Feb. 28 LoChH *## ■•f) * •^ • v^^r \ %9 * , tv *? M ^' m m f>-L ~< ^m %\ m Vr \1 CATALOGUE CHOICE COLLECTION WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS OP THE LATK JOSEPH HAEEISON, ESQ., Of Samlesbury Hall, Lancashire : (by Order of the Executors) ; also CHOICE FRENCH AND OTHER ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN, ill be £010 t)j> Suction, fcy Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, at rasia geeat e©@ms s 8, KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAKE, On MONDAY, MAY 2, 1881, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. L^> May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues bad 3 at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8, King Street, St. James s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, MAY 2, 1881, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of the late JOSEPH HARRISON, Esq., of Samlesbury Hall, Blackburn. ENGRAVINGS AFTER SIR E. LANDSEER, R.A.— Framed and Glazed. 1 At Bay, by T. Landseer, A.RA. — artist's proof, signed by the engraver 2 A Goodly Freight — ditto 3 No Hope — ditto 4 Precious Trophies — ditto 5 The Fatal Duel — ditto 6 Wait till he Eise — ditto 7 Well Packed — ditto 8 Waiting for a Load — ditto 9 A Grand Hart, by G. G. Lewis — ditto 10 The Venison House — ditto 11 The Best Run of the Season, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proof, signed by the engraver 12 The Cover Hack, by C. G. Lewis — engraver's proof 13 Chevy, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proof, signed by the engraver 14 Chillingham Red Deer ; and Wild Cattle, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proofs, signed by the engraver — a pair b 2 15 The Connoisseurs, by S. Cousins, R.A. — artist's proof 16 Death of a Stag in Glen Tilt, by Bromley — before all letters 17 A Deer Family, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proof 18 Dignity and Impudence, by T. Landseer, A.E.A. — proof before letters, signed by the artist 19 The Dogs of St. Bernard, by J. Landseer — proof before letters 20 An Event in the Forest, by T. Landseer, A.R. A. — artist' s proof, signed by the engraver 21 A Fireside Party, by B. P. Gibbon — proof before letters 22 The Forester's Family, by T. L. Atkinson — artist's proof 23 The Hunted Stag, by T. Landseer, A.B.A. — artist's proof 24 The Hawk and Peregrine Falcon, by C. G. Lewis — before all letters — a pair 25 Hawking in the Olden Time, by C. G. Lewis — proof before letters 26 Highland Nurses, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — artist's proof, signedby the engraver 27 Highland Breakfast, by J. Outrim — proof before letters 28 Hunters at Grass, by C. G. Lewis — engraver's proof 29 Jack in Office, by B. P. Gibbon — proof before letters 30 Intruding Puppies, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — engraver's proof 31 The Lost Sheep, by T. Landseer, A.B.A. — artist's proof, signed by the engraver 32 Man Proposes, by T. Landseer, A.R.A.— artist' s proof , signedby the engraver 33 Not Caught Yet, by T. Landseer, A.R.A. — engraver's proof 34 No Place Like Home, by B. P. Gibbon — engraver's proof 35 Otter and Salmon, by J. R. Jackson — artist's proof signed by the painter 36 The Otter Hunt, by C. G. Lewis — artisfs proof 37 Mr. Packe's Pony, by T. Landseer, A.KA.— proof before letters 38 Prince George's Favourites, by W. Giller — proof lefore letters 39 Eat Catching, by J. Landseer— proof before letters 40 Boebuck and Eough Hounds, by B. P. Gibbon— proof before letters 41 The Sentinel, by T. Landseer, A.E.A. — before all letters 42 Spaniel and Pheasant ; Eetriever and Woodcock — a pair — artist's proofs 43 The Tethered Eam, by J. Burnet — before all letters, tvith the lamb 44 The Shepherd's Dog, etching by Sir E. Landseer 45 The Beggar — ditto 46 Puppy and Frog — ditto 47 The Warreners — ditto 48 Four Dogs' Heads — ditto 49 The Descent from the Cross, after Bubens, by Claessens — engraver's proof, with artists' names etched 50 La Belle Jardiniere, after Baffaelle, by A. Desnoyers — proof before letters 51 La Vierge au Bas-relief, after L. da Vinci, by F. Forster — epreuve d'essais, with the engraver's autograph 52 The Immaculate Conception, after Murillo, by Lefevre — signed artist's proof 53 The Beading Magdalene, after Correggio, by Longhi — engraver's proof, with artists' names etched 54 THE MAEBIAGE OF THE VIBGIN, after Baffaelle, by Longhi — proof, with the verses b 3 <4 55 Parce Somnum Eumpere, after Titian, by K. Morghen — proof 56 The Madonna della Sedia, after Eaffaelle, by E. Morghen— proof, with arms 57 THE TEANSFIGUEATION, after Eaffaelle, by E. Morghen— proof before all letters, with the white book 58 THE AUEOEA, after Guido, by E. Morghen— proof before letters 59 THE LAST SUPPEE, after L. da Vinci, by E. Morghen— proof, with arms and dedication, before the legend 60 St. John, after Domenichino, by F. Muller, 1812 — proof before letters 61 THE MADONNA DI SAN SISTO, after Eaffaelle, by C. F. Muller — proof before all letters and before the nimbus 62 The Assumption of the Virgin, after Titian, by Schiavoni — before all letters 63 Descent from the Cross, after D. da Volterra, by Toschi — before all letters 64 Fortune, after Guido, by Strange — before all letters [ 65 TUENEE'S LIBEE STUDIOEUM, a complete set of the seventy- one published plates, in two solander cases UNPUBLISHED PROOFS AND ETCHINGS, FROM THE LIBER STUDIORUM. A * 66 The Premium Landscape — etching I 6r 67 Glaucus and Scylla — the etching 68 Sheep-washing, Windsor Castle — the etching 69 SHEEP- WASHING, WINDSOE CASTLE— engravers proof, touched by Turner £. 70 Dumbarton Eock — the etching Q 71 DUMBARTON ROCK— engraver's proof p 72 Crowhurst — the etching p 73 Temple of Jupiter in the Island op -ZEgina — the etching j 74 Swiss Bridge, Mont St. Gothard — the etching Q 75 Ploughing, Eton — the etching J 76 STONEHENGE— engraver's 'proof T) 77 THE FELUCCA— engraver's proof £ 78 The Stork and Aqueduct — etching ^ 79 A River Scene — engraver's proof \Q 80 LIGHTHOUSE, MOUTH OF THE TYNE— engraver's proof ( 81 A RIVER SCENE, with rainbow— engraver's proof ^f 82 THE EVENING GUN— engraver's proof i, 83 Inverary Town and Castle — etching DRAWINGS. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. 84 The Frontispiece to the Liber Studiorum — original sketch in pen and ink P. SHEPPARD, 1860. I 85 A View on the Thames 10^ in. by 14£ in. E. G. WARREN, 1865. 86 A Cornfield 9£ in. by 13^ in. s E. G. WARREN, 1865. 87 A Landscape, with sheep 9£ in. by 13^ in. D. ROBERTS, R.A., 1837. 88 Exterior of a Gothic Church 14 in. by 9 X in. J. SHERRIN. 89 Apples and Plums 10£ in. by 14 in. T. S. ROBINS, 1864. 90 A Sea-piece, with a fishing-boat and shipping 15 in. by 23 in. J. SHERRIN. 91 Primroses, Hyacinths, Bird's Nest, and Dead Bnu.FTNnH- oval 12 in. by 15 in. J. NASH. 92 Interior of a Baronial Hall, with figures 13 in. by 19 in. G. CHAMBERS, 1854. 93 Fishing-boats at the' Mouth of the Thames 14£ in. by 21 in. S. PEOUT. 94 Place de la Pucelle, Caen 16 in. by 10^ in. E. DUNCAN, 1854. 95 Hay-bakge and Vessels on the Thames 9^ in. by 16 in. F. W. TOPHAM, 1865. 96 Ikish Peasant Girls 12 in. by 19 in. A. HEEBEET, 1859. 97 A Sea-piece, with a Disabled Ship 16 in. by 40 in. G. SHALDEES, 1865. 98 A Woody Landscape, with sheep near a stream 22 in. by 31| in. T. S. COOPEE, E.A., I860. 99 Sheep in a Landscape 7 in. by 8i in. BIEKET FOSTEE. 100 A Rustic Cottage and Figures 6 in. by 9 in. 10 W. HUNT. j (j 101 Grapes, Plums, and Peaches 8 in. by 11 in. BIKKET FOSTER 102 A Landscape, with a cottage, and a figure at a spring V0 * 8 in. by 11 in. D. COX, 1830. { ' , 103 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats 7 in. by 10£ in. E. DUNCAN, 1854. [ i«j 104 View on the South Coast 11 in. by 23£ in. i\ F. TAYLER, 1866. n 105 HIGHLAND DKOVER AND CATTLE 15£ in. by 27i in. P. DE WINT. ]/\j 106 A Landscape, with cattle in a stream 9 in. by 13£ in. J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. K) 107 Crosses, Sedilia, &c. — drawing for a work on Whalley Abbey 10£ in. by 1\ in. From the Collection of J. Buskin, Esq. 11 J. M. W. TUENEE, E.A. 108 A Kuined Abbey — an early work 8 in. by 12 in. J. M. W. TUENEK, E.A. ? 109 Scene in the Himalayas 5^ in. by 7^ in. Engraved in Fisher's ' Views in India ' J. M. W. TUENER, E.A. 110 Scene in the Himalayas 5£ in. by 1\ in. Engraved in Fisher's ' Views in India ' J. M. W. TURNEE, E.A. ') 111 ST. MAWES, COENWALL 11 J in. by 16^ in. Engraved in the England and Wales Series 12 The following are the Property of a LAD Y. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. 112 A View on the Thames 113 A River Scene 114 A Park Scene with Deer 115 A River Scene W. J. CALLCOTT. 116 Study of a Tree and Figures J. R. THOMSON. 117 A Child with Holly T. MARAGAS. 118 A Peasant Ghil C. HAAG. 119 A Street in Cairo L. RAYNER. 120 Interior of a Church TURNER. 121 A River Scene, with windmill — sepia 122 A River Scene F. TAYLOR. 123 Beachey Head 13 JAQUES. 124 A Coast Scene B. FOSTEB. 125 A Biveb Scene, with church — a sketch 126 Head of a Boy P. DE WINT. 127 Cottages, and Cows in a Pool of Water 128 An Avenue — a sketch 129 A Biver Scene, with waterfall 130 A Landscape, with a cottage 131 A Landscape COPLEY FIELDINCx. 132 A Landscape 133 A Study of Light D. COX. 134 A Landscape, with a windmill 135 A Landscape, with figures 136 A Landscape, with figures on a road. Dated 1839 137 A Cornfield 138 A Landscape, with cottage 139 A Landscape, with cows 140 A Welsh River Scene 141 A Cottage and Children 142 A Biver Scene 14 G. KOWE. 143 A River Scene T. GIRTIN. 144 A Village Scene J. CARTER. 145 A Coast Scene 146 A Coast Scene, -with cottages E. COLERIDGE. 147 A Cornfield G. CRUIKSHANK. 148 Interior of a Cathedral G. CHAMBERS. 149 A Sea-piece, with fishing boats ; and a small sea-piece 150 A Sea-piece, with shipping T. M. RICHARDSON. 151 LOCHEAD S. PROUT. 152 A Ruined Chapel — sepia J. CATTERMOLE. 153 View of an Old House 15 The following are the Property of a NOBLEMAN. ENGRAVINGS.— In the folio. 154 Caricatures by Gilray 24 155 Caricatures, by ditto — some coloured 26 156 Lady Hamilton, after Eomney, by Jeans— proof before letters ; and an etching 2 157 Scenes during the French Eevolution ; and portraits 41 158 A Concert Champetre, after Lavrince, by Varin; &c. 7 159 A Girl reading, after Huet ; &c. 3 160 Le Larcin tolere, after Lambert, by Levasseur ; and the companion 2 161 Henri IV. ; and Helvetius — coloured 2 162 Napoleon L, after Lefevre — coloured and with autograph; and Napoleon on board the Bellerophon, after Eastlake 2 1 63 Garrick as Hamlet, after Wilson, by McArdell ; &c. 4 164 Charles Montague, Earl of Halifax, after Kneller, by Drevet — proof ; Dean Swift, after Jervas, by Foudrinier — before all letters ; and Locke 165 Portrait of Samuel Eogers, by Sir Thomas Lawrence — drawing in chalk ENGRAVINGS.— Framed. 166 The Angel appearing to the Shepherds, by Eembrandt 167 Christ disputing with the Doctors, by Eembrandt 168 A Man with a Crucifix and Chain, by Eembrandt Second state 169 The Duke of Wellington, after Gerard, by Forster — proof 16 170 St. John, after Domenichino, by Muller, 1808 — proof before all letters 171 Les Muses et les Pierides, after P. del Vaga, by Forster 172 The Magdalen; and Salvator Mundi, after C. Dolce, by R. Morghen 2 173 Oliver Cromwell, after Lely, by Faber — first state 174 Prince Eugene of Savoy, after Eichter, by J. Smith — with his autograph 175 Lady Byron, after Hogarth, by Faber 176 Catherine of Braganza, richly dressed as on her arrival from Por- tugal, by W. Faithorne 177 The Choice of Paris, after Eubens — unfinished proof 178 Susannah, after Santerre, by Porporati —proof before letters; and The Golden Age— ditto 2 179 Venus and Cupid ; and Leda, after Correggio, by Porporati — proofs before letters 180 La Cigale, after Lefebvre — artist's proof 181 The Empress Eugenie, after Chaplin, by Hedouin; &c. 3 182 Miss Eich, after Hogarth, by S. Cousins, R.A. — artisfs proof 183 Lady Hamilton, after Eomney, by F. Holl — artisfs proof 184 The Dauphin, after Greuze, by S. Cousins, E. A.— artist's proof 185 The Cup of Coffee, after Madrazo, by Partes — artisfs proof 186 The Mall, after Gainsborough, by Shury — artisfs proof 187 The Rainbow, after Constable, by Lucas — proof before letter's 188 A Tigress, after G. Stubbs, E.A., by Dixon 189 A Lion attacking a Horse, after ditto, by Green — proof before letters 190 Horses fighting, after ditto, by G. T. Stubbs 191 A Lioness attacking a Boar, after Snyders, by Earlom — proof 192 Flower-pieces, after Van Huysum, by Pichler — a pair — proofs before letters 2 17 193 A Flower-piece, after Van Huysura, by Earlom — proof before the motto 194 Fighting Dogs, after Gainsborough, by Earlom — proof before all letters ; and a cat 2 195 A View of Petersham, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by Jones 196 A Shepherd Boy, after Gainsborough, by Earlom — proof 196* Children at a Fireside, by C. Turner — before all letters 197 A Wife, by J. E. Smith 198 Lady Hamilton, after Komney, by Knight 199 Miss Horneck, after Sir J. Reynolds, by E. Dunkarton — proof 200 The Duchess of Devonshire and Lady Georgiana Cavendish, after ditto, by G. Keating — proof 201 Countess of Aylesford, after ditto, by V. Green — proof 202 Mrs. Eobinson, after ditto, by Dickinson — proof 203 Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, after Gainsborough, by W. W. Barney — proof 204 Mr. Kean as Eichard III., after J. J. Halls, by C. Turner — proof 205 Mrs. Jordan, in the character of the Comic Muse, after Hoppner, by T. Park FRENCH ENGRAVINGS. 206 Au Moins Soyez Discret ; and the companion, by Saint- Aubin 2 207 A Sacrifice to Cupid, after Greuze, by Macret — proof 208 Le tendre Desir, after ditto, by Massard — 'proof 209 St. Genevieve, after Van Loo, by Balechou — proof before all letters 210 Pensent-ils au Eaisin, after Boucher, by Gaillard ; and Amphitrite, after ditto, by Saint- Aubin — proof before letters 2 211 Pastoral Scenes — a pair— proofs 2 C 18 212 Children of the Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne, by G. D. Melini — 'proof before all letters 213 The Count d'Artois, and his sister, after Drouais, by Beauvarlet 214 Moliere (J. B. Poquelin de), by J. F. Beauvarlet Third state 215 Madame de Bocage, after Nattier, by Malseuvre — proof ; and Madame de Pompadour 2 216 Le Serment d'Amour, after Fragonard, by Mathiu ; and a Garden Scene 2 217 The Miniature, after Boilly, by Chaponnier 218 Marche Incroyable, after Boilly, by Bonnefoy 219 Caffee des Patriotes, after Swebachby Morret — coloured 220 L'Aveu difficil, after Lavrince, by Janinet — coloured ; and an Interior —ditto 2 221 The Departure, after Dutailly, by Coqueret ; .and Heur et Malheur, by De Bucourt — coloured 2 222 Heads, after Boucher, by Bonnet — coloured 2 223 Ninon de l'Enclos, after Mignard; and Gabrielle d'Estrees, after Brian — coloured 2 224 Le General Buonaparte, after Appiani, by Allix — coloured 225 La Lanterne Magique d'Amour, after Schall, by ditto — coloured ; &c. 5 226 Yalmont ; and President de Tourvel, after Lavrince and Tozue 2 227 A Sacrifice to Cupid, after Theolan, by Guttenberg ; and two others 3 228 Figures, after Boucher ; &c. 6 229 The Introduction of Louis XVI. to Marie Antoinette — mezzotint 230 Napoleon L, by Eichomme ; and a lithograph of Madame du Barri 2 231 Interior of the Pantheon, after Brandouin, by Earlom 232 A Sleeping Nymph, after J. Hoffner, E.A., by W. Ward — proof 19 233 David (zarrick as Eichard III., after W. Dance, B.A., by J. Dixon — proof 234 Miss Farren, after Sir T. Lawrence, by Bartolozzi — proof 235 Eobert Burns, after Baeburn, by W. Walker — proof 236 L. Sterne, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by E. Fisher — large plate 237 Pitt, after Gainsborough, by Bromley — proof 238 La Belle Jardiniere, after Eaffaelle, by Desnoyers — proof FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ^T- -•■ >\ •f #♦* fi - ■ r . f L ' fM Ik fid \ \ '" " v_ jw VI mj^d a % 1 f-Jrl R m ^ WmM r 31 /* £**<■" A i P ft / Hi j GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00929 1184 ' !r""T