THE RURAL ARCHITECT; CONSISTING OF VARIOUS DESIGNS FOR COUNTRY BUILDINGS, ACCOMPANIED WITH GROUND PLANS, ESTIMATES, AND DESCRIPTIONS. BY JOSEPH GANDY, Architect, A. R. A. AUTHOR OF DESIGNS FOR COTTAGES, COTTAGE FARMS, LODGES, &c. &c. &c. L 0 N D 0 N: PRINTED FOR JOHN HARDING, 36 , ST. JAMES’s-STREET. 1805 . Printed by R. M'M'.lUn, Uuw Suea, tovetit i.«udett ADVERTISEMENT. THE Author, encouraged by the success which has attended his first Essay on Cottage Architecture, submits with more confidence the present Volume to Public Patronage. August f 1805. EXPLANATION OP THE DESIGNS. PLATE I. No. 1. The Plan and Elevation of a Land Steward's Office^ as sug- gested by Mr. Marshall , in his Treatise on the u Management of Landed Property .” A, Entrance and waiting room, 1 5 feet by 1 5 feet. B, Library and business room, 24 feet square. C, Strong closet, 4 feet 9 inches by 5 feet 6 inches. Estimated at 530/. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, are Cottages for Labourers, of the cheapest form of construction. B 2 PLATE II. No. 1. Plan and Elevation of a Dairy. A, Portico all round, 11 feet wide, affording constant shade and cool- ness. B, Dairy or milk -room, 20 feet by 35 feet. C, Room for utensils, 14 feet by 15 feet. D, Scalding-room, 1 5 feet by 20 feet 6 inches. Estimated at 300/. Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, Cottages for Labourers. Estimated at 200/. No. 2, Design for thirteen Cottages for Labourers, situated near a manufactory ; each dwelling consists of two apartments. PLATE III. No. 1. Plan and Elevation of a Dairy. A, Dwelling-room, B, Milk-room, C, Scalding-room, D, Court, E, Cow-stalls, Estimated at 6oo/. 3 PLATE IV. A Cottage, of two Rooms. A, Kitchen or dwelling- room, 9 feet Q inches by 14 feet ) 7 feet B, Bed-room, - -- -9 — 9 8 3 high* Estimated at QOl. PLATE V. A Cottage for a Labouring Gardener in a Pleasure-ground , containing two Rooms. A, Kitchen, 10 feet by 1 6 feet ^exclusive of the circular B, Bed-room, 10 feet by 5 feet 9 inches) bow, 7 ft. 9 in. high. C, Circular portico, with two posts composed of young trees cut to the proper length. u 2 Estimated at 100/. A PLATE VI. A Building intended for a small Water-Mill , with Rooms for the Miller s Family. A, Kitchen, 10 feet by 19 feet 6 inches, C, Granary, 20 feet 6 inches by 32 feet, and 12 feet high. D, Water-mill, 19 feet by 21 feet. E, Porch from bridge, to admit a cart under it to load and unload. F, Bridge. G, Bed-room for children, 5 feet by 10 feet. Estimated at 490/. A Double Cottage , supposed to be situated over a Medicinal Spring , re- sorted to for the benefit of the Waters and for Bathing. AA, Kitchen and dwelling-room for the CC, Bathing-rooms, y DD, Staircases to cellars. EE, Steps to ascend to the cottages, supposing them on a rising ground. F, Fountain for waste water, for cattle to drink at. B, Bed -room, 10 14 — 0 PLATE VII. resident, BB, Rooms for company to wait in. 10 ft. high. 5 Cottage* No. 1 . No. 2 . Bath for the ladies Bath for gentlemen Entrance to both at G and H. Estimated at 66o l. both cottages. PLATE YI1I. A Double Cottage for Labourers who work In- doors, near a Market Town. A and E, Kitchens* 10 feet 3 inches by 13 feet") BD, Working- rooms* 13 feet by l 6 feet > 9 ft. 3 in. high. CF* Bed-rooms, 8 feet by 16 feet 3 Estimated at 150/. each cottage. PLATE IX. A Double Cottage near a Town , or the Habitation of a Family sup- posed to be of small Fortune. A, Kitchen, &c. 10 feet by 1 6 feet 7 „ >10 feet 6 inches high. B, Bed- room, 13 feet 6 inches square ) C, Store-closet. Estimated at 170/. each cottage. 6 PLATE X. A Double Cottage for Wood-Cutters near a Forest . A, Kitchen, 12 feet by 14 feet 6 inches. B, Bed-room, 8 feet 9 inches by 14 feet. C, Porch and seat. Estimated at 90/. each cottage. A Double Cottage for Workmen of the Superior Class, supposed to be situated near a Market-Town. A, Kitchen and working-room, 13 ft. 9 in. by 14 ft. 6 in. B, Parlour and double-bedded room, 8 ft. by 20 ft. C, Closets. PLATE XI. Estimated at 140/. each. 7 PLATE XII. A Double Cottage with Bed-Rooms above, in a Town or Village, and which, upon a larger Scale, might be adapted for a Public-House. A, Kitchen, 1 3 feet by 1 8 feet - - - - } „ . . _ * . , ^ > 8 ft. 3 in. high. B, rarlour or shop, 11 feet 0 inches by 18 feet) Bed-chamber, 6 feet 3 inches high. C, Covered way for shelter. DD, Stair-cases to bed-chambers. Estimated at 310/. each cottage. Bed- Room each above- Stairs, and two Rooms: the centre Cottage but two large Rooms ; so that the three Cottages are nearly equal in size. PLATE XIII. Three Cottages conjoined for Labourers, the two end Cottages having a C, Stairs to bed-chambers above. The whole estimated at 300 /. PLATE XIV. A small Public-House on the High Road. A, Kitchen and tap-room, 1 5 ft. 6 in. by 28 ft. 1 in. : 10 ft. 6 in. high. B, Private parlour, - 12 — -3 — 1 6 — 6 C, Small parlour, - - 6 — O — 10 — O D, Bar, - - - - - 4 — 6 — 7 — O E, Public or common parlour, - - 17 — 6 square. F, Staircase to bed-chambers and beer-cellar. Estimated at 600 /. PLATE XV. A Double Cottage for Labourers , whose Work is chiefly within-doors. Each has a Bed-room over the Kitchen, and, a Loft in the Roof for Stores, the access to which is from the Bed-chambers. AA, Kitchens, - 1 1 feet by 1 7 feet BB, Working-rooms, 12 — 21 CC, Staircases to bed-chambers. 9 feet high. Estimated at 230/, each cottage. PLATE XVI. A Cottage and Dairy for a Nobleman's Park , with Rooms for the Dairy- keeper's Family. A, Kitchen and dwelling-room, 15 ft. diameter B, Churning and scalding-room, 9 ft. 9 in. by 18 ft. CC, Milk and dairy-room, 9 ft. 9 in. square, and 8 by 17 ft. D, Closet. E, Staircase to bed-chambers. Estimated at 500 /. PLATE XVII. A Dwelling for a Farmer , or it may serve for a Public-house. A, Porch to entertain company under cover. B, Tap-room and kitchen, 11 feet 6 inches by 19 feet, and 8 feet 9 inches high. C, Staircase to bed rooms and cellar. D, Sitting-room, 13 feet 9 inches square. E, Bed-rooms on ground-floor, 8 feet by 14 feet 3 inches. F, Bar, 4 feet 6 inches square. G, Store- closet or larder, 4 feet 6 inches square. Bed-chambers 8 feet high, and loft over, 6 feet high. Estimated at 470 /. c PLATE XVIII. Four Cottages for Labourers. This Design may do for two, three, four, or more Cottages, without hurting the ejfeSl, by adding or deducing a Cottage. They have the advantage of their Entrances being under Cover, which are thereby kept warm and dry, and serve at all times foi the Inhabitants Children to play in. This Passage will also do for Cattle to pass through to the Back Yards, where there are supposed to be Sheds. Nos. 1 , 2 , 3, and 4 . A, Kitchen, 10 feet by 13 feet 1 7 ft. 6 in. B, Bed-rooms, 10 — 13 ) high. C, Passage to the back of the house. Estimated at 300 1 . PLATE XIX. Three Cottage -dwellings, calculated for Summer Residences, and adapted to the vicinity of a Watering or Sea-bathing Place. A, Passage and entrance, - - 3 feet by 13 feet 0 inches. B, Parlour and dining-room, 10 — 13 — 0 C, Store-room, - - - - 7 — 9-6 D, Library, - - 1 5 — 16 — 0 E, Drawing-room, - - - 12 — 0 1 CS F, Staircase to bed-chambers, 3 wide. 11 G, Passage to kitchen, - H, Kitchen, - - - - - I and K, Closets, - - - L, Water-closet, - - - • Nos.2&3. A, Passage, - - - - - B, Parlour and dining-room, C, Drawing-room, - - D, Kitchen, - - - - E, Closet in kitchen, - - F, Staircase to bed-chambers, G, Passage to kitchen, H, Store-room, - - - - I, Water-closet, - - - - 3 feet wide. 1 5 feet by 1 8 feet O inches. 3 — 3 — 6 3 — 3 — 6 3 — 13 — 6 10 — 13 — 0 12 — 22 — 0 15 — 20 — 0 3 — 7 — 0 3 wide. 3 wide. 7 feet by 9 — 6 3 — 3 — 6 Estimated at 500/. each dwelling: the outside walls to be brick - nogging and stuccoed. PLATE XX. Five Cottagers' Dwellings, situated in a Village. Nos. 1, 3, and 5, are Cottages with two rooms on the ground- floor only. A, Kitchen or working-room, 12 feet by 17 feet) 5 0 V 8 feet high. B, Bed-room, - -- -12— 17 j c 2 12 Nos. 2 and 4, have a room on the ground-floor, as a kitchen, 13 feet 3 inches by 18 feet 3 inches, and one above as a bed-room ; so that the whole five are equal as to rooms. Bed-chambers 7 feet high. Estimated at 78 Q/. for the whole. PLATE XXI. Workshops and Offices , supposed to he a Manufactory for Mechanical Productions , such as a Paper-maker , Stocking-weaver , Tin-worker, &c. &c. A, Porch of entrance, where goods may be unladen. B, Shops and ware-rooms, 9 feet high. C, Stair-case to work-rooms above. Work -rooms above, 9 feet high. Estimated at 1500/. PLATE XXII. A Group of Cottages , on a plan of successive gradation in their sizes and accommodations , adapted to the respective necessities of Inhabi- tants in different circumstances. They are supposed to he situated in the centre of a certain proportion of Land or Garden-ground to he 13 attached to each , and are designed upon a principle of rewarding In- dustry , by affording to the Husbandman whose good conduct deserves it (at a very small, if any , additional rent ), a Habitation adapted to his increasing wants as he advances in life. The Plan has been tried with success, particularly in Ireland ; the Cottager has become , in consequence, more attached to his situation ; the certainty of his La- bour being thus rewarded, has added a Stimulus to Exertion ; and by giving him, as it were, a kind of Property in the Soil , dispositions and habits have been formed, favourable to Domestic Comfort and Public Tranquillity . No. 1. Cottage for a single Labourer, consisting of one' room. A, with a bed, 12 feet 9 inches by 21 feet. No. 2, Has two rooms for a Cottager and his Wife. B, Kitchen, Q feet 6 inches by l6 feet C, Bed-room, 12 — 0 — 13 O, Shed for pigs, and loft over it. No. 3, Has four rooms and a shed. D, Kitchen, - 10 feet by 15 feet "8 feet high. E, Working-room, - - 10 F, Parlour or store-room, 10 10 — 12 10 — 6 10 — 13 G, Bed-room, - H, Shed for cow. No. 4, Contains accommodation for an increasing fa- mily who may be enabled to manage a small farm. 14 I, Shed, K, Kitchen, - - 12 ft. 6 in. by 1 8 ft. o in. L, Parlour, - M, Store-room, N, Staircase, closet ) under. Four bed-rooms above. The whole estimated at Q 80 l. 12 — 6 — 12—6 7 — 6 — 7—6 i 12 — 9 I, Parlour, - - 12 — 3 — 13 — 0 No. 4. < K, Bed-room, - 9 — 3 — 14 — 0 _L, Store-closet, - 9 — 3 — 5 — 3 * 10 feet high. Estimated at 500/. PLATE XXV. A Habitation for an Overseer of Labourers. A, Kitchen, - - - - 14 ft. 9 in. by 13 ft. 9 in. ^ B, Parlour or office, - - 14 — 9 — 13 — 9 V 8 feet high* CC, Closets or beds, - - 3 — 9 — 7 — 0 J D, Staircase, corn-binns, &c. &c. E, Stable for three horses, 18 feet by 12 feet 9 feet high. 16 F, Receptacle for dung or piggery. G, Cow-shed. Two or three bed-rooms above stairs. Estimated at 350/. PLATE XXVI. A Farmer's Cottage and Conveniences upon a small Scale , as an Arable Farm. A, Passage, ----- 3 B, Bed-room, - - 10 C, Ditto, ------ 10 D, Sitting-room or parlour, 10 E, Kitchen, ----- 14 F, Small garden. G, Farm -yard. HHHH, Barns and farm -offices. Ill, Entrances to farm-yard. feet 3 inches wide ' — 6 — . square — 6 — square — 6 by 14 ft. 6 in. — 6 inches square _ ft. 3 in. high. Estimated at 1100/., 1 / PLATE XXVII. A small Dairy Farm and Offices. A, Kitchen, - - - - - 22 ft. by 24 ft. 6 in. B, Common parlour, - - 21 — 24 C, Parlour, - - - - - . 21 — 24 D, Scullery and larder, - - 12 — 14 E, Store-room under staircase, 12 — 14 F, Store-house for cheese, - 13 feet diameter. GGGG, Bams and farm -offices. H, Farm -yard. I, Entrance to farm -yard. K, Pigeon -house, 13 ft. diameter. Bed-chambers, 6 ft. 6 in. high. O 0 o 0 >9 feet high. Estimated at l 600 /. PLATE XXVIII. An Arable Farm and Offices. A, Entrance or porch, 8 feet square. B, Kitchen, ----- - * C, Dairy, -------- D, Store -closet, - - - - - E, Parlour, l6 ft. 9 in. by 24 ft. O in. g — o — 8 — 6 8 — 0 — 8 — 6 15 — 0 — 18 — O D 18 F, Principal bed-room, 9 ft. O in. by 14 ft. O in. G, Closet in kitchen, ------ 3 — 0 square. H, Passage, - -- -- -- - 3 — o — 6 — 6 I, Bed-room for children, - -- . 8 6 9 6 KLM, Bed -rooms for servants, - - - 8 — 0 — 9 6 N, Ditto, 8 — 0 square. O, Ditto, - - ; - - - - - 9 — 6 — 13 — 0 P, Passage from kitchen to hed-room, - 3 — o 3 — -6 Q, Sheds for cattle or carts. R, Scullery, --------- 7 _ Q ___ Q — o S, Larder, - -- -- -- -- 7 — . 0 — 4 — 0 T, Farm -yard. WV, Offices. W, Entrance to farm -yard. X, Implement- room. Y, Oven. Rooms 1 1 feet high. Estimated at 1700/. A, Kitchen, B, Parlour, C, Scullery, D, Dairy, PLATE XXIX. A small Dairy Farm. - - 18 ft. 9 in. by 21 ft. 9 in. ^ „ /lift. 6 in. - - 14 — 0 — 21 — O \ ~ ( high. - . 9 — 6 — J 3 — 9 ) 6 - - 9 — g — ] 3 — Q 10 E, Cow-houses. F, Cow-yard. G, Necessary. H, Entrances to yard. Bed-room in the roof. Estimated at 450 1 . PLATE XXX. A Farmer's Dwelling and Offices , containing every Convenience for general Farming Purposes. A, Kitchen, - - - - B, Passage, - - - - C, China-closet, - - - D, Common parlour, E, Best parlour, - - - F, Business-room, - G, Bed -room, - - - H, Waiting-room, I, Scullery, - - - - JJ, Closets, - - - - K, Store-room to kitchen, L, Larder, - - - - M, Implement or work ing room. 13 ft. 0 in. by 24 ft. O in. 3 — o — 4 — 9 4 — 9 — 9 — 0 S 13 - -6 square • 14 - - 0 — 19 — 0 14 - -6 — 1 6 — 0 13 - - 0 — 16 — 0 8 - - 6 — 12 — 6 7- - 0 square • 4 - - 0 — 7 — 0 6- - 0 — 7 — 0 4 - - 0 — 7 — 0 10 - -6 — 14 — 9 > 1 1 feet high. D 2 20 N, Scalding-room, - - O, Dairy or milk -room, P, Bed room for servants, Q, Ditto for children, R, Bed- room, - - - - S, Brew -house, - T, Wash-house, - V, Coal -house, - - U, Pig -styes, - - each W, Passage to pig-styes, X, Poultry-house, Y, Wood -house, Z, Garden. a, Granary. b, Ox-stalls. c, Barn. d, Colt-house. e, Cart-house. f, Stable for cart-horses. g, Calf- house. h, Barn. i, Cow-stalls. k, Stable. l, Farm-yard. mm, Entrances to ditto, nnn, Entrances to garden, op, Dung and stack-yards. io ft. 6 in. by 13 ft. 0 li - - 9 — 16 ■ 0 9—9 — 1 6 0 12 - - 0 — 1 6 0 8 - - 0 — 12 0 12- - 0 — 21 6 10- - 0 — l6 6 10- - 0 — 15 — 0 4 - -6 — 7 6 3 - - 0 — 21 0 10- - 0 — 16 6 10- - 0 __ 15 0 The whole estimated at 2500/. ) *■ 1 1 feet high. 21 PLATE XXXI. An Inn on the Public Road. A, Assembly-room, - 19 B, Tea and coffee-room, - - 1 1 C, Retiring-room, - - - 10 D, Staircase and water-closet, 6 EE, Passage from kitchen, - 3 F, Larder, ------ 7 G, Scullery, - - 8 H, Sitting-room, - - - - 10 I, Bar, ------- 6 K, Parlour for landlord, - - 10 L, Kitchen and tap-room, - 24 M, Store-room, _ - - - 7 N, Small parlour, - - - - 8 O, Ditto, ------10 P, Staircase to chamber in right ) wing, ) Q, Passage from kitchen, - 3 R, Committee-room, - 11 S, Dining-room, - 10 T, Club -room, - 19 V, Entrance to assembly-room. W, Entrance to kitchen, &c. XX, Entrances to passages. feet 6 inches by 36 feet 6 inches. — . 6 — 16 — 0 — 0 — 10 — 6 — 0 — 10 — 6 — 0 — 34 — 0 — 0 — 11 — 0 — 0 — 1 1 — 0 — 0 — 11 — 0 — 0 — 14 — 0 — 0 — 10 — 0 — 0 — 25 — 6 — 0 — 1 1 — 0 — 0 — 11 — 0 — 0 — 10 — 6 — 0 — JO — 6 feet 0 inches by 34 feet 0 inches. — 6 — 15 — 0 — 0 — 19 — 0 — 6 — 24 — 6 22 Y, Stable-yard. ZZZZ, Stables, coach-houses, &c. &8r, Entrances to stable-yard, &c. Rooms on the ground -floor, 12 feet high. The assembly and club-room, 20 feet high. Bed-chambers, 9 feet high. Estimated, exclusive of stable, &c. at 2600/. PLATE XXXII. A PiSluresque Dwelling on the Sea-coast , designed for the Retirement of a Naval Officer. A, Kitchen, 13 feet 9 by 11 feet 6 inches C, Library, 8 — O — 14 — 0 D, Passage. E, Staircase to four bed-chambers above, and down to cellar. FF, Portico. G, An observatory. B, Parlour, 14 — O square Estimated at 700 /. 23 PLATE XXXIII. A Double Cottage, containing each three Rooms, after the Italian manner , and distributed so as to have a pitluresque effeSl, rather than any uniformity . This Building may be easily converted to' the use of one Family. No.l. A, Kitchen and dwelling-room, 15 ft. by 16 ft. 9 in. | 12 ft. A, Kitchen, - 14 feet 0 inches by 23 feet ~ B, Scullery, - 10 — 6 diameter C, Store-room, - 10 — 6 diameter D, Parlour, - 14 — 0 inches by 23 feet 10 ^ * n * E, Small parlour, 10 — 6 diameter F, Library, - 10 — 6 diameter G, Staircase to upper story, containing three or four bed-rooms. B, Bed-room or parlour, - io — l6 — 9 J high. C, Porch and entrance, the access by steps. No. 2. A, Kitchen, 9 ft. 6 in. by 15 ft. O in. B, Parlour, 10 — O — 1 7 — 3 >11 ft. high. C, Bed-room, 10 — 0 — 12 — O j 12 — O Estimated at 460/. PLATE XXXIV. A small Villa. Estimated at 1000/. 24 PLATES XXXV, & XXXVI. Plan and Elevation of a Rural Institute , as suggested by Mr. Marshall in his Treatise on the Management of Landed Property. A, Public walk for students. B, Experimental farm-yard. C, Practical farm-yard. D, A house for a professor of agriculture. E, Boarding-houses for students. F, Le6ture-rooms, library, &c. G, Professor of botany. H, Professor of fossiology. I, Botanic garden. J, Nursery-grounds. K, Hot- house. L, Green -house. M, Habitations for visitors. j N, Professor of farriery. O, Professor of mechanics. P, Professor of chemistry. Q, Ditto of territorial affairs. RR, Habitations for students. SS, Farm -offices, and sleeping-rooms for labourers, &c. TT, Assistants’ dwellings. VV, Students’ houses, of the second class. W, Church, church-yard, and parsonage. XXXX, Streets across the farms, &c. 25 Y, Repository of implements-wheelwrights’ and carpenters’ shops, Z, Manufactory of implements, and blacksmiths’ shop. &, Brew-house and bake-house. PLATE XXXVII. A Lodge ivith Circular Piers , sustaining some Emblem or Trophy ap- pertaining to the Owner, and an Entrance for Foot-passengers. By omitting the Lodge, there remains in this Design, as well as in some of the others, Plans for Piers and Gates only. Lodge, 11 feet by 13 feet, and 9 feet 6 inches high. Estimated at 180/. PLATE XXXVIII. Double Lodges with an Arched Gate. Lodges, 18 feet 6 inches by 20 feet, and 9 feet high. Estimated at 500/. E 26 PLATE XXXIX. A Double Lodge and Gate , in the form of Pyramids ; on each side of which may be a place against the Wall of a Park , for Cows, Pigs, and Poultry, under the care of the Gate-porter s Family. The rooms are 14 feet square and 8 feet high, independent of three feet closets in the angle at the bottom of the pyramids. Above the ceiling are lofts or store-rooms. There may be a window over the door and chimney, on the sides of the pyramids, if thought requisite. Estimated at 360/. PLATE XL. A Lodge to a Nobleman s Park, with Sheds, or a Covered-way, for Cattle. The Sheds may be converted into Bed-rooms, if the Gate- porter has a Family. The lodge has two floors. The lower room, as a kitchen, 18 feet 6 inches diameter, contains a closet, and a staircase which leads to the bed-chambers above. The whole is estimated at 760 /. 27 PLATE XLI. A Square Single Lodge and Gate , with Piers sustaining the Supporters of a Nobleman s Arms , or any other suitable Ornament. This design, like some of the others, will form three or four designs, by the variation of parts ; so that the uniform or pidturesque may be adopted, according to the taste of the person who builds. Estimated at 130/. PLATE XLII. These lodges are after the model of the Egyptian entrances to their temples. They contain each two rooms ; the lower 14 feet square, as a kitchen, and 9 feet high ; the upper room 10 feet square and 8 feet high, as a bed-room, the ascent to which is by a step-ladder. These lodges might be inhabited by two labourers and their wives, or by one labourer with a family. Estimated at 430/. THE END. Printed by B. VMMillan, ) How-Street, Covent-Garden. Lately published , in Royal Quarto, with A3 Plates, price 2/. 2 s. DEDICATED, BY PERMISSION, TO THOMAS HOPE, ESQ. DESIGNS FOR COTTAGES, COTTAGE FARMS, AND OTHER RURAL BUILDINGS , INCLUDING ENTRANCE-GATES AND LODGES. BY JOSEPH GANDY, Architect, A. R. A. This Volume will prove useful to Architects and Gentlemen who build on their Estates, as it contains a great variety of COUNTRY BUILDINGS, designed in a style of peculiar beauty, and possessing every advantage of interior accommoda- tion and economical arrangement. Each Plate is accompanied with a Ground Plan, Estimate, and Letter-press Descriptions. CONTENTS. Plate 1. A Cottage of one room, for a Labourer, Gate-keeper, &c. 2. Another. 3. A Cottage, with conveniences for keeping Pigs, &c. 4. Ditto of two rooms, intended for a Park. 5. A double Cottage. 6. A Cottage for a Labourer who keeps a Cow, &c. 7. Another. 8. Ditto, of two rooms. 9. Ditto, with a bed- room above stairs. 10. An ornamental Cottage for a Gentleman’s Grounds. 11. Cottage, with bed-rooms above. 12. Cottage, with Cow-house, &c. under one roof. 13. Ornamental Cottage for a Park. 14. A Cottage-dwelling of two rooms. 15. Picturesque Cottage for a Shepherd. 16. Cottage and Bridge. 17. Country Residence, with bed-rooms above. 18. Plan for two or four Cottages on the banks of a river, and sketch for a Bridge. 19. Pi&uresque Farm-dwelling. 20. A small Country Residence. 21. A Cottager’s Dwelling. 22. A Green- house and Conservatory, with residence for the Gardener. 23. Farrier’s Shop, with Stables and Habitation annexed. 24. A Picturesque Cottage of three rooms. 25. A Cottage of three rooms. 26. Habitation near a Market-town. 27. A Pic- turesque Building designed for a Public-house. 28. Residence near a Market- town. 29. A double Cottage, with conveniences for Farming. 30. Picturesque double Cottage. 31. A small Farm. 32. A Picturesque Farm-dwelling. 33. A Grazing Farm. 34. Gentleman’s Farming Residence. 35. Circular group of eight Cottages. 36. Plan for a Village. 37. A Country Residence or Hunting- box. 38. A double Lodge, and arched entrance to a Park. 39. Circular single Lodge and Gate. 40. Single Lodge and Covered Gateway. 41. A double Lodge, consisting of thatched Cones. 42. A Lodge with OCtagon Piers and Or- naments. 43 A Lodge and arched Gate-way. /' (ale / * : . * ITS II, ,dina emit London Publish'd _ ij/JeLn. Hardiny 3 d S' -James s -Street \ rtdy A- KA. Plate V 70 Feel I J.m/irn Ptihh*vhei1. hi/ John Harding 3 6 ShJame.r ,'r Street Marchao 3 . :■ >. . CJio*re/il> mj P/ate JC , ■jjLfcJ= 4-44- . -L -4.i r//fV( lorulem Published. by J ohn-B ctrdbiy 3 6 Sf James’s Street March la a C R osertb erg ■ ArrAfJLRA I'U'XIII V" NPj. 18 A Khche'n Bed Jlvcm N? 3 i3 ,.gxi3» o A XiOncLorL Pwblzj'hsd* bi/ Johri JltirJiriff 3 6 , 5 /./ am&ss ,S trcet- 'Pi8o3. CAosenberg scalp / N? x Plate XX 86470 j.pJ?eet 44+1 1 I , I I N° 3 N°. 5 JV? 4 Y-rcljA.HA Lon/inn -Publi'shrd b 1 / John Harding 36 Shfamos 4 ' Street- Marchio lJv 2 do 6 '.Hoj-erhbcrg scx/l/t f • ' * IV -4.rcA f AKA Lo'nderei Publish'd by l.Hardina J6 b James's Jr eel July /80a 1 . / / .1 Ja rr/,' - • 1 J ^JU/T ( iJ/JyU/.JJ N L J /ale XX I L W 0 3 > * ■ »' ' " c y'vu/r C Oo, % 1 'W.Ifa n/ino S, /ok*. l£ar£n t 9 . 36 S t James's Street Jufy MO* Fluff XX !•' Fonf/on Tu&hsh'd. ly -John Ha-rdinj . Jf S h Fa-mess Sir ref .July /dOf) J . WlJJa rjt >ty Sculp t \rek f ,t RA foFl/j r i i I ! ' : ' ‘ i •• ■ V § j%jcxm r // 7 / // London. Pul/i.sArJ by -Jo A n liar Liny 36 Sb James 's Street March 39 OR. rcfi.tA.RA /o 8 6 4 2 1 Red A Ajsemily Room fv 3 0 . I'; pica* m van l o ndoTL* .Pub ILsh&L by Job n Hardin q 3 6 S. darn c-s'S S trete Maj‘ch, 1 o . 1 Pod < ./tO-resLoes-q .rcu/p . iVfl ( y /?vo //jebu mu / // ////' f ////( // -a mu riJci/ * An- °A J/ fc/n 1 9 f- ci 'VU/rci/ JX / n / P / tail Published, by X Harding, SP James's Street Ju/y n 1 * 1 1805 /YaAYXX yi ///; / /ftfttztcftft <>jf z/w - ' * ) OftftAC . J ('/V//W' < ftftft?7ld Ift /lorn, i {jr ft> U on. ///o fs/ovri (■a-fttruz/. (/ovtftum of /no c on) h /ffynrif BPV^PPf —mm ^‘iaJxxxxvn Lorulon, Published, by JohrvSardaxy 36 SfJamess Street- March jo ^xSoS C Rosenberg scii/f r JUsce ? 2 Scul/7 * f J ? Jarness Street July f 8 Oo. rlct/Yii Joh FuJ?lish d Tjowdo (oyv Shed 1 4 .O S Cjfll 8 Ft htoh Lodq for Poultrif ?*9 ' . . a ?d#n, d by John jffa.Tcbt'ny 36 Sf tJba.'ynes S' Slr'ee fJTuolly f 8 O £ •-' Al/ctm f - — —