Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoforleaOObrya A CATALOGUE OF THE ORLEANS’ ITALIAN PICTURES. I I ( 'f 1 A CATALOGUE OF THE ORLEANS’ ITAL.IA-J¥ pictures. Which WILL EE EXHIBITED FOE SALE BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, On WEDNESDAY, the 26th of DECEMBER, 1798, axd following days. At the L Y C E U M f u tlje ^trantr. loud O N: rUINTED BY SAMPSON LOW, NO. 7, BEKWICK STKEET, SOHO. \ ♦ t CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE Buyer will be required to Depofit 20 per Cent, on the Coft Price at the Time of Purchafe, and to Pay the Remainder on Delivery of the Pltfures, which cannot take place before the End of Auguft, when the Exhibi- tion will clofe, II. The Plftures are to be removed at the Expence of the Pur- chafers, who mull be prefent at the Time of Delivery, or fend a written Order for that Purpofe. III. It Is prefumed, that this Colleftlon confills of none but Original Pictures ; but on that the Buyer muft deride from his own Judgment, or that of whomfocver he may choofe to confult.. ~ 26/Z) Dec. 179B. ■ i ri* •/ ' / I ‘\ / t ■. 139 1 jO 141 142 M3 M4 M5 146 147 1 48 A CATALOGUE, &c. &c> Michael Angelo da Caravaggio Transfiguration Ahjjiindro AUori Guijjepe Ribera Spagnoletto Giorgione _ _ - Antonio da Coreggio - - Daniel da Vulterra - Pietro Pertiglno Paolo Veronefe Pordenone Guido . - . Venus and Cupid Heraclitus Pic de la Mlrandole A Study of Heads The taking down from the Crofs V The Entombing of Chrifl; Mars difarmed by Venus Hercules and Achelous The decollation of St. John ( 8 ) 149 Veronefe 150 Padum'ino - - 151 Charles le Brim 152 Unknown 153 Cavaliere Bernini 154 Cavaliere Bernini 155 ]SFtcolo del Abatte 156 Tintoretto 157 Andrea del Sarto 158 Lnca Camhiafi 159 Tinier etlo 160 Tintoretto 161 Pietro Perugino 162 Unknown 163 Antonio da Coreggio 164 Titiano Veeelli 365 Giorgione 166 Don Diego Velafquez 167 Tintoretto 168 Francefeo ATbano 169 Paolo Veronefe 170 Titiano Veeelli The finding of Mofes RInaldo and j^rmida The Maflacre of the Inno- cents A Boy with a Mafic The Portrait of a Student The Portrait of a Monk The Rape of Proferpinc The Dukes of Ferrara Lucretia Judith The Portrait of a Man with a Book A Portrait The Madonna and Infant Chrift The Portrait of the Cavaliere del Pozzo A Portrait called (Le Rongeait) Charles V. on Horfeback The Adoration of the Shep- herds Lot and his Daughters ■ Leda - Saint Laurence Juftinian - An Allegory ■ The Portrait of a Lady (called L'EfcJavone) ( 9 1 7 1 Paolo Veronefe 172 Luca Camhiafi 173 Francejco Bajfanc 174 Francejoo Bajfano 175 Julio Romano i-j 6 Raffaello da Urhino 177 Andrea Sacchi 178 Annibale Caracci 179 Gnerctno 180 Guido 181 Paolo Veronefe 182 Titiano V ecelli 183 Andreo Solaria 184 Ludovico Caracci 1^5 Nicholas Poufsin Antonia da Coreggio 187 Giorgione 188 Pordenone i8g Giacomo Bajfano 190 Annibale Caracci 191 Girolamo Muziano 192 Paolo Veronefi 193 Unknown 194 Titiano Vecelli 195 Francejco Mola 196 Federico Baroccio ) Mars and Venus The Death of Adonis A Farm A Shepherd fleeping The nurfing of Hercules St. John in the AVildernefs S C Adam lamenting the Death of Abel Chrift crucified David and Abigail St. Sebafiian An Allegory The Portrait of a Lady Herodias The Vifion of St. Catharine „ The expofing of Mofes - Danae The Portrait of Pordenone Judith The Portrait of his Wife Danae The raifing of Lazarus Leda ^ A Portrait The Portrait of Count Cal- tiglione Archimedes A Ripofo 197 Carlo Cagliari 198 PoMoro de Caravaggio 199 Titiano VeceUi 200 Paolo Veronefe 201 Gitifegpe Ribera Spagnoletto 202 Luca Giordano 203 Paolo Matbci 204 Annibale Caracci ( iO ) The Adoration of the Kings The Graces Philip II. and his Miftrefs Mercury and Herfea Democritus Chrift driving the Sellers from the Temple Salmacis St. Roch kneeling before the Titiano Vecelli 206 Giorgione 207 Bartolomeo Scbidoni 208 Tintoretto 209 Michael Angelo Buonaroti 310 Andrea Schiavone - Virgin Perfeus and Andromeda Cupid flung by a Bee com- plaining to Venus The Holy Family The Taking down from the Crofs Chrift praying on the Mount The Dead Chrift fupported by an Angel 211 Titiano Vecelli 212 Michael Angelo de la Bat aide 213 Annibale Caracci '^■214 Don Diego Vclafqucz. 315 Calabrej'e - - - 216 217 218 119 / Luca Giordano Ludovico Caracci Annibale Caracci Giorgione Titiano Vecelli The Education of Cupid A Mafquerade St. John in the Wildernefs The Finding of Mofes The Martyrdom of Sti Peter The Pool of Bethefda The Defcent from the Crofs St. Jerome, after Coreggio St. Peter, Martyr Europa 221 Sahiati 1 1 222 'Ghifcppe Ribera- Spagnoletto Heracletus 223 Paolo Verenefe - Wifdom accompanying Her- cules 224 Titiano Vccelli - Venus and Adonis 225 Giacomo Bajfano - St. Jerome 226 Giorgione - The Holy Family with St. John 227 Titiano Vecelll - The Emperor Vitellius 228 Sehajlien Bourdon - - A Portrait 229 Giacomo Palma - St. Catherine 230 Julio Romano - The Birth of Hercules 231 Titiano Vecelll - The Magdalen 232 Giacomo Bajfano - His own Portrait 233 Giacomo Palma - A Portrait of a Lady 234 Lorenzo Lotto - The Holy Family, with Saints 235 Ludovico Caracci - Sufanna and the Elders 236 Paolo Veroneje - Paul Veronefe between Virtue and Vice 237 Guido - - - - St. Bonaventure 238 Tintoretto - The nurfing of Hercules 239 Innocentio Francucei - The Nativity ^ ZJTdfOo Titiano Vecelll Sebajiiano del Pwmho 242 Tintoretto 243 Paolo Veroneje 244 Charles Le Brun Diana and Afteon - The raifing of Lazanu The Laft Judgment An Allegory Hercules deftroying the Horfe'? of Diomed y fy A- ( 245 Paoh Veronefe 246 Simon Vouct 247 hanfranco 248 Julio liomano 249 Tliiano I ccclll 't 'liP^oO Nicholas Poiijsin 25 1 Guido 252 IjUis Jdrg'as - 253 Giovanni da Bellini 254 Maifre Roux - 255 Titiano J 7 'cclH 256 Titiano VtxclVi 257 Sehajlien Bourdon 12 ) - An Allegor}- - An Allegory on Peace - The Anunciatlon - The Birth of Jupiter - Diana and Calilto ~ - The Birth of Bacchus - David and Abigail - St. John in the Wildernefs - The Adoration of the Kings - The Woman taken in Adul- tery - A Portrait of a Young Man - The Emperor Vefpefian - The Portrait of the Queen of Sweden 258 Michael Angelo Caravaggio 259 Giacomo Ba^ano 260 Anmhalc Caracci 261 Pietro Perugino 262 Titiano Vecelli 263 Guercino da Cento - 264 Parmegiano 265 Pietro da Cortona 266 Paolo Veronefe 267 Sarazin - - - 268 Paolo Veronefe 269 Titiano Vecelli Caravaggio’s Dream A Portrait St. Roch with an Angel The Adoration of Chrif: A Head A Head of the Virgin A Head of St. John The Flight of Jacob The Death of Adonis The Death of the Virgin The Judgment of Solomon Diana purfuing Afteon ( 13 i-jO Claude _ _ . 271 Giorgio Vajari '2J2. France] CO Francla 273 Paolo Feroneje 274 Giorgione - - - 275 Guifef>[>i' lllhera Spagneletto 276 Gennaro - - - 277 Antonio da Coreggio 278 Titiano VeccUi 279 Tintoretto - - - 280 Tintoretto . - - 281 Leonardo da ] inci - •eSi^FranceJco Bajjanu 282 Francejeo Bajfano - 283 Guercino da Cento 284 Balthazar Peruzzi 285 Guifeppe Cejari 286 Tintoretto _ - - 287 1 inioreito _ . - 288 Tintoretto - . - 289 Federico Baroccio 290 ll'atteau - - - 291 Franccfco BaJJano ) A Sea Poit The Six Poets of Ituly The Holy Tanhly with St. Peter and St, Paul Mars and Venus united Love Mllon Crotoniate Democritus St. John Reading A Study of Heads An Allegory on Human Life The Portrait of Aretin The Portrait of Titian The Head of a Woman Chrift Curing the Paralytic The Prodigal Son St. Jerome The Adoration of the Kings Sufannah and the Elders The Incredulity of St. Tho- mas The Prefentation in the Tern pie The Confiftory The Burning of Troy A Ball The Ark 292 Sehajlien Bourdon 293 Bebajiien Bourdon 294 S-oiaJlim Bourdon 295 Sebajlicn Bourdon 296 Sebafikn Bourdon ( 14 ) - A Portrait - A Portrait - A Portrait - A Portrait - A Portrait N- L\ ThePiaures in this Colhaion from No. 1. to lof tnclufive, are Exhibited at Mr. BRYAN’ s GALLERY, Nc. 88 , Pall Mall, ■ «. I- r r >■ \ A (•T' L*. r . ‘1