Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https;//archive.org/details/conciseintroductOOpilk A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO THE K NO WLEDGE of the most EMINENT PAINTERS. BY WHICH Every Lover of the ART OF PAINTING may inftantly know the Names, the Years, and Places of the Birth of above Two # Thoufand Four Hundred of the molt Celebrated Artists, who have flourifhed in any Kingdom ofpurope for upwards of Five Hundred Years paft, * AND ALSO THE SUBJECTS painted by each ARTIST; the MASTER under whom he ftudied; and the AGE at which he died. Intended to inftruc"t (as well as to affift the Memory of) thofe Gentlemen and Connoifleurs, who either travel Abroad for the Improvement of their Tafte, or intend to view the curious Collections in thefe Kingdoms. LONDON, Printed for T, C a dell, in the Strand, Book feller and Printer to the Royal Academy. L'DCCLXXYIII, A CONCISE INTRODUCTION TO THE K NOWLEDGE OF THE MOST EMINENT PAINTERS. B A. lO 20 40 Painters names. Bom in the at ABATE, Andrea, Abbiati, Fiiippo, Abbate, Nicolo del. Vide Nicolo. Abbate, Ercole, Ach, John vany . Achefchellings, Lucas, Adrian fen, Alexander, Adam, Girolamo, called Romano, Aelit, Evert van, Aelft, William van, Aertlen, Peter, Aertgen, de Leide, Aertz, Richart, Agrelti, Livio, Agricola, Lewis, Albano, Francefco, Albano, Giovanni Batifla, Alberti, Cherubino, Alberti, Durante, Alberti, Pietro Francefco, Alberti, Giovanni, Albertoni, Paolo, Albertinelii, Mariotto, Albini, Alejandro, Alboreli, Giacomo, Aidegraef, Albert, Aldrovandini, Pompeo Agoftino, A 1 d r o v a n d i n i , Tom m a fa , Alen, or Oolen, John van, Aleni, Tommafo, Aliani, Domenico di Paris, Alfani, Orazio di Paris, Alfara, Don Juan, Allegrini, Flamminio, Allegri, Antonio. Vide Correggio. Allegrini, Francefco, Allegri, Pomponio, Alienfe, Antonio. Vide ValTilacchi. Aloiii, BaldaiTare, or Galanino, Aionzo del Arco, called elSordillo dePei Allori, Aleifandro, Allori, Criilofano, Aionzo del Barco, Amadei, Stefano, eda, 64c 556 625 68 602 62c 5*9 48. 667 578 55-° 584. 553 475 576 6 6 5 3 651 coo 483 494 640 s»7 516 578 625 535 577 6+; 58, Naples Milan Modena Cologne — — Bruilels Antwerp Rome Delft Delft Amiterdam Ley den Zeedorp Forli Ratifbon Bologna Bologna Borgofan Sepulchro Borgo S. Sepulchro Borgo S. Sepulchro Borgo S. Sepulchro Rome Florence Florence Bologna Zouit, in Weftphal. Bologna Bologna A m fie r dam Cremona ■ Perugia Perugia Cordova Can nan o Gubbio Correggio Bologna Madrid — Florence Florence Madrid Perugia A. 10 2D 2 5 3°\ 3S 4° Died in the year Painted 1732 fruit, and Hill life 1715 hiftory in oil and frefco 161 3 hiftory 162 j hiftory and portraits landfcapes 1655 fruit, filh, andftill-life hiftory 1658 fruit, and dead birds i §79 ftill-Ufe 1575 hiftory, and kitchens 1 564 hiftory 1 577 hiftory 1 5 8c hiftory landfcapes 1 6 5c hiftory, and landfcapes 668 hiftory, and landfcapes 1615 hiftory 1613 religious hiftorical fubjecls 1638 hiftory i6o> perfpective, and hiftory 1 699 hift. in the ftyle of his mail. 1520 hiftory hiftory 1673 hiftory hiftory 1740 architecture, and perfpe£Kve architecture, and perfpective 698 fowls, and ftill life hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory, portraits, & landfc. hiftory hiftory hiftory portraits, and hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits landfcapes hift, and port, in oil & cray, 1556' 1680 ;66: 1638 : 700 [607 1621 1685 1644 Difciple of Nuvolone Nicolo del Abbate Bartholomew Sprangher Louis de Vadder ftudied after nature Carlo Maratti ftudied after nature Evert van Aelfl Alaert Claefen, and J. Mandyn Cornelius Engelbrecht John Moftaert Pierino del Vaga Denis Calvart, and the Caracci Francefco Albano his father, Alberto Albert! his father, Durante Alberti Alberto Alberti Carlo Maratti Cofimo Rofelli Annibal, and Ludovico Caracci DomenicoSanti,& Agofr. Metelli his father, Mauro Aldrovandini his uncle, Mauro Aldrovandini mitated Hondecoeter Galeazzo Campi Pietro Perugino Pietro Perugino Caftillo Giufeppe d' Arpino Giufeppe d* Arpino his father, Antonio Ccrreggio the Caracci Antonio de Pereda Angelo Bronzino. AlefTandro Allori Antonilez Giulio Cefare Apgeli < 71 30 66 95 82 63 S4 43 45 63 47 62 40 76 60 75 72 44 40 55 B 2 A. 45 5° 55 65 75 Painters names. Born in the (year Amalteo, Pomponio, Amberger, Chriftopher, Amigoni, Oclavio, Amiconi, Jaeopo, Amman, Juftus, Angeli, Giulio Cefare, Angelica, Giovanni, Angeling Scipio, Angelo, Michael, Buonaroti, Angelo, Mich. Amerigi, da Caravaggio, Angelo, Mich. Pace, di Campid >glio, Angelo, Mich. Cerquozzi, call. di Battaglia, Angelo, Mich. Colonna, Angelis, Filippo D', called Napolctano, Angufeiola, Sophonifba, called Sophonifba, Angufciolo, Lucia, Angufeiola, Europa, Angufeiola, Anna Maria, Anraat, Peter van, Anfaldo, Giovanni Andrea, Antiquus, John, Antiveduto Grammatica, Antonellcrda Meflina, Antonilez, Jofeph, Antonio dai Monti, calledAnt dei Ritratti, Antonio, Pedro, Antonifze, Cornelius, Appel, Jacob, Appelman, Barent, Arbafia, Caeiar, Archita, Arellano, Jnan de, Arethuli, Cefare, Arias, Antonio de, Fernandez, Arlaud, Anthony, Arnau, Juan, Arpino, Giufeppe D', called Giofeppino, Arredondo, Don llidoro, Artois, Jacques D', Alhfield, Edmund, Afper, John, i6c 1^0 •387 i66r 1569 at 1610 1600 1600 1600 '533 1584 702 Venice N u rem berg Brefcia Venice Zurich 'erugia Fiefole Perugia Arezzo^ Caravaggio Rome Rome Ravenna Rome Cremona Cremona Cremona Cremona Amfterdam Seftri Groeningen 1552 near Rome 1426 1636 i< 3 8 16 14 1482 1680 1640 1530 1560 1614 Meflina Seville Rome > ■ " ■ Cordova Amfterdam Amfterdam the Hague Florence — Perugia Torez, near Toledo Bologna 6i2]Madtid 1668 '595 1560 i6"i3 1499 Geneva Barcelona Naples Colmenar Bruffels in England Zurich 45 5° 6o ^5 7 C 75 So Died in the vear Painted hiftory, and portraits ic^c portraits, and hiftory 1 66 j hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and grotefque 1 59 1 hiftory 1630 hiftory 1455 hift° r y 1729 flowers and curious plants 1 564 hiftory 1609 hift.portraits,fruit,& flowers 1670 fruit and flowers 1 66c battles, fruit, &converfations 1687 hiftory and perfpective 1640 battles and landfcapes 1626 portraits and hiftory 1565 ^portraits portraits 1 58^ portraits hiftory 1 638 hiftory and perfpedYive 17 c hiftory 1 6?. 6 portraits and hiftory 475 hiftory and portraits 1 676 hiftory, portraits & landfcape 1 588 portraits 1675 hiftory perfpective 175 1 landfcapes, portraits & hift, 1686 landfcapes and portraits 1602 hiftory and landfcape 1635 hiftory 1670 flowers portraits and hiftory 684 hiftory 1745 portraits 693 hiftory 640 hiftory and battles 1702 hiftory 1665 landfcapes portraits in crayon 1571 portraits Difciple of Pordenone Hans Holbein Ant6nio Gandino ftudied at Rome Ludovico Caracci Giottino Orazio Ferretti Ghirlandaio Giufeppe d'Arpino Fioravanti ; Mozzo of Antwerp Ferrantino, and Dentone Bernardino Cam pi Soiaro, and her lifter Sophonifba Soiaro Bernardino Campi Orazio Cangiagio Waflenburgh Giovanni Domenico Perugino John van Eyck Francifco Ricci Antonio del Caftilla Vander Plaas The fchool of Vinci ftudied at Madrid Pedro de las Cuevas Eugenio Caxes Raphael da Rheggio Jofeph Garcia, & Franc . Ricci Wright imitated Hans Holbein T3 < 56 60 68 68 90 40 60 6o 87 40 93 £4 48 74 49 40 61 7* 46 7 2 7S 56 72 7S 98 80 48 S 2 72 • According to Baldinucci, Lucia Angufciola died in 1568. B. Born Painters names. in the at year Alpertino, Amico, Afpertino, Guido, AfTelyn, John, called Crabbetje, Afien, John van, Alia, Andrea d', Athanaiia, Don Pedro, Avanzi, Jacopo d', Avellino, Onofrio, Aver, John Paul, Aveman, Wolff, Axereto, Giovachino, Hv4 1501 1610 167 c i6 3 £: 1650 1636 i6co Dologna Bologna Antwerp Amfterdam Bagnoli Granada Bologna Naples Nurenberg Nurenberg Genoa B. 10 *5 20 25 BAAN, John de, Baan, Jacob de, Babeur, Theodore, Bacchiacca. Vide Ubertino. Baccici. Vide Gauli. Baccio, Bartolomeo, Backer, Jacques, Backer, Jacob, Backer, Adrian, Backereel, William, Backhuyfen, Ludolph, Badaracco, Giofeffo, called il Sordo, Badens, Francis, Badiale, Sandrino, Badile, Antonio, Badolocchi, Sifto, Baerftraet, Baglioni, Cefare, Bagnacavallo, Bartolomeo da, Bajardo, Giovanni Batdita, Bailii, David, Balaffi, Mario, Baldi, Lazaro, Baldvinetti, AlefFandro, Balducci, Giovanni, called Cofci, Balen, Hendrick van, Balen, John van, tfalen, Mathys, i633|Haerlem 1673 1469 1609 1631 1626 1480 1493 i 5 8 4 1604 ,623 1380 1560 161 1 168, the Hague in Holland Savignano Antwerp Harlingen Amfterdam Antwerp Embden Genoa Antwerp Bologna Verona Parma in Flanders Bologna Bologna Genoa Leyden Florence Piftoia Florence Florence Antwerp Antwerp Dort A. Died in the Painted 57 2 'S3* i66o| 1695 1718 1688 1687 1620 1649; hiitory hili. with fig. high, finifhed landfc. & batt. hill. & anim. hillory and landicapes hifloiy hillory hillory landicapes, port, and hill, hillory, and portraits perfpeclive views of church, hillory Difciple of Francefco Francia his brother Amico Afpertino Efaias Vander Velde Tempefta Solimena Alonzo Cana Franco Bolognefe Luca Giordano, and Solimena George Eimmert Henry Stenwyck Luciano Borzone,&And. Anfaldo < 78 3S 49 B. IC '5 20 *5 [517 1560 I 6 £J I 1686 '09 1657 603 1671 1560 1590 [541 1657 1638 1667 x 7°3 1 466 1600 632 ^74 6 i 1 702'portraits 1 700 portraits, and converfations hift. mulical performers & [converfations hillory, and portraits hiflory portraits, and hillory hi (lory, and portraits hillory fhips, fea ports, & fea-pieces hillory hillory, and converfations hillory hillory, and portraits hillory fea-ports, Horms, & calms landf. perfp. anim. fr. & fl, hillory hillory, in oil and frefco perfpecYives, and portraits hillory hillory hillory, and portraits hillory hillory, and portraits hillory, boys, & landicapes hillory, and landfeapes Piemans, and Backer John de Baan Cofimo Rofelli his father » ■ Backer Lambert Jacobiz Peter Paul Rubens Everdingen BernardoStrozzi, & And. Anfaldo his father Badens Flamminio Torre the Caracci his father ■ Baglione Raphael Bernardo Strozzi,& And, Anfaldo And. Verburgh, & Vandervvoort Ligozzi, Rofelli, and Paffignano Pietro da Cortona Paolo Uccello Battilla Naldini Adam van Oort his father, Hendrick van Balen Arnold Houbraken 69 48 30 42 a© 43 80 86 jz 62 B. Painters names. Baleltra, Antonio, 30 Balton, Peter, Bamboccio, or Peter van Laer, Bandiera, Benedetto, Bandinelli, Baccio, Sanfa, Gregorio, 35 Baptiit, John, Monnoyer, Baptiit, John, Gafpars, Barbarelli, Giorgio. Vide Giorgione. Barbatelli, Bernardino, called Pocchetti, Barbello, Giacomo, 40 Barbieri, Giov. Francefco, calledGuercino, Barbieri, Francefco, called, da Legnano Barbieri, Paolo Antonio, Barbieri, Pietro Antonio, Barbiero, or AlefTandro Fei, Parent, Dieterick, Barlow, Francis, Baroccio, Frederigo, Bartoli, Pietro Santi, Bartoli, Domenico, jc Sartolini, Giuleppe Maria, Bartolo, Taddeo di, Bartolo, Domenico, Bartolomeo, Abbatedi S. Clementi, Bartolomeo di San Marco. Vide Baccio. 55 Bartolomeo Vide Breenberg. BafTan, Giacomo, BafTan, Francefco, * BafTan, Leandro, BafTan, Giovanni Battifla, 60 BafTan, Girolamo, BafTetti, Marc Antonio, Bafli, Francefco, Bafli,Francefco,called Cremonete dai Paeli, BafTo, Bartolomeo, 65 Baflbtti, or Barfotti, Giovanni Francefco, BafHano, called Ariitotile, Baur, John William, Beal, Mary, Beccafiumi, Domenico, Born n the VP 37s 510 56c S «9 664 64 600 4 8i 61c 632 4S4 at b&b Verona Antwerp 61 3 LaerennearNaerden 557 Perugia 497 Florence 595 Majorca Lille Antwerp 542 Florence 590 Naples 590 Cento, near Bologna 623 Legnano 590 Cento 663 Pavia 53 8 Florence 5j4 Amfte'rdam in Lincolnfhire 528 Urbino 635 Perugia Siena imola Siena Florence Arezzo - BafTano BafTano BafTano BafTano BalTano V erona Bologna Cremona Genoa Perugia S.Gallo,nearFloren, Strafburg n Suffolk, England Cortina, near Siena — * The author of the Mufeum Florent. fays, he was born in 1551* B. 3° 35 40 45 5° 55 60 65 Died in the year, Painted 1720 hiitory landfcapes, and hiitory 1673 Converf. cattle, & landfc 1634 hilt, in oil, frefco,& diltem £59 hiitory 1656 hiitory 1699 flowers 1691 hiitory, and portraits 1 6 1 2 hilt, fruit, animals &: flowers 656 hiitory, in oil and frefco 1666 hiitory (698 lanfcapes, fig. & perfpective 640 ftill-life, fruit, fifh, & anim hiitory hiitory 1582 hiitory, and portraits 1702 birds, hearts, and filhes 6 1 2 hillory, and portraits 700 hiitory 1460 hiitory hiitory 4 1 o hiitory, and portraits 1 440 perfpective, & orn. architec 1 46 1 hiltory 59: hilt. cat. landfc. and portr- 594 hiitory, landfcapes, & cattle 1623 hiitory, and portraits 613 hiitory, and landfcapes 1622 hiitory, and landfcapes 1630 hiitory 1693 hiitory hiitory, and landfcapes 657 perfpective, and architect. i6o\ hiitory 155.. perfpective, & architecture 164c architecture, & perspective 697 portraits 154c, hiftory Difciple of Beiiucci, and Carlo Maratti John del Campo Federigo Baroccio Franceico Ruftico Ribalta Bofchaerts Ghirlandaio [Genari, & Lud. Caracci. P.Zagnonij&Cremonio, alfo Ben Bernardino Gandini his brother, Guercino Battifta Ricci Ghirlandaio, & Tom. da S.Friano Titian Sheppard Venetiano, & Girolamo Genga Niccolo Pouffin Taddeo di Bartolo Lor. Paflinelli, & Carlo Cignani his father, Bartolomeo Fredi his uncle Taddeo di Bartolo Bonifacio his father, Giacomo BalTan Giacomo Baflan Giacomo Baflan Giacomo Bailan Brufa Sorci Lorenzo Paffinelli Giovanni Andrea Anfaldo ltudied at Rome P. Perugino, but ftudied M. A. Fred. Brendel [Buonarati Sir Peter Lely '1 Capanna, -a < 54- 60 77 62 63 54 70 66 76 75 H 48 84 H 59 65 60 6z zg 70 30 n c B. Painters names Born in the at 75 So 3 5 IOC 310 Becerra, Gafpar, Geek, David, Beeldemaker, John, Beeldemaker, Francis, Beering, Gregory, Bega, Cornelius, Bcgeyn, Abraham, Beich, Joachim Francis, Beinafchi, Giovanni Battifla, Beinafchi, x\ngela, Belau, Nicholas Bruno, Beljevois, Bellini, Giacomo, Bellini, Gentile, Bellini, Giovanni, Bellini, Giacinto, Bellotti, Pietro, Beltraftb, Giovanni Antonio,. Bellucci, Giovanni Battifla, Bellucci, Antonio, Belvedere, Abate Andrea, Bemmel, William van, Bemmel, John George, Benavides, Don Vincente de, Benedetto. Vide Cafliglione. Benetelio, Luigi, Benfatto, Luigi, called il Frifo, Benfo, Giulio, Bent, John vander, BeBtum, J u flu 3 van, Berchem, Nicholas, Berchet, Peter, Berg, Matthias vander,. Bergamalco, Juan Battifla el, Bergen, Dirk vander, Bergunzoni, Lorenzo, Berckheyden, Job, Berckheyden, Gcrrard, Ba ck mans, Henry Bernard of BrufTols, Bernard, Samuel, Bernaert, Nicafius, Bernazano, Bemhard, Samuel,. 500 621 630 669 C2C 620 6 5 o 665 666 684 421 422 625 1470 1506 1654 ,63c 1669 1627 53 .659 161 149 1646 161 lt>4 161 1 593 161 Baefa, in Andalufia Arnheim the Hague the Hague Mechlin Haerlem — n Holland Ravenfburg Piedmont Rome Magdeburg — - in France Venice Venice Venice Bologna — Volzano Milan San Marino Venice Naples Utrecht N urenberg Oran Venice — Verona near Genoa :\mflerdam Ley den Haerlem in France Ypres Bergamo Haerlem Bologna *— — Haerlem Haerlem Willemftadt Bruflels Paris — in Holland Milan Paris B. Died n the year 70 75 80 85 90 95 10c 105 1 1 57° 656 710 717 570 664 748 6gc 684 47 c 501 1512 700 526 J 5S4 i73 2 1693 *7 2 3 *7°3 Painted Difciple of hiftory portraits hiftory hiftory landfcapes landfcapes, cattle, &converf, andfcapes, and cattle landfcapes, and battles hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits fea pieces, and lea ports hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hift. in the ftyle of his maft hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory architecture* portraits, and hiftory ruits, flowers, birds, Sc vafe andfcapes battles perfpective, and architecture M. Ang. tiuonaroti, & Raphael Vandyck is father John, &Wm. Doudyns Adrian Oftade his father 15 £3 hiftory, and portraits 1 6 1 1 hiftory, and portraits 668 hift.& perfpedt.in oil& frefcc 169c landfcapes 1727 night pieces, and portraits 168 3 landfcapes, and cattle 1720 hiftory 687 portraits, and hiftory [57c hiftory [689 portraits, &: landfcapes portraits 1698 landfcapes, & converfation: 692 perfpedtive views 1670 portraits, and battles [54c huntings, hiftory, & portr, 1687 hift.landfc. & port, infrefco 1662 animals, [& miniature r$£d landfc. anim. fruit, & flow. 1687 hiftory, landfc. & portraits Beich PietVo'del Po, but imit. Lanfranc her father G. Battifta Beinafchi Auguftin Terweften Gentile da Fabriano his father Giacomo Bellini Giacomo Bellini Albano Vlichael Forabofco Lionardo da Vinci irolamo Genga Domenico Dirlinico Herman Sachtleven his father William van Bemmel Francifco Ricci < 7P 3$ 80 48 ;o 44 83 54- 56 ?3 >4 76 Paolo Veronefe Giovanni Battifta Paggi Adrian V.Velde,& Wouwermans Godfrey Sehalcken G r e b b e r , V a n G o y e n , & W e e n i n x La FoiTe Peter Paul Rubens M. A. Buonaroti Adrian Vander Velde Bolognini, and Guercino Philip Wouwermans Francis Snyders ftudicd at Rome Cz IV 60 40 57 £9 61 7 2 76 48 (7?irr 8i 73 4S 4* 69 his father A.Bifcaino,& V.Caftelli Ferdinand Bol his father Cornelius Bifkop Lucio MafTari Apollodore di Porcia Caftellani,Chiarini,& Francefchi- Bronzino [ni. i638|portraits and hiftory IBjlleris 60 61 65 30 jo 84 60 42 7° 4i 74 44 60 3*1 B. Painters names. Born in the year at 155 16c i6 S 170 *7i 180 190 195 Blanchet, Thomas, Bkmkhof, John Teunifz, Bleek, R. V. Blekers, Blendinger, George, Blefs, Henry de, Blockland, Anthony, de Montfort, Block, Daniel, Block, Jacob Roger, Block, Benjamin, Bloemart, Abraham, * Bloemart, Henry, Bloemart, Adrian, Bloemen, Peter van, Bloemen,John Francis van. VideOrizontl Bloemen, Norbert van, Blond, Chriftopher le, Bloot, Peter, Bobadilla, Geronimo de, Boccacci, Boccaccino, Boccacci, Camillo, called il Boccaclno, Bocchi, FaufKno, Bocciardi, Clemente, called Clementone, Bockhorft, John van, Bodekker, Bodevvyns, and 7 Bout, Francis, j Boehm, Bartholomew, Boehm, Sebald, Boel, Peter, Bogdane, James, Bois, Ambrofe du, Sol, Ferdinand, Bol, John, Bolanger, John, Bolognefe, Francefco, or Grimaldi, Bolognefe, Giacomo Francia, Bolognefe, Alexander, Bolognini, Carlo, Bolognini, Giovanni Battifta, Bolognini, Giacomo, 1617 1628 1670 1667 1480 158c 163 1 1598 1665 1672 167c 1 6 1 c 150c Kii l6 59 1 62c i6io 1660 150: 1 5 00 1625 r S43 i6i 1 *5 34 1606 1 606 1638 1662 l6l ! 1664 Paris Alkmaar in Holland Haerlem Nurenberg Bovine Montfort Stettin Gouda Lubeck Gorcum Utrecht Utrecht Antwerp Antwerp in Holland in Flanders Antequera Cremona Cremona Brefcia Genoa Muniter Cleves Bruflfels Nurenberg - Nurenberg Antwerp in Hungary Antwerp Dort Mechlin Troa wdloana Bologna Bologna Bologna Bologna Bologna * Bloemart, according to Baldinncci, was born in 156^, and died, in 16 j 8, contrary to the accounts of the Flemifh writers. B. '55 160 165 170 "75 180 185 29O *95 Died in the year 1689 1670 1741 I550 l66l 1647 1667 1680 1558 1546 1658 1727 i63o 16 1 5 1681 *59S 1660 1 68c 167 c 1 704 1688 1716 Painted hill. perfpective, & portraits landscapes, and fea fhores hiilory and portraits portraits and hiilory iandfcapes hiilory and Iandfcapes hiilory, and portraits portraits architecture, and portraits portraits, and hiilory landfc. cattle, hilt. & portr. Iandfcapes and portraits Iandfcapes, hilt. & portraits encamp.battles, & Ital. mar [kets portraits, and converfations port.infmall,&allfub.on pa converfations [per hiilory and perfpeftive hiilory hiilory, and portraits bat. infmallfize, & landfc. hiilory, and portraits hiilory, and portraits portraits landfc. with fmall figures hiilory hiilory fail-life, and animals birds, fruit, and flowers hiilory hiilory, and portraits Iandfcapes, hill. & animals hiilory hiilory, and Iandfcapes hiilory, but prin. madonnas hiilory, and Iandfcapes hiilory, and perfpeftive hiilory hiilory Difciple of Cefar Everdingen Haring, and Vanderfchuur John Francis Ermel Joachim Patenier Francis Floris Jacob Sherer Daniel Block Joas de Beer, & DrolTart van Heel his father Abra. Bloemart J. Francis van Bloemen his brother, J.Francis V. Bloemen Zurbaran imitated Pietro Perugino his father Bocc°. Boccacci Angelo Everardi Bernardo Strozzi Jacques Jordaens John de Baan Albert Durer Barthol. Boehm Cornelius de Waal Rembrandt an inconliderable painter atMech- Guido [lin Annibal Caracci his father Francefco his father Franc. Bolognefe Aldrovandini, & Giulio Troglo Guido his uncle, Giov. Batt, Bolognini v n 1 So 61 35 67 c « > c » ? 40 So 55 72 70 S9 f4 7+ 42 77 \ B. Painters names. Born in the year at 200 205 210 220 225 2 3- Hombelli, Sebaftian, Bonatti, Giovanni, called Pio, Benconti, Giovanni Paolo, Boneli Giovanni Girolamo, Bonifacio, Venetiano, Bonifacio, Francefco, Bonone, Carlo, Bonvincino, AlefTandro, Boonen, Arnold, Boonen, Jafper, Boon, Daniel, Borcht, Henry Vander, Bordier. Vide Petitot the Old. Bordone, Paris, Borghefi, Giovanni Ventura, Borgianni, Orazio, Borgone, Giacomo, Borzoni, Luciano, Borzoni, Giovanni Battifta, Borzoni, Carlo, Borzoni, Francis Maria, Bos, Jerome, Bofch, Balthafar vander, Bofch, Jacob vander, Bofs, Lewis Janffen vander, Bofs, Caipar vander, Boflchaert, Thomas Willeborts, Bofchi, Prete Francefco, Bofchi, Alfonfo, Bofchi, Fabricio, Bofcoli, Andrea, Both, John, Both, Andrew, Bottalla, Giovanni Maria, Botticello, AlefTanuro, Botto, Marc Antonio, Boullongne, Louis, called the Old, Boullongne, Bon, Boullongne, Louis, called the Young, Bourdon, Sebaitian, Bourgognone, or Jacopo Cortefi, Bouwer, John William, Brafelli, Giovanni Battifta 5 Brakenburg, Reinier, i 6 35 1635 1563 I q6b 1569 1514 1669 1677 1583 *P3 163c 1 C A° 159c 1625 1675 1636 ^34 1613 1619 1615 .570 1553 1610 437 l S7 1609 1649 1054 1616 162 1 1 $8 4 1584 1049 Bologna Ferrara Bologna Bologna Bologna — Viterbo Ferrara Brefcia Dort Dort — in Holland Bruffels Trevigi Caftello — Rome Genoa Genoa Genoa Genoa Genoa Bois le due Antwerp Amfterdam Bois le due — Hoorn Bergen op Zoom Florence Florence Florence — Florence Utrecht Utrecht Savona Florence — — Genoa Paris Paris Paris Montpelier — San Hippolito Strafburg Genoa Haerlem B. Died in th year 200 205 210 220 225 230 235 1685 168 1605 1630 1632 I564 I72Q I729 1698 1664 I588 1708 i63 1645 1657 1679 1500 1715 1676 1 W 666 1667 1675 1649 642 606 1650 1656 644 1648 1674 1717 <734 1676 1640 1609 Painted hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits portraits drolls, and converfations fruit and flowers hift. portraits, and architect, hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory in an exquiiite ftyle hiftory, and portraits Difciple of 1654 perfpe&ive, and hiftory portraits landfcapes, and fea pieces devils,witches,&S.A,tempt. converfations, and portraits ftill life flowers, and portraits (hips, and fea views hiftory and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory landfcapes converfations, and portraits hiftory, in oil and frefco hiftory, and portraits portrait. &hift in oil & cel. hiftory [wax hift. landfc. port. & paftici hiftory hiftory, landfc. & portraits battles, and hiftory buildings, and landfcapes hiftory converfations, & landfcapes P Guercino Guercinc, and Mola the Caracci, and Bar. Paflerotti Carlo Cignam the Elder Palma Pietro da Cortona Ludovico Caracci Titian Godfrey Shalcken Arnold Boonen Giles Valkenburgh Titian Pietro da Cortona Giulio Borgianni Andrea, and Ottavio Semini Filippo Bertolotto,&CefareCorte his rather Luciano Borzoni his father Luciano his father Luciano Thomas Gerard Sege rs Matteo Rofelli Matteo Rofelli Domenico Paffignani Santi di Titi Abraham Bloemart his father Both Pietro da Cortona Filippo Lippi different mafters his father Louis Boullongne his father Louis Boullongne his father Bourdon Jeronymo and Guido ederick Brendel Giovanni Battifta Paggi Mommers bJ3 50 46 42 62 63 63 81 75 5i 55 ?4 40 40 14 72 n 40 fjxrrcv) 7S 76 68 80 5 55 56 B. 24O 245 2 5 < Painters names. Bramantino, Bartolomeo, Bramer, Leonard, Brandel, Peter, Biande, Giacinto, Brandmuller, Gregory, Bray, Solomon de, Bray, Jacob de, Breckberg. Vide Berkheyderu Breda, Peter van, Breda, John van, Breenberg, Bartholomew, Brentana, Sim one, Breydel, Charles, Breydel, Francis, Bill, Paul, 255 Bril, Matthew, Brizone, Giovanni Battifta, Brize, Cornelius, Brizio, Franccico, Brizio, Filippo, 2 6o Broek, Elias vanden, Broers, Bronchorft, Peter, Bronchorft, Jehn van, Bronchorit, John, Bronzino. Vide Allori. Bronzino, Agnolo, Brozzi, Paolo, Brouvver, Adrian > Bru, Mofes Vinceme, 270 Brueghel, Peter,called the Old, [Brueghel, Brueghel , P . Peterfz , the Yo u n g, cal . He 1 1 iih Brueghel, John, called Velvet Brueghel, Brueghel, Abraham, Brun, Charles le, 275 Bruni, Domenico, Brufaferrc, Girolamo, Brufaforci. Vide Riccio. BruHels, Roger of. Vide Vanderweyde. Buffalmacco, Buonamico, 2S0 Bugiardiiji, Giuliano, 'iuonfiglio, Benedetto, Buoni, Giacoino, Buonaccorci,Pk-tTo. Vide PierlnodelVaga, Born n the 1417 Milan 1 S 6 4 165O l607 1656 1676 1628 1 660 1240 15 16 1560 1615 1660 Bruffels Paris Paris Afcoli Rome Rome Bologna Florence Genoa Madrid Florence Pavia Granada Granada Milan Bologna Bologna Florence Pomerancio Pomerancio Milan Perugia c. Died in th< year l6uO 1719 1642 1706 164c * <4C 1675 l68l 163C 1657 1602 1614 i6q& 1674 1688 1713 171 1 1695 1727 1698 .65; 1620 1640 *6 77 [696 »7S« 1719 130c 1620 Painted hiftory landfcapes, and animals hiftory hiftory landfcapes, and hiftory hiftory portraits, and hiftory hiftory, and peafants hift.in oil, frefco, &diftemp. hiftory hiftory hiftory infreco & miniature hift.famous for imit. ©- h i ftory [ ing M. A . B uona roti hiftory, and portraits hift. landfc. and portraits hift. landfc. and portraits conversations hiftory portraits, and hiftory hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory lrchitecture, &: perfpedtive architecture, & perfpective portraits, and hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory in large and fmall hiftory landfcapes, and flowers andfc. in the ftyle of G. hiftory [Pouffinfc Salv.Rofli hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory [682 hiftJandfcanim Srrur.fports 703|hift.port.architec.6cperfpec Difciple of the Caracci ftudied in Italy Giovanni Bolange his father Patricio Caxes Matteo Ponzoni Niccolo Pomerancio Lor. di Credi,&Rid.Ghirlandaio Juan Caregno Guido, and Domenichino Guido Valeric Caftelli imitated Stefano da Verona his brother Giufeppe D'Arpino Francefco Bezzi called Noladella Federigo Zucchero Michael Bourdeaux & Fouquiere his uncle Philip de Champagne David Teniers ftudied at Rome her father Henry Cheron her father Sebaftiano Chezzi Carlo Manftti Francefco Qua! no, & D. Santi Fab. Bofchi, & Bac. del Bianch Luciano Borzone Triftan Santi di Titi Carlo Sacchi Alonzo Canco his father Mich. Geron. Ciezar Qavaliere Tempefta Battifta Cairo, and Albano his father Carlo Cignani foine Greek artifts m Florence ftudied at Rome his father Nicolo Pomerancio Battifta Gauli, called Baccici < 80 66 69 56 is 72 79 43 S3 63. 7+ 73 77 S* 02 7° 40 63 a JO 72 60 67 *3 Painters names. Born in the year at 155 Gittadini, Giovanni Battilta, Claude Lorraine, or Gelee, Cleef, Joas van, Cleef, John van, Cleef, Henry van, 160 Cleet, Martin van, Clemen tone. Vide Bocciardi* Clerc, John le, Clerici, Tommafo y Cleyn, Francis de, 103 Cloitermany Clovio, Giorgio Giulio, Cliiyt, Adrian, Cluyt, Peter Dirk, Coceapani, Sigifniundo, 170 Codazzo. Vide Viviano* Codignuofa, Girolamo da, Coelio, Don Claudio, [guefe Titian, Coello,Alonzo Sanchez, called the Portu- Coignet, Giles, called Giles of Antwerp, 175 Collantes, Francefco, Colombal, Nicholas, Colombien, de. Vide Valentine. Colomboni, Angelo Maria, Coloni, Adam, called the Old, iSoColoni, Adrian, called the Young, Colonna. Vide Angelo, Com modi, Andrea, Conca, Sebaftian,; Conchillos, Juan, 1 S 5 Coningtloo, Gilles, Contarini, Giovanni, Conte, Jacopino dal, Cook, Henry, Cooper, Samuel, 190 Cooper, Alexander, Coppa, Cavaliere, Coppi, Jacopo, Coques, Gonzalo, Cora Hi, Giulio, jpdCorduer, Peter Anthony^ ""orgna^ Fabio della, Coriario. Vide Leone, ornaro, Carlo, 1641 1600 646 1587 1637 1656 1498 1581 15^3 H83 '599 1644 1638 1634 1668 156c 1679 1641 »544 [£IO 1642 i6oq ■59 T 5 2 3 .1618 1641 l 599 1600 1605 Milan Lorraine Antwerp Venloo Antwerp Antwerp NancI Genoa Roftock Ofnaburgh Sclavonia Alkmaar Delft Bruflels Bologna Madrid Portugal Antwerp Madrid Sotteville Gubbio Rotterdam Florence Gaieta Valencia Antwerp Venice Florence England London London Verona Florence Antwerp Bologna Nurenberg Perugia Milan c. »55 1 60 165 170 175 180 185 (90 95 Died in the year Painted 1692 hift. landfc. and animals 1682 landfcapes 1 £36 portraits, and hiftory 1 7 1 6 hiftory, and architecture 589 landfcapes hiftory hiftory hiftory grotefque, and hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits portraits portraits hiftory portraits, and hiftory hiftory port. & architecture hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and grotefque landfcapes, and taverns hiftory [miniature flowers, birds, & plants, in landfcapes, hiftory, & cattle lanfcapes, cattle, hiftory, & [converfations hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory landfcapes hiftory, and portraits hiftory and portraits hift. copied after great mail, portraits in miniature port. in miniature, & landfc. hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits, 'and converfation portr. in large & fmall frze hiftory hiftory, in oil and frefco l6 33 1657 1658 *7*3 1578 1604 r6 43 I| S 2 1693 1590 1 60C 1656 I 7 1 7 1672 1685 I 7OI 1638 I764 1711 1609 1605 1598 I700 1672 l66 S 1684 1644 1643 l6 73 Difciple of his father Pietro Fran. Cittadini Agoftino Taffi William van ? Cleef Gentile, & Gafpar de Crayer Francis Floris Carlo Venetiano Francefco Merano imitated Kneller Girolamo dai Libri,&J. Romano Blockland de Montfort Michael Mirevelt Ludovico Cigoli Raphael Francifco Rici Antonio More Antonio Palermo imitated Spagnoletto Euftachius le Sueur ftudied after nature Adam Coloni, and Vandieft Ludovico Cardi, called Cigoli Francefco Solimena Eftevan Marc Van Aalft, and Moftaert Titian, and Pietro Moiombra Andrea del Sarto John Hofkins John Hoikins Guido David Ryckaert, the Old Guercino, and Francefco Cairo Michael Heer Stefana Amadei hiftory, in oil & miniature Camillo Procaccint < 5* 70 4S 20 57 80 60 6g 7S 7° 57 73 64 S» 33 78 3 S 56 88 >8 63 o 68 66 45 43 68 c. 200 205 210 211 220 225 2%C *3! 2±d Painters names. Corneille, Michael, Corneille, John Baptifr, Cornelii, Lucas, Cornelifz, Cornelius, Cornelifz, Dieterick Jacobs, Cornelifz, Jacques, [Plaerlem, Cornelifz, Cornelius, called Cornelius van Corona, Lionardo, da Murano, Corradi, 061a vio, Correggio, Antonio, or Allegri, Corte, Valerio, Corte, Gabriel de la, Corte, David, Corte, Juan de la, Corte, Cefare da, Cortefi, Giacomo. Vide Bourgognone, Corteli, Giovanna Marmocchini, Cortona, Pietro da. Vide Berretini. Cortonefe, Pietro Paolo. Vide Gobbo Coders, John, Cofimo, Pietro di, CofTolano, Aleffandro, Coila, Lorenzo, Cofia, Tommafo, Coftantino de' Servi, Cottan, Fray Sanchez, Courtois, William, Couvyn, Reinier, Couvyn, Ifrael, Couwenberch. Vide Thielen, John Phi- Coxis, Michael, [lip van. Coypel, Noel, Coypel, Anthony, Coypel, Noel Nicholas, Cozza, Francefco, Crabbetje. Vide AlTelyn. Crabeth, Dirk &: Wouter Crabeth, Francis, Cramer, N. Cranius, or Cranach, Luca, the Old, Cranius, Luca, the Younger, Crac-beck, Jofeph van, Crayer, Cafpar de, rebbe, Francis, Born in the vear 1O03 1 646 1*95 1493 149 ,471 1562 1561 r 494 "5 3° 16^8 , 554 1670 1603 1441 15:52 1 5 H 1 561 ;6 2 8 U97 1629 166 i 1692 . 670 j 470 1 5 IC ,585 ^475 at Paris Pa; is Ley den Ley den Ley Jen Ooitfanen Haerlem Murano Bologna Correggio Venice Madrid Genoa Madrid Genoa Florence Antwerp Florence Siena — Ferrara SarTuola Florence Toledo Franche Compte — in Brabant in Brabant Mechlin Paris Paris Paris Palermo Gouda — — Leyden Ley den Cranach Wittemberg Bruflels «— - Antwerp Mechlin e. Died in the year Painted 1664 hiltory o 1695 hiflory portraits, and hiilory 1544 hiilory 1567 hiflory, and portraits hiilory 205 1638 hiilory, and portaits 1605 portraits, and hiflory 1643 hiilory, and portraits 534 hiilory 1580 hiilory, and portraits lie j 694 flowers 16$ 7 hiflory 1 66c landfcap. hiil.bat.& perfpec portraits, and hiilory 215 1 736 portraits hiilory 1 521 bacchanals, hiil. & portraits *20 1 606 hiilory iilory 1592 hiil.in oil & frefco,with per- 1622 hiilory, & portr. [fpecriv 627 hiilory ■ 2 S l ^79 hiflory ilill life, and converfations hiilory, and portraits 592 hiilory, and portraits 53c 1707 hiilory 1722 hiilory, ^allegorical fubje&s 1737 hift.& port. in oil & crayons 1664 hiilory 135 hiilory, on glafs r 548 hiflory 17 10 portraits, and converfations 15 £3 hiflory, and portraits $86 hiilory 40 1 668 drolls, and converfations 1669 hiilory, and portraits i£48lhiftory Difciple of Simon Vouet his father Michael Corncille Cornelius Engelbrecht his father Cornelius Engelbrecht FrancisPourbus,& Giles Coignet iludied after Titian & Tintoretto Giacomo Cavedone il Frari of Modena imitated Titian his father Francifco la Corte his father Cefare Corte and Fiaf- [ella his father Valerio Corte Livio Mekus, Dandini, and Ga- [lantini Cornelius de Vos Cofimo Rofelli Criilofano Roncalli And. del Cailagno, & F. Francia John Bolanger Santi di Titi Blafs de Prado Pietro da Cortona iludied after nature Bernard van Orlay, & Raphael Poncet, and Simon Vouet his father Noel Coy pel his father Anthony Coypel Domenichino Cornelius Ketel imitated Lucas van Leyden WilliamMieris,& Karel de Moor his father Luca Cranius Adrian Broiuver Raphael Coxis imitated Quintin Matfys t>0 <_ 6l 49 70 76 4* 40 46 73 •66 So 68 66 9* 8 61 +5 40 3* 76 60 8 4 73 245 2 5 < 260 Painters names. Credi, Lorenzo di, Cremonini, Giovanni Battifta, Crepu, Creipi, Giovanni Battifta, called Cerano, Crefpi, Daniello, Crefpi, Giufeppe Maria, called Spagnuolo, Crefti, Domenico, called Paflignano, Creti, Donato, Criftona, Giufeppe, Croce, Baidaflare, Crofs, Cuevas, Pedro de las, Cuevas, Don Eugeniode las, Cugnet, Pedro, ■Culmbach, John de, Curradi, Francefco, !Cunio, Daniello, Curti, Girolamo, called Dentone, jCuylenburg, Cuyp, Albert. Vide Kuyp. Born in th< year 1680 16 57 1592 1665 1558 1671 1664 «S°; 1558 i6 1 3 X S95 1570 ■*49 at Florence Cento in Flanders — Cerano il Borgo Bologna Bologna Paffignano Cremona — Pavia Bologna in England Madrid Madrid — Barcelona Culmbach Florence Milan Bologna — Utrecht D. 10 D'AGAR, Jacopo, Daddi, Cofimo, Daddi, Bernardo, Da Jens, Dirk, Dalmaft, Lippo, called Filippo delle Ma- Damini, Pietro, [done, Darning Giorgio, Dandini, Pietro, Dandini, O&avio, Dandini, Vincentio, Dandini, Cefare, Danedi, Giofeffo, called Montalti, Danedi, Giovanni Stefano,called Montalti, Daniello, Cavaliere. Vide Syder. Dankers, Henry, Danker s, John, Dankerfz, peter> de Ry, [Danti, Teodora, 1640 1659 1592 1646 1681 1607 *595 i6co 1608 605 h49 8 Paris Florence Aretium Amfterdam Bologna — — — Caftel franco Caftel franco Florence Florence Florence ■ Florence in the Milanefe, at Treviglio [Trevig, the Hague ■ Amfterdam Amfterdam Perugia D. Died [ m the Painted 1530 hiftory, and portraits 1610 hift.& perfpedtive architec. flowers, and fruit 1633 hiftory 1630 hiftory, and portraits 1747 hiftory, and portraits 1638 hiftory, and portraits hiftory 174c hift.infmall, in which he in- 1638 hiltory, [troduced landfc. hiftory 163 ^ hiftory 1667 hift.& portraits in miniature 1666 hiftory i522iportraits 1660 hiftory and portraits hiftory, and landfcapes hiftory in frefco hiftory, and figures in caves Difciple of Andrea Verocchio ftudied after nature ftudied at Rome and Venice Giov.E.Crefpi, &J.C.Procaccini Canu t i , Gign ani , B u ri n i & A , To n i Macchietti,Naldini&F.Zucchero Lorenzo Paflinelli Bernardino Ciceri Annibal Caracci his father Pedro de las Cuevas Albert Durer Battifta Naldini Bernardino Cam pi Cefare Eaglioni Cornelius Poelemburg 7* 82 86 1716 1630 n8o 1688 163 1 1657 1712 167^ 1648 1670 1689 ?*S73 hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory landfcapes hiftory, (flourifhed in 1407) hiftory hift. with fmall fig. [animals hift.landic.port.archit.bat.& hift. landfc. port. & architec. hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory landfcapes hiftory portraits hiftory Ferdinando Vouet ]?6 Battifta Naldini Spinello Aretino his father William Dalens Vitale Bolognefe inftrucled by Novelii a difciple of Pal ma Valerio Spada, & Vin. Dandini his father Pietro Dandini Cef.Dandini,& Pietro da Corrona C u r r ad i , Paffi gn a n o , & C r i ft . A i 1 r i 1 5 3 Morazzone, and Guido Reni 70 Morazzone, and Guido Reni 81 her father Pier Vincenzio Danti J75 F 29 39 66 68 D. 'ainters names. born n tbe year at 2C 30 40 45 50 55 Danti, Vincenzio, Danti, Pellegrino, Danti, Girolamo, David, Ludovico Antonio, Delen, Dirk van, Delft, Jacob, Delmont, Deodato, Deneyn, Peter Peter fz, Denner, Balthafar, Dentone. Vide Curti, Girolamo. Denys, Jacques, Deryck, Peter Cornelius, Deryck, William, Defani, Pietro, Defportes, Francis, De Witt, Jacques, Deynum, John Baptift van, Deyfter, Lewis, Deyfler, Anna, Diepenbeck, Abraham, Diepraam, Abraham, Dieft, Adrian van, Dietfchen, Mademoifelle, Difcepoli, G.Battifta, called Zoppo da Lu- Dobfon, William, [g ano > Does, Jacob vander, the Old, Does, Jacob vander, the Young, Does, Simon vander, Dolce, Carlo and Carlino, Domenichino, or Domenico Zampierl, Domenique, John, Donado, Fray Adriano, Donducci, Giov. Andrea, called Mafteletta, Donini, Girolamo, Donini, Angelo di, Donth, Arnold, Donker, Peter, Donker, John, Donofo, Don Jofeph, Dorignv, Louis, Dofiij Doflb, 153c 537 *547 1648 619 158 !597 1685 r 56b 1661 1695 1620 1656 1696 1607 1655 1716 1590 1610 1623 1654 1653 1616 (581 1580 <575 1681 1610 1628 1654 H74 Perugia Perugia Perugia Lugano Heufden Delft St. Tron Leyden Hambourg Antwerp Delft Antwerp Bologna Champigneul Amfterdam Antwerp Bruges Bruges Bois le due Oudenarde the Hague Nurenberg Lugano London Amfterdam Amfterdam Amfterdam Florence Bologna Cordova Bologna Correggio Florence Ghent Gouda Gouda Confuegra Paris Ferrary D. Died m the Painted > year 157c hiftory > 1586 hiftory, and portraits 1580 hiftory in frefco hiftory, and portraits buildings, and perfpective 1 66 1 portraits 1634 hiftory 1693 landfcapes 174; portraits hiftory, and portraits 1630 portaits, landfe. and cattle 1697 hiftory 1657 hiftory 1743 animals, hunt.flow. & infers hiftory, and portaits port, in miniat. and hift. in 171 1 hiftory [water colours 1746 hiftory 1675 n ift° r y conventions, and drolls 1704 landfcapes, and cattle flowers & birds in miniature 1660 hiftory 1646 portraits, and hiftory 1673 landfcapes, and animals 1693 hiftory 17 1 7 landfcapes, cattle, & portr, 1686 hiftory, and portraits 1 64 1 hiftory, and landfcapes 1684 landfcapes 1630 hiftory, and Magdalens 1655 hiftory, and landfcapes hiftory 1 50c * hiftory 1665 hiftory, and portraits 1668 hiftory portraits 1686 hiftory, portraits, & perfpec. 1742 hiftory hiftory Difciple of M.A.B uonaroti , & D .da Volterra his father Giulio Danti [zio his fath. Giulio,&his br.Vincen Cignani, F.Cairo, & E.Procaccino Francis Hals Michael Mirevelt Peter Paul Rubens ftudied Efaias Vander Velde Erafmus Quellinus Hubert Jacobs Lionello Spada Nicafius Bernard Jacques van Hal John Maes her father, Lewis Deyfter Peter Paul Rubens Peter Stoop, & Hendrick Zorg his father Van Dieft her father Dietfchen. imitated the ftyle of Procaccini Peak, and Francis Cleyn Nicholas Moyaert Karel du Jardyn, and Netfcher his father Jacob vander Does Jacopo Vignali Denis Calvart, and the Caracci Claude Lorraine imitated Titian the Caracci Car.Cignani,&Giufeppe dal Sole Cofimo Rofelli Anthony Vandyck Jacques Jordaens Fernandez, & Juan de Caregno Charles Le Brim Lorenzo Cofta, and Titian 46 49 33 4* S3 q6 62 62 6z 82 56 5S 5° 49 70 3 6 jo 39 64 70 60 CO 80 5 2 S8 According to Baldinucci, Donino died in 148^, F z f E. Painters names. 6c Doudyns, or Dodoens, William, Douven, John Francis, Douw, Gerhard, Drillenburgh, William van, Drogfloot, 6^ Droit, Druiverftein, Artze Jans van, Dubois, Edward, Dubois, Simon, Due, John le, Ducart, Ifaac, Ducci, Virgilio, Dughet, Gafpar. Vide Pouffin, Duiven, John, Dullaert, Heyman, 75 Durer, Albert, Dufart, Cornelius, { Duval, called Nicholas by fome writers [and Robert by others jDuvenede, Marc van, [Dyck. Vide Vandyck Born in th< year 1630 I 1613 I 625 Utrecht 1564 Haerlem 1622 Antwerp 163 1471 1665 1644 at the Hague 656 Ruremonde Leyden Utrec Dort Antwerp _ue Amfterdam Caftello ! 636 the Hagu 1630 Gouda 6 Rotterdam Nurenberg Haerlem the Hague 674 Bruges E. jTfBERMAYR, JohirErrard, jJCy Eeckhout, Gerbrant vander, lEeckhout, Anthony vander, 'Edema, Gerard, 5 , Egmont, J u ft us van , Eirnmartj Geo. Chriftopher, the Old, lEimmart, Geo. Chriftopher, the Young, Elliger, Ottomar, called the Old, Elliger, Ottomar, called the Young, Elias, Matthew, or Matthias, Elfheimer, Adam, Emanuello da Como, Empoli, Jacopo da, En gelbrecht, Cornelius, E n g h e 1 r a m s , Cornelius, Enrique de las Marinas, Ercolantttl, Ercolano, 1659 Nurenberg 1627 Amfterdam i656 BrulTels 1652 Amfterdam i6o2 Leyden Ratiibon 1638 Ratifbon 1 6^3 Gottenburgh 1666 Hamburgh 16 $8 Caflel i 5 74! Frankfort 1 625|Como 1 5 5 4! Empoli 1 468 1 Leyden | ( 5 2 7 i 1620 iOi c Mechlin Cadiz Perugia E. 60 Died in thi year. Painted 1697 hiftory 1 727 landfcap. anim. port. & hift. 1674 port. converfat.& fubjecls of landfcapes [fancy landfcapes hiftory, and portraits 1 6 1 7 landfcapes, and animals 1699 landfcapes 1 708 portraits, battles, •& cattle animals 1697 flowers hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits hift. landfcap. and portraits converfat. dancing, ^taverns hiftory 1649 684 1528 1704 '73* 1729 hiftory Difciple of Alexander Petit Lambertin, &Chriftoph. Puitlink Rembrandt Abraham Bloemart ftudied after nature Rembrandt Groenwegen Paul Potter Francefco Albano Wouter Crabeth Rembrandt Michael Wolgemuth Adrian Oftade Nicholas Wieling Carlo Maratti D/3 < 7 1 61 <3 77 67 4b 57 39 88 55 E. 1692 1674 1695 1 700 1674 1663 1705 ns 2 1741 1620 1701 1640 '533 1080 1687 hiftory portraits, and hiftory fruit, and flowers landfcapes hiftory portraits, and ftill-life hift. and portr. in enamel fruit, and flowers hiftory hiftory, and portraits landfc.& moon lights with' hift. in oil and frefc. [fm. fig. hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory fea pieces [& figures landfc. with bir l i , animals, John Murrer Rembrandt Everdingen Vandyck his fatherG.ChriftopherEimmart Daniel Segers Michael van Muflcher Corbeen Philip Uffenbach ftudied at Rome Tomafoda San Friano imitated John van Eyck Bartolomeo Gagliardi 33 53 39 72 6 7 66 83 46 76 86 ^5 ? 6 60 72 F. Painters names. Ercolino, da Caltel dan Giovanni, Eremita di Monte Senario. Vide Stefanefchi toErmel, John Francis, Efcalante, Juan Antonio, Efpinofa, Jacinto Geronimo de, Everardi, Angelo, Everdingen, Cefarvan, Everdingen, Aldret van, Everdingen, John van, Eyck, Hubert van, Eyck, John van, Eyck, Gafpar van, 3oiEykens, Peter, called the Old, Born in th< year I 64 I 163O 160O 164 1 6-6 1621 1 366 1370 1624 '599 at Caltel S. Giovanni near Cologne Cordova Valentia Brefcia Alkmaar Alkmaar Alkmaar Maafeyk Maafeyk Antwerp Antwerp F. 10 »5 20 FABRIANO, Gentile da, Fabricius, Charles, Fabrizzi, Antonio Maria, Frachetti, Pietro, Pacini, Pietro, Faes, Peter vander. Vide Lely. Faiftenbercxer, Anthonv, Failtenberger, Jofeph, Falcieri, Biagio, Farinato, Paolo, Farinato, Orazio, Fafuolo, or Fafole, Giovanni Antonio, Fattore, ih Vide Penni, Francefco. Fava, Pietro Ercole, Fei, Aleflandro, cailed Barbiero, Feltrini, Andrea, Ferg, or Fergue, Francis Paul, Fergufon, William, Fernandez, Antonio de Arias, Ferrajuoli, Nunzio, Fernandez, Francifco, '33 2 1624 71 (/TemiSf*) F. 1412 1654 1649 1613 1602 1 722 1703 1606 1528 1740 1690 168 1646 hiftory perfpeclive, & portrait hiftory in frefco portraits hiftory landfcapes landfcapes hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory grotefques, and hiftory landfcapes, & converfations dead birds, and ftill-life hiftory landfcapes hiftorv- Giovanni da Fiefole Annibal Caracci Annibal Caracci [and Glauber Bouritfch,but he imitated Pouilin his brother Anth. Faiftenberger Pietro Liberi Antonio Badile, & Nic. Golfino his father Paolo Farinato Paolo Veronefe, and Zelotti Lorenzo Paflinelli Ghirlandaio,&Tom, di S. Friano Colimo Rofelli Graaf, and Orient Pedro de las Cuevas Luca Giordano Carducho 80 30 5f 7* 42 44 75 84 44 64 F. 3° 35 Painters names. Ferrantini,Gabriello, called DagliOcchiali, Fernandez, Luis, Ferrarefe, Ercole, Ferrari, Orazio, Ferrari, Francefco, Ferrari, Giovanni Andrea, Ferrata-SaiTa. Vide Salvi. Ferretti, Orazio, Ferri, Ciro, Ferrucci, Niccodemo, Fetti, Domenico, Fevre, Roland le, Fevre, Claude le, Fiacco, Orlando, Fialletti, Odoardo, Fiammingo, Arrigio, Fiamingo. Vide Francefco, Paolo. Fiaiella, Domenico, called Sarezana, 4oiFicherelli, Felice, called Felice Ripofo, Fiefole, Giovanni da. Vide Angelico. Figino, Ambrogio, Fioravante Ferramola, Fiori, Cefare, Fiori, Mario da. Vide Nuzzi. Fiorini, Giovanni Battifta, Fifcher, John, Fifcher, John, Fifcher, Sufanna, Flameel, Bertholet, Flegel, George, Flepp, Jofeph, Flink, Govert, Florentino, Stefano, Floris, Francis, the Old, Florjs, Francis, the Young, Foler, Antonio, * Fontana, Profpero, Fontana, Lavinia, Fontebuoni, Bartolomeo, jFontebuoni, Aftafio, jFontenay, John Bap till Blain de, 45 50 55 60 Born in the at year^ bologna x 594 Madrid 1451 Ferrara Voltri, near Genoa 1632 r enara '599 Lrenoa 1639 Perugia l6 34 Rome * Florence l r 8r\ I559 Rome 1608 ^33 Fontainbleau I 5 20 V erona 1 r 573 Bologna 1522 Bologna I CO9 Genoa l605 San Gemignana iviiian Brefcia ( O3D iviiian [58O Auglbourg 1636 Amfterdam 1 OOO Augfbourg 1014 Liege ■ x I aLlivi L)i L Berne 1 I ic ves 1301 r 101 ciice rvnivveip "■ " 1 ■ 1542 Antwerp '53 6 1 c 1 2 Bologna Bologna '559 Florence « Florence 1654 Caen * According to Oriandi, Foler was born in 1530, and died at the age of 36. F. Died in th< vear 1654 I491 l6 57 1669 1725 1689 1650 1624 1677 1675 1^72 1638 1600 1669 1660 1590 1716 1570 1674 1674 1675 1636 1641 1660 1350 1570 1602 1616 1602 1639 J7IS Painted hillory in oil and frefco hiflory hillory hiflory hiflory in oil and frefco hill, landfc. animals, fruit, [and flowers hift. in oil frefco, & diflemp. hillory [& port, in crayons hillory in oil and freco hillory portraits, & naked figures portr. flowers,& facred fubj. hiflory, and portraits hiflory hiflory portraits, and hiflory hiflory hiflory, and portraits port.hift.&ftill-life; flourifti- portraits [ed in 15 1 2 hiilorv.and architecture landfcapes, and portraits animals landfcapes, and portraits hiflory, and portraits fruit, and flill-life port.perfpee.fruit,& flowers portraits, and hiflory hiflory hiflory hiflory port. & hift. with large and hiflory [fmall fig.&architec. portraits, and hillory hiflory hillory in oil and frefco flowers, and fruit Difciple of Denis Calvart Eugenio Caxes Lorenzo Cofla Giovanni Andrea Anfaldo Bernardo Caftelli,& Bern.Strozzi Stefano Amadei, & C. Gagliardi Pietro da Cortona Paffignano Ludovico Cigoli Francifco Turbido Cremonini, & Tintoretto fludied at Rome Aurelio Lomi, & Battifta Paggi Jacopo da Empoli Paolo Lomazzo Carlo Cane fludied at Venice and Rome Michael Carre her father John Fifcher Gerard Douflleit fludied after nature Lambert Jacobs, & Rembrandt Giotto Lambert Lombard his father Francis Floris fludied Titian fnnocenzio da Imola her father Profpero Fontana Pallignani, & Ippol°. Galantini Domenico Pallignani John Baptifl Monnoyer < 60 40 7° ^5 3? 69 42 65 73 80 55 80 94 74 61 44 friers*) 49 50 6b 80 80 61 F. Painters names. Fonticelli, Giovanni, Forabofco, Girolamo, 65 Foreft, John Baptift, FofTe, Charles de la, Fouquieres, James, Fouchier, Bertram de, Francefca, Pietro della, Francefchini, Marc Antonio, Francefchini, Baldaifare, called V olterrano, Francefchino. Vide Caracci, Francefco Francefco, Paolo, called Fiamingo, Francefco, Pietro, called Genoveie, 75 Francefco, Pietro, called Milanefe, Francefco,called France fc hi ello dellaMura, Franchi, Antonio, Franchi, Cefare, Franchi, Lorenzo, 80 Francia, Francefco, Francia, Jacopo, Francifque. Vide Mile, Francefco. Francken, Francifcus, called Old Frank, Francken, Francifcus, called Young Frank, 85 Franks, or Vranx, Sebaftian, Franks, John Baptift, Franco, Battifta, Francois, Lucas, called the Old, Francois, Peter, called the Young, go Francois, Simon, Fran, il. Vide Bianchi. Fratellini, Giovanna, Fratellini, Lorenzo Maria, Fredeman, Paul, 95 Freminet, Martin, Freres, Theodore, Frefnoy, Charles Alphonfo, Friano, Toinafo da San. Vide Manzuoli. Frits, or Fritz, Peter, ,0 Fruy tiers, Philip, Fulcini, Giovanni Bftttifta, Fuller, Ifaac, Furini, Filippo, called Pippo Sciamerone. Furini, Francefco, 205 Furftin, Magdalene, Fufli, Matthias, Fvtt, John, Bora in thi vear 1662 i6co 1636 1 64 158 1 609 »3 1648 162 1 1540 1565 1615 J638 158c 14^0 148* r 544 1580 1600 1498 ■S74 1606 1606 1666 1690 '555 1567 1643 161 j [606 1604 1652 i5zz at Perugia Venice Paris Paris Antwerp Bergen-op-Zoom Florence Bologna Volterra in Flanders Genoa Milan near Lucca Perugia Bologna Bologna — Bologna in Flanders in Flanders Antwerp Antwerp Venice Mechlin Mechlin Tours ~— • Florence Florence Leu warden Paris — — Ench uy fen p aris in Flanders Antwerp — — Bologna in England Florence Florence Nurenberg — Zurich Antwerp F. 65 75 8c 90 95 Died in thi year 1716 \J\ 2 165c 1674 I729 Painted landfcapes, and perfpeclive hiflory, and portraits landfcapes, and hiflory 716 hiflory, and landlcapes landfcapes portraits, and converfations Anthony Vandyck hiflory, battles, portraits, & h i flory [night pi eces 1689 kift- landfcapes, & portraits K96 hifl. landfcapes, & portraits 600 hiflory 1682 hiflory, landfcapes, anim hiflory [and fruit 1709 portraits, and hiflory hiflory in fmall, highly fi- 1 6 1 5 1630 5 1 8 hiflory, and portraits hiflory, and portraits 6 1 6 hiflory 1642 1 561 16-1; hiflory [battle pieces landfcapes, cattle, & fmall hiflory, and converfations hiflory hiflory, and portraits Difciple of Pietro Montanini Francefco Mola Charles le Brim JodocusMompert, & J. Brueghel hiflory [nifhed Camillo Procaccini 654 hiflory, and portraits portraits 167 1 73 1 1729 1618 619 hiflory 6°. " 665 hift hiflory, and portraits port. hifl. landfc. & anim? hiilory, perfpective, & am- iflory [mal hiflory " landfcapes, AAL, Barent, J Gabbiani, Antonio Domenico, Gabron, William, Gaddi, Gaddo, Gaddi, Taddeo, Gaddi, Agnolo, Gagliardi, Bartolomeo, called Spagnoletto, Gagliardi, Bernardino, Gaelen, Alexander, Gaetano, Scipio, Gaillon, Paris, Galanino. Vide Alloifi. Galanino, GioferTo Carlo, Galantini, Ipolito., called Cappuccino, Galetti, Filippo Maria, Galeotti, Sebaitiano, Gallegos, Fernando, Galli, Giovanni Maria, called Biblena, Galli, Ferdinand. Vide Bibiena. Gallis, Pierre, Galvan, Don Juan, Gambarati, Girolamo, Gambarini, GioferTo, Gandini, Carlo Antonio, Gandini, Barnardino, Gandy, James, Garbieri, Lorenzo, Garbo Raphaelino del, Garcia, Chriftopher, Garofalino, Giacinto, Garofalo, Benvenuto, Garoli, Pietro Francefco, Garzi, Ludovico, called Romano, Garzi, Maria, Gaflen, Francifco, Gatti, Bernardino, called Soiaro, Gatti, Tomafo, Gaud, Hendrick, Gaudenzio, Gauli, Giov. Battifta, called Baccici, Gazzoli, Benozzo, Gebhard, John Andre, Geel, John van, Gelder, Arent de, 1650 16^2 1625 1239 1300 1 3 2 3 *555 1609 16 1550 *597 1605 1627 1664 1675 1627 1598 1679 1590 1476 1603 [666 1481 1638 164c 1673 1 598 1642 1570 14S0 1639 1 40c 1656 1645 Haerlem Florence Antwerp Florence Florence Florence Genoa Caftello Florence in France Bologna Genoa Florence Florence Salamanca Bibiena, near Bo- [logna Enkhuyfen Loefia, in Arragon Venice Bologna Brefcia Brefcia ■ Bologna Florence Cuenca Bologna 11 1 11 Ferrara Turin Rome Rome Catalonia ■■ ■ Cremona Pa via Utrecht Milan Genoa , Florence Nurenberg in Holland Dort G. (726 [ 3 I2 '359 '3 8 7 1620 1660 [728 1588 1659 1635 [706 [714 1550 1668 1697 i6 s 8 1628 1630 165, 1689 1654 *»4 1666 l 73l l 559 1716 1721 1658 l 575 ^39 1709 1478 1725 landfc. battles, fairs, & inns hiftory, and portraits ftill life hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiilory battles, huntings, and ani- ortraits, and hiilory [mal portraits and hiftory portraits in large &: miniat hiilory, and portraits hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory hiftory, poetic & fabulous landfcapes, ftill-life, fruit, hiftory [and flowers hiftory hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory, and landfcapes perfpeclive, & architecture hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory landfcapes, and fmall figures hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits, animals, & landfc hiftory in frefco hiftory and converfations portraits, and hiftory Difciple of Philip Wouvvermans Valerio Spada, and Remigio [Canta Gallina imitated Cimabue Giotto his father Taddeo, and Giotto imitated Buonarbti imitated Guido and the Caracci John van Huchtenburg Jacopino dal Conte his father BaldafTare Galanino Stefanefchi Ciro Ferri Gherardini, & Giufeppe dal Sole Albert Durer Albano ftudied after nature ft u died at Rome Giufeppe Salviati Lorenzo Paflinelli Paolo Veronefe his father Carlo AntonioGandini Vandyck Ludovico Caracci Filippo Lippi Pedro Orrente his uncle MarcAnt. Francefchini Baldini,Lorenz.Cofta,& Raphael ftudied at Venice and Rome Andrea Sacchi his father Ludovico Garzi Corregg o Carlo Sacchi mitated Elfheimer Pietro Peru gi no Bergunzone and Bernini Giovanni Angelico da Fiefole John Muncken Hoogftraeten and Rembrandt < 74 7 2 5° 64 6 S 5« 58 38 62 3° 79 5° +1 64 60 63 64 58 63 7 1 78 78 60 69 7° 78 69 82 G. Painters names. Born in the year at 45 55 60 65 70 75 80 Geldorp, or Gualdorp Gortzius, Gelee, Claude. Vide Claude. Gellig, Jacob, Gemignano, Vincentiodi San, called Vin Gemignano, Luigi, [ccntino, Gemignano, Giacinto, Genga, Girolamo, Genga, Bartolomeo, Gennari, Ercole, da Cento, Gennari, Benedetto, called Benedetto, Gennari, Cefare, Genoels, Abraham, Gentile, Ludovicus, or Primus, Gentilefchi, Ornazio, Gentilefchi, Artemiiia, Gerbier, Balthafar, Germyn, Simon, Gerrard, of Haerlem, Gerardi,Chriftofaro, called dal Borgo San Gerardi, Filippo, [Sepulchro, Gerardo, Gerards, Marc, Gerard, Peterfz van Zyl, called Gerrards, Gherardini, Aleflandro, Gericke, Theodore, GerTi, Francefco, Geffel, George, Ghent, Benjamin van, Gheyn, Jacques de, Ghezzi, Pier Leone, Ghezzi/ Giufeppe, Ghiberti, Lorenzo, Ghiberti, Buonacorofo, Ghirlandaio, Domenico, Ghirlandaio, Benedetto, Ghirlandaio, David, Ghirlandaio, Ridolfo, Ghirlinzoni, Orazio, Ghifolfi, Giovanni, Ghiti Pompeo, Giannicola Perugino. Vide Caporali. Giandomenico, called Perugino, Gibfon, Richard, Gil, Phelipe, 1 553 1636 .478 1652 1 6 1 1 1476 1518 « 597 ^33 1641 1640 i6c6 *5 6 3 1592 1650 1 50c 1643 1400 ! 56l IOO7 1655 l66 S I588 167 1 »53° [565 < 6 74 1634 1378 1407 1449 *453 145 ( r 4»5 1623 1631 16 1 5 1604 Lou vain — Utrecht San Gemignano Piftoia Piftoi — Urbino Urbino Cento Bologna a Bologna ' — - Antwerp Bruffels Pifa Naples Antwerp — Dort Haerlem Florence Lucca Florence — - Bruges Amuerdam Florence Spandau Bologna — St. Gall Ghent Antwerp Rome Afcoli Florence Florence Florence Florence Florence Florence Modena Milan Marona Perugia in England Valladolid G. Died in th< year 1530 1697 l68l 16^8 1715 1688 167c 1647 1661 1719 1556 1704 1470 l6 35 1667 1736 173c 1740 1604 ■ 6,5 '755 1718 '455 H95 l S°3 1525 1560 ,6,7 1683 '7<>3 1590 1690 1674 Painted portraits, and hiftory fifli, and Hill-life hiltory hiftory hiftory hi (lory hiftory, and portraits hi (lory hiftory, and portraits landfcapes, and hiftory landfcapes, and portraits hiftory, and portaits hiltory portraits, and hiftory portraits in miniature fruit, and landfcapes hiftory hiftory, and landfcapes hiltory hiftory in miniature hilt, landfcapes, & portraits hilt, converfations, &portr. hiltory hiltory hiltory hiltory, and portraits hiltory, and portraits hiltory in oil and on glafs hiltory, and portraits hiftory hiltory perfpec. & ornam. architec. hiltory, and portraits hiltory, and Mofaic hiltory hiltory hiftory perfpecYive, and fea-ports hiftory hilt, in fmall, particularly on portraits [copper hiftory, and portraits Difciple of Franc. Francken, and Fourbus Raphael his father Giacinto Gemignano Pietro da Cortona LucaSignorelli,& PietroPerugino his father Girolamo Genga Guercino Guercino Guercino Backereel, and Nich. Firelans ftudied at Rome Aurelio Lomi her father Orazio Gentilefchi Schalken, & Lodowick Smitz Albert van Ouwater Raphael dal Colle his fath.B.Gerardi&P.daCortona Bartolomeo, Ab. di S. Clementi ftudied Van dyck AlelTandro Roffi Langevelt Calvart, Cremonini, & Guido Schonjans Francis Floris his father Giufeppe Ghezzi Sebaftian Ghezzi his father Lorenzo Ghiberti AlelTandro Baldovinetti his brotherDomenicoGhirlandaio ftudied at Rome Bartolomeo di San Marco Gir. Chignolo,andAnt°.Volpini Ottavio Amigoni Francis de Cleyne Juan Y.aaderhamert < 45 70 75 40 61 82 47 64 84 69 69 28 56 61 £ 81 65 69 74 50 81 84 77 44 5° 74 60 72 70 75 70 G. Painters names. go 95 100 105 110 **5 120 125 30 Gilardi, Pietro, Gilarte, Matteo, Gillemans, Gionima, Simone, Giordano, Luca, called Luca fa Prefto, Giorgio del Grano, Giorgi, Giovanni De% called Torellino, Giorgione del Caftelfranco, or Gior£ Giofeppino. Vide Arpino. [Barbarelli, Giotto, di Bondone da Vefpignano, Giottino, or Tomafo di Stefano, Giovanni de' Georgi, called Torellino, Giovanni da SanGiovanni. Vide Manozzi Giovanni, da San Stefano a Ponte, Gifmondi, Paolo, Giugni, Francefco, Giuntalocchio, Domenico, Giufti, Antonio, Glauber, John, called Polidore, Glauber, John Gotlief, Glauber, Diana, Gobbo, Pietro Paolo, called Cortonefe, Gobbo, Andrea, Gobbo. Vide Caracci, Antonio, Goedeler, Elias, Godewyck, Margarita, Goes, Hugo vander, Golling, Leonard, Goltzius, Hubert, Goltzius, Henry, Gomez, Philip, Gonzales, Giovanni Giafchietti, called [Bourgogne delia Teftes, Gonzales, Don Pedro Ruiz, Gotti, Vincenzio, Gonzales, Bartholome, Gonzales de Vega, Don Diego, Goyen, John van, Graaf, John Andrew, Graat, Barent, Graaw, Henry, Grandis, Giovanni Battifta de, Granacci r Francefco, Grano, Giorgio dd s in the vcar at 167Q TVf i I a 11 lviiiaii 1 64.7 Valencia - '672 Antwerp 1656 Padua 1629 Naples Mantua 1686 Verona 1478 Cartel Franco 1276 Vefpignano 1324 Florence i(586 Verona . ■■ ■ ■ 1 307 Florence 16 1 2 Perugia 1 C76 Brefcia 1 c 22 Prato - 1624 Florence 1646 Utrecht i6c6 A Utrecht 1650 Utrecht 1580 Cortona — 1470 Milan 162c in Auflria 1627 Dort 1350 Bruges — 1604 Nurenberg 1520 Venlo 1558 Mulbrack.nearVen- 1 6*4 J T Granada O l6 20 j Madrid \6%2 J J Madrid I C77 j / / Bologna 164.8 r Valladolid l622 Madrid 1 sgb Leyden — 1627 Nurenberg 1628 Amfterdam 1627 Hoorn, in Holla 1638 Borgo di Varefe 1486 Florence — Mantua 1 G Died in th year. [700 1735 1717 I S II <33& *35 6 1 7 1 / 1365 168; 1636 1598 1705 1726 J 7°3 164c 1527 1693 1677 1667 1583 1617 1694 1696 1709 1636 1711 1697 1656 1682 1709 1682 i 7 ,8 '543 Painted hiitory hiilory fruit, and ftill-life hiftory hiftory hiftory hill, in the flyle of Baroccio hill, portraits, & landfcapes hiftory, portraits, & Mofaic hiftory hift. in the flyle of Baroccio hiftory < hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco hiflory, and portraits hiftory, landic. and animals landfcapes fea-ports, build. Sc kndfc. portraits, and hiilory fruit, and landfcapes hiftory hiflory, and landfcapes landfcapes, and flowers hiilory hiflory hiflory hiflory, and portraits hiilory portraits hiflory hiilory portraits, and hiftory hiilory landfc. cattle, & fea pieces perfpec~lives landfcap.cattle,port. & hifl. hiflory perfpecYive architecture perfpeftives hiftory Difciple of Marc Antonio Francefchini, and Ribalta [Giufeppe dal Sole Cefare Gennari Spagnolettto Correggio his uncle Felice Torelli Giovanni Bellini Cimabue imitated Giotto his uncle Felice Torelli Buonamico Buftalmacco G.Ant.Scaramuccio,&P.da Cor- the Younger Palma [tona Niccolo Soggi Cefare Dandini, & Mario Balaffi Nicholas Berchem John Glauber, & Jacob Knuyf Crefcentio Nicholas Maas ohn Van Eyck Paul Juvenel Lambert Lombard his father,& Leonard of Haerlem Michael Geronimo Ciezar ft u died after Titian Antonio Efcalante Denis Calvart Patricio Caxes Francifco Rici Gerritfen, and Efaias V. Velde Jacques Morell [boccio MafterJohn,but he imitatedBam- Grebber, & Jacques van Campen the Elder Mariano Domenico Ghirlandaio Coreggio H < 53 79 7 6 3 1 33 60 3* 31 5* 73 60 66 81 47 r 60 57 n 63 63 59 60 66 76 59 63 75 60 45 81 5 80 57 H. Painters names. Born in the at I fa 1 A iu/o — Dologna > 6 54 Bologna 1590 Haerlem Haerlem ■ '548 Greece 1649 Sali{bury,inEngland 1 n a r rkmiterdam 1688 in En eland - ■ r 599 TV1 fl- uent trio 1 6 1 Cxenoa T f\ T A l *J I ft p • . Jl aris .587 Gubbio 1574 Bologna I 600 Caltel Durante I c 60 Lucca jp [63O Barcelona 1 6 1 1 Cordova .636 Antwerp Grati Battiftino, Grazione, Ercole, called Ercolino, Grebber, Peter, j 35 Grebber, Maria, Greco, Domenico, Greenhill, John, Greghette. Vide Caftiglione. Griffier, John, called the Old, 140 Griffier, Robert, called the Young, Grimaldi. Vide Bolognefe. Grimani, Hubert, or Hubert Jacobfz, Grimmer, Jaques, Gropalla, Pietro Maria, I45 Guercino da Cento, Vide Barbieri, Guernier, Louis de, Gubbio, Francefco Allegrini da, Guido Reni, Guido Cagnacci, j$oGuidotti, Paolo, Guirro, Francifco, Gulielmo. Vide Aalft, William Van, Guzman, Fray Juan de, Gyzen, Peter, H, 5 10 Haanibergen, John van, Hagelftein, John Erneft Thomas van, call- [ed Thomas of Landaw Hackaert, John, Haerlem, Cornelius van. Vide Cornelifz, Haerlem, Theodore van, [Cornelius Haffner, Antonio Maria, Hagen, John van, Halle, Claude Guy, Hals, Francis Hals, Hals, Dirk, Hanneman, John, f 1642 Utrecht 1588 Hagelilein 1635 Amfterdam 141c Haerlem 1654 Bologna Cleves 1651 Paris 1584 Mechlin 1580 Mechlin 1 6 1 1 the Hague * The birth of Graziano is, by Orlandi, fixed in 1688. -j- By fome writers h§ is called Adrian Hanneman, H. Died in the year Painted *35 1625 1669 H5 150 1629 1546 1671 i6; 9 1663 1 64.2 1680 1629 1700 1680 hiftory architecture, & perfpe&ive portraits, and hiftory archit. perfpec. and portr. hiftory, and portraits portraits [buildings landfc.cat.& ruins of Italian landfc. & cattle portraits landfcapes portraits miniature, and enamel hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory landfcapes Difciple of Giufeppe dai Sole Donato Creti his father H. Grebber,&H.Golt- her father Peter Grebber [zius Titian Sir Peter Lely Roland Roghman his father John Griflier Mat. Kock, and Chrif. Queburg Giovanni Battifta Paggi his father Alexander Guernier Giufeppe D'Arpino Dennis Calvart, & the Garacci Guido Reni ftudied at Rome Bernave de Illefcas John Brueghel < 77 73 fpfrctf) C " J 3(7 6t U 76 68 80 60 70 69 PL 10 1705 1653 147c 1736 1666 1656 168c landfcapes, hift. and portr. landfcapes, v/ith fmall fi- gures landfcapes hiftory perfpec. architec. & hiftory landfcapes hiftory converfations, and animals converfations, and animals portraits, and hiftory Cornelius Poelemburg Adam EMheimer Albert van Ouwatef Domenico Maria Canuti his father Daniel Halle Charles van Mander Abraham Bloemart Hubert Ravefteift }6j PS 60 67 n H » H. Hardime, Peter, Haring, Daniel, Harms, John Ofwald, 1 5 [Harper, John, Hartcamp. Vide Smits, Lodowick. Haver, John, Haver, Rupert, Heck, Nicholas van, ;o Heck, John van, Heck, Martin Hemfkerck vander, Heede, William van, Heede, Vigor van, Heem, John David de, 25 Heem, Cornelius de, Heere, Lucas de, Heere, Michael, Heil, Daniel van, Heil, John Baptift van, 30 Heil, Leonard van, Helmbrieker, Theodore, Helmont, Matthew van, Helmont, Segers Jacques van, Helft, Bartholomew vander, 35Helwig, Hemfkerck, Martin, Hemfkerck, Egbert, called the Old, Hemfkerck, Egbert, called the Young, Henftenburgh, Herman, 40 Herregouts, Henry, called the Old, Herregouts, — , called the Young, Herrera, Francifco de, called the Old, Herrera, Don Franc, de, called the Young, Herrera, Don Sebaftian de, 45 Hertz, John, Heufch, William de, Heufch, Jacob de, Heufch, Abraham de, Heyden, John Vander, 5c Hilliard, Nicholas, Hire, Laurence de la, Hire, Philip de la, Hobbima, Minderhouf, Hoeck, or Houc, John van* 55 Hoeck, Robert van 3 070 636 642 688 ^96 625 580 625 66< 65c 600 62 534 604 609 603 624 & 683 61 670 498 °45 667 66 6 9 5 S96 .622 i6i 1 1638 1650 l6 37 r .H7 1606 1677 1611 1600 1609 Antwerp Hamburg Stockholm ■ Nurenberg Nurenberg in Holland Quaremonde ■ in Holland Fumes Furnes Utrecht Utrecht Ghent Wirtenberg Bruffels BrurTels BrufTels Haerlem Bruffels Antwerp Haerlem Spangenberg ■ Hemfkerck Haerlem Haerlem Hoorn Mechlin Mechlin Seville SeviUe Madrid . Nurenberg ■ Utrecht Utrecht Utrecht Go ream Exeter, in England Paris Paris Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp — H. Died .n th' year 1748 I706 1708 1 66c 1667 1728 1708 1674 1584 166] 1694 1726 [670 1715 [ 574 -704 1726 16*6 168: 1671 1635 1701 1712 16 19 1656 1719 1650 Painted fruit, and flowers portraits iandfcapes, & perfpecYives portraits, in large & in min hiftory irchitecture andfcapes, and hiftory a n d f c . a n i m . f r u i t , flo w e r s , & build. & landfc. [ftill-life hiftory hiftory fruit, flowers, and vafes fruit, and ftill-life portraits, and hiftory hiftory landfc. froft,&:houfeson lire hiftory, and portraits flowers, and in feels hiftory, and converfations markets, fairs, {hops with ve- hiftory fgetables, &c. portraits and hiftory portraits in miniature hiftory drolls, and converfations drolls, enchantments, & de- flowers, and infects [vils hiftory hiftory hiftory, and converfations hi ft. flowers, & converfations hiftory hiftory, and Iandfcapes 'andfcapes, and animals Iandfcapes, and animals plants, and infects landfc. & anc. & mod. build, portaits in miniature Iandfcapes, and hiftory Iandfcapes, & converfations Iandfcapes hiftory, and portraits battles,encamp.& {kirmifhes Difciple of Simon Hardline [vator Rofa Elderbroeck, but he ftudied Sal- Martin Mytens, & David Kraft Peter Hochhaimer John Haver John Naeghel his father Nicholas vander Heck ftudied in Italy ftudied in Italy his father David de Heem his father John David de Heem Francis Floris ftudied after nature ftudied after nature Peter Grebber his father Matthew van Helmont ftudied at Rome John Lucafz, and John Schoreel Peter Grebber his father Henry Herregouts Francifco Pacheco his father Francifco Herrera his father Antonio Herrera John Both William de Heufch Chriftian Striep ftudied Holbein his father de la Hire mitated Watteau Peter Paul Rubens 7° 66 64 42 68 49 74 5 o 70 70 43 S7 4S 7 6 59 59 60 0J 60 36 4+ 75 72 50 42 I. Painters names. Born in the year tioet, Gerard, Hoey, John de, Hoffman, John, Hoffman, Samuel, 60 Hogarth, William, Holbein, Hans or John, Holftein, Cornelius, Hondekoetcr, Gilles, Hondekoeter, Gyfbrecht, 65 Hondekoeter, Melchior, Hondius, Abraham, Honthorft, Gerard, Honthorft, William, Hooft, Nicholas, 70 Hooge, Peter de, Hoogeftraeten, Theodore van, Hoogeflraeten, Samuel van, Hoogzaat, John, Hopfer, William Lewis, 75|Horfelin, Antonio de, Hofkins, John, Houbraken, Arnold, Houfeman, or Huyfman, Cornelius, Houfeman, or Huyfman, James, 8o[ Howard, Hugh, t Huber, John Rudolph, Huerta, Gafpar de la, Hugenfe. Vide Leyden, Lucas van. Hugtenburgh, Jacques van, 85 Hugtenburgh, John van, Hulft, Peter vander, Huyfum, Juftus van, called the Old, Huyfum, Juftus van, called the Young, Huyfum, Jacob van, 9clHuyfum, John van, 1648 *577 1498 i 6 >3 1583 16 1 3 1636 1638 1592 1604 1664 i 6 43 IS96 1627 1654 1648 '597 1660 1648 1656 1675 1668 1641 1639 1646 1652 i 6 59 162c 1682 at bommei Leyden Nurenberg Zurich London Balle Haerlem Utrecht Utrecht Utrecht Rotterdam Utrecht Utrecht the Hague Antwerp Dort Amfterdam Nurenberg Zaragoza in England Dort Antwerp Antwerp Dublin Bade Campillo Haerlem Haerlem Dort Amfterdam Amfterdam Amfterdam Amfterdam I. I T ACCOMETTI, Pietro Paolo, I J Jacobs, Dieterick, {Jacobs, Jurian, 1580 1490 1610 Ricanati Amfterdam in Switzerland I. 60 6i 70 75 80 Oicd wers,reptil.&:conv. landfcapes, battles,& flowers battles flowers flowers, fruit, & landfcapes Difciple of Warnard van Ryfen imitated Albert Durer Peter Paul Rubens his father John Holbein his father Peter Holftein imitated Bol, Savery,& Vincken- his fath.GilesHendekoeterfboom his father GyibrechtHondekoeter Abraham Bloemart Abraham Bloemart Doudyns, and Terweften imitated Mieris, and Metzu Rembrandt Gerard LairefTe George Strauch ftudied at Rome William Drillenburg Gafpar de Wit, and Artois Backereel ftudied in Italy Gafpar Meyer, and J. Werner Jefualda Sanchiz Nicholas Berchem his father and John Wycke ftudied after nature Nicholas Berchem T3 O < 70 72 46 40 59 S3 68 79 U 4+ 5* 5« S° 63 S9 79 40 6z 80 73 30 87 *6 57 to* copied the works of his bro. John, 60 J uft us van Huyfum. [67 < * J f " J r * J C * 7 I. 1655 1507 hiftory hiftory, and portraits hunt, animals, portr, & hift. Chriftofano Roncalli his father Jacques Cornelifz Francis Snyder s 77 S 4- K. Painters names. acobs, Hubert. Vide Grimani, Jacomone da Faenza, Janilens, or Johnfon, Abraham, JanfTens, Victor Honorius, JanfTens, or Johnfon, Cornelius, Janz, Lucas de Waal, [O Jardyn, or Jardin, Karel du, Ignacio, Don Francifco, Inghen, William van, Ingoli, Matteo, called Ravenato, fngoni, Giovanni Battiita, 15 Jong, Ludolph de, John of Holland, Joorifz, Auguftine, Jordaens, Jacques, Jordaens, Hans, called Pollepel, 20 Iriarte, Ignacio de, Ifaacfz, Peter, Juanes, Julio Romano, or Giulio Pippi, Juncofa, Fray Joachim, 25 Juvenet, or Jouvenet, John, Juvenell, Frederick, Born in the at year I $C2 Faenza [569 Antwerp 1664 Bruffels Amilerdam 1591 Antwerp 164O Amfterdam 1648 Madrid 161; 1 Utrecht 1587 Ravenna 1528 Mod en a 1616 Overfchie H75 Antwerp 1527 Delft 1594 Antwerp '616 Delft 1635 Seville 1569 Haerlem Valencia 1492 Roma 16^1 Catalonia 1644 Rouen i609(Nurenber K. Kabel, vander. Vide Cabel. Kalf, William, Kalraat, Abraham van, Kalraat, Barent van, Kampen, Jacob van, Kamphuyfen. Vide Camphuyfen. Kay, or Key, William, Keilhau, Eberhard, called in Italy Bernar- Kenckel, John, [do, Kerckhove, Jofeph vanden, Kerfeboom, Frederick, KefTel, John van, KefTel, John van, KefTel, Ferdinand van, Keflel, , 1630 1643 1650 1658 f 520 1624 1688 1669 1632 1626 1648 1660 -674 Amfterdam Dort Dort Haerlem Breda Elfinore Stockholm Bruges t o Solingen Antwerp Amfterdam Breda Antwerp K. Died in the Painted var ; — , — 5 1570 hiftory hiftory 1739 hiftory 1665 portraits landfcapes 10 1678 converfat. anim. Ital. fairs, 1 704 hiftory , [and markets hiftory 1631 hiftory 1608 hiftory 15 l &97 portraits, battles, & huntings 1 540 landfcapes 1552 hiftory 1678 hiftory, &: allegorical fubj. hiftory 20 1685 landfcapes portraits, and hiftory 1 596 hiftory 1 546 hift. landfcapes, and animals 1708 hiftory 25 1 717 hift. portr.fc alleogric. fubj. 1642 perfpectives Difciple of bQ < 68 the fchool of Raphael ftudied after, nature holders, but he imitated Albanoj7j John Brueghel Nicholas Berchem Camillo, and Caregno Anthony Grebber Luigi Benfatto, but imitated G [Palma Cornelius Sachtleven Jacques Mont Adam van Oort, and Rubens imitated Rothenamer Cornelius Ketel reputed a difciple of Raphael Raphael his father, and Nicolo Pouffin '•Paul Juvenell 44 80 8t 65 2 5 84 SO 54 77 73 i3S 38 K. 169? ftill-life figures, cattle, and fruit 1 72 1 landfcapes, and cattle hiftory 1 c;68'portraits 1687 portraits, hift. & converfat. 1722 portraits in crayons 172.- hiftory 1690 hiftory, and portraits 1708 flowers, infecls, birds, portr.' 1698 landfcapes [and reptiles truit,fk>wers, plants, & ani- converfations,& drolls [mals Hendrick Pot his brotherA.Kalraat,& A.Kuyp, John van Bronchorft Lambert Lombard Rembrandt Ifaac Fifcher, and David Kraft Erafmus Quellinus imitated John Brueghel imitated John Brueghel his father John van Kelfel ftudied Brouwer, and Tenien 6j {z>£rrr#?. 48 34 L. 20 3° 35 Painters names. Born in th year at KeBbI, van, ■Cetel, Cornelius, Keulen, Janfon van, Kick, Cornelius, Kierings, or Kierincx, Alexander, [Clocker, David, Knell er, Sir Godfrey, Kneller, John Zachary, Knipberg, or Knipbergen, i KLnupfer, Nicholas, Kock, Matthias, FCoeberger, Wenceflaus, Koene, or Koonen, Ifaac, Koerten-Block, Joanna, Koets, Roelof, Koninck, or Koning, David de* Koningh, Philip de, Koningh, Solomon, Koogen, Leonard vander, Kouc, or Koeck, Peter, Kouwenberg, Chriftian van, Kraufe, Francis, Krock, Henry, Kuick, John van, Kunft, Cornelius, Kupetfki, John, fCuyp, or Cuijp, Jacob Gei -ritze, Kuyp, or Cuijp, Albert, 16B4: Antwerp 1 548,Gouda jLondon 163 5; Amfterdam 1590 Utrecht — — i6z7|Hamburgh 1648 Lubeck Lubeck Leipfick Leipfick ■ 1 5 00! Antwerp 1 5 3 4! Antwerp Amfterdam 1650 Amfterdam i65$|Zwoll — . i Antwerp 1619'Amfterdam 1 609! Amfterdam i6io!Haerlem f500 j Aalft l6o4pefft 1706 Au gfbourg 1672 Sleiwick 1 5 30 Dort 1 49 3 'Ley den i667|Porfina, in Bohemia Don 1605' Dort 1649 1603 L. L AAR, or Laer, Peter van. Vide Laar, or Laer, Roeland van Labrador, j uan, Lairefte, Gerard, Lairefle, Erne ft, Lairefle, John, Lairefte, James, Lamberti, Bonaventura, Lana, Ludovico, [Bamboccio. [den i6ioiLaeren, near Naer- 1 5i4jEftremadura 1640 ] Liege Liege — — Liege Liege 165 2 Carpi 1 597|Modena L. Died nxht Painted converfations portr. hiftory, & architect, 1665 portraits 1675 portraits, flowers, & Hill-life 1 646 landfcapes 1698 portraits, and hiftory 1723 portraits, and hiftory 1702 landfcapes, and buildings landfcapes 66z battles, & converfations 1^-54 landfcapes ,604 hiftory landfcapes, and water- mills 171 5 birds & flow, in wat. colours s 7 2 5 portraits 1687 animals, birds, fruit, &flowers 1 689 portraits, and hiftory hiftory, and portraits 1681 converfations 1553 port. hift. and converfations 1667 hiftory 1754 hiftory 1738 hiftory [572 hiftory [ 544 hiftory [ 740 hiftory, and portraits cattle, landfcapes, & battles cart, landfc. & moon lights Difciple of Anthony Blockland his father ■ ■ Kick George Jacob Rembrandt, & Ferninand Bol imitated Paul Bril Nyfens, & Abraham Bloemart ftudied after nature Martin de Vos Jacob Ruyfdaal ftudied after nature Gerard Terburg Nicafius, and Peter Bol Rembrandt his father Peter Fran. Vernando, Jacques Jordaens [Nich.Moojart Bernard van Orlay John van Nes Piazetta Carlo Maratti Cornelius Engheibrecht Claus Abraham Bloemart his fatker Albert Knyp < 7 1 75 >3 57 5" 70 1* 66 73 L, 164c 1600 1711 173s 646 converfations, cat. & landfc, fruit, and flowers hiftory, and portraits animals animals of all kinds flowers hiftory hiftory Morales his father R. LairefTe, & Bartolet his father Reinier Lairefle his father Reinier Laireife his father Reinier Lai re lie Carlo Cignapi Guercino 1 2 30 86 71 fairrftf) c « ) 86 i9 C Is* 2C 2 5 35 40 Painters names. J L an chare;-, Antonio, Lancifi, Tommafo, Lancret, Nicholas, Lancrinck, Profper Henry, Lantranc, John, Lang Jan. Vide Reyn* Langevelt, Ruttcher van, Lanino, Bernardino, Lanzano, Andrea, Lappoli, Giovanni Antonio, Laredo, Don Juan de, Largilliere, Nicholas de, Laroan, Marcellus, Lair man, Peter, Laudati, Giofeffo, avecque, Jacob, Laura, .Bald a flare, Laura, Filippo, Laura, Francefco, Laurant, Giovanni, called Bernin, 30 Laurati, Pietro, Lauretti, Tommafo, called Sicilian©, Lazzari, Bramante. Lazzarini, Gregorio ? Lazzarkii, Elizabetha, Ledefma, Jofeph de, Leepe, Anthony vander, Leeuw, orde Leone, Gabriel vander, Leeuvv, Peter vander, Legnano, Ste. Maria, called il Legnanimo, Leifman, Giovanni Antonio, Lelli, Giovanni Antonio, Lely, or Vander Faes, Sir Peter, Lembke, John Philip, Lemens, Balthafar, van, Lenarui, Giovanni Battifla, Leon Leal, Don Simon de, Leonardo, Jofeph, Leonardo, Fray Augufrin, Leonardoni, Don Francifco, Leone, Arto da, called Coriano, Leonzi, Ann i bale, Leur, N. Vander, jLeyden, Lucas van, or Kugenfc, Orl) m the vear ) 1 i 49 632 656 6<3 58, 672 634 62^ 6lC 598 3°4 i 1 444 6(5 662 631 664 643 64.^ 66c 604 59 1 61 63 1 6 5 e 6X0' 579 6^4 498 622 66" at 5 8c iVlaaiid ■ 603 Borgo San Sepulcro 690 Paris 628 Antwerp 581 Parma 03c Nimeguen V^ercelli Milan Arezzo Madrid - Paris the Hap;ue Haerlem Perugia Dort Antwerp Rome Rome Naples Siena L T rbino Venice Venice Old Caftile Bruges Dort Dort Bologna in Germany — — Rome 8 Soeit, in Weftphalia Nurenberg 637 Antwerp Rome Madrid 62c Madrid Madrid Venice Perugia Breda 494 Ley den L. IO4O 1682 '743 1692 l6 47 1695 1712 [ SS 2 1692 1746 »7°5 1674 164.1 1694 l6 35 1680 5'4 173c l 739 167c 172c 168S 17.15 1698 1640 1 68c '713 ; 704 1 704. 1687 1659 1640 t 7 u [564 1705 1 533 hiflory hiflory converfations landfcapes hiflory hiflory hiflory hiflory hiflory perfpeclive views port, hifl.landfc. & animals converfations, hill. &: portr. hillory hiflory portraits landfcapes landfcapes, and hiflory hiflory hiflory hillory hiilory, and perfpeclive perfpeclive architecture hiflory hiflory hillory [pieces 'andfc.florms, calms, & fea- oxen ? fheep, & other animals oxen,fheep, & other animals hiflory hifl. landfcapes, & fea-ports hiflory portraits, and landfcapes landfcapes, and fea-ports hiilory hiflory hiflory hiilory portraits portraits, and hiflory hiflory hiflory hiflory, and portraits hiflory, and portraits Eugenio Caxes Raphael Scaminofli Gillot, and Watteau imitated Titian, & Salvator Rofa Agoflino, and Annibal Caracci Gaudenzio Lud Scaramuccia,& Car.Maratti Puntormo, & Parmigianino Francifco Rici Gobeau a Zoon, and Flefhiere Cornelius van Haerlem Pietro Montanini,&CarloMaratti Rembrandt Paul Bril Angelo Carofello Andrea Sacchi imitated Giotto Bartolomeo D'Urbino Francefco Rofa her brother Gregorio Lazzarini Juan Caregno his father Sebafl. vander Leeuw his father Sebafl. vander Leeuw Carlo Cignani fludied after Titian, Tintoretto. & Ludovico Cardi [Paolo Veronefe Peter Grebber Van Goyen, but he imitated Sal [Rofa, & Cafliglione Lazaro Baldi Pedro de las Cuevas Pedro de las Cuevas Cornel i us E n geb rech t Giovanni Francefco Baflbtti ftudied at Rome his father Hugucs Jacobs S4 79 ?3 64 66 60 60 60 90 71 71 H 82 80 70 75 77 39 & 45 9? 94 49 62 82 67 48 77 19 6i f7 66 *3 39 L. Painters names. Born in the yrar at Leyflens, , Liagno, Philip de, called the LittleTitian, Liberale Veronefe, Liberi, Pietro, called Cavaliere Liberi, Libri, Ghirolamo dai, Licinio, Giov. Antonio. Vide Pordenone Licinio, Giulio. Vide Pordenone. Liere, Joas de, Lievens, Jan, Ligorio, Pirro, Ligozzi, Jacopo, Ligozzi, Bartolomeo, Lilio, Andrea, Limborch, Hendrick van, Linglebach, John, Linichoten, Adrian van, Linfen, John, Lint, Peter van, Lint, Hendrick van, called Studio, Lione, Andrea di, Lionetto Fiorentino. Vide Lottini. Liotard, John Stephen, called the Turk, Lippi, Filippo, called the Old, Lippi, Filippo, called the Young, Lippi, Lorenzo, Lippo, Lis, or Lys, John vander, called Pan, Lis, John vander, Lifiewfky, George, Lifiewfky, Rofina, Lifiewfky, Anne Dorothea, Litterini, Agoftino, Lodi, Evangelifta, Loir, or le Fevre, Nicholas, Lomazzo, Giovanni Paolo, Lombard, Lambert, Lombardelli, Giovan. Battifta, called Delia Lomi, Aurelio, Loni, AlefTandro, Loon, Theodore van, Lorenzetti, Ambrogio, Lorraine. Vide Claude. Loten, John, Loth, John Ulrich, [Marca. 66 1 573 45 1 6oc 474 520 493 543 57° 555 680 6 J5 59° 609 619 702 400 46c 606 334 57C 601 674 7i3 721 642 618 624 558 500 532 560 63O 267 l 597 Antwerp Madrid Verona Padua Verona Antwerp Ley den Rome Rome Rome ■ Ancona the Hague Frankfort on the M. Delft in Flanders Antwerp Antwerp Naples Geneva — Florence Florence Florence Florence Oldenburgh ■■ ■ Breda Ganten, in Pruffia Berlin Berlin Venice — — Cremona Paris Milan Liege Monte n 110 vo — — Pifa Florence Bruffels Siena Switzerland Munich L. 55 JO Died in the year 1710 1625 I536 1677 *S55 1583 1627 1645 1610 68 5 1699 1469 *5°5 c 395 [629 1679 1560 1587 1622 1702 Painted hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hift.& landfc. in min. he was [thefirft mafler of G. Ciovio landfcapes hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory, and battles hiftory hiftory, and battles hiflory battles, fairs, fea ports, and hiftory [fea fights hiftory hiftory, and portraits landfcap. with views about battles, & perfped. [Rome portraits in cray. enamel, & hiftory [miniature hiftory 1664 hiftory, and portraits 350 hiftory hift. landfc. & converfations hiftory portraits portraits portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory, and landfcapes hift. landfcapes, & portraits hift. archite&.&perfpecYive, hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portaits landfcapes, and hiftory 1 68 1 landfcapes 1660 hiftory Difciple of ftudied at Rome Alonzo Sanchez Vincenzio di Stefano ftudied Raphael, & Buonaroti his father Francefco Libri Jovis van Schooten,&P,Laftman Giulio Romano Giovanni Ermano his uncle Jacopo Ligozzi imitated Baroccio Robert Duval Spagnoletto ftudied in Italy ftudied in the academy at Rome Salvator Rofa Mafaccio Sandro Boticelli Matteo Rofelli Tomafo, called Giottino Henry Goltzius Cornelius Poelemburg her father George Lifiewlky her father George Lifiewlky Pietro di Vecchia il Moioffo Euftachius le Sueur Giovanni Battifta della Cerva Andrea del Sarto Marco Marcucci da Faenza Cigoli Carlo Dolce imitated Carlo Maratti Giotto imitated Carlo Venctiann < 49 5 2 85 77 8r 63 80 84 75 55 62 80 69 4? |8 61 59 ^5 60 55 62 +7 8.3 63 M. Painters names. rforn in the at ■ Vear 161 1 iVlunicri ^49 r lore nee t - r\Q. I ^ Oo Bergamo I 6 ^ ? v_/i'acovv £ST-C//f r 73 M. 170 »75 180 185 I9O Painters names. 15c Minga, Andrea del, Mingot, Theodofio, Mirevelt, Michael Janfen, Mirevelt, Peter, Moelart, Jacob, Mola, Pietro Francefco, Mohedano, Antonio, Mola, Giovanni Battifta Molina, Fray Manuel de, Molambra, or Malombra, Pietro, l6oMolenaer, Cornelius, Molyn, Peter, called C.Tempefta,& Pietro Moine, Francis le, [Mulier, Mompert, Jodocus, Monaco dell' Ifole D'Oro, Monniks, or Monnix, 3 Mondini, Fulgenzio, Morifignori, Francefco, Mont, Deodate del, Montagna, il. Vide Flatten . Montalti. Vide Danedi. Montana, Giufeppe, Montanini, Pietro, called Petruc. Perugino, Montelatici, Francefco, calledCecco Bravo, Montemezzano, Francefco, Montero, Don Lorenzo, Monti, Giovanni Battifta, Montero, Juan, de Roxas, Monti, Francefco, called Brefcianino delle Monti, Francefco, [Battaglie, Monti, Giovanni Giacomo, Monticelli, Andrea, Monticelli, Michael Angelo, Moor, Karel de, Moortel, John, Morandi, Giovanni Marin, Morandini, FVancefco, called il Poppi, Morazone. Vide Mazuchielli. More, Antonio, Moreel, , Moreelze, Paul, Morel, , Morclli, Paolo, Morelli, Bartolomeo, called Pianoro, Born in th year 1, 7 6 1568 1596 1649 1609 1565 1620 161 1550 1637 1688 1580 1326 1606 <«5 1581 1614 1626 660 1646 1685 1621 1640 r6 7 8 1656 1650 1625 544 1519 1628 1571 664 at Florence Catalonia Delft Delfc Dort Lugano Antequera Jaen Venice Antwerp Flaerlem Paris Genoa Bois le due Florence Verona S. Tron Pefaro Perugia Florence Venice Seville — Genoa Madrid Brefcia Bologna Bologna Bologna Bologna Leyden Leyden Florence — ■ Poppi, near CafTen- [tine Utrecht Frank fort Utrecht — Antwerp Utrecht [logm Pianoro, near Bo- M. J JO »55 i6o 75 80 8> Died in th. year 53 2 59c 1641 1632 1727 1665 1625 1677 618 1602 1701 '737 1408 686 664 S IQ i 6 34 Painted 689 661 600 71c 657 683 693 716 73 719 7*5 i 75 683 638 638 hiftory hiftory portraits, and hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits landfcapes, and hiftory hiftory hiftory, and landfcapes hiftory, and portraits hift. portr. and perfpective landfcapes hunt, landfc. and fea views hiftory andfcapes hiftory views of Rome, markets, & hiftory [converfations hiftory, aind portraits hiftory, and portraits Difciple of Ghirlandaio M. Ang. Buonaroti Anthony Blockland his father Michael Mirevelt Nicholas Maas Giufeppe d'Arpino, & Albano Paul de Cefpedes Albano ftudied at Rome Veronefe, & Giufep. Salviati imitated John Nagel at flrft he imitated Synders,butaf- Gallochefterwards ftud.at Rome ftudied after nature hiftory landfcapes, and hiftory hiftory hiftory ornam.architec.landfc.fruit, port, and hiftory [& flowers hiftory hiftory, and battles hiftory perfpec. and architec. fruit, flowers, and ftill-life landfcapes, and battles portr. hift. & converfations fruit, and flowers hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory fruit, and flowers portraits, and hiftory fruit, and flowers hiftory, and portraits hiftory, in la^rge and fmall ftudied at Rome Guercino Andrea Mantegna P. Rubens ftudied at Rome [imit. S. Rofa G.F.Barfotto,& P.daCortona,but Biliverti, & Coccapani Paolo Veronefe Luciano Borzone Pedro de las Cuevas Pietro Ricchi, and Bourgognone Giufeppe dal Sole AgoftinoMetelli, & M. A.Colonna Agoftino Metelli Domenico Maria Viani G. Douw, F. Mieris, &Shalcken ftudied after nature Sigif. Coccapini, &Ant. Biliverti Giorgio Vafari John Schoreel George Vlughels Michael Mirevelt Verendaal Michael Mirevelt Albano L W3 39 73 |6 78 bo 02 49 z 80 64 S3 10 72 76 82 69 90 56 C^Derrc//) °7 N. 195 200 ^05 210 220 22 Painters names. Moreno, Joieph, Moretto, le. Vide Buonvincino. Morinello, Andrea de, Moro il. Vide Turbido. Moroni, Giovanni Battiila, called Morone. Moroni, Pietro, Moroni, Domenico, Moroni, Francefco, Morto da Feltro, Mofes, caller Little Mofes, Mofnier, John, Moltaert, John, Moitacrt, Gilles, Moucheron, Frederick, called the Old, Moucheron, lfaac, called the Ycung, Moya, Pedro de, Mudo, Hernandez el, Mugnoz, Don Seballian, Murano, Luigi da, Murano, Giovanni da, Murano, Bartolomeo da, Muratori, Domenico Maria, Murant, Emanuel, Muratori, Therefia, Murillo, Bartholomew Stephen, Murray, Thomas, Murrer, John, Murrer, Anne Barbara, Muflcher, Michael van, Mutiano, or Muziano, Girolamo, Myn, Herman vander, Mytens, Arnold, Mytens, Daniel* Mytens, ■ , Mytens, John, Mytens, Martin, 1430 *474 1468 1600 r 499 » 6 33 1670 1610 1624 1661 1622 1662 161 3 1666 1644 1688 164s 1528 1684 1541 1636 1612 1695 at Burgos near Genoa [mo Albino, near Berga- Albino, near Berga- Verona [mo Verona Florence Blois Haerlem — Huia Embden Amfterdam Granada in Spain — Naval Camero Venice Venice Venice Bologna Amfterdam Bologna Pilas, near Seville Scotland Nurenberg — Nurenberg Rotterdam Brefcia Amfterdam Bruflels the Hague Bruflels Stockholm N. NADALINO del Murano, Naldini, Battifta, Nanni, Giovanni. Vide UdiiiQ, *S37 Venice Florence N. HO :I 5 Died in th< v^ar IO74 I578 1625 I529 1650 1656 1601 1686 J 744 1666 1660 1700 1708 1685 1724 1713 1721 1705 159c 1741 1602 1688 *7SS Painted hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiflory groteique landfcapes, and hiftory hiftory [fmall figures hift. portr. & landfcap. with hiftory with fmall figures landfcapes landfcapes hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory [flouriflied in 141 4] hiftory [flour ifhed in 1440] hiftory [flourifhed in 1470] hiftory landfcapes eligious fubjefls hiftory, and beggar boys portraits hiftory, and portraits fruit, flowers, & animals portraits, & converfations hift. portraits, & landfcapes hift. portr. fruit, and flowers hiftory portraits, and hiftory portraits portraits, and hiftory Difciple of $p Francifco de Solis "~ 30 Aleflandro Buonvincino 50 Paolo Veronefe Stefano Fiorentino his father Domenico Moroni 55 ft 11 died at Rome 45 imitated Poelemburgh his father Mofnier, but he ftudied $6 Jacques de Kaerlem [Cigoli $6 . John Mandyn John Aflelyn 53 h is fath.F. Moucheron ,bu t ft udied 7 4 Juan del Caftillo [at Rome 56 Titian Claudio Coello, & Carlo Maratti 36 Andrea da Murano Andrea da Murano Andrea da Murano Lorenzo Paffinelli Philip Wouwermans 78 Paflinelli, &; Giufeppe dal Sole 46 Juande Caftillo, and Velafquez 72 John Riley 58 John Ferdinand Heinzel 69 her father John Murrer 3 3 VandenTemple, Oftade,&Metzu 60 Girolamo Romanino 62 Erneft Stuven 57 ftudied inltaly [byLoti,& Maratti 6 r Doudyns,Schuur,&alfoinftruc~ted 52 imitated Vandyck Van Opftal, and Vander Horft imitated Vandyck 60 N, hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits Titian Puntormo L2 N. 10 *5 20 *5 30 35 4c Painters names. Napoletano. Vide Angelis. Nardi, Angelo, Nappi, Francefco, Narduch, Juan, called Fray Juan de la [Miferia, Nafini, Giufeppe Nicolo, Natali, Carlo, Navarra, Giovanni Fernandez da, ■ called [Navarrete, and the Spaniih Titian, Nebbia, Cefare da, Neck, John van, Nedeck, Peter Peterfz, Neefs, Peter, called the Old, Neefs, Peter, called the Young, Neer, Arnold vander, Neer, Eglon Hendrick vander, Neer, Adrian vander, Negri, Girolamo, Neidlinger, Michael, Nes, John van, Netfcher, Gafpard, Netfcher, Theodore, Netfcher, Conftantine, . Neveu, Mathys, Nicafius, Nicolai, Jacques Ifaac, Niccoletto. VideCaffana, Nicolo. Niccolo, Meffer, called da Modena, & del Nieulant, Adrian, [Abbate, Nieulant, William van, Nigno, Don Juan, de Guevara, Nikkelen, John van, Nimeguen, Elias van, Nimeguen, Tobias van, Nogari, Paris, called Paris Romano, Nollet, Domenique, Nugnes, Pedro> Nuvalone, Carlo Francifco,calledPamfilio, Nuvalone, Gioferlb, Nuzzi, Mario, called Mario da Fiori, Nuzzi, Avanzino, born in the year IDOI cr<*/rJ 7 8 7* f + J ftudied at Rome his father Pamfilio ; but he fudied 5 3 [Procaccino, and Cerani 84 Tomafo Salini \jo Nicolo Pomenncio - 77 74 60 59 5" 6 7 67 7^ % 9 6 40 p. 15 20 3° 35 Painters names. o BRECON, Pedro de, Ochoa, Don Francifco, called Anto- Odam, Girolamo, [nilez, Odazzi, Giovanni, Oddi, Mauro, Oderico, Giovanni Paolo, Offermans, John, Oliver, Ifaae, Oliver, Peter, Olivieri, Leonardo, Oolen, John van. Vide Alen. Oort, Adam Van, Ooft, Jacques van, called the Old, Ooft, Jacques van, called the Young, Oofterwyck, Maria van, Ooftfries, Jofeph, Opftal, Gafpar Jacques van, Orbetto, il. Vide Veronefe, Alexander. Orgagna, Andrea, or de Cione, Orizonti, or John Francis van Bloemen, Orlandi, Odoardo, Orlandino, Giulio, called del Purgo, Orlay, Bernard van, called Bernard of Bruf- Orlay, Richard van, Orrente, Pedro, Orfi, Lelio, called Novellara, Orlbni, GiofefTo, OlTenbeck, Oftade, Adrian van, Oftade, Ifaac van, Otho Venius. Vide Venius. Ottino, Pafquale, Ovens, Juriaan, Ouche. Vide Sacchi. Oudenarde, Robert van, Oudry, John Baptift, Ou water, Albert van. [fels, Born in tb< year ».?97 1644 1681 1663 1639 1646 1556 1601 1692 '557 1600 l6 37 1630 16 1660 *3*9 1656 1660 1490 1652 1550 1 5 10 1692 627 1610 1617 at Madrid Seville Rome Rome Parma . Genoa Dort in England in England San Martino ■ Antwerp Bruges ~ ruges Nootdorp,nearDelft Hoorn Antwerp Florence Antwerp — — Bologna Parma Bruflels Bruflels Murcia . Novellara Bologna Rotterdam Lubeck Lubeck Verona 1620 1 663 Ghent 1686 Paris 1444 Haerlera (ACHECO, Francifco, Pachelbein, Amelia, ■Pacchierotti, Jacopo, 1 579 1686 1478 Seville Nurcnberg Siena p. Died in the year I7OC 1744 173* 1702 1617 1 66c 176c ,64, 1671 1713 j 69? 1661 1389 174c 156c 1732 1644 1586 1 67^ 1685 1605 Painted hiftory hiftory, & portraits in fmall hift.landfc,& port.in crayons hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory, and portaits iandfcape* portraits, and hiftory portraits hiftory in oil and frefco hiitory, portraits, & landfc. hill, landfc. & architecture hiftory, and portraits ftill-life, and flowers hiitory on glafs hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits landfcapes hiftory in oil and freco hiftory hi ft. hunt, and landfcapes hiftory and port, in miniat. hiftory hiftory perfpective architecture landfc. converfat. and cattle converfat. dancings, & drolls drolls, and converfations hiftory hift. portr. & night-pieces Difciple of Vincencio Carducho Murillo Carlo Maratti, and Ghezzi Giro Ferri, and Battifta Gauli Pietro da Cortona Domenico Fiafella ft udied after nature Hilliard his father Ifaac Oliver Francefco Solimena his father Lambert van Oprt imitated, Annibal Caracci his father Jacques van Ooft John David de Heem John Maartz 1 743 hiftory, and portraits hift. landfcapes, & animals 15 1 5 ^hiftory, and portraits 60 6 68 63 61 68 1 6 33 Bernardo Orgagna ftudied in Italy Lorenzo Pailinelli Raphael Peter van Orlay, but heimit. Al Baflan [bano, & P. da Cortona Correggio, & M. A. Buonaroti Domen.Viani, & Pompeo Aldro- imitated Bamboccio [vandini Francis Hals his father Adrian van Oftade Felice Riccio Rembrandt Carlo Maratti Largilliere, but ftudied Ruben9 7S 60 84 70 (J7f'/n/s%) So 94 7<> 80 7 1 I1654 hiftory flowers in miniature hiftory p. ftudied Raphael the fcliool of Raphael 75 37 4° Painters names. Paderna, Paolo Antonio, Paduanino, Francefco, Paduanino, Ottavio, Paduanino. Vide Varotari, Dario. Paduanino. Vide Varotari, Alejandro. Pagani, Gafparo, Pagan o, Paolo, Pagani, Francefco, Pagani, Gregorio, Paganini, Guglielmo Capodoro, Paggi, or Pagi, Giovanni Battifta, Paggio. Vide Merano. Paglia, Francefco, Palacios, Francifeo, Palladini, Archangela, Pallajuolo, or Pollaiuolo, Antonio, Pallajuolo, Pietro, Palloni, Michael Angelo, Palamedes, Palamedefz. Vide Staevarts Palma, Giacomo, called the Old, [Young Palma, Giacomo or Giacopo, called the Paltronieri, Pietro, called il Mirandolefe, Pamfilio. Vide Nuvalone. Pandolfo, or Refchi, Panini, Paolo, Pantoja, Juan, Panza, Federigo, Panzacchia, Maria Helena, Paolino, Pietro, Paoluccio. Vide MatteL Parafole, Bernardino, Parcelles, John, Parcelles, Julius, Pareja, Juan de, Parmentier, James, Parmigiano, or Francefco Mazzuoli, Parmigianino. Vide Mazzuoli, Jeronymo Parodi, Domenico, Parodi, Ottavio, Paroni, Francefco, Parrocel, Jofeph, called the Old, Parrocel, Charles, called the Young, Parrocel, Ignatius, Parolini, Jacopo, Born in th< year at 1649 15^2 I588 ISM [661 r 53 J is" 3 s 1670 1556 .636 1640 r 599 1426 1428 l6 37 1548 x 544 ' 6 73 1691 l SS l 163? 1668 1603 150,6 <597 1610 1658 [504 i6;9 1606 1648 1677 1670 Bologna Modena Milan Florence Florence Mantua Genoa Brefcia Madrid Pifa Florence Florence — Florence Serinalta Venice Mirandola Dantzic Placentia Madrid Milan Bologna Lucca Rome Leyden — — Leyerdorp in the Weft Indie* in France Parma Genoa Pavia Milan in Provence Paris — — in France Ferrara p. Died in th vear 1 708 l6 I 7 164O 10 154O [716 ; f 6i 605 1629 1676 1622 1498 1498 1 70c 1596 1628 i 75 « 1610 1741 1681 1 670 l W 1740 1634 1704 1729 1722 Painted hiftory, and landfcapes portraits, and hiftory portraits portraits hiftory hifiory hiftory battles hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory portraits, and hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory perfpeclive in frefco, and [diftemper battles, and landfcapes perspective, & architecture portraits, and hiftory hiftory hiftory, and landfcapes hiftory hiftory ftorms and calms at fea fea pieces portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory hiftory hiftory battles battles battles hiftory Difciple of Guercino, and Carlo Cignani his father Francefco ftudied at Venice Maturino Santi di Titi Ant. Calza, but imitated Bour- Luca Cangiagio [gognone Guercino da Cento Velafquez her father Filippo Palladlni Bartoluccio Ghiberti Andrea del Caftagno BaldafTare Francelchiai Titian Tintoretto, and ftudied Titian F.CafTana, & Marc Ant. Chiarin [the works of Bourgognone ftudied at Rome, but particularly ftudied Ghifolfi Alonzo Coeilo C . F. N u valone , b u t ft u d led Ti tiaii . EmilioTaruffi [5c P. Veronefe Angelo Carofello Giufeppe D'Arpino Cornelius Vroom his father John Parcelles Diego Velafquez Sebaftian Bourdon ftudied Raphael, and Buonaroti his father Giacomo FilippoParodi Andrea Lanzano ftudied at Rome Bourgognone his father Jofeph Parrocel his uncle Jofeph Parrocel Carlo Cignani M * < 59 5 2 3° 07 73 }6 *3 70 &3 56 67 59 70 73 78 60 7« 56 28 it p. Painters names. Born in the year at So 55 60 65 7 C 75 80 *5 90 Paiian, or Paffefi, Giufeppe, Paflerotti, Bartolomeo, Paflerotti, Tiburzio, Paflerotti, Ventura, Paflignano. Vide CrefH. Paffignani, Domenico, PaiTinelli, Lorenzo, Pafqualino, or Pafquale Roffi Vincentino, Pafquel, Luis, Patel, , called the French Claude, Patenier, Joachim, Pater, John Baptift, called Paterre, Paudits, , Paulyn, Horatius, Paulyn, Ifaac, Pee, Theodore van, Pegnalofa, Juan de, Pellegrini, Vincenzio, Pellegrini, Felice, Pellegrini, Antonio, called of Padua, Pellegrino da Modena, Pellegrino. Vide Tibaldi. Pellegrino da San Daniello, Pellini, Marc Antonio, Pennacchi, Pietro Maria, Penni, Giovanni Francefco,called ilFatore, Penni, Luca, Pens, George, Perac, Etienne du, Perazzini, Giufeppe, Peranda, Santo, Pereda, Don Antonio, Perrier Francis, Periz, or Perez, Don Francis, Sierra, Peruccini, Giovanni, Periz, or Perez, Bartolome, Perugino, Pierino. Vide Cerrini. Perugino, Pietro, or Vannucci, Perugino. Vide Giandomenico. Perugino, Petruccio. Vide Montanini. Perugino, Pierino. Vide Cefarei, Pietro, Peruzzi, BaldafTare, Pefello, Francefco a Pc&lH, Pefello, 1654 '575 1586 '554 1629 1641 .556 1487 1695 l6 43 1669 1582 «S7S 1567 1674 1664 148S 1569 16 1^66 1 599 162- 1629 1634 1446 1481 1418 44c Rome Bologma Bologna — Bologna Florence Bologna Vincenza — Villa Franca in France Din ant Valenciennes Lower Saxony — in Holland Amfterdam Baena Perugia — Perugia Padua Modena San Daniello, near Pavia [Udino Venice Florence Florence Ntirenberg — Paris Mirandola Venice Valladolid Mafcon inBurgundy Naoles 1 Ancona Madrid Perugia — Vol terra Florence Florence p. 5° 55 60 65 70 75 80 25 90 Died in the year '7'4 '595 1638 1 70c 1700 162 1736 1636 1612 1630 1741 1538 737 1528 1528 1550 i6oj 1638 1669 1650 1709 1694 1693 1524 536 '457 Painted hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory portraits and hiftory hiftory hiftory converfations, & capriccios hiftory andfeapes andfeapes, and battles landfcapes, &: converfations portraits, and hiftory hiftory, and converfations portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory in large and fmall hift. in the ftyle of his maft. hift. portraits, & landfcapes hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hift, taverns, & cooks fliops hiftory, and landfcapes battles^ fruit, flowers, and hiftory [ n ^g nt pieces flowers iftory hift.perfpec.& architecture hiftory 1517 [hiftory, and animals Difciple of *4 7* 59 his uncleG.B.Paiiari,&C.iViaratu Jacopo Barozzi, & T. Zucchero his father Bartolomeo PafTerotti his brother Tiburzio Macchietti, & Fred. Zucchero S.Cantarini, butheftudied Paolo imitated Titian [Veronefe imitated Claude Lorraine Watteau Rembrandt Juftus van Pee Paul de Cefpedes $4 Federigo Baroccio 37 Federigo Baroccio 63 GirolamoGenga,&: Paolo Paganij^y Raphael I Giovanni Bellini Tommafo Gam Giovanni Bellini Raphael Pierino del Vaga Albert Durer, and Raphael irudied at Rome Fran ce fcoCa flana , & Fra 11 ce fc h i n Lionardo Corona, &• Palma Pedro de las Cuevas imitated Lanfranc Daniel Falconl,& Juan deTclcdo Simone da PefTaro Arellano Andrea Verocchio Raphael Andrea del Caftagno Andrea del Caftagno M z 3 3* 72 70 60 8z *s 59 7 3 55 39 t77 p. Painters names. Born in the year Pefelli, Franceico, called Peiieiino, Peflaco, Simone da. Vide Cantarini. Peine, Anthony, 95 Peters, Gerard, Peterfz, Dirk, Peterfz, Peter, Peterfz, Aert, Peters, Bonaventure, loo Peters, John, Peters, Francis Lucafz, Petitot, John, called the Old, who was af- [fociated with Bordier, Petitot, , called the Young, 105 Petrazzi, Aftolfo, Petrini, Bartolomeo, called Meuccio, Peuteman, Pianore. Vide Morelli, Bartol. Piazza, Fra Cofimo, lloPiella Francefco Antonio, Piemontefe, Cefare, Pierfon , Chriitopher, Pieri,. Sterano, Pieters, John, 115 Pietro, or Pierino del Vaga, Pietro da Petri, Pignoni, Simon, * Piles, Roger de, Pinacci, Giofeffo, :c Pinas, John, Pinas, Jacques, Pinturiccio, Bernardino, Pio. Vide Bonatti. Piola, Pietro Francefco, Piola, Giovanni Gregorio, Piola, Pellegrino, Piola, Domenico, Piombo, Sebaftian del, called Venetiano, Pifanelli, or Spifanelii, Vincenzio, J 30 Pifanelli, or Spifanelii, Giulio, Pifanelli, or Spifanelii, Ippolito, Pifano, Vittore, at 1 468 riorence »S49 1614 1684 Paris 1580 Amfterdam Am Herd am 1 54.1 'Amilerdam Amfterdam Antwerp 1625 Antwerp 1606 Mechlin 1607 Geneva 638 1643 in France 580 Siena Perugia i65C|Rotterdam 1 55S;Caflelfranco 1661 Bologna ■ iVercelli [63 1 the Hague Florence Antwerp 1 500 near Florence » 1665 Rome 161 2 Florence 1635 Clamecy, in theNi- {642 Siena [vernoife ! 5 96 Haerlem ■ Haerlem 1454 Perugia 1 565 Genoa 1583 Genoa j 6 l 7 Genoa 1629 Genoa 1485 Venice i$Qr Orta,in theMilanefe Bologna — • — Bologna 1 436! Verona * Orlandi fixes the birth of Pignone in 1614, and his death in 1706^ at the age of 92* p. Died in th< year. I499 1603 165 l66l 1654 169 1665 1664 1692 i62I I736 [714 1598 1 727 '547 1710 1698 1709 *5 X 3 1600 1625 1640 1703 *S47 1662 1658 1665 Painted hiflory portraits, and hiflory landfc.converfat.& portr. in hiflory [fmall hiflory portraits feapieces, particularly florms Tea pieces, and fea-fights landfcapes portraits in enamel portraits in enamel hiilory hiflory ftill life hiflory, and portraits architec.fea ports, & landfc andfcapes hifl. port. & implements for hiftory [fporting portraits hiflory, and grotefque hiflory hiflory hiflory, and portraits battles, and portraits hifl. portraits, & landfcapes hill, portraits, & landfcapes hiflory,portraits,&grotefque flory hiflory in oil and miniature hiflory hiflory portraits, and hiflory hiilory hiflory hiilory hiflory Difciple of his father Pefello Pefelli, but he [imitated Filippo Lippi Thomas Pefne, but he fludied at Cornelius van Haerlem [Rome his father Peter Aertfen his father Peter Aertfen his father Peter Aertfen his brother Bonaventure Gerard Segers his father John Petitot Francefco Vanni Luigi Scaramuccia fludied at Venice feveral mailers Paul Bril Bartholomeo Meyburg Bronzino Eykens Vaga, and was employed by Ra- Carlo Maratti [phael Fabrizio Bofchi, & Paflignano Fra Lucas, a Recollet Fryar Bourgognone Peter Laflman his brother John Pinas Pietro Perugino fludied Pierino del Vaga Giovanni Domenico Capellino his brother Pellegrino Piola Giovanni Bellini, & Giorgione Denis Calvart his father Vincenzio, & Canuti his father Vincenzio, &: Canuti Andrea del Caflagno v 31 6z 38 36 4 3 84 % 21 42 75 s; 47 86 74 59 3! 42 2 3 74 62 67 p. *35 140 Hi 150 *55 160 16 *75 Painters names. Pifano, Andrea, Pizzoli, Gbvachino, plaas, David Vander, Platten, Matthew van, called il Montagna, Pocchetti. Vide Barbatelli. Poelemburgh, Cornelius, Poerfon, Charles Francis, Poindre, Jacques de, Polidore. Vide Glauber. Polidoro da Caravaggio, Pollini, Cefare, Polo, Diego, Pomerancio. Vide Roncalli, Criftof. Pomerancio, Antonio, and Nicolo. Vide Ponte, Giovanni da, [Circignano Ponte, Pere Cefare, called Cefare di Ra- Pontons, Pablo, [venna, Pool, or Ruifch, Rachael van, Pool, Turiaan, Popp, Henry, Poppi, Francefco, Pordenone, G. Ant.Licino,called the Old, Pordenone, G. Licinio, called the Young, Porta, Giufeppe, called Salviati, Porta, Andrea, Porta, Ferdinando, PolTenti, Benedetto, PofTenti, Giovanni Pietro, Poflb, or Pozzo, Andrea, Poll, Francis, Potter, Paul, Pourbus, Peter, called the Old, Pourbus, Francis, called the Young, Pourbus, Francis, the fon of Francis, Pouffin, Nicolo, Pouilin, Gafpar, or Doughet, Pozzo, Ludovico, Prete Genovefe, or Bernardino Strozzi, Preifler, Daniel, Priefler, John Daniel, Preti, Mattia, called Calabrefe, Primaticcio, Francefco, Primi, Giovanni Battitta, Procaccini, Camillo, called the Old, 3orn n the ear 3 2 9 652 647 640 586 053 492 560 619 306 626 604 664 666 637 484 520 535 656 689 59 1 618 642 625 510 540 570 594 boo 581 627 666 613 490 598 546 at Florence Bologna Am Herd am Antwerp Utrecht Paris Mechlin — Caravaggio, in the Perugia [Milanefe Old Caftile Florence Ravenna Valencia Amfterdam ■ Amfterdam Nurenberg Poppi, in Cafentino Pordenone, a caftle Venice [in Friuli Caftelnuovo Milan Milan Bologna Bologna ■ 1 Trent Haerlein Enkhuy fen Gouda Bruges ■ Bruges Andel in Normandy in France Trevigi Genoa ■ Prague Nurenberg 'n Calabria Bologna Rome ■ ■ Bologna *35 Died in th year ■3«9 I736 I704 l66o 1725 140 I57O •45 150 [ S5 160 16 S 170 <75 *543 1630 i6 S £ 1657 709 1680 1654 1580 1622 1665 1663 164.4 1665 1737 699 1570 1657 1626 Painted hiftory hiftory, and archke&ure portraits landfcapes, and fea views landfcapes, caves, & grottos hiftory, and portraits portraits hift. landfc.anim.& grotefq hiftory in miniature hiftory 365 hiftory 1708 portraits, & perfpective 666 hiftory 1 750 fruit, and flowers 1745 portraits 1701 landfcapes, with huntings hiftory, and portraits 1540 hiftory 1 5 70 hiftory 1585 hiftory ^ hiftory in oil and frefco hiftory [embarkations landfc.fea ports, battles, and battles, hift. & landfcapes architec. hift.landfc.&portr. landfc. with views of theW. cattle, & landfcapes [Indies hiftory, and portraits portr. hiftory, and animals hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and landfcapes 'andfcapes andfcapes, and hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory fea ports, with fmall figures hiftory Difciple of his brother Pifano Michael Angelo Colonna ftudied Titian ftudied with J. AfTelyn atFlorence Abraham Bloemart Noel Coypel Mark Willems Maturino Lanchares, but imitated Titian Buonamico Euffalmacco Guercino Pedro Orrente William van Aalft Daniel Priefler Giorgio Vafari ftudied Giorgione his uncle Giov.Ant.Pordenone Francefco Salviati Cefare Fiori his father Andrea Porta the Caracci his father Benedetto PofTenti Luigi Scaramuccia his father John Pofc his father Peter Potter his fath. P. Pourbus, & F. Floris his father Francis Pourbus F.&L'Allemant; ftudied at Rome N. Pouflin [after Raphael, &c Pietro Sori, or Sorri Chriftopker Schiebling John Murrer Guercino Giulio Romano rVgoftino Ta$ < 60 84 57 74 72 5 1 70 36 S 9 82 6z 36 9 64 56 5° 5° 39 .19 f2>irrvrs/f} 54 {Dtrrcff} 68 +5 s. 1661 hift. portr. and architecture 1706 hiftory 1694 hiftory [& farm-houfes landfc.drolls, corps de garde, 1 685 landfc.& views of the Rhine 1722 hiftory hiftory hiftory 1 6 1 3 hiftory 1625 fruit, and flowers hiftory [like drawings fea-pieces in black and white r 626 hift. in the ftyle of Raphael 1630 hiftory hiftory 1590 hiftory 1563 hiftory, and portraits portraits 1628 grotefques 1577 biftory hiftory, and portraits 1683 hiftory, and portraits 1 63 1 perfpeftivea Francefco Albano Rolfo di Pavia ftudied at Rome ftudied after nature John van Goyen Carlo Cignani Federigo Zucchero his father Archangelo Salimbeni Cavaliere Baglione Giufep. dai Sole,& Ant. Baleftra Cornelius Bonaventure Meefter Procaccini Matteo Rofelli, & Giov, Biliverti Dornenico Fiafella Francefco Penni Bugiardini, and Bandinelli Sebaftian Conca Pellegrino Tibaldi Francis Floris Gerard Honthorft ftudied Zaccolino 72 89 62 56 S o 86 45 s 6 s. Painters names. 4 c Sanefe, Berna, Sanefe, Ugolino, Sangiorgio, Eufebio, Santagoitini, Giacomo Antonio, 30 Santerre, John Baptift, Santi, Domenico, called Mingaccino, Santi, Giovanni Giofeffo, Santi di Titi, Sarabia, Jofeph da, Sarezana. Vide Fiafella. Saraccino, Carlo, called Carlo Veneziano, Sartarelli, Luca, Sarto, or Vanucchi, Andrea del, Saffi, Giovanni Battifta, SalTo Ferrato. Vide Salvi. Savery, Roland, Savoien, Charles van, Savonanzi, Emilio, Savoye, Daniel, 4£ Scacciati, Andrea, Scaligeri, Lucia, Scalvati, Antonio, Scaminoffi, Raphael, Scanavino, Francefco, 50 Scaramuccia, Giovanni Antonio, Scaramuccia, Luigi, Scarfelia, Sigifmondo, called Mondino, Scarfellini, Ippolito, Schagen, Gilles, Schalcken, Godfrey, or Scalken, Schaubroek, Peter, Schellinks, William, Schellinks, Daniel, Schellinks, John, Schenk. Vide Tilmans. Schiavone, Andrea, Schidone, Bartelemi, Schoene, Martin, Schoonefeld, John Henry, Schoonjans, Anthony, Schoreel, John, Scorza, Sinibaldo, Schoten, Joris van, 6s Born m th< year at 1300 1478 1588 1651 1621 1644 1608 1585 1610 1488 1^70 1619 1580 1654 1642 1560 1641 1580 1616 1616 576 1631 6 33 *549 Siena Siena Perugia Milan near Ponthoife ■ Bologna Bologna Florence Seville Venice Genoa Florence Milan I$22 1560 l6lQ 1495 1590 I S 8 7 Court ray Antwerp Bologna Grenoble Florence — Venice Bologna Borgo San Sepulcro , Ferrara Perugia — . Perugia Ferrara Ferrara Alkmaar Dort in Holland Amfterdam Amfterdam Mechlin Sebenico Mod en a Kalenbach Bibrach Antwerp — — Schoreel, near Alk- Voitaggio [maar Leyden s. 60 (>s Died n th< veir Painted 1380 hiftory, and portraits 1 349 hiftory 1 ^50 hiftory 1648 hiftory 1717 portraits 1694 hiftory hift.& perfpec.in oil&frefco 603 hillory, and portraits 1 669 hiftory 1625 hiit. in the ftyle of Caravag- hiftory 153c hillory, and portraits hift. with fmall figures in an [exquiiite ftyle 639 landfcapes, and animals hiftory in fmall 66c hiftory 1 7 16 portraits 171 1 fruit, and flowers 17CO hiftory [622 hiftory, and portraits hiftory 1688 portraits, and hiftory 165c hiftory 1 68c hiftory 1614 hiftory & architecture 1620 hiftory in large and fmall 1 668 hiftory, and portraits 1 706 hift. portr. & converfations, landscapes, with a number [of fmall figures 1678 hift. landfc. and fea-ports 1 70 1 landfcapes hiftory, and battles 1582 hiftory 1 6 1 6 hi ftory, and portraits i486 hiftory 1689 hift.landfc.architec.& anlm 1726 hiftory, and portraits 1562 hift. landfcapes, & portraits 163 1 hift.landfc. & anim. in min hift. portraits, & landfcapes Difciple of ftudied after nature Cimabue Pietro Perugino Giulio Antonio Procaccini Boullongne Agoftino Metelli Domenico Canuti Baftiano, and Agn^Io Bronzino Zurbaran Camillo Mariani Domenico Fiafella Giovanni Barile, & Piet. Cofimo Federigo Panza, and Soiimena his father Jacques Savery, but he [imitated Paul Bri Guido, the Caracci,&Cremonini Sebaftian Bourdon Mario Balafli, & Lorenzo Lippi Alellandro Varotari Giacomo Lauretti Raphael dal Colle Carlo Cignani Annibal Caracci,& Crif.Roncalli Guido Reni his father Sigifmondo Scarcella Solomon van Ravefteyn S. van Hoogeftraeten, &G.Douw Velvet Brueghel imitated Jardyn,and Linglebach his brother William Schellinks 80 72 60 66 73 *5 61 40 42 6 9 6 3 47 64 Titian the Caracci John Sechelbein Erafmus Quellinus John de Mabeufe Battift. Carofio, and Bat. Paggi Cornelius vaader Maas 63 'Per* 47 08 60 >6 70 67 A 1 » s. Painters names. Born in the vear Sen lit, Cornelius, Schuur, Theodore vander, Schuurmans, Anna Maria, Sch ufler, John Martin, Schwart, Jan, Schwartfz, Chriftopher.called the German 75 Schyndal,orSchendel3 eninar d, [Raphael, Scorza, Giovanni Battifta, Sciorina, Lorenzo dello, Scolari, Giufeppe, 3ebaftiandelPiombo,calledVenetiano.Vide 80 Secano, Don Geronimo, [Piombo Segala, Giovanni, Segers, Gerard, ^egers, Daniel, Segers, or Zegers, Hercules, 85 Sementi, Giovanni Giacomo, Semini, Antonio, Semini, Andrea, emini, Ottavio, Serafini, Serafino, 90 Sermei, Cefare da, Sermoneta, Girolamo. Vide Siciolante. Servi, Coflantino dei, Sefto, Cefare da, Seftri, Antonio. Vide Travi. 95 Sevilla, Juan de, Sibrects, orSybrecht, John, Siciolante da Sermoneta, Signorelli, Luca, Signorini, Guido, 100 Simonelli, Giuieppe, Sirani, Giovanni Andrea, 'ani, Elizabetha, airies, Violante Beatrice, Slingeland, John Peter van, 105 Slob, John Janze, Sluys, Jacques vander, Smits, Gafpar, called Magdalen Smith, Snayers, Peter, Snellaert, Clauze, 1600 1628 160 1667 IJQJ ^ 547 154c ,638 166 1589 1590 1625 158c 1485 1526 1516 1480 1629 1625 1504 H39 1646 1610 1638 1 710 164c 1643 1 66c 650 T 593 at Antwerp the Hague Utrecht Nurenberg Groeningen fngolftad Haerlem Genoa Florence Vicenza Zaragoza Venice Antwerp Antwerp Bologna Genoa Genoa Genoa Modena Orvieto Florence Milan Granada Antwerp Sermoneta Cortona Bologna Naples Bologna Bologna Florence Ley den Edam Leyden Antwerp t542[Dornick s. 75 80 85 90 95 100 I0 S Died in thf year Painted 1660 * hiftory 1705 hiflory, and portraits 1676 fruit, and flowers 1738 hiflory, and portraits 5^9 la ndi capes, and hiflory £94 hiflory 716 hiftory, and converfations 1637 infecls in miniature hiftory hiftory in oil and frefco and [chiaro lcuro 1 710 hiflory hiflory 1651 hiflory, and portraits 1660 flowers, fruit, and infects landfcapes 1625 hiflory hiflory, and landfcapes 594 hiflory, and portraits 604 hiflory hiflory [flourifhed in 1385] 600 hiflory 62. portraits, and hiflory hiflory 695 hiflory 703 landfcapes, and cattle 5£c hiflory, and portraits 521 hiflory, and portraits 65c hiflory with fmall figures 7 10 hiftory 67c hiflory 664 hiflory portraits, and hiflory 691 portraits, and converfations hiflory on glafs 7^6 converfations 689 port. fern. pen.it. fruit, & flow. 67c hifl. portr. battled, &landfc. 602 hiftory Difciple of Peter Paul Rubens Sebaftian Bourdon John Murrer ftudied in Italy Mommers Luca Cangiagio Bronzino Maganza Pietro della Vecchia Abraham JanfTens his brother Gerard Segers, and [Velvet Brueghel Denis Calvart, and Guido Ludovico Brea his fath. Antonio; ftud. Raphael his father Antonio Semini 62 fm/y/s/S) 70 4S 68 8 9 4 Santi di Titi 68 Lionardo da Vinci Pedro de Moya 66 ftudied Berchem and Jardin 78 Lion, da Piftoia, & P. del Vaga 46 Pietro della Francefca 83 Guido; he ftudied alfoat Rome Luca Giordano 64, Guido 60 her father Andrea Sirani 26 Giovanna Frateliini Gerard Douw 51 Jofeph Ooftfries P. van Slingeland, Sc Ary deVoys 76 39 Henry van Balen Charles van Ypren < 6^ 77 I 71 53 44 >7 90 72 77 60 * Velafco fays he died at Madrid in the year 1676. O 2 s. Painters names. Bom in tht year 1 jo Snellinck, John, Snyders, or Sneyers, Francis, Soens, or Soons, John, Soeft, or Zouft, Gerard, Soggi, Nicolo, called Sanfovino, 3 1 5[Sogliani, Giovanni Antonio, Soiaro. Vide Gatti, Bernardino. Solario, Andrea, Sole, Antonio, Maria dal, Sole, Giufeppe dal, J2c Solimena, Angelo, Solimena, Franceib, Solis, Don Francifco de, Someren. Vide Vanfomeren. Son, or Zoon, Joris van, 12s Son, or Zoon, John van, Soprani, Raphael, Sophonifba. Vide Angufciola. Sordo, il. Vide Badaracco. Sorgh, or Zorgh, Hendrick Martenfze, 130 Soto, Juan de, Soto, Lorenzo de, Sorri, or Son, Pietro, Sotomayor, Luis de, Soutman, Peter, J 35 Spada, Lionello, Spagnoletta, or Giufeppe Ribera, Spagnoletto. Vide Gagliardu Spagnuolo. Vide Crefpi. Spalthof, , 14c Spelt, Adrian vander, Spierings, H. Spiers, Albert van, Spilberg, John, Spilberg, Adrians, I45 Spinello, Aretino, Spinello, Paris, Sprangher, Bartholomew, Squarcione, Francefco, Squazzella, Andrea, ^oStaben, H. Staeverts, or Stevers, Palamedes, Staeverts, or Stevers, Anthony Palamedes, Stalbernt, Adrian, '544 1579 i486 1487' M97 [654 163c 1657 1629 1622 1661 1612 162 1580 1634 l6 33 l S99 1576 1589 Mechlin -~ — Antwerp Antwerp in Weftphalia Florence Florence — — 'Milan Bologna Bologna Nocera dei Pagan i Nocera dei Pagani Madrid *59S 1633 1 656 '619 1646 1328 1 366 <54 6 '394 1508 1578 1607 1604 j 5 80 at Antwerp Antwerp Genoa Rotterdam Madrid ' Madrid Siena Valencia Haerlem Bologna Xativa Leydeq Antwerp Amfterdam PufTeldorp Amfterdarn Arezzo Arezzo Antwerp Padua Florence in Flanders, London Delft Antwerp s. i iO 115 120 12; 230 135 14C M5 150 Died the 1038 1657 [6n 1681 ( S3 8 167; 1719 1 7 16 "747 1684 1702 1672 1682 1620 1688 1622 1673 1622 1656 i6 73 1718. 1 691 1420 1422 1623 H/4 1658 1638 1680 x66o Painted hift. and battles [ftiil-lite anim. fruit, hunt, landfc. & andlc.&hift. with fmall fig. portraits hiftory, & perfpecYive hiftory hiftory landfcapes hift. landfc. & architecture hi (lory hift. portr. architec. landfc. hiftory [& animals fruit, and flowers fruit, flowers, and ftill-life hiitory, and landfcapes [markets, &e, hift. converfat. Italian fairs, hiftory landfcapes, and hiftory hift. landfcapes, & portraits hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and animals flowers landfcapes hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and landfcapes hiftory hiftory perfpec. hiftory and ftill-life battles, fairs, and encamp, converfations, and portraits landfcapes Difciple of -3 Henry van Balen Giiles Moftaert, & Jacob Boon Pietro Perugino Lorenzo diCredi, & Bart. Baccio Lionardo da Vinci Albano Dom. Canuti, & Lor. Paffinelli Francefco Guarini Ang. Solimena, & Fran.di Maria his father Juan de Solis 9ft 78 fttmtsAl 64 W 80 H 86 90 his father Joris van Son Giulio Bcnfo, Sinibaldo Scorza, [and Piola Dav. Teniers, &Wil. Buytenweg Carducho Benito Manuel Salimbeni, and Paffignani Eftevan Marc, and Caregno Peter Paul Rubens M. A. Caravaggio,& theCaraCci ftudied Coreggio, & Caravaggio ftudied at Rome ftudied after nature imitated Salvator Rofa William van Inghen Govaert Flink her father John Spilberg Jacopo di Cafientino his fath. S.Aretino,& L.Ghiberti John Madyn, Moftaert, Soiaro, [and Van Dalen Andrea del Sarto Tintoretto ftudied Efaias Vandervelde 60 61 {zxsre/rj *4 66 40 46 *7 78 S* 7* 92 56 77 80 80 6 80 s *55 i6c I6S 17c 175 IB: -I9.O Painters names. Born in the year Stampart, Francis, Stamina, Gherardo, Steen, Jan, Stefano. Vide Florentino. Stefanefchi, Giov. Battifta, called Eremita [di Monte Senario, Steinwyck, Henry, called the Old, Steinwyck, Henry, called the Young, Steinwyck, Maria van, Stella, Jacques, Stella, Francis, Stoccade, Nicholas de Helft, Stomma, Matteo, Storck, Abraham, Storck, , Storer, or Stora, Criftofano, Strada, or Stradanus, John, Strada, Vefpafiano, Strauch, Lawrence* Strauch, George, Streater, Robert, vStreek, Jurian van, Streek, Henry van, Streten, or Straeten, • ' , Stringa, Francefco, Strozzi, Bernardino. Vide PreteGenovefe. Strozzi, Zanobi, Strudel, Peter, Studio. Vide Lint, Hendrick, van. Stuven, Erneft, Suavius, Lambert. Vide Lombard. Subleo, Michael de, or Subleau, oubleyras, Peter, Subtermans, or Sutermans, Juftus, Sueur, Euftachius le, called the French [Raphael, Swanfield, Plerman, called the Hermit of [Italy, Syder, Daniel, called Cavaliere Daniello, Sylveftri, Lovis de, 1675 '354 1636 1582 155c i S 8, 1598 1596 160: 1614 ^43 161 1580 IS54 i6i 3 1624 1632 1659 168 c 1683 1412 1680 169, 1 S97 161 7 1620 1647 1675 at Antwerp Florence ■ Leyden Florence Steinwyck Frankfort — — Lions Lions Nimeguen Verona » Amfterdam Amfterdam Coftanza Bruges Rome ■ Nurenberg Nurenberg London Amfterdam Amfterdam ■ in Holland Modena Florence in theTirolefe Hamburgh Bologna Ufez, near Nifmes Antwerp Paris Vienna Paris s. l 55 Died th< year 1405 1689 1659 1603 1647 1661 1702 1708 1671 1 604 (616 1630 1675 1680 1678 1713 [709 1466 1717 \J12 1 66c [749 1681 1655 1680 IJ2\ Painted portraits hiftory converfations, and drolls hiftory perfpeclive, & architecture perfpective, & architecture perfpeclive, & architecture hift.portr.landfc.& architec. hiftory hiftory, and portraits battles, and landfcapes fea-pieces, and fea-ports landfc. princip. views of the hifr. in oil & frefco [Rhine hift. anim. battles, & chaces hiftory portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory portraits and ftill-life hiftory, and architecture andfeapes hift.landfc. architect portr. hiftory in large & miniature hiftory fruit, flowers, and portraits hillory hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory hiftory landfcapes hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits Difciple of TyiTens Antonio Venetiano Knupfer,Brower, 6c Van Goyen Andr. Commodi, Ligozzi, and [Pietro da Cortona John de Vries his father Henry Steinwyck her hufband Henry Steinwyck his father Stella his brother Jacques Stella David Ryckaert, the Old Orlandino ftudied after nature his brother Abraham Storck Ercole Procaccino the Younger ftudied at Rome ftudied in the academy at Rome John Haver Du Moulin his father Jurian, and Emanuel [de Witt Giovanni Angelico Carlo Loti Voorhout, and Van Aalft Guido Reni Anthony Rivalz Wil. de Vos, &; Francis Pourbus Simon Vouet Claude Lorraine Carlo Loti Charles le Brun ft* < 7S 49 17 S3 5* 60 59 60 6fc' 3 6 76 62 46 54 26 54 37 55 70 3* 60 fptfrtff) 74 T. 10 15 2C 25 3° 35 4° Painters names. Born in th( year r AFFi, Andrea, Talani, Horatio, Tamburino, Giovanni Maria, Taruffi, Emilio, TalTara, Giovanni Battifta, TaiTi, Agoftino, Tavarone, Lazaro, Tavolino, Riccardo, Temple, Abraham vanden, Tempefta, Peter, caliedCavaliereTempefta. Tempefta, Anthony, [Vide Molyn Tempefti, Domenico, Teniers, David, called the Old, Teniers, David, called the Young, Terbruggen. Vide Verbruggen, Terburgh, Gerard, Terweften, Auguftin, Terweften, Elias, Terweften, Matthew, Tefta, Pietro, Therboufch, An. Doroth. Vide Lifiewflcy. Thiele, Alexander, Thielen, or Couwenberch, JohnPhilip van, Thielen, Maria Therefa van, Thielen, Anna Maria van, Thielen, Francifca Catharina van, Thill, John Charles de, Thomas, J. Erneft, called of Landau. Vide Thornhill, Sir James, [Hagelftein. Tiarini, A^eliandro, Tibaidi, Pellegrino, called Pelegrino da Tibaldi, Domenico, [Bologna Tideman, Philip, Tilmans, Simon Peter, called Schenk, Tilborgh, or Tilburg, Egidius van, 1 irnoteo da Urbino, Tinelii, Tiberio, Tintoretto, or Robufti, Giacomo, Tintoretto, Marietta, Tintoretto, Domenico^ Titi. Vide Santi. Titi, Tiberio, Tiziauo, or Titian. Vide VecelH. 1213 1623 163 158c 1 608 1618 P»« 16^2 1 ^82 161 160 1649 1 65 1 1670 [61 at Florence Reggio Bologna Bologna Genoa — Bologna Genoa Milan Leyden Florence Florence Antwerp Antwerp Zwoll nearO very flel the Hague the Hague the Hague Lucca " ■■ 1684 Erfurth 1618 164.0 1641 1645 162^ :6 7 6 j 577 1522 154c. ,6 5 r 7 i6oi 1625 r470 1586 1512 1 56c 1 562 '575 Mechlin Mechlin Mechlin Mechlin Nurenberg Dorfetlhire Bologna Bologna Bologna Hamburgh Bremen Bruflels Urbino Venice Venice Venice Venice Florence T. Died m the Painted year 1294 hiitory in Mofaic; the firft [who introduced it in Italy 1706 hiitory, and perfpe&ive 1666 hiitory in oil and frefco 1696 hiftory, and landfcapes 1657 hiitory landic. architec. & fea-v 1631 hiftory, and portraits 1678 hiftory 1672 portraits, and hiflory i 630 landfcapes, animals y &:battle portraits in oil and crayons 1649 converfations 1694 landic. converfations, portr [and Hill-life 1 68 1 converfations, & portraits 171 1 hiitory 1724 fruit, and flowers 1650 hiftory landfcapes in oil & crayons flowers flowers, and portraits portraits, and flowers flowers, and portraits fruit, and birds hift. architecture, & portr, hiilory, and portaits hiilory hiilory hiilory, and allegory landfcapes, and portraits converfations, markets, &x. hift. portraits, & landfcapes hiftory, and portraits hift. portr, and architecture portraits portraits portraits 1667 1676 1732 1668 [592 1582 170^ 1668 1524 1638 *594 1590 1637 1627 Difciple of Apollonius Pietro Defani Pietro Pacini, and Guido Albano Andrea Ferrari, and Axareto Paul Bril Luca Cangiagio Camillo Procaccino Joris van Schooten John Stradanus Francefchini, & Carlo Maratti Peter Paul Rubens his father D. Teniers,& Brouwer his father Terburgh < I 82 64 i 4 S 67 84 Wieling, and William Doudyns his brother Auguftin Terwellen his brother Auguftin Terwellen Domenichino ftudied after nature Daniel Segers her father Philip van Thielen her father Philip van Thielen her father Philip Chriftian Ruperten Prof. Fontana, and Pailignano Daniel da Volterra his father Pellegrino Tibaldi Nicholas Raes, and Laireffe- imitated Brouwer, and Teniers imitated Raphael Giov. Contarini; imitated Baftan Titian her father Tintoretto his father Tintoretto Santi di Titi P 02 73 *5 39 49 56 9 1 jo 42 48 6 7 J4 82 75 54 73 far re//) 45 5° 55 6o 65 70 75 Painters names. Toccagno, Califto, called Caliito da Lodi, Tiziano, Girolamo di, Toledo, Juan de, Tomafo di Stefano. Vide Giottino. fombe, la, called Stopper, Tomberg, William, Tonelli, Giufeppe, Toni, Michael Angelo, Toornvliet, or Torenfliet, Jacques, ForeHi, Felice, f orellino, Giovanni di Giorgio, Torre, Bartolomeo, Torre, Flamminio, Torrentius, John, Torres, Mathias de, Tortello, Giofeffo, Travi, Antonio, da Seftri, Tremolliere, Peter Charles, Treviiani, Francefco, Cavaiiere, . Trevifi, or Trevigi, Girolamo da, Triftan, Luis, Triva, Antonio, Trooft, Cornelius, Trotto,Giovanni Battifta,calledil Moloflb. Troy, Francis de, Troy, Joh. Francis de, Troyen, Rombout van, Tuiden, orThulden, Theodore van, Tura, Colimo di, [ro, Turbido, orTorbido,Francefco called ilMo- Turchi,AlefFandro. VideVeronefe, Alex- Purinefe, Aleflandro Maria, [ander, Tybout, William, Ty liens, Peter, Tyflens, , Born in the year at 1 6 1 1 1616 1603 166b 1640 1641 1670 1686 1529 1621 1589 163 1 1662 1613 1703 1656 1508 '595 1626 1697 1645 1676 1607 1406 1500 1659 :62b 1625 1 66c Lodi Lorca Amfterdam Gouda Florence — Bologna Leyden Verona Bologna Arezzo * ■ Bologna Haerlem Efpinofa de losMon- Brefcia [teros Seftri Cholet, in Poictou Triefte Trevifi Toledo Reggio Amfterdam Cremona Thouloufe Paris Bois le Due Ferrara Verona Turin Gouda Antwerp Antwerp v. u. V ADDER, Lewis de, Vaga. Vide Pierino. Vaillant, Wallerant, Vaillant, Bernard, Valdes, Juan de, _56o;Bruffels 1623 62 ■631 Lifle Ryflel Seville V. 45 in the year Painted 1665 1676 1678 x 734 1708 1719 1717 X 5S4 1661 1640 171 1 1668 1739 1746 X S44 1649 1699 1750 1730 1650 1676 1469 ic8i 75 1707 1699 '1692 55 60 6S 70 hift.in oil, frefco,& diftemp [flourifhedin 1524 hiftory, and portraits bat. fea-piec. & night-pieces portr. architec. & converfat hiftory on glafs perfpe&ive architecture hiftory portraits, and converfations hiftory hiftory hiftory in miniature hiftory ftill life, & obfcene fubje£ts hift. landfcapes, and battles hiftory landfcapes hiftory hift.port. architec. & landfc hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory , hift. converfations, & portr, hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory hift. & landfc. caves, ruins, [& grottos; with fmall fig hift. converfations, 8c fairs hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory on glafs hiltorv, and portraits ftill-life Difciple of reputed the difciple of Titian Titian Mich. Ang. di Battaglia ftudied at Rome Wefterhout Jacopo Chiaviftelli his father Toornvliet ; ftudied in Giufeppe dal Sole [Italy his uncle Felice Torelli Ant. Lappoli, & Giulio Clovio Cavedone, and Guido Francifco de Herrera ftudied at Naples Bernardo Strozzi John Raptift Vanloo his father Ant. Trevifani, & Ant imitated Raphael [Zanchi Doinenico Greco Guercino Arnold Boonen Bernardino Campi his fath. N. de Troy, & N. Loir his father Francis de Troy < Peter Paul Rubens Giorgione, & Liberale Veronefe Domenico Piola, Cavali. Liberi, [and Paffinelli 54 60 75; 66 68 73 3i 2 S 40 5i 80 3 6 90 36 54 73 S3 85 76 ftudied at Rome 6 9 A 48 73 67 V. u. 1677 5I169I landfcapes portraits portraits in crayons hiftory ftudied after nature Erafmus Chiellinus his brother Wallerant Vaillant 60 V. 10 J 5 2C 3° 35 4s Painters names. Born in the vear Valentine de Colombien, called Valentino. Valeriani, Giulio, Valk, Peter de, Valkenburgh, Frederick de, a 1 ke n b u rgb , Dirk, Valpuefta, Pedro, Van Balen. Vide Balen Van Campen, Jacques, *~an Dielt. Vide Diefr, Vandyck, Anthony, Vandyck, Philip, Van Goyen. Vide Goyen. Vander Does. Vide Does. Vanderhamen, John, Vander Helft. Vide Helft. Van Huyfum. VideHuyfum. Vander Cabel. Vide Cabel. Van L;;er. Vide Bamboccio. Van Eyck. Vide Eyck, V anloo, Jacques, Vanioa, John Baptift, Vanloo, Carlo, Vanmander, Charles, Van Ooft. Vide Ooft. Van Gpftal, Vide OpftaL Van Oort, Vide Oort. Van Orlay. Vide Orlay. Vanfomeien, orVanfomer, Paul, Vanfon. Vide Son. Vanderburgh, Vander Meere. Vide Meere. Vander Neer. Vide Neer. Vander Meulen. Vide Meulen. Vander Veide, Adrian 4 Vander Velde, Efaias, Vander Velde, William, called the Old, Vander V elde, William, called the Young Vandervenne, Adrian, Vander Werf. Vide Werf. Vander Weyde. Vide Weyde. Vanni, Giovanni Battiita, Vanni, Francefco, called Vannius of Siena, ;Vannini, Ottavio, Vanucchi. Vide Sarto* i i i ■ 67 1 olomieres na 600 C 663 Bolog 584 Leeuwarden Nurenberg 5 Amfterdam 6i4Qfma Utrecht 1 £99 Antwerp t68o Amfterdam 1594 Madrid l 3 1693 1639 1 (590 i6io 1633 '590 1563 1583 at 1684 Aix Nice 54B[Meulbeke near [Courtray 76 Antwerp Dort Amfterdam Leyden Amfterdam 89 Delft Florence Siena Florence V. Died in the year 1632 10 J 5 1623 721 668 1660 1641 1752 [660 20 Painted hiilory, foldiers at play, & hiftory [taverns hiftory, and portraits Italian fairs, and dead game portraits ,&game,live &dead hiftory hiltorical flg.particularly the [naked portraits, and hiilory hift. portr. & converfations landfc, taverns, fruit, and [flowers 25 * 745 1765 1606 3.5 40 621 <733 1672 1693 I 7 0; 45 Difciple of m S. Vouet ; imitated the ftyle of 3 2 C.Cignani [Caravag. &Manfredi imitated Abraham Bloemart Lucas van Valkenburgh Kuilenburgh,MufTcher, &Ween- Eugenio Caxes [inx P. P. Rubens Van Balen and Rubens Arnold Boonen his father, ■■ ■■ » Vanderhamen 1660 161c 1643 hiilory, and portraits portraits, and hiilory hiilory hiilory, and landfcapes portraits portraits, and converfations landfcapes, hifl:. & animals battles, and landfcapes fea-piec.& fea-fights [fights fea-piec.calms,ftorms,&: fea drolls, beggars, and figures [dancing hi (lory, and portraits hiilory hiilory 68 4 6 54* 42 66 his father John Vanloo his father Lewis Vanloo Benedetto Luti Lucas de Heere, & Peter Ulrick Bernardo van Someren Arnold Houbraken John Wynants [& Simon de Vlieger his father William Vanderveide Simon de Valck, and Jerome van [Died Crillofano Allori [Vecchia Saiimbeni, PalTerotti, & Giov. di Mecatti, & Fortebuoni 61 60 4; 40 33 33 74 6t 47 60 V. u. Painters names. 6s 70 75 8c $5 r 595 1602 1633 1528 1 606 '539 159c '59 138 1 4 1 6 1514 1556 1589 *349 1494 162 50 Vanucchi. Vide Perugino Pieiro. Van Uden, Lucas, Van Uden, Jacques, Vargas, Andres de, Vargas, Luis de, 55 Varlea, Francifco, Varotari, Dario, called Paduanino, Varotari, Aleffandro, called Paduanino, Varotari, Clara, Vafari, Lazaro, Vafari, Giorgio, Vafari, Giorgio, Vafallo, Antonio Maria, Valilacchi, Antonio, called Alienfe, Vafquez, Alonzo, Ubertino, Francefco D',called Bacchiacca, Uccello, or Mazzochi, Paolo, * Udino, Giovanni da, Uglon, or Uggioni, Marco, Ulft, Jacob vander, Urbino, Timoteo da. Vide Timoteo. Urbino, Terenzio da, Utrecht, Adrian van, 1599 Vecchia, Pietro da, 1605 Vecelli, Tiziano, called Titian, 148 Vecelli, Francefco, 1483 Vecelli, Horatio, 1513 Vecelli, Marco, 1 545 Vecelli, orRazzi, Giov. Antonio, called' 1479 Vela, Chriftopher, [Sodoma,ji 598 Velafquez, Don Diego, 1594 Venetiano. Vide Piombo. Venetiano, Antonio, 1310 Venetiano, Domenico, 1420 Venius, or Van Veen, Otho, 15^6 Venius, or Van Veen, Gertrude, 1578 Venius, or Van Veen, Cornelia, 1580 VenufH, Marcello, called Mantuano, 1515 Verbruggen, or Terbruggen, Henry, 4^88 Verbruggen, Gafpard Peter, 166 3 9c Verbuys, Arnold, 1658 Antwerp Antwerp Almaden Seville Seville Verona Verona Verona Arezzo Arezzo - — . Arezzo Genoa near Venice Ronda Florence - — ~ Florence Udino Milan Gorcum Urbino Antwerp Vicenza Cador, in Friuli Friuli ■ V enice Venice Vercelli, near Siena jaen Seville Venice Venice Leydea Bruffels — Bruffels Mantua OveryfTel Antwerp Dort * Baldinucci affirms that Uccello was born in 1389, and died in 147?; but the dates above are from Vafari* V. u. Died in the year i66o » 6 73 159O 1656 1596 i6co 1452 1^84 .578 1629 1650 l S57 1432 1564 554 1620 1651 1678 1576 161 1 1658 166c 1384 1476 1634 1576 1640 1720 iandfcapes in large & fmall Iandfcapes hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory portraits hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portraits hiftory, portraits, & animals hiftory hiftory, and fruit hift. in large &fm.& animals birds, anim.landfc. port perf. hift.birds,anim.& grotefque hiitory Italian fea-ports, markets,& [perfpeclive views hiftory birds, fruit, flowers, & dead hiftory [game hift. portr. and Iandfcapes hiftory, and portraits portraits, and hiftory portr. hift. and perfpective hiftory, and portraits hiftory port.hift.converfat.& landfc. hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory, and portraits portraits and hiftory portraits hiftory hiftory flowers hiftory Difciple of his father -~ Van Uden his brother Lucas Van Uden Juan de Caregno ftudied at Rome, particularly the Roelas [works of P. del V aga Paolo Veronefe Dario Varotari his brother Aleflandro Varotari udied Pietro della Francefca nis fath. L.Vafari,&B.Bandinelli William of Marfeilles Vincenzio Malo Paolo Veronefe Luis de Vargas Pietro Perugino Antonio Venetiano Giorgione, and Raphael Lionardo da Vinci A. Varotari; imitated Giorgione Giovanni Bellini, & Giorgione his brother Titian his father Titian his uncle Titian Giacomo della Fonte Cefpedes, and Carducho Francefco Herrera, & Pacheco Agnolo Gaddi Antonella da Meflina J. van Winghen, & F. Zucchero her father Otho Venius her father Otho Venius Pierino del Vaga A. Bloemart, ftudied at Rome Peter Verbruggen < 65 40 60 7 1 68 64 11 6r Sj 70 5* 73 96 66 66 75 60 66 74 78 61 5* 95 ioo 105 120 115 120 22 Verburg, Gafpar Peter, Verdizzotto, Giovanni Maria, Verdoel, Adrian, Verelft, Simon, Verelft., Cornelius, Verelft, Herman, orHarman, Verelft, Mademoifelle, Verendall, Verhaecht, Tobias, Verheyden, Francis Peter, Verhoeck, or Verhuik, Peter 'Cornelius, Verhoeck, Gylbert, Verkolie, Jan, Verkolie, Nicholas, Vermeyen, or Mayo, John Cornelius, Vernki, Giovanni Battifta, Verona, Maffei da, Verocchio, Andrea, Veronefe, Battifta, called Battifta delMoro, Veronefe, Liberale, Veronefe, Paolo. Vide Cagliari. Veronefe, Alexander, called'furchi, and i Verrio, Antonio, [Orbetto Verfchuring, Henry, Verfchuring, William, Vertangen, Daniel, Verveer, Ary Hubertz, Verwllt, Francis, Viani, Giovanni, Viani Domenico Maria, Vicente, Bartholome, Vignon, Claude, Victoria, Vicente, Vigri, Catherina di, Vila, Senen, Vimercati, Carlo, Vila, Don Lorenzo, Villacis, Nicholas de, Villavicencio, Pedro Nugnez de, I jo Vincentino, Andrea, Vincentio. Vide Gemignano, di San. Vinci, Lionardo da, Vinckenbooms, David, called Vincoboon, Vinne, Vincent vander, in the year at IOCQ J y Antwerp I C2C j j Venice l620 avillage on theMeufe 1664 Antwerp 1667 Antwerp ■ Antwerp l680 i6cq Antwerp .566 Antwerp 1657 (642 Bodegrave 1644 Bodegrave 1650 Amfterdam 1673 Delft I5OO Beverwyck — — Bologna I C 70 j 1 Verona 1432 Florence Verona I45I Verona l600 Verona 1624 Naples 1627 Gore um \bcn Don I coo the Hague 164.6 Dort 1 cq8 Rotterdam 1637 Bologna 1 670 Bologna 1630 Zaragoza i6oo Tours i6;8 V alencia ! 4 £ 3 Ferrara V alencia 1000 Milan 1683 Valencia 1660 Murcia 1640 Seville '539 Venice »445 Vinci, near Florence « S7 8 Mechlin 1629 Haerlem / 95 100 105 no Died in the Painted year flowers 1600 Iandfeapes, with delicate fig 1684 hift° r y 17 10 fruit, flowers, and portraits fruit, and flowers 1600 hiflory, fruit, and flowers hiflory, and portraits fruit, and flowers [631 landscapes, and architecture 171 1 fowls, & hunt, of wild beafls landfc. battles, and animals 1690 landfc. battles, & encampm. 1693 hift. portr. & converfations 1 746 portraits, and hiflory 1 5 59 hiflory, and portraits 161 7 flowers 618 hiflory 1488 hiflory hiflory hiflory 1536 1670 1707 1690 "5 120 125 130 1700 716 1700 167c 712 463 709 171 5 1713 1690 1700 16 1 4 1 520 1702 ftory hiflory battles, landfc. & huntings converfations, & portraits iandfeapes, with nymphs hiflory, and portraits Iandfeapes hiflory hiflory hiflory hiflory hiftory, and portraits miniatures hiflory hiflory hiflory " "flory hift. portr. & beggar boys hiflory, and portraits hiflory, and portraits andfeapes hift.port.conve*fat,& landfc, Difciple of fludied after nature Titian Rembrandt fludied after nature Simon Verelfl: her fath.& her uncle Sim. Verelfl fludied after nature mitated Snyders,& Hondekoeter A.Hondius, imitat.Bourgognone his broth.P.Verhoeck,&A.Pyna Gerrard, & Jan Lievens [ker his father Jan Verkolie the Caracci Luigi Ben fat to Fran. Torbido, called il Moro Lor. di Stefano, & Giov. Bellini Felice Riccio Goverts, and John Both his fath. H. Verfchuring, Sc Jan Cornelius Poelemburg [Verkolie Cornelius Poelemburgh Flamminio Torre his father Domenico Viani a regno fludied after M. A. Buonaroti Carlo Maratti Lippo Dalmafl Eftevan Mark Ercole Procaccino, the Younger his father Senen Vila itudied at Rome Calabrefe the Younger Palma 75 64 46 Andrea Verocchio his father Philip Vinckeubooms Francis Hals Q 5+ 46 43 73 59 12 56 70 73 63 63 46 70 ♦ 55 3° 30 60 7S 75 73 w. Painters names. Bo-.n in the year 135 Vinne, Laurerice vander, Vioia, Giovanni Battifta, Vital 1, Candido, Vite, Giovanni della. Vide Miel, Jan. Vittoria, Don Vincenzio, 24c Viviani, or Codazzo, Ottavio, Vivian i, Antonio, Vivarini, Bartolomeo, Vivien, Joieph, Vierick, Peter, 1 45 Vliet, William van, Vliet, Hendrick van, Y T livelli, Coiimo, Voet, Charles Bofchaert, Vogelfon, or Vogelzang, John, J 50 Vollevens, John, Volterra, Daniel da, Volterrano. Vide Francefchini. Voorhout, John, Voofmer, Jacques Wouters, 155 Vos, Martin de, Vos, Simon de, Vos, Paul de, Voflerman, John, Vouet, Simon, 360 Voys, Ary de, Vranx. Vide Franks, SeUaftian, Vree, Nicholas de, Vries, John Fredeman de, Vromans, , ?65|Vroom, Henry Cornelius, at 1058 1680 1599 iS57 1657 '539 1584 1608 1622 1670 1688 1649 1509 1647 1584 1520 1603 1643 1582 1641 1650 1527 16^8 1566 Haerlem Bologna Bologna Valenzia Brefcia — ■ Urbino Murano Lions Courtray Delft Delft Florence Zwolle Amfterdam Gertruydenberg — Volterra Amfterdam Delft Antwerp — Antwerp Hulft, in Flanders Bommel Paris Leyden in Holland Leeuwaerden in Holland Haerlem tpf w. WAAL, John de, Waal, or Wael, Lucas de, Waal, or Wael, Cornelius de, Waerde, Anthony de, Wagener, John George, Wahl, John Solomon, Walker, Robert, 1 $6o 1694 1689 1642 1689 Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp the Hague Nurenberg Chemnitz, England w. '35 140 »4S 150 *55 160 Died in the year 1724 l622 I64I I6O4 1693 I64I I702 l603 Painted flowers hiilory, and landfcapes fruit, flowers, and animals 1709 hiilory 674 perfpec. architec. 8c ruins 1 616 hiilory 1 1476 hiilory 1735 portraits, in oil 8c crayons 1 58 1 hiilory 642 hill. 8c landfcapes in fmall perfpec.' views, & portraits 1707 hiilory in oil and frefco 1745 flowers, birds, and infedls 1758 landfcapes, cattle, 8c battles 1728 portraits 1566 hiilory his father V incent vander Vinne Annibal Caracci Lor. Paffinelli, 8c Carlo Cignani Carlo Maratti Tomafo Sandrino Federigo Baroccio Vivarini hiilory, and converfations landfcapes, and flowers hill, landfcapes, & portraits hill, portr. and huntings huntings, and battles landfcapes hiilory, and portraits hiilory, and landfcapes landfc. plants, and flowers perfpeftive, 8c landfcapes plants, 8c infects [8c calms fea-fights,fea-ports, ftorms, Difciple of Charles le Brun Snellaert, 8c Charles D' Ypres his uncle William van Vliec, 8c Volterrano [Mich. Mirevelt his broth. — Voet; & lludied af- John Huchtenburg [ter nature Netfcher, and John de Baan Anton. Veceili, & Balth.Peruzzi Conll. Voorhout, 8c J. Voorhout lludied after nature his fath. P. de Vos, 8c F. Floris imitated Tintoretto Herman Sachtleven [Rome his fath. L.Vouet; but lludied at Knupfer, and Vanden Tempel lludied after nature Reiner Gueritfen imitated Otho MalTeus Cornelius Henrickfen S3 < 5* 75 59 78 58 *5 7; 70 79 57 84 f^sfri/jA' 5° 59 5* 76 w. 1633 1676 1762 1686 1658 hiilory landfcapes, and battles battles, and landfcapes portr. hill, and landfcapes hiilory, and portraits portraits portraits Francifcus Frankens his fath.J.de Waa!,& J. Brueghel his father John de Waal Simon vander Does Daniel Preiiler David Hover lludied after Vandyck 73 68 44- w. 1C J 5 20 35 40 45 5c Painters names. Wafs, or Waas, Art van, WaiTenburgh, John Abel, WaiTer, Anna, Waterloo, Anthony, Watteau, Anthony, Weeling, Anfelme, Weeninx, John Baptift, called the Old, Weeninx, John, called the Young, Weideman, Frederick William, Werdt, Andrew de, Werf, Adrian vander, Werf, Peter vander, Werner, Joieph, Wertmuller, John Rodolph, Weyde, Roger vander, called Roger of [Bruges, Weyerman, Jacob Carnpo, Wigmana, Gerard, Willaerts, Adam, Willaerts, Abraham, Willeborts. Vide Bofchaert. Wildens, John, Willemans, Michael, WiHems,]Vlark, Willinghen, Peter van, YVinghen, Joieph van, called the Old, Winghen, Jeremiah van, called the Young Winter, Gilles de, Willing, William, Withoos, Matthias, Withoos, John,, Withoos, Peter, Withoos, Francis, Witt, or Candido, Peter de, Witt, Jacques de. Vide Dewitt* Witt, Emanuel de. Wittig, Bartholomew, Wolgemuth, Michael, Wolters, Pienrietta, Wc liters, or Wautcr, Francis, Wouwermans, Philip, Wouvvermans 3 Peter, Wo u w er m a n s , J h n , Wulfraat, Mathys, Born in the year 1620 1689 Groeninge 1679 1618 1684 1675 1621 1644 1668 1522 1659 1665 1639 ?4W i6 79 l6 73 \m i6i 3 '584 1630 1510 1607 J 54 l 1578 1650 1656 1627 1648 i i4 8 1607 1641 '434 i 692 1614 1620 1648 at Antwerp Zurich Utrecht Valenciennes Boifleduc Amfterdam Amfterdam Ofterbourg Bruffels Rotterdam Rotterdam Berne Zurich Bruges [land Workum, In Frize- Antwerp Utrecht Antwerp Lubeck Mechlin Bergen op Zoom Bruffels Bruflels Leeuwaerden the Hague — Amersfort Amersfort Amersfort Amersfort Bruges — — Aicmaar, Oels, in Silefia Nurenberg Amfterdam ■ Lier Haerlem Haerlem Haerlem Arnheim ■ w. 10 *5 20 3° 35 40 45 5° Died in the year Painted 175c '7*3 1721 *749 1660 1719 1582 1727 1718 1710 1668 747 1741 1640 1692 1684 1741 1659 1668 1666 converfations of Boors hiftory, and portraits port.in miniature, & paftoral landfcapes [fubjects converfat. landfc.& encamp, portr. hilt. & converfations landfc. anim. portr.& flowers landfc. animals, huntings, & portraits [dead fowl landfcapes hifl:. portr. & converfations portr. hift. and converfations hift. & portr, in oil & min, hiftory, and perfpedrive hiftory, and portraits fruit, and flowers hiftory fea-ports, calms, & ftorms fea-ports, ftorms, & calms David Teniers, Van Dieren, §c Vander Werf Jofeph Werner Claude Gillot De Lang Moojaert, and Abr. Bloemart his father John Baptift Weeninx Ruttcher van Langevelt Chriftian Quecborn Picolet, & Eglon vander Neer his brother Adrian Vander Werf Matthew Merian Conrade Mayer John van Eyck 644 landfcapes, and figures 1697 hiftory 1 c6i hiftory, and portraits ftjli-life 1 603 hiftory 1 648 flowers, and portraits 1 720 converfations 1687 portraits 1703 landfc. fruit,flowers,&infec~ts 1685 landfcapes 1693 flowers, and infers flowers, and infects hiftory archltec. portraits, & hiftory hiftory hiftory portraits in miniature landfcapes, and hiftory landfcapes, and cattle andfcapes, and huntings andfcapes hiiU converfations, & portr Difciple of Ferdinand van KefTel ftudied after Titian, Raphael, & [Giulio .Romano his fatherAdamWillaerts,Vouet [and John Bylert ftudied after nature Backer, and Rembrandt Michael Coxis ftudied at Rome his father Jofeph van Winghea Brackenburg William Doudyns Jacques van Campen his father Matthias Withoos his father Matthias his father Matthias ftudied at Florence Evert van Aalft Theodore van Pee P. Paul Rubens John Wynants Roland Roghman his father Philip Wouwermans Diepraam 61 34 37 74 39 75 60 68 S3 73 29 63 Bo 67 S 1 70 51 37 43 5 49 48 79 z. Painters names. Born in the year at 55 Wulfraat, Margareta, Wtenwaal, or Vytenwaal, Joachim, Wycke, Thomas, called the Old, Wycke, Thomas, called the Young, Wynants, John, t Wytman, Matthew, X. 1678 I566 l6l6 1600 165O Arnheim Utrecht Haerlem Haerlem — r- Gorcum \JjL. Ximenes, Bernabe, de Ulefcas, |i;88 1611 Tarragona Lucena IY AGNES, Fernando, Ypren, Charles van, i£5c|Almedma 1 5 1 41 Ypren, or Ypres 10 [ 5 ZAAGMOOLEN, Martin, Zaballi, Virginio, Zaccolino, Matteo, Zachtleven. Vide Sachtleven. Zambrano, Juan Luis, Zampieri. Vide Domenichino* Zanardi, Gentile, Zanardi, Giovanni Paolo, Zanata, Giufeppe, Zanchi, Antonio, Zaenredam, Peter, Zanobi di Poggino, Zanimberti, Filippo, Zanobi di Benedetto Strozzi, Zanotti, Giovanni Pietro, Zarignena, Chriftopher, 1601 1590 »599 1 660 1658 1648 1639 T 597 1490 1585 1412 1674 J S49 Florence Venice Cordova Bologna Bologna Milan Efte Affendelft Florence Breicia Florence Paris Valencia z. 174* 1604 1686 1702 1670 1689 portraits, and hiftory hift. in a large and fmall lize fea-ports, & chymifts (hops battles, and huntings landfcapes conversations, & landfcapes her father Mathys Wulfraat Joas de Beer ftudied in Italy his father Thomas Wycke Verfchuring, and Bylaerc 63 70 ,39 X. |i666|hiftory |i67i[groteiques I ftudied at Rome ftudied at Rome |;3 |6o Y. Ii6oo|hiftory (i563[hiftory ftudied Raphael jitudi 5° 49 z. 5 10 *5 1685 1630 1639 hiftory '733 1558 1036 1466 »73 6 i6co hiftory [for copying hiftory; was very famous hiftory & perfpective hiftory, and portraits flowers, fruit ? animals, & fi- flowers, fruit, ani hiftory hiftory perfpeftive hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory hiftory, and portra [gures uts Jacopo da Empoli Scipio Chiaramonte Paul de Cefpedes her fath. G.&M.A. Francefchini his father Giulio Zanardi Carlo Francifco Nuvolone Francefco Rufca Peter Grebber Giovanni Antonio Sogliani Santo Peranda Giovanni Angelico Lorenzo Paffinelli School of Titian 84 40 40 85 68 5' 62 5« z. Painters names. Zegers. Vide Segers. Zelotti, or Zilotti, Giovanni Battifta, Zoon. Vide Son, Zoppo, Marco, Zorgh. Vide Sorgh. Zouft. Vide Soeft. Zoutermans. Vide Subtermans. Zucca, Jacopo del, Zucchero, Taddeo, Zucchero, Federigo, Zugni, Francefco, Zurbaran, Francifco, ( Zuftrus, Lambert 9 Born in the year 1451 1529 '543 I% 574 1596 at Verona Bologna Florence S. Agnolo in Vado Agnolo in Vado Brefcia Fuente de Cantos THE z. Died in the year Pa : nted Difciple of Aged) 1592 hiftory in frefcb Antonio Badile, and Titian 60 20 1517 hiftory, and portraits Andrea Mantegna 66 1588 1566 1609 1636 1662 hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory, and portraits hiftory hiftory hiftorv, and landfcapes Giorgio Vafari [P. da Fa no his fath.Qttaviano,P.Calavrefe,& his brother 1 addeo Zucchero Giacomo Palma Morales, & Pablo Roeks Titian 37 66 6a 66 £ N D. > BOOKS printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand, Bookfeller and Printer to the Royal Academy. i. OEVEN Difcourfes delivered in the Royal Acade- O my, by Sir- Joshua Reynolds, Prefident. 8vo« Price 6s. 2. The Gentleman and Connoiffeur's Di&ionary of Painters ; containing a complete Collection and Account of the moft diftinguifhed Artifts who have flourifhed in the Art of Painting in Europe, from 1250, when the Art of Painting was revived, to 1767. To which are added, two Catalogues ; one, a Catalogue of the DifcipleS of the moft famous Mailers, for the Ufe of thofe who defire to obtain a critical Knowledge of the different Hands and Manners of the different Schools ; the other, a Catalogue of thofe Painters who imitated the Works of the moft eminent Mafters fo exactly as to have their Copies fre- quently miftaken for Originals. The whole being digefl> ed in a more eafy and inftrudtive Method than hath hi- therto appeared, and calculated for general Entertain- ment and Inftrudtion. By M. Pilkington, A. M. Price iJL 4s. I J THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY