wc— ) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/patternsofinlaidOOchur_0 PATTERNS OF INLAID TILES urcfjeg in ti)t IBiottzz of ^xfottr, DRAWN AND ENGRAVED BY W. A. CHURCH. WALLINGFOED, J. G. PAYNE: LONDON, LONGMAN AND CO.; PICKERING; BELL OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER: CAMBRIDGE, WALTERS. MDCCCXLV. OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. S1IRI MPTON . TO THE HONOURABLE AND RIGHT E E V E R E N D RICHARD, ILorti Bishop of ©xforti, THIS WORK I S, BY PERMISSION, MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY HIS LORDSHIP'S OBLIGED AND HUMBLE SERVANT, THE PUBLISHER, BY THE PUBLISHER. The following Plates were drawn and engraved by the late W. A. Church, Esq., of Siicatley. The drawings were made by him during the summer of 1844, whilst engaged in visiting various Churches in the diocese of Oxford, for the purpose of observing what antiquities of an interesting character might exist in them. The series had been sea y completed when the decease of Mr. Church caused its subsequent progress to devolve upon the Publisher. Considerable pains have been bestowed in getting up the work, and it is hoped, that, as examples of ancient art, these fac-similes will be appreciated by the Antiquary, and be of service to those engaged in the work of Church Decoration. The Tiles from West Hendred, numbered respectively 9, 10, and 11, ex- hibit the third part of a most elegant design composed of nine tiles, No. 10 being the centre one. J. G. P. Wallinffford ', October 1, 1845 STREATLEY, BERKS. f PLATE 2. SOUTH STOKE, OXON. PLATE 3. RUINS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH, WALLINGFORD CASTLE PLATE 5. RUINS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH, WALLINGFORD CASTLE. RUINS OF THE COLLEGIATE CHURCH, WALLINGFORD CASTLE. PLATE 7, V \ PLATE 8. WEST HENDRED, BERKS. WEST HENDRED, BERKS, PLATE 12. PLATE 13. CROWMAF.SH GIFFORD, OXON. PLATE 14, CROWMARSH GIFFORD, OXON. CHOLSEY, BERKS. 4 ; PLATE 16. CHOLSEV, BERKS. V PLATE 17. CHOLSEY, BERKS. DORCHESTER, OXON. / V PLATE 20. PLATE 21. STEVENTON, BERKS STEVENTON, BERKS.