pMsf^Cab ft . ui 1 u7?l L^? / s W^fwfEw- #'wl wfe, V- i-r /jsj^Sag^p,^ ®3§wre r 5 im#$sS¥ % - SM !^P| &«£ SfSjg /3% Jity if I ~ _ , ♦ * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute /- b c/2. Sr$Jz> Briti/h Portraits \ A CATALOGUE OF A GENUINE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF ENGLISH PORTRAITS CONSISTING OF THE ROYAL FAMILIES, PEERS, GENTRY, CLERGY, LAWYERS, MILITARY, LITERARY, ARTISTS, ACTORS, WRITING- MASTERS, MUSICIANS, FEMALE SEX, PHENOMENA, CONVICTS, MONSTERS, &c. FROM EGBERT THE GREAT TO THE PRESENT TIME ; Comprifing the Cholceft Works of delaram, elstrack, faithorne, hollar, loggan, lumley, THE pass’s, PLACE, SMITH, ROB. WHITE, &C. And nearly the whole that have been engraved after Sir Joshua Rey- nolds, and other Modern Artifls, moft of them Proofs, many. Private Plates, and Unique Prints, not to be found in any other Colle&ion, with Biographical and Genealogical Remarks. BY AN EMINENT CO I - 1 - ■■ is 4 During the laft Forty \ The Collection is in perfedt Preservation, and the Choicefl: Impreflions, WITH SIXTY SOLANDER PORT-FOLIOS, UNIFORMLY LETTERED, AND PRINT-PRESSES, WITH SLIDING SHELVES J WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, iBp Hicfmttifon, At his Houfe, No. 31, the Corner of Villiers-ftreet, in the Strand. IN TWO PARTS, The Firft, on Monday, Feb. 3, and the Seventeen following Days ; the Second Part, on March 3, and the Twelve following Days, at Twelve o’Clock Catalogues may be had, price Five Shillings, of Mr. Clarice, Bookfeller, Bond-Street ; Mr. George Cooper, Glafs-Grinder, <$rc. No. 8i. Lombard-Street} Mr. Todd, York} and of Mr. Ricliardfon, No. 3 1, Strand. TO BE VIEWED THREE DAYS PREVIOUS TO THE SALE. Mr. Richardfon begs to inform his Friends , that, in addition to his ufual Bufinefs, he propofes felling Prints , BookSj Coins , and every other Article intended for Public Sale, T. Burton, Printer, \ Little Quean ftreet. / CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. The higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed fhall be immediately put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d. ; above One Pound One Shilling; above Five Pounds 2s. 6d.; and fo in Pro- portion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Concfufion of the Sale; and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. Upon Failure of complying with the above Condi- tions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment fhall be forfeited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time afore- faid fhall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale fhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ^ Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commiflions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, W. Richardson. DAYS OF SALE FIRST DAY . Second Day, . Third Day, . . Fourth Day, Fifth Day, , . Sixth Day, . Seven th Day, . Eighth Day, Ninth Day, . * r jfenth Day, Eleventh Day, . T welfth Day, . Thirteenth Day, Fourteenth Day, Fifteentli Day, . Sixteenth Day, Mo?iday f Feb . 3 J Kings, Queens, Prin-< ^ ces, and Princefles. Tuefday , , Feb . *1 Royal Family conti- nued, and Peers, let- [ ter A. , Wednefday , Feb. s ! I Peers continued, B, ) and C. , Thurfday , . Feb. 6_ -Peers continued, D.toJ Friday . Feb. 7 ! i Peers continued, K. to i N. , Saturday , . Feb. 8 < \ Peers continued, O. to l s. , Monday , . Feb. ioi f Peers continued, T. to J Y, and Gentry, A. and B. . Tuefday , Feb. ii ' f Gentry continued, C. [ to F. . IVedneJday , .Feb. , 9 ^ Gentry continued, G» to M. . Thursday, . Feb. 13 j Gentry continued, N. f Gentry continued, T. . Friday , . . Feb. L4 < to Y. and Bithops, l A. to H. fBifhops continued, J. . Saturday , . Feb. 15 < to the end. Inferior £ Clergy, A. and B. . Monday, . Feb. j A Clergy continued, B. . Tuefday, . Feb. , 8 jClergy continued, H. . Wednesday, Feb. 19 J Clc-rgy ^ntinued, P. . Thurfday , , Feb 20 — Lawyers, Judges, Sce» [ Iv ] Seventeenth Day ..Friday, . . Fab. 21 { A ™^ and NaV * A ' Eighteenth Day, . S.iturddy , . Feb. 22 Army and Navy con- tinued, R. to Y. and Literary Perfons, A. and B. SECOND PART. Nineteenth Day, . Monday, . Mar. 3 { ^0°“’ f Literary Perfons con- Twentieth Day, . Tuefday , . Mar. 4< tinued, H. to L. £ and Portfolios. Twenty-fefl Day . Wednefday, Mar. * f Literary Perfons eon- Twenty-fecond Ydoy fThurfday > . Mar. 6< tinued, S. to Y. and * E Portfolios. Twenty-third Day, Friday , . . Mar. 7 f Artifts, < cians, £ ters, < A&ors, Mufi- Writing-Maf- &c. A. to G. Twenty-fourth Day, Saturday, . Mar. 8 { top! fArtifts, A6tdrs, &c. Twenty-fifth Day, . Monday , . Mar. 1 0< continued, Q. to Z. £ and Portfolios. Tweniy-fixth Day, Tuefday , . Mar. 11 — Ladies, A. to G. Twenty-feventhDa y JVednefday , Mar. 12^ ^ con ti n ued^ H. C Ladies continued, S. Twenty-eighth Day fThurfdayt . Mar. 1 3 < womei^^indudfr^g £ Adrefles, A. to C. Twenty-ninth Day, Friday . . Mar.U j G “g^oTto C Gentlewomen conti- \ nued, P. to Y. and Thirtieth Day, . . Saturday , . Mar.\5 <. Convi£ts, Phenome- i na, Monfters, &c. L A.&B.&Portfolios. fConvi&s, &c. conti- Thirty-firft Day, . Monday , . Mar. 1 7 < nued, C. to the i end. Firft Day’s Sale. Kings, queens, princes, and PRINCESSES; Bromley’s firft Clafs , included in the nine Periods * by I FoUR— The Abdicated Family, James and his Sifter, by Smith 5 Sobiefki, Charles, kc.—mez.-fine proofs 2 Two— James, in ail oval, 1747. tf /t. f> * . ^ /£- A 1 / / * 1 /. / . «« j 3. /0 1 — 1 ;/. , /4 = . r ' A?- ° ' 7. 6 !0- 0 1 1 , 3 •/ J V , $ ■ W - 2 . e Xft Da*. to — rrinceis Ann, by inompton; a ditto, witn a View of Windfor-Caftle — -fine proof, by Bec'ket i/f/i g Two — Ditto, by Vertue; with and without the crdwn „ and medals. Simon, &c. i Two — Ann Bullen, and Ann of Cleves, after Holbein^ ^ ^ by Bartolozzi te — Ann of Denmark, rofe and lilly at th fix Latin lines, by Crifpin de Pafs — rare / , ~ j j - - j , j . | from the medals ; Ann Bullen, by Hollar, Sic. • — — 30 Two-r-Ditto, ditto, by Baron * ~ 31 Two — Ditto, ditto, mez. by Browne — fine 32 Three — Charles L after Vandyck, by Smith, Faber, i/Jf % i Z° and Beckett — fine and 33 Two — Charles I. and Queen, by Vertue; Charles II. fol. by White, 1679 4 Six — Charles I. after Vandyck, by Faithorne; Pafs, & c. — fiome fcarce 35 One — Charles I. on horfeback , M. de St. Antoine hold- / ing his helmet, by P. Lombart — fine and rare cn? 3^ ^ ne — Henrietta Maria, in a religious habit, by Fai- thorne ; in the manner of Mellan— ^4437 Three — Ditto, by Faithorne, Hollar, Sic. y 38 One — Ditto, in mourning , crown at the back of her SvtTy'cjOJfii her head , by Gaywood — rare B 2 — S 5 , m(o '4y 4 / Kings, queens, 8 zc * Sft Day; 7 . /• 39 /• /• ' 4-0 I ** /^J " 41 42 j / ■ ; / ft | 43 i'7. ./• r._4+ 3 - 4 - " 45 L /H- Y / 46 r „ A/.T ' 47 / //- 4 48 | A 49 /, 2 L 1 So / a/ 1 - T ’ 5i 6 - r . 52 /,. //..<£ 53 rietta Maria, with three children — r - -- . — - j .# two others -—fcarce e/T Ca ( 7 ) by Chantry— yfo-? and fcarce ditto, with ftar and garter, after Hoeck, both by ? Hollar rare ut uri uuui^ uy jwuhlkc i y—yinc jjruuj—n iy//l e wy e— Ditto, fun rifing in the back ground, af Diepenbeck, by Faithorne, and Hollar \ fheet fine vo— Charles II. and Q by White and Davis try e/uff gths, X Xf / f * ft^7 win quarto — fcarce le — Ditto, fitting in his robes, after Lell; — -fine le— Ditto, on horfeback , army and fleet ground, by de Blois— 7/a?rc , $ KINGS, QUEENS, &C. rft at$- i /. £ 4 o i. i V it . t* ■ 6 ■ / * fty- I / . A 7 ..U 68 Twc— Elizabeth^ under a canopy, kneelings a wood cut', and a fmall whole length , with a view pf TVoodJlock — both fine and rare //frtd /tJrz Jt* 69 One — Ditto, fuperbly drejjed , fceptre and globe , fix ^ Englijh verfes, Jold by Stent — rare and curious If/ 70 One — Ditto, in an oval , fceptre and globe , with arr- naments of rofes , &V. inferibed, u Jkfl/k Elefla" by W. Rogers-— ^ 7 ^ c. 71 One — Princefs Elizabeth, daughter of King Charles^I, ' . in an oval, by Hollar; 1650 — r 94. One— Ditto, after Gainlborough, by J. R. Smith—* ditto 95 Three— George, Prince of Wales; and Frederick, Duke of York, after Weft, by V. Green—*. proof 96 One— Ditto, in an oval, by Saunders-^/z* proof (j$o 97 One — Princefs Mary, Sophia, and Amelia, after 1 Copley, by F. BartoloZzi — -fine '//).* yA* j 98 Three— Princefs Amelia, by Bartolozzi ; and Princefs Mary; and Sophia, by Caroline Watfon— 99 Three — Prince Edward, proofs Adolphus, by Townley; and the Prince of Wirtemburg, byy Tomkins 100 Eight — Kings, Henry I. II. IIL IV. V. VI. VII f and VIII. by Vertue 101 Six — Henry IIL Henry VI. fold by Geele, farce j. Henry V. by Parker, &c. 102 Four— Familia Regia, by Vertue; Henry VII. by Gunft, &c. 103 One— Henry, Prince of Wales , exercifing with Ct launce , by W. \ Hole-fine and fcarce j / ' 104 Eight— Henry VI. by Faber; Henry, Earl of Rich- mond, by Parker; Elizabeth, of York, &c. * 105 Two —Henry VIL and Elizabeth , his §tueen y two fnall ovals — rar§ ift Da/, KINGS, QUEENS, &C. /stri 506 Six — Henry VII. by Mar/hall ; Henry, Prince of Wales, byVertue, &c. C/) d io 7 Seven— -Henry VIII. by Faber; Catharine, of Ara- gon ; Catharine Howard; and Jane Seymour, by Vermeulen, &c. 108 One — Henry VIII. giving the charter to the Sur- Ic./lTri uc;; g e0 ns Company, after Holbein, by Baron y io^ Seven — Henry VIII. and his Queen, by Houbraken; i/' C- he.— fine fijO Ont — Catharine Howard , richly adorned, afiter • — / .. • / ■ Holbein, by Hollar 5 1 646 — rare and jine .. /a .. U /., /3 - j\ 2 - to til Two — Catharine Howard ; and Jane Seymour, after r ditto, by Bartolozsi —fine Second Day’s Sale. FIRST CLASS CONTINUED. 1 One —-James, Duke of York, by Van Dalen-* fi ne A. /{>«% 2 One — Ditto in bis robes, by R. 3 Four— James I. and IL byVertue; Ann of Denmark. by Houbraken, &c. t 4 One — James I. hat and feather, left hand on fword, , book on table, four Englifh verfes, t£ Are to Be “ fould by Thomas Johnfon, in Brittaynnes /s. - 14 KINGS* QUEENS* SlC. 2 .4 Dsy» 1 V} - /. / y I. ;4 / fi * *-* ; / . / * - - 4 / • /s • 5 2.7 / -/£■ /a / . / . ^ /V 4j 49 Two— William III. whole length, by Smith; and ditto, at the battle of the Boyne, after Wyck, by Faber — ‘fine &//***> P. Tempeft, ex . — -fine and rare 51 Four — William III. on horfeback, by Baron, Sec. / J 52 Thirteen — Kings of England, including William, of Orange, and the Princefs Mary; neat ovals Scotland. 53 Five — James IV. Y. Madeline, Marguerite, and Marie of Lorraine, by G\mft.-r—fine 54 Two — ' James /. whole length , with dagger and long ‘peaked Jhoes , arms fupported hy a Jlag — rare ; and one, by Trotter ^ 55 Seven— James I. II. III. IV. and V. &c. 56 Six — James IV. and Hhieen Margaret , eldejl daugh- ter of Henry VII . two Jmall ovals , extra rare ancl curious , with copies of them ; and Archibald, Earl of Angus, See. L'M'VyAzj 57 One — James IV. a cc worthy Prince , faine at Floy - den fields 1513.” Thifcle in his hand, cc fould by Compton Holland — -fine and rare 'fottPi'T+itr*? 58 One— Sanfla Margarita , hy Clowet— -ditto £ 59 Three — Mary, by Houbraken ; ditto, by Vertue ; and ditto, by Simon, with an engraved border of laurel^/fi/^ thijile , &c. — fine and fcarce 60 One— Ditto, fmall head in a fquare , by Hollar— ditto 61 One — Ditto, w Franc. Regis Conjux,” 1559, profile, glove in left hand, Cook ex. — very fine , and fup- ofed unique id Day PEERS. 15 62 One — Ditto, $EHS. 7 /? 99 Two — Ditto, in a fquare, by Hollar, 1648; and George Duke pf Albemarle t {/. f/y/s c -) too Two — Ditto, and Alathea Talbot, and one with an- tique figures, &c. See Granger, Vol.II page 112.. |Oi Two — Ditto , and Henry , Earl of Arundel , ovals by Hollar — zvery fine 102 One — Thomas, Earl of Arundel, after Mirevalt, by Simon Pafle— fcarce . IQ3 One — The Arundel family , after Fruitiers, 1643, fi by Vertue — proof 104 One — John, Lord Afhburton, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds, by F. Bartolozzi— 3/5W 1 05 One — James, Duke of Athol, whole length, in his robes, by Faber, private plate-— fcar 4 ce jo6 One — William, Lord Auckland, after Lawrance, by W. Dickinfon— fine proof A . . f f s Third Day’s Sale f PEERS continued . t n U F IVE— Arthur, Lord Balmeririo, mez. ; John, Earl Bradalbane, by Kay ; and Egerton, Duke of Bridge- water, final! whole length & Fite — John, Lord Baliol, by Faber ; John, Duke of - Bedford, by Vertue» Francis, Earl of Bedford, by / Dalton ; Edward, Duke of Buckingham, by Faber, &e. 3 Five — John, Duke of Bedford, by Harding 5 Robert, [jCIsl't/*. Vifcou'nt Belhaven % Edward, Duke of Bucking- ham, by Schiavonetti, &c. 4 Four— George, Lord Baltimore, 1632 ; James, Duke /* of Berwick, 1734; Patrick, Earl of Brentford, V * ' 1651, by Paul; and John, Lotd Byron, 1652, by ditto - 5 Six— Francis, Earl of Brentford; Lotd Digby, Earl o£^ yfc'* Briftol ; Lord BrOok, and Buckingham, by Vertue? & c. D 2 20 PEERS* 3d Day. 6 Three — William, Earl of Bath ; James, Earl Berkeley j and Richard, Earl of Burlington, by Faber 7 Three — Lord Burgherft, by Bartolozzi; and Wil- liam, Vifcount Barrington, set. 75, by C. Knight\ private plate ; and Baron Bottetourt (fj° 8 One — William, Vifcount Barrington, by C. Knight— fine proof 9 Three — William, Earl of Bath, by Martin; 17635 Henry, Earl Bathurft, by Houfton, 1773 ; and John, Lord Bowes, by Bracks 10 Three — Auguflus, Earl of Briftol, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by E. Fifher; General Blakeney, by Faber, 1748; and Lord Aubrey Beauclerk, by Vertue, 1746 1 1 T wc— Richard, Earl of Barrymore, proof, by Jehner ; and Stewart, Earl of Buchan, when Lord Cardrofs, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Finlayfon 7 il Seven— John, Firffc Earl of Bedford ; Francis, Second Earl ; William, Third Earl ; George, EarlofBriftoI ; Edward, Duke of Buckingham ; Lord Burleigh ; and George, Duke of Buckingham, by Houbraken^ very fine iploc/fiu *3 Five — Richard, Earl of Barrymore; John, Earl of Buckinghamfhire, &c. £4 Five— Cecil, Lord Baltimore, by Blooteling; Henry, Duke of Beaufort; John, Lord Belafyfe ; Charles, Duke of Bolton ; and George, Duke of Bucking- ham, by White— fine /doff 15 One— Vifcount Wallingford , Earl of Banbury , <. Beaufort , a capital proof by TV, Faithorne — extra rare N. B. This is mifcalled Edward , by Mr. Granger. Vide Vol. III. page 18. /v* 1( % Twc— Henry, Duke of Beaufort, 1714, by G/ Ver- c/ ’ * T 7 tue ; and Henry, Vifcount Bolingbroke, by Defe roehers- 20 One — Henry, Duke of Beaufort, by R. White —* -fine and fcarce 2/. PEERS. 2i rare 23 One — Charles , Duke of Beaufort , a profile etchings by TV. Hoare — -very rare L& 24 Two— Lord, James Beauclerk, and his brother, fo ns of Eleanor Gwinn, by Blootelingr-™^«^ and fcarce Cl 25 Three— John, Earl of Bedford ; Francis, Earl of Bed- ford, See. from Holbein, by F* Bartolozzi- — very fine a6 One— W riothefley, Lord RufTell, Duke of Bedford, '’Tftn+y when young, whole length, J. Beckett, ex. — rare and fine 27 One— Francis, Duke of Bedford, with his brother and lifter, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by V. Green fine pro6f (■£'* 28 One — Ditto, in his robes, whole length, after Hopp- ner, by J. R. Smith — fine One — George , Earl of Berkeley , oval y in his robeSy 1679 — extra rare and fine /J? .. /../// ^ /. /r.'~, / / * yjvp v/3 _ g 3 - / /O ~ l 4 -n / /J — / ' J \ .n,/ 3 L /a. s-- - PEERS* M 7 -30 3 1 7 7 - 3 * 30 5*/ 33 //. 34 / . fi\ " 35 sr- /s - 36 / 2 37 . // 38 7 —7'“ — 39 / /?..* / d"\' 4 1 3 . Z ?<- 42 /?* 43 One— James, Duke of Berwick, by Drevet; a fheet Two— William, Earl of Belborough, after Copley^ 7 by Dunkarton, 1794; and William, Earl, after Sit *a- Jofhua Reynolds, by Grozer, 1798 Two — Charles, Vifcotint Binning, 1722, by V. Hacken ; ahd Henry* Lord Bolingbroke, after^; 7 Murray — fie a rce Two— John, Marquis of Blandford 5 and Richard, Earl of Burlington, with his filler* Lady Jane* whole lengths, by Smith— -fine Three — General Blakeney, by M c Ardell, 1756 ; Cad- wallader* Lord Blayney ; and William* Earl oij Bleflingtori* 1745, by Faber— ficarce Three— Oliver, Earl of Bolingbrok^ William* Lord ,, Brouncker, by Holiar, &c. T wo—Ellefmere y Vifcount Brackley y 1616, by S. Pajfe —very fine and rare ; and one ditto, by Trotter^^ dy/<^ One— Jobny Earl of Bridgwater * 1680, after Claret* ( by R. Thompfon— rare . Lmx** > One— Alexander, Lord Bridport* Admiral, by Vi Gi eeri, 1796 —fine One — - John Digby , Earl of Brijloly with ftaff of chamberlaine, fold by W. Peake— wry rare One — George, Earl of Briftol, whole length, after Zoffany, by J. Watfon— very fine and rare fa ^ One — Auguftus, Earl of Briftol* after Gainlborough^ by ditto* — ditto One — Roberty Lord Brooke, by G. Valck, 1678— -fi s* * A * * \S 6 fine and rare One — Henry, Duke of Buccleugh, after Gainlbq- / rough, by Dixon— -fine Sd pay# PEERS. 23 //. 44 Two— John, Earl of Bridgwater ; and Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Chamberlain, by Smith — * very fine 45 One — ■ George , Duke of Buckingham , in an oval , over his left arm , hand on fword , nine lines exf ref- five of his titles , fold by P . Stent— fine and extra- rare 46 Two — Ditto, after Vandyck, by W. Baillie; one a ^ 7 proof 47 One- — George, Duke of Buckingham, after Mire- f/f*'* 7 veldt, by Delff—^* 48 One — John, Duke of Buckingham, Lord Chamber- lain, by Beckett— -fcarce 49 One — George, Duke of Buckingham, by Becket— -» ditto 50 Five — John, Duke of Buckingham, by Vertue ; proof ; Henry, Vifcount Bolingbroke; and Frederick, Lord Baltimore, by Miller o- 1 1 Two — George, Duke of Buckingham, with his bro- ther, by M c Ardell ; and John, Earl of Bucking- hamlhire, whole length, by Faber — fine 52 One — George, Marquis of Buckingham, after Gainf- borough, 1787, by J. K. Sherwin 53 Four — Francis, Earl of Bedford, by Vertue; Lord Burleigh, by Vertue; ditto, by PafTe ; and the Court of Wards, by Vertue 54 Two— John, Earl of Bute, whole length, by Ryland ; and John, Lord Mountftuart, whole length, by J. R. Smith 55 Two — John, Earl of Bute, when Lord Cardiff, after Sir Jofhua, by Fifher; and ditto, when Lord Mountftuart, by Captain Bailie— fine C/t^Z/e (7 0 ‘ 7- • c Z// 7 2 , 4 .. /z. .. /# ~ / ... .. J /S u 4 ' : 24 PEERS. 56 One- — ‘Ditto, whole lengthy in his robes , after Ro?n ney^ by F. Bartolozzi , private plate — -fcarce y rt 57 Eight — Henry, Lord Cobham, Mervin, Earl of Caftle- haven, Clifford, Earl of Cumberland, from the Horoologia, Sic. 58 Four-— -Duncan, Lord Campbell, by Harding; Lord Cobham ; and George, Duke of Clarence < /{ .tAfAjo 59 Four — Charles, Earl of Carlifle, by Blooteling; Wil- liam, Earl of Craven ; Patrick, Vifcount Chaworth, by Gunfl; and the Marquis of Clanrickarde Ca 60 Three — - James, Earl of Carlifle ; Roger, Earl of CafUe- maine, by Wefterhout; and John, Firft Earl of Clare, by Clamp 61 Three — Henry, Lord Carleton; Francis, Lord Cot- tington ; and Thomas, Lord Coventry, by Hpu braken — very fine % 6 ^ 62 One— Charles, Earl Camden, after Dance, by Ogborne, — fine and fcarce 63 Two — Ditto, whole length, by Ravenet, and Frede- rick, Earl of Carlifle, after Sir Jofliua Reynolds-^** fine 64 Two — Lord Frederick Campbell, after Gainfborough, private plate, and James, Earl of Cardigan, by Grozer — fine proof /tFt'rQtoy 65 Four — Arthur, Lord Capel 66 Four — John, Earl of Carbery, by Faber; William, Earl of Cadogan, by Simon ; Charles, Lord Cath- cart, by Faber; and Richard, Vifcount Cobham, by ditto 1 John, Earl of Carbery, by Simon ; Thomas, Earl of Coventry, by ditto ; and William, Lord Cowper, by Smith — fine 67 Three 3d Day. PEERS. 25 ^^ 6^ One— Lari /foy, ifor/ j 83 Four — Lord John Cavendifh, by Sayer ; James, Earl of Cbarlemont, by Nugent, 179O; Charles, Earl Cornwallis, by Haward, 17.84; and Lord Cow- f per, by Mansfield, 1784 Two— James, Earl of Charlemont, whole length, mez. proof, and an etching, after Hogarth, by Haynes ^ * //T 84 /3 /f /3 85 One — Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chefter, by W. Hollar—^/ fine 86 Two — William, Duke of Clarence, mez. proof, and one in an oval, after Lawrance, by Scott, 1788-^5 proof 87 One— Ditto, whole length, after Weft, by F. Bar to* lozzi and P. Sandby — proof 88 One — Edward, Earl of Clarendon, by D. Loggan— * fine ^*^2' £,89 ^ ne — Ditto, by R. White ^ ~ r-S , 90 Two — Robert, Lord Clive, by M c Ardell ; and George / Seymour Conway, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by E. Fillier, 1771 , 7 e ' ..91 One — Robert, Lord Clive, after N. Dance, by F. Bar- tolozzi, 1788 — private plate 92 One— George, Lord Cobham, after Holbein, by ditto -—fine 93 Three- — Hehry, Lord Coleraine, by Vertue— fine*? Edward, Earl of Clarendon, by T. Johnfon ; mez. and Nathaniel, Lord Crewe, by Faber, 1747 /£- C 3 * Day. PEERS ^ .94 One — Henry, Lord Coleraine, fitting and writing, as 1 Vs**** a pilgrim, Jacob’s ladder, and other emblems, after his Lordfhip’s own defign, by W. Faithorne 95 One — Thomas, Lord Coninglby, with his daughters, Xer * 1 by Vertue, 1723 96 Two — Richard, Lord Cobham, by Bickhafn; and John, Earl of Craufurd, by Worlidge, 1753 97 One — Charles, Marquis Cornwallis, after Copley, by B. Smith— -fine Uu c 98 One — Ditto, whole length, by Jones — proof "Fwc — Francis, Lord Cottington, by Hollar; and Philip, Earl of Chefterfield, by Worlidge si? joo One — Sir Thomas Coventry , lord keeper of the great feal — rare 101 One — William, Lord Cowper, Lord High Chancellor, 170 7, a mez. with an engraved ornamented bor*> der, arms, mace, See. after Kneller — farce One-— Nathaniel Crew, by F. Place— fine and rare One— Ditto, by D. Loggan— ditto 04 Three — George, Earl of Cromartie, mez. quarto, Henry, Lord Coleraine, mez. Sec. J05 One — George , Vifcount Tarhat , Earl of Cromarthe , rft. 47, with his two wivesy three ovals , with emblems of Time y Death , £sV. mez. by And . John * Jlon — very rare * / 106 One— -Ditto, with his wife Margaret Weemifs, net. //? • ^ 7 ^ 39 — ditto — fine 107 One George , Vifcount Tarbat , iffc. 1692, by Van- derbanc — very fine and rare J08 One — George y Earl of Cumberland , in armour, collar of the garter, &c, by R. Vaughan— extra fine and rare E 2 0 109 One — Ditto^ whole lengthy drejjed for a tournament , hy R. White— ditto — ditto HO Four — William, Duke of Cumberland, in military uniform, mez. ditto, in robes of the garter, by Faber ; ditto, flar and garter, by ditto •, ditto, K. B. by Smith, 1729 111 Two— -William, Duke of Cumberland, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by F idler ; a ditto, by Spooner 1 12 One — John, Lord Cuts, in armour, mez. hy Sirnoir — 3 fcarce and fin$ 1X3 j. UStesK*' cr 3 {{. c/yAr , ■, % y^ <■ 7 //. CyA SlX — Edward, Earl of Devonfliire, by Chambers; Dudley Carleton, Vifcount Dorchefter, private plate, &c. Two — Charles, Earl of Dalkeith, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, and Archibald, Lord Douglas, after Willifon, by V. Green —proofs One — Henry, Earl of Danby, whole length, after Vandyck, by ditto One — Edward, Earl of Darby, after Holbein, by Bar- tolozzi — -fine On c—r-George^ Lord Dartmouth^ by P. Vanderbanc ; ^ with trophies, fheet — very rare and fine One — rIVilliam , Earl of Denbigh , by Voerft -— fcarce One — Bafil, Earl of Denbigh, mez. after Dance, by J. Watts — fine One — James, Earl of Derby, after Vandyck, by D. Loggan — ditto //.(, Y.C / 3 - //• .<£ r y 4 > A- A / -3 - /C Ip // £ H v W lb //? - [//'”> ^ - Z\“- /'•/ - 30 PEERS. 4th Da;', 9 One— -Charles, Earl of Derby, by A. Blooteling, mez^ -—fine and fcarce jfi. aj o$l 10 One — Earl of Derby, after Lelly, by R. Tompfon ,jyfic /V a'. /3 • /C 9 // v / F PEERS. 4th Day. 34 59 Six — Auguftus, Duke of Grafton; Thomas, Lord Grantham, by Patch, 1768; Lord Adam C by Kay, &c. 60 Four- — Henry, Earl Galway, by Simon; John, Earl G ranville, by Pelham ; W llliam, Duke of Glo- 61 Four — -Baptift, Earl of Gainfborcugh, by Faber ; Sid- ney, Earl Godolphin, by Smith ; F. Earl ditto, by G. White ; and John, Lord Gower, by Faber 62 Five — William, Lord Grenville; Frederick, Earl of Guildford, by Jones, 1787; William, Vif Grimfton ; Lord George Gordon, &c. 63 Three*— John, Earl Granville, by Major; William, Duke of Gloucefter ; and Sidney, Earl phin, by Houbraken 64 One - — Patrick Craufurd,of Kilberny\ Vifcount Gar- nock, with armorial bearings, by J. Smith — -fine and fcarce Humphry, ditto, by Gardiner; Henry, Duke of Gloceffer, by Vertue; William, Vifcount Gran- difon, by Gunft ; and Francis, Lord Guilfo 1 1 Vertue 67 One* — Francis, Lord Guilford, by D. Loggan, folic—* - fine and fcarce tiro 68 One — -Frederick, Lord Guilford, after Dance, b Burke; before the plate was reduced — very fine J^ff*** 69 One — Henry , Duke of Glocefter , born at Oatlands , ler 4tfc Cay. PEElRS. 35 /// 0 - Charles, who died 1629, by R. Vaughan — rare and curious ' 70 One — Henry, Duke of Glocefter, by Van Dalerv ■ fine 71 Three — William, Duke of Glocefter, with a fhock Spud's trm dog ; ditto, whole length, with a flower-pot; and ditto, with M. B. Bathurft, by Smith— fine 72 Three — William, Duke of Glocefter, by Earlom — proof ; Prince William of Glocefter, by Bell ; ditto, and Prince William Frederick, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Caroline Watfon , 72 One — Alexander , Second Duke of Gordon , with dog t wdALf anc j g Un ^ a f ter Kneller — rare 'C'/jfiw 74 One — Ditto, more finifhed — - ditto 75 One — Henry, Duke of Grafton, a fhip at fea, by J. cdyf* 7 Becket— fcarce One — Ditto, E. Cooper, ex.— ditto 77 Three — Charles, Duke of Grafton, when Lord Euf- ton ; Charles, Duke of Grafton, by Kneller, 1731 ; and ditto, whole length, in his robes, by Faber, 1740 ,78 One— Auguftus Henry, Duke of Grafton, 1762, by fysdAtri*' James Watfon— fcarce ^ 79 One — John, Marquis of Granby, relieving a diftrefted * ‘ ™ < ?/' ^ 80 One — Ditto, ftanding by his horfe, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Watfon y / 81 Two — Thomas, Lord Grantham, after Romney, by Dickinfon — proofs and John, Lord Grantham, F2 - :z i .. / C / . // 4 » // .. .. /a / 3 . 2 / - - // " 7 J'5 .. / o ■ • - M- .. /t> 6. 56 PEERS, 4th Day. : /j 2\ , \/\3 .. | ! / u> - j / 2 .s • 7 7 - / A- 4. .. // - / 2 :- /A L ■/A- / SB PEERS. 4th Day. Charles, Earl of Halifax, by D revet ; and George j * | /#. \ [ | 9 ?- 4 Jj f. 3 . & ,5 JO //j /7 S2 3 * IS ip j ° 6 107 108 ,^109 — * in •' 112 If *?3 .. 114 {? 1 js Marquis of Halifax, by Houbraken ^ Six— Henry, Lord Holland, after Hogarth ; Robert, Vifcount Hampden j James, Earl of Hoptoun, Kay, &c. One — Robert, Lord Hobart, after Lawrence, Grozer — ’fine One — Henry, Earl of Holland, in an oval, by W. Faithorne ; fold by R. Peake — very fine and fcarce One— Ditto, by Peter Clouwet— fine proof One — Ditto, when Sir Henry Rich, in armour, tro- phies, &c. by PafTe ; fold by Thomas Jenner— fine^ r f / & and fcarce One — Admiral Lord Flood, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds, by J. Jones— p roof One— Ditto, w r hole length, after Abbott, by V, ./ Green One-^John Griffin, Baron Howard de Waldeji, whole length, by E. Bell One — Tarl Howe, after Copley, by R. Dunkarton —fine One — Theopbilus , Earl of Huntingdon , in a fine coat, 1687, mez. after Kneller, by R. Williams — rare y/i (fi One — George, Marquis of Huntley, after Vandyck^ by Val. Green x}> 3 " . y- J' J. -3 *> 1 17 One — George, Lord Jefifryes, mez. R. Cooper, ex. —fca rce 118 One— Ditto, as Earl of Flint , after Kneller, J. Oli- ver— extra rd re and fine ^ 3 - tf y 4 of 1 19 One — Ditto, by R. White — fine and rare 'fn Fifth Day’s Sale PEERS continued . Four — W illiam, Earl of Jerfey, when Lord Vil- liers, with his filler, whole lengths, by Smith ; Lord Kingllon, by Vertue; Evelyn, Duke of Kingllon, by Faber, &c. (^ ° 2 Three — Alexander, Earl of Kellie, by Blyth ; Earl of Kilmarnock, Lord Kenmure — rare^ &c. ' / 3 Four— Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, Sir Peter King, 1718, // ,/ r by Simon; ditto, 1724, by Vertue ; ditto, as Chan- cellor, 1725, by ditto 4 One — Lloyd, Lord Kenyon, 1788, after Op ie, by J. Fittler 5 Two — Admiral Keppel, after Reynolds, by E. Fiftier, 1760; ditto, after Romney, by W. Dickinfon, 1:799 —fine ,6yOne — Thomas, Earl of Kinnoul, 175 5, by Hodges, 1790 ; proof — private plate . * 5*Nine— Lord Lumley, Earl of Leven ; John, Earl of Loudon ; Mark, Earl of Lothain ; Earls of Len- nox, &c, &c. 40 PEERS. 6*Four — Henry, Duke of Lancafter, by Faber; Ro- bert, Earl pf Leicefter, with his filter, mez. by Browne ; Marmaduke, firft Lord Langdale, and the Duke and Duchefs of Lauderdale, by Tomp- fon ;//. 2 7 One — John of Gaunt , Duke of Lancafter, fold by Rogt Daniel — fine and rare */' C . S-Char-ksy-Le rd Luc any af t er— Si r - Jolhiia, by -Jones— f-rotf */cr/st -tsT 5 d ^ 8*Four — -George, Lord Lanfdowne, by Vertue; Wil- liam, Marquis of Lanfdowne — proof by Barto- lozzi ; George, Earl of Leicefter, after Reynolds, by Bertland — private plate 9 Three — John, Duke of Lauderdale; Robert, Earl of Leicefter; and Robert, Earl of Lindfey, by Hou- braken — fine Af^v^Ast^ braken—^/W 10 One — ■ Richard , Earl of Lauderdale , 1683, after G. Kneller, by Vanderbano — fine and rare 1 1 One — Ditto , after Michelen ,• by ditto — very rare and fine f'TO' 13 One — -John, Duke of Lauderdale, in his robes, by Valck; fine proof — fcarce 13 One — Ditto, by Becket — proof 14. One— James, Earl of Lauderdale, whole length, in his robes — private plate — * proof 15 Two— Humphrey, Vifcount Lanefborough, whole length, by Brooks ; and James, Lord LifT W. Dickinfon len 16 One— -Ditto, in his Chancellor’s robes, whole length. after Sir Joibua Reynolds, by Dunkarton — * fine $th Day. PEERS. 41 uj 1 °“ % a v. y •V*f tf £ 21 Thomas, Duke of Leeds, after Lely, by Bloote- ling— -fine *8 One — Ditto, by R. White ; folio 19 One— -Thomas, Earl of Leicefter, in the print of the */* family of Mr. Cook, of Norfolk, after Hayfman ; mez. 2 p One — Thomas, Earl of Leicefter, whole length, by V. Green — proof 21 Two — Robert, Earl of Leicefter, whole length, after Zuccaro; 1575 5 by S. Watts; and Edward, Earl of Lincoln, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi 22 Two — James, Duke of Leinfter 5 1754; after Sir Jofhua, by M‘Ardell — fcarce ; and William, Duke of ditto, after ditto, by J. Dixon 23 Five— Earl of Litchfield, Earl of Leicefter, &c. 24 Five— -Robert, Earl of Leicefter, Earl of Leven; &c . 25 One — Robert, Earl of Lindfey, by Voerft — fine and /fat-' fcarce 26 One— John, Lord Ligonier* on horfeback, after Sir Jofhua, by E. Fifher 27 One — George , Earl of Linlithgow ,Lord Juftice Gene- 'f / ral of Scotland ; 1688; by R. White; with armo- rial bearings— very rare ^ 28 One— John, Earl of Litchfield, with his brother, by M c Ardell ; a ditto, by Tompfcn 29 One — Edward , Lord Lyttleton , by Faith or ne ; fold by Rob. Peake — very fine 30 One— Ditto, after Vandyck, mez. by R. Williams — - r ~' fcarce jy 31 One — Thomas, Lord Lyttleton, with a phantom, by > T ownley ; 1781 — fcarce G // . %. ( 7 )<> 'Q* & / a/* (A 4. 4 / 2 9 - f ■ If Vd-fi d l e b V- - /2 •• 3. VO V /&. a 3 2. 42 PEERS. 5th Blf. / (e> // /: M - / <7 /3 Y9 // // / it 32 Five — Henry, Earl of Lincoln, by Faber ; 1733 ; &c. 33 One — Robert , Vifcount Lifie y and Earl of Leicejler ; 1617; by Simon Pafle; fold by Humble — fine and rare x * Sdayfif, 33* T yvo— -Patrick, Earl of Lucan, by Tilliard; and Charles, Lord Lucan, after Sir Jofhua, by Jones —proof 34 One— Charles, Earl-of Liverpool 35 One — The Lords Juftices of England ; by R. White; 169 fine and fcarce 36 One — Ditto, William, Earl of Portland; Edward, Earl of Oxford ; John, Lord Somers ; and Charles, Lord Halifax, four ovals in one plate ; mez. by W. Faithorne — fcarce £ 7 y?*<^y 37 One — W. J. Marquis of Lothain, on horfeback, by Dixon — proof 38 Two — John, Lord Ligonier, hand in his bofom, ftar, &c. mez.-— -fcarce] and W. J. Marquis of Lothain, when Lord Newbattle, by Fifher — private plate 39 One — Alexander, Lord Loughborough, by Hudfon— - proof 40 Two — Ditto, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Grozer ; and George, Lord Lyttelton, by Dunkarton— fine 41 Three — George, Vifcount Lewifham, after Reynolds, by Spilfbury ; William, Duke of Leinfter, by Hodges; and Lord Loughborough, by Hudfon— fine proof 42 Two — Simon, Lord Lovat, by Hogarth; and ditto, > w by Simon— fcarce 43 Two — Ditto, by ditto, when young— fcarce-, and the Earl of Loudoun, by Spooner 5Ui Day. • PEERS. 43 s£4 Yot'j , ^ 44 Seven— Ralph, Duke of Montagu, by W. N. Gar- diner-; John, Earl of Mar, by Roberts, &c. 45 Three — John, Duke of Montagu; Richard, Vifcount Molefwortb, by Brooks ; and George Keith, Earl Marifchal, aet. 23, by Simon —fcarce 46 Four — Charles, Duke of Manchefter ; John, Duke of Marlborough ; Charles, Lord Mohun ; and John, Duke of Montagu, by Faber 47 One— Henry Montagu , Earl of Manchejler , by > F. D. fix Latin lines’— fine and rare ^48 Two — George, Duke of Manchefter, by Jones; and Lord Milton, by ditto 49 Three — William, Lord Mansfield; John, Duke of Marlborough, by W. Sherwin; and Robert, Lord Molefworth, by P. Pelham; 1721 50 Three — Edward Montague; James, Marquis of Mon- lo ti y/r,*i tro f e . anc j J am es, E ar j 0 f Morton, by Houbraken —fine 5,1 Two— Francis, Earl Moira, after Sir Jofhua Rey- | n °Hs, by Jones; and Lord Morpeth, after ditto, by Trotter 52 Three — Hugh, Earl of Marchmont, by Parifet— fcaree ; Welbore Ellis, Lord Mendip, by Caro- line Watfon, ditto; and F. Lord Rawdon, by Baldrey — proof 53 Four — Henry, Earl of Manchefter— fine ; Edward, L.(/a*b> . 0^ -) " ^ (e / /z .. /6>~ S'- 0 . 44 PEERS. 5th Day. 55 Two— Thomas, Earl of Macclesfield, when Lord- Chief- Juftice ; 1712; by Vertue; a ditto, with the feals, by ditto — a proof 56 Two — George, Earl of Macclesfield, by Faber; 1754 fcarce ; and Philip, Vifcount Mahon, by J. Wat- fon ; 1764 — ditto * 57 Two— James Harris, Lord Malmfbury, after Sit Joftiua Reynolds, by Caroline Watfon; 1 786 j and Charles, Duke of Marlborough, after ditto, by_ Houfton ■ 58 One — Lord Robert Manners, after Sir Joflrna Reyy^ nolds, by Dickinfon — proof 59 Two— William, Lord Mansfield, by Jones— proof \ and ditto, get. 28, by Bafire ; 1797 60 One — Ditto, whole length, fitting, by Martin ; 1 775 — -fine d/Lr'/t'dh .* 61 One— Ditto, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by F. Bar- . tolozzi — ditto 62 Onr— John, Earl of Mar, with armorial bearings, by Smith; 1707 —Jcarce 63 One— John, Earl of Mar, by P, Vanderbanc — -fine 64 One — Patrick, Earl of Marchmont; 1698; with a) morial bearings, by R. White— fine and 65 Two— Patrick, Earl of Marchmont, by Smith — •rarey and John, Duke of Marlborough; ,1705; by J» Simon— ditto 66 One — James Ley, Ear] of Marlborough, by J. Fayne rrrfine and rare One— John, Duke of Marlborough, in armour; large folio— -fine i V /, fe n 67 68 One— Ditto, by G. Vertue ; folio —fcarce 4* $th Day. PEERS. 45 . -69 One — The Marlborough family , after Shelly, by Bar- ” tolozzl — proof rare 70 One— George, Duke of Marlborough, whole length, 4/. ^ i n his robes, after Romney, by Jones-*-/?;?* proof 71 One — John, Lord Lundin, Earl of Mel fort, set. 34, t/yX armor i a l bearings, by V anderbanc — fine and s rare /„, 72 One — Ditto, mez. by Becket — ■ ditto yfl 73 One — George, Earl of Melvill, by R. White — ; fine 'yr a ^ 74 One — Francis Rawdon, Lord Moira, whole length, y after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Jones — proof Two— Henry, Earl of Monmouth, by Marfhall 5 a ditto, by Faithorne — fne *](p One — James, Duke of Monmouth, breaft-plate, &c, 7 ^ in an oval of oak leaves ; fold by Overton— fcarce One— Ditto, in his robes, by Blooteling; old impref* fion 78 One — Ditto, large folio, by P. Vanderbanc — fne 7 X 79 One — John, Duke of Montague, left hand on a fword, V by M c Ardell — ditto 'J tj 3 o Three — James, Marquis of Montrofe ; four verfes, a Scotland’s Glory Edward, Earl of MancheL ter, &c. One— Ditto, in armour , by A, Math am — rare ; arms? I a &c. in the upper corners One — Ditto, fix Latin verfes; I. K. — ditto 83 One — George, Vifcount Mordaunt, by W. Faithorne f 84 ©n z— Edmund? Earl of Mulgrave , by R. Lift rack— . fcarce 85 One — Conftantine, Lord Mulgrave; 1776; mez s \Jr/dL P ^-fcarce 86 One— Ditto, 1774 — unique 46 PEERS. 5 th Day.. 87 One— Alexander, Earl of Murray, with armorial bearings; 1.686; by Vanderbanc— -fine ^ ^ 88 Ten — Henry, Earl of Northampton; Spencer, Earlpf Northampton ; Lord Newark, &c. .89 Five — Thomas, Duke of Norfolk; Algernon, Earl of Northumberland ; Charles, Earl of Notting- ham; Daniel, Earl of ditto; and William, Duke of Newcaftle, by Houbraken and Vertue— Ipurrvu. 90 One— John, Baron Naas, mez. by W, Dickinfon— v fine <1 ^ 91 One— William, Duke of Newcaftle, by V orfterman— fine /sfacsri-'r 92 One— The Newcaftle family, under a colonade; Charles, Vifcount Mansfield, and Mr. Henry Ca- vendifh, on horfeback, after Diepenbeke, by LifT- betten 93 Two — >a ditto; and one with La Bataille Gaignee, by Clowet 94 One — The Newcajile family , in a room , after Diepen - beke, by Clouuet ; a beautiful proof before the verfes — extra rare ^ 95 Three — William, Duke of Newcaftle, by Hollar ; Mountjoy, Earl of Newport, by ditto ; and Alger- non, Earl of Northumberland, by J, Payne — fcarce 96 One— John, Duke of Newcaftle, by R. White 6 97 Two— Thomas, Duke of Newcaftle, by M'Ardell ; and Robert, Earl of North ington, by ditto ■ (JL °, 98 Three— Thomas, Duke of Newcaftle, as lord cham-p berlain, by Smith ; ditto, by Pelham ; and Wil- liam, Lord North, and Grey, by Simon $th Day. PEERS. 47 2- i/j - gff’ 99 Two — Robert, Lord Newport, by Miller; 1747; L / and a ditto, whole length s 100 One — Thomas , Duke of Norfolk , with the ihaff of Earl Marftiall, by Vorfterman — a mojl brilliant imprejfion 101 One — Henry, Duke of Norfolk, after Lely; 1677; //? etrtsrcm by A. Blooteling ; 1678; large io\\o—fcarce 102 Six — Heneage, Earl of Nottingham, whole length ; 1676; Thomas, Second Duke of Norfolk, by C. Hall; Thomas, Fourth Duke, by Dalton, &c. 103 One — Charles, Duke of Norfolk, whole length, after Gainfborough, by J. K. Sherwin ; 1790 — private plate 104 Two — Thomas, Fourth Duke of Norfolk, and Wil- liam, Marquis of Northampton, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi — -fine 105 Five — Thomas , Duke of Newcafile , an etching, by Pryce Campbell — rare ; Robert , Earl of Northing - ton, whole length , ditto ; ditto, on the woolfack , by ditto; and Lord Nugent, and the Duke of Norfolk, by Sayer 106 One — George Fitzroy , Earl of Northumberland , after H. Gafcar — fine' and rare 107 One — Henry, Earl of Northumberland; i6iq ; bv r . Delaram— -rare 108 One — Algernon , of Northumberland, whole length, in a cloak, fword and glove ; fold by Stent — -fcarce yf / 109 Seven— John, Duke of Northumberland; Henry, Earl of Northumberland, &c. no One — Jofceline, Earl of Northumberland, mez. after Lely, by Browne— rare . V- 'LUri<7L ■■ /6 S- S'- - 2 / - /O'l Z .. // i / 6 • A . 4 * • * • c 2 . < / /o ■ 3. 3- 48 PEERS, 5th Day. . / Hi One — George, Duke of Northumberland, after Willing, by Williams — fine 1 12 One — Hugh, Duke of Northumberland, by Hodges; proof— -rare 1 13 Two — Ditto, by Fifher; and Percy, Duke of ditto, by V. Green 114 Two— Ditto; and ditto, by Tinlayfon / 1 15 One— Charles Howard, Earl of Nottingham, py S. Pafle — ficarce ^ f / ffi s, 1 16 One— Heneage, Earl of Nottingham ; 1681; byj^, White — fine *4 /3 M , & n. Sixth Day’s Sale. PEERS continued ThREE —R obert Walpole*, Earl of Orford, by Simon; and two, the Motion, and the Acquitai ■ — politicals /j° , ‘ 2 Two — One ditto, whole length, by Faber; and ditto; with ftar, See. by ditto ^ 3 Four— Ditto, by G. White; 1715; ditto; by Vertue; 1748; and Horace, Earl of Orford, by Parifet 4 One — Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, after Sir ? J 0 ^ 11 ^ Reynolds, by M’Ardell ; 1757; private '' plate— fine / ^ 5 One — Ditto, after Lawrance; 1796; by W. Evans; ,'Zerrt 1797 CT ^ 6 One — Thomas, Earl of Ormond, Sec . from Holbein, by Bartolozzi —fine yc : 7 Two- — James, Duke of Ormond, after Willing, by / 3 c<. fit, Williams, mez .—fine', and Edward RulTell, Ad- miral, Earl of Orford, by Gole H so PEERS. 8 Three — James, Duke of Ormond, in armour, collar of the garter, by Smith; 1701; ditto, oval, large wig, by ditto; and one in armour, after Dahl, by Simon u . _ 9 Five— -James, Duke of Ormond, by D. Loggan ; ditto, by G. White; Roger, Earl of Orrery, by Mynde; and Charles, Earl of Orrery, by Baron, See 10 Two — John, Earl of Orrery, by Faber; 1741; and an etching of ditto, by Wilfon £■//* $ , 1 1 Two — Thomas, Earl of OlTory, by Van H< one, in mez. in an oval— 12 One — Ditto, by P. Vanderbanc, large folio— ditto Cr^t^o 13 Four— Edward, Earl of Orford ; 1692; by Vertue* Edward, Earl of Oxford, whole length, by Ver- tue; 17455 ditto, with medals, by ditto; 1746; and Robert, Earl of Oxford, by ditto 14 One — Robert Vere, Earl of Oxford^ in armour; .flaiti 1632 — Scarce •//?#, -V- rfi Faithorne\ — fine and rare 32 One — Ditto; 1682; after Kneller, by R. White, ^ with armorial bearings — ditto i Ac 33 One — Ditto, after Riley, by ditto; 1686; with ditto « LA, T T H 2 2 .. / Jc <2 . f. , 3- to- . •- //y L < /F ■ / /0 f / /Z ft 3 52 PEERS. «th »ay. 34 Twc — -George, Lord Pigot, after Stubbs, by B. Green — proof \ and one ditto, in an oval, by Scawen/^^O^dy j 35 Three— Other, Earl of Plymouth, by Baron — -fcarce ; Alexander, Lord Polwartb, by Parifet; ditto, bv ^ J. R. Smith — proof 36 Two — Carlo, Earl of Plymouth, J. Savage, pc.; and William, Earl of Portland, by R. Williams. % 37 One— William Henry, Duke of Portland, by Johi Murphy (JL 38 Twc— Ditto, with his brother — proof, by J. R. Smith; and William, Duke of Portland, with his Duchefs; and Lady Mary Wortley Montague, by Vertue; x 73 9 39 One — William, Duke of Queenfborough, after Knel- ler, by P. Vanderbanc; with armorial bearings. large folio — very rare and fine 40 One— James, Duke of Queenfberry, by du Guernier^ large folio — -fcarce 41 One — Charles, Duke of Queenfberry, after Wilifon, by V. Green; 1773 ; mez. 42 Five— Robert, Lord Raymond, by Simon; ditto, by Vertue; Charles, Duke of Rutland, after Cofway, by Lane, &c. 43 Three — James, Duke of Richmend ; John, Lor$l RufTell; and Laurence, Earl of Rochefter ; by Houbraken — fine 44 One — John, Earl of Radnor; 1683; R. White, ex. —rare (J) fifa -s$ 45 One — Richard, Lord Rich, after Holbein, by Barto* lozzi— fine <>tii Day, PEERS. 53 6 Three — Jacob Bouverie, Earl of Radnor, after J. c Reynolds, by M c Ardell ; Charles, Duke of Rich- mond, ob. 1750; by Faber; and ditto, by ditto; 1731 9 O'- ' L-V/< f ) 47 Eight — Alan de Bretagne, Earl of Richmond ; Lodo- vick, Duke of Richmond ; Lord Rivers ; See . 48 Onz—Lodovick, Earl of Richmond, by Simon Paffe an r[ fi ne 49 One— Ditto, laying in Hate; a wand in each hand — ditto 50 One — James Lenox, Duke of Richmond, Sec. after • Geldorp, by Voerft ; quarto — -fcarce ^ /Zfii Ore — James, Duke of Richmond, after Vandyck, by Faithorne — - fine and fctirce 52 One — -Charles, Duke of Richmond, {landing in f / u , t armour, after du Broyn, by R. Tompfon- — ■ rare and fine 53 One — Ditto, with a grey hound, after W. Willing, by J. Becket — ditto 54 One— Ditto, whole length, with a black holding his hat and feather, after Gafcar; mez.- — very rare 55 Three— Charles, Duke of Richmond, in his robes, by Faber; ditto, embroidered waiftcoat, by M c Ardell; and Charles, Duke of Richmond; 1778; by J. W atfon— />r oof fib Two — Charles, Duke of Richmond, after Willing, t /fir c „ by R. Williams ; and Lawrence, Earl of Rochefter, by ditto 57 Two— Richard Robinfon, Archb'fhop of Armagh, / /\c> after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by Houfton ; and ditto, after ditto, by J. R. Smith — proof • ' /V (f 3 /d ( 3 /d \ / r f 9 2 " ‘ 6~ - Z /f '• / 2 ~ Z /Z If , /? & 54 - peers. • 6th Day. 58 One — John , Earl of Rochejler^ by R, White; 1681 — very fine and rare ■ 59 Five — John, Earl of Rochefter, by R. White ;JDuke of Richmond, &c. 60 Two — Laurence, Earl of Rochefter, and Henry Sid- ^ ney, Earl of Romney, by Alexander Browne 61 Three — W. Henry, Earl of Rochford, by R. Houf- ton; ditto, by Val. Green -' — proofs and Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, by Houfton 62 One — Charles, Marquis of Rockingham, in his robes, ^ whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Fifherq^^ 63 Two-— Lord Rodney, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Dickinfon ; and John, Earl of Rothes, after ditto, by M c ArdelI 64 Two— -Lord Rodney, after ditto, by Watfon ; and John, Duke of Rutland, in his robes, whole length • — Sne cm . 65 One — Robert, Lord Romney, in his robes, whole length, after ditto, by Finlayfon — fine proof (f ' 66 One — Robert , Earl of Roxburgh^xt. 19, 1696; after D. Patin, by J. Smith— very fine and rare 67 One — fohn , Duke of Roxburgh , in his robes, after Richardfon, by Faber; 1741 — ditto 68 One — Robert, Duke of Roxburgh, after Hudfon, by M c Ardell — ditto fi&+rQ/Zy 69 Two — Jofeph) Vifcount Rufsborough , whole length, after De Fefch, by C. Grignion — rare t // , t ' - 70 One — William, Lord RufTell, set. 44; 1683; after G. Kneller, by P. Vanderbanc— -fine and fcarce^ ] 71 One — Francis, Earl of Rutland, with collar of the ■eo ■ rare 6th DSy, PEE-RS. A ~ OJ 72 One — -Charles, Duke of Rutland, in his robes, whole £ length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by C. Hedges ^ — proof 73 Five— James, Marquis of Salifbury, by Orme ; John, yp Lord Sheffield, after Downman, by Jones — proofs /?lc * * Sharks, Earl Stanhope, & c. 74 Three — James, Earl of Salifbury, whole length, by J. Smith ; Maynard, Duke of Schomberg, ttand- ing in armour, by ditto; and Charles, Earl of Sunderland, by Simon; 1724 75 Five — Robert, Earl of Salifbury ; Frederick, Duke of ^ # Schomberg ; Thomas, Earl of Strafford ; Edward, Duke of Somerfet ; and Henry, Earl of Surrey, by Houbraken — -fine 76 Two — Lord George Sackville, by Jacobi ; and John, Earl of Sandwich, after Zoffani, by V, Green — - proof 77 Five— John, Earl of Salifbury; Robert, Earl of Salif- (j c bury, Heroologia ; George, Earl of Shrewfbury, and his wife ; John, Earl of Shrewfbury, by Bafire — proof & c, 78 One — William , ViJ count Say and Seale , Matter of "ts, Jjhe Court of Wardes, &c. on horfeback , in armour , J by W. Sherwin — rare On e— Robert) Earl of Salifbury, by H. Stock — ditto 80 Two — William, Vifcount Say and Seale; and Wil- liam, Earl of Salifbury, by Hollar 8 1 Two — Edward, Earl of Sandwich, in armour, by A. Blooteling; and Edward, the fecond Earl, by ditto '82 One — Edward, fecond Earl of Sandwich, after Lely 5 mez. in a circle ; proof— rare ; not in Bromley //„ / > 5 " /«? " /O A • 2 . 3 - 3 / // /• If- / C\ 56 PEERS. 6th 0 if a 83 One-— Frederick, Duke of Schomb? re, in i& , armour* large folio, after Dahl, by S. Gribelin — -fcarcej 7 ^ 84 Two — Ditto, by P. Vanderbanc; and John, Earl of Stair, in an oval, with military trophies-— .Ct-€K*fb 85 Three — Frederick, Duke of Schomberg, on horfeback, by J. Smithy-fine \ John, Earl of Stair, by Faber & and James, Earl Stanhope, by Simon 86 One— Kenneth, Earl of Seaforth, folio, by R. White? — - farce 87 Two — Anthony, Earl of Shaftfbury, mez. by Rl Thompfon ; and John, Lord Somers, by Smith—- proof 88 One — Anthony , Earl of Shaftfbury ; 1673; lifted Greenhill, by A. Blooteling — extra fne and rar^d/fiA* /- 89 One — Ditto, mez. in an oval, quarto, by E. Luttrell — ditto 90 One- — Ditto, folio, by R. White; 1680 — -fine 91 Two — Ditto, by Baron; 1744; and Henry, Earl of Surrey, after Holbein, by G. Vertue; quarto-— . fine ■- (A'.C'A 92 Three— Ditto, by Houbraken ; John, Lord Somers, by Vertue; and Henry, Earl of Surrey, by ditto />? 93 One— John, Lord Sheffield, whole length, after An- gelica Kauffman, by J. R. Smith — proof 94 T wc— Molyneux, Lord Shuldham, Admiral, by W. Dickinfon; and Charles, Earl Stanhope, by To W atfon 95 One — John Talbot , E ark of Shrewjhury , obit. 1453 » in armour, by Thomas Cecill — rare and fine /A? e+r*? 96 Five — Richard, Earl of Scarborough ; Richard, Vif- count Shannon; Charles, Duke of Som^fefc* 6th Day. PEERS, 57 & Lord Somers, and James, Earl Stanhope, by Faber — -fine 97 One — Charles, Duke of Somerfet, quarto, by J. Smith; 1 688 —fcarce 98 Four — Richard, Earl of Scarborough, by Hall; Earl C't Stanhope, by ditto ; Lord Shaftfbury, by Gribe- lin ; and Lord Henry Spencer, an etching; 1794. '—fcarce 9 Two— Robert, Earl of Somerfet, by Simon PafTe ; and ditto, with his Countefs 100 Four — Edward, Duke of Somerfet, from the Heroo- q logia ; John, Duke of Somerfet, William, Duke of Somerfet, 1671, by G. Vertue; 1724— folio. See. id One — Henry, Earl of Southampton, by Simon Pafle; IS i/yAi e^/ 1617 — extra fine and rare \Xf.. /f Kv, % 5. fr 4 X C XJ or. J 02 Five — W. Fitzwilliams, Earl of Southampton, by Dalton ; Thomas, Third Earl of Southampton, by E. Harding ; Thomas, fourth Earl, by ditto ; Henry, Earl of Southampton, by Sharp, Sec. 103 Two — Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton, and the t/fj&rt, Earl of Surrey, after Holbein, by F, Bartolozzi —fine 104 Three — John, Lord Sheffield, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds, by Jones ; Lord Henry and Lady Charlotte Spencer, by ditto; and children of Lord Derby, by Bartolozzi / JOS On e— -fames, Vifcount Stair , with armorial bear- 4 - f/)° S 3 :• /Ac ing;s fmall folio — very rare A 106 One — George Harry, Earl of Stamford, after Rom- ney, by G. Keatine — private plate 1 - J 3. a 1 SB PEERS, 6th Day, I07 Three— Lord George Sackville, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by M c Ardell, 1759; Granville, Mar- quis of Stafford, after ditto, by Fifher, 1765 ; and William, Earl of Strafford, 17625 after ditto, by M^rdell — -fcarce 108 One — Thomas, Earl of Strafford, in armour, after Vandyck, by Hollar ; 1640 109 Three — Thomas, Earl of Strafford, by Simon ; Charles, Duke of Shrewfbury, in his robes 5 an lx Two — George, Earl of Torrington, quarto, by Faber 1708 ; ditto, in his robes, by ditto ; 1730 12 One — George, Earl of Totnefs, by Voerft— fine ( 13 One — Thomas, Lord Trevor, by R. White; 1702 — • ditto 14 Three — Charles, Lord Talbot, by Bockman; Lord Trevor, from Gwillim; and John, Marquis of Tweedale, by J. Smith ; 1695— 7SW 15 One — John, Earl of Tweedale, in ermine, by Smith proof rare 16 One— -George, Lord Vernon, after Gainfborough, by J. Dean — private plate ; v ij Two — Sir Horace Vere, by Faithorne, and Henry, Earl of Worcefter, by ditto, in a title page L //< 18 Two — Thomas, Lord Vaux, and Lord Wentworth, after Holbein, by F. Bartolozzi— fine 19 Two* — Horace, Lord Vere, by Vertue; Guy, Earl of Warwick, by Burghers; Ambrofe, Earl of War- wick, and Robert, Earl of Warwick, by Hou- braken * t* Day. PEERS. 61 20 One — James, Earl Waldegrave, after Sir cl/.ocf /f Reynolds, by M‘Ardell — proofs fcarce Jofhua Horatio Walpole, by Simon; 1741 ; Tho- 7 " 21 1 hree- mas, Marquis of Wharton, by Faber; 1733; and Spencer, Earl of Wilmington, by ditto; 17 34 / 22 One — John Weft, Earl de la Warre , whole length , cdf in his Jhooting drefs ; the original drawing by W 1 Lord Byron\ 1719 y .7 One — Henry, Lord de la Mer, Earl of Warrington, — very fine 24 One — Robert, Earl of Warwick, in armour, fcarf, /y's* / f &c. in an oval, with trophies of war, fea-fight, &c. eight Englifh verfes ; folio — very rare ; not in Bromley 25 One — Edward, Earl of Warwick, whole length, after * Willing, by J. Smith — very fine and fcarce ^26 One — Francis, Earl of Warwick, after Gainfborough, " , / 0 by Watfon ; private plate — ditto 27 Six — William, Marquis of Winchefter, by Tyfon; Lord Willoughby; Thomas, Lord Wentworth; Vifcount Wimbleton, &c. 28 One — Mildmay , Earl of Weftmorland , by P. Wil- , /' ti/?rterrcf) liamfon ; 1662 — very fine and rare 29 Three — Mildmay, Earl of Weftmorland ; John, Mar - fon, by Vertue; and John Afliton, Gent, folio, after Riley — fine 51 Three — Sir Edward Aftley, ob. 1653 ; by Worlidge; /jP ’ Sir Edward Aftley, whole length, by ditto ; and Sir Bernard Aftley, by Vander Gucht One— Sir Edward Aftley , after Weft, by E-arlom — private plate 3 One — Sir John Aubrey , after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, ' by Jones — ditto 0 54 Eight— General Burgoyne, Burke, &c. by Sayer, &c. Five — Sir Nathaniel Bacon, by Chambers; Sir Tho- mas Bodley ; Sir Henry Bromley, Bruen, &c. One — - Alderman Backwell — ficarce V? A 67 ^ ne — George Baillie, of Jerrifwood ; mez. a circle— rare y not in Bromley / 64 GENTRY. 7th Day. 58 Two — The Hon. George Baillie, of Jerrifwood, 1719, by V. Hacken; and Sir John Blunt, by Simon — fcarce and fine 59 Four — John Barber, Lord Mayor, by Vanderguchfc, folio; Benbridge, by Patch; Wm Brooks, and Wm Bofville /^7 ^ 60 One— Captain William Baillie , in a hat and armour, &c. — fine proof 61 Two — Sir Jofeph Banks, whole length, after Well, by J. R. Smith ; and Mafter Braddyll, after Sjr Jofhua Reynolds, by Grozer 62 Two — Sir Jofeph Banks, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by W. Dickinfon ; and Sir Brooke Boothby, ^fter ditto, by J. R. Smith LfO**. 63 Three — Robert Baldy, byFifher; Ifaac Barre, M. P. by Houfton, proof ; and James Brad (haw, by J. R. Smith, ditto td/ 64 One — James Balfour, Treafurer of the Edinburgh Company of Golfers, after Raeburn, by J. JoneSc 65 One — Praije God Barebone , very fine and rare 66 Four — John Barber, Lord Mayor, whole length, by Faber, 1740; Sir John Barnard, ditto; Alderman Benn, ditto ; and Richard Brocas, Efq.^ ^y^^, 67 Two — William Barker, by Faber; and Jofiah Burchett, by Simon —fcarce 68 Two — Sir Samuel Barnardiflon, by R. White, 1700^ and William Bluck, Efq. by Van Hove ( 69 Two — Honourable Ifaac Barre, by Hall; and Sir^7^> Walter Blackett, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Fittler 70 One — -John Barker, Efq. Governor of the tondon Aflurance, whole length, after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by Jones— fine 'on 7tb Day, GENTRY, 65 / 71 One— Thomas Bafkerville, set. 70, oval, in a hat, U fixteen Enghlh verfes — fcarce 72 Three — John Prideaux Ballet, whole length, by Faber ; C 7 f Admiral Jonathan Belcher, by ditto, 1734; and William Benn, Lord Mayor, 1746, by M‘Ar- dell k 73 Two — William Bates , Deputy-Colleftor of the Cufiojns c — P roo f by V* Green ; and John and Edmund / Ballard, M. P. by S. W. Reynolds — proof ^74 Four — Arthur Beardmore, by James Watfon ; Mr. Bryer, by V. Green — proof j and Alderman Bull — proof 75 One — Mark Beaufoy , after Gainlborough, by V. Green — proof private plate K - 76 One — Henry Beaufoy, whole length, after ditto, by W. Ward — private plate 77 Two — Julines Beckford, whole length, fitting with > ^inafquerade drefs, by Houllon — fine y and fcarce - 9 and Mr. Horace Beckford, after Cofway, by Condi 78 Two — William Beckford, Lord Mayor, whole length, 6^2 by J. Dixon — fine ; and Frederick Bull, Lord Mayor, by J. Watfon, ditto 79 One— Alderman Benn’s Club, after Hudfon, by Faber, *** — fine 80 Three — two of Mr. John Berkeley, by Powle, with variations ; and Mr. Thomas Birch, the banker, by Tomkins — fcarce d 8 1 One — John Brenchley, of Maidftone, after Grimaldi, . by J. Jones — private plate , proof \ K ty\ ■■ //>(,: , f i .. /# ( .. //. / ../ r- * /O i? ' '9 A / Z~ /3 - 66 GENTRY. 7th Day. 82 Two — Honourable John Beresford, after Stuart, by C. H. Hodges — proof ; and the Hon. Wdlpam Brownlow, by ditto 83 One — Slingfby Bethell , Efq. Sheriff of London, 1680, whole length, by W, Sherwin — extra fine and rare ±./y'Acl‘ ^ * \yt/. ^ u yA c / Hollar , 1655 — folio , extra rare and fine 15 Four — Ditto, a wood print, ditto, by Halfpenny, of dlf/tes) York; Sir John Cheke, by Nutting; ditto, from ^ the Heroologia 16 One— Sir Thomas Chaloner, after Vandyck, by R, Earlom — fine 17 One — Francis Charter is, Efq. after Sir Joftiua Rey- ' nolds, by M c Ardell — proof fcarce 18 Two— ‘Nathaniel Chauncey , after Sir Jofhua Rey. L // . , nolds, by Caroline Watfon — the large oval fcarce ; and ditto, after Shelly, by Nutter— fcarce (/fj c 19 On z— Walter Chetwynd , of Ingeftre, folio, by R, '/ White, 1691 — proof-rare 20 Two— John Chetwynd, of Ingeftre, by J. Smith; {fpr and Thomas Coulfon, aet. 68, by ditto — fine and / fcarce A 't b ( , J d err t / / If " f / Ca r, tf Ja it 4 70 GENTRY. 8t A £>zfi li Five — William Cole, set. 7$, etched by Mifs Elizh Gulfton; Mr. Thomas Chiffinch, by Clamp ; &c,f 22 One— Alexander Chocke, Efq. whole length, by Faber — proof, before the date • 23 Two — ^Edward Chamberlain, of the Treafury, after Romney, by Jacobi, 1780 —proof; and Charles Cholmondely, of Vale Royal, by T* Frye— and fcarce / 0 7 24 One— G. J. Cholmondely, Committioner of Excife* after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by John Jones — -fine proof 25 Four— Thomas Cholmondeiey — private plate ; Henry Cruger ; Crayle Crayle, Efq.— -fcarce ; and W. B* Cunyngham, by Schiavonetti — fine , O 26 Twc-^Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor, 1680, by^ Ji Smith ; and Sir John Coke* by G. White—* fi ne 27 Two— Children of General Clavering, after Romney, by J. R. Smith ~-proof\ and the Children of Sir Grey Cooper, by Thomas Watfori iJy/ic-J 28 Four— Peter Colinfon, by Miller ; Cooke, merchant, by Yeatherd — private plate ; &c* f 7 yrc^r/ 29 Four — Alderman Combe, by Baker; Hon. Thofnas Conolly, byCollyer; Matter Cox, by Worlidge; and Stephen Croft, Efq. after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Carter (V * 30 One- — Sir Henry Coker , by TV, Faithorne , jjobq—fine impreffion — very rare 31 One — Sir Ralph Cole , Bart , after Lely , by F, Place —rare o ^ *■ .. // / 7 - /S~- 9 , . /S'. 44 Smith 40 One — Alderman Cornifh, executed 1685; Sir Tho- mas Armftrong, executed 1684 ; with the Duke of Monmouth, See. eight ovals, fold by J. Savage J- /O- — ~—fine and fcarce y ^41 One — Thomas Cotter, ofErittol, oval, in a fheet, by F aber — fcarce 42 One— Thomas Cotter, printed in blue “ ilium non populi faces,” Sc c . — rare 43 One — Sir John Cotton Bruces after Kneller, by R. White, 4to. 1699 -~from Mr. Weft’s Collection — very fine • ^ - / 54 Eight — -Mr. Dalhwood ; George Dempfter, Efq. . M. P. &c. ^ 55 Three— Doriflaus ; Sir Wolftan Dixie, See, 56 Two— Jofeph Dalmedia, by Jones — proof ; and Wil- liam Draper, Efq. of Befwick, Yorkfhire, by F aber c / 57 Three— Charles Dartiquenaue, by Faber; Edmund Duncb, by ditto; and Wm Dolben, by Smith Sth Day? GENTRY. 73 j. 58 One— William Davidfon, Efq. of Muirhoufe, after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by J. Jones — private plate y $q One— James Dawkins, jun. Efq. by M c Ardell — '/• Jcarce 60 Three — Lord Denny, after Holbein, by Hollar; Sir Edward Dering, by Glover — -fine', and Thomas Docwra, by W. Rogers 61 One — Sir Edward Dering , folio, after Kneller, by - € {. 7 R. White, 1 687 ; — very rare and fine. — •‘-■" Vide Granger , vol. Hi. page 393 62 One — John Dethick , of Weft Newton, in the county Ua ^ 0 f Norfolk, by P. Lombart, ditto // One — Sir John Dick, whole length, after P. Jean, by i * V*' 7 P. W. Tomkins —private plate y 4 Two — Robert Dingley, Efq. Treafurer to the Mag- ' dalen, by J. Dixon ; and Arthur Dobbs, Efq. by M c Ardell ‘c 65 Two — Peter Dore, Efq. Richmond Herald, 1770 . and George Drummond, Efq. Lord Provoft, by A. Bell — Jcarce / 66 One — Andrew Drummond, the banker, whole length, ’ Ztt after Zoffany, by James Watfon— private plate- fear ce , , 67 One— Robert and Thomas Drummond, Tons of the r Abp. of York, whole length, after Weft, by V. Green :£8 One — Henry Dundas, after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by // s f nit a J. R. Smith — -fcarce - ✓ 69 One — Ditto, whole length, after Romney, by J. Young — proof 70 Two— Sir John Dick, by Lapi ; and Thomas Duncker- ley, Efq. by C. Weft 2 74 GENTRY. Slh Day* 0 w. / \4 y /& yz XT. yy * /a / .// f . /j 71 One— Thomas Dunckerley, by Jones 72 Four— Sir Thomas Erpingham, &c. / / & 73 Three— Giles. Earl of Beningborough-Hall,by Faucci ; John Elwes, by Auftin ; &c. yy 4 ? i 'Sst e/ u y 74 Two — Mr. Edward Eafton, of Salifbury, by Dean; and the Hon. Richard Edgcumbe, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by W. Dickinfon — -fine 1 75 Two — Philip Egerton, of Oulton, Efq. etched by W. N. Gardiner, 1778 ; and Paul Elers, Efq. by B. Clowes, 1769 — ficarce /fi 76 Two — Sir Thomas Elliot, and one anonymous, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi — fine * 77 One — Edward Elliot, of Port Elliot, and Family, by Vertue, 1726 X/aXU'r 78 One— Sir James Efdaile, after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, bv J. Jones — proof 79 / V / 4 Six — Andrew Fletcher, by the Earl of Buchan ; Sir Andrew Fountaine, by Parifet — proof ; Mr. Fitz- patrick ; Mr. Charles Fox ; See, 80 Four — Sir Robert Fagg ; Cuthbert Featherflone* Efq. cryer before the king 35 years; Alexander Forbes; &c. / 81 Five — Hon. C. J. Fox, by R. Cofway ; 1782 —ficarce ; Ditto, by J. Jones, 1787; Thomas Foley, Efq. &c. j 82 One — Sir Richard Fanftiaw, by W. Faithorne— fine 83 One- — Sir John Fenwick , Bart . aet. 52, 1696; after^o W. Willing, by R. White — fine and rare 84 Two— Richard Fitzpatrick and Children, by E, Martin yyy/fifry, Sth Day. GENTRY. 75 / %£ Three — Robert Fielding, by J. V. Vaart; Ditto, after Willing, by Beckett ; Ditto, in armour 86 One — Sir John Fielding, after Peters, by W. Dickin- Ion — -jine v 87 Two — Ditto, by M c Ardell — ■ proof ; and Ingham Fof- ter, by J R. Smith 88 Two — Sir John Fielding, by ditto; and Tregonwell Frampton, aet. 87, by Faber 89 Two — Thomas Fielder, fruit-broker, by V. Green ; / 0 and Mr. Richard Ford, of Chertfey, by G. W. A. 90 One— Children of Sir Francis Ford, relieving a beggar boy, after Beechey, by C. Wilkin 91 One — Sir Edmund Fortefque y ret. 38, 1647, in armour, ' 6-' * *■/ by Henry Dankers— /W and fcarce 92 One — Honourable John Fofter, Speaker of the Houfe t Z/fusi of Commons of Ireland, whole length, by C. H, Hodges 93 Qnz—Tbe Hon. Sir Stephen Fox , 1701, by J. Simon, T&n — -fine 94 One — Fho Hon . Charles Raines Fox , after Sir Jofliua Reynolds by Jones — fine 95 One — Humphrey French , the good Lord Mayor—/???* (fiycrr-ccrn proofs rare , / s ■■ ■■ r / 4 .. // ■( ,■ //a <£ ~ //.. - /o ■■ / 4 ■ - .. /0 i / //. 4 / $ .. 7 4 - /S' -• Ninth Day’s Sale GENTRY continued , 'i /i 9 / A /3 1 Four — Sir Thomas Gargrave, 1570 ; Henry pood. Deer Hunter, by C. R. Ryley, &c. Ap An/v* > 2 Four — Barmber Gafcoigne; Bernard Gates; Ferd. Gre- gori, by Patch, 1769, &c. 3 One— Ignatius Gahagan, Efq. of Soho Square ' — private plate, proof c £c / ^ 4 Two— Henry Gale, of Taunton Dean, by Faber; and Phillips Glover, by James Watfon — private plates 1 ' 5 Three — Mailer Gapper ; Sir Samuel Garrard ; and Benjamin Griffin, by R. Purcell / 6 Two — The Right Honourable Luke Gardiner, by Brooks; and the Honourable Samuel Grey, by ditto 9ih Day. GENTRY 77 & 7 Two— Sir John Gage, 1541; and Sir Marry Gulde- forde, after Holbein, by F. Bartolozzi — fine J8 Two— S. George of Cornwall; and Sir John God- u ^ * t> '' falve— ditto ) ditto 9 Three — Mailer Gawler, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, / by J. R. Smith — p roof ; Morgan Graves, by V. Green; and Henry Grattan, by ditto — proof O nc—— Leonard Gammon , by Mafcall, fmall folio — rare H Two— Sir Crifp Gafcoyne, Lord Mayor, 1753, whole length by M c Ardell ; and George Grenville, by Houfton v?. 12 One — Mailer and Mifs Godfale, after Hoppner, "by J. Young yry 13 Three — Thomas Gill, by J. Smith; Sir Richard Gipps, by ditto; and John Gunning — fcarce 14 Three— ?-Sir Edmond Bury Godfrey,, by Vandrebanc; Sir Thomas Grelham, by Faber ; ditto, by Mi- chel 0 15 Two- — Sir Edmond Bury Godfrey, in an ocSlagon, by Van Hove; and Arthur Goodwin, whole length, by Gunll y One — Sir Henry Goodricke , by J. Smith — fine and -4- rare 17 One — Sir William Gordon , of Affton, in an oval, y with armorial bearings — rare 18 Two — Samuel Greathead, Efq. of Guys Cliff, by Houfton; and Richard G wynne, Efq. of Taliaris, by Faber — private plates 19 Three — h ulk Greville, Efq. byConde; Jofeph Gul- fton ; and Sidney Godolphin 7-0 One— F. Greenwood, of Dort, painter, by J. Green- wood, mez . — fcarce ./ / /z .. \/ 2 . ■■ : /0 - /s f 0 ' 4 /f - 7 ^ // - 'Jr ,r. (, 6 ■' a a GENTRY. 9th Dsy 21 Three— John Graves of Yorkfhire, set. 103; Richard Graves, act. 51 ; and Sir Thomas Grefham — -proofs by Vertue tJcftft 22 One — Sir Thomas Grefham, by F. Delaram— fcarce < 23 T wo — Henry’ Grattan, by Hodges- — proof, and the Hon. George de Grey, by S. W. Reynolds AyJfc*, 24 One — Charles Grey, Efq. M. P. after Lawrance, by Dickinfon — (/), 25 One— Sir Henry Guldeforde, by Hollar c A 26 Two — -Jofeph Guidon, Efq. by James Watfon; and Maders Guidons, by V. Gr eon-~»praof c yA< > 27 Four— Thomas Habingdon; John Habingdon ; Eman. Scrope Howe, &c. 2$ Six— Jonas Hanway, by Hall ; John Howard; John Hopkins of Bath, by Hibbart ; Nath. Hillier ; and Mr. Charles Herbert, brother of the Earl of Car- narvon —fcarce 29 Four— Mr. Hadings, by Bretherton; Vulture Hop- kins; Robert Hoblyn, of Nanfwhyden, Efcj.; Sir Thomas Hanmer, &c. Ac&ryfash 30 Six- — John Harris, M. P. for Afhburton, etched by Mr. Pryce Campbell ; Francis Harwood ; Andrew Hay, by Pond, &c. fptW) Uy 31 One- — Sir George Hamilton of Binnie, Baronet, by J. Smith; 1699 —fine and fcarce {# 32 One — Sir William Hamilton, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by H. Hudfon— 'proof 33 Five— John Hampden, by Houbraken; ditto, by Van- dergucht; William Hervey, by ditto; Sir Thomas Herbert ; and George Hamilton /A** / U** $th nay. GENTRY. 79 34 Two— Thomas Hanfon, Efq. after Zoffany, by W. Dickinfon, 1770 ; and James Huftler, Efq. by Saunders— •fine 35 Two— Francis George Hare; and Mafler Henry Edward Hopkins, by Faber; and Thomas Hopkins, by ditto 57 Two — Henry Hope, Efq.; and Sir Abraham Hume, by Hodges, private plate, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds 58 Sir John Hofkins , Mailer in Chancery, 1675, a bull in a niche, by R. White, and Faithorne— rare 1% fy M 4 gih Day GENTRY. 81 O 59 One— -Sir fiohn Houblon , Lord Mayor, 1696, mez. by R. Williams — very fine and rare 60 One — John Howard, philanthropic, after Brown, by da- ('die'” Scott — proofi 61 One— -Right Hon. Hely Hutchinfon, after Sir Jofhua //. Reynolds, by James Watfon — fine proof y 62 Two — Amhony Henley, by J. Smith; and William *-■ Hucks, Efq. by Faber, 1737 7 - • 7r 63 One — His Exellency Francis James Jackfon, his Ma- mez. ai jelly’s ambaflador to the Ottoman Porte, ter Abbott, by Green — private plate / 64 Two — Sir William James, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, /^ivv/ 4 ^ by J. R. Smith ; and Benjamin Ibbot by Parifet. 65 One — Sir Leoline Jenkins, by Vandergucht, 1723. r 66 One — William Innes, merchant and goff-player at Blackheath, with a view of Morden college,' whole length, after Abbott by V. Green — private " * plate 1 67 7 One — Sir Thomas IJham , of Lamport, by D. Loggan, 1676 — rare ' fd .' 68 One — Ditto, mez. after Lely, by ditto— rare / 69 One — BenediSl Ithell^ mez. by W. Faithorne — extra $ rare and fine 70 Four— -Edward Kynafton, Efq. of Shropfhire, etched by Mr. Price Campbell; Robert Kirke, agent at Algiers, 1764; Colonel Richard King, mez. &c. ,71 One— -Sir Arthur Kaye, of York, by P. Simon — fine / j / and rare J c-iy M yo a/ /" // /• 7 8 - •/ f //• 82 GENTRY. 9th Day. 72 One — Sir John LiJIer Kaye , mez. in an oval — very rare 73 One — Sir fiohn Kidertnitfter , of Langley, set. 52, 1628, by Cecil! — ditto 74 Twc — John Keeling, Efq. by M c Ardell ; and Dev^- reux Knightly, by Smith, 1697 75 Two; — Sir Nicholas Kempe, after Vanfomer, a circle, and John Kenrick, whole length, by Vertue 0 76 One — The Kentifh petitioners, five ovals, 1701 77 One — John Knight, of Gosfield, with his wife and fon, by Faber, 1736 — ficarce 78 Three — G. Lockman, by Fateh, 1769; Mr. Light, by ditto, 1770, See. tied' 79 Four — Lenthall, by Mifs Elizabeth Gulfton; Sir •'g Charles Lyttleton ; Sir Afhton Lever, 80 Three— Gervafe Leverland, Efq.; Mafter William Locke, by Charles Townley ; and Mr. Legge, fon^ of Lord Dartmouth, after Sir Tofhua Revnolds. bv / of Lord Dartmouth, after Sir Jcfhua Reynolds, by Spilfbury — private plates . t 81 One — Bibye Lake, set. 10, and Mary Lake, aet. 8, in two ovals, by R. White, 1694, fine and rare e 82 One—The Hon. Mafters Lambs, fons of Lord Melbourne, after Sir Jofiiua Reynolds, by F. Bar- tolozzi . 9 y/f 83 Two — Sir Francis Blake de Laval, an etching by, Blake, 1775; and Francis Levet, Turkey mer- chant, after Liotad t/d dftr 84 Four — John Law, comptroller -general ; Lenthal, by Paul ; and Sir Henry Lee, by Bafire 85 Three — -Sir Robert Ladbroke, whole length, by J, Faber, 1750 ; Richard Levett, fherifF, 1728; and Sir Watkin Lewes ; ditto, by Dickinfon ^ 9th Day. GENTRY. 83 S 1 ny J 86 One — Alderman Leate, by Payne — -fine and fcarce 87 One — The Hon. Charles Leigh, of Leighton, by Ba- [dc ron — private plate 88 One — Sir Richard Levett, Lord Mayor, 1700, by R. White — -fine 89 Two — William Lingin, Efq. by Brooks, and the Right Hon. Bilfon Legge, by Houflon 2 ^ 90 Three — Colonel John Lilburne, (landing at the bar — rr Ytc/? fine ; W. Lee, &c. , 91 One — Sir Martin Lifter, Knight, 1621, by R. If ~ 'SlA White — very rare and fine 92 One — Sir Thomas Littleton , fpeaker of the Houfe of J Commons, mez. after Forfler, 17 00, by J. Simon carce 93 Two — Philip Lockhart, mez. by A. Johnflon; and y \u. Ky/tA-j Sir John Lowther, by A. Browne 94 Seven — Lord Mayors ; Sir William Harper; Sir Tho- mas Lee; Thomas de Lunn ; Sir Nicholas Molly; ff Sir William Roe; Sir William Ryder; and Sir Richard Salllonllon 95 Five — William Myddleton, high IherifF of Denbigh, f/r &c. 96 Four — Arthur Manwaring, by J. Simon; Sir Wil- t* y^ liam Ad an nock - — proof ; John Methuen, by W. ff Humphrey ; and Sir George Mertins, Lord Mayor, * 7 2 5 /" 97 Six — Baptill May, Ifrael Mauduit, James Mathias, ° & c . 98 Three — Sir Herbert Mackworth, by J. Dean; Ar- thur Maynwaring, by Faber; and Alexander Murray, by ditto M 2 2 ... t? . " /y . /J •• // .. 4 • dp <■ A '• yz A /o C t If 7 " /ft " 84 GENTRY. ICO One— The Hon, Anthony Malone, after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by J. R. Smith — ; 'proof i Oi One — Ditto, with the Ma/quis Townfhend, Lord Macartney, Lord Annely, Mr. Tifdall, Mr. Andrews, See. fcarce ; with a M. S. defcription. by Knight; John Monde Mafon, by ditto; and Ralph Milbanke, Efq. after Sir Joihua Reynolds. 103 Two— Sir J feph Mawbey, by J. Dixon; and Sir Will am Meredith, by Thomas Watfon L- 104 Two — -Mr. Jofeph Marty n, by J. Smith, 1719; and Mr. Charles Moore, whole length, by P. Coombes —fine 105 Two— John Milner, Efq. whole length, by Faber; and Mailer Murray, by P. Da we— -proof 106 Three — Walter Mildmay, by Faber; Thomas, Earl of Strafford, and Sir Philip Maynwaring, by Ver- tue; and Sir William Morice, fecretary of Rate to King Charles II. by Houbraken — -fine 107 Four- — John Morley of E flex, by Simon; Montgo- merie, by Van Haecken ; Mailer Montague, and John Molefworth, the calculator. 108 One — Sir John Moore , Lord Mayor of London, 1682, by M c Ardell«— very rare 109 One — John La Motte , Efq. by W. Faithorne— fine proof 1 10 One — John Moyfer , Efq. of Beverly, by Place—* a touched proof, rare '£ / y 9th Day. GENTRY. 85 111 Two — John Morley of Eflex, by Vertue, 1726 ; and Francis Mundy, by ditto — a proof 1 12 One — Sir William Mufgrave, Baronet, by J. R. t c Smith - — private plate J* 1 13 One — Ditto, altered — ditto ■ '114 One — Ditto, after L. F. Abbot, 1782, by G. S, Facius, 1797 — ditto - 15 One- — Sir Hugh Mvddelton, after Cornelius Janfen, by Vertu z~*-fine and fcarce - /# £ , /d (o / yo - / / — " yyf Tenth Day’s Sale. GENTRY continued. 1 T HREE — John Na(h, Efq. Alderman of Worcefter, by Rofs ; Sir Henry Neville, by Gardiner ; and Sir John Norris 2 Five — George Nelfon, Lord Mayor, 1766; Natha- niel Newnham, Henry Newton, by Fariat, Sir Dudley North, by Vertue ; &c. Ml . t/yA . 3 One — Thomas Neale, by W. Marfhall r/ccMf 4 Two — Gerard Van Neck, Efq. by M c Ardell; and Grey Nevell, by G. White ( 5 One — Abraham Newland, Efq. after Romney, by J. Grozer 6 Two — Sir Michael Newton, of Hather, by Humphry 5 and Charles Newby, Efq. by Faber — proof 1 TG y 7 One — Sir Edward Nicholas, folio, by Hertochs > 8 One — Ditto, from Lely, by G. Vertue, 1748 Mi My/ L, 10th Day. GENTRY. 87 /A // yy and fi ne 15 Four— William Penn, Ambrofe Perry, by H. Brocas ; -’£f Mr. Prettyman, by Nutter; and Thomas Prior, by Hall / , 16 Six — Sir John Packington, by Clamp; Sir Thomas Parry, 1560; Sir William Pope, by Godefroy ; See. 7 Six — Sir Paul Pindar ; George Paton ; &c. 18 One — Mr. John Palmer , of the Inner Temple, after /'fudy'/f** Hogarth, by Baron, 1749, with the View of Exton / / Church, in Northamptonfliire — farce ^ /19 Four — Humphrey Parfons, Efq. Lord Mayor, by Fa- f /*j ber ; Sir George Vandeput, by Ryley ; Szc. ) ^ 20 /One— Humphrey Parfons, whole length, with the in- y / ^ Pr rurfy fignia of Lord Mayor, l 21 One — Sir William Pajlon , 1659, h ^ Faith orne extra rare and fine fife. w> .// 4 22 Two— John Paterfon, 1777, after Sir Jofhua Rey- - nolds, by T. Watfon ; and George Pochin, Efq. by Dean 23 One — Right Honourable Henry Pelbam, and John Roberts, by R. Houfto n—fine ^ 24 Three — Sir George Vandeput, by R. Houfton; Henry Pelham, by Bookman ; and Stephen Poyntz, Efq. by Faber —private plate fi&cfififef** # 25 One— William Penn, by John Hall, 1773 —fine ^ 26 One — Thomas Penn, Efq. after Davis, by Martin— proof y rare ^ 2 . 27 One— Ifiaac Pennington :, Lord Mayor of Londpn, wood cut — rare 0 28 Three — Samuel Pepys, by R. White ; a ditto, on a fcroll, by ditto ; and John Pym, by G. Glover— fine (v o 29 Ten — Sir Philip Parker, by Faber, 1747; Sir Philip Percival, by Toms; and the Percivals, by Faber, from the houfe of Yivery — fine and ficarce 30 Three— Sir John Philipps, by Faber, 1748 ; Jofeph Planta, by Hudfon— proof ; and Stephen Poyntz, by Faber 31 One— Sir Thomas Pilkington , Lord Mayor of Lon- don, by R. White, 1691— rare and fine t/yA y 32 One — The Right Hon. William Pitt, after Gainfbo- rough Dupont, by F. Bartolozzi — fine c 33 One — Ditto, after Gainfborough, by J, Ki Sherwin— ditto fife cJV 34 Two — Ditto, after Romney, 1789, by J Jones; and James Thomas Paine, after ditto, by J. Dean.,* n XOth Day, GENTRY. 89 3§ Two-^— Ditto, after Owen, by C. Browne; and Ed* mund Pitts, Efq. by Blake 36 Two — John Poines, and Sir Nicholas Poines, after ^ Holbein, by Bartolozzi, See. — • fine , 37 Two — Sir Nicholas Poines ; and Thomas Parre, ditto — ditto . One — '•Sir William Portman , oval mez . — extra rare f** 39 One — Endymion Porter , by W % Faithorne — very fine and rare AO Two — Henry Powle, Efq. Mailer of the Rolls, by Vertue, 1737 — 5 ficarce \ and John Pym, by Hou- braken ? /41 Two — The Honourable John Ponfonby, by S. Gainer ; " 7 ~ „ /.? I .. /3 ■■ /?.. /Z ■■ A /s .. A / •• (0 (o and Governor Pownall, by Earlom — fine 42 Three — Sir Thomas Pope, by Faber ; a ditto, by Wil- ^ am Robins —ficarce 5 and Sir John Perrott, by V. Green — fine } One — Charles Poyfer, after Abbott, by Charles Town- •> C ley — private plate, proof One— Robert Prellon, Deputy Mailer of the Corpo- ration of Trinity-Houfe, after G. Dupont, 1794* by W. Dickinfon — private plate / // / „ /J ... .. /4 45 Three — Relkemeer, by Dalton ; Tobias Rullat, by ? Gardiner; and the Remmington Family, by Half- penny 46 Four — Jonathan Raine, by E. Harding — private plate ; j Richard Rigby, Richard RulTel, and a Group, by Captain Grofe 47 One — Daniel Race, Efq. Calhier of the Bank, whole ngth, by James Watfon —fine proof N '< ? C( '■ / * " // - 90 GENTRY. 10th Day. 0 48 One — Sir George Rawdon, set. 63, by R. White- very fine imprejfion , rare 49 One — The Rawlinfion Family , by Nutting— rare cervix j 50 One — Thomas Raikes, Efq. Governor of the Bank, after Romney, by C. H. Hodges, 178 7— private plate < 51 Four— Sir Walter Raleigh, by S. Pafle ; Ditto, by Van Hove; Conrad Ruten, by Coelmans ; • 0 * rV* Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Jones — ditto *98 One — Andrew Stuart, of Craigthorne, Efq. after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Thomas Watfon — ditto / 3 - / J J' .. j 4 3 ■ d - •• // 4 3 sc ~ /o /a ~ J S3 - / 4 - .. // •' .. // 4 9 * GENTRY, i Oth »ay» 99 One — Thomas Sutton, founder of the Charter* Houfe, by R. Elftrack — fine and fcarce «- ICO- Three— -Ditto, by Faber, 1754, whole length — •fine ; Richard Sutton, by ditto ; and Sir Edwin Sandys, by ¥. Green-proof 10 1 One — John Swan, Efq. traveller, by V. Green— private plate fAyppfi proof s 02 Seven— William Tillear, fen. in an oval ; Thomas Trotter; Edward Thompfon, M. P, for York, 1741, &c, - 103 One— John Tamefz. Grieve, Efq. of Mofco, mez. after Grofte, by James Watfon , — private plate 5 rare yt>r 104 Three — Sir John Taylor, after Pine, by W. Dick infon- — private plate ; William Tunftal, Aider- man Townfhend, with Sawbridge, 105 One— Sir John Taylor, by J. Dixon— -fine and fcarce 106 Two — Mafter Tempeft, after Romney, by Jarpes "Walker; and Mafter Tredcroft, with a dogX^A^ 107 One — Sir Peter Temple , by R, Gaywood , 1658— rare and fine 108 One— John Thornton, Treafurer of the Marine So- ciety, mez. whole length, after Gainfborougb, by V. Green— proof f 1 09 One — Thomas Thynn, of Long Leate, fmall folio^ by R. White- -fine HO One — Ditto, quarto, mez. fold by Cooper —fine and Jcarce tsY( ■ in Two — Ditto, fold by Browne — -fine ; and Mr. James Thynne, fon of Lord Weymouth, by W. Faithorne — ditto /ffy l«th Day. GENTRY. 9 $ 1 12 Four— Thomas Tefdale, by Faber; Sir Henry Tir- // / / rellj by Mrs. E. B. Gulfton ; John Thurlow, by Houbraken ; and William Trumbull, by Gribelin — proof 113 One— George Tierney, Efq. M. P. after Abbott, by W. Nutter — -fine 1 14 One — Sir fames Tilley , of Pentillie-Cafle , Corn - 1 sty Inwall — fine proof fuppofed unique 1 15 One — Charles Tottenham, Efq. M. P. mez. after Stevens, 1749, by A. Miller, whole length, in a riding drefs- -rare X16 Four — John Thurlow; Sir Nicholas Throckmorton; and Will iam Trumbull, by Vertue. 1 17 One — Anthony Todd, Efq. Secretary to the Poft- Office, after Romney, by Jones — fine proofs pri- y vate plate 118 Twc — The Hon. Charles Townfhend, after Sir Jo- ^ fhua Reynolds, by Dixon — proof ; and Matter Charles Townfhend, after Cofway, by Dawe. d „ >■ /3 fj, 3 '■ /3 / f / 3 y Y // V 7 / /i Eleventh Day’s Sale GENTRY continued < 1 One — Sir William Trumbull \ by V evtue— proofs fcarce ^ 2 One — Sir Edward Turner, of Oxfordlhire, whole length, mez. after Gainfborough, bv M c Arde|l— * private plate e/W. s 3 One — Barnard Turner, Sheriff of London, whole length, by James Walker 4 Three — David la Touche, by J. IC. Sherwin — proof $ Sir Edmund Turner, by Fittler — proof ; and Thq^ mas Tyers, Efq. of Vauxhall — private plates OcJ° 5 One— ^William Ty tier, Efq. by J. Jones— ditto a 6 Four — Grevil Verney, by R. Williams ; Henry Vo- guell, merchant, 1746, by Faber j P. Vignau, &e 0 ‘ 9 nth Day. GENTRY. 97 7 Three — Sir Henry Vane, byHoubraken; Sir Henry Unton, &c. 8 One — Sir Henry Vane , by W. Faithorne— -fine and (j 6 " fcarce 9 One — William Verney, Efq. after Lely, by R. '^^‘t^^c^Tompfon — proofs fcarce 10 One — Sir Grevil Verney, folio, by D. Loggan — very 9 ? ^^o^rare 11 One — Sir Robert Viner , by W. Faithorne — proofs (Jfjo extra rare - , . Five— Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, by Patch, &c. 3 Five — Sir Francis Walfingham; Sir Francis Winde- banke, by Paul; Sir Thomas Wyatt, &c. 14 Four— John Wilkes, by Hogarth; Hon. Thomas, Walpole, by St. Aubin ; Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, by Wilfon; and Edtvard Wortley Mon- tague 15 Four — The Hon. Thomas Walpole — proof ; John ^Vilkes, by Miller; Sir Charles Hanbury Williams ; ~and Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, by Aberry, / 1753 7^,46 One — Si r Willi amW add, Jenner, excu. — fine and rare 17 One — Thomas Wale, Efq. of Shelford, in Cambridge - fhire, aet. 93, 1794, by Facius — private plate 18 Three — Thomas Walker, after Romney, by W. Sharp ; Thoma# Wallace, M. P. by Beftland; and Sir Richard Wynne, by Bartolozzi — -fine ,19 One — Sir George Walter , whole length, in the drefs he wore at the Coronation of George II. as Duke of Aquitain, after Hyfing, by Faber — extra rare O /(9 ' 4 '' 7 / // 6 i,./i / 3 , / 3 . c & (, •• s d / /s r / ? '• <• J3 ■ 4 / .. •• / •• 4 .. 98 20 21 22 2 3 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 3 1 3 2 GENTRY. i*th Day Two— Chief Baron Wandesford, by James Watfon ; and Sir Thomas Wharton, whole length, after Vandyck, by V. Green One — Johan Warren , of Poynton, set. 40, 1580, by James Bafire, In an odfagon — private plate , very rare One — Sir Edward Warren , ditto, ob. 1609 — ditto jf) 0 One — -Sir John Webfter, eight Latin verfes, by T. Matham — ■ fcarce - \ One- — Henry Welby , of Lincolnfhire, set. 84, eight Englifh verfes, by W. Marfhall — rare Two— Caleb Whitefoord, Efq. by Jones ; and Matter Wynn, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds One — Richard Whitworth , M. P. whole length, in military uniform, — private plate — proofs f carc */?/Cfi'A Four— John Wilkes, byDickinfon; ditto, in an oval ' by ditto ; Mr. Robert Woolfey, &c. Four — Sir John Williams Dudley Woodbridge, by Smith; Henry Worfter, by ditto; and Sir Wil- liam Wyndham, by Faber (f)o V y One — William Wilberforce, Efq. M. P. after Rifing* by C. H. Hodges One— Sir Francis Willoughby , with a view of Wol- laton-Hall , mez. by T. Man, extra rare — Vide Granger , vol. Hi. page 84 Three— Charles Wildbore, Efq. after Duche, by Jones — private plate ; Wilmot, Efq. of Chad- derdon, by J. R. Smith ; ditto, and Richard Watts, founder of alms-houfes, by E. Adams Three — Thomas Wyndham, by R. Thompfon ; Ni- cholas Wadham ; and Sir Thomas White, foun- ders, by Faber ( nth Day, GENTRY. 99 33 One— The Hon. William Windham, after Sir Jofliua Reynolds, by J. Jones — - fine proof 34 Two — Sir Thomas Wiatt; and Charles Wingfield, after Holbein, by F. Baholozzi — -fine 35 One— Edward Winnington Jeffrey s^ Efq. M, P. mez. . ■ 7 by Thomas Beard 102 CLERGY. Hth Ds y. y / 2 3 - s 4 65 Four — Martin Benfon, Bifhop of Gloucefter, 173 5, by Vertue; Philip BifTe, of Hereford, ij 19— proof "by ditto ; Offspring Blackall, of Exeter, by ditto; and Lancelot Blackburn, of York, 1726., by ditto / 66 Two — Michael Boyle, by R. Purcelle — rare ; and Hugh Boulter, Archbifhops of Armagh (/uc^ 67 One — Michael Boyle, Archbifhop of Armagh, by D. Loggan — -fine and fcarce 1 68 Five— George Bull, Bifhop of St. David’s, folio, by Vandergucht ; ditto, odfavo, by ditto; Samuel Bradford, of Rochefter ; William Beveridge, of St. Afaph, Sec. 69 One — Gilbert Burnet, Biihop of Salifbury, folio, after Mrs. Beale, by R. White—^ry fine , before the date A ' 70 One — Ditto, mez. after Riley, by J. Smith, 1690—* fine f*) • / . / / Cf // 4 / 4 . 71 One— Alexander Carencrofs, Archbifhop of Glafcow, Se c. 1696, by R. White — very rare and fine (A) 0 72 Five — 'George Carleton, of Chichefter, by F. Hulfius; Thomas Cranmer, of Canterbury; Campejus^by Harding, Sec, 73 Two — William Carmichael, Bifhop of Meath, by J 0 Dixon ; and Charles Ccbbe, Archbifhop of Dublin* by Miller, 1746 -—fcarce (A ° .74 Six — John Carrol, Bifhip of Baltimore, by Lovelace; Chaloner, Bifhop of Debra, by Stewart, Sec, Richard Corbet, of Norwich, by Harding ; and Richard Cox, of Ely, by E. Clamp I tlth Day. CLERGY. 103 75 One — Thomas Cartwright , Bifhop of Cheffer, after fi/arv/crsf Zouft, by J. Becket — very rare 76 Three — Edward Chandler, Bifhop of Durham — proofs by Vertue; Richard Chenevix, of Waterford, by Hall ; and Cranmer, by Vertue 77 Three — Robert Clavering, Bifhop of Peterborough, by Simon ; Frederick Cornwallis, of Canterbury, by Fifher ; and Richard Cumberland, of Peterborough, 1714, by J. Smith „ 7S Qne — Henry Compton, Bifhop of London, by D. (■emerge Loggan, 1679 —fine ->/ ' 4. /A ■ // 4 / ? 3- 3 . ,79 Two — Ditto, by Becket; and Cranmer, by Houflon 2’J O One- — John Conybeare , Bifhop of Briftol, 1750- rare ■ ■ // .. ' / ^ 81 Five — Henry Chich el y, Archbifflop of Canterbury, by ■Q& T, Cecill — fcarce Burghers; Miles Coverdale, by Trotter; John Cofin, of Durham} by W. Dolle; and Cranmer, by Hondius, See, 82 One — Walter Curie ^ Bifhop ofWirxhefter, 1647, by .. 4 4 8^ Three — Sir William Dawes, Archbifhpp of York, or/Dwv folio, by Vertue; ditto, c£tavo, and one by Gribelin ^ 84 Qne- — John Dolben, Bifhop of Rocheflcr, mez. by R. Tompfon — - fcarce 85 One-— Ditto, with Bifhops All eft ry and Fell ('called fifi Shipley, Chopley, and CheapleyJ — a fine proof / from Marriette’s collection, after Lely, by D, 2 cf '• J7 .. 2-2 r ,2 rf- •• 1 /r Logga: ■extra rare ; 104 CLERGY. nth Day, 86 Five — Marc, Antonio de Dominis, by R. Elftrack, set, 58, fix Englifh verfes, 4to; a ditto, set. 57, 1617, folio; Brian Duppa, of or.4 Bifhop Davenant, by Trotter • 87 One — John Douglas, Bifhop of Carlifle, 1790, ,by W. Ward % 7 */'Jf**** ,88 One- — Robert Drummond, Archbifbop of York, after 89 Two — John Egerton, Bifhop of Durham ; and Wil- liam Elphinfton, of Aberdeen, by Harding J90 Five — Fifher, Bifhop of Rochefter, by Houbraken ; ditto, by R. Vaughan; ditto, by G. Valck; Wil- liam Fleetwood, of Ely, by Vandergucht; and Richard Fox, of Wmchefter, by Vertue — -fine 91 Five— Bifhop Fifher; Farrar; William Forbes, of I of Edinburgh; and Patrick Forbes, of Aber- J deen 92 One— Bifhop Fifher, after Holbein, by F. Bartolqzzi — - fine 193 One— William Fleetwood, A. M. by R. White — proofs rare 94 Four — Richard Fleming* Bifhop of Lincoln, by Faber; Sir George Fleming, of Carlifle, 1738, by ditto; Richard Fox, of Winchefter, by ditto; and Ed- ward Fowler, of Glouceffer, 1714, by J. 95 Two — William Fleetwood, Bifhop of St. Afaph, by J. Simon; and Nicholas Forfter, of Killaloe, See, Util DiJ. CLERGY. 105 ft \ One — Patric Tories , a fmall oval, in a ruff, four Latin 4 • ' 'tM '/jrc 4 ver[eSi by R. Gaywood — very rare 97 Five— James Gardiner, Bifhop of Lincoln, by G. White; Stephen Gardiner, of Winchefter, by W. N. Gardiner ; James Goldwell, of Norwich, by Thane ; and Edmund Grindall, from the HeroO- logia 98 Four— John Garnett, Bifhop of Clogher, by M c Ar- dell ; Edmund Gibfon, of London, by Faber; B. Gifford, of Madura, by Burford — 'fine ; and Tho- mas Gooch, of Ely, 1749, by M^rdell 99 Four— Francis Gaftrell, Bifhop ofChefter; Fran- ^^^^€is Godwin, of Hereford ; Edmund Grindall, and Edmund Gibfon, of London, by Vertue 100 Three — John Gauden, Bifhop of Worcefter, by Sanders ; B. Gifford, by Du Bofc ; and Edmund Grindall, of Canterbury, gudit 10 1 One — Thomas Gooch, Bifhop v/fiirt 1 Hcins ’ I 74 I > mez ,—fcarce yioi One — *Peter Gunning, Bifhop of Ely, by D. Loggan — fine and rare 103 Five— Jofeph Hall, Bifhop of Norwich, folio; John Hall, of Briftol, 1691, by Trotter; Robert o Horne, of Winchefler; Matthew Hutton, of York, by Perry, &c. 104 Five — Jofeph Hall, eight Englifh verfes, by Payne ; ^ Robert Horne, by Gunft; Ezekiel Hopkins, of x^^^ i,y>/ D err y, by Sturt; and Cardinal Howard, by Van- der Bruggen — ficarce 105 Two — John Hacket, Bifhop of Litchfield, &c. and ^ ^ _ Jofeph Hall, by Faithorne — fins r, folio, by M. Vander* of Norwich, by ^5 / J /o /o / " ? " /o / /L / / 106 CLERGY. Iilli Day. Bifhop of London, 10 6 O n e — Hump hrey Henchman , ^ folio, mez .—rare ( Jy./fy?. /fist /fa 107 Three-— Thomas Herring, Archbifhip of Canter- bury, by M c Ardell ; John Hough, of Worcefter, by Faber; and Matthew Hutton, of York, 174$, by ditto 10B Two — Thomas Herring, by Faber; and John HinchlifFe, of Peterborough, by John Young — -fine 109 Three — ‘Charles Hickman, Bifhop of Derry, by Gribelin; Hoadly, after Hogarth, by Baron; and ditto, by G. Yertue HO Three — Benjamin Hoadly, Bifhop of Winchefler, set. 80, by Bafire ; George Horne, of Norwich, by Heath ; and Richard Hurd, of Litchfield y 111 Three — Benjamin Hoadly, 4to. mez.; John Hoad- ly, of Dublin, by Faber ; and John Hooper, of Gloucefter, by Houfton f 1 12 Two — Jofiah Hort, of Tuam, by Miller, 1752 ; and Robert Howard, of Elphin, by J. Brooks — fine and ficarce 1 13 Two — John Hough, Bifhop of Coventry, See. after Ryley, by R. Williams— Scarce ; and .George Hooper, of Bath, &c. by G. White c y'/ficodj^ 1 14 One — Cardinal Howard, by Noblin — fine and ficarce 1 15 One — Ditto, by N. Byli, large folio — rare /'/ryyt 1 16 One— John Howfon, Bifhop of Durham, 1626, by Martin Droefhout, four Englifh verfes —ficarce, / Twelfth Day’s Sale BISHOPS continued . 1 FlVE — John Jewell, Bifhop of Salifbury, by Ver- tue ; ditto, from the Heroologia ; John Jegon, of f c Norwich, byTyfon; and Bifhop Juxon 2 Three — Thomas Kenn, Bifhop of Bath, &c. by V ertue ; , , ^ ✓ / Richard Kidder, of ditto, by Clamp 5 and John / King, of London, by Simon PalTe 3 One — White Kennett, Bifhop of Peterborough, 17 1 S, & by F aber, {cnior’—^/carce 4. One — William King , Archbifhop of Dublin, 1 702-9* 3 - & i * etched by Kean 0 ‘Hara — very rare 5 One — John King, Bifhop of London, by F. Delaram ! and f carce 6 Five — John A. Lafco; Hugh Latimer, Bifhop of W'or- f. ce ^ er > by Savage; ditto, from the Heroologia j Robert Leighton, by R. White; a ditto, by R, Strange P 2 /S 108 CLERGY, 1 2th Da y. 7 Twn— rEdmund Law, Bifhop of Carlifle, by W. Dickinfon ; and Charles Lyttleton; ditto, by James Watfon 8 Three— John Lake, Bifhop of Chichefter, in a circle, fold by Overton ; Arthur Lake, of Bath, &c. by J. Payne ; and Latimer, by G. Gifford, four Eng- lifh verfes /£? 9 One— Thomas Lamplugh, Abp. of York, set 74. by P. Vanderbanc— this plate was afterwards al- tered £l)° JO Five — John A. Lafco,by Savage; JohnLefley, Bifhop ofRofs ; and Laud, by White, &c. d/ * k/y/t />> 11 Three — -Arthur Lake, by Hollar, 1640; Laud, by ditto, in an oval, ditto, by ditto, in a fquare, after Vandyke - 12 Two — Laud, after Vandyke, by James Watfon, &c. f/ £^jv* 13 Three — William Lloyd, Bifhop of Worcefter, aet. 86, by Vertue; ditto, set. 87, by ditto; and Hugh Latimer, bv ditto * 14 Three- — Robert Lowth, Bifhop of London, by J. K, Sherwin; ditto, by Arrowfmith ; &c. f £ 0 15 One— William Markham, Abp. of York, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Fifher — -fine proofs fcarcet /{.'fyAij 16 One — Ditto, after ditto, by J. R. Smith — -fine proofs fcarce '/*7 by W. Bond 0 30 Three — John Overall, by Hollar — fine 5 ditto by R. White; and Richard Ofbaldefton, Bifhop of Car- lifle, by M‘ArdeU 2 \2 ■■ " /'/ ^ / // c yq - / v .. z\ y? C 2 ■■ .. [ . 1 6 . / bury, by Vertu e— a proof \ See. 86 Six — Richard Alleftry, by D. Loggan ; Ifaac Am* ^ brofe, set. 59; William Ames, by W. Marlhall ; B. Angel, Protomartyr; Edmund Arrowfmith, of Lancafhire, executed ; and Simeon A {he 87 Three — John Abernethy, A. M. by Faber, 1741 ; Henry Aldrich, by Smith \ and Jean Armand, by Pelham 88 One — William Alabajler , Prebendary of St. Paul’s, by c U « J. Payne, 1633 — extra rare 89 Three — Lancelot Addifon, Dean of Litchfield, whole length, 1690, not in Bromley ; George Alfop, A "7 A 0) 1669, four Englifh verfes, by W. Sherwin — rare ; and William Ames, set. 57, 1633, by G. S. four Latin verfes —neat Two— Jean Armand, by Paul Van Somer; and Ifrael Antoine, by ditto, minifters of the Savoy — very rare — -not in Bromley 91 Four — -James Archer, by Murphy; Charles Afliton, Prebendary of Ely, by M c Ardell-^/r^m’ ; Thomas A Alton, by ditto; and ditto, by Spilfbury One— -Paul Atkinfon, set. 73, an etching — fcarce , cpndemned tQ perpetual imprifopment, 17CQ Q_ 2 92 C / ,4 / / / 116 clergy. nth Day, / /? y./3. 93 One— Abram Aurelius, set. 43, 1618, by Voerft, 1631 —fcarce 94 One — -Anonymous, in an oval, set. 66, 1652, by Glover, cc Semper cogita ; ut mortem nunquam, timeas,” — rare— not in Bromley 95 Five— Robert Bragge, D. D. by Faber, 1738 ; Samuel Brewer, B. D. 1774; John Brittain, V. D. M. by R. Dunkarton; John Bunyan, by Sgilfcury; and Richard Burnham, by Dean 1. '/e 7o 96 Four — William Barlow, A. M. by Faber, 1743; Henry Briggs, D. D, by Faber, 1738; Thomas Bradbury, by Faber, 17495 and Thomas Birch* A. M. by Faber, 1741 / 0 97 Four— Thomas Baker, S. T. B. by J> Simon ; Harry Barker, S. T. P. by G. White ; Radulphus Bat- teli, S. T. P. by J. Simon 5 and Thomas Brad- bury, by G. White (/} * 98 Seven — William Bridg, by W. Sherwin 5 Dean Bar- grave, by Cole 5 Jolhua Barnes, S. T. B. by G. White 5 Richard Blackerby, by Van Hove j &c. Cc 6 99 Eight— William Bates, by R. White 5 Bede; Martin Bucer 5 &C. (j/jv 100 Six— S. Barnard; John Berridge, by Ogborne ; Burn* ham ; Burder ; See. 101 Four — Edward Barry, by J. Jones; Daniel Bel- lamy, by Baldry ; Francis Rlackburne, M. A. by Fittler - — private plate j and Hugh Blair, D. D, by Caldwall ( /O c 102 Seven—Hugh Blair, by Kay; John Barclay, by John« Ton ; &c. ^ Jith Day. CLERGY. i 17 s ix— Thomas Becon, and John Bradford, from the , X Heroologia ; William Benn, by Caldwall ; Hugh Broughton, by Payne ; Martin Bucer, and Nich. Byfield 504 Seven — Benj. Bay ley, M. A. by Vertue — proof', Richard Bentley, by Vertue; Thomas BifTe, by ditto; A. Blackwall, by ditto ; William Brome, by ditto ; Daniel BurgefTe, by ditto ^ and George Brown, by ditto J05 Four — Jofhua Barnes, set. 40, 1694, fol. by R. White; William Bates, folio,, by a proof i Richard Baxter, fol. by ditto ; and Thomas Bur” jiet, by ditto, folio £ \m V- Thirteenth Day’s Sale. CLERGY continued. A6 A'l u i (p <■ '/, AC /2 i ? One— Au guftin Baker, set. 69, 1634, fmall whojg length — -fine and fcarce % Two— Ambrcfe Barlow, a Benedi&ine monk rrfiarce \ and Charles Baker, a Jefuit, ob. 1679 3 Three— Mr. Charles Barnwell, of Mileham, in Nor- folk, by P. S. Lamborn-rr/?<3T^ ; Samuel Bourn, of Bolton, aet. 72. by M. Vandregucht; and Wi Ilian} Berriman, p. D. ob. 1749, set. 62. by S. Rave- net 4 Qnz~-~Bonaventure Barm , ast. 52, 1662, folio, by W. Kilian — -fine and fcarce 5 Two— Ifaac Barrow, S. T. P. 1676, by D. Loggan $ and Radolphus Bathurft, 1676, by ditto , f, 6 One. — Thomas Beard , fchoolmafter to Oliver Crom- well — rare / e 7 Three — Roger Bacon ; John Barwick, by Vertue— ? proof ; and Cave Beck, Redor of St, Helen’s, Ipfwich — fcarce tnh Day. CLERGY, 119 8 Two — Francis Bell, and Thomas Bullaker, Jefuits — * fine and ficarce 9 Three — George Benfon, D. D. mez. ; John Blach- fe t fofd, ob. 174B. set. 64, by M l Ardell— rare ; and Thomas Bradbury, quarto, by Faber — ditto to Two — Thomas Beacon, Prebendary of Canterbury, 49, 1560; and Thomas Brooks, 1669— -wood cuts— ficarce 11 One — James Bentham, Prebendary of Ely, after T* * ” Kerrich, by Facius’s, 1792 12 Four — Samuel Biihop, mailer of merchant taylor’s fchool, by C. Townley— -proof-, Mofes Brown, aet. So, by Blackberd, 1785 ; J. G. Burckhardt, D. D. by Facius; and George Butt, D. D .—proof / ; I3 Three— Hugh Blair, by Caldwell- — 'fine ; Richard Burn, L. L. D. by Trotter — dittos and Samuel Berdmore, S. T* P. by Nutter 14 Three— Richard Bernard, 1641* by Hollar; Robert / ■ fine ; and Thomas Bolton, by Payne, 1632 Brightman, aet. 45 — ditto 15 Three— William Bates, S. S. by W. Faithorne; Sa- muel Bolton, set. 48, 1654, by ditto; and Ed- ward Boys, S. T. P* aet. 66, by ditto 16 Eight — Jean de Bourdieu, minifler of the Savoy, cf.f. by P. Van Somer — ficarce \ Charles Bertheau, by Ravenet ; Benj. Bennet ; Mofes Browne; &c. Ij Five — John Boys, 1629, by J. Payne ; William Bridg, ob. 1670, by P. Holmes; Robert Burton, by le Blon ; Henry Burton, in an oval, four Englifh verfes ; and Jeremiah Burroughes, by Crofs / /• ISO CLERGY, i jth Bay, /O /£■ 2 4 yo / /3 A /o 2 t c 18 Two — James Bradley, S. T. P. with a view of the Obfervatory — a proof ; and Thomas Brett, by M c Ardell • 19 Three— James Bradley, S. T. P. in an oval, by Faber ; Thomas Burnet, L. L. D. by F. Faber, 1752, and Richard Bufny, by James Watfon fife) 20 Two-— Villi am Bridg, by W. Sherwin—fine ; and Jeremiah Burroughes, by Gay wood t 21 Two— Ifaac Dubordieu ; and John Broadgate, alias the Smirna Dodfor, ret. 75, 1701, mezo'tintos — ficarce ^ 22 One — Thomas Broughton, M. A. — private plated proof > 23 Three— Jofeph Beaumont, by R. White; Thomas Burnet, by B. Wilfon ; and William Burkit, by R. White f/j° 24 Three- — Henry Burton, by Glover ; Hezekiah Bur- ton, by R. Whi te,—a proof \ and Robert Burton, in title, by Le Blon— very fine 25 Three — Richard Baxter, fob by R. White ; John Bunyan, by Sturt; and Richard Bufby, S. T. P. by R. White 26 One — -Daniel Burges, net. 6i, 1707, in an oval, by J. Faber— rare 27 Seven— Richard Caddick, by Holloway; George Carr, by Knight; T. Cannon, De CoetWan, . Sic, fife* ^ 28 Seven — Edmund Calamy, by Vertue; Cornelius Cay- ley, by Taylor ; Henr)^ Chatelain, by Tanje ; Sam. Clarke, by Vertue ; &c. 13th Day. CLERGY. 121 < 2 . \Q 2 g Eight — Thomas Emanuel Cooke, John Cowper, A. M. an etching, by Tyfon — fcarce ; P. F. J Courayer, by Mrs. E. B.Gulflon; a ditto, by Fi- quet; See. 20 Ten— -Edmund Calamy, B. D. by R. White ; Jofeph • V /t ^ 7 Caryl, by ditto; Dean Colet, by Vertue; See. Jl Three— -Edmund Caftle, by Faithorne; J. A. Come- * nius, by J. Ncuel ; and Dean Colet, by Dal- ton 32 Three— *W. B. Cadogan, by Hodges ; John Cenniek, set. 35, by R. Purcelie ; and Thomas Clarkfon, M. A. by J. Young 33 Three- — Edmund Calamy, by G. White ; Robert Camel!, L. L. D. and Samuel Croxall, S. T. P. by Faber, 1730 j /? 34 Two — John Carter, by R. Vaughan; and Thomas Cawton, set. 54, 1659 — -fine and fcarce 35 Six — Thomas Cartwright, John Carter, by Dunftall ; Samuel Clarke, by Crofs ; Amos Comenius, by Glover, & c. 36 Two — Edmund Calamy, in an oval, four Englifh 0^+^, verfes; and Richard Carpenter, by W. Marfliall, 1641 37 One— ^Richard Carpenter, four Latin verfes, by W f ern Faithorne — very fine 38 Four— Benjamin Calamy, mez. by E. D. C.; Ed- mund Calamy, by Faber; Jofeph Carreras, by ditto, 1735; and John Collings, ast. 55, 1678, fold by W. Becket 39 Two — Ifaac Cafaubcn , and Meric Cafaubcn y by Gunft y / j s < f£? 88 Four— Robert Fleming, by R. White, 1701 ; John Fox, from the Heroologia ; William Fenner, un- der an arch, by W. Hollar, 1656 ; and John Froft, by Vaughan 89 One — : Thomas Ford, prebendary of TV ells, a mez*** feraped by himfelf—extra rare f ocr ? 90 Three — John Flavell, set. 50, 1680, by R. White; .William Fulke, ast. 50, 1589, by W. Marfliall, folio s and Thomas Fuller, hand on book J 91 One— Thomas Fuller, S. T. D. aet. 53, 1661, folio, by D. Loggan, four Englifla verfes 92 Four— John Gambold, M. A. by Spilfbury ; Andrew Giffard, D. D. by Houfton, &c. c / c*? 93 Four— bir Adam Gordon, by C. Knight; William Gordon, D. D. by Chapman ; Zachary Grey, by Knight, & c. *3tho«y. CLERGY. 127 94 Five-^John Grierfon, who was tranfported, 1756, for marrying at the Savoy ; Andrew GifFard, by TroU ' ter ; Thomas Grove, by Gardiner, &c. 95 Six— by Vertue; John Gale, M. A. James Gardiner, 1718; John Gilbert, John Gill, folio ; Hum. Gower, ditto, and Henry Grove 96 Three— Arthur St. George, Dean of Rofs ; Thomas /)t> Gibbons, D. D. by Spilfbury ; and John Guyfe, D. D. by Faber, 1734 97 One — John Gabriel, S. T. P. by J. Jones— proof—* w- private plate 98 Two— David Gar row, by C. H. Hodges; and Philip J J Gibbs, byDunkarton — private plates 99 One— Henry Garnet , Jefuit, executed 1606, by h * p ^^QWierx — ra re 100 One— John Gavan, Jefuit, ditto, 1679, by Bouche 1 ^ — • rare ros Four— John Gibbons, M. G. Erneft Grabe, pre- fenting his book to Queen Anne; Mr. Griffiths, by Fittler ; and W. Alphonfus Gunn, by ditto 101 Two — John Gill, by J. Wright; and John Glafs, l(x/ or by M'Ardell ^ 103 Two— John Glanvill, Chaplain to Charles II. by W. Faithorne ; and William Gouge, by ditto, eight Englifh verfes A 104 One — > John Goodwin , wind-mill over his head, tc error” and “ pride'’ blowing the fails, fixteen ^ Englifh verfes — rare and jin? 105 Six — Thomas Gouge, by R. White; John Gavin, L 7 Jefuit; John Goodwin, set. 72, 1665; and Dean Galopes, prefenting a book to Henry V. an etch- ing, by Tyfon f ■■ / /2 v /4 ■ // , / // ( .. ^ •• / £ f P l ) /r i / // £ Z 2 ,, / £ /S' .. f I <■ 128 clergy. i3tli Da>'» 106 Four — -Bernard Gilpin, John Goodwin, set. 47, 1641, by Glover, eight verfes ; John Goad, by R. White, &o. 107 Twc — Thomas Goodwin, by R. White, folio; and George Griffith, of the Charter-Houfe, ditto — - fcarce * <7? ic8 One — John Gordon, a monumental effigy — fcarce /fal/)A log Six — James Granger, by Parifet; ditto, by Brether- ton ; Stephen Greenaway, by Bafire; ditto, a profile ; and two of William Goftling f Zy/ IIO One — Dionyfius Granvilfe, set. 54, by G. F. Ede- linch— fine and rare > > in One — Richard Graves^ M. A. Reffor of Claverton, after Gainfborough, by G du Pont — private plate , rare us/A . ^ y A 1 12 One — Edmund Gregory , 1646, by W. Marffiall, four Englifh verfes —fcarce E/ Fourteenth Day’s Sale. CLERGY continued . Jl 71 1 F I VE — Hardie, Hill, Sue, by Kay 2 Seven— -Thomas Hawies, Samuel Hayward, set. 39, 1 757 ; George Hughes, B.D. byCaldwall ; Obadiah Hughes, by ditto ; R, Hutchinfon, W. Hunting- ton, by Terry; &c. 3 Four — Patrick Hamilton, 1528; George Hake well, by Harding; Henry Hammond, by Clamp; &c. 4 Five — -Robert Hall, by Trotter; John Henderfon, y ^ W. Palmer ; Sept. Hodfon, by Skelton ; H. Homer, by Jones ; and Henry Hunter, by Trot- ter 5 Five — John Hales, Thomas Hearne, by Vertue, 1729; ^ 6 ,/ ^ . Philip Henry, by R. White ; and Thomas Heth, with Commin Knox, Garnet, Parfons, &c. 6 Five — Anthony Hall, by Vertue; John Harris, by ditto, 1719; Matthew Henry, by ditto ; Lawrence Howel, folio ; arid John Hudfon, by Gribelin S 6 . 130 CLERGY. 1 4th Pay, 7 Four — Thomas Hal], V.D.M. by Bookman ; William Hanbury, re&or of Church-Langton, byEarlom; James Hervey, A. M. by Dixon ; and Henry Hubbard, by Hodges — private plate t 8 Two?- Jefuits— Herpy Heath, executed at Tyburn, 1643; and Thomas Harcourt, ditto, 1679^^-^ » 9 One — Thomas Harcourt, by Bouch e—fine and fcarce ^ 10 Three — John Harris, aet. 40, by R. White ; George Hickes, S. T. P. by ditto, 1703 ; and Hum. Flody, S. T. D. by Vandergucht ^ 11 Two— RicharJ Harrifon, by C. Knight 5 and Thomas HufTey, by W. Hincks (a) 12 Five — Richard Harrifon, by James Watfon ; Aaron Hart, Rabbi, aet. 81, by M c Ardell ; John Herries — proofs Stephen Hales, D. D. by M ( Ard^ll ; and James Hervey, by Faber, 1751 13 Four — Francis Higgin, with Stubbs, See. (the three Pillars of the Church) by Faber, 1710 ; Thomas Hifcox, by S. Okey , James Honyman, by ditto $ and Jofeph HufTey, by Faber— fcarce [HJ u 14 Three — Samuel Harris— rare ; William Harris, and William Hendley, by Sutton, Nicholls — -fcarce Hv ^ 15 Six— Walter Harte, by Hibbart ; a ditto, aet. 39, ob. 1735, by ditto; Mr. John Holland, etched by himfelf ; Mr. Houghton, of Cambridge, by Bretherton; and Dr. Hinde, re&or of St. Anne’s, Soho 16 T wo — -John Hart, D. D. and Thomas Hefkins, S. T. P» 1565, a title page, wood cuts — rare (y&cfT'*.* 17 Qne — Thomas Heath er^ chaplain to King Charles II. me z . fold by MarJbail-~-extra rare /y i+th Ray. CLERGY. 131 1 8 Four — Alexander Henderfon, by Glover, fix Engl ifb verfes — fcarce ; Robert Henderfon, by M. Droe- fhout ; George Herbert, by R. White ; and John Hewit, with four Latin verfes — -fcarce / / 2 19 Two — John Henley (the orator), by Vandergucht- is/ft*, fcarce ; and an etching profile 20 Four — John Hewit, in an oval, fix Englifh verfes ; Hickeringill, by Nutting; and Arthur Hilderfham, by R. Vaughan— -fine and fcarce 21 One — Michael Hewetfon , mez . after Latter el, by y yff y. Smith , 1690 — proof, rare 22 Two — Peter Heylyn, by R. White, and Henry Hib- hart, by D. Loggan, fix Engiifh Verfes — fine . 23 One — Francis Higgins , mez . by E . Latter ell — very A/- ft ■ /o rare Ci 24. Four — Rowland Hill, Edward Hitchen, and Richard Hutchins, by Jehner 25 One— -'Thomas Hilder, of Sandwich, in Kent, at. 53 fff, lb5i) by Vaughan, eight Englif. '? verfes — very > rare and fine 26 Five — Arthur Hilderfham 4to. by Payne; Richard fy Hooker, aet. 50, by Hollar ; John Hewit, Thomas Holland, and Lawrence Humphrey 27 One— 'Robert Hill, Theol. Dr. et Barthol, prope Exchange Lend. Pajlor, by S . Pajfe— extra rare, and fine 28 One — William Holder, S. T. P. by D. Loggan— fine and fcarce 29 Four — Matthew Hole, by Vandergucht; Thomas yT Holme, by T. B. — rare ; and Leonard Howard, A by Goldar, S / 4 • //' /o i\ 4 .. Vy a 4 -/ 4 - Z 2 .. 2 4 132 cIergy. I4th Day. 30 Three — Hezekiah Holland, Richard Hooker, by W. Faithorne — -fine*, and John Hopwood , set. 20, 1676 —fine and fcarce 31 Three — John Hutchins, A. M. Author of the Hiftory of Dorfet, by John Collimore; Richard Hutchins, S. T. P. by Bafire ; and Robert Henry, D. D. by J. Caldwall f/'cfr/ ft *7 32 Four — Anthony Horneck, by R. White; John Howe, by ditto ; Thomas Hyde, by Perry, Sc c. 33 Five— William Jay, aet. 19, by Goldar ; Mr. Jones, of Langan, by Fittler; Richard Johnfon, b^Tqr- ry; and James Illingworth, D. D. t s 34 Four— Thomas Jacomb, William Jenkins, Stephen Jay, and James Janeway, in an oval 35 Five — John Jackfon, by M c ArdeIl ; David Jennings, S. T. P. by ditto ; Benjamin Ibbot, D. D. Tho- mas Jones, and Tonal Jofs, by Dunkarton 36 Three — T. James, S. T. P. Scholse Rugbeenfis Ma- gifter, by M. PJaughton John Jeffery, D. D. by A. Walker ; and John Jortin, by Hall 37 Three — Silvejler Jenks , by Le Pouter ; — -fcarce ; Ar- thur Jackfon, by Loggan ; and James Jane way, in an oval, four Englifh verfes /V 70 ts*ijrr-t 38 One — Edmund Geninges , act, 24, 1591, executed in Gray’s- Inn Fields , eight Latin verjes — very fine and rare t V- 39 One— John Geninges (brother of Edmund J, kneel- ing , two Latin verfes — rare— not in Bromley 40 One — Henry JefTey, set. 63 — very fine and rare /*? *4tn Day- CLERGY. 133 41 Eight — John Kemp, by Trotter ; Glen King, by G. <7 Jf^ Smith; W. B. Kirwan, by Nugent; J. A. Knight, c 7 / ^ 1 by Terry, &c. 2 Three — Benjamin Keach, ast. 54, 1694, by J. Dra- X % pentier, 4to, fix Englifh verfes ; ditto, set. 57, 1698, 8 vo, by ditto; and Hanfard Knollis, set. 67, — ■ fine and fcarce 43 Three — Elias Keach, set. 32, 1697, by R. White; yfff Benjamin Keach, set. 60, 1701, by Vandergucht, folio, and John Kettle well, by Vertue ~ r 44 Two — John Kettlewell, and Thomas Knipe, S. T. P. ' by J. Smith — • fine 45 Three — Gilbert Kennedy. A. M. of Bel fad, set. 67, Off" 1773 — fcarce ; Andrew Kinfman, by Spilfbury ; / and Mr. Kynnefman, mafter of the grammar- fchool, in Bury, by J. Watfon — fcarce 46 One — Samuel Keme , S. T. Bac. set. 33, 1638, in an odfagon, by G. Glover, four Englifh verfes— — , extra rare and fine — not in Granger One — Richard Kingflon , M. A. Preacher of St. James’s, Clerkenwell, in the manner of Gay wood, four Latin verfes — very rare 8 ^ ne — Andrew Kippis, D. D. by F. Bartolozzi— fine A 0 49 Six — Hugh Kirkefted, John Knox, by Cooper, &c. /O & 47 b 50 Six — Dean Lynch, James Lapfley, &c. 51 Five — George Lambert, Francis Leicefter, A. B. 5 Laward Lloyd, by E. Harding; John Lloyd, by y P. Mazell, &c. 52 Three — Archibald M c Laine, D. D. by C. H. Hodges; cf f John Langford, by Houfton ; and Arthur O’Leary, by G. Keating 134 CLERG Ye 14th Day* J' 2 % 3 • 4 - • 2 /S' // C c /( (p c I 53 Four — Edward Lake, by M, Vandergucht ; ditto, by G. Vandergucht ; John Lightfoot, by R. White ; and Richard Love, Dean of Ely, by Tyfon 54 Three— Charles Lake, A. M. by C. Fritch —[career Nathaniel Lardner, 1768, by Kitchen ; and Ri- chard Lucas, D. D. by Vandergucht { A . 55 Four — John Lawrence, A. M. by Vertue; William Lancafter, S. T. P. by ditto, 1718 ; Charles Lef- lie, by F. Chereau ; and William Lupton, S.T.D. by Vertue, 1 7 27 , 56 Three — Mr. Lafcelles, Vicar of Gillings, Vorkfhire? by W. Bond ; William Leechman, D. D. by Caldwall ; and Edward Lye, M. A. Antiquary, by T. Burke, 1784 57 Three — John Lawfon, D. D. by Andrew Miller— fcarce ; Thomas Leland, D. D. after Sir Jofhua 58 Reynolds, by Dean — proof ; John Leland, D. D^ by Brooks — fcarce Two — Thomas Larkham y set. 50, 1652, by T. Crofs — -fine and fcarce ; and Dr. Lupton, in a title page, 1637 ' 59 Four — Tobias Langdon, by Faber; Charles Leflie, A. M. John Lewis, of Margate, by G. White ; and Roger Long, S. T. P. by E. Fifher, 1769-^^r^ 60 Two— Nicholas Lockyer, by Hollar 6 1 One — Robert Lumley Lloyd, of Cheam 3 in Surry, by J. F aber, 1 7 1 9—3 fcarce C 7 / Y 62 F ive — -Chriflopher Love, by Crofs, &c.; William La- timer, by Vertue; and Richard Lloyd ^ 63 Two — James Daillon, Count du Lude, by Pelham and Hart Lyon, Rabbi, by E. Fifher I+«» Day- CLERGY. 135 64 Six- — H. Michell, A. M. by E. Scott; Starkey p rr Middleton ; Sir Henry Moncrief ; Richard Mimn ; &c. a 65 „ 66 v- a Four — Caefar de MifTy, by G. Powle ; William Ma- fon, by C. Carter ; Charles Mafon, by J. Brether- ton ; and Mr. Matters, minifter of Bridewell Four — John Matlock, by J. Wright ; F. K. Max- / ^ ■*'7 well, by Dawe ; Thomas Maxfield, and family, by ditto; and Benj. Mefler Three — Samuel Madden, D. D. by Brooks ; ditto, by Purcell ; and Martin Madan, by R. Houtton 68 Four — M. Malard, by Lockley ; John Murphy, S. T. D. set. 42, 1753, Redfor of Shoreham, in Kent, fold by Lyons — - fcarce ; &c. 69 Four — Thomas Manton, D. D. by R. White; In- cr eafe Mather, set. 49, 1688; Matthew Mead, 1683, by R. White; and Richard Meggot, Dean of Winchefter, by ditto 70 Three — Thomas Manton, folio, by R. White ; Mat- thew Mead, set. 60, 1691, folio, and Henry More, y set. 65, by D Loggan ' , 71 Three — Robert Markham, D. D. by Skelton ; Robert Ridgley, by Fittler — private plate ; and Bernard Mills, D. D. Redtor of Hitcham, by Singleton 72 Two — William Mafon, after Sir [ofhua Reynolds, by Doughty — proof', and Zachariah Mudge, Pre- bendary of Exeter, after ditto, byWatfon 73 One — Robert Majlers , B. D. Redlor of Landbeach, after T. Kerrich, by Facius —fine proof 74 One — Samuel Mat her, after R. Philips, by T. Simon — very rare (jfl$ One — Cotton Mather , set. 65, 1727, fob by P. Pel- ham — ditto fr / / 136 CLERGY. 14 th Dxy, 76 Two— Robert Maton, by Crofs — -fine and rare ; and Richard Middleton, in the title of cc The Key to a David — ficarce 77 Two — Jonathan Mayhew, D. D. by J. B. Cipriani ; and T. Morell, S. T. P. after Hogarth, by Tames B afire 78 One — Cuthbert Afayne, mez. by D. Fournier ^ — proofs fcarce 79 Two — John Mears, A. M. mez. after R. Hunter; and Chriflopher Mends, by J. Jehner — ficarce ^ 80 Two — Samuel Medley, of Liverpool, by J. Fittler; and J. H. Meyer, by C. Blackberd, 1738 'C^ J 81 Three — Gomes de Mefquita, by Faber, 1752; Con- yers Middleton, by ditto, 17515 and Thomas Max^» well, by Dawe 82 Three — Conyers Middleton, Ifaac Mills, folio, by Vertue — ficarce ; and Robert Mofs, by ditto (/j a 83 Two — Thomas Mockett, ret. 68, 1670, by T. Crofs, — fine and rare ; and Samuel Moore, set. 30. 1647, by W. Marfhall, eight Englifh verfes — ditto 84 One — Henry Moore, fitting under a tree, by W. Faithorne — fine and ficarce 85 Two — Claude de la Mothe, by P. Van Somer — rarej and Thomas Maurois, by T. Matham — ficarce 86 Six — Increafe Mather, by Sturt ; JohnMarch, by ditto ; Timothy Manlove, by Vandergucht; Ludowick Muggleton, by Cafieel ; John More, from the He- roologia ; and John Moore, of the city ofJW’cr- cefter, set. 75, by Drapentier [/J* 87 Two — Jofeph Motterfhead, of Manchefter, by W. Pether; and Mr. Madan, with Mr. De Coetlcgon, bv 1 . Watfon (L° H«l Dty, CLERGY. 137 Ob 88 One — John Murcot, jet. 30, 1654, by W. Faithorne, fix verfes — fcarce ^89 One — Pierre Muffard , minijler of the French church L^crr'o^, in London , mex. by P. Fan Somer , 1690, folio — ~ • r#n?, not in Bromley 90 One — Tredvvay Nafh, D. D. author of the Hiftory of Worcefterfhire, &c. by Caldwall — private plate 91 Three — Cornelius Nary, C. F. P. Dr.; Thomas Newman, by J. MhArdell ; and John Nicoll, D. D. Xf/S'-r, set. 71, 1 755, by ditto —fcarce 92 Five — James Nalton, by Chantry; Henry Newcome, ^ A. M. by R. 'Whltz-r-Jcarce ; Chriftopher NelTe, "^^^aet. 56, 1678; Alexander Nowel, from the Hero- loogia; ditto, by Clamp 93 Four— John Nelfon, set. 66, by Foottit, 1774 ; Mark Noble, by J. K. Sherwin.; ditto, by Hancock ; and Mr. Newton 4 Two — John Nefbitt, by G. White; and David csr* Netto, by M 4 Ardell 95 One — Ditto, “ Tifri 546 $”«—fol. fcarce 6 Two — John Nefbitt, quarto, by J. Faber; and Tho- 7 mas Newcomb, Redfor of Stopham, by ditto, T 7 2 3 r ^ . ,97 One— ^Francis de Neville, 1644, by Hollar — fcarce 98 One— John Neyvton, Redlor of Rofs, in Hertfordlhire, % 4 ( 7 )‘ jet. 39, 1660 — -fine and rare .99, Four— Peter Newcome, A. M. by Vertue ; John Newte, by Vandergucht; Benj. Newton, by ditto ; and Robert Newton, by ditto -*-proof lOO Four — Daniel Neale, by Ravenet — -a proof ; John /e /tirn, 1646 —fine and rare 23 One — Richard Price, D. D. after Weil, by Thomas Holloway — fine 24 One — David Primrole, in an oval, fmall folic — rare Jfi) a^iO {^yand fine 25 Two — Jofiah Pullen, M. A. 4to, mez. — rare ; and a ditto, by E. Harding 26 One — Samuel Purchas, ait. 48, in a title, complete, V c / {/'? '• /4 " '■ £ " / 6 ° „ C y / 56 Three— John Scott, by M. Vandergucht, folio; Sa- muel Slater, by R, White; and Johi 0 S. T. P. by Vertue 58 Five- — Thomas Sharp, S. T. P. aet. 56, by Aliamet; Jofeph Smith, aet. 86, 1756, by Baron; George Stanhope, and Matthew Sylvefter, by M. Van- dergucht ( /; 59 Four — John Shower, aet. 43, 1700, by R. White — fine' ? Jofias Shute, by W. Marfhall, twenty verfes, ditto; Richard Sibb?, by Payne, fix verfes; and George Stradling, by R. White / * to Two— John Shower, ret. 52, 1709, mez. by Faber: and Andrew Snape, by &\tto-r-fcarce 61 Three — Richard Sibbs, fmall octavo, fquare; Cuth- bert Sidenham, by R. Gaywood, 1634; and Ed- ward S parke, by A. Hertochs, with four verfes--? fine i$th Day. CLERGY. 145 y t One — Sydrach Simpfon , quarto— fine and rare o 64 One — William Slater , D. D. with a large beard — extra rare and fine 65 Three — Edward Simfon, eight Latin verfes ; Henry M Smith, 4to, and Benjamin Spencer, by Crofs — -fine 66 Three — Henry Smith, by Crofs ; Richard Stock, by T* Rawlins ; and ditto, by Thomas Jenner 67 One — John Smith, D. D. Matter of Caius-College 5 Cambridge, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by Facius —fine proof 68 Five — William Smith, by Trotter; Jofeph Stennett, < ' ^-c 7l by W. Walker, folio; James Steven, by S. Hard- ing ; Samuel Stillman, by Trotter ; and E. Swe- denborg, by Mifs Martin 69 Five — Hen. Jere. de Sails, by Sharp; Richard South- gate, by Trotter — proof ; Henry Stebbing, by Gardiner ; Samuel Stennet, by Holloway ; and Percival Stockdale, by Fittler 70 Three — Jofeph Spence, by Vertue, 1746; Nathaniel Spinckes, by ditto— proof', and John Stry e, by ditto ^71 Four — George Stanhope, by Faber, 1729; Thomas A Stackhoufe, Lawrence Sterne, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Fifher; and Dean Swift, by Bur- Lrd, 1744 72 Two — Thomas Stapleton, of Yorkshire, an etching, ''dfvjJ'to by the Earl of Ailesford — private plate , & c. 73 Two — John Fried, Straufs, P. T. by P. Pelham, 1724, and Philip Stubbs, S. S. T. B. by J. Faber, 1722 —fcarce U u. - s,l - y i / ^ " 1 ... 146 CLERGY. 15th Day. &■ z O' C u z / / / /? d 74 One — "Thomas Sutton , Lecturer of St. Mary, Overies, a fmall head, in a fheet, entitled C 77 Seven — W. Talker, by Gardiner; James Tatterfall, Vicar of Tewkefbury, in Gloucefterfhire ; David Thomas, Eryrl, by Corner ; Jofeph Trapp, D. D. by Grignion ; ditto, by Clamp; Sir Harry Tre- lawney, and Richard Turner, 178 by Sta- nier siZr i ( p/Zy 78 Four — -Thomas Taylor, fmall 8vo, in a fquare ; Ed- mund Trench, by R. White ; Edward Terry, set. 64, 1655; and Lambroc T homas, by Crofs,^/ 79 Three — Thomas Taylor, set. 56, by W. Marlhall; John Trapp, set. 53, 1664, by R. Gay wood, 1654; and Anthony Tuckney, by R. White ((j 0 80 Two — Nathaniel Taylor, M. A. 1684, mailer of the grammar-fchool, at Brig, in Lincolnlhire, 1684— rare, not in Bromley ; and John Todd, set. 25, 1691. by J. Drapentier — -fcarce i Si Four — John Taylor, by Houbraken, 1754; Radulphus Taylor, by Vertue, 1723 ; N. Tindal, by B. Picart, 1733; and George Trofle, by Vertue 82 One — Edward Terry , traveller, set. 64, 16 55, the original print — very rare of' . 83 Six — William Thomas, by V. Green — proof ; Wil- liam Tong, by Simon; A. M. Toplady, by J. R 0 r, Ndi « 5 ‘.n D*y. CLERGY. 147 Smith; John Towers, Benjamin La Trobe, by Spillbury; and John Trotter, by Houfton 84 Three — James Townley, M. A. Matter of Merchant A^Taylo* School, by C. Townley; Dean Tucker, by Clamp; ditto, in an oval, with a hat on 85 Two — Micaiah Towgocd, after Opie, by E. A. Eze- kiel ; and Benjamin La Trobe, by W. Brom- ley 86 One — Anthony Turner , a Jefuit, by Cor. Van Merlen, m executed at Tyburn, 1679 — - fine and rare 87 Five — Turchetyl, Abbot of Croyland, by Vertue; Anthony Turner, Jefuit, in an oval; William Tindale, &c. a / t, 7 j & 88 Five — Peter Martyr Vermilius ; John Villette, Or- L c//y^ dinary of Newgate, 1788 ; Nathaniel Vincent, by R. White ; and John Voflius Four — P. M. Vermilius, Poiidore Virgil, and Gerard Vottius, by Vertue 90 Two — Ralph Venning, by W. Hollar, 1674; and (//? stn? Voflius, by A. Blooteling — -fine 91 One — Nathaniel Vincent, S. T. P. aet. 58, 1694, quarto, by R. White — -fine and ficarce / t • ' *1 J 92 Five — Robert Walker, set. 63, by D. Lizars ; Tho- mas Weft, D. D. by C. Knight, &c. 93 Five — Thomas Willis, A. B. by T. Holloway; Wil- liam Woolley, by Lovelace; Elh. Winchefter, by Clamp; G. W. Williams, by B. Reading &c. U 2 id l/f t'r? 4 /$ /$ f / 7- 148 CLERGY. 15th Day, / s .. and Sir Tho. Bromley 7 Four — Sir Nicholas Bacon, from the Heroologia; Sir Robert Berkeley, fmall oval, by Hollar ; Sir John Blencotve, by W. Sherwin ; and Sir Orland Bridgeman, by R. White r+trs*? 8 One— Sir Orlando Bridgeman , by TV \ Faithorne — - fine 9 One — Sir Francis Bulier, after Browne, by Orme — proof /Z 3 0 Two— Thomas Burnet, by Faber ; and Sir Thomas Bury, by J. Smith 1 1 One — Sir Edward Clive, in the print of “ The Bench f 12 Five — Sir Julius Caefar; Sir Edward Coke, by Trot- ter; ditto, by Payne; and Sir George Croke, by Gay wood, and Vaughan . " ° 13 Three — Sir Edward Coke, by D. Loggan —fine\ ditto, by Houbraken ; and Sir George Cr< ’ White 14 Three — Sir Laurence Carter, by Vertue; Sir John Comyns, by ditto ; and one, by Houbraken, 1745 AdCtSsCl: Cr+'t 15 One — John Clench, folio, by W. Hollar, 1664 — fine *< . ^ 16 One — Sir Randolph Crew, by ditto ^ 37 Four — Sir David Dalrymple, by Beugo; Kay; and Sir Archibald McDonald LA 18 Two — Sir Hew Dalrymple, ret. 80, by R. Cooper; and Hew Dalrymple, of Drummore, by A. Bell/ t6th I>iy. LAWYERS. 153 19 Three — Sir Thomas Denifon, mez. — -proof ; Alex- ander Denton, by Vertue; and Sir Robert Eyre, by ditto One — The Hon. Robert Dundns, ob. 1787, by Wm 0 Sharp 21 One — Sir James Dyer, aet. 64, 1575, by John Dra- pen tier— -fine 22 Two — Andrew M c Douall, by Worlidge; and Dim- f can Forbes, by R. Cooper — private plates l(C/h V 23 One — Lord Chief-Juftice Eyre, after Abbott, by V, 4 Green — private plate 24 Three — Sir Robert Eyre, 1725 ; Sir Michael Fofter, 1748, by Faber 5 and Duncan Forbes, by ditto, 1748 25 One — Sir John Fortefcue, by W. Faithorne — very rmctf ne 26 Two — Sir John Fortefcue, whole length, in his robes, an etching, and the original drawing. See Granger, vol. 1. page 57. 27 Three — William Fortefcue, by Faber, 1741 ; Sir Jeffery Gilbert, 1723, by ditto; and Wm Grant, 1 ‘ ' ;J " 17 5 1, by M l Ardell 28 Seven — Sir Haibottle Grimftone ; Sir William Gaf- yi coigne ; Chief-Juftice Glynne, 1656, by Cald- wall ; &c. / / 9 ‘ 29 One — Sir Alexander Gibfon , of Durie, by R. White y rare 30 One — Sir Henry Gould, ret 85, by T. Hardy ^31 One — James Graham, of Airth, 1698, by George 7 * Chalmers — rare X 154 * LAWYERS. 1 6th Day. / 32 One — Sir Francis Grant, mez. after Smibert, by S. T aylor — rare / T / / ^ /X f< . 4 b * | 9 " / #■. * iY by E. Harding; Henry Horne; Lord Karnes ; &c. 39 One — Sir John Holt, 1689, by R. White — « fine 40 One — Sir Beaumont Hotham, after N. Dance, by V. Green 2 9 4 4 4 - /Z / \.a 41 One— David Jenkins-) whole lergth, in his robes — rare tsfsL f c ft & /O f If ney, by C. H. Hodges ft 1 c // c }f \ f 4 j I / : 4 85 Two — J. A. Bonney, Solicitor, by P. W. Tomkins—* private plate ; and Sir James Burrow, whole length, by Bafire, 1780 (// 85 Two — Arthur Beardmore, by James Watfon; and John Berkley Burland 87 Three — Jacob Butler, by Tyfon ; Thomas Barnar- diflon, by G. Bickham; and Cornelius Callaghan, by Brooks — frjl imprejfion 88 Four — Richard Brownlowe, by T. Crofs; J. Brad- fhaw, by V andefgucht ; R . Chamberlain, of Gray’s- Inn, 1681, in a title page ; and Sir Thomas Craig, by Vertue, 1731 89 One — Thomas Deane , of Freefolke, by R. White, 1697 — fine and rare j 90 One — The Right Hon. Robert Dundas, of Arnifton, after Raeburn, by Jones — proof y. 91 Two — The Right Hon. Sylve'fter Douglas, after Lawrence, by E. Harding ; and A. C. Ducarel, by Perry, 1756 ' (/s' 92 Three— Michael Dalton, by Tyfon; ditto, in title page, by W. Maifhall; and Thomas Fidell, by T. Crofs . 7 93 One — The Hon. Thomas Erfkine, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Jones — -fine proof £ 94 Two — Charles Eifkine, ret. 31, by M‘Ardell; and the Plon. Thomas Eifkine, after Abbott, by J. W alker t 95 Six— R. Eaton, an etching, by Hoppner; Plon. Hen- ry Erfkine, by Kay, &c. tsy/f ^ 1 *6th Day LAWYERS, 159 96 Three — William Fellowes, 1723, by J. Smith ; William Forbes, advocate profeflbr, by R. Cooper ^ .ss **rym*f carce . an( j Sir J 0 hn Gianville, 1640, by R. Clamp 97 Two — John Gawler, 1787, after Sir Jofnua Rey- (f nolds, by J. R. Smith — private plate ; and Green- away, of Norwich 98 Five — Richard Graves of Mickleton, by Vertue; Wm Grant, Welch judge, bv J, R. Smith ; John Glynn; and Thomas Hotchkins, by Wells — pri- vate plate A A-J * 99 One — Francis Hargrave, after Sir Jolhiia Reynolds, by J. Jones — proof 100 One— Benjamin Heath, town-clerk of Exeter, after Pine, by J. Dixon, whole length 101 Two — Ditto, in an oval; and Harry Harmood, Efq. infcribed, u Dr. Sharemo,” by Miller — fcarce 102 One — Sir Richard Ho ford. Mailer in Chancery, 1693, after Richardfon, by Vertu z—fine proof and very rare 103 One — Sir George Mackenzie, by R. White, 1686, and Marriot Arbuthnot, Admiral, after Ri- fing, by Hodges, 1798 — proof, private plate 8 Three — Thomas Baillie, Lieutenant-Governor of Greenwich-Hofpital,by J. Watlon; John Biddulph, a Colonel, by T. Watfon ; and Colonel Burgoyne 9 Four — John Baker, Admiral, by G. White; William Barrell, General, by Faber, 1753; Edward Bof- cawen, Admiral, 1751, by ditto; and Charles Brown, by ditto, 1740 9*One- — Sir W illiam Balfour, in an oval, 4to.— rare, L damaged 10 Two — Samuel Barrington, Admiral, by R. Earlom — proof after Sir Jofhua Reynolds; and Edward Bofcawen, Admiral, by M c Ardell, after ditto, whole length, 1758 1 1 One — Admiral Barrington, after B. Wilfon, by R. Earlom ; and Hen. John Byng, Admiral — proofs 12 Four — Samuel Barrington, by J. Collyer ; Captain Bligh, by Conde ; Charles Bourne, Lieutenant, by Baldrey ; and Captain John Braithwaite 13 One — oir William Bartley, (Berkeley) Admiral, mez, by R. Tompfon — fcarce 0 14 One — The Hon. George Cranfteld Berkeley, whole length, after Gainfborough, by Birche 1,5 One — Robert Blake, Admiral, by Prefton — fne and • ^cd/ldy'fa^^fcarce 16 One — Sir William Boothby, Lieutenant-General, £?• after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by J. R. Smith-^- fcarce Y 2 t M /# A .. / /# / /'Z « y O A/ ( r 2 /? fc /O 164 - army AND NAVY. j?th Day, 6 17 Two — Sir Robert Boyd, Governor of Gibraltar, by John Hall ; and John IvFBride, Captam, by James Fitder 18 One — Sir William Brog , 1635, by^Crifpen Van Queboron — very fine and rare (/v'. P?i r /fyc-crfW 19 Eight — Captain John Bruce, executed at Lancafter, 1716, &c. C?; 20 One— Sir John Burgh , Governor of Frankendale, flayne 1627$ by Thomas Cecill— extra rare and fne 21 One- — Sir Ewen Cameron , fix Englifh verfes —fine and rare 22 "Two— -Colonel Francifco Charteris , mez. his thumbs tied together, twelve Englifti verfes ; a ditto, whole length, fitting in a chair, mez .-~ficarceW' r Ci'J'y/< 23 One — Sir John Chickeley , Admiral, after Lely^ by Browne— fine and fcarce yy e/ 24 One — Hon. Colonel Charles Cathcart, after Rom- ney, by W. Sharp -—private plate , rare 0 * 25 Four — Sir James Campbell, Colin Campbell, &c. by Kay 26 One — Sir George Carew, after Holbein, by F. Bar- tolozzi — fine 27 Four— Ch rift opher Carlifte, Thomas Cavendifh, from the Heroologia, &c. 28 Three — Sir Henry Clinton, by Rartolozzi— proof ; Captain Cook, by Heath ; and W illiam Corn- wallis, by Haward 29 Two — John Colpoys, Admiral, after Pelegrini, by R. Earlom 5 and Sir Eyre Coote, by James Walker t t 1 30 Three— General Francis Columbine, with his Wife, (I'' / by Faber ; Captain Chriftian, by Laurie — proofs and Colonel Cunningham, by V. Greer . — ’■proof 3 1 One — -Henry Seymour Conway, General, whole sr -9 / / length, after Gainfborough, by Dupont — -fine L ' / y proof 32 Two— Captain Cook, by J. K. Sherwin — fine ; and j?th pay. ARMY AND NAVY. 165 Sir Roger Curtis, by Caldwall -— a prooj 33 Two— Oliver Cromwell, after Lely, 1653, by Faber, 1 7 35 ; and one after Walker, by P. Pelham, 1723 — fine 34, One — Oliver Cromwell, with his fon Richard, tying his fafh, folio, by Lcmbar t — fine and fcarce 35 Three — Ditto, in armour, the head of Charles, and / s ] others lying on each fide of him ; ditto, by Wor- ^ ^ / *Gidge ; and one by Houbraken 36 Three— Ditto, fold by Stent; ditto, in an oval, cur- 7^ tain in the back ground, by W. Faithorne; and // 2 M 2 / / // / // 2 : 2 <- 7, J J- one by Vertue 2 37 Five— George Darby, Admiral, by C. Knight; Sir yff iSPg.d //^ wm am Draper, &c. 38 One— ■’Thomas Da lyell, (Dalziell) General to Charles /o // IL at the battle of Worceffer, folio, by P. Vandre- ' / banc — - extra rare 39 Two — Robert Dalziell, General, by Pet.Filius — fcarce ; f / r(\ / and Ranaldo M 'Donald, by W. Robinfon, {hot at Culloden 40 Two — Captain William Dampier, by Charles Shcr- / f 7 J/ _ , win; and Sir Francis Drake, folio 41 Two — John Dormer, by J. Faber ; and Colonel Pa- trick Duff, by C. H. Hodges / / 166 ARMY AND NAVY. I7N\ Day. / / 65 Two — Sir Charles Hardy, Admiral, after Romney, by Dickinfon; and Captain John Harvey, by J. Murphy — fine ( ics - 66 One — Sir John Hawkwood, by T. Patch, 177^1 — - fine 'fi - 67 Five — Sir John Hawkwood, in an oval ; Major-Ge- neral Barrifon; Colonel Hewfon ; General Ireton ; &c. I'fi 'Hc/y/tsij 68 One — Licut.-Colonel Herries, after W. R. Big^, by W. Ward 69 Twc — Studholm Hodgfon, Major-General, by Fifher 5 and George Howard, Lieut. -General, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Jamas Watfon -£/ st *? 1 **> 70 One — Sir Tretfwell Hollis, Admiral, after Lely, by Alex. Browne — -fcarce fg 71 One— Sir Philip Honywood, General, on horfeback, by M‘Ardell —fine and fcarce t. 72 One — Sir fohn Hotham , on horfeback , with a view of Hull — fine and very rare 73 One — Sir Edward Hughes, Admiral, after Sir Joffiua Reynolds, by J., Jones — a proof v h _ v:/<- n 74 Five — Henry St. John, by Patch, 1770; Sc c.* ‘ ‘ \0 76 One — Captain Thomas ’Janies , set. 40, in an oval, cc Some has a time ”— rare 77 One— Sir Jofeph Jordan, Admiral, after Lely, by Ri . //fc 7 / '>^*^Tompfon — 'fine and fcarce 78 One— “ The Lord ‘Dehuty Ireion whole length, irt - ^ ^ ^/^boots, by R. Gaywood, fold by R. Walton — very p 17th ARMY AND NAVY. 169 75 Four — Sir John Jennings, Admiral, by Faber; Lewis e/ VC, de Jean, Colonel, by ditto; Sir William Johnfon, and Paul Jones — a proof v rare % g Two — Admiral Sir John Jervis, by Laurie; and 7 Richard Kempenfelt, by Earlom — proof 80 Two— James Keith, Field-Marfhal, folio; and one a profile etching ;y ? 81 Two— Ditto, mez. by VanHacken; and Admiral fJp.Kjy / Knowles 82 Three — James Keith, in an oval, by Van Hacken ; William Kingfiey, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by R. Houfton ; .and Admiral Knowles, by Faber 83 Four— 1 Colonel Wijliam KeWett— private plate ; Ad- j / miral Kempe'nfelt, by Pollard ; Lieutenant P. G. * ry As : / (f ^ / % \/y miftake, has arranged this print in the Eighth Clafs. 89 Five— Major Labilliere, by Kingfbury ; Stringer Lawrance, by R. Purcell ; Admiral Sir John Leake, by Faber, 1722; C. Lempriere, 1745, by ditto ; and Admiral Leftock, 1746, by ditto V t 90 One — Sir John Lawfon , Admiral — fine and raref y 41 91 One — Colonel Barry St. Ledger, after Gainfborough, byG. Dupont tm 92 One— George St. Loo, Admiral, Commiflloner for the Navy, in an oval, by J. Nutting — -fcarce 93 Two — John Lockhart, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by MSArdell ; and General Monckton, whole lepgth, after Weft, by J. Watfon 94 Seven-Colonels M‘Kay, Lenox, See. by Kay 95 One — General Edward MaJJey , on horfeback, by W. Sherwin, quarto — rare — not in Bromley, „ or Granger 96 Five — Admiral Mathews, by Faber, 1744; General Thomas Maxwell, by Smith; Henry Medley, by Faber, 1745; and General Monckton, by M c Ar- dell p? cesyy | j 97 One — John Michelburn , Governor of Derry, 1689, in armour, trophies, &c. four Englifh verfes, fmall folio — fine and rare * S ? (f in armour, in an oval, * trophies of war, fame, &c. after Cornelius Janfien, ' / // / / /% A its LITERARY PERSONS, lit h /i /C / /? /a A /# & 2 J /O / /o /2 .. / / m C s C by Roottermondt — a fine fpirited etching , very rare %q Four — Admiral Wager, 1741, by Faber; Admiral Warren, 1751, by ditto; General Sir Charles Wills, 1715, by Simon; and General Richmond, alias Webb, by Faber 30 One — General Wafhington, after Trumbull, by V« Green, whole length —proof t if 31 One— Ditto, after Peel, by V. Green —ditto (£)° 32 Six — Wafbington, by B. Reading; Colonel Watfon 5 Lieut. Watts ; &c. yj) 0 33 One — Major Wildman , in an oval of palm, view of St. Pauls, &c. infcribed, “Nil admirari,” by W. Hollar, 1653 —fine and rare id 0 34 On z—Ebe Death of General Wolfe, after B. WeR$ b)^ W. Woollett, Hiflorical painter to his Majafty^ wrote with a pen— fine impreffion t 35 One — Captain Charles Wood, whole length, after Saunders, by J. Ehomth'waitz— private plate 36 Seven— by Kay, Patch, &c. — _ ^ Xp ; 37 Fifteen - — Ricraffs England's Champions^— , fineind rare fi. ft), 2 >^/ 38 Five— Captain 0 ‘Toole ; Woodes Rogers, gover- nor of the Bahama Iflands, a fmall circle ; Sir Wil- liam Waller, 1669, by M. Yeates; &c. X'X literary person s —Bromley's Seventh Clafs . 39 Six— John Abercrombie, by Angus; John Adams, of Edmonton, by J. T. Smith; Abbe Adams; John Aitken, M. D, ; Peter Anriet ; &c. fiX-rf*^ 7 / ! Iflth D Ay. LITERARY PERSONS. 177 40 Four — Jack Adams, Thomas Allen, by Bretherton; // Roger Afcham, by Burghers ; and John Aubrey, Antiquary, by M. Vandergucht 41 Two — Mark Akenfide, set. 35. by E. Filher; and / 7 Robert Adair, Army-Surgeon, by Jones — private A ' flate 42 Three — Eleazar Albin, on horfeback, by J. Scotin; y^/^John Allen, M. D. by Vandergucht ; and John An- Y ' L 7 ftls, Antiquary, in a title-page, by J. Sympfon 43 Two — *Jofeph Allen, M. D. by Charles Townley; and John Armftrong, M. D. after Sir Joftiua /^/Reynolds, by Edward Fiftier-i-private plates , fine and ficarce 44 Two-r-George Alfop, set. 28, 1666, in an oval, fix Englifh verfes ; Guilelmus Augujlinus , A. R. M. in an o£fagon, ( by Hertochs ✓45 Four-r— Jofeph Ames, Antiquary, by Robert Laurie; tyCfi « Caleb D’Anvers ; &c. 46 Four — Patrick Anderfon, W. Atkins, the gout doc- tor ; Sir William D c Avenant, by W. Faithorne ; A and William Auftin, by Glover, 1635, in a title- page, folio Two — John Anthony, M. D. set. 70, by Thomas Crofs ; and John Archer, M. D. in an oval-^- fcarce 48 Four — -J. Arbuthnot, Gay, Pope, and Swift — proofs . y / * and letters, by G. Vertue— rfcarce 49 Four— Edward Archer, M. D. by Kingfbury ; Cap- ^ tain Ayfcough, with the original drawing, by c-n Dance ; and an anonymous portrait, u Index Ani- tni,” after Hoare, by J. Dixon — ficaru A a / // 7 .. /# c .. n / / .. c Uj " /o C { < 4T v / 7 i 178 LITERARY PERSONS. [§th Di*y<. 50 One— John Afh, M. D. whole length, after Sir Jqfhua Reynolds, by F. Bartolozzi 51 One — Elias Ajhmole , by W. Faithorne — rare -jff/j 52 One — Richard Atkyns , author of u The Original and Growth of Printing, by W. Slier win ; — -fine and rare 53 One — Sir Robert Atkyns, fcarce by M. Vandergucht — x5. 54 Five— John Bagford, byVertue, 1728; Henry Bar- ham, set. 50, by ditto ; William Baxter, set. 69, 1719, by ditto; A. Boyer, by Bafire; and Ifaac Hawkins Browne, by Ravenet 55 Four — Sir Richard Baker, John Barclay, by MeJJ^n ; and George Buchanan, by R. White / 0 56 Four — Walter Baker, inventor of the liquid fhell, by Worlidge; William Becket, by R. Parr; Michell Birmingham, furgeon, 172c —ficarce ; and Jofeph Brown, M. D. by W. Sherwin, 1708 /j, 57 Seven — George Baker, M s D. an etching, by Mr. Pryce Campbell —fcarce ; Thomas Bentley, by Ghezzi ; Sir William Brown, M. D. an etching, by Orde ; &c. Ofr 'fert 58 Four — Henry Baker, F. R. S. by Nutter; Sir George Baker, by Singleton; J®feph Black, by Beugo; and William Buchan, in an ova], profile, by Sal- lier — private plates OtLj 59 Four— Peter Barwick, M. D. by Vertue; Robert Boyle, by ditto, 1738; Ralph Brooke, York He- rald ; and Francis Bugg, in an octagon, by Van Hove literary person^. 179 60 Six — John Bailiwick, William Butler, by S. PalTe, eight Engl ilh verfes ; Dr, Butts, by W. N. Gar- diner; Sir Thomas Browne, M. D. by Vander- banc; and John Brown, M. D. set. 35, 1677, by R. White; &c. 6 r Two — John Babington, set. 31, an oval, by Droe- fhout ; and John Bate, in an oval, by G. Giffard ——fine and fcarce / , One — William Bagwell y set. 66, 1659, in an oval, by Ah W. Faithorne — very rare and fine 64 One — William Barclay , set. 53, 1599, * n an ova ^> with eight coats of arms, by C. de Maliery — fine and fcarce 65 Four — John Barclay, Thomas Browne, by Van (? Hove ; John Browne, set. 54, 1696, by R. White ; £77 and George Buchanan, set. 76, book in his right hand, in an oval, two Latin verfes — fine 66 Four— John Barclay, set. 39, 1621; George Bu- ^ chanan, set. 76, by J. C. H. ; Sir Thomas Brown, M. D. by R. White ; and John Browne, set. 39, 1681 67 Twc — Jofeph Baretti, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Watts; and James Beattie, after ditto, by James Watfon — proof 68 Six — Jofeph Baretti, by J. Hardy ; John Berkenhout, Robert Boyd, L. L. D. by Trotter; Henry Brooke, by Clamp ; Mr. John Browne, by Pafs, 1792; and James Bruce, of Kinnaird, by Heath A a 7 180 LITERARY PERSONS, 1 2th Day* 69 Two — Robert Baron , set. 17, by W. Marfhall ; and Richard Broome , by Crofs, fix Englifh both rare 70 Three— ^William Bariffe, set. 42, in an Oval, with trophies, four Englifh verfes, Sic . ; Thomas Bin- ning, set. 55, 1675 ; and John Browne, bv Gay- wood 71 Four — William Bariffe, aet. 38, in an oval, by G» Glover ; John Baftwick, in an oval, by ditto* four Englifh verfes; Richard Braithwaite, in a title-page, by Vaughan ; and John Br by R. White, odfavo D, 72 Four — William Barrowby, M. D. by J. S. Miller Wm Briggs, M. D. by Faber, 1738; William y Bromfield, by W. Humphrey ; and SirW’illiam Browne, set. 73, 1765, by J. Dixon 9 73 One— Robert Bayfield, set. 25, 1654, in a hat, by W. Faithorne, four Englifh verfes — -fine sfcedtdC' 74 Four— Robert Bayfield, in a cap, set. 27, 1657, by W. Faithorne; Noah Bridges, by D. Loggan ; Alex. Brome, 1664, by ditto; and Tnhn tinlwor an oval, in a title-page 75 Five — Benjamin Bell, Surgeon, by Walker ; Jofeph Black, M. D. by Robertfon ; John Brown. M. D. by Blake ; E. Bullman, M. D. by W. Brom- ley; &c. 76 Two— Edward Benlowes, by Barlow, &c. 77 Four— Chriflopher Bennet, by Lombart; John Bla- grave, in a title-page, by D. Loggan; Jofeph Bla- grave, set. 72 ; and Sir Thomas Browne, M. DJ 78 One — Dr. Francis Bernard > a touched proof— -very ran 14 th Day, LITERARY PERS0N5. 181 79 Four — John Bernardi, set. 73, 1728, by G. Vander* pS . gucht ; Thomas Blackwell, by J. Record; Abel Boyer, by Chereau ; and Richard Butcher, Antir quary, by Clamp Three — Adrian Beverland, set. 26, by J. V. Mun- 2 I nikhuyfe ; Richard Braithwaite, by William Mar- fhall ; and Francis Bugg, in an oval, quarto, by V an Hove One- — Adrian Beverland, fitting with his Wife, mez. by Beckett — -fine proof Three — Adrian Beverland, with pyramids, &c. by Beckett; Robert Boyle, in an oval, by J. Smith y and Samuel Butler, folio 83 Three — Ralph Bigland, Somerfet Herald, by C. Townley, 1771 ; Archibald Bower, by M‘Ar- dell ; and Sir John Vanbrugh, by Faber, 1733 ^84 One — Sir Richard Biackmore, mez. after Clofterman, - by R. Williams — rare 82 Os ^85 Three— Sir Richard Biackmore, by G. White; Euftace Budgell, by Faber, 1720 ; and Sir John ^ Vanbrugh, by Smith 86 One — Adam Blackwood, by J. Picart, 1644— -fine cryo^i. and fcarce 87 Two — Walter Blith, whole length, with furveying fid inftrurnents ; and R. B. fmall oval, by W. Mar- ,{]j a ii, j n the title of The Pf alms' of David^ &c, paraphrafed , 1638 — rare , 88 One — Sir Henry Blount , the traveller, by D. Log- yCtriA gan, 1679 — very rare and fine 89 Two — James Boaden, after Opie, by E. Bell ; and James Bofwell, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Jones — proofs 2 / /f / / . ./d : /X ir q 2 XT rj t. / /- y him y by W. Marfhall — extra rare and fine t/Of * 102 Two — Thomas Bruges, by T. Crofs — fine ; and William Bulleyn, D. whole length — fcarce , 103 One — -John Bulwer, by W. Faithorne — -fine j2th Ray, LITERARY PERSONS, 183 IC4 One — Sir John Van Brugh, plan in his hand, after 1 • Richardfon, by J. Faber, 1727 —fcarce 105 Two— William Burton, of Faide, aet. 47, 1622, by A Delaram ; and Wm Burton, L L. B. by W. Hollar — -fine 106 Thomas Bufhel , 1628, in the attitude of prayer, crofs his rjght arm, wood cut — rare J07 Six — John Barclay, by Mellan ; Alex. Brome, by Hertochs ; Samuel Butler, by Nixon ; Vertuej ^ he. .. /g / V /- / I i I Nineteenth Day’s Sale LITERARY PERSONS continued. 1 4 /o J '<■ l J J JS 1 Two — William Cadogan, M. D. by Dickinfon ; and William Cullen, M. D. by V. Gheen e fine proof c . ■ { 2 One — William Camden, after Marc Gherrard, by James Bafire, 1789 — fine C 3 Eight— William Camden, set. 58, by R. White; John Cleveland, Abraham Cowley, by Faithorne ; &C. f / K ?~°7 01^ 4 Four — William Camden, in an oval, two ^nglifh verfes, time, & c. ; Robert Chamberlain, by Bin- neman ; Cocker, by V an Hove \ and Charles Cot- ton, by Ryland / / - 5 Five— William Camden, aet. 73, by R. White, folio; John Chardin, by D. Loggan ; Daniel Colwal, . and the admirable Crichton, by Hall; &c. t ^ 6 Three — Archibald Cameron, executed, 1753? rnez. — ■ fiance , book in his right hand; Mr. Cibber, after Grifoni, by Simon; and Wm Congreve, by J. Smith /f. i$th Day. LITERARY PERSONS, 185 7 Three — Edward Capell, a circle, by Bartolozzi; Francis Carter, ret. 38, by Bafire; and Alexander Cruden, by T. Kitchen — ’■fine 8 Five — Edward Capell, in an oval, by A, Smith; ^ Charles Churchill, Colley Cibber, by G. Vander- gucht ; Mr. Cumberland, and John Cunning- ham 9 Three— William Cartwright, 1643, by Lombart, a. eight Englifh verfes; William Chamberlain, by Hertochs ; and Martin Clifford, by M. Vander- gucht 10 Six — John Cafe, M. D. by Van Hove; Abdiah Cole, M. D. by Crofs ; Nicholas Culpepper, hand on a feull, four Englifh verfes; ditto, by Crofs; Paul Chamberlain, M. D. 1658, by Trotter, &c. 11 Three— Jacob de Caftro, M. D. set. 45, 1737, by Miller; Robert Coney, M. D. by Faber, 1722; and William Cowper, by Smith 12 Three— J. de Caftro, M. D. by Houfton ; George 7 ■?/- y 7 Cheyne, M. D. by Faber; and William Chefel- den, by Faber, 1753 13 Six — Chevalier Defcazeaux, by M c Arddl ; William Chetwood, Prompter at Drury-Lane ; William Cockbum, M. D. by R. White ; Henry Cope, M. D. by G. Vandergucht ; and Collier (Tim Bobbin) 1773 14 One— Dr. John Chambers, set. 88, after Holbein, by W. Hollar, 1648 — -fine and Jcarce ^5 One — George Chapman, aet. 57. 1616, by W. Hole, folio— fi—*fine and fcarce -29 Three — Edward Cocker, in an oval, four Englifh verfes — -fine ; Richard Collins, by Jofeph Browne, 1676 — fcarce \ and Sir William Cornwallis, by T. Cecill 0 One— John Cole, M. D. in an oval, by R. SpofForth, 1 67 3 — rare _^i Two— Henry Coley, 1633, by R. White, fix Engl ifli / verfes — fne ; and Hilkiah Crooke, in a title page, by M. Droefhout 32 Two — Samuel Collins, M. D. by W. Faithorne ; and Daniel Colwal, by R. White, 1687— fne 33 One— Lancelot Coelfon, aet. 35, 1662, by John Dunftall — fne and rare _34 One — Robert Cony , M. D. by E. Luttrell, 1707 —fine \ lj c and fcarce |V^35 One — Thomas Cowell , jet. 63, 1688, in a wig, from I c the Fothergill colle&ion — very rare v 36 Onz—Hugh Crompton , aet. 18, by A. Hertochs — if . *-iextra rare and fine 37 One — 7 homas Cry me s, alias Graham , of Peckham , V poet, aet. 14, by T. Crofs — extra rare 38 Eight— Samuel Dale, M. L. by Vertue, 1737^ Mr. Derrick, by Hibbart ; Thomas Dilworth, after Gravelot, by J. Bafire ; James Drake, M. D. bv B b 2 188 LITERARY PERSONS. I91h r x>ay< by T. Cockfon, 1609 ; and four J^atin Vandergucht; Andrew Duncan, by Trotter; ditto, by A. Bell, &c. 39 Three — Alexander Dalrymple — proofs fcarce ; Tho- mas Day, by Bovi ; ditto, and Dr. Denman, pro- file, in an oval ( b 46 Two — Samuel Daniel, Michael Drayton, by W. Hole; verfes «/. 41 Two — John Dart, Antiquary, by J. Faber —fine and fcarce ; and Francis Drake, ditto, by V. Green— —fine proof 42 Three — Erafmus Darwin, M. D. by J. R. Smith—- private plate ; Francis Douce, M, D. by M c Ardell —proof \ ditto, and Samuel Dyer, after Sir Jo- fhua Reynolds, by G. Marchi, 1773 i M * dy / 43 Three — John Davies, of Kidwelly, ob. 1693, not in Bromley; Dr. John Dee, left hand on a globe; a ditto, by Scheneker 44 One — William Daviflon, Phyfician and Chymift, af- ter D. Schultz, by P. Lombart — -fine and fcarce 45 Five — Sir John Denham, by Le Goux ; Michael Drayton, by Clamp ; John Dunton, by M. Van- dergucht; William Drummond, by R. Gaywood; and John Dryden, by Vertue, folio i < c A r 46 One — Thomas Denman, M. D. after Abbot, by Skelton 47 Five— John Dennis, by J. Vandergucht; Robert Dodfley, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by F. Rave- net ; Thomas Douthwaite, by Record ; William Duncombe, aet. 31, by T. Cook; and George Dyer, by E. Chriftal Oth Day, LITERARY PERSONS. 189 48 Three — Henry Dickinfon, Surgeon, byClowes ; Baron = S Dimfdale, by Burke; and Francis Douce, M. D. aet. 75, by M c Ardell, 1752 49 Three — Sir Kenelm Digby, by Houbraken; John L Dryden, by ditto; ditto, by Edelinck —fine 50 Six — ‘Sir Kenelm Digby, by Crofs ; Dryden, by I Gunft ; Evans; &c. one a proof, with variation — fcarce 51 Two — Sir Kenelm Digby, after Vandyck, by Vorft; 4 / l j c* William Dugdale, aet. 50, 1656, by W. Hol- lar 52 Two— Thomas Dimfdale, M. D. by Chriftineck ; j an d Barth. Dominicetti, M. D, by Vitalba 53 One — Thomas Dowland, botanift, and iluaent in a- ftrology, mez. by Bowring— fcarce 54 Two — Michael Drayton, in a title-page, by W. ^ / Marlhall, 1637 ; and Wm Drummond, in an / .3 s? oval, by R. Gay wood, 1654 — ~fi ne 55 Three — John Dryden, mez. by G. White; ditto, after Clofterman, by Faithorne; and William Drummond, by Finlayfon 56 One — Alexander Drummond, conful at Aleppo, 1744, , if. 2/2 by J. S. M. (iller) 57 Five — John Eadon, teacher of mathematics ; Thomas Edwards, Surgeon, by Houfton ; Thomas Ed- ‘ ^ ' wards, Efq. by T. Holloway ; John Elliot, M. D. and James Elphinfton, by Caldwall 58 One — William Eldred , aet. 89, in an oval, four Eng- 1 a lifli verfes, woodcut — rare / / .. /? t / $ - 7 / i - C i , /S' ■■ -7 " ( • 77 •• . ^ £> , 2 dr 190 LITERARY PERSONS. 19th Ba y a 2 // // /o J3 6 c / ly 1 1 59 Two — Richard Elton, by John Drofhout — ‘fine ; and Roger L’Eftrange, aet. 68, 1684, by R. White, fmall folio 60 Three — Jofeph Edmondfon, by F. Bartolozzi, 1777 > George Ent, by R. White; and Sir Roger L’E- ft range, cet. 69, 1685, by R. White, large folio 7 61 One — Jofeph Edmondfon, Mowbray Herald, after T. Beach, by J. Jones 62 Three — George Edwards, Naturalift, in an oval, fur- rounded with feathers, birds, &c. 1741 ; Eldridge, the Norwich Artift, by T. Hillyard — ficarcyy and Charles Saint Evremont, by Vertue Co 63 Four— George Edwards, ret. 60, 1754, by J. S. Mil- ler; ditto, ftnall oval, 1763, by ditto; Eldridge, and Saint Evremont, by R. White Cfi, 0 , 64 One — John Evelyn , by Nanteuil — fine N. B. This was aprefent from Mr. Evelyn to Ralph Thorefby. [p 65 One— Dr. Everard, fmoaking a pipe — fine (y - 1 L- J / " 66 Four— N. D. Falk, M. D. after Mr. W. Ryland, by S l? /fi ■■ q' , T. Burke — ficarce ; George Fordyce, M. D. by G. Keating j Fred. Foreft, (Young D’urfey) mez. and Philip Frowde, by Faber, 1758 67 Four — William Falconer, M. D. by J. Fittler; Adam Fergufon, L. L. D„ by Beugo ; Robert Fergufon, by Birrell ; and James Fergufon, by T. Cook 68 One — Sir Walter Farquhar, after Raeburn, by W. Sharp 69 One— Nicafius le Febure, Chymifl to his Majefty, 1670, not in Bromley CJr Ijth Day. LITERARY PERSONS. 191 70 Three — James Fergufon, by Haward — proof ; Martin OtcncrC Folkes, by M c Ardeil j and Benjamin Franklin, by ditto 71 Three— James Fergufon, by R. Stewart; Martin Folkes, by Faber, 1737; and Benjamin Franklin, t ^ by E. Fifher 72 Five — Henry Fielding, after Hogarth, by Bafire; Daniel de Foe, by M. Vandergucht; Frederick Forreft, by Elliot, See. 73 Six— Jchn Finlayfon, by J. Kay, 1797 ; J R. Forfler, 'fAo by J. F. Baufe - — proofs Benjamin Franklin, by Cochin; and three of John Freeth, by Hancock, Sic. Lf 74 One- — RichardFitzfmith , compares in his right hand, y two Englifh verfes -r-very raYe 75 One — Thomas Flatman, holding a drawing of Cha. II. / U • mez . — - proof fcarc ? 76 Four- — Thomas Flatman, by R. White ; JohnFletcher, I of ,1 by Vertue, folio ; Dr. Simon Forman, by God- frey; and William Yo&er— farce , 77 Two — John Fletcher, aet. 49, by W. Marfhall; and VcA V John Florio, by W. Flole — fne 78 One — Robert Fludd , M. D. by Matt. Merian —fine / d and rare 79 One - — fames Forbes , four Englifh verfes, fhip in the ./ fjv diftance, Sec. — very rare 80 Two — Martin Folkes, with a cap, by J. Smith, 1719; and J. Fothergill, M. D. by V. Green — fne proof 81 Five — James Freebairn, Freke, by Vertue; John /6 f /0 f. y // / /j / /2 192 LITERARY PERSONS. 19th »*y. ■? / an d Robert Johnfon, by R. White 50 Four— Renj. Jonfon, by Vertue, 1711, folio; Fran- cis Junius, by ditto, one an etching 51 Two — Ben Jonfon, in an oval, by R. Vaughan, ten Cfp Englifh verfes, fold by William Peake — fine ; and Francis Junius, aet. 49, after Vandyck, by W, Hollar — fine V' 200 LITERARY persons. aeth Day. 52 One — Dr. Samuel Johnfon, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by James Watfon — fine proof t if, L K 2 One— -Samuel Johnfon, after Sir Jolbua Reynolds, by Heath — fine proof 54 Two— John Johnfton, M. D, natus 1603, by J. C, and one in a title-page 55 Two— Samuel Ireland, after Hamilton, etched Dy him-*’ felf ; &c. x /, 56 One— John Campbell, (alias M c Xver,) set. 79, after R. Hervey, by S. Taylor — fcarce v - ■ 17 One— fames fully AJlrologer—~rare peris) 58 Four— George Keate, by J. K. Sherwin ; William Kenrick, jet. 36, by Worlidge ; • Kinloch, Sur- geon — private plate ; and Geo. Knutton, by Jen - ner — ditto 59 Two — Hugh Kelly, after Hugh Hamilton ; and Wil- liam King, L. L. D. set. 64, by J. Faber, 1749 60 Four — Edward Kelly, feer to Dr. Dee, in a fquare— fine ; Daniel Kenrick, set. 32, 1685, by R. White — fine j Dr. Key, from the Heroologia ; and Fran- cis Kirkman, set. 41, 1673 c y W. Fa.i- thorne— fine\ and Richard Kilburne, Antiquarian, by T. Crofs — fine and fcarce -63 One — Thomas KUUgreWy Page to King' Charles I. 1650, after W. Sheppard, by W. Faithorne— fin? and fcarce V J CZs 'M a LITERARY PERSONS. 201 iOth Day, 64 f* : * 66 67 f 68 72 69 One— -Thomas Killigrew, with a fword, in an oval* by J. Vandervaart — -fine Two' — John Key, M.D. by J. Faber, 1714; and Sir Edmund King, M. D. 1684, by R. Williams — fcarce One — ‘Sir Edmund King, M. D. by R. Two — William King, L, L. D. aet. 75, by JVPArdell; and Gilbert Knowles, aet. 49, 1723, by John Faber One— Thomas Kirkland, M. D. by J. R. Smith One— Captain Robert Knox , by R. White — proof 'fff 70 Two — Dr. Laighton, by W. Hollars and William Lilly , in an oval , by ditto-*-fcarce 71 Three— William Lambarde, Antiquary, byG.Ver- » tue, 17,30, folio; John Locke, by ditto, 17385 and John Lydgate, by ditto J 72 Five — Charles Leadbetter, by Roberts, 1734; Tho- mas Lediard, folio, 17355 ditto, aet. 40, 1725, by Fritefch; Edward Lille, by Ravenet 5 and Theo. Lobb, M. D. by Hulett 73 Two — Charles Leadbeater , aet. 36, 1717, in an oval, fphere in his hand — rare y not in Bromley ; and Thomas Lyjler , aet. 63, 1698, by R. White— rare y / 't V 74 Six — John Learmont ; J. L. de Lolme, by Heath ; Lorimer, by Trotter 5 ditto, by Bafire, with va- riations 5 and Philip Luckomb, in an oval 75 One — Thomas Legge , L. L. D, Majler of Caius- College , Cambridge , 1607, by J. Jones — private plate y very rare D d / - S3 r \A i .. i / 2 .. /O 'Ip .. ;// i r • / 2 U 202 LITERARY PERSONS* £0& Da?* / /* /O /S JZ // /A / // /y / A /A 4 r J t 76 One— Samuel Leigh , get. 15, 1661, by W. Faithorne — -fine t rtrxs? *~r> 77 Three— Edward Leigh, aet. 60, 1662, by J. Chan- try ; John Leland, by C. Grignion ; and John Locke, by Vandrebanc Cy ■ 78 Two — Edward Leigh, by Crofs ; and William Lith- gow, whole length, fix Englifn verfes 79 On Charles Leigh , M. D. Antiquary, after W. Faithorne, by J. Savage— ’fine and rare Lf 80 Three — Samfon Leonard, by R. Vaughan; and two of Wm Lilly — - fcarce 81 Six— Gregori Leti, by J. Cole; &c. 82 One — Peter Levens , by J. Chantry, fix Englilh verfes *—fine and rare 83 Five— William Leybourn, aet. 48, 1674, by R. White; ditto, aet. 64, 1690, by ditto, folio; ditto, aet. 30. by Gaywood; William Lilly, by Marfhall ; See. cm 84 Five' — Duncan Liddel, M. D. aet. 52, by Beugo; Lionel Lockyer, aet. 70, 1671, in a fquare, four verfes ; ditto, in an oval, by R. White ; ditto* by J. Sturt ; and Richard Lower, M. D. aet. 55 <$£'< 7 */ 2 85 One* — Sir Matthew Lifter y M. D. 1646, by P. Van Somer —fine proof, extra rare >7 , 86 On e— Humphrey Lloyd, of Denbigh, Antiquary , aet. 34, 1561, by Faber, 1 7 1 y — extra rare and fnt ~ f fb 20th Day. LITERARY PERSONS. 203 88 One — Matthias Lohel , Bonatift, aet. 76, 1615, by Francis Delaram — very rare and fine 89 Three — John Locke, by J. Smith, 1721 ; R. Lo- vett, of Worcefter, by R. Hancock — ■ fine ; and C. " Lucas, M. D. by M‘Ardell 90 One — Robert Loveday , in an o&agon, fix Englifh r verfes — very fine y by TV. Faithorne 01 One — Richard Lovelace , a buft, by W. Hollar, 1660 IjJ • //A /}c~ / $-rare 92 One — Sir William Lower , Poet , in an oval, arms at I Cyy-cxr *' 7 top — rare Box Portfolios. 't V NV 93 Three — Lettered, Select Britifh Portraits, 825 — 1553; Egbert, to Edward VI.— Period 1. |94 Three— Ditto, 1554 — 1603, Queen Mary, and Queen] Elizabeth — Period 2. 95 Two — Ditto, 1604 — 1625, James I. — Period 3. 96 Five — Ditto, 1626 — 1660, Charles I. and Inter Reg-1 num — Period 4. 97 Four — Ditto, 1661—1684, Charles IL— Period 5. 98 Four — Ditto, 1685—1702, James II. and King WiU liam III. — Period 6. Three — Ditto, 1703 — 1727, Queen Anne, King George I. — Clafs 1, 2, 3, and 4, of Period 7. Three — Ditto, Clafs 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, of ditto /o 101 Four— Ditto, 1728—1760, King George II. — Clafs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, of Period 8. fyiFjrXOI Four— Ditto, Clafs 7, 8, 9, and 10, of ditto D d 2 44 Twenty-Fir ft Day’s Sale. LITERARY PERSONS — Continued, l ThREE— James Maddocks, M. D. by Trotter; Dr. Mainaduc, by J. Record ; and John Moore 3 M. D. by Bromely L 64 One— « o / / /& /€ // / / X 7 /O C c < 65 One — Thomas Paine, after C. W. Pele, by James Watfon, 1 7 S3 — - fcarce /Lied;' 66 Three — Thomas Paine, George Parker, Lifes Pain- ter, and Sydney Parkinfon, by John Newton bd'y/f' 67 Three — Thomas Paine, by W. Sharp ; James M 4 Pherfon, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by J. K. Sherwin ; and Mr. Pinkerton — a proof 68 One— David Papillon, aet. 65, by T. Crofs, in the title page to his “Art of Fortification, ** 1645— rare ^ f 7 / 69 Two — Matthew Paris, whole length, by T. Cecill y - and John Price, by Perfyn — fcarce t / 70 Six— George Parker, by Elder j ditto, by Nutting 5 Colonel Parfons, by Gribelin; and George Pfel- manazar ’ 71 Three — Nathaniel Parker, of Gray’s Inn, by W. Dolle ; John Partridge, aet. 35, by R. White y and Mr. Perkins, by Drapentier 72 One — Mr. Parker , of Lees , in an oval, with coat of arms, u Jehovah Iirah,” by R. White-r-^#? and rare , not in Bromley (. srci 73 Seven — Mr. Samuel Parker, by Vertue; William Pattifon, by J Vandeigucht; ditto, by Fourdrinier. Mr. John Philips, and James Puckle, by_V ertue ; and Cole vfd” 74 One — John Parkinfon , in an oval, with flowers, bv W. Marfiiall — -fine and fcarce J S’ -a v. ■ Day. LITERARY PERSONS, 211 /• 75 Twc-«— John Parkinfon, by C. Switzer; and Leonard Plukenet, aet. 48, 1690, by Collins —fcarce 7 6 Two — John Patch, Surgeon, after Opie, by E. A. Ezekial ; and Archibald Pitcairn , M. D. by Sir Robert Strange — rate 77 Three — Henry Peacham, by R. Vaughan, in the title to “ The Englilh Gentleman 5” Sir John Pettus, aet. 70, 1683, by R. White ; and Robert Plot, by Vertue, in the Oxford Almanack, 1749 ^8 One — Thomas Peeke , Poet, four Latin verfes — rare 79 Two — Harry Peckham, 1778, by J. K. Sherwin ; and Thomas Pennant, by ditto, after Gainfborough 80 Three — Thomas Pellet, M. D. 1739, by Faber; Sir 'c sr* William Petty, aet. 63, 1687, by J. Smith; and Robert Poole, M. D. aet. 35, 1743, bv Fa- ber 81 Five — William Perry, Surgeon, by S. Harding ; ditto, by Schiavonetti ; Percivall Pott, by Heath — a proof ; T. Potter, by Malpas ; &c. L /yo 2 One— Charles Peter , Surgeon, aet. 57, 1705, by J. Nutting— rare L_, 83 Two — Matthew Peters, by Murphy; and Sir John M c Pherfon, by S. W. Reynolds \ff 84 One — -Sir John Pettus, aet. 57, 1670, by W. Sher- win— -fine /cM ° ne — William Petyt , Keeper of the Pccords, by R. White — -fine and fcarce 86 One — Thomas Peyton , aet. 31, oval, in the title to cc The Glafl’e of Time,** 1620 — rare a J$7 One — William Pitcairn , M. D 1777, after Sir £icA^. Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Jones— -fine and fcarce E e 2 % /■/ 1/3 - U £ \/r C /$. ■■ // l l i / 7 . .. /a c .. // ■■ // - '4- c ■ /s- ■ ■ A ( cx 212 LITERARY PERSONS*. ' t c V lift Day. /f c 88 Two— Alexander Pope, set. 28, by J. Smith, 1717 ; and Henry Prude, M. D. whole length, by Fa- to, .744 V“ 89 Two — Mr. Pope, profile, laurel chaplet, by Faber, 1738 ; and Matthew Prior, by Simon 90 Two — Alexander Pope, set. 57, fitting in a chair, by Faber; and Matthew Prior, by Faber, 1728^ 91 Three — Mr. Pope, by Vertue, folio ; Matthew Prior, by ditto, 1719;' and ditto, her Majefty’s Plenipo- tentiary stt' 92 One — Percival Pott, after Dance, by R. M. Pay.e— * fine 'SCffa* 93 Two— William Prefton, author of Illuftrations of Mafonry, by Thompfbn; and William Pryce, Mineralog. by James Bafire ■ 94 One — John Price , by TV. Hollar , 1644— fine and rare Q 95 One * — John ^uarles^ eight Englifh verfes — rare r 96 Two — John Quarles, in an o&agon, by W. Faithorne; and Francis Quarles, set, 52, by W. Marfhall^ eight verfes — fine <--/ • 97 Two — Francis Quarles, by W. Marfhall, fix Englifh verfes ; and ditto, four Englifh verfes — fine //V 98 Six — John Radcliffe, M. D. by Vertue, 1719; Tho- mas Rankin, set. 41 ; Dr. Rock ; Alexandej Ruf- fel, by Trotter; J. Rymer; Sec. V 99 Four— William Ramefey, M. D. set. 425 Chriftian Ravius, set. 32; William Rowland, M. D. and Sir Paul Rycaut 1 iift Day* literary persons 213 100 Five — William Ramfey, fitting, by W. Sherwin ; John Rofs, Antiquary, by Burghers; William Rowland, M. D. ; Ralph Ruggle, and Paul Ry- caut ^pi Three — William Ramefey, by T. Crofs, fix Englifh verfes — -fine ; John Rufhworth, by R. White ; and Paul Rycaut, by ditto 102 One — William Ramefey , set. 24, 1651, a bull, by 4 s c '"'ZT T. Crofs — -fine and ficarce 103 Five — Allan Pvamfay, poet, by Vertue; ditto, by Cooper; James Ripley, Literary Hoftler, by J. Ryland ; Nicholas Rowe, by Vertue, &c. 104 Three — Allan Ramfay, by G. White; Richard Rawlinfon, L. L. D. mez. by Smith; and Paolo Rolli IP5 Twc — Thomas Randolph, Poet, aet. 27, 1634^; and C e* ' *1 Nathaniel Richards, by T. R , — ficarce 106 Five — Rapin, by Vertue, 1734; ditto, by Houbra- ken ; James Robinfon, Efq. by Smith ; Thomas Robinfon, of Abury, and Paolo Rolli, by Wag- ner 107 Twc— Aaron Rathbone, aet. 44, by S. Pafs; and •>* C/ • Lewis Roberts, by Glover, 1637, fix Englifh verfes: — fine 108 Two — Richard Rawlyns, by R. Gaywood, 1656; and Alexander Reade, in the title to ' tfurt 1 i & - Thomas Shadwell , Poet, mez, by W. Faithorne -fine proof 19 One — William Shakfpeare, by Martin Drofhout— I — ficarce 20 Two — William Shakfpeare, fmall oval; J. Strafford, exc. two Englifh verfes ; and Samuel Speed, by Van Hove, four Englifh verfes Otcl* 21 Two- — Shakfpeare, by J. Trotter; &c. 2.2 Five— Shakfpeare, by Duchange ; ditto, by Knight — proofs Spencer, byVertue; See, 23 Six — William Shakfpeare, by Gravelot; ditto, by / / Houbraken ; George Sandys, Poet ; John Skelton, Poet; and Sir John Suckling, by M. Vander- gucht 24 Two — William Shakfpeare, after Zouft, by J. Si- bifwinrr? mon ; and Algernon Sidney— fine 25 Three — William Shakfpeare, quarto, by Vertue, 1721; Robert Stapylton, by Lombart ; and Jo- fhua Sylvefter, by Van Dalen, fix Englifh verfes —fine 26 Five— William Shakfpeare, folio, by Vertue; Spen^ cer, by ditto; Suckling, by ditto; Stow, by ditto; and Thomas Sydenham, M. D. by Hou- braken F f V/ 1 . 0- , J / // / J f / 3 ✓7 •• / / // / /a 218 LITERARY PERSONS, aid Day. %7 One — -Abraham Sharpe , aet. 91, 1742, by G. Vertue — very rare J{l 28 Four — John Shebbeare, M. D.; Sir Hans Sloane, by Faber, 1728; Alexander Small, by ditto; and William Stukely, by J. Smith, 1721 29 Three — Maurice Shelton, of Barningham, by M. Vandergucht— - fcarce ; Joftiua Squire, aet. 25, by ditto; and John Symonds, L. L. D. by Single- ton 30 One — Richard Brinfley Sheridan, after Sir Jolhua Rey- nolds, by John Hall 31 Four — R. B. Sheridan, by F. Serle; ditto, by Van Afien ; Thomas Sheridan, A. M. by Scott ; and / y 1 Henry Swinburne, by Bovi — proof 32 On z— fames Shirley , Poet, a bull, by R. Gaywood — rare U-cry J 33 Three — James Shirley, by W. Marfhall, four Latin verfes ; Sir Robert Stapylton, by ditto; and Sir John Suckling, by ditto, eight Englifh. verfes — — Hne ft/Ji ? y 34 One — Algernon Sidney , aet. 70, 1682, folio — fne 35 Three — Sir Hans Sloane, by Faber, 1729; Sir Rich- ard Steele, by J. Smith ; and Simon Simpfon, a mez. — rare y not in Bromley 36 One — Francis Smarts on a fcroll, by Delfenbach — very rare 37 Three — C. Smith, M. D. ; T. Smollett, M. D. ; apd Dr. Solander, by Newton 38 Four — Thomas Snejling, by C. Hall ; ditto, by Thane; William Stukely, Antiquary, 1725, in a title-page; ditto, in chiaro-obfcuro, 1723 1 ^7 aid Day, LITERARY PERSONS. 219 f - • 39 Three — William Somner, Antiquary, by Burghers ; t/W V/» J°hn Speed, ditto, by Savery; and Henry Spel- man, by R. White 40 One — John Sparrow , by D. Loggan, 1659— “fi ne an & fcarce 41 Two — Edward Spry , M. D. of Plymouth; and John Spry, by J. Iehner —proofs, rare , private plates 42 One — John Starter , set. 27, in an oval, drawn by yfd . r'yt A fwans — rare 43 One— Peter Stephens, of Salop, a medallion, fup- ported by Cupids, after Dance, by W. H. — fcarce . See Granger, vol. iv. p. 141, in the note. 44 One — Matthew Stevenfon , Poet, by R. Gaywood^ fj'cy d four Englilh verfes— rare 45 One — William Stokes , Vaulting-Mafter, by G. Glo- $ver, eight Latin verfes — n? 46 Onz~-Thomas Street , Aftrclog. set. 33, 1682— wjr rare 47 Two— Sir George Strode, 1652 ; and Captain Samuel Sturmy aet. 36, 1669, four Englifh verfes, by Her- 'O- 4 . toch m//7 c re* lilh verfes — fine and rare J ' 49 Four— Brook Taylor, by Earlom; Thomas Tickell, fi by Clamp ; Edward Topham, by P. W. Tomkins $ and John Townley, by W. Skelton 50 Four— W. Taplin, by Walker; William Tempeft, aet. 70, by B. Wilfon; Philip Thicknefle, byGil- r/< ^ ray, a fheet ; and John Thorley, of Chipping- Norton, by T. Loveday F f 2 48 One — John Tatham^ Poet, by R. Vaughan, four Eng- d\l Z \ 3 ■■ ■ ■ \/3 ■■ A /j £ \//A£ / 7 - / . /sj ■■ .. /4 C / 7 / /# '■ .. /v t f LITERARY PERSONS. Id Day. 220 c / o V A '& $ i 7 4 Jo .. J q i /.? £ / $ - A / ■■ Y 7 7 ■■ \ys\t 51 Three- — John Taylor, water-poet, by Harding; Sir William Temple, by Houbraken; and Nicholas Trivet, by Vertue iAyJs*** 5? Four — ‘John Taylor, Oculift, ^t. 30, by Endlich, 1735; Robert Thoroton, M. D. by Walker; Nathaniel Torriano, M. D. by A. Walker; and Daniel Turner, by G. Vertue 53 Twc — John Taylor, Oculift, by R. Cooper— fcarce ; and Daniel Turner, M. D. folio, by Vertue— fcarce 54 Three— John Taylor, by J. Faber; Matthew Tin- dall, L. L. D. set. 78, by ditto; and Daniel Tur- ner, M. D. set. 67, 1734 55 Four — John Taylor; set. 20, 1695, an etching, by T. G. ; John Taylor, by Van Hove; Thomas Tryon, by R. White — - fine ; and John Tutchjn, set. 44, 1707, by M. Vandergucht 56 On e~~-John Taylor, water-poet, in the folio title to his works, by T. Cockfon, 1630— -fine and rare c 57 One — Sir William Temple, after Lely, by P. Van- drebanc — fine 1- < 58 Out— John Thsmpfon , aet. 28, 1645, by William Marftiall — rare 59 Four— George Thompfon, set. 50, by W. Sherwin ; ditto, differing a Peftilential Body ; Richard Tom- linfon, by T. Crofs, in a title page ; and Roberta Turner, Herbalift— -fine 60 Two— James Thomfon, poet, by James B afire, 1761 — proof \ &c. 61 Three — Ralph Thorefby, 1712, by Vertue; John Thorpe, set. 72, oy T. Cook; and John Thorpe,, by J. Bayley ,lld Da j. LITERARY PERSONS. 221 62 'Two—Tradefcants , Father and Son, by IV. Holla r— V fine and rare 63 Two — Thomas Trotter, M. D. by Orme ; and Wil- liam Turnbull, M. D. by W. Skelton 64 One — Thomas Tyrwhitt, by J. Jones — private ■'-//, P late 7 65 Four — F. T. P. de Valangin, M. D. by J. Collyer ; Guftavus Vafa, by Orme; John Urry, set. 51, by N. Pigne, &c. 66 One~~Tobias Venner , M. D. set. S5, 1660, by W. Faithorne — extra fine and rare 67 Two — Thomas D’ Ur fey, poet, by G. Vertue; and ditto, at the Duke of Dorfet’s, with the Chaplain, Steward. &c. by J. Simon — rare 68 One — Sir Thomas Urquhart , fmall whole lengthy by G . Glover , 1645 — fine and rare 6gi One-~Ditto y by ditto , 1641, ditto , with variations X/fityJ 70 Four — John Lewis Vives ; Ifaac Walton, by M.Bovi ; Sir Anthony Weldon, See, 71 Four — W. Walker, Lecturer on Philofophy ; Ste- phen Wefton, M. A. by Harding — private plate ; 7 William Whitehead, poet, by J. Collyer; and Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, by Gardiner 72 Two — Sir Edward Walker, with Charles I,— fine $ and Edward Waterhoufe, set. 44, 1663, by D. Loggan — fine 73 Three-~Gilman W all, Apothecary at Cambridge, by S. Harding; Sir William Watfon,.M. D. by Ry- der ; and Baron de W enzel, Oculift, by Conde / .. - U \t \% f .. | /V 6 z 1 6 • .. /€'■■ z 1 - 2 2 -■ ■■ \9 ■ \ s' Zj. ; C 222 LITERARY PERSONS, 2Zd D«y» / J /// /* /S /s /$ /o ZO i c c c 74 Three — Edmund Waller, by Vertue; Sir James Ware, Antiquary, by ditto— •fcarce ; and Thomas Willis, M. D. 1675, by ditto 75 Seven — Edmund Waller, quarto, by Vertue*, ditto, aet. 23, and set. 76, by P. Vandrebanc ; Sir Philip Warwick, by R. White; Thomas Wilsford, by R. Vaughan ; and Sir Henry Wotton 76 Five — William Walwyn, aet. 80, by R. White; and Sir George Wharton, four different 77 Four — Humphrey Wanley, by J. Smith, 1718 ; Wil- liam Walfh, by Faber, 1735; John Winftanley, set. 64, 1741 , and John Woolcot (Peter Piqdar), by J. R. Smith 78 Three— John Warburton, Somerfet Herald, 1740, by Miller; Thomas Wefton, by Faber, 1723; and Tycho Wing, by G. White 79 Four* — John Ward, 1706, by M. Vandergucht; John White, Author of Arts Tre, r ury ; Henry Wilfon, 1678, by B. Cole ; and Thomas Wright, Mathe- matician, by P. Fourdinier 80 Five — Edward Ward, by W. Sherwin; ditto, by Vandergucht; William Walfh, poet, 1708; Browne Willis, by Tyfon; and Anthony Wood, by Burghers OO- 81 Four — Jofhua Ward, with a crowd of fick perfons, by T. Bard well ; two of Jofeph Warder, aefc. 58, by Hulfburgh, with variation ; and George Wilfon, set. "8, by Vandergucht 0 ” 82 Three — Jofhua Ward, by J. Faber; John Wood- ward, M. D. by W. Humphrey; and Sir Benja- min Wrench, M, D. >id Day. LITERARY PERSONS. 223 k One — Richard Warren, M. D. mez. after Gainf- Vy/m borough, by Jones — - fine proof 84 Th ree — Edward Waterhoufe, by Hertochs ; John Weever, by T. Cecill, four Englifh verfes — -fine 5 and William Winftanley, a buft, by Van Hove 85 One — William Wattfon , M. D. of Slower, in Dorfet, V * by R. Parr — rare and fine §6 Threes— Francis Webb, by Charles Townie y — pri- vote plate ; Chriftopher Wren, by J. Faber — fcarce \ and Thomas Wright, by Thomas Frye, 1737 .87 One — George - Rodolph Weckerlin , set. 50, by W. /Ld^urr) Faithorne — fine and rare 88 One — Captain F. W. Weaver , or Whichcoty by W. Marfhall, fix Englifh verfes — fine and fcarce ; fee Bromley, page 194 89 One — Darcy Wentworthy&i. 32, 1624, by W. Palfe . xjC/t* — very fine and rare 90 One — Tbbias Whitaker , M. D. set. 60, by J. Chantry fcsy eim — very fine and rare 91 Five — John Whitehurft, by A. Smith ; John Wil- liams (Anthony Pafquin), by E. Scotty ditto, by ^ J. Wright; Woodhoufe, &c. , 92 One — Buljlrode Whitelocky in an oval, by R. Gay- wood — extra fine and rare / 93 One — Buljlrode Whitelocky by W. Faithorne , tivelve • V /v f£ verfes — extra fine and rare 94 One — Richard Whyte (Vitus), in a circle — very rare O r 95 One — Leonard Willan , poet, by T. Crofs, fix En- glifh verfes — fine and r are 224 LITERARY PERSONS . Day /O .. // J i 3 \/o / // / / / / t ' / z /s: z /S' 2 js 9 6 97 98 99 100 101 102 104 // C i 6 ' ^ i°5 io6 107 ic8 Two — William Williams, set. 32, in an oval; and Vincent Wing, by T. Crofs, fix Latin verfe$ —-fine ^ "(/tt Four — Thomas Willis, set. 45, by D. Loggan, one a proof ; Robert Wittie, M. D. at Kingfton- upon-Hull, 1651, by T. Crofs, in the title to tc Popular Errours ,” — fcarce ; and John Woodall, by G. Glover C ^ffc U * One — William Winjlanley , set. 39, 1667, in an oval of vines and barley, eight Englifh verfes-^/?«* and rare Jd u) On e— Salvator Winter , Emperic, 1670, wood cut — rare One — * George Withers , Poet , eet. 21, 1611, by William Hole , eight verfes— very rare y « One — George Wither j, set. 79, 1667, profile, _ in armour, fix Engilh verfes — ditto fj° One — Ditto, in a hat, by T. Payne, four Englifh verfes — ditto 0 ° Two — Anthony Wood , Antiquary, set. 64, 1695, ?nez. by M . Burghers — rare ; and W. Wycher* ley, set. 28, by J. Smith, 1703 idcryd Three — James Yorke, of Lincoln, Blackfmith ; George Young, and William Yworth, Chymift, by Dra- pentier, fix Englifh verfes-- fcarce WJly Six — Various, by Kay Portfolios. One— 1761, See. King George 111 . Clafs I. of Pe- riod 9. Three — Ditto, Clafs 2. of ditto Three — -Ditto, Clafs 3. of ditto Three— Ditto, Clafs 4. of ditto Twenty-Third Day’s Sale. ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, PAINT ERS, WRITING-MASTERS, MECHANI- CIANS, &c. — Bromley's Eighth Clafs . s FlVE — Abel, by W. N. Gardiner; Ariofto, by Grignion; Dr. Arne, Bartolozzi; Samuel Ar- nold, Muf. Doct. by T. Hardy ; &c. 2 One- — The Royal Acadamicians , after Zoffany^ by Ear- fif. lom—a capital proof 3 One — Abraham Adcock , Mufician, blowing a French S 7 .. V cg^^Jnome, and playing on a violin, by G. Bickham four Englifh verfes—- very rare Z 4 Four — William Addy, fhort-hand writer, by Sturt I2m °j ditto, by ditto, 8vo. fix Latin verfes; John Ayres, by R. White, i2mo; ditto, by R. White, quarto 5 One — John Alder , the fortunate cooper of Abingdon, / mez. bylG. Roth — rare / 4 - Jb One— Elias Allen , Mathematical Inftrument Maker, ob. 1653, by W • Hollar , 1666 —rare and fine G g / .2? 626 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, t3 d mj\ / // /4 //> c /«? /2 // /2 ■■ 10 Z2 <• II l i 12 £ f *3 / Zo C 7 Four — Edward Alleyn, by Nugent ; Nicholas L’An- iere, by L. Vofterman; he, (Tucy'J)^ 8 Three — Henry Angelo, 20 Twc — G. L. Barrett, Adtor, by E. Scott ; and Ward (y Bingley, A&or, by Pferffer 21 Four — Spranger Barry, by Mr. Jackfon, 1753; Charles Bannifter, quarto; Mr. Berry, as Do- minic, by R. Houfton ; and William O c Brien, by J. Watfon 22 Five— Spranger Barry, by E. Harding ; Thomas Blanchard, by Leney — proof ; William Brereton, by E. Harding; and William Bullock, by Co Hall Five— Richard Bartlett, Free-Mafon, by J. Jehner; iXfLttsn Le Beck, by A. Miller, 1739; Timothy Ben- y nett, set. 75, 1732, by M l Ardell; Ben Bradley, by J. Faber; and Jack Briftowe, by ditto, 1746 24 Two — F. Bartolozzi, by J. Watfon— proof, and John r Boydell, by Val. Green 25 Three — F. Bartolozzi, by J. Bouilliard ; Lancelot Brown, by J. K. Sherwin ; and Henry Burbage, c*' m by F. Bartolozzi 26 Five— John Bafkerville, of Plymouth ; William Brooks, Writing-Mafter, by G. Bickham ; La Butte, by Baldrey ; &c. 27 Three— John Beard, by M c Ardell ; Thomas Britton, ' Mufical Small-Coal Man, by Simon ; and John Burton, y James Watfon Cg2 to? / / $ t'-f '/ // $ % /0 /z, 3 0 " /Z 22$ ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, 2.3d Day. 4 \ " // /o 4? /c •• 1 /2 / 4 // 'i /- / .. 3 - 28 Four — David Beck, painter, by Coget; Henry Van- der Borcht, by W. Hollar, 1648 ; a ditto, 1650 ; and Alexander Browne, by A. de Jode 29 Th ree — Thomas Beckwith, Antiquary, mez. — proof $ Richard Blome, Cofmographer ; and SamueL and Nathaniel Buck, by Houfton 30 Three- — Edward Beetham, oval profile, by J. Jehner ; John du Biffon, by»W. Hudfon ; and Ifaac Bro- deau, of Oxford, by G. Roth — rare uft • - 31 Five* — Benedetti, by Vertue— *froof m , William Boyce, Muf. Dr, by J. K. Sherwin; C. Brofchi Farinelli, by Wagner ; John Bull, Muf. Dr. by J. Cald-. wall ; and Dr. Charles Burney, &c. Mr* 32 Four- — F. Bernardi, Senefino, byKirckhall; ditto, by Van Haecken; G. Bononini, by J. Sympfon ; and C. Brofchi Fairnelli, by Van Haecken /)?. 33 Ona— Thomas Betterton , Adtor, mez, by Williams — -fcarce 34 Four — Thomas Betterton, by M. Vandergucht ; Tom Rond, Barton Booth, by G. Vandergucht ; and Richard Burbage, by E. Harding 2 35 Two — George Bickham, the elder, and younger, en- gravers , 36 Two— Martin Billingfby, writing-mafter, 1618, four EnglifH verfes — -farce ; and Samuel Botley, aet. 33, 1674, fix Englifti verfes y* 37 Three— John Bird, by V. Green; Matthew Bolton, of Soho, by S. W. Reynolds ; and James Brindjey, engineer, by R. Dunkarton— proof 38 Three— Charles Blakes, adtor, by MhArdell; one with variations ; and Thomas Britton, mez, by 0 ° J3 // $ // ^ // < '■/ < 1 (>' /3 .. /5 (, & 47 One — John Bulfinch , printfeller, by D. Loggan- ^rfine and rare 48 One — William Bullock , comedian , mez. by Thomas johnfon — extra rare and fine J 7 4 2 ■■ 4 - 49 Six — John Campbell, of Edinburgh, by Kay ; John Chiflin, Sec. 50 Six— -Antonio Canaletti, Edward Cave, by Worlidge, with variations ; Ben. Colleni,* Sec. Jo ( I ?30 ARTISTS* ACTORS* MUSICIANS* %%& Day. I* 53 /54 k> / 55 51 Two— John Garr, architect* by C. H. Hodges; and Sir William Chambers, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by V. Green -—proof Cj . Three— -John Careftini, by Faber, 1735 ; Cavelier, by ditto; and Conti Gizziello, by A. Van- haecken tAfft*** '(/ Three— Harry Carey, by Faber; Cavelier, “ The Dancing-mafter,” by T. Ryley ; and James Chal- mers, in the character of Midas, by Watfon Four— G. S. Carey, by Terry ; William Cartwright, a£tor, by R. Clamp ; Lorenzo Ciprani, by Gui- fan, &c. Three— John Cartwright, ofFarnham, in Surry, 1748, by M c Ardell — rare ; Chardin, fon of the painter, by Faber, 1740 ; ditto, by Tinney Four — William Gallon, letter-founder, by J. Faber; Sir William Chambers, by Houilon — • a proof ; Jofeph Champion, mez. &c. / 0 Three— Cater, by J. Nixon; Cambridge Concert; and William Crotch, mufical child, by Janies Fittler UJ* Three — F. M. la Cave, engraver, 1764 —fcarce} Francis Chereau, by Petit; and Richard Cooper, after W. Robinfon, by R. Cooper — fcarce 59 Six — William Caxton, C. G. Cibber, Van Cleeve Francis Cleyn, Samuel Cooper, &c. A ** 60 Three — Jacob Cervetto, by Mrs. M. A. Picot; Co- relli, by Smith; and Cofimus, by ditto 61 Two —Roderick Chalmers , Rofs Herald, by G. Chal- mers, jun.; and Ofmond Cooke } Marika! of the ^ City of London— rare L / 56 43<5 Day. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS,8fc. 231 62 Five — -Sir William Chambers, by Parifet; Richard Cofway, byBovi; F. Cotes, by Parifet; John Cramp, by J. T. Smith ; and R. CrofTe, by R. Thew 63 Six — Jofeph Champion, W. M. by J. Huett ; Tho- mas Chapman, by Caldwall; John Clark, by Bickhait), folio; ditto, quarto, aet. 25; Willing- ton Clarke, See, 64 Four— William Child, Muf. Dr. by Caldwall ; J. B. Cirri, by G. Sherlock; Corelli, by Folkema; and William Croft, by G. Vertue 65 Ono—Theophilus Cibber , a£tor, an original drawing, T. Worlidge, 1735, on vellum — -fine 66 One — Cipriani^ with Bartolozzi , and Carlini , after f siC. c^/*/Rigaud, by J. R. Smith— ‘fine proof 67 Four — Charles Clagget, by Singleton; F. J. Clement, mufical child; George Courtup, by E. Scott; 'William Crotch, of Norwich, by J. Sanders, 1778 r 68 Four — -Clementi, by T. Hardy, 1794; ditto, by E, Orme, 1797 ; Benjamin Cooke, Muf. Dr. by W, Skelton ; and W. Cramer, by T. Hardy 69 Three — Clive, fenior and junior, of Bath, etched by U , C. Clive ; and R. Cofway, an etching, by him- felf, profile, — -fcarce 0 Three — Clowes, fenior and junior —fcarce 71 Two — Edward Cooper , printfeller, by P. Pelham; and John Cooper, mez. by W. Faithorne-^/?,v* / 72 Two— Jofeph Cooper, 1733 —fcarce and Richard Cooper , after G. Schroider, mez. ipfe — rare . 73 O ne — William Corbett , Mufician, after J, Auflen, ' by J, Simon— rare 232 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, 43 a Day* 3 /o *• / - J - / / - J' /<5 4 7 - /r •• / / •• / 7 Foulis, and Daniel Furnier , Engraver , tf- la-Mode Beef Maker , Dealer in Butter and Eggs , £y himjelf—fcarce 96 Four — John Farley, John Fergufon, Ford, Statuary °f Bath, and his Brother, by Worlidge. See Bromley, page 402 97 Eight — James Fearon, Adtor, by W. N. Gardiner ; ^ Nathaniel Field, by ditto; Samuel Foote, by R. ^ B. Godfrey, 1770; Frodlham, in Hamlet ; &c. 98 Three — Jonathan Fentum, by Collyer ; Win de C/f /' Fefch, by le Cave ; and Francis Fleming, of Bath, ”W f ^’ by Hibbart 99 Two— William Fittock, Mayor of St. Maws, 1741 ; / and Samuel Foote, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by L T, Blackmore y 3 / / H h 234 ACTORS, ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, 43 d B*7'. ICO Three — Charles de la Foffe, by Duchange ; Ifaac Fuller, by Chambers; and Henry Fufeli, by Bromley 10 1 Three — -Thomas Frye, Engraver, by himfelf \ different ( 7 ) * 102 Five— Gillefpie, by Kay ; John Greenwood, by Greenwood, fenior, & c. 103 Three — Thomas Gainfborough, Painter, by F. Bar- tolozzi ; H. Gravelot, by Mallard ; and T. Gur- ney Short-hand Writer $i*Jcbor> 1 104 One — John Gamble , by T. Crofs, four Englifh verfes — -fine and rare Ufih ') 105 Three— Marc Garrard, Painter, by W. Hollar, 1644; Horatio Gentilefchi, by Vofferman ; and Sir Balthafar Gerbier, set. 42, 1634, by P. Pontius L / 106 Fifteen — David Garrick, by Cochin ; ditto, by Wil- fon; ditto, by Worlidge, &c. 107 Four— -Garrick, after Pond, by M c Ardell ; ditto, as an Auctioneer, by ditto; ditto, after I iotard, by ditto ; and one, after Pine, by W. Dickinfon V- 108 Two— Garrick, and Mrs. Pritchard, by Val. Green; and Garrick, between Tragedy and Comedy, after Sir Jolliua Reynolds, by E. Fifber /wU-ti 109 Two— Garrick, in Hamlet, after Wilfon, by M‘Ar- del ; and Griffin and Johnfon, by Van Bleeck, 1738 SIO Three — Geminiani, by V. Green; Sir Balthafar Gerbier, Miftrefs, anti Children, from Rubens, by M‘Ardell ; and Richard Gomeldon, mez. by W* Faithorne l //**» ijd Day . PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, $V. 235 ^ Lii Three — Monfieur St, George, by W. Ward; John 5 / Greenwood, Sen. by Pether; and Val. Green — proof 1 12 Five — Gerritten (Rembrands), Richard Grafton, Printer; Richard Gibfon, the Dwarf; John Greenhill ; and Louis la Guerre 1 13 On t— -Richard Gethinge^ of Herefordfhire, Writing- a ^ Li m mafter, aet. 32— 'fine and rare 1 14 Three — Chrift. Gibbons, Muf. D06I. ; Orlando Gibbons, ditto; and Giardini ; by Bartolozzi 1 15 Three— -James Gibbs, Architect, by MVArdellj * f Gibbons and his Wife, by Smith ; and George Graham, Clock-Maker; by Faber 1 16 Three — James Gibbs, by P. Pelham; Gibbons, by C? “ Smith ; and Lewis Goupy, by G. White 1 17 On z— James Gibbs , Architect, after W % Hogarth , ly M^Ar dell— fine and rare 1*8 One— C. Gole y Dr awing- Mafter — extra rare and fine proof 119 Two— James Gouter, by Livius; and Godfrey CcrtZ Finger, by S. Gribelin 120 One — Thomas Greene , A< 5 tor from Greene’s Tic £• ^uoque — fine and fcarce I Two — John Guerney, of Norwich, 1719, in an oval — rare ; and T. Gurney, Short-hand Writer 122 One — Henry Gyles , Glafs-Painter , by F. Place t s fin* proof ; fuppofed Unique Hh 2 Twenty-Fourth Day’s Sale. ARTISTS, ACTORS, &c. continued. i Four — John Hall, Preparer of Subjects in Natural Hiflory ; Thomas Harper, John Hawkfbee, by Sanders; and Gabriel Hunt, after Hogarth, by Livefay % Four — Jofeph Vanhacken, by Faber; Alexander Van- hacken, by ditto, 1748; James Heath, A. R. A. by S. W. Reynolds ; and William Humphrey, by C. H. Hodges (Z v 3 Two— J. Haid, Engraver, by J. E. Haid; and fjpu- braken, by himfelf- — a prjsof c /. 4 Five — Gavin Hamilton, Painter, by R. Scott ; Charles Handafide ; three different ; and William Henfhaw", Engraver, an etching — ■ fcarce tsO - *>¥ 5 Three— Benjamin Hallet, Mufical Child, by M c Ar- dell; John Hebden, by Faber, 1741; and John James Heidegger, by ditto, 1749 PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, Sfc. 237 LL X 6 One — Robert Hancock , Engraver , mez. after Wright, •/ <■ i- y//- ; by himfelf — unique 7 Four — Handel, by Houbraken ; Jofeph Haydn, by t y J. E. Mansfeld ; William Heyther, Muf. Dr. and John Hilton 8 Two — Handel, by Faber, 1749 — -fine', and William Hayes, Muf. Dr. by Park — ditto 9 Four — Handel, by Wolfgang; Jofeph Harris, Actor, by E. Harding ; Hewerdine, and J. G. Holman, Adtor, by Godfrey 10 Six — Adrian Hanneman, John Hayls, Nicholas Hil- liard, Hoefnagle, Henry Hondius, and Jodocus Hondius, with Marcater Four — Thomas Hardy, tried for high treafon, 1794; Edward Harding, junior, Engraver, by A. Bir- rell ; Job Hart, by Hancock, &c. Two — John Harper, Adtor, by A. Miller, 1739; and John Henderfon, after Gainfborough, by J. Jones- — proof 13 One — John Harrifon, time-keeper, by P. Taflaert— proof rare , not in Bromley '14 Two — Warner HafTell, Painter, by P. Schenk — rare ; and Abraham Hondius, by J. Smith 15 Two — William Havard, Adtor, by E. Fifher, 1773, and Charles Holland, by J. R. Smith— proof 16 Three — Edward Heardfon, Cook, by J. R. Smith; John Hill, by Hudfon — proof ; and William Hop- ley, ofWorcefter, by Hancock— fine Two — James Heath, Engraver, by J. R. Smith; and Ozias Humphrey, Painter, by Val. Green— proof 11 cf // 12 u c r 258 ACTORS, ARTISTS, MUSICIANS, 14th ©ay 9 18 Five— -John de Heem, by Pontius; Holbein,* by Hondius; Gerard Honthorft, by du Pont, &c. 19 One— Egbert Hemfiirk , me%. by Oliver — very 0 rare 20 One — John Henderfon, in Macbeth, after Romney* by J. Jones — fine proof 21 Two — -Emanuel Hendricks, by R. Laurie ; aud Mofes Henriques , by John Greenwood — rare 22 One — George Heriot , Jeweller to James VL—° Efpl'ins- — rare [j'UC'i '* 23 Five — F. Hayman, by Parifet ; Jofeph Highmore, William Hodges, Houbraken, and Ozias Humph- rey, by Parifet 24 One — Thomas Hobfon , the carrier, of Cambridge, set* 86, 1630, by J. Payne, eight Englifh yerfes— fine and rare 25 Three — William Hogarth, fitting, painting, 17645 /tsot'io j 26 Fous — Holbein, by Chambers; ditto, by Gay wood ; ditto, by Hollar; and ditto, by Vorfterman— fine jfe? ' 27 Three — Wenceflaus Hollar, different fflLt t&ffi % 28 On-— J. G. Holman, with Mifs Brunton, whole, length, by T. Park fin-?L K.-< 29 Two — Nathaniel Hone, Painter, by E. Fifher Jcarce ; and Horace Hone, by James Watfon a)° 30 Three — Nathaniel Hone, in a fur cap, See. by D„ Martir — proof ; Camilius Hone, “ The Spartan Boy,” by W. Humphrey; and “The Piping sfth Day. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, 8 fc. 239 , 31 One — William Hopkins, Short-Hand Writer, fix Englifh verfes— •fine 32 One — Ozias Humphrey , by Caroline JVatfon — -fine proof . , Jcarce £ 33 Two — William Jackfon, Mufician, cf Exeter, in^an oval — private plate ; and Alexander Johniton, as Gibby, by J. Saunders 34. Fqur — James Jackfon, forty five years a finger at / ' Cambridge, by S. Harding; John Johnfione, Ac- tor, by Beflland ; ditto, by Warburton; and H. E. Johnfton, as Hamlet, by Kay, 1795 35 Two — Jean Jacobe, by J. Clerk; and Mr. Ifaac, by V- ' G. White 36 Two — George Jamefon, Painter, with his Wife and Child, 1728; and Inigo Jones, by W. Hollar 37 Five — George Jamefon, by Trotter ; Cornelius Jan- fon ; Inigo Jones, by- Vorfi: ; and Richard Jones, Printer 38 Six — Charles Jarvis, by G. Vandergucht; William filSc&y Inglctt, 1621 ; Samuel Johnfon, aet. 72 ; George Johnfon, Engraver ; William Johnfon, Diftiller, iJSb—fcarcei and Humphry Johnfon, W. M. / 4 / 39 Five— John Kay, Engraver, 1786 ; Thomas Kirgate, Printer, at Strawberry-hill, the original print — A V* t /o / 'O.Zf fit- /2 / fcarce , &c. 40 Three — Kelly, Singer, by Conde ; John Kemble, by is//. cC/iij W. N. Gardiner ; ditto, in Tancred, by Caroline W atfon — fne proof /Z ( 4 4 240 AIM STS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, 14 th Day 41 Four — William Kempe, Actor, Thomas King, by Bromley, &c. 42 Six— William Kent, Painter, by Ravenet ; Cornelius Ketel, byHondius; Thomas Keys, Painter; Jo- Ihua Kirby, by Parifet; John Zacchary Kneller, &c. 's/j * 43 Five — James Kenton, by Holloway ; James King, by E. Scott ; John Kirby, by Cook ; and Kotz- wara ' 7 t rusj 44 Five — Edward Kidder, Paftry-M^ffer, by R. Shep- pard ; two different; Edward King (Toby) by M. Vandergucht; William Kippax, by N. Parr; William Knapp, 1753 45 Two— Thomas King, A&or, by J. R. Smith— proof \ and Jofhua Kirby, Architect, by Dixon 3 46 Three — Sir Godfrey Kneller, by Smith ; ditto, by Fa- ber, 1735, &c. 47 Six— John Lackington, by Goldar ; Citizen Leflie, by J. Kay; John Love, of Weymouth, &c. y y/ 4S Three — J. Lackington, by Scott; Mr. Thomas Lang- dale, Diftiller, fen .— private plate ; and Richard Leveridge, by J. Saunders (y- 49 Four — James Lacy, Patentee of Drury-Lane Theatre 5 W. T. Lewis, A&or, by J. Corner ; Signor Lo- vatini ; and John Lowin, Adtor, 1640, by T. Holloway / 50 Two — George Lambert, Painter, by J. Faber; and Daniel Lock, Architedf, after Hogarth, by J* M c Ardell — very fine c n uthDiy . PAINTERS^ WRITING-MASTERS, #C. 241 %// 51 Three — J. F. Lampe, Mufician, by M f Ardell ; Rich- ^7 ard Leveridge, c/t^fr^y-7 by Vander Myn ; and Leviez, Dancing-Mafter, by M c Ardell— proof 52 Two — Langford, Au&ioneer — proof', and John Lewis, Brewer, of Richmond, by R. Field 53 One — Batty Langley , Architect, mez. by J. Car- witham, 1741 — fine and rare 54 Five — John Langton, W. M. and Glafs-P^inter; Thomas Lant, by Fittler ; Matthew Lock, by J. Caldwail ; William Lamb, and John Lowin, by Nugent 55^ Four- — Nicholas de Largilliere, Painter, by du Puis; Carlo Vanloo, Carlo Vanloo, le Fils, and Jaques Vanloo, by Exfhaw 56 Two — N. de Largilliere, with his Wife and Children, by J. Smith— ex. fine ; and Sir Peter Lely, by J. Smith 57 Three — N. de Largilliere, by F. Chereau, 1715; Sir Peter Lely, by de Jod z—fine ; and John Li- vens, by Vofterman 58 One — Henry Lawes , Mufic Compofer, by W. Fab* ( c thor ntr-fine and fcarce 59 Two— ^Thomas Lawranfon, Painter, and Thomas /OitnQitj Lediard , by Clowes— fcarce 60 Five— Thojnas Lawrance, Painter, by J. K» Sher- win ; Bernard Lens, by Boitard ; Liotard, by Wor- lidge; P. J. de Loutherbourg, by C. Townley* See . 6$ Two — Anthony Leigh, as the Spanifh Fryer, by J. Smith ; and Mr, Lowe, and Mrs. Chambers, in the Beggars Opera, by M‘Ardell— fcarce I i - yo\t .. so C / / .. / 2 \ ■■ .. ~W / z. ■■ - .. s 9 - / / .... . /C\ i ■ M • 242 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS. 44th Day, / J 62 One — Sir Peter Lely , by A, Browne — very gne and /k /) 1 ; & • /«r •• /, . 68 Six — John Mabufe, Painter, by Galle; Sir Anthony More, by Bondius; Morett, by Hollar, 1647s Daniel My tens, by du Pont, Sic. xsppf*' 69 One — Thomas Mace, Mufician, by W. Faithorne— —very fine and fcarce / / //• 70 Four— Charles Macklin, Adtor, get. 93, by Conde ; Luigi Marchefi, by Schiavonetti ; Morelli, b Godefroy ; and Munden, as Jemmy Jumps 71 Eight — Macklin, by W. N. Gardiner ; Maddox, Rope-Dancer; John Mills, AcStor, by Clamps Michell Mchun, by E. Hardings Mofiop, as Baja* zet, &c. 72 Three — Maddox, mez. by Houfton ; Jofeph Miller, as Teague; and ditto, as Sir Jofeph Wittol, by ; C. Mofley $t 19 3 J 5 4 •HthDay. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, 8(c. 243 i/ 4 /' 73 Two — Thomas Maggi, Mufician, by Bartolozzi ; and Leopold Mozart, with his Son and Daughter, by delaFofle, 1764 —fcarce .74 One — Thbmas Major y Engraver , by himjelf. 1759 yfr< ,, —very rare 75 Five — Henry Malden, by Orde; W. Markham, Ro- bert More, W. M. by W. Sherwin, See, 76 Two-*- Giofeppe Marchi, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, t ‘ ££by Spilfbury; and Jer. Meyer, Miniature Painter, after* Dance, by Pether— rare 77 Three— -Daniel Marot, Architect, by J. Gole; Sir John Medina, and Philip Mercier, with his Wife and Family 78 Two— "William 3 \lafon, W. M. fix Englifh verfes ; j ^ ' ■' and Theophilus Metcalfe, eight Englifh verfes 79 Two— Martin, Engraver, with his Family, by J. F. I ^/-.Martin; and J. Menni, Engraver, fmall oval— '* fcarce 80 One — -Edward Mafcall , by James Gammon — I y** rare 81 Five— George Mattocks, A&or, by R. Laurie; < ^ Mattocks and Quick, in the Duenna, A. M. J Monticelli, by Faber ; John Moody, by T. Hardy, See. 82 Three — John May, Ship-builder, by V. Green — • / / a proof \ Mellifh, Painter, by T. Frye ; and Thomas Mudge , Watch-maker, by Charles Townley — fine and fcarce 83 Three — Philip Mercier, Painter, by Faber, 1735; * Peter Monamy, by ditto; and jean Baptifle Mo- noyer, by G. White I i 2 / / ’JZ 6 3 t M ■■ /o ■■ (U /? - /x •• Jo .. ' 244 - ARTISTS* ACTORS* MUSICIANS, '24th Sty // L 4 4 84 Three— Thomas Murray, Painter, by Smith ; Van- der Myn, By Wheatleys and Vander Meulen^by Beckett 85 Three — J. Meyer, Painter, by Parifet"; John Ha- milton Mortimer, by R. Blyth ; and Monier-— proof v 86 Two — John Millan, Bookfeller ^private pi ate ^ proof % and Bowler Miller, of the Bank, by Sailliar— ditto 87 Two — -Anthony Molteno, by P. Bettelini; and his Children the Cherubims, by F. Bartolozzi — •proofyfffit* 88 One— John Moody , in the character of Foigard, by G. Marchi— -fine proof 89 One— J. H. Mortimer, Painter, by V. Green —fine proof u .\ ‘tcdfar 90 One- — J. S, Miiller , Engraver , in a fquare^ right ^, 7 ,\ hand on a hook , by him] elf— -extra rare 91 One — Robert Mylne y Architect) by Vangelifte, 1783 fOi n j&j ' rare 92 Eight— John Napier, by J. Lodge; Richard Nadi, 4 by Hibbart ; Abraham Nicholas, W. M. by Biuc- ham, &c. i/ypisn i 93 Three— James Nares, Muf. Dodb by W. Ward ; Henry Needier, by Grignion ; and S. G. Noverre, by J. K. Sherwin it/ * 94 Three— Richard Nafh, by Faber; ditto, by Bock- man — proof ; and Thomas Norris, Bac. Muf. by John Taylor (/ # 9 5 Four— Laurence Natter, Medallift, by Bartolozzi ; William Newton — private plate ; John Nichols, f J^th D tf. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, &V. 245 Printer, by Cook ; ditto, and James Northcote, Painter, by W. Leney 96 One — Gafpar Netfcher, Painter, by W. Vaillant «. /// c 97 Three— William Neild, by J. Jehner ; Thomas Nowell, and Andre le Noftre, by Smith - f “ 98 One — Sutton Nicbolls> fitting in a chair, cc Pulling the Devill by the Faille,” four Englifh verfes, &c. •/ /4 . — rare and curious yQ_ 99 One — John Nicholfon, alias Mapps, Bookfeller, of Cambridge, whole length, by Caldwall — - proof .. /j C v '*100 Three — James Northcote, Painter, by Kingfbury; s. Northcote, fenior and junior, by S. W. Reynolds - /u i IOI Four — Ifaac Oliver, Painter, by Hondius ; ditto, by Miller ; Peter Oliver, by Chambers ; Thomas Ollyffe, W. M. and John Opie, Painter, by .. yA v . Ridley JG2 One — John Overton , Printfeller-y at, 68, 1708—* very rare / la .. 103 Five — George Packwood, William Pardon, John ' jo Perkins, Cook; Philip, an Armenian, and Mr* Pond, by B. Smith ! •• / (> I04 Two — James Paine, Architect, with his Son, after J., J Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Watfon; and Thomas Phelps, set. 82, with John Bartlett, by James Watfon .. 6 ^ 195 Four — J. Paine, by Parifet ; Thomas Patch, Paint- er . ar( j George Powle, by Worlidge /.// - 106 Five — Paul Palmer , of Mitcham, by Clowes — , fcarce ; Pinchbeck, fenior, by J. Faber; Chrifto- ' pher Pinchbeck, by W. Humphrey ; ditto, an etch- .. jz y 246 artists. Actors, musicians 24th Bay'o /O Z A *• a i z c /o l? 7 > £ / v ■■ Zo l ing, by Bretherton ; arid Nathan Potts, of the Ro- bin Hood Society, by B. Clowes 107 Six — John Palmer* Atttor, by Collyer ; William Parfons, by j. Wright ; William Penkethman, by E» Harding; Richard Perkins, by ditto; and Tho- mas Popplewell 108 Five— -James Parry, Organic, Perkins, Cook; Print- fellers, See . 109 Three— William Parfons, Muf. Do£f. by C. Wil- kin — -proof \ A, D* Philidor, by Bartolozzi ; and y tmt' i after x Bellj, >0 // C y/i /O Pugnani 1 10 One— Parfons and Moody, in the Wett-Indiai Mortimer, by W. Dickinfon 111 Five— William Parfons, A Twenty-Fifth Day’s Sale. ARTISTS, ACTORS, SCc.— Continued, X Two — Francis Quefnei, Painter, by I’Ame; and M. F. Quadal, by Kininger % Four-— James Quick, A&or, by W. N. Gardiner; ditto, niez. by Score ; ^ James Quin, by Faber, 1744; ditto, as FalftafF, by M c Ardell (''{'sx/p 3 Five — Rackftraw, John Reeder, Bookfeller, &c. Ab£l Roper, Printer, by G. White; ditto, with his Nephew, Edward King, with a Pillory, Triangle, Gibbet, &c. y ^ ft*?* 4 One-^-John Ramfden, Optician, after R. Horr^, by J. Jones— -fine Q' 5 Three — Dr. Randal, ProfefTor of Mufic, at Cambridge, by Clamp; John Robinfon, by Vertue* — pjoof* and Antonio Rodil, by G. Vitalba ^ 6 Four — Jofeph Randal, of Heath, in Yorkfhire, Benj. 1 r yt 1 1 r TT Ti / Read, after Hogarth, and two of Harry Rowe tf. 7 Qnz—Rauthmeil, Mafter of a Cojfee-houfe y in Henri etta-Streei y Covent-Garden, by G . Vertue— very rare ISth H ay, , PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, 249 i? 8 Five — S. F. Ravenet, Engraver ; Robinfon , of York , by himfel f— farce; W. W. Ryland, by Parifet; James Ryland, & c. ' ' 9 One — Samuel Reddifh, in the character of Poflhumus, by Val. Green — fine 10 Three — C. C. Reifen, Seal Engraver, by G. White; L. F. Roubilliac, Sculptor, by D. Martin, 1765 ; and Michael Ry (brack, by J. Faber, 1734 11 Three— Sir Jpfhua Reynolds, by Parifet; ditto, by L/ff by Caroline JVatfon — -fine proof ; and one by J, K* Sherwin — fine proof ( / Two — Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by James Watfon; and ditto, by Val. Green — fine proofs IT Five— Sebaftian Ricci, by Chambers; Mar. Ricci, by Faldoni ; and Jonathan Richardfon, fen. Painter ; three different ^,14 Two— Jeremiah Rich, aet. 24, in an oval, four En- glifh verfes ; one ditto, in a fqtiare, by Crofs; fix Englifh verfes— fine and rare ^ *15 Five— John Riley, Painter; Chrift. Roncalli; John Rowell ; and Rubens ; by Pontius, See. ^ c i6 Three — Peter Roeftraten, Painter; Rubens, by Dick- infon— proof-, and ditto, with his Wife and Child, by M c Ardell— ■ fine Jj* 17 Four— Jofeph Roettiers, Engraver, by Vermeulen; Theodore Rogiers, Chafer, by Clowet ; and two of Rubens One — Peter Paul Rubens , in a hat, and in an orna- mented oval, hung with pallets, brufhes, &c. by W. Hollar— very fine K 1c & / / $ ■i 9 /z •* tZ 9 C / (f « A (p /;■ 250 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS 2.5th bay* 19 Three— Thomas Ryder, A£lor, by W. N. Gardiner; ditto, by T. Ford; and one, a medallion, by Tay 1 o r t nnC l ^ s jh 20 Five — J. P. Solomon, Mufician, by Faci us fW. Shield, by Hardy; Shaw, by Dighton; Bernard Smith; and John Stanley, four Englifh verfes tSerrius) 11 One — Paul Sandby, Fainter, mez. — proof. \ rare 22 Two — Paul Sandby, by E. Fifher ; and the Threp Smiths of Chichefter, by W. Pether -— fine 23 Two — Paul Sandby, by S. W. Reynolds — proof, and Charles Smith, by ditto 24 Nine — P. Sandby, by Parifet; J. K. Sherwin, En- graver; Charles Smith, an Etching; Nath. Smith, Printfeller ; two different ; George Spencer, etched by himfelf, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds ; G. Stubbs, -by Orde ; &c. 25 Five — Edward Sargeant, by J. Newton; Richard Smith, by S. Johnfon; William Steers, set. 71, by S. Harding; Rob. Street, an etching, &c. 26 Three — Matthew Skeggs, by Houfton— proof-, Wil- liam Shield, by Dunkarton ; and John Stanley, bi M‘Ardell 27 Eight — Schoonjans, Painter ; Thomas Simon, by Ver- tue; P. Van Somer, Van Son, Nicholas Stone, Henry Stone, R. Streeter, and J. SybreT Cc/a 28 Four — Writing-Mafters — J. Sealy, G. Shelly, by Bickham; Charles Snell, by Elder; ditto, by ^ Bickham 2 ( ) Two — John Seddon, W. M. by John Sturt; and John Smith— fine *5th Day. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, SCc. 251 30 Four — Enoch Seeman, Painter, by Faber, 1727 ; t G. Schalcken, by J. Smith — -fine ; Samuel Scott, by Faber; and John Smith, Engraver, 1716 31 Six — Gerard Seghers, Painter, by du Pont; Henry / Steenwyck, by ditto; Adrian Stalbeet, by ditto; and Staevanrts, by Pontius ; &c. Five — Chriftopher Sharp, of Cambridge — different 33 Three — John Shaw, by Faber; Humphrey Skelton, by ditto; and Major Ralph Snow, by Vanhaecken ^34 Two — George Shelley, by G. Bickham — fine ; and Edward Smith, by M. Vandergucht—^*’ ✓O 35 Two-^-Thomas Skelton, W. M. set. 46; ditto, fix Englifh verfes, by Crofs, pre-fixed to his Book of Pfalms— ficarce 36 Two- — Thomas Skelton, ret. 49, -1650; and Nathaniel (/gcrZcL Stringer, fix Englifh verfes 37 Three — William Shipley, Painter, by W. Hincks; John Stephens, Corn Do£tor, by Hawkins ; and Henry Stockman, by Tomkins 38 Twc-^Shuter, Beard, and Dunftall, in Love in a Village, by Finlayfon— fine ; and William Smith, in Jachimo —^proof j . 39 'Two^-Cbriffopber Simpfan , 8vo. ; ditto, in 4to, by W. Faithorne — fine. 40 Four— John Smeaton, Engineer, by W. Bromley; f/tffftsrt George Smith, by Holloway; John Smith, by Ad. Bovi ; and Edward Snape, by Godby 41 One — John Smith , Optician to King George /. by WarVulge — very rare ' 42 One — William Smithy Philomath . me%. fmall folio y four Englijh verfes-^.? xtra rare ; not in Bromley • v < K k 2 or j, Sygr- 2 / 4 - l sc Z ys ; -< ^ .. < / /z « / > -i yc\ ~ Z ■ 7 '■ 252 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, 2.5 th Day. 2 / / /o % // t < i 7f Y 4 I i 43 One — James Smith, artificial Eye-maker, set. 47, 1717, by J. Pine, fourteen Englifh verfes —fcarceyfi 44 Three — Ifaac Sparks, Lord Chief Joker; William Smith, Adtor, by B. Smith ; and George Alexander Stevens 45 One — Ja?nes S pi Her , Aft or , by J. Bell — •rare (JO* 46 Qne-~-Edward Spry , Shipwright, of Ply mouth, Jiy^J, Jehner — ■ fcarce 47 Two — Henry Stone, Painter, &c. by J. Van Somer — fine\ and Abraham Symonds, after Lely, by Smith — -fine (*J° 48 One — Abraham Symonds , Medalijl , three heads on an Eagle’s wings , an etchings by himfelf~—rare 49 Four— John Sturges, by G. White ; ditto, by F. Kyte, 1733; Owen M l Swiny, by Faber, 1752; aruj do 0 by Van Bleeck, 1749 [•'■U&Y V 50 Three — -John Sturt, Engraver -**»proof\ William Smith, by Clowes-ficarcei and Francis Smith, Architect, by Vanhaeken C -r ?? 4 ^ 51 One- — John Sturt , Engraver, oval, mez. in an •very rare /•*'? graved border- w 4 f i i /o. t> 53, Four — ^Tenducei, Angelo Tremamondo, Riding-? Matter, by Kay ; John Thorpe, Sic. 53 Five — William Talman, John Taylor, David Teniers, . Peter Tillemans, and Henry Tilfon, Painters Jv E 54 Five — William Tanfur, set. 70, 17 70, by Edward Newton; ditto, in a circle, set. 72, 1772; Richard Tarlton, Adtor ; Richard Tyfon; and J£e^om Tomlinfon, by le Cave, 1754 ff/s™ 55 One^— Richard Tatter fall, by J. Jones 2jth D*}\ PAINTERS, WRIT'ING-MASTERSj Kc. 253 56 Four— Sir Robert Taylor, architect, oval, in a fur gown, chain, & c. — rproof\ Thomas Taylor, Maf- ter of Lloyds, by T. Fielding ; J. Throfby, set. 50, by Walker, &c. ,57 T wc — Pearce Tempeft, Engraver, mez .->-fcarce ; and Jacob Ton fon, by Faber, 1733 58 Four — J. F. Tenducci, Singer, by Finlayfon; Sir James Thornhill,, Painter, by Faber, 1732 ; Tim. Treadway, by Faber, &c. ( jfy *'59 Three — Tenducci, by W. Dickinfon ; Thomas Tom- pion, Watch-maker, by Smith ; and James Thorn-* ton, Gardener, by Houfton —^fine proof I '/"T)' Two — David Teniers, by L. Vofterman; and John C & < * • Torrentius, set. 39, 1628, by Holftein — - fine 61 One — Richard Thompfon, Printfeller, mez. by F„ Place — -feat "ce 62 Three — Sir James Thornhill, after Hogarth, by S. I yjl Ireland; Thomas Trotter, Engraver; and R. A* Turner, by Schiavonetti 63 One — Tur butty Attor^ in the Chara&er of Sofia, by A. Miller — •fine and fcarce &■ ryr Two— Warner Valliant, Painter, by W. Valliant ; 1 and Cave Underhill, A6for, by J. Faber /) c 65 Five — Jean Varin, Medalift, by Edelinck ; R. Van Voerft, Engraver; Luke Vorfterman, an etching, by Vandyck ; ditto, by Vofterman, junior ; and Simon Vouet, Painter, by Voerft , ^66 Three — Lau. del Vaux, Sculptor, by Vanhaecken, 1735 ; W. Van Velde, jun. by Smith, 1707 ; and John de Voto, by Faber, 1738 154 ARTISTS, ACTORS, MUSICIANS, S>ay» 67 Five — W. Van Velde, Painter, hy Sibelius ; Antonia / ? Yerrioj Simon Voiiet, by Pazzi; H. G. Vroor- // J 8cc, JWP 1 ^ 6$ Two' — F. M, Veraeinio, Mufician, by J. June, 1744 ; and Anton. Vivaldi, by La Cave, 1725 66" 69 One — George Vertue y Engraver , £sff. 1750, Gibfotty by hlmfelfept-rare &r;by W.N. Gardiner ; Wathen, by Conde ; Woodward, as Mercutio ; ditto, and Shuter as Bobadil and Mafter Stephen ; George Wright, by Piggott; Richard Yates, as Launce, Sec, One — Robert Walker , painter, by Lombart — ■ fine and fcarce Three — Thomas Walker, as Captain Macheath, by Faber, ij2$—fine ; Robert Wilkes, by ditto; and Harry Woodward, whole length, by M c Ardell ./« p-f* Two— ^Guftavus Waltz, Mufician, by J. S. Miller—* fearcei and Samuel Wefley, by W. Dickinfon S5*& Di}*. PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, C traJ 92 Two— B. Wilfon, Painter, a head; ditto, with a hand. &c. by himfelf —fine and fiarce 4 ^- $ - 93 One — B. Wilfon , me z. in an ovaly by himfelf- — rare f% 94 One — William Woollett , Engraver , by J. K. Sher- . / } o win-^-proof 95 One — fofeph Wright , Painter, with the Statue of the Gladiator, by W. P ether —finepro-of L t ■ 96 Two— John Wright, of Frome, mez. by Wright — 9 — very rare ; and John Young, Supercargo, L7 7 1 — proof yufjtsn 97 Three — John Wyck, Painter, by Faber, 1730; Wil- liam Willing, by Smith ; and Sir Chriflopher Wren, by ditto (yj° 98 One — Jofph TarroWy Aflor and Poet , by J . //.— very rare *%.. 99 Twc — John Yenn, Architect, by J. K. Sherwin — proof private plate ; and F. Zucarelli, Painter, by Cattini U' " 100 One — C. F. Zincke , Painter , and Elizabethyhis Wife , by Faber — rare 101 Three— Gerard Zouft, Painter, Fred. Zucchero, and Hans Van Zurch, 1532, by W. Hollar- —fine 4sthDay , PAINTERS, WRITING-MASTERS, SHc, 257 102 Two — Cuzzoni, Farinelli, and Heideggafr, after cJyjtw Lady Burlington, eight verfes; and Cuzzoni, Senefino, &c. by Hogarth 103 One-— The Indian Emperor, or the Conqueft of Mexico, after Hogarth, by R. Dodd — fine 0 104 One — Beggars’ Opera, after ditto, by W. Blake-"* fine Portfolios . j ^105 One — 1761, &c. King George III. Clafs 5. of Pe- riod 9. j/- 106 One — Ditto, Clafs 6. of ditto Three — Ditto, Clafs 7. of ditto _ _ _ L ^ 108 Three-—Ditto, Clafs 8. of ditto /5 C // i // l 2 '/$ i /V Ip LI Twenty-Sixth Day’s Sale FEMALE SEX, Bromhy's Ninth Clafs. LADIES, 1 Five— j.f . Lady Abergaveny, by Harding ; Blanch, Lady Arundel, by Noble; Lady Audley, See. Jeff. 2 Three — Lady Abbefs of the Englifh Nuns at Ant- werp, by Faber; A. E. Countefs of Aldborough, by Einflie, &c. 3 Three — C. Campbell, Countefs of Ailefbury, by J, Jones ; C. Duchefs of St. Alban’s, when Lady Beauclerk, by Bartolozzi — proofs and Charlotte, Vifcountefs St. Afaph, by C. Wilkin Nyfr+stn 4 Two- — -Diana, Duchefs of St. Alban’s, by Smith; and Madam D’Auverquerck, by ditto 5 Three — Diana, Duchefs of St. Alban’s, by Faber, whole length; Elizabeth, Duchefs of Argyle, ditto; and Rhoda, Lady Aftley, by M^Ardell 6 One — Anne , Duchefs of Albemarle , fold by Richard Gammon — extra rare ' f / StfStft D*y. LADIES. 259 z 7 One— Elizabeth^ Duchefs of Albemarle , laced / / CM, i head drefs , by IV. Sherwin — * extra rare and ' J /3 l /# l fine * 8 Twc — Mary, Duchefs of Ancafler, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Dixon, whole length ; and Louifa, r ^ Countefs of Aylesford, after ditto, by V. Green •—■proof 9 Four — Mary, Duchefs of Ancafter, 1756, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by R. Houflon ; Mary, Vif- countefs Andover, by Faber, 1746; Elizabeth, Duchefs of Argyll, by Finlayfon ; and ditto, by M‘Ardell 10 Three— ^Elizabeth, Duchefs of Argyle, when Lady Lome, by Browne— proof and reverfe ; and Eliza- A/ " " beth, Countefs of Arundel, mez. by R. White— fcarce 11 Two— Ifabella^ Lady Arlington , by Browne— proof (p /$ " {A* tfc-j and reverfe , fcarce 12 Four— Lady Mary Armyne, by Van Hove; Alathea, Countefs of Arundel, by Hollar, 1646; ditto, " o6tavo ; and one with Thomas, Earl of Arundel, by Vofterman 13 One — Lady Sophia St. Afaph , with her Son , after j Sir fofhua Reynolds , by J* Grozer — extra A rare 14 One — Lady St. Aubin , 1788, from Sir Jojhua Rey nolds , an etchings by Mifs C. St+ Aubyn—m ' 7 fcarce On^ — Elizabeth, Lady Audley, after Holbein, by F, ^ ^ f 7 r i Bartolozzi y L 1 2 260 LADIES. l6cli paj> 16 Three — Lady Dervorgilla Baliol, by Faber, 171a; Dorothy (Mafon) Lady Brandon, by J. Smith; and Lady Elizabeth Brownlow, with a flower-pot, by Browne— a reverfe ^ 17 One— -Lady Bampfylde, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by T. Watfon— -fine 18 Three — Lady Banks, byCollyer; Ifabella, Lady Beau- champ, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Nutter; and Lady Helen Boyle, by T. Trotter-— fcarce 0 19 Three — Lady Barkley, LadyBorow, and Ladyl^itts, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi— -fine 20 Three — Henrietta Laura, Baronefs of Bath, by Bar- tolozzi — proof ; H. F. Vifcountefs Befboroughjby ditto; and H. Vifcountefs Bulkeley, by ditto / 0 21 One — Mary , Duchefs of Beaufort , by J. Nuttings before the word“ Dowager ” — fne and rare cy&ccirva 22 Three — Mary, Duchefs of Beaufort, ob. 1705, with her brother L. Duke of Dorfet, by Smith ; Lady Jane Boyle, by J. Dixon ; and Lady BucknelL-* fine ’ t-C 23 Three — From Sir Jofhua Reynolds— -Lady Margaret k Beaumont, by J. R. Smith — proofs Elizabeth, Countefs of Berkley, by M c Ardell ; and H. F. Countefs of Befborough, by J. Grozer— fine & 24 One — Lucy Harrington , Countefs of Bedford , by Simon Pafs — extra fine and rare tfypfftrwrr* 25 Two-^-Lady Ann Bellafis, by R. Tompfon— -fcarce ; and Dorothy, Lady Brandon, by J. Smith — fine 26 Three- — Elizabeth, Lady Bentinck, by J. R. Smitji — j proof ; Lady Charlotte Bertie, by Dickinfon ; and Lady Sufan O’Brien, by James Watfon-—#»e groof S^th J>ay f LADIES, 261 ¥■ rv /• / / / our — Louifa, Gountefs of Berkeley, by Faber, 1742; ^ Lady Bradfhaigh, by ditto, 1744; Elizabeth, Countefs of Bridgewater, by Simon ; and Eliza- beth, Countefs of Briftol, by ditto, in an oval — -fine and fcarce 28 Two — Lady Mary Bertie , by J. Dixon \ and El : za- ■'U, -l/c-h beth, Duchefs of Buccleugh, after Sir Joihua Reynolds, by M 4 Ardell — -fine proofs and rare 29 Seven— Mary, Vicountefs Bolingbroke, by Harding; Lady Blount, by Scheniker; Lady Elizabeth Brooke, aet. 82, 1683 ; Countefs of Buchan, by E. Harding; Mary, Duchefs of Buckingham, by Worlidge; &c. 30 Four- — Henrietta, Duchefs of Bolton, by Smith; Lavinia, Duchefs of Bolton, by Faber — -fne ; Lady Boyd, by M £ ArdelJ, 1749; and Elizabeth, Countefs of Bridgewater 31 Two— Lady Boynton, and Lady Mary Broughton, , '$6^1 whole lengths, by Watfon ,32 Two— Frances, Lady Bridges, by Watfon; and Lady Broughton, by Finlayfon — proof 33 One — Lady Brownlowe , whole length, with a D02:, by J. Smith ; not in Bromley— fcarce 34 One — - Elizabeth , Duchefs of Buccleugh , with her f y Daughter^ whole length, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, ^ / by J. Watfon— fne proof 35 One — Catharine , Marchionefs of Buckingham , with v ffu-rf 1 $ leather Fan y by Adagdalen Pafs — -very rare and fiiie 36 One — Lady Sarah Bunbury, whole length, after Sir J a Re y«°W s > b y filhev / 262 LADIES, C6th D*y. 37 One — Charlotte , Countefs of Bute , after Romney, by F. Bartolozzi, whole length — private plate , 38 One— Frances^ Lady Byron , after W. Hogarth , by J» Faber, 173b, whole length-*^* #;zr/ fcarce 39 Three-r-After Sir Jofhua Reynolds — Lady Maria Cadogan, by Dean; Lady Jane Cathcart, by M c Ardell ; and Jemima, Countefs Cornwallis, by J. Watfon — proofs 40 Two — Ann Bingham, Countefs Camden, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Bartolozzi ; and Aj^n, Countefs Cowper, by ditto —fine proof 41 Four— Lady Juliana Campbell, 1633; Margaret* Countefs of Cumberland, by T. Caidwall ; &c. f) J 42 Three — Lady Mary (Campbell) Coke, whole length, by M c Ardell ; Lady Cromartie, by Faber; and Maria, Countefs of Coventry, by Finlayfon 43 Four— Lady Augufla Campbell, by ScorodoomofF; Lady Coventry Carew, an etching, by Fauquier; Lady G, Cavendifh, by C. Knight; ajid Lady Crofby, by Picot '5 o* 44 Two — Lady Mary Campbell , and Lady Ann Curzon , by f . K. Sherwin — -fine proofs 45 Three — Lucy, Countefs of Carlifle, by Baillue — fine ; ditt©, by Gunfl 5 and Ann, Countefs of Chef^er- field, by ditto fof zba/Mt 46 Two — Caroline, Countefs of Carlifle, and Lady Almeria Carpenter —fine proofs ; from Sir JoJhua Reynolds, by Watfon 47 One — Lady Almeria Carpenter , after Hamilton, by Cecchini, in a circle — ; private plate , fcarce ° ^ 3$:b Day. LADIES. 263 48 Four— Juliana, Countefs of Carrick, by J. R. Smith; Lady Elizabeth Cavendifh, by ditto — ■ proof ; Ann, - Countefs of Cork, by J. Watfon — proofs and Maria, Countefs of Coventry, by M c Ardell — proof 49 Three — Elizabeth, Lady Carteret, by Smith; Lady* Frances Coningfby, with her Sifter, by ditto; and Lady Elizabeth Copley, by ditto — -fine 49*One — Jane , Lady Cathcart , by Bartolozzi — proof rare One — Lady Elizabeth Cavendijh , from Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by V. Green, whole length — proof 51 Three — -Lady Catharine Chambers, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by M c Ardell ; Barbara, Countefs of Coventry, after ditto, by Spicer; and Maria, Countefs of Coventry, by R. Houfton 52 Two — Elizabeth, Countefs of Chefterfield, by Rec- k / rf kett; and the Duchefs of Cleveland , by R. Wil- liams, whole length — -fine 53 Two — Countefs of Chefterfield— fine proofs and the S Duchefs of Cleveland, by Browne, whole length 54 One — (Mifs Magill) Vifcountefs Clanwilliams , after ? 7 cd!fc A -4 /•' Ti * ■■ //f r ' »i * 264 IADIES; *i?a viz 59 One-— Lady Cockburn and Children , after Sir Jofhtta Reynolds, by Wilki n — -fine proof 60 One — Conflantia Lucy Lady Coleraine , /« circle , with emblems, after the defign of Henry , Coleraine , by j. Collins — extra rare 6 1 One— Lady Frances Coningfby , with her Sijler Lady Caroline f ones, an engraving — wry r#r£ 62 Two — Mary Monckton, Gountefs of Cork, by Jacobe 5 and Diana, Vifcountefs Crofbie, by Dickinfon, whole lengths, after Sir Jolhua Reynonlds — -fine 'Sy 65 Six— Jocofa, Countefs Dalhoufie ; Brook, Lady Den~ ham, by Goute; Tremoville, Countefs Derby, by Nugent; Cnriftian, Countefs of Devonfhire, by Scheneker; Elizabeth Bagot, Duchefs of Dorfet, by Gardiner, &c. A ■■■• ■ • 66 One— Henrietta Hide , Countefs of Dalkeith , with her Sifter Katherine, after Willing, by Smith — fine 67 Two — Countefs of Derby , after Willing, by R. Wil- liams — fcarce ; and Catharine Sidley, Coiyntefs of Dorchefter — ditto // 68 Four— Catherine Pcwlet* Countefs of Darlington, by C. White; Georgiana, Duchefs of Devonfhire, by Bartolozzi; Lady Charlotte Duncombe, by Wilkin; andVandyck’s Wife, by Bartolozzi—* fine 69 One — Catherine, Countefs Darlington, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by J. R. Smith —proof £6th Day. LADIES. 265 Two- -Lady Charlotte, Daughter of the Earl of Darf> mouth, after Romney, by Grozer; and Vifcountefs Dudley, by J. R. Smith — proofs 71 Two — From Sir Jolhua Reynolds — Lady Daftiwood and Child, by C. H. Hodges; and Georgiana, Duchefs of Devonlhire and Child, by G. Keating 72 Two — Ditto— Lady Ann Dawfon, by M c Ardell ; and Lady Charlotte Dundas, by ditto — proofs 73 Two— Benedidta Ramus, Lady Day, after Romney, by W. Dickinfon ; and Elizabeth, Countefs of Derby, after ditto, by Dean 74 One — Lady Elizabeth Delme and Children, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by V. Green — proof ; whole length 75 One— Elizabeth, Countefs of Derby, after ditto, by W. Dickinfon — - fine 76 One— Mary Lady Dering , by R. White— fine arid fcarce 77 One= — Lady Mary Radclyjfe , Countefs of Derwent - water , a drefs of OJirich feathers, &c, by B. Lens— fine and rare 78 Three — -Catharine, Countefs of Defmond, by Alia- met ; Lady Venetia Digby, by Bafire; and Van- dyck’s Wife, by Bolfwert. 79 One— Georgiana, Duchefs of Devonlhire, whole ^ j length, from Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by V. Greens- proof 80 Three — Catharine Howard, Lady Digby, by W. Hol- lar, in an oval, set. 13, 1646; ditto, profile, in a fquare, 1648 j and one nearly full face, 1650 M m /a y t ADIES. a 6th Dafj SS6 8 1 Two — Catharine, Countefs of Dorehefter, by Smith; and Mary, Countefs of Dorfet, by Faber, whole length ^ 82 One — Lady Mary Douglas , by f. S?nith — proofs rare 83 Qm— Maria Ruten , Wife of Sir Antom Vandvck . by R , Gaywood , fcarce 84 One — Ditto, by W, Faithorne ditto v 85 Three — Maria, Lady Eardley, by T. Watfon, proof ; Catharine, Countefs of Egmont, by M c Ardell ; and Frances, Countefs of ElTex, from Sir Jofliua R>ey- Reynolds, by M 4 Ardell — - fine 86 One — Lady Eliot, after Holbein, by C. Metz — fine 87 Three — Lady Erlkine, by J. Watfon ; Mary, Countefs ' of ElTex, by Smith; and ditto, by Faber, wh^le length 88 One — Frances Bridges , Dowager Countefs of Exeter , 89 One — Elizabeth , Countefs of Effex , black feather at her ear , in an oval , by Hollar— rare 6 * 7 $? 90 One— Elizabeth, Countefs of Effex , in mourning, with her Son and Daughter, folio, mez.—rare 91 One — Dorothy Boyle, Lady Euflon, by Faber, 1744, rare 92 T wc— Anne Montague, Lady Edgecumbe, by Browne; 93 Two — Anne, Lady Edgecumbe, by R. Thompfon; 2€tli Day. LADIES. '■261 94 Five— Mary, Countefs of Falconberg, by G. King; Lettice, Vicountefs Falkland, by Marfhall ; Ann, Lady Fanfhawe, an etching, by C. M. Fanfhawe, ditto, in an oval, by Fiefinger; Jane Lane, Lady Fifher, &c. 95 Four— Lady Fenhoulet, from Sir Jofhua, by M 4 Ardell — proof ; Lady Charlotte Finch, by Faber; Ann, Lady Fortefcue, by M c Ardell, after Sir Jofhua, and one after Cotes — proof 96 One— Lady Mary Fenwick , after Dahl> by G. Lum- fy-Ayk, ley — extra rare , and fine prcof 97 One — Elizabeth Wajhington , Lady Ferrers , by J. Chantry ; four Englifh Verfes— fine and rare 98 T wo— Lady Charlotte Finch, by Major; and Lady Cf / Elizabeth Fofter, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by F. / Bartolozzi 99 Two — Ladies Ann and Gertrude Fitzpatrick, after c f Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Jones 100 Two— Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, by Dean; and J. Smith, after ditto _ 101 One — Lady Grace Gethin^ mez. by W. Faithorne, ^ fine and rare 102 Two— Jaqueline, Duchefs of Gloucefter, by Folkema, 1753 ) with her Hufband 103 Three — From Sir Jofhua Reynolds — Maria, Duchefs r / of Gloucefter, by M c Ardell— Jane, Duchefs- Cjrtct* 0 f Gordon, by W. Dickinfon; and Frances, Lady Gordon, by J. R. Smith — proof J04 Two— From ditto, Duchefs of Gloucefter, by J, inlayfon; and Lady Mary Grantham, with her Sifter, by Fifber— proof fcarce , the original print Mm2 o J / 2 4 / / 9 * , 2 - A .. /o € /0 ■■ 2 /? (, / / ^6th Day. X /fi L Z /'/ l / /l ■■ /2 C 2 >2 - / /S ■■ / / /3 / ? / 3 /#' M £6S LADIES, 105 Two — -From ditto— Duchefs of Gloucefler, with La dy Eliz. Laura, 1761, by Houfton ; and Princefs So- phia Matilda, ofGloucefter, by Thomas Watfon 106 One— Lady Mary Goodricke,by J. Smith , very rare and fine 4^- 107 Th ree — Henrietta, Duchefs of Gordon, after Knel- ler— fiance ; Sophia, Countefs of Granville; |ind Frances, Lady Granville, by Vertue 10S One — Children of Earl Gower, after Romney, by J. R. Smith— proof (iC' . 109 Two — Ifabella, Duchefs of Grafton, by J. Beckett; an 4 Lady Grammont, by M £ Ar dell— 3 fine Uy 07 1 10 Two— The Duchefs of Grafton, mez. R. White — - excud.-— fine ; and Lady Henrietta, Duchefs of Gordon, by James Watfon — fine and rare ff! 7 111 One — - The Duchefs of Grafton , in an oval , leaning on her hand , after Wiffing , by J. Smithy-rare and fine 112 Three— The Duchefs of Grafton, by Smith; ditto, by Faber, whole length; and Grace, Countefs Granville, by Faber 1 13 One.— ‘Sophia, Countefs Granville, 1744, by Faber, eight Englifh verfes — rare j£/ u 1 14 Two— Lady Charlotte Greville, after Hopner, by J. Young; and Harriot, Lady Grofvenor, by fW. Dtckinfon — fine proofs .\xJ° 1 15 Three — Lady Jane Gray, by Vertue ; ditto, byj. K» Sherwin; &<. 1 16 One — Lady Guldeforde, by Hollar, 1647 — fine 77 ^ Twenty -Seventh Day’s Sale - LADIES — continued. I (?NE — Lady Jane Halliday, whole length, after Sir i/f Joihua Reynolds, by V. Green— 2 . Three— Gertrude, Marchionefs of Hallifax, by Barto- /7 . qg lozzi ; Lady Elizabeth Bailings, by Mynde— 1 ' Z fear ce ; and Margaret Smith, Lady Herbert, whole // length, by Gunil 3 Four — Anne, Marchionefs of Hamilton, by E. Harding; Lad ) ,Hun fdon, ILbella Cope, Countefs of Holland ; and Lady Heningham 4 One — Datne Helen Balfour , Lady Hamilton , 1694, Z)- f' • after J. B. de Medina, by J. Smith — rare 5 Three ---Jane ^keffington, Lady Hamilton, by Smith ; rf 7 j/ Catharine Nevill, Lady Howard, by Browne ; f and Lady Catharine Hyde, mez. by W. Fai- thorne /f / 6 •• /ft 6 T wo— Lady Ifabella Hamilton, by J. Walker; and / '/ !,. f. i . d A Elizabeth, Counteis Harcourt, by V, Green proof, whole lengths •/S’ l 270 LADIES. 7 Three— -Emma, Lady Hamilton, as Bacchante, after Romney, by C. Knight; ditto, by Jones; and Lady Herbert, by W atfon 8 Three— Catharine, Vifcountefs Hampden, by T. Watfon; Elizabeth, Countefs Harcourt, by Ruotte ; and Selina, Countefs of Huntingdon, by Fittler g Three— Catharine, Vifcountefs Hampden, by J. Young — proofs Margaret, Lady Hardwicke, by Faber, 1741, not in Bromley ; and Amelia, Lady Hume, by V. Gr ten— proof 10 Three — After Sir Joftiuaf Reynolds — Lafcelles, Lady Harwood, by Corbutt ; Lady Selina Haftings, by Spooner ; and Jane, Countefs of Hyndeford,^J>y CO h M c Ardell II Two — Ditto, Lady Harwood, by Watfon; and I y Caroline Howard, by V. Green— proofs ^ 0 12 One — Lady Catharine Harrington , aet. 36, 1654, in an ocftagon, by W. Faithorne— fcarce /,/j 13 One — Jane, Countefs of Harrington, whole length. after Sir Joftiua Reynolds, by V. Green — ’proof JC 14 Two — Jane, Countefs of Harrington, after Sir Jolhua Reynolds, by Bartolozzi ; and Lady Elizabeth Herbert, with her Sifter, by Bartolozzi — fine 15 One— Lady Ilenegham, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi —fine 16 One— Margaret Smith , Lady Herbert , after Van* dyck , by W. Faithorne — fine proof extra rare Cv? ^ 1 7 Two — Mary Le Pe 7 /, Lady Hervey , by H. Watelet , 17 $2— fcarce ; and an original drawing , by Rich * ardfon l?Vti 6ay. LADIES. 271 18 Three — Lady Howard, by J. Smith, lying; ditto, landing; and Selina, Countefs of Huntingdon, whole length, by Ruflel ^19 One — Elizabeth , Countefs of Huntingdon , two angels gfi holding a coronet — very rare ■ o / 20 Three— Frances, Countefs of Jerfey, by Thomas - > Watfon ; Judith, Countefs of Jerfey, by Faber, w 1740 ; and Lady Charlotte Johnfon, by J. Wat- fon . '21 Two — Mary Palmer, Countefs of Inchiquin, by Col- lyer; and ditto, by Doughty— proof, from Sir Jofhua Reynolds 22 One — Lady Mary Jollife , by R. White-very rare (//^ and fine 23 Three — Elizabeth, Countefs of Kent, fmall oval, i one by R . Gay woody & c. 24 One — Ditto , Ferd. Ferd. fil. pinxity by W. Hollar — * fine and rare 25 Three — Mary, Countefs of Kent, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Dean ; Elizabeth Chudley, Duchefs of Kingfton; and Lady M‘Kintofh, by M‘Ar~ dell 2 /) 26 Three — Elizabeth, Countefs of Kildare, in an oval, by J. Smith; ditto, byR. Tompfon ; and Madam Knatchbull 27 On t—Lady Kingy after Z>ely y by R . White — ran " 'I'/Oarfmd fine 28 One— Sarah, Countefs of Kinnoull, after Shelly, by ' t) /o i 6 - ! ? - // i 1 ? v /o £ / - \M C 1 5 - / Caroline. Watfon— fine proof ! 272 LADIES# 17 th D2)'i / / /7i V / 7 d\ C [/n c 7 30 Two— -Lady Mary Lanfdown, with her Brother* the Earl of Jerfey, by Smith ; and Charlotte* Count- efs of Litchfield, whole length, by Beckett; — fine 31 Two — Elizabeth, Duchefs of Lauderdale, With her Hufband, by R. Williams \ and Philadelphia Wharton, Lady Lockhart, by Dunkart^n — proof 32 Two* — Lady Elizabeth Lee, by Fiftierj and Lady 7 Mary Leflie, by Spilfbur y— proof after Sir Jofhua Reynolds ' . t^" L 33 Three — ’After ditto, Emily Duchefs of Leihfter, by M c Ardell ; ditto, by W. Dickinfon; and Eliz# Marchionefs of Lothian, by Spilfbury 34 Six- — Margaret, Countefs of Lenox, Eliz. Countefs of Lincoln, Lady Lifle, Ann Lady Lyttleton, by E. Harding, &c. 35 Three — Lady George Lenox, by MhArdell ; Cathe- rine, Countefs of Lincoln, by ditto —fcarce^ and Lady Lifle, mez. ✓ ,7 36 One — Lady Sarah Lenox, Lady Strangeways, and Charles James Fox, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by James Watfon 37 Two — Lady Frances Leflie, by Martin — -proof \ and Margaret, Lady Lucan, by James Watfon 38 One — Lady Lifter, after Holbein, by F. Bartolozzi—* fine *fth Day. LADIES. 273 j 39 One— Sufanna Temple , Ladle Lijler^ 1620, >£. yc(*r White — extra rare and fine 4.0 One— Charlotte^ Countefs of Litchfield^ by P t Vandre - banc — extra rare and fine 41 Four — Mary, Countefs of Macclesfield — a proof \ farce 5 Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough, by Smith 3 Frances, Duchefs of Marlborough, by Kyte; and Mary, Duchefs of Montagu, by Faber, I 74° 42 Four — Dodington, Duchefs of Manchefter, by Faber ; • _ Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough, by ditto 3 Lady Middleton, by ditto 3 and Lady Chriftina Moray, whole lengths 43 One— Elizabeth, Duchefs of Manchefter, whole length, fo 1 ■ after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by J. Watfon - — proof 44 Two — Lady Catharine Manners, after Sir Jofhua ^ Reynolds, by T. Gaugain 3 and Lady Louifa Man- ners, in an oval — proof fcarce 45 One — Lady Louifa Manners, whole length, after Sir Reynolds, by V. Green— proof 46 Two — Louifa, Countefs Mansfield, by J. R. Smith; | ^7^-^ ^ n d Eliz. Countefs of Mexborough, by Ward 47 Two — »Grifell, Countefs of Marchmont, set. 55, 1698, { cr^ 7 by Smith 3 and Catharine, Countefs of Middleton, . 'ffj-cn s ava g e> eX c. 48 Two — Elizabeth, Countefs of Marchmont, by Pari- ,/ V fet — fcarce 3 and Sarah, Countefs of Mexborough, by Worlidge 49 Two— Lady Henrietta, Duchefs of Marlborough, with her Sifter, by Smith 3 and Ann, Duchefs of Monmouth, with her two Sons, by ditto N n Ladies. Day, 274 0 / // /2 ! / / J //, * z / z .. 9 " /? /? / i 6 \ / /. I U 50 Four— Sarah, Duchefs of Marlborough, by Simon 5 Ann Roydhoufe, Lady Morgan, by Smith ; Lady EfTex Moftyn, by ditto j and Mary, Duchefs. of Montague, by Simon t 51 Two — From Sir Jofiiua Reynolds — Caroline, Duch- efs of Marlborough, by M { Ardell — proofs and Lady Caroline Montagu, by J. R. Smith 52 T wo — From ditto-— Caroline, Duchefs of Marlborough, by Houfton j and Elizabeth, Lady Melbourne, by Finlayfon " 53 One — Caroline, Duchefs of Marlborough, whole length, after ditto, by Jones — - fine proof 54 One — Ann Parfons, Lady Maynard, by R. Hoaf- man ./r/e? /rv~> r ' i 55 One — Lady May nard^ in a Turkijh drefs , by TVatfon —proof, fcarce fa/. rA/tt, 56 One — Hortenfe , Duchefs of Mazarin , after Lely , by Valck } 1678 — very fine and fcarce , before the aU teration in the addrefs 57 One— Ditto, with the plain robe^ by ditto , 1 6 j 8 y firfi imprefiion — extra rare t^ /Y- V fat \y 58 One— Ditto, in an oval y quarto , mez . by Paul Van Somer — fine and rare 59 Two — -Ditto, by Tompfon; and Lady Middleton, by Place 60 One — Elizabeth , Countefs of Meath , after P . Mig- nard , by P. Van Somer — extra rare 61 One — Elizabeth, Lady Melbourne, with her So^ after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Watfon — proof fy* r/ r^ 6.2 Two- — Lady Meutas, and Lady Montegle, after Hol- bein, by Bartolozzi— -fine 57fl> Pay# LADIES. 275 63 One — Ann , Ducbefs of Monmouth , in an ova!> fup- ported by two Cupids , by D . Loggon — -fne and - yj <2 ft rare 64 Two — Ann Duchefs of Monmouth, mez. by Vander jtC y^^y^Vart ; and Lady Mooreland, by T ompfon £ rare 70 One — Margaret , Duchefs of Norfolk , Lucas di Hecre^ 1562, ^ ?. Tomkins , 1791 — private plate, very rare 71 Two — Elizabeth, Countefs of Northumberland, by r 7 f^f c ^ } Beckett; and Eftex Finch, Countefs of Notting- ham, by Browne — -fine 72 Two — Elizabeth, Countefs of Northumberland, with A * an orange-tree, by Browne ; and the Countefs of Nottingham, by Tom p foil N n 2 ty 65 Two — Catharine Howard, Countefs of Newburgh, by Lommelin; and Margaret, Duchefs of Newcaftle, whole length, by P. Van Schuppen, twelve Eng- lifh verfes 66 Two — Catharine , Countefs of Newburgh , by de Jode ; and Margaret , Duchefs Newcaftle , fitting under a canopy , Cupids croivning her with laurel , by Van Schuppin — fine and fcarce 67 One — Frances , Countefs of Newbrugh , Mira of Lord Lanfdown , by TV. TVilfon—very rare. See Granger, vol. iv. page 376 68 Three — Margaret, Duchefs of Newcaftle, by Kyte ; Baronefs Nolcken, by V. Green — proof-, and Margaret, Lady North, and Gray, by Simon 69 One — fane , Duchefs of Norfolk , after Sir Peter ^ Lely, 1677, R. Richard Collin , 1682— *.x 7 rtf / .3 6 70 /s S & /*> (r 276 LADIES. 17th fiay« 73 Two— Elizabeth, Countefs of Northumberland, by Browne; and ditto, by Watfon — proof 74 Two— Elizabeth, Countefs of Northumberland, whole length, by Houfton ; and ditto, by Fifher, after Sir J. Reynolds 75 Three— Mary, Duchefs of Ormond, whole length, by Smith ; ditto, with her Son, by ditto ; and Ame- lia, Countefs of OHory, by Watfon -—proof / '76 Four— Henrietta, Countefs of Orrery, by Vertue; Philippa, Countefs of Oxford, See. 77 One — Amelia, Countefs of Ojfory , after Wiffing , by Beckett — fne and fcarce 78 Three — Lady Dorothy Fakington, by V. Green ; Anaftatia, Countefs of Peterborough, by Faber, 1727 ; and Carey Frafer, Countefs of ditto, by Fa- ber, v/hole length C 79 One— Elizabeth, Lady Parker, from Holbein, by Bartolozzi — fine /VocCt So One — Lady Pafion , Wife of Sir William P aft on, by W 7 Faithorne — extra rare and fine 81 Two — Mary, Countefs of Pembroke, 1343, by Faber; and Frances, Countefs of Portland, by Browne — fine 82 One— Mary, Countefs of Pembroke, by Simon. Paffe, 1 6 1 8 — fine and rare t 83 One — Penelope , Countefs of Pembroke , in an oval, by W. Hollar— rare d +d /f r < ffi 84 One — Ann Clifford, Countefs of Pembroke , by R * White-~-extra rare and fine ft. C l i. try** 17th Day, 27? ' hOt- Pt_X. \ 2 6 LADIES. 85 Four — Ann, Countefs of Pembroke, by Mazel ; Ma- ry, Countefs of Pembroke, two ovals ; and Fran- ces, Countefs of Portland, by W. Hollar, 1650 — -fine 86 Three — after Sir Jofhua Reynolds — Elizabeth, Coun- tefs of Pembroke, with her Son, by J. Dixon; Amabel, Lady Polwarth, by Fifher — proof, fcarce ; and Lady Elizabeth Herbert and Son, by Dean 87 Three — Lady Juliana Penn, by Prancker ; and two of the Duchefs of Portland, by Vertue 88 Two— Lady Pennyman and Child, by V, Green 5 and Lady Beauchamp Prodtor, by J. Watfon— • proofs $9 One — Sarah , Lady Piers , by J. Simon — rare and fine 90 Two— Lady Caroline Ponfonby, by Bartolozzi — • waJOeciri proofs and Lady Frances Platt, by M. Bovi jcyy, Two — Lady Elizabeth Porchefter, by V. Green; and Lad y Caroline Price, by Jones — proofs , after Sir Jofhua Reynolds 92 One — Louife, Duchefs of Portfmouth, whole length, e rc'i ( by Beckett 93 Two — Ditto, by G. Valck, 1678; and one leaning tdd'.'d.fnjLf on her right arm, long hair — a proof 94 One — Ditto , in an oval , an engraving — very rare C ct./fcrf cx+'t J 95 One — Mary , Duchefs of ^ueenjlury, by Du Guer - . j nier — rare esJ 1 96 Eight Ifabella, Countefs of Radnor, by Bartolozzi ; Lady Mary Ramfey, Lady Rochefter, by E. Hard- ing ; Elizabeth, Countefs of ditto, &c. / s .. / ' i .. V /J, i .. /z .. / / •• (o £ ■■ d £ / 2 - 2 dt <• / j ss\ - 2 ’ /? ■ &\,/£ " LADIES, 5 7 th jny. 57 S: i ,# tp i 4 lc ^7 / 97 Four— Catharine, Countefs of Ranelagh, by Smith ; Befley, Countefs of Rochford, by ditto ; Mary Lutterell, Lady Rooke, mez. by W. Faithorne; and Catharine, Countefs of Rutland, by Smith i- . 98 Four — Catharine, Countefs of Ranelagh, by Faber; Lady Helena Rawdon, by Brooks ; and Penelope, Lady Rivers, by Houfton, with variations — fcarce 99. Three— Ann, Countefs of Radnor, whole length, hy M. Bovi; Mary, Duchefs of Rutland, by C. White ; and Mary, Duchefs of Richmond, by T, Burke 100 Two' — Lady Ratclif, and Mary, Duchefs of Rich- mond, after Holbein, by Bartolozzi — -fine ^ 101 Two — -Elizabeth, Lady Rich, and Eliz. Hobhei, Lady Ruflel, ditto , by ditto 102 Three— Margaret, Duchefs of Richmond, by Faber ; two different ; and Mary, Duchefs of Richmond by V. Bruggen, 1682 l o 103 O m— Frances, Duchefs of Rich mond, hy W, Pafs , 1623— rare and fine 104 Two — Mary , Duchefs of Richmond , hy Bockman ; and Henrietta , Countefs of Rochefter , hy Mf/fr - dell — proof fcarce 105 Two — Mary, Duchefs of Richmond, by W. Hol- lar \ and Lady Ann Rockingham, in the Stafford Family, by Vertue H- jo 6 Two — Frances, Duchefs of Richmond, and Hen- rietta, Countefs of Rochefter, by T. Watfon-^* p roofs (/ L 107 O nz— Frances, Duchefs of Richmond^ whole length, hy Browne— fine and fcarce 1 / vAU si /fi A l?th Day. SADIES, 279 Ul j 108 On e—DittOy whole length , after H. Gafcar—finc > and rare \A^ tog One — Ditto , after Wijfing , £y Williams— ditto Two — Mary, Duchefs of Richmond, by Rylandj and Rebecca, Lady Rufhout, by Burke — \ ( l* in One — Mary , Countefs of Roxburgh , after Kneller , £y Smith — fr^ry fine and fcarce 1 1 2 ^ ne — Lad y Rebecca Rufhout and Children, after Gardner, by T. Watfon — proofs before the plate was made oval One— Mary, Duchefs of Rutland, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by V. Gr sen— proof / ,, y /z £ - so C *l „ /A / '6 / // i Twenty-Eighth Day’s Sale.' LADIES — continued. /S' . // C /> ■■ /3 // / r Seven — Margaret, Countefs of Salifbury; Ann* Countefs of Shrewfbury ; Margaret, ditto, by Ba- fire; Lady Southefk, &c. 2 Three — Frances, Countefs of Salifbury, by Smith; Mary, Countefs of Seafort, by Faber, 1751 — fcarce ; and Elizabeth, Duchefs of Somerfet, E. Cooper excudit. 3 Four — Mary, Marchionefs of Salifbury, by B. Smith; Ifabella, Countefs of Sefton, whole length, by W. Dickinfon ; Lady Diana Sinclair, by Bovi ; and Bowes, Countefs of Strathmore, by Trot-- ter 4 One — Mary, Countefs of Salifbury, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, ■ — * proof 5 Two — Elizabeth Wilmot, Countefs of Sandwich, by J. Smith ; and Harvey, Countefs of Stamford, by Beckefc cfl by Val. Gre$n ftSth Day. LADIES. 281 6 Twc— Harriet, Lady Seaforth — proofs by Houfton 5 / and Caroline, Lady Scarfdale, by James Watfon, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds y Two — Harriet, Lady Seaforth, after C. Read, by Houfton ; and Ifabella, Countefs of Sefton, by V. ' J r^ Green -proof 8 Two — After Sir J. Reynolds — Ifabella, Countefs of Sefton, by James Watfon ; and Ann, Countefs of Strafford, by M c Ardell 9 Three— Lady Arabella Seymour, by Bafire\ Ann, Countefs of Suffex, by Clouet; and Frances., ^ ^ ^tountefs of Suflex, an etching, by Hutchinfon, 1 7 73 — p r ' lvaie plate 10 Five — Lady Seymour, by Thane; Lady Margaret i Southwell, by Mifs E. Gulfton ; &c. 11 Three — Lady Seymour, by Richardfon; Duke of Suffolk, by Hollar; and Dorothy, Countefs of Sunderland 12 0 %e — Lady Catharine Seymour y of Troulridge y by /ft 06% Browne — -fine and fcarce 13 Three — Dorothy, Countefs of Shaftfbury, by R. Tompfon; Harvey, Countefs of Stamford, by ,ort f* ditto; and Frances, Countefs of Suffex, 1598, by Faber 14 One — Lady Elizabeth Shirley, chaplet of rofes on her C head, Sec . large 4to. 15 Two — Elizabeth, Countefs of Shrewfbury, by Ver- cf f 7 tue; and Sarah, Duchefs of Somerfet, by ditto — - fcarce 16 Three — Charlotte, Lady Smith, by Bartolozzi ; Ladies Ann and Charlotte Spencer, by Schiavonetti ; and O o C 1 / / S0\ '0 -V A / 6 ' /*} A 283 LADIES. 2.tth Dsj /O /J — / / - S J/. '■ /o (f /. // (p / / * 4 * / / q ■ /S' (> /o Lavinia, Countefs Spencer, by Bartolozzi, from Sir Jofhua Reynolds 17 One — Frances , Countefs of Somerfet, by S . Pafs — extra rare and fne t, 44 • OcfMi 18 Two — Elizabeth, Ducbefs of Somerfet, by Browne j and Lady Stanhope, by ditto, a reverfe 5 %^ *^ 19 One— Elizabeth^ Ducbefs of Somerfet, in an oval, by IV. Clark-^extra rare and fine 20 On Q^-fVatfon, Lady Sonde s, after Gainfboroughy by V. Park — private platey rare / 3 wr t&y 21 One— Elizabeth , Countefs of Southampton after Van?? dycky by R. Lompfon—fine and rare 1 / > 22 One — Rachael, Countefs of Southampton, after ditto, by IVFArdell, 175 %—fine 4 tf 4 l^h 23 Four— Lady Elizabeth Southwell, by Smithy in an oval, ditto, whole length, by ditto 5 Ann, Counted of Sunderland, by Simon ; and ditto, ^vith her Sifter, by Smith f 24 Three — From Sir Jofhua Reynolds — Lady Charles Spencer, by J. Pott 5 Georgiana, Countefs Spen- cer, by T. Watfon — proofs and Lavinia, Countefs Spencer, by Hodges — ditto f 4 25 Two— After ditto — -Lady Charles Spencer, by W. Dickinfon ; and Georgiana, Countefs Spencer, by J. Watfon 26 One — Henriettay Countefs of Stamford, after Romney , by G. Keating, 1793 — private plate, rare P- paww ? 27 One— Ann, Lady Stanhope , by Bafire , 1772 '—very fine, private plate 28 One — Ditto, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds 3 by Watfon iSth Say-. LADIES. 233 29 One— Frances, Duchefs of Suffolk, and Adrian Stokes by Vertue 30 Three — Frances, Countefs of Surry; Catharine, Countefs of Suffolk ; and Frances, ditto, from Hol- bein, by Bartolozzi — -fine 31 One— Maria^ Countefs of Suffolk , at, 23, 176b, by C tccfi f 7 y. Watfon—fine and rare 12 One — Charlotte, Countefs Talbot, whole length, after A Sir J. Reynolds, by V. Green — proof 33 Two — Ann, Vifcountefs Tarbat, by A. Johnfton- n U>" •jcarce ; and Lady Mary Grey, Countefs of Tankerville, by Browne . 34 One — Elizabeth, Marchionefs of Taviftock, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by E. Fifher — * L ' * fine 35 One — Lady Elizabeth Taylor , after Sir J. Reynolds, by W. Dickinfon— 3/7?^ and fcarce 36 One— Lady Elinor Temple , by R, Gaywood , 1658, four Englijh verfes — very rare 37 Two — Lady Ann Throgmorton, ast. 53, 1590, by Trotter; and Frances Jennings, Duchefs of Tyr- connel, by P. W. Tomkins 38 Three — Lady Ann Torrington, by Smith; Ethelreda, Vifcountefs Townfhend, by Faber, 1742; and Diana, Lady Turner, by Beckett 39 One — Hannah, Marchionefs Townfhend, |whole length, a ^ ter J°^b ua Reynolds, by V. Green — proof 40 One — Ditto, after Angelica Kauffman, by Cheefeman, 1792 41 One — Ditto, with her Sifters, Mrs, Beresford, and Mrs. Gardiner, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by T, W atfon*— fine O 0 2 4 / y c It (: /: • J - .. 9 3 6 ■6 y 42 One — Elizabeth, Lady Vaux, after Holbein, by Bar- tolozzi — -fine 43 Three — Mary Kirk, Lady Vernon, by Browne; Eli- zabeth, Countefs of Ulfter, 1326, by Eaber, & c. 44 Three — Lady Mary Vere, Lady Vernon, by Schena- ker, Sec. or , 45 One — Gertrude, Vifcountefs Villiers, after Calze^by Finlavfon V 46 Four — Lady Mary Walcot, by Sturt, not in Brom* ley; Ann, Countefs of Warwick, by Thane; Lady Whitmore, &c. 47 One — The Ladies Walde grave , after Sir JoJhua Reynolds , by V. Green — proof fcarce 48 Two — Lady Wallace , by R. Cooper ; and Margaret, Countefs of Wemys and Cromartie , by And . John - n C7" ^ Jton — rtf 49 Three — Lady' Wallace, 1744, by Faber; Catharine, Lady Walpole, by Simon; and Dorothy, Countefs of Weftmorland, by Beckett— -fcarce t-V? 50 Four — Lady Wallace, in an oval ; Catharine, Lady Walpole, by Vertue, 1748 ; Ann, Lady Win- nington, by Rofs ; and Lady Mary Worthy Mon- tagu, by Record — proof (f 51 Three — Trevor, Lady Warner, by Van Schuppen, 1690; Mary, Countefs of Warwick, aet. 53, 1678, by R. White ; and Lady Jane Wharfcoi^ by Gunft 52 One— -Mary, Countefs of Warwick, after Vandyck, by Pontius, fmall oval— proof, rare % a8th Day, GENTLEWOMEN, 8fc. 285 53 One — Henrietta, Lady Warwick, after Romney, by t//. */*/ J- R- Smith — prtof / 54 One — Henrietta Maria, Lady Wentvjorth , whole lengthy after Kneller , by R. Williams — £* 7 ?# ry y. Beckett — A ' 5S One — Lady Worfey — a fine proof, extra rare f spy 59 Lour — Amelia, Countefs of Yarmouth, by Koning ; ip &C'/\ Cicely, Duchefs pf York, by E. Harding; Ann, Duchefs of York, by Lombart, 1669, &c. W'fio One — Frederica, Duchefs of York, whole length, by /' Cunego 61 Twelve — The Beauties , after Vandyck , by Lombart ifrfa/t — on India paper — -extra fine GENTLEWOMEN, including ACTRESSES, ' kc. 62 Three — -Madam Ardern, by Hollar, 1646, a circle ; H yf/ fij^erefa Alegranti, by Bartolozzi, and Auretti, whole length 63 One — Mrs. Abington, as the Comic Mufe, whole length, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by T. Watfon - — proof / / „ t£ . , 7 .. /'// 6 / //

U0 Four— Mrs. Chambers, by B. Smith; Louifa Clinton, with her Sifter, by JBaldrey ; Mrs. Corbyn ; and Mrs. F. A. Crewe, by T. Watfon in One — Mrs. Cibber, in Cordelia , by P. Van Bleeck , 1 7 55 — ■ 'fine and fcarce < 1 12 Two- — Mrs. Cibber, by Faber, 1748 ; and Mrs. Cib- ber and Mr. Garrick, in Venice Preferred, b)r M 4 Ardell 1 13 Five— Mrs. Katharine Clarke, Mrs. Eliz, Crom- well, Joan Cromwell, Eliz. Cleypole, and the Prote&refs Cromwell, Wife of Richard CromwelL an etching israsfA*. 1 14 Three— Mrs. Catharine Clarke, by V. Green—- proof ; Mifs Coghlan, by J. R. Smith — proof ; and Mifs Crocket, by Dean S'? jt^rj s 15 Three — Mrs. Clive, by Van Bleeck, 1735; Mrs. Crofs, by Smith— -fine, &c. 1 16 Three — Mrs. Clive, by Faber, 1734; Mrs, Collier, by ditto ; and Ann Columbine, with her Hufb^nd, by ditto ^ 1 17 Three — Joanna Clowes, by B. Clowes; Mifs Eliz. Cox, by Laurie— proof ; and Mifs Cunliffe, by, J. Watfon ( 0 f 1 18 Three — Elizabeth Cooper, mez. by W. Faithorne;, - Prifcilla Cooper, by Smith; and ditto, by Pelham * ^ 1 19 Four— Maria Cofwav, by Bartolozzi ; ditto, by Schia- vonetti ; Mifs Cofway, by Cardon ; and Mrs. Cow- " ley, by Fittler c/yA-^ 120 Two — Maria Cofway, by V, Green ; and Mrs. Cuiv tis, by H. Hudfon — proofs y yfr* -i8th D Ay. GENTLEWOMEN, 8Cc, 291 / 111 O ne-^-Mrs. Dorothy Creffy , mez . by R . Williams — 'z 'x/y'Ct 7 rare and fine 122 Two— Mrs. F. A. Crewe, with her Brother, by M c Ardell«^/fe proof ; and Mifs Crewe, by Dixon y after Sir J. Reynolds J 23 One— -Elizabeth Cromwell , c/" Oliver Crom - i /*«r Englifh Verfes — ^/r/r# < 7 #^/ fine Twenty-Ninth Day’s Sale. ■ % GENTLEWOMEN, SCc. continued. . (/ ' 1 FoUR — M rs. Daly, Aflxefs ; Mrs. Dafli wood, Mary Davis, by Plater; and Elizabeth Drury, ob. 1610, 9 J3 / 3 JO J B 9 3 byBafire, 1784 OD» IOIUj GUI Z Three— The Hon. Mrs. Damer, by Ryder ; ditto, by Sehiavcnetti ; and Mrs. George Hay Drummond, and Children, by Caroline Watfon . 3 Three— The Hon Mrs. Damer, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds, by J. R. Smith — proof ; Mrs. Davenport, by Jones; and Mrs Mary Dickinfon, by Dickinfon 4 T wo^-Etchings — Mrs Dance, by Mr . Dance — rare ; and Mrs. and Mijs Douglas , of Conduit Vale, Blackheath , by J. Douglas— rare 6 5 Four«-Mrs. Dandridge, by Faber, 17 20; Mifs Dawes— proof-, Salethea Dawkens, by Stee; and Mifs Dempfter, by T. Watfon • Jtf/iAa 6 On e—Mifs Jane Davidfon , after Sir J . Reynolds, }y Dixon— fine proof, very rare <. 1 One— Mary Davis , in an oval , after Lely , by Valck % 1678 —fcarce Jj7\ / i Jo/ Jx'r' £$ih liar* GENTLEWOMEN, &C. 1) S One — Mary Davis y playing on the Guitar , by R . / //f T'ompfon—fcarce 9 Four — Nancy Dawfon, by Spooner; Flora M c Donaid, byM c Ardell; Mrs. Anna Donaldfon, after Van- dermyn; and Mifs Abigail Drummond, by W atfon 10 Two — Flora M‘Donald, by Faber; and Mrs. Donald- yc fon, of Bunkeld, set. 84, by E. Bell H Three — Mrs, Mary Elers, by B. Clowes; Mifs Ann // y Elliot, by $aundei > — proofs and Mrs. Elliot, whole ytA . vy/W / T / length, by j. Dean I % Four— s-Mrs. Elizabeth Elliot, of Port Elliot, by D. y Martin — rare ; Mrs. Elizabeth Elftob, by Gri- belin ; and Mifs Harriet Eyre, by Bartolozzi / / ** 9 „ /£ C / // £ 13 Three — Mrs. Faber, by J. Faber; the Hon. Mary Fielding, by Beckett; and the Hon. Sufanna Fitz- patrick, by M‘Ardell 14 Three— Maria and Harriet Falconar, by E. Scott % Mifs Farren, by Collyer ; and Mrs. Fitzherbert, by ditto Four — Elizabeth M‘Farlanc, by Trotter; Mrs. Faulk- ner, Mrs. Arabella Fermer &c. Ip One— Mifs Farren, whole length, after Lawrance, by F. Bartolozzi — -fine 7 Two — Mifs, Farren, by E. Fifher; and Signora Frafi, by Kitchen — proof jS Three — Mifs Charlotte Fifh, after Sir J. Reynolds, JiyU or? by J. Watfon; Mifs Fordyce, playing on the Guitar, by ditto— proof ; and Mrs. Fordyce, by T. Watfon — proof / / & v / //. r, / rC 9 & 29 * GENTLEWOMEN, &C. 19 th Dif,. yet *1 //r t /<> /v ^ £ O' / 2 /0 * // £ # .. ^ <, - / /i - 19 One— Mrs. Fitzherbert , after Qfway , by f. pan (it — » fine /lln*# 20 Four — Mifs Fitzroy, by Humphrey; Mrs. Fitzwil- liams, by J. R. Smith ; Mrs. Fleetwood, by W. Dickinfon — proof ; and Mifs Frederick, by J, R, Smith — proof 21 One — Mrs. Fordyce, ftrewing Flowers on the Grave of Fingal, after Angelica Kauffman, by r Val, Green — proof (a. 22 One— The Daughters of Sir Thomas Frankland, Bart, after Hoppner, by W. Ward— fine 23 Three— Mifs Frye, Sifters of the Painter, by T, Fr y e 24 T wo— Mar chef a Gabrieli , by Martin , 1766; and Mifs E. Gambarini , after Hone — fcarce 5 ^ 25 Two — After Sir Jofhua Reynolds— Mrs. Payne Gal- way, by J. R. Smith— proofs and Mifs Theophila Gwatkin, by J. R. Smith 26 Four— Mifs Gataker, by J. R. Smith; Mifs Gibbon, of Croydon, by Jones; Mrs. Gretton, by dittos Mr$. Howard, and Mifs Hudfon, by Faber a 48 Three — Mrs, Lucy Harding^, by J. Watfori ; Mrs. Hannah Horneck, by M‘Ardel! ; and Mifs Mary Horneck, by Dunkarton, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds —fine C 49 Three — Mrs. Hardinge, as u Miranda,” by BartO- , lozzi ; ditto, u Fair Moralift,” by Bartolozzy* and/ Mifs Hone, by Mannin (f oi 'o/if 50 One — Mrs. Hardinge , after Cofway, by Bartolozzi — proof 51 Two — Mrs . Harding , Mother f the Engraver , bjr £. Harding ; and Mifs Hoare , an etching^ by W* Hoare—fcarce V' fijth Day. GENTtEWOMEK, fa. 297 l/l $2 Three— Mrs. Harlowe, by E. Harding ; Mrs. Hart- y / ley, by J. K. Sherwin ; and Madame Hiliglberg, C- 4 -{. < ' -.'.by Conde 53 Four — Mrs. Harley, by Houfton— proof \ Mrs. Maria Haftings, by Dickinfon ; Mifs Hill, and Mifs ^ 'P HinchlifFes, by Hudfon— proof 54 Two — Mrs. Hartley, by G. March i ; and Mrs. Wil- liams Hope, by Hodges, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds / 55 Ope — Mrs, Elizabeth Hervey , after Vandych , by W Hollar , 1646 — -fine and rare 56 One — Madam Helyot , by E. Lutterell — rare and si fine 57 Five— Mifs Mary Hernet, by J. R. Smith; Mifs Hoare, by Faber ; Mifs Lydia Hone — proofs Mifs Holland ; and Mrs. Hoppner, by Dean Four— Mrs. Mariamne Herbert, mez. by W. Fai- fj ~ thorne; Mrs. Rachel How, by Smith — proof ; Mrs. Hucks, praying, by J. Smith ; and Mrs. Arabella Hunt, by ditto — - fine 59 One — Hollar's JVife , in an oval , by TV. Hollar — / i- JOaw!Pdfi ne and rare , fame as in the Pepys collettion j6o Ope—Mrs Mary Hope , after Sir Jojhua Reynolds , Pijher — -fine proof very rare 61 One — Madam Hughes , mez. after Lely , 1677 — -fine and rare 62 X)ne — Ditto , by R. Williams— -ditto 63 Three — Mrs. Jackfon, after Cofway, by Conde; Mrs, V^^Inchbald, by Walker; and Mrs. Jordan, by 7 Heath o.q c , / *f I ✓ . 1/4 / / /a " •2 /2 C „ /2 „ / / * s A and Mifs Kennedy, by T. Watfon r/ 75 One — MadamKillegrew y after Vandyhfy TV.fdoljar y ^ 1652— extra rare and fine 76 Three — Mrs. Anne Killigrew, by Beckett— fine ; Mrs. Knight, Singer, by J. Faber, 1749; and Afrjj sAnna Kynnefman, by Smith f' ZQth Bay. GENTLEWOMEN, Sfc. 299 77 One — Madam Ann Kirk, whole length, after Vandyck, (/a by Becket — ■ fine and fcarce 78 One — Madam Kirk, fitting in a chair , after Vandyck , }c hy R. Gay wood* — extra rare and fine 79 One — Madam Kirk, with the Countefs of Morton, ft after ditto, bv J. Gronfvelt — fine * yfr*” 80 Three — Apiary Lake, aet. 8, by R. White, 1694 — yjk //<*? fcarce ; Anne V an Loo, by Bafan , and ditto, by ■r**. * Dupuis 81 Four — Mifs Langton, by S. W. Reynolds; Mifs (fi Lewis, by M‘Ardell ; Mrs. Lovibond, by Kingf- v * bury 5 and Ifabel la Van Loo, by Exlhaw 82 Two — Mifs Frances Lafcelles, by J. Watfon; and fifu^Cr Mifs Lumfden, by T. Watfon — proofs 03 One— Madam Lawfon , of Brough , in Yorkjhire , by ,■ /0 fip ( , / ^ ft A /A <> 2 M '■ - IV - / a « <, f - >4 Thirtieth Day’s Sale. GENTLEWOMEN, 8£c. continued . ^ ? F OUR — Mrs. Palmer, by Clowes ; Mifs MTher* fon, Conftantia Phillips, by Faber; and the Pro- menade, by J. R. Smith — ffivnr 'Uy 2 Four — Signora du Parc, by Faber, 1757; Lsetitia Pilkington, two different ; and Mrs. Prichard, Ty M c Ardell, 1762 3 Two — after Sir Jofhua Reynolds — -Mrs. Terefa Par- ker, by T. Watfon ; and Mifs Price, by ditto— fine and fcarce (/j* 4 Two — Mrs. Parkyns, by C. Wilkin ; and Mifs Emily Pott, as “ Thais,” after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by F. Bartolozzi 5 Four — Ann Parry, by Dean ; Mifs Parrot, by Green — proof* Mrs. Paulet, by Faber; and the Hon Mrs. Ponfonby 6 Two — -Madam Par fon^ by Verkolye ; and Lady Price, by Browne— farce $!W» Day, GENTLEWOMEN, &>. 303 /Q 7 Three — Rachel Pawle, by E. B. Gulfton ; Catharine Philips, by W. Faithorne— -fine ; and Mifs Price, | JO\. t J •7 JC .. c/ 1 v y*-//{ 20 Five— Mifs Ray, by V. Green, quarto— proof ; Mifs Reafon, by Clowes ; Mrs. Richards, after Gainf= borough, &c. y 0 c^)uAy 21 Four — Mrs. Reid, by W. Dickinfon ; Mrs. Robin- fon, by J. R. Smith— 'proofs Mifs Rofe, byFifher — ditto ; and Mrs. Frances Rofs, by M c Ardell 22 Five— Mrs. Ridges, by Fauquier; Mrs. Elizabeth Rogers, Elizabeth Rowe, bvVertue; and Mrs. a* ^ Browne- fine and fc 24 Three — Mrs. Robinfon, after Sir Joihua Reynolds* by Dickinfon — proof ; Ruben’s Wife* by Midi el 5 and Mrs. Rudd, by Bartolozzi 25 One — -Mrs. Dorothy Rutter , cet. 31, 1662, two Englijh verfes—fine and rare ”0 26 Four — Madlle Salle, by Gamier 5 Mrs. Spencer, Wife of the Painter j Lydia Sterne, by Cald- well, &c. 27 Four— Mrs. Sandby, by M c Ardell ; ditto, by Fifher; Mrs. Scroop, by Faber; and Mifs Henriettajkan- hope, by Wilfon 1 ' 28 Two — Philadelphia Saunders, by Browne; and Ma- dame Somes, by Becket— fine 29 Two— -after Sir Jofhua R-eynolds**— Mrs, Seaforth and Child, by Grozer; and Signora Schindlerin, by J. R. Smith — proof 30 Two — Signora Seftini, by Jones; and Mrs. Siddons, by J. R. Smith . 0 31 Three — Mifs M. L. Scott, by Faber, 1748; Mifs Serecold, by Kingfbury — proof ; and Mrs. Sidney, by J. R. Smith— proof A^ cti Day. GENTLEWOMEN, &C. 305 32 Three— The Hon. Mrs. Sherard, by Smith ; Mrs. , r/ Conway (Hackett) Smyth, by ditto; and Conftan- tia (Hare) Smithfon, by Smith 33 One — Mrs. Sheridan, as St. Caecilia, after Sir J. Rey- /Oczyfii nolds, by W. Dickinfon — ‘fine ^34 Two — Ditto, by T. Watfon; and the Hon. Mrs. uJl&C/l- Stanhope, by Caroline Watfon 35 Four — Jane Shore, by Tyfon ; ditto, by Bartolozzi ; two different, &c. 36 Three — Mrs. Sage, by Bruke; Mrs. Siddons, by J. K. Sherwin ; and Signora Storace, by Battelini 37 One — Mrs. Siddons as the Tragic Mufe , after SirJ. 7 /j , Reynold, by F. Haward — very fine 38 Two — Mifs Simonet, in the charadder of Skirmilh, by M. A. Pergoleci — proof ; and Signora Spiiletta, by Corbutt 39 One — fifanet Smith , after D. Patten, .mez, by W. [y^^iyFaithorne — 65 One — Ditto, as “ The Woodland Maid/’ after Law- Jfi ranee, by W. Bond — ditto 66 Two — -Dorothea Wadham, by Faber; and Madam jfnn Windham, by O. Tromp—fcarce 67 One — Mifs Wallis, whole length, by Bartolozzi— ( • fine ^68 Three— Mifs Wallis, by D. Gibfon; Mrs. Wells, as fjv Cowflip, with Edwin, by Downman ; aud Mrs. Wilfon, by W. N. Gardiner 69 Two — Children of Walton, the Painter, by J. R. Smith; and the Children of Williams, by V, ^ Green — proofs Rt2 a - .. /z C / , I GRNTLEWOMEN, & (c. 30th Day* 308 /• c/ %-r — // ✓v / /# " ✓ /S' •• € /O (e // r ' / /Z Zf / // , Z - /? 4 . /?. £ 70 Four— Mrs. Ann Warner, by Smith; Mrs. Win- ftanley, by Faber; Mrs. Woffington, by djtto, 1751; and Madame Wright, by ditto . f 7 1 Two— Mrs. Warren, by C. Flodges ; and Mrs. Ca- tharine Woodhull, by Houfton — -fine y*. 72 Three — Lucy Waters, by Vander Berghe ; Mrs. Ann White, by Mifs St. Aubyn ; and Margaret Wifhart, by V ertue id/’ > 73 One — The Hon . Mrs . Watfon , Z)’ Agar , by J. Smith, 1708— -extra rare and fine 74 Two — Mrs. Weft and Child, by V. Green — proof y and .Mr*. Whatman , by fames Watjon — private plate , fcarce 75 Five — Phillis Wheatley, &c. V/ 76 Four — Mrs. Wheatley, by Stanier; Mrs. Maria Wil- braham, by T. Watfon; and H. M. Williams ; two different (c<- 0 77 One— -Mrs Catharine Wilkinfon , /« « high Head- drefs , Smith — extra rare • 78 Seven — Louifa Williams, Mifs Woodcock; Mifs Wools, &c. 79 Four— Mrs. Woffingham, by M c Ardell ; ditto, by Faber, 1745; ditto, by Van Bleeck. 1747; and Mrs. Wrighten, by Laurie 80 One — Mifs Wynyard, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Finlayfon fiT) % I Three — Mrs. Yarborough, by Smith; Mrs. Agneta Yorke, by V. Green — proof ; and Signora ^ap- perini, by Finlayfon x " j| Sa One — Mrs, Yates, as Melpomene, by Green-,—* proof 3Cth Day. CONVICTS* PHENOMENA* &d. 300 83 Two — Ann Yearfley, by Grozer — proof ; and Mrs. Young, wife of the Engraver, by J. Young 84 Three' — Anonymous, after Holbein, by F. Baublozzi c^-fin e 85 Seven — From the Houfe of Yvery, by Faber — -fine and lX^A,fc c. ya c 2 .. / \carce CONVICTS* PHENOMENA, MONSTERS, Sic. — Bromley's Tenth Clafs . 86 Three — Hart Abraham, Empiric ; iEfop, of Eaton ; and John Ayre, convicted for ftealing paper— ** ' fcarce 87 Six — Elizabeth Adams, convicted, 1737 ; Chrillo- C ^/pher Akinfon, 1785 ; James Aitken, 1776; Old c< Aldridge, 1787 ; and Eugene Aram, 1759 88 Six — John Alder, a Turkifh Merchant; William 7 )o Aldridge, aet. 112; Anna M c Allame, 1662; Mrs. Allen, Female Satyr ; Eleanor Allway ; and Mr. Arnold, by Grainger < 8 9 One — Pat . Alexander , by Faber , 1739 — -fcarce - *^ 90 Two — Archy, Jefter to James I. and Charles!.; J) , one by Gay wood — extra rare and fine 91 One — John Aftley, Equeftrian Performer, {landing on f rA a Horfe, by Hi neks, See.— fcarce 92 One-— Mary Aubry , a French Midwife , burnt to y death , 1688, for the murder of her Hufbandy the original print— extra rare 93 One — The Auctioneer in Moorfields , by Sutton Nicholls ill. ^ —very rare r // C. Yl ■ /7 & // e y?~ /7 104 Six — John BexFy, News-carrier; Mon. firila’s Per- formances, at the New Wells, in Goodman’s Fields ; Brown, inventor of the a Sticlcado,” an original drawing; and Jedidiah Buxton; three different t ^Oth Day* CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, #C. 311 105 One — Patie Birnte , the famous Fidler of Kin^horn r / sy *^7 — rare ) - / jo6 Four— Mifs Blandy, by Ryley ; Jonathan Britain, ) c by J. R. Smith, 1771; John Broughton, Pugi- liflr, feyen verfes ; and Jedidiah Buxton, by Spilf- bury 107 Two — Colonel Blood, by G. White; and Hans Buling, Mountebank, mez. E. Cooper, ex„ ( ? % Portfolios . /? •• /' 6 S08 Five— 1761, &c. King George III. Clafs 9, of /$ v Period q. joq Two— Ditto, Clafs jq, of ditto, i Y.n by " t — F< Chantry — rare /: fli - 8 Nine- — Antonio Cauzzi* Giant; Coan, the Norfolk Dwarf, with Bamfield ; Lazarus Colloredo, a Jtf l/ty, Monfter, 1637 ; Corfican Fairy, by Worlidge 5 George Cranftoun, a Dvtfarfj by Kay, 1789, &c. 9 One— Samuel Chappel , alias Grater , of Oxford , by f. Faber— very rare . IO One — Stephen College , the Protejlant foiner , exe - f our Engli/h verfes — nzn? tfW X <5 a // 11 Two— Rigep Dandulo, a Turk, 1657, by Crofs; ^2nd Stephen Dugdale, difcoverer of the Horrid / Plot, by R. W hite — ■ fine 12 Six — Blind Daniel, an Irifh Piper; Captain Davis, of , > / f Margate ; Duncan MTJonald, M l Donnel, Piper, 1 743 ; John Dow, &c . 1^3 Six — Darbyfhire, a Cobler ; Jenny Doe; River Dou* /£glafs ; Cornelius Vandun, by Trotter, See. 14 One — Mrs. Mary Davis, of Saughall, near Chef- ter, with horns on her head, by Faber, 1722— fcarce 15 Six— Davies, the Irifh Dwarf, by Record; Henry Dimfdale, Jeffrey Dunftan, by Weils; Englifh (c'dtot ^ 4 ^warf, born at Salisbury, 1709; and Perfian u Dwarf 16 Seven — Chriftian Davis, a Female Soldier; Dicky (2 * Dickinfon, three different, C. J. Drakenberg, and Richard Dugdale, the Surrey Impoftor S f /y / /6 i 6 /C (7 0 /' 4 - . /to •/ / .. 314 CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, fcy. Wybrand Lolkes, a Dwarf; John Lovell, 17465 and William Lynch, by Bretherton 60 One — Mother Loufe , of Loufe-hally the original print —rare ■ 61 Seven — Patrick Madan, convicted 1780 ; Sarah Mal- colm, set. 22, with the Rev. Mr. Peddington, 1733; Daniel Malden, 1736; Margarot, 1794; George Mealmaker, 1798 ; John Motherell. 1785 ; and F. de la Motte, 1781 / 62 Four— Maddox’s Performances on the Slack- Wire, &c. a ftieet — -Jcarce ; M. C. Miller, tall man, by Boitard, 1733; Alexander Monro, piper; and^ the Blind Mufician 63 Four- — Signor Mahomet, Muftapha; John Mafle, Ballad-finger, by J. R. Smith ; and Harry Mpr~ gan, set. 105, 1737 64 One — Sarah Malcoltn y executed 1722, by W. Ha~ garth , the original— extra rare and fine , j 65 One — Blafii de Manfre y the water -fpouter y by TP^ Hollar— extra fine and rare 5 66 One — Floram March and y the great water~drinker y whole lengthy w cod-cut y 1650 — extra rare a ,. 7 curious 67 Five — Mary Marlow, Sir Edmund Mafon, Knight of the Poker ; Daniel Mendoza, the Pugilift ; Robert Mien, set. 91 — Scarce ; and James Mofs, Dog- feller, by Bretherton i 68 One — Benjamin Marrioty of Gray's-Inn , the great' eatery whole lengthy in wooden Jhoes — extra rare . $ I ft Day. CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, Kc> 319 69 Three — MafTon, the Tennis-player — proofs Betty Monro, by Dixon, &c. 70 One — James Miller , Prize-fighter, fword in his hand , laced coat , by Scot in — proof, not in Bromley , 71 Two — James Naylor, by Prefton ; and R. Neve, Juggler 72 Seven — Promenade in Newgate, 22 portraits; Baron > 1 Newman, three different; Emily Newfham, White Negrofs, 1791; Margaret Nicholfon, Lunatic, &c. 1786 ; and Robert Nixon, the Chefhire Pro- phet, by Harding ct. 73 Seven — William Page, executed 1758; Richard Par- ker, 1797; R. and D. Perreaus, 1770; M. T. Phipoe, 1797; Elizabeth Pollard, 1781; Jofeph Powis, 1732; and Charles Price, Impoftor, 1786 74 Three — Thomas Parr, set. 152, 1635, by Faber — fine', young Parr, by G. White; and Richard Penderill, Houfton 75 Two — Thomas Parr, the olde, old, very olde, Man, /f/ by C. Van. Dalen ; and Miles Prance, Difcoverer j of the Plott, by R. White 76 Five — William Parfons, executed, 1751; Margaret /- 7 - .. /% ■ / // / i / / / i . ^/) Patten, set. 141, by J. Smith; Dick Pendrell, by 7 - Lamborn ; Dorothey Pentreath, of Cornwall, and the Blind Pig-Man 77 Two — Margaret Patten, set. 136, 1737, by J. Cooper; and Sarah Porter, Queen of the Touters — fine and fcarce 78 Two — Richard Penrofe, Vermin-catcher, of York- ihire, by J. Jones ; and Peter the Wild Boy, by Green — proofs 2 /2 /4 C 1 - ’•yM .. zl l l l 4 §20 CtiisTVICTS, PHENOMENA, S(c. 31 & Dsj-i ‘79 On e— Thomas Percy, Gunpowder Confpirator- — rarec/^dM 80 Three— Richard Perrot, by V. Green —proofs John Philips, aet. 1 17, 1742, of Yorkfhire, by J. Faber^; and John Pixley, of Suffolk, by ditto, 1749 Si One — Peter the Wild Youth, by J. Simon ^—fcaj and James Poro, Monfler, 1714 — fcarce 82 Six— Samuel M c Pherfon, fhot in the Tower, 1743; Malcolm MTherfon, ditto; the Poacher in Oxford* fhire, &c. cPl S3 Six — Fofler Powel, the Walker; Robert Powell, the Fire-eater; Primrofe, the Piebald Negeo, &c. J\ 84 Seven— D. Randal, with Mother Hammond, by Orde ; Adam Ritchie, ret. 102, by Kay ; he. 85 Five — John Rand, alias Sixteen-firing Jack, Charles Ratcliffe, beheaded 1715, John Rice, conviHed^ 1763, and Henry Rogers, of Cornwall, 1735 Y S6- One*— The Regicides executed in 1660, eleven Pi •. * J. ....... r... ...7 traits in ovals — extra fine and rare 87 Three— Charles Richer, Equilibria, his performance in a fheet ; Romain, extraordinary performer on the Violin ; and Marina Rofs, Rope-dancer, a fheet 88 Two — Ricketts, Equeflrian ; and Signor Romain, extraordinary Performer on the Violin — fine and fcarce Y’ ^ 7 - A 89 Five— James Sadler, Aeronaut, by E. Scott; Samfon, Equeflrian, with his various Performances ; Tho- mas Shakefliaft and his Wife* at Dunmow, in Effex; Slack and Broughton; andG. Smith, Horfe^ Dodlor, he. y ^ , 90 Seven — Singing Sam, of Derby, Sime, Sc6tch-Piper ; Mother Shepherd, the Shoe-black, by Orde; Sift Pay* CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, SCc. 321 / // George Simpfon,by ditto; and John Steel, of Dun- keld, set. 109, 1774 ^1 Seven — Foolifti Sam; David Sandes, of York; old / j Scaleits; John Smith, alias Buckhorfe; old Soldier, v Sweeper of Bond-ftreet, &c. 92 Four — Martha Saunders, aet. 104 ; Edward Scofield, /~ aet. 71, 3 feet ; 2 inches high, by Hancock — -/carce (^r.^W^A^- ane S cr imfhaw, aet. 127, 1711; and Buckhorfe, * Pugilift, mez. — -fine proof 93 Eight— J. G. Semple, tranfported, 1786; Far Shaw (hot, 1743; Charles Sinclair, State Prifoner, 1794; Skirving, 1794.; Gill Smith, for Murder, 1738; Mary Squires, by Worlidge ; and John Swan, 1751 94 Five — Robert Short, ait. 26, 1739; Henry Simons ; Will. Sommers, by Clamp; Francis Sparkes, cured * of a Wen, &c. 95 Two — James Sheppard, executed, 1718 ; and John 1 o'WL' Sheppard, 1724, by G. White 06 Four — James Sibbald, Gardiner, whole length, by J. .c. R. Smith — proof ; John Silk, of Northampton, by T. Smith; Layton Smith, by Faber, 1754; and Hannah Snell, by ditto 97 One — John Skinner , Dwarf of Plymouth , 1663, by j y an Bufyeri — f carce J 98 One — John Slade and John Bodye , Traitors^ one exe - yff t cute d at Winchejler , the other at Andover , 1583, wood cut , in a title — very rare 99 One — Will Sommersy Ring Henry's JcJler , whole ■ s fength y fight Englijh verfes—rare M Z i f /4 JC T t 322 CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, Stc. 3 lit Day* ICO Eight— William Taylor, by Worlidge; J. Turner, J 75 °> by Capt. Baillie; George Tetherington, Sam Trufty, the Turk, by W. Hollar, 1637 ; John Tomlinfon, &c. IOI Two — George Taylor, Prize Fighter; and Mary Tofts, the pretended Rabbit Breeder, by Faber — farce 10.2 Three — -Jean la Tour, tried for Piracy, 1744 — ; fcarce ; Thomas Tullis and David Tyrie, executed, 1782 x/ 1 ’ 103 One — Colonel James Turner , conviSfed of Robbery , 1664 ; four Englijh Verfes — very rare and ' fine AyX 104 Three— John Valerius , without Arms , in an ovaf four Latin Lines , and Specimen of his Writing with his feet— rare ; Thomas Venner; and P.H, deVergy, mez. 103 Three-^William Walker, set 123, by Bockman ; Arthur Wentworth, set 75, of Yorkftiire; and John Worley, set. 85, by Faber 106 Seven — Kelham Whitelamb, of Wifbech, Dwarf; Little Will, N. Wood, Game-keeper to Lord Mulgrave ; Samuel Wood, &c. 107 Seven-^Ifabell Walker, set. 112, 1774; Catherine Warman, set. 107; Willet, of Cambridge, by Orde, 1786; Winterflood, of St. Edmond’s Bury* John Woolderide, Poet; Johnny Worral, of Hali- fax, See. Td ^ jo8 Three — Jane Wallis, Water-crefs Girl, by J. R. Smith — proof ; George White, Paviour, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by T. Watfon ; and Thomas Wood, the Miller of Billericay 109 Six — Wobert Watt, coiivi&ed, 1794, G. and T Weftons, 1782; Rynwick Williams, 1790, &c..^ 3ift Day* CONVICTS, PHENOMENA, 8(c. 323 1 10 T wo— -‘’Jonathan Wild , in an oval , fixteen Englifh a verfes , &c. — -farce ; and , Ditto , whole lengthy in Newgatey folio ; fourteen verfes , ditto 111 T wo — Wormberghy a Dwarf y 1688, etehingy (^rt/xotyct. and dittOy a mez . by J. Gole—very rare / 1 12 Five — Philip Young, one anonymous, in an oval, cu-* a gkfs * n hi s h an ^ — u Sic oculos fie ille manus,” See, by J. Wood, 1724, Sic. 1 13 Seven — Various Battles, fought by eminent Pugi- (J )° lifts, Big Ben, Humphreys, Johnfon, Mendoza, Perrins, Sic. 114 Two — The Bubblers Mirrour, with the lifts of Bubblers and prices ^-fcarce 1 15 Twenty-two— Cries of Londohy by Tempest a — extra fne and rare 1 16 Views of the Mall, &c. being drefles of the time, and ( / 0 including many well-known portraits; and the <3 Remarks on Drefs, by Mr. Granger ^L/117 Six — Various — learned Goofe, learned Pig, Sic. 1 1 8 1 Four^ — Deal painted Preftes, with Aiding Shelves/ 1 1 '