^/^ ^ J %. m :?*l ^^*i r^-. OF THE PICTURES DRA^\^INaS ALFEED BELL, ESQ. Deceased, late of Bayford House, Hampstead : WHICH mill hz Solb Ijd ^xidmx hu Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices, 8 Kin^ Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re -sold II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if rtquired; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and "Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall lie made good by the defaulter at this Rale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. DRAWINGS. 1 Lithographs, after pictures by Dutch masters 2 A Peasant Girl, in red dress 3 A Landscape, with stone-breaker 4 An Artist /I M. C. AGNEW. 5 A Study of Leaves /-^ 0. E. ASTON. 6 A Harvest Field A. BELL. fO ■ 1 7 Sir J. Barnbt writing ' Kebecoa * ] BIANCI. ^^8 The Cello Plater M. BODICHON. /i^ 9 A Rough Sea, Hastings /x yr Z O t a B 2 /. J. H. BEADLEY. 10 A Venetian Hat Boat ,' Pj ^ ^y9-f 11 This Canoeist E. F. BREWTNALL, f\1 By the Eiyer BUCKNALL. & CAEOSELLL 13 A Page at a Door CIABELLI. 14 A Lady, with a nosegay J. CONSTABLE, E.A. 15 Haymaking A. DUDLEY. 16 Gbapes and Oranges MISS EASTLAKE. 1 7 Primroses in a Tumbler ; and Winder Eoses TEISTEAM ELLIS. 18 Cyprus, 1878 19 In the Mediterranean ' ' 20 Cyprus A ».. > ^C^vrf 21 Cyprus ; &c. 2 , /j 22 A Bedawee Sportsman, 1881 ^^ n {^ 23 Dover Harbour, in winter EVANS (op Eton). 24 The Lleddr Valley ' -^ FARLI. 25 Study of a Page BIEKET FOSTER, ,^ - 26 HoLMWOOD Common — a sketch M. FOSTER. '^ — 27 The Home Croft FROLICH. 28 Boys Bathing E. GEORGE. 29 San Stefano, Venice j^-_ 30 Toledo S. GIASTI. A. GOODWIN. 32 Whitby E. GRISET. . f^^ 33 A Lion ; and A Tigee - ^ T. J. GRYLLS. 34 The Cloisters I-.- ^-v>> ^ 31 A Lady, in blue, on a balcony ^yQ -t^ '^' ' /J /'^-^.in B 3 6 C. HAYES, 1877. 35 A-N Old Greenhouse H. nERKOMER, R.A., 1875. 36 A Stddy cf a Hfad — charcoal F. INDONI. ^ / 44 A Lady on a Teekace C. KEENE. /// _ 45 A Policeman — p&h and ink J. MACBETH, 1873. 47 The Vale of Health, Hampstead Heath L^A\ (i^ A. B. FOrJGHTON. 37 Ljdian Sqlaw and Child 38 Three Studies 39 Evening: Hendon .. ^a^^A \ 40 Sunset, at Hampstead 41 Two Studies of Skies — in one frame 42 Two Studies of Sky W. HUNT. 43 A White Donkey ^,fi J. F. LEWIS, K.A. / V j jl_ ,^ 46 A Study of a Eldawee ry //7 E. W. MACBETH, A.E.A. _j- - 48 A IiscovEEY /^ -yr y Lc R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A., 1869. /Q, - 49 A Lady in a Wood "'*-'' MARIELLO. 't/, • — 50 The Student 9 ' H. S. MAEKS, R.A. 51 Sea Pieces / -^ :- 2 52 On the Sussex Downs -'ll> ; 7 ^ ■ TONTAIN. 76 A Study of a Giel, seated J. M. W. TURNEE, R.A. 77 A Study of Sky 5^"^ 7 C. VENEDE. 78 A Wood Scene , ^^ ? 79 A Wood Scene VEUKVELOUP. 80 The Estuary, Flushing J. W. WHITTAKER., 81 A Mountain Scene D. A. WILLIAMSON. 82 Wild Chebby, Leaves and Apple B. WTATT. 83 Hampstead Heath o I W. L. WTLLIE, A.R.A. / 84 Thk " ViOTORY," Portsmouth Harbour iW i, r- 7^ '■7 W. L. WYLLIE, A.E.A. 85 Chiswiok F. W. YEAMES, K.A. 86 The Silent Pool PICTUEES. /~ 87 A View on the Italian Coast Circle 10 /^vfju/irvv CU ^ .*Jl'^^^'9i\ Ijjm^ MADAME L. ABBEMA. , / /7 ^ 88 A Lady, in black, seated G. CLAIRIN, 1873. ' ^ ~" /^ 89 The Caepet Bazaab --X'^ FANTIN. ,j^^ (o *^0f/^' 90 ^^^^"^ ^ '^^ ^^^°' ^^ ^''^^* *°^ Flowers ■ 2 / /^- 91 White Flowers ^^ T. C. FAERER, 1873. S-^' ^^ • 92 On the Thames ^i^ ^ -^'l M. HANART. ^.h Iff I. 93 A Landscape 'y/ — ' 94 A Study of Trees 11 A. PARSONS. 1^ J. MACBETH, 1874. , . ..^j f^ — 95 Hampsiead Heath >^ SIR. J. REYNOLDS. J 96 Mks. Nesbitt, in white dress — sketch t yi W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A. / A«|^ / // 97 A Channel Steamer z -^ v -> •^ , 98 Boulogne z. v -yr c. ^ bnrcrt UNKNOWN. 99 Portraits of a Lady; aud A Gentleman, 1587 — a ;pmr 2 " ' '' ^'^ ■ 0" ;^ 100 An Icon '• -- t> VAN EYCK SCHOOL. /■^ 101 The Madonna and Child, with two angels DELLO DELLL f 102 A Military Subjeot '*■ v-i"3 ITALIAN SCHOOL. 7* » 103 Virgin and Child, with angels 3' - V z P, — 104 St. John and a Bishop ^ ^ , '/7 -- 105 Virgin and Child, with St. Joseph and St. Catherine / :.-^ 12 GEKMAN SCHOOL. 106 Cheist and St. John 107 The Pentecost *, -^ ^ ^^ 108 The Eesuerection 4;^^ y-%^ /:/L 109 The Ascension // r) - ^ « ^/ 110 The Annunciation ^^tfi/*-'^. 111 The Nativity 112 St. George 113 Sixteen Piotokes Illustbating the Life of Christ, gold backgrouad 16 finis. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. H^ ^jms 1^^ §' H ^^I^HI--.. ^^fci L-rI3 i r^ ^v/; -v,-^ mm •ii^< r- . '■ H>;i "■V^ !."« 5H 5-139 !5( GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132