ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LO N DO N. MDCCOC. Lisa? OF THE PORTRAITS AND OTHKB WORKS OF ART IB THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON. 1900. jlapl College of IgjmsitiajTS ai ^onborr. LIST OF OIL PAINTINGS AND BUSTS IN THE COLLEGE, Subject. Description. Painter or Sculptor. Donor. Date of Gift. Albeit, The Prince Consort,K.G.(i8i9-i86i) Addington, Antony (1713- 1790) Addison, Thomas (1793- 1860) Arbuthnot, John (1667- I 1735) Asclepios ,, with Telesphoros Askew, Anthony (1722- 1772) Babington, Benjamin Guy (1794 -1866) Babington, William (1756- 1833) Baillie, Matthew (1761- 1823) Baker, Sir George (1722- 1809) Blackall, John (1771— i860) Blackmore, Sir Richard (1653-1729) Blane, Sir Gilbert (1749- 1834) Boerhaave, Hermann (1668-1738) Boot, Francis (1792-1873 Boulter Edmund Bright, Richard (1789- 1858) Browne, Sir Thomas (1605- 1682) Browne, Sir William (1692-1774) Medallion in Plaster T. Butler Marble Bust ... Head in Plaster Group in Marble Statuette in Un baked Clay Statuette in Marble Marble Bust . A. Hone, sculp- tured in 1838 . Charles Jervas Oil Paint mg Marble Bust Oil Painting Marble Bust Oil Painting Chequa ... C. A. Rivers W. Behnes Sir Thomas Law- rence, P. R.A. J. Hoppner, R.A..., Sir F. Chantrey, R.A. Ozias Humphrey, R.A. R. R. Reinagle, R.A. J. Closterman Sir M. A. Shee, P. R.A. E. M. Eddis, painted in 1840 F. R. Say W. Behnes Thomas Hudson, painted in 1767 Purchased Earl of Chatham Purchased Sir Thomas Wat- son Dr. Hermann Weber Lady Pepys S. P. Babington, Esq. Presented by the Committee for raising a Momument to the memory of Dr. Babing- ton in St. Paul's Mrs. D. Pitcairn W. H. Baillie, Esq. Sculptured at the expense of the College Sir Fredk. Eaker Dr. T. Blackall R. Almack, Esq. D. R. Blane, Esq. Mr. Bay ford Linnaean Society Edmund Boulter Painted at the expense of the College in honour of his memory Mrs. Bright Dr. E. Browne (?) Sir William Browne 1827 1894 1864 1868 1891 1831 1868 1839 1844 1895 1824 1825 1899 1863 1858 1840 1874 1715(f) i860 1871 1767 4 Subject Burrows, Sir George (1801- 1887) 55 55 Butts, Sir William (1485?- 1545) Cadogan, Wm. (171 1- 1797) Caius, John (1510-1573) .. Chambre-, John (1461- 1549) Charleton, Walter (1619- 1707 Chowne, William Dingle (1791-1870) Clark, Sir Andrew (1825- 1893) Clarke, John (1582-1653) Clendinning, Dr. John (1 798- 1 848) Clerk, Josiah (1639-17 14) Conolly, John (1794-1866) Copland, James ( 1791— 1870) Croone, Wm. (1633- 1684) Dorchester, Henry Pierre- pont, Marquis of (1606- 1680) Elliottson, John (1791— 1868) Elliotson, Thomas (1800- 1850) Farre, Arthur (1811-1887) Fothergill, John (1712- 1780) Fox, Wilson (18^1-1887).. Fremd, John (iu7$- 1728) Description. Oil Painting Marble Bust Oil Painting Miniature Oil Paintim 55 5) Marble Bust Oil Painting 55 55 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Painter or Sculptor. Miss Donkin, after G. Richmond M. Wagm tiller .. George Richmond, R.A., after Hol- bein R. E. Pine, painted in 1769 Claude Speechley.. Miss M. Humphry Isaac Oliver , D. Loggan R. Lehmann W. Armistead Smith C. Benzoni Room ... Mary Beale J. Ramsay Altamura W. Hogarth V a 1 Prinsep, A.R.A., a replica Michael Dahl Donor. The Fellows of the College Sir G. Burrows... George Rich- mond, R.A. Dr. Whitlock Nicholl Dr. Waller Lewis After an origin- al Portrait on Panel in Caius College, Cam- bridge, dated IS63 Sir Andrew Clark Copy of Por- trait in the Common Room of Caius Col- lege, Cambridge Purchased ... .. Sir Richard Webster, Q.C. Fellows & Mem- bers of the College Anne, Daughter of Sir John Micklethwaite Miss Clendinning Baron Mundy ... 1866 The Rev. Thomas 1896 Bramley Wm. Woodford, 1738 Esq. Painted by order 169 1 of the College Miss Eliza Elliot- 1874 son The Misses 1851 Emma and Eliza Elliotson Dr. A. Farre ... 1877 Wm. Cribb, Esq. 1856 Subscribers to 1889 Wilson Fox Memorial Com- mittee. Dr. M. Lee •755 Dr. Owen Rees... 1887 5 Subject. Description. Painter or Sculptor. Doiit. Date jf Gift. Freind, John Medallion carved Dr. Diamond ... 1871 in Boxwood Galen Claudius (131-201) T\ f 1 1 _ ft J Marble Head Baron Ashburton 1835 Garth, Sir Samuel (1060- Oil Painting Sir Godfrey Kneller Dr. C. Chauncey 1703 1719) George IV. (1762- 1830) ... Marble Bust Sir F. Chantrey, H.M. The King 1825 1\. A. Gibbes, Sir George Smith Oil Painting J. Keenan, painted Heneage Gibbes, 1879 ^771-1051 j 111 i/y/ Glisson, Francis (1597- a a W. Faithorne 1677) Gooch, Robert (1784- 1 830) a a R. J. Lane, painted Miss Gooch 1866 in 1823 Goodall, Charles (1642- a a Mrs. Goodall ... / J 1712) Hale, Richard (1670- 1728) i» »» a a J. Richardson Painted by order of the College 1733 Halford,SirHenry,G.C.H. a a Sir Thomas Law- Sir Henry St. J. 1897 (1700-1044) rence, P. R.A. xianora,(Lrrana- „ .) . it ii •"• Marble Bust Sir r. Chantrey, K. A. Fellows of the College 1 < ■> - I025 Harney, Baldwin, junr., Oil Painting J. Snelling, painted Ralph Palmer, 1700 M.D. (1600-1676) in 1674. Esq. T AS A 1 004 ,, ,, Marble Bust Sculptured b y order of the College before Harvey, William, M.D. Oil Painting Cornelius Jansen ... (1578-1657) Dr. Richard 1 000 a > > »> ••• Marble Bust R Srhf>pmrilcpr<; 17^0 Mead ,, ,, 1M x lasier ^ast ironi ii ii the above 1876 ii It ••• ••• Statue in stone in 11. \\ (, x\.rv. ±Jy O Li UoLl 1 LI L. Ul 1 Portico \Jl 111c ± CUUWo of the College Harvey demonstrating to Oil Painting R. Hannah, paint- Purchased 1869 Charles I. , his Theory of ed in 1848 the circulation of the blood 1825 Heberden, Wm. (1710- JJ !» • Sir Wm. Beechey, Dr. Wm. Heber- 1801) R.A., Portrait in liio OULU yctti den Henry VIII. (1491-1547) ii ii Dr. C oooaaii... I 700 j» >» ii ii Dr. Rawlinson ... 1747 xiowara, j onn (1720-179°/ lMeuaiiiun 111 x ictaici T. Butler Dr. T. Guy 1882 Hnntpv Win ( T*7t8— xxuhici, will. ^iy 10 ifojf Oil Pnin*inf J. Zoffani, R.A. ... Bransby Cooper, 1829 Esq. ,, Lecturing on ii ii >> >> Mrs. Baillie 1823 Anatomy at the Royal Academy J ebb, Sir Richard (1729- »> ii >> >> •• Rev. R. F. Halli- 1827 1787) fax 1895 Jenner, Edward (1749- ii ii Sir Thomas Law- W. II. Baillie, 1823) rence, P.R.A, Esq. 6 Subject. Jenner, Sir Wm., G.C.B. (1815-1898) King, Sir Edmund (1629- 1709) Leared, Arthur (1822- 1879) Linacre, Thomas (1460?- 1524) The Maniac MacWilliam, James Ormiston (1808- 1862) Maton, Wm. George (1774-1835) >> »i j> Mayerne, Sir Theodore (i573-»655) Mayo, Thomas ( 1 790- 1 87 1 ) Mead, Richard (1673- 1754) Description. Oil Painting Meryon, Charles Lewis (i7*yi877) Micklethwaite, Sir John (1612-1682) Millington, Thomas (1628- 1704) Monro, Edward Thomas (1789-1856) Monro, Henry (1817-1891) Monro, James (1680-1752) Monro, John (1715— 1791) Monro,Thomas( 1759- 1833) Monsey, Messenger (1603- 1788) Munk, William (1816-1898) Paris, John Ayrton (1785- 1856) Pellatt, Thomas (1671 ?- 1744) 5 > J > Marble Bust Oil Painting Statue in Stone, in Portico Picture in Oils Medallion in Plaster Oil Painting ... >> >> ••• Chalk Drawing Oil Painting ... Miniature, Portrait painted in 1726 Marble Bust ... Oil Tainting ... Portrait in Crayons Oil Painting ... Marble Bust Plaster Cast Oil Painting Painter or Sculptor. Val Prinsep A.R.A. after F. Holl, R.A. Sir Peter Lely Geo. Simonds Wm Miller, from an old Painting H. Weekes, R.A. G. Dawe, R.A. .. T. Butler Mrs. Carpenter Geo. Richmond, R.A. Donor. Date of Gift. Roubiliac Arminius Mayer ... Sir Godfrey Kneller Dr H. Monro Dr. H. Monro Mary Black, painted in 1764 Hon. John Collier Charles Skottowe... W. Behnes Michael Dahl Copy of Original j 1! Presentation Portrait to Univ. Coll. Lond., presen- ted by Com- mittee of Sub- scribers Sir Edmund King j 1709 Mrs. Leared Wm. Miller, Esq. By Subscription of the Fellows of the College Hanwell Asylum Committee of the McWilliamFund Purchased Mrs. Wray George Rich- mond, R,A. Dr. Charles Chauncey Mrs. P. Warren Mr. Bayford Sir Wm. Fer- gusson Dr Askew Lewis Meryon Esq. Sir Edmund King Dr. H. Monro F. Walford, Esq. Fellows of College His Family the 1881 1814 1876 1873 1865 1870 1884 1880 1759 1836 1837 1871 1756 1890 1682 1857 1870 1857 1857 1857 1877 1898 1857 1837 7 Subject. Description. Painter or Sculptor. Pitcairn, David (1749-1800) Pitcairn, William ( 171 1— 1791) Pitman, Sir Henry (1808- ) Plumptre, Henry (1680 ?- 1746) Prout, Wm. (1785-1850) Oil Painting Prujean, Sir Francis (1593- 1666) Quain, Sir Richard (1816- 1898) Radcliffe, John (1690-1714) Rees, George Owen (1813- 1889) Reynolds Henry Revell (1745-1811) Reynolds, Sir John Russell (1828-1896) Roberts, Sir William (1830- 1899) Sairnders, William (1 743— 1817) Shaw, Peter (1694- 1763) .. Sloane, Sir Hans (1660- 1753) Spurgin, John (1797-1866) Sydenham, Thomas (1624- 1689) Tweedie, Alexander (1794- 1884) Tyson, Edward (1650- 1708) Tyson, Richard (1730- 1784) Marble Bust ... Plaster Cast of above Sione Statue Portico Oil Painting J. Hoppner, R.A. Sir J. Reynolds, P. R.A. W.W. Ouless, R.A. H. W. Phillips .. (After) J. Hayes ... R. Streater, painted in 1662 Sir J. E. Millais, F.R A. Sir G. Kneller Sidney Buck (After) F. Abbott... S. Hodges G. F. Watts,, R.A. H. Ashby Donor. the >» >> Thomas Murray .. Jane Sutherland .. Sir Peter Lely Mary Bcale J. Wilton ,, ,, ••• .. H. Weekes, R.A. G. Belli Mrs. D. Pitcairn The Fellows of the College Dr. Plumptre ... Painted by order of the College, from a Minia- ture in posses- sion of the Family Prout, Esq. Purchased from Miss Ann Prujean, his last surviving descendant The daughters of Sir R. Quain Dr. Jenner Dr. G. OwenRee.-. Sir J. Russell Reynolds Lady Reynolds ... Miss Roberts .. J. J. Saunders, Esq. Mrs. P. Warren Widow of Dr. Pclham Warren Mrs. Spurgin .. Theophilus Sydenham, Esq. Wm. Sydenham Esq. Mr. Bay ford Ordered by the College Ordered by the College By Subscription of the Fellows of the College Dr. A. Tweedie Dr. Richard Ty- scn Dr. Richard Tyson Date of Gift. 1844 1844 1744 1855 1873 1899 1764 1887 1896 1807 1899 1865 1856 1866 1748 1691 1832 1758 1S76 1S84 1764 8 Subject. Vesalius, Andreas (1514— 1564) Warren, Pelham (1778— 183S) Warren, Richard (1731— 1797) Watson, Sir Thomas, (1792-1882) Wharton, Thomas (1614- 1673) Whistler, Daniel (1619- 1684) Wolsey, Thomas (1471— 1530) Description. Oil Painting Painter or Sculptor. J. Calcar J. Linnell, painted in 1835 Thomas Gains- borough, R.A. George Richmond, R.A., painted in 1867 Van Dyck Donor. Mrs. P. Warren.. Dr. P. Warren ... The Fellows of the College Dr. Geo. Wharton Edmund Boulter Dr. Goodall Date of Gift. 1837 1825 1867 I729(?) 1704 1706 LIST OF OTHER WORKS OF ART AND OBJECTS OF INTEREST. ARMS, GRANT OF. Assigned by Christopher Barker, Garter Principal King-at-Arms to the Company and College of the Physicians of London. A.D. 1546. Illuminated in gold and colours on vellum. This Grant of Arms to the College from the Heralds' College had been lost, probably in the confusion of the Great Fire, and was recovered by purchase, by Dr. Oliver Horseman, who presented it to the College, 25th June, 1695. ARMS OF THE COLLEGE. Carved in Stone. On the Central Staircase. The stone on which these arms are carved formed a part of the wall of the house, No. 5, Knightrider Street, which was built by a tenant of the College, shortly after (he Fire of London, on the site of the front part of Linacre's house, which he gave to the College as a Locus Comitiorum et Bibliotheccz. When this re-built house was sold to the Government, in i860, the arms were removed to the College in Pall Mall East. They were erected in their present situation in 1870. BARBER'S SHAVING AND BLEEDING BASIN. Presented in 1879, by Dr. Jelly, of Madrid. An ancient basin of Talavera ware, supposed to have been used by the barbers of Spain in the operations of both shaving and bleeding. BURWELL'S RING. Presented by the Rev. Henry Thomas Ellacombe, Rector of Clyst. St. George, Topsham, Devon. A gold ring worn by Dr. Burwell at the funeral of his uncle, Dr. Harney. The ring contains a gem cut in the form of a skull, and surrounded by amethysts. It bears no inscription, 9 CADUCEUS. Designed, and probably Presented in 1556, by Dr. John Caius, President. The Caduceus is a silver rod or sceptre, 26 inches in length and 17 ounces in weight, bearing at its head the Arms of the College, supported by four serpents placed at the corners. Dr. Caius, the designer, included the Caduceus in his Insignia Virtutis, and says the silver rod indicates that the President should rule with gentleness and clemency, unlike those of olden time who ruled with a rod of iron ; and the serpents, the symbols of prudence, teach the necessity of also ruling prudently ; while the arms of the College placed on the summit, indicate that gentleness and prudence are the means by which the College is sustained. This venerable sceptre is now (a.d. 1900) 344 years old. It is carried by the President as an ensign of honour, by which he is distinguished from the other fellows, on all important occasions, such as the holding of Comitia and the delivery of Lectures. CANDLESTICKS. Eight silver candlesticks, with snuffers and stand. Presented in 1720 by Salisbury Cade, M.D. Richard Mead, M.D. Richard Hale, M.D. John Freind, M.D. Henry Levett, M.D., Treasurer. The weight of the silver is 154 ounces. COLLEGE IN WARWICK LANE, 1674. This College was built after the Great Fire of London, from the designs of Sir Christopher Wren. The large upper room, or Ccenaculum, was wainscoted to the ceiling by the munificence of Dr. Ilamey, with fine Spanish Oak panelling and fluted pilasters, having carved capitals, surmounted by a handsome carved frieze and cornice. So much of this as it was thought desirable to remove from Warwick Lane, now lines the Censors' Room in Pall Mall. To it belong the following Coats of Arms carved in Oak, viz. : — THE ROYAL ARMS. Quartering : (i) France and England, quarterly ; (2) Scotland ; (3) Ireland ; (4) same as (1). Now placed against the Cornice over the fireplace in the Censors' Room. ARMS OF SIR GEORGE ENT, M.D. Impaling the Arms of the College. Now placed above the door leading from the Censors Room to the Library. ARMS OF DR. HAMEY. Originally placed over the entrance to the Ccenaculum, in Warwick Lane, to commemorate the liberality of Dr. Harney. Now opposite the arms of Dr. Ent, in the Censors' Room. The following words are carved under the arms — " Hoc tot um opus intcstinum, bcnevolis sumptibus scnioris nostri College Baldvini Harney Bald. fil. accept um ferimus." CUP. Presented by Dr. John Freind in 1720. A silver-gilt cup, eleven inches high, bearing the following inscription : — " Ob restitution Harvai eonvivium, Collegio medicorum, quibus has epulas Hilares quotannis et felices redire cup it, Poculum hoc donavit Johannes Freind, Ejusdcm Collegii soeius, et Orator Harvuanus, Qctob. xviii., A.D. MDCCXX," Censors. 10 CUP. Presented by Sir Richard Quain in 1894, for the use of the Fellows' Club. On one side the arms of Sir Richard Quain, with motto, " Avorum non immtmor. n Presented by Sir Richard Quain, Bart., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., President of the General Medical Council. On the other side, the arms of the College. GOLD-HEADED CANE. Presented by the Widow of Dr. Matthew Baillie, at the Opening of the College in 1825. A Malacca cane with a gold crutch handle, originally the property of Dr. John Radcliffe (1690- 1 7 14). It subsequently passed into the possession of Dr. Richard Mead (1693-1754), Dr. A. Askew (1722-1774), Dr. Wm. Pitcairn (1711-1791), Dr. Matthew Baillie (1761-1823). The arms of these five distinguished owners are engraved on the head or handle. HAMEY'S ANTIMONIAL CUP. Presented in 1824 by Mr. Gundry, who Married Miss Palmer, a Descendant of Dr. Hamey, to whom the Cup originally belonged. These cups were sold in Gunpowder Alley, at the Sign of the Magpie, in 1637, at the cost of fifty shillings each ; and three cases of death are said to have occurred from the vomiting caused by their use. HAMEY'S BELL. Presented by Dr. Baldwin Hamey, Junr. A silver bell used by Dr. Hamey when Registrar, and probably given by him in 1654, when he resigned his office, or about the time of his death in 1676. Within the bell these words have been engraved since his death : — " Mortmis est, tamen hie aiiditiir Hamceus" Hamey is dead, but his voice still rings in our ears. HARVEY'S ANATOMICAL TABLETS. Presented by the Earl of Winchelsea, 1823. In the North Gallery of the Library. Dried anatomical preparations of the blood vessels and nerves of the human body, displayed on six tablets of wood, and contained in five glazed cases, supposed to have been prepared by Harvey himself, and to have been used by him, in his Lumleian Lectures, to illustrate his theory of the circulation of the blood. They were known to have belonged to Harvey, and had been long carefully preserved at Burley-on-the-Hill, the seat of the Earl of Winchelsea, one of the ancestors of whom, the Lord Chancellor Nottingham, married a niece of Harvey. The following inscription, written by Dr. Francis Hawkins, is placed on a marble tablet over them : — " Tabellis hic positis affixi manent vasorum nervorumque rami, manu ipsius Harveii nostri ut omnino credibile est, e corpore humano excisi oculisque accurate subjecti. " Comes Honorabiliss : de Winchelsea et Nottingham Harveiorum sanguine oriundus, Tabellas has Harveianus Collegio Reg. Medicorum Lond. A.S. MDCCCXXIII. Henrico Halford Baronetto Preside D.D.D. ut iis demum CUSTODIBUS COMMITTERENTUR QUORUM EX-CATHEDRA SANGUINIS CURSUM FERPETUO CIRCUITU MIRABILITER ACTUM REPERTOR IPSE DISERTE DOCUIT." HARVEY'S DEMONSTRATING ROD. A whalebone rod, seventeen inches long, banded and tipped with silver, used by Harvey about 1616, in his Lumleian Lectures when demonstrating the circulation of the blood, 1 1 IRON COFFER. This coffer was brought from the College in Warwick Lane, and is almost certainly the iron chest in which was deposited the money paid by the Honorary Fellows on their admission shortly before the fire in 1666, and which was found opened and robbed of its contents (,£700 and silver plate), during the prevalence of the plague which immediately preceded the fire. JENNER'S COW'S HORN. Presented by Sir William Fisher, 1872. A horn of one of the cows from which Dr. Tenner obtained his vaccine lymph. The following inscription is engraved on its lid or cover ; — " This cow's horn was polished by that great benefactor to the human race, the late Dr. Jenner, and given by him in 181 3 to Sir John W. Fisher, who presented it to the Royal College of Physicians through the President, George Burrows, M.D., F.R.S., January, 1872." JENNER'S SCISSORS. A pair of scissors used by Edward Jenner, bequeathed to the Baillie family by Dr. Baron, and presented to the College by W. Hunter Baillie, Esq., in 1894. KEVS OF THE CHARTOPHYLACIUM. Four keys of the safe or closet in which the Charters, Leases, and other important documents were kept in the College House, Warwick Lane. They were in the joint custody of the President, the two Senior Censors, and Treasurer, which names are engraved on the keys. The Chartophylacium is mentioned in the annals of 1687. MACE. Presented by Dr. John Lavvson, 1683. A silver- gilt mace, four feet four inches in length, consisting of a crown supported on a hollow cylindrical rod. On the top of the crown are the arms of England supported by a lion and unicorn, and on the four sides of the crown are a rose, a thistle, a fleur de lis, and a harp, symbolising England, Scotland, France, and Ireland. Fach having the letters C. II. R. on its sides. Near the bottom of the rod is this inscription : — " Hoc caducco Collegium Medicorum Londincnsium Regale Johannes Law son, M.D., Ejusdcni Socius, donavil. fun. 1, 1683." MEDALS. THE BALY MEDAL. Instituted by Dr. Frederick Dyster, ok Tenby, in 1866. A bronze copy of the gold medal presents on the obverse, the portrait of Dr. William Baly, surrounded by the words— In honorem Gulielmi Baly, M.D., Obt. 1861. On the reverse, a representation of the College, with the words Coll. Keg. Med. Loud., beneath; inscribed around — Ob Lhysiologiam feliciter excultam, J. B. and S. Wyon, Sc. MOXON MFDAL. A bronze copy of the gold medal presents on the obverse, a portrait of Dr. W. Moxon, surrounded by the words — In Honorem Gualteri Moxon, M.D., MDCCCXXXVI-LXXXVI. On the reverse, a representation of the College, with the words — Ob artem Medicam Studiis et experiment is Auctam ; Coll. Reg. Med. Lond., Allan Wyon, Sc. 12 THE WEBER-PARKES MEDAL. The obverse presents the head of the founder, with his name and the date of the foundation, 1894. The reverse represents Asklepios seated with Demeter Apollo, and Herakles standing before him. The idea is that the Physician (Asklepios) avails himself of the powers of Nature in preventing and curing Pulmonary Tuberculosis. He requires for these purposes : food, supplied by Demeter ; light and warmth by Apollo, the Sun, the promoter of Growth, the destroyer of injurious Microbes ; and further, purity of air and muscular force indicated by Herakles. F. Bowcher, fecit. The medal is struck in silver. BISSET HAWKINS MEDAL. A bronze copy of the gold medal, presents on the obverse the head of Dr. Bisset Hawkins, modelled from a Photograph taken at the age of 94, and the words Francis Bisset Hawkins, M.D., F.R.C.P., 1796-1895. The design on the reverse represents Herakles strangling a monster in the presence of Asklepios, who is seated ; symbolising the God of Health employing the forces of Nature to combat and destroy whatever is noxious to human life. F. Bowcher, fecit. MEDAL OF DR. FREIND. A bronze medal of Dr. John Freind, having on the obverse the Portrait of Dr. Freind and the words Johannes Freind, Coll. Med. Lond. et Reg. S.S. ; on the reverse, two emblematic figures with the words Medicina vetus et Nova, above ; Unam facimus utramque, below. MEDAL OF GALEN. A bronze medal of Galen, having on the obverse a portrait of Galen taken from the bust in the Hall, and the name Galen ; on the reverses a female figure representing Pharmacy instructing a student, and the words Ob studia feliciter institula, above ; Soc. Pharm. Lond. donavit, below. MEDAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CONGRESS, 1881. The medal presents on the obverse, Her Majesty the Queen in profile, surrounded by the words : — " Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Ireland: Empress of India.'''' On the reverse, emblematic figures — Asklepios standing in front of a globe, suppliants kneeling to him, behind a figure representing death stalking away, and around the figures: — "International Medical Congress, Lond., James Paget, Pres. William MacCormac, hon. sec. gen." Below, "J. Tenniel, del., L. C. Wyon, fecit." MEDAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION OF 1873. The medal presents on the obverse, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, in profile, and the badge, with motto of the Prince, surrounded by the words : — " Albert Edward, Prince of Wales.'''' On the reverse, a representation of the Exhibition buildings, surrounded by the words : — " Annual International Exhibition of all Fine Arts, Industries and Inventions, London, MDCCCLXXIII." " G. Morgan, Sc." JUBILEE MEDAL. Medal struck to commemorate the 60th year of the reign of H. M. Queen Victoria. The obverse represents the head of the Queen at the age of 18, with the following words: — " Longitudo dierum in dextera eius et in sinistra gloria. 1837." The reverse represents a profile of H. M. the Queen, surrounded by the words: — " Victoria Annum Regni sexages imum feliciter Claudit XX. /UN. MDCCCXCVIJ." 13 MEDALLION OF PROFESSOR VIRCHOW. A medallion cast in honour of Professor Virchow, on his attaining his 70th birthday. The obverse presents a portrait of Professor Virchow, with the inscription :— " Rudolphus Virchow Pomeramis Civis Berolmensis, getat LXX." The reverse represents a number of emblematic figures. A. Scharff, C. Waschman. MORGAGNI MEDAL. The obverse presents a profile of Morgagni (from Salvino-Salvini's bust), surrounded by the words:— "'A Giambattisti Morgagni da Forli," and on the reverse the words: — " Inaugurandosi in Londra II bus to Marnwreo Donato dagli Italiani Alia Scuola Medic a DelV Ospedale S. Tomaso MDCCCXCIX." Presented by a Committee of Italian Physicians, Oct. 1899. METALLIC TRACTORS. Small bars of two different metals, stated by their inventor (Perkins) to possess certain magnetic properties, and to cure certain painful sensations and tumours by being drawn over the affected parts. They were made, it was said, by a secret process ; and were much used in the early part of the present century until proved worthless. MODEL OF THE CUTLERIAN THEATRE. This model, four feet four inches in height, was made for Mr. Alfred Tyler, of Newgate Street and Waiwick Lane, hydraulic engineer, whose father, Joseph Tyler, purchased the premises shortly after they were vacated by the Royal College of Physicians. The Anatomical Theatre was built from designs by Sir Christopher Wren, and given ^to the College by Sir John Cutler. Presented in ] 881, by Alfred Tyler, Esq. MONTEITH. In usum ColUgii Regalis Medicomm Londinensium. D.D. Presented by Hugo Chamberlen "| ,, ,, Richardus Mead I Censores. „ ,, Johannes Freind f Anno 17 19. ,, ,, Richardus Tyson J MUFFINEER. A silver muffineer, bearing the following inscription :—" CV/: Reg: Med: Loud: D. A.I). 1863 Gitl. E. Page." Presented by Dr. Page. SEAL. THE COMMON SEAL. Granted by the Charter of Incorporation of Henry VIII., 1518. The original Seal v defaced in 1737, when the Statutes were repealed, and was replaced by a new Seal which v affixed to a new book of Statutes written after 1783. The present Seal represents St. Luke, beloved physician, sitting at a table with writing materials. PORTER'S STAFF. A bamboo cane, having on its summit a silver plate on which are embossed the arms ot the College. Purchased in 1679. STANDISH. A silver inkstand, weighing eighty ounces, bearing this inscription — " Collegio Regali Medicorum Londini, D.D. Henri ens Phimptre. Registrarhis A.D. 1720." STANDISH. A silver inkstand, weighing thirty-three ounces, bearing this inscription: — '■''Presented by the Royal College of Physicians to Dr. Gavin Milroy, in token of his valuable services as Honorary Secretary of the Committee on Leprosy. April 30///, 1 868.— fames Alder son, F.R.S., President." With Arms of the College engraved. Bequeathed to the College in 1886. STETHOSCOPE. The original form of Stethoscope used by Laennec about 18 19, and delineated in his Traite del' Auscultation Mediate, Figs. 1, 2. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. A Case of Surgical Instruments, presented by Dr. Thomas Prujean in 1653, on his admission as a candidate by the father, Sir Francis Prujean, President. Surgical instruments were frequently used by the old Physicians. The College, authorised by its Charter to grant, and does grant, a licence to practise surgery. The College also taught surgery by lectures, and surgical instruments were among the gifts which Harvey made to the College when he presented his Library and Museum. TANKARD. A silver tankard seventeen inches high, supported on a modern silver stand eight inches high ; the weight of the silver being about 194 ounces. It is ornamented with embossed classic figures, designed by Paul Storr, probably copied from Flaxman's illustration of Homer's Odyssey, carrying musical stringed instruments; and bearing the following inscription: — "Francisco Sibson, M.D. Concilii ad nominandnm morbos constitnti Scriba eximo, ob opus arduum quam. benigne tarn feliciter perfectum donum dedicat A.D. 1869. It was presented by the College to Dr. Sibson for his valuable services in the preparation of the Nomenclature of Diseases, and was given back to the College by his widow shortly after his death in 1876. TOUCHPIECE. A gold touchpiece in the time of Charles II. given to persons " touched " by the King for the King's Evil. The touchpiece presents on the obverse, the Archangel Michael overcoming the dragon, with the words, Soli deo gloria ; on the reverse, a ship in full sail, with the inscription, Car. II. D.G., B.Fr. et Hi. Rex. Presented by Dr. Hare, Dec, 1898. HARRISON AND SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HER MAJESTY, st. martin's I.ANE, VV.C.