THE TEMPLE BU ILDER's MOST USEFUL COMPANION, BEING FIFTY ENTIRE NEW ORIGINAL DESIGNS FOR Pleasure and Recreationj CONSI STING OF PLANS, ELEVATIONS, and SECTIONS, I N T H E GREEK, ROMAN, and GOTHIC TASTE: Calculated for the Ornamenting of PARKS, I EMINENCES, FORESTS, I EXTENSIVE VIEWS, WOODS, t MOUNTS, GARDENS, I VISTOS, CANALS, I I S L A N D S, &c. Together with a full Explanation, in Letter Prefs, to each Defign, and exad Scales for Meafurement. By THOMAS/COLLINS OVERTON, LONDON: Printed for I. Taylor, in Holborn, near Chancery Lanf, M.DCC.LXXIV, yufi PuhlJjIjeJy (Being a rery proper Companion for this Book) GROTESQUE ARCHITECTURE, O R, RURAL AMUSEMENT; CONSISTING OF PLANS, ELEVATIONS, and SECTIONS, FOR HUTS, RETREATS, | RUSTIC SEATS, SUMMER and WINTER | BATHS, HERMITAGES, ' | MOSQUES, TERMINARIES, | MORESQUE PAVILI- CHINESE, GOTHIC, and | ONS, NATURAL GROTTOS, | GROTESQUE SEATS, CASCADES, I GREEN HOUSES, &c. Many of which may be executed v/ith Flints, Irregular Stones, Rude Branches, and Roots of Trees. The Whole containing Twenty-fix entire new Designs, beautifully engraved on Copper-Plates, with Scales to each. To which is added. A full Explanation, in Letter Press, and the true Method of executing them. By Wm. W R I G H T E Architect-. L O N D O N: Printed for I. Taylor, in Holborn, near Chancery Lane. M.DCC.LXXIV, EXPLANATION OF THE P L A T E PLATE I. Summer-houfe proper to terminate a walk ; or may ferve for a fmall green- houfe by bringing the windows down to the floor 5 it is 16 feet fquare within the walls* PLATE n. A fmall rufticated building, 15 feetfquare on the outfide, infcribed with an odagon, 12 feet diameter,, and covered with a femicircular roof. PLATE in. An odagonal room, 1 2 feet diameter within ; it has eight arched windows, and the roof is curved inv/ards after the Chinefe manner ; may be built with timber,, and ftuccoed, or rough^cafted. A 2 PLATE [ 4 ] PLATE IV. A fummer-houfe 12 feet fquare within; the front is rufticated after the manner of an antique temple, and crowned with a pedement. P L A T E V. A rotondo 14 feet diameter within the walls, with four rufticated frontifpieces to the door and windows, and a hemifpherical roof. P L A T E VI. Another rotondo of the fame diameter, but orna- mented with Ionic pilafters fupporting pedements over the door and windows, and covered with a dome. PLATE VIL VIIL Plan and elevation of a circular temple, 1 6 feet diameter within, adorned with a portico of the Doric order, and covered with a dome and cupola; the whole height is 41 feet. PLATE IX. Sedion of ditto, {hewing the manner of decorat- mg the infide with pannels of ftucco work ; the four circular [ s ] circular windows of the cupola enlighten the dome ; the center pannels of which are richly ornamented, as a fpecimen for finifhing the whole concavity. P L A T E X. XI. Plan and profile of an odlaftyle rotondo, called by Vitruvius, a monoptere temple, having a ftatue of the Venus de Medicis on a pedeftal in the center ; it is lo feet diameter within the columns, whofe capitals are of a new compofit kind. PLATE XII. XIII. Plan and profile of a circular temple of the Corin- thian order, 1 8 feet diameter within the walls, cover- ed with a dome, and open cupola ; the intire height is 40 feet. PLATE XIV. Half the plan, and elevation of a building to be placed at the head of a canal, or fome other open fituation ; there is as much light allowed as pofiible, for the advantage of profped, and the oppofite fronts are alike j it is 1 6 feet fquare within the walls. PLATE [ 6 ] PLATE XV. Defign for a keeper's lodge in a park, with one room below and a chamber over it ; the building is circular and rufticated, and the door and windows arched ; at a diltance it will have the appearance of a little caftle ; it is 1 6 feet diameter within the walls. PLATE XVL An alcove with a Venetian entrance of the com- pofit order ; the front is adorned with medallions and leftoons over them, and finiited with a pedement crowned with three bufts, and in the tympan is a fhield with foliages. PLATE XVIL Plan of a fquare monoptere temple, having a group of five columns of each angle to fupport the roof, which is femicircular. \ PLATE XVIIL Profile of ditto, in the center of which is defigned a ftatueof the Belvidere Apollo; the four fronts are alike, each having a frontifpiece of the Corinthian or- der, and it is afcended to on every fide. PLATE [ 7 ] PLATE XIX. XX. Plan and elevation of a temple in the Roman ftyle, adorned with a frontifpiece of the compofit order, and pilafters between the windows, and feftoons under the entablature running round the building; it is i8 feet in front and 26 feet in depth, and the meafures of the infide are marked in the plan. PLATE XXL An alcove with a rufticated Venetian entrance, and faces on the keyftones ; the front is rough-cafted and finifhed with a balluftrade, adorned with vafes over the piers ; it is a double fquare within, as fhewn by the dotted circles. PLATE XXIL Another alcove on a femicircular plan, adorned with coupled Ionic columns fupporting an arch ; above which is placed a bufl: ; and feftoons fufpended in a carelefs manner fill the tympanum of the pedement. PLATE XXin. Plan and profile of an open odagonal pavilion in the Gothic ftyle, 10 feet diameter within the pillars; the canopy is adorned with crockett-work at the angles and finifhed with a bunch of flowers. PLATE [ 8 ] PLATE XXIV. Plan and elevation of an hexagonal temple in the likeftyle, with a window in each fide; it is 14 feet diameter, may be built with timber and ftuccoid within and without. PLATE XXV. Plan and elevation of a banquetting room, 20 feet fquare within the walls, with the addition of four de- mi odlagons to the fides ; a battlement runs round the whole adorned with twenty pinnacles. PLATE XXVL A fquare temple flanked with buttrefles after the manner of fome Gothic churches ; it has a raked bat- tlement in the front, and is 14 feet fquare, as marked in the plan. PLATE XXVIL Another fquare temple in the like flyle, with a carved pier at each angle crowned with ornamental pinnacles ; the entrance is by a rich frontifpiece. PLATE XXVIir. An alcove, decorated with coupled Gothic pillars, crowned with pinnacles and a battlement ; the mea- fures are marked in the plan, 4 PLATE [ 9 ] PLATE XXIX. A fmall rotondo, decorated with fix pillars and as many pinnacles over them ; it is 1 2 feet diameter within. PLATE XXX. Plan and elevation of a temple built for Mr. Rich- ards at Spittle Croft near Devizes \ the room is 10 feet fquare within, with the addition of a wing on each fide to enlarge the front for fliew only ; the raking battlement and pinnacles at the angles give it the ap- pearance of a fmall chapeL PLATE XXXL XXXIL Plan and elevation of a pavilion, 14 feet diameter within the walls ; there are four frontifpieces to the door and windows richly decorated ; on the roof, which is femicircular, is an open cupola, crowned with abunch of flowers, and decorated at the angles with crokett work; the whole height is 33 feet 6 inches. PLATE XXXIIL Another odagonal temple in the Gothic ftyle, 1 2 feet diameter within ; the building may be ftuccoed, and plain mouldings to the windows and door, a bat- B tlement [ ^o ] tlement runs round above the cornice, with plain pin- nacles at the angles, and falfe windows in four of the fides to corred the appearance of too much dead wall. PLATE XXXIV. Plan and elevation of a cott defigned for Edward Goddard Efq; to be built under Cliff hill-Copfe in the couhty of Wilts ; the walls may be built with fuch Hone as the country affords, and covered with rough- caft ; the roof to be thatched ; in the front there is an odacronal room lo feet diameter which commands an extenfive profped ; the meafures are marked in the plan. PLATE XXXV. Plan for a fmall villa of two ftories ; the rooms are 2 3 feet 4 inches long, and 1 8 feet 8 inches wide, with the addition of two iemicircular wings ; in one is a handfome ftair cafe, in the other the chimney, with fpace fufficient for a large light clofet behind it. PLATE XXXVL Elevation of the foregoing ; the finiftiing is with rough-cafted ftucco, and rufticated windows ; a Go- thic battlement runs round the whole, with pinnacles at the angles, to give it greater elevation. 5 PLATE [ " ] PLATE XXXVII. Plan of a villa in the ftyle of a caflle, having four round towers at the angles, one of which will ferve tor a ftair-cafe, another for a chimney, and the other two for a book cafe and china clofet : a bank ot earth may be raifed round it, cut into baftions at the angles (as reprefented in the plan) to give it the appearance ot a fort, on which fmall pieces of ordnance might be planted to fire on rejoicing days. PLATE XXXyill. Elevation of ditto containing tvvoftories; the lower is 9 feet and a half high ; the upper 15 feet, troni whence a ftair-cafe leads to the top, which is Hat and furrounded with a battlement ; a flag may be difplay- ed as depiaed in the defign, and rockets let off trom the tops of the little towers. PLATE XXXIX. Plan of another villa like a caftle ; the room is an odagon, 20 feet diameter, and the little towers are odagonal, each 7 feet and a half diameter ; and the building prefents itfelf, 27 feet in front. B 2 PLATE [ 12 ] PLATE XL. Elevation of the caftle, comprehending two ftories befides the turrets, which are covered with waved roofs, adorned at the angles with crokett work, and the ftair-cafe, which is in one of the little towers/leads to the top of the building ; the height to the top of the turrets is 42 feet. PLATE XLL Plan of a villa built for Mr . May mrd nc^r Devizes in the county of /^///j; the fituation is on the edge of a hill, which commands a fine profped: of the country as far as Ba^i on one fide, and as far as Tet- bury on the other : as the ground was uneven, I have added the plan of the afcents on each fide from the lower to the fecond flory ; a circular quickfet hedge is planted round it, which feparates it from the com- mon field : the plan of the building is an equilateral triangle, couped at the angles, fo as to leave fpace fuf- ficient for a ftair-cafe in one angle, a chimney in ano- ther, and a large clofet in the third ; the room is a re- gular hexagon, as appears by the dotted circle, and 15 ket diameter. PLATE XLIL Elevation of the foregoing; the lower ftory is ruf- ticated, in front : all the other fides of that itory are environed [ 13 ] environed with earth cut into {lopes, and covered with turf, as appears by the plan in the foregoing plate : tlie principal ftory has a Venetian window in front for the advantage of profped : in the roof, which is fe- micircular, is a chamber enlightened by three circular windows called lutherns. PLATE XLIII. XLIV. Plan and elevation of a building, containing two ftories ; the principal is afcended to by a double flight of fteps with iron palifadoes ; the entrance is by a Venetian door ; there is a ftair-cafe at one end leading to the lower ftory, which is for a fervant to wait in : the feveral meafares are marked in the plan. PLATE XLV. Plan and elevation of a villa for fome open fitua- tion, 25 feet 5 inches in front ; the bafement ftory is rufticated ; the upper ftory is to the Ionic order, hav- ing a column at each angle and finiihed with a pede- ment ; the proportions are exprefled by the dotted circles. PLATE XLVL Plan for a villa of one floor, the principal room is 15 feet fquare ; on the right hand is a room for a fer- vant [ H ] vant to attend in ; and on the left another for reth'c- ment ; each lo feet wide, and 12 long. P L A T E XLVIL Elevation of the foregoing defign, the front is di- vided into three parts, correfponding with the divi- fions in the plan, and each crowned with a pedement ; it extends 40 feet, PLATE XLVIII. Plan for a temple of Fame, in a circle 20 feet dia- meter within ; has four arched windows, and two tiers of niches between them, as may be feen in the fedion* I have fuppofed the fituation to be fome- what elevated, and the front afcended to by an eafy flope, which is expreffed in the plan. PLATE XLIX. Elevation of the temple of Fame ; the entrance is by a large frontifpiece of coupled columns to the Co- rinthian order ; aballuftrade runs round the building, and a ftatue of Fame, as if founding her trumpet, is placed on the top of the dome. PLATE [ '5 ] PLATE U Geometrical fedion of ditto, fliewing how it may be adorned fuitably to its deftination, having eight niches for ftatues, and fixteen ftands for bufts of per- fons moft worthy of fame, either among the antients or moderns. FINIS. V'i n fS'pj'f uart ^ iS I ' I iC.Ox-erbm dtlui R ■Tr'onker'J'culfv frvnt /3 fe€i;. \ !■■ I I I ~r" 1$ TC-pTrrh^nJehn . ^.Franhsf^Sauifi . IffiT^r ' f y 12 : dia rn T.C:0Te7ivnMlm. B.-TmnkerSciUp. T-P-.Overtfln d^Tin RFranker. Sculfi^ . ^ r <- /4 fec^ iluufv - T:C:(^verfvn deuii. R .B -a^Tke?- Scu/fi 5 10 hi I I I I —i^ 20 30 J, T.C . Overbnv ddiw KJ^cuikerSculfi d \TC.lhert,m ddm R Vt-afiha' Sculp t(f 10 hr*^ ' ' — *- T.C -.Ov ei'tan .delin 'R.Ftanker. Scidji \ Illllllllllll ^ T:C:0vej'lo7i di/m Ji-fl •a7i7c^fSi -ul/t /z T:(^:t^r^r/rii drlin . SPi'ari k^r" Sctilfi I !i I 13 •■•\ T:C}Overhn . (Ulin R Fra n kfr: Seal ft . TCOi'Liifln .dclm . RTrarvker Seufyi 15 EPrankerSctdft T:C:Ovn-ton .delm 16 m 1.5 m TC'Ci'c^l^n d^eMn . Ji Pr-an ^€^^0141^1. " l l lli l lliJii^".^. : ~^ ^ ts UllUUDILa I I I 4" T C'.^'erloji delai jRD'anJtef' Sr/t/fi . la 'TC .I'vrrlcn .dcitu ^Fran/cer. Srtt Iji .n hir^ I I I £ 20 — 1 TC che}'7v?i (i<>/in . 1< I 'ivrff'^en-fm/ii 21 l-rH-r ^ JMiifgaHiH B TC Oi^erli>7i deiin . R PT'^n'/;,-/ -. C,y{7/\ 22 I I I C J! T:C:Ovei-ton oiflin RPi'afvk tr. Seulfi 23 f r f w T:C.Overlon.delin H -Franker. Sculfi ~^ i: 20 feet.dia I T.C.Overtpii deltn R Frattkff. Sou hi ■ Tl.3^anken Sc-tilfi [ ^6 I I ~r- f T I \n M /y ft'et Sfjua^'e . » T T:C:0ve7't /5 ^ d ^ftxa /i? frxquare ■ 1^3 ct=r^ -„nr.^ ! TC Overlo-fi d^n . BTrofi^er Sa(//7 . 31 I4.f^ cUanv j„ , I .)- 20 TC.Overtvn . delin B Tr anker. Scutfi 33 20 fa= i'C-Oiu'i^ti^n iii'/t77 R -PfOft/ie^- Sc44ffl . wfiiji ■! ^ r TC.Overlon idm 3J} 30 '''''' ''T- 40 \T-C-0verto7/ del'm ^■Trnnker.Sculji 31) r y - 30 T.C.Lh-eTivn .Jelin R . TranJier. Sruiji 'V B^ /^_ T-C:(7i'efffi?i .d^Loi 24> 30 4^ So R-Ihm/cefrSculfi . 38 I I I I f y f T Y 30 T C Overtvn .delin . HJPi-anker. Setilfi. ^9 bjai- ~r I r 15 ^^ T.C- Ov^rtorv (Uhn 'K.frankerSouiv. -^ i5 J T- C ■ IhAe-r-fon deltn . R.Frank€r J'culji . 42 '!l^': "BiBSil ^ I ^RJi'mnkfyT, Scufyi y I 4 44 II II I r~ 20 3P C^' 'V5) py 'vs) T.C.Overhrn.jAiTj . K- Yr anker' Scidjv . 45 T.C.lH'ertiin tie7