/ ca.talogue Of th« •• Superb and Elegant Produccj \ • # O F , r / . ' MelT. Boulton and Fotbergiltsi OR M O . U L U M A N U F A C T O R t ~ • ' ‘ At Sobo, in Staffordjhirei :~m>W '• ^CONSISTING OF i A Variety of moft beautiful and rich Articles, , comprehending Vafcs of cxquifite Shapes, Clock* Cafes, Candle-Branches, £&nce Pots, and many other Ornaments, ; Which will be SOLD by A U C T I O N% By Mr. C HR ISTIE, A this Great Room next Cumber /and-Thi^e^ in Pall-Mall^ On T'burjday^ April ii, 1771, and the two following Days. fTo be viewed. on Wednefday the icxh inftant, and tilt f the Time of Sale, .which will begin each dav Twelve o’Clock. ^ ^ Catalogues may be had as above* ** i PREFACE. I NDUCED by the encouragement with which we were favoured lad year from the Nobility and Gentry, we have extended and improved the manufadlure of Bronze ornamental furniture in the antique^ tafte, finifhed in Or Moulu^ and we now offer to fale another affortm.ent of thofe articles, which •we hope will be thought not unworthy of further encouragement. We have availed ourfelves of the remarks and criticifms which were made upon our laft year’s pro- clu61:ions. The color of the gilding is confiderably improved fince that time. It is now intermediate betwixt the Color of the French gilding, which was obferved to be too near that of brafs, and the color of pur own former gilding, which was very iuftly cenfured for being too red j the gilding of the prefent aflortment is at leaf!: equal toany that we have ever feen of the manufadfure of any other country-^ either in richnefs of appearance, or in durability. The articles now exhibited, will be found greatly to exceed thofe of the laft year, in defign, feuigture apd execution in o-enerai. With much plcafure and fincere gratitude, we • acknowledge the patronage of certain perfonages of the higbeft rankj and the zeal fliewn by them and by many of the Nobility and Gentry to promote the efta- biiftiment of this new branch of our manufaeSfure, by giving us accefs to every thing curious in their poireiEon ■ that hath a tendency to improve or correct our tafte. We hope by a continuance of the fame liberal en- couragement, and of the affiftance of perfons of tafte, that we may be enabled to make further advances in elegance, corredfnefs and, execution: and to efta- blifh and extend tbiij new manufadtory, by which not only large fums may be prevented from being fent abroad for the purchafe of a foreign commodity, but slfo a conliderable branch of commerce may (as we . have great reafon to believe from pur laft year’s exports) efiabliftied, 4 A CATALOGUE, Firfi Day's Saky I Thtirjdayi yiprll i I, 1771. 1 A Pair of c^nAl^vafes radix afnethy (It Of Moul^. ornamented in the antique tafte 2 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver 3 a pair ditto candle with laurel feftoons a pair of table candieiitcks in or moulu with trian- gular feet 5 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulUf on a fquare pedeftal of artificial lapis lazuli 6 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyjii^ and or moulu ornamented in the antique taft e 7 an efience pot ditto lined with filver 8 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel fefioons ^ a pair of table candleiticks in or moulu ^0 an eflsnce pot radix amethyfti and or moulu lined v/ith filver and ornamented in the antique tafte II a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 12 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 13 « vafe of radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for efience, fuppoited by three griffins upon a round pedeftal of the fame mate" rials the whole in the antique tafte 14 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti aad or moulu with drapery and ether ornaments f 4 ) a fugar difli radix aincthyfti and or moulu linei with filver 15 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyjil and or moulu 16 an effence pot ditto lined with filver 17. a pair ditto candle vafes VJith laurel feftoons 18 vafs in or moulu, the form of which is an exa£t copy from an antique, and ornamented in the fame tafte 19" a pair of candle vafes in or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 2C> a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfli and or moulu 21 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver 22 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyffi and or moulu on a fquare pedeftal of artificial lapis lazuli 23 a pair of wreathed Corinthian columns with branches for two candies, on the capital a fmali vafe in the antique tafire, the whole in or moulu ^ '^23 a fdgar difti radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver 24 a pair of candle vafes amethyfti and or moulu 25 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver 26 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 27 an altar richly embellifhed in the antique tafte, on which is a vafe with three branches for candles in the fame tafle, the whole in or moulu 28 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 29 a vafe radix amethifti and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated for an efitence pot, with ornaments in the antique tafte and branches for two candles 30 a pair of candle vafes enamelled and or moulu, with drapery and other ornaments V an efTence pot radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver, ornamented in the antique tafte 32 3 pair of candle vnfes radix amethyfti a**d or moulu 33 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver 34 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 35 a vafe of the radix amethyfti and or moulu, with branches for two candles 36 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu on a fquare pedeftal of artificial lapis lazuli 37 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 38 a vafe in the antique tafte radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated for ciTence f s ) fupported by four fphinxs upon an ornamented, bafs of ebony 39 an eflence pot lined with filver 40 a rich vafe lined with filver and branches for two candles, (landing on a fquare pedeftal of radix amethydi and or moulii 41 a pair of candle vafes enamelled and or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 42 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for eflence, with ornaments in the antique tafle and branches for two candles 43 a pair of candle radix amethyfti and or moulu 44 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver '45 a pair dit'to candle vafes with laurel fefloons 46 a vafe of radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for efifence, fupported by three griffins upon a round pedeftal of the fame materials, the whole in the antique tafte 4y a pair of candle vafes in or moulu with drapery and ■ other ornaments 48 two pair of table candlefticks in or moulu 49 a pair of candle v^fes radix amethyfti and or moulu 50 an eflence pot ditto lined with filver 51 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 52 a vafe of radix amethyfti and or moulu with branches for two candles 53 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 54 a fmall vafe :or a candle upon an antique altar of radix amethyfti and or moulu 55 a candelabrum radix amethyfti and or moulu in the antique tafte 56 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 57 an effence pot ditto lined with filver ^8 a rich vafe lined with lilver, and branches for three candles (landing on a fquare pedeftal of radix ame- thyfti and or moulu 59 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu on a fquare pedeftal of artificial lapis lazuli 60 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 61 an elfence pot ditto lined with filver a pak of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons ( 6 ) 63 a vafe of radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined With filver and ornamented in the antique tafte 64. Venus at the tomb Adonis in ftatuary marble and or moulu ; on the dye of thepedeftalis a medalian reprefenting his death, and upon it an urn lined with filver and perferated for eflence, and may be occafionally ufed fora lamp 6s a vafe in the antique tafte, radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with ftlver and perferated for eflence, fupported by four fphinx’s upon an ornamented ha s of ebony 66 a pair of obelisks of radix amethifti 67 a vafe ditto a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver ftanding on a round altar of the lame materials, the whole richly embellilhed in the antique tafte 69 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 70 an eflence pot ditto lined with filver 71a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 72 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated for eflfence with or- naments in the antique tafte, and branches for three lights 73 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 74 an eflence pot ditto lined with ftlver 75 a vafe of radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with ftlver, ornamented in the antique tafte 76 a vafe in the antique tafte radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with fi'ver, and perferated for ef- fence fupported by four fphinx’s upon an or- namented bafs of ebony 77 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 78 a rich vafe lined with ftlver and branches for two candles, ftanding on a Iquare pedeftal of radix amethyfti and or moulu 79 a large carya/ic vase radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated for incence, with . four branches for candles, ftanding on a plinth richly inlaid So a candelabrum of radix amethyfti and or moulu, in the antique tafte 81 & large marbled VASE of an antique form, or mouluj OHiamcnts in the antique tafte ( 7 ') Si a large vase in or moulu in the antique fade, with medalians and other ornaments 83 a pair of elegant large table candhjlicks with two branches, in or moulu 84 a large vase of radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and perfera^ed for incence with four branches for candles, fupported by two caryatides ftandingon an ornamented ebony plinth 85 an horiziontGl time piece, in or moulu reprefenting Fenus at the tomb of Adonh, and .on the urn is engraved the following infeription* • A A A » A t, Toiv Kvds'fBiuv A7rw?\£TO XixAoj' ' a '' quvh ;^ S6 a large vase of radix amethyfti and or moulu, per- ferated for incence, with two double branches, fupported by demy fatyrs, with feftoons, &c. ftandingon a plynth richly inlaid, after amodel that hath been executed for nis majefty 87 a tripod for incence in or moulu, lined with filver, with three branches for candles, after a defign of Mr. Stuart's 88 apedejial clock case with a correiSf eight day re- peating clock ; on the top a boy fitting on books, in a contemplative attitude, with a globe and fcrolc on which is delineated a fmall fcheme of the folar fyftem Second Day’s Sale, Friday, u4pril 12 , lyyr* I A pair of candle vajes radix amethefli and or moulu the ornaments in the antique tafte an efience pot ditto lined with filver ^ a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoon9 t 8 ) . 4 ^ amethyfti and or moulu with branches for 2 candles 5 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 6 an cftence pot ditto lined wiih ftlver 7 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 8 a lugar dijh radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver 9 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu with drapery and other ornaments ro a pair of table candlefticks or moulu triangular feet 11 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 12 an eftence pot ditto lined with ftlver 13 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 14 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with ftlver and performed for eftence fupported '^by three griftinson a round pedeftal of the fame materials, the whole in the antique tafte 15 a pair of vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 26 a pair of candle vafes or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 17 an eftence pot radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with ftlver and ornamented in the antique tafte 18 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 19 an eftence pot ditto lined with ftlver 20 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 21 ^ vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu with branches for two candles 22 a pair of candle vafes radx amethyfti and or moulu on a fquare pedeftal of a curious compefttion 23 a pair of table candlefticks in or moulu 24 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 25 an eftence pot ditto lined with ftlver 26 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu with drapery and other ornaments 27 a vafe and radix amethyfti, and or moulu lined with ftlVer and perferated for efTence 28 a fugar difh radix amethyfti and or meulu lined with ftlver 29 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and cr moulu 30 a rich vafe lined with ftlver fand branches for two * candles ftanding on a fquare pedaftal orradix anae- (byftiand or moulu I ( g ) a paif of candle or moulu J2 a wreathed corinihian column with branches for tW 6 candles, on the capital a fmall vafe in the antique tafte, the whole finifhed ill or moulu 33 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu in the antique tafte, lined with ftlver and perferated for eflence, fupported by 4 fpinx’s, on an ornamented ebony bafe 34 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and of moulu 35 an efTence pot ditto lined with filver 36 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 37 Sivafe radix amethyfti. and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for eflence, fupported by 3 griffins on a round pedeftal of the fame materials^ the whole in the antique tafte 38 a pair of candle radix amethyfti and or moulu 39 an effence pot ditto lined with filtrer 40 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftons 41 a Vife .radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver,and ornamented in the antique tafte 42 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu on fquare pedaftals of a curious compofition 43 a pair of candle Vajes radix amethyfti and or moulu 44 an eflence pot ditto lined with filver 45 a pair of candle vafes or moulu ^ 46 an altar of ftatuary marble richly embellifiied in the antique tafte, on which is a vafe with 3 branches for candles 47 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu 48 ditto its companion 49 a pair of candle Vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 50 an eflfence pot ditto lined with filver 51 a. pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 52 a vafe in the antique tafte radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for efTence, fupported by 4 fphinx’s on an ornamented ebony bafe 53 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 54 an eflence pot ditto lined with filver 55 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 56 ^vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and ornamented in the antique tafte 57 a pair of candle vajes radix amethyfti and or molu ou a fquare pedeftal of a curious compoficioa f 10 ) <;8 a pair of candle radix ameth^ffti and or tnoulo 59 a richvafe Vind v/ith filver and branches for two lightSj handing on a fquare pededal of radix amc- thyhi and or moulii 60 a pair of candle vajss enameled and or moulu 61 ari alter radix amethyfti and of moulu richly de- corated in the antique tahe on which isavaie of the fame with three branches for candles 62 a tea vafe or moulu decorated with feftoons of fxow- ers and lined with fi'ver 63 two pair of large elegant table candlejlliks in or moi^iU *63 a ^aj'e radix amethyfli and or moulu lined with filver, handing on a round alter cf the fame mat- teria’s, the whole richly decorated in the antique tafte 64 a pair of candle radix amethyhi and or moulu 6 5 an ehence pot ditto lined with filver 66 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel fehoons '67 a njaje in the antique tade, radix amethehi and or moulu lined with hlver and perforated for eflence Supported by 4 fphinx’s on an ornamented ebony bafs '68 an horizontal timepiece reprefenting Venus at the tomb of Adonis, in marble and or moulu, on the pedehal is a medalian of his death, and on the urn is the following infcription jCi a 1 , Tau Kv^e’psiixv A'^ijAxTo KccAo^' vtqy 69 a trifod for infence in or moulu lined with filvef and 3 branches for candles after a defign of Mr. Stuart ,70.3 pair of candle vafes radix amethyhi and or moulu on 3 fquare pedehal of a curious compofition 71a pair of w'reathed Corinthian columns the fhaft of which is a curious imitation of lapis laxMli with branches for 2candles, on the capital is a iinali vafe I in the antique tahe or moulu 72 a pair of candle radix amethyhi and or moulu ' 73 an ehence pot ditto lined with filver 74 a pair of candle vafes enameled and or .moulu ( JI ) 75 2Lvafe radix arr.etliyfti and or mou!u lined wirh filver and perforated for efiencc, with ornaments in the antique taOe and branches for two candles 76 a large peir of marble vajes or moulu ornaments in the antique tafle 77 a pair of candle 7;,?/^; radix amethyfli and or moulu 78 an efience pot ditto lined with filvcr 79 a pair of ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 80 icandelahrum radix ametbyfti an-d 01 nioulu in the antique talie 81 a ditto its companion 82 a vafe in the antique talle radix amethylli and or moulu lined with I'llver and perforated for eflence, fupported by 4 Tphinx’s, on an ornamented ebony j>edeital 83 a pair of candle vafes radix ametbyfti and or moulu 84 a rich vafe lined with filver and branches for two lights ftanding on a fcjuare pedeftai of radix ametbyfti and cr moulu g5 a vafe radix ametbyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perforated for elfence, with ornaments in the antique tafte and branches for 3 candles 86 Venus at the tomb of Adonis in marble and or moulu, on the pedeftal is a medaiion of.his death and the urn perforated for eftence Zl a large caryatic vase radix ameihyfti and or moulu lined with filver and peiferated for inlence, with branches for thre? candles, ftanding on a triangular plynth of ftatuary marble 88 alarge vase radix amithyfti and or moulu perferated for infence with two double branches, fupported by demv fatyrs with feftoons, &c. ftanding in a plynth richly inlaid after a model that hath beea executed for his majefty 89 alarge vase radix ametbyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for infence with four branches for candles, fupported by two caryatides ftanding on an ornamented ebeny plynth 90 a ditto equally elegant, the whole in or moulu 91 two pair of large elegantfilver candlefticksat peroz, 92 a tripod for infence in ormoulu lined with filver and three branches for candlelticks after a defign of Jyir. Stuart, ( 12 ) Q3 ^ coYreSi rsp^ating eight day CLocjc, the cafe of which is an allegorical piec^ of fcu'pture in or rnoulu; repreferting Minerva, who with her right band unveils a v:Jllve vaje^ with her left (he notes the fiying moments; and on the vafe is feen an oval medalian. Prudence making libations at the (brine of Time ; on the other fide is a boy feated on books, contemplating the following lines front Gay* ’Tis I who meafure vital fpace, And deal out years to human race ; By me all ufeful arts are gain’d. Wealth, learning, wifdom is attain’d : In ev’ry view men ought to mind me. For when once loft they never find me ! He fpoke; the gods no nior« conteft. And his fuperior gift confeft, That Time (when truly underftocd) , Js the moft precious earthly good. Third Day’s Sale^ Saturday April 13, 1771. t jk Pair of cardie v^afes radix amethyftl and or moulu ornamented in the antique talte tx aneifence pot ditto lined with filver 3 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 4 a pair table candlefticks in or moulu with trian- gular feet 5 a pair of candle vases radix amethyfti and or moulu ' 6 an eftence pot ditto lined with filver 7 aVpair ditto candle vafes with laural feftoons ^ a fugar difti radix amethyfti and ox moulu lined with (liver - 10 1 1 12 f ^ . . 9 a vafe radix amethyfti and or mouiu lined with filver, ftanding upon around altar of the fame materials, the whole richly ornamented in the antique tade a pair of candle mfes radix amethyfti and or mouiu an eflence pot ditto lined with filver a pair of candle va ft s radix amethyfti and or mouiu 13 a vafe of radix amethyfti 14 a vafe in the antique tafte radix amethyfti and or mouiu lined with filver and perferaied for eftencc fupporred by four fphinx’s upon an ornamented ebony bafs 15 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or mouiu 16 an eftcnce pot ditto lined with filver jy a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons j 8 ^7 candelabrum radix amethyfti and or mouiu in the antique tafte 19 a vafe, radix amethyfti and or mouiu lined with filver and perferated for eflence 1‘upported by three griflins on a round pedeftal of the fame meterials, the whole in the antique tafte a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or mouiu an eflence pot ditto lined with filver a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 23 a fugar difti radix amethyfti and or mouiu lined with filver 24 a vafe radix amethifti and or inoulu, lined with filver, ftanding upon a round altar of the fame materials, the whole richly ornamented in the an- tique tafte ^ 25 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or mouiu 26 a rich vafe lined with filver and branches for two candles, ftanding bn a fquare pedeftal of radix amethyfti and or mouiu a pair of candle vafes enamelled in or mouiu a iryton in dark bfonz, holding branches for two candles in or moulu^ on a bafsment of the fame neatly ornamented ' “ a vafe radix amethyfti and or mouiu, lined with filver and perferated for elTeiicc, fupported by three griffins on a round pedeftarbf the fame materials, the whole in the antique tafte ’ ^ ‘ ^ ^ 30 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or mouiu 1 1 an eflence pot ditto lined with filveir '• 20 21 22 28 29 ( >4 ) 32 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 33 a candelabrum radix amethylli and or moulu, in the antique tafte 34 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, with branches for two candles 35 a moft beautiful piece of radix amethyfti with or moulu ornaments, in the antique tafte 36 ditto its companion 37 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 38 an eftence pot ditto lined with fllver 39 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 40 a vafe in or moulu, the form of which is an exa6l copy from an antique, and ornamented in the fame tafte 41 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with fllver and perferated for eftTence, with ornaments in the antique tafte and branches for two candles 41 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 43 an elTence pot ditto lined with filver 44 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 4^ a wreathed Corinthian column with branches for two candles, on the capital afmall vafe in the antique . tafte, the whole or moulu 4^ afmall vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, on an antique altar of the fame 47 a pair of c^ndlp vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 4ft an eftTence pot ditto lined with filver 49 a pair ditto candle vafes v^ith laurel feftoons JO a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with fllver and perferated for eftbnce a vafe in the antique tafte, radix amethyfti and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated foreftenee, fupported by four fphinx’s on an ornamented ebony bafs a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 53 an eftence pot ditto lined with filver j4 a pair a candle vafes or moulu an altar richly ornamented in or moulu in the an- tique tafte, on which is a vafe with branches for three candles 56 a vafe radix amethyfti and or rnoulu, lined with fllver, perferated for eftence, fupported by three griffins on a round pedeftal of the fame materials, the whole in the antique tafte ( * 5 . ) a pair of eandle vafes radix ametbyfti and or moulu 58 a rich vafe lined with filver and branches for two lights, ifanding on a fquare pedeftal of radix ame- thyftiand or moulu ^9 a pair of candle vafes or moulu 60 a vafe radix amethyifi and or moulu, lined with filver and perferated for ellence, with ornament® in the antique tafte and branches for two candles 61 a pair of large fideboard alabajler candlejikh vvith ca- rinthian capitals and other ornaments. in or moulu 62 a pair of C2inA\t vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 63 an effence pot ditto lined with filver 64 a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 65 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu with branches for two candles 66 adarge marble <1;^^ of antique form and or moulu ornaments in the fame tafte 67 a pair of candle vafes enamelled and or moulu 68 a vafe radix amethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for elfence 69 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 70 an eflence pot ditto lined with filver 71a pair ditto candle vafes with laurel feftoons 72 a vafe in tfte antique tafte radix amdthyfti and o^ moulu, lined witl| filver, and perforated for ef* fence, fupported by four fphinx’s on ^an orna-) mented ebony bafs 73 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 74 an effence pot ditto lined with filver 73 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu on a fquare pedeftal of a curious compofttion 76 a vafe radix ai^ethyfti and or moulu lined with filver and perferated for eflence fupported by three grifiins on a round pedeftal of the fame materials, the whole in the antique tafte 77 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu 78 vafe enameled and or moulu ornamented in the antique tafte 79 a pair of candle vafes radix amethyfti and or moulu fquare pedeftal of a curious compofttion Jo alargt V ase in or moulu in the antique tafte, with medalians and other ornaments < - ■ V ' ( J N / 8 l » timi peice reprefenting Venus at the Urn the following infcription * A‘l *I'sciv Kt/Se pticiif irt TTiuXeTO « » ^ XaAof 'ihiVT^' or moulu lined ches mfence with bran- on an eblnv ^ Supported by caryatiJts Saadinz on an ebony ornamented plynth ^ 'cki'S’b'i "b'"," '“'j wi.ii Sf M “IS™""' '"■' 1 “ “s?i:s;sa“?"nrr beautifurnfeee of T mott &c. if fupS hy^ttrBlns ornamemed with m Ibfr S marble fubjedt, ihtary trophies proper for the finis. k /\ ’ ; ^ ( Of f / > / A O^L i Af r ^ I '■' I