v )il|J ]. 11 l.Vi\l\ lAJUi.X i ii/O liOOiivi ri. i iVJ * CATALOGUE VV U I t n. D U I A. i^t ptc. I 8 6 7 1- ^0«%ra Comities' ^Usoaalion FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURE, ARTS, SCIENCE, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE, IN THE COUNTIES OF HANTS, BERKS, OXFORD, SURREY, SUSSEX, AND KENT. fraiknt, 1866=7 ,—f is (Brat* tfee jpfoe of Iwjprob, f.i. CATALOGUE OF Works of ^rt ano Ittostrg, EXHIBITED AT THE NEW ASSEMBLY ROOMS, ROYAL PAYILION GROUNDS, BRIGHTON, 1867. BRIGHTON : PRINTED FOR THE COMMITTEE BY JOHN BEAL, STATIONER, 55, EAST STREET. EEVISED EDITION. HON. & REV. SAMUEL BEST, Chairman. THE WORSHIPFUL THE MAYOR OF BRIGHTON, Vice-chairman. ALD RIDGE, MAJOR ALLFREE, MR. JOHN, J.P. REV. THOMAS BACON, Kings- worthy. REV. THOMAS BACON, Wig- gonholt. BELL, PROFESSOR BIGGE, MR. ARTHUR, J.P. BOND, DR. BOOTY, MR. E. BOXALL, MR. PERCIVAL BRAND, THE HON. H., M.P. BRIGDEN, MR. ALDERMAN, J.P. BRIGHT, MR. E. BROWN, REV. FELIX BURROWS, MR. J. CORDY, J.P. C ARPENTER,MR.CH ARLE S, J.P. CLARKE, MR. SOMERS CLUTTON, MR. ROBERT CONINGHAM, MR. W. COOKE, REV. T. COPPARD, MR, L. COX, MR. ALDERMAN CRAVEN, MR. CRUNDEN, MR. THOMAS CURZON, HON. ROBERT DECK, REV. A. DE PARIS, MR. GEORGE DUDELL, MR. G. ELLIS, MR. JOSEPH FAWCETT, PROF. HENRY, M.P. FLEET, MR. CHARLES FOX, MR. DOUGLAS FRIEND, MR, DANIEL FURNER, MR. E. J. FURNER, MR. W. GOULTY, MR. HORATIO N. GRIFFITH, REV. JOHN HALL, DR. HALLETT, CAPT. F. HARDINGE, THE VISCOUNT HAWKINS, MR. GEORGE HOLLIS, MR. ALDERMAN W. M. JESSE, MR. EDWARD JOHNSON, MR. M. A. JONES, PROFESSOR LANGWORTHY, MR. W. LOWER, MR. M. A. LYFORD, DR. MACKERSON, MR. — MARTIN, MR. ALDERMAN MARTIN, MR. JAMES MERRIFIELD, MR. J. NASMYTH, MR. NOBLE, CAPT. NOURSE, MR. W. E. C. PENLEY, MR. MONTAGUE PENTON, COL. PETO, MR. JOHN PHILLIPS, MR. BARCLAY POCOCK, MR. G. PORTAL, MR. MELVILLE PORTAL, MR. WYNDHAM PUNNETT, MR. P. S. ROUND, MR. J. RUTTER, MR. J. O. N. SCOTT, MR. E. SCOTT, MR. J. H. SMITHERS, MR. ALDERMAN SPIERS, MR. J. R. STEBBING, MR. F. R. STOCKEN, MR. H. F. TAINSH, MR. E. C. TAYLOR, MR. A. THORNCROFT, MR. SAMUEL TROCKE, REV. THOMAS TURNER, REV. E. WAGNER, REV. H. M. WEBB, MR. ALDERMAN WILKS, REV. T. C. WILLETT, MR. HENRY WONFOR, MR. T. W. REV. JAMES BECK, Secretary Fine Arts Committee. CAPT. CARLETON SMITH, } MR. G. SCOTT, ( Honorary Secretaries MR. CRUNDEN, JUN., C Local Committees. MR. W. BOTTING. J FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT. FINANCE COMMITTEE : The Mayor, WILLIAM HENRY Mr. Councillor GOULTY HALLETT, Esq. „ LANGWORTHY Mr. Alderman BRIGDEN „ PIERSON MARTIN „ POTTER WEBB Mr. EDWARD BRIGHT Mr. Councillor ABBEY „ GEORGE HAWKINS BACON „ HENRY WILLETT FRIEND Rev. JAMES BECK, Secretary. Mr. WILLIAM BOTTING, Assistant Secretary. FINE ARTS CATALOGUE. 1 Of great treasures there is no real use, except it be in the distribution ; the rest is but conceit." — Bacon's Essays. PREFATORY INTRODUCTION. Since H.R.H. the late Prince Consort promulgated, and by the Great Exhibition of 1851 established, the principle that Art and Industrial Exhibitions have great instructive and humanising influence on nations, his ideas have been extensively put into practice in this country. Provincial Exhibitions have been held in various parts of England, and have (generally speaking) been successful in their pecuniary, as well as their moral and social results. Falsifying the prediction that Art Treasures would be unsafe unless kept in the recesses of the owners' cabinets, in no case has the loan of pictures or choice works of art been followed by injury, and each succeeding Exhibition has but made it more manifest that possessors of such valuable property may with perfect confidence lend it for the temporary enjoyment and per- manent education of those to whom the possession is denied, but who are competent to appreciate and admire. Sussex has hitherto made no exertions in this direction ; but the proposal to establish the Southern Counties Association on the model of the Bath and West of England Society, has given an opportunity for the County to redeem its shortcoming in this respect. As is well known, the kindred Society in the West grafts upon an Agricultural basis a scheme for the encourage- ment of Arts, Science, Manufactures, and Commerce ; and, in conjunction with its Agricultural Show, holds an Annual Exhi- bition of objects coming within the scope of the supplemental scheme. Therefore, the Southern Counties Association, and, more especially, the Local Committee, determined at the in- augural meeting, to be held at Brighton, to make use of the opportunity for removing the stigma attaching to Sussex as a non-exhibiting County. Most opportunely, the Brighton Town Council had just resolved to construct a large Assembly Room, and for this purpose had decided on utilizing the Dome, which 4 forms so prominent an architectural feature in the Northern block of their Pavilion property. It is to the energy and talent of the Borough Surveyor, Mr. P. 0. Lockwood, C.E., that the town owes the conversion of the covered Court Yard attached to the Pavilion Stables into the splendid and spacious Hall in which this Exhibition is being held. Sussex endeavours by this Exhibition to take her proper place amongst neighbouring Counties, but in so doing she labours under peculiar disadvantages. She is not a Commercial county and has no Manufactures to urge her inhabitants to the pursuit of practical Science ; consequently the present Exhibition is mainly of an Artistic character. As such, it must be deemed very creditable to the County. The Pictures and Works of Art are, with but few exceptions, of the highest class. The collection of British Pottery and Porcelain well illustrates the manufactures of Chelsea, Derby, and Worcester, as also the genius of the father of Modern English Ceramic Art, Josiah Wedgwood. The richness and harmony of colouring, as applied to the decoration of Porcelain, may be seen in the Oriental collection. The central case contains Corporate and other Antique Plate of great interest, for the loan of which the Committee tender their best thanks. Amongst many other Contributors, the Committee would specially -thank the Eight Hon. the Earl of Chichester, Hon. Eobert Curzon, Hon. H. B. W. Brand, M.P., A. J. Beresford Hope, Esq., M.P., Mrs. Hope, of Deepdene, and Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. The Committee also beg to thank the Town Council of Brighton, and especially the Pavilion Committee, for the use of the Pavilion property, as well as for assistance otherwise given. To select, classify, catalogue, and get into perfect order such a varied and valuable collection, from a month to six weeks should, at the least, have been allotted. Only fourteen clear working days have, however, elapsed since this Hall was filled by an assemblage of 3,000 people, listening to the Concert with which it was first opened to the public. The Committee feel that this fact furnishes sufficient apology for any minor inaccuracies or im- perfections which may appear in the Catalogue. Indeed, had it not been for the untiring exertions of the Eev. James Beck, the Secretary of the Arts Department, the opening of this Exhibition must have been deferred beyond the date originally fixed. The Secretary of the Fine Arts Department considers it only his duty to record in this official catalogue the assistance he has received from several gentlemen of the Brighton Com- mittee. Hs must in the first place most gratefully acknowledge the invaluable services rendered by Mr. Henry Willett, without whose unwearied endeavours this collection could never have been brought together for Exhibition. His best thanks are also due to Mr. J. Round, Mr. J. H. Scott, Mr. E. E. Scott, Mr. Gr. Scott, and others, who have laboured earnestly in furthering the general arrangements. The Secretary would also recognise the hearty services of Mr. T. Crunden, Jun., who for several weeks past has devoted his time and energy towards promoting the success of the Exhibition. ARTISTS. Bennett.. Mr. James, 196, Western Road, Brighton Black, Mr. A. C, 11, Homus Terrace, Chelsea Booty, Mr. E., Jun., 24, Western Road, Brighton Brookbank, Mrs., 44, Russell Square, Brighton Cane, Mr. Thomas, 4, Bartholomews, Brighton Clayton, Mr. C. S., 28, Hova Villas, Cliftonville Coppard, Mr. C. L , 159, North Street, Brighton Curtis, Mr. F., 63, Western Road, Brighton Davids, Miss M. R,, Chelsea D oilman, Mr. J. C, Jun., 7, Western Road, Hove Drummond, Miss B., 1, College Street, Brighton Evershed, Mr. Arthur, 24, Victoria Street, Brighton Fowler, Mr. J. A,, 12, Union Street, Brighton Fowler and Adams, ,, ,, Gardner, Mr. H , 32, Preston Street, Brighton Gibbon, Miss A., 29, Russell Square, Brighton Goodrich, Mr. J,, 3, Atlingworth Street, Brighton Goodwin, Mr. C, Arundel Goulty, Mr. Horatio, 12, Union Street, Brighton Humphries, Miss J. R., 3, Swan Walk, Chelsea Jeffray, Mr. R., 13, St. James's Street, Brighton Jenner, Mr. W., 19, Richmond Hill, Brighton Kemp, Mrs., 27, Hereford Square, Brompton Lane and Nissbet, 46, Regency Square, Brighton Lane, Mr. J., 34, Devonshire Place, Brighton Le Grand, Mons., Clive House, Western Road, Brighton Marriott, Mr., 10, Grafton Road, Holloway, London Mason, Mr. W. H., Arundel Mornewick, Mr. C. A., 3, Princess Terrace, Regent's Road, London. N.W. Nibbs, Mr. R. H., 8, Howard Place, Brighton Pain, Mr. R. T., Frumley, Surrey Penley, Mr. Montague, 3, Montpelier Crescent, Brighton Pointer, Master, 15, Bloomsbury Place, Brighton Pointer, Mrs., 15, Bloomsbury Place, Brighton Pritchett, Mr. R. T., The New Lodge, Esher Renwick, Mr., Portslade Richards, Mr., 75, Lansdowne Place, Brighton Robins, Mr. T. S , 76, Montpelier Road, Brighton Robins, Miss D. E., „ „ Ryan, Miss Sarah, Hartley Wintney Vicarage Scott, Miss, 41, Russell Square, Brighton Scott, Mr. J. H., 59, Brunswick Road, Brighton Scott, Mrs. E., 41, Russell Square, Brighton Smith, Mr. G., Angmering Smyth, Mr. Coke, Atlingworth Street, Brighton St. Aubyn, Mr., Temple, London Stewart, Mr. G., 3, Lansdowne Street, Brighton White, Mr. W. A., 48, Grand Parade, Brighton White, Mr. A. C, Whittaker, Mr. George, Dartmouth, Devon Williams, Mr. A. Sheldon, Hartley Wintney Williams, Miss CONTRIBUTORS. The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Arundel The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Brighton The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Canterbury The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Chichester The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Dover The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Guildford The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Hastings The Worshipful the High Bailiff of Lewes The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Rochester The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Rye The Worshipful the High Bailiff of Seaford The Mayor and Corpo- ration of Southampton Mr. Henry Abbey Mr. A. A. Alderton Mrs. Aldridge Mr. Allen Rev. T. Bac@n Mr. Bacon Rev.*C. Beanlands Rev. J. Beck Mr. T. W. Bennett Mr. Beeching Mr. A. Bigge Mr. H. Billiter Miss L. H. Bloxam Rev. C. Borrer Mr. Percival Boxall Honble. H. Brand, M.P. Mr. E. Bright Mr. Alderman Brigden Mrs. Burnett Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. Mrs. Gordon Canning Mr. C. Catt Mr. Cay ford Mr. G. H. Chapman Mr. P. Champion Mr. Chatfield Right Honble. the Earl of Chichester Mr. L. Coppard Mr. F. Colvin , Mrs. Coombe Mrs. Croft Mr. T. Crunden, jun. Mr. F. Crunden Mr. F. Curtis Mr. Frederick Davis Mrs. Collingwood Denny Mr. J. Durrant Mr. Tony Dury Admiral Edgell, C.B. Miss Anne Elliott Mr. Joseph Ellis Mr. A. Evershed Mr. Feldwick Mr. E. J. Furner Mr. W. Furner Mrs. Col. Gardner Mr. H. Goodwin Rev. John Goring Mr. H. N. Goulty Mrs. Gurney Colonel Guthrie Mr. W. H. Hallett,Mayor Capt. F. F. Hallett Mr. H. E. Harris Mr. A. J. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. Mrs. Hope Mrs. Holden Mrs. Hull Mr. F. S. Hurlock Mr. B. Husey-Hunt Mr. J. Hunt Messrs. Hunt and Roskell Mr. Athol Johnson Mr. W. J. Johnson Mr. Kaye Dr. Kebbell Mr. Lacy Mr. C. Lamb Miss S. N. Lane Mr. P. Lockwood Mr. M. A. Lower, F.S.A. The Mayoress Mr. H. Maicolmson Mr. James Martin Mr. Alderman Martin Miss E. M. Mainwaring Mrs. Merrifield Mr Moseley Mr. A. Mutton Mr. E. New Mr. Noakes Mr W. Norman Mr. W. E. C. Nourse Rev. W. Nourse Mr. Page Col. Penton Mr. H. W. Peek Mr. Henry Peters Dr. Barclay Phillips Mr. Robert Phillips Mr. W. B. Phillips Dr. Pickford Mr. G. Purchase Mr. C. H. Rew Messrs. E. M. Reilly Mr. W. P. Rix Mr. Westley Richards Mrs. Robertson Mrs. Rooper Rev. W. Rooper Mr. John Round Mr. Philip Rose Mr. T. G. Sambroke Mrs. Sangster Mr. G. Sandalls Mrs. G. Scott Mr. G. Scott Mr. E. E. Scott Mr. J. H. Scott Mr. Montague Scott Mrs. Montague Scott Mr. Sharp Sir G. Shiffner, Bart. Mr. Snelling Mr. Starling Mrs. Stanley Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn Captain Stewart Mr. Samuel Thorncroft Mr. J. S. Turner Mr. Twining Miss Wake Mr. Wakeling Mrs. Walker Rev. Conway Walter Rev. Charles Walker Mr. T. West Mr. Alderman Webb Mr. Samuel Wheeler Mrs. Williams Mr. Henry Willett Mrs. Henry Willett Mr. Crawford Williams Mr. Woolgar Mrs. Hastings Wood CATALOGUE OF OIL PAINTINGS. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 1 Portraits of Master and Miss Lane, children of the late Thomas Lane, Esq. Constable Mr E. J. Furner. 2 Equestrian Portrait of Charles I. attended by his Equerry, the Duke d'Epernon. Old Stone. (Charles the First, born 1600, crowned 1625, decapitated January 30th, 1649.) Hay man. MrJW. Percival Boxall. 3 Portrait of James Thompson. Poet ; born 1700, died 1743. Best known by his charming poem " The Seasons." Mr W. Percival Boxall. 4 Portrait of Alexander Pope, when young. Charles Jervas. Poet and Essayist. Born 1688, died 1744 ; translator of Homer into English verse. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 5 Kitty Fisher ; died 1771. Sir J. Reynolds. A celebrated beauty and wit, married 1766, Mr. Morris, a Kentish gentleman. Mrs Collingwood Denny. 6 Portrait of Admiral Lord Collingwood. Born 1750, died 1810. Present at the Naval Battle off Cape St. Yincent, where he commanded the " Excellent ; " he also commanded the " Royal Sovereign " at Trafalgar, was the first to open fire on the enemy, and succeeded to the command of the fleet on the death of Lord Nelson. Luke Macartney. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 7 Portrait of John Opie, the Artist, by himself. Born 1761, died 1807 ; Professor of Painting in the Royal Academy. 10 Oil Paintings. Thomas Allen, M.D. 8 Portrait of Mrs. Allen. Sir Joshua Reynolds. Wife of the late Major Allen, of Bridgewater, and grandmother to the present owner of the picture Mrs Rooper. 9 Portrait of Sir Joshna Reynolds, by himself; born 1723, died 1792. Studied in Italy ; about 1753 settled in London and rapidly rose to be the acknowledged head of his profession as a portrait painter. First president of the Royal Academy at its institution in 1768. Buried in the crypt of St. Paul's, near the tomb of Sir Christopher Wren. This portrait was bequeathed by him to his friend and executor, Edmond Malone. It has never passed from the family in whose possession it now remains Mr Joseph Ellis. 10 Portrait of a Lady. Gainsborough. The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 11 Portrait of Thomas, second Earl of Chichester (when a child). Sir J. Reynolds Mr Frederick Chatfield. 12 Portrait, Mrs. Chatfield. John Opie, R.A. Mrs Hull. 1 \f&-}*+ ***Y* 13 " The Conversation." Portrait of Mrs Betty Torriano and a friend. Zoffany. Mrs. Montague (in her letters) refers to this lady as "the Antique old Madam in Kensington Square " Mr W. Percival Boxall. 14 Portrait of Anna Seward, the poetess. Ojpie. Born 1743, died 1809. She was well known in the literary world, and is referred to in Hayley's " Life of Romney " Mrs Colonel Gardner. 15 Portrait of Mrs. E. A. Crueze, daughter of Isaac Gosset, Esq. Gainsborough. The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 16 Full-length portrait of Thomas, second Earl of Chichester, when a child, playing with a dog. Sir J. Reynolds Mrs Colonel Gardner. 17 Portrait of Isaac Gosset, Esq., father of the celebrated Isaac Gosset, D.D. Gainsborough. Oil Paintings. 11 The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 18 Portrait of the Duke of Leeds. Sir Joshua Reynolds Mr Joseph Ellis. 19 View from Richmond Hill, painted about 1700. James Scott The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 20 Portrait of Miss Cope, afterward Mrs. Brudenell. Sir Joshua Reynolds Mr Thomas Crunden. 21 Portrait of Lady Bonghton. Sir Thomas Lawrence Mr W. Percival Boxall. 22 Portrait of the Duke of Wellington. Count W Or say. Born 1769, died 1852. Famous for his military successes in India, the Peninsula, and at Waterloo. The engraved picture Mr W. Percival Boxall. 23 Portrait of Jackson, R.A. (portrait painter). Himself. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 24 Portrait of Mrs. Siddons. G. Romney. Born 1755, died 1831. Celebrated actress ; daughter of Roger Kemble the actor . Mr Henry Willett. 25 Portrait of a Gentleman. Jackson. A fine specimen of Jackson's colouring Mr Thomas Bacon. 26 Portrait. Richard Russell, M.D., Promoter of the Medical use of Sea- water in scrofulous and other glandular com- plaints. Died in 1759, aged 72. See some interesting par- ticulars of this person, who may be considered the founder of Brighton's greatness, in Erredge's History of Bright- helmstone, 1862, 8vo., pp, 219—221. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 27 Rustic Felicity. Wheatley. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 28 Portrait of George Morland. Himself. Born 1764, died in gaol, 1804. He was most talented but imprudent and con- sequently always in trouble. His landscapes and groups of rustic figures and animals charm every beholder. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 29 Landscape, with figures hurrying from an approaching storm. G. Morland. 12 Oil Paintings. Mr John Cobbett. 30 Stable, two horses and a pony entering Morland 0 Mr W. Percival Boxall. 31 Landscape, by Wilson. The Figures by Zuccarelli. Mr Percival Champion. 32 Landscape. Gainsborough. Mr Joseph Ellis. 33 Fine Portrait of a Gentleman. G. Romney. Romney, born in 1734, became a most eminent portrait painter. The Fifty Guinea Prize, offered by the Society of Artists, was awarded to him in 1763 for a picture of the death of General Wolfe, Lord Thurlow writes, " Reynolds and Romney divide the town; I am of the Romney faction." Romney died in 1802. Mr Robertson. 34 Portrait of — Robertson, Esq., grandfather of the present owner. Sir Thos. Lawrence. Mrs Sidney Gurnet. 35 The Strawberry Gir], painted by Sir William Beechey, R.A., after Sir Joshua Reynolds. The original was purchased at Mr Rogers' sale by Earl Fitzwilliam for £1200. Mr W. H. Johnson. 36 Ruins, Party of Gypsies in the foreground George Smith of Chichester. Mrs Burnett. 37 Portrait of the celebrated race-horse Eclipse, with the whole length portraits of its owner, John Wildman, Esq., and his two sons. Stubbs. Eclipse was bred by William, Duke of Cumberland. He won the Derby in 1781, and in all other races which he attempted he never was beaten, or paid forfeit. He died in 1789. Mr W. H. Johnson. 38 Ruins, Apple-gatherers in the foreground George Smith of Chichester. Mr W. Percival Boxall 39 Vain Search for the Golden Egg John Opie, R.A. Eev. C. H. Borrer. 40 Portrait of Lady Russell Sir Peter Lely Oil Paintings. 13 Rev. Thomas Bacon. 41 Night. Rocky Coast, boatmen boiling their kettle E. Rieclc, 1857 Mrs Hope. 42 The Night March, Cavalry crossing a Rivulet W. J. Glass, 1853, American Artist Mr Samuel Wheeler. 43 Flowers in Yase, on marble slab, Grapes, Bird's Nest, etc. Rachel Ruysch Mrs. Colonel Gardinep. 44 Galileo, imprisoned in the Dungeons of the Inquisition, cal- culating the revolutions of the earth in its subjection to the sun. Laurent Galileo Galilei, for asserting that the earth moves round the sun, incurred the censure of the Inquisition, by whom he was im- prisoned until he abjured that opinion ; he did recant, but rising from his knees, after his humiliating lie, he exclaimed, " For all this, it does move." Galileo died in January, 1642. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 45 Examination of Bambridge, Warden of the Fleet Prison, for murder, by a Committee of the House of Commons Hogarth Also the engraving from the above by Thomas Cook. Rev. Thomas Bacon. 46 Outpost, at Sebastopol. Moonlight. Bromley Mrs Hope. 47 Queen Phillippa pleading for the Burgesses of Calais Hilton, R.A. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 48 The Charge at Balaclava, the Earl of Cardigan charging the Russian Batteries James Barker, 1858 Mr E. E. Scott. 49 Study of Beech Trees > Charles Scott Mr Edmund E. Scott. 50 Water Mill, near Ludlow, Shropshire W. Robert Earl Mr B. Hus set-Hunt. 51 Distant View of Jerusalem Edward Lear Mr Joseph Ellis. 52 Beachy Head Charles Scott 14 Oil Tainting s. Mr Charles Lamb. 53 Mountainous Scenery. Two Brigands, armed Mortimer Mr W. H. Johnson. 53ALandscape, bridge in the centre, cattle passing over it George Smith of Chichester Mrs Croft. 54 John Pine, eminent Engraver. Portrait painted in Rem- brandt's manner. He died in 1756 Hogarth Mrs Hull. 55 Portrait of Miss Pallavicini, in lemon coloured dress, with blue loose cloak Sir Godfrey Kneller Mrs Hull. 56 Portrait of Mr. Torriano Mr. Thomas Crunden. 57 David and Nathan Benjamin West, P.R.A. " And Nathan said unto David, ' Thou art the man.' " Mr W. Percival Boxall. 58 Portrait of David Garrick, hands clasped on a book before him Sir Joshua Reynolds Rev. C. H. Borrer. 59 Portrait of a Lady Sir P. Lely Mr Joseph Ellis. 60 Portrait of a Gentleman Gainsborough Mr Charles Feldwick. 61 Battle Piece Antonio Temjpesta Mr Mayall. 61*Full-length portrait of George Peabody, Esq., painted for the Mansion House, London Mr. Charles Lamb. 62 James Figg, Pugulist Hogarth Mr Thomas Crunden. 63 Mary, wife of William, Prince of Orange Sir Godfrey Kneller Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 64 Duchess of Montague, daughter of John, first Duke of Marlborough Sir Godfrey Kneller Mr Tony Dury. 65 Justice protecting Innocence Paul Veronese Rev. John Goring. 66 George the Third, in the Windsor Uniform, whole length Oil Paintings. 15 Mr. J. Ellis. 67 Lady, seated on a bank, in amber coloured costume Sir Peter Lely Mr W. Percival Boxall. 68 Robert Bloomfield, author of " The Farmer's Boy " Jofyn Hopner, B.A. Mr Chaeles Feldwick. 69 Battle Piece, — Mag borne among the horseman Antonia Tempesta Mr Tarner. 69*Full length portrait of an Officer in Uniform, with a dog Gainsborough Mrs Hull. 70 Portrait of a Lady, folded arms, in blue dress, with the hood drawn over the head Mr Alderman Webb. 71 Portrait of Lady, in black dress, fan in right hand, roses on table on her left Sir Peter Lely Mr. H. E. Harris. 72 Portrait of a Lady, with frill bordering the breast of the dress Sir 0. Kneller Bight Hon. H. B. W. Brand, M.P. 73 Family Portraits — A man and his wife and five children, a son in a red cloak, and four daughters. Whole lengths. Inscribed Antonius Vandyck, 1628. Vandyck in the hope of obtaining the patronage of King Charles the First, left the Hague for England in 1629. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 74 William Cowper, Poet. Painted for William Hayley, his biographer. George Remney. Mr Charles Feldwick. 75 Yenus depriving Cupid of his bow Prococini. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 76 &ir John Byron, Royalist. Temp. Charles I. Cuyp. 77 William, Prince of Orange, subsequently King of England, in armour. Sir Godfrey Kneller. Colonel Penton. 78 Mrs. Catherine Penton, wife of Henry Penton, Esq. See No. 147. After his decease, this lady married Capt. Welby, of the Life Guards. Angelica Kauffman. Rev. John Goring. 79 Oliver Cromwell, in armour, a page affixing a sash. Walker. 16 Oil Paintings. Mr P. Gk Kowell. 80 Portrait of a Lady in high crowned hat ; temp. Charles I. Mr. Thomas Ceunden. 81 Portrait, in rich dress and large ruff. Mireveldt, 1620 Mr Samuel Wheelee. 82 Portrait of — Hamilton, in armour Vcmdych Mr Philip Eose. 83 Lady in black dress, with large ruff, and cap on head, gloves in right hand ; a rich costume picture Dutch School Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 84 Thomas Parr, a Shropshire labourer, born in 1483. An extraordinary instance of longevity; he died in 1635, at the age of 152 years and 9 months. His body, when opened by the celebrated Dr. William Harvey, exhibited no signs of decay Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 85 Portrait of an Anatomist, or Surgeon. Inscribed G. Matthias, 1750 Mr Joseph Ellis. 86 Portrait, in Dobson's manner Mr Geoege Wakeling. 87 StT Catherine. Spanish School Mr G. Wakeling. 88 Sir Peter Paul Rubens, the most eminent painter of the Flemish School. Born in 1577 ; died in 1640. Mr Chaeles Catt. 89 David seated in the King's Gate. Ferdinand Bol. Ferdinand Bol, an eminent painter and engraver ; born at Dort, in 1611, was educated in the school of Eembrandt, and painted history and portraits. Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 90 Innocence, a Cottager's child with basket, resting on a grassy bank. Richard Westall, R.A. Mr James Smith. 91 View on the Coast of North Wales P. Pettitt Mr Montague Penley. 92 Easter Monday Volunteer Eeview, 1862 — the Troops quitting the Downs. M. Penley Mr James Bennett. 93 Near the Dyke. Price 25L James Bennett / Oil Paintings, 17 Mr Charles Laurence Coppard. 94 Woodland Scene. Mr C. Augustus Mornewick. 95 The Fresh Gale. Price 31Z. Mr Charles Laurence Coppard. 96 Lane Scene, North Wales. C. L. Coppard C. A. Mornewick C. L. Coppard Mr Walter Jenner. 97 H.M.S. Eoyal Albert, laying to in a Snow-storm off Se- bastopol W. Jenner Mr Charles Laurence Coppard. 98 Early Spring, North Wales. 0. L. Coppard Mr Charles Laurence Coppard. 9? View on the Conway. 0. L. Coppard Mr G. Smith. 100 Reading of the Letter. Geo, Smith Mr Montague Penley. 101 Winter View, Falmer, Sussex, the Church in the distance, Figures disporting on the Ice. M. Penley Mr Richard H. Nibbs. 102 Scheveling Sands Mr B. Husey-Hunt. 103 Beachy Head, from Eastbourne. Mr James Bennett. 104 Skiddaw, from Lodore. Price 25 1. Mr Gr. Smith. 105 Philandering. Mr A. Sheldon Williams. 106 Despatches in Danger. Price £10 10s Mr W. Percival Champion. 107 Plymouth Heights, with figures by Pullen R. H. Nibbs A. Clint J. Bennett C. Smith A. S. Williams VicJcers Mr John Cobbett. 108 Young Girl's Head, circular. Mr J. Smith. 109 Dogs. Spaniels. George Armfield Mrs Sangster. 110 Landscape, with cattle in foreground, woman awakening a boy, Omganck 18 Oil Paintings. Mr James Smith. 111 Boys Trolling — Waiting for a Nibble. W. Bromley Mr James Smith. 112 Summer. William Luker Mr James Hunt. 113 Forest Scenery, Stags and Fawns Edward Ockel Mr James Hunt. 114 The Sunday Lesson Maguire Mrs Sangster 115 Landscape, man reposing against a tree, sheep in foreground, goat browsing Omganck Mr James Smith, 116 Boys with, bird's nest. W. Bromley Mr James Smith. 117 Interior of Stable, with Calves. W. Luker Mr Henry Willett. 118 Cascade of Hullenstein, near Rappenschwell, Canton of Zurich. Rosenberg, 1794. William Kebbell, M.D. 119 Italian Mendicants, girl with the hurdy-gurdy. Mr James Smith. 120 Dogs. Spaniel and Skye Terrier. George Armfield Mr Charles Augustus Mornewick. 120aA dead Canary " My Pet Birdie " G. A. Mornewick Mr Athol Johnson. 121 England. A girl wearing a mushroom hat. U. Hughes Mr Athol Johnson. 122 Ireland. The Emigrant's Wife. Companion to the preceding. JE. Hughes, 1859. Mr James Smith. 123 A Young Girl's Head, a lace veil over her hair, in which is placed a rose. Girardot Mr Samuel Wheeler, 124 Architecture, one of four paintings, portraits of children of the Court of Louis XV. Carle Vanloo The Earl of Chichester. 125 Victory placing a victor's wreath upon the head of an equestrian figure of John, Duke of Marlboro', after the Battle of Ramilies, when Flanders and Brabant surrendered. Original Sketch for the large picture Sir Godfrey Kneller Oil Paintings. 19 Mr S. Wheeler. 126 Fete Champetre, party of five in the foreground. See No. 133. Watteau. Mrs Hope 1-27 A Fete Champetre, eight figures, a youth pleading his suit by flowers. Loner et. Mr S. Wheeler. 128 Canal Scene in Holland, passage boat, and figures. See JSTo. 135. P. G. La Fague. Mr J. Smith. 129 Summer Evening, cows and calf, in foreground reposing. Companion to No. 136. William Luk&r. Mrs Sangster. 130 Portrait of a Young French girl, fondling a dove. Madame le Bruce Mr Thomas Crunden. 131 Landscape, with figures, Women washing linen ; a watch tower in the distance. Joseph Vernet, 1785. Mrs. Williams. 132 Church at Orry, a wedding party returning. Joseph Bouvier. Mr S. Wheeler. 133 Fete Champetre, a party of four figures. Companion to No. 126. Watteau Mrs Hope. 134 Fete Champetre. Companion to No. 127. Lancret. Mr S. Wheeler. 135 Canal Scene in Holland, draw-bridge, pair-horse coach and figures. Companion to No. 128. P. C. La Fague, Mr James Smith. 136 Wintry Scene. Cows against a willow tree, in the fore- v ground. Companion to No. 129 William Luker. Mr S. Wheeler. 137 Sculpture, one of four paintings, portraits of children of the Court of Louis XV. Carle Vamloo. Rev. James Beck. 138 Madame de Pompadour. Boucher. Jean Antoinette Poisson, born 1720, married 1741, to Mons. d'Etoile, and appeared at the French Court in 1745 as Mistress to Louis XV., under the title of la Mar^ise de Pompadour. Died 1764. 20 Oil Paintings. Mr Henry Willett. 139 Ruined Castle in a Moat. Buysdael. Mr Jesse, Marine Parade. 140 Four Seasons, in one frame. Sir Peter Lely. Mr S. Wheeler. 141 Painting, one of four pictures, portraits of children of the Court of Louis XV. Carle Vanloo. Mr W. Porden Kaye. 142 Autumnal Scene, figures angling in the foreground. Com- panion to No. 151. Anesi, pwpil of Watteau. Mr. Charles Lamb. 143 Landscape, with Cattle. Van Stry. Mr W. Furner. 144 Landscape, buildings in centre of the picture, a Girl con- ducting a Cow in the foreground. Zuccharelli. Mr Joseph Ellis. 145 Sea View, rough weather. Morland. Mr E. Scott. 146 View near Hurst, Sussex, children on a wooden bridge. Charles Scott. Colonel Penton. 147 Portrait. Henry Penton, Esq., born 1740, at Eastgate House, Winchester. Succeeded his father as M.P. for Win- chester, 1761. Held the office now obsolete of King's Post to George III., 600L per ann. He died in 1812. In crayons. Coates. Mr Jesse. 148 Halt of Gypsies, by the roadside. > Gainsborough. Mr E. W. Johnson. 149 Summer. Waterfall in front, mountainous scenery on the right. George Smith of Chichester. Mr S. Wheeler. 150 Music, one of four paintings, portraits of Children of the Court of Louis XV. Carle Vanloo. Mr W. Porden Kaye. 151 Summer, buildings in the distance, figures in the foreground. Companion to No. 142. Anesi, jpwpil of Watteau. Mr E. W. Johnson. 152 Wintry Scene, Cottage on the right, woman carrying wood homeward. George ^Smith of Chichester. Oil Paintings. 21 Rev. Conway Walter. 153 Louisa, the Maid of the Haystack T. Lawrence, 1787 A young female of impaired intellect, first discovered near a haystack in a field near Bristol, and like Sterne's Maria was long the theme of painters and poets. Mr Edward Bright. 154 Grandmother's Lesson. Brigetta Nieuman (Danish), 1862. Mrs A. Kemp. 155 Thinking of Home. A. Kemp. Mrs Coombe. 156 Frederick the Third, Duke of Saxony Lucas Cranach, 1532 Rev. Thomas Bacon. 157 Infant Saint John Amanda Fougere. Earl of Chichester. 158 Mrs. Parker, wife of the first Lord Boringdon, whole length seated Angelica Kauffmann Mrs Sangster. 159 Dutch Fishing Boats at Sea, a threatened Storm Powell Mr. Joseph Ellis. 160 Cattle in a barn, a Woman milking a Cow. Ilibetson Mr J. Ellis. 161 Landscape, mountainous distance, Cottage on the right. Mare and foal, woman with children and dog in the fore- ground. Ibbetson. Mr Joseph Ellis. 162 Mare and Foal, with a dog in a stable. Morland Mrs J. B. Smith. 163 Portrait of a Lady, Oct. 30, 1624, in rich costume, with ruff, and gold waistchain. Pourbus Mr Joseph Ellis. 164 Hen and Pigeons, in Hondicooter's manner. Puck. Mr H. Willett. 165 "Noli me Tangere." Christ and Mary in the Garden. Early Spanish School. Mr Charles Lamb. 166 Village Dance, Threading the Needle. Manner of Rubens. 22 Oil Tainting s. Mrs Collingwood Denny. 167 Captain Collingwood, afterwards Admiral Lord Collingwood,, H.M.S. Excellent, 74, attacking the Spanish Ships in the action off Cape St. Vincent, Feb. 14th, 1797. Hug gins. Mr Charles Lamb. 168 Shipping io. a Storm, the crew of one driven on the rocks are represented as being rescued by exertions from the shore* Bonaventure Teeters, Mr W. Percival Boxall. 169 John Tradescant, Florist of Lambeth, formed a Collection now in the Ashmolean Mnseum, Oxford, and is buried in Lambeth Church. Born in Holland about 1560, died 1638. He travelled in various parts of Russia : was in a fleet sent against the Algerines, and collected plants in Barbary, and in the isles of the Mediterranean. He had a garden at Lambeth, and in the reign of Charles the First, in 1629 ? bore the title of the King's Gardener. Mr E. J. Furner. 170 View in Venice. Canaletti. Mrs Hull. 1 71 A boor smoking, his wife taking snuff. Mr H. Willett. 172 Italian Fayence Plate, framed Mr H. Willett. 173 Head of a Jewish Rabbi. Mr H; Willett. 174 Italian Fayence Plate, framed. Earl of ChichesteRo 175 Spaniels Hunting a Rabbit. Vandyck. Mr S. Wheeler. 176 St. John Preaching in the Wilderness. D. V. Alsloot, Mrs. Hope, 177 St. John, Preaching in the Wilderness. Breemberg. This wonderful picture, which for harmony of colouring and delineation of human emotion, has rarely, if ever, been equalled, deserves a careful study. The Baptist is seen fervent, earnest, the impersonation of "A voice crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the Lord." A mother in the centre sits entranced ; her infant a specimen of happy unconsciousness. Near her is one fallen asleep even before such a preacher ; while the distraction of the woman, endeavouring at one and the same time to listen and hush the fractious child, is a picture in itself. The little black boy evidently wonders, what it is all about. The coun- tenance of the tired muleteer to the left, tells us that the Ostade. Dietrich. Oil Paintings. 23 Preacher's words have in them power to fix the attention of a weary man. The Pharisee and the Scribe on the extreme right, have evidently determined the whole affair to be un- authorised and dangerous, and that if such things be permitted, the days of the big Book and the phylacteries are numbered. Breemberg, born 1620, is described by the Art critics as having "nothing of the characteristic vulgarity of his country." He died in 1660. Mr S. Wheeler. 178 Wintry Scene, figures skating, waggon and horses passing. Breughel. Mrs Hull. 179 Cottages, open country in the distance. Ruysdael Mrs Hull. 180 Ships at Sea. Bachhuysen. Rev. J. Beck. 181 Still life. Birds, grapes in baskets, prawns in porcelain dish, richly mounted wine jug. Sneyders. Mr S. Wheeler. 182 Battle of Namur, Charge of Cavalry. Hugtenburgh. Mr S. Wheeler. 183 Landscape — Travellers halting at a Fountain, decorated with Sculpture. P. Wouvermans. Mr E. J. Furner. 184 A View in Venice. Guardi Mr S. Wheeler. 185 Landscape, sunny effect, Cattle in the foreground Tieling. Mrs Hull. 186 Summer, rural Italian scenery, with numerous figures. P.Angelles, 1727.. Mrs Hull. 187 Autumn, rural Italian scenery, with figures, companion to the preceding. P. Angelles, 1727. Mr S. Wheeler. 188 Landscape, with Ruins, Figures by Wouvermans. Decker. Mr Thomas Ceunden. 189 Italian Ruins, Venetian buildings and decaying tower. A composition. Guardi. Mr H. Willett, 90 Raphael Ware — Samuel Anointing David 24 Oil Paintings. Mr H. WlLLETT. 191 Limoges Enamel. A preacher delivering" a sermon from the pulpit, the motto, " Give us this day, our daily bread." Mr H. Willett. 193 Limoges Enamel. A man in his bed, dying, the motto, from the Lord's Prayer — " but deliver us from evil." The artist's name C~N. C.N., the name of this artist is not known, but he is believed to have been one of the Noailher family. The dates of 1539 and 1545 have been found on his works. In general design, and in tone of colouring, they resemble some of the earlier works of Leonard Limousin. Mr i 194 The Crucifixion Mr William Coetingham. 195 The Descent of the Tongues Giotto Giotto, the second of the revivers of painting in Italy, the son of a simple peasant named Bondone, was born in 1276 in the district of Vespigniano, near Florence. Being observed by Cimabue drawing figures on the ground whilst feeding his sheep, he took him to Florence and instructed him in the art of painting, to which Giotto wholly devoted himself. His works, throughout Italy have met with the highest encomiums. Giotto became a well-informed man and being of a jocose temperament Boccaccio and Sacchetti frequently mention him in their novels. He died in 1336. Mr H. Willett. 196 Adoration of the Magi, octangular, painted on alabaster Mr S. Wheelee. 197 Avenue of Beech Trees. Man on white horse passing Dutch School Eev. Carey Berber. 198 Summons to the last judgment German School The Earl of Chichester. 199 Sunset, a View, a boat hauled upon left bank Wotson Mr H. Willett. 200 Judas in the Temple, casting from him the thirty pieces of silver, before the High Priest ^ Sol. Koenig "And Judas repented and said, I have sinned in that I have betrayed innocent blood. And the Chief Priest answered, What is that to us ? see thou to it : and he cast down the thirty pieces in the Temple and departed, and went and hanged him- self." Solomon Coninck or Koninck, a Dutch painter, born in 1609. His paintings, principally of historical subjects, are of great merit, well composed, and admirably coloured, partaking of the richness and glow of Rembrandt, in a clearer tone. His pictures are placed in the choicest collections in Holland, and some few of them have found their way to this country, where they sustain themselves amongst the most esteemed masters of the Dutch School. Oil Paintings, 25 Mr G. Lyall. 201 Portrait, Lady Arabella Stuart, on panel. Mark Garrard Lady Arabella was the daughter of Charles Stuart, Earl of Lennox, the younger brother of Lord Darnley, father of King James the First. She was born at Hampstead in 1577, was well educated, anpl possessed of an ample estate, so that, the success- sion to the crown being held to be doubtful, she was assumed to be the probable heir to that honour. By marrying without the King's assent, William Seymour, grandson of the Earl of Hertford, she excited his bitterest resentment, and was committed to the Tower, from which she effected an escape, but being pursued, was retaken, and again imprisoned in the Tower, where she died in 1615, in her thirty-eighth year. Mr S. Wheeled. 202 Consulting the Legal Adviser. Jan Steen Mrs Hull. 203 Italian peasants dancing, others playing at cards. Mr W. Percival Boxall. 204 King George III., Queen Charlotte, and Family Zoffany Mr W. Percival Boxall. 205 Temptation of Saint Anthony, Grotesques. Teniers Mr S. Cayford. 206 Two Villagers, man driving a pig in the distance. D. Teniers Mr S. Cayford. 207 Boors drinking. Ostade Mr S. Wheeler. 208 Fishing Boats, the State barge firing a salute. W.Vandervelde Mr W. Perciyal Boxall. 209 Sunrise — Mountainous Scenery, with figures. Both Mrs Sidney Gtjrney. 210 Landscape, with Cattle in the foreground. De Loutlierbourg Mr P. Boxall. 211 Scene in Holland, figures resting on the roadside. Mr S. Cayford. 212 " The Confession " Ostade Mr S. Wheeler. 213 View, water in the distance, cattle passing over broken ground in front. Holland Baut Mr W. Percival Boxall. 214 View in Holland, figures skating. Oyjpt Mr S. Cayford. 215 " The Five Senses " P. Hoff, 1707 Mr S. Wheeler. 216 Town on the right, man tending Cattle on the left, broken ground in front. A. Cuyp 26 Oil Paintings. Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 217 Eoadside "Wineliouse — Mounted Huntsman blowing Horn, assembling for the Chase. Cuyjp Mr S. Cayfoed. 218 " The Happy Couple " Ostade Mr Peecival Boxall. 219 A Dutch Domestic scouring a brass vessel. A. Cuyp Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 220 Cows in a Landscape, a woman milking a cow Paul Potter Earl of Chichestee. 221 Herodias' Daughter, With the head of St. John in a charger. ^Pi/t^bavb Bight Hon. H. B. W. Beand, M.P. 222 Saint Veronica's Kerchief, head of Christ, crowned with thorns Gorreggio Mr Richaed Billitee. 223 Mary washing the feet of Christ Paul Veronese Mr Edwaed Beight. 224 Holy Trinity and St. John Carlo Dolce Mr Bichaed Jeffeat. 225 Acracus and Hesperia B. J e ff m y " Not this I feared, but thy too great haste." Mr E. J. Fuenee. 226 Charity. In the manner of Leonardo da Vinci, on panel Bight Hon. H. W. B. Beand, M.P. 227 Charity, fondling and nursing children Gorreggio Mr Heney Willett. 228 Female Head, freely sketched Bomney Mr Henet Willett. 229 Portrait of Dr. Samnel Johnson Miss Beynolds Bev. J. Beck. 230 The Old Chevalier Largiiliere Prince James Frances Edward Stuart, called the " Chevalier St. George," eldest son of James II. and Maria d'Este of Modena ; born at St James's, June 10th, 1688; married 1719, Maria Clementina, daughter of Prince James Sobieski ; died January 6th, 1766. Mr Chaeles Lamb. 231 Portrait — A man in black clerical costume Mieris Mr Edwaed Jesse. 232 Four of the Senses— Smelling, Tasting Feeling, and Seeing, in one frame Attributed to Sir Peter Lely Mrs Coombe. 233 Henrietta Maria, Queen of England Corn. Jansen Water Colour and other Drawings. 27 WATER COLOUR AND OTHER DRAWINGS. SCREEN 4. Mr H. E. Harris. 1 Italian Travelling 40 years ago. Dr. Bacon Phillips. 2 View in the South Sea Islands. C. G. Henderson (Dated 1787.) Mr H. E. Harris. 3 Landscape with Figures. Mr Henry Willett. 4 Composition. Mr H. E. Harris. 5 The Old Exeter Coach. Mr J. H. Scott. 6 Gateway at Cowdray, Sussex. Mr J. H. Scott. 7 Return to Lochaber after the Wars. Mr H. E. Harris. 8 Milking the Cow. Mrs GrURNEY. 9 Temple of Tivoli. Mr J. H. Scott. 10 The Quadra Fronte. Mr J. H. Scott. 11 Welsh Mountains. Mr J. H. Scott. 12 Derwentwater, Barrow Hill, and Lodore. Mr J, H. Scott. 13 Twilight. Mr Henry Willett. 14 Early Sketch of Mrs. Fitzherbert. /. Webber Paul Sandby Paul Sandby C. G. Henderson W. Scott Luke Glennell Le Gave Glover T. Girtin J. Varley W. Havell J. Varley Sir T. Lawrence 28 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr J. H. Scott. 15 Evening. Mr. H. E. Harris. 16 Pont Aberglaslyn, North Wales. Mr. H. E. Harris. 17 Bridge of Bethgellert. Mr H. WlLLETT. 18 Portraits of the Poet Hayley in his study, with and a friend. Mrs. Gurnet. 19 Resting by the Way Mr H. E. Harris. 20 Near Hastings. Mr. H. Ei. Harris. 21 Returning Home. Mr. H. E. Harris. 22 Figures and Cattle. Mr. H. E. Harris. 23 Figures and Cattle. Mr. H. E. Harris. 24 A Sketch. Mr. H. E. Harris. 25 " Love making in a Pig-stye." Mr. H. E. Harris. 26 " Feeding Pigs." Mr H. E. Harris. 27 Shoreham Harbour. Eight Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 28 Portrait of Lady Leslie, 1785, Mr. A. Bigge. 29 West Front of Peterborough Cathedral. T. Phillips Nicholson Nicholson Mrs. Hayley Pomney G. Morland H. G. ILine I. Ibbetson Le Gave I. Ibbetson Paul Sandby I. Ibbetson I. Ibbetson H. G. Bine J. Downman Mr J. H. Scott. 30 View near Llangollen. Mr J. H. Scott. 31 Old Cottages. J. M. W. Turner f R.A. J. Varley J. B. Allen Water Colour and other Drawings. 29 Mr. E. Scott. 32 Old London Bridge Pyne Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 33 The late Viscount Palmerston seated on a Bank (Dated 1802.) Thomas Heathy Mr J. Bound. 34 Carnival at Rome, 1816. Pinelli, Boma Mr J. Hunt. 35 Castle and Village of Lahneck, on the Rhine W. Callow Mr J. Hunt. 36 Castle of Ischia J". L. Bowbotham Mr J. Round. 37 Carnival at Rome, Masquerade Figures (Dated 1816) Companion to No. 34 Pinelli Boma Rev. James Beck. 38 Mares and Foals (An early work of this artist) Frederick Taylor Mr E. Scott. 39 Boats in a Breeze J. Ward 40 Hungarian Mendicants at a Church Porch Goebel Mr Hunt. 41 Landscape De Wint Mr H. E. Harris. 42 Landscape, Bethgelert. T. Gwtin Mr J. Hunt. 43 Evening — Cattle on a Landscape T. 8. Coojper, A.B.A. Mr J. Hunt. 44 Shipping — Yarmouth Roads JEJ. Duncan Mr J. Hunt. 45 Lake Scenery — Ullswater J". B. Pyne Mr Bright. 46 Fisherman's Rest (portrait of the artist) G.H.Weigall Mr J. H. Scott. 47 Landscape. P. de Wint Rev. C. Borrer. 48 Shipwreck Bentley 30 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr H. E. Harris. 49 Old Shoreham Church. Mr H. E. Harris. 5© Henfield. Mrs. Coombe. 51 Landscape with Rainbow. Mr E. Scott. 52 View in North Wales. H. G. Bine. H. G. Eine. De Wmt. David Cox. SOEEEN 5. 1st Side. Mr Jesse. 53 Lake Scenery, — sultry effect. A Castle on the right. Macmillan. Mr Hunt. 54 Sunrise on the Konigs Lee, Berchtesgaden, Bavarian Alps — looking towards St. Bartholoma, the hunting seat of the King of Bavaria W. Gollingwood Smith Mr J. Hunt. 55 Sea Shore — Moonlight Mr. E. Bright. 56 Girl decorated with Daisy Chain. Mr Hunt. 57 Chippenham Market. Mr Hunt. 58 The Lost Child Mr Hunt. 59 Chippenham Market. meek. 0. Oakley. Louise Bayner. E. G. Warren Louise Bayner. Mr Bright. 60 Wanderers' Breakfast — an Organ Boy and a Monkey. 0. Oakley. Mr J. Lane. 60*Lynmouth, Devon, from the Corkscrew Walk By the Exhibitor Mr Bright. 62 Steyning Church (sunset) John H. Scott Mr John Bound. 63 Landscape in the Tyrol, with Boys Fishing. Goebel. Mr B. Husey-Hunt. 64 Philae. Edward Lear Water Colour and other Drawing* 31 Mr Hurlock. 65 Lady Beaumont (original sketch). Sir Joshua Reynolds (Presented by Lady Beaumont to Miss Mary Swanton) , Rev. C. Borrer. 66 Venice. S. Prout SOEEEN 5 Side 2 Dr Allen. 67 Franz Wallenstadt. C. Stanfield, B.A. Mr G. Wakeling. 68 Lady Jane Grey refusing the crown Coke Smyth Mr W. Abery White. 69 Dead Sparrow and Great Tit. Price £2 2s. Mr. Mason. 70 Millbay, Cornwall. Price £3. Mr A. C. White. 71 Dotherell on the Sea Shore. Price £4 4s. Mr Goodwin. 72 Old Houses at Sunset, Zanzibar. By the Exhibitor Mr T. S. Robins. 73 Rhyada Mawr Waterfall, near Conway, North Wales. Price £100. Mr, A C. White. 74 Sandpiper. Price £2 2s. Mr. Goodwin. 75 Sunset — Nuzzi Moya, Zanzibar, South Africa. By the Exhibitor Mr White (Alfred C). 76 Dead Thrush and Robin Price £3 3s. Mr W. Abert White. 77 View near Bettws y Coed, North Wales. Price £5 5s. Mr Charles Augustus M'Cormick. 78 Heninghet Lake, Norfolk. By the Exhibitor Mr W. J. Smith. 79 Pitch and Toss. Hardy Mr Charles Augustus Mornwicke. 80 Goodwin Sands — Deal Boats Going Off to a Wreck. By the Exhibitor Mr John H. Scott. 81 Scene, " Rouen," France. Price £31 10s 32 Water Colour and other Drawings. Miss Scott. 82 Going to School. Price £26 5s Miss Jane Renwtck. 83 Cottage in Cheshire. Price £3 3s 84 Miss Robins. 85 A Peep through the Wall (Bramber Castle.) £5 5s 86 , Mr A. C. White. 87 Butcher Bird and Nest. Price £3 3s. SCREEN 6. Mr Goodwin. 88 Twilight near Moga, Zanzibar Mr Goodwin. 89 Zanzibar, Town and Harbour Mr R. H. Nibbs. 90 Coblentz, on the Moselle. £10 R. E. Nibbs Mr George Stewaet. 91 Star and Garter, Richmond. Price £1 10s., without frame. Mr John H. Scott. 92 Evening in the Valley of Lauterbrunnen Price £52 10s Mr R. H. Nibbs. 93 Rheinfels. Price £8 8s Mr James Bennett. 94 Sunset, from Brighton Price £10 Mr Lane. 95 Pont Aberglaslyn, North Wales Price £5 5s Mr Goodwin. 96 Zanzibar Mr Montague, Penlet. 97 Near the Church, Ditchling. Price £4 4s Mr Thomas S. Robins. 98 Vessels coming into Newhaven Harbour, Price £15 Water Colour and other Drawings. 33 Mrs Jane Renwick. 99 Green Lane, Guernsey Sold Mr Thomas Sewell Robins. 100 Off 'Whitby, Yorkshire. Price £15 Mr E. Rickaed. 101 Mountain and Lake Scenery Mr H. Abery White. 102 Donkeys, by Moonlight. Price £5 5s Mr R. H. Nibbs. 103 Oberwesel, on the Rhine. Price £8 8s Mr E. Booty, Jun. 104 Near Capel Carig, North Wales. £5 5s Mr John H. Scott. 105 Saint Maurice, Switzerland. Price £10 10s Miss Robins. 106 Lahnach, Castle on the Lower Rhine. Price £5 5s Miss Scott. 107 Portrait of H.R.H. the late Princess Augusta, painted from life Miss Emily Scott Mr. Edward Jesse. 108 Italian Lake. F. Herring Mr. John H. Scott. 109 West Ham Church, from Pevensey Castle. Price £4 4s. Mr. H. E. Harris. 110 Showing the Passport G. C. Henderson Mr T. S. Robins. 111 Boats going off from Flushing to succour drifting Shipping. Price £50 Mr E. Booty, Jun. 112 Pont-a-Pair Bettws-y-Coed, JSTorih Wales. Price £15 Mr Thomas S. Robins. 113 Dutch Galliott's coming up the Scheldt from Flushing. Price £50 Mr E. Booty, Jun. 114 Castle of Chillon, Geneva Price £10 Miss Scott. 115 Rest by the Way. Price £10 10s c 34 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr W. H. Mason 116 Land's End. Price £3, without frame. Mr G. Whittakee. 117 Berry Head, iWon, Coaster Ashore £36 15s Mr E. Booty, Jun. 118 Castle of Mount Orgueil, Jersey. Price £10 Mr W. H. Mason. 119 Land's End and Long Ships Light House. Price £3 without frame. Miss E. Scott. 120 Standing to be Drawn. £8 8s Mr R. T. Pain. 121 Evening in Spring Time, Frimley, Surrey. Price £10 Mr A. S, Williams. 122 Dead Wood Pigeon and Cuckoo. Price £5 5s Mr G. Stewart. 123 Bray Church, Maidenhead Price £1 10s Miss E. Drummond. 124 Innocence. Price £5 5s Miss Jane Eenwick. 125 Near Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. £2 12s 6d, with frame Mr W. A. Sheldon. 126 Dead Jay and Woodpecker. Price £5 5s Mr J. Bennett. 127 Downs, near Brighton. Price £5 5s Mr John Bound, 128 Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector.. Portrait in circle, with family arms, highly finished in pencil Mr John H. Scott, Mr. H. E. Harris. 131 French Douaniers examining Luggage , G. G, Henderson Water Colour and other Drawings. 35 BOOM ON EAST SIDE OF ORCHESTRA. The Mayor, W. H. Hallett, Esq. 221 Les Musieiens Ambulants, painted by Gerard Bow. engraved by Wille 222 Feed my sheep (Raphael) F Holloway CARTOONS. 223 Descent from the cross (Raphael) Tosci 224 Elymas the sorcerer struck with blindness (Raphael) T. Holloway 225 Death of Ananias (Raphael) Holloway 226 La Marchande de Gateaux painted by Teniers engraved by ? Wille 227 Peter and John healing the lame at the Beautiful Gate (Raphael) T. Holloway 228 Paul preaching at Athens (Raphael) T. Holloway 229 The miraculous draught of fishes (Raphael) T. Holloway 230 The sacrifice at Lystra (Raphael) T. Holloway The Mayoress, Mrs F. F. Hallett. 231 Head of Leonard da Vinci the great painter. Proof before letters — rare Raphael Morghen Captain Hallett. 232 The Burgomaster — Etching Rembrandt 233 "Ecce Stat "—Etching Vandyck ♦ Mr. Horatio N. Goulty, Architect, 12, Union Street, Ship Street, Brighton. Model. Showing the interior of the proposed Turkish Bath to be erected in Brighton for the " Brighton Turkish Bath Company.' ' (See Advt.) Mr E. New. 234 The Surrender of Calais, framed, and sent as a specimen of an oak carved frame. JE. New, Mr A. le Geand. 235 Lady unveiling. A. Le Grand. Mr M. Penley. 236 Interior of Chapel of St, Mary's Hospital, Chichester, £5 5s, 36 Water Colour and other Drawmgs. Mr. E. Booty, Jun. 237 Richmond Castle, Yorkshire. £8 8s. Mr. C. H. Rew. 238 Saxon Tower, Sompting Church, Sussex. Mr. J. H. Scott. 239 Notre Dame, Paris. F. Nash Mr. A. A. Aldeeton. 240 Perspective view of San Giorgio, Maggiore, Genoa. Mr H. Willett. 241 The scourging of our Blessed Lord Jean Barptiste Vauloo Fine Venetian frame of ebony, inlaid with ivory (16th cen- tury work). Representing the instruments of His Passion Mr. H. L. Jones. 242 Death's dance of Minstrels. J. G. Dotlman, jun. Mr A. le Gband. 243 A Portrait of a Young Lady A. Le Grand Mr M. Penley. 244 Bodiham Castle, Sussex. £6 6s. M. Penley Mr. E. Booty, Jun. 245 Scale Bridge, Yorkshire. £8 8s. E. Booty, jun. Mr. John H. Scott. 246 Interior of Church at Jumieges, Normandy. F. Nash Mr. A. E. Black. 247 Sketch in Westminster Abbey, South Transept. £5. Mr M. Penley. 248 Steeple and Porch at Keymer Old phurch, now demo- lished. £4. Mr. F. Curtis. 249 Ariel's Song, illuminated. Miss Rickaeds. 250 Pevensey Castle. Mr Marriott. 251 Portrait of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Derby. £4 4s. Engraved by the Exhibitor Miss L. H. Bloxam. 252 Oak carving (specimens of). Mr M. Penley. 253 Old houses in Mermaid Street, Rye, Sussex. £3 3s. Water Colour and other Drawings. 37 MisS RlCKAKDS. 254 Mill, near Dinan. £5 5s. Mr A. Williams. 255 Follow my Leader. £10 10s. Mrs. Brookbank. 256 Fruit. Mr. F. Colvin. 257 The body of the Lily Maid of Astolat, conveyed to the Court of King Arthur. Vide King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Mr. Philip Lockwood. 258 Photograph of Dome Assembly Room as carried out Proposed Assembly Rooms on the northern part of the Pavilion Estate — ground plan. Ditto, ditto, section and north elevation. Perspective view of second design. Ditto ditto of first design. Longitudinal section. East elevation. Mr. A. Evershed. 259 Specimens of Monograms. Mr. H. Malcolmson. 260 Elevation of Portico of the Temple of Tentyra. Mrs Kempe. 261 Detected. £3 Mr. E. Booty, Jun. 262 Exterior of Mill, Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. £5 5s. Miss S. Gr. Ryan. 263 Chaffinch's Nest and Apple Blossoms. £3 10s. Mr. M. Penley. 264 Chichester Cross. £10. Mr C. H. Rew. 265 Effect during the storm at Brighton, taken from the Esplanade, May 12th, 1867. Mr. E. Booty, Jun. 266 Old Cottage at Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. £5. Mr M. Penley. 267 Carisbrooke Castle. £10. 38 Water Colour and other Drawings- Mr. M. R. David. 268 Clara. £3 3s. Mr. E. Bright. 269 Drawing, by an amateur,, Miss Williams. 270 Spring Crocuses. £3 3s Mrs Renwick. 271 Study from Life. Sold. Mrs Pointer. 272 Floss, Daisy, and Fairy, the property of the Baroness de Clifford. £15. Mr A. E. Black. 273 Study of a Head. £5. Mr E. Bright. 274 Drawings, by an amateur, Mrs Brookbank. 275 Flowers. Mr M. Penley. 276 Chateau le Grange Coubert France* £10. Mr C. H. Rew. 277 On the Exe, Devon. 0. Whittaher Mr C. Dorey. 278 View on Hampstead Heath. £7 7s. T. J. Hughes Mr E. Booty. 279 Interior of Mill, Bettws-y-Coed, North Wales. £5 5s Miss S. G. Ryan. 280 Grapes. £3 15s Miss Mary R. David. 281 Dead Bird and Hawthorn. Price £3 10s Miss M. JR. David Mr George Wakeling, 282 Ornamental Writing. Christmas Carol, richly illuminated. Miss Mary R. David. 283 Thinking it out. £8 8s. M. R. David Mr. E. J. Furner. 284 The Royal Academy. Painted by Zoffany, Engraved by Earlom Water Colour and other Drawings, 39 Mr W. H. Mason. 285 Etching of the Trial of Queen Catherine, Henry 8th Mr Chaeles Stanley Clayton. 286 The Sleeping Friar, carbo-engraving on wood. £3 10s Mr C. Dobey. 287 Portrait of Mrs. Dorey. £8 8s. T. 8. Hughes Mr A. A. Aldeeton. 288 Perspective View of the Parthenon, Athens (restored). A. A. Alderton Mr B. Packham. 289 Specimens of Penmanship, 17th century, by John Sedden £50. Miss Jane Humpheies. 290 Dressing for the first Ball. £10 10s. J. Humphries Mr Sheldon A. Williams. 291 "Waiting for Master. Price £26 5s S. A. Williams Mr 0. S. Clayton. 292 The First Church in England. Carbo-engraving on wood. Price ,£4 4s Mr C. S. Clayton. 293 Pair of Deerhounds. Carbo-engraving on wood. £3 10s. 294 Mr W. J. Smith. 295 Traditional Residence of Anne of Cleves, Queen of Henry VIII., Southover, Lewes, Sussex Cor dwell Mr C. S. Clayton. 296 Glastonbury Abbey. Carbo-engraving on wood. £4 4s Mr C. S. Clayton. 297 Dogs and Hedgehog. Carbo-engraving on wood. Price £3 10s 298 Miss Manwaring. 299 " Dining Out," from Sir E. Landseer's Geneva. Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 300 Trial of Bambridge for Murder, before a Committee of the House of Commons. Engraved by Cook from a picture by Hogarth. See Oil Paintings, No. 45. 40 Water CoIqw and other Drawings. Miss Lane. 301 Head of a Monk. £21 Mr F. Colyin. 302 Flight of Porphyro and Madeleine. Through all the house was heard no human sound, They glide like phantoms through the wide hall, Where lay the porter in uneasy sprawl, With a huge flagon by his side. — Keats 1 Eve of St Agnes Mr 0. H. Eew. 303 Interior of St. Mary's Church, Bury St. Edmunds. Miss Anne Elliott. 304 The Sailor Boy's Dream of Home. A. Elliott. Mr F. Colyin. 305 Designs in outline, — 1. — The Mariner and the Wedding Guest. 2. — The Traveller, followed by a friend. 3. — The Mariner and the Hermit. 4. — Mermaids and the Drowned Mariner. Mr Wakeling. 306 Portrait Mrs PoYNrER. 307 Boarhounds, the property of the Baroness de Clifford. Price £15 Mr F. Colyin. 308 Designs in outline — 1. — Christian Heading the Book. 2. — Christian Loses his Burden. 3. — Christian Fights with Apollyon. 4. — Christian passing through the Valley of Death. Mr Henry Willett. 309 Sketches by John Leech - Mrs Kemp. 310 Scudding. Price £1 10s A. Kemp Mr E. Jeffray. 311 Portrait of an Eastern Lady. Price £5 Mr J. Snelling. 312 Pen and Ink Sketch of Title to Punch Mr E. Jeffray. 313 Sir Jamsetjee Jejeeboy, Bart. Price £5 R. Jeffray Miss Gibbons. 314 Euins — Sheep and Lambs. Without frame, Price 5s. Water Colour and other Drawings. 41 Miss Anne Elliott. 315 The Holy Family, after Kaphael. Mr F. Oolyin. 316 Designs in outline, — 1. — The Soul's Struggle. 2. — The Artist's Dream. 3. — Mermaid's Bevels. 4. — Scene from 6 Hamlet.' A. Elliott F. Cohin Mrs Kemp. 317 Asters. Study from Life. Price £2 Mr F. Colyin. 318 The Monk. " In these deep solitudes and awful cells, Where heavenly pensive contemplation dwells." Mr J. C. Dollman, Jun. 319 Twelve o'clock. Price £6 6s Mr Arthur Bigqe. 320 Achensee, Tyrol. A. Kemp F. Colvin A. Bigge Mr J. H. Scott. 321 Interior of St. Ouen, Eouen. A photograph by Mayall, from a water-colour drawing by J. H. Scott. Mr E. E. Scott. 322 Madonna and Child. After Annibal Oaracci. This chalk drawing obtained the silver medal of the Society for Promoting Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, in 1804, when the Artist was only 16 years of age. She died at the age of 17. Silver Medal attached. Miss Elizabeth Scott. Mr C. S. Colyin. 323 A Piper and a Pair of Nut-crackers. Carbo-engraving on wood. After Sir E. Landseer. Price £4 4s C. S. Cohin Mr. Bacon Phillips. 324 Monumental Sketch. Bacon Master Pointer. 325 Copy from Wilson, A First Attempt. Price £1 5s 42 Water Colour and other Drawings. ROOM WEST SIDE OF ORCHESTRA. Mr H. WlLLETT. 326 The Body of a Youth taken from the Water apparently dead. After Robert Smirke. Robert Pollard 327 Dr. Lettsom restoring the apparently drowned youth. After Smirke. ~ Bohert Pollard Mr John Round. 328 A Storm, Ship on the Rocks, after Joseph Vernet's engraving. Balechou Mr John Round. 329 Summer, Women Bathing. Engraving after Joseph Vernet. Ballechou Mr Henry Willett. 330 Christ laid in the Manger. Figures richly gilded. Dutch carving. Miss Emily Scott. 331 Girl nursing child, in plaid shawl. E. Scott Mr John H. Scott. 332 Rydal Water. Price 10Z. 10s. J. H. Scott Mr John H. Scott. 333 Windermere Lake. Price 10Z. 10s. J". H. Scott Mr John H. Scott. 334 Mayfield Priory, Sussex. Price 6Z. 6s. J. H. Scott Mr Coke Smyth. 335 Water Color Sketches after the Old Masters — Boys regaling on Water Melon, after Murillo. Titian's daughter, large mirror over left shoulder, after picture by Titian. Adoration of the Magi, after painting by Rubens. The Military Captain and his Mistress, after Rembrandt. The Two Children ; the elder a girl paring parsnips, after Maes. Mr Coke Smyth Mr H. Willett. 336 Frozen Wren E Lear, 1829 337 Frozen chaffinch E. Lear, 1829 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr H. Abbey. 338 Charles I 339 Queen Henrietta and her family engraved by Sir R. Strange Sir R. Strange 340 Engraving of H.M. the Queen, painted by G. Hayter, Esq., and engraved by H. T. Byall. Inscription " presented by Her Majesty to Mrs Lucy Pegley at Windsor Castle, 1st January, 1841 Mr H. WlLLETT. 341 Benevolent Physician. Painted by Edward Penny, 1784 ; engraved by Baldrey 342 Eapacious Quack. Painted by Edward Penny, 1784 ; engraved by Baldrey 343 Original sketch by Wright of Derby for the " Gladiator " 344 Engraving of the preceding by William Pether 345 Early specimen of needlework Mary Linwood 346 Engraving " Gundreda 99 Mrs Moie. 347 Portrait of a Youth accompanied by a Slave Girl, within trees, houses, and animals. Needlework. Temp. William III. Admiral ErGETi. 348 The two wings of a Russian Triptych, the one representing the Virgin and Child, and the other St John the Baptist Miss Scott. 349 Apples and Grapes. Mr Thomas Cane. 350 Sussex Scenery, Thomas Cane Mr John Henry Scott. 351 Fountain of the Grosse Horloge, Rouen. Price 121. 12s. J. H. Scott Mr J. Cohen Evans. 352 A Bridge crossing a brook. Mr R. T. Pritchett. 353 Glenelg, Water and Cattle in foreground, Mountains in the distance. Price 151. 15s, R. T. Pritchett 44 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr J. Cohen Evans. 354 Scottish Mist in the Highlands. /. C. Evans Mr Percy Arnold Willett. 355 Seamen in Boat approaching the shore. An early drawing of this Artist J. M. W. Turner, R.A. Mr John H. Scott. 356 Old Corner near Trouville, Normandy. Mr J. H. Brigden. 357 Bamborough Castle Miss Scott. 358 Lady Jane Grey refusing the Crown. Miss Mart B. David. 359 Portrait. A Study. Price SI. 3s. Mr George Wakeling. 360 The Nativity, in oil, after Honthorst. Price 5L 5s. J. B. Scott Rowbowtham Scott M. R. David A. R. Venables Mr R. T. Pritchett. 361 Braes of Glasnakie, looking towards the Cuchullin Hills, Isle of Skye. Price 151. 15s. E. T. Pritchett Mr B. T. Pritchett. 361a The Quarry Bothies, looking down the Sound of Sleat, with Buin in the distance. Price 21 1. R. T. Pritchett Mrs Hastings Wood. 362 Bettws y Coed, North Wales. R. Wood Mr J. P. St. Aubyn. 363 Delamore House, Devon St. Aubyn Miss Mart D. David. 364 Found Dead. M. R. David Mr Thomas Cain. 365 Lindfield Church, Sussex. Price 10Z. 10s. Thos. Cain Mr Henry Willett. 366 The old Horse waiting for death. The last work of Bewick Bev. James Beck. 367 Orator Hunt. Miss Mart B. David. 368 Yellow Hammer amid Apple Blossoms and Fern Leaves. M. R. David Water Colour and other Drawings* 45 Mr R. T. Pritchett. 369 Glenelg : the Quarry. Price 211. B. T. Pritchett Mr H. Willett. 370 BeachyHead, date 1846 Mrs. Hastings Wood. 371 Female Head, corn flowers on bonnet. H. Wood Mr R. T. Pritchett. 372 Mr Baird's steam yacht "Griffin" off Glenelg Price 10Z. 10*. B. T. Pritchett Mrs Hastings Wood. 373 Female Head, the Shamrock in the tresses. H. Wood Mrs Hastings Wood. 374 Grace before Meat. H. Wood Mr Edward Jesse. 375 Two Boys, Gleaners. Rogers Mr Richard King. 376 Study from Nature ; Melon, Pine Apple, and other fruit. Price SI. 3s. B. King 377 Mr J. P. St. Aubyn 378 South Derner Vicarage St. Aubyn Mrs Hastings Wood. 379 Lillian, a female head, green ribbon introduced in the hair. PL. Wood Mrs Kenwick. 380 The Eoad-side Cross, a sketch near Thiin, Canton of Berne. 21. 12s. 6d. S. Benwich Mrs Hastings Wood. 381 The Forget-me-not. E. Wood Mr Edward E. Scott. 382 Monumental Cross, elaborate in design. E. E. Scott Mr H. Willett. 383 Figures and goats Paul Sandby Mr Edward E. Scott. 384 Design for proposed New Sussex County Hospital. E. E. Scott 46 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr. Edward E. Scott. 385 Composition Design for New Foreign Office. E. E. Scott Mr G. Sandells. 386 Indian woman strewing corn G. Sandells Mr St. Aubyn". 387 St. Stephen's Church, Devonport 388 St. Mary's Church, Widford, Essex Mr H. WlLLETT. 389 Figures, &c. Paul Sandby Mr Edgar Willett. 390 John Howard relieving the Miseries of a Prison. Engraved from a picture by Francis Wheatley. Mr J. P. St. Atjbyn. 391 House at Coombe Wood, near Kingston St Aubyn PICTURES IN THE CHURCH STREET CORRIDOR. Mrs Mtra Pointer, 15, Bloomsbmy Place. 400 Possession Nine Points of the Law. Price £20 Mr Walter Jenner. 401 Wreck of H. M. Swedish Frigate at Dungeness, Life boat going to the rescue. Price £3 3s Mrs Mtra Pointer. 402 The Wayside Cross. Price £55 Mr. M. Penlet. 403 Lindneld Church, Sussex. Price £5 5s Mr James Smith. 404 London, from Highgate Niemann Mr Acton. 405 Mamma's New Cap. Price £5 Water Colour and other Drawings. 47 Mr 406 Yiew in Switzerland Mr. A. Sheldon Williams. 407 A Hampshire Lane. Price £52 10s Mr 408 Landscape, South of France Mr John L. Brigden. 409 The Ascension Mr Coke Smyth. 410 Cromwell examining the Casket of Charles I. Price £40 411 Shakesperian Characters. Price £30 Mr J. L. Brigden. 412 The Astrologer Bembrandt. Mr Thomas Curwen. 413 The Eapacious Quack 414 The Benevolent Physician Mr M. A. Lower. 415 Portrait of Mark Antony Lower, Esq., Lewes Mr E. T. Humphries. 416 "I cannot mind my wheel, mother " Mr M. A. Lower. 417 Portrait, Mary Queen of Scots Mr G. H. Chapman, 11, Ivory Place. Specimens of silk Needlework on cloth — 418 Presentation of Samuel to Eli 419 Christ and the Woman of Samaria Mr Thomas Curwen. 420 Tossing the Pancake 421 Black Puddings, all hot ! Mr Frederick Allen. 422 Portrait of John L, McAdam, Esq., the Inventor of the macadamized roads 48 Water Colour and other Drawings. Mr L. Coppard, North Street. 423 Water Mills, North Wales £25 Mr Henry Willett. 424 Dogs and Ferret ratcatching, after Landseer Mr 425 Study. Lobster, Mackerel, &o. A. Martm, 1836 Mr T. Durt. 426 Portrait of Mr Alderman Cox T. Bury. Mr G. Wakeling. 427 Charles I. Mr 428 Landscape J". Cole. Mr Coke Smyth. 429 Portrait of Child Mr A. Le Grand. 430 The Tillage Bride. Price £18 18s 431 Beatrice de Cenci. Price £15 15s 432 Mary at the Foot of the Cross. £15 15s 6d Mr Goodrich, 3, Atlingworth Street. 433 The Crown of Field Flowers. Price £21 Miss Gibbon. 434 The Fruit Sellers Mr 435 St. Michael's Mount, Cornwall Mr J. Goodrich, 3, Atlingworth. Street. 436 Portrait of Kev. John Babington, Hon. Canon of Peterborough 437 The Sisters. £26 5s 438 Abraham's Servant and Kebekah. £52 10s ec And I asked her, and said, whose daughter art thou ? and she said, the daughter of Bethuel, Nahor's son, whom Milcah bare unto him; and I, put the earring upon her face and the bracelets upon her hands. " 439 Portrait of Edward Cocks, Esq., late Principal Surgeon and Demonstrator at Guy's Hospital Water Colour ond other Drawings. 49 FOOT OF GALLERY STAIRS AT CHURCH STREET CORRIDOR. Mrs Hull. 440 Mrs Curzon, nee Torriano Gainsborough Mrs Hooper. 441 The Dwarfs' Banquet Mrs Hull. 442 Sea piece Vandervelde galleries. oil paintings, water colour and other drawings. Miss Pennington. 443 A Screen, price £3 3s . Rev. James Beck. 444 The Princess de Lamballe, the intimate friend of Marie Antoi- nette ; massacred during the French Revolution, Sept. 3rd, 1792, Engraved by Frederick Weber. 445 Mademoiselle Richard, of Interlacken, painted by Winter- halter Engraved by Frederick Weber Mr Walter Jenner. 446 H.M.S. Galatea, Captain H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh, leaving Plymouth Sound. Price, £8 8s 447 Castle Elizabeth, Jersey *) > Price £5 5s the pair 448 St Peter le Port Guernsey ) Mr Feldwick. 449 Runjeet Singh ; portrait on ivory Mr WORSLEY. 450 Cobb's Nest, Newick, Sussex D 50 Water Colour and other Drawings. Rev. James Beck. 451 Artist's Proof of the First Postage Envelope. Mulready. 452 Henry VIII (by Holbein, in the possession of Earl Spencer, K.Gr., Althorpe) Photographed by Caldesi 453 Lady Charlotte Legge, afterwards Lady Feversham. A sketch by R. Cosway Photographed by Caldesi Mr Edward Fox, 45, Market Street. 454 Photographic Views — Royal Pavilion, Brighton 456 „ „ the Beach „ 457 „ „ Instantaneous Cloud 458 „ „ Sea studies Mr J. P. St Aubyn. 459 Photographic views of Churches from Architectural designs Mr Walter Jenner. 460 Wreck of the London, in the Bay of Biscay, January 1st, 1866 " The Eleven leaving the doomed ship " Price £3 3s 461 H.M.S. Royal Albert ashore in Zea Bay, Grecian Archi- pelago Price £4 4s 462 H.M.S. " Conqueror" in a gale of wind off the 2ST.W. coast of Ireland; signal asking " leave to hoist more sail " (Sold to the Mayor, W. H. Hallett, Esq. 463 H.M.S. " Revenge " (in the same gale) answering the pre- ceding signal — "make all sail " (Sold to the Mayor, W. H. Hallett, Esq) Mr Henry Willett. 464 Majolica Plate Mr Holden, 39, Gloucester Lane. 465 Landscape and animals cut out of black paper Six pen-and-ink sketches : — 466 The Orphan Bird 467 A Flemish Hop after Tenniers 468 The Draught of Fishes 469 Head after Sneyders 470 "As you like it." Act 1st, Scene 2nd 471 The Jealous Wife Water Colour and other Drawings. 51 Mr Feldwicke. 472 Roman Tesselated Pavement, discovered under the S.W. angle of the Bank of England, A.D. 1805, about 20 feet west of the westernmost gate opening into Lothbury, at the depth of 11 feet below the surface of the earth 473 Roman Tesselated Pavement discovered in Leadenhall Street, December, 1803 Alderman Henry Martin 474 Martha Gunn, the Brighton bather. Born 1727, died May 2nd, 1815, aged 88 years. Her tombstone may be seen ne^r the pathway at the S.E. end of the chancel of the Parish Church Mr Henry Willett. 475 Yiew of the Pavilion and Old Steine, 1805 Engraved by Charles Richards Mr Montague David Scott. 476 Brighton in 1806 (Marine Parade) /. Nixon Mr George Shelley. 477 " Engraving of the awful ceremony of the deaths of two sol- diers belonging to the Oxfordshire Militia, who were shot June 13th, 1795, in a valley at the camp at Brighton by a party of the Oxfordshire Militia, who were very active in the late Riots. The men appeared very composed. The party shooting them were much affected, and the troops — Cavalry, Infantry, and Artillery — ,were drawn up in line on the occa- sion." 478 Autograph Letter of Henry Parish, one of the condemned men in the preceding picture : — Dear Mother this Comes with my Ever Kind love to you hoping to find you all in good health and hapenis and hoping theselines wich Now I Wright will not reverse you from it I right to let you know I am under the sentence of Death and must die 13 of this, month and I hope god allmigty will take my soul to heaven were I shall be for Ever hapy I am not afraid to Die for I am Inosent of what is laid to my charge and beg of the Lord Allmigty Day and night to forgive my Enemies for they no not what they are doming as I do frety forgive all the hearth. Dear mother I hope you will not make yourself unhapy about me for I am not afraid to die for my soul resteth in Heaven but the minester Comes tow or thre times a day to pray for us and I hope our prayers be Not in vain and hope this my untimely Death will be a warning to all that belongs to me to prepare for death whiles they have time, for death Cometh as a thefe in the night when men think they are at rest and safe thay may be in Eminence Dainger For god nows I never thought of Coming to such an untimely end For god nows I never hurt any person in all the Corse of my life I hope it is all for the best for Ood calls when he pleses 1 haveing laid in this miserable sitevation Eaght weeks and every day Expecting to hear that dredfull sound of death pased on me wich at that sounded in my Eare I have often Prayed that 52 Water Colour and other Drawings. these honerable gentlemen would Extend their mercy and humility towards me and forgive me but as is not the case for they seem determined to put it in execution I can but say god forgive- them for they no Not what they are a douing andj I will willingly unight my Soul to god how gave it and I must now apere before that just and worthy juge eternal in heavan where I shall not be Cast away Bongfully as I am Now a man by the name of Sargant Shall who swore his Ufe unto me and god knows I never hurt the hair of his head nether was it my desier he took a false oath but I hope god allmigty will forgive him as do all the world. Dear Mother, I hope we shall meet again in happenis were troble cannot Come but joy and everlasting happenis I am not afraid what men Can do t® me fore if they pierce my Body the Cannot pierce my Soul, This from the hand of your Dyen Son Henry Parish, Now under the sentence of Death at Brighton and must Dye the 13 day of June, 1793, For the mutiny at Newhaven In the County of Sussex. Mr Feldwxcke. 479 Heme's Oak, Windsor Forest Mr H. Willett. 483 View of the Steyne at Brighthelmstone, in 1778 Mr H. Willett. 484 Queen Elizabeth 485 Edward VI. In fine needlework, made at the Protestant Nunnery at Little Gidding in Huntingdonshire, established by Nicholas Ferrar. Gunpowder appears to have been known in ©hina at a very remote period. It was discovered in Europe, or at least its effects were known to Roger Bacon, a Franciscan Friar of Oxford, in the year 1216. Its power of expelling a bullet or other substance from an iron tube, was first brought forward by Bertholdus Schwartz, a Chemist and Benedictine Monk of Fribourg in Brisgau, in the year 1320. He had placed powdered sulphur, saltpetre and char- coal in a brass mortar, and partly covered it with a tile, or a flat stone. Afterwards being engaged in some experiment at his furnace, a spark fell into the mortar, and the tile was blown through the ceiling. The intelligence of Schwartz seized upon the wonderful discovery which he had made, and he proceeded to make experiments with the projectile powers of his composition. He soon made an iron tube, the first gun, open at one end and closed at the other, with a small orifice, or touch hole, to light the gun powder, which he placed inthe tube. With this machine he fired bullets as we do to this day, and, perceiving the difficulty 480 Hastings 481 The Three Witches 482 The Good Samaritan H. Earp Fuselli Moses Ultenbroch, date 1600 FIREARMS. Firearms, fyc. 53 of carrying about a lighted match to fire his newly invented weapon, he fixed a file or rasp near the tonch hole, and screwed a piece of Berites to a kind of handle, with which contrivance, by a sharp rubbing of the stone against the file, a spark was produced, and the gun was fired. This primaeval relic of the first invention of fire arms, is preserved in the Royal Armoury in Dresden. It is about 18 inches long. The mortar in which the first explosion leading to such tremendous results, took place, is preserved at some place in Germany, the name of which I have forgotten. It is not known with any certainty when Cannons were first used, as the tubes used for the Greek Fire seem to have been confounded with them in the 14th century. None of these tubes, however, have been preserved to the present day, nor is it known how the Greek Fire was thrown from, or by, these tubes into the ships which were to be destroyed by its in- extinguishable flames. The Greek Fire was composed of JSTaptha Asphaltum, and Sulphur, other ingredients seem sometimes to have been added. Cannons, loaded with gunpowder and firing stone balls, were certainly used by the Venetians in the war of Chioggia, against the Genoese commanded by Lorenzo di Medicis in 1380. This is the first authentic account of the use of firearms in war. Some kind of cannons, cannone, i.e., large tubes, like canes, which were certainly firearms of some sort, are mentioned as being used by the Moors, in their defence against Alonzo XI., King of Castille, in 1343. Cannons at first were immensely large and heavy. They were usually made of bronze, beauti- fully ornamented. Many of these fine works of ancient art are still to be seen at Rhodes, Smyrna, the Dardanelles, and the Forts on the Bosphorus. Some of them are above 20 feet long, and fire white marble balls two feet in diameter. The intrinsic value of the metal of one of these splendid cannons was estimated at £1500. Cannons were soon made for lightness, of long iron bars, soldered together, and hooped round with iron hoops, put on when hot, and as they con- tracted in cooling, they clasped the bars together with great force. Of these, Mons Meg, at Edinburgh, and some in the Tower of London, are curious specimens. Many still exist in France and other countries. The most ancient Cannons were frequently made to load at the breech. They had several sets of chambers which held the powder only, a fresh one being used while the one last fired, was set aside to cool; by this means the great danger of the heated cannon going off while it was being reloaded was overcome. I have in these days of mechanical improvement seen a man shot out of a port-hole on board a man of war in the bay of Smyrna, while he was assisting to load a heated gun, an accident quite worthy of the dark ages. 54 Firearms, Sfc. The great object of the ancient artillery men was to produce guns which were light and handy enough to be carried about with greater ease. In Albert Durer's rare woodcut of the seige, dated so late as 1527, 18 horses are seen dragging a Gannon on the plain. A Cannon was cast by one Urban, a Dane, for Sultan Mohammed, at Adrianople. It was placed upon a carriage made of 30 carts linked together and drawn by 60 oxen. 200 men were stationed on each side to guard against its rolling over. 250 men marched on before, to repair the roads and bridges, and the ponderous engine was two months upon its journey of 150 miles. The first Hand Cannons, or portable Hand Firearms, of which we have any certain history, were used by the soldiers of Lucca against the Florentines, by whom they were besieged in the year 1430. The account of Billius, of Milan, mentioned in Meyrick's armour, engraved by Skelton, vol. 2, plate 114, says, " They invented a new kind of weapon. In their hands they had a sort of club about a cubit and a half in length, to which was affixed an iron tube, which being fitted with sul- phur and nitre by the force of fire emitted iron bullets. The blow, if it hit, was certain destruction ; neither armour nor shields were sufficient protection, for often men two or three deep, if fired upon, would be transpierced by a single bullet." The earliest printed account of any Hand Gun is in a rare book called Valturius de Re Militari, in which are two woodcuts re- presenting soldiers in complete armour firing guns, the stocks of which rest on their shoulders, being provided with a hollow place in the butt, into which the shoulder fitted. This book was printed in 1472, A copper-plate engraving by Israel von Mechen is the earliest engraving containing any picture of a Hand Gun. In this rare print the Devil is seen shooting at our Saviour with a hand gun mounted on a single stake, resting over the shoulder, more like those described in the siege of Lucca in 1430. The following catalogue of Hand Guns is arranged chrono- logically, and by reference to the short description of the different weapons the reader may gain a more, or less, perfect insight of the history of fire-arms from their first invention to the present day, when the science of destruction seems to have arrived almost at perfection, while " the noble art of self-defence," both in law and arms, seems to be no further advanced than it was 500 years ago. R. CTJRZOK Firearms, Bfc. 55 GUNS LOADING AT THE MUZZLE. EXHIBITED BY THE HON. ROBERT CURZON. 1 A Small Cannon called a Falconet, of the earliest kind made of longitudinal bars of iron held together with iron hoops. It has a swivel which was mounted on a wooden trepied or tripod, a wooden bar was placed in the breech end of the gun which the gunner held under his arm when he fired. Bullets of lead and of iron were shot out of this gun, and also long arrows, called sprites. These arrows were sometimes wound round with tarred tow, which ignited by the discharge stuck into the walls and roofs of wooden houses of a town, and set them on fire. A gun of this kind had two men to carry it, one or two more to carry the tripod, and others for the ammunition, it is the earliest instance of a portable fire- arm, and was the immediate link between the heavy ordnance, and the hand gun. Its date is about the year 1378. 2 The most ancient kind of Hand Cannon, this is a mere tube of hammered iron, stopped up about six inches from one end with an iron plug, behind which was inserted a wooden stake. The touch-hole is on the top of the barrel, without any pan or other contrivance, for holding the priming and keeping it from being blown away by the wind. The large hook under the barrel is for the purpose of resisting the recoil when this original weapon was laid over the parapet of a castle, or the bough of a tree and fired with a lighted match. It has no ramrod or other contrivance connected with it. This is the father of all guns or hand fire arms. 3 Another Hand Cannon, rather smaller, it has the armourer's mark of a near the touch-hole. 4 Hand Cannon of the year 1400, showing the first improvement in Hand Fire Arms. It has the touch-hole on a side of the barrel, and a pan without any cover. A fine speci- men of brass, with two heraldic shields on each side of the breech. A pole was inserted at the back, like Nos. 2 and 3. A similar brass Gun is in the Armoury of the Tower of London. 5 Hand Cannon with the earliest form of a stock, the hollow part of which was laid upon the shoulder. The hook for the recoil is omitted. A woodcut showing the method of firing guns of this sort is to be seen in the rare book of Valturius de Ee Militari, printed in 1472. 56 Firearms, Sfc. Mr H. WlLLETT. 6 Small Hand Cannon, with, brass barrel and revolving chambers — the earliest kind of revolver known — traditionally said to have been used by Henry VIII. 7 A weapon like a Bill-hook, with a contrivance for holding a match ; this original contrivance is perhaps oriental. 8 The earliest kind of Match-lock Gun, the stock is now made to fire from the shoulder, or from the breast. It is of great weight to secure it from bursting. The ramrod is on the side, to be out of the way of the hook, which, again makes its appearance under the barrel. These guns were called Wall Pieces, and were used in the defence of fortresses, but were not carried in the field. 9 Another Wall Piece like the above. These two present the earliest specimens of a gun lock. 10 Match-lock Gun of the time of Queen Elizabeth. The stock is richly inlaid with mother o'pearl and brass. This kind of gun was supported on a rest, carried in the left hand. 11 Indian Match-lock. The barrel unscrews in the middle. 12 Wheel-lock. This kind of lock was invented in Germany about the year 1517, at Nuremberg. This one has the lock ornamented with perforated brass work and the stock inlaid with ivory. It is a smooth bore, not rifled. 13 Wheel-lock Gun, with a smooth bore, the stock inlaid with ivory. It has a hair trigger. Now first invented. Mrs Hope. 14 Wheel-lock Gun, the stock is richly inlaid with ivory, repre- senting hunting subjects Mrs Hope. 15 Wheel-lock, with supplementary match-lock. The stock is of ivory, beautifully engraved and inlaid with green colour. 16 Wheel-lock with a supplementary match-lock, which was resumed on account of the wheel often missing fire. This kind of gun is very rare. 17 Wheel-lock Rifle, with a hair trigger. The wheel engraved with a spread eagle, and a boar-hunt engraved on the lock plate. The Rifle was invented in Germany about the year 1498, at Leipzig, but they were not used in war till the year 1631. Firearms, 8fc. 57 18 Wheel-lock Gun of beautiful workmanship. The stock is of ivory, the barrel exquisitely ornamented in bas relief, with the monogram of the maker, I.B. 19 Wheel-lock Gun, with a square bore, which has a twist in it like a Rifle. It is difficult to understand how this barrel could have been forged, it fires a square projectile like a die. The date 1610, is on the barrel. 20 Wheel-lock Gun, with a brass barrel dated 1615. * 21 Wheel-lock Rifle of fine workmanship, the barrel is of blue steel, the stock is ornamented with brass, the lock is on the left side. The maker's name, Marcus Zeilner, of Vienna. 22 Wheel-lock, with a crooked stock, made for a man who had lost his right eye. It has a hair-trigger, and the name of its maker, I. F. Rever, Dresden. 23 Wheel-lock Carbine, of small size. The stock carved with a lady and gentleman walking, and an heraldic lion inlaid in brass. 24 Wheel-lock Petronel, so called, because it was fired from the breast. ' The stock is of black wood. This was used by the Cavalry in the time of King Charles I. 25 A Snaphaunce Gun. We now come to the first invention of a fire-lock. This was called a snaphaunce from having been used by some poachers in the low countries called schnap-hans, or fowl stealers. This is of beautiful work- manship. The mountings of carved steel. 26 Another Snaphaunce, made to be fired from the breast. The barrel is very thick, with a pea bore. 27 Old English Fire-lock, which has been new stocked, it was said to have been used in the defence of the old house in the moat, at Hagley, Staffordshire, when it was attacked by Oliver Cromwell's troops. The Flint-lock Musket was used in France in 1630, but it was not used in England till the year 1677. 28 Turkish Fire-lock, splendidly ornamented with mother-o'- pearl and silver gilt. It was used by the body guard of the Sultans of the 18th century. 29 An Albanian Fire-lock Carbine, or Small Gun. The stock is entirely of silver gilt, of elaborate workmanship. 30 A Fire-lock or Flint-lock Fowling Piece, silver mounted, used by Viscount Curzon, at the end of the last century. 58 Firearms, 8fc. 31 A small Fire-lock Musket and Bayonet, made for a lady during the enthusiasm of the first English Volunteers. 32 Another Musket and Bayonet. These two were used by two sisters, who were drilled by the Volunteers, in 1802, or 1796. BREECH LOADERS. ' EXHIBITED BY THE HON. ROBERT CURZON. 3 3 A very large and heavy Wheel-Lock Gun. The lock of very complicated mechanism. The wheel is wound up by moving the cock, without the use of a spanner or key, which was commonly used to wind up the wheel lock. The barrel opens at the breech, where an iron cartridge case is inserted, precisely of the shape now used for car- tridges in paste-board. This is one of the earliest speci- mens of a breech -loading gun, although cannons were made fco open at the breech, with the first invention of gunpowder in the 14th or 15th century. 34 Avery early Elint-lock Gun, a Breech-loader and Revolver, with three shot barrels or chambers, which turn round to fire through one long barrel ; the steel and pans revolve with the chambers. They have to be turned by hand. 35 A Flint-lock Revolver and Breech-loader, with six short cham- bers, and one barrel with a bell mouth. 36 A long Fire-lock Sporting Gun, or Fowling Piece, the pan and a chamber are taken out to load. 37 A Flint, or Fire-lock Gun, loading at the breech, it has a spring bayonet attached to the barrel. 38 A short Danish Rifle, loading at the breech. This is a very good shooting gun, and has killed a great many outlandish birds and beasts. Copper cap lock. 39 A Breech-loading Revolver, with six chambers in a horizontal iron wheel, Cochran's Patent, Birmingham. This is a copper cap lock. 40 A Breech-loading Revolver, with six chambers and a barrel about five feet long. The lock is with copper caps, made by Devisme, at Paris. The chambers revolve on pulling the trigger in the same way as Colt's Revolvers. It would be interesting to know who was the inventor of this peculiar contrivance now so universally used for pistols. Firearms, 8fc. 59 Eev. Thomas Bacon. 41 Knife and Fork, the handles of which are converted into pistols by the withdrawal of a plug. The handles bear the inscription, " W.M. Inwin Horing," date about 1600. MESSRS. E. M. REILLY, NEW OXFORD STREET, LONDON. 1. — Single Breech-Loading Rifle, with Revolving Chamber for round Bullet. 2. — Single Breech-Loading Rifle, Self-capping. 3. — „ „ „ Circular Hammer. 4— „ „ „ " C. Reeves.' , 5. — „ „ „ "Sharps." 6. — „ „ „ "Princes." 7. — „ „ „ "Restell." 8. - „ „ „ "Terry." 9. - „ „ „ "Gilby." 10. — „ „ . „ " Mont Storms." 11. — „ „ „ "Wilson." 12. — „ „ „ "Grainger." 13. — „ „ „ " Green Bros. Patent." 14— „ „ „ "Snider." 15. — Double Breech-Loading Gun. 16. — „ „ „ " Central Fire." 17. — Single Rifle, Flint Lock, African Pattern. 18. — „ Swiss. 19. — „ Enfield. 20. — „ Brown Bess. 21. — „ Small Bore. Mr Westley Richards. A Breech-loading Cavalry Carbine Mr Sharp, Arundel. A Central Fire Double Barrelled Breech-loader. A Needham Action Double Barrelled Breech Loader. Mr. G. L. Purchase, Chichester. Wind-guage fore-sights for the Enfield, Snider and other Rifles, Invented by the Exhibitor. The sight can be adjusted so that the aim shall be direct at the object whilst sufficient divergence is given to the bullet to allow for lateral deflection caused by wind. The sight is mounted on a frame, which fixes to the barrel of the Rifle, in front of the fixed foresight. A Prussian Needle Gun Mr W. Norman, Chichester. Model Pivot Gun Carriage with elevating Cushion Rests, for Trunnions and Breech, on Pontoon Transport Bed. 60 Corporation Plate, PLATE. CENTRAL OCTAGONAL CASE. The Mayor and Corporation of Canterbury. The State Sword of the Borough, presented by James L, with an inscription in gold upon the blade recording the fact The bronze burgh-mote horn The Mayor's gold enamelled Badge and Chain of Office The great silver gilt Mace, temp. Charles II. Four small silver Maces The four Corporation Seals The Mayor and Corporation of Guildford. 1. — A large Silver Gilt Mace, enriched with Angels, Crowns, Fleur-de-lis, Rose, Shamrock and Thistle, Silver Ball and Cross on top. 2. — A large Silver Gilt Mace, Enamelled Silver Plate with Royal Arms, enriched with four Silver Gilt Lions and four Silver Feathers. 3. — Gold Chain and Medal, inscription on Medal, Royal Arms and " C. R." ; obverse, "ex dono Arthuri Onslow Armigeri, semper fidelis festina lente;" chain 8ft. 8in. long. 4. — Silver Goblet, inscription "John Austen," 1620; height lOjin., diameter 3£in. 5. — Silver Goblet, like No. 4. 6. — Silver Chalice, with Silver Gilt Lid, enriched, like the Salver, with Fruit and Masked Heads. Enamelled Silver Coat of Arms, height 9in., diameter 5in. 7 — Silver Gilt Tankard, inscription "John Austen, 1620," height 8^in., diameter 4|in. 8. — Ditto, inscription on bottom " Thos Baker 1584 and this stoup new made 1602." 9. — Silver Salver enriched with six Silver Gilt Medallions, Human Heads round the rim, centre Coat of Arms in Silver enclosed in a circlet of highly chased Fruit Pieces. Masked Heads. The Mayor and Corporation of Rye. 1. — Silver Gilt Mace, with enriched Silver Gilt Figures and Rose, Shamrock, Thistle, and Fleur-de-lis, surmounted by the Royal Arms, length 4ft. 6in., diameter 10|in. date Geo. 3rd. 2. — Silver Gilt Mace, inscription same as No. 1. 3. — Silver Mace, inscription, "J. D. May, I. I. S., 1570," Silver Gilt Coat of Arms on head of Mace with "J. R." ; height 14|in., diameter 3in. Corporation Plate. 61 4. — Silver Mace, height 14|in. 5. — Bronze Bell, bearing the inscription ronnd the upper rim, "O Mater Dei, memento mei," and on the lower rim, " Petrns Cheinus me fecit, 1566." 6. — The Mayor's Brass Duplex Seal — reverse, Ship ; ob- verse, Ecclesiastical Building. 7. — The Corporation Seal, diameter 13-4 in. 8. — The Mayor's Silver Seal, diameter 12-8 in., height 2in. Rev. W. Bourse. Oriental two-edged Sword, the handle and blade richly inlaid with gold, used by the natives in the northern part of India Rev. J. Beck. Indian steel Mace, enriched with gold. The head is studded with triangular steel points. This design is com- mended as a pattern for a Mace to any town recently incor- porated, as if used judiciously, it is warranted to reduce to order the most refractory Alderman or Town Councillor Daggers, used by the natives in the northern part of India Knives, with sheaths, used by the Ghoorka tribes in Northern India Mr Gray. Chinese Infantry Pike, used either as a bayonet or cutlas The Mayor and Corporation of Chichester. The great silver gilt Mace, temp. Charles II. A small silver Mace, of a very early date Four silver Cups, on baluster stems, " of the guift of Joanne Barneham, Weeddowe in Januarie, 1592, and " of William Madgwick, 1654" The Mayor and Corporation of Dover. The great silver gilt Mace The bronze burgh-mote Horn The Corporation Bell, bearing the inscription " Petras Cheinins me fecit " A Scotch Mull or snuff box, mounted on wheels, with silver medallions on either side of the Corporation Seal, presented by H. Pringle Bruyeres, Esq., July 25th, 1828 Miss Hockings. Silver Tea Caddy in Oriental filigree The Mayor and Corporation of Arundel. The great Silver Gilt Mace. Double handled Cup and Cover, with the inscription, " Arundel Corporation, 1830." 62 Corporation Plate. Silver Cup, " The gift of Thomas Ballard, 1677." Two small Silver Maces, one of them inscribed i ' Thomas Benet, Woollen Draper, Mayor, 1594." Double handled Cup, purchased by the Corporation, 1734. The Mayor and Corporation of Hastings. The two great Silver Gilt Maces. The enamelled Official Badge of the Mayor. The Large Silver Punch Bowl and Ladle, acquired by the Corporation by means of the fees received at the Coronation of George II. and Queen Caroline, 1727. . The Mayor and Corporation of Southampton. The two great Silver Gilt Maces. The Silver Oar of the Borough — the emblem of authority of the Mayor as Admiral of the Port of Southampton. It bears the interlaced letters S.H. and below the figure of a ton Four small Silver Maces, of a very early date. The Loving Cup, used at Municipal Banquets. The Mayor and Corporation of Brighton. The Gold Enamelled Badge and Chain of the Mayor. Mr James Martin, (The last High Constable of Brighton.) High Constable's Staff for the Hundred of Whalesbone ; length 3ft., diameter of crown 4^in. It bears on a silver plate beneath the crown the royal arms, with the following names and dates : — " Jacobus Cordy, 1828 ; T. G. Sarel, 1830 ; D. M. Folkard, 1831; S. Ridley, 1832; John Poune, 1833 ; W. Hallett, 1834 ; John Ade, 1836 ; Thomas Henry Wright, 1837." Beneath : a Scroll, interspersed with fleur- de-lis and portcullis, with the label, "Hundred of Whales- bone ;" Silver Riband with inscription, " Henricus Nevill, Conies, Burgavenni, Dom. Letce. ;" silver shield, with crown and quarterings. Motto, " Nemo me impuni lacessit." On the reverse, two dolphins, with names and dates following : — "Thomas Palmer, Easter, 1829 ; John Yeates, 1835 ; John Bradshaw, 1838." Underneath, a silver band with inscrip- tion, "Dan'l Rowland, Armiger, Senes, Dom. Letce." Small scroll at base, with label, " Pacis Nuncia." The Mayor of Brighton. Silver Pencil Case, in the shape of the High Constable's Staff, presented to the late Mr W. Hallett, High Constable, 1834. The High Bailiff of the Borough of Seaford. Two long Constables' Staves. Length, 7 feet "T. W. C.,Bayliff." One Short ditto. Inscription, " W. R." Corporation Plate. 63 One Silver Mace. Length 14§in. Royal Arms of Queen Elizabeth, on the head. One Duplex Corporation Seal and Chain The High Bailiff's Seal. Mayor and Corporation of Rochester. 1. — Silver gilt Mace, length 4ft. 3in., date 1661 ; bearing the inscription at foot, " This Mace was made for the City of Rochester in the year 1661, Mr. John Mabb being the Mayor," with letters " C.R." round head. 2. — A Silver Oar, length 3ft. 6in., date 1748 ; bearing the inscription on blade, " Benjamin Gaydon, Esq., Mayor, 1748." 3. — A Silver Mace, length 2ft. 2in., date 1767 ; bearing the inscription at foot, " James Halks, Esq., Mayor, 1767. Fuller fecit." 4. — A Silver Mace, length 2ft. 2in., bearing the same inscription at foot as No. 3. The High Constables and Headboroughs of the Borough of Lewes. The First High Constable's Staff for the Borough of Lewes, dating from 1481, according to the Borough records. It is a small ashen staff bearing a copper crown — 11 inches high. The High Constable's Staff for the Borough of Lewes, 13 inches high, bearing the names of the different High Con- stables, and dates of their tenure of office. The whole of wood, and painted in colours. The High Constable's Staff, 12 inches high. Silver staff and crown, with ebony handle. The High Constable's Silver Mace, 24 inches high. Pur- chased after the meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society at Lewes, 1852. Silver Gilt Loving Cup of the Borough of Lewes, bearing the Inscription of cover " the Gift of Mr. Thomas Blunt, 1611," round border of Cup " Sigillum commune Burgo de Lewes. Donum Tomae Blunt, Constabulary s Burgensibus, Burgi de Lewes," beneath the foot " This cup was repaired and re- gilt, 1835-6, George Grantham and Nehemiah Wim- ble (of the Friars), Constables." " Poculum Charitatis" is inscribed in centre of cup. Double handled Silver Cup and Cover, bearing the Inscrip- tion " Their Majesties King William IV and Queen Adelaide having condescended to visit the Borough of Lewes, on Fri- day, the 22nd day of October, A.D. 1830. This Cup was presented to the Borough by the Inhabitants in com- memoration of that gratifying event, to be handed down to the Constables in succession, and used on all public occasions, 64 Corporation Plate. in order to keep alive a grateful remembrance of the high honour conferred upon the Town." High Constables Badge for the Borough of Lewes. Brass Arms in centre, date at corners, 1708. "inscription, " John Elphick and William Fourd, Constables of Lewes." Senior Headborough's Staff for the Borough of Lewes. Names of those who have served from 1600 to 1865-6. Junior Headborough's Staff for the Borough of Lewes. Names of all the Headboroughs, Senior and Junior, from 1600 to 1865-6. Some are engraved on silver and brass plates, others are carved and branded into the staff. Town Crier's Staff of the Borough of Lewes. Inscription beneath Crown, " 18. E. BTeal. 52. J. Head. Do. on Brass Plate, " R. Gilbert, Lewes. J. Buckoll, 1760." A wooden rattle, used by the last watchman of the Borough of Lewes ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. The earliest known specimens of Porcelain are tear bottles of blue and white glazed China, which have been discovered in Egyptian Tombs. There is little doubt but its manufacture has existed in China proper at any rate as early as the Christian Era. The word " jpourcelame " was used in France in the fifteenth century, before China ware was introduced into Europe This word, however, was applied not to the fictile art, but to the calcarious concretion which lines the interior of marine shells, which we call mother-of-pearl. The term was applied by the Portuguese to orna- mental ware, imported by them from the East at the end of the fifteenth century, and was probably derived from " porcellana," i.e. a* little pig, from the resemblance which white and glossy cowrie shells had to that animal. Eor another century the idea was that the fabric was made from shells buried in the earth, and the Chinese kept the receipt a profound secret. Erom the middle of the sixteenth century porcelain aud China ware became a not unfrequent article of commerce, and was brought by the Dutch to Holland, whence it became distributed over Europe. A judicious choice of rich, bright, and harmonizing colours seems inherent to Eastern Art Manufacture : strange that this gift should be usually combined with an utter disregard of the beauty of form and of the principles of perspective. Doubtless it is to the universal love for " colour and light " that the "rage" for collecting oriental porcelain may be traced. The history of the European manufacture of porcelain is beyond our limits ; but it may be observed that " demand creates supply," and England has not been behindhand in the race. Porcelain, fyc. 65 Base imitation for the purpose of deception is an evil which follows an excessive demand, and in No. 2 Case will be found two specimens of " clobber' d ware," i.e., porcelain originally of a blue and white pattern, but which have been in this country richly painted, or gilt and refired, to pass for true Oriental at high prices. European manufacturers of the present day combine excellence both of form and color, and consequently it is a curious fact that early Oriental porcelain is much more valuable in China than England. The method of raising and enamelling flowers, &c, in a paste of another colour, called " Celadon, " seems originally to have been adopted for the purpose of imitating in an easier and cheaper manner the cups, basins, and figures which in China are usually carved in steatite or jade ; and this remark must conclude this somewhat lengthy introduction. CASE No. 2. Mr J. Stabling. A. Mottled azure gourd-shaped bottle, 17in., pencilled in gold. From the collection of the late Capt. Marryatt, who purchased it from Strawberry Hill. Mrs Williams. A A. Pair of very fine Vases, with covers, 14in., having on them male and female figures ; ground, rich dark red painted with gold crosses. The whole embossed in high relief, with green foliage and richly colored flowers, on each side are large medal- lions of divers domestic scenes, surmounted by smaller oval medallions of Chinese figures. N.B. — In the South Kensington Museum may be seen copies of similar Yases, which are erroneously said to have been made at Lowestoft, Suffolk. Mr John Round. B. Magnificent early round dish, 13in in diameter ; white ground, divided by rich brown and gilded coloring into one central and five exterior compartments. In the centre is a splendid pea- cock, with tail fully spread, in rich enamel colours, the five smaller compartments contain flowers, foliage, and ornamental birds, in enamel of similar rich colours. BB. Two Cups ; one large and two small saucers of early ware ; white ground, centres painted in sprigs of flowers, borders of raised foliage and squirrels, colored after nature. C. Two Tea-pots, mottled azure, having white compartments painted the one with birds, the other willow pattern. Mr Joseph Ellis. CC. Three Yases, height 8jin. ; two mottled and shaded blue, and one mottled grey. E 66 Porcelain, fyc. D. One mottled azure blue Vase, height 9|in., containing compart- ments in pure white, the latter containing painted blue porcelain and flowers (damaged). Mr James Turner. DD. One basin and two 9f in. plates, Imperial yellow-etched with dragons, part of the table service of the Emperor of China, taken from his Summer Palace E. One saucer and two basins, yellow ware, with flowers and dragons painted in green. From the Summer Palace EE. Two shallow basins, brown crackle ware. From the Summer Palace Mr F. 8. Burlock. F. One deep and two shallow basins, green inside, yellow outside, enamelled in Kyiins and dragons. (These are of imitation English enamel on oriental base.) FF. One small early yellow cup, coarsely painted in flowers, in natural colours. Genuine. G. Small green and rose color enamelled Vase, height 3| inches. Mr H. Willett. GG. Small Vase, height 6in., English clobberd ware, i.e., painted and refired in rich yellow colour on an original base of common blue white China. False H. Vase, height, 8|in., of same deceptive character, the yellow, green, red, and pink colours, and the gilding are false. HBT. Fine Vase, height 21in., mottled azure blue, pencilled in gold. I. Pair of Vases and covers, height 10|in., painted Turkey red, to produce the appearance of white flowers on red ground. K. A pair of Cranes, height 12in., and specimens of birds in early ware. KK. Large blue and white dish, 22in., in diameter, divided by a large cross of deep blue into one central and four exterior com- partments, the whole scrolled and painted in gilt with birds and foliage. L. Dish and stand of fine enamelled porcelain, with chain perforated edges. LL, Enamelled and richly painted plates of various colors and designs. M. Pair of bottles, height 7in., tea brown and white compartments. Porcelain, Sfc. 67 MM. Pair of fine circular dishes, enamelled in flowers, 15in diameter N. Cups, saucers, and basins of various colours and decorations. NN. Basin and stand, very early ware, embossed with lily leaves and stems in high relief. Diameter 6|in and lOin. 0. Two mugs of pure white porcelain, painted in rich blue, par- tridge eye ground, with figures in compartments, height 6in. 00 Two very early fish, length lOin. P. Two Kylins, or dogs, in fine pure white paste, height 10 Jin. This was the material copied by Cookworthy in the Plymouth Works. Sundry pieces of same translucent white ware. (Jade imitation.) TT. Two cups and saucers, old red tooled mandarin ware, with golden cyphers. Y. Two white cowrie shells, natural colour and glaze. (Their resemblance to little pigs made the Portuguese call them " por- cellana," hence the term porcelain as applied to translucent ware). ZZZ. Teapot of old red Canton terra cotta, with perforated lid surmounted by an otter ZZ. Modern Japanese egg-shell cup, with delicate covering of bamboo basket work LM. Early incense pot of mottled blue YW. Oviform egg shell vase, with landscape figures in white compartments, divided by sprays of flowers in low relief, on blue partridge eye ground WX. Very early figure of Chinese executioner in black costume, on striped green and white hexagonal stand Percival Boxall, Esq. QQ. Sundry enamelled pieces of various colours U. Pink-tooled mandarin vase, 8in. high, enamelled with Chinese figures and flowers. UU. Early teapot, white and crimson, with raised flowers and foliage, coloured after nature. N.B. — The lid is Chelsea ware. E. Japanese egg shell cup and cover, delicately painted. Eev. J. Beck. W. Early dark maroon glazed Japanese basin. WW. Brown unglazed Japanese hexagonal basin. 68 Porcelain, Sfc. X. Fine old imperial yellow plate, 10 Jin. in diameter, painted in blue leaves, &c. XX. Flat gourd-shaped double-handled Yase (green celadon) 8in. high, 6in. in diameter. PP. Two fine 11 in. square Japanese dishes, enamelled in rich red colour to produce effect of painted fish beneath. Q. Specimens of curious Japanese ware, taken from the Palace of Prince Satsuma ; reminding one of Hosea Biglow's dictum — " That bombshells, grape an' powder 'n' ball Air good-will's strongest magnets ; That peace, to make it stick at all, Must be druv in with bagnets." Mr. W. O. Duddell. KR. Early oviform vase of deepest maroon, striped with white, color and glaze of the best quality. S. Tooled mandarin deep blue vase, enamelled in flowers of natural colors. SS. Flat thick saucer-shaped cup, engraved white ware (imitation Jade). T. Small early brown vase, enamelled in flowers and foliage after nature. (This is the pattern from which Wedgwood copied his enamelled ware. See case No. 5.) YY. Brown thick crackle, double handled cups, in imitation jade Rev. J. Beck. Z. Small hanging vase, imitation jade J J. Two camels in blue and brown mottled enamelled earthen ware JX. Early Mazarine blue shaving mug Z. Brown thick crackle stand, on tripod, enamelled with bosses, imitation Jade. Mr Chaeles Catt. V. Fine early circular dish, enamelled in brilliant colours, with figures, &c, 14 Jin. in diameter. VY. Sundry fine early plates, enamelled in various colours and patterns. CASE I. CHELSEA CHINA.. Fine soft paste. Venetians are said to have been the first workmen at Chelsea. An embossed oval, enclosing an anchor, without colour is supposed to be the earliest Chelsea mark. Porcelain, 8fc. 69 The earlier manufacture has the anchor engraved, without colour ; the later has it painted in gold for first quality ; and in red for second and inferior qualities. It often happens, that only one or two pieces of a service or series are marked. Rev. W. Hooper. A. 14 pieces of Fine Dessert Service, painted with exotic birds. (Golden anchor.) Miss Wake. B. Two Plates, landscape in green. (Golden anchor.) CT ditto, birds in green. Ditto. D. Two ditto, flowers and birds. Ditto. E. Two small dishes, fruit. Ditto. Miss Waite. F. Large Group of Eight Figures, " Rustic Enjoyment." (Golden anchor.) This ( Iroup of Chelsea Porcelain has been much damaged and repaired, but is interesting as one of the finest and largest works made at this Factory. FF. Pair of Figures. (Golden anchor.) G. Pair Cupids, holding candlesticks. Ditto. Mr F. S. Hurlock. H. Pair Figures, under arbour, holding candlesticks. I. Figure of Neptune, and other pieces. Mr. Henry Willett. K. Pair of Candlesticks, " Hen and Chickens.' ' KK. Very early pair figures : 1 Madonna and Child ; 2 Mother teaching her son. Mr J. S. SlLVERTHORNE. LL. Sundry unmarked pieces, attributed to Chelsea. L. Pair of Small Yases. (Golden anchor.) Mr Starling. M. Four Figures. (Golden Anchor.) Mr Thomas Crunden, Jun. N. Portion of Dessert Service. (Red Anchor.) NN". Pair of figures holding lights, no mark, resemble Bow MM. Sundry pieces, attributed to Chelsea. Mr. James Martin. 0. Two figures on pedestal, embossed oval mark. 00. Six figures, one bust. (Golden Anchor.) P. Four figures, marked red cross and anchor* PP. Two leaves, red anchor only. PP. One saucer, ditto. 70 Porcelain, 8fc. Q. Twenty-one figures, unmarked. Q. Three baskets, ditto. Mr Joseph Ellis. BC. Pair of early figures CD. Honey pot. (without cover), red anchor Rev J. Beck. DGr. Two fluted cups, painted with flowers Mr John Round. VW. Five early plates, finely painted with fruit and vegetables T. Dessert dish, painted with fruit and flowers, and enriched with embossed grapes S. Dessert dish, finely painted with birds SR. Dessert dish, painted with insects, fruit, &c. SW. Fine embossed plate, painted with flowers PLYMOUTH CHINA. FIRST ESTABLISHED BY COOKWORTHY. Mr J. SlLVERTHORNE. EE. Two large Figures, " Tam-o'-Shanter and Souter Johnny." Attributed to this Factory. Mr H. WlLLETT. R. Sundry pieces, attributed to Plymouth. BRISTOL CHINA. Mr T. Crunden. RR. Plates marked X Champion's porcelain, very like Chelsea in decoration. Mrs Walker. T. One Bristol plate, richly painted. BOW PORCELAIN. Mr H. WlLLETT. TT. Large figure, Marquis of Granby, purchased at Bow. V. One cup and saucer, gilt, painted in flowers and with a bee. CASE No. VI. WORCESTER AND DERBY PORCELAIN. OLD WORCESTER. Soft paste of the best quality, first period, bears mark of half- moon in blue under the glaze, and the pieces which bear it are Porcelain, fyc. n generally painted in blue without gold. Second period marked with a W, blue under glaze. Third period bears the mark of the Indian Square, and of this period the finest vases and ser- vices were made. Pieces of this period were also marked with the imitation Dresden mark. Flight bought the factory in 1783, and marked his name under the glaze. The fifth period was that of the elder Barr, who marked his ware with an incised B, under glaze ; afterwards the ware was marked F. B. and B. either printed in red or stamped with a die. The present pro- prietors are Messrs. Kerr and Binns, who have revived the char- acter of the manufacture, and Worcester alone (of all the three Old English factories) is worthy of being named as producing fine Porcelain Mr F. S. Hurlock. O. Seventeen pieces Fine Dessert Service, festooned with wreaths of flowers in gold, exotic bird in centre. (Half-moon.) Mr H. Willett. Q. Pieces of a Dejeuner Service, scale blue, with exotic birds. R. Cups of various patterns. (Indian square.) S. Cream Ewer and two tea-pots Ditto. T. Pieces of Hancock's early Printed China. U. Two Cups and Saucers, Chamberlain's period. V. Sauce Boat, Indian lily pattern. (Flight and Co.) W. Pattern Dish, exotic Birds. (Chamberlain.) Y. Four Cups and Saucers, Flight's period, Dresden mark. Z. Cups and Saucers, third period, Dresden Mark. A. Cups and Saucers, half-moon mark. B. Blue Ware, first period, ditto. C. Ditto, " second ditto. D. Card Plate, painted by Robert Chamberlain, with border of shells in natural colors. DH. Honey pot, gilt with scrolls, bees in relief (Chamberlain) III. Two egg cups, dark blue, richly gilt (Chamberlain) GC Cup painted by Chelsea artists. Dresden work HU. White and blue embossed ware (imitation Oriental) LH. Ariosto ; inkstand, and other pieces modern Worcester ware (Kerr and Binns) Rev C. Beanlands. LHO. Small blue basin with " Baptism of Christ " in grey enamel (Kerr and Binns) Mr Starling. QQ. Pair Small Yases on tripod stands. (Flight, Barr and Barr.) BK. Three goblet shaped cups, finely painted (Chamberlain) Mr J. Martin. ZZZ. Two pattern plates (Chamberlain) 72 Porcelain, 8fc. Mr J. Round. PRR. Fine early salad bowl, richly painted in fan shaped orna- ments. (Copy of Oriental) PPR. Pair early cups and saucers Mr Thomas Crunden. CB. Two vory fine early hexagonal Yases, light blue scale ground, with finely painted birds, insects, and sprays of foliage, in white medallions mounted in ormolu DERBY CHINA. Soft paste, transparent and fine. The Derby manufactory was established in 1751, but acquired no reputation till it obtained the Chelsea models and workmen in 1764. The anchor across indicates the union of Chelsea with Derby. Sometimes the anchor is larger, and almost encircled by the D. Crown-Derby. This is posterior to the Chelsea-Derby, and not quite so fine. The marks of both are usually violet or red. The Dresden mark is often found on this manufacture Bloor's-Derby is later and usually inferior. Mr F. S. Hurlock. E. Seven pieces of Crown Derby Tea Service, richly gilt. G. Pair fine Blue Yases, painted in flowers. Mr Joseph Ellis. EE. Seven pieces Dessert Service, festooned with gold, landscapes in centre. I. Dog's Head Drinking Cup. Mr H. WlLLETT. GG. Trout's Head Drinking Cup, Chelsea-Derby. H. Fawn's Head „ Crown-Derby. HH. Cream Ewer, with landscape, „ II. Grotesque Figure. (Dr. Bubble, the promoter of Joint Stock, Finance, and Limited Liability Companies.) K. Biscuit Figure. (Boy under tree.) Crown Derby KK. Cups and Saucers, Chelsea-Derby. L. Ditto, Crown-Derby. LL. Pair of Green Hebe Ewers, painted in clusters of Fruit. Bloor. M. Copy of Dresden. (Tailor on Goat.) EBE. Cup and saucer, festooned in gold, landscape in sepia SSS. Pair early vases, green handles. Chelsea pattern BBB. On the stand in front of the orchestra is a large white biscuit figure of Hebe with her r ewer, the largest piece of porcelain ever made at the Derby Factory, and of these only two were made. Porcelain, 8fc. 73 Mr Starling. MM. Pair of small Female Figures, Bloor-Derby. N. Pair of Female Figures. Made from Chelsea moulds. NN. Pair of double-handled Cups and Saucers with figures, Crown-Derby. 00. Bouquet of Eaised Flowers on black ground, colored after Nature, in fine white glazed frames, embossed with flowers in relief, Crown- Derby. PP. Figure of Travelling Tinker in Brown Coat, Crown-Derby. EE. Large Flower Stand, finely painted with birds, eggs, and feathers. UU. Pair of white Biscuit Figures. (Boy and Girl with Dogs.) CT. Small Yase, painted after the Oriental pattern Mr James Martin. W. Pair of Figures (Boy and Girl), made from Chelsea moulds. WW. Boys carrying Faggots. Bloor-Derby. XYZ. Tailor and Wife on Goats, in imitation of Dresden. (Crown Derby) Mr Alderman Webb. SS. Three fine Jardiniere (deep blue backs, in front, bouquets of raised flowers, colored after Nature,) containing, in high relief, elegant bouquets of raised flowers colored after Nature TT. Dog's Head Drinking Cup. FFF. Two cups and saucers and milk jug, fluted and painted with festoons of flowers. (Crown Derby) CASE No. V. WEDGWOOD WAEE. English Pottery first began to assume the characteristics of high art under Josiah Wedgwood. After some previous success, he, in 1763, produced his fine cream-coloured or Queen's Ware, then his jasper ware, and about 1769 his black, Egyptian. His part- ner, Bentley, directed the classical subjects till his death, in 1780; after which, up to 1786, Flaxman, who had been previously em- ployed, designed or suggested all his principal works. Beautiful clear colour, generally a pale blue (called jasper or onyx), but often green, pink, violet, and other tints, and especially black (called basalt), without glaze, is one of its merits. This ware, after 1765, is generally stamped with the name in full of Wedgwood, and between 1768 and 1780, it bears the names of Wedgioood and Bentley. Some pieces are marked Wedgewood to avoid action for infringement of copyright. When engraved, instead of stamped, it may be suspected as imitation. A descriptive catalogue of his various productions, published 1777, may be seen in the British Museum. Pieces in the Wedgwood style, without any name, are 74 Porcelain, Sfc. generally by Turner, Adams, or some other of his many English imitators. He has even been imitated abroad, especially at Sevres, Dresden, and Vienna, After the decease of Wedgwood in 1795, his successors devoted their attention for many years to the finer kinds of the glazed Staffordshire ware for the continental markets, especially Russia, and these also are marked Wedgwood. Of late they have resumed their old style of blue and white ware, and judging by its general bluntness, some of the old moulds are probably used. Mr H. Willett. A. Very early Group " Charity." Mr. J. SlLVERTHORNE. B. Statuette, " Fortitude " Mr. Joseph Ellis. 0. Portion of Dessert Service, shell-shaped Queen's ware, painted with sprigs of flowers, &c. D. Two Black Basalt Incense Burners, and other Black Ware. D. * Small Wedgwood Plaque, set as Breast Pin. E. Portion of Dessert Service, shell-shaped Queen's ware, coloured after nature. F. Nautilus shell, centre Lustre ware G. Portion of Dessert Service (richly gilt) leaf-shaped. H. Two Plates of Dessert Service, floral border. Mr. Joseph Ellis. 1. One Plate of Dessert Service, floral border, and other pieces. K. Pair of black, elegant Vases, in Black Basalt Ware. Figures in relief — Medusa's head, serpent handles. Covers crown- ed with a Pegasus. L. Pair of Black Basalt Busts, " Galen and a Vestal." M. Ditto, ditto. "Locke and Newton." N. Ditto, ditto. " Socrates and Aristotle." O. Teapot, Flower Stands, Vases, Cups and Saucers, and other minor pieces, in Blue Jasper ware, with ornaments in white relief. P. Teapot, Cream Ewer, &c, in Green Jasper ware, with orna- ments in white relief. Q. Wedgwood Jasper Intaglia for Seals. K. Pair of Black Basalt Figures, "Venus and Cleopatra." S. Cream Ewer and Stand, pink chequered ware. T. Violet Stand in Wedgwood porcelain (rare). U. Oval Plaque, Blue Jasper Ware, " Triumph of Bacchus." No. 201, Wedgwood's Catalogue. V. Black Basalt Jasper ware Tazza, enamelled with flowers after Oriental Pattern, and other specimens of same ware. W. Agate ware Vase, terminal figures. Porcelain, 8fc. 75 X. Buff Water Ewer, brown figures in relief. Y. Specimens of Wedgwood's manufacture, not minutely described. Z. Printed Queen's ware, by Wedgwood, dated 1788. ZZ. A Green Glazed Lamp, with figure holding a book with the following inscription, " J. B. Giannelli, statue and figure maker to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales at the Royal Academy, figures, &c, animals as large as life, No. 33, Cock Lane, Snow Hill. R. Phillips, Esq. AA. Wedgwood Ware. Rev. J. Beck. BB. Wedgwood Ware. Mr J. Round. CO. Specimens of Tea Service, Buff ware. Mr Robeet D. Deewitt. EE. Small Dessert Dish, brown Queen's ware, gilt, of similar pattern to the service marked G, but shewing the fructifica- tion of the fern leaf. Rev. W. Roopee. FF. Complete set of Chessmen, designed for Wedgwood by Flaxman. Complete sets of 32 pieces are very rare. Mrs W OOLGAE. DD. Three very fine Blue Yases, with white figures, &c, in relief, on black pedestal (damaged), Turner ware. Turner was a friend and contemporary of Wedgwood. Mr H. Willett. EE. Two fine stone ware Wine Coolers, with figures of boys playing (in relief). Turner ware. GG. Specimens of inferior imitations by Wedgwood's con- temporaries. HH. Modern Wedgwood ware, showing its deteriorated character. II. Case of Wedgwood's Manufactures, to be used by jewellers. Rev. J. Beck. KK. Jewellers' Wedgwood ware. Mr Geoege Catt. LL. White Medallions of Lord and Lady Auckland on old dark blue jasper ware. Mr H. Willett. MM. Wedgwood's Original Catalogue. NN. Autograph letter from Josiah Wedgwood to Lord Auckland 76 Plate. CASE Iil. ENGLISH & FOREIGN SILVER PLATE. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 1 Silver Peg Tankard, 8J-in. high, richly engraved with acanthus scrolls, standing on three pomegranate feet. Nor- wegian work, 1704. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 2 Silver Peg Tankard, 7J-in. high, lid in bold repousse work of cupids and flowers, standing on three clawed balls. Norwegian work, 17th century. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 3 Silver Gilt Crown, worn by the peasant brides in Norway. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 4 Silver Tankard, standing on three pomegranate feet, dated 1695. Norwegian. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 5 Small Silver Cup, in bold repousse work, ornamented with three cartouches of arms and cupids. Norwegian, 17th century. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 6 Silver Tankard, standing on three lion feet, the lid richly repousse, and bearing date 1693. Norwegian. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 7 Small Silver Cup, in bold repousse, with a coin of Christian IV. 1629, forming the base. Norwegian, 17th century. Capt. A. M. Stewart. 8 Eight Silver Gilt Norwegian Spoons, 17th century work. Eev. James Beck. 8a Silver beakers and cups, from Sweden and Swedish Lapland 9 Silver parcel gilt tankard on three balled feet, Swedish, 1614 10 Double handled cups, from Lapland 11 Silver peg tankard, bearing the names of successive owners since 1632, Swedish 12 Silver gilt belt, worn by the Lapps in Swedish Lapland 13 Three silver spoons from Gottenburg, 17th century 14 Four silver gilt spoons with short handles, carried by the Lapps in small leathern bags attached to their silver belts Plate. 77 15 Two silver spoons, obtained from the Lapps in 1866 16 Three horn spoons, used by the Lapps 17 Two wooden bowls, used by the Lapps when milking the reindeer 18 Three silver spoons from the Island of Gottland, early 17th century 19 Silver gilt clasp and buttons, worn by the Lapps on their thick felt, or skin, coats 20 Silver and wooden spoons, made in the last century by the peasants of the Romsdalen, Norway 21 Ditto, made in the present century 22 Yarious silver spoons obtained at Levanger, Trondhjem, and Christiania, Norway 23 Silver beakers and cups, from Sweden and Swedish Lapland 24 Double handled cup, from Christiania, Norway 25 An early Scotch quaich or drinking cup, composed of bars of wood bound together by silver bands 26 Silver tankard, from Sweden Mr Henry Peters. 27 Three silver gilt beakers, from Swedish Lapland Mr Crawford Williams. 28 Standing Cup and Cover, formed of an Ostrich-egg, richly mounted in silver gilt stem and vase, surmounted by a statuette of a helmeted female figure holding a banner and shield. On one side of the banner is a rude etching of "Mary Magdalene kneeling at the Cross;" on t]ie other, the following inscription: — "The 4 of October, 1577, the Rev. James Stopes, came to be our parson." The cup is fur- nished with a broad lip or margin, on which is the following : " This Cupp was given to Mr. John Stopes, our parsouns sonne, by the Parishoners of the Parish of St. Mary Mag- dalens, In or neere Olde Fishstreete, London, for his pains- takinge with us, by his often preaching with us, hoping that he will so friendly accept it as we most frankly and willing meane it. The first daye of January, 1623." Connecting the margin of the cup with the stem are three bands, ornamented with repousse masks and scroll-work, sur- mounted by female terminal figures. The stem is of open work in five divisions, chased with masks, bosses, and scrolls. The vase is ornamented with repousse cherubs, masks, and scroll-work. Height, 18 inches Messrs Hunt and Roskell. 29 Silver shell-shaped alms box, English. Hall marked, 1604 78 Plate. Mr E. Beight. 30 Silver mug, English* Hall marked, 1657 Mr F. S. Huelock. 31 Silver Tankard, richly repousse with a foliage pattern. Hall marked, 1683. Mr. T. Ceunden, Jun. 32 Gilt metal hexagonal pedestal clock, striking the hours, English, circa 1570 Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 33 Silver Tankard repousse with a foliage pattern, English, circa 1680 Mr F. S. Huelock. 34 Silver salver, engraved with Chinese pattern, English 1579 Mr F. Davis. 35 A large silver parcel gilt tankard, richly repousse with figure subjects — "Joseph sold by his brethren." German, 17th cent. Mr Henet Petees. 36 A large silver peg tankard, on three lion feet, Norwegian 17th century Mr F. S. Huelock. 37 Two-handled silver posset cup, richly repousse with acanthus leaves, English, 1678 Mr Thomas Ceunden, jun. 38 Silver gilt casket, jewelled and supported by silver figures at the corners, English, circa 1780 Mrs Roopee. 39 Silver gilt cup on tall baluster stem, English, 1612. Rev. Thomas Bacon. 40 Silver soup tureen, supported on two kneeling female figures, English, 1764 Rev. James Beck. 41 Two small silver beakers, from Sweden, early 17th century Mr. F. S. Huelock. 42 Double handled bowl, German, 17th century Mr F. S. Huelock. 43 Round silver bowl on short stem, ornamented with festoons, English, 1783 Plate. 79 Mr Perctval Boxall. 44 Allegorical Silver Medallion, in high relief, laudatory of the Restoration of King Charles the Second, 1660, mounted in a silver gilt swivel frame. On the riband borne by the descending angel over the female figure in the biga, is the legend, " Jure Virtu tis Prosmium," (" My Crown is justly Virtue's Meed.") Mr Henry Willett. 45 Small cup, made of antimony ; used at a period when it was illegal to administer antimony as a medicine, German Mrs Henry Willett. 46 Small silver coffee pot, English, 1750 Rev. James Beck. 47 Silver porringer or broth basin, English, 1699 Rev. James Beck. 48 Small silver cruet, English, 1781 Mrs Charles Catt. 49 Silver taper stand, English, 1773 Rev. James Beck. 50 Silver gilt Swedish beaker, 1712 Rev. James Beck. 51 Silver taper stand, English, 1772 Mr. Henry Willett. 52 Silver tea caddy, Euglish, 1768 Mr Rix. 53 Pair of silver tea caddies, English, 1720 Mr Eix. 53a Silver Tankard, 1706 Mr Rix. 54 Silver tea caddy, English, 1767 Mr John Round. 55 Pair of silver sugar castors, English, 1734 Mr John Round. 56 Pair of silver sauce boats, English, 1718 Messrs Hunt and Roskell. 57 Plain silver tankard,|English, 1563 Mr E. S. Hurlock 58 Set of three silver tea caddies, English, 1756 80 Plate. Mr F. S. Hurlock. 59 Silver sugar basket of pierced work, English Mr F. S. Hurlock. 60 Large circular silver salver, richly repousse with masks, birds and fruit, and a pair of two-handled cups of similar pattern ; German, 17th century- Mr E. S. Hurlock. 61 Oval silver tea caddy, repousse with flowers, English, 1777 Mr F. S. Hurlock. 62 Silver box in the form of a pair of bellows, and small silver salt cellar, German, 18th century Eev. James Beck. 63 Mexican stirrup of pure silver, signed " Ldo. de Ruiz " Eev. James Beck. 64 Old English seal spoon. Hall mark 1618 Eev. James Beck. 65 Old English cup and cover on baluster stem. Hall mark 1597 Eev. James Beck. 66 Silver fish-slice of pierced work, English 1776 Eev. James Beck. 67 Six silver gilt tea spoons, English, circa 1700 Mr F S. Hurlock. 68 Oval silver snuff box, with a medallion portrait of Queen Anne Eev. James Beck. 69 Silver Chalice and Paten, formerly used at the Parish Church of Critchett, Somersetshire. " James Vaux, Rector, William Drinkwater, Churchwarden, 1686." English, 1685. CASE No. IV. ORIENTAL ENAMELS AND LACQUER WARE. Mr J. S. Turner. 1 Large Chinese Bronze Urn, in the form of a bird, encrusted with gold and enamel, from the Summer Palace Oriental Enamels, 8fc, 81 Mr J. S. Turner. 2 White Jade Bottle, carved in bas relief Mr H. W. Peek. 3 Pilgrims' Bottle of old Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Mr Joseph Ellis. 4 Jade Cup, with handle and sides carved in high relief Mr J. S. Turner. 5 Chinese Bottle of blue Cloisonne Enamel, set with gilt, open work centre, and mounted on gilt pedestal Eev. J. Beck. 6 Japanese Bronze Incense Vase 7 Eed Lacquer Circular Dish, painted in gold and colours Mr Dudell. 8 Chinese Vase of blue Cloisonne Enamel, figured with flowers Mr Dudell. 9 Large Circular Dish of old blue Cloisonne Enamel, figured with dragons, &c Mr H. WilCett. 10 Pair of small Chinese Bottles of old Cloisonne Enamel Messrs Hunt & Eoskell. 1 1 Pair of small Chinese Bowls of dark-blue Cloisonne Enamel, covered with letters in the Chinese character Mr H. W. Peek. 12 Large Chinese Oviform Vase of blue Cloisonne Enamel, richly decorated with coloured flowers Eev. J. Beck. 13 Pair of flat-topped Incense Burners, the pedestals formed of fruit and leaves Mr Dudell. 14 Large Bowl of green Jade, standing on an elaborately carved wooden pedestal, inlaid with ivory and green jade Eev. J. Beck. 15 Japanese Bronze Incense Burners in the shape of fowls Mr Dudell. 16 Double gourd-shaped Bottle of old Cloisonne Enamel, the upper part of green colour, the lower of blue, both enriched with a flower pattern F 8 2 Oriental Enamels, 8fc. Mr Dudell. 17 Cup and Cover of white Jade Mr Acton. 18 Chinese Ewer and Basin, enamelled in colours on copper Rev. J. Beck. 19 Two specimens of Chinese Bed Lacquer, most elaborately Irved, known by the name of Soochow ware Mr J. S. Tukner. _ 20 Cnp of white Jade, the handle and sides carved xn the form of foliage Eev. J. Beck. 21 Old Japanese Bronze Vase, on tripod stand 22 Old^hinesTBronze Vase, encrusted with gold and silver Mr Dudell. 23 Specimen of Chinese black Lacquer, enriched with gold Bev. J. Beck. 24 Japanese Bronze Tap, in the form of a -Dragon, mkud with silver Mr H. W. Peek. 25 Small Oviform Chinese Vase and Cover, of old blue Cloisonne Enamel, enriched with colour Eev. J. Beck. 26 Japanese Bronze Incense Burner Mr Dudell. 27 Specimen of Chinese carving in ebony Mr Henry Hill. 28 Elephant, with Howdah, Hindoo carving in ivory Eev. J. Beck. 29 Japanese gilt Bronze Incense Burner, encrusted with solver Mr Henry Hill. 30 Indian Bullock Waggon, carved in ivory Mr Dudell- , „ 31 Chinese Ball, turned out of rock crystal, sometimes used for astrological purposes Oriental Enamels, 8fc. 83 Mr J. S. Turner. 32 The Private Banner of the Emperor of China, taken at the sack of the Summer Palace Mr D UDELL, 33 Seal of Eock Crystal, in the form of a grotesque animal on a square pedestal, taken at the sack of the Summer Palace Mr H. Hill. 34 Two specimens of Indian Bullock Waggons, carved in ivory Eev. T. Bacon. 35 Pair of Chinese Candlesticks, enamelled with flowers on copper Eev. J. Beck. 36 Chinese Basin, enamelled on copper, with flowers on deep blue ground Mr J. S. Turner. 37 Pair of flat metal vases, with blue Cloisonne enamel plaques let into the sides for suspension from the wall Mr Dudell. 38 The Back of a Chinese metal mirror, of blue Cloisonne enamel, set with gilt vases Eev. J. Beck. 39 Portions of No. 19. Mr Dudell. 40 Ivory Card Case, studded with insects, carved in precious stones Eev. T. Bacon. 41 Pair of Oriental Agate Cups, mounted on gold filigree pedestals, and jewelled with rubies, turquoises, chrysolites, &c. Mr J. S. Turner. 42 Japanese bronze two-handled vase on low stem Eev. J. Beck. 43 Bronze Vase, ornamented with gilt patterns in bas relief Eev. J. Beck. 44 Pair of Japanese bronze open work pricket candlesticks Eev. J. Beck. 45 Indian Buckle, made of Ehinoceros hide, picked up on the field of Alival 84 Central Cases. Mr H. W. Peek. 46 Chinese Vase and Cover of gilt bronze, covered with blue Cloisonne enamel, — the cover serving for a cup Miss Moseley. 47 A pair of Vases and Covers of silver filigree, covered with raised flowers of the same material Mr J. S. Turner. 48 Old Chinese bronze Vase and Cover, — -the cover serving for a cup Eev. J. Beck. 49 Old Japanese bronze Vase, in the form of rock work Mr J. S. Turner. 50 Pair of Indian Idols Mr J. S. Turner. 51 Pair of Japanese bronze pricket Candlesticks, jointed to fold up for carrying in the pocket 52 Chinese opium pipe, the mouth piece of white jade 53 Window sash lifter of the carriage presented to the Emperor of China by H.M. Government, through Lord Macartney, cut from it whilst in flames, at Yuen Ming Yuen Palace Messrs. Hunt and Eoskell. 54 Mortuary Vase of pure gold, representing a tomb, containing long tresses of hair. From the Summer Palace Miss Moseley. 55 Japanese Glove Box of tortoiseshell, covered with gilt lacquer Eev. J. Beck. 56 Specimens of red lacquer ware, painted with a gilt landscape pattern Mr J. S. Turner. 57 Chinese bronze Incense Burner 1 CASE VII Eight Hon. the Earl of Chichester. Wax medallion Bust, in high relief, of Marshal Schomberg Central Cases. 85 Mr Joseph Ellis. 2 Two terra cotta medallion portraits of peasants in the neigh- bourhood of Dieppe. Modelled by Graillorij Eev. Thomas Bacon. 3 Grapes and Leaves, carved out of amethyst and jade, — a very beautiful specimen of modern Russian work Mr. Henry Willett. 4 Necklace and pendant of Almandine garnets, set in gold. English work of the early part of the last century Mr H. Willett. 5 Knife and Fork, the handles carved with figure subjects. Ger- man early 17th century work Mr H. Willett. 6 Six circular plaques of printed Battersea enamals Rev. J. Beck. 7 Oliver Cromwell. An Oval Medallion of Bronze, profile to right ; probably the work of Simon, and contemporary with the time of the Protector. It was purchased after the death of the last of the Fieldings of Denbigh, near Hazel- mere, Surrey, in 1853, whose ancestors had been strong adherents of the Cromwell party. 8 Two Portraits, in impressed horn, of Fred. Henry, Prince of Orange, and Count of Nassau, and of his wife Amelia, 1626. They are stamped on the back with the name of the Artist, ANGL. JOH. OSBORK AMSTEROD. FECIT. 1626 Mrs. Hope. 9 Portrait of David Garrick, painted in enamel Mr W. Percival Boxall. 10 Portrait of Richard Wilson, the artist N. Hone 11 Portrait of Samuel Foote, the comedian N. Hone 12 Portrait in enamel N. Hone Mrs Hope. 13 The Honble. Mrs. Hope (enamel, Henry Bone). Daughter of the Right Revd. the Lord Decies, Archbishop of Tuam. Married 1st, 1806, to Thomas Hope, Esq., of Deepdeene, and 2nd to Field-Marshal Viscount Beresford ; died July, 1851. 86 Central Cases. Rev. Charles Walker. 14 Ancient silver repousse plaqne, parcel gilt, of the Crucifixion. 15th century- Mr F. S. Hurlock. 15 The cap, coat, and gloves worn by Capt. John Hut lock in 1682, and in which he was painted in the portrait referred to in No. 7, Orchestra Mr H. WlLLETT. 16 Wedgwood medallion portrait of George III. Rev. W. Notjrse. 17 Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, enamelled after Samuel Cooper 18 Portrait of a Lady, in costume of last century- Mr H. WlLLETT. 19 Portrait of George, Prince of Wales, signed and dated H. B., 1814 ; enamelled by H. Bone Mrs Hope. 20 Thomas Hope, Esq., of Deepdeene, (enamel by H. Bone), author of Anastasius. The liberal patron of Thorwaldsen, Flaxman, and Chantry. Married, 1806, the Honble. Louisa Beresford, and died Feb. 3rd, 1831. Mr H. WlLLETT. 21 Snuff Box, stamped with profile portrait of Sir Francis Bur- dett, and with inscription " The man who dare be honest in the worst of times.' ' Mr H. WlLLETT. 22 Two decanter labels of Battersea enamel 23 Oval plaque of printed Battersea enamel, — " Horsemen and hounds " 24 Oval plaque of Battersea enamel, — " The Crucifixion " 25 Two card-counter Plates, open work borders Mr James Martin. 26 Three card counter Plates, painted with card subjects, in Bat- tersea enamel Central Cases. 87 CASE VIII. Mr H, WlLLETT. 1 Miniature portrait of Oliver Cromwell, from Alderman Har- man's collection Mrs Rooper. 2 Miniature portrait of a Lady, to whom Malone, the Shakes- perian Commentator, was engaged to be married Mr H. WlLLETT. 3 Miniature portrait of Lady Louisa Manners, by Mrs Mee Mrs Col. Gardiner. 4 Miniature portrait of the late C)l. J. B. Gardiner, of the 1st Life Guards, by JEngleheart 5 Frame containing miniature portraits of Mr and Mrs Birch and Mrs Hill 6 Frame, containing miniature portraits of Isaac Gossett, Esq. by Ozias Humphreys (also painted by Gainsborough, No. 17), Mrs Jervis and Mrs Bosquet, by Myers Mrs Coombe. 7 Crown piece of Queen Anne, enamelled in colours Mr, H. WlLLETT. 8 Chalcedony Intaglio, representing a Cupid 9 Large Bead of Roman Glass, found at Horley 10 Frame containing miniatures on vellum of Scriptural subjects, taken from some old missal Rev. Thomas Bacon. 11 Arthur, Duke of Wellington, an unfinished sketch taken at Paris, 1814, by Thos. Hewphy Mrs Aldridge. 12 Mrs Beauclerk, daughter of William Ogilvie, Esq., and Emily, Dowager Duchess of Leinster, married, 1799, to Charles George Beauclerk, Esq. Enamelled after the original pic- ture by Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., by H. Bone, B.A. Rev. J. Beck. 13 William Lord Russell, 1641-1683. The celebrated patriot, promoter of the Bill for excluding James, Duke of York, from the Crown. He was unjustly accused of participation in the Rye House Plot and sentenced to death, 1683. The noble conduct of his wife, the Lady Rachel Russell, at his trial is 88 Central Cases. well known ; she was the second daughter of Thomas Wrio- thesley, Earl of Southampton, Lord High Treasurer of England, and died, 1723, at the age of 87. 14 Dr. Samnel Johnson and his wife. Miss Eeynolds. Samuel Johnson, the son of a bookseller at Lichfield, was born 1709, and married in 1736 to Mrs. Porter, a widow, some twenty years older than himself ; she died 1752 and he survived till December, 1784. The artist of these miniatures was Miss Reynolds, a sister of Sir Joshua. 15 Richard Nash, commonly known as " Beau Nash," for many years Master of the Ceremonies at Bath. Mr H. Willett. 16 Prince of Orange and his wife Amelia, — see Case 7, No. 8. 17 Frame, containing miniature paintings on vellum, representing Scripture subjects ; cut out of an old missal. Mr H. Willett. 18 The Infant Saviour, enamelled by W. Essex 19 Silver Gilt Chatelaine of pierced work, enriched with figure subjects 20 Silver Watch, the outer case in the form of a skull, opening at the lower jaw. 17th century Mrs Sangster. 21 Reduced copy in bronze of the celebrated bas relief of the Antinous at the Villa Albano, Rome Messrs Hunt and Roskell. 22 German Knife and Fork, with ivory handles, carved with figures of the 17th century 23 Knives and Forks, with ivory handles, carved with figures of Cupids Mr H. Willett. 24 Limoges Enamel plaque, representing Charlemagne seated on his throne with the sceptre and orb Mr Mayall. 25 Portraits of Mr and Mrs J. H. Scott, — specimens of Mr May all's new process of photo-enamels Central Cases. 89 Mr WlLLETT. 26 Profile medallion portrait of Oliver Cromwell, see Case 7, m. 7 27 Document with signature of Oliver Cromwell (before the Protectorate), as Commander-in-Chief of the Parliament forces, appointing Samuel Rose captain of a company of infantry under Sir William Constable 28 Portrait of Henri IV., of Prance, a very curious specimen of work impressed in silk CASE IX. Mr A. J. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. 1 Oval Dish in Ivory, most elaborately and minutely carved, in many compartments, with hunting subjects; also the Ewer to stand upon it, in stag horn, mounted and inlaid with ivory, minutely carved in the same style as the dish ; apparently the work of an eminent artist of the school of Augsburg, signed A. M, V. C, 1673, and also in another place, 1671 ; length of dish 22|in., width 16in., height of ewer, llfin. Mr A. J. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. 2 Reliquary (chef), in the form of a head of a Saint. Re- pousse work, in gilt copper. 15th century work. Height 7fin. Mr A. J. B. Beresford Hope, M.P. 3 Chalice, in gilt metal, the foot engraved with palmette ornament. Italian Quattro-cento period. Florentine or Siennese Work. Height 7|in. Mr F. Davis. 4 Silver Gilt Hanap, in the form of a pine apple, surmounted by the Infant Bacchus seated on a cask. Augsburg, 17th century. Mr F. Davis. 5 Silver Tankard, parcel gilt, richly ornamented with figure subjects in repousse. German, 17th century. Mr F. Davis. 6 Silver Drinking Cup, in form of a stag, gilt all over, the collar set with garnets. Silver bands encircle this curious figure, to which are appended many small silver escutcheons engraved with the arms and names of different persons. It has, probably, been a prize for shooting, successively won by those persons whose arms decorate it. 90 Central Cases. Mr F. Davis. 7 Silver Gilt Hanap, supported on a lion rampant, bearing a shield of arms. Mrs Hope. 8 Goblet of Carved Cocoa-nut, mounted in silver gilt; carved in three compartments, two of which represent the Marriage in Cana of Galilee. The stem is formed of an urn, richly chased, and the vase is ornamented with re- pousse masks, Pandean pipes, and fancy bordering. Mrs Hope. • 9 Limoges enamelled Ewer, with oviform body, painted in colours ; on the upper part a procession of Cupids ; below, a Koinan sacrifice. On the back of the mouth, I. C., the initials of Jean Courtois, an eminent enameller, of Limoges, in the first half of the 16th century. Mrs. Hope. 10 Large Silver Gilt Reliquary, forming a most elaborate Gothic Shrine or Tabernacle, now enclosing in the centre a small statuette of the Virgin, within an oval nimbus, adored by four angels. This important piece of ecclesiastical gold- smith's work is doubtless either of Spanish or Portuguese origin, and is a characteristic specimen of the florid exuber- ant style of Gothic ornamentation prevalent in those countries in the 15th and 16th centuries. Height 13in., width 7in. Mrs Hope. 11 Small Goblet, formed of a cocoa-nut, mounted in silver gilt, ornamented with repousse masks, flowers, and fruit. Mr F. Davis. 12 Silver Tankard, parcel gilt, engraved in compartments with figure subjects, the lid and base richly repousse. German, 17th cent. Rev. J. Beck. 13 Silver Folding Fork and Spoon combined. The bowl of the spoon is of mother-of-pearl ; the case is of cuir boulli — German work, 17th century. Mr F. Davis 14 Silver Gilt Hanap, in form of a pine apple, boldly repousse, sur- mounted by figures of St. George and the Dragon. Augsburg, 17th century. Mr. T. G. Sambrooke. 15 Persian Ware Jug, bulb-shaped, with handle; it is painted with a diapered pattern of interlaced pointed oval leaves in Central Cases. 91 white, shaded with red, on a green ground. This piece is tastefully mounted in silver gilt, with marginal bands, hinged cover, &c, connected together by vertical straps ; it has also a large projecting spout in silver, the cover is deco- rated in repousse, with shields, strap work, festoons of fruit, &c, and with a projecting cherub's head clip in the usual English Elizabethan style : the spout springs from a grotes- que mask and simulates the head and neck of an eagle. The mounts in general are precisely similar in character to those of the well-known mounted stoneware jugs of the period. On the rim round the base are the following hall-marks, viz. : leopard's head, lion passant, and capital letter V., and also the goldsmith's initials, I. H. These hall-marks indicate the year 1596, and prove that this piece of Persian ware was mounted in England at the date indicated. Height 13in. Mr. T. G-. Sambrooke. 16 Large Hemispherical Bowl and Cover in polished steatite, mounted in enamelled silver ; the expanded foot and stem, also the cover and the four hinged bands that unite the lower mounts to the rim, are covered with delicate scrolls in corded filigree, having cloisons for blue, green and purple enamel ; the base, stem and cover are studded with rows of prominent beads of white enamel, the cover is surmounted by a piece of clouded onyx, cut into an octagon form, polished and mounted in filigree ; old Oriental work, probably Armenian. Height 7in., diameter 5^in. Mr F. Davis. 17 Tall Silver Cup, richly chased and repousse in compartments with figures of wild animals, &c. On the lid is the figure of a warrior bearing a shield, on which is inscribed " G. B., 1572." Rev. James Beck. 18 Twelve Silver Spoons of Dutch and German workmanship. 17 th century CASE X. Mr Alderman Martin. 1. — A massive silver Epergne, weighing 200ozs., standing on an electro-shaped plated plateau. Also a richly engraved Elizabethan pattern silver salver. By removing the small glass dishes and screwing in nosels the Epergne forms a 6-light candelabrum. 92 Central Cases and Orchestra. The'foregoing was a Testimonial presented to Alderman Henry and Mrs. Martin, Ex-Mayor and Mayoress of Brighton, by their friends and fellow-townsmen. 2 Gold Miniature Bracelet (presented by the Mayor and Members of Town Council to Mrs. Martin, Ex-Mayoress of Brighton), set with pearls and diamonds interwoven with dark blue enamel stripes ; border of Tuscan work ; flexible chain band to correspond. Mr Alderman Brigden. 3 A silver Tea-kettle and Stand, chased and embossed in a bold, free, floral pattern of almost unique richness and breadth. The stand is very uncommon both in massiveness and artistic design. Presented to Alderman and Mrs. Brigden, Mayor and Mayoress of Brighton, 1864-5, by a few of their personal friends. CASE XI. Mr J. Round. Case containing specimens of Oriental, Chelsea Derby, Sevres, and Dresden Porcelain. ORCHESTRA. Mr Henry Willett. 1 Ebony cabinet, enriched with ivory medallions of Scripture subjects ; the ebony stand on which it is shown is orna- mented with bas relief of battle pieces. 17th century work Mr H. Willett. 2 Pair of tall bulb-shaped Oriental vases Mr E. S. Hurlock. 3 Early Italian Eayence jar Mr Joseph Ellis. 4 Mahogany table and chairs, Chippendale's work Mr Dudell. 5 Pair of large mirrors in gilt frames Mrs Henry Eunnell. 6 Carved oak Cabinet, 17th century Orchestra, 93 Mr F. S. Hurlock. 7 Remarkable Bed. Italian Work of the 17th Century. At the bases of the pillars are four cherubs sitting astride griffins. Four figures (in richly gilt garments), holding in their hands cornucopiee and on their heads baskets of fruit, form the pillars which support the canopy ; at the four corners of this are pairs of angels, bearing torches and wreaths of flowers. At the head of the bed, appears the Virgin borne on clouds and attended by cherubs in richly gilt attire. The bed was brought to England in 1682, by John Hurlock, whose portrait hangs on the wall to the right, for his wife, whose portrait is pendent on the left. In a glass, at the foot, is the original letter accompanying the gift. Naples, November, 1682. My dear Katte, — This hoping of thine and father's and mother's good health with all the rest of our kindred and friends, as I and all the rest of Ship's Company are blessed with by the Almighty God. My dear, my last to thee was at my arrival here, at which time the post was just departing, which occasioned me to write in the manner and I was forced to seal by reason I had not time to send for my own. This night I intend, God willing, to sail for Venice, where I shall long to hear from my dear whose health I may safely say I esteem more than my own. I hope Mr. Vanar have sent thee those things which I left with him for thee, and I also wish thee some others which I have presented me here, which is 2 silk quilts and 2 cabinets, and I have bought thee a very curious Naples bedstead, all which I heartily wish were with thee and myself also. Here is no ship bound homeward so I must tarry these with me till I do meet some that is. Pray give my d/wty to Father and Mother and love to all the rest of our kindred and friends with my assured hearty Love to my Dear. I remain thy loving husband, JOHN HURLOCK. Mr Joseph Ellis. 8 Pair of old English marqueterie tables Mr Henry Willett. 9 Old Dutch marqueterie cabinet Mr George Dudell. 10 Large Chinese Bowl and cover of black and gold lacquer Mr Henry W. Peek. 11 Fine tall bulb-shaped vase of Japanese bronze, the handle formed by a lizard entwined round the neck Mr Henry Willett. 12 Bronze bust of Charles I. Mr W. J. Smith. 13 Pair of painted screens, containing portraits of celebrated authors, artists, and novelists of the 18th and 19th centuries. 94 Orchestra. "Rev, James* Beck. 13a A large Black-jack, or'Bombard, height 21 inches, used in olden days for carrying beer. It bore the date, now effaced, of 1646. It was formerly in Kensington Palace. " It may here be noted that from the great bombards being nsed to carry beer to soldiers whilst on duty, the person who served out any provisions, received the title of " bombard-man," whilst the sailors corrupted it into " bumboat-man." — British Arch. Journal, 1859. Eev. James jBeck. 13b Another Specimen, height 18 inches, from Tickhill Castle, near Doncaster. " These leathern jacks, much used in the Middle Ages, appear to have been a peculiar branch of English industry. The upper edge of the vessel is squeezed into a slight lip in front, and the stout loop handle at the back is firmly stitched on either edge, thus making it strong, hard, and enduring as oak, and seeming to justify the old and oft repeated adage, that " there is nothing like leather." At the beginning of the 16th century, wooden trenchers and pots of earth were commonly used at the tables of even the higher classes. The former were not easily to be broken; but the case was different with the earthen pots, which from their fragile nature were, it seems, a continued source of expense. In the Household Book of the Duke of Northumberland in 1512, it was therefore ordered that, " whereas erthyn potts be bought, that ledder potts, be bought for them for serving meallys in my lord's house." In the time of Queen Elizabeth, leathern bottles were in common use, as is seen by the following quotation from a Lansdowne M.S. — " leathern cups, small jacks, we have in many ale-houses of the city and suburbs, tipt with the silver, besides the great black-jack and bombarts at the court, which, when the Frenchman first saw, they reported at their return into their own country, that the English men used to drink out of their boots." — Catalogue of Salisbury Museum. Eev. James Beck. 13c A Collection of Sussex Eushburners, used from a very- early period in the Weald of Sussex. Some are placed on the floor, some on the table, and others are suspended from the ceiling. Eev. James Beck. 13d A large Pewter Camp Kettle (a relic of the Thirty Years' War), carried into Sweden by the victorious army of Gus- tavus Adolphus. It is of Nuremburg 16th century work, and was purchased by the Exhibitor at Stockholm, July, 1866. Mr Marriott. 14 Statuette portraits in Parian of the Eight Hon. W. E. Glad- stone, the Eight Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G., and the late Eichard Cobden, M.P. Front of Orchestra. 95 Mr Mutton. 15 Drawing of the general arrangement of Machinery of H. M. gun boat " Jasenr" 16 Coloured drawing of an Express Locomotive Mr J. C. Craven. 17 Models of Railway Carriages, Locomotives, Bridges, Sailing and Steam Vessels, Sections of ditto, Indian Arms, Miner- als, &c. Mr J. C. Craven. 18 Busts of Robert Stephenson, James Watt, and George Stephenson FRONT OF ORCHESTRA. Mr W. Baines. 1 Oil painting — Grapes, Gold Plate, &c. G. Lance Mr W. Baines. 2 Oil painting — Fruit Piece G. Lance Rev. James Beck. 3 River Scene in Holland (water colour) A. Bademacker Rev. James Beck. 4 View of Haerlaem from the river A. BademacJcer Abraham Rademacker, born at Amsterdam, 1675, attained great eminence as a water colour artist, his works being very highly finished. He afterwards practised as an oil painter and engraver of his own works. Mrs Stanley. 5 The Infant St. John Mrs Stanley Mr W. Baines. 6 Group of Cattle T. Sidney Cooper, B.A. Mr J. Lane. 7 The Estuary of the Exe, Devon. £10 10s J. Lane " When evening's twilight gathers round." Rev. Thomas Bacon. 8 Circular Plaque, modern French Fayence, painted in 1865 LJdouard Lambert Mr Hunt. 9 Glass case containing ivory carvings. Indian work Mr Moseley. 10 Head of Cupid, attributed to Titian 96 Front of Orchestra. Rev. Jr Beck. 10a. Tortoise shell aod ebony frame, containing silver brooches, but- tons, clasps, rings, and scent bottle, the work of .Norwegian peasants. Mr Henry Willett. 11 Marble Bust of Hebe Westmacott Rev. James Beck. 12 Group of Fishermen's Children, modelled at Dieppe in 1849 Oraillory Eight Hon. H. Brand, M.P. 1 3 Bronze alto relievo — " Samson slaying the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass." Italian work Mr. Henry Willett. 14 Small gilt bust of Admiral Lord Nelson Mr Edward Jesse. 14a Nelson. Signature and two lines in the autograph of the Hero of Trafalgar. Authenticated by his brother and suc- cessor, the Rev. William Nelson, June 26th, 1806. Dr Pickford. 1 5 Small ivory statuette of Napoleon I. Mr. Henry Willett. 16 Small bronze bust of Napoleon, when First Consul Mrs. Colonel Gardiner. 17 Marble statuette of Lord Byron. A reduced copy, by the artist himself, of the original statue in Trinity College, Cambridge Thorswalden 18 Mr J. Round. Bronze bust of the Eight Hon. W. Pitt Eev Thomas Bacon. 18ALandscape, painted on a tile for house decoration Mr Mayall. Bouquet 19 " The Baptism of our Blessed Lord " The original painting of this eminent Australian Artist, Dowling Mr Dtjdell. 20 Marble group of boy and dog Front of Orchestra. 97 Mr Henry Willett. 21 Statuette of Hercules, English terra-cotta Mr Henry Willett. 22 Statuette of Charles I. in armour Mr John Round. 23 Terra cotta statuette of " Milo attempting to rend the oak" Mr Mayall. 24 Portrait of the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P., 1865 Mayall Mr Mayall. 25 Portrait of H.R,H. the Princess of Wales, taken a few days after the wedding at Windsor Mayall Rev. James Beck. 26 Small antique bronze statuette Right Hon. H. B. W. Brand, MP. 27 Bronze alto relievo — " The Murder of the Innocents " Mr Montague Scott. 28 Case containing medals, coins, miniatures, &c. Rev. James Beck. 29 St. Cecilia, one of the early Christian martyrs. It is said that her body was found in the Catacombs exactly in the position here represented. Mr Mayall. 30 Portrait of Her most gracious Majesty, the Queen, taken shortly before the death of H.R.H. the Prince Consort Mayall Mr Mayall. 31 Portrait of the Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, K.G. The central figure of Mr Mayall's group of the Conservative Ministry Mayall Rev. Thomas Bacon. 32 Bronze group— Europa and the Bull Mr E. J. Furner. 33 Bronze group of Horses Mr Henry Willett. 34 Bronze statuette of our Blessed Lord crowned with thorns a 98 Front of Orchestra. Mr Henry Willett. 35 The Mater Dolorosa, (Mother of Grief,) an early Italian copy of the celebrated work by Michael Angelo, in St. Peter's at Rome Mr W. Furner. 36 Bronze statnette figures of the Four Seasons Mr. E. J. Furner. 37 Two seated bronze figures Mr Mayall. • 38 The Three Marys, after Annihale Caracci From the celebrated original in the Castle Howard Collection ; engraved by Sharpe, and pronounced by Waagen to be one of the great pictures of Italy. "Annibale Caracci (born at Bologna, 1560, died at Rome, 1609) was the son of a tailor, from whose shop he was taken by his consin Ludovico. He is said to have died of vexation at the miserable pay awarded to him by the Car- dinal Farnese for the decoration of his palace at Rome. Eight hundred crowns for a labour of eight years ! He assisted his cousins to found the famous " School of Bologna," from which sprang Domenichino, Guido, and F. Albani." — Kugler's Handbook of Painting. Mr. Henry Willett. 39 Hebe with her ewer. The largest piece of statuette porcelain ever made at the Derby Factory — and of these only two were made Mr Henry Willett. 40 Bronze statuette of a crouching figure Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. 41 Pair of copper secchie, or water pails, said to have been an annual tribute from the Republic of Venice to one of the States on the mainland for permission to use their wells. Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. 42 Brass ewer, Italian work, 16th century Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. 43 Brass vessel and ladle Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. 44 Italian steel morion, richly gilt, 16th century Sir Percy Burrell, Bart., M.P. 45 Brass basin, repousse with figures of Adam and Eve, 15th century Orchestra Desk Cases 99 Mr Henry Willett. 46 Bronze statuette of the "Fighting Gladiator " Rev. Charles Beanlands. 47 Pair of Flemish Candlesticks, 17th century Pricket Candlestick, Flemish work, 15th century Right Hon. H. Brand, M.P. 48 Bronze alto relievo — " The Flight into Egypt." Italian work Mr Joseph Ellis. 49 Marble bust of Cleopatra Sussex Archaeological Society. 50 Antique Sword, found in the walls of May field Palace. Sir Percy Burrell. 50a Ancient Sword, two Halberds and Pike. Rev. Thomas Bacon. 51 Circular Plaque, modern French Fayence, painted in 1865 Edouard Lambert Mr. Henry Willett. 52 Three terra cotta statuette portraits of the children of Mr. H. Willett Charles Wilke (Removed into the Gallery). Mr Crespin. Unfinished portico of Egyptian Temple, with accurate hiero- glyphics and ornaments ; with two pillars exactly modelled after the two first pillars in the great hall of the Temple of Carnac. Accurate model of the only remaining obelisk of the Tem- ple of On, or Heliopolis. DESK CASE I. Mr Zaehnsdorpf, 30, Brydges Street, Covent Garden. Specimens of modern Bookbinding after the Grolier, Venetian, Dussuiels, and other patterns DESK CASE II. Mr Noding. Specimens of amateur ivory turning 100 Orchestra Desk Gases. : DESK CASE III. Rev. Conway Walter. 1 A Hindoo Lady's Dagger, and larger knife, taken from the Dilkoosha Palace, Lucknow, in the late Indian Mutiny, by Oapt. W. S. Walter, 42nd Eegiment, Eoyal Highlanders. Rev. James Beck. 2 Steel Knife, richly inlaid with gold, the work of the natives of Lahore 3 Knife handles ; carved with grotesque masks, out of the horn of the roe deer, Scotch work. 4 Ivory handled Knives and Forks, German work, 16th century 5 Japanese Knives, the handles inlaid with gold. Mrs. Colonel Gaedineb. 6 Steel dagger inlaid with gold, and jade handle studded with jewels, picked up on one of the battle fields in Scinde Rev. J. Beck. 7 Three Rouge Pots, on ormolu tripod stands, English work of the early part of last century. 8 A small collection of War and Good Conduct Medals. 9 Three silver Swedish Scent Boxes. 10 Steel head of a mace, inlaid with silver, Italian work 11 Dagger handle, carved in the form of a grotesque figure out of narval ivory, probably Burmese work 12 Silver gilt belt, worn by the Lapps in Swedish Lapland 13 Lapland Knife, made of native iron, the handle of reindeer horn aud skin 14 String composed of the backbones of the Salmon, and used by the Lapps for gambling purposes. 15 Two silver gilt balls, covered with filigree, used as buttons by the natives of Iceland 16 Silver gilt balls, used as buttons by the natives of Swedish Lapland Mr W. Peecival Boxall. 16a Portrait of David Teniers, in oils on silver Gonzales Mr Henry Willett. 17 Five steel keys, with elaborately pierced bows forming cyphers, foliage, &c. English work, 17th century Mr Cayford. 18 English knife dagger, taken from a native during the Indian Mutiny Orchestra Desk Cases. 101 DESK CASE IV. Mr H. WlLLETT. 1 Common Prayer and Holy Bible, 1713, containing the Prayer for the Healing, with a piece of the gold touch money given by the Sovereign to the patient Rev. James Beck. 2 Silver gilt oval English watch, made by Bateman, circa 1650 Mr James Smith. 3 Enamelled watch case, English work, last century- Rev. James Beck. 4 Gold watch, with a miniature in enamel on the back, set round with wreaths of small jargoons and surmounted by a crown, said to have been given by Louis XV. to Madame du Barri. Made by Lepine, of Paris Mr H. Willett. 5 Silver gilt medallion portrait of our Blessed Lord Mr H. Willett. 6 Aigrette, or Hungarian hat jewel, consisting of a plume of five delicately chased gold sprays, set with rubies in grey ena- mel. A fine Oriental pearl drop is suspended from two of the sprays In front is the figure of St. George slaying the Dragon. The body of St. George is formed of a large Orien- tal pearl, the shape of which, doubtless, first suggested to the artist the supplemental design. The helmet is also form- ed of an irregularly shaped pearl. The head, arms, legs, and tunic of St. George, as well as the Dragon, are modelled in pure gold, carefully enamelled in natural tints The back of the jewel is also richly enamelled in brilliant colours. The tresses, spear, and helmet plume are of pure gold. More than 100 rubies have been employed in the decoration of the jewel. The judicious application of varied materials to produce general harmony of effect shews the skill of a true artist, and well illustrates the remark of Ruskin, " Goldsmith's work is made to last, and made with the man's whole heart and soul in it. Gold has been given us, among other things, that we might put beautiful work into its imperishable splendour, and that the artists who have the most wilful fancies may have a material which will drag out, or beat out, as their dreams require, and will hold itself with fantastic tenacity, whatever rare and delicate service they set it upon." — Political Economy of Art, p. 64 102 Orchestra Desk Cases, Mrs H. WlLLETT. 7 Jewelled gold Pendant, set with diamonds, emeralds, and pearls. Swiss work of the 17th century Eev. J. Beck. 8 Iron cross of pierced work, worn by the ladies of Prussia after they had sold their jewels and plate to furnish funds for carrying on the war with Napoleon 9 Silver pectoral cross. German, 17th century Mrs Gordon Canning. 10 A pendent Bnseigne or Reliquary, consisting of a cylindri- cal portion of an arm bone, which measures about 2in. in length by lin. in diameter, and is mounted in a framework, or fregio, formed of three hoops of gold, set with gems and elaborately enriched with translucent enamel of the richest colors. The bone appears in the interval of these decora- tions. At each extremity of the cylinder is a convex circular plate, exquisitely enamelled, attached by a hinge so as to close the open end of the piece of bone and forming the lid of a small receptacle in which a scented pastille was enclosed, probably as a caution against any unpleasant odour from the relic. Upon the cylinder is affixed, on a richly jewelled base, a crucifix, with the figures of the Virgin and St. John. The figures are in full relief (lavoro di piastra) ; the garments and all details elaborately enam- elled. On the reverse of the cross appear the emblems of the Passion, and beneath is a medallion, delicately painted, representing the Fall in Paradise. To the upper side of the fregio, ending the cylinder, are also attached two chains, richly jewelled at intervals, uniting in an arched ornament at top, set with diamonds and rubies, and having a ring by which the jewel might be suspended. To the lower side of the cylinder it appears that three pendants, now lost, were attached. This reliquary is perhaps unique in the beauty of the varied hues of the enamels, for the most part trans- lucent on relief, with which it is everywhere enriched, and also in the perfection of the skill of the goldsmith. It is probably of Italian workmanship, and may be assigned to the commencement of the 16th century. It presents an admirable exemplification of the processes employed in the lavori de minuteria and of all the details of art described by Cellini in his Treatise " dell' Oreficeria," cap. 5. This reliquary is traditionally said to have belonged to Catherine of Braganza, and to have been given by her to the family of the Comptons, of Hartpury, co. Gloucester, of whom the present proprietor is the lineal descendant. Orchestra Desk Cases. 103 Mr Robert Phillips. 11 Heloise (the heroine of the story of Heloise and Abelard), Prioress of Argenteuil and afterwards Abbess of the Para- clete, where she died, 1163. Modern French enamel, signed and dated by the Artist, Louise Lescuyot, 1867. Rev. James Beck. 12 Two gold beads and pendant of pure gold, applique with gold cords and dots, of very early Scandinavian work, found by a peasant near Copenhagen in 1866 Mr H. Willett. 13 Gold tore ring, found near Lewes Rev. James Beck. 14 Bronze boss or buckle for a baldric. Early Scandinavian 15 Gold tore ring, early Scandinavian work, dug up in the Island of Gottland, 1866 Mrs Goedon Canning. 16 Oblong Casket, in its original mounting, decorated with twelve enamelled plates, with figures in grisaille, tinted of various colours, on a blue ground, and accompanied by French inscriptions in gold. The subjects of the enamels are boys playing and representing scenes from classical legends. The top is of gilt metal with arabesques. This is probably painted by an artist who employed a stamp for the metal of the letters T.B. in monogram under a crown. This Casket is stated to have been given by Francis 1st to Cardinal Wolsey, and by the latter to Henry VIII., who gave it to Anne Boleyn. By her it was presented to the Lady Worcester, from whose daughter it passed into the family of the present owner. Length, 7in ; height, 4|in ; width, 4|in. Rev. James Beck. 17 Miniature portrait of Charles II. Rev. James Beck. 18 The Infanta Maria of Hpain, daughter of Philip IV. and the object of Prince Charles' (afterwards Charles I.) romantic expedition to Spain accompanied by Buckingham in 1623 Rev. James Beck. 19 Charles I., drawn from the life, in fine brush lines, on paper prepared with a thin coating of plaster, in the original tortoiseshell case (the front has been removed) for suspen- sion round the neck, and covered with talc instead of glass. Signed and dated " M. S., fe 1647 ; " supposed to be by Matthew Snelling 104 Orchestra Desk Gases. Bev. James Beck. 20 Mary, daughter of Charles I., married May, 1648, to William of Orange, by whom she had an only son, William, after- wards William III. of England. The miniature is painted on the reverse of a medal, struck in the Low Countries, October, 1648, at the end of the Thirty Years' War, in which William of Orange took a distinguished part Rev. T. Bacon. 21 Silver Medallions, with profile portraits of Charles I. and Henrietta Maria, by Rawlings, worn as badges by the Royalists Rev. J. Beck. 22 Enamelled and Crystal Locket, containing a lock of the hair of the Princess Elizabeth, daughter of Charles I., who died of grief, Sept. 1650, aged 15. Her remains were discovered in Carisbrooke Church a few years ago. Eev. T. Bacon. 23 The ring of the Princess Elizabeth, found under the window of the room in which she was imprisoned. It is composed of a ruby enamelled heart, padlocked and surmounted by a crown, set with diamonds ; the back is enamelled and bears the word " Fidele " Mr Henry Willett. 24 Portrait of Charles I., set in a ring of a subsequent date Sir George C. Shiffner, Bart. 25 The Tattersal Ring This ring, containing portraits of Charles II. and his Queen, Catherine of Braganza, was given "by that monarch to Captain Nicholas Tattersal, of Brighthelmstone, in grateful remembrance of his escape to the coast of France (after the disastrous defeat at Worcester, September 3rd, 1651) by the loyalty of Captain Tattersal, who conveyed His Majesty in his own ship to Fern in Normandy. The ring is now the property of his lineal descendant. Sir G. C. Shiffner, Bart., of Coombe, A pension of 100 guineas per annum for 99 years was granted at the same time to Captain Tattersal, but it was only paid for 50 years. Mr. H. Willett. 26 Siege Pieces, or money struck by Charles I. in the civil wars Rev. James Beck. 27 Oval silver plaqne,reponsse and chased, intended for a miniature frame, representing Diogenes with his lantern searching the world for an honest man, whom he is supposed to have found at last Orchestra Desk; Cases. 105 Colonel Guthrie. 28 Cinque-cento Pendant, in form of a syren, the head, neck, and arms of *white enamel, the body of a very fine and large pearl bai oque, ending in scrolls, and a fish's tail, beautifully enam- elled and set with rubies. She is represented arranging her hair with a comb in her right hand ; her left has originally held a mirror. This splendid gem, although of fine Italian workmanship of the 16th century, was brought from India. On the back is inscribed " Falit aspectios cantusq. Syrene " and " D. L. VB.W It is suspended by three chains to an enamelled cartouche ornament Mr Robert Phillips. 29 Small plaque of Limoges enamel, representing St Francis of Assissium (circa 1226) receiving the sacred stigmata on his side, hands, and feet, painted in grisaille on a black ground, with slight flesh tints Mr Robert Phillips. 30 Antique Etruscan fibula of silver, the lower part representing sea horses, — a most exquisite piece of workmanship in beau- tiful preservation 31 Gold reproduction of the above, executed in London Rev. James Beck. 32 Several plain gold Betrothal Rings, called "posie," or " chanson" rings, having mottoes within the hoop, such as the following — "We joyne our love in God above," " Knitt in one by Christ alone," " God above send peace and love." These nuptial tokens, sometimes called gipsy rings, appear to have been much in fashion in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries. Rev. James Beck. 33 Silver plate, engraved by C. Pass, with portraits of Frederick of Bohemia and Elizabeth of England and one of their children The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. 34 Pocket Bible (1645) carried about by Oliver Cromwell. It afterwards became the property of his son-in-law, Lord Ffauconberg (the husband of Mary Cromwell), whose sig- nature appears on the fly-leaf, with the date 1677 35 Portrait miniature of Oliver Cromwell, in oil on ivory Mr H. Willett. 36 Medallions and coin of Oliver Cromwell, issued during the Protectorate 106 Orchestra Desk Cases. . Eev. James Beck. 37 Silver gilt ring, the work of Swedish peasants, evidently copied from an Indian ring, a specimen of which, made at Delhi, is exhibited Eev. James Beck. 38 A silver gilt ring, made by Swedish peasants Mr F. Ceunden. 39 An old English ring, dug up in a garden on the South Downs, near Hailsham Mrs H. Willett. 40 Gold betrothal ring, with the symbol of two jewelled hearts, surmounted by a crown, denoting the sovereignty of love over the heart Eev. James Beck. 41 Betrothal Eing, set with marquisettes, with the symbol of two hearts ensigned with a crown, denoting the sovereignty of love over the heart. Mrs Sangster. 42 Gold enamelled English ring, set with black diamonds, dug up some years ago near Windsor Castle. 16th century Eev. James Beck. 43 Gold English ring, set single with a pink ruby, ploughed up in the Camp Field at Sullington, Sussex. 14th century Eev. James Beck. 44 German ring, set with brilliants and rubies and enamelled at the back. 17th century Eev. James Beck. 45 " Gimmall " or Puzzle Eings, composed of several hoops, intertwining together, which when conjoined, show two hands clasped. These fede or betrothal rings, range from very early times to a comparatively late period, and were much used in this country and on the Continent. Eev. James Beck. 46 An enamelled Italian Betrothal ring, of cinque-cento work, set with a ruby ; at the lower part of the hoop is a fede, or symbol of two hands joined. Orchestra Desk Cases. 107 DESK CASE V. Mr E. Bright. 1 Tazza of Algerian onyx on enamelled pedestal, modern French work 2 Plinth of Malachite 3 Panther of oxydized silver, with diamond eyes on a plinth of lapis lazuli, the work of Froment Meurice, of Paris Rev J. Beck. 4 Steel vase, gilt and inlaid with gold Hindoo work from Lahore Mrs Rooper. 5 Wax medallion bust of the Earl of Essex, the unfortunate favourite of Queen Elizabeth Rev. J. Beck. 6 Charms or amulets, worn in Germany till a comparatively re- cent period to ward off attacks of epilepsy, &c. 7 Rock Crystal Bracelet, set with silver filigree : worn by the late Queen of Candy 8 A brass Journey Ring, or "poke dial," a portable con- trivance for ascertaining the hour, probably one of those to which Horman alludes in his Vulgaria, printed in 1520. 9 Gold pendant of open filigree, set with enamels and rubies, Italian work, 17th century 10 Gold pendant of open filigree scrolls, set with pearls, Spanish work, 17th century 11 Silver pendant, set with rose diamonds and rubies, 17th cent. 12 Mother of pearl pendant and ear rings, set with marquisettes 13 Gold collet, pendant, and brooch, set with Almandine garnets, English work of the time of Queen Anne Mr John Round. 14 Gold snuff-box, enamelled with flowers, French work of the last century 15 Cameo profile portrait of the Right Hon. W. Pitt, set in a gold frame, and worn by the members of the Pitt Club 16 Ivory toothpick case, the lid of which is set with a portrait miniature on ivory of Mrs Round 1 7 Ivory toothpick case, the lid of which is set with a Wedgwood cameo 108 Orchestra Desk Cases, 18 Tortoiseshell snuffbox, the lid mounted with a figure subject, " en Grisaille," "Alexander and the family of Darius " 19 Portrait miniature of the late George Caswall, Esq 20 Portrait miniature of the late Newman Caswall, Esq., of Sa- combe Park, Herts Rev. J. Beck. 21 Silver filigree needle case, Indian work 22 A silver gilt pilgrim's badge, with open filigree border, from Loretto 23 Silver filigree snuff box, Indian work of the last century Rev. T. Bacon. 24 Onyx profile cameo, of two strata, the darker representing the hair 25 Two Russian seals, in the form of horses' heads, carved out of rhodonite and black rock crystal from Siberia 26 Cup of pure gold, from a Burmese temple 27 Pour specimens of very fine Indian gold filigree 28 Chinese fan of silver filigree, parcel gilt and enamelled 29 Snuff box of Lumacello or fire marble, from Italy, a species of limestone, composed of shells, some of which (ammonites) had mother of pearl or nacre, which remains in the fossil state, reflecting colour 30 Pive guinea piece, issued at the Coronation of George I., 1714 31 Two brass matrices of seals, found at Amberley, Sussex Mrs Montague Scott. 3lASmall antique bust, carved out of jacynth, with an enamelled circlet on the forehead, on a gold pedestal Mrs P. Merrifield. 32 Gold Ring, set with an antique engraved gem 33 Cross of the order of St. Louis, worn by the Due de Berri, and by him presented to the late Chevalier de Gaudrion 34 Cross of the Order of the Legion of Honour 35 Silver cock, jewelled with sapphires, rubies, and emeralds, probably a foreign emblem of Freemasonry 36 Cameo profile portrait of George III. 37 B onze profile portrait of George IIP Orchestra Desk Cases. 109 Rev. James Beck. 38 John Selden (1584-1654) J. Hosldns. A celebrated lawyer, historian and antiquary, born at Sal- vington, Sussex, 1584, educated at Chichester, and after- wards at Hart Hall, Oxford. In 1640 he was elected mem- ber for Oxford, and supported the king, but strongly opposed an appeal to arms. In 1643 he was appointed Keeper of the Records of the Tower and one of the Commissioners of the Admiralty. His " Table-Talk " was published after his death by his amanuensis. 39 Admiral Sir William Penn. 1621-1670. A celebrated Naval Commander, under Admiral Robert Blake. He was the father of the well-known William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania. STONE AND BRONZE IMPLEMENTS OF THE EARLY BRITISH PERIOD. The stone implements found in tumuli and elsewhere in ail parts of the British Islands, are usually the heads of axes or ham- mers, chisels, arrow heads, &c. Many of them, especially those found in caves and imbedded in gravel, are of the very rudest work- manship ; whilst others are so elaborately cut and finished as to lead to the conclusion that something resembling a lathe must have been used in boring and finishing them. Flint was most commonly em- ployed, but other kinds of stone were also used, such as serpentine, greenstone, porphyry, indurated clay stone, jade, &c. According to the recital of William of Poitiers, some of the Anglo-Saxons fought with stone weapons at the battle of Hastings ; and they are said to hsve been employed by the Scots as late as the wars of Wallace, but most of those found belong to a much higher antiquity. The Contents of Case No. VI. afford an opportunity of comparing the types usually found in England, with the stone weapons found in Ireland, Sweden, and Denmark, of which a fine collection is ex- hibited. The specimens contained in Case VII., lent by Professor T. Rupert Jones, are of great value as illustrative of natural and artificial fractures in flint, &c ; and of the flint implements in use at very remote periods in Europe, as found in the Dordogne Caves in Erance, and in other localities. The older implements of metal found in this country are generally of bronze. They consist of Celts and Paalstabs, Spearheads, Swords 110 Orchestra Desk Cases. Chisels, &c, and are found all over the island. They were cast in moulds, of which a specimen will be found in the Wilmington Case, and from the large numbers of them which are found together, with the residuum from the melting pot, it seems evident that there were regular makers of them in different parts of the country. In the time of Henry VIII., Leland thus notices the discovery of a hoard in the parish of St. Hilary in Cornwall : — " There was found of late yeres syns, spereheddes, axis for warre, andswerdes, of coper, wrappid up in lynin, scant perished, near the mount in St. Hilaries paroch in the tynne works.' ' That stone and metal were in use for implements at the same period is quite evident from the manner in which they are found together, although of course the more general use of stone preceded that of bronze, and again the use of bronze that of iron. A good illustration of this fact will be found in the case from the Brighton Museum, containing the contents of the Hove Tumulus, in which implements of stone and of bronze are found associated in the same interment. The fine Amber Cup in the same case is of great rarity and interest, as the Britons, unlike the Anglo-Saxons, were not accustomed to inter with their dead many objects of value. The form of the stone hatchet is an unusual one in England, and several greatly resem- bling it, are figured in the catalogue of the Copenhagen Museum. This, and the existence of the Amber Cup, which is believed to be unique in this country, may indicate that the Hove Tumulus was the tomb of a Scandinavian chief. In the classification of bronze weapons it may be well to explain that a Paalstab is an implement intended to be fastened at the smaller and flattened end to a wooden handle, whilst a Celt is always hollowed out to receive a wooden handle, the ear, when present, having probably served to secure it to the handle by means of a thong. In the glass cases will be found a large number of specimens shewing the varieties of form of both weapons, and of others, most of which belonged to our predecessors in the Southern Counties. CASE No. VI. Sussex Archaeological Society. Collection of Eight Flint Celts, found on and near the South Downs, at Mount Harry, Bormer, Keymer, and Plumpton. Mr. W. B. Phillips. Four Flint Celts of a peculiar form found, with the stone ball, a few years ago in executing the Government Works in the Island of Portland. Fragments of a Sword and Spearhead found at the same time and site. Mr. G. Scott. Small Flint Celt, highly finished, found in Suffolk. Orchestra Desk Cases. Ill Mr. Henet Willett. Case of Gold and Copper Coins of the early British period, found in Sussex. Rev. James Beck. Flint Knives, Flakes, and Arrow heads, found in various parts of England. Brighton Museum. Case containing the early British remains found in the Hove Tumulus, including Stone and Bronze Implements, beautiful Amber Cup, Whetstone, &c. Earthen Rings and British Pottery, from East Sheen. Rev. James Beck. Collection of Six Stone Implements found in Ireland. Collection of Eight Stone Implements found in the Island of Gottland, Sweden. Collection of 14 Stone and Elint Implements found in Den- mark. Large Celt made of Nephrite, from New Zealand. Brighton Museum. Two stone hatchets used by the Caribs, found at St Vin- cent Rev. J. Beck. Bronze Paalstab, found in 1846, on Westburton Down, near Bognor, Sussex, by Richard White, when digging flints. Bronze Paalstab, found near the Roman Stane Street, in the parish of Pulborough, Sussex. Rev. Thomas Bacon, Bronze Paalstab, 7Jin. long, of a very unusual pattern, the groove on both sides extending the whole length. From Crofton Croker's Collection. Rev. James Beck. A Collection of Bronze Paalstabs and Celts, found in different parts of England. Sussex Archaeological Society. Collection of Bronze Celts and Paalstabs, from Buxted Wood, Plumpton, and Lordship Wood, Ewhurst, Sussex. Case containing a large collection of Bronze Celts and Paal- stabs, portionsof Swords, a Celt Mould, &c.,foundat Wilmington; figured in Sussex Archeelogical Collections, vol, xiv. p. 171. 112 Orchestra Desk Cases. : CASE No. VII. Professor T. Rupert Jones. Collection of early Flint Implements, illustrating natural and artificial fracture in flint, &c. I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7* 7** Nine Flakes of Flint, natural frac- tures, produced by frost and other causes. 8, 9 Two Specimens of Flint, shewing conical fractures, the result of a direct blow. 10 A portion of an Obsidium Flake (old knife), from Mexico. Ob- si dium or Volcanic Glass, a kind of Lava that breaks up-imder direct blows in the same way as flint does. II, 12 Two pieces of Flint Flake, produced artificially, as seen by the parallelism of the facets ; found in a garden at York Town, Surrey. 12* Similar Flake found in a field in East Kent. 13 Large Flint Flake, untouched by further work, except that per- haps the " Bulb " of percussion has been reduced. Cave of Le Moustier, Dordogne, France. 14 A piece of Flint broken from a mass, as its large flat face shows ; and then trimmed by many blows on the other side until its sharp edge was produced. It is adapted for being held in the hand to smash marrow-bones with. All the marrow-bones are smashed to pieces in the Dordogne Caves, France. 15 # Specimen of old stone Implement, that has been re-dressed by' the Gravel Diggers of St. Acheul (Amiens). Parts of the old surface are easily distinguished from the new faces by different colour and glaze. The new edge also differs from that seen in old specimens by its want of undulation. 15, 16, 17, 18 Four good old Specimens of Flint Implements, of different shapes, from St. Acheul, Amiens. 19, 20, 20* Three Flint Flakes trimmed on their edges. They have probably been used for scraping wood and bone. Dordogne Caves, France. 21, 22 Two Flint Flakes, trimmed or worked on their edges, from the Peat Bogs of the Yalley of the Somme. 23 Flint Flake, produced like the others by a direct blow, as the "Bulb" shews. One edge (convex), has probably been used. Valley of the Somme. 24, 24*, 25 Three Flint Flakes that have been used on the edges by scraping wood and bone, &c. Caves of Dordogne, France. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Seven Flakes of different sizes. Caves of Dordogne, France. 33 Flake of Flint probably worn by use on one side, from Pressigny, France. Orchestra Desk Cases. 113 34, 35, 36 Flint Flakes rounded at one end by neat chipping (used for scraping). Similar round ended flakes are now used by the Esquimaux in dressing skins. Caves of Dordogne, France. 37 Canadian Arrowhead of Hornstone. 38 North American Stone Hatchet of Greenstone ground. 39 Danish Hatchet of Flint, ground and polished. (Highly polished spots shew where the fastenings held it.) 40, 41, 42 Three cores or nuclei of Flint from which flakes have been struck off by direct blows at the edge. Caves of Dordogne, France. DESK CASE VIII. Sussex Archaeological Society. Plate of Copper, representing the Crucifixion, from Rotting- dean. Model of the Stone Coffin of a daughter of King Canute, buried in the nave of Bosham Church. Badge (a Wyvern) of the De Warenne family — the founders of Lewes Priory, &c. Antique Keys from Lewes Priory and Wilmington Priory. Small Stiletto, with bone handle, inlaid with mother of pearl. Lewes Priory. Handle of Dagger found in the Barbican, Lewes Castle. Six pieces of Roman Pottery from the Roman Cemetery at Bormer/ Roman Lamps, found in Sussex. Encaustic Tile, with three lions passant (England) from Horsted-Keynes. Small Case of Roman Antiquities from the site of the Roman Iron Works at Old Land, viz., Bronze fibula, bronze head of Neptune, a ligula, a stylus, a small iron scale-beam, eight Roman coins, &c. Small Case containing an ancient Key, found at St. Michael's, Lewes ; Brass Crucifix, from Lewes Priory ; Small Bronze Roman Statuette, found at Southerham. Curious Table ornament for liquids — a knight on horseback ; presumed to be of the 12th centnry. It is of coarse clay with dark green glaze. Found in excavating the tunnel under the town of Lewes. Mr. Henry Willett. Ancient Silver-handled Knife, date about 1200, found at Selsey, Sussex, the site of the ancient Cathedral removed to Chichester. H 114 Orchestra Desk Cases, Mr H. Willett. Facsimile of an ancient British Golden Torque or Necklace of twisted Gold, found on the estate of the late Lord Palmers- ton, at Romsey, in Hampshire. Roman Bronze, found in Bosham Harbour. Roman Bronze Ornament, from the Brawl, near Chichester. Coins of Edward the Coufessor and Harold, (obverse Harold Rex Anglo), found at Chanston, near Steyning. Roman Potter's Stamp. Roman Fibula, from the Downs, between Brighton and Lewes. Mrs. G. Scott. Fine Roman Bead of Blue Glass, with white spiral markings, found with swords, &c, near Godmersham, Kent. Quarter Noble, of Edward III., found in a field near Bury St* Edmunds. Coins of Edward II., from the foundations of old Minto Church, Roxburghshire. Coin of Alexander III. of Scotland. Half-Crown, " Cannon Money." Coined in Ireland by James II. in 1688, Brighton Museum. . Anglo-Saxon Urn, found in Cambridge Road, Brighton. Roman Bronze Fibula, found with Pottery (now in the Museum) between the Ditchling and Lewes Roads, Brighton. Specimen of Roman Pottery from the Cemetery at Hardham, near Pulbro\ (A. large collection of Urns, leathern Sandals, and other objects from this Roman Cemetery are to be seen in the Museum.) Rev. Charles Beanlands. Badge of King's College, Cambridge. Very early Oriental Jewel, set with star sapphires, rubies, and other stones. Russian Cup, in metal. Russian Crucifix. Russian Crucifix. Mr George Scott. Ancient Bell, from bed of River Lark, close to the ruins of the Monastery of Saint Edmundsbury. Mr George Scott. Unfinished Leaden Seal, found in brick earth with coins, at Bury St. Edmunds. Orchestra Deslc Gases. 115 DESK CASE IX. Mr Zaehnsdorff, 30, Brydges Street, Covent Garden. Specimens of modern Bookbinding after the Grolier, Maioli, JJerome, and other patterns DESK CASE X. Rev. Charles Walker. 1 Processional Cross of gilt metal, 14th century- Mr Gardner, 32, Preston Street, Brighton. 2 Small silver statuettes of Adam and Eve, modelled and executed by the Exhibitor 3 Silver pen case, with reservoir of ink, the patented invention of the Exhibitor Mr Joseph Ellis. 4 Gold table watch Mr. H. Willett. 5 Silver dial in ivory case ; probably Dutch work. 1 7th century Rev W. Rooper. 6 Silver watch, early 18th century, by Eibart, Tolon Mr James Martin. 7 Chinese work box, most elaborately carved in ivory Rev. J. Beck. 8 An English Alphabet (or puzzle) Padlock, of iron, formed with five rings, each inscribed with an alphabet, so contrived as to open when the alphabets are set to a certain word. It bears the date 1594, with the words FEERE NOT, and was found at Worthing, where for many years it had been hanging on a barn door. Mr Henry Willett. 9 Fragment of a bronze eagle, probably part of a Eoman standard, found at Colchester Rev. J. Beck. 10 A German Alphabet (or puzzle) Padlock of steel and brass, form- ed with five rings, each inscribed with an alphabet, so con- 116 Orchestra Desk Cases. trived as to open when the alphabets are set to a certain word. It differs from the foregoing No. 8, and is still used in England and many parts of the Continent. DESK CASE XI. Mr Moseley, Specimens of Antique jewellery, rings, gems, enamels, and chatelaines, old watches in gold repousse cases, by Moser, carved medallions, &c, in ivory, Neapolitan carvings in coral and lava, Oriental bronzes, miniature paintings on ivory and silver filigree work. Specimens of the Atlantic Cables of 1859, 1865 and 1866 \_fflxhi~bited over Desk Case VI."] Rev. J. Beck. Iron Key, with wards of the lock to fit— for a massive chest — German work, 15th century. Rev. J. Beck. Frame containing German keys of the 1 6th and 1 7th centuries Thumbcuffs, used for the thumbs as handcuffs are used for the wrists. German, 16th century. A Jailer's set of eight iron Keys, hinged together, used for opening old fetter locks. A set of iron Skeleton Keys, for picking locks, found in pulling down the old Gaol at Horsham, Sussex. Rev. J. Beck. Frame of Chamberlains' Keys of Office Five official keys, used by the chamberlains at the court of the Viceroys of Sicily Gilt Key of the chamberlain at the court of Francis I., Emperor of Germany, and his Empress, Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary, (1745-1765) Gilt key of the chamberlain at the court of Joseph Clement, Elector of Cologne (1688-1723) Gilt key of the chamberlain at the court of Frederick VI., King of Denmark Rev J. Beck. Three Frames containing French and German keys of the 16th and 1 7th centuries Corridor — Northern 'Entrance. 117 COREIDOR OF THE NORTHERN ENTRANCE. Mr. Beeching, Waterloo Street. One Clock. Mr. Thomas West, Cowfold. Model of a Mansion now in course of erection. Mr. T. Stapley, Model of Parish Church of Brighton, present style, Mr Jabez Richardson, 17, Yiaduct Terrace. Model of Royal Pavilion, Brighton. „ Hove Church. „ Old Shoreham Church. „ Church at Dublin. Mr F. Lawrence, Bridge Inn. Model of Alderton Church, Isle of Wight, made by George Yerrall, who lost both his legs while employed at the L. B. & S. C. Eailway a few years ago.. Within the Church Yard rest the remains of Elizabeth Wall Bridge, the heroine in the well known tale "The Dairyman's Daughter." Mr R. C. Moore, Preston Street. Model of Old Shoreham Church. Mr L. E. Dubois, Albion Hotel. Model of Church Tower and Spire, with Clock, &c, in com- plete working order. Mrs Etles, Powis Grove. May-day in England in the Olden Time. Mr QUAKTERMAIN, 29, New Road. Model of Parish Church, Brighton, old style Fine Model of the Tower of London 118 Corridor — North ern En trance . Mr. Field, . L. B. & S. 0. Railway. Model of the Brighton Terminus. Five Cases of Stuffed Birds Mr A. Cleaver, The Oaks, Burgess Hill. Model of a Steamer complete, engines by Mr. James Lewis, Queen's Street, Drury Lane, London. Mr C. A. Wells, Lewes. 16 Amateur-made pieces of Galvanic Apparatus Mr Gardener Street. Half Model of an Australian Clipper, and small cutter Yacht, made by the Exhibitor (a sailor) when coming home. Mr J. Harmer. Railway Inn. Piece of Needlework (framed). Shipping Miss Jane Pilfold, Burgess Hill. Flowers in Wool Mr A. Cruttenden, 23, Guildford Street. Four cases of Stuffed Birds. Mr Alfred Coleman. Case of Stuffed Birds. Mr F. Lawrence, Bridge Inn. Case of Raw Silk Mr W. Davis, 40, Eegent Street. Ladies' Companion. £4 4s Miss Inglis, 63, Grand Parade. Illuminated piece in frame Three cases of Wax Flowers. Mr A. C. Payne, 9, Thomas Street, Davenport Street, London. E. Two Frames of Engraving on Brass. Biding School. 119 Mr E. Bennett, 2, Hampton Place. Apparatus for raising heavy windows Mr Gr. H. Jenner, 90, Church Street. Model of Truck for Platform. „ Locomotive Wheel Patent slate pencil sharpener Mr Elisha New, National Schools, Southwick. Specimens of Amateur Wood Carving Mr Moore, Preston Street. Native Crystals of Sulphur from Mount Vesuvius Mr Noakes, 35, North Street. A Galvanic arrangement, showing the attraction between positive and negative-poles by Zamboni's piles. Mr Wtmark. Inlaid Marqueterie Table RIDING SCHOOL. Articles sent for Exhibition and on Sale. IMPROVEMENT OF THE DWELLINGS AND THE GENERAL CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE. In exhibiting things belonging to this wide subject, the first place has been given to house improvement, as being a most urgent social want. Admission, however, has been given to all else that has to do with benefiting the physical condition of the artizan or labourer, by preventing disease in all ways that can be devised ; by relieving distress or illness; by promoting safety from accidents; by encouraging providence and industry ; by inculcating self-help ; by lightening labor ; and by imparting all descriptions of knowledge leading in the same direction. Many of the articles are shown in order that those interested may note down titles of books, names, references, and prices, which they may afterwards make use of. 120 Riding School. The Mayor of Brighton. 1 (Glass Case). Reports of Societies and Associations for relieving distress or improving the physical welfare of the people. Mrs. W. E. C. Bourse. 2 (Glass Case). Eeports of the Brighton Sanitary Association, and specimens of Tracts, Handbills, and Sanitary Almanacks dis- tributed by them. 3 Fluted bottles, for the prevention of accidental poisoning. 4 A collection of Bell-Traps and Ventilators. The Rev. William Bourse. 5 (Glass Case). Medal of Charles II., King of Spain from 1665 to 1700. A curious instance of bodily degeneracy tending to ex- tinction of race. See Macaulay's History of England, Yol. YIII ? p. 101. 6 Medal of Sir Benjamin Brodie, a great and true workman, and improver of the healing art. Mr. John Brown. 7 Model (in Glass Case) and Diagram of Ventilator on a new principle, to admit air without draught. The stream of air passing inwards, is divided into two currents, which are made to oppose, and so to neutralize each other, without being affected by striking against any solid surface, as in most other ventilators. Mr W. E. C. Bourse. 8 (Glass Case). Ventilating contrivances ; safety matches to avoid the risk of accident by fire ; and bath-rubber from the date-palm. m Mr. R. Noakes. 9 (Glass Case). A Collection of Disinfectants. 10 (Glass Case). Different kinds of food for Invalids and Infants. 11 (Glass Case). Horsehair Gloves and Bath Rubbers. Australian Meat Company. 1 2 Boiled Beef, without bone, preserved in tins. Sold at sevenpence a pound. (Agents, Macall & Co., 137, Houndsditch, London.) Mr. Thorncroft. 13 Model of Swiss Cottage, under glass. Central Cottage Improvement Society. ("As the Homes, so the people.") 37, Arundel Street, Strand, London. 14 Models, Plans, and Specifications for Improved Dwellings for the Laboring Classes. The Plan for Triple Cottages, cost £225 The Council solicit the special attention of the Subscribers and all who feel interested in the welfare of the labouring classes to the arrangements of this Plan, which will give a comfortable home both to the artizan and agricultural labourer. TMding School. 121 The centre Cottage contains a living room, kitchen, and 1 bed- room. The left-hand Cottage contains a living room, kitchen, wash-house, and 2 bedrooms. The right-hand Cottage contains a living room, kitchen, wash- house, and 3 bedrooms. The Council have reason to believe that this arrangement will be found the most convenient of any Cottage Plans which have hitherto been published ; and it is quite obvious that, as families vary so much in number, it is desirable that the size- of the Cottages should also vary. If a village or district be examined, it will be found that this bedroom arrangement meets the requirements of the cottagers. Another advantage of this Plan is that the entrance to each Cottage, both back and front, is quite private, and, if circumstances required it, the right-hand Cottage might be let in two apartments. It has also been suggested that, with a little alteration, the Plan might be made suitable for a village School or H ospital. H. MARTIN, Secretary. Mr. Edward Casper, 33, Poultry, London, E.C. Agent, Mr. T. Larter. 15 Fire Extinguishers, known as L'Extincteurs. Three sizes, with Canisters to charge them. Mr. W. E. C. Nourse. 16 Improved Filters. 17 (Glass Case). Drawings of Cottages as they are, and as they ought to be. 18 (Glass Case). Views of Cottage Dwellings as they are, in Nor- way, England, Scotland, and Ireland : — also Illustrations of Disease caused by had food, and by insufficient food, respectively. Mr. Thorncroft. 19 (Glass Case). Books and Pamphlets on Public Health, on the Sewage Question, and on House Improvement, &c. Mr. W. E. C. Bourse. 20 (Glass Case). Books and Papers relating to the improvement of Cottage Dwellings, the preservation of Health, and the social and industrial welfare of artizans. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. 21 Prints and Publications suitable for Cottages. Mr. P. Thompson. 22 Board and glazed frame with paragraphs, plans, and elevations relating to improved cottage homes, and the urgent need of them. 122 Riding School. Mr. T. Twining, V.P.S.A. 22 Four Glazed and Framed Drawings of Improved Cottages. (Lent from the Economic Museum at Twickenham, of which prospectuses lie on the table.) Mr. Edward B. Patching. 24 Three Designs, with Plans and Estimates, for Cottage Homes. Mr Henry Willett. 25 Original Sketches by Leech of "The Stable and the Cottage," with the woodcuts in Punch engraved from them. Messrs. Fowler and Adams. 26 Design for Labourers' Cottages, with plans. Mr. Johnson. 27 Diagrams illustrative of Life and Health. The Hair and the Skin, highly magnified. The Brain and the Organs of Sensation. The Effects of Intemperance : the dram-drinker's Stomach and Liver contrasted with the healthy organs. The Effects of Tight-Lacing : the natural female figure compared with the same compressed by stays. The Organs of Digestion. The Mouth, Windpipe, and Gullet, illustrating the processes of Mastication and Swallowing. The Heart, cut open to show its Valves and the course of the Blood. The Heart, the Arteries, and the Veins ; the "Windpipe and the Lungs. Table of the Chief Ingredients in Articles of Food, particularly with reference to their Flesh-forming and Heat-giving Materials, so far as chemical analysis teaches. Dietaries, English and Foreign, shewing the amount of flesh - forming and heat-giving food consumed by soldiers and sailors, and in various public institutions. Table of the proximate principles of Food necessary to maintain Life in health and vigor. Organic Analyses : a list of the Elementary Substances found in Animals and Vegetables. Food must supply these in proper proportions. Mr. W. E. C. ISTourse. 28 Table of the Animal Kingdom. Table of the classes and orders of the Vertebrata. 29 Board with Plans of Ventilators, by Mr. P. Hinckes Bird, and by Mr. Flexen. Riding School. 123 30 Board with Plans of Improved Gas Burners. 31 Plan, by the late Sir Frederick Trench, and Drawings relating to the Thames Embankment. Motile' s Patent Earth Closet Co., Limited. No. 29, Bedford Street, Strand. W.C. PRICE LIST. 32 Th<3 Cottage Commode, in Plain Deal, Unvarnished, with " Pull-Up " Apparatus £2 5 0 The same, of Superior Make, and Tarnished, with " Self* Acting" Apparatus 3 10 0 Commode in Plain Deal Case, Varnished, with " Pull- Up" Apparatus 8 10 0 The same, Extra Size and Make 4 10 0 Commode in Plain Deal Case, Yarnished, with Self- Acting Apparatus . . . . . . . .400 The same, with Fixed Seat 4 10 0 Commode in Oak or Mahogany, French Polished, and on Castors, with " Pull-Up " Apparatus . . 6 10 0 Commode in Oak or Mahogany, French Polished, and on Castors, with Self- Acting Apparatus and Fixed Seat . 7 0 0 All the above are furnished with Pails. Extra Pails without Covers, 4s. 6d. each. With Covers, 5s. 6d. each. Sieves, 4s. 6d. each. Drying Stoves . . . . £1 10s. and 2 0 0 Urinals — The Apparatus, Self- Acting . . . 1 15 0 The Apparatuses for placing in Fixed or Existing Closets are sold separately, as follows : — The " Pull-Up " Varieties, with Handle, Pan, &c. £1 10 0 The " Self- Acting " Varieties, with Seat and Pan . 1 15 0 On view and in operation at the Biding School, Eoyal Pavilion, Brighton. Mr Taylor, Romsey, Hants, 33 Patent Dry Commode (British Guano Company, Limited, Romsey, Hants.) Mr W. E. Newton. 34 Photographic views of Workmen's Houses (MaisonsOuvrieres) now being erected for H.I.M. the Emperor Napoleon III., in the Avenue Daumesuil, Paris, by Messrs W. E. Newton and Shepard, under the superintendence of Mr H. E. Newton, C.E , resident engineer These houses were designed by the Emperor Napoleon, and are being constructed^entirely in Portland cement concrete, upon Mr Tail's patent system. They are estimated to cost 124 Riding School. £500 for each double house, which will contain apartments for six families, each compartment comprising a dining room, one bed-room, kitchen with kitchener, sink, water cistern and all proper appliances, and separate W.C., with water laid on and spacious cellar in basement. All the floors are fireproof, being formed of concrete, supported by iron joists which are bedded therein and covered with paraquet flooring one inch thick. No. 1 represents the facade of the end houses (marked A) taken from the point 1 on the plan No. 1a. On the right are shewn the backs of the houses (marked B on the plan) that have been already built along the Avenue Daumesuil, and against which will come the row of houses marked C, which are now being constructed. No. 2 is a photograph of the same houses A, seen from the point 2 on the plan 1a. No. 3 is a perspective view of the facade or front of the houses marked B, extending down the Avenue. This view was taken from about the point 3 on the plan No 1a. All these houses are now built. No. 4 represents the back of the houses BB, shewing the apparatus used for holding the concrete. This view was taken at some point a long way beyond the limits of the plan, but in the direction of 4. The external walls of the houses mark- ed C on the plan No. 1a, have been completed since the photographs were taken, and the backs of the houses seen in photograph, and marked B on the plan, are therefore no long- er visible. No. 5 is an enlarged view showing the apparatus used in carrying up the back walls of Nos. 7, 8, and 9. This view is taken from about the point 5 on the plan No 1a. No. 1a is a plan on the plot of land on which the houses are being built. The squares indicate the position and space occupied by each double house. At the left hand of the plan the internal arrangement of the houses is shewn. This will be better understood by referring to the enlarged view be- neath the elevation. The figures and diverging lines on the plan No. 1a repre sent the points from which the several perspective views 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have been taken. No. 2a represents the front geometrical elevation of a double house ; also a partial section, and a plan shewing the arrange- ment of the apartments. All the floors are arranged alike. Messrs. Geo. and Thos. Fowler. 1 Gardener's Insecticide. This is the only really effectual remedy yet introduced for easily and effectually preventing and destroying all plant insects, red spider, mealy bug, green and black fly, thrip, scale, mildew, American blight, &c, without any injury to plant or tree. It is highly commended Riding School. 125 by leading florists and gardeners as possessing, in the following most important advantages, all the requisite essentials of a complete remedy : — I. — It is thoroughly effectual in destroying and prevent- ing, as it kills both insects and ova. II. — It is perfectly safe, for it will not injure the most delicate plant, nor stain the foliage. III. — It is easily applied and can be used by inex- perienced help. IV. — It is at one strength — 4 oz. to a gallon of water — suitable for all insects and all plants. V. — It strengthens and invigorates plants and improves the appearance of foliage. See list of testimonials. Manufactured by Greo. and Thos. Fowler, North St., Brighton. Price Is. 6d., 3s., 5s. 6d. and 10s. per jar. Mr E. Woods, From the Crystal Palace. 2 Hydro-Incubator, for hatching chickens by steam, in full operation. Chickens coming out every day Mr W. Maetin. 4, Shepperton Street, Islington, London. 3 An Ivory-turner, at work making vegetable ivory pin-cushions, needle cases, yard measures, &c Shuttleworth and Keeman, Shoreham, Sussex. Ship Builders, Engineers, Iron and Brass Founders . 4 The Koyal Brigade Fire Engines Moule's Patent Eaeth Closet Co., Limited. No. 29, Bedford Street, Strand, W.O. 5 Specimens of Moule's earth closets Mr G. Elliott, 41, Trafalgar Street, Brighton. 6 Specimens of glass work Mr John L. Beigden, 187, Western Eoad, Brighton. 7 Specimens of carnages built at his manufactory Messrs C. and J. Reed, 26, North Street, Brighton. Wholesale and Eetail Ironmon- gers, Iron and Brass Founders, Engineers, &c. 8 Garden seats, tables, &c, of all descriptions 126 Biding School Thomas'Bradford and Co., 63, Fleet Street, London, E.C., and at Manchester and Dublin Washing, Wringing, and Mangling Machine Manufacturers. 9 Specimens of their patent machines Mr James Jackson, ^ Engineer, 29, London Road, Brighton. Manufacturer of all kinds of steam engines and machinery. Estimates given for steam brewery plant, &c. Agent to Eansomes and most of the celebrated agricultural implement makers. 10 Specimens of machinery Messrs Cheale and Sons, Southover, Lewes, Sussex. 1 1 A variety of agricultural implements, including manure and seed drills, hay-making machines, horse rakes, lawn mowers, rollers, seats, and chairs. Also a variety of washing, wringing, and mangling machines British Guano Company, Horsefair, Romney, Hants. J. Prince, Secretary. 12 Taylor's patent dry Commode These commodes are intended to supersede water closets and cesspits. They are perfectly free from offence or smell, and re- quire no attention but the occasional supply of the refuse coal- ashes of the house into a reservoir provided for the purpose Price £3 10s. Mr Dunk, Upper Lewes Road. Rustic Worker. 13 Garden seats, summer houses, &c, made to order Mr. J. B, Hannay. Bedstead, Bedding, and Chamber Furniture Warehouse, 49, Western Road, Brighton. 14 A suite of Bedroom Furniture in best polished Pine, with new ornamentation in imitation of Grey Maple and in lines, comprising : — The Arabian bedstead, cornice, etc., complete ; 4ft. Registered Wardrobe, with one large plate glass door ; Double Marble-top Wash-stand, turned legs ; Double Dressing Table to match, and Dressing Glass ; Scroll Foot Towel Rail ; Two Cane Seat Chairs ; Price £28 10s. 4ft. 6in. handsome parallel tube half-tester Bedstead, with brass mountings on foot pillars. Price £4 15s. 4ft. 6in. New Metallic Side Spring Mattress, Venchio's Patent. Price £2 14s. Miscellaneous. 127 4ft. Gin. Superior Horsehair Mattress (warranted). Price £3 16s. 6d. N.B. — A great variety of patterns in other ornamentations can be seen here or at warehouse. Special designs, made to suit high class Furnishing, with List of Prices, free on application. MrT. Souch, Shoeing Smith, 9, Rock Place, St. James' Street, and Providence Place, London Road, Brighton. 15 Specimens of horse shoes Messrs R. and N. Norman, St. John's Potteries, Burgess Hill. 16 Moulded bricks and various articles of pottery MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES SENT FOR EXHIBITION AND ON SALE. 1 Mr. Francis Glading, 47, King's Road. Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, and Porcelain. 2 Messrs. Chilmaid and Tinkler, King's Road, Brighton. Specimens of Modern and Antique Laces. 3 Mr. Henry Trtjssell, 16 and 17, East Street, Brighton. Dressing Cases and other articles of taste in Ormolu. Knitting Cases, etc. 4 Mr. Thomas Hatton, 2, Ship Street, Brighton. The Anatomy of Foliage. Photographs of Forest Trees, each taken from the same point of view in Summer and Winter. The trees are all Specimens of County of Sussex growth. Complete for £5. A Frame containing Specimens of a Series of Transparent Pictures from the New Testament, to be used as Slides for the Magic Lantern. The Series consists of 100 Slides, £7 10s. 5 Messrs. Farmer and Rogers, Marlborough House, Brighton, and Regent Street, London. Specimens of elaborately wrought India Shawls, of various kinds. 128 Miscellaneous. Specimens of Chinese, French, Paisley, and Norwich Shawls. Specimens of Cloaks, Jackets and Dresses, in a variety of British and Foreign Fabrics. Specimens of Viennese and other Fans, Perfumes, and Fancy Boxes. Specimens of Indian Hand-worked Shawls. „ Gold Embroidered „ „ Woven Paisley „ „ Norwich „ „ French „ Manufactured Cloaks, Jackets, and Dresses in a variety of English and Foreign Fabrics. 6 Mr. P. G. Rowell, 17, Castle Square, Brighton. Horology, viz, :— Watchwork, from the commencement in the rough state to the finish of the movement, and in its complete state for use. Parasol, with a carved Coral Handle, formerly the pro- perty of the late Countess d'Uccioni. (See Advt.) 7 Mr. Heney Greene, Of London, and 8, Pavilion Buildings, Brighton. Works of Art Manufacture — Selections of Engraved, Jewelled, and Rich Cut Glass, as exhibited in the Paris Exhibition, Class XVI. Patterns of Table Glass, as used by various Crowned Heads of Europe. Crystal Lustres, for Saloon or Boudoir, of novel design and elaborate workmanship. Antique Water Jug, with engraved subjects of Sea and Biver, conventionalised. Productions of the Boyal Worcester Porcelain Company. Specimens of Worcester Enamels. Selections of Minton's Majolica. Selections of Biscuit and Parian Statuettes, including Venus rising from the Sea. (Tinted.) Works in Bronze, etc. — Pair of Figures — Cavalier and Roundhead (Oxydized Silver), for Gas. Designs in Crystal and Bronze of the Patent Brighton Crown Lamp. This Celebrated Lamp is available for every Climate, easily managed, and recommended as the most perfect Lamp extant, giving a pure, brilliant, and agreeable light, equal to twelve candles, at the cost of one half -penny per hour ! Miscellaneous. 129 8 Messrs. Thomas Crunden and Sons. Specimens of Old English Marque terie. A Louis XVI. Porcelain Cabinet, grey and white enrich- ments, surmounted by Old Dresden and Sevres Ware. A Gilt Louis XYI. Tripod, column and wreath festoons. A White and Gold Tripod, in old English taste. An Enamelled Girandole, porcelain decoration. An Old English Satin Wood and Marqueterie Secretary. A Gold Frame Bishop Sofa, Old English style, decorated and inlaid with Wedgwood specimens. A Fine Antique Buhl Cabinet, surmounted with shield of the Royal Arms of France, time of Louis XVI. The Trophies, Panels, and Military accessories in argente buhl. Exhibited by permission of the Marquis of Bath. 9 Mr James Smith, Goldsmith and Jeweller to the Royal Family, 59, King's Road, Brighton. A case of Jewels, consisting of expensive brilliant and other ornaments of choice design and most artistic work- manship. The New Electric Scarf Pins. 10 Mr W. 0. Cheesman, China and Glass Warehouseman. Established 1798. 169, North Street. China, Glass, and Statuary. 11 Mr. W. S. Rat, 17, Western Road, Brighton. Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery. (See Advt.) 12 Messrs. S. Hannington & Sons, North Street, Brighton. French Manufactured Silks. Sable and other Furs. French and English Shawls, Lace, and Embroidery. 13 Mr. T. Boxell, 43, King's Road, Brighton, Manufacturer. A choice Assortment of Clocks, Watches, and Gold Chains, including Turret, Astronomical, Hall, Chiming, Musical, Drawing Room and Dining Room Clocks, Ship and Pocket Chronometers, Compensated Levers, Minute and other Repeaters, Military Hunters, Central Seconds, keyless and plain, suited to all Climates. All the latest achievements in Horological Art. A Perfect Model of St. Peter's Church and Clock. i 130 Miscellaneous. 14 Messrs. Wm. Hewett and Co., London, Brighton, and Hong Kong. A pair of large and handsome Chinese Yases. A pair of old flat Tnrqnoise Chinese Vases and Covers. A Mandarin Dessert Service. A pair of Carved Rhinoceros Horns, on Carved Wood Stands. A rare Ancient Enamelled Incense Burner. A very Old Japanese Bronze Bell. A lar^ge Carved Ivory Ball. Two large Carved Ivory Figures. A handsome Carved Sandal Wood Work Box. 15 Mr. Richard Green, 66, Grand Parade, Brighton. A Model of 18-pounder Field Gun and Limber. A Sculptor's Turn-table. 16 Messrs. Grover and Baker, Sewing Machine Company, 150, Regent Street, London. Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine, invented by W. 0. Grover, of the United States, improved and manufactured by the Exhibitors. Has received Prize Medals wherever exhibited. It makes the Elastic Double Lock Stitch by means of a Rotating Hook or Circular Needle. The work is better, stronger, and handsomer than that produced by any other machine. The Machine itself is more simple in construction, more easy in operation, more easily learned, more durable, and less liable to get out of order than any other. It will sew from tissue paper up to and including the heaviest beaver cloth ; will hem, turning its own hem as it stitches, fell, gather, quilt, tuck, cord, bind, braid, and embroider beautifully. The stitch will neither run nor ravel in wear, yet can easily be removed, if desired, after proper instruction. Warranted for 12 months. Instructions gratis. Designed specially for Families, Dress, Cloak, and Mantle Makers. On polished Walnut Table, with Drawer. Price £9. Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine, larger size, on polished Walnut Table, with Drawer and Cover, with Lock and Key. Price £10. Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine, silver plated, with polished Walnut or Mahogany Covered Table, with Lock and Key. Price £11. Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine, larger size, silver plated, with polished Walnut or Mahogany covered Table, with Lock and Key. Price £13. Grover and Baker's Sewing Machine, silver plated, highly ornamented top and sides, fully enclosed with polished Miscellaneous. 131 Walnut or Mahogany Cabinet, with Locks, Keys, and four large Drawers. Price £15 and upwards. Grover and Baker's Lock Stitch Sewing Machine, for Tailors, Cap Makers, and Light Leather Work. Price £9. Grover and Baker's Lock Stitch Sewing Machine, of extra size, speed, and power, adapted to light and heavy cloth work, and leather work of all kinds. Price £12. Samples of Work done upon the above Machines, not for Sale. 17 Mr. James Bird, 16, Castle Square, Brighton. The Singer Manufacturing Company's Prize Medal Lock Stitch Sewing Machines. Exhibited by the Agent. 18 Mr. F. G. Bennett, 28, Grand Parade, Brighton. Patent Walking Machine, to enable Invalids and Paralyzed people to walk with safety, and so, by this means, regain the use of motion after years of inactivity. 19 Mr. Riddle storffer, 8 and 9, King's Road, Brighton. Real and Manufactured Skins. Specialite for Vancouver's Island Seals 20 Mr J. Matthews, Jun., 41, Ann Street. Vases, Fountains, and every description of garden orna- ment and architectural embellishment 21 Messrs. Newton, Wilson, and Co., 144, High Holborn, London. Queen Mab Sewing Machine. £3 3s. Cleopatra ditto. £4 4s. 22 Mr D. T. Bostel, 21, Ship Street, Brighton. Builder, Plumber, Painter, and Glazier. New Patent Regulation Valve for Closets 23 Mr W. R. Wood, 4, Pavilion Buildings. Models showing irregular development of the permanent teeth, and the result of treatment 24 Messrs G\ and H. Holloway, (From Oxford), 19, Trafalgar Street, Brighton. Specimens of modern and antique book-binding 132 Miscellaneous. 25 Mr J. E. Eogers, Crystal Palace. Patent silver- faced Letters for marking linen, &c, which do not corrode, and that leave a perfectly indelible impres- sion on the fabric ; also the original Diamond Cement for mending broken china, glass, earthenware, wood, and every description of article 26 Mr E. Anscombe, 6, Western Street. Machine for taking an Accurate Delineation of Yiews or Objects, in Open Air or otherwise, to any scale below the size of the Glass. The Invention of the Exhibitor 27 Mr William Sendall, 42, Ship Street, Brighton. Screen— Imitation of British and Foreign Woods and Marbles as applied to Decorations 28 Mr Henry Funnell, 20, Upper North Street, Brighton. Panel grained to imitate Bird's Eye Maple with inlay of Mahogany Panel grained to imitate Wainscot Oak with inlay of Walnut Slab to imitate Egyptian Green Marble „ Irish Green or Serpentine „ Black and Gold Marble 29 Mr G. Greenbury, 12, East Street, Brighton. The New Carved Jet Ornaments The New Flat Necklets, shaped for the neck (patented) Cameo and Jet Ornaments Ivory Crosses, Chains, Earrings, Brooches, Bracelets, Combs, and every description of Jet and Ivory Ornaments 30 Mr C. G. Tindal, Binfield, Bracknell, Berks. 24 Canisters containing Beef, preserved in Australia Agents, M'Call and Co., 137, Houndsditch. 24 Jars containing Extract of Meat Agent, Mr. H. Deane, 17, Pavement, Clapham. Exhibited by the Australian Meat Company, Limited 31 Mr Alfred Davis, Royal Polytechnic, London. Japanese, French, and -ZErial Tops, and all kinds of Mechanical Toys Miscellaneous. 133 32 Mr W. Hamilton, Upholsterer, 45, Ship Street, Brighton. Hamilton's Sybarisian Couch, as shown at the Paris Ex- hibition Hamilton's Patent Folding Spring Mattress, as recom- mended by the medical profession The new Parisian Chair, with Wire and Needlework seat 33 Mr George Baddeley, 37, Ship Street, Brighton. The Wheeler and Wilson celebrated Lock Stitch Sewing Machines. Exhibited by the Agent The prices of these machines range from £8 to £17 17s., accord- ing to the style of finish and fitting up. Also the Wheeler and Wilson New Hand Machine, very compact, for travelling, price £10 The Chain Stitch attachment, recently introduced for Embroider- ing, is a beautiful addition (price £110s), and can be applied to either Machine. All necessary tools and appurtenances for ordinary work are given with each machine. 34 Mrs L. J. Corner, 68a, East Street, Brighton. Sole Agent for the Florence Sewing Machine Purchasers should see the Florence. It will hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt ; gather a frill and sew it on band at same time ; and execute in a superior manner all kinds of sewing ever required in a family. Makes four different stitches, including the Lock Stitch, has patent reversile feed motion, fastens off its seam without stopping. No other Machine has these late improvements, for which a Gold Medal was awarded by the Committee on Sewing Machines, at the late Exhibition of the American Institute (in competition with every well-known Machine), held at New York, 1865. Committee's Report and Prospectus, with Sample of Work, post-free. The Bartlett Patent Reversible Hand Sewing Machine, with the latest improvements, £3 3s. ; on Stand, £4 4s 35 Mr J. Bird, 1 , Castle Square. The " Judkins" Domestic Sewing Machine. Price £3 3s 36 Messrs. U. Potts and Co, 167, North Street, and 106, King's Road. Show Rooms for the sale of New Instruments, 16, New Road. The New Patent Horizontal Three Unison Extended Concert Grand, by Erard, 7 octaves The New Patent Cabinet or Folding Harmoniums, by Alexander (For Sale after the Exhibition) 134 Miscellaneous. 37 Cramer- and Co. (Limited). Pianoforte Makers and Music Publishers, 6>4, West Street, Brighton, and 201, 207, and 209, Regent Street, London. The largest selection in Europe. A Walnut Three Unison 7 octaves Patent Grand Piano, price 100 Guineas A Walnut Three Unison 7 octaves Check Action Cottage Piano, 60 Guineas A Walnut Check Action 7 octaves Folding Keyboard Pianette, 45 Guineas The above are for Sale or Hire on the Three Years' System. Model of Cramer and Co's Check Action Pianette Two Cramer's Artist's Concertinas (selected by Blagrove), 12 Guineas The above are Manufactured by Cramer and Co. EXHIBITORS. Mr E. Anscombe — G. Baddeley — F. G. Bennett — J. Bird — D. Bostel — T. Boxell Messrs. T. Bradford and Co. Mr. J. L. Brigden British Guano Company- Messrs. Cheale and Sons Mr. W. O. Cheesman Messrs. Chilmaid and Tinkler Mrs. L. J. Corner Messrs. T. Crunden and Sons Mr. A. Davis — D. Dunk — G. Elliott Messrs. Farmer and Rogers — G. and T. Fowler Mr. H. Funnell — F. Glading — H. 1ST. Goulty — R. Green — G. Greenbury — H. Greene Messrs. Grover and Baker Mr. W. Hamilton Mr. J..B. Hannay Messrs. Hannington and Sons Mr. T. Hatton Messrs. Hewett and Co. — G. and H. Holloway •Mr. J. Jackson — W. Martin — Matthews — Moseley Moule's Earth Closet Company Messrs. Newton, Wilson, and Co. — R. and N. Norman Mr. W. S. Ray Messrs. C. and J. Reed Mr. Riddlestorffer — J. R. Rogers — P. Rowell — W. Sendall Messrs. Shuttleworth and Kerman Mr. T. Souch — J. Smith — C. G. Tindall — H. Trussell — Wood — W. R. Wood — Wymark EXHIBITORS IN THE INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENT. Mr. E. Bennett — A. Cleaver — A. Cruttenden — W. Davis — L. E. Dubois Mrs. J. F. Eyles Mr. Field Miss Inglis Mr. F. Lawrence Mr. R. C. Moore — E. New — A. C. Payne Miss Jane Pilfold Mr. W. T. Quartermain — J. Richardson — T. Stapley — C. A. Wells — Thos. West BRIGHTON : JOHN BEAL, PRINTER, 55, EAST STREET, GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01451 7284