COMPLIMENTS OP ARCHITECT, OTIS DOCKSTADER, ROBINSON BUILDING, Elmira, N. Y. COPYRIGHT, 1890, BY PIERCE & DOCKSTADER. ADVERTISER ASSOCIATION, PRINTERS, ELMIRA, N. COMPLIMENTS OP jus uockstaaer, TO THE PUBLIC. .- P 1 jou those in law previous workito save confusion. ivdurrc - d-ty m zs CftA-0 generab <- > T a/ - 1 Has vestibule, hall, parlor, back parlor, library, dining-room, pantry and kitchen on first floor; four chambers with closets and bath-room, on second floor, and two finished rooms in the attic. The plumbing has the best sanitary fixtures, with laundry in the basement. Finish, oak and N. C. pine on J lrf am. 4V JuJo Semi-detached or ‘ 1 double house. ’ ’ bule, hall, parlor, sitting-room, dining-room, pantry, kitchen and store-room on first floor; three chambers, balcony ar Jo Each side has vesti- Exterior, stone first story; frame shingled above; roof, Reasonable limits of variations in cost, $6,000 to c*JjO (Oc - ^ 1-t- ^ lated. $8,000. No. 31—“ Half-tone,” From Plioto. Built at Elmira, N; Y;, in 1886. Brick building, with Ohio sandstone sills, caps, etc., and terra cotta ornaments. Roof, slate. Has vestibule, hall, par- S i3 -' lor, sitting-room, dining-room, pantry, kitchen, chamber and bath-room, on first floor; six chambers, with ample closets and bath-room, on second floor; attic undivided. Finish, cherry, oak and N. C. pine, on grain. Plumbing, very good, with laundry in basement. Steam heat, best indirect. Can be built for $9,000; should not cost more than $12,000. No. 32 —“ Half-tone,” From Plioto. Frame house, with slate roof, built iu Flmira, N. Y., in 1887. Has vestibule, reception and stair-case halls, parlor, library; dining-room, pantry and kitchen on main floor, and fine cham¬ bers and bath-room on floor above. Attic undivided. Plumb¬ ing, best modern sanitary fixtures. Steam heat. Finish, cherry and oak, on grain, in principal rooms; pine painted in remainder of house. Reasonable limits oi variation in cost, $5,000 to $7,000. No. jj “ Half-tone,” From Plioto. Frame house built at Corning, N. Y.. in 1888. Has same number of rooms on each floor as No. 32, and same accommodations, with billiard-room in attic, and laundry in basement. Cost, same as No. 32. No. 34—“Half-tone,” From Plioto. Frame house rebuilt at Elmira, N. Y., iu 1885. Has double parlors, reception-room, library, dining-room, kitchen, pantry and store-room on main floor, with seven chambers and bath-room above. Attic, large and roomy. Steam heat. Best modern plumbing. Finish, mostly in nat¬ ural woods, fine cabinet finish. Reasonable limits of variation in cost, $9,000 to $13,000. No. 40—Frame Summer Cottage. Has ample veranda and balcony, four rooms and shed on first floor, with five chambers and attic above. Timbers dressed and finished on grain. Maybe built for $1,500; might cost $2,500 No. 41—Frame Summer Cottage Has port cochere, ample porches and halls, double parlors, den, dining-room, pantry and kitchen below; four chambers and bath-room on second floor, with roomy attic. Plumbing good. Finished in pine painted, might cost $4,000 to $6,000. No. 42. Frame tenement house at Elmira, N. Y., to be built coming season. Has vestibule, hall, living-room, dining-room, kitchen, pan¬ try, three chambers, bath-room and ample attic; room for two good chambers. May cost $1,400 to $2,000. No. 50. Frame house built at Troy, Pa., in 1886. Has port cochere, ample porches and balconies, vestibule, hall, parlor, sitting-room, library, bath-room, pantry, kitchen, six chambers and large attic. Finished in native woods on grain. Reasonable limits of variation in cost, $10,000 to $14,000. No. 51. Frame building for physician's residence and office, built at Wellsboro, Pa., in 1889-90. Has three porches, vestibule, hall, two offices, parlor and sitting-room, toilet-room, dining-room, pantry, kitchen, store¬ room, five chambers, bath-room and large attic with balcony, plumbing, best sanitary fixtures, furnace heat, finished in na- ! tive woods on grain. Cost, $5,500 to $8,000. No. 52.—Summer Cottage. Verandas and balconies are very large; rooms also large; has seven chambers and bath-room. Plumbing, best sanitary fix¬ tures. Finished in native woods; fine cabinet finish. Will cost $8,000 to $10,000. NO. 53. Frame house built at Corning, N. Y., in 1885. Has six chambers, bath-room and large attic, in addition to accommodations shown. Steam heat and excellent plumbing. Finished in native woods on grain. Limits of cost, $6,000 to $9,000. No. 54. Frame house, with slate roof. Has four chambers, large attic and balcony, in addition to the accommodations shown. Finish, pine painted. Plumbing good. Cost, $3,500 to $5,000. No. 55. Frame house at Elmira, N. Y., built in 1887-8. Those accommodations which are not shown are same as No. 54. Cost, $3,000 to $4,500. No. 56. Frame house at Waverly, N. Y., rebuilt in 1889. Has five chambers and bath-room in addition to accommo¬ dations shown. Finished in native woods on grain. Cost, $4,500 to $7,000. No. 57. Frame house to be built at Elmira, N. Y., in 1890. Has five chambers and attic in addition to accommodations shown. Cost $4,000 to $5,500. jus Dockstader, Architect, Fknira, - N. Y Frame house at Mansfield, Pa,, to be built in 1890. Cost not yet determined. No. 60. House at Elmira, N. Y., built in 1887-8. Brick, first story; frame above. This arrangement of the rooms is very pleasing. Has, in addition to accomodations shown, five chambers, bath-room, large attic, laundry, etc., complete. Hot water heat. Plumbing the best obtainable. Finished in native woods; fine cabinet finish. Cost, $4,000 to $6,500. Painting. The appearance of all buildings depends as much on the color as on the form. A very commonplace house may be made quite attractive b} r a judicious use of colors in painting, and a very attractive design may be seriously marred by poor coloring. The infinite variety of color at command is all good if properly used, but don’t use many colors on one building. A safe rule is to use shades of the same color. Paint the body;' one color and trim with one or two shades of the same. In general don’t use slate or drab thinking “they are modest colors.’’ They have a cold deadening effect unless enlivened by warmer colors in the surroundings. Don’t paint the same colors as neighboring houses. Don’t follow the “popular craze” in color at any time. Don’t paint your house, which is entire¬ ly different in size, form and surroundings, a color which looked well on some other house, unless that color is appropriate to your house and surroundings, and don’t forget the effect of the 1 surroundings on the color selected to paint your house. Sketch only. Not built. No. 58 - No. 59. CHURCHES. in 1867-9- Episcopal church at owanc. , ^ ^ comp lete superstruc- Foundation and basemen ture and finish about $- 7 ,< 111 _ ,, From i-not<>. No. «o.-“ Half-tone, F^ ^ ^ Int erior M. E. church at Elmira,^ ' Rebi , m on an entirely different burned. Walls left stan ' n “- , with gallery seats, about arrangement, as shown. a j more can see and 925 , wttb parlors opentngoffj-n™ ^ ^ assembl y hear speaker. Sur d olass-roonrs. Ventilation is very room, library, and o» wit h iron ceilings. Ac- good. Finished with O = decora te and furnish, to "sTo WouM cost new *45.000 to *55,000. date, $38,500- *0.120. Sketch. Not built. no.!**. T Y in l8 8 9 . Congregational church bruit at ^ ^ Parlors part of old churc - Venti i a tion special and very stone sills, buttress oc , p es t modern oak pews. good. Finished in pure p ' fine . Furniture complete, Interior and finding carpets, cushions, etc., wotld cost, complete, $ 9 ,ooo to $—0. Stone church now buUdhig^Bapt^t diurcb^a ^ ^ N. Y„ iS 9 o- A uditomnu^ four choir and organ gallery would seat 00 robi r00 ms and baptistry. The loft and choir-room, o\er - 0 ff, three on each parlor has six Sunday-school rooms open e • ^ ^ Boor, with gallery on second floor. Libra y bnle, and infant de ^ e “‘Xvs owTdinfng-room, and will attng Sunday-school roon. and pari Ae , r ^ ^ and tak e allowing the classes to take . ch The baptistry is part in general exercises ™ except during the act of arranged so as to concec - torium Heating and venti- baptism. Parlors open into . com plete. including car- lat io„ not >-* ^'e.' about *28,000. Limits of variation pets, organ fixtuies, ei ., in cost, $27,000 to $4°,000. ^ .. ■ v V to be built for the Baptist Brick church at „ sea t 1,000; with enlarged church in .S90-1. And 1 opens into auditorium, gallery will seat .,200 Lent ^ for 9CO to 1.2CK, Besides the accommodations ^ ^ ^ (he entire rear part. ill Sunday-school '““^ng ventilation to be the Smead-Ruttau systemW cost *65,000; might cost *,00,000. n 1 for Ta'rkhtrst memorial, Presbyterian Brick veneer church xgSq-oo. Auditorium seats church at E'Wand, Pm. tn rooms atld library over par- 300. No gallery. S»i. aucUt orium same as parlors, lors and kitchen, and open^^ h eat. Ventilation Pi„,sh. native wooes „ between *.0,000 am. |: d ooo%»udi„g 5 organ and all furnishings. ™ ^ ISO. 125. .. v hnilt t r tvT p church at Berkshire, N. Y., bull Frame church for r • ' . ■ Two social rooms open in .889-90- Seats^o^naudftor, ^ ^ ^ complete , off. Furnace liea.. cost * 5 , 0 oo. With seats, etc., $3,500 to $3,700. Jf^icpce di Socles feeder 5 , Jl PC lulled S, -■us Uockstaaer, -^Architect, Elmira, r N y Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute j^icrcc (jp ^)ocl^sJia:clcr' J ^rc^ifccls J 1 S arjd 120 Liaise Sf., Elvira, Y). y. For further information c< ^\ f ; I / concerning this building, write us. Ads Dockstader, '^Architect, Klmira, - iy. y fierce i> 0 ocl^siadcp, PC^lIccfs, 113 ar}d 42© liaise §>f., Elrrjira, F). ^Sj■ For further information concerning this building, write us. No. 30. 77/rs t Tloofi P, Otis Dockstader, -^Architect, Elmira, - N. Y COMPLIMENTS ierce ocI^sIcigIcp, ©/kctjliecls, li§ et^el 120 liaise St., El rrjira, B- ¥■ Otis Dockstader, -^Architect, Picrce Oy iSocl^slader. @71 r>cl)ilecis, For further information concerning this building, write us. No. 32 . ARCHITECT, IIS en^el 12© liaise Si., Elrrjtrei, Pj. \J. OTIS DOCKSTADFR, ROBINSON BUILDING, Elmira, N. Y, Pierce. D ocl^stadcr, c71 resiled s, liS enjd i~© LSal^e Sf., Blir)ipia, V). For further information concerning this building, write us. No. 33 . AECHIT^CT, OTIS DOCKSTADER, ROBINSON BUILDING, _ Elmira, N, Y, ierce 3 Doc 1^'si etdep, J~ Ipc^ilects, 118 No. 34 . For further informa¬ tion concerning this building, write us. V j'j |; I I FfCfFT/OH Ft1 1 ^ J Forth ___. J Ff\^t Tloom "Flan *&J en}d 12® LSetl Docl^stadcr. .71 resiled s. 118 arjcl 120 Lal^c Si reel. Elmira. F). y. For further information concerning: this building:, write us. No. 42. ASCHrr^CT, OTIS DOCKET' Robinson building, Elmira., N. Y. aUJL-__ -v,, 11,1 , 10 “'/«u-- !/•*'**» ' ^ fl** 1 7 , m wv '//AT I (li ( i)/// }// ril/lliim lllu/'i ll'l il’i ' i ... • * ^ — £ ‘ <~-e r** - 1 . ... -4mnitiililt11iii m 1 ‘2=^ ... ^^jiai^iiiiiiiiiii •^ mm iipililltll UlUJUffllUUM MSI! -♦ AEC1-5. IVI3CT, OTIS DOCKST.'.DER, ROBINSON BUILDING, Pierce (|) D oc kslcidcr. plrci)ilccls US ar)d 120 L’a^c Sf, Elrrjira, F). \/ ■ For further information concerning this building, write us. No. 50. Elmira, rmw 4 ! V< : - ,,>,=s.f. f-lomfcontf TyJ^©s> fUE/tCe* DOCKiTADER AUCHTS. K -A.K-CX3;i' J ?J2CT, -AJR'C HIVoIict, OTIS DC. r ST ' N. Y. 77h5 t TLooh Flak T T ARQHri'iDOT, OTIS DC KST , nr R, ROBINSON BUILDING, icrcc § Doc^siadcr, o/l resiled s, 11S d 9 d 120 hA* St.. Elvira, F). y. yy }/ For further information concerning this building, write us. a y. OTIS DOCKS! D r R, ROBINSON BUILDING, REMOKELED'Hdll^E FOB, t^VERLy sy$fet»«) PIERBE'A 00CKSTA0ER AReHIITECTS. pierce © Doc l^sl ctcier. ^1 reDIce 1 s, 11 S agd 120 EaFjc St., Elrrjipa, F). For further information concerning this building, write us. No. 57. abchitcct OTIS DC fCST ""R ROBINSON BUiLDINj, Elmira., N. Y, ... .»„«.............-. . . mmmmmmmmmmmmMimwmmmmm SKETCH OF HOUSE AT ELMtRA MY PIERCE ^-OOCKSTADER ARGHT-%. iitiii’tailiiiiiutfiiiiiiH//'niiuiiiifliiiii'iouiii|iWiii.'wn/Hi»iiiiinuuiiiHiu