Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/importantsaleofpOOsome 13 I 3VT IP O IFY TYY. nsr T Ii. Somerville will sell at auction, at his Gallery, on the evenings of Monday and Tnesday. the 16th and 17th of May, / $' A valuable collection of Paintings by celebrated Foreign and Ameri¬ can Artists, including a special sale of Pictures and Studies, and carved oak Studio Furniture, belonging to Mr. Wax. P. W. Dana, who is about leaving for Europe. Some of Mr. Dana’s most important ■works will be comprised in the sale, together with a number of works by French Artists, collected by him. Also, by order of Messrs. Goudil & Co., of Paris, part of their valu¬ able consignments to this City. ' In addition to which there will be a few Foreign and American Paintings sold on account of the estate of the late Col. R. M. Ba &hia, former Appraiser of the Fine Arts, Custom House, 1ST. Y. Prominent among the works in the collection, is a large historical subject by the distinguished English Artist, T. M. JOY, representing “The Meeting of King James IV. and the Scottish Outlaws, at Penman score;” the much admired “Heart’s Ease,” by W. P. W. DANA; an important and fine work by Prof. CARL HUBNER; "The Pastor’s Birth¬ day,” by OTTO WEBER ; “ Cattle and Landscape, near Fontainbleu,” by JOURDAN; “The Reverie,” and other choice works by PLASSAN, HAMMAN, GUERARD, BECKER, VAN HOVE, KAEMMEREE, AUBERT, LUMINAI8, VERSCHUR, VERBOECKHOVEN, 0, A IN, SAIN, MONGINOT, LOUCHE, BARON, GIRADET, LEMMENS, 0, ACHENBACH, ERDMAN, LE POITTEVIN, SAI DE COCK, TOULMOUCHE, SCHLESINGER, LAZERGES, MILNER, JUNGHEIM, DES HAYES, SCHENCK, HERZOG, MARTINUS, HUBLIN HAMON, WALRAVEN, LOBRICHON, ~ MOULINET, /^MEI^ICAN TRIBUTIONS BY DURAND, McENTEE, KENSETT STAIGG, GIFFORD, LAMBDIN, THOM, CROPSEY, HOMER HAYS, DE HAAS, WM, T, RICHARDS, BABCOCK, &c., &o. GIGNOUX, SHATTUCK, LILY M, SPENCER, The Exhibition will remain open, day and evening, until time of sale, Monday and Tuesday evenings, May 16th and 17th. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLEB&GO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York CATALOGUE FIRST EVENING’S SALE. CARVED OAK STUDIO FURNITURE, &c. A B. W. Stool. B bronze card Receiver and bronze Lamp. C liquor Stand. D Chinese Vase. E fine French Guitar and Box. F Japanese inlaid Cabinet. G B, W. Easel, marble base. H antique Divan. I carved Screen. J 2 carved Chairs. 2 / V7 4 K 2 carved large Chairs. L carved oak Sideboard. M carved oak Sideboard. l HAYS (W. J.), New York. Deer and Young. 3 SPENCER Flowers. do (Em>y YE), New York. HO // CROPSEY (J. F.), N. A., New York. 4 Sunrise. INNESS (Geo.), N. A., New York. $ Landscape. VAN STARKENBURG. Landscape. HOMER (Winslow), N. A.,New York. Cabbage Garden. VERTIN (J. G.), Brussels. 8 Street in Amsterdam. SONNTAG (W. L.), N. A., New York, g Valley River, Va. SPENCER kLi ly M.), New York. Is 10 Pussy. MONGINOT, Paris. Flowers. WASHINGTON (W. D. ), New York. Near Natural Bridge, Va. HART (Wm.), N. A., New York. Landscape BOURGES (Leonie), Paris. Fidelity. SPENCER (Lily M.), New York. 5 Currants. 6 DESHAYES, Paris. 16 Peasant’s Hut. BRISTOL (J. B), A., New York, l y Autumn. STAIGG (R. M.), Boston. 18 Love on Skates. WYDEVELD, New York. 19 Flowers. DIDIER (Jules), Paris. 20 Lake Nemi. LASSALLE ( Loris), Paris. 21 Dissatisfied. FINES (E.), Paris. 22 Mother and Child. BABCOCK (W. P.), Paris. 23 Lute Player. 7 SHATTUCK, (A. D.), N. A., New York? 24 Landscape, Twilight. AUFRAY, Paris. 25 Going to School. BREVOORT ( J. R.), N. A., New York 26 Midsummer. 4 f BRIDGEMAN (F. A.), Paris. 27 Playing Horse. CROPSEY (J. F.). N. A., New Yo 28 Spring, Shenango Co. i COUTOURIER (P. L.), Paris. 29 Landscape and Fowls. LERAY (L.), Paris. 40 The Declaration. / \ KINDLER (A.), Dusseldorf. ^1 Reflection. 8 SPENCER (Lily M.), New York. 32 The Pic-Nic Party. HEKKING (J. A.), New York. 33 Autumn, Adirondacks. GIRADET (Karl), Paris. 34 A Water Party. VERSCHUR (W.), Brussels. 35 Farm Horses. BUETLER (Jos.) 36 Lake of Lucerne. TESTAS ( Pupll of Fromentin.) 37 Street View in Cairo. LE POITTEVIN (Eugene), Palis. Storm, Coast Brittany. i WALRAVEN. Ml irguerite. 39 9 CHARTRAND. 40 Near Matanzas. MOREAU (A.), Paris. 1 41 r Fhe Frugal Meal. GIGNOUX (Regis), N. A. 42 Trenton Falls. HOGUET, Paris. 43 The Alchemist. SPENCER (Lily M.), New 44 The Starry Flag. t/ *> < .wi MILNER (C.) - ^ :j 45 Konigs See. LANG (Louis), N. A., New York. 46 The Rhymers. HUBLIN (E.), Paris. 47 Little Dolly. ) # 10 KAEMMERER, Paris. 48 The Surprise. * 3 ^ KENSETT (J. F.), N. A., New York.:, ' XT XT 1 49 Near Newport. Uv LE POITTEVIN (Eugene), Paris. 50 In the Barn Yard. AUBERT (E.), Paris. 51 Meditation. J / 5 SCHENCK (Aug.), Paris. 42 Morning in the Highlands. MOULINET (E.), Paris. 53 The Wood Gatherers. • SOYER (Paul), Paris. 54 Grandpa. I (T° THOM (J, C.), Paris. 55 The Young Boat Builders. / ^ / S' 7 /' h NEHLIG (Victor), New York. Early Settlers. GESSA. 57 Still Life AMBERG. 58 The Surprise. HAMM AN (E.), Paris. 59 Prayer 60 Pet Bird. GUERARD (Amedee), Paris. 61 Grace Before Meat. CAILLOU. 62 Landscape. JUNGHETM. 63 Tivoli. v 64 &S BECKER (Prof. C.), Berlin. The Adieu. JOURDAN (A.), Paris. Reverie. SCHLESINGER (C.) 66 On the Rhine. Lx 67 DUNOUY ( Lecompte), Paris. Night at Cairo. LAMBDIN (Geo. C.), N. A., Philadelphia. 67a The Experienced Fisherman. BRICHER (T. A.). New York. 68 Autumn. DIEFFENBACK, 69 Cherry Seller. VAN HOVE. 70 Flemish Interior. { A -M-4 - 13 SCHOLTEN (H.) 71 The Pet Dog. NAVIER (G.), Paris. 72 The Entry. RICHARDS (W. T.), Philadelphia. 73 Sunset, Mount Desert. SAIN (E.), Paris. 74 At the Well. SADEE. 75 Sunday Afternoon. LYENDECKER, Paris. 76 The Repose. HERZOG, Dusseldorff. 77 The Old Mill. VERBOECKHOVEN (Euge.) Brussels 78 The Gray Horse. u 14 TOULMOUCHE, Paris. 79 Secresy. GIRADET (H.) 80 The Good Sister. HOYOLL, London. 81 Preparing Mischief. 82 Difficult Calculation. LUMINALS, Paris. 83 Landscape. BAKKERKORFF, Hague. 84 The Reprimand. SECOND EVENING’S SALE A 2 carved oak foot Stools. B 2 do D 6 carved oak Chairs. E l do stuffed back and seat. F l do arm stuffed back and seat. G 3 do Tables. H oval Venetian Mirror. I 2 oak Easels. J mah’y picture Stand. DANA (W. P. W.), N. A., New York. 85 Bunch of Flowers. 16 86 LA ZEROES, Paris. Magdalen. 87 DELESCHAUX, Paris. Interior, with Figure. 88 SPENCER (Lily M.), New York. Lilies and Cherries. y , 8y DANA (W. P. W.) Dogs Head. ^_X 1 so o LAMBDIN (Geo. CY), Phila. The Amateur. 0 9 ' STOLE (O.) Flowers. 9 92 VERTIN (J. G.), Brussels. Street Scene, Holland. ) 93 COUTOURIER (P. L.), Paris. Poultry. 17 HAYS (Wm. I.), New York, f ' 94 Deer and Young. DANA (W. P. W ) 95 “Milo” Study. PETIT, Paris. 96 Children Reading 97 SPENCER (Lily M.), New York. 4th of July in the Country. BABCOCK (W. P.), Paris. 98 Boy and Bird. DANA (W. P. W.) 99 The Old Farmer. KNIDLER. too Swiss Interior. LEMMENS (E.), deceased. 101 Chickens. 18 102 i°3 BELLECOUR (S. B.), Paris. Playing Balls. GESSA. Still Life. / 104 DANA (W. P. W.) Autumn Foliage. LASSALLE (Louis), Paris. Gathering Brushwood. HOPE (I.), New York. Landscape. MARTINUS, Paris. 107 Forest Trees. DANA (W. P. W.), NewjYork. 108 Blanco. 109 110 LEGER (E.) after Le Porttevin. Market Sled. SPENCER (Lily M.) Greyhound. 19 111 111 ll 3 n 4 n6 1 ; 118 u 9 120 12oa LITSCHAUER (H. I.) Q J The Good Sister. LANG (Louis), New York. Summer Morning. DANA (W. P. W.) A South-easter, Newport Rocks. DESHAYES (Eug.), Paris. Sunny Corner. LOBRICHON, Paris. The Happy Thought. SMILLIE (Geo. H.), A. New Lake in the Adirondacks. ERDMAN (Otto.) Fortune Telling. BARON ( H.), Paris. The Fete Day— Louis XIV. DANA ( W. P. W.) Wide Awake. DESHAYES (Eug.) Paris. Wood Choppers Path. DANA (W. P. W.) Kearsarge and Alabama. Study made under supervision ot Capt. 20 0 2 5 1 2 A HOMER ( Winslow), New York. 121 Skirmish in the Wilderness. SCHENCK (Aug.), Paris. 122 Evening in the Highlands. DURAND ( A. B.), Ex. P. N. A 123 Ausable River, Keene Flats. KAEMMERER (H ), pupil of Game, 24 The Secretary. DANA (W. P. W.) Coast, Narragansett. HA MON (J. L.), Paris. ,6 Inequalities of the Harem. I / 7 DE HAAS (M. F.), New Y Coast, Sunset. DANA (W. P. W) 1 28 An October Day. J PLASSAN (E.), Paris. 129 Lady and Flowers. AZNAR (J.), Paris, l \o Jolly Troopers. '-*■ 2j5 4 < CO 21 jo HAMMAN (E.), Paris. At the Fountain. DANA (W. P. W.) 132 Sunset. McENTEE (Jf.rvis), N. A., New York 1 33 Murano, Venice. MOLITOR. 134 St. Cecelia. DOLPH (J. H.), New York 13 3 Farm Yard. DANA (W. P. W.) 1 36 “ Excelsior.” SCHEU REN BERG. 13 ~ Morning Hours. NEUSTAETTER. 138 The Visiting. DANA (W. P. W.) 139 Mt. St. Michael. 140 Coasting Craft Waiting for a Breeze. WEBER (Otto), Paris. 141 Landscape and Cattle. ) 3 ‘ r 7,; s U ub 0 22 DANA (W. P. W.) “ Heart’s Ease.” GIFFORD (S. R.), N A., New York. (/' Siout, Upper Egypt. SHATTUCK ( A. D.), N. A., New Ycnk^ Haying Time. DANA (W. P. W.) Morning, Coast of Normandy. HUBNER (Prof. Carl), The Pastor’s Birthday. LOBRICHON, Paris. The Picture Book. DusseldorfF. DANA (W. P. W.) , - “ At Home.” CROPSEY (I. V.) N. A., New York. Hudson River from Fort Putnam. DE JONGHE (Aug.) Waiting. DANA (W. P. W.) Qj* 7 ^ GUf , i Don.’ MELBYE. 132 Near Newport. LE POTTEVIN (Eug.), Paris. 133 Watering the Horse. DANA (W. P. W.) 154 The Guardian Angel. SOYER (Paul), Paris. 1 33 The Mirror. DANA (W. P. W.) 136 The Sheltered Nook. 137 Misty Morning. DE COCK (C.) Brussels, j 98 Returning from Pasture. LAMBDIN (Geo. C.), Philadelphia. 159 Autumn. AsClS DANA (W. P. W.) 160 Setter Dog. 161 “ Extremes Meet.” The last and most important work ot the Artist. 24 JOY (T. M.), London. 162 King James IV., ot Scotland, Meeting the Outlaws at Penmanscore. This picture represents a scene described in the “ Ballad ol' the Outlaw Murray,” in Scott’s Border Minstrelsy, as taking place about the end of the 15th Century, when the English were in possession of a large part of the Scottish Frontier, and the rest was in so lawless a state, as hardly to acknowledge any superb r James IV had particular reasons ior desiring that Ettrick Poorest which formed part of the jointure lands of Margaret, his Queen, should be kept in a state of tranquility ; the occupancy of which by the border clans led to confusion of rights and claims, and the Kings ol Scotland were often obliged to compromise such matters with their rebellious subjects. “ The landis are mink ” the Outlaw said ; “ I ken nae King in Christentie ; King. —“ Sicken like mercie sail ye have; On gallows ye sail liungit be ! ” “ Over God’s forbode” quo’ the Outlaw then. “ 1 hope your grace will bettir be 1 Else, ’ere you come to Edinburgh port, 1 trow thin guarded sail ye be : This landis of Ettricke Foresfe feir, I wan them from the enemie; Like as I wan them, sue will 1 keep them, Contrail 1 a’ Kingis in Christentie.” This picture was purchased a few years since, from the collec¬ tion of Sir. John Murray of Philiphaugh, Selkirkshire, by the late Col. Murray of this City It has never before been exhibited. i r 11 r\0 I r: u -»