/ / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/rgravescatalogueOOgrav 7 R. GRAVE s CATALOGUE OF PRINTS. ' CATALOGUE OF A VERY EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PRINTS, Bp indent anrj jHorjem jtetens, DIVIDED INTO TWO PARTS. ^sfi PART I. CONTAINING A SERIES OF ENGRAVED BRITISH~PORTRAITS, Commencing ■with the Reign of EGBERT, and continued to the present Time, CONSISTING OF MORE THAN FIVE THOUSAND DIFFERENT PRINTS; AMONG WHICH ARE MANY VERY SCARCE BY DELARAM, ELSTRACKE, FAITMORNE, GLOVER HOLLAR, LOGGAN, MARSHALL, PASS, SMITH, VANDREBANC VERTUE, WHITE, *e. FINE PROOFS AFTER SIR JOSHUA, And a numerous APPENDIX of upwards of ONE THOUSAND PORTRAITS of FOREIGNERS belonging to the English Series. PART II. COMBINING THE CAPITAL PRODUCTIONS OF THE MOST CELEBRATED ARTISTS OF THE German, Dttttfc JFlemtsf), JFrtwfc ar.a ©nffU'slj £r&ools, FROM THE EARLIEST .ERA OF THE ARTS TO THE PRESENT PERIOD- SEVERAL APPROACHING TO ALMOST ENTIRE WORKS OF THE MASTER, AND ARE OF THE CHOICEST IMPRESSION, AS WELL AS IN HIGH PRESERVATION. THE WHOLE EXHIBITING THE LARGEST ASSEMBLAGE OF VALUABLE PRINTS HITHERTO OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC, RAPVAr>n "tZTr ivUh ^ Care and E^pence for several Year, past from the Cabinets of BARNARD, ROGERS, WOODHOUSE, MUSGRAVE, LAKE, TIGHE, TYSSEN, WALDRON AND OTHERS OF A MORE RECENT DATE. Now adjusted for Sale, at the Prices mentioned in the Catalogue, without any Abatement, by ROBERT GRAVE, ( SON OF THE LATE MR. ROBERT CRAVE ) At No. 239, TOTTENHAM COURT ROAD, near Bedford Street, Where Catalogues may be had, at 7s. each. Printed by J. Sf W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials. From the increasing demand that has been made of late for Portraits, of every description, for the purpose of illustrating various celebrated Works, and in consequence of great numbers having been locked up for ever from the possession of individuals, occasioned by the numerous bequests of many rich collections to different publick institutions, insomuch that many portraits, which a few years since were thought common, and easily to be met with, are now become comparatively scarce, and in all probability in a short time, will, with difficulty be procured. The proprietor submits the following Catalogue to the attention of the Nobility and Gentry, who now have an opportunity of obtaining portraits of their ancestors, or of materially adding to their own collections. With respect to the numerous works which compose the second part of this catalogue, as there are many selections that constitute by far the greater portion of the several masters, and others that require very few to render them complete; the proprietor respectfully informs the admirers of the graphic art, that as it would be attended with regret to break them up after the great pains and length of time expended in their accumulation, it is rather his object to dispose of them collectively, or else in detached works, than otherwise ; and in that case, should any Nobleman or Gentleman feel inclined to possess them, a liberal abatement will be-made in proportion to the amount purchased. R. GRAVE, Juh) 15, 1809, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Period. PART I. Period. 1 Egbert to Edward VI. Page 1 to 6 2 Mar?/ and Elizabeth 6 to 9 3 James I. • • 10 to 12 4 Charles I. and Interregnum 13 to 20 William Faithorne — 21 — 5 Charles II. 22 to 27 David Loggan and") Peter Vandrebanc J 27 and 28 6 James II. and William III. 28 to 32 Robert White S3 and 34 Queen Anne and George I. • • • .Page 35 to 40 John Smith 41 to 43 George II. 44 to 52 George Vertue 52 to 54 George III. Parti. 55 to 65 Foreigners belonging to the English^ Series J 65 — Sir Joshua Reynolds George III. Part II. English Topography 66 to 68 69 to 72 — 72 — FART II. Martin Schoen, Israel Van Meek, <$-c.» • • Albert Durer Early Masters in Wood Little German Masters* • Early Engravers on Copper • • . • Henry Goltzius J. Mathem, J. Muller, and J. Saenredam Appendix to Goltzius • Portraits by JEgidius Sadeler Portraits by Kilian, Sandrart, Sfc. Jerome, Anthony, and John Wierx • • • Neat Religious Subjects Wenceslaus Hollar A. and T. Matham, Bloemart, Sfc. J. Van de Velde and Count Goudt Crispin, Simon, and Magdalen Passe • • • Cornelius Visscher • John de Visscher and D. Dancherts Jonas Suyderhoef • • • • • Fine engraved Portraits Will. James Delft Portraits of eminent Personages Rubens, Vandyke, and Jordaens f Vandyck Heads Rembrandt Van Rhyn • • • Dutch Etchings Trench Etchings and Engravings Jacques Callot Portraits of eminent Frenchmen Page 73 f id. id. id. id. 74 id. id. id. id. id. 75 id. id. id. id. id. 76 id. id. id. id. id. id. 77 id. id. id. id. Robert Nantueil Page 77 Ant. Masson 78 Peter Van Schuppen id. Engraved French Portraits id. Historical Subjects • id. French Historical Engravings id. P. Drevet and G. Edelinck id. Bernard Picart and S. le Clcrc • id. Jac. Phil, le Bas 79 Various French Engravers • • id. Painters and Sculptors id. Modern German Masters id. Imitations by Ploos, &c. id. James Houbraken, SfC • id. Portraits of Painters and Engravers id. Subjects of the Old and New Testament •••••• id. George Frederick Schmidt 80 John George Wille • id. J. Balechou, Berwic, &c. id. J. Smith's Historical Mezzotintos id. William Hogarth ; . . . . id. Thomas Worlidge id- Sir Robert Strange id. Captain Baillie •• id. William Woollett SI Modern Engravings, Proofs id. Francis Bartolozzi • id. Richard Earlom id. Modern Mezzotintos, Proofe • • • • id. A CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, fa. Sic. Sfc. PLACED IN THE ORDER OF BROMLEY's CATALOGUE. N.B. Portraits by W. FAITHORNE, W. HOLLAR, D. LOGGAN, J.SMITH, P. VANDREBiNC G. VERTUE, and R. WHITE, will be found principally under the head of their respects Engravers. —Those Portraits to which no Prices are affixed, are marked on the back of each Print. PERIOD I. From EGBERT to EDWARD Vlth. CLASS I. A series of Heads of Kings and Queens from Egber A ditto from William the Conqueror to George II. Per. I. Cla. I. Egbert Rex Vertue ^ do. Basan Ethelbald, his Effigy over Crow land Bridge Carter £. M.BurghersO Id. J. Faber H. Parker Vertue Basan Alfred Rex do. different . • do. : do. retouched by do. * do. Canute Rex Vertue ^ do. Basan Edward the Confessor and his Hster Goda, wh. len. a drawing, fol. Edgar and .Ethelfreda, Effigies in Worcester Cathedral' • William the Conqueror Vertue do. • Basan do. and other Effigies • • . .Basire do. his Monument Du Bosc William II. Vertue do. Basan do. his Monument Du Bosc Henry I. Vertue Stephen Rex Id. do. Basan Henry II. Vertue d o- Basan do. and Richard I. their Mo- nument Du Bosc 5 t to William and Mary, 48 plates, 12mo. £ 40 heads on 10 plates, by Faber l 1 Per. I. Cla. I. £ m Richard I. Vertue Basan proof • • VandrebancO 0' 1 do. do. John Rex Vertue do. i Basan do. - 1. p. Clamp do. his Monument Du Bosc do. id Pine do. manner of his Death, fol. Henry III. Vertue do. with Eleanor of Pro- vence, from Walpole .... do. his Monument. Iv. Schley Edward I. Vertue do Basan do. his Monument Vertue do. Parliament of Edward II. Faber do retouched by • • • .Parker do. Vertue do. his Monument Du Bosc do. id. a beautiful drawing of his Tomb at Gloucester, by Bonner Edward 111. Vertue do. wh. len. in Armour, fol. do. his Monument Du Bosc do. on his Throne, early wood cut Philippa, Queen of Edward III. wh. len. very fine • Faber Edward the Black Prince, 4t*>. EUtrache B o o o o 10 6 1 s. d. 2 6 o 6 6 6 6 o 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 o 7 6 111 5 6 £ CATALOGUE OF Per. I. Cla. t £. s. d. Edward the Black Prince, fol. Vertue o \j A do. • • • Basan 1 1 fi do. from Barne's Edw. III. fol. K o 1 1 n yj do. on Horseback, 4 En- 1 1 o a fi V do. wb. len. from the pic» ture in Westminster, sh. Id. » 4 fx do. id. copied J. T. Smith 2 g o l Q do. in Harding's Shake- o o z A U do. sould by Robert Peake, o u do in Harding's Shakespeare, o o u 1 2 V 1 o do. in Harding's Shakespeare, 2 o z O do. his Queen & Family • •Grignion 3 1 fi u Henry VI. wh. len. p. p. • • • •Bartolozzi 10 fi o do. from a painting on glass, o do. in the set of founders • • Faber o ij fi 2 o do. in Harding's Shakespeare, ~ 1 fi o 8 1 fi Margaret, Queen of Henry VI. Faber ~ fi o Edward Prince of Wales, Son to Henry VI. 1. p. S. Harding 2 2 6 1 6 do. from Harding's Shake- speare, 1. p. - • • • • J. Parker 2 1 6 Elizabeth, Queen of Edw. IV. Faber 3 6 2 6 2 1 2 6 1 6 do. from Harding's Shake- speare, 1. p. Gardiner o do. id. wh. len. when Duke \j do. with Anne his Queen, an 2 6 Henry VII. when Earl of Rich- 2 .0 PORTRAITS. Per. I. Cla. I. £. s. d. Henry VII. when Earl of Rich- o 2 3 do. in the print of his Mar- 2 6 1 6 do. his Queen and 6 other small circles, Kings of Eng- 7 6 1 2 Elizabeth, Queen of Hen.VII. Houbraken 2 Arthur, Prince of Wales • -Barrett 1 6 do. with Prince Henry and the Princess Margaret, sh. Vertue 7 6 2 6 ^ do. Cambridge Founder ••Faber 2 6 o 6 2 2 3 2 6 do. in the Heroologia • • • »Pass 3 6 o 1 6 do. granting the Charter to the Surgeon's Company Baron 15 do. delivering the Bible, wood o do. in the print with Henry VII. &-c. sh. Vertue . 7 6 do. his Children and Will. 10 6 Catharine of Arragon, Queen Harding 1 6 3 o 3 6 7 6 2 3 2 6 7 6 Catherine Howard, Queen ••Houbraken 3 6 o Bartolozzi Elizabeth, Lady Parker, id.. .Bartolozzi Mary of St. Paul, Countess of Pembroke Faber Margaret, Countess of Rich- mond and Derby. Faber do. different portrait Faber Mary, Duchess of Richmond Bartolozzi Margaret, Ctfs of Shrewsbury Basire Margaret, Ctis of Salisbury Godfrey s. d. 7 6 1 6 7 6 7 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 7 • 6 7 2 6 Per. I. Cla. IX. X. £. s. d. Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk Bartolozzi 7 6 Elizabeth, Lady Vaux Bartolozzi 7 6 Elizabeth de Clare, Countess of Ulster Faber 3 Cicely., Duchess of York • • • -S. Harding 1 6 CLASS IX. Second-Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Margaret Bolen, 4to.. • • J. Ogborne 2 6 Margaret Middlcton, wh. length, / kneeling J. B. Barbe do. her Martyrdom J. Neefs 10 6 Jane Shore, etching, 4to. ••» .Tyson 3 6 M. Souch, after Holbein .--..Bartolozzi 7 6 CLASS X. Henry Patenson, Fool, small* • 1 Elynor Rummin, with MS. Verses addressed to Col- lectors • 3 6 PERIOD If. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILIES. Mary Regina Basan , do. Gunst do. •••Harding do. • • • • «Vertue Philip II. of Spain Gunst do. Vertue do. and Mary, 2 plates, fol. 1 Elizabeth Regina do. • • •••••'••• Elstracke do. toh. len. sh. mez. • Faber do. very curious Hogenberg do. in the Heroologia ••••C. Pass 3 6 do. whole len. in the superb Dress she went to St, Paul's, after Isaac Oliver, fol. C. Pass do. Queboren s. d. 2 3 1 6 2 6 3 3 6 1 12 10 6 Vermeulen do. do. fol. • • • Vertue do. 8vo. Vertue do. from Darcy's Annals, with Title •-. do. emblematical of the Ring !. 4to. do. on her Throne and Sit- ting in Parliament, 2 pis. fol. 5 3 2 6 1 6 7 6 15 o 2 Elizabeth Regina, James I. and £. s. tL Prince Charles, small ovals Barra 1 1 do. with James I. & Charles I. in a title, 12mo.« •• .Marshall 3 6 do. in a title, with small ovals of all the former Kings and Queens of England, fol. Marshall 5 do. her Monument in the Heroologia '.Pass 5 do. her Monument Du Bosc 10 Mary Queen of Scots do. sitting, View of her Ex- ecution J. Couay 110 do. ~. ..Dolle 1 6 do. ...Gunst 8 do. 1. p. ..Houbraken 5 do. .-DeLeu 2 6 do manner of Marshall, 12mo. 3 6 do. J.K.SherwinO do .Vertue 020 do. fol. mez. • • • • 3 do. Scotia Regina et Douag Galliae 3 6 do. a tracing from the original in the church at Antwerp 5 do. from the set of the Kings of Scotland, 4to. 5 do. manner of her execu- tion, fol. • • G. Bouttats 15 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 7 Per. II. Cla.II. «£. « Mary Queen of Scots, her Mo- nument Du Bosc 1 do. wh. Ien. with James I. a child Bartolozzi 10 do. fine proof Id. do. and the Dauphin, from a medal Holloway 2 Henry Lord Darnley Vertue 2 Cenotaph of Lord Darnley, sh. Id. 7 CLASS II. PEERS. Archibald Earl of Angus • • • -Thane, exc. James Earl of Arran Gunst Henry Earl of Arundel C. Hall Philip Earl of Arundel Thane, exc. do. a proof Id. Thomas Lorcl Audley Tomkins John Earl of Bedford, 1. p. • 'Houbraken do. when Lord Russel • • • •Bartolozzi Francis Earl of Bedford • • • • Id. do. 1. p. Houbraken William Brereton, Baron of Laughlin, astat suae 28, 1579, proof, p.p. Basire 1 William Lord Burleigh, 1. p. Houbraken do. in the Heroologia Pass do. his Monumentat Oxford Cole Edward Earl of Derby Harding Edward Earl of Devonshire •• Chambers William I. Lord Effingham • 'Thane, exc. Walter Earl of Essex Pass Robert Earl of Essex Gunst do. ••Harding do. hat and feather Hind, exc. 1 do. ••hp. •• Houbraken do. Heroologia Pass do. hat and feather P. Stent, ex. 1 ilenry Earl of Huntingdon, with autograph Than~, exc. Robert Earl of Leicester, 1. p. Houbraken do. 12mo. fine Marshall do. in the Heroologia • • • »Pass 0' d:> Vermeulen do. from the Bishop's Bible, 4to. do. oval 12mo. ••••• Matthew Earl of Lenox • • ♦ • Thane, exc. Esme Duke of Lenox Roberts Edward Earl of Lincoln, with autograph Thane, exc. John Earl of Mar, Regent • -Trotter James Earl of Morton, 1. p. •• Houbraken Thomas Duke of Norfolk* • • «Gunst do. fine old impression • • • •Vorsterman Thomas Duke of Noifolk, 1. p. Houbraken William Marq. of Northamp. B'artolozzi Thomas 7th Earl of Northum- berland, %vh. Ien. ..... .Harding William Earl of Pembroke • -Pass l i 5 5 1 1 5 3 5 2 1 1 1 5 5 5 15 2 2 1 2 1 5 3 15 & ther, from pictures painted at Constantinople ..... .Simco, exc. Sir Thomas Pope Faber Sir Richard Shelly, 4to. • • • • Basire Sir Henry Sidney Pass Sir Philip Sidney De Courbes do. Pass do. C. Taylor do. Vertue Sir Thomas Smith - ... 1. p. • .Houbraken do. prefixed to his Life, 8vo. Sir Henry Tirrell, aet. 70,1582 E.B.GulstonO Sir Henry Unton Godfrey Sir Francis Walsingham • • • • Gunst do. *• Houbraken do. Id. Sir Thorn. White, Lord Mayor Faber CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. John Bale, Bishop of Ossory Pass Id. 12mo Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London, scourging Thorn. Henshaw, wood cut .... Id. • • • • 12mo. J. Stow Thorn. Cranmer, Abp. Cant. Clamp do. Gunst do. in the Heroologia • • • .Pass Per. II. Cla. III. IV. £. s. d. Henry Earl of Pembroke • • • «Pass Richard Lord Rich. Ld.Chanc. Bartolozzi Henry Earl of Sussex Thane, exc. Thomas Earl of Sussex Id. Ambrose Earl of Warwick -.Pass Thomas Lord Wentworth. « • .Godfrey, ex. Peregrine Lord Willoughby, with autograph Thane> exc. William I. Marquis of Win- chester, etching Tyson do. Harding CLASS III. GENTRY. 2 6 3 6 Sir George Barnes, Ld. Mayor Thane, exc. 6 Sir Tho. C haloner, proof, 8vo. 2 6 do. a wood print, 1579» 4to. 1 5 2 6 5 3 Sir Thomas Gresham, mez. • - Faber 5 do. J.T. Smith o G 7 6 Sir Anthony Mildmay, wh. Ien. Harding- 2 o 6 Sir John Packington, wh. Ien. Harding 2 6 Sir Thomas Parry Dalton o 6 Sir Paul Pindar and his Bro- 8 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. II. Cla. IV. £. s. d. Thorn. Cranmer, Abp. Cant. 1 1 o do. his Martyrdom in wood Robert Farrar, Bp. St. Davids Thane, exc. 2 6 Stephen Gardiner, Bp. of Win- Q O o O o Thomas Goodrick, Bp. of Ely Thane, exc. 6 Edmund Grindal, Bp. London M.v. Gucht 5 o q \j Q do. misnamed William, 12mo. i i John Hooper, Bp. Gloucester Houston Q O u J Q John Jewell, Bp. of Salisbury Pass o a u o tj o 1 u Hugh Latimer, Bp. Worcester, 1 f» 1 <_J n u Q O o q u q fi u do. preaching before Edward o u 1 1 U John Leslie, Bishop of Ross«»Gunst q « u Matthew Parker, Abp. Cant. Gunst q f. u %J u 1 1 u Reginald Pole, Cardinal ••••Gunst q o « u 1 5 Nicholas Ridley, Bp. London Gunst 3 o Q O a u cy o q u Martyrdom of Ridley &■ Latimer 1 Edwin Sandys, Abp. York • »Pass> q U do. with Cicely his second u 1 1 o CuthbertTonstall, Bp. Durham Fourdrinier K O 2 John Whitgift, Abp. of Cant. Pass 3 6 2 6 do. prefixed to his Life, 4to. 5 1 CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy Thomas Becon, Heroologia ''Pass 3 6 1 3 6 I a o Per. II. Cla. V. VI. £. s. d. Edmund Campian, fol 1 11 6 do. His Execution, Sfc. 3 pis. Cavaleriis The Sufferings and Executions of the Catholicks, 1 584, 5 pis. Id. Dominic Collins, Jesuit, a fac simile drawing' by the Rev. 10 6 Edward Deering, Heroologia Pass 3 3 6 1 William Fulke, S.S. • • • Marshall 7 Thomas Heth, small oval, with Garnet, Loyola, &c. • 2 2 -0 Lawrence Humphrey, Heroo- 3 G Kdmund Jennings^ alias Iron- John More, Heroologia • • • • Pass 3 6 Alexander Nowel,D.D. 12 no. 7 C> 3 G 1 ••• Hollar 3 Francis Page Jesuit, fac simile by the Rev. Mr. Brand 10 G 2 G 5 0. 3 G John Rogers, Heroologia • • • • Pass 3 G 1 Richard Rogers, an etching, 4to. 5 Laurence Sanders, Heroologia Pass 3 G 1 G .5 2 G 1 William Whitaker, D. D. . ^0 2 3 6 3 6 2 G 1 CLASS V. JUDGES. S Sir Thomas Bromley, with au- 2 6 1 1 10 6 o G 2 do. with his autograph • • »Thane, exc. 2 G 2 CLASS VI. MILITARY. Thomas Cavendish, Navigator, 8vo. C. Pass CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. II. C la. VII. £, s. d. Thomas Cavendish, in the He- roologia C. Pass 5 do. with a Globe, 12mo.«. 1 l o do. with other Naval Com- manders, small ovals, en- circling the hemisphere* • 7 Christopher Carlisle Pass 5 Sir Francis Drake Houbraken 3 do. in Armour, Shield de- scribing a Naval Combat T. de Leu 1 1 do. in the Heroologia ••••Pass O 5 do. with autograph • Thane, exc. 2 do, aetat 43, Globe under an Arch, sh. 10 do. and Cavendish, wh. len. in the Title to the English Pilot Sir Martin Frobisher R. Boissard 1 do. Heroologia Pass Sir Humphrey Gilbert, Heroo- logia Id. O Sir Richard Grenville, id.. • • • Id. Sir John Hawkins R. Boissard 1 do. Heroologia Pass Sir John Norris, with autographThane, exc. Sir Robert Southwell, id Id. CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. Alexander Boyd, set. 35, 1596 De Leu George Buchanan Boulonois do • • • • .Granthome do. R.Cooper do. Houbraken do. P. v. S. do. • • • • • Angus James Crichton ••J.Hall do. Rivers do. A. Salme Thomas Gale, Chirurgus, in wood, 8vo. John Gerarde, very fine ••••Payne 1 John Hall, woodcut, 4to. •• John Heywood, wh. len. wood cut 1 Thomas Hill, aetat 42, wood cut, 12mo. 1 John Key, (Caius) M. D. • • . -Faber do. Heroologia Pass do. not in Bromley, fol. mez. Robins 1 1 10 6 5 7 6 3 6 3 6 5 1 6 2 6 6 5 10 6 5 10 6 5 1 3 3 6 11 6 Per. II. Cla. VIII. IX. X. Humphry Lloyd, of Denbigh, rariss. mez. Faber do. copied Bond Edmund Spencer, Poet Vertue do. with Chaucer, &c. fol. CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, &c. Theodore de Brie, oval 4 to. • »Ipse Joas Van Cleeve Muller John Day, 1562, wood cut fol. do. id.» • • •small fol. Richard Grafton id. •• George Hoefnagle* Bannerman 2 do. 12mo. Hondius Hans Holbein Gay wood do. Chambars Richard Jones, small wood cut Cornelius Ketel Chambars Thomas Lant, attat 32, proof Fittler John Mabuse Bannerman Sir Anthony More Chambars do fol. Gregory Henry Cornelius Uroom • « • • Chambars John Wright, wh. len. in wood do. 12mo.« • • «id. Reginald Wolf, small oval« • • • CLASS IX. LADIES. Margaret Lady Elliot Metz Lady Jane Grey Heroologia • »Pass do. Vermeulen do. oval, with Emblems, sh. Vertue Lady HobbyeWife of Sir Philip Bartolozzi Lady Hunsdon, 12mo. • Thane, exc. Margaret Duchess Norfolk, after Lucas de Heere, 1 562, p. /j.Tomkins Lady Elizabeth Russell, Effigy on her Tomb Ann Duchess of Somerset* • • »T. Nugent Frances Duchess of Suffolk, with Adrian Stokes, la. sh.« • • • Vertue Frances Countess of Sussex • • Faber Ann Lady Throckmorton • • • «Trotter Catherine Bretterg, 12mo. • • • • Alice Percival, from the House ofYvery Faber CLASS X. 9 2 6 2 6 1 15 Scaleits, Sexton of rough, wh. len. • Peterbo- Williams 3 1) 10 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. PJEKJOB III. Per. I. Cla. I. II. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILY James I. • «8vo. Aubert do....»4to. Uelaram do.* • • »4to. mez. Faber do. Gunst do. Harding do. and Ann of Denmark, 2 plates - P. de Jode do. ••. .Id. Meyssens^Q do. holding a Sword and Globe, 4 to Stent, exc, do. • Vaughan do. Vertue do. in Boissard, 4to. do. Beati Pacifici crowned, oval 12 mo. • do.. Hat and Feather fol. • • • • do. wh. len. sitting Regia Ma- jestas, fol. do. sitting in Parliament, pert/ fine «W. Pass Anne of Denmark. • • • • Houbraken Henry Prince of Wales,wh. len. Hind, exc. do. I. p.* •• .Houbraken do. in the Heroologia •••••• Pass do. Vertue do. with Lord Harrington, wh. len. Clamp James I. and Prince Henry, wh. lens, with Death's Heads, 1621, fol. .... * W. Pass do. with his Queen and Prince Henry, small oval from a silver plate Id. 1 6 CLASS II. PEERS. 4 1 11 Thomas Viscount BracJdey (Lord Elks?nerc Jo S. Pass do Trotter do. proof on India paper • • • - Sherlock George Earl of Cumberland. .Vaughan do. Heroologia • Pass do. wh. len. proof Richardson Populi, 4to. 3 Richard Middleton, Archdea- con of Cardigan, 12mo. R. Elstracke Edward Oldcorn, Jesuit, fol. G. Bouttats 1 do. a fac simile drawing by the Rev. Mr. Brand, 12mo. Robert Parsons, Edmund Cam- "J pian, Henry Garnet, and f Richard Blond, small ovals t in a title, fol. 3 John Rainolds, in the Heroo- logia Pass 3 6 John White, S. T. P. fne, 4to. 10 6 Richard Wightwick, Founder Faber 3 6 do. Parker, cxc. 2 6 Andrew Willett, Preb. fol. . . 5 Thomas Wilson, fol. • Cross 5 7 6 1 6 1 6 Per. III. Cla. V. VI. VII. CLASS V. LAWYERS. £. s. d. Sir Henry Ilobart, 4to. S. Pass S 6 William Aubrey, LLD. Caumeld,er.O 2 Michael Dalton Jurisc. etching M.Tyson 3 6 CLASS VI. MILITARY. Arthur Severns Nonsuch O Toole Richardson, exc. 2 6 Sir Francis Vere, Governor of Ostend, 4to. 5 CLASS VII. LITERARY CHARACTERS. John Barclay, 4to. C. Mellan do. 4 to. • • .Larmessin William Barclay, surrounded by coats of arms C. Mallery do. id. C. Mellan Francis Beaumont, with Fletcher, Milton, and Cowley, fol. mez. Simon do. fol. Vertue Adam Blackwood, 1644, fne, 4to. '.J. Picart William Butler, 4to. S. Pass do. from Boissard • • • William Camden in his herald's coat t • • • «R. Gay wood do. his Monument, 4to. • • • • J. T. Smith Thomas Coryate, wh. len. with a Venetian Courtezan »«W. Hole Samuel Daniel, Poet, 4to« • • «T. Cockson 1 John Dee, from Lyson's • • • •Scheneker John Fletcher, a bust, extra fne Marshall 1 do. fol. Vertue do. 8vo Id. John Florio, Preceptor to the Queen, fol. - » • • W. Hole Thomas Legge, Poet, 8vo. mez. J. Jones William Lithgow, wh. len. and 3 others cut in wood* • • • Richard Martin, Poet, copy*. Sir Robert Naunton, a correct drawing from the original by Simon Pass G.P. Harding John Norden, Topograph, 1 2mo. Sir Thomas Overbury, 12mo. S. Pass do. E. Harding A high finished drawing from the extra rare portrait by A. Elstracke G. P. Harding John Owen, Cambro Britannus, oval in a title, 1634, 12 mo. do.. «id. small oval do... id. 1659 • 7 6 7 6 15 5 5 1 1 5 3 15 1 1 3 1 5 1 15 2 6 7 6 15 2 6 15 5 2 6 1 3 6 5 O / 1 12 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. l 1 Per. TIL C la. VIII. £. s. d, Aaron Rathbone,Mathemat.4to.S. Pass 5 Mark Ridley, M. D. sm. 4to. R. Elstracke John Robins, Herbalist, aetat. 68 l6o8, 8vo. 10 6 William Shakespeare Houbraken 3 6 do. with Johnson, Milton, and Butler Faber 5 do. Marshall 1 11 6 do. Simon 5 do. Vertue 5 do. between Tragedy and Co- medy Reading 9 6 do. Monument in Westmin- ster and at Stratford, 8 d ferent plates of • • • do. from Bowyer's H. of E. proof »«- 5 John Stow, 4to. J. T. Smith 2 6 Joshua Sylvester, Poet VanDalen 3 6 Darcey Wentworth W. Pass 5 Richard White, Latine Vitus Ba- sinstochius, Comes Palati- nus, 12mo. CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. Martin Billingsley, W.M.. •• • 15 Richard Burbadge, Actor ••• • Harding 2 John Davies, Writing-master Richardson, exc. 2 6 Nathaniel Field, Actor Gardiner 2 George Heriot, Jeweller to~\ T ■b" t -,/Jo. &Ch. King James, 1743, fol. f E lem ?ne.z . a nd View of h is Hos- f j q * pital J Nicholas Hilliard Chambars 3 6 JodocusHondius, Engraver, sh. J. Hondius 10 6 Isaac Oliver, 4to. • • * H. Hondius 3 6 do. Miller 3 6 do. after Vandyck, &>!.•••• 3 6 Paul Van Somer, oval, 4to» • • • J. Pass do. Chambars 3 Frederic Zucchero •••••••• Bannerman 030 Per. III. Cla. IX. X. £. s. d. ivo. t intess of") T ") t . I M.vanLo- ( Dvals, in > , > ^ chem, exc. ^ CLASS IX. First-Subdivision. — Ladies. Margaret, Countess of Cumber- land Thane, exc. 2 Catherine, Ctfs of Desmond, proof Aliamet 7 6 Elizabeth, Lady Effingham ••Thane, exc. 2 Catherine, Lady Parker, 8vo. mez. Faber 15 Mary, Countess of Pembroke, 8vo. Courbes 5 do. Harding 1 6 do. an etching, 8vo. 7 6 do. and the Coui Oxford, small ovals, the same plate Arabella Stuart, Lady SeymourRichardson,exc. 2 , 6 Elizabeth, Ctfs of Shrewsbury, fol. • Vertue 15 O Anne, Countess of Warwick Thane, exc. 2 6 CLASS IX. Second-Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Anne Bell, Wife of John Bell, 8vo. S. Pass 1 1 Elizabeth Drury, 1. 4to. • Basire 7 6 Matoaka, or Rebecca, Wife of John Rolf, 4 to. S. Pass Dorothy Wad ham Faber 3 6 do. Parker, exc. 026 CLASS X. Gunpowder Conspirators, exe- cution of Small 2 6 do id..... 2 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS 13 FEIRIOB IV. Per. IV. Cla. I. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILIES. Charles I. Rex, fol. Audran do. after Vandyke ....... .Becket do 4to. Chauveau do. on Horseback, View of Edinburgh, fol. Van Dalen do. 4to. •••••••••• Daret do. when Prince of Wales, 4?o Delaram do. after My tens, sh. DelfF ' do. and Henrietta Maria, small ovals in a title Elstracke do. after Lely, very fine> fol. mez Faber do. oval, 4to.» De Jode do. on Hdrsebacky Page holding his helmet, sh. Lombard do. oval, Hat and Glove, 4to.Marshall dp. oval, in a title, 12mo. • • Id. do. wh. len. with a Globe, 8vo Id. do. id. praying, fol.- •••••• Id. do. • • • • • Pariset do. when Prince of Wales 12 mo. S. Pass do.» »4to. B. Picart do. from the Orleans GalleryRomanet do. • • 8vo. P.Stent, exa do. after Vandyck,wh. len.sh. SirR.Strange do. with the Horse and Paa;e la.sh. Id. do fol. G. Vertue do. in the set of Loyalists . • Id. do Vorstermafi do..... fol. N. Vienot do. when Prince of Wales, 3 6 7 6 6 15 3 6 5 1 1 1 /> o 3 6 10 C 3 6 5 2 6 3 •0 5 1 6 5 5 7 6 2 6 setat 13* «4to. 5 do. oval* • • « 4to. » • • 3 6 do. 4 Dutch verses, oval 3 6 do. Christo Auspice Regno, 3 6 do. 4 Latin lines, sm. 4to.» • e 2 6 do. small Head in a title with Edward III. &c. 4to. 2 6 do. six English verses, oval 5 do. wh. len. on his Throne, 3 c do. small oval from Heath's 3 6 Several others f no Name of Engravers. Per. IV. Cla. 11 £. *. d. Charles I. Rex. his Trial before} the High Court of Justice, > 10 6 fol. ) do. Execution, from Heath, 4to. 3 6 do. Death Warrant, sh. Henrietta Maria Regina, sh. • .J. DelfF 1 1 1 do. C. Galle 2 do. wh. len. sh. Gunst 2 do.....4to. P. de Jode 7 do-.. • • »4to. mez. • • 3 do. 4 French verses, 4to. 3 do. her reception at Amster- dam, 1644, sh. 5 do. her departure from Hol- land, sh. Berrekens 7 C Charles I. and his Queen, Charles II. and Queen Catherine, « the Duke and Duchess of York, &c. sm. wh. len?. Mary, Daughter of Charles I. Prince of Orange, after Vandyke, fol. mez. • .Faithorne, jun. o 7 6 do 4to, L. Ferdinand 15 do. and the Prince of Orange, wh. lens W. Hollar William Prince of Orange on Horseback, .fol. W.Baillie 7 6 do. Ia.h.sh. DelfF l l do. wh. len. sh. Sallier 15 do. ... . 4to De Jode,e,rc. 010 6 Elizabeth, second Daughter of Charles I. do. Angel with-d rawing a Veil Gay wood 15 O Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia Vertue 2 6 do. oval, 4to. 010 6 Frederick and Elizabeth, King") and Queen of Bohemia, 2 > J. DelfF plates, slit. 3 Frederick King of Bohemia, sht. B. a. Bolswert 2 And several others hy various Engravers. CLASS II. PEEKS. Francis, Lord Bacon, Vise. St. Albans, fol. Marshall 5 do. sold by Comp. HoJland J. Pass 15 O do. • -M.v. GuchtO 1 6 do. six verses, 12mo. •••• 2 do. an octagon, 12mo •••• 2 6 do. 4 to. Hollar 5 Robert, Earl of Ancram ....Harding 1 6 do. •• Roberts 2 6 3 3 2 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 14 Per. IV. Cla. II. £. s. d. Thomas Earl of Arundel, sm. do. from the Orlean's Gal- 7 6 do. 2 from Vandyck, with 4 15 do. with his Countess • • • • Id.. 3 6 do. from Heath's Chronicle, 5 do. and his Grandson, after- ward Cardinal Howard* 'Record 4 Henry Earl of Arundel ••••Lombart o Jacob Lord Astley M. v. GuchtO o 6 5 1 G 1 6 William Earl of Banbury, when Viscount Wallingford ••Pas6 1 1 1 6 Francis Earl of Bedford . . . .M. v. Gucht 2 6 do.' fol. • • • • Vertue 3 6 Oliver St. John, Earl of Bo- 7 6 Patrick Earl of Brentford ..Paul o 6 3 1 6 o Robert Lord Brooke M. v. GuchtO George Duke of Buckingham, 1 1 1 G 2 6 5 do. superbly dressed, sm. 1 1 3 6 John Lord Bvron, etching, 4to.Paul 3 G Robert Earl of Caernarvon • »M. v. GuchtO 2 1 Arthur Lord Capel M. v. GuchtO 2 6 1 G Ulick Marquis of Claurickarde Ravenet 1 6 1 G 2 6 Francis Lord Cottington, fine Hollar 10 G 15 o Thomas Lord Coventry .... Id. 2 3 G 3 G Henry Earl of Danby, wh. len.V. Green 7 G 2 do. the valiant Earl Derby, 2 6 1 6 Dudley Carleton Viscount Dor- 15 G 1 6 Edward Earl of Dorset, fine. .Hollar 10 G 3 6 Per. IV. Cla.II. £. s. d. Edward Earl of Dorset M. v. GuchtO 1 Robert Earl of T^^py fine 4-to frlovpr -7 G o 5 . 3 ' do. from Heath's Chronicle, 3 (3 10 6 do. from Clarendon, 8vo. 1 6 Ferdinand Lord Fairfax W orlidge 3 6 Thomas Vise. Falcon berg • • • -Mascal, px. o Henry Vise. Falkland Harding 1 6 do. with autograph Thane, exc. o G Lucius Vise. Falkland, from o 1 6 o G Henry Duke of Gloucester, 2 12 6 2 6 William Vise. Grandison, wh. 5 James Duke of Hamilton* • • -Lisebetius 7 6 do. from Heath, oval, 12mo. o 6 do. from Clarendon, Svo. • • 2 6 William Duke of Hamilton . «M. v. Gucht 2 6 Edward Lord Herbert, wh.len. A. Walker 3 G William Marquis of Hertford M. v. Gucht 2 G Henry Earl of Holland P. Clowet 5 do. from Clarendon, 8vo«. 2 2 G do. • with Robert Earl of ) Warwick, small ovals, > H. Dochin 1 11 6 Ralph Lord Hopton M. v. Gucht 1 G Henry Earl of Huntingdon . .Hollar 7 G Goorge, second Marquis of Huntley, wh. len. V. Green 7' G Robert Earl of Kingston . . . .Vertue 1 6 do. from a silver medal* • • • 2 Alexander Earl of Leven, from 2 6 3 6 2 G Robert Earl of Lindsey • • • .Houbraken 4 do. with Lord Carnarvan • • Vertue 3 do. from Clarendon, Svo. •• 2 G do. from Heath, 12mo....«. 3 6 Bernard Earl of Litchfield, with the Earl of Kingston Vertue 3 Edward Lord Littleton M. v. Gucht 2 1 G 1 1 Henry Earl of Manchester. .Van Hove 3 6 1 6 1 6 Lionel Earl of Middlesex, 1 G 1 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 15 Per. IV. Cla.II. «£. s. James Marquis of Montrose, 12 m0t Aliamet 1 do. M,v. GuchtO ' 2 do...l. p. Koubraken 5 do. very f.nc A. Matham 1 11 do..»8'vo. P.Pontius 3 do. 4'verses, Scotland's Glory 4to. 1 1 . do.. «8vo. 1 Edmund Earl of Mulgrave • • • -Thane, exc. 2 Spencer Earl of Northampton M. v. Gucht 2 do. with the Earl of ,-trafford G. Vertue 3 Henri/ Earl of Northumberland Ato. ...Delaram William Earl of 'Pembroke, sh. Voerst do. in Clarendon, 8vo. « • • « 2 Philip Earl of Pembroke, fol. . .Voerst 7 do. wh. len. wood cut, My reward is from above, 4to. 1 1 do. in Clarendon, 8vo. • • • • 2 do. with his Family, after Vandyke, sheet Baron 12 Henry Lord Percy of Alnwick Harding 2 John Lord Poulett Id. 2 James Duke of Richmond and Lenox Hollar 5 do. fine Id. 10 do. " Houbraken 4 do., - la. 4 to. R. v. Voerst do. in Clarendon 8vo. •••• 1 Francis Earl of Rutland • » • .Richardsone.r.O 2 do. with autograph Thane, exc. 1 Robert Earl of Somerset «... Houbraken 3 do. with his Countess, wh. lens. 4io. 1 1 WilliamJEarl of Sterling, 4to.Richardsoncr.O 2 do. Harding 1 Thomas Earl of Strafford, 8vo. M. v. GuchtO 1 do. 1. p. Houbraken 5 do. fol. mez. E.Cooper,o\0 12 do. id. P.Overton,tM\0 12 do. from the Theatrum Tra- gicum, 12mo. 5 do. oval, 12mo. • • 3 do. dictating to his Secretary Sir Philip Mainwaring, ff. M> , , fine drawing after Vandyke by George Earl of Totnes, fol. • -R. v. Voerst 1 1 Horace Lord Vere N.leClerck,c#0 3 do. oval Svo. 10 Robert Earl of Warwick, 1. p. Floubraken 5 do. with autograph Thane, exc. 2 - do. in Clarendon, 8vo. • • • • 2 do. in Heath 12mo. 3 Edward Vise. Wimbledon • • • «Thane, exc. 2 do. proof • 3 Edward Earl of Worcester -^S. Pass 2 2 do. Thane, exc. 2 Per. IV. C la. III. Henry Marquis of Worcester 4to. a fac simile drawi by the Rev. Mr. Brand ?r 'l £. s. d. 1 1 CLASS TIT. GENTRY. 2 6 5 5 Sir Bernard Astley, Svo. - • • • - M. v. GuchtO • do". .«4to. Worlidge Sir Edward^Astley, wh. len. fol. Id. Sir Nathaniel Barnardiston, 12mo. Van Hove James Galthorpe of East Bas- ham • .fol. • 1 Sir John Coke, Sec • Svo. ..Stent do. fol. mez. G.White Sir Robert Cotton Bruce, fine 12mo. • • Cross 7 Sir Edward Dering, very fine. 1 1 1 5 fol. Glover 1 do. id...l2mo. Id. 1 John Dethick of West Newton 4to. Lombart 1 Sir John Glanville Gardiner Arthur Goodwin, wh. len. sh. Gunst John Hamden, Vindex Liber- tatis. .fol. A^udran do. M. v. GuchtO do. 1. p. Houbraken Thomas Harlev, fol.? Vertue Sir Robert JIarley, fol. Id. Sir George Hastings, etching, wh. len. ..... ••• Bretherton William Hervey Gucht John Holt of Grislehurst, 1 2mo. Thane and see among Loggans William Lee, a:t. 89 Richardsonw.O John Lilburne, Patriot, aetat 23, 1641, Svo. Glover do. 12 mo. Hollar do. Svo. V. Gucht Sir William Mainwaring, />roo/'Scheneker Thomas Neale of W armor d, fine 12 mo. Marshall 1 do. Richardsone^.O Sir Robert Peake Harding Sir Philip Perci valine Faber W illiam Piatt, Esq. VandenBergheO John Pym, M. P. 1 2mo Hollar do. 1. p. Houbraken do. in Clarendon, 8vo. «... Sir Benjamin Rudvcrd, 12mo. Hollar do. old impression, fol. • • • * J. Payne do Id. Sir Conrad Ruten Ticbout Sir Anthony Shirley ^Eg.Sadeler Sir Robert Shirley, wh. len. ..Birrell do. Fittler Sir Henry Slingsby with Col. Penruddock • • • »Vertuc 1 1 2 o 15 2 11 6 1 11 6 3 3 6 o o 10 10 7 3 3 2 O 7 6 10 6 2 G 3 6 10 6 O u 16 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS P.ER. IV. Cla. IV. £. s. d. James Stanier Mercat, Lotid. 1643, 8vo. W. Hollar Sir Peter Temple, a bust, 1 2mo. Gay wood William Trumbull, 8vo. ••••Gribelin 1 6 Sir Christopher Wandesford, mez. J.Watson 7 6 Sir Francis Wortley J. Hall 3 6 do. Richardsoner. 2 6 do. a most correct drawing *) from the extra rare por- > rtait by Hertochs • » • j Sir Richard Wynne, 4to.» • • .Bartolozzi 7 6 do proof Id. 15 CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. George Abbot, Abp. Cant. ..M.v.GuchtO 1 do. Houbraken 5 Lancelot Andrews, Bp. of Win- chester, fol. Payne 2 do. 2 George Carlton, Bishop of Chichester, 4to. S. Hulsius 7 Walter Curie, Bp. Winchester, fol. T. Cecil 1 1 1 Joseph Hall, Bp. of Norwich, 1641, 12mo.* Marshall 2 do. 1650, 12mo. Id. 1 do. Payne 5 do. Queboren 3 do. oval, fine, fol. 15 do. 8vo 3 John Howson, Bp. of Durham, fol. Droeshout 1 11 6 do. a drawing from the ori-1 ginal picture at Cam- > 15 bridge } Arthur Lake Bp. of Bath and' Wells Payne 7 6 William Laud, Abp. of Cant. oval, 12mo. Marshall 10 6 do. tied by a Cord Id. 10 6 do. (William Lord J very fine Id. 15 do. Reeling, id. Id. do. in the Houghton Col- lection, mez Watson 7 6 do. in the Theatrum Tragi- cum, 12mo. • 5 do. in Clarendon, Svo. . . 2 Tobias Matthews, Abp. York, 4to. * R. Elstracke do. in Boissard 5 Thomas Morton, Bp. Durham, in wood 1 6 Edward Parry, Bp. of Killaloe J. Dickson 1 1 JohR Spotiswood, Bishop of St. Andrews, fol. Hollar 7 6 Per. IV. Cla. IV. James Usher, Abp. Armagh, 4to. do. 4to. • do. 4to. • do. fine, fol. » do. 4to. do. fol. do. 8vo. George Webb, Bp. Limerick Francis White, Bp. of Ely«« do. John Williams, Abp. of York do. do. in Clarendon « CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision— Inferior Clergy £. 3. d. Dunstall 5 Glover 5 Landry 5 Marshall 5 0' Id. 3 6 Vertue 3 6 1 6 Slater 3 6 T. Cockson 5 G. Mountin 10 6 Gucht 2 Houbraken 4 2 6 William Ames, D. D. do. astat. 57, 1633, oval . • Edmund Arrovvsinith, Jesuit, 8vo. Abraham Aurelius, aetat. 43, 1618, 4to. Augustine Baker, wh. len. Svo. Isaac Bargrave, fol. Thomas Beard, wh. len. 12mo. do. id. copy* • « • Cove Beck, M. A. w. len. Svo. Francis Bell, Thomas alias John Baptist Bullaher, Christo- pher Column, Paulus Mag- dalena, alias Henry Heath and Martin Woodcock, J e- suits, from the Cei tamen Seraphicum,4to do. copy Richard Bernard, 4to. Richard Blackerby, 12mo.» • • • Robert Bolton, B. D. 4to. Samuel Bolton, D.D. 12mo. • • Tho. Bullaker— See Bell above do. • copy Jeremiah Burroughs, 4to. • • • • do. .... very fine do.* -aetat 45, 4to. • ••• do.» • • « 12mo Henry Burton, fine, la. 4to. • • do. .... 12mo. do. • • . • extra fine, oval .... Robert Burton, small oval in a title, fol. John Carter, 4to. do. Svo. Thomas Cawton, aet. 54, 1659 Svo. William Chillingworth with 3 others, fol. mez. Thomas, alias Walter Coleman See Bell above Marshall 7 6 10 6 3 6 Velde, 1631 Cole 1 Richardson Vorsterman Richardson, ex. Hollar Van Hove Payne Van Hove Richardson, ex. 1 1 3 1 1 6 15 Cross Gay wood Glover Hollar Marshall C. le Blon Dunstall Vaughan 10 6 11 6 10 6 10 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. IV. Cla. IV. £. s. Tobias Crisp, D.D. 1 2mo. • • • • Cross 7 d 0> Kitchin 2 do. 4to A. Soly 5 Robert Dingley, M. A. 8 vo... Cross 10 John Dod, 8vo. Richardson,e.r. 2 John Donne, in his winding sheet, 4to. M.Droeshout 10 do. stat 59, fine, 8vo. ..Lombart 5 do. astat 18, very fine,\2mo. Marshall 1 1 do. aetat 42, fol. Merian 5 do. Monument in St. Paul's Hollar 3 John Durant, aetat 30, 1650 Cross 5 John Everard, D.D. 8vo...«. - Id. 5 Daniel Featly, 4to. Marshall 7 William Fenner, 8vo. Hollar 7 John Frost, fol. Vaughan 7 William Gouge, S. T. P. 4to. Dunstall 5 Edmund Gregory, A. B. 12mo. Marshall 1 1 1 John Hales, of Eton, 3vo.« • 2 Henry Heath, Jesuit, and see Bell above, 12mo. M. Baes 2 Alexander Henderson Adam 1 John Hewit, D.D. 8vo. ....Gucht 1 Thomas Hilder, of Sandwich Vaughan 1 1 1 Arthur Hildersham, 4to. ....Payne 7 do. sm. 4to. 3 do.' small head, with others, 1 from Nichols's Leicester- > 2 6 shire ) Hezekiah Holland, fine, 4to. ' 15 Christopher Love, la. fol.. • • »A.ConradusO 10 6 do. 12mo Id. 10 6 do. 12mo. T. Cross 3 6 do. oval, 12mo. R. Gay wood 10 6 do. 8vo. M. v. Gucht 2 6 Donald Lupton, D. D. sm. wh. , Jen. 12mo. 10 Thomas Maurois, minist. fol. A. ConradusO 15 do. proof, fol. Mathani 1 11 Henrj/ Morse, Jesuit, fol. • • • • Francis de Neville, fine Hollar 1 1 William Oughtred, 8vo. ... .F. S. 3 Herbert Palmer, B.D. sm. 4to. Hugh Peters, aetat. 6l, 12mo. do. Preaching, 1663, origi- nal, 12mo • Philip Powell Alias Morgan, executed 1646, 12mo... John Preston, D. D. 4to.. • • .Glover do. small oval, 12mo. ••••Marshall do. 12mo. ' • • • Samuel Purchas, Title to his Pilgrim • • do. Pars sua Caelum, 12mo. 1 John Rogers, of Dedham, in Essex, 12mo 15 Alexander Ross, D. D. 12mo. P. Lombart 2 Thomas Atxvood Rotherham ••Marshall Thomas Scott, S.T.B. 4to. ..C. Pass 10 Obadiah Sedgewick, B.D. • 'Richardson, ex. 2 Josiah Shute, Archdeacon, fol. Marshall 7 6 6 10 6 5 10 6 5 5 7 6 1 Per. IV. Cla. V. £. Richard Sibbes, D. D. 4to. . • Cuthbert Sidenham, Presb. Gaywood Edward Simpson, D. D. fol. Wandelaer do. the original drawing, very fine 1 do. aetat 73, 4to William Slater, D. D. 12mo. Peter Smart, fine, 12mo Hollar do. id. 4to. Id. Benjamin Spencer, fine, fol. Cross 9m d. 2 6 5 5 Richard Stock, 4to. Jenner, exc. 1 o 15 10 IB 7 3 do. fol. • Rawly ns John Sym, aetat 56, 4to. • . • .Marshall Thomas Taylor, S. T. D. 4to. Id. Edward Terry, aetat 64, 8vo. Vaughan Lambrocii Thomas, S. T.D.Cross Gerard John Vossius, fol* • • .Blooteling William Whatelie, fine, 4to. John Woodcocke, Priest, see Bell Christopher Wren, D. D.. • • - G. v. Gucht Peter Wright Jesuit, very fine C. Galle do. copied Thane, exc. Omitted 1st Sub. — Bp. Andrews, his Monument at St. Mary Overies, two different as pects of, fine drawings* • • • 2 7 11 1 5 5 Trotter CLASS V. First Subdivision — Judges. Sir Robert Berkeley, fine* • • • sir Julius Caesar Sir Edward Coke, fol. mez. • • do. do. do. Sir Randolph Crew, fine, fol. Sir George Cooke, L. C. J.« • do. 12mo. do. fol. Sir Robert Heath, fine, fol. • • do. Sir Richard Hutton, 12mo. • • Trotter Hollar Gaywood Hoilar Vaughan Hollar 3 6 5 2 Hollar 10 6 Thane, exc. 2 6 J. Cooper,^jc. 10 6 Houbraken 3 6 J. Payne 2 1 1 1 2 10 6 2 G 1 1 Thane, exc. 2 6 Hollar 10 6* * CLASS V. Second-Subdivision — Practitioners. Robert Aylett, Master in Chan- cery and Poet Cross 2 2 John Bradshaw, Serj. at Law M. v. Gucht 3 6 Richard Brownlow, a:tat 86 •• Cross 3 do. different Id. 2 O Thomas Fidell, of Furnival's Inn Id. 7 6 Sir Henry Martin V. Berghc 2 Sir William Noy Vertue 2 6 Henry Rolle, fol. Hertocks 5 John Selden Chantry 2 6 do. 4 to. mez. t. Faber 5 F 18 Per. IV. Cla. VI. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS £. s. d. CLASS VI. MILITARY. Sir William Balfour, 12mo. 1.6 Robert Blake, Admiral, 8vo. M. v. Gucht 2 6 do. fol. Preston 111 6 Sir William Brog, Col. of} Scots Troops in Hoi- > 2ueboren land, la. Ato. ) Olirer Cromwell, Protector, and see Faithorne's do. M.v. Gucht 2 6 do. sh. - •• • .Gunst 10 6 do. 1. p. Houbraken 5 do., etching, 4to. « • «Tho. JennerO 10 6 do. fol. mez. Lely, pink. 5 do. with his Page, la. h. sht. Lombart 111 6 do. on Horseback, sh. • • • • Id. do. cutting down the Royal Oak, wh. len. ••••••••Marshall 7 6 do. Pariset 1 6 do. fol. Picart 3 6 do. 4to. Stent, exc. 3 6 do. two different of , 4to. • .W.Trevillianl 11 6 do. fol. • • Vertue 5 do. 8vo Id. 2 6 do. oval, fol. mez. Walker, pinx\ 1 do. on Horseback, sm. fol. Ill 6 do. from the TheatrumTra- gicum, 12mo. S 6 do. with the Heads of Cha. I. &c. 4to. 5 do. Sea Fight and Battle • • 5 Impression from the Brass Plate on his Coffin, 1658 10 6 An Escutcheon borne at his^\ Funeral, with the Arms oft Cromwell and Williams C impaled J Several others, some Satyrical do. dissolving the long Par- liament, proof, sh. ••*••• J\ Hall 3 3 General Deane, slain 1653, aetat 42, etching, 4to. •• 15 John Desborough, with thel Meek Knight and Lam- > 11 bert, wood cut J Rupert Douglas, very fine, fol. Falck 1 5 do. 8vo. De Jode 7 Sir Bevil Granville, 8vo. • •• • 1 Thomas Harrison, 8vo • M. v. Gucht 9 John HewRon, 8vo. ........ Id. 2 do. sm. wh. len. ........ 2 The Giant Husonio, wh. len. in 2 12 6 riant Ifusonio, wh. le?i.~\ i wood, prefixed to thef vrious Tract of Don Juan C jamberto, l66l, 4to. curious he Sir John Hotham on HorsebackHarding exc.O ft do. wh. len. 2 Henry lreton, General M. v. GuchtO 2 do. proof •Gardiner 2 Per. IV. Cla. VII. Henry lreton, General, 1. £. i. • 'Houbraken o Col. Joyce, etching, proof* • • • David Lesley, General M. v. GuchtO Sir George Lisle, 8vo. Id. do. with Sir Charles Lucas,fol.Vertue Sir Charles Lucas, 8vo. Dobson,/m?,rO Col. Lunsford •••••Gardiner Edward Massey, Col. oval 1 2wo. 1 . Mitton, Col. Harding do. etching, small oval • • • • Sir Thomas Morgan, etching, wh. len. . -E.B.GulstonO John Pen ruddock, Colonel • • Vertue do. in Clarendon, 8vo. • • • • Edward Popham, Col. 4to. • • Sir James Ramesay, la. 4to, • «S. Furck 1 do. aetat 47, 1636, 4to. •• John Smith, Admiral, 8vo. • »S. Pass 1 Display of the Royal Banner and Standards, and the Devices and Mottos used by the Parliament Officers two plates CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. s. j a. 5 10 6 2 o 2 3 6 2 6 2 6 % 6 5 5 2 o 6 3 6 o 10 6 1 1 Thomas Allen, M.A. etching J.BrethertonO John Anthony, M.D. very fine Cross 1 William Austin, fol. • • • Glover do. 12mo. John Babington, aetat 38 • • • • J. DroeshoutO William Barriff, aetat 38, 4to« •Glover do. aetat 42, 4to.» • Id. Robert Baron, Poet, aetat 17 • 'Marshall 1 do. copy Richardson, ex.0 John Bastwick, M.D. Hollar do. in Clarendon do.«»12mo. Christopher Bennet, M.D.8vo. Lombart Henry Blackwood, Med. Svo.» *C. Mellan Walter Blith, wh. len. 4to. •• o Richard Brome, Poet, 8vo. • • Cross do. copy Richardson, ex. Thomas Brugis, Med. 8vo.« • • - Cross William Burton de Falde • • • -Delaram 1 do. copy Richardsone.r.0 William Burton, L.L.B. Hollar o William Cartwright, M.A. PoetLombart William Chamberlaine, M.D. Hei lochs George Chapman, Poet, fol. - «W. Hole John Clavel, atat 25, 4to.» *K. Meighan,er. John Cleaveland, Poet, 12mo. o Abdiah Cole, M.D. T. Cross Peter Collins, aetat 8Q, 4to.» •C.Galie, jun. 3 11 10 1 5 15 7 2 10 1 1 3 5 7 1 2 5 1 2 5 7 3 15 3 2 15 lugh Crompton, Poet Richardson,e^c. 2 Nicholas Culpeper,Med.l2mo. 1 do. with Death's Head, 8vo. o 3 do. modern, 8vo. 1 William Davison, M. D. very fi?ie, 8vo. ••••••••• •••Lombart 1, 1, 0. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, origiO ', from > 3.....) Per. IV. Cla.VII. William mac Dowell, aetat 57 1647, 4to. Michael Drayton, Poet, sm. fol do. 12 mo. ■ William Drummond, Poet • ■ do. 4to. do. 12mo. * do. copy Richard Elton fol. • Robert Fludd^ M. D nal, and the copy Boissard, sm. 4to do. fol. Sidney Godolphin, Poet Francis Goldsmith, of Gray'i Inn, Poet, 12mo. do. copy Jonn Graves, Astron. etching John Hall, Poet, aetat 19, 1646 William Harvey, M. D. do. do. do. bust, 8vo. Francis Hawkins, astat 10 • • • • Richard Haydocke, M. D. fol Sir John Hay ward, 12mo. • • • • do. 12mo. do. before his name, 12mo. do. with name, 12mo. • ••• Robert Herrick, Poet, 8vo. • • do. copy John Hoddesdon, Poet, 8vo. do. copy William Hodson, 1636, 12 mo. Philemon Holland, M. D. fol. Gilbert Jack, M. D. 4to. Benjamin Johnson, Poet, very fire, 4 to. do fol. Richard Kilburne, aetat 52, fine Alexander ) eighton, M. D. • • Sampson Lennard, 4to. Sir David Lindesay Sir Matthew Lister, M. D. fol. Richard Lovelace, Poet do. as Orpheus, fine do. do. frqm Ho'lar's print* • • • Gervase Markham, sm. head* • Philip Massinger, Poet Sir Tobias Matthews, 12mo. • • Robert May, oetat 71, 8vo. • • Thomas May, Poet,/fwc, 12mo. do. copy • »... Sir Theodore de Mayerne,M.D do. mez. Thomas Middleton, Poet, 8vo do. copv* JR. Humphrey Mill, Pofet, 8vo... do.. . • • ^copy t £. .W. Hole - Marshall Finlayson Gaywood Id. Richardson, exc. 2 J. DroeshoutO 7 10 M. Merian Clamp 2 Cross 1 1 1 Richardson, exc. 2 E. Marmion 5 Marshall J. Hall Harding Houbraken Cecill Hole W. Pass Marshall Richardson, exc. 2 Cross 1 1 1 Richardson, exc. 2 Marshall Id. 1 1 5 R. Vaughan 1 Vertue Cross Hollar R. Vaughan Thane, exc. 1 1 5 10 10 7 2 R. Gaywood 1 1 \ Richardson, e#. 2 2 5 Richardson, ex. 2 J. Gammon 10 Gaywood 5 1 1 Richardson, ear. 2 W. Elder 3 Simon 10 Richardson, exc. 2 RichardsoD, e.rc. 2 Jollain, exc. 1 11 6 19 Per. IV; C la. VIII. £. s. d. Walter Mountague, wh. Ien. in a title, 4to Marshall 3-6 Nathaniel Nye, Mathemat.///e Hollar 15 David Papillon, aet. 65, 1645 Cross 15 John Parkinson, small oval, fol. Marshall 15 do. copy, 12mo. • • • • 1 6 Thomas Pecke, Poet, 8vo.» • • • do. • •.•>• • -copy Richardson ere. 2 6 Francis Quarles, Poet Cross 2 6 do. aet. 52, in a square. •• 'Marshall 7 6 do. id. cut plate, 12mo. Id. 2 6 Thomas Randolph, Poet, aet.29 Marshall 10 6 Richard Rawlyns, aet. 27. 8vo. Gaywood 10 6 Nathaniel Richards, Poet .-T. Rawlyns 1 1 Lewis Roberts, Mercat,j^e • .Glover 5 do. with his autograph • • • • Id. 7 6 George Sandys, Poet Richardsonerc. William Stokes Id. Sir George Strode, extra fine Glover 1 Sir John Suckling, Poet, 8vo. Gucht do. 12m0. Id. do. • « • *extra fine, 8vo. • • • • Marshall John Taylor, the Water Poet Cockson John Thompson, set. 28,1645 Marshall 1 11 6 Richard Tomlinson, fol. ••••Cross 7 6* Sir Thomas Urquhart, wh. Ien. Glover Id. a proof, and the Name spelt Urc/iard Id. do. copy Richardsonear. 2 6 John Weever, v ery fine T. Cecill 15 Thomas Weever or Whichcot, Poet, 8vo. Marshall 1 1 do. copy Richardsone.ro 2 6 Sir Anthony Weldon R.Godfrey 2 6 Leonard Willan, a bust, 8vo. • *T. Cross do. different plate Id. do copy Ri chard soncrc. 2 6 Thomas Willsford, Mathemat. Vaughan 3 6 John Woodall, Surgeon, fine Glover 10 6 Sir Henry Wotton, 8vo. • • • •Dolle 2 6 , do. 12mo. o 1 6 James York, Blacksmith and Herald, fine- T. Rawlyns 15 2 6 2 6 1 2 6 2 6 10 6 CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. Edward Alleyn, Actor Nugent 1 6 David Beck, 4to. Coget 3 6 John Van Belcamp with Gcl- dorp ••Bannerman 2 6 Michael le Blon, Engraver • • T. Matbara 7 6 John Browne, wh. Ien. 12mo. Gaywood 7 6 do. • • • .id. etching, 12mo.« «P. R. 7 6 Francis Cleyn Chambars 2 6* William Dobson Bannerman 2 6 do. spirited etching Jos. English do. ••••fol. mez. G.White 7 6 Abraham Vander Doi t Chambars 3 20 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. ious por- 1 ing in a > Per. IV. C la. VIII. £. Sir Anth. Van Dyck Bannerman do. 8vo • • •Gucht do. • • • • a bust, fol Ncefs do. 4to. Pontius do. • 8vo. < «Worlidge Joiias English, anonymous poi trait, small etchi Landscape Horatio Genteleschi with Mas- cal • • • • • Chambars i do. Vorsterman Richard Gethings of Hereford- shire, W. M. J. Chantry James G©uter, Musician • • • • J. Livens Thomas Hobson, Carrier, fol. J. Payne Henry Hondius, Engraver ••Bouttats George Jameson, etching, 1728 Inigo Jones, Architect Bannerman * do. mez V.Green do. ...... mez. Spilsbury Nicholas Laniere, Musician* • Vorsterman John Lowin, Actor Holloway Edward Mascall, ipse pinx. fol. /. Gammon Peter Oliver Chambars Cornelius Polemberg Id. do. Waumans Jeremiah 1 1 2 5 15 5 1 1 5 5 o 5 5 7 2 3 3 3 iah Rich, Short-hand } Writer. Even such is hee, > T. lines, aet. 24, sm. Svo.) do. The engraver can noe more, 6 lines, Svo. • • • • Id. do. Here active and mysteri- ous art, 8 lines do. Fame and the picture speak, 4 lines, sm. 12mo. do. from his Penn's dexte- rity, 8vo Theodore Rogiers, Goldsmith P. Clouvvet Sir Peter Paul Rubens •Chambars do. • • • »proof, mez. Dickinson Id. Id. Id. Id. do. • • • «4to Meyssense.rc do. in a hat Pontius do. fol. Id. do. Woollett do. • • • 'proof Worlidge Gerard Seghers Pontius Hubert la Soeur •Bannerman Palamedes Staevaerts • • Pontius Adrian Stalbent Id. o Henry Steenwyck Bannerman do. Pontius o Henry Stone Bannerman Nicholas Stone, Father and Son Chambars 3. John Torrentius • • Bannerman 3 Robert Van Voerst Chambars 2 do. R. v. Voerst 5 Luke Vorsterman, etching. •• -Van Dyck 7 do. Vorsterman,jun.5 Robert Walker, Ipse pinx, fol. Lombart Francis Wouters •••# Bannerman 2 ross 15 Per. IV. Cla. IX. X. £. s. d. CLASS IX. First-Subdivision. — Ladies. Anne Countess of Arundel • 'Thane, exc. 3 6 do. proof Id. 5 O Alathea Countess of Arundel Gaywood 7 6 Lucy Countess of Bedford • • • • Richardson, exc. 2 Catherine Marchioness Buck- ingham C. Hall 3 6 do. 12 mo. . Magd. Pass 5 Anne Countess of Caernarvon Morin 7 6 Lucy Countess of Carlisle* •• »Gunst 3 6 Margaret Countess of Carlisle Lombart 2 6 Elizabeth Ctss. of Castlehaven Id 2 6 Mary Ruten Lady Van Dyck Bolsvvert 10 6" do. etching, fol. Wyngaerde 10 6 Letitia Viscountess Falkland • 'Marshall 5 Margaret Lady Herbert Gunst 3 6 Elizabeth Countess HuntingdonRichardson,^. 2 Elizabeth Countess of Kent • • 2 6 Mary Lady Langham, proof* 'Richardson,^.. 3 6 Anne Countess of Morton • • • • Lombart 2 6 do. Svo. Vertue 2 6 Frances Duchess of Richmond, the entire plate, 4 to. •••• J F. Delaram Frances Countess of Somerset Id. 2 6 do. Thane, exc. 2 6 Rachael Countess Southampton, wh.len.proo/ M'Ardell 15 Eleanor Lady Temple, a bust • • Gaywood Set of_Ladies, after Vandyck Lombart 111 6 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Elizabeth Cromwell, Svo. •• • • 3 Jane Goodwin,Wife of Arthur, Boydell 5 Mary Griffith, 12mo Glover 5 Margaret Lemon, fol. Morin 7 6 Gertrude More, 12mo. Lochon 15 CLASS X. CONVICTS, Sec. Archibald Armstrong, wh. len. Caulfield^c. 1 "6 John Bull and R. Farnham, cut in wood, 1636 1 1 Rigep Dandulo, Turk, Svo. ••Cross 10 6 Robert Dover, a drawing ••••Sturt 15 Mary Frith, or Moll Cutpurse 2 do. pen and ink drawing • • 5 do. Smoaking a Pipe, oval 2 Richard Herst, executed, Svo. 3 6 Blaise de Manfre, W ater Spouter Hollar James Naylor, fine, mez. ••• «T. Preston 110 do. a B on his Forehead • • 5 Thomas Parr, aetat 1 52, fine C. v. Dalen 110 do. a Dutch copy, 4to.»»«» 16 do. different, 4to 7 6 do. 4to. mez. G.White 7 6 Young Parr, 4to. mez. Id. 7 6 Thomas Scott, Republican ••G.P.Harding 2 CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. 21 WI1LLIAM FAITH OR HE. His own Portrait, by Fil'ian, fol. Per. IV. <£. s. d. Sir Edmund Anderson, L. C. J. fol. • • • • 7 6 Elias Ashmole, a bust, 1652, 4to. • Robert Bayfield, with the hat, very fine • • 1 11 6 do. in a cap, id. • • 1 1 Samuel Bolton, D. D. 4to . . . . 3 6 Edward Boys, S. T. B. 4to 7 6 Noah Bridges, Writing Master, 12mo. do. before the initials under the verses* • Ralph Brownrig, Bishop of Exeter, 8vo. 7 6 do. extra fine, fol. ••••••*••••••»•• 15 John Bulwer, Chirosophus, Svo. 1 11 6 do. fine proof Charles Earl of Carlisle, 8vo. 7 6 Richard Carpenter, Jesuit, 4to 10 6 Edmund Castle, S. T. P. very fine, fol. Roger Earl of Castlemaine, 12mo. 7 6 Charles II. in an oval, fol. do. wh. len. globe and scepfer, Svo. • • 10 6 do. oval 4to • 10 6 Samuel Collins, M. D. fol 10 6 Ed-ward Coleman as he was drawn on Sledge to the Place of Execution oblong fol. Henry Lord Colerane, wh. len. very fine Oliver Cromwell, in Armour, Mo. and do. on Horseback, from the Paralel- lum Oliva;, very fine .Sir William Davenant, Poet, fol. 7 6 John Davies, of Kidwell, 1665, 8vo. •• 5 Thomas Earl of Elgin, first state of the plate, fol. • ♦ • • do. second state, with the altered face • • Queen Elizabeth between Burleigh and Walsingham, fol. Edmund Ellis, A. M. in an octagon, extra fine, 4to. • Robert Earl of Essex, after Dobson, in the maimer of Mellan, fol. Sir Richard Fanshaw, fol. 1 Sir John Fortescue, L.C.J, fol. •••••• Joseph Glanville, aetat 44, 4to hie 1 11 6 7 6 1 15 10 1 15 Per. IV. £. s. d, William Harvey, M. D. 8vo.« •••« 5 Henry VIII. fol 5 Thomas Hobbes, Philos. 4to. 7 6 do. first impression, with the name spelt Hoobs - Henry Earl of Holland, sold by Peake, fol. Richard Hooker, extra fine, fol O 18 O John Kersey, extra fine, fol. 1 1 Thomas Ki/ligrew, Poet, fol. • • • John La Motte, Mo. Henry Lawes, Music. Svo. • 1 1 Edward Lord Littleton, sold by R. Peake, fol. Thomas Mace, Music, extra fine, fol. ••••Ill John Milton, Poet, 4to. 10 6 Henry Earl of Monmouth, fol. 5 Sir Francis Moore, fol. 7 6 Henry Moore, D. D. fol. I 1.1 6 Thomas Morton, Bp. of Durham, 4to.«» 10 6 John Murcot, Presbyter, very fine, Mo. • • Sir William Noy, fine, 8vo. 7 6 John Ogilby, Poet, fol. 5 Mary Princess of Orange, sold by R. Peake, M William Oughtred, jetat S3, 12mo. •••• 15 Hugh Peters, wh. len. fine, 4to. 110 Catherine Philips, Poetess, fol. •• 5 John Pordage, Theol. 4to. 5 John Prideaux, Bp. of Worcester, 12mo. 10 6 Carew Reynell, Armiger, fol. James Duke of Richmond, sold by Peake, fol. Francis Rous, Provost of Eton, fol. Maria Ruten Lady Vandyck, fol. 15 Lucy Sacheverell, wh. len. l2mo. • • • • • • 15 Sir William Sanderson, very fine, fol. • • 1 1 Christopher Simpson, Music, ext. fine, 4to. Ill 6 do. two different of, 8vo. 10 6 Thomas Stanley, Poet, very fine, fol.» •••015 Jeremy Taylor, Bp. of Downe, wh. len. very fine, 4 to. 1 1 Sir Henry Vane, oval of foliage, Mo.» • • • Tobias Venner, M. D. *4to. •■'•-•■« 1 11 f» Sir Francis Vere, Horace Lord Verc, and Sir John Ogle, extra fine James Usher, A bp. of Armagh, 4to.« •••010 6 do. sm. 4to. 10 JohnWallis, S.T.I). 4to. 10 6 George Rodolph Wcckcrlin, Poet, extra fine, sm. Mo. Bulstrode Whdelockc, a tat 71, fol Francis Glisson, M. D. actat 80, 4to. •• 1 William Gouge, S. S. 4to Valentine Greatrakcs, the Stroker, Mo. •• John Hacket, Bishop of Lichfield, fol. 7 6 James Marquis of Hamilton, sold by Peake, fol. Sir James Harrington, fol. • 15 Lady Katherine Harrington, fol. 15 The solemn Mock Procession of the Popes, Cardinals, Jesuits, &c. through the City of London, Nov. 17, 1680, sheet 1 U G A true Narrative of the Horrid Hellish Popish Plot, representing, in 24 copartments, the Mur- der of Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, and other memorable Transactions of that Time, on two sheets •••• .............to,.,,., o 2 $ G 22 CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. FJE11IOD V. Pek. V. Cla. I. The REIGN of CHARLES II. £. s. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILY. Charles II. Rex. oval, 4to. ''J. Becket 7 do. with his Queen, fol. mez. A.Blootelingl 11 do. in Armour, la. h. sht. • .J. Chantry ' do.. • • *id. id. Van Dalen' 1 do. fol- E. le Davis do Drevet do. tok. len. sitting, after Lely, sh. mez. Faber do. View of Whitehall* • • • Gay wood do. Gucht do. when Prince, before the engraver's name, l2mo. • • Glover do. 4 to. Hertochs do. fol. Van Hove do. 8vo Id. do. 4to. • Lisebetius do. when Prince of Wales Hollar do. 'with his Queen, octagons T. v. Merlen, ex. 1 5 do. fol. Picart S do. la. fol. L. Spirinx,l664 do. after Vanden Hecke ••F. v. Steen I 2 2 1 11 7 2 Several Others, no Engravers Names. do. Departure from Scheve- ling, 1660 Danckerts S do id. Philippe O 5 do. id. extra fine-»"V. H. Schut Catheiine, of Portugal, Queen do. mez Blooteling 7 do. V. Berghe 2 do. as Queen Dowager, 4to. 10 Henrietta, Daughter of Chas. I. Audran 5 do. 4to.....t ..Mellan 7 do. after Wissing, mez. •••• VandervaartO 7 6 2 6 do. on Horseback, View of London, h. sh. Anonym. 15 do. ietat 19, at Jersey • • • • Id. 7 6 do. id. two different, 12mo. Id. 7 6 do. sitting on his Throne • • Id. 5 do. from the Theatrum Tra- Id. 3 6 Id. 2 6 do with his Queen, sm. ovals Id. 8 6 do. from Heath's^Chronicle Id. 3 6 do. his Marriage and Coro- Id. 5 do. and Col. Carless under Id. 2 6 15 Per. V. Cla. II. £. * Charles Lewis Count Palatine") Bernard 7 etching, fol. J 1657 J do. fol. P. de Jode do. head only, sin. 4to.« • • • J. Payne Prince Rupert, oval, la. h. sht. Blooteling do. -Chambars do. 12mo Hollar do. • do. fol. H. Snyers do. in Clarendon, Svo.. • • • Elizabeth, Daughter of Fre- derick V. .Queboren do. Svo Id. CLASS II. PEERS. 2 3 3 3 2 5 10 1 5 1 1 1 5 3 2 3 3 1 5 3 1 1 1 5 1 5 2 6 Henry Earl of St. Albans, pf. Gardiner do. Godfrey George Duke of Albemarle • »B. Audran do. Svo. Chantry do. fol. E. le Davis do. 4 to R. Gay wood do. fol. • • • Stent, exc. do. 8vo»* *»«* M.v. Gucht do. with his Duchess, w. len. Stent, exc. Archibald Marquis of Argyle M.v. Gucht do. Harding Lord James Beauclerc, and ) his Brother Charles, > Blooteling 1 Earl of Burford ) George Earl of Bristol, 1. p.. »Houbraken do. when Lord Digby, 8vo. ■ Robert Lord Brooke, fol. • • • • G. Valck William Viscount Brouncker Harding do. with Charles II. and Lord Bacon Hollar Charles Earl of Carlisle, fol.. .Blooteling Edward Earl of Clarendon ..Bouttats do. fol. Burghers do, proof • Gardiner do. Harding do. fol. mez.. ••.Johnson do. 8vo. G.White Charles Earl Derby, very fine Blooteling 1 Arthur Earl of Essex, very fine E. Lutterel Thomas Lord Fairfax M. v. Gucht do. 1. p. Houbraken do. 8vo. Hulett 2 6 do. on Horseback, fol. ••• .Marshall do. 4to. Moncornet,e4*. 7 6 do. etching, oval .R„ Streater l i o CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. S3 Per. V. Cla.III. £. s. d. Thomas Lord Fairfax, from the Theatrum TragicumAnonym. 3 6 do. oval, in Armour, tod. cut Id. Thomas Lord Grey, mez. • • • • A. Browne, ex. John Duke of Lauderdale, first address, mez. J. Becket 110 do. 1. p. Uoubraken 5 do. very fine, fol. G. Valck 111 Alexander Earl of Leven, from Ricraft, 12mo. 010 6 Edward Earl of Manchester . .M. v. Gucht 2 6 do. from Ricraft, 12mo. • • 10 6 Henry Earl of Monmouth ••Harding 1 6 William Duke of Newcastle • »P. Clou wet 3 6 do. 12mo. Hollar 7 6 do. in Clarendon, Svo. • • 2 do. toith his Family, after Diepenbeke, fol. • • Clouivet Mountjoy, Earl of Newport. -Hollar 15 do. copied from Droeshout 2 6 Charles Earl of Newport, mez. V. Green 7 6 Henry Duke of Norfolk, fine proof, mez. Blooteling Dudley Lord North Harding 2 6 Charles Lord North and Grey Id. 2 6 do. M.v.GuchtO 2 Algernoon Earl of Northum. Houbraken 5 do. J. Payne 10 6 George Earl of Norwich • • • *M.v. Gucht 2 Heneage Earl of Nottingham, •wh. len. White 2 Roger Earl of Orrery, Svo. • .Harding 2 6 do. J. Mynde 3 6 Thomas Earl of Ossory, foK« • Ravenet 2 6 Philip Earl of Pembroke, fol. Lombart S 6 do. • • T.WorlidgeO 5 Charles Earl of Plymouth ..Smith, cxc. 5 John Earl of Rochester ••• -Gardiner 5 do. Harding 1 " 6 William Lord Russel, 1. p. ••Houbraken 5 William Earl of Salisbury .-Hollar 15 Edward Earl of Sandwich, fine Blooteling 1 11 6 William Vise. Say and Seale- .Harding 16 do. from Clarendon 16 Francis Lord Seymour Piatt 2 6 Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury Blooteling do. l.p Houbraken 5 do. in Gwillim, wh. len. •• 3 Thomas Earl of Southampton Gardiner 2 do. proof Id. 3 6 do. from Clarendon 2 Mildmay Earl of Westmoreland Hollar 10 6 Francis Lord Willoughby- •• • Harding,ea'c. 2 John Marquis of Winchester Adam 2 6 CLASS III. GENTRY. Sir Thomas Armstrong* •• John Ashburnham, Esq. • Edward Blackwell, Aid. sh. • • 1 Sir Hugh Carlwright, set. 60 Vorsicrman 4 • Savage Harding 5 2 6 11 6 Per. V. Cla. IV. £. s. d Sir Nicholas Crispe, wh. len. Cromek 5 Leonard Gammon Generosus • • Sir Thomas Herbert, etching S. Pickard 5 John Hervey, of Ickworth,mez.Tompson 1 1 William Lenthall, etching ..Paul 3 Sir John Lowther, fine, mez. A.Browne 1 1 Sir Charles Lyttleton Tomkins 2 Sir William Morice Houbraken 3 Sir John Moore, Lord Mayor of London, fol. mez M'Ardell do. the copy Clamp 2 Sir Edward Nicholas, fol.. • ..Hertochs 15 do. in Clarendon 2 Sir Thomas Nott, copy..-.-. 2 Sir John Percival, Bt. 8vo.mez. Faber 15 George Percival, Svo. mez. ••Id. 15 Sir Philip Percival, Bart.. • •• Id. 15 Robert Percival, Svo. mez. • • Id. 15 Sir William Portman Harding o 2 The Raxolinson Family, five! ovals, including Nicholas > Nutting Monk, Bp. Hereford, A to. ) Robert Rawlinson, Esq. 12mo. Id. 5 Sir Adrian Scrope Piatt 2 Giles Strangeways •••• • Clamp 2 John Thurlow, Sec. Houbraken 3 do. with Hugh Peters, &c. Sherwin 7 Sir Henry Vane Houbraken 3 do. from Clarendon 2 Sir John Webster T. Matham 1 1 1 CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. John Cosin, Bp. of Durham W. Dolle 2 John Gauden, Bp. Worcester T. Cross 10 George Morley, Bishop of Winchester, fol. mez. • -R. Tompson,c^. Oliver Plunket, Bp. of Armagh R. Collin 7 Edward Rainbow, Bp. Carlisle Sturt 15 Robert Sanderson, Bp. Lincoln W. Dolle 2 Gilbert Sheldon, Abp. of Cant. fol. mez. do. « • • »proof Gardiner 3 do. Clamp 2 Richard Stearne, Abp. of York Harding 2 Jeremiah Taylor, Bp. Downe P. Lombart 3 do.-... fol. Id. 2 do.» • • • wh. len. 12mo. » • • • 1 Brian Walton, Bp. of Chester Lombart 1 1 John Wilkins, Bp. of Chester Blooteling 10 do.---.8vo Sturt 1 Matthew Wren, Bp. of Ely. - A. V. Assen 2 do. ... • 4to G. v. Gucht 7 CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy George Alsop, anonymous ..W. Sherwin 10 6 Isaac Ambrose, Presb. fol.» • •• 7 6 William Benn, M. A Caldwall 2 6 24 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. V. Cla.V. £. s. William Bridge, A. M. Caldwall do. Hobnes do. W. SherwinO do. altered plate Id. Edmund Calamy, B. D Caldwall do. four verses, 12mo...»». Rich. Carpenter, Priest, 12mo. T. Cross I do. 2 of, with variation, 8vo. Marshall 1 Joseph Caryl, M. A. Caldwall Meric Casaubon, fol. • • • • • »Gunst Stephen Charnock, B. D. • • • • Caldwell Samuel Clarke Tringham John Dutton, Svo. Van Hove Philip Evan, Jesuit, very fine* «A. Voet 1 William Evats, B. D. fol.* • . -T. Cross Samuel Fairclough, A. M. • • • •Caldwall William Falkner, D. D. • • • • J. Start John Fenwick, Jesuit, fine «»M. Bouche 1 Mark Franck, S. T. P. /we, fol. W. Dolle John Gavan, Jesuit, 8vo.« »• .Bouche John Goodwin, Presb. 4to. ••Glover do. • • • •Richardson,ex. Thomas Goodwin, D< D. • • • .Caldwall George Griffith, M.A. a drawing Thomas Harcourt, Jesuit,/?ie M. Bouche 1 Adam Samuel Hartman ••••Harding George Hughes, B. D. Caldwall James Janeway, M. A. very fine Henry Jessey, Presb. Caldwall do. the original portrait, 8vo. William Ireland, Jesuit, fine C.v.Merlenl 1 Hansard Knollis, V. D. M. aetat, 03 •••• • Van Hove do.. • • .aetat. 67, Svo Nicholas Lockyer, A. M. 4to. P. Stent, ex. I 2 5 5 7 2 3 1 1 1 2 10 2 S 7 1 1 5 2 S 1 I 10 7 d. 6 6 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Richard Love, D. D. etching Tyson Thomas Mocket, M. A. 12mo. Cross James Nalton, Presb. Chantry O John Newton, very fine, 4to.« • 1 John Owen, D. D. Caldwall Thomas Pickering, Benedict Thomas Powell, Presbyter ••Drapentier Francis Roberts, A.M. Svo.»»T. Cross Henry Scudder, B.D.I 2mo. W. SherwinO Thomas Spademan Caldwall JohnTrapp, A. M. aet. 53, fine Gay wood do. aetat. 59, 1 660, id. la. 4to. Anthony Turner, Jesuit • • • »C.v. Merlen Ralph Venning, M.A. .Hollar 7 15 1 5 5 10 1 1 2 7 5 5 5 2 7 10 10 5 CLASS V. LAWYERS. \ Sir Mathew Hale, la. fol. mez.T. Jordan 15 do. Vertue 2 6 David Jenkins, 12mo. Marshall 5 do. six English verses, 12mo. 3 6 William Prynne, Jurisc ••••Hollar 10 6 . do. from Clarendon 2 "Oliver St. John, etching ... .Paul 036 Edward Waterhouse,, Svo. ..Hertocks 3 6 Per. V. Cla, VI. VII. £. s. d. CLASS VI. MILITARY. Nathaniel Fiennes, Col. • • • »M. v. GuchtO 2 6 Charles Fleetwood, Gen. 1. p. Houbraken 5 John Lambert, Gen. Bannerman 3 6 do. 1. p. Houbraken 5 do. oval, fol. mez. ........ F. Place William Penn, Admiral •••• 5 Sir Edward Sprague, Admiral, mez. 111 6 Sir William Waller, 12mo. ..Hollar 15 do. etching, after Rotter- mondt, 4to. •»• Woodburne, ex. 7 6 CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. John Archer, M. D. 8vo. ••Anonym. 16 Thomas Binning, aetat 55 «... Id. 050 Joseph Blagrave, Astrologer, aetat 72, 8vo. Id. 7 6 Jacob Bobart, wh. len. in the Botanical Garden, Oxon. Id 15 Richard Braithwaite, aetat 43 Marshall 7 6 Alexander Brome, Poet, 8vo. Hertocks 3 6 Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. .-Trotter I 6 do. fol. 2 6 Samuel Butler, Poet, 12mo. Nixon 5 do. proof, fol. mez. Lely, pinx 1 1 do. 12mo. J. v. GuchtO 1 6 Sir Aston Cockain, Poet, the original print, Svo. .... Lancelot Coelson, Astrolog. Dunstall 7 6 do. 12mo. Anonym. 10 6 Henry Coley Philomath, 12mo. 5 do. Signs of the Zodiac • • Id. 3 6 do. 1633, fine, 12mo. .... Id. 7 6 Abraham Cowley, proof ••••Hall 2 6 do. aetat suae 13, 1633, 12mo. Ill 6 Sir John Denham, proof* • • .Collver 2 6 Sir Kenelm Digby Houbraken 3 6 do. 4to. Larmessin 3 do. 8vo. 2 6 Theoph. de Garencieres, M.D. Dolle 7 6 James Alban Ghibbes, M.D.. .P. Clouwet 15 Francis Glisson, M.D. 4to. ..Dolle 3 6 do.. . . . 12mo. 1 6 James Harrington, Pol. fol.. «M. v.Gucht 5 do....« mez. Marchi 5 Richard Head, Hibern. 8vo.« • 5 John Heydon, Alchym. 12mo. T. Cross 7 6 do. a bust, 1664, 8 vo. • • • »W. Sherwin 10 6 do. in an oval of laurel, Svo. 15 Nathaniel High more, M. D. • *A. Blooteling do. small head, 1651, fol.. . 10 6 Thomas Hobbes, Philos.l2mo. Vaughan 2 6 do.« • • • sm. 8vo. 1 6 James Howell, 1645, fine, 4to. Marshall 7 6 do. wh. len. ••..*. Mellan $r Bosse 5 do. with the arms Id. 5 Robert Johnson, M.D. Svo.. • 2 CATALOGUE OF Pro V fr A VTT r ERi V. LLA. V ll< x> s. u . Thomas Killegrew, Poet 4to. 1 11 6 do. in the Habit of a Pit- grimy fol. mez. 2 Edward Leigh, M. A. fol. • • • - Chantry 5 William Lilly, Astrolog. 4to. Marshall 7 6 Sir William Lower, Poet, oval, 12 wo. 5 1 6 do. octagon, fine, fol. 5 do. Thane, exc. 2 6 John Mayne, Arithmet. 8vo. Mai low 10 6 10 6 2 6 John Middleton, Philomath, 8vo. 7 6 John Milton, Poet, 4 plates,! in different stages of > Cipriani 15 3 3 6 1 1 o 6 tlo. 2 others, 1 profile • • • • Id. 5 do. original drawing, fine • • Id. 15 7 6 and several ditto in chalk • • • • Id. 3 6 Stephen Mcnteage, 4to. • •••£. le Davis 1 6 Robert Monteith, very fine, fol. R. Lochon 1 1 Sir Jonas Moore, Mathemat, 12mo. 5 Sylvanus Morgan, aetat 41, fol. Gaywood 7 6 John Norton, setat 12, 8vo.. .Sherwin 15 John Ogilby, Poet, a bust, 8vo. Barlow 5 15 7 6 o 3 John Price, R. A. Anglo Bri- 15 1 John Quarles, oval, very fine, 1 1 Vv'iliam Ramesey, M. D. very 15 do. a bust, ictat 24, 1G50, 1 1 o 6 o iy Richard Saunders, Astrolog. 15 5 Q 2 6 William Sermon, M. D. extra 1 5 1 James Shirley, Poet, a bust, Svo. 7?. Gaywood 15 2 6 o 6 3 6| PORTRAITS. 25 1 ER. V. tLA. Vill. j? oD • s. A f*. Algernon Sidney, in chiaro o 6 do. in armour, 4to. mez. • • 1 1 1 6 William Somner, Antiq. 8vo. Burghers 5 Sir Robert Stapylton, Poet, fine, fol. Lombart 7 6 s 6 Matthew Stephenson, Poet ••Richardson, cxc. 2 C Samuel Sturmy, Navigat. fine, 7 G JohnTatham, Poet, 8vo. - Vaughan exc. 2 6 George Thomson, M. D. 8vo. Sherwin Robert Thornton, M. D. Walker 2 6 o Robert Turner, Med. 1664, fine, Svo. Anonym. 15 15 Sir Edward Walker, writing, fol. Id. 7 6 o C Sir John Wharton, octagon, 12mo. 3 6 o 6 Tobias Whitaker, M. D. 12mo. Chantry 1 1 1 6 10 6* Bulstrode Whitelocke, fol. »»Hulsbergh 1 1 6 Thomas Willis, M. D. 4to. ».Diodati o 6 Vincent Wing, Astron. fol. • «T. Cross 15 George Withers, Poet, 4to. • • Delaram do. in a hat, fol. J. Payne 1 n « o 6 CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, &c, Samuel Botley, S. H. W. Svo. o 6 Alex. Browne, Engraver, fol. A. deJode 5 Edward Cocker, W.M. act. 28, 10 6 2 6 2 5 3 Francis Corbctta V. Berg he 3 Abraham Van Diepenbeke • " Pontius o 6 Claude le Fevre, with Hayls* •Cbarhbars o 6 3 John Gamble, Music, fol.* •• «T. Cross Sir Balthazar Gerbier Chambars o 6 2 6 5 Rembrandt Cerritsen Van o 7 6 5 5 5 Christopher Gibbons, Music, ( 'aid wall o Q John Greeohill with Caspars Barjnerniaii o 2 o John Grifficr — See Zoust below o 6 5 do. • • • •fol. VandycVf p> o 5 6 H CATALOGUE 01 £. s. R. Gay wood O 10 6 » 1Q. U o Ipse 15 lu. u 1 c\ 6 • Drapentier 1 fl 1 Chambars a z 6 C.WaumansO 2 6 Becket 7 6 • ue joue u O vaicK u 1 u 6 v^aiavvan u o % a . nuoaes u o Bannerman o 6 JjcCKCC U 7 6 » i 1 . JJa\ id u Bannerman T Crnss J. • v_> i Cod 7 6 7 6 Grignion 2 0. Bannerman 3 Ipse 10 6 Edelinck 7 6 Caldwall 2 Bannerman 2 6 26 .Per. V. Cla. IX. James Hodder, W. M. •••••• do. • • • «six lines, 12mo. • • • « Wenceslaus Hollar, oval, proof, sm. 4to. do. in a square, very fine, 4to William Hopkins, S. H. W. fine, 12 mo. Cornelius Janssen do * Sir Peter Lely, fol. mez. do. • • • ^Ia. fol. do.» • • • 4to. mez. Matthew Lock, Music William Mason, S.H.W.12mo. Peter Vander Meulen do. • • . • fol. mez. Gaspar Netscher, his Wife, &c. sh. Edward Pierce, Sen. and Jun. Thomas Shelton, S. H. W. fine do. six verses, very small, id, Christopher Simpson, Music Robert Streater Warner Vaillant, 4to. mez. • • Jean Varin, Medalist John Wilson, Music. Gerard Zoust withGriffier, &c. CLASS IX. First-Subdivision. — Ladies. Anne Duchess of Albemarle Richardson Lady Mary Armyne, 12mo. • - Van Hove Anne Countess of Bedford • •Lombart — Lady Blount Scheneker Elizabeth Lady Brooke, 8vo. Anne Countess of Chesterfield, wh. len. sh. Gunst Elizabeth Countess of Chester- field, proof, mez. ••••••Becket Constanlia Lady Colerane • • Richardson Brook Lady D'enham -»•••• Le Goux Charlotte Ctss. of Derby, proof Gardiner Dorothy Lady Grey, fine proof fol. mez, Tompson,m\ Lady Mary Jolliffe Richardson,?* Anne Lady Lyttleton Harding Rachael Countess Middlesex* •Lombart Catharine Countess Newburgh Lommelin Margaret Duchess Newcastle, wb. len. P.v.Schuppcn 1 do. wh. len. sitting under a Canopy Id. l Elizabeth Countess Northum- berland, very fine, mez. Becket 1 do. • . . .mez. id. Bro\vne,e\*r.O do. with an Orange Tree, mez. id. Id. do..... mez. T.Watson do proof Id. o ex. 2 6 5 2 6 o 5 o o 6 1 1 ex. 2 6 2 6 3 6 1 1 15 15 7 3 11 6 11 6 6 o o 6 10 6 Per.V. Cla. IX. £» s. d. Essex Countess of Nottingham, fine, mez • Browne,e*c.O 15 do. proof, mez. Vandervaartl 1 Amelia Countess Ossory, mez. T. Watson 7 6 Anne Countess of Pembroke and Dorset Harding 16 do. Mazell 3 6 do. Richardson,^. 2 6 Penelope Countess Pembroke Lombart 3 6 do. inscribed Countess Wilton Hollar 1 11 6 Catherine Southwell, Lady Perceval, mez. Faber Catherine Usher, Lady Per- ceval, mez. Id. Frances Countess of Portland, very f ine, mez. • • • A. Browne, ex. Mary Duchess of Richmond* • Hollar Henrietta Countess Rochester, proof, mez. • • • • • T. Watson Countess Shrewsbury Classens 15 15 15 10 6 10 6 S 6 Harvey Ctss. of Stamford, mez. Becket 15 do.. • • »4 to. mez. R.Tompsonejr. 15 Dorothy Ctss. of Sunderland Lombart 3 6 Anne Countess of Sussex, fol. P. Clouwet 5 Mary Lady Vere, 12mo. • • • «Van Hove r 5 do. • • • •proof Thane, exc. 3 6 Trevor Lady Warner, 8vo. • «P.v.Schuppen 10 6 Mary Countess of Warwick • 'Harding 1 6 Lady Whitmore, proof T. Watson 10 3 Lady Williams, wh. len. la. mez Becket 1 1 Anne Duchess York, fine, 8vo. Lombart 1 1 do. fol. Simmoneau 2 Isabella, Daughter of James Duke of York, mez. ••A.Browne 7 6 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Katherine Clarke, 12mo. ••• .Van Hove 050 The Children of Mr. Cooke of Norfolk, wh, len. fol. mez. do. sm. 4to. mez. Vincent 7 6 Elizabeth Cromwell, Wife of the Protector,- 1664, 12wo... do. the copy Thane, exc. 2 6 Mary Davis, Actress, fine, fol. mez. Tom pson ex.l 11 6 do. 4to. mez. .......... G. Valck Mary Fielding, Wife of Rob. J. Becket 15 Elizabeth Harvey, fol. Hollar 1 1 o Margaret Hewse or Hughes, mez. Williams 15 Mrs. Knight kneeling to a Cru- cifix, mez. Faber 10 6 Jane Long, Actress, mez.» • • •Tompsone.r.O 15 Jane Middleton, mez.- ••••»• Id. 15 Susannah Perwich Richardson,?*. 2 6 Dorothy Rawlins, WifeofThos.A.vr.Does Philadephia Saunders, mez. • 'Browne, ex* 15 Mrs. Vaillant, mez. ....... «W. Vaillant 15 Per.V. Cla. X. CLASS X. REMARKABLE CHARACTERS. Jack Adams • •••• • •• 'Thane, exc. 2 Anna Mac Allame, 1662, 4to. 5 Barbara Van Beck of the Ursle- rins of Augsburg, sm.fol. R. Garwood William Bedloe, Capt. fol. • • 0*5 Thomas Blood, Col. la. 4to. mez. G.White 15 Mary Carleton, the German Princess, 8vo. Chantry 1 1 Stephen College, executed l6SlRichardson,e.r. 2 CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. 27 £. s. d. ! Per. V. Cla. X. s. d. Mary Davis, of Laughall, near Chester, fol. mez. • in Q Jacob Hall, Rope Dancer, fol. P. de Brune JefFery Hudson, Dwarf Richardson,e#. 2 6 Henry Jenkins, of Yorkshire, 6 setat. 169, very fine Worlidge 15 Josiah Keeling Richardson,e#. 2 6 Richard Penderill, of Boscobel R. Houston 5 do. his Tomb in St. Giles's J. T. Smith 2 William Penderill, in the 1 Oak, from the rare ori- f „, ,. _ ginal, by M. Burghers, > Woodburne,«.10 6 fol ) Thomas Venner, executed 1660 12mo. 7 6 DAVID lOGGAI, Fine Impressions. £. s. d. Richard Allestry, S. S. F. fol 10 6 Archibald Earl of Argyle, fol. Thomas Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln, fol. 15 do. proof before his decease Isaac Barrow, S. T. P. fol 5 do..«..8vo. 2 6 Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells, fol. Richard Baxter, Piesb. fol. 7 6 Edward Benlowes, Poet, small oval, with several Views of St. Pauls, sh Ill 6 Joseph Blagrave and John Palmer, small heads in a title, 4to. 15 Sir Henry Blount, Traveller, 1679, fol... Noah Bridges, Writing Master, 12mo. • • 1 1 Alexander Brome, Poet, 8vo^ 10 6 Charles II. Star and Garter, fol. 15 do. oval, in armour, fol. 15 do. on his throne, with Abp. Sheldon,") Lord Clarendon, and the Duke of > Albemarle, 4to. j Walter Charleton, M.D. 8vo. 3 6 John Cockshutt Generosus, fol. 15 Thomas Fuller, D. D. fol. • ' Francis Lord Guildford, Lord Keeper, la. sh. Peter Gunning, Bishop of Ely, la. h. sh. Henry Hibbeit, D. D. fol 1 1 William Hides Generosus, fol. William Holder, S. T. P. fol 1 11 6 s. d, John Goodhand Holt, over his head ttoo withered branches of cypress, 8vo. • • Arthur Jackson, first and second states of the plate, 4to. * 1 11 6 Sir Thomas Isham de Lamport, old im- pression, la. h. sh. • • • Peter Mews, Bishop o f Winchester, la.h. sh. Henry Moore, S.T. D. fol. 5 Titus Oates, oval, fol 10 6 James Duke of Ormond, 1. h. sh. do. 8vo. 3 6 John Pearson, Bishop of Chester, fol. • • 1 1 John Playford, Music. 8vo. 5 Edward Reynolds, Bishop of Norwich, fol. 7 6 William Sancroft, Abp. of Cant. la. h. sh. 10 6 Thomas Sanders de Ircton, proof, fol.» • • • do. fine old impression John Sparrow, Amator Jacob Behmen, la. 4to. Robert Stafford de Bradfield in Com Berks, 1 before the name of Loggari, la. h. sh. J do. proof, before the crest over the coat I of arms was finished • } Sir Greville Verney, K.B. fol. JohnWallis, S. T. P. foL 15 Seth Ward, Bishop of Salisbury, la. h. sh. Edward Waterhouse, Juris, fol. 15 O George Wharton, Poet, £etat 46, 8vo. . • 10 6 Thomas Willis, M.D. 4to. 7 O 23 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS PETER VAIBREBAIC, Sir Thomas Allen, Admiral, sh. Archibald Earl of Argyle, la. fol. •••• 1 1 Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. 8vo. 3 Sir John Cotton Bruce, after Kneller, sh. Sir Edmund Bury Godfrey, sh. 1 11 do. fol. • 1 1 James II. after Kneller, sh. 10 Thomas Lamplugh, Abp. of York, la. h. sht. Richard Lord Maitland, Earl of Lauderdale, •when Lord Maitland, la. fa. sh. Charlotte Countess of Litchfield, la. fol. • • Sir George Mackenzie, fol. O 15 John Earl of Marr, la. fol. 1 11 Queen Mary, after Kneller, sh. 7 John Mayow, M. D. 8vo. • 3 John Earl of Melfort, cetat 34, 1683, fol. James Duke of Monmouth, sh. Alexander Earl of Murray, sh. William Lord Russel, la. h. sht. John Smith, Writing Master, fol. 10 Sir William Temple, 1. h. sh. 1 11 Thomas Tenison, Abp. of ^ant. 1. h. sh. 1 11 JohnTillotson, Abp. of Cant. fol. o 5 George Walker, Governor of London- dery, la. h. sh. 1 1 Edmund Waller, Poet, aetat suae 23, 8vo. 5 do. aetat. suae 76, 8vo. 5 William III. after Wissing, sh. 7 Robert Earl of Yarmouth, sh. 10 Mary Duchess of York, wh. len. sh. • • • • 7 J. PERIOD VI. REIGNS of JAMES II. and WILLIAM III. Per. VI. Cla. I. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILIES. James II. Rex, mez. Becket 5 do. when Duke of York, id. Browne, ex. 15 do. *id. la. ha. sh. • • C. v. Dalen do. fol. .Gunst 3 do. from the Orlean's Gallery Mige 7 do. 4to.**«*« Thomassin 3 do. fol. G. Vertue 3 do. on Horseback, 4to. •••• 5 do. a portrait in miniature* •Luttrell Mary Beatrix, of Este, fol.»»Audran 3 do. when Duchess of York, mez. Blooteling 7 do. oval, fol. mez. 10 do. 4to. mez. 7 William III. Rex. 12 mo. mez. Becket, exc. 5 do. on Horseback, fol Burghers 2 do.* • • «id. • • • • • »mez. • • • .Faber 5 do. sh. R. de Hooghe 5 do. when young, truncheon in his left hand, his right \ resting on an helmet — B jj j^ eman underneath is a view of \j flven f or the Stadthuys, with the ( g cu i s ft ' Prince on Horseback — | ^ 1 very curious and rare, \ sm, sh. • • . . • • * Per. VI. Cla. I. £. s. d t William III. Rex. 8vo. G. Lairesse 2 6 do. equestrian, mez. B. Lens 10 6 do. fol B. Picart 2 6 do. 4to. Id. 2 t> do. fol. DesRochersO 2 6 do. when Prince of Orange, ~\ Pieter ~\ on Horseback— the ori- i Janse A ginal print; copied in\ Inventor. \ ParivaVs Iron Age, ha. f Hend t' sh. remarkably fine and\ Eokcsz \ rare J Sculpsit. J do. wh. len. 4to. mez Smith, cxc. 7 6 do. when Prince of Orange P. Tanje 5 do. id. after Lely, mez.* • • *R.TompsQn,ttr. 5 do. id. a reverse Id. 3 6 do. la. mez. G. Valck 15 do. mez. Id. 7 6 do. and his Queen, 2 pla. mez. Id. 10 6 do. id. 2 plates, la. mez. • •N.Visscher,cr.l 1 do. fol. Vermeulen 2 6 do and Princess of Orange, 12mo. mez. • • • do. ovals, id. Mary II. Consort of William 1 III. when Princess of > Blooteling Orange, mez. ) do. id. Bouttats 7 6 do. wh. len. mez. Faber 5 do. mez. • • • • »Faithorne 7 6 15 10 6 7 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 29 Per. VI. Cla.IL £. Mary II. Consort of William III. 4to. mez. Gole do. sh. Gunst do. her Tomb, la. 4to. mez. Scheiick do. mez. Simon do. when Princess of Orange, 4 to. mez. • »Valck Departure of William III. ^ from Helvoetsluys andf Danckerts ^ his Arrival in England, f ' in 2 copartments, sh« • j do. his Entrance into Lon-S don, with vignettes off the Bishops sent to the >R. de Hooghe Tower, the Birth of the I Pretender, &c. sh. • • J CLASS II. PEERS. Christopher Duke of Albemarle, extra fine, mez. Becket Arthur Earl of Anglesey • . . • Harding.c.r. do. Thane, ex. Archibald Earl of Argyle, fol. Haelwegh do. • • • Harding Henry Earl Arlington, 12mo. Blooteling do. Ja. fol. Houbraken o do. Thane, exc. do. in Guillim, fol. Henry Duke of Beaufort, la. sht. Pi'cart 1 do. his Monument, mez. • «B. Lens, del. William Duke of Bedford* • •Gucht o do. I. p. Houbraken do. very fine, mez. Williams 1 do. on Horseback, proqfi • » - George Earl of Berkeley • • • -Bocquet do. Gardiner John Earl of Bridgwater, la. 4to. mez. W. Claret, pinx George Duke of Buckingham, fol. mez. Becket do. wh. len. with his Bro- ther Francis, sh. mez. • •M'Ardell o do. Svo. Patrick Viscount ChaworthJ wh. length Gunst o William Earl of Craven on } Horseback, in Armour, > Anon ym. ha. sht. « J do. in Guillim, fol. Id. Thomas Viscount Falconberg, la. ha. sht. Blooteling William Duke of Gloucester Houbraken do. with his Nurse, several mez. of, S; see among Smith's Henry Duke of Grafton, 4to. inez. Becket 1 do. 12mo. mez. Id. Francis Lord Guildford 'Hauling o 7 6 7 6 10 C 2 6 2 G 11 6 7 6 1 6 Per. VI. Cla. III. £. Francis Lord Guildford, 8vo. George Earl of Halifax, 1. p. Houbraken do. Harding, ex.0 George Lord Jcfferies, Baron of Wein, 4to. mez. • • • •E.Cooper,e^l do. taken disguised in Wap- ping, wh. len. ha. sht. • • Richard Earl of Lauderdale ••Harding do. V. Berghe O Patrick Eari of Lucan F. Tilliard James Duke of Monmouth • «V. Berghe do. fol. Blooteling do. • Desrochers do. 12 mo. Van Hove do. on Horseback, etching, ha. sht. T. Rawly ns 1 do. fol. mez. • • • Van. Vaart 1 do. 4to. mez. • • Henry Duke of Newcastle and Family Lisebetten Henry Duke of Norfolk, fine proof, mez. Becket James Duke of Ormond • • • • J. v. Berghe do. Svo. M.v. Gucht do. Svo. G. White Aubrey Earl of Oxford Scheneker John Earl of Radnor Gardiner do. Harding, cx.O Edward Earl of Sandwich, fol. Blooteling 1 do. Svo. Frederick Duke of Schomberg, sheet S. Gribelin 1 do. the reduced plate Id. do. 1. p. • Houbraken Anthony Earl of Shaftesbury, when Lord Ashley, mez. R. Tompson 1 Richard Duke of Tvrconnel • .Gardiner Henry Earl of Warrington ..Harding Edward Earl of Warwick. • • 'Richardson, ex. Philip Lord Wharton, 12mo. Hollar Charles Marquis of Worcester, head only, mez. Williams CLASS HI. GENTRY. Peter Bedford, Lieutenant \ Governor, and Com- 8 mander in Chief of Ja- \ J. Murphy maiea, wh. len. p.p. sh\ mez. J James Bon nel J. Nutting o Sir Richard Bulstrodc, obit. ictat 101 Harding Benjamin Hewling, retat 22 • • Sir Leoline Jenkins, fol. • • • • G. v. Gucht Sir John Moore, Lord Mat/or, ) 16'82, sitting in a chair, > J. M'Ardell extra fine, fol. mez • • • « j Sir Henry Morgan, 12mo. • • • .Van Hove do. wh. len. original drawing George Petty, m'cz. ........ Williams I 10 5 1 1 o 10 6 1 10 6 4 30 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. VI. Cla. IV. £. s. el. Eramus Smithy Mercat. Lond. 1 of Edmond thorp, and his > G. White Lady, extra fine, mez. • • ) CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. The Seven Bishops, la. fol. • • Drapenticr 7 do. la. 4 to S. Gribelin 7 G do. fol 5 do. mez. Oliver, ere.' 7 6 do. 4 to. mez. 5 Ezekiei Hopkins, Bishop of Derry, 8vo. Gucht 2 do. J. Sturt 2 Thomas Philip Howard, Car- dinal, la. fol Noblin 15 do. sht. Poilly 1 1 1 John Pearson, Bp. of Chester W. Elder O 2 do. fol. Van Hove 2 William Sancroft, Abp. of Cant. 8vo. Elder 2 .Edward Stillingfleet, Bp. of Worcester, ha. sht. • • • • Blooteling 15 do. 8vo J. Hall 2 John Tillotson, Abp. of Cant. la. fol. Blooteling 10 do. G. v. Gucht 1 do. sitting, fol.. M. v. Gucht 5 do. la. p. Houbraken 5 do. 12mo. Nixon 3 do. mez J. Simon 5 0/ 6 6 6 CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy Bonaventura Baron, setat 52, Kilian 1 1 1 C William Bates, D. D. Caldwali 2 J. Sturt 1 G Richard Baxter, Presb. Caldwali 2 M. v. Gucht 1 Spilsbury 7 6 John Bunyan, Lay Preacher, 3 J. Sturt 1 Richard Busby, Preb. West. • 'J.Watson 7 6 Benjamin Calamy, D. D. inO scribed Henri/ Finch, > Drapentier 10 6 Dean of York, la. fol.j Thomas Cole, etching, scull 15 Thomas Comber, Dean of Dur- Lumley 1 1 2 6 Francis Couplet, Chinese, \vh. Fabcr 5 Thcophilus Dorrington, 8vo. Bouttats 2 6 Per. VI. Cla. V. VI. William Dyer, Presb 12mo. Anonym. Clement Ellis, setat 68, 8vo. Id. Henry Finch, seeBenj. Calamy JohnFlavel, M. A. .Caldwali do.* Dolle do. • Gucht Richard Gilpin, M. A. Caldwali Dionysius Granville, Dean of Durham, 4to. Edelinck Thomas Jacomb, D. D. Caldwali Stephen Jay, vrh. len. praying, 8vo. William Jenkin, M. A. Binder Silvester Jenks, ait at 38, 1604, 12;;?fl. J.le Pouter (^Benjamin Keach, Anabapt.Svo. Drapentier do. 4to Id. do. setat 42, 1682, Svo. . • John Kcttlewell, Svo. M.v.GuchtO Timothy Marilove, Svo. •••• Id. John March, B. D. Svo. -...Sturt Matthew Mead, Presb. 8vo.- -Nutting o Henry More, D. D. Svo. - - • .Gucht Lodowick Mugglcton, Enthu. G.v.CasseelO do. la. Ato. mez. Nicholas Pearson, Svo. Van I love Edward Petre, Jesuit, and the Devil, xv h. len. Edward Pococke, D. D. fol. . «F. M. 1c Cave £. s. d. u 5 5 2 1 6 o 6 o 6. 7 6 o 6 o 6 2 6 David Primerosc, Minister of } the French Church, Lond. > Anonym. 1 sin. fol. • j Timothy Rogers, 4to. mez. ••R. Williams Samuel Shaw, M. A. Caldwali Richard Sherlock, D. D. Svo. Gucht Matthew Sylvester, Presb... ... Id. John Todd, A.M. act. 25, 1691, fol. - • Drapentier George Walker, Gov. of Lon- donderry, mez. Schcnck Thomas Warren, M. A. -...Caldwali Thomas Watson, M.A. ....Sturt Ant. Sanderus, S. T. L. Svo. • •Harrewyn CLASS V. LAWYERS. 7 6 15 11 G 7 6 2 6 2 6 2 15 O 5 2 6 7 6 7 6 The Bishop's Counsel — Sir Francis Pemberton, &c. )> R. Williams 15 4to. mez. Sir John Maynard^/nw* Lijsons 3 6 Sir Bartholomew Shower, fol. Nutting 3 C Sir John Trenchard, la. mez. f 1 10 For several others see Portraits by R. White, Sfc. CLASS VI. MILITARY. Edward Ludlow, Pari. Gen. do. his original commission on be in is appointed Lieut. Gen. 1 4th Jul?/, 1 659j signed by the Speaker Lent hall . . CATALOGUE OF v PORTRAITS Per. VI. Cla.VII. X. s. d. Thomas Sanders de Ireton • •Richardson, est. 2 6 Thomas Tollemache, Gen. 1. p. Houbraken 4 For the rest see Portraits by Vandrebanc, % J. Smith and Loggan. CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. Elias Ashmole, Antiquar. and see Fait homes Richardson, ex. William Atkins. Gout Doctor Van Hove John Aubrey, F. R. S. 8vo. . .V Gucht Ed-a>. Benlowes, Poet, etch. toi. Bartow do. wh. Ien. fol. • •••• Id. do. copy Richardson, ex. Robert Boyle, Philos. fol. Baron do. • • • •mez. Faber do.«»-mez. Schenck do.. • • .Svo. • do. illust. head, fol. Francis Bugg, 8vo. Van Hove John Case, Med. and Astro!. !2mo. Id. do. in a sexangular frame, 12mo. Robert Chamberlaine, Aiith. Binncman Sir Henry Chauncy, Antiq. fine, fol. J. Savage 1 Daniel Cohval, etching, fol... John Dryden, Poet, la. h. sh. S. Coignard do.» • • -la.h. sh. Edelinck do....«4to. mez. Faithorne, jun do. id. Id. do.« • • c Svo. Gunst do. • • • .sin. mez. do..... Svo. de Leeuw do.« • • 'proof •■ J. K. Sherwin do. with Vv ycherley, Prior and Pope, mez. Kyte Thomas Flatman, Poet Godefroy do. Walker John Gadbury, Astrolog. very fine, fol. T. Cross 1 do. 12mo. Id. Gideon Harvey, M.D. Frosne do. 12mo. Hertochs do. la. 4to. .Philippe W. shervvin 2 Edward Hatton, Arithmet. • John Hopkins, Poet, 8vo George Jones, Med. 4to.« Charles Leigh, M. D. fol.. • • • J. Savage William Leybourn, Mathemat. Gay wood do. Gucht do. cctat 30, 4to. Henry Maydman of Ports- mouth, Svo. Van Hove William Molyneux, Mathemat. P. .Simms Francis Moore, Astro!. 8vo.« «Urapentier Sir Samuel Morland, very fine, fol. P. Lombart do. oval. 12 mo. Uichard Morton, M. D. Svo. Elder o • «Van Hove • • Drapentier o 10 10 10 6 10 6 Per. VI. C la. VIII. £. Joseph Moxon,Mathem. 12mo. Van Hove do. 4to. • • • • John Moyle, Surgeon, 12mo. Thomas Ot way, Poet, proof* • Hall do. Houbraken do. fol. mez. Lely,pz«# Sir John Pettus, extra fine, fol. W . Sherwin 1 Sir William Petty, M.D.F.R.S. la. 4 to. . . E. Sandys 1 Leonard Plukenett, M.D. 4to. R. Collin Sir Paul Rycaut, Svo J. Savage, Svo M. v. Gucht Sir Charles Scarborough, M.D. Id, Thomas Shadwell, Poet, proof, mez. W. Faithorne, jun. do. a bust, 12mo. S. Gribelin Thomas Sydenham, M.D. • • « • Blooteling do. Houbraken John Taylor, Mathemat. Svo. Van Hove Sir William Temple, I. p. -.Houbraken Edmund Waller, Poet, proof Caldwall do. astat 76, Svo. William Winstanly, Poet • -Richardson, cr. do. a bust, Svo. Van Hove Anthony Wood, M. A. Burghers William Wood, Archer, aet. S2 Clamp CLASS VIII. ARTISTS. William Addy, S. H. W. Svo. J. Sturt Peter Vander Banck, or Van- drebanc, Engra. proof, mez. G.White Isaac Becket, with Robert White, Src. 'Bannerman William Child, Music. Caldwall Caius Gabriel Gibber Bannerman William Eider, Engraver, Svo. J. Nutting William Faithorne, Engraver Bannerman Godfrey Finger, Music. 4to • «S. Gribelin Richard Gibson the Dwarf, with Anne his Wife • • • • A. Walker Richard Gomeldon, Music, 4to. Faithorne, jun. Joseph Harris, Actor Harding Warner Hasscll, Painter, mez. P. Schenck 1 Abraham Hondius Chambars Francis Le Pipre with Van Diest .Bannerman Daniel Marot, Architect, fol. .) . Gole Michael Mohun, Actor E.I larding, jun Jean Bapt. Monoycr Chambars do. mez. • • G. W hite • do.« • p •fine proof Id. do.» •• •original drawing •• Id. l Daniel My tens Bannerman do. Pontius do. with the name of Isaac Id. John Petitot with Torrentius, &c. Bannerman Francis Place with W. Lodge, &:c. •-•« Id. SI 5. d. 1 (3 2 6 S 6 2 6 S 6 7 6 1 1 5 S 6 7 G 2 2 s 15 S 3 32 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. VI. Cla.IX. «£. s. John Piayford, Music, 8vo. • 'Van Hove 2 do. aetat 40, 1663, 8vo.. • •• 2 Henry Purcell, Music. Gardiner 1 John Riley, Painter, with Eg- bert Hemskirk Bannerman 2 Peter Roestraten Id. 2 Joseph Roettiers, Medalist, sh. Vermeulen 10 John Seddon, W. M.fine, fol. J. Sturt 7 Abraham Simon with his Bro- ther Thomas, sin. ovals* • 5 do. 4to. mez. Blooteling o 10 Jean van Son, or Zoon . . . . • •Bannerman 2 William Talman, Architect . • Id. 2 David Teniers, Jun. P. dc Jode 3 Richard Thompson, Engraver, la. Ato. mez. extra fine • »F. Place Henry Tilson Chambars 2 William Van deVclde, 4to. ..Sibelius 2 Eleazar Wigan, W. M. 4to. • - J. Sturt 5 William Wissing A. Walker 2 Thomas Wyck and John Wyck Bannerman 2 John Wyck, mez. Faber 3 CLASS IX. First Subdivision — Ladies. Lady Bucknell, mez. J. Bccket 15 Elizabeth Countess of Claren- don, wh. len. Faber 5 Elizabeth Coun. Devonshire P. Lombart 3 Mary Countess of Essex, wh. . len. mez. Faber 5 Eliz. Washington, Lady Fer- rers, 12mo. J. Chantry 15 do. the retouched impression 2 Jane Lane, Lady Fisher, 8vo. Vertue 2 do. on Horseback with Chas. II. Gucht 3 Lady Grace Gethin, 4 to. mez. Faithorne, ju. 15 do. on her Death Bed 10 Alicia Lady Lisle, very small head, with other Sufferers Anonym. 5 Jlortcnse Duchess of Mazarine, ha. sht. G. Yalck do. Svo. P. Lombart 15 do. as Pomona, la. mez. J. W atson 7 Catherine Countess Middleton F. Place 1 1 Lady Middleton, wh. len. mez ••••Faber 5. Catherine Dering, Lady Per- cival, mez. Id. 15 Countess ofRanelagh, wh. len. mez. Id. 5 Frances Duchess of Richmond Rivers 2 do. proof T. Watson 10 Mary Lady Ilooke, mez. •••• Faithorne, jun. 5 Dorothy Countess Shaft cs- ) bury, when Lady Ash- >R.Tompson 1 1 I ley, very fine. ) Ann Countess of Southesk ..Classens' 3 Mary Kirk, Lady Vernon* • • ♦Schenekcr 2 Per. VI. Cla. IX. X. £. s. Mary Kirk, Lady Vernon • • • • Worlidge 2 Henrietta Maria, Lady Went- worth Richardson, ex. 2 Dorothy Countess of West- moreland, 4to. mez. ••••J. Becket 10 Jane Lady Wharton, wh. len. Gunst 3 Anne Marchioness Wharton R. Earlom 7 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Madam Baker, 4to. mez.» •• -J. Becket 1 1 Mary Beale and her Son Chas. Chambars 2 6 Mary Grimston, wh. len. fine J. Becket 1 1 Eleanor Gwynn, mez. P. v. Bleeck 7 6 do. and her txvo Sons, fine, mez. R. Tompson,e.rc. do. ha.sh. G. Valck do. an etching, 4tq, 15 Anne Killigrew, Poetess, la. 4to. mez J. Becket 10 6 do. • • • »sm. 4to. mez. •••• Id. 15 do. • • • «la. 4 to. mez. Blooteling 15 do. Chambars 2 Madam Knatchbull, 4to. mez. Smith, exc. 15 Rachel Paule, etching, p.p. 4to.E. B. Gulston 7 6 Madam Plowden, mez. FaithorneJun.lO 6 Mrs. Scroop, wh. len. mez. ••Faber 5 Mary Smith — See Eras. Smith, Class III. Madam Soams, mez. Becket 5 Anne Warner, 4to. mez. ••••Schenck 7 CLASS X. PHENOMENA, Sec. William Aldridge, aged 112 3 6 Squire of Alsatia Tempest, exc. 5 John Bigg the Dinton Hermit R. L. 2 6 Hans Billing, Mountebank ••Tempest 5 Joseph Clarke, Posture Master Id. 5 Colly Molly Puff Id. 5 Mrs. Creswell, Procuress .... Id. 5 O. Cromwell's Porter Id. 5 Dutch Woman, Rope Dancer Id. 5 Frater Mendicans Id. 5 William Fuller, ictat 32, Svo. Id. 5 Poor Jack Id. 5 John Kelsey, Quaker Id. 5 Hugh Masscy, the Merry Fidler Id. 5 Ann Mills, the London Beggar Id. 5 ■ Philips, Merry Andrew Id. 5 The Quakers* Meeting, ha* sht. Hemskirk, p. 10 6 Rachael of Covtnt Garden, the London Quaker Tempest 5 Mrs. Russel, Courtezan Id. 5 Seyley, Chilli. Sweeper Id. 5 Kate Smith, Merry Milk Maid Id. 5 Roger Teasdell & Mrs. Parker Id. 5 John Wormbergh, Swiss Dwarff J. Gole 15 do wh. len. etching, Svo. 7 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 33 ROBERT WHITE. £. s. d. Mordecai Abbot, Esq. SVo. 3 6 Robert Earl of Aiiesbury, fol. •••••••• Q 2 6 Charles Duke of St. Albans, and his Brother, wh. len. fol. 3 6 Anonymous head of a Nobleman, laced cravat, coat of arms, 8vo. 110 Sir William Ashurst, la. ha. sh. JohnAshlon, Gent. fol. 7 6 Godart Earl of Athlone, la. h. sh. 3 6 John Aylmer, Bishop of London, 8vo.« • 3 6 John Ayres, W. M. fol. 5 Thomas Barlow, Bishop of Lincoln, 8vo. 5 William Bates, D. D. fol. 5 t Richard Baxter, very fine, fol. • • 7 6 do. aetat 62, 1677, fol. 2 6 Charles Lord Beauclaire, Earl of Burford, and his Brother, wh. len. • • 3 6 Joseph Beaumont, S.T. P. fol. 5 William Bedloe, Capt. Svo. 7 .6 ApharaBehn, 12mo.«- 2 John Lord Belasyse, fol. 5 l ive Bishops, Martyrs, la. h. sh. 10 6 John Blow, Music, fine, fol. 7 6 Anne Bolen, Queen, fol. 2 6 Robert Boyle, 8vo. 2 6 Sir Orlando Bridgemao, fine, fol. 5 John Brown, Chirurgus, 8vo. 3 6 do. aetat 35, 1677, Svo. 3 6 do. aetat 54, 1696, fol. 3 6 George Buchanan, Poet, fol. 3 George Duke of Buckingham, fol. •••• 2 6 John Bunvan, Jine, 12mo. 5 William Burkit, A. M. fol. ... • 026 Thomas Burnet, LL.D. fol. 3 6 Ezekias Burton, S. T. P. Svo. 2 6 Richard Busby, S. T. P. la. h. sh. 10 6 Edmund Calamy, B. D. Svo. 2 6 William Camden, aetat 58, 4to. 3 6 Joseph Caryl, M. A. fine, fol. 7 6 do.. • • • Svo. 3 Catherine of Arragon, fol. 3 Charles I. Rex. sh. 3 6 do..... fol. 2 6 Stephen Charnock, B. D. fol. 3 6 Walter Chetwynd, Esq. 1691, la. h. sh.** David Clarkson, B.D. fol. 10 6 William Cockburn, M. D. 12mo. 3 William Cole, Med. Svo. 2 Henry Colev, Philomath, fine, 8vo....« 5 Jeremy Collier, A. M. fol. o 2 6 John Collings, S.T. P. 4to. 5 Daniel Colwal, Armiger 5 James Cooke, Med. aetat 64, 8 vo, 2 6 do. aetat 71, Svo. 2 6 Sir John Cotton, 1699, 4to. 7 6 Sir Robert Cotton Bruce, fol. Samuel Cradock, B. D. fol. Thomas Cranmer, Abp. fol Thomas Doolittlc, aetat 51, 12mo. ... Bryan Duppa, Bp. of Winchester, 12 mo Edward IV. Rex, fol Edward VI. Rex, fol. John Edwards, S. T. P. 8vo. Queen Elizabeth, fol. George Ent, Med. Svo. Thomas Earl of Essex, fol. Thomas Viscount Falconberg, fol. • • • John Fryer, M. D. fol. Samuel Gilbert, PhiloMusus,rcr;/ fine,S\o do. the cut plate, 12mo. Thomas Goodwin, S. T. P. fine, fol. Thomas Gouge, M.A. Svo. Lady Jane Gray, fol. Neliemiah Grew, M.D. fol. James Duke of Hamilton, fol. William Duke of Hamilton, fol. Edward Matton, aetat 32, 4to. Samuel Haworth, M.D. 12mo. Henry VIII. Rex, fol. Henry Prince of Wale% Svo. George Herbert, Preb. 12mo. •• Peter Heylyn, S. T. P. fol. George Hicks, S.T. P. 1683, fol. Denzil Baron Holies of Ifield, Svo. ...» Sir John Holt, L. C. J. la. h. sh. Robert Home, Bishop of Winchester, inscribed Stephen Gardiner, fol. •• Anthony Horneck, D.D. Svo. Sir John lloskins, P.R. S. dust in a niche, said to he by ~F ait home and White, Mo Sir Robert Howard, Poet, fol. John How, V. D. M. 8vo. William Hunt, aetat 28. Svo. James I. Rex. 8vo. James II. Rex. fol. Robert Johnson, aetat 44, Svo. The Lords Justices of Englaid, in seven ovals, sh. Daniel Kenrick, Med. 4to. The Kentish Petitioners, five ovals, sh. • • Edmund King, M. D. la. h. sh. Robert Knox, Capt. 1695, fol. Charles John Lord KoningSffidvk* Assassin, very fine, la. h, sh. Sir Bibye and Mary Lake, 1694 William Laud, Abp. fol , Thomas, Duke of Leeds, la. h. sh. froger L'Estrange, aetat 63, la h. sh. do. fol. • • • • Sir Richard Levett, Lord Mavor, la. h. sh. K £. s. d. Q o 5 . r> o o r\ o q ► u o o (i n n u o A U a ~ n o 5 u o Q yj a Q o o G n w 2 6 n \j 7 , 1 1 1 o o 5 o yj 7 Q o Q o a Q \j Q O 3 6 3 6 o I 5 3 6 o 2 Q 2 6 o 2 6 o 3 G o 10 G o 2 G o 10 G o 2 G 2 6 3 o 6 o 6 2 5 2 5 15 10 G 10 6 10 3 5 10 2 15 S4 -CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS* ROBERT WHITE, Sir Creswell Levinz, Judge, fol. • 5 William Leybourn, aetat 64 2 6 John Lightfoot, S. T. P. fol. 10 6 Susanna Temple, Ladie Thornhurst, Ladic Lister, folio £ ■ \ Sir Martin Lister, Knt. l626,/o/. Edward Lord Littleton, fol. 7 6 Sir Edmund Lutwyche, fol. 5 Thomas Lyster Philomath, 8vo. O 5 Thomas Manton, D. D. 4to. 5 do. 8vo. •••• 2 Venter Mandey, Mathemat. 8vo. 3 6 Mary I. Queen, fol. 2 6 Mary II. 8vo. 1 6 Increase Mather, aetat 49, 1688, 8vo. ••0 5 Everard Maynwaring, M.D. fine, 4to. •• 5 Matthew Mead, Presb. 8vo. 3 G George Earl of Melvil, fol. 15 Francis Missone, 12mo. »••• 3 6 John Moore, Bp. of Norwich, la. h. sh.. • 110 do. altered inscription 15 Sir Thomas More, fol. 2 6 Robert Morison, Herbalist, fol 15 Richard Morton, M. D. 8vo. 2 6 John Duke of Newcastle, la. h. sh. •»•• 15 do. sold by J. King 7 6 Heneage Earl of Nottingham, la. h.sh.« • 1 1 1 6 John Overall, Bishop of Norwich, 4to. • • 2 6 William Outram, S.T. P. 8vo. 5 John Owen, D. D. fol. 3 6 do. Svo. 2 Sir Geoffrey Palmer, fol. 2 6 Matthew Parker, Abp. Canterbury, fol. 2 6 John Partridge, Astrol. Svo. 3 6 do. aetat 35, 12mo. 3 6 Simon Patrick, S. T. P. 8vo. 2 6 Edward Pearse, Presb. 1 2mo. *....o 3 6 Samuel Pepys, fine, Svo. » • • • 3 6 Joseph Perkins, A. B. 8vo. 2 6 James Earl of Perth, French inscription, fol. Sir John Pettus, fol. 10 6 William Petyt, fine, fol. 1 1 I John Piggot, V. D. M. 8vo. 2 6 | Matthew Pole, Theol. fol. 5 Reginald Cardinal Pole, fol. • 2 6 Miles Prance, Jnformer, fol. •. 5 Henry Purcell, Music, aetat 24, fol. «... 5 do. aetat 37, fol. 3 6 Sir George Rawdon, aetat 63, Svo. 7 6 £. s. d. John Rawlet, B. D. 8vo. 2 6 Edward Reynolds, Bp. "Norwich, Svo. • • 5 Nicholas Ridley, Bp. London, fol. 0, %. 6 John Earl of Rochester, la. h. slit. do. Svo. • ..... 2 6 Sir Paul Rycaut, fol. 2 6 William Salmon, Med. fol. 2 6 do. 1700,/?«?, Svo. 3 6 William Sancroft, Abp. Cant. 4to. 2 6 Robert Sanderson, Bp. Lincoln, Svo. • • 2 6 John Scott, S. T. P. 8vo. 1 6 Kenneth Earl of Seafort, fol. 10 6 John Selden, Jurisc. fol. 3 John Sharpe, Abp. York, la. h. sht. .... 7 6 John Shower, Presb. Svo. 3 Samuel Slater, Presb. fol. • 3 6 Andrew Snape, aetat 38, l682, fol. .... 3 6 Edward Duke of Somerset, fol. 2 6 Sir John Sommers, Lord Keeper, 1. h. sh. 3 6 Edward Stillingfleet, Bp. fine, Svo. .... 3 6 Thomas Earl of Strafford, fol. 3 Thomas Tenison, Abp. Cant. ha. sht. •• 15 Thomas Thynne of Longleat, fol. John Tillotson, Abp. Cant. 8vo. 2 6 do. aetat 64, 1694, 12mo. 2 6 do. M. Beale pinx. 12mo. 2 6 Sir George Treby, Judge, la. h. sht. .... 7 6 Edmund Trench, Presb. fine, Svo. ...... 5 Sir Thomas Trevor, Judge, la. h. sh. • • • • 7 6 Thomas Tryon, Mercat. Lond. 12mo. •• 5 Anthony Tuckney, D. D. fine 7 6 Sir James Turner, in Armour, fol. •••• 15 Sir John Vaughan, Judge, fol. 3 Nathaniel Vincent, fine, Svo. 5 Thomas Wadsworth, M. A. very fine, Svo. 10 6 William Walwyn, Pharmac. 12mo. .... o 3 6 Sir Edward Ward, Judge, la. h. sh. • • • • 7 6 Sir Philip Warwick, 8vo. 3 6 Mary Countess of Warwick, 8vo. 5 Thomas Weston, W. M.fine, fol. 1 1 Benjamin Whichcot, D. D. Svo. l 6 John Wilkins, Bishop of Chester, Svo... 1 6 Thomas Willis, M. D Svo. 2 6 Charles Marquis of Winchester, fol.*«*« 3 6 Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, fol 2 q Benjamin Woodroffe, S. T. P. fol. 5 Sir Nathan Wright, Lord Keeper, la. h. sh. 5 Mary Duchess of York, Svo. 2 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 35 PERIOD) Til. REIGN of QUEEN ANNE and GEORGE I. Per. VII. Cla. I. II. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILIES. Queen Anne, when Princess, 4to. mez. See several among J. Smith' 's. George Prince Denmark, me do. 4to. mez. do. sht. George I. Rex. ■ do. do. do. wh. len. on his Return to England, 1716 do. do. with the Prince and Pss. of Wales, mez. Earnest Augustus, Duke of York, mez. George William, second Son to George Prince of Wales, in a cradle, 4 to. mez. • • • CLASS II. PEERS. Charles Duke of St. Albans } — Sec Lord James Beau- f clerc, Per. V. Cla. II. ( and among White's • • • • j Arnold Earl of Albemarle, mez. Schenck 5 Godart Earl of Athlone, fol.. -Picart 3 6 do. mez. Schenck 10 6 Wriothesley Duke of Bedford, when Lord Russell, mez. J. Bec/cet John Duke Buckingham, when Earl of Mulgrave, me.r. Id. do. Hall 1 6 do. Harding, cx.O 2 William Earl of Cadogan, mez. Simon o 7 6 John Earl of Carberry, mez. Faber 3 6 Henry Lord Carlcton Houbraken 3 6 Roger Earl of Castlemaine ••Harding 1 6 do. kissing the Pope's Toe, fol. « A,, v. Westerhout 10 6 Philip Earl of Chesterfield . .T. WorlidgeO 3 Blooteling, ex. 1 5 Gunst 5 Simon 7 r G Becket 10 6 E. Cooper, ex. 7 6 Gunst Bickham 3 6 Chereau 7 6 Clark 1 6 J. Cole 2 6 Gunst 6 Lockley 3 6 3 6 'Ravenet 1 6 Simon 5 5 10 6 11 6 2 6 10 6 Per. VII. Cla. II. £. s. d. Henry Lord Colerane, oval. me£. very fine 15 do. 2 do. la. fol. Faithorne £, Vertue 3 Charles Lord Cornwallis, mez. Faber 3 Thomas Earl Coventry, mez. Simon 5 William Earl Cowper, 1707, 4to. mez. Cooper, ex. 5 do. variation ♦•••••••••• • 050 George Earl of Cromartie ••• • Scott, ex. 2 6 John Lord Cutts, Gen. & Poet Harding 1 6 do. in a square, mez. ••••Simon 15 do. oval, mez. Williams Henry Earl of Deloraine, mez. Faithorne 7 6 James Earl of Derwentwater, 12mo. 3 6 William Duke of Devonshire, very fine, mez. Becket 1 do. 12mo. Clark do. 4to. « S. Gribelin do. and Chas. Earl of Dorset from the Lord's Justices White Charles Earl of Dorset, mez. Faber do. Cochin, fils. Algernoon Earl of Essex, mez. Faber Lewis Earl of Feversham, mez. Becket Henry Earl of Galway, mez. Simon * Sidney Earl of Godolphin* • • • Houbraken Charles Earl of Halifax, proof Drevet 1 do. mez. • • • . • Faber do. 8vo. Gucht do. .Harding James Duke of Hamilton, 8vo. Gucht do. fighting with Lord Mohun Simon Viscount Harcourt. mez. Simon Evelyn Duke of Kingston, id. Faber Thomas Duke of Leeds, when Earl of Danby, fol. ••••Blooteling i l J. Faber, 1723 not in Bromley, fol. mez.S Charles Cecil, wh. len. fine, mez. Lens 10 Sir Charles Cotterel, aetat 72 Williams 1 11 James Craggs, Secretary, 12mo. G. King 3 Richard Cromwell, Protector, proof Gardiner 3 do. id. Harding 3 do. Hollar 7 do. .Stent, exc. do. in the print with Desbo- roug/i and Lambert len. wood cut .... Edmund Dunch, M. P Faber Robert Fielding, Col. extra fine, fol- mex. J. Becket do. in a square, fol. mez. Id. 7 6 Per. VII. Cla. IV, £. s. d. Robert Fielding, after Kneller, proof, mez J. Becket 15 do. 4to. mez Id. 1 1 do. with the Dog, proof, id. Wissing,p„r. 1 1 1 do. after Lely, mez. Vr. Vaart 10 do. 12mo. Vr. Gucht 2 Andrew Fletcher, M. P. Svo. »E. of BuchanO 2 Sir Stephen Fox, sm. oval, proof, mez. Earlom 10 do. the original portrait, mez. Simon 1 1 1 Tregon well Frampton, mez. • «Faber 7 Sir Samuel Garrard, mez. ..Simon 3 Thomas Hopkins, mez. Faber 3 . Emanuel Scroop Howe, 8vo.«C. Sherwin 2 Philip Lockhart, in Armour, mez. A. Johnston 15 William Mannock (Monox) ..Humphreys 2 Arthur Maynwaring, mez. ••Faber 3 do. mez. Simon 3 John Methuen, mez. Humphreys 2 John Moi/scr, o f Beverley, p. p. mez. Place Grey Neviif, M. P. mez. . • • -G. White 3 Henry Newton, a medallion • »B. Fariat 5 William Penn, fol. J. Hall 7 do. his Treaty with the In- dians, proof Id. Thomas Rowney, M. P. fol. • .J. Green 5 do. p. p. mez. 10 Sir Charles Sedley, Svo. Vr. Gucht 2 Samuel Smith, Son of Eras- ^ tnus, and Madam Smith > G. While his Wife, extra fine, mez) James Thynne, aetat 3, fine Faithorne, jun. 10 William Tunstall, anonymous, 4to. mez. G. White 3 Sir Edmund Tumor, 4to.. .. .Fittier 3 Greville Vernev, mez. R. Williams 3 Edward Winnington Jeffrey es, M. P.p. p. me:. Sympson Thomas Worst 'ey, Esq. proof, sm. Mo. mez. /. Becket CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bisnors. Win. Beveridge, Bp/St. Asaph M. v. Gucht do. 4to. mez. W. Sherwin do. sm. hd. Monument, &rc. Offspring Blackall, Bp. Exon, la. fob Bickham do.. • Svo. Sturt George Bull, Bp. St. David's M. v. Gucht 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 do. 8vo. Gilbert Burnet, Bp. Sarum, fol.Van. Giest 1 do. 4to. Picart Henry Compton, Bp. London J. Becket do. la. h. sh. do. 12mo. • Nathaniel Lord Crew, Bishop of Durham, mez. J. Faber 7 6 o o 2 1 1 5 1 5 10 2 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 37 £. s. d. Per. VII. Cla. IV. Sir William Dawes, Abp. of York, Svo. S. Gribelin 3 do. sitting, la. b. sh. Vr. Gucht 5 James Gardiner, Bp. Lincoln, la. h.sb. G. White 15 Charles Hickman, Bishop of Derry S. Gribelin 3 George Hooper, Bp. Bath and Wells, mez. G. White 5 John Moore, Bp. Norwich mez.Faithorne, j tin. 15 John Sharp, Abp. York, fine, mez. E. Cooper, exc. 15 do. small wood cut before his life 5 William Sheridan, Bishop of Kilmore, mez. Sherwin 3 Thomas Sprat, Bp. Rochester Gucht 2 Thomas Tenison, Abp. Cant. 4to. mez. E. Cooper, exc. 7 Charles Trimnell, Bishop of Winchester, mez. J. Faber 1 1 do. when Bp. Norwich, mez. Id. ill Edward Wetenhall, Bishop of Norwich, mez. J.vr.Vaart CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy Henry Aldrich, Dean Caldwall 1 6 Ralph Bathurst, Dean of Wells Walker 5 Ralph Battel, Preb. Worcest, Simon 5 Benjamin Bennet, Presb. 8vo. J. Pine 16 do. 8vo. A.Walker 2 William Carstairs, S. T. P. • -R. Cooper 2 Charles le Cene, fol. F. M. la Cave 5 Matthew Clarke, Presb. 8vo. Pine 2 Archibald Cockburn, 8vo. • • • • G. v. Gucht 2 Jeremiah Collier, M. A. 8vo. Id. 2 6 James D'Aillon de Lude, mez. P. Pclham 7 6 Henry Dodwcll, M.A. 8vo. • »M. v. Gucht 2 Thomas Doolittle, M. A. •• ••Caldwall 2 do.. • • • 12mo. 1 6 Samuel Dunster, M. A. 8vo.» «M. v. Guchto 2 6 Richard Fiddes, D. D. fol. N. Pigne 2 6 Andrew GirTord, Presb. Svo. Trotter Edmond Hickeringill, act. 76 Nutting Francis Higgins, M. A. mez. E. Lutterel 1 Humphrey Hody, M. A. fol. M.v. Gucht John Howe, M. A. Caldwall Lawrence Howell, M. A. fol. Fellowes, p. John Hudson, fine, fol S. Gribelin Obadiah Hughes, D. D. • • • - Caldwall Joseph Hussey, Presb. Svo. mez. Faber Thomas Hyde, D. D. fol. -.Perry Benjamin Ibbot, proof, p. p. mez. John JefTery, D. D. 8vo.. • • »A. Walker Edward Lake, D. D. Svo. ..Gucht Charles Leslie, A. M. Svo. . .J. S. Miller John Nesbitt, Presb. 4to. mez. J. Faber do. fol. mez G. White (i 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3 6 2 6 £. s. d. 2 6 M'Ardell Faber 10 5 M.v. GuchtO 3 G. v. Gucht 1 M.v. GuchtO 3 Gasp.Bouttais Tomp5>on,ei'l 5 Per. VII. Cla. V. Christopher Nesse, Svo. • • • • David Netto, or Nietto Rabbi, mez. Thomas Ncwcomb, la. 4 to. mez. John Newte, Rector of Tiver- ton, Svo Robert Newton, D.D. Svo. •« William Nichols, D.D. fol... Titus Gates, D.D. Tutu Ovat, mez. R. do. in the Pillory, surrounded with portraits of the exe- cuted Jesuits, Turner, Fen- wick, Gavan,Waring, ITar- court, Baker, and Evan, fine, sh. James Osven, Presb. 8vo. Thomas Parnell, proof • • do. - • . .mez. Samuel Pomfret, mez. do.» • • - mez. • John Quick, Presb. fol. John Ray, M. A. Svo. « do. • • . • proof '• Thomas Reynolds,V.D.M. mez. Henry Sacheverell, D. D.« • • • do. do.« • • .mez. John Shower, Presb. 12mo. • • do. ob. 1 7 15, Svo. Francis Tallents, M. A. William Tong, V. D. M. mez. John Wallis, S. T. D. Richard Welton, S. T. P. fol- do.« « • • Svo. Daniel Whitby, S.T. P. fol.. • Jeremiah White, Chaplain to O. Cromwell, Svo. • • • Daniel Williams, D. D.-.. Thomas Wise, D. D. 8vo.« « William Wollaston, mez.»« do. .... bust. • • .do. ..«• Thomas Wood, LL.D. fol. CLASS V. LAWYERS. Sir John Blencowe, 1702, la. ha. sh. W. Sherwin 10 6 Sir Jeffery Gilbert, 1725, mez. J. Faber 7 6 Sir John Holt, ( not in Bromley ) 1 proof, fol. mez. J Sir Coustantiue P/iipps, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, mez. Simon Sir John Turton, 1701, 1. h. sh.W. Sherwin 10 G Sylvester Petyt, Jurisc. extra fine, fol G.White 1 1 do. fine, mez. Id. 10 6 For several other Judges, see Smith, White and Vcrtucs. S. Nicholls 3 • Hall U • Dixon a u • Taylor, exc. 5 () BakewehV*. 3 a. o • Sturt 3 6 • Elder 2 6 Hibbart 3 6 G. White 3 6 Drapentier 6 • M.v. GuchtO 1 6 »A.Johnston 5 M.v. Gucht 2 G 2 Caldwall 2 6 Simon 5 o Cipriani 3 G 5 2 Gucht o 6 > 5 • Caldwall 2 6 •M. v. Gucht 5 3 6 o 6 M. v. Gucht 2 6 3d CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS Per. Vir. Cla. VI. VII. £. s. d. CLASS VI. MILITARY. Jolm Baker, Admiral, mez. ••G. White 7 6 William Dampier, Circumna- vigator, proof J.K.Sherwin 7 6 Thomas Earle, General, mez. Simon 7 6 Sir Richard Haddock, Adm. Faithorne, jun. 5 o Sir John Leake, Adm. mez. Faber 7 6 Edward Polehampton, Col. id. Simon 10 6 Michael Richards, -eery fine, id. Faber 15 Sir George Rooke, Adm. mez. Dahl, p. 15 do. mez. R. Williams 5 Sir Cloudesly Shovel, Adm. mez. Faber 7 6 do. mez. Lens 5 John Tidcomb, General, id. Faber 5 John Richmond Webb, Gen. id. Id. 7 6 Sir James Wishart, Adm mez. Id. 5 CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. Joseph Addison, Poet, proof Bartolozzi 7 6 do. mez. Faber 2 6 do. with Steele, Congreve, and Rowe, mez. Id. 5 do. with Prior, Pope, and Congreve, mez. Simon 5 do. mez. ''Smith, exc. 2 6 do. proof Miller 050 do. id. 12mo. 2 6 Adrian Beverland with his Mistress, mez. « Becket 10 6 do. nvh.len. mez. ........ Id. 10 6 do. mez. P. Schenck 15 Robert Brady, M. D. Harding 2 6 William Briggs, M. D. mez. •• Faber 5 Gabriel Briscoe Sherwin 1 Joseph Browne, M.D. 8vo. Id. 3 Whitlocke Bulstrode, anonym. J. Cole 2 Sir John van Burgh (Vanbrugh) Poet Chambars 2 do. mez. Faber 3 do. mez. Simon 3 Sir John Chardin Gole 2 Walter Charlelon, M. D. 8v*>. P. Lombart 3 Martin Clifford, Poet M.v.GuchtO 2 Robert Cony, M.D. sitting, mez.Faber,l 722 5 do. oval, vert/.fine, id. E. Lutterel,1707 1 1 1 James Drake, M. D. 8vo. . . . .M. v. Gucht 2 John Evelyn, Antiquar. . . . . Bannerman 2 do. ia. 4to. Bartolozzi 5 do. fol. R. Nantueil 7 do. 8vo Worlidge 2 6 Sir Samuel Garth, M. D. proof Cak] wall 2 6* do. mez. Faber 3 6 do. mez. Simon 3 6 Roger Grant, Oculist, fol. • • 7 6 Thomas Greenhill, Surgeon . .J. Nutting 7 6 Richard Gwinnett, Poet, 8vo. G. King 1 6 Per. VII. Cla. VII. £. s. d Ant. Comte Hamilton John Hughes, Poet do. proof •. John Ker, of Kersland, Svo. do. fol. V. Berghe Caldwall Cook J.v. Gucht o Anker Smith M. v. Gucht Jam. Smith J. Sturt Sir Edward King, M. D. mez. Williams William King, LL.D. Svo. J.v. Gucht Gilbert Knowles, 4to. mez. • .Faber Sir Roger L'Estrange, oval, mez. John Locke, Philos. Basire do. mez. J. Faber do. 12 mo. B. Picart do. fine drawing Richardson do.: do. illust. head, 1. p. fol. • William MusgraVe, M. D.- • • Robert Nelson, Armigcr, 8vo Richard Newcourt, fol. ..... Sir Isaac Newton, mez. M'Aidell do. radiated, fol. Bickham do. sitting, mez. J. Faber do. a bust, mez. Id. do. 1. p. fol. Houbraken do. a fine drawing Richardson do. 4to. mez .Simon do. A. Smith do. with Flamstead, Hallcy, and Sanderson, mez. • • • • Faber do. ( not in Bromley ) mez. Robins do. his Monument Fouidrinier William Parsons, 12mo. • • • «S. G ribelin William Pattison, Poet, 8vo.» .J. v Gucht John Philips, Poet, proof* • • • Collyer do. .G. vi Gucht do. fol. - M.v.GuchtO Archibald Pitcaim, M. D. fol. R. Strange Matthew Prior, Poet, mez. .'Faber do. proof • • • • Hall do. small - John Radcliffe, M. D. Fourdrinier Sir William Read, Oculist* •Faithorne, jun do. proof Id. do. the altered plate Id. Nicholas Rowe, Poet Delattre do. mez. Faber do. sra. 4to. mez. William Salmon, Svo. Maurice Shelton, of Birming- ham, Svo. V. Gucht John Sintelaer, Surgeon, Svo. M. v. Gucht Joshua Squire, £etat 25, Svo. Id. George Stepney, Poet, mez- Faber John Tutchin, 4to. M.v.GuchtO John Urry, fol.. • • N. Pigne William Walsh, Poet, mez. ••Faber John Ward, Arithmet. Svo. M.v.GuchtO Joseph W T arder, mez, 8vo. ••Hulsbergh George Wilson, setat 7 8, Svo. M. v. Gucht William Wycherley, Poet, 4to. mez. do. sm. 4to. mez.« 3 1 o 3 10 2 5 o 10 G 6 6 6 1 6 5 15 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 3 6 1 6 1 6 2 6 3 6 ! 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 39 Per. VII. Cla. VIII. £. CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c, Attilius Ariosti, unfin. mez. • •Simon John Ayres, W.M. J. Stqrt J. Baker and Charles Boit* • • •Bamierman John Banister, Music. C.GrignionO do. fine, mez. R. Williams Thomas Bctterton, Actor, mez. Id. do. 8vo. • M v. Gucht Thomas Britton, Musical Small Coal Man, in a square • »T. Johnson 1 do. in an oval, mez. Simon do. in an oval, ( not in Brom- ley J la. ha. sht. mez. • * 1 Edward Cooper, Printseller •• Pelham John Cooper, mez. Faithorne, jun. Simon du Bob & Henry Cooke Bannerman John Dunton, Bookseller, 8vo. M. v. Gucht Charles de la Fosse, fol. • • • «Du Change do. A. Walker Grinlin Gibbons, Sculptor • •Chambars Henry Gyles, Glass Painter, sm. mez F. Place 1 do. the copy Sir Godfrey Kneller, mez* • • «J. Becket do. with J. Zachary Kneller T.Chambars do. mez. J. Faber do. mez. Schenck John Langton, W. M. 4to. • • • • Overton, ex. William Markham, School- master, 8vo. Sir J. Bap. de Medina Chambars Peter de le Moles (Lemoles) Music, etching, 4to. • • • «R. Cooper Robert Moore, W.M. 4to. • • W. Sherwin Thomas Murrav Bannerman Thomas 01yffe,"W. A. Bickham William Penkethman Harding Charles Christ. Reisen, mez.. -G. White Abel Roper, Printer, 8vo. mez. Id. Godfrey Schalcken Chambars do. la. 4to. mez. P. Schenck Anthony Schoonjans (Sevonyans) with Herbert Tuer • • • •Bannerman Bernard Smith, or Smidt* • • -Calchvall Paul Van Somer, with Robert White, &rc. Bannerman John Sybrecht • •■ Chambars Pearce Tempest, wh. len. • • • •Tempest William Van de Velde, jun. • •Chambars Anthony Verrio Bannerman O Anthony W r atteau, wh. len. • 'Tardieu Sir Christopher Wren • • • • • •Bannerman Writing Masters, viz. Clark,") More, Olyffe, Shelly,)- Snell, and Snow, obi. fol. J 5 C 5 2 6 2 7 6 3 C 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 c> S 6 3 6 2 5 7 C Per. VII. Cla. IX. £. CLASS IX. First Subdivision — Ladies. Isabella Ctss. of Arlington, mez. Lely,p. Louisa Ctss. of Berkeley, mez. Faber o 5 o Elizabeth Ctss. of Bridgewater Simon o 5 o Mary Duchess of Buckingham Claessens 2 6 Barbara Duchess of Cleveland V. Berghe 2 6 do. wh. len. mez. A.Browne,f\r. 1 1 O do. id. a reverse Id. 15 do. wh. len. fine, mez. • • • • E.Cooper.er. 1 1 O do. playing on the violenccllo, ?nez. P. Schenck do.» • • .mez.» • R.Tompson,e.r.O 15 do. • • • .mez. • T. Watson 7 «} Mart/ Tudor, Countess Tieraent- } water, -when Lady Ratclife, f xv h. len. in a high head of T ostrich feathers, mez. .... J Catherine Ctss. of Dorchester Becket 10 6 Mary Ctss. of Dorset, wh. len. Faber 5 do. wh. len. Williams 10 6 Elizabeth Ctss. of Essex, in~\ mourning with her son and > daughter, wh. len. mdz.»*j do. Hall 2 6 Elizabeth Ctss. of Exeter. •R.Tompson,ex. 1 11 6 Mary Lady Falconberg, a me- dallion G. King 3 6 Isabella Duchess of Grafton, wh. len. mez. • Faber 5 do. wh. len. mez Lens 10 6 Elizabeth Ctss. of Grammont, fine proof, mez. M'Ardell 15 do. Gardiner 2 6 Gertrude March, of Halifax. .Bartolozzi 3 6 Elizabeth Countess of Lindsey, } with Lady Philadelphia > Gunst 3 6 Wharton, wh. len. .... J Charlotte Ctss. of Litchfield, very fine, 4to. mez. ....Becket 1 11 G Philadelphia Lady Lockhart. .Dunkarton 5 do. proof Id. 10 6 Dodington Ctss. of Manchester Faber 5 Margaret Duchess of Newcastle F. Kyte 10 6 Carey Ctss. of Peterborough Faber 5 Mary Duchess of^ueenshury,sh. L.du Guernier Elizabeth Duchess of Somerset, wh. leu. mez. A. Browne, ex. 1 1 Lucy Loftus, Marchioness of Wharton, mez. R. Tompson 1 1 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Elizabeth Barry, Actress, 4to. 2 Elizabeth Burnet, 8vo. 16 Susanna Ccnllivrc, Poetess •• P. Pelham 7 6 40 Per. VII. Cla.X. £. s. d. Elizabeth Cooper, wh. len. with a black, mez. • • • •Faithorne,ju. 7 6 Priscilla Cooper, mez. Pelham 7 6 Jane Deering, mez. C. Townly 5 Mariamne Herbert, la. 4to. mez.Faithorne, ju. 7 6 do. in an oval, anonymous Id. 7 6 Margaret Nichols, mez. Faithorne, ju. 5 Sarah Pridden, alias Sally Salisbury, mez. 010 6 Mary Smith — see Sa?nuel Smith, Class III. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. VII. Cla. X. CLASS X. PHENOMENA, &c } ,oEsop of Eton, small mez. James Bick, Trumpeter, sm. mez Matthew Buckinger, wh. len with a letter written by himself, fol. • • William Crouch, mez. Pelham Henry Evans, aetat 104, 4to. mez. John Gale, alias Dumb Jack, several different portraits, engravings, etchings and mezzotintos Richard Gascoigne, executed John Hall and William Paul, executed 1715, with dying speeches, very fine. John Hardman, Corn Cutter Wilson Faber, &c. Paul, ") their > >ie,sh. j 10 6 Isaac, the Grinner of Oxford, sm. mez. Rev. William Paul, executed, 12mo. Jane Scrimshaw, aet. 126, 4to.mez. do. aet. 127, 4to. mez.« • • • James Sheppard, execut.1718, } oval with Angels, oblong f John Sheppard, executed 1724 G. White do. in irons, vvh. len. etching Thornhill do. manner of his escape, in 11 copartments, fol.«« John Valerius, different etch- ings, performing his feats, 12mo. Jonathan Wild, small oval, in the centre of his atchieve- ments, with his funeral \ ticket, fol. The Funeral Procession of Jona- than Wild, and all the principal thieves who were executed upon his informa- tion, hanging in effig with the names to each, very curious etching, fol. do. and Jack Shepherd, small heads at the top of a sheet John Worley, Greenwich Pen- sioner, 4to. mez. Faber £. s. d. 5 o u e o a u n o ( j \j 5 10 6 15 o 7 a 15 15 10 6 7 6 The Bubler's Mirror, or England's Folly, 2 plates, mi 15 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. il JOHN SMITH. Mezzotint os— Tine Impressions. £. s. d. His own Portrait, holding the head of Kneller 5 / Diana Duchess of St. Albans 3 6 Arnold Earl of Albemarle •••• 5 ^ Henry Aldrich, S. T.P 3 6 William Marquis of Annandale, large oval, after Kneller, sh. • • • • Princess Anne of Denmark • 7 6 do. view of Windsor Castle, proof • 110 do. ... • 4to. 2 6 Queen Anne, 4to. 2 6 Princess Anne, Daughter of George Prince of Wales 2 6 William Anstruther, cet 44, 1694 Godart Earl of Athlone, 1691 5 Henry Comte d'Auverquerk ♦•0 3 6 Isaac Becket, Engraver, very fine 1 ] 1 6 John Marquis of Blandford, vvh. len 5 Henrietta Duchess of Bolton, wh. len. • • 5 Sir John Boxvyer, obit. 1701, proof Dorothy Lady Brandon 7 6 John Earl of Bridgwater, 1700 15 William Bromley, Speaker of the House of Commons • • 5 Madam Elizabeth Brownlowe, wh. len... 15 Lord Buckhurst, and Lady Mary Sackville, wh. len. 3 6 Lady Bucknell, after Kneller. •••• 10 6 John Lord Burleigh, wh. len. 15 Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Sarum, extra fine, h. sh. • • 1 11 6 do. variation in the address 15 do. la. 4to. 10 6 Sir Thomas Bury, L. C. B 5 William Lord Bury, wh. len. 5 Queen Caroline, 4to. 2 6 Mrs. Carter 3 6 Elizabeth Lady Carteret, wh. len. 7 6 Robert Cecil, Esq. 5 William Cecil, Esq. wh. len 7 6 Charles I. Rex. ha. sh 3 6 do.. . . . 4to. -0 3 6 Charles II. Rex. ha. sh. 3 6 do. 4to. 3 6 Charles III. King of Spain 3 6 John Chetwynd of Ingestre, ob. 1702, ast. 59 1 11 6 V Mrs. Sarah Chicheley 3 6 Ladies Henrietta and Anne Churchill, wh. lens. 10 6 Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor, 1080 10 6 £. s. d, Barbara Duchess of Cleveland, 4to. •••• 15 O Richard Lord and Lady Clifford, wh. lens 5 William Congreve, Poet 3 Lady Elizabeth Copley • 3 6 Mrs. Elinor Copley 5 Archangelus Corelli, Music. 3 6 Francis Cornaro, Amb. to Queen Anne, 1706 5 Signora Cosimus, Music 2 6 Sir Robert Cotton of Combermere, ob. 1712, set. 77, proof 1 11 6 Thomas Coulson, Esq. 10 6 William Lord Cowper. 1707 7 6 William Cowper, Chirurgus* 7 6 Sir John Crisp, proof* • 15 Lady Elizabeth Cromwell, wh. len 5 do. ha. sh. 5 Mrs. Cross, Actress, extra fine • • 7 6 do. 1 6 Mitford Crowe, Esq. S 6 William Duke of Cumberland 2 6 Richard Cumberland, Bp. Peterborough 7 Elizabeth Lady Cutis, Baroness of Goxvran, large Mo. Madam Davenant 5 do. • • • "proof 5 William Dolben, ob. 1709, aetat 20 5 Charles Earl of Dorset 5 Lady Mary Douglass, Daughter to James Duke of Queensbury, extra fine- ...111 6 Mary Countess of Essex 3 6 Prince Eugene of Savoy 5 Charles Lord Euston, wh. len. 7 6 John Earl of Exeter 3 6 William Fellows of Eggesford 7 6 Martin Folkes, F. R. S. 1719 15 Edward Fowler, Bishop of Gloucester • • 5 Frederick Prince of Wales 3 6 Frederick William, King of Prussia, ha. sh. 5 do.. • • • 4to. 2 6 John Wenceslaus Count Galas « 5 O Patr. Craufurd of Kilbirny, Vise. Gamock George I. Rex. ha. sh. * 3 6 do. 4to. 2 6 George II. when Prince of Wales, ha sh. 2 6 do. 4to. 2 6 George Prince of Denmark, ha. sh. «... 5 do. in a square, ha. sh. 9 6 do. - • • • 4to. 2 6 do. different, 4to 2 M 42 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. JOHN SMITH. £. s. d. Grinlin Gibbons, Architect • 5 do. with his Lady 5 Thomas Gill, M. D. 5 Thomas Gill, a youth, la. 4to. 5 Sir Richard Gipps 7 6 David Boyle, Earl of Glasgow, large oval, sh. William Duke of Gloucester, ha. sh. • • • • 2 6 do.. • . • 4 to. S 6 do. wh. len. with a shock dog 3 6 do. wh. len. with a flower pot 5 do. with Mr. Benj. Bathurst, wh. len.» • 7 6 Sidney Earl of Godolphin 5 Sir Henry and Lady Mary Goodricke, ovals, extra fine* Isabella Duchess of Grafton ••0 5 do. reclining on her arm, oval 1 1 Mrs. Conway Hacket, wh. len. 3 6 Simon Earl of Haddington, inscribed Simon the Dutch Skipper 1 n 6 Helen Lady Hamilton, Wife of Sir George 15 Mad. Constantia Hare, wh. len.* ...... . 5 Anthony Henley, Esq. •• 5 Edward Lord H inch ingbroke 5 do. before the name of Smith 7 6 Sir William Hodges, Knt and Bart. 1715 15 Abraham Hondius, la. 4to. 3 6 Mrs. Rachel How S 6 Lady Howard, wh. len. 5 do. reclining, oblong 5 Mrs. Hucks, Daughter of Sir Godfrey Kneller, praying o 2 6 do. inscribed St. Agnes 5 do. inscribed St. Catherine 5 Mrs. Arabella Hunt 3 6 James I. Rex. ha. sh. • • 3 6 do.« • • • 4to. 3 6 James II. Rex. ha. sh. 3 6 do. after Largilliers, 4to. 7 6 James Prince of Wales, a child o 3 6 do. and his Sister, wh. len. 5 Ladies Frances and Catherine Jones, wh. lens. •••• • o 7 6 Katherine Queen Dowager, 4to. 15 John Kettlewell, Vicar of Coleshill • • • • o 7 6 Elizabeth Countess of Kildare, 4to Ill 6 Sir Godfrey Kneller 5 Devereux Knightley of Fawsley, Esq. • * o 5 Thomas Knipe, S.T. P. 5 Anne, Wife of Francis Kynnesman .... o 3 6 John Lambert, Esq. Artist 1 l o Anthony Leigh in the Spanish Fryar, wh. len. extra fine 15 Maynhard Duke of Leinster 5 Sir Peter Lely » • ............ o 5 <£. s. d. Madam Loftus, sold by J. Smith 3 6 do. sold by J. Becket 7 6 Grrsell, Ctss. of Marchmont, very fine 10 6 John Duke of Marlborough, 1705, first state, ha. sh. 7 6 do. second state • ......0 3 6 do. with the Garter, ha. sh. 5 do.. • . • 4to. 2 6 Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, ha. sh. • • 5 do..... 4to. 2 6 John Earl of Marr, large oval, after Kneller, sh. • Joseph Marty n of London, Merchant ..010 6 Maria Beatrix, Queen of James II. after Largilliere •••••o 5 do. after Kneller • 5 Mary Queen of William III. oval ha. sh. 3 6 do. in a square, proof, ha. sh. 15 do 4to. ....0 3 6 Thomas Maxwell, Major Gen. 3 6 Michael de Molinos, Quietist, 4to. .... 3 6 Anne Duchess of Monmouth and her two Sons, wh. lens O 7 6 Lady Essex Mostyn, extra fine • • 5 Charles Mountague, afterwards Earl of Halifax, id. 7 6 John Earl of Mulgrave, afterward Duke of Buckingham, oval 15 Charles Napier, General • 3 6 Andre le Nostre 5 James Duke of Ormond 5 Mary Duchess of Ormond, wh. len. • • • • 7 6 V Thomas Earl of Pembroke 10 6 William Penkethman, Comedian, ext. fine 15 Sir John Percival, Bart. 7 6 Sir William Petty, Kt. very fine 10 6 Alexander Pope 3 6 - — — Boyle, Countess of Ranelagh .... 3 6 Christopher Rawlinson, of Lark Hall, Lancashire ••••• 15 William Richards, la. 4to. 5 O Edward Rigby, Capt. 3 6' do. first state, with the name and arms 7 6 John Earl of Rochester* • 15 O Bessy Countess of Rochford ••• 5 Sir George Rooke, Admiral 7 6 Robert Earl of Roxburgh, aetat 19, l6£d, 8vo. • 1 1 Mary Countess of Roxburgh, 4to. 7 6 Catherine Countess of Rutland 5 Henry Sacheverell, S.T. P. extra fine* • • • 7 6 do. "v- O 2 6 Frances Countess of Salisbury • • • o 5 0\/ James Earl of Salisbury, wh. len» • • • • t • o 5 O CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. 4S JOHN SMITH. £. s. Mr. Sansom, ob. 1705 15 Godfrey Schalcken, Artist • • • • 5 Frederick Duke of Schomberg, equestrian 7 James Earl of Seafield and Finlater, large oval, sh. • • • Mrs. Sherard 2 Sir Cloudesly Shovell, after W. de Rijck, extra fine ••• » ••• 1 11 do. 10 Thomas Smith, Bishop of Carlisle 7 Charles Duke of Somerset, after Riley, ha. sht. 1 11 do. after Vandervaart, la. 4to. ...... 1 1 John Lord Sommers, very fine 10 Princess Sophia, ha. sht. 5 do. 4to 2 Sophia Dorothea Queen of Prussia, ha. sh. 5 do. 4to. 2 Edward Southwell, Esq. 5 Sir Robert Southwell 5 Sir Richard Steele 5 Christopher Walter Stockdale 5 William Stukeley, M. D. 3 Sir William Sydenham, of Brympton, in Somerset • 1 1 Thomas Tompion Automatopoeus O 5 Anne Lady Torrington 2 do. proof o 5 Thomas Lord Torrington 5 John Marquis of Tweedale, 1695 10 do. in an ermine robe* ••• • • 15 £. s. d. 3 6 William Vande Velde, jun. •••• Grevil Verney 3 6 Lord and Lady Mary Villiers, wh. lens. • • 3 6 Mrs. Voss, Sir Godfrey Kneller's Mistress 3 6 do. before the alteration 7 6 Humphrey Wanley 5 Mrs. Ann Warner 3 6 Henry Lord de la Mer and Earl of War- rington 1 1 Ed-ward Earl of Warwick and Holland, •wh, len, • • Thomas Marquis of Wharton William III. Rex, after Kneller, ha. sh. • • do. 4 to do. after Wissing, 4to. ••••••• do. after Wissing and Vandervaart, wh. len. do. E. Cooper, exc. ha. sh • • Wilhelmina Charlotta Princess of Wales do. 4to. mez. • William Wissing, Painter Johannes Witt Mercator, 1704, after War* ner Hassell, extra fine Dudley Woodbridge, Esq. 1718 Henry Worster, after Murrey do. Sir Christopher Wren William Wycherley, Poet, la. 4to. • • • • Mrs. Yarborbugh James Duke of York, with the Anchor, proof, la. ha. sht. » * 44 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. PERIOD VIII* REIGN of GEORGE II. Per. VIII. Cla.I. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILY. George II. Rex. 8vo. • • • • do.. • • «4to. mez do. wh. len. fine proof \ sh. do do..... fol. do.. ... ha. sh. do.» • • «la. 4to. do. do. do. Chambars 1 6 J. Cole 2 E. Cooper,e^c. 3 Dickenson 11 6 . Id. 10 6 >Gunst 2 6 . Id. 2 6 • Nixon 2 6 • Pack 2 6 • Tanje 3 6 ■ Worlidge 2 6 Augusta on horseback ... fol. • • • 4to And see among Smith's. Caroline Queen of George II. Faber, Jun. do. when Princess Wales, fol. Gunst do.« « • *wh. len. Ryley do. ... • mez. Vanhaecken Frederick, Son to George Prince of Wales, aetat 9 J. Faber do. ....mez. Id. do. in a square, proof, mez. Id. do. Gerimia do. his children, oblong mez. Faber Princess of Wales, 1738, mez. Id. do. 17S8, mez. Id. do. a child, 1738, obi. mez. Id. Anne Princess of Orange* • • »Endlich do. after Hysing, mez.« • • • Faber do. after P. v. Dyck, mez. Id. do.« » • • 4to. Tanje William Charles Friso, Prince of Orange, mez. Faber do. and Anne his Consort, oblong mez. Id. do. .... fol Houbraken do. • »Tanje do. on horseback, fol. mez. Louisa, Princess, wh. len, mez. Bockman do. * mez. * Faber Caroline, Princess, mez. • » • • do. do.« • • »mez. • Simon James Francis Edward the Pretender do. 4to. mez • Duflos do. Van Schuppen do. two curious satyrical re- lating to his Birth •••••• Clementina Sobieski Princess. Chereau do. Dupuis do. sht. J. Frey 2 6 Per. VIII. Cla. II. Charles James Edward, the young Chevalier Chereau do. sht Edelinck do. fol. Petit do. oblong 4to. • • «T. Scott do. 12mo Henry Benedict, Cardinal of York Pazzi do. Wille CLASS II. PEERS. Thomas Earl of Ailesbury, p. p. F. Harrewynl do. Earl of Ancram, onl Horseback, as shot by an > Highlander at CullodenJ John Duke of Argyle, Aik- man, p. mez. Faber do. Dahl, p. mez Id. Arthur Lord Balmerino, and see Kilmarnock and Lovat Basire John Viscount Barrington • .Richardson,^. James Earl of Berkeley, mez. Faber James Duke of Berwick, 1. sh. P. Drevet Charles Viscount Binning. » • .Gerimia Henry Vise. Bolinbroke, mez. Simon John Earl of Buckingham- shire, wh. len. mez. • • • .Faber do. the reduced plate • • • • Id. Richard Earl Burlington, mez. Id. Charles Earl of Carlisle, mez. Id. George Lord Carpenter, mez. Id. do. small Parr Charles Lord Cathcart, mez. Faber James Duke of Chandos, mez. Simon do. when Earl of Caernarvon Id. Richard Vise. Cobham, mez. Faber William Lord Craven, mez. Id. John Earl of Craufurd, 4to. Worlidge James Earl of Derby, fol. • «G. v. Gucht do. mez. Pelham William Duke of Devonshire Clarke do. mez. Faber William Lord Digby, aetat 82, mez. Id. John Earl of Egmont, fol. mez. Id. do. « • • • 8vo. mez. Id. do. Harding John Fortescue Aland, Lord Fortescue, mez Faber John Earl Gower, mez Id. Charles Duke of Grafton. • • • Id. William Viscount Grimston* - Harding £• f. d. 3 6 10 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 7 6 10 6 11 6 2 6 5 5 1 6 p- 1 6 5 1 11 6 1 6 10 6 10 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 7 6 1 2 1 6 7 6 3 G 3 6 5 15 10 6 2 6 3 6 10 6 ,3 G 10 6 1 6 5 5 3 G 1 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 45 Per. VIII. Cla. II. £. Thomas Earl of Haddington, Harding,ex. do. a drawing William Earl Harrington, mez. Faber do. • • • «mez. • • • do. • • • »mez.. • • John Lord Hervey do. • M. Ford 'Simon T. Cook • Hard in 2: Theophilus Earl Huntingdon Faber William Earl Kilmarnock, 8vo. Basire do. and Lord Balmerino, their execution, sh. ••••Canot Peter Lord King, mez. Faber do. • Harding George Lord Lansdown,12mo. M. v.Gucht do.« • • • 12mo. G. v. Gucht do. • Harding Thomas Earl of Leicester, vvh. len. mez. V.Green I 5 ...... ,^1 arnock, ^ >martie, > Efe, 8V0.3 2 6 Thomas Duke of New- > Faber castle, mez. ) Simon Lord Lovat, wh. len.« .Hogarth 3 do. •••■mez. Simon 7 do. with Lords Kilmarnock Balmerino andCro and Charles Ratcliffe Thomas Earl of Macclesfield fine, mez. Simon Charles Duke of Marlborough W. James Piichard Vise. Molesworth, mez. J. Brooks do. Harding John Duke of Montagu, mez. Faber do. Gardiner do. wh. len. Robert Lord Newport, wh. len. sh. mez. J. Brooks William Lord North and Grey Simon Daniel Earl of Nottingham • • Harding do. ••••!. p. Houbraken Robert Earl of Oxford, mez. Bockman do. • • • •mez. Faber do.« • • • ]. p. Houbraken do. J. C. Philips do.«»»»mez. Simon do.-»..mez. G.White do. addressing the Speaker, Arthur Onslow A.Fogg 10 6 And several curious satyr ical prints referring to his ministry, George Earl of Orkney • • • • Houbraken 3 James Duke of Ormond, mez. Faber 3 do. in armour, oval, mez. • •Faithorne, ju. 7 do, wood cut, before his life 3 Charles Earl of Orrery, 8vo. Baron 2 Edward Earl of Oxford Harding 2 Thomas Earl of Pembroke • • J. v. Schley 2 Henry Earl of Pembroke • • • • Bretherton 2. Charles Earl Peterborough, sh. Gunst 5 do. Harding 1 do. • p. Houbraken 5 do. very fine, mez. • • • Simon 1 Per. VIII. Cla. III. £. s. d. Robert Lord Raymond, oval, mez. Simon do. drawing in colours, fine • .Gardiner 1 Charles Duke Richmond, mez. Faber do. after Vanloo, proof' •'• • Id. Richard Earl Scarborough, mez. Id. do. Hall Richard Vise. Shannon, mez. Faber Charles Duke Somerset, mez. Faber, sen. do. ••••mez. Faber, jun. do. ••••mez Simon John Earl of Stair, mez.» • • •Burford do. ••••mez Faber Thomas Earl of Stratford, mez. Simon Charles Lord Talbot Houbraken George Vise. Torrington, 4to. Faber do. fol. mez. Id. Charles Vise. Townsend, mez. Simon ' Thomas Lord Trevor, fol.» • • • J. Sympson John Viae. Tyrconnel, mez. • .Faber Horatio Lord Walpole, mez. • • Simon do. Harding Philip Duke of Wharton, mez. Id. Spencer Earl Wilmington, mez.Faber do. ••••mez Pelham CLASS III. GENTRY. The six Aldermen, called Bern's Club, proof sh. J. Faber 1 William Aldrich, Lord Mayor of Dublin, mez. J.Brooks James Annesley, who claimed • the title of Earl Anglesea G. Bickham do..... mez. J. Brooks do*»»»«mez. A.Miller do. oval of laurel, 8vo. • • • • Edward Astley, Esq. wh. len. Worlidge John Armstrong, Esq. mez. • .M'Ardell John Barber, Lord Mayor, 4to. do. wh. len. sitting, mez. ••Faber do. with Child, Levett and and Williams, oval. mez. Simon John Prideaux Basset, wh. len. very fine, mez. • Faber Jonathan Belcher, Esq. mez. Id. William Benn, Lord Mayor, 1746, mez. M'Ardell do. • • • • mez. Faber George Caswall, act. 8, etching, 12mo. D.Durand,1731 Francis Child — See Barber above Alexander Chocke, wh. Jen. fine, sh. mez. Faber William Conolly, Speaker, sh. Fourdrinier Sir Samuel Cooke, Lord Mayor of Dublin, fine Faber Thomas Coram, Capt. mez. • •M'Ardell Thomas Coster, M.P. for Bris- tol, sh. mez. very fine ••Faber,1734 1 Sir Robert Salisbury Cotton. «G. White N 1 6 1 2 6 5 5 3 6 3 6 3 6 10 6 3 6 7 6 10 6 5 10 6 3 6 5 10 6 15 5 10 6 7 6 1 10 6 46 CATALOGUE Per. VIII. Cla. III. £. s. Dennis Daly of Ragford in the County of Gal way, 1755, aet. 79$ mez. • • • • A. Miller 15 (not in Bromley ) Charles Dartiquenave, mez.« «Faber 3 James Dawkins with W. Wood Hall 7 William Draper of Beswick. .Faber 5 Thomas Egerton, sm. 4to. • • • «A. v. Assen 2 Humphrey French, the good Lord Mayor, fine, mez. 1 1 1 Luke Gardiner, M. P. mez. •• J. Brooks 7 Samuel Grey, mez. Id. 7 Richard Gwynne of Taliaris, p. p. mez. Faber 1 5 Sir Thomas Hanmer SchiavonettiO 2 Hopton Hay ncs, proof, 4to. ..Nugent 2 Edward Hopkins, M. P. mez. Faber 3 Thomas How, Lord Mayor of Dublin, mez. Brooks 3 William Hucks, M. P. mez. ..Faber 5 John Keeling, Justice, mez.. .M'Ardell 5 John Knight of Gosfield, with ^ Anne his Wife, and f « , T xt c >laber 15 James Ncwsam her Son, C wh. len. mez. ) do. • • • »a proof • • Id. 1 1 John Law, Control. Gen. ••• «G.F. Schmidt 5 do.. . . »Svo. 1 William Lingenof Ireland, mez. Brooks Daniel Locke, mez. M'Ardell 7 John Milner, wh. len. sh. mez. Faber lo Montgomerie, Freemason Vn.HaeckenO 5 John Morley of Halsted, mez. Simon 5 Gerard Van Neck, Mercat. mez. M'Ardell 7 Charles Newby of Yorkshire Faber 3 Sir Michael Newton, sm. mez. Humphrey 2 Nathaniel Oldham, wh. len. • • Faber 7 Humphrey Parsons, Ld. Mayor Id. 7 Henry Pelham, Chancellor of Exchequer, mez. Houston 5 do. and John Roberts, Sec. oblong mez. Id. 5 Philip Percival, 2d son of Sir John, 8vo. mez. Faber 1-5 Stephen Poyntz, 1744, mez.. • Id. 6 Thomas Prior of Dublin, mez. Spooner 10 Charles RatclirTe, 8vo. Basire 1 Christopher Rawlinson, cyphers at the corners, la. 4to. • • 10 do. from the print of the Family, sm. oval Nutting 3 John Rudge, M. P. mez. • • • «Faber 5 Thomas Sadler, etching, 4to. A. Pond 3 Anthony Sayer, Mason, mez. Faber 3 Abraham Stanyan, M. P. • • • • Id. 5 Sir Thomas de Viel, mez. • • • *RyIey 2 Henry Voguel, Mercat. Lond. Faber 3 Sir George Walter, toll. len. 1 as Dulcc Aquitain, very V Faber, 17 30 fine, sh. mez. ........ y Sir .lohn Williams, see Barber OP PORTRAITS. d. Per. VIII. Cla. IV. Sir William Wyndham, mez. Faber do. «... 1. p. • Houbraken do. proof, 8vo. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, la. fol. J. Aberry 4to. B. Wilson do. etching, £. s. d. 5 5 2 5 3 8 10 5 5 2 5 William Wake, Abp. of Cant. M. v. Gucht do. from Guillin, fol. .... Id. do. mez. G. White John VVaugh, Bp. of Carlisle Faber Stephen Weston, Bishop of Exeter, very fine, mez. G. White 10 6 10 7 7 3 2 5 7 CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, mez. Faber, sen. do. 4to. mez. Id. do.-... mez. ..J.Simon George Berkeley, Bp. Cologne Brooks do. " T. Cooke Hugh Boulter, Abp. Armagh T. Beard Samuel Bradford, Bishop of Rochester, wh. len. sm. 4to. 2 Robert Clavering, Bishop of Peterborough, mez. • • • -Simon 7 6 Sir George Fleming, Bishop of Carlisle, mez. ' Faber 5 Edmund Gibson, Bp. London M. v. Gucht 1 6 do....« mez. P. Pelham 7 6 do. and Abp. Laud, parallel between them, oblong 4to. Bonaventurc Giftard, Bishop of Madura, fol. Du Bose 7 6 Sir Thomas Gooch, Bp. of Ely M'Ardell 7 6 Thomns Herring, Abp. Cant. Id. 5 do. la ha. sh. mez. Faber 7 6 do. fol. mez. 5 John Hoadley, Abp. Dublin Faber 7 6 John Hough, Bp. of Worcester, first address, mez • • Faber do. oval, mez. 2 6 Matthew Hutton, Abp. Cant. Faber 5 White Ken net, Bp. of Peter- borough, oval, ex. fine, mez. Faber, Sen. do. wh. len. in the Altar Piece at Whitechapel, fol. Fellowes, p. 7 6 Edward Maurice, Bishop of Ossory, mez. M'Ardell 5 John Potter, Abp. Cant, fine etching, fol. • Wilson 1 1 John Sterne, Bp. of Clogher T. Beard 5 Thomas Strickland, Bishop of Namnr, mez. Faber 7 6 William Talbot, Bp. Durham, ( not in Bromley J , oval. • Id. do. in a square, mez. .... Id. Edward Waddington, Bishop of Chichester, mez..... Id. CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS Per. VIII. Cla.IV. £. s. Joseph Wilcox, Bp. Rochester Simon 7 Richard Willis, Bp. Gloucester Id. 7 Thomas Wilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man, proof . . J. & C. Shenvin 3 do. mez. Simon o CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy 5 John Abernethy, M. A. mez. Fabcr Thomas Adams, etching, 12mo. J. Theop. des Aguliers, mez. Pelham Thomas Baker, S. T. B. mez. Simon Harricus Barker, S. T. P. id. G.White W T i!liam Barlow, M. A. mez. • .Faber William Berriman, D. D. 8vo. Ravenet Charles Bertheau, oval Id. Thomas Blackwell, Svo. • '..Record Thomas Bradbury, mez. • •••T.Ryley do. Svo. mez Spilsbury do. G. White Robert Bragge, P. D. mez. ••Faber do. two caricatures Sand by, &c. Henry Briggs, D. D. mez. •• • Id. William Broome, proof, Svo. Cook Christopher Brown, wh. len.« • Daniel Burgess, wood cut, ^ before his Life, 1710 j Edmund Calamy, D. D Caldwall do. mez. G. White Robert Camell, LL.D. mez. • .Heins Joseph Carreras, mez. Faber do. a proqf Id. do. 4to. mez. V. Green Alured Clark, D. D. mez.« • • • Wills, pinx. Christopher Clarke, M. A. .-Faber Samuel Clarke, D. D. mez. • • Id. do. ...... * Houbraken do. 12mo. Nixon do. mez. Simon Thomas Cockman, D.D. Svo. J. S. Miller Samuel Croxall, S.T.P. 12mo. Clarke Sr Pine William Derham, D.D. Svo. J.Green Philip Dodridge, D. D. Svo. . .Trotter do. proof, 4to. Walker Matthias Earbery, 12mo. • • • «J. Cole Thomas Emlyn, Svo. J. v. Gucht Ralph Erskine, with emblems") ( not in Bromley J fol. j Henry Etough, aetat 70, wh. len. etching Tyson James Foster, D. D. 4to.« • • .Ravenet Aaron Hart, Jew Rabbi, la. mez.M'Ardell Walter Harte, M. A. 1 2mo. . .Hibbart •Samuel Hay ward, V. D. M. • *Kitchin John Henley, wh. len. in a 1 Procession, 1746 .... J James llervey, M A. mez« • • «Dixon 3 Matthew Hole, D. D. Svo. . «M. v. Gucht 2 2 3 3 5 10 3 5 6 6 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 2 6 2 2 2 10 C 3 6 47 s. d. 2 6 5 3 6 Faber, Jun. 15 Per. VIII. Cla.IV. £ Isaac Kimber, V. D. M. 8vo.» -Kit chin Tobias Langdon, of Exeter* .Faber John Lewis, la. 4to. mez. • • • »G. White Robert Lumley Lloyd, Rec- tor of St. Paul's Cove nt Garden Hart Lyon, Jew Rabbi, mez. • «E. Fisher John Mears, M. A. mez. » • • »R. Hunter do. proof Id. do. the original drawing • • Moses Gomez de Mesquita, Rabbi, proof, mez. Faber Conyers Middleton, D. D. . . Id. do. • Echardt,/?.r.0 do. medallion, 12mo. ••••J. Mynde Cornelius Nary, C. F P. Dr. mez. Daniel Neal, M. A. 4to. ....Ravenet Benjamin Newton, M. A.» • • «G. v. Gucht Robert Orme, M. A. 4to. mez. Francis Peck, M. A. oval, 4to. Faber do. the large plate Id. John Pelling, D. D. mez. • • • -M'Ardell do. 8vo. mez. Watson Roger Pickering, Dissenter ••Burford Joshua Richardson, fine, mez. Faber Thomas Ridgley, S. T. P. J. v. Gucht Jeremiah Seed, M A. * Ravenet Thomas Shaw, D.D. Harding Joseph Smith, S. T. P. Svo.. .Baron Andrew Snape, S. T. P. mez. Faber George Stanhope, D. D. 4to. M. Dahl, do. Svo M. v. Gucht Philip Stubbs, S. S. T. B. mez. Faber o Jonathan Swift, D. D. fol. • .Fourdrinier do. mez. V. Haecken do. wh. len. sht. mez A. Miller 1 do. proof Walker do. profile, etching B. Wilson John Taylor, Dissenter, fol. Houbraken William" Thomas, D.D. Svo. Joseph Trapp, D. D Clamp o do. Svo C.Grignion Gust. Ant. Wachsell, D. D. • - J. Miller Thomas Walker, LL.D. mez. Faber Thomas W r alsh, Svo. Ridley Robert Warren, M. A. Svo. • • ! 1. Fletcner do. 12mo. II. Hulsbergh William Warren, LL.D. W. Robins Daniel Waterland, D.D. mez J. Faber o Isaac Watts, I). D. 1 2mo. • » • • Bartolozzi do. proof Id. do. 12mo. Trotter do. 12mo. Walker do. mez. G.White Samuel Wesley, M. A. pre- 1 fixed to his Maggots, > I 1 1G8">, 12mo. ) William Whislon, M. A. Svo. B.Wilson 2 Thomas Woolston, B. D. fol. J. v. Gucht 3 6 Nathaniel Wylcs, xt. 30, 12mo. 2 6 6 r> 6 6 o 6 6 6 o (3 6 6 6 (> 6 6 <> 6 o G 6 1 6 3 6 5 2 6 3 6 2 6 3 (> 15 o 7 5 o 3 15 1 1 2 ti 2 5 5 p 3 0' 7 l G i o 6 48 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. VIII. Cla.V.VI. £. s. d. CLASS V. LAWYERS. First Subdivision — Judges. Thomas Burnet, Judge, mez. Faber Sir John Comyns, fol Houbraken Sir Hew Dalrymple, aetat 80. R. Cooper Hew Dalrymple, ofDrummore A. Bell Andrew Mac. Douall, of Bank- ton, 4to. Worlidge Duncan Forbes, of Culloden Faber William Fortescue, Judge, mez. Id. Sir William Lee, wh. let), mez. Id. Sir Thomas Pengelly, mez. • • Id. Sir Walter Pringle, proof, fol. R. Cooper Sir Edmund Probyn, mez. ••Faber Sir Thomas Reeve, ha. sht. • »B. Baron do. small oval, an etching, p. p. Sir James Reynolds, mez* • • 'Faber Sir Dudley Ryder, wh. len. sh. Id. Henry Singleton, Judge, wh. len. mez. J. Brooks do. mez. M. Ford Sir John Strange, M. R. 4to. Houbraken do. proof Sir William Thomson, mez. Faber John Baron Wainwri»ht, mez. J. Brooks 3 6 3 6 5 IS 5 3 5 5 7 7 6 10 6 2 6 10 6 5 CLASS V. Second Subdivision — Practitioners, Cornelius Callaghan, Jurisc. Brooks William Grant, Advoc. Gen. M'Ardell Greenway, Attorney, mez. Alexander Murray, Jurisc. fne 3. Faber Eaton Stannard, wh. len. "jf A. Miller,") sht. mez. j 1747 J do. oval, ( not in Bromley J Id. William Stratford, LL.D. p.p M'Ardell Daniel Tainturier, etching, wh. len. CLASS VI. MILITARY. 5 5 7 6 7 6 1 1 1 15 2 6 William Barrel, Gen. mez. • • Charles Brown, Adm. mez. • • John Byng, Adm. mez. Francis Columbine with Anne his Wife, la. mez. Robert Dalziel, Gen. fol. John Dormer, Gen. mez.« • • • Arthur Forrest, Capt. mez.«« Nicholas Haddock, Adm. mez. do. • • • «mez. Sir Peter Halkett of Pitsirrane, p. p. mez. Sir Philip Honeywood, Gen. on horseback, sh. mez.» • Sir John Jennings, Adm. mez. Faber 5 Id. 5 Houston 5 Faber Petit, fit. Faber Purcell Faber Johnson 7 10 5 M'Ardell 15 Faber 10 6 Id. 5 Per. VIII. C la. VII. £. t. d. C. Lempriere, Centur: and Pictor, mez. Faber 5 Richard Lestock, Adm. mez. Id. 15 Thomas Matthews, Adm. mez. Id. 3 6 do. ••••mez. G. Johnson 7 6 Henry Medley, Adm. mez. ••Faber 3 6 Savage Mostyn, Adm. 4to. • .T.Worlidge S 6 Sir Chaloner Ogle, Adm. mez. Faber 3 6 do.- •••mez. Rob. Tims 7 6 Joseph Sabine, Gen. mez. ..Faber 3 6 Charles' Stewart, Adm. fne, mez. Id. 7 6 Edward Vernon, Adm. mez. • •M'Ardell 7 6 do. ••••mez. Faber 5 do.* •••mez. Johnson 7 6 do. and Charles Edwin, Esq. wh. len. G.BickhamO 5 George Wade, Gen. f ne, mez. Faber 7 6 do. oblong mez. • ••V.HaeckenO 7 6 Sir Charles Wager, Adm. mez. Faber 5 do. after Dahl, oval, mez. Id. 1710 15 do!«... mez. G.White 5 Sir Peter Warren, fol. N. Parr 5 Charles Watson, Adm. mez.«»E. Fisher 3 6 Thomas Wentworth, Gen. mez.V. Haecken 3 6 James Wolfe, Gen. mez Purcell 3 6 do. fol. mez. 3 6 The Death of General Wolfe, very fne Woollett CLASS VII. LITERARY PERSONS. James Allen, M. D. 8vo. ••• «G. v. Gucht 3 6 Joseph Ames «R. Lowrie 2 6 Walter Baker, 4to. Worlidge 5 William Becket, F.R.S. 8vo. R. Pai r ^ 2 6 John Bernardi, 8vo. G. v. GuchtO 2 6 Sir Richard Blackmore Hall 1 6 do. proof Id. 2 6 do. mez G.White 5 Abel Boyer, Gallo Anglus, fol. F. Chereau 3 6 Isaac Hawkins Browne, fne -.Ravenet 5 John Campbell, alias M'lver, etching, with mez. 8vo. S. Taylor 10 6 William Cheselden, medallion Gi ibelin 16 George Cheyne, M. D. mez. • «Faber 7 6 Thomas Chubb, mez. •••••• Bockman 6 William Congreve, Poet ••••Caldwall 16 do. proof* Id. 2 6 do. mez '..Faber 3 6 Henry Cope, M. D. sm. 8vo.. «G. v. GuchtO 2 6 John Dennis, Critic, 8vo.« •• »J. v. Gucht 5 Francis Douce, M.D.fne, mez. M'Ardell 10 6 Stephen Duck, Poet. • G.BickhamO 5 Daniel de Foe, fol. M. v. GuchtO 3 6 do. 4to. Sherwin 5 do. 8vo. 1 Henry Fielding, J. P. aetat 48 Basire 7 6 do. id. 8vo.. .. .Taylor 5 Martin Folkes, P. R. S. mez.. .Faber 3 6 do. mez. M'Ardell 5 do. fol.«» ...W. Hogarth S 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, £. Per. VITI. Cla. VII. Philip Frowde, Poet, mez... .Faber Hen v Gale, Armiger, mez... Id. John Gay, Poet, proof Hall do. mez. Kyte Edmund lialley, Astron. mez. Faber do. la. 4 to. "William Hamilton, of Bangor, Poet, profile, proof • ...R. Strange Thomas HaselHon, F.R.S. 4to. Faber John Hodgson, Mathemat. 8vo. mez. G.White do. fol. mez. Id. Hugh Howard, Poet, mez. • -Faber Sir Edward Hutse, M.D. p.p. proof .J. Watson Hildebrand Jacob, Poet • • • • Houbraken Thomas Lediard, Histor. 8vo. C. Fritsch do fol. Edward Lisle of Crux Easton Ravenet R. L r:\prt, of Worcester, me,;. R Hancock Michael Maittaire, M. A. mez. Faber Richard Mead, M D wh. len. Baron do. 4to. mez. Houston do. etching, 4to. A. Pond William Melmoth, 8vo. ••••Richardson,/;. Abraham de Moivre, mez. • • • • Faber Edward Moore, Poet, 8vo. • •Neagle Pert le Neve. Herald J. Osborne James Newton, M. D. 8-vo. •• George Parker, Astrolog. • • • .Elder do. different, l2mo. Thomas Pellet, M.D. mez. ..Faber Ambrose Phillips, Poet, proof T. Cooke Rob°ri Poole, M.D. 8vo. mez. Faber Alexander Pope, proof Caldwall do. 12mo Clark Sf Pine do. profile, mez. ••• Faber do. sitting, mez. Id. o do. • Houbraken do. etching, 4to. Richardson do. • • • «id. profile Id. do 4to. mei. Sympson, ex. do. mez. G.White do. 1. p. proof Collyer do. a small head, with a mitre, on a genealogi- cal tree, with-heads of Simon Magus, &c. sht curious « Henry Prude, wh. len. sht. • • Faber Allan Ramsay, Poet, fol. mez. G. White do. 4to. inez. • • Id. do. different, a proof Bryan Robinson, M.D. B. Wilson Nicholas Sanderson, M. A. ••Faber do. pt inted on the Thames C. Mosley do. the original drawing •• Id. do. vert/ fine, mez. G.White Simmonds or Symonds, Sur- geon, mez. Id. Sir Hans Sloane, fine, mez.« • Faber Per. VIII. Cla. VIII. Anonym. 10 6 6 5 2 6" 7 6 5 2 10 6 7 G 3 ii Sir Hans Sloane, fine drawing Richardson 10 Alexander Small, Surgeon ••Faber 8 Thomas Southerne, Poet, mez. Simon 7 Sir Richard Steele, mez. ••••Faber 5 do sm. 4to. mez. 2 Stevens, M. D. small 49 £. s. d. 6 (> 6 2 etching f Anonym. James Thomson, Poet, set. 25, Aikman, pinx. la. 4to. .»Basire 7 do. astat 46, J. Paton, pinx. la. 4to. Id. do. proof •••••••••••••• Delattre John Thorpe, M.D. fol. J. 3ayly Matthew Tindal, LL.D. mez. Faber Daniel Turner, M. D. f.nc* •• • Id. o do. oval, mez. J. Verelst, p.O John War burton, Herald, wh. len. mez. • -Miller Edward Ward, Poet, 8vo. . «M. v. Gucht do. 4to. • W. Mierwin 15 William Watson, M. D. w. len. R. Parr Thomas Weston, Mathemat.. .I ? aber 7 Henry W ilson, Geomet. 12mo. B. Cole 2 Tycho Wing, Mathemat. mez. G. White 4 John Woodward, Med. Svo. Humphrey 2 Christopher Wren, oval, mez. prefixed to his Parentalia Faber 10 Sir Benjamin Wrench, M. D. mez. 5 Thomas Wright, Mathemat. • «Fourdrinier 5 do. mez. T. Fi ve 5 George Young, Surgeon, Svo. Cooper 5 CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, Sec. James Anthony Arlaud, 4to.» •Bretherton 2 Charles Bancks, Swede, 8vo. M'Ardell 5 John Vander Bank (Vandrebanc) proof, mez G . Yv* h i t e 5 le Beck, Tavern-keeper, proof Trotter Timothy Ber.net, Shoemaker M'Ar'dell f> Francis Bernard, cogn. Senc- sino, mez. V. HaeckenO 5 ] Edward Berry, Actor, mez. • «R. Houston 5 ■ Richard van Bleeck, mez. • « • • P. v. Blecck 7 i Barton Booth, Actor, 4to. • »G. White 7 I do.. Svo Gucht 1 'Ben. Bradley, Tobacconist • .Faber 5 William Brooks, W. M. G. Bickham 5 Carlo Broschi", cogn. Farinelli V. Haecken o .'> Giovanni Buononcini, mez. J. Sympson 7 Anthony Canaletti, with Ant. Vicentni, obi. fol. • • • • A .Yiccutini o 5 Joannes Carcstini, Music, me/. Faber o 5 Harry Carey, Music. 4to. id. Id. 2 Edward Cave, Pi inte r Kyte, p. 9 do. Worliclge o 3 Caveller, Dane. Master Faber 3 Collev Cibbcr, Poet E. Fisher 5 <) E7, 50 1 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. VIII. Cla. VIII. £. T/ieophilus Cibbcr, Actor, very fine, mez Simon Wellington Clark, W. M. ... .Bickham John Clarke, W. M Id. Giacchino Conti Gizziello, Music. A. v.Haecken William Corbett, Music. 4to. Simon 1 Michael Dahl Chambars Sir Nicholas Dorigny, with Winstanley Bannerman William Defesch, Music. • • • .La Cave William Fittock, Mayor, 1741 James Gibbs, Architect, mez. M'Ardell do. mez Pelham do. head piece, from Hoff- man, 1 2mo. Baron Ambrose Godfrey, Chymist- Gouch, drawing Tom Durfey's Portrait, with other characters, from the picture at Knowle, mez. Lewis Goupv, 4to. mez. ... • G. v. GuchtO .G.White George Graham, Clock-maker Faber Ben. Griffin with Johnson. • . .P. v. Bleeck Henry Gurney, fol. Bakewell,e.r. Alex, van Haecken, mez.. .Faber o Joseph van Haecken, mez. ..Id. Benjamin Hallet, wh. len. mez. M'Ardell Geo. Fred. Handel F. Bartolozzi do. fol. Houbraken do. two caricatures, fol • • • • John Harper, Actor, mez. • »A. Miller do. proof Id. John James Heidegger, mez. Faber Gabriel Hunt, wh. len. fol. • .Pt. Livesay Isaac, D. M. mez G.White 5 3 10 1 2 o 3 Edward Kidder, Pastry-maker R. SheppardO Edward King, Svo. M. v. GuchtO 1 William Kippax, W. M. 4to. N. Parr William Knapp, set. 54, 1753 T. Kitchen Job. Fred. Lampe, Music, mez. M'Ardell Nicholas de Largilliere, with his Family, wh. lens. id. J. Becket do.^ fol. Dupuis Bernard Lens, obi. fol. L. P. Boitard Richard Leveridge, Music, fine proof, mez. Pether Carle van Loo, sht. Demarteau o 3 3 3 1 5 2 7 1 1 7 7 5 5 J. Simon 10 6 10 6 5 5 10 6 15 15 5 3 6 Philip Mercier, mez Faber Mellish, Ship Painter, sht. mez. • T. Frye 7 6 Joseph Millar, in Teague, mez. A. Miller 10 6 do. wh. len. 8vo. C. Mosley 2 6 Peter Mom m , mez. Faber 2 6 Ang. Maria Monticelli, mez. Id. 3 6 Henry Needier, Music. C. Grignion 2 6 Abraham Nicholas, W. M. ..G. Bickham 5 John Christ. Pepusch A. v.Haecken 3 6 Christopher Pinchbeck, mez. Faber 7 6 Arthur Pond, etching, 4to. ••Ipse 0. 5 Per. VIII. Cla. IX. Marcus Ricci, ha. sht. •••••• Faldoni Sebastian Ricci, ha. sht. «... Id. do. Chambars Jonathan Richardson, bust-* Ipse do. in a wig, etching, 4to. Id. do. in a cap, etching, 4to. Several fine drawings, in } chalk, of himself, and > Ipse the younger Richardson ) Enoch Seeman, Jun. mez. ..Faber John Shaw, D. M. mez. « • • • Id. George Shelley, W. M. fol. • .Bickham do. after Lens, fol. Id. Humphrey Skelton, Upholder, Faber Francis Smith, Architect. •» »V. Haecken Charles Snell, W.M. Bickham do. retat 23 Elder Ralph Snow, W. M. mez. • • » • V. Haecken John Sturges, Carpenter, mez. F. Kyte do. mez. G. White John Sturt, Engraver, Svo. »*W. Humphrey Owen M'Swiney, mez. Faber Sir James Thornhill, mez. » • Id. John Thorpe, wh. len. etching A. Pond £. s. d. o . 3 6 3 6 2 6 o 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 2 6 3 6 6 o 6 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 6 2 6 George Vertue, Engraver* • • •Chambars Anthony Vivaldi, Music. • • . .Caldwall John deVolo (Devoto) mez. Faber Samuel Waddington, etching Ipse Thomas Walker, as Mackheath Faber Gustavus Waltz, wh. len. mez. J. S. Miller James Weston, W. M. J. Cole Robert Wilks, Actor. ...... . .Faber do. as Sir Harry Wildair . .J. Smith Joseph Williams, Clothier ..J.Taylor John Willis, W...M. mez* • • .Fisher Hamlet Winstanley, mez.« • • .Faber do. in Walpole James Wyat, Navigat. 8vo. •• CLASS IX. First-Subdivision. — Ladies. i l 5 3 2 3 2 7 15 2 7 5 2 5 * 3 Diana Duchess of St. Albans Faber 5 do. sm. oval *• • » «G. v.Gucht 2 Eliz. Duchess of Albemarle • • Thane, exc. 2 7 3 3 7 Lavinia Duchess of Bolton • • Faber Lady Boyd, mez. .M'Ardell Rachael Lady Bradshaigh, mez. Faber Eliz. Countess of Bristol, id. Simon do. the original drawing • • Id. Peter Tillemans Chambars 2 6 Kellom Tomlinson, D. M. F. M. la CaVe 3, 6 Jacob Tonson, Bookseller* •• »Faber 7 6 Tonson and Linton, the Rival 1 Printers, with Shake- > Anonym. 10 6 speare's Ghost, etching) Timothy Treadway, W. M. Faber 3 6 ■ Turbutt, in Sosia, very fine, mez. A. Miller 1 Laur del Vaux (Delvaux) mez. V. Haecken 2 6 2 10 CATALOGUE Per. Vin. Cla.IX. £. s. d. Frances Lady Byron, wh. len. sht. mez. very fine Faber 2 2 Maria Countess of Coventry M'Ardell 3 6 do. unfinished proof, mez.« • Id. 5 do. mez. Houston 3 6 do. sht. mez Finlayson 5 Henrietta Countess Dalkeith, ) wh. len. anonym, large >Lens 5 4to. mez. 3 Catherine Parker, Countess of Egmont, 8vo. mez. •••• Faber 10 6 Catherine Cecil, Countess of Egmont, 8vo. mez. Id. 7 6 Frances Countess of Glanville, when Lady Carteret, mez. Id. 3 6 Sophia Countess of Granville Id. Ill 6 Lady Catherine Hyde, mez. • «Faithorne 5 Catherine Countess of Lincoln R. Purcell 3 6 Lady Mackintosh, mez. 'M'Ardell 5 do. anonym, mez. Faber 2 6 Mary Countess of Macclesfield Id. 10 6 Henrietta Duchess of Marl } borough, when Ctss. > F. Kyte 7 6 of Godolphin, mez. • • j do. and her Sister Ladyl Ann, wh. len. anonym. > Smith, exc. 5 4to. mez. ) Sarah Duchess of Marlborough, wh. len mez Faber 5 do. high finished drawing ^ ^' ^q^^'^- 15 do. Harding 1 6 do. proof Kyte 5 do. wood cut, before her life 5 Anne Duchess of Monmouth. .J. v. Vaart 15 Lady Anne Montague, wh. len. mez. • « * Browne, ex. 1 1 Mary Duchess of Montague Simon 5 do', original drawing Id. 10 6 Lady Christian Moray, wh. len. sht. mez. Faber 3 6 Anastasia Ctss. of Peterborough Id. 5 do. proof Id. 7 6 Louisa t)uchess of Portsmouth Blooteling 10 6 do. first state, very fine* • . • Id. Ill 6 do. mez. G. Valck 10 6 Helina Lady Rawdon, mez. •• J. Brooks 7 6 Diana Lady Turnor Becket 7 6 Catherine Lady VValpole, ori- ginal drawing Simon 10 6 Mi Lady Comtesse de Bury Pouget 5 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. OF PORTRAITS. Per. VIII. Cla. X. Marv Carew, ha. sht. • The Lady Abbess of the Eng- lish Nuns at Antwerp. .Faber 5 Madam Auretti,\vh. len. mez. Ryley O 3 Mrs. Vander Bank, anonym.* t Faber 5 when Mrs. Eb- anonym. « mez. Lucy Greig be r ton, Miss Lewis, do. mez. do. proof Anne Van Loo, mez. Anne Oldfield, Actress, mez Sarah Phillips, 8vo. do. 4to. mez. Editha Pope, etching, 4to. Mrs. Rudge, mez. • • • • « Mary Lilias Scott, mez. Mary Smith, of Portsmouth* do. J2mo. Anne Vane, Mistress to Fred. Prince of Wales, mez.« < Grace Tozier, wh. len. sht. do ha. len. do. wh. len. fol. mez. proof as Phebe, do. fine, m do. as M?*s Ford, tvh. len sht. mez. the plate stroycd by fire • • • 51 £. s. d. Lovelace q 6 1 6 •J. Caldwall 2 M'Ardell 10 6 Id. 3 6 Purcell 2 6 Id. 5 1 6 E. Fisher 3 6 Faber ft 5 Proud o 6 Purcell 5 7 6 Carter 2 6 Miiller ft 2 6 Simon 5 Faber 3 6 M'Ardell 3 Worlidge 3 6 Faber 7 6 Id. 10 6 'Id. 3 6 7 6 Van Bleeck 10 6 M'Ardell 7 6 len. 1 de- \ Faber CLASS X. PHENOMENA, CONVICTS, &c. Elizabeth Adams, executed, etching, sm. 4to. 3 6 Eugene Aram, executed ••• .Richardson, ex. 1 Henry Blacker, Giant, wh. len. Carpenter, ex. 3 6 do. 8vo 1 6 Mary Blandy, executed, mez. Ryley 7 6 do. wh. len. in Oxford Castle 7 6 Edward Bright of Maiden, mcz.M'Ardell 3 6 do. Svo 1 6 Duncan Campbell M.v.GuchtO 3 6 do. 8vo Price 2 6 Casey in Machcath Rylot 3 John Dean, ob. 1747, mez. Faber 5 Richard Dickenson, of Scar- 1 ' borough Spaw, wh. len. > Anonym. 7 6 etching, sm. fol. • • • • ) do. sitting, wh. len. etch- 7 jj 7 6 ing, sm. fol. J James Figg, Prize Fighter • .Faber 2 6 Margaret Finch, Queen of) 2 6 the Gypsies, fol. .... J Blind Granny, wh. len. fol. . • 3 6 Esther Hammerton, Sexton M'Ardell 5 John Hanna, executed 14th 7 n r Sept. 1739 | 050 52 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS £. s. d. Per. VIII. Cla. X. Matthew Henderson, executed, a?t. 19, 1746, wh.len. fol. Grimstone 5 Elizabeth Jeffryes and John 1 ^non r m n 5 Swan, wh. len. etch. fol. J ^ Christopher Layer, executed fori >Id. 7 Treason — printed on the River Thames, 17S9-40. • ) Jam. Lowry, executed 1753, 7 T , F wh. len. fol. \ ld * 010 () Anthony Maddox, Equilibrist, mez. 5 Sarah Malcolm, executed for 7 r , iU ~ o ~ Murder, 4to J Hogarth,,. S 6 Daniel Maiden, Convict, 1736, etching, 4to. J.Clarke 5 James Miller, Prize-fighter, 1737 Scotin 1 1 ( not in Uromley J Harry Morgan, set. 105, mez. Hubner,pinx. 3 6 Per. VIII. Cla. X. X. s. d. 5 Maximilian Christopher Miller, Saxon Giant, wh. len. fol. L.Boitard 5 Margaret Patten, setat IS 8, very fine, mez J. Cooper 10 6 John Pixley of Ipswich, wh. len. mez Faber 5 Jacob Powell, Fat Butcher A.Walker 1 6 Henry Rogers, Pewterer of) Cornwall, fol. J Farquar Shaw, shot 1743 •••• Anonym. 3 6 Robert Short, c-et. 26, 1739, 4to. 6 Henry Simons, Polish Jew • •T.Worlidge 3 6 Lay ton Smith, mez. Faber 5 George Taylor, Prize-fighter, mez. 7 6 John Tomlinson with a Wen A. Walker 2 6 Samuel Wood, Miller, with his arm torn off, la. 4to. 3 6 GEORGE VIRTUE. ( v J-- <£. s. d. His own Portrait and Margaret his Wife, in the habits they were married, wh. lens, by W. Humphrey, sht.. • » 5 The heads of the Kings and Queens of England, 40 plates, fine impressions 4 4 Familia Regia Henries VII. and VIII. with their Queens, after Holbein 7 6 The Children of Henry VII. Princess Arthur and Henry, and the Princess Margaret, after' Mabuse 10 6 Mary Queen of France, and Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk 7 6 Fiances Duchess of Suffolk, and Adrian Stokes, after Lucas de Heere • 7 6 Edward VI delivering the Charter of Bridewell 10 6 Lady Jane Grey, aetat 16, 1554 7 6 Procession of Queen Elizabeth to Hunsdon House, after Marc. Garrard 15 The Court of Wards and Liveries < 10 6 The Cenotaph of Lord Danlev, after L. Vogelarius • •' • 7 6 The Battle of Carberry Hill 7 6 The Death Warrant of Charles I. on India paper - 10 6 The set of the Loyalists, with their characters from Clarendon, first impressions, sold by S.Austin, 1746, 10 plates 2 10 £. s. d. Aaron, Indian Protestant Divine, wh. len. 5 William Abbot, Abp. Cant, 4 to. 2 6 Princess Aune, after Kneller, Svo. 1 6 Francis Attcrburv, Bishop, Svo. 2 6 Francis Lord Bacon, fol. 5 Nicholas Bacon, and four others, 8vo. . • 1 6 John Bagford, 1728, 4to 2 6 Richard Bancroft, Abp. Cant. 4to. .... 2 6 Peter Barwick, M. D. Svo. 2 William Baxter, Comavius, Svo. 2 Benjamin Bay ley, M. A. Svo. o 2 Lord Aubrey Beauclerck, fol. . . » 7 6 £. s. d. Henry Duke of Beaufort, la. h. sh. ••••0 7 6 Francis Beaumont, Poet, fol. 5 Francis Earl of Bedford, fol. 5 Richard Bentlev, 4to. 2 Thomas. Bisse, S.T. P. Svo. 3 6 Offspring Blackall, Bishop, fol. 2 6 Lancelot Blackburn, Abp. York, ha. sh. 5 Anthony BJackwall, M.A. 8vo. 2 Bobert Boyle, 1. p. fol 5 i William Broome, Svo. 2 6 George Brown, A. M. 12mo. 1 6 John Duke of Buckingham, 4to 3 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, GJEOMGJE YERTUE. 53 £. s. d. Samuel Burgesse, M. A. 12mo. 1 6 Thomas Burnet, Svo. O 1 6 Samuel Butler, Poet, fol. 5 Edmund Calamy, D.D. Svo. 2 6 Sir Lawrence Carter, Judge, ha. sh.«... 3 6 - Cervantes de Saavedra, 4to. 2 6 Edward Chandler, Bp. of Durham, ha. sh. 5 Charles I. after Vandyck, fol. 5 Charles II. and Qn. Catherine, head piece 2 6 Charles XII. of Sweden, 8vo. 1 6 Charlotte Princess of Wales, fol. 2 6 do sht 3 6 Geoffrey Chaucer, Poet, fol. •. • 5 do.« • • • 8vo. 2 6 Samuel Clarke, D. D. fol. • * 1 6 do..... Svo. 2 6 do. • • • • proof •••••• 3 6 Henry Lord Coleraine, fol. 3 6 Sir Robert Cotton Bruce, fol. 7 6 .Abraham Cowley, Poet, fol. 5 do..... 8vo. 1 James Craggs, Secretary, 1720, ha. sh. 7 6 do. jun. 1728, ha. sh. 3 6 William Croft, Music, fol. 2 o Oliver Cromwell, 8vo. 2 6 William Duke of Cumberland, 4to.«.«. 1 6 Samuel Dale, Med. 4to. 3 6 Sir William Dawes, Abp. of York, 8vo. 16 Alexander Denton, Judge, ha. sh. 3 6 Thomas Earl of Dorset, fol 3 6 Edward Earl of Dorset, 1 p. fol. 5 Lionel Duke of Dorset, 1732, ha. sh. »• 5 do. la. h. sh. 5 John Dryden, Poet, fol. • •• 5 do. • • • • proof 10 6 John Edwards, S. T. P. fol. 3 Edwin Monk, wh. len. la. fol. 3 6 Queen Elizabeth, 8vo. «... 1 6 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia ... i .... '2 6 Edward Elliot and Family, ha. sh. 10 6 Richard Fiddes, S. S. fol 3 John Fletcher, Poet, fol 5 do.. • . • 8vo 1 6 Frederick Prince of Wales, 8vo. • 2 6 John Friend, M. D. fol 2 6 Thomas Fuller, M.'D. 8vo. 2 6 John Gale, M. A. Svo 2 6 John Gardiner, A. M. 8vo. 2 6 George I Svo. 2 6 John Gilbert, Canon, 8vo. 2 Francis Godwin, Bp. of LlandafT, fol... 7 6 Ambrose Godfrey, Chymist, 4to 2 6 John Gower, Poet, fol.* • 5 do. ••» » proof 7 6 £. s. d. Frances Lady Granville, fol. 7 6 Sophia Countess of Granville, fol. John Graves, astat 103, Richard Graves } of Lincoln's Inn, and Richard > 1 10 Graves, Antiquary, fine, fol. .... J Sir Thomas Gresham, fol. 5 O Edmund Grindal, Abp. of Cant. 4to. • • 2 6 Henry Grove of Taunton, 8vo. 2 6 Edmund Halley, Astron. 4to. 7 6 Sir Robert Harley, Sir Edmund Harley, and Thomas Harley, Esq./«e, fol. • • 1 11 6 Edward Harley, Auditor, fol. 7 6 John Harris, R. S. S. fol. 2 6 Thomas Hearne, M. A. 4to. 2 6 Henry Prince of Wales 2 6 Benjamin Hoadly, Bp. . ••• 2 6 Wenceslaus Hollar 2 George Holmes, Antiq. fol. • •. 5 Homer, Poet, la. 4to. 2 Sir Robert Howard, 12mo. 2 Lawrence Howel, A. M. fol. very fine . • 7 6 James I. Svo. o 2 Sir Joseph Jekyll, ha. sh. 5 Benjamin Johnson, Poet, fol. 5 do. ... • 8vo. 1 6 Arthur Johnston, 4to. 5 do.. • • . 8vo. 2 6 William Juxon, Abp. of Cant. 4to.«... 2 6 Thomas Kenn, Bp. 8vo. 3 6 Peter Lord King, ha. sh. 5 William Laud, Abp. of Cant. 4to. 2 6 John Laurence, A. M. 8vo. 1 6 Robert Earl of Leicester, 8vo. 1 6 William Lloyd, Bp. of Worcester, oval, ■ very fine, ha. si i. 15 do. in a square, id. ha. sh. 15 John Locke, 12mo. • 1 6 John Lydgate, Monk, fol. 3 Thomas Earl of Macclesfield, ha. sh..».« 3 O ! Mary Queen of ;-cots, fol. 7 6 | do. • • • • 8vo. 2 o John Milton, Poet, fol. 5 O do. aetat 21, 4to. 5 O do. 1750, Svo. 3 6 Oeorge Morley, Bp. Wint. 1. p. fol 5 l Walter Moyle, 8vo. 1 6 Mr. Mundy, obit. 29. Feb. 1720, fol. - ... ,7 6 John Murray of Sacomb, proof Svo. •• 5 Sir Hugh Myddleton, after Corn. Jansscn, very fine , ha. sh. Ill 6 William Duke of Newcastle, ha. sh. • • • • 3 Peter Newcome, A. M. 8vo. 2 6 Sir Isaac Newton, 4to • 2 o Sir Dudley North, 4to. r » P 54 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, GEOjRGE VERTUE. £. s. d. Roger North, 4to 5 William I. Prince of Orange, fol. 2 6 Maurice Prince of Orange, fol. 3 6 do proof 7 6 Edward Earl of Orford, ha. sh. 5 Robert Earl of Orford, la. 4to. 3 6 Henrietta Countess of Orrery, ha. sh. • • 3 6 John Owen, S.T.P. fol. 3 6 Edward Earl of Oxford, fol... 3 6 do. • • • • proof • 5 do. wh. len. fol. • 3 6 Robert Earl of Oxford, ha. sh. 3 6 Daniel Parke, Capt. Gen. 8vo. 2 6 Matthew Parker, Abp. Cant. fol. 3 6 do. oval, fol. 2 6 John Piggott, V. D. M. 8vo. 2 Alexander Pope, fol. 2 6 do.. • • • 12mo. 1 William Duke of Portland, Margaret^ Duchess of Portland, and Lady f 50 Mary Wortley Montague, after t Zincke, 1738, very fine, obi. ha. sh. ) John Potter, Abp. Cant. 1727, ha. sh... 5 Henry Powle, Speaker of the House of Commons, ha. sh. 6 Hugh Price, LL. D. after Holbein, ha. sh. 1 1 Robert Price, Judge, fol. 3 6 Matthew Prior, Poet, fine, ha. sh. 7 6 John Puckle, N. P. 12mo. 2 Allan Ramsay, Poet, 8vo 2 6 Richard Rawlinson, LL. D. after Vertue, by Smith, mez. 4to 3 6 Sir Thomas Rawlinson, Lord Mayor, 1719, wh. len. sht. 10 6 John Ray, M. A. 8vo 2 6 James Reynolds, Judge, 1730, ha. sht»« t) 5 Richard II. wh. len. in his Robes, sht. •• 7 6 John Robinson, Bishop of London, h. sh. 5 John Robinson, Organist, ha. sht. 10 6 Sir Thomas Roe, Amb. fol. 3 6 William Saricroft, Abp. Cant. 4to..... 2 6 Francis Paoli Sarpi, fol. 3 6 do. 4to. 2 6 William Shakespeare, fol. 5 | do. 1721, 4to. • • 3 61 do. his monument, 4to. 3 6j do. with other Poets, gvo. 1 6 Abraham Sharp, Mathemat. obit. .1742, setat 9U fol 15 Gilbert Sheldon, Abp. Cant. 4to. 2 6 Elizabeth Countess of Shrewd >ury, fine, fol. I 1 £. s. d. Sir Philip Sidney, wh. len. fol • 5 Richard Smalbroke, Bishop, ha. sh 10 6 George Smalridge, Bishop, fol. 2 6 do. the original dra-wing 15 Sarah Duchess of Somerset, w, len. 1736, fine, la. ha. sht. 1 1 William Duke of Somerset, very fine, h^h. 10 6 John Lord Sommers, ha. sht. « • 3 6 Robert South, S.T.P. 8vo. 1 6 Joseph Spence, A.M. fol. 7 6 Edmund Spencer, Poet, fol. 5 .0 Nathaniel Spinckes, M.A. 8vo. 1 6 Thomas Stackhouse, M.A. proof fol... 7 6 Sir Richard Steele, 8vo 2 6 John Stow, Antiq. ha. sht. 5 Thomas Earl of Stratford, 1714, ha. sht. 5 Progenies StrarTordiana, William Lord } Wentworth, and his Sisters, Anne > 10 6 and Arabella, wh. len. fol. ...... j John Strype, M. A. fol. 2 6 Sir John Suckling, Poet, ha. sh. 5 Henry Earl of Surrey, ha. sht. 3 6 Thomas Sutton, 8vo... 2 6 Thomas Tanner, Bishop of Asaph, fol. •• 5 Edward Tenison, S.T.P. ha. sh. 3 6 Thomas Tenison, Abp. Cant. 4to. 2 6 Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, fine, ha. sht. 7 6 John Thurloe, Secretary, fine, fol .... 7 6 John Tillotson, Abp. of Cant. ha. sht... 5 William Trumbull, Amb. fol 5 Daniel Turner, Med. fol. 5 do. 8vo. 2 6 John Verney, Master of the Rolls, h. sht. 5 Thomas Vernon, of Hanbury Hall, fol, » • 1 6 James Usher, Abp. of Armagh. 1. p. ha. sh. 5 Edmund Walker, Poet, fol. 5 Catherine Lady Walpole, fine, la. 4to.»» 5 Sir James Ware, Antiq. fol. 1 1 O William Warbam, Abp. of Cant. ha. sh. 3 6 Isaac Watts, V.D.M. 12mo. 1 6 Richard Welton, S.T.P. fol 3 6 John Wesley, M. A. aetat 40, fol. 3 6 Samuel Wesley, wh. len. fol. 5 John Whitgift, Abp. of Cant. fol. 2 6 do. 4to. 2 6 Sir John Wilies, Judge, ha. sht. 5 William Peere Williams, fol. 2 Thomas W ilson, Bishop of Sodor and Man 10 6 Sir Ralph Win wood, fol. 5 do. and Sir William Trumbull, boihprfs. Margaret 'Wishart of Edinburgh, fol.... 5 Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, ha. sht. . • 7 6 Several Views, Antiquities, Seals, Medals, and Coins relating to the English History. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 55 PERIOD IX. REIGN of KING GEORGE the THIRD, from 1761 to 1792. N.B. Portraits after SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS are by themselves, and immediately follow this Period. Per. IX. Cla.I. II. «£. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILY. George III. when Prince of Wales, wh. len. mez. ••Burford do. on horseback, sh. Baron do. sh. Bartolozzi do. vvh. len. in his robes ••Heath do. when Prince, 8vo. . . . .Ravenet do. and Queen Charlotte, wh. lens. Ryland do.. • • «ovals, mez Spilsbury do. crowned by Apollo • » • • Js. Taylor Queen Charlotte, proof mez. M'Ardell do. proof mez. V. Green do. proof mez. Houston do.. . . • 4to. J. Miller do..... l2mo. T.WorlidgeO George Prince ofWales,wh.len.Heath do. and Prince Frederick his Brother, wh. len. mez.. «V. Green do. wh. len. leaning on his horse, sh. proof, mez. • Green Charlotte Augusta, Prss. Royal Tomkins Augusta Sophia, Prss. Royal. .Ward Elizabeth Princess Id. Mary Princess Nutter do. v C.Watson Sophia Princess Ward do. C. Watson Amelia Princess Bartolozzi do. Ward Louisa Ann, Sister to the King Houston Carolina Matilda, Queen of Denmark, fine, sh. mez. J.Watson Amelia Princess, wh. len. sh. Baron Mary Wife of Frederick of Hesse Cassel Faber CLASS II. PEERS. .Tames Karl of Abercorn, wh. len. pp. sh. mez Dean do. Harding George Lord Anson, la. ha. sh. Grignion do. 4to. mez. Johnson John Duke of Argyle, wh. len. J. Watson 10 3 3 3 o 5 3 5 5 3 7 7 7 7 6 10 o 6 o tj (S o u 6 IS Per. IX. Cla. II. Frederic Lord Baltimore • Harding, ex. s. d. 1 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 5 10 6 7 6 11 6 5 5 1 3 6 do. 8vo J. S. Miller William Earl of Bath, mez ..Faber' do. ha. sh. Martin Henry Earl of Bathurst, wh. len. mez. T. Watson do. fine proof- Id. Cadwallader Lord Blayney, mez. George William Earl of Bristol, wh. len. pp. sh. mez« • • • J. Watson 1 John Earl of Bute, when Lord Mountstuart, w. len. mez. J. R. Smith Charles Earl Camden, proof - .Collier do. ...Cook do. mez. Spilsbury and see among Sir Joshuas. James Earl of Charlemont, 4to. Haynes William Earl of Chatham, wh. len. sht. mez Fisher do. Harding do. fine sht. J.K.SherwinO do. with his Eulogium • • • «T. Cook Philip Earl of Chesterfield, proof Bartolozzi 5 do. proof, pp. f not in Brom- ley J fol. mez. Ill 6 William Henry Duke Clarence V. Green 1 6 Robert Lord Clive, sh. mez.. .M'Ardell 2 6 Charles Marquis Cornwallis, sin. oval, proof Bartolozzi do. proof \ on India paper • • Id. 1 William Duke of Cumberland Nixon do. different Id. Lionel Duke of Dorset, mez. Faber Archibald Lord Douglas, sht. V. Green John Earl of Egmont, 8vo. Faber do. when Lord Percival, ha. sht. m'fcz. Id. do. Freeman John Lord Fitzgfbbon Bartolozzi Francis Earl Godolphin Faber John Marquis of Granby, sm. Worlidge John Earl Granville, sm. • « • • Nixon Richard Lord Grosvcnor, wh. len. pp. proof Dickinson 1 5 Simon Earl Harcouit M'Ardell '7 6 George Simon Earl Harcouit V. Green 2 6 Philip Earl of Ilardwickc •• .M'Ardell o 7 6 56 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. IX. Cla. II. £. Philip Earl Hardwicke,\vh. len. Baron do. • • id. the orig. drawing Id. do. mez. Faber do. Harding Edward Lord Hawke, ha. sht. J. Hall do. proof Id. George Lord Heathfield, sh.« •Bartolozzi do. proof, sh. Earlom 1 Henry Lord Holland Harding Alexander Lord Hood G.FiesingerO do. proof 1 2 mo. Augustus Lord Keppel, mez.. 'Dickinson do. Pollard Humphrey Vis. Lanesborough, wh. len. mez. J. Brooks James Visct. Lifford, mez Dickinson do. • • • 'proof • « • • Id. John Lewis, Earl Ligonier, on horseback, sh. P. Tanje John Earl of Loudoun, wh. len. Spooner Alexander Lord Loughbo- rough, sh. • Bartolozzi do. fine proof '• Id. 1 do. etching • ■ Id. George Lord Lyttleton, proof Collyer Thomas Lord Lyttleton • • • •Harding,ex. George Vise. Macartney, proof Hudson George Earl of Macclesfield, P. R. S. old impression, mez. Faber 1 George Duke of Manchester, sh. mez. Jones William Earl of Mansfield, wh. len. sitting, la. sh. • »D. Martin 1 George Duke of Montague • .Collyer Constantine Lord Mulgrave* • John Visct. Naas, sh. mez. • 'Dickinson Thomas Duke of Newcastle* .M'Ardell do. • • • • mez. • • • • Pelham John Earl of Orrery, mez. ••Faber o Alexander Lord Polwarth,mez. J. R. Smith Charles Duke of Queensbury and Dover, mez. V. Green William Henry Earl Rochford, mez. Id. do mez. Houston Charles Marq. of Rockingham Sherwin George Lord Rodney, wh. len. Dupont do. ha. len. mez. V. Green Robert Lord Romney, wh. len. sh. mez. Finlayson George Vise. Sackville, mez.» • J. Jacobe J ohn Earl of Sandwich, wh. len. sh. proof J.K.SherwinO Molyneux Lord Shuldham, mez. Dickinson David Visct. Stormont Harding,ex.O Nicholas Lord Taaffe Id. Edward Lord Thurlow, wh. len. proof Dickinson do. proof mez. C.Turner 1 Richard Visct. Valetort Harding George Venables Lord Vernon, proof mez ...J. Dean s. d. 10 6 2 6 5 Per. IX. Cla. III. «£. s. d, John Earl de la War, wh. len. Harding,ex. 2 Edward Duke of York, mez. • »Faber 2 6 Frederick Duke of York, wh. len. sh. Dickinson 5 do E. Scott 5 CLASS III. GENTRY. William Addington, Justice. - J. R Smith 7 6 Ralph Allen, of Prior Park.. Faber 7 6 Joseph d'Almeida, Stock Broker proof mez. Jones 5 John Ashton, a child, wh. len. Pether 2 6 Edward Athawes, proof mez. Dickinson 10 6 do. wh. len. proof sh. id.. .J. R. Smith 10 6 William Baillie, Capt. oblong Ipse 5 Sir Joseph Banks, wh. len. sht. mez. J.R. Smith 7 6 Sir John Barnard, mez. ....M'Ardell 5 do. mez. • Faber 5 do. 8vo C. TownleyO 1 6 Isaac Barre, M. P. ha. sh.. . . .J. Hall 5 do. a proof Id. 7 6 do. etching Id. 5 Mark Beaufoy, pp. sht. mez. V.Green 15 Horace Beckford, wh. len. id. J. Conde 4 Julian Beckford, wh. len. pp. Houston ,07 6 William Beckford, Alderman, wh. len. sh. mez. Dixon 10 6 do. Singleton 2 Sir Walter Blackett Fittler 2 Thomas Browne, wh. len. pp. fine proof Dickinson 1 1 Edmund Burke, a bust J.Ward 3 6 George Byng, M.P. proof » . . . Grozer 3 6 Thomas Carter, M. P. mez. • .Brooks 5 Edward Chamberlaine, proof Jacobe 5 Nathaniel Chauncy, profile. .Nutter 7 6 Henry Clark, mez. Faber 2 6 Peter Collinson, F. R. S. proof J. Miller 5 William Burton Conyngham SchiavonettiO 5 do. a proof* 7 6 John Couts, Provost. Edin.. .M'Ardell 3 6 Henry Cruger, M. P. sin.. • • «W. Hincks 2 Sir John Dick, Bart. wh. len. p.p. la. fol. P. W.Tomkins 1 11 6 Robert Dingley, Merchant .'Dixon 7 6 Arthur Dobbs, Governor ••• .M'Ardell 7 6 Andrew Drummond, Banker, wh. len. p.p. sht. mez. •• J. Watson 110 George Drummond, Provost of Edinburgh A.Bell 15 Robert & Thomas Drummond, wh. lens. sh. mez. V.Green 5 do. fine proof Id. 10 6 Henry Dundas, since Lord Melville, wh. len. sh. mez. J. Young 5 do. oval, proof 8vo. 3 Sir John Fielding, mez M'Ardell 5 do. fine proof mez. Dickenson 10 Charles James Fox, M. P« • • »C. Turner 7 6 do. a bust, sh. * De Koster 10 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS, 57 Per. IX. Cla. III. £. s. d. Sir Crisp Gascovne, Aid. Lond. wh. len. sh. mez. M'Ardeli 7 6 Morgan Graves of Micklcton, pp. mez. V. Green do. a proof Samuel Greatbead, pp. Houston George Grenville, Chanc. Exch. Id. Joseph Gulston, Generosus • «E. B. Gulston do. ••••mez. J.Watson John Gunning, Father of the 1 three Miss G.'s small > Anony. circle, mez. 3 Thomas Hanson, Mercat. sh-. Dickinson Jonas Han way, oval Bretherton John Henniker, proof) mez. • • H. Hudson Nathaniel Hillier, F. A. S. sm. circle, proof Trotter John Home Tooke, 4to. • • • • John Howard, LL.D. Holloway James Hustler, Merchant, j»roq/; sh. mez. ••Saunders 7 6 Benjamin Ibbot, early collector of portraits D. Pariset Richard King, Col. sm. mez. Humphrey Sir Robert Ladbroke, wh. len. vevy fine, sh.. mez. Faber Hen Bilson Legge, Chan. Exc. Hall do. • • • .mez. Houston Sir Ashton Lever Nutter Gervase Leverland, small oval, pp. John Mcnck Mason • Knight Sir Joseph Mawbey, M. P. mez. Dixon Sir William Meredith, mez.. -T. Watson John Moleswortb, etch. la. 4to.Torond,exc.O Edward Wortley Montague •• J. R.Smith Sir William Musgrave, F. Pc S. ha. sh. G. S. Facius do.. • • .mez. J. R. Smith Richard Nash of Bath, mez.* • Faber Arthur Onslow, Speaker, mez. Purcell Sir John Philipps, Bart. mez. Faber W illiam Pitt, Chanc. Exch. sh. F.Bartolozzi 1 do. • • • -proof Brydon,exc.O do. • • • • proof Jones Charles Poyser, Broker, pp. proof sh mez C.Townley Sir George Van de Put (Vandeput) Houston do • • • «mcz. Ryley Jonathan Raine, pp. E. Harding Sir Matt. White Ridley, M.P. proof la. h. sh. J. Fittler Charles Rogers, F. R. S. proof and etching Bartolozzi 1 Sir George Savile, M. P. C Wilson & 1 wh. len. \ Basire J do. unfinished Id. do. monument, wh. len. sh. Bartolozzi John Sawbridgc, Aid. wh. len. T. Watson Richard Brinsley Shetidan, sh. J. Hall William Campbell Skinner ..J. Watson John Stacpoole, pp. mez.» • • • Id. 3 2 15 2 5 I o 1 7 5 o 1 1 3 10 10 1 7 10 10 7 7 o 10 Per. IX. Cla. IV 7 1 1 2 2 o 2 5 o John Thornton, wh. len. proof V. Green 15 Thomas Trotter, Merchant • .Trotter 2 6 Sir Barnard Turner, proof wh. len. mez J.Walker 7 6 Sir Edward Turner, wh. len. pp. proof sh. mez. • • • 'M'Ardeli Justice Welch, etching. • » • '• «S. Ireland John Wilkes, M. P. Miller do.«.»»mez. Purcell do. • • • .mez. J. Watson do. wh. len. 4to. Anonymous, inscribed A. Deer Hunter, etching, wh.len. C.R. Ryley 3 6 CLASS IV. CLERGY. First Subdivision — Bishops. Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham, sh. mez. J.Jones 15 Frederick Cornwallis, Abp. of Cant. mez. E. Fisher 5 John Egerton, Bp. of Durham Bartolozzi 7 6 do. from Hutchinson's Durham 2 6 John Garnett, Bp. Clogher,/^. M'Ardeli 10 6 do. aproof' 15 Benj. Hoadtey, Bp.Winchester Baron 7 6 do. as Rector of St. Peter Poor, ha. sh. mez. •••• Faber 7 6 do. 4to mez. Id. 5 do 8vo. M.v.GuchtO 1 6 do. inscribed, Blessed be the ) Lord for I am rich, > Faber 110 oblong mez. ) do. oval, in wood, before 7 * r ~ . . ... a 5» Anony. 5 his life, 8 vo. J J Richard Hurd, Bishop Wor-1 cester, I. p. proof on In- f J. Hall dia paper, Svo. ) Robert Lowth, Bishop London J.K. Sherwin William Markham, Archbp. of York, mez. Anony. do. charging his Clergy, curi- ous etching Id. Richard Osbaldiston, Bishop of London, mez. M'Ardeli do a proof' Id. Zachary Pearce, Bp. Rochester Faber Samuel Seabury, Bishop of Connecticut, prof • • • »W. Sharp Thomas Seeker, Abp. of Cant. M'Ardeli Thomas Sherlock, Bp. London Id. do. mez. Lelius do. Ravenet Richard Terrick, Bp. London J. Fisher John Thomas, Bp. Winchester Houston William Warburton, Bishop") of Gloucester, I. p. prf > J. Hall 10 6 on India paper J do. Houbraken 5 do..»«» .......Nugent 2 Q 10 6 T 6 5 10 6 5 7 6 2 6 10 6 7 3 6 7 6 3 6 3 6 5 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Per. IX. Cla. IV. £. f. d. William Warburton, Bishop of Gloucester Ank. Smith 2 Edward Willes, Bishop of St. David's Faber 5 CLASS. IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy William A Id ridge, 4to.» Grainger 2 James Archer, Priest J. Murphy 5 George Benson, D. D. 4to. • •M*Ardell 5 Samuel Berdmore, D. D. • • • -Nutter 3 John Berridge, M. A. setat 73 Ogborne 2 do. aetat 7 7 •• 1 Thomas Bitch, A. M. ...... Faber 2 do. proof, mez. Francis Blackbume, M. A. p. p. Fittler do. proof James Bradley, S T. P. raez. Faber Richard Burnham, Anabap. » «W. Kingsbury 2 Cornelius Cay ley, Anabap. prf. J. Taylor Samuel Chandler, D. D. proof, sht. mez. Pether Jacob du Che, circle J. Clarke Charles Churchill, proof ••••Cook William Aug. Clarke Trotter Emanuel Collins, M. A. p. p. • • M'Ardell Richard Conyers, LL. D. 4to. Record Laurence Coughlan, mez. ..J.Jones Peter Fr, le Couraver Ficquet Thomas Crofts, anonymous, pp. J. Farn William Cruden, M. A. ... -Trotter Thomas Davidson, mez. ----Flouston Howell Davis, 8vo. Kitchin William Dodd,LL.D.sm. mez. J. Walker John Edwards, of Leeds, mez. J. Watson do. proof Id. Egiin, etching, 4to. ««W. Doughty Richard Farmer, D.D. sh. mez. Jones 10 do. Ridley William Freind, D.D. 12mo. Worlidge do. Birrell John Gambold, M. A. mez. • «Spilsbury David Garrow, p. p. proof • • • - C. H. Hodges Thomas Gibbons, D. D. mez. Spilsbury Andrew Gilford, D. D. mez. - - Houston John Gill, D. D. 4to. Bannerman 2 do. 4to. J. Kitchin 2 John (ilas, in a lay habit, mez. M'Ardell 2 Cradock Glascott, M. A. ... -R. Clamp 2 William Gostling, M. A. etch. C. Mctz 2 John Mac Gowan, V.D. M • • Houston 2 James Granger, M. A. 8 vo. • -Bretherton 2 do. - W. W.Ryland 2 Richard Graves, ef Ciaverton, M. A. Mibbert 3 do. mez. Reynolds 5 do. 8vo 1 Zachary Grey, LL. D. Knight 2 Thomas Grove, V. D. M. «... Gardiner 2 Per. IX. Cla. IV. £. s. d. John Guyse, D. D. mez. • • • - Faber Joseph Gwennap, V. D. M. id. Houston Stephen Hales, D.D. mez. ••M'Ardell Richard Harrison, la. ha. sh. Knight John Herries, M. A. mez • • • - Read Rowland Hill, M. A. Collver William Huntingdon, S.S. 4 to. J. Fittler Richard Hutchins, S.T. P. - - - -Basire John Jackon, mez. • -M'Ardell David Jennings, D.D. mez.- • Id. David Jones, of Llangan* • • - J. Fittler Thomas Jones, M. A. mez. • - Houston do. mez. Purcell John Jortin, D D. 8vo. .-.-J. Hall Torial Joss, V. D. M. mez. • - Spilsbury John Kemp, sm. oval Trotter Andrew Kinsman, V. D. M.- •Spilsbury Andrew Kippis, D D. ha. sh Bartoiozzi John Langford, V. D. M. mez. Houston Arthur O'Leary, mez. G.Keating Roger Long, S.T. P. mez. - • • - Fisher Martin Madan, D. D. mez. • •Houston do. mez. Johnson do. mez. Manwaring do. with Mr de Coetlogrfn, wh. lens. sht. mez. « - * • • J. Watson Samuel Madden, D. D. mez. - - Brooks do. mez. Purcell do. mez. Spooner Robert Markham, D. D. - - - -W. Skeltor Charles Mason, D. D. 4to. • -Bretherton do. etching Ipse Thomas Maxfield, mez. • • - .Houston do. with his Wife and Fa- mily, sm. ovals, p. p. mez. P Dawe Francis Kelly Maxwell, D.D Dawe Robert Midgley, M. A. proof Fittler Thomas Morell, S. T. P. 4to. Basire Charles Mortimer, D. D. wh. len. etching, 4to. J. M. T lead way Nash^D. D. 4to. - -Caldwali John Nicholl, D.D. Worlidge William Paley, M. A. sh. mez. Jones Samuel Parr, LL. D. sh. mez. Id. Edward Parsons, 4 to. Ogborne Henrv Peckwell, D. D. 4to. . -Fittler Samuel Pegge, A. M. - William Percy, mez.' Edward Pickard, id. • • • Basire • • Houston • • Fisher 3 6 2 6 5 3 6 o l> 6 oj 5 0*" 3 3 6 3 6 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 3 6 r\ u Ct *5 o 5 3 6 3 6 3 6 1 6 15 5 u o 7 6 l 3 G 2 6 o 6 n U o A o 5 2 6 5 3 6 2 6 K 2 6 10 6 7 6 o o 6 o 6 o 6 3 Benjamin Preedy, D. D. pp J. P. Smith proof, 4 to. mez. Joseph Priestley, LL.D. sm- -Nutter Thomas Randolph, D. D. Svo. J. K. Hierwin John Rhudde, M. A. proof* - - .Dickinson Glocester Ridley, D.D. very sm. J. Hall William Robertson, D. D.* Id. o do. etching Kay do. etching, wh. len. Id. o Samuel Rogers, A. M. Svo. --Hibbart William Romaine, M. A. - - - -Corbutt do. sitting, mez. Houston 5 2 6 2 6 6 6 6 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 59 Per. IX. Cla. V. £* William Romaine, M. A. oval Houston do. proof, la. 4to. mez.. • • • do. l2mo. June [0 John Ryland, M. A. mez. ••Houston William Sclater, D. D. mez. • • J. R. Smith Walter Shirley, mez. Dixon Joseph Stennet, D. D. ha. sht. W. Walker Samuel Stennet, D. D. la. 4to. Holloway do. mez. J. W atson Emanuel Swedenborg, bust • • Miss Martin Louis du Tens Dutensj sua. mez. Nicholas Tindal, fol. B. Picart Aug. Mont.Toplady,B.A. mez. J. R. Smith Micaiah Towgood, of Exeter E. Ezekiel John Trottei, D. D. mez. •••• Houston Richard Walker, S.T. P. P. S. Lamborn Benjamin WaUin, M. A. sh. J.Wright William Walter, D D. mez.« •Hodges John Watson, M. A. p. p. 4to, Basire John Wesley, M. A. aetat 63 Bland do. 4 to. Downes do. Fittler do. ■ J. Gains do, proof, mez Spilsbury do. hand on a book, 4to. do. a bust, 4to. Charles Wesley, A M. mez, Spilsbury Peter Whalley, LL. B. Ridley Stephen Whisson, B. D. fol • .Trotter George Wbitefiefcl, M. A eetat 29, wh. len. sht. mez. • .Faber do. oval, mez. Id. do. preaching, mez. Id. do. mez. Greenwood do. proof, mez. • •••• Id. do. cut plate Id. do.-«.»8vo. Kitchin o do. mez. A. Miller do. 8vo. Picot do, 8vo. J.Taylor do. fine proof, sh. mez. ••••J. Watson 1 Francis Willis," D.D. and M. D. Bartoloz/i William Woolley, ML Av * • •Lovelace Edward Young, LL. D. • • • 'Boitard do • - • -proof Cook Fred. Mich. Ziegenhagen, Svo. Smith CLASS V. LAWYERS. First Subdivision — Judges. Sir William Blackstone, 8vo. J. Flail Walter Hussey Burgh C. Knight o James Burnet of Monboddo* »C. Sherwin Edward Clive, th« s. o 5 1 3 4 2 7 5 5 2 o 5 2 10 2 5 3 5 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 15 o 5 5 7 2 2 2 o 2 1 I 2 2 1 o Bench W. Hogarth Sir Thomas Denison, proof, mez. Robert Dundas, proof, mez. ••Jones do • ■ • »sht. W. Sharp 1 Sir Michael Foster, mez Faber o d. 6 e o 6 6 6 o 6 6 6 6 (3 o 6 6 6 6 6 6 o 6 6 6 6 6 °l 6 6 G Per. IX. Cla. V. VI. <£. s. d. Sir George Nares, sh. mez. ••Dickinson 7 Sir John Willes, L. C. J. mez. Faber 5 Edward Willcs, J. K. ft. proof Heath 10 6 CEASS V. Second Subdivision — Practitioners. Arthur Beardmore, mez. ••••J. Watson 5 Sir James Burrow, wh len. sh. J. Basire 5 Jacob Butler, profile etching. • Tyson 3 6 Andrew Colte Ducarel, LL. D. F. Perry 3 6 Charles Erskine, Jurisc. mez. M'Ardell 3 6 do. • • • ' proof Id. 5 Thomas Erskine, Att. Gen. • .J. Walker 7 6 Benjamin Heath, LL. D. wh. len. extra fine, sh. mez.» - Dickinson 111 6 do. proof, mez. Dixon 7 6 Daniel Mac Kercher, mez. "Brooks 5 James Mingay, proof, mez. ••Hodges 7 6 Isaac Reed, fine, mez. Dickinson 10 6 do. Knight 1 6 Alexander Whitechurch, proof mez. 5 CLASS VI. MILITARY. Philip Affleck, Adm wh. len. J. Young John Andre, Major, 8vo.- • • • J.K.Sherwin John Will. Arabin, Col proof T. Burke Thomas Baillie, Capt. mez.» • J. Watson Samuel Barrington, Adm.» • • • J. Collyer John Biddulph, Lieut. Col. • «T. Watson Edward Boscawen, Adm. mez. Purcell Sir Robert Boyd, K. B. la.ha.sh. J. Hall do.» »proof» Id. do. • • • • oval Car.Watson John Bi athwaite, Capt. small oval Daniel Brown, sm. wh. len. ••Baillie Sir Henry Clinton, proof • • • -Bartolozzi H c n ry > ey rn o u r C on way , proo f, Ja. 4to. T. Heath James Cook, Capt. F. R. S. • •Bartolozzi do.* " .proof Id. do. • • • ^la. 4to. J.K.SherwinO do.-*. *pnmf Id. William Cornwall is F. Hay ward Sir Charles Douglas, wh. len. proof J. Jones Sir Henry Erskine, proof, etching, pp. fol. D. Martiti I George Farmer, Capt. proof* "Murphy o Thomas Forrest, ( apt. -1to. • • W. S1wrp Simon Frazer of Lovat,12mo. Worlidge John Hugh Griffiths, ]>p. mez. V. Green do. • • • -proof Id. Sir Charles Hardy, Adm. mez. P. Dawe do. • • • «mez. Dickinson Studholm Hodgson, Ccn. • • • • W. Bond Lewis de Jean, Col. mez. ••I ahcr Richard Kcmpr nick, Adm. • • Pollard 10 7 6 60 Per. IX. Cla. VII. - James King, Capt. do. • • • •proof Sir Charles Knowles, Adm. • • Stringer Lawrence, Gen. John Meares, oval, 4to. Robert Monckton, Gen. wh.len. Hyde Parker, Adm. proof' • • • George James Riddel, op. • - • « Robert Roddam, Adm. proof Sir William Rowley, Adm. mez, do. • • • • mez. Thomas Smith, Adm. mez. • • do. • • • • ] 2mo. Richard Tyrrell, Adm. mez. do. .... 1 2mo. George Washington, Gen. mez do. • • «wh. len. do. • • • »4to. Andrew Wilkinson, Capt. mez. Henry Wilson, Capt. CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. £. s. d. Bartolozzi Id. Faber Purcell C. Bestland J. Watson J. R. Smith Bartolozzi Hudson Brooks Purcell Faber Worlidge M'Ardell Worlidge V. Green N. le Mire W. Sharp M'Ardell Heath CLASS VII. LLTERARY PERSONS. John Abercrombie, oval • • • 'Walker John Aitken, M. D. C. Knight Mark Akenside, M. D. and Poet Cook do.* ••• proof Id. do.**-*4to. mez. Fisher John Armstrong, M. D. proof Trotter John Berkenhout, M. D. • • ♦ •Holloway Joseph Black, M. D. F. R. S.- • J. Heath Archibald Bower, mez. Faber James Bruce of Kinnaird, sm. Heath William Cadogan, M.D. mez. Dickinson Francis Carter, Antiq. J. Basire Jacob de Castro Sarmiento, M.D. Houston 1 6 1 6 6 2 a 2 G 1 7 6 3 6 1 6 5 2 6 3 G Charles ChaUncy, M.D. F.R.S. ^ the large square plate on * Car. Watson India paper, with the re ( duced oval j Peter Clare, Surgeon, 12mo. Goldar Alexander Cruden, M. A. • • • •Trotter William Cullen, Med. mez. • »V. Green William Cummin, M.D. proof Trotter John Cunningham, Poet • • • «T. Cook Samuel Derrick, Poet W. HibbartO Thomas Dowland, Bot, mez. J.Browning,p Samuel Dyer, F. R. S. proof' »J. Hall George Edwards, F. R. S. 4to. J. Miller Joh» Fothergill, M.D. 4to....T. Hall do. • Bartolozzi Benjamin Franklin; mez. •••• M'Ardell do. J. Pclicier do. P. PI. John Freetb, Poet, 8vo. •••• Martin Thomas Glasse, M.D. la. h. sh. E.A.Ezekiel o Richard Glover, sm. oval • • • • Holloway Foote Gower, M.D Skelton Thomay Gray, Poet, profile • .J.. Basire do. proof, la. 4to, • « J. Heath o. Per. IX. Cla. VII. £. Francis Grose, F. S. A. wh. len. Bartolozzi do. proof Id. Busick Harwood, F.R.S. fol. Gardiner O Sir John Hawkins Clamp John Hawksworth, LL. D. .«J. Hall John Hill, M.D. mez. Houston William Houlston, F. A. S. • -M. Lambert Dcvid Hume, Histor. Basire do.. • • -proof D. Martin William Hunter, M. D. small R. Parry do. a circle, profile Thornthwaite John Huxham, M. D. mez. • •£. Fisher Samuel Johnson, LL. D. • • • 'Bartolozzi do. Heath do. after Barry, head only Ank. Smith do. « » • 'proof Id. do. 4 to. T. Trotter do. proof, 8vo. Id. John Ireland, 8vo W. Skelton John Ives, Herald, etching • • William Kenrick, LL. D. 4to. Worlidge Gowin Knight, F.R.S. wh.len. B. Wilson Theophiius Lobb, M.D. 8vo. Hulett Philip Luckombe, sm. oval ••H. Mutlow Vincent Martinelli, J. V. D. • .Bartolozzi Alexander Monro, M.D F.R.S. la. 4 to. * • - J. Heath Franck Nicholls, M. D. 8vo. . • J. Hall O Thomas Paine, la. 4to. W.Sharp John Patch, Surgeon, la. h. sh. E. A. Ezekiel Thomas Pennant, F.R.S. ha. sh. J. K. Sherwin do. bust, 8vo. Isaac Polack, Jew, mez. • • • 'Bolton Samuel Richardson, Novelist, with a cane, proof, mez. M'Ardell do holding a paper, mez. Id. do..-..8vo. C.GrignionO Alexander Russell, M. D.« • • •Trotter do. different • Id. o John Shebbeare, M. D. mez. o W illiam Shenstone, Voet, proof T. Cook Tobias Smollett, M. D. 8vo.. • * Edward Smyth, M.D. pp. proof V. Green Thomas Snelling, Medalist • • J. Thane Edward Spry, M. D. of Ply- mouth, proof, pp. J. Jehner o Benjamin Stillingfieet, Bot. pp. mez. •» V. Green* «0 John Taylor, Oculist, fol. . • P. Endlich do. mez. Faber William Tempest, F.R.S. Wilson John Throsby, set. 50. 4to. .-Walker Nathaniel Torriano, M. D. Svo. Id. Thomas Tyrwhitt, pp. mez.. • J. Jones Cilman Wall, Apothecat.- • • «S. Harding Joshua Ward, M D. with the claret face, mez. Faber Sir Wil iam Watson, M. D.« -Thornthwaite Richard Warren, M.D. sh. mez. J. Jones William Whitehead, Poet. . . .Collyer John W r hitehurst, F.R.S. • • J. Kail s. d. 6 G 6 6 G G G 6 5 10 2 3 5 2 6 2 6 10 15 2 o 2 3 5 2 7 6 3 (3 7 6 7 6 7 6 1 6 7 6 10 6 10 6 1 6 2 2 6 5 . 2 1 G 7 6 2 6 10 6 10 * 6 6 3 G Q «-» 6 2 6 o 10 6 o 10 o 5 2 6 2 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS 61 Per. IX. Cla. VIII. ' £. s. d. John Williams, Poet (Anthony Pasquin, proof Wright 3 6 John Wolcot, M.D. and Poet, inscribed Peter Pindar . .C. H. Hodges S 6 do. Ridley 1 CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. The Ra$al Academicians, la', sh. meg. R.Earlom Tho. Aug. Arne, Mus. D.« • • .Bartolozzi,^-/. do. ••••mez. Humphrey Samuel Arnold, Mus. D. 8vo. Charles Bannister, Actor • • • . J.R. Smith John Bannister, Actor, wh. len. Conde do.» • • -proof* Id. 3 do proof* • » Heath 6 do. and Parsons in the Vil- lage Lawyer, fine proof* • J.R. Smith 1 1 Spranger Barry and Miss Nos- siter, fol. Elliot 3 John Bartlctt and Thomas Pheips, wh. lens. J. Watson 5 do. proof* Id. 7 Francis Bartolozzi, fol. R. A. J.Bouiiiiard 7 do. IfcMenageotO 3 John Beard, Actor, m % ez. • • • .M'Ardeil 7 do. ••••mez. Faber O 5 Thomas Beck with, F.A.S; ..W.DoughtyO 7 do. 4to. mez. Humphrey 7 Robert Berkley as Prospero ••Dighton 2 Charles Blakes, Actor, wh. len. as M. le Medicine, mez. M'Ardeil 7 do. before the wan was introduced Id. 0" lb ■ Booth, Actor, as Father Luke Dighton 2 William Boyce, Mus. D.«« • • J.K.SherwinO 3 John Bovdell, Printseller, mez V. Green 3 Jack Bristowe, mez. Faber 3 Lancelot Brown, Surveyor ••Sherwin 5 Robert Brown, pp. proof, sh. Fisher R Samuel and Nathaniel Buck* 'Houston 5 • do.«- • -proof '• Id. 7 Nathaniel Buck, mez. M'Ardeil .2 John Burton, Music, mez. ••J. Watson 7 Agostino Carlini, with Barto- lozzi and Cipriani ••••J.R.Smith 7 William Caslon, L. F. mez. • -Faber 5 James Chalmers, Actor, mez. Watson 2 Sir William Chambars, mez. Houston 2 do. . Pariset 2 Joseph Champion, W . M. 4to. mez. 5 do. Hulett 3 Joan Bapt. Cirri, Music. 4to. G. Sherlock 3 John Bapt. Cipriani M. Bovi 2 do. R. Lai lorn 3 Francis Cotes, 4to. Pariset 2 George Courtup E. Scott 2 Richard Crosse, Enameller • »R. Thew 2 Matthew Darley, Eng.. M. Darley 1 Per. IX. Cla. VIII. £. Morgan Davis, Inn-keeper •• J. Chapman Thomas Davis, Bookseller, proof Schiavonetti Andrew Donaldson, sm. oval J. Kay John Do! land, Optician, mez. J. R. Smith Worlidge Jrs. Woffington, &c. satyri- y Anony. cal, 1745 ^ Francesco Geminiani, Music. M'Ardeil Thomas Gent, Pi inter, a:t. 80 V. Creen do. fine proof Id. ~ — St. George, Fencing Mas.W. Ward Felice Giardini, Music Bartolozzi Valentine Green, Engraver, sh. Ipse do. • • • -proof • • John Harrison, Inventor of J the Time-keeper, pp. prf. >Tassaert not in Bromley, mez. • • ) William Havard, Actor, pp. proof mez. E. Fisher 1 Joseph Haydn, Mus. D. • • • •Schiavonett William Hayes, Mus. D. mez. T. Park Francis Hay man, 4to. Pariset John Henderson, Actor, as Iago Bartolozzi do in Mackbeth, sh. mez. J. Jones do. ha. sh. mez. Id. William Hogarth, etching* •• »S. Ireland do.. ...mez C.TownleyO Horace Hone, inscribed David, proof, mez. J.Watson Nathaniel Hone, R. A. mez.. «E. Fisher do. in a fur cap, mez. • • • .Ipse R 1 3 3 2 2 10 5 3 5 5 5 7 John Dove, Citizen, mez. • • • • J. Watson Thomas Echlin, Choice Spirit R.Hunter, Joseph Edmondson, Herald •• J. Jones John Edwin, Actor, oval • • • • Heath do. as Lingo with Mrs.Wells E Scott John Elliott, F. R. S. pp. fins Dunkarton John Eilis, Cit Lond. B. Reading George Faulkner, Printer* • • «W. Shai ]> Samuel Foote with Westcn as Dr. Last, fine proof, mez. J.Fiulayson 1 do. as Major Sturgeon, two of do. as Mr. Cock, Auctioneer, etch. Thomas Frye, Engrav. sm. oval Ipso o do. in a square Id. David Garrick, Actor, mez. • • M'Ardeil do. with Mrs. Cibber . as Jaffier, &c. sh. mez. .... Id. 076 do in Richard, after Dance, wh. len. fine proof sh. mez. Dixon 1 11 6 do. as Abel Drugger, with Burton and Palmer • • • • Id. 15 do wh. len with the bust of Shakespeare Val. Green do. in the Farmer's Return, proof sh. mez. J. G. Haid do. from a cast after bis decease Pine do. as steward of the Strat- ford Jubilee, mez. • • • .Saunders do. • • • «bust J.K>herwii do. in 'Fancied ..... do. in Richard, with 7 6 1 1 3 5 6 5 p 7 6 2 6 5 10 6 3 6 3 a 5 7 6 1 1 r 62 Per.TX. Cla.VIII. £. Camillus Hone, mez W. Baillie William Hopley, Verger, mez. R.Hancock William Humphrey, sm. mez. Hodges Ozias Humphry, mez. V. Green do. • • • •4to. Pariset do..*.. 4 to. Car.WatsonO Alexander Johnstone, Actor, as Gibby, mez. Saunders John Johnstone, Actor Ridley do. as Sir Callaghan, mez. Ward John Kemble in Richard, sh. • • Bartolozzi do. • •••4to. •••• Gardiner do. ....oval Heath do. wh. len. as Coriolanus, sh. R. Meadows CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. Peu. TX. Cla. VIII. John Nicholson, Bookseller, • Sharp Ridley do. . • • »proof • • Thomas King, Actor* • • • do.« • • » 4to. do. with Miss Farren, wh. lens, proof, sh. J.Jones Joshua Kii by, Architect, 4to. Pariset Thomas Kirgate, Printer • • « • Hall George Lambert, mez. Faber Thomas Langdale, pp. W.C.Wilson Thomas Lawrence, jun. - • • • J.K.SherwinO Charles Leviez, D. M. mez.. .M'Ardell Will, Thos. Lewis, wh. len. • • J. Conde do. « • • • proof Id. do. wh. len. sh. mez. J. Jones John Stephen Liotard, 12mo. Worlidge Thomas Lowe with Mrs. Cham-") bers, as Mackhcath and > M'Ardell 1 Polly, wh. len. mez. • • • • J Vincent Lunardi, Aeronaut* .Bartolozzi Charles Macklin, Actor. • • • • • Conde do. Ridley Nat. Tho. Maggi, Music. • • • .Bartolozzi Thomas Major, Engraver, only two or three impressions taken when the plate was destroyed Henry Maiden, sm. etching • *T. Ord John May, Ship-builder, sm. V. Green Jeremiah Meyer, R. A. 4to.**D. Pariset do. pp. after Dance, mez.**W. Pether 1 John Moody with Parsons, in the West ludian, sh.mez. Dickinson do. a proof • • Id. do. as Foiguard, wh. len. sht. mez. Marchie do. with Packer, in the Re- gister Office, sht. mez. • ♦ J. Saunders John Hamilton Mortimer, prf V. Green Thomas Mudge, Watchmaker, p. p. mez • • • • C. Townley do. p.p. proof, la. 4to* * • • Schiavonetti Joseph Munden, Actor '••••Conde do. small oval ••••Ridley Robert Mylne, Architect. 7 Vangeliste") F. R. S. not in Bromley J 1783. J John Napier, fol. J. Lodge William Nield, Sadler, mez* • J. Jehner Ipse s. d.\ o 6 6 | o M'Ardell 3 6 milton, mez. ) do. sh. mez. Finlayson 5 do. proof Id. 7 6 do. sh. mez. R. Lowry 5 Dorothy Lady Banks J. Collyer 2 6 Lady Mary Cath. Bertie Dixon 15 Mary Lady Boynton, wh. len. proof sh. mez. J. Watson 1 1 Frances Lady Brydges, fine proof Id. 15 Lady Susan O'Brien, mez. Id. 3 6 Mary Lady Campbell J. K. Sherwin 5 Mary Campbell, Vise. Coke, 7 6 wh. len. proof sht. mez. M'Ardell « Lady Cromartie, mez. • • J. Faber 3 6 Anne Duchess of Cumberland, wh. len. J. K. Sherwin 3 6 Bcnedicta Lady Day, mez. "Dickinson 3 6 Georgiana Duchess Devonshire Boydell, ex. 2 do. with Lady Duncannon, wh. len. Dickinson 5 do. T. Watson 2 6 Janet Lady Erskine, mez.« • Johnson 5 Lady Charlotte Finch, fol. ..T.Major 7 6 Lady Eliz. Foster .... • C.Watson 036 PORTRAITS. Per. IX. Cla. IX. «£. Mary Lady Hervey, proof 4to. J. Heath Selifia Countess Huntingdon* • Fittler Anne Countess of Jersey ••••Faber Frances Countess of Jersey • «T. Watson Lady George Lenox, mez. « • • «R. Houston Lady Frances Manners Martin Sarah Countess Mexborough Worlidge Eliz. Countess Mexborough, proof Dickinson do. mez W.Ward Lady Newenden, a drawing Mary Duchess of Richmond •• Burke Rebecca Lady Rushout and her Daughter, wh. lens. .... Id. Mary Isab. Duchess Rutland R. Stanier do. proof do. proof 8vo. W.Lane Mary Marchioness of Salisbury B. Smith O do. proof Id. Harriott Countess of Seaforth, when Miss Powell, mez. Houston Isabella Countess of Sefton, wh. len. proof Dickinson Gi iselda Countess of Stanhope, proof M'Ardell Ann Lady Stanhope, as Calista, wh. len. p.p. sht J. Basire do. sm. oval T. WorlidgeO Maria Constantia, Countess of Suffolk, aet. 23, 1766, p.p. J. Watson 1 do.fi/ieproof* Id. 1 Ethelreda Vise. Townshend .'Faber do. oval Id. Amelia Sophia Countess of Yarmouth, mez. G. deKonigO Frederica Charlotte Duchess of York T.Burke do. oval J. Conde do. oval Orme 63 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 o 6 6 7 6 3 6 CLASS IX. Second Subdivision — Gentlewomen. Frances Abingdon, Actress ••Brookshaw do • W. Lane do* Landseer Teresa Allegranti, Singer* ••• Bartolozzi Anonymous, two Sisters, proof sbt. mez Dunkarton Mrs. Armstrong, 4to. mez- • • .J. R. Smith Giovanna Bacelli, Dancer, wh. len. sht. mez. J. Jones do. Trotter ^ophia Baddelev, Actress. •• .Lowrie Elizabeth Ban ington, mez. ..M'Ardell George Ann Bellamy Bartolozzi .0 Jenny and Nelly Bennet, mez. Marchi Miss Brown, inscribed Lucinda, proof mez. V.Green Miss Brushy, proof* • Id. 64 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS £. s. d Per. IX. Cla. IX, Ann Cargill, when Miss Brown, in Clara, proof, mez. • • • J. R. Smith 7 6 do. small oval, proof 2 6 Mrs. Carter, proof and letters, sm 4to.,mez. • • • • • J. R. Smith Miss Carter, proof 4to. mez. Id. Anil Carwardine, proof mez. Id. Ann Catley, Actress, proof J. Jones Miss Chambers, proof 4to. mez. J. R. Smith Mrs. Chambers, of Epsom, proof B. Smith Mrs. Chelsum, ietat 87, p. p. M. Pether Sus. Maria Cibber, Actress Bleeck 1 1 j)rooJ do. do. with portrait, mez. Id. the Pretender's mez Faber i,l VanderMyn") • 3 pinx. j Anna Maria Donaldson when Miss Falconer Margaret Drummond, with her Children, proof* C. Watson Abigail Drummond reading • • J. Watson Ann Elliot, Actress, as Mi- nerva, oval, mez. Saunders Harriet Eyre, 12mo. Bartolozzi Miss Falconet, inscribed Lu- cinda, mez. •• J. Watson Elizabeth Farren, in Hermione, proof wh. len. sht. mez. E. Fisher Signora Faustina C GrignionO Charlotte Fish, mez. J. Watson Maria Ann FitzherbeYt, fol. ••J. Collyer Mrs. Fitzwilliams, 4to. mez.« • J. R. Smith Mrs. Fordyce, mez. T. Watson Catherine Frederick, proof, 4to. J. R. Smith Augusta Goldney, 4to. T.ChambersO Catherine Graham, when Mrs. Macauley, 4to. Basire do. • • • «mez. • • • • Spilsbury Mary Green with her Son Rupert, mez. V. Green i, be- \ y fore the plate was re- ( duced, mez. • • • j do. mez • Faber 5 do. fol. J. MarchandO 3 Mrs. Clarke, etching, 4to» • • -Bretherton 3 Mad. Clermont, 4 to. mez« • • • J. R. Smith 2 Catherine Clive, Actress, mez. V. Haecken 5 Miss Coghlan, of Bath, proof mez. J. R. Smith Maria Cosway, wh. len Bartolozzi do. • SchiavonettiO Hannah Cowley, Poetress* • • • Fittler Ann Crawford, when Mrs Barry proof mez J. Watson Ann Crouch, Actress J. Conde Mary Cunliffe, proof J.Watson Ann Curzon, profile J.K.Sherwin Ann Darner SchiavonettiO Salathea Dawkens, mez. *«»«P. Stee Flora Mac Donald, mez. • • • • M'Ardell 6 o 6J1 5 2 2 2 6 5 10 6 5 3 3 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 4 5 7 6 2 6 2 6 5 3 6 4 3 3 6 Per. IX. Cla. IX. £. s. d. Mrs. Gretton, when Mrs. Ed- wards, proof mez. ••••J.Jones Elizabeth Bridget Gulston, proof mez. . . ... R. Earlom Elizabeth Hannam, when Clara Villiers Pitt, mez. M'Ardell Elizabeth Hartley, Actress, as Andromache • • • • J.K.SherwinO Maria Hastings, when Mrs. ImhofF, mez. •• Dickinson Miss Hoare, drawing, mez. ••Fabei Miss Hill, wh. len. proof mez J. Dean Miss Holland, profile, mez. • • Miss Hudson, wh. len. mez.» • Faber Polly Jones, alias Kennedy, proof mez. J. Watson Dorothy Jordan, Actress, proof J. Heath do. in the Country Girl • • J. Ogborne Angelica Kauffman J.Burke Mistress of Marshall Keith, mez.M'Aidell Mrs. Keck, wh. len. sh. mez. * «E. Fisher Mary Keighley, etching • • • »G. Stevens Louisa Lane, inscribed Cecilia Baldrey Mrs. Lovibond, mez H. Kingsbury Mrs. Loutherbourg, unfinished proof • Bartolozzi Margaret Martyr, Actress, mez. Dean Mrs. Mattocks, Actress, proof Dunkarton Elizabeth Merry, when Miss B run ton Bartolozzi do. as Calista, wh. len. • • • • J. Corner Miss Metcalf, sh. mez. Finlayson Mrs. Mills, mez. • J. R. Smith Harriet Montague, 4to. mez. Id. Miss Moore, proof mez. • • • • J. Watson o Louisa Morgan and Child* • • • P.W.Tomkins Hannah Norsa, Actress Clamp Ann Parry, proof mez. • • • • J. Dean Const Teresa Philips Muilnian, Courtezan, mez. Faber do. 8vo. mez. Id. Charlotte Pine and Children, proof mez. Dickinson Hester Lynch Piozzi, Literat. M. Bovi Miss Pond, Sister of Arthur, sh. mez. Spilsbury Elizabeth Pope as Zara • • • -Sallier do.» • • * proof I'd. do. as Viola, with Dodd, proof sh. mez. J. R.Smith Hannah Pritchard in Hermione, wh. len. sh. •••••Aliamet do. in an unfinished state • • Id. Martha Ray, 4to. mez. V. Green Mrs Reid as a Sultana, mez. •• Dickinson Mary Robinson, Literat. proof J.K.SherwinQ do. proof mez. J. R. Smith Frances Ross, when Miss Murray Houston Miss Russel Ann Sandby, Wife of Paul S. mez •••M'Ardel'I 2 fi c 3 G 5 O 3 6 3 6 2 6 1 6 5 o 6 o 6 5 3 6 r> o o mez. J.Wright 15 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 65 Per. IX. Cla. X. £. Sarah Siddons, Actress, oval* •Bartolozzi do. II Penseroso, \vh. len. sh. mez Dickinson do. • . . . oval • • » J. Heath do. in Zara, proof • • J. R. Smith do. with J. Kemble, 4to. • -Car.WatsonO Several in different characters, and see Sir Joshua's. Mrs. Sidney, mez. Wilson Miss Smith, mez. C. Spooner o Henrietta Stanhope, a child* 'Wilson Anna Selina Storace, wh. len. J. Conde do. as Euphrosyne, proof* • Id. Mary Sturt and her Son, mez. J. Watson Anna Swan, mez. Id. do. • • • »proof • V. Green Nanette Thelusson, a child ••Picot do.»»«»mez. Watson Sarah Tickell, wh. len. fol. • • J. Conde Miss Trimmer, mez. J.Watson do. • • • •proof • • • • • Id. Mary Eliz. Watson, afterward Lady Sondes, pp. sh. mez. T. Parke Williams Family, after Wright V. Green do. ••• *proof Catherine Wodhull, wh. len. proof ••Houston 10 6 15 5 7 CLASS X. CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, &c. Old Boots of Rippon, York- shire, wh. len. 4to. • • • • 2 Jonathan Britain, Incendiary J. R. Smith 8 William Brodie, executed, and George Smith, wh. len. etch. Kay 2 Elizabeth Brownrig, executed, wh. len. o 2 Varia Per. IX. Cla. X. £. s. d, Elizabeth Canning, mez.« •• • M'Ardell 5 A curious and interest big series' of Portraits and historical subjects, relating to the mysterious transaction of | Elizabeth Canning and the Gypsey Mary Squires Mrs. Everitt with her gigantic Son, etching M. A. Rigg 3 6 Peter Garden, set. 131, fol. ..H.Gavin 2 Richard Humphreys, Pugilist, proof sh. mez J. Young 7 6 Benjamin Jarrat, Grazier. •» .Trotter 1 6 Paul Jones, Commodore, 4to. 3 6 Thomas Inglefield, etch. F.Grose & Ireland 3 do. etching, 4to. Ipse & Trotter S Moll King, altered from Dolly, la. 4to. 2 6 Betty Munro, Fruit Girl, mez. J Dixon 5 Richard Penrose, aet. 94, sh.. .J. Jones 5 Richard Perrot, proof* V. Green 7 6 Peter the Wild Man Bartolozzi 3 6 do. wh. len. proof sh. mez. Val. Green 7 6 Foolish Sam, wh. len. etching B. Nebot 1 6 Edward Scofield, aet. 7 l,wh.len.R. Hancock 3 O James Sibbald, Gardener. . • .J. R. Smith 3 6 John Smith, alias Buckhorse, wh. len. fol. o 3 6 Hannah Snell, Soldier, mez. Faber 5 Mary Squires, wh. len. »Worlidge 3 6 Dick Swift, Thief-taker, etch. ha. sh. 2 6 Teresia the Corsican Fairy • »Worlidge 3 Auguste Vestris, Dancer, proof Bartolozzi 5 Isabel Walker, as tat 112 ••••H.Gavin 2 Arthur Wentworth on horse- back, mez. V.Green 5 Rynwick Williams the Monster, etching, la. 4to.« • • 2 6 Thomas Woo d, Miller, wh. len.Thane, exc. 2 6 Foreigners belonging to the English Series. AN EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS OF SUCH FOREIGNERS BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES, as have been Naturalized, pos- sessed any Dignity, held any Employment, or who may have visited or resided in this country ; comprising granger^ and bromley's appendixes, but enlarged to a considerable degree, and consisting of upwards of ONE THOUSAND DIFFERENT PORTRAITS, among which are a Number not generally known, and many very rare and curious — the whole formed with great labour and attention during a period of more than Thirty Years. 66 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, MOSTLY CHOICE PROOFS. His own Portrait, proof, mez. Id. £. s. d. • V. Green 15 J. K. Sherwin 5 £. s. d. Jeffery Lord Amherst, fine proof, sht. mez J.Watson 1 1 do. ha. sh. mez 2 6 Mary Duchess of Ancaster,/we proof wh. len. sht. mez. • Dixon 1 11 6 do. ha. sh. mez Houston o 5 John Ash, M. D. wh len. sh. Bartolozzi 5 do. proof Id. 10 6 Thomas Ashton, D. D. mez.. .M'Ardell 7 6 Sir John Aubrey, Bart. pp. id. J. Jones 10 6 Louisa Countess of Aylesford, proof Val. Green 7 6 Giovanna Baccelli, mez. •••• J. R.Smith 2 6 Moore Lady Bampfylde, wh. len. fine proof sh. mez.T. Watson 111 6 Joseph Baretti, fol. J. Hardy 3 6 Catherine Powlet, Vise. Bar- nard, wh. len. proof sh. J. R. Smith 15 Francis Bartolozzi, R. A. id. R. MarcuardO 7 6 Ann Bastard, mez. ••••••••M'Ardell 3 6 do. sm. copy, mez. Brookshaw 1 6 James Beattie, LL. D. fine proof mez. J. Watson 1 1 Margaret Lady Beaumont, prfi J. R. Smith 10 6 Francis Duke of Bedford, ) his Brothers and Miss > V. Green Vernon, proof mez.«.j Ann Bingham, proof- Bartolozzi 5 Sir Walter Blackett J. Fittler 3 Sir Brook Boothby, Bart.. • • • J. R. Smith 5 do. proof Id. 10 James Boswell, of Auchenleck, proof . • Jones 15 Edward Boscawen, Adm. wh. len. sht. mez M'Ardell 10 6 do. ha sht. mez. ........ Id. 3 6 Harriet Bouverie and Mrs. Crewe, mez. J. Marchi 7 6 Augustus Earl of Bristol, mez. Fisher 5 Annabella Bunbury, wh. len. fine proof sht. mez. ....Dixon 111 6i Catherine Bunbury, mez.» ••• J. Watson 5 Sir Charles Bunbury, pp. mez. Id 7 6 Charles Bunbury, mez. ••••F. Haward 5 Edmund Burke, M. P. mez* »J. Hardy 5 John Earl of Bute, when Lord Cardiff, mez Fisher 5 15 £. s. d- Charles Earl Camden, wh. len. sht Basire do. mez. J. E. Haid o do. wh. len. sht Ravenet Lady Almeria Carpenter, proof Lord John Cavendish, id. mez. Grozer Lord Richard Cavendish, mez. J. R. Smith Catherine Lady Chambers, id. M'Ardell- do. mez. Corbutt Sir William Chambers, mez. S.W.Reynolds do. sht. mez.« « • • Val. Green 0. Francis Charter is, afterwards Earl of Wemyss, pp. mez. Houston Nathaniel Chauncy, the large } square plate, on India f Watson paper, with the reduced f oval • j do. • Richardson, ex. George James Cholmondely. • J. Jones do. proof Id. 1 Catherine Pelham Clinton, proof J.R. Smith Mrs. Collier, profile, mez. ••J.Watson George Colman, Poet, sht. ••Marchi George Seymour Conway, sht. Fisher Jemima Countess of €oi nwallis, proof, mez J. Watson Frances Ann Crewe, when} Miss Greville, with her > M'Ardell Brother, wh len ) Stephen Croft, of York, F.A.S. Carter Diana Vise. Crosbee,^e proof, wh. len. sht. mez. •••... Dickinson 1 do. Id. Henry Fred. Duke of Cumber land, wh. len. sht. mez. • «T. Watson Charles William Earl Dalkeith, wh. len. mez V. Green Ann Darner, mez J. R. Smith o Ann Lady Dartrey as Diana, proof, mez M'Ardell Lady Betty Delme, wh. len. sht. mez. •* V.Green Elizabeth Countess of Derby, wh. len. sht. mez. Dickinson William Duke of Devonshire, mez. Faber 2 6 5 10 6 2 6 10 6 7 6 2 6 5 5 7 6 5 S 6 1 11 6 15 7 6 3 6 10 6 15 15 7 6 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 67 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, £. George John Duke of Dorset, proof, 4to. Singleton Robert Di ummond, Archbishop of York, mez. J.Watson Julia Vise. Dudley and Ward, when Miss Bosville, proof Id. Lady rharlotte Dundas, when Lady Fitzwilliam, mez. M'Ardell Harr. Fra. Vise. Duncannon, proof Grozer Thomas Lord Erskine, mez. .'Jones do. proof 1 James Esdaile, pp. mez. ■•••Jones 1 Ann Lady Fenoirlhet, mez. • •M'Ardell do. proof Id. Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick ••J.Jones do. proof Id. Sir Robert Fletcher, mez.* •• 'Dickinson Samuel Foote, Actor, mez. • • Blackmore do. fine proof *• Id. , 1 Ann Ladv Fortescue, proof ••M'Ardell Lady Elizabeth Foter 'Bartolozzi Charle.- James Fox, fine proof J. Jones 1 do. '• • Id. Prince Serge and Princess Bar- bara Gagarin, 4to Car.WattonO David Garrick, Actor, mez. ••T. Watson do. between Tragedy and Comedy E.Fisher George Prince of Wales lean- ing on his Horse, proof* «F. Haward Maria Duchess of Gloucester, when Lady Waldegrave M'Ardell do. proof Id. Jane Duchess of Gordon, mez. Dickinson do. smaller, mez. Id. John Marouis of Granby, xoh. len. beautiful proof sh. id./. Watson Thomas Lord Grantham and his Brothers, wh. leus. • •Cheoseman Miss Greenway, mez. J.Watson do. fine proof Id. Robert Haldane, Esq. sh. mez. G. Clint do. proof Id. 1 Mary Hale, as l'AUegro, wh. len. sht. mez. J. Watson Lady Jane Halliday, fine proof wh. len. sht. mez. V. Green 1 Mr. Hare, pp. proof mez. S.W. Reynolds 1 Francis Hargrave, Jurisc. mez. J. Jones Jane Countess of Harrington and her Sons Bartolozzi John Hawksworth, LL. D. proof mez J.Watson Frances Earl of Hertford, mez. Watts d. 7 6 15 10 6 10 6 3 6 7 6 10 6 5 5 2 6 7 C) 10 6 1 10 6 11 6 1 10 6 5 15 5 £. s. d. Elizabeth Hinchliffe and Miss Crewe, fine proof sh. id. Dixon 1 1 Alexander Lord Hood, mez J.Jones 10 6 Mary Hope, Wife of Sir John Hope, pp. mez. E. Fisher 7 6 Sir Edward Hughes, Adm. wh. len. sh. mez. J. Jones 10 6 Sir Abraham Hume, Bart. prf. C. II. Hodges 10 6 John Hely Hutchinson, LL.D. sm. sh. mez. J. Watson Samuel Johnson, LL.D. sht. W.DoughtyO 7 10 J.Watson 1 10 6 5 7 6 3 6 do. /. p. proof on India paper J. Hall do. • • • • proof 4 to. J. Heath Miss Johnson, anonym, mez. J. Grozer AngelicaKaurTman,/?ro<>f, mez. Bartolozzi Miss Kemble, prof, mez.. • • 'Jones Augustus Lord Keppel, proof Doughty William Kingslev, Gen. sm. Hancock Peuniston Lam be and Brothers, proof, wh. len. Bartolozzi 7 6" Lady Elizabeth Lee, wh. len. sh. mez. Fisher Sir John Leicester, Bart, wh. len. sh. mez. S.W.Reynolds W T illiam Legge, anonym, mez. Spilsbury Legge, Brother to William Id. James Vise. LifFord, wh.len. sh. Dunkarton 1 do.* *• 'proof • Id. 2 James Earl of Kildare, since Duke of Leinster, mez. M'Ardell 10 6 Emilia Duchess of Leinster, proof, mez. Dickinson Thomas Leland, D. D. mez.' • J. Dean Elizabeth March, of Lothian, when Lady Ancram, mez. Spilsbury Alex. Lord Loughborough, sh. Grozer Charles Lord Lucan, mez. •"•Jones Charles Lucas, M.D. mez. ••M'Ardell James Macpherson, la. 8vo. • .J. K. Sherwin James Lord Malmsbury, fol. Car.WatsonO Anthony Malone,Chanc. Exc. J. R. Smith Edmond Malone, 8vo. Bartolozzi do. C. Knight Elizabeth Duchess Manchester with her Soil, as Diana and Cupid, proof wh. len. sh. mez. Lady Louisa Manners, proof, wh. len. C. Knight 7 6 Lord Robert Manners, wh.len. sh. mez. Dickenson William Earl Mansfield, L.C.J. Bartolozzi do. • • • • proof Id. 1 Mrs. Matthew, wh. len. fine proof sh. mez. Dickinson 1 11 6 7 6 10 6 1 68 CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS* Sill JOSHUA REYNOLDS, £. s. d. Elizabeth Lady Melbourne and Child, wh. len. sh. mez. T.Watson 15 Francis Earl of Moira, oval fol. J. Baldrey 5 do. wh. len. sh. mez. J. Jones 15 do.. . . .8vo. 2 6 Lady Eliz. Montague, proof* .M'Ardell 7 6 Elizabeth Montagu, 4to. • • • »Bartolozzi 3 6 do. sh. mez. J. R. Smith 7 6 Mary Morant when Miss God- dard, pp. proof, mez. • • • C. Townley Charlotte Mordaunt, pr/^ mez. J.R. Smith Lord Morpeth, act. IS. la. oval Trotter do. unfinished Id. dp. an unfinished mez. after! the same picture, the > Id. plate destroyed J George Earl Mount Edgecumbe Fisher John Mudge, fit. D. F. R. S. pp. proof mez Grozer 10 6 Zachary Mudge, Preb. Exeter Watson 5 do. • • • * proof* Id. Miss Muse, anonymous, mez. Faber Miss Oliver of Ireland, mez. G. Marchi Phil. Jos. Duke of Orleans, proof wh. len. sh. mez. J. R. Smith James Paine, Architect, and Son, sh. mez. Watson do. fine proof • Id. Theresa Parker, wh. len. sh. J. Watson John Paterson, Citiz. of Lond. proof mez. ••••T.Watson Henry Earl of Pembroke, bril- liant proof sh. mez. • • • • J. Dixon 1 1 do. with his Countess and Son, obi. mez J. Watson William Pitcairne, M.D. F.R.S. J. Jones William Duke of Portland, sh. Murphy Lady Caroline Price, mez. • • J. Jones Miss, Daughter of Chace Price, wh. len. proof mez. • • • • J. Watson 15 John Reynolds, S.T. B. Father of Sir Joshua, mez. • • • 'M'Ardell Mary Robinson, profile, sm.4to. Birch 10 6 7 6 15 10 6 10 6 6 10 6 10 6 5 7 6 10 6 2 6 do.. *proof* • J. K.Sherwin 2 6 Charles Marquis Rockingham, wh. len. sh. mez. V. Green »»0 15 Charles Rogers, F.R.S. fol. - .W.W.Ryland 7 6 Charles Duke of Rutland, proof wh. len. sh. mez. Dickinson 15 Harriet Countess of Seaforth, as Leonora, proof mez. Houston 7 6 do. copy, mez. ••• • • • • • • Judkins 2 6 Isabella Countess of Sefton, } when Lady Molineaux, > J. Watson 10 6 proof mez J £. s. d Isabella Countess of Sefton, copied, sm. mez R.Laurie 1 6 Joshua Sharpe, proof sh. mez. C.H. HodgesO 1 6 John Lord Sheffield, la. 4to. J. Jones 5 Sarah Siddoris, Actress, in 1 the character of the > F. Haward 2 2 Tragic Muse, fine proof j Charlotte Lady Smyth and Children Bartolozzi 5 Princess Sophia Matilda, a Child, mez. T. Watson 5 Lady Charles Spencer, sh. id. Dickinson 7 6 Lord Henry and Lady Char- lotte Spencer, sm.wh. len. Jones 7 6 do. a proof* •••• Id. 15 Lavinia Countess Spencer •• Bartolozzi 3 6 Elizabeth Lady Stanhope, mez. J. R. Smith 5 Leicester Stanhope, proof * • • - Bartolozzi 5 William Earl Strafford, proof J. Heath 7 6 Charlotte Countess of Talbot, wh. len. sht. mez. V.Green 15 do. proof Id. Ill 6 Richard Earl Temple, sh. mez. Dickinson 7 6 do. fine proof* • • • • • Id. 15 Edward Lord Thurlow, very fine, sh. .Bartolozzi 110 do. fine proof, before the arms Id. Anna Maria Tollemache as Mi- randa, wh. len. proof sht. J. Jones 111 6 Thomas Tomkins, W. M. the] last portrait Sir Joshua > C.Turner 7 6 ever exhibited, mez. • • • • J Ann Visc.Townsend,wh.len. sh.V. Green 15 do. • » • * proof* * • • Id. Ill Charles Townsend, /?roo/*, mez. Dixon 7 Lord John Townsend, sh. mez. Jones 5 Mrs. Trapaud, anonym, mez. Fisher 5 James Earl Waldegrave, proof M'Ardell 15 Joseph Warton, D. D. proof J.R. Smith 10 Thomas Warton, D. D. proof C. Hodges 15 Samuel W hi thread, Esq. mez. S.W. Reynolds 15 George White, Paviour, as Resignation, mez. J.R.Smith Caleb Whitefoord, Esq. sht* • J. Jones do. proof ••• Id. 1 do. pp. ha. sht. mez. • »S. W. Reynolds 1 do. proof Id. Harry Woodward, Comedian J. Watson do. fine proof* •••• Id. William Wyndham, M. P. ..J. Jones do. proof Id. 1 Frederick Duke of York, wh. len. la. sh.» • » ••••J.Jones do. proof Id. 1 15 10 1 15 11 Count Ugolino, brilliant proof large sheet ••••••• and several Historical Subjects, proofs and letters* Dickinson CATALOGUE OF PORTRAITS. 69 BRITISH PORTRAITS, Engraved subsequent to Bromley s Catalogue, from 1792 to the present JEra, Per. IX. Cla. I II. £. s. d. CLASS I. ROYAL FAMILY. George III. Rex. A. Cardon 5 do.» •••&>!. Facius 5 do. in a square R. Meadows 5 do. wh. len. after Beechy* 'Benj. Sinitho 10 6 Queen Charlotte W.Evans 5 do. wh. len. after Sir W. Beechy T. Ryder 10 6 George Prince Wales, wh. len. Bartolozzi 10 6 do, after T. Philips, proof, sh. W . Say 111 6 Caroline Princess of Wales • • ^chiavonetti 5 do Sintzenich 3 6 Frederick William Prince of Wirtemberg, 8vo. P.W.Tomkins 2 CLASS It PEERS. John Duke of Argyle, proof* «J. Heath 7 6 William Vise. Barrington, pp. C. Knight 7 6 Francis Duke of Bedford, wh. len. sh. mez. proof S.W Reynolds Alexander Lord Bridport, sh. V. Green 15 Henry Duke of Buccleugh, fol. P. Audinet 5 Robert Earl of Buckingham- shire, proof sh. mez.« • • • W. Barney 10 6 do. proof sh. mez. • ••••• J. Grozer 10 6 James Earl Cardigan, la. 4to. J. Collyer 5 Lord Viscount Cathcart, mez. H. Meyer 7 6 John Lord Clare, proof mez. C. Turner 5 Cuthbert Lord Collingwood, sm. sh. mez. W. Say 5 do. wh len. sh. • • • -Gaugain &Scriven 7 6 Charles Marq. Cornwallis, oval H. Meyer 5 Thomas Vise. Cremorne, pp. C. Knight 5 Geo. Aug. Marq. of Donnegall, wh. len. sh. mez. C. Turner 5 Adam Vise. Duncan, wh. len. sh. Id. 5 Archibald Earl of Eglintoune, proof mez. S.W.Reynolds 5 John Lord Eldon, proof mez. J. R. Smith 10 6 Alan Lord Gardner, oval, proof 2 6 Augustus Henry Duke Grafton C. Turner 7 6 Thomas Lord Graves, pp. proof sh. Bartolozzi 2 2 Charles Earl Grey, proof* . . - J. Collyer 10 6 Philip II. Earl Hardwicke* •• -Bartolozzi 5 Robert Lord Hawkesbury, mez. H. Meyer 7 6 Samuel Vise. Hood, wh. len. sh.V. Green 1 1 do. C. Picart 5 Per. IX. Cla. III. £. George Lord Keith, proof sh. Reynolds Francis Earl Moira, wh. len. sh. mez. G. Clint Henry Earl Mulgrave, wh. len. proof sh. mez. Reynolds Horatio Earl Nelson, Abbott px. wh. len. sh. mez. W. Barnard do. three-quarters, sm. sht. Id. do. oval, with vignettes, prf P. Roberts do. wh. len. sh. mez. J. Young Henry Duke of Newcastle^ returning from shooting, > Bartolozzi la. sh. ) Horace Lord Orford, set. 88* «C. Turner Lord Paget, 4to. • • • • Harding Lord Henry Petty, mez. • • • »C. Turner Charles Earl of Romney, proof wh. len. sh. mez. V. Green John Earl St. Vincent, proof sh. mez. W. Barnard Henry Vise. Sidmouth, prf sh. J. Parker John Marquis of Sligo, proof W. Barney George John Earl Spencer • »H. Meyer do. ••••mez. C.Turner George Earl of Sunderland ^ andLordCharlcfSpen-f w B cer, wh. len. proof, sh. L J mez ) William Earl of Sutherland, wh. len. mez. M'Intosh Murrough Marq.Thomonds, } painted by the March. > W.MeadowsO of Thomond J James Baron Tyrawley, mez. J. R. Smith Richard Marquis Wellesley, after Home, sh -^J. Heath 1 s. d> 15 15 10 6 15 5 3 6 7 6 10 6 7 6 2 6 7 6 15 15 10 6 7 6 5 7 6 10 6 5 10 6 5 1 CLASS III. GENTRY. Charles Abbot, Speaker of the House of Commons, prf C. Picart 15 James Balfour, Treasurer of the Golfers, sh. mez. •• J. Jones 10 6 Charles William Bell, proof* «W. Barney 7 6 Sir Francis Burdett, M. P. ..A. Cardon S 6 Gerard Frederick Byng J.SingletonO 2 6 John Chute, proof 1. p. ....J. Heath 7 6 Harvey Christian Combe, Aid. W. Evans 2 6 Sir John Hynde Cotton ••••£. Maiding 2 6 Claude Champion Crespigny, proof wh. len. sh. mez. J. R.Smith 10 6 T 70 CATALOGUE Per. IX. Cla. IV. «£. s. G. Daniel, Esq. of Hull, proof J. R. Smith 2 William Dickenson, Esq. pp. proof W. Holl 7 Andrew Forrester, proof ••••Harding O 3 Charles James Fox, sm.. oval Ogborne 2 do. mez. C. Turner 7 Sir Richard Car Glyn, pooof wh. len. sht. mez. W. Say 15 George de Grey, mez Reynolds 2 Thomas llibbert, proof* J.R.Smith O 5 Matthew Horsley, of Birdsall, proof mez. Id. 3 William Main waring, J. P. proof wh. len. sht. mez. J. Jones 10 Henry Pelham, la. 4to« E. Harding 2 Leonard Pickard, of York, proof mez J. R.Smith 5 David Scott, M. P. wh. len. sh. J. Young 5 Hugh H. J. Seymour, srn. ovalT. Cheeseman 2 Granville Sharp, mez Turner 7 William Smith, M.P. sh. id..V. Green 7 do. proof ••« • Id. 15 Master Smith, inscribed the Nabob, wh. len. mez. ••W.Ward 5 do. in colours Id. 7 Sir James Sterling, wh. len. etching J. Kay 2 John Sullivan, proof mez* • • «W. Barney 7 Thomas Townshend, la. 4to» »E. Harding 2 John Trent-hard, pp. oval* ••• J. Singleton 7 Samuel Tvssen, proof sm. oval W. Evans 8 Thomas Wallace, sm. square C. Bestland 7 do. mez. C. Turner 7 G. L. Wardle, M. P. bust, proof, mez Id. 15 Samuel Whitbread, M. P. 7 S. W. Rey- ") wh. len. sht. mez. • • • • 3 nolds j do. sitting, wh. len. proof sht. mez. Id. 15 Thomas Wilmington, la. 4to. W. Cox, ex. 2 Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, proof mez**** Reynolds 5 Sir William Young, Bait, id. W. Say 7 CLASS IV. First Subdivision — Bishops. John Buckner, Bishop of Chi- chester, sht. mez. C. Turner 10 Richard Corbet, Bp. Norwich Harding 2 George Griffith, Bp. St. Asaph Id. 1 George Home, Bp. Norwich. • J. Heath 2 Isaac Huntingford, Bishop of Gloucester, sht. mez* ••• J. Ward 10 Beilby Porteus, Bp. of London, sht. mez. C.Turner 10 do. proof «Harding 3 Spencer, Bishop of Peterbo- rough, proof T. Cheeseman 2 OF PORTRAITS. Pek. IX. Cla. IV. V. VI. £. s. d. Edward Venables Vernon, Abp. of York, sht. mez C. Turner 10 6 Richard Watson, Bishop of Llandaft', mez. J.Jones 5 CLASS IV. Second Subdivision — Inferior Clergy George Berkeley, LL.D. • • • »W. Skclton John Brand, M. A. sm. profile Fittler Rev. Mr. Colquhon, sm. oval Kay William Cook, D.D. proof fol. S. Harding William Cooper, proof fol. »»J. Heath do. aetat 20, 4to, J. Scott Abbe Edgworth, wh. len. • • • .Cribb, exc. Stephen Greenaway, M. A. ••Basire John Harmar, of Sheffield ••J. R. Smith Rev. Mr. Lascelles, of Yorksh. W. Bond Robert Masters, B. D. F. S. A. Facius John Ogilvie, D. D. F. R. S. proof • • J. Heath 4 Abraham Rees, D. D. F. R. S. J.Yeatherd 5 Rev. Mr. Scott, of Yorkshire J. Robinson 1 Joseph Towers, LL. D. Svo. B. Duterreau 1 James Townley, M. A. fol. • «C. Townley 3 Richard Underwood, M. A ^} Provincial Grand Mas- f ^ ^ A r^/r e 11 > C.Turner 10 ter of Masons, or Here- ( fordshire, mez. j John Upton, sm. oval •••••• Harding 1 CLASS V. LAWYERS. borough, ") jawrence, > C. Turner 1 11 6 Edward Lord Ellenborough, L. C.J. after L proof sht. mez Sir Beaumont llotham, Knt. ."V. Green Daines Barrington, sm. 4to. • »C. Knight John Philpot Curran, proof • • J. R. Smith Henry Erskine, sir. etching ..J. Kay Thomas Lowten, Esq. proof sm. sht. mez. C.Turner 1 Robert Macqueen, L.J. C. sh. D. Lizars James Marshall, wh. len. etch. J. Kay 10 3 7 James Montgomer y, L. C. B. ) Moncreif, > ;hing. • • • j Id. and David B. E. sm. etchi Thomas Muir, jun, Advocate, four different etchings •• Id. John Silvester, Recorder of London, mez. Barnard CLASS VI. MILITARY. The Death of Sir Ralph Abercrombie, with por- traits of Sir J. Moore, Sir Sidney Smith, Gen. Hope, &rc. sht. do. sni. oval «... 2 6 5 E. Mitchell 15 • Ridley CATALOGUE Per. IX. Cla. VII. £. 8. d. Captain Ayscough, 4to S.Harding 16 Sir Edward Berry, Capt. mez. G. Keating 3 6 do. oval, with vignette* «P. Roberts 2 6 Sir Nathaniel Dance, Commo- dore, mez C Turner 7 6 Hugh Mackey Gordon, Lieut. Col. proof, mez W. Barney 7 6 John Harvey, Capt. sm. sh. id. J. Murphy 5 Sir John Moore, Gen. slain at Corunna, after Lawrence C.Turner 10 6 Thomas Musgrave, Lt. Gen. pp. ha. slit- • • » G. S. FaciusO 15 Sir Richard Onslow, Adm • • • • D. Orme 2 6 Sir Peter Parker, Adm. proof, wh. len. sht. mez. V.Green 15 Thomas Pringle, Adm. oval • »Orme, jun. 2 6 Edward Riou, Capt. fell at Copenhagen, 4to. J. Heath 5 Sir James Saumarez, Adm. ••Ridley 1 Sir Thomas B— Thompson, Capt. oval, with vignette P. Roberts 2 6 Sir Henry Trollope, Admiral, proof Nutter 3 6 Major Scott Waring, mez. ••C.Turner 5 Sir John Borlase Warren, Adm. H. Richter 3 6 Sir Arthur Wellesley, after Home* wh. len. mez* •• 'C. Turner 10 6 George Westcott, Capt. killed at the Nile, mez. E. Bell 2 6 B. Gen. Wynyard, proof mez. W. Barney 7 6 CLASS VII. LITERARY CHARACTERS. Sir George Baker, Bart, pp.* • J. SingletonO 7 6 Richard Bentley, proof J. Heath 7 6 Robert Bloomfield, oval ••••Ridley M. C. Browne, two small ovals J. Kay 2 6 Campbell, pp. proof 8vo. J. Parker 5 Erasmus Darwin, M. D. proof 4 Daniel Isaac Eaton, 12mo» • • • Sharp 2 6 Roger Gale, Literat J.v.BergheO 2 Joseph Gerrald, mez Reynolds o 6 Gibbes, M. D. proof 4to. mez. 5 James Gregory, M.D. sm. oval J. Kay 1 fi do. two wh. lens, etchings. • Id. 2 6 Hay, Author of the In- surrection at Wexford • »Anonym. o 6 William Heberden, M. D.. • • • J. Ward 5 A. Hunter, M.D. F. R. S. proof sm. sht. mez. J.R.Smith 7 6 Mutton, M. D. two small o 6 Edward Jenner, M.D. mez»»W. Say 5 do. proof, sht. mez. J.R.Smith 7 6 John Gale Jones, 4to. mez.»« 2 6 John Moore, M.D. proof • •G.Keating 5 Thomas Morton, Poet, proof J. Heath 6 Arthur O'Connor, proof mez. 10 6 OF PORTRAITS. 71 Per. IX. Cla. VIII. £. s. d- Mallet du Pan, proof, ioU* •• .J. Heath 7 6 Sir Lucas Pepys, M. D. F.R. S. J. Godby 5 Pratt,' Author of the Gleanings, mez. C. Turner 5 Frederick Reynolds, Poet • • • • J. Heath 4 Benjamin Count of Rumford, LL.D. sht. mez. J.R.Smith 3 6 William Saunders, M.D. F.R.S. proof, mez Id. 7 6 Stewardson, Painter,/;/;/*. W. Barney 5 Thoma?Tickell, Poet Clamp 2 Benjamin Thompson, Literat. J. R. Smith 2 6 William Turnbull, M.D. fol. • W. Skelton 5 Edward Waring, M.D. F.R.S. Facius 4 Richard West, proof mez. • • 5 CLASS VIII. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. Lemuel Francis Abbott, proof, sht. mez. V. Green 5 James Aikin, Actor, oval* ••• J. Heath 050 Sir Richard Arkwright, wh. len. sht. mez J. R. Smith 10 6 Barrymore, Actor, proof B. Smith 5 Signior Bianchi, Mus. Compos. A. R. Burt 2 6 " ora Bond, Comedian R. Clamp 1 6 Matthew Bolton, proof, mez. S. W Reynolds 3 6 William Brecon, Actor • •••£. Harding 2 William Cartwright, Actor ..R. Clamp 2 -Cook in Richard III.. -Dighton 2 Delpini in Peirot, w. len. W. Hincks 2 6 Charles Dibdin, Mus. Compos. B. Smith 3 6 do. mez J. Young 5 M. Dowton, as Major Stur- geon, in colours T. Wageman 5 William Elliston, Actor, mez. C. Turner 7 6 John Fawcett, as Whimsiculo. in colours T. Wageman 5 I James and John Gillispie, To- bacconists, etching J.Kay 2 6 1 John Greenwood, Auctioneer, 4to. mez. W. Pether 2 6 James Heath, A. R. A. mez. • -Reynolds 2 6 William Hoare, R. A. mez. •• Id. 2 6 Charles Incledon, Actor • • • • J. Venclramini 4 | John Kay, Engraver, sitting Ipse, 178G 3 do. with Hamilton Bell i and John Rae, three > Id. 5 curious etchings • • • • ) Several other etchings of Scotch personages ■ Id. Michael Kelly, Actor, two ) Conde and 7 plates j Ridley j ~ u Edward Miller, Mus. D. T. Hardy 2 Mills, Actor, proof* •• -Harding 3 i George Morland, proof, mez. J. R. Smith 5 I S. Noithcote, sen. mez. •• • »S.W. Reynolds 2 1 Robert Orchard, Grocer, mez. W. Barnard 2 | Richard Perkins, 4 to. Clamp 2 72 CATALOGUE OP PORTRAITS. Per. IX. Cla. IX. £. s. d. ■ Redman Comedian • • • • Harding 1 Humphry Repton, Artist • • • • W. Hall 5 Alexander Sheriff, ( Cloth } Merchant in Edinburgh > J. Kay 2 6 wh. Ien. fol. ) • Ridley 1 John Taylor, Painter, 4to. • • Clamp 2 Francisco Vieira, oval, 4to. • • Bartolozzi 2 John Walker, Bookseller • . • • Ridley 2 6 George Wallis, Gunsmith, mez. 3 6 CLASS IX. First Subdivision — Ladies. Jane Elizabeth Vise. Andover C. Wilkin Mary Bellenden, Duchess of Argyle, 1. p. proof J. Heath Charlotte Vise. St. Asaph C. Wilkin Lady Smith Bulges, proof* • • «R. Cooper Lady Charlotte Campbell - • • m of tije passton of our lorn ftp t|)e tfjree former jWaatera* THE CAPITAL WORK OF ALBERT DURER, THE FOUNDER OF THE GERMAN SCHOOL, NEARLY COMPLETE, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, AND IN THE HIGHEST STATE OF PRESERVATION. A numerous Assortment of the early Masters in Wood, Lucas Cranach, Hans Burgmair, Hans Baldung, David, Jerome, and Lambert Hopfer, Hatis Schauffelein, John Ulric Pilgrimstadt, John Walter Van Assen y tyc. A REMARKABLE FINE COLLECTION OF THE LITTLE GERMAN MASTERS, COMPREHENDING THE WORKS OF HENRY ALDEGREVER, ALBERT ALTDORFFER, HANS SEBALD BEHAM, JAMES BINCK, JOHN THEODORE DE BRY, GREGORY PENTZ, VIRGILIUS SOLIS, &c. A curious Collection of the Works of the early Engravers, including fine Specimens of Jerome Bosch, Abraham and Nicholas de Bruyn, les Maitrcs da Caducee S; de PEcrevisse, Adrian Collaert, Philip Galle, Louis Krug, Lucas Van Lcyden, Peter Myriginus, Peter Serwouter, Dirk Von Staren, §c. U 74 WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. THE WORK OF THE CELEBRATED HENRY GOLTZIUS, AFTER HIS OWN DESIGNS, AND OTHER GERMAN AND ITALIAN MASTERS, IN- CLUDING HIS HIGH FINISHED PORTRAITS, MANY OF THEM PROOFS, AND HIS MASTERLY SUBJECTS IN CHIARO-SCURO. THE WORKS OF THOSE EXCELLENT ARTISTS, JAMES MATHAM, JOHN MULLER, AND JOHN SAENREDAM, DISCIPLES OF HENRY GOLTZIUS, AND ENGRAVED AFTER HIS DESIGNS, AND THOSE OF ABRAHAM BLOEMART, CHARLES VAN MANDEREN, BARTHOLOMEW SPRANGER, ADRIAN DE URIES, THE TWO ZUCCHERO'S, &c. N.B. This and the preceding Article are presumed to be the first Collection in this Country , in point of Number, Impression, and Preservation, and are digested in the Order of Adam Bartsch. The Works of Jacques de Gheyn, W. Swanenburg, Andre Stock, and other Artists of the same School, and serving as an Appendix to the Work of Goltzius. A RICH AND ALMOST ENTIRE COLLECTION OF THE PORTRAITS OF ^GIDIUS SADELER, RANGED ACCORDING TO HUBER, AMONG WHICH ARE SEVERAL MENTIONED BY HIM, TO BE EXCESSIVELY RARE AND VERY FINE IMPRESSIONS. An extensive Assemblage of finely engraved Foreign Portraits, by Lucas, Bartholomexv, Philip, and Wolfgang Kilian, Jacob Sandrart, Jacob ab Hey den, Jeremiah Falck, Sebastian Furck, Elias Hainzelmann, Peter Iselburg, &;c. choice Impressions. A MOST DESIRABLE WORK OF THE WIERIX'S, JEROME, ANTHONY AND JOHN; CONTAINING MANY INTERESTING PORTRAITS AND HIGHLY FINISHED DEVOTIONAL SUBJECTS, WHICH FOR BEAUTY OF IMPRESSION AND EXTENT IN NUMBER, MAY, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, BE ESTEEMED THE FIRST COLLECTION IN THE KINGDOM. WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. 75 An Assemblage of very neat Religious Subjects, by Joan. Bapt. Barbe, Philip and Theodore Galle, Stephen de Laune, Charles de Mallery, Michael van Lochon, Abraham van Merlen, John Valdor, fyc. A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION OF THE WORK OF WENCESLAUS HOLLAR, CONSISTING OF HIS HISTO- RICAL, RELIGIOUS, AND PROFANE SUBJECTS ; MAPS, PLANS, AND VIEWS; SHIPS AND SEA PROSPECTS; DESIGNS AFTER L. DE VINCI AND OTHER MASTERS; LANDSCAPES, HABITS; RARE ENGLISH AND FOREIGN PORTRAITS ; CHURCHES, MONUMENTS, INSECTS, FLOWERS, SHELLS, ANIMALS, HUNTINGS, COINS, MEDALS, SEALS, SEASONS, MUFFS, FANS, SWORDS, FRONTISPIECES, AND TITLES : THE WHOLE EXCEED- ING MORE THAN FIFTEEN HUNDRED DIFFERENT PIECES, AND THE IMPRESSIONS OF THE FIRST QUALITY. A Series of Foreign Portraits, by Adrian and Theodore Matham, Cor- nelius Bloemart, Jacob de Bye; Equestrian Portraits by William and Henry Hondius, Crispin Van Queboren, 8$c. many scarce and curious. THE WORK OF JOHN VANDE VELDE AND COUNT GOUDT, AFTER iELSHEIM'ER, VERY FINE. A large Collection of Portraits, Religious and Profane Subjects, by Crispin, Simon, and Magdalen de Passe. THE MUCH ESTEEMED WORK OF CORNELIUS VISSCIIER, IN- CLUDING HIS LANDSCAPES, HISTORICAL SUBJECTS, AND NEARLY THE WHOLE OF HIS PORTRAITS; PLACED IN THE ORDER OF BASAN, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. 76 WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. The Works of John de Visscher, Dancker Danckerts, after Nicholas Berchem, Adrian Van Ostade, §c. remarkably fine, and classed according to Hubir. THE ADMIRED WORK OF JONAS SUYDERHOEF, PARTICULARLY HIS MASTERLY EXECUTED PORTRAITS, NEARLY COMPLETE, AND MOST BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. • A Collection of fine engraved Portraits, by Peter Van Sovipel, John Xouys, Cornelius Van Dalen, Abraham Blooteling, Michael Natalis, H. Bary, J. v. Munnickhuysen, fyc. THE WORK OF WILLIAM JAMES DELFT, CONSISTING OF MANY SUPERB PORTRAITS AFTER MIEREVELT, &c. INCLUDING THE THREE PRINCES OF ORANGE, PROOFS AFTER VANDER VENNE; THE PRINCES OF ORANGE ON HORSEBACK, AND OTHER ILLUSTRIOUS CHARACTERS OF THAT PERIOD, UNCOMMONLY FINE. A very fine Collection of Portraits of Eminent Personages, by Paul Pontius, Lucas Vorsterman, Peter de Jode, Cornelius Galle, Philip Fruy- tiers, 8$c. AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF THE WORKS OF RUBENS, VAN- DYKE, AND JORDAENS, BY BOETIUS AND SCHELTE A BOLSWERT, PONTIUS, VORSTERMAN, AND OTHER CELEBRATED FLEMISH MASTERS. A SPLENDID COLLECTION OF THE VANDYCK HEADS, VANDEN EN DEN IMPRESSIONS, A GREAT NUMBER OF PROOFS BEFORE THE ENGRAVER'S NAME, SEVERAL WITHOUT ANY INSCRIPTION, RARE PROOFS, AND VARIATIONS OF HIS OWN ETCHINGS, AND MANY OTHERS NOT IMMEDIATELY BELONGING TO THE SET. WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. 77 A COLLECTION OF THE WORKS OF REMBRANDT VAN RHYN, CONSISTING OF MANY OF HIS CHOICEST WORKS, WITH SEVERAL SCARCE VARIATIONS; AND THOSE OF HIS DISCIPLES, J. LIEVENS, F. BOL, AND VAN ULIET, VERY FINE IMPRESSIONS. A LARGE SELECTION, COMPRISING THE RICHEST SPECIMENS OF DUTCH ETCHING, BY ANT. WATERLOO, PAUL POTTER, JOHN AND ANDREW BOTH, J. FYT, T. STOOP, ALBERT FLAMEN, PETER DE LAER, HERMAN VAN SWANEVELT, LUCAS VAN UDEN, LOUIS DE VADDER, JACOB RUYSDAEL, ROLAND ROGHMAN, HENRY NAIWINCX, HERMAN SACHTLEVEN, SIMON DE ULIEGER, ADRIAN VAN OSTADE, NICHOLAS BERCHEM, CORNELIUS BEGA, CORNELIUS DUSART, DAVID TENIERS, KARL DU JARDIN, THOMAS WYCK, BARTHOL. BREENBERG, A. VAN EVERDINGEN, ADRIAN VANDE VELDE, JOHN VAN A KEN, JOHN ALMELOVEEN, REINIER ZEEMAN, &c. &c. A numerous and pleasing Collection of Etchings and Engravings, per- taining to the French School, by Abraham Bosse, Peter Brebiette. Francis Colignon, N. de Montaigne, John Morin, Gabriel Perelle, Israel Silvestre, THE WORKS OF THE TRULY CELEBRATED JACQUES CALLOT, CONSISTING OF SEVERAL HUNDRED PIECES, AMONG WHICH ARE MANY PROOFS, ARRANGED AGREEABLE TO THE LATE COPIOUS CATALOGUE PUBLISHED BY J. H. GREEN. A large Assortment of Portraits of Eminent Frenchmen, by P. Landry, J. Langlois, N. de Larmessin, M. Lasne, J. Lenfant, P. Lomhart, C. Mcllan y C. Mcyssens, B. Moncornet, $c a great many useful for the purpose of Illustration. THE ADMIRED WORK OF THAT MUCH ESTEEMED ARTIST, ROBERT NANTUEIL, CONSISTING OF MORE THAN TWO HUNDRED PORTRAITS OF CELEBRATED CHARACTERS OF THE REIGN OF LEWIS XlVth, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, AND MANY BELONGING TO THE ENGLISH SERIES. X 78 WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. THE WORK OF ANTHONY MASSON, CONSISTING OF EMINENT CHARACTERS WHO FLOURISHED DURING THE SAME MRA, AND REMARKABLY FINE. THE WORK OF PETER VAN SCHUPPEN, ALSO CONSISTING OF PORTRAITS, EMBRACING THE SAME PERIOD, AND EQUALLY FINE WITH THE TWO MASTERS PRECEDENT. A Series of engraved French Portraits, by J. le Blond, P. Daret, C. and J. David, J. Daulle, E. Desrochers, C. Duflos, J. Grignon, G. Huret, J. and S. Picart, F. and N. de Poilly, N. Pitau, N. Regnesson, P. Simon, C. Vermeulen, '&;c. most of them fine Examples of Engraving, and many distinguished Characters. AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF HISTORICAL SUBJECTS RE- LATING TO THE ARMINIAN CONRTOVERSY; EXECUTION OF THE DUTCH CONSPIRATORS; MASSACRE OF THE DE WITTS; SEA FIGHTS BETWEEN THE ENGLISH AND DUTCH, AND OTHER REMARKABLE EVENTS. An Assemblage of Historical and Devotional Subjects, after the great Masters, by the Audrarts, E. Baudet, J. Boulanger, F. Poilly, J. L. Roullet, JEg. Rousselet, F. Spierre, and other celebrated French Engravers, first Impressions. THE WORKS OF PETER DREVET AND GERARD EDELINCK, REMARKABLY FINE. The Works of Bernard Picart and Sebastian le Clerc> several Proofs. WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. 79 A LARGE COLLECTION OF THE WORKS OF JACQUES PHILIPPE LE BAS, AFTER TENIERS, WOUVERMANS, &c. FINE IMPRESSIONS AND MANY PROOFS. An extensive Assortment of French Engravers, after Italian, Flemish, and Dutch Masters, by Aliamet, Beauvarlet, Demarteau, Desplaces, Ingouf Lempereur, Lepicie, Moyreau, RomanSt, Simonneau, Tardieu, Thomassin, Trouvain, fyc. fyc. A FINE COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS OF PAINTERS AND SCULP- TORS, ENGRAVED BY EMINENT FRENCH ARTISTS FOR THEIR ADMIS- SION INTO THE ACADEMY, VERY FINE. An extensive Assemblage of the modern German Masters, including first Impressions oj the Works of John Elias Ridinger, Elias Christopher Heisse, Francois Ferg, Jacques Schmutzer, Joseph Wagner, Christian Dietricy, Francois Edmond Weirotter, Jean Frederick Bause, Ferdinand Kobell, C. W. Kolbe, Ant. and Jean Balzer, Carle and Henry Guttenberg, G. F* Gmelin, B. A. Danker, Carle Reinhart, Charles Weisbrod, C. G. Leybold % J. Mechau, C G. Schultze, H. W. Schweickhardt, A. C. Dies, C. Ziegler, F. L. Zentner, #c. 8$c. A Selection of the best Imitations of the Dutch School, by Cornelius Ploos Van Amstel, C. Brouwer, L. Janinet, and J, T. P rest el, very fine. The Work of James Houbraken, Peter TanjZ, Jacob Folkcma, §c. principally consisting of Foreign Portraits, finely engraved, many of them Proofs. A Collection of Painters and Engravers of all the different Schools. A numerous Collection illustrative of the Old and New Testament. 80 WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS. THE WORK OF GEORGE FREDERICK SCHMIDT, COMPRISING HIS ETCHINGS AND ENGRAVINGS, REMARKABLY FINE. THE WORK OF THAT CHARMING ENGRAVER, JEAN GEORGE WILLE, CONSISTING OF HIS PORTRAITS AND HISTORICAL SUBJECTS, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, CHIEFLY PROOFS. A COLLECTION FROM THE MODERN FRENCH SCHOOL, INCLUDING THE PRINCIPAL PRODUCTIONS OF J. J. BALECHOU, EERWIC, ETIENNE FICQUET, ANT. DE MARCENAY, 8cc. ENGLISH SCHOOL. The Historical Works of John Smith, J, Becket, B. Lens, Robinson, and other early Engravers in Mezzotint o. THE CAPITAL WORK OF WILLIAM HOGARTH, CONSISTING OF THE WHOLE OF HIS BEST PRODUCTIONS, IN THE FIRST STATE OF THE PLATES. The Works of Thomas Worlidge, including many Proofs and Variations, in different stages of the plates. THE WORKS OF SIR ROBERT STRANGE, BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS. A Selection from the best Works of Captain Baillie, including Jim Impressions of his Goldweigher f Hundred Guilder, fyc. WORKS OF EMINENT MASTERS- 81 A CHOICE AND RARE SELECTION FROM THE INVALUABLE WORK OF THE INIMITABLE WOOLLETT, COMPREHENDING BEAUTIFUL PROOFS OF HIS NIOBE, COTTAGERS AND JOCUND PEASANTS. CELADON AND AMELIA, CEYX AND ALCYONE, SPANISH POINTER, CICERO AT HIS VILLA, AND SEVERAL OTHERS, PROOFS, AND PRIME IMPRES- SIONS OF HIS LANDSCAPES AND HISTORICAL SUBJECTS, AFTER WILSON AND WEST. A SELECTION FROM THE WORKS OF THOSE MUCH ESTEEMED ARTISTS, BROWNE, SHARP, HEATH, HALL, COLLYER, AND OTHER ENGRAVERS OF THE PRESENT DAY, MOSTLY CHOICE PROOFS AND ETCHINGS. THE EARLY AND SUPERIOR WORKS OF FRANCIS BARTOLOZZI, COMPRISING HIS FINE PRODUCTIONS AFTER THE ITALIAN SCHOOL, SEVERAL PROOFS. THE VERY DESIRABLE WORK OF THAT EXCELLENT ARTIST IN MEZZOTINTO, RICHARD EARLOM, CONTAINING NEARLY THE WHOLE OF HIS FAVOURITE SUBJECTS, INCLUDING A NUMBER OF BEAUTIFUL PROOFS AND ETCHINGS. A COLLECTION OF MODERN ENGLISH MEZZOTINTOS, BY M'ARDELL, DIXON, GREEN, HODGES, MURPHY, P ETHER, WATSON, Sec. CHOICE PROOFS. FINIS. Printed by J. Sf W. Smith, King Street, Seven Dials, London. / r pi