ornzo. i(59 By the Queen. A Proclamation againjl the Dcfpifersor Breakers of the Orders pre* feribed in the Book.of Common-prayer . ©ueene gpajeflp befog rigbr fojrp to unberftanb tbat tbe o?ber of Common-p?apet, ret foabbp tbe common confent of tbe Keatm, anb bp atubo?itp of jaariiament, in tbefirCl pear ofber Keign,toberein is nothing containeb butrbe£cti» pture of Cob, anb tbat tobteb isconfotiam unto ft, fa noto of late of fome men befpiffb, anbfpohenagaitm, botbbpopen preachings, anb to?itings, anb of fome bolb anb bain curious men, neto anb orber STtesfounb out anb frequenteb, toberetipoti contentions, recto anbbif- quietnefs botb arifeamong ber people: anb fo? one gobip anb utiifo?m o?ber, biberfitp of lffites anb Ceremonies, ©ifputarions, anb Cmtenti* ons,$bcbtrms anb ©ibifione alreabp rfren, anb mo?e If be to etifue. a; be caufe of tobfeb bibbers, ber <$ajeftp botb plainlp unberftanb to be tbe negligence of tto'HBilbops anb other f^.igiftrates, tobo (boulb caufe tbe goob Lams anb acts of parliament mabe' in tbis bebalf to be better ei- ecuteb anb not fo biffembieb anb toinbebat, as bifberto (it map appear) thattbep babi been. 5Fo? fpeebp remebp tobereof ber f^ajeftp ftraigbtlp ebatgetb anb com • manbetball arebbitbops anb •ilbops, anb all Juftices of aiTtfes, anb Oyer anb rcrmn.er, anb all ^apojs, beab flDfRcers of Cities anb Colons Connate, attb all otber tobo babe anp autbe?ltpto put inejecution tbe act fo? tbe CHnifojmitp of Common p?aper, anb tbe aominifltation of tbe ^acranrnts mabe in 'be firft pear of ber gracious ISeigti, toitbalbiii* gence anb feberitr, neither fabouring no? b'ffembling brtb one perfon no? orber, tobo botb neglect, befpife. o? fees to alter tbe gobip ©?bers anb Kites fet fn?tb in the faib l&oofe? 15ut if attp perfon (fall bp publics p?eaching, to?iting, o? p?inting, contemn, befpife,r?bifp?aife tbe ®?bers containeb in the faib R)oS, tbep Hall inimebiatelp appjetenb him, anb caufe bim to be imp?ifoneb, until be barbanftoereb totbellato, upon pain tbat tbe chief ©facers, being p?efetit at anp fucb pleaching, anb tbe tobolepaTilb,boanftoeifo?fbeirconretnptanbneQligcnce.Lifeetoife,ifanp (ball fo?bear to come to tbe ©otnmon-p?aper, anb receibe the Sacraments of tbeCburcb, acco?bing to tbe ©?ber in tbe faibiS.ioh allotoeb, upon no Jutland latoftilcaufe: allfliebperfonstbepHull enqmtfor,p?efent, anb fee punilbeb, anb o?bereb acco?bing as is p?e(tribebintb* faib 3ct, toirb mo?ecare anb biligence than beretofo?ebatbbeen bone: the tobteb neg* ligence batb been caufe tobp Hicb bifo?bets babe of late noto fo mucb anb in fo nianp places encreafeb anb groton. anb if anp petfons Iball either inp?ibate boufes , o?tn publics places aa2 mabe J 7o A Proclamation againft, &c. mahe aftmiblies, an!) therein ufe otl>er Kites of Common p?aper and adminiatation of the sacraments than is pgrfcribed in the raid li&ooh, o? (ball maintain in their houfes anp perrons being noto^iouflp charges bp Boohs o? teachings to attempt the alteration of the raid Coders, thepfhall feefucb perfons punilbed toith all feberitp, acco?ding to the llatos ef tbisKealm, bp pains appointed in the raid act* andbecaufe there matters bo pjtncipallp appertain to tbeperfensCc- clefiaftfcal, and to the Cccleffaftical ©obemmsnt, her spajeftpgibetba moft rpecial and earneff charge to all atchbilhops, Btlhops,archdeacons, and^Deans. and all fucb as babe o?dinarp jurifoiction, in ruch cares to babe a bigilant epe and care to the obfecbation of the ©iders andKites in the raid Booh p^efcribed, throughout their Cures and ©facers* and to Proceed from time to time bp ordinary and Ccclefia&ical iurifdiction, as is granted them in the fold act, toith all celeritp and feberitp againttail per¬ rons tobo (hall offend againtt anp of the ©?ders in the raid Booh p?efcrihed, upon pain of her ^ajefties bighditplrafure, fo? their negligence,and de- p?ibation from their dignities and Benefices, o? other Cenfures to fol- loto, according to theit demerits. Given at Greenwich the 20 day of Qttober , 1573; In the fif¬ teenth year of the Queens Majefties Reign. Imprinted at London by Newgate-Market, next unto Chrifij Church, by Richard Jttgge, Printer to the Queens Ma jetty. Cum frivilegio Regime Majeftatis ,