FfJANKLIN IflSTITUTE LIBI^ARY PHILADELPHIA Class 69 1 BcoPSS-^ Accession 5G0O REFERENCE in a ^ffbrary of reference except when required by Committees ot the Institute, or by members or holders of second class stock, who have ob- tained the sanction of the Committee. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation. Artici.e VI. — The Secretiiry shall have authority to loan to members and to holders of second class stock, any work belonging to the second CLASS, subject to the following regulations. Section i. — No individual shall be permitted to have more than two books out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two members of the Library Committee , nor shall a book be kept out more than TWO weeks; but if no one has applied for it, the former bor- rower may renew the loan. Should any person have applied for it, the latter shall ha^ the preference. Seetion 2. — A*'ine of ten cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of a iJeok beyond the limited time; and if a book be not re- tnrn"d VTijj^iFfltij"''^ months it shall be deemed lo^, and the borrower shall, irI~3rfMdpn to h'is fines^Ht^rfeit its value. Section ^^^hould a,ny book be ret\irnedTlnjured, tH^ borrower shall pay for the injuijjjor E«i^i*^the l^ook,xas the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall replace them or make full restitution. Article VII. — Any person removing from the hall, without permis- sion from the pro])er authorities, any book, newspaper or other projjcrty in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who may inflict any fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Article VIII. — No member or holder of second class stock, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library or Reading Room. Article IX. — If any member or holder of second class stock, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the foregoing rules, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report him to the Committee on the Library. Article X. — Any member or holder of second class stock, detected in mutilating the newspapers, ])amphlets or books belonging to the Insti- tute shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. MECHANICAL TESTS OP BUILDING MATERIAL, MADE AUGUST, 1882, AND NOVEMBER, 1883, AT THK AVATERTOW^I AESENAL, MASS., HV Till'. U. S. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, AT THl'; REQUEST OF THE ^^ommmBtonm for the |^redion of the : juWic luildings, PHILADELPHIA, PA. ^ S^'^^^^Q]^ [ I N S T J 7Mj T E PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSIONERS. 1884. TEST OF BUILDING MATERIAL, MADE AT THE WATERTOW^ ARSENAL, MASS., AUGUST, 1882, U. S. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, AT THE REQUEST OF THE ^ommfestonBrB for the fraction of ik : jubtic luildinj CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. CHIEFLY IN KEPEEENCE TO THE MATEEIAL USED IN THE NEW CITY HALL. [ IKST'T [JTK PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR THE COMMISSIONERS. 1882. August 21, 1882. Test, COMPRESSION. Material, . . . BUILDING MATERIAL. For whom Tested, . CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. FROM LEE, MASS. No. 2550. Marble Buock L., No. 1, Blue. On end. A. Sectional area, ...... 34.87. ''.010 brass packing used. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 544,000 Crack at A api)earcd high side of specimen. 715,000 20,504 Ultimate strength. Burst into fragments suddenly. No. 2551. 4 FROM LEE, MASS. Marble L., No. 2, White, On bed. •33 Flaked < 5:93 Sectional area, . Took even bearings withont packing. 35.16. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" ■ Remarks. No cracks in sight at 730,000 lbs. Specimen now covered with canvas. 800,000 22,370 Snstained this load, then removed from the machine. Effect of loading, slight flaking of one face of block. No. 2552. FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Marble P., 1, Blue. On bed. G : 02 > Sectional area, ...... About ".007 packing under one edge. 40.64. LOADS LBS. Remarks. APPLIED. PER ; j" 400,000 Crack A appeared. 466,300 11,470 ^ Ultimate strength. Failed immediately after first signs of rapid yielding. No. 2554. FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Marble P., 2, Blue. On end. G".02 Sectional area, ...... 38.4. About ".010 packing under one corner. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 400,000 10,420 Ultimate strength. No signs of failure till block burst. No. 2555. FROM HUMMELSTOWN, PA. Sandstone, No. 3. On bed. Sectional area, ...... 41.28. One face flat, one convex ; took about ".008 packing. loads APPLIED. LBS. l^ER □" Remarks. 510,000 Rapid yielding. 528,700 12,810 Ultimate strength. 6 FROM HUMMELSTOWN, PA. No. 2556. Sandstone, No. 1. On end. Sectional area, ...... 41.92. About ".01 packing under three corners. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEK □" Remarks. 543,000 Cracking sounds. 570,300 13,610 Ultimate strength. Burst suddenly. FROM CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. No. 2557. Limestone C, No. 1. On end. > ^ < Sectional area. 5".92 No packing. □" . 35.05. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Ei'jrAiiKS. 494,000 14,090 Ultimate strength. Failed immediately after first signs of weakness. Block split up along stratification. 7 FROM CONSHOHOCKEN, PA. No. 2558. Limestone C, No. 2. On bed. " < Sectional area, 5".'j2 No packing. [.:" . 34.63. LOADS LBS. APPLIED. PER □" Remarks. 566,000 i 16,340 i Ultimate strength. Failed immediately after first signs of weakness. PHILADELPHIA, PA. No. 2559, Dobbins, Hard Brick. Machine. 8".G8 4 Sectional area, ...... 33.50. ".008 packing used behind one edge. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 30,000 Crumbling along upper edge ; load not evenly distributed. 288,500 8,610 Ultimate strength. Failure gradually took place. Fractures beginning at high side and extending over whole brick. No. 2560. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Excelsior Hard Brick. Machine. 8".53 Sectional area, . . . . . . 31.39. ''.008 packing used behind one edge. LOADS APPLIED. 157,000 261,000 LBS. PEE □" REiyiARKS. I Cracks in sight at end of brick. 8,310 Ultimate strength. Failed by breaking up. Fractures commenced at end of brick. PHILADELPHIA, PA. No. 2561. J. R. HuHN, Hard Brick. Hand-made. 8"n Sectional area. No packing. 31.63. LOADS LBS. APPLIED. PER □" .Remarks. 228,000 Decided yielding; cracking sounds. 591,000 18,690 Ultimate strength. Failed suddenly at the very end of test. Gradual yielding had been going on since first cracks appeared at about 230,000 lbs. No. 2562. PHILADELPHIA, PA. DoTTEREE, Pressed Brick. Machine. Sectional area, 8".30 No packing. . 33.03. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEE □" Remarks. 158,000 Flaking at top of brick. 256,500 7,770 Ultimate strength. No. 2563. FKOM OHIO. SAisfbsTONE, Buff, O., A. 2. On bed. 6".03 Sectional area, 39.32. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER Remarks. 253,000 First crack appeared. 256,000 6,510 Ultimate strength. No. 2564. 10 FROM OHIO. Sandstone, Buff, O., A. 3. On end. A < 5"99 > Sectional area, ..... ".005 packing along one edge. 41.02. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 145,000 First crack on side A. 199,500 4,860 Ultimate strength. FROM LEE, MASS. No. 2565. Maeble L., No. 3, Mixed White and liLUE. On end. 5".92 Sectional area. 34.99. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. - 800,000 1 22,860 Sustained maximum load of testing ma- chine without apparent injury. 11 FROM LEE, MASS. No. 2566. Marble L., No. 4, White. On end. 5".91 Sectional area, . . . . . . 35.05. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 800,000 22,820 Sustained maximum load of testing; ma- chine without perceptible injury. FROM LEE, MASS. No. 2567. Maebee L., No. 5, Blue. On bed. 5".90 Sectional, area, ...... 34.93. Two corners did not come to full bearing. Not packed. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 800,000 22,900 Sustained maximum load of testing ma- chine. Flaked off' along one edge. 12 FROM LEE, MASS. No. 2568. Marble L., No. 6, Mixed White and Blue. On bed. 5".90 Sectional area, . . . . 35.34. ".004 packing used along two edges. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Eemaeks. 610,000 Cracks first appear. 767,000 21,700 Ultimate strength. Crushed suddenly with report. No. 2569. FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Marble P., 3, Blue. On bed. 6".02 Sectional area, ..... ".006 packing under one corner. 39.63. loads APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 543,000 13,700 Ultimate strength. No. 2570. 13 FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Maeble p., 4, Blue. On end. 6".03 Sectional area, Ends take good bearings. 39.33. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 398,000 10,120 Ultimate strength. No. 2571. FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Marble P., 5, Blue. On end. 6".01 Sectional area, . . . About ".01 packing used behind ends. 36.24. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 347,500 9,590 Ultimate strength. Probable reduction in strength from uneven bearing. 14 No. 2572. FROM MONTGOMERY CO., PA. Marble P., 6, Blue. On bed. 6".01 Sectional area, Good bearings. 39.67. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 434,000 10,940 Ultimate strength. No. 2573. FROM OHIO. Sandstone, Burr, O., A. 1. On bed. C'.OO Sectional area, ..... One end convex, about ".01| ; no packing used 41.25. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Eemarks. 252,000 Specimen began to crack. 289,500 7,020 Ultimate strength. No. 2574. 15 FROM OHIO. Sandstone, Buff, O., A. 4. On end. 6".01 40.6. Sectional area, ..... Uneven bearings. Load received on one corner. Maximum open- ing about ."02. No packing. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 90,000 160,000 3,940 Crack opposite high corner. Ultimate strength. Specimen broke in detail, owing to imperfect bearings concentrating load on one corner. FROM INDIANA. No. 2575. . Limestone L, 1. On end. 6".02 Sectional area, ...... 44.22. Good bearings. loads APPLIED. LBS. PEK □" Remarks. 377,000 8,530 Ultimate strength. No. 2576. 16 FROM INDIANA. Limestone I., 2. On end. 6".01 Sectional area, ...... 44.56. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Eemakks. 320,500 7,190 Ultimate strength. FROM INDIANA. No. 2577. Limestone I., 3. On bed. A <- 6"01 Sectional area, ...... 41.28. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 295,000 Cracks appeared at A. 321,000 7,776 Ultimate strength. No. 2578. 17 FROM INDIANA. Limestone I., 4. On bed. Sectional area, .... Very good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEK □" Remakk*. 438,300 10,620 Ultimate strength. FROM VERMONT. No. 2579. I)ovE-CoLORED Maeble D., 1. On bed. 6".01 • • Sectio nal area, Good bearings. 39.65. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 531,200 13,400 Ultimate streng th. 18 FROM VERMONT. No. 2580. DovE-CoLOEED Marble D., 2. On end. CO > . ^ < Sectional area, 6".03 . 38.48. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 379,800 9,870 Ultimate strength. No. 2581. FROM OHIO. Sandstone, Blue, O., 1. On end. 6".02 Sectional area, Fair bearings. 39.69. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 305,000 7,680 Ultimate strength. 19 FROM OHIO. JVo. 2582. Sandstone, Blue, O., 2. On bed. 6".02 Sectional area, ...... 41.90. '^005 packing behind one corner. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEK □" Remarks. 435,400 10,400 Ultimate strength. Fractured suddenly with loud report. FROM OHIO. No. 2583. Sandstone, Blue, O., 3. On end. 6" .02 Sectional area, . . . . . . . 40. ",004 packing at two corners. Surface generally came to good bearing. loads APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 391,800 9,795 Ultimate strength. 20 FROM OHIO. No. 2584. Sandstone, Blue, O., 4. On bed. < G".01 Sectional area, ...... 40.30. Imperfect bearing. ".007 packing used behind one edge. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 297,000 Small piece flaked off side. 351,000 8,710 Ultimate strength. FROM OHIO. No, 2585. Sandstone, Blue, No. 2. On end. 6".05 Sectional area, . . . . . . 41.28. Fair bearings. loads LBS. Remarks. APPLIF.I). PKK □" 620,000 Snapping sounds. 672,100 16,280 Ultimate strength. Fractured suddenly with loud report. No. 2586. FROM OHIO. Sandstone, Blue, No. 4. On bed. 6".01 Sectional area, . . . • • • 39.74. ".005 packing under one edge. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 456,000 Cracks appear and stone flaked off at one corner. 493,500 12,420 Ultimate strength. ■ No. 2587. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Dobbins, Hard Brick. Machine. Sectional area, 8'.' 6 8 Good bearings. 35.07. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 162,000 First cracks appear at A. 411,000 11,720 Ultimate strength. Cracks were gradually developed after 162,000 lbs. load was passed, rapidly failing near the clo.se of the test. 22 PHILADELPHIA, PA. No. 2588. Dobbins, Hard Brick. Machine. One corner broken off before test. 8".50 Sectional area, about 33. Good bearing's. LOADS LBS. -n APPLIED. PER □" REMARKS. 120,000 Crack started at corner. 290,000 ■ Rapid yielding. 304,000 9,210 Ultimate strength. No. 2589. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Excelsior Hard Brick. Machine. 8" 4 5 Sectional area, . . . . '^004 packing placed under one corner. 98,000 180,200 LBS. PER □" 5,540 Remarks. Cracked at A. Ultimate strciiirth. 32.53. 23 PHILADELPHIA, PA. No. 2590. Excelsior Hard Brick. Machine. 8".38 Sectional area, ...... 32.51. Good bearings. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 130,000 Crack started near corner. 188,100 5,790, Ultimate strength. No. 2591. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. R. HuHN, Hard Brick. Hand-made. A 8:20 Sectional area, ..... ''.006 packing under one corner. 31.57. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER Remarks. 95,000 Crack at A opened. 346,400 10,970 Ultimate strength. 24 No. 2592. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. R. Utjhn, Haed Beick. Hand-made. Sectional area. 8".05 Good bearings. LOADS LBS. APPLIED. PER □" 350,000 654,000 20,830 . Remarks. Brick cracked at end. Ultimate strength. 3L4. No. 2593. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. R. HuHN, Haed Beick. Hand-made. 8".20 Sectional area. Good bearings. 32.64. LOADS LBS. Remarks. ■APPLIED. PER □" 235,000 First crack. 364,000 11,150 Ultimate strength. 25 No. 2594. PHILADELPHIA, PA. J. E. HuHN, Ha ED Beick. Hand-made. Sectional area, LOADS APPLIED. 206,000 382,000 LBS. PER □" 11,650 8".20 32.8. Good bearings. Remarks. Cracking sound ; crack not in sight. Ultimate strength. No. 2595. DoTTEEEE, Peessed Beick. Machine. ■Oo 8".40 Sectional area, ..... ".006 packing used under one corner. . 33.6. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" Remarks. 85,000 First crack. 304,000 9,050 Ultimate strength. 26 No. 2596. DoTTERER^ Pressed Brick. Machine. 8".30 Sectional area, Very good bearings. 33.70. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEE □" Remarks. 160,000 243,000 7,210 First crack. Ultimate stren^ ^th. COMPRESSION OF CAST IRON. Specimens Nos. 2597, 2598, 2599, have the same quantity of cast iron in each, differing in form. Castings dressed only on bearing surfaces. 2597 Form of Specimen, Solid. Ziitie of fracture. Sectional area, . 5. 998 8.3. LOADS LBS. COMPRES- COMPRES- APPLIED. PER □" SION. SION SET. Remarks. • 41,500 5,000 0 Loads released to zero and 83,000 10,000 0 compression sets measured 124,500 15,000 ".001 after each increment of 166,000 20,000 .002 5000 lbs. per 207,500 25,000 .005 249,000 30,000 .012 27 LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" — " COMPRES- SION. COMPRES- SION SET. Remarks. * -Xj . \tt> 290,500 _ 35,000 ".023 V 332,000 40,000 .041 373,500 45,000 .071 415,000 50,000 .122 456,500 55,000 .207 498,000 60,000 .406 501,000 60,360 Ultimate strength. Oblique fracture, making an angle of about 30 degrees with axis of specimen. Sides swelled. No. 2598. Form of Specimen, Open Cylinder. 6.001 Sectional area, about 8.3. LOADS LBS. COMPRES- COMPRES- Remarks. APPLIED. PER □" SION. SION SET. 41,500 5,000 0 83,000 10,000 0 124,500 15,000 ".001 166,000 20,000 .002 207,500 25,000 .004 249,000 30,000 .007 • 290,500 35,000 .011 332,000 40,000 .020 373,500 45,000 .034 415,000 50,000 .058. 456,500 55,000 .090 498,000 60,000 .136 539,500 65,000 .217 566,000 68,190 Ultimate strength. Sides swelled. Oblique fractures opening at middle on the outside of the specimen. 28 No. 2599. Form op Specimen, Open Cylinder. Sectional area, LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PER □" COMPRES- SION. COMPRES- SION SET. 41,500 5,000 0 83,000 10,000 0 124,500 15,000 • ".000| 1G6,000 20,000 .001 207,500 25,000 about .0011 249,000 30,000 .002 290,500 35,000 .0021 332,000 40,000 .003 373,500 45,000 .006 415,000 50,000 .010 456,500 55,000 .015 498,000 60,000 .025 539,500 65,000 .035 581,000 70,000 " .052 622,500 75,000 .074 657,600 79,230 5"9 98 about 8.3. Remarks. Ultimate strength. Strains were gradually applied. When the ultimate load was reached the load on the scale of the testing machine fell off about 3000 lbs. Strains were now released, the specimen uncovered and examined ; no cracks were in sight. When again loaded the specimen fractured, with a loud report, at about 655,000 lbs. There were twenty-five pieces after fracture. 29 COMPRESSION OF WROUGHT IRON I BEAMS. No. 2600. Length of specimen, 6".004. A .30 60 < 3"58 > 33. Sectional area, . 5.2. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEK □" COMPRES- SION. COMPEES- SION SET. 26,000 5,000 0 52,000 10,000 ".001 104,000 20,000 .002 130,000 25,000 .002 145,000 28,000 .002* 156,000 30,000 .003 166,400 32,000 .004 176,800 34,000 .007 187,200 36,000 .032 197,600 38,000 .042 208,000 40,000 .054 218,400 42,000 .065 228,800 44,000 .081 239,200 46,000 .100 249,600 48,000 .124 260,000 50,000 .156 282,000 54,230 Eemarks. Web buckled. Ultimate streno^th. Flanges buckled outward. Strains continued till specimen was shortened to 5".40, longitudinal seams opening in web. 30 Wrought Iron I Beam. No. 2601. Length, 6".000. A 3%B .33 .UO Sectional area, 6.5. LOADS APPLIED. LBS. PEE □" COMPRES- SION. COMPRES- SION SET. 32,500 5,000 0 65,000 10,000 0 130,000 20,000 ".000* 162,500 25,000 .000* 182,000 28,000 .000*. 1 95,000 30,000 .000* 208,000 32,000 .001 221,000 34,000 .002* 234,000 36,000 .004 247,000 38,000 .028 260,000 40,000 .042 '273,000 42,000 .053 286,000 44,000 .067 325,000 50,000 .143 353,000 54,310 Remarks. Web buckled. Ultimate strength. Failed in the same manner as No. 2600. 31 No. 2602. Weought Iron I Beam. Length, 6".002. .47 ,1.11 .5?) ' V; 92 Sectional area, 15. LOADS LBS. COMPRES- COMPRES-. Remarks. APPLIED. PER □" SION. SION SET. 75,000 5,000 0 150,000 10,000 0 300,000 20,000 0* 375,000 25,000 0* 420,000 28,000 0* 450,000 30,000 0* 480,000 32,000 0* 510,000 34,000 ".005 540,000 36,000 .022 570,000 38,000 .033 600,000 40,000 .048 630,000 42,000 .060 660,000 44,000 .079 Web buckled. 750,000 50,000 .30 800,000 53,330 .67 Gradual yielding under this load. Opened longitudinal cracks in M^eb, buckled web and flanges. T. T. J. LAIDLEY, Colonel of Ordnance, Commanding. 32 MARBLE. Lee, Mass., do. do. do. do. do. Blue, White, W. & J5. White, Blue, AV. & B. Montgomery Co. Pa.; Blue, do. Blue, do. I Blue, do. j Blue, dr). Blue, do. ! Blue, OP-( End, Bed, ICiid, Kud, Bed, Bed, Bed, End, Bed, End, End, Bed, 715,000 800,000 800,000 800,000 SOI 1,000 707,000 4(;(viiio ■100,000 ri4.3,000 ;:syo 10,940 o 3 34.87 35.16 34.99 35.05 34.93 35.34 iii.i;-! :;s.-io :!0,(i3 39.33 30.24 39.67 Burst into fragments. Slight flaking on one face, Without apparent injury, do. do. Flaked off along one edge. Crushed suddenly, Failed suddenly, do. do. Ultimate strength, do. do. do. do. do. do. W o '2550 ;2551 ^2565 2566 2.367 2568 2552 2554 2569 2570 : 2.571 2572 6 Conshohocken, Pa., 7 do. 5 Indiana, 6 do. 6 do. 7 ; do. I LIMESTONE. End, 494,000 14,090 35.05 Ultimate strength, 2557 Bed, 5i;i;,ooo 10,h'40 34.63 do. do. 2558 End, .'!77,llOl) s,.",;;ii 44.22 do. do. 2575 End, :;l'o,5iio 7.IO:i 44.56 do. do. 2576 Bed, 321,000 7,776 41. .38 do. do. 2577 Bed, 438,300 10,620 41.28 do. do. 2578 17 Vermont, 18 i do. DOVE-COLORED MARBLE. Bed, ] 531,200 , 13,400 .39.65 ' Ultimate strength, End, i 379,800 ; 9,870 38.48 , do. do. '2579 12580 SANDSTONE. 5 Huramelstown, Pa., Bed, 528,700 12,810 41.28 6 do. End, 570,300 13,610 41.92 9 Ohio, Buff, Bed, 256,000 6,510 39.32 10 do. Butt; End, 199,500 4,860 41.02 14 do. Butt; Bed, 289,500 7,020 41.25 15 do. Biitf, End, 160,000 3,940 40.06 18 do. Blue, End, 305,000 7,680 39.69 19 do. Hhie, Blue, Bed, 435,400 10,400 41.90 19 do. End, 391,800 9,795 40.00 20 do. Blue, Bed, 351,000 8,710 40.30 20 do. Blue, End, 672,100 16,280 41.28 21 do. Blue. Bed, 493,500 12,420 39.74 Ultimate strength, do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. Bearings imperfect. Ultimate strength, do. do. do. do. do. do. Fractured suddenly with loud report. Ultimate strength, 2555 2556 2563 2564 2573 2574 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2.586 BRTCK. Dobhlns, do. do. Excelsior, do. do. J. E. Huhn, do. do. do. do. Dottcrer, do. do. Hard, do. do. do. do. . do. do. do. do. do. do. Pr.-sed, do. do. Machine, do. do. do. do. do. Hand, do. do. do. do. Machine, do. do. 288,500 411,000 j 304,000 j 261,000 ! 180,200 188,100 ,501.0111) 3 !r..-)llii li."") 1,1):)') 3114,000 382,000 j 256,500 304,000 243,000 8,(;io 11,720 9,210 8,310 5,540 •5,790 is,i;;)0 1l),:)7i) •ji),s:;(i 11,1.10 11,651) 7,770 9,050 7,210 (S a 33..50 35.07 33.00 31.39 32.53 Remarks. Failure gradually took place, FaiU'd rapidly near close of test. Ultimate strength. Failed by breaking up, Ultimate strength, do. do. Failed suddenly at very end of test. Ultimate strength. 1 do. do. do. do. s do. do. 03 do. do. 6 d... do. 70 d'l. do. i 12559 12587 2588 2560 j25S!) 25911 :2561 12591 12592 2593 [2594 t256-i 2595 12596 33 CAST IRON. 'o 0) Q. «« o 1 Dh 26 27 28 Solid cylinder, Open cylinder, do. do. 3" 4".41 8".78 5".998 6".001 5".998 501,000 5(>B,000 657,600 SI'S M Cos o.S a 60,360 68,190 79,230 8.3 8.3 8.3 Remarks. Oblique fracture. Sides swelled, Sides swelled, Fractured into twenty-five pieces, WROUGHT IRON. Page. a, o o g . w J3 an a Crushing force, in pounds per square inch. Area of sample in inches. Remark.*. Numl.ier of ex- pevimcDt. 29 Rolled I beam, 7".05 6".001 ■_>S2,(Hll) .54,230 5.2 Flanges buckled outwards, 2G00 30 do. 9".00 fi".0()() 353,0011 54,310 6.5 do. do. 2601 31 do. 15".2o 6".002 800,000 53,330 15. Web and flanges buckled, 2602 COMMISSIONERS jFor tf)e IBrection of tfje ^nUit Builtrings, OCTOBER 1, 1882. WILLIAM BRICE, SAMUEL G. KING, ISAAC S. CASSIN, WILLIAM H. LEX, SAMUEL W. CATTELL, HIRAM MILLER, MAHLON H. DICKINSON, RICHARD PELTZ, THOMAS E. GASKILL, SAMUEL C. PERKINS, JOHN L. HILL, WILLIAM B. SMITH, WILLIAM H. WRIGHT. OFFICERS. President— SAMUEL C. PERKINS. Secretary— FRANCIS DE HAES JANVIER. Treasurer— J. J. MARTIN. Solicitor— CHARLES H. T. COLLIS. Architect— JOHN McARTHUR, Jr. fJOHN ORD, Assistants — ■{ (THOMAS U. WALTER. Superintendent— WILLIAM C. McPHERSON, MECHANICAL TESTS MADE WITH THE U. S. TESTING MACHINE, (CAPACITY, 800,000 POUNDS,) WATEETOWIM AESEIsTAL, MASS., NOVEMBEE 5, 1883, U. S. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, AT THE REQUEST OF THE l^ommtoionm for the |itrtion of ik |ublic ^uildinigH, CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, PA. TESTS BY COMPEESSION, TWELVE BRICK PIERS, 3 The Piers were tested between flat compression platforms. The covering plates of cast iron at the ends of the piers w^ere allowed to remain in position, removing the tie-bolts during the tests. The compression measurements and sets were determined by a micrometer, secured at either end to the compression platforms of the Testing Machine; thus indicating the total amount of compression which occurred as each increment of load was applied to the piers. Upon the removal of the loads to the initial 5000 lbs., the amount of permanent set was found. 4 Plates of Cast Iron, enclosing brick piers, planed true on both sides, and made perfectly parallel by means of the swivel tie-bolts. 5 Style op Pters. Marks on Pier. No. 3255. A. 1. Dobbins, Lime. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".75. Sectional area, 12".75 X IS'^OO = 165.75. Weight, 147 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Eemarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 0 10,000 .0030 15,000 .0065 20,000 .0092 25,000 .0120 30,000 .0141 35,000 .0160 40,000 .0180 45,000 .0200 50,000 .0220 5,000 .0130 50,000 .0230 60,000 .0260 1. i • 6 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. Remarks. 70,000 .0290 80,000 .0325 1)0,000 .0375 Snapping: sounds at 85,000 100,000 .0410 lbs. pressure. 5,000 .0245 100,000 .0430 110,000 .0460 Longitudinal cracks in 2d 120,000 .0500 and 4th courses, opposite 130,000 .0520 joints in adjacent courses. 140,000 .0558 150,000 .0610 5,000 .0360 150,000 .0635 160,000 .0665 170,000 .0700 180,000 .0745 190,000 .0800 200,000 .0850 5,000 .0520 200,000 .0910 210,000 .0945 220,000 .1000 230,000 .1160 231,000 Rapid disintegration going on. 231,000 Sustained this load about five minutes, slow crush- ing taking place in the meantime. 239,000 1,442 Ultimate strength. 230,000 Load on pier when test was discontinued. Pier generally disintegrated. Correct. J. E, Howard. 7 Marks on Pier. No. 3256. A. 2. Dobbins, Lime. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".75. LJ" Sectional area, 12".75 X 12".75 = 162.56. Weight, 145 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total ■lbs. Lbs. per Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 0 10,000 .0025 15,000 .0055 20,000 .0075 25,000 .0096 30,000 .0110 35,000 .0130 40,000 .0150 45,000 .0165 50,000 .0180 5,000 .0100 60,000 .0210 70,000 .0240 80,000 .0265 90,000 .0292 100,000 .0330 5,000 .0180 100,000 .0340 110,000 .0360 120,000 .0390 ■ 130,000 .0420 140,000 .0460 Snapping sounds. Slight 150,000 .0492 crack opened in 4th course 5,000 .0280 of bricks. 150,000 .0520 160,000 .0540 170,000 .0570 180,000 .0610 s Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Total Lbs. Compression, Set, lbs. per □" inches. inches. 190,000 .0650 200,000 .0685 5,000 .0405 200,000 .0740 210,000 .0770 220,000 .0820 230,000 .0890 240,000 .1040 250,000 .1200 259,100 1,594 240,000 Kemarks. Ultimate strength. Load on pier when test was discontinued. After the first cracks appeared, there was a gradual development of longitudinal seams as the pressure was increased, till the maximum load was reached. Correct. J. E. Howard. No. 3257. Marks on Pier. B. 1. Dobbins, Cement. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".75. Sectional area, 13".00 x 13".00 = 169.00. Weight, 148 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 0 10,000 .0025 15,000 .0050 20,000 .0075 9 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 25,000 .0100 30,000 .0115 i 35,000 .0130 40,000 45,000 50,000 .0150 .0162 .0180 5,000 .0090 50,000 .0185 60,000 .0210 70,000 .0230 80,000 .0260 90,000 .0285 100,000 .0310 5,000 .0150 1 AA AAA 100,000 .0322 110,000 .0345 120,000 .0370 130,000 .0390 140,000 .0410 142,000 JU UhL d£lCK.lIlg iSUUllU.. 150,000 .0450 5,000 .0240 150,000 .0480 160,000 .0500 170,000 .0520 180,000 .0540 Cracks in sight in middle 190,000 .0570 course. 200,000 .0610 5,000 .0320 200,000 .0642 j 210,000 .0670 i 220,000 .0695 230,000 .0720 240,000 .0755 ^ 250,000 .0810 1 260,000 .0853 ' 10 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Eemakks. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 270,000 .0900 280,000 .0925 290,000 .0970 300,000 .1020 310,000 .1104 356,900 2,112 Ultimate strength. 340,000 Load on pier when test was discontinued. Correct. J. E. Howard. No. 3258. Marks on Pier. B, 2. Dobbins, Cement. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".65. Sectional area, 12".75 X 12".75 = 162.56. Weight, 144 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 0 10,000 .0030 15,000 .0060 20,000 .0078 25,000 .0090 30,000 .0110 35,000 .0120 40,000 .0130 45,000 .ai40 50,000 .0150 11 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. : Total lbs. Lbs. per □" ComprGssion inches. Set, inches. 5,000 .0075 60,000 .0170 70,000 .0182 80,000 .0200 90,000 .0210 100,000 .0230 5,000 .0100 100,000 .0240 110,000 .0250 120,000 .0260 130,000 .0275 140,000 .0290 150,000 .0302 5,000 .0120 150,000 .0315 160,000 .0325 170,000 .0338 180,000 .0350 190,000 .0365 200,000 .0380 5,000 .0145 200,000 .0390 210,000 .0400 220,000 .0410 230,000 .0430 240,000 .0435 250,000 .0450 260,000 .0465 270,000 .0480 280,000 .0500 290,000 .0510 300,000 310,000 .0530 .0560 Cracking sounds. Opened cracks in three inside 320,000 .0580 courses, flaking at end 330,000 .0600 course. 340,000 .0620 12 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 350,000 .0640 360,000 .0680 370,000 .0695 380,000 .0730 390,000 .0820 400,000 .0855 410,000 .0900 420,000 2,584 .1000 Ultimate strength. Correct. J. E. Howard. No. 3259. Marks on Pier. No. 3. HuHN, Lime. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".90. Sectional area, 12'^50 x 12".50 = 156.25. Weight, 138 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Remarks. Total lbs. Lbs. per Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 0 10,000 .0030 15,000 .0065 20,000 .0090 25,000 .0110 30,000 .0130 35,000 .0155 40,000 .0170 45,000 .0190 50,000 .0210 13 Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. 5,000 m 1 n 50,000 .0220 60,000 70,000 .0290 78,000 Siiapping sounds. iSI o cracks 80,000 .0335 in sight. 90,000 .0370 100,000 .0410 5,000 100,000 .0430 110,000 .0465 120,000 .0530 130,000 .0565 140,000 .0615 150,000 .0660 5,000 1 .0390 150,000 160,000 170,000 .0695 .0735 .0785 rrrnflnal rlpvploiirnpiit of lon- gitudinal cracks. 180,000 .0845 190,000 .0890 200,000 .0940 5,000 .0590 200,000 .1025 210,000 .1055 220,000 .1100 230,000 .1170 240,000 .1220 250,000 .1310 260,000 .1390 270,000 .1460 280,000 .1550 290,000 .1690 299,000 1,914 .18 Ultimate strength. Correct. J. E. Howard. 14 iVo. 3260. Marks on Pier. No. 4. HuHN, Cement. August 14, 1882. Length, 12".82. Sectional area, 12".50 X 12".75 = 159.38. Weight, 140 lbs. Applied Loads. In Gauged Length. Total lbs. Lbs. per □" Compression, inches. Set, inches. Eemarks 5,000 0 10,000 .0025 15,000 ' .0050 on nr»A zu,uuu .0065 25,000 .0080 30,000 .0095 35,000 .0110 40,000 .0120 45,000 .0135 50,000 .0150 5,000 .uu