CATALOGUE OF A VERY CAPITAL AND VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ' • ■ - * «*V ' * 1*1 & *% / Italian, jTitntf), jTIctntsf) an& Dutcf) PICTURES, C'Hi p- ii- i! • , n. v • bus uu ; if THE PROPERTY OP : f! -v. WILLIAM MORTON PITT, Esq. - And Collected about Fifty or Sixty Years back by the late JOHN PITT,, Esq. The whole of which will be offered in their Original State •' I’i-i ( a . > THEY COMPRISE lar; £111 o ha Two Grand LANDSCAPES, Gallery Pictures, BY ANNIBALE CARRACCI, . And many ethers that will be found Avell worthy the .attention of the intelligent Connoisseur. i * ■ • . v>lab '■'><•' :o i:> L'Sff < b)» . - ! f’. n.i ol yn ;>• T a ?*! *in ■■,'uy.v. ! ii !>*>i; <> .intiii i r,v Will be Sold by Auction BY MIL CHRISTIE to.I, AT HIS GREAT ROOM, PALL MALL, On SATURDAY, JUNE the 1st, IS 11, vkQl Spec-i ? '*{"*' \ '* * *' ' > «. .i, k i 1 a / a Conditions of Sale. i. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 7 JI. No Person to advance less than Is—Above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in Proportion. , ill. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, ond to pay down 5s in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money: in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. f •• * = 'A* • 1. •' * * \ ft" * f, * ■ C < •»>: * f ■■ IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. YI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment, shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. A CATALOGUE, •. CT > &c. &c. &c. SATURDAY, JUNE the 1st, 1811. Ferg. 1 Landscape with Figures— highly finished Caracci. 2 Venus, Cupid and Satyr Van Lint . 3 A pair of Views in Italy— pleasing pictures Raphael.. 4 A pair from the History of Cupid aud Psyche— after Honthorst. 5 The Descent from the Cross— a spirited sketch M. Ricci. 6 A pair of Landscape Views in Italy Bellini*..... 7 A Portrait of an Old Woman Ghisolfi. 8 A Landscape with Buildings Vouet...... 9 An Historical— finely drawn and coloured Rap' ael. 10 Four, from the History cf Cupid and Psyche— after “ ’ ‘ 11 The Bath of Diana, a water-coloured drawing highly finished Brugheh, and a Bronze of the Holy Family Watteau. 12 A Fete Champetre Raphael. 13 Four, from the History of Cupid and Psyche— after Borgognone. 14 A pair of spirited Battle Pieces Raphael .. 15 Four, from the History of Cupid and Psyche— after ( -t ) La Seur. 16 Sf. Catherine-and other Saints N. Poussin....,-- 17, Tl'.e Judgement of Paris S. de Pesero. IS The Nativity —a spirited sketch Raphael. 19 Four, from the History of Cupid and Psyche —after Schidone..20 The Ho!y Family Polemberg. -21 The De! uge—highly finished S. Ricci . 22 Bacchus and Ariadne—a spirited and brilliant picture Poieinberg . 23 A Venus and Satyr in a Landscape A. Caracci. 24 The Death of Abel P. da Cortona. 25 The Adoration of the Magi Raphael. 26 Four, from the History of Cupid and Psyche—after Rottenhamer.. 27 Christ restoring the Widow’s Son Spagnioletto. 2S Sampson breaking the Cords—a finely composed and spirited picture Mesaccio. 29 A Portrait—highly finished H emskirk . 30 A Cobler at Work, and Companion Francks. 31 An Interior View of a Church, with Figures Breemberg. 32 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures—highly finished Corregio. 33 St. Catherine—after Elshimer. 34 A Landscape with Figures—a pleasing cabinet picture Guercino . 35 A Magdalen Francks. 36 The Seven Acts of Charity Le Due .. 37 Portrait of a Woman reading, highly finished Schidone. 38 The Holy Family —a pleasing composition , highly finished La Hire. 39 An Historical Murillo. 40 The Assumption of the Virgin, a cabinet specimen R. da Tivoli. 41 A Landscape, Cattle and Figures, spirited Bassan.. 42 The Nativity —finely colored Solimeni. 43 An Historical Vandeveldt . 44 A Sea Piece P. da Cortona . 45 A Sybil Ditto . 46 Jupiter and Leda, after Corregio Cosway. 47 The Madona and Child—an elegant Picture Parocelle.. 48 A Pair, the March of an Army and Companion—very spirited Bassan. 49 Christ carrying his Cross*—finely colored P. da Cortona. 30 Jupiter and Io—after Corregio S. Rosa... 51 A Landscape with Tobit and the Angel # ( 5 ) Romanille. 52 Lot and his Caughters Rubens. 53 The Virgin end Child—finely colored Solimeni. 54 St. Francis attended by an Angel Wouvermans. 55 A Landscape and Figures—highly finished Steenwick. 56 An Interior View of a Church with F’iguras p a l ma . 57 The Holy Family— -finely coloured and spiritedly painted Titian. 58 A Magdalen— -finely coloured, P. Veronese. 59 A spirited study of a Moor’s Head Guido. 50 Bacchus and Ariadne Trevissani. 51 St. Francis— very fine Jan Miel.. 52 Pilgrims at the Door of a Convent Stella. 53 Sampson and Dulilah— an elegant composition highly finished p a l ma . 64 Christ praying on the Mount— spiritedly painted \ Vandermeulcn.. 55 A .Battle piece— very fine Van H u p. 66 The Rape of the Sabines— finely composed spiritedly painted Spagniolet... 67 A Man with a Book— finely coloured Ciessi. •• 68 Diana and Eudyinion— an elegant composition, painted with great ejjei t Titian.'.. 69 A Portrait— eryfne Stenwick. <0 St. Peter in Prison— an exquisite high finished Picture A- Caracci*.. 71 The three Maries at the Tomb— finely drawn and coloured Le Nain. 72 An Old Woman and Boy at Dinnet— engraved Le Biun. 73 The Holy Family in a Landscape— an elegant composition Titian. 74 St. J erome in a Landscape— finely coloured Mola. 75 A grand Landscape with S . John— very fine Tintoretto. 76 The Ascension of Christ— a most spirited and capital sketch L. Giordano. 77 The Flight into Egypt—fine Schiavone. 78 The Rape of the Sabines—finely coloured and spiritedly painted Tintoretto .... . 79 Christ Healing the the Lame—a grand compositioia Titian. 80 A Portrait of A retin—painted with great animation P. da Cortona. 81 Circe—finely composed Mola. 82 Diana and Endymion—a grand composition finely painted Van Loo. 83 A Woman rising from Bed—painted with great effect Babtist.. • • 84 A Flower piece Glauber and Lakesse 85 A Landscape and Figures-—exquisitely finished C. Dolce. 86 Andromeda—finely drawn and coloured Swaneveldt*. • • *. 87 A Landscape with Figures—a pleasing cabinet Picture * '' /' ) . \ . <. ). X 0 1 .... 1 , AVA.VjV \ r 4m .«>.. . ■■/ ! m i r. i $ -: if \ 1 . A \ \ . - v XL A? ftocmj &5-V CAffUA&- 5/35 HU j Ant 1 L-oChP t-z . A.-vJ»Jk" •« m GETTY CENTER LIBRARY