice, adfiantage and utilitp to u0 a0 toell a0 to tlje re0ident0 in tlje 0aid i0land: therefore bp tlje0e pre0ent0 toe gifie licence and autljoritp to pou, 2Don CljriStopljer Columbu0, our Admiral of tlje 7iUa "de q7rdeha, de £>cean, and our tlicerop and (Bofiernor in the 0aid i0land, Cordova, de Corfega, that in all the di#tctct0 thereof pou map and 0ljall gifie and distribute to 0uch per0ons, and to each of tljem, noto lifiing and dtoelling in the 0aid island, and to tljo0c toljo from noto henceforth 0ljall go to lifie and dtoell therein, tlje Canaria, Conde land0, hills and toater0 toljiclj pou 0ljall con0ider proper to Condesa de Barcelona be gifien and allotted to each of tljem, according to IjiS rank, « Sehoresde viscaya hi0 0erfiice to u0, and tlje condition and qualitp of IjiS e de Moima, Duques per0on and e0tate, marking bp boundarie0 and landmark0 de Atenas e de Ne0 ~ patria, Condes de Rosellon e de Cerdania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gofiano. Por quanto por parte de algunas personas que estan avezindadas enla ysla Espahola e de otras que se quieren avesindar enella, nos fue suplicado les mandasemos dar e sehalar enla dicba ysla tierras en que ellos pudiesen senbrar pan e otras semillas e plantar huertas e algodones e linares e vihas e arboles e caha- berales de azucar e otras plantas e faser e edejicar casas e molinos e engenios para el dicho afuzar e otros edeficios provechosos y nefesarios para su bivir , lo qual es servifio nuestro e bien e utilidad como delos moradores dela dicba ysla, por ende por la presente damos lifen^ia e facultad a vos Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar ofeana e nuestro Visa Rey e Governador enla dicba ysla, para que en todos los terminos della podades dar e repartir e dedes e repartades alas tales personas e a cada uno dellos que agora biven e moran enla dicba ysla e alos que de aqui adelante fueren a bivir e morar enella, las tierras e montes e aguas que vos vierdes que a cada uno dellos se deve dar e repartir segund quien fuere , e lo que nos oviere servido e la condition e calidad de su persona e bivir, e limitando e arnojando [ amojonando ] a 129 de Leon , de Aragon, de Sefilia, de Gran- ada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Gallizia, de Mallorcas, de Se- de Murfia, de Jaben, delos Algarves, de Algesira, de Gibral- tar e delas yslas de e each uno to que asy tohat pou jsfjall thu0 gibe anti allot to eberp one; 00 tfjat he le dierdes e reparti- map ijabe, hold and po00e00 It for and a0 ^(0 obon, and map 7y d reTnlZ e e q pofe°a 0CCU PP> plant and cultlbate ft, and make fjte profit thereof; por suyo e como suyo, tottl) potoer to 0ell, gibe, grant, exchange, alienate, mortgage, e to use e piante e retain, and do therewith anti therein boijateber hr map plea0e [kUo e con ap facuitad 01x0 as ^ lt t) oton ptopertp, for life, lip a ju0t anti deio’poder vender e l*pl title ; 0ucf) per0on0 undertaking to keep and maintain dar e donar e trocar re0ldence bn'th tfjefr Inhabited hou0e in the 0ald inland of 1 ^ 10 - e canbiar e enagenar pantola for four pear0 nert en 0 ulng, reckoned from the dap ITzerVeihTeZiio on P° u briber to them 0ucfj Iand0 and todo to que quisyere propertie0; and to build fjou0e0 In the 0afd inland and plant e por bien toviere the 0afd Pfnepard0 and orchard0 fn tfje manner and quantftp como de cosa suya 0eem good to pou; problded thatln0uch land 0 , justZdlrecho tltuio, tWte anD tokens as pou 0 t) a ll thu 0 gibe and allot, 0 uch per= obiigandose las tales 0 on 0 cannot and map not bold anp clbll or criminal jurl 0 Olc= personas de tener e tlon, nor anp enclo 0 ure, or 0 eberal pa 0 ture,or rlng'-fence, er-- ToTsTLa^Ma cc P t to ^ at ma p enclo 0 e to the bright of one earthen Mock ; enia dkha ysia Es- and that all the re 0 t, being unenclo 0 ed, toben tbe frult 0 and pahola por quatro barbe 0 t 0 thereof babe been gathered, 0 tjall be common pa 0 ture anos primeros sygui- anlI falioto t0 all. £nd iifectoi 0 e toe merbe to our 0 elbe 0 the e eVdia CO qZ a ieTdie e r S des btajll, and anp metal of gold and 0 tlber and other metal toblcb e entregardes las 0 hall be found In 0 uch land 0 . 5lnd Uketot 0 e that 0 uch per= tales tierras e basien- .30110 to toljom pou 0hall gibe and allot the 0at'd land0 cannot das e que famn enia anll ma « not lai)e or un i al)E therein or In anp part thereof, anp (llCOCl VSl(l CCISCIS 6 ^ ^ ° 1 L piantaran las dkbas metal or brajll or anptljlng el0e belonging to u0, and for vinas e buertas enia toljlch our order to lade and unlade 10 required* £nd that thep manera e cantidad ma p 0 nlp goto, ptljer, ral0e and con0ume the frult0, corn, fuere con tmtZ'Tie 0eed0,tree0, blne0, cotton and toljat0oeber thep0ljall0oto and cnias tales tierras e gather In the 0ald land0, a0 afore0ald. &nd It 10 our tolll mantes e aguas que and plea0ure that no otljer per0on0 0ljall take from them or asy dierdes e repar- occupp the land0 toblcb pou 0hall gibe and allot to tljem In the herdes las tales per. maiulE r afore0ald, or place anp 0 eque 0 tratlon or ob0tructlon tener ni tengan juri- thereon or on anp part thereof, but 0ljall alloto tljent freelp to difion aiguna (evil hold, po00e00, u0c and enjop tljem according to toljat 10 con* ni creminai, ni cosa tamed in tljl0 patent. £nd neither tlje one nor the other of tljem acontada m debesada g^ll j, 0 CO ntrarp ijereto In anp manner, under pain of our di0= ZaZd^'Tqueiio^qul plea0ureand often tljou0andmarabeoi0to our chamber to eberp= tovieren (ercado de one ft>ho 0h a H bo x^z contrarp. CKIben In tlje toton of Medina una iapia en alto e que todo lo otro des(ercado, cogidos los frutos y esquilmos dello, sea pasto comun e baldio a todos. E asy mismo reservamos para nos el brasyl e qual quier metal de oro e plata e otro metal que enlas tales tierras se ballare. E asy mesmo que las tales personas a quien dierdes e repartierdes las clicbas tierras no puedan faser ni fagan enellas ni en parte deltas cargo ni descargo alguno de metal ni de brasyl ni de otra cosa aiguna que a nos pertenes(e e de que por nuestro mandado se ha de faser cargo e descargo. E que solamente ellos puedan senbrar e coger e llevar e gastar los frutos e pan e semillas e arboles e vinas e algodonales e que enlas dichas tierras senbraren e cogieren, como dicbo es. E queremos e mandamos que las tierras que les vos dierdes e reparti- erdes enia manera que dicha es ningunas ni algunas personas non gelas tomen ni ocupen ni les pongan enellas ni en parte deltas enbargo ni ynpedimento alguno mas libre mente gelas clexen tener e poseber e usar e gozar deltas segund que enesta nuestra carta se contiene. E los unos ni los otros non fagan ende al por aiguna manera , so pena dela nuestra mer(ed e de diez mill maravedis a cada uno que lo contrario bisyere , para la nuestra camara. Dada enia villa de Medina 130 | g €sr+*£ Ol <» ft &C+**ri atm » &\ ««r£&?So&£> fttfrcir* < 11 * ik^^+*btA> C^-t- 4 ^^^ 9 -^ /> Ufe A-t-r*»<*» | 0 n 3 ' 4 <»»<^ r O M 9 ^*$\v*» g»«»* 5 ^vr gjiA **&**# t ^r^S (§)S-A *4&* /tr. 5 y 3 btf . %>*** ^S%SrA W« AJirfi Jl*fntr«r* 0\ •«* #«?*p C&&* hf t *^ 3k Tf'*’ O (jt&Ltf.*^ if! &rap~* rt t*% -ft "rf-pQ @J*+U (jft^ >%$ ^ *h^ ^ aXlj^ Svf^’EWS (> *1 rCtfCrS ^Nyj* 4 S ^ 4V7S 4^1 <^J^"*»»»^S 7rt^S-f-«r7U $ P*'A^ eft'S C^vW »»& Qu^o r^W*t- 0 T^ S ^v» n^pf* 1 • ItfM kjTjf'* (3 2 f*V c ~^"’ wiriW ^ W'^ H> *»»*» *^ v r jllf^s V*wjf ^WJ^friS MV <*"*» iS - * -i ij?*i ^p> jl~ t>n ^ •x y 5> ’ ^ ^H»»' ~ff' l -*y **^ 1 tn*»>S>fV*i«)j-g1i J^v^^tVMjv ^,v\ WCI\J£n^» (?V &JP*j>.\$ .. T t * > i |> . -y 4) ?»♦ »\/ Hrt^« Y ^ J Viti* »*«% vv^, t tCcVH«>j-S^ 9—*<^ 5^' (*^ V, Cz't*t«5^’0 r *- r^? &&&?• ~^ v ' /onltrn S yU 7 j^'f *• t , J£>(5 -v£*-.c£^ (jxj fH^ JU^favv^. *v*%A (P «*? d*h6V iAd^^^ArJT (fVjP'WV*' - 0* A “ • £ A > » -% 9» , ^ g JlcTi-h^^S £> S-Z! A-£^ ■*F ypp/r ^ » u »v ^ v. v-^ n ^TnuT 1 fffTVyO >S>L4 S^V, .«0» g> gW&jtjL J»MWl , ‘^»*rM<»’ 4»fc»vor Q-vy »v« U C t -f-^t»rB^ »jic>v> — J\ (3^^^ tfjp %^S'-prli'JyS & A\ t. A ^ r> K if oCmi -t-*2 ^AU/ A (ft vn !\S&£w -Kt A &&$ *£* y^- “^i55 w»iJ\jrt wtr « P C v^BrS^Ss '*4*^ $€‘2*3? ^3^6 ‘CJ-€ (j$*>$ cfcvoS A\ &i*€k^.$*$ •^rfyu^B g?v*r+Stz'*3 ^^j*jvyi'' ^/* rt “ ‘ ^ ^ xfyypUgt Del Campo, on tlje ttoentp=#econb bap of tlje month of 3ulp, In the pear of the natltiftp of our feiatu'our 3e#u# cijrl#t one tfjou#anb four hunbreb anb nlnetp=#eben + 3 tlje Iking. 31 tlje 4Dueen. 3, 3ofjn be la }9arra, »>ecretarp of tlje Iking anb of tlje ^Dueen ourilocb#,cau#eb It to betorltten bp their cont= ntanb. £nb on tlje bor#e of tlje #alb patent It #atb : (Branteb, Eoberlcfe Doctor. jferblnanb ^ortlj, pro=chancelIor. Eegl#= tereb, Doctor. del Canpo , a vcynte e dos dias del mes de julio, ano del nasfi- miento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatrofien- tos e noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Juan dela Parra Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores la Jiz escrivir for su mandado. E enlas espaldas dela dicha carta desya : Acor- dada. Rodricus Doc- tor. Fernand Iior- tiz por chanfiller. Registrada. Doctor. DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la grafia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon , de Aragon, de Sefilia, de Grana- da, de Toledo, de Va- lencia, de Gallizia, de Mallorcas, de Se- villa, de Cerdeha, de Cordova, de Corfega, de Mur<;ia, de Jahen , delos Algarbes, de Algesira, de Gibral- tar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barce- lona e Sehores de Vis- caya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellon e de Cer- dania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gociano. Por que alos Reyes e Principes es propia cosa de honrrar e sublimar efazer mercedes e gracias alos sus subditos e naturales especial mente a quellos que bien e leal mente los sirven, lo qual por nos visto e considerando los muchos e buenos e leales servicios que vos Don Bartolome Colon, hermano de Don Christoval nuestro Almirante del mar oceano e Viso Rey e Governador delas yslas nueva mente falladas enlas Yndias, nos avedes fecho e fasedes de cada dia e esperamos que nos fareys de aqui adelante, tenemos por bien e es nuestra merced e voluntad que de aqui adelante vos llameys e yntituleys Adelantado delas dichas yslas nueva mente halladas enlas dichas Yndias, e podades usar e exercer e faser enlas dichas yslas e en cada una deltas todas las cosas que los otros Adelantados delos dichos nuestros reynos pueden faser, e que ayades e gozedes e vos sean guardadas todas las honrras e gracias r 33 HJott jferatnanD ano SDottna Isabella, bp tlje grace of (Bob Iking anb gDueen of Ca#tlle, Heon, dragon, fetcllp, (Branaba, 'Itolebo, Valencia, (Ballcla, Ma- jorca, S>cbllle, »>arbfnla, Corboba, Corsica, St^urcla, 3aen, tpe glgarbe#, glgeclra#, (Blbraltar anb tlje Canarp 3#lanb#, Count anb Countess# of Barcelona anb 3Lorb# of Btsscap anb St^ollna, Duke# of &tljen# anb jReopatrla, Count# of Eou#= #lllon anb Cerbagne, 2tparqul#e# of Orl#tano anb (Bojlano. JFor tfjat it l# tlje peculiar prlbllege of Iking# anb prince# to honour anb ejealt anb to confer fabour# anb grace# upon tljelr #ubject# anb liege#, e#peclallp upon tljo#e toljo #erbe tljetn boell anb faltljfullp ; toe, pcrcelblng tljl#, anb taking Into com #tberatton tlje tnanp goob anb faltljful #erblcc# tofjlclj pou, Don Bartljolonteto Columbtt#, brotljer of Don Cljrl#topljer, our Slbmlral of tlje 3Dcean anb (Blccrop anb (Bobernor of tlje l#lanb# nebolp founb In tlje 3nt>le#, !)abe renbereb anb bo renber to u# eberp bap, anb toljlclj toe Ijope pou tolll renber to u# from Ijencefortlj, bo approbe, anb It t# our tolll anb plea#ure, tfjat from Ijencefortlj pou #ljall call anb entitle pourself £belantabo of tlje #alb l#lanb# netolp founb In tlje #atb 3nble#, anb #ljall Ijabe potoer to u#e, exercl#e anb per= form In tlje #alb l#lanb#, anb In eberp one of tljent, all tljlng# toljlctj tlje otljer sabelantabo# of our #alb klngbom# are able to perform^ anb tljat pou #tjall Ijabe anb enjop, anb tfjat tljere #ljall be ob#erbeb totoarb# pou, all tlje honour#, grace#, e mergedes e prehe- minenfias e prerro- gativas que son devi- das e se deven fazer e guardar segund las leyes por nos fechas enlas cortes de Tole- do e las otras leyes de nuestros reynos, a los otros nuestros Adelantados delos di- chos nuestros reynos asy en sus Adelanta- mientos como fuera dellos. E por estanu- estra carta o por su traslado signado de escrivano publico , mandamos al ylus- trisymo Principe Don Juan nuestro mui caro e mui aniado bijo e alos ynfantes, perlados, duques, marqueses, condes, e adelantados, e ricos omes, maestres delas kordenes,priores, co- mendadores e subco- mendadores, e alos del nuestro consejo e oydores dela nuestra abdiencja, alcaldes e alguasiles e otras jus- tifias quales quier dela nuestra casa e corte e chanfilleria e a todos los confejos, justifias, regidores, cavalleros, escuderos, ojifiales e omes bue- nos delas (ibdades e villas e logares delos dicbos nuestros rey- nos e sehorios, e al dicho nuestro Almi- rante, Viso Rey e Governador delas di- cbas yslas e alos ve- sinos e moradores e fabourg, prominences* anti prerogatibeg tohich, according to tfje latog made bp us* in tbe Cortes! of Toledo and the other latog of our kingdoms!, are due and ought to be done and ob= gerbed to our other Adelantados! of our gaid kingdoms*, as! toell toitjjtn tfjeir gobernorghipg as* bepond the game* And bp this* our patent, or bp the trangcript thereof gigned bp a public gcrtbener, toe command the mogt Ulugtrloug prince 2Don 3|ohn, our berp dear and toelUbelobed gon, and the 3]nfanteg, prelateg, dukeg, ntarquigeg, countg, adelantadog, barong, mag= terg of orderg, priorg, comntanderg, gubcommanderg, meim berg of our council, auditorg of our chamber, alcaldeg, batltffg and all other jugticeg toljomgoeber of our household, court and ctjancerp, and all the councillor, jugticeg, gobernorg, kmgljtg, egquireg, officerg and good men of the citieg, totong and placeg of our gald kmgdomg and dommlong, and our gaid Admiral, flUlcerop and (IBobernor of tlje gat'd iglandg, and tlje inhabitantg, gojournerg and other people toljo, under contract or in anp other manner, are or gljall be therein, that from henceforth thep entitle and call pou, and babe and fjolb pou ag Adelantado of the gaid iglandg and mainland, and that tljep obgerbe and cauge to be obgerbed totoardg pou all the gaid honourg,pre=eminenceg,prerogatibeg and immunitieg tohich, according to the gaid latog, ought to be obgerbed totoardg pou ; and that thep pap and cauge to be paid to pou the dueg and galarieg annered and appertaining to the gaid office of our Adelantado, fullp and completelp, in guch toige that thep do not Oimtniglj aught thereof; for toe bp tljtg our patent create and make pou Adelantado of tlje gaid iglandg and mainland tohich habe tljug been netolp found and digcobered in tlje Indieg, and toe receibe pou and Ijolb pou ag recetbed into the gaid office and to the uge and erercige of the game; and toe com= mand that neither therein nor in anp part thereof gljall thep place or congent to place anp hindrance or impediment in pour toap* And if of tohat ig aforegaid pou ghail degire to Ijabe our patent of pribilege, toe command our chancellor and no-- tarieg, and the other oflScerg toho are at tlje board of our gealg, to deliber, pagg and geal it for pou-, and neither the one nor tlje otljer of tljem gljall do contrarp hereto in anp manner, under pain of our digpleagure and of ten tljougand marabedtg for our chamber, to eberpone toho gljall do the contrarp. And further toe command the man toho ghall ghoto tljem thig our patent, to cite them to appear before ug in our court, tofjerego= eber toe map be, toitljin fifteen dapg riert follotoing the dap of citation, under the gaid penaltp-, under tohich algo toe com-- mand anp public gcribener toljo gljall be gummoned for thig purpoge to gibe to the man toljo ghall ghoto it to him a certi* ficate thereof gignedtoith his* gignature,toherebp toe map knoto ala ctra gente que en- ellas estan e estovieren de asyento o en otra quad quier manera, que de aqui adelante vos yntitulen e llamen e vos ay an e tengan por Adelantado delas dichas yslas e tierra jirme e vos guarden efagan guardar todas las dichas honrras e preheminenfias, prerrogativas e ymunidades que segund las dichas leyes vos deven ser guardadas, e vos recudan e fagan recudir conlos derechos e salarios al dicho ofifio de nuestro Adelantado anexos e pertenefientes bien e conplida mente en guisa que vos non mengue ende cosa alguna , ca nos por esta nuestra carta vos criamos e fasemos Adelantado delas dichas yslas e tierra jirme que asy nueva mente se ban fallado e descubierto enlas Yndias, e vos re(ebimos e avemos por refebido al dicho ojirio e al uso e exercirio del. E mandamos que enello ni en parte dello, enbargo ni ynpedimento alguno vos non pongan ni consyentan poner. E sy desto que dicho es quisyerdes nuestra carta de previllejo, mandamos al nuestro chanrjller e notarios e alos otros ojifiales que estan ala tabla delos nuestros sellos, que vos lo den e pasen e sellen, e los unos ni los otros non fagan ende al por alguna manera, so pena dela nuestra merged e de dies mill maravedis a cada uno que lo contrario jisyere para la nuestra camara. E demas mandamos al ome que les esta nuestra carta mostrare que los enplase que parescan ante nos enla nuestra corte do quier que nos seamos, del dia que los enplasare fasta quinse dias primeros syguientes sola dicha pena, sola qual mandamos a quad quier escrivano publico que para esto fuere llamado que de ende al que gelo mostrare testimonio signado con su sygno, por que nos sepamos *34 0.±r^ to. 1-Vtt t jgFSS®^^^58#i- •pgpgss ni . .Yr-vw-ibi ^ibcvM^ *k*&* £* *i^f v«7V^'y^> '(A.|>'*^gjv O^*? T” ( y ©ks* «* !$“ 'VL'^ffcffl ® v " ri TF*? « r%* V^vrj--OX tefesfe- S e Jh^rS\ t ~ TT '** A ~o <&j&}^“fprQ jj> JY^C^S^**** V3\ I -tm*rw «t i«t pd/ V«f9 ~1^4f *^^^^e^l5C^,StS ^™gc»».r J1 m< s rg — f v f v . » ...—| ^ (M~$y (My *4*-s^ — — ^ fjoto our command is fulfilled* (Biben in the tobon of Medina Del Campo, on the tbsentp^second Dap of tlje month of 3!ulp, in the pear of the natibitp of our fe>abiour 3|ejSu0 Christ one thousand four hundred and ninetp^seben* 1 tlje Iking* 31 tlje 3Dueen* 31, 31oljn de la Parra, »>ccectarp of tlje Iking and of tlje £Dueen our llords, caused it to tie torirten bp their com* mand* £nd on tlje dorse of tlje said patent it Said : (Branted, Bodericb 2Doctor* jFerdinand portij, pro=Cljancellor* Ee= giStered, SDoctor* Cpe Ifttng and tlje £lueen. tbeee presents toe gtPe licence and autfjocitp to pou 2Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral of tlje 3Dcean and member of our council, in order tljat pou map Ijabe potocr to pap, and map pap, to tlje persons tobo Ijabe been, are note, and from tjencetortlj sljall be, agrecablp to the in= Stcttction tohich pou bold from us, of tlje number of the per= Sons toljo Ijabe to remain in tlje said Indies, and to the persons and sbipotoners Voljo Ijabe conbepcd and sljall condep pro* bisions and otljer things to tlje said Indies, all tlje moneps doljiclj are due to tljem and Sljall Ijencefortlj become due to them for anp images, probisions, and freightages of ships-, anp papment tljat is to be made Ijere being first of all certified bp tlje Bishop of Badajos and bp pou, and anp papment tljat is to be made in tlje Indies, bp pou and bp tlje deputp of our cljief accountants residing tljere, gibing to eaclj tafiat is and Shall be justlp due to Ijinu and tljiS pou are to pap and map pap from anp merchandise and otljer things boljich map be obtained in tlje said Indies, prodided that tlje papment or toarrant boljich pou shall dcliber to them be signed bp the said deputp of our chief accountants and entered in our boobs, for totjich d3e gibe pou full potoer* 2Done in tlje tobm of aicala dc Benares, on tlje tdoenrp*tljird dap of tlje month of 2Deccmber in tlje pear ninetp^seden* % tlje Iking* 3| tlje ^iiueen* Bp command of tlje Iking and of tlje 3Dtteen, jFerdinand aidareS* (Branted* Ct)e i&tng and tbe Hueen. l&ederend jfattjer tn Christ, Bishop of Badajos, and 3Don Christopher Columbus, Admiral of tlje <2Dcean, both members of en como se cunple nuestro mandado. Dada enla villa de Medina del Canpo, a veyntey doss dias del mes de julio, aho del nafimiento de nuestro Salvador J esuChristo de mill e quatrofien- tos y noventa e syete anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Juan dela Parra Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros sehores la jiz escrivir por su mandado. Y enlas espaldas dela dicba carta desya : Acor- dada, Rodricus Doc- tor. Fernando Hor- tiz por cbanfiller Registrada Doctor. El Rey e la Reyna. § POR la presente damos Ijencia e fa- cultad a vos Don Cbristoval Colon nu- estro Almirante del mar o^eano e del nu- estro consejo, para que podades pagar e pague alas personas que ban estado e estan e estovieren de aqui adelante, conforme ala instrufion que de nos teneys del numero dela gente que ha de estar enlas dichas Yndias e alas per- sonas e duehos de na- vios que ban llevado, e llevaren manteni- mientos e otras cosas alas dicbas Yndias, todos los maravedis que seles deven e devieren de aqui ade- lante de quales quicr sueldos e manteni- mientos e jleytes de navios, syendo aquello primer amente averiguado lo que aca se oviere de pagar por el obispo de Badajoz e por vos e lo que oviere de pagar enlas Yndias por vos e por el logar teniente de nuestros contadores may ores que alia resyden , dando a cada uno lo que iusta mente se le deve e deviere. Lo quad les ay ays de pagar e pagueys de quales quier mercaderias e otras cosas que enlas dichas Yndias se ovieren , con tanto que la paga o libran^a que les bizierdes sea seha- lada del dicbo logar teniente de nuestros contadores may ores e asentada enlos nuestros libros, para lo qual vos damos poder cunplido. Fecba enla villa de Alcala de Henares, a veynte e tres dias del mes de disienbre de noventa e syete anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandadp del Rey e dela Reyna , Fernand Alvares. Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. § REVERENDO yn Christo Padre Obispo de Badajoz e Don Cbristoval Colon Almirante del mar ofeano anbos del l 2 1 37 nuestro consejo. Vi- mos una vuestra le- tra, y ferca delo que desis que non se ha proveydo cosa alguna fasta agora enlo de- los mantenimientos que ban de yr alas Yndias , a cabsa que non hallays persona que los tome a cargo por los prefios que de acafueron tasados enlas ynstrufiones que vos el dicho Al- mirante llevases, por- que diz que valen los dichos mantenimien- tos a may ores prefios que aca se tasaron,y pues asy es nos vos mandamos y encar- gamos que anbos a dos junta mente lo veays e busqueys per- sonas jieles que lo our council* aflle babe 0een a letter from pott, anti toltb re= ference to pour -statement that up to tbe present time nothing ba0 been Done In tlje matter o f tlje probl0ton0 toblcb are to go to tlje 3nDle0, becau0e pou Do not finD anp per0on0 to take tlje contract for them at tlje prlce0 toljtcb toere Ijere placeD upon tljeni In tlje In0tructlon0 that pou, tlje 0alD £Dmlral, took tmtlj pou, becau0e tlj ep 0ap tljat tlje 0atD probt'0lon0 are toortlj btffljer prlce0 tljan tljo0e placeD upon them Ijere ; anD tljl0 be= ing 00, toe commanD anD charge botlj of pou jointly to look for anD 0eek tru0ttoortljp per0on0 to unDertake It, anD fir 0uclj a price a0 map be ju0t anD map appear to pou rea0onable to gibe tljem, Ijablng regarD to tlje balue of tlje 0alD probl0lon0- anD If pou Do not finD 0ucb per0on0, pou are to take tobateber mea0ure0 map 0eem be0t to pou, In 0ucb tol0e that tlje De= parture of pour0elf, tlje 0alD £Dmlral,map not be DelapeD, for toe gibe pou full potoer to tljat effect* HDone In tlje toton of Alcala De l£enare0, on tlje ttoentp=tljlrD Dap of tlje montlj of 2December In tlje pear nmetp=0eben* 31 tlje l&lng* 3 tbe 3kueen* Bp commanD of tlje Iking anD of tlje ^ueen, tferDn nanD £lbare0. £nD on tlje Dor0e It 0atD, (BranteD* tomen, y taseys el t t , prefio que justo Juere Bon jFertrinanti and SDonna Isabella, VsZeTeZarZZIZ tbe 5 l * acc ® otl antl £D ucen <£a0tlle, Heon, respeto ai vaiordeios dragon, »>lcllp, (BranaDa, TOeDo, Valencia, (Ballcla, Majorca, dichos mantenimien- »>ebllle, »»arDlnla, CorDoba, Cor0lca, Murcia, 3aen, tlje 81* tos, e sy non haiiar des garbe0, 8lgeclra0, (Bfbraltar anD tlje Canarp 30lanD0, Count tales personas io pro- anJ3 (£ oim te00 of Barcelona anD HorD0 of Bl0cap anD Sl^olfna, 7tros mejor ° P are fieri 2Duke0 of 8tljen0 anD IPeopatrla, Count0 of Kou00tllon anD por manera que non CerDagne, ^arqtu'0e0 of 3Drl0tano anD (Bojlano, 'Do pou tlje se detenga la partida knlgljt0 anD e0qutre0, o£ficer0 anD gooD men, anD all otljer de vos ei dicho Ainu- p£ C 0on0 of toljat0oeber e0tate anD conDltlon pou map be, toljo vo7damos poder cun- ^ 0llL ’ commanD babe been, are anD from Ijencefortlj 0ljall be piido. Fecho enia In tlje l0lanD0 Dl0cobereD anD to be Dt0cobereD bp our com= villa de Alcala de manD In tlje ®cean In tlje region of tlje 3nDte0, anD to eaclj Henares a veynte e an j, an p 0 f p 0Ui ijealtlj anD grace* fou knoto toell tljat 2Don ZZienbZ de no vent a <£bn'0topljer Columbtt0, our 8Dmlral of tlje 0alD 3nDle0 In e S yete ahos. Yo ei tjje 0alD Ocean, 10 our (Klcerop anD (Bobernor thereof bp Rey. Yo la Reyna, blttuc of our patent0 of commf&ffon toljlclj toe Ijabe orDereD For manclado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. E enlas espaldas desya Acordada. DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la gratia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla , de Leon , de Aragon , de Sefilia, de Granada , de Toledo , de Valencia, de Gallizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla , de Cerdeha , de Cordova, de Corfega, de Murcia, de Jahen, delos Algarves, de Algesira, de Gibraltar e delas yslas de Canaria , Conde e Condesa de Barcelona e Sehores de Viscaya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria , Condes de Rosellon e de Cerdania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Go^iano : a vos los cavalleros e escuderos, ojiciales e omes buenos e otras quales quier personas de qual quier estado o condition que soys, que por nuestro mandado fuistes e estays e estovierdes de aqui adelante enla\_s~\ yslas por nuestro mandado descubiertas e por descobrir enel mar ogeano enla parte delas Yndias, e a cada uno e qual quier de vos, salud e gratia. Bien sabeys como Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante delas dichas Yndias del dicho mar ofeano es nuestro Visa Rey e Governador deltas por virtud de nuestras cartas de poderes que para ello le man- I 3 8 rT Cc+TA <*•»* £. '^twy* % ty**> *v0i? -p*f* A'&sV *M$ >0*3 »c.%» l\p (5M*y *»*$ o ^ rM |*^jo.v»S > (|1 (5^ 3 ( p e e^ AS .*&• $ *Sg» **** & r £ \vizS*>s> (H“ro9 & **** «9*VC<*5»*^ XyS-fZ^Xd* &6-j£-*££ |^» A* * # *">^ fre^&Sc ^ «♦** 51* «/V+-£**«»§ ~ ^ 4 -» IL^; »| *• V®*«* glS/y^W M^AV^t I !«▼ ia 'v ^ ^ . ' | ""*- ^ - ~r GT&l* V?, A ^ ^H*«C» X o? 4f - _<> i - ° lf*”f {ft •**-*& (pm fXsZ 0^ ^s ^&X&5.t^jcr.w8 e ^ c <, "‘’*° ***« 4 / W> - » — - *>■ ^ 4 ^ 9 ^ ■» Tib. G$*~zX*** 0 H gg^Vm>e' . 4^1 *y*£&3 (jUmM 01 VOX 0 ' h 3r- s2 f 5 ? *•*«»* ai-0te*> i [TS^ im« tiu ^y,' , »>n)tVi'^iS tir6 . ^ Jlr^gs .v^ef^-TS-uSUe^a O^tf A g.tsC ,#w 65^ «C«'^Cr > lit ntlKS?*C *f <)Ml ^.**1*' l ? _ ill A % ++*f 9 2*' (H?J4^*y * V * £•*■ ~}P?£ mmm fO C*.*. 9k lrtCwM<*. /T^" C-%* 1 %n* *%$■»* ofnft»6cc^>sJcl/ £^JUv-&*i2> »vt , t^- - - . A ^ - vSt-**?** (0,fc-£*~ £ ^ ^/T\ 4ft- -v*fVegobia, on tlje 0ebenteentlj bap of tlje montlj of ccretarp of l2mo7po P r °plZ7as. tlje Bing anb of tlje £lueen our Borb0, cau0eb it to be toritten [E] para las esecutar bp tbeir comntanb. anb on tbe bor0e of tlje 0aib patent J^77delZaZTpZ toa0 toritten a0 folloto0: Eegi0tereb, aion0o l£ere0. i©cter der cunplido al di- cho Almirante Don Christoval Colon o a quien su poder oviere, e los unos , ni los otros no fagades ni fagan ende al por alguna manera so pena dela nuestra merged e de diez mill aragon, &icilp, (Franaba,^olebo,iHalencia,(Falicja,a£a)occa, maravedis para ia »>ebille, fearbinia, Corboba, Cor0tca, 9t£urcia,3aen, tbe aigar= TadlZno T/os be0, aigecira0, (Fibraltar anb tlje Canarp 3olanb0, Count anb lo contrario jisyere. Cottnte00of Barcelona anb Borbo of Bi0capanb9^oltna,2Dulie0 Z^SegZk iZul ofatben0anbi^eopatrta,Count0of Eou00tllon anbCcrbagne, e seys dias del mes de agosto, aho del nasfimiento de nuestro Sehor Jesu Christo de mill e quatro^ientos e noventa e quatro ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores la fise escrivir por su mandado. E enlas espaldas dela dicha carta estava escrito esto que se sigue : Registrada, Alonso Peres. Pero Gutierres Chanfiller. (Futierre0, Chancellor. 30 on jferbtnanti anb Donna Isabella, bp tbe grace of (Fob Bing anb 3Dueen of Ca0tile, Beon, DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la gratia de Dios Rey e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de Sefilia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valencia, de Gallizia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdeha , de Cordova, de Corgega, de Murcia, de Jahen, delos Algarves, de Algesira, de Gibraltar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barcelona e Sehores de Viscaya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopat ria, Condes de Rosellon e de Cerdania, 14 1 i * Marqueses de Oris- tan e de Gogiano. A todos e quales quier capitanes maestres e patrones e contra- maestres e marineros de naos e caravelas e otras fustas, e otras quales quier personas de qual quier condi- tion que sean nues- tros vasallos subditos e naturales, a quien lo de yuso enesta nu- estra carta contenido ataphe o atapner pueda, e a cada uno e qual quier de vos a quien esta nuestra carta fuere mostrada o el traslado della signado de escrivano pubblico, salud e gratia. Sepades que nos avemos mandado a Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante del mar ofeano e nuestro Viso Rey e Governador delas yslas e tierra firme del dicbo mar ofeano ala parte delas Yn- dias , que con fiertas naos e caravelas e otras fustas como nu- estro capitan vaya alas dichas Yndias e tierra Jirme que son enla dicba parte de- las Yndias descubi- ertas e por descobrir. Por ende por la pre- sente mandamos a to- dos e a cada uno de vos los dicbos maestres e capitanes e patrones e contramaestres e conpahas delas di- cbas naos e caravelas S^arqutSeS of iSDrlStano and (Kojlano: all and anp of the captains, masters?, otoners, mates and mariners of ships?, caradels and other foists, and to all otljec persons of toljatso= eder condition dodo are our dassals, Subjects and denizens, and toljom tfje follotolng contents of tins our patent do and map concern, and to each and anp of pou to toljom this our patent Shall be Shoton, or tfje transcript thereof signed bp a public scrldener, health and grace* Itnoto pe that doe hade commanded 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of the £>cean and our flaicerop and Codernor of the islands and mainland of the said 3Dcean In the region of tlje kindles, to go dolth certain ships?, caradels and other foists, as our Captain, to tlje said islands and mainland doljlch are dlscodered and to be dlscodered In tlje Said region of the Jndtes* HQltjcrefore bp tljese presents doe command all and each of pou tlje said masters, captains, odmers, mates and credos of the said Ships?, caradels and other foists, and all the credos dohlch map sail In tljem and In each of tljent, tljat pou and tljep do hold as our Captain (General of the said ships?, foists and caradels, the Said 2Don Christopher Columbus, our Admiral, (Elcerop and d5obernor of tlje said 3Dcean, and tljat pou obep him and accept him as our Captain (General, and do and fulfil and carrp out all tljat Ije Shall order and command pou on our behalf, and ederp parcel and part thereof, according as, and In the form and manner, and at the times, and under the penalties dohlch he map order on our behalf, tottfjout mailing; anp excuse or delap therein, In the derp same manner and just as com= plctelp as If toe In person commanded pou *, for toe bp these presents do mabe hint Captain (General of the said ships?, cara= dels and other foists, and do glde Ijlm potoer and autljorltp to direct and godern tljem as our Captain (General, and to execute on tlje creto thereof Such penalties as thep map become liable to e otras fustas , e a todas las conpahas que enellas e en cada una deltas nave- garen que tengades e tengan por nuestro Capitan general delas dichas naos e fustas e caravelas al dicbo Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante e Viso Rey e Governador del dicbo mar ofeano e le obedescades e tengades por nuestro Capitan general e fagades, e cunplades e pongades en obra todo lo que por el de nuestra parte vos fuere dicbo e mandado e a cada cosa e parte dello segunt e como e enla forma e manera e alos tienpos e solas penas que el de nuestra parte vos man- dare syn poner enello escusa ni dilation alguna, bien asy e a tan cunplida mente como sy nos en persona vos lo mandasemos, ca nos por la presente le fasemos nuestro Capitan general delos dicbos navios e caravelas e otras fustas e le damos poder e facultad para las mandar e governor como nuestro Capitan general e para exsecutar enla conpaha deltas quales quier penas en que cayeren 142 Cyif^M&g *h»; c JHS (» -fxrwp 3 ***^ (ll iv -H*rtiw,Y| (ft wuTpWfo^ ^ 'h« ^£.0«r»v$ t|Hwfc5rtmQi A*«Jwrf^ (jJV* «v N3^ " “ JvTpJV ' - - “ ^ ^ »V^T*»|^ JVf*^|***< * £ jc ^ f*)* 9 r 6 F *V»* *♦*♦« It Mft' tW P$ C?**^** tv** lv« 9 ^SS *vi«m *»j nv*t c|-vrtS(3 sVH'brrt wtrr&jTrS* i~> #u^ *%**«? rt^vP TTXrT* 3 Z ’ „ clO~^o •-o«,s tH C vt ^r^y^T*’* M | \vvT (flri>8cSLtxn I Z^Jj ^ <^wJi|Vff ^y * (fl (y\> AV^

S «r^~« ifirVaS mNj *v$r*\dl'$ tr^N w^ m;w»j *2? , r9< ^ rv ^ in $ <^>tf-v.^A 4? J\ gv^rtp-Aa t «r-H4j5yy<%- •M-*V8 /» M^C^P »TV] #»l» i* J 9^oJJ.<^ and incur tfirougfi not fulfilling: anti obeplng fii'0 command0, a0 e yncurrieren por It (0 afore0ald* But it 10 our to i'll and plea0ure tfiat neither non cu n pHr e obede- our 0alti captain general 3Don CfiriStopfier s£oluntbu0, our &d= fer sus mandamien ~ mlral, QUtcerop and (Bobernor, nor pou or anp one of pou 0fiall TerJTLestlamlr- go to tfie mine toljlclj 10 field bp tfie mc0t 0erene I&lng of por= fe d e voiuntad que ei tugal, our brotfier, or Intermeddle In tfie trade tfiereof, for It 10 dicho nuestro Capi- our to III to olserbe, and to cau0e to be ob0crbed bp our 0ubject0 tan general Don and liegemen, tofiat toe fiabe 0tlpuIated and agreed upon toltfi christoval Colon nu - tfie 0ald ming of Portugal re0pectlng tfie 0ald mine; and tfil0 e ^f° R f y m ^ e er nl toe command pou 00 to fulfil under pain of our dl0plea0ure, dor , ni v 0S otros ni and of confiscation of pour propertp to our efiamber and alguno de vos no trea0urp* (Btben In tfie dtp of Barcelona, on tfie ttoentp= vayades aia mina ni elgfitfi dap of tfie montfi of 9tfj)ap In tfie pear of tfie natlbttp of al trato della que our Horo 3]e0u0 CfinSt one tfiou0and four fiundred and nlnetp= h R " y ^ZZdnZ tfiree* 31 tfie lung* J tfie 3Dueen* % jFerdlnand £lbare0 esL hermano, po r- ofColedo, »>ecretarp of tfie l&tng and of tfie £STHieen our HorO0, que nuestra voiuntad cau0ed It to be torltten bp tfielr command* £nd on tfie dor0e es de g uardar e cean, In tfie region of tfie 3ndle0, and our Barcelona a veynte e (Blcerop and (Bobernor of tfie 0ald l0land0 and mainland, ocbo dias del mes de It 10 contained tfiat pou are to grant tfie cfiarter0 and de= mayo ' an ° del nas(l ' YillCYlto (16 HUBStvO cree0 patent tofilefi it map be nece00arp to mafee and pa00 Se ~ norJesuChristode In tfie 0a(d I0land0 and mainland In our name, tfiu0, m iii e quatrofientos e 2Don Ferdinand and 2Donna 30abella, etc*, 0ealing tfiem noventa e tres ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores la fiz escrivir por su mandado. E enlas espaldas dela dicha carta estava escrito lo que se sygue : Acor- dada, Rodricus Doctor. Registrada, Alonso Peres. Pero Gutierres Cbanfiller. El Rey e la Reyna. POR quanto enel poder que mandamos dar e dimos a vos Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante delas Yndias e tierra firme que se ha descubierto e se ha de descobrir enel mar o$eano ala parte delas Yndias e nuestro Viso Rey e Governador delas dichas yslas e tierra firme , se contiene que vos ayays de librar las cartas e provisiones patentes que se oviesen de fazer e espedir enlas dichas Yndias e tierra firme en nuestro nonbre por Don Fernando e Dona Ysabel ec. las quales han 145 ello vos mandamos que llevasedes, e po- dria acaeger que vos non estoviesedes en- las dicbas Yndias e tierra firme por que convernia que fuese- des a descobrir otras yslas e tierra firme o fazer otras cosas cun- deyr setiadas con nu- boitfj our seal tohich toe commanded pou to take for this put* estro seiio que para pose • and it might happen ttjat pou might not be present in the Said islands and mainland, because it might be adbiSable for pou to go to discober other islands and mainland, or to perform other things for the adbancenientof our serbicej foe tohich cause pou bull Ijabe to leabe in pour place some person to Superintend and administer the affairs of the said islands and mainland in pour absence, toho could not superintend and administer them bp granting our said charters and de- crees in our name boithout hading our potoer and authority piideras a nuestro to that effect: therefore, bp these presents, toe gibe potoer servifio decuya cabsa an o a utfjoritp to the person hohom pou map nominate in pour avreys de dexar en a j,0 cnce to remain in the said islands and mainland, that he V persZa°que entienda map determine and dispatch the matters and causes tohlch e provea enias cosas map arise there, gibing the said decrees and charters in our deias dicbas Yndias name, and sealing them butlj our seal, just as pou might do if pou boere present in the said islands and mainland, in birtue of our said poboers boljich pou hold: bohereof toe conn mand these presents to be giben, signed hoitlj our names. HDone in Barcelona, on tlje tbientp^eighth dap of Sl^ap in the pear ninetp=tljtee + j the Bing. J the shueen. Bp command of the Bing and of the flfcueen, Ferdinand 8lbares. £nd on the dorse it said, Granted. e tierra firme en vuestra absentia, el quad no podria en- tender ni proveber en- ello dando las dicbas nuestras cartas e pro- visions en nuestro nonbre syn aver para ello nuestro poder e abtoridad. Porende por la presente damos poder e facultad ala persona que en vu- estra absentia vos nonbrardes para que- dar enias dicbas yslas e tierra firme para que pueda librar e expedir los negogios y cabsas que ally ocurieren , dando las dicbas provisiones e cartas en nuestro non- bre e sellandolas con &pe I&mg ano ttje dkueett. jForasmutb as attorOtng to ttjc agree* ntent boljich hoe commanded to be made boitlj pou, 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral of the Ocean, and our (Eicerop and Oobernor of tlje islands and mainland of the Said Ocean, holjich are in tlje region of the Indies, it is com tained among other things that for the offices of goberm ment boljich it map be necessarp to ljah>e in tlje said is= lands and mainland, pou are to" nominate three persons nuestro seiio, segund fot eaclj office, and t^ at toe shall nominate and appoint one que vos lo podriades of tljem to such office; and it is impossible at present to hazersyendo presente obserbe tlje Said agreement oboing to pour earlp departure enias dicbas ysias e for the said islands ; therefore, relping upon pou, our said tierra firme, por vir- tud delos dicbos nuestros poderes que teneys, delo qual mandamos dar la presente firmada de nuestros nonbres. Fecba en Barcelona a veynte e ocho dias de mayo de noventa e tres ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna Fernand Alvares. E enias espaldas dezia, Acordada. El Rey e la Reyna. POR quanto segund el asyento que nos mandamos fazer con vos Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar ogeano e nuestro Viso Rey e Governador deias yslas e tierra firme del dicho mar ogeano que son ala parte deias Yndias, entre otras se contiene que para los ofifios de governagion que oviere de aver enias dicbas yslas e tierra firme vos ay ays de nonbrar tres personas para cada ofigio e que nos nonbremos e proveamos al uno dellos del tal ofigio, y al presente non sepuede guardar el dicho asiento por la brevedad de vuestra partida para las dicbas yslas, confiando de vos el dicho 146 9$ *i? s .S' ©6?^ rj) »% ~2Jhm<> je««f»j£2*A-$ -t-»-‘S ,v f A-.-.»S J\ •V'ST^f'^-e 0 •2J* ‘*2 &£-C>&* y e2>oJfe Cv(£-*l’Z (U Cj-A lit? ^1^11$ tyy\^fc"’ '~ZLZ^o — w — 1 (5 C£«^pve jk <2^~ (•« «^US A»(gVj V^r^ v- -/j v, v^*w?$ gj^rrr ,X ^J^ 3W* ft?$(5^sr€*^;5 tvS ^ HP*? ^♦i’nS *X^t) f t*V »•- *—-—**. rt ^l ^u, __ ^ , &fog r p£*J H4 ^' ^ -%_> < l~fpi&~2. &>& *bf <3 J1 IK» <«» c-vt^d-l* 3 «9 c^£>' a ^ " ?1 ^ ; r-W*J »o5 h« j(rxjC**3*» <$ wjSw*^ jiJ^;'^ Jc^vu?-* wpvx Gb V rv>9ni ■»«• f 0 ip nC C ? C-^N ■ ***^V- (fl .vv^o^n^- '*4 Q v 9 »-V7»*yS Vrltfn^^iorhj ' 7] 72v ojt %& ^ s> *r*~f^?' ‘ >* wyA 1 S S^vAr^crl^y^ kV*»* i** 01 w«rv*ii ^ c h*C r>vr6>'' r , t/v^r , WVo nV u p or^^i ZS - ^1 *v*^, v»S ^*^\><^U .vTX {? frpi * >>vg S C^X, ()l£ -j Av^ V oC~-}J^yr^*<£MS-*++^&*k (p ~h^? f *+^$l' (£» (Iv^rt^^A iH v? A* 0 ^f 7 Z(L ^a 0 ’ •' trt ^8A-Sv?€^rf tiiji-t ^/H^L (j\c]h*$&l <^SrS>^ ln*v V * « v «r&$> dVQnl f-^Vs *v»rP ’mtnV^ ^>^4 r "(H^*2< "" ^ o r>^ <€>*2 rt e^^v- t* «% ®JiHFU *» *>6 sr w * f r rOrfwr/tiV^V ^m»-^ £W \>r6 nuestro Almircinte Viso Rey e Governa- dor que lo proveeres e como cumple a nuestro ser- vigio e ala buena go- vernagion delas di- chas yslas, por la jSl&mfral, ^LTicecop anti (BoVernor, that pou toill provide tt)cre= for in a tcusttoorthp manner and for the advancement of our Service and of the good government of tlje said islands, bp ZbiZmente these presents toe giVe pou licence, potoer and authocitp that, p as long as it shall be our toill and pleasure, pou map fill up the said offices of government of the said islands and main-- lano toito SUCH persons, ant. for suet, time, and In mi form „ os „„ mos and manner as Shall Seem good to pou; and to those persons poder , e j a . toho shall be thus appointed bp pou toe giVe potoer and au* thoritp to use the said offices, according to the form and manner tohich Shall be contained in the commissions toljich pou shall giVe them of the said offices. 2Done in the citp of Zt Jos ZoTofi- ©arcelona, on the ttoentp^eighth dap of 9l£ap in the pear one gios de governagion thousand four hundred and ninetp=three. 31 the Bing* 3 the 3Dueen. ©p command of the Bing and of the 3Dueen, jfer= dinand SUV ares* (Granted. cultad para que en tanto quanto fuere nuestra merged e vo- delas dichas yslas e tier r a firme alas per- sonas e por el tienpo e enla forma e manera que a vos bien visto fuere. Alos quales que asy por vos fue- ren proveydos, les da- erdes sera contenido. Fecha enla gibdat de Barcelona a veynte e ocho dias de mayo de mill e quatrogientos UJon jfer&tnanD and SDontta Isabella, bp the grace of (Bod Bing and 3Dueen of Castile, Beon, mos poder e facultad dragon, ^icilp, (Branada, Toledo, (Balencia, (Balicia, Majorca, P ara usar delos di ~ »>eVille, Sardinia, CordoVa, Corsica, S^urcia, 3|aen, tlje SLU ch Z ufZmZZma- gacVes,&lgeciras,(Bibraltar and the Canarp Islands, Count P Z ra qJZnluesZTs and Countess of Barcelona and Bords of ©iscap and Molina, provisyones que delos 2Dufees of Athens and ilieopatria, Counts of 1&ouSSillon and dkbos ojigios lesdi Cerdagne, 9©arquises of C>ristano and (Bojiano* (HEljereas pou, 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral, tlicerop and (BoVernor of the £Dcean, ljaVe supplicated and praped us as a favour to give pou our potoer and authocitp to form and establish out of pour properties, Vassals, hereditaments, e no ventaetresmos. and perpetual offices, one or ttoo entails, So that there map R ° * ey p or man. remain an enduring memorial of pou and of pour house dado del Rey e deia and race, and that pour descendants map be honoured; there* Reyna, Fernand ai- fore, IjaVing regard thereto, and considering that it is tlje vares ■ Acordada. privilege of lungs and princes to honour and eralt their Subjects and denizens, and especiallp those toljo Serve them toell and fattfjfullp, and because in the making of such gragia de Dios Rey entails honour accrues to the ropal croton of these our e Reyna de Castilla, de Leon, de Aragon, de Segilia, de Granada, de Toledo, de Valengia, de Gallisia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Cerdena, de Cordova, de Corgega , de Murgia, de Jaben, delos Algarves, de Algesira , de Gibraltar, e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Bargelona e Sehores de Viscaya e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellon e de Cerdania, Marqueses de Oristan e de Gogiano. Por quanto vos Don Cbristoval Colon nuestro Almirante, Viso Rey e Governador del mar ogeano nos suplicastes e pedistes por merged que vos diesemos nuestro poder e facultad para faser e estableger de vuestros bienes, vasallos e heredamientos ojigios perpetuos uno o dos mayoradgos por que quede perpetua memoria de vos e de vuestra casa e linaje e por que los que de vos vinieren sean bonrrados, lo qual por nos visto, e consyderado que alos Reyes e Pringipes es propia cosa honrrar e sublimar a sus subditos e naturales espegial mente a aquellos que bien e leal mente los sirven e por que en se fazer los tales mayoradgos es honrra dela corona real destos nuestros H 9 m DON Fernando e Dona Ysabel por la kingboms anti abbantage anti benefit to the latter-, anti taking into account the many goob, faithful, great anb continual Serbices tohich you the saib 2Don Christopher Columbus, our £bmtral, babe renbereb anb baily bo renber to us, especially in biscobering anb bringing unber our potoer anb bominion tlje islanbs anb mainlanb tohich pou biscobereb in tbe saib 3Dcean, chiefly because toe hope that toith the aib of our 3Lorb d5ob it toill rebounb much to his Serbice, anb to our honour, anb to the benefit anb abbantage of our kingboms, anb be= cause it is hopeb that the people of the saib ^nbies toill be conberteb to our holy catholic faith ; bje babe approbeb there= of, anb by this our patent, of our oton motion anb certain knotolebge anb absolute royal potoer, tohich in this behalf toe toill to exercise anb bo exercise as l&ing anb £Dueen anb Dios nuestro Senor 3lorb0, acknotolebging no superior in things temporal, toe P° u ^ ,C0nce anb authority that ebery time anb toheneber you may please anb think fit, both buring your lifetime by Simple contract anb legacy, or by bonation inter btbos, or by your testament anb last toill, anb by cobicil, or in any an- other manner tohich pou may please anb think fit, you may be able to make anb may make an entail or entails, by one, ttoo or three instruments, or by many, as often anb in such manner as you may choose anb beem goob ; anb that you may be able to reboke, bequeath, amenb, abb to anb toitljbrato from, biminish anb increase Such entail or entails, or any clause or part thereof, once, ttoice, thrice anb as many more times anb in tohateber manner you may choose anb beem goob ; anb that you may be able to make anb may make the Saib entail or entails on 2Don SDiego Columbus, your elbest latoful son, or on any of your sons able to inherit, tofjom you noto habe or may babe from henceforth ; anb, in befault anb failure of Sons, on one or ttoo of your relattbes or other persons, as you may choose anb beem goob; anb that you may be able to make anb may make it of any bassals, juris-- bictions, hawses, lanbs, herebitaments, mills, pastures, anb vida por other herebitaments anb effects toljatsoeber, anb of any contrato e manda, como por donation entre bivos, como por vuestro testamiento e postrema voluntad e por cobdifildo o en otra manera quad quier que quisyerdes e por bien tovierdes podades fazer e faga- des mayoradgo o mayoradgos , por una o dos o tres escrituras o por muchcts tantas quantas veses e enla manera que quisyerdes e bien visto vos fuere e aquel o aquellos o qual quier cosa o parte dellos podades rebocar testar e emendar e anadir e quitar e menguar e acrefentar una e dos e tres veses e quantas mas vezes e como e enla manera que quisyerdes e bien visto vos fuere e que el dicho mayoradgo o mayoradgos podades bazer e fagades en Don Diego Colon vuestro hijo mayor legitimo o en qual quier de vuestros hijos herederos que oydia teneys o tovierdes dc aqui adelante, e en defecto e falta de bijos en uno o dos de vuestros parientes o otras personas que vos quisierdes e bien visto vos fuere , e que lo podays fazer e fagays de quales quier vasallos e juridifiones e casas e iierras e heredamientos e molinos e debesas e otros quales quier heredamientos e bienes e de quales 150 reynos e pro e bien dellos, e acatando los muchos buenos e lea- les e grandes e con- tinuos servifios que vos el dicbo Don Christoval Colon nu- estro Almirante nos avedes fecho e fase- des de cada dia, e es- pecial mente en pneWj (lL£r*fr£ (pxjn* 7 *’^ (3\)«>3 (IlC _ *j 5~ JkcjJk (J^-% n=^A»S /pxv iu>pw P*» 3y S&S »kO t it+Vc 6 1 Uo3 2J£U. Q ^n+ag^-S «p v T^Tp, $fT<> /b rtlA> T4< 1 «i *■ «*S il\ aTrf(b J] ^Tc€boS Q? _ jJ-fr-fPr^v’ n»^ -f-r /Mi “* ()) CmXfir^ft ^ nCfl (^vr//J l I ^ dLv^HH» (jl ?t£ v* » r /3oNoo^ v frvtSte-* -V • » ■ * i »y ’ w w ' ’»»■' M J d*/ir? £> fc 1 » » ‘jp 5 ^ K?** arriSr* S'TT'ijy^t^ ^i&V«iitP r £jl a%tjSr3sc Ji» /®c 3£d?As <9* ’ ~J& ( J*>(j*' (U4°lx ~jv J^/^^^/cIl .w^s crfii3b>i*$ (J> yy^° *'*' »v 0\jE?« (mjV^rtOijS (P^yo$^©|^ .r^^sV* e(S Nr6Vr t ^#-fS y-^. / — Z I _ Vi-^/ i- "^ »sN> |S<« nz^>h~r*-6 ^yV^-i^lfll &'&>.*& kw ,i7 ^ 6^ • 9_ v -p.vP.5 i *»* r«a ft Hy^p > ' r ^ V * 1~ wSY^-h f *^* ^ »** /» (til* pw n* t ,\ ^^? c r<> , " ^ f• (4^JcrCllloST>o/^VX^^M^*<>§ PolR>«4nioS£»* »*ti$ onC»to% ^)rC£p> ^ XI rnSvJ nrJ ^Tvcrl-o^pXl^ 5 ix ^~ m ^j^ v* m o$ >i4tir9iU3b-fo, c== x|£ — offices tohlch poti hold from us bp right and bp inheritance; quier ofifios que vos and that of all that is aforesaid and of eberp part and parcel de nos , ten s a y s * ° juro e de heredad, E thereof, tohlch pou note hold and possess, and tohlch it ap= que de to do io suso pertains to pou to habe and to hold until nob), and tohlch pou dicho e ; cada cosa , e map from henceforth hold and possess, as toell bp fabour tenedes e posehedes e and gifts as bp renunciations, purchases, barters, exchanges, vos P ert r ene ^ e aver e , „ _ „ . tener fasta aqui e permutations or bp anp other titles bsljether of honour or of tovierdes e poseyer- profit, or In anp other manner, or for anp other cause or rea-- des de a( i ui adeiante , Son that map exist, pou shall habe potoec to make and map Mfl / os como por re _ make the said entail or entails entlrelp according to pour brill nun^iones e con- and free pleasure and disposition, as toell of pour said pro= biZeplZZZLZTo pertp and effects, entlrelp and completelp, tolthout anp dlml= por otrosquaies quier , _ ~ . , ^ , titulos onorosos o la- nution, as ot anp portion or portions thereof; so that pour trativos \i UC rativos\ Said propertp, and anp part or parcel thereof, map descend ° at™ quai quier Inblolablp bp entail on the said 2 Don 2 Dlego Columbus, pour ZZ/cabsaZZazZ Son, and on pour sat'd sons and descendants on toljom pou que sea , el qual dicbo Shall please to make and Shall make the said entail or en= "goZpodadeTfIZe'r tails, under the conditions, limitations, charges, settlements, e fagades a toda and securities, nominations and substitutions of heirs, M^ZueZZlZZ modes, rules, penalties and submissions tohlch pou map pusycion asy deios please and tljtnk fit, and totth anp ordinances, bequests, con-- fZZsTnteZa'eZZ dltlons and cobenants, and In such form and manner as pou plida mente syn di- Shall Settle, bequeath, dispose and grant, bp one or bp manp ZZTdTqmfquZ Instruments, as aforesaid* ail toljlclb and eberp clause and parte o partes dettos pact thereof, considering It to be expressed and declared here ZZteZZIeZZZdl just aS If It tocre here set doton and Specified toord for toord, chos vuestros bienes front noto henceforth, of our said certain knotoledge, proper mo-- e pa q “f ^Zs^por tfon and absolute ropal potoer, toljlclj In tljt'S matter toe tolll to mayoradgo enel di- use and do use, toe commend, approbe and confirm, and lnter= ZZJdZ fy e 0 go e ZZZ pose therein and In eberp clause and part thereof our ropal de= dichos vuestros hijos crce and authorltp ; and toe command that the toljole and eberp \ ul ^ q ltyTL iZ clause and part thereof be balld and be obserbed totoards pou ser e Jisyerdes el dicho mayoradgo o rnayoradgos conlas condifiones e limitafiones, cargos , vinculos e Jirmezas, ynstitufiones e sostitu- fiones, modos, reglas e penas e submisiones, que vos quisyerdes e por bien tovierdes e con quales quier hordenanfas e mandas e pactos e convenenfias e segunt e por la forma e manera que vos vinculardes e mandardes e dispusyerdes e otorgardes por una o por muchas escrituras como dicho es. Lo qual todo e cada cosa e parte dello aviendolo aqui por expresado e declarado como sy de palabra a palabr a aqui fuese puesto e expafificado nos desde agora para estonfes dela dicha nues- tra fierta sfienfia e propio motuo e poderio real avsoluto de que enesta parte queremos usar e usa- mos lo loamos e aprovamos confirmamos e ynterponemos a ello e a cada cosa e parte dello , nuestro decrecto e abtoridad real e mandamos que vos vala e sea guardado todo e cada cosa e parte dello 153 nt 3 ynbiolable mente pa- Inbtolablp, both note and foe eber, eben though It, and each r pre%mL pa mn le q n ue c l au 0 e arl0 Pact °£ lt » be corttrarp to express law and to eberp aqueiio e cada cosa form and ordinance thereof, and be such and of such sort that e parte deiio sea con- ejpreg# and Special mention ought necessartlp to be made In tra espreso dereebo e contra toda forma this our patent, and it could not be included in the general ex-- e orden del e sea tal preSSlon thereof; and that It be obserbed as Well and as cotm df'nlfesZZTe Z- a $ $ upon each clause, part and article thereof our ap= viese bazer espresa, probation, licence and command had been obtained, according y espe (ial min (^ n and In such form and manner as Shall be contained In pour CflCStcl TlUCStvCl CClVlCl u e que no pudiese ser ssald disposition or dispositions. Sind It Is our pleasure that conprehendido sola all this be so done, notwithstanding that pour other sons fu7 r fea ad guard°ad e a arc able t0 antl P° Ui: relatlbes, kinsmen, bien asy e a tan cun- descendants and collaterals map be damnified In their por= piida mente como sy tlon g a nd allowances Which appertain to them- and that the sobre ccidci cosct c parte e articuio deiio 0ald 2Don 2Dlego Columbus, pour Son, and hr or thep on Whom oviese nuestra apro- pou shall make the said entail or entails, or legacp, or aug= van f a e hfenfia e merltal: ( 0tt map obtain or hade a berp great and notable ex= gunte por la forma cess bepond What, according to rights and municipal laws, que enia dicha vu- p OU can ie a fce to them f n pour testament or last Will, and gibe diyustioZ 7 se°co 7 - donations Inter blbos, or In anp other manner Wbatsoeber. tuviere. Lo quai to- and It Is our tolll and pleasure that these said properties, does nuestra merged ^ht'ch p 0U a n thus Include and place In pour said entail or enbar gante que los entails, Shall be inalienable and mdtbtsible for eber, and that otros vuestros hijos the person or persons on Whom pou shall make the said em tZl d tZ7pl7iL°tl r s° S e tail or entail & anl1 tye one Who, according to pour disposition, debdos e degendientes Shall hold It, or those Who shall hold tljem, shall not be able e tr ™sversaies sean t0 g^e, bestow, alienate, dlblde or separate them, nor “gitima 72 n 7 enL be able to lose them, nor shall lose them, for anp debt that que les pertenege e he map oboe, nor for anp other reason or cause, nor for Action vuntm^jo an ? cnme or tnte&emeanour Which he map commit, except the e aquei o aqueihs crime of le?e=majestp or perduellto or treason, or the crime a quien fisierdes ei 0 f fjeresp ; and It IS our Will and pleasure that this be mfljo radgos 7 man da ohSerbed, notwithstanding the laws Which contain tljat o mejoria iieven o entails are not to take effect eben though tljep be made bp ayan muy grand e notable demasya delo que segund dereebos e leyes del fuero les podes dexar en vuestro testamento o postrema voluntad e dar por donadios entre bivos , o en otra qual quier manera los quales dichos bienes que asy yncluierdes e pusierdes enel dicho vuestro mayoradgo o mayoradgos, queremos e es nuestra merged que sean ynprestibles e ynpartibles para syenpre jamas e que la persona o personas en quien fisierdes el dicho mayoradgo o mayoradgos o que segunt vuestra dispusygion le oviere o los ovieren non los pueda vender ni dar ni donar ni enajenar ni dividir ni apartar ni los pueda perder ni pierda por ninguna debda que deva ni por otra razon ni cabsa ni por ningund delito ni crimen que cometan salvo crytnen lege magestatis, o per- duliones o traygion o cry men de eregia, lo qual queremos e es nuestra merged que se guarde non enbar gante las leyes que se contienen que los mayoradgos nun ayan logar aunque se fagan por 154 - V ♦» C*vC.tC-(X- ttn\V^ J} ^>!*A - - s? *<& ®* rfrreQ* .jr 5 ^ %rW» 0*»rA? . j&z ^ - (SV ^ Cr <£ rt ^2**} **** &C*r^r7^$ (fl li^T^ *"

** 80s A0n6 i*c*n?' <; ^ x ;r€~?©j6 **^&d O^T^f n ^^^SX^^3sH>vSS t '-f l !j' "Ssue, vS (^JbS (f-frvu S^V ^!La^%**Sh^Ws ill' f^Ts^^v jb§ (^RMc'hiC J^T > *’ r C*L2 «^r * r«3> e?v*n9 p ;rs 0 vVr6-^ dlhjs ^0^ n^.£*rfo (j? pH 9~»1*X A%? 7 9o» («\ SH*s c'-ti wv’^f feh «W5 r*> ^*® f £\> S dt v^rCt (ft ^j0iOi*J}§QjC ^^9^^CT^t>9n%Srtfi i&Sr 480, ■>*%$*• (0 t'o^SI Oti^Tt'C'^*^ ^ Qi55\fe m *0 Ctpsin'c* Cr^prnii% ijrfbrtfy'l j}* ci>Cf“\^» {ft is mtrs ’ip &- r^c fes £**** ^ m ; I t y/foS ^v-i?»^'(|] ocr# fig i t5 s e* nCL ^ ^/W***j ^IVil jtV^~fc~r** rt& *■ --- lC&*£p*^\ oL >e~brr >£*» 4 *S < 3 ^ 6 ^ ( 3 v»< 5 ^ ^ / -» *crw-^rRy^^ ^ r ■ ' ~ \0 ,’>. +-Mf\ 8 - fC>rt_ ^ 7 ?v« ?‘> *■*«? o qra-^ —fS^* ****&*£*(& wi w fd> mR/W'wV -_ v P^/«j vc « v /Tc-i -* aj GTjC(pP m«0 '** {3J-X>J?' y ^ »»»5 6 ^?eN> t l*JWtT>*Wrf I /)" ' *2> U **+* h€> v»v -“ff^vv *»*><» k)-£ »W Wi%) |*^|> "^/ I ft*/) - **■ “ ^V kj r&rvy z !&> ^ W** tf/ti ? 6 ‘ ^ w-r^St i »*,rij i 'TK? f^ZC $ g^ $zAl4*% ^VKV 9 ^^. ^ e^e^tef ^ SL H •'^J f M^,^. S /(J^V j> ._y ’ e^- y^^ M ^fcir s < 2 %& estilos e fasahas asy comunes e munifipa- les delos Reyes, nue- tiictuc of an? patents anti rescript# boljatsoeber that ma? be virtud de quales quier granteb thereupon ^ anb likeboise notbottljstanbtng an? laboS, ZlZZiioTe^denZ statutes, rights, orbinances, usages anb customs, prece= otrosy non enbar- Dcnts anb practices, botlj common anb municipal, of the £ ante l ^aies quier togs our prebecessors, boljtclj are or ma? be contrar? to / echos , ordenamien- boljat is aforesaib; anb the laboS anb rigljts tohiclj beclare ios, usos e costunbres that an?tljing bone to the prejubtee of a tljirb part?, or com trar? to goob usages anb customs, boljerein tlje part? com Sibers that hr is injures or bamnifieb, is inbalib ^ anb the labo stros an tefesores , que tobicb beclares tljat profjibititie rights cannot be rebokeb, anb dkho sean 0 ser pue- those bohich beclare that patents granteb contrar? to lata, dan, ni las leyes e Statute anb right, ought to be [bts]obe?eb anb not fulfilleb, fZtZfeThleZpZ cben though the? ma? contain an? berogatibe causes anb other juizio de terfero o assurances anb nomobStanteS; anb tlje lab) toljich beclares \ZT e JsLbZTn tljat the protection of the part? [interesteb] is promiseb b? que la parte entiende natural lab), anb that it cannot be taken aboa? or rebokeb, anb ^noVatZZZy that the labos, statutes anb balib rights cannot be rebokeb, dise v* y *J *W*Z!~ *- i iAo^S? isrxfi^? H' 1 ’ T& ?e #to5N.^s '• ft ■' r»N (5 ?&**£+£ c^*-h*> db{~> '-|>v-t jo V/Clhr' < 5 ? 4 ^^c/t-c 0 S 2 I '”*”’“ &'f' n . r^U^-v (y (Strv*?\ *’ rt»«V* dhrz+*+~* (p m«r nirf- in ^iv Y„ vr S' >e < '‘ > '“ ’■ 1 ■* 1 1 %r**»< ■X?y^$ (p _ - . . . . 1 x?uS c?X^t»J' pt-e^l C*s ++'4^T\ 9 V^g ( vi (4\i^ JL^ ji& tC’^t’ ^ll 'vrw JVH4 yr *+o g C^N> «S (S>i i: t> v ''> AV+r Jt» - — 3 -PVn** i -^=^ 6 * CQ*t+~~‘cQ> (g Jlr Z ^J3> 5 C^l iV*»»3 p^'*' **j ft.^\ N»g^ jK># " " ■ *■ >v§-i-W illcS^MCjrtUJi) ill c^xcji i« Jii v2J^y#6\r<\ tX K>l6|C r-.to C »v(?«r3' j*~*8 X> *•'. S la»p>$ y o v*| m«l $ wmY (p*^V *? C^*»5 "VCvS vtft^iT*v6»y «j ^N>g r«>S ^ -P» t j gw^)^ > -p7v *«| o u>i **> 1 p ^ ^ c4 ^ in *1 ^y^'l "l L y vvoS(y-h r ©^ * 2? Vufe « V*o ^Cp+^.v 4i^ ^ t ^^tSzrfiA ^ it»i(< $-&r l?*>jCi ^>\r- A*n n 0 ‘' S . %r tv *»v2|-W , »vl % V V 2 C^rTg ifardmand aibare0 of Toledo, »»ecretarp of tlje lilng and of tlje 3Dueen our Hord0, cau0ed It to be tontten bp tbetr command* and on tlje dor0e of the 0aid patent toa0 tontten tlje follototng: 3n form, Ko= dertek 2Doctor* lftegl0tered, aifon0o }9ere0; and 0ealed. publico que para esto fuere llamado que de ende al que gela mostrare testimonio signado con su signo por que nos sepamos en como se cunple nuestro mandado. Dada enla fibdad de Burgos a veynte e tres dias del mes de abril, aho del nafi- miento de nuestro Se- nor Jesu Christo de Clje Bins anb tlje flueett. ||on Cljttstopljer Columbus, our 2U>* mlral of the 3Dcean, Ulcerop and (Bobernor of tlje I0land0 toblcb babe been dl0cobered In tlje 3ndte0: flflic Ijabe 0een pour letter0 and Ijabe Ijad muclj plea0ure In learning toljat pou torote to u0 therein, and tljat (Bod lja0 granted pou oo good an end to pour labour, and guided pou fabourablp In totjat pou babe begun, toljerem Ijc totll be greatlp 0erbed, and toe Uketol0e, and our klngdom0 totll recetbe 0ucb great ad= bantage. Sl^ap It plea0e (Bod tljat, be0lde0 0erblng btm In tbl0 matter, pou map on account tljereof recetbe manp fa= bour0 from u0, toljlclj, re0t a00ured, totll be conferred upon pou a0 pour 0erbtce0 and labour de0erbe* and becau0e toe totll that tobat pou babe begun map, bp tbe aid of (Bod, be continued and carried fortoard, and toe are de0trou0 tljat pour coining 0ljottld be 0peedp, It being for our 0erbt'ce tljat pou 0bould make a0 much ba0te a0 pou po00tblp can In pour coming, In order that eberptljtng tljat 10 needful map be pro-- btded In time; and becau0e, a0 pou 0ee, 0prlng ba0 begun, and le0t tbe 0ea0on for returning tljltber 0ljould pa00 bp; trp tobetljer anptljlng can be got readp m >©>ebllle or In other mill e quatrofientos e noventa e syete ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Yo Fernand Alvares de Toledo Secretario del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Senores lajise escri- vir por su mandado e enlas espaldas dela dicha carta estava escrito lo syguiente , en forma Rodricus Doctor. Registrada Alonso Peres e sel- lada. El Rey e la Reyna. § DON Christoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante del mar ofeano, Vis Rey e Gover- nador delas yslas que se ban descubierto enlas Yndias, Vimos vuestras letras y ovimos mucho plaser en saber lo que por ellas nos escrivistes,y de averos dado Dios tan buen fin en vuestro travajo, y encaminado bien enlo que comenfastes, en que el sera mucho servulo y nos otros asy mismo, y nuestros reynos refibir tanto provecho. Plasera a Dios que de mas delo que en esto le servis por ello refibires de nos muchas merfedes , las quales creed que se vos haran como vuestros servifios y trabajos lo merefen. Y por que queremos que lo que aveys comen^ado conel ayuda de Dios se continue , y lleve adelante, y deseamos que vuestra venida juese luego, porende por servifio nuestro que dedes la mayor priesa que pudierdes en vuestra venida por que con tienpo se provea todo lo que es menester , y por que come vedes el reran o es entrado, y non se pase el tienpo para la y da alla,ved sy algo se puede aderesfar en Sevilla o en otras l6l partes para vuestra tornada ala tierra que aveys ballado, y es- crivid nos luego con- ese correo que ha de bolver presto por que luego se provea como se haga en tanto que vos aca venis y tor- nays de manera que quando bolvierdes de aca este todo apareja- do. De Barcelona a treynta dias de marfo de noventa e tres ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por manda- do del Rey e dela Reyna , Fernand Al- vares , e enlas espal- das dezia , Por el quarter# for pour return to tlje countrp toljtcfj pou Ija tie di#; cohered • and torite to u# at once bp tin# courier, totjo jjas to return qutcfclp, in order tljat immediate probision map be made for toljat i# to be done toljile pou are coming Ijence and returning, #o tljat upon pour return from Ijere eberptijing map be in readiness. jfrom Barcelona, tlje tljlrttetlj dap of 9l£arclj, in tlje pear ninetpaljree. 3 tlje Iking. 3 tlje 3kueen. Bp command of tlje Bing and of tlje £Dueen, Ferdinand Sllbare#. &nd on tlje dor#e it #aid: Bp t^e Iking and tlje £Dueen, to 2Don Cljrt'stopljer Columbu#, tljeir Admiral of tlje £>cean, and ftlicerop and (Sobernor of tlje i#land# toljiclj Ijabe been discobered in tlje 3udtes. ®i)e Hueen. suAlmirante del mar ofeano e Vis Rey e Governador delasys- las que se ban descu- bierto enlas Yndias. La Reyna. j©on Christopher Columbus, our an* „ , p A miral of tlje 3Dcean, (Micerop and (Kobernor of tlje i#land# nZ rhltinZfr'niZ uttolp found in tlje 3ndie#: Bp tlji# courier 31 Send pou a tran#cript of tlje boob toljicij pou left Ijere, toljicl) been de= laped #o long in order tljat it migljt be toritten #ecretlp, #o tljat neitljer tfjo#e totjo are Ijere from Portugal nor anpone el#e migljt fenoto of it; and on tlji# account, in order tljat it migljt be done tlje #ooner, it i# in ttoo Ijandbm'ting#, a# pou bull perceibe. Certainlp, according to toljat Ija# been done and #een until nob) in ttji# bu#ine##, it i# recognised dailp a# being berp important, and of great toortlj and toeigljt, and tljat pou Ijabe rendered u# muclj serbice therein, and toe are greatlpin-- § don christovai debted to pou ; and therefore toe trust in C5od tljat, beside# Colon nuestro Almi- tofjat ija# been agreed upon toitlj pou, tojjictj i# to be berp rantedelmarofeano, tfjOCOUgljlp performed and fulfilled, pou toill receibe front u# visa ReyeGovema- muclj turtljer tjonour, fabour and adbancement, a# i# reason^ dor deias ysias nueva able, and a# pour serbice# and merit# deserbe. 3t tlje chart of mente faiiadas enlas t jj e nabigation toljicl) pou Ijad to prepare i# finished, Send it to Yndias, coneste cor- me at oncc? anI , £ 0C gferbice make great lja#te toitlj pour reo vos enbw un tras- fc£p artuw irl order tljat, bp tlje grace of our llord, it map be dexastes d° aZTa P ut itlt0 cffcct tui'tfiout anp delap, for pou See Ijoto important tardado tanto tor aue ix & t0 t&e success of tlje undertaking ; and torite and inform se escr iviese seer eta l, S constantlp of eberptijing out tljere, and toe toill adbise and mente para que estos inform pou of eberptijing tljat map take place Ijere. In tlje que estan aqui de affair of fBortugal no determination Ija# been taken toitlj those Portugal ni otro al- toljo are Ijere: although 3 beliebe tljat tlje Iking toill come gunoncnsupiesedei- to term# therein, 3 toould toish pou to tljink tlje contrarp, in lo, y a cabsa desto order tljat pou map not on tljat account fail or neglect to act por que mas presto se biziese, va de dos letras segund vereys. Cierta mente segund lo que eneste negofio aca se ba platicado y visto cada dia se conofe ser muy mayor y de grand calidad y sustanfia, y que vos nos aveys enello muc' o servido y tenemos de vos grand cargo, y asy esperamos en Dios que demas delo asentado con vos que se ha de fazer e cunplyr muy entera mente que vos refibireys de nos mucha mas bonrra, merged y acrefentamiento como es rason y lo adeudan vuestros servifios e merefi- miento. La farta del marear que aviades de fazer sy es acabada me enbiad luego, y por servifio mio deys grande priesa en vuestra partida para que aquella conla gratia de nuestro Sehor se ponga en obra syn dilation alguna pues vedes quanto cunple al byen del nego^io, y de todo de alia nos escrivid e fased syenpre saber que de aca de todo lo que oviere vos avisaremos e vos lo faremos saber. Enel negofio de Purtugal non se ha tornado con- estos que aqui estan determinafion, aun que yo creo que el Rey se llegara a razon enello, querrya que pensasedes lo contrario porque porello no vos descudeys ni dexeys deyr sobre 162 £ll, J9W -Ml rt+rtrt *Sl> y rt^v«|9«pS &»-r«f“v (VKjC^ GcCuc^^jl-d jscr 3 »v*^ icv 6 ‘N>« , S» <$&»ie*'J£'t : \. Sc^r'cn-Ut^^’ ^ y &V«* M™* ^ n ■^y <& < 51 * *c? v ** ( tfl ~ #¥£? Sgr^rz , **?v *£**& iil »~wv (g ^ '^ r JL__ l Crt X<7^Jk ^Tp 4^% — L v ..^s *-«[U *^ .^rfe. *a G~i *v55»'“ ,A *H^X" r A £— o~4»-9 ^ P Lrtlfs Q^V>*?S ^ — "ty ^x.~ »i»m V t^-H^ * H ^ n *T ~ ^ J X£^p^£"X3;. v^ y«r+^&* Qg* : )' tv ’ 5 * r v v vj^ r f^ihjv^ l \p£$[ ip^T 9 ' Su 4v>i«crt©$ »T»».yw iv" v| I— w «| 4; v ‘ I 'V * p ]w<’IK^!pc^v« 0-|lv « gVfS^ £, *}-£ >^P ^ycHv vhN? i?$ (S^Vh gyS 11 »m r** *>*nrn\r J>ALi$^8 C^9 f> ^)•*• *m5 aI"? Al w4t(tf|y<»m> »v^S> i L ^y r *y ^tU3N«^% w* fc-itCtiS (%>*Y§ ^*r6 VwKU^^^S Ax& c ? *m?S ^ f® rv $ Ivm£v$ «jZ<^ vS?***^^ ****^’ f^X^L, <51* J\ •*£> tfVT,n ST ^ ^^iTn -y-^tt.rtTA^ r mo S p** , '|I? Oi> h^ r^y«r»*^/s JC\)o$ ^TK^t^jSOij^yM^ '^v A-Vo$-f*Jn' *vr»0/^A\y toOnofV 1v(5V5 ^QvVw* 0 C ^nCmr *** cj 6\A tv>$ * P*>8 ^m ;|fef 0 P ^5& Ssfe^ ^ ^o v* ^ «^w »y *1^ ^n^vr^^cj4ns>? g^»t Cxi-fo J2> &>/• ( i Cf-rASiv Jl^TnSL *LC ■* Co^\^2.C*’< * v»o / i't? At $»it- J?^^*r^"^Hy^V*? 1 tju^o VUh^ ^Hmv 1> P»9^S tvtcW* (^^7**% *t 9-€-H’ ** < *x (?v S • in ♦% ^ HWv» £*>> /? »V WW fiA. 1 ^0***0^ 'lit Q* >- J\Jh^ - V>i i^v ' Ch^ C^ViWA J^rgctt A i^6 xv h>>?wk e /, *if 3b JlgTc>l *>v>^,U Ct»*?io 9 t£\S *>^w$ (j\rte* «so^. Hv.TSXrhv >w? ^5 WTg^-i. Cu^(^nU“7^T l ^l t » <2^ V prudentlp anti toitb Due caution, 00 tljat pou map not be dcceibcd m anp manna* toljateber. jfrom Barcelona, on the fifth bap of the montlj of September, in ttje pear ninetp=tbree. 3 tljc £Dueen. Bp command of ttje £Dueen, 3 |oljn dela^arra. and on tbe dorse it ssaiD : Bp tlje^Dueen, to 2 Don £ljnStopljcr Columbus, ber admiral of tlje flDcean, and iEicerop and (Bobernor of tlje islands netolp discobered in tbe Indies* Cbt l&mg anD tlje €luecn. ||on Christopher Columbus, our atrniri ral of tbe £ 3 Dcean and our QUicerop and (Bobernor of tlje is- lands neVolp discobered in tlje region of tlje Indies: fl&le babe Seen tlje letters toljiclj pou sent to us bp antonio de Torres, from toljiclj toe receibcO tnuclj pleasure, and toe gibe rnanp thanks to ouriLord d 5 od,tobo ljaS done So muclj good in Ijabing guided pou so toell in eberprljing. C0an, and tt|0tC tai persona quai con- uuicrrop and (Kodrrnor tn tl)0 l0land0 nttolp dt'0cob0r0d tn viene para el dicbo , _ _ _ ^ cargo Dc Mcd.aa «>* Of tl)t 3nDU*. del Canpo a treze de Abril de noventa e r;; Z:‘ R Z €l)e &tng and tbe Huecn. mandado del Rey e til pi™’ tZ ® on Christopher Columbus, our htsh las espaldas desya, aOtlttral Of tl)0 t0latlO0 Of tl)0 3ndt00: (LQJ0 ljat)0 000n Por el Rey e por la c f etter g an jj nt0tl1Ortal0 toljtCb ?0U 00nt tO U0 b? ^00000, Reyna, A Don Cbri- ' 07 stovai colon su Ai- and to0 ljafi0 bad ntucb pl090tt00 tn karntng all that pou torot0 nurante del mar t0 usJ tbemn, and to 0 g:iti 0 manp tljanl# to our ILord for all ofeano, su Viso Rey e Governador enlas Of tt, 0111C0 to 0 t^pe that, tottlj b# fjelp, tf)l0 POU0 UnO0rta&fitg ysslas nueva mente ^fil {j 0 mC ail0 toljcrcbp OU0 fjOl? Catl)0ltC fait!) tot'll b0 falladas enlas par- tes deias Yndias. ntucb ntott inc00a00d* and otto of tf)0 principal rra0on0 tobp D , D rljt0 Ija0 plra00d u0 00 ntuclj 10 brcau00 tt lja0 brrn tndtntrd, don christovai Co- cotttnt0ttc0d and obtatmd bp pour band, labour and mdu0trp; ion, nuestro Aimi- anJ) jt 0erm0 to u0 tljat of all tljat pou told u0 at tbt brfftnntna; rante mayor deias yslas deias Yndias, mtffbt bapprn, rdrrptbtng: lja0, for tljc nto 0 t part, occurrrd Vimosvuestrasletras e^attlp a0 if ?0U lj a d 00011 tt b0fO00 ttllfilff U0. (Lfil0 t0U0t e memoriales que nos enbiastes con in <^oO tijat tn toljat r 0 ntatn 0 to I 10 finoton tt totll conttnut Torres, y avemos t |) U ^ for all ttyfS to0 at*0 tttldtr ttlttCb OfiltffattOn tO ?0U, tO avido mucbo plaser de saber todo lo que por ellas nos escrivistes, y damos mucbas grafias a nuestro Senor por todo ello, por que esperamos que con su ayuda este negoc ( io vuestro sea cabsa que nuestra santa fe catolica sea mucbo mas acre<;entada. E una deias prinfipales cosas por que esto nos ha plasydo tanto es por ser ynventada , prinfipiada e avida por vuestra mano, travajo e yndustrya, y parefe nos que todo lo que al prinfipio nos dixistes que se podria alcanfar por la mayor parte todo ha salido fierto como sy lo ovierades visto antes que nos lo dixesedes. Esperanfa tenemos en Dios que enlo que queda por saber asy se continuara de que por ello vos quedamos en mucbo cargo para 166 Q/v & | e.n&Q (^C ***<■ * C" \}fA$*A%Crnt*Q Sr v y ~ <>-— C^loCr.s GWX>e~fH\ rtf £J&~* (Kivi' ?"M ‘ N< ) >L £* ^CnAVmrrtO'Jjt S&OeQ V.V -prey « - » ~”r- ,V& j\ «*\y ~>~« * 'Vr°^ cKp'S* ‘S c V& t ’ 9 ^ &*s#sN£?v~s ~ (S^-t* 4, •' G’rp’ ^*£J&.(SS eZd Vv -1 « 0V y ^ * fh ~? r * rtK •IV ' irr,s * ^ c o^C^’ *£-<£> •><*&’ ** ( : 3Ct^^rr - tsJ’ J yym^Prt wc’m— c m .*>&»♦. ,-^ ””’2\ ^ ^ dl^~- ’y*rzr^» ♦ 7) X 7-»T i£3Z P8" JV0S^ r lr^tf^Sa J £y&<=6 §** 0~ A Q™ ?<&*» A *> * *9-* -tfi **&*^v>o r ‘\^y^yz-.^p I c oL,(U. v .. ^Vv.Sc .v ->SGW *d CT^V>U ^ 4°?P iv>Ww$y *^V $v*sv. *jj ■ (^^onjzQSij/f j !^ir^ V» tv 1 t>S £** Os ‘j’ w ° $ pi's OS -f-i'S^* r 5 (>lC iuVrnJO ( +a «l'*M*S rtV^i|l^ t *»>w ( |* iwpi^ rn 9 t\j v*^> * < |W^ •j' ^d5~0ihyS v <& is c^S %*& ++^*jj%y-x »r«^” «f ^STDv^l '** « V (p'-j 9^’ 8 n ‘~ 5 ' 8 ^‘"" , l'^ ., r 9-^f' C*t V* \?n%\<2 6 ^ C »*. C »*^ ^ V JlrH>^v^ /» It > ^ry^ Cy^oyy c y ox T 0rf^rw.oj £c$vcA ^ c^C *,£$£*(£$? -+o t-H? /^r^B VL&+u* r ~ a*j®s vtJV* niCn t-6Vi [.«*£&?,> V 3* Cj> , OO^yJks-iC-* 'pTv ,a^n"V^A. IX- .rt^- ._ -y,^ JV«= O'^’ 'S^j£r£ w i/\ g^| V ^ i\r^7>^> *^T * , ^^ v ' -6 f^} ^ 55T p ^ , WTVh<\h; 07*»C «5-^^'-for*«v^ r ^ G\jb£ 0 ’-- Qo r *v »y9 i?rt /TTV * y(/*i &> CrS aQ't-k*^ ^il> Pi-Qr£>Q*ir ?r™i zr ►»«i 'tSoSr c — (“v^ C^SVr^rCcIj' ^»o*/yy nv?\^y-(o JAYC*x~t O+) t r&Q<>' t4v»*T>T*v m>7^ % w>S Jl vos fazer mergedes de manera que vos que nos escnvistes como quiera que asaz larga mente dezis todas las cosas que es mucbo gozo e ale- gria lerlas, pero asy en que sepamos quantas yslas fasta aqui se ban fallado, confer favours upon pou in sticlj a manner tfjat pou toill lie tierp toell satisfied. and Ijatnng: seen all ttjat pott torote ro us, although poti describe all things so fttllp tljat it is a great fop and delight to read seays muy bicn con- tljern, still toe toould desire somctoljat further, [nantelp] tljat pou tento. Yvistotodoio Sljould tortte to us in suclj a manner tljat toe map Imoto fjoto ntanp islands bade been discovered up to tljis time, and toljat is tlje name of eaclj of tljose to toljiclj poit IjaVe given names ^ for altljouglj pou name Some in pour letters, tpep are not all • and toljat are tlje names toljiclj tlje otljers are called bp tlje JudianS; and Ijoto far it is from one to tlje other; and all tljat pou Ijabe found in eaclj of tljem, and toljat tljcp Sap tljere is in tljem ; and toljat Ijas been obtained from tlje crops al s° mas querriamos toljiclj IjaVe been soton Since pou toent tljere, for tlje season is alreadp omc are desirous tljat it should be stated toljetljer tljere are ttoo nonbre tiene ™da tointers and ttoo summers there in one pear. (Lcllritc tlje toljole to us una ’P or «««egoVia, on tlje six= teentlj of Slugust, in ninetp^four* 31 the Iking* 3 the 3kueen* Bp command of the Iking and of the £Dueen, jferdinand SLU Vares* Sind on tlje dorse it Said: Bp tlje Iking and tlje £Dueen, to 2Don Christopher Columbus, their pigh Sldmiral of the islands of tlje 3nbies. ||on jferfitnan& anfi SDonna Isabella, bp tlje grace of (Bod Iking and otro alguno teneys ende que lo sepan ynformaldos mui byen por escrito y por palabra y aun por pintura, y por todas las maneras que mejor podieren ser ynformados, y enbiad nos los aca luego conlas primeras caravelas que vinieren por que conellos enbiaremos otros de aca para el tienpo que esta asentado. Y quier ayays vos deyr aesto o non, escrivid nos muy larga mente todo loque en- esto supierdes y a vos paregiere que se deve hazer para nuestra enformagion y para que en todo se provea como cunple a nuestro servigio, y hazed de manera que vuestras cartas , y las que aveys de enbiar vengan presto porque puedan bolver a donde se ba de faser la Raya antes que se cumpla el tienpo que tenemos asentado conel Rey de Purtugal , como vereys por la capitulation. De Segovia, a diez e seys de Agosto de noventa e quatro. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Fernand Alvares. E enlas espaldas dezia, Por el Rey e la Reyna, A Don Cbristoval Colon su Almirante mayor delas yslas delas Yndias. DON Fernando e Doha Ysabel por la gragia de Dios Rey e 170 *1 C-^ — f^VI '8 < m.ifrt — >« £? ^VA-fvIliJM^iSi R>,> «\ffN?V « <* «v *® jV®. ? a*\&»\}C t \SL'r$ moS vrtK-®»: 0 J/C» «v “»•• 3 (^jy •• v •» v>| ^T7 j\-iiT?— .y y*° ”^JcUo tl -|^P » * • * »-«4 A fScf,, »*•» os vi7v»vO ^ CL^ »| ^?c l 8 o « 5 'Sjf» : o N (j) J-»T. < 2 lPo 1 4 V 4 .lv*. it’ll c Cnflio l*..;' ^~. »«..*> S’ yc« ®^*<»8 ‘J 1 Kxrr J^y 5 C-»v» "!"'■ f' ? *vv^»v- {.il — An tr-*vy5 J§>8 • *^77\ A g^_*Wv^4> C '►wRjgf rf-4£* § f>cV*C»i < Aj ^Iv-^vy.\ (oJjT*^-»- iT ^ VO Jl-<=U?^rz. «p 4>1 ,7^ v*v>8 -f> ^ tV lS^ r ~* r . *^y -^V '^y ^TT* ,tv * to ^vr v^y .s*tr ~~w>jy v .u rTJ'rrv»®««>S(gV^v-£. C * \7 Til -+“% v kv *Rr8 *v> Q'.8 O "t-rcgj jprti v*^ JK4^~ Jl* Cv»-t-^vl-5t, ' v ^ v yy ,v*C«'j 3 tv»“>csv<^ -y «ojAs jk-^o cyo > ? «.*<*IUS cSrtf*Gre~®<# c' or *» 8 X M (e JU ^ 9 ^u^Tv^xe^ -cft-, f Q-’/SJs ^Ts^Vc-.c-? .5 •«=’••'** 'y P*» y ^>,?8 5 - C „ 6 uyvcc.-^ •» >* -J -f***^^ c,.f>,c, s\x « §v S t/\ M *** »v mC < a ^n ^♦»» 1 -^5*^ ,v c *-cy «=r^> • 4-vv ^ tA^v (Ov^r? r . ^ 9..-S- e A- A^f* Jk 4U | ^-f ( 1 ^ xj|p .V^^v. *» V ' 0 y r ftr *‘ r fj^v-*^* 1 ^ /II-iNJoS rtrjl^wvo »$•} TJV^ W(S|<\ OV*p^5 C^ hV iaV^oS^iv^^ |5l*»wV{a, 0 ^ — 4M(pi «iOW IVrHH^ mTN^WS 0**Ailr^ , e*u&+*rr *Lprt*x JUC&2 Mr^^Vp^S (ft rv^yft A f.vV »t^vgc *»^ *+*or< [ /a^»3?H»V«w5'P/^vi»A^ /t^ /)o C^i^H-Ch^^ Jl’Vwi Ofro9 +T»*^rS (^(^v*^r3>»C^|Hj^ ^8 a?*J »^>rVo S mT^nXn^I? .. (/Le^ToMv ~ /» 9*^ |^Wvvi«; l(f<» «vC5^®°^ if .p»-re &$ *r6*-% s /tii A^ c\l — ^ 0t-»*v$ QWiM 9*>(2^ vC^S jlio<5^T> iil ^«^*v9 jlr*"«rs. A (**&*> A? Jk m JL*«, e ejl-^ M.Zi e<&i*u — ©^cT$vr Onftfs **»&»' (gVt -y (5 < ’^ 1 '’' £? ^6° vKrtjX^y -p ^ | K*^©y »'"~v^t*^b y*y&h >Ocx3U (ft fo m ;r> V£V^c^A4r*AW(^ -p@* **£\ & v^ick qvn%^ 0;^v4 ^1 ^ti\firi^,i£rS\ ^»i£hpS 4^*9 ^-v nisvS (0 v^?Vh>S p'^I^^Svi ^.R *ST-*rtV C&$ A>0 ^3^pv|^r V/ Reyna de Castilla , de Leon , de Aragon, de Sefilia , de Granada, de Toledo, de Valen- cia, de Gallisia, de Mallorcas, de Sevilla, de Qerdeha, de Cor- dova, de Corcega, de Murcia, de Jahen , delos Algarves , de Algesira, de Gib- raltar e delas yslas de Canaria, Conde e Condesa de Barce- lona e Seiiores de Vise ay a e de Molina, Duques de Atenas e de Neopatria, Condes de Rusellon e de £ erdania , Marque- ses de Oristan e de Gociano, a vos Don Christoval Colon, nu- estro Almirante de- han descubierto e se ban de descobrir enel mar oceano enla 3&ueen of Castile, Heon, aragon, »>lcllp, d5ranada, Toledo, (Valencia, df5allcla, Majorca, •©•ebllle, Sardinia, Cordoba, Cor= Sica, ^urcla, 3am, the aigarbes, aigeclras, (Gibraltar and the Canary Islands, Count and Countess of Barcelona, and Hords of Blscap and Sl^ollna, 2Dufces of atbens and 0to- patcla, Counts of l&oussillon and Cerdagne, Marquises of C>rlStano and (Bojlano: Co pou, 2Don Christopher Colunt-- bus, our Admiral of our islands and mainland, toblcb bp our command babe been dlscobered and are to be dlscobered In the €>cean, In tlje region of tlje Indies, and to pou, 2Don 3]ofjn de jfonseca, archdeacon of o>ebllle, [members] of our Coun-- cll, health and grace* finoto pe that foe Ijabe resolbed to com= mand that a certain aeet be made of some Ships and foists, for the purpose of being Sent to tlje said Indies, as toell to maintain the lordship and occupation of the said islands and mainland, tobereof possession has been taken In our name, as to dlscober others* and tobereas In order to form and equip the said fleet, and to furnish It toltb all things neces= Sarp and sufficient, It IS requisite tljat toe should nominate l . as nue f ras y slas e tierra firme que por and depute persons to attend thereto and put It In execution; nuestro mandado [therefore,] trusting In pou, as persons toljo tolll bade regard to our Serblce and tolll perform toell, falthfullp and dlllgentlp tohateber toe shall command and recommend to pou, toe do parte delas Yndias e command this our patent to be glben to pou to tljat effect • ® vos Don A Ju ™. de toherebp toe command pou to go to the cities of sebtlle and de Sevilla del nu - Cadlj, and anp other cities, totons, places and seaports of estro consejo ^ saiud their archbishopric and bishopric, toljereber pou map tljlnlv proper, and cause to be freighted and purchased, and purchase acordado de manda and freight, anp Ship#, bcssels, carabels and foists toljlclj pou map see and consider to be suitable and conbenient for tlje said fleet, from anp person or persons, and If pou shall be unable to obtain them bp tljls means, pou shall be able to Selje and map selje them, although tljep map be freighted to anp persons tohomsoeber, as far as possible tolthoitt doing Injttrp - and toe command tlje otoners of tlje said bessels, Sljipei, foists and carabels to gibe and deltber them to pou, or otras. Y por que para faser y peltrechar la dieba armada y la proveer de todas las cosas aella necesarias e cunplideras es necesario que nos nonbremos e diputemos personas que enello entiendan e lo pongan en obra, Conjiando de vos otros que soys tales que guardareys nuestro servifio e bien e fiel e diligente mente fareys lo que por nos vos fuere mandado e encomendado, mandamos dar esta nuestra carta para vos otros enla dicha rason por la quad vos mandamos que vades alas cibdades de Sevilla e Caliz e otras qual quier cibdades e villas e logares e puertos de mar de su arcobispado e obispado donde entendierdes que cunple e fagays fletar e conprar e conpreys e jieteys quales quier navios e naos e caravelas e fustas que vierdes e entendierdes que cunplen e son convinientes para la dieba armada de quales quier persona o personas. E sy por esta vya non las pudierdes aver las podades tomar e tomedes aunque esten jletados a quales quier personas, lo mas syn daho que ser pudiere e mandamos alos duehos delas diebas naos e navios e fustas e caravelas que vos las den e entreguen o *73 e gracia. Sepades que nos avemos r que se faga cierta armada de algunos navios e fustas para enbiar alas diebas Yndias, asy para senorear e poseber las diebas yslas e tierra firme de que en nuestro nonbre esta tomada posesyon como para descobrir vendan o afleten, pa- gandoles el prefio quepor vos otros fue- ren conprados o fle- tados o que ovieren de aver segund los contratos e asyentos que con vos otros hizieren e asentaren , e asy conpradas e jietadas las dichas naos e navios e cara- velas e fustas, las podades armar eper- trechar e bastefer de armas e pe\j]trechos e bastezcays delas armas e pertrechos e bastimentos e tiros de polvora e gentes, e marineros eaparejo de marear e oficiales que menester fuere e vos otros vierdes e entendierdes que cunple, lo qual po- dades toniar o tome- des de quales quier logares e partes [e] navios donde los fal- lardes pagando alos duenos dellos los prefios rasonables que por ellos deven aver. E asy mismo podades costrenir e apremiar a quales quier ofifiales de quales quier ofifos que son convinientes para yr enla dicha armada e entendier- des que cunple que vayan enella , alos quales sera pagado el sueldo e salario rasonable que por el- lo devan aver. E para que ferca dello Sell or freight tljem, upon jour paying them the price for bBljtch they shall be purchased or freighted by you, or bohat they sljail be entitled to recetbe according to the contracts and agreements bohiclj they shall make and conclude boitlj you; and the said bessels, Ship& carabels and foists hading been so purchased and freighted, you shall be able to fit out and equip them, and purbey them boith arms and ammunition, and you may purbey them boith arms and ammunition, and probn StonS, and charges of poboder, and soldiers, and mariners, and tackle for boorking, and officers, as Shall be requisite, and as you Shall See and judge to be suitable-, all bohiclj you shall be able to take or may take from any places, parts and bessels Vohere you may find them, paying tlje oboners thereof such reasonable prices as they ought to recetbe for them* and ItkeboiSe you shall be able to constrain and compel any officers of any offices bohatsoeber,boho may be suited for going m the said fleet, and bohom you shall judge fit, to go therein; and they Shall be paid such reasonable boages and salary as they ought to recetbe for it* and in order that in respect thereof you may be able to grant and may grant any security bohat= soeber in our name that may be fitting and requisite for all that is aforesaid ; and in order that in respect thereof you may be able to make and may make all the pledges, dis= tresses, seizures, erecuttons, auctions, and sales of goods that may be fitting and requisite, boith all their incidences and dependences, anneres and connereS; toe gibe you full poboer by this our patent; but it is our pleasure, and boe command, that of all that is abobesaid a reckoning and account be kept, against the time boljen boe shall please to or= der it to be inspected, that it may be entered in our books bohiclj are kept by our chief accountants-, and that ebery one of the matters abobesaid relating to tlje said fleet, be done and passed before loljn de »>orta, Secretary of the prince 2Don 31ohn, our bery dear and boell--belobed son, boho goes as deputy of our said chief accountants, and by ht's authority, and not in any other manner* and ItkeboiSe it is our pleasure and boe command that ebery thing relating to the purchases of arms, and ammunition, and probisions, and otljer things, and tlje freighting of bessels, and other expenses of tlje said fleet, be done and passed before the deputy of our sertbener, botjotn boe do nobo appoint to tpiS fleet, jointly boith tlje said 31aljn be %>oria, deputy of our chief accoun- tants* and likeboise, tn order tljat there may not be any fraud or deceit in tlje boages boljt'ch boill Ijabe to be paid to tlje men boljo boill go in the said fleet, it is our pleasure podades otorgar e otorguedes qual quier seguridad en nuestro nonbre que convenga e menester sea para lo qual todo que dicbo es e para que ferca dello podades faser e fagades todas las prendas, premias, prisyones e esecufiones e remates e venfiones de bienes que convengan e menester sean , con todas sus yn(iden(ias e dependenfias, anexidades e conexidades vos damos poder conplido por esta nuestra carta, pero es nuestra merged e mandamos que de todo lo suso dicbo se tenga rason e cuenta para quando nos la quisyeremos mandar ver que se asyente enlos nuestros libros que tienen los nuestros contadores mayores, e que qual quier cosa delas suso dichas tocante ala dicha armada se faga e pase ante Juan de Soria Secretario del Prinfipe Don Juan nuestro muy caro e muy amado hijo que va por lugar teniente delos dichos nuestros contadores mayores , e con su poder e non en otra manera alguna. E otrosy es nuestra merged e mandamos que todo lo que toca alas conpras de armas e peltrechos e mantenimiento e otras cosas e jlete de navios e otros gastos dela dicha armada , se faga e pase ante el logar teniente de nuestro escrivano que agora nonbramos para esta armada, junta mente conel dicho Juan de Soria teniente de nuestros contadores mayores. E asy mismo por que enel sueldo que se oviere de pagar ala gente que fuere ala dicha armada non aya frabde ni encubierta alguna es nuestra merged r 74 r "\ ‘ 5 *^ (o «t t-frfrn 0+r*o5 ~£-vi£r-b'" 9$ (o -j^+*il>:J?(C ClUJ? oViftCl ■ 0..i\>ci (?Crt-^»5 fo$ S’ ill rttCV^+oQI > /vTtSlr.'? ^vS ^>*~T~~ T ri>J I *■ • — j " *■ » *i • — .Jfc^P'T (i\» oS^-rroS V| CrfO ^«l M«rf j -v &-»» ^ ^ iil* *ivt*s'£r$ U& e S^#*rr!^ 0 Vo tjJ3!? 5^0 A?<1 oi <,v £ ♦frWr*' ^4“»^ tP/V-T ^^yS>V.?\ dl *j *1 G^ 1 ^Vt-j’c ^ prtttfr i./tP**'* (S^ <^ 75 *' i3 r t?yti g rnn^t t nHrt iJ ^> ^ |* vj.\ ~pn w* (5*^ ~t-&**j t n+r|wS *?£*' [ll^' 1 **| > *> At* ill m 3 t P|-» WHT^w lit ir £— (M*ST^m*xG^w* (*; fo ^ K>r*»« /l&r6~Y^ ^tAr?**^ @ *twrVv»^j^CVo(* ^rr^ivp-Vis <=^0-^pVw* &*&<*& v »fWr^ fit e.V Hfc^* ^ *|U$ ± ‘ *’ S -^Ac^< 2 p^W < 3 Jl p^Crc ,j<*> p^CfC 0 h eV C^*/«»Br»i t^^Vvfi) *«*♦*♦ r^v W V(rs - ^iII^mI ^ JU*i r CVV £ M c=r~ ^ , ttO^lw n r^ f/| $uZrt*§ »vS Acr^frM^ (3»vcp^S-T^^ A ^ ♦vVC^SH* wttC^ (litj% cw r % TLrr*v 1 >p’^ r ?JU«»St iW W* j\ ^ d\SH &#*(! gg*£$;f — t^ 5 *' 0 p Utfhtj 8 (|l w *«?>^p *>9 < 3 T C*V *? 1 T tr^J-loiU Ir^ dl •=^»‘"^S .r 1^ dl ** T s ^“^rT^r ‘ “blv -xJs q> „ r .^ |V^<^V-S^k^ GV^ I>^s A-e-C^V^ ^^ 2 ^ SV^T ( St 2 r : '” CC*rC:A 0 Ac* At ^UrgSfy^ ViwV^c/CVrte-^ ^ v»^S f Wk Sc & •^Vw>>s C.t^fv-fY' IftfCS^V ^cf«TTW|,,jU's^% ^-< 5 h-» - — Mip^t-.r^ I trUcLn,~ 7 *p' O Olwv n^-il .*&»* C*< r^n that the appointment0 anb mtt0ter0 of tfjc 0atb men be mabe before the deputy of our 0aib 0 cribener, anb that upon big certificate, 0tgneb toith Ijitf name, tlje 0aib Slbmtral anb 2Don 3|obn be jfon 0 eca map make out tlje toarrant for all tljat 10 abobe0aib ; anb let tlje 0 aib beputp of our chief accoun= tant0 0 ign tlje 0aib toarrant 0 , tljat Ije map beep tlje reckoning anb account thereof, in 0uclj tot'0e tljat toljoebcr map Ijabc to pap it, map not pap anptljing toitljout letter or 0cljebule of tlje 0aib £bmiral anb 3Don 31oljn be jFon0eca, 0igneb bp tlje 0 aib beputp of our cljief accountant0* anb if, in orbcr to perform anb fulfil anb put in effect toljat 10 abobe0aib, or anp part thereof, pou 0hall Ijabc neeb of 0upport anb aib, bp tlji0 our 0aib patent toe commanb all councillor, a 00 i 0 tant 0 , gobernor0, alcalbe0, bailiff0, con0table0, knight e 0 qtu're 0 , que las presenta- fiones e alardes dela dicha gente sefagct[n] ante el teniente del dicbo nuestro escri- vano e que por fe suya firmada de su nonbre fagan la li- b ran fa de todo lo su- so dicbo, los dichos Almirante e Don Juan de Fonseca e el dicbo teniente dc nuestros contaclores mayores jirme enlos dicbos libramientos officer anb toortfip men, anb ma0ter of 0ljip0 anb fot'0t0, por que el tenga la ra- anb anp other peron0 toljo 0fjall be calleb upon for that put*; po0e,to gibe it anb cau0e it to be giben to pou fullp anb corn-- pletelp; anb not to place or coirent to place anp impebiment or oltotacle to pou therein or in anp part thereof, unber pain of our bi0plea0ure, anb of bepribation of officc0, anb of con-- fi0cation of all fjtf propertp, to eberp one of them toljo 0hall bo tlje contrarp* Slnb further toe commanb tlje man toljo 0ljall 0hoto pou tht'0 our patent to cite pou to appear before u0 in our court, toljereber toe map be, toithin fifteen bap0 nert folloto- ing tlje bap of citation, unber tlje 0aib penaltp- unber toljtch toe commanb anp public 0cribener toljo 0hall be 0ttmmoneb dicbo o ual for that purpo0e to gibe to the man toljo 0ljall exhibit it to pou a p l „ r t e deiiomenZlr certificate thereof, 0igneb toitlj bte 0 ign,toljerebp toe map fcnoto ovierdesfabor e ayu hoto our commanb 10 fulfilled (Biben in tlje citp of £arce= Iona, on the ttoentp=fourtf) bap of the month of 9£ap, in tlje pear of the natibitp of our Horb 3e0u0 Chrt 0 t one tjjou0anb four hunbreb anb ntnetp=three» 3 the Iking* 31 the €iueen, 3, jferbinanb £lbare0 of Holebo, »>ecretarp of the Iking anb of the £Dueen our 3Lorb0, cau0eb it to be torttten bp tljcir cont= ntanb* ^fnb on the bor0e it 0aib: Eegi0tereb in form, to bertefe 2Doctor* $eter fleffe0, patents and Warrants dohlch Ije laid be* doias que seie per- fore tljem, and doould command me, the said scrldener, to deryan o rasgaryan dradD Up OC COUSC tO be dCadm Up, One tranSCrlpt, 0C ttOO, OC o acaesferia eneiias m ore, as he nttght find needful ; In dohlclj Said transcript or o en aiguna deii as trari 0 CC jp t 0 tljep should Interpose tljetr authocitp and judicial ^tuyto [ fortuyto ] 'e decree, to tlje end tljat It should obtain full credence doljer= que par evitar los di- eber It shall appear, just as the said original prldllegeS, chos ynconvinientes p a tent0 and doarcants abode Incorporated are dalld and ob* pediaepidio aios di- tain ccc ti ence5 an u gjjould order them to be glden hint, signed uno deUos "que^imo" totth tljclc names, and Itkednse bearing the signature and ados junta mente Sign of me tlje Said Scrldcncr, for tlje protection of hte viesen e exsaminasen right; concerning dohlch he Sat'd tljat, If It doere necessarp, ios dichos previiiejos j je tjE^ougljt and did beseeclj tlje noble office of tlje said SLU luTante dioTlZ eoldcs* and thereupon the said Alcaldes, hading seen the sentavaemandaseM Said petition, toofc tlje said original patents, prldllcges and « mi ei dicko escri- doarrants In their hands, and read tljem, and each one of V a no que sacase o tljem, for tljemseldeS; and as thep Sado them entire and not jiziese sacar un tras- torn, or cancelled or in anp part suspicious, doheccbp thep lado o dos o mas los Should not be legallp dalld, but rather free from ederp de= que menester oviese, feet and suspicion, tljep botlj jointlp declared that thep cotm enei quai dicho tras- mandcd and did command me the said scrldcncr to dfado up lado o trasiados eiios 0 r cause to be dcadon up from tlje Said patents, privileges ynterpusyesen su ab- an jj Warrants one transcript, or tdoo, or more, doljlch the toridad e decrecto ggjf, Admiral might ask of me and might find need* judi^ud para que £ lt j. anti t0 an t, tj c ii^, cc them to hint Signed dottlj their jaga entera }e do- namesfj an fc bearing the signature and sign of me tlje said ZT cVmo pa vaie l n e 'e ^endener-, in dohlclj, and In each of doljlch, thep, and each fasen fe los dichos one tfietit. Interposed and did Interpose their and hte previiiejos e cartas autljoritp and decree, In order tljat tljep should adall and e f eduias oreginaies obtain credence doltljin and dottljout a court of justice, suso dichos e firma- at anp time and In anp place doljere thep might appear, dos de sus nonbres In such manner and as completelp as the said patents, e otrosy firmados e prtdlleges and doarrants djould adall and obtain credence signados de mi ei if appearing orlgtnallp* and of all tht'0 as It took place dicho escrivano ge- los mandase[n ] dar para guarda de su derecho sohre lo qual dixo que sy nefesario hera ynplorava e ynploro el noble ojifw delos dichos alcaldes. \E luego los dichos alcaldes ] visto el dicho pedi- miento tomaron las dichas cartas e previiiejos e f eduias oreginaies en sus manos e leyeron por ellas ellos e cada uno dellos e por que las vieron sanas e non rotas ni cangeladas, ni en aiguna parte sospechosas por que de derecho non deviesen valer antes carefientes de todo vifio e sus- pifion dixeron anbos junta mente que mandavan e mandaron a mi el dicho escrivano que sacase o jiziese sacar delas diebas cartas e previiiejos e ( eduias un traslado o dos o mas los que el dicho Sehor Almirante me pidiese e oviese menester e gelos diese e entregase jirmados de sus nonbres e jirmados e sinados de mi el dicho escrivano alos quales e a cada uno dellos ellos e cada uno dellos ynterponian e ynterpusyeron su abtoridad e decrecto para que valiesen e jisyesen je enjuizio e juera del en todo tienpo e logar do parefiesen bien asy e a tan cunplida mente como valdryan e farian je las dichas cartas e previiiejos e ( eduias oreginal mente parefiendo. E de todo esto como paso I 7 8 (CVUKV K J 3»j# C'ff ^irWr rty^S j(t»t»***^AS k»M^^ 0 |((Mt«iMA Vrcfc^p*** c«cllrt/(p c it .%lt|-»»^ «il(|<^«^ S @^p»>*'^S IS^ wx 0t%'IJG' l&n^r^V @ 0^1 _ * • ovrs^ £ c r\**£ iis >ii rm^s,. _**V \wt r^ ^ »^ (rr7 VVJ |r J C 1 ^ tjW* ij> s? m^v- (j) n»^Njbv *^ wf rrwr.WSdU.-c.fi 1 ^ (JV (O Jbflo m.V %^r>ct^v^o> KVn5% ?$V>vp me fV' ( 3 > %,\ iS dl$< CM K S» \ c s^> (^Sc ^jJW*v- jr» /ft: <&C £/M f«o Ji? ill «i i *-<»-o < >U^/\ si4 me nTV ,%n to ^ j& C( 3?S* ^^I'CJTTOO (fVrio^v^C c C* <|«J m*& p ign*] 9, aifonso Hucas, Scribener, of »>edille, baas present at the said authorisation and mandate of tlje said alcaides, and am boitness* [»>tgn*] and 9> Martin Eodrigues, public scribener, of bille, boas present at tlje said authorisation, and habe made here mp sign [ ], and am bottness* el dicbo Sehor Al- mirante dixo que gelo diese por fe e testimonio para gu- arda de su derecho e yo dile ende este el qual va [ firmado de los dichos alcaldes e de cada uno dellos , e] firmado e signado de mi el dicho es- crivano publico. E fue feebo e sacaclo e corregido e confer- tado conlos dicbos originates e con ca- da uno dellos enla dicha fibdad de Se- villa enel dicho dya e mess e ano suso dicho. Pero Rruiz Alcalde. Stevan dela Roca, Alcalde. Yo Gomes Nieto escrivano de Sevilla fuy presente ala abtoridad e mandamiento delos dicbos Alcaldes e so testigo. [Signo.] Yo Alfonso Lucas escrivano de Sevilla fuy presente ala dicha abtoridad e mandamiento delos dichos Alcaldes e so testigo. [Stgno.] E yo Martin Rodrigues escrivano publico de Sevilla fuy presente ala dicha abturidad e fs aqui mio sig [ ] no e so testigo. 1 8 1 0 3 3fti ti)e name of ©oi). 2lmen. mm is a tran0crlpt toell anti faltbfullp ertracted front a tenting torltten on parchment of 0kln in ttje Batin language, and Sealed toltlj a 0eal of coloured teat;, placed In a teooden dor, 0u0pended bp a riband of green 0llk, and bearing ttjc 0lgn and 0lgnature of a certain j^otarp £po0tollc, a0 appeared tberebp* Cljt tenor of toljlcb, teord for teord, 10 a0 follote0 : om '& sxjsl , & grace of (Bod and of tlje #po0tollc »>ee, Bl0ljop of Barcelona, Kopal Auditor and Councillor, to all and 0lngular tebo 0ball 0ee, and Ufeetel0e read and bear tlje pre0ent letter0 or tlje pre0ent public tn0trument, ederla0ttng Ijealtlj In tlje Bord and pro0= perou0 I00ue0 to pour de0tre0* Co pou and to each of pou tee matte knoton bp tlje0e pre0ent0 that toe Ijabe Ijad In our band0, Ijcld, Ijandled, 0cen and dlllgentlp ln0pected tbe £po0= tollc ^Letters? of our mo0t Ikolp ifatljer and Bord In Cbrl0t, tlje Bord &lc;ran0cr tlje »>l;rtlj, bp diblne prodldence ]9ope, teltb ljl0 true bull of lead Ijanglng tljerefrom In tbread0 of red and 0affron coloured 0llk, In tbe manner of tbe l&oman Court, trulp perfect and entire, and not dttlated, or cancelled or In anp part thereof 0u0plclou0, but free from all kind of 0u0plclon, a0 therein appeared* flDf teblcb 0ante lettet’0 the tenor and content0 folloto, teord for teord, and are tbe0e: *HXie:xjaxiX3e:!a 'tmec bimo®, Verdant of tlje =>crdant0 of (Bod, to tjttf derp dear 0on tn Cbrl0t Ferdinand and fjte derp dear daughter In Cbrl0t 3)0a* bella, tlje Illu0trlou0 Bing and 3Dueen of Ca0tlle,3Leon,£ra'- gon, »>lcllp and (Branada, health and £po0tollc benediction* among other toork0 toell plea0lng to the 2Dtdlne 2$aje0tp and de0lred of our heart, a00uredlp the foremo0t 10 that clomini nostri domini Alexandri divina providentia pape Sexti literas apostolicas, eius vera bulla plumbea in Jiliis sericiis rubei croceique coloris more Romane Curie impendente, sanas siquidem et integras non viciatas non chancellatas, nec in aliqua sui parte suspectas, sed omni- moda suspetione carentes, ut in eis apparebat. Quorum quidem literarum tenor et continentia de verbo ad verbum , sequitur et est talis. ALEXANDER, Episcopus servus servorum Dei , Carissimo in Christo jilio, Ferdinando Regi, et Charissime in Christo filie Elisabeth Regine Castelle, Legionis, Aragonum, Sicilie, Granatce illustribus , Salutem, et apostolicam benedictionem. Inter cetera divine magestati bene placita opera et cordis nostri desiderabilia , illad proffeto potissimum existit ut [The following amended text of the Bull, based on that in the “ Bullarum . . . Collectio,” tom. iii. p. 233, Romce, 1743, fol., is given in order to avoid crowding the transliteration with corrections.] ALEXANDER Episcopus, servus servorum cilice et Granatae, illustribus, Salutem et Apo- Dei, carissimo in Christo filio Ferdinando stolicam benedictionem. Inter cetera Divinae Regi, et carissimae in Christo filiae Elisabeth majestati beneplacita opera, et cordis nostri de- Reginae Castellae, Legionis, Aragonum, Si- siderabilia, illud profecto potissimum existit, ut I 82 IN DEI NOMINE AMEN. Este es ireslado, bien y fiel- mente sacado, de una escriptura escripta en pergamino de cuero en lengua la- tina e sellada con un sello de gera colo- rada, metido en una caxa de madera, pendiente en una cinta de seda verde e signada e jirmada de cierto notario apostolico, segund por ella parescia. El tenor dela qual de verbo ad verbum es este que se sigue. PETRUS GAR SI E, Dei et apostolice se- dis gratia Episcopus Barchinonensis Re- gius audictor et con- siliarius, universis et singulis presentes literas sive presens publicum instrumen- tum visuris lecturis pariter et audituris, Salutem in domino sempiternam et pro- speros ad voca [rota] succesus vobis et cuilibet vestrum noc- tum facimus per presentes quod nos in nostris manibus habuimus , tenuimus, palpavimus, vidimus et diligenter inspexi- mus, Sanctissimi in Christo patris et mxtnofe^nien^ ( Sfk' es ten y jiel rnenh S^caAo . wCl Cn j> erwi+n jn& Xc^ d^Cxo enletiguA. ’jtty’turn ejcrwtiL Cn yergbrny ilhnA grSdhcL c on Wj Celle Xe'ftrA coIczaJLl. mt' “hie en Vn4 CAyiX Af* mtiXtrA^CnXien4^en%mA c\n ks S fiL*. \jet- itf-* Q jlctmiLi g^-frrnu Xa At' cierfo vil ^ j tvrmtu% vw WHkl I ...Cu* Apo(lvlic0' SegtiwA. yorcilA vaYcjoA' (2i, HhHioir SclX cliuX d^^g-vLo a A vlcyIoix/ CS cflr' A Sc, cnad-nUr&'i Mt C cnr,\ ^f>S jy dnecUvnoy fi**££T U$ AMAxLjX^ iuCrfiS & CvnetiS CnireS lr*S $wie^ ojh?Uee' con^iliswvurf . \>nivierl ( 1 * p ton# pnbltrO ^Jnphr wm eri Cum uljuictf S\jM4 Ai (writ . Sd^ ni ti*TO Jertytiferruini ■. — A UCCC t fucCCjtiS Vdfc'g^ClMrt Wuw YtclliW Cum iti jiivtf ieflumS DAftlef ucce t cjvioJlpivS vyi nvi$ tYiJWnbnS luibmmnf p| j nA uj Xt wuS $s^At li£?-n (er mjj>ey. vxyimS . 5 VH c\U^. ^s^uxn^ a*u^ livt^o -ftnev Q^centrne o a A uevlwrn . 5&tj£nr Cuj\vC)C&/ ptruu^_pnoyi^Xe^ . CC'.at^ . 7>py ppiUe ♦ -j-erruwlo ■ S^^dd^rnj^- fi-lic eh fdctrll r i t'U?rbc> sXs a^LjUu ^ rifr’ Urfu* $0^*«A* SfM**U ^mwU^LrLttL^ ^fPTf ija^uODnJt^M^ fi™*” pffijT' fu^cLnm^ ^ LflmPaciU euocSf"™* C<>l/ HL& W«w oak- auAtS fernp (uifle'n4>ui*M< S^yiobis > ' jLZtk Ltfl'”™ s*°¥' ’Jg^{» fLl^& s l^ ( '*n l M‘S Uotilruf mtlUi l 3 i&mi &y *Vp$ * t0 , ah yS tnjtiLiS S^jyrAsj ^etncbf&^ vvi c^vyi(tiS J> ailo S vio cjvtrf' $^vn vgrvitC^ $^JjAbibh>ref *uL colen^ 'Ps^elcmj^hre ryrrD S^-dicttbchc^ prpffkn^ telucereks m gyupt* ’Laid r S^recttpthee' ijnuf janihV ^Lu tLvln If ^ji jjojt fawn :*rultr'j?km 4 *> \ywm a\j T i-j^i+iem ^^cere^n^jmjhf- ^~bn^ jhutrXno ; xohn-fei jltjtbvui'wvf aX iwpfr Vrnm lilefbtm -filwxrt Cjn ' ~ ~ Vvp^m TfiUto &L. J>ltA.rirn Iviyxymv COmfn s. vt*frL amt namwi'jS (^koimmlmf A A r 7 — ‘ ^ tlje Catholic faittj and Cljn'stfan religion, particularly In our oton time, may be exalted, and may be spread and diffused in ebery direction, and tljat tlje Ijealtlj of souls may be cared for, and barbarous nations be Subdued and brougljt to tlje said fair!)* (LQlljereforc afile, upon being called by tlje fabotir of diblne clemency, altljouglj our merits toete insufficient, to tljis Sacred seat of peter, recognising tljat you, as true Catljolic l&lngs and Princes (toijiclj toe tmoto you Ijabe altoays been, and as your illustrious actions, already toell knoton almost to tlje tofjole toorld, Sljoto you to be), are not only desirous of tlje same, but prosecute it by ebery effort, endeabour and diligence, spacing no labours, costs and dangers, and eben sljedding youroton blood; and tljat for some time past you Ijabe dedicated all your mind and all your efforts to tljis end, as is clearly sijoton by tlje recobery of tlje kingdom of (Bcanada front tlje tyranny of tlje Saracens, toijiclj you recently effected toitlj so muclj glory to tlje dibine name; deem it fitting and not undeseebed, as toe ougljt eben spontaneously and graciously, to grant you tljose tljtngs by toijiclj you may be enabled constantly toitlj more ferbent jeal to prosecute a design so Ijoly and praisetoortljy, and acceptable to tlje eternal (Bod, to tlje Ijonour of (Bod and tlje propagation of tlje CljrtSttan dominion* (Lille Ijeard, indeed, tljat altljouglj you Ijad some time ago designed in your minds to seek for and discober some islands and mainlands, remote and unbnoton, and Ijitljerto undiscobered by otljers, in order to induce tlje natibes and inhabitants thereof to toorsfjip our Eedeenter and to pro- fess tlje Catljolic faith, yet Ijabtng been Ijitljerto chiefly occupied in tlje conquest and recobery of tlje same kingdom of (Branada, you toere unable to carry out suetj your Ijoly and laudable design to its desired end; but at length, as it fjas pleased tlje Hord, Ijabing recobercd tlje aforesaid kingdom, and toisljing to fulfil your desire, you ap= pointed [our] belobed sonCfjnstopljer Columbus, a man particularly toortljy and muclj to be commended* and toell suited to so great an undertaking, toitlj bessels and men equipped for such purposes, fides catolica Chris- tiana religio nostris presertim tempori- bus exaltetur et ubilibet amplietur et dilatetur anima- rumque salus pro- curetur, ac barbare nationes de priman- tur et ad Jidem ipsam reducaniur. Unde cum ad hanc sacram Petri sedem divina favente dementia mentis licet impa- ribus evocati fuimus conoscentes vos tan- quam veros Catho- licos Peges et prin- cipes quales semper fuisse novimus et a- nobis preclare gesta toti pene jam orbi notissima de mos- trant ne dum id ex- optare sed omni cognatu studio et diligentia nullis la- boribus nullis im- pensis nullisque parcendo periculis etiam proprium san- guinem effundendo efpeere ac omnem animum vestrum omnesque cognatus ad hoc jam dudum dedicasse. Quemadmodum recuperaiio regni Granate a tiranide Sarraceno et odiernis temporibus per vos cum tanta divini nominis gloria facta testatur digne ducimur non merito et debemus ilia vobis etiam sponte et favorabiliter concedere perque huiusmodi sanctum et laudabile ac in mortali Deo acceptum propositum in dies ferventiori animo ad ipsius Dei onorem et imperii christiani propagationem prosequi valeatis. Sane accepimus quod vos qui dudum animo proposueratis aliquas insulas et terras fir mas remotas et in cognitas ac per alios hactenus non reptas querere et in venire ut illarum in colas et habitatores ad colendum Redempiorem nostrum et fidem catholicam projfitendum re- duceretis hactenus in expugnatione et recuperatione ipsius regni Granate plurimum occupati huiusmodi sanctum et laudabile propositum vestrum ad optatum finem perducere nequivistis, sed tandem sicut Domino placuit regno predicto recuperato, volentes desiderium ad implere vestrum , diledum filium Christoforum Co- lon virum itaque et plurimum comendandum ac tanto negotio aptum cum naviguis et hominibus ad similia fides Catholica, Christiana religio, nostris praeser- ilia vobis etiam sponte et favorabiliter concedere, tim temporibus exaltetur, ac ubilibet amplietur et per quae hujusmodi sanctum et laudabile ac im- dilatetur, animarumque salus procuretur, ac bar- mortali Deo acceptum propositum in dies ferven- baricae nationes deprimantur et ad fidem ipsam tiori animo ad ipsius Dei honorem et imperii reducantur. Unde cum ad hanc sacram Petri Christiani propagationem prosequi valeatis. Sane Sedem Divina favente dementia (meritis licet im- accepimus, quod vos, qui dudum animo proposue- paribus) evocati fuerimus, cognoscentes vos tan- ratis aliquas insulas et terras firmas remotas et in- quam veros Catholicos Reges et Principes, quales cognitas, ac per alios hactenus non repertas, quaerere semper fuisse novimus, et a vobis praeclare gesta et invenire, ut illarum incolas et habitatores ad co- toti pene jam Orbi notissima demonstrant, nedum lendum Redemptorem nostrum et fidem Catholicam id exoptare, sed omni conatu, studio et diligentia, profitendum reduceretis, hactenus in expugnatione nullis laboribus, nullis impensis, nullisque par- et recuperatione ipsius regni Granatae plurimum oc- cendo periculis, etiam proprium sanguinem effun- cupati, hujusmodi sanctum et laudabile propositum dendo efficere, ac omnem animum vestrum om- vestrum ad optatum finem perducere nequivistis ; nesque conatus ad hoc jamdudum dedicasse, sed tandem, sicut Domino placuit, regno praedicto quemadmodum recuperatio regni Granatae a recuperato, volentes desiderium adimplere vestrum, tyrannide Saracenorum hodiernis temporibus per dilectum filium Christoforum Colon virum utique vos, cum tanta Divini nominis gloria, facta tes- dignum et plurimum commendandum, ac tanto ne- tatur, digne ducimus non immerito et debemus gotio aptum, cum navigiis et hominibus ad similia 185 instrutis non sine maximis labor ibus et periculis ac expensis destinatis. Wt terras jirmas et insulas re- motas et in cognitas huiusmodi per mare Wbi bactenus naviga- tum nonfuit diligen- ter inquireret. Qui tandem divino auxi- lio facta extrema di- ligentia in mari oc- ceano navigantes cer- tas Insulas remotis- simas et etiam terras jirmas quae per alios bactenus reperte non fuerant in venerunt in quibus quam plurime gentes pacijice viven- tes et ut asseritum nudi in cedentes nec carnibus vestentes in habitant et ut pre- facti nuntij vestripos- sunt opinari gentes ipse in insulis et ter- ris predictis babitan- tes credun\f\ unum Deum Creatorem in celis esse, ac adjidem catholicam amplex- andum et moris boni- bus imbuendum satis apti videntur spesque babetur quodsi eru- direntur nomen sal- not tottfjout berp great labour#, banger# anb co#t#, m orber that he might biligentlp #cefe for #uch remote anb unknobm matnlanb# anb tslanb#, in a #ea toheretn no bopage tjab hitherto been mabe. falibo, at lengtlj, bp bibtne aib, bating u#eo extreme biligence, bi#cobereb, labile nabigating in tbe £Dcean, certain beep remote t#lanb# anb al#o matnlanb#, tobiclj bab hitherto not been founb bp other# ^ toljerein btoeli multitube# of people libtng peaceablp, anb, a# it i# afiSrmeb, going nabeb, anb not feebing upon fle#b •, anb, #o far a# pour afore#atb enbop# can jubge, tbe #ante people bboelling in tbe afore#aib t#lanb# anb lanb# beliebe that there i# one d5ob, tlje Creator, in heaben, anb appear toell bi#po#eb to embrace tlje Catholic fattlj anb to be tmbueb toitb goob moral# ; anb tlje hope i# entertatneb that if tbep boere in* structeb, tlje name of our 3Lorb anb »>abtour 3e#u# Christ might ea#ilp be tntrobuceb into the afore#atb lanb# anb i#lanb#. £nb tlje afore#aib Cljri#topbcr Ija# alreabp cattoeb to be con#tructeb anb built, in one of the principal t#lanb# afore#atb, a toboer abequatelp fortifteb, boberein lje lja£ placeb certain Cljri#tian#, boljo Ijab gone boitlj him, for tlje cu#tobp thereof, anb in orber tljat tljep might #eefc for other remote anb unfenobm t#lanb# anb matnlanb#. 3 n boljtch #ame t#= lanb# anb lanb# alreabp bt#cobereb tljere are founb golb, #ptce# anb quantttte# of otljer prectou# thing# of biter# btnb# anb qualitie#. iLailjtrefore, bating btltgentlp con#ibereb all tljtng#, anb e#peciallp tlje abtancentcnt anb erten#ion of the Catholic faith, a# become# Catijoltc litng# anb prince#, pou Ijatc re#olteb, after tlje manner of tlje l&ing# pour ance#= tor# of tllu#trtou# memorp, bp the fatour of bibtne merep, to bring into subjection to pour#elbe# anb rebuce to tlje Catholic fattlj tlje matnlanb# anb i#lanb# afore#aib, anb the natite# anb inhabitant# thereof. 2xlle, therefore, highly commenbtng in tlje Hocb #uclj pour Ijolp anb laubable be#tgn, anb besiring that it map be cameb out to tt# bue perfection, anb tljat the #atb name of our »>abtour map be tntrobuceb into those regions, vatoris Domini nostri Jesu Cbristi, in terris et insulis predictis facile in duceretur ad pref actus Cbristoforus in una ex principalibus Insulis predictis jam unam turrim satis munitam in qua certos Christianos qui secum iverant in custodiam et ut alias Insulas et terras jirmas remotas et in cognitas inquirerent posuit construi et edijicare fecit. Inquibus quidem insulis et terris jam repertis aurum aromata et alie quam plurime res preciosse diversi generis et diverse qualitatis reperiuntur. Wnde omnibus diligenter et pressertim Jide exaltatione Catbolicce et dilatatione pro ut decet catbo- licos reges et principes consideratis more progenitorum vestrorum dare memorie regum terras jirmas et insulas predictas illarumque in colas et habitatores vobis divina favente dementia subicere et ad jidem catholicam reducere proposuistis. Nos igitur huiusmodi vestrum sanc- tum et laudabile proposition plurimum in Domino comendantes ac cupientes ut illud ad debitum jinem perducatur et ipsum nomem Salvatoris nostri in partibus illis in ducatur instructis, non sine maximis laboribus et peri- culis ac expensis destinastis, ut terras firmas et insulas remotas et incognitas hujusmodi, per mare ubi hactenus navigatum non fuerat, dili- genter inquireret. Qui tandem (Divino auxilio, facta extrema diligentia, in mari Qceano navi- gantes,) certas insulas remotissimas, et etiam terras firmas, quae per alios hactenus repertae non fuerant, invenerunt, in quibus quamplurimae gentes pacifice viventes, et ut asseritur nudi in- cedentes, nec carnibus vescentes, inhabitant; et, ut praefati nuncii vestri possunt opinari, gentes ipsae in insulis et terris praedictis habitantes cre- dunt unum Deum Creatorem in Ccelis esse,ac ad fidem Catholicam amplexandum et bonis mori- bus imbuendum satis apti videntur ; spesque habetur, quod, si erudirentur, nomen Salvatoris Domini nostri JesuChristi interriset insulisprae- dictis facile induceretur. Ac praefatus Christo- phorus in una ex principalibus insulis praedictis, jam unam turrim satis munitam, in qua certos Christianos, qui secum iverant, in custodiam, et ut alias insulas et terras firmas remotas et incognitas inquirerent, posuit, construi et edi- ficari fecit. In quibus quidem insulis et terris jam repertis aurum, aromata, et aliae quam- plurimae res pretiosae diversi generis et diversae qualitatis reperiuntur. Unde omnibus diligen- ter et praesertim fidei Catholicae exaltatione et dilatatione (prout decet Catholicos Reges et Principes), consideratis, more progenitorum vestrorum clarae memoriae Regum, terras firmas et insulas praedictas, illarumque incolas et ha- bitatores vobis divina favente dementia subjicere et ad fidem Catholicam reducere proposuistis. Nos igitur, hujusmodi vestrum sanctum et laudabile proposition plurimum in Domino commendantes, ac cupientes ut iliud ad de- bitum finem perducatur, et ipsum nomen Salvatoris nostri in partibus illis inducatur, 1 86 M ex VT (Ira fit rw^ine^yn*\nrvi$ llcjbtniTi > -\\?f tmrAS -jirtria $ c^jtijlilas R^emo/ns' vn CogrtibtS lint 01 j> rmnrp^lb/n ndiity^vD no “A -jriflrk/' e\.brem\ It liotntuk >n vrmvi ecovintf TlMAXfwnkf cexixxS is' \ O ^ ^ O ' f . njttlitS / is^ emo-hjJlruA $ -prrrtutS tiiioS bafknuf fxejtrfe' no -fnfranf hi \>enety^ m cjnt j^fane' OTn -ftS jyj.cxjxce' \nnen fe< S^vif jJ^> i firm m iAl ' vn cvlejvfrs ne c CAxnhuS uejicrrfei in h.tbih^rth P**^ -jrtffi nuntij \jti jwfjvmt 0 j?iri Art oe rtfeS i jif m t njldif ~{~tmS h*bih*n/rf Jxn C jcetdoor* ■ r r. I I. fVT .. a. W Cm e?iV ejje^/tc a.Ji - a ttholicnm amv te^xA*vrr> S^rnotts LA dtf At>-fi itjlzrU- netwc oiuodf. . .♦'A — \ r 1 ^ ^ irr' f • h erudxrenf^nornf' faJuA-fotis nt ar\ m ■CtnciS <^rv\(nlvi pliklis -frtale* in Xvwerefwc .uL v/urV A / ( IU7 r 1 ■ ^J*C7- 1 V 1 s' * / mVi(^ e%J?n&jy*uby \njaUt JcKtihs |aw \) vuvni "t-uvr f" '' vn - • ^ /-/ ^ iirxff nmwit ttwvj ✓7 1- m a* cTit'f -^yx-.vvvo 5 Jecwm ute r*vn^ jlvd.t tim ttltiXS’ S^-^-xtu \S -^rvtruxS ft' ntchtG co^n+fnf ns cjpiitetenf j?ojwie' £cnj lyut *kine' ^ctoffe^ Th^f^neri^ &^xtterf^aliU-^$ l^ep - V^\)n If' oxntxtbvtS Iklifen^ev vjffirn -jxjf exxi-zitoteS uohif lii'j n^-fMtenfe- cff' menfU juhvcere-' S^di^S^attholiottw relacerf' j>roj?o// [SJ c$ ioit" rnnoi it 2am Ss^l^ncbibtlfj^o pofihim j?tirnit] mivto ^cnnencLin^W (XC (^vxmenhtS X a d Aebitn m -fin er* per Aucj. H it &T ivrn A “ p^r illiS T 4 \ Xvtdf-' F -f-^ '~Hh 7 (urci^y \)cr(p~rni* n \ C S jiirn^rn witru> Stiver Saxri iLw S«J*yfu?nrn cjiun m4M a^tuis oblign.fi tj7i$ HifctzA mie'X'ni wi ^Jth bit ffent- retfpmuS Utcum eK^nl^Honern 'tvnoi 'cvno fft W wi €~~* vn a mentt* oztbo XeHie'45 Xei %clo m-fenJutis politics T ] ' f'l- or ' 1 L f 1 ^ V " •m htnoi minus c^^rtrvis cLz-^rttives i zeiigter 1 fci^ivtenJLmi vnXncere^ uAihs S^Xeben4iS- neejTddTC 4 1 res idle Urdu 4ye Ws -firm* fj> & J -^Juturip conavif d&) lent own* j?ob*ttf cogp*fu* tnecS —|tP llcrter jp^£Gfi\\bux S^ntbuiTt tiegvfij gumk^jC^ttce' ore ior^htfe'XonAU liberiuS Jl^gnXitfiuS A^tnnxfif. ^Wotn propie no &J. \}fnrn tdd itl-ftriuS ^ x0 ^biS boc nobis obhtii^ j?efUioi£ Jnjbntfu*w^Xe ' iyta metis'* lixxUk^B^cecbn fcienfiX ox Xt' (t^kee jroftfUfi* J>ie»* ‘fuXine^ojyynes JnjuLtS ^drmt$ '-^rttnaf7nu#nbt$ udnenLts Xthibki S^XxbfgtnXitf uerjtJf occtlenbem^ S^mertX iern ^ribricw do S^conjlihtertdo \tuwn linetwi amlo dtefico* p ptvftriirumc/ *t2 j^olurn an htr ficuw • j» meriXiem ^me^-irrre^irnxe^ S^wjide Jnuenie* S^ntue' ignXg' uerjnS JnXunrt AWP \evjtiJ aIm/vyi ^ttOCnoj^ I /• — U . 1 . a ' 64^ .1 . • /* 1 A/\fj a 1 cfecfc lit 'rmmc ...... MU ^ r V^j mchjMnf-lJLs 1 AfJrtf S^cobo \erle* QfiribM™ l ^ / ' I { . / €) /* _ ‘ 1 1 /t^n4 f JL* « 1 rttmi/J /n cx-t ■wr'pKw \CA / /VO- i^rt^U Ltm Mrfns occxltnftm JV*_ twin 4»«" Pntyem^Mwm pofTefr’i:^ <\l drq jkaS -fumg^rwr vm -btrviS (^wn orrvnibnS l CL njfalikuS (^*jbrtS LcvS S*^\nUv4Xt^tbuj^ -fu?m bits ixc^j^vnen fijS^S^ni nerjvf nobis hereXibuftpS^ fykxffotztlus xve ti c*f hUf> S^Ugiem L us j>frj>c£itmn -fenore^ jrnfu+m XonawnS cmcf'XvmuS S^jiS fenwnus neja^ S^Uereles ax fnxcejjores j?f*£hs illayt^ \omno$£jwy plena. libera, ^ontnimo JL. conflth* m ) S^Umt heZTeb m&dcmy* SCj,er ifiSf ccnaflumtn, &T ZTT M *"" ' Uju 3* m tf** Wt^T*^™ 5 rtfa *h ^ L™ «**• & fcj, jfuQfUUhdiui^ f f*° JLm^V -r , / to 1 , k*"f&S plths+UroS r^kP^falA, ffM, ■J/jrtUU' Vr ] 7 r f” w«-=> kU^U^f. m j_ Uut,Al %*> I h»M*jS ^csnlh&U e^coZuni^ T’ f*T f*j* f *’ '“f’/’ «'“£» -fetfnntr 7» r > Ifkjfa.s inbJxtop ^aX UfuU ^^L,X •“Tr f& u *j* , ** s L+eiU & l^L tJfuf ° CCt U ‘ fibUanlo S^confiLenL li itoo eat e. J.X. hotlan, i’Mtntb.cum (ukO' f -flrmt^ /m h 17 ripawt v&rfZt vyiLm* Mir mrfus AtCu cjcntp jtM&nup Imen iljyr *slj wjiiU. fcocp unljrwii- rwiatj’Anf' JulcS Afortt ^ cA>* cenbsw Uncif vierfuS jctiXeriHtn S^mcf/ Kuliern ut^jirfur Xe cMxfJcceiet ffiintMit-Alfy urMn fxaeffoy^ twr P rcju fhyc *• jJ?*Uvu>o 9 (kh ScoJuruitfib) J&S cjfcfy embeds q Uuf^ vniUc^uc Wu • M\ f ’ X \ccx in**ubuf deferri §^fetin&* /uniUA letevmtyS ( \mx>X fruvm pnlhci Wj-fwif w IZ^jogrA+i j^ljcvipM , C NL ^vitUuA pfi rr ?' *n ecctwfJrtt client eu (jwif’ e€HtA&r^muvt#-fe $(j?tcrjuf wj u ^ £• CV^A *C 4 ^«lUw 5 «# powvC vrre' JicnM^tf concepts ccnjhrMunS teyuh x * x * s Jie&eH mMtJUri m UtbiiicniS S^iictvmhU^ yH f/* mH *» ctmhMire'Sujnrt M*tbrr> ^ oC *Jl -far? ifvwpf’tttir 7 v llnA^-i^ern oyvwjM^&X * 1 & fp Py&JUi M'MMiJLh>'S‘*nfkfTmH 1 m rm ff’f’f'fy' T> t T totoarbS Jntria or totoauos anp otljer part VoljatSoeber •, toljfcl) Itne Sljall be Distant from eberp one of tpe tslanbs commoiilp called be los jajores anb Cape (BerD a Ijtmbreb leagues totoarbs tlje tocst and Sotttlj, as it (0 aforesaid; for trade or anp otljer reason, tottljout special licence from pou and pour aforesatb Ijeirs and successors ; nottoltljstanbmg tpe apostolic constitutions and ordinances, and anp otljer tljttigs to tlje contrarp: trusting in Ijim from toljom pro* ceed empires and dominions and all pod things, tljat, tlje ilord directing: pour actions, if pou prosecute so Ijolp and laudable a besigu, in a sljort time, for tlje Ijappiness and glorp of tlje foljole Cljristian people, pour labours and efforts toi'll attain a most successful issue. But because it toould be difficult to conbep tlje present letters to eaclj of tlje places toljere it migljt be expedient, Voe bull and decree, of our like motion and ImoVolebge, tljat transcripts tfjereof, signed bp tlje Ijand of a notarp public summoned for tljat purpose, and made ball'd butt) tlje seal of some person established in ecclesiastical digmitp, or of an ecclesiastical court, shall obtain tlje same credence bmljtn and butljout anp court of lato and elsebiljere baljeresoeber, boljtcl) these presents bjould obtain if tljep boere exhibited or sljobon. r 2Eherefore let no man toljosoeber infringe tljis page of our com* mendation, exhortation, requisition, donation, concession, assign* ment, constitution, deputation, decree, mandate, inhibition and bull, or butlj bold rashness contrabene it. But if anpone sljall presume to attempt this, let pint knob) tljat he bull incur tlje indignation of aimigljtp (Bod and of Ijt's blessed Apostles i©eter and l&aul. (Bt'bett in Rome, at S>atnt Jeter’s, in tlje pear of tlje incarnation of our Hord one thousand four hundred and ntnetpxljree, on tlje fourtlj nones of ^ap, in tlje first pear of our pontificate. (Bratis, bp com* mand of our most Ijolp 3Lorb tlje Pope, for tlje berp reberend ^[.de^occialiS on behalf of^o.Eur.&.Consentno. ?L.podocljataruS + 2D. (Balletus. Registered in tlje Apostolic Cljantber, &mectnus. versus Indium aul versus aliam quam- cunque partemque lineam distet aquali- bet insula bo' que vulgariter nuncu- pantur delos Azores et Cabo Verde centum leucis versus occiden- tem et meridiem ut prefertur promerci- bus habendis vel qua- vis alia de cabsa ac- cedere presumant absque vestram ache- redum et successo- rum vestrorum pre- dictorum licentia spe- ciali non obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus apo- stolicis ceterisque contrariis quibus- cunque in illo aquo imperia et dominina- iiones ac bona cuncta procedun[t ] conjiden- tes quoddirigente Do- mino actus vestros si huiusmodi sanctum et laudabilem propo- situm prosequamini brevi tempore cum felicitate et gloria to- tius populi Cbristiani vestri labores et conatus exitum fellicissimum consequentur . Werum quia dijfcille foret presens literas ac singula queque loca inquibus expediens fiierit deferri , Wolumus ac motu et scientia similibus decernimus quod illarum transumptis manu publici notarii inde rogati subscriptis , et sigillo allicuius persone in ecclesiastica dignitate constitute seu Curie eccliaslice munitis et prorsus jides in juditio et extra ac alios ubilibet ad hibeaturque presentibus ad hiberetur si essent exbibite vel ostense. Nulli ergo omnino bominum liceat banc paginam nostre commendationis bortationis requisitions donationis concessionis assignations constitutions deputations decreti mandatiin bibitionis et voluntatis in f ringer e vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Siquis auctem hoc actentare presumpserit in dinationem omnipotentis Dei ac Beatorum Petri et Pauli apostolorum eius senoverit incursurum. Datum Rome apud sanctum Petrum anno Incarnationis Dominice Millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo tertio, quarto nonas Maij , Pontijicatus nostri anno primo. Gratis de mandato Sanctissimi domini nostri pape pro reverendissimo A. de Muccialis, pro Jo. Bur. A. Consenino. L. Podochatarus. D. Galletus. Registrata in camera apostolica Amerinus. versus Indiam, aut versus aliquam quamcumque partem ; quae linea distet a qualibet insularum, quae vulgariter nuncupantur delos Azores y Cabo Vierde, centum leucis versus Occidentem et Meridiem, ut praefertur ; pro mercibus habendis, vel quavis alia de causa, accedere praesumant absque vestra ac heredum et successorum vestrorum praedictorum licentia speciali ; non obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus Apostolicis, ceterisque contrariis quibuscumque : in illo, a quo imperia et domina- tiones ac bona cuncta procedunt, confidentes, quod dirigente Domino actus vestros, si hujusmodi sanc- tum et laudabile propositum prosequamini, brevi tempore, cum felicitate et gloria totius populi Christiani, vestri labores et conatus exitum felicis- simum consequentur. Verum, quia difficile foret praesentes literas ad singula quaeque loca, in quibus expediens tuerit, deferri, volumus, ac motu et scientia similibus decernimus, quod illarum transumptis, manu publici notarii inde rogati subscriptis, et sigillo alicujus personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae seu Curiae Ecclesiasticae munitis, ea prorsus tides in judicio et extra ac alias ubilibet adhibeatur, quae picesentibus adhiberetur, si essent exhibitae vel ostensae. Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam nostrae commendationis, hortationis, re- quisition^, donationis, concessionis, assignationis, constitutionis, deputations, decreti, mandati, in- hibition^ et voluntatis infrinp^ere, vel ei ausu teme- rario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare prae- sumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei, ac beatorum Petri et Pauli Apostolorum ejus, se noverit incursurum. Datum Romae apud Sanctum Petrum, anno Incarnationis Dominicae millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo tertio, quarto nonas Maii, Pontificatus nostri anno primo. Gratis, de mandato Sanctissimi Domini nostri Papae. Pro Reverendissimo A. de Mocciallis, pro Jo. Lur. A. Consenino. L. Podochatarus. D. Galletus. Regis- trata in Camera Apostolica. Amerinus. P 2 i93 Quibus quiclem li- teris diligenter ut preffertur per nos inspectis ad requisi- tionem honorabilis viri Alfonsi Alvares de Toledo domus Re- gie Ispanie continui familiaris per no- tarinm publicum in- fra scriptum in vim clausule in fine pre- factarum literarum Apostolicarum supe- rius insertarum a positenque [ appositce , qucefialis est: Werum quia difficile foret presentes literas ad singula queque loca inquibus expediens fuerit defferri volu- mus ac motu et scien- tia similibus decerni • mus quod illarum transumptis manu publici notarij inde rogati subscriptis et sigillo alicuius per- sone in ecclesiastica dignitate constitute , seu curie ecclesias- tice munitatis \_mu- nitis^ ea prorsus fides in juditio et extra ac alias ubili- bet adbibeatur que presentibus adbibere- tur si essent exbibite vel obstense ipsas exemplari mandavi- mus et transsumi ac in publicam formam redigij decernentes et volentes ut huic presenti transumpto publico sive exemplo plena fides de inceps adbibeatur ubilibetin *omicm game letters Ijabingbeen dtligentlp inspected bp us, as It ts aforesaid, at tbe requisition of t be honourable man Alfonso 5llbares of Toledo, familiar continuo of the l&opal household of »>pain, bp means of the undertoritten notarp public, in btrtue of the clause placet) at the end of the aforesaid Apostolic letters inserted abode, tohich is as follotos : But because it toould be difficult to conbep the pre= Sent letters to each of the places toljere it might be expedient, toe toill and decree, of our lifee motion and Imotolcdge, that transcripts thereof, signed bp tlje hand of a notarp public Summoned for that purpose, and made dalid toitlj the seal of Some person established In ecclesiastical dignitp, or of an ecclesiastical court, shall obtain the same credence toithin and toitljout anp court of lato and elsetohere toljereSoebec, toljiclj these presents toould obtain if thep toere exhibited or Sljoton : toe hade ordered tljem to be copied and transcribed and draton up in public form, decreeing and toilling that tljis present public transcript or copp Shall henceforth obtain full credence ederptohere, in all and singular places, in tohich it Shall be required, and that the said transcript shall obtain credence and be relied on, juSt as though the original letters tljemseldes Should appear, and be produced and presented* 31 n all and singular tohich things toe hade interposed our ordtnarp autljoritp, and toe Itbetoise also interpose our decree bp tljese presents, and for fuller and clearer edidence of the premises toe hade thought fit to affir our seal to these presents, together toitlj tlje sign and subscription of the undertoritten notarp appended* CljeSe things toere done in Barcelona, in our OtoelUng'-house and in our chamber, on jfridap, the nine= tcentlj dap of the month of 3ulp, in the pear of the natiditp of our Hord one thousand four hundred and ninetp*three, in the first pear of tlje pontificate of the said most Ijolp jfather in Christ our Hoed the Hord £le;eander the ^ibth, bp didine probidence Pope ; there being present the denerable and prudent men Nicholas Pillicer, Canon of our Church of Barcelona, and peter John ?Mapo and Michael (Binones our clerfis, priests, chaplains and domestics, called and summoned as toitnesses to the aforesaid* 0nd aidants Peres del (Millar, Canon of the Ijolp church of Contpostella, Apostolic Notarp, »>ecretarp of the l&igljt Eederend 2Don SDiego, Bishop of »>edille, because 3 b)as present at tlje abobe--rectteo presentation, reception, requisi-- ttoit and inspection of tlje Apostolic letters [herein] inserted. locis omnibus et singulis quibus fuerit opportunum ipsumque transumptum fidem faciat et ille [iZZi] stetur ac si originates ipse litere apparerent producerentur et presentarentur. Quibus omnibus et singulis auctoritatem nostrum ordinariam interpussuimus interponimusque pariter et decretum per presentes et ad ampliorem et clariorem evidentiam premissorum sigillum nostrum presentibus unacum infrascripti notarij signo et subscritione im pendenti duximus apponendum. Acta fuerunt bee Barcbinone in domo babitationis nostre in camera nostra die veneris decima nona mensis Jullij, sub anno anativitate Domini millesimo quadragesimo [quadringentesimo ] nonagesimo tertio pontificatus eiusdem Sanctissimi in Christo Patris Domini nostri Domini Alexandri divina providentia Pape Sexti anno primo , presentibus ibidem venerabilibus et pro- vidis viris Nicbolao Pillicer nostre ecclesie Barchinonensis Canonico et Petro Jobanne Vayo ac Michaele Gihones clericis presbiteris capellanis et familiaribus nostris testibus ad premissa voca- tis et rogatis. Et ego Alvarus Peres del Villar Sancte ecclesie Compostellane Canonicus Nota- rius Apostolicus Reverendissimi Domini Didaci Ispalensis [ epis]copi secretarius, quia premissis literarum apostolicarum pnsertarum [ insertarum ] presentation 'll receptioni, requisitioni, visioni, 194 Qmhits atuclem^ , 0 ,, ri&fvm) v* \vyn t Xwy^, c u?£u»«l» fu^ nS ~£zdi% e S/Vftftwi qrnx '-fvvet' p \i*S L 2&U verncs liffafu J. r««ipw hldta JbomnS • ’ 7rL -'^~ r - - : IumciS jcrijjfvym *** |**£ 'jvvet- trn& t'VoLaw *• vnab-uf ^ ^jerfyitiA j^ryvilt^ i&tt- ‘noiAvij jcnf 4 m ecctu>jkc& vn*lk^ £A jthx injn&i+ie '*2 hibfrLhixch vndlh xMyJ^re^- ft etnt~ y*t*w & "J** 'Vjivt^- ^Xecre ham J? Jm4e$ c^j &m UcnirUm ^ — y *--“ - ^ “ i --" ? \>rwu*) iD n&r&vij 'r .~r> . 1 1 janhot* vmj>en<**ni* ^ ^ aSltt^iiertint- jjtc hafctbiw&ne* in Xevno fydjilrvh&iM§ yirf-* yn gimPvX vwa, J^ie^}£yi£ici& X&cUnA HOnA S^enjls Jtdlij. j aLA ~Iex£o "• J ,/1 ~^ inn# mxa \aa\ y41ejM- \enenJnlil^ n4. 7? row< /tCT 7 mxsJbeX??* )\jon A. , ‘ C -r —--'-- 4 —' 4 — «f aw im j jyilLret:' 77 ^ ecd^ tenfjJ. 3„„pr- v - Vlilov ZC^Y C6>v ' / ^ / - ~ '■ i kuL VtXt M\l/iixj 3^yn nttA£w»i '*rfi arynriA ^Jt^i^ jtc-jleri AC/7 ^ ^ . .. Jl^S^kksfn ^kspienwtmj i _ _ ir jJ? |Kii tTU^^cuw^j ^i^S ' o r^U)g^^ jf ejcrtj?{-e - coyua %cl)A> tjexx^h^rA ottgrni--, , yyulc 'j-ne jiotlo evAv ymvy ^t<3 lie'^fy^UtiLcibSaS $e~* (^uilJbJvUnes -fziyUi $■»*$ §el mef Xj. X^unt^re^- A wvu> ll els- yUl-bnn $u) $JLvrro $MMr '^vO 'K&o* I jl vnlll &(* *j $ (£< f ; gtf^cd^ S atvif -f^eton Pnfes dSltH* cottggvt c im^-lL^ 0)ci^^vi^*^--oS l)eninra.J^sJQM^n:eH>s\fi^ronc8^orw^ ’ctwiAMO- lliMna-ciot vnp* Xe^Ay*. i swfc^ 7/ J^jjcii^U^ 9*T Of C? jk £*<-* G apO 3 car&CK t&fb <^> I ^ -■<*> g 3 ^^ 4 -' V t fa-e tfr ;0 ^ c-^ / w u*t ' tvWVVfTl*4.edllle, on empiavi ac abstuita- 'QThuesSdap, the thirtieth dap of the month of -December, In the vit [ auscuitan] cum pear of the natiditp of our Eord 3eSus Christ one thousand et concordat de verba fide hundred and ttoo* flfliltnesses toho toere present to see ad verbum signoque It corrected tolth the original: the honourable and discreet fiZTZlZltisZig- men d5ontes fh'eto, scrldener, and Sl^arttn de #pamonte and navi injidem et testi- 3Iofjn Consoles Contero, Inhabitants of the said cltp of monium omnium et »>edtlle, called and summoned for tljat purpose* IZlZZZgatuZZt requisitus. El qual p* Eups Montana, apostolic fiotarp. ^ cho trasiado f ue corregido e concerta- £nd 3, pero Eups Montana, Clerk, of Cordoda, Apostolic do por mi el notario flotarp, being summoned and requested, toas present, to-- escr *P t0 ’ conla gether tolth the said toltnesses, at all and ederp particular ZinZuZZfuZsaZ'- of the contents of this document of parchment of our do enla muy noble e most holp father, and 31 0a to It and took note thereof, and, ™ZiKJulZite y t being occupied In other affairs, caused It to be torltten ta dias del mes de out falthfuilp bp another person, and hade undersigned It diziembre , anno deia tolth this mp customarp sign, In proof and testlmonp of ZToZZelt ckriZ the truth* Pero EulS de Montana, flotarp* de mill e quinientos e doss ahos. Testi- gos que fueron presentes a vella corregir conel original , los honrrados e discretos varones Gomes Nieto escrivano , e Martin de Ayamonte e Juan Gonzales Contero vezinos dela dieba fibdad de Se- villa para esto llamados e rogados. P. Ruys Montana , Notario Apostolico. E yo Pero Ruys Montana clerigo de Cordova, notario apostolico, que a todo e cada cosa delo contenido enesta escritura de pargamino del nuestro muy santo padre , en uno conlos dichos testigos presente fuy e lo vy e en nota lo re(iby e por otro fiel mente lo fys escrevir ocupado de otros nego- fios e deste mi acostunbrado sygno lo subsygne en fe e testymonio de verdad, rogado e requerido. Pero Rruis de Montana notario. 197 P ESTE es treslado bi- 'tmiH x& a transcript toell anti fattfjfullp taken en e fiei mente sacado from a declaration anti ttoo toarrants anti a missibe letter de una declarator ia 0 f t {j e 3&tng and £Dueen our %o rdS, toritten on paper, and e dos ceduias e una toiti) tljetr ropal names, as bp them appeared, tlje carta mensagera del tenoc toljeUCOf, One after tl)e Otf)Cr, 10 00 follOtoS* Rey e dela Reyna vt wpc/i*/k Spw pc- criptas enpapel ejir- QLfyt 3&ttig attD tbe flueert. madas de sus reales ' ' nonbres, segund por toe declare and command to be done in tlje eiias paresfia, su matters of property belonging to 2Don Christopher Colum= tbenor deias qmies tm0, our Admiral of tlje SDcean* una enpos de otra es este que se sigue. fijat tn toljat concerns tlje contribution of the eighth part of the merchandise toljich toe noto command to be sent ei Rey e la Reyna, to tlje said islands and mainland, and of tljat toljiclj sljall go §LOque nos deciara- from henceforth, tlje said admiral, upon Ijls suppiping tlje mos e mandamos que eighth part of suclj merchandise or gibing tlje baltte thereof, se faga enias cosas after tlje costs and erpenses toljiclj sfjall be incurred therein de fazienda tocantes Sljall Ijabe been first deducted, map Ijabe for himself tlje a Don christomi Co- etgljtlj part of tlje profit tohich shall be derided from tlje said ion nuestro Ainu- merchandise, conformablp to tlje capitulation dealing toitlj r ante del mar oceano. tnattcc toljiclj has been made toitfj hint* § Primera mente que enlo que toca ala contribution dela ocbava parte deias mercaderias que nos agora mandamos en- biar alas dicbas yslas e tierra Jirme, e las queyran de aqui ade- lante, que el dicho Almirante poniendo la ocbava parte deias tales mercaderias o dando la estimation deltas , sacadas pri- mero las costas e gastos que enello se Jizieren, aya para sy la ocbava parte del provecho que deias dicbas mercaderias se oviere, conforme a la capitulation que conel esta fecha que sobre esto dispone. § Otrosy por quanto iliketoise, forasmuch as the Commander Bobadilla took for himself certain gold and jetoels and other ntobeable goods, landed properrp, and libc stock, toljich tlje said Admiral held in tlje island of Hispaniola, because it is tlje produce and re= benue of tlje said 31 ndieS, toe command tljat first of all there be paid from tlje said things toljiclj toere taken from him tlje costs and erpenses and toages toljiclj Shall he due and -Shall Ijabe been erpended since tlje said Admiral toent last time to tlje Indies in tlje pear ninetp=eigljt, after Ije arribed in tlje island of Hispaniola ^ for although, bp the capitulation, tljat [outlap] is at tlje charge of the said Admiral, pet it is understood tljat Ije is to pap tlje same out of toljat map be obtained from tlje said Indies ; and of toljat sljall remain, after tlje abobcsaid ljaS been paid, let a total be made, and ten parts Ijabtng been formed, nine sljall be for us and tlje tenth for tlje Said Admiral; and out of the said nine parts toe toill pap the toages, costs and erpenses toljich Ijabe been laid out and sljall be due until the said bopage tohich toas made in tlje pear ninetp=eigljt, toljen tlje Admiral toas in tlje said island of Hispaniola^ forasmuch as toe made hint a grant of tljat part of tlje Said erpenses for toljich he el Comendador Bovadilla tomo ensi fierto oro e joyas e otros bienes muebles e rayses e somovientes que el dicho Almirante tenia enla ysla Espahola, por que aquello es fruto e renta deias dicbas Yndias, mandamos que ante de todas cosas, se pa guen deias dicbas cosas que le fueron tomadas las costas e gastos e sueldos que f tier en devidos e se ovieren fecho, desde que el dicho Almirante postrima vez fue alas Yndias el ano de noventa e ocbo, desque fue llegado enla ysla Espaiiola, por que aunque aquello por la capitulation es a cargo del dicho Almirante pero entiendese, para que lo aya de- pagar delo que deias dicbas Indias se adqueriese, e delo que restare pagado lo suso dicho se faga una suma, e fecbas diez partes , las nueve seran para nos, e la dezena parte para el dicho Almirante , e deias dicbas nueve partes, nos paguemos los sueldos e costas e gastos que se ban fecho e se devieren fasta el dicho viaje que se fizo el ano de noventa e ocbo que el Almirante fue enla dicha ysla Espahola, por quanto nos le fezimos merfed dela parte que le 198 ^ ‘-Qs.y^c *$$>*& -^5^5 j> ?*vm?3 J!^(Jk tVW**o£ tutors v^^tvwi *6 ££?(*«% £/«£* 4vrv*w • Jl£\tf <§(* ' »*l**vn wti—J^onjc+iSk L otyAktiKpArfaz ^tccAAu^ a ~~~“' /3 9vivJ» L cfkL*^ '$C£Z$ . ^ W** (f ®2*» f&nklgp U^JL*jx%>it?* dll «?mz -t&***& CtJkM i &yjk& (& e^vis* vic*^ tyrucCd &*{ ^ ^ j (3^fi _iIwjtvMr^"|rv*»JA cj^ C&4r**& ^ t^ yVl1 '’ <^VM ^i»'(Wl5 i| <*W4~ 1^ ^ ‘15^ “5^ S&3s-U$a& *w&r€ ArGKrG^ (ipzJV&S ^ (ltg l&W tf-JLiZc J; **&%>■$ 0^ **/ & V 'J twwvt-e j tc S>* wO%t£|r*» IL^«^ (3jj^^ ^Vl£ t^- ^mm«2a^VZ. (k(^€Ccv ^pvztL, tpAjnf -ui.&r &*? i «.($ dUis&aaO «rt- ♦ Co ^ T & ^J c &■ ^ vws -$ vwv^ |vuV S^CvS jfc X* J& lle**Ajb * WI * *>-f7*4* ^o*v»^ Q?^****- ? '5 v ^f : •d+'+j ***”t-^Sox* Ji*^SoCZ Lv ff^ f VU^Agp * I ^ \r~ t-j' -'j — WA ^vwvr^* -^j-tr/f-vtr^ JW - -fo (oS* 4t**m©0 Si&* £3$**^ (*> ^ b*A"t***i>»£ &~VA+$ ^Ovm <3< A>n*: &i-O*w^'0*$V\ ln^>* c/l-iv>^s/ot auAf cJl iVwvr |jin*»*.$h~£^*. c>it-**<: 0~tv'A& ool*& d’“h)m<' A&$u JiMaZj »L*f®*WO runKi nVnH^oi J[* pu5*«s| CriD JH* ha|V>^vt9-«vJ^n, k,\»* lv\v-*Wv«£A> Jw.Vr^ (J|* ^ -4^v^>t*r^ e^fc* (p (JT^uT ~C\-£ * *■ . / — — -f-(VvV>^C> Jc C*vi*. t>VA*vA.j.*Vu2 «*fcv-£ * *" ' 11 ) i~y #A'T^ (^f sL^ £\>roJS>*x RyMtx^ &y> c <- ) VCTl-vi.^ ^-^v-vS cp'Ui t^v ‘jT T ,jiU J~£w^ (fl - SlVA a' i^o^fV’O zfX> TvtcrpvwO * ^ O-fv*0 ov\ fr /i (1.1. - „ c/ j C^ ~J V ^ i7 ----- - vvp ■~ r,f * ^ (|]*<>'|vrt<^ '* A »vu\ 9»w* ^ k^)*vwoLl ♦ *1 Ui^ tflc&ifsp ^V\)IA dllK £>**AySb J>t>Z- Wro'' yyyvJvQ-tifb - reWA tvw toas liable, £nd tlje said Admiral spall pap from tbe 0a ID cabin ilelos dicbos tentlj pact topateber it spall be probed tljat Ije otoes indu gastos. E el dicbo biduallp to anp persons, as Admiral, Almirante dela dicha , dezena parte pague, Item, that m respect to tbe tattle toljich toere taken front lo que se averiguare pence at our cost, although, according; to tlje said capitulation, que deviere particu- tpe costs and expenses toljich babe been incurred therein larmente a algunas toere to be deducted, and out of tpe remainder tlje said Admiral personas como Al- to as to Ijabe tlje tenth part, nebertljeless, in order to sljoto rnirante. hint fabour, toe command tljat, toitljout deducting; tlje said « Yten cue enauanto costs and expenses, there be rendered to Ijim tlje tenth part a i os gaLdos que de of tlje said cattle, and first and second poung toljich babe aca se ban iievado a been obtained therefrom; and tlje nine parts Shall remain nuestra costa, como and fall to us— Eet it be bail'd toljere it saps que toritten quiera que segundia ober an erasure on tljiS pap, dicba capitulation se avian desacar las jtem, toe command that there be returned and restored to costas e gastos que him all tlje garniture of Ijitf person and household, and pro= enello se ban j echo, e bisions of corn and toine, toljich tlje Commander Bobadilla delo restante el dicbo took from hint, or their just balue, toitljout our Ijabing to Almirante avia de recetbe anp part thereof. aver la dezena parte por le fazer merged ]fltem, that forasmuch as tlje said Commander Bobadt'lla, mandamos que syn among other things toljiclj hr took from tlje said admiral, sacar i as dichas cos- took from hint a certain quantity of stones, toljiclj toere from tas e gastos le sea the source from topence tlje gold comes, and toljiclj contain acudido conla dezena a portion of gold ; toe command our (Bobernor of tlje said P arte > ddos dicbos islands to receibe a declaration upon oatlj from tlje said s anados e P artos e Commander Bobadilla of tpeir number and Si?cs, and to p os P artos ^wA0^vJ^-^£>S 'm£*m$*V0 V <&> L!tyfL*t&uA&^ efi-v% *| vv ^5 (T ^ ^?4>x e!~t~yv' ccvitewA (£\&b'* S hr l^>- ecnx.Sl'14- jlL |> w f *— — — ^ f ( 5 ^ *j % £ ,OT |^ v iP^dJ^S^CfifartCCz b*u .\9 £&p»+~*4 Jb (Zj*uU Jb * £p±v*MS «v^mj^ (XT&.1^^if^**. ^ c r ^ i v • ^vK*w Jfcsn. Jt(j€&> v“A muD SKeS (?W- (JWU SL^^fK (t>V t^A (fU Vi wy * q£*J$ J mM •-.• •'»»-- * Qjt\Z)hz+t p‘ r^.£»«Mo " 2 T ^ A^Vt; • aviJ^S^vv^r *^r£& -t-C($-frt*ur& 4 a|ow 3 Stc. . - A* ^ ^ ifir-fro^ e£^» yaw^T -fey* 9--C&? I w ?V*P « -5 (G eJ lL~s -fp. d\.^ U^> 9 C^: X rnn^kW* watrufl-iD (p* 0 Z A-^f*t&ttjb L>S ojxde$ $?d 1 > 9 fl» $£ r ^ 2 $&. +GP***!*' !£><* C^ 1 ** "— 1 1 ^ 30* • ***p? *■ oruvod A.\9rd^ — ™.. £ Q*J]?&ri'd. WKvmI 1 r (2 bnJLuO l&ed&iae (*> C^Ei 4vr**«Jhf -f&h 3 ■ 'jk L jXr i«^ «a^t^v^vfc'^s' > wm * : ^^•rve l^«mi r *p *f«<« SW'-^Skv dU I * n s G - fin k ■'fifjtpvvHS £ <****« CrG _ *• — &«*«-» >i^<» « » >t. ■ ■ — ,iiii*taMBWP»B«M5*a** ,a|l " 8<,a ^ ,, "* ! * w, " ,M * l * Ml "** B1MM, 7'^* # r i_o <>< ^ &v* -r>.'Vi^> l& $by 8 _ V £ ^ V ^ Y" 1 .} ,*«-** <$'' ’-^ *2 ^ |c*v (<*?& G^ fr r b*U*-$-°* • 4 ^- jlH^O ,,r " t p'jj fu? r »v<* lo suso dicbo , en quanto nueslra mer- ged e voluntad fuere, e que mostrando el dicbo Alonso Sanches de Carvajal , podcr bastante del dicbo Almirante, le acudan tohat t 0 abobeoaid, in 00 fat* a 0 it 0 ljall be out totll and plea 0 ttre, and, upon the 0 atd aiondo Isancljed de Carbajal 0 hotoing 0 ufficient autljoritp from tlje 0 aid Admiral, to render to Ijtm tfje portion of the gold toljiclj 0 ljall belong to Ijtm on account of ti>e tenth in tlje 0 atd inland, after tlje co 0 t 0 and e;rpen 0 e 0 Ijabe been deducted, and al 0 o tlje profit on tlje met* cljandi 0 e for tlje eigljtlj part toljiclj tlje 0 aid Admiral 0 ljall 0 hoto tljat Ije contributed to tlje co 0 t thereof. conla parte del oro 3|tem, fora0muclj a0 tlje 0 aid admiral Ijad farmed out tlje que le pertenesgiere, office0 of Bailiff and Rotary of tlje 0aid island of !£i0paniola por rason del diezmo for a certain term, toe command tljat ;tlje moncp0 and toljat= enla dicb a y si a saca- eber tlje 0 aid offtce0 stjall babe produced and been boortlj 0 ljall das las costas e s as ~ be dibided into ten part0, nine to be for u 0 and one for tlje tu . s ' e conel P rove ~ 0aid admiral, fir0t of all deducting tlje co 0 t 0 and ej;pcn0e0 cho d . e ™ ercaderias of tlje 0aid officer0 ^ and becau0e tlje perdon toljo Ijeld tlje pnr e °f ava 0aid notarp0ljip toa 0 not obliged to gibe a fixed 0 ttm for it, toe T strare el dlcho command tljat upon being paid for tjt'0 labour Ije i0 to render esto l ' e ™ r d $*~ all tljat Ije !)a0 receibed, in order tljat it map be dibided, a 0 afore0aid.— 3let it be bail'd toljere it 0ap0 por el, toljiclj 10 § Yten por quanto el , r ■ dicbo Almirante ovo arendado los ojigios de algaziladgo e es- crivania dela dieba ysla Espahola , por fierto tienpo, manda- mos que los marave- dis , e lo que los di- chos ojigios avran rentado e valido se fagan diez partes, las nueve sean para nos e la una para el dicbo Almirante, sa- cando primera mente las costas e gastos, delos dicbos ofigiales. E por que el que tenia la dicha escrivania no estava obtigado a toritten ober an era0ure on tlji0 page. Item, tljat tljep return to hint tlje book0 and toriting0 toljiclj toere taken from hint; and if anp of tljent 0ljall be required for tlje admini0ttation, let tljere be draton a tran0cript 0igneo bp a public 0cribener, and let tlje ongmal0 be delibered to Ijim, a0 afore0aid. Item, tljat in toljat concern0 freight and probi'0ion0, tlje 0aid Carbajal 10 to enjop tlje toljole of it, according and in tlje 0ame manner a0 our otljer officer0 0ljall enjop [tlje like]. ail tljat 10 afore0atd, and cberp article and portion thereof, toe command pou, our (Bobernor and our accountant, and otljer officers, and ju 0 ttce 0 , and per0on0 of tlje 0aid i0land0 and ntainland0, 00 to perform and fulfil, in eberptljing and bp eberptljing, a0 it t'0 contained abode, and in fulfilling it, pou are to gibe aitd deliber to tlje 0 aid admiral and Ijts brotljer0, and to anpone toljo 0ljall Ijabe lji0 procuration, tlje tljingd abobe0aid, toifljout anp impediment being offered to him therein, and pou 0ljall not act contrarp hereto. SDonc d « r P or dl ° cosa in (Branaoa, on tlje ttoentp=0ebentlj dap of September, in tlje f ierta,mandamos que pear one tljoudand fibe hundred and one. 3 tlje l&ing. 31 tlje satufeebo desu tra- 4Bueen. Bp command of tlje Bing and of the ^Effteen, (Ba0par bu, ° * acuda contodu de (Brijio. Cpe 3&tng and tlje Hueen, bajo, lo que ha avido, para que se parta como dicbo es. Vala o dis por el que va escripto Commander de Hare0, our (Bobernor of tlje 3udie0 : 3ilie Ijabe sobre raydo enesta plana. § Yten que le buelvan los libros e escripturas que le fuer on tornados, e sy de algunos dellos oviere negesidad para la negogiagion , se saque un ireslado sygnado de escrivano publico e sele entreguen los originales como dicbo es. § Yten que enlo que toca al jlete e mantenimientos, gose el dicbo Carvajal de todo ello, segund e como gosaren los otros nuestros ofigiales. § Lo qual todo que dicbo es e cada cosa e parte dello, mandamos a vos el nuestro Governador e nuestro Conta Jor e otros ofigiales e justigias e personas delas dichas yslas e tierras jinnes que asy fagays e cumplays entodo e por todo como de suso se contiene e en cumpliendolo deys e entregueys al dicbo Almirante e sus herrnanos e a quien su poder oviere las cosas suso diebas, synque enello le sea puesto ynpedirniento alguno. E non fagades ende al. Fecba en Granada, a veynte e syeie dias de setienbre de mill e quinientos e uno ahos Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Caspar de Grizio. El Rey e la Reyna. COMEND ADOR de Lares, nuestro Governador 205 delas Yndias, mandado e declarado la orden que se ha de tener enlo que se ha de faser con Don Christoval Colon nu- estro Almirante del mar occeano e sus her- manos, fere a delas cosas, que el Comen- dador Bovadilla les tomo, e sobre la for- ma que seha de tener enel acudir al dicho Almirante conla parte del diezmo e ochavo que ha deaver delos bienes muebles delas yslas e tierra firme del dicho mar occeano , e delas mer- caderias que nos de aca enbiaremos, se- gund vereys porla di- cha nuestra declara- tion e mandamiento firm ado de nuestros nonbres que sobre el- lo, les mandamos dar. Por ende nos vos mandamos, que veays la dicha declaration, e conforme aella les fagays entregar los dichos sus bienes, e acudir al dicho Almirante, cortlo que le pertenefe delo su- so dicho, por mane- ra que el dicho Al- mirante, e sus her- manos, o quien su poder oviere, sean de todo ello entregados. E sy el oro e otras cosas que asy el di- cho Comendador Bo- vadilla les tomo, los oviere gastado o ven- dulo, vos mandamos que selo fagays lue- go pagar. Lo que commanded and declared the order that is to be obserbed In tobat ljas to be done totoardS 2Don Christopher Columbus, our admiral o f 1 be £>cean, and ljlS brothers, respecting; tbe things tohlch Commander Bobadllla took from them, and In regard to tlje form toljlch 10 to be observed in rendering to tlje said admiral the portion of tlje tenth and eighth tobteb he is to recetbe from tlje mobeable goods of the islands and mainland of the said £>cean, and from the merchandise tobteb toe Shall Send from hence, as pou to III see bp our said declata-- tlon and command signed tolth our names, tohlch toe do conv- mand to be gtben tljem thereupon* ^htrefore toe charge pou to Inspect tlje said declaration, and to cause their said goods to be delivered to them conEormablp thereto, and to render to tlje said admiral tobat belongs to him of the abobesald, In Suclj tolse that the said admiral and his brothers, or toboeber Shall babe bis procuration, map obtain tlje toljole thereof* and If tlje gold and otljer things, toljlch the said Commander Bobadllla thus took from tljem, shall babe been spent or sold bp hint, toe command pott to cause them to be paid therefor at once* Sfllljat toas Spent In our serbtee is to be paid to tljem out of our propertp, and toljat the said Commander Bobadllla shall babe spent on IjlS oton affairs IS to be paid to tljem out of tlje goods and propertp of the said Cotm rnander* and pou shall not do contrarp hrreto* 2Done In (Branada, on the ttoentp=elgljth bap of the month of »>eptem= ber, In tlje pear one thousand fibe hundred and one* 3 the Bing. 31 tpe 3Dtteen. Bp command of tlje Bing and of the £Dueen, (Baspar de (Brtjlo* Cbe Sttng anD tbe £iueen. XX.dHEXK) de Brlblesca: 32le babe ordered an agree-- ment to be made tolth 3Don Christopher Columbus, our ao= mlral of tlje £Dcean, tljat In all tlje merchandise toljlch Shall be conbeped to the Indies hr map Supplp tlje eighth part, and map enjop tlje eighth part tljat shall be gained thereon, ac= cording as pou tolll see bp an agreement tljat IjaS been made toltlj hint, signed tolth our names* tEhtrefore toe command pou to gibe him account and copp of all tljat the merchan- dise amounts to, toljlch toe do noto command to be conbeped to tlje said 3ndles, in order that, If Ijf Shall desire, Ijt map supplp tlje said elgljtlj part thereof, tohlch pou are to recetbe In our name from the said Admiral, or from the person toljo shall babe his procuration, and to gibe him a receipt for It • and recetbe It In tnonep or In merchandise, as It shall Seem good to Ijlm or to tlje person toljo shall ljabe IjlS procuration* and If be Shall pap tt In tnonep, fue gastado en nuestro servijo seles pague de nuestra fazienda, e lo que el dicho Comendador Bovadilla oviere gastado en sus cosas propias seles pague delos bienes e fazienda del dicho Comen- dador, e non fagades ende al. Fecha en Granada, a veynte e ocho dias del mes de Setiembre de mill e quinientos e uno anos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna, Gaspar de Grizio. El Rey e la Reyna. § XIMENO de Briviesca, nos avemos mandado tomar asyento con Don Christoval Colon nuestro Almirante del mar occeano, que entodas las mercaderias que se llevaren alas Yndias, ponga la ochava parte, e gose dela ochava parte, que se ganare enellas, segund vereys por un asyento que se ha tornado conel firmado de nuestros nonbres. Porende nos vos mandamos que le deys rason e copia de todo lo que montan las mercaderias que agora mandamos llevar alas dichas Indias, para que sy quisiere, ponga enellas la dicha ochava parte, la qual recebid vos en nuestro nonbre del dicho Almirante, o de quien su poder oviere, e le dad carta de pago dello, e refebidlo en dinero o enlas mercaderias que ael o aquien su poder oviere le paresfiere. E sy en dinero lo pagare, 206 A tX* 'tTCnfV'^iV; C* <( " “| ^ 48^ V*W»/V OCCtUo g> -■» Huw »-S><2^rtU Jk-£rt' r ' re ijt?*»jeyow^ .\rC >\0 iCv (zfr** &™*a++< £ld*fi '£> Ca. (7?W jk / <2T-**Jo 7po<£ _ ^v<5 nt^cA^jv^ 'tj'ncS «fi? f^V Iflavtf »»w^ •T$ QvAtk 9 -v»» , ^ ^soiK *$£) £ *>& ^[/ -£jcl Ot^syT Csrfjir^ 4* <»--$y *$*%• *p -§€? '^wy^sv'f* T" 9 * ' (r^_, ^ f(gf* 4»*v«~ £>*HA$v££*.. OHj&ut ^ru/irtJo - Cf m $^ (z 4 ^v* 2 sL\ Jk ($$* ***** * (*^-j^($G CwA* « *"-p»v^c* g^t^y t ^vw» {p Q<^ f^fyuAF Jk (££fa^*j*&i* Jk vr*-iC£ (?> (jf^cX^ gJbvi'C *#*r€^*p 0 tfl r ^ —jj vy* N^l>»— ^^ vua. * ^ov v\J^ 9 ^Jb Aj 'g“- a - ^ tf till 4-2^*^ i * ,,i> — \ MftvVMfVMj Jlr L 4Sr^_ Co j3»Tjgv» Vvo *2? _ ‘i-v^sj b v^vSa ii^--^ i * J-- l „, . . _ vwpj^O o 5 Hw\9»vm^ i -’i4^ ^t>A>vX Jc-t-O ib & *j N Vv^V^" > VH^-A AjUff 4 s A &vi ^ vw 43 cW*M$ Q 2 )$§ vm |-^ a c ♦vC^ S (TT h: ^S)n*3gyg •VVvC&tf • XAvt^vrenvtff • ^5 >^mhl9 w.^ N*^ C-Cio caiCoG dil ^ aJUJL Us-*' O - ? n I I . I I — . . 1 ■», fll-g*? e L-^yn.«- _ fc w^y u g^ *V*-^ .il>" jl AMt- *l!a vsiw (flr^rrA-Artnft jTifjvO c^l m*v2 ocCC.Htc SY&^ajT Ji-Mtcv^' -yCu}^, nn ^ n~s-.0 t^Poa* -? woC oli.fl-6 > ‘* V^, 0y^A. h> 0*6*1, tvw »^d\Q &r$xjf**c *y>vm-gp ^p 1 / >wv>».n -+S~I Ovi iCl$* aucj&fov im«J 0i /o m*v0 rvvyvt^UL TT^f •fivJ>ZCiACC • 2 m t*wy-<> ~^wWV. JbfZrprZ *^ '*yVs>09 c*v*uvm«0 (a^ Lv cxit-X \W^x A* JL^VS tMY^.' jjv\*cy>t4-a • t*% £I)fc -Pc\& {fwjiow f?*^’ ~ 0 S^doS crirCS (O+h-o rn Jlr^>r~hr^^ (pCn+G* CAvfxv Ay — [ iA >v»\? S^CS^ iWwo t^vx wh/J-a3 *o$ HvA>v^Vk %S^^S?0 9 4*ttl J2-"V^ (filo • hfriZ*. 0 h*<* -f-rt ^ ma4r4 JVi ^^<*?J>UtkL 2, dn^" ysxri? ^\Tl Lv^- 4*+cjPdt . Wr» 9 t SUng anti tbe Hueen. X)0!O Christopher Columbus, ourSdmiralof tljeislandsand mainland tohich are in the SDcean in the region of the 3ndtes: Gflie hade seen pour letter of tlje ttoentp --sixth of if ebrttarp, and those tohich pou sent theretotth, and tlje memorials toljiclj pou gade us ; and in respect to pour saping tljat in tljiS dopage tip= on tohich pou are going, pou toould totsh to go bp toap of l£is= paniola, toe hade alreadp told pou that, as it is notaddiSable tljat in this dopage, tohereon pou are noto going, anp time should be lost, pou are to go, in anp case, bp this other toap ; but on pour return, (Bod totlltng, if it shall appear to pou to be necessarp, pou map return bp passing there, but onlp to stap for a short time, because, as pou see, it toill be condenient that toljen pou hade returned from the dopage upon toljtch pou are noto going, toe should be tmmedtatelp informed bp pou in person of all tljat pou Shall hade discodercd and performed therein, in order tljat bp pour opinion and addtce toe map prodtde thereupon toljat map best fulfil our serdtce, and tljat tlje things needful for barter map be prodided from hence. i^eretoith toe send pou the instruction as to tohat, if it please our llord, pou are to do in this dopage-, and in respect to toljat pou sap about Portugal, toe hade tontten tljereon to the Iking of Portugal, our son, toljat is appropriate, and toe Ijtretoitlj Send pou our letter, toljiclj pou requested for IjiS captain, toljeretn toe inform him of pour departure for tlje toest, and tljat toe hade been informed of hi# departure for tlje east, in order tljat if pou meet on tlje toap pou map treat one another as friends, and as it is fitting that captains and subjects of kings, bettoeen toljont there is such great kinship, lode and friendship, Should treat one another, telling hint tljat toe hade giden tlje same command to pou ; and toe toill procure tljat tlje Iking of Portugal, our son, Shall torite a similar letter to Ijis> Said captain. Eespecting pour petition to us to permit pou to take toitlj pou on provecho. E non fa- gades ende al. Fecha en Granada , a veynte e syete dias del mes de setiembre de mill e quinientos e uno ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey , e dela Reyna, Gaspar de Grizio. El Rey e la Reyna. § DON Christoval Colon nuestro Almi- rante delas yslas e tierra firme que son enel mar occeano ala parte delas Yndias. Vimos vuestra letra de veynte e seys de febrero, y las que conella enbiastes, y los memoriales que nos distes, y alo que desys que para este viage aque vays querriades pasar por la Espahola, ya os deximos que porque no es razon, que para este viage aque ago- ra vays se pierda tienpo alguno , ento- do caso vays por este otro camino que ala buelta plaziendo a Dios sy os pares- fiere que sera nege- sario , podeis bolver por alii de pasada, para deteneros poco, por que come vedes converna que buelto vos del viage aque agora vays seamos luego ynformados de vos enpersona de todo lo que enel ovierdes fallado, y fecho, para que con vuestro parefer y consejo proveamos sobre ello lo que mas cumpla a nuestro servifio, y las cosas nefesarias para el resgate de aca se proveen. § Aqui vos enbiamos la ynstruction delo que plaziendo anuestro Sehor aveys de faser eneste viage, y alo que desys dePortugal , nos escrivimos sobre ello al Rey dePortugal nuestro jijo, lo que conviene y vos enbiamos aqui la carta nuestra que desys para su capitan , en que lefazemos saber vuestra yda fazia el poniente, y que avemos sabido su yda fazia el levante , que sy encamino os topardes vos trateys los unos alos otros como amigos , y como es razon dese tratar capitanes y gentes de Reyes entre quien ay tanto debdo amor y amistad, diziendole que lo mismo avemos mandado a vos, y procu- raremos que el Rey dePortugal nuestro bijo, escriva otra tal carta al dicho su capitan. § Alo que nos suplicays que ayamos por bien, que 209 lleveys Q 3 con este viage a Don Fernando vuestro jijo, y quela ragion que sele da, quede a Don Diego vuestro jijo , a nos glaze dello. § Alo que desys que querriades llevar uno o dos que sepan ara- vigo, a nosplaze dello, contal que por ello nos [no os] detengays. § Alo que desys que que parte dela ganan- gia se dara ala gente que va con vos en- esos navios, dezimos que vayan dela ma- nera que ban ydo los otros. this bopage pour son 2Don Ferdinand, and that t Tje allowance tofjiclj i0 giben to fjmt map debolbe upon pour 0on 2Don 2Diego, lor approve thereof* Inspecting toljat pott sap about toisbing to tafee one or tloo prr0on0 loljo fenoto Arabic, lor approbe thereof, probtded that pou do not incur drlap tljerebp* inspecting lobat pou 0ap about part of tlje gain bring gt'brn to tljr people go tottb pou in those 0tjfp0, lor anstoer that tbep arr to go in tlje 0amr mannrr a0 tlje others babe gone* as to tljr trn thousand pircr0 of monrp tobteb pou mrntion, it has brrn agrrrd that tljep 0ijould not br madr for tbi0 bopage until morr 10 seen* %ljt polodrr and artillrrp that pou asb for lor babe alrradp ordrrrd to br furnished to pou, a0 pou loiU see* inspecting pour 0tatrmrnt tljat pou could not speak to ^Doctor angulo and tljr Hicrnciatr Capata on account of pour departure, loritr to u0 berp fullp and in detail* § Las diez mill pie- { as de moneda que desys, se acordo que no se jiziesen por este viage fasta que mas se vea. § Dela polvora e ar- tilleria que deman- days, vos avemos ya mandado proveer co- mo vereys. § Lo que desys que no podistes fablar al doctor Angulo y al ligengiado Capata a- cabsa dela partida, escrivid nos lo r.iuy larga e particular mente. § Quanto alo otro contenido en vuestros memoriales y letras, tocante a vos y a vuestros jijos y ber- manos, porque como vedes a cabsa que nos estamos encamino y QxLlitl) regard to tljr otljer content0 of pour memorial and letters respecting pourSelf, and pour sons and brothers, because, as pou see, toe are on a journep and pou are about to depart, it cannot be attended to until loe take up our residence in some place, and if pou sljould babe to loait for that, tlje bopage upon toljiclj pou are nolo going loould be lost ; therefore it is better tljat, since pou are despatched loitlj eberpttn'ng necessarp for pour bopage, pou should set out at once, toitljout anp delap, and that the charge of soliciting loljat is contained in the Said memorials should be left to pour son* and rest assured tljat toe toere much distressed about pour imprisonment, and pou pourself perceibed it clearlp, and it toas toell fenoton to all ^ for Oirectlp toe toere atoare of it toe ordered it to be remedied •, and pou tmoto tlje fabotir toitlj toljiclj toe babe altoaps ordered pou to be treated : and noto toe are much more inclined to honour and treat pou berp fabourablp, and tlje fabours tobteb toe babe corn ferred upon pou shall be fullp obserbed to pou, according to tlje form and tenor of our pribileges tobteb pou hold thereof, toithout being contrabened in anpthing, and pou and pour sons shall enjop tljem, as is just* and if it shall be necessarp to confirm tljem aneto, toe toill confirm them ; and toe toill command that pour son be put in possession of tlje tobole* Sind bepond tljtS toe babe tlje toill to honour pou and confer fabours upon pou ; and of pour sons and brothers toe shall babe Such care as is just* and all tljiS it toill be possible to do if pou set out Speedtlp and tlje charge is left to pour son, as has been said* vos de partida nose puede entender enello fasta que paremos de asiento en alguna parte, e sy esto oviesedes de esperar se perderia el viage aque agora vays. Por esto es niejor que pues de todo lo ne- C esario para vuestro viage estays despaebado, vos partays luego syn detenimiento alguno, y quede a vuestro jijo el cargo de solifitar lo contenido en los dicbos memoriales. Y tened por gierto que de vuestra prision nos peso mucho, y bien lo vistes vos y lo conosgieron todos clara mente pues que luego quelo sopimos lo mandamos remediar, y sabeys el favor conque os avemos mandado tratar siempre, y agora estamos mucho mas en vos honrrar y tratar muy bien, y las mergedes que vos tenemos fechas vos seran guardadas entera mente, segund forma y tenor de nuestros privilegios que deltas teneys, syn yr encosa contra ellas, y vos y vuestros fijos goza- reys deltas como es razon , y si negesario fuere conjirmarlas de nuevo las confirmaremos, y a vuestro fjo mandaremos poner enla posesyon de todo ello. Y en mas que esto tenemos voluntad de vos honrrar y fazer mergedes, y de vuestros fijos y hermanos, nos ternemos el cuydado que es razon , y todo esto se podra fazer yendo vos en buen ora, y quedando el cargo a vuestro jijo, como esta dicbo. 210 J>&*% 9^Jo)^> ~M0 . gH4$ ( yllgi &££« • 3»JU ’' '"''■ £/ cM< Ivttfjl -$?6 tfvuftn’uyJJ-^ CPc*u*iS&vu» o ShP^’^V^ ArA»*f($0 *^\ vtc£ J>f^c M*. J\ \nP 5 JkVWvvnrfA^A m^" 7 / - j $-*£> % '*> •— - — -^y* nu>«A ‘Wwtf*’ &U&J? ath^v< rfVMjSnfftw ».m»v U ltwii kL™Z?.x ' ^ 07 > y < r M At A »»4 ^ ^ '""* k * * ~ icLw v jx: c w*w^» ^ UXS Vtjrcb veo^yw* ec\u>i(u :ro "tv&€i ruvrA notV t* &iUp? (&Po (j^ tft)lw -*+tiTax 0tCiny *yAl *VH»|'o0^S)e*HC0 WKVM^Wws+tihAt Q;jCkwi ^^ril -f-t*vwo0 vhvm^S C^N>0S^Onrn»z tymy (^' g^jcnrS* i^N?o? t~CYiC*>io6 “|v^i^?c8 @ MufttSuJ Cm Kwa v\wtt^, i «4vtt^ -jm HUV v n" c "'’ 1 *&* »v»-oa p(*y 9 |'»J*w*k*M)^. ” Cv^V^^<»V l‘A c2&mj * V^VoS y\nh^^h$^(i$nvcy8 frCCci) »r o3 ~'^Jf Vy< >v> ‘ ^ (5 1 •'** -j~L*-*l t"C /vir Wv*i2 Za£ iuC V»wtf.iv<» lUtW* n -i^yvwvrXmo? vb™* SvWCwL* ^OwM. C«A |; i ^|V* N Jc* 4 h» 5 ?c£^ ‘^C^n^s/j e|^> -jTWtwgvoLHfaS , y$^ t ‘*&~f-l *>£ V J]hi~£KVUr€ • Yw8-{-£ZYLevt\ff9 {/IQ. ■ • p - - A '- rt -- * n c?v«JPw«u. anti 00 toe entreat pou tfjat tljere map be no Delap tn pour Departure* jFront Valencia Dela ^orre, tlje fourteenth Dap of Search, tn tlje pear [one tIjou0anD] fibe fjun&reD anD ttoo* 31 tlje Bing* 3] ttje 3Htteen» Bp commanD of tlje ^Ing anD of tlje £Dueen, S^tguel pere0 De aima^an* anD on tlje Dor0e of tlje 0atD letter toa0 torltten tlje follototng: Bp tlje IbfnQ; anD 3Dueen, to 2Don Cljrl0topljer Columbu0,tljetr aDmtral of tlje t'0lanD0 anD mamlanD toljlcfj are tn tlje 3Dceatt tn tlje re= glon of tlje 3|nDte0* ^ljls> tran0ertpt toa0 collateD tottlj tlje 0atb original Decla= ration anD toarrant0 anD letter from toljlcb it toa0 DerlbeD tn tlje pre0ence of tlje public 0tn'bener0 of »>ebtlle toljo marfceb anD 0tgneD it tottlj tljetr nante0 tn te0tlmonp, tn tlje 0at'D cttp of »>cbtlle, on tlje ttoentp^0econD Dap of tlje rnontlj of Sl^arclj, tn tlje pear of tlje nattbitp of our »>abiour 31t£u0 Cljrt0t one tljou0anD fibe IjunDreD anD ttoo* 31 > ®otne0 jpieto, 0trtbener, of »>ebtlle, am tottne00 [ ]♦ 31, aifon0o ILuca0, 0ertbener, of »>cbllle, am tottne00 [ ]♦ anD % Martin lftoDrtgue0, public 0eribener, of »>ebille, cau0eD tljl0 tran0crtpt to be torltten, anD Ijabe Ijtre maDe mp 0tgn[ ], anD am toltne00* Y dsy voS rogamos que en vuestra par- tida no aya dilation. De Valencia dela torre, a quatorze dias de margo de quinientos e doss ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Por mandado del Rey e dela Reyna , Miguel Peres de Almagan. E enlas espaldas dela dicha carta es- tava escripto lo siguiente, Por el Rey e la Reyna , a Don Christoval Co- lon su Almirante delas yslas e tierra Jirme , que son enel mar occeano ala parte delas Yndias. § Este treslado fue congertado conlas dichas declaratoria e gedulas e carta, originates onde fue sacado, en presengia delos escrivanos publicos deSevilla, quelo sygno e firmaron de sus nonbres en testimonio enla dicba gibdad de Sevilla a veynte e dos dias del tnes de margo, ario del nasgimiento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quinientos e doss ahos. Yo Gomes Nieto escrivano de Sevilla so testigof ] io Alfonso Lucas escrivano deSevilla soy testigof E yo Martin Rodrigues escrivano publico de Sevilla fis escrevir este treslado e fis aqui mio sig[ ]no e so testigo. 213 [N ote. — In the original Codex the nine vellum leaves , nu?nbered liv to lxii, are , with the exception of the foliation , blank on both sides , as if Columbus had contemplated adding other documents .] [Note. — In the original Codex the nine vellum leaves , numbered liv to lxii, are , with the exception of the foliation , blank on both sides , as if Columbus had contemplated adding other documents .] 217 * 'tiXiS things prapcti for, and bohich four l^rgfjnepfjSe^ gibe anti grant to 2Don Christopher Co= lunibuS as some recompense for boljat Ije has discobered in tlje Oceans, and for tlje borage boljich nob), toitlj tlje Ijelp of (Bod, !je has engaged to make therein in tfje serbice of four highnesses, are the following: La Capitulation. jFirstlp, tljat jour highnesses, as actual 3lordS of tlje said Oceans, appoint las cosas supika- from tlji'S date tlje said HDon Christopher Columbus to be pour Admiral das e que Vuestras in all tljose islands and mainlands boljielj bp his actibitp and industry Altezas dan e otor- Shall be discobered or acquired in tlje said oceans during Ijis lifetime, and gan a Don cbristomi iifeetotSe, after ljiS death, l)fS heirs and successors one after another in colon enaiguna satis perpetuttj, toitlj all tlje pre-eminences and prerogatives appertainingto tlje fagion deio que ha 0 gj C(r5 anll j n t f je Qamc manner as 2Don Alfonso CnriqueS, pour high descuhierto enias ^{niral 0 f Castile, and ljis predecessors in tlje said office held it in tljeir districts.— Jt so pleases tljeir highnesses. John de Coloma. mares ogeanas e del viaje que agora conel ayuda de Dios ha de Hiketoise, tljat four highnesses appoint tlje said 2D on Christopher to be fazer, por ellas en pour cHicerop and (Bobcrnor (Bencral in all tlje said islands and maim servigio de Vuestras lands and in tlje islands boljielj, as aforesaid, ljc map discober and acquire Aitezas, son las que tn. the said seas •, and tljat for tlje gobernment of each and anp of them Ije map make choice of three persons for each office, and that four high- nesses map select and cljoose tlje one boljo shall be most serbiceable to pou •, and thus the lands foljicfj our Hord shall permit him to discober and acquire for tlje serbice of four highnesses, ten'll be tlje better goberned.— jt so pleases tljeir highnesses. Joljn de Coloma. ogeanas fasen dende ^ tern, tljat of all and eberp kind of merchandise, boljctljer pearls, precious agora ai dicho Don stones, gold, sitter, spices and otljer objects and merchandise boljatsoeber, christovai Colon su q £ toljateber kind, name and 0ort,bobiclj map be bought, bartered, discobered, Aimirante en todas acquired! and obtained boitfjin the limits of tlje said &dmiraltp, four aqueiias ysias e tierra highnesses grant from nobo henceforth to djesaid2Don Christopher, and * boill tljat Ije map Ijabe and take for himself, tlje tenth part of tlje boljole, after deducting all tlje expenses boljielj map be incurred therein, so that of boljat Shall remain clear and free lje map Ijabe and take tlje tenth part for Ijimself, and map do therewith as he pleases, tlje other nine parts being reserbed for four highnesses.— lit so pleases their highnesses. se siguen. § Primera mente que Vuestras Altesas co- mo Senores que son delas dichas mares jirme que por su mano e ynclustria se descubriran o gana- ran enias dichas mares ogeanas para durante su vida e des- pues del muerto a John de COlOtnU. sus herederos e sub- Hikeboise, tljat if on account of the merchandise boljiclj he might bring from gesoresdeunoenotro t ijc gaft glands and lands boljielj tljus, as aforesaid, map be acquired or perpetua mente con ftj0 CO bereO, or of tljat boljielj map be taken in exchange for tlje same from todas aqueiias pre - nicr cljant 0 here, anp suit should arise in tlje place boljere tlje said heminengias e prer- commen;e an j, traffic shall be held and conducted ; and if bp tlje pre= S' nZZ eminence of IjiS office of Admiral it appertains to him to take cognisance ( e sesun que i) on of Suclj Suit ; it map please four highnesses tljat Ije or IjiS deputp, and not dionto Enriques vu- another judge, shall take cognisance thereof and gibe iudgment in tlje same estro Aimirante Ma- from henceforth.— Jt so pleases tljeir highnesses, if it appertains to tlje yor de Castilla e las Said office of Admiral, according as it boas held bp admiral 2Don aifonso otros pregesores enel Cnriques and others his successors in tljeir districts, and if it be just. dicho ojigio lo tenian John de Coloma. en sus distritos. ^ t em, tljat in all tlje bessels boljielj map be equipped for the said traffic and i laze a sus Aitesas. each t ; me an q toljeneber and as often as thep map be equipped, a n eLooma • tlje said 2Don Christopher Columbus map, if Ije chooses, contribute § otrosy que Vues- and pap the cigljtlj part of all tljat map be spent in tlje equipment, and tljat tras Altesas hazen al dicho Don Christovai su Viso Rey e Governador General en todas las dichas ysias e tierra jirme e ysias que como dicho es el descubriere o ganare enias dichas mares e que para el regimiento de cada una e qualquier deltas faga elegion de tres personas para cada ojigio, y que Vuestras Altesas tomen y escojan uno el que mas fuere su servigio e asy seran mejor regidas las tierras que nuestro Senor le dexare fallar e ganar a servigio de Vuestras Altesas. Plaze a Sm[s] Altesa\_s). Juan de Coloma. § Yten que todas e quotes quier mercaderias sy quier sean perlas, piedras pregiosas, oro, plata , espegeria, y otras quotes quier cosas e mercaderias de qual quier espegie, nonbre e manera que se conpraren, trocaren, fallaren, ganaren e ovieren dentro delos limites del dicho almirantadgo que dende agora Vuestras Altesas fazen merged al dicho Don Christovai, y quieren que aya, y lieve para sy la dezena parte de todo ello quitadas las cosas que se hizieren enello por manera que delo que quedare lynpio e libre aya e tome la degima parte para sy mismo e faga dello a su voluntad quedando las otras nueve partes para Vuestras Altesas. Plase a Sus Altesas. Juan de Coloma. § Otrosy que sy a cabsa delas mercadurias que el trajera delas dichas ysias e tierra que asy como dicho es se ganaren o descubrieren o delas que en troque de aqueiias se tomaren aca de otros mercaderes nagiere plito alguno enel logar donde el dicho comertio e trato se terna e far a que sy por la preheminengia de su ojigio de aimirante le pertenegera conoger del tal plito plega a Vuestra[s~\ Altesa\s ] que el o su teniente e non otrojuez conozca del tal plito e asy, lo provea dende agora. Plase a Sus Altesas sy pertenege al dicho ojigio de aimirante segun que lo tenia el aimirante Don Alonso Enriques e los otros sus subgesores en sus distritos e- syendo justo. Juan de Coloma. § Yten que en todos los navios que se armaren para el dicho trato e negogiagion cada e quando e quantas vezes se armaren que pueda el dicho Don Christovai Colon sy quisyere contribuir e pagar la ochava parte de todo lo que se gastare enel armazon. E que 218 l.t fy <*r*3 & n VCTf W-f-*** 5 *"*■*■*- tv'-jo&itS '^-zCeZS •* •'<’£« •*•«** «*<*$ (rt y rc .y»}^ "* i **** 3 life* H# 1 ^^^ t ® SM -^wi9^tr»p^s eg^r c+* A l". r V+r ^c..-W.Jts f„ S ?!Xi«. s .ff^V iV ...^ ©V* C_ft 4 1 in ., (Si .i«^* — +— U^Vrcs^rS f—oCyvO anta Jfe de la (Hega of Altesas • Juan de Co- d5ranada, on t^e 0edenteentl) dap of april in tlje pear of ttje natidttp of loma - our fe»adiour 3]e0uss Cortot, one tljou0and four hundred and ninetp=ttoo. § Son otorgadas e 3 tlje l&ing. 3 tlje £Dueen. Bp command of tlje Bing and of tlje despaebadas conlas Siueen. 3otjn de Coloma. Eegi0tered, Calcena. respuestas de Vues- tras Altesas en Jin de cada un capitulo enla villa de Santa Fe dela Vega de Granada , a dies e syete dias de abril del aho del nafi- miento de nuestro Salvador Jesu Christo de mill e quatro (ientos e noventa e dos ahos. Yo el Rey. Yo la Reyna. Juan de Coloma. Registrada. Catena. 221 r 2 'tiJljEI'Ti mmiCm appertains to tlje admiral, (Ulceroy ant) (Bobernor o f tlje Indies tor tlje and £Dueen our ?LordS, is tlje following* ’ LO que pertenefe al It appears taerp clearly by tlje capitulation made bottlj tljelr highnesses Aimirante viso Rey and signet) boltfj tljelr royal names, that tljelr highnesses grant and « Governador deias t0 t ^ e ^atd Admiral ot the indies all tlje pre-eminences and pre= Yndias por ei Rey e rogatlties bjfjlclj the admiral ot Castile has and tjolds ; to totjom by ia Reyna nuestros ^ p^^p f t appears tljat tljecc belongs tlje tljlrd part ot all that be Scnores es lo sigui- g al - n . a nd consequently tlje admiral ot tlje Indies ought to babe enle • tlje tljlrd part ot all that be bas gained trom tbe islands and mainland § Muy daro parege toljlclj he IjaS dlscobcred and toljlclj remain to be dlscobered; because por la capitulation relatunt In referente; and also Ije 10 to babe tbe tenth and eighth, as feeba con Sus Ai- appears In the third and fifth article of tlje said capitulation* tesas e jirmada de sus reaies nonbres Sind If anyone Shall toislj to argue tljat the third part granted to the que Sus Aitesas Admiral of Castile must be understood to be of the mobeables that he otorgan e confeden Shall gain by sea, and tljat tlje Said islands being firm land, eben al dicho Aimirante though tljey may be gained by sea, tlje third of tljem does not belong to deias Yndias todas the Said Admiral because land is tmmobeable: las preheminenfias ,, . , e prerrogativas que this tlje said Admiral replies and says that it must be obserbed ha e tiene el Almi- tljat by the said capitulation tlje said Admiral of Castile ts named as rante de Castilla al Sdmlral of the »>ea, for totjtclj cause the third part of boljat he Shall quai por su previi- pin by Sea is granted to hint, because neither jurisdiction nor office Is lejo parefe pertene- giben to hint In any otljer part, and It boould be bery Inconbenlent and teiie la terfia parte an unreasonable thing to gibe him a share In toljat is outside hlS offtce, de todo lo que ganare, lt fg 0 a fa, pcopter officlunx datum beneficlum, because the benefit has e por consiguiente ei an p m ttst tj n pe respect to tlje office, and not to boljat Is outside It* 26ut Aimirante deias Yn- fij e Admiral of tlje indies IjaS been appointed and nominated, accord^ das cieve aver ia lua . t0 t j je tenoi; 0 £ t jj e pid capitulation, as admiral, not of the sea, io (l aue tt ha \ Lnado t)Ut erpressly and especially of tlje indies and mainland dlscobered deias vsias e tier r a and t0 br tilscobercd In the 3Dcean ; boljereby bery justly appertains to fi nne que ha descu- film tlje third part of tlje Said Islands and mainland toijlclj he has bierto e quedan por gained by crercising and using IjlS office of admiral-, and so must be descobrir porque re- understood and Interpreted tlje prlbllcge of tlje said admiral of Castile latum in referente, and tlje article toljlclj refers thereto ; for it is bery manifest that ebery= y tanbien ha de aver thing must be understood secundum subjectam materiam, et secundum el diezmo e ochavo, qualltatem personarum- and by gibing It any other meaning, the Said co mo parete enei pribilcgeand article toould be of no benefit to tlje said admiral of tlje in* tertero e quinta ojes because, [not] taking tlje tljlrd of the said Indies, from bohence he capituio deia dicha i$$ admiral, and not being appointed admiral of tlje sea, Ije could Still less capitulation. take lt ot - pfu by Sea, as being outside IjiS jurisdiction and § e si aiguno qui- office^ So tljat tlje said article and appointment btould not be of any adbam syere arguir que ia tage ; and such a thing is not to be alleged, because ebery toord placed In a terfia parte confe- contract must be operatibe, and must not be Interpreted as superfluous; dida al Aimirante de Castilla se cieve entender delo mueble que ganare por lamar e que por ser las dichas yslas tierra jirme que aunque sean ganadas por la mar non pertenefe el terfio deltas al dicho Aimirante por ser tierra ynumerable [ ynmutable ]. § A esto responde el dicho Aimirante e dize que se deve mirar que por la dicha capitulation el dicho Aimirante de Castilla es nonbrado Aimirante dela mar por la qual cabsa les [le es] otorgada la terfia parte delo que ganare por la mar por que en otra parte non le es dada juridifion ni ofifio , e fuera mucho ynconviniente e cosa non razonable dalle parte fuera de su ofifio como se dize , propter oficium : dactum benefitium, por que el benefifio ha e deve aver respeto al ofifio e non fuera dello. Pero el Aimirante deias Yndias ha sydo constituido e nonbrado segund el tenor dela dicha capitulation por Aimirante , no dela mar, mas espresa e senalada mente deias Yndias e tierra jirme descubiertas e por descobrir enel mar ofeano porlo qual muy justa mente le pertenefe la terfia parte clelas dichas yslas e tierra jirme que ha ganado exerfitando e usando de su ofifio de Aimirante e asy se deve entender e ynterpetrar el previllegio del dicho Aimirante de Castilla e el capitolo que ael se refiere ca muy manifiesto es que toda cosa se deve entender, secumdum subiectam materiam et secundum qualitatem per- sonarum, e dandole otra ynteligenfia non sirviria nada el dicho previllejo e capituio al dicho Aimirante deias Yndias porque [no] llevando el terfio deias dichas Yndias de donde el es Aimirante e non syendo con- stituido Aimirante dela mar non podria tan poco llevalle delo que ganase por la mar por ser fuera de su juridifion e ofifio de manera que non aprovecharia nada el dicho capituio e constitufion y tal cosa non es de desyr por que cada palctbra puesta en un contrato deve obrar e non deve ser ynterpetrada superf[l]ua mente 222 L L >"«1 vc* J + (^apX> Crn+Mz jd«tV»9~s'vortHt ~*V£ J? C^ A» *" * 0» &+*jepjrrr’ jP _ »w 0*i8 f fiS 5 ^^ S 3 §i jp * /On fin ii .aai^Tvvn Lent* fWvvnv - ftar? ^ a.{* G £** f j t fi.-v-.., O *V._ w ft ^ /7r'-J“— * 9 & «•►♦ •4f^,-^J>«t»%^ -*«20 r 7 tova-i -'6v u .. ._. ... ««»% »!&» -«pi^4 I^^C-2 K*i fV% £>&? HjO^H *****> f V ‘ % *T?^ j . V* * d% 4~vTH;> "H? -“ iPtfrtC.* /i^3 /llT^a ^^v/feVTN f f»4^5 tfX'% eJ& k Ajfnctjn.^vrt |imt- laufJtmf'nilr*j?fiM&iffij*™& C*rt> ||V»»*^}? i/Wv» ' ^tppC pr* 4w ptl |\?i ■ *' * jpr.-il, v^v I [*+*■&$ ^ < rcg Ji C C^-rO -4fV (n.*v« <<3 IU A-iMiff^^/ iHl'lW »5*^ .. ,»%ltvi$Xe OV v*r?f«yblU $* *v » * ‘2 s Vi «9 t\? 0^"^ v® 1 * (Q^ tw (S* 1 * $ v* *t v>?r?S*.> g /flS =*■€ Jp «*ir^ &0 4&** ilVullt?^ ^nt tf tt V*rrlrr& g-j tr~~& VC"2 »^“»} fi? t"v-*T^ (**? fp^*^ W^T® <5V^ iCrf-tf^f-tfL frrt*+jy& ,« i *«*•--*• ,« 9&* JV-i-tf AS iH C^\7\ J 'f^W ,v^O< 1 ^Ui, -T >_ Vp i^p - ' rtWf^ 5^4%^? «r*3hiW\ *■ ♦♦»5>-' , “4^«»'ijC n«» *£7*? »* *@*x-Tvk.* <1!-+^-^. ^ l^ l% $- GxipsiV^. ~tn^9 £wjK ( m4V«» ^»*VJX ^ vW&U « v '“^r 5 ^ . _. ... C5i^ * ** ^£v£<3* ^ fi .j^*M TSZAZ* W^r < SL bienes e con gran- disyrno peligro como hera comun opinion dela vida e non syn mucha costa del dicho Almirante. Por la qual razon seria re- putado por muy poca cosa sola mente la defima parte , no ha- siendo minfion dela ochava porque aquel- la le pertenesfe por respeto dela costa de su rata parte e muy seria , rani tan pequena e bien viene a proposyto lo que dizen las sagradas leyes, quia beneficia Principium sunt latissime interpe- tranda. E pues las Ijoto much more In this matter of such great importance anti utility and quanto mas eneste glory to their highnesses, obtained at bery little cost and toltljout any dam caso de tanta ynpor- ger to tljcir honour, or persons, or property, and toltlj tlje greatest risk of tanfia e utilidad e fife, as toas t| je general opinion, and not toltljout considerable erpense, to gloria de Sus Altesas tlje Said Admiral ? ifor toljlclj reason tlje tentlj part only toould be regarded avida con muy poca as a bery small tljlng, not to mention tlje elgljtlj, because tljat belongs to costa e syn ningum pirn In respect of tlje cost of Ijltf proportionate part- and So small a recont= peligro de honrra ni pense for so great a scrblce toould be a bery small stjare, and toljat tlje de personas m de Sacred latoS Say IS Ijerc bery apposite, quia beneficia prmclpunt sunt latls= slnte Interpretanda. and therefore tlje fabours conferred by princes must be understood to be bery ample and complete, especially those of most ex- cellent and epalted princes like tljelr highnesses, front toljont more tljan front any otljers are to be expected tlje most ample fabours. Sind on tljis account tlje said tljlrd parr, alrljouglj It seems bery small, belongs to tlje Said admiral, jfor toe obserbe tljat In tlje companies toljlclj are formed among merchants, tlje Industry and counsel of one partner are reckoned and considered In suelj a Ijlglj degree tljat as great a part belongs to Ijlnt as to tlje otljer toljo supplied tlje money, If In consequence tljercof tlje profit accrues, eben tljouglj It be from tlje actual money of tlje other, hoto mttclj more In tljlS case of tlje admiral, toljo has ererctsed admirable and lncre= dlble Industry, and at great cost and risk to IjlS person and to hi# brothers and follotoers ? HcLlljerefore So mttclj tlje more is lje reasonably entitled to babe tlje tljlrd of tlje toljolc, as toas really tlje Intention of tljelr highnesses. poca parte and to establish tlje truth of tljlS, toe pcrcctbe tljat tljelr highnesses gibe para ta ^ gra H,JZn to those toljo go to tlje Indies ftbe parts out of sit, and four parts to tljose Vl(l ° , "" toljo Ijabe less tljan fibe, and tlje administration of territory, toltljout any mer(e risk, the road being noto open and secure and patent to all, and for con-- firmatlon of toljat 31 allege, as is contained In many privileges of tlje said admiral of tlje Jndies, tlje said admiral toent by command of tljelr high 5 nesses to gain neither ships*, nor foists nor anything from tlje sea, but, erpressly, islands and mainland, as IS especially declared In tlje prlbllege, toljlclj might rather be called a retoard, In elcben leabes, at tlje bottom of merges feebas por tlje leaf and beginning of tlje privilege, toljercln It says tljus : and because ios PrinQpes se de- you, CljnStopljer Columbus, are going by our command to dfScober and ven entender ampu- gatn Islands and mainland, et cetera. »>o tljen, if tlje gain toas to consist s y"' as e mup con ~ of islands and mainland, it follotos tljat tlje tljlrd part must be of tlje gain, pl “ o a s s p^cLTex- and being tlje tljlrd of tlje gain, It is a manifest fact tljat tlje tljlrd of tlje ^lentisymos e altos islands and mainland toljlclj Ijabe been gained belongs to tlje said Admiral* and toltljout doubt It must be bellebed tljat If at tlje beginning the said ad^ mtral had asked for a greater share it toould Ijabe been granted to hint, tlje toljole being of lji£ acquisition, and a tljlng of toljlch there toas no etpecta= tlon or knotoledge,and a tljlng beyond tlje memory and dominion of tljelr highnesses. ‘(IhnS' tljen is a complete and distinct anstoer gtbento tljose parte aunque pare (e minima le pertenesfe al dicho Almirante. Ca vehemos que enlas conpanias que entre mercaderes sefasen que en tanto grado es re- putada e tenida la yndustria e aviso de un conpanero e tanta parte le pertenefe como al otro que puso dineros, sy por cabsa de aquella aun delos mismos dineros del otro resulta la gananfia. Quanto mas en este caso del Almi- rante el qual ha obrado yndustria admirabile e yncreyble e con grand costa e peligro de su persona e de sus hermanos e cryados por lo qual tanto mas de razon ha dearer el terfio de todo como verdadera mente fue la yntenfion de Sw[s] Alteza\_sf E que esto sea verdad , vehemos que Sus Altesas dan alos que van alas Indias delas seys partes las finco, e alos que menos delas finco partes las quatro, e governafion de tierra syn ningund peligro abierto el camino e asegurado e oclarado a todos. E para confirmation delo que digo como se contiene en muchos previllejos del dicho Almirante delas Yndias cl dicho Almirante fue por mandado de Sus Altesas a ganar no naos ni fustas ni cosa alguna delamar mas espresa mente yslas e tierra firme como sehalada mente se dise enel pre- villegio que mas se puede desir merged en honze fojas en fin dela foja e printipio del previllejo, en que dize asy . E por que vos Christoval Colon vades por nuestro mandado a descubrir, y ganar yslas e tierra firme et cetera. Y pues sy la gananfia avia de ser yslas e tierra firme nefesydad es que la terfia parte sea dela gananc ( ia e syendo el terfio dela gananfia notoria cosa es que el terfio delas yslas y tierra firme ganadas pertenefen al dicho Almirante e syn dubda se deve creher que sy al prinfipio oviera pedido el dicho Almirante mayor parte le fuera otorgada syendo todo de su gananfia e de cosa que no avia ninguna esperanfa ni notifia e cosa que era fuera dela memoria e senorio de Sus Altesas. Asy que cunplida e clara mente se responde alos que contra 225 l como Sus Altesas , de quien mas que de oiros ningunos se esperan amplisymas merfedes. E por es- to la dicha terfia toljo shall agfcfert tlje contrary, atm it appeal# jusstlp and manifestly that tlje third pact of tlje Indies and mainland belongs to tlje said admiral. and, since tlje tenth is most ebldent, respecting tlje eighth, although that Is also bery ebtdent, yet If It be alleged against Ijlm, tljat be ougljt nor to Ijabc tlje said elgbtlj of tlje merchandise and things conbeyed and carried In the Ships* Voljlclj boent to discober those boljlcb boent to the pearls [pearl fislje= rles] and other parts of fit's admiralty, tohlle fietoas In tlje Island of ^iS; panlola In tlje srrblce of their highnesses, Saying that tlje sat'd admiral did not contribute toboards tljetr equipment • hr ansboers tljat the despatch of such bessels teas not notified to hint, nor at the time of their departure did Ijr recelbe any demand or notice; and therefore, as de jure time does not run against the Ignorant toljo can probe Ignorance of any fact, but Ignorance botrljoutany doubt affords a legitimate excuse and eben complete restitution, and thus It must be resolbed and affirmed In this case, tljat tlje admiral fulfils fits part by offering to contribute fils share at the pre^ sent time; nor can hr br blamed, but rather those bofio did not notify to him boljat they boece bound to notify. esto dixeren, y justa y clara mente pare^e perteneger la terfia parte delas Yndias e tierra jirme al dicbo Almirante. § Y por que el diezmo es clarisymo , aferca del ochavo el qual aunque tan bien es muy claro pero sy contrael se dixese que no ha de aver el dicho ochavo delas mercaderias e cosas llevadas e traydas en- los navios que han ydo a descubrir alos que fiter on alas per- las e otras partes desu Almirantadgo entanto que el estava enla ysla Espanola en servifio de Sus Altesas, diziendo que non contribuyo el dicho Almirante en el armazon deltas, responde que a el non se le notifico la yda de tales navios ni al tienpo dela partida fue requerido ni avisado, y por esto como de jure al ynorante que pueda pretender ynoran^ia de algund fecbo non le corre tienpo, mas la ynorangia syn ninguna dubda, da legilima cscusafion e antes restitution por entero. E asy se deve reduzir e desyr por este caso que el Almirante satysfase ofrefiendose a con- tribuyr por su parte al presente ni puede ser el culpado, mas antes lo [/os] que no le han notyjicado lo que heran obligados. 226 ■/ . . . - j«p-rt»v«H4vr m ^ * IJvn^+mi t>if« c$ mwvrla/t? TV~o jV (rntmcU <*^V '4 w (Q rj^rHo >nr^ ■fS (H »vg.i$jUn.t^n S id'h'w&vtS ck^iS m»]V tp^ 3 $«»»» ■y fc .r w -- , r - „- - . )8 I ’.o' (Vn+ri bn^o c l 9 0 O •tltmfrtrtVtf Cl! cl iHrma ^A-U38-4Vf VcnSc ’ C [}■« a>»>w^pvr«2 ACvnvrrtrt'trq'Y y 3 <^i~rn3ri^^tu> “'itM i»*1 iM * »r«2 V vK>Pmi+-r yd^'t'rnt. £ &rrC'%~jj^ • vn «tg Ct^y ffV{) 1*1^ n fHanf-j-^ 5, CX O V iy a <5o OJi -H »pj% eykv s (o (rAc^a r^irti^y-z. rc *>vVC» ' srt*»G]«« rv S »x>n fn S A \ -A *5 ■A A JftMO"* s' l )U L gf yrncJ^t V jMrrt t&eHtVSit i fiK Vtfl . A-V* ? »tu *yATj?r «jJr»w yoTtrtwfrv* ?c9-brt Ar cV«r$ <\»-7» •”• v-^*- - ..- ASS &iv#vfo2J ^trr.i cmll. _ W }€>_ jjV KVCiC r?0 «fe| A«. Vu3\»*V ■*ius ^ uciw^vc Avt' cSrtimft'rtMtV ;yvm'* (yvAitvtt t^vi^ve yittVtfn S'C'TC' $o»CImimm tAS^Jp**^ Wi Wha WNx^r^txOvvw^ * ^**> I O 0 V^t ^ic tVnvufei y Mp ay \ ftt l «co»^Onrt*A(b frtjV *»1^**** 4kV 01 «/l tT**<* ryye'i a\t «n»rdi«? <| ; «-A*H> i& ^»it%f\Z2*+t* niv* _ ' t»s * l r/v-.vp§tf-M ^ — r- kvttfi *^p rr-»® 6?- 1 > Sf <^-*4^0 fCWf-d l»t»»pv%' 0tt-JfcwV*& <3 ^ f >v ty /V 10.5O L>-fHfC^Sg £'*■■-&% W^m _ *»| n {]■»? ♦*£ (jfc- tp*mt9 a trr»**^to-ff-fi^0i0 F#J&£z **^m> ^a® CTlO^S gv^ « * 3 ^04vH$dfct^^ C-4te^ 5^ n <1*^1 ^y**V|V»* m^W *u&€r o &-f©£©A>!$ Rv»S _ - _* .. . .. W .. tly^Kw?«<* •(Jl*\>tvw>M; ivmv A-t^po^ Jc £5»»$£\&y^S n£&7 m3n § Y tanto mas presto le deve ser fecha la satisfagion e reyntre- despojado. § Ca muy yncreyble cosa, y no digna de crer es que ayan por bueno Sus Altesas que un varon tan yn- dustrioso que de tan tierra and#omucbtbemoreptomptlyougbttbe#atl#factlonandreln#tate= ntentof tlje said office#, property and honour to be made to tlje said admiral, a# fje fioa# tlje le## liable In justice to be despoiled of them* for It l# a fiery Incredible thing and untoortljy of belief, tljat their fS“ bienlhonrZ highnesses Should approfie tljat a man #o lnd«#trlou#, toljo came d dicho Aimirante from #uclj a fiery far country to perform #o signal and ardttou# a quanta menos justi- secfilce to tljelr highnesses, as fie did by Ijl# Industry and per#on, gia ovopara serdellos for tofilclj Ije dc#erfied to be found toortljy of #tlll greater pod fortune, #ljould, oVolnn; to enfilou# per#on# and tljelr calumnle#, be utterly destroyed* he being;, toltlj rea#on, #o rnticlj united In affection to tljelr high'- ne##e# and #o toell e#tabll#ljed In tljelr pod graces, tlje #ald Admiral and all tlje toorld hellefied tljat no detractor# could make film appear other tljan deserfilng of (treat fafiottr#, #tlll le## excite anger In tlje breast# of tljelr highnesses, #o a# to make film lo#e lon s uls y ma Voljat Ije Ijad obtained by Ijafitng #o #erfied and merited, Voljerctoltlj ZhdolZiVLrvido tfie #ald admiral dally Ijoped to be of #tlll further scrfitcc, and a suslutesas Jm 0 toas Serfiltig tljelr highnesses and procuring by Ijl# Industry tlje p zo con su yndustria present profit from tlje said Indies, and goficrnlng In filrtue of Ijl# y pre sona p or que office# fiottlj a filefij to tlje settlement and augmentation thereof* meregio ser digno de (HEljlch thing no other fioould do or tot'll do for, beside# Ijafitng mu y mayor feUpdad Voljolly abandoned It (unless Ije bad taken It In hand) till a remote f ue * e P or cabsa * period, those toljo fiolll nofio gofiern fioould not, otolng to tljelr enbldl ° sos j y mall ~ grecd to enrlclj tljemselfie# during tljelr administration, profilde ( J as . del , todo punt0 for tlje future like tlje sat'd admiral, toljo fioa# Influenced by tljat rui °" perpetual Interest fi)ljscb> consisting In tlje expectation of honour and profit to come, after Ijafitng toell ruled and prcscrfied tlje 3,n- dlans, Voljo arc tlje riche# of tljat land, and Ijafitng reformed and brought Into subjection tlje dominion thereof, did not bold for naugljt tljat of tlje present tune* § Deviendo estar de rason tanto junto en amor de Sus Altesas y tan asentado en sus magnanimas entra- has que el dicbo Ai- mirante y todo el mundo creya que nin- %{) e ^Ijled article* ©y tlje third article tljelr highnesses conferred upon hurt tlje grant detradoresle of tlje tenth part of all tljat should be bought, found and obtained pudieranfazer ageno fioltjjltt tlje limits of tlje said admiralty, after deducting tlje costs. del merefimiento de C[)10 l# to be understood In such fiolse tljat tlje Said admiral is to grandes mergedes Ijafie tlje tenth of toljat shall be obtained and found In tlje said j l\-. quanto mas yndinar dies and mainland of tlje €>cean by any persons fioljomsoefier, el corazon de Sus from all jointly, toljetljerlt be for tlje profit of their highnesses or Aitezas para i e f user of any other person# to fijljont tljey may Ijafie made a grant thereof, perderioquetan ser- or of part thereof: after deducting tlje cost# Voljlclj tfucfj persons, Vld ° e mere^do tema or time StsimcsiW, siaU incur tiicrcin. 7S„ and their highnesses cannot Voltlj justice, In prejudice of tlje esperava mucho mas Said tenth, make a grant of tlje toljole or of any part of tlje servir,y servia a Sus profit of tlje sat'd Indies, to any person, unless he first Altesas e procurando con su yndustria el provecho presente delas dichas Yndias,y governando con sus ofigios para la poblagion e aumentagion dellas. § Lo qual otro alguno non hiziera ni far a por que demas de avello todo desanparado sy el non governara enel tienpo remoto los que agora governaren con cobdigia de se aproveebar durante su governagion non proveheran enlo por benir como el dicho Aimirante a quien tocava el ynterese perpetuo que con esperanga dela honrra, y provecho advenidero despues cleaver bien regido,y conservado, los Yndios que es la riqueza de aquella tierra , y reformado y sojuzgado el senorio della non tenia en nada lo del tienpo de agora. Tergero Capitulo. § Por el tergero capitulo Sus Altesas le jizieron merged dela degima parte de todo lo que se conprare fal- lase e oviese dentro delos limites del dicho almirantadgo sacando las costas. § Esto se entiende de manera que el dicho Aimirante ha cleaver el diezmo delo que se oviere e failure enlas dichas Yndias e tierra firme del mar ogeano por quales quier personas de todos junta mente, agora sea para provecho de Sus Altesas o de otras quales quier personas por merged que dello o de parte dello les ayan f echo sacando les costas que las tales personas o Sus Altesas enello fizieren. § Y Sus Altesas de justigia en perjuizio del dicho diezmo non pueden faser merged de todo ni de parte alguna del provecho delas dichas Yndias a ninguna persona syn que primera 233 0 mente aya de pagar e pague dello entera mente el diesmo al dicho Almirante. § Que porfazer Sus Altesas las tales mergedes desfasen o menoscaban, la que ya tienen fecha al dicho Almirante y dexan muy desmi- nuida o desmenbrada su devida satysfa- gion. of all Ija# to pap and tio eg pap to tfje said admiral the tenth tl jere- of in full. 'Eljat tljeir highnesses, bp making such grant#, cancel or Impair tljatboljiclj tljcp Ijabe alreadp conferred upon tlje salt) Admiral, and leabe it# due fulfilment much diminished or curtailed. Because tlje grant made to tlje #aid admiral of tlje #aid tenth boa# made fir#t of all, before Ije discobered tlje #aid Indie#, and it boas giben and granted a# an in#talment of tfje reboard and papment boljich he deserbed for #ucb Serbice, consequent^ tlje #aid tenth i# tlje chief branch of Iji0 clear #ljare. and eben if tljeir highnesses, bp agreement or condition or in anp otljer manner, #ljould gibe tlje half, or anp part, to anp per- § Por que la merged #on# toljo boill undertake tlje labour and co#t of such adbenture, fecha ai dicho Ai- tlje said Admiral ought #till to Ijabe tlje tenth of boljat shall be mirante del dicho obtained, and it boill not be an encroachment on the portion of #uclj diezmo fue antes person# a# on the principal of their highnesses, since the one primera mente que an D tlje other are tlje true and principal gain and proceed# of the las dichas Yndias g]ndie# of tjts* admiraltp. descubriese, y dado y otorgado para ^ fOUttlj article. ayuaci al pucilardony ^ w pago que por tai Bp the fourth article their highnesses granted to tlje said ad* servigio meregia, y miral the cibil and criminal jurisdiction of anp suits tohatsoeber poreiio ei dicho relating to the said Indies, and that ljc might take cognisance of diezmo es ramo them here in tlje part# and places comprehended boitljin tlje jurt#- pringipai de su H- diction of tlje Admiral of Castile, this being just. quido ynterese. § Y aun sy Sus Al- tesas por congierto o condigion o en otra qual quier manera dieren la mitad o otra qual quier parte a quales quier per- sonas que pusieren al dis- travajo, 91 n explanation of tlje judicial poboer held bp tlje said Admiral, he alleges tljat tlje jurisdiction belongs to hint because it is one of the principal pre-eminences, or, as it boere, arm of the bodp of hte admiraltp, boitljout boljiclj it boould be berp difficult to gobern the Said admiraltp, or rather it boould remain bold, Seeing that the said jurisdiction is tlje cljief poboer boljich honours, animate# and sustain# all tlje otljer part# of tlje bodp of tlje said admiraltp. and tljat Suclj cognisance belongs to hint in tlje ports and baps on v m.tn dA tai om tjjfss side, just a# bocll a# in tlje self-same island# and mainland lecho tan biendeve bofjereofhe is admiral, because if he boereto hold thesaid jurisdiction aver \i dicho Aimi- onlp in tlje main bodp obcr tljere boitljout including tlje suits arising rante ei diezmo deio here, then, oboing to tlje contracting parties being natibe# of this que resuitare, y no countrp, and all tlje commerce and business belonging thereto, hi# se consumiere dela jurisdiction boould be almost null, because tljose boljo go to the said parte delas tales Indies, go onlp to trade, and leabe behind tljem here tljose contracts personas como dela pringipai de Sus Altesas pues lo uno y lo otro es verdadera y pringipai ganangia [_y] resulte delas Yndias de su Almirantadgo. Quarto Capitulo. § Por el quarto capitulo Sus Altesas congedieron al dicho Almirante la juridigion gevil e creminal de quales quier plitos tocantes alas dichas Yndias e que podiese conoger dellos aca enlas partes y logares donde conprehende la juridigion del Almirante de Castilla syendo just o. § Para declaration dela justigia que tiene el dicho Almirante , dize que ael perlenesge el dicho juzgado por ser una delas pringipales preheminengias o easy brago del cuerpo de su Almirantamiento, syn el qual a grand pena se podrya sehorear al dicho Almirantadgo , antes quedaria yermo por que el dicho juzgado es el pringipai esfuergo que honrra anima e sostiene todas las otras partes del cuerpo del dicho Almirantamiento. § Y que le pertenege el tai conogimiento enlos puertos, y abras de aca , bien asy como enlas mes- mas yslas e tierra firme de donde el es Almirante por que sy enel tronco de alia solamente toviese el dicho juzgado syn conprehender aca las cabsas emanantes que por ser los contrayentes naturales desta tierra y todo el trato y negogiagion della , que su juridigion easy seria ninguna , porque los que van alas dichas Yndias van para sola mente negogiar, y aca quedan las ligaturas 234 lx\v} ^ /T ft I •M^ , T© r r ^T^P’^S'‘i T.t-"'^O.V“ r ^ '• 3 V0 ’Jt'? -r y .wl.-GV-'h... Uy.V-'VO .--v^ <^k &?-\ »jt sc? -»^% s y (5° ^fr-' I® \*^\***V^X\ C\ ,-^r^K. . .Y .J$s^rr*r\t :? * £o %.-> trnJ r i — H ‘5 ^C»ir6 iSrf^ V? Vrtht r — » » »**T» (f&tmcU-ri ett ?($*$ [0.1 O —v m«v cl t*yr***i ti^o - I Z&°£e t e|~r- JtlaVS <}Jl-f -T-Ojy € r (oS i£ ?fc&9 1 r £$b rl* o-h*o j «( wm«Vv^>* $ *** ^~°j} f c **) * p"** ***£»V ji hCvr>*yM? %gr c I 5 l*t7&4 m^V* CC t X> »*,-£]?$ (3 ^og r . -x — ^ gtUJwai^Uz+^t «%Zf «i }on*i) LS\ ll CvifJ ,Uv m»v 5 'V W*Vx Vf^vO.Vj r»1^~f«£*% * /V. jt^KlS il Cwt.4 —"P*-r crH-oS t» »vf~»'»l'« ; P t r\ v»-f'f^’ -fvwi fc>~$~r (?i MV U' t' \*vf^ -tv*w y (^V m 4 v j5- *v n*KV ffix *£4*^ ■ ■ t< ^^-I* I' 1 ' 1 P^L’*' * ^V^rrmw — t^«rl'^ T ^ **r r w Vh » .0 1..^ .“» 0 ^ I / r ; 4s tootle's i?Vrt^|viC*9'iJr-*MT24n , » cf ^Zi£*v rti anti covenant# tofjlch, upon tljeir return, gibe rise to suit#; tlje y posiuras que de cause# of #uclj suit# being: thattljey made Default In tlje business buelta engendran los anD commerce toljtclj they Ijabe conducted toltljln Ijts admiralty* plitos seyendo las St^oreober that, eben if tlje said article DID not contain an? clause toljereln mention teas expressly made of tlje said jurisdiction, at p q aesvaran tlje moment toljen tljeir highnesses establisljeD tlje said office of admiralty and made a grant tljereof to tlje said Admiral toltlj tlje Same preeminences as tljose of tlje admiralty of Castile, they made Ijlm a grant, conjointly toltlj tlje said Admiralty, of tlje said jurisdiction toltlj tlje said comprehension, because tlje Admiral of § Lo otro ? ue aun ~ tlje »>ea of Castile IjoldS, as tlje principal preeminence of Iji# ad= que el dlcho ca P ltul ° mlralty, tlje jurisdiction of all tlje cibtl and criminal suits apper= taming thereto, tohlclj include tljose In all tlje Ijarbour# and bays of tljls country, although tljey are beyond Ijls admiralty* and In regard to fjlS being justly problded tljerebjltlj,tlje said ad= mlral alleges tljat tljeir highnesses could justly problde Ijlnt toltlj It, as lungs and soberelgn Hords, possessing absolute poboer for eberytljlng, to toljorn alone suclj probiston belonged* and tljeir highnesses In probldtngtlje sat'd admiral toltlj tlje said office and tlje said comprehension, did no Injury to any person, nor mas preheminencias does It touch tljeir oton Interest, seeing tljat pis Said admiralty del Aimirantadgo de and Its jurisdiction, and tlje islands and lands from tohictj he castuia, que con - tabes W tu'gntty, Ijabe been netoly and miraculously dtscobercd, junta mente al dicho and united and brought under tlje dominion of Castile* Sl^oreober, that tlje suits emanating from tlje said admiralty, ototngto tlje great distance and remoteness of tlje country toljereln It is established, and because of Its being a country far remobed from any place to boljlch tlje merchants of tljlS land resort, brill be bery foreign, dlberse and distinct from tlje suits arising here- castuia tiene por and In separating and dlblding tlje cognisance of tljent, no Injury principal prehemi- resttlt# to any jurisdiction* nen gi a de su Aimi- and since tljeir highnesses, bolthout Injury to any person, and rantadgo, ei juzgado toltlj Soberelgn potoer, problded justly, It is bery certain tljat no de , todos los P lltos Injustice Interbened In such problslon, for ttoo contraries natu= feides e creminales rally cannot gobern one subject, but ratljer so much sljun and ael j oca ! ltes i ue con - abold consisting in one tljlng, tljat from tlje nature of tlje one toe ?? 2 . , fT.T arrlbe at the b no to ledge of tlje quality of tlje other; toljcnce It is des t a tierra. aunque concluded tljat the said probtsion is just* sonfuera de su ai- and eben from tlje person of tlje said admiral It folloto# tljat the mirantadgo. Said problslon Is just; because according to tlje quality of tlje said § y en quanto a ser (Ifliest Indies, toljiclj toere unbnoton to all tlje toorld, It toas neces- justa mente del pro- sary to appoint on tljlS Side a judge of sure erperlence to gibe veydo dise ei dicho Almirante que Sus Altesas justa mente le pudieron del proveher como Reyes e Sehores soberanos que para todo tienen poder absoluto a quien sola mente pertenegia la tal provision. § Y Sus Altesas en proveher al dicho Almirante del dicho oftgio conla dicha conprehension non hisieron agravio a persona alguna ni les toca ynterese, por ser el dicho su Almirantamiento y juzgado del, y las yslas y tierras donde el es ynstituido nueva e rniraglosa mente halladas conjuntas y traydas al sehorio de Castilla. dela negogiagion , y trato que tovieron dentro en su Aimi- rantadgo. no oviera en que es- presa mente se hizi- era mingion del dicho juzgado que la ora que Sus Altesas es- tablegieron el dicho ofigio de Aimiran- tadgo, y fizieron del merged al dicho Al- mirante conlas mes- Almirantamiento le avian fecho merged del dicho juzgado con- la dicha conprehen- sion por que el Almi- rante del mar de § Lo otro que los plitos emanantes del dicho Aimirantadgo a cabsa dela grand distangia e apartamiento dela tierra donde es ynstituido y por ser muy alongada de do confltiien los marcantes desta tierra seran muy agenos divididos e apartados delos plitos aca tocantes,y en apariar,y dividir el conogimiento dellos non se sigue [a] ninguna juridigion agravio. § Y pues Sus Altesas syn agravio de persona alguna y con poder sober ano justamente proveyeron es muy cierto que enla tal provisyon non yntervino justicia, ca dos contrarios natural mente non pueden senorear un sojebto antes tanto rehuyen y se agenan de consystir en una cosa que por la espegie del uno venimos en conogimiento dela calidad del otro de donde se concluye en que la dicha provision es justa. § Y aun dela persona del dicho Almirante progede ser justa la dicha provision por que segunt la calidad delas dichas Yndias ogidentales a todo el mundo ynnotas de negesidad se avia de poner aca juez de gierta esperiengia para dar 237 S 3 justa sentengia pues quien las avria mas espirementado ni ternia mas gierto conogimiento dela calidad delos plitos que el tal Almirante que continua mente enellas ba resydido, y milagrosa mente con su mucha soti- leza y giengia dela mar corriendo mucho peligro del mismo mar Zfl[s] saco. Quinto Capitulo. § Por el quinto capi- tulo Sus Altesas con- zeden al dicho Al- mirante que pueda contribuir enla ocha- va parte de quales quier armadas que se fagan para el trato e negogiagion delas yslas e tierra Jirme de su Almiran- tadgo e que tan bien aya la ochava parte delo que resultare dela tal armazon. § El verdadero en- tendimiento desto es que el dicho Almi- rante deve aver el ochavo de quales quier cosas que en qual quier manera enlas dichas Yndias se aya[n ] agora sea para provecho de Sus Altesas e [o] de otras quales quier personas sacando el ochavo dela costa dello por rata. just judgment; foe totio diottld hade had more experience of them (the kindles), or diould hade surer knoboledge of the nature of tlje suits, than tljat Admiral diljo has constantly resided In tljent, anti miraculously founO them through his peat Stull and knobrtedge of tlje sea, and by exposing himself to much danger from tlje salti sea ? Cbt fifth Article* By tlje fifth article tljelr highnesses pant to tlje sat'd Admiral poVoer to contribute the eighth part of any fleets toljatsoeber b>htch may be equipped for the trade and business of the islands and mainland of hts Admiralty, and tljat Ije may UkebJt'se Ijabe tlje eighth part of b)hat shall be derided from Such equipment* dje true understanding; hereof IS, tljat the said admiral ought to hade tlje eighth of any things doljatsoeder, btljlch are obtained In any manner djhatsoeder lit the said Indies, blether It be for tlje profit of their highnesses or of any other persons diljornsoeder, deducting the eighth of tlje cost thereof, pro rata* Because In the first expedition, from bJljlclj resulted tlje said Indies, tljat is to say the gain bjljtch arises from tljem, tlje said admiral com trlbuted ht'S eighth tfharc, and eden about half of tlje cost; bahence hr acquired a perpetual title to the said eighth, because tlje result of the said expedition is perpetual* Hlkedu'se, because at the beginning ije bient especially to gain islands and mainland, d>ht'clj are unchangeable things, It could not be under- stood that Ijr Voas able to deride profit by hading the eighth thereof, unless It d)ere understood of tljelr modeables, as the real result and object of tlje said equipment* Sind although the said Admiral did not bring back from the first ex* peditlon the modeables of tlje sat'd Jndtes, toljlch doere Its result and gain, yet since he placed the sat'd Islands and mainland under the podier of tljelr highnesses, and left tljem there peaceably as tljelr odrn, It Is llkeduse understood tljat Ije took possession of and gade to tljelr highnesses all tlje modeables thereof, Voljteh might be obtained therein In due season at any time-, since tljelr highnesses could peaceably, from that time fordia'rd, send anyone tljey might cljoosr for the biljolr of It as for tljelr obm property* further, allodung tljat tlje said Admiral had not acquired a perpetual right to tlje sat'd eighth by contributing to tlje first expedition, since tljelr highnesses must perforce fit out a fleet In order to enjoy tlje pro= fit from the said Indies, yet In justice tljey cannot forbid hint to com trtbute to the cost thereof and to take tlje eighth of the outcome; and Since the expeditions hade to be continual because tlje produce of the Indies IS continual, therefore the said eighth belongs to him for eber* § Porque enla primera armada de que resulto las dichas Yndias es asaber la ganangia que deltas progedd tal dicho Almirante contribuyo en su ochava parte, y aun gerca dela mitad dela costa de donde consyguio perpetuo tytulo al dicho ochavo por ser el resulto dela dicha armada senpyterno. Lo otro pues al pringipio senalada mente yva a ganar yslas e tierra jirme que es cosa yn mutable non se entendiera poder traher ganangia para aver della el ochavo sy porlo mueble deltas como verdadero resulte y jin dela tal armazon non juera entendido. § Y aunque el dicho Almirante dela primera armada non traxo lo mueble delas dichas Yndias que era el resulte, y ganangia della que pues el metio las dichas yslas e tierra jirme debaxo del poder de Sus Altesas y alia pagijica mente como suyas las dexo que asy mismo se entiende aver apoderado y dado a Sus Altesas todo lo mueble deltas que enellas ala sazon en qual quier tienpo se oviese pues quietamente dende en adelante podian enbyar Sus Altesas por todoello como por cosa suya a quien quisyesen. § Lo otro que puesto que por contribuyr enla primera armada non oviera el dicho Almirante conseguido per- petuo derecho al dicho ochavo que pues Sus Altesas forgosa mente ban de armar para gosar dela ganangia delas dichas Yndias que de jusligia no le pueden bedar que el non contribuya enla costa deltas, y llevar el ochavo del resulte y por que las armadas ban de ser continuas por ser el resulte delas Yndias continuo que perpetua mente le pertenege el dicho ochavo. 238 «Vi.W w (V" Jcf 1 rnl(l$U9 JW* tf t*«?-x £<**!*» SA y ^ r "*i^ ^£*<^<5^' && & "fr*’ f J* *^~ v * A »\V>ct (f , ( f CH4 ’ A P iff S-^ 4?^^ t^fr Jlc *l» v _ cnC«9?tf29 yn^S (S'' «*£» 6^ .vi?.\^V4p *>-»-r 4 3 ^»H» »>»» ('** V, ( < 1^ *fi>H (S'' iVII ( T»»V' * ’ — - - yfCrt^’ 7y iV\ U ^ t . 0\ ^ <^ ( ^" «*j-'**> /«^V w.i'm *Sm miVt' , y\’rt^ vfCrfS (3 "{• i »'V «« p> ^ ♦^c *ic^B 3^ M «w*i.vr0fv v*< c ♦* .- {• ^>9tCf.<. •[» «p Gc ■%> tL** *»«?~>**» ^ liv 5 -! GCcJ^'M $ oJC« 5-e C~ Jl^-i.T-W>\- «f>w r rl^ *7^+\^*r&yj-i -f-oJirv^oN »vrrr3^.^ ^ Q)*™ Gp *?* <5^^ ' A a * ^ «)h^a) cn.v-fe*^> d , c ^tos 4 c V;«prf 0^+^ »»< (L -r~~-» v £♦» it*i r^.inc 24 ’liHWJ ^ 7 p-y e**S^ -fo Jb r^£&> Sh**!?*? e?s>' * » — f-vin-D - ' ULV A ,w(UHr ^ y^SQ^p^ • A .,-V- ) s,.cf , r =. ^cii'^ConM^o M^-^**' Cl ' a t^TV| > 0 ~LJ 2 -^y % ^(jOP^v? it* 1 £ — pox ^ &> ♦**>« d&ri. c c -K’^' tlc-i W C jVcA'f-*^ ijjf *'* » V. ?A tstfJb -AT 3 *-'V*?-Sr«'/& 4 J'*'» ._ .-■y^'^-r S ^ frS“» a-S tf-*v«rq*Vl. 2 C*$ ffCvUv *J^VJryiV* Jbfy — f-wn (s» Vrivbrs ^.uV C *• ** a &'&” 1*? r **? J> S' 4 ?S?r «t £v» ,/i£ rH)\ j4\,^ci'57f 'W~^ a vt aJ» 8 Vn '&k2. s b^§ i|yn/vio< , iXfzw-fr'Hrl ^♦**H*v» ^vuVfr I ! trabto e negotiation que dizque se en- mercaduria 0nd although it map be jSaiD tljat such eighth belong to him onlp § Y aun que se diga from tlje profit of merchandise, because it states in tlje article que solamente del concerning traffic ana negotiation tljat merchandise 10 understood, resulte de mercade- flje trutlj 10, tljat tlje said eigljtlj of all tlje modeables of tlje said ria le pertenete ei J nates belong# in general to tlje said Admiral, because in tlje ial ochavo P or que toord# traffic and negotiation tljcre is comprehended ederp kind of dlze j nel capituiodei tljing toljiclj map be obtained in anp manner or at anp time* jFor tlje Said toord traffic is tlje Skill or diligence toljtclj is eim tiende ploped to gain tlje object of tlje negotiation, and 10, in fine, tlje la verdad es que traffic or method toljiclj tlje said admiral Ijad to carrp on tottlj general mente per- tljc possessors of tlje said Judies, toljiclj Ije toent to gain, in order tenesfe al dicho Al- to attain Iji# object, toljiclj toas to gain tljem^ and, 0ince Ije gained mirante el dicbo tljem, toljat result# therefrom 10 toljat in justice ougljt to be didi= ochavo de todo ei ded a# tlje true rc0ult of 0uclj negotiation* mueble delas dichas and tiji# otljer to orb negotiation 10 derided from negotium, toljiclj dkhZ\Si 7 s mean# nega otitirn (adotd 0lotlj), quia negotium est quasi nega to negotiation con- ottum; 00 tljat it# meaning 10 general for anp kind of tljmg, and prehende todo genero tljerein 10 included anp kind of modeable toljiclj 10 found in tlje de cosa que en qual 0aid Judies* quier manera,y tien- and 0uppo0ing tljat tlje said toord toere not equidocal, and tljat it f° se a y“- Ijad tlje precise signification of merchandise, pet since tlje said § Ca el dicho bocablo admiral Ijad gained tlje said ladies and mainland, especiallp trabto es astutia o Hispaniola, more bp gifts of merchandise tljan bp force of arms, la dili s en ( ia se tlje Said Indies and all things belonging thereto can be justlp pone para conseguir said to be purchased and therefore to be merchandise, because el ^ dd £ ne ^ m ~ front mercar (to purchase) is derided tlje said toord mcrcaderia n . 0 "’ L • finctl T nte (mmljanmsse). d dicho Mmi Zu Slporeoder, tljat eden though tlje Said admiral Ijad gained tlje Said avia de tener conlos 3i ndies bp force of arms, and tljeir highnesses Ijad erpresslp poseedores deias di- despatcljed him to traffic, Ijt does not on tljat account cease to chas Yndias que yva Ijade IjiS tfaid eigljtlj of tljem, because tlje modeables toljiclj are « P ara con - found therein, such as gold, pearls, spices and otljer things, are seguireijinquebera purelp and cljieflp merchandise j for ederptljing modeable toljiclj can s anal /rts y P ue * las be purchased, ercept anptljing consecrated, must be described as £ ano ’ lo que dellas merchandise, according to tlje latos toljiclj declare quod omnia Sunt resuLta es 10 que in contmercio nostro (tljat all things are included in our commerce)* .furthermore, tljat in toljateder maimer Ije had obtained tlje pro= posed end of tlje erpedition, toljiclj toas tlje acquisition of tlje said negotiation. ■Judies, Ijte said eighth belonged to tlje said Admiral, because gains § y es te otro bocabio at sea and tlje risks thereof are derp darious, accidental, uncertain nego^icujion se de- and unerpccted, and toljat is derided from tljem, for didision among riba de negofio que all, amounts to tlje same toljetljer it Ijas been cut atoap bp force or se entiende negofio [ nega ofio] quia negotium est quasi nega otium de nianera que su entendimiento es general para en qual quier genero de cosa e porello conprehende a qual quier genero de cosa mueble que enlas dichas Yndias se falle. § y puesto que el dicho bocablo no fuera equivoco, y que toviera liquida determination demercaduria que pues las dichas Yndias y tierra jirme espefial mente la Espahola avia ganado el dicho Almirante mas por dadivas demercadurias que por fuerta dearmas que justa mente las dichas Yndias y todas las cosas dellas se pueden desyr mercadas, y porello mercaderia por que demercar se deriba el dicho bocablo mercaderia. que justa mente se deve partir como verda- dero resulte dela tal § Lo otro que aun que por fuerta de armas oviera ganado el dicho Almirante las dichas Yndias , y Sus Altesas espresa mente a mercadear le ovieran enbyado que por eso no fesa deaver dellas el dicho su ochavo por que lo mueble que enellas se falla, asy como oro e perlas, espeteria e otras cosas pura e prinfipal mente es mercaderya, ca toda cosa mueble que se puede conprar etebto consagracla se deve llamar mercaderia segunt las leyes que dizen quod omnia sunt in comertio nostro. § Lo otro que por qual quier forma que oviese conseguido el fin dela yntenfion del armada que era la ganangia delas dichas Yndias pertenetia al dicho Almirante el dicho su ochavo por- que las gananfias dela mar y los casos dellas son muy varyos afortunados ynfiertos e ynopinados y lo que dellas resulta para por todos partirse lanto monta aver sydo cortado por fuerta como 241 detached bp 0ubtlety» for thi0 t0 the general u0age of all adfienturer0, tohereof tljere are innumerable erample0* for it t0 laerp certain tljat if 0ome mercljant0 in company toere to fit out a be00el for traffic in mercljandi0e alone, and 0hould perchance arrange toith tlje captain tljat fie might contribute 0ome 0ljare of the equipment, for toljiclj fie 0fiould ltketot'0e Ijabe tlje liUe 0ljarc of the proceed0, although, apart from merchandi0e, he 0hould gain 0ome city, or retoard or fie00el from enentte0, pet the 0ante 0ljare of 0ucb a gain a0 Ije toa0 duly entitled to ijabe of the mercljandt0e, toould liketoi0e belong to Ijim, becau0e although it toa0 gained apart from mercljam disse, it 10 tlje actual profit re0ulting from 0uch equipment* and if perchance a factor of 0ome other company, trading in any king-- dom,0ljould become fiery friendly toith the king of tljat land, by a00t'0t= ing hint toitlj loan0 or by 0elling good0 to hint at a lofijer price, and it 0ljould happen tljat, after tlje company had been dt00olfied, that king, in regard of tljeir friend0ljtp, 0ljould make Ijim a pre0ent of anything, Ije 10 under obligation to 0ljare tlje toljole toith IjS a00ociate0, a0 being actual profit obtained by rea0on of 0uclj company, efien though a long time might Ijafie elap0ed 0ince it fioa0 di00olfied, becau0e thi0 t'0 efiery= toljere undcr0tood, and tlje lato0 of tlje0e ktngOom0 of their H2igljne00e0 do tlju0 order tlje 0ame* Sind it 10 a fiery 0ljort time 0ince tljat a 0imtlar thing happened in Portugal to a f lorenttne, the factor of a large company in f lorence, toljo, for hafiing greatly a00t0ted tlje Iking of that country toith loan0 and otljer tljtng0 from hi# merchandise, toa0 compelled to gifie to hS a00ociate0 a 0ljare of a pre0ent toljiclj tlje Iking Ijad made to hint, in regard of lji£ per0onal friend0ljip, after tlje account Ijad been rendered and tlje company di00olfied, a0 of actual profit ari0ing therefrom* and efien tljat Captain Hercar, to toljom tljeir liJigfjne00e0 made a pre= 0ent,in con0ideration of tlje 0erfiice tohich he did them in tlje fioyage of tlje arcljduclje00 and a0 0ome compen0atton for tlje carack tohich fit lo0t on tlje 0andbank0, toa0 judicially compelled in d5enoa to gifie part tohte a00ociate0, a0 of actual profit; and there remained to hint only toljat belonged to Ijim a0 captain, pro rata* and efien if, by chance, a donation 10 made to a 0on by 0ome great friend of IjtS father, although all otljer gift0 may be contributed to [the 00ns] property, tljtS mu0t, nefierthele00, be a00igned to the peculium profectitium, becau0e it ultimately proceed0 from tlje father; and many otljer tljmg0 are continually occurring toljtclj might appo-- 0itely be alleged* But, leading tljat, let it 0uffice to gather from all that 10 0aid abode tljat tljere ju0tly belong0 to tlje 0atd admiral the tljird of tlje 0atd i0land0 and mainland, and the eighth and the tentlj of all tlje mofieable0 toljiclj may be found therein and toithin hte &dmi= ralty, at tofiatefier time, and by tohatefier per0on0, and in tohatefier merged de alguna co- sa es obligado a partir con sus conpaheros entera mente como de verdadero resulte avido a cabsa dela tal con- pahia , aunque ya oviese grand tienpo que fuese desligada por que en toda parte asy se juzga, e asylo disponen les leyes destos Reynos de Sus Altesas. § Y en Portugal ha muy poco que acaesfio lo semejante, a un florentin facctor de una gruesa conpania de Florenfia que por aver mucho servido al Rey de aquella tierra con enprestidos, y otras cosas de sus mercaderias fue costrenido a dar parte a sus conpaheros de una merged que el Rey le hizo por contenplafion del amistad ael pro [sic] propio despues de dada cuenta e desligada la conpania como de verdadero resulte emanente della. § Y aun aqu el patron Lercar a quien Sus Altesas hizieron merged por contenplagion del servigio que les hizo enel pasaje del Archeduquesa, y en alguna satisfagion dela carraca que perdio enlos buncos jue en Genua por justigia costrenido a dar parte a sus conpaheros como de resulte verdadero, y solamente le quedo lo que le perte- negia como patron por racta. § Y aun sy por caso, a un hijo se faze una donagion por algund grand amigo de su padre aunque todas las otras dadivas se contribuyafi ] apeculio non menos esta se de ve asignar apeculio porphetitio por que el jin progede del padre, y otras muchas cosas continua mente acaesgen que alproposyto se podrian dezir pero dexando aquello baste que de todo lo suso dicho se colige que al dicho Almirante pertenege junta mente el tergio delas dichas yslas, y tierra fir me, y ochavo, y diezmo de todas las cosas muebles que enellas y dentro de su Almirantadgo en qual quier tienpo, y por quales quier personas , y en qual 242 desatado por arte. Ca este es el comun estilo de todos los armadores para lo qual ay ynfnitos en- xenplos. Ca muy cierto es que sy algunos merca- deres armasen en conpania para solo trabto de mercaderia e por ventura se con- gertasen con el pa- tron que el pudiese contribuyr en alguna parte del armazon por que tan bien oviese aquella parte del re- sulte, que aun que fuera de mercaderia ganase alguna gibdat o sueldo o navio de enemigos que tan bien le pertenegia la parte dela tal ganangia como de derecho avia deaver dela merca- deria por que aun que fue ganado fuera de mercaderia es ver- dadero resulte avido a cabsa dela tal ar- mada. § E sy por caso un factor de alguna otra conpania negogiando en algund reyno se fisyese muy pargial del Rey de aquella tierra syrviendole conynprestidos o con vendelle mercaderias a menos pregio y por caso aespues de desa- tada la conpania aquel Rey por con- tenplagion del amis- tad le hiziese a el a (u-tu(L (Tt'cRrC^ ,/Vr «» a 9 oT-J c ijpJ.ttf %xy y nj^'luj ^ e^^»v. CV vi? <=$»' V m JnXm Sr» I’df^ © U ~£ J "? rrssJfS- tV*T l\v^ jl^»S Cfi 0 4^1 r ^v/ o 1 4 Cp*<*» tA^-fW «V N t %^ t . Cr < ^-i»ii't-«»- , ^r*^^-^»V^^tt^ ^£*§>0^ — - ■^^tetfisr rucT^c ^ (5* ^»tt^A L ** -- — JCT*^ •aiiuvl^N, „ .. fbre«(W. 3b« *T'-M »n «i rrrlh "Og >. v ,Vf rX'S ,wCvS Jpf^ ^ F-" p rfl fo% -Vg^ — u> a i?7 i - --’h? r^f* j\ rn ^ *VJros T* z a? +v^ > Jc l »\ **«7 ti c Cvt*« ^rcW tfW.V ill-J&f CCav&k 'Uc&*h£ CV>m '*>, ^ffVCrvA Aro‘^%^^1 «W m *v nVhr e ^(3* iT»c‘t < ^» V^iilot? tf"* mi?* 'f ,y J? 1ufr*«j«* cvfh^’ ^ItSb^^'CTl (vV» JlftlS iV"V ^Vrt^- oS «ApV*W « y J’Jht *%» « «?• *><* ati^ r |t»iiro ^ oi'V|’«W’VC . VO t~*-. ?rfera&l r CrWv^^ ym /• *^^ fn *(StT ft r - - tv-T' *5 ocRte-fe' euHnV***^ 5V.-V* (Vv -P0&S?^A> g/\«|n^l/lt>^ 51 - *’U^r- <*yirrr* —ih rv% }fSy * *fa*? • y *M wtfi n^sU d\e^^vin^ yy^i^^rrv A* r%V- c\X**w i v»* +*$ <* 0 on«tM^ ^jn ‘UVS " <1< ^T^> 7 e ,A JyZd?" ♦HTiW4Wl . ftM CH-ro^f jr iVtwoA Vtff a* n [fM J l r ***< u)a . i\V« ttP*l$ X Nj rm» hillcjV> j^*r K>()V^ \* ‘I^V A‘ 9|»; 4\* A , manner, as of the actual proceeds of Ijte sfaiCi firsst expedition, quier manera se altfjotiff^ tje map not babe contributed to tlje otljcrss, for toucl)= faUe como * ver- ing tljat matter sufficient Ijas been said in another boriting, dadero resuite deia dicba su primera armada, aunque en- 31 1 remained to declare to their hlfffjnesses tljat tljep made las otras non ay a a grant to tlje Admiral of all offices, as tlje admiral of the contribuido por que »>ea of Castile Ijolb# them, and tljat ljc could appoint tlje tocante a esto farto bailiff and sentiences, or order tljem to serbe in ljiS name • se ha dicho en otro and, Since tljt'S is So, tljat Ijc could also lease out tljoSe offices escrito. and receibe tlje rent, jttstas a knight does to bobom their l^iglt- s , , nesses Ijabe made a grant of a lietttenancp or of an office, 5 v«eaava por aenr and as berp manp are seen to do in Castile, toljo receibe tlje L rt ?l s rent tljentselbes and cause tlje said dutp to be performed bp ~ e d c ,i Aimirante one of tljeir serbants, or agree boitlj some person and gibe de toclos los 0 f l( i 0S him a certain portion of tlje rent £nd so Ijc petitions tljeir como i os tide ei highnesses to remobe ljiS grtcbances, and to permit Ijim to Aimirante delamar use tjtss offices, and to receibe tlje emolument, since it boas de Castilla, y que el tljus settled bp capitulation and grant podia dar el algua- ziladgo y escrivanias o mandallos servir en su nonbre, y pues esto es asy que tan bien los podian arendar , y llevar la renta asy como lleva un cavallero a quien Vuestras [Sms] Altezas ayan feebo merged de una tenengia o de un ojigio como se ve en muy muchos en Castilla que ellos se lievan la renta y fazen servir el dicho cargo a uno suyo, o se congiertan con una presona, y le dan una gierta parte dela renta. Y asy lo suplica a Sus Altesas que le desagravien y le dexen usar de sus ojigios, y regibir el benefigio, puesque asy fue por capitulagion e merged. 245 CranScrtpt of a letter tohlcfj tlje Admiral of tlje 3ndlc0 sent to t^e nur0e of prince 2Don3ohnof£a0tlle. 31 n tljeyear 1500 tohenljetoa0 returning from tlje 3ndte0 ass a prisoner* 9$o0t blrttiou0 Hady: Hljouglj my complaint of tlje toorld 10 neto, ftss Ij ain't of lll-u0lng 10 bery ancient. 31 Ijabe Ijati a thorn 0and 0tnujgle0 toltlj It, and Ijabe tlju0 far toltlj0tood them all, but noto neltljer arm0 nor coun0el0 aball me, and It cruelly feecp0 me under toater. pope In tlje Creator of all men 0u0taln0 me; pt'0 Ijelp toa0 altoay0 bery ready: on anotljer occa0lon, and not long: ago,toljcn3 toa0 0ttll more obertoljelmed,lje raided me toltlj ljl0 right arm, 0aylng, 2D man of little fattlj, ari0e; It 10 3 ; be not afraid. 3 came toltlj 00 mitclj cordial affection to 0erbe tlje0e prlnce0, and Ijabe 0ecbed tljcm toltlj 0uclj 0erblce, a0 lja0 neber been Ijeard of or 0een. flDf tlje neto Ijeaben and cartlj toljtch our Hord made, toljen »>alnt 3oljn toa0 tort ting tlje £pocalyp0c, after toljat toa0 0poken by tlje ntoutlj of 3salalj, he made me tlje messenger, and 0ljotoed me toljere It lay. 3|n all men there toa0 disbelief, but to tlje ebcn year0 pa00cd In dt'0cu00lon, and nine In erecutlon. 2Durlng tljl0 time bery remarkable and notetoortljy tljtng0 oc= curred toljcreof no Idea at all Ijad been formed. 3 Ijabe arrlbed at, and am In, 0uclj a condition tljat tljere 10 no pei*0on 00 bile but tljlnk0 Ije may ln0ult me; Ije 0ljall be reckoned In tlje toorld a0 balour lt0elf toljo 10 courageou0 enough not to con0ent to It. § TRESLADO de una carta que el Al- mirante delas Yndias embio alma [ al ama\ del Prinfipe Don Juan de Castilla, el aho de MD. viniendo preso delas Yndias. § MVY virtuosa Se- hora. Si mi quexa del mundo es nueva, su uso de maltratar es de muy antiguo : mill combates me ha dado, y a todos re- sistifasta agora que non me aprovecho armas ni avisos, con crueldad me tiene echado al fundo. La esperanfa de aquel que crio a todos me sostiene : su socorro fue siempre muy presto : otra vez y non delexos estando yo mas baxo, me le- vanto con su brafo derecho, diziendo, o onbre de poca fe, le- vantate que yo soy non ay ays miedo. § Yo vine con amor 3£ 31 toere to 0feal tlje 3nbles or tlje land toljlclj He0 totoard0 tan entranable a ser- tljem, of toljlclj 3 am noto 0peaklng, from tlje altar of =>alnt i nr aestos Prinfipes, peter, and gibe rljent to tlje pam. CxLUjo toould bellebe 0uclj a thing vifio, deque jamas toljere tljere toa0 altoay0 00 much magnanimity ? S6 ovo til vido 3 should Ijabe much desired to free tny0elf from tljlS affair Ijad s Dei nuevo fieh e st been honourable totoard0 my 2Dueen to do 00. ^Lljz 0upportof tierra que hazia nu- €>ur 3lord and of per plgljne00 made me peroebere; and to estro Sehor, escrivi- alleblate In 0otne nteaoure tlje 0orroto0 toljlclj death had cau0ed endo Sand Juan el her, 3 undertook a fre0lj boyage to tlje neto heaben and earth Apocalis, despues de toljlclj up to tljat time Ijad remained Ijtbden ; and If It 10 not held dicho por boca de Ysaya, me hizo dello mensagero y amostro aqual parte : en todos ovo yncredulidad y ala Reyna mi Sehora dio dello el spiritu de ynteligenfia y esfuerfo grande, y le jizo de todo heredera como a cara e muy amada jija : la posesion de todo esto fue yo a tomar en su real nombre : la ynoranfia enque avian estado todos, quisieron emendalle traspasando el poco saber, a fablar en ynconvinientes y gastos. Su Alteza lo aprovava al contrario, y lo sostuvo fasta que pudo. § Siete anos se pasaron enla platica y nueve executando cosas muy senaladas e dignas de memoria sepasaron eneste tienpo de todo non se Jizo confepto : llegue yo y estoy, que non ha nadie tan vil que non piense de ultrajarme : por virtud se contara enel mundo aquien puede no consintillo. § Sy yo robara las Yndias o tierra que jaz fase ellas, de que agora es la fabla, del altar de Sant Pedro, y las diera alos moros, non pudieran en Espaha amostrarme mayor enemiga quien creyera tal, adonde ovo siempre tanta nobleza. § Yo mucho me quisyera despedir del negofio sifuera onesto para con mi Reyna. El esfuerfo de nuestro Senor y desu Alteza Jizo que continuase, y por aliviarle algo delos enojos enque a cabsa dela muerte estava, cometi viage nuevo al nuevo fielo y mundo que fasta entonfes estava oculto y sy non es tenido 246 rrcSL^ r cretin*- »x[w ii $L\& *pn%*& c.wtlno J\lnuK Si I** J 2 rr*jk £&' • *fc jUB *"Vt^ C^i J 2 > - 2 . i/vmNci wit! cfbtK -if % 9 > cj& wti«wA ** VWwyV Vr- 4 ^vo/a y*Wftj ■* (C^V tnf JH^y^ ^ ^ 5 & ♦wl'K'Mrtl C& J 2 : hh^ y' *Hjll v»* 5 o • ^ 4 ^. cJjycrAlc* Jk a ^u<\ / ^' rv*v> “ptC fftcwy vrtcjr^ * * 5 ^ V Jk£&yjo& cilmiJi^o W\*&U:u+i-h Irjuv • < 9 x^vC‘»*Jk jy O f C*%.&vL JkvcrA>-&' OetS-tM -eft V/P'pev 4 i vgJvgS' WLjc&f' f *Sjyo\rVMC P AvwOt-4-swO evvtt^A^/c t\ Sldl vtJ V.|^ ' *" Jk&tUu. Jky' »|W» y/ ‘ ' f HvuJivO cu?L> (jl'~t-vri\ '^TJ/a^tvA. *w*o ~gw»^ y (S^An-e* p*^* ci Aye«r*'itGy / ’Jl«p>t*a J& gin rjZ^P&t. (?anh S* Ss./' &£&*'' wnc*l$<\y~ y> 4 a+**I% T ff yM'H~- f jH* 7 ^ 8 k »9 V A (a — |lvviA V*-L| -^pr ^w? B&Sg' C ^ cj'j-llfu& imva*%Sbjy H*4xvtj Jb-toJb liczc<$rrA «vm« fM4*V ^9 Vr/wy' JLx*+£**< "p-j^* iw ycSc$u? Jy -i -* 5 51 -fv £ K^vt- 44 VtrC ]%Jt»d?i* * Lv VvaO|-A,,oa c*Cj cjl^X'^roAr^ /jW^UMWrf $P-*ll\yrJb cl J 20 AJ ($aLz*/ & 4 rtJsP# r 'Z v*; cJts' * $' <\* £& A^roi/ i*w»A a! gvKzj&rxv -^pfo ■ / rfSSSv 'S' .•$ AriC^dbjT' 1 . t 1 >1C»V *^** CHU^IAtwnl V *VH®wt ^g «whit-i> :»V .\h^ >^v*pAj; VV,< VVVt{ y\wH>il> {^^ cax jyvu?Sl? wo r ,gx) vO-^joLwVii Lu 3 “Vw^v^ 0 -ft*rA J ^ * J& ^ ^s> 2 ^. *^£^; /^v -fU£d\ • aI-HH 52 ; 0 *n*. aw* jtr£z*rtA vwtwjoi o^CVm^rV crevcciA- 4 til* JbyJk owo , it ^ aIXs. mi^ VO w ^4yc *jn<«& cl coMrtCt^e J!: wv^^ ’*»*%£&* $^&. n ^ w r m twS i.jiu&vy@ 0 %* ♦ / d % C*tAs>9-A U. m v» i*J& - ^1 %vm^- ^ (nwyi* ^ Jk i^y\ U r *U Jt^i-i zjLi-A- A^wv«\d rwNtMoS ^^Cufc • 2*£\ -^yvn\ ♦ n- S * aIa iw vwnfwwa w' 6 9^Kvt>n cHK*i*0 l VoQjtxw &u«rM* jj^vy ( ct*r*ut &0 ^ v - 4 va^Vm $t£ ejSs*/ wure-frui tv' VMAvl-iruv ♦ c|^*-A*«^a ^/a-V^Pti? a^Sf^A. cjlsw-u* pvm^ -£-**£** La cfycrAeini/ *^p- $♦ A'^ptcAfrt 1 *lru%g A cmLh kAtw a i i a x "*~ **■*<*£ »*J cMyxttazPoe ♦ ( \> Jn % ^5 a vm4«fcM ^ I V gvttomid^ on 4X **« -f-#fcrn UH» cMxdlo ^ |»wi9-Ttf >pA.c|rC yxrr -gvi^nyrt*H*v»9 c^Injy-i*vu& v^-y. rjn*Jb ~rj-~«v/i/z ‘S-q.'Z »>3vv^> a j^SLi ' '/Jic^ei'j there fit esteem like the other tiopagrejs to tlje 3|nMe& that 10 no boonder, because it came to lie looked upon ass mp boork. ^Ije Holp Spirit Inflamed £>alnt Heter and tboclbe others bolt!) him, and tljep all fought here belobo, and tljci'c tolls and hardships bocre manp, but last of all tljep gained tlje bictorp. €ljtS bopage to paria 31 thought boould sometoljat appcasse tljem on account of tlje pearlss, and of tlje dlscobcrp of gold In Hispaniola. 3 ordered tlje pearls to be collected and fisljed for bp people boltlj boljoni an arrangement boas made tljat 3 sijould return for tljem, and, as 3 understood, tljep boere to be measured bp tlje bushel. jf 3 did not torlte about tljls to tljeir Highnesses, It boas because 3 bolsljed to Ijabe first of all done tlje same tljlng boltlj tlje gold. dje result to me In tljls has been tlje same as In manp other things ; 3 sijould not Ijabe loot them nor mp honour, If 3 Ijad sought mp oiun adbantage, and Ijad allowed Hispaniola to be ruined, or If mp privileges and contracts had been observed, and 3 sap just tlje Same about tlje gold toljtclj 3 had tljcn collected, and [for]bohichb3ttij ssttclj great afflictions and tolls 3 hade, bp divine pobser, almost perfected [tlje arrangements]. Sfllljen 3 boent from paria 3 found almost half the people of Hispaniola In rebolt, and tljep Ijabe boaged boar against me until note, as against a 9 ©oor j and tlje 3ndlans on tlje other side gricbouslp [harassed me]. Sit tljlS time Hojeda arrlbed and tried to put tlje finishing stroke: lje Said tljat tljeir tHighnc« 30 es had sent Ijtm boltlj promises of gifts, fran-- chlSeS and pap; lje gathered together a great band, for In tlje boljole of Hispaniola there are berp febo sabe bagabonds, and not one boltlj boife and children. 'cEljlS Hojeda gabe me great trouble; lje boas obliged to depart, and left board tljat Ije boottld soon return boitlj more ships and people, and tljat Ijc had left tlje ropal person of tlje 3 Rueen our lladp at the point of deatlj. ^Ijcn Ulncent iane? arrlbed boltlj four carabels: there boas disturbance and mistrust, but no mischief: tlje 3ndums talked of manp others at the Cannibals [Carlbbee 3 slandS] and in Paria: and afterboards spread tlje neboS of sib other carabels, boljlclj boere brought bp a brother of the Alcalde, but It boas boltlj malicious intent. '(Xljls occurred at tlje berp last, boljen tlje hope tljat tljeir High'- nesses boould eber Send anp ships to tlje 3 nt>les bjas almost abarn doned, nor did boe erpect tljem ; and it boas commonlp reported tljat Ijcr Highness boas dead. SI certain Adrian about this? time endeaboured to rise In rebellion again, as he had done preblouslp, but flDur Hord did not permit Ijls ebll purpose to succeed. 3 had purposed In mpself neber to touch a hair of anpbodp’s head, but 3 lament to sap tljat boltlj fljls man, obolng to ljlS Ingratitude, It boas not possible to keep tljat resolbe as 3 had Intended: 3 should not Ijabe done less to mp alii en estima asy como los otros delas Indias, non es mara- villa, porque salio aparefer de mi yn- dustria. § A Sant Pedro abraso el Spiritu Santo y con el otros dose, y todos con- batieron aca , y los trabajos y fatigas fueron muchas en jin de todo llevaron la vitoria. § Este viage de Paria crey que apa- ziguaria algo por- las perlas, y la fal- lada del oro enla Espanola. Las per- las mande yo ayun- tar e pescar, ala gente con quien que- do el confierto de my buelta porellas y a mi conprehender a- medida de fanega. Sy yo non lo escrivi a Sus Altesas fue por- que asy quisiera aver fecho del oro antes. § Esto me salio como otras cosas muchas : non las perdiera ni mi honrra sy bus - cara yo mi bien pro- pio, y dexara perder la Espanola, o se guardaran mis pri- vilegios e asientos. E otro tanto digo del oro que yo tenia agora junto, que con tantas muertes y trabajos por virtud divinal he llegado a- perfetto. § Quando yo fue de Paria falle easy la mitad dela gente en la Espanola alfados y me han guerreado fasta agora como a moro, y los Yndios por otro cabo gravemente : enesto vino Fojeda, y provo a echar el sello : clixo que Sus Altezas le embiavan con promesas de dadivas y jranquezas y paga: allego grand quadrilla, que en toda la Espanola muy pocos ay salvo vagamundos y ninguno con muger y jijos. Este Fojeda me trabajo harto : fuele nefesario de se yr y dexo dicho que luego seria debuelta con mas navios y gente, y que dexava la real persona dela Reyna nuestra Sehora ala muerte. Enesto llego Vi^entianes con quntro caravelas: ovo alboroto y sospecha mas non dano. Los Yndios dixeron de otras muchas a los canibales, y en Paria, y despues una nueva de seys otras caravelas que tray a un hermano del alcalde, mas fue con malifia. Esto fue ya ala postre quando ya estava muy rota la esperanfa que Sus Altezas oviesen jamas de enbiar wano[s] alas Yndias ni nos es- perarlos, y que vulgar mente dezian que Su Alteza era muerta. § Un Adrian eneste tienpo provo aalfarse otra vez como de antes, mas Nuestro Senor no quiso que llegasse aefecto su mal proposito. Yo tenia propuesto en mi de non tocar el cabello a nadie, y a este por su yngratitud con lagrimas non sepudo guardar asy como yo lo tenia pensado : a mi hermano no hiziera 249 t 2 rftenos sy me quisy- era matar y robcir el Senorio que mi Rey e Reyna me tenian dado enguarda. § Este Adrian se- gund se muestra te- nia enbiado a Don Fernando a Xora- gua, a allegar algu- nos sus sequaces, y alia ovo debate con- el alcalde, adonde nafio discordia de muerte , mas non lle- brotljer, if tjc Ijad gougljt to kill me, anti gteal the dominion toljtcb mp lung ano €iucen bad giden me in trugt* Adrian, ass it appears, bad gent 3Don ifertrfnanH to 3£aragua to collect gome o f Iji'g follotoerg, and tljere a dt'gpure acoge toitb tlje alcalde from toljicb a deadlp contegt engued, but Ije (Adrian) did not effect big purpoge* ^Ije alcalde geijed ijim and a part of Ijt'g band, and tlje fact toag rljat ljc toould bade erecuted them if 3 Ijad not predented it ^ tfjcp doere Uept piigonerg atoatting a caradel in toljiclj tljep might depart! Cljf netog of Hjojeda toljtcb 31 told tfjem, made them loge tlje Ijope that Ije doould noto come again* jfor gtr montljg 3 bad been prepared to return to tbet'r iJtgljneggeg toitb tlje good netog of tlje gold, and to egcape from goberntng a diggolute people, toljo fear neither (Bod, nor their l&tng and £Dueen, being full of biceg and totekednegg* go aefecto : el alcalde le prendio y a parte desu quadrilla y el caso era que el los justiciar a, sy yo non lo proveyera : esto- vieron presos esper- ando caravela enque se fuesen. Las nue- vas de Fojeda que yo dixe jizieron perder la esperanfa que ya no vernia. 3 could hade paid tlje people in full doith gid Ijmtdred tljougand, and for tljt'g purpogc 3 had four milliong of tentljg and gomedohat more, be= gideg tlje tljird of tlje gold* Before mp departure 3 many ttmeg begged tljeir l^igbneggeg to gend tljere, at mp ejrpenge, gome one to take charge of tlje adminigtration of jugrtce; and after finding tlje Alcalde in arntg 3 renedoed mp gupplu cationg to Ijade either gome troopg or at leagt gome gerdant of theirg doith lerterg patent; for mp reputation ig guclj that eden if 3 build cljurcljeg and Ijogpitalg, tljep tot'll altoapg be called deng of tljiebeg* ^h tp bid indeed make probtgion at lagt, but it toag tlje berp contrary of tohat tlje matter demanded: map it be gucceggful, gince it toag ac= cording to tljeir good pleagure* 3 toag tljere for ttoo pearg toithout being able to gain a decree of fadour for mpgclf or for tljoge toljo toent tljere, pet tljig man brought a coffer full: toljetljer tljep to ill all redound to their [feighneggeg’j gerdice, (Bod knotog* 3nbecd, to begin toitlj, tljere are eremptiong for ttoentp pearg, toljich ig a man’g lifetime; and gold ig collected to guclj an extent that tljere toag one pergon toljo became toortlj fide markg in four bourg; toljcreof 3 toill gpeak more fullp later on* 3f it tootild plcage tljeir l^igljneggeg to remode tlje groundg of a com= mon gaping of tljoge tobo knoto mp labourg, tljat tlje calumnp of the people Ijatf done me more harm tljan much gerdice and the maintenance of tljeir [UMgljneggeg’] propertp and dominion hag done me good, it tootild be a cljaritp, and 3 gljottld be re=egtabligljcd in mp honour, and it toould be talked about all Oder the toorld ; for tlje undertaking ig of guclj a nature tljat it mugt dailp become more fantoug and in Ijiffhtr egteem* (HEljtta tlje Commander Bobadilla came to -o>anto 2Domingo, 3 toag at (LTega, and tlje ^delantado at ^aragua, tobtre tljat Adrian Ijab made a gtand, but tljen all toag quiet, and § Antes de mi par- tida suplique tantas vezes a Sus Altezas que enbiasen alia a mi costa aquien toviese cargo dela justifia, y des- pues que falle alfado el alcalde selo suplique de nuevo o por alguna gente o at menos algund criado con cartas, porque mi fama es tal que aunque yofaga yglesias y ospitales, siempre seran dichas espeluncas para ladrones. § Seys meses avia que yo estava des- pachado, por venir a Sus Altezas conlas buenas nuevas del oro y fuyr de governor gente disoluta que non teme a Dios ni a su Rey ni Reyna, llena de achaques y de ntalifias. § Ala gente acabara yo de pagar con seys- fientas mill, y para ello avia quatro cu- entos de diezmos e alguno syn el terfio del oro. § Proveyeron ya al jin y fue muy al contrario delo que la negotiation demandava : vaya en buen ora pues que fue a su grado. § Yo estuve alia doss anos syn poder ganar una provision de favor por mi ni porlos que alia fuesen y este llevo un area llena : sy pariran todas a su servifio Dios lo sabe. Ya por comienfo ay franquezas de xx ahos, que es la bedad de un onbre, y se coje el oro , que ovo persona de finco marcos en quatro oras, de que dire des- pues mas largo. § Sy pluguiesse a Sus Altezas de desfaser un vulgo delos que saben mis fatigas, que mayor dano me ha f echo el mal desyr delas gentes que non me ha aprovechado el mucho servir y guardar su fazienda y senorio, seria limosna, e yo restituydo en mi honrra, e se fablaria dello en todo el mundo. Porque el negofio es de c alidad, que cada dia ha deser mas sonado y en alta estima. § Enesto vino el Comendador Bovadilla a Santo Domingo : yo estava enla Vega, y el Adelantado en Xoragua adonde este Adrian avia fecho cabefa : mas ya todo era llano, y 250 / ttiCncG 4 gWA $*utfn2 (Jll^«no ^*Sf“3^2L (JJ.jII^A K»u 4 v*»JA 9ftJb C«yiuM9«i ^d^^twArA-lcnjA (&Uux& ASbncjh**^ prAjwA 4 a dfakipvt *gvu3 yratt+aUS / \A.t&K &t*+ lb: «*>ncl &t8anfa*.J $: tn(eifc/tYt*iB vw (\ /> . . y.f l»^/) . ^ ^ ^ _ / COwMd 0 »m« tnXtMtf Jet ; ^ y fT2&$ ztf****' S'toy* i rr 6 **^ * l^o -si ^ r x^wytr* * ^i X* ***1 \9«~ tM. ibvvt &Z AjcWJ d&**£ 4A1$*JY<*& (• r Vo clhtnC »*' V? M f iJmXjm ptcvuSt r r cCfc aW i*Mtv«ti*c v*rf&*i. "tfv^y I m* A«S*A«« p jl> * A * '~~fC»t bvtAf cjl mw* ^ ly 1 If v\ A 4 AVM $$*€* t^YcL^risA > AUlt, Jrt tAy *4|vAtw^AA «% ^ AwtrV » jjlA L^ycJ<*3 *^»» 0» n 1 /teVviT YK&JfA- <»p«<^ cflt i£Lj> -§"<5 * v*t£ 5* y ^vC«r%-cy ^ *>gv^Uv f > t*noj*'Jjb $£ • ^V*4* 40 ^ Nf^onA «• ^ *■ nf t ^n9 * 4pm5n *$V 4 ' y ow $V$hA *j%»m*Myjt 1 wma 9 i£ 4 . a * 5* * vo * yd cp<* J^viX ^ »vw%6 e^jCC^/i^jT » J jh. A * X tviw IWV /wL^£aS «&\*» &M$i4 KXSWA^i^M| jt/ Vc^V. - 3/ il&A cjc '

•< -hM^Vft J ?CUje*6 *£0* ^* f I * dvtn^^J *6MJ& Cjh tvvT I^ .Q* itfwW I *** Ujthfic&X- £&g~A i *J &6*§£ v „ Inr+^Z IMiWh- x> entflv fii^* *2M*» 'j&-*Qt¥e 9tvr»A ^epo Hhm tJtwt 1a ^jaImia* ^ av»< f Mm $V&0 * »*j cl m c£&0 vvt£ < $*£Zo~QcQn'>'‘ Vs&dlC CM le t&+>1 dUMt * *1 Cl m C«©(? Wt£ < ^CZO'^cQ^tjM M? ^mw (flC cm X*yi*wm * V 4 ma AJau4-J^T“ }u^.p yc^Ty-a Hx * « ' &^c&l*nes* 3 s d** 1 '?** *w« / ^ 2^i*etr*'j*yo~fr uk Jtfl?>j 4va*^T 9*t$ * ^ A&aNwi-^* / ‘ P ht%Skl/ {VVlte jvh>* $h* M? pi^} 1^ Ar$b -f^K Tp.H*cjjX.* vnZcr£ 2?4 Uo0 • a**cdl£ viw yvrZlL&gp&f f cr*»d C&jiuu£ S ' gE&$ M*ojlrC l($iJUMoj^ iV - — >*Aio0 * — 7 ^ *TT*r^f / Uj ~, -.. . / / / ** — tv>Jocfl+ Typfy *£* !&f 2 7 *^^ K*yrtC j ■Hrp»vh^t e*Mo l* ' tlje land ridj anti all men at peace. £Dn tlje second Pap after Ijis ar= ta tierra rica y todos ribal Ije created Ijimsclf (Bobernor, and appointed officers and made enpaz. Eisegundo epecutions, and proclaimed immunities! of gold and tcntljs and in dia i ue lle s° se crio general of eberptljing else for tboentp pears!, boljtclj is a man’s! life* £° ver f tdor y f z ° time, and tljat Ije came to pap eberpbodp in full ttp to tljat dap, eben °p ialcs y exsecu ~ tljouglj tljep Ijad not rendered serbice; and Ije publiclp notified tljat, f 65 ' y a P re £ ono a S for me, tje Ijad cljarge to -send me in irons;, and mp brotljers like* ^iTzmoT'v leZrai boise, as! Ije Ijas done, and tljat 3 Sljottld nebermore return tljitljer, me ~ te J e y t J a 0 tra nor anp otljer of mp famtlp- alleging a thousand disgraceful and C osa por veynte anos discourteous tljings about me. ail tljis took place on tlje second dap que es la bedad de «n after IjfS arribal, as 31 Ijabc said, and boljile 3 boas absent at a dis-- ombre , y que venia tance, toitljout mp knowing citljer of Ijint or of Ijis arribal. para pagar a todos, »>omc letters of tljeir Ijigijnesses Signed in blank, of boljiclj Ije ^i^Znamente'fai brougljt a number, Ije filled up and Sent to tlje alcalde and to Ijis taese dia, y publico contpanp boitlj fabours and commendations; to me Ije neber sent queamimeaviadeen- eitljcr letter or messenger, nor Ijas Ije done so to tljis dap. 3wagtne biar enjicrros y a mis boljat anp one fielding mp office boould tfiinkboficn one boljo endea* hermanos ansi como boured to rob tljeir ^sgljncSSeS, and boljo Ijas done so muclj cbil and hafecho,y que nunca tniscljief, is Ijonoured and faboured, boljile Ije boljo maintained it at mas bolveria yo alii Sttclj risks is degraded. ni otrie de mi nna Jf diziendo de mi mill (Lfflfien 3 fieard tljis, 3 tljougljt tljat tljis affair boould be like tljat of desoneslas y descor- Uojeda or one of tlje otfiers, but 3 restrained mpself boljen 3 learnt teses cosas. Esto todo for certain from tlje friars tljat tljeir iJigfinesses Ijad sent Ijint. 3 fue el segundo dia bo rote to Ijtm tljat Ijis arribal boas bocleome, and tljat 3 boas prepared que el llego como to go to tlje Court and Ijad sold all 3 possessed bp auction; and tljat dlxe ' y e ^ ando y° boitlj respect to tlje immunities Ije sljould not be Ijastp, for botlj tljat ^os absente synsa- matter and tlje gobernntent3 boould Ijand ober to Ijint immediatelp ber del ni de su ve - as Smootlj as mp palm. Sind 3 borote to tlje same effect to tlje friars, nuicl ‘ but neitljer fie nor tljep gabe me anp anStocr. flDn tlje contrarp, Ije « Unas cartas de Sus put Ijimsclf in a boarlike attitude, and compelled all boljo boent tljere Aitezas firmadas en to take an oatlj to Ijint as (Bobernor; and tljep told me tljat it boas for bianco de que d iie- tbocntp pears* vava una cantidad, SDirectlp 3 knebt of tljose immunities, 3 tljougljt tljat 3 boould re= e ^yam!con P aL pair Sttclj a great error and tljat ije boould be pleased, lor Ije gabe tljem con heresy encomi- boitljout tlje need or occasion neceSSarp in so bast a matter; and Ije en das. Aminuncame gabe to bagafaond people boljat boould fiabe been erccssibc for a man enbio carta ni men- boljo Ijad brougljt boife and cfiildrcn. feo 3 announced bp booed and sagero ni meba dado letters tljat Ije could not use Ijis patents because mine bocre tljose in fasta 0 y. Piense, force; and 3 Sfioboed tljem tlje immunities boljiclj 3oljn Siguado que pensaria quien brougljt. toviera mi cargo, „ _ , , r , , „ , „ honrrar y favorefer Sill tljis boas done bp me tn order to gam time, So tljat tljeir ^igfi= aqu ien provo a robar nesses migljt be informed of tlje condition of tlje cottntrp, and tljat a Sus Aitezas y ba tljep migljt ijabe an opporrunitp of issuing fees!) commands as to feebo tanto mal y boljat boould best promote tljeir serbice in tljat respect. dano, y a rastrar «. quien con tantos pe- ligros selo sostuvo. § Quando yo stipe esto crey que este seria como to de Hojecla o uno delos otros, iemplome que supe delos frayles, de fierto, que Sus Aitezas le embiavan. Escrivile yo que su venida fuese en buen ora, y que yo estava despa- chado para yr ala c or te y feebo almoneda de quanto yo tenia, y que enesto delas franquezas que non se afe- lerase, que esto y el govierno, que yo selo daria luego tan llano como la p alma, y ansy lo escrivi alos reli- giosos. Ni el ni ellos me dieron respuesta antes se puso el en son de guerra,y apremiava a quantos alii yvan que le jurasen por governador , dixeronme que por xx anos. § Luego que yo supe destas franquezas, pense de adobar un yerro tan grande y que el seria contento, las quales dio syn nefesidad ni cabsa de cosa tan gruessa, y a gente vaga munda, que fuera demasiado para quien troxiera muger y fijos. Publique por palabra e por cartas, que el non podia usar desus provisiones, por que las mias eran las fuertes, y les moslre las franquezas que llevo Juan Aguado. § Todo esto que yo bize era por dilatar, porque Sus Aitezas fuesen sabidores del estado dela tierra, y que oviesen lugar de tornar amandar enello lo que fuese su servifio. 253 f 4 § Tales franquezas escusado es delas apregonar enlas Yn- dias los vesinos que ban tornado vezindad es logro , porque seles dan las mejores tier- ras, y a poco valer valeran dozientas mill alcabo delos quatro aiios que la vezindad se acaba, syn que den un afadonada enellas. Non diria yo asy sy los vezinos fuesen casados mas non ay seys entre todos, que non esten sobre el aviso de ayuntar lo que pudiere[n ], y se yr en buen ora. De Castilla seria bien que fuesen, y aun saber quien y como y se poblase de gente bonrrada. § Yo tenia asentado con estos vezinos que pagarian el terfio del oro , y los diez- mos y esto a su rue go, y lo refibieron en grand merged de Sus Altezas. Re- prehendilos quando yo oy que se dexavan dello,y esperava quel comendador faria otro tanto, mas fue alcontrario. § Yndignolos contra mi diziendo que yo les queria quitar lo que Sus Altezas les davan, y trabujo de melos echar acues- tas y lo hizo, y que escriviesen a Sus 31 1 i0 u0ele00 to publish 0ucb immunities* in the 3ttbte0: to the 0cttler0 tobo babe taken up re0tbence it is* a pure gain, for tlje best lanb0 are giben to them, anti at a loto Valuation they toill be toortlj ttoo fjunbreb ttjoussanb at the enb of tlje four yeat0 toben tlje periob of re0ibence is* enbeb, toitljout their bigging a 0pabeful in tljem* 31 tooulb not 0pcak tints* if tbe 0ettler0 toere marrieb, but tljere are not s*i;r among: tljent all toljo are not on tlje look out to oratljer tobat tljey can anb bepart 0peebily* 31.t tooulb be a goob thing; if tljey s*Ijonlb go from Ca0tile, anb al0o if it toere knoton to!jo anb toljat tljey are, anb if tlje country coulb be 0ettleb tottlj bone0t people* 31 Ijab agreeb tottb tljo0e 0ettler0 that tljey 0ljoulb pay tbe tbirb of rljc golb, anb tbe tentlj0, anb tlji0 at tljeir oton reque0t; anb they receibeb it a0 a great fabour from tbeir I£igljne00e0* 3 reprobeb tljcm toben 3 btarb that tljey cea0eb to bo tlji0, anb bopeb that tbe Commanber tooulb bo liketot'0e, but be bib tbe contrary, lije incen0eb tbent again0t me by 0aytng tljat 3 toanteb to bepribe tljcm of tobat tljeir I£tgljne00e0 bab giben tljem; anb be enbeaboureb to 0et tljent at bariance tottb me, anb bib 00 ; anb be inbuceb them to torite to tbeir I£igljne00e0 that tljey 0ljoulb neber again 0enb me back to tbe gobernment, anb 3 liketoi0e make tlje 0ame 0upplication to tljent for my0elf anb for my tobole family, a0 long a0 there are not bifferent inbabitant0* £nb Ije together tottlj them orbereb in* (]ui0ition0 concerning me for toickebne00e0 tlje like boljereof toere neber knoton in bell* £Dur 3lorb, toljo re0cueb 2Daniel anb the three cljtlbren, 10 pre0ent boitb the 0ame totdbotn anb potoer a0 be ljab rljen, anb tottlj the 0ame mean0, if it 0ljoulb plea0e bint anb be in accordance toftb bis* toill* 3 0ljoulb knoto boto to remeby all tbi0> anb the re0t of tobat ba0 been 0aib anb ha0 taken place 0ince 3 babe been in tlje 3nbie0, if my bt0= po0ition tooulb alloto me to 0eek my oton abbantage, anb if it 0e’emeb honourable to me to bo 00, but tlje maintenance of justice anb the erten0ion of tlje bontinion of ^er l£tgbne00 ba0 hitherto kept me Doton* iRoto that 00 much golb 10 founb, a btopute art'0e0 a0 to toljiclj bring0 more profit, toljetljer to go about robbing or to go to tlje minc0* SL bunbreb ca0tillano0 are a0 ea0ily obtaineb for a toontan a0 for a farm, anb it 10 bery general, anb there are plenty of bcaler0 toljo go about looking for gtrl0; tbo0e from nine to ten are noto in bemanb, anb for all age0 a goob price mu0t be paib* 3 a00ert tljat the btolence of the calumny of turbulent per0on0 ba0 fnjureb me more than my 0crbtce0 Ijabe profiteb me; toljtcb i£ a bab erantple for the pre0ent anb for tlje future* 3 take my oath that a number of men Ijabe gone to tlje 3nbte0 toljo bib not btderbe toatcr in tlje 0igljt of (Bob anb of tlje tooulb ; anb noto tljey are returning tljitljer, anb leabe 10 granteb tljent* Altezas que no me enbiasen mas al cargo, y ansy selo suplico yo por mi y por toda cosa mia, en quanto non aya otro pueblo. Y me ordeno el conellos pesquisas de maldades que al ynfierno nunca se supo delas semejantes. Alii esta nuestro Sehor que escapo a Daniel y alos tres muchachos, con tanto saber y fuer$a como tenia y con tanto aparejo, sy le pluguiere como con su gana. § Supiera yo remediar todo esto, y lo otro de que esta dicho y ha pasado despues que estoy enlas Yndias, sy me consyntier a la voluntad a procurar por mi bien propio, y me fuera onesto, mas el sostener dela justifia, y acrefentar el senorio de Su Altesa fasta agora me tiene al fondo. Oy endia que se falla tanto oro, ay division enque aya mas gananfia, o yr robando o yr alas minus. Por una muger tan bien se falla fient castellanos como por una labranfa, y es muebo en uso, y ay fartos mercaderes que andan buscando muchachas, de nueve a diez son agora enprefio, de todas hedades ha de tener un bueno. § Digo que la fuerfa del mardesyr de desconfertados meha mas dahado que mis servifios fecho provecho, mal exemplo es porel presente y por lo futuro. Fago juramento que caniidad de onbres ban ydo alas Yndias, que non meresfian el agua para conDios y conel mundo, y agora buelven alia, y seles consiente. 254 m. L _ „ vv ^X***J^ a* cPoiSL*cztn$A$ Js~ P» tpr* * CWv J^r^~JvrZt S ‘ y (b a tw *^ $(i$\ <^r 6 V *Ju^l (^e / ^ ^ CBll*&irf VnW? Wc* *M? * 4 V Vvo *A* 'V’** 1 *&*** — ^|»a |?w*p ($-£**&* • 's , *^ x ‘ G' c **^ /n/ t'g 1 (J vt, _ tT* ^jViuwJi V° ^ y" d"S *4 1^ y-frnJ&Je Jfc ACH&dua ** U> ft*&> * Cfcry*bfeSc J\ * 5‘* t4 ♦ Jj '" mo *»* «_ jSjb^c+d Si^r^zqv^ y — *V?^ ^- c yfp(&A t vgte- *h?a ^e~aZ£ ** aJ e>zJkw>cl ycSa^XbA J? nwtl$*i ^liyv ^ H<> -^r *gv*jx> $ 6 ^- ye vv^J ii^T/ U^vC^ 4p c$m|*4V 9**tj cA y y^Js*jf trT iVihvA f 5>vw _ ^jhrp cnf&\ yir* 8 -iu\G / dn-fy+xtbCZiK 1*^06 F‘-tf I<,/ VMcflo/ tw*# -it mtfj JcJc ‘ Vs. l T s fJ c, 7r / ‘ n I J (’ «| l < "iuS^/^jK^OZt,\ 111 ^ cn$*v* 4| ^ 4 ^£Ia -h^n*V i . ^V ^Wm| Sto oa • o Vi +44-\r^>iJ2>^£/ t,\(hz mi “ n * x & JbC^OviiiK Vto+ttp. ~bn%t |>xc»vt ^r~pi£u\ tutoti * 0 $ Ir^VrtA lmit‘(*M ♦ VC# v*v*ujy C^Vr**' 9 ♦ V iW - v rtt+tf-rtrtf*'* ^astVvtA l&bv<*\C 4 vi ^0 «A< 'bile $£k( 4 vm ^tvrKiKj^i^ am*a&az (c ^^icffc - ... - . ,_i f 11 * / aM >6 cxn+t*jx>/ ^ cl ^m-crc ^Uw 2 * (o\?cWa O* txvi&+$> y>v>w^/o ^pTyc C C 4 J (j V»C fh^j»* kjH< HCtrtfcu' / Vo d^cC aX&jTtjc lei l±^jy / — '-i cs>vt^” A^vutf '"*“"• * T'-f 4 / I i *y r y ^ y. r Sr©u- V»iWn 5 Wcv» -j^t^C^S^yun ^H* C^J VaI 4 vuSocJ uc^:p ^yv a>»5 **y^4k^6^ Xa£$a hw^* 4 **C. ^NDvA V<* Va& ai-e 1 Q?I VAnnA ft j(U 6 *?*&*&* ir^ tsl c vLtjnrtv y E-feCii vot -^‘^ tt | , ^ /1 ^ (yt0**) ^ftJA VOwdA*fc|p*w»/^ ^ f ^c/ 5 t> L^^j 2 ,vutpu 9 w 2 t^V^K‘ wt tnejot A' 4 ^vwu? vV /jyJrtfKS 4 W€ S* /* tAp*go‘ **w \0 J£>r 0 ft >v***nt>Cs 3 fip&t '£*C^t jtZT^Jb/ vtog jl-p * ^ vnr ^ <, ^ y . *hL>P efipue* WndLo (jiCv&ri h*' S 0 A* Atrc^c^c * ^ \>Xvfrt *lJ*&*^e JL-jvi^ Ayvu /• '“y y & / - 1 <=^— • 1 t/ f “^^tJcAiV CCzcp*'*- - A %£j . < ' £l£>^ A'/Ly/ I toWtftNv** nwcl^W ^vywAUrtA^® fiu^^tSh CJ 3 *h> Jtf 4» 1 assert tljat dohen 31 tieclarcti tfjat the Commander could not § Digo que en deztr grant immunities, 3 did doljat Ije desired, although 3 told him yo que el Comenda- tljat it teas to cause Delap until tljeir highnesses should receive dor non podia dar information from tlje countrp, and Sljould command anebo doljat franquezas que hize might be for tljeir service, y° lo el deseava, bien que yo ael dix- he excited tljeir enrnttp against me, and he seems, from dofjat ese que era para di- took place and from Ijis beljabiour, to Ijade come as mp enemp latar fataque Sus and as a berp beljement one- or else tlje report is true tljat Ije Altesas tomessen ei Ijas Spent mttclj to obtain tljis emplopntent. 3 do not knodo aviso dela herra • y more about it tljan doljat 3 hear. 3 neber Ijeard of an inquisitor tornase * amandar gathering rebels together and accepting them, and others de= ■ ? ue J uesse su ser “ doid of credit and unboortljp of it, as doitnesses against tljeir llfw ' (Podernor* § Enemistolos aellos comigo, y el parege 3f their highnesses doere to make a general inquisition there, segund se ovo y se- 3 assure pou that tljep boottld look upon it as a great doonder g und sus formas, que tljat tlje island does not founder* y a lo venia y bien engendido, o es que se 3 think pour HadpsfdP doill remember tljat doljen, after losing dise que ha gastado ntp sails, 3 doas driden into Hisbon bp a tempest, 3 doas t'alselp mucho p° r venir «- accused of hading gone there to tlje l&ing in order to gibe hint tlje este ne g°^°> non se 3ndies» Cljeir hiffljnesses afterboards learned tlje contrarp, dell ° ™ as del ° 9 ue and tljat it doas entirelp malicious. } 0 nun T oy V e Although 3 ntap knodo but little, 3 do not think anpone com gase los rebeldes y SiderS me so stupid as not to knodo tljat eben if the 3ndieS doere los tomasepor testi- mint 3 could not uphold mpsdf doitljout tlje help of some prince. g° scontra ac i uA govierna aellos ni a- 3f tljis be so, doljere could 3 find better Support and securitp otros s y n f e » ni d k- tljan in the living and 3Dueen our Hords, doljo Ijade raised me nos della - from nothing to such great honour, and are tlje most eralrcd §siSus Altezas man- princes of tlje doorld on sea and on land, and doljo consider tljat dasen fazer una pes- 3 ijade rendered them serdice, and preserbe to me mp pridileges quisa general alii vos and redoards-, and if anpone infringes tljcrn, tljeir highnesses digo yo que verian increase tljem still more, as doas Seen in tlje case of 3oljn P° r grand maraviiia aguado; and tljep order great honour to be conferred upon me, como la y sIa non and, as 3 Ijadae alreadp said, tljeir highnesses Ijade receided f unde - Serdicefrom me, and keep mp sons in tljeir household ; all doljiclj § Yocreoqueseacor- could bp no means happen doitlj another prince, for doljere there dar a Vuestra Merged is no affection, ederptljing else fails. quando la tormenta 3 hade nodoSpokentljuSinreplp toamaltctous Slander, butagainst YtsZZL^fuy acT- mpdDill,asitiSatljingdDljiclj should not recur to memorpeben in sa do falsa mente que dreams; for tlje Commander Bobadilla maliciouslp seeks in avia yo ydo alia al this doap to set hiss obon conduct and actions in a brighter light-, Bey para darle las pieron Sus Altezas el contrario y que todo fue con maligia. Yndias. Despues su- § Bien que yo sepa poco, no se qv.ien me tenga por tan turpe que yo no conozca que aunque las Yndias fiesen mias que yo non me pudiera sustener syn ayuda de Principe. § Sy esto es asy adonde pudiera yo tener mejor arimo y seguridad que enel Bey e Reyna , nuestros Sehores, que de nada me ban puesio entanta honrra y son los mas altos Pringipes por lamar y porla tierra del mundo, y los quales tienen que yo les aya servido, y me guardan mis privilegios e mer- g edes, y sy alguien melos quebranta Sus Altezas melos acregientan con avantaja , como se vido enlo de Juan Aguado,y me mandan fazer much a honrra, y como dixe y a, Sus Altezas regibieron de mi ser- vigio, y tienen amis fijos sus criados, lo que en ninguna manera, pudiera esto llegar con otro Pringipe, porque adonde no ay amor todo lo otro gesa. § Dixe yo agora ansi esto contra un maldezir con maligia, y contra mi volun- tad, porque es cosa, que ni en suenos deviera llegar amemoria, porque las formas y fechos del Comendador Bovadilla, con maligia las quiere alumbrar en 257 fiut 3 0fjall ea0llp 0ljod3 fjtm that ljt'0 0mall bnotoledge and peat cotoardlce, together dnth ljl0 inordinate cupiDit^, Ijatie cau0ed ljun to fail therein* 31 fjatie alreatij? 0ald tljat 31 forote to Ijim anti to the friars, anti Immedlatelp 0et our, a0 31 told Ijlm, alnto0t alone, becau0e all tlje people toere doltlj tlje ^delantado, and llbed)l0e In order to predent 0u0plclon on ljl0 part. faHljen Ije heard tfjt'0, Ije 0el?ed 3Don 2Dicffo and 0ent hint on hoard a carabel loaded toltlj lron0, and did tlje 0ame to me upon mg arrldal, and aftertoard0 to tlje &delantado dofjen Ije came j nor did 3 0peab to hint anp more, nor to tlj(0 dap pa0 hr allodoed anpone to 0peafe to me ; and 3 tafee mp oath tljat 3 cannot under0tahd Voljp 3 am made a prisoner. life made It ljt'0 fiitft btt0tne00 to 0el?e tlje gold, toljlclj he hid toltljout meaourlng or djelgljlng It, and In mp ah0ence; Ije 0ald tljat Ije doanted It to pap tlje people, and according to doljat 3 hear he a00lgned tlje cljief part to ljfnt0elf and 0ent fre0lj e;r= cljanger0 for tlje e;ccljange0. flDf tljl0 gold 3 had put a0lde certain 0pecnnen0, deep lug luntp0, like tlje egg0 of gee0e, ljen0 and pullet0, and of nianp other 0ljape0, doljlclj 0ontc per0on0 Ijad collected In a 0ljort 0pace of time, In order tljat their Hilglj* ne00c0 mlgljt he gladdened, and might comprehend the bu0u ne00 upon 0eelng a quantltp of large 0tone0 full of gold. collection d?a0 tlje firot to he glden aVoap, truth mallclou0 Intent, 00 tljat their Hilgljne00e0 0ljould not hold tlje matter In anp account until Ije has? feathered fn'0 ne0t, PdIjIcIj he 10 In great lja0te to do. (Bold toljlclj 10 for melting dtmlnl0lje0 at the fire: 0ome chaln0 doijlch toould toelglj about ttoentp ntark0 ijade neder been 0een again ! 3 hade been more dl0tre00ed about tljl0 matter of tlje gold than eden about the pearl0, becau0e 3 hade not brought It to C?er UJlgljne00. ^Ije Commander at once 0et to doork upon anptfjtng dDljfclj he tljougljt doould Injure me. 3 hade alreadp 0ald that dolth 0l£ hundred tljou0and 3 could pap ederpone doltljout defrauding anpbodp, and tljat 31 had more than four mtlllon0 of tentlj0 and con0tabularp [due0], doltljout touching tlje gold. Hie made 0ome free glft0 doljlclj are rldtculou0, tljouglj 3 bcllede tljat he be* gan bp a00lgnlng tlje cljief part to ljtm0elf. djelr Hilgljne00e0 dolll find It out doljen tljep order an account to be obtained from Ijlm, e0pectallp If 3 0hould be pre0ent thereat. Hie doe0 no- thing but reiterate tljat a large 0um 10 odolng, and It 10 doljat cipartado giertas muestras, granos muy gruessos, como huevos de ansara e de gallina , y de pollas y de otras muchas fechuras, que algunas personas tenian cogido en breve espagio, conque se alegrasen Sus Altezas y por- ello conprebendiesen el negogio, con una cantidad de piedras grandes llenas de oro. Estefue el primero a sedar con maligia , porque Sus Altezas no toviesen este negogio en algo fast a que el tenga fecho el nido de que se da buena priesa. El oro que esta por fundir mengua al fuego, una[_s~\ cadenas que pesarian fasta veynte mar cos nunc a se ban visto. esto, mas yo te fare ver conel brago ysquierdo, que su poco saber y grand covardia con desor- denada codigia , le ha fecho caer enello. § Ya dixe como yo le escrivi,y alosfray- les , y luego parti asy como le dixe muy solo, por que toda la gente es- tava conel Adelan- tado, y tan bien por le quitar de sospecba. El quando lo supo echo a Don Diego preso, en una cara- vela cargado de fier- ros, y a mi en llegando hizo otro- tanto, y despues al Adelantado quando vino, ni le fable mas, ael ni consiniio, que fasta oy nadie me aya fablado, y fago juramento que non puedo pensar por que sea yo preso. § La primera dili- gengia quel fizo, fue a tomar el oro, el qual ovo sin me- dida ni peso, e yo absente. Dixo que queria el pagar dello ala gente, y segund oy, para sy hizo la primera parte y en- bia por resgate res- gatadores nuevos. Deste oro tenia yo § Yo he seydo mui agraviado enesto del oro, mas aunque delas perlas, porque non lo he traydo a Su Alteza. § El Comendador en todo lo que le paregio que me danaria, luego fue puesto en obra. Ya dixe con dc.M. pagara a todos syn robar anadie, y que avia mas de quatro quentos de diesmos e alguaziladgo, syn tocar enel oro. Hizo unas larguezas que son de risa, bien que creo que en- comengo en si la primera parte. Alla , lo sabran Sus Altezas quando le mandaren tomar cuenta, enespegial sy yo estoviese aella. El no fuse sy no desyr que se deve grand suma, y es la que 258 cfk? -/ ***** 2^ , »Jv-» f 00 -f& CVL&i- CnC£& (• f ofmo voS: fr- 1 "\ c*>MAz9m- i»vi 1 ln* Cc *^yg w**y (g^oio .^.^ti-f-eP* tA-y**** citTU*^. a. ' yyanT/iA^oz Pc dy Hi* — Crtft* *.% W. %v%tf <^?a C^Av" ‘jV^^ «*•(>*** 7 C l-**-j(!l-'i**t* ^l^y^yuuK -fv^vwvi (/|l cx W^jpcFe® !• dl‘^» y^^LSf t>v v^A tco ’L Jf.^\ ^iri ipwa'fh? ^ ^ ^ , - - jfcSrs^A^f^ 1^>a£a«o8 <• %?&<&&& tfa&0&hbss& t n**&jh\i$ t (^r4 &$v*n m I ci • S*4 * ^ t? b^!l^X' ( ym. l j % - S < . -y L.®l%e esn* • ^ prttffA * Qi^j 97.0 (j € |mp«rz •!&?<$> 6***y e^Jh tXr(. &*& • *0aS*V« 4|* &(Lfc ' w fc.“4r*»pJb A (^ w * ^ •/ ® >*x ® ^ ^ $frC D~' >■■ ■ I?tv 5 ^yWo MC ^tJc» wvvm^o Aa-VAttt*^ ^cfaj^/ftAfZ (*p<>(>1 ip$V lLycP‘l ^ f ^ vW * (fj^ ^iWll / -/» !r- 4 »m** (V^ (Jf€ y'Skvr*. ’ Cc (<*? (n c4 J'J*«|Tx» - ? 0. fl » — ■• • ...» — — • - - *■ WJ(OW* f ‘pl»«p*jCViK I A . *»• $• ^ S A *oT 0*^* id.* CfA^l .|mC 1J*W^ f rt III me 1 m^( 5 tv *5 Com« juj-O v\ 0 -J%va < 5 H*V g\n i-cmoi t tun <»n0 9* -Hvh* 0 . oy +r*<-' ?n4 cwmA« (3 W ^ mvuiGecruft e* 4-vtT , v ^ ^ ^ #»«-^ ... ^ ^ - — - ' ^ ^-.vn^viuW 4 ^fV(\> (-yne+c . . ^Ytc o U -4* Hwno^l (3 •In** | ^ f ^ (J/* Crhr *Cf^1 ~^V — -Jvkji S\S^ ' < Yx> x *j % yL&+& *** *? ynxACoL*^ f vz*jyj)xxh* V A c |^ dw-hx L t |i»v«.f I v * ^ mnk^u 5 ji I /I "* " f C^tocrtc A 1 -J i — |-ViQ> • Vi* 9 va 0 J>re<^Lj(L& yc$Ycrtct^^K. .y jt m\£H+*L& 'y^^y*\crc e&vcraz -farina, ma+th* • **f vvw *v hurff w»«rC ^ xf%A (flC 4^ ^ (U 7 P:P. /£l . U • cntl hwmc||- JH!k +n*lozA. < fr\^ ^ l^U»vv^cU 5 Ji'P ore {j^yjo ^h^ffa . ^ 9 ^wiA* -^VO J?i w»V ^ ._ ^ C~>e ~sA^f L Jb , V/u 9 ~o- » 6 v ^>’? v ^s s oO^vlv vt^u^gvvU? (jn;1vty HO-k«*^ - >Qj+jrL0 vuzCAjC. CmV n*«i_ lift- Lr^^eX* 31 Ijatic sSaiD, anti ctaen 31 ^abe been mticf) lifsstrecisseti t^attfjcce yo dixe y no tanto Should be sent concerning: me an inquisitor Voljo is aVoare tljat it' Yo he sido mucho tlje inquisition loljiclj Ije returns is Verg grave Ije Voill remain in a graviado ictlg, or to a citg or toVon placed under regular government, t ro Sehor que Sus and Votjerc tlje lavos can be observed in tljeir entiretg voitljout fear Altezas le enbiaran of ruining eVergtljing ; and 3 am greatlg injured tljerebg, ael 0 aotro doss 3 ougljt to be judged as a captain Voljo Voent from »>patn to tlje ahos ha P or w* ' se 3ndies to conquer a numerous and Voarltke people, Voljose customs q ue y° J uera y« ll °™ and religion arc Verg contrarg to ours ; Voljo UVe in rocks and mourn descandcll ° y de dis - tains, Voitljout fired settlements, and not like ottrselVes ; and ■ v „”° Voljcrc, bg tlje dtVtnc Voill, 3 haVe placed under tlje dominion of tlje q ni la per di era Dios J&i ng and £Ducen, our sovereigns, a second Voorld, tljrouglj Voljiclj e sjusto, y hadehazer »>pain, Voljiclj Voas reckoned a poor countrg, Ijas become tlje ricljesr, que se sepapor que y 3 ougljt to be judged as a captain Voljo for sticlj a long time up to com °- tljis dag Ijas borne arms toitljout laging tljem aside for an hour, * Alli me ju an co _ and bg gentlemen adventurers and bg custom, and not bg letters, ,„ 0 a Golemador unless tljeg Vocre from (Greeks or Eontans, or otljers of modern que f ue a cifUia, o times of Voljom there arc so mang and suctj noble eramples in fibdad o villa puesta fe>pain •, or otljcrVoiSe 3 receive great tnj'urg, because in tlje 3ndies en regimiento y adon- tljere is neitljer toVon nor settlement, de las leyes sepueden Cbe gate to tbe gold and pearls ijS noVo open, and plentg of cVcrg= s uardar P or entero tljing— precious stones, Spices and a thousand orljer things— mag T lt TZ qu l se ?criba be Surelg expected, and never could a Voorse misfortune befall me ^ de ' y avio 1 for bg tlje name of our Hord tlje first Vogage Voould gteld tljcnt just b as tnuclj as Voould tlje traffic of Arabia jfelip as far as i^ecca, as 3 § Yo devo de ser juz- Vorote to tljeir pigljncsses bg Antonio de Torres in mg replg re-- gado como capitan Specting tlje repartition of tlje sea and land toitlj tlje Portuguese ; que fue de Espaha a and afterVoardS it Voould equal tljat of Calicut, as 3 told tljem and conqmstar fasta las put in Voriting at tlje monasterg of tlje Qlfjejorada. Yndias a jy^ bel *- 'QEh* netos of tlje gold tljat 3 Said 3 Voould give is, tljat on tlje ZstumbnTy^fta 1 dag of tlje J^atiVitg, Voljile 3 Voas muclj tormented, being nos mui contraria, harassed bg Voicked Christians and bg ^Indians, and Voljen los quales biven por 3 Voas on tlje point of giving up eVergtljing and, if possible, sierras y montes sin escaping from life, our 3Lord miraculouslg comforted me and pueblo asentado, ni Said, ‘ jfear not Violence, 3 tot'll provide for all things : tlje seven [como] nosotros, y adonde por voluntad divina he puesto so el senorio del Rey e dela Reyna nuestros Sehores otro mundo, y por donde la Espaha que hera dicha pobre es la mas rica. § Yo devo de ser judgado como capitan que de tanto tienpo fasta oy trae las armas acuestas sin las dexar una ora y de cavalleros de conquistas y del uso, y no de letras , salvo si fuesen de Griegos o de Ro- manos o otros modernos de que ay tantos y tan nobles en Espaha o de otra guisa refibo grande agravio, porque enlas Yndias no ay pueblo ni asiento. § Del oro y perlas ya esta abierta la puerta,y cantidad de lodo,piedras prefiosas y espefieria, y de otras mill cosas sepuede esperar firme mente, y nunca mas mat me viniese como conel nonbre de Nuestro Senor que le daria el primer viage, asy como diera la negotiation del Arabia felis fasta la Meca , como yo escrivi a Sus Altezas con Antonio de Torres enla respuesta dela repartition del mar y tierra con los Portogueses y despues viniera alo de Colucuti, asy como le dixe y di por escripto, enel monesterio dela Mejorada. § Las nuevas del oro que yo dixe que daria, son que dia de Nabidad estando yo muy ajlegido, guen eado delos malos Cristianos y de Yndios en termino de dexar todo, y escapar sy pudiese la vida, me con- solo Nuestro Senor milagrosa rnenie y clixo Esfuerta no temas, yo proveere entodos los siete 261 ahos del termino del peat# of the term of the gold tjatie not elapsed, and in tt) at and in oro, no son pasados efcerptijtng else 3 to i'll afford thee a remedp*’ y enello y enlo otro _ _ _ _ „ te dare remedio. €>n tljat Dap 3 learned tfjat there toere eigljtp leagues of land toirb mines at eberp point thereof* dje opinion noto is that it 10 all § Ese dia supe que one* »>ome IjaDe collected a hundred and ttoentp castlllanos avia ixxx° leguas de m one dap, and others ntnetp, and eben tlje number of ttoo ljun= tierm y entodo cabo peed and fiftp 1^0 been reached* JFrom fiftp to sebentp, and in deiias minas. ei m anp more cases front fifteen to fiftp, 10 ton0idered a good dap# parefer agora es, que vnotfi, and manp carrp It on* dje u0ual quantltp i'0 from 01 # sea toda una.Aigu- t0 t toelbe, and anpone obtaining le00 than tlj(0 10 not 0atl0fied. nos ban cogido cxx 0 eem£ j too that these mines are like otbcr 0 , and do not pleld eastmanos en unaia, e(jua j|p e *,erp j, a ^ dje mlne 0 are ncto, and 00 are tlje toorkers: tteeado fasta cd lt I£f *9* opinion of eberpbodp tljat eben If all Castile toere to go de i fasta ixx otros f&ere, eberp IndlblDual, botoeber Inerpert Ije might be, toould not muchos de xv fasta obtain lc00 tljan one or ttoo ca0tlllano0 datlp, and noto It 10 onlp i, es tenido buen commencing* 3t iff true tljat tljep keep 3ndlan0, but tlje busn jomai, y muchos lo ness is In the hands of tlje Christians* Behold toljat discernment continuan. El comun Bobadllla Ijad, toljen Ije gabe up eberptljing for nothing, and four es vi fasta xii, y millions of tentijs, tolftjout anp reason or eben being requested, quien de aqui abaxa a np toltljout first notlfpqng It to t^clr highnesses* and this IS no va contento. Par- not tlje Onlp 1000* Imnafson Tomfias 1 fenoto ^ m P errors l)^de not been committed toltlj tlje Intern otras que responden tlon bolng ebtl, au& 1 beltebe tljat tfjclr highnesses regard tlje enios dias no yguai matter just as 3 sftate It; and 3 fenoto and see tljat tbep deal mente. Las minas mcrclfullp eben toltlj tljose toljo niallclouslp act to ttjelr dlsserblce* son nuevas y los co- 3 beltebe and consider It berp certain tljat their clemencp tolll be gedores. ei parefer botlj greater and more abundant totoards me, for 3 foil therein de todos es que aun- tljrouglj Ignorance and tlje force of circumstances, as tbep tolll que vaya alia toda hnoto fullp hereafter; and 3 Indeed, am tljelr creature, and tbep castiiia, que por totll loofe upon mp secblces, and tolll acknotoledge dap bp dap tljat torpe que sea la per- t | , e p are tnuclj profited* dhep tolll place eberptljing In the balance, sona, que no abaxara asJ ^ 0 jp Scripture tells us good and cbll tolll be at t|je dap de un castillano o Qf ju p ffment . doss cadadia y " agora es esto ansy 3^, fjotoeber, tljep command that another person do judge me, en fresco. Es verdad toljtclj 3 cannot beltebe, and tljat It be bp Inquisition In the 3n= que tienen aigund dies, 3 berp Ijmnblp beseecf) tljcnt to Send tljltljer ttoo consclem India, mas ei negofio tlouS and honourable persons at mp erpense, toljo 3 bellebe tolll consiste enel Cris- easllp, noto that gold IS dlscobered, find fibe marks in four hours* tiano. Ved que dis- 3n either case It IS needful for tljem to problde for tljlS matter* Vadiiia dar toda por d)e Commander on Ijte arrlbal at £>anto 2Domlngo took up ninguno y quatro his* abode In mp bouse, and just as he found It So he appro* quentos de diezmos, prlated eberptljing to himself* QiHell and good; perhaps Ije S yn cabsa, ni ser re- toas In toant of It* a pirate neber acted tljus totoards a querido, syn primero merchant* about mp papers 3 babe a greater grlebance, lo notificar a Sus Altezas. Y el daho no es este solo. § Yo se que mis hierros non ban sydo con fin de fazer mal, y creo que Sus Altezas lo tienen asy como yo lo digo, y se y veo que usan de misericordia, conquien malifiosa mente les diserve. Yo creo y tengo por muy f ierto que muy mejor e mas piedad avran comigo que cay enello con ynoranfia y forfosa mente como sabran despues por entero, y el qual soy su fechura, y miraran amis servifios y conoferan de cada dia que son muy avantajados. Todo pornan en una balanfa asy como nos cuenta la sacra escriptura que sera el bien conel mal el dia del Juyzio. § Sy toda via mandan que otra me judgue, lo qual no espero, y que sea por pesquisa delas Yndias, muy humill mente les suplico , que enbien alia doss personas de confienfia y honrrados ami costa, los quotes creo que fallaran de ligero, agora que se falla el oro, v marcos en quatro oras. Con esto, y syn ello es nefesario que lo provean. § El Comendador, en llegando a Santo Domingo, se aposento en mi casa asy como la fallo, asy dio todo por suyo. Vaya en buen ora que quifa lo avia menester. Corsario nunca tal uso con mercader. De mis escripturas tengo yo mayor quexa 262 r %*w»rp be*' yajliJirr tv&$& ^(^^oo\ — • „ wr r, , 4cw*| oz& c Vvo <^c "b — fcc J" I ' I £y~z^ t- J&wesvx gjrvzJL CO f * z€€j-v*%%&P Chte*. eoa-iJb * (~fj$n£ """ <^C" ^ ^ £&y+Jb--£ r 6ic - *rv- 2_ - *& JL l^'jcrttv^^' b‘ <&~1t***j&> ft**?' I p w*»^ [o (wVv*v^‘ cLjovuCd e£ ©^- ^*| CV1 *M*y, dwVewAJ/' ^&bc4'r~ i rt^ u&T* Ynh^rJ-y??' &* mtfvvh^ JLjUJ Vh| -^T WvMfUg g^pl ^S • dli! VA-'t&HJ i%~X>*dr6~ C4 \ww <%7^&Kl r a' f 5^~U>T4jcJ s -^vi*^- * Cp W>? ^<^5^ kfi~° c*% ~^|-vvvv5 |v*^«7 • jvmrr e.lv Sava < $Jxfcrt<™' ~4 bzMc v ■ - -v- *w ^ $£©/ 1 rrt5^9**^. «^|&-sV4 a~Tct ( — -~j ,™ __ .V&f-r MV*I^Not5 ■^va ^mW»6 * 't£? w #c 5€*-‘ P v^» TS n ^*^ c ‘J rt4 ® > ‘ Vrw*» vw+^4i/«rx A.' S*A‘ w oc& cjb (* I -yr /P wwg ff'-tjpy-f vvo (?***> a»-jbjS< 4U&^ rvx*> 2 s fCc-bu^ !o c ^y« / ( vV^ d' VtJfcW* J^ ^w |cvnn>t9*^ • *Y*oi nt^^j^CrAf j'* VYyv^Tvvvrl© i "vvmST aSc ttW»0 iWV^vtyo «p ^7uJs> wfrvvt* ^V 01 c I *{ v>*r€ ^OYHV w — 1>« ^ , dvvcTtT^fy ~^VI, v ' t >%v - v^vwjvum^ AWS yf&xy's ^&\™tcr+) I Jh e*i9rk 9^^ jf**-' ~^vvvt>] l&Otv*+*l jyefM C^y vwv_ J^^swmo' t^VoaV*. U t T5«m^ Tvy ^ &*' ««»H«1 *J5^ (fie jlvS^^NtfWv. t yww> 9^ ^ KWIm^vk-. L (juif ^ ( j, WM v* 7 t ^ -^v- 'LpJlCVa vv . ^ ^cjjXo cQ (^t’o p l i/tC »WV|AL « C«a Cdcj^- jvs-^Sv. «. ./^ . * Y** ^k. £« (S? I W>' 9 iV*m) Ea '*&*£& - v j &&2 r fpsyi4> wCwc ~f»u V t»- etJh^ ^ J2: (^© .\j foe bt bas so completely beprfbeb me of tljem that 31 babe que asy melas aya neber been able to obtain a single one from tjim - anb tljose tomado, que jamas that tooulti babe been moot uoeful in my exculpation are pre= sele p“ d ° sacarma, ctsely those bobielj tjt Ijao bept moot concealeb. Bebolb tpe yaqueiiasdemasmi just ano bonest inquisitor! d&iljateber b? may babe bone, descul P a l antl ft* P la « ** POU tofll put ft, 3 pOU tO be 00 le enbie » con otro pob a0 to to rite to 2Don 2Diep. Another 0tmtlar one 0ball traslado de cartas be 8nt0beb anb 0ent to pou in tlje 0ame manner, anb bp the mesajeras. Del re- cabdoyei lugar que 0ame Sl£e00er 3France0co ; pou totil finb a neto tortting in it. po.neys en eiio, os ntabe me a promt'0e to gtbe me all that be= pido por merged que to escrivays aDon lonpf to me, anb to put 2Don 2Dtep into po 00 e 00 ton of eberp= Diego, otro tai se a j$ p 0U j am touting; to 3lpe00er d5tan 3Luip acabara, y se os en- biara por la mesma an b to tbe fefffnora mp 3 labp Catertna-, the letter t'0 ptnfftottb guisa, y ei mesmo one „ 'gj am on t jj e p 0 ( nt 0 f getting out, in the name of mifer Francisco: en dio faikreys escri toitb tbe ffr 0 t fine toeatljer, tot'tb a peat tura nueba. Sus Al- equipment. 31 f ur 2lorb babe Senor mi[fe]r Juan p 0U j n fj 0 Jp fojpjng^ 2 Done on tbe 2 I 0 t Of 9 £arcb> In Luys y ala Sehora madona Catalina es- t^ 02 * crivo. La carta va con, sta. Yocstoy 0t pour commana de partida en nonbre dela Santa Trinidad con el primer buen tienpo, con mucbo atabio. SiGeronimo de Santi Esteban viene debeme esperar y no se enb[ali]jar con nada por que tomar[a]n del lo que pudieren y despues le desaran en bianco. Venga aca y el Rey y la Reyna le recibiran fasta que yo venga. Nuestro Seiior os aya en su santa guardia. Fecha a xxi de margo en Sebilla 1502. •s* •S' A X M •S' Y Xpo FERENS. Alo que mandardes . 268 •S' A S- X M V Xpo FERENS. •JtX i 9 i £ yvi*'3r~ t %^W f ^ CZvo X -~fr/ifa yZacZ jA A' 6? l>4 £>''7~ ^ 0-&* I ^6 p-k y»f ry3<*^J (f & AAyy 6 q~- S-ScXj® / OtZ° |jv- f-O-V^' / y ^' o-C '$i-t. / y' /; ^ * ' •- P / ’ • - ,;»r ^ 6 v y^rf^J^/ypA ■~ v » /,M ’ >* y fv • -Tr-W^ K •$■*■- £ CW-^X &> 6 T yA yo^nS }r(*$o jA* $£ W^v^v,^ ^ -'— ■>i'w^^^ t ''^ v ( •*- {* r Z. i, ^ c~v^o ^ ~ y o \~f^y A“ y*--/'(r~S->, v- h» £>'(- X' £ <* £zz tyU^ * ayc $ a a ^A> A / ^st%. A A >— Y ° f v / -o y ~Ja^ £0 r^ x r /3 yvi/W* tf > ^ <€£fc> y b Yv^ ^ A A A: y H \ A ^ Yifsc/^ L / ( T "" ^ r >v^ Jb*-'V' / t) 1 '£'~ ,g. ^ .£-, J* M/ .1 Zf° ftRENA A-r>- 7 yvV ( 5 ~ 7>»VVJ 7VO j\-7U>Y6 ,x) v'V'^w v^' — / V'/ 7 cWa-oq ^ piprvwo / yWq i % f y^AQ fyy*** & '^p* ^ch A/n ^ / <*fi-£ A ^ P*’ ^ pi^W^ud SrC'jjt 7W ^ v*-» Aat/'^ / yp Cy-fc V~C^V^Y^i -^7*+y>£ p ^ (cy 'Jie ^ '- ^ (,ysy^ yny-tLjo &° * &' ^3* ^// C (3 ^ **^(5>' X i,y<. (fr'rg- *£S SL «iT yivA (^ byjt'gf '-<»»v>'A>Jo / -rvfAxr & Jt- jil/y. <2- 'T^ D T f y ,+*€. €.- n^t-k y tyftlk X y~f < $ &£ - / 4%^- & ^ W^/ p y jZ- My^ .T*” »" yyv<^/^(j ( &. \rZt W&C pvU g**V% J. ,-e *fn? ^-Plr— fcgM. ^rC 9nX J- \dlvU_ $r K <; 'y r< tf ^ /X boFUREUs %1 £5£ost 413oble (Gentlemen,— although my body goes about here, my Ijeart is obec there M ay Nobles Senores , continually flDuc Bord IjaS conferred on me tlje greatest — Bien que el coerpo fabottc tljat, since 2Dabid, Ije has conferred on anyone* Cfje ande aca > el cor “(on fruits of my undertaking ace already manifest, and tootils esta ali de continuo - make a great sljoto it tlje obscurity of tlje gobernment did f c ‘2o >0 ^"mayliE] not obersljadoto them* 31 am going again to tlje Indies in Zr° fed quel^L tlje name of tlje l£oly 'Crinity, boith tlje intention of return-- de Dabid ei aya fecho ing at once; and since 3 am mortal 3 leabe it to SDon 3Diego, anadi. Las cosas my son, tljat of tlje entire rebenue boljiclj sljall be rcceibed Ije de m y in P resa y a is to pay you ober tljere tlje tentlj of it all, yearly, for eber, luzen y f anan s ran lumbre sz lei €sciirz~ toboardS tlje reduction of tlje dues on corn and borne and , , , ! dad del gobierno non otljer eatable pcobisions* 3f t|)iS tentlj sljall amount to le i nco b r i era . y 0 anything, accept it, and if not, accept tlje good boill boljiclj boelv\_o ] alas Yndias 3 bear* 3 beg of you, as a fabottr, to take tljis my son ennonbredeia Santa under your protection* lessee BMcolb de £)derigo knoboS Trimdad P ara tor ~ more about my affairs tljan 3 bo myself, and 3 tjabe sent mn lucg0 ' y por i que yo soy mortal yo him tfje transcript of my prtbileges and letters in order that ileso a Don Diego Ije may place tljern in safe keeping* 3 Should be glad if you my fj 0 que de la boottld look at tljern* ^Ije Bing and tlje gBueen, my BordS, Renta toda que se desire to honour tnc more than eber* Q£ay tlje l^oly trinity oviere > ebillc, on tlje second day of . c ano para sienpre, £lptil, I5 02 * para en descuento de 'Efj e %iglj Admiral of tlje <2Dcean, and Viceroy ta Renta de i tr i g0 y and d5obcrnor (General of tlje islands and maim vino y otras bitualias land of asia and tlje 3ndies of tlje Bing and of comederas. si este tlje £Dueen, my Bards, and their Captain (Bene* diezmo f uere al s° ral of the »>ea, and Member of tljeic Council, r ^ ebddo ’ y Sl non regebid la voluntad ^ que yo tengo. Aeste 'S’ A ‘S’ Jijo myo vos pido X M T por merged que ten- Xpo FERENS. S a y s encomendado. My^er Nycolo de Oderigo sabe de mys fechos mas que yo propio, y ael be enbiado el treslado de mys privilegios y carta[s] para que los ponga en buena guardia. Folgaria que los viesedes. El Rey y la Reyna mys Senores me queren bonrrar mas que nunca. La Santa Trinidad vuestras nobles personas guarde y el muy magnijico ojh;io acresciente. Fecha en Sebilla ados dias de Abril de 1502 . El Almirante mayor del mar o$eano y Viso Rev y Governador General delas yslas y tierra fir\_me ] de Asia e Yndias del Rey e dela Reyna mys senores y s[V] Capitan General dela mar y del su consejo. ■s- ■S- A -S- X M T Xpo FERENS. * 271 U honourable ~>tr,— (Lcllben 3 set out upon the borage from boljlch 31 ljabe just arrtbed, 3 Spoke to gou at Icngtl) • 3 be- llebe that of all ttji'0 gou babe retained good remembrance* 3 thought tljat upon mg arrlbal 3 Should find letters from gou, and possiblg a person toltlj a berbal message* Sit that time, UbetoiSe, 3 left toltlj francesco dl Elbarola a booh of transcripts of letters, and another of mg prlblleges, In a bag of coloured cordoban, toltlj a silber loch, and ttoo letters for tlje Office of fe>amt (Beorge, to tohtch 3 assigned tlje tenth of mg rebenue, for tlje reduction of tlje dues on corn and other problslons* Of nothing of all tljlS Ijabe 3 beard ang netos* lesser francesco sags tljat It all arnbed tljcre safclg* 3f tljis? be tlje case. It bias discourteous of those (Gentlemen of »>aint (Beorge not to Ijabe glben a repig, nor Ijabe tljeg therebg In-- creased tljelr treasurg; and tljlS is the cause toljg It IS Said tljat toljoeber setbes all, serbes nobodg* 3 left another booh of mg prlblleges, llhe the abobesald, at Cadi? bolth franco Catanlo, the bearer of tljlS, In order tljat hr mlgljt forboard It to gou In llhe manner, [and that] both tlje one and tlje otljer should be placed In safe beeping, toljereber It mlgljt Seem good to gou. 3 recelbed a letter from tlje l&tng and Oueen, mg HordS, at tlje berg time of mg departure ; It is copied therein^ gou tolll See that It came berg opportunelg; nebertheless 2 Don 2Dlego boas not put Into possession ac= cording to the promise that boas made* at tlje time toljen 3 boas In the 3ndtes, 3 borote to their highnesses about mg bogage bg three or four toagS; one [letter] came again Into mg hands, and so 3 send It to gou enclosed toltlj tljlS, and tlje supplement of tlje bogage in another letter, In order tljat gou mag gibe It to lesser (Btan Hulgl toltlj tlje otljer of adblce ; to bottom 3 am banting that Georai de non habZ J? ou b z f ho reader and Interpreter of It* 3 desire to see dado respuesta ny- letters front gou, and that tljeg should speah cauttouslg of tlje par eiio ban acres- design upon toljlcfj toe are engaged* 3 arrlbed Ijrre berg III- at tljat time tlje Oueen, mg mistress, toljo is noto toltlj (Bod, died toltljout mg seeing her* (Lip to the present time 3 cannot tell gou Ijoto mg affairs totll end* 3 bellebe that Ijer highness tot'll Ijabe probtded tocll for them In her totll, and the fu'ng, mg master, IS berg toell disposed* franco Catanlo totll tell gou tlje rest at length* Slpag ourHord habe gou In IjlS care* f tom »>ebllle, tlje 27 th of 2December, 1504* high Admiral of tlje Ocean, fllltcerog and Oobernor (Beneral of the 3ndles, etc* •s- •s- a -s* x m r Xpo FERENS. Virtuoso Senor, — Quando yo parti para el viaje de adonde yo vengo os fable largo; creo qv.e de todo esto esto- bisies en buena me- moria. Crehi que en llegando falleria yo vuestras cartas yaum persona con palabra. Tanbien aese tienpo dese a Frangisco de Ribarol am libro de traslados de cartas, yotro de mis privileges en una barjaca de cor- doban Colorado con su gerradura de plata, y dos cartas para el ofigio de San Georgi, al quad atribuya yo el diezmo de my Renta, para en des- cuento delos drechos del trigo yotros bas- timentos. De nada desto todo sey nuebas. Miger Frangisco diz que todo llego alia en salvo. Si ansi es, descortesia fue deses Senores de San gentaao la bazienda. Y esto es causa que se diga que quien sirve acomun non sirve anigun. Otro libro de mys pri- vilejios como lo sobre dicbo dese en Calis, a Franco Catanio portador desta, para que tanbien os en- biase, el uno y el otro fuesen puestos en buen recabdo, adonde avos fuese bien visto. Una carta regeby del Rey y dela Reyna mys Senores a ese tienpo de my partida; ali esta escrita ; vedela que vino muy buena; puriende Don Diego non fue puesto en la posesion, ansi como fue la promesa. Al tienpo que yo estaba en las Yndias escrivy a Sus Altezas de my viaje por tres o quatro vias. Una bolvio amys manos y ansi gerrada con esta os le enbio yel suplimento del viaje en otra letra, para que le deys a miger Juan Luis con la otra del abiso, al qual scrivo que sereys el letor y en- teprete della. Vuestra\_s~\ cartas deseu de veer y que fablem cabto del proposito en que quedamos. Yo liege aca muy enfermo ; en ese tienpo falecio la Reyna my Sehora que Dios tiene, sin verle. Fasta agora non os puedo dezir en que pareran mis feebos. Creo que Su Alteza lo babra bien probeydo en su testamento, yel Rey my Senor muy bien responde. Franco Catanio os dira el resto largo. Nuestro Senor os ay a en su guardia. De Sebilla a xxvii de dezienbre 1 504. El Almirante Mayor del Mar Ogeano Viso Rey y Gobernador General delas Yndias etc. •S' ■s- A -S- x m r Xpo FERENS. 272 -C~ / yAn/fx j,^ s -f Yvjr %' t^A' o€ '&M &/j*/ ^ 0 x ^ ^ vft'f '#*’ v yr^yy^Y^- Jj (j) V ” 1 (/ h "'^ ~Y- ?r- ,' t p-?r f ^ ■ ;.- ' 7 „ , v . . ^ Jb ^ f ^ K0 ^ J- *^' k? rv/ H<~ f 2 / of_ L '" yy^- C * J~ c«y&^ o* 6 rM - 5 T ^ ^v/^vC 1 -^ 4 ^ I ^tnl / , ' ^ ' Z" * ^ '* ‘^;| * T ¥-^j^- :• A-tV *vC-^ ^ r ** 4 * r } // ' y^T^% 4 Uj* *Ylt- V 5 ^*/ ^ W^ '"O A^*V^,- 4 < fUr X'f < C <£‘ $-x* Ye- s' X ~ 0 ^ \> 6 ~ - __:LJtX k 3 ^ T y ^ Y y ^ (f(T- ^ ( 5 ^— r (K*" “’* r “-’ 7 ~'^ / — "~? r/ / k yYj^i-A^~ OCjv ^ 4 , yrjrY^ Jrfr' ^ rjJ^Y / *- pA^o f^Wvvvo ^^/hkS*^' X~fr*~ j O Y^C-Y" 0 <-\-U~ 6 ~/ -k W ^«t-' r~~ f * ir '' ~ ^'~ ^rk 4 ''S"~ te Vf}.// ^ .V/v ^ '&&■ (/ '' i, •■ / ”•’ , *^>> YnHj X X j* 33 j„^H ~ <£. pf-Y/ A '••’’• co7, *“ I'"' ^ )| >*i->H\-{* // / _ 2 /* {yk* -vfb^ii-- v* ^rrYh^-Y v f r ^^--' t^f^i &Yxy a/ J"- jYV^%-idJs~ Y/rf gy^ytlzzi, yfYUX- eX ^ tj^ijC A ^ ** ^ ^ /Si r^>vy ^ x-£k /[ "'•■ ^ *f™: *- ^ "%■ w ^ ,1 ^“/ x-f-tp'fu.-x (/ r ^(JY- ‘f/oL^ ?(J»- kffrJv/ yr( ¥? *y. ^- r Jt — - ^7 ^ ^ ■'tYx/ f Vt? tL/*W- v»yYW\ h^^ea^J ^ ^ ■* Xfc 4 b,.j#>&V»X)> y'jf^kyl Jxp, K5 ;i ^7 1670. io January 1670. 10 Genaro. patn bri > in °g n ’“ n ° * IjlS consort to Christopher Columbus, a (Genoese, In recom* qual ' Sl contiene 1,1 carta pergamena co- pense of lji'S famous actions In the conquest of tlje jpeto pin autentica deiii Ofllorld, to tlje Intent tljat tljelr Most Serene lordships map priviieggi concessi be pleased to cause tlje said Boobs to be preserved In tlje public l ', al Rl Ft]nand ° > 1 dalla Regina Isabella arcljlbes, as a toortfjp memorial of so Illustrious a conn di spagna sua mo - patriot, at the same time accepting tljem as a token of tlje gi™ a christoforo affection and jeal toljlch tlje said Magnificent ^Dderlco enter-- Colombo g enovese ln premio delle di lui tains for tlje public serblce: Most Serene Colleges jamose operationi Ijade accepted the said Books, and In order to gibe a mark of nella conquista del tljelr fabour ljabe bp ballot ordered tljat a public testimonial nuovo mondo, adef- be drabm up In fabour of tlje same Munificent Oderico, toltfj feito cbe le Signorie Loro Serenissime si an effectual recommendation of bun both to tlje Most Serene comp i ac ciano di far Colleges and also to each of tlje ttoo Councils on all tlje conservar detti Libri occasions toljtcb map occur to Ijun for aspiring to anp office, nd P ubllco archlvl0 ^ como degna memoria as toell of tlje Mainland as of Corsica, to tlje intent tljat due dderlco has dlsplaped In tlje presentation of insieme per un attes- » . , , . , » tato dell’ affetto e ze- thcSe Books, and that It map also be possible Stutablp to gratlfp hint on the said occasions* fence* lo, che detto Magni- fico Oderico prof essa al serviggio publico: Hanno i Serenissimi Collegi accettati detti Libri , e per dar segno del loro gradimento hanno a palle ordinato se ne facci una publica testimonianza a far ore dell’istesso Magnifico Oderico , con raccomandarlo effica- cemente tanto a Serenissimi Collegi, quanto all ’ uno, e Valtro Consigli in tutte le occasioni che al medemo si rappresenteranno di aspirare ad alcun’ officio, cosi di terra ferma, come di Corsica , ad effetto, che si possa havere il dovuto riguardo del zelo et affetto, che hd dimostrato detto Magni- fico Oderico nella presentaiione di essi Libri, e si possi ancke convenientemente gratificarlo in dette congionture. Felice. 275 Sntiep Adelantado, The, meaning of title, lvi note. See Columbus, Bartholomew. Admiral of the Indies. See Columbus, Chris- topher. Admiralty of Castile. See Castile, Admiralty of. Adorno, Girolamo, lxiv. Adrian. See Mogica, Adrian. Aguado, John, 253, 257. Alba, Duchess of, seal of Columbus discovered in her archives, xxxv ; documents published by, xlviii, lix, lxi. Alcala de Henares, letters patent signed there, 23 Dec., 1497* 137, 138; mentioned, xiv. Alexander VI., Pope. Bulls of 3 and 4 May, 1493, mentioned, xxxiii, xxxiv ; date of legali- sation of that of 4 May, xxxviii ; that Bull described, Iviii, lix; its text, 182-194. Alexandria. Archives sent to Paris, xxvii. Alfonso, Bishop of Siguenza, confirms letters patent, 23, 30. Alfonso, Registrar, 26. Algarve, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Algeciras, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Almaqan, Miguel Peres de, 213. Alvares, Alfonso, continuo of the royal house- hold of Spain, 194. Alvares, Ferdinand, secretary to Ferdinand and Isabella, countersigns letters patent, 10, 49, 62, 66, 69, 70, 78, 82, 89, 97, 98, 101, 106, 113, 117, 118, 122, 125, 126, 129, 137, 138, 141, 145, 146, 149, 161, 162, 170, 177; mentioned, 89. Alvaro, Bishop of Cuenca [1419], confirms letters patent, 30. Alvaro, Don [1497], countersigns letters patent, 1 1 7- Amerinus, Registrar, 193. Anaya y Maldonado, Diego, Bishop of Cuenca, confirms letters patent, 25. Andalusia, 1 , 97, 106. Andrew, of Salamanca, 77. Andrew, of Valladolid, 34. Angulo, Doctor, 210. Antarctic Pole, Iviii, 189, 190. Anthony, Registrar, 49, 66. Apocalypse, 246. Apothecary, to accompany settlers, 86. Arabia Felix, 261. Arabic scholars to be taken to the Indies, 210. Aragon, etc., in preambles to letters patent, etc., 4*» 33, 69, 78, 89, 90, 98, 109, 113, 129, 133, 138, 141, 149, 173. Aragon, Infante of [1419], confirms letters patent, 25, 30. Arbolancha, Peter de, 106. Archives. The archives of various countries sent to Paris, xxv ; restored in 1813, xxvii. Archives de la Ligurie reunies, xxvi. Archives du Piemont et de la Savoie, xxvi. Arctic Pole, Iviii, 189, 190. Arellano, John Ramires de, confirms letters patent, 26. Arguello, Alfonso, Bishop of Siguenza, confirms letters patent, 23, 30. Artillery to be furnished to Columbus, 210. Asia, xli. Athens, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Austria. Cases of Austrian documents sent to Paris, xxv; commissioners appointed to retake possession, xxvii. Avalos, Ruy Lopes de, 30. Avila, Bishop of [1419], 30. Ayamonte, Martin de, 197. Azores, Iviii, lix, 38, 189, 193. Badajos, in preambles to letters patent, 2 3, 30. Badajos, Bishop of (John Rodriguez de Fonseca), 73, 137- Bag of Cordovan leather, photograph of , face xvi ; mentioned, xvi, xvii, xx, xxxiv, 272. Baeza, in preambles to letters patent, 23, 30. Balduino, Jacopo, xxiii. Bank of Saint George, letter from Columbus mentioned, xiii, xiv, xvii, xx, lxiii ; men- tioned, xxiii, xxiv, xxix ; text of the letter from Columbus, 271 ; Columbus refers to this letter, 272. Barcelona, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. ; letters patent dated from Barce- lona, 62, 143, 14 6 , 149, 162, 163, 177, 194. Barcelona, Bishop of. See Garsia, Peter. Bastidas, Rodrigo de, lxi. Belgium. Archives sent to Paris, xxv, xxix. Benavente, Count de, confirms letters patent, 30. Bernal de Pysa, recalled, 166. Bernaldez, Andres, does not mention the motto, xlvi ; quoted, liv. Biblioteca Fernandina (now Colombina), Ixv. Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, xxi, xxx, xxxi ; Codex on exhibition at, xxxvi. Biscay, in preambles to letters patent. See Cas- tile, Leon, etc. Bobadilla, Francisco de, appointment as Governor of the Indies, xiv; allusion by Ferdinand and Isabella to his treatment of Columbus, xxxviii ; to give up property which he seized in His- paniola, 198-206 ; arrives at Santo Domingo, 230 ; grants immunities of gold and tenths, 233, 234, 262; mentioned, 237, 238. 277 Boil, Friar Bernardo, 166. Boston cartulary of the privileges of Columbus, xxxiii-xxxix. Botto, xxiv. Boucicault, Marshal de, administration of Genoa, xxiii, xxviii. Boundary line, 170, 189-193. See Demarcation. Bovadilla, Francisco de. See Bobadilla. Braun and Hochenberg, lxv. Brazil, Iviii. Brazil wood, reserved to the Sovereigns, 130; Columbus allowed to import, 202. Briviesca, Ximeno de, 206. Burgos. Gold sold at, li; letters patent dated from Burgos, 10, 46, 6b, 81, 101, 106, 122, 125, 126, 129, 161. Burgos, Paul, Bishop of, confirms letters patent, 25. Buyl, Friar Bernardo, 166. Cadiz. Columbus at Cadiz, May, 1302, xvi; ves- sels going to Hispaniola to set out from Cadiz, 90, 93, 94; warrants to officers of Cadiz, 98, 101-106 ; criminals to embark at Cadiz, 118; ships to be freighted at Cadiz, 173 ; Columbus leaves one of his books of privileges at, 272. Cadiz, bishopric of, 85, 106, 121. Caffaro-Taschifellone, xxiii, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, xxx. Calcena, Registrar, 45, 221. Calicut, 261. Cambiaso, Michel Angelo, Count, his library sold in Genoa, 1816, xx. Canada, xxi. Canale, Michele Giuseppe, his pamphlet on the archives of Genoa, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi. Canary Islands, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Cannibals, 249. Capata, Licentiate. See Zapata. Cape Verd Islands, Iviii, lix, 58, 189, 193. Caribbee Islands, 249. Carvajal, Alonso Sanchez de, a copy of the privi- leges of Columbus sent to him, xv, xvi; takes one copy of privileges to the Indies, xvi, xxxiii, xxxix ; appointed factor of Columbus in the Indies, 202, 205. Cascaes, lvii note. Castile, Leon, etc., in preambles to letters patent, etc., 13, 14, 25, 30, 41, 33, 69, 78, 89, 98, 106, 113, 129, 133, 138, 141, 149, 173. Castile, mentioned, 14, 38, 49, 57, 58, 61, 190, 254, 262. Castile, Admiral of. See Enriques ; see also Fadrique ; see also Hurtado de Mendoza. Castile, Admiralty of, xli, xlviii, 1 ; copies of its privileges to be given to Columbus, 10, 122; text of its privileges, 13-30, 222, 229, 234, 245. Castile, Constable of [1419], 30. Catanio, Franco, codex sent to him by Colum- bus, xvi ; account of, lxiv ; mentioned in a letter from Columbus, 272. Caterina [Fieschi], 268. Cathay, xli. Catherine, consort of Henry III. of Spain, 25. Catherine, Infanta of Spain, 23, 30. Cerda, Louis de la, Count of Medinaceli, con- firms letters patent, 23, 30. Cerdagne, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Chambery. Archives sent to Paris, xxvii. Champagny, Jean Baptiste Nompere de, xxxi. Charbonel, carrier, conveys archives from Paris to Genoa, xxvii. Chateauneuf, the Ambassador, his dispatches, xxi. Chiavari. Archives sent to Paris, xxvii. Christians, 74, 93, 186; Columbus tormented by wicked, 261 ; mining business in the hands of, 262. Cifuentes, Count de, 1 1 7. Ciudad Real, tribunals of, 114, 118. Coloma, Family of, xliii. Coloma, John de, secretary, countersigns letters patent, 42, 43, 37, 218, 221. Colombi Family, arms of, xlii-xliv. Colombo, Antonio, of Piacenza, xliii. Colombo, Baldassare, of Cuccaro, xvi, xxxiv, xlii, xliii. Colombo, Bernardo, of Cogoleto, xiv note. Colon, Francisca, xv note, xlii, xliii. Columbus, Bartholomew, Adelantado of the Indies, appointment, 133-137; mentioned in the Letter to the Nurse, 230, 238. Columbus, Christopher, history of the four tran- scripts of his privileges, xiii-xx ; meets Ode- rigo at Granada, xiii ; obtains the Queen’s consent to the fourth expedition, xiv ; legal argument against the “ Capitulation ” (cf. p. 218), xiv; the “ Mayorazgo ” created by Co- lumbus in 1498, claimed by B. Colombo in 1383 ; a transcript of his privileges mentioned, xvi, xvii ; his letter of 2 April, 1302, men- tioned, xvii ; three autograph letters of Co- lumbus placed with the copy of the privileges at Genoa, xx ; printed texts and translations of the privileges, xx ; his seal, xxxv ; explana- tions of his signature, xxxvi ; his marks to call attention, xxiii, xxxvii, xxxviii ; the num- ber of transcripts of his privileges, xxxiii, xxxix ; his coat of arms, xl-xlvii ; his motto, xlv- xlvii ; his claim of one-third of all gains, xxxvii, lix ; description of the autograph letters (re- produced in pp. 268-275)1 Ixiii ; his remains buried in the Monastery of Las Cuevas, lxv ; his remains transferred to Santo Domingo, lxvi. Patents, etc., granted to him, see the Tables of Contents ; causes his privileges to be tran- scribed, 10; authorized to have copies of the privileges of the Admiral of Castile, 10, 122; appointment as Admiral, and Viceroy and Governor-General, 42, 33, 218, 229; to lade one in seven of vessels going to the Indies, 94; protests against infringement of his rights, 97 ; to be obeyed as Viceroy and Governor, 138- 141 ; to be obeyed as Captain-General, 141- 143; to grant charters and decrees sealing them with the royal seal, 143, 146 ; to send his chart of navigation to the Queen, 162; to act with Portuguese agents in the matter of the boundary, 170; mentioned in the Bull of Alex- ander VI., 183, 186; Bobadilla is ordered to restore his property, 198-206; the Sovereigns regret his imprisonment, 210; statements of his claims, 222-243 ; his letter to the Nurse of Prince John, described, lxi, text of, 246-263 ; he is put in irons, 238 ; his house appropriated and his papers seized by Bobadilla, 262. 278 Columbus, Diego, reversion of his father’s privi- leges, xiv ; his descendants, xv note ; acknow- ledgment of receipt of the cartularies to be made to him, xvi ; litigation initiated by, lxi ; buried in the chapel of Las Cuevas, lxvi ; entail of his father’s honours, 150-158; his brother Ferdinand’s allowance to devolve upon him, 210; he is put in irons, 258; Nicolo Oderigo to write to him, 268 ; he is to be put in possession of his father’s property, etc., 268 ; to pay a tenth of his father’s revenue to the Bank of St. George, 27 1 ; is not put into possession of his father’s property, etc., 272. Columbus, Ferdinand, his mention of the motto, xlvi ; his papers, lxii ; his house in Seville, Ixv ; he is to go with his father on the last voyage, 210; at Xaragua, 250. Consenino, A., 193. Constantinople, Golden Horn at, xxviii. Contero, John Gonzales, 197. Cordova, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Cordova, Bishop of [1419], 30. Cordova, Louis Gonzales of, 34. Corsica, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. ; Friess sent to Genoa to study Corsican documents, xxviii ; Lorenzo Oderigo to be recommended for an appointment on the mainland or in Corsica, 275. Cortes, Fernand, stated to have coined gold and silver in Mexico, lii. Cosa, Juan de la, lxiii. Costa, A. L., receives back the Genoa archives from France, xxvii, xxviii. Council of the Indies, xvi, lxi. Cuba, xli. Cuccaro, xvi, xlii, xliii. Cuenca, Bishop of [1416] (Diego Anaya y Mal- donado), confirms letters patent, 25. Cuenca, Bishop of [1419] (Alvaro Nunez de Isorna), confirms letters patent, 30. Cuevas, Las. See Las Cuevas, Monastery of. Daniel, 254. David, lxii, 27 1. Daunou, Pierre Claude Frantjois, archivist of Napoleon I., xxv, xxvi; superseded by De La Rue, xxvii. Decazes, Due, decides that the archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall be accessible, xxii. Demarcation, Line of, lviii, lix, 170; Papal Bull defining, 182-197. Deputies appointed to seal charters, 145, 146. Desimoni, Cornelio, reconstructs the Libri jurium, xxiv ; alludes to a rumour that the Genoa copies of the privileges had disappeared in 1700, xx note. Deza, Ferdinand Gonzalez, Bishop of Cordova, confirms letters patent, 30. Dias (or Diaz), Francisco, chancellor, counter- signs letters patent, 70, 82, 97, 98, 101, 106, 113, 1 17 - Diaz de Pisa, Bernal, recalled, 166. Diego, Alcalde of the gentry, 34. Diego, Bishop of Cuenca, confirms letters patent, 25 - Diego, Bishop of Seville, 194. Dolano, Sebastian, 57. Dumont, Jean, his Corps Diplomatique , xxx. Enriques, Alfonso, Admiral of Castile, privilege granted to him, 13-21, 25-30, 42, 45, 218. Escobar, of Seville, administrator for persons dying in the Indies, 77. Esquivel, Ferdinand de, 37. Etruria, xxxi. Everett, Edward, acquisition of a copy of the privileges, xxxiii. Fadrique, Admiral of Castile, 13, 33. Falcons, Columbus to send as many as possible from the Indies, 169. Federici, Federico, xxiii, xxiv, xxix. Felice, a signature, 275. Ferdinand, King, causes the motto to be placed in Seville Cathedral, xlvii. Ferdinand and Isabella, King and Queen of Spain, for their patents, etc., granted to Columbus, see the Tables of Contents ; grant of arms to Columbus, lx-xlvii. Ferdinand, Bachelor of Laws, signature to letters patent, 26, 30. Ferdinand, Bishop of Cordova, confirms letters patent, 30. Ferdinand, of Medina, witness to transcription of documents, 34. Fernandes, Gonzalo, scrivener, 13, 30, 34. Fernandes, John, scrivener, 26, 30. Fernandes de Guadalajara, secretary of King John II., 30. Fernandes Manriques, Garcia, confirms letters patent, 26. Fernandez y Narvaez, Roderick, Bishop of Jaen, confirms letters patent, 30. Fieschi, Caterina, 268. Fieschi, Gian Luigi, lxiii, 268, 272. Fiscal. See Spain, Fiscal of. Florence. Archives sent to Paris, xxv; Mr. Everett purchases a copy of the privileges at Florence in 1818, xxxiii, xxxiv. Florentine merchants, in Andalusia, lend money to Columbus, 1 ; case of a factor in Portugal, 242. Fojeda. See Hojeda. Fonseca, John Rodriguez de, Bishop of Badajos, 73 , 137 , 173 , 177 ; France, xxi, xxii, xxiv, xxvii, xxix, xxx, xxxi, lxiii. Francis, of Madrid, chancellor, countersigns letters patent, 57. French archives. Account of the archives in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, xxi-xxiv; Columbus Codex there, xxix-xxxii. Freycinet, Charles de, throws open the foreign archives, xxii. Friars, of good repute, to go to the Indies, 86 ; Columbus writes to, 253, 258. Friess, Camille, sent to search archives at Genoa, xxvii, xxviii, xxx. Furtado de Mendoca, Diego. See Hurtado. Galicia, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. ; archives sent to Paris, xxv. Gallego, abbot, 77. Galletus, A., 193. Garcia, Peter, scrivener, 13, 33, 34, 37, 53. Garsia, Peter, Bishop of Barcelona, 182. Garzia, Gonzalo, scrivener, 37. 279 X Genoa. The republic sends Oderigo to Spain, xiii ; history of the two transcripts of the privileges of Columbus presented to the repub- lic, xiv-xx; Decrees, xviii, xix, 275; Columbus assigns one-tenth of his income to reduce the tax on provisions in Genoa, xiii, xvi, 271, 272; the Cambiaso copy of the privileges presented to, by the King of Sardinia, xx ; Genoese docu- ments in the Paris archives, xxi-xxiv ; archives sent to Paris, xxv-xxxi ; scarcity of parchment in Genoa, xxiv; De Sacy sent to, xx, xxviii- xxxi ; the Syndic orders letters of Columbus to be framed, xxxvi ; the Academicians publish the Letter to the Nurse, lxii. Genoa cartulary of the privileges of Columbus, comparison with the Paris and (lost) Boston cartulary, xxxiii-xxxix; description of, xxxiv ; published, xx. Genoese merchants, in Andalusia, lend money to Columbus, 1 . George, Saint, Office of. See Bank of St. George. Geraldini, does not mention the motto, xlvi. Gerando, Baron de, xxxi. Gibraltar, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Ginones, Michael, 194. Gold, Columbus’s share of, li, 42, 218, 24 1 ; the coining of gold found in the Indies, lii, 77, 78; two-thirds of the gold discovered in the Indies to be paid to the Sovereigns, 93 ; this payment suspended by Bobadilla, 253, 254; salaries to be paid out of, 125; seized by Bobadilla, 198, 201 ; ordered to be restored, 202-206; discovery of gold in Hispaniola mentioned, 230, 249, 250, 254, 258; the gate to, now open, 261; the quantities found, 262. Gomara, Lopez de, historian, xlvii. Gomes de Sandoval, Diego, confirms letters patent, 26. Gomes, Ferdinand, 106. Gomes, Gutierre, chancellor, 30. Gonzales, Louis, scrivener, 34. Gonzales Contero, John, 197. Gonzalez Deza, Ferdinand, Bishop of Cordova, confirms letters patent, 30. Gonzalo de Zuniga, Bishop of Placencia, confirms letters patent, 26. “ Gorda, La,” ship, lxii note. Gorvalan, 201. Goziano, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Granada, Columbus meets Oderigo at, xiii ; in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc.; letters patent dated from Granada, 57, 205, 206, 209; excellents of, lii, 77; its recovery from the Moors, 185. Greeks, mentioned, 261. Grimaldi, Nicolao de, sculptures ornaments for Fernando Columbus, lxv. Grizio, Gaspar de, countersigns letters patent, 203, 206, 209. Guadalajara, Fernandes de, secretary of King John II., 30. Gusman. See Guzman. Gutierres, Peter, chancellor, 62, 141, 145, 177. Guzman, John, Bishop of Avila, confirms letters patent, 30. Guzman, Louis de, confirms letters patent, 2 5, 30. 280 Havana, Spanish text of Codex republished at, xx. Henry III., King of Leon and Castile, grants patent of admiral to Alfonso Enriques, 1 4- 1 8, 26. Henry, Infante, confirms letters patent, 25. Herbalist, to accompany the settlers, 86. Hispaniola (or Santo Domingo), mentioned, xv, xvi; transcript of the privileges sent to His- paniola, xvii ; remains of Columbus buried there, lxvi ; mentioned as destination of the fleet, 69; a second settlement to be founded there, 73, 85 ; general permission to settle there, 90-94 ; sentences for crime commuted into service in Hispaniola, 109-113; banish- ments to be made to Hispaniola, 113-117; directions for transmission of convicts, 11 7, 118; distribution of land to settlers, 129-133; Columbus to touch at Hispaniola on his return voyage only, 209 ; mentioned, 198-205, 241, 249. Hoefnagel, George, headpiece from his view of Seville, xiii ; account of the headpiece, lxv. Hojeda, Alonso, mentioned, liii, lxi ; arrives at Hispaniola, etc., 249, 250, 253. Holland. Archives sent to Paris, xxv, xxix. Hortiz, Ferdinand, 133, 137. Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego, admiral, 14, 1 7. Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego, Bishop of Seville, 194 - Hurtado Montoro, John, 106. India, 189, 193. Indians, mines worked by, li note; their conver- sion desired by Ferdinand and Isabella, 45, 65, 73, 86 ; payers of tribute to bear a token, 78 ; names given to the islands by the Indians, 169 ; Columbus harassed by the Indians, 249, 261 ; retained at the mines, 262. Indies, three hundred and thirty persons to go as settlers, 73, 82, 122-125; provisions and pay for the settlers, 74, 85, 86, 125, 126 ; friars and priests of good repute, and a physician and apothecary, etc., to accompany the settlers, 86 ; provisions for the Indies to be supplied at custo- mary value, 81, 98-101 ; imports and exports to be free of duty and toll, 101-106; sentences for crime commuted into service in the Indies, 109-113; banishments to be made to the Indies, 113-117; directions for transmission of convicts, 117, 118; corn for the Indies to be supplied from the royal stores, 121, 122; number of persons may be increased to five hundred, 126-129 ; method of payment to set- tlers and others, 137 ; purchase of provisions, etc., 137, 138; the Sovereigns desire to know the names of the islands, the character of the seasons, etc., 169; method of appointment of government officers, 149, 218, 229; Columbus accused of intending to give the Indies to the King of Portugal, 257 ; mentioned, 246, 249, 254, 262, 271, 272. Indies, Admiral of the. See Columbus, Chris- topher. Indies, Admiralty of the, to have the same privi- leges as the Admiralty of Castile, 10, 122. Indies, Council of the, xvi, lxi. Institute of France, sends De Sacy to Genoa, xx, xxix ; sends Friess to make researches at Genoa, xxvii ; mentioned, xxxi. Isabella, Queen of Castile, her letter to Columbus, 5 Sept., 1493, 162-165; mentioned by Colum- bus in his Letter to the Nurse, 246-265, and in letters to Oderigo and the Bank of St. George, 268, 271, 272. See also Ferdinand and Isabella. Isabella Hispaniola. See Hispaniola. Isaiah, 246. Isorna, Alvaro Nunez de, Bishop of Cuenca, con- firms letters patent, 30. Italy, xxii, xxiv, xxix, xxxiv, xlii, xliii, xliv, lvii. Ivrea, xxvii. Jaen, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Jaen, Roderick, Bishop of, confirms letters patent, 30. Jal, Auguste, statement as to a seal in the Genoa codex, xxxv. Jewels or precious stones, Columbus’s share of, 42, 218; appropriated by Bobadilla, 198. John II., King of Castile, confirms in 1416 and 1419 the privileges of the Admiral of Castile, 14-30. John, Prince, son of Ferdinand and Isabella, men- tioned, 46, 54, 65, 134, 158, 174; his death alluded to, 246. John, Bishop of Avila, confirms letters patent, 30. John, Bishop of Segovia, confirms letters patent, 25, 3°- John, Infante [1416-1419], confirms letters patent, 25, 30. John, of Leon, a resident of Isabella, administrator for persons dying in the Indies, 77. John, of Medina, witness to transcription of docu- ments, 34. La Mejorada, monastery of, 261. Lares, De (Nicolas de Ovando), Governor of the Indies, 205. La Rue, De, archivist in the Soubise Palace, hands over the Genoa archives to A. L. Costa, xxvii. Las Casas, B. de, statement respecting the arms of Columbus, xli, xlii ; does not mention the motto, xlvi ; mention of the various documents of the Codex published by, xlviii-lxii. Las Cuevas, monastery of, view of, xiii ; descrip- tion of the view, lxv ; a copy of the privileges deposited there, xvi, xvii, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxix ; the Columbus archives preserved there, xv note, lxvi ; Columbus and others of his family buried there, lxvi. La Vega. Columbus at La Vega, 250. Lawsuits, cognizance of suits arising in the Admiralty of the Indies, 42, 218, 234-238. Lebrun, xxix. Leon, in preamble to letters patent, etc. See Castile, Leon, etc. ; mentioned, 38, 49, 58, 61, 190. Leon, Commander of, 89. Lepe, Diego de, liii, lxi. Lercar, Captain, 242. Libri Jurium of Genoa, xxii-xxiv, xxvii, xxix, XXX. Liguria. Archives de la Ligurie reunies, xxvi. Ligurian vessels, xiii, State repository, xxiv, Re- public, xxxi. Line of demarcation. See Boundary line. 281 Lisbon. Columbus driven into Lisbon by a tem- pest, 257. Lopes, Alfonso, scrivener, 34. Lopes de Avalos, Ruy, Constable of Castile, con- firms letters patent, 30. Lopes de Mendoza, Ignatius, confirms letters patent, 26. Lopes de Miranda, John, licentiate, witness to transcription of documents, 34. Lopez, John, steward, 106. Louis-Philippe, xxi. Louvre, The, xxx. Lucas, Alfonso, scrivener, xv, 181, 213. Luigi, Gian [Gian Luigi Fieschi], lxiii, 268, 272. Luxan, Diego de, Prior of Las Cuevas, lxv. Madrid, xvi ; letters patent signed there, 97. Madrid, Francis of, chancellor, countersigns letters patent, 57. Madrigal, Peter Garcia of. See Garcia. Majorca, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Majorcan seamen, xiii. Maldonedo, Roderick, mentioned, 89; counter- signs letters patent (as Doctor Roderick), 49, 57, 62, 66, 70, 82, 89, 97, 98, 101, 106, 113, 117, 133, 137, 145, 161, 177. Manriques, Garcia Fernandes, confirms letters patent, 26. Maria, Francesco, certifies entries in the “Privilegj onorifici ” of Genoa, xix. Martin, Andres, lxii note. Martines, Francisco, scrivener, 34. Martines, John, Chancellor [1405], 18. Martines, John, scrivener [1435], 13, 33, 34, 37- Martyr, Peter, does not mention the motto, xxxii, xlvi ; quoted, liii, lxi note. Mary, Consort of John II., King of Castile, con- firms letters patent, 30. Mary, Saint, parish of, in Seville, 10. Matheos, Ferdinand, 34. Matthias, Emperor of Germany, confirmation of arms to Antonio Colombo of Piacenza, xliii. Mayorazgo, xvi, lvii. Measures. See Weights and measures. Mecca, 261. Medina, Ferdinand of, 34. Medina, Gonzalo Fernandes de, scrivener, 13, 30, 34- Medina, John of, 34. Medina, Pedro de, his mention of the motto, xlvi. Medina del Campo, Columbus sends gold to be coined at, lii ; letters patent signed at, 69, 70, 89, 98, 113, 117, 118, 121, 122, 130, 137, 166. Medinaceli, Count of (Louis de la Cerda), confirms letters patent, 25, 30. Mejorada, monastery of the, 261, Mena, Gonzalo de, founded the monastery of Las Cuevas, lxv. Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, Admiral, 14, 17. Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de, Bishop of Seville, 1 94. Mendoza, Ignatius Lopes de, confirms letters patent, 26. Mendoza, Lope de, Archbishop of Santiago, con- firms letters patent, 25, 30. Mendoza, Nuno de, witness to collation of docu- ments, 37. X 2 Mesa, Diego de, alcalde, 37. Mexico, lii. Mines, in Hispaniola, li note ; settlement to be founded near the mines, 73, 85 ; persons liable to serve in the mines to be sent to Hispaniola, I14; mine belonging to the King of Portugal not to be interfered with, 145 ; mines mentioned by Columbus, 254, 262. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris. Account of the archives, and of the discovery of the Paris cartulary, etc., xxi-xxxix. Miranda, John Lopes de, 34. Moccialis, A. de, 193. Mogica, Adrian, insurrection in Hispaniola, 249, 250. Molina, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Monastery of Sancta Maria de las Cuevas. See Las Cuevas. Monastery of La Mejorada. See La Mejorada. Montana, Pero Ruys, apostolic notary, 197. Montano, John de, scrivener, 37. Monte Alegre, Lord of (Peter, Infante), confirms letters patent, 25, 30. Montero, Peter Ruys, alcalde, xv, 10, 181. Montferrat Claimant, the. See Colombo, B., of Cuccaro. Montoro, John Hurtado, 106. Moors, 246, 249. Munos, alcalde of the gentry, 34. Munoz, Juan-Bautista, transcripts of, xv note, lxii. Murcia, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Murcia, Prefect of (Diego Gomes de Sandoval), confirms letters patent, 26. Murcia, Chief Prefect of (Ruy Lopes de Avalos), confirms letters patent, 30. Music. Instruments and music to be taken for the settlers in the Indies, 86. Napoleon I., accumulates historical documents at Paris, xxv ; orders the Institute to send a mission to Genoa, xxix, xxxi. Narvaez, Roderick Fernandez y, Bishop of Jaen, confirms letters patent, 30. National Library. See Bibliotheque Nationale. Navarrete, Juan Fernandez de, mention of the various documents of the Codex published by, xlviii-lxii. Neopatria, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Niccoli, Piero, lvii. Nieto, Gomes, scrivener, xv, 181, 197, 213. Nunez de Isorna, Alvaro, Bishop of Cuenca, con- firms letters patent, 30. Nurse of Prince John (Juana de Torres), letter to, quoted, xxxvii, described, Ixi, text of, 246. Oderico, or Oderigo, Giovanni Paolo, xvii-xix. Oderico, or Oderigo, Lorenzo, presents two tran- scripts of the privileges to the Republic of Genoa, xvii-xix, xxxiv note, lxiii, 275. Oderigo, Nicolo, sent as envoy to Spain, and meets Columbus at Granada, xiii, xiv ; Columbus sends copies of his privileges to him, xv-xvii, xx, xxiii ; account of, lxiii ; letters from Colum- bus when sending him the transcripts of the privileges referred to, xxxv, xxxvii, text of, 268-272. Office of St. George. See Bank of St. George. Ojeda, Alonso. See Hojeda. Oristano, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Ortegon, Diego, xv note, xlii. Ovando, Nicolas de (Commander de Lares), xv, 205. Oviedo, statement respecting the arms of Colum- bus, xl-xlii ; his mention of the motto, xlvi. Palencia, Bishop of [1419] (Roderick de Velasco), confirms letters patent, 30. Palencia, Gutierre de Toledo, Bishop of [1426-40], confirms letters patent, 13. Palencia, John Fernandes of. See Fernandes. Palos, Columbus arrived at, lvii. Parchment or vellum, the Codices written on, xv, xvi, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, xl ; scarcity of, in Genoa, xxiv. Parenti, Pietro, Chronicle of, lvii. Paria, xli, lxi, 249. Paris, historical documents of all countries to be collected there, xxv, xxvii; Genoese docu- ments there, xxvi-xxxi. Paris cartulary of the privileges of Columbus, its discovery, etc., xxi-xxxix ; comparison with the Genoa and (lost) Boston cartulary, xxxiii- xxxix ; description of the documents, xlviii-lxii. Parma. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. Parra, John de la, secretary of Ferdinand and Isabella, 133, 137, 165, 166. Paul de S. Maria, Bishop of Burgos, confirms letters patent, 25. Pearls, Columbus’s share of, 42, 218, 241 ; mentioned, 230 ; pearl fisheries at Paria, 249, 258 ; gate to, now open, 261. Pellicer, Nicholas, Canon of Barcelona, 194. Peres, Alonso, countersigns letters patent, 62, 70, 82,98, 101, 106, 141, 145, 161. Peres de Almaqan, Miguel, 213. Peres del Villar, Alvarus, apostolic notary, 194. Perez, Louis, 106. Perugia. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. Peter, Infante [1416-1419], confirms letters patent, 25, 30. Piacenza. Archives sent to Paris, xxv ; Columbi of Piacenza, xliv. Piedmont. Archives du Piemont et de la Savoie, xxvi ; archives returned, xxvii, xxviii. Pillicer, Nicholas, Canon of Barcelona, 194. Pimentel, John Alfonso, Count de Benavente, confirms letters patent, 30. Pinzon, liii, lxi. See Yanez, Vincent. Pisa, Bernal de, recalled, 166. Placencia, Bishop of [1416] (Gonzalo de Zuniga), confirms letters patent, 26. Poch de Sarzane, xxiv. Podochatarus, L., 193. Portugal, Nuno Colon de, xv note. Portugal, Iviii, lix. The Portuguese mines are not to be interfered with, 145; dispute with Spain as to line of demarcation, etc., 162, 169, 170, 209, 261; case of a Florentine merchant in, 242 ; Columbus accused of giving the Indies to, 257. Powder, to be furnished to Columbus, 210. Privileges of Columbus. See Columbus, Chris- topher. 282 Puzy, Bureau de, French prefect of Genoa, xxix, xxx. Pysa, Bernal de, recalled, 166. Quebec, xxi. Ramires de Arellano, John, confirms letters patent, 26. Rastello, The, lvii note. Richelieu, Cardinal, negotiations for restitution of Quebec, xxi. Rivarola, Francesco di, xvi, xxxviii, lxiii, 268, 272. Roca, Stephen de la, alcalde, xv, 10, 1 8 1 . Roderick, Bishop of Jaen, confirms letters patent, 3 °. Roderick, Doctor. See Maldonedo. Roderick de Velasco, Bishop of Palencia, confirms letters patent, 30. Rodrigues, Louis, 34. Rodrigues, Martin, scrivener, xv, xvii, 10, 181, 213. Rodriguez de Fonseca, John, Bishop of Badajos. See Fonseca. Romans, mentioned, 261. Rome. Archives sent to Paris, xxv ; commis- sioners appointed to retake possession of archives, xxvii ; Bull of Alexander VI. signed at Rome, 193. Rossi, Tribaldo d’Amerigo de, Journal of, lvii. Roussillon, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Rue, De La, archivist at the Soubise Palace. See La Rue, De. Ruiz, Peter, alcalde. See Ruys Montero. Ruys Montero, Peter, alcalde, mentioned, 10; signature (Peter Ruiz), 181. Ruys Montana, Peter, apostolic notary, 197. Sacy, Sylvestre de, mission to Genoa in 1805, xx, xxviii-xxxi. Saint George, Bank of. See Bank of St. George. Saint James, 14, 38, 49. Saint John, 246. Saint Mary, parish of, in Seville, xv, 10. Saint Paul, 193, 246, 249. Saint Peter, 185, 190, 193. Saint Peter’s, Rome, Bull of Alexander VI. signed there, 193. Saint-Simon, Due de, Memoirs, xxii. Salamanca, Andrew of, 77. Samarcand, xxviii. Sanchez de Carvajal, Alonso. See Carvajal. Sancta Maria de las Cuevas. See Las Cuevas. Sandoval, Diego Gomes de, 26. San Pablo, monastery of, in Seville, lxii. Santa Ana, chapel of, in the monastery of Las Cuevas, xv note, Ixv. Santa Fe de la Vega, letters patent signed there, 221. Santa Maria, Puerta de, Columbus receives letter at, lvii. Santiago, Archbishop of, confirms letters patent, 25 , 3 °- Santiago, Master of (the Infante Don Henry), confirms letters patent, 23. Santiago, Master of (the Infante Don John), con- firms letters patent, 30. Santo Domingo, island of. See Hispaniola. Santo Domingo, capital of Llispaniola, 250, 262. Santo Stefano, Girolamo de, account of, lxiv ; mentioned in a letter from Columbus to Oderigo, 268. Saracens, xxviii, xxxvi, 185. Sardinia, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Sardinia, King of, purchases the Cambiaso copy of the privileges and presents it to Genoa, xx ; sends A. L. Costato retake possession of Genoese archives, xxvii. Sardinian government restores Genoese docu- ments, xxiv. Savona, xxvii, xxix. Savoy. Archives du Piemont et de la Savoie, xxvi ; archives returned, xxvii. Segovia, lix ; letters patent signed there, 30, 141, 170. Segovia, John, Bishop of, confirms letters patent, 25 , 30 . Seville, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Seville, view of Seville from Hoefnagel’s plan, xiii ; account of the view, lxv ; escutcheon and epitaph in the cathedral, xlvi, xlvii ; privileges copied in Seville, xiv, xv, xl, xlvi, 10, 181,213; gold sold at, li ; Columbus sends gold to be coined at, Hi ; orders to various government officers, 10, 13, 17, 18, 29, 98, 106, 122; Admiralty officers established in Seville, 17, 22 ; Admiral’s right to conveyance of prisoners from Seville, 21 ; prison of Seville, 114, 117; convicts for the Indies to embark at Seville, 118; equipment to be made in Seville, 161, 173; Columbus dates letters from Seville, 268, 271, 272. Seville, Archbishopric of, corn to be supplied from the thirds of the archbishopric, 85, 12 1 ; revenue officers to allow free export to the Indies, 106. Seville, Archdeacon of (John Rodriguez de Fon- seca), 173, 177. Seville, Alfonso Lopes of, 34. Seville, Diego, Bishop of, 194. Sicily, in preambles to letters patent. See Ara- gon, etc. ; mentioned, 261. Sienna. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. Sierpes, xlvi. Siguenza, Alfonso, Bishop of, confirms letters patent, 2.5, 30. Silver, li; Columbus’s share of, 42, 2 1 8 ; reserved to the Sovereigns, 1 30 ; appropriated by Boba- dilla, 198. Simancas. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. Soria, Francis de, Lieutenant of the Admiral of Castile, 10, 122. Soria, John de, 1 74. Soto, Llernandez de, ixvi. Soubise Palace, documents stored there, xxv- xxviii. South America, lxi. Spain, xiii, xiv, xvi, xvii, xviii, xxvii, xli, xlii, xliii, xlv, li, lii, liv, lviii, lix, lx, lxii, lxiii, 38, 49, 246, 261. Spain, Fiscal of, lxi. Spices, Columbus’s share of, 42, 218 ; mentioned, 230, 241. Spoleto. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. 283 Spotorno, Giovanni Battista, edits the Genoa copy of the privileges, xx note, xxxiv, Ixii. Stella, Giorgio, Annalia, xxiii. Suits. See Lawsuits. Toledo, in preambles to letters patent. See Castile, Leon, etc. Toledo, Cortes of, 134. Toledo, Ferdinand Alvares of. See Alvares. Toledo, Gutierre de, Bishop of Palencia, 13. Toledo, Maria de, Ixvi. Torcy, Marquis de, established the State Archives, Paris, xxi. Tordesillas, Treaty of, Iviii. Toro, city of, letters patent signed there, 18. Torres, Antonio de, hitherto unnoticed voyage of, Iviii ; warrant addressed to Columbus and Antonio de Torres, 82 ; audience by the Sovereigns, 165; Columbus sends memorial and letters by him, 166, 170; Ferdinand and Isabella send messages by him to Columbus, 169; letter from Columbus sent by him, 261. Torres, Garci Alonso de, statement as to the arms of the Columbus family, xliii. Torres, Juana de, nurse of Prince John, letter to, quoted, xxxvii, described, Ixi, text of, 246. Turin. The King of Sardinia causes a copy of the privileges to be made for the archives at Turin, xx ; Genoese documents remain at Turin, xxiv; archives sent to Paris, xxvi, xxvii, xxxi. Tyrol. Archives sent to Paris, xxv. Uraba, lxiii. Urbina, Diego de, certificate as to the arms of Columbus, xliii. Valencia, in preambles to letters patent. See Aragon, etc. Valencia de la Torre, letters patent signed there, 213. Valladolid, Columbus sends gold to be coined at, lii; privileges transcribed at, 13 ; patent signed in, 25 ; tribunals of, 1 14, 1 18. Valle, Alfonso de, alcalde, 37. Valle, Don M. R. Zarco del, xlviii. Vasquez Zepeda, John, Bishop of Segovia, con- , firms letters patent, 25, 30. Vayo, Peter John, 194. Vega. Columbus at La Vega, 250. Velasco, Roderick de, Bishop of Palencia, con- firms letters patent, 30. Velasquez, John, confirms letters patent, 49, 66. Vellum or parchment, the Codices written on, xv, xvi, xxxiii, xxxiv, xxxvi, xxxix, xl ; scarcity of, in Genoa, xxiv. Veragua, Duke of, possessor of the original docu- ments of Columbus, xv note, xlviii, lii. Vespuccius, Americus, liii note. Victor Emanuel I., King of Sardinia, purchases the Cambiaso copy of the privileges, and presents it to Genoa, xx. Victoria, Juan de, his mention of the motto, xlvi. Vienna. Archives sent to Paris, xxv ; Treaty of, xxvi. Villa Anpando, Francisco Martines of, 34. Villa Mayor, Gonzalo Garcia of, 37. Villar, Alvarus Peres del, apostolic notary, 194. Weights and measures, li. Weimar chart, Iviii. Xaragua. The Adelantado at Xaragua, 250. Ximenez, Cardinal, liii note. Yanez, Vincent, arrives at Hispaniola, 249. See Pinzon. Yucatan, lxi. Zapata, licentiate, 210. Zepeda, John Vasquez, Bishop of Segovia, con- firms letters patent, 25, 30. Zuniga, Gonzalo de, Bishop of Placencia, confirms letters patent, 26. 284 CHISWICK PRESS: — CHARLES WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE, LONDON. I