erlin Photographic Co., New York TELEPHONE: 1868 Gramercy CABLE ADDRESS: Wizard, New York New York: 14 East 23^ Street Berlin: i, Stechbahn (photographische gesellschaft) Paris: 10, rue Vivienne (SOCIETE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE) London : 133, New Bond Street (BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC CO.) THIS CATALOGUE ANNULS ALL PREVIOUS ISSUES CATALOGUE OF THE BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Fine Art Publishers New York: 14 EAST 23rd STREET (Madison Square, South) Copyright, 1905, by Berlin Photographic Co., New York "oSott gegne Jiupfer, 2Druch una jetie£ an&ere toerfoielfattisentie ^ittel, go tiagg frag oBute, toag einmal tva toar, nic^t toietier $u 45run&e gefjen fcamt/'— oBoetlje* TKfldmar, Sen 3. /Ifca£ 1816. H. A. R08T PTG. PUB. <& CO.. N. Y. THE SETFY CENTER CONTENTS. Pages Preface - - - - - - - - - - - vii-xii Note on Sizes and Mounts xiii-xiv Alphabetical List of Artists, with full particulars of their works and the various processes — Photogravures, Facsimile-gravures, Photographs, Barytoprints, Carbonphotographs, etc., in which they have been issued 1-223 Synopsis of the pictures (classified according to subjects) : I. Religious and Biblical Subjects - - - - - - 226 II. Allegorical Subjects - - - - - - - 226 III. Historical and Mythological Subjects - - - - - 226 IV. Military Subjects and Battlescenes - - - - - 227 V. Ideal Heads and Figures - - - 227 VI. Juvenile Subjects and Animal Pictures (suitable for Kinder- garten, School-room and Nursery) - - - - - 227 VII. Hunting and Sporting Scenes 227 VIII. Landscapes and Marines - 227-228 IX. Nudes ----- 228 Suggestions for Decorating a Home : a. Hall and Staircase - 228 b. Parlor and Drawing- Room - - - - . - - 228 c. Music-Room - - - - - - - - - - 229 d. Library and Sitting-Room (including Pictures for Book-lovers and Illustrations to Poems) - - - - 229 e. Dining-Room - - - - - - 229 /. Den and Smoking-Room 229 A few subjects suitable for a Physician's Studio - - - 229 A few words on School-Room decoration - 230 Carbonphotographs in large sizes - - 231 Portraits 232-236 Fine Art Books and Portfolios - - - - - -237-241 Facsimiles - - 242-244 Appendix - - - 245-246 PREFACE T has been often suggested to us that a general catalogue, embracing all the in- formation contained in the various cata- logues published by the Berlin Photographic Co. might be desirable, as the large number of subjects presented in these previous selections proved some- what confusing to our customers. Always glad to accommodate our patrons, we have undertaken the difficult task of issuing a new catalogue, in which all the names of both old and modern artists are alphabetically arranged, and sin- cerely hope that its publication will fill a long felt want. A number of our choicest pictures have been supplied with comments by a competent critic. The biographical notes and dates accompanying the artists names have been compiled with the greatest care ; should errors, nevertheless, have intruded themselves, the arduousness of the task must be our plea for their occurrence. We cherish the belief, however, that the gathering and furnishing of this material, as well as the fact that wherever possible we have supplied the name of the owner of the original painting, will prove to be a matter not al- together indifferent to an inquisitive and curious patron of art. To facilitate selection, all classes of subjects, as Religion, History, Allegory, etc., are represented under special headings in the synopsis PREFACE. following the alphabetical list of artists. Special attention has also been paid to a classification of such pictures as may be found most suitable for the deco- ration of the various parts of a home. These hints will, no doubt, increase the practical value of our catalogue. Finally, the catalogue contains a com- plete list of our Fine Art Books and Portfolios. The application of Photography to the repro- duction of works of art has been brought to great perfection since the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury. It can justly be claimed that Photography and its various processes are to art what printing is to literature — the ideal means of perpetuation as well as of generous distribution. In this field the Berlin Photographic Co., established in 1862, may fairly be said to be foremost. Its collection far surpasses in size and quality anything that has been reproduced elsewhere. It offers the lover of art a wide and ever growing selection of the noblest and most beautiful works that have been produced in past times or our own, by artists whose fame has become the property of the world. Comparatively few can enjoy the privilege of visiting foreign galleries, but there are many who might own a gallery of fine reproductions (so far superior to mediocre paintings) if they fully realized how easily such a little home gallery could be procured. As much attention should be devoted to the estab- lishment of such a collection as to the private library that graces every cultured home, and the little home gallery will have one decided advantage : it will also appeal to children, while the library is only of interest to adults. PREFACE. [X THE SCOPE OF OUR WORK. OUR PHOTO- GRAVURE PROCESS ARTIST'S PROOFS. All reproductions of the Berlin Photographic Co. (save a few taken from drawings, indicated in the catalogue by the letter "a" behind the number) are taken directly from the originals, and printed and published in our Studio, at Westend, near Berlin, Germany. Neither energy nor expense were spared to make our collection a truly representative one. After publishing the Masterpieces of the lead- ing European art galleries, such as the Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Prado in Madrid, the Imperial Gallery in Vienna, the National Gallery in London and various Private Collections, our firm is now engaged in reproducing the principal pictures of the Berlin Art Museum. It has always been our aim and ambition to make our work as perfect in workmanship as possible. The specialty, of which we are most proud of, is the Photogravure reproduction. All the leading art critics agree that the Photogravure process, as perfected by our establishment through many years of conscientious work, is the most adequate and accurate vehicle of reproducing a painting. It represents the final step in advance in the art of reproduction. The process consists of the direct transference of the Photographic image to a copper plate, which is then manipulated by some mordant, etching a perfect reproduction of the picture upon the plate. The Photogravure is printed like an engraving from the plate thus prepared. In this way, our Photogravures combine the accuracy of Photography with the artistic qualities of a fine engraving. They are absolutely permanent. In recognition of the superior quality of the X PREFACE. FACSIM1LE- GRAVURES. OTHER PRO- CESSES OF RE- PRODUCTION. ISOCHROMA- TIC PROCESS. CARBONPHO- TOGRAPHS. few first impressions from the plate, we issue our Photogravures, not only in print state, but some of our choicest ones as Artist's proofs, limited in num- ber and stamped, and issued in advance of the ordinary prints. How much they are appreciated by collectors is best indicated by the fact that a large number of them are entirely exhausted, and that copies thereof, if to be had at all, command a high premium. A few of our most preferred subjects are re- produced in Facsimilegravure printed from Photo- gravure plates by an exquisite special color process in one impression, giving an exact copy of the colors of the original painting. This process resembles the one employed about one hundred years ago in pro- ducing those colored engravings, which now have become so valuable. Although the Berlin Photographic Co. has earned its most solid reputation by the publication of its Photogravures, it has employed several other processes of reproduction with the greatest success; and it may, therefore, be of advantage to our cus- tomers to gain some information about them. Our Photographs are all made by the isochro- matic process, i. e., copied from the negative plate on albumenised silver paper, and their quality is so generally known as to require no further comment. Many of our most popular subjects can also be had in Carbonphotographs, which have obtained such special favor from the American public. These prints are copies from the original negative on Carbon paper. They combine permanency with excellence of finish. PREFACE. XI BARYTO- AND SEPIAPR1NTS. AN ART CRITIC'S OPINION. Another kind of reproductions made directly from the negative are our Baryto- and Sepia-prints. The Barytoprints have the appearance of Platino- types, which they resemble in the greyish tone, but which they surpass by clearness of printing and artistic quality. The Sepiaprints are made in a process similar to the Barytoprints, but with a warm reddish tone. The reader of these lines will realize that our reproductions, as Clarence Cook, America's veteran art critic has said already in our 1898 catalogue, "are not copies in the ordinary sense — attempts by some artist-artisan however skillful trained to repeat the work of an original artist — but reproductions, — reflections we may rather call them, mirror-like in their faithfulness of the work they deal with, and capable of giving the same degree of pleasure, differing only in kind, that we owe to their originals." In these days, when so much attention is given to the art of making our homes attractive to the eye, people of taste have been quick to discover what pleasure of a solid and enduring sort is to be had from reproductions of the Masterpieces of painting such as are made by the Berlin Photo- graphic Company. This catalogue, therefore, will meet the wishes of all refined and cultivated persons, anxious to adorn their homes with the best reproduc- tions of the best pictures known to old and modern art. It will afford the opportunity of easy and trustworthy selection, prevent disappointment which so often follows the purchase of spurious and soul- less reproductions (which we regret to say over- XII PREFACE. flood the market), and assure that positive gratifica- tion which the lapse of time can only increase. Should there be anything not fully understood in our catalogue, further information will be gladly given. A visit to our SHOW-ROOM, 14 East 23rd Street, where a select collection of our reproductions artist- ically framed in many different styles is on per- manent exhibition, is respectfully solicited, and will be found interesting to every friend of art, Any order which might be entrusted to us is sure to meet with our prompt and careful attention. New York, ' 14 East 23rd Street. BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., FINE ART PUBLISHERS. NOTE ON SIZES AND MOUNTS, SIZES. The sizes of the Photogravures and Facsimiles, quoted in the catalogue, indicate the dimensions of the pictures without margin. The height of the picture is always mentioned first, so that it will be easy to ascertain whether the picture is an upright or an oblong. Our Photographs, on the other hand, are pub- lished solely in standard sizes (varying of course slightly according to the shape of the originals), and we, consequently, found it unnecessary to repeat the dimensions in each instance, but merely gave the name of the standard size, which are here quoted in full : Extra, about 24 x 32 ins. Normal, " 20x25 " Imperial, 41 14x19 " Royal, " 10x14 44 Folio, 6x9 Size of picture without margin. MOUNTS. PHOTO- GRAVURES. PHOTO- GRAPHS. The Photogravures where not expressly stated otherwise, and the Facsimilegravures, are invariably printed on India paper. Photogravures bearing the mark "handmade" are printed on the best Van Geldern paper on the market. The Photographs are mounted on fine white Bristol board, with ample margin. The Folio size on India and Bristol paper, or as Boudoir-cards on black mounts with beveled gilt edges. XIV NOTE ON SIZES AND MOUNTS. barytos. The Barytos are mounted on India paper or on stiff cards of a pale gray shade, with white lines around the picture and beveled silver edges. sepiaprints Sepiaprints and Carbonphotographs are mount- and CARBON- r r r o r photographs. e d on an artistic bluish-gray board with brown lines around the picture. Unmounted Photographs are not kept in stock, but, if desired, any of our publications quoted as Photographs, Baryto-, Carbon or Sepiaprints in this catalogue can be imported " unmounted." The illustrations, are, as a rule, inserted opposite the pages on which the titles appear with particulars of sizes and prices. 1 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ARTISTS. ABBEY, EDWIN, A., R.A. Philadelphia, 1852. Res. Fairford, England. Modern. Terence 4128 FAIR IS MY LOVE. For illustration see page 2. Photogravure, io5/^xi6^ ins $3-50 Artist's Proofs (50) all sold 4568 A MEASURE. For illustration see page 2. Photogravure, 21x13^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 24.00 ACHENBACH, ANDREAS. Cassel, Germany, 1815. Res. Diissel- dorf. Modern. 2003 MOONLIGHT NIGHT. Photogravure, 15x20 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2492 MILL IN MOONLIGHT. Photogravure, 15^x20^2 ins 6.00 A.GACHE, ALFRED. Lille, 1843. Res. Paris. Modern. 4598 SYBIL. For illustration see page 2. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Folio... 1.50 ALBANI, FRANCESCO. Bologna, 1578— 1660. Bologna School. 3994 DECORATION OF VENUS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x5% ins 1.50 ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE. Dronryp, Friesland, 1836. Res. London. Modern. 844 AN AUDIENCE AT THE PALACE OF AGRIPPA. Photogravure, 19^2x14 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 36.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 24.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 917 A SCULPTOR'S MODEL. Photogravure, i^Ax&A ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 959 YOUNG GIRL. (Balneatrix.) Photograph: Folio 1.25 1161 A HEARTY WELCOME. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1276 A PORTRAIT. Photograph: Folio 1.25 1277 AVE CESAR, IO SATURNALIA. (Scene from the life of the Emperor Claudius.) Photogravure, 8^x17^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1342 SAPPHO. (Companion to Nos. 1672 and 2200.) For illus- tration see page 2. Photogravure, 10^x19^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1434 PORTRAIT OF HANS RICHTER. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ALMA-TADEMA No 1672 . New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 3 ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE.— Continued. 1435 BARNAY AS MARC ANTHONY. Photogravure, 8^x754 ins 1.50 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio , 1.25 1549 PORTRAIT OF MY DAUGHTER. Photograph: Folio 1.25 1550 IDYL. Photograph: Folio 1.25 1570 PORTRAIT OF THE SINGER GEORGE HENSCHEL. Photograph: Folio ' 1.25 1603 AN OLD STORY. Photogravure, 6x12 ins... 3.50 Artist's Proofs (150) 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 1672 A READING FROM HOMER. (Companion to Nos. 1342 and 2200.) For illustration see page 2. Photogravure, 16^x33 ins 15.00 in first-class hand-coloring 30.00 Artist's Proofs (120) all sold Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Carbonphotograph : Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 This is perhaps the most popular of all of Alma-Tadema's pictures. The scene is laid in a marble rotunda on the Isle of Lesbus, overlook- ing the sea. Sappho, the famous poetess, is en- tertaining young Phaon and his friends. Tired of music and dances, they listen to Phaon reciting a passage from Homer, while the bright sunlight of some Southern clime wraps the whole scene as in a golden mist. The master's artistic per- ception of beauty of line, of interesting motive, and appealing arrangement are all here. 1798 ANTHONY AND CLEOPATRA. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 1899 AT THE SHRINE OF VENUS. (Owned by L. E. Raphael, Esq., and exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904O Photogravure, .21^x27 ins i5-°° Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) all sold Artist's Proofs on India (200) all sold Photograph: Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4-50 Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph: Imperial 500 4 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ALMA -TADEMA No. 2429. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 5 ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE. — Continued. 2200 LOVE IN IDLENESS. (Companion to Nos. 1672 and 1342.) For illustration see page 4. Photogravure, 17x33 ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 36.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 An idyllic scene of two young Roman lovers spending their days in the sculptured terraces of some palace at the Tyrrhanean Sea, gathering flowers, administering love potions to each other — notice the vase and cup — and listening to the play of the fountain. The peacefulness of the scene, the general feeling of time and place, as well as the abundance of details, are rendered in Alma-Tadema's best style. 2226 AN EARTHLY PARADISE. For illustration see page 4. Photogravure, 16x29 ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (250) 60.00 Artist's Proofs on India (250) 48.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2328 UNCONSCIOUS RIVALS. Photogravure, 14^x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (250) 30.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 An unusually interesting and important ex- ample of the distinguished Hollander, who has made London his personal residence, while his art is at home in antique Rome and Greece. Two Pompeiian ladies are placed in a balcony under a great arch of rare architectural magnificence: the entrance of some temple or public amuse- ment hall. They watch the people that enter, and apparently some patrician youth, for whom both feel more than an ordinary regard, forms the centre of their thoughts and conversation. 2329 PORTRAIT OF PADEREWSKI. Photogravure, 10x13^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 12.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2349 IN MY STUDIO. For illustration see page 4. Photogravure, I3*4 X 924 ms 3-5° Artist's Proofs on Japan and India Paper all sold One might call this depiction of a corner of the painter's studio an ideal still-life painting, to which the graceful figure of the model lends a special fascination. The richness of the interior, the subdued light through the latticed windows, the sumptuous piano cover, the glittering marble column, the nosegay of roses, the shining mirror, the tigerskin, and all the other acces- sories are handled with rare grace and delicacy. The original, was a gift of the artist to Sir Frederick Leighton. 6 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ALMA-TADEMA No. 4300. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 7 ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE— Cow/iww^. 2429 SPRING. For illustration see page 4. Photogravure, 35>4xi6 ins 18.00 Photogravure, in first-class hand-coloring 40.00 Artist's proofs on Japan and India Paper all sold One of the most important pictures of this famous painter; an elaborate composition repre- senting the spring festival in ancient Greece. Through an aisle of uncommon architectural beauty winds the procession of bare-footed chil- dren, carrying baskets filled with fragrant blos- soms, young girls with flower branches in their hands, and attendants of the Court of Flora playing on lyre and flute or cymbals, and dis- playing the Statue of Pan, the great symbol of Nature. In the background we notice the ven- erable high priest, under a balustrade, sur- rounded by Virgins with palm leaves in their hands. A mass of worshippers crowds itself be- hind this group in the distant street; while a mass of spectators showers the procession with flowers from the balustrade windows between the marble columns. 2520 FORTUNE'S FAVORITE. For illustration see page 4. Photogravure, 17^x12^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (400) 24.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2652 THE COLISEUM. For illustration see page 6. (Owned by J. D. Archbold, Esq.. and exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 26x16^ ins 15 00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (250) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (250) 36.00 To this picture the stupendous edifice of the Coliseum has been used as a background of a charming group of three young Roman ladies in a balcony overlooking the street in which a procession is passing. It is one of the most characteristic examples of Alma-Tadema, re- vealing his intimate knowledge of ancient life, his wonderful mastery of the laws of perspec- tive, and a conception of detail, as poetical as it is true to life. 2775 A ROMAN BATH. Photogravure, 10^x3 ins 2.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) all sold Artist's Proofs on India (150) all sold 2776 FISHING. Photogravure, 7x15 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 2849 A LISTENER IN MY STUDIO. Photogravure, 9^x7^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (100) 12.00 8 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1900, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ANKARCRONA, GUSTAV, No. 405(5. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ASTI, A., No. 4260. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 9 ALMA-TADEMA, LAWRENCE. — Continued. 2850 ON THE WAY TO THE TEMPLE. Photogravure, 17^x914 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) 18.00 4074 FEAST OF BACCHUS. (Fete Intime.) Photogravure, 10^4x20^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 24.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4129 VAIN COURTSHIP. For illustration see page 6. Photogravure, 21x11^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (300) all sold 4300 CARACALLA. For illustration see page 6. (The original owned by Geo. T. Oliver, Esq., Pittsburgh, Pa., and exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 11^x19^5 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 36.00 In the above picture the artist has represented the visit of the Roman Emperor, Caracalla, to his own undoubtedly most noble creation of his reign, the famous baths of Caracalla. An official of the baths salutes him, and young girls strew roses in his path. One can easily discern in the composition the massiveness of the architectural construction, the magnificent mosaic work, so intimately rendered by the artist, and the beauty of statues, marble friezes and other decorations which embellished the edifice. 4398 SILVER FAVOURITES. For illustration see page 6. Photogravure, 20^x12^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (300) 36.00 THE FINDING OF MOSES. (Royal Academy, 1905.) For illustration see page 8. Photogravure, 19x29^2 ins 15-00 Artist's Proofs (300) 60.00 ALTDORFER, ALBRECHT. Altdorf (Bavaria), 1480 (?) German — Ratisbon, 1538. School. 5002 REPOSE ON THE FLIGHT TO EGYPT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, I5^x 10^$ ins 3-50 5003 LANDSCAPE ILLUSTRATING THE PROVERB: "BEGGARY EVER SITS ON THE TRAIL OF PRESUMPTION." (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 7x1054 ins 2.50 AMBERGER, CHRISTOPHER. Nuremberg, 1490-1563. German 5007 PORTRAIT OF THE COSMOGRAPHER SEBAS- SchooL TIAN MUENSTER. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, I3^x 10^ ins 3.50 10 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ANDERSON, SOPHIE. 2515 A FLIGHT OF DOVES. Photogravure, 12^x20 ins Artist's Proofs , Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio, Barytoprint: Folio ANGELICO (FRA), GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, called BEATO. Vicchio, Province of Mugello, 1387-145S. 5009 THE LAST JUDGMENT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14%* i7 5 /s ins ANKARCRONA, GUSTAV. Res. Munich. Jonkoping, Sweden, 1866. 4056 IN THE ENEMY'S COUNTRY. For illustration see page 8. Photogravure, 11^x13^ ins ANTONELLO, of Messina. (Antonello degli Antoni.) Messina, about 1414 — about 1493. 5011 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 7^x S Z A ins ASSMUS, ROBERT. Stuhm, West Prussia, 1842. Res. Munich. 1861 f DEPARTURE FROM SAKKINGEN. 2215 .2 "S £ o u Photogravure, 12x21 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial Photograph: Folio Barytoprint: Folio ARRIVAL AT SAKKINGEN. Photogravure, 12x21 ins Photograph: Imperial, $450; Folio Barytoprint: Folio ASTI, A. Died Paris, 1904. 2906 2907 4260 f YOUTH. CONTEMPLATION. Photogravure, 12x10 ins each Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Baryto- print: Folio each Sepiaprint: Folio, each (2906) Carbonphotograph : Folio INNOCENCE. For illustration see page 8. Photogravure, 13x9^ ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio Carbonphotograph: Folio Modern. 6.00 18.00 1.25 2.00 Florentine School. 5-oo Modern. 3-50 Neapolitan School. 2.50 Modern. 6.00 4-50' 1.25 2.00 6.00 1.25. 2.00 Modern.. 3-50 2.00 1.50 1.50 3-50' 2.00 1.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 11 BALESTRIERI, L. Res. Paris. Modern. 4489 CHOPIN. (Tryptich.) For illustration see page 12. Photogravure, I3 T /2X33 ins 15.00 A tryptich portraying three momentous epi- sodes in Chopin's life. In the centre picture we see Chopin entertaining a choice audience in one of the most exclusive salons of Paris. In the subdued candlelight we recognize the familiar faces of Heine, Meyerbeer, Liszt, Delacroix, and George Sand. The left panel illustrates an in- cident in one of the composer's numerous jour- neys. Waiting for a change of relay, he dis- covered an old spinet in some little German post- station, and to the great gratification of the old postmaster condescends to play some of his variations of Polish melodies. The right panel depicts the last moment of the composer's life, when the Polish Countess Potocka sings a psalm at his dying request. The harmonious oblong composition of this picture makes it a most suitable wall ornamentation, particularly so for music rooms. BARTELS, HANS VON. Hamburg, 1856. Res. Munich. Modern. 2543 MOONLIGHT ON THE ZUIDER-SEA. For illustration see page 12. Photogravure, 15^2x19 ins 6.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 BARTH, F. Modern. 616 CHOOSING THE CASKETS. (From the Mer- chant of Venice.) (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 12. Photogravure, 20x29^4 ins 15.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial 4.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 BASAITI, MARCO. Painted 1490-1521. Venetian School. 5018 ALTARPIECE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure ' on English etching paper, 16^4 x 20% ins 5-00 BASTIEN-LEPAGE, JULES. Damoillers (Dep't Meuse), Modern. 1848.— Paris, 1884. 3506 IN THE FIELDS. (Les Foins.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^2x15 ins 6.00 BATTEN, JOHN D. Res. London. Modern. 4563 MOTHER AND CHILD. Facsimilegravure, 19^4x8*4 ins. Limited edi- tion (300) 24.00 12 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 13 BATTONI, POMPEO GIROLAMO. Lucca, 1708—1787. Roman 3a PENITENT MAGDALEN. (Dresden Gallery.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 PENITENT MAGDALEN. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure, 13x2054 ins 5.00 BAUDRY, PAUL-JAQUES-AIME. La Roche, stir Yon, Modern. 1828— Paris, 1886. 3507 TRUTH. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io T /x7^ ins 2.50 BECKER, CARL. Berlin, 1820-1900. Modern. 298 ALBRECHT DUERER IN VENICE. Photogravure, 28x34 ins 18.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 799 CHARLES V. AT FUGGER'S. (National Gallery, Berlin.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 v/ 1252 OTHELLO NARRATING HIS ADVENTURES TO DESDEMONA AND HER FATHER BRABANTIO. (Companion to Nos. 1678, 1490.) For illustration see page 12. Photogravure, 27x31^ ins., $18.00; 16x18^4 i ns 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, 4.50 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 1378 AVE MARIA. (John Hopkins Art Institute, San Francisco.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1490 ROMEO AND JULIET AT THE FRIAR'S. (Companion to Nos. 1678 and 1252.) Photogravure, 29x32 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4-50 Photograph: Folio 1-25 1613 FAUST AND MARGARET. Photogravure, i8 I /^xi4>^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 1678 OTHELLO'S DEFENCE BEFORE THE DOGE OF VENICE. (Companion to Nos. 1252, 1490.) For illustration see page 14. Photogravure, 25^x33^ ins., $18.00; 14^x19^ ins 600 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4-50 Photograph: Folio T - 2 S Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4-50 14 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BECKER, CARL, No. 1785. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 15 BECKER, CARL. — Continued. 1785 POPE JULIUS II. VIEWING THE NEWLY- FOUND STATUE OF APOLLO OF BEL- VEDERE. (Corcoran Gallery, Washington, D. C.) For illustration see page 14. Photogravure, 25x34 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 Album containing a selection of his best works, twelve photogravures in folio size, in handsome portfolio 10.00 BEDINI, PAOLO. Res. Bologna. Modern. 2451 THE LOST THREAD. ) Comoanions 2452 REMINISCENCES OF A HONEYMOON. ) mP Facsimilegravure, 10x14 ins each 7.50 Photogravure, 10x14 ins each 3.50 Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 2617 FIRST LOVE. For illustration see page 14. ) fnnin;iri]nm 2618 THE FIRST CLOUD. J companions. Facsimilegravure, 10x12 ins each 7.50 Photogravure, 10x12 ins each 3.50 2778 PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. ) r 2779 PEACE CONCLUDED. \ Com P™ Facsimilegravure, 10x6^2 ins each 6.00 BEGEYN, ABRAHAM CORNELISZ. Leyden, 1697.— Ber- Dutch lin at old age. School. 3985 WOODLAND SCENE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^*5^8 ins 1.50 BELLEVOIS, JAKOB. Painted about 1664. ' Dutch School. 3988 STORM ON ROCKY COAST. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x9 ins 1.50 BELLINI, GIOVANNI. Venice, 1428— 1516. Venetian 3277 BUST PORTRAIT OF THE DOGE LEONAR- DO LOREDANO. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14x10^4 ins 5.00 3278 THE MADONNA OF THE MEADOW. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10*4x13 ins 3.50 3279 SAINT DOMINIC. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^ ins 3.50 5022 THE DEAD CHRIST WITH ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x15^5 ins. 5.00 5024 THE RESURRECTION. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18x15^ ins 5.00 16 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische GeseUschaft. BISSON, EDOUARD, No. 4298. Copyright, 1903, by Photographische GeseUschaft. BTSSON, EDOUARD, No. 4477. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische GeseUschaft. BLINKS, THOMAS, No. 4523. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische GeseUschaft. BLINKS, THOMAS, NO. 4524. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 17 BELOTTO, BERNARDO, called CANALETTO. Venice, Venetian 1720. — Warsaw, 1780. School. 3640 VIENNA SEEN FROM THE BELVEDERE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x20^2 ins 5.00 3641 THE IMPERIAL PALACE, SCHLOSSHOF. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11x20^ ins 5.00 BERAUD, JEAN. St. Petersburg, 1849. Res. Paris. Modern. 4121 CHRIST. Photogravure, 18^x12^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 BESNARD, PAUL ALBERT. Paris, 1849. Res. Paris. Modern. 3508 BY THE FIRE. (Femme qui se chauffe.) (Luxem- bourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9 / I 4 x 7^4 nis 2 -50 BIERMANN, GOTTLIEB. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2184 CHRIST'S ASCENSION. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50'; Folio 1.25^ 2681 QUEEN LOUISE. Facsimilegravure, 12^x9^ ins 7.50 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 BISCAINO, BARTHOLOMEO. Genoa, 1632—1657- Genoese School. 3998 ADORATION OF THE CHRIST CHILD. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7^ ins .' 1.50 BISSON, EDOUARD. Paris. Modern. 2204 THE BRIDE. Photogravure, 18^x14^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2237 SERAPHINE. ) _ , > Companions. 2238 FLOREAL. > Photogravure, 20x14^ ins each 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, each $4.50; Folio, each 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, each $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio, each 1.50 2272 f THE ECHO. Photogravure, 20x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint : Folio 2.00 o5 Sepiaprint: Folio 1-5° 2355 I EXPECTATION. (L'Attente.) \ Photogravure, 20x14 ins 6.00 £ Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint : Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2380 SATANIA. Photogravure, 20x14 ins 6.00 v Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... 2.00 18 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BISSON, EDOUARD. — Continued. 2610 SURPRISE. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio. 2785 CUPID'S BOOTY. Photogravure, 20x14% ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio. Sepiaprint: Folio 2873 291 1 4076 4171 4298 4477 AWAKENING OF SUMMER. For illustra- tion see page 14. Photogravure, 19^2x1254 ins , Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio . . Sepiaprint: Folio THE GUIDING STAR. Photogravure, 20x11 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio . Sepiaprint: Folio CUPID'S GARLAND. Photogravure, 8^x21^ ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio DEW DROPS. (La Rosee.) For illustration see page .14. Photogravure, 20x13% ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio Sepiaprint: Folio f AWAKENING OF LOVE. For illustration see page 16. Photogravure, 15x20^ ins. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio . , MORNING DEW. For illustration see page 16. Photogravure, 15x20^ ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio . . BISSON, F. VALLET. Res. Paris. 4299 MELODY. Photogravure, 14x9 ins. Barytoprint: Folio .... BLAAS, EUGEN VON. Albano, near Rome, 1843. Res. Venice. 2176 A GOURMAND. Photogravure, 21x14^ ins Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) Artist's Proofs on India (150) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio 2528 IN THE ORCHARD. Photogravure, 20^2x11 ins Photograph: Folio BLEIBTREU, GEORG. 1816 THE PRUSSIAN ARMY LANDING AT AL- SEN. (Danish War, 1864.) (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure, 19^8x34*4 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 2.00 6.00 2.00 1.50 6.00 2.00 i-50 6.00 2.00 1.50 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 1.50 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 Modern. 3-50 2.00 Modern. 6.00 24.00 18.00 1.25 2.00 6.00 1.25 Modern. 8.00 1.25 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 19 BLEKER, DIRK. Born Haarlem. Died probably at Amsterdam. Dutch Considered pupil of Rembrandt; painted School 1647-1657. 3956 BUST PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Brunswick Gallery.). Photogravure, 7x6% ins 1-50 BLINKS, THOMAS. Res. London. Modern. 2259 PARTRIDGE SHOOTING. Photogravure, 16x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 Barvtoprint: Folio 2.00 2263 A FAIR LEAD. ) 2264 GOING WELL. \ C ™**— Photogravure, 20x14 ins each 6.00 Facsimilegravure, 20x14 ins each 15.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 Barytoprint: Folio, each $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio, each 1.50 2322 THE DRAW, n 2323 HARK AWAY. CTTT t riJV > (A Day with the Oakley.) 2324 FULL CRY. 2325 THE FINISH. J Photogravure, 13x21 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs (the set of four) 72.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio each 1.50 2470 A COUPLE OF THE OAKLEY. ("Boaster" and "Fallible.") Photogravure, 14^x21^4 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (50) . .' 18.00 Br.rytoprint: Folio 2.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2482 HARK TO FOWLER. ) 2483 NOW RIDE, LADS. \ Com *™ s - Photogravure, 14^x21^4 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) each 18.00 Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 2677 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS. (Collie Dogs.) For illustration see page 16. Photogravure, 12x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2723 WELL BACKED. Photogravure, 19^x14^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 20 BEKLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BONHEUR, ROSA, No. 3509. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 21 BLINKS, THOMAS. — Continued. 2765 THE FERRY. ^ 2766 WE'RE IN FOR A GALLOP. I (A Day > s Hunting. A Series 2767 A GOOD FORTY MINUTES. | of Four Hunting Pictures.) 2768 WHOHOOP. J Photogravure, 13^x21 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs (the set of four) 72.00 Photograph: Folio each 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 2846 FERRETING. Photogravure, 9^x12% ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (200) 12.00 2855 "WITH BROW, BAY AND TRAY, MY LADS!" (Stag Hunting.) Photogravure, 13^x22^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 4168 ON THE BANK. ) „ > Companions. For illustration see page 10. 4169 IN THE MARSHES. ) 1 Photogravure, 16^x24 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) each 18.00 Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio each 1.50 Photograph: Folio each 1.25 4523 THE OPEN DITCH. A 4524 THE WATER. ! (A Steeplechase. A Series t a c-p tt < °f Racing Pictures.) 4525 THE LAST FENCE. For iUustration see es l6 and 2a 4526 EVENS ON THE FIELD. J Photogravure, 13^x20^2 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) each 24.00 Barytoprint: Folio each \ 2.00 4572 PHEASANT SHOOTING. Photogravure, 20x1314 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 4573 PARTRIDGE SHOOTING. Photogravure, 20x13^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 4575 DUCK SHOOTING. Photogravure, 13^x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 4575 GROUSE SHOOTING. Photogravure, 13*4x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 BLOCK, JOSEPH. Bernstadt, Silesia, 1863. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2469 AN ACCORD. For illustration see page 20. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 10x15^ ins 3.50 22 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BORCKMANN, A., No. 1324. BOTTICELLI, SANDRO, No. 3858. BOTTICELLI, SANDRO, No. 3255n. BREDT, F. MAX, No. 2303. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 23 BOECKLIN, ARNOLD. Bale, 1827.— Florence, 1901. Modern. 1091 THE REGIONS OF JOY. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 20. Photogravure, 14x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 BOIS, CORNELIS DU. Seventeenth Century. Dutch 3986 WOODLAND SCENE. (Brunswick Gallery.) School. Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 BOL, FERDINAND. Dordrecht, 1616.— Amsterdam, 1680. Dutch (Pupil of Rembrandt.) School. 3947 KAUDAULES PRESENTING HIS WIFE NY- SIA TO GYGES. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7% ins 1.50 3948 PYRRHUS AND FABRICIUS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x5% ins 1.50 3949 CROWNING OF DUILIUS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, S J A X 7H, ins 1.50 BONHEUR, ROSA. Bordeaux, 1822.— Paris, 1899. Modern. 3509 PLOUGHING. (Labourage Nivernais: Le Sombrage.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) For illustration see page 20. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x20^4 ins 6.00 BONVICINO. See also Moretto. 5033 GLORIFICATION OF MARIA AND ELIZA- BETH. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x13^ ins. 5.00 BORCKMANN, AUG. Born 1827. Died Berlin, 1890. Modern. 168 ^ f MOZART AND BEETHOVEN. g Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 '2 I Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 271 I I BEETHOVEN AND THE RASUMOW- o SKY QUARTETTE. U v Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1324 MOZART AND HIS SISTER BEFORE MARIA THERESIA. For illustration see page 22. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 BORDONE, PARIS. Treviso, 1550.— Venice, 1570. Venetian 3285 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. (National Gallery, London.) Sch ° o1 - Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13^ ins 5.00 3629 A YOUNG WOMAN AT HER DRESSING TABLE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins 5.00 BORGOGNONE, Ambrogio Stefani de Fossano, called il. Lombard Born, Milan (?). Died about 1523. School. 5035 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^2x8^4 ins. 5.00 24 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BOTTICELLI, SANDRO (Fillipepi). Florence, 1447— 1510. Florentine 3061 ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. (Hermitage, SchooL St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x18^ ins 5.00 3255 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, ST. JOHN THE BAP- TIST, AND AN ANGEL. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper (circular), I5M X I5M ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 23^4 ins 12.00 3255D HEAD OF THE MADONNA. (Detail of the above.) For illustration see page 22. Carbonphotograph, 13^x10 ins 3.00 3858 SPRING. (Florence Academy.) For illustration see page 22. Photogravure, 22x33^ ins 15.00 5038 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, iS}i ins. (circle) 5.00 5039 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH CHILD AND SAINTS. (Berlin Gallery.) • Photogravure on English etching paper, 16^x16 ins. . . 5.00 5040 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x7^ ins 2.50 5041 PORTRAIT OF GIULIANO DE MEDICI. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x6^4 ins 2.50 5042 VENUS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 16^x7^4 ins 3.50 5044 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SINGING ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 12^8x15% ins — 5.00 BOUCHER, FRANCOIS. Paris, 1703— 1770. French 3377 VENUS, MERCURY AND CUPID. (German Emperor School> collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8^2x10^ ins 2.50 BOUGUEREAU, ADOLPHE-WILLIAM. La Rochelle, Modern. 1825. Res. Paris. 3510 VIERGE CONSOLATRICE. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x13^2 ins 6.00 4247 THE CONSOLING VIRGIN. (Detail of No. 3510.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure, 13^x10^ ins 3.50 BOUT, PIETER. Seventeenth Century. Flemish 3957 ANNUNCIATION. (Brunswick Gallery.) School. Photogravure, 7 7 A*5 7 /& ms 1.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. BOUTS, DIRK or THIERRY. Called also Stuerbout from Harlem. Harlem. 1391 — 1475. 5046 THE PROPHET ELIJAH IN THE WILDER- NESS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7*^ ins.... BRADLEY, BASIL. R.W.S. Hampstead (London), 1842— 2736 CALEDONIA. (Glen Falloch, Scotland.) Photogravure, 13^x22^ ins Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) Artist's Proofs on India (150) 2752 THE WILD CATTLE OF CHILLINGHAM. For illustration see page 22. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 14^x22^ ins Artist's Proofs on toned etching paper (50) BRAKENBURGH, RICHARD. Haarlem, 1650— 1702. 3970 GROUP IN THE ATTIC. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7^ ins BRAMER, LEONARD. Delft, 1595— 1673 (or 1674). 3937 CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS. (Brunswick Gallen Photogravure, 7^x5% ins BRAUWER. See Brouwer. BREAKSPEARE, W. A. London, England. 2672 IN ROMNEY'S STUDIO. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2719 IRIS. Photogravure, 10^x20 ins Artist's Proofs (100) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio BREDT, F. MAX. Leipzig, i860. Res. Munich. 2303 4237 CHOPIN. (Girl at Piano.) For illustration see page 22. Photogravure, 9j4 XI 3 i ns in first-class hand-coloring. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio PHANTASIES. (Girl at Piano.) Photogravure, io%xi2% ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio BRENDEL, ALBERT. Berlin, 1827.— Weimar, 1895. 4519 RETURN TO THE FOLD. For illustration see page 28. Photogravure, 18^x16 ins BRETON, JULES. Born Courrieres. (Pas de Calais), 1827. Res. Paris. 3511 BLESSING THE HARVEST. (La Benediction des Bles). (Luxembourg, Paris) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8}4x2o^> ins, 26 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BREUGHEL. See Brueghel. BRILL, PAUWEL. Antwerp, 1556.— Rome, 1626. Flemish 3905 LANDSCAPE WITH ROMAN RUINS. (Brunswick Sch ° o1 - Gallery) Photogravure, 6x7^ ins 1.50 BRONZINO, AGNOLO DI COSIMO. Called II. Monti- Florentine celli, near Florence, 1502 — 1572. School. 5050 PORTRAIT OF UGELINO MARTELLI. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, I3^x 10^4 ins 3.50 BROUWER (or Brauwer), ADRIAEN. Oudenarde (?), 1605 Flemish (?). Antwerp, 1638. School. 5052 THE SHEPHERD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, g}ix I5M$ ins 3.50 BRUEGHEL, JAN. (Called "Velvet Breughel.") Flemish Bruxelles, 1568. — Anvers, 1625. School. 5384 THE PARADISE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, I5^x 10M ins 3.50 BRUEGHEL, PIETER, the Elder. (Called "Peasant Flemish Brueghel.") Breughel, near Breda, 1525. School. — Brussels, 1569. 3680 THE INFANTICIDE AT BETHLEHEM. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x19 ins....... 5.00 Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14^ ins 3.50 3681 PEASANT WEDDING. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x18^ ins 5.00 Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 15% ins 3-50 2,72,3 CHILDREN AT PLAY. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14.% ins 3-50 3734 MOUNTAIN SCENERY IN AUTUMN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14 ins 3-50 3735 SPRING LANDSCAPE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14^ ins 3-50 3736 THE BEARING OF THE CROSS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14^ ins 3.50 3727 WINTER LANDSCAPE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14^ ins 3.50 3738 THE FALL OF SAUL. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x i5 3 /s ins 3.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 27 BRUEGHEL, PIETER. — Continued. 3739 THE BUILDING OF THE TOWER OF BABEL. (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 28. Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x WA ins 3.50 3740 CARNIVAL REVELRY. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 14^8 ins 3.50 3741 COUNTRY FAIR WITH DANCING PEASANTS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, io^x 1554 ins 3-50 BRUN (Madame Vigee le). See Le Brun. BRUNKAL, ERICH. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4193 LO! I AM WITH YOU ALL THE TIME. Photogravure, 11x20^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4246 COME TO ME, ALL YE WHO ARE HEAVY LADEN. Photogravure, nx2o24 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 BUCHANAN, ALEXANDER S. Modern. 4564 LOOK! THIS IS MY DADA! For illustration see page 28. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 BUERGEL, HUGO. Lanshut, 1853— 1904. Modern. 2651 TWILIGHT (Dawn.) For illustration see page 28. Photogravure, 13^2x19^ ins 6.00 Photogravure in first-class hand-coloring 12.00 4125 OCTOBER. Photogravure, 9^x14^ ins 3.50 4194 TWILIGHT ON THE MOORS. Photogravure, 10^x14% ins 3.50 4218 RIVER LANDSCAPE. (Upper Bavaria.) Photogravure, 18^2x28^ ins 1200 4219 LANDSCAPE. Photogravure, 19^x28 ins 12.00 28 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft. BUERGEL, HUGO, No. 2651. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 29 BUERGEL, HUGO. — Continued. 4220 PEACEFUL EVENTIDE. Photogravure, 1834x15 ins 6.00 The. unexpected success which Hugo Buergel's "Twilight" achieved in this country, has induced the Berlin Photographic Co. to augment their series of reproductions from this master. Hugo Buergel, who died in 1904, after a but too short career, was one of the best known landscape painters. _ His color was pure and intense, his style finished and fine, but his technique was rather unobtrusive; his pictures formed no per- petual amazement and delight to those who are over-fond of characteristic brush-work and other technical accomplishments. He was not fond of daring experiments in color and line, but pre- ferred to catch some transient phase of nature, with which he was familiar. He had a passion for his own native country, the picturesque plains which skirt the Bavarian mountains. He did not show in his art the presence of some clique or school, but a wholesome story from the great book of nature, a beautiful rendering of some simple song or chapter out of the heart of the world. He excelled in the representations of vague atmospheric conditions, of a gray day, or the twilight hours when all objects lose their distinctness of form, and the distances are lost in some shimmering mist. All his pictures, like the "Twilight" (mentioned above), "In October" and "River Scene in Bavaria," show the same careful observation, a regard for the eminent leaders in landscape and that true understanding for the ensemble of things which is necessary to produce a work of art. He is one of the most sympathetic painters of Germany, who has gained the patronage of a loyal constituency, which ranks his work among the best products of mod- ern landscape painting. BULLEID, GEORGE LAWRENCE. Born London. Modern. Three Scenes of the Life of the Mother of Christ: 4555 THE ANNUNCIATION. "And Mary said: Be- hold the handmaid of the Lord." Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1-5° 4556 THE MOTHER'S LOVE. "There was no room for them in the inn." Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1-50 4557 THE CRUCIFIXION. "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio i-50 BURCKMAIR, HANS. Augsburg, 1473— I53i- German 5056 HOLY FAMILY. (Berlin Gallery.) School. Photogravure on English etching paper, 9 3 A*7 3 A ins... 2.50 30 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BURNE JONES, SIR EDWARD, No. 2877. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 31 BURNAND, EUGENE. Mondon, Switzerland, 1850. Modern. 4267 THE PRAYER AFTER THE LAST SUPPER. For illustration see page 30. Photogravure, 17^x35 ins 18.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan 36.00 Photograph: Folio, 1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 A pictorial interpretation of Christ speaking parting words of comfort to His faithful fol- lowers. The power of characterization, as shown in the face and gestures portraying each individual temperament and character of the future apostles, is particularly noteworthy. The three figures to the right represent John, cover- ing his face, and Phillip and Bartholomew pray- ing. Behind them stand the black-bearded Simon Zelotes and Jacob, son of Alpheus. Behind Christ we see the sturdy figure of Peter, the Galilean fisherman, and to the left, in various degrees of grief and sorrow, Andrew and James, and the tall Thaddeus with folded hands. The unbelieving Thomas is almost invisible, while Matthew, the last in the row, attentively leans forward. 4366 CHRIST. (Head. Detail from the above.) Photogravure, i6^xioJ4 ins 3.50 4479 REPOSE OF CHRIST AT BETHANY. (Bethany Church, Philadelphia). For illustration see page 30. Photogravure, 15x20^ ins 6.00 Photogranh: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 The Work of Sir Edward Burne Jones. See "Fine Art Books and Portfolios" at end of catalogue. BURNE JONES, SIR EDWARD. Birmingham, 1833.— Lon- Pre-Raphaelite don, 1898. School. 2877 LAUS VENERIS. (Praise of Venus.) For illustration see page 30. (See also 3478.) Photogravure, 19x28^ ins 15 00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 48.00 ' Artist's Proofs on India (200) 36.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Among this artist's most important pictures a foremost place must be ascribed to "Laus Veneris," a subject which also his contemporary, the poet Swinburne, has successfully treated. Laus Veneris means "In praise of Venus." The picture represents an imaginary queen, seated among her ladies, who have just chanted a love song. Outside the window we see five knights on horseback, who have listened to the quaint, old-fashioned melodies which have come floating through the windows of the medieval chamber, so quaintly hung with tapestry representing the birth and triumph of Venus. At the Graham sale, this picture brought one of the highest prices ever paid for the work of a living artist. 2878 FLAMMA VESTALIS. (Original owned by C. S. Gold- man, Esq.) For illustration see page 30. Photogravure, 14x9^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 24.00 32 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BURNE JONES, SIR EDWARD. — Continued. 3416 HOPE. (Spes.) (Original owned by Alex. Henderson, Esq., M.P.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x6^ ins... 5.00 3417 PHYLLIS AND DEMOPHOON. (Original owned by F. Leyland, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x7^ ins 3.50 3418 MUSIC. (Original owned by Mrs. R. H. Benson.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x6^ ins 2.50 3419 DORIGEN OF BRETAGNE. (Original owned by C. A. Ionides, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7x9^4 ins 2.50 3420 CHAUCER'S DREAM OF GOOD WOMEN. (Original owned by Sir Kenneth M. Mackenzie, K.C.B.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^xioJ4 ins 2.50 3421 VENUS EPITHALAMIA. (Original owned by Mrs. Stillman.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 109^x7^2 ins 2.50 3422 THE BACKGAMMON PLAYERS. (Original owned by Sir John C. Holder.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, sY&^Va i ns 2 -50 3423 THE BRIAR-ROSE. I. ^ 9x19^4 ins. 3424 THE BRIAR-ROSE. II. 8^x19^ ins. 3425 THE BRIAR-ROSE. III. 9x17^ ins. (Originals owned by Mrs. Horner.) Photogravures on hand-made paper each 5.00 3426 THE MERCIFUL KNIGHT. (Original owned by John T. Middlemore, Esq., M.P.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x9^ ins 3.50 3427 LOVE DISGUISED AS REASON. (Original owned by Gertr., Countess of Pem- broke.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^2x7^ ins 3.50 3428 THEOPHILUS AND THE ANGEL. (Original owned by A. E. Street, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x10^ ins 2.50 3429 ZEPHYRUS AND AMOR. (Original owned by Gertr., Countess of Pem- broke.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7 ins 2.50 The story of the Sleeping Beauty told in three pictures. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 3431 3432 3433 3434 3435 3436 JONES, SIR EDWARD. — Continued. AMOR AND PSYCHE, I. (Original owned by Alex. Henderson, Esq., M.P.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11x7^$ ins PAN AND PSYCHE. (Original owned by Mrs. R. H. Benson.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x8j4 ins AMOR AND PSYCHE, II. (Original owned by Mrs. R. H. Benson.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^2x12^ ins I. THE HEART DESIRES. "\ II. THE HAND REFRAINS. I The Series of "Pygm III. THE GODHEAD FIRES. I and the Image." IV. THE SOUL ATTAINS. J (Originals owned by John T. Middlemore, Esq.) Photogravures on hand-made paper, each ii J Ax 3437 3438 3439 3440 3441 3442 3443 3444 3445 3446 3447 3448 3449 3450 3451 THE DAYS OF CREATION. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. (Originals owned by Alex. Henderson, Esq., M.P.) Photogravures on hand-made paper, each I5H X 5 3 A ins ST. CECILIA. (Original owned by J. F. Horner, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x5 ins VESPER, OR THE EVENING STAR. (Original owned by the Earl of Carlisle.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x754 ins SPRING, a SUMMER (Originals owned by J. Dougl. Fletcher, ^Photogravures on hand-made paper, each A U 1 U M N . , s , , • 11^x4^ ins WINTER. J LUNA. (Original owned by Mrs. A. Ionides.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x7^ ins THE HESPERIDES. (Original owned by John T. Middlemore, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7% ins THE LOVE SONG. (Le Chant d'Amour.) (Original owned by T. H. Ismay, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x19 ins 34 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. BURNE JONES, SIR EDWARD. — Continued. 3452 THE HOURS OF THE DAY. (Original owned by F. Austen, Esq.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8^x20^ ins : . 5.00 3453 CARITAS. (Original owned by Lord Wantage, V.C.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 195^x8^8 ins 5.00 THE LEGEND OF "ST. GEORGE AND THE DRAGON" in photogravures on hand-made paper: 3454 I. THE KING'S DAUGHTER. 11x6% ins 2.50 3455 II- THE PETITION TO THE KING. 11x18^8 ins 5.00 3456 III. PRINCESS SABRA DRAWING THE LOT. 10^x18^4 ins 5.00 3457 IV. THE PRINCESS SABRA LED TO THE STAKE. 11x9^ ins 3-50 3458 V. THE PRINCESS TIED TO THE TREE. 11x9^5 ins 3-50 3459 VI. ST. GEORGE SLAYING THE DRAGON. 11x13^ ins 3-50 3460 VII. THE RETURN OF THE PRINCESS. 11x14^$ ins 3-50 (Originals owne2 ins 1.50 44H KATHARINA, LUTHER'S WIFE. Photogravure, 9^/4x6% ins 1.50 4415 DR. MARTIN LUTHER (at advanced age). Photogravure, 7}&*5% ins 1.50 5081 REPOSE ON THE FLIGHT TO EGYPT. (Berlin Gal- lery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x13^ ins.. 5.00 CRANE, WALTER. Liverpool, 1845. Res. London. Modern. 4388 THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH. For illustration see page 42. Photogravure, 29^x18^ ins 1500 Artist's Proofs 30.00 4389 THE MOWER. For illustration see page 42. Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs 18.00 4390 PEACE. (Angel.) For illustration see page 42. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 20^x12^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs 18.00 CREDI, LORENZO DI, DI ANDREA D'ODERIGO (Sciarpelloni) Florence, 1459 — 1537. Florentine School. 5084 MARIA OF EGYPT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x11^2 ins.. 5.00 CRIVELLI, CARLO. Venice, 1430 (?)— 1495 (?). Venetian School. 5088 THE HOLY MAGDALEN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x3^ ins.. 2.50 44 DEGER, E., No. 2071. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 45 CROFTS, ERNEST. Leeds, England, 1847. Res. London. Modern. 2535 NAPOLEON AND THE OLD GUARD AT WATER- LOO. For illustration see page 44. Photogravure, 18^x29 ins 15.00 Artist Proofs on Japan (150) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (250) 36.00 One of the best known "Napoleon" pictures, holding its own as a military painting even with the finest achievements of Meissonier. It repre- sents Napoleon — at the morning of the battle of Waterloo — lifting his hat to the famous Old Guard, who, inspired by the magic spell of his presence, march on to battle on the slushy road of Charleroi, shouting, "Vive l'Empereur!" 4327 KING EDWARD VII. DISTRIBUTING SOUTH AFRICAN WAR MEDALS. Photogravure, 21^x33^ ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 36.00 CUYP, AALBERT. Dordrecht, 1620— 1 691. Dutch School. 3329 LANDSCAPE, WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES: EVENING. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12x17^4 ins 5.00 3362 VIEW OF DORT. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6$4xg l / 2 ins 2.50 5090 RIVER LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 7^x9^ ins.... 2.50 CZACHORSKI, VLADISLAV VON. Lublin, Poland, 1850. Res. Munich. Modern. 1474 HAMLET AND THE PLAYERS. Photograph: Small Extra, $15.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio. 1.25 DAGNAN-BOUVERET, PASCAL ADOLPHE JEAN. Paris, 1852. Res. Paris. Modern. 3519 THE HOLY SACRAMENT. (Le Pain Benit.) (Luxem- bourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i7*4 XI2 /4 i ns 6.00 DAVID, GERARD or GHEERAERT. Born Onwater, about 1450. — Bruges, 1523. Flemish School. 3307 THE MYSTIC MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x16 ins 5.00 3660 THE BIRTH OF CHRIST. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x13% ins 5-°o 5092 THE CRUCIFIXION. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x11 ins.... 3.50 DAVID, JACQUES LOUIS. Paris, 1748— Brussels, 1825. French School. 751 BONAPARTE CROSSING THE ALPS. (May 20, 1800.) Photogravure, 10^x8^ ins 1.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4-5o 4663 NAPOLEON I. (From an engraving by Bourgeois, pupil of David, after the latter's full-length picture.) Photogravure, 20^x15 ins 5-00 Photogravure, 7x9 ins 1.50 DAVIS, H. W. B., R.A. Finchley, Middlesex, 1833. Res. London. Modern. 2732 FLOWERY MAY. Photogravure, 10^x22^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 46 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyiight, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft. DTCKSEE, MARGARET I., No. 2626. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 47 DEGER, E. Bockonem, Hanover, 1809.— Dusseldorf, 1885. 1766 THE CRUCIFIXION. Photogravure, 14x10 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio. 2053 2071 2052 ^ ( CHRIST ON THE CROSS. Photogravure, 21x12 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio. MADONNA AND CHILD. Photogravure, 21x11 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio. CHRIST'S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM. For illustra- tion see page 44. Photogravure, 13^2x20^4 ins Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... Sepiaprint: Folio ST. JOSEPH. Photograph: Royal, $3.00; Folio SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Sepiaprint: Folio DIRK VAN. Heusden, 1605. — Arnemuyden, 1671. Dut COURT OF A VILLA. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins DETAILLE, EDOUARD. Paris, 1848. Res. Paris. 3520 THE DREAM. (Le Reve.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x18^4 ins DICKSEE, FRANK, R.A. England, 1853. Res. London. 2731 DAWN. 2088 2089 DELEN, 3990 Photogravure, 20^x7^ ins. Artist's Proofs (100) DICKSEE, MARGARET ISABEL. England. Res. London. Modern. 3-5o 2.00 6.00 1-25 6.00 1-25 6.00 1-25 1.50 1-25 1.25 1.50 ch School. 1.50 Modern. 6.00 Modern. 6.00 24.00 Modern. 2314 2404 THE CHILD HAENDEL. For illustration see page 50. Photogravure, 15^x21 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) all sold Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50;. Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 This painting depicts a scene of Haendel's life. Although his father objected to his son's early devotion to music, young Haendel could not curb the natural talent that was within him. Under cover of night he would steal up into the attic, where the old spinet had been placed to be out of harm's way, and play in the dark. Strange sounds filled the quiet house. People thought the house was haunted, until they discovered one night the little white-clad "prodigy" following his beloved pursuit. THE FIRST AUDIENCE. (Oliver Goldsmith reading the manuscript "She Stoops to Con- quer" to the Misses Horneck.) For illustration see page 46. Photogravure, 15^2x20^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio... 2.00 48 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, J898, by Photographische Gesellschaft. DICKSEE, MARGARET I., No. 2792. Copyright, 1899, by Photographische Gesellschaft. DICKSEE, MARGARET I., No. 2848. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 49 2792 2848 4138 lustration see page DICKSEE, MARGARET ISABEL. — Continued. 2626 r SWIFT AND STELLA. For il 46. Photogravure, 15^x20^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200).... 18.00 Photogravure in first-class hand-coloring 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio... 2.00 A charming, delicate conception of one of the most fascinating episodes in Swift's career, that will appeal to every one familiar with the "Jour- nal to Stella." Stella's real name was Esther Johnson, who lived in the family of Sir William Temple, where the future Dean of St. Patrick's was secretary for more than eight years. The picture depicts Swift teaching her in his leisure hours, when she was still a mere child, a scene that impresses one like a prologue to that great love drama enacted by three women which dark- ened the poet's life, and in which Stella played the most sympathetic if not most important part. A SACRIFICE OF VANITIES. ("The Vicar of Wakefield.") For illustration see page 48. Photogravure, 15^4x20^ ins Artist's Proofs (150) SHERIDAN AT THE LINLEY'S. For illustra- tration see page 48. Photogravure, 15^x20^2 ins Artist's Proofs, (100) THE FIRST COMMISSION. (Sir Thomas Law- rence as a child.) For illustration see page 50. Photogravure, 14^x20^2 ins Artist's Proofs (200) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... A motive in which this talented woman-painter is thoroughly at home. It depicts an anecdote in the life of Thomas Lawrence, the famous English portrait painter. As a very young child, he some- times strayed into the guest room of the Black Bear Tavern, amusing himself with drawing the likeness of travelers that stopped at the inn on the road to Bristol or Salisbury. One day a beau- tiful and high-born young lady was attracted by his skill. She condescended to become his sitter, giving him the first commission of his long career, devoted to the portrayal of all the beauties and celebrities of his time. The incident is charm- ingly told, with an easy grace and touch of humor that is characteristic of all this artist's work. DIELITZ, K. Berlin, 1845. 1274 A FAIRY OF THE ALPS. Photogravure, 19x13 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1527 AIR. (Ride of the Valkyries.) ^ 1528 FIRE (Wotan's Farewell from Brunhild.) 1529 WATER. (The Rhine Daughters.) 1530 EARTH. (Siegfried Slaying the Dragon.) J For illustration see page 50. Photogravure, 1527, 1528: igj^xiij^ ins each 6.00 Photogravure, 1529, 1530: i9^4 XI 3/4 ins each 6.00 1528, Photograph: Extra 18.00 All numbers: Photograph: Imperial each 4.50 Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, each $4.50; Folio each 1.50 6.00 18.00 6.00 18.00 6.00 18.00 2.00 Modern. 6.00 1.25 Companions. 50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. DIETRICH, ANTON, No. 2453. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft. DIETRICH, ANTON, No. 2653. New York, Berltn, Paris and London. 51 DIETRICH, ANTON. Meissen, 1833.— Leipzig, 1904. Modern. 1872 COME UNTO ME ALL YE WHO ARE WEARY AND HEAVY LADEN. Photogravure, 19x11 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2439 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNTAIN. Facsimilegravure, 21x11 ins I5- 00 Photogravure, 21x11 ins 6.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2453 LORD HAVE MERCY UPON US. For illustration see page 50. Photogravure, 15x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2653 PEACE, BE STILL. For illustration see page 50. Photogravure, 293^x23 ins 15.00 Photogravure, 19^/2x16^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 36.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph : Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 A remarkable example of religious painting at its best. It represents the storm on Gennesar- eth. Though doubtful, the subject is familiar to many. The art critics may draw special attention to the spirited way in which the tumult of the waves, the dark storm-clouds, the broken mast, the wind-torn sails, and the affrighted crew, in contrast with the calm majesty of the principal figure of the Saviour, have been depicted. 2707 THE DENIAL OF PETER. Photogravure, 1534x1934 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2739 f THE GOOD SHEPHERD. For illustration see ^ page 52. g Photogravure, 1934x1134 ins 6.00 ■g Artist's Proofs 18.00 J Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 S CHRIST THE SOWER. For illustration see page 2 749 ° 52. Photogravure, 1934x1134 ins 6.00 ^ Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 2786 CHRIST IN THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHA. Photogravure, 20^*1334 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2844 BEHOLD I STAND AT THE DOOR AND KNOCK. Photogravure, 19^x12 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4204 CHRIST RISEN. Photogravure, 20^x10^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.0a 52 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 53 DIEZ, WILH. VON. Baireuth, 1839. Res. Munich. Modern. 4396 ST. GEORGE. For illustration see page 52. Photogravure, 19^x12 ins 6.00 DOLCI, CARLO. Florence, 1616— 1680. Florentine School. 150a ST. CECILIA. (Dresden.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 190a ST. CECILIA. (Bust.) (Dresden.) Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 DOLLMAN, J. C. England. Res London. Modern. 4134 RUN TO COVER. Photogravure, 15^x2634 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 4163 HOME, SWEET HOME. Photogravure, 15x18 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 4178 IN AT THE FINISH. Photogravure, 15^x26^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 DOMENICHINO (DOMENICO ZAMPIERI), called II. Bologna 1581. — Naples, 1641. Bolognese School. 3870 ST. JOHN, EVANGELIST. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 DOU (or DOV), GERARD. Leyden, 1613— 1675. (Pupil of Rem- brandt.) Dutch School. 3719 THE PHYSICIAN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x10% ins. (arch top) 3.50 3962 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x5^2 ins 1.50 DOUILLARD, ALEXIS. Born at Nantes. Modern. 4112 ST. AUGUSTIN AND ST. MONICA AT OSTIE. Photogravure, 14^x9^ ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 DOUZETTE, LOUIS. Triebsee (Pomerania), 1834. Modern. 436 f MILL BY MOONLIGHT. Photogravure, 15x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 1715 J MOONLIGHT LANDSCAPE. For illustration c I see page 52. o Photogravure, 15x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Carbonphotograph: V Folio 1.50 2074 THE SILVERY MOON. Photogravure, 20x15 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 4191 SILVERY MOONLIGHT. Photogravure, 12^2x19^ ins 6.00 4268 CLOUDY MOON NIGHT. For illustration see page 52. Photogravure, 16^x21^ ins 6.00 54 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. DOV. (See Dou.) DUBUFE, GUILLAUME. Paris, 1853. Res. Paris. Modern. 2646 THE ANGELIC SALUTATION. (Tryptich.) Photogravure, 9^x22 ins 6.00 The center part also in: Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 DURER, ALBRECHT (or Albert). Nuremberg, 1471— 1528. German School. 3234 ADAM. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x5^4 ins 5.00 3235 EVE. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x5^ ins 5.00 3236 PORTRAIT OF THE PAINTER. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, I2%xg}^ ins 3.50 3237 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, I2%xg ins 2.50 3404 THE HOLY VIRGIN PRAYING. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7^ ins 2.50 3405 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 834x5^ ins 2.50 3406 PORTRAIT OF HIERONYMUS HOLZSCHUHER. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x9^ ins 3.50 Photogravure on English etching paper, 17^x12^ ins.. 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 16^x11 24 ins 5.00 3407 PORTRAIT OF JACOB MUFFEL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 12^x9^ ins 3.50 3408 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 8^x7 ins 2.50 3409 PORTRAIT OF FREDERICK THE WISE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i^Ya^A ins 3.50 3410 MADONNA WITH THE GREENFINCH. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 15^x12^4 ins 5-00 3667 MARY WITH THE CHILD. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7 3 /&*5H ins 2.50 3668 PORTRAIT OF EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN I. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i8xi4*)4 ins 500 3669 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x8^ ins 2.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 55 DURER, ALBRECHT. — Continued. 3670 THE ADORATION OF THE HOLY TRINITY. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x15^ ins. (arch top) 500 3671 MARTYRDOM OF THE 10,000 CHRISTIANS UN- DER SAPOR, KING OF PERSIA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x15^ ins 5.00 3672 MADONNA WITH THE CHILD. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x10^2 ins 3.50 3673 PORTRAIT OF JOHANN KLEBERGER. (Vienna Gallery.) / Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x9^ ins 2.50 DUGHET, GUASPRE (called Poussin). Les Andelys, 1594. French — Rome, 1665. School. 3254 PARNASSUS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x13 ins 3.50 5253 INFANT JUPITER FED BY THE GOAT AMAL- THEA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x13^5 ins.. 3.50 5254 LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x15^ ins. 3.50 DUPLESSIS, JOSEPH SILFREDE. Carpentras, 1725.— Ver- sailles, 1802. French School. 4429 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. For illustration see page 52. Photogravure, 9 l A x 7/i i ns I -5° 4353 GLUCK. For illustration see page 52. Photogravure, 9^2x7^ ins 1.50 DUSART, CORNELIS. Haarlem, 1660— 1704. Dutch School. 3972 GROUP OF PEASANTS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7 ins 1.50 DYCK, ANTON VAN. Antwerp, 1599. — Blackfriars, England, 1641. Flemish School. a PORTRAITS. 34a CHARLES I., KING OF ENGLAND. (Dresden.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 35a HENRIETTE MARIA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. (Dresden.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 36a THE CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. (Dresden.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 3095 ISABELLA BRANT, FIRST WIFE OF PETER RUBENS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14 ins 5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. DYCK, ANTON VAN, No. 37C0. DYCK, ANTON VAN, No. 3703. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 57 DYCK, ANTON VAN.— Continued. 3098 WILLIAM II., PRINCE OF NASSAU. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 56. Photogravure on hand-made paper, i8-)4xi5^ ins...,. 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 27^x23^ ins 15-00 3099 PHILIP, LORD WHARTON. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) For illustration see page 56. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x15 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 28x22% ins 15-00 3100 SIR THOMAS CHALONER (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1714x13^/2 ins 5.00 3101 FAMILY PORTRAIT. (The Family of the Painter Snyders.) (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i8xi4 T /4 ins 5.00 3102 PORTRAIT OF VAN DYCK AS A YOUTH. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 56. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14^4 ins 5.00 Photogravure, 10x7^ ins 1.50 Carbonphotograph, 27^x22 ins T5.00 3103 PORTRAIT OF LAZARUS MAHARKIJZUS, PHYSI- CIAN IN ANTWERP. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14^ ins 5.00 3104 SUSANNA FOURMENT AND HER DAUGHTER CATHERINE. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x12^ ins 5.00 3249 PORTRAIT OF A MUSICIAN. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^2x13 ins 5.00 3314 PORTRAIT OF CORNELIUS VAN DER GEEST. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16x13 ins 5.00 3363 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. (Grosvenor House. London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x16^4 ins 5.00 3694 PORTRAIT OF COUNTESS AMALIA SOLMS. PRINCESS OF ORANGE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14^ ins 5.00 3695 PORTRAIT OF PRINCE RHODOKANAKIS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins 5.00 3697 PORTRAIT OF COUNT HENRI VANDENBURGH. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x15 ins 5.00 3699 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Vienna Gallery.) For illus- tration see page 56. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x10^ ins 3.50 58 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1900, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ECKENBKECHER, THEMISTOKLES VON, No. 4060. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 59 DYCK, ANTON VAN.— Continued. 3700 f PORTRAIT OF PRINCE CARL LUDWIG OF THE PALATINATE. (Elder brother of jfj Prince Rupert.) (Vienna Gallery.) For illus- .2 tration see page 56. <^ Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x10^ ins. 5.00 S PORTRAIT OF PRINCE RUPRECHT OF THE 3703 u PALATINATE. (12 years old.) (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 56. v Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x10^4 ins. 5 00 3705 PORTRAIT OF THE MARQUIS FRANCESCO DE MONCADA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13% ins 5.00 3706 PORTRAIT OF THE SPANISH COUNSELLOR JOHN OF MONTFORD. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^ ins 5.00 3707 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST FRANS SNYDERS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13^ ins 5.00 3861 BABY STUART. (Turin.) For illustration see page 58. Photogravure, 21^x15^4 ins 5.00 3871 SIR' THOMAS WHARTON. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Sepiaprint; Imperial 4.50 3919 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 9x7^ ins 1.50 b BIBLICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL SCENES. 3096 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Generally known as the Ma- donna with the Partridges.) (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^2x19 ins 5.00 3097 THOMAS THE UNBELIEVER. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^2x14^ ins 5.00 3250 THE LAMENTATION FOR THE SAVIOUR. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x15 ins 5.00 3251 THE BETRAYAL OF CHRIST. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^ ins 5.00 3696 CHRIST ON THE CROSS. (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 58. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13^ ins 5.00 3701 THE BLESSED HERMAN JOSEF. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14^ ins 5.00 3702 ST. ROSALIA RECEIVING A WREATH FROM THE CHRIST-CHILD. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x14^ ins 5.00 60 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. DYCK, ANTON VAN. — Continued. 3704 SAMPSON AND DELILA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x20^ ins.... 5.00 3698 VENUS RECEIVES FROM VULCAN THE ARMS FOR AENEAS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19^ ins 5.00 5099 THE MOCKING OF CHRIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x14% ins.. 5.00 5100 CHRIST LAMENTED. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x14^ ins. 5.00 5101 PORTRAIT OF FRANCOIS DE CARIGNAN, PRINCE OF SAVOY. "(Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17^x16^ ins. 5.00 5105 PORTRAIT OF A GENUESE NOBLEMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x11^3 ins. 5-00 5106 PORTRAIT OF A GENUESE NOBLEWOMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) » Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x11^ ins. 5.00 EARL, MAUD. London. Modern. 4139 A COUNCIL OF PERFECTION. Photogravure, 14^x19% ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 British Hounds and Gun-Dogs. A Portfolio containing 24 Photogravures in Artist's Proof state, limited to 500 sets all sold Terriers & Toys. A Portfolio containing 25 Photo- gravures in Artist's Proof state, limited to 500 sets complete 72.00 ECKENBRECHER, THEMISTOKLES VON. Athens, 1842. Modern. 4060 IN THE NAERO FJORD. (Norway.) For illustration see page 58. Photogravure, 14^x19^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4317 GUDVANGEN, NEAR THE NAERO FJORD. For illustration see page 58. Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4496 NEAR CAPE STATLAND. Photogravure, I3J4 X2 0 ins 6.00 EECKHOUT, GERBRAND VAN DEN. Amsterdam, 1621—1674- (Pupil of Rembrandt.) Dutch School. 3952 SOLOMON SACRIFICING TO STRANGE GODS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^8x6*4 ins 1.50 3953 MARIA WITH THE CHRIST CHILD. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4 5 A X 3 7 A ins 1.50 3954 TOBIAS HEALING HIS FATHER. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 61 EHRENBERG, C. Res. Dresden. Modern. 1987 THE NORNES. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 EICHSTAEDT, RUDOLF. Berlin, 1857. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2867 EMMAUS. For illustration see page 58. Photogravure, 14x19% ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Frankfort (Main), 1578. — Rome, 1620 (?). German. School. ELSHEIMER, ADAM 3902 HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH RUINED TEMPLE (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins, 1.50 ELSLEY, ARTHUR J. Res. London. 2281 2393 2434 2586 * { £ o U 2702 2817 4221 Modern. 6.00 18.00 2.00 A DEAD HEAT. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 21x13^2 ins Artist's Proofs (200) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph. Folio 1.50 GOOD-BYE. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 2i%xi6j4 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph; Folio 1.50 WAIT A MINUTE. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 21x15 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 Sepiaprint; Folio 1.50 SOFT PERSUASION. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 20^2x15 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 CHICKS. Photogravure, 20^2x15 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 DIVIDED AFFECTIONS Photogravure, 20^x15 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 Sepiaprint; Folio 1.50 WHICH MAY I KEEP? For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 20^2x15 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 62 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J. No. 2393. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J. No. 2434. Copyright, 1893, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J., No. 2281. Copyright, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J., No. 2586. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J., No. 4238. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. ELSLEY, ARTHUR J., No. 4221. Copyright, 1903, by Photographische Gesellschaft ELSLEY, ARTHUR J., No. 4307. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 63 ELSLEY, ARTHUR }.— Continued. 4238 I SENT A LETTER TO MY LOVE. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 15^x20^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 24.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 4397 GOLDEN HOURS. For illustration see page 62. Photogravure, 22^x29 ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 36.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 ESSELINS, J. E. Born at Amsterdam, Seventeenth Century. Dutch School. 3933 MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE WITH BATHING NYMPHS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, S 7/ i x 7 7 A ins 1.50 EVERDINGEN, ALDERT VAN. Alkmaar, 1621.— Amsterdam, 1675. Dutch School. 3979 CASCADE WITH ALPINE HUT. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7^ ins 1.50 3980 NORWEGIAN MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE. (Bruns- wick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 EYCK, JAN VAN. Maeseyck, Limburg, about 1380.— Bruges, 1440. Flemish School. 3304 PORTRAITS OF JEAN ARNOLFINI AND JEANNE DE CHENAY, HIS WIFE. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16x1 1^4 ins 5.00 3654 PORTRAIT OF THE CARDINAL DELLA CROCE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x854 ins 2.50 3655 PORTRAIT OF JAN VAN DER LEEUW. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7^ ins 2.50 5113 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH A CARNATION. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 13^x10 ins... 3.50 5114 VIRGIN MARY AND CHILD IN THE CHURCH. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x4^ ins. 2.50 5117 PORTRAIT OF A KNIGHT OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8^x6^ ins... 2.50 VAN EYCK, HUBERT AND JAN, No. 3742. VAN EYCK, HUBERT AND JAN, No. 3744. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 65 VAN EYCK, HUBERT and JAN. Hubert, Maeseyck, 1366 (?)— 1426. Jan, Maeseyck, 1390 (?) — (?). Flemish School. 3742 THE ANGEL OF ANNUNCIATION; ABOVE IT PROPHET ZACHARIAS. (Berlin Gallery.) For illustration see page 64. Photogravure on English etching paper, 20^x10 ins... 5.00 3743 THE HALL OF VIRGIN MARY (in two parts); above it to the left, the Erythrean Sybil; to the right, the Cumaean Sybil. (Brussels.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 25^x9^ ins. 12.00 3744 THE VIRGIN MARY; ABOVE IT PROPHET MICHA. (Berlin Gallery.) For illustration see page 64. Photogravure on English etching paper, 20^x10 ins... 5.00 3745 JODOCUS VYDT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3746 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3747 ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3748 ISABELLA VYDT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3749 ADAM; above it the Sacrifice of Cain and Abel. And EVE; above it Cain's Fratricide. (Brussels.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 25^4x9^2 ins. 12.00 3750 THE SINGING ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) For illus- tration see page 64. Photogravure on English etching paper, 20^x9^4 ins. 5.00 3751 VIRGIN MARY. (Ghent.) For illustration see page 66. Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^-2x8^ ins. 5.00 3752 GODFATHER. (Ghent.) For illustration see page 66. Photogravure on English etching paper, 24^x9^2 ins. 12.00 3753 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Ghent.) For illustration see page 66. Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^2x8^4 ins. 5.00 3754 THE PLAYING ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) For illus- tration see page 64. Photogravure on English etching paper, 20^x9^4 ins.. 5.00 3755 THE UPRIGHT JUDGES. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3756 THE DEFENDERS OF CHRIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17x6 ins 5.00 3757 THE ADORATION OF THE LAMB. (Ghent.) For illustration see Dage 66. Photogravure on English etching paper, 16x28 ins I5- 00 3758 THE HOLY HERMITS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17^x6 ins.... 5.00 3759 THE HOLY PILGRIMS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper 17^x6 ins 5- 00 66 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Above: Nos. 3751, 3752, 3753. Below: No. 3757. VAN EYCK, HUBERT AND JAN. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 67 FABRITIUS, BERNHART. Painted from 1650 to 1669. (Pupil of Rembrandt.) 3958 PETER AT THE HOUSE OF CORNELIUS wick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins FAIRMAN, F. C. 4315 THE FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN THE SPRING (Puppy Dogs.) For illustration see page 68. Photogravure, g%xi2 I A ins Barytoorint: Folio Dutch School. (Bruns- i-SO Modern. FALERO, LUIS RICARDO. 2390 Granada, Spain, 1851 — 1901. (Nude.) For illustration Grenoble, 1836. — Paris, 1904. BATIGNOLLES. (Luxembourg, LA FUMEUSE D'OPIUM. see page 68. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2413 TOWARDS A BETTER WORLD. For illustration see page 68. Photogravure, 21x12^2 ins Artist's Proofs (100) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio Sepiaprint: Folio FANTIN-LATOUR, HENRI. 3521 A STUDIO AT Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x18^ ins FARQUHARSON, JOSEPH. Edinburgh, 1846. Res. London. 2433 OVER SNOWFIELDS WASTE AND PATHLESS. (Companion to Leader, No. 2425, and MacWhirter, No. 2675.) For illustration see page 68. Photogravure, 23x17^ ins Artist's Proofs (100) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio Carbonphotograph: Folio 2632 f AND WINTER'S BREATH CAME COLD AND CHILL. Photogravure, 16x23 ins Artist's Proofs (200) : r AUTUMN GOLD. Photogravure, 15^x23 ins Artist's Proofs (100) WHEN THE WEST WITH EVENING GLOWS. For illustration see page 68. Photo gravure, i6/ / 2X2224 ins Artist's Proofs (100) FECHNER, WILHELM. Born in Berlin. 271 1 KAISER WILHELM II. (Photograph from life.) For illustration see page 70. Photogravure, 17^x13^4 ins FERRARIS, ARTHUR. Galkovitz, 1867. Res. Vienna. 454i EMPEROR WILLIAM II. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Imperial 3-50 2.00 Modern. 2.00 6.00 18.00 2.00 1.50 Modern. 6.00 Modern. 6.00 all sold 2.00 1.50 6.00 24.00 6.00 24.00 6.00 24.00 Modern. 6.00 Modern. 5.00 68 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. F AIRMAN, F. C, No. 4315. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. FALERO, LUIS R., No. 2413. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft FALERO, LUIS R., No. 2390. Copyright, 1900, by Photographische Gesellschaft. FARQUHARSON, JOSEPH, No. 4081. Copyright, 1*594, by Photographische Gesellschaft. FARQUHARSON, JOSEPH, No. 2433. FEUERBACH No. 644. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 69 FERRIER, GABRIEL. Nimes, 1847. Res. Paris. Modern. 2761 A BLONDE. ) „ , t~\ ~r ~t ~k t f~t~\ r~T~* } Companions. 2762 A BRUNETTE. ) Photogravure, 12x10 ins each 3.50 Artist's Proofs (50) each 18.00 Photograph: Folio each 1.25 FEUERBACH, ANSELM. Speyer, 1829.— Venice, 1880. Modern. 644 THE SYMPOSIUM OF PLATO. For illustration see page 68. Photogravure, 18x33 ins I5-00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 This pictures affords an interesting glimpse into the life of ancient Greek philosophers. Agathon (the standing figure), celebrating his first success as a playwright, has invited Socrates (who is seated to the left of the chandelier) and his friends and pupils as his guests. Aristo- phanes, the great comedy writer, is stretched out on the marble couch. Other historical charac- ters are seated around the table. Through the open gate the young Alkibiades, surrounded by an escort of girls and slaves, has entered, greet- ing the assembled guests and eulogizing with fervent eloquence his beloved teacher, Socrates. Feuerbach was one of the forerunners of the great renaissance which has recently taken place in German painting, and his "Symposium" is perhaps the most notable work of his career. FILDES, SAMUEL LUKE. Liverpool, 1844. Res. London. Modern. 1969 LA ZINGARELLA. (Gipsy Girl.) Photogravure, 20^2x14 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) all sold Artist's Proofs on India (150) all sold Photograph: Folio 1.25 2152 THE VENETIANS. Photogravure, 29x20^ ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (275) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (175) 36.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial. 4.50 FIRLE, WALTHER. Breslau, Silesia, 1859. Res. Munich. Modern. 2258 HARMONY. (A Rehearsal.) Photogravure, 26x23 ins 15.00 Photogravure, 18^x16^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2448 GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD. ^ 2449 THY WILL BE DONE. > Companions. 2450 FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES. ) (Pinakothek, Munich.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure on toned etching paper, 6%xio ins.. each 2.50 Photograph, Folio each 1.25 70 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaf t. FIRLE, WALTHEE, No. 4547. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 71 FIRLE, WALTHER. — Continued. 2638 A SUNDAY HYMN. Photogravure, 18^x12^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2685 AN OLD SONG. Photogravure, 18x9^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2709 THE HOLY NIGHT. (Tryptich.) For illustration see page 70. Photogravure, 34^x15^ ins ' 1500 Sepiaprint: Imperial -. 4.50 2808 INNOCENCE. (Head.) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2839 THE NATIVITY. Photogravure, 16^x15^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4123 MADONNA OF THE FIELDS. For illustration see page 70. Photogravure, 16^x14^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, 1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4399 SEWING LESSON IN THE ORPHAN ASYLUM. Photogravure, 185^x15^ ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4547 THE GOLDEN WEDDING. For illustration see page 70. Photogravure, 19^x2954 ins 15-00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial 5.00 FISHER, W. MARK. Boston, Mass., 1841. Modern. 2039 NOVEMBER EVENING. For illustration see page 70. Photogravure, 20^x14^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (75) 18.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 FLICKEL, PAUL. Berlin, 1852.— Nervi, 1903. Modern. 4502 OLD BEACH TREES. Photogravure, 145^x20^4 ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 FLINCK, GOVERT. Cleves, 1615.— Amsterdam, 1660. (Pupil of Rembrandt.) Dutch School. 3950 YOUNG WOMAN IN THE ATTIRE OF A SHEP- HERDESS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x6^ i ns i-5o FLORIS, FRANS. (See Vriendt.) FRANCESCA, PIERO DELLA. Borgo San Sepolcro, 1420— 1492. Umbrian School. 3259 THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x10 ins 2.50 72 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 73 FRANCIA, FRANCESCO RAIBOLINI, called. Bologna, 1450— 1517. Bolognese School. 3263 THE VIRGIN WITH THE INFANT CHRIST AND SAINTS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x15^2 ins 5.00 3264 THE VIRGIN AND TWO ANGELS WEEPING OVER THE DEAD BODY OF CHRIST. (Pieta.) (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x19^ ins 5.00 3265 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINTS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x12^ ins 5.00 3604 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS. (Francis, Catherine and John the Baptist.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x15 ins 5.00 FRANCIABAGIO (or Franciabigio), MARCANTONIO (called also Francesco di Cristofano). Florence, 1482 — 1525. Florentine School. 5127 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x11 ins... 3.50 FRANCKEN, FRANS, the Younger. Antwerp, 1581— 1642. Flemish School. 3913 NEPTUNE AND GALATHEA. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, S J A X 7 7 A ins 1.50 FRENZEL, OSKAR. Berlin, 1855. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4578 KINE AT WATER. Photogravure, 13^x20^4 ins 6.00 FRIANT, EMILE. Dieuze (Alsace-Lorraine), 1863. Res. Paris. Modern. 3522 ALL SAINTS' DAY. (La Toussaint.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19^ ins 6.00 FYT, JAN. Antwerp, 161 1— 1661. Flemish School. 3921 TWO HORSES. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 GAINSBOROUGH, THOMAS. Sudbury, 1727.— London, 1788. English 3335 MUSIDORA BATHING HER FEET. (Oval.) (Na- SchooL tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made papei, 17^x14 ins 5.00 3336 PORTRAIT OF MRS. SIDDONS. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 72. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x1414 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, about 28x22 ins 15.00 3337 PORTRAIT OF ORPIN, PARISH CLERK OF BRADFORD. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x13^ ins 5.00 3338 PORTRAITS OF MR. J. BAILLIE, OF EALING GROVE, HIS WIFE AND FOUR CHILDREN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x15^4 ins 5.00 3364 THE BLUE BOY. (Portrait of Master Buthall.) (Gros- venor House, London.) For illustration see page 72. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1834x12^ ins... 5.00 Carbonphotograph (blue tone), 28^2x19^ ins 15.00 74 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. GARBO, RAFFAELLINO DEL. Florence, 1466— 1524. Florentine School. 5133 MADONNA ENTHRONED WITH CHILD AND SAINTS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x16^ ins. 5.00 GEBHARDT, EDUARD VON. St. Johannis (Esthland), 1838. Res. Dusseldorf. Modern. 184 THE LAST SUPPER. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 72. Photogravure, 22x34 i ns 18.00 Photogravure, ii^xiq ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 One of the most serious and notable render- ings of "The Last Supper" known to modern art. The grouping displays consummate knowledge of composition of the realistic order, while the characterization of the different disciples is mas- terly. John, at the right of the Saviour, lays his hands inquiringly on His arm and shoulder. Nathaniel has arisen from his seat and is stand- ing dejectedly behind him, and Jacobus Alphaeus, who is regarding his Master earnestly. To the left of John, their forms half lost in the shadow, are sitting Simon Zelotes, Andrew and Jacobus Zebodei. At the end of the table sits Simon Peter with clenched hands, while Judas Jacobus, sitting opposite his Master, mournfully holds the palm of his hand to his cheek. The empty chair belonged to Judas Ischariot, who, bent on his dark mission, is opening the door to leave, ob- served by none but Bartholomew. The figure with the back to the spectator represents old Matthew trying to console the youthful Thomas. 2548 CHRIST HEALING THE SICK MAN WITH THE PALSY. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 19^x28^ ins... 15.00 2800 NICODEMUS. Photogravure, 19x15^ ins 6.00 GERVEX, HENRY. Paris, 1852. Res. Paris. Modern. 4242 A GUST OF WIND. (Oval.) Photogravure, 13x10^ ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 GIORGIONE (the). (Giorgio Bararelli, called.) Castelfranco, 1478 — 151 1. Venetian School. 3608 THE THREE WISE MEN FROM THE ORIENT. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure, 14^x17^ ins 5.00 5141 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14^x11^ ins. 3.50 ■ ■ SLEEPING VENUS (formerly attributed to Titian.) (Dresden.) Photogravure, 12x19^2 ins 5.00 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 75 GIRARDET, JULES. Paris, 1856. Res. Paris. Modern. 2864 THE NEW CAPTAIN. Facsimilegravure, ioxi2^4 ins 7-5° 2865 MARIE ANTOINETTE AT TRIANON. Photogravure, 13^x19 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio ... 1.25 2884 A TRIAL OF LOVE. ) ^ > Companions. 2885 SURPRISED BY A STORM. ) Photogravure, 12^x9 ins each 3.50 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 GODWARD, JOHN WILLIAM. Born Wimbladon, England. Modern. 2336 AT THE FOUNTAIN. For illustration see page 76. Photogravure, 23x15^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2358 YES OR NO? For illustration see page 76. Photogravure, 30x16 ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs (150) All sold Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Imperial 5.00 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph : Imperial. 5.00 2868 THE DELPHIC ORACLE. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4135 BATH OF VENUS. (Companion to Leighton's Bath of Psyche.) Photogravure, 29^2x10^ ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 36.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 24.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint, Folio 1.50 4483 THE OLD, OLD STORY. Photogravure, 29^x16 ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) 24.00 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Imperial 5.00 4554 HEART ON HER LIPS AND SOUL WITHIN HER EYES. Photogravure, 10x12^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (200) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Carbonphotograph: Folio.. 1.50 GOES, HUGUES (or Hugo van der). Born Ghent(?), 1482. Flemish School. 3661 CHRIST LAMENTED. (Pieta.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io%xy ins 2.50 3662 THE FALL OF MAN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x6^4 ins 2.50 5142 ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. (Berlin Gal- lery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8^x20^ ins.. 5.00 76 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ■Copyright, 1893, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GODWARD, JOHN W., No. 2336. ■Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GOODMAN, MAUDE, No. 2381. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GOODMAN, MAUDE, No. 2734. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GODWARD, JOHN W., No. 2358. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft GOODMAN, MAUDE, No. 2735. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 77 GOODMAN, MAUDE. London. Modern. 2381 C HUSH! For illustration see page 76. Photogravure, 14^2x21 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (250) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio... 2.00 c Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 j Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 2497 £ j SUSPENSE. 8 Photogravure, 16*^x29 ins 15.00 U Artist's Proofs (300) 30.00 Photogravure, 11^2x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint, Folio... 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 2733 GIN A BODY KISS A BODY. Photogravure, 19^x8^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (300) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2734 A LABOUR OF LOVE. For illustration see page 76. Photogravure, i2 J / 2 ins. (circle) 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph: Folio... 1.50 2735 LIKE THIS, GRANNIE. For illustration see page 76. Photogravure, 14x17^4 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (150) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph: Folio... 1.50 2894 MANY RETURNS OF THE DAY. > 2895 OUR HEARTS' DELIGHT. I Companions. Photogravure, 12^2 ins. (circle) each 3.50 Artist Proofs (50) each 12.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 4090 ADIEU. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4446 HELPING MOTHER. Photogravure, 19^x10^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4447 KITTENS. Photogravure, i2 l / 2 ins. (circle) 3.50 Artist's Proofs 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 4448 A BUTTERFLY KISS. Photogravure, 6^x14^ ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4490 MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY. Photogravure, 19^4x8% ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 79 GOW, ANDREW C. London, 1848. Modern. 2119 AFTER WATERLOO— SAUVE QUI PEUT! For il- lustration see page 80. Photogravure, 24x34 ins 18.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (175) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (150) All sold Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Imperial $4-50 2549 ON THE SANDS AT BOULOGNE, 1805. Photogravure, 15x28^ ins 15-00 Artist's Proofs (100) 30.00 2796 CROMWELL AT DUNBAR. (Tate Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 80. Photogravure, 14^x18^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 24.00 4368 WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL TO THE ARMY. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) For illustration see page 78. Photogravure, I7M X 34^4 ms 18.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (150) 50.00 Artist's Proofs on India (250) 40.00 A historical painting, in which detail is thought- fully worked out and drawn with exquisite fidelity. The scene is laid at the Whitehall Ferry of old New York, at the moment after Washing- ton bids farewell to his generals (4th of Decem- ber, 1783). The art lover familiar with American history will recognize many a well-known char- acter of the Revolutionary War in this picture. The cloaked figure, which is shaking hands with Washington, portrays the latter's favorite gen- eral, Knox. Behind them in rigid attitude stands Baron Steuben. Next to Gen. Knox stands Gen. Sumter, the South Carolina hero, and behind him Col. Harmer and Gen. Nathaniel Greene; and then in regular order from right to left, "mad Anthony Wayne," Col. Alexander Hamilton, "America's most brilliant statesman;" Col. Wil- kinson, Generals Gates and Moultrie, Col. St. Clair, Gen. Marion, and last, but not least, Gen. Putnam. All names dear to every American, and a picture in which all these heroes are so cleverly grouped together, as in Gow's painting, must even, without any further merits, which by no means are lacking, occupy a prominent place among the historical records of our country. GOW, MARY L. London, England. Modern. 2684 YOUR MAJESTY. (The Archishop of Canterbury, Dr. Howley, and Lord Conyngham announce to Queen Victoria at Kensington Palace, June 20th, 1837, her accession to the throne.) Photogravure, 14^x9^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (200) All sold Each impression bears, by command of Her Majesty, the facsimile of signature ("1837 — Vic- toria, R.I. — 1897"), which the Queen wrote with her own hand on the first copy. 80 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 81 GOYA Y LUCIENTES, FRANCISCO. Fuente de Todos (Ara- gon), 1746. — Bordeaux, 1828. Madrid School. 3231 PORTRAIT OF A PAINTER. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x11^4 i ns 5-0O GOYAERTS, A. Antwerp, 1589— 1626. Flemish School. 3917 FOREST SCENE, WITH THE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE FOUR ELEMENTS. (Brunswick Gal- lery.) Photogravure, 5^2x7^4 ins * 1.50 GOYEN, JAN VAN. Leyden, 1569.— Hague, 1656. Dutch School. 3365 VIEW OF NYMEGEN. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^x10 ins 2.50 3974 VIEW OF VILLAGE WITH SOLDIERS ON MARCH PASSING THROUGH. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x7% ins 1.50 5400 VIEW OF NYMEGEN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x14^4 ins. 3.50 GRAEF, G. Koenigsberg, 1821— Berlin, 1895. Modern. 1629 FAIRY TALE. Photogravure, 19^x11^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 GRAFF, ANTON. 2934 FRIEDR. VON SCHILLER. For illustration see page 80. Photogravure, 9x7 ins 1.50 GRASSI, JOSEPH. Udine, 1756.— Dresden, 1838. German School. 2556 QUEEN LOUISE. (Painted 1802.) (Hohenzollern Mu- seum, Berlin.) For illustration see page 80. Facsimilegravure. 10x7^ ins 6.00 Photogravure, 1734x13^$ ins 6.00 Photogravure, 10x754 ins 1.50 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 A portrait of the unfortunate Queen of Prus- sia of historical fame. It was painted in 1802, and is now one of the principal treasures of the Hohenzollern Museum at Berlin. Queen Louise was the mother of old Emperor William I., and he considered it the best likeness of all the pic- tures that had been painted of her. Joseph Grassi was professor at the Art Academy at Dresden, and his style of painting was largely in- fluenced by Gainsborough, Reynolds, and David. GRECO, EL. See Theotocopuli. GREUZE, JEAN BAPTISTE. Tournus, 1725.— Paris, 1805. French School. 110a THE BROKEN PITCHER. (Louvre, Paris.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 3334 THE HEAD OF A GIRL. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 80. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x7^ ins 2.50 3887 HEAD OF A GIRL. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Royal 3.00 82 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. GRIFFIER, JAN, the Elder. Amsterdam, 1656.— London, 1718. 3989 SPORT ON THE ICE NEAR A TOWN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins GRUETZNER, EDUARD. Gross Karlowitz (Silesia), 1846. Res. Munich. 455 t . ( BROTHER BUTLER. Photogravure, 17x13^2 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio THE WINE-TASTER. 456 G. I s ° Photogravure, 17x13^ ins 474 627 650 897 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio IN THE CLOISTER'S CELLAR. (Guilty.) Photogravure, 14x19^ ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio THE HUNTER'S STORY. Photogravure, 25^x32^ ins Photogravure, 15^x19 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio THE MAIDEN'S DILEMMA. Photogravure, 25x31^4 ins Photogravure, 15^2x19 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Nos. 891 to 897, Falstaff Series : 891 FALSTAFF AND HIS PAGE. Photogravure, 19^2x15^ ins Photogravure, 8^x7^4 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio..... 892 HERE I LAY AND THUS I BORE MY POINT. Photogravure, 19x15^ ins Photogravure, 8^x7^4 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 893 IN THE BOAR'S HEAD TAVERN. Photogravure, 22^x35 ins Photogravure, 7/^x8^ ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 894 FALSTAFF ON THE BATTLEFIELD. Photogravure, 19x15^4 ins Photogravure, 8^x7^4 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 895 FALSTAFF AT MISTRESS FORD'S. Photogravure, 19x15 ins. Photogravure, 8^2x7^ ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 896 FALSTAFF RECRUITING. Photogravure, 8^x7^ ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... I KNOW THEE NOT, OLD MAN. Photogravure, 19x15*4 ins Photogravure, 8^2x7^4 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Dutch School. 1.50 Modern. 6.00 1.25 6.00 1-25 6.00 1-25 18.00 6.00 1.25 18.00 6.00 1.25 6.00 2.50 1-25 6.00 2.50 1.25 18.00 2.50 1-25 6.00 2.50 1.25 6.00 2.50 1.25 2.50 1-25 6.00 2.50 1.25 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 83 c < GRUETZNER, EDUARD.— Continued. 982 SUMMER BEER IN THE MONASTERY. Photogravure, 18^x14^4 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4~5o; Folio, THE CARD PLAYERS. Photogravure, 19x14 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio AN AMUSING STORY. Photogravure, 19x15 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio OLD FRIENDS. Photogravure, 19x14 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio A TRIO IN THE MONASTERY. Photogravure, 17^x15^4 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio IN HONOR OF HIS EMINENCE. Photogravure, 14x21 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... FALSTAFF AND BARDOLPH. For illustration see page 80. Photogravure, 16x20 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio SIR JOHN FALSTAFF. For illustration see page 80. Photogravure, 19^x14^2 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio DON QUIXOTE. (New Pinakothek, Munich.) For il- lustration see page 84. Photogravure, 15x9^ ins Album containing a selection of his best works, 15 photographs in folio size, in handsome portfolio Falstaff Series, 7 Folio Photographs in Portfolio GRUST, THEO. Meissen, 1859. 2609 ST. AGNES. For illustration see page 84. Photograph: Folio 1.25 HAARLEM, CORNELIS VAN. (Called Cornelius of Haarlem.) Haarlem, 1562 — 1638. Dutch School. 3926 THE DELUGE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1. 50 HAARLEM, GERRIT VAN. Painted in Haarlem about 1450. Dutch School. 3663 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x15^ ins 5.00 HALS, FRANS. Antwerp, 1584.— Haarlem, 1666. Dutch School. 3105 PORTRAIT OF A SAILOR. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) For illustration see page 84. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7^ ins , PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 7^x5 ins PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x13^ ins. 5.00 1 166 1 189 1 190 1321 1959 2223 2837 4540 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 1.25 6.00 2.00 3-50 10.00 7-50 Modern. 5150 5152 2.50 2.50 84 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GRUETZNER, EDUARD, No. 4540. HALS, FRANS, No. 3105. Copyright, 1903, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HARTLEY, NORA, No. 4484. Copyright, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft. GRUST, THEO., No. 2609. Copyright, 1905, by Photographische Gesellschaft HANSEN, JOHN, No. 4808. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HARDY, HEYWOOD, No. 2730. Copyright 1903, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HEFFNER, KARL, No. 4505. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 85 HALS, FRANS. — Continued. 5154 BOY SINGING. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x14^ ins. 5156 HILLE BOBBE, THE WITCH OF HAARLEM. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17^3x15^ ins. 5158 PORTRAIT OF A NOBLEMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9x6% ins 5159 NURSE WITH CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x14^ ins. HANSEN, JOSEPH. Res. Dusseldorf. 4805 CHRISTMAS. Barytoprint: Folio HANSEN, JOHN. 4808 WE ARE SEVEN. For illustration see page 84. In preparation. HARDING, MARY E. Born Blackheath, England. 4481 A GARLAND OF ROSES. Photogravure, 10x14^ ins Artist's Proofs (50) HEYWOOD. Bristol, England. Res. London. HARDY, 2389 r 2730 .2 I < Oh a o U ROTTEN ROW. Facsimilegravure, 11^x21 ins Photogravure, 11^2x21 ins HUNTERS AT EXERCISE. For illustration see page 84. Photogravure, 10x22^4 ins HARTLEY, NORA. England. 4484 IN LOCO PARENTIS. For illustration see page 84. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio HEFFNER, KARL. Wiirzburg, 1849. Res. Freiburg. 4505 BEFORE THE STORM. For illustration see page 84. Photogravure, 13^x21 ins BARTHOLOMEUS VAN DER. Haarlem recht?), 1613. — Amsterdam, 1670. FAMILY GROUP. (Brunswick Gallery.) HELST, (or 5-00 5.00 2.50 5.00 Modern. 2.00 Modern. Modern. 3-50 12.00 Modern. 15.00 6.00 6.00 Modern. 2.00 Modern. 6.00 Dord- Dutch School. 3959 Photogravure, 7x6^5 ins. HEMY, CHARLES NAPIER, A.R.A. London, 1841. 4567 HAUL AFT. For illustration see page 86. Photogravure, 17^x29 ins Artist's Proofs (200) HENDRICH, HERMANN. Heringen, 1856. Res. Berlin. 2812 SANCTUARY OF THE GRAIL. Photogravure, 13^x18^ ins 4107 THE FLYING DUTCHMAN. Photogravure, 13^4 X1 9 5 A ins HENGELER, ADOLF. Kempten, 1863. Res. Munich. 4383 SUMMER EVENING IN THE VILLAGE. For tration see page 86. Photogravure, 9x7^ ins A selection of his works, 16 Photogravures, Folio size, in hand- some portfolio illus- 1.50 Modern. 12.00 30.00 Modern. 6.00 6.00 Modern. 2.50 :5-0Q BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. 4 /' Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HEM Y, CHARLES N., No. 4567. HENNEBERG, RUDOLF, No. 800. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HERRMANN, HANS, No. 4259. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 87 HENNEBERG, RUDOLF. Brunswick, 1826— 1876. Modern. 800 THE PURSUIT OF FORTUNE. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 86. Photogravure, 17x33 ins 15-00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4-50 HENNIKER, ANNIE L. Modern. 4073 IN THE SWEETNESS OF SPRING. Photogravure, 13x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4482 A VESTAL. Photogravure, 15^x7 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (50) 12.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 HERKOMER, HUBERT VON, R.A. Waal (Bavaria), 1849. Res. London. Modern. 4182 A ZITHER EVENING IN MY STUDIO. Photogravure, 21^x15^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 24.00 4183 SEEING I SAW NOT, HEARING NOT, I HEARD. Photogravure, 27^2x16 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 30.00 4184 TENNYSON. For illustration see page 86. Photogravure, i3 J / 4xio J /i ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (100) 12.00 Photogravure, 9x7 ins 1.50 HERNANDEZ, DANIEL. Res. Paris. Modern. 2353 WINTER. (Genre Subject.) Facsimilegravure, 10x7 ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 HERRMANN, HANS. Berlin, 1858. Modern. 4258 FLOWER MARKET IN LEYDEN. Photogravure, 17^x15^4 ins 6.00 4259 FISHING HAMLET NEAR ROTTERDAM. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 86. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 16^x20 ins 6.00 HERTERICH, J. C. Ansbach, 1843. Res. Munich. Modern. 1777 ADAGIO. (Museum, Syracuse.) Photogravure, 21x13 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 1862 ALLEGRO. (Museum, Syracuse.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 HERTERICH, LUDWIG. Ansbach, 1856. Res. Stuttgart. Modern. 4014 ST. GEORGE. (From the collection "Secession.") Photogravure, 8x5^ ins 1.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan 3.00 HEUSCH, WILLEM DE. Utrecht, 1657.— Amsterdam, 1701. Dutch School. 3976 ITALIAN MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^2x7% ins 1.50 88 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HOBBEMA, MEINDERT, No. 3330. HITCHENS, ALFRED, No. 2422. HOFMANN, HEINRICH, No. 2037. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 89 1685 S o U HEYDEN, JAN VAN DER. Gorcum, 1637.— Amsterdam, 1712. Dutch School. 3987 LANDSCAPE WITH LARGE CASTLE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, S l A^7 z A ins 1.50 HIDDEMANN, FRIEDRICH. Diisseldorf, 1829— 1892. Modern. 1634 r LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD. Photogravure, 18x13 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 CINDERELLA. Photogravure, 18x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 HITCHENS, ALFRED. England. Res. London. Modern. 2422 THE LEGEND OF THE CHRISTMAS ROSE. For illustration see page 88. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 The subject is chosen from an old English legend. A very poor maiden, Madelon by name, had heard of the birth of Christ, she was desirous to go to the manger and offer a present to the child. But as she had nothing to show her sym- pathy, she burst out into tears. Then the angel Gabriel appeared, took her by the hand, and To! rich flowers sprang up all around. The picture depicts the moment when Madelon joyfully offers her humble gift of homage, a handful of Christ- mas roses to the child. HOBBEMA, MEINDERT. Amsterdam, 1638— 1709. Dutch School. 3330 THE AVENUE, MIDDLEHARNIS, HOLLAND. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 88. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x16^4 ins Carbonphotograph, 20^2x27^4 ins 5163 WOOD LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14^x19^ ins. HOESSLIN, G. VON. Budapest, 1851. Res. Munich. 3 1 RESIGNATION. (The World Forgetting.) For illustration see page 88. Photogravure, 19^x13 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... A REED SONG. (Melodies.) For illustration see page 88. Photogravure, 21x13^ ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... MELANCHOLY. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio D'ACCORDO. Photogravure, i6^4 ins. (circle) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio Sepiaprint: Folio HOFFMANN-FALLERSLEBEN, FRANZ. Weimar, 1855. Res. Berlin. 4269 IN THE GLOAMING. (Landscape.) Photogravure, 13x20^2 ins 2699 2714 2747 4208 5-00 15.00 5-oo Modern. 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 1.50 Modern. 6.00 HOLBEIN, HANS, No. 3309. HOLBEIN, HANS, No. 3414. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 91 HOFMANN, HEINRICH JOHANN, M. F. Darmstadt, 1824. Res. Dresden. Modern. 2037 CHRIST IN GETHSEMANE. (Companion to Plock- horst, No. 2545.) For illustration see page 88. Facsimilegravure, 21x15 ins 1500 Photogravure, 34x25 ins 18.00 Photogravure, 21x15 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio, 1.50 Carbonphotograph, 34x25 ins 18.00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio, 1.50 2443 HEAD OF CHRIST. (Detail of No. 2037.) For illustra- tion see page 88. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Royal, $3.00; Folio 1.50 HOGARTH, WILLIAM. London, 1697—1764. English School. 3346 HIS OWN PORTRAIT. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^ ins 3.50 The Marriage "A la Mode" (six plates): 3347 (1) THE MARRIAGE CONTRACT. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3348 (2) AFTER THE WEDDING. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3349 (3) VISIT AT THE QUACK'S. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3350 (4) THE BOUDOIR OF THE COUNTESS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3351 (5) THE DUEL. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3352 (6) THE DEATH OF THE COUNTESS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 HOLBEIN, AMBROSIUS. Born Augsburg; died after 1517. German School. 3083 PORTRAIT OF A PERSON UNKNOWN. (Hermit- age, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x7 ins 2.50 HOLBEIN, HANS. (The Younger.) Augsburg, 1497— London, 1543. German School. 3002 THE "MEYER" MADONNA. (Darmstadt.) For illus- tration see page 90. Photogravure, 35x24^2 ins 18.00 Proofs before letters (150) 36.00 Photogravure, 13^2x19^ ins 5.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 3308 THE AMBASSADORS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i534 XI 5/4 ins 5.00 92 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. HOLBEIN, HANS, No. 3675. Copyright, 1904 by Photographische Gesellschaft. HOLZ, JOHANN, No. 4542. HOLIDAY, HENRY, No. 4310. Copyright, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft. HUNT, WALTER, No. 2603. HUNT, WALTER, No. 2674. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 93 HOLBEIN, HANS (The Younger).— Continued. 3309 CHRISTINA OF DENMARK. (National Gallery, Lon- don.) (Lent by the Duke of Norfolk.) For illustra- tion see page 90. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x8^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 30^x13^ ins 12.00 3411 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^ ins 3.50 3412 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x10^4 ins 3-5° 3413 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 13^x914 ins 3-50 3414 PORTRAIT OF THE MERCHANT GEORGE GISZE. (Berlin Gallery.) For illustration see page 90. Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 16^x14^ ins 5.00 3674 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14x10^4 ins 3.50 3675 PORTRAIT OF THE PHYSICIAN IN ORDINARY TO HENRY VIII., JOHN CHAMBERS. (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 92. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^ ins 5.00 3676 PORTRAIT OF JANE SEYMOUR, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13 ins 5.00 3900 PORTRAIT OF CYRIACUS KALE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x5^ ins 1.50 HOLIDAY, HENRY. Res. London. Modern. 4310 DANTE AND BEATRICE. (Walker Art Gallery, Liver- pool.) For illustration see page 92. Photogravure, 20x29 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (300) 36.00 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 Henry Holiday has painted here a delightful picture of the first meeting of Dante and Beatrice, one of the most poetical love episodes that has come down to us from the middle ages, and which Dante himself has described in his "Vita Nuova." The scenery which the artist has chosen for background is truly Florentine in character. • It is at the corner of one of the many picturesque bridges that cross the Arno, and the picture is in tjjis way not only the depiction of a legendary incident of Italy's greatest poet, but a souvenir of Florence as the modern traveler knows it. HOLZ, JOHANN. Res. Munich. Modern. 4542 THE COMING STORM. For illustration see page 92. Photogravure, 15^x18^ ins 6.00 HONTHORST, GERARD VAN. Surnamed Gherardo della Notte. Utrecht, 1590— 1656. Dutch School. 3929 BOY WITH FLUTE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7 7 A^5 7 /& ins !. S o 94 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ITTENBACH, FRANZ, No. 1860. Copyright, 1898, by Photographische Gesellschaft. KELLER, ALBERT VON, No. 2798. JACQUET, MAURICE, No. 4827 Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. KELLER, FERD., No. 4336. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 95 HOOCH or HOOGHE, PIETER DE. Born 1630(F), Amsterdam— a little after 1677(F). Dutch School. 3106 A LADY WITH HER COOK. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9M X 7/^ ins 2.50 3331 INTERIOR OF A DUTCH HOUSE. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, g r /2xSy^ ins 2.50 3332 COURT OF A DUTCH HOUSE, PAVED WITH BRICKS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x734 ins 2.50 5164 A DUTCH LIVING-ROOM. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x17^5 ins. 5.00 HULST, PEETER VAN. Died, Antwerp, 1648. About 60 years of age. Flemish School. 3915 FLEMISH FAIR. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^4x8^4 ins 1.50 HUNT, WALTER. Born Wandsworth, England. Res. London. Modern. 2603 PUSS AT BAY. For illustration see page 92. Photogravure, 19^2x15^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2674 MOTHERLESS. For illustration see page 92. Photogravure, 13^2x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 IRMINGER, V. Copenhagen, 1850. Modern. 4801 THE MIDNIGHT OIL. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Folio... 1.50 ISRAELS, JOSEPH J. Groeningen (Holland), 1824. Res. The Hague. Modern. 4351 PROF. LEYDEN. Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 ITTENBACH, FRANZ. Konigswinter, 1813.— Diisseldorf, 1879. Modern. 537 MADONNA ENTHRONED. (Middle panel to the fol- lowing two numbers.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 538 r ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISE cL I Photograph: Folio 1.25 539 o 1 ST. ELIZABETH OF THURINGIA. U [ Photograph: Folio 1.25 873 THE HANDKERCHIEF OF ST. VERONICA. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 927 THE HOLY FAMILY IN EGYPT. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure, 12^x8^ ins 3.50 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 96 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ITTENBACH, FRANZ. — Continued. 1436 1857 1858 i860 2064 2086 a o U 2102 2103 MARIA VIRGO. (Other companions: Sinkel, Nos. 1795 and 1806.) Photogravure, 8x10 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... Sepiaprint: Folio INFANT JESUS. (Other companions: Sinkel, Nos. 1795 and 1806.) Photogravure, 8x10 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... Sepiaprint: Folio ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. Photograph: Folio THE HOLY FAMILY. For illustration see page 94. Photogravure, 19x14 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio MADONNA. Photogravure, 9x16^ ins Photograph: Folio MATER CHRISTI. Photogravure, 20^x14 ins • Photogravure, 12^x8 ins Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio ST. ANNE WITH INFANT MARY. > „ ( Companions. ST. JOSEPH WITH INFANT JESUS. ) Photogravure, 10x4 ins each Photograph: Folio each JACOBSEN, SOPHUS. Frederikshald, Norway, 1833. seldorf. Res. Diis- 2156 2157 G I r LANDSCAPE IN WINTER. Photogravure, 21x14 m s Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... MOONLIGHT NIGHT. Photogravure, 21x14 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... JACQUET, MAURICE. 4827 GIRL WITH CHERRIES. For illustration see page 94- Barytoprint: Folio JANSSEN, PETER. Diisseldorf, 1844. 4333 THEY ALL FOLLOW THE STAR. For illustration see page 94. Photogravure, 14^x29 ins JARDIN, KAREL DU. Amsterdam, 1622.— Venice, 1678. Dutc 5167 ITALIAN EVENING LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9%yiS% ins... 2.50 2.00 1.50 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.25 6.00 1.25 1.50 3-50 1.25 6.00 3-50 1.25 1.50 1.50 1.25 Modern. 6.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 Modern. 12.00 h School. 2.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 97 JORDAENS, JACOB. Antwerp, 1593— 1678. Flemish School. 3252 PORTRAIT OF A FAMILY IN A GARDEN. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x16 ins 5.00 3708 THE BEAN FEAST. (Twelfth Night.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x18^ ins 5.00 3918 THE BEAN FEAST. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x7^4 ins 1.50 5408 JOVIAL PARTY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 13^x19^ ins. 5.00 KAEMMERER, FREDERIK HENDRIK. The Hague, 1839. —Paris, i9oo(?). Modern. 2305 THE RETURN. Facsimilegravure, 20x14 ins 15.00 Photogravure, 20x14 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2679 SKATING LESSON. Facsimilegravure, 14^x10 ins 7.50 2821 THE MERRY-GO-ROUND. Photogravure, 14^x25^ ins 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 KALLSTENIUS, G. S. N. Born Stockholm. Modern. 4515 THE EVENING STAR. (Landscape.) For illustration see page 94. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 14^x20^ ins 6.00 KAMPF, ARTHUR. Aix-la-Chapelle, 1864. Res. Berlin. Modern. 1950 BON SOIR, MESSIEURS. (Frederick the Great at Lissa.) Photogravure, 22^x29^ ins 18.00 Photogravure, 15^x20^ ins 6.0a Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 KAULBACH, HERMANN. Munich, 1846. Res. Munich. Modern. 490 MOZART'S LAST DAYS. (Companion to Rosenthal, No. 740.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 830 FREDERICK THE GREAT AND SEBASTIAN BACH. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1444 LUCREZIA BORGIA. Photogravure, 21^x34 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1935 THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1999 GRETCHEN IN CHURCH. Photogravure, 19x13 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 KEIRINCX, ALEXANDER. Antwerp, 1600.— Amsterdam, after 1652. Dutch School. 3930 LANDSCAPE WITH NYMPHS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 65^x9 ins 1.50- 98 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. 0 KNAUS, LUDWIG, No. 811. KNAUS, LUDWIG, No. 1450. Copyright, 1903, by Photographische Gesellschaft. KNAUS, LUDWIG, No. 1786. KOBER8TEIN, HANS, No. 4478. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 99 KELLER, ALBERT VON. Gais, Switzerland, 1844. Res. Munich. Modern. 2798 A SNAKE CHARMER. (Nude.) For illustration see page 94. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 10^x4*4 ins 2.50 2822 A SKIRT DANCER. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 16^x11 ins 6.00 KELLER, FERDINAND. Karlsruhe, 1842. Modern. 4336 SANCTUARY BY THE SEA. For illustration see page 94. Photogravir c, 15^x19^5 ins 6.00 Facsimilegravure, 15^x19^ ins 12.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 KIESSLING, PAUL. Born Breslau, 1836. Res. Dresden. Modern. 4577 SISTERS OF MERCY. (Queen Carola of Saxony visit- ing a Hospital.) Photogravure, I5M X20 ^ i ns 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 KLINGER, MAX. Leipzig, 1856. Modern. 2326 PIETA. Photogravure, 15x21 ins 6.00 Photogravure, 6x8 ins 1.50 Artist's Proof on Japan, 6x8 ins 3.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 KNAUS, LUDWIG. Wiesbaden (Germany), 1829. Res. Berlin. Modern. 240 IN GREAT DISTRESS. Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 811 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Metropolitan Museum, New York.) For illustration see page 98. Photogravure, 19x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 834 AS THE OLD, SO THE YOUNG. (National Gallery, Berlin.) (Companion to No. 2100.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 15x21^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1000 THE FIRST PROFIT. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1100 VALUABLE INSTRUCTION. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1450 STUDY-HEAD. (Little Girl.) For illustration see page 98. Photogravure on toned etching paper, 8x6 ins 2.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 1614 A GYPSY TEAM. (Children.) Photogravure, 17x26 ins 12.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 171 1 I CAN WAIT. Photograph: Royal, $3.00; Folio 1.25 1786 CHARITY. (Caritas.) For illustration see page 98. Photogravure, 24^x34^ ins 18.00 15x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 100 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. KNAUS, LUDWIG.— Continued. 1888 SPRINGTIME. Photogravure, 8xg J / 2 ins 2.50 2100 A PICNIC PARTY. (Companion to No. 834.) Photogravure, 15x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2229 A FIGHT BEHIND THE FENCE. Photogravure, 16x20^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 2230 A GYPSY GIRL. Photogravure, 9x7^ ins 2.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2655 SUMMER EVENING IN THE GHETTO. Photogravure, 21^x28^4 i ns i5-00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 4599 FAUNS AT PLAY. Facsimilegravure, 10^x7 ins 7.50 ■ Album containing a selection of his best works, 15 Photo- graphs in Folio size, in handsome Portfolio 10.00 KNILLE, OTTO. Osnabriick, 1832.— Berlin, 1898. Modern. 409 TANNHAUSER AND VENUS. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure, 16x16^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1369 ^ f THE UNIVERSITY OF PARIS IN THE XIII. g CENTURY. (University at Berlin.) I J Photograph: Normal 12.00 1370 $ j THE HUMANISTS WELCOME THE RE- o FORMERS. (University at Berlin.) ^ v. Photograph: Normal 12.00 1606 WEIMAR, 1803. (University at Berlin.) For illustra- tion see page 98. Photogravure, 10x35 ins 12.00 Photograph: Normal 12.00 KOBERSTEIN, HANS. Berlin. Modern. 4478 THE SON. (Museum Crefeld.) For illustration see page 98. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis. 1904 ) Photogravure, 21x29^ ins 15 00 Barytoprint, Folio 2.00 KOCH, HERMANN. Domitz, 1856. Res. Munich. Modern. 2517 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS. (Companion to Stone, No. 1863.) Photogravure, 19x29^ ins 15.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio . 1.50 2605 f IN THE PARK. (Also companion to Vogler. No. 2562.) . Photogravure, 20x28^ ins 15.00 0 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 •g Barytoprint, Folio 2.00 g 2803 WELCOME TIDINGS. (WAR.) \ Companions. Photogravure, 10x8 ins each 2.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) each 18.00 Artist's Proof on India (200) each 12.00 2853 DIVIDED. Photogravure, I3H X 7M$ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2880 A REVERSE. Photogravure, 9^x734 ins 2.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 4109 MARKET-DAY. Photogravure, 10^x14% ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) ( 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 12.00 4110 ON THE THRESHOLD. Photogravure, 1 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (200) 12.00 4295 BY THE RIVER. Photogravure, 10^x14^2 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Aritst's Proofs on India... 12.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 110 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. LETGHTON, SIR F., No. 1920. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. Ill LEIGHTON, E. BLAIR. — Continued. 4360 RIBBONS AND LACES FOR SWEET, PRETTY FACES. For illustration see page no. Photogravure, 20^2x10% ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (200) 24.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4480 AN APPOINTMENT. Photogravure, 20^x11^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 24.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4516 NOBODY ASKED YOU, SIR, SHE SAID. For illus- tration see page no. Photogravure, 11^x8^2 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 12.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 LEIGHTON, SIR FREDERICK. Scarborough (Yorkshire) 1830. — London, 1896. English School. 1920 CAPTIVE ANDROMACHE. For illustration see page no. Photogravure, 16^x35 ins 15-00 Artist's Proofs (250) All sold Proofs before Letters (100) All sold Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Imperial 5.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph : Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 Nothing could more fittingly demonstrate Sir Frederick Leighton's splendid mastery of a legendary subject than his "Captive Andro- mache." Readers of Homer's Iliad will remem- ber that Andromache was the wife of Hector, "who fought best of all the Trojans when all fought for Troy." After the fall of Troy, she was taken prisoner to Greece, and became a slave at the Court of one of the Grecian kings. The incident selected by the artist represents her (in the centre of the picture) overwhelmed by grief mourning her fate, while the other women perform their daily morning errand of filling their water vessels at the well. Sir Frederick Leighton, receiving the repro- duction of this picture, wrote the Berlin Photo- graphic Co. in 1899: "The plate which you have produced is, both in regard to precision of form and fulness of tone, a very creditable effort of reproduction." 2072 GREEK GIRLS PLAYING AT BALL. For illustra- tion see page no. Photogravure, 19x34 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 36.00 Photograph, Imperial, $4.50; Folio x 25 112 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright. 1892, by Photographische Gesellschaft. LEIGHTON, SIR F., No. 2212. Copyright, 1902, by Photographische Gesellschaft. LETSTIKOW No. 4266. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 113 LEIGHTON, SIR FREDERICK. — Continued. 2096 BATH OF PSYCHE. (Companion to Godward's Bath of Venus.) (Tate Gallery, London.) For illustra- tion see page 112. Photogravure, 29x9^ ins 15-00 " 21^x7 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (150) All sold Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barj'toprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 2212 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. For illustration see page 112. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 29x16 ins i5- 00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (150) 36.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) 24.00 A splendid example of Leighton's classic art. It illustrates the ancient story of Perseus rescu- ing Andromeda. To save her country, Ethiopia, from destruction, Andromeda has sacrificed her- self to be devoured by a horrible sea-monster, when Perseus, in whom the Greeks saw a symbol of liberty, passed through the air on his winged steed, the Pegasus of modern poets. Seeing her chained to the rock, he killed the monster and carried away the beautiful Andromeda to the sunlit regions whence he came. 2254 AT THE FOUNTAIN. Photogravure, 20^x18 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (150) 36.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) 24.00 2797 AND THE SEA GAVE UP THE DEAD. (Tate Gal- lery, London.) Photogravure, 16% ins. (circle) 6.00 Proofs before Letters (100) 24.00 LEISTIKOW, WALTER. Bromberg, 1865. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4069 4108 4148 GRUNEWALDSEE. Photogravure, 11^x175^ ins 6.00 Facsimilegravure 12.00 LAKE IN THE GRUNEWALD. For illustration see page 112. Photogravure, 13^8x16% ins 6.00 IN THE GRUNEWALD FOREST. Photogravure, 11^8x17^4 ins 6.00 4232 g f THE PITCH LAKE. .0 I Photogravure, 19^4x28^ ins 12.00 4266 | { LAKE IN THE WOODS. For illustration see I ! page 112. U I Photogravure, 19^x29^ ms 12.00 4440 DEVIL'S LAKE. For illustration see page 114. Facsimilegravure, isH^^A ins 15.00 Photogravure, 22^x2834 ins 12.00 114 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1903, by Photographtsche Gesellschaf t. LEISTIKOW No. 4440. LENBACH No: 279. LENBACH No. 278. Copyright, 1895, by Photographische Gesellschaft. LENBACH No. 2477. LEONARDO DA VINCI No. 19lA. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 115 LEISTIKO W, WALTER.— Continued. 4441 MOOR IN THE WOODS. Photogravure, 13^x17^ ins 6.00 Walter Leistikow is one of the leading repre- sentatives of the modern school, a man who dares to see things in his own way and to repre- sent them as he sees them. The world of nature seems to be a sort of dreamland to Leistikow, for his art is flooded with "a rapture of repose" that steals over his sunlit forests, the silent waters and the distant hills. His art has been called musical in tendency. This is true, — he sees nature in separate masses which, if brought together and united, become a harmonic entity. His treeforms are magnificently built up, each form serving as a definite accent. And these varied accents are to his painting what melody is to harmonic bass, they determine everything to him, either victory or defeat. Yet the method is after all of slight importance, the principal question is whether an artist attains by his method the desired result. With Leistikow the result is in each instance a picture, in the full sense of the word. His art is penetrated with poetry, the out-of-door poetry of the woods; his trees have leaves, his lakes are liquid, and a primitive heroic feeling rests over them. Few landscapists have rendered with such combined strength and actuality the silence, one might say, the peace- ful interludes of nature. To the ever-increasing circle to which Leistikow speaks, he has proved himself brilliant, original and sincere. And we have heard that an exhibition of his collected work is invariably the occasion of enthusiasm rarely aroused by the production of his single hand. LENBACH, FRANZ VON. Schrobenhausen (Bavaria), 1836. — Munich, 1904. Modern. 278 A r RICHARD WAGNER. For illustration see page 114. 0 Photogravure on toned etching paper, 17x13 ins. 6.00 1 j 10^x8 ins 1.50 g< j Photograph: Folio 1.25 279 § FRANZ LISZT. For illustration see page 114. * Same styles and sizes as No. 278. 1615 COUNT MOLTKE. (Half length.) (Companion to No. 1664.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1616 COUNT MOLTKE. (Bust.) (Companion to No. 1817.) Photogravure, 18x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1664 PRINCE BISMARCK. (Half length.) (Companion to No. 1615.) Photogravure, 9x6^2 ins 1.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1817 PRINCE BISMARCK. (Bust— Civilian Dress.) (Com- panion to No. 1616.) Photogravure, 18x14 ins 6.00 8^x7 ins 1.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 116 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. LENBACH, FRANZ VON. — Continued. 2477 PORTRAIT OF BISMARCK. Painted 1894. (Half length with helmet.) For illustration see page 114. Photogravure, 28^x24 ins 15.00 (50 prints on Japan paper.) Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2608 PRINCE BISMARCK. (Bust— Detail of No. 2477.) Photogravure, 19^x16% ins 6.00 9x7M ins 1.50 2781 PRINCE BISMARCK. (Cuirassier's uniform, seated.) Photogravure, 20^x14% ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2830 PRINCE BISMARCK. (Bust, with slouch hat, oval.) Photogravure, I7K XI 5M ins 6.00 2831 LOLA BEETH. Photogravure, 18^x14^4 ins 6.00 2832 PROF. MOMMSEN. Photogravure, 18^x13^4 ins 6.00 924*7 ins 1.50 2940 MORIZ VON SCHWIND. Photogravure, 8^x6*4 ins 1.50 2964 GOTTFRIED SEMPER. (Architect.) Photogravure, 9x7 ins 1.50 2976 ROBERT VON MOHL. Photogravure, 9^x7^ ins 1.50 2988 WERNER SIEMENS. Photogravure, 9^x7^3 ins 1.50 2998 ADOLPH v. WILBRANDT. Photogravure, 8^x7*4 ins 1.50 4213 GUSTAV SCHMOLLER. Photogravure, 10x7% ins 1.50 4608 PROF. HELMHOLTZ. Photogravure, 7x9 ins 1.50 LEONARDO DA VINCI. Vinci (Tuscany), 1452.— Cloux, near Amboise, 1519. Florentine School. 191a THE LAST SUPPER. (Fresco.) (From a drawing made from the decayed original by Prof. Hollander.) (Milan, Santa Maria della Grace.) For illustration page 114. Photogravure, 1744x34% ins 18.00 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 3062 INFANT JESUS AND MADONNA. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9*4x7*4 ins 2.50 3063 HOLY FAMILY. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7% ins 2.50 3260 THE VIRGIN OF THE ROCKS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x11 ins 5.00 5181 SAINTS ADORING THE RISING CHRIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^2x15^ ins.. 5.00 New York, Berlin, Paris axd London. 117 LEROLLE, HENRI. Paris, 1848. Res. Paris. Modern. 3524 SHEPHERDESS. (Dans la Campagne.) (Luxem- bourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12x1934 ins 6.00 LEROY, PAUL. Paris, i860.— Modern. 3525 Also 4248. BATHING GIRLS. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1534x14*^ ins 6.00 LEU, AUGUST WILHELM. Miinster, 1818.— Seelisberg, 1897. Modern. 2045 2046 '2 THE FARAGLIONI NEAR CAPRI. Photogravure, 14^x21^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 SUNSET NEAR CAPRI. For illustration see page 118. § ! Photogravure, 16x21 ins 6.00 ^ I Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 t Carbonphotograph : Folio 1.50 LEYDEN, LUKAS VAN. (Jacobz van Leyden.) Leyden, 1494— 1533. Dutch School. 3924 SELFPORTRAIT. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x5^ ins 1.50 5178 VIRGIN AND CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x6 ins 2.50 L'HERMITTE, LEON-AUGUSTIN. Mont St. Pere (Aisne), 1844 Res. Paris. Modern. 3526 PAY-DAY. (La Paye des Moissonneurs.) (Luxem- bourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19 ins 6.00 LIEVENSZ, JAN, the Elder. Leyden, 1607.— Amsterdam, 1672. Dutch School. 3945 ABRAHAM'S SACRIFICE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7Jix5 7 /8 his 1.50 LINGNER, OTTO. Kolberg, 1856. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2612 MAGDALEN AT THE CROSS. Photogravure, 19^x13^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4117 FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 LIPPI, FRA FILIPPO. Florence, 1412 ( ?).— Spoleta, 1469. Florentine School. 3257 THE ANNUNCIATION. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x1634 ins 5.00 5186 MADONNA ADORING THE CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 17^x15^4 ins. 5.00 LIPPISCH, FRANZ. Waldowstrenk, 1859. Res. Berlin. Modern. 455i INTO ETERNITY. Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 118 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. LEU, AUGUST W., No. 2046. Copyright, 1895, by Photographische Gesellschaft. LOMAX, JOHN A., No. 2485. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 119 LOMAX, JOHN A.— Born Didsbury, England. Modern. 2485 TO BRING THE ROSES BACK. For illustration see page 118. Photogravure, 13^x20 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2575 HOW THE OLD SQUIRE CAUGHT THE BIG JACK. For illustration see page 120. Photogravure, 9^x14^4 ins 3.50 " in first-class hand-coloring 7.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 12.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 LORRAIN, CLAUDE. (Claude Gellee, called.) 5136 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x13^4 ins.. 3.50 LOTTO, LORENZO. Treviso, 1480. (?)— Loretta, about 1554. Venetian School. 3628 THE VIRGIN WITH THE CHILD AND SAINTS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 145^x19^4 ins 5.00 5189 PORTRAIT OF AN ARCHITECT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 13^x10^ ins. 3.50 LOUYOT, E. La Lobe (near Metz) 1861. Res. Munich. Modern. 4560 THE LITTLE COOK. For illustration see page 120. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph : Folio... 1.50 LUCAS, MARIE SEYMOUR . England. Res. London. Modern. 2339 WE ARE BUT LITTLE CHILDREN WEAK. Photogravure, 10x16 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 LUCKX, CHRISTIAN. Antwerp, 1623.— Prague (?), after 1653. Flemish School. 3923 STILL LIFE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, sV^Vz ins 1.50 LUINI, BERNARDINO.— Luino (Lago Maggiore), 1460 (?). Was still living in 1530. Milanese School. 3064 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG LADY. (La Colombine.) (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 120. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins 5.00 3261 CHRIST DISPUTING WITH THE DOCTORS. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x15^ ins 5.00 5194 VIRGIN AND CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x8^ ins... 2.50 MACLISE, DANIEL. Cork (Ireland), 181 1.— London, 1870. Modern. 2841 PORTRAIT OF CHARLES DICKENS. Photogravure, 15^x12 ins 3.50 about 9x6 ins 1.50 120 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. MAC WHTRTER No. 4532. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 121 MACWHIRTER, JOHN, R.A. Collinton (Inglis Green), near Edinburgh, 1839. Res. London. Modern. 2633 OTIUM CUM DIGNITATE. Photogravure, 14x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 2675 THE WILD SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS. (Companion to Leader, No. 2425, and Farquharson, No. 2433.) Photogravure, 22x17^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 24.00 2881 GOLDEN LEAVES. Photogravure, 22^x17^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 24.00 4176 EDINBURGH: THE OLD TOWN. ) Companions . 4177 EDINBURGH: THE NEW TOWN. * P Photogravure, 20^2x14^2 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs (.So) each 18.00 4532 HOMEWARDS. (The End of the Day.) For illustra- tion see page 120. Photogravure, 21^x14^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 24.00 MADER, GEORG. Steinach, Tyrol, 1824.— Gastein, 1881. Modern. 1874 TRIO. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 MAES, NICOLAES (or Maas). Dordrecht, 1632.— Amsterdam, 1693. (Pupil of Rembrandt.) Dutch School. 3955 A SAGE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x5% ins 1.50 5195 OLD WOMAN PEELING APPLES. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9x8^4 ins.... 2.50 MAFFEI, GUIDO VON. Munich, 1838.— 4585 JANUARY. 4591 JULY. 4586 FEBRUARY. 4592 AUGUST. 4587 MARCH. 4593 SEPTEMBER. 4588 APRIL. 4594 OCTOBER. 4589 MAY. 4595 NOVEMBER. 4590 JUNE. 4596 DECEMBER. Facsimilegravure, 8^x10^ ins each 4.00 A Series of "Forest and Game" pictures, complete in Portfolio 40.00 MAGNUS, EDUARD. Berlin, 1799— 1872. Modern. 2924 JENNY LIND. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustra- tion see page 120. Photogravure, 15^x12^ ins 6.00 9x7^ ins 1.50 MAKART, HANS. Salzburg, 1840.— Vienna, 1884. Modern. 697 ABUNDANTIA. (Bounty of the Land.) Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 698 ABUNDANTIA. (Bounty of the Sea.) Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 MANNERS, WILLIAM. Born Bradford, England. Modern. 2896 FISHING IN THE HIGHLANDS. > Comoanions 2897 FISHING IN THE LOWLANDS. * P Photogravure, • 8x12 ins each 2.50 122 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MELOZZO DA FORLI No. 3864. MELOZZO DA FORLI No. 3865. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 123 MANTEGNA, ANDREA. Padua, 1431— 1506. Venetian School. 3258 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, AND THE MAGDALEN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x12^ ins 5.00 5197 PORTRAIT OF THE CARDINAL LUDOVICO MEZZAROTA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7^ ins... 2.50 5198 PRESENTATION OF CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x13^ ins. 3.50 MARGETSON, WILLIAM HENRY. England. Res. Blewbury, Berkshire. Modern. 4565 WHO STRAYS INTO LOVE'S DOMINION. For illustration see page 122. Photogravure, 11^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 18.00 MARINUS DE REYMERSWAELE. (See Reymerswaele.) MARR, CARL. Milwaukee, Wis., 1858. Res. Munich. Modern. 1217 AHASVER. (Metropolitan Museum, New York.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 MARSHALL. Res. New York. 4637 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Photogravure, 9^x7^4 ins 1.50 MASSYS (Matsys, or Metsys), QUENTIN. Antwerp, about 1460 — 1530. Flemish School. 5204 VIRGIN ENTHRONED WITH CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 16x10^ ins... 3.50 5206 THE LAMENTING HOLY MAGDALEN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7 ins 2.50 MASTER OF THE DEATH OF MARY, THE. Worked in Cologne from 1510 — 1530. School of Cologne. 3664 ALTAR WITH TWO WINGS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, wings each 14x4 ins.; centerpiece, 14x10% ins.; on one plate 5.00 5214 ALTAR WITH WINGS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14^x21^ ins. 5.00 MASTER OF FLEMALLE. Painted 1430— 1460. Dutch School. 5217 CHRIST ON THE CROSS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 16^x9^4 ins.. 3.50 MAX, GABRIEL. Prague, 1840. Res. Munich. Modern. 7 7 5 5 7 8 M™™- I C — ^ Photogravure, 17x14 ins.. each 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, each $4.50; Folio each 1.25 4493 THE VALE OF TEARS. For illustration see page 122. Photogravure, 13x1054 ins 3.50 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 124 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MEER, JAN VAN DER, VAN DELFT (or Vermeer). Delft, 1632— 1675 (?) Dutch School. 3967 GIRL WITH WINE GLASS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^8x65^ ins 1.50 5208 LADY WITH A PEARL NECKLACE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 13^x11 ins... 3.50 5209 LADY AND GENTLEMAN DRINKING WINE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x12^2 ins. 3.50 MEER, JAN VAN DER, VON HAARLEM (the Elder.) Haarlem, 1628— 1691. Dutch School. 3981 DUTCH LOWLAND SCENE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 MEISSONIER, JEAN LOUIS ERNEST. Lyons, 1815.— Paris, 1 891. 3527 NAPOLEON III. AT SOLFERINO. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, nxig T /> ins MELOZZO DA FORLI. (Melozzo degli Ambrossi.) Forli, 1438— 1494- 3864 ANGEL WITH VIOLA. (Rome.) 3865 ANGEL WITH MANDOLIN. (Rome.) For illustration see page 122. Photogravure, 19^x15^ ins MEMLING, HANS. Mayence (?).— -Bruges, 1494. Modern. 6.00 Florentine School. Companions. each 5.00 Flemish School. ■S3 '£ c H 0 ^ C O 3233 THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x17^ ins 3306 THE VIRGIN AND INFANT CHRIST EN- THRONED IN A GARDEN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1 134x8 ins 3658 MARY WITH THE CHILD. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x12^ ins 3659 f THE INSIDE OF THE WINGS OF THE FORE- GOING PICTURE, ST. JOHN THE BAP- TIST AND JOHN THE EVANGELIST. (Vienna Gallery.) 15^x10^4 ins. THE OUTSIDE OF THE WINGS: NICHES IN WHICH ADAM AND EVE ARE STANDING. 15^x374 ins. Photogravure on hand-made paper 5223 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x8 ins MENZEL, ADOLF VON. Breslau (Germany), 1815.— Berlin, 1905. 1 CONCERT AT THE COURT OF FREDERICK THE GREAT. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure, 22x31 J A ins 13^x19^4 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 5.00 3-50 5.00 5.00 2.50 Modern. 18.00 6.00 T-25 New York. Berlin, Paris and London. 125 MENZEL, ADOLF VON. — Continued. 1610 ROLLING MILL. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illus- tration see page 122. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 11^x18^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 3536 THE ROUND TABLE OF FREDERICK THE GREAT. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x15^4 ins 6.00 MESDAG, HENDRIK WILLEM. Groningen (Netherlands), 1831. — The Hague, 1902. Modern. 2182 r ON THE COAST NEAR SCHEVENINGEN AT «j FLOOD-TIDE. .2 Photogravure, 16x20 ins 6.00 S <^ Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2183 g j SUNRISE. ^ Photogravure, 16x20 ins 6.00 I Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2242 ^ r MORNING. § Photogravure, 20x16 ins 6.00 2243 g , RETURN OF THE FISHING BOATS. For g< * illustration see page 126. o Photogravure, 20x16 ins 6.00 u I Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 4188 AFTER THE STORM. For illustration see page 128. Photogravure, 14^x18^ ins 6.00 METSU, GABRIEL. Leyden, 1630.— Amsterdam, 1667. Dutch School. 3107 BREAKFAST. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x7^2 ins 2.50 3721 THE LACE MAKER. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x8^2 ins 2.50 3966 THE HOSTESS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x4^4 ins 1.50 5225 FAMILY OF THE MERCHANT GEELVINK. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x11^4 ins. 3.50 METSYS, QU. (See Massys.) MEULENER, PEETER. Antwerp, 1602—1654. Flemish School. 3920 BATTLE OF FLEURUS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5x7% ins 1.50 MEYER-BASEL, CH. Basel, i860. Res. Munich. Modern. 4030 ORIGINAL ETCHING (from the Collection "Seces- sion.") 4^x7 ins 1. 5 o MEYER VON BREMEN, JOHANN GEORG. Bremen, 1813. —Berlin, 1886. Modern. 163 BO-PEEP. Photogravure, 17x13 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 126 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1893, by Photographische Gesellschaft. MILLET, FEANK D., No. 2289. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 127 MEYER, VON BREMEN, J. G. — Continued. 661 j ( FIRST A KISS! § I Photogravure, 16^x12^2 ins 6.00 '5 ! Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1221 a j THE STUDY IN DANGER. o Photogravure, 17x13 ins 6.00 ^ v- Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1222 ^ f FIRST A KISS! § I Photogravure, 17x12 ins 6.00 'S ! Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1249 <| ^ HUSH! BABY, BROTHER'S ASLEEP! o Photogravure, 17x12 ins 6.00 u L Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1692 THE WOUNDED LAMB. ) r / CTT7C _. > Companions. 1693 SIESTA. > Photogravure, 16^2x12 ins each 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, each $4.50; Folio each 1.25 Album containing a selection of his best works, 15 Photographs in Folio size, in handsome Portfolio.... 10.00 MEYER, KUNZ. Mitau (Russia), 1859. Res. Munich. Modern. 4803 NARCISSUS. Barytoprint; Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph : Folio.. 1.50 MEYERHEIM, PAUL. Berlin, 1842.— Modern. 953 LIONS. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 4102 LIONS. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9x1134 ins 3.50 4104 GOOD FRIENDS. Photogravure on hand-made paper, n^xiyyl ins 6.00 MICHELANGELO, BUONAROTTI. Chiusi, near Arezzo, 1475- — Rome, 1564. Florentine School. 3262 THE MADONNA AND INFANT CHRIST, ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, AND ANGELS (un- finished). (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12x8^4 i ns 3-5° 3854 MOSES. For illustration see page 128. Photogravure, 34^x23^2 ins 15.00 MICHELANGELO AMERIGHI. (See Caravaggio.) MIEREVELT, PIETER. Delft, 1595— 1631 Dutch School. 3936 FAMILY GROUP. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7% ins 1.50 MIERIS, FRANS VAN (the Elder). Leyden, 1635— 1681. Dutch School. 3720 CAVALIER IN A STORE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins- (arch top) 5.00 MILLAIS, SIR JOHN. Southampton, 1829.— London, 1897. Modern. 2267 THE VALE OF REST. (Tate Gallery, London.) Photogravure, 17x25 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) . . 36.00 Photogravure, 12x20 ins 6.00 128 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. MILLET, FRANK D , No. 4570. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 129 MILLAIS, SIR JOHN. — Continued. 2784 SPEAK, SPEAK! (Tate Gallery, London.) Photogravure, 19x15 ins 6.00 Proofs before Letters on Japan (100) 24.00 Proofs before Letters on India (100) 18.00 2946 THOMAS CARLYLE. For illustration see page 128. Photogravure, 9iM$ x 7/4 i ns I -5° MILLET, FRANK D. Mattapoisett, Mass., 1846. Res. New York. Modern. 2289 A LOVE LETTER. For illustration see page 126. Photogravure, 12x20^ ins 6.00 in first class hand-coloring 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4501 WANDERING THOUGHTS. For illustration see page 130. Photogravure, 20x16 ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4570 THE BLACK SHEEP. For illustration see page 128. Photogravure, 14^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 18.00 MODERSOHN, OTTO. Soest, 1865. Res. Worpswede. Modern. 4436 THE MOOR. In preparation. MOLITOR, F. Res. Oberlahnstein. Modern. 2232 ^ r SACRED HEART. 3 Photogravure, 20x12 ins 6.00 'I J Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2287 I J SACRED HEART OF MARY. o Photogravure, 20x12 ins 6.00 n Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 MOLYN, PIETER, the Elder. Born London.— Haarlem, about 1661. Dutch School. 3973 SANDY HILL WITH GROUP OF TREES. (Bruns- wick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7 ins 1.50 MOMPER, JODOCUS DE (the Younger). Antwerp, 1564— 1634 (?) or 1635. Flemish School. 3906 THE SUMMER. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x73^ ins 1.50 MONET, CLAUDE. Paris, 1840. Res. Giverney. Modern. 3528 THE CHURCH AT VETHEUIL. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x10^4 ins 2.50 MONOGRAMMIST (the "Brunswick"). About 1550 to 1570. 3925 FEEDING THE POOR. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, SV^VA ins 1.50 MOORE, ALBERT. York, 1841.— London, 1892. Pre-Raphaelite School. 4545 READING ALOUD. (Tate Gallery, London.) For il- lustration see page 130. Photogravure, 15^x31 ins 15.00 Remarque Proofs on Japan (100) 36.00 130 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 131 MOORE, HENRY. York, England, 1831— 1B96. Modern. 2041 CLEARNESS AFTER RAIN. For illustration see page 130. Photogravure, 20x29^ ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) All sold Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial 5-00 MOREAU, ADRIEN. Troyes, 1843. Res. Paris. Modern. 4133 AU CABARET. Photogravure, 14^x19^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 MOREAU, GUSTAVE. Paris, 1826. Modern. 3529 Orpheus. (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i7*4xii^4 ins 6.00 MORETTO, ALESSANDRO (de Brescia), called Bonvicino. Born Rovato, near Brescia, 1499. Died about 1555. (See also Bonvicino.) Venetian School. 3286 PORTRAIT OF AN ITALIAN NOBLEMAN. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x14 ins 5. 00 3287 PORTRAIT OF AN ITALIAN NOBLEMAN. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x8 ins 5.00 3630 ST. JUSTINA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x13^4 ins 5-00 MORGAN, FREDERICK. Aylesbury, England. Res. London. Modern. 1826 A HEAVY LOAD. (Companion to No. 1906.) Photogravure, 21x14 i ns 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 18.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 1827 A GENTLE REMINDER. Photogravure, 10x12 ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1906 THE TIRED GLEANERS. (Companion to No. 1826.) Photogravure, 21x14 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) All sold Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 2146 WATCHING AND WAITING. Photogravure, 16x20 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2701 HIDE AND SEEK. Photogravure, I7}ix.g% ins.... , 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2888 OFF FOR THE HONEYMOON. For illustration see page 130. Photogravure, 28x19^ ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 36.00 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Carbonphotograph: Imperial 5.00 4262 SUNNY HOURS. Photogravure, 19^x13 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 18.00 132 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. •Copyright, 1903, by Photographische Gesellschaft. MULLER-KURZ WELLY, No. 4503. c Copyright. 1903, by Photogi aphische Gesellschaft. MULLER-KURZWELLY, No. 4504. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 133 MORO (or MOR VAN DASHORST), ANTONIS. Utrecht, 1512 (?). — Antwerp, between 1576 — 1578. Dutch School. 3238 PORTRAIT OF PEJERON, JESTER OF THE COUNT OF BENAVENTE. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18*4x9 ins 5.00 3239 MARY, QUEEN OF ENGLAND. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 132. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17*4x13 ins: 5.00 3240 JOHANNA OF AUSTRIA, DAUGHTER OF CHARLES V. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x9^ ins 5.00 3927 MAN WITH GLOVES. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x9 ins 1.50 MORONI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA. Albino, 1520.— Bergamo, 1572. Venetian School. 3288 THE PORTRAIT OF A TAILOR. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13*4 ins 5.00 3289 PORTRAIT OF AN ITALIAN NOBLEMAN. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, iSxg J / 2 ins 5.00 MOROT, AIME NICOLAS. Born Nancy, 1850. Res. Paris. Modern. 3530 , REZONVILLE (16 Aout, 1870.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x20^ ins 6.00 MOYAERT, CLAES (NICOLAS). Born about 1600. Died after 1659. Dutch School. 3938 THE CALLING OF MATTHEW. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x10^ ins 1.50 MULLER, CARL. Darmstadt, 1818.— Neuenahr, 1893. Modern. 304 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Companion to Nos. 1589 and ' 1698.) (Metropolitan Museum, New York.) For il- lustration see page 134. Photogravure, i6 l /> ins. (circle) 6.00 Photogravure, 9^ ins. (circle) 3.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 783 MADONNA OF THE GROTTO. Photogravure, 19x13 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1164 THE "IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. For illustration see page 136. Photogravure, 19x1514 ins 6.00 Photogravure, 12x9^4 ins 3.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1446 r ST. ANNE WITH INFANT MARY. co Facsimilegravure, 19x9 ins 15.00 ; Photogravure, 19x9 ins 6.00 £ . Photogravure, 14x6 ins 3.50 ^ 1 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio, 1.25 o Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 1447 U ST. JOSEPH WITH INFANT JESUS. In the same styles and sizes as No. 1446. 134 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MUNTHE, LUDWIG, No. 2178. New Yoke, Berlix, Paris and Loxdox. 135 MULLER, CARL.— Continued. 1589 THE HOLY NIGHT. (Companion to x\ T os. 304 and 1698.) Photogravure, 16^2 ins. (circle) 6.00 Photogravure, 9^4 ins. (circle) 3.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1. 50 1631 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. (Detail from No. 1164.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 1698 MARY AND ELIZABETH. (Companion to Nos. 304 and 1589-) Photogravure, 16% ins. (circle) 6.00 Photogravure, g z / 2 ins. (circle) 3. 50 Photograph: Extra. $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 1845 CHRIST AND THE DISCIPLES IN EMMAUS. 1846 r ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA AND ST. GER- « TRUDE. 1847 B i ST. ELIZABETH OF THURINGIA AND ST. £ VINCENT OF PAULA. (1846 and 1847— the v. outside wings for 1845.) Photograph: Normal, each $12.00; Imperial, each. 4.50 Photograph: Folio each 1.25 No. 1845, Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2437 MADONNA. (Oval; part of No. 783.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2447 MADONNA. (Round; part of No. 1589.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 MULLER, FRANZ. Dusseldorf, 1843. Modern. 1958 SACRED HEART OF JESUS. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2271 THE ANNUNCIATION. Photogravure, 19x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2275 ST. MARY. Photogravure, 19x14 ins 6.00 Photogravure, I3H*9M ins 3.50 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2810 ECCLESIA. (Tryptich.) (St. Remigius at Bonn.) (After the cartoon by Carl Miiller.) For illustration see page 138. (a) Centre. Photogravure, 33x16^ ins 18.00 Photograph: Imperial 4.50 (b) The Two Wings. Photogravure, 18^4x7^4 ins each 3.50 Photograph: Folio each 1.25 The three parts in photogravure, together 24.00 MULLER-KURZWELLY. Chemnitz. 1855. Res. Berl in. Modern. 4180 AFTER SUNDOWN. Photogravure, 10^x15*4 ins 3.50 4234 INTERIOR OF THE WOODS. For illustration see page 134. Photogravure, 13^x20 ins 6.00 136 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 137 2478 g o MULLER-KURZWELLY.— Continued. 4503 WINTER EVENING. For illustration see page 132. Photogravure, 20^x13^4 ins 6.00 4504 AN AUTUMN DAY. For illustration see page 132. Photogravure, 20^x13^ ins 6.00 MUNIER, EMILE. Paris, 1810— 1895. Modern. 2276 GOOD MORNING, MAMA. Photogravure, 20x15 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 MUNTHE, LUDWIG. Aaroen, near Bergen, Norway, 1841— 1896. Modern. 2178 (■ WINTER. (Landscape.) For illustration see page 134. Photogravure, 11x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio, 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 EVENING IN THE WOODS. Photogravure, 12x21 ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 MURILLO, BARTOLOME ESTEBAN. Seville, 1616— 1682. School of 119a THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. (Paris, Louvre.) Seville. For illustration see page 136. Photogravure, i2 I /4xS>% ins 3.50 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 189a ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA WITH TLIE CHRIST CHILD. (Detail of No. 155a.) (Berlin Gallery.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio, 1.50 3003 ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA WITH THE INFANT CHRIST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 24x29 ins 18.00 Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x19^4 his. 5.00 155a Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 3073 JACOB'S DREAM. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x20^4 his 5.00 3074 THE ANNUNCIATION. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^2x9^4 his 3.50 3075 ST. JOSEPH WITH THE CHILD JESUS. (Hermit- age, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x7% ins 2.50 3076 THE REPOSE IN EGYPT. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x19% his 5.00 3077 THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x6^ ins 2.50 3078 THE CRUCIFIXION. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x6^4 ins 2.50 138 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1899, by Photographische Gesellschaft. MULLER, FRANZ, No. 2810. V Copyright, 1892, by Photographische Gesellschaft. NAUJOK No. 2219. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 139 MURILLO, BARTOLOME ESTEBAN. — Continued. 3079 THE ASSUMPTION. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 142. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x14% ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 29x21^ ins 15.00 3080 THE VISION OF ANTHONY OF PADUA. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20^x13}^ ins 5.00 3219 HOLY FAMILY. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x18 ins 5.00 3220 ANNA THE PROPHETESS INSTRUCTING THE VIRGIN MARY. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14 ins 5.00 3221 REBECCA AND ELIEZER. (Prado^ Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x18 ins 5.00 3222 THE MADONNA WITH THE ROSE-GARLAND. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x12^ ins 5.00 3223 CHRIST ON THE CROSS. (Small picture.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^2x7^4 ins 2.50 3224 THE CRUCIFIXION. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x1 Ij4 ins 5-00 3225 THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. (Prado, Mad- rid.) For illustration see page 140. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x10^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 285^x15^ ins 12.00 3226 THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. (La Purisima.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x14 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 28^x19^4 ins 12.00 3227 THE IMMACULATE VIRGIN. (Bust.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i6^xi2j4 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 27^x20^ ins 12.00 3228 THE DIVINE SHEPHERD. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see 140. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14*4 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 27^x21% ins 15.00 3229 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST IN BOYHOOD. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14^4 ins 5.00 3230 CHRIST AND ST. JOHN. (Las ninos de la concha.) (Also called The Children of the Shell.) (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 142. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x17^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 22^x27^ ins 15.00 3300 THE HOLY FAMILY. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x13^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 28^x20^ ins 15.00 3301 ST. JOHN AND THE LAMB. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 140. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x11^ ins 5.00 140 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MURILLO No. 3652. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 141 MURILLO, BARTOLOME ESTEBAN. — Continued. 3302 A BOY DRINKING. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x7^4 ins 2.50 3366 THE INFANT CHRIST SLEEPING. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x1534 ins 3.50 3652 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST AS A CHILD. (Vienna Gal- lery.) For illustration see page 14°- Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13 ins 5.00 3873 ST. JOSEPH WITH THE CHILD CHRIST. (Hermit- age, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3874 BOY AND DOG. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3875 THE CHRIST CHILD WITH THE CROWN OF THORNS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3883 ANNUNCIATION. (Prado, Madrid.) Sepiaprint: Royal 3.00 3884 ECCE HOMO. (Prado, Madrid.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3885 MATER DOLOROSA. (Prado, Madrid.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 NATHUSIUS, SUSANNE VON. Born Koenigsborn, 1850. Res. Paris. Modern. 4581 EVENING PRAYER. Photogravure, 18^x15^ ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 NAUJOK, G. Born Goetzendorf, 1861. Res. Koenigsberg. Modern. 2219 ST. CECILIA. (Companion to No. 2661.) For illustra- tion see page 138. Photogravure, 20x15^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2438 ST. CECILIA. (Bust— Detail of No. 2219.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph : Royal, $3.00; Folio 1.50 2661 EUTERPE. (Companion to No. 2219.) Photogravure, 20x15^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2691 THE 'GUARDIAN ANGEL. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 " 2771 A CAROL. (Detail of Angels from No. 2661). For illustration see page 144. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 NEAL, DAVID. Lowell, Mass., 1837. Res. Munich. Modern. 778 MARY STUART AND RICCIO. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1473 OLIVER CROMWELL VISITING JOHN MILTON. Photogravure, 14^2x18^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 142 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MURILLO No. 3230. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 143 NEER, AERT VAN DER. Amsterdam, 1603— 1677. Dutch School. 3718 A DUTCH VILLAGE BY MOONLIGHT. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x16^ i ns 5-0O 3977 WINTER LANDSCAPE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^8x7^8 ins 1.50 5419 MOONLIGHT LANDSCAPE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x14^ ins. 3.50 NETSCHER, CASPAR. Heidelberg, 1639.— The Hague, 1684. Dutch School.. 3968 SHEPHERD AND SHEPHERDESS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x6^4 ins 1.50 NICZKY, EDUARD. Born Kassel, 1850. Res. Munich. Modern. 2811 THE JOYS OF SPRING. For illustration see page 144. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 18^2x30 ins 15.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 NIGHTINGALE, LEONARD C. England. Res. London. Modern. 2093 r A FORETASTE OF SUMMER. Photogravure, 10^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (100) All sold ^ Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 g Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 "5 Carbonphotograph : Folio 1.50 2277 I 1 A CORNER OF THE LAKE. Photogravure, 10^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100). 18.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 v Carbonphotograph: Folio 1. 50 2402 DAWN OF SUMMER. Photogravure, 13x29^ ins..., 12.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 30.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2621 UNDER THE BLOSSOM. Photogravure, 10x20^ ins.... 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (150) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 4083 SUNNY SPRING. Photogravure, 13x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 144 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1895, by Photographische Gesellschaft. NONNENB RUCH No. 2518. Copyright, 1900, by Photographiscne Gesellschaft OPPLER No. 4070. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 145 NONNENBRUCH, MAX. Born Viersen, 1857. Res. Munich. Modern. 2027 A GREEK SLAVE. For illustration see page 144. Photogravure, 21x12^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2396 CHRISTIAN GIRL PRAYING. Photogravure, 20^x12 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2518 IPHIGENIA. For illustration see page 144. Photogravure, 13^2x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2 ™° ^™ r G ' \ (Female figures.) Companions. 2751 EVENING. > Photogravure, 20^x12 ins each 6.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 2770 ^ r CAPRICE. g Photogravure, 19^2x12 ins 6.00 '3 j Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 4235 2. j HAPPINESS OF YOUTH. § Photogravure, 20x12^4 ins 6.00 ^ v Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 4236 DAUGHTER OF THE WINDS. Photogravure, 20^x12^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 OPPLER, ERNST. Born Hanover, 1867. Modern. 2360 AT THE PIANO. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 4070 MOONLIGHT SONATA. For illustration see page 144. Photogravure, 13x20^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 ORCHARDSON, WILLIAM QUILLER. Born Edinburgh, 1835. Res. London. Modern. 2721 HER MOTHER'S VOICE. (Tate Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 144. Photogravure, 19^x28^2 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (150) All sold Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 2833 IN THE CONSERVATORY. Photogravure, 14x934 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 2851 ON THE NORTH FORELAND. Photogravure, 12^x10^2 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 18.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 ORLEY, BERNAERT (or Barend) VAN. Brussels, 1490 (?)— 1542. Flemish School. 3665 DEATH OF THE APOSTLE THOMAS AND ELEC- TION OF ST. MATTHEW. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19^ ins 5.00 146 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. PAUWELS No. 2387. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. PEACOCK No. 4569. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft PEREZ No. 2695. Copyright,|]i897, by Photographische Gesellschaft PEREZ No. 2696. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 147 OST, JAN VAN. Seventeenth Century. 3876 DAVID WITH THE HEAD OF GOLIATH. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 OSTADE, ADRIAEN VAN. Haarlem, 1610— 1685. Dutch School. 3961 THE ANNUNCIATION. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7x5% ins 1.50 5421 PEASANT PARTY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8^x10^ ins.. 2.50 OVERBECK, FRITZ. Bremen, 1869. Res. Worpswede. Modern. 4361 SPRING. Facsimilegravure, 12^x2034 ins 15.00 PACZKA, FRANZ. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4800 TROUBLE. Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 PALLIK-BELA. Born Nagy Mihaly, 1845. Res. Nagy Karoly. Modern. 2274 IN MOTHER'S KEEPING. For illustration see page 146. Photogravure, 20x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 PALMA IL VECCHIO, GIACOMO. Serinalta, near Bergamo, 1840. — Venice, 1528. Venetian School. 3280 PORTRAIT OF A POET. (Ariosto.) (National Gal- lery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x10^2 ins 5.00 3609 LUCRETIA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13^$ ins 5.00 3610 THE VISITATION OF MARIA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x20^2 ins 5.00 3611 THE VIRGIN WITH THE CHILD, ADORED BY SAINTS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x20^ itis 5.00 3991 ADAM AND EVE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7^ ins 1.50 5238 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 13^x11^ ins. 3.50 PAPPERITZ, GEORG. Dresden, 1846. Res. Munich. Modern. 1579 MOTHER'S HAPPINESS. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1673 MADONNA. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2004 ROMEO AND JULIET. Photogravure, 20^x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2499 DIANA'S HUNT. Photogravure, 19^x29 ins 15.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 148 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. PARKER, SYBIL C. Born Clitheroe, England. Modern. 2334 SALVATOR MUNDI. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2335 THE GOOD SHEPHERD. For illustration see page 146. Photogravure, 14^x9^4 ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2524 THE DOOR OF THE FOLD. For illustration see page 146. Photogravure, 20^x13% ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 - Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 2601 GETHSEMANE. > 2602 THE INTERCESSOR. \ Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 2757 THE PRINCE OF PEACE. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2825 FIRST EASTER MORN. Photogravure, 20^x14 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.....'.... 2.00 4126 THE SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4562 FROM THE VALLEY OF THE SHADOW OF DEATH. Photogravure, 20^x13^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 PARMIGIANINO (Francesco Mazzola, called II). Parma, 1503— 1540. Lombard School. 3607 CUPID CARVING THE BOW. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x85^ ins 5.00 PARSONS, BEATRICE. England. Res., London. Modern. 2883 THE ANNUNCIATION. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4072 HAIL, MARY! Photogravure, 19^x12^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 PATER, JEAN-BAPTISTE-JOSEPH. Valenciennes, 1695 .—Paris, 1736. French School. 3390 BLIND MAN'S BUFF. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8^4x11 ins 2.50 3391 THE DANCE. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, ylAxii ins 2.50 3392 GIRLS BATHING. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8^x1 iins 2.50 3393 THE RUSTIC DANCE. (Fete Champetre.) (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^x8^4 ins 2.50 3394 THE FISHERMEN. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^2x8^4 ins 2.50 3395 THE RUSTIC FESTIVAL. (German Emperor collec- tion.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, ioM XI 5H ins 3-50 3396 THE FETE NEAR THE PARK WALL. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8x9^4 ins 2.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 149 PAUDISS, CHRISTOPH. Born Lower Saxony, about 1618. Died after 1669. Dutch School. 3717 A PEASANT IN A COTTAGE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13 ins 5.00 PAUWELS, FERDINAND. Eckeren, near Antwerp, 1830.— Dres- den, 1904. Modern. 2387 IF THOU SEEK ME WITH ALL THY HEART. (Christ consoling a dying soldier.) For illustration see page 146. Photogravure, 13^x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 PEACOCK, RALPH. England. Res. London. Modern. 2860 A DANCING LADY. (The Minuet.) Photogravure, 18^x10^ ins 6.00 4569 OUT OF THE EVERYWHERE INTO HERE (Baby.) For illustration see page 146. Photogravure, 11^x13^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on India (300) 12.00 PEREZ, ALONZO. Born Saragossa. Res. Paris. Modern. 2365 EN EXCURSION. (Spain.) Facsimilegravure, 14x10 ins 7.50 Photogravure, 14x10 ins 3.50 2366 L'ARRIVEE. (The arrival of the Coach.) Facsimilegravure, 10x14 ins 7.50 Photogravure, 10x14 ins 3.50 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2367 LA RENCONTRE. (The Meeting.) } } Companions. 2368 AU JARDIN. (In the Garden.) ) Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins each 2.50 2457 NOT FOR THE WORLD. > > Companions. 2458 MADAM IS OUT. ) Facsimilegravure, 7^4x6 ins each 5.00 2695 IN PLEASURE'S HALLS. (La Pavanne.) ) 2696 SURPRISED. > Companions. For illustration see page 146. ) Facsimilegravure, 9^x12 ins each 7.50 Photogravure, 9^x12 ins each 3.50 PERREY, LOUIS. Modern. 2060 [ PHOEBE. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 g Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 '£ . Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 2145 I ^ DIANA. o Same styles and sizes as No. 2060. U 2391 ■ STELLA. I Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 150 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. POTZELBERGER No. 2032. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 151 PERUGINO (IL), PIETRO VANNUCCI (called Citta della Pieve). Umbria, 1446—1524. Umbrian School. 3266 THE VIRGIN ADORING THE INFANT CHRIST. (Tryptich.) (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x18 ins 5.00 3267 MADONNA, ST. JEROME, AND ST. FRANCIS. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14^ ins 5.00 3601 THE VIRGIN WITH THE CHILD AND TWO SAINTS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x12^4 ins 5- 00 PESNE, ANTOINE. Paris 1683.— Berlin, 1757. French School. 5425 THE ARTIST AND HIS FAMILY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 123/2x10^ ins. PFANNSCHMIDT, CARL GOTTFRIED. Muhlhausen, Thu- ringia, 1819. — Berlin, 1887. 1772 SUFFER LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME. Photogravure, 14^2x10 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio PHILLIP, CAESAR. Berlin, 1859. Res. Berlin. 4579 PLAYMATES. For illustration see page 150. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph : Folio.. PILOTY, CARL VON. Munich, 1826.— Ambach, 1886. 495 WALLENSTEIN ON HIS WAY TO EGER. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio GIRONDISTS ON THEIR WAY TO THE GUILLO- TINE. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1 197 3-50 Modern. 3-50 2.00 Modern. 1.50 Modern. 1-25 1.25 PIOMBO, SEBASTIAN DEL (Sebastiano Luciani). Venice, 1485. — Rome, 1547. Venetian School. 5248 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG ROMAN LADY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19x15^ ins... 5.00 5426 CHRIST LAMENTED. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19x13^ ins... PLOCKHORST, BERNHARD. Brunswick, 1825. Res. Berlin. 2397 2545 Oh \ £ O U THE GOOD SAMARITAN. For illustration see page 150, Photogravure, 20^2x13^ ins Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio AT THE FOOT OF THE CROSS. (Companion also to Hofmann, No. 2037.) Photogravure, 20^x15^2 ins Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio. Barytoprint: Folio 5-00 Modern. 6.00 1.25 2.00 6.00 1.25 2.00 152 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. POTZELBERGER, ROBERT. Vienna, 1856. Res. Stuttgart. Modern. 2032 OLD SONGS. For illustration see page 150. Photogravure, 12^x20 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 ( 2033 HARMONY. (Girl at Piano.) For illustration see page 150. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2330 FAREWELL.' Photogravure, 15x19 ins 6.00 6x7^ ins 1.50 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 POTTER, PAULUS. Enkhuysen, 1625.— Amsterdam, 1654. Dutch School. 3108 THE FARMYARD. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7x10 ins 2.50 3109 WATCH DOG. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7*4x924 i ns 2 -5o 3367 LANDSCAPE. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x9^ ins 2.50 3866 A BULL. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 POURBUS, FRANZ, the Elder. Bruges, 1545.— Antwerp, 1581. Flemish 3904 MAN WITH GLASS. (Brunswick Gallery.) School. ' Photogravure, 9x6^ ins 1.50 POUSSIN, GUASPRE. See Dughet. POYNTER, SIR EDWARD J. Paris, 1836. Res. London. Modern. 2094 A VISIT TO AESCULAPIUS. (Tate Gallery, London.) Photogravure, 19x29 ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 48.00 Artist's Proofs on India (175) 36.00 Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 PRESCOTT-DAVIES, NORMAN. Born Isleworth (England). Modern. 2718 . , LOVE'S WHISPERS. For illustration see page 154. Oh \ Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 4491 o i LOVE'S WOOING. ^ ' Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 PRYNNE, EDWARD A. FELLOWES. England. Res. London. Modern. 2481 MAGNIFICAT. (Madonna and Child Surrounded by Angels.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2536 THE DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS. Photogravure, 15^x20*4 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (100) 36.00 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 24.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4-50 ; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2666 ANNUNCIATION. 2667 NATIVITY. 2668 ECCE HOMO. 2669. CRUCIFIXION. Photograph: Folio each 1.25 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 153 PUVIS DE CHAVANNES, PIERRE. Lyons, 1824.— Paris, 1898. Modern. 3531 THE POOR FISHERMAN. (Le pauvre Pecheur.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure, 13x16^ ins 6.00 PYNACKER, ADAM. Pynacker, near Delft, 1621.— Delft, 1673. Dutch School. 3978 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE WITH MULETEERS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x7^ ins 1.50 QUAST, PIETER. Painted 1632. Died The Hague, 1645 (or 1647.) Dutch School. 3960 GIN-SELLER AND OLD WOMAN. (Brunswick Gal- lery.) Photogravure, 6^x5^ ins 1.50 RAE, HENRIETTA. England. Modern. 2255 SPRING FLOWERS. (Head.) For illustration see page 154. Photogravure, 9x8 ins 2.50 Artist's Proofs 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4296 SPRING. ) ^ 4297 SUMMER. \ Companions. Photogravure, 20^x10^4 ins each 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) each 18.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 RAPHAEL (Raffaello Santi, called.) Urbino, 1483. — Rome, 1520. Roman School. 3000 THE SISTINE MADONNA. (Dresden Gallery.) For illustration see page 154. Photogravure, 35 x 25^ ins 18.00 Proofs before Letters (150) 36.00 Photogravure, 21^2x15^2 ins 5.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Carbonphotograph, 46x33^ ins 60.00 ia THE SAME (from a drawing). Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 3001 THE SISTINE MADONNA. (Mother and Child only.) (Bust; square.) (Dresden Gallery.) For illustration see page 154. Photogravure, 20^x15 ins 5.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 Carbonphotograph, 35x28 ins 18.00 " 27^2x20^ ins 12.00 61a THE SAME (from a drawing.) (Oval.) For illustration see page 156. Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 3859 THE ANGELS OF THE SISTINE MADONNA. (Dresden.) For illustration see page 156. Photogravure, 11^x20^4 ins. (Arch top.) 5.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 154 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. RAPHAEL No. 3001. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 155 RAPHAEL.— Continued. 65a THE SAME (from a drawing). Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 154a ST. CECILIA. (Bologna.) Photogravure, 18^x11^4 ins 5-00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4-5o; Folio 1.25 181a MADONNA DEL GRANDUCA. (Pitti, Florence.) For illustration see page 156. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 3065 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Generally known as "Ste. Famille et St. Joseph imberbe.") (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14 i ns 5-00 3066 THE HOLY VIRGIN WITH THE CHILD JESUS AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Madonna della Casa d'Alba.) (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^4 ins. (circle).. 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 24 ins. (circle) 12.00 3067 ST. GEORGE. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9x7 ins 2.50 3068 TRIPTYCH. THE CRUCIFIXION, WITH THE VIRGIN, ST. JOHN, MARY MAGDALEN AND JEROME. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x1734 ins 5.00 3069 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. (Known as "Madonna del Libro," or "Madonna della Casa Conestabile della Staffa.") (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6 1 /! ins. (circle).... 2.50 3146 THE MADONNA WITH THE FISH. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 158. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x15 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 28^x21^ ins 15.00 3147 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Known as "The Pearl.") (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x15 ins 5.00 .3148 HOLY FAMILY. (Called "del Lagarto.") (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x14^2 ins 5.00 3149 HOLY FAMILY. (Small picture.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7% ins 2.00 .3150 MADONNA. (Known as "The Virgin with the Rose.") (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x15 ins 5.00 3151 MARY AND ELIZABETH. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x1334 ins 5.00 3152 THE BEARING OF THE CROSS. (El Spasimo de Sicilia.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x14^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 28^x20^ ins 15.00 .3153 PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12*4x9*^ ins 3.50 156 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. RAPHAEL No. 3856. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 157 RAPHAEL.— Continued. 3268 ST. CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA. (National Gal- lery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x1334 ins 5.00 3269 THE VISION OF A KNIGHT. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^4x6^4 ins 2.50 3270 THE MADONNA, INFANT CHRIST, AND ST. JOHN. ("Aldobrandini.") (National Gallery, Lon- don.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12x10 ins 3-50 3271 THE VIRGIN AND CHILD ATTENDED BY ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST AND ST. NICHOLAS OF BARI. (Madonna degli Ansidei.) (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^1x12^ ins 5.00 3602 MADONNA WITH THE CHILD JESUS AND ST. JOHN. (Known as "The Madonna in the Meadow.") (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14 ins 5.00 3856 MADONNA DELLA SEDIA. (Madonna of the Chair.) (Pitti, Florence.) For illustration see page 156. Photogravure, 23^ ins. (circle) 12.00 Carbonphotograph, "22^4 ins. (circle) 12.00 116a THE SAME (from a drawing). Photogravure, 16 ins. (circle) 5.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 5256 VIRGIN WITH CHILD AND SAINTS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7^ ins... 2.50 5258 VIRGIN WITH CHILD AND LITTLE ST. JOHN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 16% ins. (circle) 5.00 5259 VIRGIN AND CHILD. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x13^ ins. 5.00 RAVESTEYN, JAN VAN. The Hague, 1572— 1657. Dutch School. 3934 LARGE FAMILY GROUP. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7x10^ ins 1.50 REMBRANDT (HARMENSZ VAN RYN). Leyden, 1607.— Am- sterdam, 1669. Dutch School. a PORTRAITS. 3006 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, S^i x 4 T A ins 2.50 3007 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 17x14 ins 5.00 3008 PORTRAIT OF THE WRITING MASTER COP- PENOL. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19x15 ins 5.00 158 BEELIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. REMBRANDT No. 3010. REMBRANDT No. 3017 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 159 REMBRANDT.— Continued. 3009 PORTRAIT OF THE POET, JAN HERMANSZ KRUL. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 18x1354 ins 5.0a 3010 PORTRAIT OF SASKIA. (Cassel Gallery.) For illus- tration see page 158. Photogravure on Japan paper, 19^x15^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 27^2x21^8 ins 15.00 3011 PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT IN HELMET. (Cassel Gallery.) PhotograAatre on Japan paper, 19x15^4 ins 5.00 3012 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG GIRL. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 13^2x11^ ins 3.50 3013 UNKNOWN PORTRAIT. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 20^x12 ins 5.00 3017 PORTRAIT OF NICOLAUS BRUYNINGH. . (Cassel Gallery.) For illustration see page 158. Photogravure on Japan paper, 18^x1554 ins 5.00 3018 A MAN IN ARMOR. (Known as "The Watch.") (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19^4x15*4 ins 5.00 3019 PORTRAIT OF AN ARCHITECT. (Cassel Gallery.) For illustration see page 160. Photogravure on Japan paper, 20x15 ins 5.00 3020 STUDY OF AN OLD MAN. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 5^x4^ ins 2.50 3021 STUDY-HEAD. (Cassel , Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 5^x4^4 ins 2.50 3023 PORTRAIT OF HIMSEIF (with velvet cap). (Berlin Gallery.) For illustration see page 160. Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 1734x14^4 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, about 28x23 ins 15.00 3024 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF (with feather cap). (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 18^2x15 ins 5.00 3027 YOUNG WOMAN AT THE WINDOW. (Portrait of Hendrickje Stoffels.) (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 18^2x14 ins 5.00 3033 STUDY OF AN OLD MAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, i6^4xii^4 ins 5.00 3038 PORTRAIT OF A RABBI. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 19^x14^ ins 5.00 3040 THE ARTIST'S WIFE, SASKIA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 17^x13^ ins 5.00 3041 THE MAN WITH THE GOLDEN HELMET. (Rem- brandt's Brother.) (Berlin Gallery.) For illustration see page 162. ' Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 19^x1514 ins 5.00 160 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. REMBRANDT No. 3121. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 161 REMBRANDT. — Continued. 3042 PORTRAIT OF SASKIA. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, i64 x i3^2 ins 5.00 3043 PORTRAIT OF WILLEM BURGGRAEFF. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 18*4x1334 ins. (oval)... 5.00 3045 REMBRANDT WITH SASKIA ON HIS LAP. (Dres- den Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19x15^ ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, about 27^x22% ins 15.00 3048 PORTRAIT OF SASKIA HOLDING A FLOWER IN HER HAND. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 1734x1434 ins '. 5.00 3051 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN IN MILITARY COSTUME. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 16^x14 ins 5.00 3053 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN WITH A WHITE BEARD. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 1834x14*4 ins 5.00 3054 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH FUR CAP. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 17^x12 ins 5.00 3055 PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 16^x12^4 ins 5.00 3056 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH PEARLS ON HIS HAT. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 16^2x1334 ins 5.00 3057 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN WITH A CANE. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 1734x1434 ins 5.00 3058 THE CONSTABLE OF BOURBON. (Berlin. Thiem Collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17V4X14 ins 5.00 3118 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD WOMAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Gallery Number, 805.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins 5.00 3119 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD WOMAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Gallery Number, 806.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^2x934 ins 3.50 3120 PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT'S MOTHER. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg. Gallery Number, 807.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, n^xg^ ins 3.50 3121 SUPPOSED PORTRAIT OF COPPENOL. (Hermit- age, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 160. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x15 ins 5.00 3123 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. ("Sobieski.") (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, \ < &l/\x\2 l / 2 ins 5.00 3124 JEWISH BRIDE. (Saskia.) (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^-2x1434 ins 5.00 3125 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^4x13^ ins 5.00 REMBRANDT No. 3060. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 163 REMBRANDT. — Continued. 3126 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG WOMAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16x13^4 ins 5.00 3127 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Manasseh ben Israel.) (Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Gallery Number, 820.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x14 ins 5.00 3128 BUST PPRTRAIT OF A MAN. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg. Gallery Number, 821.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x9^ ins 3.50 3129 OLD WOMAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg. Gallery Number, 823.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x14 ins 5.00 3130 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^2x7^ ins 2.50 3132 PORTRAIT OF THE POET DE DECKER. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^ ins 3.50 3320 A JEWISH RABBI. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x12^ ins 5.00 3321 THE PAINTER'S OWN PORTRAIT AT AN AD- VANCED AGE. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x13]^ ins 5.00 3322 PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. (National Gallery, Lon- don.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x11^ ins 3.50 3323 A MAN'S PORTRAIT. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x14 ins 5.00 3324 HIS OWN PORTRAIT, WHEN AGED ABOUT 32. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 162. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 27 l /ix2ity& ins 15.00 3325 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY IN BLACK, WITH WHITE CAP AND RUFF. (National Gallery, Lon- don.) Photogravr ~>n hand-made paper, i5$4xi2 I /> ins. (Oval) 5.00 3327 A BURGOMASTER. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^ ins 5.00 3328 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD LADY. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^ ins 5.00 3368 PORTRAIT OF NICHOLAS BERGHEM, THE CEL- EBRATED DUTCH LANDSCAPE PAINTER. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 165^x14^2 ins 5.00 3369 PORTRAIT OF A MAN WITH A HAWK. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14^ ins 5.00 3370 PORTRAIT OF A LADY WITH A FAN. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x14^ ins 5.00 164 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. REMBRANDT No. 3110. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 165 REM B RAN DT.— Con tinu ed. 3371 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. (Wife of the Painter, Nicholas Berghem.) (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16x14 ins 5.00 3711 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x10^ ins 3.50 3713 ^ f PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Vienna Gallery.) g- J Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^ ins. 5.00 3714 5 ) PORTRAIT OF A WOMAN. (Vienna Gallery.) U L Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13^4 ins.. 5.00 3715 REMBRANDT'S MOTHER. (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 162. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14 ins. (Oval).. 5.00 3716 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13 ins 5.00 3877 A TURK. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 3878 PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3940 PORTRAIT OF AN UNKNOWN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x5^ ins 1.50 3941 PORTRAIT OF THE WIFE OF THE UNKNOWN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x5% ins 1.50 3944 FAMILY GROUP. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7%xio^ ins 1.50 5260 THE MENNONITE PREACHER, ANSLO. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14^x17^ ins. 5.00 b RELIGIOUS, BIBLICAL & MYTHOLOGICAL SCENES. 3014 HOLY FAMILY. (Known as the "Wood-Chopper.") (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 18^x12^% ins 5.00 3022 JACOB BLESSING THE SONS OF JOSEPH. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 15^x19^2 ins 5.00 3025 THE VISION OF DANIEL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 15^x18^ ins 5.00 3026 SAMSON THREATENING HIS FATHER-IN-LAW. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19^x15^4 ins 5.00 3028 MOSES BREAKING THE TABLETS OF THE LAW. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19^x15^ ins 5. 00 3029 JOSEPH ACCUSED BY THE WIFE OF POTIPHAR. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 19x14^ ins 5.00 3030 SUSANNA AND THE ELDERS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made or English etching paper, 14^x18 ins 5.00 166 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. REMBRANDT. — Continued. 3031 TOBIAH'S WIFE WITH THE KID. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 7x10 ins 2.50 3032 JACOB WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 18^x15^ ins 5.00 3034 THE PREACHING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 15^x19% ins 5.00 3035 JOSEPH'S DREAM. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 7^xioJ4 ins 2.50 3037 THE RAPE OF PROSERPINE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 16^x15^ ins 5.00 3039 A YOUNG WOMAN IN ARMOR. (Judith or Minerva.) (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 18x14^2 ins 5.00 3044 THE RAPE OF GANYMEDE. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19^x1454 ins 5.00 3046 THE MARRIAGE OF SAMSON. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 14^x20 ins 5.00 3049 MANOAH'S SACRIFICE. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 15^x18^2 ins 5.00 3052 THE ENTOMBMENT. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19x13^ ins 5.00 3060 DAVID PLAYING THE HARP TO SAUL. (Collec- tion of Dr .Bredius, of The Hague.) For illustration see page 162. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x18^ ins 5.00 3110 ABRAHAM ENTERTAINING THE THREE AN- GELS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustra- tion see page 164. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19 ins 5.00 3111 ABRAHAM'S SACRIFICE. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20^x14 ins 5.00 3112 JOSEPH'S BRETHREN SHOWING THE BLOODY COAT TO JACOB. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x16% ins * 5.00 3113 THE HOLY FAMILY. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^2x13^ ins 5.00 3114 PARABLE OF THE LORD OF THE VINEYARD. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^x9^ ins 2.50 3115 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x15 ins 5.00 3116 THE INCREDULITY OF ST. THOMAS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io^xioj^ ins 3.50 3117 DANAE. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x16% ins 5.00 3122 PALLAS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i6|4xi2>4 ins 5-0° New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 167 REMBRANDT. — Continued. 3133 THE MEETING OF DAVID AND ABSALOM. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13^ ms 5-0° 3253 ARTEMISIA. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x16^ ins 5.00 3315 CHRIST TAKEN DOWN FROM THE CROSS. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8x6^2 ins 2.50 3316 THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13^ ins 5.00 3317 THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS. (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x10^ ins.... 3. 50 3326 CHRIST BEFORE PILATE. (National Gallery, Lon- don.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io^x8^4 ins 2.50 3372 THE SALUTATION. (Maria and Elizabeth.) (Gros- venor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x13^4 ins 5.00 3942 CHRIST AND MAGDALEN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 654x7% ins 1.50 c LANDSCAPES & MISCELLANEOUS. 3015 WINTER SCENE. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 6^x8^4 ins 2.50 3016 THE RUIN. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 14x18^ ins 5.00 3036 THE MONEY-CHANGER. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 10x1354 ins 3.50 3047 HUNTSMAN WITH BITTERN. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 19x13^ ins 5.00 3050 AN OLD WOMAN WEIGHING MONEY. (Dresden Gallery.) Photogravure on Japan paper, 16^x1434 ins 5.00 3059 THE POLISH RIDER. (Tarnowski Collection, Krakau.) For illustration see page 164. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x18 ins 5.00 One of the pictures of Rembrandt that has not yet attained the popularity it deserves. It hangs in the private gallery of Count Tarnowski, of Krakau. The beauty of the subject, a strange, solitary horseman riding through a fantastical landscape at twilight, will appeal to every art lover. It is a typical Rembrandt, executed with the artist's usual ease and freedom of painting, and as the photogravure, the first reproduction of this canvas, has been pronounced one of the best reproductions of Old Masters ever made, it will be appreciated by all who desire to enlarge their collection of Rembrandt reproductions with a unique novelty. 3131 THE GIRL WITH A BROOM. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper 9^x734 ins 2.50 168 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 169 REMBRANDT. — Continued. 3318 A WOMAN BATHING. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x8^4 ins 2.50 3319 LANDSCAPE WITH FIGURES, REPRESENTING THE STORY OF TOBIAS AND THE ANGEL. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, Q^4 xl 5 ins 3-50 3712 BOY SINGING. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x10% ins 3.50 3943 LANDSCAPE WITH STORM. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5 7 /$x&/4 ins RENI, GUIDO. Bologna, 1575— 1642. Bolognese School. 20a ECCE HOMO. (Dresden.) Photogravure, 16x13 ins 5-00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 114a MATER DOLOROSA. (Berlin.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 117a AURORA. (Rospigliosi Palace, Rome.) For illustra- tion see page 168. Facsimilegravure, 14^x35^2 ins 30.00 Photogravure, 14^2x35^ ins 12.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph, 19^x48^2 ins 40.00 137a PORTRAIT OF BEATRICE CENCI. (Barberini, Rome.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 3293 THE "ECCE HOMO." (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x10 ins. (oval).. 3.50 3893 CHRIST AND ST. JOHN AS CHILDREN. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3993 KEPHALOS AND PROKRIS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x9^3 ins 1.50 5263 THE HERMITS PAUL AND ANTHONY IN THE WILDERNESS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^4x10^ ins. 3.50 REPIN, ILIA J. Tschugujew (Russia), 1844. Res. St. Petersburg. Modern. 4214 LEO TOLSTOI. For illustration see page 168. Photogravure, 20^2x7 ins 6.00 Prints before Letters on Japanese hand-made paper, and signed by the Artist 18.00 (Only a very few copies left.) 4301 LEO TOLSTOI. (Bust; detail of No. 4214.) For illustration see page 168. Photogravure, 10x7^ ins 1.50 REYMERSWAELE (or Romerswale), MARINUS VAN (or Marinus de Zecuw). About 1500 — 1560. Flemish School. 5205 ST. JEROME IN HIS CELL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8x7^ ins 2.5a 170 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. REYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Plympton, 1723.— London, 1792. 118a ANGELS' HEADS. (Called "The Cherub Choir.") (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 168. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 187a f INFANT SAMUEL. (National Gallery, London.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio THE AGE OF INNOCENCE. (National Gallery, London.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio .2 188a « -< a. 3005 2773 3373 2842 English School. 1. 25 4.50 1.25 2.00 1.50 1.25 2.00 1.50 THE DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE. (Georgi- ana Spencer.) (Devonshire Collection, Lon- don.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 21^x27 ins Remarque Proofs on Japan (150) Remarque Proofs on India (150) 3340 THE GRACES DECORATING A TERMINAL FIG- URE OF HYMEN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x18 ins 3341 PORTRAITS OF TWO GENTLEMEN. (National Gal- lery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x14 ins 3342 THE SNAKE IN THE GRASS, OR LOVE UNBIND- ING THE ZONE OF BEAUTY. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x10^4 ins 3343 PORTRAIT OF LADY COCKBURN AND HER CHILDREN. (Collection of Alfred Beit, Esq., London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i7 l Ayii3 3 A ins MRS. SIDDONS AS "THE TRAGIC MUSE." (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x12^ ins Remarque Proofs (200) 3894 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Royal REYNOLDS, STEPHENS W. England. Res. London. 2196 SUMMER. (Royal Academy, London.) Photogravure, 15x29 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio RIBERA, JOSE DE (called "Lo Spagnoletto"). Jativa, near Valencia, 1588— 1656. School of 3081 PROCOPIUS, KING OF BOHEMIA. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, g T A^7 l A ins 15-00 All sold All sold 5.00 5-oo 3.50 5-oo 5 00 24.00 3-oo Modern. 12.00 1.25 2.00 Valencia. 2.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 171 RIBERA, JOSE DE. — Continued. 3180 JACOB'S DREAM. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19^ ins.... 3642 CHRIST BEARING THE CROSS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14x19^ ins 3886 SYBIL. (Prado, Madrid.) Sepiaprint: Folio 3996 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x6^4 ins 7190 MATER DOLOROSA. (Cassel Gallery.) Photogravure, 17 5 A X1 3 3 A ms 5264 ST. SEBASTIAN. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^x14 ins.. RICCI, ARTURO. Born Florence, 1854. 2371 2539 2594 2720 3 < £ o U re a £ o U f A TUSCAN WEDDING. Photogravure, 19^x29^ ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio THE GOLDEN WEDDING. (Original in New York; private collection.) Photogravure, 19^x29 ins v Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio f BLIND MAN'S BUFF. (Companions also to Nos. 2815, 2903 and 4149.) Photogravure, 19x29 ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio FORFEITS. (La Main Chaude.) Photogravure, 17^4x26^ ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio ^ Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 2815 CAT AND MOUSE. (Companion to Nos. 2903 and 2594.) Photogravure, 19x25^ ins Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio Barytoprint: Folio 2845 RETURN FROM THE BAPTISM. Photogravure, 19^x29^ ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2903 f PLEASURES OF GAME. Photogravure, 18^2x26 ins Photograph: Folio, $125; Barytoprint: Folio.... PLAYING "OLD MAID." ("Black Peter.") (Com- panion also to Nos. 2594 and 2815.) Photogravure, 18^2x26 ins Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio.... RICHTER, GUSTAV. Berlin, 1823— 1884. 26 NEAPOLITAN BOY. Photogravure, 16^2x11^ ins Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... Barytoprint: Folio 427 BUILDING THE PYRAMIDS. (Maximilaneum, Mun- ich.) For illustration see page 172. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio Sepiaprint: Imperial 5-oo 5-oo 1.50 1.50 S-oo S.00 Modern. 12.00 1.25 12.00 1.25 12.00 1.25 1.50 12.00 1-25 1.50 12.00 1.25 2.00 12.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 Modern. 6.00 1.25 2.00 1.25 4.50 172 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. RICHTER, G., No. 1171. Copyright, 1898, by Photographische Gesellschaft. RIVIERE, BRITON, No. 2791. New York, Berlin. Paris and London. 173 RICHTER, GUSTAV.— Continued. 856 JAIRUS 5 DAUGHTER. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 1171 QUEEN LOUISE. (Cologne.) For illustration see page 172. Facsimilegravure, 19^x12 ins 15.00 Photogravure, 34x21 ins 18.00 Photogravure, 19^4x12 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial 4.50 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph : Imperial 5.00 1561 STUDY-HEAD FOR QUEEN LOUISE. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1646 QUEEN LOUISE. (Bust; oval.) Photograph: Imperial 4.50 2960 GIACOMO MEYERBEER. For illustration see page 172. Photogravure 1.50 Album containing a selection of his best works; 21 pho- tographs in folio size, in leather portfolio 12.00 Portrait album, containing 26 photographs in portfolio... 15.00 RIGAUD, HYACINTHE. Perpignan, 1659.— Paris, 1743. French School. 3999 PORTRAIT OF THE DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7 7 /s^5 7 /s ins 1.50 RITTER, CASPAR. Esslmgen, 1861. Res. Karlsruhe. Modern. 2647 MORNING. (Nude.) Photogravure, 9M XI 9M ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4113 CARMEN. For illustration see page 172. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 18^x9^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 RITZBERGER, A. Pfaffstaedt (Austria), 1853- Res. Linz. Modern. 4548 SLEEPING NYMPH. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; . Carbonphotograph : Folio.... 1.50 RIVIERE, BRITON, R.A. London, 1840. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2423 THE EMPTY GHAIR. For illustration see page 172. Photogravure, 14x20^2 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) all sold Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint : Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2791 A BLOCKADE RUNNER. (Tate Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 172. Photogravure, 17^x1254 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) all sold 2890 WILL HE COME? (Fox Terrier.) Photogravure, 12x8 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (150) all sold 4071 REGRETS. Photogravure, 11^x9^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (150) all sold 4550 THE MAGICIAN'S DOORWAY. For illustration see page 174. Photogravure, 19^x29^ ins 15.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 36.00 174 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. RIVIERE, BRITON, No. 4550. Copyright, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. Copyright, 1895, by Photographische Gesellschai ROEDIG No. 2411. ROEDIG No. 2513. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 175 RIVIERE, HUGH. Modern. 4314 AT IFFLEY. Photogravure, 11^x20^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (100) 18.00 ROKES, HENDRIK MARTENS. Called Sorgh. Born Rotterdam, 1670. Dutch School. 3964 THE TOILERS IN THE VINTAGE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 ROEBER, FRITZ. Elberfeld, 1851. Res. Dusseldorf. Modern. 2209 THE HOLY NIGHT. Photogravure, 21x15 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2554 AND ANGELS TAUGHT HIM. For illustration see page 174. Photogravure, 15^x18^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 ROEDIG, MORITZ. Dresden, 1844. Modern. 2351 BEETHOVEN. (Full figure.) (Companion to No. 2411.) Photogravure, i9 3 A^ l 5 3 A ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2352 BEETHOVEN. (Bust.) (Companion to No. 2412.) Photogravure, 17^x13^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2411 MOZART. (Full picture.) (Companion to No. 2351.) For illustration see page 174. Photogravure, 20x16 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2412 MOZART. (Bust.) (Companion to No. 2352.) Photogravure, 17^x13^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2513 f SCHILLER. For illustration see page 174. (Half £ j length.) 2514 6 GOETHE. (Half length.) <3 1 Photogravure, 19^x15^ ins each 6.00 ( Photograph: Imperial, each $4.50; Folio, each 1.25 ROHLING, CARL. Berlin, 1849. Modern. 4132 r FELIX MENDELSSOHN PLAYING BEFORE QUEEN VICTORIA. 1842. Photogravure, 17^x13 ins 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4 i 40 BEETHOVEN AND GOETHE IN TEPLITZ, 1811. Photogravure, 17^x13 ins 6.00 Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 ajaj FREDERICK THE GREAT AND SEBASTIAN BACH. j2 Photogravure, 17^x13 ins 6.00 .2 Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 4231 § < MOZART AND ALOYSIA WEBER. Photo gravure, 17^x13 ins 6.00 o Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 4264 ° HAYDN CROSSING THE CHANNEL. Photogravure, 175^x13 ins 6.00 Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 4362 MARIE ANTOINETTE AND GLUCK. Photogravure, 17^x13^ ins 6.00 Photogravure, 10x7^4 ins 1.50 4442 SCHUBERT AND HIS FRIENDS. Photogravure, 17^x13 ins 6.00 Photogravure, 10^x7^ ins 1.50 4492 LISZT AND RICHARD WAGNER. Photogravure, 18^x13}^ ins 6.00 176 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. ROSSETTI No. 2700. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 177 ROESSLER, ADALBERT VON. Wiesbaden, 1853- Res. Berlin. Modern. 2508 SAFE. (An episode from the Franco-German War.) Photogravure, 9M XI 3 i ns 3-50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 ROESSLER, RUDOLF. Modern. 4334 SONG. > r 4335 DANCE. [ Companions. Photogravure, 21^x7 ins each 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio each 2.00 ROLL, ALFRED PHILIPPE. Paris, 1847. Res. Paris. Modern. 3532 ON THE FARM. (La Fermiere.) (Luxembourg, Paris.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x10 ins 3.50 ROMNEY, GEORGE. Dalton, 1734.— Kendal, 1802. English School. 3344 THE PARSON'S DAUGHTER. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 174. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11 ins. (circle).... 3.50 3345 MRS. CURRIE. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^2x14 ins 5.00 3895 LADY HAMILTON AS A BACCHANTE. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 ROSENTHAL, TOBY EDWARD. New Haven, Ct, 1848. Res. Munich. Modern. 664 ELAINE. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 671 ALONE EXCLUDED FROM SPRING. (From poem by Lenau.) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Royal, 3.00 740 MORNING PRAYERS IN THE FAMILY OF SE- BASTIAN BACH. (Companion to Kaulbach, No. 490.) Photogravure, 23x34^ ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2692 THE CARDINAL'S PORTRAIT. For illustration see page 176. Photogravure, 15^2x19^ ins 6.00 Photogravure in first-class hand-coloring 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIELE. London, 1828.— Birchington- on-Sea, 1882. Pre-Raphaelite School. 2700 DANTE'S DREAM. (Companion to Holiday, No. 4310.) (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.) For illustration see page 176. Photogravure, 19^x28^4 i n s 15.00 Proofs on Japan (150) all sold Proofs on India (150) all sold Barytoprint: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 Dante, the great Florentine poet, according to his own description, had a vision of the death of the beloved Beatrice, at the moment when she ac- tually died, June 9, 1290. This was embodied by the great English Pre-Raphaelite by giving the dream actual form. Platonic love, such as Dante bore for Beatrice, leads the poet to the death couch of Beatrice where she rests, her arms crossed, under a baldachine held over her pros- trate form by two angel-like female forms, such as only Rossetti could draw. The picture is world-famous, and one of the gems of the Walker Art Gallery at Liverpool. 178 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. RYLAND No. 4476. ROSSETTI No. 2772. RUBENS .No. 3087. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 179 ROSETTI, D. G. — Continued. 2772 THE BLESSED DAMOZEL. For illustration see page 178. Photogravure, 28^x15^ ins 15.00 Proofs on Japan (150) 36.00 Proofs on India (150) 30.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 A masterly illustration to a masterly poem, written by the painter himself. The upper part of the picture shows us the embodiment of the blessed damozel, who, as we read in the poem, "leaned out of the gold bar of heaven" with a mournful expression, as if she longed back to the pleasures of this earth. The lower panel serves a sort of commentary to this most beautiful of all of Rossetti's female visions. Here lies in sorrow- ful rest the lover she has left behind, a lonely grieving wanderer, who sees in his waking dream the sad face of his beloved one at the gate of Paradise guarded by two beautiful cherubs with palm leaves in their hands. 2794 DAY DREAMS. Photogravure, 20^x11^4 ins 6.00 Proofs on Japan (50) all sold Proofs on India (50) all sold 2795 PROSERPINE. Photogravure, 20x9^ ins 6.00 Proofs on Japan (100) 24.00 Proofs on India (100) 18.00 2962 FORD MADOX BROWN. Photogravure, 6^x4^4 ins 1.50 4241 JOLI COEUR. Photogravure, 11^x9 ins 3.50 Proofs on India (100) 18.00 ROYER, LIONEL. Chateau-du-Loir (Sarthe), 1852. Res. Paris. Modern. 2505 THE TRIUMPH OF VENUS. Photogravure, 21x10^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 2616 L'EMPEREUR. (Napoleon I.) Photogravure, 95^x11^ ins 3.50 ROZYNSKI, KURT VON. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4807 TRISTAN AND ISOLDE. Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 RUBENS, PETER PAUL. Siegen (Duchy of Nassau), 1577.— Ant- werp, 1640. Flemish School. a PORTRAITS. 3091 HELEN FOURMENT, SECOND WIFE OF RUBENS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20*4*9/4 ins 5.00 3092 LADY OF CHAMBER TO THE ARCHDUCHESS ISABELLA. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7*4 ins 2.50 3313 PORTRAIT (known as the "Chapeau de Paille"). (Na- tional Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x11^4 ins 5.00 180 BEELIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. RUBENS, PETER PAUL. — Continued. 3682 HELEN FOURMENT, THE SECOND WIFE OF THE ARTIST. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19*4x10^ ins. 5.00 3684 EMPEROR MAXIMILIAN I. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x12% ins 5.00 3689 PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF, AGED ABOUT 60. (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 182. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14 ins 5.00 3693 ISABELLA, FIRST CONSORT OF PHILIP IV. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x9^ ins 3.50 3908 PORTRAIT OF MARCHESE AMBROGIO SPINOLA. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 9^x6^4 ins 1.50 3909 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 9^x6^2 ins 1. 50 5271 PORTRAIT OF A CHILD OF THE ARTIST. (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7^4 ins... 2.50 5289 PORTRAIT OF ISABELLA BRANT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 14^x10^ ins.. 3.50 b RELIGIOUS, BIBLICAL & MYTHOLOGICAL SCENES. 3086 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x8 ins 2.50 3087 JESUS AND SIMEON. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 178. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14x19 ins 5.00 3088 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19^x13 ins 5.00 3089 VENUS AND ADONIS. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x16 ins 5.00 3090 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x20^ ins " 5.00 3094 MADONNA AND CHILD. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io*4*7/^ ins 2.50 3241 THE BRAZEN SERPENT. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, i5%xi7 T A ins -5-00 3243 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1914x1 1/^ ins 5.00 3244 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x19^ ins 5.00 3245 NYMPHS PURSUED BY SATYRS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8^x20^ ins:.... 5.00 3246 THE GODDESS FORTUNE. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x9 ins 5-00 3247 KRONOS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^4x8^4 ins S- 00 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 181 RUBENS, PETER PAUL. — Continued. 3310 THE ABDUCTION OF THE SABINE WOMEN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13x18 ins 5.00 3312 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14*4x19*4 ins.... 5.00 3374 THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x6^4 ins 2.50 3683 THE FEAST OF VENUS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x20^2 ins 5.00 3685 VOTIVE PICTURE OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ILDEFONSO. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, each wing, I4^x 4^2 ins.; centerpiece, 14^x10 ins. On one plate 5.00 3686 CHRIST-CHILD WITH ST. JOHN AND TWO CHILDREN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x19^4 ins 5-00 3688 THE FOUR PARTS OF THE GLOBE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 149^x19^4 ins 5-00 3690 THE ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^2x12^ ins. (arch top) 5.00 3692 THE HOLY FAMILY UNDER AN APPLE-TREE. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20^x13^ ins 5.00 3910 JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 9^4x8^ ins 1. 50 5272 DIANA'S CHASE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 7^x21 ins... 5.00 5275 ANDROMEDA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x9^4 ins... 5.00 5277 ST. CECILIA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 18^4x14^4 ins. 5. 00 5278 THE RESURRECTION OF LAZARUS. (Berlin Gal- lery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x14^ ins. 5.00 5279 PERSEUS AND ANDROMEDA. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, I3^4xi87/g ins. 5. 00 5286 THE INFANT CHRIST WITH INFANT JOHN AND ANGELS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x19^8 ins. 5.00 5287 THE CONVERSION OF PAUL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 143/^x20% ins. 5.00 5288 DIANA AND NYMPHS SURPRISED BY SATYRS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, i/i.^xi9^ins . . 5.00 Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft. SADLER No. 2395. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 183 RUBENS, PETER PAUL. — Continued c MISCELLANEOUS. 3093 PASTORAL SCENE. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x13^ ins 5.00 3242 THE GARDEN OF LOVE. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^2x19^ ins 5.00 3248 PEASANTS DANCING. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11^x17 ins 5.00 3311 A LANDSCAPE, AUTUMN, WITH A VIEW OF THE CHATEAU DE STEIN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io^xi8j4 ins 5.00 3687 BISHOP AMBROSIUS REFUSES EMPEROR THE- ODOSIUS TO ENTER THE CHURCH. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 20x13^4 ins 5.00 3691 LANDSCAPE IN A STORM. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper 13^x18^ ins 5.00 3896 CUPIDS. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 5274 BACCHANAL. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15x18^ ins... 5.00 RUYSDAEL (or Ruisdael) JACOB VAN. Haarlem, 1628 or 1629 — 1682. Dutch School. 3134 A MORASS IN THE MIDDLE OF A FOREST. (Her- mitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 182. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x13 ins 3.50 3135 LANDSCAPE. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^x9^ ins 2.50 3136 NORWEGIAN LANDSCAPE. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x13 ins 3.50 3137 A VIEW NEAR GRONINGEN. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x9^ ins 2.50 3879 LANDSCAPE WITH POOL. (Hermitage, St. Peters- burg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 3897 LANDSCAPE WITH CASCADE. (National Gallery, London.) Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 3982 WOODED MOUNTAIN LANDSCAPE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7x9 ins 1.50 3983 FALL WITH MOUNTAIN CASTLE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x6^ ins 1.50 3984 WATERFALL AND WATCHTOWER. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x634 ins 1.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 185 RUYSDAEL, JACOB VAN. — Continued. 5290 ANGRY SEA WITH RISING STORM. (Berlin Gal- lery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, i3M XI 9? / 8 ins. 5.00 5291 VIEW OF HAARLEM FROM THE BEACH. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8x10 ins 2.50 5292 VIEW OF THE DAMPLACE IN AMSTERDAM. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8x10 ins 2.50 5295 OAKFOREST. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x19 ins... 5.00 RYLAND, HENRY. Res. London. Modern. 2446 NEAERA. ' Photogravure on toned etching paper, 13^x9 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (100) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint : Folio 2.00 2574 RUTH. (Companion to No. 4476.) For illustration see page 178. Facsimilegravure, 16x7^ ins 7.50 Photogravure on toned etching paper, 16x7^ ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs (100) 12.00 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph : Folio.. 1.50 4391 WILD HYACINTH. Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4449 SULAMITH. Photogravure, 15^x11 ins 3.50 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 4476 RACHEL. (Companion to No. 2574.) For illustration see page 178. Facsimilegravure, 155^x7^ ins 7.50 Photogravure on toned etching paper, IS 5 A^7 J A ins... 3.50 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Folio.... 1.50 SADLER, W. DENDY. Dorking, Surrey, 1854. Res. London. Modern. 2395 CHORUS. For illustration see page 182. Photogravure, 23*4x30 ins 15.00 " in first class hand-coloring 30.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (250) All sold 2484 A CURE FOR GOUT. For illustration see page 184. Photogravure, 13^x18^ ins 6.00 " in first class hand-coloring 12.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (200) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (200) 18.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1. 50 SANCHEZ. See Coello. 186 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. SCHMID, JULIUS, No. 4243. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 187 SARGENT, JOHN SINGER, R.A. Florence, 1856. Res. London. Modern. 4649 JOSEPH JOACHIM. (Presented on the occasion of his Diamond Jubilee, May 16th, 1904, Queen's Hall, London.) For illustration see page 184. Photogravure, 7x9 ins i-5° " 13x11 ins 3-50 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Artist's Proofs on hand-made Japanese paper (25) . 30.00 4684 MANUEL GARCIA. Artist's Proofs (signed by the artist and his sub- ject) (30 Japan) ($30.00) All sold SARTO, ANDREA DEL. Florence, 1487—1531. Florentine School. 3274 HIS OWN PORTRAIT. (National Gallery, London.) For illustration see page 184. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13 ins 5.00 3603 THE LAMENTATION OF THE SAVIOUR. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x18^ ins 5.00 3862 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST. (Pitti, Florence.) For il- lustration see page 184^ ! I C Photogravure, 20^x15^ ins 5.00 5299 VIRGIN ENTHRONED WITH CHILD AND SAINTS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19x15^ ins. . . . 5.00 SCHALCKEN, GODFRIED. Dordrecht, 1643.— The Hague, 1706. Dutch School. 3969 YOUNG MAN PLAYING WITH A MASK. (Bruns- wick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x3^ ins 1.50 SCHEEL, ERNST. Modern. 2557 AN ATTIC PHILOSOPHER. For illustration see page 184. Photogravure, 14^x17 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 SCHEFFER, ARY. Dordrecht, 1795-— Paris, 1858. Modern. 2963 FRANZ LISZT (as a youth). Photogravure, 9^x6^ ins 1.50 2980 FREDERIC CHOPIN. (By Stattler, after Scheffer's original.) Photogravure, 8^x6^ ins. (oval) 1.50 SCHERRES (CARL). Konigsberg, 1833. Res. Berlin. Modern. 859 INUNDATION. (National Gallery, Berlin.) Photogravure, 11^x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 SCHEURENBERG, JOSEF. Diisseldorf, 1846. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2640 MADONNA WITH THE ANGELS. Photogravure, 13x19^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2713 PLEASURES OF THE SEA. For illustration see page 184. Photogravure, 12x20 ins ■ 6.00 SCHMID, JULIUS. Vienna, 1854- Res. Vienna. Modern. 2527 CHARITY. For illustration see page 186. Photogravure, 20^x12^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 4243 BEETHOVEN. For illustration see page 186. Photogravure, 13^x20*^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 188 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. SCHMIDT, MAX. Berlin, 1818— 1901. Modern. 2724 INTERIOR OF THE WOODS. Photogravure, 16x22^ ins 6.00 SCHMITZBERGER, JOSEPH. Munich, 1851. Modern. 4387 AUTUMN GOLD. For illustration see page 186. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Facsimilegravure, 19^x15^ ins 15.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 SCHOBEL, G. Berlin, 1858.— 4517 THE GENERAL'S FAREWELL. Photogravure, 23^x31^ ins 18.00 Carbonphotograph: Imperial 5.00 SCHONLEBER, G. Bietigheim, 1851. Res. Karlsruhe. Modern. 4806 MAKING PORT. For illustration see page 186. Photogravure, 15^x19^ ins 6.00 SCHONGAUER, MARTIN. Colmar, 1450 (?)— 1488. German School. 5304 NATIVITY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 9^x7*4 ins.... 2.50 SCHOUBROCK, PEETER. — Frankenthal, Germany. Died before 1608. Seventeenth Century. 3914 SERMON OF ST. JOHN. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x7^ ins 1.50 SCHRADER, JULIUS. Berlin, 1815. — Lichterfelde, 1900. Modern. 734 CROMWELL IN WHITEHALL. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 SCHRAM, A.H. Vienna, 1864. Modern. 2902 SUNSET. (Figures of Girls by the Shore.) Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 SCHROEDTER, ADOLF. Schwedt on the Oder, 1805.— Karls- ruhe, 1875. Modern. 3534 DON QUIXOTE. (National Gallery, Berlin.) For il- lustration see page 190. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x8^ ins 2.50 SCHRYVER, LOUIS DE. Paris. Modern. 2826 SPRING. ^ 2827 SUMMER. I r ' > Companions. 2828 AUTUMN, f 2829 WINTER. 3 Photogravure, 18^2x11^ ins each 6.00 4137 AMONG THE ROSES. Photogravure, 13^x18^4 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 SCHUCH, WERNER. Hildesheim, 1843. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4174 FREDERICK THE GREAT. > 4175 EMPEROR WILLIAM II. \ Com Panions. Photogravure, 2i34xi2^- ins each 6.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Sepiaprint: Folio, each.. 1.50 SCHULTZE, CARL. Dusseldorf, 1856. ^ Modern. 1799 LANDSCAPE WITH MILL. (Eifel Mountains.) (Museum, Hanover.) For illustration see page 190. Photogravure, 14x21 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 189 SCHWIND, MORITZ VON. Vienna, 1804.— Munich, 1871. Modern. Beautiful Melusine. A Cyclus of eleven Photo- gravures on hand-made paper from the Original Water colors; and Reproductions of the Artist's Pictures in the Schack Gallery in Munich, also in Photogravures on hand-made paper. (Titles, prices and further particulars furnished on appli- cation.) SEECK, OTTO. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4802 EMPEROR WILLIAM II. Photogravure, 19^x13^ ins 6.00 SEIFERT, ALFRED. Horowitz (Bohemia), 1850.— Munich, 1901. Modern. 2502 THE ECHO. (Semi-nude.) Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2742 ROCK ROSES. Photogravure, 20^x11^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2758 ROSA. > ~ • / TT J X /J . > Companions. (Heads.) 2759 VIOLA. ) J Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio each 1.50 SHIELDS, FREDERICK J. England. Modern. 2436 THE ANNUNCIATION. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 SICHEL, NATHANIEL. Mayence, 1844. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2580 THE CALIPH'S DAUGHTER. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 SIEMIRADZKI, HENRI DE. Grodno, 1843.— Rome, 1904. Modern. 1142 THE LIVING TORCHES OF NERO. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1176 THE SWORD DANCE. Photogravure, 10x20 ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 1594 THE SONG OF THE SLAVE. Photogravure, 18x11 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 1957 PHRYNE AT ELEUSIS. Photogravure, 21x34^ ins 15.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Folio 1.25 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 2073 WOMAN OR VASE? Photogravure, 21x29 ins 15.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50: Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 2233 REPRESENTATION MIMIQUE OF THE JUDG- MENT OF PARIS. Photogravure, 13x29 ins 12.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 4068 ROMAN GIRLS PLAYING AT DICE. Photogravure, 12^x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio 1.25 190 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 191 SIGNORELLI, LUCA D'EDIGIO DI VENTURA. Cartona, 1441 — 1523. Florentine School. 5308 TWO PANELS FROM AN ALTAR. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 15^x16^ ins. 5.00 5309 PAN, GOD OF NATURE AND MASTER OF MUSIC, WITH COMPANIONS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching- paper, 11x1434 ins... 3.50 5311 PORTRAIT OF AN OLD MAN. Phtogravure on English etching paper, 10^x65^ ins... 2.50 SIGRISTE, G. Modern. 2550 NAPOLEON BEFORE THE BATTLE OF WAGRAM. Photogravure, 1434x2054 ins 6.00 SINKEL, HEINRICH JOHANN. Alruch in the Netherlands, 1835. Res. Diisseldorf. Modern. 1795 r INFANT CHRIST WITH THE FOURTH ' COMMANDMENT. (Other companions: It- . tenbach, Nos. 1436 and 1857.) For illustration g see page 190. '5 Photogravure, 8x9^ ins 2.50 a » Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 1806 I SANCTA MARIA VIRGO. (Other companions, u Ittenbach, Nos. 1436 and 1857.) Photogravure, 8x9^2 ins - 2.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio... 2.00 253c REGINA COELI. (Queen of Heaven.) Photogravure, 20^x11^ ins 6.00 14^x8^ ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 2547 THE NATIVITY OF CHRIST. Photogravure, 15x20^2 ins 6.00 Photograph: Normal, $12.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 4222 JESUS AT THE HOUSE OF MARY AND MARTHA. Photogravure, 15x1934 ins 6.00 9^x13 ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 4230 THE PROPHECY OF SIMEON. ("And Thine Own Soul a Sword Shall Pierce.") Photogravure, 19^x13^ ins 6.00 I324*9?4 ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio 1.25 SMITH-HALD, FRITHJOF. Christiansand (Norway), 1846.— Chi- cago, 1903. Modern. 2560 ^ f SUMMER EVENING. g Photogravure, 13^x20 ins 6.00 *S j Photograph: Folio 1.25 2561 a j RETURN OF THE FISHERMEN. I 1 Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 u t Photograph: Folio 1.25 SNYDERS, FRANS. Antwerp, 1579—1657. Flemish School. 3912 BOAR HUNT. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 6^x9^ ins 1.50 5432 COCK FIGHT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 8^x14^ ins... 3.50 192 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. STEFFECK No. 1682. STIELER No. 2917. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 193 SOLARIO, ANDREA. Milan (?), about 1458— 1530. Lombard School. 3275 PORTRAIT OF GIO. CRISTOFORO LONGONO. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x11 ins 5.00 SOLOMON, SOLOMON J. Southwark, i860. Res. London Modern. 2195 THE JUDGMENT OF PARIS. (Nude.) Photogravure, 25x17^ ins 12.00 Artist's Proofs (250) 24.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 SORGH. See Rokes. SPAGNALETTO. See Ribera. SPERLING, HEINRICH. Wattmannshagen, 1844. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2188 TASTE. S 2189 HEARING. 2190 SMELLING. } <4 ins 5.00 3195 DON BALTHAZAR CARLOS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x12^ ins 5.00 y 3196 PHILIP IV. IN HUNTING COSTUME. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x11 24 ms 5- 00 3197 INFANTE DON FERDINAND OF AUSTRIA IN HUNTING COSTUME. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x10^ ins .5.00 3198 DON BALTHAZAR CARLOS IN HUNTING COS- TUME. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^2x9^ ins 5.00 3199 BUST PORTRAIT OF PHILIP IV. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x8 ins 2.50 3200 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANTA MARIA OF HUN- GARY. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x7^ ins 2.50 3201 EQUESTRIAN PORTRAIT OF COUNT OLIVARES. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^2x12 ins 5.00 3202 IUANA PACHECO, WIFE OF VELASQUEZ. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 206. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^4 X 724 ins 2.50 3203 INFANTE DON CARLOS, SON OF PHILIP III. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x10^ ins 5.00 3204 PORTRAIT OF THE SCULPTOR MONTANEZ. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x13^ ins 5.00 3205 DON ANTONIO ALONZO PIMENTEL, COUNT OF BENAVENTE. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17x13^ ins 5.00 3295 PHILIP TV., KING OF SPAIN. (Bust.) (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x8^4 ins 2.50 3296 PORTRAIT OF PHILIP IV., KING OF SPAIN. (Full length.) (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x10 ins 5.00 3298 PORTRAIT OF THE SPANISH ADMIRAL, PULI- DO-PAREJA. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x10 ins 5.00 3643 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANT PHILIP PROSPER. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14 ins 5.00 3644 PORTRAIT OF PHILIP IV. OF SPAIN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x12^ ins 5.00 3646 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANTA MARIA THERESA. (3 — 4 years old.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13^ ins 5.00 210 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1896, by Photographische Gesellschaft. VINEA No. 2604. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 211 VELASQUEZ, DON DIEGO. — Continued. 3647 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANT DON BALTHAZAR CARLOS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x14 ins 5.00 3648 PORTRAIT OF THE ARCHDUCHESS MARIANNA. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x13^ ins 5.00 3649 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANTA MARIA THERESA. (4 — 5 years old.) (Vienna Gallery.) For illustration see page 206. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x13% ins 5.00 3650 PORTRAIT OF THE INFANTA MARIA THERESA. (About 12 years old.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, iyY%^\2> z A ins 5-00 3651 PORTRAIT OF QUEEN ISABELLA OF SPAIN. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x14^8 ins 5.00 3880 POPE INNOCENT X. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 5343 PORTRAIT OF ALESSANDRO DEL BORRO. (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x11^2 ins. 5.00 5346 FEMALE PORTRAIT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 19^x16 ins... 5.00 b RELIGIOUS, BIBLICAL & MYTHOLOGICAL SCENES. 3183 VULCAN'S SMITHY. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand- made paper, 14^x19^4 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 23^4 x2 8^ ins 15-00 3188 ADORATION OF THE MAGI. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 19x11^4 ins 5.00 3189 THE CROWNING OF THE VIRGIN MARY. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x13^4 ins 5.00 3190 THE CRUCIFIXION. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x12 ins 5.00 3216 THE GOD MARS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x9^2 ins 5.00 3217 MERCURY AND ARGUS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10x20 ins 5.00 3297 CHRIST AT THE COLUMN. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x17^4 ins 5.00 c MISCELLANEOUS. 3182 THE DRINKERS. (Los Borrachos.) (Prado Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14x1954 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 20^x2854 ins 15.00 3184 THE SURRENDER OF BREDA. (Las Lanzas.) (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 212. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x18^2 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 23^x27^3 ins 15.00 212 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 213 VELASQUEZ, DON DIEGO. — Continued. 3186 WOMEN SPINNING. (Las Hilanderas.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15x20 ins 5.00 Carbonphotograph, 21^x28^ ins 15.00 3187 THE HERMITS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x13 ins 5.00 3206 THE BOY OF VALLECAS. (A Dwarf belonging to Philip IV.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io^4x8^ ins 2.50 3207 ENGLISH ANTONIO. (A Dwarf belonging to Philip IV.) (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^4 ins 3.50 3208 PHILIP IV.'S DWARF, "EL PRIMO." (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11x8^ ins 2.50 3209 PHILIP IV.S DWARF, THE "IDIOT OF CORIA." (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11x8^ ins 2.50 3210 PHILIP IV.'S DWARF, SEBASTIAN DE MORRA. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 10^x7^ ins 2.50 3211 JESTER, CALLED DON JUAN D'AUSTRIA. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x10^ ins 5.00 3212 JESTER, CALLED "BARBAROSSA." (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x10^ ins 5.00 3213 A PLAYER OF THE COURT OF PHILIP IV. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 17^x10^2 ins 5.00 3214 AESOPUS. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 208. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x9^ ins 5.00 3215 MENIPPUS. (Prado, Madrid.) For illustration see page 208. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x9^2 ins 5.00 3218 VIEW FROM THE GARDEN OF THE VILLA MEDICI. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 8x7 ins 2.50 3294 PHILIP IV. OF SPAIN HUNTING THE WILD BOAR. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, io-)4xi8^ ins 5.00 3299 BETROTHAL. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x15 ins 5.00 3375 THE RIDING SCHOOL. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18^x12^4 ins 5.00 3645 THE LAUGHING BOY. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x1 iJ4 ins 3.50 VELDE, ADRIAN VAN DE. Amsterdam, 1635 or 1636— 1672. Dutch School. 5348 THE FARM. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 11x13^ ins... 3.50 VENEZIANO, DOMENICO. About 1401— 1461. Florentine School. 5096 FEMALE PORTRAIT. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x7^ ins.. 2.50 214 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. VERNON, ARTHUR L. Modern. 2760 A MARRIAGE SETTLEMENT. (Companion to No. 2835.) For illustration see page 212. Photogravure, 10x1534 i ns 3-5° Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) All sold Artist's Proofs on India (100) All sold Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 2818 THE ELOPEMENT. ) 2819 GOING TO TOWN. f Com P anions - Photogravure, 6^x9% ins each 2.50 Artist's Proofs on India (150) each 12.00 Photograph: Folio, each $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 2835 AN ENIGMA. (Companion to No. 2760.) Photogravure, 9J4xi6 ins 3.50 Artist's Proofs on India (100) 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio 1.50 4558 MY TURN NEXT. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 4559 THE LOST SCENT. Same styles and sizes as No. 4558. VERONESE, PAUL (called "Paolo Calliari"). Verona, 1528— 1588. Venetian School. 3174 THE FINDING OF MOSES. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 12^x9^ ins 3-50 3175 VENUS AND ADONIS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 16^x14^4 ins 5.00 3290 THE FAMILY OF DARIUS AT THE FEET OF ALEXANDER AFTER THE BATTLE OF ISSUS, B. C. 333. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x19^4 ins 5.00 3291 ST. HELENA'S VISION OF THE INVENTION OF THE CROSS. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 18x10^ ins 5.00 3631 CHRIST BEFORE THE HOUSE OF JAIRUS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x195^ ins 5.00 3632 MARY WITH THE CHILD AND SAINTS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 11x14 ins 3.50 3633 ADORATION OF THE MAGI. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x20 ins 5-00 3992 PORTRAIT OF HIS WIFE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7x6*4 ins 1-50 VERROCCHIO (Andrea de Michele di Francesco Gone, called). Florence, 1435 — Venice, 1488. Florentine School. 3256 THE VIRGIN WITH THE TWO ANGELS ADOR- ING THE INFANT CHRIST. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x10 ins 5-0° New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 215 VERTANGEN, DANIEL. The Hague, 1598— 1657. Dutch School. 3932 LANDSCAPE WITH NYMPHS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^8 ins 1.50 VICTORS, JAN. Amsterdam, 1620— 1673. (Pupil of Rembrandt.) Dutch School. 3951 THE CAPTURE OF SAMSON. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, S l A^7 7 A ins 1.50 VIGEE LE BRUN (MME.). (See Le Brun.) VINCI, DA. (See Leonardo.) VINCKBOONS, DAVID. Mechlin, 1578— Amsterdam, 1629. Dutch School. 3911 FLEMISH FAIR. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^*7^5 ins 1.50 VINEA, FRANCESCO. Forli, in the Romagna, 1845— Florence, 1902. Modern. 2056 f THE FORTUNE TELLER. ^ Photogravure, 15x20 ins 6.00 o Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 c . Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 2108 THE NEW CAVALIER. o Photogravure, 15x20 ins 6.00 ^ Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 V Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Sepiaprint: Folio.... 1.50 2604 A VINTAGE FESTIVAL. For illustration see page 210. Photogravure, 12^x20 ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 VIVARINI, LUIGI. Murano. Painted 1464— 1503. Venetian School. 5359 VIRGIN ENTHRONED WITH CHILD AND SAINTS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 20^x12^4 ins. 5.00 VOGELER, HEINRICH. 1872. Res. Worpswede. Modern. 4167 THE RETURN. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 13x10^ ins 3.50 VOGLER, HERMAN. Berlin, 1859. Res. Munich. Modern. 2652 PETS. (Companion to Koch, Nos. 2605 and 2879.) Photogravure, 20x29 ins 15.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.50 Carbonphotograph: Imperial, $5.00; Folio 1.50 2657 THE WEDDING MORN. \ _ 2658 LOVE'S QUERY. \ Companions. Facsimilegravure, 14x10 ins each 7.50 VOLKHART, MAX. Diisseldorf, 1848. Modern. 4330 THE DAY IS DONE. (Priscilla.) Photogravure, 9^ x i3 ins 3.50 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 VOS, CORNELIS DE. Hulst, 1581 (?)— Antwerp, 1651. Flemish School. 5364 PORTRAIT OF A MARRIED COUPLE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x13^ ins. 3.50 5365 THE ARTIST'S DAUGHTERS. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 1 15^x13^ ins. 3.50 216 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. WATTEAU No. 3402. Copyright, 1897, by Photographische Gesellschaft WERESTCHAGIN No. 2804. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 217 VRANCX, SEBASTIAN. Antwerp, 1573— 1647. Flemish School. 3907 CAVALRY SKIRMISH. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5x7^ ins 1.50 VRIENDT, FRANS DE (called Floris.) Antwerp, 1518(F)— 1570. Flemish School. 3903 THE FALCONER. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 9^x7 ins 1.50 WAAY, N. VAN DER. Amsterdam, 1855. Res. Amsterdam. Modern. 4597 DUTCH ORPHAN GIRLS. For illustration see page 212. Photogravure, 10^x21 ins 6.00 Carbonphotograph : Folio 1.50 WAGNER, CARL. Res. Dusseldorf. Modern. 2507 BEETHOVEN. Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 WATERLOW, SIR ERNEST ALBERT, R.A. Res. London. Modern. 2313 THE NURSERY. For illustration see page 216. Photogravure, 14x21 ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph: Folio.... 1.50 WATTEAU, JEAN ANTOINE. Valenciennes, 1684— Nogent-sur- Marne, 1721. French School. 3143 THE GUITAR PLAYER. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) For illustration see page 216. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9x7 ins 2.50 3144 A PICNIC. (Hermitage, St. Petersburg.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^x834 ins 2.50 3397 THE SIGN OF THE PICTURE DEALER GER- SAINT I. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1534x14 ins 5.00 3398 THE SIGN OF THE PICTURE DEALER GER- . SAINT II. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 1534x14^ ins 5.00 3399 THE LESSON IN LOVE. (German Emperor collec- tion.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 6^2x8^2 ins 2.50 3400 THE MUSIC PARTY. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x10 ins 2.50 3401 A LOVE IDYLL. (German Emperor collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7x10 ins 2.50 3402 THE YOUNG DANCER. (German Emperor collec- tion.) For illustration see page 216. Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x12^ ins 3.50 3403 THE DEPARTURE FOR CYTHERA. (German Em- peror collection.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 13^x1934 ins 5.00 Sepiaprint: Imperial 4.50 5369 OUTING PARTY. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 1034x1534 ins. 3.50 WATTS, GEORGE FREDERICK, R.A. London, 1818— 1904. Pre-Raphaelite School. 3415 PORTRAIT OF SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES, BART. (Original owned by Lady Burne-Jones.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 9^x734 ins 2.50 218 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 219 WECZERZICK, ALFRED. Res. Berlin. Modern. 2866 AT THE BAR. (Monkeys.) For illustration see page 216. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 WEEKES, CATHERINE. Modern. 2637 SPONSA MYSTICA. Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 WEISZ, ADOLPH. Born Buda (Hungary). Res. Paris. Modern. 2461 OTHELLO AND DESDEMONA. Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 WENTSCHER, JULIUS. Graudenz, 1842. Res. Berlin. Modem. 4576 OLD PINE ON THE SEASHORE. Photogravure, 11^2x20^4 ins 6.00 WERESTCHAGIN, WASSILI. Novgorod, 1842— Port Arthur, 1904. Modern. 2804 BEFORE MOSCOW. For illustration see page 216. Photogravure, 19^x15^ ins 6.00 2805 AT THE KREMLIN. Photogravure, 19x15^ ins 6.00 2806 BAD NEWS. (Advance or Retreat.) Photogravure, 13^x20^ ins 6.00 2807 ON THE GREAT ROAD. (The Retreat.) Photogravure, 13x22 ins 6.00 (From the Cyclus of Pictures "Napoleon in Russia.") WERFF, ADRIAEN VAN DER. Kralinger, near Rotterdam, 1659 — Rotterdam, 1722. Dutch School. 3971 ADAM AND EVE. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7x5^ ins 1.50 WERNER, ANTON VON. Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1843. Res. Berlin. Modern. 1350 THE CONGRESS AT BERLIN IN 1878. For illustra- tion see page 218. (Original owned by the City of Berlin, and exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 19^x33^2 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra 18.00 1351 EMPEROR WILLIAM I. AT THE MAUSOLEUM AT CHARLOTTENBURG, BEFORE LEAVING FOR THE WAR, 1870. (Museum, Breslau.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 14x19 ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 1541 GENERAL REILLE DELIVERING NAPOLEON'S LETTER OF SURRENDER TO KING WILLIAM. Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 1542 MEETING OF BISMARCK AND NAPOLEON ON THE MAIN ROAD OF DONCHERY. Photogravure, 20^x33^2 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio.... 1.25 1620 THE CAPITULATION OF SEDAN. For illustration see page 218. Photogravure, 22^x33 ins 18.00 Photograph: Extra 18.00 220 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. Copyright, 1894, by Photographische Gesellschaft WERNER No. 2409. Copyright, 1904, by Photographische Gesellschaft. WONTNER No. 4571. Copyright, 1895, by Photographische Gesellschaft. WUNNENBERG No. 2468, New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 221 WERNER, ANTON VON. — Continued. 1671 KING WILLIAM OF PRUSSIA PROCLAIMED EM- PEROR OF GERMANY AT VERSAILLES, 1871. For illustration see page 218. Photogravure, 27^x32^ ins 18.00 " 15^2x19^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Extra, $18.00; Imperial, $4.50; Folio 1.25 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph, 34^x41^ ins 60.00 2409 IN QUARTERS BEFORE PARIS. (Spoils of War.) (National Gallery, Berlin.) For illustration see page 220. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 15^x21 ins 6.00 in first class hand-coloring 12.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 2665 MOLTKE'S NINETIETH BIRTHDAY (October 26th, 1890.) (Hohenzollern Museum, Berlin.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 22^x33^ ins 18.00 Carbonphotograph, 30^x54 ins 50.00 2774 EMPEROR WILLIAM ON HIS DEATH-BED. (Mu- seum, Hanover.) (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 19^x28^4 ins 18.00 WEYDEN, ROGIER VAN DER (or Rogier de la Pasture, or Rogers de Bruges). Tournai, about 1400 — Brus- sels, 1464. Flemish School. 3232 THE DESCENT FROM THE CROSS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 14^x19^ ins 5.00 3305 THE DEPOSITION IN THE TOMB. (National Gal- lery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper. 13^x11^2 ins 5.00 3565 MARY WITH THE CHILD.— ST. CATHERINE. (Diptych.) (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7x4^2 and 7x4^ ins. On one plate 3.50 3657 ALTAR PICTURES WITH TWO WINGS. (Vienna Gallery.) Photogravure on hand-made paper. Wings: each I3 7 A*3 7 A ins. Centerpiece: 14^x10^2 ins. On one plate 5.00 5371 ALTAR OF THE VIRGIN MARY. (3 panels.) (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 11x21^ ins... 5.00 5372 ALTAR OF ST. JOHN. (3 panels.) (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 11x21 ins..... 5.00 5373 ALTAR OF THE CHANCELLOR BLADELIN. (Ber- lin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, 10^x21^ ins. 5.00 222 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. No. 2928. MENDELSSOHN. .1 ■■ ff»\:'.x**-. No. 2935. HUMBOLDT. No. 4157. RUBINSTEIN. No. 4355. BERLIOZ. No. 4345. ROENTGEN. No. 4354. STRINDBERG. New York, Berlin ; Paris and London. 223 WICHGRAF, FRITZ. Potsdam, 1853. Res. Berlin. Modern. 4136 PRESIDENT KRUGER RECEIVES A DEPUTA- TION OF BURGHERS IN THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. (Original exhibited at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.) Photogravure, 13^x28^4 ins 12.00 Photograph: Imperial, $4.50; Royal, $3.00; Folio 1.25 WILLAERTS, ABRAHAM. Utrecht, 1613 (?)— 1671 (?). Dutch School. 3931 SEASHORE WITH CHURCH SPIRES. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 4^x7^ ins 1.50 WITEWAEL, JOACHIM ANTONISZEN. Utrecht, 1566— 1638. Dutch School. 3928 FEAST OF THE GODS. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 5^x7^ ins 1.50 WONTNER, WILLIAM. England. Res. London. Modern. 4571 AMINE. For illustration see page 220. Photogravure, 20^x13^ ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs (300) 24.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 WOUVERMAN, PHILIPS. Haarlem, 1619— 1668. Dutch School. 3376 THE HORSE FAIR. (Grosvenor House, London.) Photogravure, 8x8^4 ins 2.50 3963 THE ASCENSION. (Brunswick Gallery.) Photogravure, 7^x6^ ins 1.50 WUNNENBERG, CARL. Dusseldorf, 1850. Res. Cassel. Modern. 2346 WOOING. Photogravure, 2o}ixi2 l A ins 6.00 Artist's Proofs on Japan (50) 24.00 Artist's Proofs on India (50) 18.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 Sepiaprint: Folio, $1.50; Carbonphotograph: Folio... 1.50 2468 ON THE BANKS OF THE PENEIOS. (Love's Young Dream.) For illustration see page 220. Photogravure, i4 T 4x20^ ins 6.00 Photograph: Folio, $1.25; Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 ZIX, FERDINAND. Res. Stuttgart. Modern. 4804 THE BREAK OF THE NEW DAY. Barytoprint: Folio, $2.00; Carbonphotograph: Folio.... 1.50 ZURBARAN, FRANCISCO DE. Estremadura, 1598— Madrid, 1662. School of Seville. 3181 THE HOLY CHILD ASLEEP, RESTING ON THE CROSS. (Prado, Madrid.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 7^x10^ ins 2.50 3303 A FRANCISCAN MONK. (National Gallery, London.) Photogravure on hand-made paper, 15^x9 24 ins 5.00 5379 ST. BONAVENTURE ADMONISHING ST. THOMAS AQUINOS TO APPEAL TO THE HOLY CROSS AS THE FOUNTAIN OF ALL KNOWLEDGE. (Berlin Gallery.) Photogravure on English etching paper, ii24 XI2 24 ins. 3.50 HU Works of XLaste Must bear a price in proportion to the skill, taste, time, expense and risk attending their invention and manufacture. Those things called dear are, wheu justly estimated, the cheapest ; they are attended with much less profit to the Artist than those which everybody calls cheap. Beautiful forms and compositions are not made by chance, nor can they ever, in any material, be made at small expense. A composition for cheapness and not for excellence of workmanship, is the most frequent and certain cause of the rapid decay and entire destruction of arts and manufactures.— RUSKIN. 224 HE following tables are a condensed synopsis of the pictures contained in the Catalogue, arranged and classified accord- ing to subjects. Under each heading will be found the names of such artists who have produced some such subject as specified, and by referring to the artist's name, placed in alphabetical order in the Catalogue, the subject will readily be found. For instance : Religions and Biblical subjects should be sought for among the works of Batten, Battoni, Bellini, etc. Allegorical subjects by turning to Burne-Jones, Crane, Dicksee, etc., whose names appear alphabetically arranged in the body of the Catalogue. In connection with this follow a few "Suggestions for decorating a home" Under this heading we give a list of artists whose works are enumerated in the Catalogue, among which there are some pictures peculiarfy suited to the decoration of the room or space indicated. 225 226 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. I. RELIGIOUS AND BIBLICAL SUBJECTS Will be found by referring to the following Artists : Batten Diirer Luini Reni, G. Battoni v. Dyck Mantegna Reynolds Bellini Eichstaedt Memling Ribera Beraud v. Eyck Michelangelo Richter Biermann Falero Molitor Roeber Botticelli Firle Moretto Rubens Bouguereau Francesca, P. d. Midler, Carl Ryland Brunkal Francia Midler, Frz. Sarto, A. del. Bulleid Gebhardt Murillo Scheurenberg Burnand Goes, H. v. d. Naujok Shields Cano Grust Orley Sinkel Carracci Haarlem, G. v. Ost Stueler Cima da Conegliano Hitchens Palma Vecchio Teniers Collier Hofmann Papperitz Titian Correggio Holbein Parker Uhde Cranach Ittenbach Parsons Veith David, Gh. Janssen Pauwels Velasquez Deger Klinger Perugino Veronese Dietrich Knaus Pfann schmidt Verrocchio Dolci Leonardo da Vinci Plockhorst Weekes Domenichino Lingner Prynne Weyden, v. d. Douillard Lippi, Fil. Raphael Zurbaran Dubufe Lotto, Lor. Rembrandt IL ALLEGORICAL SUBJECTS will be found by referring to the following artists : Burne-Jones Hoesslin Millais Solomon Crane Janssen Reynolds Strudwick Dicksee, Fr. Knaus Reynolds -Stephens Thoma Ehrenberg Leighton, Sir Fr. Rossetti Titian Falero Lippisch Scheurenberg Vigee le Brun Henneberg Makart Schmid Watteau Herterich Margetson Schryver IIL HISTORICAL AND MYTHOLOGICAL SUBJECTS will be found by referring to the following artists : Alma Tadema Girardet Neal Siemiradzki Becker Gow Piloty Sigriste Bleibtreu Hendrich Poussin Steffeck Botticelli Kampf Poynter Titian Camphausen Leighton, Sir Fr. Rembrandt Turner Constant, B. Marr Reni, G. Velasquez Crofts Meissonier Richter Veronese David, J. L. Menzel Royer Weresrchagin Diez Michelangelo Rubens Werner Ehrenberg Moreau Schrader Wichgraf Feuerbach Morot Schuch New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 227 IV. MILITARY SUBJECTS AND BATTLESCENES Ankarcrona Bleibtreu Camphausen Cederstrom will be found by referring to the following artists: Crofts Kampf Morot Detaille Gow Koberstein Kossak Roessler, A. v. Schoebel V. IDEAL HEADS AND FIGURES will be found by referring to the following artists; Asti Agache Bisson Carrier-Belleuse Chaplin Ferrier Fildes Firle Gervex Godvvard Greuze Harding Henniker Knaus Leighton, Sir Fr. Lingner, Otto Max Nonnenbruch Prescott-Davies Rae Reynolds- Stephens Richter Ritter Rossetti Ryland Schram Seifert Sichel Stuck Unknown (Potocka) Wontner Wiinnenberg VL JUVENILE SUBJECTS AND ANIMAL PICTURES (suitable for Kindergarten, Schoolroom and Nursery), will be found by referring to the following artists : Alma Tadema Anderson Bradley Brendel Buchanan Burton-Barber Calderon Earl, Maud Elsley Fairman Goodman Hartley Hiddemann Hansen, John Hunt Kaulbach Knaus Kuhnert Landseer Lerolle Louyot Lucas, Seymour Meyer von Bremen Meyerheim Morgan Munier Nathusius Pallik, Bela Peacock Philipp Potter Reynolds Riviere, Briton Sperling Strutt, A. W. Strutt, Will. Trood Waterlow Weczerzick VIL HUNTING AND SPORTING SCENES will be found by referring to the following artists : Blinks Hardy Maffei Riviere, H. Dollman Hemy Manners Strutt, A. W. Earl, Maud Kroener Achenbach Bartels Bonheur Bradley Biirgel Constable VIIL LANDSCAPES AND MARINES will be found by referring to the following artists : Courtens Fisher Hengeler Cuyp Davis Douzette Eckenbrecher Farquharson Flickel Frenzel Goyen Heffner Hendrich Herrmann Hobbema Hoffmann v. Fallers- leben Holz 228 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. LANDSCAPES AND MARINES — Continued. Jacobsen Kallstenius Keller Kowalski Leader Leistikow Leu Mac Whirter Mesdag Meyer- Basel Modersohn Monet Moore, H. Midler- Kurzwelly Munthe Neer, A. v. d. Nightingale Overbeck Potter Rembrandt Rubens Ruisdael Scherres Schmidt Schmitzberger Schonleber, G. Schultze Smith-Hald Strobentz Turner Wentscher IX, NUDES will be found by referring to the following artists : Alma Tadema Falero Leroy Schryver Baudry Gainsborough Marr Seifert Besnard God ward Meyer, Kunz Solomon Boucher Graef Papperitz Stuck Breakspeare Henneberg Pater Thoma Cabanel Henniker Perrey Tintoretto Collin Keller, A. v. Rembrandt Titian Correggio Knille Ritter Veronese Dicksee, Fr. Lancret Roessler, Rud. Weisz Dielitz Lefebvre Royer Wiinnenberg Diirer Leighton, Sir Fr. Rubens SUGGESTIONS FOR DECORATING A HOME. a.. HALL AND STAIRCASE, refer to the following artists: Alma Tadema Henneberg Knille Barth Hobbema Kowalski Becker Hofmann Kuhnert Crofts Holbein Leighton, Sir Fr. Czachorski Holiday Leonardo da Vinci Diez Kampf Menzel Feuerbach Kaulbach Moore, A. Gow and see also under Heading VIII, Landscapes and Marines, pages 227 and 228. Our Collection of large Carbonphotographs see page 231. Murillo Raphael Rembrandt Reynolds -Stephens Richter Rossetti Velasquez b. PARLOR OR DRAWING-ROOM, refer to the following artists : Abbey Koch, Herm. Nightingale Schryver Alma Tadema Lancret Orchardson Stone Bedini Leighton, E. Bl. Pater Thumann Firle Leighton, Sir Fr. Peacock Vernon Girardet Lomax Perez Vinea Godward Millet Ricci Vogeler Hernandez Morgan Richter Vogler Kaemmerer Niczky Schmitzberger Watteau New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 229 c. MUSIC ROOM, refer to the following artists : Alma Tadema Griitzner Magnus Rosenthal Balestrieri Hendrich Melozzo da Forli Sargent Block Herkomer Menzel Scheel Borckmann Herterich Naujok Schmid Bredt Hoesslin Oppler Stieler Dicksee Kaulbach Orchardson Strudwick Dielitz Knille Potzelberger Terburg Dolci Leeke Raphael Wagner, Carl v. Eyck Lenbach Roedig W T atteau Firle Mader Roehling Werner See also Portraits of Musicians on pages 232 to 235. d. LIBRARY AND SITTING ROOM (including Pictures for Booklovers and Illustrations to Poems), refer to the following artists: Alma Tadema Assmus Barth Becker Czachorski Dicksee, M. I. Dielitz Diez Feuerbach Freytag-Lovinghoven Gow Griitzner Holiday Kaulbach Knille Leighton, Sir Fr. Menzel Moore, A. Neal Palma Vecchio Papperitz Rembrandt Repin Roedig Rosenthal Scheel Schrader Schroedter Strudwick See also Portrait Collection on pages 232 to 235. e. DINING-ROOM, refer to the following artists : Burnand Griitzner Lomax Sadler Elsley Leonardo da Vinci Millet Sperling Feuerbach Lerolle Rosenthal See also under Hunting and Sporting, page 227, and Landscapes and Marines, pages 227 and 228. f. DEN AND SMOKING-ROOM, refer to the following artists : Griitzner Lomax Rosenthal Steen Herkomer Menzel Sadler Velasquez Hogarth Roessler, A. v. Scheel Werner Koberstein See also under Nudes, page 328, an4 Hunting and Sporting, page 227. A FEW SUBJECTS SUITABLE FOR A PHYSICIAN'S STUDIO, refer to the following artists : Dou Kiessling Peacock Steen Holbein Koberstein Poynter Teniers Israels Kroyer Sadler Titian See Portraits of Physicians, pages 232 to 235. 230 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. A FEW WORDS ON SCHOOL-ROOM DECORATION. HERE has been of late an ever-increasing demand for good reproductions for the decoration of schools, colleges, acade- mies and institutions of all kinds, pictures which are instructive, easy to comprehend, and beautiful at the same time. For this purpose we warmly recommend the pictures which have been classified in the following pages under the headings : III. Historical and Mythological Subjects - page 226. IV. Military Subjects and Battle Scenes - " 227. VI. Juvenile Subjects and Animal Pictures - " 227. (These especially for lower classes) VIII. Landscapes and Marines - pages 227 and 228 as well as those pictures to be found in the " Suggestions for Decorating a Home," under the headings : a) Hall and Staircase - P a g e 22 8. b) Music Room (Specially adapted for Music Schools or rooms in which Music is taught) " 229. c) Library and Sitting Room (Pictures for Book- lovers and Illustrations to Poems) " 229 and our collection of Modern Portraits - - " 232 and Carbon Photographs in large sizes - - " 231. Selections from our collection of old masters (viz. page 237), also seem specially appropriate for this purpose. And is there anything more suitable for the decoration of schoolrooms, in which "our little ones" have to spend so many hours, than the large reproductions of religious subjects as Raphael's "Madonna de San Sisto" and "Madonna della Sedia," Murillo's "Divine Shepherd" and "Children of the Shell," etc.? High schools may find our reproductions of the marvelous portraits of Velasquez, Titian, Rembrandt and Van Dyck most suitable for wall decoration, while colleges, art schools and all institutions where the study of art occupies a prominent part in the curriculum, will no doubt take special interest in our Books and Portfolios (page 237), and com- plete collections of European Galleries. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 231 CARBON PHOTOGRAPHS OF OLD MASTERS IN LARGE SIZES. For exact sizes and prices please refer to BOTTICELLI No. 3255 BURNE-JONES " 3466 3469 3474 3493 v. DYCK - " 3098 3°99 3102 GAINSBOROUGH " 3336 33 6 4 HOBBEMA " 333o HOLBEIN - « 3309 MURILLO " 3°79 3225 3226 3227 3228" RAPHAEL - " 3000 3001 3 J 4 6 3 1 S 2 3856 REMBRANDT - " 3010 3° 2 3 3°45 33 2 4 RENI, GUIDO " 117a TITIAN - " 3162 3i59 3169 VELASQUEZ " 3185 3 I 93 3183 3182 3184 3230 3300 232 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. PORTRAITS. Photogravures on (butch handmade paper, size of plate about gxj ins. Each $1.50. Our Collection of Portraits, reproduced in Photogravures of the highest perfection, is considered by authorities as especially valuable — it including none but authentic and characteristic portraits. The Collection is constantly being augmented, and as the price is made as reasonable as is possible, nobody will find any difficulty in gathering his heroes about him. The List given below is simply an addition to our recently published cir- cular of " Portraits," which will be sent upon application. 4632. 4617. 2871. M635- X4647. 4355- 4426. 4664. 2952. 4629 4349 4428 2927 4250 2946 2980 4666 4643 2970 4402 4639 2841 415° BACH, SEBASTIAN - BARRETT-BROWNING, ELIZABETH BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VAN (Illustration, see page 192.) BEHRING, VON - BERGMANN, VON BERLIOZ, HECTOR (Illustration, see page 222.) BLUCHER, FIELD MARSHAL VON BODE, WILHELM BRAHMS, JOHANNES (Illustration, see page 220.) BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. BROWNING, ROBERT BRUCKNER, ANTON BULWER-LYTTON, EDWARD BULOW, VON DENNEWITZ BYRON, LORD GEORGE GORDON (Illustration, see page 218.) CALVIN, JOHANNES CARLYLE, THOMAS - (Illustration, see page 128.) CHOPIN, FREDERIC FRANCOIS - (Illustration, see page 222.) CURSCHMANN, HEINR. (Surgeon) DAHN ----- DARWIN, CHARLES (bust) (Illustration, see page 222.) DARWIN, CHARLES length) DERNBURG, HEINRICH DICKENS, CHARLES DU BOIS REYMOND, EMIL - BY Hausmann - Field Talfourd Stieler - Klein-Chevalier Moritz (from life) - Gebauer (from life) (from life) See Barrett Richmond (from life) Maclise - Gebauer Westall - Unknown Artist - J. E. Millais Stattler, after Ary Scheffer - (from life) (from life) - (from life) Collier Noster Maclise Koner New Yoek ? Berlin, Paeis and London. 233 PORTRAITS — Continued. BY 4401. EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - - - (from life) (Illustration, see page 218.) 4614. FARADAY - Thomas Phillips 4667. FEUERBACH, LUDWIG - - - John Philipp 4660. FISCHER, EMIL (Chemist) - (from life) 4429. FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN ----- Duplessis (Illustration, see page 52.) 4601. FREDERICK THE GREAT - - - - Gebauer 4607. GAUSS ------- Jensen 4620. GELLERT - - - - - - Graff 4400. GEORGE, HENRY (from life) 4619. GERHARDT, KARL (Physician) - - - (from life) 4353- GLUCK ------- Duplessis (Illustration, see page 52.) 4425. GNEISENAU, GENERAL AUG. WILH. - - Gebauer 2917. GOETHE, J. W. VON ----- Stieler (Illustration, see page 192.) 4602. GOETHE Egloffstein 4616. " (Detail) ----- 4636. " (!8i7) ----- Jagemann 4605. " - - - - - - G. M. Kraus 4613. " - J. P. Melchior 4603. GRAFF, ANT. ------ Himself 4657. GRIEG, EDUARD ----- (from life) 2995. " " Werenskjold (Illustration, see page 220.) 4622. GRIMM, WILHELM ----- (from life) 4422. GUSSENBAUER ----- l'Allemand 4669. HAECKEL - (from life) 4627. HAMILTON, ALEXANDER - Trumbull (Illustration, see page 200.) 4406. HEINE, HEINRICH - (from a lithograph of the Oppenheim picture) (Illustration, see page 222.) 4640. IJEINE, HEINRICH ----- Gassen 4608. HELMHOLTZ Lenbach 4652. HERDER ------- Tischbein 4658. HIS (Anatomist) - (from life) 4661. VAN T'HOFF ------ (from life) 4682. HUMBOLDT, WILHELM V. Franz Kruger 2935. HUMBOLDT, ALEX. VON - Weitsch (Illustration, see page 222.) -^610. HUXLEY, THOMAS - (from life) ' 4631. JAHN ------- Engelbach JACOBSEN, JMS. PETER - Josephson 4633. JENNER ------- Northcote 4412. JOACHIM, JOSEPH - (from life) (Illustration, see page 220.) 234 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. PORTRAITS.— Continued. BY 4649. JOACHIM, JOSEPH _ - - - Sargent (Illustration, see page 184.) 4659- KLEIST Unknown Master 434 2 - KOCH, PROF. ROBERT - (from life) (Illustration, see page 222.) 4662. KOHLER (from life) 4628. KRAFFT-EBING _ - (from life) 4626. LIEBERMANN - Himself 4637. LINCOLN, ABRAHAM - Marshall 2924. LIND, JENNY Magnus I T 11 n ctva f 1 r^n cpp fin rfp ^ XllUbll dllOiX, aCc pdgc > 1 2 0. j 279. T TCJ7T FT? A XT7 i-i X ozj 1 , -T i IN Z> - X^CllUdCil \ Xlllloll dllUIX, 5CC pdgC 114.) 4197. T nT?T7TNTO AT RTTTJT J_/ \J Xv 1 Zvl 1\ Vjr, X\ i_, X3 XL XV 1 - - - oouLiiun (Illustration, see page 220.) 4030. T TTTiwrr^ OTTO . - - - ^HUIXl lllc/ 2947. iVlAUA U -LA Y , IxiUb. -b. Grant f Tllimtra f ion <^pp nacp 218.) 4606. IVJLxA. x H/Xv, In. KJ X) XL X\- 1 - - - 1 IXUII1 lllc ) 2928. MTMllTi'T QQOTT1M TTTTT TY 1V1 XL IN U XL _L,OOVj XX IN , X XLX^X A. - Magnus (Illustration, see page 222.) a6 2 3 MENDELSSOHN FELIX -L* J. X.J Jl 1 1 1 J J Kj kJ v_y 1111 • X J— J J — 1 lil FTnracp VpTnpt 2960. MFYFRBFFR GTACOMA - - - frlTit T^lpVltPT" ( Illustration, see page 1 ) 46 1 2. MILL TOHN STEWART ItX X J — / X_i . 1 V_/ XXXI U 1 X-^ T T XL XV X - - - f from lifpi MITSCHERLICH - - - - Kriiger MOZART, AMADEO (after a sketch from life by Stock) (Illustration, see page 222.) 4663. NAPOLEON L (bust) - David 463O. I. _ Vigneux 46l5. I. (1797) - Guerin 46CC. NELSON - Abbott 462 I. OHM - (from a painting) OSTWALD - Klamroth PIUS X., POPE - (from life) a 1 a r 1 4345- ROFNTGFN KONRAD (from life) (Illustration, see page 222. ) 4 A 57- RUBINSTEIN, ANTON - - - (Trom lifp\ (Illustration, see page 222.) 4609. RUSKIN, JOHN - - - - (from life) (Illustration, see page 218.) A A O *7 4427. SCHARNHORST, GENERAL _ ( t ph an pr 2Q34.. 7JT* SCHILLER, FRIEDR. VON Graff (Illustration, see page 80.) 4670. SCHILLER - Hoflinger 4671. ti - Simanowiz 4672. " (bust) - Dannecker New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 235 PORTRAITS — Continued. BY 4673. O XX 1 Li Li Li XV - - - - VV Cllodl 4674. 11 4675. (i 4070. n OllllctllU W1Z 4077. cputt t ttp fHART OTTF VON OlIllCLlixJ W LZj A f\ C 0 4O5O. Obil i—i Hi X XI/ XV 1VX ii vllXi IV TltiVnown A/fp^tpr 1 1 IV llvj VV 11 iTldoLvi 4680. SCHMIDT, ERICH (from life) 460O. SCHNORR V. CAROLSFELD - L. Gey 4 2 55« SCHUBERT, FRANZ - (from a drawing by Rieder) (Illustration, see page 222.) 4625. SCHUMANN, ROBERT - (from a Daguerreotype by John Philipp) (Illustration, see page 220.) 4618. ^TM^nisi TrnTTAT?r> von 0 1 ivl 0 v J IN , L LJ L 2\ Xv LJ V \J IN x^eon Jrofiie 4656. ovj i\ 1 i\ vjr . IxxLlN xvl Li 1 1 Li Delaroche ^J-U 1 1 . DriLlN LCjIv, xx Li xv X3 Li xv 1 (from life) 4634- oiUnK, LUJJWllr - (from life) 4642. (as a youth) Himself 468l. oIUKM,Ixl±LUJJUK (from life) /I ? C /I 4354- <^TP TMnPTTP. O ATTOTTQT ol xv 1 i\ 1 J x> XL/ xnAj, AUuLJol (from life) (Illustration, see page 222.) /I T 8/1 1 Lii\ IN 1 0 \J IN , ALT XVXLf Lf LtKJSKLf Herkomer (Illustration, see page 86.) 4679. X \J L> L L XV - (irom life) 430I. TOLSTOI, LEO (bust) Repin (Illustration, see page 168.) 4t)04' UHDE ----- Himself 464I. VERDI, GIUSEPPE (Illustration, see pa£ je 216.) Metlicovitz 4665. WAGNER, ADOLF (from life) 2 Jo. WAGNER, RICHARD - Lenbach (Illustration, see page 114.) 4"45- WASHINGTON, GEORGE (Illustration, see page ; 196.) Stuart 4646. WATT, JAMES - De Breda 2982. WEBER, CARL MARIA VON C. Bardua (Illustration, see page 220.) 4654- WELLINGTON - d'Orsay 4423. WERNER, ANTON V. - John Philipp 4683. WILAMOWITZ-MOLLENDORFF Nelson 4648. YORK, GENERAL - Gebauer 236 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. DETAILS REGARDING PORTRAITS IN LARGER SIZES will be found by referring to the following artists' names in the Catalogue : ALMA-TADEMA KROYER SARGENT BIERMANN LASZLO SARTO, A. DEL CLOUET LAWRENCE SCHEFFER COELLO LENBACH SCHUCH CRANACH MACLISE SEECK, OTTO DAVID, J. L. MAGNUS SOLARIO DURER MILLAIS STEFFECK v. DYCK MORO STIELER v. EYCK PALMA VECCHIO STRIGEL FANTIN-LATOUR REMBRANDT TINTORETTO FECHNER RENI, G. TISCHBEIN FERRARIS REPIN TITIAN GAINSBOROUGH REYNOLDS TURNER GRASSI RICHTER VELASQUEZ HERKOMER ROEDIG VIGEE LE BRUN HOGARTH ROMNEY WAGNER, CARL HOLBEIN ROSSETTI WATTS ISRAELS ROYER WERNER KONER RUBENS WICHGRAF jftne Hrt Books anb portfolios Full particulars regarding any of these works will be furnished on application. •237 238 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. THE HERMITAGE OF ST. PETERSBURG. 84 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings, and printed on handmade paper, in handsome portfolio, complete ______ $300.00 THE MUSEO DEL PRADO OF MADRID, no Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings, and printed on handmade paper, in handsome portfolio, complete ______ 360.00 THE NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON. 108 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings, and printed on handmade paper, in handsome portfolio, complete ______ 360.00 THE IMPERIAL GALLERY (THE BELVEDERE) AT VIENNA. 122 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings, and printed on handmade paper, in handsome portfolio, complete - - - - - 450.00 THE GALLERY OF THE ROYAL MUSEUMS, BERLIN. (Emperor Frederick Museum.) 153 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings, and printed on toned etching paper, in hand- some portfolio, complete - - - - - - 450.00 [In course of publication). THE REMBRANDTS OF THE GALLERY AT CASSEL. 17 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plate, limited to twenty-five copies, stamped and numbered, in handsome portfolio, complete, all sold ----- 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on Japanese paper, in handsome portfolio, complete - - - - - - 75.00 A Complement to the Above. THE REMBRANDTS OF THE BERLIN MUSEUM. 18 Photogravures of the finest quality, immediately after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plate, limited to fifty copies, printed on handmade Japanese paper, stamped and numbered, in handsome portfolio, complete - - 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on toned etching paper, in hand- some portfolio, complete - - - - - 75.00 A Complement to the Above. THE REMBRANDTS OF THE DRESDEN GALLERY. 16 Photogravures of the finest quality, immediately after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plates, limited to fifty copies, printed on handmade paper, stamped and numbered, in handsome portfolio, complete - - - 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on toned etching paper, in hand- some portfolio, complete ----- 75.00 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 239 THE MASTERPIECES OF GROSVENOR HOUSE. 15 Photogravures of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the famous paintings in. the possession of the Duke of Westminster, and printed on handmade paper, in cover, complete - - 50.00 MASTERPIECES OF FRENCH ART IN THE XVIII. CENTURY. 27 Photogravures of the finest quality, reproduced directly from the original paintings in possession of the German Emperor, and printed on handmade paper, in portfolio, complete - - 80.00 MASTERPIECES OF FRENCH ART IN THE XIX. CENTURY. 26 Photogravures of the finest quality, reproduced directly from the original paintings at the Musee du Luxembourg, Paris, in port- folio, complete ------- 100.00 For particulars of the Plates contained in this superb Collection, com- pare the foregoing Catalogue under the names of the following artists : Bastien-Lepage Dagnan-Bouveret Baudry Detaille Besnard Fan tin Latour Rosa Bonheur Friant Bouguereau Lefebvre Breton Lerolle Cabanel Lhermitte Carriere Meissonier Cazin Monet Chaplin Moreau Collin Morot Benjamin Constant Puvis de Chavannes Cottet Roll THE BRUNSWICK GALLERY. Edited by Director Hermann Riegel. 100 Photogravures, Folio size, about 7x9 inches, in handsome port- folio, complete - '- - - 100.00 Edition de Luxe ------ 125.00 DURER AND HOLBEIN. The Pictures of Durer and Holbein in the Royal Museum, Berlin. 1 1 Photogravures of the finest quality, reproduced directly from the original paintings, and printed on handmade paper, in cover, complete - - - - - - - - 30.00 PEETER BRUEGHEL, The Elder. The Pictures of Brueghel, the elder, in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna. 1 1 Photogravures of the finest quality, reproduced directly from the original paintings, and printed on toned etching paper, with a brief German text by Max J. Friedlaender, in cover, complete - 30.00 '240 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. THE GHENT ALTAR-PIECE. By Hubert and Jan van Eyck. Published for the first time in uniform size — three-tenths of the original — from the original paintings in Ghent, Brussels and Berlin. 20 Photogravures of the finest quality, with two Keys, printed on toned etching paper, in portfolio, complete - - - 120.00 The same framed after a model of the original frame in Ghent on view at our Show- Rooms. THE WORK OF EDWARD BURNE-JONES. 91 Photogravures of the finest quality, reproduced directly from the artist's masterpieces, and printed on handmade paper, (limited edition), in portfolio, complete - - - - - 325.00 Edition de Luxe, printed on China paper, (limited to 200 copies), in special portfolio, complete - - - 650.00 ORIGINAL ETCHINGS By Max Liebermann. A portfolio containing a number of very interesting etchings by this famous artist, who is one of the leading representatives of the "modern" German school. Only 100 copies published, in port- folio, complete - - - - - - - 35.00 SECESSION. 60 Photogravures, after paintings and studies ol Modern German Artists. Average size of plates, 5x7 inches. Edition de Luxe, on Japan paper, each plate signed by the artist, limited to 100 copies, in leather portfolio - - 90.00 Print Edition, on India paper, in handsome portfolio - 35.00 NAPOLEON I. IN RUSSIA. 15 Photogravures, measuring about 12x9^ inches, reproduced directly from the original paintings by W. Werestchagin, in port- folio, complete ------- 20,00 LIST OF CONTENTS. Portrait of the Artist. First View of Moscow. Stabling in the Uspenski Cathedral. In the Kremlin : The Conflagration. A Sea of Fire. Marshal Davoust in the Tschudor Convent. Portrait of Napoleon I. In the Burnt Streets of Moscow. In Gorodnja: Advance or Retreat? Bad News from France. On the Great Road : Retreat. Bivouac. Franc-tireurs. Prisoners of War before Napoleon. An Attack. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 241 DEUTSCHE KUNST. (GERMAN ART.) The student of Art finds a rich and hitherto rather neglected field of observation in the development of Painting in Germany, from the romantic work of the early thirties to the return to nature, which is the latest phase. We have endeavored to represent the most important specimens of these schools collectively in a new work, entitled DEUTSCHE KUNST, which is published in parts, each containing about a dozen large photogravure plates. Subscriptions are taken for the complete work, at the rate of $36.00 the Part, but also single parts as well as single prints can be supplied. It suffices to mention painters like Boecklin Feuerbach Menzel Leibl Magnus Von Uhde Liebermann Thoma Schwind Klinger, etc., etc. whose work is adequately represented in Deutsche Kunst, to give an idea of the eminence of this publication. On the other hand, the editor does not desire to attract attention by famous names, but rather to include the best work of any man provided it is really great and epoch-making. There is nothing pedantic in this publication, not even in regard to the number of pictures characterizing each artist; while, for instance, Menzel is represented by a few pictures, to the wide range of poetic thought of Schwind justice is done by a whole series of his works. With each part the variety of this publication increases, and its value becomes more evident. We shall be glad to send detailed prospectuses of the Deutsche Kunst to intending purchasers post free on application. PETER von CORNELIUS. Cartoons of the Frescoes of the Glyptothek in Munich. From the originals in the National Gallery at Berlin. 14 numbers, published in extra size, complete - - - 100.00 14 Folio Photographs, in portfolio - 10.00 Single numbers in extra size, $15.00 each; in Imperial, $4.00 each; Folio size, $1.00 each. Cartoons of the Hohenzollern Tomb (Campo Santo). From the originals in the National Gallery at Berlin. 17 numbers published in extra size, complete in portfolio, $150.00; single numbers, $12.00 each. 9 numbers published in folio size, in tasteful portfolio - - 10.00 POSTHUMOUS WORKS BY ALFRED RETHEL. Photographs from original drawings. 32 numbers in Imperial size, at - - each 2.50 50 numbers in Folio size, at - - - - each 1.00 The complete work in portfolio - 90.00 We have also in 'preparation a new 'publication to consist of from 40 to 50 reproductions of the most celebrated paintings in the Liechtenstein Gallery in Vienna, which plates will be issued in our well known and unsurpassed style of photogravure. 242 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. FACSIMILES. After much painstaking labor and costly experimenting we have at last succeeded in reproducing in their original colors pictures which in exquisite finish of detail will meet the strictest artistic requirements. We intend in future to devote particular attention to the reproduction of these colored pictures designated in these pages as: FACSIMILE GRAVURES- BALLAVOINE, J. 2473 gj ( THE BIRD FANCIER. 10^x7 ins $6.00 2474 BUTTERFLIES. 10^x7 ins 6.00 BATTEN, JOHN D. 4563 MOTHER AND CHILD. igj^-^H ins. Limited to 300 copies 24.00 BEDINI, PAOLO. 2451 . ( THE LOST THREAD. 10x14 ins 7.50 2452 °f < REMINISCENCES OF A HONEYMOON * ( TRIP. 10x14 ins 7-50 2617 ig C FIRST LOVE. 10x12 ins 7.50 §-| 1 For illustration see page 14. 2618 THE FIRST CLOUD. 10x12 ins 7.50 2778 C PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. 10x6^ ins 6.00 2779 5 | ( PEACE CONCLUDED. 10x6^ ins 6.00 BIERMANN, G. 2681 QUEEN LOUISE. 12^x9% ins 7.50 BLINKS, THOS. 2263 £ § C ' A FAIR LEAD. 20x14 ins 15.00 2264 ^ I I GOING WELL. 20x14 ins 15.00 4523 „ f THE OPEN DITCH. ^| 4524 I J THE WATER. A Stee P lechase - - { _ UT? ™ MrT . > 13^x20^ ins. 4525 1 j THE LAST FENCE. each at I2QQ 4526 u I EVENS ON THE FIELD. J For illustration see pages 16 and 20. 4572 ej < PHEASANT SHOOTING. > 20xl3l4 ins .. eac h at 4573 ( PARTRIDGE SHOOTING. ) 4574 g.l S DUCK SHOOTING. > 13^x20 in..each at 12.00 457s £|( GROUSE SHOOTING. > DIETRICH, ANTON. 2439 SERMON ON THE MOUNT. 21x11 in i5-oo 2739 THE GOOD SHEPHERD. 16^x9^ ins 7-5© For illustration see page 52. New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 243 ERDMANN, OTTO. GOOD MORNING. 13^x9^ ins SWEETHEART. 13^x9^ ins... 2725 g 2726 ° 10^*5/4 ins. . . IOXI224 ins 12^x10 ins 20^x15 ins, FISHER, S. MELTON. 2362 A SOUTHERN BELLE GIRARDET, JULES. 2864 THE NEW CAPTAIN. GRAEF, OSCAR. 2688 ON THE WEDDING TRIP GRASSI, JOSEPH. 2556 QUEEN LOUISE. 10x7^4 ins.. For illustration see page 80. HARDY, HEYWOOD. 2389 ROTTEN ROW. 11^x20^ ins HERNANDEZ, DANIEL. 2353 WINTER. 10x7 ins HOFMANN, HEINRICH. 2037 CHRIST IN GETHSEMANE. For illustration see page 88. KAEMMERER, F. H. 2305 THE RETURN. 20x14 ins 2679 SKATING LESSON. 14^x10 ins KELLER, FERD. 4336 SANCTUARY BY THE SEA. 15x19 ins For illustration see page 94. KNAUS, LUDWIG. 4599 FAUNS AT PLAY. ioJ4xi6J4 ins KUHNERT, WILH. 4437 LIONS ROARING. Ii54x2ij4 ins For illustration see page 102. LEISTIKOW, WALTER. 4069 GRUNEWALD LAKE. 11^x17*8 ins. . . 4440 DEVIL'S LAKE. 15^x20^ ins For illustration see page 114. MAFFEI, GUIDO VON. 4585 4586 4587 4588 4589 4590 JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. APRIL. MAY. JUNE. 8^x9^ ins. 4591 4592 4593 4594 4595 4596 each at.. JULY. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. 7-50 7.50 6.00 7.50 7-50 6.00 15-00 6.00 15.00 15.00 7.50 7-50 15.00 12.00 15.00 A Series of 'Forest and Game' Pictures. The above series complete in portfolio. 4.00 40.00 244 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MULLER, CARL. 1446 J ( ST. ANNE WITH INFANT MARY. 1447 SI I ST. JOSEPH WITH INFANT JESUS. 19x8^ ins each 15.00 OVERBECK, FRITZ. 4361 SPRING. 12^x20^ ins 15.00 PEREZ, ALONSO. 2365 EN EXCURSION. 14x10 ins 7.50 2366 THE ARRIVAL OF THE COACH. 10x14 ins 7.50 2457 y ( NOT FOR THE WORLD. 7^x6 ins 5.00 2458 "I ( MADAM IS OUT. 7^x6 ins 5.00 2695 gj ( IN PLEASURE'S HALLS (La Pavanne). 2696 $ I I SURPRISED. 924xi2 ins each 7.50 For illustration see . page 146. RENI, GUIDO. 117a AURORA. 14^x35^ ins 35.00 For illustration see page 168. RICHTER, GUSTAV. 1171 QUEEN LOUISE. 19^x12 ins 15.00 For illustration see page 172. RYLAND, HENRY. 2574 | j ( RUTH. 16x7^ ins 7.50 4476 " I I RACHEL. 15^x7^ ins 7-So For illustration see page 178. SCHMITZBERGER, JOSEPH. 4387 AUTUMN GOLD. 19^x15^ ins 15.00 For illustration see page 186. SCHRYVER, LOUIS DE. 2385 BOIS DE BOULOGNE. 8x9^ ins 6.00 SEMENOWSKY, E. 2504 £ J C PIERRETTE. 10^x7 ins 6.00 2538^ I l MUSOTTE. 10^x7 ins 6.00 SIMM, F. 2670 SUMMER OUTING. 10^x11 ins 7-50 THUMANN, PAUL. 2123 ART WINS THE HEART. 20^x15 ins 15.00 For illustration see page 196. VOGLER, HERMANN. 2657 e | ( LOVE'S QUERY. 14x10 ins 7-50 2658 31 ( THE WEDDING MORN, 14x10 ins 7-50 New York, Berlin, Paris and London. 245 APPENDIX. For various reasons the subjects enumerated in this appendix could not be included in the main body of the catalogue and have therefore been classified under this special heading. BLAAS, E. VON. 4822 HE COMES. Photogravure : Imperial 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 DOLCI, CARLO. 3849 ST. CECILIA (Dresden). Photogravure: Imperial. 19x15^ ins 5.00 DYCK, ANTON VAN. 3703 PRINCE RUPERT. Photograph: Normal 12.00 3850 THE CHILDREN OF CHARLES I. (Dresden.) Photogravure: Imperial. I5 3 A^7 J A ins 5.00 5100 THE LAMENTATION OF THE SAVIOUR. Photograph: Normal 12.00 GAISSER, MAX. 4883 A VISIT AT VAN DE VELDE'S. Photogravure: Royal. 10^x12% ins 3.50 GODWARD, J. W. 4483 THE OLD, OLD STORY. Photogravure: Imperial 6.00 HERNANDEZ, DANIEL. 4825 STUDYHEAD. ) Barytoprint: Follo , each 4826 COQUETRY. ) HOBBEMA, MEINDERT. 3330 THE AVENUE (Holland Landscape). Photogravure: Normal. 19^x27^ ins 12.00 HOLBEIN, HANS (the Younger). 3414 PORTRAIT OF THE MERCHANT GISZE. Photograph: Normal 12.00 HOOGH, PIETER DE. 5164 HOLLAND INTERIOR. Photograph: Normal 12.00 KOWALSKI, A. VON WIERUSZ. 4824 ON PICKET (Companion to Kowalski No. 2521, "The Lone Wolf"). Photogravure: Imperial. 14^x20^ ins 6.00 Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 KRONER, CHRISTIAN. 4810 SPRING MORNING. \ ^ ^ r? 4811 AUTUMN EVENING, j BlaCk F ° reSt Photogravure: Imperial. 20^2x16^4 ins., each 6.00 Barytoprint: Folio, each 2.00 KUGELGEN, GERH. VON. 4675 SCHILLER. Photogravure: Imperial 6.00 LOUYOT, E. 4819 IN THE POULTRY YARD. Carbonphotograph: Folio 1.50 MAX, GABRIEL. 4821 GIORGINA. Carbonphotograph: Royal 3.00 246 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY. MODERSOHN, OTTO. 4436 THE MOOR. Photogravure: Imperial. 10*^x20^ ins 6.00 PHILIPP, JOHN. 4625 ROBERT SCHUMANN. Photogravure: Royal. 12^x10^2 ins 3.50 RENI, GUIDO. 3851 ECCE HOMO (Dresden). Photogravure: Imperial. 16^x14 ins 5.00 RUBENS, PETER PAUL. 5272 DIANA'S HUNT. Photogravure: Normal. 12^x33^ ins 12.00 5286 THE CHRISTCHILD WITH ST. JOHN AND ANGELS. Photograph: Normal 12.00 RUYSDAEL, JAKOB VAN. 3852 THE CHASE (Dresden). Photogravure: Normal. 21^x26^ ins 12.00 Photogravure: Imperial. 13^x18^ ins 5.00 SCHWIND, MORITZ VON. 4813 RITTER KURT'S BRAUTFAHRT. Photogravure: Imperial. 17^2x15^ ins 6.00 4814 THE SYMPHONY. Carbonphotograph: Normal. 33^x19^ ins. (arch top) . 12.00 4815 THE CONCERT. Photogravure: Royal 3.50 4816 THE MEETING. 4817 BETROTHAL. Barytoprint : Folio, each 2.00 SIMANOWIZ, LUDOVICA. 4676 SCHILLER (Bust). 4688 " (% length). Photogravure: Imperial, each 6.00 STUCK, FRANZ. 4583 STUDYHEAD. Photogravure: Imperial. 193/2x15^2 ins 6.00 TISCHBEIN, J. H. 4668 QUEEN LOUISE. Barytoprint: Folio 2.00 TITIAN, TIZIANO VECELLIO. 5333 PORTRAIT OF A DAUGHTER OF ROBERT STROZZI. Photograph: Normal '. 12.00 5336 LAVINIA. Photograph: Normal > 12.00 VELASQUEZ, DON DIEGO. 5343 PORTRAIT OF ALLESSANDRO BORRO. Photograph: Normal 12.00 VOGEL, CHRISTIAN LEBERECHT. 3853 THE ARTIST'S SONS (Dresden). Photogravure: Imperial. i3/4xi724 ins 6.00 WHYMPER, CHAS. 4809 THE EAGLE. Photogravure: Imperial. 20^x14^ ins 6.00 ZIMMERMANN, CARL. 4820 ANNO 1696. Photogravure: Imperial. 16^x20^ ins 6.00 QC\ o , r~ 1 1 a 1 S C?s^c.