^^^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofmanus01camb CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. CATALOGUE OF THE MANUSCRIPTS PRESERVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, ^tittct) for t^e ^gnliic^ of tj^c SEnibcrgits ^xm* CAMBRIDGE : AT THE UNIYERSITY PRESS. %antian : Hamilton, adams and co. Camftr^e: deighton, bell and CO. M.IX;CC.LVL VOLUME I. PREFACE. The learned and industrious authors, who have hitherto investi- gated the antiquities of Cambridge, are all silent touching the foundation of the University Library. One of the earliest proofs of its existence occurs in the Statuta Antiqua^ where, on issuing fresh orders with respect to the terms of admission, it is intimated that the ' Libraria Communis had, in times anterior to the middle of the fifteenth century, been accessible to all the students. Further traces of this institution are detected in royal grants of 1438 and 1439. At the former date. King Henry VI. acceded to the prayer of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University, who appealed to him in aid of the 'Common Library;' granting for that and other objects the ' manor of Ruyslep, in the county of Middlesex, with a certain place called Northwode, with lands, &c. to that manor pertaining, after the death of John Somerseth, to whom it is given for life^.' If, however, we except these incidental notices, there seems to be no documentary evidence elucidating the character of the ^ Documents relating to the University, &c., i. 403. Lond. 1852. 2 Ibid. I. 41, 42. In 1440 six volumes were bequeathed Mibrarie Uni- versitatis Cantibrigie,' by master Robert Alne of York, the owner of a large collection of books : see Testamenta Ehorac. ii. 78, ed. Surtees Society. VI PREFAC:K. Library and the nature of its contents until the second half of the fifteenth century. A catalogue, or inventory, made by the two proctors of the year 1 47'3, has fortunately been preserved among the arc'liives in tlio custody of tlii' Rogistrary'; and iVoui it we .gather the important fact, that the number of volumes then be- longing to the ' Librai ia Conununis " exceeded three hundred. The same record exliibits an imperfect distribution- of these volumes into the following classes, at the same time adding the names of the donors in each case, so far as they were ascer- tainable : 1. Hlblical. ' Libri Theologie Disputate.'' ' Libri Moralis Philosophie."' 4. ' Libri Philosophie Naturalis.' 5. ' Libri Medicinalls Philosophic.' G. ' Libri Logice.' 7. ' Libri Pootrie.'' 8. ' Libri Sophisticales.' .0. ' Lil)ri (f rammalicales.'' 10. ' Libri Cronicales."' IL ' Libri Juris Canonici.' Only two years after the compilation of this catalogue a build- ing was erected for the reception of the Library on the east side of ' the quadrangle of the schools the necessary funds accruing chiefly from the munilicence of Thomas Scott, a native of Rotheram 1 Tlie volume is entitled Refjistrum Libroriim ct Srriptorum (1473), and the inventory itself, Reglstrum magiatri Rndiilphi Sorifjer et Ricardi Cokeram procuraforum Cantahrigie cowpi/atutu, anno Domini 1473. ^ The title is, Rcgistrum Lihrorum per varios Benefactores Communi Lihrarip. Universitatis Cantahrigie rol/afi [sic]. The number of volumes, of which the titles and names of the donors are both preserved, is 119. rifi.i'Aci: Ml in Yorkshire, who is known anioHLC tlie l)enefactors of the Univer- sity' as bi.shop llothcram. That prelate, on his translation to tlie archbisliopric of York in 1480, continued to evince an interest in the Cambridge Library, and at his death in 1.500 his executors consigned to it a hirge number- of additional volumes, some of which were manuscript. JJut notwithstanding Uotheranrs benefaction, and a second of considerable value which was afterwards made by bishop Tonstall the condition of the ' Libraria Communis** was very far from flourishing. ' Many of the volumes,' writes the first historian' of the University in l iyi, 'are still preserved, while many others have been fraudulently abstracted (sufrurantium vitio)/ Fuller ' also makes allusion to the same malpractices. ' This library,' he says, * formerly was furnished with plenty of choice books, partly ' St'c, resix'ctinf^ him, tlic Stutiiiii Antuiun, § IIM, whore his iiiuiiit'u cikc is di'st'rihed at k»ni;th (May 13,147>^): *...8cholaa novanique supcrius li!)raiiain polito hijudo, Huinptnosn ixmipa, ac dipnis a?ditu-iis porfrccrit. cainque <»imuhu8 ut tUcuit rel)»is i xornatain, iiou paucis vil vilihiis lihris tipuli titain reddi»Ut,' " In the Conivirniiinition ttf liviiefnrtory, \\\v iiiiinhiT of vohiines is SMid to be two hundred. A li.st of HUeh as were believeti to Ik* extant in the s<'ven- teenth century will he found in a CdtahMjus IMirorum ffiiojt haltrt JiiUiathmt Piihlirii Arndt-muf OmfabrufinudM (KB, ix. 12). A mayor of the town of Camhridi;e, John Harris, is eoniineniorat»*d next to Rotheram as a contrm- porary hvnefaetor t»f the Hhrary : cf. Caius, Caiitth. Avndfin. p. n2. Lond. 1.574. See Cains, Ihld , and the list in K IJ. i\ 12 * Caius, Ibid. After statinj; that the same pilferers haupina ilia neL,di;,'entia .se pror.Mis vindieent atque sejun^^ant.' ■' History of the Uiiivendtii of Cavihridyr, p. 11I>, ed. Nichols. When Leland visited the University at the openinjf of tlie nixteenth century, his attention ajipears to liave been arrested hy only six of the vcdunies he sjiw in liibUotltt'ca riih/irn jiinjori (see the list in his Co//rrtniirn^ iii. l.'i, ed. Hearne). Caius, in like manner, distinLruislu's hetwcen the two ' l)il)liothee!e,' when he says (p. HI)) : * Altera privata seu nova, altera puliliea sen vetu-^ dicehatur.' viii PREFACE. at the costs of the aforesaid archbishop Rotheram, partly at the charges of Cuthbert Tonstall, bishop of Durham, bred in our University. . . But these books, by the covetousness of some great ones, and carelessness of the lihrary-Iosers (for lihrsLiry-keepers I cannot call them), are for the most part imbezzled, to the great loss of the University, and learning in general." Accordingly in the last year of Henry VIII. the University Library appeared so fallen and so ' useless," that a grace actually passed the Senate for converting the fabric into a divinity-school. The serious diminution in the number of the volumes at this period may be estimated on comparing the catalogue of 1473 with another that professes to have been compiled exactly one century later 1. At the last-mentioned date the number of books surviving was reduced as low as 177 : while it is added, ' Most parte of all theis books be of velam and parchment, but veray sore cut and mangled for the lymned letters and pictures." A second eye-witness^ who published the result of his obser- vations in the following year (1574) has thrown additional light upon the character of this remnant. He distributes the extant volumes under the following heads : 1. 'Grammatica, Poetica." 2. ' Dialectica, Philosophica.' 3. ' Rhetorica, Historica." 4. ' Arithmetica, Geometria, Astronomia.' 5. ' Cosmographia, Musica." 6. ' Biblica, Doctores." 7. ' Theologica." 8. ' Legaha." ^ See this in the TJber Gratiarum (A), fol. .'^^Oft, fol. 331 a (in the custody of the Registrary). The title is Nomina Librorum existentmm in Bihliotheca Universitatis Cantahrigie, anno Domini, 1578. ^ Caius, Ibid. PREFACE. ix From the same quarter we obtain the interesting fact that of the scanty aggregate, 113 volumes were ' written on parch- ment.' The Library, however, had now reached the lowest point of its depression. In the very year when Caius deplored the losses it formerly sustained, a movement had commenced which issued in its rapid restoration. Andrew Perne, master of St Peter'^s College, writesi from Lambeth 'Feb. 8, 1573,' to 'Mr Stokes (Stokys) one of the bedles of the Universite,"' requesting him to send the dimensions of the stalls in the Library, and a catalogue of the books in each stall ; and at the same time expresses a hope that 'my lord of Canterbury' (Parker) will grant 'a store of notable bokes ' which may at least enable them to fill one stall. In the same, or following, year. Archbishop Parker gave^ 40 volumes (afterwards increased to 100) ; Sir Nicholas Bacon gave 73 volumes ; Bishop Pilkington 20 volumes ; Bishop Home 50 volumes. Other benefactors, including Bishop Barnes, Theo- dore Beza and Professor Lorkin, added to the number both of printed and manuscript works : so that when Fuller wrote he boasted how the Library of Cambridge ' will now move the beam, though it cannot weigh it down, to even the scale with Oxford^' Limiting our future survey to the manuscript department of the Library, we gather from the Ecloga Oxonio-Cantahrigiensis of Thomas James (Lond. 1 600) that the number of such volumes was then 259.'' In the course of the seventeenth century further benefactions continued to arrive from opposite quarters, adding to ^ Original in the custody of the Registrary. 2 See the Liher Gratiarum (A), fol. 831 b sq., and the hst in EB, ix. 12, where minor contributions are also noted. ^ Uhl sup. This writer attributes much of the prosperity of the Library to 'painful Parker/ 'pious Grindal/ and 'politic Bancroft' (p. 119): but neither Grindal nor Bancroft is commemorated in the list of Benefactors. ^ James has printed Archbishop Parker's bequests separately : but the list there given is not quite accurate, as is pointed out in E B, ix. 12. X PREFACE. the varied treasures of the University, and mora particularly to the stock of Oriental literature. Among the leading donors may be mentioned George duke of Buckingham, J ohn Selden, Nicholas Hobart, Dr Bretton, Thomas Baker, and Bishop Hacket. The last-mentioned prelate bequeathed to the University the whole of his extensive library^ ; directing that the duplicates should be sold for the greater benefit of the institution. The sale, which took place in 1673, by realizing the sum of £180, enabled the authorities to purchase 220 volumes, of vvliich 26 were manuscript A large accession was also made to both departments of this Library during the Great Rebellion, when the printed books and manuscripts in Bancroft's Library at Lambeth were transferred to Cambridge. They were, however, soon reclaimed in 1662, and after some negotiation were surrendered by the Syndics ^ (Oct. 19, 1668). But all previous benefactions were exceeded by the munificence of King George I. who having, on the death of Moore, bishop of Norwich and afterwards of Ely, purchased the valuable library of that prelate, amounting to 30,000 printed books and MSS., for the sum of 6000 guineas, presented all the volumes to the Uni- versity of Cambridge. The extent of Moore's manuscript collec- tion in particular is determinable from the Catalogi Librorum Manuscriptorum Angliw et Hiherniw in iinmn coUecti^ published at Oxford in 1697. That part, indeed, which relates to the Uni- versity of Cambridge (the third part of the first volume) is simply a reprint of James's Ecloga^ with a slight Audarium e Bihliotlieca viri clarissimi Thomw Erpenii (pp. 173, 174^) : but there is a copy of the work in the University Library (AB, xi. 52) which contains not only a catalogue of Moore's collection as it existed in 1697, ^ See the Catalogue in E B, ix. 12. pp. 68—81. 2 Original correspondence in the custody of the Registrary : cf Cooper's Annals, iii. 899, 405, 406, 503, and Cambridge Transactions, edi. Heywood and Wright, II. 457. Lond 1854. PREFACE. xi but also a list of the additions which he made to it between the pubhcation of that work and his own death in 1714. During the interval which has since elapsed, the manuscript department of the Library has been considerably enriched from time to time by private benefactions ^ ; such, for instance, as be- quests of Archdeacon Lewes, of Dr William Burrel, of Dr Claudius Buchanan, and of the celebrated traveller, J. L. Burckhardt^ ; so that the University possesses at the present time about three thousand MSS. Yet, strange to say, until the very close of the last century no tolerable catalogue existed to indicate the real nature of their contents either to members of the University or to the literary world at large. The task of constructing such a catalogue was first confided in 1794 to Mr James Nasmith, Fellow of Corpus Christi College, who had already gained considerable familiarity with that field of antiquarian research. If his endeavours were not altogether successful in the present instance, the failure is more attributable to the magnitude of the task imposed upon him than to his deficiency either in knowledge, accuracy, or judgment. Indeed it may be questioned if any single hand could have ade- quately examined and described a collection of such area and variety in the short period of three years which he devoted to the work. When, therefore, the University became more anxious to put forth a printed^ statement respecting MSS. in its possession, ^ The Library itself contains but few records of the number and nature of these benefactions. The principal (after E B, ix, 12) is a meagre list of purchases and presents, beginning at June, 1758, and proceeding as far as May, 1789. From it we learn, for instance, that an unknown benefactor in 1786 presented the MSS. Dd. ix. 70, 71, 72, together with a copy of St John's Gospel, ' in a lock-up class.' ^ His name is given to one large section of the Oriental MSS., described under the title Catalogus Bibliothecce BurckhardtiaiKE, by Mr (now Professor) Preston, in 1853. ^ A slight account of the MSS., in addition to those already noted, was subsequently given to the public in Dyer's Privileges of the University of Xll PREFACE. and two courses were open, either to publish Nasmith^s volumes or to authorize the formation of a more elaborate catalogue, the second of these courses was suggested by the Pitt Press Syndicate, under whose auspices the present work is being executed. The instructions of the Syndicate^ were issued in the spring of 1851, and since that time a party of Cataloguers have been at intervals engaged in carrying out their project. The following list will exhibit the division of subjects ^ which has been adopted, together with the names of those Members of the Senate who have contributed to the first volume of the Catalogue : 1. Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and Early English Litera- ture, Mr C. llardwick^ St Catharine's Hall, Editor. 2. Classical, J/r Churchill Bahington^ St John"*s College. 3. Heraldic, &c., Mr Chas. C. Bab'ington, St John's College. C(tmhrid(/e, i. 5.50 sq. Lend. 1824. Hand's Catalogi TAhrorum Manmcriptorum qui in Bih/iotliecis Gallue, HelrrfifP, Br/gii, Jh'itanjiuf- M., Hhpania', Lusi- tiinifp as.servantin% Lips. ISJjO, notwithstanding the promise of the title, de- votes only four columns to all the Cambridge libraries. ' The following are some of the chief : That the language employe >> /or el«o re^u/ else ' 77, 13. This treatise is uniform in >»Titing, &c. with the iirt'cvtling. ib. 15. This stanza appears among the works of Mar)>o«liu8. 86, ,, 15, /or ' Audiinus' r^<«/ ' Audinnus' 148, ,, 25, /or 'p»*nurion' rfrtr, with the dif- ft-n nce of 'Wninge' for 'bcnyng. ' ,, 14 1 , ., 31, for ' i|>sam ' reail ' ipsum ' ,, 255, ,, 3. /or 'and — leaves' rend ' th*- l;»«t five b av«'H arc much mutilattHl ' ill. 23. /or 'Adelungh' rfrt or date. 341. ., 7 from l»ottom, rraf/ ' torn v ' M .^^o. 3, /or ' pio ' rfaW ' hie ■ ,, 377, ,, 5 from l»ott^m, /or ' of ' TMo/ ■ th.it ■ 438. ,. 8. /or ' s(hIu8 ' rro// ' ^us ' 549, .. 12, /or ' olireyl ' rrml 'obrcv>' Catalogue of iVlanuGrnpts, 1 Dd. I 1. A T.oNG, narrow fulio. priiici[).illy on parcliincnt and in a tolerable state of preservation, tlioupfh mutilated here and there to the extent of whole leaven : fonnerly oonsistetl of 5.52 pa^es, each on tlie average cnntaininjj .50 lines : Iiandwritinij of the same general character throughout, and assignable to the latter half of the xivth century; which is also the approximate date of the language. At p. "i 4 there is a reference to the year 131.5 as then j>.xst. W itli two exceptions (ijsj (I, 7), the pieces arc in vers*.', and all treat of sacred sul)jeet.s in the vernacular language. 1. Three leaves are wanting at the commencement, but the colophon 8ui)plies the title : ^pAHblO DoMIM NObTKl JebI' ChRIMI.' Ikgins (p. 7) : And a mail iu- smot riht tho \lys rilit ere ho niun hi in fro. Ends (p. 27} : J>at is to blisso of hcurnc Amen for Ins iinmys sciu-ne. This piece wants a loaf after p. 12, and nearly half of pp. 21, 22. Thero seems also some gap after p. JO. f..r althoii;:h liie i»aL;inj; is continuous, the language does not tally. The author of tiu- poem i.s unknown, hut a.s u 2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. reasons will appear for attributing otlicr pieces in this volinne to Richard of Hampole, we may conjecture that the present is also from his pen. For perfect copies of this Passion, see Ff. v. 48. §5: (Jg. i. 1. § 11 : Gg. V. 31. § 3: li. iv. 9. ^ 1 : and cf. Dibdin's Typog. Antiq. ii. 24G sq. Lond. 1812. 2. 'L.VMKNTACIO 9ANCTI lUlUNAROI DE CO M P A S8I0NE HEATK Marip: Viiu;iNis ex dulcissimi Vii.m sri passionk et kiusdem CRUDELI MORTE.' Begins (p. 2D : Lewid luvn am not lorid in lore As ck-rkis ben in holi writte And |>ouh nu'n precho hem luer more It wile not wone in hir witte. Ends (p. 42) : M'han j>ei schul passcn |>e world al fro To seen |)C peync )>at is in helle. This poem, as it professes (pp. 27, 42), was based upon a Latin Sermon of St Ikniard (col. 150 seqq. Opp. Ant v. 1010). The following notice of the translator appears to have been subjoined some time after his death, possibly by the scriK' (»f the present MS. : This ryme mad an hennyte And didc it writen in parchemyn ; Rarfoot he wente in gray habyte He werid no cloth |>at was of lyn. pus on englisch he didc it wryte : He seyth lie drow it of |>c latyn : His mede lord ihu him quyte, And scynt bemard clerk of deujTi. The age, style, and character of the piece accord with a conjecture, that the * hermyte' here mentioned as its author or translator was the famous solitar}' Richard Rolle, who lived at Hampole, near Doncaster, and died in l'U8 (Warton, ii. 43, note a, ed. 1840.) It is not, liowever, mentioned in the ordinary catalogue of liis WTitings, e.g. that of Tanner, Biblioth. s. v. pp. 374, 37."'>. 3. A Poem, without title or colophon, containing the history of our Lord from the Besurrection to the Ascension. Begins (p. 43) : On Estcrne day in )?e dawing Ihu ros fro deth to lyue. CATALOfJUi: OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3 Ends Cp. 48) : ))at he mote vs so wisse and rede )>at to beucne blisse we mote come. This piece may be conjeeturally assigned to the same author. 4. A course of Metrical Sennoiis, consisting of paraphrases on the Gospels throughout the year, with scriptural and k'«^enilary * narrations/ A rubric at the end (p. 412) supplies the following title : * UoMIMCALIA EVANGKLIA KT MIRACULA VALDK HONA ET NOTABILIA IN LINGUA AnGLICANa/ The Sermoas proceed in the usual course from Advent onwards, excepting those for Corpus Chrijsti and Palm Sunday. The former stands at the c«>m- iiuncement p AiV, and the latter almost at the end of the series (p. 401*). Ajjpcnded is a metrical *Narracio de Petro Toller,' (pp. 407 — 412), also in Knglish. Begins, for Advent Sunday (p. .'iG) : Or I'c fulfilling of tyme wa« come Sathimas had al \*c folk nome. And mankj-nde in prisoun he hild \Vi]> out help wij>outcn Ix'ld. Ends, for the 25th Sunday aftt r Trinity (p. 402) : Now swcte ihu |»i grace vs sende j)at we may lur our lyf amende, So |>at we allf at our did day Come to |»at hlesse j'at ln«Jti|> ay, pi louesum face in heuene to sc Amen, amen, so moto it be. Gaps, more or less extensive, occur at the following places, though the jwiging i.s nuwtly continuous: pp.50, 10e j'at was now. His name John hiht, Al I'is pardoun he grauntij' 30W And douhlij* it wi)» his myht. M<»ylerus j'orw goddis grace IJischop of Ky> lymme, lie ha)) amcndid al |>is ens ])orw myht j>at gcnl 3af hym. John XXII. was pope from 1310 to 1334, and Miler Ic Phrast proceeds : * Alle men ])at wile lyuen in this world cristenliche, allc pei sufferen perse- cucioun.' Ends (p. 4oO) : * Unto j)at lyf he bringe vs, our lord god crist ihus, ])at on |)e rode tre boughte vs ' (adding the Latin doxology). 7. A Treatise without any heading, but described in the colophon as ' MEMORiALr-: Chedencittm." Begins (p. 4.53) : * Man and woman ])at is in wil for to fie synne and lede clene lyf take hede to ]ms tretys ]mt is wretcn in engliscli tonge for lewid men ))at nought vndei-stond latyn ne frensch, and is drawen out of holi writte and of holy doctors befom ])is tjnne.' It contains an account of the plagues of Egypt, and the giving of the Law, Expositions of the Ten Commandments, the Seven Deadly Sins, Penance, Transubstantiation, the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, the Four Cardinal Virtues, the Seven Sacraments, the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost, the Seven Works of Mercy, the joys of Heaven, and the pains of Hell. Part of pp. 457, 458, and 485, 48G are wanting. There is also a gap at p. 524. The author was probably Hampole : see Tanner, p. 375, col. 2. * Quod = Quo^S. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5 8. A Metrical Passion of St Erasmus. Begins (p. 5^37) : Allc ciisten folk 36 listen & lere Of an holy huschop and a martere Whos name is clepid se^nt Erasmus As j>e boke sayth and trewe men tellen vs. Ends (p. 540) : To which ioye and blis good god bring vs porw help of j)is holy man seynt Erasmus. The following couplet occurs both at the opening and the close : Ne noceat spasmus michi, me iuuct almus F^rasraus: O sacer Erasme, merit is prccibusque regas me. 9. A Poem on Lent, witliout title. Begins (p. 540) : Lenten is an holy tyme In which folk wile hem sc-hryue. Ends (p. 544): To come to Crist is table At cstcm tyme. Amen. 10. 'A (jtOOF) LkSSON of IX, VKIITKWIS.* Begins (p. 544) : Alle I'at loue to here )>is lessoun Crist graunt hem his benisoun. Ends (p. 548): To which ioye and to which blis CJod bring vs allc whan bis wil i.s. Between this piece and the next are the following lines; Vis scripturarum .simctarum sine boiiarum Dat sensum clarum, confundens crimen amarum ; Et per vim quarum fit magna salus animarum : Ilinc nobis carum fierct modulamen earum. 11. A Poem on Jmt Judgment, with the following motto as a title : C) iudcx vi feruida banc seruabis artem, Acu tinali merida' i. e. audi alteram partem. 6 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins (p. 548) : And ])ei-for 3e lordingis )>at louedays wile holde Loke 38 her bo])e party es and who ha]) right or wi'ong. Ends (p. 551) : Loke ])at 3e swer tmli & trewe tale telle pat 36 dampne not 30ur soulis & wend vn to helle. A few lines in different metre are then added on the same subject. z Dd. L 2. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 3 Dd. L 3. A large folio, on paper, in good preservation. Liber Valorum omnium Beneficiorum Ecclesiasticorum IN Anglia et Wallia, — is the title assigned by Nasmith in his MS. Catalogue, none having been affixed by F. Neve to the volume. After G leaves which contain * Tabula Anglice' and 'Tabula Walliae' are 71 leaves, on the last of which (f. 71), is the autograph note ' Scripta per Franciscum Neve olim Collegii divi Johannis Alumnum ['hodie vero liomi- num miserrimum,' on f. G9] 4° die Martii, 1G40.' At the end, on the inside of the cover, is the following * Memorandum : This booke for the writing wherof the University paid fewer pounds unto Francis Neve (as appeares by the Audit booke in Anno IGJl) being found in the study of M"" John Tabor (as is said) was by his relict given away unto a friend : but being discovered after 20 yeares lying hid, it is now recovered to the University to be kept for publick use, for which it was at first intended. Ita tester Will. Dillingham, August 8th, 1GG2.' 4 Dd. I. 4. A large folio, on parchment, in good preservation, though w^ant- ing 4 leaves at the beginning. It formerly contained 234 leaves, written in the xiith century, every page being divided into 2 columns of 39 lines each. Flavii Josephi Antiquitates Judaic^. On f 5, ^de aliis longum est dicere quidem | de seth autem conabor narrare tantummodo,' are the two first lines. Though the version is that by Ruffinus and agrees closely with the text printed at Paris, 1535, the division into chapters is diverse, the words above being towards the end of CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 7 chapter iv. in the edition, while chapter iv. in the MS. begins with * Deus itaque noc qiiidem iusticiam dilexit.' * Liber Primus' is divided into xiii. capitula. * Liber secundus' into vii. which arc enumerated on f. 18 b. before ' Incipit Liber secundus qui continet tempus annonim ducentorum et vi- ginti/ And similarly for the others, Lib. IIL being divided into xi. Cap.", IV. into VI, V. XIII, VL xv, VIL xvi, VIIL xx, IX. xxi, X. xiv, XI. viii, XII. XIX, XIII. XXX, XIV. xxviii. With the XlVth book ends the MS. on f. 234 a, on the other side is ' Explicit Liber quartus decimus.' The initial letters to the several books are bold and gi-otcsque combina- tions of cherubim men and animals, those to the several chapters are simple in foiTn, and red, blue, green, or purple. At the beginning of the volume are 2 leaves, and at the end 4 (marked 51, 52, 57, 58), fragments of some law treatise, in a hand of the xvth century. A Legend (Translatio corporis S. Jacobi Majoris in Gal^.ciam) has been added, the portion on f. 234 h. being in a handwriting of the xiiith century, that on f. 235. in imitation of the former. Begins : Nemo putet quod istc sit iacobus qui cognominatus est Alphei et iustus. qui a phariseis de pinnaculo templi est precipitatus. Ends: Discipuli autem apostoli ut cognovenint quod illusi esscnt a muliere luparia orationcs fuderunt ad dominum. Boves quoquc per orationes sanctorum et merita iacobi apostoli adquicverunt et veluti iugarios cum mansuctudine illos adduxeiimt quocunquc voluerunt. This version of the Legend appears to be the same as that given ' In MS. Floriacensis Bibliothecie' (jiioted by the Bollandists, Acta Sanctorum, de S. Jacobo Majore § iv. (Die xxv. Julii. t. vi. p. 12). Dd. I. 5. A large folio, on parchment, containing 137 leaves, and 26 lines in a page ; mutilated in the 122nd leaf and at the end. It belongs to the xvth century, and has the initial letters and many of the margins illuminated. PSALTERIUM DaVIDICUM CUM HyMNIS EcCLKSIASTICIS, JUXTA USUM Sarisburiensem. It has rubrics and musical notes. Begins (fob 7): Hie sequens hymnus (viz. ' Verbum supernum prodiens') dicitur in dominicis per totum adventum. 8 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ends: Dixi tu es spes mea, portio mea in ter A Calendar is prefixed, which has the obits of kings Henry VH, Henry VIII, and Edward VI, and of a few private persons, noted in diflFerent hands in the margin. In the margin of the calendar for October there is the note : ' Prima dominica Octobris, dedicacio ecclesie.' 6 Dd. I. 6. A large folio, on parchment, of 339 leaves, written in double columns, with from 50 to 5G lines in a column ; apparently of the xivth century. BiBLiA Sacra cum Prologis Hieronymi. The prologues * Prater Ambrosius' and ' Dcsiderii mei' are written on the first leaf in a hand much smaller than that of the rest of the book. The last leaf is filled with various prologues to the Gospels. The books of the Old Testament occur in the following order : Genesis Esther, Machabicorum i, ii. Job, Esaias Daniel, Psalmi Ecclus, Osce Malachias, Baruch, Lamentatio. Of the New Testament, this jMS. has the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Apocalypse, Epistle to the Hebrews from chap. iv. ver. 4, to the end, and the Catholic Epistles. A few short annotations are added here and there in the margin. There are also the following notes of ownership : 1. On the last fly-leaf : ' Icest Livre est a mestre Nicholas de Cobeham/ 2. On tlic first fly-leaf: ^O paraclite mcntcm tergas sorde scatcntem. Rector de Adisham et Abyndon juxta Northampton, &'c. Anno Domini, 1474.' This owner's name, which was John Parmenter (see the County- Histories of Northamptonshire and Kent, and Somner's Antiquities of Canterbury) is intended to be conveyed in the first syllables of the words 'Paraclite nieniGiw tergas.' 3. On the last leaf of the MS : 'John Smithe his boke.' On a fly-leaf at the end of this MS. is a fragment of some French Poem (? Ymage du Monde, by Gautier de Metz). The handwriting belongs to the xivth century, but only a few lines of the Poem survive. 8 Dd. I. 7, 8. Two volumes, large folio, on vellum ; the former consisting of 177 leaves, the latter of 233. The date of this MS. can hardly CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 0 be later than the xiith century. It is neatly written in double columns, with about 41 lines in a column. The title given in the first volume is : 'AURELII AUGUSTINI DoCTORIS IN LiBRO PsALMORUM TrAC- TATUs PRIOR incipit.' Vol. I. contains Ps. i. to Ps. l. Vol. II, contains Ps. li. to Ps. c, but is imperfect at the end. Begins : AureHi Augustini egregii doctoris de psahno quinquagesimo primo sermo incipit. Psalmus brevis est dc quo, &c. Ends : non est quid mali sentias de illo quia securi sumus et certi . At the end of Vol. I. are inserted two short Treatises without titles, in the same handwriting with the rest of the MS. 1. A Commentary on Cant. iv. 6 — 8, occupying 8 columns. Begins : Ibo michi ad montem niyrre ct cetera. Sponsus hie quidam lo(^ui- tur qui hal)et sponsam et spondet se visitaturum earn. Nota ergo quod non semper dorai est sponsus iste ; cavet enim ne forte vilescat amor suus. Ends: quia quanto magis mundum fugicndo Deo appropinquare incipimus, tanto magis in unum congrogamur. Explicit. 2. A Treatise on Retirement and Contemplation, occupying 6 columns. Begins : Scrutemur scripturas et invcnienius vix unquam deum in multitu- dine locutum : scd quotiescunque honiinibus innotesccre vohiit non gcntibus ct populis sed vel singulis, vel admodum paucis, &c. Ends : quod autem subjungitur conglutinavit eam sibi, hoc est cadaver invenit et amplius ad archam redire noluit. 9 Dd. I. 9. A narrow folio, on paper, written about the year 1714. A Collection of Medical Recipes. On p. 1 is the recipe (1) entitled * A temperate Plague Water.' On p. 115 is, ' Here ends Doctor Baits his receipts.' Then follow some recipes * for a scurf Head,' and on p. IIG is ' Finis. 1714.' 10 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 11 Dd. I. 10, 11. These two volumes, of good parchment in folio, comprise two distinct works, both of which are imperfect, but aj)parently in the same condition as when presented to the University by Arch- bishop Parker. 1. In this division every page contains two columns of 36 lines each : from p. 1 to p. of)3, the handwriting is large and clear and apparently of the xivth century : from p. 3i)o to p. 1384 it is of a similar character. Epistol-e Pontificum kt Canones, — is the title prefixed by Parker's scribe. This Collection commences with the ruhiic (p. 1) ' Incipiunt nomina. xi. regioniim contiiienciiim infra sc provineias cxiii....' This catalogue extends nearly to the end of p. 4 ; in other MSS. it is generally preceded hy lists of bishops, see hidoriann, cap. xci. § 51. (Isidori Opera, Romse, 1707.) The contents of pp. 4 — 1 200, a. appear to he the same as those of the very ancient MS. \'at. 0/30, fully described in Apjwndlv ad Lconis Magni Opera (Venetiis, l"-")?), from p. ccxxvii. Hxviii. ' Pnefatio Isidori' to p. ccxxxii. 'subire appetit servitutem.' Further it may be noted that in MS. Vat. the 'catalogus Romanomm Pontificum' ends with Nicholas I; and in a table of Contents in our MS. the last item (p. 3()4) is * Decrcta pnpce (pnesulis) Nicholai.' The contents of ])p. 1200, ft.— 1384 relate to the Church of England and chiefly to the Sec of Canterbury: besides being for the most part scattered, like the contents of the pages preceding, through the volumes of Mansi Concilia (Florentiic, 17o0), some are to be found in ^\'ilkins' Concilia, and Eadraeri Hifitoria Novorum (cd. J. Selden, 1G23) ; others are noticed in Theineri Di.squisitiones Critica- (Romir, 1830), cited in Reijcsta Pontijicum Romanorum (cd. P. Jatfe, 1051). The collection ends abruptly (p. 1384) with 'salutem et apostolicam [benedictionem] ' in the Epistle of Ilonorius, ' De Confirmationc ct Le- gatione Guillelmi Archiepiscopi Cantuarie.' It may be noted that, in the * Brcviarium' (pp. 15 — 20), the last item gives the title of the preceding epistle (pp. 1382 — 4), * [D]ccretum honorii papce ut monachi perpetua stabilitate consistant in ecclesia sancti saluatoris Cantuarie. Et alia quam pluracantuaricnsis ecclesite iura, ac privilegia concerncncia qua; in hoc opere habentur tabula expresse docct.' The Dccretum is dated iii. Kal. Feb. Mcxxv. and begins, * Equitatis ct justicie ratio.' There is also (pp. 359 — 864) a more complete table of the contents of pp. 3G8 — 1323. Every alternate page is marked by red chalk : but either through design or carelessness, the text on p. 518 closing Vol. 1. — (the leaf marked 510 being blank) — is continued on the first page of Vol. II. marked GDI, and the pages numbered G19 and 701 arc on two consecutive leaves, and so arc those num- CATALOGUE OF XrANUSCRIPTa. 11 bered 710 and 801, 819 and 001, 919 and 1001. This erroneous enumeration was adopted in the table of contents written by A bp. Parker's scribe on the inside of the first cover. It seems as if a leaf had been cut out after p. 8, the last words thereon being, * congregatis omnibus eiusdem provincia epi- Bcopis, judicium terminetur : et reliqua Sanest conci but ' Sanc/rp ctium,' which Ls the i)ropcr continuation (see Mansi Concilia, i. 8) has been erased : also the syllables /// have been supplied, after an ei*asure, on p. 9, before 'principium iuxta apostolicse sedis auctoritatem,' words which occur in Aurehi ad Damasum Epistola (see Blondelli Fseudo-Itfidonig, 544). Be- tween p. in04 and p. Io05 a leaf appears to be missing: for with p. 1304 concludes the Epistle of Honorius in ^^'ilkins' Concilia , i. 3.0 — 0, and the first words on p. 1305 are 'fucrit appcllatum, id est ut actor semper rei forum sequatur:' the series of ordinances in which they occur ends on p. 1314. The initial letters are wanting throughout : for those as well as for many rubrics blank spaces have been left. At p. 393 the handwriting is abruptly changed, and the subsequent rubrics are supplied. It seems worthy of note that, except in the table of contents by Parker's scribe, wherever the word papa had been written, or any of its cases, an erasurq (ui obedience to the Circular Letter of Hen. VIII, June 2G, lo35: sec Burnet, III. Collect, 32) has been made, and in No. (10) pontifcx or cpiscopus or prcrsul substituted, with the addition of Romauus in some places. The MS. in all other respects Ls in a good state of preservation. 2. The liandwriting which is .small and contracted belonpp to the end of the xvth century: every page contains two column.s of about GO lines each. 'EXPOSITIO I UATRIS Ny( 01.AI TllKL KTU AxOLICI OIIDIM.S rRiEDICATORUM Sl'I'KU Bop:TIO 1)E consolatione.^ Begins (p. 1385): Explanationem librorum Hoecii de consolatione philosophica aggrcs- simus vocante quorumdam fratrum satisfactione qui me ex i)rofessione ordinis predicatorum On p. l.'>0(\ after the colophon (Explicit commcntum, Sec), commences the Tabula which comes to an end with the volume abruptly, at p. 1.504. There are some blank spaces which seem to indicate that the transcriber had a mutilated MS. before him. The present MS. is referred to as No. 230 by AMiarton, in p. 13 of Appendix to Cave's Ilistorin Litrraria, under the title ' Nicolaus Trivethus,' A.l). 1310 In the Briti.->h .Museum, Cod. Bum. No. 131 is another copy of this Commentary, which has never been printed; see a Catalogue of MSS. on .sale by John Cochran, London, 1829. No. 324. 12 Dd. I. 12. A folio, on parchment, containing 225 leaves. It belongs to the xivth, or the beginning of the xvth century, and was given to 12 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. the Library by Rotheram, Bishop of Lincoln. The illuminated capitals which adorned the commencement of the various books have been cut out throughout the volume. The principal text is written in double columns of various length, but generally num- bering from 50 to 70 lines, in the middle of the page, the margin being filled with a commentary in a smaller hand and darker ink, though apparently by the same scribe. A waste leaf at the beginning contains a fragment of J ustinian''s Codex^ circa Lib. v. cap. 37, 38. 1. JUSTINIANI InSTITUTIONUM LlBRl IV. CUM APPARATU AcCURSII. The rubric (fo. 1, «) is: In nomine Domini nostri Jesu Cliristi, Imperator Cesar, Flavins Justinianus, Almanicus, Goticus, Francus, Germanicus, Anticus, Alanicus, Wandalicus, AfFricanus, pius,felix, inclitus victor ac triumphator, semper Augustus, cupide juventuti, Institutionum liber [primus incipit]. It ends (fo. 55, h) : Sed de publicis judiciis hcc exposuimus, ut vobis possibile sit summo digito et quasi per indicem ea tetigisse, alioquin diligencior eorum scientia vobis ex latioribus digestorum sen pandectorum libris, Deo propicio, ad- ventura est. Explicit Liber Institutionum. 2. CODICIS JUSTINIANI LiRRI x"**' Xl"^" XIl"^' CUM APPARATU ACCURSII. The rubric (fo 55, b) is : Codicis Domini J ustiniani Imperatoris repetite prelectionis Liber x. incipit, De jure fisci. Ends (fo. 103, a). I he concluding lines have been cut out for the sake of an illuminated letter. 3. JUSTINIANI NOVELLARUM LiBRI IX. CUM APPARATU AcCURSII. The Rubric has been cut out : the commentary begins (fo. 103, a) : In nomine Domini. Justinianus opus suum laudabile Deo attribuit. The last sentence (fo. 200, b) has been cut out. The words which form the termination of the 9th Book in the edition of Contius, Paris, 1559, seem to have been followed in our MS. by two or three paragraphs, the greater part of which is lost. 4. CONSTITUTIONUM (VEL CoNSUETUDINUm) FeUDORUM LiBRI III. CUM APPARATU ACCURSII. The mbric (fo. 201, a) is : Incipiunt Constitutiones Feudorum et primo de his qui feudum dare possunt. The Edition of Contius, Paris, 1559, and of Gothofredus, Geneva, 1656, entitle this work Conmetudines Feudorum, and they divide it into two CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 13 books. The 3rd book in our MS. commences with the 23rd Title of the 2nd book of the Paris edition. Ends (fo. 225, h) : Indignationcm Dei omnipotentis et beatomm Petri et Pauli apo- stoloium se noverit incursurum. Hie finiunt Feuda. 13 Dd. I. 13. A folio, on parchment, containing 272 leaves. It belongs to the xivth century, and is written in double columns of between 80 and 90 lines. On the last page is written in a hand and ink different from that of the MS. : 'Explicit [speculum juris] cum repertorio magistri [Gulielmi DurandiJ scriptum xxvii*^ die Sep- tembris anno Domini m" rcc^.xLv"."* The words in brackets have been carefully scratched out and are with difficulty traced. On the back of the last leaf is a note by some former owner, dated 'In festo sanctorum Viti et Modesti anno Domini M".crcr".xxx" but his name, which appears to have ended in nei/a^ has been erased, as well as some other words, and the purport of the note is not manifest. 1. Gulielmi Durandi Speculi Juris Lihri iv. After a table of contents, the first diaptcr, Dc Actorc, begins (fo. 1, n): Quoniam parum esset nossejura fore prodita nisi personiv qiiaruni causa sunt prodita note esscnt. The initial letter of the third book has been cut out. Ends (fo. 230, b) : Favorcm profecto non quitrcns humanum scd sohini braviani sempitcrnuni ad quod nos pcrducat qui sine fine vivit et rci,Miat. Auien. The Explicit added by a later hand has been erased. 2. Gulielmi Durandi Repertorium (seu Breviarium) Aureum. It is imperfect and commences abruptly (fo. 231, a) with the words : Ad coniparendum cum actis et munimentis an dabitur vel dc- negabitur. — These words occur in the title Dc dilatationil)us, in the 2nd Book of the Paris edition, 1519, at fo. 52. Ends (fo. 272, a) : Ipse enim huic rei deccns ponens unicuiquc laudal)ilcquc medium fincm feliciter consumavit ut de con, di. i. nullus cpiscopus. Gulielmus Durandus, or Durantus, surnamed Speculator, from the title of his great work. Speculum Juris, became bishop of Mimatum, or Mende in Languedoc in 1287. The two works contained in this MS., as well as the other writings of the author, have been frequently printed. 14 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1* Dd. I. 14. A large folio, on vellum ; 401 leaves ; double columns, with 58 lines in a column. The initial letters are curiously elongated so as to form borders to the pages, and many of them are illu- minated. There are 13 miniatm*e pictures, with dresses of the xivth century. BiBLiA Sacra cum prologis Hieronymi. The books occur in the usual order, except that the Acts of the Apostles is placed after the Pauline Epistles. Part of an alphabetical glossary of proper names^ &c. occupies the last two leaves of the MS. On the last fly-leaf is a half-erased note, in which the names of ' Hugo de Venna/ and ' Petrus Comestor/ are legible. 15 Dd. I. 15. A large folio, on parchment, of 196 leaves ; written in double columns, with about 42 Hues in a column. A MS. of the xivth century. One half of the last leaf has been cut away, and several other leaves are wanting, both at the beginning and throughout the book. It has illuminations and musical notes. MiSSALE AD USUM ECCLESI.E SaRUM. Begins : nives [1] domino, benedicite fulgura et imbres domino. Ends: qui tecum vivit et regnat, &c. This MS. has belonged to the church of St Margaret's, Lothbury, as ap- pears by the following note on p. 173 : ' Orate pro animabus domini Hugonis Wyche militis et Willi Holt merceri, &c. Sanctse Margaretae de Lothbury.' On the fly-leaf at the end is an extract from the will (a.d. 1373) of Robert Gayton, citizen of London, bequeathing perpetual annuities to the rector and clerk of St Margaret's^, Lothbury, and certain tenements (contin- gently) to the convent of Clerkenwell. 16 Dd. L 16. A folio, on parchment, of 285 leaves ; in double columns, with 45 lines in a column. Of the xiith or xiiith century. 1. Petri Comestoris Historia Scholastic a Sacr^. Scrip- ture. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 15 Begins (fol. 7, a) : Reverentissimo patri et domino suo WUlelmo dei gratia senonensi archiepiscopo. Ends (fol. 249, b) : In loco magis honorabiliori scilicet in cathacumbis. 2. Petri Comestoris Allegoriarum Libri ix. Begins (fol. 249, b) : In praecedentibus premissa descriptione originis et distinctionis artiura et quorundam alioium, ortum cursum et occasum omnium regnorum ab initio usque ad nos disposuimus. In scquentibus autem disposuimus profundas allegoriarum et tropologiamm obscuritates. Ends (fol. 285, a) : per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen. The first eleven pages of this MS. are occupied by an elabo- rate genealogical table, extending from Adam to Christ. Between the two treatises is inserted the author's epitaph in four lines : 'Petrus eram quem petra tegit, dictusquc comestor Nunc comedor, &c.' Of these two treatises the first has been several times printed (see Brunet's Manuel du Libraire) ; and copies of the second exist in MS. in the Bodleian and other Ubraries. 17 Dd. I. 17. A large folio volume, containing 424 leaves of parchment, of which the pages are numbered from 1 to 848. Leaves are wanting at the beginning and the end, and also in other places which are more particularly noticed below. The handwriting of articles 1 — 17, and 22, 23 is uniform, and appears to belong to the close of the xivth century : every page contains two columns of 72 lines each; that of articles 18 — 21 is of the same period, but may be described as of a running character : every page is in two columns of about 60 lines each. 1 . As the manuscript is imperfect at the beginning it wants the title : Galfridi Monemutensis HisTORiA Britonum. Begins (p. 1) with the last few lines of Book vii. (see Rerum Britan- nicarum Scriptores, ed. Heidelberg. 1587) : — sole litigabit. Ascendet virgo [dorsum] sagittarii et flores virgineos obfuscabit. Cun*us lune turbabit zodiacum 16 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ends (p. 21, a) like the editions : hoc modo in sermonem latinum transferre curavi. valete. 1^ Expli- cit hysteria de gestis britonum. 2. ' H. minister servorum dei H. illustri regi angloruiii salutes et orationes,' — is the rubric before the Epistle, usually entitled : Henrici Huntindunensis Epistola ad Henricum regem de serie regum potentissimorum. Begins (p. 21 , «) : Cum mecum propter ea quoe responsione tua accepi tractarcm : cum nuper de progenitoribus tuis tecum conferrem. Ends (p. 24, h) : Soror vero eoram alexandro regi Scotie maritata est. Nec phis ad presens dicavi de tua generatione sive progenia sanctissima. H Valete. This Epistle does not appear to have been printed : see the note before Liber viii. in Savile's Edition of Henrici Huntindunensis Historia {inter Scriptores post Bcdam, cd. 159G), and the remarks iix Cave's Historia Lite- raria, ii 225 (Basilese, 1745;. 3. ' De GESTIS Karoi-i regis Gallorum"* — is the rubric to the following Tracts, the principal of which is named in its colo- phon : {a) ' Liber Turpini de gestis Karoli.'' Begins (p. 24) : Gloriosissimus Christi apostolus iacobus aliis apostolis et dominicis discipuhs diversa cosmi climata adeuntibus ut fertur primus in galecia predicavit, that is, with chapter ii. of the Edition ( Veterum Scriptorum Germanicorum &;c. Tomus unus : ed. Reuberus, 1584, reprinted, 1619, pp. 67 — 88). The divisions of the MS. are indicated only by rubrics. At pp. 34, 35 of the MS., between chapters xxxi. and xxxii. of the Edi- tion, are inserted shoi-t sections describing how 'septem liberales artes inter caetera miro modo in ea [basilica] depictae sunt:' the rubrics to which are, 'de grammatica, de musica, de dialectica, de rethorica, de geometria, de arte metrica, de astrologia;' and a statement is made of the reason why 'nigro- mancia depicta non fuit :' the same are found in the Harleian MS. G358, 2-. f. 79. written soon after a.d. 1200 ; after these follows chapter xxxii. the last of the Edition. But in the MS. another chapter (which is also in the Harleian MS. 108) is subjoined, beginning, ' Sed valde dignum est ut inter cetera ad domini nostri ihu xpi decus revocetur ad memoriam miraculum quod pro beato Rolando..' ending, 'A domino factum est istud et estmirabiie in oculis nostris.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 17 Qui legis hoc carmen turpino posce juvaraen Ut pietate dei subveniatur ei. t Explicit liber turpini de gestis Karoli. (b) Then follows De Miraculis beati iacobi. The legend (as in Harleian MS. 108, f. 25) begms (p. 86, a) : Quid patrie galecie post mortem Karoli accidit memorie est tra- dendum. And ends with the section : t De solempnitatibus beati jacobi, and the words, ...et VIII. Kal. Augusti ab iiria ad compostellam ducitur et sepul- ture traditur. (c) After this follows, De Statura Karoli. This section is found at p. 5 (before the Incipit, &c.) of the later Harleian MS. 108, and forms a portion of chapter xx. of the Edition. Begins (p. 86, &): Erat autem Karolus capillosus, capillis brunus, facie rubens... Ends (p. 87, a) : . . .multas ecclesias ditavit scribere nequeo : magis enira deficeret manusque et calamus quam historia. II Explicit hystoria de gestis Karoli. 4. ' Cronica fratris Martini Polom.' This is the title supplied in part by the rubric. Begins (p. 37): Quoniam scire tempora summorum pontificum romanorum ac im- peratorum necnon et aliorum patrum ipsorum contcmporaneoi-um quam plurimum inter alios theologos ac jurisperitos expcdit, Ego frater Mar- tinus...ex divcrsis cronicis. . presens opuscuIum...ab ipso primo pontifice Jesu Christo. . . usque ad Johannem xxi. jjapam deduxi. .. These are the first words of the 'Prsefatio' in the Edition published * Opera SufFridi Petri, Antverpise, 1574,' to which the text of the MS. is very similar. In the rubric the word papa' has been erased. On p. 71 is the paragraph (printed at pp. 816 — 819 of the above edition, sub anno 855) giving an account of the Papissa (Joan, a.d. 8G0); concerning which see Cave, Historia Literaria, ii. p. 823. From p. 45 to p. 87 the history of ' Pontifices ' is written on the right- hand pages, that of ' Jmperatores ' on the left-hand ; but on p. 86 the history of the latter is interrupted, after the words (p. 401 of the Edition), 'Simile quiddam invenics in Constantino sexto,' by the notice, ^Quoniam post mortem huius frederici propter discordiam et dissensionem electorum post multos annos ab imperatore vacabat impcrium idcirco in jiagina ubi imperatores scribi debent scribuntur pontifices quosque imperatores denuo ceperunt imperare the rest of the page is blank, the gap perliaps C 18 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. corresponding to pp. 401 — 3 of the edition ; for at p. 89, a, of the MS. and with the words 'Romanum imperium sive post mortem...' the account of ^ Imperatores ' is resumed, and terminates on p. 90, h, agreeing with that on pp. 403—419 of the Edition. The account of ' Pontifices' (to p. 88, h of MS.) agrees with that in the edition to p. 419. On p. 88, h — 89, a, are lives of Nicholaus III. Martinus [I]V. Hono- rius [1]V., different from those in the Edition and subsequent portion of the MS. ; in that of the last-named pope is quoted the couplet : Ponitur in petri monstrum mirabile sede Mancus utraque manu claudus utraque pede. From p. 93 h, to the end of the MS. the account of ^Pontifices' agrees with that in pp. 420—432 of the Edition. Ends (p. 93, a), (giving a.d. 1284 as the date of the election of Hono- rius IV.) : ...eos animose confouendo praestitit stipendia et animavit suscepta negocia soUicite prosequenda. t Explicit cronica fratris Martini de ordine fratrum predicatorum et domini papaj penitentiarii. H Hie pennam fixi : penitet me si male scripsi. The rubrics are the only marks of division : on some pages the letters seem to have been retouched with darker ink. In the margins, besides the dates, &c., are two or three notes in a later hand, with marks indicative of collation. 5. Chronicon breve rerum Anglicarum. Without any rubric it abruptly begins at the top of p. 93, h : Primus habuit Kanciam : Alius Westsexe : Tercius merceneriche : Quartus northumbriam : Quintus Estengliam.... Then follows a more distinct enumeration of the kingdoms of the pen- tar cliy into which ' Anglia divisa est post adventum Anglorum.' Bricbrigh the king of the West Saxons is the first of the series of kings, which concludes with a notice of Richard II. As the length of the reign of this king is not stated, while that of each of his predecessors is; and further, as, after narrating the rebellion (of Wat Tyler, 1381 ), the author merely mentions the king's marriage (1381) to Anne of Austria, the niece of that king of Bohemia whose father was slain by the Black Prince, according to the statement of the concluding words (p. 96, a), ^ quia ille rex de boemia tenuit cum rege francie contra regem Anglie tanquam stipendarius regis francie, — ' there seems reason to conjecture that this Chronicle was compiled soon after A.D. 1381. 6. A space appears to have been left by the scribe for the title : CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 19 Gesta Trojanorum secundum Guidonem de Columna Messa- NENSEM. Begins (p. 96, a) with the first words of the * Prologus:' Licet cotidie Vetera recentibus observant nonnuUa tamen jam- dudum Vetera precesserunt que sic sui . . . The first words of Liber i. are In regno Thessalie de predicte silicet prouinciis romane cuius incole mirmidones dicti sunt quos nos hodie vuigari denominatione solomamm appellamus regnabat tunc temporis rex quidam Justus et nobilis Peleus nomine cum... After the 'Epitaphia Achillis' at the conclusion of Lib. xxxii., is t Expliciunt gesta Troianorum. et nota bene auctorem. Et ego Guido de Columpna predictum dicten grecum \j. e. Dictyn Cretensem] in omnibus opus suum ad lectorem solatium... This note, after an account of the author's difficulties, and a mention * magnorum auctorum Virgilii Ovidii et Homeri,' concludes (p. 182) : ...fFactum estautem presens opus anno dominice Incarnacionis m^.cc". octuagesimo septimo eiusdem primo Indictionis fFebr. Amen. The contents of this MS. appear to be the same as of the two early Edi- tions (in 4to) in the British Museum (801. k. 2, and 677. f. 2), but it wants what they contain, the tabula at the end, with the preceding, ' Item troia magna edificata est tempore Aioth qui tunc judicavit populum Israel...' 7. ' Prophecia Johannis de Ligunbio solempnissimi doc- toris decretorum Universitatis Bonomae."' Begins (p. 182, h) : Regnum spiritus sancti distinguuntur in iacob filii Isaac qui duas uxores ex uno patre natas viz. lyam et aliam rachielem, qui iacob ex lya prima sua uxore quatuor filios genuit Ends (p. 183, b): ...de quibus omnibus si clarius cupitis videre videatis opus futu- rorum secundum sacram scripturam qm composui et incipit sit nomen domini benedictum et ibi clarius videbitis. If Explicit hec prophecia notabilis. Neither of the present tract, nor of the work referred to, is any mention made by Cave in the notice of Jo. de Lignano, in Historia Literaria, ii. Appendix, p. 71. 8. After the list of lxxxxx. ' Capitula in opus subditum,' is the title : 'Historia Hierosolumitana secundum magistrum Jacobum de VlTRI.' This MS. wants the Prologus, printed at p. 1047-8, of Gesta Dei per Francos... Orientalis Historia, ed. folio, Hanoviae, 1611. c 2 20 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins (p. 184, b) with chapter i. of the Edition (p. 1049) : Terra sancta promissionis deo amabilis et Sanctis angelis venera- bilis... Ends (p. 236) with the first book of the Edition (p. 1124), but without a colophon : ...et a sancta romana ecclesia de die in diem expcctantes. 9. Jacobi de Theramo Compendium ' Consolatio Pec- catorum' nuncupatum : et apud nonnullos Belial ad papain Ur- banum sextum conscriptum. There is no rubric before the author's address (p. 237) * Universis Christi fidelibus. . .' The text is the same as that ' Per Joh. Schushler civem Aug. impressus Anno domini Mcccclxxij Julij vero Nonas vi.' but the MS. ends abruptly, ' quod cum legeritis dicatis deo multiplicasti mag — ' forming the last line of p. 298 : the next leaf has been cut out, the few words necessary to complete the treatise having been added at the top of p. 299 in a handwriting of the sixteenth century, the same in which, at the top of p. 237, is written ' liber vocatur belial et viz. pro praxe juris.' 10. ' Incipit Testamentum Patriarcharum^ is the rubric at the top of p. 299. See Vincentii Speculum Historiale, Lib. i. c. 125. Begins : Transcriptum testamenti ruben... Ends (p. 309) : ...et habitaunt in terra egypti usque ad diem exitus eorum de terra egypti. H Explicit testamentum prophetarum. Then follows a prayer beginning, ' Audi pater omnipotens audi miserum communem omnipotentie tue destructionem trepidantem ' and con- cluding, * mihi rea ridens applaudit eua: tibi pia plorans compatitur virgo maria.' 11. The title may be supplied from the colophon : 'Explicit Cronica Marciani Scoti de gestis regni An- GLORUM usque adobitum Stephani et initium regni henrici secundi qui fuit filius Imparatricis et Galfridi Plantagenetae Comitis Ante- ganie."' The MS. would perhaps be more accurately described as a Chronicle compiled from Henrici Huntendunensis Historia Anglorum, Simeonis Dunelmensis Historia de gestis re- gum Anglorum, and Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 21 The first rubric is (p. 809) : Incipit prologus historie anglonim contexte ab henrico archidia- cono huntidon ad alexandrum lyncoln episcopum. anno dhi.^m.c.xlv. From the beginning (p. 809) to p. 828 the MS. agrees with Savile's edition of the text of the above-named history contained in ff. 169 — 183 of Scriptores post Bedam, ed. 1590 : the last sentence, which is near;_,the end "of Lib. II., being ^ Omnes igitur reges britanniae jam fideles effecti et universse regionum partes Christi lumine et gratia fruebantur.' After this is a brief reference to Bede's history for a fuller account, followed by the sentence nearly at the end of Lib. iii. (f. 192, a) of the edition, ' Hoc ergo ordine... commendavit.' After this the MS. corresponds to the edition. Lib. iv. f. 192, 6— f. 195, b. 1. 88. On pp. 325, a — 330, a, is inserted ' Historia Saxonum vel Anglorum post obitum Bede.' The first words after this rubric being, ' In exordio huius operis genealogiam regum northumbrorum...' What follows is an abbreviation (by the omission, rather than the con- densation, of sentences) of Simeonis Dunelmensis Historia De Gestis regum Anglorum (p. G57 — 673, of Mon. Hist. Brit, ab anno 731 — 802) : ' Qui omnes sibi in vicem regnum successerunt ' being the last words. From p. 380, a, the MS. corresponds to Savile's edition, (f. 195, h. 1. 84 — f. 200, a. 1. 28) till (p. 838, 6). After a notice of King Alfred's succession is a list of forty kings of Wessex, from Cerdic to Henricus (I.) '\qo justicie ;* the names accord with the genealogical table in the Appendix to Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon {Man. Hist. Brit. i. 033). On p. 334 commences an abbreviation (mostly by the omission of sen- tences) of Florentii Wigornensis Chronicon (a. d. 849 — 1121). See Mon. Hist. Brit. i. p. 549. On p. 367, b, occurs the sentence, * Ea tempestate rex h. facto longa teiTe intercissione fossato. et thorkcseye usque lincolniam per dcrmaconum trcnte fluminis fecit iter navium, Ranulphus quoque dunolmensis episcopus castel- lum apud northam inccpit super ripain twede.' After this, without any break, follows the sentence from Henrici Huntendunensis Historia (Lib. vii. f. 218,6). 'At in vigilia natalis domini ventus insolitus non solum domes sed et turres deiecit lapidcas.' The verses that in Savile's edition follow, ' De pulchritudine reginae Adelinae,' are omitted from the MS. But, such-like omissions excepted, the MS. corresponds with the Edition to the end of Liber viii. and concludes with the set of hexameters (p. 876, a) : Rex obiit nunc rege carens caret anglia pace ***** Spiritus es caro sum: te nunc intrante reuixi. Concerning Marianus Scotus see Mon. Hist. Brit., (Preface, p. 88 — i). In the British Museum is a MS. of the 15th century (Arundel, No. 46. 1) which from its title and colophon, and the identity of its contents, appears to be a transcript of this, or of some common original. 22 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 12. The title is contained in the colophon, (p. 421), ' Ex- plicit Liber Domini Marci Pauli de Venetis de conditio- NIBUS ET CONSUETUDINIBUS ORIENTALIUM KEGIONUM.' And the statement in the preface (p. S76), which precedes the table of contents of Liber i. ' per Franciscum Pipinura de Bononia ordinis fratrum predicatorum de vulgari ad latinum reductus"* points out which of the two Latin Versions is contained in this MS. Of the two versions And. Muller gives a full account in his preface (pp. 9 — 11) to the edition published, ^Coloniae Brandenburgicse. Ex officina Georgii Schulzii, Typogr. Elect. Anno m.d.clxxi.' (Brit. Mus. 683. d. 5). Though the text of this edition is for the most part that of the version (Basileensis) printed in Novus Orhis, Folio, Basilete, 1587 (pp. 830 — 417), yet in the preface (p. 11) extracts are given, 'E Libro primo Latinse MStse Brandenburgicae,' with which the text of our MS. closely agrees. It concludes however (p. 421) with the words *Qui inde ad diversas provincias et regiones deferuntur,' wanting therefore the sentence, ^Historia hsec-.-in hoc MS. Prologus,' which is in a MS. at Padua, 'Testis Jac. Phil. Tomasinus in libro de MSS. Bibliothec. Patav. qui Utini anno 1639 editus est. (p. 17).' (Brit. Mus. 020. f. 28). 13. ' Iste Liber intitulatur Flos Ystoriarum Terr^ Ori- ENTIS, QUEM COMPILAVIT FRATER HaYTONUS, dominUS CllUI'si, consanguineus regis Armenise ex mandato surami pontificis.' The rubric (p. 421) is followed by an account of the contents, begin- ning ' Dividitur autem liber iste in quatuor partes.' In the text and divisions thereof it agrees with pp. 419 — 481 of ''Novus Orbis. 1587/ want- ing however the preface printed on p. 418, but containing at the end the prayer of the writer. In the colophon (pp. 450 — 1) is, Explicit liber y'storiarum partium orientis quern ego Nicholaus falcom scripsi primo in gallico ydiomate secundumque vir religiosus frater haytonus ore suo absque nota sine aliquo exemplari de verbo ad verbum dictauit et de gallico transtuli in latinum. Anno domini millesimo ccc'"''.vii. mense augusti in civitate pittaneum tempore scissimi pris dni Clementis (pape, erased) quinti.' See Brunet under Marco, and Hay ton. Under the latter (Vol. ii. 597, b) he speaksj ^de I' Histoire d' Orient ecrite en fran9ais par Nicolas de Salcon, Salcoin ou Salconi (mais point Falcon),...' Certainly in this MS. the name is Falcom. 14. 'Exphcit Fides Saracenorum"* is the colophon. Begins (p.451) : Credunt Saraceni unum deum creatorem esse omnium: credunt et omnia mala esse a deo sicut et bona culpam et meritum. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 23 Ends: If Credunt lO""" interrogationem fieri per angelum ultimo ^die] de paradise et inferno. The whole occupies about one column. On the lower margin of p. 451 are drawn two lines deter- mining ' longitudinem sepulchri domini, et latitudinem."* See the Catalogue of Caius Coll. MSS. (1849), No. 162. (6). 15. The title is contained in the colophon (p. 458), 'Explicit TRACTATUS DE ORTU PROCESSU ET ACTIBUS MaCHOMETI."* No rubric precedes the first words of the text (p. 451) : Avostendendum quod Machometus non fuerit dei proplieta vel nuncius sicut asserunt Saraceni qui... Ends (p. 458) ; ...nec fuit spiritus sanctus qui non potest videri sed pocius corporalis et visibilis et tarn fedus et vilis sicut patet in omnibus supradictis. 16. * Gesta Machometi,' is the running title. It may be more particularly described as ' Willelimus Tripolitanus Aconensis conventus de egressu Machometi et Saracenorum atque progressu eorumdura, de statu Saracenorum, de Machometo pseudopropheta eorumdum ipsa gente et eorum fide according to the rubrics (pp. 462, 467), and the preface (p. 458) addressed ' Theobaldo ecclesiarchio digno sancte terre peregrino sancto." After this preface and the rubric * Quis fuit machometus et unde sur- rexit/ are the words (p. 458) : 'Anno igitur saluatoris domini nostri Jesu Christi dci™" quo eius fides in partibus florerct dum implcrctur vaticinium Isaie xix°....* It ends abruptly (p. 4G8) : Cibus ciborum vescentur gr*ubus. Between the pages 468, 469, it appears that tliree leaves have been cut out : on these, according to the Table of Contents on the inside of the cover of this volume, besides the conclusion of 16 and commencement of 17, were contained — SoMNiuM BEATi Thome martiris post decessum ab Anglia. Processus fratris Nicholai Wysebeche de unxione Kegis AngHe, &;c. 17. ' Liber sancti Gtld.e Abbatis de gestis Anglorum "* appears to have been the title, which now with the greater part of the first chapter is wanting. Of the two MSS. employed by Josceline in his edition of the text of Gildas (published 1568), this is one, and, as he informs his readers, was 24 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. once the property of the abbey of Glastonbury, but when he wrote ' was the sole property of a Kentish gentleman in the profession of the law/ See Mon. Hist. Brit. Preface, § 131. In this latter edition its various readings are given and denoted by B. See also Mr Stevenson's edition (1838), Preface, xvi. The first line on p. 469 is, * aque torrentem vine ex undantibus irrigua,' which is towards the end of c. i. at p. 6 of the text printed in Mon. Hist. Brit. The colophon to the 'Epistola Gildte' (p. 490, a) is, 'Explicit liber sancti Gildae Abbatis et historiographi Anglorum : et cetera/ 18. A large folio, as before, 60 pages, in double columns, each containing about 60 lines, bisected by the metrical dot or point. The handwriting is good, and may be assigned to the close of the 14th century. ' DiALOGUs \or Vision] of Piers Plowman.' The reputed author of this alliterative Satire was Robert Langlande, and its date I3G2. It has been printed at least three times, but no editor appears to have collated the present MS. The text differs very considerably from that of the MS. employed by Wliitaker (now in the British Museum, Addi- tional MSS. No. 10,574), and is closely related to an earlier one in Trin. Coll. Camb. B. xv. 17, from which Mr. Wright has derived his edition (Lond. 1842). The opening lines of the Poem (p. 490) will serve as a specimen of its orthographical and other peculiarities. In a somer seson. when softe was the sonne I schope me in schroudes . as I a schepe were In habit as an heremyt . vnholy of werkea Went wide in this world, wondres to here An {sic) on a May mornyng . on Maluerne hulles Me befel a ferli. of faire me thoughte, 19. * How MEN THAT BEN IN HELE SHOLDE VISITE SIKE folk' : in four chapters, handwriting as in § 18. Begins (p. 550, col. 2) : My dere sone or doughter in God it semees thow hiest the fast in the way fra this lif to god ward... Ends (p. 552, col. 2) : . . . and help it, for in thy mercifal hands I put it. Amen. 20. Sir John Mandeville''s Journey to the Holy Land. Begins (p. 554) : For as muche as thei land ouer the see that is to say the haly land that men calles ye lond... the last words of the prologue are, ' w* gret companye of lordes.' Nearly at the end (p. 594) occurs the clause, 'And I John Maundevyle v/hat wente out of my countre and passed the see the yere of oure Lord a CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 25 thousand thre hundred and thrytty and twa/ Compare this date with that in the edition of 1725, reprinted in 1839 by J. O. Halliwell, wherein men- tion also is made of some of the many MSS. that exist of this once popular Book of Travels. 21. A large folio, as before, 19 pages, in triple columns, of 60 lines each. It is carelessly transcribed in a hand of the second half of the 14th century. 'Seuene Sagees,"* or (as it is more frequently entitled) The Seven Wise Masters, a metrical Romance. Begins (p. 694) : In Rome was an emperour A man of swyth mikil honur. As }je book tellys vs Is name was de Occlicius. Al the londe hadde to gye And hadd a wyfe that hight helie Bi twene thaym twa come a nayer A good child and a faire. The 'book* alluded to seems to have been the Historia Septem Sapientum Romce, which was in its turn derived from a Hindoo source. (See Ellis's Early Metrical Romances^ Introd. to The Seven Wise Masters), Ends (p. 612) : And went in to heuen riche Thare joye and blysse hys euere i-Iyche. To that ilke blysse bryng vs gode That neuer in erth 3ed schoddc. Amen Amen for charite. The present MS. was printed in 1845 for the Percy Society (see Mr Wright's Preface). A different version of the same stories is contained in Weber's Metrical Romances, Vol. in., being drawn from the Auchinleck MS., and Cotton. Galba, E. ix. § 2. Akin to this latter version, though differing in some of the details, is a fragment also among the Camb. Univ. MSS. Ff. II., 88. § 39. 22. Double columns, about 72 lines in each, apparently of XIII th or xivth century. The handwriting seems to be the same in this and the next §. (No. 23.) 'ClEMENTIS LaNTONIENSIS EcCLESIE PRESBITERI CONCORDIA QUATUOR EvaNGELISTARUM.^ A Latin Harmony of the Gospels, in xii. parts, with a pro- logue, and table of the headings of the chapters prefixed. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. At the end is subjoined a sort of index or digest of the whole, which however is imperfect, not extending beyond part ix. Begins (p. 614, a), * Prologus Clemens Lantoniensis Ecclesie presbiter n[ato] pacem otiumque. Hujus operis fili karissime causam requiris et fructum queris ... Ends (f. 662, b) : . . .Tunc ita locntus est ad turbas. Ordinis ratio patet. This MS, is mentioned, and some account of the author given, in Wright's Bibliogr. Britann. * Anglo - Norman Period/ p. 265. The text differs in almost every line from Weber's edition. 23. POLYCHRONICON RaNULPHI HiGDENI OeSTRENSIS. The work is given imperfectly in this MS. which abruptly begins (p. 663) in c. 4 of Lib. i. : que vulgares cronice que dionisium predictum.... It is divided as MS. No. 1742, except that Lib. v. does not contain c. 33. It ends with the volume in c. 2 of Lib. viii. : ... ad angliam recesserunt. verum male, 18, 19 Dd. L 18, 19. Two large folios, on paper, written about 1640, the first con- taining 474 pages, the second 378. On p. 1 of Vol. I. is the title, 'The Historyes and Chronicles op the world. By John Zonaras .... Contayneing all the most memorable actions happened in the world in the revolution of sixe thousand sixe hundred yeares, and more. Digested into three Bookes Done out of Greeke into French with annotations in the margeant, vpon the diuersitie of the Greeke copyes ; with aduertisements, and Index of the most memorable things .... Paris .... for John Paxent in Saint James Streete, m.d.lxxxiii. And done into English, by the noble and learned Lady, the Lady Agnes Wen- man, sometime wife of the Right honourable Richard Lord Vis- Count Wenman deceased The first volume has been made to end in the middle of a sentence of which the continuation is to be found at p. 191 of the second: the preceding 190 pages ought to follow p. 378 : the second volume is also defective, the narrative breaking off abruptly with an account of how ^ Sir R. Wenman was sheriff of Oxfordshire in 1627, and afterwards made Viscount Kilmainham. See Burke's Extinct and Dormant Baronetcies^ 1841. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 27 ' Tryphon brings Jonathan to his death, by trecherie/ the last words (p. 190) being ...which done, he, accompanied with his men went forth to meete Tryphon bringing Jonathan prisoner into Judea. And he demanding a hundred talents of silver and the two.... These volumes have been transcribed from Lady Wenman^s autograph, of which a portion is contained in MS. 2331 (Mm. 3. 32). 20 Dd. I. 20. A large folio, on vellum, of 111 leaves, with double columns of 80 lines each : * one leaf missing after f. 6, one after f. 50, and two after f. 110 : handwriting probably of the xivth century. The initial letters are illuminated throughout, and there are a few vignettes and borders : catchwords at every eighth leaf. Latin Psalter, Canticles and Hymns, with Kalendar prefixed. The Kalendar extends to fol. 6, where after the names of St Clement and St Sylvester the word 'papse^ has been effaced. The Psalter appears to have contained all the Psalms in their usual order, except Ps. xcix, which is omitted. Begins (fol. 7, «) : Verba mea auribus. Ends (fol. 74, h) : Omnis spiritus Dominum. The Cantica follow, including the Te Deum, Quicunque vult, &c. : then the Litany, beginning f. 81, h, 2 : then other canticles, partly from Isaiah : then Vigilice Mortuorum (f. 90, a, 2 — f. 94, b, 1). Then follow Hymns for the various festivals of the year ; the volume concluding (f 111, 6, 1) with Gloria tibi Domine. In the title-page is written the name of Gilbert Norts. 21 Dd. I. 21. A folio, on parchment, of 213 leaves, in double columns ; apparently of the xivth century. §§ 1 — 3 contain 80 lines in a column; §§ 4—10, 100 lines; §§ 11—30, about 82. §§ 4—23 have illuminated initials ; the writing is nearly the same through- out, except that § 29 is in a small running hand, and both § 29 and § 30 appear to be somewhat later than the rest. 28 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. All the treatises contained in this MS. have been frequently printed, except §§ 9 and 14. 1. ff . 1 — 127 5. 'Liber Sancti Augustini de Civitate Dei.' Begins, after an index of chapters to the first book, Gloriosissimam civitatem Dei... Ends mecum gi-atias agant. 2. f. 127 5. A hst of S. Augustines works, numbered suc- cessively from 1 to 100 (by an error of the MS. 110). Prefixed to the list is the following heading : Libros quos vero beatus Augustinus edidit hie breviter ennmerari vel annotari non omisi. Et hoc indicium librorum omnium Sancti Au- gustini. 8. ff. 128<^ — 129 b. ' Liber DE EccLEsiASTicis DoGMATiBus.' A work of Gennadius falsely attributed to Augustine. Begins Credimus unum... Ends in moribus inveniri. An index of chapters is appended. 4. ff. 180a — 185 5. 'Sancti Anselmi Libri duo Cur Deus Homo.' Begins Ssepe et studiosissime.... Ends Benedictus in secula. Amen. A portion of Book I. (chapters 14 and 15, *transferat quod aufert...qui si vult fugere') is partially obliterated. Also a portion of Book II. (chapter 17, ^Voluntas Dei nulla necessitate .... puerilibus questionibus sicut') is obliterated, 5. ff. 185 5 — J 86 a. ' Pastoralis Sancti Ambrosii EPis- copi.' This is the treatise commonly called 'De Dignitate Sacer- dotali.' Begins Si quis oraculum fratres reminiscitur ... Ends que Sanctis in seculorum secula dare promisisti. Amen. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 29 6. ff. 136t» — 1415. 'Enchiridion Augustini ad Lauren- TIUM PRIMICERIUM NOTARIUM ECCLESIE URBIS RoM ' Begins Dici non potest.... Ends de fide et spe et caritate conscripsi. Amen. 7. ff. 141 a — 142 h. 'Liber Anselmi de Libero Arbitrio.' Begins, after an index of the 14 chapters into which the book is divided, Quoniam liberum arbitrium videtur,... Ends quod necesse habeam de illis interrogare. Amen. Explicit. 8. ff. 142 5 — 144 (X. 'Liber Proslogion Anselmi.' The prologue begins Postquam opusculum quoddam.. . . Then follows an index of the 26 chapters, and then the work itself. Ends deus benedictus in secula. Amen. 9. f. 140. A Treatise without title, which coincides more or less with the 5th and 6th chapters of Anselmus, De fide Trinitatis. Begins Cur deus magis assumpserit hominem.... Ends nee aliud individuum rationale aut alia persona corpus petri quam anima. Amen. 10. ff. 144 5 — 148 5. 'Prologus Libri Innocentis pape TERTII de MISERIA CONDICIONIS HUMANE.' Begins Domino patri karissimo.... Ends ab istis liberet nos pater et filius et spiritus sanctus. Amen. Amen. Amen. It agrees for the most part with the edition of 1575 ; but the order of chapters 27 and 28 of Book I. is inverted. In Book II. chapters 14, 15, 16 (of the Edition) are inserted between chapters 9 and 10. Also chapters 42, 43 of Book II., and chapter 4 of Book III., are not found in this MS. 30 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 11. ff. 149 a — 152 5. 'Anselmus de casu diaboli.' Begins, after the chapters, lllud apostoli quid habes.... Ends uti potestate loquendi. 12. ff.l525 — 160a. 'Monologion Anselmi Archiepiscopi.'' Begins Si quis unam naturam.. . . Ends inefFabiliter unns et trinus. Besides the prologue *Quidam fratres,' and the chapters, there is pre- fixed the epistle to Lanfranc, numbered cii. of Book IV. in the Benedictine edition. 13. ff. 160a — 163 5. 'Liber Anselmi de conceptu vie- GINALI et ORIGINAL! PECCATO.' After a list of the chapters the book begins Cum in omnibus religiose.... Ends Si vera probari poterit. 14. f. 163 b, 'Liber Anselmi de Antichristo.' Begins De antichristo scu-e volentibus predicemus quare sic vocatur. Ends In dispositione vero domini manet qui ea hora qua antea seculum judicandum esse predixit. vel prefixit. The treatise occupies only a column and a half. It appears never to have been printed. 15. fF. 163 5 — 164a. 'Liber Anselmi de corpore et san- guine Christi.' Begins Nota quod tota humana natura in anima et in corpore erat corrupta. Ends ita est ipse qui per spiritum sanctum hunc panem in suam carnem et virum faciat transfundi in sanguinem. This is the same as Epistle cvii., p. 453, of Ed. Benedict. 16. f. 164. 'Liber Anselmi de bona occupacione.' Begins Ad insinuandam interioris hominis custodiam.... Ends Qui cum patre et filio et spiritu sancto vivit et regnat deus. amen. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 31 17. ff. 164 h — 165 a. ' Liber Anselmi Intravit Jesus.' Begins Intravit Jesus in quiddam castellum. Quid ad gloriosissimam vir- ginem.... Ends qui vivit et regnat deus per omnia secula seculorum. amen. This is Homily IX. of the Benedictine edition, preceded by the prologue which appears in the ' Castigationes/ p. 640. 18. f. 165. ' Meditationes Anselmi."* Begins Terret me vita mea.... Imperfect, ending : deus igitur est pater rerum creatarum, et maria mater recreatanim, deus est [pater constitutionis]. It contains the whole of ' Meditatio II/ p. 207, and part of 'Oratio LI.' p. 280. 19. ff. 166 a — 168 5. ' Tractatus Anselmi de coxceptione BEATE VIRGINIS.' Begins Principium quo salus mundo processit . . . Ends ob salutem generis humani do sue camis substantia verum hominem genuisse. Amen. 20. ff. 168 5 — 172 5. ' Liber EJUSDEM Anselmi de excel- LENTIA BEATE VIRGINIS.' Begins Supereminentem omni quod post hominem deum crcatum est. Ends per infinita secula. Amen. Amen. Amen. 21. f. 172. * Liber Anselmi de azimo.' Begins Anselmus servus ecclesie Cantuariensis... Ends absque dubio rcpudiandum judicatur. 22. ff. 172 h — 173 a, ' Liber Anselmi de Sacrificio Gre- corum.' Begins Domino et amico Waleranno.... Ends misi vobis quandam epistolara. This is the ' Responsio ad Waleranni querelas,' given at p. 139 of the Benedictine edition. 32 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 23. ff. 163 a — 177^. ' Liber Anselmi de concoudia pre- DESTINACIONIS ET GRATIE CUM LIBERO ARBITRIO.' Begins De tribus illis qucstionibiis.... Ends gi-atis volui petentibus impendere. At the bottom of the last page is drawn a thick black line between 4 and 6 inches in length, and underneath it are the words * Hec liuea sexdecics in seipsam ducta quantitatem dominici corporis ostendit.' 24. ff. 178 a — 180 a. 'Disputacio Anselmi inter Chris- TIANUM ET GeNTILEM."* Begins Majestas divina cur ad dolores mortalis nature.... Ends in signum veri sacrificii hoc interim facientes. Explicit. Amen. Amen. 25. ff. 180 a — 182 5. 'Anselmi dialogus de Veritate."* After the preface * Tres tractatus pertinentes....' and an index of chapters the work begins Quoniam Deum esse veritatem... Ends tunc ej us dicitur Veritas vel rectitude. 26. ff. 182 h — 187 h, ' Liber [Anselmi] de processione Spiritus Sancti."* Begins Negatur a Grecis quod spiritus sanctus a filio procodat. Ends Mihi imputetur, non sensui latinitatis. 27. fF. 187 5 — 190 5. 'Tractatus editus ab Anselmo Cantuariensi Archiepiscopo de Incarnatione Verbi.' Begins Domino et patri universe ecclesie in terra peregrinantis, summo pon- tifici Urbano... Ends in eodem libello aperte inveniet. This is the treatise commonly called ^De fide Trinitatis et Incarna- tione Verbi.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 33 28. ff. 190 5 — 2015. De S. Anselmi Similitudinibus. Begins Voluntas tripliciter intelligitur. . . . Imperfect, ending solem quippe aut mare cum depicta videmus non sicut (^est in ipsa]. Printed among the works of Eadmer. It breaks off in the middle of chap. 167. 29. ff. 202 a — 2115. A copious alphabetical index to Au- gustine * DE CiviTATE Dei."* 80. fF. 211 5 — 213 a. * Liber beati Augustini [Anselmi] DE MeDITATIONIBUS.' Begins Domine Deus mens.... Ends per omnia secula seculorum. Amen. It contains the whole of Orationes X. XI. and XIV. as given in the Ed. Benedict, of Anselm's Works. On the fly-leaf of the MS. is the following note : 'Changed with Mr Proudlow for Albertus Magnus' Mark and John, and Trclcatius' Common places.' Wilmus Bcrier. On the first leaf of the MS. ' Robert AVoodward.' zz Dd. I. 22. A folio of 19 leaves; the first five, the 1 Ith, 12th, and J 9th, being of parchment, the rest of paper. Some pages ragged and torn, and the writing of the first and last pages very illegible. The Year-Book of the 38th of Edward III. This copy is not so complete as the printed edition, and concludes with the case which there stands last but one. At the end is written, 'ExpUcit annus XXXVIII. Edwardi tercii quod Johannes Haywarde,' On the last page, and in a different hand, is a scarcely legible memo- randum of the receipt of a sum of £8 ^in a plase callid Schypmc hall,' by some former owner of the book, and apparently made in the reign of Edward IV. 23 Dd. I. 23. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. D 34 CATALOGUE OF ]MANUSCRIPTS. 2« Dd. I. 24. A folio, on paper, containing 92 leaves : written about the end of the xviith century. 'The Apocalyps or Reuelation of St John, in Greek and English, clausularily drawne, so as it may be easily read out of Greeke into English, or out of English into Greeke, by such as take delight in the text. Also a short commentary or explanation of the most difficult places and visions therein contained. Togea- ther with Greeke Marginal Notes, shewing the greatest part of the phrases and expressions which the Holy Ghost useth therein, are taken out of the Greeke translation called the Septuagint, which serves as good direction to know what is to be meant thereby. As also the Iconologie or Figures of all the said visions, drawne and designed according to the visions therein expressed, and are very usefull for the easy remembring of them, and better imprinting the idea of them in the mind and memory of the studious. Claused by William Spenser, gent.' Begins ('by waye of preface touching revelations in Scripture') Revelations of mysteries are not for infidels but for believers, &c. Ends * And no more were now to be expected.' The Greek and English text, which occupies the page opposite to each page of commentary, has been formed by cutting out the several clauses from i)rinted editions, and pasting them side by side in parallel columns. The drawings, which consist of rough unfinished sketches, are 54 in number. For another work by the same author and in the same handwriting see Dd. VIII. 4. There was a AFilliam Spencer, Fellow of Trin. Coll. Camb., editor of Origen, contra Celsum, 4to, 1G58, who may perhaps have been the compiler of this MS. 25 Dd. I. 25. A folio, on paper, 41 leaves, well preserved. The Arms of Exglisii Nokles emblazoned, commencing from the Norman Conquest, and ending with the reign of James I. On the fly-leaf at the end is an account of the Stewarts, Earls of Lennox, and the Lady Arabella Stewart. Appears to have been the private register of some herald of the time of King James I. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 35 2« Dd. I. 26. A large folio, on paper, in fair preservation, written about 1 610. The volume has not a title affixed, but may be called An Inventory op the Wardrobe of the Queen-Consort of James I. After a blank space for a heading, the first entry is (p. 1 ), ' One paire of bodies of green satten, cut with whit taffeta, with a paire of wearing sleeves of whit satten trymmed with spangled lace.' In a column on the left margin of each entry is the letter S, and on the right * ex./ except when such notes occur as, (on p. 2) 'at court,' and ' April 17. 1008. to Dorithic,' ' May 11, Mrs Bolstrodc.' The pages 6—10, 24, 28, 80 are blank. On p. 11 the entries (but without the S and ex.) recommence with occasional marginal notes as (on p. 12), ' Delivered into the queens chamber y* IG'^ of Aprill IGll : at grenw'*".' After p. 24 the marginal notes become more fi-equent, and indicate the time and place at which the various garments were received, and the persons by or to whom they were given. The entries terminate with the following (p. 54) : One petty-cott of w* satten cutt willowe and cutt downerighte in spaces, and a border belowe the sparrowe bylls the lower parte cutt in scollops boundc with a gold and silver parchment (?) and edged with a shorte golde and silver spangeld frenge and lynde with a narrow taffatyc. 16 May: 1611. grenw^\ The remainder of the volume is of blank leaves, except that at the end is 'A survey taken the 23 of March 1G()7,' of ' ^\'halebone bodies,* ' Mantles,' * Vardingales,' ' Points of silck and silver,' and * Ribbons,' occupying portions of 6 pages. On the covers are the arms of England quarterly with those of Scot- land and Ireland, with the regal crown and motto, and a \\'reath composed of the rose, portcullis, fleur-de-lis. Prince of >\''ale3' feathers, crowned eagle, and thistle. The volume came into the possession of the University ' Munificentia Regia. 1715.' 27 Dd. I. 27. A very thick folio, on vellum, well-preserved, 536 leaves, double columns, each containing about 62 lines : several illumina- tions, but none of them remarkable. It was written before the middle of the xvth century (1430 — 1440). The handwriting is uniform as far as Zechariah viii. Holy Bible, with Apocrypha, in English. d2 36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. This version was mainly due to John Purvey, the second leader of the "Wycliffite or Lollard party, although it had been based upon the old trans- lation made in "W^ycliffe's lifetime (see rrcfacc to the Wyclifde Ver,sions, pp. xxiv. sq. Oxf 18.50). The following analysis of the MS. is derived from the same source (p. liii.) : 'The Books to Esther inclusive have no prologue: Job has two, both of the earlier version: so likewise the Psalter: Proverbs and Ecclesiastes have each a prologue in the same version. Those to Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus are of a later version, found only in this MS. Isaiah and Bai-uch have the usual prologues of the later version ; and to Ezckiel and Dimiel are prefixed the prologues which are found elsewhere only in the Queen's College Oxford MS. [No. ccclxxxviii : see Mr Coxe's CataknjuSy I. 80, Oxon. 18.52]. The prologues in the New Testament agree with the more recent text.' The books tliemsclves follow the order of the Vulgate, excepting the *Dedis of Apostles,' which, as in other MSS., is placed between the Epistle to the Hebrews and that of St James. Some peculiar readings are found after Zechariah viii, where the second hand commences (fol. 400). Between the Old and New Testaments (fol. 423—428) is 'A Reule J^at tellij) in whiche chapitres of ))e bible 50 may fynde l)e lessons, pistles and gospels ))at ben red in ))e churche aftir j>e usse of Salisberi,' &c. A similar Table is preserved in the Oxford MS. adverted to above. Dd. I. 28. A folio, on parchment, like ^LS. 4. This is described by Nasmith as of the xiith century, but niifrht, perhaps, be assigned to the xiiith; the initial letters to the books are not so large and bold, nor those to the chapters so simple as in MS. 4. The rubrics and capUula are written in a nuicli smaller hand- writing than that of the text, which is large and regular. It has suffered from damp, and in consequence the first two leaves are much mutilated, and the last leaf of the text now in the volume is much decayed. It contains 302 pages of 2 columns, and 39 lines in each column. The title may be derived from the rubric (f. 2 5.) Flavii Josephi Historiarum Antiquitatis Judaice liber primus incipit. This is preceded by * Eusebii ieronimi prebyteri laus qua iosephum com- putat inter ecclesiasticos scriptores ;' after which, ^Historiarum Antiquitatis Judaice prologus incipit.' These agree with the printed editions of the version by Ruffinus. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 37 The division of the books into chapters corresponds to that in MS. 4, except that Lib. X. contains xv. cap., cap. xii. of (4) making xii. and xiii. in this. The MS. as was said above, is imperfect ; the last words being, * Mor- dentur enim qui quosdam apud principes plusquam se.' (Lib. X. c. xi. of MS. Lib. X. c. XIV. of Kditions). There are various corrections of the text, interlinear and marginal. 29 Dd. I. 29. A folio, on vellum, 179 leaves; written in double columns of S6 lines each. An excellent MS. and in good preservation. Date not later than the xii th centur)'. ExposiTio 13ede super Lucam. Begins (fol. 4, a): Incipit epistola Accc episcopi ad Bedam presbyterum. Ends (fol. 170, b): In lauda dei et benedictione conclusit. amen. Explicit liber omelia- rum venerabilis Bcde presbyteri super Lucam. The division into books (ljut not into chapters) is the same as in the fulio edition of 1012. On fol. 2 and fol. 3 is a list of .55 of the capitula, not following the order of the book itself, though written in the same hand. On fol. 1 is written, ' Liber Sancte Marie de Parcho Lyde,' viz. the Abbey of Louth Park in Lincolnshire : see Tanner and Dugdale. 30 Dd. I. 30. A large folio, on parchment, 24.") leaves, double columns, writ- ten about the commencement of the xiiith century. The tops of many of the leaves are cut off or torn, and several whole leaves are missing in many places. HuABANi Mauri dk Uxiverso, Libri xxij. There is about a folio missing at the beginning, and the first legible sentence is, ' Sed cum Deus dicitur irasci aut zelare aut dolere nostro usu dicitur,' which is found on p. 57, col. 1, of Vol. L of Rabani Mauri Opera, Colonise Agrippinae 1027. The last words are, 'Vela dicta quod objectu suo interiora domorum velent.* (Lib. xxi. cap. xix. of edition). 38 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 31 Dd. I. 31. A large folio, on vellum, now containing 326 leaves, in double columns, each column containing about 70 lines. Written in a black-letter character, probably in the xvth century: the large capitals (most of which have been cut out) illuminated in blue, red, and gold ; smaller capitals less elaborately ornamented ; the margins variously flourished. The Catholicon of Janus Januensis. The MS., which is in other respects also considerably mutilated, has lost 3 or 4 leaves at the commencement, and begins [Est enim hquescentia quae dicitur quaedam ha]bilitas elementi (a iii. fol. vers. Ed. Lugd. 1520), and ends in the middle of the article Stephanus, at the word viduas (H. fol. vers. edit, cit.) A strip of parchment is pasted inside the cover at the beginning : Catholicon ex dono Thome Rotheram Lincoln Epi. et Canccllarii Anglie. 32 Dd. I. 32. A large folio, on parchment, containing 183 leaves; double columns of about 45 lines each; handwriting of the xiith or XIII th century. Gregorii Moralium Prima Pars in xvi. Libris. Begins Beatus papa Gregorius librum Job.... Ends opitulante Deo latins disserantur. Explicit liber sextus decimus. The 3rd leaf, which contained 'mentem melius par flagella* (chap. 4 of the Epistle to Leander) ^ut par utrum[que]' (chap. 2 of the preface), is wanting. The first leaf also has been mutilated by cutting out an illumi- nated initial. 33^36 Dd. II. 1 — 4. Seven folio volumes (formerly bound in four) written on paper, in a hand of the 17th century. A Digest book, or Index to the Law Reports, arranged alphabetically from ' Abatement"* to ' Waste.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 39 The vols, are paged throughout, but irregularly, many leaves being inter- spersed unpaged, some blank, some bearing entries. Vol. I. is paged from 1 to 466, but with numerous unpaged leaves inserted throughout the volume, some blank, others containing entries. Vol. II. paged from 467 to 924. Vol. III. paged from 1 to 470. Vol. IV. paged from 471 to 927. Vol. V. paged from 1 to 458. Vol. VI. paged from 459 to 949, for 299. Vol. VII. paged from 1 to 383. At the end a Table or alphabetical index has been begun, but only one page is completed. 37 Dd. II. 5. The original portion of this fine folio consists of 252 leaves of parchment, written in a large bold hand of the xivth century, each page containing 24 lines 44 inches wide, with a margin of the same width. The continuation on ff. 253, 254 has been supplied in a later hand ; then follow 2 leaves making up the 256 mentioned by Abp Parker, in the Catalogue of whose donation is the title 'Chronicon Abindon. per R Gisburnum."* ' Author huius operis monachus Abindoniae ut in fol. 47 a. 42 a. 100 a. 21 h. 38 h. 40 «.' is one of the notes by Abp Parker on the inside of the first cover. See Mon. Hist. Brit. Introd. p. 30. The Chronicle, which is nearly identical with Liber iii. of Chronicon Gualt. Hemingford, extends over a period of 91 years (1210 — 1307, Hen. III. and Edw. I.) ; see Hamilton's edition of the latter published by the Eng. Hist. Society, Vol. I. p. 257— Vol. II. p. 208. Begins (f. 1): Anno a plenitudine temporis quo misit deus filium suum in mundum m*'.cc°.xvi° : sublato de medio rege Johanne Willelmus comes marescallus vir magnse auctoritatis . . . Ends (f. 254, a) : Appositusque est ad patres suos Rex fortissimus prudentissimus et sapientissimus Anno etatis sue sexagesimo octavo et regni sui tricesirao quinto. ffinis. Appended is a note (? by the scribe employed by Abp Parker), ' Prose- quitur historiam Edwardi secundi ab anno 1307 ad annum 1313 inclusive hie author Gualterus hemyngeforde Canonicus Gisburnensis : quem hie Scriptor Abendonensis in hac historia henr. tertii et Edwardi primi sequitur maxime. pluribus tamen ab eo adiectis, et ad annos aliquanto accuratius dispositis. Scribit etiam predictus. G. historiam Edwardi III* ad annum 40 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. eiusdem regis 21. hoc est a°. d. 134G. quo anno obiit Gualterus.' See Pitsius, A.D. 1347. There are traces of many marginal notes which have for the most part been erased : those2 that remain are chiefly references to * Chronica de Gis- burn ;' from which this MS. appears to have been chiefly taken. At the beginning of the volume are five fly-leaves ; the first four contain quotations from other sources, with references to the MS. On the last is the list of the MSS. given to the University by Abp Parker. It may be noted that tlie ff'. 253 — G are plainly palimpsest, as also are four of the fly-leaves at the beginning. On fl'. 179, 1B3, are impressions of writing or printing, but so faint as to be illegible. There are illuminated capitals on ff*. 1, 6, 15 and 83. The initials M. P. are on the covers. Dd. II. 6. A folio, on parchment, containing 200 leaves, with 44 lines to the page. Written apparently in the xivth century. POSTILL^ NiCHOLAI DE LyRA SUPER VeTUS TeSTAMENTUM, comprising the books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wis- dom, Ecclesiasticus, 1 and 2 of Maccabees. Begins Ecce descripsi earn tripliciter... Ends abruptly (the last leaf having been cut out) ...hec liistoria habetur 4. Ilegum. 19. Several of the leaves have been misplaced by an error of the binder : thus fol. 43 and fol. 4G have changed places, so also have 100 and 101, 102 and 103, 108 and 109, 110 and 111. Fol. 93 is a leaf inserted from some other work. It is a fragment of a commentary on Rev. ix. 11 — 17. Begins ... corporis sensus subsistunt. Et habent super se regem id est diabolum dominatem qui est rex super omnes filios superbie. Ends ...4*° describit equos eorum et capita equorum dicit ergo et numerus equestris exercitus. The Postillce of De Lyra were first published at Rome, 1471. Dd. n. 7. A square folio, consisting of 176 leaves of parchment (besides 6 leaves which have been bound up with it at the beginning and end) ; in double columns of 42 lines each. It is beautifully written, apparently in the xvth century. ' Epistole Ieronimi.^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 41 The first page contains the titles of all the letters and treatises comprised in the volume, numbered in order according to their position in the MS. Begins f, 1, b. Epistola Damasi pape ad beatum leronimum. Dormientem te et multo. Ends primum sequeris patriarcham Loth. This MS. contains the whole of the 150 Epistles given in Vol. i. of the Veronese Edition (a.d. 173G), with the exception of Nos. 8, 33, 37, 63, 65, 78, 80—82, 85— OG, 98—100, 106, 113—116, 128, 133, 135, 137—139, 144, 148 — 150. 46, § 1 — § 9, and § 12, 66, from the words *quod interpretatur declinans' in § 11 to the end of the epistle, 102, § 3, 110, from the com- mencement to the words 'negare non possum' in $ 3, 140, from the com- mencement to the words ' quod in singulari numero,' in § 16. Epistles 18, 55 and 117 arc separated into two epistles each; and the second part of Ep. 18 is placed before the first. § 10 and § 11 of Ep. 46 are inserted as a part of Ep. 43. This MS. also contains Liber contra Helvidium deperpetua virginitate, B. M. ii. col. 205. Liber contra Vigilantium, ii. col. 387- The translation of Origen on the Canticles, iii. col. 499. [Pelagii'] Epistola ad Demetriadem, xi. col. 1. De tribus virtiiiibus, xi. col. 87. Symboli Explanatio ad Damasum, xi, col. 261. Epistola ad Tyrasium, xi. col. 146. Ad Oceanum de vita clericorum, xi. col. 270. Of the 6 additional leaves which have been bound up with this MS., 4 contain a fragment of some legal treatise entitled Collectarium Juris, the second book commencing with a chapter * Uc Judiciis.' The remaining 2 leaves contain 16 columns in a hand of the xvith century. This is a fragment of the Summa Theologian of Aquinas. Begins circa verecundiam autem quenintur quatuor. — ii. 2. Quest. 144. Ends vidctur tamen in talibus. — ii. 2. Quacst. 147. Art. 4. 40 Bd. II. 8. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 41 Dd. n. 9. A thin folio, on paper, containing lOG pages, written in the xviith century. 42 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. *A View of the Accompt op Francis Lenthall, Esq., receiver general of the revenues of the King, Queen and Prince, in the counties of Surrey and Sussex, for the year ended at Michaelmas, 23 Car. I. a.d. 1647.' Between two blank leaves at the end are inserted two smaller leaves, on the first page of which only is a rough draught of the dues from Egham, Chertsey and Weston. 42 Dd. 11. 10. A long folio, on paper, containing ] 50 pages, written about 1650: but generally every alternate leaf is blank. Chronologia. 'Duplex est modus chronologiae contexendae vnus per Epitomen...' are the first words on p. 1, under the title 'Notae in Chronologiam sequentem,' On p. 3 commence the Tables, very similar to those in Blair's ' Chro- nology/ and dating from * Patriarcharum aetates.' There are no entries after 1610 except under England and Scotland, where we find 'Carolus incipit Martii 27 (1625) Quem deus conservet/ and the final note ' A Sectariis trucidatur Infandum.' These are followed by 18 pages of genealogical trees combined with chronology. 43 Dd. II. 11. A small folio, on paper, and in a fair state of preservation. The upper portion of the MS. has been damaged by exposure to rain. Its date is probably about 1600. This MS. consists of 196 pages, most of which contain eleven staves of Music. The music is written on a single stave of six lines : the notes are repre- sented by letters on the lines or spaces, and their length by symbols above the stave. The music consists of Pauans, Galliards, Marches and Songs, composed principally by Dowland and Holburne. The following are speci- mens of the titles of the pieces : ' My Hart is surely soft ' Go fro my windoe go ;' * Bonny sweete Boy.' On the fly-leaf are the following lines : Musica mentis medicina moestae. Qu an di tris dul pa OS guis rus ti cedine vit H san mi Chris mul la pit re na pit rem.i Qui ca uxo poe ca atque dolo ? ret re na ret re. ' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 43 *4 Dd. II. 12. This paper-book, in folio, bound up with 43 and 45, was written about 1630, and contains DocQUETs OF Grants which passed the Signet Office from 17 Dec. 1628 to 80 June 1630. These occupy 163 pages, and are preceded by 3 leaves containing ' An Index (alphabetical) according to the Surnames, and most pertinent Titles of all the Docquettes &c. herein conteyned from the I7th of December, 1628, untill the last of Decembre 1629 (inclusive)/ At the end of every month is a note stating by whom the Docquets of that month were sub- scribed. A few leaves at the beginning have suffered from use. 45 Dd. II. 13. A folio, on paper, bound up with the two preceding numbers ; fairly written, in the reign of James I. 'A BRIEF Collection of the yerly Assignments of the King's Ma^^^^ Revenues, Customs, Imposts and other Profits, hereafter particularly mentioned, made and collected by the order and direction of the Lord High Treasurer of England, according to a book conteyning an Establishment in that behalf made and signed by his Highnes." 'The Court of the Exchequier. Customs, Subsidies of Tonnage and Pondage, and Impost,' is the heading (p. 2, 3) to the first set of entries. They are frequently made across the book on two pages, and hence, with the next leaf, the sums corresponding to the entry (p. 54) * Some totall of the Kinges Ma** Revenues in the severall courts of the Excheq^ Duchie of Lancaster and Court of Wardes and Liveries,' are wanting. 46 Dd. II. 14. A folio, on paper, of which the latter half is blank : the former in indifferent handwriting, contains 'Catalogus Librorum Bibliothec^ inferioris nobilis- simi viri Domini Georgii Savile Marchionis de Halifax. Londini, 1692.' This title (f. 1) precedes the Libri Latini : on the cover outside and on a fly-leaf is the title, ' A Catalogue of the Books in the Lower Library, London, 1692.' The books are arranged in the Catalogue according to language, size and subject : the place and date of publication are also given. 44 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 47 Dd. II. 15. A folio, on paper, written towards the end of the xviith cen- tury. I. A Catalogue of Books, chiefly Theological, arranged according to Authors' names, from Mei to Zui, with the place, the date of publication, and the size of each work. There are many blank leaves between this and the following article. II. At the other end of the book reversed are 24 leaves containing Law Precedents, written in various hands. 1. ^An Indenture tripartite of Covenauntes to lease uses of a fine and recoverie with divers provisoes and limitations therein conteyned.'' Begins (fol. l,a): This Indenture tripartite made the tenth day of September in the one and fortethe yere of the reign of our sovereigne Ladie Elizabeth, &c. Ends (fol. 7,b): The s*^ Sir Thomas Mildmay and Thomas Mildmay the sonne have putt their seales the dale and yeare first above written. 2. Bargain and Sale of Lands, preliminary to suffering a recovery. Begins (fol. 7,b): This Indenture quadripartite made the daye and yeare, &c. Between Thomas Herrys of Maulden in the countye of Essex esquire... Ends (fol. 8, b) : And to none other use, eflfect, intent or purpose. In Witness, &c. 3. Mortgage in Fee. Begins (fol. 9,a) : This Indenture made the daye of in the yeare of y^ raigne of our soveraigne Lord James by the grace, &c. Ends (fol. 10, b) : by any other reasonable way meane or devise with like warrantye as is aforesayd or without warrantye. In Witnesse, &c. 4. ''A Lease to try a Title upon an eiectione firmoe^ Begins (f. 11, a) : Memorandum, that I William Grant of Hadham in the Com. of Hertford, Barber... Left unfinished. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 45 5. Covenant to levy a Fine. Begins (fol. 11,6): This Indenture made the day of in the yeare of y* raigne of our soveraigne Lord James . . . Ends (fol. 12, a) : to the only use of y' said Sir Arthur Herrys his heyres and assignes, and to no other use intent or purpose. 6. ^Formes /or presentations to Advowsons.'* Begins (fol. 13, a) : To all Christian people to whome thes presents shall come... Ends In the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and fifty an twoe. 7. Lease of a house for 21 years. Begins (fol. 14, a) : Edward Horwood and Martha his wife for divers good causes and considerations them moveinge . . . Ends (fol. 10, a): ...the said John Pedley liis executors and assignes. In Wittnes whereof, &c. 8. ' The plea of John Woodward gent one of the defendants to the hill of complaint of Edward Roohwood? Begins (fol. IG, 6): The defendant sayeth that he ought not to make any answcre... Ends: ...prayeth to be dismissed with his costs and charges in this behalf wrongfully sustayned. 9. Writ of Outlawry. Begins (fol. 16, 6) : Jacobus dei gratia Anglie Francic et Hibemie rex... Imperfect. 10. '•The replication of Robert Fryth gent complainant to the severall ansivers of Edmund Cooke Esqr. and Lambard CooJce gent, defendants.'' Begins (fol. 17, a) : The said replyant doth and will justify e mayntayne and averr... Ends: ... and he humbly prayeth as in his bill he hath prayed. 46 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 11. * Tlie Flea and demurrer of Elizabeth Pert widdowe defendant to joarte and her answeare to other parte of the bill of Complaint of John Buxton and Margarett his wife complainants^ Begins (fol. 17, a) : The said defendant by protestation... Ends: In this behalf wrongfully and without cause susteyned. 12. ' Covenants proper to houses ifi London.'^ Begins (fol. 18, a) : That he the same William his executors, administrators, and assignes... Ends: Give up to the said Humfrey Fairfax his executors or assignes. 13. Grant of Arms by Clarencieux King at Arms, dated 1612. Begins (fol. 19, a) : To all and singular as well nobles and gentles as others... Ends: And of Scotland the six and fourtietli. 14. Agreement between merchants as to their shares in a mer- cantile adventure. Begins (fol. 21, a): This Indenture made the fourtenth daye of December anno domini 1608. Ends : ...the daye and yeares first above written. 15. Lease of an impropriate parsonage for 8 years. Begins (fol. 22, a) : This Indenture made the day of in the yeares of the raigne ... Ends: anything herein conteyned to the contrary notwithstanding. In Witnes, &c. 16. Letter of Attorney to deliver seisin. Begins (fol. 22, a) : Knowe all men by these presents, &c. Ends: In the yeare of the raigne, &c. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 47 1 7. Grant of Land in reversion. Begins (fol. 23, a) : Hec indentura facta quarto die Aprilis... Ends (fol. 23, h) : Cum eorum pertinentiis universis. 18. Articles of agreement for building a ship, t8-50 Dd. II. 16, 17, 18. Three Volumes, small folio, on paper, of 230 leaves each. Miscellaneous Notes, Rhymes, Cabi?alistic Formula, &c., in English, Latin, Greek and Hebrew. The entire is a mass of nonsense, and the author can scarcely have been of sane mind. 51, 52 Dd. II. 19, 20. Two small folios, on paper, of 242 and 233 leaves respectively, containing various poems in doggerel Latin and other Miscel- lanea, in the same handwriting and by the same author as the three preceding. 53 Dd. n. 21. A large folio, on paper, 312 leaves, about 45 lines in each page, well written in a hand of the xviith century. A Register of the Acts of the Court of the Lord- CoMMissioNERs IN Causes Ecclesi astic al, from Michaelmas Term 1631 to Hilary Term 1633. Several names, apparently of owners, had been inscribed at the begin- ning of the volumes, but all were afterwards erased except those of 'Anthony Parkinson' and 'John Harrigates.* 54: Dd. n. 22. A small folio, on parchment, of 189 leaves, a full page con- taining about 70 lines. The handwriting is small, and of the XIV th century. The MS. is continuously paged throughout. The first page contains an index to the contents of the volume, in which the titles of the treatises occur in a different order from 48 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. that of the MS. itself. References to the present paging have been inserted. SaNCTI MaXIMI CONFESSORIS OpERA. 1. pp. 2 — 79. 'Upo^ QaXdaaiov irepl Sia(p6p(ov airopwvy K. T. X.* Begins ^vatKov fiev tols \oyiKOLS . . . Ed. Combefis, Paris 1675, i. pp. 1—300. Scholia are written in the margin. 2. pp. 79 — 85. ' Upo^ Q(D/uav irep] Sia(p6pwtf airopwv, K, T. X.' Begins 'ATrXai/ous OeaypLas e| e/x/xeXovs . . . Printed pp. 46 — 70 of Appendix to Joannis Scoti Erigenae de Divisione Natures, Oxon. 1681. 3. pp. 85 — 152. ^TTjOos '{(vdvurju dpyieiricrKOirov Kf^Z/coi; irepi Siacpopcoi/ dwopwv tov OeoXoyov ^ [i. e. Gregory of Nazi- anzum]. Begins ^'Enaivovvrai /nef koi TV)(^bv diKaias . . . Ends . . . Koi fxovqv drraiTovvTL nap* iqfiwv BvaLav rrjp els aXXjyXovs ^tXav- Opcoiriav. reXos rav (rxokiav, K. r. X. Part of this treatise, viz. from the commencement to p. 95, , . . ajSpo^ois dicodeva-av 'Ixveaiv, has been printed pp. 1 — 45 of the Appendix to Jo. Scotus as above. The remainder, viz. pp. 95 — 152, from OecopLa rfjs dia rfjs daXaTTrjs 8ia^adcl(Tr]s Svpdfieois did Maxreas. Ovto) rd^a Koi Mcovarjs cKetvos 6 fxeyas rfj TrXrjyrj . . . to the end, does not seem ever to have been printed. 4. p. 152. 'Ylepi Twv ovo (puaeoov tov Kupiov Kal awTtjpo^ fjfiwv *lr]crov ^pKTTOu.^ Begins 'O *Ap€i6s rds rpels vTroarda-cis . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. 76—78. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 40 5. pp. 152 — 154. ' n^)09 'iwdi'vrjv on aato^aTo^ ecrriu )j Begins To rlp-iov Tf)s vixerepas . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. 238—243. 6. pp. 154, 155. ^Ufjo^ iopSdurjv irepi rod /xerd Odvarov eyeiv t^u yj/V)0v ttjv o'lKe'iav evepyeiav.^ Begins devTfpa roil evfarooTos . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. 2-43—247. 7' pp. 155, 156. '11^09 rjyoviJi€vr]v irepl tlvo^ daKrjTp'ia^ Begins Ot TTjS a.\T]6€ias KrjpvKis . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. 255—259. 8. pp. 156 — 163. ' \LU Tr]v Trpoaev^rju tou Trdrep rjfxtav.^ Begins KvTov ebe^a/jiTjv t6v 6€0(\)xl\aKTOV . . . Ed. Combefis, i. 344— 3GC. 9. pp. 163 — 164. * Uepl rfjs Kara Qeou XJtti;?.' Begins Xal poi Koi (vcfipalvopai . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. 231 — 235. 10. pp. 164—166. ''ETTiaToXy] a\X/;.' Begins 'O Kara aapKa n66os . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. 248—251. 11. pp. 166, 167. ' IJjOo? OaXdaatov Trpeaj^urepov.^ Begins Tpia Kadcos (pacriv . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. 251—253. 12. pp. 167 — 172. ' Upos Vewpyiov eirapyov k. t. X.* Begins Ovh(\s OVTO) TOV (fxOTOS . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. 201—218. E 50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 13. pp. 172, 173. * O/oos Uvppoi' K. T. Begins 7171' ayiav arov . . . Ed. Combefis, u. pp. 343—347. 14. pp. 174 — 184. 'lI/>os^ iwdvvtjv KovftiKovXapiov k.t.X.' Begins KaXo)S ^Xft-v \oyi(TafX(voi . . . Ed. Combefis, 11. pp. 2o'J — 2(14. 15. pp. 184 188. ' [\f)OS U€Tf)OU l\\oV(7Tf)lOl\./ Begins "Efift^fV oJy aXrjOwt . . . Ends . . . Kara tj)v axvOfaiv. Ed. Combefis, 11. pp. 21)1—304. 16. pp. 188 — 195. ' \\ep\ koivov kui ic'iov,* Begins €TT(lhrj1Tfp TToXi y . . . Ed. Combefis, 11. pp. 313— 3.^2. 17. pp. 105 — 206. *\\apa fitu . . . Ends Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. .31, 32. 23. })p. 21. J — 218. ' iofxof coy/jLUTiKo^ k. t. \.' Bt'gins Oi' fiuW6v arov . . . Ed. C'ombi'fia, ii. pp. 34 — 10. 2 k pp. 218, 219. * Ile^i rod Uartp, k. t. X.' Bi'gins Et To narip . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. 32— 25. J). LM!>. '"{)poi iiafpopoi." BoginB Ovaia Km (jinjn . . . Ends . . . oppij T« Koi Kivrjait. Ed. CombrfLs, II. pp. 715 — IH. 26. pp. 220 — 224. ' ' laor cTnaroXvs k.t.X." Begin.H AVTOS B€OTifir)Tf . . . Ed. Coinbcfis, II. pp. 4(* — 5H. 27. pp. 224 — 227. ' To< v vara Tt'ji'cc Ttiu ^iKcXaw k.t.X." Begins 'Eip'^VT] TTnXXr) . . . Ed. Combefis, ii. pp. OO. 28. pp. 227—239. ' Uepl tou t'lvujv au^fioXa.,.' Begins Has (TO7. 31. pp. 249—253. ' 'AW^/ cWXtf cs.' Begins IlufTi TOty vovu ()(ovai . . . Ends . . . €^anTlegins Kpnroi pnv Tcit uttIi Q(1>6 j^ptpas . . . and ends . . . TTfpi r'lpai- yap tariv /J atXrJvi;. 37. pp. 297 — 30.5. * .\nyo^ a6s ijpdrrjai . . . Ed. Combefis, i. pp. 307— (5)3. 38. pp. 305- 324. ' Upos l-A-^ io. .' Ik'gins *ldov irpos . . . l!d. Corabefb^, i. pp. .'iJ»4 — 4."»H. 39. pp. 324 378. * Wcfn OcoXnylus.' Ik'gins EU 0*6s avapxnt . . . E<1. Comb. I. pp. 401— rN34. The MS. Iwis iK'cn Imund up with n few leaves eontaining portions of Jerome's ( ummcnt.iry <>n Ziphaniah and ilaggai, in double culuiniLH, ap{ta- rently of xivth century. There are some notes on a paj>er fly-leaf as to the date of the MS., from a catalogue of emperors which it contains, which however only proves it not to have l>een written earlier than M21 a.i». Dd. II. 23. A folio, on paper, l(i leaves, in good preservation. * A miKKFK OF THE HTATK OF TIIK Ho.VORKH M aNNOREH AND Lan!)i:h within tin: Qi kk.nfs Joi.vtuhk which are doniizeahlo, with the annual rente of each Ilonorc and Manore, togotluT with the name of the Stewarde, iJaylitfe and fecKlaries.' It is a report to l^ucen Henrietta .Maria's Lord High Steward, made apparently shortly aftrr tin year Hl.'^l. Dd. II. 24. A paper hook, in folio, bound up with MS. 55. contains 330 pages, written in the xvnth century. RoM.s OF Parliament. 54 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. *Rotiilus Parliamenti de anno quint o Edwardi secundi.' pp. 1—28. The gaps in this copy are more numerous than in that prmtcd in Rolla of Parliament, Vol. i. pp. 281 — 6. 2. ' llotulus Parliamenti tenti apiid ^V^cstm in Octav. Sci Hillar. Anno regni Ivegis Edvi Scdi Octavo," is the title on p. 29. Printed Ibid. pp. 287—333. 3. ' Pari. 8 and 9 E. 2/ is the running title after p. 209 to p. 270. Prmted Ibid. pp. 334—349. 4. ' Pari. 9 E. 2/ is the running title on pp. 274 — 332, after the title on p. 273, beginning ' Memoranda de Parliamento . . . ten to apud Lincoln . . On the last three pages are many gaps. Prmted Ibid. pp. 350— 3W. 5. 'Pari. 19 E. 2,' is the running title to the last three pages, after the title on p. 333, beginning ' Ex rotulo claus . . ."^ Prmted Ibid. p. 430. At the end, on p. 33G, is \\Titten in red ink, ' cxaiatur/ and so on p. 209 ; on pp. 28, and 270, 332, 'exaiatiir quoad:' whence it would appear that this MS. was collated for the printed edition of the Rolls of Parliament. (See Vol. I. p. 481). 57 Dd. II. 25. A folio, on paper, containing about 130 pages, bound up with the three following numbers. 1 . 'A Remonstrance delivered his Ma^^*^ in writinge after the Inhibition not to proceede in the examininge his right to Impose without the assent of Parliament.' This is that presented by the Lower House in IGIO, and printed with the two following articles under the title * The Rights of the People con- cerning Impositions By a late eminent Judge of this Nation.* 12mo. London, lGo8. The treatise was also ordered by the House of Commons, 20 Mail 1641, to be published. 2. ' The Question is, whether the Kinge without assent of Parhament, may set Impositions upon the wares and goods of Merchants exported and ymported, out of, and into the Realme.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 56 The discussion begins (p. G) : Three things have been debated in this Parliament that have much concerned the right of the whole nation... Ends (p. 131 ) : I will end with the sayinge of that true honest Councellor Phillip Commines in his 5 booke the 18 chapter. 'Hiat it is more honourable... ...and I have priuelidges soe to doe. 3. 'After the Kinges right to Impose had been throughly examined in Parliament . . . this hereafter was given concerning Impo.sitions.'' It ])egins (p. 120): The pollicye and constitution of tliis your ma" kingdomc Ends (p. i;3I): ...who will be thereby no less discouraged than disabled to supplie yo' matie when occasion shall serue. See under the first article. 58 Dd. II. 26. A folio, on parchment, torniorly l)()iind in wood, l)ut now be- tween the same covers aa MSS. 57 and 59 and 60. On a fly-leaf is the title, LlIJER SxATrTORLM C0MUNA8 CaNTARIORUM ET CiIORISTA- Ri M Hi iLH CoM.i:(;ii [sc. dc \Vynde.sore| concernencium. 1. ' Fundatio comunarum Cantariorum et choristanun inter Collegium et M. Jacobum Denton indentata,' f. J . Dated 17 April, 1520. 11 H. VIII. 2. ' Indentura inter Collegium e.\ vna parte et Cantarios ac Choristas huius Collegii ex altera parte.' f. 2. This Indenture made tlie Hi April, 11 11. \'III. is in English. 3. ' The implementys gcven vnto the new Coiiionys by M. James Denton ' f . 4 This is an inventory of the furniture of The Hall, The Pantrj'c, The Kechyn, The C'ooks Chamber, The Storehouse, with the cost of the several articles, together with ' The cost and charge of the newe byldyng/ and 'The beying of howses and lauds.' The accompt is dated 3rd September, 1520. CATALOGUF. OF MAMSCRIPTS. 4. 'What siitlraircs the Siiid M. James Diiilon tlcsiiH'th to be observed and kopt of thf ( 'li.uiiitrm' pn^sts and ( 'horostcrs/ f. 8. At the bottom of the page is, ' CioJ saue Mtiistcr James Denton Clionnon of ^\'yndeso^e.' /). * Here folowj-th the char-,^ and costs made l)y tho saidc M. James Denton from the iiij day Septeml)er (1.520).' f N />. At the bottom of the jmije (H h), * Kt sit laus ileo. lUue virj^nni Marie, divo CJeorgio, et sto Kdwanlo.' 6. * Statiita ot ordinaciones per Cantarios infra castruni ove six Articles have each the signature of Ja. Denton, Insides various marginal notes in his handwritini: 7. The Will of the said danies Denton made I Aui^. 18, Hen. VI 11. with the sin^natures of himself and six witnesses f. 1 k Then follow in another hand, 8. ' Decreta qufedam et statiita, qua? edita sunt unanlmi consensu et consilio omnium sacellanr)rum sou rantaristaram, . . . et per decaninn et capitulum rata et approbata. ..." f. KJ. At the end of the 2oth Statute on f. \i)h is, ' Fost Lectionem statntonini dicat De profundis.' On the inside of the orif»inal cover at the ]>eginning is, • Superscriptio in valuis SacellanoniMi et ( 'horistanim. iTidefl pro saccllanorum et choristanim conviviis, extrueta anno dni At the ioft of the same page in another hantl writing is, 'At Mr (iiovers liowse in dishestaffe lane at the signe of the blue ]»oare for Mr M'ill.s<^)n canon of \V'indcsor, ' Dd. II. 27. A folio, on paper, bound up with the precedinrr, and con- taining Lists of i)rinted JJooks, ail of which were publi.shed before 1607. The first list is of Theological \Vorks, and is imperfect, commencing with the letter B. (p. 1 ). Ou p 37 begins an alphabetical list of ' Liiiri Juris utriusque.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 57 On p. (W, ' Libri Meilici.' On p. 77, * Lihri Chcmici.' On p. 79, ' Libri IMiiloMophici ac Hi^torici,' of which the lint U*niiinat«t (p. 101) with the letter P. «0 Dd. II. 28. A folio, on japor, consiHtin^ of .'{."> leaves ; it is Ixmnd uj) uith MSS. 57, 58, 59, and i« in the same handuritin^; throuj^hoiit. A Collection of Medical REciPErf for various affections, with remarks and advice as to rejnmen and diet, each recipe U'arin^ a reference to NicholaiLS Florentinus. The fin*t recipe i* entitled ' To purpc the evil matter that swimcth in tlie HtomiK-h by m ntle voinitt,' nnJ is nubscrilx'*!, * Nicbus Florrntinus Trartat. 4 i>fm. .'i5. tl.' The hist, (p 7" i»f .MS.) a«Iio, of l.'.l Ir.ivrs «if parchment, writ t. n m il<»ul)K columns of 3H lini*s each. Apjian ntlv of the \mth centur)-. Tkeatiiibii op St Acourri.vE. 1 . ' Saruii Au/^ini Rfiradat kn wm Libri due. ' Ik'jfinn Jain iliu etit quod farere (»pp. Pari*, lanr*. I. o.i. 2. ' Aurdii ht^ad Aupustini Acftad^micis Lif>r' fr- - ' O utinam Honumiano ... Opp. I. col. 421. 'Lifter bfati Aunustini tU beata viia ad Manlium Th- dorum.^ Hegias Si ad philneopliie portum Opp. I. col. 497. 4. ' Kjusdt'm de Orditw Pei'vm Lihri duo." !k>gin8 Onlincni renim Zonobi Opp. I col. 529. 58 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5. ' Lihri duo Soliloquionm Sancti Atigustini,'' Begins Volvcnti mihi ... Opp. I. col. 597. 6. ' Liher Sancti Aiigustlni Episcopi de hnmortalitate anime.^ Begins Si alicubi est disciplina ... Opp. I. col. 049. 7. ' Liber Sancti Aucfustim Episcopi de quantitate anime.^ Begins Quoniam video te Adeodatus liabundare ... Opp. I. col. G77. 8. ' Liber beati Augnstini Episcopi de Magistro.^ Begins Augustinus. Quid tibi videmur efficcre... Opp. I. col. r,87. The proper portion of the LHht Rvtrartntioutim is repeated by way of preface in front of each of tlie otlier seven treatises. Dd. II. 30. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. Dd. u. 31. A small folio, on paper, 298 pages, of about 48 lines each ; handwriting of the xvith century. 1. 'Praxis Fraxci.sci Clarke, tarn jus diccntibus quam aUis omnibus qui in Foro Ecclcsiastico versantur apprime utilis,' is the title given by Thomas J31aden, who edited the work (Dublin, 1666). The arrangement of the Edition varies from that of the present MS. ; e.g. * Tit 347' of the latter corresponds with ' Tit. cccxxviii." of the printed copy. 2. On p. 247 commences a shorter and distinct treatise entitled : De Modo ixchoandi sive instituendi actiones in suPREMA Curia Admiralitatis Anglic. This is also prmted, Lond. 1743. Mark of ownership: 'Gulielmus Thomas, Jan. 27, 1634.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 69 Dd. n. 32. A small folio, on paper, 85 leaves. 'TiiK Art of Pukaciii.nc;. A treatise on the composition of a Sermon, being a translation from Mr Claude, Minister of Charanton in Paris. Translated by L. D. M.' It only contains the first six chapters of the treatise, with a brief sum- mary of the seventh chajitcr. Begins There are five general parts in a sermon ... Ends . . enter upon self-examination. At the foot is added, * Ther is to follow in another volumnc a Translation of the contenuation, viz. the Eyght Ninth and Tenth Chapters.' See Dd. ix. 40. The treatise has been several times printed both in French and English. Dd. n. 33. A small folio, on paper, 189 leaves, written early in xvitli century. The Inrtruction of Novices. A translation from the Latin ' Formula Novitiorum and divided into tlircc book.s, the first of which is entitled, ' the instruction of novices,' the second, ' the reformation of the soul/ the third, 'the perfecting in religion.'' ' Wrytten by the hand of Thomas Prestins brother of Syon.' Tran.slftted, with some omissions, from the Treatise of David de Augusta (Dc ordine minorum), vid. lJil)l. Max. I'att. xxv. p. fU'/J. Lug. liaU 1077. Dd. II. 34. A folio, on paper, containing Kil leaves. *Si NDHY Rkmkuiks collcctcd out tlic Du. Dan. Sinneutus his workes, and put into Engli.sh by D. B. for his owne pticular use.' The first 4 loaves coutiiin the index, which is entitled, 'An Alphabeticall Index or Table to the medicines or Keceipts following, collected out of Dr. DanicU Sitiertus his workes, conteyncd in .3 Tomes translated by Dru Burton, for the use of himself, and his Friends.' Upon the top of the firet page of the Recipes is found the Title as above given. The first Recipe is for ' A cooling Aperient,' and is subscribed, * Sinertus, Tom. j. pag. 774.' GO CATALOC.ri: ol MANl'SCKirr^ The last (vsv pjigis contiiin a treatise oii the pftth^'lo^'y ami troAtmcnt of various convuUive atVeetions. The last wonls of the MS. are * C'oiuvruinj; the cure of the convulsion vitio uteris sec Galen Lib. vi. "de IocId affectis," cap .T 67, €8 * Dd. II. 35, 36, 37. Three iniddlc-sizeil folios, on paper, from 2."> to .*}0 lines in a page. Tlie linst volume eontains IVo^ leaves, the secoml .Sil, and the third 47-, including Mank.s. ThK LeCTL'RRH op C a ROLL'S RrTNTS A T BoLOON A l l»0.\ Civil. Law, delivered in the years ir)17, 1518, l^l}), ir>'J(), ir)2l, and taken down by a pupil I litTonynuis Fon.s, in whose hand- writing the volumes apprar to !»«•. Vol. I. (fol. la), be^ns : Rubrica ff. soluto malrini' • I. . t i a.- n iH tilu» jK-r i \c« lli nti.>i.Himum doniinum Caroliitn Kuynnin \\ : m. In eivitatc Il anno I51B. Ends (fol. b) : secus in repo. rei legate *./ liar Ind. 1. in n'|>etendi». Diccre soleinu^ (jiumI omncs hominm natum ttcirc desidcrant, hoc autein de faeili adiniplere i>oterinius dm pan-nte atque pro In the fiK>t of p. 1, ' Kh al S Doctor Hmmrdo ( oitstnntin mro. cscucla y pro\ iflor de ( adiz.* On the 1st fly-leaf, *('ompre mtc libro y otnifl tre.H dc la mixma lect*. do Carolo Ruyno. 3. de Abril dc 16«J2 por die/ Sc «eif» rcaUn. ^Dc cosine Con- stantin que fua here lie isU) 5 propter ciUom* iinmen^iOH Meo i .-hi Kvtura t-at iminrfi. 1 1 l.'>21. XVIII Juiii MDxxi.' IN-«*I*<'< tinif the outhor pplcmenl to the Biograpkie i'nirertfUf. 70 Dd. II. 38. See Catalogue uf < >ricnial M 71 Dd. II. 39. A folio, on i»a|)er, containint^ the two following traclH. 1. * An nl»stract of certain ol*Kn'ation«, notes and other thingH in the |»arlian»ent holden at Westminster, beginning' the 27 of OctoIxT bein^ Synion and JudeH daie 1601. i3 KHzaljeth, and ended the \\\ of I>eceinl)er aforesaid the manner of procee' (pp. 170 — rj.'k»). There ia aJUi^l. in the MS., a mrtnonunluin rtUting to the Iwlmviour of tlic (ominniui on the l^crn'^ leaving: after which follows • Catalogue of tiie Bevrml AcU p Mw d in thU Parliament. 2. ' A true reUtione of every dajes proceeding in Parliament Hince the Ix'ginning thereof being tueifday tlic xx*^ of Januar>- 1 U'ritten on different {wii>er and in a dilferrnt luuid frnm the preceding. There in a tract ' IHumal occurrmce* Sec Jan l*"*— .March lo, 1028/ 4to. Undon. (Brit, Mu* \'l V % 12). See ftlno Pari Iliirt 11 4a.'»— lirj. licffin* (p. 1) : \ '\Hii\ tlie said Twentietli day of January bring the fini day of the TarliaiDent [i. e. of the •OMton^ nutliing waa done but only the settling of the cominitteoii Kndu (p. l.'W») with the form of dissolution by the Lord Keeper afier the King's speech on March lOiJi. '^^ Dd. II. 40. A folio, on paper, 88 leaves, in good preser%*ation. Containing various Ex i UA< T'^ » HOM IIIK PaTKNT VM» Ci.O(«K Rol l - «»f Msi heats, Inquisitiones post mortem, and similar documents. Amongut ihcin are »evcral list* of the feoffs and Unds of K|>. 1 — '20. Collections from ' The Hi8tor}'e of Scanderbeggc.' pp. 30 — 2. Collections from * Cliarron, de Sapientia.' pp. 33 — 46. Collections from ' Slciden'^s Coinentaries."' pp. 47 — 72, * Collections out of l*crkina' pp. 73 — 106. * Collectioas out of the Vocall Forist.' pp. 107 — 1 1 1 . ' Collections out of Donne's Lettres.' pp. 1 12 — 118. ' Excerjitaex Marcelli Paling: Signis Vodiacis.' pp. 119— 122. A]K)ut 10 Monk Iravcs follow. stuincook, two leaves in a liand searcoly lej^ble. On the third Ix'gias a trcati.'io Df dii^'rsis rnjulis juris nntiqui, which is left unfini.shed. Then follow 24 leaves of scribbled notes on various theological and ecclesi- aatical vuittcrx. On the first leaf is the name of ' ^^'illiam Howson ' 64 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3. The remainder of tlie MS. contains a collection of Theo- logical notes, irregularly written from both ends, on leaves : besides which there are J 4 leaves blank. Two pages of similar matter occur in the middle of § 1 . The first page is headed MiSCKLLANE A. 77 Dd. n. 45. A folio, on paper, forming the first two-thirds of a Volume, entitled ' Tractatus MS. Dd. ii. i() — 45/ containing lOo pages, as marked in the MS., but some are blank. Vahiois Rkmkdiks roi{ Disk asks, and several dissertations as to the pathology and treatment of ditterent diseases, taken by Drue Burton from various autliors. There arc 4 pages preceding the fii-st of the Remedies, of which three arc occupied by aii Alphabetical Index of the contents of the M!S. and the fourth contains eighteen * Wholesome Rules for health,' from Dr. Hidron. Donzellinus, Consil. 220, ()7(>, &c., and also one from Simiertus, Tom. iii. p. 21)4. L. 10. The first recipe is * To make the belly lose or soluble that is costif or bounde,' subscribed Crato, Lib. 4. pag. (X). At p. 145 there is a break off in the MS., the last few lines having reference to the treatment of Quartan Fever, by Dr Balthazar Scheiderus. Consil. 2&), p. 778 and 770. At p. 150 of MS. there commence some remedies entirely directed to the cure of the Plague, and are taken from Mindererus, with the exception of one from the * IMiannacopd a Augustaua,' p. 500, extolling the virtues of CJinger, and one for making purgative pills, which was ' imparted to me by Mr. W. Eugler.' On the last leaf of the MS. are some observations on the properties of different spices, &c. wliich have no signature. 78 Dd. n. 46. A folio, on paper, of 70 leaves, roughly but legibly written. 1 . A collection of Readinrjs^ cases and anfuments vpon the Statute of Pluralities and Adcowsons (13 Eliz.) ; mostly in Eng- lish, in parts in law French, end of the x vi th century (circa 1700). Begins: The Statute is large and consists of many particulars which doe conceame the clergy. Ends: And that D. by this commendam had good power to hold his first benefice within tliis statute. CATALOGUE Or MANUSCRIPTS. 65 2. At the otlier end of the book, .1 Collect ion of Law Prece- dents^ occupying 17 kavcs, in the same hand {circa 1700). Begins : Indenture Tripartite Between the II'. Honb*. Charles Earlc of Car- narvon, &c. -82 Dd. n. 47—50. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 83 Dd. II. 51. A quarto, on |)aper, 232 leaves, about 31 lines in page, hand- writing of the X I V th century. 1. ff. 1 — 147 h. ^ \\f)oy^€ipov vofxwv ]\iovaTavTivov tou ApiicvoirovXou* Begins Kara roi/r TzaXatoiji )(p6vovs . . . Ends . . . (pOaaamfs tiTTOfifv. EJ. Hcimhach. I^ipsic, ia51. pp. 20—020. 2. ff. 1 IS a — ir>2 a. * Sofioi ycu^pyiKol kcit €K\oyt]v j3ij3\ 'iov TOU r?/? OclftK Xt'^GO)? ' lovarii'iai ou fiaatXew^ irept yewpyiov* Begins \pi] To I' yf(i)pyuv. . . Ends , . . rovTo (1d(iav (^truxTav. Ed. i^p. 830— a,50. (§ 9). None but the first two sections of the MS. appear to have been printed. The remainder exist in various MSS. at Paris and elsewhere. Compare the Preface to Ileimbach's Edition. 3. ff. 153 a — 170^. * V.-n-iTufu] twv icpaw Kcil Oeiwif Kavoviov yeyove cc Kai aurtj irapa tou uurou TravaepaaTou aejSdaTov i'ofio(pv\aK09 Kai KpiTou OcaauXoi'iM}^ Kvp'iou kwv OTavTivov Tov ap/jL€i'07rov\ov.' F 66 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins Tcov Kav6v(x>v oi fifv ncri . . . Ends . . . TU)v alx^iaXioaias (Uv KaTfyvuxr^itvat. 4. f. 180 a, 6. ' loV UUTOV TTCpl TTldTtWi O^Oo^O^OV,* Begins TTiaTfveiv d(7 . . . Ends . . . Ku\(iaiv aTfXfirqTou. 5. ft' 180 a — 183 6. ''Vov aurou ttf/ji
  • o'l Kara kui- poui aiperiKoi eco^aaav.' Begins OI ntpl "Apfiov . . . Ends . . . rovTOiv dia(Popav. 6. 184 6— 189 a. a. * Tct oP Abrahan\ Wheelock, one of the fellowes of Claie-hall. Renews his promise to bestow his Alcoran upon the University Library. 4. Tottenham, tididcxxx. .Tanu. 4. 'I'he same to the same, Keeper of the University Lil)rarj'. II. Thirtt/six orln'uuil trffirs, fmm Sir Henrj' Spelman to Mr Abraham Wheelock. 1, Harhacan, .TO Jun. ^(V^7. Henry Spelman to tlie Arabic I>ccturer. Thanks for tlu- h)an of a MS. of (iiidas> and Siin« ..n Duncdm. de Lindis- fam. Kccles. (Probably No. 1140). 2. Rarbacan, 4 Aug. Kh^J, The sanu- to the >.i\nv at his house nearc Queens ('o]ledj;e. Thanks for tran-^cript of some part of .Klfrie's Saxon Canons . asks him to compare the pliices in 'the Nieene ( ouncell' touchiiiLj the mar- riage of Priests, <}v:c. Printed by Sir H. Kllis, Letters of Kmiiu nt Literary Men, No. i.iv. from tlie copy by Raker, who may i)e pardoned for liavini; read Sigcncus. .3. London, 22 Sej)t. HI.'}?. Thanks for transcripts. * i'he matter of tlic Canons is what I now cliiefly aim at.' 4. Rarbacan, 12 Oct. 1G37. Touching the laws of K. Kdmund already publialuMl l)y Lambanl. The MS in Rcnet Colledge Lihrary. /). 4 Nov. Asks him to translate the ( 'anons. 0. Rarbacan, 8 Dec. Thanks for 'your Saxon lal>ours.' Asks him to obtain thro' Dr Cumber the loan from Trinity College Library of a fair MS. book touching the Abbey of (ilastenbury. On the back are some rough notes (by Wheelock). touching the Fourth rommandment. 72 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 7. Dec. 22. Alunit the provision for the Saxon Lecture ... desires a Catalogue of till the Saxon MSS. in the kingdom. 8. Jan. 24. Asks for anything tliat may follow certain words in tlie 70th Section of the Canons and Poems. 1). 2 Feb. 1637. Hopes to see him and for a transcript of tlie rest of the MS. 10. G April lO-SS. 'Tiiis letter,' as Wlieelock has written at (he top, *shewes that Sir Ilr. Sp. first comended me to my Lord of Ely.' 11. 4 Maij. Wishes to borrow from the University Lil)rary a MS. nu. 2.5G to compare with *a very faire and ancient interlinear Latine- Saxonicum Psaltar and some leaves of another' in his possession. 12. 8 .Tun. ^VLshes to see the Saxon Psalter soon : the printing going on. 13. 31 Aug. Sickness prevalent. Hp of Norwich well dis])()scd to him. * My Councells were finished a fortnighte since.' The Saxon Psalter dt layed. 14. S<.'pt. *As of the Sjixon Psalter there is much variety in the MSS. so it semeth there is also in the Translation of the Gosj»ells.' 1.5. 20 Sept. Mentions the Hj) of Kly's favour: the design of a Lecture 'for reviving the Saxon tongue:' is prepared to put forth a Saxon (iram- mar as the Bp had suggested : mentions his eon-espondence with M' do Laet of Leiden about the publication of a Dictionary.. Sends il^^lfric's MS. grammar. Some lines have been carefully obliterated, which do not appear to be noticed in the copy (Marl. MS. 7041) printed by Sir IL Ellis, Letters, &c. No, i.v. 10. .5 Oct. He sends him />0.v. * Every quarter,' writes ^riieelock in the margin, * I receive of Sir Henrie Sp. .">0.v. as a beginninge of this (Saxon) Lecture.' He also notes ' My L. of Elie his offer,' and his own hoped for preferment. 17. 2 Nov. Sends him a presentation to the vicarage of Middleton, of which he designs an augmentation for our intended Lecture... a pa.ssage boate goeth from Cami)ri(lge to Lynn on Munday morninges recommends M' Thorowgood the parson of (Jrimston to be his bosome frend. Printed by Sir H. Ellis, Letters, No. lvi. 18. 3 Nov. Mentions one for a curate of Middleton — encloses a letter about the Psalter borrowed of Trinity College. 19. 8 Nov. Letters with the presentation to Middleton miscarried — will enlarge the vicarage (worth .£00) out of the Improi)riation. 20. 15 Junij 1C38. Has received the Saxon Psalter from Trinity- College, and binds himself to return it. 21. 14 Jan. 1638. ' Pray bring Elfrics Saxon gramar with you.' Incumbe Saxonicis. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 73 22. Maij. vlt. Iloj-es the Mr and Fellowes of Triuitie will not call for their Psiilter liofore it be finished printing. 23. 28Junij. Sends his translation of certain Saxon lawes : * since you ar (by the grace of God) to be the Professor of that Lecture in your University/ 'give nie your opinion thereof.' 24. 13 Sep. Is busy — About East Winch. — 'will be no suter to any man' — Returns the MS. Psalter (on which he had put a clasp) to Trinity College, and sends ' niy Briti.sh Councils and the Saxon Psalter published by niy Sonne.' Sends back also * your Pub. Librarj' Psalti r.' 2.5. 17 Sept. Will make the same present to the Piibl. Lil)rary and to Benet as to Trinity College — introduces Samuel son of .M' J(dm de Laet. See above, 1"). 20. 20 Sept. Refers to the two pnculiiig Ictttr.s, and presents the books. 27. 28 Sept. ' I am muteh troubled w"' tlie scandall layde vj)pon me and my sonne for misvsinge Trin. Colledge .MS.' * 1 pray entreatc it may not be vnbounde till, Sec' 2H. 2ii Nov. His intent about 'our Ix'cture of Church and Saxon Antiqn ' — wibhes to consult with the ViceChancellor. 29. 10 Jan. .. is thankful for * verj* curtuousc Ires from the M' and Seniors of Trinity ('••lledm',' and accepts the library keeper's acknowledg- ment. Touchinye our busincsse of the K cture. 30. 12 Mar. is growing Ix'tter * after 7 weekes languishinge.'. . * my nephew Ilarbt. Whitfelde.' 31. 2<> Mar. MVMK The carrier has demanded much more than the usual groat for the papers . . need not be told of their value .^2. 24 Apr. HMO. About the rent now to W paid by Mr CoHntis. ' remember your curat.' could have wished him to have visite*! I.K'iden about the Saxon (Jranimar and I >it tionary. * S' Symond Dcwes thrusteth his sickk' in amongst us. ..and will j»resently put forth Jocrlins...ltavc him to himself ' use no such attribute to mr in tlu' direction of your Ires as most learned, &c.' 33. T) Junii. approvesof the oration , will shew it tothc ABpof Armagh. 34. 30 Oct. Enquires for his health after eight weeks silence, and 'aboute the businesse of the Lecture what the heads of the bowses advise.' 3.5. 0 Nov. Expres.scs his great comfort at having l>ccn brought for- ward by so many in the I'liivci-sity as a (.'andidatc in the late election of Burgesses. 30. 27 Nou. K540. Thanks for 'farther paynes in my bihalfe.' The above letters generally commence * Mr >\'hcelock,' but nos. 3, 11, 21, 26, 20, 23, 31, 32 have instead ' S. P.' 74 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. III. 1. Barbacan, 0 April, 1038. John Spelman to Mr Abraham A\nicclock. has no ])urpose to enquire into the anti(iuity of the University, yet wislies the elaiise in CanuhMi's edition of Asser relating to tirinibold at Oxford to be compared with the MSS. 2. Tottenham, the 21> of June, 1(^2. There are two letters of this date from John Gierke, the first \vritten to a (married) friend (probably >\'heeloek), the second addressed to M. Olrye, Fellow and President of Clare Hall. In l>oth he makes en- quiry whether the University will print the Arabic Dictionary given by his father with all the types to print it withall : and if not he offers to present a printed copy : states that ' Sir Killume Digbyc would have given five hundred pounds for the ])Ooke and types.' 3. Barbacan, Oct. UVll. Jo: ^^'alden to AP Abraham >\'heclock. Gives an account of the death of his master, Sir Henry Spelman. Printed in Ellis's Letters, cSrc. No. i-xv. 4. * Keverendissimi F^liensis et D. Procanccllarii D"^* Cozini consilia in propositiones D. Henrici Spelmani, de prtelectione Saxo-Britanica in Aca- demia Cantabrigiensi stabilienda, Sic' is the endorsement (? by Wheelock). The * Order concerning the Saxon Lecture' is signed ' Jo : Cosin Procan :*. IV. Th'niy-tico original letters addressed to Mr Abraham Wheelock : of these 27 are from Thomas Adams, the founder of the Arabic Professorship ; they are dated from London, and extend from tlie 3rd February, to tlie 2Gth August, 1633. The first three are printed in FJlis's Letters of Eminent Literary Men, L — Lii; the 2Stli, London, March 2()th, 1G39, is from Thomas Adams, the son ; 29th, from Thomas Adams, the father, is without date; 30th, London, 27th March, IGM); 3Lst, 21st Ja- nuary, 16iO; and 32nd, 28th of March, 1634-, are from tlie same. V. The rest of the volume is made up of the following : 1. A short latin epistle from Thos Brockmann to AP Wheelock excusing his absence for a day on the score of illness. Without date. 2. A letter in German without date or address. 3. Three letters from Jo : Foorthe to AP Wheelock, Bachelor in Divinitie. a. April 28. lf^28. Enquires whether he might trust the bearer with the books named in letter h. b. April 22. ]r)28. Being sick desires to send the Hebrew con- cordance, ' Schindlerus his Pentaglotton," and another book. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 75 c. No date. Prays him to continue his favour to Whitchurch, and to the son of Iliindal Hanlint^e... would leave an old Avenarius dic- tionarie with divers things written in it and many loose papers. 4. London, this 27th August, 1G33. Thomas Hill to M' Ahraham \niillock. introduces Professor Jacques Lescott and other friends from Paris. 6. a. Boxworth, Aug. 27, 1020. (iilb: Wigmore to Uliillocke. Will use his influence with I)' Mansell. M' Boise is fallen in love with Arahicke. h. The .sinie date. Jo: Boise to M' Wheelock. Excuses hiinstdf from being a suitor on M' ^^'heelock's l)ehalf for the reversion c)f Brookes' place. * It is an odious thing to hury a man ])efore he he dead.' 6. April 14, 1(524. Jo : Foorthe to the same. After compliments urges him to translate Maimone into Latine. 7. A 'testimony' of the I'niversity, signed hy 'Jo: (Jostlin Procan. and in others, addressed to the Mayor and Aldermen of Lynn, that AP M'hee- lock is well (jualificd to l>e Master of the free School. [1022]. R A coinjilinuntary letter in I>atin, signed 'Tho: Kyljpus,' to the same. 9. Ilodnet, Aug. 2, Kl^O. Bichard Sackey to the same. Enquires how many had died of the sickness in the Colleges and the Town. 10. Two letters signed Simonds D'Ewes to the .same. a. Bury, Aug. 2<». KJ.')!). About printing Bcde . wants another .^Ufric's grammar.. .wishes much t<» see him. Stowh. May IB. KVUK St-nd.s a proof of his proficiency in Saxon. ' Slack not your studies for evil times.' 11. Lin Regis, .\pril 2(5 1»;2'). R. R. to tho same. ' M' Rohinson St h<)lrmii>t Pk v( rirK or tuk Common La we of Engi.and, wihiikn my Jidgk Doddhidc.k."* Begins : Aristotle in the fn-st bookc of his Topicks expreswing the ineanes where hie, &cc. Ends : resteth wholly upon industry and memory in publishinge and notingc that which he findeth all readye framed to his hand. Finis. On the back of the last leaf somebody has written *y'' 11 Jan. 10^0.' This treatise corresponds with the work entitled ' Tlie Lawyer's Light, or A due direction for the study of the Law.' written l)y the reverend and leai-ned profesior thereof J. D. Lond. Benjamin Fisher, 1G29. pp. 119, small 4to. The printed edition is considerably longer than our MS., the concluding words of which are found in p. 93. i Dd. m. 15. A folio, on paper, of 88 leaves. A Catalogik of Com m INT a in ks (existing in some Library, with Class- niark.s) on books of Holy Scripture, viz. Pentateuch, Historical Jiooks of Old Testament, Job, Psalms, Minor IVophets, Apocrypha, Pauline Epp., Catholic Epp., and Apocalypse. i Dd. m. 16. A small folio on parchment, of 12 leaves, in double columns of 44 lines each. 1. ff, 1 — 7. ' Meditationes Bernard!."' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 77 Begins : Multi multa sciunt ct semet ipsos ncsciunt. Corresponds as far a.s f. 7. a. col. 1, (Sjui vivit et rofiTiat per infinita sa-cula. Amen,') with Kd Hen. Paris, 183t», Vol. ii. p. 0(11 . After this follows the paraj^raph : Tedet me vita mea, quia dili^'entcr discussa gloriaris per infinita ssDcula. Amen. Explicit. (Anselmi. Opp. p. i!07. Paris, 1G75). 2. About tlie middle of the second column of j). 7, A.\ AI.I'H .\HKTICAL TnK.VTISK 0.\ THK NASIKS A.\I> VIIITC E8 OF HTO.NKS. r)\ pages. (2 cols, of 4o lines in pag.) Next follows a continuation of this treatise by the same Iiond. It is left incomplete, hreuking off in the account i>f the ' Emerald.' In a later hand in added the following stanza : Smaragdus virens nimium Dat lumen oleaginum Est fides integerima Ad omne l)onum patula Quie nuncquam scit deficcrc A picLatis operc. Dd. III. 17. A folio, on paper, bound in the same volume with the preceding, of aljoiit .'300 leaves, ^9 lines in a paprc, in a very unfinished state. Only the second \'ol. appears, with the following title ; ' Tome the Secondc, of Scikmim.e kxhrcikkk, or, The Divine Hu manic Mathcmaticall A\'oorkc of Master John Stay, philo musus. And student, In the universe, 1(>34. In which is contained ook exist in the fonn of an ' Index.' Dd. III. 18. A long quarto, on paper, and in a good state of preservation : date about KJOO. It consists of ()G numbered leaves, most of which contain on each page seven staves of Mrsic, 78 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIl^S. The notation ami the (.harartor of the nuisic in this voluino is the same as in MS. 43. The nuisic is generally lumnonizeil, in whieh case the staves contain six lines ; when only the melody is given, the staves contain hvo lines only. On leaf CA there is a melody written in a later hand and in the more modern notiition of hrcves, minims, \c. On leaf (Id there is im index headed * Lessons in this Book.' The Airs or Melodies are termed * Trebles.' 10« Dd. IIL 19. A folio, on paper, and in good preservation. In the latter lialf many leaves have been injured by damp but not so ;us to destroy the legibility of the i)ages. The whole MS. eonsi.sts of (>.') page.s, each on the average c()ntaining "2^) lines : handwriting of the siime character throughout, and assignable to the middle of the xvith centur)'. Imperfect at the lx*ginning. A Collection ok Plkai>in(;s, temp. llcn. \' I . in the usual Law- Latin. Commences abruptly : — WalteniH tenuerit de ipso Ilieardo mancrium iindietmn cum i>erti- nentiis per homagium et fidelitiitem. Then comes the record of a * IMacitum detentionis syngraphi obligatorii.' The last folio Imt one is headed * xxix'^. 11' VT^.' The whole work is apparently a transcript from the Rotuli riaritonnn, preserved among the Records; most of which have been published by the Commission of UUX). 107 Dd. III. 20. A paper-book in folio bound uj) with 106. The contents to the end of § 4 are written in a legible and clear hand, the remainder by the same person though generally in a small running hand of the xviith century. 1. ^ Placita Concilii in Farnamensi castello, 17 Augusti a.d. 1.569. pncsentibus Duce Norfolchia', Comite Hedfordiie, Comite Lecestria;, Regii Cubiculi Pncfecto, Domino Secretario.' Begins (f. 1 ) : Convcntum est vt de reliquo omnibus mcrcatoribus Angliae et Gal- lic libera commercii ratio sit negotiandi. 2. ^ l\esj)ons'io manno aceruo Articxdorum quos Burgosius quidam Hispani Oratoris familiaris eius Legati nomine, secretions consillis Dominis obtulit. 1569.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 79 Begins (f. 2. b): Vera quidein oiimia ilk quos miMmiu legato retuluruut 3. (a) 'Atiiculi a D. Francisco GeraUli equite secritoris Con- silii Doininis lU-^is Lubitaiii noriiini pri)positi Anno Dni 1571. MeiLsis Januarij.' Ik-gimi (£.6): Ut libt-Tum utrinquc commertiura aperiatur. . (J)) ''Re^ponsio quornndam dominorum pricati comtilii articulo a 1). Francisco (Jeraldi rcj^is Lusitani nomine pmpo.sito l')71 mensis Januarij.' Begins (f. :!, when it was broujjht in question, wliether tlie intervicwe between the Queenc of Scotts and the Queens Majestic were convenient to l)e allowed or no. Compare this with No. 1820, 4. t, with which it a<^rees in the bep^inninp and in substance, though it ends (f. 1.5 *...but thereby the prolestants must be weakned.' /. A speeche used ])y the Lord Keeper amongst the Lords of the Starrc Chamber l.'idO. This (ff. lo ^—18) accords with No. 1828, 4/, with the exception of the date. g. An oration made by the Lord Keeper in the Parliament then endingc to the Nobles and Commons in the presence of the Queens majestic. This (ff. 18—21 b) is the same as No. 1828, 4 / ; which see. h. The effect of my Lord Keepers speeche used to Mr Bell when he was called to be Lord Clieef Baron. Except that it omits the three Latin lines, this agrees with No. 1828, 4 m. 108 Dd. III. 21. A folio, on paper, CA)0 leaves, in Latin, with additions in English of a different hand ; the writing of the early part of the XVII th century. A CoF.i.KCTioN OF M EPICAL Til K .\ T I .s Ks, principally taken from Capivaccius, with the Noinen^ Definition Causa^ Signa^ Judi- cation Propnosis, Cautio, Curatio, of each malady duly considered. On the fly-leaves arc memoranda of other remedies for particular diseases. On the 2nd folio are various recipes of a Dr Clarke ; on the .3rd to the 0th are others with the heading, '10th May, 1030. Out of M"" Rob Dey his private Shop Note Book on the last three folios arc * Receipts of Sir Will Paddy his practice from M' Di-ue.' An Index to the Diseases, with the number of the folio on a left-hand column, will be found on the Gth folio from the end. It commences with * Lampas vitae et mortis mittatur sanguis ad ,-,viij.' and ends with an almost illegiijlc receipt of Dr Clerk for the jaundice of children. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 81 110 Dd. ni. 22, 23. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 111 Dd. III. 24. A small folio, on paper, irrcfrularly written in difTcront hands of the X viith centuf}' ; unfinished. A COLLKCTIOX OK HkI'TADH, OR THKATISKS IN Pim.OSOPHY. Written in Latin, apparently by the owner, Henry Howe, or Rowe. It contains, after a few disconnected Moral Maxims, Five Heptads or treatises on Physics, Geo^piiphy, Aristotle's Ethics, Arithmetic, Optics. In each of the8<' treatises the subject is found to be sevenfold ; each department beinj,' similarly subdivisible in sevens. And wliere the natural heads arc less than seven, the difference is supplied from imaginative sources, and " delirantium somnia." Dd. III. 25—38. Waldknsian Mam s« uiith, presented, together with other and more ancient, but now missing, documents, * to the publick Library of the famous University of Cambridge in August 16.58," by S.'unuel Mf)rland, accf)rding to the headin^^ of the Catalogue appended to the Contents of the * History of the lOvangelical Churches of the valleys of Piedmont,' fol. London, 1658, by the Donor. These volumes are not noticed at all in the F<»li<> Catalogue, printed Oxon. lOlM), wbich, however, was compiled from a .MS. previous to KmB. Another Catalogue, in 17'">'^ speaks of the Manuscripts only wbich yet remain, and of wliieli only an account is givt-n by Njismith in his .MS. Catalogue completed in 175*4. Tbe preface to the latter account has been printed in the Introduction (p. loo) to Wuldensiau Rcftenrrhefi, by ^\^ S. Gilly, 8vo. London, KVU. Of the ^^'aldensian .Manuscripts, preserved in the Library of the Uni- versity of Dublin, I)r Todd luus given a full account in the volumes for 1H41 of the Jiritish ^f(l(Jaziur, xix. niKS, .502, 6.^2, and xx. 21, la*). At page Ch^7 of Volume xix. l)r (Jilly also says, 'I find the Csslier Collection of MSS. in Dublin contains the 8ul)stance, if not the counterparts, of almost all the ancient treatises wbich Morland deposited in the Library at Cambridge, in volumes, marked A, B, C, D, E, and F, and which have been since removed, nobody knows how or wbcn. But I have no reason to think that G 82 CATALOGUK OF M AN L'SC'UirTS. any of these missing books or parchments have found tlieir way to Ouhlin. The portions wliicli Dr Toild hi'lievctl ho had discovi'n'd in the I)ul)lin Library are transeriptii, in a more modern handwriting, of part of volumes G and II, which are still remaining in the Morland Collection at Canibridge. The Ussher Collection of ^V'aldensian MSS. was made many years before Morland's.' Of tlie following Catalogue of tlie volumes yet remaining, that of Morland supplies the outline, additional i)articulai-s being filled in generally in a smaller type. 112. Wa i.DK.Nsi A \ Dull .mi;nis: Morland^ G. 1. A small paper book (11 inches ])y 4) containing 1(5 pauses, on 10 of which is written in a sniall hand a narrative of what is described as * A trrlal process aqainst the Waldenses by the Archbishop of L'Ambrun, in the year 14!)7 and 1502, written in the French tongue.' Begins : Est a prcsupposer que I'an mil iiij" iiij' dix et scj)t apres ma trans- lation dc frejus a ambnin me deliberay visiter ma diocese d'ambnin. There are some few marginal notes in French in a small hand : in a good and large hand that occurs on many of tlie other MSS. is tho title, * Proccs verbal dc Farcheu d'Ainbrun dc Fan 14*.>7 et loOl, sur le saict do8 Vaudois.' Another copy of this namitive is in No. 113. What Dr Todd takes to be the original of this Tract is to be found among the ^^'aldensian Documents at Dublin, No. IX. xx. Sec Brit. Mag. XX. p. 102. An abstract is given by I'crrin, Ilistoire (tea Vaudois, Li v. ii. ch. 3. pp. 137— 1 4a cd. 101!). 2. On paper (1 1 inches by 8^) injured by damp and dou- bling is A Bull of Pope Innocent against the Waldenses in the year 1487 in Latin. Printed by Morland (p. 190) and by (his copier) Loger (Li v. ir. ch. ii.) : the seals rudely rej)resented in the former still remain. On the paper cover, below the French title, * BuUe & commision tres ample Sec.,' is the note in a hand of the xviith century, * No. 2. Proccsse against them by Albcrtus de Capincis, mentioned in the process framed Anno L501. Article 30/ See Dr Todd, nh. sup. k m. Though there are 9 leaves, of which some are blank, no watermark is discernible on the paper. 3. pp. 1 — 1.5. A Latin Treatise called Origo Valdensium et processxis contra eos fact'i. CATALOGL'K OF M AN USC KI ITS. 83 This has been printed by Dr Peter AUix in the Appemlix to Ain it jit Churches of Piediuont, London, KllK). An En!,'li>h translation with the initial words of the Latin i» printed in Morland, p. 21<'>. 4. As a Bcquel to the foregoing (3), and on similar paper', follow Divers Informal iom and Examinations taken by the Arch- bishop of Evereiix aiul others of tlie Popes Commissaries airainst tiie \\'alr>eria in CamiH) sauro,* of Peter ILiymund, John Arnoux, Angelinus Palon, John Warlhelem, Ilu^h Jacfjues, John Faber, Pierre Jourdan, Ilipp(dyte Hlen, Jacques Pari, Tho- mette wife of Fazius Ilipert. Marie wife of William Hret, Jac(|ues Iktnnefoy, I! unit Julian de N'alle, Th(»mas (Jranet de ^*alle, Jove with the account given by Dr Todd of No. § i. 2 (»f the Waldensian Documents at Dublin in lint. Minj. xx. pp. HUl-O b. ' Kegiarum | c<»pia Irariim, .Morum de fraxine"* Valle loysia ac An- gentaria. No. 2.' is the endorM'inent by a more modern hand. The first of the.se * Lcttres du Roy Loys vnzieme' is printed by Perrin, Ilistoire , the latter, in Latin, dated_l:j)^May, 147'J. At the end (p. 1>) is * Facta est collatio putis copie cum pp o originali i)er me not" publicum N Paris ' c. Ihus. ^quitur extracta processus In materia heresis valden per Reucren. in xpo prem et dnm Do. Johjmnem Archiejium Kbredunen. ' Distinguislicd by (he watcnnark. a protcsqiic oM man's head. g2 84 CATALOGUE OF M ANUSCHIPTS. incepti Anno a nat' Dni millio quadringcntesim*) octuagc"'" tVio vi die secunda Aprilis. On six leaves', of whitli the fust tlirce are marked H, (', D, and tlie sixth hears the endorsement * Continuatio informationum.' Then in tlie larger hand, ' 148;3 Informaons par on n'apperi d'auenne ditVamatio de paillardise, mais seulemcnt des aultres points.' After \vhith, in another hand, is * N° 4 Arch. Jehan.' d. Processus factus ct format us in facto sanete fidei ])er Rev'"""' in xpo patrem et dominum nrm dnm Joliannem Dei et ap"" sedis gra Archiepni et Principrm Ehredunen. contra Anthon lilasii de Angrogina dioc* Taurmen. hm Dalpliini b^istarien. Dioc*. The description given hy Dr Todd (uh sup.) of the Duhlin MS. (No. IX. § V.) applies to this with the exception of the handwriting, that of this differing somewhat from the liand of § ^ and § 4 a. The endorsement is 'Process Ahiuratio d'Antoyne lilasij," and in an- other smaller and later hand, * 14H'l no 12.' See Dr Todtl, No. IX. § xxi. e. The description hy Dr Todd, [ih. § iv.) applies to thi>^, uith the addi- tional endorsement * \ nivcrsitatis vallis Loysie' in the same handwriting as the text of the MS. /. Processus factus per R'"""' in xpo (as in r/)....Ehredunen. contra Anthoniu fahri als Haudon de Castro- rodulpho de criminc heresis Valdcnsiuni sen pauperum de Lugduno diffamatum. At the top of the page is the word ' Ihus and in the margin 'Originalis,' with the signature of the notary N. Paris, as in '/ Tlie date of this docu- ment also is 1400. The leaves were numbered by the scrihe ; hut have subsequently been disarranged, f. viii. being now followed by f. xvii. After f. xx. follows a leaf headed * Ihus,' and conbiining ' Tabula p'ntis processus,' with the number of the leaf opposite each item. Another document of the date 1408. 23 Nov. and signed *Saiehen(?; N. P.' is here inserted: after which follow ff. ix — xvi : the last two being blank and f. xiv. cancelled. A second document, of the date 1488, and by the same hand as the former, is here inserted ; after which follow fF. xxi— xxv, of which the last two are blanks On the old wrapper is the more modem endorsement, MO.T*'*"'' 1480.' g. Processus factus ^c. (as in r/)....Ebredunen. contra Anthoniu Albi de Fraxinerin. Ebred. dioc. etatis quadraginta annorum vel circa. The account given of d and / applies to this, with the addition that at the top of the first page in the right hand comer is 'Ordinarins' as in d, and in the left hand 'cum pma.' as in/. ' The watermark is S. Catharine's wheel. In / and r/ the watermark on the paper i.s generally a bunch of grapes sur- niDunted by a cypher and a star, sometimes the two latter are not visible. CATALOGUE OK MANISCRU'TS. 85 The endorsement by the larger hand i», ' Antonius All»i. 1-UiO. recite sculemet ce que le barhe luy dit en confession. R. d'une corde qu'on mettoit au col des mourans.' 113. Wai.uenhia.n Do( tments : Morland, H. On paper, of various sizes, and written by two or three different hands, in the volume H are contained the following MSS. Hofore those mentioned by Morland and Nasmith is a book similar to No. 112. 1, written by the same hand, but previously, as a collation of the texts and marginal notes seems to indicate. This is followed by 1. '•Dicers ample and very remarlahh' processes and cruel Inquisitions against those of Fraissinere and other places in the years 1487, 1488, 1489, 1492 and 1494.' ti. On jtaper', of the same size as No. 112. § 2 and subsequent portions, and in a hand of the same date. _ Proce.ssus Inquisitionali-s agitatus coram R""" in xpo patre et dno domino Johe (lei ct nplice sedis gra Archiepiscopo et principe Ebredunen. Inter Doniinuin rniniotorera hcretice prauitatis Sancte fidei ex >na agcntcm. Kt Audinum Cri.sfdni als Valoy de fraxineria liitatorcm Sancti Andree Ditfanmtum de secta \'aln the next page is the note respecting Audinus Crispini, *etatis xxiiij ' annorum vtd circa.' On f V. the account of the first Interrogation is concluded with the uiunes of the witnesses (iVtro Sabine... ofticiali El)redunen.. Desiderio Mar- tini, Dcsiderio Forget, et Spn' Rouerij Cap"" testibus), and the signature of Nicolaus Paris. 'Examinatio secunda Audini Crispini de Sancto Andrea' is dated in the preamble (f. v. h) * 1487. 30 Januarij.' The account (f vi. b — f. vm.) of the next interrogation begins, ' Delude anno quo supra et die Sabbati (juinta mensis Maij. .' The date of the next (f. viii.) is the 10th of .May. On the loth of May, after the first examination (f ix. h) he is sent to the torture, after which is 'alia examinatio seu Repeticio predicti Odini Crispini ' It may be noted that the watcmiark is the same as of So. 112. f I. /. i7- 8G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. and again (f. x. ' post vesperas,' when he is again sentenced to the torture, the examination under torture is renewed, the account ending on f. xiii. b. The summary (ff. xiii. />— xv.) of his tenets deduced fn»m tlie preceding interrogations is without the signature of N. Paris. 'Aha Ilopeticio dicto (.sir) Odini Crispini,' is dated (f xv. b) *die Ahirtis vicesima sexta mensis Jugnij '/ and ends on f. jx vi. After tlie usual signa- ture, in the same handwriting as the foregoing, is 'concordat hmoi copia cum proprio originali. N. Paris.' Ill the margin, hy one hand, are notes hoth in Latin and French, with pointers, and lines under some wonls. Eight leaves follow, which are hlank, except that the last is endorsed * 148(). 1487 ,' and hy the same hand as the nu\rginal notes hut larger, ' Proces contre les Vaudoys :' heneath, in a smaller and apparent!}' another hand, ' Audimus Crispini alias \'aloy. Jehan Archeveci3 poursuivant. ' 0.' Compare with the ahove account that given by Dr Todd {lirit. M(i(j. xx. 190) of an imperfect transcript at Dublin. (No. IX. § x.) h. Three leaves ^J, (12 inches by OA) which have suffered from having been folded and exposed to damp before they were curtailed by the binder. Ccst I'extraicte faicte du contenu an proces fait et demene deuant Mess" Mons"" lincjuisteur aplicquc et ofhcial do cestc cite in \n\s et assistans contre Stcue Raoux de fmxinieres. The endorsement, in the same large hand as that on n, is : *\'idi I Stephanu Ruth de fraisinieres.' After * No. 10,' which has been altered to No. 17, is, in a small hand, 'On na autre response de cestui cy examine ] par Albertus de Capi- taneis, sinon que sen rafferte a dieu;' and, *Cest Albertus. . auoir perscquiutc les ^''audoys en I'anne 1400.' A leaf has been torn out before c. 1400. Minuttc de diverges responses de ceux do fraiciniere vbi nc verbum quidem de i>aillardise. This endorsement is in the same large hand, and, beneath, ' N" 7 ' are, in the smaller, * Sous cc mcssicur Jehan Archevesque d Ambrun/ * Veyleti inquisiteur.* A pen has been drawn across these ; the pen through the second also subscribed, * Laugeri inquisiteur.' The whole is much less carefully written than a, the latter i)ortion very hastily : but the marginal marks are similar. The watermark on the paper is the same as that of «. d, 1409. Proces contre Pierre Valet {.sic) do Freicinieres. Confisq. ses biens le liurant au bras seculier. * Mail is in a marginal note by a later hand, but from the dates the month must be June. ' The watermark is a spearhead tiirough a ducal crown. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 87 The two lines of the above endorsement are in difterent hands : in another is ' N° 8 ;' (the B has been written over 7, hy the same pen wliich lias been drawn through aud.' 'I'he paper' is nearly the same size as in § 1 a, the hand\\Titing is different. Compare Dr Todd's notice of No IX. § xv. and xvi. uhi supra. c. * l^roces contre deux barbes asavoir francois de genindino, diet barbc Martin, et Pierre de Jacob, diet barlx; Jean : aux responses des quels ont este adiuustees des calomnies sur le faict de Paillardi.se et d'Idolatrie comme appert par le somptum des dites Ilespon.scs en breuet y joint, le quel le (Iressier a estondu a son ])laisir.' This first portion of tiic endorsement (on f xii.) is in the largo hand, tlie portion after * N"l)' in the smaller: there are, iK'sides, endorsements in Latin by two or three other hands. On the top of f . 1 is * Ihus,' and in the margin * 1".' * 14!»2 :' the other notes generally in Latin*. The first portion (IV. i. — viii.) is printed by Aliix 'uhi jtupra, pp. 307— 317.) The latter part coiuhidos (f xii.), ' Kxtracta fuit hiiioi copia a proprio origiiiali et concordat N I*aris.' Compare nr'I'udtl'.s ac<<>unt of No. IX. § XVII. /. Contra peyronetam Helictam Adam 1\ tri Ikraudi als fomcrii loci belli Respecty. This is on the first cover ; ' via. 3'.* and, ' Ihus marie filius' l>cing above ; and below, in the large hand, 'A \'alcnce I'an 1404,' and, in a somewhat smaller hantl, ' Existiiiio fidelif scriptas responsiones.' The whole is printed in Allix (uhi supra, j)p.3l8 — 3,'U ). That which he prints (p. 318) under the title, * Sumptum ex ore Pcyronctt^r,' is on a slip of papers inserted before f 1, and endorsed, by the large hand, ' Notn banc ehartulain,' with the heading, ' Icy sc voit come on receuoit en href les response s et \mis on les estendoit a plai.sor.' Marginal notes as in r arc chiefly in Latin. See I >r Todd's account of No. IX. v^v^ xvni. and xix. The same endorsement is on fas ui\ § xix. 2. A ThiU of Popr Ah\V(in(lii\ hoarini^ date tlic first of Aj)ril in the year 1501, for absolution of the W'ahlenses, kc. tu en- courage them to revolt and abjure tlicir Religion. ' '1 he watermark resciuhle.H a bunch of currants. ' The watcrniark is a .stag's luatl. ^ With the same watermark as the rest, viz. a gauntlet. 88 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIPTS. * Cum nos hodie te. .* The emlorsement is tlie same as the title given by Hr TiuUl in hisacc(»unt ofNo. IX. §vi. o. -i yy^//^ of the same Pope Alexander, bearing date the fifth of April, 1501, for absolution of I 'surors, ' Ah eo qui....* The scribe has made some corrections. See Dr Todd, No, IX. § vii. 4. A Bull of the aforesaid Pope Alexander l)caring date the seventh of October, 1501, for absolution of all sorts of crimes and sins, and particularly of that of llcresio. * Cum nos aliiis to. .' See Dr Todd, No. IX. § viii. 5. An Edict of Louis Kinn of France^ bearing date the 12 of October, l.")01, for the restitution of the goods of tiiosc of Fraissinere. The endonH.'ment consist« of that and the title j^'iven by I>rTodd, No. IX. ^ XXIV : the date of the text is * xii. jour.' (). Lftt>rs J*af> nf obtained of Louis King of France by those of Frai.ssinere, bearing date the twelftli October, 1501. The endorsement is the same as that pvcn by Dr Todd, No IX. § xxiii. There are many marginal notes to this document and the fidlowing. 7. An Arrest du Grand Conseil of the 1^7 of May, 1502, in favour of those of Frassinore, ^'al Loy.sc, Argentiere, and other Inhabitants of Dauphine who turned Catiiolicks. This has the same certificate and endorsement as No. IX. § xxv. After this follows (see No. IX. § xxvi.), A letter from the King on tbe same sub- ject, dated 117 May, 1502. The endorsement is now scarcely legible. 111. W'.M.DKNsi.w Doer mi: NTS : Morland, I. Volumes 111 — 120 (I — 1* inclusive) are bound together. In the Volume I are contained the following MSS. on paper, 10 \ inches by 7,}. The documents 1 — 5, whicli alone are cata- logued by Morland and Nasmith, arc all coj)ies written by the same hand, and are of the date (1G5()) of the certificates sub- scribed by IJalcet and A. Javel : these certificates are written in the smaller hand and with the darker ink with which the descrip- tions of the seals have been added to the copies. The document 6 is by a different hand, of about the same period as the others : at the top of every page (fF. 23 — 11) is the mark +. CATALOGUE OK MANUSCIUPTS. 89 1 . The Agreement made between I I ear f/ the Fourth of France and the Ecanrfdical Professors of the Valleys of Piemont^ in the year ir>li2. This (ft'. 1 — lo) includts the Letters Piitint which with the foregoing Agreement are printed in Morland, lik. in. cli. ii. pp. -421) — 441i. See ali*o §C. 2. A 1\ tit Ion of those of ]\tl PtioS't^ presented to his Majesty of France, with the K inch's Answer thereunto, upon the sixth of June, 1 (i*30. This (ft". 11 — VI) under tlie title * .1 ( • /< rnnttton of the Privilegen^ Ac* is printed by Morland, pp. 441) — iTt't. y Several Articles of Capitulation accorded by the King of France to those of Val Perosa, In arini^ date the eleventli of April, IGcJO, to whicli are anne.ved hi.s Maje.sties Letters Patents. The latter (ft* l^W*— 17) are dated Jan. 10.1.3. The two following form part of the same collection. 4. The Kinns L* ttt rA Pii(< In fir.nir of th>' h\-7 — M''. ^^'itl^ the exwption of the notary's signature, the docu- ments are in fict the same as thone pn-vi»»usly printed, in an inverted order, on pp. 429 — 44H. Shj alMjve, ^ 1. Ho. \\ \ M ) K N .s I .K \ 1 )oc I- h\ E .NTH : MorUttul, K. 1. The Concessions of the Duke of Saroy to the Evangelical Profi's.sors of the \'alleys of Pieniont in the y<'ar 15^)1. Tliis docuujent doe's not now form j)art of the volume. Trohahly Na^mith, in entering it in his MS- Catalogue, blindly followed Morland s Liht 2. 7'he Concessions of th*' Dttkc of Sacoy to the Fvanixehcal Professors of the Valley of Piemont in the years 1G02 and lt»03. CATALOG UK OK M AN IS( HI ITS. Printed in Morhuul, pp. 4r)G — 4i)(3. On the liust of the ton Uaves (111 inchc!» by 8]), which are written in a lar^» hand, is the endorsement hur- rit'illy written, '('opia autentica delle loiicess. del HIOM et HJlIO et del Inter'.' .*>. The Confirmation of fht' nbote said Conccs. of 1 )(.'C(Mnl)(T, HI.').*). This on five havrs, of somewhat larL,'er paj)er, is written in a smaller and elearer hand than the preee»liu,' .hu ument. It is referred to hy Morland, ]). -i:>7, and translateil hy Lem r, Liv. 11. eh. vii. 1 1 1 1. W A I. n K \ s I A \ Doc r m k n i s : Morland, L. In this volnino are contained the followini; MSS., of which th<» li>t will h.' found to tlitfer somewhat from Morland'.s Cata- logue. Thev (HTiipy about erftccuti()n in I'icinont; as also two otlier ktters toucluiif; the s;ime suhject. 'i'hey arc dated from /uridi respec- tive!}' the 5th March, the 22nd March, and 23rd April. 5. A Letter from the Pastors of Zurich to those of Basle, ScliafVlioiizen, kc. concerin«x the massacre in the )ear 10*55, bearing date the 1 of May, 11)55. G. The Ecnnntliral Cantons to the Dnke of Savoy, the G of May, 1655. 7. Col. Weiss his account of the Commission piren him by t/if' JJcoor Exiles of Picinont. 1 1. The Dtike (f Sarar/ to the Evangelical Cantons received by their Ambassadors at Aigle, the of July, 1()55. TluH ft ply to the li tter in sj 14 is tmiislatcil in Morland, H. iv. ch. vii. p. 010. 12. 7'he Eii\<( J't-ojuK-dfiou of the Four Aiiifni,*jt>nlo)^ of the Ecangdical Cantons to the Duke of Savoy in behalf of the poor Evangelical Churches of the Valleys, together with the said Duke's answer thereunto. This nrtit le is in a «lifl'crent handwriting fmm the rest, nn«l seems to have been insiTtcd in the volume 8ul)»e. In this volume are contained sundry edicts and state jiapers, all printed, viz. 1. Edicts of the Dukes of Sarot/, smm apain.st, others by way of answer to the petitions, and in favour of tlu ir j itor Pro- testant subjects. Tlu' ilatfs of twelve of these edicts arc pivcn in .Morland'H Catalogue: those nuinheretl therein 1, 2, H, 4 and 7 arc comprised in * ('onfirmntiotie de' PriviU'gi fntUi nUi Sigtmri Conii, e Cotumituita rlrlhi Vatte di LuMerna. 4to. Torino, H»43 ; in which are also two edicts dated Torino, \\) Se|>teml>er, inn,'), and Torino, ll May, KMH. The date of No. /i, in Mori;uid should he 1G18. 2. a. '■Relatione de" surcessi senuiti nella Valle di Litsema, ncir anno 1 (>.')."). ^. The same in Latin, * Gesta in Valle. . / c. The same in French, * /(elation de ce qui s'est pass/. . / 3. The Court of tSaroy^ 8 reasons for the justice of the order of Gastaldo, S:c., in the year IGrto. a. ^ Summa Ilationum^ fpiibus Ko^ia celsitudo . . b, ' Sommaire de$ liaisons et Motifs . . / The Italian version mentioned hy Morland is not noticed by Nasniith. 4. The Duke of Sarrnfs Patent, (Patente di Oratia, e Per- dono) granted to the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys. Dated Iliuoli, 18 August, Ifi.'o. Sec Morlaii'l, V,. iv. rh vii. pp r."*2-0(i7. CATALOGUE OF MANrSCRIPTS. W ALDEN8IAN DoriME.NTS: Murldiui^ P. 1. T/ie Ejfktth of Scipio Lent to a friend of his con- coming the |K'rseciition of tlie Evanirt-lical Chiirclies in the Val- leys in the year 1561. A tnuiiilation with the iniliul words of the Li.iu - n^. ■ y Morl.'in, conreminir the IVrsociition of the Evan;^'hcal CliiircheH in the Valleys of l*iemont, entituled, ''La liihition reritabU Jiudfiee^ ou Refutation (fun escrit imprime tk Turin^ 4r.' 3. Bn vis refutatio dissertattonis de Jure exjx llendi religion^m eranndicam ex Italia et Sabaudia. 4. The Duke of Virtenberg'i Letter to the Duke of Savoy in hehalf of the Evangelical Churches of the Valle}*s, the 1 \ of July, 1 (;:..'. The Prince Lie dor Palatinss Liiier to the T)til

    c the tmuhlatiun in MorlanJ. B. ir. ch. vni. pp. fl02 — 8. 7. Copies of (he ffvrrai pratulatory Utters^ which were sent in the names of the poor Evangelical Clmrches of the Valleys of rieinnnt, iniine<]iately upon the conclusion of the treatv at I*ig- nerf»l, 1 i Aui;. M).*!.' ; namely, to the Cardinal, to His Hiijhness the Lord Protector, the States ftcneral, and the Evangelical Cantons of Switzerland. Tlu- last is in Itnliftn, the others in F'rrnrli. 5. Copit s of several sharp letters from Anil)a'vsadf)r Sen ient, Monsieur de Hais, kc, to the poor people of the Vallej-s, to make them accept and rest rontentecl with the treaty at I*iinien»l. toLTcther with their res|>ective answers. They occiipv nearly .')() leaves, on the first of which is Chap. i. The first is datetl ' A Turin Ic .TO x^, IftW." the last, ' Dc S. Jean cc 29 .hiin. KWiO; 96 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 9. The Reasons of tlie poor Protestants of the Valleys^ offered to Ambassador Servient, the 21 of April, 1656, why they ought not to be debarred the priviledge of entertaining foreign ministers. This appears to be a certified copy of an original document in the French language. 121. Waldensian Documents : Morland^ Q. The following are copies, in Italian, with the exception of 1, 2, 4 and 13 in French. 1 . H. R. H. Order concerning the Tax dm from his Pro- testant subjects for the year 1655, after which follows a copy of the Injunction; the first bearing date the 26 of April, 1656, and the other the 6 of October, 1656. 2. The poor peopWs Reply of the 5 of September, 1657, to the Marquess of La Pianezza's Answer to one of theirs, sent them by Mr. de la Londe, bearing date the 2 of August, 1657. 8. The humble Remonstrance of the poor Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Lucerna^ &;c. to Madame Royale, the 20 of August, 1657, concerning the grievances of the Treaty at Pig- nerol. 4. An humble Remonstrance of the poor people of the Valleys of Piemont professing the reformed religion, which they put into the hands of M. de la Londe, to present to His Majesty of France, in August 1657, concerning the grievances of the Treaty at Pignerol. 5. The humble Reply of the poor Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Lucerna, &:c. to a paper sent them from Madame Roy ale, through the hands of Monsieur de la Londe upon the 2 of August, 1657, bearing date the 5 of October, 1657. 6. The humble Supplication of the poor people of the Val- leys to the Duke of Savoy, together with the Duke's answer at Turin, the 6 of October, 1657. 7. An order of Andrea Gastaldo^ in the month of De- cember, 1657, summoning those of the poor people who refused to sell their possessions, to appear before him at Lucerna, under pain of being proceeded against as contumacious, &c. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 97 8. An order of Andrea Gastaldo, the 20 of December, 1657, summoning the poor people to Turin for having pubhc exercises of their rehgion at San Giovanni. 9. The poor people's Letter to Ambassador Servient, the 28 of December, 1657. 10. The poor people's Supplication to H. E. Jl. of the 28 December, 1657. 11. The poor peopWs Supplication to H. R. H., together with his said R. H. answer thereunto, given at Turin the 25 of January, 1658. 12. The poor people's Bequest, the 26 of October, 1657- 13. A Letter from the four Ambassadors of the Evangehcal Cantons to Ambassador Servient, Count Teuchi, and the Baron de Greisy, in favour of the poor Evangehcal Churches of the Valleys the 30 of November, 1657. 122. Waldensian Documents: Morland, B. On small quarto paper, in tv^o handwritings are, 1. a. Vrthel Spruch der Catholischen Satz und Schiel richtern beyder Statten Fryburg und Soluthurn. h. Sentence des Arbitres & Juges Catholiques des deux villes Frybourg & Soleure. These transcripts are by the same hand, and are dated 1657. 2. Historia hreue e vera de gV affari de i Valdesi delle Valli. This occupies 22 pages, carefully written. A brief Confession of Faith, &;c., mentioned by Morland, is not now in the volume, and was not catalogued by Nasmith. Waldensian Documents. The volume marked S- is wanting, and was not catalogued by Nasmith. 123. Waldensian Documents : Morland, T, The volume marked T. described by Sir Samuel Morland as containing the rest of the original pieces mentioned in his his- tory, is now bound up with the two preceding numbers, and con- tains a fragment of a History of the Waldenses, on the first leaf H .08 CATALOr.UE OK >r.\N('^('l{irTS. of which is ' Chap. 2. Lo comuK iK iMiicnt dc hi dcrniero porso- cution assavoir la publication do Tordre do (Jastaldo ct la i'uitc dcs fideles au canir de riiyuer." Tlic pages nuni])ert>il 1 — at the coriuTs arc better >vrltten tlmii the last six pages not so iiuinbtTcd. There is also another enumeration from 10 — 50 ; there is finally a ecrtificate as to the authentieity of the documents quoted which is signed by D. Leger and other p;ist»>rs, and in this the former numbers are referred t<>. 1-4. \Vali)J..\si.\ N I)()( I'.M i:n Ts : ^^orh^n(l, V. This folio voliiino, bound up with the contains, 1 . A brief hut vxact lu lat 'i(ni in I'nLilish, of tin* occasion and y;rounds of the late war in Switzerland between the Protes- tant and the Catholic Cantons, bearing date the 1 4 of December, 1655. On two jraves. 2. A {dr5. 5. A Letter from the Canton of Zuric to that of Switz, the 24 of September, 16oo. f). The Answer of the Canton of Switz to tliat of Zuric, 27 Sep. H)o5. 7- A Letter from Zuric to that of Switz and the other four Catholic Cantons, the 2S September, Ifl.jo. 8. A hr'uf desrrijttion of those persons who were cruelh/ executed and j)i(t to death for the truth at Switz in Nov. in the year 1655. 9. A Lftter from tlie Canton of Bern to those of Switz, the !.•] October, 1(;55. 10. The pritpositton sent in writ inn to tho.«;e of Switz by the liands of the Deputies of the Evangchcal Cantons. 11. 71n' Ansrnr of thr Counnl of Switz to the above.said J Proposition of the Kvan^elieal Cantons. 12. Th<' Answer (f those of Switz to Messieurs de lk?rn, the 27 < )ct()lM'r, 1 (155. l.'L A Dejmsition of Articles of those of Art touching their Confes.si()ii of I'nitli. The Articlis an- fHuiiH-rntitl in .Morlunil'-* ( ataloj^e. 1 4. Copie of the Memnrial if the Xicodemites of Switz touch- ing their coming out of Habylon in the year 1052. W A I,I»KN SI AN DOCI'MENTS. The Blaek Hox marked .\'. is not in the Library- : its contents arc described in Morland's Catalogue. 26 Dd. in. 39. A mid(lle-sizt>d f(>li(), on jiaper, 72 leaves, about oO lines in a page, legibly written, circ. 1 bUO. H2 100 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. * A Reading oil Declauacio.n of tii' au tiiouityks, mhicu- TYE3, AND OFFICES OF A FOREST, lUadc Uppoil tllC StatutC Cilllcd Carta de foresta by one Traherno do Lincohrs Inii/ Bt'gins : The Statute of Cliarta de foresta is exi)re.ssed and sett forth by a booke of hiwe tliat is intituled and called by the name of Mai;na C'harta. Ends (fol. 09, b): 11 serra pr a pendus non obstante aseun clause on sentence de cest Statute. F'inis. Manwood, in his treatise on Forest Imws (Lond. refers to the 'Heading of M. Truheriie/ but he quotes probably from a MS. copy. 127 Dd. III. 40. A middle-sized folio, on paper, ^24 leaves, legibly written in a running-hand of the middle of the xviitli century. Sir Henry Spelman's Treatise, dk SKi'L LTniA (printed Lond. 1641). Begins : As it is a worke of the lawe of nature and of nations Ends : And theise in many places desiiinge inunie rather than amendment doe for. . . These words are in p. 31 of the printed edition, the MS. therefore wants G or 7 leaves. It varies a good deal verbally from the printed edition. 128 Dd. III. 41. A folio, on paper, of 1 8 leaves, in an obscure and abbreviated law-hand, watermark ' hand and star.' Twelve Headings in law French, on various legal topics. Begins : Cum quis petet tenementum versus iUterum et implacitatus vocaverit ad warantum et Ends : il naura a ley action de dette ut per S. xxvi. H. VI. Finis. The ragged edges of the paper have been carefully repaired. At the beginning is ' Frowyk lector.' 129 Dd. III. 42. A foHo, on paper, bound up with 130, and containing on 22 leaves, Statuta Collegii Jesu in Universitate Cantabrigiensi. CATALOG UK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 101 The title is wanting, and also the Introduction which precedes the 37 Statutes in the copy printed in ' Documents relating to the University and Colleges of Cambridge,' 8" London, 1852, Vol ii. pp. 94—123. The MS. however contains ' Cap. 38. Collij Jesu statutum de nuraero et victu soci- orum et Uiscipulorum per \'isitatores D"* Regina? Eliz.'and Cap. 39, which is a copy of a royal Letter from Charles L, dated AN'estminster, 22 December, IGoo, 'To our trusty and welll)eloved the Master and Fellowes of Jesus College at Cambridge.' 130 Dd. III. 43. A folio, on j)aper, containing about 110 pages, written appa- rently in tlie middle of the xvnth century. St.VTI r.\ OM.MA Coi.LKGII Sa.NLTI JoiI.WNIS B .\ 1»TI .ST A K in Acadeniia Oxon. This MS. is stated to have sup])lied the text of the Edition given in 'Statutes of the Colleges of Oxford, &c.' 8° London, 18.53. \'ol. iii. pp. 11— 13(;. On 3 leaves before the final 'Index omnium statutorum' is 'Index rerum omnium memora])ilium. qutc .statulis nostri Colle^^ii continentur summa cum diligentia congc^^tus. A. A.' The short abstracts of the statutes in the margin arc also preceded and followed by A. 131 Dd. III. 44. A small folio, on paper, f>8 pages of writing, in good preser- vation. A M iscKi.L AN Eors CoM.r.cTioN OF ExTRACTs from the public records, concerning the lands belonging to tlie Duchy of Lancaster in diHorcnt counties. 132 Dd. III. 45. A quarto, partly on paper and partly on parchment, 102 leaves, about o5 lines in each page : damaged and disfigured here and there. It is written in a slovenly hand of the xvth century. Imperfect at the end. Romance of Jason, in Engi.fsm prose. At fol. C8, Medea instmcts Jason ' how to conquere the noble moton or ffleese off golde.' This tale of chivalry is said to have been embellished by 102 CATALOGUE OF MAN L'SCiUrXS. Raoul le Feure, chaplain to the duko of nuri,ninily. who instituti-tl tlu- Order of the '(Johlen Fleece' in l-iCH. (S-e ^^'a^ton. F.uiil. IWtn/, i. 140, cJ. lU-10). An English translation was nuule hy Caxton aln>ut l ltk>. Begins (fol. 1): Anncyentlye the kyni,'rs an.l prynces of hygh filycyte were attend- aunts and away ted whan theyr seed... Ends : A\'yth that nu dea hegan stronglye to weope and syne [f.n tliwith] kneiKd donne on h.M»th her knees witli greite huniyliti' tolVor .huson reipiiryng and cryeing... A few indistinct traces of o\%nicrsliip survive in the margin of fol. 'Mi, (>8, 02, the first of these Ining a fragment of a deed which heai-s the name * William W'ytynge of the county of Norfolk.' X33 Dd. III. 46. A miiMle-sizcd folio, on paper, -2:^1 leaves, fairly written in a ninning haiul. Law Ki roll is. Begins : Solonquo Ic purport, intent, et fine meaneing a Indenture & est. The Reports are of the followini,' terms: Mich. 4. Car. 1. Ilil. 4. Car. 1. Pas. 6. Car. 1. Trin. 5. Car. Mich. 6. Car. Hill. .5. Car. Trin. C. Car. Mich. Car. Hil. (5. Car. Pasc. 7- Car. Trin 7. Car. 134 Dd. III. 47. A small folio, on parchment, 256 leaves (the last two imper- fect), double columns, about 40 lines in each, except f. 248 b to end, where the page is not divided ; date xvth century. Theological and Mohm, Thkatisk.s. 1. ff. 1 — 184. ^ Liber de repimine principum editus a fratri Enidi'j llomano ordinis frairum heremitarum S. Augmtini.'' Begins : Ex regia ac sanctissima prosapia oriundo suo Domino... Ends : • promisit fidelibus, qui est benedictus m secula scculorum. Amen. 2. ff. 185 — 224. Francisci de Maronis, De virtutlhus Mo- ralibtcs.^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 103 Jk'giiis: Auditu aurLs audivi te, nunc auteni oculus incus videt te. Jul>. ult. >f 'lnn n rsiio bene disputat^i.' Begins : Iltrum tendcnti ad {HTfectionein nrcessaria sit abdicatio tcini>or&lium quirritur articulus 10... Knd.s : ...quia sic ad UMun po§sowa non retim nt ut iis d.- di^i-U rio succum- liaut. Explieit quadam quirstio Wne disputata nl> iiu in<»ni'o, n. fr. 24r)— 256. 'Doctor suht'dU |.Inli. Dun.s ScotusJ de perfeciione Statuum:^ imperfect. Begins : Quod status Prelatorum videlicet i>astonim cccleaie presupi>onat statuin alium prol>atur sic ... End.s : ...aliis indigere alimentis nec possibile est... A perfect copy of tliis unpubllnhed treatise exists in the Library of C. C. C. Cambridge, No. rvii. § H. 104 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 135 Dd. III. 48. A small irregular folio, of 282 leaves, in different hands, containing Various Law Collections. After 7 leaves of Index, follow 34 leaves of a transcript of Judge Dod- dridge's work on Law, The Lawyers Light. Then follow notes under various heads, of the xviith century, arranged, not alphabetically., and roughly written. A large part of the book is blank. On the back of the last leaf is a letter written to a lady, signed R. T. son or daughter-in-law of Sir Thos. Myddleton. 136 Dd. III. 49. A small folio, on paper, written in the year 1594, damaged by damp. Remarks on the Bearings and Soundings of the Coasts OF England and France, Norway and the Gulph of Venice. There are many elevations of the coast, with the castles and other land- marks, and directions for sailing thereby At the end are drawings of the Astrolabe and Mariner's Compass, with tables and directions for their use. 137 Dd. III. 50. A quarto, on parchment, 160 leaves, 25 lines in each page, written about the xiith century, imperfect. 'Joannis Scholastici Abbatis S. Montis Sina, vulgo Climaci dicti.' 1. ff. 1 — 132. KX/yuctf sive Scala Paradisi. Begins (^Grad. viii.) : TTcpt dopyrjaias Koi rrpaoTijTOs Kai 6K jSoBvvov els Kprjfxpov nea-ovras. (p. 178. Ed. Par. 1638.) After o peyas pov fivo-rrjs e(f)r](rcv, f. 131 a (p. 457), follows a list of the * steps,' then f. 181 b (p. 458), dva^aLvere am/rJatVere. Ends: els doplarovs alaivas. (pcos. dprjv. vvv\ 8e p.evet rd rp'ia ravra niaTLS eXnis dydizj] • pLcl^cov Se navrcov tJ ayanr] — reXos tcov rpiaKOVTa ^aOpatv. From old marks of paging, 44 leaves appear to have been lost at begin- ning ; a leaf is also missing between 28 and 24, where there is a hiatus from TTTaiopat ir ANUSCKIPTS. 22. Coiifirmatlon of tlio church of S. and 100 acres of pasture in S. to the prior and convent of St Katliariiie without Lincohi. Seethe first reference by Tanner to Pat. 1. Ed. III. 23. p. 10. Of sundry hinds to the abbat and convent of N. The MS. is here again defective. 24. p. 11. Licence prranted to J. do to alienate the manor of C. to W. de 15. and J. his wife for their joint lives. 25. To tlie master and ])rethren of the hospital of St John the Baptist in Brig, to take 1 messuages and '1 acres of land iuB. Sec Dugdale, vi. 26. To the abbat and convent of B., to take lands, &:c. to the yearly value of 1*20. 27. p. 12. To Richard Uarton, to give to them a mes.suage and land in N. 28. To them to take other lands. A leaf or more wanting: on pp. 13 — IS, are Grants^ as before. 29. p. 13. To the abbat and convent of 0., to give 8 acres of land adjoining the dwelling-house of the vicar of B., to him and his successors. 30. To the abbat and convent of Battle, to take 1 messuage and 1 carucate of land in B. 31. To B. de T., to found in his manor of B., in Kent, a house of canons regular, and to endow the same with 24 acres of land. 32. To the Bp of Hereford, to unite a prebendship in the said church to the deanery. 33. p. 14. To the prior and convent of B., to impropriate the church of P. 34. To R. de S., to give the advowson of D. to the abbat and convent of N., and, &;c. 35. Writ ad quo damnum for founding a chantry. From p. 16 to p. 28, are warrants to the chancellor for letters patent to be passed the great seal, viz. for Licences. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ill 30. p. 17. To William de Gournay, to enfeoff Sir William de Beaiichamp, of Warwick, Sir John Fitzwaryn, and Sir Ber- nard J3rocas, in the manor of Cory Malet. 37. To AN'illiam Vavasour, to enfeoff Henry Mills and Robert de Meltoun in the manor of \Viekle, in Northampton, and to them to grant the said manor to William and Alice Mi- kelfeld. 38. To Joan, sometiine wife (»f ^\^, to enfeoff Richard Arundell and others in the manors of C. and L., and three knights' fees in (\ and K., and to the said feoffees to grant the said manors and kni^^hts' fees to the said Joan, for the term of her life, with remainder to Sir John Darrundell in fee. 39. To Alice Perers, to enfeoff John de Bcrners, citizen of London, and others in the manors of Wendour in Ihicks, and Easthenney in Berks, and to W. and (i. to enfeftff the said John, «k:c. in the manors of M. in Southampton, and of N. in Berks. 40 p. IS. To K.de (i., to enfeolf J.)hn de ( and S. his wife in the manor of S. 41. To enfeoff in order to make a settlemcni in tail. 42. p. 1.9. To the abbess and convent of S. to enfeoff. 43. To enfeoff in lands held of tlie queen. 41. p. 20. To Sir Jolm Darrundell, to enclose and rr)rtifv {Jirinare^ kernellare et iurrtilar*) his hou.se at Beche worth in Surrey, and to enipark llorteswode and 300 aeres of land ad- joining. 45. To the warden of the hospital of N. in the county of W., to enclose the said ho.'^pital. 4(). To W^illiani, son of Sir \\'illiam Kerdeston, to finish the fortifying his hou.sc at Claxtoun in Norfolk, begun ])y liis father. 47. To the IJp of Exeter, to erect a fortress in his manor of Chudele, in Devon or elsewhere, on the lands of his .see. Sec I)u<;dnlo, ii. /524 : in note r tills is (|UotC(l, from Tanner, as Pat. ^. Ric. II. p. 1, m. vel 37. This appears to be continued on i>. 21, where is a portion of a date, *x Jiilij nnno &c.' On p. 21 (marked 11 in the folio enumeration), 'Ricardus' first appears as the initial word in place of Rex. Sec note before, §2G1. 112 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 48. p. 21. For a a rant to Thomas Henry, clerk, of the pre- bend of Nowell in the church of Suthwell, vacant by the death of John de No well. 49. For a presentation of Robert de 13. to the church of Kukelemyngton in the diocese of Carlisle. 50. Of William Dale to the church of liykcnor Enprlysh, in the diocese of Lichfield and Coventry. 51. For a conjirmation of the Archdeaconry of York to John Theorun, of the prebend of Wystow to Robert de Man- feld, and of the prebend of Driffelde to John de Daventre, to which they had been severally collated by the Abp of York. 52. For a presentation of Robert de F. to the church of Ivinfjho in the diocese of Lincoln. 53. p. 22. Of Geoffrey de ^Vestwick to the church of St Mary's, Cales. 54. Of Edward de C. to the church of Ivinolio. 55. Of Matthew de Bolton to the vicarage of St Nicholas, in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 56. For a grant of a chantry in the said church to Peter Augryme, chaplain. 57. Of the free Chapel of Salbourn, in the parish of Staun- don, to Robert de Lincoln. 58. Of a prebend in the Church of Sarum to Thomas de Sudbury. 59. For a corifirmation of the prebend of Norton, in the church of Lincoln, of the prebend of the altar of St Peter, in the church of Beverley, and of the prebend of Northwell, in the church of Suthwell, to Richard de Chestrefeld. 60. p 23. Of the prebend of Perton, in the church of Tet- tenhale, to Thomas Dufford. 61. For rewcation of a conjirmation of the deanery of St Asaph's, granted to Howel ap Madock. 62. For restitution of the temporalities of the see of Art- ferlen, in Ireland, to William Bishop elect. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 113 G3. p. 2 k Conge (TEUre to the dean and eliapter of Bangor. 64. The Royal assent to the election of Henri de Wakefield archdeacon of Northampton to the see of Ely. (j.j. For declaring the royal assent to the election of William de Gratton to be abbat of St John's in Colchester. GG. For a grant of the custody of the alien priory of Stoke by Clare to tlie prior of the same under the yearly rent of £60. 67. p. 2o. Alien priory of Bermondsey to Richard Dointon, prior of the same, under the yearly rent of .t!40. 68. For a pardon to John Uphulle, clerk, for a contempt and forfeiture incurred by prosecuting a suit without the reahn. 69. p. 26. For revocation of a grant of restitution of dower to Margery, the wife of John de la Feld. 70. For a grant of clew of free pledge in the manor of Peneriche, to John de Beverle. 71. p. -7. For a pardon to John Fphulle, and restitution of his lands and goods. 72. To the escaetor of the county of Chester for an 'unjui- sition to be taken of the lands of Adam de Bostocl^, deceased. 73. For Ucery of the lands of John the son and Ikir of Richard Bray, being of full age. 74. General pardon granted to John Sonde. 7o. p. 28. To Richard Bers, forester, of many transgressions by him committed in the forests. 76. For licence to ^^'illiam la Zouehe, of II., to enclose a road for enlarging his park. After ft)ur blank leaves, follow, from p. 37 to p. 4*), copies of royal Letters (sub signeto nostra) to the pope and to secular princes, \N ith others intermixed. Where the pope has been styled ' Beatis- sime pater,' a pen has been drawn through the words : see at the end of No. 10, 11. § 1. 77. p. o7. To the pope, requesting he would recall his reser- vation of a prebend in the church of Lichfeld, and of another in the church of Welles, surreptitiously obtained by William de Yox- hale. I 114 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 78. Requesting indulgences to those who should contribute to the rebuilding of the church of the abbey of Waltham. 79. p. 38. For the canonization of Thomas de la Hale, a monk of St Martins, Dover, martized by the enemy when they plundered and burnt the monastery. 80. p. 89. Recommending William de Kanderbergh for the bishoprick of Tornay. 81. To a cardinal, desiring him to further the above request. 82. p. 40. To the pope, desiring he would impose silence on Hugh de Fereby, who was prosecuting a suit against Henry de Snaith for a prebend in the church of Beverly, contrary to the agreement made between pope Gregory and King Edward III. 83. To appropriate to the college of Oobham a chm'ch given them by their founder, Sir John de Oobeham. 84. p. 41. Soliciting the promotion of John de Fordham, keeper of the privy seal, William de Pakyngton, treasurer of the household, and Reginald de Hulton, controller of the household, to benefices vacated by the cardinals in rebellion. 85. To Cardinal Alencon, desiring his furtherance of the king's request to the pope. 86. To the pope, that he would grant to John de Sere- merston, a dispensation for irregularity and inability. 87. p. 42. That he would grant to the warden and chaplains of the chantry at Greystok the impropriation of the church of Greystock, given them by Ralph, baron of Greystok. 88. Thanking him for the promotion of Raymund de Re- querus, abbat of the Holy Cross in Bourdeaux, to the archbishop- rick of Bourdeaux, and of Bernard Salomons, to the said abbey of the Holy Cross. 89. Recommending Gerald de Menta for a bishoprick in Aquitaine. 90. p. 43. Edward III. to Pope Gregory, thanking him for the favor shewn to his ambassadors, and about a conference to be held by commissioners on both sides. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 115 91. To the pope, requesting him to confirm the tresorship of the church of Wells to Thomas Lynton, dean of the King's Chapel. 92. p. 44. In favor of Hemy de Eeyburtz, chaplain to the Queen. 93. Of Kobert Thunnilby. 94. For the translation of Bernard Salomons to the abbey of the Holy Cross. 95. p. 45. To Cardinal Delenson, that he would further the preceding request. 96. Recommending Helias Thillelmi his chaplain. 97. To the pope, for indulgences to the abbey of Waltham. See § 78. 98. p. 46. Recommending Robert Withened, provincial prior of the order of St Mary of Mount Carmel, for the next vacant bishoprick. 99. To the Cardinals on the same subject. 100. p. 47. To the pope, requesting him to confirm John Stacy in the prebend of Masham, in the church of York, con- ferred on him by the king. 101. Wenceslaus, king of the Romans and of Bohemia, to Richard, king of England, acquainting him with his welfare, &c. 102. p. 48. To the King, probably from some Cardinal, requesting that the money the king had sent to Florence for raising troops to oppose the French, might be paid into the pope's hands. 103. p. 49. Restitution of the vessels and cargoes of the Genoese taken by his admirals. Next follow Warrants to the Chancellor. 104. p. 49. For restitution of the temporalities to William AVelles, abbat elect of St Maries York. This document commences ' Henricus &c. Cancellario,' and ends, ' Dat. &c. apud Westmonasterium prime die Martii Anno regni nri primo.' On this page and the next the grants commence, ' R. Cane, suo.' I 2 CATALOGUE OF M AX IJSCIIIPTS. 105. For a ^raw^ of lands in Ireland to James de H., Earl of Ormon. 106 p. 50. A tenement in St Margaret Patyns, London, to John Audeler. 107. For a Licence to ^^'illiam IJardolf to exchange the manor of Walton at Stane, in the county of Hertford, with llobert Bardolf, for the manor of Stow Bardolf, in the county of Norfolk. 108. p. 51. For a prant to Robert De Assheton of the wardship of Edmund, the son and heir of l^^iUnneline, sometime wife of Thomas 1 logshawe, daughter of Sir Ednumd de Clivedon, deceased. This and subsequent grants commence ' Ricardus, &c.' 109. Of the custody of the castles, manors, &c. of Humfrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford, deceased, to Thomas, Earl of Buck- ingham, who married Eleanor during the minority of Mary the other daughter and coheiress of the said Humfrey. 110. p. 52. To Gilbert de Umfravill, Earl Danegas, and Matilda his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas de Luci, of free chace and free warren, in the soil and herbage of Allandale in Cumberland. 111. To John de lieverle, of view of free pledge, in the manor of B. in Stafford. 112. For a licence to the chancellor to enclose and embattle his manor of i^olton in Wencelowdale, and to give lands, &;c. of 20 marks yearly to the abbat and convent of St Agatha, near Eugemont. 113. p. 53. l^or a confirmation of tJie grant of 50 marks yearly to the Friers Preachers at Oxford. These are followed by royal and other Letters. 114. p. 53. To a Prince of Poland, or Germany, on a treaty concluded with the Hanztowns. 115. To the consuls of the cities of Prussia and Lubec on the same subject. 116. p. 54. To the Grand ^Master of the Teutonic Order, CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 117 complaininnr that the goods and merchandize of Enghsh subjects had been unjustly seized in Prussia. 117 Thanking him for a present of Falcons. 118. To the Burgomasters, Consuls, and Citizens of Lubec and Stade, that the king had detained a ship of theirs for having carried certain of his seamen placed in it by his admiral to Sluce, in Flanders, where some of them were slain, and others impri- soned. 11.9 p. 55. A Leiior of Credence^ but the name of the j)rince to whom directed is wanting. 120. A Letter requesting a safe conduct for John, Bishop of Bangor, AValnred, Monk of Durham, Sir NVilliam de Burton, knight, and Master John de S., doctor of laws, ambassadors to the pope. 121. 'J'o Reymund Herenger, liitrh master of the order of St John of Jerusalem, that the king had refused J{obert de Hales, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem, his licence to attend the general councill of the order at Avignon, because his presence was necessary to the defence of the kingdom of England. 122. p. 5(). To the great preceptor and knights of the said order on the same subject. 123. 124. To excuse the attendance of the prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Ireland. 125. p. 57. To Brocard de Fennystrange, a letter of com- pliment. 12G. To . . . in a similar style. 127. p. 58. To the King of Portugal, thanking him for his letters brought by Sir John Fernard, desires he would give cre- dence to the answer which Sir John carried back. 128. To the Kinj; of Norwav, recommendinrr ^Villiam Norbourgh, a nn'norite, advanced by the pope to a bishoprick in Norway. 118 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 129. Thanking liim for the favor shewn to the Enorhsh merchants trading in Norway, and desiring the continuance of the same. 130. To Omander Fynnesson, kniglit, (probably a minister of the king of Norway) on the same subject. 131. To the Merchants of the Hanse Towns residing at Northborne in Norway, on their injurious treatment of the Eng- hsh Merchants trading in Norway, and desiring redress. 132. p. 60. To AVcnzelas, King of the Komans and of Bo- hemia, to give credence to Sir Simon de Hurley, Robert de Jh-ay- broke, bachelor of laws and 'secretarium nostrum specialem,' and Sir Bernard van Zeiles, the king's ambassadors. 133. To the King of Arragon, a letter of credence. 134. To A\'illiam, dno Jidiacensi nepoti nostro^ that the king had received the letters in favor of his sister, the Lady Dowager of Kent, and would continue to treat that lady favorably. 135. p. 61. To the Merchants of the Hanse Towns at the fair of Stone, in recommendation of the English Merchants resorting thither. 136. To the Magistrates and Consuls of Lubec on the same subject. 137. To Barnaban, lord of Milan, vicar-general of the em- pire, desiring a safe conduct for Sir N. de Dagworth and Master John Moubray, LL.D., the king's ambassadors to the court of Rome. This letter commences, * Ricardus, &c/ 138. General Letter of Credence for Sir John de Hauke- wode and Sir Nicholas Dagworth, and Master Walter de S., Doctor of Laws, the king's ambassadors to the parts of Germany and Italy. 139. p. 62. To the King of Portugal, a letter of compli- ment. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 119 After some blank pages follow in a different handwriting, which continues to p. 108, 140. p. 69. To Sir John de Hales, prior of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem in Eno-jand, — the kin^ havinor commanded a general array for the defence of the kingdom, and AN'illiam Piron, commander of Glebethe, and James de Wyncetre, com- mander of Yevele, being absent — , to entrust the said comman- deries to John Dingley, a brother of the said order. The letter bejj^ins, ' Ilychard par la grace de dicu Roy dengleterre.* 141. p. 70. Summons to council and to treat about an expe- dition against the enemy. 142. Order to equip a ship against the enemy. 143. Of array for the defence of the kingdom. ] 44. To march to the sea coast. J 45. p. 71. Letters of safe conduct to the messenger sent by the Cardinal of Canterbury to the see of Rome. 146. Grant of timber out of the forests of Aquitaine to the mayor, burgesses, and inhabitants of Rochelle for the repair of their fortifications. 147. p. 72. For John Popyn to take masons, and other workmen for the repair of the king's Manor of ^Voodstock. 148. Licence to Symkyn Symeon to hunt wild beasts in his woods near Grafton in the king's forest of Rockingham. 149. The King's e/ir/ar/ement for the repayment of 10,000 marks borrowed of Richard earl of Arundel. 150. p. 73. Letter to the Clergy of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, that as Orgovic archdeacon of Cornwall was employed in the exchequer, and therefore unable to visit the archdeaconry, they would pay the procurations to his commissioners. 151. Another to the same purpose. 152. Of thanks to the commander and other officers for their good conduct in an engagement in the marches of Arde and Guines; and directing that the Count of St Pol, and other Pri- soners, be not ransomed till further orders. 120 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 153. p. 74. To a prelate sent from tlie pope to treat of peace, giving him leave to come to London. 154. To John do 15urle captain of Calais, directing him honorably to receive and expedite in his voyage to England the archbishop of Ravenna, the pope's nuntio. 155. Grant of the Custody of the alien priory of Tetteleye in Wales to M^illiam Jones, Steward of Brofjhenoc. 156. p T"). Letter to ... . for his good conduct in the wars of Aquitaine. 157. To the Officer commissioned to muster the Troops which were to serve beyond sea under the earl of Cambridge and the Duke of Britanny expressing the Royal displeasure at delay, &c. 158. p. 76. For the protection of the prior and convent of St Bartholomew in Smithfield, impropriators of the church of St Sepulchre without Newgate, against whom, on refusing to give up to the parish a vestment-room called the Cruddes within the Church, the parishioners had conspired to forbid any greater offering to be made at any burial, anniversary, churching or wedding than one penny, and had by threats and force of arms hindered the said prior and convent from prosecuting their rights by due course of law. 159. p . 77 Of like tenor to the parishioners of St Sepulchre. 160. Against the transportation of money out of the kingdom, under pretence of responsion, pension, rent, tallage, or visitation. 161. To the king''s Son, concerning a Truce for three years with France. 1 62. p. 78. To the keeper of the temporahties of the see of Worcester, to pay to the Bishop all profits of the bishoprick due at Michaelmass then last past, and since to the day that the temporalities were restored to the bishop 163. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer for allowance of such payment. 164. To John de Bemes, mayor, and John Wroth, John Pyel, and John Pecchee, aldermen of London, reprimanding them for not duly attending the hustings. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 121 165. p. 79. To a Bishop, to negociate for the good of the realm and for the security of Calais and its marches, an alliance with the Earl of Flanders and his three good cities of Gande, Bruges, and Ypres See Rymer, Fo^dern, An. 0 Ric. II. 166 To the Bp of Lincoln, to visit the Abhey of Missenden, the Abbat whereof was charged with having dilapidated the lands, (Sic, and alienated the books, &;c. of the house. 167. To the Chancellor and Masters regent and non regent of the University of Oxford for the repression of all disturbances and riots in the election of proctors. 168. p. 80. To the Earl of Buckingham, constable of Enf^land, the Duke of ]5ritany, John Darrundell, Marshall of England, and the admirals and Lords serving beyond sea, to give credence to John Clerc the king's messenger enforuRd of his Will. 169. To the ^Layor and bailiffs of Dover, commanding them to arrest certain ships laden with the goods of the enemy brought into that port. 170. p. 81. About the fortification of the City of Hayonne. 171. Appointment of Proctors on the part of the crown for recovery of tlie ransom of the count of Dcve taken at the battle of Nazarre in Castile. 172. p. 82 To the Governor of Bordeaux, thanking him for his good services. 173. p. 83. To the Conunissioners for treating of peace with France. 174. p. 8k To the Abbat of Angers, that whereas the king had kept in his hands during the war with France the pension of £40 issuing out of the priory of Spalding, and the Abl)at had notwithstanding endeavoured to recover the same by Ecclesiastical censures, he desist on pain of forfeiture of all tliat he held in England. J 75. To the proctor of the Abbat on the same subject. 176. To the Bp of Chichester, in favour of William de Wymundham the king's physician, preferred by the pope to tiie prebend of Norwell in the church of Chichester. 122 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 177. p. 85. To one of the king's uncles to attend the Councill. 178. To the Mayor, Tvccorder, and Aldermen of London, certifying that John de Wesenhani had before the Councill in the Star Chamber renounced all claim to a tenement in St Thomas\ 179. To a Bishop to attend the Councill. 1 80. To one of the king's sons to the same purpose. 181. p. 86. To the abbat of Hide, collector of the tenth granted by the clergy within the archdeaconry of Winchester, for the speedy levying and paying the same to the king's Treasurer. 182. To praying him to grant his licence to Thomas, bp of Exeter, to amortize one acre of land in Martho and the advowson of the church (wliich were held of him), and to appropriate the said Cliurch to the support of three chaplains to perform divine service in the cathedral of Exeter for the souls of the King and the Bishop. 183. p. 87. The prior and convent of New place in the forest of Sherewood, having had many of their houses blown down by a high wind and their best grange called Hokenale, and their mill burnt, and much corn, cattle, and other goods therein con- sumed, and having represented their inability to rebuild the same, the king commands the premises to be surveyed, and a report to be made to him in councill of the timber that would be necessary. 184. 185. Two letters for assistance to be granted to the towne of St Macaire in recompence of the losses and damages they had sustained during the war. 186. p. 88. To the Chancellor, Regent, and Non Regent Masters of the University of Cambridge, that Nicholas Roos, doctor of Civill law, keeper of King's Hall in the said University, might be permitted to read in the canon law. 1 87. To John Berber, clerk, controller of the Works in the Castle of Queensburgh and William Symme, late one of the surveyors of the same, commanding them to certify the measure of the walls of the Barbican, at what price J ohn Boix, Morice Yong, CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 123 and John Robesacre had undertaken to build the same, what sums they had received, and what still remained due. 188. p. 89. To the Mayor and Bailiffs of Southampton to aid Sir Edward de Berkele, sent thither to treat with the people of ]^ayonne, who were to come with certain of their ships to South- ampton. 189. To the mayor, baililfs, and good people of Sandwich to prepare their barge and to equip it sufficiently for war, putting on board one master, one constable, and four score and ten seamen to serve at the king's pay. 190. To the warden, bretliren and sistei*s of the Hospital of St Nicholas, near Kardeill, that as the king's progenitors u.^ed to have continually three professed sisters of their nomination in the said Hospital, and there is no si.ster there so nominated, he ap- points Editha de Fcnton to be a sister, and commands them to certify what they shall have done in that behalf. 191. To the general of the brethren Hcremites of the Order of St 7\ugustin, a letter of credence to what Geoffrey de Herdoby should shew on the king's part relating to the convent of the said order in London. 192. To Master John Thoresby, provost of the collegiate church of Beverley, that he would permit Adam de Thorp, cousin of Walter de Skirlawe, to enjoy unmolested the church of North Burton given him by the pope. 193. p. 90. To the Sergeant at Arms of the ^Farshalsea prison, to liberate John Lenot committed on suspicion for the death of John Spalding. 194. To the abl)at and convent of Vale Royal in Cheshire, to contract the plan for building their church of which the foun- dations had been laid. 195. To the Bp of Salisbury, that he would further John Lef, vicar of the cluu-cli of Yatcmynstre, and Thomas Fryday, parson of the church of Mynterne in the exchange of their pre- ferments. 124 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 196. p. 91. To the Mayor and Bailiffs of Newcastle upon Tyne, to protect Matthew de Bolton, who had the vicarage of the said town by favor of the Holy See, and had possessed the same twenty-five years, and had been confirmed therein by the king'^s letters patent, against the attempts of John de Fishbourn to eject him. 1 97. Letter as it seems of the Councill on the treaty with France. 198. p. 92. To a judge, to do right to the parties in a case of trespass, in which William de Fournyvall was plaintiff. Nothing more unexceptionable tlian the terms of this letter ; though it is not easy to discern why the king should write at all on such a subject, unless indeed more was meant than meets the ear, and that in the words of the rubric in the margin it was, "quod faciat justitiam cum favore." 199. To the sheriff of Yorkshire on the same subject. 200. On the same subject. 201 . To a bishop, that the king had received his letters touching the expected arrival of the pope's embassadors at St Omers, and had sent John de Appelby, dean of St PauFs, and Sir Arnold Savage to declare his will on the subject. 202. To Richard, son of Thomas de Roos, of Kendale, knight, to assist Margaret, widow of Henry of Tresdale, in her suit touching a burgage in Kirkby, of which she had been wrongfully disseized. 203. To some ecclesiastic, requesting he would permit the abbat of Westminster to take in his woods oaks for beams to the hall he was now building in the abbey. 204. To the Admirall of the West, in the port of South- ampton, and to the Mayor and Bailiffs of the said town, for restitution to the Merchants of Catalonia of the goods taken in a vessel. 205. Summons to a bishop to attend the councill to be held about a treaty with France. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 125 206. p. 94:, Letter touching a purchase made of an exe- cutor, two executors having made different sales of the same property, the king desires one of the purchasers to release his bargain. 207. To the abbat of Ramsey, desiring him to keep twelve of the king's running dogs. 208. To the abbat of Crowland, desiring him to keep for the king a servant and twelve dogs. 209. To the abbat of Osneye, desiring him to keep a servant and a greyhound bitch with her puppies, till the puppies should be able to run. 210. p. 95. To the prior of Bath with a hke request. 211. To the abbat of Osney, desiring him to keep a lad and a bitch big with whelp, till she should have littered and her puppies be able to run. 21 2. To an ecclesiastic, desiring him to send two dogs, puppies, which the king had heard he intended to give him. 'Deux cheaux techelez, afin que nous les puissions faire nurrir et chastier pur estre deux nos bercelets pur nostre deduit.' 218. To Robert de Wythyford, to desist from aggrieving and harassing the abbess and convent of Shaftesbury by informa- tions against them before the Bp of Salisbury their ordinary. 2J4. p. 96. To the prior and canons regular of to repair the damage done to the town of Waynfleet by the ditches dug (out of their fee) into a certain sewer, or drain, separating their lands in Thorn, and the lands of the town parcell of the manor of Dalby belonging to the daughter and heir of Orraby, then the king's ward, ' et en la garde [de] nre bien amee Alice Perreres.' 215. To Sir Hugh Zouch, knight, that he desist from threat- ening Nicholas Brakele because he had brought an action of trespass against Robert Gore, servant of Sir Hugh. 126 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 216. p. 97. To Sir Adam de Clifton, knight, that he desist from harassing the tenants of the town of great Massingham. 217. To the minister of the brethren of the order of Minors, of Dorchester, that he correct John Gery, brother of the order, for having excited the cottagers and tenants of the abbat of Middelton against their lord. 218. To the Mayor and Recorder of London, to do right to Henry de Dodyngton, chaplain of a chantry in the city, as to many rents wrongfully withheld. 219. p. 98. To Thomas de Malton, that he permit John Avable and Katherine his wife to have again the lands &;c. in Maiden of which he had wrongfully dispossessed them. 220. To John Atte Hethe, complaining that he had suborned the jury on the inquest taken after the death of John Typtot, so that the truth concerning the king^s right could not be found. 221. To the Mayor of London, that surety of peace be granted to William Harding, the kmg''s messenger, of John Baldoch, one of the Mayor's sergeants. 222. To the Abbess of Shaftesbury, to pay the arrears of the pension of 100s. which at her creation she had by the king's command granted to John Irelond. 223. p. 99. To the Abbat of Colchester, enforcing the pay- ment of the arrears of a like pension to John Marchall. 224. To the abbat and convent of Goldelyns, that they certify into the office of the privy seal what belonged to a corrody in the king's gift in the said abbey. 225. To the Chancellor, for a grant under the great seal to John le Hen, of corrody, in the priory of Thetford, which Richard de Otyngham, outlawed for felony, held for life, and which fell therefore to the king's gift. 226. p. 100. Recommending Warter Pertriche to be made free of the city of London. 227. For an exchange to be made between Thomas Draper, sub-dean and penitentiary of the church of Exeter, and John de CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS 127 Poclderton, parson of the church of Hathlegh in the diocese of Wynchester. 228. To recommending Robert de Newton, esquire of the chamber, to be her husband. 229. Summons to a nobleman to accompany the king beyond sea with all his retinue (but without horse) victualled for four months. 230. Recommending a monk to his superior. 281. p. 101. Robert Brown to be admitted to his freedom in the city of London. 232. p. 101. John Wasteneys, a frier minor, inceptor in divinity at Oxford. 233. To the Good People of Hadley in Suffolk, that they should not overrate William de Merston, and Alexander his servant, by reason of the lands they held in Hadley, towards the building of the barge which the town was to find for the king's service. 234. To the Collectors of the Tenth and Fifteenth in the county of Hereford for the relief of Richard of Roudon by them over-assessed. 235. p. 102. To Thomas de la Bere, to desist from troubling the abbess of Shaftesbury. 236. To the Abbat and Convent of Bordesley, to restore to Henry Otterhunt the corridy granted to him by the king. 237. p. 103. Summons to appear before the Councill. 238. To the Keeper of the Forest of Shirwood, to deliver the prior and convent of Beauvale ten oaks fit for timber. 239. To the Keeper of the Forest of Dene, to deliver to Thomas Leveson four oaks fit for timber. 240. To to settle a dispute which had arisen between John Boton, one of the king's falconers, and the people of the town of Norbury. 241. To Sir William Trussel, knight, and John Carles, esq., 128 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. to desist from disturbing John Pris, in the possession of the church of Donyngton, in the diocese of Lichfield. 242. p. 104. To some ecclesiastic, thanking him for a pre- sent of three greyhounds, which the king sends back to him to keep, till he again wants them. 243. Order for passing from Dover to Calais Jeffrey de Stwecle, sent into Flanders by the king. 244. Letter of protection for the abbat and convent of Dore. 245. p. 105. To the Mayor and Bailiffs of the town of Southampton, to impress the ships and mariners in their port for the king'*s service. 246. To Robert de CruUe, clerk of the navy, to deliver a ship to certain persons in recompense of three ships of theirs burnt in the king''s service before Rochelle. 247. To that they aid Richard Medeford, clerk, warden of Magdalen Hospital near the town of Berwick- upon-Twede, in recovering the rent due from John Hornby. 248. To requiring him to have his company fit for the king's service according to his indenture. 249. To the Justices of the Peace for Cornwall, to hear the complaint of John Oisell, of Liskerred, against Sir Walter Pyn- hergard, knight, Thomas his brother, and others, for carrying away his goods, and to do him full justice. 250. p. 106. To the Mayor and Aldermen of London, to do justice in a claim of wardship. 251. To John Staple, Sergeant at Arms, and John Brice, to hasten the passage of the North fleet to the port of Plymouth for the embarkation of the Duke of Lancaster and his army. 252. To the Keeper of the Forests of Bernewode, Sholtore, and Storvode, for dehvery of two oaks fit for timber to Esmon Bardolp. 253. Letter of Credence for Sir Thomas Musgrave and CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 129 J ohn de Appulby, Dean of St Paul's, sent to the king''s commis- sioners, treating of a truce with France. 254. p. 107. Letter of Protection for William de Coupe- lade, in his office of bailiff-errant in the county of Lincoln. 255. To William de Sleford, keeper of the works of the palace of Westminster and Tower of London, for the delivery of three great engines, and one trebuchet, 'et sys cent pes pur ycelx,' to William de Armyn. 256. For the delivery of handmills to the King's sons, the King of Castile, and the Earl of Cambridge. 257. To the Judges to do full justice to the parties, and not to suffer Thomas de Twicham of Adesham, and Maud his wife, to be wronged in a cause. 258. p. 108. Another letter to the same purpose. 259. To David Craddock, justice of North Wales, or his deputy, and John Wodhouse, chamberlain there, for the confir- mation of the abbat elect of Berdesey, and the restitution of his temporalities. 260. To the Duke of Lancaster, and Robert Tresilian, chief justice, empowering them and others, commissioners of oyer and terminer in the county of York, ' mettre a fyn persons' endited before them of treason and felony. Several blank pages, after which are warrants ^ in the former handwriting, to the Chancellor for Grants to be passed the Great Seal, viz. 261. p. 117. To W. de S., parson of the church of St George of W. and others, to give the manor of W. in the county of Southampton, holden in capite of the king's manor of Ham- stede Marshall, to the prior and convent of St Swithin's of W. 262. To Esmond de S., to give the advowson of D. to the prioress and convent of M. 263. To A. de B., parson of R., to grant certain tenements in the parish of St Martin's in the 'vynetre de Londres,' in fee ^ The continuation of § 47, given on p. 21, is also to be found at the top of p. 117. K 130 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. farm, to the abbat and convent of our Lady of Grace, near the Tower of London. 264. p. 118. To Alexander, Abp. of York, to grant West- wood in B., containing 400 acres, to the burgesses of the town of B. in fee farm. 265. To W. de Mulsho, clerk, to grant the manor of Mulsho in Berks to any persons of holy church that he pleases, religious or others. 266. To William AVightman, of the custody of the lands of J. de Merkeshale, during the minority of the heir, and of the marriage of the heir. 267. p. 119. For the remission of £4 yearly from the rent reserved in a grant to Margaret, countess of Norfolk, and Anne, rehct of John de Hastings, Earl of Pembroke, of the custody of two thirds of the lands of the said Earl during the minority of the heir. 268. To J. Stegein, of the custody of 1 messuage, 80 acres of land, 7 acres of meadow, 535. 7d. yearly rent in the county of Derby, late John Frenchevilles of Ballurton, deceased, during the minority of his heir, and of the marriage of the said heir. 269. To John Pasy, of the custody and marriage of the heir of John Huggeford. 270. p. 120. To William Gambon, of the custody of the manor of Netherall in Hynton, in the county of Cambridge, until the full age of the heir of R. de Thorp. 271. To R. Forster, of the custody of the manor of W., and of 1 messuage in Thornele, in the county of Oxford, and of the manor of Normenhale in Bucks, and of the third of the manor of Yatington in Berks, during the minority of the heir. 272. To Robert de Assheton, of the custody of the manor and park of Sudbury, during the minority of the heir of Edward le Despenser, p. 120. 273. p. 121. To Richard Breton and Richard H., of the custody of the lands of John P. during the minority of his heir, and of the marriage of the said heir. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 131 274. To Sir Hugh de Hastyng, knight, of a market and two fairs in Elsyng in Norfolk. 275. To the Abbat and Convent of Bordesley, of free warren in all their demesne lands and woods in the counties of Warwick and Worcester. 276. p, 122. To Juliana, widow of Roger B., and to Thomas, Henry, and Ralf, heirs to the said Roger, according to the custom of gavelkind in Kent, of a market and fair in the manor of G. 277. To Peter Oantrell, of a corrody in the priory of Min- stere. 278. To Richard de Donington, prior of Bermondsey, of the custody of the said priory there, with the other alien priories seized into the king's hands on account of the war with France. 279. To Roger Ratescroft, clerk, of the annual pension which the Bishop of London owes by reason of his new creation. 280. p. 128. To Bartholomew Fitzwilliam Langriche, clerk, of the annual pension which the abbat of Waltham Holy Cross owes. 281. For a licence to Elizabeth, widow of David de S., Earl D'Athell, to marry whom she pleases. 282. To John, Bp of Lincoln, to absent himself from par- liament on account of his age and infirmities. 283. 284. For a safe conduct for shipping. 285. p. 124. To the Abbat of the Holy Cross and his suc- cessors, that they shall not without their consent be made collec- tors or assessors of Tenths, Fifteenths, Subsidies, &c. 286. Of a corrody in the priory of St Andrew, Northampton. 287. For a general release to J ohn Beauchamp, receiver of the chamber. 288. To Hugh, Earl of Stafford, and Ralf his son, to hunt and fish in the king's parks, forests, &c. K 2 132 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 289. p. 125. To the Abbat of Waltham Holy Cross, to hunt *le gossiP and other vermine in the king's forests of Essex, taking care to frighten as Httle as possible the wilde beasts or game, 'la sanongere,' but if, when so hunting, any wild beast should come before him, the abbat is permitted to run his dogs, ' ses livrers," and take it, provided he does not exceed the number of two in the year. 290. To the keeper of the Forest of Shirwood. ' Exoneratio forestarii de animalibus per ipsum datis."* 291. To Richard Stury, for his house at Bernewell, of a load of 'fuyal,' to be taken weekly during Hfe in the bailiwick of Choe, in the forest of Rokingham. 292. To Henry, Bp of Worcester, to fell his wood in the forest of Feckenham belonging to his manor of Hamburg, near Wyche, and to sell the same to the value of 200 marks. 293. p. 126. To Esmond, Earl of Cambridge, to trim up once his oaks and other trees growing in the wood belonging to his manor of S, in the king's forest of Braidens, and to sell the cuttings. 294. To Denys Fauconer, of a corrody in the abbey of Bor- desley. 295. For letters testimonial under the Great Seal to Wil- liam Pyn and another, of their having done homage for their lands holden of the manor of Bradenash, parcell of the dutchy of Cornwall. 296. Of a writ de probanda etate to Sir WiUiam Coggeshall, knight. 297. For revocation of letters of protection granted to Robert Monk. 298. p. 127. Nomination of Marion Herney of Hurwold, to be a nun in the abbey of Grace-Dieu, in the county of Leicester, by virtue of the king's right on every vacancy of the abbey. 299. For the revocation of letters of protection granted to Roger David. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 133 300. Letter to the Chancellor, to proceed in a suit concerning two parts of the manors of Bok and Ribbesford, and the advowson of the church of Ribbesford, notwithstanding the king's letters of aid before obtained by one of the parties. 301. p. 128. To the Abbat and Convent of Evesham, to empark 300 acres of land and water in the manor of Ambresley, in the county of Worcester. 302. For the Chancellor to proceed in a suit between William Martin and John de Waltham, concerning certain messuages and lands in Tunbridge, notwithstanding, &c. 303. p. 129. Between Walter Fitz waiter and Bartholomew Stygyn, concerning a bank of land called Rysand, near Wilflets, and certain fisheries there, notwithstanding, &c. 304. The confirmation of Richard Brigghouse, chaplain in the commandery of St Anthony, to which he had been appointed by letters apostolic. 305. A pardon to William Dille for a trespass jn the forest, and a grant of the forfeiture. 306. p. 130. Letter to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to allow to Walter W., farmer, of the Castle of Hadlee, his reasonable expenses in enclosing the park of Hadlee. 307. A general pardon to Aleyn de Heton, knight, and a grant of all forfeitures by him incurred. 308. To Andrew Cavendish, for all vessels by him taken at sea, during the war or truce, contrary to the king's protection. 309. p. 131. To Emma Baxstere, an accessory to a felon after the fact, whose execution had been respited on account of her pregnancy. 310. To Walter Resqmen for purchasing of John Bridsted messuages and lands in W orcestershire and Herefordshire without the king's Hcense. 311. Letter to the clerk of the Hanaper, to dehver to John de Beverle the king's grant of a warren in his manor of B. in Oxfordshire, without fee. 134 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 312. A imrdon to Henry de C. of the forfeiture of all his goods and chattels, incurred by reason of an outlawry. 313. p. 132. A grant to the Mayor and Commonalty of York to levy for the next six years, twelve pence yearly of every twenty shilhngs of rent of tenements in the said city, to be employed in repairing the walls of the city. 314. To John Excester, batchelor of laws, of the place of a scholar in the King's Hall, at Cambridge, void by the resignation of John Brid. 315. To William La Zouch, of free chase in his demesne lands and woods of ^Veston and Eclesale in Warwick. 316. A pardon to John Daddingsole, Sir Richard Abber- bury. Sir John Knyght, and Richard Bronus, for purchasing without the king's license the manor of Langeleye, one hide of land in Milton, and the bailiwick of the forest of Wichewode ; and for license for them to settle the said premises on the said Sir Richard Abberbury for life, with remainder to G. son of Sir J ohn Pelham. 317. p. 133. A confirmation of a grant made by Isabel, countess of Bedford, of the keeping of the great park of Brustwyk in Holderness, to Walter de T. 318. By William de Montagu, earl of Salisbury, to Master John Bray his phisician, of an annual pension of lOOs. payable out of the manors of the said earl. 319. Pardon to Isabella, wife of Edward Conhard, for feloni- ously killing John Shepherd. 320. p. 134. Letter to the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to surcease the demand of ten marcs for two hobelours, assessed on John de Carnes, deceased. 321. To the Coroner of the Marshalsey of the Houshold, a pardon to John Typet, baillif of the liberty of ABp. of Canterbury in South w^ark, of the escape of William Torton. 322. To a Lady of the Court to repair to Wallingford on occasion of the marriage between the earl of Cambridge, the king''s son, and Isabella, daughter of Peter late king of Spain. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 135 323. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to dis- charge Nicholas de Heth of the sum of 50 marks due from him to the king, and to cancell his recognisance. 324. p. 13'3. To account with Sir WiUiani la Zouch of Haryngeworth, for the expenses of the voyage of him and his retinue to Cherburg in Normandy. This is ' to the Chamberlains ' also. The forms run ' to the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex. to discharge...:** 'the Tr. Ba. and Chamberlains of the Ex. to account and ' the Tr. and Ch. of the Ex. to pay. . . : 325. To pay to the keeper of the kings lions in the Tower of London, the usual wages for a lion lately delivered to his keeping. 326. To discharge "Rowling Thurbarn, late Sheriff of Surrey, of the sum of £77. 4s. 7d. due from him, which the king had pardoned. 327. To account with William de Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, for the expenses of his voyage into France, according to the indenture made with the said Earl. 328. p. 136. To the same on the same subject. 329. To account with Robert de Assheton, one of the king's admirals, for the time that he and 7 knights, 198 squires men at arms, 109 armed men, and 187 archers were in the king's service, as well by sea as by land ; allowing to the said admiral 4s. per diem, to the said knights 2s., to the esquires 12<^., to the armed men 8^^., and to the archers 6d.^ to the master of the barge Go?., and to the seamen Sd. 330 p. 137. To cause to be levied the fines and amercia- ments set before the king's justices of oyer and terminer of certain trespasses committed against the abbess and convent of Tarente, and to pay the same to the said abbess and convent. 331. To the Sheriff of Dorset, to levy the said fines, and to pay them into the Exchequer. 382. p. 138. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Ex- chequer, to discharge John Pury, sergeant of the scullery of the 136 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS- household, of the silver spoons and other plate lost from the said scullery, which the king had pardoned him. 333. To pay to John de Cobham the surplusage due to him on account. 334. To account with William Hanney, clerk, for his ex- penses in conveying and safe keeping the vessels of gold and silver and other ornaments of the king's chapel. 335. To abate to Richard de Lancastre in the arrears of the farm of the manor of Stoke Bardolf the sums due to him from the king. 336. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the wardrobe, to dis- charge John Pury of the plate, &c. as 332. 337. p. 139. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer to the same purpose as 332. 338. To account with John de Derby for his expenses in surveying and safe keeping the vessels of gold and silver and other ornaments of the king's chapel. 339. p. 140. To John de Derby, clerk, to deliver to John de Sleford, keeper of the privy wardrobe in the Tower of London, all the guns, powder, and other harness belonging thereto. 340. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to allow to Sir Nicholas de Louvain in the sums due to him from the king for the ransoms of Charles de Blois and Hugh Chatillon, his prisoners given up to the king. 341. To discharge Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the wardrobe, of certain sums to him impressed, which the king had pardoned him. 342. To account with the Executors of the will of John de Streteley, who accompanied the prince in his expedition into Gascony. 343. With Guy de Briens, who, with his retinue, accom- panied the king in his last expedition by sea. 344. p. 141. With Richard de Imworth, sergeant at arms, for his expenses in sundry voyages. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 137 345 With Jeffrey de Stivecle, esq., the king's messenger, for his expenses in a voyage to Holland and other parts. 346. p. 142. With Roger de Beauchamp, for his expenses in the maintenance of the two sons of Charles de Blois. 347. To discharge Walter Blere, farmer of the manor of Preston, of the sum of £ 40 in the rent of the said manor, the wheat in the said manor having been almost wholly destroyed by a mildew. 348. To the same, to discharge the Sheriff of Southampton of certain rents of lands then by purchase in the king's hands. 349. p. 143. To allow to William Synune, farmer of the manor of Gare, £90 in consideration of the costs the said AVilliam had been at about the marsh and the mill there, and of a murrain in the stock, he being bound notwithstanding the said murrain to leave the same stock on the manor as he found there. 350. Concerning the appointment of a receiver of the rents of Humfrey de Eohun, late Earl of Hereford. 351. To account with Edmund, Earl of March, for the expenses of his journey to the Marches of" Scotland to treat with the deputies of the king of Scots. 352. p. 144. To account with Sir Henry Lescop for the expenses of himself and retinue in accompanying the king in his expedition by sea. 353 To allow to William Newclyn, master canoner, out of the sums imprest to him £28. 1 U\, that is to say, £18. II5. for a canon made by the said William, and by him delivered for the use of the Garison of Calais, and £10 of the king's gift. 354. To account with WiUiam de Stapulton, keeper of the castle of Loguravan, and to pay him after the rate of 250 marks per annum. 355. To discharge Adam Rous, surgeon, of 20 marks to him imprest for medicines for the king's use. 356. p. 145. To account with John de Wesenham, and to allow what may appear due to him. 138 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 857. To allow Adam Pynkhurst, the keeper, his costs on the enclosure of the park of Asshehurst, and on the repairs of the lodge there. 858. A grant to the same of the keeping of the said park, with a salary of Sd. per diem. 859. To the Treasurer, Barons, and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, to account with John Hankyn, sergeant at arms, for the expenses of sundry journeys by him made for to impress vessels for the king's service, and for conveying sundry sums of money to Calais for victualling the garrison. 860. p. 146. To John Bacon, keeper of the king's jewels and plate, to deliver to the ABp. of Canterbury certain plate as a security for the sum of 200 marks which the king had borrowed of the ABp. 861. To Henri de Wakefield, the keeper of the wardrobe, to account with John, King of Castile and Duke of Lancaster, for the expenses of his expedition into Aquitaine. 862. p. 147. To account with Thomelyn Spigonell, keeper of the king's great horses. 868. To allow to the same in his account certain horses which had died. 864. p. 1 48. To allow to William Strete, ' nre bouteller,' in his account a pipe of Gascony wine, and a tun of the same wine delivered to Master Adam, the surgeon, for medicines for the king's use. 865. To John de Sleford, keeper of the privy wardrobe in the Tower of London, to account with John de Derby for the expenses he had been at for powder and ball for the guns. 866. To Henry de Wakefield, keeper of the Wardrobe, to account with Robert Bardolf, keeper of the King's great horses, as well of the horses as of other things belonging to his office. 867. To John ' Sur de Nevill Seneschall de nre houstell,' or his lieutenant in the Marshalsea of the same, appointing Thomas de Honton, lawyer, to be clerk under him to hold pleas of the Marshalsea. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 139 368. To John Bacon, keeper, &c., to deliver certain pieces of plate to the Duke of Lancaster in part of payment. 869. p. 149. To Aleyn Stokes, keeper of the Great Ward- robe, to account with the king's sadler. 870. To Robert de Whitberg, the king*'s almoner, appointing Nicholas Herblot to be one of the king's bedemen, with the daily pay of Sd. 871 . To William de Mulsho, keeper of the Wardrobe, to pay Sd. daily to the same. 872. p. 150. To John Olneye, eschaetor in the counties of Bedford and Bucks, to deliver to Peter de la Botellarie the goods and chattels forfeited by Thomas Trillowe, an outlaw. 873. To Henri de Wakefield, keeper, &c., to allow William Strete, &c. (see § 364), certain wines delivered by the king's order. 374. To Richard Rounhale, keeper of the King's Hall in the University of Cambridge, to remove thence all Scholars that were preferred, and all Scholars not residing, and all persons residing there and not belonging to the same. 375. p. 151. To Symon Neylond, keeper of the same, for Nicholas de Heth to be a Scholar there. 376. To William de Gunthorp, treasurer of Calais, to ac- count with Roger de Beauchamp, captain of the town. 377. To the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to allow to Helmyng Leget, constable of the Castle of Wyndesore, certain sums by him expended for hay, for support of the game in the Park of Lydecroft under the castle, and in the parks of Guldeiord and Folye-John. 378. p. 152. To account with the same for his wages and those of his men at arms, armed men, archers and mariners under his command. See note to 324. 379. To discharge William Herland, the king's master carpenter, and John Spoule, his master mason, of the sum of £9. 6s. 8d. imprest to them by the keeper of the Great Ward- robe. 140 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 380. Warrant to the Chancellor, for a grant to Thomas Sutton of an exemption for life from being put on assizes or juries, and from being appointed mayor, sheriti', esehaetor, coroner, or bailiff. 381. To the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer, to pay the arrears of Wages due to Thomas Snynyll, one of the king's archers. 382. To discharge John de Clyffbrd, late Shcrilf of Cloces- tor, of a fine of 1 OO^.-. 383. p. ir)3. To discharge the lieutenant of the constable of the Castle of ^Vyndesor from all account of the issues and profits of the lands, &;c. of Sir John BrocJis, knight, the king having given such issues and profits to the executors of Sir J ohn for the discharge of his debts. 38 k To Thomas Tyrrell and John Esbury, attornies general, and to John James, receiver general of the Earl of Bedford, to pay to John de Chichester, goldsmith of London, a sum due for jewels delivered to Isabella, Countess of Jiedford. 385. p. 154. To the Treasurer and Chamberlains of the Exchequer to pay to Robert do l*lesyngton, chief baron, the half of his accustomed fee, and the half of £40, annual pension, to the last Easter, altho in strict law he was only entitled to a pro- portionable part of the same. 386. To a Lady, telling her, ' entendant que vous estez nre veue/ his will was that she should take Sir Thomas Trivet, knight, and no other, to be her husband. 387. To the Treasurer and ]>arons of the Exchequer, to discharge John May, receiver of the manor of Cokeham, of the arrears due from him. 388. p. 155. To the Sheriff of Bucks, that the king had granted certain forfeitures to Henry Almayne. 389. To the Sheriffs of London, to release Nicholas Morle, confined for the murder of William Aldewyncle. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 141 390. To the Sherift of Lincoln, to take surety of the peace of WilHam de Belesby towards the Burgesses and tenants of Grimesby. 391. To all Sheriffs and Bailiffs, and other Ministers, as well of the household as others; a letter of protection to Richard Lyons, of London, and his tenants in the manors of Gosfeld and Liston. 392. Similar letter of protection granted to the said Richard Lyons as farmer of the priory of Mersey. 393. p. 156. To the Sheriff of Warwic, to return a jury before John de Catcsby and Thomas le Ilore, the king's eschac- tors, to enquire whether Thomas Freburn, late tenant of the manor of Whitley, held the same of the king in capite, and whe- ther Alice his daughter be his next heir. 394. To the Sheriffs of London, to pay out of the fee farm rent of the city the limited prices for all hawks exposed to sale in London, or within ten leagues thereof, and taken by \\'alter Stapell, the king's falconer, for the king's use. These limited prices were as follows : ' le Gerfaux, 20*. tV/. ; le Faucon gentil, 20*. ; Ic Tercelet gentil, lOv. ; I'Oustour, 13*. -k/. ; le Tercel del Ous- tour, G*. Orf. ; le Lancr et Lanerct, Sucre et Secret, chacun, Tkv. tV/.' Compare the prices given in Ls-sue Rolls of the KxrhrquerW Feb. 22 Ilic. II. (R". lOHT). 395. To the Sheriff of York, to execute the king's writ to have the body of William de Dutton before the justices of the King's Bench. 396. p. 157. To the Sheriffs of London, to same purport as § 394. 397. To the Sheriff of Norfolk, to pay the arrears of a i)on- sion of 100 marks granted to John Cobham 398. To the Sheriff of Warwic, to take such hi^h issues as the law directs of the persons impanelled to pass on a jury in a plea of certain tenements pending in the Common Bench between John de Flanders, a poor man, and Sir John de Clynton, knight, the said cause having been long delayed for default of jurors. 399. p. 158. To the Justice of South NN'ales, to stay all suits and claims made on J ohn, Duke of Lancaster, and his men M2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ami tenants of Kichvelly, till the coininLC of tho counsoll of the said duke into those parts. ■l-OO. To the Chaniherlain of South Wales, directinjjf the purchase of oxen for the household. 401. To all Sheriffs, Baililfs, »lv:c., to the same purport. 402. To the Ju.stices of the Common IJench, to e.xeuse the appearance ol" Jolui Stoner, engaged in the lv.ing\s service. 403. p. 151). To all Mayors, Sheriffs, &c., to aid Walter Stapell, the king's falconer, in taking for the king's u.se, at the limited prices, all hawks exposed to .sale in the city of London, and in the port.s, Szc. 404. To the Hailiffs of Great ^ armoutli, to do justice to the Commons of tlie town in their suits. 40.'). To the Sheriff' of Norfolk, to e.\ecute the king's writ, granted at the suit of the commonalty of Yarmouth. 406, 407, 40S. To the Justice and Chamberlain of ('hcster, to enquire into the right of Patronage in the Deanry of St Asaph's helonging to the Earls of Chester on the vacancy of the See of St Asaph's, with two otlier writs directed to certain per- sons to aid the said justice therein. 409. p. 160. To the keeper of a castle in Aquitainc, to deliver the same for five years to John de (ireilles, Captall de Ikiche. 410. p. 161. To the keeper or farmer of the manor of ^\'itteley, to pay to John Brown, keeper of the park there, the arrears of his wages. 411. To . . . .to proceed by virtue of a writ of Nisi Prius, to take an inquisition in a plea of (^uare impedit, touching the advowson of the church of Sutton in the diocese of Lincoln. 412. p. 162. Similar order to proceed on a writ of Nisi Prius touching the advowson of Compton Martyn in the county of Somerset. 413. To the King's Eschaetor, in the counties of Devon- shire and Cornwall, to pay to Alexander Long with 20 marks of CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 143 tlie goods and chattels of Uieliard Atte Welle, of Tavvstoke, an outlaw. 414. To Johan de Wodhouse, Chamlxjrlain of Chester, to pay to John (iray, his wages of Sd. per diem as chiunclour of a forest in Chester. 415. To the Sheriff of Dorsetshire, to inipanell a jury to try an issue in a plea of trespass l>etween Alice Stoure, plaintiff, and the Abbess of Shaftesbury, defendant. 41G. J). lf)3. To certain prelates sent by the pope to mediate between England and France, thanking them for their diligence, and praying them to continue it. 417. To the same, excusing his embassadors not being in time at Hrughes, and e()nij)lainiiig that Hertram de (iueselin, count of Longvil, had e.\torte( n irrs. 423. p. IT)?. To iho Count do Vo'\\\ iho Wnv^ acquaints him witli his recovery troni ilhu'ss. and that he had a|)j)oiiited commissioners to conclude a treaty of alliance with him. 424. To .... ; the kinnr desires, that altlio the day of payment of £1000 borrowed of him was passed, he would not proceed to the sale of the jewels and plate jiledi^ed to him, and promises speedy payment. 425. p. HkS. To ; that the kini; had sent the bishop of Bangor and others, to treat of certain matters proposed on his part to the king's councill, and also to seek redress of certain wrongs done to the king's subjects since the peace. 42b. To the Duke of Lu.xemburgh and JJrabant, that Sir W arner Voskyn, a (ierman knight, who had been arrested in pa.ssing thro' Hrabant, on (M'c:usion of certain sums demanded by the city of Hrussels from the l>utehy of (ielders, and obliged to give his word to surrender him.self prisoner on St Andrew's day, may be released. 1-27. \\'ithout direction, but probal)ly to the city of Hru.sscls on the same subject. 428 p. To the Duke of Juliers : a letter of credence for Sir Canon IJobesart, knight, and John Cadeford, Doctor of laws. 429. To the Earl of Flanders, the Duke of Hrabant, and Duke Aubert de Brcmerc, letter of credence for the same. 4*30. To the King of Scotland, that, complaints having been made by many subjects, of their lands, fcc, in Roxburgh and else- where having been seized by certain Scf)tch, contrary to the truce, he would send, on the day of the marches in the next Lent, com- missioners with full powers to redre.HS the said wrongs, on which day le Sire de Perry should be there uith full power on the king's part. 431. To the Captain, Mayor, and Treasurer of Calais, not to give leave of absence to any of the garrison. 432. p. 170. To the Treasurer of Calais to account with the late Captain of the town. 433. To the iiailiffs, Jurats, Gentlemen, and Commons of the CATALOGUF OF MANUSCRIPTS. 145 Isle of Jersey; the kinrr thanks them for their good behaviour, is ready for an expedition Wyond sea with his forces, and after the expedition will take proper means for garrisoning his castles. 4*)i p 171. To the inhabitants of Guernsey, to the same purport. V').') To the ( 'aptal dv JJuche and co'nsLable of Aijuitaine, on the affairs of Aquitaiiie. Voii. To on the same subject. 437. p. 17-. To the Duke of Hritanny. that he had sent at his desire Thomas de Percy, to whom he might .shew the im- I)ortant affairs he wished to lay Ixjfore the king : tliat as to the commission to enquire into the infractions of the Truce with France, the king lunl issued it, not to the j)rejudicc of the Duke, but to satisfy the conditions of the truce. 4.38. p. 17o. To Thomas de IVrcy, desiring him to repair to the Duk(» of nritamiy. 43.9. T<» the King of ."Scotland on the atHiirs of the marches. 4K). p. 17 k To Henry Lescrop, to re|)air, as one of the king's deputies, to the marches of Scotland 4U. To the King of Navarre, to reK'a.>-e two citizens of Uayonne and their gotnls arrested by way of re|»ri.sals for giKnls of the .subjects of Navarre seized in Kngland, promising tliat on complaint made to the king's courts, they should have ample justice. 442. To tlie lieutenant and other officers in Aipiitaine, a pro- tection to William de Saint George, his ca.stles, kc. in Aquitaine. IK), p. 17.'>. To the King (»f Navarre, will enter into the treaty for putting an end to the schism in the church of Kome, desires a safe conduct for two bi.shops, two barons or two ban- nerets, and two clerks to be sent to JJayonne within three weeks of the approaching Ea.ster: will make the King of Navarre a party to any peace or truce made with France: and will forbid his subjects in A(|uitaine to serve against the King of Navarre. L 14G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 444. p. 176. To the Sherift' of Southampton, to surcease execution of all writs of assize or nisi prius in the Isle of Wi^lit, whilst the inhabitants are eniployeil in u:uar(lincen uritteii ; and they exJiiljit the functions and duties of a CoqKiration in fonner times, which have long since gone into disuse. They then corre- sp(jnded with other corporate bodies a.s well without the realm a.s within ; with the former they expostulated for wrongs done to any of their fellow citizens, and even threatened reprisals, if redress was withheld : they granted testimonials of the innocence of [Kjrsons accused or defamed, of the payment of debts, and of various other matters ; and they wannly expressed their resent- ment where their letters testimonial had \yeen treated with dis- respect. In the margin are short rubrics to each letter; these, says Nasmith, I have copied, and added such further ])articulars a.s I could gather from a perusal f»f the letters. 4/)2. p. 181. Litera missa ad episcopum Lincoln, pm re- formatione et correctione certie transgressionis in sua diocesi enormiter fact;e in qua narrantur injuria? a priore et conventu S. Frideswidie cuidam canonico ejusilem domus illatie. 453. p. 182. **Uegracio'' scholaris cujusdam fwiuperculi in aca. " Quod simul abli^tus solvit creditori debitum altcrius obbi^ti." 487. "Quod nullum arbitrium factum fuit Iit( inter part* > exorta a8sercl)atur ex una |)arte, quod ambir so submiserint stare ordinationi ot jucbcio majoris, ot quod illo ditriuin vel mncordiam non fecisse, nec uni^uani dc submi.ssione partium audivisse. 488. p. 206. " Contra malam furti difTamacionem." l-8!>. ''Contra diffamacionem hominis tenti pro lidinicida." VJO. J). 207. (^uod aliquis delx;t pr r duas obli^tiones.'' 491. Contra malam diflamacionem pro uxore alicujus non viveote ; hominem scilicet alibi uxoratum nunquam habuissc aliam uxorem in civitate London degentem. V.)2. p. 20f). Majoris etc London "contra malam sugges- tionem pro homine in plena vita cxistente." 493. " Quod unus est mortuus.'' 494. " Qufxl unus debit alii £10 rjuas solvit pro ipso : et (^uoi nubilisbimi philosnphi, iiia- gistri N. Strode etc.:' iin|>erfect at the end. Ik^ins (p. 1:12): Litcll lowyg my sonc, I hauc iKrrtxiued well by certeyne euiilcDces thine abilite to Icme sciences RcuptHrtinj; Stirxle, "M-f U'arton, 11 IC'), cd. 184o The tn-atisc u*a« written in 1301, and b* printed (without the diagrams) in Chaucer's Wurkt^ id. I'rry, pp. 430, sq. 1*1 Dd. ni. 54. See Oatalo^e of OrienUl MSS. 142 Dd. III. 55. A parchment rnll. written in the former lialf of the xvth centur)-, 12fl long an«l 1 ft. wide, contAining A Grnealooical A\n Hintokical Tablb from AtUm to the time of the Apoetles. The author in, in a later hand, naid to have )>een Rogrr Alhan a Car- melite Friar. For a fuller account of him and of the prraent M?. iee Tanner. Bihliftth. p. 040 143 Dd. III. 56. A second copy of the alK)vc MS. somewhat daniftged. At the !»ack arc genealogical trt>c«, haoda, &c. intendctl to convey moral and spiritual le?»oni«, and a acrios of ooooentric circles containing the Lord's l*myer, \-c. IM Dd. III. 57. A roll of parchment, 21 feet long, in good preservation A Gr.NKM.OOY OF TIIK KlNdM ol E\«if. VM», frOHl KthcllMLrt to Uicliard II. and Henry IV. written in old French. Kach i>cr- son is represented by a drawing inc!ofte. I'l"), a8 is deduced from the fact that Wolsey is entered a.s Arehhishop of York and Cardinal, and Warham as Archbishop of Canterbury and Chancellor. The ariHH are arrani^iil in two row.s, afti r tints*- (»f tlu- kinu', wliii h .stand at the top, tlu' hi^hops an«l ahlM»t.s in onr row an«l tlu- temporal prcrn in the otluT, with the exeeption of tlu- ( anlinal Arehhi.shop of York anccr9. The anns are iK'autifully emblazoned. At the top is w ritten in a eontemporary hand, * in .\ " vi. Parleamentum.' On a piece of parchment attached to the top in written, ' Ex dono Kobcrti Lloyd de Chcaniu in Agro Surrienai. Aul. Pemb. Sec. 17"2.' 147 Dd. III. 60. A roll, consisting of lo pieces of j>archmcnt, about 9 inches in width, and containing the record of * Ei.ECTio AnnATis Monastekii de K a y.v.sii a .m Anno. R. Hcnr. VWVK Angl. xviiV From tlie contents of the roll it appears tliat tlie kini('s Icttem were issued from Richmount 1»; April, 17. H. U. (1 .">:!(;) for the election of a suc- cessor, J(dm Sturton, to \\'illiain Ilolffc, who had died on 2 April. The document is referred to by Tanner, Xot. Mon. (ed. 1787) Somerset- shire. XXVIII. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 153 1*8 Dd. ui. 61. A Ijiindle of 20 rolls (jf parchment, of diflTcrcnt lengtlis, fastened together, in good preservation. * CoMPLTi H oMMi'M II A LI.I voR L M , coUectorum, pni'jKwitorum, niessomni et firmaviorum, ac aliorum niinistn»rurn coinputaliiliuin, oniniuni et hingiiloruni doniinicoruni et numerit^ruin Kev. in C'iirihto patris ac domini, Dom. Hichardi Dei et Apostolica? sedis gratia Nmkn n iiNsM Ki'i-t ni'i dc uno anno integro finito ad fcstuin Sti Michaclis Archaii'j'li anno regni regis Ilriirici VIII. •Icciiiio iiono.' On the outside of the rolls Is \vritt<.-n, ' Curii" Thureton made a p'sent of these writtings to hhi Wship the 2ii of October MVjJ.' ' ( oinpt de d*. 25 h. H, I gaue to Mr. Fitz I^ml>e. Roht. Howard.' ' Compt, dc d*. 'JC. h 8, I gaue to Mr. KgrustoQ of Robt. Howard.' 1«9 Dd. III. 62. A Imndlo of 23 rolls of parchment, similar to No. 1 J8, of different lengtiis, fasteneiirate from the rolls, i» tlic same indorBemcnt iM'ginning ' Cum" Thupitnii ' A similar < omputuji for the 1 — U year of the rei;;ii of Cliarlea II. will be found in (IT.'O I>d ni. W, No 7. 150 Dd. III. 63. A volume consisting for the most part of Ohioinal Lkttf.rs, now .HO hound together tliat often the endorsement is illc- gihle. The letters froui Ilcnry l^arl <»f Northampton to Robert Carr, successively Viscount Kochcster and Karl of Somerset, con- tain many alhi.sions to the intrigues for promoting the Essex Divorce, and to the last illness of Sir Thomas Overhury. Copies of some of these letters will be found in Haker's MSS. Vol. XXX VI 1 1, pp. 4 1-7 — 454; and extracts are printetl in 2 St. Tr. 93 () — 7. How these and other letters came into the hands of Chief Justice Coke is recorded in 2 St Tr. 979. See also the Great Oyer of Pu'mninny hy Andrew Amos. 8vo. London, 1846. 104 rATALu(;ri: of MANUsciurTS. 1. 11 (Earl of) Northampton to ' Swcte Lord' (Rochester), datoil Monday. The ilocision in 'Palhot's caso : liis submission. 2. The same to the same. On the back i.s the note ' l.o. IV. Scale. Nov. H)13/ Offt-rs of sonice. Allusion to a commission (see 4). Promise to send ' your letter to niy Lo. of Hartford.* *S. The same to ' Geruaise Elwais, Lieutenant of the Tower/ To this letter ore appendtnl memoranda, signul * (Jer. Flehvysse,' of the allusions in it to \Au\y Arabella Stuart, to the ' Irisli Cause,' to 'citi/ens kept for aresting in the king's liborty,' and to i?ir Tho. Overbury'a sickness. i. To Ld. Kochester. (Saturday Morning at Grenwich.) About the instructions to the Commission. Sir K. (ionliner's retirement. The numlK'rs of tlie (Commission to enquire into Iri.sli matters, and the proeectiinij^ in ^Vexford. Russian Trade. The sjile of the house ami park of ' Sunnini^e bille.' 'My p(H»r nephew ' On a form of a proclamation sent to Sir Tho. I.4ike, but 'staid by tlu- i,Mex case. On the back are the words, ' Overburj*, Cooke.' 10. To Sir H. Spelman, (13 June\ About an ancient monument. ' The StewanUhip.' 11. To Ld. Rochester. lU'lating to 'the pretty lady who lives by the Hfe of your letters.' •Mention of two letters from Tho. .Mounson. At enmity with Ix)rd Haye. Tlie lieutenant im»I hi.s prisoner. A succeabor to the place of Lord Clan- rickard in a dying state. 12. August U. A1>out tho removal of the ' prety laia»ir»n for Irelan*l sent off. l/ord Hayc's dislike to the match. * That naughty proud boy Stili*bury.' I (( Jrocnwich at 1 ) Al)OUt the Lieutenant of the Tower. 14. (28 No-'. 1013). Scruples at In ing the go lu twei n an ii Tl ur .I ly. * U'liat the king should doc." 16. Tho libcll agreed to The Countess of Essex. Her signature ( Fr. How- ard) appenth, OH. Jt»hn Ilewyt.' See Harlcuin MisreHanij, \o\. x. (4to. Ed. 18(H)— l.S). Oldys' Catnl. of PnmphlcU, No. 137. 30. 20 March, 16:) l--.'). Norwich. l)r Pridcaux to the Up of Norwich, at his house in Charles Street. About filling uj) the living of Swafl'ham in Norfolk. 31. Two 4to leaves, (according to Nasmith, from Dr Pri- deaux, Archdeacon of Suffolk, to the Bishop r»f Norwich,) dated Norwich, October 9, 1699, contain 158 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. a. A notice of * one Mr Garj^ve a diiwcnting ininbtor born in York- aliirt',' cxpellotl for acts of lewdness by the con^n'pition at I^ju-^toft in SulTolk alx)ut the y«'Hr HVJ'A, afterwards admit tod into drnoon's ^nUrs anil curati- to Dr Hunu'll at Siulhurj*, and now fixi'd at Mersi v in tlic hundrt'ds of Ks-ox curate to Mr l*aul. f'. One Mr Tate, brother to the l*oot, coniinj; from Irehmd is admitted minister of th»» IndeiK«ne returned to him, as he has discovered errors in it : alludes to recent imprisonment. 3. Cambridge, Dec. r>, ]f)*]H Abraham W'hcclock to [Sir Henr)' Spclman ] cATALO(;ri: (•! manuscripts. 159 The illness of Mr Ilylie, 'a pruficienl in Saxon.' The *cuunci'U' much en(juire(l after (now pa^jiing through the presji). The reiiair of the \'icarage (MiJdleton, in Norfolk). Offers to correct the presa in John U'al- Jen's place. 4. DWix on Prouence le 2o Juin, l»I2i. De Peiresc to Sir Henry Spelinan : Kxprevs*-, his s«irrow for the death of CatniK n : wishes Sir Henry to answer hin fonncr lelten, ' princiapalement a ccque conciTne vus Pjiir*.' 5. IJarbacan, 7 June, 10.34. Sir Flonrv Spelinan to Captain Roger North at hia lodgings by St Dun.stan's Church in the fields, Concerning the same matter as tlic following (G), but of the previous year, if 1C34 be not an error. C). Karls of liedford and Dover to Sir Henry Spelman, '.About acquittances for diabursemcnts to Captainc IkimfeilJ, to be brought l>efure tlu m the 1<> .May, being S.iturday, M'M.' 7. < liesterton, 8 March, 1 G'So. William L'ysle * dutiful cosen' to Sir Henry Sj>ehnan, AlwHit the ' towanlly 8<»nne»* of ' my Udy your daughter/ who were then at ( ambridge. 8 Wotton, near Northampton, .30 .Ian. l(i.'i*J .iircmy Ste[)hen.s to the name. On Hundrj' subjects on which they liad conferred : K. .Fames's opinion almut tin* »liv*olulion <»f religious houses. On the want of a Latin and (Jreek and Hebrew pn->8 in the kingdom. Alnjut the printing of some of Sir H. S.'s %vorks which his brother would undertake. That he knoweth one who hath 200 .M8S. that were Hiithop Ilonner's. Ik'st wishes of a hai»py new year to your worthy daughter ('arl>ery. .0. London, 17 Sept. 1564. Sir N. Throkmorton to Sir Nicholas Strange, That if he were Rent embaHsmlor into f^ermany to condole with the Kmperor <»n the death of hi.x father, he would take Strange "» brother with him ; with notices in a i><)8ti*cript, of the health of the Q. of Spayne, the mar- riage of the Q. of Scotland, and the state of Ireland. Names of other can- didates for the post, he the mo.st likely *to be dispatched within eight dayes after the writing hereof: onli-ss detenniuatiomi do cliange in this resolution as they have don in many others.* 1<50 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 10. A copy of the new Trent C'rccd, published ))y I\>po l*ius IV. Anno 1564. Tliis eiulop^cnu'nt is in the same hand ivs the heailing in whit li is the statement, * This lJull is extant in the Trent Uouneil Sosa. '24. l>r Krfonnat. in calce cap. 12, p. 4.'>(). Edit. Antverj), 1(».3.3. Though in otlier editions of that Council (as in that at Siilanianca, 15iJll, and tluit at Paris, \i>iu, ^c.) it Ih' placed in the end of the Council after the or last Session.' 11. IVcfatiuncula in soriiMu epi.scoporuin in rcdebrioribus (juil ius( jiK' ccclesiis. This is the title assii^ned hy Nasniith; on the hack are Oil A. M and MS NK. F. .*». 1. H.>dl. In the niari^'in an* various readini^s. It hc^ins * Sun r>,-iiuii -^anctorum Apostoloruni t t ti-nipora...' and ends : '. singuloruin narrntionem aperire tcmptahiinus ' 12. Stowe hall, Marche !>, U;23. Will. Watts to Sir Henry Spelman, Knii^ht, at Mr Wliitttiehrs how.so, in Harbacan. Ahout avoiding induction to his living that he nui,'ht hold if without danger of hia fellowship in Canihridge, fears field sports will draw liiui from his studies K3. ' Sacranicntuni con.siliarioris dni lio^ns ' and ' in E. 1 . ex parte rein H. not. are the title in the niarL,nn and the date at the top of the leaf. The c«)py of the oath itsi lf is in tlw Fn nch lan;^ua;;e, in a hand rc- semhling Lord Burlcii,drs: at the enon examination and sentencing such a cause the (,'orte may fyne give damages and imprison." Thiij appears to U- the orijpnal draft of iin ar^Miiiu-nt wiili refcrcnws to the Authorities in the margin. Sec undtr ^ '2^. 18 'I huiiihlie offer thei.s reajsous whie I should Ik? restcired to my place among the Serieant.s according to my antiquitie, in Grayes Inne, without re«|K;ct of reading or not reading.' Tills IB a fair cupy on one leaf, with the signature of Tho. Iletley Certificates that the Chief Ju.stice of Chester hath alw.i\s had i)lace and precedence at the Council in the Marches of W'ak s. as well out of Court as in Court, next to the Lord President, signed hy II. Towneslund. E. Littleton, n[ria|n Crowther, Itichard Smyth, Va\\\. Watie.s, Kic. Hlount, Tho. I*]at«»n, liichard Jones, (ieorge Leighe. Hichard Cam, Roger Hrad.shawe, W illiam Aston. In thf mnr-iii tin i. -i. . A| u i H. mli. u li; .lulij 10-1. See Oiim r. ^ Chenhirf, i. xHx. and 101. 20. r)ath of the (Jentlemen of his Majestie's (Cliarles') most honorable Privy Chaml>er. Thi.s is nearly the Hanie tvs the firwl part <»f the Oath of a (ientleman r.sher, printed at p. rj) of The Bttok ofthitht, 12"*". lffltt». At the top is the note Cam. Stcll. See the Information of the Can : againxt Sir Tho. ThynneH son, .M' Ifrnry Freeginning of the wnth cen- tury, that of the other to a few years later. Its title is ; * That the pro/ejtsor* of the ronton iaurs oughte not f>re r.r- rludi'fi from practijftiuije in nis, .\ n fhonnr' 2:i. Middle-sized folio paper copy in Latin of the Juftncment of the Lord High Marshall, in a suit between I'rancis \N'anier. of Parham, in the county of Suffolk, and .Tolin Lynrh and others, of 1G2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. HarfoKK in the same county, for an assault, ))r«>UL^ht by the com- plainant in the High Marshall's Court of Honour, as \)v\u'^ a suit between a cjentleman and tradesman. Dr. Thos I'Mt'U, whose nauu' appears as the lli^di MarsliaH's Assessor, died Master of Trin. Hall, \. i». llih"). 23. ('onsi.sts of (> folio pauses containiuLC, (1) A Copy of yytc li'furn made hij T/uju. ahnham nmJ Edmund Duh t/ to the Higli Marshall's order. (Sec helow.) (2) I.ord ArundclPs order to the ahove (ilenham and Dolcy to Ccoll all the |)arties in the matter before them in order to enquire into it. Apj»arently the original document signed by Lord Arundel, and dated .\rundel House, July 2()th, KJIJS. (.j) A copy of the Appeal of the defendants, *'/o Ihe Uonhlo the KnightSy Citizem^ and linrnt'sses in this Sessions at I^arham assembled," again.st the judgement in the High MarshalPs Court. (1) *'^Thi' humble Petition of Francix \\'ttrnei\ of Tarham, in the county of Suffolk, Esfjre.,"^ to the High Marshall, complaining of certain injuries inflicted on him and his senants by the Defdts. This too seems to be a copy. For full informatiftn (if the Juris- diction of, and manner of proceeding in tin? High MarshaU's Court, see Heamc^s Curious Discourses," \'ol. n. 24. Four .small j)ages of extracts from Tm: ni,Azo\ or Genthie, by John Feme. London, 1 oSG. 25. Fink of a UAUoNKTsnii', by which Sir Ivlw. Tyrrell endeavoured to surrender the state, title, dignity and name of a IJaronet to the King. — One page, in folio. VaUv. Tynx'll, of Thorston, in HuckinghftTiiHliire, Esq. was created a Iluronot by patent in 1(527. He surrendered the patent to the crown in Huiii, in order to deprive hi.s eldest son of the title, having di-sinherited him, and obtained a new one with succession to his second s^)n omitting tlic eldest. It was held that this surrender could not be made, and therefore both sons became Baronets. — Burke's K.itinrt Baronrtriejt, .'iOQ. 2G. Act of the Council of Ireland concerning an oath to be taken by the Scotts professing their abhorrence of the disturbances in Scotland. At the end, by another hand, it is stated, *in y*' beginning of June 15 Car. y*^ like othe was taken from the Scots in and about London.* Sec Rushworth, Hi^t Coll. III. pp. 021—4. ('ATAIX)GUE OF MANUSCHIPTS. 103 27. lla^riie, 22 Feb. 17<)9. Alexander Cunningham to his nephew James, Desiring him to send tl»c hooks Ramus de Parricidio, and ad I^em A^toxjtf , and borrow Antonius Aui;ustinus de propriU nominibus from the Bp of Kly, 'who is very rcan nv.y puMio work.* 28. 18 Sept. 1699. John Jeff'ery to liishop More, at his hoiLso in Charles St., near St James's Square, Al)out Coll IIarl*ord and the Tenths of Stannin^'old : .Mr Rothwell and the prewntation to Thursfonl ; Mr Brown likely to be chosen school-master and vacate Ills livings. 29. The petition of Mar;;aret Mortimer to the Queen ; Praying the ([uocn to hear n few words l>eforc she dies, that her majesty nii;;ht reap the benefit of the petitioner's twenty-four years sufferings for her iiiajcstie'H preservation. This is an original, on 4to. pa|»er. In the Brit. Mus. BIG. "'^^]^ i* * The case of Margaret Mortimer, widow, and seventeen more Sufferers by a dread- ful fire, which hapiK-ned in I)rrby Court, Westiniiistcr. the lOth of .\pril, \(V.i7. IIuin]»ly Hul)niitted to the Honourable the House of Commons ;'— on the back is printeer.' SO. 22 Feb. 1(198-9. William Hattie to IJi.shop More. Recommen^ls Mr Johnson, cunite at .\blcrton, for priest's onlers. .31. Norwich, 9 Oct. 1G99. Dean Prideaux to the .same. The living of St Clements refused by Mr Stukeley bccauBC of simoniacal terms. Address from IVasenhall. Mr lloadley elected to the school at Norwich has declined the pbuuv :V1. Enfield, 10 July, 1711. S. Knight to the sanie. Presents * a parcel of papers.' .S3. Emmamicl, 19 April, in9!>. Joshua Barnes to Mr Laughton, Fellow of Clare Hall. Some MS. notes of Casaubon : sends two Iwoks. .*]4. a. *15 December, 20 July. Extracts of two letters of Morgan to the Scot (^u.** h. * 28 January, l'>8."') Ivvtrart of ihv Lrttirs written to the Scot : Qu : deciphered.' This latter date is that of the third extract or rather abstract, and is part of its endorsement : the two former letters also belong to tlic year 1.505. .M 2 164 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. So. Inventory of Letters and State- papers, chiefly relating to the Queen of Scots. On six leaves written in a formal hand of the i)erio(l to wliirli the docu- ments descril)ed belong. The portion of tlie inventory headeil, ' M' licales Negotiation Noucmber 1 AlU.' eontains a list of l'> artieles, his Instruetions and letters. * The E. of Shrewsbury and M' Beales Negotiation l.^HH.' of 7. 'The E, of Slirewsburie and W^ilter Mildmays Negotiati(Mi l.'iBH.' of 25. 'M Wades Negotiation Aprill 1584.' of a ' Iteales May 15H4. of 10. *Nau's Negotiation 1504.' of 30: No. 24 of these is * Another from the Q. of Scots to myself 20 Januarj' :' now there is one to Ld. Burleigh of 20 Jan' irm in Labanotr /.r//rf.v, S;r. t. vi. j). R«. (Ed. 1044.) * Sir llaph Sadler' jireeedes a list of 7<> lettei-s \e. in 1584, many of wliieh to AValsingham are printed in Vol. iii. of Sadler's Stutr Paprrs. * Diners matters ' is a heading to a list ehiefly of copies of the ' Qu. of Scotts' Letters in 1571^1502. * S' Aymas Paulett's negot.' heads a list of 42, in April — St'ptcmber, 1585. 36. ' Theise are the wordes y* I remember were betwixt the King and the (J. in (Jlasco, wlien she took liim awaycto Edinbro\' This heading is on what is now the fourth page : the report occupies this aner, containing on one page an extract in Latin, written ap|)arently about the middle of the la.st century from the Statutes of Norwich cathedral, entitled, l)e dignitate Kjii-scopi et Visitatione Kcclesiu'." 41. * Frankenc in Frisia, lf)01. .T(di.inii( s Arccrius Thoo- dor.' to Casaubon. Asks assistance in preparing a second edition of lamblichus. 42. Norwich, 10 Feb. ITOfi. L)r Thoma.s Tanner to IJishop More. Mr ( iialloncr to have Happisburgh and curacy of Wolcot. — f<»nn of pre- sentation. Mr ruwubciid positive and touchy about repairs. AtVaii-s of the diocese. 43. Kinsale, 20 April, 1704. Thoma.s Knox to Edward Griffith, E.sq. at the Hoard of ( Jrecncloth : About an estate of the latter in Ireland. 44. 'A form of Consecrating Churches, Chappels, and Church yards or places of burial.' This is the title ; at the end is this note : * Concordat cum originali facta fuleli Collatione per me Tho : Tyllot No"^'"'" Publicum Donius Supcrioris Convocationis Actuarij Dej)utatuin.' The fonn is that given in N\'ilkins' Concilia May. Brit. \'ol. iv. p. GC8. IGG CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 45. A Copy of the award of John, IJishop of Ely, William, Lord Cooper, and Henry Newton, LL.L)., in a cause between the Vicar General and principal official of the Hishop of Lincoln and Commissary in the Archdeaconries of Lincoln and Stowe on the one part, and the official of the Archdeacon of Lincoln on the other part, concerning their respective jurisdictions, made at the Hp of Ely's Palace, llolborn, J. 9 June, 1713. 46. Oxford, 20 Nov. 1703. Dr Potter to Mr Ab. Seller, Red Lyon Square, London : sends a transcript of the piece long desired. 47. Two Drafts of the preamble to Lord John Hervey's Patent. The former is on the half of a letter addressed to the Bishop of Norwich (More). 48. Tres humble Momoire du President de Brandenbourg a Son Altesse Koyale Mon.seigneur le Due de Yorck, etc. For passports to two vessels of his master's, released at Iiis request. 49. Cork, 24 May, 1 69S. J3ishop of Cork and Rosse to Bishop More, About a law-suit witli Mrs Verdon ; tliu ruin l)r()u.i;lit ui)on Sir Wm. D'Oyley's family by Verdon s knavery. 50. Some notes concerning a I'KniGUKK of the Scottish house of Sftox. Four quarto pages of paper. 51. Yoxford, 7 June, 1699. Nath. Parkhurst to Bishop More, in answer to the Brief in behalf of the Protestants, and excusing his absence from the Bishop's Visitation. 52. Presentation of Henry Whall, Parson of West Lymi in Norfolk (1G95). 53. Yarmouth, 19 Dec. 1690. Thomas Moore to his brother, the Rev. Dr Moore, in Hatton Garden. Had sent two couple of Ling : about condemned goods. * Pray let me often hear of you :' mentions his brother Laughton, and wife's sister, Sayer : asks him to send proper medicines for the Yellow jaundice, &c. 54. ' The Certify cate of the Bishop of London answering to certain articles sent from the Queens Majesties most honorable Pryvy Councill.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1C7 It begins : To the first Article viz. how many shires or counties the diocesse of London dothe containe... It is imperfect. 55. The Speech of the Duke of Lennox at the Council Table, on Scotch affairs, against war. Beginning : Most gratious souereigne I am not altogether insensible of this business I know I shall suffer some disadvantage because I am a Scott by nation and education... Knding : as they are who now talke mucli of warr, but neither do know where to begin it, nor greatly care where to end. 56. Folio letter-paper copy of the Ri les and Ohpf-hs MADE Fou Tin: Coi HT OF St A .\ N A u I N Es , at Wliytchall, the 2Sth of Ffebruar>', 16.32. Handwriting of a somewhat later date. On the back arc scribbled in another hand notes of statutes and cases. 57. A hall" sheet of fulio letter-paper, containing copies of A Pahdo.x chanted hy "Tiio.mah Earl of Ari ndel, o.ne of THE Loiu/s MaIU HEHH, AND LoHO OF Cl.ON AM) TeMI»SITTOK IN THE Maiu iieh OF Wales," at the request of King Henry 8th, to one John Clon, of all murders and manslaughters by him committed within the said Lordship. The following marginal note appears : ' Mr Viiucnt and Mr. LilU-y knowo where the originall is. QHc is pic- tured over head on horseback like a i)rince, a as main] his hand over head like .lames Rex.' [^N. H. Tlic words in bnickets an* scored tlirough.]] 58. A copy on a folio sheet of letter-j)aper (if a Decree of THE Court OF StarCuamher, made co.ncerninc; the I'Rice OF Hay and Oats, and TorcniNo VirTCALs. It begins : Mr Attorney, Wee send you inclosed our opinions of those things which wo propounded and thought fitt to be performed at our last generall mcetinge, Gth November, 1(533. (Signed) Your most lovinge friends. 59. Reasons presented ' to the King's most cxcillent Ma''^** by the Clergy against subscribing the Address proi)oscd by their Bishop, on the Declai-ation published by the King, (1G87). 168 CATALOr.UE OF MANUSCUIPTS. ()0. Copy of the Nomination of William Sterne, A.M., to a fellowship at St John s College, Cambridge, by Symon, Hp of Kly, dated from St Peter\s College, -21 May, 1700. ()1 . 'A Designe for registring of Illustrious Providences/ That is, iiij the author explains himself, 'apparitions of spirits witches, the proof of thcni &e. judgements as upon all sinners, soe especially against such as have falnc away from (Jods truth and ordinances.' In 101)7 ^V'm. Turner puhlished a llistonj of the Mofit RevinrknUe Providences^ . St e also ^^'od row's J ;//;//(7« or Materials for n II iatort/ of Jienidrkah/e Proviilnires, pulilishrd l»y the Maitlaiid Cluh, IH42, with a Prefatortf Xotice in \'ol. i. b'2. 23 Sept. 1657. • Of Mr I'oole's designe.' See ahove. and § (IT 63. Jo. Ebor. to Hishop More, 'To get the Act continued fur niovrry of Small Tithes, which I douht is to expire this session ' 64. 1 1- Oct. Ibf)!). Mary Allestry to the same, begging his assistance. 65. Elizabeth Newett to the Up of Ely (Moore); Knowing the bishop's hospitality to the poor in l)estowing medicines on those in necessity, she prays the like favour. Compare .'i.'K 66. O.xenden, 11 April, 171*). J- Morton to the same : Ile<|uests the Hishop to ohtain leave for him to present his hook to the Duke of Montague and Lord Cardigan. 67. Nov. 14, 1661. A Letter from Hattcrsea, on Illustrious Providences. -St'e another copy, No. L50 by the same hand, vj H. and ahove, § OL 68. Lambeth, the 16th of Februarie, 1608. From R. Cant, to the Hp of Norwich : an official circular respecting the Granting of Prohibitions. iW). A leaf endorsed ' An abstracte of all the moneys in the funds,' with names of persons and amounts. Dd. III. 65. An original document on parchment, written in 1250, now folded in a case. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1G9 The initial words ' Innocentius eps sen'us .... Priori et con- uentiii monasterii Sancti Andree Northampton . . . indicate tliat in form the deed is a Papal Hr Lr., though in Nasmitli's opinion, it was never completed. It relates to a dispute respecting the advowson of Sywell. 'Actum Lugdun. a. d. mcc.l. xiii kal Oct. 8 Innocent. IV,' occurs before the names of the witnesses, after which is the Pai>al scribe's maledic- tion, * Dat. Liigd. V kal. Xou. 8' Pontif. nri.' Two seals arc mentionetl, but a loop of red and yellow twist only remains. On the Iwuk of the sliei t, in a small cotemporary hand is, * Duo priori de Norhaton jkt manum dni Johannis de (Juevres ;' in a lan,'er hand is * Bulla pro ecclia een one of a parcel of 'Popes IJulls nnd other olde deeds' St-e Dugdale, Monagt. v. j>. IJW. 153 Dd. III. 66. A volume of papers (excepting 1) hound up with Nas. 154 and 155, in various hands of the with century. Articles 1, 3, 4, 5 have been copied by Baker, xxxvi. 301 — olO. 1. 13 July, 1.570. A Letter from Po|)e Pius V. to Mary Queen of Scots. On a strip of pan hnu nt, having on one hide the addn-.ss : * CharLssimje in chr'o filiie nostne, Mariie, Ilegimc Scotia* Illustri ;' on the other, after the superscription, 'Pius PP. V*,' follows a letter of consolation, * Dat- llom© apud Simctum I*etrum sub annulo Pi.scatoris die xiii. Julii ji. i>. i.xx Pont* nostri Anno quinto,' with the signature, * T. .AldobrancUnus.* 2. ' Anc informatioun of prohahK? and infallablo karcf'teuers and prosuniptinuns (pNlicrcbie it ap|)oers evidentlie that the Queen Modcr to our sovoraiur lord not onlie vt's prcvi<» of ye horrible and unwortlic inortlmur pcrpeteat in ye persun of ye king of good meinoric his hiencs fader but ais* wes ye wccling instrument chief origine and causer of yt unnatural crueltie.' It begins: 'So enter on y' declaration of ht r inconstoncic towardis y* King...' It ends (on f. 7) with ' ...tcstifie a multitude of infallible prosumptiouns.' It is endorsed, ' Pmbablc Argumentis that the Queue wa>» priuie of the Kingis murtheur.' Compare Anderson's Co//«, ii. p. 37. Also sec Jour- nal of the Commissioners, &c. in Appendir (p Hd) to Campbell s Inters of Q. Mary. See No. 151, § 30. 170 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3. * Those be the wordes which Jolin llabrownc of IJoIton and John Hey of Tallev did say to me Tliomas Crayford, iij)()ii the scatl'old, at the hower of theire death.' An orii^inal, sinrnod at the bottom of the pacje by 'Thomas Crayfurd of Fordangill.' This is niiu-li shorter than that i>riiitcil in i. M. l i. 4. * The Secrctories Lothyngtons wordis to M"" Ilenrie Pouewis."* • Beginning : * Imprjmis vpone scrtanc talkc they had of Uio quone of Scots. Ly- thyngtone saiil that yf thini^is ilytl fall out . ' 5. l .')77. Draft of the Will of Mary Queen of Scots. At tlu' riid i»n tlu' sixth paijo is: * Ma, with the note, ' It seems plainly to conlinn Hp lUirnet's aciount.' {Hist. J{if. \o\. iii. pag. .'^lIT- ed. 17l '>.) 6. *■ A brief discourse of the usaii^e of Henry the King of Scottis Sonne to me the Earle of Lennux be the (jucne liis wyff." It begins: 'Seeing your Lps and liono" authorisyed l)0 the Q. Ma"" coniissionrs to hear and try the mattre .' Sec § 2. 7. A very long letter (in French) from Fontenay, then resi- dent at the Court of Scotland, to the Scottish Queen ; he shews her that she has nothing to expect from the interj)osition or assistance of foreign princes, and strongly advises her to attempt her escape from prison and to come into Scotland, where he j)er- suades himself she would be received both by the king and the nobility. Beginning : * Madame dcpuis que jay eu cest honneur.' Ending on the hack of the fourth leaf with : * I)c Edinhournr Ic lio Novembre De vof* ma"" tres humble subject et obcissant servitcur P'outcnay; and a postscript of three lines. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 171 8. ' The manner of the prooeedin^e to the funerall of Marie quene of Scotland, which was observed on Tuesday, being the firste of Awguste, 1587.' Tliis is merely a list of the Persons present without the preliminarj' ac- count printed in An fupoityia, i. pp. G.'i.'i — lUiO. See also CoiUrtioiui reUUiv^ to the FuueraU of Mary Queen of Scots, edited by U. Pitcoim, sm. 8vo. Edinb. 18J2. 15* Dd. III. 67. A paper Imolc in narrow folio. "1" Junii, HJH. I.nvkntoky of thk Acco.mpt of Skui'eh- trationh'** is the title on the first leaf. After this, the sccompts beginning at the 4th leaf, with the date, ' 13 March, 1C4.^,' extend over 22 leaves through the year 1014 to Hth Jjinu. 1044. After these follow some i)rivate accounts of Dr John Moore, under 'Juno the 7. 108<;, expences upon entrance int(» the new how^e in Sutton street,' tlie first item is, * Paid M' Colton ft»r his right and wootlwork in the same house £25.00.00.' Then, among oUier items, * Rec* for siater Bonning.' After these are various inventories of appand and house-linen ; then some loosely- kept accounts from Michaelmas HUl(» to Aug. .Tl. iVX After which, a series of ' Ilcceived of I)oet<»r John Moore,' by W ill. Clark and Tho. Flint, ends witli houso-expences lG8i). Aug. 21) — Nov. 34i. Dd. III. G8. • Hound up with Nos. 153 and 15* is this volume con- taining some Ohkiinai, Documents of the w iith century. 1 . * A brief Collection taken out of the (,'ustomers^ accompts remayninpje in the cu.stody of the Clerke of the Pipe.' In tlie margin, in another hand, is ' Tonnage and pondage,' to which the extnict.s rehite: they begin with Kdward the Third, antl end with : ' Kingu James enjoyetl the like Subsi'dy.' At the ( ii 1, in tli- ..fh, r luuid, ia * searchc but to the &^ yeare of Ilenrj' the 8'^.' 2. ' Breddon Forrest for Mr Chauncellor.' This is the endorsement on a leaf containing notes of a Grant to be made about the year 1(521). 172 f ATALor.ri: of MANrsnuPTs. 3. 24 Jan. Sir John Micholl, a Master in Chancery, anjM)ints KolxTt Ilonh v, one of the Six Clorks, tt) appear for him in the inattiT of Dainc Tlininasin Carow. 4. '.Ian. Itl'io. A Warrant lor tlio .snj)|)l}' a vahio of ti i 4. 15. for my Lo. of Munnioutli/ This is tho eiulorst ineiit to a wammt with tlic sii^imturc and seal of the King for n gnmt of hmJs in Skenfryth, Monn»oulhf*hin\ ami of pasture for 4 shfcp \i\yon the wtustrj* of Cowlnrne, I^tcashin*. dated We«tniiiwter, 10 JiUi «') Car. 1. and addrej«ed to * Edward lord Newhiirj;h ('hiuicellour of our dutohyc of !.jinca«tcr.' 5. Juranientum ExAniinatonim Cnncellar. Thii* title precede!* the oath in Kngllsh. whicli is printed in tin- linik of Oathji, p. Ua (111"'*. (). De|M>8ition8 in a cause Iwtwccn Lord Newburi;h on the one part, anj! Mr James ami Mr RoU^rt Venn on the other, Ity John Lawrence and Richard Rron^hton. 7. Petition of Lord Viscount Chaworth to Lord Keeper Coventr)' in a Chancery Suit, dated 5 Aujrust, 1(5.30. 8. Copies of War ra tits for j)aynient of pensions and wages, n. 7* Mareii, *pro Hodulpho Bayly uno vihrellatoniin infra turriui nos- irain London vatluni et feethnn \\d. pvr diiin/ 6. C. June, 3. ('. 1. * of 40.£. ywirly for liver)*, and 44-«. for wages to Thoinas DuckwortlL* c XX* Martii, *pro Willclmo Allen xii d. per diem et xvi / ii^. \ \M«ts .Mari|ur«« Ifnrfonl f«»mtl to fly from NVells. Anns taken !»y the cavaliers fnun the trained Itands in Nortluunp- tonshire, anndon went thither on Monday; the King ;;oeth to ('he<*t4'r. '(io not ovrr f r Inluil: uith mn. h mio I have got you sonic pistoles for defence.' /. 2 .Au^^iHt, ir>.'^5. WiW jHTform certain husinens ; UIh son (teorge in a huniing fever, and his wife fallen sick. This is addrwoil, Henley near CnHikchome. m. After these is a letter datecr Littleton, conccrninj^ the cu-stoms of tlie City 174 CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRirTS. of London, as to a chiUrs share of an estate, in tlie case of Ld. Newburgh r. Fcnn, dated 28 July, 1()41, At the end of this § and the next is * Kx." Ser § Cy 12. Inquisitio capta apud I Brecon, 2 Nov. 4 et .") IMiil. et Mar. eorain Coininissionariis dictoruin reti^is et rei^inie ad divi- dcnduin et separanduin omnia terras et tenenienta ac possessioncs spirituales dictoruin doniinonnn reikis et rei^iuie a terris ac pos- 8essionil)us teui]»oralibus existent, infra coniitat. de JJrecknuck. This appears to be a copy, imd occupies 8 h'aves. 156 Dd. III. 69. A folio paper, fivw co.NrMo\-pr. vck Hook; size about 12in. by 4i, written in Law French, in a iiand of ahout the hi'LcinniuL:; of the wiith century, and containing; 'JOD l)aL;es, numbered irre- gularly hy folios. It is iiicompK'te. beginning with : " Patents (Inuits Ic lioy." And endini; with : '* Servants, apprentices." The last ten pa^es are in darker ink, and appear to l^-lon^j to another common-place book, containing; matter relatini? to " Hrid^es, Hrewers, Boat- men, A\'atennen, an f Hutoire de France. Louis XIII. 2441. t. i. p. 5o0 (4to. Paris. 1855). Begins : Sire, Lcs deputes generaux de vos tres humldos subjects faisans pro- fession de la Religion, vous demandant en toute humilite pour tous vos ditz subjects, Le moyen de poun-oir, en seniant votre Ma"'' seniir Dieu librement et securemcnt suivant vos Edictz de pacification, et pour cct effect ordonner. i. fATALOOCK OF M ANTSCRIPTS. 175 Twenty one tleniancb, with the rcsiM.UM s to eaeli, follow on 12 pages with gilt edges. The hist ' Response ' iii : Lorsijue le temps de la tcnue de TAssemhlee ^'enemle dis suppliona sera arrive, lesdit^ deputes generaulx en demanderunt au Roy la per- mission, sur quoy il sera pourveu pur S. M. 2. Copie de la hit re de M'* les Amb". du Hoy de la (ira. JJret. a M" de la Rochelle du xi*. feburier. 1G26. Tliis en urious particulars of a «lm Nf. do la Fl« ur that the gfxjds at Paris are laden. -As fur news M' .Montagu has p;ii*ed hy Paris into * Laun gne' iSt- from thence tothe I). <»f Jniuov. / and g. Paris the 1 1 and 20 of .April are l>oth from the same as h, h and i. Rouen, 20 April. From the same as a anh finnnct'. the state of the cxcluuigi'S, aiul thv war in Silosia, and Ia dated •IK' Hruxilli's K- HI' auril l«iJ7.' 4. (/. Coppic dc la remonstrance miso entre les mains do Monsei^eiir de Canoua primier secretaire dv la Serenissinie Majesto. A. Coppie de-H articli'S et conditions de paix pour hi ville de Kochelle. S»o under § 1 < . ( oppie * K-s AnihaHsaiieurs I'ixtraur- dinaires dii sorenissimc n>y de la (irande Hrcta^jne. 11 : J. I Kit. I. A Paris CT' XI fcvrier, 1020.* 5. Article* accordcft et convenus entro le Hoy de T^rance et leB A ml^assadeurs extraordinaires de Messieurs les I^tats des provinces Tnics des Pays lias a Compiegne an mois dc .Juiu. See Dumont, CorpM Diphniatiqur, t. v. V. 11 |>. Mil. €). A jn'iuf'il /'roclamation declaring all ships carrying corn or other victual or munition for the Kiii^ of Spain nr his suh- jects, to he lawful prizes, Dec. 31, 1()25. This is ^ivi-n in Uynicr, Fwtirra, t. xviii p. 7 Declaration du Hoy pour le razcnieiit t t . This in print on 1»> png»"«. Si'C Mrrcure Fraii^ms, t. xii. p .'{7'» 8. A printed Proclanuttion forhidding any trade with Spain. 24 Dec. 1625. Also in Rymer, 76. p. 251. JK Traite de Ligu€ entre le Hoy, la Hepuhlifjue dc Venise et le Due de Savoye, pour le recouuerement de la Valtcline ; concerte en Avignon, et arrets ?» Paris le 7*" Feh. \ {\T^. Printed in Puniont, lb. p. 417- CATALOGUE OF M ANUSl'UlPTS. 177 10. 162<>. Capitnl'^ fatta in Spapna fra Ic Due Cor*. j>er la pace de la Valtellina ct di (icnoua A note on the »*ck fcUt**, * rec*. ^ Aug. ( ICifi). See Duroont, lb p. 487. 1 1 . * Heinarqucs pnnci|)a]es du livre intitule, Admonitio ad repem Ludotiatm XIII. par mu Jesuite de Banieres.^ For nn account of the A fmnnitio, fic. »ec llutoire de Fmttre par M. .Mftiiin. t XII j) note. I J. 'Question* to be enquyml after amongst the French inarchant.s * 1 3. Notes of th*' French Trade. This is on 2 \^^K•^vf^. At the end are tlie name* of tome ' able to (five good .iecially for Inwle) in the pUces of tlieir An'.<( ih' l.'i i oiirl i'arh'iu .. i-'i.:. > i- > » ii;ii:»l.rt-s as--, iiihlix***, druinr contre IcH JoiuitfH If 17 Me Man*. l(>2tl. S e .\fartin, Jb p. Am. 15. Ade bailie par M** lej» Amli'* Extraord. d'Anphtorre aiix I)epute« dc la l^-lij^inn dii xl"^ F. I.v |J^J»i. st fi. fy-e under {§ I. MI. Memoir e do Tarjfent que j*ay reru i\ Fariit tanl do M' (^unet quo des metiblefl que j)* my vendus. This is the lieaIr out in Frt iK-h.nnd \* that f<»r sunui n-ccivrd auil i»|K nt hy Je U Flrur: »er j 3. On the other leaf the balance is struck in Kn^li•kh, and two statements are siK'ned by Flower and R liarrrtt ; the recript, dated April 23, in tlie Mine hand 08 the hitter, \n in darker ink, and signed K. Newburgh. Dd. 111. 71. A paper hook, in .small (juarto, containing various documents relating to .S|)ain, written in HIo.",, with the tiUe < *ON8KJO OKBflTADO DK F.IIPANv ' This an arcount of tile Kin^;, Dignities, IMao-* \r. of ^pam, n«»t unlike ( ImniU'rlaiu h AVfi/** of Great liritam^' nci*ording to a note on what perhaps \v Ls the wrapin r of ' ji bundle of |>aperH, though now it l»e in the middle of the volume. 178 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIPTS. 159 Dd. III. 72. A Collection ok Tuact^, of dillbrcnt sizes. 1 . A folio, on paper, 20 leaves. At/Toa^^f^iacyuara, De Studio Theolo'ii ' . I ''7 1 Bogins : Tlieoloj^' (or Divinity) is n science or prudence conccruing our knowledge of (.iod and our .lu»y Ends: .for tliey arc in tlu- j , i n ,,f (S') ^'our HtVrctMinate tVrit-nd and faithfull servant N. \. 2. A small (luarto, on paptT, *J'" ' li.iiulw ritiiii; t)t" x viith century. ' De fxercitio Bpirituali Siicerdotibits, i.e. niissionariis in vinca Domini lalwrantibus cutu^onoy partes m.' III. tV. 1 — lo. * fiti unitivOy sire amorin' Meditationcs i.*.*) — io, with ICj'i- logiis and Index. I. IV. 11 III. The finit two leaves contain prat/ertt, followed l>y Medi- tationcs 1 — 12. II. ff. 11^2(5. • f'ia illumitiatim :' MediUtiones 1.3—24. A small quarto, on paper, 1 1 leaves, about .same date. * /)' c'pli cat tone cereinoniarum sacrosanct i sacrificii missWy c^c. Anglice retldita ex idiomatc Gallicano.'' 4. A small (piarto, on paper, .*>2 leaves. ^ Varhv it'rf)<>i".< X. T. rr //^^• llit'chv collato cum cditione Ley- densi in 12 mo * These arc for tliC Acts, i*uulinc Epp. and Cath. Epp. only. 5. A small quarto, on paper, 8 leaves. * Oratio in ftlictin mt'inuriam Elizabttfuc Anglicv reginw.'' 6. A small quarto, on paper, 1 5 leaves. * De pads ecclesiasticw procurandcv inediis. Problema ejusque demonstratio.^ 7. A 12rao, on paper, 30 leaves. ' A paraphrase of the 9th chapter of St PauVs Epistle to the Romans, by Doctor S. Patrick, Lord l}p of Ely.' CATALOGUE OF MANCSCttlPTS. 179 Hegini* : The apoHllo having evidently proved in the foregoing part of Uiia letter. Enda: ...will never make Uiose ashamed that persist in it and hold it fast to the end. 8. A Commission from the Emperor Charles V. to concert measures with King Henry VIII forcarr>ing on the War against I'Vance. This ia the original document on purclunt-nt, with the t>eal attached, and in very fair condition : the corresponding commission on the part of Henry VI IF U printtMl in Rymer, Ftrdern, t. xiii. p. 7m. Dd. III. 73. A small folio, on paper, 2f) leaves, each page containing about 1'' hnes : in a liand of the early part of the x vnth century ' Vai.kti lUNAim .M, autore M" Joiinho.n.' It Im a Utin ( onuHly in five Act**; the en,- of w|,:, h ! ud in the Hotipital of «t Hartholomew, London. IJ« ginH (exrludintj Proloj^nio) : ( crvisia aut vino inadiduin magiH non ridi honunmi. Knda (cxcludint; Kpilogue) : Jauj igitur Nonariw valepilliM curas The author, Wxu. Johiiwn, was a fellow of Queens' College. Cambridgt, whrn his play wom acted Feh T,. HKIT : cf. Rrtrtttpectitr Review, xii. 1 Dd. III. 74. A .small folio, on pajHir, 25 K av. >. handwriting uniform, of ahout the XVII th centurv. 'CHHO.NOLOOIA VD I'lol.l Mil .A bTKONO M I A M A Synoptical Calendar according to nine e{>ochs. 1 The Christian Kra. 2. The ( reation. 3. The Kra of Nabonaasar. 4. The Julian. 6. The Egyptian. 180 CATALOnUi: OF MANM'SC'inrTS. (> I'hc Death of Aloxandor. 7. I'ho period of Caliitpus. I? The reiifu of Dionysius. 1». The ChaKliean. Ill the last l>ai,'e is a mutilated circular almaiiark. The caK iidar cxteiiiU from the year liou ii. c to iJoO a. d. 162 Bd. III. 75. 1. A small quarto, on paper, N leaves, iiiijxM-foct. TiiEOLOGiA Ration ALis, ascribed by Nasinytli to Dr Syden- ham. llcgins (f. \ ft) : The Question is, how far the lipht of Nature if closely au;>, non prcssi mole ts | <»ruiu : Procodat facili scripti caiMd na iu'dc. After a blank i)age follows: 2. A Pcfiflon from the same 'Andreas WOoddc, Theolo- gus,' to King Charles. This also is in I^tin hexameters, and after H Imeti of preface begins: Inelyte Hex, pic Hex, Hex optinie, Muxime Hex. qui Maxiimis evadis, t|ua curas optimus ebse ; The ht^t line is : Justitia? capias latum, retenianuiue Coronani. L69 Dd. III. 79—82. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS 170 Dd. III. 83. A vt)lunu? of Tu.\< IS, on paper in (piarto, written ))v various hands between \!)')0 and 1700. 1. pp. '1!). 'A .short historical account of the establi.shmcnt (){' the Cistercian Order^ and the several offices and performances of such persons as profess the monastical state in the same/* At the end, in the siinc hand as the text, is the note : * By your lordship's most humble and most obedient 8cr>ant Rene (Juybert, formerly a profe^'d monk in the above-said Cistercian Order.' See A Conci.^f Histitrti of the C'ixh rciftn Ortirr, Hvo. London, 1{1'>2: and the references by ilelyot, Hhiolir flc3 Ordrrji Motiastiqiirs^ t. i. p. Ixxii. 182 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2. p. 18. The Oration of Poberfe Bell for succession. Begins : In soe grcnto f\ matter ns wee hauv in liandr which concearnctli the whole Realme. Ends : Therefore if anie at th'i9, day slioulik* he so lewde as to mainteyne tlie Lo. Powis opinion niouinge Hehellion to the snbnersion of the common wealtli. This is written in a small chancery-hand : at tlie end is a ILuiri^li that may be a cipher of K. H. 3. p. 22. Extracts from various MSS. relating to the Cathe- dral Church at Xonrich. On p. 1. The heading is, ' Historia Fundationis Ecclcsin? Cathedralis S" Trinitatis Xorwici ex antiqno mannscripto transeripta.' p. 0, the heading is, 'Charta Herherti Episcopi pro fundationc et dotationc Eccliie CathedralLs Norwici.' On p. I'A, begins: 'Ihilla Pasohalis Papie pro Translatione sedis Episco- palis a Thoodfordo ad Norwicum et pro confirmatione eart:u Herherti.' On p. 15 begins: ' Histori Combustionis Eccliic S'"^ Trinitatis Norwici et Prioratus per cives Norwicenses' Qa.d. 12723. In the margin is a refer- ence to Cod. Bod. n B. r. G. Laud. On p. 21. *Ex altcro Mannscripto de decreta compositionc Regis Edwardi primi int' Prioratfi et civitatem.' And with this on p. 22 ends the MS. See Dugdale's Monast. Vol. iv. pp. 1 — 20, and Blomefield's N^orfolk (folio), Vol. II. ch. xiii. xxxviii. and xli. 4. Extracts from various MSS. relating to Noricich. The contents are very similar to those of the preceding article : pp. 1 — 9 correspond to pp. 1 — 8 of § .3 : pp. 0 — 17 to pp. 15 — 21 : p. 10 is blank. On p ID is ' Notice of the building of the cloister begun in 121J7 ;' and on pp. 10 — 22 is X'harta "NVillmi Epi Norwici dc prima Dimisionc Bruarij et Bosci de Thorp inter ipm et monachos Norwici,' dated 12.30. On pp. 23 — 5 is a copy of a Charter of Liberties to the city granted ' primo die Aprilis apud Greenwich 2° et 3° Pliilippi et Maria? Regis et Rcgina? Anglia;.' On p. 20 — 28 follow particulars relating to Mushold heath. On p. 28 is ' A Recouerie upon a controuersy for a Theife flcdd into a church in Norw. Anno. 14''. Kdw. I.' On p. 20 are notices from 'Doomsday Book in the Excheq' ' of tlic foundations by * Ilerbcrtus Epus Norwicensis.' After the extract ending on p. 31, are about 18 blank pages. There are occasional lacuntp, as if the transcriber had sometimes been unable to decipher the original. On the first fly-leaf is ' Tho. Corie. Empt. .30" 7*'"' 1680, pr 6.?. W. O." CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 183 5. a. Names of the Scholars elected from Westminster School to Christ Church, Oxford, and Trinity College, Cambridge, in the years 1561 — 1629. This is preceded by an extract from the deed of foundation, H June, loCl. h. Collections for a History of Christ Church, Oxford. It cont'iins accounts of: pp. 1 — Oxon. S* Frideswidflp Monasterium. 1)I> 7 — 12. Monasterium Osneiense a Rob. D'Oili fundatum. Et Ecclc- sia Cathedralis Chri iS:c. apud Osney, abinde erecta, ab H. ». pp. l.T — in. Linea Kpiscoporum Oxon ; et Art hiadiacononim eorundem. pp. 21—23. Linea Decanorum Kcclesijc Cathedralis C hristi Oxon. pp. 2.5 — 32. Pntbendiorum Linex. pp. 33—35. Linea Publicorum Professonim Theolo^ie, imperfecta. From intei-nal evidence this Collection was made in ir>4o, though one entry of an obiit in has been added l)y the C.lxxxxvi.' The letter begins : Ad Jacobum sextum regem. Qua.Tenti mihi, Rex. p. 1. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 185 The volume ends with a poem on Orplieus, which is almost the only CIreek piece in the collection : the last lines are TTjv yap (Toi KidapTjv 'E.jiprtv napn fiivrjivra npc^Tos (d(i)K( riaTrjp kui dcudov 6v^ov 'Att^XXcuj'. See Catalogue of Printed Books in the British Museum : the copy, how- ever, there mentioned is dated Antv. \ Nearly all tlie Latin Poems contained in this MS. arc also printed in the Dditut Portarum Scotorum. \o\. i. pp. 142 — 2o7. Amst. IW. 10. LlIJKIl NOHVICENSIH. A list of the ecclesiastical henefices within the Norwich diocese, arranged ill alphahetical order uner Jirr/iM, and containing, in the margin, the names of many of the patrons, whence the list apiK-ars to have Ixjen written in the reign of Elizabeth. There are various corrections in another hand. It occupies 20 leaves. 1 1 \ Roprcsoiitation concomirii^ the tnanii/ttrtif/'ino of S^l Anuoniac, humhl)- tlcsirt'd to \Hi laid before the . . . Lords Coiuinis- .sioncrs for trade, hy l)r Tlioinas IIov, her Majesty's Professor of Physic, in Oxford. This, on U leaves written only on one .^idi , lu-^ins: It was some yean, since, that I)r Hoy rcceiveil the first hintA... Finding : lus She in her princely wis. 24): ...non nostri aut viriiim nostrum sed solius misericordiir et auxilii divini. 15. Sir Robert de Valois, knii^lit and Har', His Manifesto conceniinp his journej/ out of France into Enffland, and his iinj)ri- sonniont at IJnixclK's, K).")?. Sir Robert wqa a spy for the exiled Kinij in Kngland, where be wis im- prisoned by Cromwell, and fallini; under susjticion on bis return to Hnixelles, was there eonfine): and deprive me of the means to discover their pcrfulious practices. 1(>. . pp. () — is. A particular of the thing.s granted by (lueen Elizabeth to the Dean and Chapter of Chester. Sec Ormerod's Chmhire, i. pp. 240 — 2. 1 7. Collection of Notes and Extracts from documents relating to the early hi.^forr/ of Westminster Ahhey. See Dugdale, Monast. i. p. 1. 18. a. Proofe that tlie Vnii^crsiiy of Cambridge hath Eccle- siastical jurisdiction. According to a statement below the title, this was 'transcribed out of one of >r Moore's MSS in Caius Coll. Library. No. 20. a.' [now No. 197. (/>).] It is on two leaves, between which is in the same handwriting : CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 187 fj. pp. y — 14. A Minister Plea upon an indictment at y Quarter sessions, for reading Common Prayer. It is addressed ' I'o the Rt worshij»ful the Justices of IVace for y* county of Cambridij'e,' and ai»i»ear8 to have Inen made in 1G47 or lG4ii. 1.0. Small quarto, on paper, 7 leaves. ' A letter of Thoims Gataker to a friend concerning his fpi- ritnal state.'' Beg^ins (f 2 «) : Good Cosen, accordinp^ to your right pious desire, as scone as 1 had any respite from my puhlik employmente . Knd.s (f. 7 a): ...to God's hk-.-vsing, whicli alone is aide to make them effectual unto you, I leave you to him, and rest In him your loving Cosen and hearty wel-wishinp fTnnd Thomas (iataker. 20. ' A perfect surret/ of the Ennlish fon/jue, as best it may be referred to the rules of the Latines collected by Ltllye.'' This consists of two part.*? or treatisi-s. The former is made up of 20 pages of Dedications,' &c., anookH, l>e}iides an apjiendix, and ending, on p. 207, with an otle, ' Author ad Librum.' At the foot of the title is *(iin>crt Crane." 21. Orafio in laufhnn Thoma- Iioegin8 (p. 1) : 'Cum g(nu>< hnniainnn ingenii viribus dotibusq) animi legitimum supra eu'tera animalia imjx rinm obtineat ; And ends on p. 11: *Sic revira Acatlemiei evadetis et (juod omni titulo majus est ipsi Bodleio similes.' 17X Dd. III. 84. A folio, on paper, of lO.') pages, in good preservation. 1. *A collection of the desc hiption and divisio.v of ai.i, THE SEVERAL SHIRK.S AXO TOWM.S IN IrELANDI: wltll tlicif 188 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. grcatnes aiul lari^e procinctcs, shewing also the gouernmente in Mounstar rulod bio the same offices ami keepte in ol)e(lienee by the same lawes which are enacted by j)iibli(iiie authoritie in Kng- lande, the true coppie whereof being tbunde in the studie of one Sir Edwarde W'aterhouse Knighte, who was made knighte for his good service and hade passed moste of the best places in office in Irelande, whose aimccstors were surveyors of Irelande in the time of Edward the 4th king of Fiiiglande : Also a particular survey of all such his Majesties yerelie revenewes and rentes ri'ceived dewe and answerable unto his highncs by the Lorde deputie of Irelande, with an estimate of the yerelie expences of the saide Lord deputie for the time beinge : Together likewise shewing the auntiente manner of llerauldrie and honorable order of the Offices of Amies whatsoever to be observed in times both of peace and warre and at coronatons citatons funeralls and all other solempnities and orders of the fielde for services to their prince and countrie/ ^^'ritten in the time of Kini^ James I. The heraltHc part ' uiadc aiitl confirmed in the year of our Lord God loC.H.' 2. On 48 pages of paper in folio, in a hand of the wiitli. century : \Ihda(un s A^. to 22, written in a small hand of the X viith century : a. 'A Copic of Mr Scott's Hooke called Vox PopuU^ or Neics from Spain, which may serve to forewarne both England and the United Provinces how far to trust to Spanish pretences, im- printed 1G20; This copy does not*inchide tlie author's address ' to tlie reader/ nor ^thc Second part of Vox Populi,' found in the second edition, printed it would seem in 1G24, when the author was 45, according to the statement on his portrait. The first edition was in 1620. See Somers' Tracts, u. 508. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. fj. ' A 1 trie fo noto concerning the horrible massacre in France, 1572/ Begins on middle of the pai^c numbered 10 : * In tliat tragic-all and cniell massakerin frauncc.' Ending on p. Hi : ' And thus much hrit-fly touching that persecution and massikcr in France' c. 'A cople of Mr Thomas Aldred s Letter [To my Lo. Mar- quess of Ihickini^ham] advising anainst ihe Spanish maiche in treaty for the then prince Charles, anno 1 GiIO/ It begins on p. !!> : Though to advise may seeme pre«;umptuou8, yet what is well in- tended, I am more then confident will neither Ends on p 22 : Wy him that is not ambitious because n<»t wt>rthio, nor yet afraid because not ashamed to be knowne vnto yo' Lonlshipp in this business. Thomas AMml. See also ( atal. MSS. I'niv. Coll. Ox<»n. No. cmi. 2.'). 4. A small folio, on pajwr, 3Ji leaves, al)out .']() lines in page. ' Ilieronymi Donaii patricii l^eneii de proccssione Spiriius sancti contra Grwcum scisma.^ Hegins (f. 1 a): Inter tot pestes animi quibus omni ex parte ohsidetur humona fra- gilitas . . The treatise is imperfect, containing Hooks I. and FI . ' it iily one page of Rook III. End8(f. ^T^): ...sed ex synodali et catholico sensu intclligcrc atque intorpretari valeatis. 171 B. — ^ A paper hook, in good preservation, containing "270 folios, and 32 octavo pages, together with a few leaves of anno- tations on smaller paper hound up with it. It consists of a Latin treatise ^ De clandcsdnis Spfnistrli^xs ct MutriinvitH.^," relating to the marriage of the Lady Katherine and the Karl of IlertOtrd. Signed at p. 129 Genesius lurii^c : Cal. Octohrihus .Morxiii. The opinions and signatures of various lawyers of the time are given: two of whom, Franciscus Mantica and Tiberius IX-cianus, are celebrated ; one as having K'en raised to the Cardinalate by Clement \'III., the other as 100 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. a Professor of Laws in the University of l^adua in 1541). See i^'ivbciUH, * Theatmm Virorinn Claroruni.' AtHxed are tlie seal ami signature of .loliamus ( )lilcn(loii)iiis, ami the signature of Jacobus Amphalius. And at § of an Kuglish relation of the ease, the subject matter of tlic ojiinions above referred to. The handwriting, which is of a different kind in places, is apparently all of the same date, about the end of the xvith century. 9. A folio, on paper, 67 leaves ''A form of preparation against the receicinp of t/ir Holy Sacrament of the LoriPs Supper: composed by Sir Edward Rodeney for the use of his children/ Thi-s is followed by numerous prayers, meditations, and religious treatises. 10. A lulio, on paper, 27 leaves. * Scriptio pacijica cujus scopns eel meta ad qitam sagittal divi- guntiir dissidiorum dvalpfait seu interitus est^ sentential ecclesiw Catfiolico-romana\ vulg^) sic dictic taincn inconn^rut', it Anglicanw male dicidentium.' 11. A folio, on paper, 20 leaves. ' Cacodannon or the Iloh-gohlin^ being a serious inquiry into the doctrine of Devils, asserted and maintained ])y the modern witchmongers, Lc. (Sec."* This is a dialogue between two neighbours under the borrowed names of Verax and Fallax, by Eutrapelus Philalethcs, 1(!'J2, May 14, Saturday. 12. A folio, on paper, 18 leaves. ' De igne purgatorio cx sententid Ilebrwormn adversus Valver- dium et alios ; uecnon de ceteris damnatorum .suppliciis Diatribe Autore I. Milner, S.T.B., L.A.Pr., Anno 1691.' The author's name and the date are in a different handwriting from that of the treatise. A note is added at the foot of the first leaf: * Licentiam ut in lucem prodiret hie liber, rccusavit Zach. Isham, S.T.P. Episcopi Londmensis Sacellanus : (^uod refutavit Autor cujusdam eminentis- simi viri concioncm ad Aulam Imbitam, nullus dubito.' Begins : Cum patres Tridentini sessione 25' docent Purgatorium... Ends: ...minus quam mei-uerunt. 13. A small folio, on paper, of 21 pages, in good preserva- tion. A copy of the beginning of Mr J. Selden's work entitled CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ' TiiK Pkivilkgeh of thk Baronage of England when they sit in ParHament."' London. IGIJ. 14. A small folio, on paper, of f»l pages, in good preserva- tion. An imperfect copy of the first IIG pages of the book entitled ' Ji DGi: Dodauiugk his Law of Nouility and Peer- age."' London. 16*58. 15. A paper folio of 28 pages, containing 8 chapters of a Scottish Law Tract. The first eight chapters arc wanting. The ninth treats of tlie power and jurisdiction of harrons, sheriffes, lords of regalitie, Stewarts and Burrows. The tenth of judgcnient'i possessour and petitour, and of actions personall and icall. The elt'vinth of coinpriseings and adjudications. The twclftli of reductions and improhations. The thirteenth of actiorts of removein. The fourteenth of the /ho of money or trade to the benefit of this kingdom, equivalent to the charge it bringeth upon the Cn)wn C After tliis heading is : ' I hold that a freecoynage is a disjylvantage to the currant money.' The .MS. ends on f. 8 with : '4. W'\\y i.s there no mint in Ireland. Hut the whole kingdomc sui»plie Adriano secundo ut meinini. The MS. is in Or Overall's own handwritint;. In another MS. (J^^. i. 21), will he found referenees to attaeks niaove mentioned, with arguments in support of them. Overall succeeded ^^'hitakcr as Regius Professor of Divinity a.d. 6. * 77 — 7. 7. ' The pntrtirk before the Lords of Councell and Session^ in his Ma'" Kingddui of Scotland, and lK»f<»rc the Coininis.sarie.s at Edenhrough, coni|»iled hy Sir 'I hoinas Iloj)e, his Ma*' Advocate,' A i)aper folio of '2.4 pages, in good jtreservation and same lian leaves, about 28 lines in each page, in good presen'ation, hainlwriting of the wnth ccnturs". 'A Dkij:( r.vm.K Disioi u.sk (ON(KUNiN(i nki ual houts op FFI.SH AM) Fl I.SM l'()M).><, WITH THE ANTKil lTIK AND HEGIN.MNG THKRKOF, A.S A L.SO OF TMi: TY.MKH OF FFISMING A M> THE I.N'STKIT- M K N T s r n V T 1 ' I : h t a i n k t o t m I : s \ m i : . The first leaf contains a talile of the suhjects of the di^^courses, with refereiue to their folios; the first suhject treated on heing the Ihfmitiou and (iivijiiou of jxtuiLs. On the last leaf is the fidlowing: 'Balls made of pounded ch;ilke and cowe dung make a very fat C'arpe : as doth carrion laid on a wheele ahove a pond, and as it jtutrifuth the worms drojiing into y'" pond hecome an i-xcellent food for tlu- fish of all sorte.' o H)4 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 9. ' Certayne articles of Abuses to be reformed in granting prohibitions."' They consist of 25 objections with the answers to each. See No. 151, § G8. 10. ' An Advertisement touching an Ilohf Warre, To Lan- celot Andrcwes, IJishop of Winchester and counsellor of estate to his majestic.' Printed in Lord Bacon's >\'orks (London, 1827) Vol. vii. p. 112. 11. ^7. 'The generall Acte of the Jssembli/ hoiilden at Eden- burnli^ the 12 of August, (1639), for abolHshinge of Episcopacie and all innovations lately intruded in the kirke of Scotland.' b. * The B'lshoj) of Orknetfs Recantation, as it is registered in the said Assemblies.'' This report differs slightly both in the date and in the names of witnesses from that printed in the Acts of the Gcncrnl AftscniUy of the Church of Scotland, in wliich Collection a will also be found. 12. Observations on the 22nd Stanza of th$ 9tk Canto of the 2nd Book of Spenser s Fairie Queen. This comment forms a letter addressed * To my honorable Friend Sir Edward Esterlinge [Stradling] abord his shippe,' by K. I). [Kenelm Digby]. It covers 27 pages, each containing 24 lines, and was printed in 1044. 13. An Account of the Life and Writings of Geoffry Chaucer. A letter from Thomas Ilearne, dated Oxford, May 28, 1709. It contains 13 pages of 23 lines each. Hearne argues that the * Plowman's Tale' first printed among the works of Chaucer in 1.542 is one of his genuine produc- tions: cf. A\'arton, Emjl. Poet. ii. lol, 102, ed. 1840. 14. A small folio, on paper, of 52 pages, in good preservation. ' A generall Collection of all the Officers of England with their fees in his majesties gifte.' The first mentioned is the Lord High Treasurer, Sir Thomas Cyrill Kt., the second the Baron of Burleigh. It was drawn up in the time of James 1. 15. A folio, on paper, of 3 pages, in good preservation. * The valuation of the severall livings of all the BisHOPPS of England with their several Tenths paid out of them to her majestic yearly ;** also of the Deanaries. Also ' The repartition what each province [of the Netherlands] payeth CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 195 part to a hundred pound also ' Secundum Sir Will. Temple the proportions to be raised in the united Provinces of 100000 gilders/ The valuations are given only in totals. It is of the time of Elizabeth. li). pp. 8. A Discourse shewing 'that some kind of Taxes and piihlique leavies may rather encrease then diminish the wealth of the kingdome/ Begins : If the money or other effects lea vied from the people l-y way of tax were dbtrained,.. Ends : Memorandum all this while I suppose- yt all of these 10 millions are obedient to their soveraigne, and within the reach of his power, for as things are otherwise, so the calculation must be varyed. 17. pp. 20. ' A Treatise for assist inp the Hollanders against the Spaniard.' Begins : If your nia"'" leave the protection of the low Countries Ends : .. the siivinge of soe manie milliansof soulcs, and the immortall fame of your thrice renowned ma"'. 18. A paper folio of 19 leaves. A Latin Tract, containing an argument touching the validity of the marriage of 'Charles, Duke of Suffolkc, with the Lady Marye, the King's sister,' and thereby of the legitimacy of ' Lady I'Vaunces, daughter of the sayd Charles Duke, and the Queue.'' By K. B. (r..rtc K..b. Beale). Indilfercntly written in a hand of the end of tlio x\ itii century. ID. A paper folio of ilJ pages. ' A Discourse written against a second marriage after divorce^ the parties both liueing, by Doctor Andrewcs, Bishop of Kly, nowe of Winton. Anno Dni 1001.' Marginal note: ' Andrewcs was not Bp of Ely till 1^ , neither is this discourse worthy of him.' This piece is not found in nny colKcted edition of Bj) Andrcwes' work«. Begins : I he (luestion is. whether upon adultery jtrovcdor sentence recorded, a nmn he sett at libertie that he may proceed to contract with another. Ends : Therefore sure it is doubtfuU at least, since divines ditlVr about. o2 IDG CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 20. ''Sir John Davis his charge given to the Grand Jury of Yorke, at the Assizes holden there, 1()20.' Folio, i>ai)er, neatly written. All wantinj^ after leaf 1(>, tuul that im- perfect, 173 Dd. III. 86. A volume of miscellaneous Tu a( T8 on paper excepting 7. 1 . 'Sir Ilobert Cotton's Treatise concerning the meancs Juoxjo the Kinge maie leuey monies.^ Imperfect, ending' (f 14) with [ print vd .'iO^] for renewing them, and 80C every one that whicli nearly corresponds with the text on the top of p. 21 in * An Ahstract out of the Keeonls of the Tower, touehinp^ The Kings Revenue, &c. Hy Sir Robert ('otton \c. London (without dat<.'). Printed for ii. Tomlinson T. A. and A. C' 2. ' A breefe Declaration of those thinges whiche the Duke of Norfolck hathe omitted in his e.xaminacones touchinge the whole proceedinges with the Qiierne of Scoffs, either hy him selfe or any other to his knowlidg hofore his first trouble or since. Dated the 10 of November, An" i r)71. Who boinge comaunded by her Ma"" to set doune the truthe, he writethe as followethe.' The confession occupies al)out 20 pages, written in a small hand, and is perhaps that alluded to in his letter among the Hurleigli I*apers (Murdin), p. 1G4. ' The In rt/nfory of all such goods, stuf, plate, juols, and quyk catell, which late were the right honorable lord Thomas, Duke of Norff., reraaynyng in the Castell of Framyngham and thereaboute in the countie of Suff, taken by John Soint-clore, esquyer, ai)pre- ciator generall to the most reverente father in God, Thomas, lord Legate, Cardynall, and Archbishop of Yorke, the xxvmth daye of the moneth of Maye, A° dni m'™** quingentesimo vicesimo q'rto."" The inventory is on .TO pages, and apparently in a hand of the time. The Duke died on 18 May, 1.524, according to the Ohitim in Martin's Thdford, p. 122. 4. *The Historie of Actions done in England about the be- ginynge of the raigne of King James, written and set forth by an unknowne author, concernynge Essex, Carr, Northampton and Over bury." CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 197 The MS. on paper, in folio, on CO ff., is imperfect, not containing ' Sir Francis Bacon his speech at the Arrai^niment of the Earle of Somerset, which is found at the end of the painj)hlet, entitled * The Five Yeares of K'ln^ James, or The Condition of the State of Ent^land, and the Relation it had to other provinces. \Vritten hy S' Foulk (Jreville, late Lord Brook. London, Printed for W. R in the year 104t'}.' See Harleian Mi^ceU. vii. 407, note. 5. A folio, written un pa|)or, in ;i tine running legal hand. A law Tract, entitled, * The Arguments and Opinions conceminge the case of Shi|)[>e Money, of Sir John IJranipston, Kniglit, Lord Chief Justice of the Kinge's IJench, in the Exchecjuer Chamber, the U of June, Trin. 14 Caroli. \(')SH: It contains .32 folios, written on both sides, of about 24 lines each The case is reported at full length in the State Trials (Howell), \*ol. in. 6. Further arguments on the same subject : and in the same handwriting: on 16 folios. 7. A folio, on parchment, moa.suring 12 inches by 8 inches, of 12 leaves, and '2 leaves of paper preceding them. ' Computus onmium et singuloruin Hallivonim collectorum re- ceptorum et firmariorum terrarum po.sse.ssionum et reverencionum spiritualium et teni[)()raliinn /y>isr*tjfati Xorcict-ncis jH.'rtincntiuni in com. Norff et Suff., a .o. 1(12^; 8. A small ({uarto, on paper, of 26 pages* Ui good preser- vation. An account of the pkksons imai auk .noiu.k, and their ranks; and a few remarks on Heraldry * A consideracion of the offick AND DUTY OF A FIkiiai ID in England drawn out of sundry obscr- vacions by John Doddridge the kinges Solicitor (Jenerall at the instance of II. Earle of Northatnpton in August HiO.").' 'A cata- logue of the Nonii.iTv of Enoi.and according to their creations, temp. Jac. I.' This is in a different hand from the two former. 9. A ([uarto, on paper, "li) leaves, of 38 lines in each, written on one side only, liandwriting uniform. A copy (modern) of part of MS. mmccccxxxviij. 7, S, in Bibl. Reg. Paris. 198 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The inscribed title is '''[\{ju)i'o^ VcrjiroviKoi' l3ift\'iov. See Momoircs pivscntc'es par divers savants ii rAcadnnio des Inscriptions, Premiere Siere, Tom. iv. 4to. Paris, 1S.")4, for a lull account of the persons named Heron and their works , and p. 1(>1 sqq. for a notice of the Paris MS. 2438, from which this is copied. The contents of the MS. are I. A fragment, '' Ek twv tov ''Wfjcvvo^ rre^n tlov r/y? r-, I * V' t * I ' €(JOfl€Tf)l(lS^ ^«^ l.T€p€CV/Ui€Tpia^ OVO/J^aTlOV . The whole appears printed in a volume with the folloNving title, * Euclidis Elomentoruin lil)c«r primus, item Ilcronis Aloxandrini vocabula quicdam geometrica, antohac nun(piam cdita CJni ce et Latine, Per M. Cunradum Dasypodium, &c. Argentinio, 1571.' [Ill the Library Y. 15. 44.] Begins: 'Ytvts ai yfviKcn Toii/ a\T]fiaT(t>v dutcjiofml. Ends : KaXfirm d( tu axqfjui tovto kui TfTpi'if^fXif. Four pages. II. *''il^iui'o9 tiaayivyui rwv yeio^xeTpouficuwv. Begins : 'H eViVeSof yfoifjifTpia avvi(TTT)K(v, k.t.X. Knds : It proceeds on the siune page : "Hpiovos apx") '^'^^ y(Q)p.fTpovfi€voiv. KaOais r)/xaf o rraXdioi fiifiarrKfi Xoyoy, K.T.X. yVith which words Fabricius states tliat his .MS. Eurayoiyij, Sec. coniiucnces (nonduni quod sciam edita). F'abr. \'ol. iv. p. 2.']i). This MS. is illustrated with figures. III. "II Begins : To lovyffwv €^(1 aKaivas cr, k.t.X. Ends : ecTTco xoipa Tplyoovos icroaK. where the copyist desists, shewing that what followed was a repetition of a paragraph in the 1st page, with some variations collated there. Three pages. IV. ''Hpuii^oi irepl fxerpwv. Begins : luiv pLtv artpecov ((tt\v (idrj T. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 190 Ends : Kai €^fis ddia(T(f)aX.TOvs tus fiidollovs. Five pages. Part of tliis in the original MS. was a repetition of the margin of § in. ; the variations are there collated, and the passages common to both omitted here. In the Benedictine Analcet. Grtec. (Lutct. Paris, KISn) are to l>e found • Exceq)ta ex Herone Geometra de Mensuris,' with the following preface, * Heronis Geometria integra halx-tur in C'odice Ilegio 2724, Quam quidem totam edere pra?sentis non est instituti, quod longiuscula sit, et ad volumen integrum eonficiendum sola sufficiat.' Only a very little in the few scraps of the author that follow is to l)e found in the MS., which would accord- ingly appear to Ix; a selection made on a different principle. V. V.VKXeiSoU \LuOu/Ui€Tf)lKa ' Begins : Ttou (v6v^(TpiKu 8ia(rTTj^aTv et sic qute sequuntur ad finem MS. VtoynoviKa Constantino Ciesari \iilgo attri- buta (omissa prefiitione quic precedit libnim Y(u)itoviku>v)\ these latter words in a later hand. The whole MS. seems to have been carelessly copied ; but the pagini,' of tlie original MS. is noted in the margin. 10. On 8 small leaves of paper, written with faint ink. and with fainter rubrics, is a fragment of .Mrj^//ioi/ /mora^oi/ i^^fjyfjafi wcfu tou iruay^d. The fragment is the portion printed in Vranologiou, 1). Petavii (Fol. Lutet. Par. ICTo,) pp. •M'^—^H). vi.—xvni. it is foHowed by 2 leaves, containing 4 tables, in eacli of whii h tlie months are given with Latin names in Greek characters. 11. An 8vo. on paper. S pai;es of 21 lines eaoli, with good margins, writing of about the x\th century, w ith emendations in a different hand. Apparently the remainder of the MS., of part of which § 9 is a copy. IJegins in red. In black. The preface referred to in the conclusion of the preceding MS. 200 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. There follow eight chapters, nearly, about one line of the 8th being want- inL,' ; the last page ends with aTpaTO7r(8(0U Kiinjaif. The hook has been edited anonymously at Basle, 1.5^0, 12ino; also by iVt. Needhaui, Coll. D. Job. Cant. Soc. 8vo. 1704, who has collated this MS. ; and, finally, by Niclas, 2 vols. 8vo. Leipsic. The last two editions with a later version. The question of the name and date of the author, &.c. are discussed very fully, but without any very certain conclusion, in the prole{j:omena to these editions, and by Fabricius, Bibl. Gnec. Vol. viii. ir>— 28. The MS. has suffered corrections and annotations both marginal and interlinear. One requires remark : viz. in the passage in the preface, 'AXX' f i'Ti'Y'>i'?y w ^iK(n(o- T(iT€ ^ffTTznTa K(i)vaTain-iv€ to Tfpnviv Trjs nofXpvpaf nnavBia-pa^ where the marginal note is: * Constantinum IV. Fononatum alloquitur (circuni ann. (>7<>;.' Needham bases an argument on the pjissage, and is followed by others ; but the word KiuvarauT'ivf is written over an enisure, and apparently by another hand. There is an apparent connexion between this MS. and that marked Mi ' in Niclas' edition, as if that were copied from this by one who read the characters incorrectly. Dd. III. 87. A Volume of Tracts. 1 Debates in the House of Commons, 1680, on the Exclu- sion J3ill. The particulars are the following : On pj). 1 — 10. The speeches of Lord Lovelace, M' Boscowing, S' William Jones, Coll Titus. On pp. 11 — 17. The proceedings of the House on Nov. lOth, 1080, and Nov. 17, with the speeches on the latter day of Sir Nicholas ('ary. Sir William Jones, Lorey Hide, iM"^ Hambden, M"" Herboard, Sir Edward Dearing, S"" Thomas Player, M' Vernon, Coll Titus, Lord Russell, Henry Capell, Sir Francis Wamngton, Sir \Villiam Temple, Deering, M"" Mont- ague: respecting the Address to His Majesty. On pp. 17—20 is an account of proceedings of 'November 15,' but the speech attributed to Ar Trenchard accords with that put into the mouth of M' Powle in Pari. Hist. iv. p. 1227, during the debate, on Nov. 23, relating to the charge of Chief Justice Scroggs to the Grand Jury of Middlesex. On pp. 20, 21. 'Severall Debates vpon the Articles reported by the Committee ag" Sir W*" Scroggs.' On pp 22 — 25 is *M' Whartons Speech ' on the 3rd reading of the Exclu- sion Bill, according to Pari. Hist. iv. p. 1206. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 201 2. A small folio, on paper, in a very modern hand, perhaps as late as the xviiith century, containinjor 10 leaves, the last of which is blank, each pa^^e containincr about 45 lines. M. T. CicEnoMs Synonym A. 'Ex Cod. Lat. MS. n. 138. Arundel "* Tlie fii-st words of the MS. are C. Jan V^icturino suo salutem dicit. Collep^i ca qua? pluribus modis dicerentur, quo ubcrior promptiorque esset oratio. Endn witli the words V'itarc : dt-clinare, fugere. The coloi)hon supjdies the title. For an account of this Lexicon and the editions of it, see Fa])ricius, Bib/. Lat. Vol. I. p. 214 (Ed. Em.): in the edition of Ascensius the epistle is inscribed, ' Cicero Lucio Venturio salutem :' and the production has been frequently a.scribed to Cicero. The Arundel MS. itself commences (according to Cat. MSS. Bibl. Arund. p. ;14) with the words 'Cicero Victurino suo.' 3. 'At Whitehall the f). of July. 1 61 6/ precedes the list of those present, which forms the heading to the Account of what occurred at the Council, concerninf) Commendams. For the subsUmce of this .MS. see Carte, iv. pp. Compare $ 5. 4. A quarto, on parchment, containing 38 ff., with 42 lines in each page. Date, the xvth century. EXPOSITIO Si:(il KNTI .\ Ur .M SKdNniM I'81-.M S.VRl'.M. Begins (f. 1 «) : QS]]alus eterna indeficiens muiidi vita... Ends (f. 38«): Explicit bonus tractatus super Secmencias. Amen. This has ])een ])rinted by Julianus Notarius, London, ITjlO, at the end of the volume entitled ' Expositio Ilymnorum totius anni serun folios?, written on both sides, .'U lines to the page, terminat- ing abruptly, as though the remainder were ]oi>t. The case itself, *Coult and Glover v. Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry,' is repoi-ted at length in Ilobart s Rrports and in Holie s Rrpnrts. 6. On twelve pages folio, written in a small law-hand, are E.xtracts from Charters granted to the city of Loudon. 202 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The fii-st extract is from the Cliarter of ^^'illialn 1. to tlic city of London. The last is ' Nota pro prisis vini,' from the Articles in the Charters of Hen VL and Edw. IV. They appear to have been made for the preparation of a new charter. 7. Fol. pp. 27. ' Wraynham's Case : or a Vindication of the Lord Chancellor Bacon," is the title to a tract 'fii-st published from the Orii^inal Manuscript,' in London, 172."). This MS. appeal's to be a transcript from the Orii^inal, and to have been corrected in some places : it differs from the printed copy in wanting the title and the surnames of some of the judges. 8. Fol. pp 4. Address before the right honorable and worthy lords of the Exchequer (.') by the Recorder (Sir H. Montague?) in the name of the city of London, on presenting a Lord Mayor. It begins: Such as beliold the face of the suime see in the l)ody of tliat great light a beautie deserving love and meruile... making them Jilio.s- Aurorcc, sonnes of the mouminge.. And ends with the wish, that everj' day may come crowned and glorious with some fresh or flourishinge new fidicitie. This coi)y has a few lacuna^ : one is for the name of the L. Mayor. 9. On 8 ff. ' Notes of the King's speech in the higher house of Parliani^ 19 February, 1^23; Tliis differs but very sliglitly from that given in Pari. Hist. Vol. i. I.']7'3. After this on 2 ff. follows the speech of the Lord Keeper, appointing Saturday for the Commons to choose a speaker. After some blank leaves follow 10. ' Notes of his Ma*'*^^ speech in the higher house of Par- liam^ 29° Maij, 1621.' This is more complete, especially in what relates to grievances, than the report given in Pari. Hist. i. p. 1501, where it is stated that 'This speech is most miserably curtail'd in Rushworth ; nor is it entered at all in the Journals, or cbewhere in the printed historians. We have recovered it from an old Manuscrijit Collection of Parliamentary Proceedings, in this and the next reigns, communicated by Sir John Napier, of Bedfordshire, Bart.' Then follow what seem to be his Majesty's Answers to each bill read by the Clerk of Parliament. (See Lords' Journals, 21 Jacobi.) («) 'Concerning the Act for the Saboth,' upon which the King puts his veto. It appears to have been the same as 1 Car. I. c. 1. (6) ' Concerning the Act of Recusants,' upon which the King puts his veto, after declaring his zeal against the i)apists. (c) ' Concerning the Burgesses of Durham,' upon which the K. puts his veto. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 203 ((/) ' Against Supersedeas and Certioraries to remove Indictments before Justices of the peace . ' ' His Majesty lett it passe.' 21 Jac. I. c. 8. (e) ' Against Concealments.' It is spoken of by the K. as laying a bur- then upon Lord Carew now employed in France, c. 2. (/) ' For the naturalisation of Jacoljson/ the King's jeweller, deferred till the next session. {y) 'Concerning the passing of Vork house to the Duke of Bucking- ham,' c. 30. (/t) ' Concerning an Act to make my Lord Trciiburers lands lyable to the payment of debts.' In his speech the K. threatens everj' one who * com- playnes to Parliament except he first seek leave of me ;' is content to pass the bill under protest, * reserving his right to determine the amount of the Treasurer's guilt.' (i) * Concerning the easie passing of Licenses of Alienations.' This Act is to be 'stayed till next ses.sion :' see 1 Car. I. c. 3, (j) * An Act for three subsidies and three fifteenths.' 21 Jacobi I. c. 34. (k) 'An Act for his Ma''^' most gracious and free pardon.' c. 35. In his speech dismissing Parliament the K. exhorts them all to consider the good of the kingdom, in particular the Bishops to 'be aireful on both sides against papists and puritans,' alludes to 'complaints about the deco- rations of the churches,' commends the Bishop of Norwich. 'And soe I leave you for this time.' 1 1. Fol. pp. 7. ' Notes of y'' Lo. Ch. Justice Crews speech, sworn Ch. Justice the 27 January, l()2i.' Four 4to pages in shorthand follow : at the top of the first is the date 27 Jan. 1024; on the first page also occur the quotations, * Non qucrendum (luem eligerc sed, iSjc ,' and * Non pra tori Catoncm scd Catoni prtetorem ducem fero,' above the corresponding syujbols. 12. Fol. pp. 3. The King'^s Speech at tlio oj)enin^ of Parlia- ment, 1625. There are many enisures tmd corrections, which give it the ai»i»earance of being a rough draught of that printed in the Lords' Journals. 13. Fol. pp. 10. ' Sir John Ellyott s Speech.^ This is the inscription at the beginning and end of this speech, wliieh is ascribed, in Pari. Hist. ii. p. 14, to Sir Robert Cotton, being taken from his Posthumous AVorks, published by Mr Howell, anno 1(151. 14. A decree in tlie case of the advowson of North Cadburj', 'Whether Baron Ewens or the Colledg (Emmanuel) ought to have the advowson.' 15. l^'ol. p 1. ' A Coppie of a Cunnnission granted to my Lo. Hais and S"" Tlio. Edmonds, to treat of and conclud a marriage betweene Prince Charles and Christian 2 dauglitcr of Fraunce.' 204 CATALOr.UK OF MANUSCRIPTS. The Commission, dated H Jiiiu'. l('»lt'», is printed in KynuT, Fa'dmi, XVI. 7m. U). A Report of the Duke of iiuckinglianrs Negociations in Spain. One point of diflforence K'twccn this and the accounts given in the Lortls' Journals, and hy Kymer, Fwdera, xvii. p. ,5.52, from whicli two that in the I*arl. Hist, is compiled, is that the MS. report of the Uuke's pi-oceedings is in the /r.s7 {H^rson, and in this respect it differs also from the reports given by Kush worth and others. It is imiH'rfect, commencing with, ' being persuaded they could sayc no- thing to me which 1 ha»l not heard before:* the ensuing i)aragraph corre- sponds to Rynier, p. HCA. It also differs from the printe curtailed, and others are entirely omitted ; but it contains the principal details of the proceedings in Parliament to March 1. It next gives the Memorial presented by l)oth Houses, and the Answer n'tumed by the King *on l*alme Sunday 21° Martii l()2n at White- hall.' For the report of these which the Lord Keeper made to Parliament, see Lords' Journals, March 24. 17. pp. '). A copy of a i=?peet'h to ' My Lords,' hy one who makes abject subnii.ssion to the King. lie had bicn 7 years in the King's SiTvice, and in high favour; but was now 'a prisoner unto justice.' KS. pp. 10. Sir \V. Raleigirs la.st speech. It begins : * I was yesterday taken out of my IhmM in a strong fit of a fever which much weakened me, and whose untimeliness forluaringe no occasion nor place I likewise expect to-day.' It then proceeds in nearly the same words as the rei>ort in his IJfc by Wm. Oldys (fol. ITHG, and reprinted in M'orksof Sir W. II. Oxf 1820, Vol. i. pp. .5.58 — .5G.T), giving his concluding words more at length, and the circum- stances of his death less in detail ; see also that given in the Appendix, \'ol. VI n. of Works, 19. pp.8. * Noctes Templaria? A Briefe Chronicle of the darke Raigne of the bright Prince of burning Love.' See Pearce's History of the Inns of Court, <^c. 8vo. 1848 ; also D'Israeli, Curiosities of lAterdtnre — Saturnalia. On the waste leaf are mottoes for sergeants' rings. 20. A small quarto, on parchment, of 25 leaves, in good preservation generally, but not continuous. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS 205 Fragments of the Carti i.ahy of the AnnKv of Osi lves- TON, or Ouston, Leicestershire. Kach article has a distinct title and the letters are rubriciited. None of thcni appear to have Ixt-n printed, and they are thus entitled. 1. Ohligatio jirefati Ahhatis [de Osulveston] facta doniinc Amicie [de Lincoln] de centum solidis [annuatiin solvendis] eideni \>ru <|uicta clainatione [de terrifl et tenement Is in Hunijarton]. The end of another deed precedes this. 2. Carta Roh. Jardin de Hungarton de tota temi sua in Hunj^^arton cum tofto et crofto cum 1 jiari cirotecanim et 1 oIxjH redditus concessji canonicis o N'illLimo persone de Balbeworth, &c. [42 Edw. III.] 43. Littera attornacia Ilenrici Hardy ad liberandam seisinam domino ^V'illelmo persone de Balbeworth et Johanni fitz Geffrey de Erdeburgh in omnibus tenenientb que habuit cum G. Hardy fratre suo. [2 Rich. II.] 44. Quieta clamatio Johannis fitz Geffrey de [Burgh de] pnifitis tene- mentis [in Mardfeld North] concessit Johanni IIylpc>ham. (12 Rich. II.] 4o. Liccntia obtenta a Domino manerii de Rothele ad mortificandum 3 mcsuagia 22 acras terre et 1 cruftum et revcrsionem trium acranim terre monasterio de Osolveston. [10 Rich. II.] 40. Littera attornacia ad liberandam seisinam in prefatis tenementis abbati de Osolveston. [10 Rich. II.] 47. < arta feoffementi preclictorum domini Willelmi de Burgh et Jo- liannia Kylpcbham dc omnibus terris prenominatis. 48. Sentencia Magi.stri Rogeri delegati ad observanciam cantnrie pre- dicte. [Roger de Fuldon, auditor of the Bishop of Lincoln. Chantry in the chapel at Mardfeld. Anno 125G.] 49. Liccntia domini Johannis episcopi Lincoln, ad celebranri'fato NVilK luiti de C'olevil. Quieta clamatio Mathfi dr Hosco do terra NVilKdiui fratris sui Wil- Iclnio dc Colcvill. Convcntio indentata intor Siinoiiom filium (Jillurti do Mustoii rt ^\'ilI^ llmMn do Colovill dc 4 .siis juT oxcamhiuin. ni. ( arta llu^^onis filii Kicanli do uno sidioiie concesso pni'fato \\'illelmo. ai. < 'arta Ilonrici Colcvill do iiuo tofto in Nonnnntoii conoosso iirefatis Willclmo ct Ilr-stclino. (>3. Carta prcfati U'illolmi do 1 Inivata torn- cum tofto ot cn>fto cou- eesaa Thome filio suo. 04. Donatio Ilogcri de Colcvill m u <1o Mauorio dt- Must.»uc < inn pcr- tinontibus suis conccssa pnTato Ropcro. iVi. IVrquisitio Waltori de Colcvill do I uu^Hua;;io » ; i i i :< rra prrfafi ll*)gcri in Mu.Htouc. OT). Carta llioanli filii Ilo^'ori [do Muston] de ITi sclionihus [in Muston"] cuncessin prcdicto \\'altoro |kt excamliium. G7. Carta Kicardi clerici de Mustone dc wptem seliouibus conccasia prcdicto Waltoro CM. Carta K-'h r?; HutiPi. r 1. I viri,'ata ivrrc ot 2 toftis ( (.luoKsis Ysolde filie sue. ny. Carta cju:»diiu ls>olde ilo prcfatis U>nementis suis conccssih lU)gcro de Colcvill. 70. Carta NV'ilK luii Lutip.iti dc 7 sclionibus concessiH prcfato Kogcro. 71. Quiota clauiatio ^^*illt•luli l*inccnic dc 2 l>ovati8 tcrrc ot catallis Hugonis filii Edo cidcm Kogcro. 72. Perquisitio Henrici de Colevile de /> selionibus [in Normanton] dc Nicholao rectorc nl per cxcambium. 73. Carta Luce filii saccrdotia de 10 selionibus concessis prcfato Ilonrico per excambium. Some leaves wanting here. 74. [Fragment of a deed granting the Manors of Muston and Normanton to the Canons, and founding a chantrj' in the cha])ol on the north side of the Abl)cy, for the souls of some members of the family of Colcvill, in the year 4.5 Edw. HI.] 75. Litera attomacia ad libcrandam seisinam predictis Abbati ct con- ventui dc predictis Mancriis [dc Mu.ston ct Normanton]. [4.5 Kdw. Ill ] 70. Quieta clamatio Ade Lymbergh dc predictis maneriis prefatis abbati et conventui. [4-5 Edw. III.] 77- Carta Ankctilli [de Saucey] de dimidiate Neubolt. R. filio Osmundi. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 7B. Carta Koberti filii Osniundi •!•• '1 'Iki' i "Ih hk l". tati'^ NtMilMilt It sie (If Osolveston. 7U. Carta prefati Iloherti de doiian in j i*. ;i» JM). Carta prefati Hicardi de NcuKult di- ]*rt-dictiB U'nemcntU [1 me«- suagio et 4 acris 1 roda ttrru in Newl>ult Marfcld et Osolvefttoii] conceiais Henrico vicario de ( )!*<)lve^tolt in Neu!>olt et Miirdfeld concvssia eceltsie de ( >i*ulve»ton. M. Quieta elunjalio prefati Ilenrici de 1 lura et o de ()tx)Ive8ton concessis ecclcsic predicte. B4. (^uietaclainatio Nicholai Hurdet de supniditti- nu >-si .i^,.- i : mi^ ita terre concesHiB ecelesie predicte iV). I)in)iH>io Joliannis de Convcntre [de Neulnilt"] de capitali i > et .'J virgatia terre ibidem IVtro de Cott-sraor. f31 Edw. III.] {MJ. Dc fine levato in curia Domini Kegls inter Johannem Haventrston de SchepCHlictl et \\'illelnmm filium NV'alleri de Melton dc Manerio de Neuholt cum pendentibujj. j^Anno lUUT). A few leaveii wanting. Part of a deed of Simon dc la Sauocy commences f(.l. 41. H7. (^uieta clainaiio predict! Simoni-* [de Snucy") i*tuain demottinam. ml. < 'arta Kol>erti filii predicti ^jiii- riii .'.i .ik oiuiu.nn prr- dictoruni et concessione 2 Mrlionuni el ten.. no. WJ. Deuiissio prefati Hoherti de tola leira hua in NcuIjoU predict! AlilMiti ad terminum 4 annoruin. 1)0. DemiHHio W'illehni filii U'akelini [de Se«c] cuntodis hcnrdis Rogcri predicti de t^ta ti-rra sua in Neultolt Quwjuc ad plenom ctatem dicti heredi.H ). iM. Confirmatio Sinionis filii Hoberti Saucey do omnibus donationibus ])redicti.-) in liU-nun piimui et [H-rpetuani elemosinam. im. HuUa Inn«)cencii Piipe tie cjipoUa ibidem [de Neu!>olt]. 'XI De cantaria servanda ibidem ad terminum vite J. dc Coventrie, Sec. 1)4. Comonlia int« r Abbatem de Osolveston et IL Burdet et W. de Norton clericos prt» facta L'o virgaLaruni terre in Norton et Stretton et 0 iu Gal by. !>.'). Carta Jtilmnnis filii K»»l)t rti [dti Norton] de uno tofU) cum grangia concesso Willehuo Onlriz rectori ibidem. IK). [Decil of Richard H«.n «tf the above Robert conccniing the same toft]. 07. Carta pnfati \\'. rectoris de predicto tofto concesso ecelesie dc No lion. P 210 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 00. Carta profati Jolianiiis tilii lloliorti dc pre^licta piirtc tofli roncessa ecclesic preiiominato. Ul). Cartji Simonis filii prcfiiti Uoberti ile eodem tofto conccssa ut prius. 100. Coiifirinacio lloberti de Norton de terris ft tenemeiitis concessis ecclesic predicte per Robcrtum avunculuin siiiini. 101. De finali concordia inter abbateni do Osolveston et >\'ilkliiium rectorem [dc Norton] suju-r pcnsione [ex ecclcsia de Norton solvenda]. 102. Alia concordia inter abbatem et A\'illclniuni dc eadcni pt iisionc. 103. Extractc dc Ragman [dc terris Abbatia*]. 104. Intjui-sitio fai ta dr lllu rtatibus predicte Abbatie in plcno eoniitatu [13 Hen. Ill ] lO.V Litrre doinini ivUvardi \{rj;is pr«) prcdictis li])crtatibus scrvandis cidcni Abbatie. 10<;. Ordinal io \'icarie ibidem. Tlic words inserti'd lu'twcen brackets [ ] are not in tlic original, but arc added to make tbu titles ck-art-r. 21. A large octavo, written on velliiiu, in Norman French, in the handwriting of about the xvth century. * S i ATi T.v 11i:(;m a prinio anno regis Henrici Quinti ad vige- simuni tertiuni Henrici Sexti."* It is divided into two parts; tbc 1st, containing tlic Statutes of Henry V. is in good preservation, consisting of 21 folios of about 40 lines each, and written on both sides. The writing is clear and legible. Four blank folios intervene between this and the 2nd ])art, wbieh com- prises the Statutes of Henry VI. 's reign, in the same language and hand; it contains (>3 folios, with the same number of lines in each, written on both sides ; all but tlie last B folios are in good preservation, the last two pages are illegible. The Manuscript is merely a transcript of the Statutes. 175 Dd. III. 88. 1 5. ' Pr^LECTIOXES MosIS AiMYKALDi PkOFESSOUIS, lu diversos locos SS. habitae.' 1. A 12mo, on paper, 60 leaves. ' In c. 24. Evang, S. Matth: The last 6 leaves are in French, containing notes from various sources : the rest in Latin. CATALOG UK OF MANUSCUIPTS. 211 2. A small folio, on paper, 24 leaves. ' Expos it io cap. 12. Ecann. S. Matth.^ Also, ' In Marc. c. .9, r. 48. Prwlectio.'' 3. A small folio, on paper, 15 leaves. On f. 4 1, is the date Jan. lOGl. ^ Praiectlo in Apocal. cap. 22. r. 1,' and other pa.^sages. 4. A small folio, on paper, 20 leaves. On f. 3 h, is the date ' Inchoatic die Maij. 2.'3 ". anno 1 (JtjU.' P reelect tones in capp. i. ii. Ep. ad liomanos.^ .5. A small folio, on paper, 24 leaves. ^ Explicatio dice, loconiia in prihui ad Corinth. Epistold.^ All tlicse appear to l)c in the same handwriting ; in Dd. x. 40 other ser- mons on Rom. iii. iv. occur, cojjied by the same hand. (>. On paper, in folio, in a modern hand. a. pj). 4. '■/tir liritanniarum Antnnini cum conjcotiiris dc nominiljus hodiernis fjiiorundam locorum.' b. pp. — l.'J * JUdxTti Tall)()t A nmtationes in caiii partem Itinerarii Antonini qiui) Jid JJritanniam pertinet.' On p. If) is the endorsement, *Notie.. .. imperfocttr et dcpravatie. The MS. torminutes in a note on Durohrivajt. Sec Leland's Itinrrtinj ]»y Ilrarnc, Vol. III. Oxf. 1744 : and the editi»>n of the Itiinrariuin I>y (J. I'arthey and M. rindi r. Horlin, IHIH. 7. A quarto, on parclmjent, of S leaves, in good presen'ation, except the first and last pages, whicli are nmch defaced. A fragment of the Cxnii r \hy or rin: PitioiiY or Comd- WKLL, in Kent. There are no distinct titU-s to the several articles, and very little to point out tlie divisions between them ; nor is there any rubrication. Its contents, which are as follows, have not been printed, but are mentioned in Ellis's ed. of Dugd. Momifft. iv. 413. 1. Deed of Geoffry de Bailloel granting 12 pence in East Flottendene. 2. Deed of Walter de Palindcnne granting 0 pence to Willelm son of Peter de Ilisdcnne. 3. llclease for the above mjule by the above W'illclm to the canons of Combwell. 4. Grant of 5 pence in Guthorst by Roger de Leil>ounie. 5. (irant of 3 pence in the same by Robert de Landregg. (3. (Jrant of 4 ])oncc in the same bv alter de ('nice. p 2 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 7. CJnuit of H priRi* in tlu- siime hy KvIiukIi tlu' smith. 8. Grant of 4 pence by Gunnildrt ile I'atincK nne. 0. Grant of 8 ponce in Guthorst by Stephen I*otenian. 10. Cirant of 4 pence in the same by Klitis Je hi llannne. 11. (Jrant of all his land in Lullingstone by W'ilk lin di- llos. 12. Cirant of 12 pence in Lullingstone by (uotViy Kos. 13. Deed concerning the a!)0vc by Alinvd Finer. 14 (Jnint of 5 pounds in Mcrworthc and 12 pence at ("live by Kustace. lo. ( 'onfirniation of tlu- above grant of his father Eustace l)y Roger de Merworthe. 16. Confirmation of the same by John de Merworthe. 17. Heed of Alan de Reding concerning land in Ilottewell Lane at Canterbury and land at Hroinlege and Littleliaye. IH. Deed of Niehohus son of Alulf Foleth coneerning land and a wood called Littlehey. r.> and 2ii paper, 22 leaves. ' Concio de miracido c jnim/ni, liabita ( Jxoiiiis. regnante Hen- rico VI 11.^ The names '>f Henry and Queen Katherine occur in a bidding prayer, which precedes the discourse. On the outer leaf, Nomina eorum pro quibus debet orare quilibet graduatus Univcrsi- tatis Oxoniensis. Pro animabus JIunifridi ducis Glocestriensis. loannis Rev. Pat. Archiepi.sc. Cantuar, Thome Rev Pat. London. Episc. Richardi Lychfyldc Arcliidiac. Myddclsex. Regis Ilenrici Scptimi. Domine Margaret Comiti.ssc de Rychmond. Thome M'ollsey (Jardinalis. Ebor. Arcliiepi.sc. Pro his omnibus ante Deum sublatis puris manibus et mentibus ♦ divinam gratiam et subsidium imploremus. r CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 213 9. A quarto, on paper, of 15 leaves, in pjood preservation. 'Ckktain Pkdeghekh declairini^ the Rosses consan^iinity and affinity to sundrey families,'' ainon^t which are P\airrax, Constable, Shirley, Chester, the Earl of Shrewsbury, the Lord Abergavenny, Savaj^e, the Earl of Westmoreland, and the Lord 13erkeley. This refers to Oeor<,^e Manners. ITth Lord Koos, who died A.n. IT) 13. 10. On C)') pat^es quarto, l)esides the dedication-leaf, written in a neat hand of the w nth century. ' T/i€ breath of an wi/eed Latr t/cr, or, IJeggers Rownd.' It be^nns : The more I I..i.|,c vpiuni the face of iliii* pn-scnt worM Ends : ...when till- Ton iiian.s atlven*on of the Pore luiili Keen lu re on earthe from the lirsto Critcite et inuUiplicamini to the la»te Veuitr ad jiidiciunu 'I he dedication, Hijjned *Tho: Powell,' va 'To the right lionoraMc (korge Hardin>;c Haron Iiarkh«y of Ikirkleye (WIe and Knightc of the Bathe to the ylliistry«»u.s Prince Charles and In-^ins: I l>ringe you heare a prejM-nt of niueh worth. It in a h<»tle full of j>oorc mens tenres. 11. An octavo, on paper, .*] 4 leaves A coUictiun of praf/er^ pa«^es, written on both sides in a good running hand of about the time of the afliiir referred to in it : 214 CATALOG UK OF MANUSCRIPTS. ' Mr Ahxander Akehursfs charne 1(^54."* On one side of the 1st pag^ is written, in daikt r ink, ' For these charges he was confinctl hy the sliort parliainrnt, whrre hf hiy at Ljinil>i th f»)r ahout half a year, and tlien the husint ss heini^ referred to Trinity ( "oUt ilLje (wliero he was fellow, hursar, antl vice-master) he was, after two or three nieetinf^s, and some inter]>o«.ition of defence hy the junior fellowes, ejected out i>f his fellowship.' The Pamphlet contains the ' l^ft udant's Answer,' as well as the charge. Sec Coopt-r's Annn/.f, Vo\. in. p. -|.")7. 1 t, A .small (|uarto, on paper, "20 leaves. ^ An exposition on the former part of the 2ml chap, hj St Lnke^ or certain sermons on the Nativitie of Christ made hy (■. \V. K\ Dni 10K>; [Dedicated] 'to tlie Right worshipful anook reveried. Uegiiis : Luko xxiii. 42: AikI he say«le unto Jesus. (f«»l |>enulL) At \M)lh ends* of the Inxjk an- !»everal proper nanies : Ananias Fan*. Ilicliard lluulswurth. James King. Also, at the U'ginning, * Sel»ast. Bamidiw. Itinerarium fiH«»runi l-rai l t .x /Kgypto.' (See \ouv. liiogr. I'niv. Vol. iv. p. 554. Paris. 1863.) 181 Dd. IV. 6. A paper hook, in small quarto, containing, A Catai.o<;i k of Books. 1 1 appears to have been made before 1 020, most of the books being of an rarlii r date. tht)Ut,'h there an* a few entereus hainis as lat«* as IfJTO. ( 'las.s- marks are added to the entries, an«l on a leaf at the end i.s a ' Distrihutio Lihrorum per cla-sses:' the clawes ran^^ing from A to Ilh ; a notation which is still preserved in the I'nivcr>ity Library. Dd. IV. 7-10. 2-185 See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. l«6 Dd. rv. 11. A small (juarto, on pandmunt, c<»ntainin<^ !>0 leaves, in doul)le ('(diimns, with .'J.T lines in each column. I*ndial)ly of the xiiith or early part of the xivth centurv. Tlir initial letters are variounly crdouriMl nnd ornamented. 1. \\\ 1 (Kj. *Jrsll.\l IIlsinlllK run. ll'I'KK KT TOTIUf AllM'l OIIKIINK.S KT TKHKK HIT! H." Begins (after the preface ' Cum multi ex Horoanis:') Principio reruni gentium . Knds : in forniam provincie redc-it. (Lil». xi.iv. cult.) This MS. contiins also the prologue-^ to tl»e hi>tori« s of I'ompeius Trogus. Tile conclusion of the prefticc supplies the title. 2. ft'. 67. A Latin vk.ksiov of a i k i ii i m iim I'Mii osoiMiKu SECDNors, hy William, Abbot of St Denys. ' Incipit vita Secundi philosophi de (ireco in Latinum translataa Magistro ^V'ilklulo luiilico nationc Trovinciali. Ifanc secum de C'onstantinopoli de. 216 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. tulit ; post factus monachus in cenobio Sancti Dionisii : ac postremo perfi- citur Abbas ejusdem loci.' Begins : [SJecundus fuit philosophus : hie philosophatus est omni tempore silentium conservans, et Pitagoricam ducens vitam. Ends: precepit (Adrianus imperator sc.) ejus libros sacre bibliotece inseri et intitulari. Fabricius {Bihl GrcBc. Lib. ii. c. 13,) mentions an anonymous Greek life of Secundus in MS. in which occurs a story about his being urged to speak by the threats of an executioner: the same story occurs in this MS. (fol. 66 &. col. 2.) 3. ff 68 « — 90 is a diagram representing the arrangement of virtues (rti^ts u|}fT^o^>) : it is given also in printed editions of this tnatise. '2. * Af)l0-TOT€\OV^ TrffH (IpQTWv' fol. 0. Begins : tiraivfTii ^tv t.^ fol. 17. Extracts at greater or less length from all the Books of the Ethics follow. 8. ' CK Tou a. TiDv Tpiivv T»;9 ptjTopiKyj'i ApiaroTeXov^ fiSxiwv: fol. 02. Similar extracts from the Rhetoric. 9. A CoM.i:rTio\ OF sPURioud Epistles of Brutus, El hipides, &c. f(jl. 7-. Contains the prefatory letter of ^UBpi^arr^t ISaaiXfis M(^/n5(Irft tw avfyl^la in praise of the Kpistles of Brutus. (See Bentley, I)ijeginning Avitli the words olpai bi Ka\ rljv tivityKT]i>, p. 847 ( ^^'ei8e). ( )n fol. H7 h. arc four unspecified extracts from Aristotle. The first occurs in tlie fragment ""fpl ar^pdoiv (p. ')7;), AWdse) : the other three will 1k' found in the work entitled Dc Mirabilihus, § 170, ^ 4«, and § 0.j (pp. lOoO, 9Uo, ed. ^^'eise), respectively. 11. * TOU cv ay'ioi^ irurpos fjfMtov UaaiX^'iou ap-^iewifTKOTrou Kaiaupe'ia^ KnTrTra^oKtas" tou fieyaXou Xoyo^i -rrpo^ rot's veou^^ TTtos tiv \LXXy]viKiov tocpeXoii'To Xoytoi^.' fol. 8S. Begins : TToXXfi fif Ta TrapaKdXoiPTa. Ends : o prj nadoiTf uvu vpf'n mis npOuiS f\nuTns toju Xt'ryuyu (i7rn(})(v- youTfs. Ed. Bened. t. ii. pp. 173 — 1 Ho, where the last sentence is differently read* 12. An anonymous life of Homer, fol. 98, b. Begins : "Oprjpos n noiTjrrji vtoy rju Kara ptu riuas Mdpui'Of (sic) K(ti 'YpurjOovs, K. T. X. CATAIXXUn: OF M AM SCKll'TS. Ends : XOfJLVOfia^iav. This life atjrces substantially with the Vivos 'O^r'^pov, puhlishetl hy Wester- nmnn {liioijraphi, pp. 27, 28), and others, but is longer than his text, agree- ing very nearly with the MSS. 11 and M, whose readings are cited in liis notes. 13. ' ^ Af)iaTOT^\oV% €K T^y9 TTfXJS' AXcj^ftpSpOV ptJTOfJlK tj^ 61' Tw TcXei: fol. 99. Begins with the words ,\/"/ t%" tau r//»' fni^tXriav, cap. HO, { 2, p. *.)34, (ed. \\'eise,) and proceeds to the end. The concluding part which Weiso bmckets occurs in this MS. This treatise is now considered to he the work of Anaxiuicnes. See Spengel's IVi< tores Gravi, \'ol i 14. * 6A Tov y Twv Trepl fjrjTopiKtjS' AfytaroTeXov^.^ fol. 101. Bi'gins, Rhet. Lib. ii. (not iii.) c 4, nicd : p.(PfpovTos. And ending : TO 6' /s AfjiGTOTe- Xou9. dpxv ' fol. 120^. Begins with R/ut. Lib. i. c. L (iuit.) and ends with the words toIto TTcitrjaft aTi)(f-S\6v, in the same chapter. 19. A grammatical work, the Litter part of which consists of a Lexicon, fol. 129 b. Begins : oTi Kara ima Tfn'movs (^rjyficrOai 6fi ra tujv ^rjToptav kot oKXt}. yopidv, oTf (^oiOtv nafja to Ktlfifvov trtpov ri voovfuvov tou AiJiarort- XoiyS Xt^CUl/ Kfll VTT€f) \\\(lTUH2. This treatise has been several times edited ; but the title sometimes given is TifpX uiv '\pi(TToTt\T]s TTput llXi'tTuiva diofptpti the opening words of the tract are, v irakuiuTtpm Ka\ *M\Ki)vu)V Ka\ ' I'M/Antoif, k.t.X. 21. ' TOV UUTOU Vc(Ojjy 'n)U TOU WfXKTTOU TTjiOS TCXV TOV ^yoXafjiov vir^f) .\iji(jToTL\ovs (WTi\t'i\l/€is.' f<>l. 1 l'» f'- Commences with an extract from Scholarius {i t: (iennadiiis), ^Vfl to (ii^\lov TO)u Kv kui tis t'jpus (>\l^i nfpirjXOfV^ k.t.X, This treatise of Gembtus docs not appear to have been printed. U. (lery (Appendix to Cave, Hist. Lit. p. 142,) says: Utrum unquam prelo exierit non comperi. 22. * }^\apKOV X ovWlOV \\LKipU}VOS (ITTO TWV f)tlTOf)lKWV v€xOev: fol. 178. Consists of a (Jrcek version of Lib. iii. ad Hereuuinmy beginninq:, ' Me- moriie utrum luibeat (juidiiuam artiliciosi,' &c. (c. IG. Lnuiti) ; enpov.^ fol. 180 b. Begins : OTi rj yj/'V^T] o\i] €P 6\(o TO) crcopari K(ii vXr) ip €KuaT(o tcop pfpodp. A short fragment of Tlieodorus (Asinicus?) on the nature of the soul, taken down viva voce ("tto ({icopqs), consisting of 8 Hues, printed in the Cam- bridge Journal of Classical and Sacred Philology, Vol. i. p. 133. 24. 'irefjl ^uGKav'ias: fol. 181. It begins : 6 7r(pLK€\vp€Pos ovTOS (iTjp di dcfiOiiXpcop T( KaX piP(op aaBpaTos Kai TQ)P ciXXcof TTopcop els ra fSdOrj duKPovpfPos, K.r.X. And ends : ovx o popop ^ovXopTai dptoaip, aXXa kol o n(c})vKaaip. Taken with some alterations from Heliodoms {Mthiop. Lib. iii. p. 140 — 142. Ed. Bourd.). 25. An anonymous grammatical treatise, or rather farrago without title, taken partly from Porphyry, consisting partly of a Lexicon, fol. 3 81 b. It begins : 6 aXXa crvpdecrpos cpiore pep o-vpirXcKTiKos Koi Xeyerai eVi dpaipeaei epos Koi crvaTdaei irepov, olop ovic eari rode dXXd ToSe*, k.t.X. And ends : KOI TiOeTai avra (lIoXvSevKj;) aipeaLP onorepop ap eSeXoi eXeadai, dddparos eipai rj (tvp tco dheXc^itjo to rjpiav tov epiavrov Oapopra didyeip, TO S' rjpLcrv ^p peT avTov' 6 be alpe^TaL to bevTepop. At the top of fol. 187 is written in red, nOPYPIOY. The extract com- mences : KvTTpij to eTriderop *A(ppobLTT)5 o ovk eporjcrap oi rrpo -qpatP t'l CTTjpalpei. • This passage occurs in the Scholia on Sophocles Electra, v. 879 (p. 265, Ed. Dindorf), including the citation dWd tcs TrivaKida^ from Synesius: it is also found in the Anecdota Barocciana, published in the Camb. Phil. Mm. Vol. II. p. 431. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 223 The whole passage is contained in Bekker's Scholia on //. e. v. 422, from two MSS. (B, D). In this work are various Homeric (TriCTjrti^aTa ; and cita- tions from Homer, Hesiod, Pindar, Hellanicus, Euripides, Plato, Euphorion, Herodian, iElian, Zoilus Ephesius, and otliers. A Scholiast on Homer, pub- lished by Cramer (Vol. iii. of Anccd. Paris. Cod. 2G70) has some remarks agreeing almost verbatim. 26. * 'ApiGToreXovi ptjropiKi) irpos 'AXe^auSpov.* fol. 192. The MS. commences at the beginning of the treatise, and concludes with the words T(xvi«>^raTas afpopjias e^o^cv (c. 88, ^ 1, p. 1)34, Weise). N.B. The conclusion of the treatise is given at fol. 99 of the MS. so that the whole of it is contained in difi'erent parts of this volume. 27. ' €1^ T(p y TWV TToXlTlKCOU x\ ptCTTOTeXoUK;. fol. 227. Various extracts from the Politics occui)y fol. 227 — 231. fol. 232. Contains the entire treatise. 29. ^ 'B,evo(pLovTo^ '\epti)v tj TvpavviKOs^ fol. 205 h. Contains the entire treatise. 30. ^ t'/c Tov d TU)v irepl prjTopiKrj'i ApidroreXou'S fol. 277 b. Begins : fcrro) Sf] evdaiixovla (VTTpa^la fXfTii cipfTrjs. lihet. Lib. I. e. 5. Ends: a"qyLa.ov a^frrjy uvm ho^n Ka\ TrpoatpeVfcof . (Lib. I. C. 9. mod.) 31. * €/c TWV nxeyaXijov ApiarorcXovi tjOiKwu.' fol. 2SG Contains the commencement uf Lib. i. c. 2G, of the Magna Moralia (p. 855, ed. Weise). 32. *Api(jT€ilov 'HpaKX>}^, without title or author's name, fol. 287. Begins : 'AXX' CO ^iXrar 'Hpa:»l />. The first of the seven extracts occurs p. 3.37 (Stejili ) : the utlu rs consist of only two or three lines each. 35. * 1 l,\aTa»i'09 cmcTToXai.^ fol. 202. Contains all the 12 epistles; at the l)ottoin of the last epistle is written the date : roO Kt'ptov ytyvTjv (ni(TTp(»(f)rj. Ends : rti lioBtyra d(f)(f)tKlois rj noXtaiv rj up^^^ovtriv q (TvaTi]piuTiv icr^^vpd (OTl KOi ^(^iaia (Is TO dlTJVfKfS l(r)(^VOVT(l. This is in j)art a Greek version of Papinian, Dig. I. tit. 3, § 1. Sec Basilic. Lib. ii. tit. 1, j l.'J. 37. ^ \ f)tiyoif'iuv Tuv OcoXoyuu tt^jov S iKofiouXou,'' fol. 325 b. Begins : rcov yf)a(Puirr(i)V fTTiOToXiis. Greg. Naz. Ed. Benedict. Voh ii. p. 40. 38. Tov (70cc. Concludes : \'era autem systematis constitutio sic plenius ct exactius intel- ligetur, &.C. &c. 194 Dd. IV. 19. A paper book, in folio, now consisting of GO leaves, which have suffered from damp, written about 1 570, wanting the title. Liber Valorum Beneficiorum Ecclesiasticorum in diocesi norvicensi. The value affixed to each benefice is that in Bacon's Liber Regis : over each entrj' is written in a contemporary, if not the same hand, the name of the patron. The names differ in but a few instances from those in the some- what later MS. No. 170. 10. CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 227 i»5 Dd. IV. 20. A paper book, in folio, of ()2 pages, written in a set liand, bound up with the two preceding vohunes. IIlsTOHIA DeFECTIO.MS 1{ I I'K L I. A N O H T M . Begins (p 1 ) : Ilu|»ella Xaiitunmii ..i>iiidum ad Occanum in i>;iicnti- i»Luutio .>cita est, que paululuiii taiiu n (vt vix sinciatur) in aUitudine assurgit. Tlie names translated into Latin in the text are given in French in the margin: as Ilupella, La Uoclullc Ends (p. G2): Ita hnperator rjui ante ahitiim in Sannatiam, constihatis Ilupellanis dignani sua virtute nienioriiini rehnqueret, votis Ck-eiace (ai* ) virginis Marie in redditu persolutis, maxima omnium gratulationc Lutcsiam ingressus est. Dd. IV. 21. A foho, on paper, 59 leaves, written in different handwritings of the xviith century. The Cask-hook and Joi iin ai <»t' thr IMiysician rnKonouK Ti iHii KT i)K Mayernk, in Latin, French, and EngHsh, extend- ing from the year 1 (!').*) to Ib'.j.j. It eommenecs : 2vv 6(0) xvj Scptombris KVi.']. Heniia Varicosa. Conehidrs : Plura in posteruui prn re nata si opus fucrit pnrscribcntur. The niala(Ues, and their treatnient with its resuhs, of seviTiil nohle and royal pei-sonages, hoth in Kngland and Fmnee, are givrn in di tail. 'J'he greater nuniher of these cases will he found in an edition of Mayerne, Opera Mcdicd, tol. 17. 197 Dd. IV. 22. A small folio, on paper, and in a fair state of preservation : date about 1()2(). It consists of 2H leaves; the first 12 contain Ml skj of the same kind as that in MS. W ; the la.st two leaves give the notes and clefi's used in the modern notation, together with a scale-exercise for the harpsichord ; the other leaves are blank. Q 2 228 CATALOG Lt: OF MANUSCRIPTS. 198 Dd. IV. 23. A long quarto, of very coarse but strong paper : date about 1610. The upper portion of 55 leaves of MS. 197 seem to have been removed that the two might be bound together compactly. This MS. contains 35 leaves of Mi sic, each leaf being doubled to the width of MS. 197. The Music is of the same kind as that in MS. 48. ^99 Dd. IV. 24. A folio, chiefly on paper, 179 leaves, about 45 lines in each page. The handwriting, which is uniform throughout, belongs to the close of the xivth century : imperfect both at the beginning and at the end. Cn.vrcEir.s C.vNTFjnirRV Tales. Begins (in the * Prologues,' § G) : For thougli a wydewc had noii5t a shoo, So plesant was his In principio, ^et wold he haue a ferthyng or he went. Ends (in the tale of the * Chanons jeman ') : 'jet forgat I to make rehcrsail Of watres corosif and of lyniail And of bodies nioUifieacion And also of licrc induration. This MS. was consulted by Tyrwliitt in preparing liis edition of the ' Canterbury Tales :' see l^ref. p. xxii. cd. 1775. One of its former owners was * "W^yllyam Pully,' fol. 129. On fol. 108 h is part of a letter in a more recent hand. It breaks off as follows: 'AH this shal be further to signifye vnto yovvc that no we .syns the Fayre of Seynt Bartillmewe last past theyr be Imbassadours come vnto london from the...' 20 0 Dd. IV. 25. 1. A small folio, on parchment, containing 155 leaves with 18 lines in each page. Date, the xiiith century. PSALTERIUM CUM CaNTICIS VulgatSG Editionis CUM GLOSSA OR DIN ARIA marginaH et interlineari. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 220 The Psalter begins f. 2, after tlie preface, and is headed, 'Psaltcrium glossatum per sanctum Anselnium.' The gloss is the ordinary' gloss attri- buted to Walafrid Strabo and Anselm of Laon, and first printed in the edition of the Vulgate, in 4 folio volumes, at \'enice, about 1480. There are several MSS. of the Psalter with this gloss in the library. The text occupies the centre of the page, and the marginal gloss is written on either side. At the foot of many pages arc prayers adapted to the subject of the psalm, in the same handwriting as ^ 2. The initial letters are alter- nately green and red. The Psalter ends f. 147 h, and the Canticles occupy from ff. 148 to 155. At the end, f. 155 h, are two sequences in a later hand, the first beginning, 'Unus est in Trinitatc trinus est in unitate Deus creans omnia.. ;' the second is King Robert's ' Veni sancte Spiritus et emitte ccclitus lucis tua? radium.' On this page is also written the name Johannes Church. 2. Five folio leaves, on parchment, in double columns, with 27 lines in each column. Date, the xivth century. A Litany in Latin, with initial letters in red, and different invocations of Saints for different days of the week : Beginning with the usual antiphon : Ne reminiscaris, Domine.. . And ending : OmiH'S sancti orate pro uohis. 201 Dd. IV. 26. A small folio, on parchment, of LS8 leaves, double columns, 55 lines in each. Date xvth century. 1. Lf.genda Auuea. ff. 1 rt — l»). I.\( ii'iT i.iHKii Aristotelis de Nati ha Animalium quem trax.stulit magistek Michael Scon s de Grjxo in Latixum et . . . The volume consists of a translation of various works of Aristotle on animals, and is divided into 19 tracts, the last of which wants one leaf. The first ten books comprise the De Hi.storia Aiiimnlium : the next four the Dr Parf ihiis Anhnalium, and the last five the De Gemratiouc AuwuiUum ; but not always according; with the modem divisions of the Greek text. The first tract contains all Aristotle's first book of the 7rf/it ^uxav laTo^nai. (Quffdam i)artes corporum aniinalium dicuntur incompositjc, &c.) and goes on to the end of the tenth chapter of the second book (et narravinius diver- sitatem qutc est inter illos). The last words of the liHh tract now are, Kt tauri prtccipuc sunt fortiorum nervorum et cordis. (7rf/il (uxav yfuta-foj^. Lib. V. c. 7.) Michael Scotus is mentioned in Casaubon's and >Veisc's editions of Aristotle as having commented on various works of that philosopher, hut his translation of the ])ooks on animals is not noticed by them. Fabricius, how- ever, mentions on Lal)be's authority a MS. copy of his version of Aristotle's XIX. boohs on the Ili.ston/ of Aninia/.s, made not from the Ciieek but from tlie Arabic. His remark, 'X. (iriece tantum habemus,' is beside the mark. {Bibl. Med. et Inf. Lat. Vol v. p. 2.14 ) 2. (ff. 151— 1G2). A fragment of the 'Luikh dk Simriti- et A.m.ma,' v. Aug. O^p. Par. 1837. Vol. vi. p. 1138. The rubric is Augustinus de differentia Spiritus et Anime. Begins (f. 151 a) : est, id est, similcm Deo. (Kd. Par. p. 1142 h.) Between ff. 156 and 157 a leaf has been lost. CATALOOUK OF MAN rs( Mil ITS. EnJ8(f. 102 «, 1): aliut! non sit quam ratio. (K<1. Par. j' 117- a ) The MS. tlirtVrs fn>m the printed text. The haiui writing and form are tlie siinie as in S 1. 206, 207 Dd. IV. 31, 32. See Cataloging ..f Orioiital MSS. 208 Dd. IV. 33. An octavo, on pajK.T, ."i 20 pago.s. In ti ] \\ nt iii'j; iinilui'in, m1' tln' xMith ccntur}'. On the firMt jwigc there 'i» the intended title, ' Moitni Pa htm m Nutri- TiARi'M,' hut the volume in almost entirely hlank. ClmpterH are heiuied with tJie various diMoasoH of the Alinicntarj- Canal, hut to n few only is there any MS attached, and thojM* are merely |>re9* ri|»tion.s u-M-fiil in sueh disorden*, with oi-c&sional inari;inal references to the authoritits for such n-nu-diea. On the last page is an Index to the different Internal Disorders. Atirihuted to Theo. Manly, London, 1B44, and Son-Marte, Ilalle, Ul',4): * Kneas post Trojanum iH-llum...' The first two chapters of B. vii. arc in the MS. condensed into one, hut such abbreviations arc not frequent. Aftcrthe usual endinj^ofthc Editions, *.. in latinum scrmonem transferrc curavi,' is 'Explicit lil)er hystorie gentis Hritonum,' Tdlowed hy tr.i8. Concludes : ct hcc Huflficiunt pro eognitione cinptionis plumbi ad present. 4. (hie paji^e, 30 lines, of the same writing a« the preceroIonRandi mnteriam sunt octo que patent jH-r ho« versus, tcrprctatio bx'utio latio |>ostrophe sopeia gressio In. circum. col. a. pro. di. criptio dis- loius opi>ositorum. 23G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5. ff.27a~U)b. 'Incipit VITA Demoxum, et dicitiir sccretum sigillum Cipriani quondam magi modo vero martiris Christianissimi, per sanctum Eusebium et sanctam Justinam virginem ad fidem orthodoxam conversi.' Begins : Universi viri validi. secreta artium.... Ends: Coopcricns et in se claudens tria subscripta scilicet amilum sigillum ct ydeam 7 noctibus et 7 diebiis contimiis salva iiniim et conservata... A later hand has added here, ' Dcsunt 2 folia.' This treatise is mentioned by Fell in his Ed. of St Cyprian's works, App. II. p.Gl, Ed. Amst. IGOl. 6. ff. 41 a — 4:5 a. Philomela. Meditatio. A Latin Poem in rhyme, containing a comparison of our Lord to a nightingale. Begins : Philomena preWa temporis ameni. Qiue rccessum nuntias [ ] atque ceni. Ends: Dumque [talis] fueris Christum deprecare Ut nos cantus martiris doceat cantare. Amen. The author of this poem was John Peckham, Archbishop of Canterbury from 1278 to 1202. See Tanner, Bihlhth. Brit. p. 58G. 7. 'Hexametri uythmici de seditione Jacki Straw.' Begins (fol. 45 «) : Protli dolor accreuit nuper confusio rerum Uum virtus procerum silet et vulgus male seuit. Ends (fol.4G h): Jak Chcp, Tronche, Jon AVran, Thom Myllere, Tyler, Jak Strawe, Erie of the plo, Riik to deer, et Hob Carter, Rak Strawe : Isti ductores in plebe fuere priores, Per quos merores creuerunt atque dolores : Istorum capita collistrigiis modo vemant, Ut populi ccrnant, no cupiant vetita. The versifier narrates the murder of Archbp Sudbury ('Simon de bacca dictus et austro '), which took place, according to a marginal note, ' 1380, A. R. R. 2, in festo Basilii' (more correctly, June 14, 1881). 8. ff. 46 5—48 h. A Latin Poem in rhyme, on the Vanity of the World. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 237 Begins : Mundi volo vanitatem, et fortune levitatem Breviter describere, Que non habet fiimamentum, sed fugacem vincit ventuin Fugiendo propere. Ends: Tribunali non terretur^ sccptrum regis non vcretur, Neque mitre cornula. Mortis dure dura lima. Summa limat sicut yma, Prima sicut ultima. ^ This is doubtingly attributed to ^V''alter Mapes in Coxe's Catalogue of the MSS. in the Colleges at Oxford, Coll. Corp. Christi, p. Oo. 9. ff. 49 a— 73 h. 'SOMNIUM DILUCIDARIUM PhARAONIH GXpOSitum pCl' JoRIl- nem Lemovicensem, ad Regem Navarie.' Sec Fabricii Cod. Pseudepigr. Vet. Test, (flamb. 1722), V^ol. I. pp. 441 sqq. ; also his Bibl. Lat. {¥A. Schottg. Pad. 1754), Vol. iv. pp. 91 sqq. There is another MS. copy of this in the libraiy, li. vi. 34. Begins : Glorioso principi potostatcs aereas debcllanti Domino Theobaldo Dei gratia Regi Navarie Magnifico Campanic ac \'icecomiti Palatino, suus Johannes vocatus Lemovicensis... Ends: celebrentur gaudium et letitia, gratiarum actio et vox laudis. 10. 'Articuli Universitatis Cantabrigi?c ad inforniandum donii- num regem (Ixicardum TI.) de antiquis consiietndiiiihu.s ejiisdcm universitatis.' A later hand has added ' Contra J. Occanunn."' Printed from this MS. among the publications of the Cainb. Ant if]. Society, 1854. 211 Dd. IV. 36. A paper book, in small quarto, bound up witli tlie two follow- ing, and containing, on 44 pages, according to the title, Catalogus Lihkorum quos Magister Gulielmus More, Collegii Gon. et Caii olim socius eidem, D.D. 1659. On the waste leaf is: * Mdm. that this booke was transcribed out of Mr Moore's own Catalogue in Caius Coll. Library for y^ use of AP Tborowgood of Cressingham, and by him returned to me.* Moore was keeper of the Uni- versity Library, 1653—9. 238 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 212 Dd. IV. 37. A paper book of 58 leaves, in quarto, with about 38 lines in each page. Oatalogus LiBRo'tiuM Edv. Browne prout suis quique pluteis locantur: varia solummodo voluminum forma distinctoruin 1687. According to the Catalogue, this Library consisted of 817 volumes in folio, 472 in 4to, 057 in 8vo, 127 in 12mo, 72 in 16mo. 213 Dd. IV. 38. A quarto, on paper, of 64 pages, in good preservation, con- taining, 1. A charter of Hen. VIII. confirmatory of the Laws and Customes of the Town of Shrewsbury. 2. ' The names of all the villages within the fraunchises of Shrewsbury.' 3. 'A note of the names of those which have been bayliffs of the towne of Salop since the 46th yeare of Edward the Thirde, with the yeare of our Lord God and day of the month wherein the Kings and Queues of this realme of England began their raigne.' Commencing with a.d. 1372, and ending with 1614, when the book was written. 21* Dd. IV. 39. A quarto, on parchment, (much damaged), of 300 leaves, with 2] lines in the page. A Byzantine MS. probably of the xith cen- tury, ff. 228 — 230 are of paper, and the handwriting of a later date. In some other places portions of pages have been similarly supplied, as in ff. 221, 236, 238, 240. At f. 123 an illumination occurs. ^aX/iXOL Kai VfLLVOl. f. 1 begins with Ps. xxi. 24 : "Anav TO cmepfxa 'la/ccb/3... Pss. xvii. 48 to xxi. 3, however, occur in ff. 221 — 226. At the end of many Psalms follow hymns, prayers, &c. usually with the titles, rpoTvapiov fj axoKiov, and in some of the later Psalms, vp-voi rpiadiKoL A leaf is missing after ff. 48, 77, 100, 103, 104, 115, 146, 151, 166, 173, 253, and 261. The Psalter ends f. 280, and the usual Canticles follow, the MS. ending f 800 with V. 14 of the Benedicite. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 239 215 Dd. IV. 40. A paper book, in quarto, containing, on about 220 pages, written in the xviitli century, Catalogus Librorum MSS Grsecorura, qui in Bibliotheca Vaticana reperiuntur, a Theodoro Ryckio Romae scriptus. The Catalogue is alphabetical and entirely in Greek, with the exception of the title by another hand. 216 Dd. IV. 41. A quarto, on paper, in good condition, handwriting of the end of the xvith century, 183 ff. Eight leaves wanting at the begin- ning, nine leaves of index at the end. No date or reference. A Law common-place Book. 217 Dd. IV. 42. A quarto, on vellum, containing 167 ff. with from 27 to 33 lines in each page. Date, xivth century. BijSXiov Tov AeKejujSp'iov m^i'o?, or, a Greek Menologium for the month of December, giving the accounts of the martyrdoms of all the Saints of the Greek Chm'ch in that month, with the addresses and sequences. The MS. is imperfect at the commencement, beginning in the middle of an address to St Nicholas (Dec. 6) : [eixjyjrvx^ Koi efiTTVOva elKav (os 6elov yap 6r)cravp6v ere rj tcop pvpeap €KK\r]iTLa ayap,€vr) upocrrjKaTO, k.t.X. And ends (complete) : CK crov napdeve TLKTerai, vtto to Qeiov cnrrjXaiov., iv (^arvq twv aXoyoiv be (TTTapyavaiOeh dveKX^drj Xvov rvap eyKXr]p.aT(ov. To leaf 110 6 a note in Arabic is prefixed, and f. 136 a is written in a different and very inferior hand. It corresponds throughout with the volume bearing the above title ^ pub- lished at Venice by Pinelli, 1628, in the series of the Liturgia Grspcorum, but has not all the sequences printed there, and varies slightly in the accounts of the martyrdoms. 218 Dd. IV. 43. A small quarto, on paper, of 17 leaves, bound up with the three folio vving. 1 In the Library, 2. 22. 6.' 240 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. The title is f. 1 a ^An Essay of God's Goodnes and J list is with Itespecte to Man- k ind in oposetion to the Doctrine of the Super- and Siib-Iapsarians. November f 10''' 1705/ f. 2 r/. The same title is repeated, with the substitution of * the Doctrine of ricdestination ' for *thc Doctrine of the S. and S.' and the treatise is said to 1)0 ' l.y L. D. M.' Be<,ans (f 2 a) : Had 1 under my Cairo a Servant... Ends (f 17^): That God cannot gouvernc them. 219 Dd. IV. 44. A small quarto, on parchment, containing 30 leaves, with about SI lines on a page, written in the early part of the xvth century. A Collection of Jiixii'r.s and Ciivtms for the diseases of horses. It appears to be two or three treatises stitched together with several loose leaves appended. The fii*st treatise is of IG leaves (two have been cut out), beginning in red letters, * Here hyuf^'une]) |)e maladies ))' hors have)) of here own kynde/ It closed originally with a recipe for *a piastre to don awej-^ wickide ileisch/ with a charm ending, 'sy il beyt quit i)ur son chyual q .sors estoyt,' but another hand has written in two more recipes. - The second treatise occupies not quite a page : * Practica Willi Marescalli Prioris Mcrtonie de infirmitate equorum' [in red] Cryst hym self wasy bore in bemergebyre in benyngbyre. Bedlecm hit hi3t. Ends: ' by ])e olfryng of ))es candcls in ))e worship of Seint Firmyn.' The third treatise on the foot of the same page, occupying the remainder of 7 leaves, begins with * This is the Marchalcie of Piers Mori} good and trewe' [in red], and ends with a charm and adjuration of Seynt Loye, 'for to make an hors stande stille.' The remainder of the book is in several hands, and contains a pro- miscuous faiTago of charms, ending w ith the abracadabra. 2,zo Dd. IV. 45. A small quarto, part paper, part parchment, 35 leaves, about SO lines in each, written in the xvith century. Various treatises on subjects connected with Alchemy and the Philosopher's stone. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 241 1. 'Arn ALDUS DE NovA ViLLA,' six and a half pages (paper). Begins : [M]ateria lapidis est res vilis pretii ubicunquc rcpcritur que est aqua viscosa sivc mercurius communis sicut cxtrahitur de minera. Ends: Non tangat lateia scutellaruin, et hie Finis ct Deo gratias. It is not to be found in tlie collected works of the author. 2. 'Dfclaratio Lapidis Piiilosophobum per Avichn- NAM FiLio suo/ 4 pages (paper). Begins : Fili mi Ahbulhaly intellige qufc dicam tibi de coguitione lapidis. Ends : Ita ut utri aliaui habent potentiam supra inille gradus Mercurii seu Jovis V^cncris vcl Satumi. Colo])hon supplies, ' Explicit archanum Avicenne de philosophorum lapidc.' A treatise with the same naine appears in the Tlieatrum Chemicum, \'ol. IV. p. 87o, the first part of which accords with this so nearly as to appear another translation of the same work. The correspondence however fails in the latter half of the MS., the remainder of the jtiinted treatise being com- pletely (lififeient from the MS. and much l<»nger 'J'he treatise in the Theat. Chcmic. has been pronounced sjiurious '.see Biogrnphie Vniversclle, sub nom,\ apparently on internal evidence. 3. Anonyinou.'^, seven and a lialf pages (paper), same hand- writing as the preceding. Begins : Hie incii»it tractatus optinuis in quo exponit et apte declarat Plinius philosophus (pjis sit lapis IMiilosopbicus. Ends : quod qui habent ipsam ineomparabilem iiabent Thesauruin. 4. On the same subject, ''per Albcrtum^'' two paper leaves, in handwriting and of paper different from the preceding. Begins : Aqua Mercurius et oleum sulphuris. Opus ibtud multis dicbus abs- condebatur. Circa quod primo principal iter est notandum quod Mer- curius nostcr non est, &c. Ends : et ego Albvrtus dieo quod sum expertus istas duas operationes, et quod non est aliud opus perfeetuin LaJ me, nisi hec duo opera, et vera sunt et etiani Euclides et multi pbilosoplii concordant mecum etdicuut, (juod totum bencficium huju.s artis in Mercurio ( t luna consistit, et in K 242 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Mercurio et Sole, et scias quod omnia alia sunt vana et illusoria. Deo gratias. 5. Twenty-two pages, (paper) handwriting similar to the preceding. A Collection of Dicta of Hermfs, Aristotlk, and others, on the subject of Alchemy, but the treatise itself does not extend into the last three pages. Begins : Hermes dicit quod Elixerium sine ]\Iercurio stare non potest. Concludes with the usual * et Deo gratias.' On the last tliree pages are written a few recipes, partly chemical, partly medical; one in English, the rest in Latin. 6. Eighteen pages, consisting of a preface and four chapters. At the end of the preface is written, ' lletropositis tamen loquelis ut iinprobi ab hac scientia repellantur, no videar coram porcis spargere margaritas. Et ut erit hie tractatus piis et justis artem virtuose quercntibus Speculum veritatis. Et sicut operatio lapi- dis benedicti quadruplici partitur regimine, sic istum libellum quatuor destinguo capitulis.* Begins : Lapis Aquile cum natura prcciosissimus, &c. Ends: Est cujus testis semor hoc secretum magnum Dei gloriosi soror pro- phecie inspiratum a deo prophetis et electis suis in ipsum credentibus ; cujus patri igitur sit honor et gloria in secula seculorum. Amen. Colophon, Explicit tractatus magistri Johannis de Porta Claudorum, cujus cognomen quere in hoc libello et invenies. Is the author John Dee, M.A. of Cripplegate, London? 7. Small quarto, in parchment, 18 pages of 30 lines, hand- writing of the xvth century. The Colophon gives the title (red), 'Explicit tractatus de Serpente sub compendio bre- VILOQUII HOLKETTI.' It purports to be an exposition of a treatise composed by Aristotle, and sent to Alexander, in an interval of peace. It was translated by order of Pope Honorius out of Hebrew into Latin by a certain Greek. V CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 243 Begins : Cliristi nomine invocato ad honorem proficientium in actibus naturse, quia plerumque plures litteras philosopliorum, &c. Ends: Hiis autem paucis dictis sufficit doctrina supradicta solide et sane intelligenti, et scimus quoniam diligentibus deuin omnia cooperantur in bonum. Deo gratias. 8. A poem, on the same subject, without title, four pages of 29 lines each, metres varying, handwriting the same as the last treatise. Begins : Aske ye of ])e clcrkys that holden hem so wise What is pe whete that raosto be sawen in ))e erth. Ends: Avise ])c well er ])0U begynne Or ellis litel shalt ])0u wynne. 221 Dd. IV. 46. A quarto, on paper, of 70 leaves, written upon both sides, in good preservation. It contains Cfervase of Tilbury's 'Di alogi s in: Saccaimo,'' which will be found printed with a few verbal differences, in Madox on the Exchequer, Prefixed is a short extract from Bale's Script, lllnstr. Brit. p. 250, concerning Gervase. On the fly-leaf is written, ' A Bartholnieo Grcgorio scriptum anno mundi [date omitted] . A Gustavus Adolphus.'' 224 Dd. IV. 47—49. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 225 Dd. IV. 50. A small quarto, on paper (except ff. J, 10, 11, 24, 135, which are parchment), of 135 leaves, ff. 25—37 inclusive have double columns, the rest not so. The MS. is very irregularly written, and is probably of the xvith century. A leaf is missing between ff'. 32 and 33, and there are lacunae in other places. 1. ff . 1 a — 51 a. Sermons, some of which are identical with those attributed to Gulielmus de Monte, in the MS. Dd. 4. 27. R 2 244 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins : Ecce dies veniet .... Ends : .... lupus devoret oves in campo. 2. f. 52 a. ' De productione hominis ad corpus et animmn.'' Begins : De toto autem homine in paradiso collocato... Ends: . . . . et stimulare ad bonum. S. ff. 52 h — 54 b. A Treatise on Confession and Absolution. Begins : Confessic.sive confessio fidei... Ends: .... similam [^/c] partem ephi decimam. A note on the Eucharist is here appended. 4. f. 55. A Sermon on S. John xvi. 23. 5. ff. 56 a — 98 a. Stimulus Conscientice. By Richard Hampole ; see Tanner, Bibl. Brit. p. 375, note 9. The EngHsh original of this Treatise will be found Dd. 11. 89, § 2 ; Ee. 4. 35, § 9 ; and LI. 2. 17, in a somewhat different form. {.56 a. ' Iste tractatus vocatur Stimulus Conscientie, qui ab Anglico in Latinum a minus sciolo est translatus : si quis igitur sapiens in illo aliquos reperiat defectus deprecor ut eos corrigat mente pia et transactori imponat."* Begins : Ab eterno et ante tempera fuit Deus. . . 6. ff. 98 a— 99 h. Two Sermons on Eph. v. 8 and 1 Oor. xiii. 13. 7. ff. 100 a — 102 a. ^Tractatus de officio Sacerdotis.'' Begins : Notandum quod in quinque Sacerdotis officium videtur includi. .. Ends : ut luceat omnibus qui in domo sunt, &c. 8. ff. 102 a — 106a. An Exposition of the Lord's prayer, unfinished. Begins : Temtari permittit Deus homines multis de causis. . Ends: igitur aUud est malum... CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 245 f. 106 b contains a note;, mostly illegible. 107 a is blank. 107 b contains a note on remission of sins, much of which is obliterated. 9. fF. lOSa — 111 ^. A Treatise on the Lord'' 8 prayer and Greedy by Rich. Hampole. Begins : Pater noster, &c. Hec oratio privilegiata est in duobus. Ends: circa judicium sciendum. 10. ff. 112 5— 185 5. Miscellaneous Notes^ including tracts or short discourses on contrition, (f. 112 5); the temptation, (f. 115 a); purity, (f. 118 5); Isaiah xxx. 21, (f. 122 «); confession, (f. 128 (^); &c. &c. 226 Dd. IV. 51. A small quarto, on paper (but some leaves of parchment), of 48 leaves, much injured by mice, the beginning being lost, and 5 leaves between ff. 1 and 2 almost wholly destroyed. 1 . ff . 1 a — 42 a. Speculum Christiani. Begins (omitting some fragmentary words) : vulgarit articlos fidei .... Ends: .... verba vertit in opera. Deo gratias. The tract has been printed by 'Jehan Petit/ together with another, Speculum religiosorum, which according to its Colophon was ' impressum Parisiis pro Johanne Petit commorante in vico Sancti Jacobi ad intersignium Leonis argentei.' ^ The MS. agrees in the early part with the printed text, but has in addi- tion many short addresses and rubricated stanzas in English scattered through it. A few paragraphs are appended after the ' Explicit,' which are found in part in the body of the tract as printed, and vice versa. There is likewise much confusion in the preceding paragraphs, from f. 40 n. 2. f. 445. ' Be Anticliristo: (Ed. Petit, f. xlii. 5). Begins : Antichristus de meretrice generis Dan nascetur... Ends : .... in monte sancto. ' In the Library, G* 14, 26. 246 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. S. ff. 45 a — 46 a, ' Nomm filie diaholi^ (ih. ff. xli a — xlii h). Begins : Diabolus duxit iniquitatem. Ends : quam oratio luxuriantium. f. 46 a has at bottom a rubric, ' De intencione cognicionis sacre scripture,' but the following page has only three miscellaneous paragraphs, f. 47 is blank, and f. 48 contains a fragment of a treatise on Latin grammar. 227 Dd. IV. 52. A small quarto, on paper, of 227 leaves, imperfect at the end. A Theological Commonplace hooTz^ on the different articles of the Christian faith according to the Roman communion. Many leaves are blank. Apparently of the xviith century. 228 Bd. IV. 53. On paper, consisting now of 188 pages bound up with the pre- ceding number, and written fairly, perhaps by the author. A description of Palestine by Richard Oaple. There is now no title, but the author's name is subscribed to the dedica- tion, which is in Latin, and addressed to Dr Hardinge, President of Magdalen College (Oxford, 1607 — 1610) : in it occurs the sentence, ' Tu Moses alter me tanquam Calebum aut Josuam ad terram promissionis invisendam misisti : bona et fructuosa de ea refero.' After the dedication it begins (p. 7) : Palestina, a province of Syria, auncientlie called Canaan of Chanaan... Ends (p. 188) : Paradisus: A citie of Syria, thus named from the frequency of pleasant gardens on the north of Mount Libanus. Dd. IV. 54. A small quarto, on paper (except the last two leaves, which are parchment), of 229 leaves, probably of the xivth century. 1. A Collection of xxxix. paragraphs on various subjects, in part agreeing with the Sententise of Isidore. Begins : De gradibus Amoris. Gradus amoris sunt isti, .. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 247 Then follow chapters De ordine civitatis, de dilectione proximi, de x Prcsceptis, &c., the last being De penitentihus, and ending, ut ab hac vita securius transeatis. 2. ff. 31 a — 46 h. ' Meditationes Divi BernardV Begins : Multi multa sciunt. Opp. Paris, 1839, Vol. ii. pp. 660 — 691. The divisions of the chapters, as well as the text, differ occasionally from the treatise as printed. After the Explicit follows : Dat liber iste brevis dulcorem mellis odorem Declarans mente candorem, corde calorem. After this is a cap. xvi. 'De hiis qui ad delictum... revertuntur,* which occurs in Isidore Sentt. ii. 16; Opp. Rom. 1802; vi. p. 214; for a still further continuation see f. 222 h, to which there is a reference at the bottom of i. 46 6. 8. ff. 47 — 63. ''De emendatione mice sive regula vivendi^'' by- Richard Hampole, v. Tanner, BiM. Brit. pp. 374, 5. Begins : Ne tardes converti ad Christum. This tract is appended to the edition of the 'speculum spiritualium,' printed at Paris and published in London in 1510 ; but the MS. is free from considerable interpolations in the 4th and 5 th chapters, which are expressly mentioned in the ' explicit ' of the printed edition ; in other respects the variations are trifling. 4. ff. 64 c» — 98 b. Speculi Spiritualium^'' Lib. ii. Begins : Fili ait scriptura accedens. Ends: erudire non curaret. After which follows this note : Dicto jam de variis temptacionibus et earum remediis ut de tribulacione et utilitate ipsius. subjunguntur quedam in lingua materna de Ricardo Hampole ad discrecionem pertinencia, prout superius dixi me facturum. et hoc ideo quia melius sonat ejus doctrina in lingua materna prout ipse eam primo protulit quam si eam in linguam lati- nam transferrem.] The above tract forms the second Book of the Speculum Spiritualium mentioned above. The MS. gives authorities more fully than the printed text ; the latter however has many additions and transpositions. At the top of f. 64 is written in a late hand, ' Hie est liber 2"' speculi spiritualium Henrici de balnea cartusiensis and a similar note occurs on f. 100 a, ' Se- quitur primus liber, &c.' 248 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5 ff. 98 5— 100<«. Ikibric. 'Sequitur hie unum capitulum De discrecione hahenda non solum in cibo et potu sed etiam in sompno, et est extraetum de tractatu quern transmisit cuidam recluse prefatus Ricardus de Hampole.' Begins : Sum men as Richard Hampole seyth ben begylyd... Ends : you myght take to the more abstynence. 6. ff. 100 a — 152 5. Speculi Spiritualium^ Lib. i. Kubric. ' Hie incipit tractatus de temptacionibus multimodis et variis necnon et remediis contra temptaciones adhibendis.' Begins : Superbia prout clerici dicunt nichil aliud est... Ends : . . .omnia peccata carnalia. The first Book of the above-mentioned treatise, fF. 2—33, of the printed Edition. The MS. differs considerably in this part from the printed text. ff. 152 h — 154 a contain two short anecdotes, and a note from Walterus Hylton [Quantum ad futurum scire debes . non sequaris eum] who is fre- quently quoted in the preceding pages, f. 154 b is blank. 7. ff. 155 r) : its readings in particular agree with those of A. It has been partially collated by Mr ('. B. Scott, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, for Prof. ^^^ Dimlorf's Kdition (Oxf. IBTWi). It does not appear to contain many readings of interest or value; several omissions and instances of carelessness occur in it. On the margin of this .MS. arc written in a pale yellow ink various im- portant additions, which have l)een called by Sauppe, Lcrit-im Uhctoricum Cantabrujinine : they were edited by Prof. Dobree, lis an appendix to Pliotius' Lexicon (Cambridge, WVl'l) ; and they are also inserted in Prof Scliolcfu ld's DoOnri Adversaria. For lUi account of tlu iu, set' his Pncf. ad Phot. p]). x. xi. They have also been edited by Meier in 4to, Hu/te, 1044. 2. An Anon V moi s Tiieatisf on Cfiunnv Vi hmm. Begins : TttfV pTjfiuTOJi' Til p.(U ovfiafxrj ^(Ta^aivnvcrav fj'r (Tfpov npmrconou tCjv Xuyoiv TT)V (Tvtrra^iv apfTUfiuTa ■npoarjyupfvTnf oioj/ tVrt TO (["u), TrXoi/rto. fol. 61 6. The last line seems to be as follows : T(\(VTU)- diTt roC Tt'Xot'f (sic) Xap^uvoi' T(\*.vtu) 8e . . , fol. G3 6. This treatise is evidently the same as that of Maxinms Planudes Trtpi pfTa^uTtKuiv Ka\ i\p(Ta^aTU)v prjiiaToiv, which is mentioned by I. Jiekker as occurring at the end of liis MS. K. of Ilaq)ocration, and of which Harles (in Fabric. BiU. Grcrc. Vol. vi. p. 340) has given a further account. It does not appear to have Ijeen published, and it seems to be of little or no value. In the beginning of the MS. the name J. B. Hautin is written. 239 Dd. IV. 64. A small quarto, on paper, 54 leaves, of variable number of lines, with drawings of the constellations done with so sharp a CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 255 pen as in some instances to cut tlie pa|>er, and shaded with a brush: the stars marked in red ink : preservation bad from exposure to the damp, and mutilation of the five last leaves: written about the middle of the x vth century. 'Basimi Pakme.nsis Abtronomicon/ A Poem in Latin Hexameters, with some few Greek interline- ations, addressed to Si^ismundus Pandulphus Malatesta. The first book contains C90 lines. Bcgias : iEtherios orlws subjcctaque tcmpla dcorum Musa cane, atquc vias st nipt r vol vent is Olvmpi. En.ls : Xexa tenet cursu semiKT volventis Olympi. The second book of 4J)1 lines, * IJasinii Par. Astronomicon liber secundus.' BegiiLs : Quiixjue vagas etiain necnon pulcherriina mumli Lumina bina canain, &cc. f)nds : Pandulphi niorcwiuc homiiium K-topu'wjue Phrj'gaBquo Kiiropiequu manus, I tales forti-sque IV lai^gos. It appears never to have been published, and to hare escajK-d the ol>serva- tion of all bibliologists. It is not alludrd to by .\cni, addrcs.scd to the siuno patron. From the lustorieal allusions, it.s date nuist la* eire. ann. ]4CA. On tlic last leaf are written the names Philip ^^'ehste^ and Charles Landel. 2*0 Dd. V. 1. A small quarto, on paper, I!) leaves ; ditierent handwritings of the X VI ith century. A number of ukcipeh for domestic medicines and cookery; the first beinjj^ for the Tissick, and the last for Elder Berry Wine. 256 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2*1 Dd. V. 2. Octavo, on paper, containing ff. lit) in double coliunns, with 37 lines in each page. It has red and blue initial letters. Date, the xvth century. This is bound up with the preceding MS. Psalti:kii:m Hiin NDi M usim Sauum. The first 0 leaves contain the KaK-ndar, two ])lank ones fallow, Jind the Psalter hejjins f. 9; the arrangement, both respecting the order of the p«\lms, and tlie insertion of canticles and hymns, corresponds with the Salis- bury breviary printed at i'aris, lo.'^l, (except that I*s. 117 and UU are placed after the canticle Deut. Ill, which follows Ps. lOH, instcaetNvren 800 and 000 years ago]. {()). Texts against the principal points (»f popery. From n table printed in the year 1<*»J58. (7) . Extracts from R. Boyle [on the style of the Holy Scrij)ture8]. Texts against briberj'; and from the Psalms — Notes on points in the Old Testament. (8) . Extracts fntm Abp Ussher's Answer to the Jesuits Challenge. 24* Dd. V. 5. An octavo, on vellum, containing ff. 425 in double columns, with 30 lines in each column. It has illuminated initial.^, vignettes, and borders. Written in a very l)eautiful hand of the xvth cen- tury, in France, judging both from the style of the illuminations and the rubricks, which are throughout in French. Thoro are catchwords after every 1 '2th l(\if A nuitilate, the Commune sanctorum l»egins with the nibriek * Ci commence Ic commun des saints,' and the MS. ends incomplet< ly. f 425 /», witli the lections for the fhsta J'irr/iuuw, ' virgo sapiens' Ix-ing the catchword for the next page. Besides the vignettes, which arc numerous and bt«autiful, the Iwrders contain a variety of grotesque fit,'iire.s — ai>es mounted on goats — monks in absurd positions. S<:c. 245 Dd. V. 6. A small quarto, on paper, written upon one side only, of 1 4 leaves j in good preservation. B 258 CATALOGUt: OF MANUSCRIPTS. 'The names of all the Pathons of Em.Ksi astical Prefer- ment.^ within the Hills of Mortality, with the present Incumbents, &c. Jan. J 6. iron; It also states their values in tytlie and glebe, ami gives a list of the Pro- fessors of Grcsham College. 246 ^d. V. 7. A paper book, in 4to, loosely written; on the title-page appears, ' J3iu)( A HDU A HI- .K ji Ri: Canonko sic (licimtur qiia^ sunt ma- teriic contrariis rationibus a?que probabilibus involutic/ Moot poynts. Apparently imperfect. It is paged from 1 to OH, and after 42 blank leaves paged again from 20O to 24(5. There are G leaves of index, and 3 of references, principally to Statutes of Ed. III. On tlie title-page, '''James ^\'hiteloeke,' necl)enericio ncc metu." 0 Au- gusti, lolK). Also, ' Bulstrode Whitelocke, nec adulor nec calumpnior, plane ct sane.' For an account of the A\'hitel()ekes, s>v.v Chalmers, Jiiog. Diet. Hroeardiea is a title fancifully prefixed to what is in truth only a student's note-book A paper book, in 4to, Cgxtaim.ng xote8 of sundry read- ings ON TniiKs, extending over 167 fF. At f. 167 appears, * This last speech being ended^ M'' Atiurney Generall S'' Robert Heath being then present, ansicered the same, and was pleased in the name of the whole house to honour the Reader much... Trinioni Deo gloria in scternum. John Wylde.' Sir Rob Heath was appointed Attorney-General in 1025. John Wylde (his name is given ' Wild' in Haydn's Book of Dignities) was twice appointed Chief Baron of the Exchequer. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 259 248 Dd. V. 9. A quarto, on paper, 85 leaves, indifferently written, in a hand of XVI I th century. Law Common-place Book, containing extracts from Sta- tutes, &;c. k9,250 Dd. V. 10, 11 See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. I 251 Dd. V. 12. ' A paper book, in quarto, bound up with the Nos. 252 and 253^ and containing 148 pages with the title * Twenty Arguments against the Oath of Alleadgiance propounded to Mr Preston and other Defenders of the said Oath in satisfaction of a late bitter provocation published on that sub- ject in the name of Mr Howard by a Lay Catholic' The work referred to appears to bo, 'A Pntterne of Christian Loyaltic, &c., by "William Howard/ 4to, London, 1<>34. 252 Dd. V. 13. A paper book, in 4to, collection of notes on ' The Secubitie FOR RK\T-Cn a RGE.' Badly ^^Tittcn, in law hand, time of Chas. I. and imperfect at the be- ginning. 253 Dd. V. 14. A paper book, in 4to, 134 leaves, many blank. ' Diverh and UNCKRTAYNE DISCO i' USES DEL Lkv,' tooef/icr With Hotes of severol readings^ from 2 March, 1611, to G Aug. 1014. On the first page is written, * By mee Thomas ^Vateridge.' About Jlhe middle of the book arc 12 pages, headed *Joco seria. Of Divers subts' These consist of anecdotes, related by some members of the Imi, in the year ICll, which is also the date of the handwriting. 254 Dd. V. 15. A paper book, in 4to, containing 229 folios, being a note-book of cases, alphabetically arranged, from * Eari.e' to ' Wyxes.' Apparently it is a i)ortion only of the whole work, as it begins at f 157. The paging extends as far as 272. Clearly written in Law P'reuch, in a hand of about the with century. 8 2 260 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 255 Dd. V. 16. A paper book, in quarto, containing the three following tracts, written by different hands, probably French, and not earlier than the middle of the xviith century. 1. ^ De anno et eius partihus Tractatus."* The title (p. 1) of cap. 1""' is, ' Anni appellatio et effigies.' The pages numbered 20 anil 24 are consecutive ; and the tract is incomplete, wanting the chapters after ' De diebus festis Aprilis caput (41"'")/ which ends on the page numbered 05. 2. Small quarto, on paper, of 62 leaves, written probably in the xviiith century, 'Di: i.a Phkdestin ation/ A treatise in 6 chapters. Begins (f, 1 a) i La Predestination estant un Point au quel... Ends (f. 02 a) : ... fait reposer sur vous scs immenses richesses. 3. A Treatise on Colours. Without a title, this begins (p. 1) : Ex coloribus incertam esse temperamenti significationem ex eo col- ligit Galen. 4 simpl. cap. vlt° et pr" eiusdcm cap. 2. quod in vnocjuoque colore, et callida et frigida, et humida et sicca rcperiantur. Sed et ratione hinc fict manifcstum. The reference is to Galen's treatise Dc Temperammtis. The abbreviations of the MS. are unusual, the omission of m being de- noted by ' instead of -. Ends (p. 30) : De coniectura igitur ex coloribus quesita satis superque dictum est. 4. Two leaves on paper, signed ' Ileimbachius G."* ' In auspicatissimas Nuptias Celaissimorum Principum Anhaltii et Arausicc sponsorum. Scazon.^ Begins : Augusta biga mille Principum tradux Genus Deorum ubique qui triumphales... Ends : Quod nemo et ipse non queo meum est [ ] Augusta Biga, mille principum tradux. 256 Dd. V. 17. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 261 2157 Dd. V. 18. A small thick octavo, on paper, irregular writing, of xviith century. Apparently the index to the owner's collection of rfxipes, alphabetically arranged, with some of those recipes at the end. The date and owner's name may be conjectured from an irregular entry : 'Jan. 21", 1652. John Gardener sen"^ was borne at Amersham bc- tweene 10 and eleven Clock in morning.' There is also a receipt for the sum of £3 paid by the same John Gardiner to Hugh Hobbs. 258 Dd. V. 19. A small quarto, on paper, of 9G leaves : the first three of which contain a table of contents. The title (on f. 4 a) is as follows : ' Here folowith certeyne Notes, gathered out of the prophet David, out of the wourks of Salomon, Job, and Ecclesiasticus.' The writing is of the xvith century. On f. 1 the name Elizabeth Harris is twice written. 259 Dd. V. 20. A small quarto, on paper, in good condition : date about 1620. It contains 45 leaves, most of them i-uled for Misic. On the fly-leaf are the words 'For the Bass Vyall.' The leaves 1 — 11, 10—2.5, 3.3, 40—42, contain the bass part of a number of dance tunes : this portion of the MS. is written in the modern notation of semibreves, minims, &c., but without bars. Leaves 12— 18, 26, 27 contain music like that in !MS. 43 j the remain- ing leaves are blank. 260 Dd. V. 21. This MS. consists of 13 leaves of paper, bound up with the preceding. It contains 'the Recorder part"* of most of the Music whose bass is in MS. 259. The Recorder was a kind of flute or flageolet. 261 Dd. V. 22. A paper book, in quarto, 302 ff. Law common-place book, from ' Abator ' to ' Estoppele.' Handwriting same date as in Dd. v. 23. 262 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 262 Dd. V. 23. A paper book, in quarto. Law common-place Book. Con- taininrr 2U) AT. panned throughout. Fairly written in a hand of the end of the xvith century, and alphabetically arranged from * Abatement del I3re/ to ' Gard, and Gai-dein en Chilry." 263 Dd. V. 24. A small quarto, on paper, 2()9 leaves, xviith century. Ph ARMAf orEiA and Receipt Book of Dr Theodore Turquet De Maycme. Principally in Latin, the rest in English and French. The original receipts marked in the margin with his abbreviated initials, and those com- municated, with the name of the author, also in the margin. It a])peai*s to comprise tlie interval from 1(^27 to lOol, though there is a reference (p. 09) to the date IGIO. To a prescription for small pox, at p. 177, there is the marginal note : ' felicitcr dedi Regi C'arolo labonmti variolis an. 1032.' Dd. V. 25. A small quarto, on paper, 1.00 leaves; good preservation, in the author's handwriting, of the xvnth century. 'AUVEH.SAUIA PhYSICA : AUDITIONES QcOTIDIAN^, Sep'. 1630.' A collection of Recipes by Dr T. de Mayeme, and his modifications of them denoted by his monogram appended. In German, some in French and English, but most in Latin ; it includes prescriptions for cosmetics and washes and for preservation of flowers, &c. There is an ancient book-plate on the first fly-leaf, representing a peacock displayed, standing on the stump of a tree, before wliich Mercuiy is driving a pair of winged horses in a plough. Motto : * Spes alit Agricolas.' 265 Dd. V. 26. A small quarto, on paper, 126 leaves, double columns, good preservation ; same handwriting as preceding. * Medic AMENTA ad instruendara Officinam nostram Chymicam nunc praeparanda, Mens Oct. 1607:' the author being 'Th. De Mayerne.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2G3 It relates to the preiiaration of medicines, with a few descriptions of tlic apparatus employed, and the modes of adjusting and using such apjiamtus ; chiefly in Latin. Not published. On the 105th leaf there is Ceimira Tr^iynxana in aliquot ojteratiouc^ hoc lif/ro conteiitas,' and on the lODth, * Catfuirtica qumiani Miueralia.' Many of the formula", ajiparently original, have Mayerne's monogram : others are taken from Paracelsus, with ohservations of the compiler, and the doses to be administered. There is an index at the end. 266 Dd. V. 27. An octavo, on paper, uf 54 leaves, written probably in the xviith century. Sermons for the Sundays and Holy days of the year. At the top of f. 1 t of the page, ' Lil)er Roberti Ridlci,' in a diflcrcnt ink aner w riters, (see esiHvially Nau- dirana, Amst. 174.) but there is no special mention of these Lec- tures. Inside the cover the mime ' Tims. 1 Vnne, .hm ' is written 268 Dd. V. 29. A small (luiirtu, on papor, of S[) loaves, excluding blanks, written in the 18th century. The MS. is paged regularly from f 4 to tlie end. f . 1 6 is headed ' Lemmata Cod. Arundel, (ir. N. 1.' * «K\oyTj Kai avu(t\l^is twv fia(Ti\iKa)v irvv nufxinnpTniis kcitu cttoi- ^(luv... K.T.X.' Afterwards follow the titles of various »'fTtov Ka\ Cdfv rpirov kih tvvajov «cai ranrapa- Ko yopu Kara aragraph * ^*pi p*TpQ}v.' Im- perfi'ct, emling f. .'M a. (C.) f. 34//. ' Synodicn Si.sinnii adv. nuptias illicitiu*.' Notliing is given but the title, and first and concluding paragraphs with the refer. * Juri. (ir. Rom. Tom. i. p. lit? >'\>i.' (7) f3.W>. ' tWoyr) Kdi avi'oypit Tu)V (iatriXtKtov.' A collection of various Novels which havt- been edited by Lald.o. .Nkur- sius, and in the Jur. (ir. Rom. Toni. ii. (») f. 45. * TTpoXfynpfva TTjs prjTopiKi]S. ' K Cod. chart. MS. Colleg. SS. Trmit. Cantabr.' III. 'J. 18.] ' Troilus So- pliista. Excerpta.' Begins : rf)P pTjTopiKTju !Sta(f>6po}t nvn atplaavro. The citatioas made by Troilus are copied out. The treati.se itself (being that form into wiiioh .Maximus Flanudes has cast it) is edited in ^Valz. Rlu t. Gr. Vol. v. p. 212 sqci. 266 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. (9) f. 46. ' Sequimtur in codeiu codicc : npoXfyofuva t(ov Trpoyvfxvaafid- Tojv Aphthonii sc. f^rjyT^ais tov p.vdov etc/ Begins : dvao-Kfvrj couopacTTai. The names and fragments of the authors cited arc similarly copied out. These scholia are a portion of the same as those edited by >Valz. Rhet. Gr. Vol. II. p. 1. sqq. See p. 25. (10) ff. 47. 48 a. 'Scquuntur in eodem Cod. npoXeyofxeua tu>v orao-fcoj/. f. Sopatri.' The scholia are fully copied out. Begins : 6 TO Trjs prjTOpiKrjs (3li3\ioV (TVVT€Ta)(^0)S ' EpfJ.Oy(Vt]S. Ends: Tp'lTOV TO TWV l^€(OU. The author is Maximus Planudes. See Walz. lihet. Gr. Vol. v. pp. 222 — 230. The present MS. ends at p. 228. (11) ff. 406— 52 6. ' 2;(oX. els 'Eppoytpovs (TTuafis.' Begins : TToXXcOl/ OVTUiV. The compiler has merely copied out the places where the Scholiast refers to other authors. The schoha are evidently those of Maximus Planudes, edited by Walz. Rhet. Gr. Vol. v. pp. 232 sqq. (12) ff. 53 a— 076. *Eod. Cod. TCfp\ \oyoypa(f)Las, ntpl (niaToXaip, nepl ari^oop eiaayojylpLcop.' In marg. ' " Christianum fuisse constat, nec quid amplius : nonnullos citat auc- tores quos alibi vix comperies." Inepte.' Begins : naara Xuyov Idea €< pepoiP oktoj avyKfiTai, eppolas, Xe^ecos, a)(i]paTOSf pLcBodov, K(oXa)P, (TVP$T]KT]s, dpaTTavcTfcos, Koi pvOpov, Trepi wp p.a.3]]s flip €P Tw Ta>p l8e(0P (3i^Xi(o tov 'Eppoyepovs TrXarvTepop kol (rocf)c6TepoP' €PTav6a de diba^opal (os e'y;(a)pet Koi p.dXiarTa Kara Trjp (Tijp,cpov Tip.a>p.€pr}p Xoyoypac^iap. Ends: Kai rrpos tovtoh to (tvptoiiop. Another but an imperfect copy of this work will be found in Dd. xi. 54. A treatise Trepl eVtoroXiiccoi/ tvttcop, by Theopliilus Corydalleus, first printed at London in 1625, and afterwards at Halle, is a different, but very similar production. The author cannot have lived earlier than the xiith or xiiith century, as appears by the allusions to ^aatXcvs dyy^Xatpvpos and to Ptochoprodi'omus. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 267 He quotes or refers to a great number of classical and medieval writers, but, so far as the former at least are concerned, seems to have preserved notliing otherwise unknown. The work appears to be unedited. (13) f. G8. * In Eod. Cod. marg. Sopater in Hermog.' *Princip. (rrpoyyvkov a-xrjpd fOTi rdSe *** fin. (jyiXoaocpos fxoixbv evpcou eVi Tjj yvuaiKi avvcoKiaev auro) rrjv yvvaiKa kol KpivcTai napavoplas. Ex hujusmodi thesibus consistit pars posterior notarum. ... Scquuntur Theo- phrasti cliaractcres.' The compiler has noticed a few citations of authors that occur in the treatise. The early part of it is edited (without the author's name) in ^^'alz. Rhet. Gr. Vol. iii. p. 704 sqq. ; the theses are not given there. (14) ff. 08 — 84 a. ' Epitome Dionysii Halicam. Trtpi o-vi'^eVfco? ovopaTtuv. Ita tit. Melioris notte liber.' Begins : 8a}p6v Toi Kcii f'yu) t(kvov (fylXc 'Pov(f)( MeXiVte tovto di8 f^oTau(vv Kcird (jToi^eiov nil. DCCCXLV. There arc references also to Ilypatus dc partibus corporis humani. 270 Dd. V. 31. A small quarto, on paper, of 192 leaves. The MS. appears to be in three diflerent hands, written at various times in the first half of the xviitli century, the first and tliird hands may possibly be the same. f. 1 contains a partial index of the contents. fF. 2—6. Notes of Sermons by Dr Fenton (St Stephen's, ^V^all)rook), in 1st hand. ft*. 7—9, 20, 78, are blank. ff. 10 — 12. Notes of Sermons by Dr Fenton, in 1st hand. flf. 13, 14. Notes of Sermon by Dr ^\''estfielor utidecim diem t>i'i>tcml)ria in anno Domini KVi-S per nn.- Johaniiem Dcrkiu senrum ad tres illos mogi^troo, prinium nd Stvpliaiium Potte, tuni ad Lau- rentiiim Sadler, i>ost4uam ad Francistum II ill, ct dcniqiic riirsum ad Laiin ntium Sadler, qui nunc liorum librorum in Iuk Catalogo cat pos- sessor.' 28* Dd. V. 45. A paper book, in small rpiarto, of nearly 200 leaves, written about KJ30. *Catalogi'8 LiiiRORrM in Hibliothcca Juannensi/ This title is on a fly-leaf, at the he^inning, on which is also * \'ol. 12.1.' The books arc cataloj^cd alphalKtically, in cliwses, of which the largest consists of ' Lihri theoloj^ici :' the other classes consist of * Lihri Mi-diei,' ' Lihri Juris,' and ' Lihri Artium.' The si/.e, place, antl date of each edition are given. The leaves were writti-n only on one side, and on the blank pages entries were made from time to time. Sec No. 2^U^ 285 Dd. V. 46. A book in quarto, of 4.*^ leaves, of parchment and paper, written soon after 1 120. ' W'illelnuis Kyngesniylle . . . or: kohma et compohitione cah- i \u\ M et aiioniin niuninu ntoruni . . . ad modum ct vsuni modern- oruni.' This title is extracted from the author's introduction, which begins (f 1): Quia pium et nccessarium est tarn i>lurcs clericlos ^sic] quam alios ydoneos in composicione ct cognicionc cartanim ct aliorum munimcn- torum minime eniditos qui huiusmodi artificiimi proponunt exercerc secundum legem et regui Auglia; consuetudinem iuformare Ego igitur... CATALOGUE OF MAXUSCRIPTS. 271 On f. 41 h is given, after other fomw, ' Testamcntum in extremis,* be- ginning,' : ' In tlei nomine. Amen, vltiino die meiLsia Juuij Anno dni miUmo *rtc'"'^ xx'°" Ego WiUs Kyng}smylle de Oxon.. ' This is fdlowed by a codicil, n a scrap of parchment at the l»eginning is a copy of * Inquicicio coram Justic' pacis dni Regis,' dated 'Oxon. die lune infra Octob. Pasch. A regis lienrici W i>ost conquestum octauo. .' On the back of this piece, in a Iiand of aUjut the same perio. llabitu. Ct. AfTectione i • Studiis fl. Conciliis. 1>. Fact is. 10. C-asu. 11. Orationc. Ends : Hi octo modi his versiculis comprehenduntur. 1. Affectum; 2. quantum; 3. vestitum ; 4. die velut aunim. 6. Membnim ; (». contentum ; 7. posscssio ; 8. vir mulierem. Plun-s forsan modi istia possunt addi, sed hi quoa reccnsuirous sunt vulgarcs ct pnicipui. The whole work is a collection of mere BkeIcton% which it would be useless to describe further 172 CATALOGUE UF M ANLTSCRIPTS. 287 Dd. V. 48. See CataloiTiie of Oriental MSS. o 288 Dd. V. 49. 1. A paper book, in quarto. PrECEDK.NTS RKLATINt; TO THE OFriCK OF A Jr STICK OF THE Peace. 74 AT. witli 8 leaves of Index. Contains forms of warrants, indentures, recognizances, licences, connnitnient«*, Sec. '2. 1*] pages of a copy-hook, apparently belonging to ' Lf.t- Tl l I A W A I > \ 1. 1,."' 3. A copy of * OuDEHS A(;hkki) i pon von riii: ITorsi: of CoRHK< Tio.N at Acle, the lOth of May, Kill.' On the last page occurs the name of * Anthony l*armcuter,' in whose handwritiiiL,' the hook appears to be. 289 Dd. V. 50. A paper book, in quarto. Contains notes of hk m)i \(;s delivereooks of the New Testament follow as usual. except that the Acts is after the KpLstle to the Ilt-lirews There are minute scholia throu;,'hout. The Revelation ends f 3,12 a, and a list of p^is^»ages ' de ymaginibus' follows. On the last leaf a later hand has written, Ad perpctuam rci inenioriam notandum est, quod dominus Robertus StajH-lhill nuper rector ecclesie de Goodie in Com. Devon, languens in extremis noluit hunc librum vendi, sed dari alicui literato et continue (Icrivari et transferri a viro in virum et saltim indi^enti: nec vendi- tione detur tnuli, nisi major ingruerit penuria et paupertas. Orel assiduc occupans pro anima illius. £t predictus Roln'rtus Oxon. obiit in festo sancte Praxedis, viz in nocte Marie Magdalene anno domini millesimo cccc". quinrincipio sue practice ' Anuciun indiiit (jui partihus amicorum condescendit.' 'J'he first two lx)oks treat of the i)athology of tlic four r. ;!"n^ i f tin- hody in order, bcginnini? with the head. First Hook, Cap. i. l)e infirinitiitihus prime rei^ionis sive capitis, Allopicia est infirmitus capilloruni, &c. It contains chapters and iliscusses the first two regions. The second hook hegins (p. (UJ) 1st i olmnn. There seeius to he a clerical error in the nihrical reading '* Sccunda Ilcgio." liegins : De Fastidio Stomachi, containing .35 chapters. Ends: Explicit Cirnryia, Iticipit dc Fthrihus (p. ll'J). The treatise on Fevers contains in chapters. Ending (p. }','.)): Nunc finem feci, penitot me si male scripsi. Explicit Hadix Mcdi- cinanini. The hlack ink at tlu> foot of the several pages has sufl'cred much from damp, the red is 4uite uninjured. In the hlank space on the laat two pages a later hand has added a tahlc of contents of all the ahove. 2. Tins contains 110 pages, nearly corresponding with the foregoing, saving it has fewer lines in the page. At p. .')2 a diagram is wanting. Extractn de iihro Mngistri Jonnnis Ardmic in practicn sun rontm omnem gnttam uugttmtum pntfxitum rtr. It contiiins several rcciin-s and some charms ; at p. (U) it proceeds to treat of the signs of the Zoanum Escas linque graves, &c. Ending : de Escula, Hscula dura h>ona, set inollia sunt meliora. The MS. closes with a cluinn by another hand, pro morsu canis rabidi. Jolin Ardeme lived in the xivth centurj', in Newark in Nottinchamshire. None of his works seem to have l>een printed excej»t one on Fistula in a translation by Jcjhn Read (1.>{UI) : ' Ce qui doit d'autant plus etonner que cet ou%Tage est i>eut-etrc aussi utile qu'aucun dc ceux qui aient ete ecrits sur cet profession dans ces temps-la, excepte celui de (luy de Chauliac' See Dictionnaire llistorique de MrJicine. Paris, 1020. 293 Dd. V. 54. A paper l)()ok, in quarto, of 40 pa^^cs, bound up with No. 292, written in a neat lian.l about H>-(». M'ataln which art? deM-ribed on the titlr \ tliouuli they occur in a different order. At the end is a list of duplicates and ' oiK'ra suiK-rvacua.' 29« Dd. V. 55. A small quarto, on parchment, containinpj 9*\ leaves, with 28 lines in a pat^e : the handwriting lari^^c and ^ood, of the xivth century ; the titles of the chapters rubricated ; leaves numbered (beginning at f. 4), and marginal notes added in pale yellow ink in the xvitli century. From the numbering it appears that eight leaves are wanting between tf. SO, Si. Tre.atiscs by Uich;uat in |>e callynp. Ends (imperfect) in e. iW (m) : & mekyl abate |>e vayne delyte j-arof juit |>ow sal. (I f !'>. I<>. f. HfW;. line 4.) Another copy of the sjime treatise, arranj;ed in accordance with the index, and folh)wod hy a second part, occurs Ke. iv. .'U), where it is ascrihed to U' alter Hilton (or Ilylton) of Thurgarton : v. Tanner. 2. ff. 81 (1—92 b. Dk niVINI.S MANDATIS TRACTATl'.S. Several leaves at the beginning wanting. The tmct is complete in FT. 5, 40, § 4, where the above title is given. Begins : [godjnes. Be Iwner and nuke til alle men. Ends : qwo so cries harthely aftyr Tloddes mercy. On f. 1)2 h, are appended 14 couplets, alao occurring iii Ff. 6. 40. § 4. Beginning : pay |>at wi)>outen lawe dos sjune ^^'iJ)outyn lawe sal peris ))arinnc. Ending : j)e day of flayingc and grete affrayo I'e day of jjarthynge fra God for aye. 3. f. 93. A paraixrnph chiefly from St Hcrnard, Honaventiira, and llichard of 11 ampule. Begins : Contynuel meditacion of ))e passyon of Criste. Ends: thorowe ]»i seue woundys. The MS. is bound uj) with 5 parchment leaves containing Latin writing of the xvth centurj', on ' time and motion.' On one of these is written, Gregory Clarke, Aul. Cath. Alumn. Anno Domini 1705. CATALOG UK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 277 295 Dd. V. 56. Quarto, 8 in. by 6 in. on paper, of 291 leaves. Notes upon the two first portions of the book of Genesis, extracted from Rabbinical sources (Abarbanel, Jarchi, kc.) ff. 1 — .',0 are in a diffen-nt handwriting from the latter part ; on f /il 6 is written, in the 2nd hand, the date ' KAC, March 20,' and on f. 100 b, 'March 27, 1G47.' On f . 1 a are the wonln * M' Worthington's Ik>ok,' and on the last k'af the names Jolui Nettk-s, Thomas Nettks, and Markc Nettk-s arc scribhk'd seveml times. ff. 101, lin are blank, f. 1 b contains references to several passages in the hook of Kxodus. 1. {\\ 2 a — 50 a contain notes on the first 12 cliapters, the heading bein;^ Nonien Authoris : nSl^3 nn:0 An oblation mixed with honey. n*L"Sn3 n'J'^C Tarasluith IVareahith. Ik-gins : According to the opinion of hamiddrash Eiidti : ...dutli justify the father. Finis Paraxhalli Noah. 2. fT. r)2a—2i)\ a. Observations of the llabl)ins upon Genesis, the first section called Hvnsbitli. Cap. 1. IJeginning : *13 In principio. The word is commonly used... Knding with a note on ( Jen. xxiv 4, the laitt words being : And my Lord ijs old, \c. 5-298 Dd. V. 57—59. See Catalogue of Oriental MS8. 1,300 Dd. V. 60, 61. Two ( oM .Mo.N-i'i,.\< i: HOOKS of paper, now bound together. They contain : 1. A Clinmology of times from Adam, aeronliiii; to the title, but rather A Collection of short lives of various persons named in early history. 2. Notes out of Hurton's .Melancholy, &c. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3. The Continuation of Jul. Cocsars Storyc by Thomas Maye. 4. Essaycs. 6. Some songs, as ' a Rapture,' * a Paradox,' * a Kisse,' and others of small merit. G. London, 1638. Maluezzi's Romulus et Tarquin. Translated by Gary of Leppington. 7. London, 1G38. Machiaucll his discourse upon Liuye. On the three waste leaves that remain are scribbled ' Tho. Evelyn,' and ' Eld. Revetti Clarensis liber,' with some proverbs, and such like. 301,302 Dd. V. 62, 63. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 303 Dd. V. 64. An octavo, on parclinicnt, of 1 42 leaves, in different hand- writings : ff. 1 — 10 being in the same or a similar hand with ff". 101—142, and of the xiiith century: ff. 17 — 100 containing the treatise * De inccndio amoris,"* being of the xvith century. The number of lines in the first IG leaves is 30, in the rest of the MS. about 2G. Above the text on f. 101 is written, probably in the xviith century, and much faded, the name ' Alex. Harrison of York.' 1. ff. \a — lG(r. Ricardus Ilampole, ^ De Emendatione mte sive regida vivendl.'' Begins : [^N]e tardes convcrti ad dominum, et ne differas de die in diem. Ends: melodia ipsum etemaliter laudare, cui sit honor, &c. Amen. Occurs in English, Ff. 5. 40. § 2, where, however, chapters 8 and 10 are much fuller. The rest agrees closely. 2. f. 161). Imperfect, only one page remaining. Exposicio oracionis dominice secundum Ricardum Hampole."* Begins : Hec oracio privilegiata est in duobus... Ends : Ita dicuntur sanctificari, sicut clarificari. 3. ff. 17 a— 100 a. ' Incipit liber primus de Incendio Amoris secundum beatum Ricardum heremitam de Hampole.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 279 Begins (after the Prologue, ' Admirabar amplius quam enunciacio ...') : QNJoverint universi in hoc erumpnoso... Ends: • ••celesti summo imperatori, in secula seculonim. Amen, This is the ' Melodia Amoris ' of Tanner. The rest of f. 100 is occupied by a glossary to some of the words contained ' in libro qui vocatur melum R. heremitc.' 4. ff. 101 a — 122^. A Treatise divided into twelve chapters. ^ Forma vivendi scripta a beato llicardo heremita ad Marga- retam anachoritam, suam dilectam discipiilam.'' Begins : In ilk a synful man or woman ])at es bunden in dedly syn... Ends: ])e grace of ihu criste be with J)e and kepe ))e. Amen. Ff. 5. 40. § 5, is another copy of this treatise, with considerable varia- tions in the spelling, and occasionally slight ones in the text also. 5. ff. 122^— 129 a. A Treatise of loving Jesus Christ. Begins : [[E]go dormio ct cor meum vigilat. )>ai pat lystc lufc hcrken and here of lufe... A meditation in verse on the passion of Jesus occurs on ff. 120 127 fl, beginning : My kcynge pat water grette. .. And ending : ))at I lufe may syng. And f. 128 (I, 'a sang of lufe,' concludes tlie treatise, beginning: My sange es in syhtyng. my lyfe cs in langynge Til I j)c sc my kcyng. so fayre in |>i scliynynge. And ending : And I I'i lufe sal syng. tliorow syght of |>i schynynge in lu ven wipowten endyng. Amen. Explicit tractatus llicardi heremite de hampole scriptus cuidam moniali de zedynghara. There was a Benedictine Nunnery at Yeddingham, in Yorkshire : v. Dug- dalc. 6. ff. 129 a — 134 a. A Treatise, similar to the last, addressed to a sister. Begins : ])e comawndement of Codes pat we lufc oure lorde... Ends : .. pai er taken up intil pe orders of awngels to se hym in endles ioy pat pai have lufed. Amen. * Explicit tractatus Kicardi hampole scriptus cuidam sorori de hampole.' 280 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRinS. 7. A poem, written on If) patrcs of 2(1 lines each, hand- writing as before, some of the chief capitals wanting : 'CaNTUS CoMPASs^IOMS ChRISTI ET CoNSOLAClONIS EtERNi/ According to the colophon, it was also entitled ' Cantica divini Amoris secundum Hicardl m Hampoli:/ Begins (fol. 1^4 n): [l^^nkynde man gif kope til nic And lokc what payne I suffer for ))e. Ends (fol. 142 rt): Sarynes lat it noght sytt wytli ))e Bot in gladnes of god eiu-r niarr make ]'ow )>i gle. Amen. Another version of this poem with slight variations is preserved in the MSS. Lincoln. A. 1, 17. Tlie diak^ct is strongly marked l)y Northumbrian peculiarities 8. Annexed to the ahove is a fragment of another poem secundum kindk.m Kk akdi m. Begins (fol. 142 is worldes welc |)u sees wytes away. Breaks off (fol. 142 Z^: And |>ou ))* desyres gretely to com to contemplacioun Me thynk )>at j'c nedes greteley. The author refers to the treatise On ContempUition by the 'greet clerk j>at men culs ilicard of saynt N'ictor,' who died 117'^. 304 Dd. V. 65. Octavo, on parchment, containing ff. 88 with 18 lines in each page. It has illuminated initials, and a few vignettes and borders. Date, the xvtli century. There are catchwords after every eighth leaf. lIoiJ.K WkXTAI MAIUyK ViHGI.MH. A leaf is lost between ff. 4 and o, containing the Kalendar for September and October, 10 ff. between ff. G and 7, 2 between ff. 47 and 48, 1 between 08 and GO, 1 between 79 and 80, and the last leaf is cut in two. After the Kalendar, the Hours begin f. 0 in the middle of Lauds with Ps. Ixii. 11 *Lvul]pium crunt :' the initial letter to each hour contains a vignette, the 7 Penitential Psahns begin f. 82, followed by the 15 Psalms and Litany ; CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2S1 then, f. 47, in a later hand a prayer to St Sebastian f<»r his intercession against the plaji^ue. Two leaves are here lost, containinj^ the l)et,'inning of the \'igiliie mortuorum, which begin f. 48 in the middle of Ps. cxxxvii. 2. *[ve]- ritate tua ;' then f. 09, the Conimendationes aniniarum, the leaf containing the commencement being lost, and then the 15 Oos, the beginning of these prayei-s also being lost. The last 3 leaves contain S. Bernard's IJevota Oratio de nomine Je^u, and the O Intemerata. 305 Dd. V. 66. A quarto, on pajjor, 114 leaves, in bad prescn'ation, and ill- written; of the xviith century. A volume of receipts, anonymous. On the last leaf is a ta])Ie of contents of the whole, headed ' A General T((hlt' of the Receipts of Cliirurqery and Phisicke^^ and ' A Table of Phisicall waights.' 306 Dd. V. 67. A small (juarto, paper, 1 U) pa^es, uniform liaiidwritiucj of the xviith century. 1. ' Jon A.NM.^ M a(;ihi Puy.^iologi.e Peripatetic^.' An abridged copy of the Physiologia Pcripatcticn of J(diannes Magirus. Unfmislied. The MS. formerly Indongol to Hulstrode ^^ hitleen printed, and i.s in six !)ooks, of which the MS contains only four, and not finite ten chapters of the fiftli. The l>est edition of tbe work seems to bo one printed, with copious ccMnmentarics. at ( amb. WAl. Magirus of Fritzlar, was M.D. and professor of Physics at Marpurg, and died I.'iiu;. Sec Ahjvni. (iMrt. Lrx. Rott rm. iv. .Hfli). Leips. IHIH. 2. 24 leaves, of which !) are blank, written in the same iiand as the rest of the MS., with about 2J) lines in each page. The pages have been transposed by the binder. l)i: MOH A i.iin s viKTrTim s Hikko.m.mi \\'n.i)K.NULiu;ii AruiMONTAM [i.e. Golbcrg in Silesia] Eimtomk. A treatise, in three ])Ook8, on Ethics, Politics, and (Economics, which seems never to have been printed. Begins: Moralis philosophia est scientia de moribus. 282 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ends: lit qiiisque pluiinioriiin bonorum sit alitor ct causa mcliorque ex- istat. Finis moralis Philosophijp. The chapters arc headed De Jure, dc Justitia, de Prudentia, &C. For an account of tlie author see Jocher's Allgemeines Gelehrteii Lexicon, Leips. 1751. iv. col. 10(50. lie died in 1558, 3. 35 leaves, containing a single entry in each. * Q u s T I o N E s P 1 1 Y s u ; . ! : . ' Begins : An de rebus physicis sit scientia ? Ends : An primus motus sit infinitie virtutis et tantuni iinus? with a reference to AU)ortus Mat^niis. Thi-^ is anonymous, and contains references to the above Magirus. 307 Dd. V. G8. A small quarto book of paper, bound up with Nos. 308, 309, and containing, 1. pp. G. Rules for playing at ' Picket.' 'Out of the Compleat (Jamester, the second Edition printed for Henry Brome at the thin at the ^Vest end of S' Paul's, 1080,' according to the scribe's note on p. G. 2. pp. ;■). 'Com. Cant. Dimissiones Feod. firm. redd, infra Com. pred. modo assign, serenissime Dne llcnriette Marie vt parcell Juncture sue." The Breve Rnjis de Tnqnxftitione capienda de tenentUms eoriim, which fol- lows, is dated ' ^\'estm. xxvi" Junii Anno r. n. xix".' 3. A small quarto, on paper, 42 pages, 1702. Various receipts, some professional, others from the Lady Viscountesse Corbett, «S:c. Many by a Doctor Fryer. Dd. V. 69. A small quarto, consisting of 107 leaves (of which 12 are blank), partly paged, but erroneously: 18 — 26 hues in a page: legibly written in a hand (not uniform) of the xviith century. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 283 1. ' Brevis et facilis ad eloqiientiam isagone.'' ff. 1 — 92 h. Begins : 6 xPl^^f^* flScos ou 6 (sic) TToXXu (Idois aocpis . . . quod effatum iEschili me facile movit ut illius quoque memor HoratiancC legis, Qiiicf/uid prcpcipies eato 6ret'w . . . non quidem inania verba coUigerem, qiiibus hoc quidquid est operis intumesceret sed utilia paucis com- idecterer, et quod puto commodissiinuin iter ituris ad eloquentiain ita muni rem. Ends: qua-quc nec doctiores etiam dedeceant. C uiiticeo tandem factoque liic fine quiesco. It consists of an enumeration of the parts of rlietoric, with illustrations from the classics. As the author quotes Scaliger (p. lH), he cannot have lived much before the beginning of the xviith century. 2. ' Elogia vironun illicstrium ex C. Veil. Paterculo de~ promj)ta: ff. 100— 10.3 a. Begins : Humeri: Clarissimum deinde Ilomeri (\'ell. Patcrc. Hist. Rom. Lib. I. c. !')). Ends: consiliis dux, miles manu. Lib, ii. pag. .12. (cju'^d. Lib. ii. c. in). 309 Bd. V. 70. A .small paper book, in quarto, of about 40 leaves, written apparently in 1.5 GG. 'CATAi-OGrs virorum, vita cruditione et aliis nominibus insijr- nium, (jui fucTunt in Collegio de Mekton a prima fundatione ac institutione ejusdem.'' Above this title is the date ITjOO, in red ink, in which also are a few mar- ginal references by the scribe. ^Miat probably wa.s the author's name (on f. HT) has been carefully obliterated. 310 Dd. V. 71. A small quarto, on paper, carefully written, containing ff. 91, with 11 lines in each page. *Statuta Collegii Medicorum Londin'exsium.'' The formuliE arc filled up with the date 1G47. 284 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 311 Dd. V. 72. A small pciper book, in quarto, consisting of 36 leaves, with the title, '11 vero discorso di diup:rsi MicMoiiAinLi .vrcinKNTi aiiuenuti al Sig"". Daxiele Arcidiacono inanzi, et dapoi il duello assegnato tra lui et Francesco Moubray.' The running title is 'Discorso Momorabile and tlie tract appears to liave been composed about 1()()4. It is dated at the end 'di Loiidra Di v. s. afFectionatissimo aniico A. D. G.' 312 Dd. V. 73. A paper book, in quarto, consisting of 186 leaves, which are for the most part blank, containing a few entries under Latin titles in alphabetical order, which give it the character of A Common-place Book. 313 Dd. V. 74. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 314 Dd. V. 75. A quarto, on paper, 55 leaves (excluding blanks), about 45 lines in each page, handwriting of the early part of the xviith century, frequent erasures and interlineations. It may be described as A Poetic a i- Schap-I^ook, containing Odes, ' New Year's Gifts,' Sonnets, Epigrams, Riddles, &;c. The pieces wliich are dated range between the years 1581 and 1012. The following title occurs at fol. 10: 'Gulielmi Pagetti versiculi quos ex suo cerebro depromptos Aviaj []?. e. to his grandmother^ officii et anni testi- ficandi causa obtulit calendis Januarii a. d. 1584, annos nato 12 dies 14.' The William Paget thus referred to was in all probability the 4^*" baron of that name who died in 1029. Other traces of him are discernible as far as fol. 17, where several pieces of 'George Berkeley' [? the 13'^ baron, who died in 1058] are added (fol. 17—20). '11. Stanford' and 'young VFilkin' are also named as authors. Most of the remaining articles are anonymous. On fol. 24 is preserved an English 'Oratio Elizabethae reginae habita in regni conventu convocato ad diem 15 Martii anno 1575 :' — unknown to D'Ewes, Journals of Parliaments, &c., p. 285, ed. 1082. Fol. 39 contains a Latin poem, entitled ' In Mariam Scotiae reginam adulteram, veneficam et viricidam Uutani Patricii Knockfargensis Ritlimus Satyricus.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. 285 315 Dd. V. 76. 1. A quarto, on paper, 52 pages, of 28 lines, handwriting uniform and of the xvtli century : imperfect in the beginning and illei3^ible through dirt and friction. It commences with the fragment of an En<,Mish hymn : And as ))y wortle ... on ))is wyse. Ending on the middle of the tliird page : Here siilt ))ou wone with mine angelis And witli halows that in heven dwellis My kyngedom for to kenne Lord levc me grace it may so be Thorow prayer of |)y moder fre Maydcn Mary milde, Amen. The title of the MS. is then found in the following: *Hic incipit Liber de diversis rebus et Medicims ac UNGENTis. Inprimis epistola Aristotelis niissa ad Alexandrum regem de conservacione humani corporis.' (In red). Then follows an index, and the epistle and receipts, with some charms. A ready reckoner giving the amounts in a year of a farthing per diem and upwards. There follows a list of all the kings of England and the duration of their reigns up to Henry \\. There are notes also of some taxation. 2. One leaf, containing Memoranda of Expenditure^ and a few receipts in Enghsh, with marginal names of Doctor Lang, Doctor Smitli, and Doctor IJarnsley. 3. Two leaves, curiously decorated with drawings of dogs* heads, on the Diapnosdcs of Secretions, in English. Imperfect. 4. A quarto, on paper, 47 pages, double columns, of about 34 lines, badly written, of the xvth century. On the Treatment of Wounds, containing many medical re- ceipts. Among others, ' To make gracin Dei. This usid the Ladye Bcuchampe the erlys wife of Warwicke.' It ends : Iste lyher constat Johannes Bintreth (?) qd. Johannes Bradley (?). 5. Fragment of a treatise of 1 4 pages, on the Properties of Herbs, arranged alphabetically, in Latin. (Anonymous). 286 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Dd. V. 77. A collection of tracts in quarto, written by various hands, in the XV nth century, consisting of 1 . On 1 OS pages, besides the leaves containing the table of contents and the title ' Etrennes ou Conseils (Avis) d\ni honune de qualito a sa FiUe/ This is a translation into French of * Advice to a daughter,' wliich is printed among ' Misrellanics hy the late lord Mariiuess of Halifax,' 8vo. London, 170<>. On p. 1 some words are altered in i)eneil. See No. .^32. 2. On 24 pages, written when 'liich. Lydal, M.I)/ was 'the present Warden,' (1(J.')3 — 1704), and containing An Explanation of some of the Statutes of Merton College. It begins (p. 1 ) : There having several disputes arisen, concerninij: the meaning of some of the statutes of Merton College, particularly that of the elec- tion of a >\'arden for the mud College, and of some others which con- tain the qualifications.... 3. An Enojlish poem, on paper, 44 stanzas, of about 20 lines each, handwriting modern. 'A Pa IlAI'llHASK 0\ THK SoNO OF THK TlIHKK CmILDRKN, in irregular stanzas." The following addition to the title has been partly erased, 'After the Pindaric way ; recommended to all the lovers of religious poetry by a Divine of the Churt h of Kngland.' Begins : Beings, who onely an existence have, Beings, who vegetate and yield increase. Ends : Thou only canst our adoration claim, ^Vhose presence makes of hell a paradise. 4. Another poem, on paper, in 5 stanzas of unequal length, handwriting somewhat earlier. 'Travel: a Pindarique Ode.' Begins : Come, mighty muse, inspire my song, A rapid tide of thought prepare. Ends: Thus fraught, my muse, come let's no longer rome. But wiscl}^ now return and travel o'rc ourselves at home. 5. On 64 pages, with the title, ' D. Jungii Oratio, cum Rector inauguraretur.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 287 Begins (p. 3) : Quod iis evenirc solet, qui in frequcntissimum The final words (p. 02) after * concordiie vinculo constrin;;at, omnes deniijue ita nioderetur et diri — * appear to have heen cut otf hy the hinder. For Inianius Junge, or Young, a member of Exeter College, sec Wood's Ath. (Iron. in. 2(;0 (ed. liliss). 6. On 16 pages, written soon after Dec. 28, 1G94, with the title, ' In llcginic Oljituin Elegia.' Begins: Vnde mali tantum hoc! quid peccavere liritanni? En perit ha^c, nulla his qua pereunte salus ! Ends: Vnde sihi i»npulus tutissinia gaudia spcret, Luctus cui tantos ipsa Maria parit? 7. An l']nglish poem, 12 pages, of about 20 lines each, handwriting modern. 'TUHKNOS:"' ' A funerall song or Elegie of y*" right honnorahle Ladic, y* Ladic Isabel late countess dowager of Rutlaniru'r to his master ' Robert Nicol>on, mar- chant' on the death of * dame Hi lien Branch my veric good Ladic and M",' who died April 10, i:,{)4. It is imperf<"Ct. Both these elegies appear to have l>elonged to * Josuah Siluester.' Between § 7 and § i\ have been inserted a few other trivial pieces, chiefly English, in a different hand. They cover l.*) pages. 8. A selection of W'cstniinstcr-school exercises, 14- pages, entitled 'Misckllaxka qi- koam si a viro Kev. 1)"°. D^. Moore humilliine in nianum tradit Edv. Hawk.s."' A Greek letter, signed 'K^oap8os 6 'AvmjSt is prefixed. It is addressed *Av^p\ 'I'lfiaXcPfaTi'iTo) Kupto) Ma)/;^ and is dated H»82. Dd. V. 78. A small quarto, on paper, containing 3 Tracts. 1 . ff. (50. ' Francis Junius his lectures vpoa the prophet Ju)iah!' 288 CATALOcrr or MAMscuirxs. Begins : Kvori intor]iretntion cither proceedetli from tlie orii;iiml Ends: ...and deservetli greter j)raise than we ran hrleve or imagine. To God therefore he prahc ami glori worlil without ende. Written vrry hadly with many eorreetions. It is a transhition, aj)- parently, of the Latin Tnatise, ()i)i>. Cn neva', loDH. i. p l.SoO. 2. 51 loaves. Notes taken at the i.k(h uks of some Civilian, temp. Carol. 1., badly written in Latin 3. A small loni^ quarto on |)aj)er, in ojood pn^servation. Date about lf)2(). This MS. contains 7") leaves of Mt sic which are folded to the size of MSS. 315 and 316, with which this is bound. Each pai^e contains five lines of Mi sk on red staves of six lines. It seems to have been an Exercise book, the tunes bein^r similar to those in M S. 43, but of an easier character. 318 Dd. VI. 1. A small quarto, on vellum, containinnr ff, 141, with 21 lines in each page: with rich illumination.s and borders. Date, the xvth century. * HoRE HEATK Mahik Viroinis secundum consuetudinem anglic ecclesie.' A leaf is wanting ])etween ff. 0 and 7, 10 and 11, and 111 and 112. The first 0 leaves contain the Kalendar, the word pape and the name of St Thomas of Canterhury being run tliroiigli witli a pen: the next 0 the fifteen Oos, the first and la.st li-af bring cut away : tlien follow IH, containing the Commemorationes de Sancta Trinitate, and of SS. John liapti.st, (ieorge, Christopher, Anne, Katharine, Margaret, Mary Magdalene, and Barbara, with rich bordei-s, and before each an ilhimination occupying an entire leaf. After an illumination of our Lord at ( iethsemane, the Hours begin, f. 29, as usual, with b(fore each Hour an ilhimination of one of the scenes of the Passion. In the commemorations of saints after lauds each has a small vignette illumination ; the antiphon and collect for St Thomas of Canter- bury have been run through with a pen. In the vignette one assassin attacks him in front with a spear, while another raises his sword behind. After compline, in f. 63 6, follows the hymn, Salve virgo virginnm stella matutina, i\\GW the prayers () Intemerata, and Ohsecro te domiiia, and in f. 71 the 7 joys of the Blessed Virgin, preceded by an illumination of her pre- sentation in the temple, and the nibrick, 'Quicunque hec scittem gaudia in CATALOfiUli OF MANUSCUIPTS. 289 honore beate Marie virgiuis serael in die dixerit centum dies indulgentianim obtini'bit a domino papa clementer qui hec septem proprio stilo composuit.' Then follow, f. 74, devotions to the Imago C hristi, the Cross, the IKad, and the o Wounds — to our Lady, and St John the Evangelist, each with a vignette — a j)rayer of Bede's on the 7 ^^'ords — other hymns and j)rayer8, with a promise of an indulgence of 2000 years granted by dns papa Boni- facius at the request of Philip King of France. f. 81 contains an illumination of our Lord in an aureole, with the dead rising — then follow the 7 i)enitential psalms, the lo psalms, and Litiiny : f. Jio is an illumination of the raising of La/.arus — then Adlow the X'igilise Defiinctorum, and then, the illumination l>cing cut out, the ( ommendationes defunctorum. An illumination of our Lord in the midst of the instruments of the Pjission follows in f. 122, then the psalms of the Passion, a rubrick respecting the abbreviated j)salter of St Jerome, which follows, f. 127, after an illumination of St Jerome. Then, f. lJi7, a commemoration of St Bar- bara, and prayers pro rorpore ftrri^nili, in (nmirrrmriis, jtro epi^cffptM, pro fratrihus et sororibus, ending abruptly in the middle of the i)rayer. Attitnabut ({ iup.su 111 us iJf/in inc. A later hand adds (f. 1.38 6) a metrical exhortation, beginning: And ye will please god gretly Fse prcvey penaunce discrctly And devoute prayers clerly. Ending ; For under the sunne n man may se Thys worldo ys but a vanyto (trace passeth gollde And pncyous stoon And god schal be god ^^'hen goollde ys goon. Then prayers to be used ' in any heuynesse withouten rounstll and com- fort,' and against the i)estih'n(«', beginning: Agyt)s o tln-os, sancte deus, agyos iskyros. sanctc fi>rtis, agyos atha- natos eleyson yma'^. The volume ends with the Oratio adangelum pr..priuin. Aiiyc/r ijui vieut es cuntox p'u tatc .sn/Hrtui, and a prayer to the ^'irL:in, ending : qui ilia infirmitate vi-xantur per virtutem gratic U-ate marie et tue misericordie celeritcr liberentur per christum. At the end occurs the name Klyzabeth Scrojte. and below. S<»mers. ,320 Dd. VI. 2, 3. See Cataln^ruo of Oriental MSS. CATALodri: df mam sckiits. 321 Dd. VI. 4. A quarto, on paper, of :2S4 leaves : paged from the end to the beginnino^, in the manner of an Oriental book, written from both ends. pp. 212—304 are Mank. pp. 1 —23 and .5(58 — 1.'>8, nt the conclusion, contain Notes upon the ver- sions of the IJihle (including * Krrata liiblica,' * Evant^elia .Vrabiea, secundum dies festos Ecclesiw,' Sec), in Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac, Arabic, and iEthio- pic characters, witli Latin rendcrinijs, \c. Tlie remainder of the hook is almost entin ly filled with copies of letters, chielly written in cypher, and contains the correspondence of lOchnund C'ju^tel with the principal Oriental scholars of tlie »lay. and various persons in Eng- land, p. 404 is a letter of introduction to J. (Jolius given hy Cicsar Calandri- nus to CiLstel ; the alternate pages, from 181) to 2ol, have Arabic and Syriac written upon them. pp. 122 -121) contain the C'onfe.Hsion of the Syrian Jacobites, transcribed by order of their Metropcditan for Is. Hasirius, March 2, ir).')3, in Syriac, with a Latin \'ersion. pp. 273 s(pj. contain a letter from Mr Waterhouso to Mr S. Adams, n-questing his aid to relieve ('ast( 1 from pecuniary ditficulties. p. 31) contains a (irace passed by the Senate, June 2.5th, HW>8, 'granting the use of Hed well's MS. Lexicon to Edmund Castel and Kichard Clark, for 2 years (on consideration of a bond for £1000), to be used for the Lexicon noXvyXujTTov whieli tliey arc preparing,' and which was aftrrwards published, London, l("»r,l). The letters are in Castel's handwriting, and most of them signed E. C. The dates range from 1G.51 to 1G72. Castel was Professor of Arabic in the University from 1004— in{« Grad. Cant. Other note-books of his will be found I)d. vi. G3 ; xi. 31) ; xii. 13. 322 Dd. VL 5. A quarto, on paper, of 14.') leaves, with about 2() lines in a page, written apparently for the Press, in the xvnth century. Three Treatises, with Prefaces, and tables of contents. 1. '■A new Discovery of the old Worlds 2. ' Aetas Noachi redivivaS 3. ' Remarques in tlie Life of Noah after the Flood.'' By E. L. CATALO(iL'i: Uh' MANL'SCUIPTS. 291 Begins : To \)C diligent in searching.. Ends : ...Singing Hallcluiali, Halleluiah. Deo Gloria mihi N'enia Dd VI. 6. An octavo, on parchment, of 85 leaves, with al>out 30 lines in a paf^e, written in tlie xiith ccntiirv. The initial letters of the diffcront treatises are illuminated, and there is on f. 1 an illumi- nated picture of the vision mentioned in the prosa prima primi lihri. 1. fl". 1 — (j(). ' BoethiHS dc Coimlatione Pliiksophie.'' Begins : Curmina qui quondam studio florentc pen'gi... Kn ds : ...ante oculos agiti.s judicis cunctu. 2. ff. 61 — 66. ' Kjns(lem quoinodti Trinitas unui D«u$ 0t nno Hoetius) : An\ie te quideni... Ends : ...bonoruin causa perscrihit. The text agrees with that of tlie ordinary editions of the works of Boethius. There is another MS. of Boethius in tlie Library, Kk. iii. 21. A stray leaf of a Ps.vrTEit of the xvth century is hound up with this MS. at the beginning, and at tlie end is tlie hymn /'/n/o viutrr ('liri.s(i jxiritiira deuvi jMptriati, with musical notes. Dd. VI. 7. An octavo, on jtarchnuiit, nf 1 ."i I leaves, each containing 23 lines, written in a hand of tlie xvth centnry. On the top of f. 1 is, ' Liber Monjwterii Sc-i Albani,' and at the bottom of f. \.')'2, ' Liber dhi Edmundi C'henley.' On each cover is an impression of a coat of arms At the beginning are some blank leaves, and on what may have been the old cover is * Stapulforde Taney.' 1. l^e oriojine gigantuni in insula Alhion oiiin hal)itantiuin et OK No.M I N K eiustlein Ixsi l.^: m y. .\r.N( An<;m .\. Du rri h. * Hie incipit qualiter primo ista terra fuerat inhabitata,' is the heading on f. 1 to the treatise, beginning : Evolutis a mundi constitutione tribus milibus nogcntis sexaginta et decern annorum curriculis regnavit in grecia rex quidam potcntissimus qui cunctis aliis grecie regibus imperavit. Hie dc regina sua coniuge trigintft filias forma clegantissimas generavit quarum que videbatur senior albyna vocabatur. At obllvio delevit nomina ceterarum .. Compare Camden's Britannia (inii.*)) p xxvii. Ends (at the top of f /;) : Tunc brutus insulam iussit britanniam et socios suos britones appellari. Sicquc cessavit nomen prius impositum huic terra?. Ex- plicit. The title above is that of atrcat isc in the Cottonian AIS. Nero. O. viii. § 10, beginning, *Anglia mode dicta olim Albion dicebatur which then goes on ' The coat is of eight qiiartpring?, of whic h the first i9,...a clievron erm. between three mullets pierced . . . CATALOGUE OK MANUPCRII'TS. 293 to give the substance of our MS. though with a ilifference of date, and the reading (over an erasure) * rex hispa*" in i)lace of ' in grecia rex' above. 2. ' Incipit prologus c;a I FHi i>i mon kmi TExsiii ad robertum comiteni glaudiocestrie in histohia hkiton l m/ This is the rubrick on f. Gb to c. 1 : 'Cum niecum multa ct de multis . * * Comniendacio insule' is tlie rubrick to c.2, after which, on ff. 8-10, is the table of contents of the several books and cliapters, and on f 18 l»eguis c. 3, * Eneas post, kc' It ends (f. ]r,2) : .. in hitinuin sennonein transft-rro curavi, Explicit historia brito- nuni a galfrido monemutensi de britannico in latinum tnmslata. See under No. 320. 3. ' Url)S Vorolaniia tua quoin inanus iinpia stravit l*au.sat in ecclosia sil^i (|uain rex oHa paravit.' Tliis coujdet is on f, l.'>2 b<'forc the following tract, which begins : Ofta rex mi-rccoruni potenti-simus... And ends (on the scnip of j>arcliinont marked f. l."»4) : Hoc moMJu-teriuin int*T procellas diUiicas inuiLsiom-s norniannicaa nunquiini oninino ruine patuit : si-d scMii>er in speculum sumnie rt ligionis euasit. See Dugdalo, Moun^t. ii. p. 214, and Moti. Hint, lirit. Gen. Intro41, in quarto, on 14 pp. and in Somors' Tracts, No. \r>4. 2. On 8 pp. 8vo ' T/ie arfirh'it laid (loirne in lifnll h\j the Ladie Frances Howard against Robert Karle of E.sse.x and his answeares thereunto.^ The articles and answei-s are given alternately, and in this point as well as in some of the terms they differ from those in * Truth brought to light by Time, &c. London, printed by R. C. for Michael Sparke, 16.52.' [Reprinted in Sonicrs' Tracts, ii. 304. Ac r. Ed. 1RO0 "| 294 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3. On 3 pp. 8vo. 'Mi/ Lord Archhuishope of Canterhmje his opinion declared to the Kinges Majestic by letters date Jiilii 5, 1G13; This is given in Truth brought to light by Time (See § 2), as also is 4. pp. 10. ' His Majesties ansioere to my lord of Canterburies discourse.^ 326 Dd. VI. 9. A quarto, on paper, 1 57 pages, handwriting uniform, written in the latter part of the x v th century. A collection of medical, with some few domestic, Receipts, in English and J^atin. The first 2 leaves are wantinI,^ The MS. begins with The mukinge of a powdiT called Alexipliarmacon. Throiiglioiit the MS. are many titles to presoriptions written in Greek charactei-s, as AfACOAcrto ■z;:ri\(yimy()ya. At the end of the MS. there is a treatise on * A Shortc Methode of the cure of woundes made with gunshot.' The last page is illegible. Tlie MS. is anonymous. 327 Dd. VI. 10. A quarto, on paper, 141 pages, of SO lines, perfect preservation, uniform handwriting of the middle of the xviith century. 'Magic A Dispttatio sen Inquisitio de Ungento Armario in qua probatur operationem fieri per Magiam naturalem et non per Caco-Magiam. Authore Marco Bellvvood Med. Doctore Londini CIO 10 xxxvi.'' On the opposite side of the title-page is an Approbatio attested by Joan. Frear, Tho. Cadiman, Robert Floyd, Piers Roche. It commences with the author's dedication : Nobilissimo V. Domino Edwardo Dommo Herbert S.P.D. Ends: Et sic nostra propositi© (ut finem imponam huic opusculo) erit ad minimum probabilis, videlicet quod, operatio Ungenti Armarii fit per magiam naturalem non vero per Caco-Magiam. It appears not to have been published. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 295 328 Dd. VI. 11. A quarto, on paper, 63 leaves, written in the xviith century. Determinations in Latin on Theological Sl ujects. 329 Dd. VI. 12. A volume of parchment, originally in small quarto, of lOS leaves. Written near the end of the xiitli or beginning of the next century, with the exception of the last three leaves, on which the handwriting belongs to the xvth century. 1. The almost obliterated rubrick appears to be ' Incipit editio (?) Galfkidi Arturi Monumetensis de gestis Britonum." After this the MS. begins (f. 1) : Cum mecum multa ct de multis sepius animo...... Tlie nibrick to wliat in tlie Editions (see that amoni; tlie Rcruin Britnn- nicarum Scriptore.s, fol. Heidelberg, 15«7, or the separate editions, 8vo, by J. A. Giles, London, 1844, and San-Marte, Ilalle, 1854) is cap. 2, appears to be 'Descriptio insule.' Some leaves are wanting lietween f 1, which closes (in c. 2) with * Postreino quinquc inliabitatur popuhs,' and f. 2, l)eginning with (Lib. I. c. 12) ' minimum cum liis verbis inferebat. Quo fugitis timidi !' The first five books only arc distinguisheof I\aXX/(jTof TOU Hai'T«7raj\of €'ictj(ji} KwvaToi>Tiio7roXci LTriaKOTrwt' Kui iraTpiapy^tov. G. \ ov ay 'iou irarpos tiunvv kuI o/LoXoytiTou Oeoavpuv n ov 2.TOUCITOU TTtpi avayKaiwv (^rjTtj/uaTwif. 7. I'A' TOU AauaiUKOU WdTCplKOU TTcpi lepujv. 8. Ef^coTiov TOU TvaTpLapyou Koi QeoSwpou tou ^toucItov irepi TrpoaKui'tjaew^ eiKovcoi/. This concludes MS. 335. MS. 330 begins with 12. (l>wTtou iraTpiapyov kutcx tuju t//s 7raXaia^aioXoyih:t}K laTopius'. 17. \7r7roXvTou (K TOV ei? (tafia tuv aafutTwv. 18. {ttitoXutov Tt €aTiv tj oo\<. Of tmk Sac II A.MENT8.' Begins : A Morneing Prayer for Ciracc. () most gracious (lod from whomc... Ends: and only Saviour, to whom, «S:c. Amen, ff. 7n, km;— 10» are blank, tV. lO'.t— 1 14 r..ntaiii a tablr of contents. 'I hu rest of the volume is paged. 343 Dd. VI. 26. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 344 Dd. VI. 27. This MS. is missing, and was unknown to Nasmith. 300 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3«5 Dd. VI. 28. A paper book, in quarto, written apparently in the xviith century, containing a part of ' A reuiew of the raigne of King Richard the seconde.' This title was at first written ' The history,' but has been altered by another hand, which has also added ' by C H d c Begins : Richard of Bourdcaux (so) styled from the place of his byrth, be- ganne to raigne at cleauen yeares olde... There are various alterations by the writer, who shortly after the begin- ning of the second book ends abruptly : Therefore ministers of State should take heede how the act any thing vndor the name of autoritye because tis in the Kings clothes att leaste don though lice never knowe of yt and commonlye tastcth of the ill etfectes yt produceth deeper then the proiecting subiect. A blank paper book, of somewhat larger size, is bound up with the MS. 346 Dd. VI. 29. A small quarto, on parchment, containing 90 leaves. A Collection of Tracts of various dates. 1. ff. 1 — 13. An Almanack^ illuminated, of the xvth cen- tury. There are columns for 4 cycles of oppositions and conjunctions, also the place of the Sun in the Zodiack, time of rising, &c. for every day. The fly-leaf contains a figure displaying the influences of the signs of the Zodiack on the human body. 2. ff. 14 — ] 5. Receipts for gilding and colouring of the xvth century; irregularly written. Begins : How ])ou schalt temper ])i colourus to lymninge. And how pou schal make a syse to kowche golt on bokus. Ends: And rubbe hit well wi]) ])e basse of |)i handes. On the next leaf are receipts in Latin and English for destroying vermin. 3. ff. 17 — 22 a. A table of contents for § 7 in this volume. xvth century. The remainder of the last leaf is filled with receipts. 4. ff. 23— 27 a. A small tract with figures, of the xvth century. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 301 Begins : Her bygynus jie knowiiige of xx colors of urines. Ends: it signifie} ])e flux of blo'l. 5. ff. 27(1 — 29 h. On the same sheet, uniform. Begins: Her begyns |>c takyns ]>t ypocras ]»e Icche wrot. Ends: And also gif he loket hidoslich \_»ic] and terreth his clothus as man )>at frentik hit betakyns ])' he schal dye j^e same day. Hie Explicit Ypocras. fi. ff. 29 b — 80. Various Receipts and notices. 7. ff. 31 — 68 a. A book of Receipts^ chiefly medicinal, of the xivth century, 22 lines in a panje. Well written, and a very interesting^ specimen of the English of the period. It is paged throughout, probably by the author of § 3, which is the table of contents of this book. Among the receipts are some charms, and it appears as if some of the pages containing such have been cut out; pages Or), 39, 51, .55, IHG, are wanting. Begins : For |)e heved ake. Take and s<'the verveyne, &c. Ends : And also of |)e seed of )mt herbe in vyntcr tyme. Deo Gratias. The remainder of the Oftth leaf, and the three following are filled with Receipts in a somewhat later hand : Beginning : For sore ynum. a good .\K«1. Take NWyhrode, ertbr hit is ful porelus. 9. f. 90. A table of 30 eclipses with figures and the times and durations. The hu>t date appearing is 1443. 3« Dd. VI. 30. A paper book, in quarto, containing 142 pages, written in a small hand, about the chrse of the xviith century. 1. pp. 1—9. A portion of a treatise ow Loo ic. The first words of the Upo\(y6yi(va arc : Lahoranuis diaU«cticonnn varietate, oppriniinuir turha, et nisi I)ii qiixrinioniis nostris tandem succurrant, Aristottdes phires hah(d)it com- nicntatores quani contoxtus. Nostra erit operosa ilia volinnina enie- dullaro .. 2. After some blank loaves are on pp. 1.9 — 21« two commen- taries on M. Val. Martialis, lib. 9. Kpigrani. 23. ' Ad Pastoreni.' 3. pp. 2<)-37. ^ Muslca incautans... Autliore Rob. South, Bacc. Oxonii, 1G.")5.' Printed among his Optra Posfhunin Lnfinn, j)]). \\V.} — (Mvo. Lond. 1717). 4. Speeches on various subjects, chiefly by Prevaricators at Cambridge and Oxford. On pp. 'M\ — 41), ' M Tlinnnans Mu.sirk Sptrchf and a * Second Spcecli.' pp. r)0 — 2. ' In obitum Johaunis Bragg. Commensalis A\'adh./ dated Sept. 27, 1053, * Morlando Autliore.' pp. 53, 4. * In obitum Tlutnuv Rich, Art. liacc. Oratio funebris.' At tlic end is ' Dixi A\'orth.' pp. 55 — GO. ' Oratio habita in vesperiis decimo die Juhi, 1052. a Mag. Morland collegii Wadh socio.' This is imperfect at the end. pp. 01, 02. Part of another pprrrh by the same. pp. 03 — 07. Two Speeclies by * Dom. Hawkins, c coll. Magd. Oxon.' pp. 07 — 9. ' Oratio a Carttahrigicnsi Tripode. Qua?stio erat, An somnus qui est mortis imago sit omnium sensuum ligatio.' pp.70 — 81. ^Oratio.. a Domino Fuller, Prmvaricatorc Cantab. Quaestio, An anima hominis sit rasa tabula.' At the end is, Dixi Thomas Fuller e Coll. Sydn. Cantabrigia. pp. 81 — 0. Two spcpches, addressed to the Ladycs (by the Praevaricators). pp. 91 — 3. 'Oratio habita a Domino James (e Coll. Magd. Oxonii). Quaestio erat, An recte fecit Polus histrio qui Electram Sophoclis acturus...' pp. 94 — 101. ' Praevaricatio Magistri ./. Vintner, Cantab. QufEstio, An corpora c^lestia . CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 303 pp. 101 — 4. 'Oratio habita in Academia Marpurgcnsi...Dixi Joh, Mar- thius Fortius, Mano-Francf pp. 104 — 119. *Oratio habita a Magistro South in Tcmplo B. Mariae die Satunii Comitionim... Dixi Robertus South, A. M. ex icde X\ ir»57.' Printed in Op Posth. Lut. pp. 21 — i5. pp. 120 — 8. *()iatio ha])ita a Domino South pro M^l:,M^tri gradii in Sehol. Oxon. Quji-stio erat, An Alexander na\ ig.iret mare Indicum.' pp. 124 — 142. *Oratio habita Oxouii in Comitiis.' This contains more tlian what is printed in Opp. Ponth. Lot i>p. 4G— (13, but is incomplete. 348 Dd. VI. 31. A small quarto, on paper, of 31 leaves, about 2i lines in a page, of the xviith century. 1. ff. 1—12. ^ An Uuctrina Trinitatls sit uit/skrinra a secuUs ahscunditum quod dicini verbi patefactione hominibics innoiescere debuif.^ Auctore Thoma Pisecio. Anno IGOo. f. 1 h contain-s the dedication to his brother Martin Pi.^cius a Martowic. Retains, f . 2 a : Progrediamur tandem ab hunianis. Ends, f 12 h (in an extract from Luther) : si Deus potius (piam I rinitii-s dieatur. Fini.s. It is an extract from a larger work of liis, De origine Tnuituti*-^ written 100.5, wliich perished by fire. Sec Sandius, Bibliotheca Antitritiitnrhrum, Freistadii, 10154, p. I07 ; and Rock, Hist. Autitrin. Regionionti, 1770, Tom. i. pp. 03f;— 042. 2. ff. 31 /,_1S />. On the ' (ilurla Putn: Rcgins : Hero very fitt occn.sion i-< ofVrn <1 F2nds : the greatest reverence that we may. The two tracts ])egin at oi)posite ends r»f the volume. 349 Dd. VI. 32. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 350 Dd. VI. 33. An octavo, on paper, of 18;") leaves. Skijmo.n.s and notes of Sermon j)reached at Redgrave in Suf- folk and elsewhere between KiTO and 1(180. IVobably by Sanmel Foster, S.T.I]., previously Fellow of Cuius College, who died in 1680, after being Rector of Redgrave for 32 years. His tomb- stone is in the chancel of the chinch. ( ATALOCI'I: OF MAM SCKIPTS. 351 Dd. VI. 34. A thin, oblonfT paj>or book, in folio, hound up with No. .*)")2, consisting of 12 pa^jjes besides the title. *TnF. Se.n'ators Rkm I'M nu a n ( Kii.^ It begins : A statesman when lie is to deliberate must ol)ser\'o three thinj;s ... These are stated in a tabular f<»rm, and subdiviiled into Ilevenue, AVarr, Peaee, Provision, Laws, Tlie Heads or ( 'heifc Topii s handleil in I >eliln ration, and The Mi thod or Artifice, which are treated of in seven analytical tables, of whic h the work consists. 352 Dd. VI. 35. A long quarto, on paper, l!)() pat^tv-^. T^ated in the colophon MIX I.I. 'IImpyhh A Hi NKnini Victokii Favk.niim.' A Hutch translation of tlie above work, to wliicli is added a transhition of a tract df Morfm (ialliro, by the sjinie author. There is a tabk' of contents, by tlw translator, in Latin and Dutch. 353 Dd. VI. 36. An octavo, on pape r, handwriting of the wiith century. A ccdlcction of (jii.\KOK8, Inhtrtctions, Prehknt ationh, Warrants, &c., relating to the Court of W'althain I'^orest, in the time of Jas. I . and Chas I . It contains also copies of M 'harta de I 'oresta, lOdita Anno 9 Hen. III.;' and of the 'Ordinatio Forcstae, 34 Edw. II.' (1306). 354 Dd. VI. 37. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 355 Dd. VI. 38. A quarto, on paper, handwriting of the xvth centur}'. * An account of the Po.>^.skhsion.s of thk Chown imperfect. Also (at p. 5), ' De Lihertate Bcclesice et totius Anglite obser- vandae, Leges Henrici primi, filii Conquestoris.' Iste tractatus transcriptus c.«;t ex libro rubco Scaccarii, existcnte in Custodia Ilemuneratoris rc^nnac et incipit ibidem. Fob 41. Pages between 8 an'. After a .song of (•o^^h.y^s, l>eginning ^^onie, pr'»etrv, and uith you hnng along,' it contains ^T.n: II.hiouv ok /K.nkah ami Dido\ Lovp., translated out of y' fourth booke of Virgill, by Mr Sydny (iodolphin.' Begins (p. .T) : -Mtanwhilo the queene fanning? a secret fire In lur owne bruuit revolves her deep desire. Kn(ls(p. 27): Jv'iids Iris douno to cuttc the fatall haire, Whieh done, her whole life vanisht into aire. Ik'^'ins (p. .34); Farewell you gilded fc.IIye.s, ,.l..a.ing troubles hnds (p. ^]) : The doleful] ecrho answer^ it in I. X 306 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The last jneco, wliich is unfinished, relates to ' the death of the Rev. Dr Raiiglileii^h [^^'altel• Raleigh], who desiring leave to preach was murdered in prison by liis keeper.' Sec Walker's Sufferings of the Clen/i/, I'art ii. p. 71, cd. 1714. \ fly-leaf at the beginning of the MS. contains the names of ' Cio- dolphin' and 'Hen. Suvile,' with the following version of a well-known epigram : * The divell was sicke, the divell a monk would ho. The divel was well, the divell a monk was he.' 361 Dd. VI. 44. A duodecimo, on paper, of 308 leaves. ff. 45 — 55, 96 — 1S2, 211 — 277, and two or three more arc blank. English Sermons preached chiefl}' between the years 1642 and 1644. Ik'gins, Vs. xix. v. 14 : C) eternall and allseeing God ... Several sermons are written from the other end of the book, and among them that eontaincd in the last 20 leaves, which end with the words * the designs of his own kingdome.' 362 Dd. VI. 45. An octavo, on paper, 11)0 leaves, many of which are blank, handwriting of the xvith century. Extracts from the Code and Digest of the Canon Law. The following distich occurs in one page : ' Some homes doe wears and blowe them not, Some cookowldes are and knowe yt not.' In the ])eginning occurs the name ' Thomas Everard.' 363 Dd. VI. 46. A duodecimo, on paper, 116 pages. 'CONTRACTA ReXaTI DeS CaRTESII FeLTOXE A N A," 1668. Begins : Physica incipientium. Sive Principia Cartesiana Tyronum Captui accommodata. The work is in three books. It appears not to be a work of Des Cartes, but of Jonathan Comer, whose name is on the fly-leaf. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 307 264 Dd. VT. 47. A duodecimo, on paper, of leaves. Notes of Sermo.ns, almost illegible. See Dd. vi. 7<^. Inside the cover is the date, 3d October, 1C35. 365 Dd. VI. 48. A small lonrr quarto, on paper, in ^ood condition : date the close of the xvitli or beginning of the xviith century. This MS. consists of 58 leaves, each page being ruled for 4 lines of Music. The first 19 and the last 20 leaves contain dance-tunes and 'ayrcs' written on st'ives of six lines ; the remaininc; leaves arc blank. The notes to be i)laycd are indicated by letters between the lines, the length of the notes is marked by minims, &c. a])0ve the staves. The names 'John Butler' and ' Juhn Mate' are written on the first page. 366 Dd. VI. 49. A small volume, on paper, of the same form a.s the preceding and bound up with it, 11 leaves, handwriting of the xvitli cen- tury. Dutch Poetry. The first part (fol. 1 — fol. 27) consists of a numlnjr of rough pictorial capitiils in the order of the alphalK-t, with five or six lines of Ictti-r-press ai)pcnded to each. The title-page is grotesquely embellished and contains the following mark of ownership: * Pit Hoeck hoort toe Lynt;;en Jacob dochtt r woonendf an die coort'iiniart int jaer on.s Ilecren, l.'in2.' Tiie second part is entitled ' Ciianso.ns, anno 3ic< r( <',xcix.' Among otherB are Nien Liedeken, relating to ' ^^'ilhelmus van Nassau.' ;7-370 Dd. VI. 50—53. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 371 Dd. VI. 54. A duodecimo, on paper. Si) leaves, about 30 lines in a page. A Life of IIenuy Nicholas, the fanatic; v. Tanner, Bib!. p. 5^4-. It appears never to have been printed The handwriting is of the xvuth century. The latter half of the volume is blank. The title-page is as follows : X 2 308 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ' Mirabilia Opera Dei. Certaine wonderful works of God which happened to H.N. even from his youth : and how the God of Heaven hath united himselfe with him, and raised up his gracious word in him, and how he hath chosen and sent him to be a minister of his gracious Word : pubhsiied by Tobias a fellow- elder with H. N. in the houshold of love: translated out of Base Almain, Ps. XLvi. 66. Acts xiii. 6.' Begins (after the Preface, Forasmuch as J. Tobias. . ) : In the eighth year of the age of H. N. ... Ends: . . . and take it to heart. 372 Dd. VI. 55. A 12mo, of 109 leaves: the first 14 of parchment, and in double columns, of 36 lines each : the rest of paper (except ff. 56, 57, 70, 71, which are also of parchment), and in single columns, with from SO to 35 lines in the page. f. la: ' In nomine Yesu Christi Amen. Incomincia lo libro dicto Quadriga Spirituale scripto in vulgare con le allegatione literale per communa utilita de omne conditione de p*' composto dal vene- rabile e excellente fratre, fratre Nicolo da Osmo delo ordine dcy fratri minori nel Mccccxxxviij." Begins : Dice lo apostolo. Quello lo quale ... Ends, f. 109 h : amo al proximo. Amen. Jesu Christo gratias. Amen. ExpHcit hoc opus Nuncupatus Spiritualis Quadriga 1454 scriptus et consummatus v die februarii. The titles of the paragraphs are rubricated throughout. The name of Nicolo da Osmo does not appear to be mentioned by L. W adding or any other authorities. f. 57 is m a different handwriting from the rest, (apparently the same as that on the fly-leaves at the end,) and contains on one side the apocryphal epistle of Lentulus to the Senate, 'per fratrem Antonium arestinum exaratum quinto decimo kal. augusti die mercurii 1.501.' And on the other, a note on Septuagesima. On the two fly-leaves at the end are some notes of no value. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 309 373 Dd. VI. 56. A small duodecimo volume, in Greek and Latin, on paper, very neatly written, of the middle of the xvith century, consisting of 82 leaves, unpaged, each page containing about 18 lines, besides 4 leaves at the end which are blank. ' PlUTARCHI Ch^.RONEI PHILOSOPni MRELLUS DE FUTILI LOQUACITATE A Gr.ECO IN LaTIXUM PER JoAXNEM ClIRlSTO- FERSOXUM COXVERSUS.* Prefixed is a letter to Mary, afterwards Queen of England. Honoratissimae illustrissimteque Principi D. Mariii?, RegiiE Majestatis Sorori, Joannes Christofersonus perpetuam optat felicitatem. It begins : Non sum nescius, Princeps ilhistrissima... The letter occupies 8 leaves, after wliich follows the Latin Version of Plutarch's entire treatise nepl ddoXfaxins, (beginning Ardua plane et diffi- rilis, ending sed dolore etiam caret et molestia,) and then the Greek text : the last words of the MS. being aAXa Kai aXvnou Ka\ nvu)dvvov. The author of the version is no doubt John Christopherson, Master of Trinity, 15.53, whom Queen Mary made Bisliop of Chichester in 1.557. He also translated the ecclesiastical hit^tory of Eusebius. Xeitlier Tanner nor Wyttenbach have noticed Christophcrson's labours on Plutarch : the Greek text generally agrees with the Akiine and Basil editions, in those places in which NVyttenbach notices their readings. This is bound up with the preceding MS. 37* Dd. VI. 57. An octavo, on })aper, 4-74- leaves, handwriting of the xvith century. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Kixc/s Bexch and other courts, from 'Hilary T. 18 Jas. I. to Mich. T. 20 Jas. L' The name of ' Robert Nicholas' is given as that of the reporter, on the authority of former Catalogues. Many of the cases are not reported in Croke. 375 Dd. VI. 68. A similar volume of Reports from * Hilary, 17 Jas. 1. to Mich. 18 James I." and in the same handwriting. 310 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 376 Dd. VI. 59. A duodecimo, on paper, 60 leaves. 1. Reports, 7 and 8 Hen. VI. 2. Extracts from the Statutes of Hen. VIII. On the last page : 22 August 1544 De suo charissimo Johan. Arscott ... Thomas Hawe anno aetatis . . . 377 Dd. VI. 60. A duodecimo, on paper : handwriting of commencement of xviith century. A Dictionary of Law Terms; English and French in parallel columns. ' Abate' to ' Yard land.' pp. 127. Last leaf torn. 378 Dd. VI. 61. An octavo, on paper. Reports of Cases adjudged in the King's Bench, 8 — 13 Ohas. I. 80 ff. Many blank leaves. * Most of these cases are reported in Cro. Car.' (MS. note on fly-leaf.) 379 Dd. VI. 62. A small 12mo, on vellum, containing ff. 79, with 21 lines in each page. It has illuminated capitals and borders. Executed in France in the xvth century. A leaf is lost after each of ff. 9, 2 1 , 45, 46, 47, 70. HOR^ BEATvE MaRI^ ViRGINIS. After a blank leaf and two containing prayers in a modern hand, the Kalendar follows in 6 ff., and the next two contain the Paternoster, Ave, Credo, &c. : f. 12 is a coat of arms; in f 13 is the beginning of St John's Gospel, with the prayer O Intemerata, and a French metrical ' Oroison de notre dame,' beginning Glorieuse Vierge Marie : then follows the Stabat Mater, the beginning being lost, and the hymn ' Salve mater Salvatoris Vas electum creatoris Decus cell civium,' followed by Devotee orationes ad beatam Virginem Mariam^ and in f. 30, the SufFragia Sanctorum, each with a small vignette : the Hours begin f. 46, the first leaf being lost, and are followed CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 311 by the 7 penitential psalms and Litany, the volume ending with the prayer, ' Fidelium Deus omnium conditor et redemptor, &c.' The rubricks are throughout in Frencli. 380 Dd. VI. 63. A duodecimo, on paper, of 94 leaves. A Note-Book of Castel, formerly Professor of Arabic. See Dd. VI. 4. 381 Dd. VI. 64. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 382 Dd. VI. 65. A duodecimo, on paper, of IS leaves. Containing 8 sacred allegories, with explanations of the 1st and 4th appended, written apparently in the xviith century. The heading is * Rationes Stili."* Begins, f. 1 a : Loquimur sapientiam 8cc. 1 Cor. ii. 0. Talis crat ... Ends, f. 13 6 : ad Dei laudes percelebrandum. 383 Dd. VI. 66. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 384 Dd. VI. 67. A small duodecimo volume, on paper, not older than the middle of the xviith century, consisting of 49 leaves, of which the last 12 are blank, unpaged, very partially filled up, and having from one to twenty-nine lines in a page, blank pages and leaves occurring up and down irregularly. Censur.e de Gr^ecis et Romanis poetis, philosophis, aliisque scriptoribus tum antiquis tum recentioribus. Begins (fol. 1, verso): De Patribus Censwcc. Fid. Hcins. Orat. 7. p. 88. Ends (f. 37 verso) with the criticisms of Quintilian on Menander, the last citation being fulgore quodam sute claritatis tenebras obduxit. (Quintil. Inst. Orat. Lib. X. c. 1.) 312 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The work contains criticisms on many of the classics, on a few of the Fathers and Schoohnen, on Erasmus, Lipsius, Sir Philip Sidney, Ben Jonson, &c. These are in no case original, but selected from other writers, ancient and modern. On the back of the last leaf is written, ^ Rob. Henley liis mark.' 385 Dd. VI. 68. An oblong paper book, in quarto, 3 87 leaves, bound up with the last MS. A Law Index from * Abbe' to ' Remander.' On the last leaf, ' Frances Backer.' Temp. Jas. I. 386 Dd. VI. 69. A small duodecimo, on paper, ill written and full of unmeaning scrawls, consisting of 89 leaves, some of which are more or less blank, each page when full containing nearly 40 lines. In bad condition, written in the beginning of the xviith century. Adversaria Alexandui Ros. 1. A collection of Proverbs in French and Latin, fol. 3. Begins : Hante les gens de bien et imite leurs moeurs, et fui la compagnie des meschantz. Jean Fuller (whose name is attached to most of them). 2. De nominihus Hebrcece lingua).'' fol. 6. 3. Compendium in Porj^liyrianam Isagogen? fol. 11. 4. Aphorismi in quinque predicabilia a M. Tho. Gordon dicti.' fol. 15 6. The title given at the end, fol. 27 b, followed by a Series accidentium fol. 28. 5. ' Primus locus de prwcognitione et prwcognitis qum ad demonstrationem spectant. 1611. per me Alexandrum Ros. Primo Aprilis.' fol. 29. 6. De scientia de que iis quce scientice sunt opposita et affinia errore scilicet ignorantia et opinione per Magistrum Alexandrum Hcrogeum^ fol. 47 b. The title given at the end. Finis, per me Alexandrum Ros. decimo nono Aprilis IGll, fol. 74; after which follow blank leaves and scraps of writing. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 313 387 Dd. VI. 70. A duodecimo, on paper, of 138 leaves. Notes of Sermons preached, apparently, by Mr Crispe, Mr Wilson, &c.; one page bearing the date 1634. Written from both ends, very irregularly and illegibly. The handwriting of the greater part is probably the same as that of Dd. vi. 47; but the last few leaves are different. On the fly-leaf at the beginning the words * Sarah Wilson her booke. Amen/ are twice written. 388 Dd. VI. 71. A 12mo, on vellum, containing ff. 248, with 14 lines in each page. It has rich borders and illuminations. There are catch- words after every 8th leaf. Executed in France in the xvth century. HoR^ Bextm Matiia: Virginis. On the inside of the cover at the hoginninj^ is written : Nicolas Cimi'llis prestre 4 Octohrc 1009. Ne le 20 Aoust 1584. Ne difFeras in crastinum quod hoc die fecisse possis. And on f. 1 : Que pour le i)cche de la pomme Le verbe Dicu s'cstoit faict homnic. The next two leaves are blank ; then follow 12 containing the Kalcndar. On the margin of f. G is written ; Martius humores gignit variosque dolores Sume cibuni pure cocturas si placet ure Balnea sunt sana scd quie sujierlUia vana Vena nec abdcnda nec potio sit tribuenda. After the Kalendar follow the lections, St John i. 1—14, St Luke i. 20—30, St Matth. ii. 1—12, St Mark xvi. 14—20. The Hours begin f. 22, preceded by a vignette of the Annunciation, and end f. 74. The contents of the rest of the book are as follows : f. 74 b. Officium B. M. V. in vesperis primi sabbati dc adveiitu ad vigi- liani nativitatis Domini. 83. Hora,' Passionis Domini nostri, the beginning being lost. 114. Commemoraciones de S. Oportuna et S. Barbara. 117. Septem Psalmi Pctnitentiales cum Letania, with a vignette of our Lord enthroned with the emblems of the four Evangelists. 142. Horce Sanctae Crucis. 145. Horse Sancti Spiritus, with a vignette of the day of Pentecost. 314 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 148^. Officium Mortiiorum, with the usual viij^nctte. 193. Suffragia Sanctorum. 202. Quindecim Psahiii cum Letania Defunctorum. 215 b. Ohsen-o te Domina and O Intnneratn. At f. 225 a different hand begins a series of prayers of the Passion; cadi with a rich ilhimination, beginning witli the raising of Lazarus, and ending with tlie Crucifixion. f. 238. Prayers on the Cross, the 7 Words, &c., a hymn to the Saints beginning, Dyonisi radius grecic,' &c., and a Litany with wliich the MS. ends, f. 247 b. The two leaves lost between if. 80 and 83 have been replaced by two blank vellum ones, on the latter of which the former possessor Cimellis has written two verses of a hymn, ' In Passione Domini.' Several of the rubricks are in French. 389 Dd. VL 72. A small paper book, in 12iiio, containing ff. lo7, of which many are blank. 1. 'Mr Francis Heercman''s Golden Annotations. Trans- lated out of Duch {sic) into English, by P. TI. l()5r.' A small collection of anecdotes of ancient kings and philosophers. After the title-leaf follow 42 pages, beginning with : The king Archidamus. A\'hen bee asked the Philosopher Puda- rius ... And ending in the third chapter with an extract relating to * Ilanibal.' Francis Ileerman lived at Amsterdam in the earlier part of the xviith century. His 'Guldene Annotation' is mentioned in Jocher's Allyemeincs GeJehr ten- Lexicon, ii. 1538. 2. Scattered over many pages of jiaper at the other end of the book arc the Heraldic Notes of some student. Amongst them are the bearings of the different kingdoms of Spain. On the fly-leaf at this end of the })ook Nasmyth read : * El libro de Don Phclipe Ayres iMayor-domo del cxccl- lentissimo Senior Embascador de Ingelterra in Esta Cortc de Madrid a 30 de Genero de IGGO.' This inscri[)tion is now almost hidden by the leaf having been carelessly pasted to the cover. 390 Dd. VI. 73. Bound up with No. 391. A small paper book, written about 1635. A Memorandum Book. It appears to have belonged to the steward or agent of a nobleman, and contains, among many other particulars, notes of prices and of payments. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 315 391-393 Dd. VI. 74—76. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 394 Dd. VI. 77. A duodecimo, on paper, 370 pages, xviith century. ' 'iTTTTtar/jm, or, A modest Exercitation and Inquiry into the subject of Physic k/ Dialogues on the Science of Medicine, in which one of the interlocutors gives an account of a conversation held with his horse. There are complimentary verses to the author by ^tXtTrrror <^lXlaTpor, beginning : Dcare cleare Acestes, Drcame and dreame agen, Since by Icarn'd dreaming thou awakenest men, &c. And by J. L. Ad Stultos et Invidos Stulte cur irrides? nulla est tibi causa legendi Non asinis loquitur, qui fabulatur cquis. Sec- 395 Dd. VI. 78. An octavo, on paper, of 130 leaves, in good preservation. It contains ' A Catalogue of those manuscripts and other bookes apcrtaning to IIkualdky that arc of wright mine and in my pos- session an". 1()46. Sylvan us Mouga.v.'* Occupying 2o pages. He was the author of T/ie Sphere of Gentn/, j)ublishcd in KJfil. Then follows 'The Mathamaticall Mariner.' 'His caracter,' 5 pages ; ' his astronomi,' 3 pages ; ' his arithmatic,' 4 pages. Then 8 pages succeed, commencing * Ex punto omnia : having proposed to myself to fix the dignity of coat armour whereby it might be brought into rule as to distinguish the goodness of our coats from an other, fcc." At the other end of the book there are .52 leaves of notes \\\^o\\ the coats and pedigrees of divers families, followed by a few pages of notis of no interest on various subjects. 396 Dd. VI. 79. A duodecimo, on paper, 80 leaves, xviith century. A NoTF-lJooK of Edward Leigh. It is commenced at both ends, ami coutains receipts chiefly medical, a few verses in English, and a Latin oration in praise of Greek Letters. 316 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 397 Dd. VI. 80. A paper book, in octavo, at one time, (about l()80),used as an account bock by Thomas \V^illiams, who aj)pears also to have written A Journal of a Voyage to Spain, and Travels through Spain 10 France. Begins : Tho' I never set do^^^le anything of my former travailcs, yet now this voyage being ])egun on an extraordinary occasion.... Thursday the 11th Aug.' being extraordinary ill. Ends : Thus 1 k'ft Spagne, having all France to pass in my way home. 398 Dd. VI. 81. A duodecimo, on paper, 4.") leaves, dated IGoT. A NoTK-BooK of William Moore. Iksides some receipts, it contains catalogues witli prices of medicines alphabetically arranged. 399 Dd. VI. 82. A duodecimo, on paper, 90 leaves. The NoTE-JJooK of Daniel Maiden B. Art. M. Candidates. A. D. 1057. It contains receipts arranged alphabetically, a catalogue of the owner's books, and notes in Latin of two treatises, *dc Medicina,' and ' de Functioni- bus et Ilumoribus.' There is also a brief Pharmacopcria, with the P^nglish names of some of the herbs added. ^00 VI. 83. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 401 Dd. VI. 84. A small duodecimo, in Greek and Latin, on paper, probably written in the xviith century, containing 1.^2 pages, excluding the title; paged as far as p. 14.5, each page containing 20 or more lines. *Lycophronis Ch ai.cidexsis Alexandra cum Latina GULIELMI CaNTERI AD VERBUM INTERPRET ATIONE.' > The year may be IGJO, Td, '87, or 92. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 317 Begins, p. 1 : A(^u> ra navra mjTptKws a fi icrTopds. Then follows (p. 14G) : 'Epitome Cassandnc Gra?colatina versibus Ana- creontiis conscripta per Gul. Canteium Ultr.,' as in the Basil edition of 1506. After which is a Gra?co-Latin index, of one page, the laat words of the MS. being 'ToprjTos vulnerabilis.' 402 Dd. VI. 85. A parchment book, in 1 2nio. Contains ' Narrationcs nrevium/ in law- French, commencing ' De recto,' ending ' De antique Dominico Corona;/ On the last page a valuation of money ; on tlie fly-kaf, • Kicus Rusburgh de Lyncoln Inne.' OB ff. Initial letter illuminated ; temp. Hen W. 403 Dd. VI. 86. A 12mo, on paper, of 113 leaves, of which ff. 2, 4—8, 19, 20, G2— 0*4, ()•()*, arc ])lank. Miscellaneous Tiikological Notks in three different hand- writings, of the latter part of the xviith centur}', on Church Authority, Church Discipline, the Sacraments, S:c. 404 Dd. VI. 87. A small duodecimo, on paper, containing CS pages, excluding blank leaves at the beginning, paged (except the Index) ; each page containing from 35 to 40 lines, probably written early in the X viith century. 1. '-Oliswrdt'io)}* A cx llotoYiianno di rifn'ihu.s )' ujifix ria/i rifi^t>/s ef solt'mnitatlhuif^ Begins, p. 1 : In niatrinioniis contrahentH.s .S:c. It contains an abbreviation of the wliole treatise. Sec Hotomanni Opera Vol. I. pp. 534— .503. Ed. (n n. i:)99. 2. ^Ex Bayfio de re vestiaria.^ Begins, p. 22 : Sunt qui putjuit inter vestes et stolas.. Tiiis again is only an epitome of the original work. See Bayfius, De Re Vestiaria, in Graivii Thea. Antiq. Rom. T. vi. pp. 6G1, 002. 3. ''Ohscrvationes ex Brercitood de ponderibus et pretiis veferum numnwrum eoriDnque cum recent lorihus collatione.^ 318 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins, p. 34 : Id quod Romani dixcrunt. Abbreviated from Brerewood's work, printed in Walton's Polyglott, Vol. I. pp. SO— 3G. Then follow the indices to the three tracts: the last words of the MS. are, * De ponderibus videas Dictionariiim Thonife Thoniasii.' The writer of the MS. is evidently an Englishman, as appears by an English note inserted at p. 34. 'kos Dd. VI. 88. A 12mo, on paper, of 91 leaves. Notes of Sermons, by Mr Spurstow, Mr Marshall, &c., written irregularly, some from the wrong end of the volume. Apparently written in the xviith century. Begins (f. 1) : Acts xvii. 1 7. All do contrary to . . . Ends (f. 91): no sin greater than this division among. . . 406 Dd. VI. 89. A 12ino, on vellum, wanting the first leaf, containing ff. 324, and some paper leaves at either end. ' Registiu m Bkevium.' At the beginning are one parchment and three paper leaves of contents : 'Nomina breviiim cum numeris folionim.' Written in the time of Hen. VI. On the last page, ' Tlnmias Caldewall is my name.' Annexed to the preceding, on paper, and in a hand of the xvith century, is a formal notification in the name of * Johannes Bedfeld ' and 'Johannes Grene ' of Ea.st AMtham in Essex, who had undertaken to administer the property of John Nicholas, a citizen and tailor of London, deceased. It occupies four pages, and is dated Feb. 18, 1521. 4:07 Dd. VI. 90. A duodecimo, on paper, of the xviith century. 1. A collection of Notes on various doctrinal subjects. Interleaved, and having, at intervals, many blank pages. fF. 1 a — 2 b contain an index to the notes. 2. ^ An Emngelye ; or Joy full-message ; of the kyngdome of God and Christ. Translated out of the base-almayne, into Englyshe, fcc/* CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 319 Begins : H. X. out of Grace ; according to the providence of God ... Ends: in all landes, over the universall world. H. N. Printed, London, 1G52. The initials are those of Henry Nicholas the fanatic. Sec Tanner, p. 544. 408 Dd. VI. 91. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. ,410 Dd. vii. 1, 2. Two large folios, on parchment, in double columns, of 44- lines each. The MS. is of the xvth century, written with great care, and originally richly illuminated, but now grievously mutilated through- out. The Greek words which occur in the text are omitted, spaces being left for their insertion. S.VNCTI HiERONYMI OPERA. The former of these Volumes contains 320 leaves, in addition to these othei-s have been lo.st ; after f. 18 two leaves, after ff. 29, 54, 70, 88, 02, 120, 149, IGl, 172, 180, 224, 257, 2G0, one in each place. IF. 1 — 3 b contain an Index to the Volume, beginning with Ep. xxi., and at the conclusion a similar Index is promised to Vol. ii., which however has been lost. Tliis volume contains, beside a large number of letters published among St Jerome's ^V'^orks, the following treatises: ff. 3 6 2— 76 1. Divi Hieront/mi Vita. Opp. ValL 1742. xi. 207—280. ff. 8 a — 1G6. Biiffini E.rpositio in Symholum Ajmtolonnu. Imperfect. Opp. Cypriani. Paris. 1727. pp. 203 u — 228 f. ff. 17 a— 22 a. Contra qinnque hcvreaes. Imperfect. Opp. August. Paris. 1837. viii. 1526 a— 1548. ff. 22 a— 24: b. Ejrpositio Jidei Alceni concilii. Opp. Hier. xi. 149 — 153. ff. 25 rt— 32 6. Defdei credulitate. ff. 33 a — 70 6. Adrersus Jovi)tianum. Imperfect, ii. 237 a — 381c. ff. 71 a — 7G6. Adi'crsus Hehridium. Imperfect, ii. 207c — 230 b. ff. 7G6— 80 6. In VigUfintium hereticum. ii. 387 — 402. ff. 81 6—88 6. Altcrcatio Luciferii et Orthodoxi. Imperfect, ii. 171—199 d. ff. 93a — 120 6. Dialogus contra Pdagianos. Imperfect, ii. G83b — 788. ff. 128a — 140 6. Liber ad Pammachiian contra Joannem Hicrosol. ii. 407—454. 320 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ff. 148Z;_149«. Ruffini Apologia. 11.573-676. f. 149 a. Anastasii ad Jodiiu. Ilicros. lin])crfect. ii. 577 a— 679. ff. 150(i— 172. Rufxni Invectivus. Libb. ii. Impci-fect. ii. 5«5— 673. ff. 222—223. Dialogius de origine aniuic. Imperfect, xi. 24G — 253c. f. 310 Auguatim Retractt. cap. xlv. f. 317 a. De corpore et nanguine Christi. xi. 255 — 259. f. 318 b. Omeiia super exmngelio Sci Matth. xi. 269—201. f. 319a. Petri Pauli Vtrgerii Justinipolituni Serwo de laudihus Sancti Hieronimi. xi 295. At foot of f. 320 /> istbis note : ' Divi Hieronimi Kpistolariim partis prime volumcn feliciter finit die ix Julii mccclxxxx.' Tlien follows in a later hand, * Ex done Mapistri Johannis Gunthoqie domini Decani Wellensis ac quon- dam Maoist ri Anle Regie.' The second volume contains 394 leaves. It is im])erfeet at the bej^inning, and leaves are missing after ff. 07, 77, 100, 109, 110, 118, 137, 100, 180, 234, 301, 308, 310, 311, 347, 370, as well as at the end ; ff. 104, 194 are mutilated This volume, beside letters, contains the following treatises, ff. 9, 10. ExjxmtUmes Pan. dli. cxvii. ()i)p. xi. 198—201. iY. 11 b — 19 ^. Due Orm/ie ex Origine in Cautt. iii. 499—532. fl. 20a_G2. Comment, in Cantt. (Originis.) Opp. Ilier. Biislc 1665. vi 101—150. ff. 04 a— 00 a. Sermojies iii. Opp. Vail. xi. 210— 210. f. 00 a. Se-nno de Resurr. Domin. xi. 204—207 k. ff. OJJa — 75 b. De Assumptione B. Virginis. xi, 94 a— 11 1. ff. 77« — 92 a. De situ et nominihus locoruni Ilehraicorum. Imperfect, iii. 130 A— 290. ff. 90 b — 97 a. De X. tentationibus Israel jtopu/i. iii. 741 — 740. ff. 101 a— l09/y. De viris illustribus. Imperfect, ii. 821 929. ff. 138 a— 149 6. De viro perfecto. Imperfect, xi. 53 f— 77. ff. 107a — 172 6. De VI I. gradibus ecclesie. Imperfect, xi. 114f — 120. ff. 172 6—180 6. Augustini de Pastoribus. Imperfect. O]). August, v. 324—352 D. ff. 181 a — 195 a. ReguUi vivendi ad Eustochium [witii prologue and index of chaptci-s]. xi. 433— 404. ff. li)5a— 200 6. De Institutione Virginum. xi. 127— 138. ff. 200 fr— 209 a. Vita Pauli primi Heremiti. ii. 1 —1 2. ff. 277 6 — 301 a. Regula monachorum (per Lupum de Oliveto). xi. 430 — 432. ff. 301 a— 3076. Vita Sancti Hylarionis. Imperfect, ii. 13—40. ff. 307 6 — 308 6. De vita captivi monachi. Imperfect, ii. 41 — 46 b. f. 357 6. Prefatio in librum de qucstionibus Hcbraicis. iii. 301 — 304. ff. 870 6 — 372 6. Originis Comjn. in Ep. ad Rom, cum prefat. Jlieron. Imperfect. Opp. Orig. ff. 377 a — 391 6. Eusebius Cremonensis de morte Hieronimi. xi. 288t— 235. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 321 Dd. VII. 3. A folio, on vellum, containing ff. 345, in double columns, with 12 and 24 lines in each column respectively. Date 1509. A double Latin Version of the Gospels of St Matthew AND Sr Mark, executed by order of Dean Colet, the first being the Vulgate Version, and the other agreeing generally with that of Erasmus : the two versions being written side by side on the same page, the first as the more important in longer lines, the second after the manner of a gloss, in shorter lines down the page. The MS. !)egins f. 2 with the usual itrefacc of St Jerome to the Evan- gelists, followed hy * alius i)rologus eiusdem ati Eusebium.' St Matthew begins f. G with an illumination of an Angel dictating to St Matthew, while Denn Colet kneels, with a rich ))order — an engraving from this is given in Knight's IJ/c of Dmu Coh t. The preface to St Mark begins f. and the gospel in f. IBO, preceded by an illumination of St Mark. After the end of the gosi)els, f. lM)5, we have : Ad laudem et gl«»nam omnipotent ix. incomprehen^ibilis, invisibilis Dei: ad honorem quoque duleissime Marie Virginis genetricis ejusdem totiusque celestis exercitus, opus hoc duorum evangel istarum Matthei scilicet et Marci conscriptum est iussu et cxponsis reverendi domini et venerabilis viri, I). Joannis Colett, ecclesie Catli. I)ivi Pauli Londini decani, sacre^jue TheolDirir professoris. Etjre;,Mi viri Ilenrici ("olett militis, opulentissiujc civiUitis Lon«lini quondam »enatorii4 et ejusdem bis consulis, filii. Arte ac industria Petri Mei^hen, monoculi, teutonis, natione Hrabantini, oppidi Huschiduccn. Leodien. dioc. anno incar- nationis dominice millcsimo quingentesimo nono, monsis vero Mai die Octavo. Et)dem anno meiisis Aprilis die Illustrissimus Ilex Anglie (pie memorie) Ilenricus ((jui ut alter Siilomon sapiens, dives, ])aciricus) diem clausit extremum ; hcredem rcLjni relin ; and the MS. appears to agree with the ordinary text. Dd. VII. 5. A folio, on parchment, of 171 leaves, in double columns of 40 lines. Date, the xvth century. LiHUI KkGL M, PaT^ ALIPOMEXON, EsDRyE, ToBIyE, JlJDITII, Esther, Jobi Vulgatre editionis cum glossa ordinaria. The MS. begins f. 1 with S. Jerome's Prologue to the Kings, and ends f. 171 with Job xxxix. 2.3: 'Supra ipsum sonabit farctra, vibrabit.' It contained an illuTuinatcd initial to each book, which has caused the loss of a leaf after each of fF. 1, 2.3, 41, 50, 86, 111, 121, 131, 137, and 151. It has been paged in ink since these leaves were lost. Dd. VII. 6. A large folio, on parchment, written in the time of Henry VI.; occasionally mutilated, and imperfect at the end ; 260 leaves, CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 323 double columns, each averaging 70 lines. The titles are derived from the MS. itself. 1. Tractatus Corone Domini Regis, fol. 1. 2. Staiuta de Scaccario Domini Regis, fol. 1. 3. Districtiones de Scaccario. fol. 1 h. .51 Hy. III. sc. 4. 4. Statuta Exonie. fol. 1 h. 5. Capitula eorundem Statutorum. fol. 2. 6. Tractatus de Antiquo Dominico C^orone. fol. 2 h. 7. Statutum de Londoneis (Gavelot). fol. 2 h. 8. Magna Carta de libertatibus Anglie, 35 ch. fol. o. 9. Carta de Forcsta. 16ch. fol. 4. 10. Scntontia lata in transgres-sorcs contra libertates carta- rum. fol. 4 h 11. Consuetudincs de foresta. fol. 4 h. 12. Inquisitiones de foresta. fol. ."). 13. Forma literanim de foresta. fol. .5. 14. Capitula Rcgardatonini. fol. .5/;. 1.5. Assisa forcste. fol. .5 />. 16. Articuli de Escliactcria. fol. 6. 17. Adhuc de his quo spectant ad officium E.scaetorum Domini Regis unde tot inquirenda sunt. fol. f) }>. 18. Provisiones sivo Statuta de Mcrton. fol. 7. 19. Statuta de Marlcborgo. fol. 7 A. 20. Statuta W'cstmonastcrii prima, fol. 9 h. 2 1 . Statuta Gloucestrie. fol. 1 2 b. 22. Statuta Westmonasterii secunda. fol. lS/>>. 23. Statuta Wintonie pro pace tcrre conservanda. fol. 21 . 24. Brevia eorundem. fol. 21 25. Breve commissionis ju.sticiariorum statuti de ^^'vncostria sive Exonie. fol. 22. 26. Statuta de religiosis, sive contra religiosos. fol. 22. 27. Statuta de emptoribus terrarum. fol. 22. 18 Ed. I. Y 2 324 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCKIPTS. 28. Statutum quod vocatur Actone Burnell de mercatoribus. fol. 22/.. 29. Statuta alia de mercatoribus cdita apud WesUnonaste- rium. fol. 22 b. 30. Statutum de anno et die sive de bisscxtili. fol. 23 b, 31. Statutum de conspiratoribus. fol. 23 />. 32. Statutum de Berewike. fol. 23 b. 33. Statutum dc his qui poncndi sunt in assisis ct juratis. fol. 23 b. 34. Statutum de bigamis. fol. 23 b. 35. Statutum de vasto facto in tempore alieno. fol. 24*. 3(^. Statutum armorum. fol. 24. 37. Statutum dc militibus. fol. 24 38. Kxce})ti()nes contra regiam prohibitioncm. fol. 24 b, 39. Statutum regis de regia proliibitione allocanda. fol. 24 b 40. Statutum de quo warranto, fol. 25. 41. Statutum de presentibus vocatis ad warrantum. fol. 25. 42. Statutum aliud dc quo warranto, fol. 25. 43. Statutum de quo warranto novum, fol. 25 b. 44. Statutum de finibus. fol. 25 b. 45. Articuli et provisiones concessi a rcge apud Lyncoln. fol. 26. 46. Statutum editum apud Westmonasterium anno 34 super statutum Wincestrie fundatum. fol. 27/'. 47. Diffinitiones Brevium. fol. 28. 48. Quedam summa de modo corapositionis Brevium. fol. 28/;. 49. Narrationes in Brevibus. fol. 29. 50. De natura essoniorum. fol. 30. At fol. 34, a fragment of some statute relating to debtors. 51. Registrum Regis de Cancellaria. fol. 34/>. If. 41 to 44 wanting. 52. Summa que dicitur Fait a Savoir. fol. 45.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 325 53. La ditee et le enseignment de chescune maniere de office qe append a ly emprouvement de nianyers. fol. 50/;. 54. Une summaire qe est appele housebondrie ' Ceste ditee si, feysoyt Sire Waltier de Hengleye.' See also Dd. vii. 14, and Ee. i. 1. 55. De ponderibus et mensuris. fol. 54 h, 56. Do homagiis faciendis. fol. 54^. 57. I)c homagio Johannis Baillol regis Scottoruni. fol. 54/;. 58. Carte, convent iones, cirographa, obligationcs, testa- nienta; Modus placitandi in curia baronis, niilitis seu libere tenentis ; Quomodo debemus inbreviare et irrotulare placita, at- tacliiamenta querelas, essonia, optulaciones, anicrcianienta, leges vadiatas, dies anioris, concordationes, querelas in coniitatu, narra- tiones, diffaniationes, transgressiones, et earum responsiones. apj)el- lationes in coniitatu, appellationes cf)rain justiciariis de rapina, do morte hoininis, de I'ugientihus ad ecclesiani, captioncs laycoruni, attacliiamenta laycoruin et clericorum, et deliberationes eonim. In coinitatu officiuin et etiani officiuni in liundredo et siniilibus ; officiuin coronatoris ; Modus abbreviandi et ordinandi ofticiuni prepositi sive senescballi ; Invcntariuni nianerii ; Ordinatio coni- puti ; Visus franci plegii; Assisa panis et cervisie; Lucrum pistoris ; Judicium pillorii sive collistrigii ; Sununa de rebus ve- nalibus; Et extenta nianerii. tbi. .')'> to fol. (>(). 59. Articiili Lincolnie, (pii dicuntur Traylebastoun. fol. III. 60. De articulis inquirendis in itinere justiciariuin sive vetera placita Corone. fol. 61. 61. Nova placita corone. fol. 62, 62. Oinissa in tractatu de computo sive de officio .senescalli. fol. 63. 63. Articuli inquirendi in curia de visu franci plegii. fol. 63. 64. Quedam suinma que vocatur Interpretatio verboruni. fol. 63 /;. 65. Sacramentum Regis Edwardi, filii regis Edwardi tempore sue coronation is. fol. 63 />. 66. De damnis adjudicandis. fol. 64 326 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 67. Tractatus de literarum compositione. tbl. 64 b. Ff. 68 to 91 (both inclusive) are wanting. 68. Summa de legibus Anglie que vocatur Brittone. fol. 92. The phraseology of this manuscript varies very slightly from that of the edition printed by Robert Redman ; but the printed book is only divided into chaptei*s (12 b), and the MS. is partitioned into six books (containing altogether 139 chapters) as follows : Lib. 1. De plez personels. 2. De plez reals. 3. De morte antccessoruni. 4. De Jure patronatus. 5. De Jure dotium. 0. De mcro jure. 69. Tractatus de niodo placitandi. fol. 140 (Sec above, No. 47, which is a fuller and more perfect copy of tliis tract.) 70. Summa que dicitur ' Magnum Henghara.'' fol. 143 b. 71. Alia Summa que dicitur Parvum Hingham. fol. 148. 72. Summa Bastardie. fol. 150. 73. Exceptiones contra Brevia. fol. 151 74. Placita placitata. fol. 153. 75. Arbor consanguinitatis. fol. 157. 76. Figura Affinitatis. fol. 158 b. 77. Placita. fol. 159 Z;. 78. Extcnta manerii ; Articuli visus Franci Plegii ; Dies communes in Banco ; Dies dotis. fol. 177. 79. Henricus de Bracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Anglije. fol. 178. This MS. extends over 160 pages. It is imperfect. All is wanting after Lib. IV. Tract. 3, cap. 17. On comparing it with Tottels edition of 1569, some slight variations occur, and the MS. appears to contain some additional matter. It is frequently annotated in the margin. This Collection of Statutes is described in the second report on the searches instituted by the Record Commission (1812) as 'not appearing to bear any character of accuracy or authenti- city.^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 327 > Dd. vn. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Five folios, on vellum, in double columns, of 55 lines each in the first four volumes, and of about 70 lines each in the fifth volume, of the xivth century. NicoLAi DE Lyra Opera. The handwriting of the first four is apparently the same, that of the fifth is not so good, or so large as that of the others. The first four, as they are marked on the fly-leaf contain the comnu-u- taries of De Lyra on the entire Scriptures, and were given in the year 1457 to the Monastery of St Albans, as appears from the document copied on the fly-leaf at the beginning of the first three. Vol. I. of 319 leaves, contains the commentary on Genesis — l^aralij)", with part of the 1st chap, of Esther, ending on v. 10, * nam virum etiam sobrie potatum.' On the first page is : Si Lyra non lyrasset Totus mundus delirasset. A leaf is lost after f 82. The initial letters of the books aw ilhimiiiated, and there are coloured i)ictures of the Tal>emacle, Ark, N:c. to illustrate the text, chiefly from f 70— i>0. Two prologues are prefixed to tlie iVstils. Vol. II. of 28G leaves, contains the Commentary on Estiiku (which is here complete), Tobias, Ji ditii, Job, Psalms, 1*iiovkh»s, Ec^L^>}lAsTt:s, ('ANTICLKS, AViSDO.M, and KcCLKSIASriCl'S. This volume appears to be perfect; some leaves, however, i)etwccn 212 and 239 inclusive, are misplaced ; they should be read in the order: 230 — 239, 2ir>— 235, 212—215. The pages cont^iining the latter chapters of Can- ticles have a wrong title at the top. Vol. HI. of 200 leaves, contains the commentary on all the Prophets and the first two books of Maccabees. Vol. IV. of 320 leaves, contains the commentary on tlie Hooks of the N. T. At the foot of the last column, f 323 b, 1, is added : Explicit postilla super Apocalipsim ffinito libro reddatur gloria Christo. Scriptoris anime te Christe precor misereri. The last volume (Dd. vii. 11) diffln-s slightly in ]»inding from the pre- ceding four, and is also a little smaller. It is paged throughout on each leaf, the last being marked 595. 328 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUirXS. The 1st leaf has l)een miitihited by the removal of a vignette, which occupied the top of tlie first cohimn. At the end of p. 51).'), col. 2, are the words : Explicit posTiLLA super Apocalipsim Edita a fratre Nicolao de Lyra ordinis fmtrum minorum. Its contents are the same as those of Vol. iv. 420 Dd. vn. 12. A large folio, on parcliincnt, finely written, xvtli century, with illuminated capitals, 1 H7 leaves, about 90 lines in a page. 'SeXTLS LlUKll 1)K( HKTAI.IIM, CUUl gloSSa JoilANMS A\- The initial letter has ])oen cut out. On the first l>age is the following shield : ' Or, a lleur de lis gulcs^ in a bordure of France. ' 421 Dd. VII. 13. A folio, on parchment, handwriting of the end of the xvth century, 198 leaves. Nine books of the pA\i)Ef T.»i of Ji stiman, viz. ^^9, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44., 48, 49, and 50. ' Cum apparatu/ The initial illuminated letters are evcrywliere cut out and defaced ; book 48 wants the fir^t four chapters and part of the fifth. 422 Dd. VII. 14. A folio, on parchment, written in tlie xvth century; com- prised originally 1-20 written leaves and some blank leaves, much torn and defaced at both ends, and ff. 166 — 171 (inclusive) are wanting. The titles are derived from the MS. itself. 1. La chartre des franchises et la chartre de la foret. fol. 1. 2. An alphabetical index to the contents of the book. fol. 2. S. The Constitutiones Provinciales' of Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbmy, published at Oxford in 1222, with the Constitu- tiones Legatinae of Otho and Othobon, cardinal legates from Pope Greg. IX. in 1236. fol. 4. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 329 4. Suinma bona ad cassanda omniraoda brevia, sive excep- tiones contra brevia. fol. 7. 5. Alia summa cassanda. fol. S. 6. La commissione de le Rev Edward fiz le Rey Edward graunta a sun barnarge de Engleterre pour apesee le descord qe fust entre eus par Perres de Gavastone. e les ordenances fetes par me) ines le barnarge e confennez par le rey : Tan de sun coronement quynt. fol. 12. 7. IJracton de legibus et consuetudinibus Angli?e. f(»l. 20.5. Tlie leaves of this treatise appear to have been loose, and to have been bound up without arranj^einent. 8. Statutum contra clericos. fol. 205. 9. Statuta contra oppressiones curie Romane. fol. 20.") h. 10. StatutuMi Edwardi regis de reaforestacione post absnlu- cionem. fol. 2()() b. 11. Tran.scriptum literaruni liaronagii Anglie ad papani de regno Scotiic. fol. 207. 12. Sontontia lata super Petrum de (iavestone quondam comiteni Cornubie et super ejus complices ct fautores. fol. 207. 1.*]. Hosbondrie. (Hy ' Walter de Henley.' See Dd. vii. (>. § I k Summa que vocatur officium Justiciariuin. fol. 2<)S 15. Summa que vocatur Placita Corone. fnl. 'Jl 1. 16. Narrationes placitorum. fol. 21 G. 17. Summa (|ue vocatur * Cadit assisa.' fol. ')()(). 18. Summa quo vocatur Fet a saver de devysyon de checun play c de queul de primes est a dire. fol. .'^OS/y. 19. ' Summa judicandi essonia sive Hengliam. fol. 315 b. 20. Summa que dicitur cum sit necessarium sive Parva Hengham. fol. ,318. 21. Suunna que dicitur Magnam Hincham sive lliugham de recto, fol. 320. 22. Suumia que vocatur Parvum Hincham. fol. 328. 23. Narrationes Placitorum. fol. 332. 380 CATALOGUE OF MAXUSCIUPTS. 24. Ctosus riaoituruiii. fol. X)7. 25. La Nature coment leu deyt counter en cliecun breue do suys nome. fol. o7o. 2G. Placita. fol. ,S75 423 Dd. VII. 15. A folio, on parchment, of 1()2 leaves, double columns, of3<) lines each. Of the beginninir of the xinth century. TIlis is Wood, Otli Al)l>ot of St .Martin dc BcUo, who died 1 17.") v. Ia- land, Colled, and Fahric. liiU. Latin. Vol. v. p. 15*). Patav. 17^'j t. Tlie first leaf has ht'cn mutilafi-d and the initial letter cut out ; the eoin- menccnient, liowcver, can he made out to have i)een * Ineipit prologus Odonis super quincjue lihros Moysi. Operis 8ub- diti .Materia Lex est (luinque \'oluininihus eoini)rehensa. . .' The MS. seems to l>e complete a.s far as the end of Numbers, the la.st few lines l)eini; written on a frai,nnent of a leaf at the end, concludinii^ with 'que sunt super Jordanum c regione Jericho. Kxplicit.' A copy exists in C C. C. Library, No. LI\'., but, like this, only extends over the first four Books, which seems to have been all that was finished. «2« Dd. VII. 16. A folio, on parchment, of 148 leaves, in double columns, of 41 lines each. Of the same size and form as the preceding volume, which also it much resembles in the handwriting. Of the xiith or the beginning of the xiiith century. This volume contains various extracts from the Works of St Augustin. 1. ff. 1—114. '•Pars pritna Florum in Epist. ad Rom.^ Begins : Apostolus qui cum Saulus prius vocaretur. . Ends : Sed sapiens immobilitate atque immutabilitate nature. The passages are quoted with references to the various works of S. Aug. from which they are taken. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 331 2. f*. 115 a. ' S(/mbolum dictatum a heato Aur/iistiiioS Ik'gins : Credimus in iinum deum patrem omnipotcntcm. Ends : l)rtinia consccuturi rcgni coelorum. Amen. v. Opp. 3. ff. llort 2— 121 b\. ' Anrelii Aiigustini doctoris dispiUatio contra Felicianum hereticum.^ Attributed to Vigilius, v. Opp. Aug. Paris, 1837. viii. Ai)p. p. 009. IJcgin.s : Extoreisti milii, &c. Ends : retribuere merccdem. The rest of tlie volume i.s occupied witli the two epistles of ProsjKT and Hilarius to Augustine, followed by the two treatises, * l)e Prcde.stinatwue Sanctorum,* and 'De bono [dono'] Pergei'erantie,' which are found in the same order, Opp. Par. x. p. 1327— *nd. Ik'^'ins : Domino beatissimo Pape ineffabiliter mirabili, &,c. Ends : ...dignantur, with marginal glosses. On the hvst leaf, 'Hie liber coiLstat Magistio NN'iliinio Luiiiij,'>. 426 Dd. VII. 18. A folio, on parchment , 277 k'avus. In ^ood preservation, hut the first initial letter has been cut out. Writing of the xivth century. 1. ^Okkgohii decretaleb cum glossa,' 5 books, p. I. 2. * (Jo.N.s I in rioNEs Innock.ntii IV.' p. .510. 332 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 3. ' CONSTITUCIONES GrEGOUII X."* p. 513. 4. ' CONSTITUCIONES NiCOLAI.' J). 535. At p. 534, ' Expliciunt glose ordinaric novarum constitiicionum domini Gregorii X. a domino Garsia juris civilis et canonici professore composite. Anno domini 1282.' 427 Dd. VII. 19. A folio, on parchment, 291 leaves: handwriting of the xivth century. ExposiTio in libros novem prioris codicis. On the last page: * Hie sit finis non solum Inijus libri scd etiam totius opcris lecturic hujus libri, quod ego Cynus de Sigisbuldis de Pysterio, pos- teris forte illius Sigisbuldi consularis viri de quo habetur mentio cum auxilio Dei adsumpsi, et (juod continue persequendo infra biennium terminavi, cur- rentibus a nativitate domini nostri Jesu C'hristi annis mcccxiiii. die undecimo mcnsis Junii.' Tlie initial letter luis been cut out, otherwise the volume is in good condition. 428 Dd. VII. 20. A large folio, on parchment, finely written, in the xvith century ; 370 leaves. Three parts of 'Di:creta G rati am, cum apparatu.' The initial letters have been cut out, and there are about 30 leaves wanting at the end of part 2 ; also 37 chapters at the commencement of part 1. On the first page is written, ' Magister frater Johannes de Bcrchemstcde senior,' and at f 90, ' Ister liber decretorum cum prima j)arte dabitur duobus filiis Margarctc de holme, si clcricaliter me supervixerint.' 429 Dd. VII. 21. A folio, on parchment, written in the xivth centm*y, 345 leaves. ' JusTiNiANi DiGESTUM Vetus cum apparatu.'' At fol. 346 : Laus tibi sit Christe Quoniam liber explicit iste. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 333 Hie liber est scriptus Qui scripsit sit benedictus. Explicit textus (liL,'esti veteiis, .scriptus a fratre Pctro HoLLerto, ad dieiu Veneris ante festum beati Vinccntii. Anno doniini mcccxxviii. 430 Dd. VII. 22. A folio, on parchment, 160 leaves. WeW written, in a hand of the xvth century. 1. Extracts from the Ri:(;istky of Courts-Ba iu).\, held within the manor of W^yneslowe, during the reign of Edward tlie Third ; in Latin. 2. Similar extracts during the reign of Henry the Sixth. *3l Dd. VII. 23. A large folio, on paper, of 48 pages, in good preservation. It contains: 'Thk I)f:( i;m) a nts of Sik Ja.mks 1Iai{in<;t()n OF ExTON in the countye of Rutland, knight, and of his ladv, Lucy daughter of Sir William SydiU'V of Penshurst in Kent, kniirlit ; of whom are decondcd and ncare allied to their decend- ants, 8 Dukes, 4 AL-irquesses, .54 Earls, .*i(> Viscounts, 8 Counts, .50 iJarons, with a great number of Honorable Ladys and Esquires, Knights l^aronets. Knights of the Hath, Knights Ratclu'llers, Esquires and Gentlemen, drawne downe in their severall branches and matches with their respective coats of amies, from the 24 yeare of Queen Elizabeth to this present yeare, anno H)82, collected and compossed by Jo. Tilston, E.s(j. student in anti(|uities.' Most of the shields are left vacant. 432 Dd. vn. 24. A large folio, on paper, bound up with the preceding MS. and consisting of 48 leaves engrossed in the reign of Elizabeth, with the title Thk Excukquyr : The Auncient Rcuenewe of the Crowne. On the fly-leaf is, ' 4" : 00* : 00"',' the price probably given for the volume by Bp Moore. 384 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 433 Dd. VII. 25. ' D. JuNii JuvENALis Satyr.e. Pai'isiis b typographia regia AVith MS. notes by Dr Taylor. The volume contains also the Satires OF Pkrsius, on which Taylor has in like manner annotated. *34 Dd. VII. 26. A folio book, of paper, containing, in a contemporary hand, Copies of Letters on business from a merchant M. B. to Messrs Willet, J. J]urkin, H. Law, C. Snow, Lombe, Wel- thorpe, J. Cooke, P. Bar, and other merchants, dated New- castle, 1677—83. This appears to have been the merchant's office-book. 435 Dd. vm. 1. An oblong folio, on paper, of 134 leaves, in good preservation. A list of those in the Commission of the Peace for each county in England, 1653. On the back is an old lettering 'Peace Book, 1G.50.' It begins : Bedford. ^\''illiam Lcnthall, Speaker of Parliament Oliver Cromwell, Captaine Gcnerall. cS:c. These two names, with those of the Commissioners of the Great Seal, and a few others, head the list in every county. 436 Dd. VIII. 2. 1. A folio, on parchment, containing ff. 20, with 49 lines in r each page. An Obituary Kalendar of the brothers, sisters and bene- factors of the Monastery of Kyngton in Wiltshire, by Kate- RiNE Moleyns prioress, a.d. 1493, preceded by prayers, a list of the priory lands, the order to receive nuns, &;c. and other documents connected with the monastery. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 335 On f. 1 by is written in red : John Elys John Baker Humanum est cadere, id est peccare, set diabolicum est pei-severare, id est contiimare. Below : Jcsu haiie mercy on the soule of John Baker, and two coats of anus, under one of wliich is written, ' A John Elys le frere eisne,' and under the other, * A Thomas Elys le frere puisne.' In f. 2, after a division of the History of the ^V'orld from the creation into Gages, begins a brief list of the kings of England from Arviragus, in wlioso reign Joseph of Arimatliaea came to England, to Henry men- tioning their places of burial, a blank space being left for that of Henry In f. 3 b, begins in English, the order to receive * brothers and sisters to the suffrages of the religion' at Kyngton monastery. In f. 4, the order to receive ' mynchyns' or nuns. In f. 5, after a short prayer to our Lady by the prioress in English, beginning ' Blessed Mary, moder, maiden and wyfe, pray for us to thy sone Almighty,' with invocations of saints and angels, follow two metrical prayers in English, the first commencing : Almyghty God fader of heven For Christes love that dyed yn roode -i I pray the lorde to hire my steven And my desire cause to be goodc. -' The lines being bracketed that rhyme. The second commencing : Swete Jesu to the A gylty wrecche I yelde me, &c. At the end of these : John Baker of Briggcwater ] . r\-. 11 .1 1 c Amen. C hriste hclj) the nowe and ever) And Dame Kateryne Moleyns also ) Amen To the blysshe of heven that she may go j Next, in f. .5 is a letter of Thomas [Langton] Bishop of Salisbury, appointing Katerine Moleyns prioress of the monastery, then vacant by the resignation of Alicia Laurens, dated April 9, 1492. Katerine Moleyns was probably a relation of Adam Moleyns, Dean of Salisbury 1441, Bishop of Chichester 1445. Then follows an account of the priory lands and other revenues of the monastery, prayers to be said for the benefactors, and on f. 8 the Kalendar begins, with the names of the brothers, sisters, prioresses, and benefactors to be prayed for inserted on the days of their deaths : the names of a great many bishops of Salisbury and abbats of Glastonbury are inserted — Herry Beau fordo, Cardynel and Bisshop of \\'ynchester, William of ^\^ykam, &c. 33G CATALOG Ui: 01- MANITSCUITTS. At the foot of f. 10 is a list of presents made l)y John Baker to tlie monastery. Among them are A bone of Seint Christofer closed yn cloth of goKle, a nohle relykc. This boke for to be there mortilage. A boke of seynts lyves yn Englysshe. A spruse tabell, and a cobberd that be yn there parler. The mendyiii^e and renewini^e of a oolde masboke of theres. A fetherbedile, a bolster, a pylowe and ii feire couerlettes. The MS. is mentioned by Tanner, Aot. Monaat. who appears to have copied it : for an account of the Monastery see Dugdale's Monasticon, new ed. IV. 397, nOB. Between f. ID and f. *J0, which contains the coats of arms of tlic brothers Elys as in f. 1, is inserted 2. Kightcen folio leaves, on vclhiin, in dou])le coluinns, with o5 lines in each cohinin, with rich illiiininatod initials and borders, and musical notes. Date, the xvtli century. * Co M M E M ) A ( I O A \ I M V. . ' IIoH.t: JJkat.k Maui.i; \'ih(;i.\is. Begins : Subvenite sancti dei oeciirritc angeli domini.,. Ends : Benedicamus domino Deo gracias. The • Commendacio anime' ends f. 7 'J, and tiie Hours begin f. 7 ^. Several of the initials contain illuminated vignettes. 437 Dd. VIII. 3. A long folio, on paper, in Greek and Latin, now containing 160 leaves, unpaged, the two last of which are blank (the left band column of each page being Greek, the other Latin) ; each column when full containing about fio lines, but frecjuentlv a much smaller number; written in a very late band, j)robably of the xvith century; comparatively void of contractions, in a bad con- dition, and mutilated in the early part. The initial letters of the sections are rubricated, without ornaments. The title is written on the surface of the closed leaves, perpen- dicular to their edges. 'Alphabetum Grecum.'' CATALOGUE OF M ANUSCIUrTS. 3:37 Tlie words on the second leaf are mostly mutilated : the third leaf com- mences : dyopaios. Forensis conventus : ([ui villa emit et vendit. Ends : rj cu\//', wTTof : Vultus. No authors are quoted in illustration of the glosses. A few remarks are written by later hands, and sometimes in red ink. See the words vcrrtpq^ia, and Tvpr]v6i : the alphabetical order is not strictly observed. On the inside of the cover is written Vocabulai iuni (Jr. Lat. J. H. Hautin. 438 Dd. VIII. 4. A folio, on })a|)or, of 21 S leavL'.s, rc^uhirly numbered, hcginnini; vvitli the 4th, so that the last is numbered 21 5 : of the x viith centurv. 'Christ ani) iri.s Apostlks: or the History of tlie four Evan;]^eli.sts, St Matthew, St Marke, St Luke, St John at larcje, written and distinguished in such manner as they may with great facility be read and understood; together with the History of the Actes of the Apo.stles at large, harmonised out of the Kj»i.stles of them as touching the Story, with an abridgement of the said Harmony as touchini^ the Story only with tlie llevelation of St .John at large. t«»gether with abridgement of the prophecies and Visions, digested and written by William S|>enccr, gent.'' The text is written in a sin^jle column, and notes aix* added in the margin. Tile author seems to have been a Puritan. «39 Dd. VIII. 5. A folio, on parchmcMit, of haves, in double c(dmnns, of M) lines each, of the .xiiith century. The caj)itals are illimiinate, 1JI.S.). MO Dd. VIII. 6. A folio, on parchment, of 202 leaves, in double columns, of .*>0 lines each, written late in the xiith century, and not imlike Dd. C'ATALOCUE OF M AN L ?>C'IUrTS. VII. 15 and 16, but the writinpt is smaller, anil the letters are rounder. The Volume formerly belonged to the Monastery of St Alban's, as appears from a rubriek at the foot of the Preface : * Hie est liber sci Albani, quem (jui ei abstulerit aut tituluin dole- verit vel mutaverit anathema sit. Amen.' 1. ff. 1 (7, 1— -JOl b, 1. ' Incipit Prefatio Sancti Icronimi Presbiteri in Ej'jwsitionem Psali/ionnn.^ Ik'gins : Proximo cum Orii^cnis Psaltcrium I'.ii.ls : ... in cunctii scciila .soculorum. Amon. This is the same as tlu' Jireridrium in J\\(i/ino.s\ Opp. Ilirron. \'(>1. VII. App. 2. fi; 201 />, 1— 202^, 2. ' Lectio sancti Ecanpelii secundum Lucam ' Taken from Hetle, Kxpos. in Lucam, Lib. ii. (>pi>. A-r. KITJ. \'ol. v. col. 202—204. Begins : In illo kapitulo Egressus est, \c. ^iv. 1 4.] Virtute spiritus, signa mir.u ulorum, iS:c. F^nds : . .illius per omnia indi^erc muiu ril)us, illius se poss? credentcs sanari virtutilniM ; cni est < uin etrrno iS:c. Dd. VIII. 7. A folio, on parchment, imperfect, containing ft'. 431, in double columns, of } lines each, written about the middle of the xi\ th century. 1. A fragment of Maiki IVm fi Vknkti IIisToni.\ Taii- T AROIU M. Begins (f 1 ) with wliat corresponds to a portion of Lib. ii. c. xlii. of the text in \ovus Orhis Myen ucnit ut cxercitum illius inuadcrct. Tartari ucro audactcr occuiTcnmt illi. Cum i^^itur equi Tartaronim uidenint elephantcs. ... Ends(f. 7): Est autcm regio ilia fiigida super modum et usque ad occanum mare protenditur. Explicit Ili.storia tartarorum. This ALS. wants therefore the concluding sentence given in the edition and in the MS. Xo. 17, § 12, though with the text of the latter it very closely agrees. CATALOGUE OF MANLSCUIPTS. 2. Comparing this with No. 1750, we may entitle it, HlSlOKlA PoLiniHOMC A RaM I.IMIl Ck S J H K \ S 1 S . An alphabetical index occupies ff. 8 — 14, without a rubrick, and with merely a few lines of explanation beginning, * Ad subscqucntis tabule noti- ciain, .' the initial letter containing a portrait of a king. "What at its end is termed * prologus historice polichronice,' begins (f 15), * In historico nannjue contextu cronographoruin diligencia nobis delegato relucet claiius nonua moruni, forma vivendi,...' and is continued on the next leaf marked 1 by the scribe. After tliis follows: Incipit historia policronica. lulius Cesar diuinis humanisque rebus singulariter instnictus cum consulatus sui fasces ageret, ex senatus consults ccusuit omnem orln-'m I)er prudentes uiros adinetiri. In the text following the chaitters are not markrd. The leaves arc numl)cred by the sciibe fir th<' piirjiosc nf tho indrx. anil his cniiimTatiun is adopted in what follows. On f 24, * Incipit liber .•>ccuntlu>,...' and the initial Kttrrs uf this and tiie other books arc worthy «f note : that <»f Lib. vii. is <»n f. '.V2\. The leaves between those marked l!41) an, c ontaining the history for A.n. (»o4 — *J44, are missing, as also are those between .T4o and .302 convspond- ing to the period a.d. ll.VJ — 124.5. The scrilHj's enumeration does not extend beyond f. 4\'J, and his references in lh»' index do not go l>eyond f. 401 ; the handwriting at this place also difti-rs slii,'htly fn»m what precedes. On f 411 and tf. W'l - 11.5 are additions at 0 — llfiO. 443 Dd. vm. 9. A folio, on parchment, of 29 loaves, in excellent preservation. The royal arms are stamped on the cover. 1. ' Si I'KH visi's M.vNKini F)K 13lk w lu: HI 1. in com. iiark. parccllre terrarum et possessionum Charoli Principis Walliiu, Ducis Cornubiie et l^^boriim et Comitis Cestriie, inter alia con- cessro dicto principi per Jacobum nunc rcgem An. 1()17. 2. ' Si pKRvisi s Mankhii i)K Sii I i'i»on in Com. J5ark. par- celhi; terrarum et possessionum Charoli principis \\'alliaj . . . Ducat, suo Cornul). nunc spectan. per excamb. pro HyHet et \Va)'bridge in Surr.' a.d. 1617. 444 Dd. VIII. 10. A folio, on parchment, containing fV. 217. Handwriting of the xivth century. 'Tkhtia pahs T.nfoiuiati cum (iLcssA,' divided into 14 books, beginning at ' Tit. 3. Lib. 24. Dige.storum and ending with Lib. 38. Initial letter cut out. This volume appears, from the words *jacet in cista de — ' on the fly-leaf, to have hoen formerly deposited as security for a Huni of money. 445 Dd. VIII. IL A folio, on parchment, containing ff. 276, with a page of index at the end. Handwriting of the xivth century. Sancti Gregorii DEfRETALiuM. LiR. V. cum glossu. The illuminated initial letter is cut out, and In Book 8, Tit. 44—50, and in Book 4, Tit. 1 — lo, are wanting. CAT A LOG L' I : OF M A N LSCH 1 PTS. 341 446 Dd. VIII. 12. A larfre folio, on vellum, containing ff. 404-, in double columns, with 5.3 lines in each column. There are rich illuminated initial letters. Date, the xivth century. BlHLIA Vl I-GATA Sa.NCTI HlEROWMI. The first 5 leaves are occupied with a metrical suminaiy of the events of the Bihie, headed ' Sumniaria copulacio metrificata dicens. .' Then follows the epistle of .Jeremiah (Baruch vi.), ami then St Jerome's usual proloj^ue. Genesis hefjins f. 10, the initial I containing a vertical row of vignettes of the Creation. 'J'he hooks occur in the usual order, exceptin-; that the Book of Baruch and the Acts follow the Epistle to the Hehrews. Of the Psalter there are two versions, the ordinary Vulf;ate and that of St Jerome from the Flehrew, as given in Sabatier's edition. A canon of the lessons follows the hooks of iMaccal)ecs, the preface to St Matthew l)e<,nn- ning f. .^71. After the Apocalyj)se is an index of names, a metrical sum- mary of the gospels, and lastly a genealogy dcnvn to our Lord's time of Jewish kings and others, in a diffi-rent hand, liefore eacli hook is an index of the chai)ters with contents. On the cover is written a list of the books of the Bible, and a recipe * to make water for y3en ;' and before the Psalter one *ad incaustum nigrum faciendum ' 447 Dd. VIII. 13. A folio, on parchment, of 111- leave.s, in douhle column.'^, of 40 lines each, probahly of the .\iiith century. Uauam s Mai III s di: Um vkh.so. Imperfect, commencing with Lib. xi. and enita.s .. . Knds : .. a quocunciue fuerit ascensus exeurrit. Opp. ed. Migne, Par. 18."il. Tom. iii. pp. 310— (514. 448 Dd. VIII. 14. A folio, on parchment, of 21)2 leaves and a i'rafrment, in double colmnns, of from oG to 42 lines each, of the xiith century. The initial letters are illuminated. 'ROHERTI PkIOKIS I>K B K !{ 1, 1 N TO \ A Co M P I f. A T I O \ F.*! IN EpI- sTor.AS P\ri.i ArosTOi.i." 342 CATALOtiUi: OF MANUSCUIPTS. Begins (after the Preface, * Sicut et aliaruin mcaruin compilutionum.. ' and the Prologue * Primum qucritur'), f. {^6 1, witli tlie words, Paulus Scrvus C'hristi Jesu — Ansehnus l*aulus hebraite, (|uietus Greee , . . Ends, on a fragment after f. 292 : . . . minus perfectis ut erescant, incorrectis ut resipiscant. Explicit liber conipilationum cloniiui Ilobei-ti, iS:c. The compilation consists of extracts from various Fatiiers whose names arc given ; the author says in his own preface, *Quas divei-so moilo,' &c. The four leaves prefixed in the volume to the above treatise, in a hand apparently of the xvth century, contain 1. ' l)i: OiMMiinL s si:x dikkim.'' Begins : In i»rincipio ^-c. fratres korissimi secuti Paulus per revclationem didicit ... Ends, on '.Wd leaf b 1 : ...qui id facturus erat propria voluntiitc per culpam, et ordinandua domini equitatc per penam. 2. A Treat i.se ' D e P k n 1 1 i : n i i a . ' Mliich seems to have con.^isted of nine chapters, but has been mutilated. Begins : In pcnitentia autcm que peccatorum considcrare oporteat . . . Ends : . . . omni igitur a malo sic mcntem revocat ut conimissa jdangat et plangenda committere non velit nc . . . The first of the above treatises is probably, and the second possibly, by the same author as the Commentary, v. Tanner, Bibl. Lond. 1748, p. 057- Il()l)ert (also calle IN IsAIAM PuOPUKTAM.' Begins (after the prologue * Isaias prophcta nobili prosai»ia ortus...') witli the words : V'isio Isaie »Jvc. -Mos ct usitata consuetude est scriptorum . . . Euds: . . . quia non ^;auant de reproborum dainnatione, sed de sua lil>er- atione. Exi»litit, iscc. There are many copies of thia in MS. in various Lil>i-aries ; it was pub- li.slied Colon. l.'iOl, in Rvo. The writer was Bisliop of Ilalberstadt, and died in 853. He was a rela- tive of Bede. 2. ff. \('>'2b—\7r)/j. ' Lllll H UkaTI Al'GlSTINI DE 8ANCTA ViRGI N IT ATE.' Bff^ins : Lil)riini de bono conjupali . . . Knds: ^ inmini dicite et suju r exaltate cum in secula. Amen. (^I'p. Paris, UJ.'{7, \ ol. VI. pp. 57n »qq. 0 451 Dd. vm. 16, 17. Two folios, on pan liiiu nt, in double cohnnns, the Ist of 3M) leaves, the last mutilated, of about 46 lines in a cohunn, the 2nd of 31 1 leaves, of .'>() lines in a column, both paired throuc^hout in red chalk, with illuminated initials. Of the xNth century. 'TllO.M 1. A 1 DE.NHIS DOCTRINAI.E A .N'TIQllT ATI' M EcCLEfll.*:.' I. contains Books i — iv, and begins (after the prefatory letter to Pope Martin V, in tlic inscriptiiju of which the word *papc' h.-is been erased,) f. 1 : Mca doctrina non mca, \c. Ji»liannis vii. Ahna magcstas et invicte dcitatia imago . . . Ends, f. 'MG a : . . . et omnibus carnaUs vitc illcccbris c«>lcstem vitani ct ctcrnam prc- ponant. Amen. \'o\. II. contains tlic second part of the treatise ' Dk Sacii a. mentis.' CATALOCl i: OF MANUSCRIPTS. Hogins (atUT the prologue ' Doetiinis variis. . . / and taltle of tliaptei-s), f. Siiemmenta veiieranda . . . Eiuls, i\ :]]4h: . . . cujiis in tcrris spondcs Vieariiini Jesiiin ("liiistum. Anu n. At the end follows the rubriek, Kxplicit, 6^e. The contents of this MS. form \'ols. 1 and l! of the Ktlit. ^'enet. lATI. Tliere is a tliird part ' De Sacramental ihiis.' The author's name was Netter oi' Wahhn: he died in 14.'5(), v. Tanner, liifi/. \k 7-1'>. These are among the MSS. given l)y Arehhish()p Parker to the I niversity. 452 Dd. VIII. 18. A large I'olio, on vellum, eontainiii'^ iW 'JlO, with '2\ lines in each page. It has rich illiiiniiiated initials, horders, and occasional vignettes. Catchwords occur on cverv Stli h^al*. Date, the \ \ th century. I'sAi/i KHU M ( r M C.wTK IS, &:c. After a hlank leaf, the Kalendar follows ff. 2 — 7, tiien an exhortation to read the Psalter, heginning ' Cantieum psjilmorum eorj>us sanetificat, ani- mam decorat, ' a prayer ft»r the person about to repeat the Psalms, another Laudatio rmlmorum and an explanation of the word Psalterium. The Psalter begins f. 10, with a rich border and an illuminated initial letter, containing a stem of Jesse, and ends f liW, when the usual Canticles follow, beginning with the Confitiltor : then the Litany, the Oflicc In rujiHia (Ir/'mirtorKtii, the ('inifUfor, and lastly an index of the Psalms and Canticles, giving a slight sketch of the contents of each, with which the MS. ends f. 2.11) I), the last words being * Deo gracias.' In the Kalendar, the word 'pape' and St Thomas of Canterbury's name are eflaeed — to May 21 is attached the note'Terre motus anno d. meeclxxxii.' The order of the Lessons to be read through the year is given in doggerel verse at the end of each month, e.g. * Post Augustinum doctum Jobum lege justum.' ( )n f i) h is the name Joseph Tencon. ^53 Dd. VIII. 19. A folio, on parchment, 1 '27 leaves, double columns, of about 46 lines each, well written in a hand of the xvth century. It is in a tolerable state of preservation, but incomplete. Nearly all the chief capitals are wanting. (rowtu^s Co\fp:ssio Am a N i ls. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCIIIPTS. 345 Be-ins (fol. 1 a): [0]f hem that writcn vs to fore The hokes (Iwtllt', and we tht rforc Ben taught of that was write tlio Bre^iks off (fol. 127 t): U'hich of longe tynie hym hadde greued Bot at the laste it was aeheiied That lie this kyng discomfit hadde. Fol. 88 is hlauk, after which a large gap occurs, extending over a fourth part of Book v. A consiurt .-s^ivr »>\Mu r-> of tlii'^ coj>y : Mr Asshe, Thomas ( arsson, Ambrose lkl.se are four pages of an older Latin treatise, apparently on the Canon Law : the subject of the last (imperfect) chapter is ' I)e Scismaticis ct ab eis Ordinatis.' Dd. VIII. 20. A folio, on paper, ot'To pa^cs, written in the first half of the X villi century, injured hy use and the binder's knife. 1. Li HI M EnORACKNHIs. After the heading * .\rchiepatus l.boracen.' follows (on pp. 1 — and 55 — 70) a list «if the different benefices with the Tenths due from each, the amount.4 of which genenilly agree with the sums printed in \'ol v. of t'a/or JuTlvsiii/iticAm, (fol. 18:15,) though the first item, ' l)e Archiepatu Kbomcen. /. « e'llan()rinn infra Kecle.s. inetropoliticani eiuitatem et Arehidiaconatinn l^boracen.' The names (on pp. 47 — •'>8) are in four columns, of the iiKumbents. of the benefices, of the * clarus valor,' and of tbe 'deeima pars :' from a compari- son of the names with the lists given in l>rake's Klt^iracnm (fol. 17''><5) B n. ch. iii. the lists in the MS. must have been taken b<*tween 15.'U and 1537. in obo. CATALOCJl'K OF MANUSCRIPTS. *55 Del. VIII. 21. luMit rolio leaves, on vellum, eontaiiiiiii; 17 lines in each page, witli red and blue initial letters and nuisical notes. Date, the x vth century. Canon Missji. Begins : Tc i:,'itur cloincntissiino jiatcr... Eiuls : michique ct oinnil)Us pro (juibiis illiul (tl»tuli sit to iniscrantc pro- ])icial>ilc. IVr cliristum (lomimiin nostrum. Anion. The initial T contains tlu- followini; coat of arms. Quarterly : 1st anil 4tli, I'aly of six, Ar. and Jr. witliin a honlure «tf tl>e second, chargctl with IMatos: 2nd tuul ^rd, Az. on eagle tlispluyed Ar. It is bound up with the previous MS., and thus may possibly be of York use ; but the rubricks differ from those in tlu- printed York niissiil, as well as from those given in .Maskell's Ancicut Littirjy of the Church of Eiiyland, and Haniel's Codejc Lituryicns. 456 Dd. VIII. 22. A larun- folio, on velliun, now containiii:^^ •J7<» leaves, written in iloubl' eohnnns in ii hlack-letter character, probably of the xvth century, each colunni containiii'^ about fiO lines ; the initial letters of the capitula are very neatly ornamented with scroll-work, &c., and the initial letters of the books are handsomely illuminated in blue, green, red, pink and gold. The greater part, however, have been cut away, and many leaves are very nuich mutilated. 1. 'Cam Pi inn Si,( i \!ii Hi-ioki i: Naiikvii^^ Liiiiti \ X XV I I Begins (corruptly) : ego orationes sibi pneteret) {ley. sin<» pncterfluere). Nec IMancus illepide, &c. (Lib. i. iinefat. § 24). fol. 1. Ends (still more corruptly) : ab ea, exceptis indie fahulis, proximo (juidom dixorim Ilyspaniam quccunquo ambitu mari. (Lib. xxxvn. in fine.) fol. 20G (verso). ^^'ith the exception of the few loaves lost at the beginning, the MS. con- tains Pliny's work entire. This MS. is alluded to in Sillig's Catalogue of the Codices of Pliny pre- fixed to his edition. 2. 'Cam Pf.ixi Secindi Ok atohi.^ Vkiion ensis Liukr IlLlSTHlIM 1N( Il'IT. Di: PllOl A IfKOE A MJ A \ O H I ' M CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Proca rex Albanorum... (c. 1.) fol. 2G7. Euds : odoribus crcmandum ciiravit. (c. 77 ) fol 272 (verso). Tliis is generally considered to be the treatise, not of l*iiny, hut of Aurc- liub \'ictor. O. Two Ei'l-^'IF.KS FROM Al-KXANDKU I 11 K GkKAT TO Dl.MH.MUS, AM) TWO 1 .\ HKl'I.Y FllOM HIM TO Al.KXANDKR. *Epistola Alexandri Kegis Magni Macedonuin ad Diiuliinuin regcni JJrainaniioruin do philosophia/ Hegins : Su'pius ad aures nieas fando pervenit, &c. fol. 273. The last words of the collection arc : Nonnunquam etiani suavitate odoris, vel gustu dulcedinis aut con- tactus blanda niollicie refovemur, quorum omnium suggcrunt nobis ellementa... These lettei-s are i)ul)lishe— 10.3. See al.so Fabric BiU. Gr. \'ol. iii. p. 2il. Ed. Harles. 4. * 1)k Pi.I.MO. 1JhKVI8 ANNOTATIO de DUOBl'S PLINIIS VkU<>.NK\H|HI;h ORATOHIIU H KX Ml I.TI.M IIINC COLLECTA I'KU Joil A NNK.M M AM410.\ AHUM V i: RON KX 8E3I Begins : Plinii duo fui^> noscuntur, &c. fol. 27C. Ends : Ut de 80 dicit ad C. Taciturn prinii lihri epistola sexta. An account of this perfonnance, which was composed in the l>oginning of the xivth century (about a.i». 1.31.3), may ]»e s*'en in an excursus to the life of IMiny the Naturalist, in the Pari.-* editi«»n of in27. Vol. i. p. xlvii. It is there styleil tlixmrtntinuculn vi.r lutiur nrripdi : it if> prolmbly not printed, nor does it tli serve to be. iy. 'FuA.\(is(rs Petrarca a i> fkaihk.m Joiian.nk.m de Col.l.MNA l*C)I>A(;ilA.M FA .MII.IAKK.M ESSE Dl VITI HCH.** Begins : Anilem tibi fabellam d ex re, ut Flaccus ait, garrio. fol. 27C. Ends : aranea in s<|ualorc a j»auperum tugurii-. habilarct. (Contained in Lib. Ill Ep. xx.xix. of Petrarch's letters. Ed. B;isil. HIXJ, l>ut the MS, liiis oidy a portion of it.) After this It ttrr follow 2o lines, entitled Priunjtittvi p/n/xirr r/mii. Be- ginning, 'Frequenter niilii in peri'grinationibus ; * ending, ' nec captaturos oecasionem.' 348 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 457 Dd. VIII. 23. A quarto, on parchment, of 212 leaves, double columns, 29 lines in a column, written in the xith (Scholz) or xiith century, EYArrEAISTAPION. Tlie Synaxarium is contained in fF. 1 a — 172 a, and the JNIcnologium in fF. 173 a — 210 a ; fF. 210 b — 212 b consist of Lessons for special occasions ; one or more leaves are wanting, the last words being rpofxos Ka), in S. Mark xvi. 8. Several quaternions are imperfect, and there are several blank spaces, but the text is continuous throughout. Each quaternion is marked with a Greek numeral, and the whole has been paged in recent times. The book is carefully written in a large clear hand, with a few abbrevia- tions : the liturgical directions and chief stops are rubricated : accents and breathings are given: the usual itacisms occur with tolerable frequency. 'i'he text does not appear to difFer materially fi-om that of ordinary Con- stantinopolitan i\ISS. This Evangelistcrium is numbered 14G by Scholz. Me states that it was written ' in usum ecclesise Constantinopolitanse.' 458 Dd. VIII. 24. A folio, on paper, of 112 pages, written in the xviith century, and containing a copy of The portion of the Vktls Liui:r Eliensis relating to the Manors of Glemesford, Herthyrst, Ratlesdene, Hecham, Berkinge, VV^etheringsetc, Brandon, and Bromford, See some account of the original in the Catalogue of Caius Coll. MSS. under No. 489. (8vo, 1849.) On a fly-leaf is ' Seth Meek, 1674.' 459 Dd. VIII. 25. A folio, on paper, of 106 leaves, in good preservation. A Valuation of all the Benefices in England and Wales according to the Taxation of Hen. VIII. 460 Dd. VIII. 26. A large folio, on paper, in good preservation. It contains an account of Lands and Rents granted to Charles Prince of Wales by King James I. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 349 1 . ' The charter of the landes in Wales graunted to the Princes Highnes.' 14 Jac. I. page 1. 2. ' Schedule of lands formerly granted to Prince Henry, but since sold, and therefore to be excepted out of the grant to Prince Charles/ page 97. 3. ' The Livery of the Duchy of CornewalV granted to the same Prince Charles. 13 Jac. T. page 103. 4. 'The Charter of Chester,' to the same 14 Jac. T. page 124. 5. ' Schedule of parcels of the said Earldom sold by the king since the death of Prince Henry, to be excepted out of the grant.' page 147. 6. 'The Lease of £3856. 2s. lid. graunted to the Princes Highnes,' but placed in trust of certain ffeoffees for his use. 17 Jac. I. page 148. 7. 'The Charter of landes, &c. of C3856. 2s. ild. per annum graunted to the Princes Highness.' Concerning the same grant as No. 6 page 186. 8. 'A Lease of the lande graunted to the ffeoffees in trust to the use of the Princes Eiglmes, being CI 188 8s. -id.' Same date as the preceding, page 230. 9. 'The Charter of 111188. 85 rul. graunted to the Princes Highnes in landes.' Concerning the same lands, and same date, page 255. 10. ' The Charter of y*' annuitie or pention of £20867. 5s. Id. per annum graunted to the Princes Highnes out of the receipt of Thexchequer.' The same date, page 280. 11. 'The Charter for Denmarke House.' Same date, page 287. Dd. VIII. 27. A folio, on paper, containing 377 leaves, of which many are blank, written in the xviith century. A Medical Common-plack Book, in Latin, alphabetically arranged. The greater number of tlie receipts seems to be by Dr IJiitler, physiciaji, of Cambridge, 1.570. CATALOGUE OF MANTSCRIPTS. Dd. VIII. 28. A paper book, iii folio, containiiiL; al)oiit 400 pages, written in the xviith century, and ])elonging to A Co.MMON-PLA( F BooK in Latin. It is arrangetl alphabetically, and is impeifoct towards the end of the volume; the contents are of little value, and many t)f the pauses are hlank. Onawa.ste leaf is 'Gulielmus Brackston verus huius lihri possessor pretium 5.N\,' with sundry mottoes. 463 Dd. VIII. 29. A folio, on paper, of 42 pages of writing, in good preservation. It contains T Neen printed. A large fulio, on paper, of 20 leave.*?, injured at the e{l;^es. 2. The CVe between Hako.vkts and the younger sons of Viscount.s and liarons for precedency, containing the argument.s on hotli .sides and the king's decision, related and set down hv Mr Hack well of Lincoln's Inn, who was of the coun.sell of the barons. 40 pages. Selden {TUlea of Ditjuittj, Pt. n. cap. 9) ha.s printed this Decision more fully than it is here reported, hut has not given the Petition and other documents contained in this manuscript. The date is 10 James I., as given hy Selden. 3. A small folio, on paper, of 2G pages, in good prescr\ation. An account of common land 8old at Ovendcn, Skircoate, Shelfe, Stainband. Thurleston, Eland, l^arkisland, Hishworth cum Norland, Stainsfield, \\'adsworth, (Joulcarre, my rm: Swii.i.k Fv .MiLY, and the rents reserved. Dated in the years extending from lf;34 to ICf]',. Nos. 4, T) and H form one book, but i)ag»'-tii atiovs, CATALOtU F. or M A N rsCltl I*Tj^. and other instruments in the Ecclesiastical Courts: issued princi- pally in the name of Robert King. Kdlu rt KiuLT was ni.ister of Trinity Hall in 1('.('>0. The volume also contains a few notes of j)li:ulini,'s in the time of Cliiis. I. «66 Dd. VIII. 32. A folio, on paper, in which there are 7- leaves of writino^, in good preservation. *A IJooke of iNQi isiroNs takkn at CAMiniiuoi-: and ITrNT."' concerninix the estates of divers persons, in the years 16;}6, I6:i7, ih':js, Ki.S!), l(5^4. At the einl are insfrte(l various forms for leLjal iloeumeiits and ' fVorma elegendi Kpisc. Klicns ' 467 Dd. VIII. 33. A paper hook, in folio, written in the vears \ — j'O. The private Aci or. NT- HOOK of one M"" Collins. Among his receipts are entries * for niy Lord the erle of Sjilisburyes ser- vice.' * For taking accompts of the Revenues assii^ned vnto his ma'"' as he was Pry nee.' There is also an account headrd 'Octoher, lO.'V.J. Dishui-sed for my Lord of Silisbury.' 468 ^d. VIII. 34. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. Dd. VIII. 35. A paper hook, in folio, of which only the Hrst 0') pa^cs contain writing, of the first half of the xviith century, and form a small COLLECTIO.N" or HlsTOIlH Al. 1 )o< T M K N T.*^ . 1. pp. 1, 2. ' De infeliei Henrici Frederici nohemiie prin- cipis naufragio, Threni.' Begins : Infremuit cerium, intumuit mare, et gravida Thetis peperit ruinam. Ends : ...Tu illius solum specta trophaca, teciue ad majora moliendum. Et pater Aeneas, ct avunculus excitct Hector. See helow, § 8. CATALOCUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2. pp. 3 — 7. ' De Carolo Einaniiclo Subaudia? diico soxage- simuin octavuni aetatis annum inchoante, 1G29. Jan. 22". stil". Gregor^.' 3. p. 7. * Eloge pour Mounsieur de Montmorency.' See Potitot Collection, t. 32, p. 184. 4. p. 8. ' The oath of a Knight diihhd with ceremony in Scotland." 5. pp. 11 — 1^3. ' Regiminis Suecici Con.stitutio, 1635.' G. p[). 45 — 54. * Propositions delivered to his majesty — f«)r the sccurinjr his Majestyes E.state and bridling of l*arhaments and for the encrease of his revenew." The author's name is erased ; the tract has been printed sevenil tinu-s; it was at first attributed to Sir Robert Cotton, but was the production of Sir Robert Dudley. See liioyrnphia Jiritttuuira, s. v. Cotton. 7. pp 55 — (). ' Discorso dell Valeresio Ambasciadore Veneto sopra il naturale humore del \lv (T Ingleterra, 1()24."* 8. pp. 57 — f). ' To his Sacred Majesty. A true description of his deceased Nephew/ Begins : Heniy Frederick, Prince of Rohcmia, the bepinninp of this yeare, began the fifleentii of his age... Ends : .. but now \\c see that (locl hatli prepared liini for Himself, not for us, and I will hold my peace b« caus4' bee hath done it. In the flourish at the » nd is written, * Hinley.' The vr* of F.uglnud. F]lizabeth, eh. v. 9. pp. 51) — 61 ' Uelatioiie didle licroirkc (jualita dell' Altes.'yi Serenissima dell ...Sign'" Haron de W'allestein Diica di Fridlandia ...Generalissimo - per tutto TEuropa, Direttore dell Romano Im- perio -Domatori et estirpatore del fiero Mostro Settentrionale Stampan in Trevio.'' 10. pp. Gl — 3. * Tiigemens et obser>ations politi'jues sur TEstat d'Allemagne et de 1" Empire.' 11. pp. 65 — 92. *A Compendious relation of t lie proceed- ings and acts of the Imperial Dyet held at Ratisbonne in the yeere 1G4() and 1G41, taken out of the Dyet of the CoUedges.'' CATAlAKiL'i: OF MANUSllillTS. 12. pp. 93 — 'A relation of . I nhn Taylor his noujooiatiDii in Germany from tlie second time of the liarle Marshalls departure thence till this present H)3l). April the 1, that by his Majesty* order he is returned home, wherein will aj unbare his care, zealc and faithfulnesse towanls his Majesties S4.Tviee.' rius U iin|>iTfi'ct. aihl, after a mention of Don Fmnci.HCo dr Mclo, i nils : hU stay was hut short, for he doparttMl presiMitly for Italy, at tl»e time when wee removed to Pn'j^hurg in Ilunjjary. *70 Dd. VIII. 36. A folio, on i^ipor, containinf» 2.S0 |)ni;es, of which 3vS an' hlank, besides an Index of 23 leaves of smaller size pretixiHl. * Hook of Pni.su A I I. K» 4 KH*T«, 1 1 is anonymous, hut at paije 170. in the san^e handwriting^, l)Cgins a col- lection of * Ukckii'th of Mr Henry llareourt nm I'mokkuv/ After these there is a pa^jr of Mrdical Hrcripu in another hand. 471 Dd. VIII. 37. A folio, on parchment, of 10 leaves, hoimd up uith the preceding MS. 'CoMi'iTi M omnium et sinpulonnn l)alivonim collectoniin receptonnn fmnartnn termnirn vi poHsesftionum ac rcventinniiin tam spiritualium quam temporalium ai» Eim.si op ati m Nohvi- cENHEM pKRTiN K.NTi! M pH) anno scilicct a fi'sto sancti Michaelis Archanpeli MVji) ad festimi Sti Mich. Archangeli HIlM, coram .lohanne Welsh Aiiditnre.' -472 Dd. VIII. 38. A thin folio, on paper, of 182 pa^es, in tolerable preservation. It contains short notes of the day and place of each Skssion OF TUK Ks( HKATOK IN C A M HH lOr, KSU I H K for tllC VCarS Hi'i.')— 41, and the names of the persons smnmoned to appear. Intermixed with these notes are 1. Rental of lands lyu"j in Cii inljri<{ shlrc and fornirrly I)elonging to divers Ildiniom Houses and Chantries which were at that time in the hands f»f the crown, j). .">. CATALOGUK OF MANUSCltll'TU. 355 2. 'Abstract of all the Tenths in the Uocci|it of Accompta for Cambrulpeg/i ire. ^ p. 1 1 . 3. Rental of lands situated in Iluntinmhiuhire formerly l>c- longing to Religioui Jlousei and Cliantries and then paid to the crown, p. IT). 4. ' An alistract of all the 'J\uths^ Audil.s and Annual luiits in the charge of the Keceivers Accoinpt of Uuntlnndijii! p liO. o. 'A note of such landes as were houlden of the EarU of Oxforde in the countie of Cambridge and Huntingdon. 18 Eliz/ p. 2.']. 6. * An enquir}' concerning the lands of the Earl of West- moreland in the County of Cambridge/ p. 25. 7. ' Brief notes of Graunti of Abb^y and Church iindt fn»m 30 Hen. VIII. to 2 Jac. I.' p. 29. Dd. VIII. 39. A thin paper t)ook, in folio, on alxiut 1 40 pages, containing ' Tlu' History and Antiquity of St Peters or \Vi:ffTMi.\iiTER A IIIIY.^ There are many conrctiorw hy the writer in the prrfiicr, which l»rrm*. ' If the Btudy «>f .\nti<|uity in K'"n«'ridl. niul ;' hut the work iturlf in . written, with thr . \c. I •! I! . t'l- •( » ! I ' ri.'tl . fir * ! . in the Ap|K'n«• w i- onlrred to st-arch for a rf»ling-|tlttce for the late Kinjf. IVriiai»« ihij* inay l>c the original of Henry Keep's IkmW, which un«ler the title of Monu- mentn H'rjttnioiumtrriensia, caine out in IQW. (See An Arimtint of the M'ntrrt of thr J fistory of Westminster Afibry, hy Uirhani U'iilmore, 4to, London, 174«l ) Dd. VIII. 40. A thin |>a|)er book, in folio, bound up with the two prccel MAM SC Id I'TS. 1. ff. S. 'The sevonall and particular Accoinpt.s of Jaims Chaj.inaii, haker to the CVdlodge of Wostiniiistcr for fowcr yeares, ciuled at Michaehiuus Kiii,' and from thtiu'c to Kits. Kverj' sheet is signed ' James Chupmtui 2. ft'. 2. ' A piouse worke huinblv commended to the reverend ministers of these preate and numorouse assemhlys of the parishes of S» Martins, S' (iilcs in thv l''it>l(ls, S' (Mements, and S' Pauls Covent (iardcn in the City of W estminster and County of Mid- dlesex/ A prtjject for founding nil indiistriiil mIkujI tor poor (.liiMriii. St*r Stow's Sunryf B. vi. ch. iv. 3. ff*. iK ' A note of all his Majesties pnuiyi^ scales receyued hy Sir Charles Cornwaleis knighte appointed collector for the county of Norfolk, A.I). 4. ft". (). ' A Cataloirue of the Deancs of the Cathedral ( 'hureh of Norwich, and of their translation from a pri»)r and convent to a deane and chapter kc. |)er Thomam Searle decani et capituli supradicti clericum capitularem.' This was written afte r KUV), as appears from the conclusion : his last .\ct (as I Vane) ratione horrcndissima? persecutionis Angl. 2.') Jan 1<>4H, just five dayca before tlie most harharous, crucll, and dete.stal)le .Murther t])nt ever was couunittrd in then sorrowing (hut now singing) Kn-iand On f (I is the endorsement, ' To the revt rentl M' John U'hitefoote these in all humility present * 5. ft", f). ' l*rnj)(».-alls for the better rerpdateinp the officers and mana^^enu'Ut of the work h longing to the (Jri-at Levell of the Fenns called IJedford Levell.' Ikgins : whereas in the first undertaking of the drryning of the levell nforosiid. the Ix)rd Gorges... Dd. VIII. 41. A folio, on vellum, containing ff". 102, in double columns, with 38 lines in each colunm. The initial letters are red and blue, and occasionally illuminated. Date, the xivth centurv. A miserably nmtilated viARiL M KT Mis.sAi.f., apparently of Salisbury use. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 357 ff. 1, 101, 102 arc three stray leaves of a Psalter, containing respectively Ps8. 1—7, 17, 18 and 34—37. The Hreviary begins f. 2, with the words * |_mag]nificencia et gloria ct fructus terre' (Is. iv. 2) in the services for the 1st week in Advent, ending f. 8'> : the Miss;il W'gins as usual f. 8(3, and ends abruptly f. in the middle of the Office * in die Pentecosthes.' The MS. is paged by the original hand, and there are catchwordii. Three leaves are missing before f . 2 ; 3 after f . 8 ; 1 after f. 10 ; 1 after f. 14 ; 2 after f. 20 ; 2 after f. 22 ; 1 after f 37 ; 8 after f. 3Ji ; 3 aft^ r f. 30 ; 0 after f. 10 ; 2 after f. 41 ; 12 after f .')3 ; Qi] after f 77 ; 8 after f. 78 ; 4 after f. 70 ; 4 after f. 81 ; 2 after f. a3 ; 10 after f . 84 ; 8 after f. 87 ; 1 after f. 01 ; 4 after f. 02 ; 1 after f. 03 ; and C after f. 08. *76 Dd. VIII. 42. A small folio, on paper, of 44 paijcs, in good prcser^-ation. An account of the property of the Priory of Westacre taken in the rei^n of Henry VII. ^'y? Dd. VIII. 43. A folio, on paper, ff. '{S and ')() blank loaves. ProcfMinm unde r a (.'oinini.ssion of Hankniptcy awarded against Thomas Xmcc* of Norwich, liosier A.n. 1 (KK). Also proceedint^s a^Minst Mathetc /kttmur^ of Hockham in Norfolk, grocer. 1 G67. *7a Dd. VIII. 44. A folio, on paper, of I S.S leavi's, some (»f which are lilank, irregularly pa-^rd and l>am the Fathers, alplmhi tically arranged under various heads. The last few leaves contain an index of subjects. ^*79 Dd. VIII. 45. A j»a})erbook, in folio. A ( V\ TA r.o<;r F. of the Hooks and MSS. of Du Hoi.kswoktu made in a.i>. U)64 by Syndics appointed hy the Senate. At the bej,Miininp; is a cortitied copy of the ^race ai»i»<>intin>^ the Syn- aoi — Kvpie So^a^o) ae. This Evangelisterium was lent by Bishop Moore to Mill, who included a very imperfect collation of it (marked ' M. 2.') in the Appendix to his edition of 1707 (see Proleg. p. clxvii. a), afterwards incorporated with the other various readings by Kiister. It is numbered 4 by Wetstein (t. i. p. 63)^ and after him Griesbach and Scholz. ff. 200 — 204 contain fragments of Greek prayers, chiefly to St Nicholas, resembling those in the Menaea. These leaves are written in a large black hand of probably the xiiith century, with about 14 lines in a page, they are in a very tattered and macerated state. f. 200 begins : ...baipovatv KaBep... Ends: ...ra decrfxa dieprj^as- ev)(ai5 tov... ff. 204—201 (inverted) begin : ...rots ^aadvois... End: ...ray TTpos [?] 6e6v 6 di... Dd. viiL 50. A quarto, on parchment, of 110 leaves, in double columns, of 86 lines each. ^LIUS DoNATUS DEVOTIONIS DE OCTO PARTIBUS ORATIONIS. Printed by Rastell. [In the library, AB. 5. 61.] j 3G0 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. This is followt'tl by four clKii)ti'rs i iitillril Amoy Docco, Ltyo, and Audio, corrcspoiulini; to the four conjugations, witli the colophon ' Kxplicit Donatus devotiouis et pio finU.' In f. 1 occurs tlie name Tlionuis Knyvett. 485 Dd. VIII. 51. A small folio, on paper, paired, containinL^ 71) pac^cs, besides the leaf containiiiL^ the title and a blank loaf at the end, each full page containing from 10 to 40 lines; written at the close of the XV nth century. 'Callimachi Fraome.xta a v. doctiss. Thoma Stanleio Arm. collecta et digosta, una cimi Notis inidoqua(iuain eruditis in eim- dein poetani : liboraliter connnuiiicavit Mdvardus Slu rburn Aurat. V. clarissinms. Ab. Sellero. Kal. Apriiiluis mim x( \ Begins : A S. — Calliniai liii-^ » ripsit plus quam HOO lihrofl. Suid. Ends (p. 7«) : Transvolat in medio posita et fugientia captat. See Caliimachi Fragmcntn, pru f. pp. vii. viii. VA. Blonif. 486 Dd. VIII. 52. A thin paper book, in quarto, of 44 pages. A letter from T. B. (Thomas J5arlo\v) upon the English IIlSTORIANd. It begins : My honest friends, I have that confidence of your candour... At the end it is dated, *Q. Coll. Oxon. Octob. 30, 1G30,' with a postscript * Pray let noe eye see these rude papers...* 487 Dd. VIII. 53. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 301 *88 Dd. rx. 1. A large fulio, on paper, cr»ntaining ft'. 432, written about the middle of tiio with century. A collection of Lihel.s, Sentences, Depositions of witnesses, Inhibitions, 02, 19 Au}^. and l.'>ir>, 11) Apr., tlie interviU to which the chief part of the fidlowinK articles l)elonps. Articles 1,4 7. », 11 — HI, l», UO— ,^'•>ear to Ik? in the same hold and distinct handwriting, perhaps of the xvith century. Articles 2, 17, 3<) are in a handwriting which is less rtjunded than the pre- ceding. Articles 3, 8 de nei^otiutioiie Mosrlnmi- tica,' dated *22* Junii, Anno 1.5a'l,' is the farewell address, dated * 23 .hinii Iladeslevii, of the Enijlish Kmhassador to the K. of Denmark. The names of those who sii^ned the Convention are J. Ilerhert, Nicolaus Kaas, Hinricus Belou, II. Rnmell. 12. A collection of Documents relatincj to the Nepjotiations carried on between the CJoverninents of l^ni^laiul and the city of Elbing, 1583. n, f. on. A letter from the 'Proconsul et Consules Regia- Ciuitatis Elhingensis' to Queen Klizaheth, dated ' Die .T mensis Januavij, Anno Dni isan; h. ft". — 102. * Sereniiisima? Re^nna* .Vnglio? se Privilegii missi Tran- sumptum, vna cum Elbinjjensium Notationihus.' r. ft'. 103 — 4. A letter from the same to the same (a.s in a), dated ' 24 Martii, For the contents of tV. 1<>.") — 7 see below, §§ IH and I t. d. f. 107 />. A letter from Q. Kliznheth to the Authorities of Killing, dated 'Grenwiei, (I" Julij, lofin.' f. {. lOM. .\ letter from Q Klizaheth accrediting Mohannem Herhertum nohilem et U'ilhelmum Salkins" as ' veros et induhitatns Amluussiaton^s, Oratorcs et Commissarios speciales,' dated ' Grcnwici, 6" Julii, 1.583.' /. f. 100. A letter from * (;ii})eniator, A.ssi.Htentes, et ea tem Soeietas Mercatonim ex Anglia in mari Haltico negotiantium,' to the Proetmsul, Sec of Elbing, dated ' Londini, 14° Julii, l;")^'}." U4. 13. ff. 105, 6. *Certen pointes to be con.siderod of in the present negociacon betwcne her Matie and the K. of Denniarck \v*'' An.swers vnto the .same, ' The points and answers are written in parallel columns. 14. ' Elizabetha, &c. Serenissimo Principi Poloniae ac Do- mino Stephano eadem Dei gratia, Sec.' On f. 107 a, and dated 'sexto Julii, irm: 15. f. 133. ' Litcne Dni Oratori.s ad D. ( anccUariiiin Hogni niissae per Chri.stopheruin priiisquani nostrum iter »u.sci|>eremus versus Grodnam." This epistle is dated * Eibin^;:r, IT iVb. .\ l)ni, l.MW.'a.id sij^nt d. ' Johan- nes Ilerliertus,' who excu.ses hinmdf fur not havjn;: previously visited the King of Poland on the f^round of a severe illne-^x If), f. 133/;. ' Keverondissiini Dni Archii'jii (Jncsneii. ad S. R. Mtcm suam littcra' intercessoria' pro negotio Anglicano et Kibingensibii.s mis.sii' (Jroouitii die Hi* Januarii, l*.n4,* and signed ' Stanish Gnesij.* 17. f. 13i. ' Privilogia Han.seaticis ab Angli.r Kogibu.s con- cessa a tempore Henrici Tertii, u.scpie ad Ilenriciim fjuartum.' 18. Documents relating to the Nt'i:<>tiation.s uitli Stephen K. of Poland. n. f. The Commission of the Kin^' to rertain of ids nobles to enquire into and report upon the trade carrie Feb. 1.^84.' c. 'Alia? litene . per 1). Spren;;elium niisste. vt non (d»stante absentia Mag"' Dni Thesaurii Ilegni tamcn pergercnt alij (juatuor (.omniiasarij. (•rodnnr, 11 Junii, l/ilU." 3GG CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. (/. tV. 1,10 — 1^4. Tlie Report of the Xi-gotiations made to the Kiii^' of Poland by four of the Conimissiiries, aceoiniiauied by a letter from tlu'in to the King rather siipportiiij? the Knglish elaims for freedom of trade aL^aiiist the objections of the * Gedanensium intcrnuncii,' dated * Elbinga?, 27 .hilii, 1584.* e. f. 1(57. A Proclamation of Stephen K. of Poland to the inhabitants of Prussia, forbidding them to have any dealings with foreign mcrehants •. * Datum Grodnip Die nona mensis Februarij. Anno Domini m" d" i.xxxiiii".' 19. A letter, signed ' Frauncis A\'alsin|Thain,' and dated * From the Coiirte at llichniond, tlic ... of Julie, 1581?/ addressed perhaps to Herbert It be-ins (f. lOR): Sir, The gri'at traueile you haue taken in tliose parts in the causes you have in hande, for establishing the trafiquc in Klbing, receiveth here that rewanle of thankful acceptation you «lesire... 20. fr. UiS — Tlic three followinc: letters are given in the manuscript without date.'^, hut the two first appear to have been written after ilerljert's return, the third before. a. ' Elisabetha, Ser"'^ Principi ac l)no Stephano.' The Queen expres,ses her desire io secure freedom of trade for the mer- chants in foreign i>arts, h. 'Elisabetha, \:c. Spectabilibus viris. . .Civitatis regiiu El- bing. etc."' She acknowledges their message received through IIerl>ert; regrets un- avoidable delays ; inveighs against ' mabis artes CJedanensium ;' promises to arrange with the K. of l*oland for the inhabitants of Eibing ; and requests an alteration in the standard of weights. c. ' D. Francisci \Valsinghamij Ir.e ad Mageuni. 1). Can- cellarium Poloniie.' Bespeaking his interest to forward the negotiation. 21. ff. ITl — 180. 'Informatio negotii Anglicani al) inter- nunciis Ciuitatis Gedancn. aucta et mag^" I>nis Connnissariis Kegiis Leuartovia? exhibita ultimo die Augusti, loSi.' 22. ff. 181 — 3. Extracts from a book called 'Liber rcccs- suum' in the keeping of the Senate of Gedamua (Dantzic), taken in 1584. The Latin translation only is given. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 23. ff. 184—190. ^Tractatio et sontcntia in iKL^otio Angli- cano Mag""""" Dnoruin Palatini Lublinonsis : et Lublinensis, Rauensis, Biecensisque Castellanoruni, ad id iterate Ii Ma** Regia assignatorum Commi.ssarionim.' This is followed by their lx;tter to thc_K. of Polnnd, which (f. is dated * Leuartoniie, die 1' Septembris, A" Dni 1584.' 24. ff. 192 — 9. ' Magnifici Dni Zanioski Regni Poloniio Cancel, ad Steplianum Regeni de negotio A nglico Judicium, 1.584/ Tile title is in the margin, in the same hand that has underscored and annotated this and other documents in the volume. 2."). a. f. 200. ' Exemplar D. Oratori.s Irarum ad Kdum D. IJaranovium Secretarium R. P. maiorem : quic cum soquonti narrationc Grodnam sunt mi.s.«w IP Septemb. 1.584.'' Tiic letter is dated * Leovitii vndecimo die Septemb 1504;' after wliiih follows b. f. 201 — 0. * Summa colloquij inter ... 8. R. Ma*** Poloniae Commi.s.sario9 et Mag^""'. D. Johem Hcrlx^rtum S. R. M*'* Angl. Orat. Vlf^ Aug. et V Septemb. Loopardiie habiti 1.5S4.' 26. a. f. 20.5. * l{everendi.s.simi Dni Arcbiepi Gncsnensis ad S. R. M^"' Polonice Ira; intcrccssoria; scripta) Leouitii 9** Septem- bris 1584, et missa; Vilnam cum Cbristopbcro et aliis Iris Dni Or.' A. f. 20(j. ' Eiu.sdem Inr vniu.s tenori.s (ad duos doniinos)... cum aliis missa?.' c. * Exemplar Irarum D. Nicolai Firleii in Dambrovicza Castellani Rauensis ad D. Jobannem Sprengcl Ibirgrabium Elbin- genscm.'* Tills is dated * Ixjwardoviic die 2(5 Novemb. .V" l.')JJ4.' 27. ' Serenissimai Regime Angliip pcstulata S. R. M" Polonia* in Comitii.s Varsauien.sib. ofrerenda mense Febniario. A° Dni 1.58.5/ Ti»is (on fV. L'OO- 10) is followed by sundry- letters and documents (ff. 211 —15), of which thejast is a Declaration, dated ' In Blonie. Die Septima Mcn.sis Martij, A" Diii, l.'ift.5,' and signed ' Albertus Haranowski R. P. Vice Cancellarius,' to tlie i fleet that the King of I*oland, wishing,' all his ports to be open (sublata Soeietati.s Ilanseatiea* difficultate), grants to Kngliah subjects free access to Klbing. 28. a. ff. 218 — 23. *Articuli dc quibu.s Domini C'onunis- sarij ]lo(r\H Poloniti' Leuartouicnscs se ad licgiam Ma'"" ret uk runt, quo.s ab ilia conbrmari et concedi Anglis volucrunt.' 368 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. b. ff. 224- — 9. ' Articuli dc quibus Commissarii...se ad Elbiii- genses rctulenint, de quibus ipsi cum Oratore Angli;e inter se concluderent.'' This is endorsed, ' Articuli ex Lcvartodiensis colloquii scntfiitiji conccpti. ^'a^sovia', 1584.' 29. a. (f. 235.) After 5 blank leaves occurs the latter part of A Letter addressed by Q Elizabeth, apparently to the K. of Poland's Commissaries, dated Greenwich, 16 Jan""', 1584. b. After this are two letters, also dated Kith Jan""-^', addressed by the Queen, the one to the Mai^istrates of Elbing, and the other (f 236), * Georgio Frederico Marrhioni IJrandeburgensi.'' 30. f. 23G, * Consiliarii Reg. Anglijv ad 4 Comissarios Lcvar- touienses.' This is the title in the inriri,'in (f. of a K'tter .sii^ned by ten of the Privy Councillors, and dated from (Ircenwich, 28 Jan. 1584. 31. f. 237. * Archiepus Cantuar Archiepo Gnesnensi." This is dated * Exocdihus nieis Lanihethanis prope Lunilinuni xv° ('alcnd. Febr. A" Dni iuxta coniputum ecclesia? Anglicana; 1.584.' 32. On ff. 237—8 follow three letters, dated alike ' Londini die niensis Januarii, IG" Anno Dni 15S4. Anglicanie Eccle.siie Stilo,"* and signed, ' Thomas Hromley magnus Anglirc Cancellarius,"' ' Wilhelmiis Hurley magmis Angliie Thcsaurarius and 'C Howard, Angliic Camerarius,' addressed to the great otticcrs of Poland having severally the same titles. 33. f. 239. A letter, signed * Franciscus VValsingham,'' ad- dressed to a ' consiliarius,' dated only ' Londini." 34. A letter from the Governor, Assistants and Company of Merchants trading in the Baltic Sea addressed apparently to the Commissaries of Poland, dated * Londini 27 Januarij, 1584."* 35. Documents relating to the Negotiations with the city of Elbing. a. f. 240. 'Lranim S. R. Ma'" Poloniie cum (inroso Johanne Schortzio ad Elbingenses missarum exemplum. De Portorio.' This is dated ' Varsouia Die quinto mensis Martii A" Dni 1585.' b. On fF. 241 — 2 are three Documents, of which the last, headed 'Ex- emplum Conventionis nostrae cum Societate Anglicana sequitur/ is dated 23 April, 1585. CATALOGUE OV MANUSCRIPTS. 3G9 _r. f. 24.3. Tonventio inter Elbingenses et Deputatum Societatis et Dnm Oratoiem de portorio.' This is dated at Elbing, 9th April, 1 oa5. r Chris- topher I*arkins were to be the Queen's Commissioners at EmMen, this appears to be a rouj^h draft. .*)7. foliowinfr (liH'ers fnuii the preceding articles less in the liandwriting than in its suhject, On the Diseases of Horses and their Cure. It begins (f 279 />) : Sicknesse as in man so in horses is an euill afVccted contrary to nature hindringe the actions of the body. It ends (f. 200) : Thus have I in a few loaves cxpoimded what the obscrvacon of many yeares travell hath taught mec. . those which I have purposely omitted, are onely those that allready knowne to the blindest horseleech that hath hut halfe soe much sight as bold Bayard. 370 C'ATALOr.UK OF MANUSCRIPTS. Dd. IX. 3. A paper book, in folio. The first articles are in the same handwritincr, perhaps of the w ith century, and before the volume was bound were preceded by others on 2() leaves. 1. ff. 27 — 48. * Tractatus Blesetisis de arctissima amicitia in (inter) Charolum 9'" christianissimum (regem), et reginam Anglie Elizabethain pro mutua defensione suarum personarum, dominio- runi, et subditorum initus IMesis ad Ligerim, 1*) Aprilis, 1;")72.' riu- treaty is f«)llo\vtHl by the Connnissions to the Atnlnissadors and the Forms of Ilatifu-at ion, those of Q. Flizaheth in Latin, tliose of K. Charles IX. in Freneli. The most important words have heen underseored with red chalk. 2. ff. 1 1- — ")(). ' 7'nicfiitiis et confcderatio inter Francornm regem Ilenricum ejus nominis quartuni et I'llizabetham reginam Anglifc, Franciie, ».^'c. (irenovici, If) Mali, I ")!)(>.' T1)is title is followed Ity the Treaty and the Forms as in § 1. 3. ff ;■)! — [\. I ust ructions to certain who were sent unto the French King with the Order of the (iarter, after the ratification of the Treaties of the 1 1th and the Kitli of May ; Anthonie Mild- maye, knight, being at the same time sent to be the resident Am- bassador. It hegins (f ol) : You shall reeeiue our Ires to the ffrenc h K. for Creditt to he piven to you for such thinps as you shall impart to the said K. in mannor hereafter foUowinge. It ends (f. 53): with wishe of all happines in all his fortunes. 4. ff. 54 — 60. A Treaty l)etween Henr}' TV. of France and James king of England, dated ^ Paris, 24^'" Feb>. 1G06.' This Treaty with the Commissions and Ratifications is i)rinted in Rymer, Faedera, t. xvi. pp. 04.")— (lo9. 5. Two Extracts from a Treaty between Henry II. of France and Q. Elizabeth, 1559. The Treaty is printed, though with some lacunce, in Rymer, Foidera, t. XV. pp 505 — 12, as 'Tractatus Pacis Castelli Cameracensis ;' the first extract (f. 01) is a more perfect copy of the first Article relating to Calais, which is printed on p. 507 ; the second (ff. 61 fe— 02) is that relating to Scot- land, occui)ying the first column of p. 500. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 371 6. ' Considerations necessaires sur vng traict^ de paix avec TEspagnoI, 1587.' This title is on the old paper cover, and also precedes (on f . 1 ) ' L autheur au bon Pdtriot ' After wliich it begins (f. 1 6) : Tite Live diet en quelque endroitt que le plus asseure moyen de se conserver contre ses Ennerais est la diffidence. It ends (f. 1(3): Estant certain et plus clair que le Midy que tons ceux qui s opposent au Regne eternel de nostre Seigneur Jesus Christ scront a la fin exter- minez et fauchez. Amen. The author appeai-s to have been a Protestant of the Low Countries. 7. ' A Journall of the Conferences betweene his Ma^^ Com- missioners, and the Commissioners of the Kinge of Spaine and of the Arcliduccs of Austria, Dues of Burfrundy, kc. treating and concluding of a peace with the aforesaid princes at Somersett House in London, Anno 1 604.' This title is on the insii Dh uki.lo Jud.vico kt Uunis IIikhosoly.mitan.e KxciDio, Libri quinque. The title is taken from the edition of Rcnatus Laurentius Barrensis, pub- lished in Bibl. Vet. Pat. t. vii. cc. 3H3— 570. ( Fol. Paris, 1G24.) See also Cave, Hist. Lit. A.n. 374. Wanting the Prologus, and part of cap. i. of the editions, the MS. be- gins (fl): in uiro usque ad exitum uite studium defensionis et pietatis uigor. Sed cum sibi suppreraum diem..- B b2 372 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Between f. 70 and f. 71 some leaves are wanting, which contained, from the last words of c. 14 of Lib. ii. of the edition, * a frontc aggressi rei)ulerc plerosque, et coegerunt in nrbem redire,' to 'euni invasit metus,' at the commencement of Lib. iii. The leaves 7''> and 70 are inverted. Ends (f. loo) witli the reading in tlie margin of the edition (coL MU) : ...regem ircanorum quilocis preerat sollicitarunt, precione, an dissen- sione inter se gentium. Dd. IX. 5. A small folio, on parchment, of 1 leaves, in double columns, of about 34; lines each, except ft". loS — 153, which are of about 40 lines in a cohnnn, and are in a smaller handwriting. Imperfect at the end. Of the xivth century. S.\.\(Ti Ansklmi Oi»i:i{.v. 1. tt'. 1 — 2^)ff. ^ Monoloffion.^ Begins (after tlie letter to Lanfranc — eii of Ed. Bcned. Paris, U)7o, the Prologue 'Quidam fratre.s, and Index of ehapteiis) ; Si quis unain natiiram . Ends: ... ineffabilis trinus et iinus. Ed. Ben. pp. 3—28. 2. fr. 2.J (^— SG />. ' Proslogion: Begins (after the Prologue ' Postquam Opu.sculum . . . ' and Index of chap- ters) : Eya nunc homunctio . . . Ends: . .. non possum non intelligere. Ed. pp. 29-35. 3. ff. 32 — 36' ^. ' Object io pro lus 'qxienti ; cum Mespon- si one: Begins : Dubitanti utrum fit . Ends : ... in malivolentia reprchendisti. Ed. pp. .35—40 4. ff. 36 b — 49 h. ' Be processione Spiritus SancU: Begins : Xegatnr a Grecis CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 373 Ends : . . . non serisiii Latinitatis. Ed. pp. 40— Gl . 5. ff. 49 6 — 51 A. ' De Azymo et Fermentato^ Begins (after Ep. to W'alerannus 'Scienti breviter...') : De sacrificio vero ... Ends : ... repudianduin videtur. Ed. pp. 135—137. 6. ff. 51 h — 52 h. 'Ad Wal. querelas respoiisiu J3egins : Gaudeo et gratias ago ... Ends : ... quandani epistolam. Ed. pp. VM), 140. 7. ff. 52 h — 53 h. * Epistole quedam.'' Begins : Audio fratie kaiissiine ... Ends : ... intra mentem adinittinui.». Ed. Ben. Lib. iii. 130, 125, 127, l.'i3. 8. ff. 53 b — ()\ h. ' De Incaniatione Verhi ad (yianuin.^ Begins : Quoniam divina prudt ntia . . Ends : ... in eodem libello aperte invenict. Ed. pp. 41—41). 9. ff. 61 ^—84 b. ' Libri duo Cur J)cus Homo: Begins (after the Prologue * Opus subditum ..." and Index of chapters to Bk I.): Sepe et studiosis... An index of chapters is also prefixed to Bk ii. Ends : ... qui est bencdictus in secula. Amen. VA. pp. 74 — 05. 10. ff. 84i — 94 ' De concept a Virninali: Begins (after Index of chapters) : Quod in omnibus religiose ... Ends : ...si vera probari poterit Ed. lip 07— ion 374 CATALOGUK OF MAM'srHirTS. 11. fr. 94/>— 9")^. 'Mi'difafio: Begins : IJonus liomo ile omnibus liominibus boniij ct malls ... Ends : ... homines ruinavit de parmliso. This does not appear to have been printed. 12. f. 9.") ' 7;y>. ad Hngonem: Begins : Pondus VfStre ... Ends: ... sperat et sperabit Ed. Bk n. 17. 13. fr. 9() a — los h. ' De concordia Predestimtlonis, ^'c.'' Begins : De tribus illis tiuestionibus ... Ends : ... petentibus inipendcre. Ed. pp. 117—1.^4. 14. fr. 1 08 b — 1 W a. ' Mcditatio Ihdemptionis humane.'' Begins : Anima Christiana ... Ends: ... refocila earn. Ed pp. 221—223. 1.5. ff. Ill a — 1.37 />. ^ Tres tractatus ; De verifate, De libera arbitrio^ De casu DiaboU.^ Begins (after the Preface * Tres tractatus ') : Quoniam Deum . . . Ends: . . . potestato loquendi. Ed. pp. lOU— 122, and (12— 73. 16 ff. 138 a— 1 r,3 b. ' Epistole XLIX: All of these are in the Bcned. F^dition, except the first, * Domino et fratri karissimo Hermosto fr. Anselmus .salutera anime quantum expedit et salutem corporis quantum sufficit. Infirmitatis tue doloribus non parcat,' which is similar in substance to Lib. i. i^p. 44. Ed. Ben. to the same Hermostus, who was Bp of Rochester. Many of the epistles in the MS. are only por- tions of the corresponding ones in the printed text. CATALOdUi: OF MANUSCllinS. 493 Dd. IX. 6. A small folio, on parchment, of \'2\ leaves, in (ioublc columns of li5 lines each. Of the xiiith or \ivth century. 1. ff'. 1 — Ilia. ' Aurelii Aunustmi doc1ori< de fitnesi ad litteram Libri xii.^ Begins (after the * SfttU ntm Ithro Uttrnetatiuiiuni, ' IVr idi iii (ciiipus, v\c.') : Omnia scriptura divina bipartita est. . . Eoda: . . . isto tanJcm fine eoncludiinus. Kxplicit, tScc. Opp. Paris, 1}{;k;, hi. L'Oi— 514. 2. ff. 1 1 1- a — \24a. Quest imes quedaui Orozii t leaf is written, Cautio Fnitris Tlunnc Menythurp cain'iiici ilc Kyikhaiii i \i'<.>n.i m aiiti(iiia eista ( 'niverHitHti.H in vigilia S. (iregorii pajH* a.d. MiIle.<«imo ecoc* XX" pro XVI A. ct viiu/ 494 Dd. IX. 7. A folio, on |)aj>er, of leaves, much torn and damaged. ^\'ritten in MWVl, as appt-ars from a notice on tlie fly-leaf at the con- clusion. The covers and fly-leavis arc much scribbled over. On the title- page is, * Chronicon Sacrum. Biblia Sacra.' On first page is the title, * Lcabar an Faigh Isaiah.' 'IMu n follows a summary of the contents of the chapter and then Begin.s : Fis Isaiah mic Amos . . . Afterwards come the l*rt>phets in order, to .Malachi ; then Ksdras (ii.), JucHth, ^^'i^sdom, Keclesiasticus, Baruch, Se read. 37G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 495 Dd. IX. 8. A folio, on paper, of 212 pages, written in tlie xvith century, in niotlcratcly good preservation, but many of the leaves are rather injured at the edges. A CARTULARY OF LANDS IN AlWMTHLY (Avelcy) AND Wexxington i\ Esskx, which were the property of John Barett, gentleman, in the reign of Henry VIII. The signature of ' Edward Hiirett ' is on the fly-leaf. Tlie documents are 1.50 in nuinher, and are not arrani^ed in any certain order. Three of them, which are not dated, appear to l)elonij; to the reign of Edw. I.; the others form a nearly, if not quite, complete series of tJie deeds relating to the property, the latest of them heing dated in the 2nd year of Hen. VII i. As they are only of local interest, it has not heen thought necessary to notice tliem in detail : such an account of them will he found in Nasmyth's unpuhlished catalogue of these manuscripts, which is preserved with them. 496 Dd. IX. 9. A folio, on paper, containing ff. 290 leaves, numbered from 5 to 200, with 3 pages of inde.x at the end: 5 leaves missing at the commencement. Handwriting of the time of James I. A Law Commo.n -Pl ack Book, containing extracts from statutes. ' Accompt ' to ' Viilinage.' 497 Dd. IX. 10. A paper book, in folio, written generally in an indistinct "hand of the xviith century. 1. pp. 1, 2. Brief notes of Petitions to Parliament, 8 Edw.ll, The Petitions are printed at length in 7^o//.y of Parliament^ Vol. i. p. 287. 2. p. 3. Brief titles of the Acts passed 8 Edw. III. See lb. II. 37G. 3. Brief Records of Parliament. a. pp. 4—10. In the years 13, 14, and 20 Edw. III. See lb. ii. 103, 112, and 157. b. pp. 11, 12. In the years 15, 17, and 25 Edw. III. c. pp. 13—19. In the years 4—8 Edw. III. See lb. u. 62. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 377 d. pp. 20-22. In tlie years 21 and 10 Kic. II. See lb iii. .%37 and 21.5. e. pp 2.?— ^2. In the ycai-s 50 and 51 VAw. III. See lb. u. 321 and 361. 4. pp. 33 — 37. ' De reforrnaiione pads inter Regem H. 3""" et Lewlinum filium Griffini principein AN'alli'je.'' Printed in Rynier, Fiedcra, i. 474. 5. pp. 39 — 41. lirief Records of Parliament^ 21 Ric. II. See Rolls of Parliament, iii. .347- G. p. 42 ' Privilegia pro villa Cvlteshall.'' The charter bejj^ins * H dei gra Rex An;;li8B...' and is dated 'ap. Wudstock XVI die Junii.' 7 pp. 43 — 7. . / Proclamation of K. Stephen. 8. \)\). 48 — 70. ' Placita Curoucc^ and Records of Parlia- ment, 1 II. IV. See Rolls of Farliament, iii. 449 and 415. 9. i)p. 71—84. Records o{ Parliament, 22 Ric. II. 10. pp. 85 — 95. ' Placita coram Rege^ 21 Edw. I. See Rolla of Parlianniit, i. 105. Dd. IX. 11. A thin folif), on paper, of 43 leaves, tlie first 24 arc missing, handwriting of tlie same date as the cases them.selves. Rki'okts of Law Case.s in the time of Chas. I. Dd. IX. 12. 1. A folio, on paper, of 14 leaves : xviith century. An p]xtuci.^K Book in Arithmetic, containing examples worked out in Engli.sh, Dutc'.i, and French, and rules, some in rhyme. There is also *a prittie way To wright a Letter to His mistris that any athor may not understande,' i.e a cyplier ; and on the last leaf, ' A prayer of K. William used after iiis fall from his Horse.' 2. A foho, on paper, of 30 leaves ; uniform with § 1 . 'A CiPHRiNG BooKE beguu ye | 1670. In Heuerwyk by E. M. Hlackett.' 378 CATALOr.rK OF M AN I SCh I PTS. riie tii>t '2\ loaves contain cxanipks in Aritlinu'tic done in Dutch ami Knglish. beginning at Reduction. The 2L*nd leaf contftins memoranda oi u correspondence with Mr Sedgwick of tlie Hank of Kngland and others. The remaining leaves are Mank. 500 Dd. IX. 13. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 501 Del. IX. 14. A |)aj)er book, in folio, bound up with the tliree f(dlowii)g Nund}ers, and containing 100 leaves, written about 1570. 1. ' ^/ comunicacon or discours of the Qnveiies hinhnes bet wen fowor Gent, at Montlioll in Kssex re|K)rted bv Sir Tbonias Sniytli Kniglit to bis nevborc tfrances Wiat (ient. 15(11. priuio Aprilis/ liegina (f. 1 ) : As I was walking in my garden alone tfrances \\'iat came vnto me, and whether I spied him... Ends (f. .10): and so walked in faire and softely iesting one w"' an otlu r at tlu ir newe names. 2. Copies of Leiters from Boqer Ascham. a. H'. r>!>. 10. ' 6 Octo})ris, 1561. To Sccretarie Cecill." The ori:;inal is among the I^an8een printed in the edition of Aseham's \\'orks published in 1H16, at p. 390, No. XI. (see also note to p. xxi of ' The Life ') : he goes on to beg for *a licence for some quantity of beer or some number of over wrought clothes, or some lease of a farm, some forfet or some other thinge.' b. ff. 41 , 42. ' London, 25 Dccenib. 1 553. To Sccretarie.' Begins : S' you gentlee declared in .M' ( icels pre.scncc how well Sends him a clock, which he valued as a remembrance of Johannes Stur- mius ; requests liLs interest at court to procure him a maintenance in London. c. ft'. 42, 4;3. '8 June, 15f;7. To Secretarie Cecill.' Begins : S"^ I am not afraid to desire that of you w'^ you never yet said me naye of... Desires his assistance to recover a lease and a pardon (of a debt) from the Queen then in M' Sacville's hands. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 370 d. f. 44-. 'A Ire written by R. A. fur a gent, to a gentle- woman in waie of marriage.' Bi-gins : _ Mistres N. because a Ire conteineth onlie wordi-s... e. f. 45. To the HLshop of W inchester (in 1554). Begins : Your L. bt'inge so earlie vscJ nv' importune sutes... Mentions his services at the F]mi»cror*s court ; his pension and patent stopped ; hLs success in teaching K. Ivdward to write ; his pains therein unre- warded ; though ' Orator in the I'niversitie and (Jreke Lector in S' Johns yet w'out my patent tliat lyvinge \\\\\ not serve me.' Trusts Q. Mary will grant his patent, and asks to Ix* joined with Mr Vanues in ' the office of writing the latin Ires.' y. A remonstrance from certain ministers of Assheby against the j)r()hiljiti()n of I'J.rerclses. Ik-gins (f. h): (irace and peace in Christ. Kight reverent, in tJic Lord, if neither God hys lawes nor mans lawe doth condempne anie man before he be hard,... The tone of the address appears in such passages as * ...that you would not so lighlic vpon some evil n"iK)urts compell vs vtterlie to geve over suche godlie exerci.ses hut rather to come amousejit vs some times in Christian huniilitie laying a>sidc all popishe lordlines. . ' Ends (f. 51): ...we humblie submit our selves to the mercye or punishment of our mercifull Prince, whom God hath set over us, whom the Lord of lords his churche. Amen. 4. Copies of Pamphlets resjKJCting the title of M) : S' Diverse of your wehvillers do not a Httle merveyl to lienre what moveth you now the parliament l)eini; ended. . Ends (f 74): _ But because we have pa.s^ed the lymitt of a h*e we will leave you witli this Caveat out of the KccU sia.sticMs ik. IH. ' A men (sir) full of wordes is dangerous in hissute and he that is ra-^he in his talkc shalhe hated.' n. Copies of Li ft* /:■< to /iofu r . hchaiiL \\'ith the exception of ./', they havi* hieii transcrih il hy Baker, xxxii. j.p. 495— o(MX a. f. 7(). December IM. John Hales at Spires. That he had suppressed a dedication by Sturmius to him prefixed to a forthcominj; edition of Cicero's 7*/j////7>tV.v, aaks for jtarticulai-s on some matter in which he had heard that 'my L. of Canterhurie had bene a meane to pacific it.' * I am so hu.sy with Cicero that. .. he sitts on both sides of me at dinner and suj)pcr, and nowc and then is one the trencher instead of the second curse.' b. f. 7^f). 'From Hasinge the T.. Treasorer house the viith of September, 15.52.^ Mr Cecill thanks him for his present of tiu- chart of (iermany, and pro- mises him some demonstration of his t;ood will. c. 'At Argent, 21 of January, lool. John Hales/ Recommends *the boke of Rhetorick ;' proposes that fifty of them should subscribe xl .v. a piece for the benefit of Sturmius; prefers Demosthenes to Cicero ; praises Sturmius' lectures. d. f. 77 /a 2 February. The Master of St John's. Is sure to procure him all liberty ; has good hope of the increase of his living to continue in Caml)ridge (see ^'1, e) \ can do nothing for the procure- ment of any exhibition to be sent over sea when so many are in want at Cambridge ; relates that there had been great tempests, which he considers as a judgement on the sins of the age. e. f. 78. London, 13 of Nouember (1551), Tlio. Leues (sic). Is to succeed Dr Bill in the Mastership ; gives a minute account of the opinions in religion which Dr Redman professed on his death bed. Printed in Benj. Brook's Purifans. Lever, i. 215. (8". 1813.) CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 381 f. f 79. ' From Argentyn the third of Decemb. 1551 John Hales. Thanks for admonition, will ' doe as ye teache," &c.; defends the use of fipcoi'fUt] speaks of Sturmiii?>' publication, and of money being wanted. r/ f. 81. 'From Westin"", 1552. 26 of February. Jcjiin Chek.' Thanks for * most strange newes which you sent me from Argusta vinde- licorum 13 Octobr. 1 ">.52 ;' asks for copies of any epitaphs and pasquils, sends one ; mentions the I), of Somer-et's trial ; your friend Brigham. 6. A collection of Extracts made in the reign of Q. Elizabeth, with especial reference to the limitation of the successioit and the exclusion of 'the Q. of Scotts,' who 'by vsur]>incje the title and amies of this Kealiue bathe lost her rii;lit if she had any to the Crowne of England.' The first paragraph (f. OH) is headed * Dc Scotia,' and is followed by an extract from .Malcom's /y«ec*, *de succcshione Regis,' and references to the early history of Scotland. Various extracts relating to the meaning of 'civitas* are then given, and are followecr8tic4)n queitiadmodum nec iuuant iwc nor rut. 502 Dd. IX. 15. A folio, on paper, of 28 leaves, of which three at the begin- ning and one at the end are blank I >ate the \\ iith century. It is considerably injured by damp. 'TuAii \ ro i>i FoHTi I ir A rioM. : Delf Ecc""'. .Sifr"', (iAf.n.io GAr.ii,i:i, Matematico, nello studio di Padova.' See Jfctnoric c Lettcre incditi- fmora o disperse di (Jalileo (ialilei. ordi- nate &c. dal Cav. (Jiambatesta \'enturi. Modena, IMIH; which work was originally undertaken for the publication of a copy of this treatisi', belonging to the editor. The MS. corresponds nearly with the abridged form of the work, i. e. it does not contain the pas.sages in the printed edition marked with inverted commas. The xxv ijuestions which the editor decides to be spurious appear here under no other name than (ialileo's; as well as a list of things requisite in a siege. The figures fj)r the latter cha]iters of the work have never been drawn. 382 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 503 Dd. IX. 16. A paper book, in folio, of which articles 1 and 2 were written by one hand, and 3 by a second, of the xviith century. 1. p. 1. Answers to four Queries concerning the lawfulness of lay-inipropriatlons. I. As to the first Qiiicrc corn'iTnini; tlu* rii;lit of alloimting sa[cred thinups] to lay {ktsoiks or converting thi in to secular uses. The \'Itli ami last head begins: You are to endeavour ... that your husband may be clearly con- vinced ... Compare Sir Henry Spclnian's Lan/rr Work of 'ri/tfics, Preface, p. Ixiii. (Fol. I7i7). 2. pp. 8. A letter concerninfr ' the usini^ or forbearing of the established Liturgy,' written after Naseby tight. Begins : S'. \\'hereius ynu are desirous to know what my judgment and practice is ... It wants all after .. they may securely exercise tlieyr Presbyterian tyranny over 3. j)p. 3o. Answers to motives for entering the Roman Ca- tliolic religion. Begins : Mot. 1. IJieause perpetual visible possession.. Ends : • though not .soe easily as they might be with them, if they were but as they ought to be. 504 Dd. IX. 17. A small paper book, in folio, bound up with the preceding numbers, and consisting of .55 pages written. 'An II isTORK'Ai.r. and lp:gall discoi r.se upon a case taken out of the 26 Ass. fol. 20 by Recorder Fleetewoode.' 505 Bd. IX. 18. A paper book, in folio, torn and imperfect, now containing, on 75 leaves written in the xvth century, a part of ' The Dictfs or Sayinges of Philosophres.'' CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. 383 Ik'gins, in the account of Omer : herithe vpun hym. ij vesselles con bifore and a notlior bihynde in (th)at bi foore is the errours... The text is very nearly the same as MS 1413. !j 2. and gives in their proper place the sayings of Socrates respecting women : see Dibdin, Ttjitog. Antifj. I. 59. A figure of each jihilosopher is given at the beginning of his sayings. Among the gcrib})lings on the wide margins are the names of * W'yllni Crosbye,' * Ilobart Crosbo,' and * Edward Kempston,' former owners of this lK)ok. Ends in tlie saying: And a nother saithe he yat luffithe the in vayne love and for worldely thingis schalle hate the bi tiie same maner, bot he that ha- tithe the for From the remains of the original pagination it would appear that one leaf is wanting at the beginning and another at the end of the volume. 506 IX. 19. A small folio, on paper, in bad condition, but neatly written, in a liaiid of the xviitli century, now containinpr 344 leaves un- paged : each pai^e containinLC al)out 2.') lines (more or les.s). The MS. has lost some leaves at the connnenceniciit. The la.st three leaves are duplicate. * CoMMK.N TA ui.v Excellentissimi D. I). C.ksari.s Cremomm CkNTK.NSI.'I, PaT.WII IMU.MO L0« O PhIIO-^OPMI a .M PROF1TENTI.S, IN' .SECINKO A II OTFI.l DT A N f .M V.' Ik'gins : Subjungit I'hilo.sophus dubitationcm. Ends : ut dc altero dicat de quo proponebat The work is divided into l.'W lectures, of which the fii-st and ]>art of the second are wanting. The date at the end is, Die IM mensis Aprilis hora 20 |(;oi) The enlnphoii sujiplies the title. See Dd. v. 2M. 507 Dd. IX. 20. A paper book, in folio, containint^ pages, for the most part blank. A Com MON-Pi. AC K Hook, written in the xviith century. On p. 1, below the name ' Jacobus \Vhitlock,' is ' Librum hunc in iluas diuisimus i)artes, in prima de vita ot moribus in secunda de natura et rebus occultis disseritur.' 384 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 508 Dd. IX. 21. A paper book, in folio, of winch ahoiit tlio first SO j)nnros form A Com MON-i'i. ACK Book, written in thv \\ iitli rontnrv. At tlic end of the hook revcrsi'd are 11 Kaves of writinj; of ^vhicll (> written in !.*)")(; were intended to form part of * A Book of IVeeedents.' On f. 1 is tlie note, * I intend to make this hoke A hoke of precedents for my Sonne Jeffrye Palmer, and eiiery preeedt-nt to hw written w' ni y owne hande.' Accounts follow on tV 1 — <». On f R is, * An eleijie upon the deathc of the rij;lite wortiiye Thonuus GrifRne, Knij^'lite,' whieh lu-yins : I labor not to kn«)W why (irittine died For all that breathes must nil his fatt*- abide. ( )n iV. 1», 10, ' An Indenture of mortfjnge of n manor.' ( >ii f 11, are forins of eonvryanee datrd Hil 1. 509 Dd. IX. 22. A foll(\ on p.ipor, 210 loaves. 1. Arguments upon the Cask of Snii» Mo.nkv in UwSS. 2. A continuation of, and partly written in tlie .same hand as, Dd. III. «G. § ' Causes in Chancerie gathered hv Sir (Jcorgo Carye, one of the Masters of the Chancerie, anno lO'Ol.' This is a traet of HO ff'. written in a hand of the pei iod. 510 Dd. IX. 23. A folio, on paper, leaves, some of which are l)lank ; ahout 2(i lines in a page ; handwriting of the with century. English am> Latin Vi:h.sp:s hy Sik Tuomas K.wvett. It contains translations from Ovid, several Latin ejjitajdis on the Lady Catharine * nujxcr Durauentani comitis filiie,' and other niiscellaneous pieces, one of which is dated 1.5G8. The author died in 1G22. On the first page of tlie MS. the following note occurs : * Anno ante Nativitatem Christi quadringentisiino octoge.simo septimo editum fuit castnnn Norwici per regem Gurguntum [Caer-Ciunt], ut patet in record.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 385 511 Dd. IX. 24. A paper hook, in folio, containing 27 pages, written in the xviith century, Statuta Collkoii Lincolmensis Oxo.v. For other MS. copies see the Preface to the edition in ' Fhe Statutes of tfie Colleges at Oxford ' Hvo. IBi.'i. 512 Dd. IX. 25. A folio, on paper, of 48 leaves, in good preser\ation. 1. Courts held for the Fohkst of Uahwvood in Huckinnr- hamshire, in the reigns of Rich. II. Hen. IV. lien. V. Hen. VI. and Edw. IV., and a few notes relating to the reign of J*hilip and Mar}'. — p. 2. 2. ' E.xtenta manerii de I^ohrstai i. facta 1.") Hen. VI ' and 26 Hen. VI.— p. .'i.S. 3. A peramhulation of the King's Forests in Hi ( ki\(;u a m- 8IIIHE, 2^> Kdw. I. — p. S.'). 513 Dd. IX. 26. A folif), on paper, of lOl |)ages, in good preservation. *No.Mi.\A M A.NEinoKi-.M, hrinonun, ca.stronnn et aliannn j^os- sessionuni illustri.s.siino principi et domino, domino Cauolo Phin- ( ii'i ^VAM.I.^., Duei (.'ornuhiie et lOhorum ae Comiti Cestriie j)er seperales litera-s patentes domini Kegis nunc Jacohi concessorum ; nec non omnium villarum et hamlettorum infra maneria honores et castra pnedicta in se|>eralil)U.s comitatihus Angli.'r infrriius mencio- natis.' 51* Dd. IX. 27. A large folio, on j taper, of 27 leaves, in good preser\'ation. A survey of E.n dhki.o Cm ask, taken by a Commission from the Lord Protector, !().')(). Addressed on the original paper-cover * To the Conunittee of Appeale,' and entitled, ' Endheld first Certi- ficate. Comonwealth.' 515 Dd. IX. 28. A small folio, on paper, of 22 leaves, in good preservation, hut rather dirty and a little injured at the edges. The CiiARTKu granted hy King Charles I. to the city of Linc oln, in the 4th year of his reign. c c 38G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 5i« Dd. IX. 29. A small folio, on paper, 43 leaves, only partially filled. Hand- writinp; of the time of James I. Articles of Canon Law, touching the election and consecra- tion of bishops, the vacating of benefices, dispensations, kc, in Latin. 517 Dd. IX. 30. A paper book, in folio, containing 30 leaves, with the title ' Cat ALGOUS LinuourM, Londini remanentium, \\- Jan. 1679.' 518 Dd. IX. 31. A thin paper hook, in folio, bound up with the four preceding Numbers and containing, on pages written about ir)o(), 1. pp. i_i4. T/te Will of King Henvi/ VIII. This copy has some erasures on the last page, and in the order of the names differs somewhat from tlie text printed in Uymcr, Fn-dcru, xv. 110—7. 2. ff. 8 a — 10 a. In the same handwriting as the rest. ^ Pious Meditations by Collyns.^ IJegins: Farewell worlde synce that no man may trustc to the ... Ends : . \\'ith fyekell fortune I wishc froni t vill to fare. Then follow nineteen couplets Jieginning : When I considere what is man, O Lord, I knowe of right, that in the wonderous wourke of man, tliou iiast advaunced thy miglit. Ending : Thou overthrowest hym to his luste, ami amyddest his pryde joye thou doest confounde his Decdes & \V'ourkcs, and man tlion dnc st de- stroye. Finis Quo?i C'ollyns. 3. Handwriting the same as the rest of the MS. One page containing only a few lines. * To make a verje fyne perfume to avoydc the Daunger of the place su.spected of the pJnnnp.'' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 387 4. p. 23. ' This was the Duke of Somersetts style w^'' he write (sic) to the Scottes after iMustleburrowe feilde ; at whiche tynie he was Lorde Protectoure." o. p. 24. 'Theise sayeinges followeinge were geuen to the Dule of Somerselt for his newe yearcs crifte at liis first Ijeinp^e Prysoner in the Towre of London, J5y his servaunte Grey/ 15o0. Nine couplets follow, of which the first is If ever noble manne were bounde to thanke god Youre grace is most bounde fur this your great scourge and rod. lliey contain advice similar to that in prose offered by Lord Paget in 1547, and printed by Stryi)L', Kcrl. Man. ii. p. 2L 6. pp. 2.3 — .S ' When the Duke of Somersdt was at his libcrtie vpon Newe yeares daye next followinge the afore sayde Grey his servaunte gave theise Sfufeinq^s unto the savdc Duke his 'I'hesc consist of above fifty couplets, beginning : The wourkcs of God be greate and also straunt^e The workes of the worlde and s«'ldirrs : thus a * peticapitayne' was to have xxx. crownes the m«)nth Compare the table of w.itrcs appended to Thr ("hronirlr of Calah (Cnmden Society), p. 202. Dd. IX. 32. A tldn paper Imok nf 11- loavfs, tho first 41 large folio, the la.st three small folio. Papers relating to a ('o/mas Ilest. 'I'he back of the 1st leaf is filb d with a loni; I-atin inst ripti«»n, l>eginning Helium homousianum siimil at<|ur Au^'ustino lU'rnardinuni. Mr Gwyn's letter begins : Sir. Yt seemeth the tcmiiostiious wynde of passion 388 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ends : ... wishing you mentem sanani in cori)ore sano, et sic vale. Mr Phillips' bej^ins : Mr Gwyn upon Tuesday Morninge last I receavcd ... Ends : ... to answer youre provoking apologie. This 14 of Soptombor '02. Your trend as you first found him, Sam. Phillips. 520 Dd. IX. 33. A folio, on paper; the lower portion of the MS. has been injured by exposure to wet. Its date is about HIOO. This MS. consists of INS pages, most of which contain eight staves of Music of the same character as that in MS. 43. At the foot of each leaf the letters T. K. arc stamped. 521 Dd. IX. 34. A thin paper folio, of G4 leaves (some blank). Precedents of Waiuiants, Releases, Indentures, &;c. in the time of Chas. II. On the lly-leaf is written, * Presidents, Anno 1G7B.' 522 Dd. IX. 35. A folio, on paper, of 1 30 leaves, nmch injured l)y damp. The details of Puockkdings in the Spiritual Court, before Dr George Oxenden, against Thomas Hastings for adultery, A. D. 1690. Dr, afterwards Sir George, Oxenden was Master of Trinity Hall, Cam- bridge, in 523 Dd. IX. 36. A folio, on paper, of 560 pages, in good condition. 1. 'ExTEXTA MA.NERioui M douiini Edwardi illustris regis Anglie et Francie primogeniti, Principis Wallie, Ducis Cor- nubie et Comitis Cestrie, facta... anno regni Regis Edwardi tertii post conquestum xix*'. — p. 1. 2. Certificates of the Auditor of the Exchequer of the value of sundry parcels of lands in different counties, intended to be CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 389 included in a grant to be made by the King to the Prince, a.d 1619.— p. 81. 3. ' The names of such spirituall Ly VI NGs in England as ARE IN THK Gi'iFTP: OF THK most cxccllent Prince Charles, Prince of Wales.. .togeather with the valewes which are paid for their First Fruits and the names of the present incumbents. ' — p. 185. 4. *The names of such spirituall Lyvingrs in Wales a.«i are in the guiftc of the most excellent prince Charles, Prince of ^^^1le8. ..togeather with their values paid for First Fniites — p. 217. 5. 'Nomina miiiti m comitati m, civium civitatum, bur- gensium, villarum sive burgorum, ac baronum quinque portuum, vK.MKNTiLM Ai> I' A H 1. 1 A M K \ T c M suiimionitum aj)ud civitatom \N^estm. XVI die Januarii, anno regis Jarobi, Anglic, Francic ct Hibernie xviii et Scotiae i.im.' (1(12')). — p. 239. f). 'The remonstrance of thk Lowkr Howhe of P vu- lva ment to the King'^s Majesty/ Tliis was in answer to tin* Kind's and Lord Kc« iH r's spctchis, ami is given in Uiisliworth's Hist. OM. i. 244t— (1. It is dated at the end, ' April ^^■'i-'* I'l'^id (to the Kin;;) hy M' Secretary ("(K.ke in thi- ]»n'sence of several lu rsons of the lower house of Tarlianient at ^^'hitehall in the Gallery.— p. .'51 1). 7. An account by the auditor of the Exchequer of the value of sundry parcels of land in diHerent counties intended to be in- cluded in a GRANT to 1)0 made bvthe King to the Prince, lG2i, and a copy of the grant. — p. 40*). 8. Certificates of all Forests, Chases and Parks guanti:i) TO Tin: Pui\( E. — p. r)2o. W4 Dd. IX. 37. A tall quarto, on paper, unpaged (having one or two inserted leaves on ])archment). now containing leaves, (excluding seven at the beginning which are blank), with 21 lines of text in a page {i.e. independently of the interlinear glosses, «&:c.), written in a legible but rather inelegant hand, having the initial letters of the 300 CATALOGUE OF MANrSCUIPTS. plays illuminated in blue, red and pjold inclosed in squares without marjiiual decorations : various other initials arc written in rod or blue. It may be referred to the xvth century. SeNEC.E TllAGUiDI/fc:. Begins : Soror Tonantis hoc eiiim solum inilii. {Hrrcti/cs Furcns, v. 1.) Ends: Fulmina mittcs. ( I ferrules (Kifviis, v. uU.) The colojihon supplies the title. The first leaf of the Medea has been cut away. This MS. contains all the plays of Seneca: the Octavia (inceiti auctoris) is placed after the Agamemnon ; otherwise the order agrees with that of Bothe's edition. In the early part of the volume arc many marginal and interlinear scholia, 525 Dd. IX. 38. A parchment volume, in folio, containinnj books, or parts thereof, which formerly belonged to the Monjustery at Keading, written in double colunms by various hands in the xivth century. This MS. was collated by Wilkins for the Conri/ia, (Fol. Lond. 17.'^7) where it is referred to as * Klien. n. 2'}">.' 1 . f. 1 . A citation to a chapter of the lienedictines in Eng- land at Northampton. It is headed " C'itacio recepta xij" kaln. Maij Anno dni m". ccc"". tri- cesinio octauo,' and begins, as in W i\khis' Onieilia, ii. Stto- Ji: Abbatcs monastcriorum be' Marie. Ebor. et Sancti Albani ordinis sancti Benedicti Lyncoln. dioc. Executores . Noveritis nos literas... It recites at length the liull of Iknedict XII. beginning, * I'aterne con- sideracionis aciem . ' It ends with the dates by the two Ahbots of the 10th and 1 7th of May, 1337, and does not give the Hull 'Ad saluhrem et felicem,.. ' which is printed in ^\'ilkins, Ih. oan. 2. f. 2h. A Letter from Edward III. to the two Abbots above named. It begins : Quia intclleximus quod vos pretextu quarundam Bullarum... and is dated 'apud Turrem London, xii. die Maii a" r. n. xij°.' o. f. 3. ' Data per copiam...Ilogerus. . Sarum Epus...Archi- diacono lierk.' It begins : Audito multociens CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 391 The ori<,'inal was * Dat. apud Poterne vii. Idus Februarii' 1320, the copy with the liishop's seal, 'iiij'" Idus.' 4. f. 3 5. ' Constitutio de nouo cdita super quota procuronis pcrci})iende et quibuscunque visitantibus ubique terraruni."' Bef,dns : Bened ictus... Vas electionis Paulus apis egi'egius predicator ... Prmted in AVilkins, Coucil. ii. rj^nSl. 5. f. 5. ' Declaraco de beneficiis exilibus.' Ik'gins; Hencdictus...Ad nrni apostolatus officium spcctarc... This is not continued on the next pa^c, which and the three following' are l)lank. On f. 7 is a brief ta])lc of the principal contents of the sub- sequent part of tlic volume. C). f. 8. 'Con.sto Benedicti pape. xii. de Apostatis et re- prulari])us fut^tiuis."* Ik'^'ins : Benedictus. . Pastor bonus dilipcns .. At the end is, ' Dat. Auinon. xv. kl. Julij Pontificatus nri anno priniu.' June 17, The first column on f. B Is blank. 7. ff. 9 — 2f). * Constitucoes lienedicti i)a|>e dc Keligiosis.'' Begins : lknt'dictu3...SumnH Magri dignaco nos... At the end is a table of the content* of what arc therein numbertMl a.s xviii statutes, though dividt-d into 39 sections witli as many rubriis : the rrmginiuin not lieing counted. There arc many corrections l)y the scril>e who also numbered the leavis from i to xviii. Printed in ^\'ilkins, ///. ii. .'itUJ. 8. ff. 2G 28. Less carefully written and by another band is A Dispensation as to certain parts of the foregoing Constitu- tions. Begins : [BJenedictus. .dudum pro bono et salubri statu nligionis seu ordinis monacliorum nii^rorum .. Without a date tlic last words arc ...penasvero temporales...remittimus dc gra spcciali. Nulli ergo homi liceat banc paginam etc. 9. A Dispensation by Clement VI. Avignon, Juno 1, lol-2. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIITS. Begins : Sacrosancta romana eccl'ia ile cunctoriiin... and is j)riiit« (l in NN'ilkins, Concii. ii. 71<'» The next i>ai;e is Miink imi//;jc'2 — I 1 i. fi*. 59 — ^3. In a difh-rcnt liandu rit iiilt .'ukI with sepa- rate foliation from that of § 13, * Incipiunt conscones Joh de Stratford aHejii Cantuar.' The arcl»l>ish(»p'H introer. The Rule is given in Ilospinijin, Opp Tom. IV (/A- Miinarhi.s^ Lib. vii.) pp. 2o2 — 22. Fob (n nev. HUV.K In tlu" sonc gens... Dated ' a nre tour de Londrcs.' Dec. l.st of .same year as a. c. A lottor from Edward III. dated 'ajmd Turriiii, London,' Dec. 10 of 14th year of his rei^n, to the sheriffs. Begins, after a salutation : Quia datum est nobis intelli^i quod diucrsa (Wr), opprc&sioncs .. danma gravamina per Justic. K.xactores .. 27. a. ff'. in:), 110. A letter from John Ahp Cant, to KolKTt Bp Sarum not to allow his clergy to suffer from any exaction of Tenths beyond what they had agreed to. Begins : Cum animosii gucrrarum pericula et... Wilkins, (\niril. ii. (J.VJ. b. A circular letter on the same subject. Begins : Frater carissime xpi legacionc fungentcb cpi. lb. II. GGO. 28. ff". 110— 4. Copies of Royal Letters. a. Edward to K. Bp of London- Begins : Veteribus probatur historiis ct ex hiis que cotidie geruntur... lb. II. GGl. b. ' Lodowicus. . .Romanonim Ini[)erator. ..Edwardo Regi- 398 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIPTS. I.ioi't innumera i^raiulia que ncc^ocia... At tlu> cml is ' Dat ffranchcnforJ xxiiij die mens. Jiin. rv^wl mi Anno xxiiij. Imperii vero xiiij".' c. ' ...Lo(lo\vico...Ed\var(lus/ (July 18, loi'2.) Begins : _ Serenitatis vre 1ms rcverenter roeepimus inter alia... d. Truce agreed upon between the Kings of Euglaml and Franco (Jan. H), 1313.) Ilegins : Kst acconle a la reuerenee de I cglise... Compare Kymcr, Fwdera, ii. c. ' A . . .sire Clement. . de vniuersol Fglise soucreignc Kucsque les . deuoutes prince ducs...et toute la coe du roialnie. . At the end is * Hon en plein parlement a Wcstm Ic xviij'" iour do mois du Maij. Ian de grace m.ecc. xlinj'.' / ' Uex...Hartho de Hur-^diersh custodl (Juincjue Portuuni (Jan. 30, 18 Edw. Ill ) Jiegins : Cum nupcr in parliamento Orders him to make proclamation against, to watch for and seize, any person attempting to introduce Papal Hulls into the kingdom. That addressed ' VircrnmitUnis Lmtilmi' U iniiitrd in Kyincr. Fu'drni, III. 2. (ia2i.) <7. and h. Of the same ellcet are the two following i^etters : ' Ui'X \'ice (comitil)us) Salutem. Cum nos ad prosecucoem non nul- lorum .. * Rex Ar'epi.s, F^pis...et aliis quibuscunquc pcrsonis eccliasticis . salutem Cum ex relatu jdurium .." 29. ' liK'ipit jtrologus magistri Petri Blcsensis archidiaconi ccclcsic IJathoniensis in libelluni de Arte dictandi rethorice."' Begin.s (f. Jl.",): Licet magistri bemardi de dictaminihu.s liber prudentcr sit per- tractus .. Ends (f. 121): 30. The Assize of Bread and I^eer. Assisa Panis secundum (|uod continitur in marescalT dni Regis liberata teneatur. And Assisa Ceruisie secundum vendicoem bladi.. catalogup: of manuscripts. 31. a. f. 123. ' Finalis concordia inter nionasteriiiin Ka- dyng. ct biirgenses eiusdcm villc super placito libertatuni.' Compare Coates, Jlijftory, ■Sr. Appi'inlix, No. v. b. ' Edwardus - raaiori . ville Kad. salutein. c\ parte dilci nobis in xpo Willi Abb. liadyng. nobis ...^ Dated *aj)ud Horsele. xxxi die Mail A" r. n. xxxiij.' a. and h. arc written in a different and rather later hand than the fore- going,' §vj and the followincj. The titles of the articles next subjoined are mostly derived from the .MS. 32. Puncta Gilde (or the IJye-laws of Keading). 33. Magna Carta. 34. Carta de Fore.sta. 35. Statuta de Merton. 36. Statuta de Marlebergh. 37. Statuta Westmonasterii prima. 38. Statuta de (iloucestre. 39. Explanatione.s Statuti (iloucestric. 40. Statuta Westmonasterii sc^cunda. 41. Statuta de emptoribus ten-arum. 42. Statuta de religiosis. 43. Districtiones Scarcarii. 44. SUitutum de mercatoribus. 45. Statutum de finibus. 40. Statutum de bii^amis. 47. Statutum de presenti vocato ad war.imiam 48. Statutum E.xcestrie. 4f). Dies comnuiiK'S ill Uaiict). 50. Statutum de Champe.stris. 51. Statutum de Conspiratoribus. 52. Statutum de militibus. 53. Statutum do va.«^to facto tem|X)re alieno. 5 k .Indicia rilloruiu. 55. Capitula vi.sus Franci plegii. 56. Statutum de mnnota. 400 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 57. St 402 CATALOGUE OF AfANUSCRirTS. 2. ff. 5—9. ' Sensus Ezech. mistmis ex collatione Novi Tes- tament i erutiis/ Begins : Tres sunt Ezechiel visiones . . . Ends : ... neccssario intelligendum. fiF. 10—17 are blank. 3. ff. 18—31. ' A Treatise of the Sacrifice of Prater." Witli many marginal notes in Englisli, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Begins : Concerning a tbreefold spiritual sacrifice ... Ends : The Lord open our eyes, that we may see tlie AV^onders of his law. Amen. This is bound up with the two next MSS. 527 Dd. IX. 40. A small folio, on paper, of 37 leaves. A translation of the eighth chapter of Claude^s Treatise on Composition of a Sermon : followed by brief summaries of all the chapters. The first part of the MS. will be found Dd. ii. 32. Begins : To the three mentioned ... Ends : ... and ends the Treatise. 528 Dd. IX. 41. A small folio, on paper, containing 1 57 leaves unpaged, in double columns, each column containing about 55 lines, neatly written in a very late hand, prol^ably of the xviith century. Lexicon LATixo-GRyECUM. Begins : A, ab : OTTO, 6/c, 6^, TTpoy, napa, viro. Ends: Zythum, zythus, (i^otus quidam) : (vdov rj ^vOus. fjiovco T(o Sfco do^a. The work quotes no authors by name, and in general merely renders Latin words by their Greek equivalents. It contains marginal additions, probably made from time to time by the compiler. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 408 529 Dd. IX. 42 A thin paper book, in folio, on 55 pages besides the two leaves of the contents and title. ' Etrexxes ou Conseils d'un Homme de Qualite a sa fille.'' This is in the same handwriting as No. § 1, with many corrections interlineatcd. 530 Dd. IX. 43. A paper book, in folio, bomid up with the preceding, and containing A large collection of copies of Letters, Commissions and Oiu)ER«, written to or by Sir Anthony Oldfeild relating to county business, to levying taxes, raising forces, &c. in the years 16()() — 1667, with Lists of his Majesty's Navy in 1664 and 1666. From the contents of the vohime the collection appears to have heen made hy Sir Antliony Oldfeild. On a waste leaf is 'Begun this hooke Oc. 8. lOfiO.' And on another are the shield of Charles lioules of Louth, and the arms of S"" ^V"' Can- and liridget. Da. of Richard Chanworth impaled. After another waste leaf the succeeding G.5 pages are numbered. Towards the end of the volume, after some blank leaves, are 'Spalding — Kenefactoi-s to the Library begun at Michaelmas 1(528,' with a catalogue of the books therein. Three pages with the heading, 'The manner of planting and cultivating vineyards at liatharach,' with the note ' I had this from my very i^onxl friend Nicholas Bowman.' Becnr.l-^ of county bii'-iness folldw. 531 Dd. IX. 44. A folio, on paper, of 1S8 leaves, in double ctdumns. A Common-i^lace Book, chioHy filled with C»eographical and Historical notes and references. On the first page is the note, 'This MS. is in the Handwriting of Mr John Smith sometime Fellow of Queens Coll. in Cambridge, Author of several Discourses published after his death by my Father.' Worthington.] 532 Dd. IX. 45. A paper book, in folio, written about 1680. 1. An alphabetical C.\talogi:e of Books ending with Mede. I) 1) 2 404 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2. At tlie end of the book reversed are 06 leaves, containing copies and forms of various Indentures, Articles, Agreements, &c. The first three leaves reversed eontuiii an aljihahetical eataloi^ue of 'Nomina virorum Anglice et Latiiie i)er t res casus variata ' from Aaron to Harold. 533 Dd. IX. 46. A folio, on paper, of 110 leaves ; generally written on one side only. Sir Isa ac Ni:\vto\\s Lucasian Liutuuks, ' Dk Motu CoRl'OKLM A full description of this MS. is given hy Mr Kdlcston in Newton's Correapondemr with Cotes, p. xcv. See also Dd. iv. IH. Dd. IX. 47. A folio, on paper, 189 ff., handwriting of the period. Proceedings in (he Prerogatice Court between John Owsley and Kobert Wilcox, relative to the will of Mary Owsley, a.d. 535 Dd. IX. 48. A folio, on paper, of 2'i8 leaves, in good preservation. ' LiBKR DiMissioMjM incipicus anno xxix. Regine Eh'zabeth.' Tlie entries are contimious from that date until 5 Jac. I,, hut tlie latter part is written in a different hand. The hook relates to the crown estates. 536, 537 Dd. IX. 49, 50. See Catalogue of Oriental M8S. 538 Dd. IX. 51. A paper book, in folio, containing on the first 60 leaves, ' A Catalogue of Books in the Library of llufford belonging to my Lord Marquiss of Halifax in the year 1693."' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 405 Dd. IX. 52. A square folio, on vellum, of 160 leaves, 25 lines in a page, catchwords at every eighth leaf: of the xivth century. 1. ff. 1— 8 a. 'Epistola Aliu:i.ii Eri.sropi Santti Ar cr sriM vd Cihil- LUM PRESBITERL'M UK TRANSITU JeUOM.Mi/ Begins : Gloriosissinie Cliribtiaiie ... Ends: \a\e in dno et ora pro me. Aug. Opp. Paris, Vol. ii. App. pp. 1412—1421. To tliLs is appencled a ])aragraph, ' Historia suhscquens narrat qualitin- ilia pai-s Ligni sancte crucis Christi rcnianens in Jerusalem secundum ordi- natiouem Constantini impcratoris ct sancte Elene matris ejus ultimo fuit rapte exinde per Saraceiios. Sciendum est quod Ciodefridus de Bullion... nullus potuit alium viderc.' 2. fi'. Ji— 130i. 'Sa.ncti Odo.m.s ammatih ni: vicils kt vihti tiiii s am.mi;'' Liii. 111. Begins (after the l^refaee, ' lleetditis dumine mi ') : Auctor igitur et judex homini Deus ... Ends : . ianuilis di' sorvitutc pan liit. 'I'his has not heen printed hut exists in MS. in several lihraries. v. Tanner. In f. i:]0/> is a note relating, that the Holy Spirit appeared to S. Audoi-n, in the .slmpe of a dovi-, in answi r to his prayer during a thunder-storm. :i \\\ i;n— A.\Si;i,.\H Ca.NTC AHIF.NSIS ElMSTOI,.K (/r^IDA.M, KT EXCEHl'TA KX OPKUIHI'H. The letters are i. 21>, ni. l.'H, 101 ul" Ed. Ben. Paris, \Cu-'>. - The noti-s are taken from various j)arts of his Works and some from his Lifr, one relating a miracle hy which he turned the head of a heretic into stone, f. 136 h. 4. ff. !*><) — 1 GO. ' Mkdit ATiONES Sa.ncti Bkh.v akdi.'' Begins : Multi multa sciunt . Ends: ...amal>ilis ajqian-as. Opp. Vol II. coll. r>(;i— 0!>1 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The last section is the one, ' Peifectissima atque plenissima jiistitia. . amahilis apparejis/ from the Treatise of raiiliniis of A(iuileia dv Salttt. Docum. August Opp. Vol. vi. Appendix, capp. i. — iv. At foot of last page is written, in a hand apparently of the xvith century, ' Liber sancti Germani de Selhy per fratreni Petruni dc Voucliffe.' 540 Dd. IX. 53. A folio, on pa[)er, of 42 leaves, in good preservation. ' Tim: oi i k i:s of England as well of his Majesties Courtes of Kecorde as of his Hiij^hnes most honorable hoiishoiilde, tiie Coiinsclls of the North of Wales and the Marches, the Adniiraltye, tlie Arniorve and the Minte, the Townes of Warr, Castles, ]5iill- warkes and Fortresses with his Majesties Ilowses, Parkes, For- ests and ( 'hases ; with the perticiilar fee to each officer, collected in anno 1 (il 1 On 4 pages at the end, and in a different hand, is a catalogue of titles of nohility in the time of King James {., chiefly of those given by iiiin. 541 Dd. IX. 54. A paper book, in folio, coiitaiiiinL!^ on about o.^O pa^^es, bound up with the last MS. 1. An ' A-b-c-darius," or Common-place BooJc, written a])out 1700. 2. A few notes for Sermons, written on some of the blank pages, about 17-')0. 542 Dd. IX. 55. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 543 Dd. IX. 56. A folio, on paper, containing : 1. Laio precedents in the reign of Edw. VI. and Ehz. ; 20 ff. much torn : handwriting of the period. 2. ' The order and charge of keeping a Courte Leete 12 ff. 3. ' The order and charge of keeping a Courte Barone C 6 ff . 4. '•Articles to be enquired on by the Vice AdmiraF and '-Bates of the Admiralty for the Marshall,' 5 ff. Handwriting, time of Elizabeth. This MS. is hound up with the follo\\dng. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 407 544 Dd. IX. 57. A small paper book, in folio, containing on 20 leaves, ' An argument in the Lower House of Parliament against the late Canons. Dec. 9, 1G40/ 545 Dd. IX. 58. A small folio, on jjapor, of ."50 leaves, in good ])rcscrvation. 'Collections of tlie K.\i(;iris J^Aito.x j: i s ; by Joiin h'rooke."* It is a list of the Baronets extending from the first ereation to tliat of Sir Nicholas Tempest in 1(522, giving their armorial bearings roughly sketched and eniblazoned chiefly with a lead pencil. 546 Dd. IX. 59. A paper book, in folio, containing on about 500 leaves written about 1700, A Com M0.\-i'L ACK Hook. 547 Dd. IX. 60. A small folio, on })aper, of 23 leaves, in good preservation. It is the Mk.mouan dim-ijook ok IIohkrt Cma.mukks of London, gentleman, and cont.iins letters, notes, and accounts concerning lands piu'chasod \)\ him in the years lO'oO, 1631, l(i32. It is bound up with the two following MSS. 54S Dd. IX. 61. A small folio, on paper, (10 ff. Handwriting of the time of the trial, which from a date in the work itself is 1629. Plkai)i.\(;s and speeches of the Lords upon giving sentence in the Star chamber upon lionham Norton for slandering the Lou I) Keeper (Coventry). 549 Dd. IX. 62. A folio, on paper, of 32 pages, in good preservation. Copies of Dkkds from the registry of the Arbey of SuREwsBURY. Only the first of them is printed in the Monasti- con, ed. 1821. 408 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUirTS. 1. 'Carta Roi^eri comitis lU' prima fiiiulatione inonastorii Salopicnsia.' 2. ' Carta Hiii;onis comitis,' confirmiiiy: ihv uifts of his fatlior and others, n. 'Carta prrdicti IIiiu:«>iiis,' i-oiun-nuni; tlu' privih'u'^cs and lilu'iru's of the Al)hey. 4. 'Carta ilomini llnniii, lilii \\'illiaini Coiuiuestoris Aiii^lie priiiii.' Nasmytli justly remarks tliat this is prohahly an early forj;ery, it not heinij in a similar style to other deeds of the time of Hen. 1. It ^ives a sort of history of the foundation of the Ahhey The following; is equally apocryphal 6. 'Confirmatio ejusdem Menriei filii \\'illiami Contpiestoris.' 6. 'Conlirmatio Henrici secundi." This is a deed of Henry 111. not Henry 1 1 7. A eonvi-ntion ht'twrrn the eonvi-nt and .Man Ic Smr do ^^'ila\^■s(■ott concerning the division of lands. 8. An agreement with ^^'illiam de ^^'ilasct)tt eonrerninL; tlu' payment of 12 pence annually at Alhri-httjU, i). A charter of Rich, II. j;ranted in the rir>t yi ar of his n i-^n for the restitution of the wood called Lythwood. 10 A forged deed, professinjj to he a confirmation of t,M-ants to the con- vent ])y Hen. 1. and Stei>hen. 11. * Carta Domini Ke:,ds Henrici filii Johanni ni de ^\ arn-nna.' (iranting free warren to the convent in his manors ; er, but tbe ink has almost vanished from a great part of the first leaf. The priurijHii contents of the works are as follows. 2. ''Phrases Terentianw ex Andria dejproyixpta^ ^ lol. 4. These are followed by a few brief miscellaneous entries on the derivation of some of the letters of the Greek alpliabet, de ijeuere logirw^ de ftuhjecto /w/iw, df Jiiii' /ot/irrf. l\. ^Annotal'iones ill Pciri Rami Dialecticam.'' fid. 1:^. 4. */w universas demomt rationed collectanea qua^am plus quam afnra ex Antonio Rubio per me Alexandrum Ros deprompta.^ fol. '23, .'}. H*. .*).*] — oiS. ' In gecundam Triuitntig Personam aphorismi quid am " Tliere are forty-one aphorisms, and some theob»gicaI notes ai>iK n.lcmj:< TioNs concerning tuk Anatomy oi tiik IIkad. 7. ff. 55 — 60. Various Notes^ the first * In tahulani Cel)Cti.'<,'' tlie leiiiainder theological. .S. if. (50 ^> — 8(i. Theses proposed hy various persons, whose names are given, apparently in the Theological Schools of Cam- ])ridge, with ' olijeetiones' and ' rcsponsioncs^ to each. Some leaves are hlank. 9. ff. S7— 8!). Three notes : • I)c Sacra Scriptnra," • /A Sacratnentl.<^^ ' Jh rudi jtraseutia Christ i in Sacramento.^ 10. ff. JH — III. ' (^no dain notnta dinna in Isanonen J*<>r- ph?/ri(tnai/i.^ n. '•Qinrdam notatx dinna in Aristotelis ('nfrnorina." fol. !)."). 410 CATAlAUiri: OF MANLTSCHIPTS. 12. ^Ih annanciatiombns quadam notatu difina.'' f'ol. 100. 13. unicersalia per InteUcctum Jiaut^ an vero ipsum prw- cedantr fol. 10l>. 14. ''De ntitura Lopira'.'* fol. J0'>. Between this and the following arc sumlry ilk'gil)le notes. 15. ff. 1 1 1 — 12G. ' Theoloqia' communis locus de Anpelis.^ * A tloniino (lilherto Grayio Ntvabridonia' IJyniiiasiarclui viro dot-to et j»io anno doniini H50J).' O'lnphon. 1(). f. 12(). Uniform with the prccodintr, of \\ loaves * Locus de Homiiie/ a treatise on the anatomy of the liuinan hody. 551 Dd. IX. 64. A .small folio, on parcliiiieiit, H' MO, imj)('rf('ct at the end. llandwritin*^ of the xivth century. Vi:.\H Hook, 2 — 7 Mdw. II. At f. 49, * Shelley's bok.' 552 Dd. IX. 65. See Catalogue of Oriental M8S. 553 Dd. IX. 66. A small folio, on parchment, of 208 leaves, of about 45 lines in a page, written late in the .wth century. 1. ff , 1 — 183. The OvvH Impkufkcti .M i.\ S. Ma fiu kum consisting of 57 Iloiailies in Latin : erroneously attributed to St Chrysostom in the colophon. Begins (after a Preface, * Sane rcfenint quidam Matlieum scrihere evan- geliuni . .) : Liber generationis &c. Liber est quasi apothcea graciaium ... Ends : ...stantem in loco saneto. 'Expliciunt omelie Johannis Crisostomi patriarchc Constantinopolitani super Matheuin — operis iniperfccti.' S. Chrys. Opp. vi. 7:31— f)72. ed. Paris. 1835. 2. flP. ] 83 — 208. A collection of brief Notes and explanations of points mentioned in Scripture. CATALOGUE OF MANa^SCRIPTS. 411 Begins : Abominatio desolationis quadrui)liciter i xposita... Ends: ...non potest habere consilium. * Explicit tabula Johannis Crisostomi bona et utilis ' On tlic last leaf arc the lines : Qui bona proponit et negli;^it hec operari V'irgani disponit ad sua ter/X> >rfnn awl CotvUy p. xci. 555 Dd. IX. 68. A quarto, on paper, of 138 leaves, of whicii \ are Mank. Sir Isaac Nkwto.n''s Licasian Lectureh on Ai-(;Km{A AND A itn II M KTic. 1(j73 — 1683. Si'C Mr Edleston's C'orrr.sfhtntlrjirr, \r. p. xcii. Dd. IX. 69. A small quarto, on parchment, of 221 leaves. 1 and '2 are regularly paged, indejx'iidently of each other; the first a nyzantine MS., the second written in western Kurope. 1 i\\ 1 — The Four Gohpelm in Gheek. On f. 1 is a note of no importance, ff. 2 — 9 contain the Eusebiaii Canons, and on ff. 10, 85, 13(3, 227 arc illuminated frontispieces to the (Jospels. A summary of contents is also prefixed to each. This MS. is mentioned by Scholz anervance of Trinity Sunday as such, was that of Aries in J2()0. Can. \ i. Labbe,Vol. xxiii. col. 1006. Besides the .sermons for Sundays there are also some for tlie principal Festivals of the Ecclesiastical year. All are very brief. 2. ff. 85 i — 139. 'Tkactati s et kxtosicio Evaxgkli- OHfM que leiruntur in fe tivitatibus Sanctorum Apostolorum Martirum Confessorum atqiie \'irginum ' Some of the sermons haidly fall under this title, e.g. 'In dedicacione Ecclesie/ ' In capite Jejunii,' 8:c. Begins (after the te.\t) : Johannes EvangelLsta mauifestat . . . Ends: . . . quod ipse nobis patrare dignetur. Qui cum T)eo patre, &c. 558 Dd. IX. 71. A quarto, on parchment, of 245 leaves, with 34 lines in a page. AVritten in the xvth century. A leaf has been lost after f. 24. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 413 ff. 1 — loo. Sermons for the Sundays throughout thi: YEAR. These are 119 in number, all upon the Epistle for the clay. Begins (after the text) : Hoc tempore dicitur tcmpus adventus... Ends : ... non vult ahstinere quin ornet .se crinibus alienis. The last ten leaves contain an index of subjects alphabetically arranged. At foot of which are the words: ' Explicit liber Faribienj?is super Epibtolas per annum cum tabula. Opus doctoris Parisiensis, Sec.' Below is written : ' Liber Johan. A\'arde Coll. Syd. Sussex Cant. Clerici in Artibus Maf,Mstri de Sabrid[,a' worth in Coniitat. Hertford Vicarii, Setho i>er- missione divina Siirum Episcopo Sucellani donicbtici. Jau" 28'° 107U.' Dd. IX. 72. A quarto, on parchment, ff. 140; handwritinir of the xivth century. MiscFf^L ANEoufl Law DOCUMENTS, of wliicli thc titlcs are taken from the MS. itself. 1. Mai,'na Carbi. fol. 1. 2. ( "arta de ForesUi. f. 4 h. n. Sfatuta Wcstmonasterii juima. f. M. 4. Statuta Wcstmonasterii secunda. f. U». T). Statuta Gloucestric. f 41 h. (>. I'rovisiones de Mertona. f. 4.'>. 7. Statuta dc Marlebcrge. f. 47. i\. Summa que dicitur ' Feet assavoyr.' f. '/A. 0. Sumnia Bastardie. f.C'Jh. 10. Summa que dicitur '('adit Assisa.' f. 7^. 11. Sumin i que dicitur * .Modus compomndi brevia.' f. HH //. 12. lOxceptiones contra brevia. f. 1.3. Quot modis dicitur exceptio. f. 1M>. 14. Summa que dicitur ' .hidicium Kssoniorun\.' f. 90 />. 15. Quot modis calumpnianda sunt essonia. f. 107. 10. rarvum Hcni^ham. f. 107 h. 17. Ma<;num Heni,diam. f. 118. At f. 137 /> is written: ' Thoma-s Carus de medio tcmplo in comitatu Myddelsex armig.' 414 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCHIPTS. 560- Dd. X. 1—14. See Catalomic of Oriental MSS. 574 Dd. X. 15. A quarto, on parchment, of 220 leaves, witli about 37 lines in a page. Written late in xvth century. 1. ff. 1 12. A ThEATISK ()\ THE VII MoUT.VL SlNH. Begins : \'onc'ni ratio i)otis,sinu* convonit jK i-cato... Eiuls : ... et haltc't ilia pro inagno honore aliis (K'rdii tis, ha-c ilk- -Ito. 2. ff. lo 174. ' F ASCiriLI S Mour M, CO.N TIN KNS VII PaW- Tin L vs.' Begins (after tlie itn)logiie, ' Eiater noster dileete ae sotlalis...') : I t enini lialx tur in regula sanetoruni Patniiii.. Enils : ... rex iluleonim et decus illius aanetissime civitntis. Thh treatise is in a MS. of Cor]). Clir. Coll. Oxon. No. < ( xxvim. attri- buted to Robert Silk, a Minorite, but in MSS. of the Laudian Collection to John Spieer, of the same body, the tabula or index only l)eing said to be the work of Silk. This tabula is contained in f. \7o of the present MS. 3. fl*. 17'') — 229. ' Lini.H Aureus de vita Chuisti Jesu COMPOSITLS ITIf DoMIMM Ho \ A V E X T 1' U A .M (J A II I) 1 N A L EM [Capp. 98.] Begins : Inter alia virtutuni et lauduin jireconia... Ends : ...nos ad se dignetur assuineiv ipso de quo locuti sunius Doniinus noster Jesus Christus eui sit (kc- Opp. Mogunt. H)00. Tom. vi. pp. .^^4— 400. 575 Bd. X. 16. A small folio, on parchment, of 112 leaves, with about 27 lines in a page. Written about the xiiith century. 1. ff. 1 47 «. GlOSS^I-: I\ IV EVA.VGELIA. Begins : Primitus quocrendum est omnium librorum tempus... Ends: ...meruit videre dominum resurgentem et mundum re])arari per Christum. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 415 2. ff. 48i — o8«. Glossa is Canonem Miss.e. Begins : Ad ultiiiiuin itoiuintur SiTaphiin ... Ends . . . .et omnes respondent Deo gmtias. Explicit. 3. ff. 58a— 101. Orrxs A r\ A i-oc m.ypsi v. ik'gins : [JJohannis apostolus huiic lil.rum (.•ull:^clipsit . . Ends : ... post criKfin fiiit a nativltate usque ad mortt-m xcvii. anni. 4. ff. 108— 112.^ IIo.MKMA in illud 1). Paiili ' FuiulaiiU'n- tuni enim aliud/ Begins : [l^n k'ctione apostolica que nobis j>aulo ante recitata est. Ends : .. ekMuosinai-uni largitate redinuntur, presUuite domino nostro, is:c. On f. 112 are two nf>tes or glosses, one on St IVter »is the foundation of the Church. Dd. X. 17. A small folio, in parchment, consi.stin^ of 47 leaves (besides a blank leaf at the beirinning), each pa^^e containing 2.S hexameter lines, neatly written in a black letter hand, the smaller capitals in red, the larger ones in bine and red variously Hourishcd ; the first letter of the volume is illuminated : apparently !)elongs to the xvth century. The first four pages have been er.xsed and are utterly illegible: but the title is supplied by thr colophon DOCTHIN A I.K. Begins : llenis, Sirtnis, spknis, ^c. (fol. I]). Ends : Doetiinale, Dei virtutc juviuite, peregi : Grates reddo tibi genitor Deus et tibi, Cliristc, Nate Dei Deus, atque tihi, Deus Alitus alnie, Qujis tres persouas in idem credo Deitatis. For an account of this once i)()pular irraniniar, see Cowie's Cat. of ^fSS. and rare Booka in the Library of St Johu'.s ColUyvy Cambridifp, p. 57. Alexander Neckhaui is supposed to be the author. 41G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCUIPTS. Dd. X. 18. A quarto, on parchinont, of .")!) loaves, in ^rood preservation. Written apparently in the xivth eentury. Slips of parehnient are inserted at folios 4, 7, 43, oG, ,58, at each place one, and two at folio 50. An account of the property of tiii: ( hi im ii of IIfrkforo. 1 . Rental of lands helontj^ini^ to the church of Hereford. — f. 1 . 2. ' Bladnni assignatuin ad paneni Canonicoruni llerefordie per annum.' — f. I *S. ' IJladuui assignatuni et avena ad cervisiani canonicoruin per annum.' — f. ')-. 4. l*avments to he made at the church at certain feasts in each year. — f. o'i b. ' Nomina illomni (jui dehent redditumad |)istrimuu canoni- coruin llerefordie j)er annum.' — f. .")(). ()'. • ivedditus (jui deln'tur Capitulo llerefordie annuatim de manerio de Hanima.' — f. 57 7. * Isti sunt (jui tiMuu^runt de domino Episcopo apud Hamma Lacy. — f. ')!). Dd. X. 19. A thin pa|)cr hook, in folio, (now ])ound up with No. 576,) of 2o leaves, containing, in a handwriting of the period, *Thf rkmons I h a xpf of thk NoniMTiF, harrons, hurgesscs and Commouns within the Kingdome of .*^cf)tland \ indicating them and their proceedings from the crimes whcrwith they are charged by the late proclamation in England, dated the -7"' of Februar. 1638/ Bef,Mns (f. 1): Though the depth of the Councell of God and the secrets of the wayes of the most High cannot he sounded... Ends (f. 26) : ...that God would incline his ma''" heart to hearc us heforc matters be desperat, and the rupture hecome vncura])le. Edinbur' the 22 raarche. lf)38. Ilevi-sed according to the ordinance of the generall assenil)]y hy AT Ev'' Johnston Clerk y'^ of. The Proclamation referred to is printed in llushworth s Wist. Coll. ii. 830, hut not this Remonstrance. CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. Dd. X. 20. A parchment book, in folio, formerly bound in wood, now consisting of los leaves, containing; 'generally oii lines on the |>age ; written perhaps a.s early a-s the middle of the xiith century. The final rubrics suj)ply the title ' LlUKU E( t l.KSI ASTK E HiSTOUrL / Begins (f. 1) : Assiriorura igitur potenti&simufl fuit olim rex Ninus... Ends with Lil). vi and mention of Charles the Bnhl ;f. 108; : ...Karohis uero |>iu.s Fmneiani, hur^aindiam et aiiuitaniam ohtinuit solus. There are various notes in tlie margin, many by the scribe, some in a handwritini,' of the xivth centurj-, and others of a later date. At the foot of the first i>ncre is ' Ficelesijut. Hist, de do. Seffr Kpi Le Neve, Fasti, mentions two bishops of Chichester of the name Seffride, the one buried at Glastonbury, 1 1 li.")— .50, the other IIHO— 1204. On the back of the jjist leaf, in the scrilw's hand, i8 ' I'anis uite celestui d(K-trina pascamur erj^o pane ill<> ' Dd. X. 21. A quarto, on parchment, containing ff. Hn3, with 20 lines in each page. It ha-s a few illuminated letters and borders. Catch- words occur at every 8th b-.-if. Date, the x\ th century. P.M A I.TKim .M CL .M C'a .NTH IS, v^C. The first two leaves contain devotions to the B. V*., especially relating: to the Visitation. The next 0 contain the Kjilendar, the name of St Tliomas of Canterbury, and the won! papa after SS. (Jregory, Sylvester. ( leinent. \c. being effaced. The I'siilter begins as usual. fO ; on the margins are occasionally inserted in a later hand antiphons for the ditfcrent festivals; the Psalter ends f. 1.32«, and the Canticles follow, and then the Litany, ending f. Wy h. Then follow, in a different hand, the Vigilur Mortunruiu an2i. In Ilogatis,' and before section 11 the date is * Die xi. Julii.' At the end, p. 74, is * Data in nostro Ducali Palatio die viiij Septembr. Indictione xii"". M. I), xxiiij. Pet* Grasolarius. Due. nots.' The title page (p. 1) luis an illuminated border, at the top of which is the winged lion of S. Mark with cliffs and sea in the back ground ; on either side are portraits of a l)ishop and a dominican monk, and at the Ixjttom is a shield, (Party per fess argent and azure, two bendlets conterchanged), and on the ground of a landscape over which the shield is susi)endcd are the letters V. Z. 583 Dd. X. 24. A small folio of parchment, now of about 40 leaves, iiaving double colunms of KJ lines each on every page, written in the xvth century. It is bound up with the next two MSS. This appears to have been formerly part of a larger volume. The first leaf is marked cxxij on the first side, and 122 on the reverse ; two leaves that contained nearly the whole of chapters 2 — 0 of § 1 are missing, the next leaf being numbered cxxv and 12.5 ; leaves are niis.sing between the pni;es marked 133 and cxxxvi, and between 143 and cxlvi, and 14G and cxlviii, and 151 and clx. E E 2 420 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 1. *Gesta Alexandri regis Magni Macedonum.* The text is that of Julius Valerius : sec the edition * Aiiu:clo Maio, Medio- lani, MDcccxvii.' and especially Fditoris l^refatio, pp. xii — xvi. (In Brit. Mus. Grenville Liby. OOOG.) After the capi tula, the MS. begins: Egypti sapientes sati gcnere divino primi feruntur. .. From the list on the preceding page (cxxij) there ai)pear to have been xlix capitula in Liber i. but the three after xlvi arc wanting, as well as the whole of Liber ii. and part of Lib. iii. The latter ends : ...Valedictis singulis dicni clausit extrcnium. On p. 138 begins Liber iv. : Extincto in ii).so ctatis ac victoriarum llorc alcxandro magno triste apud omnes tota babilone silencium fuit. On p. cli: Explicit liber iiii"' incipit v"*. The second paragraph of the latter (the third in some MSS. as in No. 154 of Caius Coll. MSS. which is of the xiith century) begins : Eodem tempore demosthenes atheniensis orator pulsus patria... 2. On the next leaf (p. clx.) * Alexander ad Dindimuni.' The ' epistola ' commences : Si hec ita sunt ut asseris o dindime soli quantum iudeo... This is printed in Vincentius, Spec. J fist. i. Lib. v. cc. G9 — 71. See also Coxe's Catal. Cod. MSS. Coll. Coq). Chr. Oxon. lxxxii. 4. For another MS. see Dd. viii. 22. § 3. 3. 'Epistola Alexandri regis Magni Macedonum AD MAGISTRUM SUUM AriSTOTELEM.^ Begins (p. 101): Semper memor tui etenim inter dubia bellorum nostrorum peri- cula... And ends (p. 169) : . . quamdiu seculi volvitur orbita nominis mei fama habeatur in gloria. See under Dd. viii. 22. § 3. 4. ' Prima recapitulatio de eodem Alexandro et de suis.' The last words, completing p. 170, are : ...qui cum carentinis bellum habuisse et egregie vicisse narratur. Amen. 584 Dd. X. 25. A quarto, on parchment, of 1 63 leaves. In three different handwritings: (a) ff. 1—4, (5) ff. 5—148, (c) f. 149 to end: they are however all of the xiiith or xivth CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 421 centuries, ff. 1 — 4 have 29 lines in a page : ff. 5 — 148 have 30 : and the rest 28. On f. 4 5 is a table of contents : and at the top the words ' Liber Lanthonii juxta Gloucest.' shew that the MS. was formerly the property of Lanthony Abbey. 1. ff. 1 — 4. A fragment of a Treatise on some of the Offices of the Church. Begins : ...atur lectio scripsit Moyse..- Ends : ... quando erit Deus omnia in omnibus. 2. ff. 5 — 23. 'Liber Lsidori junioris de Differenciis." Begins (after the preface, * NonnuUi norunt quod iste •..'): Inter Deum et Dominum ... Ends : ... absque exemplo humihtatis Christi. Opp. Rom. 1802. v. pp. 77—114. 3. ff. 24 — 56. * Sancti Amrrosii Episcopi de Peni- tent i a."* Begins : Si virtutuni finis ille maxim us est ... Ends : ... mundi istius nexu debcmus absolvcre. Opp. Col. Agr. lOlG. IV. pj). 182—11)7. 4. ff. 56 — 85. *Eju8DEM de Jacoii et vita ijeata." Begins : Necessarius ad disciplinani . . . Ends : ... peremptus est mortc. Ibid. I. pp. 161— 1C9. 5. ff. 85 — 114. *Ejusdem de Paradiso.' Begins : Et plantavit Deus . . . Ends: ... mctemus ea que sunt spiritualia. Ibid. I. pp. 63— GO. 6. ff. 115 — 123. 'Epistola Prosperi ad IIufinum pres- biterum contra Pelagianos.' Begins : Accepi per communem . . . 422 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Ends: ... dirigat in vitam eternam. Opp. Lugd. 1539, pp. 85—94. 7. ff. 123 — 129. ' LiBELLUs Prosperi CONTRA Pelagianos OBTRECT ATORES SUOS.^ Begins : Quidara Christiane ac fraterne caritatis obliti ... Ends: ... voluntatem Dei sentient vindicantcra. Ibid. pp. 109—117. 8. ff. 129 — 138. 'Liinni Puospeki contra Pelagianos OBTRECTATORES SaNCTI AuGUSTINI."* Begins : In libris beatc memorie ... Ends : ...quod habcat Veritas. Ibid. pp. 110—128. 9. fF. 138 — 148. 'Liber Prosperi contra obtrectatores Sancti Augu.stini."* Begins : Doctrinam quam sancte memorie ... Ends: ... duo ista permiscct. Ibid. pp. 9.5—109. 10. ff. 149 — 152. 'Liber de x Plagih Egypti.'' A Homily containing a comparison of the ten plagues with the ten com- mandments. Begins : Non sine causa, fratres dilectissimi . . . Ends : ... perv'enire illesi prestante domino, &c. 11. ff. 152 — 155. ' De Ponderibus et Mensuris/ Begins : Ponderum ac mensurarum . .. Ends: . . . onus Cameli efficiunt. 12. ff. 155 — 163. ' Jeronimus de Membris domini."' A treatise on the anthropomorphic language of scripture, to which are appended brief notes upon the end of the world. Begins : Omnipotens Deus, Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus... Ends: ... ipsa dies judicii. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 423 585 Dd. X. 26. A parchment book, bound up with 583 and 584, consisting of 80 pages, written in the xvith century, and containing *■ Statuta clarissinii Ordinis Aurei Velleris e Gallico in latinum versa ; subjunctis additionibus et declarationibus nonnulh's per ejusdeni ordinis supremos et proceres successive editis.' This title is on p. 13, tlie first 12 i)ages being occupied by an index. The initial letter of every paragi-aph is of gold, on a red, blue, or green ground. The last 'additiones ' are those of the chapter held at Tours in 1531. For an account of the Order and references see Hclyot, Histoire des Ordres Monast. Rdig. et MUit. P. vi. Ch. liv. (t. viii. pp. 343 — 50. 4to. Paris. 1710). 586 Dd. X. 27. A small folio, on paper, of the xviith century, mostly blank. A Law Common-Place Book. 587 Dd. X. 28. A parchment book, in small quarto, f)f 11 2 leaves, written by various hands. 1. ff . 1 —4. ' Magna Carta de libertatibus Anglie.' and ff. 4 — 5. * Carta de Forcsta."* 2. ff. 5—10. The same as § 1, in French. .3. f. 10. 'La confirmacion le rey Edward."* The date is ' A Londrcs. le x iour Ooctobre (.vf'r) Ian de nostre rcgne xxv.' 4. f. 11. ' Mcntencia cartarum."' It begins : En le noni Com nostre seigneur le rey 5. f. 1 1 1 3. a. ' La Lettre du fiz le Roy.' After the salutation, begins : Com nos chiers et feans... At the end is the date, ' Done a Londrcs le disme ior de Octobre Ian del regne le Rey Edward xxv.' This letter and the following arc noticed by Brady, History, S;c. iii.p. GO, and the king's letter referring to them is printed in the Appendix, N. 34, h. 'La Lettre du Conseyl."' After the names of the councillors, it begins : Com seit fait entcndant au fiz nostre seign"" le Roy... At the end is the date, ' Done Llondres le an de gi-acc m. cc. Ixxxxvij. et du regne le Rey Edward xxv.' 424 CATALOGUE OF iMANUSCIUPTS. 6. f. 13 ' 13iilla papalis super reuocacoe ordinacionum ex- tortaruiii tempore K. E. fil. 11. H. et sentenciaruin super his prolataruni."* Begins : _ Clemens. ..Epo Couuent'r ct Lich...Regalis deuocois integritas...! Printed in llymer, Fa'dera, i. 078. (Kd. 1821). 7. f. 14; ^j. ' Coniposicio facta inter Archni Oxonie et vniuer- sitateui eiusdem,"" Begins : Me*^ quod die lune prox' post festum see Scolastice virgiuis anno dni niillio ccc""". xlv'°... The copy is imperfect, ending : ...subsint tum dci Hoctores The leaf that was marked 15 has l)t't'n cut out. 8. f. 1(). Memoranda of ten commissions for the collection of Tenths and other taxes, received hy the Prior and Convent of St Katharine at Lincoln in the years 1291 — 1307. 9. ' Nous Uobt . . .arcevesque do Canterbur". . . evesque countes et barons . . . ordinoms . . .* The aI)ove is from the preainl)lc, wliich begins (f. 17) : Pur coe ([0 par mauueis counseil et desceyuaunt nre seign' le Roi.... After the ordinance, ending '...la descretion des ditz assignez,' is the first line of a royal letter, ' Edward, ike. . . saluz sachez,' with a blank space on f. 24. Printed in the form of Letters Patent in Brady, Iliatory, 6^c. Vol. in. Appendix N. 52. pp. 30 — 48. 10. ' Taxaciones ecciarum facte per dnm Norwyc' in dioc' Linc\' This list on fF. 25 — GO is divided according to archdeaconries: it appears to belong to what is called the Norwich Taxation which was made circa 1253 : see the Preface to the edition of ' Taxatio Ecclesiastica circa 1291/ published folio, 1802. It is followed on f. Gl by ' Nomina exemptorum in dioc. Line' and * Beneficia spectancia ad collacionem Epi Lincoln, in dioc. Lincoln.' The latter list is repeated with variations in a later hand on f. 62. 1 1 . Copies of Papal Bulls and Episcopal Letters relating to the See of Lincoln. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 425 There is an imperfect catalogue on f. 63, of the contents of fF. G4 — 77. It may be sufficient to state that in Nasmith's catalogue, in manuscript, the particulars are distinctly given : that some of this collection are named in Tanner, Notit. Mon. Lincoln, xlix. ; and the more important documents are to be found in AVilkins, Concilia, Wharton, Anylia Sacra. 12. ff. 77 h — 86. Copies of the following documents : a. * Fundacio hospitalis de Mera.' b. * Fundacio domus see Trinitatis extra Northampton que dicitur domus sci Dauid.' c. ' Statuta dni Roberti Line. Epi facta indicta domo.' The titles of them only are here given. See Anylia Sacra, ii. 325. d. ' Regula fratrum Hospitalis sci Johis Bedeford.' e. Four documents relating to * Dauentre,' 12C9 — 1290. /. Ilegula Hospitalis S. Joannis dc Lutterwoi-th. 1300. g. Ilegula Hospitalis 'Sci Leonardi Bedeford.' 130G. h. ' Carta Abbatis et conuentus de Grimesby concessa Willo Colbem.' 1303. i. ' Memorandum de processione facienda apud Sanctum Albanum.* k. *Obligacio fratrum (hercmitanim) sci Augustinl facta pro indemp- nitate eccie sci Jacobi de Cirynicsby.' 1307. / and m. Two other documents by the Bishoi) of Lincoln relating to the same as k, and dated in 1307 at Buckden. 13. fF. 87 — 105. 'Rcpertorium dc ordinacionibus vicariaruin Lincoln, dyocesis factis teniporibus dni Hugonis de Welles et successorum suoruni Lincoln, episcoporuni."* The list is divided according to archdeaconries, and ends with the entries of the ' Archd. Oxen.' respecting * GodeshuU' and * Stangtonc ' Under the latter name is written * Arch. Bucks.' as a correction Sc-e 10. 14. ff. lOG — 110. ' Ordinacio domus de Merton.' From the date at the end this appears to be the second code of statutes (1267). See the Preface to and the Note on p. 37 of the Statutes of Merton College, (Irford, in Vol. I. of the Statutes of the Colleges of Oxford, 1853. 15. Stitched on to f. 110 is a document endorsed. * Exoneratio ecclesiarum de AVobon et Stubton a pensionibus quas solebant solvere capitulo Lincoln. Et appropriatio ecclie de Hambledon eidem capitulo.' The Bishop's letter is dated, Middelton juxta Oxon. Apr. 16. 1272. Pontif. 14. 16. ff. Ill — 2. A table of the contents of the volume. The title of § 6 has been supplied from this table. 426 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 17. f. 112 * Bulla [dementis VI.] pro reconc® ecclie lincolniensis.' Begins : Deuocois tue prccibus... This is dated at Avis^non 22 May, Pontif. 10. [1351], and is recited in a letter of the Bishop's dated Biickdcn, Marcli 1st, 13.*)4. See the ' Bulhi Innocentii Soxti...' printed in AVilkins, ConciliUy iii. p. 29. 588 Dd. X. 29. A quarto, on vellum, containing ff. 4.*^,0, in double columns, with 44 lines in each column. Date, the xivih century. BiBLIA Vl LGATA SaNCTI ITlKllONYMI. On a fly-leaf at the l)ei;inninc; is a list of tlie hooks of the Bible ; they occur in tlie usual order, excepting that the Acts is after the Epistle to the Hebrews. The usual prologues begin f. 1 , and end f. 3, after which the leaf con- taining the first three chapters of Genesis is lost: a leaf is also lost after ff. 220, 301 and 35.5, this last containing the beginning of St Matthew. After the hist verse of the Revelation is the distich : finito libro sit laus et gloria Christo et nunc pro scripto reddatur cena magistro. The last four leaves contain a canon of the lessons, and other scribbling; and at the end is written, * Iste liber constat Simoni Ffelbrycio heredibus ct assignatis suis.' 589 Dd. X. 30. A small quarto, on paper, 1 3 leaves, about 20 lines in each page; handwriting of the xviith century. It is bound up with the following MS. * A Survey of the Sciences in theire Vertues and Vanityes, theire Fullnes and Defects ' * or, the Soule seeming by contemplation vanished from the Body, the Body supposM in search of the Soule."* The dedication, addressed 'to the Reuerend and right wor'^ D' John Oldesworth/ bears the name of ' Rob. Dauenport.' The ' sciences ' considered are Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Music, Arithmetic, Geometry, and Astronomy (the 'trivium ' and ' quadrivium '). Begins (p. 7) : "Where sweete freind shall I find you, gon in quest of true felicity ? Ends (p. 25) : Obedience is no bondage where wee love. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 427 590 Dd. X. 31. A parchment book, imperfect, formerly containing leaves with signatures in eights from A to Z and 2 symbols, with double columns of 30 lines each, written in the xivth century. 1. Galfredus Monumetensis de Gestis Bkitonlm : im- perfect. The MS. begins (f. B i.) in Lib. i. c. 15 of the editions (see No. 329) : hostes ccleriter invasit. Audaciores pro inde surgentes... And breaks off in Lib. x. c. 12 (f K. viii.) : ...isti tunc libeitattm quam illi cisdem demcre [affectabant]. After an imperfect paraL,'raj)h whicli ends with the date ' anno diii m". xxvi".' there follows (f O. i.) : Kobertus frater duci.s ricardi iuuenis... And the narrative continues to a break (on f O. vi.) after the words . . .a duce normannorum \\'iU'o supcratus est. Tlie next column begins : In diebus scissimi regis Edwardi et confessoris anno eiusdem penul- timo Haroldus... The signatures between O and S arc wanting. The annals terminate *Anno xlviii" regis Henrici' with tlie words (f T.I..): . sibi et suis emolumentum et regis nomen reseruans. E.xplicit. The chapters are indicated only by the initial letters. Tlicre are mar- ginal notes in a somewhat later hand than the text. 2. ' Catalogus sive Chronica omnium pontificum ct impcra- torum romanorum . . . usque ad honorium tercium papam et ad fredericum qui nunc ad imperium sublimatur." Begins (f. T. iii.) : Dominus nr ihc xpc primus et summus pontifex. .. Ends (f. V.iv.): Istius tempore christiani Damietam ceperunt, sed saraceni cam postea recupauerunt. The signature V is only in 4 : and )' in G. 3. Daretis Phrygii de ExriDio Troj.e Historia. After the'Epistola Cornelii' as in the editions, (12'"° Amsterd. 1C30, and 8" Lond. 1825) the MS. begins (f. X. i.) : Peleas rex peloponense {sic) essonem fratrem habuit... After the section, ending ' Hucusque historia Daredis frigii,' which cor- respond to the final words of the editions, follows another, beginning, 'Quis 428 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. troianomm quern grccorum deniio occicUt...' and ending, * ...Neoptholemus pentessileam. Explicit excidium Troie.' At the end (f. Y. vi.), in a somewhat later hand, are written ' Epitaphium Hectoris' and other lines. 4. Short POEMS in a Romance dialect, without title, on parch- ment, double columns, 36 lines each ; handwriting as before. (1) Begins: Le russinole uoleit amer E mist quer e cors e poer. Ends abruptly (fol. 3 a) : Lamur ke ia nert esteyntc. (2) Begins (fol. 3«): Lung tens ay de quer ame cclc lay destrange gyse. (3) Begins (fol. 3 a): Tant suy a beau soiur Frai chanconele damur. Ends (fol. 5 6): Si les comand amalfee Tuz iur eient il maldehee. Amen. (4) Begins (fol. rw>) : Qvant le tens se renouele e reuerdoie cy bois. Ends (fol. Oa): Mes a deu uoil lalme vendrc, e a ma dame mun cors. (5) Begins (fol. G 6) : Ky vout sauer del mapemund La forme de trestut le mund De terres c de regiuns E de citez les propre nuns. Breaks off (fol. 24 b) : Certes ncnt est home pur ucrite Kar il auentist par sun pcche. 591 Dd. X. 32. A parchment book, octavo size, consisting of 80 leaves, with 34 lines on each page, written in two hands, perhaps of the xivth century. The volume has formerly been bound in wood and with clasps. 1. 'Hie incipit liber Bmtonum qui vocatur bryutus (sic) DE GESTIS AnGLORUM."' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 429 The text begins and ends as in the editions (see No. 329) : Cum mecum multa...transferre curaui. On tlie first thirty leaves are some marginal notes in a later hand. 2. A continuation in French immediately follows the con- clusion of the preceding History of Geoffry of Monmouth. Begins (f. 63) : Epar long temps apres il avcit en engleter vn rey par ky pcche fu suffert graunt damage en engleterre e destructions. Ends (f 80) : ...Apres la niort cesti Roy Henr' li tiers rogna son fils Edward... e pus morust et gist a AVcst. de qi alme dieux eit mercy. Amen. 592 Dd. X. 33. A paper book, in quarto, containinnr, on 51 leaves, besides the Tahoada on 6 leaves, fairly written and decorated, ' Privilegios que S. M. conccdeo a Joan. Legreyn framengo Ano 1585; At the end are certificates of the correctness of the copy, of which one has the date 1.580. 593 Dd. X. 34. A small folio, on parchment, of 14 leaves, measuring 10 inches by 7 inches ; in good preservation. Taxation of the benefices in the ARcnnEACONRiKs of Suf- folk AND SunnuHY for the payment of a tenth granted to the King soon after a.d. 1500, by the clergy of the province of Can- terbuiy. 594 Dd. X. 35. A small quarto, on paper, of 9 leaves, written in the xviith century. A Sermon on Isaiah xxxii. 17. Begins : These wordes are part of a prediction . . . Ends: ... upon the whole Israel of God. 430 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCllIPTS. 595 Dd. X. 36. A quarto, on paper, of the xvith century, bound up with the two preceding : imperfect. Forms of PuocEKnixGS in Ecclesiastical Courts. Many of these arc in the name of John (A\'liiti^ift). Archbishop of Can- terbury. Dd. X. 37. A quarto, on j)aper, well written in a hand of the xvitli century. It is ])ound up with the two following MSS. 1, Assizes, in forty chapters. 2. Laic Beports, of the reigns of Henry VIH. and Elizabeth. 596 Dd. X. 38. A quarto, on paper, of 41 leaves ; of the xviith century. 'TuAiTTE i)'A RiTHxMKTiQrK' : iuFrcnch. The first 40 pages are occupied witli the statement of the rules of Arith- metic. ff. 25 — ^^0 contain questions in Mathematics, and rules for the extraction of the cube root ; also of the square root by approximations, ff. 31 — 3.5 relate to specific gravity. The remainder is bhmk, except tliat on tlie livst page is a receipt for * JiauDic jtour toutf sort de hlesnures' 597 Dd. X. 39. A quarto, on paper, of 106 leaves, of the xviith century. The writing varies considcral)ly in character and size, but may probably be by the same hand as both Dd. v. 28, and Dd. ix. 19. A Collection of Tracts and Lectures, by Ca?sar Cremoninus. 1. ff. 1 — 3. * De maximo et minimo Tractatus.' Begins : Expositio de maximo et minimo habet longas disputationes... Ends : ...non est sine transmutatione. Finis. 2. f. 46. Contains a list of ' Tractatus Doctissimi Cesaris Cremonini qui passim hahentur in Schola Patavina.' 3. ff. 5 — 42. Nineteen Lectures upon ' Digressio Averrois dc Intellectu Possibili. Commentatione quinta in tcrtium librum [Aristotelis] de anima, et commista est definitio Intellectus Materialis.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 481 Begins : Intentio Averrois est disputare de superbia et aeternitate intellectus possibilis... Ends: ...Proponit sibi rcvertendum ad sermoncm Aristotelis. 4. fF. 44 — 47. * Tractatus de Principio individuationb.' In two Lec- tures. Begins : Qua?stio de principio individuationis... Ends: ... Aristotcles hoc optime consideravit. 5. flF. 52 — 100. Twenty-two Lectures upon 'Digressio Averrois com- mento Trigesimo sexto in librum tcrtiuni Aristotelis de Anima.' Begins : Oporttt hjitur prius. Occasio hujus digressionis. . . Ends : In quibus Averrois sit contra Alcxandrum, Finis explanationis et correctionis digressionis Averrois de Intellectu Agente. 598 Dd. X. 40. A folio, on paper, of 67 leaves, with about 35 lines in a page. Parts of ff. 14, 15 arc blank, a portion of the connncntary on Horn. iii. 22 being wanting. * Mosia AmYRALOI Pu.KLKCTlO.NES I.\ CaI'1'. 111. IV. Ei». A l> RoM AXOS,"* Begins : In eo luce sunt : 1". Enunciatio ... Ends: ... non vero justificationem. These discourses are a continuation of those contained in Dd. rii. HH, in the same handwriting. 599 Dd. X. 41. A small folio, in vellum, consisting of \ V.) leaves, each page containing about lines, very neatly written in a hand resembling ordinary Ixoman types, probably of the xvth century. The initial capitals at the beginning of each book are richly illumi- nated. ' C. SrKTONii TiiANQrir i i i>i: Vita C ksari m.' 432 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. The MS. contains the whole twelve books. The last two leaves com- prise 40 hexameters and 1 pentameter, entitled Dc Ca'saribus versus. The first line is Cnesareos proceres in quorum regna secundis. The concluding one being Expediam series quos tenet imperii. Dd. X. 42. A small folio, on paper, containing 50 leaves, of which the last six arc blank, neatly written in characters much resembling the Akline type ; the capital letters flourished : these and other parts of the MS. rubricated. Each page contains about 20 lines : it cannot be older than the latter part of the xvth century. The MS. contains the first 18 Idyls. It commences with efoKpirov yevos. (Gaisford's Poet. Min. Gr. vol. 2. p. li.) eeo/c/Kroj 6 twu (iovKoXiKwv TroiT/r^y, K.T.X. (Jo]. 1 ). This is fi)llowed ])y HoO (vpedrjaav rj ncos ra ^ovkoXiko. TToi^nara. (fol. 2). This comprises the two pieces printed by Gaisford, ut supra, pp. lii., liii., and adds some remarks on the Doric dialect, beginning loTiov OTt ol Acopiels rpiTvovcri rrjv ov dl(f>doyyov 6t( /xcV (Is oj P-^y^i ore de els oi, K.T.\. To these succeed a paragraph on kuto. tov avrbv xpovov r^Kpaa-av enra TToiTjraL eVi TlToXepaiov 4>iXa8eXf/)ou kui BfpeviKTjs, k.t.X, These concluding portions are not contained in Gaisford's edition. vnoOeais tov npa)Tov (l8vX- Xt'ov. (fol. 2). This agrees substantially with the first hypothesis in Gais- ford (p. liv.) The hypotheses of the other idyls also agree generally with those in his edition. The interlineal rubrical glosses accompany the first three idyls only : the marginal scholia cease after the fifth idyl. The latter will be found in Gaisford's edition. After this follow two poems which occupy the other side of the leaf : the first is of 21 lines in different metres, entitled vx^h"^ Movacov r) QeoKplrov avpiy^, published in the edition of Kiessling, p. 798, and the other in elegiac verse, entitled UXaTavos els rov Uava, published in the Gr. Anth. Vol. i. p. 10.5. Ed. Lips. Dd. X. 43. A quarto, on paper, containing in all 216 pages, of about 20 lines each ; well written, in a hand of the xviith century. 1 . '• Le Guide de la Terre aux Cieux^'' a series of spiritual directions in prose, translated out of English (pp. 1 — 55). CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 433 2. ' Le Cceur du Coeur Chrestien^ an ' alphabet de chansons spirituelles,' in irregular stanzas. Begins (with a fresh pagination) ; A gcnoux, O mon Coeur, Adore ton Seigneur. Ends (p. 101): Ou nies cspris bienheureux et contens Y verront le Dieu fort. 3. ' Le Flageolet Chrestlen (hi Berqer de Lucerne^ written *pour exciter les Siens a souffrir le martyre avec Constance et foy dans rhorreur des massacres en 1654."' Begins (p. 103): ('hers fidelles de Lucerne Soyez courageux. 4. ' Le Coeur Froisse^ ou Denueres Heures de Hons'' J oily uet^" who died (p. 139) July 20, 1062. Begins (p. 109): Humilie, froisse, mouhi 1)' ennuy de crainte et de tristesse. Knds (p. 153) : Mc voudra releuer en sa saincte faucur. 5. Aux Peres du Synode de la Prouince Orleans et Berry, assemblez a Mer en May 1662."' Begins (p. 1.54) : Sacrez ainl)assadeurs. Knds (p. 158): Luy seruent de Patrons, de Peres et de Doctcurs. Subjoined is another short piece (pp. 158 — 101), entitled " TexUimnit PaterncV The writers were all Huguenots, and one of them speaks of his father (p. 100) as * Mons' JoUyuet advocat en Parlenx^nt.' C02 Dd. X. 44. A quarto, on parchment, of 149 leaves, of the xvth century. In English, fairly but variously written. A Collection of Medical Works, chiefly anonymous. 1. fF. 1 — 100. A treatise, in 08 chapters, intended " for to shcwyn the causes cures and signes of sykenes." * * * "Ye wyche I know best by experience, and wyche I was wont most stedfastly to usyn and wych I hade most spcde for to werk with." F F 434 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins, in nibrick : Amicum induit qui jiistis amicorum procil)Us condcscendit quod [?] Plateary for love of my dyre frcudys I am purposid... Ends : ...dothe that same. In f. 100 at the end are two receipts for to clere the syght of the yen; and a goode diete for the monyth of May. 2. ff. 104—111 a. An Alphabetical Catalogue of Herbs. n ff . m 112. Various Receipts. Beginning : rillule by foremete... Ending : ...and g>'f it hym to gargarismyng. 4. tr. 1 1 8—1 lC)b. * Lihcr dc Hypocrasc: Begins, in rubrick : 'I'his bookc did Ipocrase send unto Sezar for a gret tresour ; And therefor kepe it well... Ends : . . do this 9 dayes and it .shall hcle. 5. tf. lin/y — 118. ^ Themurns paupenim.' Begins, in rubrick : Here begynnyth the Tresour of pore men... ?]nds : ...but drinke not therto, nor thcrafter. ^Vith two more receipts added after the Colophon. 0. ff. 119— 12nfl. ' lAhvr Edinundi: Begins, iu rubrick : Here bcgynnyth other medicinis at the hedc, and so forth to other meml)ris of tlie body, &c.... Ends: ...ut probatum est a meipso, &c. One receipt in tliis part is in Frcncli, and one in Latin. 7. f. 123 ' Item de Reyinihte SanitatisJ Begins : Si autcm materia fiunt grossa aut subtilis... Ends: . . et confice cum pulvere aloes et camfore. 8. ff. 1236— 128 r/. A discourse, in rhyme, on herbs. Begins : Of herbys now I Will yow telle by and by As I fynde wrytyn in a boke That in borowyng I betoke Of a gret ladyes preste, &c. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 435 Ends: It dryvyth away all foul moysteris And distroyeth venym and wykyd liumoris It distroyeth the morfew And dispoyling to the leper. 9. fF. 128 6— 136 «. Various Receipts in English. Begins : Here begynnyth other dy vers mcdicinis the whyche must he nu xyd with aqua vitc as here folowyth... Ends : ...lewke warme to bed ward. 10. fF. 130 6—137. * Precious ^\'aters for dyvcrs Sykncssis.' Begins : This hen, &c. Ends : ...and doth away tlie palscy. 11. ff. 1.38 — 130 6. Various Receipts for given Complaints. In English, excei)t the two last, which arc in Latin. 12. 1306—148. A Treatise on Urines. Begins : It is to be knowyn that tlicr be... Ends : ...is signc of myche yvyll beyng in the stomakc. llie intervening pages arc blank, except f 102 6, where is an entry of the birth of An Thorowgood, 'the Oth day of August the year tliat Pouls Stejtil was a fyar. an" lodl ;' and the last leaf m which are the uanics of various owTiers of the book. 603 Dd. X. 45. A quarto, on paper, of 21 leaves, (togethtn- with otlier.'^ left blank) written in the xviiith century. ' Truth cannot be contrary to Truth : or, a Discourse concern- ing the Agreement of Natural and Revealed Ildigion.'' Begins : The Rules which I shall lay down ... Ends : ... my present judgment is true. In the same volume are two loose sheets, containing notes ' Concerning the salvation or happiness of men's souls.' Dd. X. 46. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 43G CATALOGUK OF MANUSC^JUrTS. 605 Dd. X. 47. A quarto, on parclinient, of 4,9 leaves, in good preservation, measuring 8 \ inches by (> inches. 'The Statutes and OHnixAxcES of the most noble order of Saint George named the Gahtyer, refourmed, explayned, de- clared and renewed by the most high, most excellent, most {)nys- sant Prince Henry the VHP'' by the grace of God Kinge of England and of ffraunce, defendor of the faith. Lord of Irelande, etc.' On tlio cover the r»\val arms, quartering Kni;lan(l and Franco, arc stamped. On the i)ai;e ojjpo.site to the hei^inninu;- of tiu- manuscript the arms of Henry Brooke, Lord (.'ohhani, Knit^ht of the CJartcr in 1.51)1), are emblazoned. See MSS. marked Dd. x. ;51), Dd. xi. 47, and Mm. iii. 2H, for other copies of tlicsc statutes. 606 Dd. X. 48. A quarto, on paper, of 1 14 pages, in good preservation. Benefices nELoxoiXi; to the Cnnncii of Exeter. 1. ' Nomina ecclesiarum parochlaliiim et capelhirum infra dia^cesim Exon. et ctiam patronorum earundeni, nec non earum uniuscujusque valor.' — p. 1. 2. * Dignitates et Beneficia ad collationem Domini Episcopi Exon. spectantia.' — p. 124. 3. ' Beneficia ad presentationem Domini Decani Ecclesine Cathedralis Exon. spectantia.' — p. 126. 4. ' Beneficia ad presentationem Decani et capituli Ecclesia? Cathedralis Exon. (infra Dioecesim Exon.) spectantia,"* p. 126. 5. ' Beneficium ad presentacionem Vicariorum Choralium Ec- clesice Cathedralis Exon. spectans.' — p. 128. There are a few rough notes concerning the values and patrons inserted on slips of paper, and a paper entitled ' The benefices in the Chapters guift. 20 Sept. 1G90 ;' and another of the same tenour, dated 9 Sept. 1603. These point out the livinj^s that were allotted to the patronage of each member of the chapter. 607 Dd. X. 49. A paper book in quarto, of about 90 leaves, fairly written, con- taining 1 . '0/ the ConrU of this Realme^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 437 2. * Certaine brief e mates and Instructions necessarie for such as are towards practise of an Attourney in the Comon Pleas or Court of Comon Pleas with the rules and orders incident to the same Courte, and alsoe what manner of accons such an Attorney may pleade.' This section is on leaves numbered from 1 to G4, but appears to be sup- plementary to § 1. 608 Dd. X. 50. An octavo, on paper, of 1.58 leaves, irregularly written in the xvth century. A portion of the first leaf is torn, and the MS. is imperfect at the end, concluding with part of the sermon for the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude. Seumoxs, in Old English, for the Sundays and Holydays of the year. Begins (after a collect, 'The helpc an9 f^oiw\oyT](raiJL(V(ov . . . Ends (in Grad. xxvii.) : . . . Tives fJL^v Iva anovbaloi . . . 0pp. Paris, 1G.33. pp. 4.5—409. The last leaf is a fragment of some Greek Patristic writings, as are also the patches mentioned above. 613 Dd. X. 55. A quarto, on paper, of 106 leaves, with about 18 lines in a page, written in the xviith century. 1. ff. 1 — 15. ' ' EpcoTi^nara Kvp'iov ^lavvrfK too Mocj^o- CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 439 Begins : Tt eVrt Trpoacodia ; . . . Ends : . . . Kai crvfXTrXeKTiKos Ka\ TTapaTrXTjpaipaTiKus. 2. fF. 15 — 46. * ApaeviKal Kai'ove^.^ Begins : Aiay. noiov fiepovs Xoyov iariv ; . . . Ends : . . . TU)V 8vo ob (Is cSp(ya. 3. if. 47 — 94. * OtjXvKal Kuvove^.^ Begins : Movaa. noiov p-tpovs Xoyov icrriv ; . . . Ends: . . . nadtjTiKos, 6 ^(vyvvpfvos. The last few pages are filled with declensions of nouns and conjugations of verbs. See Fabric. Bibl. Gneca. Ilamb. 1708. vi. p. 322. 6X4 Dd. X. 56. A paper book, in quarto, containing about GO leaves, written about 1700. 'The Hihstory of Tipography, its Originall and prograse from athentick recordes nianiscriptes and printed bookes, collected with grate paynes by Jo. liagford, to which is added the Lives of the most eminent printers ..' It is a collection of extracts relatinij^ to the history of printing, with the titles of \V'orks by early printers. This and the following appear to be two of the books mentioned by II. "NVanley, in An Account of Mr Ba(ifhrd'.s Collections for his History nf rrinthuj. Phil. Trans. 1707. Numb. 310, p. 2-A07. 615 Dd. X. 57. A paper book, in quarto, of 60 pages, in a handwriting similar to the preceding, giving An account of the hrst impressions of the liible in English, collected by John Bagford. 616 Dd. X. 58. A quarto, on paper, of 227 leaves, with about 30 lines in a page. The date 1696 is written in f. 1 . 440 CATALOGUE OF ^rANUSCKIPTS. *J0ANNIS BODINI AnDEGAVENSIS DE RERUM SuULIMIUM ARCANIS."* In f. 1 a German named ^^''agenselius is stated to have another copy of this treatise, under the title of Bodoni CoUoqmum Heptaplomeres ineditum et famosum. It seems never to have been printed, but some extracts have been published by Diecmannus. Lips. 1684. Dd. X. 59. A quarto, on parchment, in good preservation. The Statutes of the Order of the Garter. It resembles Dd. 10. 47, but has the arms of the 1st Lord Howard of Effingham emblazoned on the frontispiece, and does not contain quite so many of the additional statutes ordained by Queen Elizabeth. It is never- theless a later copy, for it has the royal arms, quarterly England, Scotland, and Ireland, stamped on the outside. CIS Dd. X. 60. A paper book, in quarto, of 86 leaves, closely written, with the title ' A viewe of the present State of Irelande discoursed by way of a Dialogue betwene Eudoxus and Irenius."* On f. 8G is ' Finis. 1590,' and the cipher for E. Spenser. The work was published with a preface by Sir J. Ware, Folio. Dublin. 16^33. 619 Dd. X. 61. A quarto, on paper, of the xviith century. Contains 24 leaves. K-ecipes, and instructions in preparing lime, beer, &c. The last four leaves are blank, except for a copy of a Latin epitaph for Thomas Knyvet, Armiger. 620 Dd. X. 62. A quarto, on parchment, imperfect, now containing 1 60 pages, with 25 hnes on each page, neatly written in a hand of the xvth century. A Chronicle of England to the reign of Henry VI. Begins (Compare Galf. Monumet. Hist. Brit. ii. 16) : Riuallo Cunedagii filius successit pri vir pacificus et fortunatus. Cujus temporibus.. What follows, unto the middle of p. 61, may be described as an abbre- viation of the greater part of Geoffry of Monmouth's History : {Hist. Brit. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 441 II. 10 ; XII. 18) ; but it is neither that of Ponticus Vininnius, nor of Alured of Beverley. The writer appears to have had other sources of information besides the above history. The continuation, which is after the manner of Chronicon Henrici de Silegrave, (8° Caxton Society, 1849), inckides events of the 14 Henry VI. (1436). Ends abruptly (p. 160) ; Sic ergo omnipotenti deo laus digne attribuitur a pplo anglicano qui sua gracia sibi sepius sues suppeditat inimicos. Some blank pages ruled as the preceding remain in the volume, which towards the end has suffered from rats and damp. There arc marginal notes indicating that the MS. has been carefully read. 621 Dd. X. 63. An octavo, partly on paper and partly on parchment, of 103 leaves, with about 31 lines in a page, written in tlie xvith cen- tury, f. 1 contains an index of chapters. ' BONAVKNTUK A DE VITA DOMINI NOSTUI JeSU CllRlSTI.'' Begins (after the prologue, ' Inter alia virtutum ...') : Cum per longissima tcmpora . . Ends : ... et beato Bernardo sancto suo dulci et fideli. Amen. 0pp. iMogunt. 1609. vi. p. r,;34— 401. 622 Dd. X. 64. A paper book, in small quarto, now consistinrr of !)6 leaves, (one at the end has been torn out), written in a legible hand of the XV nth century. 1. An Italian translation of the first and part of the second book of the Annals of Tacitus. It is falsely described as II piumo Linuo dell"" istohik 1)1 CoKNELio Tacito DAI-LA MORTE Dl DiVO AUGU.STO. Begins : Dal principio possedevano la citta di Roma i re : The first book ends (fol. 27) : the translation of the second book ceases at the latter part of c. 6, with the words 'alia guerra oportuna,' fol. 29. 2. Letter to Paris, translated into Spanish. Begins : Soy forzada a hablar te, muy querida Paris, de la passion 3. ^ Estratonica,'' books 1 and 2, translated into Spanish. Begins : Muerto Alexandro, sus capitanes. .. 442 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 4. A Catalogue of Books, followed by preparations for a geo- graphical Dictionary; both in a different hand, of the xviith century. 623 Dd. X. 65. A quarto, on paper, of the xviitli century. Contains 70 leaves, of which 39 are blank. A Note Book, and record of prescriptions, by De Mayerne. 624 Dd. X. 66. A quarto, on vellum, containing 481 ff. in double columns, with 36 lines in each column. It has rich illuminated initials and borders. Date, 1435. Catchwords occur at every 8th leaf. A beautifully written 13lU:VI ARIUM SECUNDUM USUM SaIIUM. After two blank loaves begins the Ordinale, occiipyin<,' nearly 2 leaves ; then follow the Dominical and Ferial offices, no distinction being made as to winter and summer. A leaf is lost between fF. 30 and 31. After the 2.5th Sunday after Trinity follow the offices for the day and octave of the church's dedication, and at the end of this, f. 201 : Explicit Temporale secundum usum Sarum noviter compilatum in laudcm et honorem dei cui sit honor et gloria in secula seculorum amen. Anno do' millesimo cccc'"° xxx" quinto. Then follows a list of the chief feasts of the church of Salisbury, the times when the paschal candles arc to be lighted, modus dicendi gratias, benedic- tiones, &c. ; after which occurs the distich Qui scripsit scripta, sua dextera sit benedicta Est dbxkd* nomen, cui felix det Deus omen. The Kalendar follows, then, f. 210, the Psalter and Canticles, the Litany, and after a blank page in f. 2G4t, the Commune Sanctorum, with several lections not found in the printed breviaries: the Proprium Sanctorum begins as usual ^vith the vigil of S. Andrew, f. 292, and ends f. 457, with SS. Saturninus and Sisinnius. For St Osmund a note in f. 309 refers to the Commemoratio unius episcopi et confessoris ; and for the services for the Visitation of the B. V. and the Transfiguration of our Lord, notes in ff. 361, 385 refer the reader to the end of the volume, where they occupy the last 24 leaves A second hand begins at f. 250, a third at f. 258, and a fourth at f. 458. The volume ends f. 481 a. On the first blank leaf at the beginning is the name Damazs Swguato. ♦ [? david.] CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 443 625 Dd. X. 67. A paper book, in quarto, containing on 146 pages ' An humble remonstrance to his Ma*-^' against the tax of Shippe Money imposed, laying open the illegahty, injustice, and abuse and inconvenience thereof." Begins : Most Gratious... We your poore and loyall subiccts of this your realme of England, now grieved and opi)rcsscd... The title differs slightly from that of the tract attributed to W. Prynue, in \\'att, Bibl. Brit. 780 h. Dd. X. 68. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. Dd. XI. 1-38. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. «65 Dd. XI. 39. A quarto, on paper, of 104 leaves, many of which in the middle of the book are left blank, the writing beginning at both ends. The MS. is irregularly paged, the figures not marking the true numbers of the leaves as they stand. A Note Book of Edmund Castell : see Dd. vi. 4. The notes are miscellaneous, chiefly iEtliiopick : occasionally Arabick or Hebrew with English renderings: part also is in cypher. Some of the leaves had previously contained anecdotes, &c. from classical and other sources, in pale ink, and a straggling hand, which arc still legible under Castell's notes. 666 Dd. XI. 40. A small paper book, in quarto, bound up with the two follow- ing Numbers. ' Names expounded of certein regions and places, such specially az though sum of them straunge and distaunt by space, yet familiar and common in speech, hecreby the better too vnderstand the cauz of the name and qualitie of the place,' by W. Patten, 1;584. The dedication to ' Syr Thomas Bromeley, Knight, Lord Cliauncelour of England,' is dated and signed by the author*. The work is written in an engrossing hand. At the end is ' Ilic ancliora lixa maneto.' ♦ Compare his ' Calender of Scripture... London lG7o,' in "NVatt, Bibl. Brit. 737 m. 626 627 — 664: 444 CATALOCiUE OF MANUSCUirTS, ««7 Dd. XI. 41. A paper book in quarto, which has suffered from mice and misuse, containing on 24 pages, 'TuK Cask in Cuanckky of conveying a Park [llidmarley] and Mill, in \V'()rcestershire, by IJishop Ridley, liishop of London.' This title is in ii imicli more recent hiuul\vritin<; tliiin the report which is headed by the scribe. * Shepside pi. Mountioyc Sorle and Stone d[cft'.]. A ])arkc called Uid- merly and a mill ioyning thereto.' On three waste leaves at the end are a lawyer's hill, some notes relating to the above case, and other memoranda. 668 Dd. XI. 42. A small quarto, on paj)ci', occupying 41 folios, three of which are blank, the handwriting of the early j)art of the xviith century. Ex'ntA( Ts I Ho.M T\i\: 1*1 ni.K Rolls co\('KHM\(i I^lkas OF TMK I^^OKKST 1\ T U K ('oi NTY OF OxFOIM), TAKKN HKFOKK W. Li: J?i;i:rn.\. Anno xi,. II. 3. Dd. XI. 43. A paper book, in quarto, containing 181 loaves, written by different hands. 'Registre contenant Ics Actcs des Colloqucs des Eglises de risle de Jersey commences au mois de Septembre, Tandu Seigneur mil cinq cente, et septante sept, et finissant le quatorzieme iour du mois de Nouembre en Tan mil six cente et quatorze.' This title is on f. 1. On f. 2 commences : (Jolloque tenu a S' Sauuenr le iour de Septembre et continue le 10'' d'octobre 1.577 en pres de Monsieur le lieutenant, de la trinite et M"" de Ahiufiiut, aucc les Ministeres et Anciens. Spaces are left for the dates of this CoUoque and the next. The names of the * Ministres' and * Anciens' first appear (f. 131) in the report of the ' Colloque tenu le 27 decemb. 1005/ and arc given on all subse- quent occasions. Dd. XI. 44. A quarto, on paper, 118 leaves (including blanks), about 20 lines in each page, handwriting of the latter half of the xvith century. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 445 An Alhlm, Contiiining sonnets, love-songs, dedications, &c. chiefly in French, and helonging, it would seem, to a young P'leniish nobleman (' Jacobo Marnixio S.mtaldegondio,' or 'Jacques de Marnix, zoone van Myn H. Philips de Marnix, H. van Aldegonde ;' see fol. 40, a, and Wilhelni Broes, Fii'p run Marnix, Amsterdam, 1840). Many of the sonnets are addre^•sed to Flennsli ladies by the owner, and other pieces to himself by different scholai-s uf his acquaintance. The dates are generally about 1.580. Dd. XI. 45. A small quarto, on paper, of the wth century, paged throujjhout. A Collection of Mkdical Treatises, variously written, hut nearly of the same date. 1. ' ff. \—iVlb. TnKSAi;in s Paufkiu m. Kecei})ts I'or various complaints. This MS, agrees very nearly in arrangement and .suhstaiue uith a work of the same name by Petrus Ilispanus, printed at Frankfort, l.')7(). 'I'he fii>t two chapters of the book are wanting in the MS. ; and towards the end in the MS. are chapters not in the edition, and some in the edition not to be found in the MS. Begins : Ad pustuhis capitis sanandas. I^avetur sepc capud. <}v:c. Ends with two prayers : Domine Jhesu qui es omnium vera sal us, &c. Deus qui mirabiliter homines crea.sti, ike. Explicit TliesiUinis Pauperum. (hi the same page is ' Cura Fistule,' with a chann. 2. ff. 02 — 80/;. Uniform with the j)receding. " (^ue. " Libellus magistri cardinalis docens purgare quatuor humores." liegins : * O Medice aceedens ad infinnuin (|ucm nunciuam vidisti... 446 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ' Ends : ...hec omnia diligentet considera et attendas. fF. 80 — 88 are wanting : also f. 00. f. 89, and the latter part of f. 84, arc parts of a treatise, or of two treatises, uniform in style with the rest. 5. f 92. A tract, uniform in style, on the human body. Begins : Homo de liumo factus est, constat ex liumoribus, &c.... Ends : ...quod isti et humores. ff. 93. 9G— 98. 117, 118, are wanting. 6. fF. 94 to f. 119. A Latin-English Dictionary of herbs; incomplete; some pages are blank. There arc a few philtres and cabalistic signs inter- spersed on vacant pages. 7. ff. 119-128. Two Treatises, in Latin, on ' Tenebrositas Visus' and ' Fleobotomia.' Besides these two tracts there are miscellaneous prescriptions at the beginning and end of tlie MS., in Latin and English. Begins : For a cold stomak. Tak a good quantite of sauge... Ends with a charm for toothache, in a later hand : . ...but if the payne be benethe, then pricke it bcneathe. 8. fF. 129 — 183. Receipts in English and J-.atin, some medical, but many for ignis inextinguibilis, volatilis, Sec, and other philosophical pre- parations : Begins : Ad capiendas aves. . Ends: ...and use this medicine no longer. 9. f. 134 a. This page is a fragment, and utterly irregular. 10. f. 134 b — 139. ^ Liber de Angelis Annulis karecteribus et ymaginibus planetarum.' A tract on astrology. Begins : Ad mea principia tibi dico salve iNlaria quod Bokenhamus.... Ends: ...signorum scribere omisi quod Bokenhamus. 11. fF. 140—144. IiTegular Medical Notes, in Latin and English. In f. 142, the writing is displaced on account of a copy of a letter, without signature or address, referring to a copy of *^ane Inglische buke cald Mort Arthur.* 12. fF. 145 — 153. An incomplete Latin-English Dictionary of Herbs. Three of the leaves of this part are of parchment. Begins : AUeluya . panis cuculi . payn de cuculle. Wodsowre . stubwort. Ends : Quinquefolium fyveleved gres. pentafilon. ^ CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 447 672 Dd. XI. 46. A paper book, in quarto, with the title * Eegole de la lingua Thoscana."' The dedication is to ' il Signore Arrigo Herbert by 'Michel Angelo Florio fiorentino/ and is dated, ' In Londra il di xxi. d'Agosto. md. l iij.' It is paged by signatures in 4, from a to hh. Scribbled on a blank page is ' Fraunces Talbott and on another, ' Anne Talbott.' 673 Dd. XI. 47. A small quarto, on paper, of 76 pages, in good preservation. ' The Statutes of the Order of the Garter." It is a copy on paper of the same statutes as are contained in Dd. x. 47 and Dd. x. 59. At the beginning there is a list of the first kniglits of the order in the 23 Edw. III. It is bound up with the 0 following MSS. 674 Dd. XI. 48. A quarto, on paper, containing 16 leaves, of which 8 are blank, with about 28 lines in each page. Date the xviith century. A Law-Note Book. On the outside are the names Kitchyn and And. Henley. 675 Dd. XI. 49. A small quarto, on paper, of 1 0 leaves. Vindication of a Sermon preached at Cambridge on Cfood Fryday, ]632. The author's name appears to have been Bewick. 76- Dd. XI. 50, 51, 52. 78 Three quartos, on paper, the first of 6, the second of 8, and the third of 6 leaves. Written in the xviith century. Three Latin Poems, by Thomas Cooper, dedicated to Ma- gister Ouls worth. 1. ' ViNDici^ Templi Sancti Pault.' Begins : Mutantur Oh quam tempora, et nos iis simul . . . Ends: Capita ut levemus, quod prope est redemptio. 2. 'Principatus est divina Ordinatio a nemine violanda."* 448 CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins : Parere Uegi cur volet pios IVnis? Ends : Sic Christianus vincit, et paticns siinul. 3. 'Tlicx SrKroHUM, vivus an MoiiTurs: in usuin occlesiro."' After the (ledication 'Magistro Dulswortli,' by Thomas Cooi)er, is a second title, '\'entilatio incerti illiiis et contrarii nunoris de regis Suecorum niorte et vita,' preceding 85 Klegiac couplets, beginning, Kama diu dubiis volitauerat anxia pennis In vivis Suecus mortuus anne foret. Ending : Sic utrin(iue cadat fallacis gloria carnis Vt soli restet gloria sola Deo. Amen. 679 Dd. XI. 53. A paper book in quarto, of about 160 pages, forming Two Law Com mon-Pi,a("e ]5ooks. Of each the handwriting is of the xviith century : one consists of short notes which are scarcely legible, the other is more formal. 6S0 Dd. XI. 54. A small octavo, on cotton paper, in bad j)reservation and in many places illegible, now consisting of 2.92 pages (paged), con- taining from 20 to *)0 lines in a page. It consists of two parts in difierent bands: tlie one more boldly written, ending p. 1.96, and seemingly more ancient than tbe otber (beginning p. 197), whose characters are fiir more minute, and in which the con- tractions are more extensive. Both however are very late, and probably belong to the xvth century. The earlier MS. has the titles and initial letters rubricated and slightly ornamented : the other is quite plain: in both various additions are made by later hands. The first leaf is written in a different hand to either of the others. A 'recueir in Latin has been added by some Frenchman, probably by J B. liautin. Several leaves are missing in the MS. and were absent when the book \vas paged. 1. Mauricii Imperatoris Epitaphium.'' (Recueil.) p. 1. The Greek title has become illegible: the only word that can be de- ciphered is the first, davixcpopop. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 440 6 MavpiKios 6 ^aaiXevs fia\((Ta(x6ai, and concludes with the epitaph in elegiacs, written by his wife Constantinn, of which the first line is : "Afi' €y(o 7/ TpiTa\aiva Ka\ uprpoTfpoiv ^aaiX^iov. 2. A fragment relating to Justinian^ the son of the Emperor Mauricius, partly illegible. Begins : on (tpov (li (irjpa tov ao(f>ov *lcraaKiov rhv *\ov(TTLViavov, k.t.\. The concluding part is illegible. The fragment is followed by another of 4 lines (almost illegible), in which occurs the word OuoAfptai/flc. 3. Sid tLv(dv eupeOt] >/ iaTpiKt] eTnar/jfiti. p. 2. Begins : Trp^Tos ptv 'AttoXXoji' ((f)fvp(v aiTTjv Kai (duKfv avTr)v tvlov. (Vol. I. ]). 338.) p. 13. Cll) 'Eppov Koi Xdpoypos. (Vol. 1. p. 341.) p. 13. (12) U\ovTU)vos Kai 'Eppov. (Vol. I. p. 343.) p. 14. The MS. has lost a leaf here, and this dialogue- is incomplete, the codex containing only the beginning. G G 450 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. (18) [Tfpyj/lovos Kin UXovroivos.] (Vol. r. 346.) p. IT). Incomplete : the MS. contains only the latter part. (14) AioyevQvs KiU 'Hpti/cXeouf. (Vol. I. p. 4()-2.) p. 15. This dialogue wants two or three lines at the end, for the MS. has here lost one or more leaves. (15) ['AXelafS/Jou Kai ^iXi'ttttou.] (Vol. I. p. 394.) p. 17. Contains only the last few lines. (IG) Ainyevovs Ka\ 'AXe^ai/Spou. (Vol. I. p. :>S<).) p. 17. (17) KciTinrXcws y) Tvpavpos. (Vol. I. l>. G20.) p. 19. (18) 'UcfnuaTov kui Auk. (Vol. I. p. 224.) p. 32. (19) 'Ep/xoO Ka\ i^Xlov. (Vol. I. p. 229.) p. 33. (20) *A0/jo5iTrjf Ka\ 2e\7]VTjs. (Vol. I. p. 231.) p. 34. (21) 'Ap de 6 Tvpavvos Koi top viop lda>p t]8t] pcKpov rto avTOV ^ip ^ap^dpcop to "IXiop, Contained in ^Valz's Rhetores Graci, Vol. i. p. 645. 9. ' ^ef^t'jpov croCpiaTOv 'AXe^auSpew^ i^Ooirouai. Tit. Tivas dp fiTTf Xoyovs MfpeXaos tov ^AXf^dpbpov tt]p 'EXtprjp dpndo-aPTos. (Rhet. Orccc. Vol. I. p. 543, ed. Walz.) p. 145. 10. ' Tof avTov. Tit. Tivas dp fine Xoyovs "Ejcrcop aKOvaas ev aSov Uplapov axryytv- o-aaOai 'AxtXXei. {Rhet. Grcec. Vol. I. p. 654.) p. 146. gg2 452 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS 11. By Severus, but without the author's name. Tit. TTolovs \6yuvs (infu 6 ['llj/xi/cX^r tov UffyiKXvfie'vov fxtra^a- XovTos napa Trjv yiaxqv Ka\ ti)v oUeUiv apvovfifpov fiopcfii']v. p. 147. Begins : ^TTrjfjLfvr) roty npcSrjv ^ 'ri'x'7 '^"^ '''^^ aycovoiv. Ends: npos TT]v avalpccriv. Contained in ^Valz's Rhct. Gr. Vol. i. p. 541. 12. ' Vou Ail3ui/iov. Tit. Tivas av (inf \6ynvs nopuT] au)(ppovt'](ja(Ta. p. 149. Liban. Vol. iv. p. 1044, cd. Reiske. 13. • Vou avTov. Tit, TiVnf liv (iTTf Xoyovs 'A^YtWei/y opoHv UfvdfiTiXfuiv p.(Ta BavaTov. p. 150. Id. \'ol. IV. p. 1020. 14. * Xij^aviov aoCpiarov.' Tit. npea^fVTiKui npos tovs Tpcoas. imep rrjs 'EXtvrjs MfveXaos. p. 151. Id. Vol. IV. p. 1 . 15. * Ai/3i/.' (\. e. Aifiui'iou.) Tit. TtVay uu finoi Xoyovs YloXv^tvr] d7Tayop.(VJ] npos a(Payqv. p. 162. Id. Vol. IV. p. 1037. 16. By Libanius, but without his name. Tit. TLvas av (inov Xoyovs Aias dcfjaiptOeuToyu T(p TTpoacfxjovyjTiKo?' p. 167. Id. Vol. I. p. 405. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 453 20. By Libanius, but without his name. Tit. Tivas hv eiTToi \6yovt 6 ^UvoiKfvs. p. 180. Id. Vol. IV. p. 1045. 21. By Libanius, but without his name. Tit. ^WdoTToua. Tiuas av eXnni \6yovs \vhpofxa^r) dvaipfOevTos "Ek- Topns. p. 181. Id. Vol. IV. p. 1011. 22. Ail3av'iou. Tit. 'A;(tXXf'cof anoXoyia OTf t^kov ol npf(T,3(is Trapa 'Aynptpvovof OUT6J 7rp€(T[ifvcrdp€V0i. p 183. Id. Vol. IV. p. 47. Imperfect: ends with the words //'<'Xto»/ (an oma- ment for ladies) according to this treatise. The last words are 0opeas, Trapa to (sic) (inpa 6 TpfcjxiiP Kai av^o)V tovs Kfi/movf. Taken from the Etym. Magnum. See Steph. Gr. Thes p 2777- Ed. Valpy. 24. ' ^uvaycoyt] kui f^t'/ytjats tov env/jaOtj laropiLov o ev uyiOl^ TTUTpO^ )]ILWV \ ^))}yOI)lOS €l> T('> 7ri>(OT(y GTtj\lT€VTlK(7\* (Without author's name), p. 1J)7. Tliis is the treatise ascribed to Nonnus l)y Hillius, &c. : it is publisiied l)y Bp Moiintague in his edition of St Gregory Nazianzen's lyivrrtiirs against Julian. (Soe Hentley's Phalaris, Vol. i. pp. 94 — 07. Hyce's edition). The present MS. contains the commentary on the First Invective down to tlic end of c. Trfpi toO UiiKa^iribov, p. 147, Ed. Mount.: after whicli (fol. 217, 1. 15) it proceeds continuously with the conclu.sion of the commentary on the Second Invective, c. X. Trepl tov Ku^kvtov Ka\ nvpt(f)\eytdopT09 (p. 17]^ Ed. Mount.): and so goes on to the end, with some transpositions and varia- tions. The text differs a good deal from that of Mountague in several places. 25. ^ ' \\^t]yr](ji^ \aTopi(ov tlov ev to) ei^ WugiXqiov ewi racp'up." p. 219. Apparently by the same author as the preceding treatise : it gives accounts of Cecrops, ^^acus, Heracles, Iphigenia, the Thessalian Cave, tiie 454 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. ling of Gyges, Midas, Abaris, the river Alplieus, the Salamander, Orestea and Pylades, the Cretan Labyrinth, Minos, Egyptian Thebes, MausoUis, the Pyramids, ike. Tliis seems to be an unedited treatise, but probably is the same as one of those mentioned in Cave's Hist. Lit. Another copy of this work is contained in Gg. i. 2. 26. * '^vvaytoyt] kcu €^t]yt](Tis wv e/av^aOrj laropuoy 6 ev ay'ioL^ TTciTpos, ij/uwr F^jiyyo^to? er t(o ei? to. <\^u)Ta Xoya).* p. 225. Imperfect, the MS. having lost one or more leaves. Probaldy unedited. 27. A treatise on Greek Dialects, slightly imperfect at the beginning. Begins : AtoXly Kai Koivt), 'AtOIs fitv KiAdrat (ino )\T6ldos Ttjs Kpavdov Ovyarpos, AloWs an AluXov tov ''EWr]vos, k.t.X. p. 229. Ends: TCI avv6(Ta prjfxaTa SiaXvovaL (sc. "icovfs) Ka\ pfTo^v TiOiacriv aXXo Tf oiof, Xttov Kara ravpov eSi/Soiy, avrX tov Karedtj^dis, kutu S' eKravev HfTicoua uvtI tov KaTfKTaufv. p, 233. This production is very much taken from the TexviKu of Johannes Philo- ponus, but does not exactly agree with that treatise. 28. ' Viepl Twv ev Xc^eai ndOtw.* p. 234. Begins : Trddrj (laiv iv rdtf Xt^fcrt 5f/coT(povs. At the bottom of the page a fresh piece begins : (Is TOVS dvo dylovs Q(oda)povs, of which the first line is : toy dy\luovs jyi/ 6 ypav (iKovoiv. Then follow other short pieces entitled dp.oi^aiov ds rbv dawp-arov, rj (k TOV Bao-tXfiou ?)(j)(Tis npus tov XpidTov, oJy (k tov UpodpopoVy &c. in very bad metre. Mention is made in one of them of ^ iravcri^iacrTos ACyovara G(68(opa. Perhaps Athanasius of Mount Athos is the author of these poems. See Fabr. Bibl. Gr. Vol. xi. p. 7r> (Harl.) 31. ^llefji Twi> Tcacrdpwv aroi'^e'ioov owcfj Koivwvovai irpus aXXrjXai ottoiov e^ei eKaarov ivlw/uLa.'' p. 240. Begins : Ta p(v aToi)((ia Tecraapa dcri' irpoiTov drip, dfVTcpou nvp, rpiTov yrj, TerapTov vdoop' koi 6 pev drjp (OTi 6(ppbs Kai vypus, k.t.X. Then follow the rtaanpfs x^H-"^ '- viz. mpa, xoXt), x^'H-^'^y (pXtypai after them the Ti'aa-apfs dpfpni. This (as well indeed as almost every other grammatical treatise which follows) belongs evidently to the very worse period of the Byzantine school of grammarians, such as Manuel Moschopulus, and the like. 32. * Uepl Kiv/jacuj^ ^/^i^X'^'^' ^^^^ other matters, p. 240. Begins : KivT)(Tis ^vxrjs eVrt kvkXiki} piv t) ds uiVTr)v (l(Tohos, k.t.\. This is followed by a short account of the divisions of the soul {Xoyiapbsy Ovpus, (TTiOvpla), and the divisions of the passions, the divisions of tcuKla (p. 24.3), of KivT](TLS, of VUpOSy of pTJTOpfia, of \//fC5of, of (Vfpyf(T'ia, of UlTpiKljy &c. which it would not ])e worth while to describe particularly. 33. ^ Vov \al3p'iov TiTpdfTTiy^ri." p. 251. Begins : to/ioif bvos Tvaprjyfv dpyvpovv jSpfTas. These arc the fables published by Neveletus in his FabuUe Fariornni Auctorum, Frankf. lOfiO, under the name of Gabrias. See Tyrwhitt's Dis- sertation and Bentley on Plialaris (Vol. ii. pj). 227 — 233) for an account of them. They are accompanied by scholia and explanations of a very worthless description. 34. A miscellaneous collection of moral [)rccc})ts, and gram- matical remarks on them, addressed to children, p. 258. 456 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins : tf/jfi, (0 ouroff, navTi npua-fxe kiu Ouikiov roury ixre^io-rayo, k.t.\. Upon which follows a commentary, lepd : Tto npfcrfivTepco, k. t. X. In the course of the treatise, the writer says : piKpa roif piKpols vptv, (J iraibfs, Trpocr8iaX(yopai. As a specimen of the style of information, may be taken the following (p. 271):^ opa Ka\ TOVTO' Tpla dai yivi) iv toIs ovopacn^ dpacviKov, 6t]\vkov Kai ovbfTepov. Many i)ages of this treatise liave been struck through with a pen as being utterly worthKss. '6b. ' {XefH TTfjoOeaeuw, irepl /3a^/3a^t(j/xot), irepl eirippriiixu- Tiov: &c. p. 273. Begins : npoOfdeis : tt] ptv 0a)i'7/ uKTcoKalbfKa. (tVt, roi fie (TT]paivop€V(o (TTTaKaiSfKa. Then follows a chapter on barbarism (p. 277), beginning, o iSnpfSapiapos fu \(^f(Ti yiVfTai oTav uTf^vlds 7Tap(i(f)6apTj tj irvXXufii)^ and another 7T(p\ (TTtppTjfinTojv : begins, tovto pi'ivdave on (k TUiV oktu) pepwv tov \6yov TrapayouTai tu (mppr^^UTa. e'^ ou6}xaToi olov [ioTpvs ("ioTpvbov (p. 779). Perhaps this should be considered as a part of the preceding work. Some remarks appear to be partly borrowed from the grammar of Dionysius Thrax. See Fabr. Bibl. Gr. Vol. vi. p. 311. Kd. Harks. 36. ' Wcpi \oyoyj}a(lj'ifx>s, 7T€(n eTricTToXcou, irefji GTiywv cUayioKiKtov* p. 280. This is the same treatise that is contained in I)d. v. 20. pp. 101 — 130: but it is imperfect, and ends at the words at fie dfoypacpiKai taroptat, i.e. at p. 128, 1. 30, of the last named MS. 681 I^d. XI. 55. A small quarto, on paper, of 25 leaves. ^Prayers and Meditations^'' drawn up by Archbp Tillotson for the use of King William. The texts, John ix. 4 and Coloss. iii. 17, are first quoted : then follows ' A prayer, &c.' beginning : 1 prostrate myself before Thee... The whole has been printed in Tillotson's \V^orks, London, 1752, Vol. III. 1). 040. Another copy occurs I)d. xiv. 11. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 457 682 Dd. XI. 56. A small paper book, in quarto, on about 64 pages, with the table of contents and title, ' Etrennes ou Avis d'un homme de qualite a sa fille.* This ai)pears to be tlic rouj,Mi draft of a translation, of which the most perfect form is to be found in No. mO, § 1. This is bound up with tlie three following MSS. Dd. XI. 57. A small paper book, in quarto, containing about oOO pages, written about 1670. A collection of copies of Letters written in the years 1669, 1670, and 1671, by l)r William Aglionby, travelling tutor, first to a son of Sir Andrew Henley, and afterwards to a son of Sir Kobert Paston, addressed to the parents of his pupils and to other friends. At the beginning is * A distribution of my time this first day of the year Ifi — ' followed by a leaf of 'Journal obseruations out of bokes and con- versation.' At the other end of the volume, reversed, in the same handwriting is a ' Journal of a voyage into France,' on about 30 pages, beginning, The 21'*' (sic) July, 1000, wee sott out from the country... On the cover are * \\'illiam Aglionby ' and ' William Paston, Millan.' 684 Dd. XI. 58. A paper book, in quarto, written in tlio xvnth century. 1. pp.1 — 12. ' Annotationes nonnulhe Keguhe et Feoda, CamerijE Stellat o curia; concernentes brevissime collectir."* This is a short analysis, in Knglish, of the forms of proceeding in the Star Chamber. 2. pp. 13 — cS3. ' An exact compendium of the whole course of the Court of Starr Chamber.' This appears to be based on II. Croiniiton's Treatise on the Jurisdiction of Cof/r/.?, published in French, 4to. London, 1004, and in Knglish, 4to. 1G41. See also Elearne's Discourses, ri. p. '277 (Hvo. 1771), Camera Stel/ata. ^35 Dd. XI. 59. A small quarto, on paper, of 67 leaves, written in the xvnth century. An Abstract of the contents of the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha. 458 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 686 Dd. XI. 60. A small quarto, on parchment, leaves, 2() lines in each page, well written, in a hand of the xvith century Imperfect. LkS TkM RKS 1)K LlTTLin'ON. The first Book and the conchulini? portion of the third are wanting. Tliis is bound up with tlio throe following; MSS. 687 Dd. XI. 61. A small paper book, in quarto, containing, on 1 5 leaves, ' Du Metcalfe his im-ea to have a i ellowsuii' in Tuinitie Coi.LKDGE, upon the relinquishing of his professor''s place, and seniority therein, according to the senioritie he hath in the Universitie.' Dr Metcalfe, formerly fellow of St John's Collei^o, and Regius Professor of Hebrew in ]Ci'2'2, was elected senior fellow of Trinity College in MU.^), on resigning his professt)rsliip. lie afterwards was \'iee master of Trinity, died in 1052. and is buried in the ehajjel. Some notices of liim will be found in Baker's MSS. 688 Dd. XI. 62. A small paper book, in quarto, of 316 pages, written for the most part about 1 ()7(). A conunon-j)lace book, containing Collections Historical and lleraldical, relating chiefly to the Royal Family and Peerage of England. 689 Dd. XI. 63. A small paper book, in quarto, neatly written in a hand of the XVI ith centur)', consisting of 22 leaves, unpaged. The fourth book of Flouus translated into English. Each page, containing from 2.5 to HO lines, begins : The Fourth Booke: Ch. 1. The war against Catiline. First luxury and then straitness of estate together with the occasion. Ends : should he consecrated with that name and title. C90 Dd. XI. 64. A quarto, on paper, pagings not continuous, handwriting of the second half of the xvith century. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 459 Reports of Cases adjudged chiefly in the King's Bench, in the 28th, 29th, and 30th of Elizabeth. ' Liber The : Harries baronett : et seruientis ad legem." 691 Dd. XI. 65. See Catalogue of Oriental AISS. 692 Dd. XI. 66. A small paper book, in quarto, containing 5 blank leaves at the commencement, 78 paged, followed by (j blank leaves: which are succeeded by another treatise of 10 leaves paged anew, fol- lowed by 170 leaves which are blank and unpaged: neatly written in the latter part of the xviith century. 1. 'Compendium Gr kcj: Gham.matic.e TnoM.i: Wheeleh."* The first 6 leaves contain, ' Rvgiilce generales scholee.' 1. Cogita: 2. Lo- querc vere, claiv, Latine, iS:c. and mention the portions of Grammar, &c. wliich the scholars are to learn daily ; and are siihseriht d Thomas ^\"hceler, man. The [grammar he^ins (p. 0): Compendium (Jrn?ca? (Irani. 'OpBotniia. Literic GraH:orum y/fi/x- fidTo sunt vipinti quatu^r. Ends (corruptly) : poet. (IV j)ro v alrlcov cVt TO. ulrla. The very rare word alOviroa-TaTOi (see Suic. Thes. s. v.) occurs at pp. 10, 11 of the MS. : it is also used by Damascius several times in a very similar treatise, aTropiai Ka\ X^aeis. See pp. 53, 197, 217, 218, 222. (Ed. Kopp.) 2. A collection of Scholia^ &c. on various authors, consisting of 203 paper leaves, paged, neatly written, with many contrac- tions : (the 2nd leaf is marked 3 instead of i' : but the pagination of the MS. is followed in the following description) each page contains about 33 lines. The initial letters are rubricated, the larger ones flourished. The MS. supplies the Greek titles. (1) Scholia on tfie Hecuba of Euripides, fol. 1. These scholia on Euripides are mutilated. They commence at Hecuba, V. 71, fifXavoTTTepvyoiv : they are not fully contained in the Glasgow Edition, though some of them have a common origin. Commences : fieXavoTTTipvyas e'lprjKe tovs oveipovs, 8i(\ /xeV tov peXauos, to ctkotclvov Ka\ dvcr8idyv(i>aTov drjXwu, Sia 8e tcov TTTtpvyoiV to Ta)(v Trjs avTcov dcf)av(Las Koi (h to /it) ov 7rpo)(a)pT](r€ and 27 are misplaced and belong to the following treatise, and should be placed after fol. 30. (8) TTfpi fl(Tp03V nls €\f)1]aaT0 'Api(TTOv opoltov. (vpidr) d( 7 K(op(o^ia (cot (f)aaiv) aiTias TOiavTTjs. Ends : apa TO (iiTo (Xcynv K(n aTpn(l)r]v Kn\ npoolpinv. This is not exactly the same as any of those published by Dindorf, Aristoph. Vol. iv. pt. 1, but agrees in part with the scholiast on Dionys. Thrax, &c. p. 30 sqq. : only our MS. is much fuller. (if)) n(p\ noiTjToiv Kai tcov uvtuv noipuTOiu. fol. 79. Jk'gins : on o't KaT (^(>x^)v noiTjToi riacrapd Tiva yvfopicrpaTa €)(0V(rty (rTl)(ov I'lpojiKov, pvBov aWrjyopiKov, iaropiav naXaidv koi noidv Xe^iv. iyevovTO de f' 6vopa(TTo\y Havvaaris, Hfiaavdpos, ^AvripaxoSy "Oprjpos, Koi 'Haiobos. Ends : Koi prjv Koi 1] TTpurrprjaii (rrjpflnv elprjur)s rjv (vdatpovfs pev yap ol av6p(07roi iv (Iprjvrj' KaKobaipoves 5e ylvnvTai iv rco noXipto. fol. 80, b. Taken in great measure from Isaac Tzetzes. See his Prolegomena to Lycophron (Ed. Pott.) (16) dno Trjs a 'iXidbos rrxoXia. fol. 81 a. Begins : dXX' €1 pev ha>(T0V(TL yipas (Iliad, I. 135). to crxrjpa iXXemTtKov XeiTVfL yap to tjavxda-as Traifaopai. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 463 These scholia on tlie Iliad are imiierfoct if not mutilated. Fol. CD (the other side of which is hlank) ends at II. ii. 2.51. Fol. 87 contains scholia on Iliad xxiv. 2 sqq. endinj,' at v. 400: hut is followed hy fol. 88, which has scholia on Iliad xxiii. 1 sqq. and which are continued to the end of the hook. These leaves are prohahly transposed : at fol. 87 6 are tcTj \uts Mdariyorfydpfx: ^p/ipari. fol. SJ* b (is) TOV avTov ArjprjTp'iov tov TpiKXivlov nfpi ptrpuiv o'f t^pr](TaTo 2o(poKXtjs (v Tu> 'HXfKT/ja hpupaTi. fol. 00 b. (l!)) TOV avTov AT]pT]Tplav TpiKXivlnv 7Tfp\ pirpoiv oiy (j^p^aaro ^o(f)OK\Tjt (v\vTiyovrj. fol. 107. (2()) TOV avTov Aijprjrptov TpiK\iiH(tv rrrp] ptTpojv oit (■^pratiTo 2o0oicXr;r (V T(i) OtfitVoDf (i.e. the (KdipuR Tyrannus) bpdpniTi ff)npaTOt (sic) (T)(TJfl(lTO)V. fol. l'J.'lb. These works of Demetrius Tridinius (written in heginning of xvth century) arc i)ul)lished hy A. Turnehus, and hy Dindorf in his Scholia on Sophocles. (21) TTfpl (yK\lTlKO)U UVopUTUiU Kill pTJp(lT(i)U. fol. 124. Begins : lartov oTi T(i tyKKiTiKa ovk ((tt\v eV toIs okt(o pipfaiv dXX* fv TitvTf p.6uov, ovopaari, pfjpuai, avTtJVvpiaiSy fTripprjpaai, Ka\ avvblcrpon . Knds : tSov yap TO Knv)(^o3 K(iv\as dfVTtpas ou crv(vylni Xai ft\- TO 2o0OKXt'oiiy iCim p(i(TTiyo(j)opns ^pnpn. fol. 120. Begins : IIet/)(ii/ Tiu f^dpdjp] jj ftVf TTfipaaO'ji'ui Tojif (\6po3V Ka\ np'iv rj nuOt'iv pafidv k(u (fw- \(i^u(r6ai' fj ovTOis, k. t. X. Ends : vcTTfpov fit IdauTos ToiTO yrvofjifvov. fol. 140. Not tlie s;imo scliolia that arc given in Jiriinck's edition, but those puh- lislied in Dindorf's SdioHa on Sophocles, Vol. ii. pp. 329 — 367. (■J.S) 2\(IXui (inu TOV ^iWtKTpas ^nnparos 2(»0o(cX(()i'f . fol. 147. Begins : wp TrpoOvfXOSj aiTT] i] yti'iKt) ov Kada oiovrai rivti (an, XtyovTfs, mv (IS 6(av fXdfiv (tovto yap Xapf'iavovaLV (^o)O(v) rjaOa npuOvpos. Ends : (IS TT)i' (K npoyuv(i>u trot TTpocnjKovaav (i/Saipovlav. fol. IGG 6. These scholia are published in Dindorf's Scholia on Sophocles, Vol. n. pp. a5l)— 382. (24) (T^'^Xdi (K TOV 'AvTiyoiTjs ^pnpnTOi Sof/joxXt'eU'v. Begins : \\uTiy6vT] cf)i\a)v^ pi) "Ka-irji (is ru (fiCKcou t^oaSfV i^ip. fol. 107. Ends: bui TO IloXvPfiKT] udanTov ply^ai. fol. 182 h. (25) (Txokia (Is TO OtfiiVovf Tvpavvos 2o(f>OK\(ovs fi/j«/i«. fol. 183. Begins : (^(OTCppiVOl^ UTI OV puvov (aTfcjxiuojpti'Oi. Ends : prjbfv 8(ivuv TTCiTopBfos. fol. 204 h. The scholia on this and the preceding play are by Demetrius Triclinius, and are published by Dindorf, Vol. 11 pi> 278 — 327. (2(1) TT(p\ TOiV hui\(KT(x>V. Begins : Ihov aoi K(u Tus diaXfKTovs (y)((ipi((o, utcjv pni rrnvTOiv cpiXoXoyojTaTc 7r(pi iXo'7roi'or ^lojuuurjs (7r6vTja( Ka\ Tpv(f)ojv 6 ypappaTiKos, xai aXXot TToXXol, nis iKavri n(pi tci ^i,3Xla ^laTpifi^ kgi aaKrjcris yiyovfv, nijTru) fie tis p^XP*" TTjp(pnv to nav (KaaTrjs tcov butXtKTUiV (yvcopiae . This tract, several times edited, is imperfect, ending abruptly Kaff vno- aToXrjv, in the section which treats of the Ionic dialect. It is ascribed to Gregorius Corinthus. 3. A tract, on vellum, consisting of 15 leaves, of about 28 to 30 lines each, besides a blank one at the end : the hand- writing is neat, comparatively free from contractions, much re- sembling the Aldine types ; the initial letters and the headings are rubricated, the larger ones flourished. At the bottom of the 1st page in a later hand is written. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 465 'Collectanea de linguarum differentia et aliis."* (1) TT€pl 8ia\(KT(i)U. fol. 1. Begins : fitdXf/crot (i(Ti TTfVTf, las, drdis, ficoplf, aioXir kui Koiirq. <;(Ct d( (KaoTT) 8ia\(KT0S oiKflov ldlo)fia b iv (Tvv6y\r(i KiiKioi vnodd^o^ai. Then begins a synoptical view of each dialect : ^ t(is ra (Is (is X^yuvra ovo^ara (Is t]s Tpfnd, 'Efj^das 'Epfidrjs, 2,u)(rlas lojairjs. Taken from the T(xviKa of Joliannes Philoponus. (2) n(p\ pa\l/(i)8las. fol. 7. Begins : Ti (art pa-^uibla; nolrjpa (p7T(pi(i\r)(p6s Tiva vtt6B((tiv' Ka\ aXXcof p.(poS TOV OKOV TTOllJpaTOS, K.T.X. This has a good deal in common with the Scholia on Dionysius Tlirax. (Bekk. Anerd. Cira-c. Vol. 11. \)\). 7<'>o— 7Gli. (3) n(p\ tyKkivopivuiv. fol. 9 h. Begins : lariov oTi ra ('yKXivopfva (vplaKfrai tv ovupaai Ka\ (v ayrtouvptais Kai (V pqpamv ku\ iv fnippripaai, kui tv crvvhicrpois. iv <)viip.aai piv tu t\s iv TTacrais Tiiis nru)(T(cnv. Edited in the Thes. Cornucopia of Aldus, pp. 229—230. (4) ntpi fjap^apiapov xai aoXniKiapov. fol. 12 6. Begins : lariuv 5< oTt 6 fiap^apiapus ylvtrai iv X<'^(t (Wiiv i^ uTf)(vias napa- (p6(tp^ j'j fWrjriKt) X(^tr, K.r.X. This and the three preceding are contained in BiU. Canonic, u. 13 (p. 10, ('oxe's Catalogue). (f)) TTfpl T(OV ilTlTaTLKOiV poploiV . fdi. 14. Begins : (TTLTiiTLKa popia (L(t\v (tttu. (I, 6(1, {"fi, Xa, fiov, api kcu (pi. a. u^vXos oXr} j) noXv^vXos, k.t.X. (G) 7r(p\ Tutv aT(pr)TiKcov poplfov. fol. 14 6. Begins : crT(pr]TiKu popia trivrf. J, vrj, v) : Ecclesiam cur transtulcrit Salisburiensem Presul Ilicardus insinuare uolo. Ends (fol. 96 «) : Presulis afFectus artificiumquc fides: The date of this translation was 1220 — 1258, so that a marginal note, ascribing the authorship of the poem to AVilliam of Ramsey is inaccurate. Tanner {Bibliotheca, p. 36.3) conjectures that it was written by Henry of Avranches: cf. above, § 11. 18. ' Versus de allegationihus et responsionibus habitis inter Innocentiiim papam et Roraanos, vnde Oto imperator et Frethe- riciis ad invicem litigabant.' Begins (fol. 96 : Sancte Pater tua Roma tibi depono qucrelam. Ends (fol. 104 h) : Ut deponamus, et restituamus Otonem. Otho IV. was excommunicated by Innocent III. in 1211, and succeeded by Frederic II. The author of the poem took the side of Otho and was a fearless censor of the pope. 19. ' Vita S, Fredemundi regis et martyris."* Begins (fol. 105): Anglorum rex Ofa fuit, regina Botilla. Ends (fol. 113 h) : Sit laus et uirtus et honor per secula cuncta. Amen. This ' Life' is also ascribed to Wm. of Ramsey by a marginal annotator of recent date : cf. Wright's Biogr. Brit. Liter, ii. 424. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 473 20. * Vita S. Birini episcopi et confessoris."' Begins (fol. 113 &): Et pudet et fateor quia turgeo magna professus. Ends (fol. 12.5 b) : Sancto, maiestas et gloria, nunc et in enum. Amen. This ' Life' is dedicated to Peter [de Rupibus], bishop of Winchester, and is therefore later than 1204. The author was Wm. of Ramsey : A\^right, as before, p. 424. 21. * Vita S. Edmundi regis et martyris."' Begins (fol. 125 h): Plus uolo quam ualeo regis memoiaudo triumphos. Ends (fol. 13G h) : Sancto, nunc et per secula laus et honor. Amen. By Wm. of Ramsey : AVright, as before. Two short Proscr, in leonine verse, are added on the same subject. 22. ' Versus de S. Thoma archiepiscopo.' Begins (fol. 137 b) : Archileuita Thomas et cancellarius Anglis. Ends (fol. 142 b) : Et laus et virtus et sine fine dccus. Amen. 23. ' De Sanctis martyribus Crispino et Crispiniano.'' Begins (fol. 142 b): Lnperii sceptrum consortc Diodiciano Nactus ad exicium iMaximiauus erat. Ends (foh 148 6) : Sanctorum sanguis tortoris inebriat ensem Ascendunt anime corporc {ftk) trunca jacent. Two fragmentary pieces are subjoined in the same handwriting. 24. Latin Fables^ in verse. ^Begins (fol. 149 i/): / Jurat anus flenti puero ni supprimat iram. Ends (fol. 1.52 a): Vite presentis, forma sequentis, hiems. 25. ' Tractatus de Epiphania Domini.^ Begins (fol. 1.53 a): [S]idereus splendor illuminat acra cuius. Ends (fol. 1.53 6): Rex populi rector nardus odore uigens. 26. A page of leonine verses without title. 474 CATALOCJUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 27. Verses of a laudatory kind addressed 'Domino episcopo Dunelm. Ric. de Mar.'' [i. e. MariscoJ, who was bishop of Durham between 1217 and 122C. 28. ' Liber de generatione et corruptione niateria\ compositus a magistro Hen. Abrincensi poeta handwriting different. Begins (fol. loG a) : () clara cleri concio hix ciijus hicet clarius. Ends (fol. IGo ^0 • Xon sohim distans aliis a luotihiis istc. 29. Latin Epirjraiii!>, on the names of individuals, e.rj. * llo- bertus Passcleue,' ' Kadulphus de Nouilla vel Nova Villa episc. Cycestrensi.' Ralph Neville, bishop of Chichester and chanccll): Ovo quali quanto poesum te Carmine tanto. 476 CATALOdUE OF M AN LSrUlPTS. 41, 'Pro qnlhusdam fahis prciricatorihns vac^is ncbulonihus, qui inter mala docuerunt prohibitum fuisse ne clcricus alicjuis vagus liospitium in Alomannia rccipcret."' Begins (fol. 11).") b) : Miraimir do (iorinania do cuius solcnt praminc. Kmls {IbhL): Uocte dixit Worniaciani quasi vorniiuiu acicm. 42. ' Controversia inter Cor ct Oculinn.^ Begins (fol. liVJ />): Quisquis cordis et oculi Non sentit in se iur^ia. Printed among the Latin l*oems commonly attr'ihutcd to ll'iilter Majx's, cd. \\ nght, 1841, p. 95. 4*3. ' Super Vita beat! Fraricisci versus niagistri Hcnrici Abrincensi-s.' Begins (fol. 2()0a): Gesta sacri eantabo ducis (jui monstra doniandi. Ends (fol. -220 a): SiUicto nuiiestas ct gloria nunc ct in cuuni. This pocni is dedicated to pope Gregory IX. and niu.st therefore have been written before 1242. 705 Dd. XI. 79. A small parchment book, containing 102 pages, with .*^4 lines on each, written in the xiiith century. ' Tncipit Liber Irr.ii Solim de MiUAHiLincs mundi, studio et dihgentia Theodosii principis.** This is the rubric to the *prefatio,' beginning : Julius advento (.v/r) Fratri Salutem. Cum et aurium dementia... The MS. does not contain * Solini Epistola ad Antium ex vetustissimo codice descripta,' given in the Aldine edition (1518), from which it otherwise differs but slightly. It ends : . Ideoque non penitus ad nvncvpationem sui congruere insularum qvalitatem. The writing of the first 10 pages appears to Ik; of a somewhat later date than the rest. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 477 706 Dd. XI. 80. A paper book, in (|uarto, with writing only on the first 28 pages, of" the xviith century, intended to form A Common-place Book. It is bound up with tlie following MS. 707 Dd. XI. 81. A small quarto, written on paper, in a legible hand, of about the middle of the xviith century, in English, and containing 20 folios, numbered. Copies of orders made in the Star Chamber Court, temp. Eliz. |i It commences : Tliomas Ki^erton Doniinus Custos Mai;ni Sigilh AngHa? Intr. sexto (lie Maii Anno tiicesimo octavo Kegino? Ehz. 708 Dd. XI. 82. An octavo, on i)arclunent, containing 9cS tK, witli 120 linos in each page. It has ornamented capitals, occasionally illuminated, and borders. Date about l loO: catchw(^rds occur at every 8th leaf. Tin: PuYMKU IN En(;lish, ArroRDiNG to Sauum use. Beginning : Donnne laliin mea aperies Loril opcnc thou my lippes. Ending : Here enden comcndacions. After the Hours, follow tlu- 7 psalms, l."} psjihns and Litany: and then the \'i:;ilia: defunctoruin and Commendationes Animarum. Each psalm or prayer is preceded l>y a ruhrick. giving tlic first few words in Latin. This MS. wiis collated by the Kev. W. Maskel). and the various readings given in the notes to edition of the Prynur, in the Mmmvu uta Ritnalia Kcclesid' AtK/liratuc, \'ol. ii. : a (K'Si ri[ttion of tlu- MS. will he found in p. xxxiv, 709 Dd. XI. 83. A small (juarto, on parchment, of 121 leaves, (catchwonls at 8th leaf) written in the xvth century. 1. ft'. 1 14. ' Al orrtTlMIS DB Vl-KA KT FALSA PKM- Tli.NTI A.' 478 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins : Quantum sit appctondu. . Opp. Paris, vi. p. 1()21. 2. fF. 14 — 19. 'Ejusdem ad Pizmtentes' Sehmones DUO. Begins : Quam utilis sit et ncccssaria ... Ibid. V. jip. 2001—12020 and 2244—2246. 3. ff. 19 — 23. Ejusde.m ' de gaudiis electorum et sup- PLICIIS D A M N ATORUM.^ Begins : Tria sunt sub omnipotcntis Dei ... Ibid. VI. pp. 1443— U.^O. This is the treatise *I)e tribus babitaculis,' usually considered tlie work 'inccrti auetoris.' St>c IIli. i. 4. § .S. 4. ff. 23 — 28. * Johannes Chisostomus de penitentia COMPENDIOS A."* Begins : Provida nirnte, ])rofun(K) cogitatu ... Ends: ... venire ad requiem claritatis supcme. Amen. 5. ff. 28 — 31. ' Inquisitio confessionis qualiter sa- CERDOS DEHET INQUIRERE ET QL'IBUS M0DI8.' Begins : Si scienter Deum offenderit ... Afterwards follows a paragraph * Dc iv. impcdimentis confessionis,' and then 7 Latin Hexameters, ending: In cruce sum pro te qui peccas : desinc ])ro me. 6. ff. 31 — j7. 'Penitentia secundum Magistrum Odo- NEM.' Begins : Penitentiam agitc ... Ends: ... ad lianc gloriam perducat nos Deus in Chri.sto, qui iSrc. The author was probably Odo de Ceritona (Shirton). See Tanner. 7. ff. 57 — 64. ' Tractatus de Confessionibus audi- endis."* Begins : Penitcns accedens ad confessioncm . . . Ends with ') Hexameters : the last being Et servet cautc^ sensus cum pectore renes. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 479 8. ff. 64 — 92. *Capitlla extracta a Florario Cak- THOLOMEi.'' viz. De conijmnctione, de confessione, de penitentia, de peccatis mortalibus, de peccatis venialibus, de conscientia. Begins : Compunctio ut (licit Ba.silius ... Ends: .. tuo jugiter amorc langueamus. Qui cum Deo &c. Perhaps from the treatise of Bartholoma-us Iscanus de Penitentia. See Tanner. 9. ff. 93 — 9G. ' Meditatio in passione domixi.' Begins : Quam magna et immensa multitude ... Ends : ... et sine fmc laudatura per henedictum et piissimum filium ice. 10. ff. 97 101. ' MeDII ATIONE.s UKATI A.N.SEL.MI CaNT. Aiuim:i'[.«j'art a.s. Opi). Paris, Vol. ii. pp. OGI— (IDl. At the end follows the i>ara- graph * Perfect is.si ma et jtlcni.ssima justilia .' from Paulinus of A. 12. ff. 120, 121. * 1)j: s AcKiiDorr.M dig.mt ate.' Begins : Veneranda sacerdotum dignitas .. Ends : ...vel magis quam pctinuis. This section is in a later handwriting than the rest. Dd. XI. 84. A paper book, in quarto, containing, on 187 pages, written in the XV nth century, Notes out of FuLLEir.s History of the Holy War and Holy State. 480 CATALOGUK OF MANUSCRIPTS. The former occupy pp. 1 — 10(5, the latter pj). 107 — 1B7. The last leaf is pasted to the cover, and at the end of p. 187 is the note, ' Continued these Notes in that Book where are written notes out of my L** Bacons Henry y" Seventh.' 711 Dd. XI. 85. A small quarto, of the xviith century, of 107 leaves, of which the last 8S are blank. The handwritinir is the author's own. * Li is VKNKiiK.KjOmniuuKiue ejus accidentium curandorum methodus.' — De May erne. The receipts are partly in Kmjlish, ]»artly in French, hut chiefly in Latin. It is not printed in De Mayerue's collected works. 712 Dd. XI. 86. A (juarto, on paper, in tjood preservation, legibly written, in a hand of the comniencenient of tlu* w iith century, containing in all 1 .'G numbered folios. A Law CoMMON-i'LA( K IJooK, al j)hal)C't ically arranged, com- mencing with 'Abatement,'' and ending with * Dutchie.' 713 Dd. XI. 87. A quarto, on paper, in good preservation, with the exception of four folios, torn out in the middle of the volume, containing ISO folios, not numbered throughout, some of which are blank ; handwriting of the xviith century. Law Cases and Readings of Finch, Stone, Weare, Trotman, Jorden, Prideaux, etc. from to 1G15, and of Mownson, Egerton, Coke, and Lea, temp. IL Eliz. The five commencing folios seem to he a continuation of another volume. Between the ahove two chisscs of Readings is inserted an Ali)habetical Index to the first set of ReaI ANTSCRIPTS. 481 In diem Mcrcurii. Assiso. In diem \'eneris. Accon sur replevy n. < hi a blank page, after the Index, appears the following : ' My Savioi h.' *Disce, stude, vigila, canta, lege, scribe, vcl era; Sic fac ut nulla sine fructu transeat hora.' 714 Dd. XI. 88. A thin quarto, on paper, illcgiMy written, in a liandwritini; of the middle of the xvith c'enturv. A roi'Y of the Ykar-Book from W' to 50^" Ed. III. 715 Dd. XI. 89. A small fjiiarto, on parcliment, of l!)f) leaves, seemingly in different handwritings, all however of the xvth century. The number of lines in each page is 30 on the average. 1. ir. 1,2. A Paranraph concerning Godlt/ Life. liegins : I'ir was an holy man Knds : ...cviT in (iodes .\vgt. 2. ff*. 2 — orw the bysechyng of his moc Fadur almyt,'ty I'o wyft(> of I'e Son ahvytty .. Ends : To wyche jdace he us al bryng ))at for us vouihcdsave on Kode to liynj,'. This treatise is assigned to Richard Kollf of Ilampole. Copies, witli variations, will be found in Dd. xii. <»«), s, and LI. ii. 17. I I 482 I'ATALOCri: OF MANL'SCRIPTS. 4. ft'. 1()2— 179. Skumon |>.\t a Ci.kkk madk ])at W AS ( I. i; 1' r 1 A 1 . Q L Y v Fu i; w y of W a n w y k / Begins : IIorkt.*no|> all unto my spochc Ilt'lo of stnvle I wyll )'cm teclie... Ends : 111 tnnv))€ lovo niul in iliarito Amen, Amen, so mot it he, 11'. 17!^ 18."). ' lloW 1(11 ClllSTKN M A \ OWi: lOlt TO HAlK A UK M i: M ItK A 1 .N« K Ol' j'E PASSION OF Ul'U L<)l!l> .JkhI' Chi ST k/ Begins : Of alio |)C joy us |'at in j'is worldc may be })at I'orw wyt to man myth be ordeyiied and wroute A swcte lofe )»o\vt is praise*! of me, For alle oJ»er joyus I sette at nowte... £nds: But dcrc Ivord j'onv thy passion j^rante me to wyniie |)e blisse )>at evcnnore sehal l)c At niy forj^eve me my sinnc leli byseche )>c my Lord in Trinitc. G. ft*. 186—196. Or rm: Lonvs Pijaykh. Begins : Good.stretc Counter : the orit,'enall cojipey of his one hand writing is now in the handes M' Fletewood.' See Clmliiiers' JiuKj. Dirt. .\x VI 1 1. 1 .'}( 1 . 18- Dd. XII. 1—14. 31 See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 732 Dd. XII. 15. A duodecimo, on paper, of 143 leaves. A nii.scellancou.s No ti -Hook in the handwriting of Kn.MiM) CASTKF.r., ]*r()fes.s(»r of Arabick. The notis are chiefly in .1\thi- opick, with Latin renderings: some in Arabick. Many pages are blank. ( 'ninparc 1 >d. vi. \. \ 733 Dd. XII. 16. A small quarto, on paper, of the xviith century, consisting of 1 \:\ loaves, mostly paged, (>ach page containing 25 or more lines. 1. C-K8ARI8 CrEMOMNI ' InTKODUCTIO IN LoGICAM AuiiJ. totp:i,i.s.^ Hegins : Dialccticam introdui tioncm hahituri.. Ends: ...pro scientiie demonstrativa- explanatione. riie author's name is mentioned at fol. 117'' ; and the EdftovH 6vy6. 745 Dd. XII. 28. A pa|)or book, in 1 2nio, containing, on '>'! pages, Hkn I HisTORiEH of the Rom an, Turkish, German, Greek and Si'AMsn Empireh, and the Netherlands. Ik'^MHs (p. 1) : Iloinulus Homes first founder was the baac eonnc of a licentious vestnll It is iMjiin.l iij» with f!i" f-llowin^' MS. 7*6 Dd. xn. 29. A (liiodccinio, on paper, of Ii7 leaves, written in the xviiith century: containing Ilijlrenccs (u 7\'x(s of Scrlj>fun' on various topics. 7*7 Dd. XII. 30. A iluodeciino, on j)apt'r, of 17') leaves (some blank) written in the xviith century. Notes of Sermons, in Latin and English. 748 Dd. XII. 31. A pajter bo(>k, in 12nio, written in the xvnth ccnturj-, with the following title : 'SiM.MMiii M IIiiTOHH CM SAmi'M; or a short Collertion of many reniarkeable jjassages of God.s providence in the pre- senation of his church and people, inaugre the rage of Antechri.st and all other bloody tyrants and persecutors, gathered out of the best historians ctunpared with the scriptures.' It he^'ins (p. 1 ) : Panii'ls prophei-ys compared w"'' the liiues in w" they were fulfilk'd. ^^'o may well call Daniels propheeys It ends with an ' exposition of the 4th viall,' Ilcv. H. On the edge of the leave.s is, ' History of U'orM. " ' 488 CATALOGUE OF M ANUSCllIPTS. 749 Dd. XII. 32. A duodecimo, on })aper, of 152 leaves; written in the xviitli century. Anonymous Notes. pp. 1 — 27, on ' Cartesii Meditationes in Latin, pp. 21) — ."iS, on ' Walll-iii Opt ra ;' in Latin. pp. (;i_l)7, on * Dr llenrif Mnn's riiUosophical Collections ;' in English. These last notes are furnished with an index. The remtiining pages are blank. 750 Dd. XII. 33. A small duodecimo, on paper, of 118 leaves; written in the xviith century. ' PhYSICA iNCiriKNTir.M.' A copy of the same work as Dd. vi. 4(1. There are passai^es in tliis MS. omitted in the other, nnd rice verad. Ff. 7H — ni) contain two treatises, I>e Meteoris and de V'eutis, not to be found in Dd. VI. 4(5. Tile hist 20 leaves are l)lank. 751 Dd. XII. 34. A small paper book, containing Extracta e Kotulih de Pl.vc rris Forkstj:. 752 Dd. XII. 35. A small paper book, of about the same size, on the same subject, and of about the same date as the preceding. 753 Dd. XII. 36. A ]2mo, on paper, containing about 150 folios, much of which is blank ; written in English : § 1. ' T/ie Great Oyer of Poysoning'' appears on the fly-leaf, on the back of which also appears : * To the ri'jht worshipful Sir Thos Bromley knt health »5v: happinessc Having collected the whole process of this disastrous tragedie' this 8 day of May 1G2G Your most bounden Jo: ood. ' The proceedings which happened between Lady Frances Howard & Robert Earl of Essex.' See above, under No. 325. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 489 § 2. * The proceedliiqi against Richard Weston and others for the murder of Sir Thos. Overbury." 754 Dd. XII. 37. A paper book, in 12ino, llo leaves; written about 1700. A Treatise in French and Latin, ' De Make Clauso.'' Begins (p. 1) : S'il y II nation du monde qui doit... 755 Dd. XII. 38. A duodecimo, on paper, of 83 leaves. A NoTK-HooK OF Alexander Ros, with the date IG13 a.d. 1. ft*. 1 — 34. ''Loci Communes Theolonici!' 2. ff 36 — 38. Dahia quedam de Porpkyrii Isagoge.^ 3. ff. 39 — 83. Miscellanea. Theological notes. Medical recipes, &c. &c. It Is bound up with ilic previous MS. 756 Dd. XII. 39. A duodecimo, on parchment, of 71 leaves, with about 30 lines in a pa^^e. W ritten in the xivth century. 1. ff. 1 — 3. Oi tin: Seve.n Viutl eh. Bcgin.s : An<)|>er I'ingc to knowe god almyglity Ends : ...if we life skilfully as goddes lawe tedies us, \c. 2 ff. 3 — 10. 'Of wedded Men ande ])Eii \\'ywe8 ande j;EU CniEDEU."' Begins : Owrc Lorde God almyghty spckes Ends: ...in blisse of heven w i|)outen ende Anion 3. flf. IG — 72. ' p(> AcTi s OF Apostuls.' Begins ; ftbrso))e )»at Tlieoi)hul |>c firstc Scrmone I made... Ends : ...wij) fuUe tniiste wipouten lettynge. 'IMie translation appears to l>c entirely independent of WiclifTs. 4. flf. 72 — 74. ' po Pateh nostek in Englysche.'' 490 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. Begins : We sclml bilewe jnit |)is Pater noster... Ends : ...ande J)anne schal we have )'0 eveilastande fredame. So he hit Amen. At the end : * Tliis ys master Thome's hok, eh)th\vorker of London.' 757 Dd. xn. 40. A paper book, in 1 2iiio, now for the most part of blank leaves, containiniT 'Short Mini Ti:.s of the Ciiargk brought against Watson bishop of St David's.' See * A hirge review of tlie summary view of the Artieles exhibited against the liishop of St Davids,' 4to, Many leaves at the beginning have l)een cut out. At the end is a list of books lent by the possessor of tlie MS. to various persons : among the rest to Dr Bentley. 758 Dd. xn. 41. A duodecimo, on parchment, of 270 K aves (numbered through- out) irregularly written, in the xvith century. Many leaves are blank. 1. ff. 1 — 95. A Treatise o.\ Tiuhulation and Tempta- tion. Begins : Off such as use to put syke men.. Ends : ...and beddeth us syk and ask and it shal be geven us. 2. ff. .99 — 162. *0f ];k fall off Angells,' with various notes added, some in Latin. Begins : The gloryousc blessed Trinyte... 3. ff. 162 — 193. A Treatise against LuTiiEira Doc- trine OF Justification by Faith without Works. Begins (after a table of contents) : Some biyngyth S. Paule as Luther... Ends: . . .savor of hevynly joy. 4. ff. 206 — 216. Miscellaneous Notes on various Sins. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 491 5. ff. 221 — 27('). Oi" THE VII Sacraments. Begins : As towelling ])e vii Saeraments... Ends : ...sehuld not be reasonable, sure, ne profitable. 759 Dd. xn. 42. A duodecimo, of 9.0 leaves, neatly written in the wnth century, ap[)arently the transcript of a printed book. ' A Treatise, in the form of question and answer, on the difference of God's government of his Church under tlie Law, and the novernment of his Church under the GospcV ik'gins (after a Preface *to the Christian Reader'...) : What is God's glory ? and how may we conceive of it ? Ends: If therefore thou wilt approve thyself a Minister of Jesus Christ, and become profitalile to the Church of God, preach the word of Faith only. 760 Dd. XII. 43. A 12mo, on paper, of 30.9 pages, in good preservation. Collections from the Pliilic Recohds, and his own private Memoranda relating to the Revenues of the See of Norwich, by Anthony Harison. Amongst these Collections will be found a valuation of the dilapidations of the })roperty of the See 'libelled by Jiishop Jegon against the administrators of Jiishop Redman."' This book was completed in or soon after the year 1()32 See lilonu'lield's Xurjolk, ii. 401, n. ^. 761 Dd. XII. 44. A duodecimo, on parchment, of 213 leaves, in various hand- writings of the xvth or xvith centuries, ff. 1 — 53 have double columns: ff. 12 — 53 are very minutely written, with from 50 to GO lines in a column : ff. 54 to end have about 25 lines in a page. 1. ff. 1—11. 'De Spiritf et Anima.^ Capp. 1—33. Begins : Quoniam dictum est mihi... Ends : ...aliud non sit quam ratio. S. August. ()}>}). Paris. 1«37, vi. j.p. 1141—1172 492 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 2. ff. 12 — 20. A Glossary of Proper Names occurring in Scripture^ with their meanings : similar to that usually found at the end of copies of the Vulgate. 8. ff. 20 — 22. The Gospels Harmonized: in the form of references arranged in parallel columns. 4. ff. 22 — 25. A table of the Gospels and Epistles for the Sundays and Holydays through the year. 5. ff. 25 — 31. A fragment of a Latin Glossary. 6. ff. 32 — 37. *HuGo [de S. Victore] de Arrha Anime.' Begins : Loquitur secreto anime mee... Ends: ...hoc totis precordiis concupisco. Opp. Mogunt. 1617, II. pp. 144—150. 7. f. 37. On the Lord'^s Prayer. An Extract from S. Ambrose, de Sacramentis, Lib. v. Opp. Paris, 1690, I. pp. 877—380. Tliis is followed by brief notes from Eusebius, &c. 8. ff. 38— 45. 'Meditationes.' The first is Medit. III. among those of Anselm: the second occurs August. Opp. Paris, 1837, vi. p. 1369. The rest are compiled from various sources. 9. ff. 46 — 53. * Sermons various. The titles are ' De Sancto Petro et Paulo/ * De delicto et peccato,' ' De damnatis,' 'De cruce,' *De ascensione Domini ' 10. ff. 54 — 213. 'Aristotelis Ethicorum Versio La- tin a.' By Leonardo Bruno. Begins : Aristotelis Ethicorum libros facere latinos nuper institui... Ends: Explicit liber decimus ethicorum q, m. iohannes hyl.... Dd. xn. 45. A parchment book, in octavo, 385 leaves, with 17 leaves of Index: one leaf wanting at the end; handwriting of the xivth century. Decretales Gregorii. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 493 763 Dd. xn. 46. A small quarto, on parchment, of 211 leaves, with about 27 lines in a page, written in the xvth century, ff. 87 — 98 are blank. D. Thom^ Aquinatts Opuscula. Nearly all of these occur in the edition printed at Antwerp in 1612 a d., to which references are given below : but §§ 8, 8, 15, 17, 20 have not been identified. 1. ff. 1 — 6. De trihus principiis nature.'' Opusc. 31. 2. ff. 7—20, ' De natura materie: Ibid 82. 3. ff. 21 — SO. Be productione forme suhstantialis in esse."* Begins : Sententiam solempnem . . . Ends: . . nec est ab alio : sed omnia ab ipso. Qui, &c. 4. ff. 31— 57. 'Degenere: Ibid. 42. 5. ff. 57, 58. De principio individuationis.'' Ibid. 29. 6. f. 59. ' De indiciis astrorum.'' Ibid. 26. 7. ff. 60—72. ' De esse et essentia: Ibid. 30. 8. ff. 73—86. ' De universali: Begins : Universale esse satis planum est... Ends : ...et hec de universalibus dicta sufficiunt pro presenti. 9. ff. 99—109. 'De oppositis: Ibid. 36. 10. ff. 109 — 112. ' De natura accidentis: Ibid. 41. 11. ff. 112—117. ' De causa diversitatis secundum nu- merum: This is part of Opusc. 70 ibid. Super Boetium de Trinitate. 12. ff. 117, 118. ' De commixtione elementorum: Ibid. 33. 13. ff. 119 — 122. De occultis accionihus nature: Ibid. 34. 14. ff. 122—125. 'De motu cordis: Ibid. 35. 15. ff. 125—1 28. ' De unitate et uno: Begins : Unitas est qua unaqueque res dicitur una... Ends: ...unaqueque est una et id quod est. 16. ff. 129—136. ' De natura instantis: Ibid. 36. 494 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 17. ff. 186 — 188. ' De mensura et numero.^ Begins : Secundum Philosophum decimo metaphysice... Ends: ...sed principium ordinabilium. 18. fF. 189 — 143. ^ De natura 'oerhi intellectus.^ Ibid. 14. 19. fF. 148—147. 'De eternitate nmndi: Ibid. 27. 20. fF. 149 — 169. De potentiis anime.'' Begins : Ut dicit Philosophus secundo de anima . Ends : ...que sunt appetitiva ct scnsitiva. 21. ff. 170 — 211. ' Tractatus Grammaticus.' Imperfect. Begins : Quoniam autem intelligere et scire contigit... Ends : ...simul imperfect vnriari. Some maxims, &c. are appended. A 12mo, on vellum, containing fF. 502, in double columns, with 46 lines in each column. It has occasional illuminated initial letters. Date, the xivth century. BiBLIA VULGATA SaNCTI HiERONYMI. It is imperfect at the commencement, and begins in the middle of the prologue : celi ezechicli qui populo peccatori clausi . The last few verses of Job are written over three times; a blank leaf follows f. 226 : f. 228 has been cut in half: the leaf containing the last verses of the Apocalypse is missing. The MS. concludes with an Index of Proper names with explanations. The books occur in the usual order, except that the Acts follows the Epistle to the Hebrews. The Psalter is omitted. St Matthew begins f. 379. There are a few scholia in the margin. In f. 38 is written the name James Piksraell : and in f. 226 that of Samuell Rustat. 764 Dd. XII. 47. 765 Dd. XII. 48. A paper book, in 12mo; 188 leaves. 'Reports in the King's Bench,'' 8 Chas. I. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 495 766 Dd, XII. 49. A similar book, and in the same handwriting ; 184 leaves. ' Reports in the King's Bench,'' 4 Chas. I. 767 Dd. XII. 50. A duodecimo, on parchment, of 145 leaves, mutilated and imperfect at both ends, written in three different hands. The first two leaves are in a small but legible character ; ff. 40 — 64 in a different and larger handwriting, with about 35 lines in a page. The remainder is in very pale ink, badly written, and full of abbreviations, containing about 48 lines in a page. All the hand- writings are of about the xvi th century. 1. ff. 1, 2. Sermons on Saints' days. A fragment. Begins : ...corporales neque nunc nobis vocat... Then follows a Sermon, 'In die S. Marie Magdalene/ and part of another, ' In die Assumpcionis/ ending : ...ut cum eo regnes in etcrnum. 2. ff. 3 — 64. A treatise on the Natural History of Animals^ from Aristotle, Vincentius, &;c. Begins : Ecce camelus desei-tus... (folio wed by a quotation from Vincentius). Ends: ...sapientior omnibus pecoribus terre. The next 3 leaves contain an Index to this. 3. ff. 67 — 119. A similar treatise on Trees. Begins : Abies secundum Ysidorum est arbor. The six leaves, ff. 120—125, contain Indices to §§ 3 and 4. 4. ff. 126 — 145. A similar treatise on Birds. Begins : Aquila potest... Ends, the last leaf being torn, iu red : Explicit. Amen. 768 Dd. XII. 51. A duodecimo, on parchment, of 86 leaves, written in the xvth century. 1. ff. 1 — 66. An anonymous Treatise on the Use of the Astrolabe, Compiled by an astronomer of Oxford ; in English ; very illegible. 490 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCIlirTS. Begins : Lycc lowvs my sonc I pcrccyuc wcl by ccrtcyn cvydcncys \>yn habi- lite to lernc scieiicys. Ends: And ]>at is ])e 12 part of ye altitude of ])e tour : and so of all o])er &c. * Explicit Tractatus Astrolabiri.' Three leaves arc blank. 2. ff. 67 — SO. 'Mahrodi i.iukr Lapidum."* This Latin iioem has been often printed, but it does not appear that the editors have collated this MS. The order of the sections is different from all those of which Beckman speaks in his edition ((Jotting. 1791)) answering, however, most nearly to his own. 3. ff. 81 — 86. A small treatise on the Medical Use of CERTAIN Herbs. This tract is verj' illegible. Begins : Eliconia caj)ud purgat, dolorem dentium mitigat, 8^c. Ends : ...Supercilii visio. Dd. xiL 52. A 12mo, on paper, containing ff. 228, with 20 lines in each page. Date, of the xivth century. A volume of Praykrs in the Di'tcii language, with the heading of each prayer in red. It is imperfect at the com- mencement. Beginning : relt leerre der waerk' en geuer. Ending : heiligen geest in der cwichen. Amen. On f J is written the date 1591, probably by a former possessor. "0 Dd. xn. 53. A duodecimo, on paper; 166 leaves: of the xviith century. 'CouRS DE Chymie. Joan: Francis: Vigani. Veronensis.** This book is in English ; and contains directions for compounding che- mical preparations, ff. 30 — 157 are blank. There are miscellaneous notes and prescriptions in ff. 158 — 161. The author's only published work is Medulla Chymiae. 12mo. London, 1683. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 497 Dd. XII. 64. A small quarto, on parchment, of 50 leaves, with about 21 lines in a page, written in the xiiith century. Wanda LUERTi Opkra. 1. ff. 1 — 6. Horologlam,'' Begins ; Quos cursu solis jungant sua tt'inj)ora menses... Ends: Tali herede Creator Claiiso temporis orbc Pci-fectoque quiescet. D'Acliory, Spicil. Paris, 1723, ii. pp. 01— (34. 2. ff. 7 — 1 1 . ' Epistola Wandalberii ad OtHcum.'' Begins : Veteri et pcranticjuo precepto nionemur... Ibid. pp. 30, 40. 3. ff. 11 — 17. ^ Invocation SzQ." Begins : Celsi cuncte parens, conditor etheris... Ends : ('amiine promainus nienteni i)ie suflfice Christc. Ibid. pp. 40— 42. 4. f. 17 ' Hi/mnus in laude heati Amandi.'' Begins : Amande presul ojttinic Dignus tiio cognoniine... Ends: Non segregemur n tiio Clemens pater, consortio. 5. ff. 19—50. ' Marty rolopiiwi: Begins : Primum nunc lani vocitatuni nomine... Fnds : Maxima agrippinc veteris quis moenia presunt. Ibid. II. 42—61. 6. f. 50 b. ' Ymmis de festimtate S. Lvpi EjAscopi."" Begins : Tricasinorum antistitem virtute Christi nobilem... Ends : Una cum sancto Spiritu in sempitema sccula. Amen. On the fly-leaf at the beginning is a paragraph 'Hie commemorantur dies egyptiaci...' and on that at the end is a table shewing the position of the Ides and Nones, with the number of days in each month. K K 498 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. §§4 and 6 are not mentioned, apparently, in any list of Wandalbert's known works. Trithemius speaks of his being the author of many works, which he himself had never seen. The name 'J. B. Hautin' occurs f. 1 b. 772 Bd. XII. 55. A 12mo, on paper, of 89 pages, in good preservation. It contains the notes of some genealogist of the xviith century, con- sisting of the PEDIGREES of vorj many of the Princely Families of France, Germany, Italy, and Spain, also of the Royal Families of England and Scotland. 773 Dd. XII. 56. A 12mo, on parchment, containing ff. 200, with 18 Hnes in each page. Date, the xvth centmy. HoRJ& Beat^ Mari^ Virginis, The Hours begin as usual f. 1, but after Sext some leaves are lost, and fF. 6G — 82 are occupied with various psalms and prayers. In f. 82 & the 'Officium defunctorum' begins, and in f. 115, ^ Benedictiones ante prandium in cena domini/ * a beneson devant manger/ &c. and then the 15 psalms, 7 psalms and Utany, afterwards hymns and prayers to the Trinity, ' Comme- morationes sanctorum,' &c. The MS. ends, f. 199, with the prayer, ' Infir- mitatem nostram quesumus domine,' &c. To f. 110 is sewn a piece of another parchment leaf, on which a short hymn, beginning, ' Christe Jesu bone cunctorum conditor alme,' and versicles, are written ; f. 180 is blank, with the exception of the initial letter, the rest having been obliterated. 774 Dd. XII. 57. A duodecimo, on paper, of 146 leaves, written in the xviith century. On the first page is ' Collectanea qucedam e variis authorum sententiis. Thomas Brathwait 1642.' 1. A Common-place Book containing extracts relating chiefly to the Bomish Contromrsy. 2. ff. 28 — 37. A Litany in behalf of a person at the point of death. Begins : O Lord it is a great presumption^ . . CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 499 3. ff. 60—77. ' Oratio" habita apud Oxon*". in Ooll: Reg: pro grad. Mag: Maii 6*^ a. d. 1647.' 4. fF. 97—102. A Sermon on Rom. xiii. 12. 5. ff. 187—146. An Index to the contents of the MS. The names, James Castley, Francis Gibson, Thomas Eames, are also found on the fly-leaf at the beginning, and on the first two leaves. 775 Bd. XII. 58. A small octavo, on paper, of the xviith century, legibly writ- ten, containing 120 pages of writing, partly paged, and a quantity of blank leaves at the end : the number of lines in each page about 40, more or less. 1. ' Annotationes ex Toleto,"* fol. 1. Begins : De scientiarum et artium divisione. Omnis scientia ab Aristotele 2 Meta. cap. 1. in speciilativam et practicam distinguitur. Cardinal Tolet's Commentaries on Aristotle's Logic were published in 1596. See the Bodleian Catalogue. 2. ' Ex Keckermanno de Voce,' fol. 44 h. Consists of an abstract of the first 17 chapters of Keckermann's 1st book of Systema Logicum {Opera, torn. i. pp. 553 — 625. Ed. Col All. 16J4) The last words of the MS. are, Forma certa et specifica est determinata certfe materige. At one end of the book is written the name 'Nathaniell Hind/ 776 Dd. XIL 59. A small paper book, in 12nio, which according to Nasmith was formerly bound in green velvet, and was given to this library by Edward Cannon, M.A., Fellow of King's College. It is now in boards, and contains on 100 pages, 'Petit traite a l'encontre de la primaute du pape.' This is an autograph by King Edward VI, and is dedicated to his uncle the Duke of Somerset, with the date, ' De mon palais de Ouestmester cez Londres ce penultime iour d'Aoust, 1549'. The dedication begins, Apres avoir considere (trescher et hien ayme oncle) combien ceux desplaisent a Dieu, qui despendent tout leur temps en folies et vanitez de ce monde. . See'Athenw Britan. p. 118, 12mo, 1710. K K 2 500 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCIUrTS. 777 Dd. XII. 60. A tliuHlocimo, on paper, of 130 leavesL, of which 69 are blank. A collection of Medical Receipts. The book is begun at both emls. The name of Edward A\''ebb as the owner is inscribed on a fly-leaf l()o7. 778 Dd. XII. 61. An octavo, on vclliini, of 123 leaves; of tlic xiiith century. *EucLiDEs PiiiLosoi'iirs, i)K Geo.metrica Arte.'' The book bcinns : [PJunctus est illud ciijus pars non est. Ends : C'ontinet totus liber i>te ci'cc Ixv j)n){H)sita et i>r()j>()sitic)nes et xv poris- mata, prscter anxiomata singulis libris pnrmissa; proposita (luideiu infini- tivis propositiones vero indicativis explicans. Deo Gratias. This vohiine contains a Latin translation from the Aral)i(' of the Enun- ciations, »S:c. of the Elements of Euclid, as far as the ^'th proposition of the l.'ith book inclusive. There are figures nuj)])lied in the margin as far as to the X\''IIth proposition of the .'Jrd Imok : there arc some also in the Dth. These as well as many of the initial letters are executed in red oil-colour. There arc constructions and demonstrations for many of the enunciations, in general terms, and preceding the enunciations. Here and there strictures upon Euclid are inserted. On the first fly-leaf is inscribed, Abbas lihfrardus poelgheest venerandus in Egmont Istum cum nuiltis libris reparavit honeste -\nno Domini m" cccc° lxv°. In the last page, inserted between the text, Iste liber pertinet ad claustrum sancti -Vdalberti levite Christi inEgmunda si quis alienaverit sit Anathema. Amen. 779 Dd. XII. 62. A paper book, in quarto, of about 600 pages, written in the xvith century, containing 1. A short Description of England^ with an explanation of some of the old names of counties, towns, &c., arranged alpha- betically. 2. A Chronological Table, from the Creation to the year of our Lord 1600, with an Index of the I^ersons named therein. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 501 0 Dd. XII. 63. A quarto, on paper, of 55 leaves, containing about 27 lines in a page. 'EXPLICATIO DoCTRIN.t: Ch UI ST I A N Written ' per Joannem De la Vache, die Annunciationis B. Maricx, 1633 a.d.' Begins : Doctrinfe Christiana breve quoddam compendium... Ends : . in mala labuntur. Another treatise by the same author, in similar liand writing and ink, occurs Dd. xiv. 27. § 1. It is bound up with the two following MSS. ;i Dd. XII. 64. A quarto, on paper, of 22 leaves (the last 16 paged), written in the xviith century. }. ff. 1 — 4. '^1 Contemplation of the Golden Cal/e.^ Begins : Man naturally affectcs variety... Ends: ...of their God's lionour. At foot are the initials \V. F. 2. ff. 6—22. Two Sermons, on Uoin. v. 12, and Galat. vi. 1 . Dedicated to M" Katherine Ferrers, by S. ^\^1dllus. Begin : This Chapter is a picture of ourselves .. End: ... enter into heaven thorow Jesus Christ. Anion. Z Dd. XII. 65. A small quarto, on paper, of 222 pages, in good preservation. It contains IlKUALDir Collections, made at a date not earlier than \()'2'). It commences with folio 14, and its contents are 1. Of the priviicL^cs and dignities of a Marquess, Earl, Viscount, Haron, and tiioir wives and children. — fol. 14. 2. 'The placinge of all estates of men [and women] ac- cordinge to their degrees."' — fol. 1 8. 3. ' The proceedinge to the Parlenient at \\'cstminster from the Pallace there called Whitt-hali; — fol. 19/^ 502 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 4. ' The placinge of great Officers accordinge to the Acte of Parlement made in anno 31 Henrici — I'ul. 5. ' The niimbcr of nioriicrs at luncralls accordinge to the degree and estate of tlie defiincte/ — fol. -2. 6. ' Liverys for Noblemen and Gentlemen at the interremente of every man according to his estate.' — fol. 22. 7. ' The order and manner of apparell for great estate of Women in time of mourninge.' — fol. 2o. 8. * The ordinances, statutes and rules made by John Lo: Tip- tofte, Earle of Worcester, Constable of England by the King's commaundemend at \\'insor, 2*) day of Maye anno sexto Edwardye quarti, to ])o obscriiod and kepte in all manner Justes of Peaces royall within this realme of luigland, reserving always to the Queone and to tiie I.a(li(\s |)resent the attribution and gyfte of the prise at'ter the manner and forme accustomed, to be attributed for their demeretes accordinge to the articles ensuinge."* — fol. 25. 1). ' The sise of banners, standards, pennons, guidons, pensels, and streamers.' — fol. 27/'. 10. 'The making of a Knight Bannerett in the feeld.' — fol. 1 1 . Figures for Ermines for the (Jueen, Peeresses, &c. — fol. 31. 12. 'The proceedinge to the funerall of a Great Estate.' — fol. 40 A. 13. ' For the funeralls of a marquess.' — fol. 42 14. 'The Nobillitie placed accordynge to their degrees and after the auncientie of their creation, 1577.' — fol. 44. 15. * For the funeralls of an Erie.' — fol. 45 I/. 16. * The proceadinge to the funeralls of an Erie to the Churche, somtymes on horsback and somtymes on foote.' — fol. 46 6. 17. ' Lyveries for noble weemen at the entertaynment of any great estate.' — fol. 48. 18. ' The discomoditie that may happen to an armye from lacke of ensignes.' — fol. 50. 19. 'Fee dewe to certayne of the King's servants of every newe dubbed Bachelor Knight.' — fol. 52. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 503 20. ' The office of* a Kinge of Arms with his authoritye in his province.' — fol. .'jo. 21 . * The proceadinge to the funerall of a Knight of London/ —fol. 55. 22. ' The preceedence of the Bishops.' — fol. 57. 23. 'Charges of the funerall of Sir Henry Cromwell, Sir Richard Luson, Sir John J3yron, Sir Thomas Sadler, Sir Edward Hungerford and others of their ranke.' — fol. 58. 24. The length of the Queen's Banner. — fol. 60. 25. ' Fees dewe to the Officers of Amies givinge their attendance at the funcralls of Great estates.' — fol. 62. 26. What officers noblemen of different ranks may have — fol. 63 and 89. 27. ' Allowances of servants and blackes at the funeralles of Mary Queene of Scottes at i*otcrbor(jugh on tuesday the first of August, 1587. —fol. 65. Printed from a Harl. MS. in Nichols's Prrujresftes of Q. Eliznheth, ^^>l. ii. p. 515 (ed. mi^). See also for anotlii r MS. Dd. ni. OD. ^ 8. 28. * The order of the buriall of Mary Queen of Scotte at Peterborough.' — fol. 6b*. Sec under § 27. 29. The proceedings at the funerals of (1) a citizen, (2) a knight, (3) a baroness, (4) a baron. — fol 70. 30. ' The definition of an Esquire, and the severall sortes of them according to the custome and usa^e of England.' — fol. 74. 31. ' The proceading at the funerall of a countess.' — fol. 75 b. 32. ' The proceadinge to the Church for an Earle.' — fol. 76 b. 33. ' The proceadinge at the funerall of the right high and mighty prince Elizabeth (Queene of England, France and Ireland from the Pallas of Whithall to the Catliedrall Church of West- minster 28 of April 1603.'— fol. 79 h. See Nichols, l*mtjrcssc.s, in. pp. 021 sq. 34. 'The proceedinge to the coronation of the highe and mightie prince James by the grace of Cod, King of England.' — fol. 82. See Nichols, Proy. of Kiiiy James I., i. 22U sy Dr. Everard : then (f. !>.'{) two extracts from * the workes of .John Taulerus, printed at ('olen, in folio, 1.5HH, pp. KMJ, 107 :' and, finally (f *X}), * A short Dia/otfur between a great leametl Divine and a Ik'ggar.' In §.W is, * The summe of the royall priviledge' to Christopher Plantine, that no other printer bookseller may set forth certain books, the original being given at Itruxell, Oct. (I, l.'i.")7. c. ff. 99 — 122. ' T/n' I'isiun of (iud^ In x.w chapters, with Introduction. Begins : I will now lay oi»cn Ends : ... the eternity of a glorious life. 2 ff'. 128, 124. The 4th, 5th, and |)art of the 3rd chapter of ' St Denis the Arcopagite his misticall DicinityJ' Begins- : We say therefore . . . Ends : ... to that which is unspeakable. 506 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. 786 Dd. XII. 69. A 12ino, on parchment, of })2 leaves, in 2 different hand- writings, apparently of the xivth century. The first 31 leaves contain o4 lines in a page : the second hand connncnces f. 33, and here the page contains 30 lines. Two leaves have been torn out after f. 3 1 . 1. fir. 1—22. S. BcNAVENTrU K 'DlETA SaLUTIS; Imperfect, eiulinc^ witli Tit. ii. cap. 1]. Begins : Hec est via ... Ends : ... portas ejus in confessionc Opp. Mogunt. Hm. Vol. vi. pp. 272— 2»2. 2. ff. 24" — 31. Short Explanations of the Loud\s Puaykk, Creed, Szc. Imperfect. Tlie following Rubric is prefixed : * Sacerdos ])arocliialis tonetur per canones docere ct prcdicare in lingua raaterna quater in anno vii pcticiones in oratione dominica. Salutacionem beate Marie xiv articulos fidei eontentos in eynibolo. x preeepta veteris Testanunti. vii peccata mortalia. vii virtutes principales. ii precei)ta Evangelii. vii sacranienta ecclesie : excomniunicationes a canonc latas sub forma que sequitur addendo vel minucndo in singulis prout Deus inspiravcrit. Sequuntur eciani preees doniinicales.' Begins : In j'e pater noster be|) vi by^ldyngs ... Ends : ... in sykne.sse and in hel|'e. 3. fl' 33 — 92. 'Stimulus Conscientie,' hy Richard of Ham- pole. Imperfect. Begins : pe myth of |)e fader Almygbty ... Ends: ... pat of no5tli ha)) made alle |>ynge. See Dd. xi. 89. § 3. At the end is a note relating to the accession of Edward IV., dated 1460, and afterwards the sequence * Salus etema indeficiens mundi vita'. .. 787 Dd. xn. 70. A paper book, in quarto, consisting of 116 pages, neatly written, in double columns, besides blank leaves at the beginning and the end. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 507 Mndex LinRoiu'M Gk.ecorum, qui servantur calamo ex- arati in Jiibliotheca Palatina Electorali.' At the end is * Davide Hamaxurgo Vindelico librario.' 788 Dd. xn. 71. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 789 Dd. XTII. 1. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 790 Dd. xni. 2. A large folio, on vellum, beautifully and distinctly written before the middle of the fifteenth century, in a large bold hand, mostly in good preservation, except where the illuminations, and even whole leaves (as fols. 208, 2()f)), have l)ecn cut out. It con- tains (besides two blank leaves at the beginning) oOO leaves, paged, but the pagination is incorrect, fol. 45 being followed by fob 50, where however nothing has bi'cn cut out : each i)age is in double cohunn, each colunm containin<; 1-7 lines. The larfjer initial letters arc variously coloured and flourished : but the illu- minations prefixed to each treatise are cut out, with few exfep- tions. A leaf or more at the beginning is wanting : the words on the first page are partly obliterated: but it opens with several short epitaphs on ('icero, consisting of 68 lines, begiiming with a pen- tameter : Nil aL,Ms. Antoni: scripta discrta manciit. \'uhu re iu'ini)e uiio (.'iceroiieiii conticis : at te 'ruHius ffiternis viilnerihus lacerat. The last two lines arc Qui scxafjinta eompletis ct trihiis annis SiTvitio oppressiini destituit patriam. Those lines on Cicero's tonih are hy the Diif>drrim Pnetrc Scholnstiri of Paris (circa a.d. 1200): they are piihlislied hy Meyer, Ant/m/. Lnt. Tom. i. pp. 1G4 — 1(5(). The MS. supplies the titles of the works of Cicero which it contains. 1. M. T. Ciceronis de Senectute ad Atticum, fol. 1. It is here divided into two books. 2. Ejusdem de Natura Deorimi, libb. iii. fol. 9 b. 3. Ejusdem de Divinatione, libb. ii. fol. 52. 4. Ejusdem de Fato. fol. 81 h. 508 CATALOGUt: OF MANUSCRIPTS. Tlie coinnuMU'onu'm of tho treatise is contaiiiotl in tliis MS., whidi is wantini; in Oivlli's edition, \'ol. 4, pars 2, p. LMi). The work, however, emls abruptly with the won! unturalitt'r, as in Orelli's edition: and the scribe adds in the margin, Deeat imqite ad fimnji Uhri fol. {M\b. At fol. 87 occurs the remark, M't autem intentio auctoris Tulli in libris de IVorum natura, de Divinatione, et fato melius inti'lli<;atur liber B. Aui;ustini de Civ. Dei quintus ililii^enter respiciatur.' Then i\dlows a long citation from lib. v. c. 1), of the abovenamed work (t. 7, p 122, ed. Benedict), comprising most of the chapter: also another frotn lib. vi. c. 2 (p. 147). See Caiuhridye Journal of Clnsa and Sarr. ]*hil. WA. 2, ])p. 07, 08. 5. Lucullus (i.e. Acadcm. Prior, lib. ii. Vol. 4, pt. 1, p. 0 — 60, ed. Orell.) fol. 88. (). Ex lil)ris ejiisdoin de repiiblica aliisque fraginenta quivdam ex Augustine, !()♦)/>. The title in the .MS. runs thus: 'Verba \\'illelmi de .Malme.sbury collects ex libris Augustini, et Tuliii Ciceronis in istis dicta etiam exprimuntur.' Neither Cave nor ^^'rigllt notices William of Malmesbury's labours on Cicero. The remarks begin thus : Cicrrn iti initio .srrinidi lihri dv Divina- tione dicit »e fecixite qnatuor lihros Academicos. AN'illiam proceeds to say that the first two books, and also his Ilortcnsiun and lirpuhlic, are not found in Kngland : accordingly he gives whatever he can discover * de materia et intentione ' of the latter out of Augustine. 7. Ejusdem Tiinous, fol. 108 b. Contains the mutilated treati.s<«, en4, Orelli: after which follows the latter part of the oration pro Cfpcind, beginning by § Go, and proceeding to near the end, where the leaf is mutilated. 14. Ejusdem Oratio pro Marco Marcello, fol. 164. The first leaf much mutilated. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 509 1. "). Kjusdeni Oratio pro Quinto Ligario, fol. 166 16. Ejiisdein Oratio pro rege Deiotaro, fol. 170. 17. Ejusdem Oratio in Pisonem [i.e. pro Caecina] fol. 174, initio niutila. Begins ^ 05, Vol. 2. pt. 1, p. 42G, ed. Orelli, and proceeds to the end : so that the MS. contains tlie same part of tliis oration twice over. 18. Ejusdem Oratio in Catilinam prima, fol. 177. 19 sccunda. fol. 180^. 20 tcrtia, fol. 1S.3 b. 21 quarta, fol. I SGI,. 22. M. Crispi Salliistii in Ciceronem Oratio, fol. 189. 23. M. T. Ciccronis Invoctiva in Salliistium, fol. 190. 24. Ejusdem Orationes Pliillippica' XIV, fol. 192. Contains also some prefatory observations. Grievously mutilated in many places. 2. J. Ejusdem de Officiis, libb. iii. fol. 238. 'I'he first leaf much iiiutihited, several others slightly so. 26 Eju.sdem Di.sputationum Tusculanarum, libri v. fol. 270. Prefixed are various reniark.s, partly taken from Jerome, (see torn. 7. p. .187, cd. IJened ) and other ecclesiastical writers. " Per manus Theoderici Nyc<»lai ^\'er•ptember, 1091.' 14. 'Particular Answers to tiie Queries made by the Lords, in pur- suance of their Lordships' Order of the 20 Di-c, 1091.' 1.5. 'Observations maini)iissioncrs for stating of the Publick Accounts to Observations made by the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, on the state of sui)i)lys for the Navy, delivered to the right honorable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assombkM^.' 512 CATALOGUK or MANUSCRIPTS. 805 Dd. XIII. 17. A large folio, on pajier, of al)out (>() leaves, forming TiinKU Omnium Dkci.a h atio.m m Compiitorum Roceptonim Generalium Kevoncionum 1). Rkgis Oahoi.i piM- totam Angliam, pro anno finito ad festum S. Michaelis, KilO. The accounts of tlic several reci'ivoi-s are siq^ncd '(Juil. Loiulon.' 806 Dd. XIII. 18. A folio, on paper, of 142 pages, somewhat mutilated. *A Sm,k in Fkk Fahmk from the kings most excellent Majestie to William Collyns and hidward Kenn of London, gentle- men f also a similar sale to Sir William Russell, Hart. The dates of passing the several parts of the accounts are in the years IGSOand lU.Sl. Sec Dd.xm. r)2, and Ke. iii. 7. 807 Dd. XIII. 19. A folio, on paper, of 12 pacjos, in good preservation. ' The accompt of liichard Pulley g<'nt. receiver of the Re- VF.M E OF Willi AM Lord Petku within the counties of Essex and Cambridgo serjuestered and assigned for the use of His Highnes Charles Lodwick, Prince Elector, Count Palatine &c. of the Rheine by virtue of an Ordinance of Parliament... for one whole yeare ending 2.0 day of September 1 645."* S08 Dd. XIII. 20. A folio, on paper, of 212 pages, in good preservation. The particulars of the Crown-lands sold between March 1649 and December with a statement of the purchase- money and the names of the purchasers. There are 8 pages inserted at the end stating the * monies received of Tennants Receivers and others upon the accompt of Crowne Land ' from October 8, 1640, to December 22, 10.5^. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 513 809 Dd. xni. 21. A folio, on paper, of 1.50 pages, in good preservation. 1. The particulars of the Lands, Manors, &c. to be granted by the king to his R. H. the Prince of Wales, A.i>. IGIO, with a certificate of the rents payable to tlie Prince from the Principality of \\'ales and the Duchy of Cornwall. 2. 'The Acconipts of several Reeves, Bayliffes, Collectors and Farmers within the Counties of Lincoln, Cheshire, Not- tingham, Derby, Northumborland. Durham, and York, of all such rents and summcs of money as by Act of Parliament of the XVII. of July last past were granted unto the Hon. Trustees for sale of the Honors, Manors and Lands of the late King Queen and Prince.' Tlie dates are If) 1-9 and 1G.50. It is bound up with the followint,' .MS. 810 Dd. xin. 22. A folio, on paper, of G4 pages, in good preservation. ' A statement of the yearly value of Fee Farme rents, rents reserved, and certain rents no way improvable,' to be granted to Till'. Prince of Wales, a.d. IfilO. 811 Dd. xm. 23. A folio, on paper, of 1 28 pages, in good preservation. It is nmrkcd as ' Kx »lon(» Doctissiini ornatissimiquc viri Ilinrici Sonic Collegii Ut'j;:ili.s Socii, Martii .V" KW.j and on the hack of the same leaf is written 'Sum Ileiiiiei Some C. K. ('. S. Kx dono viri doctii>imi (iuil"" Thums 1 ()">.').' It contains '\'alor ommtm et singulorum dominiorum, maneriorum, terrarum et tenementonim, rcctoriarum, pensionum, jmrcionum ac aliarum possession um quarumcumque tain spiritiia- lium (|uam temporalium diverhis nuper monasteriis, prioratibus sive hospitalibus in Com. pra'dictis [Somerset, Dorset, Devon et Cornubia | modo dissolutis dudum spectantium aut pertincntium siinul cum omnibus fcodis, vadis pcncionibus aimuitatibus ct cor- rodiis sinodalibus procuracionibus et redditis rcsolutis ac aliis deductionibus ct rcj)risis quibuscumque de eisdem exeuntibus, anno rcgni llenrici 36.' L L 514 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 812 Bd. XIII. 24. A paper book, in folio, 100 leaves, handwriting of the time of Queen Elizabeth. 1. Moot Cases, in number 313, stated. 2. A Reporte of the Judgment and part of the Arguments of Shellies case, addressed to the righte honorable Sir Thomas Sackvill, Knight, Lord Buckurste. a.d. 1581. 3. Bejjorts of Cases, chiefly in the reigns of Henry VI 11. and Queen Elizabeth. 813 Dd. XIII. 25. A large paper book, in folio, containing on 42 pages, written about 1550, 'The Declaration of Names of such Shjpps as did serue in the warrs againste Fraunce, from the xu*'" of Feabruarie in the xxxvi^*^ yeare of the raigne of our late soveraing lorde of famous memorie Kinge Henrie the eighte : untill the xi*'' daie of Julie in the xxxviii*'^ yeare of his saide Highnes rainge, beinge one whole yeare and xxi°® weekes with such number of men as everie of them had in them the same tyme of service : together w*^^ the rate and proportions allowed ffor everie one man by the daie ; and allsoe the prises of wheate, maulte, peasen, flitches, hey, strawe, emptie butts, pipes, hogsheads, barrells new and oulde, land carriages and water carriages, w^'" tlie wages of clarkes, bakers, brewers, cowpers, and others belonging to the same, w"^ other sundry notes, as shall appeare distincthe perticularlie heareafter followinge.^ The leaves at tlie bottom have suffered, perhaps from frequent use. Compare the list in Derrick's Memoirs of the Royal Navy (4to, 1806), Appendix No. 40, and p. 309. See also Archceoloyia, vi. § xxiv. : and compare the Indenture of 1512, in Rymer, Fcedera, xiii. 326. 814 Dd. XIII. 26. A parchment book, in folio, containing, on 70 leaves, written in 1533, The Record of the Proceedings at twelve Sessions of the Pfipal Commissioners in the matter of the Divorce of Catherine of Arragon from Henry VIII. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 515 Begins : In dei nomine Amen per presens publicum Instrumentum cunctis appareat evidenter quod vltimo die mensis Maii Anno dni secundum cursum et computacoem ecclie Anglicane millesimo quingentesimo vicesimo nono Indicoe secunda Pont, sanctissimi At the end are the separate certificates of the notaries, ^Vi^iam Claiburgh and Richard Watkyns. Fastened to the latter is a letter testimonial respect- ing these two notaries, by Nicholas Wootton, dated London, 'primo die mensis Octobris. Anno dni secundum cursum et computacionem Ecclie Anglicane Millesimo Quingentesimo Tricesimo tertio/ Mention is also made of a seal which has been torn off. Every leaf of the Record is signed * R. W atkyns.' This document appears to have escaped the notice of Rymer, but is refer- red to by Lingard and others. «i» Dd. XIII. 27. A folio, on vellum, containing 34 leaves, with 9 sets of musical bars in each page. Date, the xvth century. A collection of Latin Hymns and Canticles with Musical Notes. The initial letters are gilt ; the first words of the hymns and the name of the tune being inserted in red. It begins with the hymn Ave Dei patris filia, and ends with one of Tiiomas Aschwell, ExultavH spiritus mens. On f. 31 is written ' God save kyng herry.' It is bound up with the following MS. 816 Dd. XIII. 28. A small paper book, in folio, 40 leaves. Reports of Cases adjudged in the Couht of Wards in the reign of Jas. T. 817 Dd. XIII. 29. A printed folio, mdclxxvii. ' Pharmacop.*:a Londinensis."* The work is bound up with 20 additional leaves, on which there are MS. directions, by different physicians, for compounding various preparations, with records of cases, copies of letters in reply to consultations, &c. There are also marginal notes. Among the signatures the principal are Thomas Warton and F. Clayton. L l 2 51G CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. BIS Dd. XIII. 30. A folio, on paper, of 25 leaves, printed. The J^ooiv 01 Jou, according to the LXX. printed from the Codex Aloxandrinus, London, l()o7, with MS. notes, containing various readings from the Complutensian, Aldine, and Koman editions, the Catena Patrum, a MS. * Dni Lindselli,' and another in the Bodleian Librar}'. It is bound up with the two followiurr MSS. 819 Dd. xni. 31. A paper book, in folio, containing documents which, with the exception of the first, were written by various hands of the xviith century. 1. On two leaves, in a contemporary handwriting. The AuTicLts agreed on betwixt the earl of MruiiAY and the Lords of the Secret Council and others of the nobility and estates of Scotland. Begins : At Edinburgh ye [xxij] day of August ye 5ere of God, m \° thre score scvin 3eri3. The lordis of secreit counsall There are a few additions by a contemporary hand : ])ut otlierwisc the text is that printed under the al)Ovi' title l)y tlie Maitland Ciul), Illustra- tions of the Jirigji of Queen Mary (4to, 1J{.37), l)p. 2JW — (J. See also under No. lo3, 2. 2. On 33 pages, written in French about 1GS5, Grievances of the Protestants in France from the infraction of the Edict of Nantes. Begins : L'Edit sous la protection du quel les Protcstans dc France ont vescu paisiblement Ends : ...Et (ju'ils n'ont pas autant dc tort do sc plaindrc dcs violations de I'Edit de Nantes que Messieurs du Clerge ont accoutunie de le dire. See Histoire de I'Edit dc Nantes. . ^ar Elias Benoit. 4to. JXdft. 1G03-5. 3. On pp. 3. 'Extraict des regrea. du Conseil d'Estat.' Concerning seven English vessels which had been detained. At the [end is the date ' Le xix Auril m vi^ soixante dixhuict. signe' Colbert.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 517 4. On pp. 4. An account of the Stock, amounting to £7522, made over to some Roman Catholic Chapter in England, with the names of the donors between 1G30 and 1G62. Begins : The Lord Richard of Chalccdon in the presence & by the advise and consent of divers PP ovcrsed the fund of the Chapter in manner and forme following,' . . 5. On 7 leaves, in three parallel columns on every two pages, * Copie du Memoire pour les S" intcressez en la Coinpagnie de la Baye de Hudson. Sur le droit et la possession de la Couronne d'Angleterre pour la commerce en la dite Baye.' ' Reponses donm^es par Messieurs les Commissaires de France, a ce Memoire pour la Compagnie Francoise de Canada.' ' Repliques a ces Reponses pour la Compagnie Angloise de la Raye de Hudson."' These arc foHowed, in the sanic handwritinL,^ on 4 pages, and in parallel columns, hy ' Titres produicts de la part dc la Compagnie Francoise de Canada sur les pretentions pour le droict de Commerce en la Baye de Hudson, Riuiere et port de Nelson/ ' Jiesponse de la Compagnie Angloise de la J]aye de Hudson en forme de Contredicts a ces titres.' G. On G leaves. A case with the Opinion of H. Finch respecting the interest of Henry Flynt in an estate demised to him and others by Anthony, Jiishop of Norwich, in April KIsO. On the last leaf is tlie endorsement, ' For AP W'rightson at his seate in the six clerks olTice,' with the lawyer's bill. 7. On 1 4 leaves. Several papers relating to the Dean and Chapter of Sarum, and the Right of the Bishop to visit the same; dated 1G82, H)8.3, and 1684. 8. The Commission of King Charles I. to the Earl of Arundel to be General of his Army, dated 'at Westminster the seaventh day of March in the fowerteenth yeare of our Raigne.' Printed in Rush worth, Hist. Coll. ii. 035—8. 518 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 9. On () pages. A Copy of a Treaty of Peace and Amity concluded between the French and Enghsh Governors of the American islands v.n. 1G78. 10. On 11 pages. ' Le Temple tie la Morf. Or The Temple of Death translated out of French by the E. of M — ' (Earl of Mulcaster). 11. On 21 pages, in double columns, * Deuxieme Me moire de la compacfiiie Fran^'oise pour seruir do reponse a la repHque fournie par la compag'' Angloise.' * Rrponse de la Compagnie Angloise.' Sec above, under § .'). 12. Iladriani Beverlandi ' Adhortatio ad Pudicitiam et casti- tatem.' Imperfect. 13. Imperfect, containing a few lines at the end of a Form of Coronation of the Klnq. After which, on about 3 pages, follows ' The Coronacon of the Queene."' The latter betjins : The Queene must be supported ])y two Bishopps from the west dore of the C'hurelie of Westminster. Ends : After they botli putt on tlieir crownes iniperiall and soe goe to the Pallace. Compare with these directions tlie narrative in Leland's Collectanea, t iv. p. 223 (ed. Hcarne). At the end of the form for the king, mention is made of the * Abott of ^\'estminster.' I k On two leaves, in the same hand as the preceding, ' The Christning of Queene Elizabeth.'' This account is printed from the MS. of C. C. C. C. as an additional piece to Leland's Collectanea, 1. 1. p. CG3 (8vo, 1770). 820 Dd. XIII. 32. A folio, on paper, of 24 pages, rather injured. The particulars of a SALE IX Fee Farm of Lands to Ralph Freeman, Esq. and others by King Charles I. a.d. 1630. It is similar to Dd. xiii. 18 and Ee. iii. 7. Tliere are six pages at the end concerning some similar sale. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 619 BZi Dd. xm. 33. A large paper book, in folio, containing on 3G pages, with the title, ' A brief state of the Incomes and Issues of their Majesties Pi HLicK IIkvk.m k from the .V' day of November 1688 to the 29"' of September 1G91 with Memorandums made by the Com- missioners constituted by one Act of Parliament made in the second year of their Majcstys reign, entituled An Act for appoint- ing and enabling Commissioners to examine, take and state the Publick accounts of the Kingdom/ Sec under Dd. xiii. — IG. See also Sinclair's History' of the Public Revenue (3rd ed. 8vo, 1803). 822 Dd. xni. 34. A paper book, in folio, of about 600 pages, containing, in a set hand of the xviith century, 1. Arguments at two CoxFERExrEs of Committees of both Houses conceniinfj the Libert if of the person of every Frtenian^ by Dudley Diggs, Littleton, and W Selden. Ik'gins ; My lords : I shall I hope auspiciously bcgynne this conference this day with an ohservacon out of holy storye. In the dayes of good kinge Josiah . . . See Pariinturtitfin/ History, A Charles I., 3 St. Tr. 1— L'34, and Sel- den's Works (fol. 172(;) in. lOoH. 2. ' The Earle of Oxons Case for the his {query, high) Cham- bcrlaineship of England."' See Cruise, On Di(jniti('s, p. 101. 3. An incomplete Treatise on the Jtinhfs and rririlcprs of the /louse of Commons. There is no title ; the first heading heing, * The choise of the speaker, his presentment, placeing and speeches.' 4. ' The pricih'dm's or speciall Rights belonginge to the Ba- ronyes of England,'' by John Selden. This is the beginning of a long title of a work often printed. The last chapter (13) has the heading, * Making deputies of places of Trust comitted unto them.' There arc a few additional and marginal references hy other hands. 520 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. B23 Dd. XIII. 35. A paper book, in folio. 1. M"" Littleton's and M"" Selden's Arnnments for the Liheriy of the pe rson of ever t/ Free Man delivered at a Conference with the Lords, with an Introduction by Sir Dudley Digits, the objections of M' Attorney, and Replies. A blank space is left iov ' Littleton's I'rcsidcnts.' See the precedinjj Number, § \. 2. ' That the Kings of England have bine pleased usuallic to con.^^ulte with their Pcares in the greate Counsells and Commons in Parliament of Marriage Peace and Warre.' See Sinnerb' Tracts, iv. 121, and C'ottoni Pofithiima, pp. — :?9. 3. 'The Proceedings or. a Joitrnall of the Passages in the second Session of J\irl lament houlden at Westminster in the P'' yearc of our Soveraigne Lord Charles King of England Sec. be- ginme the 20*'' of January and ended the tenth of March in the same yeare, 1628.' See Rushworth, Hist. Coll. i. 043, nn-l undi r I)d. ii. 30, § 2. 824 XIV. 1. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 825 Dd. XIV. 2. A small parchment book, of above 330 leaves, written about 1432. 1. 'Registrtm cartaiu m tenemcntorum ct rcddituum Niciii ByssiioFp filii et heredis Barthoei ]5y.sshopp de Oxon. burgensis et Tsabelle vxoris sue patris ct matris dicti Nichi Bysshopp de diuersis viris nobilibus ffeofatoribus.' This title is on the leaf marked i hy the anthor, who on the three pages preceding has written notes of liis family pedigree. On the first leaf also II. Wanley has given an imperfect table of the contents, with the heading 'Collectanea Nicholai Bishop Anno Dni 14.32/ and a reference to in", xxix, on which is ' Memorandum quod in vigilia sci Martini in ycmc A° dni M° cccc'"° xxxij", annoque regis henrici vi'' xi" istud libruni primitus fuit ffinitum per Nichm Bysshopp de Oxon. filium et heredem Barthi Bysshopp.' CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 521 The foliation lias been altered at different times by the writer as he increased his collection. Blank leaves are 14 — 2G, 2i>, 30 a, 30 6, 37, 3U — 42, 270. Oil fV. 1—13, and ff. 27, 2a is a list of the contents of the volume. a. After 3 blank pages, on fF. 306 — 34, is the >vTiter's statement (in English), with the title * De diversis querelis er^^a dnm W'illm AVendouere Abbatem Oseney.' The contents of ff. 35, 3(ja relate to the same. b. * E[videncie] Paroch. Sci Micliis Aquilon. Oxen.' is the heading on ff. 43— C7, 87— lOH, 113—120, 12:}— 7, 130— 2, 228, 220, 320—9. On f. 329 is the note, ' llegistrum Kvidenciaium Ecclie sci Mich. Aquilon. Oxon.' c. ' Et dc Eynrsham ibm &c.' is the additional heading on ff. C8 — B3. d. * Dc consuet. vniversit. Oxon.' is the heading on ff. 84—0. e. ' Testm Harthi Bysshopp,' and ' Inventare omnium bonorum.' On ff. 108—112. / ' De rcdditibus diuersis extra solutis per Abbatem Oseney diversis parochiis Oxon.' ff. 127 — 0. y. ' i*arochia sci Petri in orit nte,' or * — orientalis, Oxon.' ff. 133 — l.^O. h. 'De Abbte Oseney.' ff. 100—204, 207, 314. t. * Rentee Hundred.' ff. 20.'->— 211 a. j. * Rentale antiquum hundre. Extra portam bore. Oxon.' ff. 211ft — 224a. k. ' ;\liud rentale de Huset pro tercia parte hundred.' ff. 224 b — 20. /. ' E. Bysliopi-s Kig medwe.' f. 227- m. ' E. paroch. sci F^gidii extra Northgat. Oxon.' ff. 220 — 40. 11. * E. paroch. Marie Magdalene extra Northgat. Oxoii.' ff. 241, 242. 0. ' E. paroch. sci Edwardi Oxon.' ff, 24.") — 52. p. ' E. attestreet Oxon.' ff. 253. 7. * E. paroch. sc i Thonie martiri.s.' On ff. 254, 255. r. * Evidences concerning parct ls of hmil in llokcle, towards Rekeyule, in Kybalstreet, and ^\'atford.' ff. 250 — GO. s. * De villa de Ikkcnesfeeld.' ff. 201— 0. t * Dc libertatc ville Oxon.' ff. 310—0. u. ' E. collcgii vocati magne Aule Vniucrsit.' On ff. 330 — 2. The last 3 leaves have not been marked by the author. 2. A meagre Chronicle in Latin ('dc cronicis Anglie') reaching to the year 14o2 ; handwriting as before. 5-22 CATALOGUE OF ISf ANUSCRIPTS. Begins (fol. 2(^7 b) : Htic 8\int noinina rcgum Anglorum Christianoruin. Kn.ls (fol. 275 /v): Multi lollorJi aut lurotici insunvxtTunt in pjutilms ivi;ni... o. Metrical extracts, on the same subject, commencing with the arrival of J5rut. Be^jins (fol. 277 n) : Iltrkriii}) hederwarJ lonlynges Vc I'at \v»)llen her of kyn^es Anil I wol tille }o\v i\ noi)n How Vni^oloiul furst by j;on. 'J'owanls the close of the chronicle the ruhrics are in prose: one of tlie last (fol. 307) referring to a procession in July, ]4i\\, at which Mollanles bokes weren hn nt as many a.s a man my3t l>cre.' In the earlier i)art the versifier drew his materials from (ieotVri-y of Monmouth, or possihjy from La^amon's Brut. His work is printttl in a ^K)mewhat ditVerent form I>y Uitson, Metrical Romances, ii. 27o, 84|. I.oiid. IHo'J. 4. * J)e Prophetia Merlini.^ Begins (fol. 3o«rt) : Si'donte ittuiue Vortigemo super ripam. Ends (fol. ni4rt) : Inter sydera conficient. Tmnslated into Latin hy (Jeoffrey of .Monmouth ; see Dd. vi. 12, § 1, and the j)reface to l)r Ciiles' edition. 826 Dd. XIV. 3. A paper book, in Svo, 200 leaves. A Law CoMMON-T^r.Af k n(»f)K, containincj an Aljridfrement of the Law, digested alphaljetically from Al)jiiration " to Wo- men:'' also Sir J. Davis** Charge to the (irand Jury at York in 1 C) — , and some otlier Charges. Dd. XIV. 4. A duodecimo, on paper, of !M) leaves, with .32 lines in a page, written in the xviith century. 1. tl'. 1 — 73. A Sermon on Gal. iv. 4, 5. Begins, after the text, with : S'. Aust. in his .5 epi. ad Marcel, tells us of a certaine young man, ... CATALOGUK OK MANUSCRIPTS. 523 2. ff. 74 — 90. A Sermon on Zech. ix. 1>. Ik'gins, after the U xt, with : U'hat is here spoken hy the prophet, is as S* Matt, witnesseth in V. 5 ... 828 Dd. XIV. 5. A small octavo, on paper, 119 leaves, of which the majority are !)lauk', about 30 lines in a paire, handwritinir of the x \ nth century. T\VK.\TY-0\E SnOHT PoKMS ON SunjECT8 CHIEFLY CONNECTED wiTic THE Life of Christ. On a fly-leaf at the end : * Lent to Sir Ilenrj- Sidney loO£ the 11 of May, 1G12.' Also: 'ibHii'i^f Kio^fXXor rov ;ilji\ov Kpartl. 829 Dd. XIV. 6. A parchment book, in 8vo, now consisting of papjes numbered from ^^ to 1 H), written in rod ink. perhaps ;is early as the xvith century. A Common-Place Book of References. 830 Dd. XIV. 7. A small paper hook, in Svo, written from both ends, in the \ \ iith century. Miscellaneous Observation.s, Anecdotes, «fcc., collected by Andrew Henley. Sec another, hy the snme, in Dd. . 17. Dd. XIV. 8. A small octavo, on paper, 72 leaves, of which more than half arc blank, about 2(1 lines in a page : handwriting of the early part of the X viith century. Short POEMS on various subjects. On f(d. 20 occurs the signature ' Hy me, A. Henley.' At tlie end of the volume arc six papes of prose, with the title * Not.T sclectjc ex epistolis Mounsieur de Bal/ac quihusdam aniicis.' 524 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 832 Dd. XIV. 9. A duodecimo, on paper, of 141 leaves, irregularly written in the xviith century, fi'. 13 — 22 are apparently in a hand ditterent from the rest, and after f. 81 several leaves are blank. Sennoiis on S. Matt. vii. 12 ; 1 Cor. xv. 35 ; S. Matt. v. IG ; Horn. vi. 21. lk'j,'ins : The grand intendment . . Ends : ... to he suppliotl with all necesaarys. On the cover is the note ' Hie liher, iit ex manu videtur, fiiit viri doc- tissinii Isaaci Barrow.' The correctness of thi.s is very douhtfiil. Dd. xiv. 1 i.s prohahly in the same handwritini; with the present volume, and in the Ili«ldini;-l*rayer there prefixed to the Sermons is a petition for Ciarv Hall. S33 Dd. XIV. 10. A small duodecimo, on paper, of 139 leaves, with about 26 lines in a page, written in the xviith century. An Exi'OSITlO.N OF TUK KoMlSlI CaTKCIIISM HY JaMKS GOODLADD. Begins (after the dedication to the Second Person of the Trinity) : All knowledges arts and scienses ... £nds: ... to doc more s7 leaves, in various lian() line.s, and are of tlie xivth eenturv : II, i have about ')() lines in a pa^e, and are of the xvth eenturv. ft'. 1, 2, and 27A arc mutilatttl, ojid afUT f. 202 three leavt-n liavr ( n cut out. 1. ir. 1 — 2r)S. *SrMMA HurEii iimkoh Skntknti a im m ' per Petrum de Taranta^iia, pastea Innocent. \'. P.ijiain. The coininenci'incnt has Imtii torn away. Thc^beond c lmptcr bi-f^ius : Primo ilc)>ciiuis «xstt'ntli'n' IVuin vsm'... Ends : ... digiu'tur JcjiU.H C hri.Htus doininu.s iioster. Qui &c. This has hecn puhlishcd, Tolor^ii-, ir».'>2. St c Cave. A note from liocthius de Trinitaie, and others of no valuf, arc appended by a later hand. '2. i\\ 2(>0 — 262. Extracts fmni the 'Liber de gest'is sum- mo rum Punt iji cum. ^ Begins : Leginius in librojiillo.. Ends : ...cu.stodcs vigilarent instantius. 3. flf. 2G3— 26.). ' Meditaciones bead Beniardi: Bcgin.s : Multi multa sciunt. Ends : ...qui vivit ct regnat in infinita secula Amen. Opp. Paris. ia30. ii. 061—001. See for another MS. Dd. xv. 1.5, 4. CATALOGL'K OF M ANIJSCUIVTS. 527 On f. 2<'»n are four paragraphs, continue«l from the tlirce lost leaves. Tl»e fjrst three relate to Astronomical questions ; the last to the things 'que necessaria sunt ad cognieionem sacre Scripture' At the foot of the * Medi- tationes ' is a paragraph on Sensuality. 4. tr. '2i')G — 275. ParanrapJis on siUJects of T/ieolooi/ (much abbreviated, and diltirult to decypher). Dc circumcisione, de ccssa- cione le^abuin, de IJajitisnu) Joliannis, de Hajjtisino Christi, Sec. «S:c. 5. ff. 27b* — '27*J f>. /V Spir'ita tt Anima. Imperfect. Begins : Quouiani dirtuin tht iiiihi... Ends: ...olfaciendo audien lo vi' Tf )i)pon,"i\\^\)arcni\y spurious. Ik'gins : Adinonet dominus n«wtcr J. ( . nos non debere... Ends : ...dicat Christus IVtro intra gaudiuni .. 9. ff. 2Sf)— 294. ' Tabula super ir Uhros Sententiarum.^ An Index of Contents to § 1, abore. 10. ff. 2I)i — 2f)7. A poem in rhyniinir fjuatrains. The title lias l>cen addtnl by a later hand, ' Difnis'io f rat rum Mendi- centium j^r Jo. Peckham.'' •Mcntiont d by Tanner, with a reference to this MS. Begins : Christi vicarie nionarcha terrarum Vir martiris ecdesie cella Scripturaruni Magister justicie meta causarum Mee ftrem... Ends: ... Hanc qui contravenerit dcclaracionem Incursurum meruit .se damj'nacioneni Nec habere poterit relaxacioneni Nisi prins fecerit sijtisfaccionem. CATALOGUK OF MANUSCHirXS. 5- Dd. XIV. 21—23. Three paper books, in 12nio, written by Dr Lightfoot. The title of the first is, *A JoiTRNAL OF THE PkOCEEDINGS OF THK AsSEMHLY OF Divines convened for the ^^^)rke of Kefonnation in the Church, by the Authority of Both Houses of Parliament, anno 1()43. Upon the l)iscij)line and Liturgy.' The title of the third is, * A Further Journall of Passages in tlie Assembly from Easter, 1(^4/ The last entry in this Journal is 'Tuesday ncirinl). vlt. The first wecke kept me at Miinden. Tliis day our workc was about C'hun li consurr.' Soc Li^ditfoot's U'finlf Works, (fd. ritnian) vol. xiii. Sec also Dd. xiv. 20, § 4. At the end of the book, reversed, are notes of Sermons, Sec. 847 Dd. XIV. 24. A small long 18mo, on paper, in very good preservation: date about IGIO. This MS. contains 120 pages, each ruled for five staves of four-line mtsic. On of the pages there are harmonized dance-tunes, similar to those in MS. 43 : the remaining pages are not used. 848 I^d. XIV. 25. A Collection of Small Tuacts, now bound uj) in 3 volumes, 12mo. 1 a. pp. 1 — y. ' The Memorial of S' Thomas Fairfax General of the Parliament Army, written by hitiLself:"' it is headed, 'A Short Memoriall of some things to be cleared during my com- mand in the army.' It be;:pns with the extract printed in The Fairfax Correspondence, 11. 408, 400 (8vo. London, 1848). Has the rest been printed ? b. pp. 20 — 59. ' A Short Memoriall of the Notherne Actions during the War there from the yeare 1642 till 1644.' This was printed under the title ' Sliort Memorials of Thomas Lord Fairfax. "Written by himself,' 12mo. London, IGOO, and reprinted 8vo. 1815. 2. ' Nicolai Carri Novocastrensis Angli Grsecae Linguze in CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRirTS. 529 Acadcinia Cantabrigiensi Professoris Regii de Scriptorum Britan- nicoruiii paucitate et studiurum impedimentis Oratio.' Accorclin.'>, and appears to have been a note-book of the same person. 4. A duodecimo, on paper, of 34- leaves, with about 26 lines in a page. ' A CronoUne of the state of the Church, wherein is sett downe the most [>rinei|)al things mentioned in every age from the beginning of the worlde untill this day. J. B. anno domini 1 (n'S.' Iinix rfect. Prrhajts a traiisluti<»n. It is only carried down to the ivth century a. d., ami the succession of the Popes terminates with Sabinianus, A.u. 005. 5. A duodecimo, on paj)er, of .')! leaves, with the date June 23, [16]72. A treatise on Justijication. 6. A duodecimo, of 43 leaves, some blank, containing on ff. 1—30, A iJivinitf/ Common-Place Book, with heads of Sermons. 7. A duodecimo, on pai)er. consisting of 33 leaves, of which the last two are blank, each page containing 15 — 25 lines, ap- parently of the early |)art of the xviith century, written in a careless scrawling hand. A Greek- Latin- English Vocabulary, followed by some re- marks on Latin Syntax in English. Be^iius : I)e i)artil'us cur|>oris. {.lanxakr^ (-'7O, axilla, the armpit. F^ndrt : iimltis gradil)iis. 8. p. [)(). 'A Defence of the House of Scotland against the title of the House of Suffolke, wherein is declared the intreste of the title of Scotland to the succession of the crowne of England/ The author's name (S' Kob. L Knight) has been partly obliterated. 9. The collections of one of the name of Somers. or perhaps M M 530 CATALOGUi: OF MANUSCRIPTS of more than one of t)io same family, as is probable from the notices of Hirtlis and Deaths, mostly of tlu' earlier part of the XVII th centnry, inserted in the vohnne, whieh consists of prayers, controversial divinity, poems, and chnreh history. At the end is ' a catalof^ue of all my bookes 1(5,']()' — a list of answers to sonic questions of his dau/i^httT — auioni,' thoni, ' whetlu r l*aj>ists should ^oe to heaucn or no when they weaie ikaJe,' and a ' Dreanie' 1(517. 849 Dd. XIV. 26. Two small (juarto volumes, comprisini^ 1. On paper, 10 leaves, with about linis in a page, written in the xviith century. Documents relating to ^the Confession of Fa'tih^ subscribed by Jas. VI. his household, ^tJte General Bande^'' and 'the Acte of the Secreit Co u nsa ill.'' 2. On paper, leaves, written from both ends. ' Certaine Annuall Tyths for St. Austins and St. I'faiths united payd quarterly. Tiie (piarter ending at Michhuns KiS!)." This Is followed hy i»rivate aecounts of a household, 1(51)1, 2. 3. On parchment, of i\'2 leaves, imperfect at both ends. The last three leaves are mi.splaced, and should lollow f. 43. Written in the xivth century. Paranrdjths in I^atin and English, Prose and Verse, on Siihjects of Ditinitij : w ith prayers, .Sec, from the fathers, Richard of llampole, &:c. Only paraii^raphs xv — lxvi. remain. Amonj^ them is the hymn : Swete Ihu Criste to tlie I a .synfullc wreclie 3elde me. See Dd. viii. 2, § 1. 4. On paper, 21 leaves, each page consisting of about 18 lines, neatly written in rather a large hand, apparently of the XVII th century. 'La Vie (r^sope tiree ties anciens auteurs par Monsieur de Meziriac.^ Begins : Comme il est arrive'. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 531 Ends : (le la langue fmn^oise. Hy Claucle Gaspar IJachet de Meziriac. It is contamed in liis collected works published at La Haye in 1710. 5. On paper, 27 leaves. Heads of Sermons. 6. On paper, 54 pages. Rides for Study: in Latin. 7. On paper, 50 pages. Notes and Extracts from various authors. 8. A Book of Accounts, like tho.se in § 2. 9. J'Jp'mtolarum Liher Ulustrium et Ejnfframnuitum selec- torum:' authore J. C. Coll. Trin. Cantab, circa a.d. 10"38. Dd. XIV. 27. A collection of Tii acts, bound in 3 vols. 1. A quarto, on paper, of 7(y leaves. Hy the same author, and in the same handwriting, as Dd. xii. 63, which see. ^ Sujn)nariuni quoddani dr vanitnte simul et falsitate sec- tariorum, et ctiam do stabilitato soliditate et firmitate Catholi- corum collectum ad lucubrationem Johannis de la Vacho sive Vachell in u.sum fratruin dubitantium. a.d. 1021)."' 2. A similar cjuarto, of 21) leaves. *A Christian treati.se of the hrevitf/ of the life of man^ hj Lucas Trelcatius the younger, j)rofes.sor of Divinity in the L'ni- versity of Leiden in Holland, son of Lucas Trelcatius the elder, tran.slatcd out of Latin into I'ln^li.sh by K. S. KiGo.'* 3. A similar (juarto, of 24 leaves. A Latin Sermon, on 2 Cor. ii. D). Imperfect. Of the xviith or xviuth century. At the top of the page is written in a late liand, * This was Mr Sand- croft's (Ucruni f»n- HI).' 4. A smaller quarto, of 1 2 leaves, on paper. Two llieses in Theology, with a prayer prefixed. Begins : Ambrosio non f^tirpe niagis.. Ends : ... paratos concludo. M M 2 r)3l? ( ATAIAXJri: ()!• MAMM HirTS. 5. A quarto, of lil leaves, on paper. 'The [honest Marint-r'sJ Devotion and JonalCs Crctd in a dreadful storm ; a Sermon preaehed at St Dunstan's Church in Stepney, on Sunday in the afternoon, February the 24th, 1705, by John Jenings, M.A., Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridj^^e.' From a note in aiu>thir haiui on the Hy-lottf it appears that the Sermon was preached in St Mary's Chureh, Canibridji^e, Feb. 1702, and at the Charter- House Chapel, London, May 21, 1703. 6. A small quarto of 12 leaves, on j)aper. A Sermon on 1 Timothy vi. 3. 7. A small quarto of 12 leaves, on paper. '-^•1 repiy to somewhat of Bishop ]y/iite on the Sabbath.^ liegins: Those Characters of Lawes simply morall... Ends : . tlioy nuLjlit have ocaped death. 8. .\ small (juarto, on papir, of 1-1 leaves, written in the xvith century. ' Msitdtio CuUt'oii Annlicani de urbe sancti.^simi domini nostri dementis Papa? Octavi jus.su per illustrissimmu ac reverendum Cardinalem Segam Episcopum Placentinum 2^. jam pcracta A. I.. 151)6; This he^in.s with a ' I*m'fati«» ad suniinmn l't)ntificeni :' tlu ii follows a hst of the students, and Iny Edmard Clerke. 13. A quarto, on paper, of 'u leaves. * Jtespomio ad Epistolam hoininis cujusdam ordinis honesti et Rplenrlidi, sed factionis Je.suiticae, a cognato suo, A. C Jk'gins : Accepi litcras tiias .. Ends : . .haudquaqunm calumninm scd Jcsuitani. 11- A small quarto, on paper, written in the latter part of the .«^i.\teenth eenturv, c()ntainini,' 2+ leaves. Two A.NONVMnJ s T U A .\ S I. A I 1 0 .\ S FHO.M GaLEN. ff. 1- 1 k ^ .V T HEATY .MADK HY GaLENE CONCLU.MNGE THE HEST Co.NWTITLTION OF THE BoDY.' Ilf/n ini'uTTT)t KaraaKtitjs tov crol/iarof rj^coj'. (Jalen. Opi>. Kiilin, Toin. IV. p. 7'^7. Hfgins : AVhiche is the hcsto con.stitution of our hodye? Ends : in i\i \vr proj.ortion the on to the other, ff. U> 2 i. • -\ TrEATYE .MA me HY ( J A I. F \ INTITULED Of A GOODE IIahiii:.' rif/Zi *ii^iI>|». Oil. Rom. IHOL'. t. VI. pp. I7l!— .V23, Ik*j,Mns : ...doloria non rcix^rio arguincntum... (p. 17 '' in printnl vd.) Kiuls : . places in secula scculonim. Amen. The MS. differs considerably from tin- oilition. For another MS. see Ilh. I. 4, § .5. This is followed bv ^ iin^ro loaves of similar cli.iracttT, ' Xnio- jilioiitis Apoloi^ia cx pjrcco in latiiuini coiivrrsa.' Ilegins : Socrntis quoquc di^um... F.nds : ...ilium rpo vinim felieissimum dicam. 17. A nn>f>ir>/ nn J,, I, y\\ i -iv hnpcrfret. Ilogin.^ : Sicut in n l>ii-i Knd.s the catch words for the next page being .. pos.«4i» predicere... 1 8. A quarto, on paper, of "> leaves. An *" Inqulrie what wee arc to say of tlioso wicked thoupjhts and other cxtravai^ant fancies that arc often tiim^H injeetrd into the mimls of [rood men, and which arc usually l»y way of eminence called the iJevill's Temptations/ Il<'gin.s : It is not all i»< rsons ... Ends: ...to strupLjle with in thi.H. 19. A quarto, on paper, of 1 1 leaves. A Sermon in Italian, on Matt. xii. oS. Three leaves follf^v, apparently in the same hand, eontaiiilni^r Tht'oloqlcal Xof'S in Latin. 20. A quarto, on paper, of 8 leaves, in two dilli n nt hands. An Exposition of Genesis v. vers. 1 — 9. Dd. XIV. 28. Two Volumes of Tracts, written on paper, small Ito, in various hands. The first volume eon.sists of Articles 1 and 2 : the second contains the rest. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 535 1. pp. Mi6. 'A viewe of the presente Estate of Irelande discoursed by wave of a Dialogue betweene Eudoxius and Irenius' (by E. Spenser). At the i rul U * Finis Anno Dni 16JK)/ thoujjh 1590 is the djite assijpictl to the text which is printed in the volume of Collections by Sir James M'are. Folio. Dul.lin, 1083. See also Dd x. 00. 2. Written on 7- pacres, in tlie wnth century. * A short view of the rc»igne of Kinrje Henric the third written by Sir Kolxjrt Cotton knight baronett in anno 1 'II 1 and by liini |»resented to his Majestie the same yeare.' Of this tract there are many e»litions. 3. On 28 leaves. * The Fore-runner of Revenirc upon the Duke of Ihickinfijhain for the poysoning of the most potent King James of liappi<' m('mf»ri«' kini^ of (Jreat Hrittaine and the Lord ManjuisH of Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie, discovered l)y me George Eglisham one of King James his phisitions for his Majesties |K»rson al)Ove the space of toim yt arcs Franckfort. Anno Dni lC2t).' See Somcm' Tracts, V. p. W ; and under Kc. ii. .TJ, § 17. 4. ' .1 ^'rif/n Journal of J^auagt'S in the Ai»«ml>lf^ of Ditinet convened by the summons of the two Mouses of Parliament to consult and advise for the settling of the (lovonimcnt and Liturgy of the Church of England ann«» 1(11^3.' See Fuller's Church History^ Cent. xvn. § ix. and Neal's Puritans. See also Dd. XIV. 21. /). (a) * T/te Declaration of the Lords and Commous to the h'ino, «>n March 14th. H^2.S, with the King's Answer.' riuH is from the Lordn' Journals, and, with »otuv omissions, the same as in Kunhworfh. Col/, i. l.%4— 0, (A) ' Tlic KitiLC bv his letters of exjJanatinn umlcr his privie signet (read in the rarliamcnt House on Wednesday tlic ITtli of March by the Lord Keeper) did enform the House ' Seven jMiints are detailed of which no mention is made in Rushworth. Sie Part. Hint. (r) ^ The resolution of the Parlianu'Ut on Satterdaie the 20 of March (l(i2.'>)/ to grant o subsidies and 3 fifteenths. {,() 'His Ma*'^' declaration al Whitehall, -23 March, 1623.' I'his is given more iompietely in KuBhworth, i. l^Ui, |.":). CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. (<) *The Prince and the Duke of Buckingham: their speeches 24 Feb. 1623.' This report is ihc same, with the omission of the lettorg, as that ^iven in the Lords' Journals of Feb. -7th, and in Kusliwortii, i. Ill) — 120. Compare HI. 87. § 1«'>. 6. On j)aper, 51 pages, written in a small hand of the xviith century, Hi GoNis Candidi Coenobii Burgensis llistoria. Itegins (p. 1 ) : Est nohile monasterium in regionc... Ends (p. 51): ...Scd tamcn clam a monachis ad ipsnm archiepiscopnm accnsatus xxi". The MS. wants therefore the Prologus and the last three paragraphs of the edition (folio, Lend. 17-''^) hy Sparke, pp. 1 - 04. In j)la(.'e of the title is, * Hugo ^Vhite collected this little Manuscript.' On the old cover is, 'Geo Pavenport lOoL'.' 852 Dd. XIV. 29. 1. A small quarto, on paper, of 16 loaves. ' Some considorations cuncernhirj PJpiscojyacie!' 2. A small quarto, on paper, of 50 leaves. * Chronolonkv Demonst ratio.'' 3. A small quarto, on paper, of 9 leaves. Brief A'^v^'s on parts of the Epistles to the Galatians, Colos- sians, Thcssalonians, and the Revelation of S. John. 4. A quarto, on paper, of 1 60 loaves, some blank. Date, as the previous sections, the xviith century. ' Divhuti/ Common- Place Book!' 5. A small quarto, on paper, of 11 leaves. Date the xviiith century. Moot cases, in legal French. 853 Dd. XIV. 30. (1.) I. A small 12mo, on paper, containing ff. 75, written from both ends. On the fly-leaf at the end is the date Oct. 19, 1651 : and on one of the inner leaves, the note, ' Ad umbilicum perveni, May 30, 1652.' Theological Notes, in Greek and Latin. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 537 2. A small 12mo, on velhun. containing ff. 94, with 19 lines in a page. Date, the xivth century. A DiscoL usE, apparently on the text 2 S. Peter ii. 1, in the style of Wycliffe, of whose date both the writing and style of English are. Imperfect both at the beginning and end. Begins : ... hevene : and ledc hem j'ine, and herfor sei]) god bi his prophete malachie. Ends: ... As ))is woman hadde of ))e hn lord god... There are signatures from a to u in eights, and catchwords at every 8th leaf. A leaf is lost at the be;^inning, ii between ff. 14 and 15, and some after f. 92, which is evidently near tlie end ; ff. 03 and 91, which follow, belong to some other part of the treatise, or possibly to another tract altogether. It contains stroni; attacks on the clergy of the time, especially the *monkis, chanonis and freris,' who are called ' maister liers,' 'ypocrites,' &c. Also ujton the * possessioncrs' and the 'mendicants ' In f. 08, ' lincolniensis,' I. e. Grostcste is quoted. The writer frequently speaks in the first person : in f 92 is the following paragraph : Now sires ))c dai i.s all ydon. tS: I mai tario you no lent;or. and I have no tyme to make n'-w a recapitulation of my sermon : ne|>fk-8 i jiropose to leue it writun among you ^:c. 3. A notc-b()f)k of the Steward of some Nobleman in the reign of Henry VII living at Lydingetone ; among which are some Historical notices of the expedition to France oG Hen. VIH. See the I)i(iriin)i in Ilymer, luidera, xv. .')2. 4. On 21 leaves, in a contemporary hand, * Certayne things agreed vpon by a general meotinge together of his majesties Judges Anno Dni IGSO.' 5. In a neat hand of the xviith century. An index to an ancient Chronicle, or History of England. 6. On 57 small pages, written in a copy of a letter, ' Ad. . . .patrem meum. . . . Magdalenrc Societatis pre- sidentem . . . .doctorem Humfredum. . . .Guil Garbrandus.' lU'gins: Equidcm hominem et vitte chastitate religiosum ... See Wood, Ath. Or. 7. On 33 small pages, written after 1()75. ' Remembrances for order and decency to bee kept in the upper 638 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. house of Parliament by the Lords when his M.V"' is not there, leaveing the solenniities heh)nu;in<2j to liis Ma"*''' comeing to be marshalled by those lordes to whonie it more properly appertaines.' Del. XIV. 30. (2.) 8. A duodecimo of.')! leaves, written in the xviith century. * The Affliction and Deliverance of the Saints; or, the whole Booh of Job composed into English Ileroicall Verse Meta})hrasti- cally. \\\ Thomas Manley .Tun. Esq." Tlu re was a man in Uz, for zt-alc wliosc fame ..- Knds : .. his snule to Go«l, his flesh to earth repaies ... A Me«Htation, in .stan7.a><, on CJod's deaHni^s with men, is appended. On the lly-leaf is written, * Elizahcth Edwards, her book. IGG-A.' 855 Dd. XV. 1. A small square octavo, on vellum, on the whole in excellent preservation, consisting of lOJS leaves, of 39 lines each, of the latter part of the xiiith century, neatly written, in a black letter cha- racter, very full of contractions. Remarks by a later hand arc scattered over the book. A Latin DirTioN a hy. Bcpins: A littera ex Isidore in omnibus linpiiis, Sec fol. 1. Ends with an article on Zorobabel : adding *verba sunt Isidori.' The whole passage occurs in Isid. Etyin. lib. vii. c. G. (t. o. p. 325. Ed. Arev.) Finito Libro reddatur gratia Christo. Anno Domini mcclxxviii. mense Maii finitum fuit lioc opus... fol. 105. The last three leaves ^in double column) are occupied with grammatical remarks, and scraps of moral and religious verse, which scarcely deserve a more i)articular account. Begins : Accentus est certa lex.. Ends : .. Causie cur Dominum turba sccuta fuit. 856— 862 Dd. XV. 2—8. See Catalogue of Oriental MSS. CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 539 863 Dd. XV. 9. A 24mo, on vellum, containing ff. 219 with 15 lines in each page. Date the wth century. IIou.K Beat.k Mari.i: Viugims. On f. 1 is pasted a small modem coloured enc^raving of ' Be.ita Virgo Maria Montis Ilegalis ; il vero ritratto della iS. Madonna del Mondoui a vico,' with the date HJOl written on it. The next 12 k*ave.s contain the Kalendar ; f. 14 is hlank, and then f«jllows an inserted picture of the same date and style as hefore of the Ai)parition of our Lord to the Blessed Virgin after the Cruci- fixion. The Officium hegins, f. 10, with Incipit cui-sus heate marie viri^inis. The 7 penitential psalms hegin f. C"), followed by the Litany, and in f. 84 the Ojpciuni Dcf nncturum with musical notes to the Psalms. In f, 1.50 is a picture, like the two before mentioned, of the Holy Family, our Lord measuring a board, with St Jowph as carpenter, the blessed Virgin working: after a second litany arc directions, written like the rest, but underlined with red lines, directing the xorores how to pursue th'i ojficiurn in c^ise the sick person is still living. The Ordo Commcududonis aniintc follows, and in f. IHO, *I)e sepultura fratrum aut sororum,' and then Orationes j)roi)rifc de Sanctis, the volume ending abruptly in the 'lectio prima de domina nostra,' with the words ' Sed quid nos tantilli, quid actione pusilli, quid in laudibus.' This MS. seems to have belonged to a monastery or nunnery, probably that of Monreale near Palernio. 8C4 Dd. XV. 10. A small oldnng hook, on paper, of 31- leaves (the last ten blank), in a handwriting of the x\ nth century. 'Mr Griina tua ])riiiK'ntia proviik-as. Kxplirit siH'culum IVioatoris. For otlicr copies of this treatise see Ee. vi. 7. § H. Ft ii. 20. § 2 li. i. .'H. § 4. Ii. vi. 15. § 1. ami in Enjjlisli Ff. v. 4"). § It >vivs writtt ii l»y Hiiliard of Ilainpole, aiid is printed in the lienedietiiio edition of St Auu:ustine. App. to Vol. VI. pp. 155—10) 7. ff. 87— .^5. Kx iifnllo Iniit' An.<'lnii Hill ixcijut i/i Sf/iio- nimis heati t/siffori /./.'' Beginninu' : Quid ai,Ms o hoiiu) Ending : vivit et regnat deus per infinita scculonim secula. Anu n. This is St Anselm's * Exhort^itio ad eontemptuni teniporaliuni et deside- rium a-ternorum.' Opp. cd. Taris. 1(»75, pp. IIHJ — VJ'A. S. f !M). A Litany o/ the Passion. Ik*ginning: Ave iliu xjH) verhum iMtiI> filiu^ \iruMiii Eliding : ut cum angclis tuls laudmi ic in ^icula .sLCulonnn. Amen. B76 Dd. XV. 22. Sec Catalogue of Oriental MSS. Dd. XV. 23. A vcr>' small })()nk, alxiut li inches S(juarc, with an iihiniina- tion at each end, beautifully written : of the xviith century. A Ma.nl al of Pkayeks for the use of young persons, in French. IJegins : Pour ce que I'un des premieres . . . Ends : ... et gloire a tou.s joiirs-nai.<«. Ainsi soit il. S78 Dd. XV. 24. A 24rao, on parchment, containing ff. 213, with 1 .5 lines in each page : it has illuminated capitals and occasional illuminations and borders. Date, the xvth century. ' HoRE BEATE MaRIE VirgINIS SECUNDUM U8UM AxGLlE.^ CATALOGUE OF >rAXUSCRIPTS. 547 On the first leaf, otherwise blank, is written * Codicis istius olim Johannes Burwell hems.' The next twelve contain the Kalendar; followed by an illu- mination of our Lord, the lo Oos, and comnieniorations of SS. John Baptist, Georj^e, Thomas of Canterbury, Anne, and Katharine, f. 35 is an illumina- tion of the Annunciation, and f. 30 befjins the Hours, each having an illumi- nation of a point in the Passion. After Comi)line, f. 1<», the Comnu ndationes animarum ; then an illumination of our Lord with the instruments of the Pjission, f. l!0.3, and the psalms of tiie Passion: the volume concludes with Psalm xxix., Exaltabo te, domino... in a later hand. B79 Dd. XV. 25. A 12nu), on vellum, containin;^ ff. 128, with 18 lines in each paji^o ; it has initial illuminated letters, and rich borders and illumi- nations nmch injured by damp. Date the xvtli century. * IIoRK Iir S TI M\i:il \'lI{<;iM8 HECINDUM CON S L' ET L' DI -NKM Anolif.'' Thv first 12 leaves contain the Kalendar ; an illumination of the Annun- ciation follows, and the Hours begin f. 14, havinu' an illumination of a point in the PaHsion l>cfore each Hour. The penitential psalms begin f. G4, the gradual psalms in f. 7*% and the Vigilia* mortuorum in f. n(», the previous ilhnnination having l>ccn lost ; an«l the comnundationes animarum in f. 113 ending with the prayer, ' miscricordiam tuam (|..mine suu te,' «S:c. The last leaf contains in a later huud a Litany of the Passion, Anima xpi salva me Corjtus xpi salva me \c. and the name .John \\'i blK'. 880 Dd. XV. 26. Sec Catalogue of Oriental MSS. 881 Dd. XV. 27. A square duodecimo, on paper, of 3.0 leaves, of which the last four are blank. The date of the composition of the preface is H8i, and the copy cannot be much later. '[(oaivou 'Wc^arr/it'fDS rod ^ViXoiruiou Trcfn r;"/? tou aarpo- Xdfiov y^()t'jac(osj uui Ti TWV QV uvTw KciT ay cy puiiikG vwv at]iiaii cL €Ka aaTpo\dl3(o rrjs inKpuvfias i^anXoxriv, *cat T(ov iv avra KaraycypappevQiV ras iiiTtas . . . Ends : • . . Ka\ noaais tovtov polpais bLfcrTr]K(v fTTidiWcpa. T(\os. tco de Gfw du^d alcovLOS. Concerning this work and its aiitlior, sec Fal)ricius, Bibl. Gr. Vol. x. pp. nr><), fioO. Also See Morelli, Bihlhth. Veuet. p. 21(). Tliis copy has belonged to OeSfptKoy pnpeXXos. There is a jireface by Maxinius Mnrgiinius, in the form of a dedication, * T6) €K\ltpTrpOTaT(0 KCU pfyuXoTTpeTTfCrTaTiO avdpi KVpl(0 'idKCO/So) TU) Tfp- pivivoj. Beginning ; ot fXfv noXXo\ Tcou iiv^ptoTTiov ols t) Traati tov iSlov anovbi)... Ending : . . . (ppupivus pot St(i/3t(o?7f ^I'XII ''■^ 'f"' au>paTi TTpt'alSecov cVXa/xTrpo- TUTf Here follows, ])y the same author, a complimentary Greek epigram, to the same : *llvy( (fxivoTaTov Xapnpov afXas TjfXioLO... ...fiVfKa (T(l)v dpfToDV, (IvfKa (twv ^^apiTcov. Dd. XV. 28. An oblonor paper book, of whicli the pages are niinibercd from 107 to 212, besides a table of contents, neatly written, in 1GG6. 'Off the Art of Discerning Men, continued by James Boerey of the Inner Temple, esquire."* On p. 212 is * Hue usque James lioerey, IGGG.' 883 Dd. XV. 29. A small square 24ino, on paper and parchment, of 236 leaves, apparently of the xvth century. 1. ff. I — 48a. A SUMMARY of the early part of Genesis, followed by an Account of the natures, &;c. of 42 animals. In Si)anish, as also §§ 2, 4, 5. ^ Begins : Dio crec lo eel e la terra. . . Ends : ... del Settenas. 2. ff. 48 6—93. ' Lo tracta de li pecca.'' On Vices. Begins : Sant Johan reconita..- CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 549 Ends: . . Parolla de Dio, &c. 3. ff. 97 — 132. ^De imposicione Fenitentie.'' Begins : Scquitur videri que debeant... Ends: • •• de peccatis dolere. 4. ff. 133— 168. A tresLtise On Sins. Begins : Alcuus volon li;?ar. , . Ends : • •• Al besognos misericordia obrey^^. 5. ff. 169—176. A treatise with the title ' Herman: Begins : Langlus dis a herman... Ends : . . . Canon eu la fossa. 6. ff. 178 — 188. De officio viri ct uxorls: Begins ; Non tantum cives debcnt... Ends: . . . Christum hoc faciat rex. 7. ff. 189—220. De Jpostolis, de penitentla, c^r. Begins : Post gloriosam Christi ascensionem... Ends : ... cffectum hec ille, Amen. 8. ff. 220 — 227. Tabula par aholarum^ and various notes on points of thcolopry. 9. ff 229—236. Theological Notes in Spanish, imperfect. SS4 Dd. XV. 30. A small square 24mo, on parchment, of 247 leaves, MTitten in the xvth century. In Spanish, except § 1, which is Latin. 1. ff. 1 — 4. Six Psalnis, with the beginning of St John's Gospel. 2. ff. 5—23. * Glosa Pater Noster: Begins : O tu lo nostrc pay re... 3. ff. 23—38. ' Tregenas i. ii. Hi. iv.' Begins : Fray re sabent.. 550 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 4. ff. 3S— 47. 'Doctor!' A Treatise on Confession. Begins : Isidori ilis la confession... 5. ft'. 48 — rj5. ' Penas.'' On Penance. Begins : Pio crcc lomc... G. ft'. 55 — G3. ' Li 001/ de Pamdis.'' Begins : Dio done anos lohen... 7. ft*. ()3— 78. ' La Phtola de U amie: Begins : Atuit li fitlel amie... 8. ft'. 78—117. Ponn^, entitled ' Nouvel Confort; ' Noiivcl Symon,*' ' Nobla leron/ ' Payre eternel,' ' Barca.' liogins : A quest nouvfl confort... 9. ff*. 122 — 225. On the Commandmenls^ followed by para- graphs on various Vl/iues and Vices. Begins : Lo prumier Comamlament... 10. ft; 225—247. Sennom. Begins : Mas yo die anos .. The MS. is imperfect at both ends. On the first and last leaf is written * Albert possesseiir,' and at the foot of the first page ' A Mons\ Morland par son servitcur...lG3G.' Dd. XV. 31. A small oblong 24mo, on paper, of 101 leaves; written in the xvitli ccntiir}'. In Spanish. 1 . ft". 1—1 3. 'Dcla Confession: Begins : Confessa di nostre pcca . . . 2. ff*. 14 — 16. ' De la tremor del Segnor: Begins: La tcmor del segnor 3. ff. 17 — 53. ' Trihulacions^'' in 7 chapters. Begins : Motas sou las tribulacions... CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. 551 4. ff. 5'^—ii:^. A life of ' Job: Begins : Baron era en la terra ... 5. ff. 0:3—1 01. A life of ' Tobias: Begins : Tobia fo del terp... The MS. concludes with a fragment of * la noble Icycon,' filling a page and a lialf, the last words being, . . . non po saber sa fin . . 886 Dd. XV. 32. A small oblong 24mo, on parchment, of 01 leaves; written in the xvth or with century. In Spani.sh. Jniperfect at both ends. 1. ff. 1 — 3. A fragment on DiscaS' S. Begina : ...mem de chascun .. 2. ff. 4 — 56. On Tribulation^ from S. Isidore. Begins : Las tribulacions da questa vita... 3. ff. 57— bl . On Mans State. Bi'gins : Dio bat home... 4. ff. 62 — 70. On Sadness or Sorrow. Begins : Sjilamon dis non donar tristitia ... 5. ft". 70 — 86. On the means of Saltation, Begins : Atuit li fitlel lumes... 6. ff. 87—01 . ' De Penitential a fragment. Begins : Lo es cosa necessaria... 887 Dd. XV. 33. A square 2 Inio, on paper, of 07 leaves. On the first page is the date 1511. 1_ 1 — 4(). A treatise on Latin Grammar. Begins : Intcrrogationem factam ... Some leaves are occupied with other matter \ e.g. ' Florcs Legum :' and three arc blank. I Ai AlAX.l i-. Ill" MAM liiriS. ti. fV 41 — cr Arithincticus.* 4. ff. 70— <)2. MisciUnma; in Latin. On the statt s uf human li'i-, virtues, vicej*. followed by * Versus morales/ * Exhortation de bien vivrc et bien mourir,' in Freueh ; ' optima eoiwiHa/ Sic. 888 Dd. XV. 34. A small quarto, on |)archnicnt, of 119 leaves; written in the xvth centar}' ; in S|)ani»li. lmi>erfect. N'kksio.ns of various Hooks of S» hii»ti rk, with a Gi.osh on thr (ioHPKLH of Si M \ i i iiKw, Si I.i k r, and St Jon\, in tlie fuUowing order : St Jonicfl (a fnu;nient, containing the la^t cliapter) ; St Peter, Ep. i. and Ep. II. as far as the tx'ginnin:; of chapter ii., then a (iK»h!i on the above lio»|>cls, iK'ginninK in the mid«!Ie of the 7th elmpt<*r of St Matthew ; l»t Kpisth' to the Corinthians, Kpistlis to the (ialatians, F^phenians. rinlii)- pions, Timothy, Titus; Hebrews, eh. xi. ; l*roverl>8, eh. v. ; ^^'iadom, ch V. ; Acts of the Apostles, down to ch. xxvi. 4 Dd. XV. 35. A 12mo, on vellum, containing AT. 476, in douldc colunnis, with 62 lines in each colunm. Date, the x vth century. HlHI.IA Vl'LOATA Sa.NCTI 1 1 1 EKON Y .M I . The fir^t 4 leaves arc blank; the usual prolof:^ies follow, aul (mu sis Ix'j^ins f H. The proloj^ne to St Matthew follows the end of .MacniU'eH in f. 'XA without any break: the Hivilation ends f. 440 A, and the rest of the volume is iK*cupied by the index of names. It was givin to the I University in June, 1817, by the Rev. Dr Scale, late Fellow and Tutor of Christ's College. EM) OF VOL 1 GETTY CENTER LIBRARY iiiiiiriTTi 3 3125 00593 0108