ljl- ^ r rszj&itz V Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/hamptonsonsillusOOhamp HAMPTOM AMB S@MS s in submitting to the Public the following Book of Designs, illustrating Cabinet and Upholstered Furniture, photographed and engraved by eminent artists, from their Stock, wish to draw attention to the fact that they undoubtedly must be true to form and scale, thus avoiding the possibility of customers being disappointed on receipt of goods, and enabling every one either in town, country, or abroad, to make a selection. The accompanying Key to this Work contains the description and price of every article, together with carefully drawn up Estimates for Furnishing 8, 12, and 16-roomed Houses, by which intending Purchasers can arrive at the exact cost, and at the same time have a correct representation of each article by refer- ring to the corresponding number in this Book of Designs. % All Cabinet Goods are marked in plain figures at the lowest possible price, which can only be maintained by a large sale ; the quality of every article can be thoroughly relied on as to manufacture, all being made by or for themselves, thereby trusting to obtain the full confidence of all customers. The Upholstery Department is composed of English, French, and German cutters-out and staffers, therefore they are enabled for style and taste to compete with any Blouse in the Trade. Interior Decorations, Painting, Paper Hanging, Gilding, and Gas Fitting executed. A large Stock of British and Foreign Paper Hangings always on hand. Experienced and competent persons sent to any distance to take instructions and give Estimates for furnishing and decorating in any style and to any extent required. In the Bedding Department all goods are manufactured on the Premises under their superintendence, and can be guaranteed as to purity and quality. A large Stock of Blenders, Fire-irons, Coal Scoops, and General Furnish- ing Ironmongery in Show Booms devoted to that purpose. HAMPTON AND SONS beg to call attention to their Carpet Depart- ment, especially as they are manufacturers, it comprises the best productions of British and Foreign Looms, as well as their own in Axminster, Wilton, Turkey, Aubusson, Velvet-Pile, Brussels, Tapestry, Kidderminster, Felt, and other Carpets ; also Floor Cloths, Kamptulicon, Linoleum, Matting, and great varieties of Bugs and Mats. The Drapery Department is replete with every description of Silk, Tapestry, Silk and Wool Beps and Damasks, French Tournay, Cretonne and Chintz Hangings, Lace and other Curtains, together with a large stock of Table and Household Linens, Blankets, Counterpanes, Eiderdown Quilts, outside and inside Blinds of every kind, &c. Furniture Bepaired, Be-stuffed, and Be-covered, Bedding purified. Bemovals effected with the greatest care. No charge made for Packing, or use of Cases and Materials, but require them to be returned, Carriage paid. SDcrms. Cash on delivery, without discount or abatement. Orders from the country to contain a remittance or reference. Goods for Exportation must be paid for before Shipment. Goods delivered within seven miles of Charing Cross by our own Vans carriage free. Jjankcvs, London and Westminster, St. James’ Square. Post-Office Orders made payable at Charing Cross. / / LsC- Ol/u fi 1- /• L ;.« COITSl T S. Title and Preface. Bagatelle Boards and Stands Baths . . . , Bedsteads, Iron „ Chair, Cabinet, and Foldin „ Cots, and Cribs ,, Wood Arabian Bedstep Commodes . . Bidets . . Blinds Bookcases Bookshelves Bookslides and Bookrests Brackets Cabinets Cabinet Nest of Drawers Canterburys „ Whatnots Chairs, Bedroom .. .. .. 183 „ Children’s . . „ Dining-room, Library, and Parlour Drawing-room Dining-room and Library Easy Drawing-room Easy, 223 to 239, 249 Folding Hall Kitchen or Windsor Library and Office . . „ Nursing „ Occasional and Fancy . . 198 to 20 ,, ,, Gilt „ Prie Dieux . . „ Beading and Smoking „ Hocking „ Shop Chamber Pedestals Cheffoniers Clothes-horses Coal Scuttles Commodes and Bedsteps . . Couches and Settees, Dining-room, and Librar\ „ „ Drawing-room Cornices and Poles Davenports Desk Slope . , Dinner Waggons Door Scrapers Drawers, Chest of . . Dumb Waiter, revolving Fenders and Fire-irons Fire Guards Flap Stands Flower Stands and Jardinieres Girandoles 39 88, 203, 218 50, 252, 253 208, 209, 2 $ 121 563, 665, 675, 682, 683, 684 453 to 484 453, 454, 455 457, 458, 459, 460 485 to 493, 567, 574 558,559, 560, 561 563 449, 450, 451, 452 146, 149,151,154, 157, 161, 162, 163 144, 145 155, 156 152, 153 395, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 445 119, 164 303, 305, 307 308, 309, 310, 311, 312 219, 220, 221, 222, 573, 575, 587, 592, 600, 608, 620 to 646 631 to 640 35 to 67 168 to 197 68 to 83, 90, 91, 93, 94, 96, 97, 99, 100 255, 256, 258, 259, 261, 262, 264, 265, 267, 26S, 270 to 277 216, 217, 644, 645, 646 1 to 10, 21 642, 645, 646, 667, 668, 670, 672 48, 52, 57, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 181, 222, 629, 641, 642, 643 226, 227, 639, 640, 667 ), 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201 223, 224, 225 77, 80, 81, 82, 83, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646 226, 227, 667 630 562, 566, 570, 578, 584, 588, 596, 604, 612 114, 389, 390, 391, 392, 394, 396, 398 663 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694 . . 558, 559, 560, 561, 565 84, 85, S6, 87, 88, 89, 92, 95, 98, 100 265, 266, 269, 272, 275, 278, 286, 287 408 to 420, 447, 448 352,353,355,356 147 128 to 135 29, 30 612, 618, 651, 652 123 . 674, 701 to 715 685, 686, 687 34 330, 332, 338, 446 432, 434, 437, 438 240 to 248, 251, 254, 257, 260 497, 498, 499, 500 504, 515, 594, 610 318 to 326, 328 429, 431 CONTENTS. Glasses, Chcval ,, Chimney ,, Console ,, Pier ,, Rising Dressing „ Toilet and Dressin Hall Benches Hat and Umbrella Stands Hat Rails Linen Press ,, Baskets Music Stools and Stands Ottomans Box ,, Centre ,, Pender ,, Foot ,, Seat Pedestals, with Drawers and Secretary Plate Carrier Portfolio Stand Reading Easel Screens, Dining-room, Cheval and Folding ,, Drawing-room, Cheval and Banner „ Table „ Wicker Washba Secretaires Sideboards Tables, Bed-room ,, Camp „ Card „ Centre or Loo ,, Coffee „ Console . . ,, Dining ,, Drawing-room Writing ,, Dressing and Toilet ,, Fancy „ Hall ,, Kitchen . . ,, Library and Office ,, Nursery ,, Occasional „ ,, Card ,, Pembroke „ Rising Side „ Sutherland „ Work Trays, Luncheon and Butler ,, Stand „ Tea Towel Horses Umbrella Stands Wardrobes . . 503, 50 Washstands . . 16 3, 166 Whatnots „ Chcffonier Waterclosets, portable . . Watercans 521, 523, 524, 301,326, 354 7, 508, 512, 5 167, 521, 522 327 367, 501 , 14, 516, 517 525, 14, 2 115, 528, 331, 61, 36- 02, 506 523, 150, 518 527, , 519 531, 553, 555, 557 421 to 446 441, 442, 443, 444 441 552, 554 44 to 557, 583, 589, 597, 605, 613 16, 20 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 26, 27, 31, 32 25 669 654 297, 298, 299, 329 . . 296, 304 279 to 285 , . . . 292, 294 5, 289, 290, 291, 293, 295 285, 296, 300, 302, 304 119, 164 124 316 148, 331 136,137,138 7, 327, 333, 335, 336, 337 327 660 142, 143, 151, 154, 164 116, 117, 120, 122, 125, 126, 127 338, 357, 513, 515 118 334, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377 378 to 386 338, 357 441, 442, 443, 444 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113 364, 365, 366, 369, 370, 372, 379 536, 538, 540, 542, 572, 577, 585, 593, 601, 609, 617, 648, 657, 658 340, 341, 342, 343, 345, 354, 359 24, 28, 33, 34 662, 664, 671, 673 108, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143 . . . . 664 1, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 379 375, 376, 377 .. 102,662 132 358, 359, 360 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351 103, 105, 107 107, 118 695 to 700 507, 510, 511, 571, 580, 586, 595, 603, 611, 619, 659 11, 12, 13, 17 590, 598, 606, 614, G49, 650, 653 541, 543, 569, 579, 581, 591, 599, 615, 647, 656, 665, 679, 680, 681 313, 314, 315, 317, 387, 388, 435 387, 388 565 677, 678 529, 332, 530, 334, 532, 338, 104, 363, 535, 339, 363, 364, 36 , 568, 534, 582 539, • 607, 301, 306, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312 , 520 533, 576, o3 1 , T5 F ampton 0_ Q c j pons 15 AMPTON ONS J^AMPTON &j pONS c "j^i AMPTON Hampton / AMPTON * Z 3 ONS 82 ft AMPTON AMPTON AMPTON CY pONS AMPTON ONS AMPTON ONS ¥ AMPTON ONS P 2 ]4 AMPTON ONS 267 268 AMPTON ONS 269 AMPTON ONS G 298 ^ampton Sr Son’s 299 G 2 fi AMPTON ONS II II 2 ft AMPTON $ £ ONS 394 401 AMPTON ONS 408 I & 429 3N Hampton j ONS fi AMPTON ONS 440 AMPTON Sj jSoNS 442 ft AMPTON a pONS AMPTON ONS K AA1PTON Sons 474 y{ AMPTON ONS j^AMPTON &j jSoNS J^AMPTON 8j jS ONS L AMPTON ONS J-Jampton 8f pons J- 2 ampton Sj ^ ONS 489 AMPTON 8j pONS ampton ONS AMPTON pONS 493 AMPTON 8f j?>ONS AMPTON &j jS ONS 494 AMPTON ONS AMPTON ONS AMPTON ONS AMPTON ONS AMPTON ONS 518 j^AMPTON 8j jSoNS AMPTON ONS AMPTON &J ^ONS 529 W AMPTON ^ £ ONS : N AMPTON ONS II 'I AMPTON ONS I^ampton <^ r Sons AMPTON AMPTON <8[ Sons 588 589 ONS j^AMPTON o 636 j^AMPTON Sj j3oNS 650 3T* 074 V \j8l ^ P LIBRARY