r 9 ] ^eco!il3 Bap’s g>alf. S A T U R, D A Y, APR I L the 2d, 1808. Pk-'iikirk; I Strawberries, Hulfdonck and the Quack Doctor Lc Due 3 A Corps du Garde A Bacclianalian, in imitation of bronze Keck 4 A Flower Piece l^ecker 5 The Weaver at his Loom — painted with great ege'dt VanJerfell 6 A Flowfer Piece • - . . Ditto 7 The Companion Ollade ... 8 Strolling Mu ficians Ditto An Interior, the companion Hemfkirk Pluto’s Palace Drawings, Carvhigs in Ivory, .Si'e. *IO A Set of Backgammon Men, fiiielv ctn ved iVoin med.illi'/i ' 1 1 Four carved Brackets, Cherubim’s Heads 12 Six Figures of Saints-, carved In box Lf ?iiarchaiW -- J.3. King William, ih I^viry, and Flora and Apollo, in Ivory 14 Portrait of Louis XIV. and his Queen, and the companion, Philip V. and his Queen . . 15 Abraham offering up Ifaac, and the Cqinpanion, Agai aiiil Ifhmael, in wax . . _ . Roubilliac ...... An elegant Figure, in terra cotta ..... Cooper Portrait of Lady Suffolk, and 2 other high-finifhed Mima tures of Ladies ' , . ' t ' i8 The Twelve Caefars, carved in Ivory ^i8 Two of Emperors ; and 2 , Flomer and Socrates, larger ditto 19 Head of Mercury, Marble 20 Ditto of Apollo, ditto 21 Buft of Seneca, in Black and White Marble — vj^ry Jine *21 Small Head of Charles I. in ivory. Medal of Archbilhop^ Sancroft and 7 Bifhops. One fine bronze Ditto. One.\^^ fmall Silver Carolus a Carolo. One Queen Anne’s Pattern ' Farthing ■ — ■'* 10 SECOND DAY’S SALE. **2l 22 23 24 - ^ "i 26 27 28 29 Dan. ( 1 e Volterra 30 Rubens........ 31 Ditto 32 A Crown, half Crown and Shilling of O. Cromwell A Group of Children playing The Cornpanion A Bacchanalian A fpirited Figure of Saturn, large bronze, on a term, very capital A Ditto of Mars, ditto, on ditto — of equal merit Eight, Children, catts from the originals in the colteBion of the late Duke of Buckingham Portrait of Fiamingo— -after Vandyck ; and 2 Flower Pieces Sixteen of Houbraken’s Heads — -fine impressions — framed and glazed The Fall of the Giants, a drawing The Defcent of the Holy Ghoft — a capital drawing, highly finijhed with white The Three CrolTes, the companion — truly capital PICTURES, Qiiintin Matzys. . . -- 33 Chrift carrying his Crofs '^'’andevelde - - 34- A Sea Storm Baptieft A Flower Piece Ditto .. 36 The Companion Patelle -- 37 A fmall Landfcape with Buildings and Figures Van Goyen . . .. 38 A Sea View, with Buildings and Figures Ditto -- 39 The Companion P. Brill A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures — a pleafmg Picture De Hecm .. 41 A Fruit Piece Ditto .. 42 The Companion Brackelcamp .. 43 A Fifh Market P. Strick .. 44 The Mailer of the Mint and Family — very highly finijhed Stork .. 45 A Pair of fmall Sea Pieces D. Maes .. 46 A Woman paring Apples — painted with gt eat EffeSi De Heem... .. 47 Fruit and Flowers Vanderheyden ,. 48 A Landfcape with Buildings Berkheyde .. 49 A View in Holland — apleajing Figure Janfens Portrait of a Lady Cornelie .. 51 Portrait of a Lady • Hondikoeter .. 52 Dead Game — highly finijbed ^ S Ricci •- 53 Chrift and the Woman of Samaria Viaor A Cat Healing Fifli SECOND DAY’S SALE, 1 Vandevelde ....... - 55 A View of Scheveling, with Shipping ^2 Tillemans 56 The Siege of Namur, with a Variety of Portraits of celebrated Characters Quintin Matzys..... 57 An Altar Piece — aJin^ularpiSJure, elaborately jinijhed //^ Steenwick and Francks 58 The Interior of a Church, with a Variety of Figures— yy Klomp 59 A Landfeape with Cattle and Figures — apleajingand initrejling ^ Pi£lure ^ /xY' Baffan ....... 60 A Landfeape with FigiMes gathering Fruit — brilliantly coloured ^ Sf Vandevelde 61 A Sea Storm — very capiat Holbein - 62 Portrait of Ferdinand Laniere of Bruges — finely finiftied Brauwer 63 A Dutch Fray — very fpirited Storck 64 A View of Lilbon, with a Variety of Shipping ^ y Polemberg 65 Venus and Cupid Ditto 66 David and Bathfiieba — highly jinijhed yrxXofiade 67 An Out-Door Scene, with Figures regaling— a pleqftng ^ eompojition j yy Patdle .... 68 A Landfeape with Ruins and Figures ^Jg^^jWeenix 69 A Landfeape with a Boy, Goat and Sheep ■ 3 ZBvck 70 Ad Interior, with a Lady— ‘highly /nij/hed VanHuyfum 71 ' A Landfeape \vr^Tiznrei---fainled'wiih greur aeiicacy^ in a / pleafing tone of colour ^ jgi Le Due 72 A Mufical Firty— highly finijhed Ditto 73 An Interior with Figures regaling — ditto jjtt Van Bergen 74 A Landfeape, Cattle and Figures ^I^Neefs 75 A Church Piece, Figures by Teniers — jinijhed and finely preferved yy Vanderneer 76 A View on the Banks of a Canal— aw interejiingjcene, true to Nature . Wouvermans 77 A Froft Piece — painted with great truth and pleafing efifeSi M Le Due 78 A Converfation ,^Van Huyfum 79 A Flower Piece, with X Bird’s Neft—'t/^ry /y Van Douer 80 A Sea View, Morning — withfmgular effedi A I Slingeland 81 An Interior, with a VV^oman fcouring Irons— ' finijhed ^ ^Ruyfdael 82 A Landfeape with a Waterfall — in his best time /q G. Dow 83 A Boy blowing Bubbles— a pleafing compofitiony exquifitely finijhed Jf 0 Oftade 84 The School Mafter— an interejiing and pleafing piRure xB Brauwer 85 TheVillage Surgeon — charadlers remarkably animatedy and painted in his bejl manner 2 SECOND DAY’S SALE. ^(jl Wouvermans,.... . -Vander Capelle . . . .. 87 ^ 1 % Ruyfdael .. 88 /fS Vandyck .. 89 Le Due .. 90 Backhuyfen HOBBIMA .. 92 JAN- STEEN.. /go HOBBIMA ... METZU...... ^6 TENTERS..... A GIORGIONE . 93 94 . 95 96 A 3?o HOBBIMA ^8 A Landfcape with a Horfe, Figure and D<^ — painted xvith great delicacy oj pencil, and truth A Calm with VefTels, and a View of the diftant Shore — very fine A Landfcape with Figures — painted with a ftngular knd pleafiing effect ■ The Portrait of Fianaingo — very animated and fine ' *. An Interior, with a Variety of Figures — elaborately finijhcd A Sea Piece, Brifk Gale, with a Variety of Veffels andj Figures — very fine . . A VIEW OF A COTTAGE, NEAR A WOOD SIDE, with Figures — a pleafiing ficene from nature, wherein this IkS charming painter has given a rich difiplay of his fafcinating Pencil : the whole is marbed zvlth thatfipirit and brilliancy of effect, which difilnguifih his fineji works A DOMESTIC SCENE — treated with ■ infi>iiti humo’ir,}' '-^ truth of effect, and fpirit of pencil ' A WOODY SCENE — companion to Lot 92, and of equal hjt merit . * AN INTERIOR, with a La dy httiqg, .and a Gentkman '' V; LANDSCAPE WITH touched with fur-' prifiug Jpirit and brilliancy ot effect, in. his hefii manner I'HE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS, in a ; v' rich and grand Landfcape — a moji capital effort of thcK , Venetian jchool : the colouring is rich and harmonious, ansk harmonious, and the zuhole executed with great fpirit and effect. Formerly in the pohefTion of Dr, Bragge A LANDSCAPE WITH A COTTAGE AND FIGURES ' — very grand and capital FINIS. I J.SmeetoDjPriuter. l48,St.Martin’sLane. |