Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/kalenderofshepheOOpyns THE KALENDER OF SHEPHERDES VOL. I. Only 300 copies of this edition are printed, of which this is No. THE K A LENDER OF SHEPHERDES THE EDITION OF PARIS 1503 IN PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE A FAITHFUL REPRINT OF R. PYNSON’S EDITION OF LONDON 1506. EDITED WITH A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION AND GLOSSARY By H. OSKAR SOMMER, Ph.D. VOL. I. PROLEGOMENA LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. 1892 PREFACE. M Y Spenser studies first drew my attention to the curious book which I now bring before the public, and from which the poet borrowed the title of his cycle of eclogues, “The Shepheardes Calender.” Different editions of the work passed through my hands whilst occupied in searching various public and private libraries for the purpose of my edition of “ Le Morte Darthur,” and I thus gradually accumulated a mass of material which deserved to be put on permanent record, and I determined upon recalling from oblivion a work which for more than two centuries was a great favourite of our forefathers. I have fully explained the principles and method of my edition in the Prolegomena forming Vol. I. There only remains to me the agreeable duty of thanking all those (no small number) who have contributed towards the completion of this present work. My warmest thanks are due to His Grace the late Duke of Devon- shire, and to the President, T. Herbert Warren, Esq., and the Fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, for the loan of their copies ; “ The Kalendayr of Shyppars,” from the library at Chatsworth ; the edition of 1506, by Wynkyn de Worde, from Oxford. I am deeply be- holden to the Right Honourable Lord Charles Bruce for much valuable and detailed information from the Althorp Library ; to the late Rev. S. S. Lewis, Librarian and Fellow of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, for a collation of the edition of 1559, in the library of his college ; to Alfred Huth, Esq., London, and to Frederick Locker Lampson, Esq., Rowfant, Sussex, for allowing the examination of their copies of Julyan Notary’s edition ; and to W. Christie Miller, Esq., of Britwell Court, Buckinghamshire, for the loan of four copies PREFACE. of “ The Kalender of Shepherdes,” which Mr. R. E. Graves, of the British Museum, kindly brought to London for me. I am also greatly obliged to the authorities of the British Museum for allowing the edition of 1503 to be photographed at the Museum, and in particular to Dr. Richard Garnett, Keeper of the Printed Books, for the great interest he has always taken in my work. I am further beholden to Mr. Henry Bradley, President of the Philological Society, for various valuable suggestions, and to my friend E. Gordon Duff, Esq., who liberally placed at my disposal his careful bibliographical collections and notes, and who kindly made several inquiries for me at Oxford and Cambridge ; to the librarians E. S. Shuckburgh, Esq., of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, and Henry Parkinson, Esq., of St. Mary’s Seminary, Oscot, Birmingham, for valuable information. I finally express my obligations to the authorities of the “ Bibliotheque Nationale,” Paris, the Bodleian, Lambeth Palace, and Cambridge University libraries, for the facilities afforded me. PI. Oskar Sommer. London, January, 1892. CONTENTS. PAGE Prolegomena. I. The Various Editions of “Le Compost et Kalendrier des Bergiers ” .......... 11 II. The Various Editions of “The Kalender of Shepeherdes” . 27 III. The Present Editions ......... 58 IV. Table showing the Misprints in the Text of the Edition of 1506 60 V. The Woodcuts ........... 61 VI. The Relation of the English Translations to the French Original ........... 66 VII. The Contents of “ Le Compost ” and “ The Kalender ” . .70 VIII. The Sources of “ Le Compost ” and of the Additions in “ The Kalender ” .......... 86 IX. Glossary 99 B I. LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. A S far as is known, “ Le Compost et kalendrier des bergiers ” was anonymously published for the first time on April the 18th, 1493, printed by Guiot Marchant, at Paris. Nothing whatever is known of its author or compiler, but there is little or no doubt, to judge from the tone of the whole book, that it was written by a member of the Church of Rome in the interest of his church, and for the benefit of mankind. From the words “ Nouuellement refait et autrement compose que nestoit par auant. Du quel sont adioustez plusieurs nouuelletes,” &c., which occur in the title of the edition of 1493, we may well suppose, that there was either in MS. or in print an edition previous to this date ; all efforts, however, to trace such an original edition have proved fruitless, and so long as there is no dis- covery made to the contrary, we must consider the edition of the 18th of April, 1493, the editio princeps. There are two perfect copies of this first edition known. The first is “ v^lins No. 518 ” of the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris, the other is described as No. 466 in the Catalogue of the famous library of Ambroise Firmin-Didot. Brunet, 1 it appears, describes a third im- perfect copy in his “ Manuel,” &c. 1 Jaques-Cliarles Brunet, Manuel du libraire et de l’amateur de livres, etc. Paris, 1860-65. 8°. “ Compost (cy est le) et Kaledrier des bergiers nouuellement refait et autrement compose que nestoit par auant. . . . Finit le compost et kalendrier des bergiers imprime a Paris par Guiot Marchant. . . . Ian. M.CCCC. iiiixx et xiii le xviii e iour dauril, in- fol. gotb. de 90ff. signat. a-n, fig. en bois, &c. “ Edition la plus ancienne que nous connaissons de cet ouvrage. C’est pour en avoir mal lu la date que nous l’avons indiquee dans nos precedentes edit., sous l’annee 1488. Depuis, nous avons vu un exemplaire d’une edition qui pourrait bien etre la 12 PROLEGOMENA. The copy on vellum in the Bibliotheque Nationale is one of the finest books ever produced. The vellum on which it is printed is 8f inches broad, and 13+- inches high. It contains sixty-six most skilfully executed miniatures. Every page containing a miniature is printed within a broad border, consisting of red, blue, gold and brown bands embellished with floral designs. Lines which are not wholly occupied by printing are filled up with flourishes. The volume begins with sheet “ b,” containing a day-calendar for the twelve months, and tables for finding the golden and dominical numbers. After sheet “ b,” which consists of eight leaves, follows sheet “ a ” also in eights. The recto of a is actually the title-page, it contains line by line the following title : “Le Kaledkieb des bergiers 1101111 Gllomet fait. Duquelsontadioustezplusieurs nouuelletes come ceulx qui le verront pourrot cbgnoistre. Et enseigne les iours/ heures/ et minutes des lunes nou- uelles/ et des eclipses de souleil et de lune/ la piece salutoire des Bergiers que chascun doit sauoir. Leur compost et Kalendrier sur la main en francois et latin : tel quilz parlet entre eulx : Larbre des vices. Larbre des vertus et la tour de sapiece figuree ; ensemble la phisique et regime de sante diceulx Bergiers, quest nothomye/ flebothomye/ Leur astrologie des signes estoilles et planetes ; et phizonomye. Et plusieurs choses exquises et difficiles a congnoistre. Lequel compost et kalenrier touchat les lunes et eclipses est approprie comme doit estre le climatz de france au jugement et congnoissance des Bergiers.” The first line and the two first words of the second line are writtu in deep blue ink and considerably larger than the other matte 1 Below the last line, immediately followed by a coloured coat of am meme que celle-ci, mais dans lequel la fin manquait ; nous y avons trouve au recto i 5 e f. du call. A, cette date : ‘ Lan de ce preset copost et kalendrier 7 ql a este fail t comece auoir cours le pmier iour de iauier est M.CCCC. iiiixx et xiii.’ “ Et au 8 e f. le commencement du Calendrier pour les annees Mil. iiii. C. iiiixx a Mil. Y. C. et xii.” LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. 13 of the kings of France (Charles VIII). a, verso is a blank; a 2 recto contains below a miniature representing an author at his desk : “ C Prologue de lacteur qui a mis le copost et kaledrierdesbergiers en forme de liure comme il est.” This prologue occupies also a 2 verso. On the recto of a 3 is a miniature representing four shepherds in con- versation, similar to woodcut No. 3, 1 and below: “( Cy parle le bergier et fait vng prologue cotenant la diuision de son compost et kalendrier,” etc. After sheet a follows sheet c in sixes. The signa- tures then run on alphabetically to n 5 : b, a, r, g, h in eights ; c, d, e, i, k, l, m, n in sixes. Between g 8 and h, is inserted a folding leaf bear- ing no signature ; its recto is fully occupied by “ la tour de sapience ” 2 whereas one half of its verso is used for printing. The text ends on n 5 recto, and immediately following a device of Anthoine Yerard painted in blue. n 6 is a blank. Even the inexperienced eye will detect erasures on both sides of the painted device of Yerard. Comparing my collation of the edition of July 18th, 1493, and Brunet’s descrip- tion of a copy of April 18th, with that copy, I began to suspect, that the vellum copy might possibly be an impression of the first edition. I carefully examined the miniatures, and found that, though the artist had frequently taken great liberties, their size and position showed that they were painted over woodcuts. I now endeavoured to decipher the traces of the effaced printed lines on both sides of Yerard’s device. Partly conjecturing, partly really reading, I soon deciphered under very favourable light 3 on the left-hand side of Yerard’s device : 1 See infra, the chapter of “ The Woodcuts.” 2 This “ tour de sapience ” is not reproduced in any of the English editions, pro- bably for the sake of avoiding the awkward folding-leaf. I have come across a similar design with the same text in Latin, in MS. Arundel 83, British Museum, fol. 5, contains : “ Iohannis Metensis Turris Sapientiae sive speculum tlieologiae cum expositione praemissa.” There is further a single leaf from a block-book (about 1460) in the British Museum (C. 28. e. 2. 79), with the inscription : “ Turris sapientiae legatur ab inferiori ascedendo p seriem braru alphabethi.” This leaf is reproduced in photographic facsimile by S. Leigh Sothebv in his “ Principia Typographical’ London, 1858, 4°, vol. ii., p. 164. 3 See my letters to “ The Academy ” from Paris, Aug. 9th, 1890, and from London, Aug, 23rd, 1890. 14 PROLEGOMENA. “ Finit le compost et ka par Guiot marchant de le college de nauarre dauril ” ; and on the right-hand side : “ e a Paris rt derriere viii. iour.” By the help of the colophons of the editions of July 18th, 1493, and January 7th, 1496, I guessed at the words covered by the painted device of Yerard, and subsequently conjectured the following lines: “Finit le compost et kalendrier des bergiers Imprime a Paris par Guiot marchant demourant au champ gaillart derriere le college de nauarre Lan M.CCCC. iiiixx te Le xviii. iour Dauril.” Then I tested the volume by comparing it with the description Brunet gives of a copy of the edition of April 18th, 1493. 1 I found on a 5 recto, “ Lan de ce preset copost et Kalendrier t ql a este fait et comece auoir cours le pmier iour de iauier est Mcccc. iiii. et xiii ” with exactly the same abbreviations as described by Brunet ; I further found that the table of eclipses on C x commenced as Brunet describes. There was no longer any doubt that the vellum copy of the Bibliotheque Nationale is but an impression on vellum of Guiot Marchant’s edition of April 18th, 1493. It only remained to account for the strange fact that sheet b preceded sheet a and was marked with a small letter, whereas all the other signatures were capitals. This was easily done. Sheet b, on account of the red and black type, did not come out well in the first impression, and was replaced by a sheet b from the edition printed on July 18th the same year, by Guiot Marchant. My conjectures with regard to this volume were a week after con- firmed in the British Museum. I found in a “ Catalogue des Livres Pr4cieux, Manuscrits et Imprimis, Faisant partie de La Bibliotheque de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot Paris, Mai, 1879,” under No. 466 the description of a perfect copy of Guiot Marchant’s first edition. 2 In 1 See my letters referred to on the preceding page. 2 This copy is now in the Brooke Library, Armitage Bridge House, near Hudders- field. See Catalogue. London, 1891. 2 vols. 8vo. LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. 15 this copy sheet b occupies its right place ; the volume commences with sheet a, the title on a recto runs thus : “Icy est le compost et kaledrier des Bergiers Nouuellement refait et autrement compose que nestoit par auant Ou 1 quel sont adioustez plusieurs nouuelletes c5me ceulx qui le verront pourrot cognoistre. Et enseigne des iours/ heures/ et minutes,” etc., etc., and exactly as the title quoted supra, p. 12, in the vellum copy. This at once explained why the first six words were written in blue ink in the vellum copy. Verard’s artist had effaced the first two, and a half of the third line, and replaced them by the words : Le Kaledrier des bergiers nouuellemet fait Du 1 quel, etc. Below the title the copy on paper contains Guiot Marchant’s large device. It is clear now that below the painted coat of arms of the French kings in the vellum copy is concealed Guiot Marchant’s device. The colophon on N 5 recto is described as running : “ Finit le compost et kalendrier des bergiers Imprime a Paris par Guiot marchant demourant au champ gaillart derriere le college de nauarre Lan : M.cccc.iiiixx et xiii. Le xviii iour Dauril.” 2 All the other details of the description in the Catalogue, such as : folio, Black letter ; 90 ff; Sig. a to n, agree with the vellum copy. “ Le Compost ” was printed for the second time by Guy Marchant only three months later, on July the 18th. The only known copy of this edition is No. 10,535 of the Grenville Collection, British Museum, belonging formerly to the Duke of Roxburghe, whose coat of arms is still on the covers of the volume. This second impression is, with very slight typographical diffe- rences, exactly the same as the first one. The volume commences with a in eights. On a recto is the title beginning with an ornamental wood initial “ I ” seven inches 3 long : 1 “ Du ” is evidently the right spelling. The D, in black letter type, so much re- sembling O, has induced the compiler of the catalogue to mistake it. 2 A part of the word “ Dauril ” is covered by the stamp of the “ Bibliotheque Nationale,” this is why I was unable to see that the “ D ” was a capital. 3 It is remarkable that Brunet has entirely overlooked this “ I ” here as well as in some other editions. IB PROLEGOMENA. “ I cy est le compost et kalendrier des bergiers nouuellement reffait et autremet compose que nestoit par auant au quel sont adioustez plusieurs choses nouuelles comme ceulx qui le verront pourront congnoistre. etc.” The wording being exactly the same as in the April edition, only the lines are differently arranged; a ; verso is a blank; on a ; , recto is the u Prologue de lacteur ” etc. ; below, the woodcut representing the author ; on a i;i recto “ Cy parle le bergier vng prologue ” etc. ; below, a woodcut representing four shepherds in conversation. The volume is arranged in eights and sixes, a, b, f, g, h, m in eights ; c, d, e, i, k, 1, in sixes. Between g 8 and h r is a folding leaf, containing on its recto “ la tour de sapience ”, half of its verso is printed upon, and it is marked h. The volume finishes on m 8 recto, the colophon runs thus : “ C Finit le compost et kalendrier des bergiers imprime a paris par Guiot marchant demourant a la fieur de lis en la rue Saint iaques. Lan de grace Mil CCCC iiiixx et xiii. : Le xviii iourde iuillet” The verso of m 8 is occupied by Guiot Marchant’s device, as it is on the title-page of the April edition. For the third time Guiot Marchant printed the “Compost” in 1496. The only known copy of this edition is in the Bibliotheque Nation ale. It is a verbatim reprint of the editions of 1493, up to m 7 recto of the July edition 1493, which corresjDonds to its n 7 recto, after that are about twelve pages added. The title on a x recto runs thus : “ Icy est le compost et kaledrier des bergiers nouuellement et autremet copose que nestoit par auant.” etc. etc. “ Et se vendent lesdis kalendriers en la rue saint iaques en Ienseigne du leon darget pres les maturins.” The volume is arranged in eights and sixes from a to n ; a, b, f, g, h, n in eights ; c, d, e, i, k, 1, m in sixes. The copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale lacks leaves 1 2 , m 3 and m 4 , and n 4 . There is a folding leaf marked h before lq. The text finishes on n 8 verso, the colophon runs thus : LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. 17 “ Finist le compost et kaledrier ties bergiers. Imprime a Paris par Guiot Marchant demourat au champ Gaillart derriere le college de Nauarre Lan M.cccc.iiiixx et xvi. Le vii iour de Januier.” For the fourth time Guiot Marchant printed the “Compost” in 1497. 1 I have not been able to see a copy of this edition, and must depend for description of it on Brunet and the Catalogue of A. Firmin- Didot’s library, who possessed the only copy known of this edition, which was, however, deficient of six leaves containing the day-calendar of the twelve months. The title on a t recto is this : “Icy est le compost et kaledrier des bergiers : nouuellement et autremet compose cpie nestoit par auant : ou quel sont etr . . . Leql cbpost et kalendrier touchat les lunes et eclipses est appro prie come doit pour le climatz de France au iugemet et cognoissance des bergiers.” The colophon runs thus : “Finit le compost et kalendrier des bergiers. Imprime a Paris par maistre Guy Marchant: demourant au champ Gaillart: derriere le college de Nauarre. Lan M. CCCC. iiiixx. xvii. Le xvi. iour de septebre.” In the year 1500, 2 Guiot Marchant printed the “ Compost ” for 1 In 1499 appeared in Paris also a “ Compost et Kalendrier des bergeres,” con- taining besides some other matter several parts from the “ Compost,” and the famous “ Dans macabre.” I have seen two copies of this book, which are, save the title- page and colophon, exactly alike throughout. The one has on its title-page a wood- cut representing “ Prestre Jelian,” and is printed by Guiot Marchant, as can be seen from the colophon : “ Finist le kalendrier des bergeres Imprime a paris Par Guy Marchat Maistre es ars ou lieu susdit Le xvii iour dooust Mil. cccc. iiiixx.xix.” The other edition has Jehan Petit’s device in the place of Prestre Jehan’s portrait, and its colophon runs thus : “ Imprime a Paris en lostel de Beauregart en la rue Clopin a lenseigne du roi prestre Jehan.” There is no date given. The book seems not to have had the same success as the “ Compost,” and has not been reprinted. The editions of 1499 are of extreme rarity. 2 Brunet in his “ Manuel ” mentions another edition printed 1500 at Paris, but I have not been able to see it. He describes it thus : “ Cy est enseigne et de- monstre le kalendrier et compost des bergiers, auquel sont adjoustez plusieurs nouuelles augmentations et corrections .... Imprime a Paris .... par Gaspard Philippe (1500). 4°. Black letter. A to R iii. Woodcuts.” C 18 PROLEGOMENA. the fifth and last time. I have seen copies of this edition in the British Museum (532. g. 1), and in the Bodleian Library, Oxford (Douce 161). The title on a! recto commences with the same wood initial “I” of seven inches’ length noticed in the July edition 1493; above the title, surrounded by ornaments, is Guiot Marchant’s device differing a little from the one noticed at the end of the July edition, but bearing the same motto : “ Fides Ficit.” “ Icy est le compost et kaledrier des bergiers nouuellement et autremet compose que nestoit par auant. Du quel sont adioustez plusieurs nouuelletes/ comme ceux”, etc. The volume is arranged from a to n in eights and sixes : a, b, f, g, h, n in eights ; c, d, e, i, k, 1, m in sixes. There is a double folding leaf marked lq before lq, exactly as in the before described editions. The copy, it appears, is a verbatim reprint of the edition of 1497. The text finishes on n 8 verso with the colophon : “Finist le compost et Kalendrier des bergiers. Imprimc a Paris par Maistre Guy Marchant demourat en beauregard derriere Le college de Nauarre. Lan Mil. vc. Le .x. iour de Septembre.” At the same time as these editions in Paris, there were in 1497 and 1500 two editions published at Geneva. Copies of both editions are in the Bibliotheque Rationale. Brunet failed to recognise that both editions are, save small differences in the arrangement of type, exactly alike, because he did not collate the copy of 1497, and did not therefore notice that it lacks three leaves. The copy of the edition of 1497 commences with sheet a. On a, recto is the title-page, in arrangement exactly like that of the English edition, printed at Paris, 1503, reproduced in facsimile. “ Le kalen- drier des bergiers,” in large ornamental letters forming a wooden block. Below follows the table of contents, headed by the words : “ Ensuyt ce q Aient ce present kalendrier des bergiers. Premier est le pi’ologue de lacteur qui a redige ce dit liure par escript. Aps est autre plogue du grat bergier. Le kalendrier des festes de lan au ql sont signes les heures et minutes des nouuelles lunes. Tables des festes mobiles : Table pour congnoistre chun iour en quel signe la lune est. LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. 19 Figures des eclipses de lune i de soleil 1 les iours lieures 1 minutes. Larbre, 1 branches des vices Les peines denfer, le luire du salut de lame Lanothomye du corps liumain Lart de fleubothomye des veines Le regime de sante du corps liumain. Lastrologie des bergiers Des quatre coplexions Les iugemens de phizonomye La diuision des eages Les ditz des oyseaulx Les meditations sur la passion Dictiez et epithaphes des mortz Loraison q bergiers font a fire dame Et plusieurs autres choses.” The volume is arranged a to o in eights and sixes; a, b, o, in eights, c, d, e, f, etc., in sixes. Finishes on o 7 verso, o 8 being entirely blank. The colophon consists of three words: “ Im prime a genesue.” No date is mentioned, but to conclude from several passages in the book it was doubtless printed in 1497. The device of the printer, which is on the verso of o 7 by the side of the colophon, is that of Jean Bellot. The copy of the Bibliotheque Nationale lacks leaves a 4 , a 5 , and c 4 . Brunet consequently states that it has 86 pages, whereas it ought to have 89, like the following edition. The second edition, printed at Geneva, came out in 1500. It is a faithful reprint of the edition just described, and differs only in very slight points in the arrangement of the type. The title on a 7 recto is exactly the same, and the signatures are also a, b, o, in eights ; c, d, e, f, etc., in sixes. The volume ends in o 7 verso, o 8 being a blank. The colophon here has a date added to it: “Imprime a genesue. Mil. v. c.” This copy Brunet correctly states to have 89 leaves. Thus “ Le Compost,” etc., was already printed eight times between 1493 and 1500 ; six times at Paris, twice at Geneva. The next edition I have come across bears the date 1502, and was printed at Lyon. I have seen the copy of the Bibliotheque Nationale. The title on a 7 recto runs thus, all words in italics being printed in red 20 PROLEGOMENA. ink. “ Le kalen drier cles bergiers C Sensuyt ce que contient ce present kcilendrier des bergiers auec plusieurs additions nouuellement adioustees.” It is followed by a table of contents which is printed in lines alternately black and red. The volume is arranged in eights from a to m, and finishes on m 7 verso with the following colophon : “CCy finist le grant kalendrier des bergiers auec plusieurs nouuelles additions. Imprime a lyon sur le rosne par Claude nourry le .xxi. iour de decembre. Lan Mil cinq cens & deux pour Iaques huguetan librayre cytoyen au dit lyon.” The verso of m 8 contains the printer’s device, and below the words : “ On en trouuera a lyon en la rue merchiere a la maison de Iaques hugueta. Et a paris en la rue sainct Iaques en lenseigne nostre dame deuant sainct Benoist a la boutique dudit huguetan.” The next edition which I have seen is printed 1505 (?), at Rouen. A copy of it is at the British Museum. The title on A! is this : “ Cy est enseigne & demonstre le kalendrier & compost des bergiers auquel sont adioustez plusieurs nouuelles augmetacions & corrections tout autrement quil nestoit par auant.” Below is the printer’s device with the name “ Raulin Gaultier ” on it, and the words, “ On les vet a rouen chez . raulin gaultier demourat au dit lieu en la rue de grant pont pres le fardeau.” This edition bears no date. Brunet mentions an edition of the 30th of June 1508 by Claude Nourry. An edition of Lyon, 1510, is described in “Catalogue des Livres Pr4cieux, etc. de M. Ambroise Firmin-Didot, Paris, Mai 1879, No. 423,” viz. : “ Le grat Kaledrier|| Des bergiers nou||uellement imprime a Lyon. Ordonne|| a la verite auquel|| sdt plusieurs aug||metations & cor- rectio||ns nouuellemet|| adioustees aultrej|ment quil nestoit|| par auant. . . .” “ PM nit a Lyon 1510 Dauril le 8.” — Quarto, Black-letter, 96 fol. LE COMPOST ET KALENDRIER DES BERGIERS. 21 Brunet mentions an edition, Troyes, 1510, and describes it thus: “ Le Grand Kalendrier et compost des bergiers, auec leur Astro- logie et autres choses proufitables. Troyes: Nicolas le Rouge. 1510. Small folio. Black Letter. Woodcuts. (Catalogue Gaignet, No. 1038).” Further: “ Le Kalendrier des Bergiers. Lyon, Cl. Nourry 1513.” ( Small folio, Black Letter, woodcuts. “Le compost et kalendrier des bergiers auquel sont adjoustees plusieurs augmentations et histoires curieuses. Paris, Guil. Nyverd. (No date.) Quarto, Black Letter and Woodcuts.” “ Le Grand Kalendieer (sic) et compost des bergiers compose par le bergier de la grand montaigne. Auquel sont adiustez plusieurs nouuelles figures et tables.” At the end: “ Nouuellement imprime a Paris par la veufue feu Iehan Trepperel et Iehan jehannot Imprimeur et libraire de luniversite de paris. Demourant en la rue neufue nostre dame a lenseigne de lescu de France.” Quarto, black letter, woodcuts, no date. The i almanac, however, commences with 1516. In the British Museum is the copy of an edition printed at Paris, 1523. The title on runs thus: “ Sensuyt 1 le grant kalendrier et compost des bergiers compose par le Bergier de la grat montaigne/ leql traicte touchat les cours des pianettes pour congnoistre enquel disposition sera lannee/ Pareillement pour congnoistre les festes mobiles/ la lettre dominicale/ et le nornbre dor / la propriete de tous hommes et femmes selon les cours des corps celestes/ soubz lesqlz ilz sont nez/ et plusieurs autres woauelles figures et tables lesqlles sont tres vtilles a toutes gens tant pour le salut des corps que des amesf Ainsi qu.e pourrez veoir cy apresT (Woodcut.) “ C On les vend a Paris par Phelippes le Noir a la rue sainct Jacques, A lenseigne de la rose blanche couronnee [•*;>' * , '• !' L-g Ph co o Ci o o - d o hP o Ci r— I iO Ci H (M ^ O ^ lO 10 ^OND. o* 00 o iO d ■ o rd d o iH oo oo to a. o r— I 03 »o io co >o iO lO »o iO - PI o •vS a o tH co . o CO iO O I-H ■h o - 1 . o a> tS ■C a c3 O P 4 t-} 00 CO H OHOliO *0 lO *0 lO d o K hP co Ci *o d o d o - hP - d o d o hP d o d o hP CO CO d o " r d d o hP d L o d o hP d L o d o f-P Le Compost et Kalendrier des bergiers. The Kalender of Shepherdes. THE KALENDEE OF SHEPHEEDES. 57 The editions published at Geneva, originally printed from a Paris edition, gave rise to the editions of Lyons and Troyes. The first English editions go back to the French edition of Paris or of Geneva, 1497 ; their relation to one another I have treated later on. The editions of the sixteenth and seventeeth centuries are successively most carelessly and mechanically reprinted from one another. In the intervals of time between 1523 and 1580 in France, and be- tween 1518, or 1528, and 1556 in England, most probably several editions of the calendar appeared, of which we possess no record. I think, without fear of exaggeration, one may assume that only two- thirds of all the editions of “ Le Compost ” in France and “ The Kalender ” in England have come down to us. H III. THE PRESENT EDITIONS. T HE present editions of “ The Kalender of Shepherdes ” consist of the two earliest English forms known of this curious work. The second volume contains a facsimile reproduction in photolithography by Mr. Charles Praetorius, of the edition of Paris, 1503, from the unique perfect copy in the Library of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth. I have superintended the work during the whole process of preparation, and am sure it is everywhere a faithful reproduction of the original. I have already above (page 28) mentioned that fob a 4 is mounted, and that I have not reproduced the lines in ink running right round the mounted square of the original leaf. Here I have only to add that on fol. a 3 verso the letter “ o ” of the word “ gracyows ” in the first line is effaced in the original, as well as a small portion of the three first lines on a 4 recto and verso. I could have easily restored this defect, but I thought it better to leave the passage untouched. The third volume is a faithful reproduction word for word, line by line, but not page for page (as the omission of the woodcuts necessi- tated a different arrangement of the space) of the edition b}^ R. Pynson, London, 1506, from the unique copy in the Grenville Collection in the British Museum. The deficiences of this copy, viz. ff. b^, c m , i 3 . 6 , and n 6 are sup- plied from the next edition, that of Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1508, from the unique copy in the Library of Magdalen College, Oxford (ff. a 2 verso; a 3 and 4 ; b 4 . 8 ; c 2 and 3 ; k 3 verso and k 4 . 8 ; l 4 . 4 ; m 4 . 6 ; t 2 verso and t 3 ). The seven last lines of fol. b 8 verso in the edition of 1508, and the whole of fol. c 4 lacking, are supplied from the edition of Wynkyn de Worde, 1528, from the copy in the Britwell Library. 1 1 I ought to have supplied these deficiencies from the copy of Julyan Notary’s edition 1518, hut I could only get sight of it when my text was already printed. There exist, however, no variations between these portions in the editions of 1518 and 1528. THE PRESENT EDITIONS. 59 As an Appendix to vol. iii. are printed additions from Wynkyn de Worde’s edition of 1508 occurring on ff. o 4 ; s 4 ; s 6 . g ; and t^. F or the convenience of reference I have numbered the lines by the figures 5, 10, 15, etc., down the outer margin of every page. Further I must state, that wherever conjunctive hyphens were omitted, I have added them. Some evident blunders of the compositors are corrected, and the corrections stated in a list. The interpunctua- tion and all other faulty words and passages are left untouched, but referred to in the same list. To relieve the monotony of the page, I have printed the headings of chapters and sections in italics. The abbreviations, as requires the reproduction of a text on the principle which I have for the first time adopted in my edition of Sir Thomas Malory’s “ Le Morte Darthur,” are not expanded. As regards the woodcuts, I have marked them in the order they occur in the edition of 1503 by Arabic numbers, and referred to them by their numbers in the edition of 1506. The few woodcuts, which only occur in the edition of 1506, are marked by Roman numerals with appended asterisks. On pages 21-32 and 37-39 the asterisks indicate the places where the woodcuts occur. (Compare the chapter on the woodcuts.) IV. LIST OF MISPRINTS, OMISSIONS, IRREGULARITIES OF SPELLING IN THE EDITION OF 1506. 1 P AGE 7, line 3 Ingloucle ; 9 and 28 shuche* ; 8, 14 sonne an ; 10, 5 be* omitted after to ; 12 Septembe ; 1 1, 6 planted* ; edyfye* ; howses(.) ; 9 habundantly (.) 18 te corne; 23 snd; 12, 31 daye(.); 13, 12 is thre(.); 15, 2 pract} r f; 3 agur; 18, 25 te; 19, 13 lenes; 37 shepeberees; 21, 4 Inuary, y e moneth; 25, 2 sz* ; 30, 4 xxx*; 4 sz*; 38, 34 Snodaye; 41, 37 calillos ; 49, 9 trewe. and; 20 y ; 32 ougtli; 51, 5 th ight; 14 y; 53, 38 the(y) ; 54, 2 sclieche; 24 heub ; 28 the se; 55, 23 artebeles; 37 lere; 58, S4 konwen; 40 konw; 61, 26 tome; 62, 33 . 40 vacaboumde; 63, 4 He gaue; 15 de delytynge; 69, 31 fyrhe ; 72, 21 konwes; 73, 8 loboure; 21 pro- fyes* ; 30 whefore; 34 sacra-*; 74, 3 do I ; 27 cosyrmasyon; 76, 12 , praye vs; 18 kowe; 77, 23 dyssent-* ; 80, 21 null; 82, 21 tharite; 36 pesytyon; 84, 13 and &; 87, 17 consyre; 90, 2 shat; 99, 9 vertbe; 100, 15 it; 26 eull; 101, 7 bledyngy; 13 & & ; 104, 17 lygh ; 105, 13 ether; 108, 5 shepesterdes ; 23 notynge; 24 in in face; 109, 7 ieyous; 110, 34 Cander; 113, 5 drynge* ; 115, 26 swell; 120, u lynglit; 121, 33 vnderstange; 122, 2 nomnber; 123, 2 oo; 3 myryon the tone*; 124, 8 in; 31 feryd*; 125, 2 sature; 7 thy; 28 cerbyll; mode; 126, 7 prymytyme; 19 varya- syno; 33 konwe; 129, 4 theyre* ; 25 the/the*; 130, 7 the; 131, 19 oblyquley; 33 gerte; 133, 10 myglite ; 15 kowe; 16 kowe; 30 lagenes; 134, 12 begynnye; 28 lagenes; 135, 13 to to; 137, 9 all genuryta and asse we ; 1 38, 14 goynde vnto two sydes ; 25 fyrste ; 140, 21 palnet ; 141, 20 nghte; 142, 24 signifcat; 145, 17 whice; 20 oue; 146, 5 malintoly; 147, 15 dypytfall* ; 23 _ 24 folythe ; 148, 8 reuonabyll ; 12 might; 24 ouernwarte ; 33 -ghte; 150, 6 nyhlit; 10 gonyge ; 153, 12 foyfully; 154, 3 taaught* ; 156, 21 concondysione* ; 158, 7 Mas; 29 endoccryne ; 31 boyes; 159, 19 chol- der* ; 28 seconde* (fyrste); 160, 20 prysyoustones* ; 27 bore; 28 re- sonalbyll; 162, 2 for* (from) ; 163, 10 the man (to the man); 2U woman man*; 26 wother*(?); 165, 24 bytans* ; 167, 3 _ 4 & of repeated; 15 The last; 27 spekath ; 169, 8 the the. 1 In this list all misprints, etc., of tlie edition of 1506 are registered ; those which, on account of the principle on which my edition is based, had to he left untouched, are marked by asterisks, all the rest are corrected. The numbers refer to the pages and lines where the words occur. y. THE WOODCUTS. T HE woodcuts which occur in the early editions of “ Le Compost et Kalendrier des bergiers,” and in all the editions of “The Ivalender of Shepeherdes,” are no doubt of great interest to the student of the art of the fifteenth century. I cannot presume as a layman to give my reader a historical treatise on these woodcuts, but shall mention such facts as I gathered while preparing my editions, facts which, I feel sure, will be useful one day to any one who will amuse himself with the interesting and meritorious task of writing the history of early wood-engraving from its rudest be- ginnings in the block-books to the end of the sixteenth century. 1 The woodcuts as they appear for the first time in the edition of Guiot Marchant, of April 18th, 1493, 2 and in the subsequent French editions, are, though all executed by French artists, partly of French, partly of German origin. Of German origin are undoubtedly : 1. All the woodcuts of man’s occupations in the twelve months of the year; the pictures of saints occurring on the pages containing the day-calendar; the signs of the zodiac, and the figures describing the eclipses of the sun and the moon; all these occur already in the German xylographic almanacks. 3 1 As concerns the woodcuts of the works printed by Anthoine Verard, we possess two attempts at treating them, but both are far from being perfect ; viz. : 1. J. B,e- nouvier, “ Des Gravures en bois dans les livres d’ Anthoine Verard Maitre-Libraire, Imprimeur, Enlumineur et Tailleur sur bois de Paris, 1485-1512.” Paris, 1859. 8vo. 2. Aug. Bernard, “ Antoine Verard et ses livres a miniatures au xv™ 16 siecle : Bulletin du Bibliophile.” Paris, 1880. 8vo. 2 In the vellum copy of this edition at the Bibliotheque Nationale these woodcuts are transformed into miniatures ; compare supra, p. 12. 3 J. P. H. Berjeau, in No. 18 of “ Le Bibliophile,” June, 1863, pp. 64-67, says : “ Parrni les autres gravures que contient ce calendrier on trouvera les jours de la semaine represents par les planetes personnifiees. Celles qui servent d’en-tete aux chapitres de la nature des sept planetes sont une imitation de celles du Calendrier xylographique allemand decrit p. 145 du ‘ Bibliophile illustre de 1862.’ ” (See also “ Iduna und Hermode ” eine Alterthumszeitung, No. 22, May 29th, 1813, p. 118, v. d. Hagen, “ Beschreibung eines in Holz geschnittenen Buches.”) 62 PROLEGOMENA. 2. The trees of virtues and sins. 3. The tower of wisdom. 4. The anatomical and astronomical figures. All other woodcuts contained in “ Le Compost et Ivalendrier des bergiers” are most probably, though we can not say certainly, of French origin. Several of them, such as the author at his desk, the two representing death riding on a horse, and a dead man rising out of his tomb, and some others, occur already in the famous “ Dance Macabre,” also printed by Guiot Marchant. Fourteen of the most important woodcuts, viz. : The Lord’s supper, the punishments for the seven deadly sins in hell, the Lord’s prayer, Gabriel’s salutation of the Holy Virgin, the Ave Maria, the twelve articles of faith, and the ten commandments, occur already very similar, though not exactly alike, in the book entitled “ L’art de bien vivre et de bien mourir,” printed in 1492 by Verard, mentioned above, p. 29. Whether the cuts used by Verard for this volume served as models to the artist who produced those for Guiot Mar- chant’s editions of “ Le Compost et Ivalendrier des bergiers” of 1493, or whether both Verard’s and Marchant’s cuts were derived from woodcuts of an earlier date than 1492, I have been unable to ascertain ; the latter seems, however, very probable. While the fourteen cuts which Marchant used in 1493 occur in his and other later French editions, the fourteen used by Verard in his edi- tion of “ L’art” in 1492, 1493, and 1496, were used in 1503 for the two English books printed at Paris, viz., “ The Ivalendayr of Shyp- pars,” and “ The traytte of good lyuyng and good Deyng,” etc., 1 and appear then in R. Pynson’s edition, London, 1506, and in all later English editions of “The Kalender of Shepeherdes.” M. Berjeau (“Le Bibliophile,” No. 18, pp. 64-67) says: “On retrouve les hois de gravures employees a Paris par Antoine V4rard vers la fin du xv e siecle dans les livres publics en Angleterre de la seconde moiti6 du 1 The third copy of the “Traytte” which I have mentioned, supra, p. 29, is at the Bodleian Library, Oxford. Mr. Gordon Duff tells me that there is a fourth copy, slightly imperfect, in the Cathedral Library at Lincoln. This copy was seen by Dibdin, who, in spite of the printer’s date 1503 occurring on the last page, ascribed it to the year 1490. This incorrect date has also found its way into the printed catalogue. THE WOODCUTS. 63 xvii eme siecle.” Speaking then of “ Le Compost et Kalendrier des bergeres ” (1499), he continues: “ Le Compost de Guy Marchant n’a pas les gravures de V4rard, qui 6taient d4ja parties pour Londres, il les remplace par celles de la Danse Macabre des femmes avec le texte en vers frangais.” As Verard’s cuts were used in 1503 at Paris for the two above-mentioned books, M. Berjeau’s statement is evidently wrong, and there must be some other reason why Marchant used cuts different from those of Verard. The woodcuts which Wynkyn de Worde used for his two editions of “ The Kalender ” of 1508 and 1528 are much smaller and greatly inferior to those of Verard, used in the other English editions; they were evidently expressly cut to suit the octavo size of Wynkyn de Worde’s volumes. In order to facilitate the reference to the woodcuts in the various volumes above mentioned, I have marked the cuts in the edition of “ The Kalendayr ” of Paris, 1503, in the order they occur, by the numbers 1, 2, 3, etc. In vol. iii. of my edition, i.e., in Pynson’s text, I have always, in the places which correspond to those in the edition of 1506, mentioned the numbers of the woodcuts. In the following table I have quoted side by side the folios of “ L’art de bien vivre,” 1492 ; “ Le Compost,” 1493 ; “ The Kalen- dayr,” 1503; “ The Kalender,” 1506; “The Kalender,” 1508; and, lastly, Julyan Notary’s “Kalender,” 1515 (?), on which the same or similar woodcuts occur. The daggers appended to the folios in columns 6 and 7 denote that the woodcuts occurring on them are not printed from blocks of the same size, nor exactly of the same outline. 64 PROLEGOMENA. Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in No. Ars raoriendi, Compost, ed. ed. ed. ed. 1492 1493. 1503. 1506. 1508. (?) 1515. 1 ( a 2 r ) a, v Oi r N, r same 1 t, r f A, Y — A, vf ( a 2 r ) 1 h&y r I IsV ) r iii recto A, r 2 — — A, r I 4 r G, verso I K 5 y A 5 v F 3 y l M 7 r 3 — — a 3 r A 3 y ii r Ao v 4 — — a 8 v — — B 4 y / c 4 r — — — 5 { k, v — — — 6 — — c 4 r — — — 7 n 8 v e s r e i v E 3 r — E 5 rf 8 0 2 r e v 1 2 r F 3 y F 3 r Eg Y 9 { o. r }* r e 6 r 1 2 Y E 4 y { } E s v 10 o 6 r e 6 v e 3 v F 3 y F 3 r E 7 v 11 o 7 r f,r e 4 r F s r F 5 v E r 12 o 8 r fl v e 4 v F 6 y f F 6 r 1 lav F, r 13 p 2 r f-, r e 5 V G, v — F.r 14 p 3 v f* v e 6 y G 2 r — F 2 y 15 c 3 r £4 v e 8 v G 3 v — F 5 rf 16 b 6 r f.r G 4 r G 4 v F 5 vf 17 b„ r f,r fi v G 4 V — F 6 rf 18 19 C 8 Y d, r — f 2 r f 3 r | G r — } F 0 vf 20 e 2 v — f 3 r G 6 r H 2 v F 7 v 21 — £7 r f 3 v G 6 v — Fg rf 22 — f 8 r £5 r H, Y H 3 y F 8 y 23 — — gi r — — — 24 — — g. v — — — 25 — — gi v — — — 26 — — g 2 r — I 2 V — 27 — — g*r — — — 28 — g6 V g 4 v I| V F, r 5 V 1 alike H 2 r j 29 — g 7 r §5 r I 2 r F, Y 30 — — g 7 v missing K 6 r H 4 Y 31 — — gs v missing K 7 y H 5 Y 32 — — h, v missing L, r H 8 y 33 — h e v h 7 v I* v Mg V I 7 r 34 — h r ii v L 2 y N 2 Y Is V 35 — k 2 r i 8 r M, v f0 7 v — 36 — k 2 v i e v M, r 0 8 v K, vf 37 — k 3 r k, r M 2 v P, V Kg r 38 — — k, v — — — 39 — k 4 r k 2 r M, r P 3 r L, r 40 — k 4 v k 2 v M 3 v fP 4 v L 2 r 41 — k 5 r k 3 r M 3 v +Qi r L 2 v THE WOODCUTS. 65 Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in Folio in No. Ars moriendi, Compost, ed. ed. ed. ed. 1492. 1493. 1503. 1506. 1508. (?) 1515. 42 — k 5 v k 3 v M 4 r +Qs v U 3 r+a 43 — k 6 r k 4 r M 4 r Q 3 r L 3 y 44 — k 6 v k 4 v M 4 v +Q 4 r L 4 r 45 — Ur k 5 r M s r Qs r L 4 yfl 46 — 1 2 V k 7 r M 5 v Qt V U 6 r 47 — l*r li v N, r fi r L 8 rf 48 — l v 1 2 r 1ST, v Kiii v L 8 v to 49 — l 6 r 1 2 V N 2 r i r M, r 50 51 — } { 1 3 r l 3 r N 2 v Si r S,r M 4 y smaller M 2 r 52 — m, r 1 3 v N 3 v S[ v Mo r 53 — — 1 4 v m 5 V 0 4 v +S 3 v — 54 — — i 1 4 V m 5 v — fS 3 v — 55 — — \ v N 5 r — — 56 — — m, v — — — 57 — — m 5 v — S 2 y — 58 — — m 5 v — S 2 y — I* — — — D.y — — II* — — - — ■ D 2 r E 8 v — III* — — — D 2 r — — IV* — — — D 2 r — E e y y* — — — D 2 r P 2 r — VI* — — — H 4 r — Gr, r vii* — — — H 5 r — Gr 5 y VIII* — — — H 5 r — Gr 5 V I VI. THE RELATION OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS TO THE FRENCH ORIGINAL. “ T E Compost et Kalendrier des bergiers ” was no less than four J ^ times translated into English. For the first time a Scotchman, or a F renchman who had endeavoured to learn the Scotch dialect of the English tongue, though the latter is less probable than the former, translated it for the edition of Paris, 1503. This translation, leaving the language and its orthography for the present aside, is a very poor piece of work. The translator evidently did not know much of his own tongue, and still less of F rench ; in fact he must have been a person of no good education even for that time. To show plainly how far the various translations represent the text of the French original, I have, as an example, printed the Shepheard’s prologue as it occurs in the editions of 1493, 1503, 1506, and 1508, side by side in the table facing this page. The translator of the 1503 edition made many blunders, showing evidently that he did not understand the French text, or that he did not know enough Low- land Scotch to translate the French. Compare, e.g ., the following passages : The sentence, “ How weeyl that leywyng et deyng to the pleasyr et wyl of owr lord shold man lyue,” etc., is supposed to render “ Combien que viure et mourir soit au plesir et volonte de nostre seig- neur si doit,” etc. F urther : “ yf raysson was in so mych of tym ys that man ys,” etc., “ Sa raison estoit. Autant de temps que lomme,” etc.; or, “Sen yt ys so that the saowl deys not and in yt ys the desyr to lyue long at length shal be oon payn the qwych shal lest wythowt eynd and the qwych shal not leyf after the deeth so as befor,” is the rendering of “ Puisque lame ne meurt point et en elle soit le desir de viure l5gue- met seroit vne paine laquelle dureroit sas fin qui ne viuroit apres la mort aussi comme deuant,” etc. Many more examples of this sort occur on every page of the book. DES,” PRINT 508. lerk et had no what was no clerke ne haddc vnderftandynge of iyd How weeyl & vnderftandynge fayd how be it that lyuenge aturelly vn to iity god / yet man ought naturally to lyue .lxxii. 0 hys fors/ ftrengoche tyme as a man hath to growe in force/ to towrn to no^th to waxe olde/ feble/ & torne to his end e/ ys to xxxvi. zea.t & myght is xxxvi. yere. and the terme to aat he lhoold ly.ight whiche is all togyder .lxxii. yere/ that he owltrayge vyn tThey that deye before this tyme often is by d techyng : afteccyon and nature/ but they that lyue aboue this g & of good dejentes after the whiche a man hath gouerned irld was to lywe nd deyenge the fayd fhepeherde fayth that the vdanl yj fo trawe.-orlde is for to lyue longe/ and the thynge tnd do the thytus he trauayled his vnderftandynge and made :ompot and kale poffyble and requyfyte for to lyue long e/ hole lyuyng was innd kalender of fhepcherdes fheweth & techeth. ls fulfyllyt afternge was in his foule the whiche alwaye lafteth/ .'t ys the defyr tccomplyffhed after his dethe as afore. He fayd/ d the qwych Thai defyre to lyue longe/ it fholde be an Infallyble deeth fhal not 1 he that lyueth not after his corporall dethe fhall wyth owt eynd cwete to lyue longe/ and fhold abyde in eternall neceffayr thynged. So concluded y e fayd fhepeherde neceflary g after the deeth 0 that whiche apperteyned to lyue after dethe as t he qwych lywys e th but the lyfe of this worlde onely thoughe he or lywys not lonfty long e/ but yf he fholde lyue longe that at the •tel lywe fhalbe the lyfe eternall of heuen. So man ought to e wertwfly in thyporally that they may lyue fpyrytally without a he fhal lywe \ier without deyenge whan he hath the perdurable id not other wytoynte and none otherwyfe fhall be accomplyffhed of thys world ysd fhepherde alfo knowleged that the lyue of this ys or mor / yt ys r; thoughe that it feme veray longe for them that eftys ewyr mor times translated into English. For the first time a Scotchman, or a Frenchman who had endeavoured to learn the Scotch dialect of the English tongue, though the latter is less probable than the former, translated it for the edition of Paris, 1503. This translation, leaving the language and its orthography for the present aside, is a very poor piece of work. The translator evidently did not know much of his own tongue, and still less of F rench ; in fact he must have been a person of no good education even for that time. To show plainly how far the various translations represent the text of the French original, I have, as an example, printed the Shepheard’s prologue as it occurs in the editions of 1493, 1503, 1506, and 1508, side by side in the table facing this page. The translator of the 1503 edition made many blunders, showing evidently that he did not understand the French text, or that he did not know enough Low- land Scotch to translate the French. Compare, e.g., the following passages : The sentence, “ How weeyl that leywyng et deyng to the pleasyr et wyl of owr lord shold man lyue,” etc., is supposed to render “ Combien que viure et mourir soit au plesir et volonte de nostre seig- neur si doit,” etc. F urther : “ yf raysson was in so mych of tym ys that man ys,” etc., “ Sa raison estoit. Autant de temps que lomme,” etc.; or, “Senyt ys so that the saowl deys not and in yt ys the desyr to lyue long at length shal be oon payn the qwych shal lest wythowt eynd and the qwycli shal not leyf after the deetli so as befor,” is the rendering of “ Puisque lame ne meurt point et en elle soit le desir de viure logue- met seroit vne paine laquelle dureroit sas fin qui ne viuroit apres la mort aussi comme deuant,” etc. Many more examples of this sort occur on every page of the book. THE AUTHOR’S H93* Vnc Bergier gardans brebis aux champs qui neftoit clerc ct fi nauoit auctinc congnoifTance des cfcripturcs. mais feulemet par Ton fens naturel et entedement difoit. Combien que viurc et mourir foit au plefir et voulcnte de noftre feigneur fi doit l5me naturellemet viure lufques a Ixxii ans ou plus Sa raifon eftoit. Autant de temps que lomme eft a venir a force vigueur et beaulte. autant en doit me£tre pour enueillir enfeiblir et aler a neant. Mais ainfi eft que le termc de croiftre et venir lomme en beautc force et vigueur eft .xxxvi. ans doneques luy en conuient autant pour enueillir et tourner a neant et font Ixxii. ans que lomme doit au peult bicn viure par cours de nature. Ceux qui meurent dcuat ceftuy termc fouuet eft par violence & oultrage fait a leur complexion et nature, mais ceulx qui viuent autant ou plus longuemet eft par leur bon regime ct les enfeignemes felon lefquelx ont vefeu et fe font gouuernes. A cc propos de viure & mourir difoit fc bergier que la chofe laquelle defiroit plus au monde eftoit longuement viure. et celle que craignoit plus eftait toft morir. fi apliquoit fon entendement ct meftoit fa cure de fauoir et faire les chofes a luy portables et requifes pour viure longuement. fainnement. et ioyeufement que cc prefent liure nome Comport et Kalendrier des bergiers enfeigne et apret. Difoit aufli que fon defir de longuement viure eftoit en fon ame laquelle tous iours durera pour quoy vouloit quil fut accomply apres fa mort comme deuant. difant. Puis que lame ne meurt point et en elle foit le defir de viure loguemet feroit vne paine laquelle dureroit fas fin qui ne viuroit apres la mort aufii comme deuant. car cclluy qui ne viuroit apres mort corporclle nauroit point ce quil a defire ceftaflauoir viure longuement ct demorroit en paine fas fin quat nauroit point fon defir de viure acSply. Si concluroit celluy bergier chofe neceflaire pour luy ct pour autres fauoir et faire ce quapartient pour viure apres la mort comme deuant. quat on feet & verite eft que celluy qui ne viuroit que la vie de ce monde feulemet et vefquit cent ans et plus ne viuroit pas loguement proprement : mais viuroit longuement cclluy a qui la fin de cefte vie mortele feroit comencement dc vie eternele. pour quoy fe perforcoit de viure vertueufemet pour apres viure glorieufement et pardurablement. car comme difoit. lors on viura fans iamais mourir quant on aura vie pardurable Sc fera parfait et acomply par ce point et non autrement le defir dc longue- ment viure. Congnoifloit aufli celluy bergier que la vie dc ce monde eft trafitoireet que pofe quelle foit grande voyre pour celluy qui viuroit. Ixxii. ans ou plus fi eft elle trefpetite et fans coparaifon a la vie que toufiours durera et ne finera point A la quelle tendoit paruenir pour la quelle chofe faire viuoit tellemet des petis biens temporclx quil auoit que ne perdit point les grans biens du ciel qui font eternelx lefquelx il aftendoit. PROLOGUE TO THE KALENDER OF SHEPEHERDES” PRINTED TO ILLUSTRATE THE RELATION OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITIONS TO THE FRENCH ORIGINAL. I 5°3- Oon fliyppart kepat hys lheyp in the feyldys qwych was not clerk et had no wnderftondyng of vvryttys bot oonly be hys naturel wyt et wnderftondyng fayd How wecyl that leywyng et deyng to the playfyr et wyl of owr lord Ihoold man lyue naturelly vn to iii fror et xii or mor yf rayflon was in fo mych of tym ys that man ys to cum to hys fors / ftrenght/ ct fayrnes I fo mich they Ihoold be put to them for to wax aid wayk & to towm to noght. Bot the term of growyng.& cumyng of man in fayrnes/ fors/ Sc ftegth/ys to xxxvi. zcarrys i fo mych yt ys ghanant to hym et towm to noght et a/ Ixxii. zcarrys that he Ihoold lyue by curf of natur Thoys that deys befor that term ys oftymys be vyoles : owltrayge vyn to theyr natur / bot thoys that lyuys mor at length ys be good gowernyng and tcehyng : after the qwyrh they \yuyt and ar gowemyt as to thys purpos of good ly/yyng & of good deyng fayd thys Ihyppart that the thyng the qwych he defyryt moft in the world was tolywe long&yt that he dred moft was to lywe langholyly/ ioyows/ was to day fowdanly/fo trawcllytys wnder- ftondyng and put dylygens/ and gret byfynes to wnderftond and do the thyngys poflybyls reqwyryt for to lyue long holyly ioyowfly that thys prefent compot and kalcndar of Ihyp- pars techys and leymes. Says alfo that ys defyr of long lyuyng was in ys faowl the qwych ewyr mor fhal lefc for the qwych he wold that yt war fulfyllyt after hys deeth as be for fayand. Sen yt ys fo that the faowl deys not and in yt ys the defyr to lyue long at length Ihal be oon payn the qwych Ihal[-left wythowt eynd and the qwych Ihal not leyf after the deeth fo as befor. For he qwych lywys after the bodyly deeth Ihal not haue thys that he has defyryt that ys to fay lyue at length and abayd i payn wyth owt eynd qwe he has not the defyr of yt fulfyllyt. So concludyt thys Ihyppart the neceflayr thyng for hym and other to wnderftond and do thys that appartenys to lyue long after the deeth as be for and that the goodlyar qwen they wnderftondyt and weryte ys : bot he qwych lywys bot the lywe of thys world oonly and lywyt he oon hondreth zear and mor lywys not longpropyrly bot he Ihal lywe at length he to the qwych the eynd of thys mortcl lywe Ihalbe the begynnyng of ewyrleftand lywe. For yf ony efforcys hym felf to lywe wertwfly in thys world that after the bodyly deeth to lywe ewyrlaftand for as fayd ys tha he Ihal lywe wyth owt ony doyng qwen he Ihal hawe parfytly fulfyllyt be thys poynt and not other wys the defyr of long ly wyng. Et wnderftwd alfo that Ihyppart that he lywe of thys world ys fown ago and party t/ and thoght yt be gret for hym qwych lyuys Ixxii. zearrys or mor / yt ys ryght lytel and wyth owt comparayfon to the ewyrleftand lywe the qwych leftys ewyr mor & eyndys not. To the qwych he thoght to cum / for ony thyng to do lywyt fych wys fobyrly of the final temporel goodys that he had that he Ihoold not leyf the gret goodys of hewyn the qwych ar ewyr leftand the qwych he did abayd. i 5o6. Here byfore tyme there was a Ihephcrde kepyngc his Ihepc in the feldes whichc was no clerkc ne vndcrftode no manerc of ferypture nor wretynge but only by his naturall wyt. He faycth that lyuynge and dyengc is all at the wyll and plcafurc of almyghty god. And he faycth that by the courfe of nature a man may lyue thre fcore and xii. or more. For euery man is xxxvj. ycre oldc or he come to his full ftrengthe and vertue. And than he is at the beft bothc in wyfdomc and alfo in fadnes and dyfcrecyon/ For by xxxvj. yere and if fo be that he haue nat gode maners than It is vnlykely that cucr he Ihall haue godc maners after whyle he lyue. Alfo lykewyfe as a man is waxynge and growyngc xxxvj. yere. fo it is gyuen hym as many mo to enclync and go fro the worlde by the gyfte of nature And they that dye byfore that they be thre fcore and xij. yere oldc/ oftc tyme it is by vyoles or outrage of themfelf. and they that lyue aboue that termc is be gode gouernaunce and gode dyet. The defyre of this Ihephcrde was to lyue longc holylye and to dye well. But this defyre of longc lyfc was in his foule. whichc he hoped to haue after his deth. For the foule Ihall neuer dye. whether it be in blyfle or in peyne. Therfore this Ihcparde thought that Ixxii. ycres here in this vale of wrechcdnes is but a lytyll and a fmale terme to the lyfe cuerlaftyngc whichc neuer Ihall haue endynge. And he faycth. he that offerith him fclfe here to leue vertuefly in this worlde. after this lyfe. he Ihall receyue the fwete lyfe that is fure and laftyth cuer with out ende. For tho a man lyued here a .C. yere or more it is but a lytell terme to the lyfe to come. Therfore faythe this Ihcparde I wyll lyue foberly with thefc fmale temporall goodcs that Ihefu hath lente me and euer to cxyle the defyre of wordely ryches & wordely worlhyp. For they that labourcth for it and haue a loue to theyr goodes. And vayne worlhype. offt it departes man for the heuenly trefoure. It Ihcttcth manes harte/ that god may nat entere. And byldys man a place of no reft in the lowc londc of darknes. I5°8. A shepeherde kepyngc Ihcpe y e in feldes that was no clerkc ne haddc vndcrftandynge of the lcttcral fence but of his naturall wytte & vndcrftandynge fayd how be it that lyuenge and dyengc be at the pleafurc of almyghty god/ yet man ought naturally to lyue .Ixxii. yere or more/ this was his reason. As mochc tyme as a man hath to growe in force/ beaut e/ Sc ftrength/ fo moche tyme he hath to waxc oldc / fcblc / & torne to his ende / but the terme to growe in beautc/ heyght & myght is xxxvi. ycre. and the termc to waxe olde and weyke and torne too nought whiche is all togyder .Ixxii. ycre/ that he ought to lyue after y c cours of nature. They that deye before this tyme often is by vyolence and outrage done to theyr complcccyon and nature/ but they that lyue aboue this terme is by good regyment and cnfygncmentcs after the whichc a man hath gouerned hym felfe. To this purpofc of lyuynge and deyenge the fayd Ihcpchcrde fayth that the thynge that we defyre mooft in this worlde is for to lyue longc/ and the thynge that we mooft fere is to dye foone/ thus he trauaylcd his vndcrftandynge and made grete dylygcncc to knowc and do thynges poflyble and requyfyte for to lyue longc/ hole and ioyoufly whichc this prefent cOpoft and kalender of Ihepchcrdes Ihcweth & tccheth. He fayde alfo that the defyre to lyue longe was in his foule the whichc alwayc lafteth/ wherfore he wolde that his defyre were accomplyrthcd after his dethe as afore. He fayd/ fyth the foule dycth not/ and in her is the defyre to lyue longe/ it Iholdc be an Infallyblc payne not to lyue after dethe as afore/ for he that lyueth not after his corporall dethe Ihall not haue y l that he hath defyred/ y l is to wetc to lyue longc/ and Ihold abyde in etcrnall payne yf his defyre were not accomplyrthcd. So concluded y° fayd Ihcpchcrde ncceflary thynges for hym & other to knowc and do that whiche apperteyned to lyue after dethe as before. And trouthe it is y‘ he whiche lyueth but the lyfc of this worlde oncly thoughc he lyued a hodred yere he lyueth not proprely longe/ but yf he Iholdc lyue longc that at the ende of this prefent lyfe Iholde begynne the lyfc etemall of heuen. So a man ought to perfournyrthc his lyfe in this worlde corporally that they may lyue fpyrytally without end e/ for as he fayd than one Ihall lyue eucr without deyenge whan he hath the perdurable lyfe and Ihall be parfyte. And by this poyntc and none otherwyfc Ihall be accomplyrthcd the defyre of longe lyuynge. The forfayd Ihephcrde alfo knowlcgcd that the lyue of this worlde was foone parted and gone/ and thoughc that it feme veray longc for them that lyueth .Ixxii. yere or more/ yet it is ryght lytell and without comparyfon to the lyfe that durcth / euermorc and that neuer Ihal haue end c/ to the whichc lyfe he pretended to com c/ for the whichc thynge to do he loued fobrely/ wyfely/ and dyfcretcly with foo fewe temporall goodcs as god hadde lente vnto hym/ to thende that he ne lofte the grete goodcs of the foule/ y* is the lyfc etcrnall for his good lyuygc after his defyre to lyue longc. [Table facing page 66.] THE RELATION OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS, ETC. 67 The translation made for the edition of 1506, “ at the instaunce & coste and charge of Kycharde Pynson,” does not go back to the French original, but simply endeavours to render the Scotchman’s text readable and intelligible by altering the orthography, by altering and omitting difficult passages, so that it is indeed a very free trans- lation. The translation made by Robert Copland for Wynkyn de Worde’s first edition of 1508 is undoubtedly the first satisfactory translation; it is based upon the French original, and follows it as closely as the difference of the idioms in the two languages allows. The language of the edition of Paris, 1503, is one of the most curious specimens of Lowland Scotch ever produced. To judge from the vocabulary, the spelling, and various other characteristic pecu- liarities, it is strongly impressed with the features of the Scotch dialect of the middle period; but it has undergone a considerable modification by French compositors, 1 to whom it was utterly unknown, as can be seen, among many others, by the following points : 1. The is mostly rendered by “et,” a habit, though not entirely unknown in English MSS., is certainly very uncommon. 2. The formation of “ k ” by “ 1 ” and “ r.” 3. The extraordinary shape of the “ w,” necessitating wherever it occurs an open space in front of it. 4. The occurrence of many French words apart from those that have been embodied under French influence into the Scotch vocabulary. 5. Numberless misprints, not caused by carelessness but by igno- rance of the compositors. Owing to this last fact, the language of the edition of Paris, 1503, though being a curiosity, has no great value for the history of the English tongue, as indeed there never existed anything like it. 2 1 My statement {supra, p. 27) that the type of this edition has not been found in any other French or English booh of that period I have to withdraw, for Mr. Gordon Duff has accidentally discovered one leaf of an unknown edition of Alexander Barclay’s “Castle of Labour” (in the Harl. Collection of Fragments, 5919, No. 215, British Museum) printed with the same type. 2 This reason, in addition to the facts that my publishers could not afford me more space for the introduction, and that I learnt a Scotch society plans the publica- tion of the two books printed in 1503 at Paris, induced me to abandon my original intention of giving more consideration to this language. 68 PROLEGOMENA. The appearance of the two so-callecl English books in 1503 at Paris is certainly one of the most peculiar incidents that ever occurred since the invention of the art of printing. How was it possible, we must ask, that a French printer and publisher ventured such a specu- lation, entirely ignoring English, and entrusting with the translation a Scotchman of no great learning ? To answer these two questions satisfactorily, it will be well to take in consideration the relations that existed between France and Scotland at that time. .Mr. Murray, in his treatise on “ The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland,” etc., describes them thus: “The second in- fluence which greatly modified the language of the Middle Period (fir., Scotch) came from the French League. That famous ‘ Weill keipit ancient alliance, Maid betwix Scotland and the realme of f ranee,’ through which the former managed to maintain the national inde- pendence regained in the fourteenth century, made her, to a great extent, the pupil of France in learning, art, and polity during the two following centuries. Scotchmen completed their education at the University of Paris, and founded their own universities upon French models ; the entire legal system of the country was transferred from France; and even the Presbyterian system of the Reformed Church was drawn up under the supervision of the great French Reformer. The connection between the two countries was of the closest nature, leaving its traces in almost every department of Scottish national life, and in none more so than the language. In addition to peculiarities of orthography, we have examples of the French construction being used as the model, contrary to the usage of the earlier writers of the middle period, of the full numeral an or ane , instead of its contracted form a, alike for article and numeral, and before a consonant as well as a vowel,” 1 etc. Bearing in mind the existence of these intimate relations between the two countries, we cannot be at all surprised to hear that besides 1 James A. H. Murray, “ The Dialect of the Southern Counties of Scotland : its Pronunciation, Grammar, and Historical Relations. With an Appendix of the pre- sent limits of the Gaelic and Lowland Scotch, and the Dialectical Divisions of the Lowland Tongue,” etc. Transactions of the Philological Society. London, 1870-72. 8vo. THE RELATION OF THE ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS, ETC. 69 those young Scotchmen who went to Paris to pursue or to complete their studies, there were others who came over to learn a profession, as, e.g ., printing. It is more than probable that the translator of the “ Traytte ” and the “ Kalendayr ” was a young Scotchman of this description, who came into contact with Anthoine Verard, the de- clared publisher of the “ Traytte,” who most likely also published the “ Kalendayr.” Verard had certainly no idea of the difference of English and Scotch, or he would never have ventured a speculation with so doubtful a success as the publication of the two books. VII. THE CONTENTS OF “LE COMPOST ” AND “THE KALENDER.” EFORE attempting to discuss in the outline the source or sources of “ Le Compost,” it will be necessary to look more closely at its contents. Warton, 1 in his “History of English Poetry,” speaking of the book, says : “ This piece was calculated for the purposes of a perpetual almanack, and seems to have been the universal magazine of every article of salutary and useful knowledge. It is a medley of verse and prose, and contains, among many other curious particulars, the saints of the whole year, the moveable feasts, the signs of the zodiac, the properties of the twelve months, rules for blood-letting, a collection of proverbs, a system of ethics, politics, divinity, physiog- nomy, medicine, astrology, and geography.” This account, although very descriptive, will not be of much avail for our purpose. M. Charles Nisard, 2 in his “ History of the Popular Books,” analyzes the contents of “ Le Compost,” but instead of basing his account on one of the earliest editions, z.c., before 1500, he takes that of 1633. As already 3 mentioned, the English edition of 1506 is based upon the ed. Paris, 1503, which goes back to the ed. Geneva, 1497. All the early French editions before 1500, i.e. : the five printed by Marchant, and the two published at Geneva, agree as to the bulk of their contents, save as to the last folios. For my account of the contents of “ Le Compost” I take the edition of Paris, 1497, as basis. After describing the various chapters as they stand in this edition, I state if and in what form they occur in the English translation, and where the ed. of 1497 contains additions to the text of the earliest editions I mention those. 1 Thomas Warton, “ Hist, of Engl. Poetry,” ed. C. W. Hazlitt. Lond., 1871. 4 vols., 8vo. Vol. iii. pp. 155-158. 2 Charles Nisard, “ Histoire des Livrcs Populaires, ou de la litterature du col- portage.” Paris, 1864. 2 vols., 8vo. Yol. i. pp. 85-121. 3 Compare supra, p. 18. THE CONTENTS OF “LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 71 The “ Compost ” opens with two prologues, which in the English editions after 1503 are still augmented by a prologue or preface of the printer. The first of the two prologues by the author or compiler of the “ Compost ” deals with the duration and purpose of human life, and admonishes men to lead a virtuous and goodly life. The second prologue, by a shepherd, minutely compares the four seasons of the year to the four periods of a man’s life. The peculiarities of each month are enumerated, and such traits added as correspond to them in human life. This prologue winds up with the plan according to which the “ Compost ” is arranged. It is said to consist of five parts, but I may add that several of these five parts again have several subdivisions. These five parts are : I. The calendar proper, ff. a 2 r — c 4 r of the ed. 1497; vol. iii. pp. 1-42 of the present edition. II. a. The tree of vices, ff. c 4 v — e 4 r, or pp. 42-65. b. The punishments for the seven deadly sins in Hell. e 5 r — f 2 v, or pp. 67-73. III. The means by which a man may lead a virtuous life, and the garden of virtues, ff. f 3 r-g8 + h, or pp. 73-99. IV. Physicks and the governail of health, ff. Iqr — h 7 r, or pp. 99-121. V. a Astrology and physiognomy. U. h r m tQ the end . b. Additions. j ’ 1 v As regards the first part of the “ Compost,” the calendar proper, it indeed does not contain anything which is absent from the various calendars and almanacks of this and even earlier periods. Most minutely the reader is acquainted with the parts of the year, the month, the day, and hour. He is enlightened as to the meaning of the dominical letter and the golden number, and by long lines of syllables is taught how to remember and to find these two important items. In some verses the reader is further instructed how to find the holy days by the help of the joints of his hand. These verses, which in the English translation are turned into prose, begin thus : “ Qui veult sauoir le kalendrier. Sus sa main comme le bergier Quant et quel iour il sera feste. Ce qui sensuit mecte en sa teste Auant tout euure sans songe. A. b. c. d. e. f. g. 72 PROLEGOMENA. Les iours de lan tous par ses sept Lectres sowt congnus chascuw scet. Vne est pour dimenche iours. Six autres scmt pour les vi iours Et es ioinctures doibuent estre. Assises en la main senestre.” etc. The English translation of the twelve stanzas, setting forth the importance of each month of the year, is rather free, as the following example of the F rench original will show : “ Je suis Auril le plus ioly De tous en honneur et vaillance Car en mon temps fut confranchy Le monde du fer dune lance Par la saincte digne souffrance De dieu qui le monde crea On en doit auoir souuenance Et si en mon temps resuscita.” A day-calendar of each of the twelve months, with the names of all the Saints, the golden numbers and dominical letters, and accompanied by four lines in Latin verse ; tables for finding the position of the moon, the dates of the moveable festivals; the golden numbers and dominical letters, and a list of the eclipses of the sun and the moon, conclude this first part. Now and then, both in the French original and in the English translations, some Latin verses are interspersed. The second, and no doubt the most curious part of the “ Compost,” begins with an elaborate description of the tree of sins. The seven deadly sins are represented as the seven chief branches of a tree, while each of these chief branches sends forth a considerable number of smaller branches, corresponding to various smaller sins, which are originated by the deadly sin. Thus: Pride has 17 branches, Envy 13, Wrath 10, “ Slewthe ” 17, u Covetyse ” 20, Gluttony 5, and “Lechery” also 5. Nor is this yet enough : each of the various branches coming forth from the chief branches sends forth three boughs, and each of these three boughs again produces three twigs, so that, e.y., Pride comprises 17. 3. 3. or 153, and Envy 13. 3. 3. or 117, various branches, smaller or larger. All endeavours to give a faithful picture of the imaginative powers of the author of this section would fall short of the reality, therefore I will say no more about it, and leave it to the reader to see for himself. Following the tree of sins, and forming, as it were, a link between this and the section on the punishments for the seven deadly sins in HeLl, occurs in both the “ Compost ” and the “ Kalender ” a ballad on THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 73 ;he “ vnstabylnes ” of this world. As, in this case, the English text nay rather be called an imitation than a translation of the French )riginal, I have as an instructive example faithfully reproduced it, as veil as some MS. notes, which are added in the Grenville copy of the idition of 1493. “ Las 1 : et pour quoy prens tu si grant plaisir : / Homme abuse plain de pre- sumption / En ce faulx monde : ou na que deplaisir : / Enuie : orgueil : guerre : it disseution : Bien maleureuse est tou affection. / Que pense tu : as tu plus jrant enuie : De viure en doubte en ceste courte vie : / Qui les mondains a la nort denfer maine : / Cest bonne cliose de viure en vie 2 certaine : / Las tu scez hen : si tu nest insensible : / Que cest cliose forte 3 voire impossible : / Dauoir cy ton ayse entierement : / Et apres mort la sus pareillement : / Helas : pour sant change condition : / Et te rauise : ou tu es autrement : / Homme desfait et i perdicion : / “ Lequel veulx tu : ou vie : ou mort choisir : / Choisy des deux : tu as dis- cretion : / Ayme tu mieulx de ton corps le desir : / Pour ton ame 4 mectre a lamnation : / Que viure vng peu en tribulation : / Et quapres mort soit ton ame cauie : / En gloire es cieulx : qui de nul deseruie : / Estre ne peult en ceste vie lumaine : / Si ne laisse terre: auoir: et demaine : Et pere : et mere : et tout >il est possible : / Et viure en peine : et en labeur terrible : / En seruant dieu cousiours paciemment / Cest le chemin qui conduit seurement : / Apres trespas : :omme a saluacion : / Et qui va autrement 5 6 : il va a damnement : / Homme des- :ait et a perdicion. 1 Ce qu’on lit ici est une Ballade ou ce qu’on appelle autrement un Chant Boyal. Les cinq derniers vers sont ce qui, dans ces sortes de pieces, est appelc Y Envoi. La in de chaque vers dans le corps du Poeme n’est indiquee que par une marque de leux points : encore cela n’est il pas fait bien regulierement. Mais j’y ai supplee par le petites lignes perpendiculaires. * Be vivre en vie certaine. Je soup^onne qu’il faut lire avoir vie certaine. 3 Chose forte. C’est a dire Chose difficile. Notez pour la mesure que dans nos rieux Poetes c’est une chose fort commune que de donner de la quantite ou de la raleur a un e muet qui tombe sur la cesure. Il y a apparence qu’ils pronomyuent cet e autrement que ne le prononcent aujourd’hui ceux qui suivent la delicatesse de [’usage moderne. Je m’ imagine qu’ils le pronom;oient comme encore aujourd’hui certaines gens le prononcent en quelques rencontres ; lesquels par exemple, dans ces interrogations, Veux-je ? Puis-je ? Irai-je ? Ferai-je 1 Aime-je ? Parle-je de telle ca 9 on qu’ils le font presque rimer avec jeu. 4 Pour ton ame. Une muet sur la cesure. Appliquez a cela ma remarque pre- cedente. Et ajoutez l’exemple qui vient ici quatre ou cinq vers plus has, dans le vers font le premier hemisticlie consiste en ces mots, Si ne laisse. 6 Et qui va autrement : il va a damnement. Au lieu d’un vers de dix syllables en voila un de douze qui semble meme de diviser en deux de six. H se peut que cela K 74 PROLEGOMENA. “ Guide tu cy tousiours auoir loysir / Dauoir pardon sans satisfation. Et toute nuit en blanc lit mol gesir : / Puis a seiour sans operacion : / Passer le temps en delectacion : / Tant que du tout la chair soit assouuye : / Pense tu point quil faille que on deuye 1 / Et que prengne fin 2 puissance mondaine : / Helas ouy : car mort viendra soubdaine : / Yne heure a toy : a tout son dart horrible : / Si tres a coup comme chose inuisible : / Que pas nauras loisir au- cunement : De dire a dieu: peccaui seulement / Ainsi mourras tout sans con- triction / Don tu seras par diuin iugement / Homme desfait et a perdicion./ Homme en peril saiche certainement Que se tu nas autre vouloir brefuement : 3 De tamender : ne autre deuocion : Tu te verras vng iour subitement Homme desfait et a perdicion.” This ballad is immediately followed by a description of the punishments which men and women have to suffer in Hell for the seven capital sins. Indeed, it is difficult to say whether in this section the pen of the writer or the pencil of the engraver has been more successful in producing a horrible picture. When Jesus Christ is in the house of Simon the Pharisee, with his disciples and Lazarus, and Simon doubts Lazarus’s resurrection, the Saviour bids the latter relate what he saw in Hell. In the same order as above in the tree of sins, Lazarus gives them an account of the punishments which are inflicted for the seven capital sins, and the matter is thus arranged, that first comes Lazarus’s account, then follows a woodcut illustrating it, and at the end some reflections of a moralizing character are subjoined, which are full of common sense and much to the point. soit de 1’ Auteur. Mais il se peut aussi que ce soit cbangement. Je croirois assez qu'il faut lire. Et qui va outre, &c. : ou bien, Et qui va autre : c. a. d. autre cliemin. Notez pour la le9on, Et qui va outre, que l’expression d 'Alter outre rend assez litte- ralement le verb Latin Transgredi. 1 Deuye. On a dit devier pour de vivre ou sortir de vie, aller de vie a trepas. 2 Et que prenge fin, puissance mondaine. Je pense qu’il faut lire: Et prengne fin jouissance mondaine. 3 Que si tu nas autre vouloir brefuement. La inesure y sera si l’on fait le dernier mot de deux syllabes : brev’ment. Mais je croirois plutot que le mot autre est venu ici du vers suivant & qu’il faut lire. Que si tu nas vouloir briefuement, ou bien Que si tu nas au vouloir brefuement : ou bien encore, Que si tu nas le vouloir brefuement : ce ne figurant avec celui du vers qui suit, ne autre devotion, ou j’avertis en passant qu’il faut prononcer n’autre devotion. THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 75 For “ pride ” the poor wretches are punished by being attached to wheels which turn round very rapidly. Pride, says the author, is the king and captain of all sins, for as a king watches over all that belong to him, so does “ pride ” nourish and cherish all the other sins. The fiend is compared to a crow. Like a crow, when it has found a nut too hard to crack with its bill, flies up into the air and drops it down on the ground in order to break it, so the fiend raises his victims to high positions in order to make them afterwards fall the lower. Proud and meek or humble people are like chaff and wheat ; while the former is light and carried away by the wind, the latter remains, and can be gathered into the barn ; so the sinful perish, and the good live for ever. For the rest I shall only outline the contents of this chapter, leaving it to the reader to appreciate its minutiae for himself. Envious men and women are punished by being plunged into ice- cold water, while a cold and cutting wind blows fiercely at them and makes them sink down. The wrathful are thrown into deep and stinking caves, where they are stabbed and smitten with swords. The “ slowtheful ” are thrown into a horrible dark hole, where they ire slowly gnawed up by big serpents. The covetous are tortured in big “ calderons” filled with molten lead and other metals. The gluttonous are compelled to eat venomous worms, and at last the lecherous are thrown into wells full of fire and brimstone from which aorrible and stinking smoke arises. In the next or third part of the “ Compost” we are led away from diese scenes of horror and suffering to the garden of virtues, but before describing it, the author or compiler deems it necessary to acquaint us with the means by which eternal joy may be obtained. Like a man who wishes to produce abundance of good fruit in his garden has continually to labour and work it, so those who wish ;o reap spiritual fruit must perpetually “ laboure and dense ” their con- science and exercise themselves in good works. For this purpose five hings are recommended, viz., the Lord’s Prayer, Ave Maria, Crede, or he twelve articles of faith, the ten commandements “ of the Law,” and he five articles of the church; all these are then elaborately described, explained, and illustrated by various woodcuts. As the contents of 76 PROLEGOMENA. this chapter ought to be known to everybody, I have not thought it necessary to enter upon details. In the French text, and also in the ed. Paris, 1503, then follow eight stanzas, which are omitted in the English editions, beginning thus : “ 0 dieu du haultain firmament Mon vessel souillie plain dordure Par mon maulvais gouuernement Nage en mei en grant aduenture Le vessel cest la creature Et tout ce qua luy apartient Cest delit mondain qui peu dure Dont peu souuent nous en souuint.” etc. After this, both in the French and English texts, occur twenty- five Latin verses, beginning: “ Nos sumus in hoc mundo sicut navis super mare,” and a prose-paragraph, which, as far as its length and contents are concerned, differs considerably in the two texts. The thirty-two lines of English verse in the “ Kalender ” be- ginning, “ God gyde me ryglit/ that I wonse myglit,” etc., have no equivalent in the “ Compost.” The field of virtues is the next subject in the two texts. It is, of course, impossible for me to give a detailed account of this lengthy treatise, but I shall indicate its style. He who will be saved must pass the field of virtues, which leads to the tower of wisdom, z.e., the love of God. Who wishes to come to the love of God, must be possessed of the sovereign virtue, charity. Who does not do God’s will while he is alive, will not be recognized by God on the day of judgment. Ignorance will not be considered an excuse by God. As deadly sin is the beginning of all evil, so is the “ vertu science ” the beginning of all goodness. There are seven things which we ought to understand, viz. : “ Les articles de la foy lesquelx on doit croire fermement. Item les peticions contenues en loraison nostre seigneur par lesquelles on luy demande toutes choses necessaires pour son salut et quon doit esperer de luy. Item les commandemens de la loy et de saincte eglise qui enseignent ce quon doit faire et ce quon ne doit mie faire. Item de quelle vocation on est. et les choses aperte- nantes a icelle. Item se on est en grace de nostre seigneur ou non. et combien car on ne le puisse savoir certainement. touteffoys on en THE CONTENTS OF “LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 77 peult anoir aucunes coniectures lesqnelles sont bonnes a savoir. Item congnoistre dieu. Item congnoistre soy mesme,” etc. After this long treatise follow, in the “ Compost,” two ballads, the one by a shepherd, the other by a shepherdess ; both are nearly literally translated in the English text. Compare, e.g ., “ Je congnois que dieu ma forme, et fait a sa digne semblance J e congnois que dieu ma domrn. Ame/ sens vie et congnoissance Je congnois qua iuste balance, selon mes faiz iuge seray Je congnois moult : mais ie ne scay congnoistre dont vient la folie Que ie scay bien que ie mourray. et ci namende point ma vie” etc., with the English : “ I knowe that god bathe formed me And made me to his owne lykenes,” etc. The song of death which follows these two ballads is, in the English text, hardly more than an imitation of the French original, where it consists of no less than twelve stanzas like the following : “ Se mon regard ne vous vie?zt a plaisir par sa hideur qui est espouantable prenez en gre congnoissans le desir par quoy pretens qui vous soit profitable il ny a point de moien plus tirable les cueurs a bien que de soy le co?zgnoistre congnoissez done par moy quelx vous fault estre et prepares a mort vostre inventoire les filz de adam tous mourir est notoire ” etc. The translation of the “ dix commandemens du diable ” and “ aucunes peines denfer,” which are in the “ Compost ” written in the same metre as the song of death, are a little more literally translated than previous passages in verse. Instead of the twenty-six lines derived from a passage in the gospel of St. John are, in the French original, the following thirty-two lines : “ Sur ce cheual hydeux et palle La mort suis. fierement assise II nest beaulte que ie ne baale Soit vermeille/ ou blanche/ ou bise Et en courant mort rue et frappe Mais ie tue tout, cest ma guise Tout homme trebuche en ma trappe Je passe par mons et par vaulx Sans tenir ne voye ne sente Je prens par villes et chasteaulx 78 PROLEGOMENA. Mon tribut/ mon cens/ ma rente Sans donner ne delay nattente Ne iour/ ne heure/ ne demye Deuant moy fault quon se presente A tous viuans ie tolz la vie Enfer scet bien quelle tuerie De gens ie faiz. car pas a pas Me suit, et de ma bouclierie Aual lan fait mains gros repas Quant ie besongne il ne dort pas Par moy actend que proie aura Daucun qui ne sen doute pas Sen garde qui garder vouldra Encor me suit raison pour quoy De ceulx que ie tue de mon dart Et sont sans nombre. croyes moy Car il en a la plus grant part Paradis nen a mye le quart Ne la disme. on luy feroit tort Grant sil nauroit tout au plus tart Lomme pecbeur quant il est mort ” On two pages facing one another we then get graphically an idea of the tree of sins, so profusely analyzed in the second part, and the tree of virtues, of which a detailed description follows, comprising the seven principal virtues in the order: Charity, hope, prudence, tem- perance, justice, and force, w r ith additional information of minor virtues originated by the principal ones. The “tower of wisdom,” which in the early French editions occu- pies a folding leaf, as I have above mentioned (p. 13), is not re- produced in the editions of the “ Kalender,” probably because it would have given a great deal of inconvenience to the printers. The fourth part, leaving matters relating to spiritual life, treats of the human body, which, according to the wise shepherd, is a little world by itself. The doctrines of pathology set forth in this section are full of the superstitious beliefs marking the system of medicine taught in the medical schools of the Middle Ages, which was derived from the writings of Greek and Arabian physicians. The relation of the twelve signs of the zodiac to the twelve principal parts of the human body, rules for blood-letting, a list of the bones and veins of the human body, THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER” 79 with a list of all the diseases and complaints for which, at stated times, these latter may be bled, form the main contents of this part. Sub- joined are various paragraphs dealing with the means by which shep- herds at once recognize whether a person be ill or in good health, and giving rules for clothing and a diet for the four seasons of the year. The paragraphs headed, “ A regyment of shepeherdes of certayne thynges good for the body of man/ and of other dyuers thynges oppo- syte to the same,” and “the gouernaunce of helthe,” occurring in the “ Kalender” (vol. iii. pp. 115-121), have no corresponding sections in the “ Compost.” The fifth and last part of the “ Compost ” is devoted to a treatise on astronomy and astrology, notes on physiognomy, and some miscel- laneous matter. The planetary system set forth in the treatise on astronomy differs considerably in many points from our own notions. There we read: “ the worlde is rounde lyke an aple ” ; “ it is nat possyble that any thynge in the erthe shulde be more rounder made than the worlde is ” ; “the erthe is in the myddes of the worlde,” etc. Like the shell and the white of an egg surround the yolk, so, according to the shepherds, the earth as the kernel of the world is surrounded by no less than nine heavens in the following order: Nearest to the earth is the heaven of the moon, then follow Mercury, Venus, the sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturnus, and the fixed stars. The eighth is the so-called crystal heaven, while the ninth, the imperial heaven, is the seat of God. The description of the movements of the planets, the remarks on the equi- noxes, the zodiac, the meridian, and the horizon, are, like the preceding chapters, based upon the superstitious and erroneous notions current in the times when astronomy was still in its infancy. Some observations on the various regions of the earth, — the shep- herds distinguish four, — their seven climates and habitableness, and on various constellations, follow. Seven lines in verse in the “Kalender” (vol. iii. p. 140) beginning, “ Aryes is good, taurus is not,” etc., are absent from the “Compost,” whereas the following poem, which in the “ Compost ” precedes the description of the planets and their properties, is not found in the “ Kalender.” 80 PROLEGOMENA. “ Mon filz ie te donne a entendre Ce que ie scay et puis comprandre Du ciel et estoilles que y sont Ou ie pense bien au parfont Je considere les signes tous Partie sur terre autre desoubz Et ainsi des sept planetes Tant belles cleres et nectes Je pense la lune coucber Et du soleil qui veult leuer Je considere de orient La partie midy : et Occident Septentrion et le pomeau Des cielx moult cler & moult beau Pour toute creature liumaine Je veulz mozistrer voye certaine A toy congnoistre et bien rigler Comme lu te dois gouuerner Et pourras cy veoir comment Tous bergiers sauent seurement Les natures des planetes Que dieu a ordonnees et faictes En les suiuarat dedews leurs signes Tu troueras belles doctrines Qui te donront aduisement De ton fait & gouuernement Car ie te dis et si tenseigne Que chascun porte son enseigne Lune est triste. Lautre ioyeuse Lune est Here. Lautre amoreuse Lune chaude. Lautre tresfroide Lune est doulce. et lautre roide Lune venteuse. Lautre fresclie Lune moyte. Lauti'e seiche Lune arrogante. Lautre bonne Ainsi que dieu si leur ordonne Conclusion plaise non plaise Lune bonne. Lautre maluaise Saturne froit qui tient lempire Des sept planetes est le pire Et mars chault qui bien lapercoit Ne vault riews rnieulx chose qui soit Jupiter bon aussi est venus THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 81 Ces deux sont les meilleurs tenus Mercure ploye a deux endrois Bon ou maluais cowme par drois Se treuue ioinct et a quelcun autre Qui le fait tel que luy non autre Soleil et lune ont les renons De moytie mauuais moytie bons Ainsi sauras sans faire doubte Leur mauuaitie ou bonte toute Par la figure qui sensuit Congnoistras de iour et de nuit En chascune lieure quel planete Regne. si bien sauoir te haite Et cornme leurs heures sont toutes Aucun te?«ps longues, autre courtes Je te monstreray par figure De chascun quelle est sa nature Par quoy scauras pour verite La vertu et propriete.” The properties of the planets in prose in the English text are in verse in the French original. As an example I may quote the sun and his properties : “ Je suis planete non pared Des autres nomme le soleil Et si suis iustement moyens De mes freres tresanciens Chault et sec suis de ma nature Du lyon ie ayme la figure Et en sa maison me retraire Saturne fort si mest contraire Par sa froideur et sans esser Ma grant clialeur quiert abaisser Les signes passe sans seiours En trois cens soixante cinq iours.” “ De sa propriete Qui soubz le soleil sera ne Beau de face sera trouue Blanche aura couleur et tendre,” etc. After the paragraph headed “ A greate question between e two shepeherdes ” (vol. iii. p. 145) follows in the “ Compost” one with the L 82 PROLEGOMENA. heading “ Lan que ce present compost & Kalendrier a este fait et corrige,” which is omitted in the “ Ivalender.” Now in both “Compost” and “Ivalender” follow the notes on physiognomy, but the opening paragraph of this chapter is consider- ably shortened in the latter, and at the end are added the following lines in the “ Compost,” which do not occur in the “ Ivalender ”: “ Qui du tout son cueur met en dieu. II a son cuer et si a dieu Et qui le met en autre lieu. II pert son cueur et si pert dieu Humble maintien ioieulx et asseure Langaige meur amoreux veritable Habit moyen lionneste assaisonne Froit en son fait constant & raisonnable Hanter les bons saiges vaillans et preux Refection sobre a heure breue table Font lomme saige et a tous gracieux Plante parler peu dire voir Plante despendre et peu auoir. Plante ciuder et peu sauoir Sont trois signes de rien valoir. Six clioses sont quau monde nont mestier Pbrestre liardi ne couart cheuallier Mire piteux ne rongneux boulengier Juge conuoiteux ne puant barbier.” Information regarding the practice of the “ cadrante ” of the shepherds, enabling them to know the time by day and by night, the impressions shepherds get in the night while watching their herds in contemplating the starry heaven, and a Latin poem, being the epitaph of a great “ thunderstone ” (“pierre de fouldre ”) having fallen down in the “contree de ferrate de la duche dautriche pres vne ville nomme Ensisheim,” make up the contents of the ensuing sections. The chapter relating to the twelve months (vol. iii. pp. 153-5), in prose in the English translation, is written in verse in the French text. The stanza for March runs, e.g ., thus : “ Mais quawt des ans a dixliuifc Adonc se change a tel deduit Quil cuide valoir mille mars Ainsi comme le moys de mars En beaulte cha??ge et prewt valour.” From this point forward to the end the English text (ed. 1506) deviates considerably from Marchant’s edition of 1497, because it goes back to the edition of Paris, 1503, which is derived from the ed. Geneva, 1497. In the Paris edition of 1497 the sections occurring THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE IvALENDER.” 83 are these : 1°. Two poems of “ lacteur.” 2°. “ Les ditz des oyseaulx comme les pasteurs gardans leur brebis les oyent chanter et parler.” 3°. A poem without a heading, but treating of a woman, a snail, and some armed men. 4°. “ Meditasions de la passion nostre seigneur Jesucrist.” 5°. A poem of six stanzas of twelve lines each, with one stanza of five after the third, and one stanza of six lines after the sixth stanza ; also this poem has no heading, but begins thus : “ Homme mortel cree de terre et fait. Du Createur forme a sa semblance Las l’econgnois le bien que dieu ta fait. Puis que tu es homme priue denfance Remembre toy et ayez souuenance. Cueur dur remply de trop grant vanite Du hault degre et de la dignite. Ou dieu ta mis indigne creature Tant riche & noble esleu en prelature. Dont tu rendras compte quoy quil tarde Mais scez tu quant / demain par auenture ou auiourduy pourtant donne ten garde ” etc. And 6°. “Aucunes oraisons et autres en forme de balades” including a horner’s song in six stanzas of eight lines each, warning people of the last judgment. In order to quote also an example from this last section of the F rench original, I give the six stanzas of the horner’s song. 1 “ Dictie des trespassez en forme 2 de balade, et du iugement.” 1 In the “ Compost et Kalendrier des bergeres ” (Paris, 1499), mentioned re- peatedly, occurs on fol. h 5 recto another horner’s song, evidently derived from one of the various editions of the “ Danse Macabre.” It begins thus : “ Cry de la mort. “To to to que chascun sauance Main a main venir a la dance Macabre, danser la conuient Tous. et a plusieurs nen souuient que quant sera force y venir Bien tart sera den souuenir Yenez hommes femmes enfans ” etc. 2 In the copy of G-uy Marchant’s edition of 1500, in the British Museum, here the following MS. note is added : “ Hie est ista dies nigro Carbone notanda, Rancos inspirat lituos, buccasque fumentes Inflat, et attonitum replet clangoribus orbem.” 84 PROLEGOMENA. “ Yenimeuses tu qui portes la corne Tons escornans de ton escorne cor Au contraire dune grande licorne Rendant le lieu plus intoxique encor Encor cornes cornement dun grant cor Dont les cornars sen vont a la cornee Tous escornez nayans en leurs cors cor Auecques toute cornardie escornee.” “ Celle sera bien de corne cornee Dont luy fauldra sa grant cornete Quau monde nest pas encor nee Et escoutant le hault son du cor nete Netz en espritz aussi netz du corps nete Dont vostre ame se sera encornee Du grant cornu qui sans cesse cornete Auecques toute cornardie escornee.” “ Escornee sera du cornement Dune tant terrible cornacion Fort cornante et se le cor ne ment Eschape nest encor nacion La nacion nest qui de ces cornetz Ainsi cornans en puist estre exemptee Car la seres infectz on des corps netz ? Auecques toute cornardie escornee.” “ Encor ne naist nul exempt du cornu Ne de celle grande cornarderie Et quant cbascun sera la du corps nu Garde naures quune cornarde rie Cornarderie naura quelque cornarde Ne escorne cornard a la iournee Donques prions a dieu que noz corps narde Auecques toute cornardie escornee.” “ O saint michel garde nous du cornant De corps cornu car se le corne rompt Cornupetant nous venra escornant Quant les anges de leur cor corneront Le corps ne rompt iames aux bien cornez Aux oreilles cornans nuit & vespree Pour nous rendre de noz corps escornez Auecques toute cornardie escornee.” THE CONTENTS OF “ LE COMPOST” AND “THE KALENDER.” 85 In Pynson’s edition, 1506, the last sections are these: 1°. “ Medy- tacyons of the Passyon of our lorde Jhesu cryste.” 2°. “ To knowe the fortunes and destenies of man borne vnder the xii. sygnes after Ptholemeus prynce of astronomy.” 3°. The twelve signs of the zodiac, preceded by a prologue of the “ auctour.” 4°. The ten “ cristen nacyens.” 5°. A sort of epilogue by the “ awtor ” in five stanzas of seven lines each. In the edition of Wynkyn de Worde, London, 1508, which is not derived from the ed. Paris, 1503, but goes back to Guiot Marchant’s edition of 1497 or 1500, are, besides other matter, some chapters corresponding to the above sections of the French edition: 1°. “A meruaylous consyderacyon of the grete vnderstandyng of shepeherdes.” 2°. “Howe plowmen sholde do.” 3°. “Of an assaute agaynst a snayle.” 4°. “ The saynge of a deed man.” 5°. “Certayne orysons & prayers/ and fyrste a decysyon theologycall on a questyon to knowe yf,” etc. And 6°. A horner’s song in five stanzas of seven lines each. Further additions occurring in the editions of Julyan Notary ( ? 1518) and Wynkyn de Worde (1528) I have mentioned in the chapter on the various editions of the “ Kalender.” VIII. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “KALENDER.” T HE statements found in various writers concerning the sources of the “ Compost ” are all more or less erroneous, for all imply that the “ Compost ” is the work of one man. Thus Le Duchat, in his notes to Rabelais’ “Gargantua” (ed. 1732, vol. i. p. 104), says: “ Le Com- post, c’est la traduction Frangoise du trait4 intitutil4, liber Aniani qui Compotus nuncupatur , cum commento ,” etc. A comparison of the liber Aniani with the “ Compost ” shows at once that this statement is not founded on anything else than the fact that a few Latin verses are common to both. Brunet, moreover, in his Manuel , etc. (vol. ii. p. 208), contradicts it by saying: “ Cependant ce Compotus [be., liber Aniani ] n’est pas l’original du Compost frangais.” M. Lenient, in his work “La Satire en France au moyen age” (Paris, 1859, p. 231), says : “ Le Compost est une imitation evidente du petit livre de Jehan de Brie” 1 I have read this little book, but I am unable to see in what way the “ Compost ” is an imitation of it. Warton, in his “History of English Poetry” (ed. 1871, vol. iii. pp. 157-159), makes some more valuable, although very indefinite, remarks with regard to the sources of the “ Compost.” I have spent much time in the investigation of the sources, and have come to the conclusion that, although there is a possibility of settling this subject satisfactorily in all respects, it would involve enormous labour and research, certainly entirely out of proportion to the importance of the results ; for most of the sources, i.e., Latin and other MSS. of the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth centuries are dispersed all over Europe, and many of them have only come down to us as fragments. But though I must leave several minor points 1 “ Le Bon Berger, ou Le vray regime et gouvernement des Bergers et Bergeres : compose par le rustique Jelian de Brie Le Bon Berger.” Written about a.d. 1379. Printed, Paris, 1541. Reprinted, Paris, 1879, by Paul Lacroix. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “KALENDER.” 87 unsettled, I am in a position to give a very much more precise and determined answer to the question of the sources of the “Compost” than any of my predecessors. The “ Compost” contains none or very little original work, nor is it an imitation or a translation of one work ; on the contrary, it is a compilation, the single parts of which have been ransacked from various sources. It contains nothing which was not known with regard to the subjects in question at the end of the fifteenth century, and its chief advantage, and probably the cause of its success, was the fact that it united the different subjects of interest into one printed volume, thus making it more accessible to the public at large. In the same order as I have, in the preceding chapter, given an account of the contents of the “ Compost” according to its five prin- cipal parts, I will now proceed to state what I have found with regard to its sources. The first part, or the calendar proper, affords great difficulties as to its sources, not for want, but for abundance of material. The Latin Calendaria in MSS., the almanacks in various languages, both in print and MS. — though many of them have been destroyed and disappeared without having left any trace of their existence — are still very nume- rous, if mostly only fragments. According to all appearance even this first part is derived from various sources. The two prologues “ de lacteur” and of “le bergier” may reason- ably be supposed to be the author’s own composition, for indeed they contain but some general remarks on subjects familiar to everybody. A great deal of the calendar proper (vol. iii. pp. 10-16) is derived from “ Magistri Aniani Compotus manualis metricus cum comento.” 1 In the edition of 1488 of the “liber Aniani,” the lines beginning “ Filius, esto . dei,” etc., occur on fol. v verso; on the same page are printed the lines “Fructus alit canos,” etc. The lines “Ternus . vndi . nod . octo,” etc., are to be found on fol. xxii verso, and “ A . dam . de . ge . bat,” etc., on fol. xx recto. ' I have not been able to find any MS. of this “ Compotus manualis ” [a “ Com- potus manualis ” in Royal MS. 8. D. 14, Brit. Mus., ff. 3 recto to 5 verso, is not the same], but had to make use of the earliest printed edition, the colophon of which runs thus : “ Impressum Argn. per Johannem pry]) Anno domini 1488. 18. kail 9 , decembris.” 88 PROLEGOMENA. The lines consisting of syllables composed for the purpose of finding the holy days in each of the twelve months, translated in the “Compost,” are embodied in their original shape into the “Ivalender.” In the “liber Aniani ” they occur on ff. xxi verso and xxii recto. 1 “ Les clitz des . xii . moys,” common to both “ Compost ” and “ Ivalender,” I was unable to trace anywhere. It is not impossible, though, I believe, hardly probable, that they are the original work of the author of the “ Compost.” The various tables, the day-calendar for the twelve months forming the contents of vol. iii. pp. 20-36, are undoubtedly derived from some Latin Calendarium, but which I cannot say, though I have seen a great many, in MS. and in print, 2 in which the matter is very similarly treated and arranged. In the “ Horae,” the books of liturgy of the Church of Rome of the fifteenth century, in MS. as well as in print, generally occur in the beginning day-calendars of the twelve months with the names of the saints, very similarly arranged as in the “ Compost.” In the “ Horae,” printed in France in the last quarter of the fifteenth century, 3 I noticed the phlebotomical figure of the human body, referred to later on, and also the four Latin verses, heading each of the twelve months in the “ Compost,” as e.g . : “ In iano claris calidisque cibis potaris Atque decens potus post fercula sit tibi notus Ledit enim medo tunc potatus vt bene credo Balnea tutius intres venam findere cures.” These two latter items I have not found in the MSS . 4 of the “ Horae.” The eclipses of the sun and the moon had already been very 1 In the Lansdowne MS. 762, Brit. Mus. (fifteenth century), occurs on the last folio a “ Compownde Manewell,” being nothing but the twenty-four lines in Latin for the holy days in the twelve months. 2 Joanni de Monteregio Calendarium, 1474 ; Nider de Gamundia, Calendarium ; Bishop Ely’s [1189-1198] Compotus Mannalis, MS. Egerton, 2261 ; Versus de mensis signis zodiaci cursu anni octo tramitibus circuli decennovalis septem dierum appellationibus, MS. Vitellius, A. xii. 5 ; Calendarium cum versibus de mensibus, cyclis epactis aetate mundi, etc., MS. Julian, D. xi. ; Versus de aureo numero, etc., MS. Arundel, 25, otc., etc. 3 Compare e.g. “Horae ad vsum Parisiensium ” (Brit. Mus. C. 29, g. 16), printed in 1488, or the same (Brit. Mus. C. 29, li. 14), printed at Paris in 1491. 1 Such MSS. are at the British Museum, e.g. Harl. 2916, 2918, 2922, 2962. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “ KALENDER.” 89 much in the same manner represented in the earliest xylographic German almanacks I have seen. The Latin verses on page 40 are perhaps derived from the same Latin Calendarinm, perhaps drawn from some Astronomical treatise. I have found in the Sloane MS. 702, fol. 42 v., Brit. Mus., headed by the twelve signs of the zodiac, twelve stanzas, which for the most part agree with the ones in the “ Compost.” The lines headed: “ De duodecim signis “Idem de signis;” “ De quattuor partibus ami ; ” “ De vere ; ” “ De estate ; ” “ De auctumno ; ” “ De hyeme ; ” are copied from the “ liber Aniani,” where they occur (ed. 1488) ff. xliii verso and xliiii recto. The first section of the second part of the “ Compost,” i.e ., the detailed description of the tree of sins and its various branches, boughs, and twigs, is undoubtedly derived from friar Laurent’s — or Laurentius Gallus, as he is designated in Latin — “ Le somme des Vices 1 & de Vertues,” sometimes incorrectly styled: “Li libres roiaux de Vices et de Vertus,” “Le livre des Commandemens,” “La somme le roi,” or “ Le Miroir du monde,” composed by him in the year 1279 for the use of King Philip II. of France. There are still a great many MSS. of this work extant, and it was also several times printed towards the end of the fifteenth and the beginning of the six- teenth centuries. About 1340 a.d. a certain Dan Michel, of North- gate, Kent, translated Laurent’s book into English, under the title of “ Ayenbite of Inwyt,” 2 without stating whence he derived his infor- mation, only saying that he drew from various books. In the year 1484 William Caxton published his “ Booke Royal,” which is also a translation of Laurent’s book. Laurent’s “ Somme ” contains the following eight paragraphs : 1 The MSS. in the British Museum are: Cleop. A. v. ; Arundel, 57; Add. 28,126, 28,963, and 24,125 ; Reg. C. ii. There are besides Various other MSS. in the Museum dealing with sins and virtues, such, e.g., as Harl. 1310; Lansdowne, 380. The MSS. of the Bibliotheque Nationale are described in the xixth vol. of “ Histoire Litteraire de France.” The contents of one of these MSS. are described by Paulin Paris in “Les Manuscrits Framyhs ” (Paris, 1840), vol. iii. p. 388, etc. 2 MS. Arundel, 57, ed. 1855 by J. Stevenson for the Roxburghe Club, in 1866 by Richard Morris for the Early English Text Society; MSS. Add. 17,013 of the Brit. Mus., and MS. 283 of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, contain prose versions of a later date. M 90 PROLEGOMENA. 1°. Des Sept P4cli6s mortels. 2°. Des Articles cle la Foy. 3. Les dix commandemens de la loy. 4°. De la science de bien mourir. 5°. Les pdticions de la Pater noster. 6°. Des septs dons du saint esprit. 7°. Des dons et des vertus. 8°. Des dignit4s de l’arbre de Chast^e. While the compiler of the “ Compost ” found in Laurent’s book all the material for his tree of sins, it is not improbable that the idea of arranging the matter as he has done may be originally his own. The ballad which links, as it were, this section to the next., be- ginning: u Las: et pour quoy prens tu,” etc., reproduced above, p. 73, and imitated in the “ Kalender ” (pp. 66-67), is transcribed from the edition of Guiot Marchant’s famous “ Danse Macabre (des femmes),” Paris, I486. 1 It is also printed in the edition of the “Compost et Kalendrier des bergeres,” Paris, 1499, fol. i iU , mentioned on page 17 of this volume. In the edition of Paris, 1858, this ballad occurs on fol. Oj verso, etc. The punishments for the seven deadly sins in Hell are derived from the book mentioned and described above: 2 ‘ L’art de bien vivre et mourir,” printed for the first time in 1492, existing perhaps, though we do not know it, previously in MS. form, and if not partly drawn from, certainly very closely related to the “ Somme ” mentioned be- fore. The account of the punishments found in the “ Compost ” is greatly condensed; in the ed. 1492 of “ L’art,” etc., it occupies ff. d 8 verso to f 6 recto ; as an example of the style in the source I will quote a portion of the introductory paragraph : “ Nous lisons en leuangile saint iehan ou xii. chapitre. que lesemadi deuant pasques fieuries vi. iour deuant la grant pasque en contant le dit iour de semadi et le iour de pasque auec les autres quatre iours interposes nostre sauueur iesu- christ vint en bethanie en la maison dung homme appelle symon le lepreux 1 I have seen a long time ago several editions of the “ Danse Macabre ” at the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris ; for my present treatise I have availed myself of the edition published in 1858, at Paris, as No. 24 of “ Collection de Poesies, Romans, Chroniques,” etc., from the editions of Paris, 1486 and 1491. For further informa- tion regarding this “ Danse Macabre ” I refer the reader to Georges Kastner’s “Les Danses des Morts, dissertations et recherches historiques, philosophiques, litteraires et musicales sur les divers monuments de ce genre qui existent ou qui ont existe tant en France qu’a l’etranger,” etc. Paris, 1852, fol. 2 Supra, p. 29. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “ KALENDER.” 91 lequel auoit este guery de sa lepre & ladrerye par le sauueur/ mais encore estoit il appelle lepreux Et la lui preparerent a souper marie magdalene & marie marthe domestiques et familiers du dit symon lepreux/ ou quel souper conuindrent et assemblerent plusieurs iuifz non pas du tout pour lamour de iesus/ mais pour lamour de veoir et oyr parler lazarus frere desdictes maries qui estoit nouuellement resuscite et estoit assis a table au dit souper auecques le redempteur iesuchrist & ses apostres. Et a la requeste et instance de ceux qui estoient a table lesquelz luy prierent et requirent quil leur voulsist parler des paines denfer/ icelles specifier et declairer. II narra deuant tous les assis- tens les diuers lieux de paines infernales,” etc. Concerning this section Thomas Warton 1 says : “This visionary scene of the infernal punishments seems to be borowed from a legend related by Mathew Paris, 2 under the reign of King John; in which the soul of one Turkhill, a native of Tidstude in Essex, is conveyed by St. Julian from his body, when laid asleep, into hell and heaven.” In a foot-note on the same page are further mentioned “ Owain Miles,” 3 “ The Visions of Tundale,” 4 “St. Patrick’s Purgatory,” 5 as treating similar subjects. On the following page in a foot-note, probably one of the commentators says with great decision: “ These highly painted infernal punishments and joys of Paradise are not the invention of the author of the ‘ Kalendrier.’ They are taken both from M. Paris and from Henry of Saltry’s ‘ Description of St. Patrick’s Purgatory,’ written in 1140, and printed by Messingham 6 in his ‘Florilegium Insulae Sanctorum,’ etc. Messingham has connected the two accounts of M. Paris and H. de Saltry with some interpola- tions of his own. This adventure appears in various MSS. No sub- ject could have better suited the devotion and the credulity of the dark ages.” 1 Thomas Warton, “History of English Poetry,” ed. Carew W. Hazlitt, London, 1871, 8vo., vol. iii. p. 157. 2 Mathaei Paris, Monachi Albanensis Angli, “ Historia Major, a Guilielmo Con- quaestore, ad ultiuum annum Henrici tertii,” etc., printed Tiguri, 1589, fol., pp. 178-206. 3 “ O wayne Miles.” 1. MS. Cotton, Caligula, 12, fol. 90, Brit. Mus. 2. Auchin- leck MS., Advocates’ Library, Edinburgh, printed in 1837 by David Laing. 4 “ The Visions of Tundale ” (Auehinleck MS.), ed. by W. B. D. Turnbull in 1843. 5 “ St. Patrick’s Purgatory,” ed. Th. Wright, London, 1844. 8vo. 6 Th. Messingham, “ Florilegium Insulae Sanctorum,” Paris, 1624, contains : “Henry of Saltry’s Description of St. Patrick’s Purgatory,” chap. vi. p. 101. 92 PROLEGOMENA. If this statement had been made with regard to the “ Lart de bien vivre et morir,” there would be some possible foundation in it, in so far as the author of this work may probably have received the sugges- tion to write from one of the above-mentioned treatises; as far as the “ Compost ” is concerned it is certainly incorrect, for this is directly derived from the “ L’art,” etc. It would lead me too far away from my task, and would also be beyond the limits of this present chapter, if I were to attempt the determination of the sources of the “ Lart.” The third part of the “ Compost” is derived, besides from various other sources, principally from the “ Lart de bien viure et mourir,” ed. 1492. The twenty-one opening lines of this part (fol. f Ui ), “ Qui veult vne terre faire porter fructz en abundance,” etc., seem to be the com- piler’s own composition ; they form, as it were, an introduction to the following chapters. The Paternoster occurs in the “ Lart ” on ff. CC 3 recto — CC 8 recto; The Salutacion of the Virgin on ff. BB 6 to CC 2 verso; The twelve articles of faith on ff CC 8 verso to EE 2 recto; The ten commandements of the law on ff. EE 2 recto to FF 4 recto. The Commandement of holy church are not in the “ Lart,” and must, therefore, have been drawn from some other source. As the refe- rences to the folios of the “ Lart ” show, the succession of chapters is altered in the “ Compost ” and the matter is considerably condensed. Where the contents of the next two folios of the “ Compost ” are taken from I am unable to say (I incline to think from one of the numerous editions of the “ Danse Macabre,” as the style is entirely that of these compositions) ; they contain a long French poem beginning : O o “ O Dieu du haultain firmament Mon vessel soullie plain dordure Par mon maulvais gouvernement Nage en mei en grant adventure,” etc. Further a Latin poem : “ Nos sunius in hoc mundo, sicut nauis super mare Semper est in periculo semper timet accubare,” etc. And at last a short prose-paragraph of ten lines beginning : “ Homme mortel viuant au monde bien est compare au nauire sus mer ou riuiere,” etc. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “KALENDER.” 93 The contents of ff. f 8 verso — g 2 verso, i.e., the long prose-paragraph opening thus: “ En cheminant plus oultre ou champs des vertus,” etc., is a free paraphrase of the chapter “ Les sept dons de saint esprit,” occupying ff. FF 5 recto — FF 8 verso of the “ Lart.” The latter portion of this prose-paragraph beginning on fol. G 2 verso: “ Vne question dun maistre bergier a vng simple bergier pour sauoir come se congnoissoit et demandoit en ceste maniere,” must be either derived from some other source, or added by the compiler. The two ballads of the shepherd and shepherdess on IF g 3 recto and g 4 verso are transcribed from the “ Danse Macabre.” The long poem: “ Se mon regard ne vous vient a plaisir par sa hideur qui est epouvantable,” which also occurs in the “ Compost des bergeres ” (1499), is evidently also derived from some edition of the “ Danse Macabre,” though I have not been able to see it. The ten commandements of the devil, and the “ aucunes peines denfer,” occupying fol. g 5 verso, I have not been able to trace, but the poem on fol. g 6 recto, “ Sur ce cheual hydeux et palle,” is again trans- cribed from the “ Danse Macabre.” The graphical representation of the tree of sins and virtues is derived from some old MS., such as, e. g., Arundel 83, fol. 128 verso and 129 recto, Reg. I. B. X., fol. 5 verso and 6 recto, and Arundel Plut. 44, fF. 28 and 29, certainly from another and different source than the long description of the tree of sins in the second part, as many differences point out. The description of the seven principal virtues may either be de- rived from the above-mentioned “ Somme des vertues et des vices,” or from ff. FF 4 — FF 5 recto of the “ Lart de bien viure et mourir.” The tower of wisdom, occupying in the early French editions a folding leaf, some possible sources of which I have already above (p. 13) quoted, is not reproduced in the English editions. The fourth part of the “ Compost,” devoted to the treatment of the human body, is derived from various sources, such as treatises on health, anatomy, and phlebotomy. The abundance of MSS. of this kind renders it impossible to exactly determine which the direct sources of the “ Compost” were, but the matter set forth in this section occurs similarly, though with greater detail, in many of the MSS. I have seen. All that is said 94 PROLEGOMENA. about phlebotomy may be read in MSS. Arundel 251, fob 46, etc.; Add. 29,301; Sloane 706, ff. 100-103, and Add. 17,987, fol. 96, which is a German calendar 1 written in the year 1446, and resembles in many features the “Kalender of Shepeherdes.” Some similar remarks as to “ the sygnes by the whiche shepeherdes knowe a man hole and well dysposed in his body,” etc., occur in Sloane MS. 213, fob 118 verso, etc. The “ regyme ” of health which then follows seems to be directly or indirectly derived from the “ Gouernayle of Helthe,” with the “ Medicina Stomachi,” of which many Latin and English MSS. exist. 2 The contents of vol. iii. pp. 115-121 are absent from the early editions of the “ Compost,” and therefore added when the book was for the first time printed at London in 1506. The first of these two paragraphs : “ A regyment of shepeherdes of certayne thynges good for the body of man/ and other dyuers thynges opposyte to the same,” I have found very similar, though with far more detail, in Sloane MS. 106, fob 167, etc., and in Royal MS. 17, C. xv. and xvi.). 3 “ The gouernaunce ot helthe” is transcribed from some MS. of the 1 I have also seen a German almanack of “ Meyster Almansor,” printed at Augsburg in 1481, having many features in common with the “ Compost.” — Compare also : Bart.holomei Glanvilla, “ Prohemium de proprietatibus rerum,” Cologne, 1470, fol., translated into French by J. Corbichon, under the title of “ Le proprietaire en fran 9 oys,” and printed at Lyons, 1481, fol. 2 The MSS. of the “ Governaile of health ” are these : In the British Museum three Latin MSS., viz., Sloane, 3149 and 2460 (one volume) ; Sloane, 1986 ; Sloane, 3566 ; and three English MSS., viz., Sloane, 989 and 3215 ; Harleian, 2390. In the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, two English MSS., viz., 1481 and 1498. The MSS. of the “ Medicina Stomachi,” i.e., the stanzas named the “ gouernaunce of helthe” in the “Kalender,” are: Lansdowne, 699; Harl., 116; Harl., 4011; Hark, 2251, and Sloane, 989. — The “ Medicina ” and the “ Governaile ” were printed together about 1491 by William Caxton and by Wynkyn de Worde, probably early in the sixteenth century. Caxton’ s text was edited by my late lamented friend William Blades in 1858, in an edition of only fifty-five copies, with the title : “ The Gouernayle of Helthe : with The Medecyne of y e Stomacke ; ” reprinted from Caxton’s edition (ca. 1491), with Introductory Remarks and Notes by William Blades. London, 1858, 8vo. 3 Compare also the “Regimen Sanitatis Salerni,” reprinted at Oxford, 1806, in Sir John Sinclair’s “ Code of Health and Longevity,” and 1830 at Oxford, by Sir Alexander Croke. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “ KALENDER.” 95 already mentioned “Medicina Stomachi,” as, e.g., Lansdowne MS. 699 (ff. 85 verso to 88 recto), which is a collection of poems by Dan John Lydgate, in one handwriting and paper. In this MS. there are, however, the following eight stanzas added, after the fourth stanza beginning “ For helthe of body cover fro colde thyn hede ” : “ Leveyn bred/ the past & terapred cleene and weell decoct/ made of good whete flour day & half old/ in tast it shal be seene, and eschew/ excesse of labour walk in gardeyns/ sote of ther savour temperatly/ & take also good keep Gorge vpon Gorge/ is cause of gret langour And in especial/ flee meridian sleep. “ In thi drynkis/ put cleene sawge & rewe botlie be good/ & liolsom of natur And phisik seith/ the rose flour is dewe and ypocras recorditli/ in scriptur good wyn is holsom/ to eny creatur take in mesur/ with v. addicions strong fressh & cold/ off tarage & verdur most comendid/ among al nacions. “A repleet stomak/ causith gret damage Gronying grutthyng/ walkyng at mydnyth bothe in folkis old/ & yong of Age a litill sopeer/ at morwe makith men liht ther be thre lechees/ cowsarue a manys myght first a glad hert/ he carith lite or nouht temperat diet/ holsom for euery Wiht And best of all/ for no thyng take no thouht. “ Care away/ is a good medycyne digest aflforn/ preparat with gladnesse An holsom dia / distyllyng from the vyn of Bachus gardeyn/ corages to redresse Auruwz potabile/ in hoot or cold seekenesse hard to be bouht/ for folk in poverte watir growell wacheth of grennesse abatith the brennyng/ of ther infirmyte. 96 PROLEGOMENA. “ Greedi souper/ & drynkyng late at eve Causeth of flewme/ gret superfluyte Colre adust/ doth the stomak greve Malencolik/ a froward gest pn'de off mykil/ or litel coraeth al Infirmyte attween thes too/ for lak of governaunce dryue out a mene/ excesse of starfete set thi Botaill/ vpon tempcraurace. “ I mene as thus/ for any froward delite Yiff ther falle a lust/ of fals excesse that wold agrotye/ thi natural appetite thi digestion/ with surfetis to oppresse of hoot or colde/ bewar that non accesse Nor uncouth agew/ unwarly the assaile moderat diet/ ageyns al seekenesse Is best phisicien/ to mesur thyn entraile. “ All this processe/ concludith vp tyme tewpcrat diet/ kyndly digestion the golden sleep/ broidyng vpon pryme naturall appetite abydyng his seson flode accordyng/ to the complexion Stondyng on iiij ./ flewme or melancolie Sanguey colre/ so conveid bi reson voidyng al trouble/ of froward maladie.” The fifth and last part of the “ Compost ” is derived from the various astrological and astronomical treatises, of which an enormous number has come down to us in MSS. Of course it was impossible for me to treat this part fully, as it would have involved the labour of months to arrive at some certain results. I have seen a great many of the numerous MSS. on astronomy and astrology in the collections of the British Museum, and found many features in the one and in the other similar to those by which this section of the “ Kalender ” is marked, but none of them contains all the items and in the same succession as the “ Kalender.” So I noticed some remarks on the seven climates, in Sloane MS. 702 ; on the seven houses of the moon, in MSS. Sloane 636 and 702; on the four complexions, in MS. Sloane 636; and, at last, on the twelve signs, in MSS. Arundel 251, ff. 47-49 (German Calendar written in the year 1446), and Add. 17,987, ff. 26-50. THE SOURCES OF THE “COMPOST” AND THE “ KALENDER.” 97 The miscellaneous additions in the “ Compost,” such as “ les ditz des oyseaulx,” probably derived from some “ bestiaire,” “ la femme, les gens darmes et le lymasson,” “les meditacions de la passion de nostre seigneur lesucrist,” the long poem beginning “ Homme mortel cree de terre et fait Du createur forme a sa semblance,” etc., and at last the “ aucunes oraisons et autres prieres en forme de balades et rondeaux,” etc., I was unable to trace. I have to say the same with regard to the additions in the “ Kalender,” such as the poem “ How plowmen sholde do,” “ The saynge of a deed man,” and the poem beginning “ 0 mortall cretures saylynge in the wawes of mysery. Auayle the sayle of your conscyence vnpure,” etc., excepting the section on the “ten crysten nasyons,” which occurred for the first time in the “ Kalendayr,” Paris, 1503. The chapter of the “x. cristen nacyons that be recounted but as Infydyllys” is evidently but a translation from John of Hesse’s “ Itinerarius,” 1 etc., in which, on ff. a 7 recto, and a 8 recto and verso, are enumerated the “nationes Latinorum, grecorum, Indorum, Jaco- bitarum, Nestorinorum, Moronitarum, Armenorum, gregorianorum, Surianorum, Mozarabum.” In order to show the style of the Latin text, I Avill quote the paragraph relating to the fifth nation : “Quinta Natio est Nestorinorum. a nestorino heritico qui fuit Constantinopolitanus episcopus. sic dicti nestorini. Hi solum in Christo ponunt duas personas, vnam diuinam. aliam humanam. et negant beatam virginem Mariam esse matrem dei. sed bene hominis iesu. Hi vtunt lingua caldaica in suis scripturis. et conficiunt corpus in christo fermento hi inhabitant tartariam et maiorem indiam. et sunt multi numero Terra eorum stinet tantum sicut almania et italia. Est isti heretici fuerunt condemnati tercia synodo Ephesina. et fuerunt diuisi ab ecclesia Rhomana et permanserunt in pertinacia.” 1 “ Itineraries iohannis de hesse presbyteria Therusalem describens dispositiones terrarem insularum. montium et aquarum ac e tiara quedani mirabilia et pericula per diuersas partes nnmdi contingentia luci dissime enarrans. Tractatus de decern naticmibws et sectis Christianorum,” etc. Printed by Gottfried Back, at Antwerp, about 1494, but there are earlier editions known — vid. Hain, “ Rep. Bibl.,” *8535, 8536, and 8537. N 98 PROLEGOMENA. John of Hesse’s treatise is probably, directly or indirectly, derived from Jacobus de Vitriaco’s “ Historia Hierosolimitana,” 1 where, in the chapters lxxiv.-lxxx., is spoken of the “ Suriani, Jacobini, Nestorini, Maroniti, Armeni, Georgiani, Moxorabes.” Besides in various other books, I have come across some account of the ten Christian nations in a little English book printed by John of Doesborow, in 1521 or 1522, at Antwerp. In this book occurs, on ff. B 3 verso to C 4 recto, a very similar account, beginning thus : “It is to knowe that y e people of crystindom is deuided and ben in x. Nacyons. That is to vnderstand the Latyne/ Grekes/ Indien/ Jacobites/ nestorijnes/ moronites/ Armenes/ Georgianes/ Surianes/ mozorabes/ wherof y e moost deyle is betters and kyt of/ of the holy Romes cliyrche.” 1 Printed in Jacques Bongar’s edition of “ Gesta Dei per Francos sive Orientalium Expeditionum,” etc. Hanoviae, 1611. Pol. 3 vols. Vol. iii. pp. 1051-1124. IX. GLOSSARY . 1 Abareth, v., 19.13, a-bear ; to carry off. abay, v., 146.26; abayde, 68.24, to obey. abbomynacion, sb., 64.38; abomynaeyone, 64.39, abomination. abytabyll, adj . , 129.18, habitable. adiutyde, parf.p., 123.11, added. “ Com- post ” reads estre adioustee. aduenement, sb., 97.6, advent, arrival. aege, sb., 108.27, age. aeged, adj., 118.30, aged. a gayne saye, v., 44.2, gainsay, deny, dis- pute. aledged, paid, p., 176.35, alluded to, re- ferred to, quoted. alempha, (?) name of a country, 138.27. aleuenth, nuin., 77.30, the eleventh. Alexandry, the (third) climate of Alexan- dria, 133.24. alowe, adv., 123.7, below, in a lower place. alyde, part, p., 34*.23, allied. ambusyon, sb., 59.10, ambition. angel, sb., 132.13 ; angyll, 148.19; angylle, 148.22, angle. anothomye, adj., 102.2, anatomical. antertyke, adj., 129.32; antartyke, 131.31, antarctic. Aperell, sb., 154.10, 159.8; Aperyll, 160.2, April. apertly, adv., 44.1, openly. appostomes, sb. pi., 104.26, imposthumes, abscesses; Lat. apostema. appropryte, adj., 147.39, appropriate. aragons, sb., 45.12, arrogance. arbergete (name of a region), 137.33. “Compost” and “Kalendayr” read heherget. arke, sb., 131.22, arc. Armory (a region of the earth), 136.10, 41, Armenia. “Compost” reads ar- menie. arrome, v., 74.2, arm, to take arms. artiers, sb. pi., 104.18 ; artyry, 165.9, arteries. artyculer (the poll), adj., 125.24, arctic. artyke, adj., 129.30; arteke, 130.1, arctic. aryght, adv., 109.9 , properly. askape, v. inf., 74.21 ; ascape, 135.29, to escape. aspycke (a fixed star), 137.17. “Com- post ” reads espic. assuerte, sb., 12.22, (?) surety. astronymars, sb. pi., 126.31, astronomers. aswage, v., 113.12, to assuage, allay. attempraunce, sb., 97.11, temperance. attempre, v. inf, 97.21. “Compost” reads actremper. attones, adv., 162.16, at once, instantly. auaunt, sb. inf., 17.6, to vaunt, boast. australl (poll), adj., 125.26, austral, southern. auter, sb., 178.6, altar. autry che, sb. (dukedome of), 152. 2, Austria. auowtry, sb., 64.16, adultery. axes, sb. pi., 105.7, 113.31, aches. 1 The numbers refer to the pages and lines of vol. iii., Richard Pynson’s edition, 1506. Where asterisks are appended to the number of pages, these refer to vol. i. Prolegomena, to the passages quoted from Julyan Notary’s and Wynkyn de Worde’s editions of 1518 (?) and 1528. 100 PROLEGOMENA. aver, sb., 122.22; ajre, 122.35; ayers, pi., 153.23, air. ayere, sb., 82.17; ayers, pi., 73.36, heir. Bakbytynge, part, pres., 69.16, speaking evil of anyone behind his back. baptyme, sb., 84.28 ; baptvm, 85.4 ; baptem, 84.5, baptism. barbore, sb., 143.14, barber. bargery, sb. (the arte of), 83.16. “ Com- post” reads bergerie. benefaytes, sb. pi., 98.19, benefits, or benefices. bere, sb. (syngle), 113.7, beer. besy, adj., 50.5, busy. betone, part, p., 160.10 ; bytten, 160.33 ; bettyn, 162.3, bitten. bleryd, part, p., 146.24, bleared. blonte, adj., 146.21, blonde, of fair com- plexion. blyue, adj. and adv., 119.28, quick, quickly. Middle English, bi Hue, bliue. bokeler, sb., 74.9, buckler. borage, sb., 112.13. “Compost” reads borraches. borone, part, p., 124.27, borne. bowstyousnes, sb., 146.25, boisterousness. braune, sb., 114.11, brawn, muscular part of the body. brede, sb., 134.36, bredth. breed, sb., 116.4, bread. bren, v. inf, 88.24, to burn. brondes, sb. pi., 88.25, brands. bronynge, part, pres., 151.15, burning. broyle, inf., 112.23, to broil. bnrgenynges, sb. pi., 172.29, small blossoms. butte, conj., 126.32; butt, 128.20, but. byhayes, sb., 125.5, 135.35 ; byhaes, 125.18. “Compost” reads bihais ; “ Kalendayr ” behays ; mod. French biais, Lat. bifax, i.e., slanting, oblique. by lowe, prep., 113.17, below. byrght, adj., 115.36, bright. bysyxte, sb., 34.39, bisextile. bytans, sb. (a nation), 165.24, evidently misprint for lytans, the Latins, i.e.,natio Latinorum. “ Kalendayr” reads lytans. Cacedom (counsell of), 166.22, cou/ncil of Chalcedon. caduke, adj., 97.32, caducous. calamyte, sb., 116.26, Calamintum. Cannes, sb.pl. (or mary bones), 103.7, 14, (?) canes; Lat. Cannes, French Cannes. 1 capons hennes, sb. pi., 113.27, capons. cappetayns, sb. pi., 139.8, captains. carryen ,sb., 71.20, carrion, carcase. “Com- post ” reads charongne. celebreth, v., 176.6, celebrate, perform an holy office. cerkute, sb., 181.24; cyrcute, 133.31; sercute, 125.1, circuit. cerkylles, sb. pi., 127.8, circles. See sercle. chaftes, sb. pi., 102.23, the jaws, maxillce. chatre, v. inf., 12.9, clatter, or chatter. chaufynges, sb.pl., 106.13. “Compost” . reads les eschaufaisons. chawe, v., 102.31, to chew. cheuse, v. inf., 87.7 ; chese, 149.12, to choose. chewalew (mistakenly the name of a star), 151.15. “Compost” reads cheuelue, i.e., hairy. cholder, sb., 159.19, shoulder. chylderne, sb. pi., 162.9, 159.18 ; childer, 160.77 ; chyldren, 164.28, children. clowes, sb. pi., 116.6, cloves. clvmeste, v., 67.1, from to climb. clyps, sb., 8.14, etc. ; clyppys, pi., 12.30, 127.37 ; eclyps, 37.2, eclipse. clythers, sb. pi., 117.20, clysters. cogetacyons, sb. pi., 46.28, cogitations. colerycke, adj.. Ill . 28, choleric. “Com- post ” reads collerique. Collowerius (name of a great circle in is correct, though I think, and the tibia and fibula of the 1 I do not know whether my conjecture respecting “cannes from the resemblance of the ulna and radius of the fore-arm leg to canes, it is plausible enough. GLOSSARY. 101 heaven), 129.26. “ Compost ” reads colures. combe, sb. (of the hand and foot), 103.9, comb ; anatom, metacarpus and meta- tarsus. comenne, adj., 64.14, common. Compare corny n. commodytees, sb. pi., 18.31, commodities. comonete, sb., 161.34, community. complysshe, v. inf., 47.5, to accomplish. cornpot, sb., 12.29, compost, composition, or mixture. comyn, adj., 117.17, common. comyttes, sb.pl., 122.36, comets. constylacyon, sb., 135.38, 136.5, constella- tion. contemnement, sb., 96.9, (?) contentment. “ Compost” reads contemnement. conynes, sb., 102.29, canine teeth [“ for they resemble conynes (conies) teth ! ”]. cornakyllys, sb. pi., 142.12, (?) chronicles. corpolence, sb., 34*. 20, corpulence. corporate, adj., 112.10, (?) substantial. corse, sb., 153.15 ; cores, 142.5, course. corsse, v., 90.25, to make the sign of the cross. corsys, v., 126.11; corses, 129.7, 139.14, from to cross, to go across. cotydyanly, adv., 98.33; cotydyally, 32*.4, daily. coyrynge, part, pres., 142.8. “ Compost ” reads couroier. crabed, adj., 147.12, crabbed, ill-natured, peevish. creases, v., 82.1, from to increase. cretor, sb., 87.29, creator. crewell, adj., 155.25, cruel. cyrcute, sb., 133.31, circuit. See cerkute. Darypheas (the seventh climate), 133.26, i.e., the climate of Rhiphaei, large mountains at the north of Scythia, where, according to some, the Gorgons had fixed their residence. “ Compost” reads diaripheos. Dearrodes (the fourth climate), 133.25, i.e., the climate of Rliodus. “ Com- post” reads diarhodes. deerepyte, adj., 111.20; decrepetus, 155.2, decrepit. defaute, sb., 104.27, defaidt. defendaunt, part, pres., 52.12, for de- fending. deferre, v., 179.26, to defer. deffens, sb., 169.1, (?) difference. defferens, sb., 149.3 ; dyfferns, 149.6, difference. defyed, 115.32. See well defyed. delue, v., 172.20, delve, dig with a spade. delyte, sb., 42.13; delyte, v. inf, 43.15, delight. demerytes, sb. pi., 98,17, demerit, fault, crime. demonyacle, sb., 70.9, 12, demoniac, or de- moniacal, man influenced by evil spirits. demynesshe, v., 104.19 ; demynyssheth, 105.6; demynysshe, 177.13, to diminish. depyde, part, p., 71.6, (?) dipped. desesyd, adj., 164.3, ill, diseased. desonest, adj., 71.25; dyshonest, 97.22, dishonest. detractowres, sb. pi., 54.28, detractor. “ Compost” reads detracteurs. dilysyous, adj., 63.5 ; delycyous, 63.15, delicious. domyne, v., 107.29, to dominate. dragees, sb. pi., 113.14, medicated sweet- meats. drynge, v., 113.5, to drink. dulcet, adj., 17.28, sweet to the taste. Dyaborvstenes (the sixth climate), 133.26, i.e., the climate of Borysthenes or Dnie- per, a large river of Scythia falling into the Euxine Sea. “ Compost ” reads dia- boristenes. Dyameros (the first climate), 133.24, i.e., the climate of Meroe, according to the ancient writers, an island and state of Ethiopia. “Compost” reads diameroes. Dyaromes (the fifth climate), 133.25, i.e., the climate of Rome. “Compost” reads diaromes. 102 PROLEGOMENA. Dyatenes (the second climate), 133.24, i.e., the climate of Athens. “Compost” reads diacienes. dygereth, v., 108.9. “Compost” reads digere ; from to digest. dypytfull, adj., 147.15 ; dvsspytefull, 148.7, despiteful. dysmordered, part, p., 107.34, (?) immo- derate. “Compost” reads demoderee. dyssayue, v., 163.18, to deceive. dyssayuynges, sb., 42.24, (?) deceits. dyssember, 141.14; dessember, 141.19, December. dyssolucyone, sb., 57.35, dissolution. dystaffe, sb., 173.2, distaff. “Compost” reads quenoille. dystyll, v., 17.28, drop down. dyssyrys, v., 130.11, a misprint for dyffyrys = differs. “ Compost ” reads different. Eclypetyke, sb., 127.19, 20 ; eclyptyke, 133.5, ecliptic. eclyps, sb., 37.2. See clyps. eft’esium, councell of, 166.30, the council of Ephesus. effycaced, part, p., 178.14, effected. egalle, adj., 132.11; egallys, 139.16; egall, 140.24, equal. egaynste, prep., 135.26, against. elecher (great), 143.31, = greate lecher, emecrystynes, sb. pi., 81.17, fellow-Chris- tians. emoroides, sb.pl., 105.27, hemorrhoids. emplesynge, v., 53.24. “ Compost” reads empesehement ; and emplessynge, 57.25, “ Compost ” reads empescher. emplyssheth, v., 108.10, to fill. emyspere, sb., 128.24 ; emyspeyr, 130.11 ; emspeyr, 130.13, hemisphere. endeuoyred, part, p., 32*. 4, endeavoured. endoctryne, v., 158.28, teach, instruct. enfect e, part, p., 69.14, infected. enrypeth, v., 111.16, to become ripe, to ripe. ensampyl, sb., 124.24, example. ensychyne (a town), 152.2, (?) Ensich- heim. ensygnementes, sb. pi., 39*. 13, 111.36, instructions, teachings. entende, v., 49.40, to intend. entendement, sb., 180.16, intention. entellygyble, adj., 32*. 8 ; intellygyble, 33*. 29, intelligible. ententyfly, ado., 32*. 17, attentively. eppataffe, sb., 152.6 ; epytafe, 152.7, epitaph. equinancy, sb., 104 . 26, quinsy. “ Com- post ” reads equinancie. equipollent, adj., 122.33 ; equypolent, 36*. 15, equivalent. ermynes (a nation), 167.9 ; Armonyes, 167.10, natio Armenorum,(?) Armenians. erratrykes, adj. pi., 151.11, 18, erratic, wandering. erytage, sb., 84.32, heritage. erytyke, 166.24; eretyke, 166.12; eryteke, 166.25, heretic. espessyall, adj., 7.12; esspesyall, 146.13, especial. espyde, part, p., 34*.ll, espied. etheyopys (the country of), 132.33; ethyope, 133.1, 138.9; euthyope, 135.34, Ethiopia. eufrage, sb. (apparently a herb), 115.27, (?) euphrasy. euacuetli, v., 106.34, from to evacuate. euagacyon, sb., 53.24 ; euagacyons, pi., 57.15, evacuation. Euyll hope, 53.24 ; euyll goodnes, 42.25, 45.15. “ Compost ” reads faulse bonte. exquyred, part, p., 63.26, demanded, postu- lated. eyre, sb., 68.29, air. eyre, sb., 66.11, heir. eysell, sb., 156.6, sour wine, eisel, vinegar. Facers, sb. pi., 181.6, daring, audacious persons. famulyer, adj., 165.8, familiar. fassyons, sb. pi., 65.14, fashion. faute, sb., 44.12, 13, 14, fault, failing, error. GLOSSARY. 103 ! fayer, adj., 43.16, fair. fekell, adj., 181.1, ficlde, changeable. ' felycyte, sb., 75.7 ; felysytes, pi., 69.19, felicity, happiness. fenell, sb., 117.10, fennel, a flagrant plant with yellow flowers ; Lat. fceniculum. Fenys (prouyns of), Phoenicia, provincia Fenice, 1 167.1. ferder, comp., 171,10, 13 , farther. ferfentnes, sb., 81.19, fervency, eagerness, devotion. ' ferfull, adj., 145.32, ( ’?) fearful . \ ferrat (shyre of), 152.1. fesseke, sb., 13.1, physic. flaunes, sb. pi., 108.18, flawn, a sort of custard or pie. fle, v., 113.28, flee. flece, sb., 18.10, 159.2 7, fleece. \ fleche. sb., 81.3 6 , flesh. flematyke, adj., 111,29, 145.22 ; fleuma- tyke, 114.22, phlegmatic. fleme, sb., 117.30, 146.2; fleumes, pi., 113 16, phlegm, inflammation, indiffe- rence. flete, v., 89.7, (?)flee. fleubothomye, sb., 103.27, phlebotomy. fleumes, sb. pi., 113.16. See fleme. fley, v., 173.9, flay. flytlie, sb., 82.12, flight. fornycacyon, sb., 64.12, 74.7, fornication, adultery. fortayne, sb., 162.1, (?) fortune. forten, v., 126.36, to fortune, thrive. fouer, num., 132.20 ,four. foundement, sb., 100.8, anatom, ilium. “Compost” reads le fondement. fragilete, sb., 87 .1, fragility. fraye, v., 87.26, frighten. frayelte, sb., 81,2, frailty. frere, sb., 48*. 41, fria/r. fructyfye, v., 42.20, fructify, fertilize. fryste, num., 129.30, first. fue, v., 48.27, evidently a misprint of a contraction for sue = seme. fysnamy, sb., 8.30 ; fysnomy, 13.12 ; pliy- sonomye, 115.9, physiognomy. fytches, sb., 18.35, fitch, now vetch; in Isaiah the blaclc poppy, with a seed like cummin ; in Ezekiel, a kind of bearded wheat. Gader, v., 111.19. See geder. galyngale, sb., 116.18, galingale, a plant. geason, sb. pi., 38*. 50, scarce, rare. geder, v., 11.33; getber, 11.32; gadere, 11.37 ; gader, 111.19, to gather. gemetry, sb., 144.15, geometry. genuryta, sb., 137.9, genital parts. Compare genytayles, 100.8. Georgiens (a nation called according to St. George), natio Georgianorum, 167. 17, 18. glose, sb., 40*. 14, 81.30, gloss, brightness, or lustre, external show. grase, sb., 7.30, grace. graued , part, p., 121.28, engraved. graynes, sb.pl., 100.6. “ Compost ” reads le petit ventre les hennes le nombril. grenenesse, sb., 111.8, greenness. groate, adj., 70.21, great. “ Compost ” reads (serpens) grans. groge, v., 48.20, (?) to grudge. grystels, sb. pi., 103.24, gristle, cartilage. godwarde [good to godwarde], 157.73, towards God. gomes, sb. pi., 106.11, gums. goste, sb., 42.8, ghost, gouernauns, sb., 8.31, government. gouernoure, sb. , 13.1, governor. gourdes, sb., 112.32, gourds, the gourd plaids. guardon, sb., 98.18, guerdon. guyde, sb., 34*.2, guidance, guiding. Habundauns, sb., 73.6 ; aboundaunce, 84.12, abundance. habundauntly, adv., 60.35; habundaunily (? misprint), 178.33, abundantly. Compare Johannis de Hesse’s “Itinerarius” (described above, p. 97), fob a 7 verso. 104 PROLEGOMENA. habytacle, aclj., 136.32, misprinted for habitable. liardely, adv., 90.1, hardily, bravely. hardy de, part, p., 46.18, hardened. haynothe (a region), 138.27. “ Compost” reads hazenoth, (?) Hainaut. heer, sb., 143.12, 146.20, 21 ; here, 146.22, hair. hocle bones, sb. pi., 103.11, the hucEle- bones, hip-bones. hogly, adj., 72.19, ugly. holier, sb., 58.25 ( usually oker), usury. “ Compost ” reads usure. holle, adj., 10.16, whole. holsom, adj., 17.27, wholesome. homycyd, sb., 93.19, homicide. Compare omycyde. honowere, sb., 11.12, honour. honteth, v., 66.30, hunteth. hortynge, sb. (?), 132.2. “ Compost ” reads empeschement. liowe beit it, conj., 12.9, howbeit, notwith- standing. huclier, sb., 60.23, usury. Compare hoker. humoures, sb. pi., 105.13, animal fluids in an unhealthy state ; caprices. humyle, adj., 34*. 9, humble. hye, adj., 150.1; liyeer, comp., 11.17; hyeste, superl., 149.13; hyz, 117.16, high. Ibrowes, sb. pi., 146.30, eyebrows. ideotes, sb. pi., 56.34, idiots. ierfull, adj., 138.16, 164.24, ireful. ies, sb. pi., 142.34, eyes. See ives. il, adj., 44.4, ill. illycyte, adj., 97.14, illicit, unlawful. imbrynge days, 79.22, Ember-days. immobyles, sb. (name of a heaven), 124.1. immundzcyte, sb., 184.14, uncleanness, immundicity. immys, sb. pi., 168.14, hymns. imnus, sb., 10.6, (?) Lat. hiems. impenytent, sb., 53.23 ; impenytentes, 55.15, impenitence. improbytes, sb. pi., 98.34, improbities. impyteous, adj., 97.13, (?) impetuous. indvters, 163.30, (?) misprinted for in diverse. inflwens, sb., 140.22, influence. infydylles, sb. pi., 165.22, infidels. inhabyte, v., 122.18 ; inhabyted, 133.22 ; inabytyd, 139.5 ; in abyte, 132.5 ; inabytyde, 132.2, inhabit. inhybyte, v., 98.12, (?) to inhibit, prevent. inmagynasyon, sb., 124.35, imagination. ipocresy, sb., 43.6, hypocrisy. iryous, adj., 146.16, ireful. iyes, sb. pi., 142.13, 146.12; iyen, 88.13, eyes. Iacbytes (a nation called after James the heretic), 166.10, 11, natio Jacobitarum. iangelers, sb. pi., 142.16, juqqlers. iete, sb., U6.33,jet. iocnndyte, sb., iocundy, 75.6, 96.8, jocun- dity. iogelers, sb. pi., 79.30, jugglers. See iangelers. iuce, 117.14 , juice. Iugyne (a region), 136.10. “ Compost ” reads iugon. Iurgyne (a region), 139.4. “Compost” reads iurgen. Kauth, part, p., 168.25, caught. keddvs, sb. pi., 150.36, Icids. lieste, sb., 163.19, (f)cast. kythte, adj., 148.4, (?) misprint. “ Com- post ” reads leger et ignel ; “ Kalen- dayr ” reads lyght as a hors. Laffe, v., 56.40 ; laffynge, 57.38, 40, to laugh. lasse, comp., 176.29, less. laten (a nation), 165.25, 167.3 ; latynes, 168.2, Latins, natio Latinorum. layser, sb., 131.3, leisure. leche, sb., 105.11. “Compost” reads le my re. lectuse, sb., 112.32, lettuce. leder, sb., 142.8, leather. GLOSSARY. 105 leke, sb., 115.34, leek, a kind of onion. lemys, sb. pi., 146.12, limbs. lenage, sb., 53.3, lignage. “ Compost ” reads lignee. lepry, sb., 104.32, leprosy. lesynges, sb. pi., 53.5, leasings, falsehoods. lettred, adj., 158.30, lettered, educated. : ley, sb., 38* .46, falsehood. leytyll, adj., 130.7, little. lezarde, sb., 106.30, lizard. \ longanymyte, sb., 94.8, longanimity. loryon, sb., 129.15, (?) the horizon. loryson, sb., 136.7, Orion, a constellation. loryzone, sb., 133.5, 15, the horizon, from Vorizon. ! lycoras, sb., 116.6, (?) licorice or liquors. lyghtes, sb. pi., 100.5, (?) lights, the lungs of animals. \ lynseywolsey, adj., 112.3, made of linen and wool mixed. lytyones, 148.26, little ones. “ Compost ” reads les petites. Maces, sb. pi., 116.18, a spice, the second coat of the nutmeg. magnyfycencyall, adj., 98.30, magnificent. maharobe we (a region), 138.9. “Com- post ” reads maharoben. malencoly, sb., 147.5 ; malyncoly, 146,5, melancholy. malys, sb., 146.29 ; malles, 146.24, malice. marsy, sb., 56.10, mercy. mary (of bones), sb., 116.32, marrow. mastryes, sb.pl., 125.34; maystry, 117.27, mastery. mawes, sb. pi., 114.3, maws, stomach, espe- cially in the lower animals. maystresse, sb., 120.15 , mastery, dominion, authority. meanely, adv., 114.33, meanly, moderately. medyll, sb., 15.21, middle. meet, sb., 116.37, meat. Compare metes, melancolyke, adj., 115.7, melancholic. meles, sb. pi., 116.27, meals. merke, v., 47*. 1, to mark, remember. merowre, sb., 95.6, mirror. merydyne, sb., 128.12 ; merydyene, 129.4; meredyen, 130.18, meridian. merydyonall, adj., 138.25 ; medyowrnall, 138.39 ; merdyurnall, 137.14, meri- dional. meselry, sb , 104.17, (?) measles. mesteris, sb. pi., 76.14, mysteries. mesurable, adj., 115.16, 116.29 ; mesnra- bly, 115.17, moderate, with measure. metely, adv., 112.2, meetly, according to measure, fitting. metes, sb. pi., 116.37 ; metees, 114.27, 116.12, different kinds of meat. misprayes, v. inf., 41.1, 2, to blame, reprove. mobyle, s6.,99.31; mobyll, 123.36; mobyl; 124.29, a thing that can be moved. molestees, sb., 98.34, inconveniences. moriabyens (a nation), 168.6 ; morabyens, 168.5, natio Mozarabum. mortis, sb., 156.5, (?) agonies of death. moryens (a nation called after Moryen the heretic), 166.32, 33, 178.27, “ natio Moronitarum Moronite a quodam here- tico Morone clicti sunt.” 1 mownsamonth (name of a star) (?), 151.14, evidently some corruption, mncke, sb., 72.9, muck, dung in a moist state. mutyle, adj., 97,22, misprinted for “inu- tile,” useless. mygryme, sb., 104.14, megrim. “ Com- post ” reads migraine. myntes, sb. pi., 116.25, mints (aromatic plant). myryon, sb. 123.3. “Kalendayr” reads myxtyon, i.e., mixture . 2 1 Johannis de Hesse’s “ Itinerarius ” (described p. 97), fol. a 7 verso. 2 The whole passage in the “Kalendayr” (1503), vol. ii., fol. li 7 recto, 11. 34, 35 (which has no equivalent in the “Compost”), runs thus: “for so mycli that oon thyng ys cleyr of so mych it is more wysybyl for so mych we se weyl sters and not the fyer al the elymens wysybyls ar wysybys for theyr wncleynes for the myxtyon of the aon wyth the others. ” O 106 PROLEGOMENA. myshope, sb., 98.8, the same as euyll hope, 53.24. mysse tempred, part, p., 107.29, ill-tem- pered. myssworone, part, p., 62.5, perjured. Nader, sb., 128.1, nadir. namen, part, p., 102.1, named. nayboure, sb., 47.23 ; neybours, pi., 47.21 ; neygbboure, 89.27, neighbour. nebolouser (name of a fixed star), 137.5 ; nebulos, 137.11. “Compost” reads lestoille fixe dite Nebideuse. negardes, sb., 146.6, 164.1, niggard. negramancy, sb., 142.33, necromancy. nescoryens (a nation named after tbe heretic Nescoryens), 166.24, natio Nes- torinorum a nestornio heretico. neseth, v., 108.23, (?) to sneeze. nosethrylles, sb. pi., 143.1 ; nose thrylles, 109.17, the nostrils. nothomye, sb., 103.26, anatomy. nottywell (name of a star), 151.16, evi- dently some corruption, as the word is inexplicable. nouther, conj., 122.27, neither. noysumnes, sb., 53.22, noisomeness. nutmyges, sb. pi., 116.17, nutmegs. ny, adj., 12.15; nyest, superl., 123.29; nyeste, 129.17, nigh. nynes, sb., 134.4, the proximity, nearness. Oblacyon, sb., 177.9, oblation. oblyquley, adv., 131.12, obliquely. obprobryes, sb. pi., 98.35, opprobrious things. obtemper, v., 62.38. “Compost” reads obtemperer. oculi christi (a plant), 115.28. offys, sb., 137.1, 168.14, office. Oker, sb., 93.19, usury. Compare hoker. omysyde, sb., 50.33, 51.29 ; homycyde, 52.15, homicide. Orabyen (felde of), 137.33. “Compost” reads le champ darabie. orloges, sb. pi., 140.23 ; horlogys, 140.24, clocks. oryble, adj., 72.12; orybyll, 152 . 3, horrible. oryginalles, sb.pl., 104.28, originales,name of two veins in the neck. oryzon, sb., 128.21, horizon. osey, sb., 114.16. “ Compost ” reads vin de oseoie. our, sb., 91.6, hour. ouer mych, adv., 44.36, too much. ouerprest, part, p., 87.2, suppressed. ouerthwart, adv., 147.1, across, over, against. overhabundant, adj., 63.9, superabundant. owre, sb., 13.29 ; owers, pi., 12.29, hours. owres, sb. pi., 168.14, horae, hours, the books of liturgy of the Church of Rome. Palses, sb. pi., 126.33. See plases. palys, sb., 102.20, the palate. pamfletes, sb. pi., 32*. 16, pamphlets. pante, v., 104.19, pant, breathe quickly. papes, sb. pi., 107.2. “ Compost ” reads pis. parell, sb., 160.11 ; perell, 44.26, 161.3, peril, danger. parson, sb., 146.29 ; persone, 147.25, person. partycypynge, part, pres., 179.25, partici- pating. parylous, adj., 143.15 ; perylous, 79.11, perilous, dangerous. peason, sb. pi., 18.35, pease. See peson. pegon, sb., 148.6, pigeon. pensement, sb., 180.15, (?) expenses. peraduenture, adv. , 178.9, by chance, -by adventure. perches, sb. pi., 112.14. perch, a genus oj voracious fish. peregrynasyon, sb., 139.27, peregrination. perfet, adj., 11.19; perfyte, 12.11, per fed. persy (a region), 135.23, (?) Persia. pertryches, sb. pi., 114.11, partridges. peruers, adj., 34*.29, perverse, stubborn. GLOSSARY. 107 peson, sb. pi., 38*.41 ; pesen, 116.21 ; peason, 18.25, pease. ' pesses, sb.pl., 150.26, Lat .pisces — fishes. peteous, adj., 95.1 7, piteous. phesycke, sb., 119.10, physic. phylozepher, sb., 32*. 12 ; phylozophres, pi., 157.2, philosopher. physnamy, sb., 145.5; physonomye, 115.9, physiognomy. Compare fysnamy. plase, sb., 149.19 ; plasys, 149.23, place. plenarly, adv., 34*. 8 , plenarily. plyant, adj., 68.22, pliant, pliable. poll, sb., 125.24 ; poles, pi., 114.23, pole. pomeawe (a star), 135.7. “Compost” reads le pomeau des cieulx. popeled noses, 106.9. “ Compost ” reads polippe de nes. porcarpyke (name of a fixed star), 137.22. “Compost” reads que bergiors appel- lent pore espic. porpos, sb., 42.8, purpose. portunyte, sb., 180.11, opportunity. potage, sb., 117.21, soup. pourse, sb., 48*. 13 ; purs, 39.39 , purse. precinacyon, sb., 93.1. “ Compost ” reads precinnation. preterytees, adj. pi., 97. 2, preterit, preterite. proclie, v., 173.24, to approach. profet, sb., 12.3 ; profyte, 42.20 ; profete, 83.15 ; prouffyte, 96.12, profit. profyes, v., 73.21, from to profit. promptuous,s5., 53.22 ; prompnes, 54.15, promptitude. pronunstycacyons, sb. pi., 126.27, prog- nostications. propryetees, sb.pl., 18.20, proprieties. proses, sb., 7 2. 14, process. prosperens, adj., 154.22, prosperous. prouffyte, sb., 96.12. See profet. prouulgued, part, p., 98.16. “ Compost ” reads prouulguees. pullettes, sb. pi., 118.20, fowls. pungnant, adj., 52.1 , pungent. purcelayne, sb., 112.32, pur slain, purslane. “Compost” reads pourcelaine. purs, 39.39. See pourse. puruyauns, sb., 147.20, (?) purveyance. pustules, adj. (dropes), 106.6, pustulous, covered with small pimples containing pus. pusyllanymyte, sb., 53.22 ; pusalanymyte, 54.25, pusillanimity. pygremes, sb. pi., 74.30, pilgrims. pylgermagis, sb.pl., 160.6 ; pylgremagys, 160.30; pylgrymages, 162.1, pilgrim- ages. pympernell, sb. (a plant), 115.28, pimper- nel, pimpinella. pyune, sb., 103.15, “tlie aukle of the fote.” Quarolus, adj., 162.12, quarrelsome. quarteyns, adj. (fever), 106.27, quartan. quellers, sb. pi., 73.4, killers. quybybles, sb. pi., 115.14, cubeb ( quibibe ), the small sp icy berry of the Piper Cubeba, much valued for their use in diseases of the urinary system. Rancours, sb. pi., 52.5 ; rancowers, 51.12, rancour, spite. rapyue, sb., 58.15, rapine. ratylll, sb., 136.20 ; ratyll, 142 14, spleen ; Old French ratelle, mod. French rate. rauany, sb., 67.21, ravening. red, v., 88.9, to advise. reft, sb., 93.20. “ Compost ” reads ra- pine. regie, sb., 112.18, rule. respet, sb., 91.6, respite. reteryke, sb., 144.15, rhetoric. reuolasyon, sb., 125.2, revolution. revelate, v., 96.13, to reveal. rewe, sb. 115.27, (?) a plant. robore, sb., 142.10, robber. roches, sb., 112.14, (?) a kind of fish. Romayne, the land of, 137.21. rubrvsshe, sb., 14.9, column. rygfull, adj., 45.23, rightful. Salendyne, sb., 115.27, a herb. salmys, sb. pi., 168.14, psalms. 108 PROLEGOMENA . sarmondis, sb. pi., 142.13, sermons. sartayne, adj., 15.16, (?) certain. sarue, v., 13.34, serve. sauf, adv., 34.39, save. sauge, sb., 116.25, sage, a herb. scape, v., 40.19. See skape. sciat, sb., 107.8, name of the “anlde of the fote without.” sclaunderyd, adj., 56.26, slandered. se, sb., 161.15, sea. sek, adj., 43.1, side. sekernesse, sb., 99.1, certainty, firmness. selestyall, adj., 12.27, celestial. sempyl, adj., 148.3, simple. sentens, sb., 87.13, sentence, judgment. sequamy, sb., 104.25. “ Compost ” reads epylence ; “Kalendayr” epylens. sercle, sb., 131.31; sercles, pi., 8.34, 125. 14 ; cerkyil, 125.28, circle. sercute, sb., 125.1, circuit. See cerkute. sewer, adj., 86.6; suer, 81.7, sure. sextowres, sb. pi., 162.34, (?) sextons. sey, sb., 112.30. “Compost” reads des- tamine. sliaell, v., 38*.41, to tahe the shell off. skamfaste, adj., 146.26 ; skamefaste, 158. 4, shamefaced, modest , bashful. shamfull, adj., 162.20, 164.15, not shame- ful, but bashful, modest. slienynge, part, pres., 146.33 ; sbynynge, 147.28, shining. skeres, sb. pi. (?), 103.4, two bones. sliewde, part, p., 42.28, shown. skant (?), 91.16. “ Compost” reads Ne la disme au luy feroit tort. skape, v., 81.35, 159.25; eskape, 160.19; askape, 160.33 ; asskape, 161.30 ; scape, 40*. 19 ; a skepe, 163.20, to escape. skol, sb., 102.16, skull. skyne, sb., 153.24, skin. sledyr, adj., 67.1, (?) slender. slewthe, sb., 53.21, sloth. sodeynly, adv., 32*. 18, suddenly. sokesessores, sb.pl., 161.6, successors. solennell, adj., 14.6, solemn. solstissyomun, sb. 129.11 ; solsticium, 129.12 ; solstysynum, 129.15 ; solstys- syonum, 129.16 ; solsticionum, 129.18 ; solstissimuz, 126.2 ; solstitucium, 126. 3 ; solstyssyon, 132.20, solstice ; Lat. solstitium. solstyssyall, adj., 150.15 ; solstysyall, 150. 16, solstitial. sopkane (?), sb., 105.23, name of a vein. sotyll, adj., 126.19, subtile, subtle. soudyake, sb., 125.8, 10 ; sodyake, 125. 16; zodyake, 127.10, 150.7, zodiac. soverayntly, adv., 63.29. “Compost” reads condiment. speculynge, part, pres., 99.16, specu- lating. spelders, sb. pi., 103.24, (?) splinters. spense, sb., 72.23, spending, expense. spete, v., 155.30 ; spetvnge, 150.32, to spit. stemes, sb., 107.1, misprint for “ flemes.” sterynge, part, pres., 115.26, stirring, moving. stodynge, part, pres., 95.25, (?) studying. storrys, sb. pi., 124.13 ; sterrys, 124.30 ; starres, 135.19, stars. stregkt, adj., 136.6, straight. stretnes, sb., 98.5, straightness. stynkvnge, part, pres., 163.26, stinging. subgettys, sb. pi., 44.36, subjects. subtraccyon, sb., 47.18 ; subtraxyone, 50.5, (?) a sin. subtyle, adj., 144.11 ; subtyll, 139.3 ; subtelly, 14.29, subtile, subtle. subtylness, sb., 147.10, subtleness. subtylyte, sb., 147.4, subtility. swetter, comp., 38.49, sweeter. suffrages, sb., 174.23, 175.11, 16, prayers of a congregation. suffyetli, v., 176.18, suffices. superfluyte, sb., 65.15, superfluity. superkabundaunce, sb., 105.32, supera- bundance. surfytes, sb., 120.9; surfyttes, 121.2, ex- cesses in eating and drinking, surfeit. surryens (a nation), 167.28, 29, natio Surianorum si dicti a civitate sur quae GLOSSARY. 109 est eminentior civitas in suria vel assyria. sursuracyon, sb., 47.15 ; susurracyone, 48.15 ; sussurracyon, 93.21, a whisper- ing, soft murmur, susuration. sutes, sb. (?), 46.33. “ Compost ” reads on scientement en peche mortel. suttel, adj., 162.15 ; suttyll, 146.2. See subtyle and sottyl. symylitudes, sb. pi., 99.25, similitude, re- semblance. synes, sb., 121.29, signs. synowe, sb., 106.29, sinew. sysmatykes, 51.18 (!). “Compost” reads scismatizer on procurer scisme. sythe, sb., 90.22, scythe. syte, v., 89.9, sit. Tabarlane (a region), 139.4. “Compost” reads tabrasen. tabyll, sb., 7.31, table. tansey, sb., 117.4, tansy. tempe, v., 89.35, to tempt. temperete, adj., 132.1 ; temporate, 112.9, temperate. tempre, v., 113.24, to temper. tercyens, adj. (fever), 106.27, tertian. thappertenaunce, sb., 105.3, the appurte- nance. tbappoealys, sb., 177.36, the apocalypse. theftuously, adv., 46.39, thievishly. thende, sb., 99.11, 177.19 ; thend, 178.22 ; thendes, 20.34, the end. thestate, sb., 177.30, the estate. thoppynyon, sb., 109.28, the opinion. thoryent, sb., 17.9, the orient. tliourste, sb., 90.19, thirst. Compare thyrst. threcbe, v., 160.26, to thrash. thrugh, prep., 39.27, through. thrysty, adj., 113.7, thirsty. thumayne, 97.17, the human. thyntencyon, sb., 175.5, the intention. thyrste, sb., 38*. 2, 116.13 ; thurste, 38*. 39; thyrst, 108.8, 114.2; thourste, 90. 19, thirst. tirme, sb., 39*. 13, term. tode, sb., 148.3 ; todys, 90.6, toad, am- phibious reptile like the frog, which swells out on being alarmed. togeder, adv., 147.8; togyder, 117.10; to gether, 130.3 ; to gedyr, 64.28. tolleraunce, sb., 98.27, tolerance. tone (the), 123.2, 125.14, the one. torryda, sb., 132.4, the torrid zone. tose, v., 40*. 14, to toss. tother (the), 123.3, 149.30, the other. totynge, part, pres., 80.5, corning. trauell, v., 48.19, to work. trauyle, sb , 109.15, toil, labour. trobyll, sb., 47.37 ; trobyllys, 48.30, trouble. tropykkes, sb. and adj., 129.32 ; tropeke, 129.33 ; tropyke, 129.34, tropic. trule, adv., 86.4, (?) truly. trystes, sb., 93.6, (?) sadness. turpytude, sb., 123.9, turpitude. tyrtyll (doue), 148.2, turtle. Ymanyte, sb., 85.18, humanity. vmylyte, sb., 85.17, humility. vndepured, 34*. 5, unartificial, unrefined, natural. vnequall, adj., 107.29, unequal. vnlekly, adv., 7.4 ; vnlykely, 9.9, un- likely. vnpromised, 49.20 (!). “Compost” reads improueu. vnsure, adj., 80.31, 33, uncertain. vnthankfulnes, sb., 49.25, ingratitude. vnyewste, adj., 161.16, unjust. vtyle, adj., 99.11, useful. vacabounde, sb., 62.35, vagabond. valour, sb., 34.1, value. vartues, sb. pi., 42.20 ; vertues, 73.5, virtues. varyans, sb., 86.8, variance. vaynsoroufulnes, sb., 53.24. “ Compost ” reads vaine tristesse. venyte, 14.6, 7 (!). “Compost” reads vignette. ver, sb., 110.18, spring. 110 PROLEGOMENA. vergyus, sb., 112.13, 118.22, verjuice. “ Compost” reads verius. veruayne, sb., 115.27, vervain, plant of the genus verbena. vesyte, v., 120.5, to visit. vome, v., 16.26, to vomit. vylyte, sb., 51.30, (?) vileness. yyn teners, sb. pi., 19.3, vintners. Weders, sb., 12.13, iveather. well defyed, 115.32, = having a good di- gestion ; from M.E. defien, v., digest, be digested, decay. wliery, sb., 174.13, (?) shallow light boat. wortes (col), sb., 116.2, (?) wort, new beer unfermented. wonse, adv., 81.23, once. wotlier, 163.26, (?) misprint. 1 wotte (I), v., 82.24, I know. wrest, sb., 105.29, wrist. wull, sb., 18.10, wool. wurs, comp., 39.27, worse. Tmagynatyf, adj., 97.1, imaginative. yre, sb., 147.16, ire, wrath. yse, sb., 177.26, a fish. “ Compost ” reads glacon. ysope, sb., 116.6, (?) isopus, a herb. ywosse, v., 48*. 15, I know. yothe, sb., 8.7, youth. 1 I do not know how to explain this word otherwise than by supposing it to be a misprint. In the “Kalendayr,” vol. ii. , fol. m , recto, 11. 29-30, the passage runs thus: “ blasphemant others say and of others thys the whych they wold not war sayd of them.” I suppose the pas- sage on page 163.26 ought to run : “ shall saye wordes of others otherwyse and they wolde,” etc. CHISWICK PRESS: C. WHITTINGHAM AND CO., TOOKS COURT, CHANCERY LANE. THE KALENDER OF SHEPHERDES VOL. II. THE KALENDER OF SHEPHERDES THE EDITION OF PARIS 1503 IN PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE A FAITHFUL REPRINT OF R. PYNSON’S EDITION OF LONDON 1506. EDITED WITH A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION AND GLOSSARY By H. OSKAR SOMMER, Ph.D. VOL. II. PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE OF THE EDITION PARIS 1503 LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. 1892 THIS FACSIMILE OF THE UNIQUE PERFECT COPY OF THE EDITION OF PARIS, 1503, WAS EXECUTED AT THE BRITISH MU- SEUM BY MR. CHARLES PR^ETORIUS. t0pet0af confcnpe of f0e f0pppatc wpt0 (pfttop abbgcgone new abto wflpt* fytftystyt pzofog of t0e act^t qwpc0 pe tebtpffpt (0e fapb 0oo& 00 W*$ Spot pe oof) ot0cc p:ofog of f0e gtet f0pppaet 1£0cfoafenbaptoft0e0ofpbapee of(0e$e«t it)t0cqwpc0 at(0cfpngp3 t0e 0ompet0cmomen6 of t0e new mownpe ♦ tafifpe of (0c mowaflpfe feflps C0c faflpffoj to wnbctjtonb ewprpc:0 bap it) qw0at fpn g t0e mow!) penf jfpgute of t0c ecfppfpe of t0c mo W!) anb of t0c foW!) (t (0e bape/0owte $ momcne 1£0e ttc anb 0:anc0pe of wpcps. / C0cpapnpoof0ef* 1ET0C Bookoffafiit of t0c frowt- ^0ep0pfortomp of t0cm0!tp6 0obp 1£0e ott of ffcw0o(0onomp 1T0e tcgpmenf of (0c 0ccfe») of (0c 6obp 1£0eafttofpofff)e f0pppate C^0e. in t, com p feppoite ^0cn!gcmctt6 ofp^onomp C0cbpwpfpo!) ofaagee 1£0c mebpfaqnwe a0o«c t0c paffpot) C0c ornpfo!) t0at (0ef0pppate mafrpe to owe fabp jfo; to wnbetffonb qw0af kanct (0c f0p£D ps 0ooji)»SbbpcpO!) 1T0c p^oppttco of t0e.ptt*fpnge. Sbbp cpoj), C0e ctpftpij nacpone*21bDpcpo!j,*2t fpnb:p ot0cr gpo* 4Dfj (Bwparf htyft f0e$) it) f0c je qip^dj'wae not cktCi c e 0af> no wnbccffon^ng of 0of oontv 0e0t* natiiref^fet ipn&erffottityng fa^8 i)oTv mew tflatfe^nget 0c^ngfot0epfa^ftnt ^fofomfoid ffloof&maq fyue natwreffp^nfo iiifloizt piioimm pf ta\>ffot) waeit) fomycQoffym pef0afmat){e to amt) to 0^« fom/ff ictigOf 'tt fa^rnce ? fo mtdj 1 0e{» ffloofb 0e {tut to tflcnj fox to ^ap alb waft t (i to fomq to nw$t . ibot t0< tun) of gto'wtmg (icnm^ng of mat) tq fcq>mce/fo;re/(t ( lcg0t/^sto ppp^Ljcatt^l fa pf (** g0a^ nanf to 0ptq tt town) to mgfit tt at jjppn. $eatt£e t0af 0e fOootb fyue 0» mtf ofnatw^0o{o tOat fcepe 0efo: tftat tuit) 0e^ofee:om frapge to to cpr naf wt/0of t0o?e t0af fyifc? mo: at fettg0* & & 5«*& qo^zm^andttc^m\aftztt^tq^^ ctn& at gommptoe fo f0pe pntpoe of goob t\w£ng (C ofgooD bepng fapb t$pe fftyppatf t$at f 0e £0png t$e q\s^c0 $e beftr^f mcfl iq t$e m:fo me to tpw tong f$af $ebrebmo|f mefo f^mtartg^afp^/io^om/mefo Dapfowbanfp/fo trampffyf^ mberjfontfyng anb put b^tpgene /anb gref 0pftneefo \w* betffonb anb bo £0e ffljwgpe poff^fe req^i^f fci to fpue tong 0ofpfp iopowffy (fiat CQihs p;ejenf compotanS fealenbac off$pppare fe c0pe anb feptnee ♦ §a£e at'/o £0aC beftt of fong f^ng me it) {jefaowf f$e qwpc$ ewpc mo; fflaffcfe fottQe qyvyctjfc mfb f$af pf mt fufftttqt after 0pe beet$ ae 0e fo: fatjanb. §eq j>t {je fo t$at t0e faowf bepe not anb tq pt £6 f$e beftt to fyue fong at tengfet f0a£0e ooq paj>q f0eq\*>£c0 f0af >fc(l tv{jf0owf e^nD anb f $e qwpc$f0af not fc^f afte: t$e beefflfoae 0efoz * jfoif)eqyv{>c$ after ffee feobpfy bec£$ (Qainotfyauz f0£6f0af 0e 0a& befpr^tt^at^efofa^f^neatfongi^tanSaBa^btpapq w^t0 owf epnbqm $e $ae not t$e bef^rof^t futftffyt . #>o conctiib^f t$^Q f^ppatt f 0e necef* fiq>t f 0pngfo: 0{nq.anb ot$er to mberffonb anb bo tftye t$af appatfenpe to fpue fong after t$e bcet$ as 0efo: anb f0af f0e goobfpar qmq f$ep mDerffonbpfanb mr£fepe:0of 0e qwgc0 fpx^e 0ot tfee fyweof ffepe m:fb oonfy anb fp wpf fee ooq 0onbtef0 jear anb mo: fy'wpe not fong pio p^fp0ot0ef0af^mat feng0t 0etof0eqw0 t0e e^nb of t0ge mo:fe£ ^mf0af0et0e0eg^nn^ngoft0ee , «>prfoj{an5 fpm. jfo: (>f onp eflFo:cp& 0p»q feff fo f^m mrftx>ffy iq f ftyem:® f$af after f0e 0obpfp beef0 tof^ m e wprfoff artb fo: ae fapb pe f$S 0ef0affpm tv'p(0 oMaf on^ bopng q wq $ef$affeam parfi£tfpfuff£ffyf 0ef0^epopnfanbnofof0ec\^^ef0e befpc offongfp^ng.igfmberpvb affof$af fftyppatf t$af f$e fp*weoff$^ mtfb pe fotvq a go anb pafftf/anb f0og$f pf fee gref fox 0^tqq trpc$ fpupe ^n* 5 eatt^e o: mox/yt tjerpg0f ftjfef anb \v^(0 owe compatapfoq fo ffee et^rfeftanb fptve t$e qx^c0 fef^e e*«?pr mot (le^nbpe rtot'lCo fee qwpc0 $ef0og0ffocnrq/fa:on^f0^ngfobo fp*wpf^c0 ^e foS^off^efmar fempotef goobp8 f 0af 0e 0ab f$af 0e f^cofo not fepf f 0e gref goob^e offc' f$e q at et^tfeffanb f$e q tv^c$ $eb(?b a0rqjb * mtbpfO f0e piofog off$eacfo:of f0erompoi and f:afenba^r of f$^ppare ,f2f foffotvpe coq of 0et pto^ fog oft0ema0erf0ppparff0e q'wpc^fape anb p:o*wpe 0pot0e:etapff56f0pef0af 0e^:fec forfa^b pe fo ae f$e f0ppparep^^^eanb bpfpwfpeoaq \vpf$ of6ere/(if0pe fOaffapbtec^eeortbf^a^pepemafferfo of0er f$pppare Qifym fape tfy (Qpppatt U ooi) pmiogc contcmnt t$c 6^6 cottipat ttftb C pt map affb 0e %ntetft&hpt U (Qt.piumonttf) oftQc "• 7 3cat 0c.#tt. fapffone £0e q w0 at:£0at pe to TM&etfKfo ■ pipmtptt)/fommw/antQtt)/zt 'wpttfet Wat mat) ffloofi) ipue nafoteffp. fjopB. ^eartpo 0* mo*, fte fflpppate fape ^eacigeofmat).to»^6aeoo2) odfp$cat tap& 3 & e^pr m0z.St.5eat fot twpt pc0 mom £0 offfie $ear, jfoi «e £ 0e $cau c0angpe pt fyp&fpnbzp maptiere $t.$ii.niondfyfo mat) c0w£00cp& a p:pm£p»fj gtaep a «i M/ftmgfit Spgomove/to ooq$opt fpmet vpfbotq poffqtafyito an * tine ofpfe^osgoobpe vapfcepCh mfti vpntec §o at fotQt.piummtiQ of pat oi 6c t0e.m£fapfoe apjrnpe Wat t$z aage ofmf e vpf vpnbps (t cooDstss at f ?e t ge q vpc0 empefc^ps maq to efi to @otto vt (i t0aq tgc maq a^^mt^at . (C^^aq crimps t0e mo^ net0 ofmopgtacpows (t pfopfanf et t0af a(mtut terops pt (t tgat f0c fovl fpe cf Dprirpe fpngpe rq t$c fottfcnygQt et bap • Igceps cSatge 5 of ftwpf* tps anb tSeertS affo. ^ 1£0e fo vq ps mpcS Sopf anb to vatt tSe epnb fpmet mafzps Wc Segpmtpng . 4>o bap maq vptS tq oWu. Sr ^eattps fe ps Spn) Bong fapt vettvoe (t entpt tq Sopfnee/fefepsfSept pfopee baneps feppe et fpngpe npgfle (t bap anb oftpmps fo^effpe mept anb bzpnfc fo entrpe iq Spe gtef foteaWai) ae.^.^eattpe. iSf f6aq dimpe f Se motteW of rttpng tflat t0e fooq ps mo vnfpt rq gtec Spenee/Soptnes/foze d vettn mot f Saq tSep map 6e/fo pe maq as. joioo^eattps rq grrt fow/Soptnes/vettw et Spenes of 0pe aage anb t^atpt map notafant> no mot (t ae.wSt^eattps.C^tJ mtkt dfmpe (0af f0c fowt) flegpnnpe to beefy) t0e bap to oc fee (t tin awtmpe fo (0c tppnee , $o mat) ot0et.$i.3cat ‘wnDetffottbpe (o 0c tr> » n f*teng^aqwpc06egpnnpefogoof5owf00cpb fqpeaagema&anbfce - tpppe e( (e&pe (i dimfe wpe to wpt) anb gabbet fo; peepibef ae.iDfii1.5ca1;. 4L2iffec cffmpe at weft t£e fptt) to gabbet (t 6*png to t0e 0owffee (0c goob bpe of (0c ect(0 to mawe (0c 0ap it) t0c q wpc0 monef0 6egpnnpe anfdnc it) t0c qwpc0 Sc f0oo(b gabbet t0e goobpe. 3 ffb mat) pe ot0ct.Si.5cat pzu bent (topeet fapupe bpfpgene foz to gabbet tpc0ce foi to fpuc (0c tipi) (0at 0 c map not wpt) (t fo ae.tpte.$eat. zBt t0a») ctimpe feptefier (0at (0c wpn npe (t t0e f tupff pe of ftepe wotb 0c gabetpf . $$at) $pe garttpe pe 0owe a ma&peptowpfpot) of ncpbf«f(0pngpe foi to ifpuc i wpnfet qwpc0 brnwpe fo nepr to mat) o(0ct.St.5cattp6p2o/petan( it) wpfbott) piopofantto fuffpf (0c (pit) (0c q wpc0 0c 0ae of refi to (puc mapfianb goob wetfepe bpfpenbSt wp(0 owf onp ejpcee (0c goobpe (0at 0c 0ae fo mpc0 (0at f0od(b fuffpefo 0ptt) foi 0c Snbctfiflbpe wepf t0at t0e tptq b;a wpe ttept (0at 0c (0oofl> tc ft wp (0 0 wf onp wpnnpng ct ae, fiut.jcartpe. Ct ( 0 at) citmpe octofict qwet) afpe gabbctp( (t (0at (0c goobpe at it) (0c 0owe/co*i)/wpt)/ef ftupttpe ct ( 0 at t0epfaw0oW2 of new ct fawpe ( 0 cctt 0 foz ( 0 c 5 cat to cu anb 0 c( 0 at fawpe not f0afnot gabber no (0png ct fo mat) ae o(0ct.St.$cattpe fo (0pe (0a( 0c map 0anc f0af 0c bpfpipe 0ptq fttffoz 0e f0afnot wpt) no mot . 4 >o (apfipe 0pnj fo feme gob ct mapfcpenane anb wetfips fpc0 ae fcpb (0a( 0e f0u(b (0c jeat aftec 0pe bcc(0 gabet g ae.0p.of 3cattpe.1£0at) dlpe noue^ 6ct (0af (0c bape f0o:t mii dowtpe ewetpeftflow? .tp.ofmot mens Bffet f0pe bpupfpoqpe g0ananf to wnbet(?onb fo? ewptpcd ooq wat.m.fdpngpe^dcfprflps tfie go^tpq nomdpt. ^defcgunbfeffet Dompnpcaf^tf0efdrpytdefeffatfa6uCapt qwcprrq fpie afffle ptacfpC? of tHpecompof (i fjfenbar . jfo? t0c q wpc0 nom6et d fetta? fo fpnb d wti^ berflottbfo? f0e fprq f0at f0ep wofb Wttbe?(!onb 6e pf gopq o? fot to cutq f6af 6pputm.fpgTisrps.foon after ffie fmfenba?oftne q wpc0 f0e fpt(!f0af f6aw tOe wafewt d bec6?tacpoq off0e two of0et.£gf pf pe gdanattf fo wnf berffonb f fiat in . tt u.^eaepe t fiapt pe ooq dpfepf f 0e q wped ae ooq bar mo: f0d tge of0er {idtfo ae t wo fetters bompnpeafe fpgnpf 6) ooq of t0efpgure f 0cQangqetQc fettai tf)€ ba^fant maffi^ae (rffic qwncfi^e 'w^f^puf Wfjtfi tfie bai?a6ouc ooi) feff fetter. {[>t ^ gfianant to wnbctfianb affo tfiatfficfettetefei^afeof tfi^e fiafenbav wnbetfifottb)** aetfietij of offiet f 2 afenbtf re 6e fa: tfie q wj;cfi at tfie ttfifietes tfie otfiertfite after tfie fetters fet^afe Cfie fttfi fie fo; tfie fettars tyfcenbanf taw tnttfie goCb^t) nfifi^t t^gfif afioue tfie Da^jeeof t0e new mown (itfie two qw^efi at w#fi at tfie 0owt (i t0c moment of t0e fa$> mowqtfie qwjjcfi qwet) ffiep at fetu^ fox Max mowr) of tfie ba[> afioue tfie qw^c0 tfiqjt :(i qowt) t0e^ at fiftm fet$ uyofox after nowt) of tfie feff Da)> it) tfie pfa^s of tfie nfifiet fie fofeu^s tfiat ifiegrnomfier qwe^t \>t 1£fie ba^e WttDetjfotttytftort) ooq mrbn^gfit tocoqoffie t m$ttj)gifc.iStffia?fetwe ffiefa$> nfifietefie foitfie fettate fet^afe . ^i ; p . 5 eat cfipfept: fron» tfie $eatof ffi^s ptefenf feafettbat oot) ffiowfattb.iiti. 0onbtet0 ,ree cfffie q wficfi tfie fofemtef at wtpttpiq if) tc^b (? ffoi^t it) tfie S^tg$ef we^t tfie qw^ffiw^ette it) tfie enb of tfie fiob^safiotieew^cfiba^ $eooi) fettatof tfieafi c fox to wttbetffoub it) qwafiaffimg^s/mowfjffiat ba^:^ ^fffie fa^b tetter of tfie t^tifi^etfo? ffieqw^cfiffiaffie put oot) ftgitt fie m tfie fjafeubat qw^cfi ffiaf ffiaw fiowtfie^ffioofetwttbetffottb^f^fie^eatof tfipe pzefenf cfipot dfeafe^ bat qw^cfiaefiegowt? tofiattecowtetfief^tfiba^of rainier t^s. ^.ccct* tiW^(t,St$4tt tfie qwrcfi rrmt^e fox tfie gotb^i) ttomfitjr.pSt.Cfic fettar bompnpcaf a tfie fettac taGutatp f (j at it) tfie f^tff f^n^s of tfiert figure a wetcjf tficgoib^) fo? $eat qw^cfi $ fa«b office ptcfanf cfi ^ potaubfeafenba^t C'Cfiotsqwtcfi wnberffottb^etfierompot ptat^fetjs tfi^fetfer bom^tt^affie tfie were wnbemetfi^ (P^Twe/effo/bci^cefttffi/fiotttte/acape/gtatts/ fie otfiet wets ftuctue aUt catm ef gefeea fieffeca banos £t gettitrtOjfionabaf finis amata cabat lDatfo:eeamtt cafo 2 ems gaubt'a 6ufk Camfiif ebens griffo 0oa5c f bicens fietagr>t fo fettfiemonetfi S/ba^/b^ge/fiat/er/go/ci/pfios/a/bitqjfios/ tfot t$c gofbgt) tt f0e pxtn) ^trttto/$i^ix)mato/o(to/le&qmnq^ttb/mi$o/tK/cm)/toob ^cp/tctt)/qmq/qmt/tue/buc/io/tmm/uztt) / %/i/quat C&t**? f»«cfg& mgettwa we sq tfccompotofftyffi Hit® JGcw (ifa^^^cf^^acsaef^Df^f© wnbecffob t0egofb£t)nd% <0e ISrt^ec ta0|^f oof| f9o»i: fcifo\vpefozt$c fuU teffm^atbyffytfhyoatnot figavry) o fttfi qw^0wnbec(f0btjei0otfo f0(* yt ye not $Qamnt to aOaru no to taiwigf fox cmf offy$utet$t qwycQtecQye at (i f fyawp to fpib . £0$e qw^c0 foflfow^eput it) *0$ 0qjb ^ fox at wacfx w#0 owf t0og0f a 0 c 0 e f g C 0 cba^eofe 0 e 5 catat 0 c Jn\C0«Crttce6a!:fx»o^g^c0 oot) 'wa^ dDoq ^efoxfbxmba^cw^c mor.Sr.ot^rfoc f0e ,$t. bayce t w^itf ^e(0oolb 0c / fet it) to t0e£e &ft 0onb ^f.rm.^ngete ^aff0epo^f .C0ctow mowffa^&iiq^fjjertof 'T ej>c0 t0e m we fgootb w^f0 om 0anb *lR£g0f fox to 0e mox cctfa^tj fl 0 ccwtf watt f0e 0a«b g a&out t>ef W£f0 it) mcfrib$ Bffet f0aw^e to wnbetfMb,C)w0at pfo^e ew^f0 monef0 f0oofb 0c jfr (0c fyteffcgmtb ban) betfgec Bt iq tic m$ fjmgexe fo put it) f 0c mebgq’q b f it) t0e fytef f a^Cqje qmb $muu a0oue a of t0e fqtct jfynqex ye fet at ye befyt feuetyet (i mace yt me a6oiie D tq f 0e fcgwnb fgiegct to gibbet Butpf a6oue g a0oue f0e 0 ma£ 3D w^c0 tpq ye to^we a go? fjo^tg^e £8 a6o wee of (0e mrb finger mffet a6oue g ^ (?e t^g0f pftqje Hcweft a0o we aftec tfyx} citmys §>epttmfkt 1 0at (je g0anant to Togo B0o«e fof .im.fwnger £>cfo0cca0ouea^f^8 fax 0^tt) Sftcc we moffput nouemfier. i^0owe b e6/con/gtc/go/n/iim/0©/ pat/e0/Sarr/cut0//0c/ne/fa/pe/ma/n/an5//ge/m4:p'c?si) Simf ®f/g^/ctc/ct/(mi/6iofi4/bar/a, / p^l/&/o^u/ft/(f/5Hr/a/ pop/a^c//fcf/ta/st/oi/mt/a/qut,Si/ta/ti&/ p$i/ft/cmc/m$%4/id/ fa/tin/nic/gw/lte/ne/te/i/qy poji/c/a/t>un/ft/qui/im/poji/at/p^/ft^^c(/$u/ab/c/p(/qy ioqng nu/mat ^o/n^fa/wcb/c©CMm/0at/6a/ri/6a/Si/ei/ )^mat/matg/(^/^tt/^i/mtt/aW/c(yio/oi)4e/pc/pm/ Mt/nutf/mazq/Bza^nms/ap/tti(4a/an/box/(am/(un/ad/gsa/ Mtuefl pt/fitp§/fltp0/au/^/ttme/h%i/w/f0uM/^m/ct/ip/con/ ^nmpHa/(it/ammfi/mSat40/h/tMff/a§/i0/0^/f€(/on/cut/ g>ep(em§et &/gib/fep/mW/6eit/§a/tid/mt/sot/$Qt)/p%c/iQy/qyctuc/ £D0fe0er Km/fca/ftan/d/fiAmt^nc/bi/^t/a/nUa/tb/ poff/fo/cae/m/ iHoiSfm0cr £)m/n»e4Mncfcmc/ti/^/o/qMa/fe/o4^ar4i4i^a/.i/it^a/€5 pw4e/cfe/gts/f?a/f^n//a/qKe//faf/a!t/ DecemSa ^/fe/gt/6ar/0a/n(c/co/fon/rep/et/^i//de//«f/ma/ ff^foffowpa tf)c finite of tfye&iu monetQpe of (0c $eat a 0ow ew^c0 oot) monctfy fow^e pt fetfoffurt) fapt p 0 * pxpete (0a( pt as .jfttfi ianuet fa£e (0a( fet&wije 0anwer 0 ma$i me to 0 c call# ianwet "C 0 c mofi cofbefl ofaf( 0 e $cac &ottf map pipf me tpg0( wepH£0at mp fapfot) was appiewpf "C0* faptfi of got) pt was ojbonnpt jfo: in mp tptt) 0c wae cpcamcpfp( 0efm 0c wae ffiawpi) "Co (0c«iti» fcpngpe (0e ftepc of pipe jfeuetpcc (&0 W fe wetpei; (0e 0acbp jjft> (0e q wpc0e momtfy (0e wpetgpt) topaf 2Dpb go it) (0e temppfofwwpe "Co mapfo oot) p*efen( cfpecpaf "C0epc pxefentpt (0e fwep( fan)/&>pt0 tt> (0e acrnpe of fpmeot) p:ap we t0c malefic topar"C0at 0c fiepp of ingCiwb (0e nan) $0at& 0 an) (0c nofipf mate fib:pf0cmt *Rpg0t gentpf tpg0( g wetfwoe 0t) me cumpa g oot) ftucf pfpant f\Oi 0 art) fotge (i pfan(woe £( ten(tet) t0c gfojpowe 0e it) mp teawtt) fo fap 0 $0 w "C 0 at ii) mptptt) Spgowtowe jf 01 to awcmc 0 afmp ftepn&pe %ut$ 0 an) awptpf(0e mo(i iofp Cf af it) 0onowt ant) waptote f s ox it) mp fpttj yeas feept "C 0 e W02fb oftQe ptt) of oot) fpepc j&e (0c 0ofp wooi(0p fuff cane £Df got) (0a( (0c woifb mapb *£( (0a( we f0 ooft) 0auc (0og0( iBt 0c it) (0pe (ptt) bpb tope $£ap £Dfip& (0 me (0apt pe not 5^ 0n af^c gabbetpng $02 0c wpc0 wcptcat) nait) mejjl an) (0c fee fcpttg of (0c $eat 5 an) (0c mapqwpc0 gta(0pe m fpntup fapt (abpe &t it) mpfpn) wae appzowpt £Df borfwre at (0c compfanipe ewptpc0 oot) fcnowpemp fap/ot) pe fapt 0 an) (0emone(0 of town namet £2wpc0emaf2petocfepp ( 0 c( 0 pngpefpc 0 $0cppmow(<3ea(gtctptan(c 0t) mp (prt) f0oo(b fie U wpr §e qwpefi fo mapnap goobpe 0ac fenb ^fo2 it) mp tpm it) wc i%te %[ fiunb^e (0c goobpe W£f0 gcct iopc &t 0 Setepf pf 0 fo}owfap& "C 0 c woo 2 ( 0 pnce ( 0 a(pe it) mp beep C 0 a( 0 f 0 oofb not 0e of $0 w 0cfertfpt/0 ( 0 a( an) ( 0 e monc (0 of turret 0 on) iopo we wpt0 fofipc woibpe fox afgoobps to ma£& ( 0 crn tpp 'Cfic^ ffiooft wepf w^(0 0 ac( par^C i2( tt) (^tt) feme iefw ctpft Scwe (l 0 an) azuefit it) t0e qwpc0 0ae no fapfet .C0apf* to mapfebcfap maw wpt0 owt gcetfopfcc .put tn to gtcmc0 ffapf anb wpnb iBtfo we ffioofi) cpe it) t0 e mampng ♦ Jfoc to p:ap owe tebemptuc 0efue t0eqw0g0ewp*pow 0ofp fox fo0aueoft0e0ewpqt0efcnom §eptem6cc 0 mapfc me to 8c caffpt feptemfiec jfufofafgoob it) af pfaepe 1£0ep ma^fpnb it) mp fapffoq weft wpq 0opttpe anb pepe ffletfhft f ox oot) tpjq.^o foootb pc0 oot) 6p gtet capflfoq #b wpe q wa0at pt 8e fo fmaf 0e 0e powz wpb of af gatnpfoq €)cfo6cc il)eqwpc0ofmetemen6tpe 0prt).§ef0oofb6e gfcbfwrq gteftumfp jfoi 0 an) nampf octoBet 1£0«t mafcp* t0e wpq to 8e gabeept of t0e (cunt of t0e q wpc0 t0ep mapf* t0c 0ofp factemet a8ouef0e awtet i fpntop ebtep* £t q \mj 0 mop goob wpqfo weetafp ^p fapff t>q f0oofb 8e (bwpt /ftouemBec 0 mapfe to 8e fpg0tnpt fpntop tpfone . 0 an) nowemfkt t0at rcgttpe at fW Sfpacfoq of fac0ot) f0oofb t0pnft to Batie Btepb anb wpq &t 1 0oofb pzap to f 0e foweeapq . Ixpng of 0e$pq fox om fatuaepoq jfoi tq mpq tprqptpe cettfapq t0at tppppe af nattiteffp IDccemBet 0 arq fc0tem0et t0e cuttope /t0at aBowc at f0oofb 0e fowpt ©wen? iq mp (pit) t0e ftpng of fipngpe waeof t0e wetgpq be^mtpt &t Boottjof 0pt fpb . ©wept of t0e woxfb wae tetopet £Df 0onnom 0 pae atot$a.$&wet) it) mp fprqiefiie woo Boot*) ^Jfiomftftof tQebafteofeWftftfyooi) 2lutpf/topng/(iaf(b feptemfiet/Be.ppp.bapee wpt0 ttommBcc $ewpq ae ewptpcf) oot) mot oot) bap feuetetM.foe f0at pf pe tpg0t tome C'Cffc* iHu fapffone of f0e $eac qof wpnter. Copowpcpewppt0a*banbfcf ©wet) prpmtpjq cflrape cowetpf of fSsmpe/pf peof fpnbxpcowfowte *Sf Wpfmapftt0e8egpnnp«gatf0cm^ fewetper tpg0tfp X0t it) mp§ map 6egpnnpngfom»et>ffowfof pootnee and 8ca wfe Sntom it) etweft wept t0e mpbbpe Segpnnpe fox pt petfle tpg0t pfape Wpntetfap^pe«ot0fenof/ewpt moxtftc oa$ (ant (foment* &t qwo wotboft0e empot wnbetffcmb $$ox tfye txafmbat 0e (fyooft fc flDsffiefpgutw^Bowtfap^png* 1£§epf0Gf feaft0at t0epbefpr ai C f&K fo* & wbeejfonb q^0af fpg f 0e me wi} e*wf (5 t» iufar&tyfof (0c mfct oftfa fyng$* of (0e ftafenbac fytyt , % Sw pm pim p% p%ip%t} pfttqpip Btice p n c 8 f 9 r 0 3 P e it m a e t q f Mtm 5 0 b 13 m a e i (5 <3 f n 0 ( ft p r « 2friee « P c <*> SI 0 ( U ? £ s e 0 £ S f a a 0 caucus a q f P 0 c 3 t a f f 9 P b ft m 0 f i tautue a r 0 5 p b w m 0 & f (5 q e IP n c t ft gemim 0 8 0 (i q e n C t & ? r f P 0 0 % l gemmi c f j ? t f P 0 b % f 0 f g 3 P c u m cancel* b ( ft a I g 3 P e U m 0 8 0 (5 q f p ft cancel: e $ f 0 & 0 (t q f P n £ t i 9 c g P 0 Xeo f U m £ t l ? c g P 0 b 15 ft a f 0 3 P ieo g P n b % ft a f 0 3 P e it f 0 6 t (5 q ieo 0 P 0 c u f 0 e i (5 q f IP ns c f ft ? c Jsurgo i 5 P f (0 m c f f? ? V g P n b S f a f iDicgo ft q g p n b S f a f 0 5 0 e n m 0 8 Xt0ta f 0 r 0 3 0 e u m 0 B 2 (t ? f » » c ( Xi 0 :a m a f i (i P f P n c ( 6 P q g P 0 b s $co:pio n 0 8 ft ? q g P 0 b s f a t 0 3 P e II £>cotpte o C t r a £ 0 3 P e » m 0 f i d q f |p fagi(tart^p b % m 0 f i q f n c 8 ft ? t g p fagtttartfq c It n c e ft 3 «w t g p O b f f a 0 5 fagittan? c f P 0 b ( r a f 9 5 P c § m 6 6 t 0 capncom^ f g P P c « m 0 8 i (t <1 f If n c ( ft 9 capxtcotn? a 6 5 q f u n C ( fa p t g P 0 b $ f a ^quati? ( t (* c g P 0 b s f a f 0 F P e U m 6 Squats % ( i ? e 0 P P e u m 0 6 i 5 q f (P it c pifeee it f a e i 3 q f ip n c ( ft d r g p 0 b pifeee p m 0 ( ft d t g P 0 b s ( 9 f e 3 P e pifeee ? n c $ t ? f 0 3 P e u m a e t (i q f e t0e mo^tj e'pp^cH ba^ /(i t>e(0e beefaeas^oq of (0e fe(ftg>e of oot) /a /0 /c/b q^pc0 ar tg (0c kafenba^t ne£t of £0e frn£6(t ar nam^f&tfice of(0e ftn gt>eq W£t fot mat? 0c f^efl (0e fcftac of ifyz kafenbac aftoue t0c ba^ t0at tOep ^ofb wnbet jlonb/af(et 6e ^ fmtb iq (0c e^ttb of (0e b^fcmS^t r» \w?erf0e nomfez gotb£qq^^c$?w!t?e aftzz 0c 0ofb ig (0c e$>«b of flje tope gweprat wtpffpq t0e wompe of t () e fpngpe (c pf fgat 6*? ftoflfye ftawact rpg0tTpt0e fupb fetter ptpef0e gwpcfl tfie mowwet0of bap»£t foaeooq nom0^r go^oon^ 'fec^foi^r) wnber nef0 f0at nom&pr fox ffle feff 5«at ae 5ear off 0 pe foafewbat we 0aue. pSi.fo: f6e &ofbpt) tt 5 < 6^tr f0e fpq wn8et.pSi.f0af feme aff0c faS 5 eat qwen we fBafflauc. pSiY f0e fyq wnber .pSii. fQaffewe t$e teat of . pSit . fo* f 0e gofbpq ttomBpr anbfaofof0ae. )Dt ce£um /igme pie ju tgens e|f buabcnte $it 0ommie co^pueaff rmuacue eie jllati) t aput et facm . iiuee | i£i gauBef 0a6ere 0uttime et catfi me tiBi.'&aure betur &xac$ia «nq mamBue .(i5emtme funt opfa becentet j!}af titan; cancct pecfotie anfa gent BtfeoSuft (tomacurt) teneefiBtSenbtcaf then; 5>et tnfeffrmieStigo pieeffe petit BmBaettfianafeejamBaefiBt Senbtcat 0ancae §co:pm Suft atmitj $uftq$ pubanba fi6i 0ttDe fagitfartue u) copie iwCt bomtnati MmQotun) genuuiq Sim capzicomue 0a6e£ IRegnat tq aqiiatto mmiwgSie apta becentet pi fdBuo ct bemmq congtua ptanfa pebwnj* $afutmiemget. 0upifeiStttbt6. 3Sf£ate riiBeneefiftafctocctie* Jbetmaaffiiie. a mile. £una %>mi funt & bum qnifquie ttg not mfatmtpuetfit cofmtne {S>c(a?acpoq of £0e faf pg 0ept aBcmc CBafpefofap t0af tfc.piu fpngpeBae bempacpoqaBoMe £0e Bobp of Wat) bpwpb^Bepai^ ae 0et0e (pngp© bpwpfpe £0e famommt atib ewptpc0 ooq fpng Be Bofbp© d gowetnpe £0e pattps oft0e Sobp fo ae pt pe fapb aBone a after f0af0e f0awpq Be fpgui: anbbecfaprpt mot fuffpffy C§pc 0 fpfi 0 fpfanef£pe (0 fopb of f 0ept cowfente Batof ffopt nature d pioptpcfeeef t0e patfp© cf tfe Bebre tfe qw^cp gowmi^e ani Be 0of« moi at fuf fBafBe fa^b f e^r at ieng0t. 4 C] 0 mog& me to 6e caff$ tanker Ctf? mofi co&eftof af$e ?eat 3&o£ $mo{> P%f me w£ 1£$ac int>fat>fon >'0«5 appjt Wtft C6e fa^f) of gob ^«se oibomM fat m mp tym £te was c^ifortf^f^ <9c/ue0e *vvae poiw^i) -Co f 0c. w. f*g;sq» (fc^r of!**?® uwto datie i&UMq*) ddis pociatee* ~ poftfa &tt |5 feecfe po*9 poftfctcufa fit tiU not 9 cm wc'oto time potato St gene crebo ,0af«w tuftfmfree ^Sena./cmberccwtee Cucoua/iobomim a ill octfctiffepfani ocifftl iofiank m& t tfetoy m iiii pi odfrtGif, innodem %U S&i odjtittfhme mat* e *2pipgawa bornim* f Si $>c(t £boitf atbi regie 0 & i&Cfowe feptwageftme. 0 $cti bictani t Mi p&i P$tii im $ofit) aquaria hentffictnc 0 ft$p$ocfcptp$iim'e fdifdim i ®m ftffmmro a00a£te fm 11 feti nwtcetft pope fetiantom • |oB» fct?p#c §cti Tvfjfam f> pSti $ctffa6iam(ifc0^ 9 U §ctfagnerie$itg* » tS» $criSm(mctt iiii piii u pitii i tit M &onuttfio{cftpmU ppw $<*ipiriccff wt $cta GsigiOa (Sit £ ^ c pSi Snu' pppi puEtftcacia matte fjr §>dl 0 £a(if w>% ppSi (do agatfia fdd$ Sc&ajftgamettDt (i\j Ain Si pppSitg S a & pm p 0 c it p & p Sit c f pStit fti iti f&3 (tppofoma 0 Sit ' pSiii ip it Sit i pfo S 3 pS 5 i/it ff i to fiiifcofaj lice pB Pi pS iitt psii IS pit o / ppm f i Bit pit f pit 5 t ip «« pfi 0 o ^ ip u mo2ce gjgmt Sattofq3 fcofozce $wmc ciBunj put t cocrutoe fi pfacet Sr~ ^ftieafunffatta febqucfugfi&ia&ma iDenanec ofibenba ttec potto fit ttiBu&a mi iiu ^>cdi^O outbid monoHL f 0 t £>ancti ce&fcc g * pffo 0 afomni i Sm pip'&ift ft ( ¥ fcif>pctuc$fcltQomc m ® pw $amftdu£0qfti « p8w tf (^JCfoucepafc0c,fot i imete ^anctigtcgompai* ._v 1 5 r fcftima qwa&wgejima ( 1£c 9 » ?»' jpfS 6 S 8i i«i f 8 PUii m Si g w P fSm 0 ^ $ pppSii c * % p% 0 e pS f pppntl pStti pppu&crocti Bonifocit pope $ P pppm §cmcti pafria'i u $>c 6 ^e 5 ^>atDi(iga 0 i p \ ^ til * ' ® PM>. ^anmjjofepB'fef o few $antfi cwtfBerte $ancti Bmebicfi pflff Siii mi prnnSpafcffa $tc abort) cttatut fSii MnnmdatioWiica ¥ Si piiii ¥ iit ¥ pi S ptp i Uzfmttpiobotnwi pppSi pel pc n P P a (ftm ftp pftiii iiii p(m ftii pS m f>U i ip c ft f f ft n 6 c ft c kq.tfamyi).*W §it fttoftat i») fte«\fase cxpnfie $a6ecc Janneta tenafcimf. pad futtc appctmnr I quo fcafycfat anp^guie quoq^ crefct f jgrgo foutaiut ftmfct auoiq j minatuc ftmcdgt(&atbi pfftii mawegppaaca JattcttricftatWepi ^aucuamfaow (ft » P Si ( jo/h ft* ptiii m pi pw> ftm pi PPP 1 u ti w w« f ft ft pxum $ ®itt pppfti 6 c is »pft 5 & ttii f ft ftm ppp ft «... ppp

ancteopoi(tme Jewett geoigii pi sxjtt(ttmardcu3ge( ft tztania mato: 0| w> 0! 8 £e(en aB.pjtyri.fag. <£t tffcmoxrt).^*, £tj3at>o fecure fapatt ftC(t6t cute $cmbattit Sena feb potto betut amcna Cff caftbte tefi? fmt fctcufa feu fpcaef^ pottfiue aftticta fit fahua at fienebteta. pflifippietflacofii m Stti pppS n m pp%ii fitiuctio fancte ctuciu o §>«ncti afepanba W> ppwi 0 ofite ail pozta fafmii W §>antf t tofi&Ue befit, f pfi ^ctroffa.fctimcoftu fmctrgmimi ft pit (ctyn&xictacQifci pm ip m Up m i pH Dunfiam r §anrttabefmiepi pfiffl $ancft augujfmt ^ famftgetmamcpi n fiit _ pU fawtcpetromfTe 6 m 9 Bit pin i U (PU 9 i pSlii pi Sii tii pS % iui i pH i i iiii S futi ii pUiii S pftU (ip pCip C fBit fi c f i e c b c f flutmg de.ppp.twi! 6, (itffcitrowj.pptp ^i) mtito gentee|>tut6at mcbo 6i6entce atqrnoueftfl^fugepotue cetujftaturi} jile noceaf cofeca Bafet tefectio Beta jittrtucefton&eee&e teiunue gtftefafee. frtMrfi nrromei>!6 <1 S tit pm ii ii ip P % pBiii Si Bii 6 < c f pSit Bi pii 0 pBti B c Bi P Si B flti & piiii piiii ui i pBiii c ii ip pppBi f tit ip P» Bui ppp$ S Pi Biii n pip ip Bii 0 pip pi Biii ip m V 5 Biii P - c « i pSt Si pu f pSi (QIWoW nnmwovwv|w»"- fancttnpcome&ie 9 2 piiii fanctimatceflwi r pBiii pS fancti 6ontfac» rA a fate mcbatbi rf gift u 1 £caujla.fcie&muttDi p Dn i fP3>Si t pB pSii ip 5 iiii ppBi ppSii 0a|3ftU6 pit ip puit ^ ?/ fancft0a|tfn a i Bii iii fancti mo&efft 0 ip 5iii ppiiii teanffatio fctt ticflatui fafymatciefmarcef. cfc pppt fcd». getuafu et p;o(0* f ppiiii / C’pw*ffo.fci cDouatbi g 0 ppS fxmctt af6am' i »Siii $«KCte etftebzcbe & pff * 1 ppiiii *c0*io0feef pan* pS fancfifeomepape p ii jCcmcmoiafto panft - ’(j rntt) mowij , pyp q?nft fofomc tufio i)ic ^Dat mebicam )Den3 no fcinttat miittenjpoaokM fomnu cupi[caty,6atnea dicta paucfcat pzobefi mieittba afiucajafoamillta c • j£-. f Em fSw ftifita.6caternanc e *- fiitt « octpetctfipauG p fcRQu^qumum fcptcfrattumtn: pffii fcti Bmcbicti pppip WWp * £*>ofit) Crone pfii fcti &cne&nt *>$«' pptp fcti amuCpQi ? a 0 C 5 e f 0 a t cS« fcti maraqreCe fete promote feta maria magftafe. tn fat appounatih n fete ppm 3ecgi* $ $cti tacoBi appoftofi, S* fotaanna if fepfe ooitmCctfl t Witifttfamfatm ( r ta&f- ft&fmfk i fetojf. a3DoJ) i fcti gee mam i 0 ini pmutr*' .pmMyeqtm'syq.ppfr qfqefitS augujiofimat mebicamme rnffo I Rato bo^nutet ejlci' coiai qmq$%iict» s kiicoeHiotim flty ip *> P P fis % n pfitt) pm ppp ppwj pfist pi Sttj ffri ttt) fi ft ^afnea nd cuvet net mufti I fidejtto amtjj ,lQemo^>a«^^u0otgom«i;i c pit? tt) ppp SO Smtufafcti petti b t) i iPSri pwpmim* * t p n) ppp Jituecio (cti (tenant g jfeftuniuiemattc n pfiwj 0 pffi 't&ianffv&Afli c 5 pfi c trtl f M foftunoie ieju ® pfitj fauctiOouati fed mi ad fpt) mt u i p pppfiti S i ip in pfiti ii fit p pi fiui ?s>St ft fete tommi pi $ctt tauiencii JciUiftutaz Si <«p Jcti.&oSti pii jpffiw $tptcm0iie e S/umpao matte b §c(t roefft z pfiu Siti pfiii od.fd imuwttii f fit fitii m ftfiagapiti s «p pitt) fit pfiu B pirn mi pfip §cti mangm *) fit ft pi sti pfiii pip fim t pi pfii P&P flctfcmetetmzfc it fctocwttj tim$£§d 2 o e b pi p e f pip fi g Sin p pfii Ip ffitti B pfii ip ftp f&tctitufigi §>eti auquftttti « S fi b pm i fi it $cft 6artflofc>mei §af fubouta fi fi wt put p pi ffiit Ebecofaao loflatua ftp [don fetria aubacti {Mtieeutfytieu&e [ itt pppii f 1,111 yt j>ur it ii 3 P St ) V PP a e $iii 4 t pSiii c pSifj iiii U 1 pfSi b Sit Si $ P c m tit pUp f pS Si 0 mi m Sin ppii a Pit i 6 * i P i tit S c b ip S ip Sit fi C jflii pSii f pSii ip U St pS 0 a Si Si jDIU Ss pSii* 8 mii i ip c (it Pi pppiiii fe Hi pi Stt m>¥ e w Siit f pi Hi 0 pip P Mi P fSi a $i S 8 m m St « 4 tt jm >Sii c b pS i S S it t piU St P f pit'i 4 i 4 (cpUmGt t ae.ppjp, bofje d mowj* i> jftuctwmatuti feptZQzie (unt Saftfiitt f£t pita cu %inopani& ai facte captitto aqua be S:f ica n6i potto ferfuc arnica, 0 /• « 4» 4* i* « 4»» pitii 5>ctfegtbii P $cft antomi cuBectt iDiee cantcufaree pji>St S /llafiutfae matte pm%i§>ctiQoiQonii piiii fcftyyty tiacincti PPPii$otit)(iGta Sii tepattado etude m ocf.natmtfatte fit 4 $ctfnfniani pfiti <§cft feoBitti $tftfi*m6etfi MW §>ctimatQei ;S4fcSf i ii ;i t» §ct?mic0aefiear. a pplfll. 8 $>ctf tewrnmt irr i . Tv lit pi o pip Sti PP m % tilt ppp$i iiii S ppiiti it is Sit Sis > $>fi »Siit Sit |Mfl>it in pm £)cto6et ae .ppp . ba^e (i mow) . ppfy £D comebcf5 ndpucotbwfe&c pi Siit $>ctfyvmw&t. « £>c titfiomt 6 $ai ftobogarit j[ Si frifffcfc Stymie ( o $ctof matctipmazctf S 5 6 Si w & w* u c 6 t |0UI n fS ip fi o pppi it pfStt §>cte biotti/ii * fm$et tomb 6 ttii $p$itfctinigttjii ( m fS 'fctmf.$etlet)ou ^ * 0 p tit pppSitftfitomamepi p c Stit 9>^i« iP«» t ttt Stii ppi tn Sttt & l»«i 8 e S • f g piti a 0 € i p pfS £ctl quintwi 5U i r S TP $cti fimomp tube i K P ! P fc h A 5 5 pS» $ctdq- aifpwiflctifpifif $ ( jftoueOet* ae.ppp 4 be* f£t mowtj.ppip fi)oc t farcbaf q> rcuma noufGzt cucant £5ueq5ttoauaStfafua (mfpaofa bicta Oafnea cQ Sene re fuc nuflt? pftat f)a6ere p fti pf Sii b P S t y$iii V pfSit f pSiii Sin ft pi l pfiiii p/pi i Sit Si llll ip rs 0 pS i c tit pi ft pit ait r« Siti Sit c i pi ppS f i Pt * P ftp \ tp tii pi ft pppi 6 pSti Sit c Si iff a ft St ti c pint it pint tii tit f in iP m 1 iit St ft ii ppStt 0 pi iiii Pip 0 pppSti c Sti fti ft» pfti ft ptp e Slit Sit jfli S put f 1 pSt m 8 ■ ft pfiiii S pi % put pi pHi in w> t a m fit ft ii S p P fijej r P 0 Comemozatto aiaj^ f ppptti §>aebmiw&t ate $>ancfi 0ugonie rt oeifanrttmartim iif pint gxmetiebmunbhegiepi pit fmtat to matte J pfSt §>anctecece(ie * pppS §>ancftcfemetiepape pft fancti $ti fagotti . ? PPpSii§aKrtc&at0ect«e -' — ~ fin! faneitfafatwni et ppt S>anctianbzeeapfi f- s 5 ‘“ Sui S p» P” p ini uii fori 0 i t ip p p%ii 5 mi CSt il p% ® pCi 6 c ppptiit b e « f AH a pppi ^ pp$i 6 £«c£0et ae.pppt.ba|j*(i C0e mo wt).ppp. 4tigw6iitctui; captfaiteima fcmbafut lotto fit Sana feb Soffe potto cara § f»r pi r po ^^ tat 9 ., w* « itn pfi PPP ptut p pip ut m pi ip pip pi Sttt Si pSi Sii S pi pin p it o o fiiti PP c b e f I 0 < F»> t p S» S tit §aitcC«8adtota fc pS * jpftit iDepoftfro fcti ofmtioi f ^cmcfinicofai m tttt a ppp%i4Dct.fmC pppiiii b * PPP fiit f 0 c b f pi Sit pppfc pip p S ^atttftfjome Stti pip ppii pSi it ppiiii S o pit it 5 iPm p ti S fSit fitfmtmttfuctifti £>anctt(fepfjani ppii §ancft iofymnie f $»mt(fo£innocmfiw gutm Siit §>anancfibuf0afti * GmctififatfUi eptofeq>oi) (it(5c latent oftfyz fetetee offfie ftgut faGufapt p tQmtty t$c fegurtb fyt) after t$e tetters bow^t^afe . 0 ntet^af^e jfcfie tnoyvafyfe rt cy *■* | l^sprua’^cpecSRoga. Jb#fomCtp(imee . ft^fonba^ftctfonbapto sWgefima* it} bap ti) tafent tofant^Joot) tf)e absent. »« datum 2tf}ateHmpl #£flpwcf:pe.bajje mtt.S.wfucpjime* b 6 p%ui ppSii pp'u p e c pip ppiii ppm pi f Is pp ppiii ppSiii pii % e ppi pp% ppip pin fl f ppii pp$ i ppp pint 6 S M*# ppSii i&fiai pS S St i $ ppiiii ppdiii ii b i pp$ ppip in t it ppSi ppp iiii f t ppm pppi S gm ppM&wttfKi a % ppip ii J "'■* $ o ppp Hi t p pppi iiii & 9 jfcwqjerS « c $i ill titt S St s« Siii ip P pi pii piii piiii p% p%i fm pM $ n p%iii 9o pip t p PP t o ppi • ? mn it as an c a a c t b f « if a* M c i bf* cf St Sit Silt <*> j 0 i JM't pit piiii p% Sit Siit p pi pii piii piiii p% p%i pm s s s Si Si Si Si Si Si Sii Sii Sit Sii Sii ppiiii Sit p*>S Sit Si PP$i Siit jD(S>Sti Stiff jPjpSttiSiti ii ppip Siit pps> Siti tut iti pppi Siit S pSt pSti ptiiii pip pp ppi ppii ppiii Si Si Si Si s s s s s s s tttt St iiii S iiii iiii S iiii mi tin t »• ti iti iiii S St S t ti iti ttt ii St S ttit tit tt i tm 'iti iti ttt jpSitt Siti Si tit p3ii pMi pip pp ppi ppii ppiii ppiiii pp% pm pp ppi ppii ppiii it tit iiii S St ppiiii Sit p% Siti (Pj>S ppm p ppm pi ppip pii ppp piii tp ip ip ip iP ip ip P p P P 3> ttt i (U ii ii iii ii iiii ii S ii ii ii St i iii iii u i i i ppip ft^ap p»tp fucfba^ ppip webnefbatj ppip tmfba\> ppp monownDa^ ppSiii fovmbav ppSiti fateiOay ppStii ftgbag ppStii fucfbap ppSiti ^eiJticjbap ppSiti tw/ba? ppm monowiba^ ppSii fowoap iiii ppiii fafecbap iii pp%u fq>ba£ it pppSiifutfbatj i ppm mDnejDap ppSii iwfbap ppM ttiottowttbatj ppSi foTPttbap ttit ppSi fatetbajj iti ppSt frpbatj ppSi fwtfbap ppSi mbnefbaj? ppSt fwfba^ ppSi mott0TW0ajj ppS fo^ttba^ titi pp% faferba^ tit ppS frpbap ppSt fmjba^ pp% 'webnefba^ ppS tmfbap ppS motto^nba^ ppiii fowtba^ Si s tt i l St s u t Si s tilt ppiiii frtfecba^ C W*** oftfa feftat tatiufaqi oftfc oftpc# tfyt \Poif0 pe Occfat# 6e fXta fygme goptb afoz f0c fptft foz tQ c Bfaft fettete pc0 b^feenb^ iq 8n» Snber t0c faifi nomBpt ps f0e fetter faBufo^r (t fgc0 fyf:oft0c fetter bom^t(»cafiq fl}ef$jat 0e^r after . 1£0e£ f0oofbtmbet(fonb affof0e ftgwt fo 0e 0oR> t0e gofd^ tsomOpt f ot ttyt $eae t0af ttyi% tPofS wnbeifiob (t it) ttyt(pt) t\>qtyt "pmdet ttyc gofd^nd0^ce^c mo* t0e feftat dom^caf c adoue (0e gofd^t) no0|?c * SiiiSe folznfe 0se fieffec jjjfyqive yi fa0^8 ttyat (timysto opbdcc ttyt da^ ofmp%>iiattyc daiof fanr looq af iq ooq da^ * d.agaue ..pS6? ttyt moft ferweft 0ejtee and fa%(0ateam^8tog^0% ttycputpf^cacppi} of cm fad^iqtf ps ooq mot «®^nda|> afo* faffing 0 0e 0e afqwf>r $ pe qmq 0 fa%* flfcgoR^qnoitfeeijjeom fodg ba^of mace tfleba^of good fippatyn 0 a 0 ft d c 0 00 f e d £0 a 0 f ed 0f e d c 6a 0 f e Dc 6 a 0 ft D e 0 S r0 a 0 f ed c 0 a sf c d e 0a g f a 0 fe d c 0 og f e d (0 a 0 f ed c e d c 0a 0 f e dc 0 a 0 f* d e 0 00 (0 a 0 f ed c 0 a 0f e d e Ba g f c 0 ft d e 0 og f e d (6 a 0 f ed c 0 d c 0a i 0 f e 0 a 0 fe d c 0 00 f a 5 f ed e 0 a sf e d c 0a 0 f e dc f* b c 0 00 f e d C0 a 0 f ed c 0 a c 0a 0 f e : 0 a 0 ft d e 0 agf e 0 f ed c 0 a Sf : e 6 c 0a g f e de 0 d c 0 ag f e b eff a 0 r e$ C 0 a sf 0a 0 f e oc 0 a 0 fe d c 0 ag f e 0 f ed c 0 a sf e d e 0a 0 f c Dc 0 a c 0 og f c d (0 a 0 f e0 c 0 a sf e 0 f c de 0 a 0 f* d c 0 00 f e d e6 ed c 0 a sf e d c 8« g f c de 6 a 0 0 «0 f e d (0a 0 f ed c 0 a sf e b f e dc 0 a 0 fe d c 0 off f e d cB a e 0 a 0f e d c 0a 0 f € de 0 a 0 f* «s f c d C0 a 0 f ed c 0 a sf e d c e be 0 a 0 fe d e 0 09 f e 0 C0 a 0 0 a gf c d c 0«0 f c de 0 a 0 ft d f c 0 £0 a 0 f ed £ 0 a Sf e d t 0a be 0 a 0 ft d ( 0 Og f e d e0 a 0 f a 0f c d c 0a 0 f c be 0 a 0 ft d c e d £0 a 0 f ed t 0 a sf e d c 0a 0 IJ^guc pctpctudfoi 0c|fer aitS o(0er moSytfctftco w>(b i i n it) m) 3 # a p 3 m ppSi 3 a pSi 3 a ip 3 m ppSi 6 a?) 6 m ppSii 6 a pSii 0 a it? 6 m ppSii c a pi c m ppSiii c a pSiii c a iiti c m ppSiii b a i m b m ppip b a pip b a S b m ppip c a St c m ppp e a pp e a Si c m ppm f a Sit f m pppi f a piiii f a Sii f m ppiiii' g a Siit g a t g a pS g a Siiig m PpS % Su Siit P 21 a pSt S a it 3 a ppiiii a « 4 U 0 a pSii 0 a lit 0 a ppiiit 0 a p 0 a iit c a pi c a nit c a ppS c a pi c m ppSiii b a (Pit b a ® b a pip b a pii b m ppip c a piii e a St c a pp c a piii e m PPP f a piiii f m PPPi f « ppi f a pitiif m pppi 9 a ?)S 0 a i 0 a ppii g a Siiig a i pi pit piit pint pS 3 a pSi 3 a ip 3 m ppSi 3 a pSiB a # # u 0 a pSii 0 a P 0 m ppSii 0 a pSii 0 a tit c a pSiii c a pi c m ppSiii c a pSiiic a *# • 4 tut b a pip b a ® & m ppip b a pip b a S c a pp c a ®i * m ppp c a piii e a Si f a ppi f a Sit f m pppi fa pitiif a Sit 0 a ppi'i g a Siu 0 m ppS 0 a P® 0 a Sitt pSi pSii pSiii pip 21 m ppSi 3 a P®t 3 a ti 3 a PPiit 6 m ppSii 6 a P 0 a iit 6 a PPtiii c m ppSiii c a Pi c a iiii c a pSiii b m ppii b a pit b a S b a PiP c m ppm c a piit * m PPP c a PP f m ppitii f a pint f m pppi f a PPt g m PP® 0 a pS 9 a i 0 a PP« (pty*# owt (0c feftat bom^pcaf ttqnxef! wtber (0c gofbpj nomB^r ^e 0c0et bavfo: (0c 3 cac of (0c gofe^i) nom0£t 3 6c totxnye out $$$ 6c tofa nve mare anb (0c nomflpt after (0c fapb feftree pe qwat bap of tye mo $ nc(0f0af0c 0cffct. ‘£L$,ccecMH,py>. $Qxccc. iiiup * . Sl^.S.c.tflecdppe 2©.S.c.anDOoi) cto0ec.Si* tpe.pit.momcne tre.t. moment tpeXmomcne Bompe.pti.motf mcne 3t9*S.c.pm.f(5e 5ft?).S.c. pSri, ecfypeoftfle fo^ ectysoftQcmot ecfypeoftfycmo* (0e ecfppe of tf)c W)t0e.Sii. bap wjtfle.pppbap Wjt0e.ppip.bap mowtjffle.pm. of mate, pi. 0ow of iamctii,$oyv ofianuet.S. 0ow bap of tupffet. pi tpe.pii.momene tpeifSw.momee *p 5 afewptj.pppip 0owpe.pu.mo4 momene mene 280. S.c . Si. t0e $$ . S .c . pSiii . , S .c . pSiii ♦ 2J©.S .c . pip ♦ ecfppe of t0e fo * t0e ecfppe of t0e tfie ecfppe of (0e t0c ecfppe of t0e Wjf0e.ppni.bap mo wj t0e.ppiiii fo wj (0c. Sm. mo wjf0e. Si* ofbecefietaffw) bap of map . pi . bapof mmg, Sr bap of itoucBcr 0owpe.ppmi. 0owpeootj mo 0owpe.pfS.mo pt'0owpe. S„ momene ment mene momene 0f).S.c.pp.f0c 2!9.S.c.pp.f0e £t9.S.e.ppii.f0e jBt^.S, c.ppitu ccfppe of t0e fo 4 ccfppe of f 0c mo ecfppe of f 0c mo f0c ecfppe of f0« Wtj f0e.pt. bap wjt0e.Si*bap wtj t0c .Si. bap mow) f0e fptff of ocf o0et . tut . of ocfo6et .mi . offcptcmBcc . pi . bap of mate . S . 0 o wpe(t.ppSii. 0 o wpe (i.ppSri* 0 owrpe.fSi.mo 4 0 o wpe . p.mo * momene momene mene mene ^.S.c.ppm.f0e $&}>%X*pp*ftJ$c ffie £tB.$.c.p*»S?i0e ec%>eoff0emo^ ecfppeoff0emo£ ecfppe of t0c mo ^ ecfppeoff0emo£ f0e.pSi. bap wt) tf)e» mi. bap *wt$ f6e.$ptp. oap ^vr» f0e * pStit ♦ ofrti'wc(t.u.0o , w ofmfteP.ip.0oT? oflDecem0et.pt. bap of iDetemSet tpa.fiS. momcm rpe.fi.momene BcPPttpe.pi.mo$ p.0o*wtpe.js>.mo mette mens ^©.S.C.ppp.tBe £$. S. c. ppptt. 219. S.c, pppiii . £$9> $ . £ . pppit eftppeofP0e mo^ t0eeftppeof t0e P0e ecfppe of (Be P0e ecfppe of P0e w»j t0e. Sti . bap mo^t) P0c,ppp. moppt) t0e . mi . foAYt) f0e.x>p .bap of ilDcPoSet.pi. bapofarmft.iPtE bapofatwfipt ofat\?eff.wi.0ou 0ompe» ft, mo? 0op?t :p6,fSi.mo* Bo^rpe.jw'i.mo^ rpe.ppS.momce. mette me«e mens 5©*$.c.pppmi , ^.S.c.pppmi. £!9.S.c.ppp$.f0e t6c ecfppe of f0c P0eectype of P0e ecfppeofP0efow) t0e ecfppe of P0e fov?8! P0e . pint . mow) P0e»ppp * P0e . fim . bap of mowj ppStftbap bap of iamtt A. bapofiattuec.n. tupng. ft. 0o wpe ofnouzmfict.ftt* §cp?upti>momtt 0ompe.ppSu. iiumomcne Bompe, Sutton momette mette. c ii fl&tix.pppKiii. $$$x,ppp%ivi. ,%c. pppip. tfyccfype ofttyz ttye ectype of tQe efje etfype. of t§z t$e ecfppe of £0e mowi)t^e t ppim mowt) tfyz.ppiiii mowntfte* ppuii fbwj? tfye. pviii, bayofmay.%iii. bay of may two bay of may two of autiLiiiifyow (jom^8m,mo fyowtyoMLmo? 0om^.w»mo^ tys. ppi.motnm mens mens mens % x ♦ pfjfte $t$.%x.pt i . fffc 3$$x.p(u tft e . $&.%x,pf\ it ,t$i tefypeof tQcfa? edypeoftftemoi ecfypeof t$e fo ? ecfypeoftQemot tx>») (0e * flt ♦ ba£ t$e. pii. Da^> of tv>jj t0e ♦ ppi . i>a£ wt)t$e fytft &a£ of auxyt.%.$ow tnatexituQowt of atweft .ppi, of mate . 8m . t^e.pSt.momfe r^^umomme $oms pfe.mome* (Jom^e.fpkmo* mens (0c .0, c. pfmu 0.c, pfiiii * ttfypeoftQe fo* tfyccdypeofmo? edyp^oftftefowt) tftcedyp* of tfte wt) tfjt t pi. ba\> wt) lamtet tfie.p it) tan ucc . ppiiii ♦ nurwt) iwitkt tQc of at weft .pi * &a£. 0t. 5a^ . i> . Oowt^e , Mi* bay* Su'i* fiowtys ,pf$m 0m ; women# womens f)ow£e . ppiiiu womens womens $$ t B*c*/pf8»(0c 2$5»B.c.p(Bn.(0e ^,B.c*pfBm. tifypsoftfytfo? tcfypeoftQcmo? ecfype oftfcmot (0te<%eoft0c wt). ip . bap of W).iiu.oftmv.p wq 1 0e . ppBttt . moi&q t§c.pp%ii mpng.Bm.0oip 0owtpe. pBm. bapofocfoSet.tm bap ofautpf. pt. !cpe.p£momene momme Oowpe.pCmo^ 0ompe,?Dftii> 4 mens momene tip. (0c ccfppeof(0c mowtj.pn. bap m i ofautpf. tt. 00 ^ tpe.(»>i$ tmoj cfpps oft$t(owt) ecfppeof(0cmo ofocj Bi 4 bap of tupng Vf)»tm»ba|jof (oBec.Bn. 0o^ 0ompe.(i>pi ianuct.ip.0o^ m. mo? tpe.ppm.momee momene tpe.pmt. motnn mtm noHP CHf (0eecfppfpe of(0efoT*>q atmapb 6e(0ebap (iof(0e mowq 6c (0c npg0( . i£f f0oo£b6c Twbecltonbpf of (0c ecfppfpeof (0e fowq anb of (0c mo'wt) appettfe to we (0e gwpc0 m map fe q wq (0ep ac. jfo: (0e ecfppe of (0c fo wj map mpf 0apppq of (0c npg0( (i (0e ecfppe of (0e mo^q map ipeef 0apppq ooq (0e bap» ^o( fpc0 ec %)fpe appetpe no( (o m f0pppace. C'^afab §o\spq pe fbjf goob eTppf conq weft . fljo'wq p8 bpjfap;fp( mnpngof maq oipfiftagcm §o^q p@ o ipctctJmpf maq of fmaf cowapgc $oipq pe tepjeTPpf (0a( bopefaffc(e §o\pq pe fut appefpf of no got^fl §o^?q pe iperp( ooq frepnb to bo pfepfpc ^oipq psbpfpzpfp( qippc0 ae bepc coft §o^q pe Tmbopq (0a(o(0ct ^o£b wnbo l&ene foz gob 0aue $e a^eapoq Co mapnfpeq (0e wflpe ojbpnane 4D* o(0et wpe {? fot conc&fpoq pc0ooq of m f0af 0aue mpc0 to bo * imm amat ^angtttautacauzcun) (urn Sibefiit Hquofntsj . ffu/tn tunc pftmfee i z^cz^mztiqt turns »fBthcatpmtzt tunc tmUm abtoca franfte C^fe02M«e§feco ctamat pifcisfyaftfeUimn)mticutaxz pobagmrq.&atpz Hianj foftte fitpotio moOo fa&idi is ♦ f££f$attme atm cofif . tflikapiti nmas j&xite cun) lima ufutgct^lDz Sena rmmiae ct 0«fne a fuft'ue mfree , /to*) far»gaa autce nee Gacfian? tabece bc0ce {£8p*ifte ffoitSa | noM g^&jxpfaitouc cU ftina ^fymtm$aQcfac.}itot)minMe:tamzt) cbiffcce me femma fpxtgzs £t mcbscue caueaf aim feero (angetc coftwr* ^ptosefffo© ne^oxurt) . Strata fi Utfomze amoril ^gsacgia «or ; mmiwe asitj fiijfrat fund (5eme$b© tonguiftuszt mam$ue cufmo cura negctiit jQunqmtt) pottabis a pzomijfoje pztitun) <(pDaftiifitixe fena peciuepuftno tecut it) &anctc not} mimiantut ^omrn’a fatfa Sibc® itiiisfitzmptiaxuun) |5of to fumaiux fecutue peige Siafox tCjJwfto cefeatfuf «uen« iDngtauaf ftomacoim? cu*t) cctnit funa fconcnj jlot) facias Seffee ncccfocouuma%abas&tnitott%omae Mcfumastunc mebiematt) C$Wf*we (picas lumn) %it$o Unzns^poicrt) buccrc nofi fyifcua efleoji is cams Uactaxc cm amt) §K,met) bztux ageor 5u$ itzs inttavt caxinaty Qi&tpttmftzz coftigit $wae 2t0t«^naM)feneitencptiogcm¥arwtanggf 3wf ceneeturfee :nzc to catpmbeftee iZptizmart) part a*j fifiiT am) turn fenzdit $i§xmiMtQCto$zt $C02pme augmentat moxflofc in pato p? sbotba &ufnn:a not) cucte raueae afcenbetc nauee i£f ft carpie to t imcae bz mmtt tumati) tE$potfctf Sttgwfra floret $wwa »focct fsimot i pn pattce trniu <§>agito ftnguee fct aims potetie pxcfcmbert fats 2De Sena mtituae ef 6alnea tutim intxzs £>uztit 0a0ete ciQunypotcum mactanbo iDcemto £:aptan0cetgcntostpfigttorum pitncepeotiee it tautue (i Sina / ?£mba*ibemuenee:et fctutba 6zanc0ia can at j^cccufeufq$ feo tttmee pauo* afmaq^ttgo 1162a luge equafit penbent:ct fcozpiue acet *Tettfo:ufq$ (imp c0ttot) et cornua capii totfcctufq-jtouipuer :ct Duo f^Dciapifcce C^betybefignie ifrmttget it) pztmte atieetet comtget after , / Cautu8.8tegcimm:fcqfuc quoe cancer abu jfue femrthftfqs fete fpeciee et tuffa pueffa Itfiza fimuf tpgturt) fttxm it) acuminie |Situe |;Cenfurufq$ Qifomie abefl :pefagiq$ puefla iSt qut pozfafaqua puet Smtget et buo ptfcee | itlDe quafuoc partt0ue amti. fPDeSete* 'Sue^nouiJ ffa6at cinctutyffotintz cotom ^pingene purputeo Setnanf ia pzat a cafote // SDet pfactbutt) Sacco nectit be ffoce coronae ... Sucre nouo feffe betfozant tsr ffonSue arua Sberie flonoe feptbmt) fforetiSere 0 mnta nbcnt C^epafe $ta0at miba effae et fpicea ferta g;re6at j^omba effitopie figms imtfafafigwtatt) $anbtt ag 2 oe efiae p0e6eie igntfue atbene ^ftugifecaearutefertepaefojriba meffee jff futiaceree eftatis 0a6et fm tempore regno C,txmtumno $ta6at et anfutmue cafcatie fotbibue Sate la6zapet attfunnfimujfo fpumMa fetuanf pomtfer antfinuetenero bat pafmite f rucfuti) Suite cozonataeanfunue begrauat Sfnoe tfumboo antilne focus be i>rft6ue impfte ClDe0geme $ta0at fipemegfoae canoe 0ttfiifa cafiffoo £Tuiu 6 m>0umero6Ctrcfibatfru»ninanuntee JDtectpitSf jfempctq} tigcf gfoct'e 0oztiba 6at6a; Sfoentce 0ec butaf aquae et f&imina nccttt ICriffie 0peme niueo montee Sefamtne Se|ftt Cl&ept enbpft tgefptff part of f?t ftafenke offdpppate. C till pe£0e pattp °f tQe€ompot$ hatenbat offtyppaw.l&fc tec of ^ptpe/$pciprcpeof 0ef. - $ ty* nm omt faster fo'.oepbfg fprnipeaffo t0a£ pf cot) V to 0a*> .Stt.gcef 0tac0pe a pc0 ooq 0;ane0 fpttDip (mat firS ^ c0pe. §0 f0e tre of ^^0as s Sitipart^6p^c|>pafet0e q^r^c0ac*Sr?.eap^aff^«^6off0e q'tfpd} partes pr0 ooq map 8e fapb ooqfce0eptfe^f(ifbt0epcf0a^e*Sii,tte^ tf$e qwpc0 wetapfr afw) coq 0e £0p6f0a£afe\vpfai: ewp?6iqfmaf0ranc0^6afac fprotpef0at«impeoof) of o£0cte ae f 0ep q wpefi fepe type pizfmt ym& map ispttbetffoitb. Jfo* f$pe pfpemapbpcompofpt^apt^affpmppfpewppf mbctffottb t0et>t ^4 c\s (i fptmpe for goobipat to wbetflob i$cn) qto p^£ t§i fwtffj of tftept concern 8ecottfefJpoq ftteqwpcfl f0oofO 0e tfle 0o wof gob»§o £0atf0e ^ettxve uipgflf grow (c ftTPrtpft fo ftjaf f 0ep map 0e abompt e£ grat0pt fp<$ ‘wpe tQaticfuct\ifttQc fpowe offao^ffps £0a£0e map bwf ^p£0 t0c q"«>pc0 pe cpnb foi t0c q^r pc0 £0pe tzz of ivpepe ps ma^b (c comport * / ^0e f^rfi geef 6ranc0 of t0^etrc of t^ept^b: ^nb ma^ooq tce6e bp\v|»o^£ 6c\>tfeff6e t p&L8m$ipcapvta(enam$t/%affl £0e^ to 0a^e bo^t) e^f /iottane / moSeb^enB/^fba'^n^ting^emp gob epees goobwee/ 0acbttce/pref^mpc^/te0ef^ng/o0it^mic|?o)),^^ tomoqf it) fpq (fiapi0 petite fprf!oft0cq^pc0f0af0c fapb(f confeqwntfpof t0c ot0ere iq fpc0fpfr ind^nct t fc#» w gfopt | j5Wff0C Qto\jt Of refi^ng f0e£t ffcnntje 3§cgfebof # f 0 af f 0 e£ at tw$ ( Co0amno f0aati}fd6c rs># Co&m #e»)| ;%rf 'effgoobfyat f0an f8epa$ ;Co 6 efepff 0 af] f 0 e£* at fapge<^ tfyt^axmt ®/C0c fptf! 6canc0of pz$> . WS on^ 6efc^s goob^ tf}af f0ep atye of t0c feff t0at fpc0 goob^s at t) fot f 0ept goob Dcb^e 3ff0ep6efepffofw)oifo0aue moU0 0am to biflfem# to 6c goob^at f 06 t0q> at Co 6efyfe 8e mtf^e fo 6e # f0at f 0e£ ar not Co bcftjtf0efo^ngaof £e goob bo^) ozof of0a to mefpt^e £6 goob# t0at C0at 0c 6 c(omp# of ot0et 5 lRcpct to 0oue Do^ng goob 1 0at to t0af tficp 6 c pt#y 5 2 D#p 2 t?e iftzn) fuf 1 0a£t to f 0af t0qj 6c p:t>f# CC0c fegtwb 6:anc0 of p^5 f JDmq foi to 0am f0ctt) t0e|j Befeyffo 6e goobfyat \ot tv #0 ow 1 0e$> 0auc f 06 f 0ey 6efeyf to 6c pexvyc 0 fo 0am (Horn to 0auc not mef af f0eyt ncceffyfeo Cobcf#f0en)fo0amooq gtcf 0o^ffaCb Co tctop f 0c«) ii) f0c gtjyffye of f 0eyt 6ob y £Dzm f0c faffoj) {i m^>ft^t^b offset 0a8ye any befm'e f 0 6 c 0 onoi#of of 0 et 1 05 f 0 eyt a\x>i) 'wyffyng fo 6 c 0 onot#foifo 0 am mo: bzcySpbo^vf dDz f 0 a# fof 0 cy 0 c ye tyg 0 f mygtjf^ CC^ C * *# • ftwwrcff of p jyb C0cp* fo /to 6c pzyf# ofeTVpfa mt0appy ifo*fof0a^f0aff0c$at ewyC gtaC0# 2Dtfpfanff0pttf*attf f0cW0ff0etp r»yf bebye ] fo% 1 0ysf0af f0cy fomf 0c Com of f0c mzfb ^fotf0yef0af f0cyboTPf not gob $Dz fot f 0ye f 0af f0ey fcmnof gob W'yf0 f 0eyt 0atf ot|f0cp wnbetffonb not qmf yamtf w no (yn >^s 1/80 for fo mcy&f 0 enj feff f 0 cy 6 c nof fayb cmicSyf >jfot fo 6 c fcyq gfcifaB $ boa «0 e^yf C / C0c»»^‘^ottf0 ofpzyb petffy 6c fot e^ytycSooq ot fyuhty efyfy 6cfbt oon 0 * 0c 0ytt) feff $cy& f0e occafpm fato 6c fo'wpf oonfp &owetmt f0c^r f^nnpef0af f0ep 6c not few IRe&pttttattf f0e^t goob bcb^e fot 6e ^nbetponbpf . 0 % pb(it f 0c^t fpmtpa f0af f0cp 6c nof caff# moz gtcf ^Co 6cgtcf tn f 0emgcmcn< of 0pn) (dfoonfy |=£yp*pf«ttf t §e wnbct^onbpngof of 0cre ^ pzefmiiilf t$t%c mtfw ^p#0 owt f0c gra^eof gob BpfKtttofoa? Qm(«z Co bainbenvj tptQattffcpbo \jfot to teq v^t Qcaecitnipottw) WP*£fW otfitw Copzeptf00 HVtefpipeke tfa t)Wfe(f fetfvvmt to fc'i Coc^/poet^ ^feffwjpci^f ^ Co frauqtf w>f] to put tfyi ftoty' pu\>f BSufcon of *m$t C ogoftcfoi ^nvo2f0t$ Co o6(fepi)f$ft eff over mrc$ CC0e.8.6*aK($ ofpxpb ot tfttty tgat at adorn 0 pty tfcgaoh befb tfiatdimpe of oSeb^cvite * Co dam Mpz to myjfay oge^e offttw ' 0 vei| mgwgttfv tfyai t0t£ bo t$at ffioofb bo ' tfat tQtp bo offlct t$at) yt appattems 1 fat to ffioyy bdmap ge oj fw to 0awep*cfpf > q verj 0aise covfiuti? to fvt} (i f«S$e op £0^r is) g0r mf vet ^ jjet o vetcSm^f ag^b^es vpg o vf amenb^tg CC|e.Siii# 0 : f0q* moM»6 (i pvff of vnbet(fo$$&£ttg 'jfoz t$ty t poetize (i pti of gcobbf>e ‘ fiot t$tyc (ep&ttee (i fa vft op6e£t memfttge ^cgavottf f0em gtd fa* (utt) vet&^o '^tjcdpatatfon oft 0 e^beb^ 6 m^ 2^6 t$$ofot$et ‘5»j conf^bcta^ot) ofotftete fee afepf0ett) feff > Cftt£c0’ vgf cornet tgest) feff fos t£C0cso: fc^ette » 4Dz q wyc$ tnoft atfo gzzf as t$tn) feff >£>t q V(>e0 iij tdyngt adorn fapb at a0oue 0$a? CC0e ofpttjb > $oi optiffytp wytwttyaofzayfoi) tc 0 c# 0 feff *jfot qwtt} t$e^ Vfsftiof gefejj f f0^e f0aC f 0e£ fe not * $ugc f 6e t0{mg£e to cu 6efo* €0af £0et? 0e cSmp > fefepf 0 feff to 0e f^c0 f0a£ gob fdoofb bcfymt 0 l &tfnte gauempfgop p b^ i fped toangetowe pettf >£>t toBzfepfiUflpnmtdatotdziwye yt ma^not 6c ijfet (0e^ v^fttot vpe tc^fot) fo 0olp feff * fat 0% v^fv^e oftftm fofy 0 o vf conftyt >&tqvpeyt at fve»t wytfy o vt 5^f%tg fo W CC0t»M .tet0 of pitb » tofutpfc 0 myqdi fd'-xt apgtznyz net to 0«we > j^iebanf (f0e pa wet to t$en$ cfimvtfyt ot gje' W i Co bo c fgq>t ! jfm tfytpaz fse fKffVfcm? is) ftc0 auefo^fe » jfc» at o vet fefe) to tge^t fuggee ( Co ma^& f0m> feff fyatzU (mat ptoffpf r>) p^fatui t&pmpqdtoi ip0 e offOe^t fee^b^ ijfot ^fbiefSottgefoveta^neJK^bo jottfa tpc0C6 (j 0 gttt goobb^e dam Co?mft 0 ept froWn) petpf 'tgofetnotfiy tfiet£png£tocfl pxcfet pe fiobpi totQefaowt Snrpgfitwffp to fiempfpspfpt vmvpffyty fyngto fiejmfpt 'Co bo goob n e^pf int C oSeftfbt) vy t$eprbcbpe Cofieemc ctrnf 0 ®gmpottvm$te Ikefoqfm ma^ 3 of 0 p»)fcff §pepfeof 0 pe M k$mex 0 ef 0 oof& 6 Cfic.ipJsancfi of pzpb 2kanb it) bcpbfp fpij wptfi o'wt repent 0pit) feff Co mpf T?nberfton& to fie in ffpq ;§* fepf f fie fpue to cU 9 not f aptfifutfp (good iflD» to fiefepf pt $ amenb not of tfiepc fpnnpe Co fie bpfpgct to tfie fiobp c negfpgct to tfie fao ilDe/pt tfie tempozef goobpe onb not tfie fpprpt^eJV ‘.fetpffi contpnuef tfie ffeffi it) pe befpfpe CCfie^.fijantfi of pzpb f ox t fie fwefiimpcpot) atcogane t causl foz ignore qmq tfiep fiefepf not to bo fpefi goob *o?e fiptfp to bo goob fiefepffanb to foffo^v gret e^pt afffpto bo fox to Dpffapf otfiere CCfie,|Dt.fi;tcmcfi of p*pb jfoi to fie tmpef^oe onb not pio'wopt ^oj to bta^ omr fftapf fp f fie rpgfitue tfipngpe iCtompfmo* tfiat) of rpgfit q^pefi or rpgfitno > wpe f fiape pe no offecepot) no Soweto otper 3 Co fpnb nr$ mopnapte to bo e^pf i Co fiisne no ffictanj to bo cr wufte ? $Smq onp befptpe oof) tfipng conf pnuafty -x&xqweif otippeowe impetwefo fifox to deft fipn) feff ff tfiof ! f5 «^o: to wnimq to ps tipgfitfio^re 0% fptfitprj > j&fafpfiemattt gob os pe 6 ofp fantj f 0^0) ottp tvfpfnot : wnbetf$mb pe befo^ftpe 1 ©‘wen onv mefpspfpe tyt fa^ftpe of otfiece » Co ^tiber tapfs to cm to pt tfiat t$ep mop not g)at§ f$m) ft tf jVtofefliogooh Co wpfiotb c^p? jjapfcfiajfpttg &fpi$ ilg.tyat map not t§o®tp$t$mify $e to fmpttpng *^J$teemm ageprae tfyz wpfcfgob m to fie /mpffpng fifafotoj gob o% p» (mttq& Co fctf m$ goob to U bopt) •Co $of\ p not to bo goob q w»t tfiep mop O0B ^ ^pKpngfoote ^0notftott) tv?$ bopng Crawpfof pofoaotfiat ottpbo no goo? (Cfiap t to fpq mo: Mztafy tfyit tfiep §mt to ®w) tfiat fpnps & i)i £0a£ tfipa f^t| tfiat fficp befrnb pe p^pfant 4CC0c*ptfu J»&z t fiep Q$mt not to bo goab >0xti)at tfiep mop t$m f fiprtfcmtt ofc^fboyn# .'Co bo agepfra t fipagps tfyat at bo*«»f fan) 1 jfotfo fie §m £jJ&Co fcpftfyz tfiprcg tfiaf tfiepfiefepf pogoob (tpettot % fa e.vpf ^ 'Co fie gfie'wpjj to ewpf T?pffi o^t onp temepb fS&fcpft&icitttib of pipb §>p»w3b bepbl^]^^ p^cfrimpcpoq 'vmberffonbant tfiafffiepboe^tf ) ^ l $ nmm wfnot ^mhztftonftyt dr pzowocant ffiert) fdf Defptcmt to bo fpq (tcuppf §ptmanb ^ jff ot to fofk v? e^ftompimp "‘*$01 atc^ffiimane to bo ostp mnpaffpfj > Co epnb ootj fa) t$at f fiep map epnb con otfie* ' &P cogptacpoq fa tfiept 0at£ oojsfp | ^oo:bpe fapb fpgfit ip 1 1k\ mc& bopq mbpfetef fp CCfie.pM:ancfi<^>*pb r> ^^^prtganc mee J|^*ge to fie tq enp fierefp 3 £)i to 6e &q ffie fattens ofcutf png TPpttanfp irj bcpbfp fpt) ^^©pnp^taf tfyt fjtftzo fuffpepant (c ^nxvoitfipfp A facrcmen8 ^ ^pt0 o^Kt ce mcene anb mbe'ivopffp Vptfi o^t bopng Cfiapc bet to f fie peuppf mbpfccett? owt fionno^t bewepot) a tew efts ‘Cfieftujtpanboftfie q^pefi tfiep ffioofbnot tc/«pf i teceue ageptto @ mot fapge tfiai) tfieti) feff ^npaffp v s^S n I j^bep&Spoiw wpoftp ^efapftfiefiobp] oftefiietpjl &pffO0tgO05(l 0ow (dmit) $aue ffimti) to Begoobpdew fet to 6c fpfo to t$cn) p<$ os bopng ox pe c«uf €^ot0cr oe bopeng to 0ptfl (inot t0o w t0ot0c f wffete 6c f 0 s gobfp tuffpe Cpcfsgwnb 02Otic0 ofmwp ^foi t0o*w bcfprps f0af f$p npg0f6ow j&z cwpfco'wffti fo bo fo ffotto comp feq&to fun) pc'wppf y 0 oi 6c 0ofe pf t§at f 0sp fop mop nop to otfym r iffo* 0afrenf iC $pnbanf onpc^pfffjaf pe not goob no fopf0fiif ' mmpncf m tepotffit tilep $anc $«tb fopb f0e q wpc0 te not fapfff I y ff f | v of ps npg0f 6o* Co terapljpn) feff offOeawatf /pfseof^pe npgfpow _ fottauf of %0taee 'wittontb 0c 6c bp/fomp(l ofctvwt Co »f op Co fag to 0auc gf o: to fici) gt t0atf0eg feet) not confer of goobwCfJattBeg *w>Jtbec(!onb to 8 c tnc: gtctt 0 aq gt g* fatiogc H *jfoiz$f§/fiifi^yotbrfmbot§ait)fofy jiotttfQcwtf W «H*<} pwfm? m q^gcfliwga Bpffofctg £0e (0gng q^>ge0 pwffcfye mtcwoye &p fkt jfo;eo 0 aucon^^if^«goipM)f|^ (/|gn$ foito compfi^e to ong goob pazfoi) it) goobfgfenee Co 0 otb ( Qett) fuffrmb to bo ewvj ^a^anb jktf (ibpfcoib $$a £ mb fftguc PtoBc fans q^gefl hope cwgf CCfctiK. 02anc$ ofmyv% ■ tpjfgnggs momnt f 6 c partes *02 8 c ffafetgng 02 tefpngge > 0 t m repojr / 01 U fafe ferogapgc ^o*t 6 oip ivgfBaueoon^fOelbwofong jfo; Tflgf 0 auc oonfptfle 0 ofp foi to nop 0 gnj ^ l^ijo&at no t 0 gng of f 0 e fafotq‘Wgc 0 /at tt) bgfawb v / 2 ot fo^Bom jkx ms sfgs foi t 0 o^ **ofb not t 0 a£ pag?$ magb 'foi t 0 e pegs ISfoj tBe w ^egfnot tramvffoz to magfc pops l^jfoi ifyov at mgtpqcni to et foi (CC 0 e *9 , 82 a nc 0 of mwp §cfanbcr5t t 8 e^^£^o^mantf 0 e^rgoob fatfembgt £ 0 e goob pswpgf occafgoq to tro^SgftOeg r ^nbctffonbgng * Co bia v $eit) from t 0 e lb^?c offgnbzg &6y?fe qw0ai fun? ew eccafgoi) mbfcfetanefg tftgng t$ep fag foTe Sefegffge SSpD' wof0 fimj e^vgc f 0gng f 0af t0eg fop :£efepf 4 b t 0 gng ge to fet- tle gob iyPiQt fyotpU t 0 C goob ptwpft it) tcgSiitacgoq Co8efqf omt fo r n} to 6e&gf a w 0e%fgemgd/ t0at t0o\? f0oo$s not 6c&gf $fap(0fn£Tg i ||'02 foi ii3att8o^ art omt m^c0 fpg0t to Befc^f §0% 4Dftymp® BcCeyf 02 fo: ffyxt t0o^> iuq^e goob o^t btfctecyot) CB^tgpe wn0cte^^s6pf(i q^^0 map not 6c €$mq fpnbip fpmpe fBo'W oe 6 cpq ^02 tftm map not/not Befcpf ® f £0ata t bo'wfu^ )£>f T8>lWbp6 )&vfomof fmtyng h§?0oty Sofpefe jfatwnfa t(!0: ^ $ Jtfjty!igt0c6en$^ qjeof gob 0^weiP|f )fo*gOOb ,jfi©£«$eucgooii1 'fox §®ofo jflDf f0c beb|e §efot0er fW^! 0 0pptS£fe4f3 not mafeanbfafb mgsme^s tg^Cfofe goob otcftft zmZm $ ' 4£C0c«9u*0iauc6 of cn'wu ptfD'wet) pr pe foi t0e mttgee of^ny t0at ^ accufpt »quc it p s f oi %0tne 5 (0at t0ep 0aue toepcue of0ec 5 5 o^ foi to ppfep* to 0ptt) to^art t0eq*wpc0 t0q» accu* ’ CJuet) t0e£ fpnb t0e e\*pfof t0e q'wpcf) f 0ep occue 1 £)twj t0ep fact) tfyxt 0e £0at peaccuffrt as no cufp w) t0epaccusofc ^ffo:t0emuf of 0atrent > ^efjattb occaftoq to nopto 0t?itj t0at accufff, •off amt to 0e fo wt0t0e fccrta^i) qucpt of t0ep occue > Co iput t0e cwf t0at t0ep 0e£q>f to 0e (r t0ep wns? CC0e.wu.6ttWtc0 of cnwp (Derftdbptnot ^ipp^djrtt&o^tue oiofbo^Gpfmbctflanb^ng ^antfefffp (i t0af ac feenuet fafe » §ep&0euoiif t0e e^ppf to 0^ttj qvpcft hope pf not i jfot to f0 $%it) fetfimocent of 1 0c e^f bc^tJ ijfox toffawto 0c pimpf0£f of t0c e^pf bepb f 0o tv mef t0af pt ite/de ffcan$t>ng to m4f 0pf> , it 'were t0q> bo pt 'wpffutfp to f^cpr^n^iu^f of t0c tfit’irgfflat f0e^ f^«pr <£C(Mp«&*<*»K0 ofettwp jxfyow m^<0 oj 0o*w wepttfyep mup bop? -fm q^af goobnes ^t0 owt beferf t0ep bo to Tve ^ q W0at tfan§ p® woitfyp fot to tetipfaeto 0pn> 'Co 0pt? qiK>p£0 m 0otp$ t0e I £0p Bejceffpte (fc tf *Co 0fwj f0at as c«mfepft$tt0e *q t0^ neceffpte v Co 0pm q*wpc0 aebeffbpt f0eoi Cicppf t0efj0 eupf ; J&otto fa ewptto 0pm f0at oe bopng t0e goob sos to fa 0^ no e^ffio good t0at ae 6opq t0c goo 5 m>» fw ooq gretgo^J rcfau^tfoito g0eue ooqfmaf CC0^.?».0*«nc0of«n^ sg»ora9teq^e|et0e^0e 0o(b not =>JJf| bo^tof t0atq^e^of t0e^ wa^t not to m§z ^t0 0T9t tQat t0e^ 0e req^^r^t tjfmoitP pz$& t efmyt m fo% to teferu c 3^- f» 0atcent ceeton wto^e (t bef^wr^tg ?5fo2^gftnee fbt t0e^ o:co^f!um^t 3 €)i fo'fo mge Se^pflFatib to bo Oe fpoit^ng ^€>s wrim%^fnw^mq to nop a jjnfempojefe WwtS jQo to fec0 to of 0ete f0e goobpe f0af f0ep ften M3 o fogfleue confcptto f0em ffjaf af0pe pf i £>* fo g0ewe e wpfconfepf wpffanfp £>2 to pfepfmt qweq f0ep map/0pm f0af hope ftC0e.jp»,0Jonc0 cfeptwp ,42 wet) emp 0ae fematte $ Done Befox f0em fpt) *4Dwcq ottp febpe ©f0ct tt) pa company to bo cwpf >£>* oitp wnbet f0e t 'ipnb ofgcob bopettg/bo ewpf > Co btaw 1 0e gtef fo e wpf fot to ft pa coffee j£>t to 0e gfeb f0at f 0cp confcnf fo bo ewpf wpf0 f0e *£>: 0e f0apt company fpnnpe motbe&cfaSfp jCo tcqwpr anb mottle b Co cee not wt) fo ttyztpn) f0af 0c 0c btawpq *&p (type anb ojspjeffpoj) a (itapt^e t$m) fo 1 0af CC0c.pmJtcmc0 of cn wp ; C0m) q wpc0 fa wasp© 1 0c (f hope f 0p ewpf »© \vpc0 mop stop f0c a f0apt to f0af f0ep bo pf not > C 0 api f o f 0 af f 0 o w 6 e fcptj giacpowe attb mepCt ^apn^ttstt t 0 e oo 0 ftepnb fo 0 pm mb f 0 o w atf not sjfapst5attffofow0pmwoj f0atft0GW fowpeflp®/ ijfa^attf fo fo we 0 pm (s f 0 ow atf pe etmemp f XDcfenb ox fuffept) ottp it) pe fpt) ^zomowe f0cm qwpc0 at not wotf0p fo 0c >law0om fox to (put mox befpcpowffp C^cptcttbpfg f0e 0*attc0pe of ewwp q wpc0 at in mwSpt piiu 0cpt 6efoz beefotpf /and foffowpe 1 0e 0iattc0pe of 1 0c c wpf fpn of pee q wpc0 at it) ndSpc,^ a© f0ep map fc f 0cm 0ept aftet 0c o;bpt foffowanf ocq affet oojj of 0et, C^offowpee0efp»? of pt f Q$tt) ft I &Ut( CC0e fttjf 0:«ttc0 of £te $0* to feetp ot0ec to torn $yt) tfat tflow mafj^o fo* byfcciacifi® tfjat t0o^> fa&te to ma^fzmo&Me £Di fo; £0o^> act co^jium^t to Do fo £Dt0e t© m ^6 comatge ^(*0 om fpefc^S Qh oft© mo^0f %t m>*bt© Co put btftotb cftip^epc^f ) foi to g0eue ^tfanfij> c^pfconfepfto fen :0efemtatf< ' ‘tDtfcwb orange 3\»ac0anb £0e fennat foi to bo cwyt &iyxnmm fe») ft tepxctf t02 not qmt? <0ct mav CC0C fcgwnb 6:anc0 of^tc ^Oitomantfefltancm© Cofiefefctofooofjftenb (tfteemtemt ?f0ett0att Co 0auc maf?b pet© $ 0ofb tancm jq mt«b Wy&t tq ffiamant others IfCa^i* f rostP 0^ jp goobt© |][v£f 0ut tmt t© Oob^oj t© goob nan? ^ t0e^ 02 ptocut t 0 o^ ft 1 ) ornm t0e patfom at it) e^t townfp^i ii)on% mrfife CCifc. UH.0*anc0 of t»tc ^ Kepie^f t0e po^te tt? (0eq^c0 t^av t&pje^tng© 4 ^C0e fct&itee f 0of 0cuie tc0 f 0at map bo bdmaygt Ik* patfene o^ftrog^o^e iDonfp^toc^os §0otp wb^oi Conoco fje ntg0£0om Co amcnb not t0cot0c cqu^c0 map Co 6c gfeb of 0weq f 0q> 0aue fosbf0tp a0oue f0e fennat qmq t0ep at t© ttg0£ ftcpnb £ti ^^0 0ofpf8fo bo c^f(i mat ptitf (t 6e gfeb of £0e fennat© Co momqnaf of t0e fennt© £0af t0ep 0auc bo^ Co mcnb not t$tn) t0af at gfcb of ft 1 ? botrng &pconfep(t$at £0otp g0c^t© flofofabo e^w^^0of|»t0af t0oVboto ®^oi f0o^befftnbte0^ b t CC Je.8.ftWHc0 of pte flmpugncmt fe.30«f^fflnf«i)eti?0ctef? Igoobnc© ^jfos: to 0 atie to ept ot bzpnfe jpijfei £0e fom offum (i 0a£fteu£ ofot0ec Co 0 an£ ifap^fyjfo: tancute feaetpe it) t0e 0at£ Wg ‘ { co^fhim fox t 0 ep at gfeb opppq 0 atften£ t 0 at t 0 ep wpfappcpt r*Co|fftpue 0 e ”w>tbpe ; S6 tty q mff potts Sttpsa ff pta6pfe Iflo 2 tof 0 a^t 0 c^tf?pen 6 ^02 to g0epi) fapto 0pm to (jw«j t0ep fpepf* CC0e.&*0ianc0 of pee f .^o'want wpfto ftpf jj)pm Mf o* Ot0ece ^pt0 o^t \ppfoffepCfpng Co f 2 pfm^pffpo 2 tgtmattffp Mwb'wpte ^^ptrapfoi) ##tcmfp ^ ~~ ( C 0 a£t 0 e fepfnotto 2 ^p mong •png 3£s£epfpebom^ Imapge to£ 1 £pfa^ftof ^onptgptyg mgemene bfgob $ |w)'crji> 5 ne 6 ^p^Safteent « S* #oj 0 e q \*pc0 pe fspffpt P@ 0oob > fc4J* ^efepifant £0at £0epbo good £0ep fepf ottf be i=i£af?p»m owp goob topoffp iM)2 foi to g0eue onp mebpept) CC 0 ^S«J*2 pf f 0o*w 0awe ottp ab wrfptee Coffrecfifo: offaffytc ^Cbcfate t gp <&o'®nhuftdb ) fgob £ttfi(ifg tmy¬ Co affetti) o iobt@pmte$n ‘WOZtfty Yaftfiat^goob ^ttfiatgenot CCfic. sp, Btancfi of^tc mlfa^mmof^ttna) of tfie ^gna^gc of ftenb^e £& of tfie tQtptgqe tfiat no^. jfonnQQtmatye jfot wanting oz to^ffattg l&l ft aub oz 'Xfnfayt§fuiht& jfoz omvdlmpng fie foze of fpcfe^ng £>t fox to nop fie f fate tgng £Difoz pfatfom t§att%z%ta$z tof#.8idti(| of yet Be of tfie asm m(jgfit ^ofyetyofitQxttgoototmit} w ^D* of £6 t{HJ0tli8 'if « on£ ettom tfiat tfief? at ifo*Dsc$>0ffef|>ttg $oz ro'waf^ of ^^nn^ng i&zfcpffmb m bo^e tfie ^bofatme $j) opppn^oi) fie e'w^f'ttnbetffonb^ng “os fa bo age^tts tfie osb^nane of tfie efi^tefi CfW enb^ffi tfie fisanefitje of pvt/d foflbTv^e tfie Smncfigs of fm^mce q Ts^cfi at / e’w^ftfiogfit /ert^ Vfy of goob/%fitneeto tw$/wa$mte/wpt/y»p(/ $zdzpng of impmptle wwfa^tfifufnee/igno mH6/^a^)foio^fufnee/e^|>«e6/e\v^ffiop/6eftnee fm^tHee/e^agaq^ij/empefcfi^ngofgoob/b^flTofa^ qwj* fujjffeKpJ iDofo'Wto'we gfit l^J^Cfiogfitbetef^ *afi£f CCfie f^tf* fiiancfi of fw^smo , 'Co bef$ fifw) fefftfitwfeant e ,Cfi^n& tfiaf f^ty tooof) fm^t ffi^ng i 4Doi) fang affyb^tg tfi^feanf nj e^P«( i ifio w b|jtfefytfiet> mc^ no£ , jfie tfiat puttee e'Wttf to offiete Aboanbe^tofie fa^basgoob j^o^ffic^ma^boe^f ,3eboanb e^ftfiep ma^ patfemft J 2 t fio'W tfie^ma^tetotogoob Co to 6ecovffurtj 3§pt)0etn<*fpe 0c befpt to Yepf not t0e evpf conftom £ppufafa$ npmpc tyctmitc iDtepb q vept f0ep |0oofD not tDxcpb mo: t$a c0ep f^oot'D iD2epbf0ett) f0at t0epf0oofb< vpffo bo evpf vpflpnswpsflf to fco evpf Co be to fflctt) felffo mpc$ ae tfep map CCfa fegtrob 6: jf o: (0e co v|turt) pa to So fo •jfa: rficpx po ttot) f 0af tep:c vp8 to bo evpf ^ vet) ottp hope evpf (S fo: f 0at fo vpecvpf ‘$D vet) ottp fo vpe goobfl ^bopa pf not ^P$SD Veq ottp fo vpe not f0c goob £D vet) ottp tetope not Doanb goob i^D vet) vt bp/pfefpe f0en) not pf f0ep bo evpf CC0c.m.6x(mc0 of fvepmee ;g*fepffattbt0cgoobf0aft0ep vttbetffottb iTOangant oftpmpepe putpoe it) rottfepf vapf: it) abuer/pfe ef:attb vttpioffpfoGpfii tie vpe |%&fapfantfpept tvmevte (tctpa(ifa0fpe ^!§>epf: ne v tflpttgpe 0e pe oottfp vpf tfoi to off cm f0e e vpffo: fo pfepef0ett) ^Oi f0af pf ttope tfyrt) not of offers bops goob CC 0e.S.0:atte0 of fvepmee £D Vpc0 6etpefo t0e befflottovt of gob £>i to bmttapge of p8 npg0t0ovt SDt to 1 0e Dammapge of pe fao vf ^fox ffie bpfeefoepot) of evpf 'ffotfflebpfpfopfatte of goob $o:f0pef0af f0eppo qvprflpfopfpeo: Vpf /Qof tefpffattb fo evpf f0og0f Jove evpfbpfecfeirpotta iDefpt ttjaf (0ep mapoefpt 1&i netgfpgene] 3 b^foi$cttpng $pue(tbo no Ipcnnatte toBaiienofBaff] |^||®tobofpi> ^putpoefofpq Co Befepf notl tBpetBattBep fBoofD Befepf ;&efepf pt tBat 1 §®£B^!fBoofb nor 6efepf < Co Befepf igno^ rantfp 0nbpfetccpcq CBietBattBcp' fBoofb wnbet (font) §r®> jQo'wpf not W ^oetffonb CCBe.ffcBiancB offweprnee &W onp matipe t0ept ww(i ittbpfjttpfpe to bo pt C0ot maftpe fee^evaw tftaq tyt ae piomefpt tBat fpffpe not pe ww $pt0 goat) Bart as tyt |f)u£b ofwoTv fotendfectetot tty igf t^flt agtettpe tBept to tiDfwxn p pjompf! Be Bpn) feffoz foi ottytto £f wotp mapb to enter u) tefygpoq tofutftfnot tBept ‘wo'w qw tBep ffaue opoifiwpte £>: q^pcfi map not (i hope not ot^et good fpcBfyfc $> * tBat tBep Baue not bofe* tBat tBep map not fufc CCBe.$n.5*fo bapof repentpng £% bpfpzpfpng f^at t0ep y^f not repenttBcwj ©mn after fpq tBep at gratae to fpq © vpci) tBcpBauc not fBaarq ofeTvpfbopq oi “witty owt bofe* to Be gfeb of pt tBat pe e^vptbopn Co Be befpuerpt to fuffpfbepbfp ft pq " Bftet ttyat tBep tyaut fpnnpt i ttyat epipe ttycti) fapb anb xepf not Befcpf tBeiq Sty fate gobble aebo^sttyt famine Jtypbofeozonpfpmufocrpe £D* to Befepf iq be*wpfrpe tBpngpe oi i wycty ctaffpe iDo^vt it} t tyat/ttyat tBep fBoofb Befepf 3&efepf (i not faptBfwftppt tBat tBep |0oof8 Befepf iEptBIpfo fat ttycnj Be bpffaupt ofttyeycttoyrtty ttCBe.ifo.BjflttcB off^cpmee iDo SptB o\ot pfetf tBpe ttyat tBep fBoofb Be pfcpf^t 2Do \PptB owt matter tBpe tBat tBep ftyootb tyofy iDo wptB owt icepfbonj of tBpe ttyat pareqT'pprpt iDpfpzpe wpt anb *wofb not Be tecftyt Ctave^f not to ippnbcr(?onb fcpcne pwffptaBpf to Baue jppoo (t fct not Bp of pf tBat tBcp fBotb fcpcq £k fox ttyat tBep fit ot fapfep 5 not papq f oSnbetPBb fox to tyaut tpcufacyoty of no Mpnberftonbpng Ikt fveptnee anb necfpgeneof feptnpng b m i3 0t)KO?offg; iqwg afe 0op 'ICobpfefptt Cowatff0e C0^ng:je dcfeD^t^ C'€0 e *P*fa |n 4 of fw^nca Qwt) goob r^ng^eac b^pfetfatif wet) af f0£nggo at nopjuty Qxm) al't^ngpe t0a£ t0e{j Do at ew£ Co p^ejTwrri awec: m\>c$ oft 0c m^etq? of gob *W output Qw fetfawag fcdjpt) to 0awc 0oj>oj Co f^we wj ftq W|?t0owf Ci3e D:e^D of gob (m% W(>f0 owe D^r^cc^o’) of f0e iyjige of gob $o* f0c gtetnee of e0e fot) f0af t0qj 0aue i)opq Com$tmffoff0emwg0fgob C/&0c*?>ft6Mttc0 of fwe^mee qwecmg epfpofpsfytq fcffomc m^cl } 1 pec^foffpj $Dwet) t0e£ at o wet m£c0 off wet^t to bo ftt) j&‘ wet) (Qtpepfpoe f0ewj ft ff o wet m^c0 i tfyfoqi Cowart goob||^$o w^fttor 6e goobno w|>fnot fcpf f0ecw$ con/e^f ^ |= j3o 0ono wt t0e goob ft) w^t mo* f0at ew$ jip f0c eonfetfof goob met) Co watt f 0c jda bo t0e commcmD^mene t0af f0ej> f0oofb 'edmanb^merts \%L’lDpfpt& f0e comm^^mewt of0tM)qw£c0&0(*|t /to fo we o»£ f0£itg q w^c0 pe command C^Oc.jpH.fizancO of fwe^tttee Co corst^new fo bo pew^c0 wetft^e sZt 0auanb 0op fo bo ewpfoottfy 4D* fo bo 0og0f fo g^bb^t /to fo fef wot tty f 0^ig fifac £8 fa^D of f0t /to fo fef uof 6^ q wo £afcftmbett»f fie t0e /to fe^f* not t0af office fie eb^ff^f of ffic lDt>f[« wemfty ffia w ftttbetflottbt>e pt w c$ wt*0 owf b^feteqw) ffiow fettle not (ty fo qvw wtiw^fo*f0oww^Cttof%betf!onb (nofs CC^ c ^“**^ awc O of fwe^tnee ^flf^tg fo 5«bet0cb f fie f 0^ng qujjcfi tj&tfie twj Xawfio* fo pfowttb of 0et fiefo* of fagatjge (off? £n foi to fie faf>b fa^ge of$pot$ot fo wftye f ox to b*aw of0et to pt 1 0af not tipfuit) £>* 0e f fiaf mafj^e f 0e (i gfiewpe f fie ^ffofwf £5icautyoffiefo wttbetffortbafwcmgfee iDo^attb new fftyttgfeffiaf ffiegfaw new^t £): ffiaf ffie? ft^rt) f0|»ngt?8 tfiaf at e wgf £5* 1 ftyi rgC q w^efi at oottty fot to ma^f: 0(W Ctf^of0« gocbtiatt) Cob*e^bnof toSebe^imi^f Co bo goob it} ewgfmfen^ot) wnptofjft f0(wg£s btf^ffofe wagt) 1 f f0^ng^ ^,lDof0af«o of /f0et cat] bo C* ft* fob* goob fepfcfobo Co tpfp|* wot tobee^pf 0i)pbpff0tngft CC0e,prmJfe«nc$ offwtgtnm 9 C0ot^6to f ap to goob f 0og0tpo ,Co goob 'ttoojbps ^ttobogoob mrfzpo >■ C0af pe to fan t§t cbnevpnfane oftffrffc (0 , C0c (owcwppjcms of f 0« cpi) t$St.ezanc9 of fwtpmes ,3£p mafpe fo: to pfepe t§W) \j[oi Qattunt tfyat f0ep 0auc to goob 5foz fyattvmt of gooS t0at t5cp ma^bo £Qmt) tfyt map wot pzoffpf ^#0 0^* C0cpt q wept t0ep at w) petpf C0epc qwept f£ep fapf$c wpf0 owf 0<# o: fwawt £D:0c0pw)feff $Dz0cot0etpatfot) £>:0of0attf frowj t$mt$at (fan aw f0em CC^|0Sn.6tonc0offwepmee 0t) fleflotbanf f 0e pcwppf fo feg0f 0? ^owpft fDuffawt f 0cpt cpi) fo 6s 0o& onp wanptf ieawb u) pfocpefafefpcwppfanb pu0fp» 0f)gcffp6oft6e0obp 0i) fpg^fwes of cowiapge ip foie of fpngpwg ox crpmg ipowet mpc0 anb fong fowgflpwg Co 6c wpt0 owt gtaupfe qwet0ep f0wlb oc gtaue piovofeof0ct8fofa^vg0tw8 tfcfynce of t0og0t 0op to\¥>£»f wpt 0 owt cOnanb Ctfat ma p not bia^t0ef*d pt ’Co tapfc\ippt0 foxe tflcgoobpe ofotf) are :o bo Tvpo oi rcqwfl ;&pfu0tcccpoi) (?6ofp 5 &p alnanb Wpb ipptBowt ^alnanb mapb 13 auanb 0 op Cofcfmotto )ft}c q*s?pc0 t0owmap not 6e fofoW)payt iDenpanf t0cnj 'uoftant tfiem sD i t$af fpcfl be£0efb«et CC0eftrff 6*anc0 ofawatpe to fey ft® c fppeptucfo goobpe fox t0e tipoxzi gcotoe »Co 6c ncgfpgcwt to fppcptuefe a b^^gent/tqjo^fe w >Co befptpetf)? geobpti oftfyc faayvtfac £0 c Gobi Fg^Co 0o& o*w£ c0atgc noy(im) t0gngps fCwocnc t6c goobpeofotBcie foito 0aue pcofjFpt yp ^pwpng to 0auc pioffpt fox f 0cpc ftefynee ^Co acq"wpc tempotcfe goobpe 0c gzet bglccfac^o?) |JfeCo Se 0o wnb it) ftnvc to acq^pt tepoicfgoo&pe tf^Ofefe irmm£t0cnj fctf tnoxtfyat) t0ep map CC^fcgunb 8xmc§ ofamxye C o t0epc fwgce fewgteme ox fee t0ai) t0cnj feff Co £0cgc cnapmpe 0c ong mantyt t0af mag Co t0egr ng0gt0o we 0c ong fu&fgf\s?ag Co t0cge |u6iee oi ot0ete of tempoeef goobge j$>ifgc0 tg&foifpccgaf f0gng ^g£0 dofigitge _ it) fpgcgt wef t0gngge mafranb pzomejfce T^J^afcanS itjbewfg wgt0ow>t tyafflot tagffot) t0a£ 0e foi t0af t0cg wat cowftwmgf to bogt Wbfot t0att0eg 0c magb 0g foie of 0cffgnge CC0c.»i*6ianc0 of auarge >4D wi) ong feffge tnox beg* fox cauf of t0c aSgbpitg ■Co fet) pmnm fox to 0awe mox foege^ » jfoi t0at £0e»te gt (i t0at t0cg a0agb ox t0a£f0cg re not \w) to i0c tynj t0eg 0auc teffaiqtf iflD-r fa fgngget0cp«t affemgt to “Wgi) fafenwgng 2D* q\m) oitp rejfauga oc fenttye to 0)onpf^nj C a1f w^t0 oMPt wpfTpngto g0cucpt(ft0o^ma^ g0cusrt C0otp map not gBewc pc a bcfpc not mcpccp ? C0c q w>pc0 wofb pappt a tQow wofb befpc iCo 0otb fed t0c c6pfbipq(tt0cp 0awc of t0cpc paccc o(b tpp6^^»pct0at t0cpfe«| to q^onjpt agftnt? Co tap£({0ofbi ofbepb iDefetfogOcuc] fan) jlctjtQcti) to others Cofcffpptp* cf fflpngpe foi fangapgc C ofeffppcps? yd tflpngpe fbipzpe Cftefeffpptp: fwefe f^pngceS fo.i ptapete oot) 0ofp t0png' loot) pfape no^ factpf ooi)tQ$nqmt !0af!SrB>& is}i p^flatfcnvebj oot) 0©fp J oot) tpape not faccp t Coto8 ot0ct T<>pt0 oTs>tpt0c ttemfpb tofftrwetfle oobpe&o* t$et 6 (iepbf 0 l £Tonfcntfo ‘flpHjti&af&ape dC^e.S.6iattcO of a^atpe ^p|?:engOt ^pofetts tapfz tfoty to t$ at) feff 2^p fra^ttb to cawf otfjere to fcpe §apt0att0ep0ofb t0c^nbetco\v>fct offtenbfOpp C0ept to t0at fprt) t0ep map pzoffpt jJDtt0flt0conp i wapt0ep mapaOapb £D: g#eu:t0p prwppi fot wozDps tflat pe to ot0ete c'wpf fapb bempeo: t0pngp8 of t0c c0ptc 0 tap&t0*goobpe oft0c c0pcc0wpt0o'wt befet wpng to tap&c0ptc0 goobpe q wat pfapec »pt t0cp 6c W) wozt^pfp to g$cue t0c goobpeof t0e c0p«0 0oif fcrtfb mat)fapanb t0af t0cp appatte pt) to 0ptrj ©wat futt) c\>?pt t0pngt0at agtcnpetot0e cflptcfj 2Jf goobpefoz fewte put it) t0c c0ptc0 C0pngpe t0at cafWfp at fcTppt lEC0e .$m.0zanc0 of a wtpe ot 0et0at to6pe c0p bomtnapgc t0at t0ow hope ptoft0p pzoppe tmfys fot t0p fpmpp&tce oz 0c pgnozane ®x fotto$a(b mazpc^fp6pf i^roz bxepbtoSe punpfopt jfaitfyrw "wpt cT»pf mot pat fcwpttt) t0p fpt) ,^foz t0at pt pfepfpe t0e f pc0 t0cft to 6c bopt) 'fax tfyo w aepzoffptof t0cftpe t0at at bopt) ,flDz foz(0o^ bzcpbpe fjytt) 1 0at ae bopt) 1 0qft el ofmax^ reffrgpo * t * , CMaus y» yt$ oyt ^nfcerfldb^gof $q% fkt wecf goobp® Gpf0opptt0at gtettpoiwf of p® tefpgpo»j o? pt t$«t dfcp 0aue §e {pane ©wee mpc0 oppsoppi §L qwi ooi) ae goobpe *wpt0 o'vi C0eps ^nbejjifttgftg Wfai m ^oml^L oxtyatfoot) gfleupeo^et motors psopptpatfe maipt ^^don^OtfpC^6iS)^6^i?^e$e0g£0m©^g©©^ 0f t0e pat tp * & Caftac mo? t0aq pt pa ©fttsseffpte ' $ 4 ' w woo:t0p£p (? pt appertenpe «ot to g0eut t0cw? ^ jjt) nv pf 'Wfapgc t© fpmb t0sn? ,jf o zto be bommapgt to otffcve &t accufi fox to 6o Crapfoi) ox fox to bo fpft0 {i ^«0ojic(! t0png 2>? tofaantoftfyc t^o aomce partes dfaptfo bopepzoffpt pa 2 tpmfepr Co cofunb wffps $ bo *w;wmg to 0pnj t0at ,a$ jpgflt jfoi to Defzt to bo tpg0t to 0rtt) t0 at appetfenpo pf CC0e#t of auatpe 2£p 'Wpo&ne bopi) fot fpfceto* fo? ftcpnbpo 02 fox of;€t^ntpg0tiiffpacq\vptpt ;|^0J l 3e fKS^b o bplf^pngpe ocq^pr^t ‘ COept to £0a£ tfkp 6e mo? 0 ©tfo*W 2 pt$ boiPtpt C0ept to fte goobfpar £0apc befptps 0? fox to 0auc mojpofjeff^orce t$ot) oi0cre #o? b?epbto Oauefa^ftefgaobp© #02 to befpt tgeft) feffu) iptfiee #02 & 2 epb to fiMtfayvU bfgcabpe C C0t.pif. &a«c0 of (usarps t£t g 0 euant f 0 ep fet not £p to q^ooitj wbpfactfp £tg 6 e«attt bpfo 2 bcm(pt 0 e goo&p 6 t 0 a£ ffiq? 6 o«e gSOufoffo^f^'wpb^t t 0 oft 0 ep^?nbotf 6 b Ttftpf ^ofbanct 0 em agcpnet 0 cpt conform Spp:op 2 t;a«£ t 0 enj to t 0 et fpngwfpaSfapge #o? ^f^onefi cauf fox to fa llifl^B Co acq^c^c o*w?t mt f 6 Co mow) vct)( 6 e^ map not acq^vp? COpngp© .pg 0 tT 5 *flp acqwpnt Cfipngpe wnrpgftfxrfTp rcq^pppipt Cypnope t 0 atpeavt) dtmmt ihcwb \O 0 ^C tew# vnfyng $Dwet)t 0 co Twbetftonb not oi tay not 'Igocdfmtto do pnot $ox top fwtce fotjiomuf t$ev e to 2 Dtfcwantff> ■C 0 *mC 0 xp? 4£4£8e.pift •fain c0of asiax^t ^ppxomcffea djape to t0at t0ep map tefapf ^m(wic0pt)g fpc0 fefi 4D*$gfwt$ ■wox&po Co f0cw fapt ft 0s fpc0 (amlkaftf to f 0aatt) ot0ct& 0s Jpc0 famfifottt: to nop to ot0et6 iDx to fp£0 t0at t0ep0cfepf fpc0p 5 ps ftcptib Co0pn>t0«f *0cp ^n&apdb to 0c f0apc enncmp $&t mbpfecanttp to fxepnD ox emtemp C C(fe.(WW.0xattc0 of awtpe SDfpt t0 at C0ep at*? to ot0ec tpg0£T*ffp ^ t0at ^ ftjc0 lya^e ox t0at J&eofpf t0afpea^t0o£0ctt0ai)fo0pt9fcff ox bxepb to g0euc pf ox to 0c itofpt Jfox f0aartj t0af t0cp 0aue to.bo pt jfox awards $ &*wc of 0ofbpng C©0©t&t0en)pap8ofpf t0att0cp ^«5cc(i35 mcf 3Do a«b 0olp to f)prr> t0at mpfco^ntpepf Ttpf&nb to nop to 0pn> t0at ps mpfco'wnfpt C / C0e*P$.0xanc0 of auaxpe 4fox co^opfpefox to bpfpfepe to 0pn> $ox pfepfane t0at f0ep 0a«c to fee $pg0ffp to fmpx of pt t0at f 0ep ^ not ;Covet(mfpfqT*>pc0 ttcp&flpxoffptpettof §>um tpn ptpafox tcmpoxcf goobpe fpn? fox to pxpmtp fuwj paxfot) C0«ffW) tpmpe pxofnjfpe^/ilfpmpe nope $bepc0 pxaffp fpe to mm $ fun} tpmpe nop® 0t) fffe fcciipng $ pionmof xcfpgpoty CC0t#$? Jxane0 of auatt® IDefpxpfant gobox pe fan Cfpe jffox fa f$a%? fetf wo0 ihx&jaf f0epfap&fb^fa6 fmtanf gob rwpf co^fimt; offpmpe fmepng ?£p pfapfans t0at f 0ep ?ap&ta fwept (b ^^5pfpx^ngof0pw)f0af t0ep fwepe 3£©0ofb&i not pft0att0epfwpc iDoanb e^rpf to appepx fo W0 pt t0af f 0ep fmpr *Cdf$uM not pt t0af ffjcpfmps ffioofo 0e0sf&png CC0c.pS«j2anc0 ofa'WdtfiB ^ twtbpe ^IDpffa'wanttp to cramp 02 bpffapf H \|P °f P c tfybt t0ep C:ec) not vpttanfyof pt t$at t0cp feci) not ,gg mta put ^Mcfawant onp oftQc faaemem of t0c c0ptc0 'tytsofttf fcff Ksfcsfo fef £8 mV* tty (0pngp6q^pc0 at not fyfun) W &ptwc0png of0otyt0png t0c(0png t0atl V0cp feet) not „ (0e (0png t0at« tpmfo meant fal'ftp wpfifpng to bpffapf ;§> meant fapt 0 fnfep rrpflanb to frvept fafe ~>2 ( 0 at fmtpe fate Gctep/fanb to frnpt faytQfutfy CC0c.p$nt,02anc0 of axpaeps Co Be rpptnee of pt t 0 at t 0 ep feet) not Co rpptne 6 t 0 att 0 epmpffeno^ ^fftm^to mpfTznory pt (0at t0ep feet) jfoi (0e p 2 pe f0«t t0ep 0awe 0ab 02 f0oo& 0aue fo2fcebf0pp0f0pfqoft0eqrppc0 (0ep6cpc vptnes jfo2 mafps t0at (0«p ivpfnot fap fowt 0 Jfo: f0png t0af ^ jfo2 t0e fafe oppttpoi) f0at (0ep 0aue of t0at f0pttg ■T0ep 0efepf(0ep 1 |&§ap (0e 1 0png fapf0fuft0at t0cp feci) not $Bwpc0 at bef; fenbpt ©■wpcGatpe* tpflfowe jCo (0c pacfSe q^*pc0 appacte ftpe not ^fojtoacq^c 'fwtoGcpbpf JotoGtfpetfo tGaptevpfvpf £>1 t0ep fepfe not t0e $nbec(fdbpiig(i(0ep map wf C^C0e.ptM*anc0 of awatp© 1 3e pfepce bopt) 6c \?pc0 ccaftpe ’ lDpf0one(? p 2 owocant to bpf0oncf!ete ‘©2 (0e q^pc0 map gtetumfp nop ’ fioi t0e pfapfane of 0pnj feifoi pfapfane of of0ete ■fl >2 6e cowfiurt) to bo fpc0 pfe pee £>2 0arx?anb tcuft to 0auc 'wpnttpng to bo pf ?Co pfap oot) favb mat) wpt0 oot) tefpgpo ve >©2 oot) fa^vb r*>pf 0 oot) pxcpff 02 ctevti ^£>2 r*>p(0 oot) mai) of pennane C C0c.pM*pf 0 0 wf ncceffpte £ttrvpe t0enj t0af fav6o vtpeot (tampflpe '£D2cttrc>p6t0cn)tomap6f0cn)fcpfe anbbenot 1 €>2 to f0a w 1 0c«) mot fcpfe f0aq (0cp at i < 3 t 0of)ant f0atp (0pngpe to fu0cpq 'iDcfapf 0 c fapmjpf mnbp© 02 6p cn"vtp ‘£>2 6cfep/fanb to (puc *wetmpc 0 ~>%ig( 0 ett) I'ff &P fvnbw mrncte &>% epqwptpf $awowtanf£p< £DWet tfcfqn)} wptpf §pfot% fpmp® &t wn^furt) C/C 0 eft*P 02 Co epf ftup(0 fozt0atpt 0c goobftpp ^ cSpofpcpot) of (0c c0bpmee teq wptpf , &c cow |t wrt) to gtap(0 (0ett) fo ,&e fpg0fnee to dc over o66Wt wpf0 out rteceff^fc affeccpotj (i pfepfane of pt (flat (0epf«p& C^£0 C fcgunD 6zemc0of gfotonnp , $9eptowct pzecpo we (0at) appatfenpe fo (0cn) i fee mept f0at) q wept (0ep at teq wprpf 2!£epf eft wpe (0c (wo wt off eptf wet beigcgowe (tfbi tfyai mo* be^e ^ lD£fp2$6 t?)t me# tftat cojtysfmaf £0$*3 wfciUt tfyzt&dq ofott)etw&) J&t>gfotonn$(t ft$anb%e J&inampanv (if 0a# to tyt moi $ 0 % toffy goobf^ f0a#af>pef# Ci^e# entyf# t§ 1 6 mc$ye of gfotmnp.&t foftbw# <0e 6^ t'Bge of %0et£ qw#0 atu &a6 # appcc^e 0e# affct* CCffc fttft 6 mm$ off#0etg f { Wn#«c#?$ w#$ ^emei) mat# 03 webowe £Dfffiog0f ! Of bc'S* H* 3 mm) ae amipang %v#0 of (Jet f0«ij t® 8 b sD* woman 0aw4b capan^ w#0 oftjetfp # fpews ^£kf0affp$0e00f(jif manage ||M0* w#0 wema*} of ffje# %«a^gc {||3W#(Jmatj ojwcmatjof f0e# aff#i#e @^*S>?f0af f(Jc ooi; ptutp 0c of teflon ' CC0efcgr,inb hmtft of f#0m» 0 topfe^a fo fjgti^fefffo fuffifiye C0ogOt 0e wetfc «|b0e pofs?^3 tt£g0f 0e owes: e^tf^ngoz ||4 0a6#ac#t) t>) tfjt company of wema) ||^i£w# t0og0f fuff# f#0 wctf? v ' ; Co mo we 01 fwec0 dje f fcc0 6e bef##tg "Co fnfftfwetf* (i of f0e w# naf meflfc oft* two fo gibber on£ w^s &o£ natmefty a 1 {f tfawc to rnotpfg |^$ft»9a6 rt^ompnacpon ofyt t%o.t 0a w |b 1SH f y * ‘wrcc&jttse of f 0c Tuperfo ( co^J uro$£ IM)* qmi| (Mpiwfkpfctt t^cdpanpof t^m pact v of Met^ fpm foz tmf offsstt i pat fens gp(Df0et tgmve foz banger of pikers |Wf ot0er tpm^e foz tapfot) of tpn? ; |^ £)f f0e ^erC? g wg f0ep &eg 1 0 «f $ pe avpf l|jp*£f of petp fq^ten f0ep fee*) fiat pt pe dangetow |p£t fo» (0q>£ at fttowo&pf st) fpc0 petpf 0n £0e operaepog of f 0e f&{8 W£$>% §mz htfyt $ *w$to fnifvfyt !J^5Di ii) a «?(w& to OcVq 5of$ pC C '©fc. ®.fe ptccpofpteofgo^mpe gps&efe (t efb$0$tg *** jjt> conpofr 5 W 05 f» 00 *> «rw &og 0 t wp wn&wmee of tfjpfifcp to 0c tb$we ^5rfectac^ost6oft0epc0o5^6trtfxrtnb £0et» Mcqty^ttittb af pt t§at t%m. 0ar£ &efptpet ^^fpzniani fatgpfp fo: fo'wpngof f0e f§ dBQeumt guepe p£ appettenpe to g0eite w fot tfcqt bdn^&mt Cum fpfttylo'wa m$c% of($m fgkfpt 4 )||s 3 '>W!>e«« CC)*f t csibpf0 t0e ftep® of %0cr^ (j f^iafp of rtf tfobqjb^ Qpm& Cf)^t fo^fo'woog e^o^rtc^og anb of f 0e foftif ma$) 0e Cfc t?q5r rQz? fafae (iqwpt fotfapfcpe ttjow fo pfopfpr. $8ot) bp/fawpf fufofytcftlpz cqor).$t) t0pefofe Tspoxfbf0am; pe 6of Dtfpfiapfpt.ignwp/p^/'we^t a bpf* ce conbpcpon . 4D*ab^pef0co* t0owarf ot0crT*>pe, 2*9at) wnbopt) (lafpcttbpcpot). C0eq vpc0 T*pft0oi» fpueo* bect0 c0epe * ,C0cpc of t0c two f0oTV tie bpfcrccpot) . lowpo tftow 0cftet of t0p 6obp f0c bcfpt.Co put f0p foowtto bamnacpot), C0at) to Crpfoot) fpfcf it) ftp0iifacpot).*2f after bcef0 t0p fao^f fo 0e ta'wpff.jji) gfbpt it) 0e* Trpn qwpcfi ae not bcfctwpf. Co 6c pf map not it) f0pe fpuc 0utttapt) . fjt ftpf not crt0 goobpe a btmopt), jf af0cr mother afpf pt 0e poffpSpf. i£t fepf it) papt) anb b:eba0pf faw6o w.^crToanb gob ewpt pacpcnfip . jjf peffle waptfiat 0obpefemfp . After bccf0 mat) fo fa&iacpot) . C0afof0ec , W’p8 hope 0c gope bamnemcnf.^at) ^nbopt) awb at patbpcpot) ^cfe^ffpe f 0 o w twpt 0 ept fo 0 auefi»pffer.Co 0 auc patbot) *wpf 0 owt fa fpffaccpot).£t of t 0 c npgflf fo it) oot) (oft 6 cb. After tt) f0c bop T*pf 0 o*wf operacpoi).paef 0 e fpm it) bpfecfarpot^o mpc 0 f 0 af of aft 0 cffe |0 pefuf C0pnfcpe f 0 o"» wot 0c fapf$p 6 f 0 af gope fwtf 0 of f 0 c xrap , *Sffapf:pe epnb mpgfifp tnonbapt).§e&ie 5 efoibccf 0 f&afaitt) fowbapn . Oot) 0 om fo f 6 c wpf 0 pe barf 0ojtp0pf . $o 0a0c^ ae oot) f0pwg m wpfp0pf . C 0 af fftow f 0 af not 0 a«c fopfcr 6 c wo *wapce . Co fcu> to gob pcccaut oonfp. C 0 ox* f 0 af bp foMot) ^opf 0 owt cowfeptpot). C 0 of tQow f 0 af 0 c 6 c fug« mcnf of gob.fl^aq vnbopt) (iaf parbpcpot). $B 9 m) it) pctpfwnbcrffonb 5 c cctfanfp 5 f f 0 o v 0 auc wof of 0 ct wpt ( 0 oiffp Co mcwb f0c:wo of 0 ct bcxvocpot) C 0 o"w f 0 af fc oot) bap foMpbawfy 5001 ) Mrnbopt) (t of patbpcpot) CC^c foffb’wpe f 0 e papnpeof0cfc5mpnafopte offpmtpe fot fopwwpf 0 f 0 c(pmtateaetc&pmtp 6 ftijarxve after f 0 e woo topffpng fo f 0 af 0 c 0 ab fcpn tt) 0 efaepfapperps 0 c f 0 c ftgute fotfowanb 0 c oibpc oot) after o( 0 cr m w d tebemptut rcfu ctyft oon fytdafotippaf vmijSK \i\M fto^eanb u)$zt$an%mtz$t ii)t$c 0o we of cor) qw^<# CmM Mfcpi waecaffpf fgmorj foi to tapfa £e Bobpfy tefeccpoi). &t ae | Jgj 0e Sas at f0e fa6$>f p app$fpfed bpfr^p^fe d Ca^at? ^5 f 0c 0M§ec of mat^ magbafc^t) fuf mcq d womcq . f :pb pa f0at) oot) fpi) q\vpc0 bpfpfepfpe to goba(kmeafot0es: fpmtpe it) fo mpc0 ae mepfmee pe pfepfattf eft'wpe f0e t>fue ♦ iZt fftept pe not fp*) q\ppc0 fo mpc0 mafrpernat) fp& fo f0c beTvpfae hope p*pb/f oi (0c p:pbf uf pewppf Tt>pC not 6e aef0eof0ete mcqpfpenepbfuf f0alt0ep0eaef0ep0*tpfpet) wptft t£c be wpffpe.*£f foi 1 0af/t0af (0c ptpbfuf pe^ppf 'wpf 6c afeftpt a0oue f 0c oo f0ete met) . pf0 pe mo^t0 ox ne0 pf 0etpe pf f 0pe (i foff pe pf fat a0oue t0e /foot) f 0af pefcb a6oue (0eqiivpc0 pf pe Bieftpng d f0at) bpfeettbps (t cpffpe f 0e ftpt^ ttef.^*o bapeffle bnvpfafeffpe f0e p:pbfufpc\fppffo;r fo fat (0ett) fat i 0e£ beflfetette of ffieptpbfufpe\vppf fo ffk f0af at mepfi pe af f0e q wpf fo t0e caf. 1£0e caf q^pefi pe fpg0t Tcofb afeenb it) 0pe a t0e ^pnb 0etpe pf (ipe foffattb ffleqmpf f0af pe ewp a0«pbpe it) fh\*> a0oue f0e eetffi ps gabetpf (i put it) f0e 0art) of f0e fo:bdf0e caf pe foil 0o wnf anb feeeffpf of 0epfip6.§of6ep;tpbfuCpc^ppf afeffpf aOoue f0e offices at 6owmf anb fwffpf Kvpf0 beTepflfpe of 0ef (i f0e mepf: at if) patabpe . C§c?mJi5fp fapb f«$at\*>e jj fa^v oot) ffoob fropfpng it) f0e q wpc0 t0e etnppowe me?) (i ^vome!) ^at pfongpt “Wn fo t0e naweefanb a6oue f 0e q^pc0 cwt) oot) cofb anbqwet) f 0 efapbettwpo^e^ofbf 0 o^ f6cfapb 'wpttb f0e q^pc0 ^vae 0oitp6pf cofb bpb bepp f 0ettj f (0^ fapb pee of at f0e patfpe of 1 0ept 5obp q^pc0 'was mt fepu oot) patfp of f0em 6of t0ep ^at tq f0e fapb wafpr aef0efpc0peno^tq f^etpwat. jfrwppe bofe^vt anb (otov? it) f0e 0atf of f0e^e%cp(e ti goob of of 0cc6 . C0e q^pd) fpq pe(o wiMpe^tfot t0af / f0at pf peemtftatp fo ;0atpee fo wetapn goobnee TvCtfu / qmpt fotpf pe oot) gtet fpng of tepte^png 0e ffteq'wpcO f0e be^pffjcnnpe t$tm) f^nt bt banmpf. ae c0arptc pe fpng of fafrpgepot) 0e ffic q tppc0 gob betftonbpe q"wo f0af6efawpf it) patabpe.'C'Bc awpaws at fapt0ftif c5^ papgttonefo f 0e bc^pf/fo: 1 0ep at compapgnone at fofpttc (i at 'Ppnnpng pf f 0e \pgnnre boattb f 0ep at g&b %Tpf0 0pii yt% pf 6e kfpe owp goob it) onp : s e a mggmm fbi fj \>po fc^ SkEsssss^ pe dot f 0c fefpepfee anb goobpe of tBpe voifo / foi f0c mrf^t en*>p mapnofafcenb tt)0evpi) pt ps oot) 0atb fpq to 0oof foz fBpe ffiaf pfpefe* gret foz pfpe it)f0e0art tqtBeqwpcB mcbpcpne ar0atb caf?pe fppffpng (efeut t) 6et0 c mo^tBfozfozo^t0attBccnnemp bopsto 0ptf). #o oot) mat) pcews psfozmetpt 6c pee (i bops eftpmpe wat t0at) oot) bemonpafzpf ♦ $oz wpf0 owe paepene fmpttpe tBe oot) t0e others faps rwtpe (Z g0ewps f0ept 0obps anb fao wffps to f0e be wpffpe (i bops jpnbzp f0pngps wnfpfuins qwet) t0ep put t$ctt) feff it) ptc (i aftec cumpefet0pn s? gps it affet wengensf0af ps foz fo Dpfftop affBe q wpcB fBpng almps oftp mps foz oot) oonfp man as oot) bog f uf of pec moppet puttps it) nopfum^ wesdfepg^fpttgs fpnbzpofBcts. 1£0e fpc0at fto w6fpe t0e watpt f0af f0 c fpe0 map nof fe ps f0apt fo f Bat Be map put pf feff wpfBt o wt i t0e fotb 6of §o f0e bewpfftowBfpsfBe mat) 6e ptc tBapc fo tBat Be map nof wnbcc * ffottb tf0eewp£f|5af Be bops,i2f of fBe 6egpnnpng fo as f Be craw ftp|? gop y #eptfpsf0c k oftije cBatpotj.^o f0c bcwpffle pee tapfzpeawap ftoti) f0e pteftjf mat) (Be^of ps wnbcrffonbpng ptc pstBcpozt of af fpmtps f0e qwpe0 q wt) pf ps c&sfBc wettus tt) mat) at at teff. qwet) pt pe op ptj of cswespgc of f0? matt pf ps 0a6anbonncf to c wpffpcB wpe fBat6c ptc af werfue-cf pf ps put fuit $ * C CBzpbfp fapb we $ 0aue fept) oot) ca we anb son bptfe p^aps fuffttBfps it of ffanfzps as ooq ffefBo^s q^ept fBepeefufmct) anb ^omcq i&atpepccpf offBaep fwozbps anb finp/fps of f Be q T^pcB fpt) of pee pe fapb Bepc afoz ♦ C^fof&^pe^c fpt) of fwcprnee weptnee pe foio\p oftQz fpptptmf goobpe t$e gxvpd) oi* \ bottle mmj to gob * © wpc fot f 0ep fepf to fctm gob of QattaetQtfftyootbmboftQemoytQ et&pe. Jr £h?oxv’ofi) fowe gob ft pegflautftto feet) t$t mafxat (tte $ beptmtnutafnvt'ofaffflegoobpefffat tfyffauc ttfyat 0ep tcfapf expptpcfl bap foxwbetfSonb f0cn? feff fpmtac / f gob faf'wp^oc (i repaiafom.0tef fofpfgtice pe qmq onp 6c fmprnee uj <0e tyty of £0 po f0otf fpue ti)at ffic gabbee tto goobbpe fo: £0e fpue exvpttf fc(fanb.. £>ot t fie bap £0af tpttupe no w tq f0ts xwnfb fpnbxp at f^cptfnf to bo gooft/fl bpfpgettf to bo exvpfanb pf£0ep x?ac affo bpfpgsneto bo goob ae fficp at to bo exppf £0ep $af&e (5appp. wi'ffigb fa$a twejj 0ouc fe^ oot) 0o;n$tyfp * p^om2fozfof(>ft0e of tflcgrcwpfa^fme e 'C f0ep f0oofb wn&ctftonb awetpe wefcpt to gob . foi to pmagpq mot oot) pemtp tp t0c fo wf of gob (i fowe Setter to fepe gob tfiat} to ftp e oot ) 0af pennp f oi of tmnye foi oot) (mat tflpng t0ep feoif wepr « meftf werpe (t fpwtpe bepbtp . Cp faptfi 0opd c0atpte tp q wpc0 fSootb 6e tq gob t0e w® me (i wome puttpe tr) t0ept tptpe .^t(l f«pt0 foi rfiepOefepf Setter to 0a we f0pngpcncpbfuf to f0? 0et0ept tpt0ee t0oq to0awct0en? ofgobae gob mpg0t *wf 0ofy f0en? oittegob0abHotfoffpcpfwbofpeferwane After t0e awatpepowe Bae Sop to pm mot of f0e topee z qto wfone tSfetitpe fpg0tfptoaf wpcee.t2tfo: tflpe cawfff,afSe neprbfnf ooqgoob' &epartof0af porft0attSe bewpffwpn ptnot . $ot qweq t0ep Sofb ooq 0oie0e t0emowt0f0ep^0pn? qwcprf0epwpf» 'CSefer want owe epfpfp nonpfSpt pe oftpmpe contra epo we to pemaftcr . fSt t0e 0obp owt tempfytftyptdf wpn(tofmep^p6te0eReto efperptfotSatpt wpf not bo no goob wetftpe ji>p gfc wfonnp fpnbrp 5pceoftpmp&t0e qwpcS Sab fewjtf mottong foae 0epq meq fzpffate of ( 0e») jeff* jfot ejoceeof owee rnpcq $ cyttvnq r6e 0ob(j6(i ettgcttS^d /evince cmO of ft }e f6e^ J0o*( tfttyc f^c /(f(0ep q\v>t?c0 'wcdtffflt Bob\s (0ef gtar£0 ( 6c mc^f fo*«>a:mpe. §>o (0e qtbwtor) 00 tmc to (0c wi m^i!)c^mefgoc*gf6oafb0aw/0a5(fl 0e(mc(oott^wibmoi (03(0cg f 0 ooft>f 0 a0ofl5t0e£t tc'wf (('wcfjc f oi ft>;£ at ffae|w^t to 0o& tfom it} (0c cfbflcc (0a(^e ti) (0c faxrceoij «*to as (6c fo'w Q^c0 £c cne^t <*00o£ ft^sf (0c maw&q'wgcp jh* (0c mfcccgon of gfiwtifctc • C4f oflbiKHje of t0eft?) of fec0eip * ^«f^eftntt^e^c0er^^6t0emo(ipfa^tfo t0e bc^f fon0af /t0af t?t ft>fyet0e Bobp anb t0e faowf to gt>bb»>r c0 0e 'wpw^e t^o patfone to gibbet (i 0e ^vgfurq t0a f0e be\Yt>fmt0e fupetaGownbas off0{^qvC0c watc0an6t>6oo»)gcef fo^ft0eq^t>c0 wafers oot)f\>c0 gtef martfjanb^eof t0c q^^c6 0e foenntje me? t%o>i 0c (0a£ repent 0{m> §>o f0e fpc0eto'wemeq ae m\>c0 pa^t) $ fpenb^e pe gooDb^jfoi tofufftjf t»e ftrwffqmpt after 0e tepefy 0t?6 feff of t0e pat?) t0af j0e0ae tapfepqof t0e goob^e Wat 0e ae fpcnOpt 6ot 6c \je not q Wff fa to repent 0t?$ feff fo T*t>t0 o^pt Wat 6c fuffpfant pennane , C$e fyc^etoxre meq antv 'Womc»)tp^anttj6 tozmenttjf of Mi. pannes of 0efof 0cgf / ffyn&t>ngan& of t0e temoib of t§c confe\pne.jfoz t0e(j Qyt*) 6c f0ept conewptjfcene . C6c^ar(ttjn^nb6ct6c^t|f6aamfu6tc6f^o?f^c6ft?)t6 a£ft£0 q^0 ft$>et0e Gob^fo* afpt0er f^nn^ftfr^e not t0e6obt> 6of f 0e fac^ ?i£ fo c0eq> t?e T*>£f0o^fSt0e temoibof cofc^cneof t^c srext^ng f0at t0ep 0cu»c Do^eng fo gob%0«^f0c 0©of of t fie bc^ftq f0e q'WS 0c ca^f^e f0e fpnnatefofaf 6ef0et?r t^c0c:poff0cq^c0 fmtj0©fpt**t©f0e be^r fo cajl Wttt) wytQ q\m) 'vt^tfSffi f0c^ go nerr i fie fa^b 0oof it} f 0c q^0 f0c^^(lmeff0cbe^f'wofbcap Wm Wc^l.jfox ^^freooqgoob f0^tg fo tyt nof f0e womatjVooq goobffcat Wpm to 0c 0afc 0$c not, m ooq i^g0f goob f0pngfo i mc0 «of * £t to fyt) appaefen^e 1 6c fu^f car^0 “wojbt>6 b£f0onneft fmc0pmit>s q^c0 at of ^tfjr£^0ef0e qT^c0 f 0 c^f^offpm|'ef 0 cq^c 0 wojtbre it fangr^ 00 'wggge nof f^emaqm^ teweanbf0c Ba^tbpeps 0om tnaftets. mb 0ome (t t0ep q^^0 'wfp* anb’tb^^e f 0ept company ot qisepcO anb bcfptpe fo patfempr l f0c fo^ffp»)offpc0etp» fpofi?*} vf-v.. <8».ut, patf? offfle cempo t anti &«fcitb«t stf f^jiare in ffiaf'wpcg v* bt'fatwt'ffi (Se.ftew ft 6 j«« # <$£s fiiirioneof f0c.9u»fcg&$ frnttpa ft tonitq’wew'/ fytfc pa^n^e of 0cfco«efponDat to C / €0e.m.tuitfpoff0e compot p feafenbat of f'0pppate §>cpene fafutapr (i $atbpq or fc^fib of wertwe pej wo wofl) mapfiooq ert0 i 0a6ownb3e fpcjt f 0ep f0oot& put awap aft0png nopfp6pf (i after fawftorptwecfatfb fawpt ofafgooDfebp* //o|0ootb ma bo(ictegc p* pfqea of af fpnnpe(ifaw6owr Be 0ofpmebptacpone(i fa w pt of wertwep goob wetfzpefo: to gabber t(5c frwptofgra'/ ce ef fpweewptfefianb t0apr to (5am pe befpr (i to f u tV fpf to fywe fcmg.§eqptpefof0atptre f0awpq 0epr afot of t(5e (pnnpe 0ow w.eett0at t0epatf0awp«ggteUp (i fargefp ptpeg0anatfttofap of* ter of t0e wertwe it) t0e.iu:parfp oftftyepzefentdooh t0eq wpc0 fdaltiz |?et wpt0 t0e becfaracpoq of pt fotgoobfpar wnbetffdb (i^af wnt^q.Si.parfpe.CC0e fptfi t0e fapb becfatacpoq(i borapfoq of owe for b .CC0e fegunb f0af0e t0e fafufaepoq angefpf:t0eqwpc0 mapb angefgaBteeffo owt fobpq weq f0o confawpf 0pc c0p(b lefue . CC0e f0rpbf0af0eoft0e .pu.artpcfpe oft0efapf0 C^0e.ttu,f0afl6eoff0e.^ c5manbpmeneoft0e faw .CC0e .S. f0af0eof f0e .S.cdmanbpmensof <0e c0ptc0 . C C0e.Sr.f0af0eof f0e fepfb of Serf W8 :fo: f 0e frp|t we f0oofb wnbetffdb f 0at 0e t0e o:apfoq of owt forb f0af pe f0e pater no (fee S |Weq we fap pt we af0 at gob fuffpepantfp af tfipngpe nepbfuf foi f0t fa^ ufofowrfaow£fpe mop not fie parfpffp fiofowebofwe iqffipe wo;fb:we affi peteawtq tqffie qwpefi patfpf% we ffiaffiaf&weboftfie qwpefi we ffiaftSewcrtap fioetpeaewereap efipf brpqCfieqwpcfipefpcpoqgfiewpe wefo wnbecfionb ffie factpmenf of fipfifiepb fie ffie qwpefi we or feefipf fo bo goob weefcpe(itfie gfipff of ffie f o tpg0eo(!pegfipffofwnbetfi5t!pngfo2fownbec(fonb (ibefpr ffie teown) offiewpq (ifo we artq weof efic efrqoffatgpneeagepnsawatpe.Cl^fie ffijpb pefpepoq ffip wpf mop fie mapb it) eeffi ae tq fiewpq (i fox tpat.jfox pf pe Cfie faptfifuf wop to gob it) pataDpe (i wpf of o w t fo:b pe ffiof pe cdm& bpmene fie fu(fpfipf.;£e tfipepctpepoq we map&oficpffae fo gob (i of owe fiatfpeqweq wc affi fo Dope wpCefic qwpefi gfiewpe wefo wnbet(?onb ffie facepmeeof marpagefieffieqwpcfi we awapb foxngcacgGt) $i fie gfipff of eonfepfofffie fiofp gfieojl fot fo otboq owe ofiepjfcme werpfafifp anb fo we actq we wpf fi f fie fio wefept of confofae poq agepneen wp . ^fientw. pefpcpot) pe owe bcpfpfizeebgfiewc wefo bop. ;&etfic qwpefi pefpcpot) We ftffi of gob fo fie fufiettpf of mateepaffiieebfo* owe fiobp a of fppepfwef fiieeb fox owe fao w2fpe tfiat pe of ffic fiieeb of fpue ffic fiobp oficfuctgft fic ffie qwpefi we eefapf f fie factpmme of ffie a wfec f mpnb of pe paffpoq onb bcfptpefofpwefficgfipffoffozeoftfiefiofp gficofi foz fo fie faptfifnffffic fapffi of ccpffpq meq .^ap& wc ffie fwoib of poepene agepne ffiefpi) of pie wpfp tficfepfc met) fiobpfp (i snapfi; pope fppepf weffp acqwptanf fo we ffie werf w of tempetana ffiow ffiee wpf(pt) of pee. CC^fie.S.of oq pe fpefi *jf3f fox gfie we we o we fpnnpe 06 we foigfieue-fo afmet). &t tq ffie f fire pefpcpGe|ofibwanb weaffiat gobffiaf fiebeTpuet weofof/.wpf qwftfi at ffice tq nomfipr.1£fie fprff pe cwpf (i pf pe ewpf of ffie cowQj fieffiaf fiaecompfpf fiebcpbfpfpqdfietfipeaffipng we offi of gob ffiat we fieofopf^ef ffiofgfieuewepatboqfiepemcpccpfie ffie qwpefi we wnbec^ ftonb ffic focepmene of pettnone /(tfficcempffpfiofowtfpnttpe ffie gfipff of (0c 0ofpg0eo|l pe?0eg0pft of fcpene fox to vutei flvti t0e gjod wet * fcpe (i ef0appt0e fprtnpe .g>o cfcpff) we we wpf0 t0e fjoeof (pgflfnee age pus fweptnee wp/piZconfo;tpowpr ptpfonnere 8odp£p(i g$e we good cofepf to f 0erq t0af at(i dpfc mfoxtyt get we I we$e weetw of t0e fapr0 a f0o w wetflefpq offweprnee.C / C0e.$i. i pefpcpoq . £t(uffec nof?«}*t we 6e owtcumpf tq fempf«cpoq.3aet0e fegund ewp£ qwp4 pe not cSmpftpf 0of ptmapfjapppq (i wemapfaf6e wap of fempfaepoq .§o aff) we at god 0c f 0pe afijpng t0af we 6e fapf 0fuf it) t0e fapff) and paefe werauf tq good wctfcpetq f0e wetfwof 0op and foie fox to t e|p|Uo fempfaepone :to tfie qwpcf} pzo/ftffpe to we ffle faccpmenf of cottfamaqot) qwptB gflewpe to we cetfptwd of god f0af Wecfpet 6ef0e wap of tpc g0pff of werpte of f 0c qafpj gffcoft f 0e qwpc0 cauf pe we to patfe wept tq owe 0efepf(i(b we ffloofd fapfztfle fpectof fo6ptnee agepne (0c fpq of gfawfonnp; £f tefapf it) fflept 0o wfpe powpt ppfgtme fftangete Bodpfp fozgfle we f 0e fawftpedopengagepneffletq/pptpfwef^. jfozfof0epdacqwptf0e wet:^ fw offjop (i $ow pe tflefpq of gfbxvfonnp.^lC^e.Sii.petpfpoq/ot fzepp weftdewpfameq.C7C()(f0tpdewp£ peewpfof papq (i af f0pngqwpc0 faffirafofetwegodoff0eqwpc0ewpf(tofafweaf0atgad6efBpe pefp^ tpa t) to 0e defp wetpf (t f0af we 0e fawpt it) patadpe fap we ameq tfjaf pe to fapfo 0e pt dopq as wedefpr *)&e f0e qwpt0 we tefapf f0e factpmenf of father wnrpoq (0c qwpf0 gflewpe we cetfanpfeof (0c wap of fafwt wpf0 t06g0pftoft0e0ofpg0eoji 0e f0eqwpc0 we diepd (0c twgemenf of god and gprdpe we wpf 0 f 0e gptdef of c0a(fpfe agepne fpcfjierp * £t fo we 6etp (0c (0afat deed 0odpfp and pzape foxo wt ennempefpptptweffpacqwpranf fo we (i it) we f 0t wetf w of c0atpfe and fOowand f 0e fpq of fpc0etp. 4[^Dot) ot0c t decfatacpoqof f0epafet nojier* wt faf0e& tpg0f (b wetapq metwepffawe I ctearptf/fwepf fo fa we tpgf)f of af goodpe qwpc0 peiq 0cwpi)wprowec ‘ of f0e fempfe ctowtj of locundifeti ttefoxof fefpcpte 6ofp ► 0e (0p nan) fo mpc0 ae 0o wnp iq o wt mo wf 0 0atp fwepf^ fp fowndand tq owt cpttpedewocpoqpatfewetanf it) owe 0at(pe.'C0pt«*wn) mo(? tniqfowe?f0eqwpc0 wefflafr 0e lopowewpfO o wtonp fotow iq tefU wpt0owf patfutOaepoq / ofefipe fo fapepf newpt » 1£0p wpfmofi 0e mopd iq erf0 aeq) 0ewpq fH0af we foweattUtfyow (owye(i$Meatfatttiaft$at t$o^ t ow^¬ (t tffat We bo cw%t moi t cdmanbmem *€) wt 0:c^D b foi to fwffe^t) owe 8obp 4 M foi q$i we we o wt fympe a wyfi we bo ageymrtQe oge^ne o wt w?8$U SowmtcaQefytwomfeff/fom wefotz$ewetoatm C fotfowiptfcflov% "T'"'/ gs fat feit} 0cvvpr? i?ofp 0p m*spb t$p nanj £0pf;p«rpfr we mot turn to tl?p wftmot 0c fcoof) it} trt$ do in l?mpp ov?r 0jpfp %^em wo to Oaf ctforgOcMf'wtfOvtr fynnp® f £8 Ifa'W v Z|| \ t$c pafet n offer (i t0e 0ofj> oe©£/bt) ae fa$ to gob t0e Iwl^ to gob ffcfowtut to goo tQtffafg geoft atonootfce. WpT We q^(0 oto0 cofett^» mo ^P 0e Mp) tty*rt0ae it)0cw^. &mta{ri$0*cbg0eue xs>e to bat’d few g0eue life om ftttn^e d fuffet not Sb to 6c o wetdlmft it) fmtpfaqpt) mb btfywu yvefcott) afew^.Hmei) , at t0c»m.mif?€^i: y C / C0^ fo^^ttg a commaitbacjcK^ t0at ma^b fmt C3fe5a6ei0 t0e mo Wet of (cpnt 0oot) t0e t0e fuppf^ccacpor? t0at ma f:^e am mof 0et t0e 6ofp c0f>t'C0. £t 1 0c£ at (0c mof I fapt Tvwbpe 1 0at w wap fap fo om fabp Wat pe Wz Sue mana qyreye m fo*wc a fnap a fpepfo to 6 ft. £f fo 2 f0at oonfp ps fafb fo 6pt a Hof to fapnt ti&Wetpt)/no fojfapnt 6at0ara/no to no office fo}t\t.$[ J £tf>fWo'w office 0o*w wffioofb pzapta office fanffpeofparabpe, apttf fratfierpn piapfb: 'We.^apnf 0af0ata foi ^e.^apnfcftnvb /fapnfebo^atf fcz^cs p:ap gob Wot 0c g0c«e pe graces nb Wot fie fozgfjate xve ox<>t fpnnpe . 0amm We qxet §>. (Jooii& . (fo mc * §. p0c^p.^^art0efomp^.S!9ac0o\v.^.§^!on.f>* f5ube. %m pf tgc fegunfc fapanb 0 Pefepf if> icfu cttfi pa ootift foot) om oonfp mb * $amm fpc gwt tgc fgtpb fepanb $ Ptfepf tpat ge confab of tge gofp ggeof! iooiq of t§c 'wpcrgpi} macp* C itapwt 0oon tpe. m^fapanb 9 fcffepf tgat ge fiifjipf ^witbet poiieppfapt Tea® ctucpfpcb ttep& $ Sctpcb* f£§aptt£ i^gamas tgc.$.$ gefepf tgat ge bpfccnbpt to pcf d tpc tt)t$ bap rope f^sni kstp » Jamce tpe &e tpc.&.fapattD 9 gcfepf'ipatpr ssfcfbpt ipc^pi) {i fcttpe on tpcrpgpt 6a:td of gob tpc fatpec,C^^|?t% 9 0.fapassd 0 Sctbpfsiiftpepotp faprnfUicpptcp , fpmon t0sa\fqyr& 0 Mz$ in tpccdm^npon o|fantfpe,C^apnc 0ube 0 6'e^rpf t$c ropffpngoftpef&fp (L^apnt £^at6pa©£pc.is>i:.fGipa«b j Sc^pf m t$€e'w%tfcft&b ^uctUmcn ®>St i$n pofp ciebo af goob met) anb vrerneq fpootb 'Wiibcc^onb $ fepat fcntpcppauctpe^fapgeofcapfbq anhfSoofbfc? pt i^tpemompng irat e^pi) e wpipep oon bapbci»op£tp, fM ptpeooi) m^6 gref be^oepat). HBt fox {fiat tfjo $ooh c rpifpq man fo ao 0e tpfpa of 6pe 6cb ? t(5c 3ut marts * f£t tec&mtmb t$em afrct te t$q>r goob angef . *8^ §oat> cwtgef &e$> m Tvepfv it) t0e tyeyn? tgwggTm) f6q» go to rcj? fifct fijcofi) roaf& at t$e (eft typo £§e £>a^ at niom^itg anbaf t$e Crd&o as yt U . ^efcff it) gob tfc father afjr^gf}^ mafat cf^e^i) attbof cttf). &t it} iefu txpfi cm oortf^ fo*&.£5\^c(5 ^ae confa^^ of t$e $of^ gficcft §003*) of t$c *tq»ctG£f) mat?, §uffrp£ yens ftet^sjep^f.jDasattc^ftcbf &e${tTvae6cr£et. ^fcat fyt it) $sU®z, niM t rc^e fton } fcee^*Sfcet%t m ct oftfyz r^gfjt fymbcfgobtfit fotfye t afrn?g0£$> . £t ap ter f$«f aw) to mge t$e im5 t$c 5e$ $ Beftyf it) f6e §©f{* g$eoft ♦ iPk §of£ fapf^fuft^tcO.&fle commo'^w? offaettpe'Oe rem^oi) of fmrc^.1i£0e of tpe f&fjj, 'C0e ^ne.Smoj. O ?ij otmfp t§oip f$aft tiboott} <&ttOVtpCBipt$p 4 (gob m 0i>¥ f$afr |Vef t p o c-tdcs £0p‘ig fee#** ■*r §« faon&ape :6 ot Uepp Jfcr^anf go& bevoptfp fdt^et ti met&cz t0o? f£aft §Of«w irftapr to tfjev ts?f mo* at fetigfit ^§c v ft^it not fe^QttipQ^ Of dept* SyifaUp ! ^0c\5 f^altftot 6e fpf §e£Ov» of ftc-ty ?ic ©f ronfentp merit £$e goo&ps of ©£0ere «©£ $© $p Spttprrg §©lb n®* faf« ?pmce fie not JlofetnnOvaym ffie vet&of fief 9 ^efprn^ 3S©£ ii} max?a$t oenp tfiegoobp© ©fotfiete CC0c.u»‘tna^er t’n t0e 0oof3of itfm at f$e^*coman; Ornette of t0e t8at go^ &$) gf^cue to ^o^fee it) t£e tnonfat^ of fot to gf^eue to t$e pe^rp^f ^ $J8t £ 0 e£ fflttfb &epp tftyt pmSDpmeed f pmttnbijmfe Sndee £ 0 e pain) fo 0 e ban^t 1 0 obp d ttj faowf afonrrj p wmss) q^c$ as 0 ooC Sfagge ofmpfot) foi 3gf0 (At* cdgnogpe of£ 0 ?tt) g0an3ff£f0q? ma£tfa£f 0 ow nja^c f^nnpe «« to wnbecffonb t$mj no ffypuc f 0 ew,$Dmpt fat ( 0 c igno tone of ffjettj alm^c 6 e hzfpt/afftccpot) o% mafj?e epcufpo noftffcit) qTppc# 'wnberj?dbpe f 0 ett) not %ot cpcufae (c ambim^s/et fox f 0 aC am fotb c 8 matt b^st 0 at f 0 ep 0 e 0 ab it) mcb£faq>c») U)£ 0 a^c 0 oxs?f ^6 sfuif 0 ttjffcppnqoz TPa^ng a it) af xmfz^e, £cta£fo xve ar fo m^c 0 0 ofe^t) 6 not to bo eic^f tf 0 c o^cc paflfyt oot) wpffulfy {i bef^mtfp be^b fo 0 e f 0 at'Oe banttew^teflanfft’ (i 0 £ £0^4 apperpe t 0 at ffle ignotane oft 0 e comanb^mene pe tmQt per^ffo*we d bangcrowo * Q\T 0 qn: fox e^qjcfi oot) f$oafb fftibp anb fo f 0 en) f 0 c q ^^0 f 0 q? rnoft aflaie tefjptm^ng put af t 0 egc affcccpone. t£o 0 ofb anb foepjp f 0 c faxc * < 2 f Am. 6 fyfiqng(p of gob fo f 0 af b^fcenb a 6 oue t 0 en) , jfot £ 00 ^ f 0 af 0 e pa$a 8 pf ftrfftt) fflc cptz. owt on^ abmrfltfe, $o fufet imp incc®\xmvmt1&?)p fqj& f 0 af 0 e fegwnbfp^ufof af 0 apppnee dpfen* £wfpte*£t f 0 af ainj fo rppnes. 1 £ 0 p cost) ) affet fflept powet ae pt re fo tf)cm peffaltyl. s fapb afstt f$ac pt fflatBc poffpfipf foi ffSafpf $e mat) o: tfiz woman cwpcfj map not ffttpuc tfieitj oxjjty t meffe oz tefapf owe io:fc at fcjtet 02 fcepp f0e$ofpbap commanbpf 02 C£e faffing of o6fpgacpoq qwenfftepffjaffla^ etc wpf to c0cp aftct t$at pf fflaffee 0efawfuf f$epfp») nof.&ottflc mat) fftooiS f2epp 0pr*> weef f 0af awarpe fwepmce 02 befpt to fepfopee 02 cf6atc mem ffjaf at watfrfp ae banfp nge pfapce 02 to wgfewte oz fo 2 (0c Dpfpjp-/ fpng oftQe 0ofpc0ptc0 0ecaue £0aff0ep oweepaff t6 1 commattbpmene f$apt to t$at »f,ep tptj not it} bamnacpoq of f0e qwpc0 Crepp we f0e mcptcp of tefue. C,Jgcpt pe fo nof f0af f0e frawfgteffpoq oftfje commanbpmeite offtofyctytcQ fipnbpe fobepb^fpq anb 6 c confeq^tm to banmac^ot) ae hays t0e ogfpgacpoq of tye edmanbyrnem of f0e qwpc0 we 0auc fapb afo2 jffo2 f0ep q wpc$ epttpef0e p2ep|?pe ma&anb f$e pmanbpmene it) (0c 0owt of f0e 0owt offtte mef of patpfflpng f^eafwffptfpa fflope commanbpmene > cpttpe gob anb bop© pe wpf. jlof f0ep qwpc0 bpfp2pfpe f0e p2epflpe (t hope nof f6ept commanbpmene after t$c ozbvmm of i 0c c0ptc0 bpfprpfpe gob anbfpnnpebepb^* C£D goO of f0e ppe firmament «. ^0p wefflef fpfpf fuf of fpftfl. mp ewpf gowernement^o wrnanb f0e fee it) gtef awanf wt -C0e wef^ef f 0af pe C0e acatm.&t aftflaf fo pf appatfenpe C$af f0pe watf&lpbe^f ffjaf no tfjpng feftpe * ID wept of afpfeft0pf?g we tfyynti 1 0apt of CiQof wtetTp ft»2 fo go*^f 90«wpe fo me oof) bap 0ef«?2 £f 0 wapf wot ^ow fo goweti) pf . J^p wef^ef 0e0pnb emb 6efo2 0 Qauemp 0atf fo2owfiif(i bofenf-0 qwpc0 a«) iq mpjong aage fioz 0 go mp wapee at'fpefeanb.Se paffpe f0e wpttb it) 02apge c^f gtef btepb mp 0at t bepatfpe,^ to bo pf/pf pe nepbfuf fiiott) 6 cm anb u) q w0af parf *^o bsaw foz mpt) awacement ^$pgobmpfaf0ec f0af fepenof.0fmp wef0ef6e tiof gwpbpf Ike pow fo po2f of faCwetncttf .0*) petpf0 art? fo Se b20 wnpt C 0 fapfecawfeer tf? f0pe fee.§o mpc0 aepf plefpe tnp ma&at C0e wap f^oofb §e tpgfK 0p ffet.Ci wet) 3 feet) nof qweer 0 f 0af go j!5of6e bapf^af 0 f^afpatf^oi 0 f0pnf2anb rao2 pf nope me ifte f0af me ?napb anb f0afwnmapfe. wcf0e£ pebefoiaf %£0efee f ®j fpnaf concfufpitj.i3!$p wopage 0 mop nebpe epnb £0p$ejtap gob befpwet me £Df bamnytfatQat) fa (of &t mpfaowftfcpb it) gibpr, 0« 0ofpparbura0pffpwe jfloe fiimue it) 0oc munbo fieut name fupet mare $empetefl it) perteufo fempee timet accurate ptem%ifcntioccu(o m&opoit$ temiqate fie 0i0amue be poatfo bite morfteet amate tSfi 0omo ree faagtfre curie oppreffa fa8ore inbicii Qatafti petpkpa timoxt $>i%ittue fofatutatybat bucete Sftam SDtttus fofa pofeff efernam conbere famet) f duett) mevita fadunt not) copia urn) (5ranbta noq bfamfcbifttf fee grawb?'0ne TDifcite nunc motfafee quart) (int umtafta 13ana pitceffete pafree mattee mag?u<|5 P if]att$ematd}mt 0e$r^$e$af6e an&e?>c0. fV C0e f0$> offffc entqs it) t$t fee wij to tfie _ ept&of^^o^gebtf^npgflf ^efon^nmf^fperpf ■0 m mo'xmyt mipt 0 % tqfe) of|6 eftnemf?e> jfo* fy f0e fee ac petgfo is^ff} t 0 wt nomStt &ytfi it) tfit 6ob^ of mm) (yuan* u) (fit wot® /tfitmatefian* Syetfiatytfrayeyetfizfaowtyewatmfigoob wetfiye. ^fiepottyetfie bettfi (i parable fo: tfit good pewp^ffo tfit qwyefi fit tfiat cwp tfiayt to fowctmtfy tyefi ,C$c fe £e d 5 e wotibfufoffynnye ft 5 ae $e qw^t0 fa^ 3^8 fo pae 0e £e it) pecyfto t0e 0obp (i £0e faowffiafye goodie $ talk tfeoW$ if? f0e fee of fid of tfit q wyefi gob fayp we ♦ ^maj. /lb gogeng mo: owe iqf0e fc^ofmtfu8(i iqtfiewayof faiwt foi to cun) it) tfit towt offapytm ntaffaytfy (jege g fiauant to fowcgo&jfot w^£0 owt tfit tone of qoftfo mag not fiefawyt wpf of atom fiatfp of af tfie faowf awb of af tfie fftewgfifpe tfiat we fiaue f fipe tfie qwpcfi we map not bo iSpffi owt Se fzen fipwj.^D wo wpftfian wept fo we gob ffioofb fzen fipmafo mpefi mot we fzen fipm fi nto* we fo we fipwj ♦ iDwfiept fox fiept affet ffiaffie fapb ae ffipppate a fpmppf pe wppf map feep gob oftfieprpoffpfipfpte conf^berat iff. ffipwgpe.^'Oe fpt(? pe foz cowfpbrtanf of gob pe gtef tpefiee/pe gtef wipgfif/pefowetapnnofipfwee/(ipefowetapnit)p anbfifpffinee. C^fic feguwbpetfoztfiepcottfpbecofgob petpggfwofipfpetpgfitgref anbtpgfif metwepffowe wetfzps. Ogf fficffizpb pe foz tfiep cowfpbct tfie mwometd fipf goobpe tfiat tfiep .tefapf a tfiat e wptpcfi bap tfiep refapf of gob awb fit f fipt cfifpberacpone cumpe fo pe wwberffdbpng. P c f^ f 0i to wnbetfifib gobVfipppatea fpmppf pe wppf confpbetpe pe gtef rpcfieefl fiafiownbane of goobbpe tfiat fie fiae. fox (itttcfoi&d goobpe of tfie fie wpn awb of tfie etffi at fipe tfie qwpefi ae mapb af goobbps (i of q wpefi pe fonfapn Jtwfzat maf^ fet awb toxb (t gfi-" wpe ffiewj fotgee to ewptpcfi oot) awb fie fiae weccffpte of no man.Qwfiepi foz pf gfianpe fo fap tfiat fie pe tpgfif rpefi foz fo tewatb fipe ftepwbpe . ^t fie tfie feguwb fie pefzetmpf tpgfif mpgfitfuf/foz fie fipo gtefmpgfif mapb/fiewpn/ettfi/fe fo: aitS^ng^eof t0e anb of i C0e weft to 0pn 0oroiom $ teuecae aero t$e manat p J0c{>t fat0cceoft0eq^c0 t0c{> at b$ccnbgt 6e generation c0 t}e tjefoimagq ‘wotf^, ^0c.mi.0c $je fowcragn nab^t om mafsat gob a&n^gS^ fo: 0cq\r ^ ^efowrant^ t£t0m£g0t£ anb vozfSl^t 6 St)***' want t0at 6c 0c foimant^j*o0£t/0ot «o ot0«t t04 gob {jo m^g0t^ '\vo;t0i no as 0e q 'wtytfoi of f£c0 noS^fnce ne^bfuftofft\jt0at0c^ q>g0t noS^f .1£0e« o.manet 0c 0aefo*wcta^) lo^d 0f^0nc J foi 0eq^t0 ®e t£g 0 f migflfi rie 0 (n£ 02 f 0 i 0e £e not ^(0 t$at 0c 0aue fo^etajn) ^dt0totot>^efufofafgoob^e(if0ootb0c afom fel'^tc a qjn5 totfie m f0oofb 0a^ 0op to atnj to. C^at^jefofa^to jc gobtq 0£e fb? Mafif to^ # parftf 6^£0nee fox to 0a*wc 0£m ioi ^$0o^t c^nb (0c q^dj f0affef?n»ic mo: ./St $tya *0c fttfl conf^bctaqjoq of gob t$at f0$5pst8 $ fitnpif prttpiffftoofb 0auc , §egiM£fo: to fen gobconfi&e^ wtt£|>egfifrfg0t noSife t^g0t met ^evfi^e (0e goobnce anb fa^mc8oft0^ng^f0att0^ 0awcbo^qfoi t0iet0aft0e£ fatj comon^j t0att0^ticqf6c mtfcman 0it0cmwi4<§>o fei) mt0atj f0c vetfcie of gob g0t m6$$ t£<$t mct^f&^e Wh . eg«nOtp jl fiaue wnDecfionbtfiat^efiaue fiogfit me to ftwgfit me tfie gooDofmpcebempcpoqmefie^mfweptneeanb meptepje 0 aue 0 ogfit me fie tfie tffufyot) of powt tpgfit pzeepowe fi&ob papnpetofozmetts t0at$e0fluefu/fecffocmeanbttfie^bfia0 tfiofpt bepb toaegfiewpq me 50 wt fiobp 50 we fao wt$o wt fpwe foz to fzepp me of Danacpoi) q wepi ofmepfzip jj tfianfz 5owanbfoue$ow. 1£fizpDtpto 0 tzeq.tfie goob of mp woeaepoq ae of 50 we grace 5c fiaue caftpt me foz to fie fiapt of ewptfe* ffanb fiteffipng / 5e fiaue gfiewpq me faptfi (t wnDetfionbpng of 30W'tfle fiaptpfpnganbtfie otfier/acrpmenetfiatno wnbetftonbpng map conptes 0enD tfierri no tfiepc nofipmee/no wozffipuee/anb fooftymee $e fiaue foz gfiewpq me mpfpnnpsfotbjjfzcqf fiat tfipspsfome oon fcugiifei’ gfipft tfiaf5efiauenot gfiewpq to tfienj tfiat fzennpG5ow not qwept efflatt) mpe 0 §0 wnb to 50 w anD gtefumfy 0 >o we 50W anb tafinfcz 50W . / &$c.wi manner to ^ wnberffonbffiai^efiauegfiewpq me ffipe wozfb anbtfie tfipngpe q wpefi at mapb it) yt fot mp fet wp« anb wfapge tfie ofpe /f fie 8e< npfpcpe anbDpgnpfetqtfieqwptfijj atn, jfot fbtb 0 gept 30 we pmapgt anD fpmptptwb tfiat tep wtpe t6e t0png woztfip to m$yt qwe^e ofme^/ f^zfp 0 tfianfz anb tow $ow» 1 T( 5 c. 5 »ma^ner 3e 6a(te g0e w^n) me r0e 0e* wpneanb^efaprozncmcne^efown anbtfiemowq anb tfie ffetpetpe qw^efiba^anb n^gfif ferwpe me gnewant cfe^rtp anb frgfit wptfi owf om^/iecompetifpug qwepc of mepfifp 0 tfianfz anb fcwe 30 w, 'Cfie, Sr magnet to $f:eq t0af 3c (}awe tent me ^owt fa^cpacab^fozfogfie wc me qwc^c aft^e zopee owtqjnb^f 3 b® yO'Sn w^5o wt comaubemeue anb fo 0 fttt) Wat ntfynyt o($zt qoobye e w^£pc6 bay xc bo to me fip 30 wc goobnee tfie qwpc6 tec^pB me to t lei) 30 w my go b nip goo§ boat mp fafwpowr anb mp tebempfut qwepc of mepfifp $ tfianf: anb foue 30 w , confpberacpons ffipppare anbfpnzppf pew * Dprcontempfpotfiegoofineeof gobanbtfieficnpfprps tfiattfiep ttfarf of fze») %ve fipn^ anb ffiat we fie not wtrlanfzfuf fzennattt »e fiettpfp fp6g0ewant0pnjtfianf:p6aHbtecompen r enf ofowr goobr^ g0*«anf to 00 wets fot tfie fow; of fipnj .ffo* mgcatptwb r« ooq fowf fpn eFe qwpefi owmpg0tDpfp&pfpe foft tfjpng tyatai ma>> jfiootD WiDecftonD p to tier* f)p) jet f aab ajape pc no gooDfpac wpfo cn to goDSot to bo ornfaf^atpor) t£atpetofcen 9yt>fuf fptft. $pnb?( ^ntfecfionDpemapttaptiprcgpe t$e feennpenot tfjeri? fklfto We qwpei pt f£afp:offpt mo 2 to hen We (eif t$at) alt$e t£pngpo of t$e ?vo*fD CJf|!W§ wiDetftonDpe t0e t0pngpsof tie ywtfto jefcps to^nte mb tzepp t$em * foz t0ep TvnDerffonb not no to vpe not no pjpfpe no feeppe notQobf^WWai tpepizet) 0pwj not. £imf)at pioffpttp to oo>) mar) to Tpt) We yvozfo (i feps t£e>n |eff fo: to 0e Damnpt pt pe rnoft pzoffpt to t0e tateps af£0e iimfi)pft0ep0flDpt {U0af t0ep ^nDerffuDanDfetnnpt t0£ |e(ffo 2 to 0 e/c/f^t/f 0 ^ppac 6 /a^et 0 att 0 e 6 egpnnpngnefeffa||t foz to Do ticpr/atwacponpsto bet) Wert) fetfanb of conttatp tgnotane of tf}en) (ctfp 60 egpnnpngtogofobamttacpon(i 0 f aft0e eTypffpe Wat t0ep map iaue.tkOoi) q weft pot) of oon mafht fipppatf to oon fpmppf ffjpppatt f&z to Trpt flow 0e ftennpe 0pm f elf anb aj0p£ 6) Wp magnet . §0pppart fap tome0o\Pt0ow&mn^6t0ci>(clf, Q’w^atattt^o'w and We powpe fpmppf fOpppatt i:er\ me jj art) oor) ctpflpi) man /Sppp# tt . Snfwc to me . ^o t$at / Wat t0o^> afipe q^?a0at ps mat) q^0a£ pe to 6p ctpPptj q^0at pepf to 0e [Qppatt ,/gt t0e fpmppf fipppart anfwrpt . %o tipe t0att0o^>aj1§);«q w0at^6mai)qwa0at pe pc to 0e oon apftpn mat) $ fay Wat mat) pe oat) juftane compofyt of 0oDp anD fao^faub as to We 0oDp pt ps mozteimapp of eetW of We ccnDptpoi) of iepfpe < l&ot We fao^fmapS of We mate t offpzetp anD conftpcpct) of angef ps wmozfefe mp 0oDp p We crl of fpD a00ompna0pf anD pt p oot) fehfntof fpf (iof jtpn&pngant mepf to We wzmes. Begpnnpng *was fovtme fpue pc papn anD fa s? 0om /and mp epn$ (§atSe Do^ftmem petpffo'ws anD it) mppnge. Ifeot mp faowfps mapb of gob «o0£p mb ^cntfjpfp to p pmapge (t fp&pn* npng after ifje angefe of cfaeatutps 1 0e mo(! noflpf and fapt 6^ 6aptp * (png anD faptfi pt pc mapD t0e Dog^ter (t fpow fozto ®aw We gerpfapge of tfjeteawnjof patabps « ®i0t foj t«}e nsfrpfnee anb ^ooif^pnes ofpt f0oaf & Be feDp mi Wt 0oDp fpoofb We ftmmi to o0cp to ptfo? eapffd /bteq'Wprps anD ozDonnpc anD t6e qitpc^ ^ops otffx wp pttfetm p® MpBefmpfao^f kfpWe^fape&f wpffonanb mapfeps 0p tt) t pitta (0c Srpffpe DpfcenDanf of «o0pf Dpgnpte f f 0e mpfeta6pf fcr^pt^D offend fwafpfe Op tie q Ttpci 6e go^etnpe 0pni fetfanb fo f*?n me man * 2!nD as totiefegnnDtio^ af0psq^0atptpefo 0eooi etpffpn man _ 0anfxter after mp ^rnDer ft aitDpng tiaf to 6e apftpn f 0at ps fo 0e 6apfpfpt >t)e^ m aqox papntpt»qooq wa£/(* fapb t$at pt p© ooi)mat) .§q>i af 0 pe tfc rafter $pppartjq 0 ow Jttapnap t$tn^f$oofotfcctrftyi) maqfotfow icfu ccpf ifoi to fwfM p£ t&<* fe pwmtfvt q weq 0 e ttfawyt t§t facqmmt of 6 aptyfpnc0 t0c ctp(^q tneq }6oofi) foffov kfu cctft pe paepene iq abmc^fc anbiq (ftarpnea of l^uc 6p pennane (onftnmttQetijfrtf iq t0c (faptof icfu ctpft of t0c q^0 t0c fpuc pe af 6epq iq papq anbpo%vcttc t0at 0c 0ae fw/ferf foj ^e^Oc.S^peiqtficppfpe of powpt pc^ppf totfyz c t vamppf of icfu ctp|t t0at0c ficpemcptr^^pfpf t0epo^pcpc%vppfofaft0vpc 6obpfp fep* tinceanb fV»macsof af f0cpc fppcpt'wcffcpfmce/anb ttc 6c pcfp |0oolb gOc^c of owe goobpo to powers Mbconfoittficn) Sobpfp anb fpptefwcftp 'COe z^t. t0png tq t0c q wpc0 tQz ccpffpq meq f0oofbfot&w kfu crpff pe ^fiefwcpfnce anb-bewoepoq anb cCacpte iq confempftscpcq oft$z mppece .of pc natp wpfe/of ps bceff) aub paffpoq of ps cefwctej5poq of pe offenepoq cnbofp8cwmp«3fot0emgemenfr0atoftf0oon)0ccowr 0actp3 6e0ofp mc&$rtacjH)tte.*gf <*6 to tQe Met qweffeo?) q w0at t$gng p@ 001 ) fQtyport 3 fag t$aow^w^t/^ue anbeongno^fjaus 0 feci) t0e t$at c^Q0t 6aUme £ftu me beb^e 5 |0al0e wg^ 0 feeqmecfl fcrtj) wa^tnot %o wnbejtonb qweecof cumene feet) weelt0at0 ff)af be Oct |o menb not me te^c Cj3 feet) »)qw0ot powertc j&4>ozt)Qf oot) (QgltooSoMtfycmt® 0 ^ei)t0atgobaeknt me §0 maenae goobbe® w) gtet 0a8owwban® 0 fat} t0at goob no c0ewans wet0 me 0 j0aCnot $en awae 0 fees) t$at fo mec0 mo*0 pane C0ot mo* fotowftif 0 j0atbe 0 feet) at^e 3 <8£ fo 0 menbnot mefywe CjJ feet) t$at 0 fkme effe@ paffe* C> tet pact of me boeee owf bowftan© 0 feet) t0af fl 0a«e gabete* ^rnn^a anb affo bot?r) pennant 0 ^ei)t 0 at 0 pzoffpt $ £ 1 $ CjJ confect mppomz fyumnpU &t as it) mpjmg fvtj! 0 oo:q afiowe ( 0 c e(>t (0 JJ convict m(>c 0 < 2 f fpt) t 0 a( omt m£c 0 0 atf 3 confer t 0 a( bec (0 f^at’cww? to me jj \va(t wot q w 0 a( 60 wr (o ta^f: ( 0 c wc fcoit) me 3 (ottfttet t()at ( 0 e Drt^fippacd^e me Cde be wpt/tQz ffec$ m^tr^e me ffrcng 0 tf^ 3 cowf^iJet tijat pa sttq? m W£ to Detect 0 ovf cjmb of be$> of be$, C* .0 conf^et ( 0 c (t^wiat^orto £>f ( 0 ^e fo wf \rat® q^t of ( 0 e ftjuc £a wo( cfqjfj 3 tow/^ec oeq 0 on&*et 0 f 0 o^ffanb paffpons £5 >ve^i po wc 0 imi 6 {j) «ea( m fiiggcjf 3 con-poet tqe^rftt fttrfene ibf t 0 e fo ^(0 iuge bo^q aSoue c^f ant) goeb 3 amftbcc (0a( mo* 0 fctf an& vac 0 owj G^c^t of confine temo:b^ offjjmjge 9 confphzt ofbe Deffa^ft^e G ^0 at bef(>m^tftofii5ee(0 of beet 0 C*$ (onfijbet ( 0 af ( 0 c wetm^e [Oaf c£t $ 3 (> fo«mfuf 0 ob£ t?f ^ ooq ( 0 £ttg b*eba£^ 3 confect ( 0 c ftmnate ( 0 «( f 0 fmpt ^mgp) afloue af ( 0 ^tg^e b$ef(a 6 ^ italic yt mq>tc£ oq me f 6 ft( b:e^bfu(bap C 0 a( f 0 a$e fo mermpt'foyce anb bowttafitf £t nip po^v^t fao^rfg^ pbbpt to 300 b po*f jfoito 50 ^ oowfyof 0 arf 0 0 «ue ’wo'vpt fl( to be/frnb MP £(0 omp( cptb fiom bee (0 of beef 0 , CfDz^ns of fle^q v>m mq>& creator jC rpce 30 'p? me^tfp fot fo movjh pt accotb gtoftfapapt) tfyaikfivGZ'xvitmi iDefferibpt w '0 owt epb fro^beet? ^ fee( 0 . ^rtbetpub fag^mqje fow afoot) beetfl fa^anH fo . r- f\ rn t 6c ciim^G not to 50m pfe^fane ^ aIE\ 0$**** ffaf £® tpgflf biebaB^f in® aLr i\) tQrnk fcetj 5c f 0e bcfct n}® ST ©*wepc fo* patent* t0crt pt 0e fo 50 w p:ofp * Cftyjt no mo* b:a"tta6pf &fc$ottiptQatcm)tf)ctitfeffmtiUa) Jzt t) t$n fo , wg0anb $ 0aue t^o Oof^e of fat^c < 5 *^&pf to wm^e fa to mapfr pf tge fotow tgat gcfbpe eg> reffan f fp. tID wet) fo? mp ewpf 3 gaue f 8 c ft** f 01 go|fapse , 1£gat 3 gawc fa wj 3 mofl nebpe gabber. i^elaeq wgat mp power jao wfcgetpf . jfo; to dense ptof tgefptmpe tgatjjgauebopm jjmapnot ^ at m P ft dtfbp* fo: 3 am out) %o:n) tgat map tw nm c $ at ) ca f • c ^ af to 6r filatW tOe taplV . &0od mapb atn)pug (i 6lefgpt egem of pe rpgg t mbttf fotfci)q\vl}at DefptmaptgaptBe. *Dw0atpepfof gpmqwepc foi tuh ge wengeans.^pt) pe no tgpng got catena of yooo Ope 3f pf fo 0c fo: me teqwpr pemtane . jfte we wac mapb ewprpcg ooq aboue pe awn ? tDwen gob mart) fo garnet of fie arBptpr.JOoi e vvpf ateftpt tgat tui’i tge fpe» foi mpt).$ep/fant gob foz to fept' gpe cgeptuc. gel afloue mat) ae no t prggt. ;£ot Be t gepe e wpfe anb tgape accpone . C gat puttpe mo ji ge faplzpe tnofuowrapge, jfto mas) pe gowtt got of pepafjpoe * jiloof iwftpe noofcoireccpfo. ff)t me to bo q weq 3 ^ae m fgcfpng, 3 fit tto gpfafntno boamqfpon.^JwWrp 3 am tapfjpt) goptfp l^ptg owtarret 0 am of bepb af[epf[pf;(boob hope Sepf fgatge fermpnpo no go Wr.^oi gc tgat bsebpe not iq giet perpf ge puttpe gpii), weq oppt) & m Bps bebpo fepe not. #C£} wepc at tge weppnge of mp becee. parene frqtibpo at gtctpfanff, Owpcg weppt wptg owt conferpaB , CJwept po tge /S tgat aBotie fgc 0 gaue piatpt. 3 f P^ ^Bp«^ of tgem feff q wpf tBcp Bane Bccffg ,4o i pf pa fofpfgnee to fuff tag c of otgete .Bftet tge beetB pf tge q wpcf: nab wfapge, ITo potwep tgcnj Bcfoi vgepc fatter bap. Owen after gob fgapt pono (aw aBoue tgept awrj. . je patcor) ttje 6 cc^g tt)at 0uft£e.lfto0e6 pdpatta(rbow0fct3 of (atyi) 30 wi gretfcbbecep 50 wi to wtfcwt f5a£t .2Dw0at pa pt ofme/wnbgtfWb t^t’G 3c t0at 3c moff #*cH^e fiut) morning, 2U’ae jj to 0e fowb to tfj c ^otm^e.rf gob fclipe 0c tfftn&re of f0c pament, SDf tfjt tetc^ guenon of 30 m faowtfte. itce grcf cgt) foi t0e contemp^fafw^, ^Cjtfjefaefo* fo mpc0 fepf wanpte.'Cb^ better to ftue moda^tj . ijjf^fftct) not t0at beet# be pafftt 50 w. ^Dw^c0 at ncpt to fa tin (fte map) $» t0e bap r0at fflafnot Dc to motn,$Dw0af pe t0at) of t6e watfO a pepic/ae . $ot fpwe anD bect 0 pe at t 0 p cftopftt). iD 0 epe of t 0 e two anb c 0 epe * 0 * Btft i5appppe0et0atbeet0 fafcpcatgoobflowt. §ei)bect{)a6a0oue afma*) rpgfjt.tgffoie 3c to 0aue of magnet tCe cflope. topn 0e wpt) 0efot 30m to? fpng.< 5 rapt 0 50 wc agepne tt)c Defpptpt.^c at/o t 0 £ t 0 at ae fmat top. ZDe? fpwertp ae paffpttflepc bdptpe^cwj (i otb at to gobbet put tctpiapea at jfo t0ope fjjat t0pe (to2^> fepe.<£t t0at of tQai) bcccff^t t0ep wof 0awe it) mpno. tbe.p.commanbpmene of ffle be wpC contcarp to tfjeti) of 0 wt tb:b. C'CTo’w t0at wptliepp mp tonnnanbpmene of 0at t ftepp a wnbetfonb ^D0ow ffjaft 0aue of0cft0c giet fotmee wpt0 owt t0at t0ow 0aue ewpt tnotonp temepb. C'COp gob t0ow f0aft bowt no Snbetffonb not pe goob nee. £ot fepe wotfbfp wnbetjionbpng anb to bo f0p wpf. jifotfo Opffapf met} (i wrnna) oft t0o w ftjat menfwept t0e . <2t fo: to ban; f % faowf nm t0ow ffjaf 6fa/p0em gob anb 0pe fanttpe ,/£0e 0ofpbap0e f0ow btoftpi) $ fepe tjft f pm fofpftft. £t ptowocant ot0ete to fpwe Bpcpowfft. 1£0o w f 0aft norpipe uo towe t0p father anb mof0et anb t0ow f0af ganger tffettf ofr^m^e no bo f fxn) no 000b 6ot ptoait to t6em af toiment. jRatftent anb t^gowr t(3o w (0af 0e|>t age^ne n(>g^t6o wc at fengfjt . fotgeuc to no rnat) 6ot beftt wengene. 1 &z gtettnmf^ I^c 0 eto We of bet^b mbofvw- c0t*ng. "C0O %v fOalt faoXx C0t> mat^age not o6{!ananb ffiat gob beffmb^ {t. goob of otflete tOow fCatfjoiD 0e faffnee anb b^ffa wtjngng . £t gfleue pt new^t age^g foionp ca w tf aft ?0af 0e map bo to t§e. ZlgqptetQp n^g0f 0o wr affege fafe w^tnes in mgement « *§6aan) (i bo to otfie re bom? marge 0|> t0r t0o«g bo to tHert). ^>fe wemo) efftmf e foi to g0euo t0en? tfo fenftment ^Co ft tfiert) ta^f: gtef pfcfant bcftbeianf foftfft. 1T8 oW fOaft appftfi af tVp wpt fot to Ca«et0e goobb ^ of otfate foftf0ft . Bt tflieftff t0ow f0afbeftt tfittnpf t0owmarnotbat0en)ot0ctw^. i)«qwpc0 w(;l bo mp commanbr»netie 0 f0af pa^^ f pn> cerfanft. fot in Oef 0e [0at0s bam wpf0 owt onp affegement /& q wen ffie wgemmt fflatcuttj . t } e f0af cwtetBebap anbtfie 0o wc. 0c woe 0ooti) forfogeettonnent anb fot to fnflctfl f{>cO ftft0. fjC^qn: after at ttyc papnpe of fief net at fottQtn) t$at fap% e t$e commanb^mcne afloue fa$ « jji) f)cf at t0e gret mowings , (out Otfcotbe anb De/otac^one . ict gret avenge anb jflowt^nge t£t gee t fowwo anb gret afffyee pone *£t gret regret} anb gret cornpunccpone t£Se f^miac ffyooib to wrt) ffym j[ox t^e^r m fe (j>c0 oflffynactHwe S>£C0 0fofp0em|Sngeand feefl Detefiicpcwa ^^att^ma^notno tytj repent tflein jf^ei flojr^ftyflprnant i£ootb (o mpet) auD r$$t feefanf (dretcrjjengsoffoio^ a^vt ccff^tg £mo& tijat ma£ not fcjjf 0ef ^prn|foojj ft^ntxanb m^cO 0oxt$£f jfi>^|^of) ofbew^ft^ bxeba6{>f longer totmentant crucftjj &tt$z%(iat(of\pfifyh d&ttt ffsaati) anb confuf^ot) 0t) at mem6;^e afffycqjone tDfatqfoyx. btfapt^nq ^emoib^ng of con form o wt qjnb fjre/tancw anb murmur £Df goobb^a ofotflere £t (gaamfuf fr^wbwfoc^ot)* IT pe ‘wttftip) appocaftpe ( 0 at §>apnt 0001 ) fa woen 0 oie of covptem 0 faft (i a 0 ouc ( 0 c qvppc 0 fat ( 0 c bcct 0 a 0 ef foffo vppt *wpt 0 pe 002 ©. '£ 0 c 0 oie 0 c(ofmp 6 ( 0 c fpnnar t0c qTvpc 0 ae ooq 6 fof* eo vpftur foi pe fcpfmce ofpe ftq. £t bpb 0ept (0c bect0/fbi ft t) pe(0c bcc(0 of (0c faoVpf,f£t 0cffot& vppe foi to (VPotTp anb "opoip pf 0c bepb impendent. C$0oue (0pe 0026 0pbo we anb 0fofc 1£0c Dee (0 0 awj fpatp fet 0apt no faprn* 6 Got S 0atpt 3i>c pt repb qvppt gcap oi 0epe fll^p 0026 tpnnpe ae (0c 0pe £t tpmtanb bepb fmpttpe anb kpftp* &ot 0 fipfal'pt pe mp gvpe Ri maq faffte iq mp ttap 0 paft 0c 0pffte anb 0e vv>afe >Dpt0 o vp( 0 0olb onp wp 0 ta^fx 0c tovrnpe anb caflcfe 210p (tp0ut mp fene anb mp r ent $>p(0 ovrtg0cvppq befapno a0apbpnp iUo bap no 0o v?t no 0aif Tksfoi me t0ep mop nebpe 0e picfcnt £>f af ftwane 0 fapil (0c ft Vpe f£4)et tonnpe 'v?ccfq v?0at fipfftng flDf pevr ppf 0 mapfi fo* pae a( pas ^otiowemc anb of mp 0o\vc0erp 0q (0c 5eac mafcpe mapnap gret cepae $Dmq 0 wptfi pc jfeppe not inc *wnbetfi onbpe pt f0af 0awe piap £>f fun) (0at bo vp (pe not l£t fcepp 0piq q v?o-V*>olb fiepp 0pwj 0t foffovppe me tapfoq foi q v?p £>f f0etq qwpc0 0 f2pf vrp(0 mp batt / 2£0ep nom02pt Oefepf me 0fo* 0e 0ae t0e mo(I gtef pact pacabpe 0ae not (0e,ttu, pact jf)o (0e.p,pacf (0ep bo 0p»q wrong Crnet pf 0e 0ab not.af t0e mot part $pnfiifmaqqwsq0epebepb r Jlafae^ @m lD%miftM& W®ms gn&egt*<%?) iCr^tna (Diet footage fe^^ngd $atcenf tDzttmqoi) $o^ofcumet$fe fotovr of pft>c 0omcf^ (e£H£ n ^ mature ^ ^>u utracfct) /' 'CotOvnf? monies &t u) f.0c ^jgiifar^tc $cort> toofctyetie jefumoc^oi? ®dm fiptmaclptl mmi ptfitamtofiX e^f 3E3S g ^ i^crtf*wcr^ng J N^DflCE ‘ Weft ^^efceofftwntjs &. pac&m £:mpuncqptf $$**/*«» JBBatafgfe Cac^f wm$e zfimme $>oBpmw mpm Wlip CffcWf t Cftof^ng IRcfl §ta(tyf*tee Patfmtmne ^agn^fgcene '^Ckznnm f/Wfieftpzne C6a%« ^Toufyitette lDze$g$y$ $£onf%&$ mn* WHkrjfojfg^g pc&Setacgoif “ w°n law wDVm &6fm watt® jJugeMent m0$ C ( e f^f^c&qjpt) of tViiytycfy ootj mrfw nam^t it) I0e ttc afm fa$ £>2f ftrffqwafjat £s mc^fmca mot 0ct of af 8etfMe(if0c wetoftfie y?i>cQ omt)^t^of^ct^trc^er^s0t6ot anb fa(>l^ t0c tu t^ee Dow>i> (je ftt of co^ra^gc almant oftffc tcgatb of f0c Tmbcc/tonb^ng of gob.zSt^t ae Sit J^anc^pc^rKCpafeg'w^acit) t 0 cftc 0 fmrtwe(tf 0 ct>at c0aqjtc fa£t()/0op/p:ubetta/ wffye /foie atfempetana/anbof j*0 ooq of tfyeti) alm\>efcntn»otQ\>t wettweaetfc toe qwnc0 at 0q>c bccfatetjj C€)fc0at^« CCJ«*fc ooqtpg0f 0£c Kvctfw of af o(0cc ‘wectwe anb{* (>6f0c bc^tof f0ct0og0t0£tnant 'wccfo*bjttt£tfo few gobpjje nug0t6ome anb attfcdumcQipof pt,0:ace/pa^6p^/f\i?c^(nee/mc^cqj aubgca^ ccof :o\vf\Mjc0og0tanb0ft0ecomaigec0att0c£0aTve . fct wjje affecttpo^e of 0cjm^olEe eft \eip fcc^nD^B tfleooqftqjnbfo ooq ot0et|Cpa£a{>6 tcartfqxr^^tc anb toft ■\v'e£fo 2 bonn{>tof t0c coi^ca^gc oftfyi q*a>(>(0 at cottco*bant i goob. p$(!e £ 60 ot)a/fccc{M) anbbcfttfo fowwcanbto 0oof tw) anb £t cfim^ of fve^fncB anb gta^e anb of fo wfxmj t0og0f anb coma^ge t0at t0q? 0awc C^^fnee^efo f0c ftanfq M^fyfc anb toft of covta^gc of0^q^c0fj6f"wc^anb0one(t0cnompio0^(e anb patfpe notofltye pfac^.C^^Ct! 6 00t ) ^tfw p^co’WQ anb bfjgnac^oq oi af 0 mc^nac^ot) of coma^gc c onpaapnt oftQen) f0at fowftcn^e afi{Cf t:«on6 jfo:g0cucnee \>ef0e tcm^fftoq of c^fflo^cng to of 0cte 6c t0ea« f^eirac^one of 0{>nj fcff 0 otv> f0e£ ma^gtcwe ftnbz£ ot fo0aw temtjflpof) ofgoDc0f0eg engcnbt^eiqt0cn) fcffof o/ffy C( OT°fi!f f0at fc to f0q>t n^g0t6om/ C^n^ngn^fc £e (tytnanb rcgatb of coma^ge b(>fygcnf ofoot) fcc^nb fo ooqofflet ^fflootj f6(manffwc£fnceof goob magnets f0af f0e|? 0auc, CConcotb peffle con^venaiteof (oma^geconcotb it) t^g0f q'tv\’c0 riot cojtump?^ t0af f0q>ac comwncb anb 0ofb(mg to gibber* C £>ffa^ fjc0c ffle ^ctt>fc fzenn^b fje Nvf^f f0^ttg^e afcftanb f0af»c ti3og6t^etq0of^pubpngfo:focun)to6ctq»ff0c f0(mg^6f{) at tQ^fe not (i ^6 t0c 0tattc0£Gof{;f I'et^gi’oq . sCfccmtee o6cbf»cns c0a/tefc cont^n^a Wprgpnpfe anb aflfeccpot j <£|&fijgpon pe fie tfie qwpcfi or epcecfpt anb mapb tfie gobtp fetwpeto got) ant) to tfie fiofp |anctpe wptfi gtet bpt%tenetfie qwpcfi fatowe pe caffpt fetpmonpee. tL 4£feennee jdDzWpergpnpte pe integcetewepf fzcppf (o mpcfi it) tfi e 6obp ae itfie /oowf foi tfie tegacb tfiat tfiep 0a we to tfie fowc bzepb of gob.£D8ebpene pe wpf fufafinegacpot) anS cenoncem&oftfiept pioppc wpf ^pptepfipl beuocpd 4DCfiafipfe pe cfept) anbfioneft bweflfpng of aftfie fiobp fie tfie cfiatb wte anbwoobnceof wpcpa wept bomagpf anb of fufigeft qkContpnm© pe fie tfie qwpcfi mpetwofpfe of tfie f&ffpbefpte p« rcfcen$pt.;s 2

'*t!it3 tpfimb f^bc?m p?i set} bpfpgent fzeppng of fipnj fetf wptfi fapge pzowpbme tefzenanb wnbecjfonbattbbpfceii) qwfiat pe goob anb qwfiat pe ewpt anb tfie fizanrfipe of pf ae /E??;epb of gofi/^onfepf/ jfi^pnb/ wnbprfton ^ bpng/piowpbenewnblS^rpfietac^oi)* C,3Dirpb of gob pa 00, J ,2f P (H qwptfl tmH>6pu uOoue C0eit> faff 6c faptt) attb goob wcrftpo of c0e corns mmbpme tie of gob.iUofi/cpIpe ooq (uw^l'wgatDof tOog0( WtpcfflMf(jeof t0c(0(»tt8(«r6tit avc Avpf {>atu ofrOc tflpttg t0af avc 0auc it) gowcmpttg t0at t0cp 0c mpf epattmipt Sffi)pnD pooot) rcpxef&acpoi) pmagptiatpf 0p t0e tegatf of t0c t0og0tof t0t tCpngpe flppaffpt attb t0ar tflepflauc fcpt) bopt) oi 0arb rcfxpmiwg.&itbet fionDpttg pe to bpfpoo 0c qxvpft tapfot) t0c pxcfcrtt (tape oi tl)e f0pttgpa flvpc0 at pxcfe«tpt.pxo*wpberiep6 0pt0cqAvpc0 tlJepfOooft) gobbet t0c»q fdftQc tflpngC foito am; 0c fapgc fmvfet’iica it) tl)c rtgarb of t0c tOptigpa 0ppa(fpt.lE>crp0cirtfpoq pe oot) goob cottfpbciacpoi) fufof mat wptc attb Cop afoi f0c 6cgptmpng of tCc tflpngpe bdpwcrptqAvflat t6cp wpl’bo . juDfattcinpcume C,xirtcinpiTiujopi.HH)qbp|act arib/cfcpcbompttacpof) of tapfot) ageptte f0c tmpet woo mowpitgo of vpc0 t0ep Oatic rottwetfpf I'xcpatit altp itipotOc watnof mttwi.^oOputeapopiu attb elect; AvptoAvtonp fpotatt fepeamo of t0e oot) pat tpattb ot0ct mat) t0at pa of tOc 0obp attb tfje faowf HfffpccpoqoftOc 0obppe0c tOcawpcO tCc febpeaf t0c6obpof met) tCat petCc Avatttoi) tCogOt ar oppzcffpt 0c c0aftpincu«. ^pfpzpfpttg ofify wozfb po oot; foAvc of tOe eAvprfcfTattb f$pngpa tCmanbpt of t0e tegacb of trattffpfopc tOpttgpe of tfle Arotfb* C^f^ftpe 41 , 0 wflpe pe 0c r 0c (} wpc 0 tfic grace of ctfm wrtpfc pe 0ofi)ptiganb tOc bp^ gnptc of cAvprpcI) oot) parfot) po ftcpppt attb tCcpr aAvi) gOc wpi) fOctt). H It po OitttuCpe at (a\v/f1capfttc«/cq wptc/fon cfcpot)/mcttbpng/o0/ct'watta/ nvgcmcitt Amptc.Xaw p« 6c t0c qwpcB po eommatibpt af fpfittf) tCpttgpa to bo attb bcffc»tb(»t af t Opttgpo q AV>pcO fOoofb ttof 6c bopettg; f£$t captttca (nr 0c 1 0c qwpcC matgetto pa fotBpbbpng attb (Iraptfp f 0cp emo i^ftpo to t0c fpttiiai t0attrcfpaff(\r . ^rt*q"wpfc po oot) rpg0t wozt0p rettpGucpoq of mcrpfpir to (0c Oafutwof luflpo avc wpi; » wflfpattb rpgOtu/Vp. tcccpo?) pa to 0c mOpfipt (i bcffcttbpi 0p f0c of Ozpbcf of tapfot) oup errowee pf f0cp OceoAvfhampt to cAvpf.|t®0fcrAvatiHof fAvctpttgpe oot) iwf?pafo cott|?taprtAc ottpttopfpOpftianfgrcffport po0c faWHrozttcAvcoWfiumepio^ ”wo|gpt to t0c pc wppl. 0itgcmcut po 6c t fit q\cpc0 after t0c metpfpe oi bi’fiiicrptpaottpparfoqtCACarbptMincwpq to flptt) ptfCat f0oofb 0auc. Cotjnrtit fo: to Cane bopt) OcAvpf oi tegatb at gwerbot) fot to 6auc boptt'T good . {f'jpcipfe po 0c f 0c qwpt0 ox fiun dope 6c rapffoi) pjo wadpl at tc0ct|pt Wpt0 owe cpfcpq no tapfzpi) no dkingpng no tljpny . fuze C'fiozupetoOawc towupycctnvpu tljc udwptfptcoof fuwOowto and pviplail)atiiiap0apppi)ox manful * £ t at (a bzancljpu uiagnpf pccne/ CtHl^COo^^ntf/lRclifJaG^ncivpatfcwetana/lRa^ljoij.f^^aiine fpancpaooi) to(oweclccmcBof co\vta((jc mpnp|(tnr (jpe ( i magrtpfpupo tionefitp .'C0at (6 to |ap Ijpc tUpnypo o; yeet. '(£ ru|l pe to ubapo and maplz /elzattljapt t0oy»)tunbujoptfowiapyc 6c tonfiano wnmowaflpt etc \vpu tljc tQpngpa qWpcti at conttaipo^e. * CCOollpnypetoju/f^ baplp t0c pai/ccu/poneand wtangeanD tcpzcwpnyo tljatoiijct pcwppi l! u 00l > weenv 6ef0e qwcclj ooq fcliptncopaglkwpi) to (0c tOogljt ofdpfinpfptujofrflc watpa6pfptcoft0e watfolp and tianfptopt tOpngpazC^Mdpsmu tljatpe to 0a%vcf0oy0t anbeowuipycfclzpr and caff pt not i») /ptibxptUpmjpa fox frt ctj«igemint of plape ox of t pn). fewtana pe oo») wettw q wpc0 fladlpa and inafepa fcl'zpt tljc to Wrapyc Ik patfeccpoi) of wet rw t0eq wpt0 weijawe and tijep at pa if ((6c foxuof fonganpniptc. (fjl&apffoi) peooq wetfw 6ct0e qwpeOpe annandpt to do t0cqW(c0ton|c(tl(tandbcl(\vct(tfoi to cun) to onpepnd tljat(0ep Izci) (a good and pzoffpcaOptto dpdopi). C^tandp/f) t0c ftewe ofwcctae an5qwa0atewp* tptij oat) nanipt 6c toting and Cfle tre fpyurpt iDtf) fljppparafapo tljat mai) peooi) fpfcf woxld 6c fjprtj fetjf foz tljc cotnvenanu and fpmpfptwb pet0at0c 0«e qwptfj at if) t0c geet woxld t0c qwpcfjpe tljc aggtegacpoi) of t0e i(p. Bewpna mu, ckmcne and altljpHgpe t0at tljcpt * pe ^ptftniai) ae ooq fpc# fpmpfptwb it) t0e fptft moDpf wpc0 (e t0c fowerapi) and fwpncppaf/paitp of t0c gzet woxld . jfoi fo a© if) t0pe fptff mo6p£ (a f0e jod^aqwc bpwpdpt it) , pu . pat ((a , 1£0e q wpc0 at tUe.prt.fpngpa fo mat) pedpwp&pt i») . pti . pm fpeq wpc0. ar yf)e wpt) oz 6c Ootopng of t0apa fpttgpe cwprpcfl ooq pat :tp of 0pu fpny pxoppt oo f0c pzefent ftocp ff)a wpa pt , 1£0 1 fpttge at £lipee / C'autue / C>cmpnp /irantcc/$co/i>peijo/anb f0e ot0cra.^Df t0c q\vpc0 .tij.ar of natiu of f0c fper. ^TOaf pa to fap arpea fco and foypftatpne and (0c of0er ui.of f0c natwt of tOcapct 0>cnipnp lp6:a and aqwatpuonnd.iihofcfie natm of t0c warpe i^ancctfcozppo and ppftce ./^c.nt.of t0c natuiof t(k t t(0 .Caume/ &pcgo/anb Ccqnycomm fCOcfacfl (0af pe atpce gouernpe (0e 0epb and f 0 c fap e of mat) . 'Canute (0e nefz^nb (0c (mot whet tO c tOtot » (5empnp (0e f0ufbtpe tOe azmpe anb (0c 0anbpe .Can cctf0e0zep|lf0e fpbce(0cmc(f (i(0efpg0( Xco (0c (iomafz (0c 0at( anb (0c 0a& .&pe* go tO e waanj a (0e Oovk to .Xpfoa (0c fpfef waatijt0c(0epe aribtO* nawcf(if0c pat fpe at mwbec tOc 0anc0pe. $cozppo tOe fOafifut pfpe fagpf (arp? (0c pe oonfp cap:p* co:nue (0c wnepe oonfp affo. ilquatpue (0e fegpef*owf0e f:nep8 bopq Twjfofijeepf? fpe 'wr) (o (0c antfe(0.pifcee ae (0c fepf foz pepabfp (0c q’wpcO 0c gomrnpe, 0epf0u(b nof mapfz no ?cpfp3 nofvecO'wpfO ptt)(0emen£ 6zps goTvernpf of onp fpng (0c bap (0a( (0c rtio'wr) pe)q pf fozbtepb ofowet gtctcf^ fufpoq of 6foob (0afmapfo( ft>TV ,£f affo fpc0fpfz qveq(0e foTvq petq onp fpngf.z (0c banger pctpf(0af map foffir*. CC^offbvp 3 (0c nafwt of (0c fcmfpnge. e mbcffetant no(0ej goob no cwpf (ofatfifoob, C$eo e wpf (o fat 0fepb natuc^t of (0c ct(0 gowernpe t0e waanj anbf0e mwattpatrpeanbpfpenofowetgoobnoowct ewpffo* fifebpng. tEXpfoa pe tpg0( goob fox 0&bpng 4C2p02ape0oofanbmow(tanb natmpt of (0c apt go weenie (0ena^ WCiV(0enetp6iwbt0e(awpatfpe of (0c waanjc pfpegcobfo; 6tetpng C§co;ppue intoffttant foz Bfebpng $cotppopecoofb mibmow(t na(urp(of (0e wa(0pt anb gowethfe(0e genptotpe no(0ct goob no cwpf fox flfebpng . C^pgpffarpue pe goob fox Gfebpng CC^agptfatp* pe 0oot anb bjgnafwrp( of fpet gowctnpe(0c(0epe anb pegoob fo*0fcbpng. e wpf fo* 0febpng (C^Capipcowue pacaofb anb top nafutpt of (0c ctt0 anb gowetnpe(0« (wo frnepe anbpeewpf fox Bfebpng. C^Twatpue intoffetont fox Gfebpng CSqwat^Me pe 0op( anb mo wf? natwtpf of t0eapt anb gowetnpe (0c fegpe anb peno(0et goob no ewpffo: flfebpng* Cppfcco mbeffeccnt fox flfebpng Cppfceepecooff anb mowff of (0c nafwt of water anb gowetnpe (0c fept anb £e no(0ct goob no ewpffo* 0&bpng* Opce ^ 02 a anb fagpffatpue at. t*pgflf goob 4E one cc /&prgo/$co:ppo/9quatp«8 anb ppfcee at fintoffuat (0f i pe (0e boot) uft0e c0aftpe. *£( rn f0c pattp of (0c 0epb 6c 0pnb at.uii.Doonpe fo t0eq\vpc0 0otDpe t0ec0apn$c of (0c ncfz, 0q (0c nee at i wo (0c wnbet of (0c manbubpbof t0e c0aft at.pt. a of (0c c0af! about (wo to (0c oppose of (0c 0:am) f0apt pe oot) 6c 0pn& cafc fpf cottetet at C0e boot) of (0e (ct0 ae pppii.mi.Qtfoi (t. nit. wnber net 0 fo: fo cowtt (6c moiccfe aftec.mi.f0atp two a6ouc (t two SnDer nc(0 cat fpf Cattpneo:fef0f0atgtpnb^fo:t0c^gtpnb(if0awp0 p((0ati0cpept a (0apt at in cwpt pc0 (pb.tm. about annum.- wnbctncp(0.*£( affct f 0c. mi. teffi of fappee in c wptpc0 oon epnb of f0c c0af (pe oot) about a oot) Wither, Igf it) (0c teg of t0c 6alz ftotq (0e 0epD bopttg wn to (0c fa w patfp at.ppp boonpe caffpt topnfpe in t0c 0:e|i 6cfo: at.'&ti.boonpe , tetti) ewptpt0 ooq fpb ac.piuofifye ox tebpejilepc t0e nzti ct( wpe (0c 0epb Mt f0ufbcte at two boonoe namp( f0eetpe * Bffet at (fie two boonpe of f0c f Wo f0i?fbet@ of (0e ffiiribet wn to tfic efbof: it) e wptpcfi oot) atrtj apt pe boot) q wpefi pe caffpf abiwfopt * tfottti t0c*Cbof: wq to r0e 0attb it) cwpt p<0 oon atrq at two (0rq wpefi at «amp( canze.fSt it) ewptpc0 0anb ae. »iu. boonpe it) Qft on t0c pafmc at,nti.boorip3f0c q w ^c6 at ttampf f0c cu of t0c 0ottD ♦ ^0c boottpe of t0c fpngete t cwpt pc0 oot) 0oith at.pSt^ w ewptpc0 oot) fptiget iii. 0n tbc epnO of f 0c f0pn <*t t0c boonpe of f 0t auc0pe fo f 0c q wpc0 at fcf fatipf 1 0c two Doottpe of t0c f0cpe zEt it) pc0 oot) ftnc f 0apt pe oot) boon fpf f0( pfaf of f0c f:nc . ^Df f0c fine wt) to t0c feef it) pc0 oot) teg at two 0oo«pe qw^c0 at nampf catmee.zBfi ^wptpc0 oot) fowf f0apt peooq boon qwi>c0 pe caffpf 1 0c antfcf0 0c 0pnD f0c q wpc0 ps (0c boon of (0c epf. 3bo^ mc f 0e 0pe of f 0c ft ft it) ewptpc0 oot) pe oon booqcafrpt tec 0opffpf boon* zSt ? 1 0c pfcnf of C0c fowf at.mi.boonpe/affa: pe f0e cfl of tfc fept (i f0apt pe in rwrtpfb oon.^.boonpe.^0c boonpe of f0c tope i cwptpc0 ooqfow( at.piiit. ^wo boonpe at befb:f0c waarn qwpcb 0o(hpe fefapt wpf 0 1 0e (wo 03c0pe.C Wo boonpe at in f0c0cpb be 0pnb f0c cptpe tafipfocufapie Wc cownf not 1 6c tenhet boonpe of t0c f0ufhcte qwpc0 atnof oonfp-com * p:c0cnbpf rqf0e nombptefoxf0cqw|>c0 lQc%Sat6Coobfoitoqf>mc cfe^t wnbctftonbtng anbwettafotyt dtyt e taftyf (0c attics fox (0af f 0co ftyg0f (0c qw^c0 foftyq 6fbob fox to pu( awap anb ma^fx fee fBcgtct 0a0o vrt bane of 0foob q W£c0 tq (0c Oxan^e (0c qwt*0 ma^ notj to (0c 0c$ anb (o t0c e^qanb j>( pe pxo/fpfa0p£ agepne ooq gowf q wpc0 pe nampt (0c mpf gtapq anb (o fpnbxpoffjct accpbctte (0a( mapcurq to t0e 0epb. 3D tL&nber t0c (ong f 0 apt pe two Sapne (0c wpc0 f 0 ep fot 0fooo fot ooq fepfxnee nampt eppfce (i agepne f wcftyng (t poffume of( 0 c t 02 ot (t agepne eqwpnane 6 c ( 0 c wpc 0 ooi^patfoq map be fowbanfp 0 c fawff of ooq fpc 0 bfebjwg. & <£jjq ( 0 cnefxf 0 aptpefweSfopnp 6 ( 0 eqwpc 0 atnamp(oxpgpttafefox ( 0 af ( 0 ep 0 aue ( 0 e co vote a ( 0 c 0 a 0 o wnbfleof af f 0 ce 6 foob ( 0 c q wpc 0 got Wetnpe mfotpe 0 obp/anb pxpncppafty( 0 c 0 epb 6 ot no map f 0 ufb 0 c foftyq 0 foob wpf 0 owt ( 0 c confepf of ( 0 c mebptpq anb pe mpc 0 pxoffpfaBpf f 0 af 0 foob foftyq agepne fpppemee anb poptipp qweq ( 0 ep at pxpncppaty caufot of 0 foob iff wapq of (0c 0atf fafcpq of (0c am? pxoffpfps fot to put awap f0e gtef 0umo me ox ewp£0foob (0eqwpc0 mapnopfof0e(060pt of (0c 0aif ox fo pe appatfen5e/anb pf pxo/fpfpe mpc0 (o (0crq (0a( fppftye 0foob anbt0af aef0oxfapenbqmpt foxooqpatfoq mapbpfowbanfp 0pfawft of 0foob foftyng* <5 C'O* 'wapq of (0o tywetfapfepq fq (0e awq pe mpc0 woxf0 fox fo put a wap anb mapfx fee (0c gtc flepfnee of (0c 0abp anbfo0ofbf0e 0obp tq 0eeff0/anb pf p« mpc0 wox(0 agepne af $afow appe anb poffwtq of (0c% wet / anb agepne pfempfp/0c (0c q wpc0 ooq patfoq map bp fowbanfpflp fawft of (0e fapb 6fopb foftyng. # C^ftTippe (0e maflfet fpnget a f0c mebpepq fpnget f0ep fof 0fopb a 0 pe mpc0 Sox(0 (o f0c bowfewte (0af cdnvp of f0c flomof anb iq (0c ftjbce ae0oc0pe{ipo|!ume{if^ttb^of0etaapbfe(0a(ma|>cw t») f0o^pfac^e 0c owet mfK0 0a0ownb5e of8foob anb of0umowre. fl ecffwpef0c waatq (tt0c0anc0 (0af ^e(0c ffonfx^e (0a^t ^efwo^apnpe t0c qwpt0 pe foff^ng 6foob pt of (0ctpg0( patty agtyne ^bxoppep. <0f pf of (0c feff |iatty fox fiuq bo w feme (0at ctimtje a0owf f0c wefe (i (0c{*f0oofb affct(0af (0c patfone at fat ot ftyq (0c^f0«(b wc^f 0c 0ofb atiiiufyngcte ne?t tfle mc^ftoq mb Bfoob fotfgng f jfoofb bz not Do(>q W£t0 owt t0e cott/ejjfdf t0e meD^n* It ^ Jrjc^^c^oo^fomflr.m.^a^^eqm^t oft0a£r^eooq$nbet \§t mUjuoffyz fowt tfSe qw^cf) t0e£ fat &kq>0 foz to waf4z teetf pat futtfy f(;nDz{> 0umowte foz ffocltye and pojtume q wpctf almj;e rttwge t$e artD tlx 6oty m(>c0 p;o^fa6^t (o Wemeq foz to cane f 0ej>c me/ft wo f^re mb jc gc et /evince to btfcmO ae future ano ft>c0ffcfe. Jl Cj£ttwt>6C0e fowt £ S«*t to tfla^r C 6 00? ) *(? e q w^c0 fat 0fooD foz fe^f; tnce mb mc0wen{>ene4ie peftjjfene t0e q w^cfj tafe^e ( ow ? Danfg 0c omr gret 0«0ownbane df 0umowte and tattpng 0fooD £6 ma$> it) a Da(? nafureftj’/tOat ^0 to |aj^nu.0owt6 after tffat t0e packet ano 0efb: tfc packet 0aue fewer anD /goofb ma(|fe ooq gtet hfeb^ng after t0at t0e patient £e of compfep^oq. $9 tLjjlq angfef$ oftffe e^q at two Sa(>n6 f0e q Wf>c0 at fating 0foo& fox tfje e\>q t0at at te^D 02 0fet£D ot t0at wepj>e cot^nwet^ anD fox ^nbt^ fe^fcnee tfjat ma^ 0app(n) of 0 wet gret 0a0o wnbane of 6feob* Ji) iL$i)tQtc\>nboftQtnzye tfle^ma^fe ooq 6teb(ng t0e qwf’C# £enq;c0 pzoffjnaityfto oot) reeb fa^e anb f af of 0fo0{?e ae re£b jpotc^s anb ot0e t itt fea^neof0attqW£c0ma{HiJ tqt0efq0eowec m^c0gret 0a0ownbane offlumowte anb litoob. £D q 0foob fot fjopttze anb confect of moaft wcc. oft6eme& ot0etw^je nam£tf0efow$apn. ^ C.'C wap»> of f0e 0qjb tapfepq iq t0e attq t0ep f0oofl> fat (>t 6foob fot to put futtQ t0e gt ct 0a0o wnbmte of 0foob t0e q w^c0 ma(» m>£ to (0e 0e^b anb to t fic cpq 02 to tfc 02 a^ne anb pt |e m^c0 p:offf ta0^f to efiangea 0W £oftfpng* anb to fwcftrngeof t0e t0rot attb to t tytit) tljat ae ti?e fa£> fwetf^c am* te^b anb to ftnbzp of0et Jc^fenee. iLlTfic waqq of t0e ratet 02 of0et w^e caffpt ffie fa w Sa^q f0oofb 0e fatting 6foob agepte af fe were fpetr^ne g:q wattafne/i? tq £f tffai (booth ma^fe oot) forge wonb anb fee be^p t0aq tq onpot0cr wapq t0te tffof tjt ma^ gabber S^nb anb fot S:epb of oot) mot gut mcdWen^cnf/foi ooq feni not) q w^>c0 ^e wnber C0at nani^t t0c fa$atb iij pc0 ootjof f0enjq wept of pf wnber ffic tQowmffoo to Derating Sfoob f otto put fuct0 t0c gtet aopfnee of We 'w^/a^ge fox mpt0 gcct 6ibob anb of 0umo wee q wpc0 at in t0c fiep& f6af W0$pemoxf0aqptoft0cattp. ^ ; $ anbf0e fpngec C0aff0ep caft0emebpcpr) Wat Wen fat 0fcob t0c qwpcf} pxoffptpe mpc6 gcetufp:ageme atfcmia teprrpne anbqwattpne ffaen^towafpfeeqwent0eoon re Opaemoetet off6eot0erefaof/ f>%wpef0attaepacfepfe*x0fpf ooi) bpjltope t0e otaereof af. Ca«*f taeparbepb, § m C t0egwpc0 fltyppate ^nbctf&mb^a to 0e 0o\>f onb ’metb^fpofpt it) t0a^t 6ob(>. ® c fW* ftPht W* 9^0 met) denni e qm t) mat) ye 0oof anbfcetbtfpoftf n)^0ob|V£f £s qWqf0e£c(>t0b:£it& wef affet f0e anrwenane of t0e pongee art 0 tfyttffi t0af f0e£0a«e ^f0 o^t t0af t0c^ ma£f:epcee»*3tq\peq t0ep begefi t(>g0 fo'wq anb £t t0af t0q> 0auc e£tt£«g anb bidfe^ng cflFow^e not t0q>t flomo& * C$fcrq qweq f0e£ 0aue^ongcr(i t0ctP ffc 0o^te qi&ei$t0c£f0oofb qfi anb Di^nf;. 1[$tcn) qmq f0q> tefog f0e*q W£t0 f0eiq qwjjci 0 at ib^ww* q'woj t0e£ pfh£ W{>f 0 goob wgf along tecr?ac£6 Tv(>f0 t0££c foffo'wge \*>£t0 iogowe cowca^ge.Cfl^^ q*weq f0e£ q>C ^f^goob anb goob appef^t of Outfit anb c0cge (i ffammys anb ofm\>fft vgf0 o^vt t0at t0cgftgf on£ temananf :q f 0egr bgf0ge fo: to fenb Cot0e gobble 0o\ee . &$teti)jpvei) f0e£ fftgp Serf \*^t0 o wf caw'jwoz mag&gng caffe!* it) fpang$e.$£,jjte qmq f0eg fq>f t0crq f|jg0f anb t0at f0eg go mgf . CjJte*?) 9^cq t0e{>J>n?egf fo wq (t t0af t0eg neg* nofcC^wj g^eq f0eg £c0 f0oofb metfuffte fo t f0gppate fo f:eq t0e fgn^ ggeof f0e 0ecf of mcq. cotttcdt^oW© fo f $c tiefa 0{£ pate wnbctffonbge q weq f0q*o: of 0ete at feyh . B ^tf! q*weq f0c^ ma*’ nofe^t ^c^fno b:^nf: &^fa f0cf f0e^ 0aue no appef^f at t0e 0o vt t0at t0c^ f0oo(b qjf ae at t0c benct 0 % at t$e (ovpct 0: qW f 0ctj 0anc no gowff l £f t0af f 0q» ctjt o: bt^nfj o: f 0at f0e^ 0aue 0ongct anb f0c^ maf not c^t/o: t0at f 0c(> ma^fe not goob bcgc(!^oq (i fo: f 0af rf ^e omt (bng . £Dt ffiaf f 0c\j go not fa f0c c0a0^t (ja f0c^f0oofogo . (t not lo^owe tt)t§e company q w^t t0c^f0oofb 0c f 0aq felines ^ran^^e f0c maq to0efr^ft, q^cq t0e^ ma^ not ffejjp 0: f a^f: f 0a^t ccft at c^g0t anb q^w eq ^t ^>e Bo'Wt* fSt affo qmq f 0c mC0^te at c*wp f0c 0c^b f 0c atm^e a t0c fcggjje. £t a^fo q weq t0c^ ma\> not go fyg0ffy ^ft0q?f^^t not oft ♦ t0ete af mof! fpc0fpf2 to t$ea6oue fapb (ifBa^peffle repfecpoq of f Be 0 umeme tyat ac e^pffb: to cfrenge fBeiq. f db^ tepfccpoq of afcwpf 0wmo^t6d^fpof^i) to fepfmee § 0 ^^^PWnoff^ppar6.C9cq^c0tcpfec|?oi)t>e fot to Snberftdb fo 2 to deenge t$e fapb B^nto^e tBe qipptB f ^0?b2pe fep&nes (i tBcp at fcennpf Be t0e fpnge qvpcB foU fe^pj qmq fBep 0aue om t grcf teebnee it) t0e \*>p i fapge Banbpe (i napfre, £f 0as affo f 0c vapne fuf of Bfoob oi to 5 fepb of tU fifpe owr aff(tfipgBtfp /02 foi to Baue ewpftq tBe fot Bepb Btfo qw) (0c ept tpe fo^nbpe. igf qmq t0c epq mppe 02 at fuf of gopt . m to Bawe f Snbetfidbpng fro ^Bpffyf. £t qmq tBe f0o^n) gope %0f fp.£tqmq % waatqpe ufotut fomjfp.£fqmq f0cp 0auc tfjefpgBt tro^Bp^f. iSptaf/ot0cp0auenoappcfpf . *2faff0eof0etef0pttgpe afo 2 (a$ at Be f0e qwpd) $e map 6cq t 0 e Bcbp cTvpf bpfpofpf.igf 0aue iq f0erq feff 0umome f0at at eoitismppf fapetfiewe anb e^pf. C£ttbpf0 tBe fpnge Be f0e q^ppc0 fBpppate frennpe qmq fBep at 0oof a mef btfpofyt.iBt of0ete fpnge conftatpom Be f 0 e qT>ppc0 f0ep mtbetffonb q^aeq f0ep at fepCt. C£>oq bpwpfpoq of t0c fprq t x gomtnpngof f0c q^pc0 fBpppate Tffpe aftet t0at t0e fapfoq (i t0e fpnj teq^pcpe. j ®2 to tcmepb to ftvfinm t0af f 0ep 0auc (t fjepp tffctiyftff ftQttjtfjzii) anbof tBew)t0aff0epbo*wf to auqfape f0e fBpppate t0at f 0e tprq naf meffp e0angpe. mi,fpmpe t$e $eat/(i (0 bpupbpe t$c ^eat iq.tiii*patfpe/q wpc0 at prpm fprq/amfoqj/fdmec anb 'wpnfer. tBt it) cy> pptpcB ooq of fBprpatfpe f0ep gomtq f0eiqaffet f0e fapfoq (0at te^ qwptpe to f0ept 'wnbetffonbpng aub pt 0apppnpe wcef to 1 0e»q» tSt ae f 0e fat>ffone cBangpe f0eH) atfo f0ep change faffoi) anbmapwatof ^ttpwtgpe anb efDopng fapanb f0at t$c c0angpngof fptq 0et0at freppe 0p»q [feqf not mpfengcnb:p« fepfinee fox 1 0pe 1 0af iq ooq fpiq pf pe not gBananf to epf af mepttpe t0e q^pc0 at goob iq of 0ete ae tq 'Wpnfet . gtiitt) oftQc qiK>pc0 f0ep 'wfe uyfottm anb of aftfietq t0af at 'wfpf iq ^pnfet. (fciSt fot to wn bccfonb t0c cOangpng of f0e t\pn affetfBepatfpeconfpbetanf f Become of t0e fovpt) 6p f0e fmff fpngpe anb fape f0af pcB ooq of f0e. t'm.patfpe agpttacpue iTapz^ cotnue /anb ^quarpue/ anb at tfjapr mondfie jUouemtfer / ZDecemflet/ anb ianuer/anbt 0 att 0 eert 0 anb t 0 e f cepe at aet 0 ert> tflatarbeet 0 anb nalitpt of t 0 apt fe^pe fcupttpe anb ofatgreenee. $££iffet: £ 0 eqwpc 0 mr./apffonefBpppare bpwpbpetfletpnjtfjatmaqmap fpne tq.mi.aagee qwpcfl ar^oi»t 0 cp& ffreng 0 t eptbanb beccepptc anb t 0 ep at report to tye.mt .fa^ffom oft$e$ea t . 1 C 0 atp 6 fo fap 3 owt 0 epb to pi^nj tpnj ^pc 0 p^mop(tanb 0 aet 0 etrepeanb fr^pttpeoft 0 eect 0 gco\pp 6 /jo hope oot) 3 ong maq wn to.ppS.ttat growpe of 6 oDp iq f 02 e/faptnee/anb |fteng 0 f fote pt t cpottpt pe t 0 e tprq offotnmcc 0 oot anb bzp q wept t 0 e fiobp of map t?e ip 0 pe fote anb (heng 0 t anb gap wpgut (i fapmee pfefant anb topouve anb ( 0 Be tppppe W) to ♦(PfS.jeat .tSpfti pe compact to t 0 e tpnj of antom cootb anb Dip t0af mat) geo wpe not anb pe waofi anb f0pnfcpe to gaSbec foi DiepD 0 e 0 auefaftqw) 0 e pe afb pc f 0 af feft .pfih. $eac* 5 De*f creppfe pe fpfc to t 0 e tpit) of xppntec coofb anb mo wfi 6 p 0 a 6 onbae of coofb 0 umoweanbfa\vffofnatwf 0 eptiqf 0 eq'wpc 0 mat)* fpenbpept t 0 af Be Bae gabetpf anb acq^prpt t 0 e tpnj Bpgoon anb 0 e as not gabbetpf no t 0 png 0 ea 8 pDp 6 po^pt(ina&ptaet 0 eett 0 anb pe Crepe: aub a 6 pbpe wj toJ^n. 5 eat(imo:Cp 2 ^^te 0 £>ot anb mo^ffnaturptof t 0 e apt(t ctfpfyvpo?) of fang'wpt) .fL^dmec pe 0 oof (i5rp nafurptof t 0 e fper anb cfipfeirponrtofcoterpfe^Sttfornpcbzpaubcaofb natmptof f 0 e ert 0 a mefancofpficdpfcppoq. C^ ntet C 6 coofb goobfpac bpffpofpt ttj t 0 e fprtj f Be q wrefl pe (p 6 no t 0 ep bof of 8 ece fpmpe, ^ot fot e^prpt 8 oop penof xmfcdpfepponnpt J 5 oofbboae 6 opet 6 ef 6 pppate f 0 af pe to fapli goAvernrng after f 0 e fapffone to f:epp t 0 e tp 6 p f 0 e fec 0 pnge of tfie q wpc 0 1 0 ep Avfe m eTvptpctf ooq parfp of t 0 e 5 ea r fot to fym) f0at fpnj pt pe goob to tat Cfoob f oitoput a\rap tpc c^f0umouc0 qwn f0epargabetpf tt>t0e 6obpif0e wpnfetpf/epfznte mptn»)f0cpzpn)tpn) ptpenot of pe^at^r Got pzocebpe gaberptof t0e ^pnfetpaflpt.pzpnjtpmaeooqfpn) aftcmperpt foztofapfzmebcpneto tfart) q^pc0 at fat of ffec0 anbfuCof gret Qnmowtefox to cteenge r0enj* £t it) t0at tpm t0ep f0ooft5 e^f fpgf )t mepf wpcf) teftef0p© ae c0efzpne fzpbe ^6^^0^cti^6 0toc0ef5pc^zc^eanD a£fpc0 icapf0 c0eefbzpnfz wpt) fempotpf f 0at pt 0e no o wet (latfz no owe? fwept foz i t0at fpn) t0ep }0ufi> fzepp tflety port) af(^eptt0png f0afit0ep wfe not of pt anb t0ep f0ooft> ffepp fong moznpne anb f0ootb not (fepp ot) f0e bap.<£l£0atp« teufgene^ tat f 01 at tpn) ae t0e f 0pppate q*wpc0 pe mpc0 Teozf0 agtpne af fepfznce * / C0afp6foztqeptt0epfepe not t0np t appefpf fo f0at tOepept ne\*>pr to 0 wet mpc0 fatmpfe an8 fufnee. jjterr) f 0at af ffecfl a nb fpc0 pe fiefte* top|ipft0a/obbpi)anbf0aff0ep6 argoobfo0eto|!pt q6onet0e greet CC«0pngfor to gowcct) (0e tpwj of fonmec CS 1 ? P mer f0CPP rtle c&S ofcoofb cfot0peanb fpg0f f0ept f0atfpe anb f 0efpe u) t0e qw pc0 t0rp fp it) at offpnf fox a6one af cfept0p«g tflapr p© noot) moi toolbar f0ep 0a\K>e bowfitefe offcthanbof jtampiy g. of fmaf (t ept0 anb t0ep ept Ipg0t mepf ae c0ef;pn© 'svptG *watiue/0epee / fappozda cownpn© / fctt'W© / poTwefapq/pcpone/jpbzona / fcutgpe / pepte ptonie anb t0e fpc0t0afwe 0awe afoz nampt ,t£f 4 t 0ep^fe of afmept t0af tefeej* 0pe.it atfo f0ep ept afpfef bz^nfz 'wa^fz green anb mp^t ^pt0 ^>at0er fuffpc^antfp , &tfo f0q> f0oofb fzepp f0e)t} f0at t6ep tcavepfnof o^ec mpc0 anbt0at t0epf0oofb not effbze tfycnj.foi it j t0at fptt) f0epr ^e no t0png t0af gee f0e») moz t0aq for fo efc0af f 0enq» tHf it) f0at fpn) f0ep f0oofb fzepp tfcm to fp Avpt0 wemf a f 0ep f0oofb 0ag0f f0enj off i coofe “wafpr foz f0e fe0^f0epf q wpc0 p© \t^0 it) t0c 0obp effozqjf 0e yt q \epc0 ye wpt0 o ^f . it t0e£ f0oo ft) 0aue e'trpt moz Tc£t0 f0en) fufzer 'Wpot'et of0ez (ufzet anb 0ozget^ of t0e q*wpr0 f0ep ffioofb wfe af^fefiq aftpmpe .^0ep f0oofb effoze t0e^ it) f0c moz ^ npng foz fo 0o0 fppf anb 8e nef0 1 0e goob(pa(f f0af f0ep map : wef0 f 0cpz ^anbpe Wpf0fref0 vafpefBepr mowt0pe anb t0epr^pfagee. (£'&t(f)ytigfoi anton)/fcptcm6ec/octo6cv/tftiicm6et/ C0n anton) f0ppp#t« at cM as l ptptt) tpm gompe ofwo'Krysftt Wpti &t tfjpe (pit) Wtp iaptz geet bpfpgene to cteenge Wen) jc to tat Wen) gfoib f oi to tempet We 0o w mo me of Wapv bobps / foz pt pe We fapff at) of We $cax Wat £8 moeft Dangerous offeptznee/in Wt q wpc0 pcc^ wsfe^ nee 0apppnnee,*S: foi £0pe Wep epi good capon© cunpe ppcftmeWat 0e ^ gpnnpefoffeattbt^p&pnfegoab ^pn ‘#pf0 omomc mpc0 fp^pngof Wem.&t it j £0a£ < pn) t0epj0oo£b &epp £0cm 6efpfp £0a£ tfjep epc no frupt (t t0epf0oo£bfopn&no ^a£ee(jf0aff0epwf? tnocoalb wteeooni'pe.Kep t^e^onbpeawbtficpfflootfb tzeppWett) meC£0a£ £0ep mf0 not £0epc ^pfapgc .*££ f0ep (ap Wat We parfoif £0a£ epttpt nrffprfr^pt M neipppe Wefe^ete^^epWootStzeppWapt^epbftot^coo^Wt^e npg0£ fOpppare fape atfo Wat f 0e pipn) tptt) pe Qoot anb moyvft nature of We ape anb compfeppotjof We fangwpq. pe eoo£& rnofi anb oftfje mfyrc aftfo yeatvt cm§ of tfosomi pfcyyor) ffc tfot mat) fi^oofb mpb *wapce f}ofb fort) fot to fp*we 0opf(pfp *f tfo q wpcf} compfcpp* onsffyaffitffohty ft) tgc 6cgpttnpng of tfo pf 3 p$ompmo; fatgefp • CJlzfdotfuo cequo fefrt papaucte bo:mtf, jftfrme :quc azatozett) nefeit itttqua fuuti ) « &titaun) toto ttwMctucifiqitutoifc, &t iteiun) patituv Dira ffagefft beue. fiactoizti) factuta fuuti) ftimufantc tiemno. IDefictiefactw tefititdztia fuie. jjnbe fames Sertitmbc bifaubta teguftj, jjnbec^c0 pe b;a vpng anb compofpf of f0qn fcatenbace anb put nj tetter t e ^ t «^tpc6 oot) map^nbetpob ae t 0ep fret) t0e tflpngpe a0oue /q(b.^tft^ef^oolD^nDerponbf0ot t0e fpgut anb t0e of t0e “WottD t0e nom0pt anb oxbet of t0e etpmene anbt0emo'v>ffngeoft0e 0eTv pne appaetenpe to Tvnberffonb to at mat) qw pc 0 feoffee conDpcpoi) anb of (i pt pe oot) fapt tfpng bptecta0pt/pxoffpta0pl/ 0onc)t/ onbttefeffapt fox to 0aue fpnbtpot0ete cognopfjane tt) efpeepat fox t0c afttotog^ catlpt of j0pppate ,£mptfox ft pe to ^tibet |ionb’(t)e Tvoxtbpe to \vnbpe oot) appoint after t0e Tvpe(0pppateptp6 not pofjpbplto fapo t0png artpfpcpal mox teonb t0at) t0e Tvoxlb ,£tpt pe compojpt of 0e\c ft) anb of t0e.tm.tff mene it) .SJ.pxf nep pafe patfpe 4 Bf cet ft (0oolb Dt *wn * fcerftonbft t0at t0e ett0 fe rt) t0e mpbbpe of t0e ifipoxtb fox ft fe t0e eTvpe|t effment . Mom t0e ert0 fe f 0c 'watpr and t0e fc 0ct ft amtpe not at t0e ett0/t0aptfot0att0emat)anbt0c 0ep(lpe map fepf t0aptpe oot) pattp bxp anb not covert anb pe caftpt t0e fapeof t0e ert0foxpf pe ae t0cfape of oot) mat) e\rpr mox 0apx anb bpfro'Wcrt anb t0e pattp q^pt0 pe co wtt t0e fe pe ae t0e 6obp of mat) qTtpc0 pe comt anb m ft pt not ♦ S0oue t0e Ta«tprfet0caprt0at mcfofpet0eert0 anb tflefeanb pe bpvpbpttt) tf;xe regpene oot) tat? q'wept affapfcpe t0e 0c(ipe anb t0e bptbpeoot) it)t0empD bpeqvepx at t0e ctbti?bpe it) t0e *fcpc0 ar mapbmpxeffpone aefp^t flag0£ tpet0abpxe(iot0eteattbfeeiipt coot$/t0et0xpbpet0e mo|i0peq*S!?ef t0apc pe not0er rapt) no *wpnb no f0cnbpt no ot0er mpxeffpot) anb t0apr pe |il pfi pe t0at titrcc0pe pt ae ofpnpiue t0e qi£f c0 tTm0pe C0e mop 0pe tegpot) ©ft0e afranbflfmentoft0ef(^ra|fenbpe'^»)tot0e0f^pqanbt0e etp*. mene ^p0ofbfet0e0cifPfneaepptfate fuflenatttooifQoweof t§e%mom farm t0apr pe oot) it) afftpfx t0e q ^pt0 pe noffiet fa'W no toffpe 6ot cfeps) anb wnwpfpfpf fox pe tp g6t gtet ffaprte for fo mpc0 ae t0e trafpr pe rr.oi tfepr f0qt) t0e ert 0 f 0e apt pe mox (fept anb fp g0t at t§a t) t0e 'O*at0pr ant of fo mpc0 t0e fpet pe mox efect fpg0t at anb faptet t0an t0c apt a 0eupne fot0oeq»ppo£ftntarafmoxcfcmanb moxfapt (0at)t0e fper t6e q^apc0 totvxnpe^pt0t0emo'Vtpngoft0e0e^pt)gneteptegpot) of t0e ape atjb I t0e ^pe0 ae mgebtff comcftee q'tf ft0 at taffpt ffeie fox ?auf t^ar 1 0ep ae f0pnant anb w?oTtpeaef0e ffere. ^frcrfntt)§ff pare t0e fpetpe m^p(p^ 0pf fox <0e fn0tp(pfe of pt anb not fox t0f gret rfatte fox offo mpt 0 f 0at cot) t0png pe efepr offo mpt0 pt pemox 'Wpfrfpf fox/o nff c0 wfe i^epf f?ete anb not tfie fper atffe efpmctte 'Vpfpfipm at ^ pfffpefox t^t^nckme foxt0emp??tpct)of f0e aot) iept0f0cot0ft8.C0e 0e^fite^opprfpat not ■cvp no fpg0f no 0arbnofoftno 0opt no roof b no t0cp fane no (aw no go^rffnofo'wfo'Wino fo^nb nooffex fprf fpfx qit-afttcefotfpefranb rt) pxopprfp ae fox 0e t0apc inffmne f f ep at fepr fa vfff f oofb effect ^ (t 0epttp6bpef;neeanbfp§0fpeanbt0cpfafbfp€franb pxceptfp taotbae ofwapee tfcp at piopptfp ci ftpnb 6p bpmcnfpoi) anb mcfut/pt0n) C 0 e t 02 pb cmb [oof (0e o ttyue . Cfk fferjl nete|? of (0e efpmene pe (0e0cvpi) cf mow). Bftec pet0e 0e wpt) of metcuciue . £|ftetpet0e 0e^pi) of mime .£ifrtt pe (0e ifawps) of,(0e ,pAYS). 3f(et pe pt of mace.aftct pe of iu*)i(ct./£t af '$ ferptoffawrnue. j6ft0epar t0e0a*pi ) of (0e planet} after t0tpr os&pe 1C0e,$irt.0e>ps) C eo f^ e ftern^© fpppt(U0eparnampt(o fox cauftfjac (0epmow al6e cm’tiat’efootjmapnct t0e ^’pc0 ( 0 epianet 5 &opGt?ot/a $ki£ta0ouepet0efpt|t ffioBpfii) C0e q^PP^cO appetpe no t0png tf)af f0e jijpppatcmap fee .^mmjBpppate fapeetfiapcpeoor) caftpt mntofipfe fox (0at/r0attowttpenotai5owet0sq'wpc0t0apt peoo»)ot0ec 0Ttpc0peof crp(faf aOoue t0cq^pc0 pe t0e 0ewpt) mperpafis) t0e q\vpc0 pet0e tco W) ofgobof t0eqT* pc0 0e%vpt) pt appattenpe not to (0pppate to fpepf: Bo( oonfp of 1 0e fpj(? moepl'anb (0a( ccnfenpeal’to gpb&cc t0ep cat t0c tvoj& £fooq (0p«g(0emetwpfgie(Mnfpt0otp6 0oT>f> gobbpjltp6upet0e (Tec npef0af 0c put not) it) t0e. ip.Oe^ps) 0ot ae put fo snapnapn) t0eu$m» 0e*wpt) £0at (0ep map not Be nomOipt pc0 00 ^ wet (0af t0o (Bpppateiknotpgnotaneof at f& (6ep map&nof 0ept no menepo !) /fox pt /»(fp® to t0est) oonfp of two q wpt of oor, pe of (0e ojp * enf it) (0c oapbent aBoue f0eet(0 anu of (0coccpben( is) (0c oipenf §p tribes; net 0 qw&$ 1 8 bapfp ?no\vpng(8at pe fo fap mapb ft m bap to bap tt).^mu0owp»0et0e q^pc0mowpng(0e pet0e 6 cjfmo0pfq^pt0bia^>pe w(0 t0^eff(unaptsp6 t0eof0€re to romt) af pet 0 e tk^pn® ^pc 0 " pe a 0 o uc pt.C 0 « ct 6 ec mo^png pe of ( 0 e. Su. pfancf 5 f 0 a( pe of f 0 e oipcnf it) ( 0 c octpbcnfanb 0 ca 0 owe ( 0 e crt 0 anbpf p@ contcajpto e 0 e fiptjt /anb at f 0 c t^o mo vpnge of t 0 < 0 e^pq ( 0 a( f 0 p^ pate tmberjidpbpo mdtf)ot iUv U opofpt fo ho ( 0 ep contpnuaffp anb at po^p 6 pfaet 0 epfp^ 0 ec t wsnppfyCl!f^)f 0 ppa 0 oHe t 0 e ^afpreost) of otpcnf it|occ 0 Jenfanboos) mas) i*ac ^p (0 m ( 0 c fapb-| 0 pp is).( 0 e pactp (o^at( ( 0 c offpdent aitS f fiat ( 0 c farb manofpepioppt mo^png&ptsgo ^p (0 is) ( 0 c f 0 pp fojlfp agepne ( 0 e omnt . ^pc 0 fpfe ( 0 e pfamtx, at Boom *^r (0 t 0 ept ge^pne of ( 0 c oipent it) ( 0 c occpbcn( Be ( 0 e bapfp mo^rsta of ( 0 c fpep mo 0 pf 0 o( mew faptCac mh o( 0 ct vpe ( 0 $ f 0 c jfctpefpiope U t 0 pe rgof ewprpefi eoq pfottef fios pe pjoppt mo'wpttg cdfearp to tfie moTeptige of ffie fiem^e 6 c f fietq fdf l ooi) monztQ t fie mo T*>q mofzpe oot} fo\P2qpng fee ofiowf tfie erffiffioq bops oot} ftepc fppef anb tfie foTtqooqfomJtpsg feetqffie5eoeatfbffieoffieepfotief5U) cerfoqfptq ewprpcfiooq offer ffie quanfpfe ofpepzoppr mo * $o appetpe ffiafffiepfots^tmntpe at t^omo vpttge. ffipppaeefapetfiaf pofe fie pmagpttocpoq ffiaf of ffie fieT^eceffpf of mo vprtg of ffie bapfp mo wpttg ffiaf psof ffieozpenf t:j ffie oavbmt £ tfiaf tfie mown mopbooq fiicnptig otoot) cytcwyt gooottb of ffie cccpbaut tq t fie orient / it) fo mpcfi of fprq at feffesnow.pflpSu . bape oi t fiapr afio^rf /ottb fofutnUe itj.ppp.ycat ox ffioprofiouf % jf ox now fficp mapfz fo Wrtpngs attb re woftvcpotte oub faffpftpf ffiept pzop^c mo 't Wy^ne it) ooq fpapsof fptq fiept ttompf , 1 £fiepzoppt mowpng of tfie pfo ? ntt^ pe ttof of rpgfif of f fie ocepbettf it) tQe oxyznt :fio( pf pe ae iq fipfiope ft ffioffepeffieffipppozefett/pfipr.^oi qwq ffippporefic fiofbpe ooq ttpgfif t fie moTvq fie fox oot) fleet) ffie feguttb npgfif ox tfie ffirpb f fiep fe pt fie fipttb onb not at rpgfif ffie orpettf fiof pf ffiofecooq fptqbzowpttg fo^otf ffie feptenfipoqanboffierfpmpefowotfffie mpb bop onbffipepe fez ffie cauf offofpf^b of^obyatx tqffie q*wpcfi atffie.pK. fpttgpe wnbctffie qivptfi mowiptfcptancty ffie equpnocpoC onb $obpoque ffie qwpefi or it) ffie.ip. fietv>pq tfieq^pefi confenpeffie fptmomenf onb ffie otfiersTMibecpf. f >3 ffie cottcowof ffie fpzff ttofipf ffipppate fficppiitogpnpf fo ^ cCW0 ottb tfiep at teoffp ffie ooq fmaf oe ooqtfizepb -^Jj^AC onbrfiep catfpt tfie equpttoppaf onb tfie otfier forge it) ffie Vwl|^Jr maptte; of o 5 gprbef ffiaf pe forge oz of oot) fiof offtouta tfie y q wpefi pe caffpr $o5pafz anb pf ae two cpzcfpe fof&^attb pf (i fficp bp"»>pb ffie ooq frotfi ffie office egofp fiof not rpgfif^ foz ffie $obpolz gro^pe tq fipfiope anb ffie pfoepe q wepr fficp groTP or cat * ipf eq^pw> ( Ype >$oito wnbujionb ffie eq wroo^paf wt fe of ffie fic*wp t) towtt) of ffie czpenf tqffieeccjbenf anbpf ps catty ffie fiopfpmowpng/ fficp ffioofb proagpq oot) rpgfif fpq q wpefi paffpe 0p tfie mpbbpe of ffie etffi qwpcfictlmpeofooqepttbofffiefie^pqfo ffie offiera&m ffie qwpefipe tnapbffipemo'Wpnganbpe two epnbpepsf^o pottfpetq ffie fieTp?pt)ffie qwpefi mo^pe ttof anbffiep or c affpf ffie pofe of ffie vozft ffie q^pffi op f t peeps ewptfo we otib pe ffie pof arfpqupfoi ftpicniwomtcinb ffie office ps •wtiber ffie ertfi e wpr m wpeb caffpf ffie pof onforfpii ox ffie pof a^fltof n) ffie mpbbpe of ffie qTPpcfi pofoe it) ffie fptfl mofipf pe ffie eerfepf equp ^ noppaf eTPpttfp bpftcmt iq ooq patty ae it) ooq otflct of t$e pofceanbaf fee ttfy e cctizpl pe mapb anb rncfutpt t0e bapfp moTvpng of.ppiut. 0omp« (0at pe oot) bap natutaf (i pf pe caftpte<|\rp» 0 (Ppa£foz t0pe q veq t0efo vq C* t0apt t0e bag (t t0e ttpgqt at 0oot 6p 0at t0e W'oztb , 'fCQe tatgc sobpafc aeptpe fapb it) t$e fpt[t moflpfe attb affo pt vs as oot) gptbpfgcntip fiopt 02 fpgutpt of pmagpe of (pngpe etfpgucpt fovttptTp anb weef comport of (tempo fpppt ae of c0at6oifwctp6 fflpnapnf ae pcpoTva ftoonee fuf of gtct mttue jet be mefttpe rpg0t no0p£fp gtattjpt it) t0e q^pc0 ^obpafz at.mt. pzpncppafepopwpeqvpcflbpwpDpe r^errj ewpnfp iq.iiii.pattpe ooqflpe toifytjoffliciutqoftfytjommit oft0eq^pt0 q^eqt0efo*wqpeenftpt it) cancer p pt pe t0e mo(t long bap of fommet,£)oq otjjet fcnv pe caftpt fofffr;* cut of fopn tet to t0e q\* pc0 q w>cq t0e (0 vq pe cnttpt it) capztcozttwe/anb pt p© t0e |0o;taft bap ofyv%tttet* 4 Dot) otflet Vap fape t0e eqnoppaf ofantott) t$at t§e jtmqmtcpe it) cpOza it) t0e moneffl offeptemtfcs:. £t f0e otflct pe caftpteq vpnoppafof pzpmtptq q^eqtfle fo w>q enters it) men it) t0e mo£ net# of mate.'Cfle q\vpc0.im.pattpe bpupbpe eTvptpc# oot) it) t0 te c'Wpq ipartpe anb t0ep mapf*,jMi.pattpe n at nampt.pii.fpnge : aciee/tau^ rfkwgermm/cancet/feo/Sicgo/tibza/lcozpto/'fagtttatiue/capzicojnue/ajf quaciue/ptf cee.3tiee 0egpnnpe it) t0e eqwpm>ppafanb tozfpe (Q c fapb $0 bpatz anb q wcq t0e fowq pe tflapt 0e 0egpnnpo to becfpq/tflaf p« to fap to bza w nept to t0e feptemttpoq t0at pf pe fowtt we attb cpfcnbpe to f0e orient after pe fautue t0c fegunb gerntni f0e f 0rpb anbjb of t0e of Jets a© tfjc fpgut 0ept after f0aTt>pe . CjJfrnj e wptpcij ooq fpng pe b^v^bpt it) p^.begtee (i t0cp at it) t0e $ob£afe .m»0dbzet6^.begte6|t0tctt) oot) begte {te b^b^t 0^.^.ofmomenee\v^c0 oot) moment itfJp.fecoue ^c0 ooq fegunb it), $>.of t0z^bb^/anb t0pe b^^f^oq fuf fpcjp fox f^ppate C^0CPP ai:6 put t^e ooq Sat^ac^oq fo^t|)fiq t0e 0eu^q §nbe(lonb^e/(t pf pefoz f0c (fetnpefpittpf at not Snbett0cfeff begteei t^efpguteof jobpafe qmq t0ep war cteat foztot0ecaue oft0cmo^^ng of t0e fptmamenf it) t0e qwpc0 fflep at agepne f0e fptft meftyfe iq ooq 0ottbzet0 3 eat of ooq begte foz t0e q^pc0 c0anc6pttg t0e fo^qmap0auc ooqot^et tegatb to ooq ffetq anb offset fpgnpfpcacpoq t0at 0e 0ab not t0e tptq 6p paffpt (t feff? vapee q^eq f0c 600 ftps 'Wat mapb 0e f0pe f0at t0e ffccq 0ae c^angpt 0pa begte ozf0e (png wnbet t0e q^pc0 pf was anb t0ps caufps t0etq to fap^e t>ftpmpe tflaf mafzpep*eno|fpeacpoq anb iugemeneto cutq . 3 ^ IE,Sf cer&pfe of tf)e0eup?) at (mat epcep f(3e $odpafe q>pc$ pe forge ($ contenpefongnee t0re0ond:et0.^ of degree and it) forgpnceptpedp^ Tvpdpt 8e tpg0C mpddpe.Sft.De^ greets iq ooqfpd ariO.ii.otQet and tflpemapd Scoot) fpq nampt ecipp* tpktfleq'wpcfl e* cfpptpfe pe ftre^t and wap of t0e fowt)/fo:newpc t0c fowq depart tie aBouetflat fpt) andfo pfpecwpr moi Ufiempddpe of jodpaf* 6ot it) rijeofflet pfonct$ ewprmoitfjep at ofooqfpdo^ofo* t0ec of fpc0 ooq dpq wttfjowfflpfc Be qwet) t0ep ar tq tl)e 0epb ox iff t0etapfoft0e&Mi got) aet0e rnowq pe aftfje monetae ptpaflfpe two tpmpe and pfpf ffopppn tipefffof ^ fepe q weq pf renewpe pt pis ecfppe of f0e fowq and pf tq fuf mow)(i(6a(pt0e *wndecf0enadproft0efo*wq/pfp^rpgf5ffppfpe ecfppe genet af pf pt 6e Bofooq party Cfiep fe pC not . £Dwei) pe tye ecfppe of tye fowq tyep fe pC not 6c aftye cfpmats, Got Sepf it) fun j efpmat cofpBctqweq pt pe ecfppe of tffcmowq ptpegeneraf6e aftyeetty. e&fm two gtef cetfepfetflof peooq oftQe me* tpbpeq ant t0e ot0e t o:p}oq Wat foffowpe tf)e o on offfer artD gto wye tpgfltfp. jigtpbpeqpe ooq giet cetfxpfpmagpq it) tffewpq qwpcfl paffpe 6e t(3c poffpe of (0e woxfb ant) 6c t0e popnt of tQc 0c wpq (i tpgpt a fiotic owe 0cpb : t0e q wpc0 pe cab S§£ fpt 5enpc0 anb afwapee t0at t0e fowt) pectfmpt of t0c ^ oxpent wq to t0pe cet&pf pt pe mpbbap fox t0at pt V® ca* % metpbpeq anb 0pe t0e rnpbbpe of t$e cetfcpf a6oue f0eetf0 (t t0c of0ec wnbet neptf) q wpc0 paffpe fox t0e popnt ofmpD npgflt tpgflffp oppofpt to 5ettpc0 ottbqmt) t0efowqtwec0pet0atpatfpoft0c mfxpf pf pe mqb ttpg0t anb pf ooq mat) gopetowatf t0e oxpent oi to watt f0c occpbcnf 0e ae ne v 5cnpc0 anb new metpbpeq ♦ anb pt pe afwapceooq fox Wat ft pe fommac mpbbap to t0e»qqwpc0attowattt0eoxpent anb f0ep q wpcfl at fowatt t0c occpbent (i pf ooq maq pe ewpt mox tq ooq pfope pt pe metpbpeq peewpt mox ooq/oxpf0egotpg0fagepnef0empbbap oi fo watt fepfef tpoq 6ot pf 0e map not tc mopf 0ot Wat 0e 0aueot0ct 3cnpc0 anb f0pt two cetfxpfe metpbpeq anb oxp$oq t0ep fottow oot) ot0et rpg0ttp 4D8)z$0f) pa ooq gtef cetfxpf q wpc0 bpupbpe f0e pattpe of t0e 0cwpq t0 c qwpc0 we fe of ft anb t0e qwpc0 we ft not anb fape f0pppate pf ooq mat) wattqooq.*£wpq'fbnb 0ef0oofb fetpg0t f0e rnpbbpe of t0e 0ewpq t0e q wpc0 t0e raft0ept empfpept/f flat pe to fap 1 0e rnpbbpe of t0e fpeet anb pf pe oxp5ot) lopnnanb at mofhot0cett0 oft0eqwpc0 oxp3oq t0e centre pe f0e mpb pfiipe a t0e pfope it) t0e q wpc0 we at , §>o ewptpc0 mat) pe cwpc mot it) t0e rnpbbpe of pe oxp$oq anb jenpc6 pe t0e pof anb fo ae oot) maq pe ttanfpoxtft of ooq ptape it) oot) ot0et 0e pe it) ot0et pfape of t0e 0e\vpq anb ae ooq nof0et $enpc0 anb oot) of0et ox^oq . Btotftot) pe tp g0t ox o6fpfe (0ep 0awerpg0t oxapfoqt0atbmC(pe W>ett0eeqwpwpaf/fox (0?pt oxp^oq mfetfeq we anb bpwpbpe t0e eq wpno/ppai’ tpg0tfp 6e t0e two pofee oft0e woitb fpc0wpe tQatnooqof t0epofee penotafef(pfa0owe oxp$oq »oopp:effpfwnbecnepf0. ^ott0epf0cqwpc0 bweffpeof0etpfaepe 0o^ wnbet f 0c eqwpnoppaf t0ep 0aue t0apt oxp$oq o0fpfx fox f0eptoxp^oq fof^ fo wpe (i bpwpbpe t0e eqwptto^pafiq dpfiape anb not t pg0t (I pt appetpe to t0etqaftpmpeooqoft0epotjceof t0e woxlb afe^ptafioue tqeptoxp^oq (i f0eot0etpeewptpbpng tot0erqf0at t0ep fe pf not fee nomoxaffet f0e fpnbxp bwcffpnge anb after f 0at t0ep at of fengflt fcotq t0e eq wptt 0(Dpaf / anbt0e5enpc0pef0e»im\pattpmerpbpeq oxf0e rnpbbpe of (0e bapfpatfe of f0e qwpc0 two 0o wnbpe admit t0e oxp$oq. q to $engc0 at.jwt.begte attD ©fpoCwq to t0e fofpicrtl of fommer ar,lq to cg^^no^^ar.!P(p;t>m*bcgiCQ anb afof pot 1 %s) to t0e eq^g ttojp^atfo^^.begcceq^c^pe t0e,$.pac( of (0e roonbneeof t0e 0ewgq ■j of f0e eq wgnapmrq Ttq to foffhcm of ^gnter.^ppnt.begtce aub of (06 fliciiw) Sq to fo^oq.pftm.begtee tq t(jz q^?gc0 fofjiiciutt) g« t0e foTvq tq f0e 0oTvt of mg‘a bqgt0e 0geff bag offomma anb t0aq 0eenttge iq cancet anb gt ge f0e mot tteteff to $e«gc0 geet cetfzgfe at iq t0e 0e"&>gq namgt coff0\vetgtiet0e qwgc0 b^ 'Wgbge t0e 0e\*>gne iqniii.patfge egafe an) t0ep grow 1 tgg0ffg pafjat ooq 0c t0e poffee of t0e 5ozfb anb 0c t0e fm> fotpiciume arsb t0e of 0ete 6s t0e poffge atfo anbffief^o eq^rnoitgs ,1£0e fg£0 of t0t two fmaf ge eatYgt cetfzgf attgfz t0e caue of t0e pof 3obga& a8a^t t?>z pof attyh (i ge fgc0fg& ae to 0ge oppofptc namgt ceifzgfantattgfz . C0£ ot0et tW at namgt ttc^ pgcq 'Wce^^c ooq of fommte t0e ot 0ec of ’tvgntcs: . ^0c tcopgf; of fomc met ge caue of t0c fotfUcmtt) of fommte t0c iSeggtmgng ofcamtz/anti ttoi pgfe of TPgnfet of f0c foffiimtt) of yppntcc getgcBcggtmgng of capita mnm anb t0cg at c^gnfg bgftant t0c ooq cetftgf of t0c ot&u $egt tqcg pooib nofgf^ t0at t0c bgjtatte of t0c pof actgfz fo cctfjgf atfg&anbt0e OgfEane of ( 0 c pof ftopgfz of fommer fo t6e eq^gtsowaf of f 0 c ttopgfl of ‘wgntcr 9 of f0c cctfzgf anfatfgfc of t0c pofae t^ 0 ggbba%,T)Sii«begtc6 i 1C0c q^pgc0 put a'wag of (0s quartet ett «>g6 t0e pot { i (0c eq ^g»to?>gaf q wgt f0agt ge, bsgtee gt te0ge.^itt. begtee q^gc0 at t0c bgffas tttwt>e t0e ftopgcq^e ofwpnut anb f0e cctfegtartgfi / anb t0gt cctfzgfe at ca i\'vt fgfef fo% 1 0eg at not fo gtsf ae f 0c of 0cts afwagee f 0cg at bg'wg ^ fgt ooq 6c.ccc,^ of begt^e ae f 0c mop gtef < C4Df kfiW offfic tefconfpng of f fie fpngpe it) ffie fctpgjq. C-^tyS 0 *} att & er *tyfPtyt &pffetpe/foz otftor) pe tyt cetfzpf q wpcfi bpupbpe Cfie paetp of ffie fie wpq of ffie q wpcfi 55e (c of pf aBoae ffie ^i:t0 a tfie q wpcfi we je pt not/anb empjpept pe tfiat patty of ffie fie wpq aBoue ffie eetfi tfiaf Wcfc.Cj^oW ffie q wpcfi mo wpe not6ot aewemopf we of ooq pfape io otfiet/Bot cmpfpert fowtnpe cdtpnuaffp/fozooq patty kftye (i af$ cenbpe afiouc owe ozp^oq $ tfie otfiet pattp pbpe (t Dpfcett&pe wnbecncptfi * $*o oz^oq fef tpe not no pbpe not / 0ot pf tfiaf ctimpe aBoue feffpe (i pt tfiaf gopee OnDemecfi pbpe.i&3eteD»aq affo feftye not no rpfpe not. O&l wp^ ttoppaf petfie lowtnafcetfzpf qwpefi feftpeanb pbpe tegufatp (ompefi tq ooq fio wt ae tq ooq otfiet anb af tq.ppt tti.fio wtpe . 'Cfie ^obpafz pe ooq fatge cpcfzpfanb oBfpfz tq tfie qwpefi at tfie fpngpe feftyt (tpbpng aftq ooq Dap natwtaf/ Bof not tegufotp/foz pf feftpe moztqooqfiowc ffiaq tq ooq office foi fa mpefiffiatowt ozapfoq pe oBfpfz anb bpwpbpeffiejobpac tq two pottle q wept of ffie ooq pe af fprq a6oue o wt ozp$oq anb ffie office pact wnbet neptfi.i>o tfie fiaff of tfie fpngpe feftpe tQcn) feff aBoue owe ozp^oq ewptpcfi ooq Dap aztyfptpaffo rnpefi Be pf fptefoz Cong anb ffie of fict mpbbpe Be npgfif q wept foi pt pe gfiananf tfiat ffie bapee qwpefi at mox fBozt tfiaq tfie npgfitpe anb tfie fpngpe feftpe moz foonnat I ffie fbng bapee anb morat fopfp t (i fo tfie $obpafz feftpe hot tegufatp tq fipe pacfpe aetfif cq wpnoppaf.;&ot tBa^t pe two f0e $eat watpaepoq fox tQc Oaff of fBc $ob^afz q w^jcB tje of tBe Begpnn^ng of at^ee wq to ffle epnb of w^tgo affo gibber puttee affo mpcB of fl Be tptq to feft act Be Baff tBe eqwpno^taf qw^cB oq tBe fpb of fi^rq anb t Be^j ikgt>q fo feff tq ooq moment anb t Be^ e|jnb tq ooq moment affo 2£>af fBije m^bD^eof^ob^afz fefl^e tq fBe Bcg^ npng foonnat (i t^re mpbbp of tBe eqwt>no^afno: af fo^fpt anb pf eaf^ f^t feffpng oBt’pquefp. C^ en J of fB? sobpafz qw^cB of f Be Begpnnpng of ftBza wq fo tBe epnb of pifeee anb f Be mpbbpe of f Be cqwpno^pat'qwpcB p»Befpb Bp>q Begpnftpe (Z fewps fofeff fo gibbet Bof tBe eq wpnojv^af tq f B|^ patty fefty© f tBe Begpnn^ng anb moz foonnat anb f Be 5 obpafz moz af ftyftyt / anb pf ps caffpf feff tpgBf fBe q wpcB pe e wpt moz fpgBtyt fBaq fBe eqwpno^paf (ifB2 fBe ^obpafz newetfftefee f Bep epnb 0o< B tv gpbbet . CC^amppf fox fBe t wo mo wpnga q wpcB at caffpf ae pf t wo :neq bpb go of patpe fo fapnf benpe anb f Baf f 0ep pattyf Boffif o gpb 2 bet anb af fBe Begpnnpng fBe ooq bpb go fo wff fpat fBan f fie office anb fBe of fiet moz af Sbpffe > / anb fie qwpefi gope moz fopnnat ffiafBe moz foontm tq f fie mpbbpe of fBe wap ffiaq fBe office . &ot pf off fiat pfaps fie q wpefi ae gopng bpb go moz at fbpfpr anb f fiat ffie of fiet bpb gang fo wq/affo fo w $aWt tfyzooy mat) af fapn( benpe as ( 0 e ofOet « C 01 £e»O ( 0 c Caff of 50* bpafz fet) t$z Oegpnnpng ofcancu wt) to f0cepnb offagtffatttse it) fcffpng Serp8 mot (0aq (0e 0aff of f 0e eq wpnoppaf fo (Oaf 0aff feffpe afcpg0f anb (0e o(0et Oaff of jobpaf* feffpe oOfpqucfp* C£>f (0c °f *0c crf0 anb of f0etegpone. Hl&tfoi (Oaf we fpepfz of fietnpe anb wnbctjfonbpng (Oaf f 0 e fOpppate 0 ae we f 0 af fap of (Oe bpwpfpot) of f 0 eet (0 anb of ( 0 ept patfpee fo t 0 apc opppnpot) . tfD w ept fox pf pe fo nofpfp (Oaf (Oe etf 0 pe af rowrtb anb fox f Ope fo ae( 0 ep goof ootjfonb it) oof) of 0 ct 01 it) oot) of 0 et (otftot) (Oat) f0ep fe: 9 appctpe oot) of 0 et patfp of f Oe 0 ewpf )/anb pf oot) bpb go of fepf? ftpot) tpg 0 ( fowatf (Oe mpb bap ( 0 epofattpfzf 0 afOe foOpnjfeeafeffpf anb f 0 af appept netet f Oe et (0 :anb pf 0 e bpb So w) (Oe conf tatp pf fOaf ap* pept fo 0 pnj mox afeffpf aOoue 0peozp5ot) 6e (Oe.ppp.parfp of(0c,8t,pat$ fpoff0cat&mctpbpci):0e f0af0auepaffpf f0e.ppp.pat(p of f0e.8t.par* fpe of Oaff of (Oe cprfzpf of ( 0 cctf 0 anb (Oe pot fOatOe feffpf fee of oot) begte of (Oe cptfzpfof (0e ccfO anb f Oe pof ffiafOe to 0ptt) feeafeffpf of cot) begte/( 0 at) of (Oe begte of (Oe aOo wf gopcng of cpt cnpf of (Oe ertO of fOe wpc 0 af (Oe begtce to gibbet ac.ac.fc.anb confenpe oot) begte of (Oe erf 0 pfm.fcge anb oot) 0aff oz(0ape aOow(.£fae(0e fpept of f0e 0ewpt)pebp wpbpf Oe ( 0 c.mt.fee cetfzpfe tt).8.pat(pe caffpf.S.jonce.^o (Oe etfO pe bp wpbpt tq.S.regpone . ^Df (0 c q wpe 0 ( 0 efpt(f (Oe pofarfp&anb (Oe cet&pt attpfe , 1£0e fegwnb pe effwpe (0ecetfzpf atfpfr anb (0e(toppcqweof fomme t. 1£0e. Mi.pe effwpe f Oe (toppcq we offommct anb f Oe (toppcq we of wpnfct . 'CO e.tm.pe effwpe (Oe tcoppcqweof wpnfet anb ( 0 c cetfzpt anfatfpf*. ^06.8. pe etf wpe(0e cccfzpfanfatfpfc anb t0cpof anfatfpfz. 2 Df( 0 e q wpc 0 te gpone of (Oe erf 0 fm (Opppate fape (Oaf (Oe fpt{! anb.8. attnOaOpfaOpfe foto wet gtef (oofbnee fox (0ep at owct fat ftott) (Oe fowt). 1£0c f 0 rpb qwpcO pe mpb wap pe owe nepr (Oe fowt) a wnbet f Oe . ft tepf anb pf pe tnOaOpfaOpf fox (Oe mpc 0 gtef Oepf ♦ ICOe o( 0 et f wo pat^ f p© (Oe fegunb anb (Oetfm. at nof ower nept (Oe fowt) no o(0et fat f tort) pf fofOeaatfempetpf tqOcpfneeanbcoofbnee fozfOaf fOep atOaOpfaOpf pf fOept fe no ofOet tmpefOemcnf ant poffpOpf (Oaf pf 6e fo wf 0 anb pf $ Oe poffpOpffopaefotcgpot) wnber (Oe wap of(0efow»)caffpf $one foitpba fozfogoof fOe/egub i (Oe.uit. jfoz futt) /Opppatc (Oep Oab paffp( ( 0 e P Oa^ fpofzpq q wept foz f Oep fap (Oaf (Oaptpe no tegpoq OaOpf Oof (Oe fegwnb H (OcqwpcO we anb afo(0et fpwanb at. C©f Tarcty tfoq qWftB pe foi fpntep BaBpfci^ epons mb tegponeof t0c etf0. >$t(QWats(f artpfz aet 0 e bapee mot atfeng 0 toft 0 ecqwpnoiofafanbmoztowreiq wpnter anb ae newer t 0 c fowqaBo«et 0 fpr fiepb no'to wart feptemtrpoq. ? « 3 t tBat part^e cftfieettf? webwet^t^fffff^fBef qwf£ 0 bweBfpe wnbprt 0 e 4 cerfzpfartffe ot tcfpp^ tf fi of $obf afe t 0 ef r fbjf$oq anb qweq t 0 e fo wq fs jq fof(ttemtq of font £ t wt met pbpe tfetf) not /an§f0cp 0er&eitoKpg0f eoqbop naf mef of. ^Yri , 0ompefpc0 fpf:qmt)f0efoi&p»)p0 it) fofflpcputi) Tppnfet pe oot)Sapna* f ' \mfr0af f0ep 0am confpnueflpgTPet) f0e fow) rpfpe not . $£ ^0e St. f0ep qTvpc0 at 'wnber eff*wpe f0eretf:pff0ep 0aue it) fdmct affpnb:p bapenafmefe ttj (0c cp^cfj mafias tot$$ ooqbapatfpfpcpafwpfj} owf npg0f anb affo it) Tppnfer at fpnbip bapce nafmefe tt) f0c q^pc0 f0ep 0a^ we eicvpr mm npg0f anb it) (0 mpc0 aefflep bnm nept t0e poof tt) fo tnpc0 as t0e bap atf pfpcpef of fomrnet mo: gtef attb a0apbpe tt) oot) pfape oot> mpf: anb of Set oot) monef0 tt) of0et fwo 02 tt) of0et f0:e 0: mo: anb p:o$ po:cpon«fp 1 0e npg0f af'wpnfet pe mo: gtef fo: fun) of 1 0e fpngpe at ex^pt mo: aSoue f 0ept fotpjot) anb fun) wnbet nef 0 exx>pt mo: anb tt) fo mpc0 ae f 0e foxrt) tt) f0e fpngpe aSone pf pe bap tt) fo mpc0 pe f0e foxt>t) ae tt) t0e fpngpe xwbet nepf 0pf pe npg0f . C * Stt .f0ep qx*>pc0 b weffpe tpg0f fp xmbe: f 0e pot ae f0e 0a ff of t0e 5eat f0e foxw) aSoxsre 1 0ept fotp * 3ot)q\t»pcfibpvpbp6f0efpngpe.Si.0peanb «Stfaxx> qxveptfb: q^et) f0e foxvt) pe it) f0e fpngpe qxvpc0 at 0pe anb fo watf 1 0ep 0a we confpnueifbap anbqxmjpfpe f0atjfoxvatf f0e mpbbapf0ep 0axve amfpnuef npg0ffo t0ep 0auc it) 1 0e $ear Oof oot) bap (i oot) npg0f . £faepf pe fapb of f0e etf0 foxvatf f 0e pofatfpf: 1 0ep mapxwbetffonb of f 0e of 0ete anb 0epe 0a0pfa cpone f oxvatf f 0 e pof anfatfpf:. ®, 2 Dpupfpot) of f 0 e etf 0 anb oonfp of t 0 e 0a0pfacp0eqxppc0pe.0pppateanb of0eteae f0ep bpwpbpf f0c etf0 0a6pfa0pftt)»Stt,patfpef0e qx?pc0 f0ep cafcfpmae anbn 3 meef0£. 1C0e fptff cfpmaf bpametoee.1£0e fegmtb cfpmaf bpafenee.1£0e f0*pb cfpmaf oafppenbip ♦ 1£0e .nit. cfamaf beat0obce . 1£0e .S.cfpmaf bparomee. 1 £ 0 e. St. cfpmaf bpa 0 otp|fenee. 1£0e.Sit. cfpmaf batpp 0 eoe. £Dff0e qxvpc0e*wptpc0cot)ae f0apt fangnee befetmpnef (if0apt fotgenee affo anb of fa mpc0 ae f 0ep at mapb of eqxppnoppaff0ep at of fo mpc0 fotge(? long ottb p:ocebpeof f0e fangnee of f0e otpenf tt) f0e occpbenf anb tq fot * gpnee off0empb bap fo fcpfemfpoq* ^ 0e fptff cfamaf affet futt) f0pp^ pare confenpe of far gpnee f0c0aff of f0e cptcwpf of f0e etf0/f0e q vpcfi pe oot) 0onb:ef0 tfiovefanb anb f^o 0onb:ef 0 fege fo f 0ep f0af0aue , anb oot) 0onb:ef0fege. ^0e fegnnb cfpmaf pe mo: f0o:f anb fee forge anb f0e f0tpb mot f0ai) (0e fegunb anb fo of of0ete 0e f0efoe maftpngof f0eetf0 ckmanb foKvatf fepfemftpot) fo: fo ^mbet0fottb q\pa0at pe fo fapcfpmaf pf f0oofb 0e 'wnbetjfSb pf f 0af cfpmaf pe oonfpape of etf0 ega^ forge of f0e q^pc0 f0e feng0fnee pe of f0e otpenf tq f0c occpbenf anb pefatgpnee pe aimanb off0e mpb bap anb of f0e etf0 mpf 0a0pfa0pf #o^atff0eeq^pno^pafb«t'wanbfofepfemfrpot) fompc0 aeoot) 0o:foge oCangpsnof ,'ffoitt)f0eetf00a6pfa0pf f0e 0o: fogee c0angpef0ett). Stt< fpmpc if) facilpne6ofcfpmaf5 pf pe neceffpfe to fap f 0 af f 0 apt pe * Stranl qmpt pe <0c %atpacpoq offjozfogee anb pe f0e bp^mfpfe ofcfpmat 3 0o*w Tvepf t0af fpc0 ooq Tvatpacpoq f0oofb 0e pjopptfppjpfpt it) t0e mpbbpe of t0e cfpmat not it) (§e Segpnnpng no it) t0c epnb fo: neptnce anb cotwcnSe of oot) to oot) of 0et it) oot) cfpmat t0apt pe ewpc ttiox oot) Sap artp * ftc^cfoffommec mo* f$ort t0aq (0t ot0ec tfic cfpmat} an8 t0pe bapf0a$ ipppef0ebefctaneiqt0empbbpeofe^p*pc0 oot) :goobfpat it) 1 0c Oegpn * npng o* it) t0c epnb t0c q"wpc0 t0png map 0c Twbctjfonbpf fenfp0pf 'vrptd t0e jg fox to iuge t0e befetane of t0e cfpmat$. £t pt pe to not t0«t wnbet t 0 eeqT¥>pttO 3 >paff 0 egapeeanbt 0 e npg0tpetqaf tpmpeat ewpq e^pcpc0 oot) of. pit. 0ompe 0ot cumanf foyvattof fcptetnfcpoqt0ebapeeof fd* met “wappe fong anbto bapee of wpnfet^appefflort anb itjfo mpc0 ae t0epb*a^heeptf0efepfemtrpoq iq fo mpc0 t0e bapee groups fpc0 ^pa t0atM)t0eepnboft0e fat fet cfpmat (0e bapee it) fommet a: mozgcet tq 0ampe anb oot) 0affmoi t0aq t0ep at it) f 0c 0cgpnnpng of 1 0e fptff anb f0c pofpe mot afeftpt of.ppfyii. begjce it) t0e degpnnpng of f0e fptjf cfp* mat 1 0e moft fong bap of fbmmcr ae.pii.ffompe. pf3 .momcne anb f t0c mpbbpeof t0c cfpmat t0e fongcfl bap ae.piii.0o mpepe pofafeftpt. p$i • gegtee anb fcffpe pe fotgenee ^q tot0e moft fong bap of fommet pe*piit* 0ompe.pS, momee anb t0e pofafcjfpt.pp.Degtee anb ooq 0aff t0e Tcpc0 fotgpnce aetwo0onb tet0 anb. pp.fpegpe of ctf0 . tfteti) t0e fcgunb cfp* mat 0cgpnnpe q*wept ppt0e epnb of t0c ft tff (i t0e mpbbpe pe at t0e mojf feng0t anb ae.ppiti. 0ompe anb oot) 0affanb t0c pofpe afcjlpf. ppim. bcgtceadouc t0c fo:p$oq anb.pS anb foftpepefotgpnee^q to t0c mo jt fong bap anb ae.pMi.0ompe.pf l 0 .momcne anb t0c pofpe af0ffpf .p$ti. bcgtce pnb 0affanb amfenpet0pefatgptteefTw>0onb*et0 fpcggpe t'ujffp 1£0e t0ipb cfpmat 6cgpnnpe iq tfieepnb of f0e fcgunb anb pempb pfope pe in 1 0 e mofi fong pfope qwpt pe 1 0c mo|i fongc|f bap anb ae.pim.0o\e tpeanb.joS.momcne anb t0c pofpe afejlpf bcgtce anb.^S . mo* mens (i pe fotgpnce cjtccbpe i^q fo f 0c moft fattgcj! bap pe ♦ mi . 0o^»tpe pS.momcne anb (0c pofpe afoftpf ./p^iii.bcgtce anb./of. momcne 1£0e tiiwfpmaf 0cgpnnpe at f0c cpnb of f0c f0tpb anb pe mpbpfapepf pe of f0e moflfongeff bap af.^tit . fom^anb oot)^a(fanb t0epofpeafoftpf af (P^t.bcgtceanb#?).momcnepefatgpncefo(fpe 'wq.fo f0emo(l fdgeff bap 0oxt?tpe anb .|pfS.momcne anb f0e pofpe afcffpt . pppip , bcgtce anb confcnpeof t0cctf0 pe fatgpnceooq 0onbief0 . f. fpcggpe . 1£0e . % . cfp* mttfiqf0ecpnboff0c.mi.anbpempb|)fope pe ooq f0e mojf fongeff bap af./pm.0o^tpe anb.^. momcne anb f0c pofpe afcffpt af «>fi , bcgtce a pp . momcne anb fejfpe 0pe fotgpnce tov fo f0c mojf fongee bapee pe i»)S.0o^tpe anb .?>S.momcne gnb po 'pe afcffpt 0 p. 5 >ftiri. bcgtce a a 0aff anb pe fotgpnce confenpe of f0eetf0 ooq 0onbicf0 fpcggpe aitb.p9i.^i& Sr c(pmat 0 eg$tfst?e tty tgcepb of tge» S.tmb^a m(^ ptapepamofi Song to po.p% t go?H>q|8 a«?) ooty Qaffmb t 0 z pot*® akftgta&ouc tQifap 501* pfB/dggteeanbe^m.tttamcfte fge qwpcfy pa fatq^me fifty* tge mojt fongeft ba£ .jpS.gomge atfb.pfS.momcrts tge wpc 0 ^efarg^tiee m cot) gonbietg tyzgps & 0 t$iixtymat 6 igpnnpn*ii) fgee^tb oftffc . St, anb ant) pe m$t pfapa pe oof| ffr mo ft ibngijl baf> at >p% U gomge attb tQi pat paakftyt .pWuhzgm «?sb •plmomme pa &?cg§seeat&ifb{»e wi)to tge moffwngcflb^atipStegow^e* j0S,mom«teanb t$e potpe akftytj, begteeattbooty fyotfarihcontmpotQi ktgpnia of t$zut$Mipp4.piii $ mitwipityw* confybuaqot) of fffc gtitwn * toffof?bgftg offQpppate , fLi&ptputtQe cm tgat aftiz t$t kngma of tfe ifpmafy tgat tfytp maf goaBowt t$titt$gopa&b ta'wart tQioccppint(ompc$t§attQipmapgo afto'wt (i cetomty bj t§z p&^s qmpi i§cp 0am paztpt fap& tgaty fa fggp* pare tge ftwwpi® am faw it got tfizp ma^ti ifjai t artt^tg. Cgeg fa$ fp Be caufofoon ipamppttQat oat) mat) maf?D tfyp* tomnpti# i^mmtusa bapzagopzngwgufatptowatt ttfc occpbmt anb 0 e$o^tga!ibtge|b < wty ofmpb bagaftb tgatge pafiT^eipp^cg ooty mtatzt bag t§i*piupaity*of tQzcptcuptoftQiiitfyanb.ppp.bmiomoiQmran&tfyat fyititmnpt tty t0imoinpngtot0imu\fbpin)oft0atmai)mb fo fgaf 0am tgat maty gs ba^anbrttlS^^f-^s^a'wr^ wbfgaf0e moifmgfk tge .pti,j?actj> of coqbapmtuwU§ti pf§itqipiiqmpxfoip( foftowp* of ncccffgtctgat ity.ptt.nafutef bagee ttyat maty fgaigaue wntp #i . bags mb.pt » ttgggtge anb fwt) t§png anb tgat tge (toty (fyatmt tpo to 0ptf) fiotooq.pi (pm$s no fQatnot ptb got ooty.jpt .tgmge foi ooty,prtoes anb ooty,^figggtge twp* tgcg ooty anb cmtqcf) ooty npgfyt of. pp$i . gomge ar . pii . natwtefbage € wgtgcg ooty bag.ftwut. Qompo.i&fytitt) di fijcg tpti confpbitatyoi ) tgat ptapppnptt0atooqot0a maty tgat wfb ma^fi t§at tomnpnggoptng fo^arttgc oipznt mb gab ^eba^ and npg®tmot($ott fgai) ptpeoot) no* tutd ba^of two 0 o*^re $ t$at ve ba^ a n^gg^ fgaino ^ $z of •ppiu. gonvte Cgaty tf ge ma^b t? } pitot tow* act f 0 c otpint an?) tgat co 0 cct fgoo^f aBa^S tty tge pkya qweyc tgc^ patfyf tgc ooty and fgco?gec cmb tgat affo pctt>r fa^b tgat tgapc pa two ba^e p( nampt patfcii&^ib of (0c fpept, CC'antue m (0« (repo en(pf an? pfanfpf anb gomrnpe (0cnefjof m 3 *nb(0e(0io(.(£(®ftcgp0nec^(0oppe anb (0c fonb (0apt a6o'w((i‘wrt^ bttpe.pjwV. bcgie (0apr fcf(peoof) pert) fypptof (0c fptp magnp(^b (0a((0cf0pppate taifpe0p nm patfcne(0e fooqof tupp(ct (0c q^pr0 b$£owf<0e0e0> ofmtbufa tQcqwpcQcmfpt to kaffQett) Wat Beflefb fccQwp Wat Be m mg fit) t$q mp0t fcepp t?wy . §%pate fajns f^atc|"tvef| macs catiro^wC wgfB t$gafica) £0af f0e£qwt>c0 at fkmj wn Dec t0a«* cBfieffaqioi) as Wept 0ef>b cowtf|?b yf gob ma&ge tfoti} mtg ca^» Wep catoftpmpa Wat fieri; tin 5 oftfje fwo;rb, 4Effif& BM^fot) oot) fieri) fpppt anti pe fo&ovcp e 4E&mim Betotmpe ktgpma goob co^caf’ge/w^f/fa^cnes/c&t&f^p anDgowecntjeofmat) tHef$iifbersf?eatm^6(itHeHof?b^@ anboflffctt* g^ons iwget ) acmm^e caztavqc / mb t$z mpb tre*>e anb Wither ^e.p#m. begce anb fo C0at>c foftpe oot) fieri) f$>gf itamgf alette anb.^s»^i.ot0es fietft^s w£t0 (tynj£t pe l t$e fpg ut afoot) atmgf mat) 0awab oat) 0a6eriot) oot) (t Beft^t wptf) ooi) fwo?b anb Betofm^s gtef capfa^s. C^otraqwgeB at 0ooit) wnbec C0at confieffoc^oi) at it} banger ofw^o&n* beeW anb to Be &£&!* t (ca^foi) owt0 Wat goab naftni^fe fapf t§etq not i Wept BptW Cxmmi cmD # ttgo at We 0o wft*e ofmucmms/Bot %i*go ft pe pt it} We qwprifttf teiopepf mofi anb fo pe»0emmi in ff)cau,begtc tBee^aftacoon of £0e fje^b of t0c Diagot}> C^Df f0e jto£s f$s>$ f0af f 0e f%pate taC^3 af0a0oj. (CCancet 0ae ^bf0^) aBoue £0e frc^e anb ew^t) (£ as of C0e s6ob^ of j$e mat) 0;erft f0e 0atf (He fiomafc f0e ftbee f0e cafe f anb C0e f|»g0ft^6 ante of t0e redone atmentj fee mb f0e teg|W) of (0e oi^ent igt fo t>t at tftfi adorn Qpit} it).%iiubegte oot) fieri) fpppt Wat We $t>ppar* ca%t 0 af0a0o* t^at tje to fat? We gtet bog and t$ep fap qw^cB at Bocnt) wttbet Wat pfatte* e Boott) f0af am) gtemmf^ t^c0 anb cmczi We 0owe of We mo wt) anb c^ffac^ot) ofiupitet it) We.p$* beg re. C€>f (0e fieri) nam^t (0e Harr offset) , ft • U^nbetffteffngof ff6;m tik qW$ as tozb s 0fp a6oue f0e gtei ttcfe anD fatgee anD 6c to&nfe lufige anO as Sotb^fp aooue nef cs anD w> Detf0e Tvaaiqanbaeoft^ tegfonetftefanofeof romanfc mb of gccu wnDet fe ,fl>$q*begte fo afeftfe ooq pctqffpft.t0at ooq t0at t0c jpfppac 5 catffe po;& apf fc.1£0ef qTPf c0 at 6ootq tv nDec ifyat tonfieitacfoq as ooq gpet fayt ffgut tfjef at fjoneji (ttflef Dofe f0fngfeqmftofdjcpeTvpff metwef tTfe anD Tfapfe gfeb anD 6c totmye lytifeo 6f mazcqanbfe 0o^ nefff te anD t6ef at oftfmfe fowft TVft0 fcof© anD fojbfe/anD tf6iaTvfc0 feftfe Tvnber ft fe t£e jtetq t0«t fef tf e f e ooq of t0e 0 otvs of wenws t0e ot0ct ft fe ft tq t0c qTtf c0 0e tciofes t0e rnoff ano jo fs t0e epat'f acfoq of fatuttfuefoz tffc tfrq ft Oegrnnfe toTvap cotb anD ft fe t0e monetq of fop tmQctmb fafutnus fet0e planet fozb of cootDncst0tq^fc0 Tvoib Do afeftft qweq 0c anttee iq fp.6ia* 4L£>ft$t cto^q fcptcmftfonaf (!etq ff t pft, fe 0onnom (t epafta? cf oq to m Wf c0 at 6otq ^nDet t0af (dpcf&tfoq fpzqafy q^vl ft fs wef 6c0ofbfngof f$e fo^q*^0c fcojpfoq fscoq oftffa 0o^^eofmais tq t0c qypfc6 ft retofes moff anD atf ?© f s t0e of 0et anD fo ft fe t0c ffng iq f0e q^f(0 ficgfnnfsmars fo fafoffs c^aftarfoq . Cfi>f 0att of fco:pf^| ooq (fetqffpft a cdfidfacpn tt) gtef0cnom (t t\ cBee/Bot qwcqgf liee-wgl 0e0o%ng offatummotof matapf puttee t§ito po? wute .^ag^ftatpue t e ^ ^oveof mpptetit) t$z qi?£c0 pi tetopemoli ap%fite)ietBeotBet§ove/$fopetBefaiih fagpffat^ue f0eepa&< ic^otjof tf)cta$oft$efaa%ot)* C tibftdeagfc yvolmtftw) f$>i >t ^^apt^cotnuedetofmtiem^ofgob^ue fapge ptefuf(i of gtef mftecd go WH(?a ?0e ttene^a of mat) (5 of f0e reg^ona etljfjope (iata0|>a g zfyaml %vi)tot()et^ofc^(imbet^*ip(T5Sm.Dcgi:c f0a£tteffy6 oot) fleet) e0af fftyppate coffee f0e apgfp fefand t0a 1 0e fofenpe ti)c f^ng^e t0e epeco wta fo'weea^te $ t0e£ (]^c0 at 0oort) wnbet tfiai confPdlatpt) q^et) pf^e mef 0e0o%ttg of £0e fovt) nbet aquetjpue t$e qv$c§ 0e0of0£e f0e feggpa of mat) m fo f0e anf fet0 of r0efepfanbae of f0e regions 0a^ettotp afenp0a anb f0epacf£of f 0e ectO of fpaf|t!$c (t oot) patf|> of eg(>p at pe*ppi • iegie f0at?t feftpe oot) pert) t0aff0^ppara caffes paff^ot)meee5^ottaff0^q^^0ac 0oo*t) wn =s bet f0at ccnfieflacpot) at 0appp it} f^c0 ffjat) it) t§c fo of tfyz m^b ba£ (i?t) 0(teIt*>.begcee ttyayt Uftpe oat) befp0|>s) £0a£ Be toting ioibffyp a0owc f0e fe anb a6oue fianga a r^ace anb aa fa$5 pe aqaat^uapa f0e 0o¥e of jfatimwe tt) t0e q^c0 0e retake mof? • C^f pegafweql*tc0 Utoim^a oot) 0ore of 05nom fleet) ftpfi fa0^f q^pc0 pe moff fepfemf e^otiaf attb aa pait of edmen^e anb mber^a.^Subegre f0a^c fef^a oot) fleet) f0aff0^ppats caifyept $ gafue c0at t0e 0oia efQonnom anb £e f^aut^ it)f 0e foitt) of oot) fa^e 0oi© , C0c^ q^|)f0 at doott} ^nbee f0af cenfkfkcpon ae 0omtom etfwi>e geef eapfa^ta eff fozbra anb qmt) venue pe vftf) 0t jtt) f0e|> ar tovpt of gtet fabpe fo f0af f0e fayb fiat) Be i f0e mftbb^a of f0e 0e^t) tt) f0e ttfcenbattf anb ppfcee oot) of f0e (jo^fre of inp^ec (i fag*>ffae^u6 (0e o(0er tt) f0e qu^c0 0e tciopemojfmb fo at f0e fa('b ftc0 tt) f0e. ^Snr» begee fOee^affacpot) of xmwe , C 0e^n© fpt% anb f0eeif0 uia\> Be bf>xvf»bpf it) Mi, pf^e 0e tvo foaidvs tfie q^c0 toifve rpg0ff? a0onef0eai.poffe6attbco^jtttf^mp6 f0e equpnojopaf . qcQo&j oft$t farb . m..patf^e it).nit.patf^6 egafp anb t0epma£fr ( m pat^eegafefo wqjcfl it) tfjc 0c^£?) m t0 c cztf} t0at fftyppare cafi^s anb t0a^r *>e.pn .(Jo*^© »£Dft0e q^£c0 t0c{>t £© * ti .e^t moi a&met0e€tt0 anb.Si.^nbet anbmo'W^ not tf}£t 0oTpf$>© 8ot tcpc0at tfytqt at e^t moi it) fgagtpfacge $ t0e f^ngte anb t0e ptanet$ t0q> pae afaos jtipt) e^cmoit^tut^omce. 'ICfyn oftQc (Jo'wffje at of t0e orient at mpbnpg0f go{*eng*vmbet t0e et(0 t0e fttfi /t0e feg«b/t(5e t0:pb qmtjtoftftefptfl \mbet t0cei£0 Oeg^nn^s atf0e o:pcnt anb p© nampt t0e0o^eoffyw A £0e fegunbfloTtsof |n6ffaneanb t0e© t0e f0t^b q^c0 enbp© afm^bnpgrftfOe 0o^8of 0tct0ete. C$e.mr.q^c0 6cg{m£ n^eaf m^bnpg^te^ffanb f ffje occ^bcitt petfje ^o vveofpaft^monp. S.^et^c ifaveof t 0 e few) . Cfe^nenbant at t$c ocq’bettf wibetf#* crt^V 6 t^c 0 o^ 6 offepijn€ 6 , / COe.^u. Oegpnnanfattfteocqjbenf a 0 oue tf)e ett 0 apfflfce agejwe f 0 e m^b ba£ £© ffte 0 o^a of manage, 1 C 0 e.$m. foffo'wanbt0e0o^eofb2et0’ cnbantat m£bbapt 0 e 0 otyeof tefyg^ot) anb ofpetcgt^natpoi) .'Oe . p. fieg^nnant at mpbbap agents t 0 c orient flow of flonomanbofteawtj. C 0 *.(W. floweof fapt 0 fu£ fie£nbtjertttb .pu. qw 0 enbpsaBa metf 0 it} t 0 e ot^euf anb # ^ caffyf I 0 e 0 o'\Y 6 oft 0 atpfe . slot foj cauf tf^e mafpc pe 0 acb fflpppate fattpe pt go fpgfltfy anb tjt fwfft>q>e to t 0 emof tffya t 0 at faj>$ £© T*tf 0 ^ ffeswt 0e^pjefent. 3r < Tvo f 5 nbcr /ion b ae f^ppare 'wnberffob^ q\P0a( I w//ifw P^^ r W^eifl^i^oo»> give tjiomimyottf®ft$€(Qtyt)t$mt tQat ba£ ^ fo* (0cpftme( (0c fcgiwbOoto cmb fo* (0c pfoncf fote fowaub atib (£c (0t{?b fo: ( 0e ofijetae at (0£t figure 6c (0e^ a *b£t (i ^( (|e g0a\V(w( (o go fton) folto mnne (i mctau^ueto ftma(taf(et(otc(o^tq (ofa(umue\*>q(o (0i, t m W)(0cftn:ff 0om q^>c0 £®(0c 0(m0cf5tt^ig0(q^c0t^fd (0epfam( (j (0e (egunff 0o w cf(0c n£g0(fo:*pmt. e tim poieftbefcccmf to (0c 0om8t0c q*ft^c0 aiott^fvc^zte * §0$jpare fity* tdatfatumue anb mate acew^fpfane^ iupytct anb avenue atgaob.^f dttb fiwa ac m^b ways gaob anb m$> ^a^ce c^f. 1£0e parf£ foment (0c ^ftpbop vebnefbap gjpjonovnbop goob pkmt pegoob (t tfie portp to vott tfie e* wpfptanetp® evpf. 2$tt cuuue vptfi oot) goob pfanet cdtopnt pe gob onb Sptfi oot) c vpf pe e vpf $nber|tonbant tfipe q vet) ae to tfie m* ffvene goob oi evpf vpefi or of tfie pfonet} fieptfav. 'Cfiefiov* tpe of t^c pfttncf $ bpffe reeotffiettjof tfiefio:^ fogee/fa: tfie fio vre of tfie fio:fb gee at it) of tp; wipe egafe e vp:pcfioot) of.ffc.momeue/fiot tfie fiovte of tfie pfonet} qvet) tfie bopee o tfie ttpsfitpe or fievpq tfiot tfie fovt) pe it) oot) of tfie eq vpnoppe ffiepat evpt). &ot affo fo vq pe tfie bop groves o: gto vpe not fo hope tfie fio vre not vrefe fie tfipe tfiot p£ pe gfionont aftpttj (fiat (fie bop fiouc.pit.fiovte tempozefe anb tfie npgfit.pti.offo.t£t qvet) tfie bopee or mo: gret otib tfie §o vre mo: gret onb qvet) tfiep or fpfef onb tfie 6o vre fee o fpcfifpf: of tfie npgfif .j£t nctagfiem/tonbonf oot) fio vr of tfie bop vptfi oot) fio vr oft fie npgfittogpb&eroe.m.ffo: of momma atfo mprfioet Vo fiovte artrfp^ cpefe/fc: tfipe tfiot tfie oot) fep.fpe tfie otfier tof:pe ♦ f£t fapf: ve tfie bop of ovr pfamtyof tfie fo vt) tepffanf onb not fiefo: vt) fo tfie fovt) gopeng to onb not after (i of tfie tememmf pe npgfit.f^pattippfoftfipe q vpefi fopb pe.jjt) beeemfict tfie bopee oe fio£.55m.fiovrs octpfprpefe of fioifogee onb tfiep fiaue 0of.(Otf.tempo:efe:fo tfiot tfie.55m.fio vre ortpfprpefe fie bpvp^ bptiq.wt.partpeegofe tfipeffio^e.iPti.tpmpe.iof.momene (icvptpcfioot) portp ffiaffie ooq tempo:ef fio vt tfie q vpefi ffioffie of.jpf.momene onb no nm.tct fo tt) becemfiec tfie fio vre tempozefe of tfie bop os fiof tfiep of tfie npgfif ae.«n>p * fiot it} tfiot fprg tfie npgfifpe ae.p5n.fio vre artpfpcpefe qvpefi or bpvpbpt in . jpu, uartpe ar.ftn.pp* momene fo: eVptpcfioeq qvpcfipe oot) fiovr tempouL §>o tfie fio vre of tfie npgfit it) beccmfier oe fo i un.pp.of tnomfe.&tp(.niotmmofoQi) 0omoff0ebap attbdm.ffo* of oo»)0o^coft0€n^0tmaf:t>8.Si,j!oj ofmomzm fOaffwo 0ome tern* poizfeotfomycdaetyoatfyfyciptetdz (rwpc0 at e\pptpt0oos) af.fjD*of momcm.tSt it) hvpng pe 6e f 0e cdttatv.0t) mate anb it) fepfemttec at U)t §o me at cgafe as Dapea at egafe. £t it) others monetfie 6p egafpozcpot), *wpt0 z wprpc0 ooi) pfonef 0e^r aftout at fpgutpf anb f0e fpngpa q^pc0 at f 0e do wfpe oft0ep pfancf$ ae pf ae 6ep*j fapb afot . Maputo mm (t aqua* timat t$c 0o^f(>8offatutnii6.^a'gittatwaartb pifas of mpifet . §>co%* pine anb ariceofmate.Jeoof f0e (ow). / &mwe$&Siaof Semie.&itgo mhgcminiofmztcurim* lancet of tuna ^f0of0?tefpgnpfpc«cpons f0e gwpcO at a Wr fang to tzcownt . 5" 3>f £l9p foW) 0 g 0 eue f 0 e fa Snbecffdb C 0 pe f 0 af feet) (i map cdp 2 e 0 enb flDf 0 t W) (i fiempe q^>pc 0 at t 0 ape £Dmpc 3 t 0 pnfo xpepf patfomb 0 cottfybu f0e fpnge at patf a 0 oue $ patf xmbct nepf 0 £t fo oftdz.%iLptanzt$ §>o mpc0 fapr cfc t anb ptoppt 0 f 0pnfo of t0c mownpa gopettg fa £t of f0e fowt) £0af wfb tpe $conf$ttt$c oi$ent C0e mpb pacfp anb 1 0e occpbenf §cpfemf tpo t) anb f0e pomeaw of t0e 0ewpij mpc0 dec (i mpc0 6eaw fo? at0umapt) cteafw 9 T*>pff0aT*> Sap cetfapn 'Co feen tftp fsfffo tc^ff0c mef :8et0ow f0oolb gowtn £0e c0o w map ft 0ept 0o w . $ff0pppat6 ^nbetffanbpe fcmfp C 0c nafme o ftfie pfanef$ » C0af gob m otbifnpf anb mapb f 0ewj aftct f 0epc fpngpe. C0o^ f0af fpttb ftp t fcr0pnge ©\tpc0 f0afgeue f0eabwpfeme«£ . £Dfffip bcpb anb gommpng jffot 0 fap anb fee0e fo ffie ♦ C0af ewpt pc0oon 0eq>e in 0pa fepn^e £)ot) pe foto^fuff0e of0ec topo\P6,C0c oof) £npbf«f£0cof 0ct amoto'We flDon 0oof oot) of 0et cootb . ^oi) pe fwpf oon of c (ipf £Dot) wnbfif ooi) of 0ct fctfctf, 0ot) oot) or^cr bip £5on arrogwiif oon of0et goob*§>o ae goboibanpa f0citj & on4iiftoj) fj&pe ot t?of pfepe,C0coot) goob f0e of0et §>afutnwe cooSb t0at 0ofbp® f0e emppt.^fjtf.pfaneft 0e pe ^e^ecjl £ct mate Dap t0e q wpc0 appatfa wpe.£f pe not goob fpat prpfpt to 6c Jupiter pe goob anb affo mnm. 'Ocp or t0c fprft 0ofr>pi) j^etcuture fafbp«fo two pattpe.0oob oi ewpf ae6e rpgfit 0f0e 6c topnpt to onpot0ei;»1£0at rnafrpe 0ptt) aeflpnj (effanb no of0et l£0c fowt) anb t0c mowq as tcnam6*0f 6off goob anb atfo 0aff c wpfe ^o tfiow fflafwnbetjfdb wptflowf bowt.1£0aptcwptHee o^oobnee of fQe fpguteqwpcfl foffowpe, Inflow $af wnbetffonb bap anb «pg0f jjq ewptpc0flowtqw0atpfanct.iS)o w t0ep reng wepfpfpf p&aetflie s£f oe t0ep 0owtpe at af.^niji) fong offlet f0orf 0 f0a?f0aw f0c 6pfpgut.£!>f cwptpcftooi) qw0af pf pe of natut 3^p me t0ow f0af ( icq (^wcrpte.'Oapr wertue anb pzopptte, it^ofTo wt^e of ^afutnwe. C§afwtmi6t6ooqpfonetnam^t»a6oucafot6ctcnam0 0t) mp 0pc fjewpt) tpg()t no6pl%Cf afnatwteflp <0»0cwant water anb gtef coofbnee. lD*panb coof& of mp naf wc £t it) t0e cta6 0 wpf cur^jgot goobfyat to mp ctranbe cm &t 0 map not go a6o wt^fle.pfcfpnge no pae t0cnj fi)oqtpjt)oonrpafconc&fpt.^0putw.$caroimoi C€>fp0ptoppttc Ik^utnueOpOpefafemwp^To a£t0pngpeqwpc0 aefpuc 0e ennemp of p8 natwr.'fcOaf writer pe 0p tp 6oit) 0p b*optwr %c pe fwf pf ewpf mafye. $e ae oot) fp&Ofnfcraft ptoppe tSf pioppt fo* fa emtp febbet.i£t ctaffpe man m) afgwp® mbfkfd) ooj) $idzyttdz.&t ty psnwwfB oot}fi^tfmnb fauot j£wp f 6og0cf&Cmafpcpoi^. ^0*$i&ofenfanb conwopfows jDffqpne pe ewpffepmpf .*0f roipng t&ttb fegflfpng tzpxz^ ^0arp an& mef 0fofi 0apr. *2f as notoms mpc0 con Serb Ipfcfepn 0opf anb oo») b^ffa wrje^ wpfage con gceffeat $ot fmet conwemfy(*&t to g0ene c$nk$piaff^ta§pl f)Z fai| fm$ti (M jio:^ , $a8pfs BafapCfe aonp&pe ©>tef fpfbee© 0efoj.*3wp£fongapge: cwp£0appptmanb €>tef %jppe &f$Mt cowfom.*gf p£ f0at ps tfc goobfpat $ffoitW) ma&pe 0p«j no wepr .£Doij grefi ga&etee f0afBe of m(0 *3f fflafmapf* gsef noitpfBpng.law f0af0e Bps 6e0of&png $e fBaffo we fepn W£ffu% jilo fncfBpngeno ff$c c0pw0pe J)e f0af go t'n far confteea.fjf pe goob to f:epp f0ett? of ps ^mbpe $9a*f 0e0ofb of 0pe two part pe.36o»e t0e rafefanb a'Boise peepreps, C^foffowps offiupitet. C-0wpfe t0e fegwnb pftwef. 0f Bps ttafm dccr naf ^ il$pc0 Boot der anb *\mfuowg.iSf cftfyz f Wo fpngs atmz&vm mb offagptojs?. ^owfunumb gtarpows We f^s& §e f0a£Be rgc0 of gref fu6ffcms.$apge bgfctcf ftifoffc^cm |}< fO«f pape tetept)anb fatge 6zowpe. iCutf ant apt anb geef ntpe tflptfp® 'CfJpngpe g'wpcO at befpcpowe^meffanf anb faworowe £>0af fowc met anb fopc ftmgapge. Cfect) of f0c 8obpfte cowtapgc iCfeptf) $af tow gtept) ozgcap,.£Df no mat) 0e fflaffle cepzewpt $oz wpf/0o£ to at’pfepfant.Cf o£0et 0e $afnof 0e mpffapant SS>f no0ptbcbpecntetmebJanb.^pngartb fawgflanb wetptaBfp g») macc0anbpe 0appp,£Df gofb anb fpfnet geet ttefozet. §>tomo£ fpwet anb cat ept. 2kti) waai) of mao gowetnpe* ft/floffowpeof ^are. C^ate g ait) t0e tflzpb ptancf *C0at g 0aue wepfo£0et gowetnpng $oot anb bzpanb teeb 8atb.&pffuffpanb fowi) jj ait) comowfpt £)ot) of mp fpngs pe £0c mowtot).t2£ t0e o£0et pe t0e fcozppct) 2Ie tt) tHeit) g map bta w me.&cpttpa anb §afapf£pe 3 mapf* Co U bop?) x2t t») t0e cte wpe (J wpfmottf.^oi to go aOowf t0e fpngpfc ^IftOe^ttJp mp flieng0t»|t>O6 ir f two jeatrpa mp tpgfjf CoWt* # & t» C^fOT^Wfe. $Q^0at §e 0e 0o*»j ^mbec mate* 'Co bo f{rttb*tj twtfk 0e £e ^ppatf* jl)e ^e tq>b anb mafgc^om Ma& 0a£t anb ^tcfe^r) iDf af g^ff 0c mafi^e mrt.flD* 00 *) gtef go^t 0e t0e ett0 ^afiat of ^ozb^eanb fm^e^m^at of^ ozofmetafe ffettbt) bflpft fitfofyvcmgpScarffav 0 f tifaob 0e 0(je feg0^ng® ibtfmtfwqt fafi it) f£c0cty1£o noit^f0 gtet 0c|t^6 0s 0cf^ &e$*0atb ro ^nb W£fa^.jj0owg|im) tegatt anb fwe^f com*a£ge ;^at0e w o; fa^o* goob fox to 0foob. $DonDey@ Snbetffdb to bzctw fe^c0 Sbnbct mate at %oi\ ytQat tQzft^.^ak\p:mht?)at fpyte t$z ^a^ee &t f0q> (®at mo w^e 0 fa^c. <§>tvi$ be0af5 M?c£tq?e (i 0afa$® iD^genf ?e:anb aff 0£ng£e q were 0e f tatpq?£f^ $>{*0 af mat) 0c ae bpfcoib.fo: it} Qytt) f 0a£t £8 no mgfcq^catD (iteng0( fa e waffle mef^n^e^f :'i) 0|>e ftyt ae frntj f^ng €0 m ooij pfancf of gret renonj.^f o(0ete nam^f f0e fovtt) i&tftatt) twftto moyzm.jDf mp 6:ct(jer anqjene tfrfat anb b^ofm^ nafm.iDf f0c fym) 0 (owe (Qtftgut 09 0^6 0o m 0 bfaw Smapfa.^afwtnwa ge fa me q*j0f conttaq? 0pe cool&Kee ««& vg(0 o v( ce/f ptg. &£% gtcf fyqt 0c fetye to taw C0c ft#06 5 prt (fee «n& not (atpe ♦ 0ij (0*c 0oittoc(0 (0# f?o: f. Button C*Df*e pjoptnte. C$ e $<*( fM&* fo»»> wibee (0e (ov»)*4fc fewc, Secret TPfant of|Jp 0 Ct\>f(? $f 0c g0cuc ftp) 0c goob g^e. j&c^f 0e majj 0c mar)ofc0£tc0 $apgc cfcet) awb of goob fa£(0.<25ovctne* of o(0et8 (0a t? of 0^t) fcff j^e f 0af fovc 0c (0rpfop of t0e c0O6, ‘Doggie anS B^tb^e foi (tye focgee $auc ippofb 0oncm anb ffectte.i>0af(j>ng v^(0 vojje of pfapfano j§pc covrapgc goob awb b^fegcttf^o* to 0c fob aBowc o(0ct pevp$ §e f0af0c iugpt ctt^pe vpfmei).*£fo<| ven( fuf of fwqjt (angapge jba^ap pjo^of! o% c0am0eiffo^.j0pe 0at( f0afno( 0c wfjfojp) jf oi 0^8 i&>p£ (0af0e grcfi*mfe.1£o 0auc of o(0cte (0c governing $o V(((tff0af0e tty be^b of wept.lEo 0pn? (0q> (0af cutty (ofe^fc cBfcfct mmei) 0c f0af0aue 8enpfee.»Di tt) covet oi of &wb offee jjty (0c co vet of fob^e f0af 0aue c0atte.^ 0pe cottfqtf anb ^epiubcne ti 0pe fatnce it) 0ps vpfapgc.iSt f0a(Bc fetefofcotfattgc j£utfimb 0apr attb 6c(b fegbaSt pe epty Dmranb aBouc (0c jafov 4Df tjemflfeteBc 0ofb (0c 0at(.&vpc0 of 0ob^0o(b^e(0ct^g0( goobfpat C'fof&^peof jDcnwe. »3 8 >3 « 3 ‘ § e • a s-Si 3 3 »t| ffi 2 Jf-et 'Si^ S a§i?J 15 1 - C&c««e planer 9 am icnartty?(,£f locate r^g 0 ( VceC fo^ %Bo xrff anb coo(b 0 ati) 0c na(vr.1£ vo fpttge ar afmp we 0 ?) ( 0 cn? ^ atty a( m$> pfcpfa»e,C0<*( P® ( 0 c 0ov(anb(0c0afane h mi J[ caue to fcpD oon topowe fyftfoi fozbfBpp (J 0 aue aBoue tfiat) tpf JJBoue t 0 &t 0 a i mate SoCb tap& fcow) me.;$pt 0 goo?) Spf pf power 0 e 0 a& jjij,pu.monet 0 Spt 0 owt fepffpng. ^wt.fpnge pe Bpepaffpttg (Wafa C £)f 0 pep:opptte f££5wo *woft Be Boott) wnbet wenu8*£Dog to wet gap anb befprpowe fife font gap to t 0 e abwenanf. zgpi) Bfafo/fptef B:owi)/mowt 0 fawg 0 attb £)f trompet 5 cfetoneof 0 pe wope.§ef*pe to p£ap/foz oat) wope f)t (dot 0 aue goob foi fpngpng. j[ox boning anb foi topping pfop at t0e fBafzat anb at taBfpe.gt to Be tong at taBtpe ^pepfz(ieptpeb 2 pnf*goob wp 0 ,©wpft 0 ep 6 ebzonf*afmo*n (tatewpty ^ 0 epf 0 affowefabpeanb affapt,;Cfbt 0 pnganb tpc 0 eetowefe papntpnge anb pzecpowe /focmpe.jftbwre anbfawowtebefpcpows iDetpfaBfp anb of goob fapt 0 . |)e f 0 af to we of 0 et ae Bpm feff large foz to fepff fcepnbpe.jfe w pc wppf f 0 afBe pe ennempe zDpfpo/pf 0e (QaWe 6 p faffiot),fioi to /png af goob fang §o mpt 0 Be pe pzoppt (t weef bp wpfant . jfoz af t Bat Be hope pe pfefant 2 ino wg of t 0 efape Bot met fo:mpt»€)f tBe Bob^anb memBzpeoznpf $p/apge toonb (doit Be Bzepe. &kti Barb anb fowccpffee .5 ret 0apr anb rpg0t Bfafz.Chveg Be /weeps f0ep fBoofb Bcfepf Bpn) 1£6e netpe affo g wpc0 pe enf te. 'CBe tBepe wpt0 tBe fptef waan) CBat peoog gwatfet fegeet 0 ofbpng*ilt wnbet t 0 e fzeppng of Semie. CifFoflbwpeof ^etCHttue . C^«utpu* pfancf not aBpf. $ an) foi g:et waanj agrea&pL 2D:p (i faf 0 aw ofmp natuc.&t it) t wo fpnge pe mp faint 1£0e ootjpe catfyt gempnp. 1£0e ot0et wetrgo of gtef f 0og0t $£p pfop Bp conbpcpotpITafipe ») t6e wptgo popffon $fl ep&fo 0auetto tepoe.l£o fowfiowt weefjj 0auepwtpoe 5 0auepo(Tcf e0efpngecwpt; moi.^i).^5m 4 Da^eanD.m*0ottbct iL^f^pzoppttc jfl/g^at wnbet metactpue f 0 aifie 6 o 2 t).£>f fowtat wpt (6 fowub jDewotanbofgoobconicpene.igffuf (BafBeofgtet fcpene ^tenbpe f 0 af$abbec Bp faw 0 oute.$ 0 af 0 anf t 0 e pewppf of gob manners ^fmarcBanbpeanbof w:pf.§ 0 af 0 aHeoffpmpe cutcmb wpf £>f ' wemerj f 6 af 6 e cwpfm wpcf .§> 0 afnot fet 8 p to 0 c not ma*pf wofb w pt0 goob wpf fo we fabpe. ^ot of 0pti) t0ap fflafnaf Be bamee il'ongoob tefpgpowe wpt0 owtfapnfpe .j^e f0af0epf 0e Bemiiof c0piC0 ^ffo matc0anfBp fe anb fonb .$e fBafnot to we to go it) wept <5ofb fpfwct anb geet cBewane.gcffiafgabbct Bp pepzubens fje mop Be oot) goob wetf: mat). flDf ftw) mecanpfz ctaf f feet pjefBowt tc(0otpcpei).p0pfo$opfiowt geomefcpcpct) if efBaffowe wepftffc wtptfpe./^omBete anb mpfcefpcatiite i£0eatf ofmufpfianb mefutpng.4Dfc(bt0 BefBaCBeootj mafiai pzocfoz of fun? gee t foib.£H ofpe pennpe tefawowc jf)e foi 0epb anb fong fap© . J&fati ept) Batb not f 0pfo j}mu|tyeoo!)gtef pfebowr* iDf others bebpe oot) g0apt) fapowt C Be 1 (jepe anb Bet wpe t0e Bobp. 1£0af pact p of 1 0e Bobp pt BeBofbpe CcolD mcf! of mp mtut* 0 m f0e mo ft faptcfl fox to eotfdw& (Bt if) t$c mp Qayp a. w>£ two Wpffpe 0 $o oUwt IpptiihbaqcG Q[,®flopioptpU wnba t§c mom) pe taj.gaofc fotetmffiaffk funb jjjcsep© fiisut fopu&o wnb 0 [Oofmt mtb pef0a&/wef mbpacymL&t fG fflafktfftowftfy £>(§ob*l mcC forntf wedfuffpqanttp .1£0e fw 0e 0*eg® gabbcrftf jjc f$a£0e c&d 0onepfp.;££ fo $attepfm%c6 ctjaftfy Cge mofi f$af0e tje^s: e^s mo* * i£&b offpnfc&jp co^fows 1£0efo* 0e^d f0af fw$ T^ff wfffj ♦ jje cowtbwx fwqt fmo£tc$* Worn wotao feye anS tpwc re«|)e fo gown) weff0e mo^ttee $e f 0afa£jfb fag& ftc^^ng^ne ma^f* a«b fadfrme 0?) fawpe fgaffie mzpta&pL£t f0af gown) 0pn) wfaf fa0p£ §mfx anD £pg0f fox to go ,&t grapfg weeftnegtyd- 0ooi> fo fotfow ooi) goob mef[or>ger,0oft mb fatmt $c wfo fo* ge &empanp to ftpfx fox to c $ » fox to tafit anb fox to fy fyatimtto fiepp 0£ fmttgfr.jje ma^> wnbzt cowfow of fet^ps ^ (pdzpm content pzwppt 0i) fo mpc0 ae ofQtt fox fp&et; tyonzftmmtt) 0e f0a££b WJSDfjjete not anb fo fgafnorpfg I)pec0pfb;tp») ofgoob fo^ta|»ge <§cf$at1kfutoffapt coxfagc 1£0e fpggfpe «nb £0e 6*apne af/o .£)fgooo fxep\>ng yt pe zjfoxt Cjf offo'W^e of f0e pjopptfeoof pftwefj CttoqgwpOT anbflnfmttfiatfopppm ma&pe tuecQattf I0e mafet of (fetn^o* t ^Drtj f0pppate ref cef0t^ cpaffpe 1 0ap* fytt) mafocmb ftmtet qwp|>oe oot) fo of 0ere tw tenant 1 0e muffpf wb offtewy q^rofoo»)off0e qw^pone ps/oo)) fppppatf jape f« oonofRec^ofO 0ox^map«appemp6 fpaptpo mber ooi of fge.^tKpat^eof £0e$o5pafe/ f0af ps *w«bet ooi) Jpr oenfp CSnfwt^e f0e of0ec ffipppatf 6e f0apt funb o« ppece of eetf 0 it) f$c 0e wpt) er(0 pf tje f 0e 0eaufe o* c0(mipapgne a«b f0» p\pctoftrt$§auz.Wip.ffcgg&offcn$$tMb . pmof fmge. Bftec tfiui t0c^ 0aue nafpe 'wpf# gcet flepb ae na^s to (0o weeff^e fo mpc0 ae fuflfyf cpb attb t$at 1 0ep nafpe 8e feffenet \vn to f0e e$> cm& it) t($at pjtcce of ett0 0aMej«i.ftngetet0eoof)nc^t0cot^€t fo f0at a£(0e pjjece 0e fut$ fnp tflafaffo m^0oe tflepc^of nafpe fefftntj t it) t0e fo^b p^ete of ett0 /o m^0fi^t^off0eftetn^mbetf0econfenuofoot) ftng oontp cmD fo wptQ wntetofew$tpcdooi)of tQcotQeteflao to tQeeqwypofcnt to c$e o^ (0ere tpgflf TPnbet f 0e ftjtmamft. 3f f^e f 0e fp cji {(; pppatt 0oTS f0af t$o v piqftQat. jSnfwetpe f0e fcgunb fflpppaEt ttyatw met) ps 0o\mb no 0ote bpt) fo ptepf t0ef0(ntgpeimpoflr^fe/attbf0af^t f^ootb (uffpe to f0pp * patetowcQanttyipmafytto 0efepffpmpp f ^pf0 owt anq^ptpng owu mpc0 ttjps t$at f0e 0cfo: fapb fflpppateae fapb . CD^t wntei pe not pf f0e jeat f 0af f0pe pzefent compotanb&aftnbaptae6ept)mapb mb mcnbpf, jeat^.mi ♦ cccc .tin , pp t pne, tfk affet fofifrwpe 1 0ept p^oUmvj fcyfj pe oof) fcp£e t 0 af ( 0 pppate&ennp 6 f, &ot q>ei) pt pa ei*pt' 0 e foxe and weitweoftf} c Tmdetjfondpng andtgep f 0 ootd fie andfflo^pt pe ra t 0 edepd mb a 6 tof 0 p 8 epnd f 0 pppate wfpeof f 0 (wfcpeK 6 mb no? otimyrjps. 1 E, 0 c meq^pe pmdent and wertwoive map %z atctfizi ae to trje tmntw C 0 at t 0 e fpngpo f 0 a wpe of 0 pn 0 » *§>o f 0 e fang f 0 invpe m to C 0 e $ps penotsq t 0 c mat) fapHe 0 o w t 0 at t 0 c fpng gr* Es£6c fepnfee of itge wpqmag 0e5efott0e 0ow it) £0e qwpcg ttfapt pens wpn not aggapjianant t0at mat) 0e fgc wpfdon ) of pe wnSec * ffondpng foffo wps not tgee^ppt ittffe'wene of f0e cefpffpens 0odpe q wpc0 at a0oue jjpnj fa; fo wpc0 pt commpppe not tifc fpnpe and demonff cacpie of t0c fapd inf i« wne. &ot n)e naturet'lpnge ae fo*df0pp ant) dompnacpoq it) tfyzvt) u}i?,zq wc0 t0ep at fox Co 0aue nafuiettp t0pe q^?pc0 0e tofmpe (c f0a wpe : pat t0e cae C0ep 0aue pt oi f0ep 0aue pt uot.iS^pt foi fopppate fapetgaf t0e moftpartof meqand women fof&wpe t0apc incfpnacpone to wpce ox *Q wet two/ fox u)pe t0at t0e moft pact at not wpe no pjendent ae t0ep f0oai’d U mb fo f0cp wfe not of f0cwcctw of t0apt Wndetft3dpng got fo£ibwpet0e fenfuafpfs and0et0pet0e 0ewpnfp tnffewcne tge wpc0 pef0awpng 6eowf watt fpng and 8efpc0 fpngs pe f0c pxzfcnt fqpmof p0^onom^e.^fot t0e q^^c0 gpa^s fytfl to ^nDecfloD t0at C0e t$tt)yo 0€.tiinpatt^6 ae 0efa; a® 0m) fa$>.1£0at to fa^ f pj^tt) ^tt) to §>m.mit . Hmtow) and w^ntet at fy&tmngf to t^c.mi^fpmcns piptt) tytt) to tfic ef^mcnt of C0e a^t.^ommet to t0c (pet amtort) to t0e ctf0.t£t fee to t0c i^atct ,£)ft0? ^^ 04 m.e^mf 8 atmeq and ’wemcq at foxmyt and ma^d o W f0« q^pefi no men ma^ tepf . 1£0e fpet^e 0oot (c dt£ / C 0 eapt 0 ootandimowji/C 0 ^^tetma^(l (icoofbl. "C^e^^ecotd d d*p. fa ett x*pe t 0 en) t 0 e f 0 ^ppate t 0 at t 0 e paefoq a 0 oue t 0 e qw^c 0 t 0 e |^et as ta;df 0 pp paof cofetp& cdpte^poq f 0 s apt aa 0 wdf 0 pp (t domp# nacpoi) ^pc 0 a pa of f 0 e fang'wpi)f 0 at ps to fop, 6 oof (t dtp 0 ept a 6 o^e t 0 c conpfe/ppoi) tfiat ps fo fap 0 oof and mo a 0 aue t 0 e qTppc 0 100 ^ 0 ^ ae fb;df0pp pe of comvfcv^o)) ffowmatpli t0af pe to faptno^p and coofd* <3t 06 aSoue t0e ^pt0 t0e crC0 ae feidf0pp pe of t0e mafmcofpf; cdpte^poq f0atpe fo fap 6;p and coofd . 'COe q^pc0 compfe^pofte ^ndcr^ondpe and dpfcetnpef 0c onpe of t0e ot0ere 6e fpnge q^?pc0 at 0epc after fapd . ' C jfoffoivpe 1 0 efpgista of f 0e . mi* compfe^pons. C'Cfacofoqjfe pe of tUmtnx of fffafpet fyootpbit nafuteffp pe fq>?) fmai awopfowe fut of pee 0a(lp anb mo^twf Sranfee fo^pfpc0 fat ye ma£pcp 0 *we becewmtf fo^tpf q wpt f0ep ajppf^fz f 0apc ^pf fps ® 8 ^pq of Spot) 1 0af pe fo fapq'weq 0e m wet biotmpn fep§0fpe (i flrpffpe (* 'wpt# gooo ^p^epfowgtopco^fom «C ^0efwttgp*) aaf0e tmfwrof t0e opt mowf? goof ft fo pe fatge (tpfaufuoTv'e affempecpf fo^aOrf fadonhU in nofut topo^e fawgtfrmb fpttgattf ffeffjf uf repb anb grarpo^e anbae ivpq oftfyz napp * 1£0flf p e fo fap mo? it} bapnfepng fom. ~ lt0 MV* 0 pwpoeoffpdmq offge fpnge ^pfpgpfe ffll %ve fgaf6egpt) af fgetqof tgegepb dot afoi rnfgaf mo t m npetgfltgejpipfgaftgepfeeppfgemofafpatfonefgafao fa wft of fgept men6:pe nafueefett) tgenjaetgaptlfepf gonbpe ept) ot of gee men6:pe q^6af e wpt tge 0c of am fat) pe \cppfanb fpecpaffp ofooi) mat) fgat ae no 0azb/fo* fpc0armcfpnpffoftn5jp^ft!8^ ? ^^« e6 anbfgcpfgoofb frepp fgcn> fed fpeg pe^ppf ae oftgepc ennemp moitd.Bftu fgpe fgpppaee (ape fgaf tge (gape fgaf pe ful'cwb (oft 6e tofrnpeoot) pazfotj pefeagpf of goobnee 1£gepqT¥>pcgaefgapr ape teebat oftpmpe ptom anb ae fcrwffaf \*>pf anb fgcp at of fmaffapfgfufttee .£>oq patfot) qmeg aefgeape gfafz anb fgc Oeprb tepb 0c foftnpe ooq mat) fpegetom mpffapanf /fafe/icmfapf g$ fufanb auantuupatfot) fgaf ae 6fafz gape goob 'wpfage anb ooq goob co^fom0efofmpetpggf fern of iuftpe.ITg^fkanggapcgefofmpegt fbwpepape anb coneorb anb (o gc pe of goob 'wptonb fo^fpf < &mfant ape anb 6£onS 0c fofmpe ooq mat) fo^gganb tog we fpcgetoweanb bccc ? iianf.1£ge gape fgaf pe dtah anb cd wfonf 0c fofmpefge ma fgaf pe mv, fancofpowe fpegetom pwpf fgpn&anb awb me tap large* 1£gegapt gpuganb 0ef o&npe wp f wptgmafpe, C>rcf pfanfc of gape it) mmen6e * fofmpetoguffneeanb auae pe.1£ge patfot) qwpeg aefge ept) tpggf gref pefmpt not fgaamfwf mogebpenfanb BeCepffpe fgaf 0c 'wnbccftonbpo mo: t gat) gc wnbetgonbpe . &ot qmt) fgc ept) at mpbwap no omt gtef no omt fmaf a fgaf fgep ae not .o' wet 0fof: no owe jeept) fpeg oot) patfd pe of oat) geef cgpt) comfope anb mtpfaSpf.'Oe patfot ) fgaf aefgeept) gfctpb fppff anb oppt)0pfof:npe mafpe wengene anb ftapfoqgatbepq qwpeg at gref anb ae gect 6e6tepe anb fong 0efof:npe fo£P of wpf anb of ewpfnafm*'C0eept) tgaf mowpefowq anb aefge ept) fgatp fpcgpatfoq pe fnfof ftawbof fgeff anb of tptzt fapf gfwfnee* 1£0e ept) qwpeg at 0fo& anb go^ffpe t fgc mpbbpoof fgetq cfeet anb fgpnanf at fgc mogf goobfpcf! anbmo(!ccefapqan00efo^npe ^pf anb bpfctccpoq anb fpeg parfons ot fot to fom fot i gep at fuf of fa^fe anb of goob eonbpepone . pf fet^pabpf bebonape anb \mfozDcnnpt to afpe tOpngpe .^pfapge fat a futoffatnm p fufof ffe/0 rub befofznpe gfo^fonnpofpte wntOzpftp OatDnee of^pf anb of engpt) ,&pfage [mat ant) fang be tofmpe oorjpaxfot) tbatpe fopf* anb bp mtfut it) af Ops ^etftpefO e^pfage tOat pe fpref {i f$ott tOe q^?pcO ae 3 afow coufo^t befofjnpeootjpaifoqbp/fananf ■wnfaptOfufmafpc^ om fufof ‘wnfO^pp « ^Pfage fang anbfapr be tofmpe oot) gfat? ^tmfapfOfnfbpfpptfufanb fufofpte anb ofctwaUt.iStt Oepg^rpeO aefOe mo^tO gtet anb cfo^png at fpnge of pte anb of Oatbpnee / fptefmo^tO 6efo£mpmefettcofpe < wpnee0atbengpnanbe , wpff0pn^anb* j0etOat ae gtet fppppe pe fpng of Oatbnee anS of fa^ff of wpt • ITOpn fppppe be tofenpefrpanbpeanbfpfpnge.CHffetfapefOpppateoftOe feptO anb of fpefipng. 'CO^ tcpfO at a; fef to gpbbct anb at frnaf be tofznpe tOe patfbe tOaffb^pefapfO^f^fpfOeto^eanbofgoobtonp&^poi) tOefeptO ^p^O at fong anb gtet befofmpe Oaffpnee anb p:e it) tfy: petfo^- (Qizt epepe it) Wt patfoi) betofnrpe fofp it) Wc patfon Oot 0« ps of goob mpnb fptef epepe be to&npe fpcOetp anb t$at m oon goob Vope ymf fo^m fault pefiatbp fage mb yvwt fpettanb. 1£fie mpe mpb ^ap it) tfie patfot} tfieqttpcfipenotomtfmafnoomrgief fiefotznp© wpf pwcwpan© m* cpte anb tpgfifnee . Cfie parfoij tfiat fpe&pe fiaftefp anil tfiat a© ooi) fmaf mpe pe of rntfeue .£>ot) gtef mpe ip oot) mmetjpe oot) e^ppf fp«g ooi) fmpt m>pe fie fofenp© oof) patfon fwt of eintp (tfnfppcpot) fuiof fefpnge S£fo oot) mpe omt fmaf fie tofmp© gtet fiate anb fofp pfbi| offptefwafeut trap* tW 2 ) ooi) f?pnf*4b fiapnfalDfiepazfotjffiafaeootj&ngnefzfatpsctmf mrtfiomppfpfiajfpanfifizaanfee. 1£fie patfot) tfiat a© oot) ffiozt nefzpe fufof bpffa wt;ng ofwftCye mb gpffp© tet fianbps (t targe $ gtet fpngete fietofznpefozs fia(?pnee fiatbpnee (i ^wpt. iTfet nafpe (C ffip want of goob co^tb^t fietofznpe “Wpf (tgto^png of fionnom.1£fie nafeefipeanbfong fietofznpeto tfie patfo?) fo fiane fuffpepanttp papt) (t ttampf» ^fienapfee tfiat atffiozf fietofmpe ooi) patfoi) a\9atpcpo^e/ fpffieto'wepzpbfutanbofgtef fiarffntof *wpf anb of mafpe, £)oi)gt^ fo^f (t fufofffeffi fiefofznp© o^ftagpo^e ^pgozo^ea of^tefwf.^DoJ) fptei’ftm (t ^gfif fiefofznpe fiarbne© of ^nbetfffibpng (t ^nfaptfifafitea •^fie fow ptat anb ffiozf fiefofznp© coi) foro^vfwf patfoi) anb eAvpf com'/ faps,1Tfie patfot) tfiat gapee ^ptfigret fpapea fta'w fiefofmpe fopto j fptc 'vaeef? af tfipngpe. ^fie patfot} tfiat gopee^pffi fpfef fpape anb fo^t) pe fufppcpowe g^xpo^?Q(t ofewpf^pf. 'Cfie patfot} tfiat pe oon fpfef fovf ( t pfaf (t cafipe tfiB aeoon efiptb fie fo&npe fiatbpneed^pt fiat tfiat patfot) ae fpnfap bpwete ffiogfitpe. 'Oe patfot} tfiat ae tfie ffeffi foff anb a tfiat P« not omt fiopf no o mt coofb 0e foinpe tfie patffi me? bftpofft of Jfieeftfi $ ofgoob Snbctjl^ttD^fig of fowtyfmgpj) futoffayptetQ (t Oefofmpe atfo gto w^ng of goo^^e (i of 0om> 2 . 'Cifc gfot j t$at ta wa0{?8 q?£0fy (i ae t0apt e£i) gtqn)(i at of goob mg^t) fa££0faf fapge (t f£c0etoweC0e patfot) t§k tawgf>^o not pa fwcpt meiancofpowe fufpccpo we ma£pcpowe anb tpg0£ fo wept^pppace fape/foz tf}pe x$at £0apr pe fpnDzp fpnge it) mat) (J, it) womat) tfjot at fun? tpmpe pfratpawe i$t onpe to t§z ot$ne £0ep f0u£D tuge moji comottip after fffc fpttge of iQt wpfapgc * £t fptfl oftfye epyfot £0cp at £tte moji fapt0fut’(unojf pzcwa$pf.i£t tfyzy fap affo t$at gob fotmgt tie wpt moz exeat m fot to t) wet it) tfe &>z£b moz fapge tQat) mat) foz £0apt pe not no map nat it) tio 0epfi 6ot pt map 0c fwnb it) mat). ®/C0c cottbp* tporte of t§t 0cpjipe appzopzpet to mat)»C/fo£weeflfp mat) pe patbp aedjk Ipot) and^fast^o^/fatgeast^ccofz/a'wa^q’o^e aetge bog^atb $ f0atp ae f 0e 0att/gooD as t$e toztef Do w/mafpepo we as £0e fpppatb/pzp;* wap ae trfc Dow / foto wfutp ftpffamnb m t0e toD / fpmpp?(t goob ae£§e fatt)/ipg0t as t0e $tca6pff0 wtgant mo fmftftqt 6pc 0 fe Sp £0 om £ Sc 0c0of$ om pdmetnp aejjbo ^rcbeeooty cozb £0aq t0e epnD of £0e fa^ of mp cozb p J angle off 0c eet0 and t0e fowi) pe epg0£ a* Seme * ^C0e grc£ %sp £0e q^pc0 gope© atQoztypazt tQt ftetyof £0efpgtte qwpc0 p© £0ep0me(nP of 0e^pt) fecTvpe fo^-t wo (i £0e fee fo* mt} 0om c wpcpc0ooq tpwfl £0ep %otb ties) of £0e 0o^.;j|ot 5# /crTppe 1 0c fapb fpnpe to o£0er £ 0png £0a£ pe to t0e c0agemmf of £0e jteei) f 0c T»pc0 pngnpe £0empbnpg0£ <£ confequenffp £0e o£0ec 0om© foi £0e gtef 0o^ fee/wpe £0 ooq moncf# tf f0c fee £0,rpS.t)apee . §0 0c p£0ongt0eco;?i)i£0af£0ep fep£ rpg0£ apoi) t0e pomntea^ nofpfp fust) flee?) a0oue £0e coib £0ac £0epmapc^pe md fzet yft/fof jpf f0afl0c f0e q^pc0 af £ptt? f0af tec0e wo if 0c 0o wr© 0e npg0f ♦ Sfftt pmagpq ooq cetfcpfago^f f 0c pomca^ a f0e bpff^e of (0c flea) nofpf/iq £0e q^ppefl cee fcpf ar £0e fpnpe 6epmagpttc£oz fpc0fp& Dpane pe £0ep ac it) £0c fpgut»§o mapttap&pPan6fl6f0c)lct«pnofpff0af0c 0efo* (0c md £0epj:f0af0e fo mapnap qome 8 zfo% mptmpg0£/{t fo mapnap ae ft f0af$e afitt £0e cozb fo mapnap borne pf f 0 aH 5 c af fee mpbnpg0f * §0 ft f&qfymU fo ^«Dee(!onb i 0 pc6 wm cpg0f a0oue f 0 ep 8 mca w p epg0f Sttbcc g8f(je l tfc fej* (fcntop wipteffyfe tt) tf)t a^c cmb a6oue t0e ext$ tfyat t$zp t$at f^ee tt> 0ebt^e fejenof *§ut tj ae fe^t) it) t(5e apt oot) mazier of comet it) t0e fafcQot) of oot) b:agot) caftanb fpec Be tfye tfyvot . 1£0eot0et f^m^e aeof fopanb fjtet tt) ffle map? nat oftifitye t$t q"w^cO ( epppe vrpt# owt fong a6a£bptg£f ot0e t f^m^e oot) gvpf impztffpot) ffle q^£c0 appetpa attpn) Be tt^gflt «nb at af 0ome t$eqv?pc$ tfy% cattle gtet of 'jtyuti jjamee it) gafye. C0ef&antb*agotf# Xepantf^btys. C0C fa^nf flames. tmptefftone at ae f^et caftyng t0e q\*^c0 monf^e . H£0e of0ere ae fpet fo'wanb q*wpc0 gope ot) fpb;. 1£0e otflete ae fpet affapbpng (mb t$pe feffye ftmg . 'C^ offfcte at q wpc0 maftpe gtet fb'W (i fcffpe not fbng.1£0e offlete at ae canbefe fitttj tpti) gtet anb fun) tptf) (mat attb tQpc at (cpijit) t()e opt aBouetQe crt(},€)oq of0et comet t0ep ft fat of 0e\?pt) ae oot) fpept Bptncmf . C*3f csffb (Jpppats fc^e oft$e comdtm it) ot$a mapmm/Wai pe to betfionb it) We fafWot) ofoon pallet mb feftpo ftmg (papa oot) oWet it) We pm) of oot) jlcr t) ftemb an& ptp6 fowi) pajfpf . %oi f0e comet fapfe popt f$af feffpe mo(1 of at. 0tem t§cp fe.Sjlempe etratpfoe/f 0at pe to jfmd^ttg, it) oor ; pfav® Wajt^o^mtmWeoWexo at$att0epqtq>c0 at cawptptanefyfiof f$q> 0awe foirt) o f (tempo : sub at &atumm/0upitet/ £tf)(fte/&ettm/( i ^etcariiie, £gt fo Wep fe (temps f 0a£ at caffpf mo famof$ oot) flat) ®ub/t$t oWu fieri) cfjfewafue/anb We oWet flat) fapffpfnofnpwef. p%(kt 0pmanf» §tat)f(eant« iDomeffrtpffpk ^fempeettafpfxe ' E'Cf}|£ Wie fatter (tempo at We dahpt (let ij/tfje to'tsog^f fietrj/anb £0e fapf^fftcei)* jDiwf fiio* 0te eaft0ue (me b«0io cobit abufte* But §tc pauper enf aMffu0tfo mouefut Mut cabef tt) caufatt) qua bt$ei mbtee %i nci But a%uob mtr&zwt) cafu M amine petbef. flD'W me(Wat We imptzfpom at fyh to 0s menvepffo'We )f0pjsgps topevppUpataemt fzpt)Wett)q^e^t foi futy \\S ?TW Mttffie f0af pfpe tt) patty impoff$%L ^ei)f0e(>anbo^ S, 758^3 fl$«* ^ $wt ffiaf Tvae cot) . £$.cccc,iiii. $P. mm* TjSw jhv % We.MMt)ofnowm6et:oor) fflpttg mofl menrepffomv it) We ffipet pfbott) of fenat ffyppprtttpt. £Dff0ebuc0eaf mh$W ttept ootjfcmmampf £n{pWevn) qmpr Wat bap pt mapb cot) 0o»p0p£f0otfbpt.$t),$e fepfbpo nert We fapb fo^t) fef oot) (toot) of Wo* bpr fQt q^t>W bpb mpf t cr Xpo^nb anb mot . 'Cfle q^pc0 (loop of pteftf pe t iefflt it) We fapb toict) anb WW feptqyco wpf of We q’wpcQ pffowp We epqtafpQejt mpffpt) xwbetnepffl pf, C'C0* e% ptaf ofoor. gtef (toot) ofWonbpt * mtiqum mitacufa facta fuB amis 3Q«i %okttzt nofirm compattt mbe bte e iUifa ftcct fuetint pottnta/fyottenbaqs mottflta %ucut/e/ceto ffammatcotonaktaBea bwma/fam.'ttcmot/tt tcfiurie 0^atue i Ooftbee/typot) fangmneufq 5 pofoe iTircufue/st fuiiiei| noctumo tempoje Sfwij i-kbenfee cfipei/et nufngeneq^ fere £Bonfi0ite et Sifr qmitMtp coneutcete montca Mtmotmt) et amitm/zt f u6a temBitia iacpfwete/e/ceib $kfun>tftftugtf(fi catiBifa jfenwy etianyet fatme/zt cato/kua/ctuot fBt ftpanta aftie/oftenfa afaipta ftSeftfe pzcbrgtte aufnti) fiip iimufarenouis btta quiDeri) jfreDeaa tempote pjimi &t tfxmot it} terrie/fimaq} tupkp £)ine etwee figitatue ^rebetico tege feewnbo ^ctbtf iff feriptue gramateaO mBie fapte Bufitia query genutt fmot fteberictie it? agtoe 'getcim 0iwc pzopjioeiet cabere atua flibet jQempe gwabkngento© poftmiffe peregerat amtoe ^cfnomefq; beeewj ftgmfet aftft buoe §cptctt) pzeima bat pbue mefuettba nouemBzte 2b meburn? cutfutrf fenberat iffa biee ;Cuti? tewaf Qottznhunj crepuitq; per aera fufmet) $$uki$mmy$tc mgene eottbtbif atq$ tapie &ui fpeciee befte ef! aetefq 3 trianguifcoSufitte *£fi cotoi et tern fozma metaffigere Hifiiffue a6 oSfiquo fectur $t/iifq$ fu8 aurt© Batumi qwaibi? mittcrc f^bw© 0a6ct $e.itfetaf 0une iSnficQeim funt gattbia fenfit it? agroe tfffic mfifutf bepopwfatu© 0umunj &ui ficef it? parte© fuerit bifltacf we Muj$ ponbue obQuctamet) 0oc cont met ecce Bibes £Sui»? mitwn) ejf potwtffe 0petm© cecibiffc bte8u© Hut fieri it} fanto frigoze cofigerte© &t tttfi anamzote tefemnt mommcnta'mokten) &afvtwn) faptben) erebereet t|tanegew) iF)fc tarn©? aubitue fragoi Swbiqjfttfloze t0emi £fobi it 0ime Sri pzopimue afp^eofa* i iiii 0t pe faftfyfutq'wt) f0c.pit.fapfjrge ;Cffangpe.pit.fpmpef0c mat} &o as (0c.pii.mo ncf0e iTOcigpe f0ctt) 6} f0c 5eat.pii.fpmp6 *gf ep?ptpc0 oot} 6c cute of naf m B( foffewpe f0e treat m / C0epf0at?ge 0f.St.5car 1tj.Si.5cat ^p.pii.fpmpe u).ptt.fpmpe. ITOpt at f0*c (foi.pii.w) nom6pt *£f gopee (p mat) it) ^ntfpt £Df afonee f 0 ep mapft 0 pnj <0 cutt) 0e moff ncbpe be jong Hgo hope ftwtjcc aft0e 5cat.Cs wet) it) pe epnb ptpmfptt) 0c fapftpe C^ate. C C^of q Wet) f0cp 0auc.pS1ii.5cat 1£0at) f0ep c 05 gc (o fpc0 pfap. ifje f0pttf:pe 0pnj f03 Soif0 oot). ^.matfi C\tct) fiiptnee c0angpe anb fa&pe ipafoppt. CHwtpf. C'Cffaq c&npe a wpff0e fapt Dap.1£0af aff0pngteiope Ij)et0p© gtopppe anb ftcpefwipfOpe.COc 6prbpef<*pftpet0apt fepftipe f&t (0 ae.pp>anb.im.5eat.1C0at) ctimpe mat) wrfuo'we flofp genfpfanb amomo‘we.(2fc0angp8 1 0ettj fcfftt) (pnbtpeffapf iofpfp. C2$ap. CHf.ppp.5cat gopee tegnattf it) map 1 £ 0 e mofi mpg 0 ffp of f 0 c.pii.monef 05.S0oue afof0ete nampf fipng &t (0a t) 6c ri?mpe mat) fiteng0f.S8.ppp.5cat anb fep&pt of 0pe6obp $61 to 0ofb f0c fWb (efjpt it) f0ept nepf.(i f0at) cilpe (0e montt 0 of iopng C fjupng. CPPP^i’5 cac M0 m0J no & e * Hf met) at of cpt fo wf *2t fo ae.pppSi, $ear.£l0a»i cOmpe 0oot anb pfopant *8t 6egpnnp&mpc0 fo tpp.tBf gabbetpe 'wpf anb ab'wpfemenf . C0 wffcf. C &t qwet) riimpefoteng it) fi'totfct ^fkp caf0p ft) no mot Pwfcf./o* 0c a6.pfti.5cat 1£0pe monctft ae paffpf af ffcme.*gt 6cgpnnpe to becfpi) Sf fo 0c 0 cgpnnpe 0pnj feff fo pae.1£0e faptnee of oot) a eat xoc Cj&tWep.. after cump atWejl t0at fo mpc0 tpppe i 1£0af mat) ae.»CSiri.$eat.£)z to ewpf aewetpf pe tpn) JJf.pfSm.5eat ae ofaage. c0angpe 0 pmnot it) manner fage jfoz f0ai) 0e f0oofb 0pm feff abwpe . Jl)ow mpc0 mpg(3t 0aue gabbetpf $©* to 0auc rep it) e^tD.^foz it) f0af tpm pe gopt) 3awt0epb &t c 0 angpe ma 0 pt c wolo wt. Be Dope t 0 e cott) anb c0e ttepe ©wpc0 C0angpef0ert) it) azweft.jjt) gteffofp wfpe0epe gow{i 1£0af offotl\> temembzpe 0prtj not. S>epfem6et , HjBt qwe?) commas to teng it) fepfetnBet. j|)e ae.fmi. ^cac €5ot) oonfp f0ep map wf tt 68at * Stytonfat ft $ o w fpgnpfp (Jeoot) fapffot) tpc0 anb tofp.1£0e cozt) pf mafzpe to be fa wpn j£f Begpnnpe fo mapfzwanbage. 'Ctia pe goobpe puttee it) gtanc0 ©wet) 0e ae imanb.f.$ear *j!)ewpt moz 0e fljaf cutt) fo fpm ft 0 e moncf 0 q wpc 0 cummpe affet fepfe 6 et JJf pe ca flfpf f 0 e monet0 of ocfo 8 et.z£f 00 . iii. fcoz of$eat anb no mo; 2819a*) cflmpe aft) anb ae q wpf 0apt .JJf 0 e 0e tpc 0 0 c ae goob owe JJf 0 c 0 e po wpt 0 e pfapn 5 pe fc 0pn) bp. / C0apt fo f0af t0cp map it) pe goob patf C^Decembet fot 1 0af 0c cOmpe it) becemBec JJf maftpe fee ewptpc 0 ooq mcn 0 et. jfoz 0 c ae .pf. fcoz aub.iPii. 5 eac &t it) f 0 pe moncf 0 af tpppe 0 c fpitj.Sf gtcenee fcfpe f 0 c mpg 0 f 3fpfapceatiqbpfpfapfan6.jigfaffcc0pef0af pet 0 c fowtt) 1C0af f0apt pe no moz mpg0f it) mat). §ct) f 0af 0c 0ae .frpii. 5cac $c fo wpe Beffat two 0oof ffammpe. ^0at) f 0c fo wc of oot) fabp §>oft 0cb anb bepp bpf0.C0af pe f0c mo^of 0pe wpf J 0 c ae paffpf fpnbzp wpnfct (f fbmct.igf pewat f 0 pe$cat $car afoz $ofewpemai) 0 ofoot) 5 ear. C^0cacfwt. ^pf 0 c.^H.monef 0 fpgtttpf. iSf f 0 aptnafute tcpozfpf ^frtt f 0 af c wptpc 0 oot) ae 0 pe tpg 0 f.^lfmaq aenof tpg 0 f 0 ief[tpng jj vo*fl> pe fpfef top. jfoz tf)t 0affgopte 0empg0t ICQat mat) ffcppe and fefpe ps tpti)»&t) to ♦ j>S ♦ $ear pe tt) bpanb £*0er. &$car iefpe offatfftn), fepfettee ox 6p pipfot) jjfyatj foftgetprggope GcnygQt , 1£0a£m«t)f&ppeatt& fefpe pe tptij W»t. sear f$af )Tep afeeubpe.fSt* p$.aftb*$* 0 f t0at caontp ttfai £Si.t0o 2 t> £0at efuefapb tt) t0e gorbpt) 0efoi pe 0fef0pt paffpot) jfat$c t pf p£ U pofrpBpf tap f: t0pe caffpe ftott) me 'Hfwapee not mp wpf * nofi fiebopfj 6ot t0pi) mojlge boptj.ige t0at f ap* |pt 0 gtef paps). $L*£t aftet rnpbbap w mo ft nebpe t0pnfz as »efue wae fed to t0e ptofcaliiacp f0cbbpng pepzecpow $foob and t0at fpnbzp tpmpe 0c fef Betanb pe coze. zSt fjo\p 0c we nafpt to t0c coze ^pt0 nafpe anb tq pt afcffpf ^pt0 gtef boto w. , £t foz$c t not of at and 0(jatg^0at bo^>fb wz 0ab pe 0ofp motec.C^t no^r) pt pe g0a^ n$t to t0p nfz rq q^0at bowfow 0e we qmtj 0c fapb mp gob qwpr foz as t0owfcpffpt snez£t q ms) 0c 0ad t0zpft f 0ep offept to 0ptt) to bipnfcftpna gpt anb ga^ mpppt q wt) 0c bpb gfleue t0c g0co ft /$ 10 c fo60pnge bopng tqcfpttpt 0pe 0epb anb g0eue 0pe 0©lp faoyvtto gob anb ae pe 0otp mother. 0ab affo gtef bottom .|£ St e^pq fang.tBpnfz ae iefiie 0ab pe fpb oppq of oot) fpept anbae0c m iqfpecozeafbepb fufof wwdpeftomf0c 0cpb “Wn to fepf .*2f 0c taptzpq a "ap Of t0c coze anb ae pe twt$u tefa'Vtfpf 0p^^pt0gcctbo^fo^c.C^tcompt’pngaet0c/^cpt!cficB we Betpef ofiofcp0anbot0ctgrefio^p6iqgceta>fieccpoqanb mompnganb put iq f0e fepitffzpt anb fzcppt of e^pf to^pe t0apc to t0at 0c topee not H^foffo^pe fun) atapffoneanb ot0cr pzapece tq fottt) t0atfotTo^p8.cit fpcfl t0apr pe0cpc put ooq bccpfpot> f0cofogpcafa0oue ooqqwffpoq f0atpefo wbetpdb pf (0c pzapeze/ozap jjbne meffee/anb fufftagee t0atw dotq t0pe wzfb foz t0cfao^ffpeof t0etf) f0at at bccef* 0canbttjpzocferppft0cp 0c to f0eu) mctptopteaz pzof* fpta6pf to t0epr befp^crane. ^^ppfbcwptt0o^f0ootbnott0at foz to acq^pt onp gooo^c qivpc0 foffo^pe t0c flapt of onpm ar acccffopc tot0a(c(!aptt0emtfzmappzo/fpt not oonfpofcongtuo r6ot of t0at *wpt0 conbpgno anb t0pe map 6cit) tm map ? mtQ.fytfifot tpe communpcacpoq q^pc0 pe t0c toptof t0eD s?etfz of mctptopt:t0af peof c0atptc q^pc0 peto^ot of at upetfe mctptopc.i3t fo af paefon ae pzoffpt amo^^nent of goobof Of0crepft0€p0c rqc0acptc. ffu^ta tffub partpeepe ego;fun) . (i.ccfcta< §>egwnb f o:f 0 e tnfencpot) off 0 eboat gmt)onp hope ftm)mtf:pef 0 af p 2 offpfpe to 0 f 0 ete.££tfpc 0 opetacponeappatfcnpefof 0 et}) fo:f 0 e ^pc 0 t 0 ep at mapb fo ae f 0 ctt) f 0 af at g 0 e^pt) of 0 pnj 9 "W|>c 0 hope f06.*2f t 0 ep map p 2 offpt ot f oi to fafpfp anb fuffpff 6 e fatp/faccpot) offim; o: 0 aue fuwj of 0 ct f 0 pwg f 0 e q wpc 0 maftpe not fee pe cfapt. *gf tt) t 0 pt t^o mapnete ptoffpfpe f0e fuftage off 0c c0ptc0 not oonfp fo tfytn) tpwanf Sot ^pf 0 tfipefo f 0 ett) f 0 af at becpffpfnof f 0 apt fo f 0 af t 0 e fapb fufftagee map cfenge f 0ape cffapf Oof fo f 0 af t 0 ep map 0e befpwetpf of t0cpt papnpe .jfa: aefapefWfaugu| 1 pt)it)oot) 6 oof: nampf en c 0 etpbot) fwrt> aef 0 ep 0 aw fp\cpf it) f 0 pe 'wotfD f 0 ep 0 am befet Tvpf f 0 at f 0 e fapb fuff cage map ptef* fpf t 0 en), 2 Diw) it) 0 ac Sifa fienettinf metnetiinf St 0 ecfih pzobeffmt.^ f 0 e papftpf fape I f 0 e fegtmb ppflpf fo f 0 e cotpnfpme it) ffje.S.depf* &twf £ quifq$ ptoptiati) me tcebettj accipief pro Sf ge(f it it) coipote. He fo 8 e biitipf oifaMppf*jfote\spprpc 0 ooqf 0 af 0 awepatabpe ot 0 eifo: 0 pe ptoppt mtf: anb not 6 e f 0 e weft of of 0 ete.^o mberfionbpe f 0 pe q'vepci) pe mpffptt) it) £ 0 e ecfefpaflpf: it) f 0 e,i$>,c 0 ep£wt . ^otfwt not) 0 a 6 en£ patfen) it) opete quob futifofe gcnfutquob mfefftgeSemtt) tpfutt) b ab mufacionett) (iafue jfo: wfpeft.be opete opetafo. 1&$at pefofapof f 0 ef«fftage it)f 0 efeff *£faffot 0 efactpmenfoff 0 eaitfet anb of 0 ec factpfpe aeeffpeae amtfit off 0 cn)feff^pf 0 o^>f f 0 pef 0 af f 0 eopetacpot) of 0 pnj q^epcB hope dfctg f 0 af hope fo grow ot to tnapft fee f 0 ap: e|fef;: 6 o( ae bopt) egafp 0 e e wpt ^ pc0 oot) goob at e\ppf ,&ot pf w fpeft, 2De opete opetanf ie .$£ pe g0an6£ fomapf: bpf?pnccpot)fo: fum factpfpe map 0 c bopt) 0 c oot) c^pf maqae f 0 e mee fapb 0 c oot) fptrnat . £t f 0 p 6 map 6 c fapb it) f mapnate. f ptfi . pet acfo:ett).1£0af pe fo fap f0af f0e factpfpe 0e pf mapb 0c oot) fpn ^ nata6acfo:of f0e fapb factpfpe :anbf0pep?offpfps nof 0of accpbettffp anb confcq^ventfpf0af pefo^nbctffonbf0af 0p afnto^e of oot) e\tpfm5 gOc^pqfof^epowptfof^cq^pc^fOcafmo^e peg0c^pqat moneftto ptap gobfozf0e fao wffpe off0ett) bcccffpt fottftc q\vpc0f0e ewpf ae g0c%vpt) fo f0ettj.§eambapet miftemrq.&t f0pe map 6c it) fwo map '/ nets tt) factpfpe ot off pe anb pf pe bopq (i 6c f 0e oppt) mpjfept of f 0e c0ptc0 pf pef0c ptepf f 0af hope f 0c offpe of f 0em f0afat bepbanb fpc0 factpfpe bo)jCp:fotf0cmafpeof f0e mpnpffet nope nof fo f0e mrf: of oot) goob acfutaepef0cc0p*c0.£)if0e fapb factpfpeat mapb 6c oot) mpnpffet of fump 2 p^appatfoqaepff 0 owcaufpffofapooqmee (if0pef0oTv maftpe fo fap ptoffpfpe fo: f 0c ot fot Gpti) fot f0c ^pc0 f 0o vp tnaf:pe pf fo 6c bopt) pf0e6cbeccffpf.)|ioffof0c<6mrtttbpmenf of0ptt)qwpc0 penofiq c0atp^ feq^cn0ec6mcnbpe onp goob fo 8ebopt) fpc0 goobmrf: p:offpfpe not to f0ctt) f0af at beceffpf /*wpf0 o^of f0af affet 0e am t goob fapf q'wc fpc0opctocpoqpebopng.£fpf fuffpf(0af 0e 6c it) cpatpfc q^cn) 0c fape t0at f0ep to 1 0e fapb goob opttacpone 40 (^ 0 * 0 6c t0ep 0c not q we>) $€£ atepecutpt. f£rfo?fompc0 ptpe ooq g?etgooo t0at i)e qwp eg g0ewpe afmoweo? qwpc0mafipeto japmee o?to 0pn)qwpc0 pt pe g0ewpr) oi t0at f0e mee (6 compttpt Co at U) c^cupte iq ti)e cae prcfent. #o?pft0ow g0enei») t0enam of t0pfat0etqwpc0peu)p2octo?panb , n) Staceuj tfjpe c0prc0fo?to6e oft0e pactpcppanerq t0apc ju/fcagee t0e opetacpcneat inetpfopte of (0c two pattpe. 'Cfjat pe to wnDetftonb.jtep opete opeton^ tieet e/p opete opctato 0cc Hcatbueiqam.brpmccione, ^ti*capituto, mt ♦ queftione fcamba |£j3fenj notpfp t0at 0e wpc0 tefawpefpnbtppmo at t0e wo?£baet0e patfpcppacpoqof att0apt gooDpe not lee p2oftpt of t0apc goob wetf?pet0atpft0eptefawptaffO2t0cnj|feff6ot6rpngpe f0eit) mo? pzoffpf ae i f 0 e famenfacpoq ofrewatD o? of gtbpc/ anb ae to fatpffaccpoq oft0apt fpnnpe anb bpmpnupcpof) oftpcpayt) ae fox tpett) to tfje q wpc0 t0pngpepe mpc0 wo?t0 tfjefapb affocpacpoq fo ae.l&catDue be meDia $tf&. Jiq f0e pfape 6efoj afl’egpt. Snf gregopt i t0c fegunb q weffpoqof f0e,(Wn.caMeiqt0c c0eptur g2ego2puefapet0at t0c fao wt’fpe of p?ocfo2p at weeffowi) Detpwetpt 0p.mumapnate anO t0ep at t0c.im f:cpe f0at ewptpc0 ooq Dew opt parfoq f0ufb tapf? at t0epc gptbeffo?fooppq pzoctotp qweq t0ep cutt) to f0ec0ptc0 1£0e fpc ft f:ep pe t0e obfarpoi) of piepftpe. £t, t0pe appctp* 0pfP9ut0pauctotpfe/anb0pepGmpp£.£)ft0p8Wc 0awe fpgut.§ecubo mac0a6co2«.^)u.t6atmba6mac0a6eu6fCb.(Puf0owfab82amp6offpi«ec it) o6facpoq anb offtant fo? t0e fpnnpe of iowpe qwpc0 waebecc|fpt it) 0pe8affapf qwept fo? pt pe g0cwpij we to wnbetftonb t0af t0c rpg0t wo?f0poffranb oft0cp?e(powe ,0obp ofiefue bopq to gob0pe faf0etpe of mo?gtef wettu fo?fo mapf: fee (0c papnceof f0en) bece/fp t t0aq t0e fapb fpfwet.lSf pf pe3cpt W2pffpq n)t 0 epfape a6ouc fapb pf t 0 at tubas mac^tuo 0ab no 0op f0at f0ep t0at wa2 fcpffpt it) (0c0ataptwaenof ooij fpnj tcfjFuffpt ptwatfo Cpnjooq wupq t0pn>' mb fupcrffewtop?ap fo? t0cnjt0atar bcccffptanb foffowpe, 1£0afpet0a») oot) 0ofp t0png anb fafufapt to p?ap gob fox t0cnj f0at at beceffpC f0apc to f 0«t t0cp 0c De^wc tpf of t0apt fpwtpe.iCflpe tapffoq pe affo p?c wpf 0c t0c aucfotpfc of f0c 0ofp w?pt ae offant auguffpq anb fant gtcgopt it) f0e pfape 0efo2 affcgpt jJtpeaffop?ewpt ofooq 0pf0op qwpc0 wae fcp&of 0oot fcpf2nce fpc0 Wpef0afnomanmp0gttcftcf0 pefecf. fpf0aretq fommet fpf0pt oo»jgtetpcpc0ofpccf0c qwpc0^f0cp bpb0?png to t0e 0pf0opt0c qwpc0 Wa8 put to pe feet oot) cetfapn 0owt. / C0aq t0c 6pf0op 0arb ooq wope qwpc0 pfapn3pf/t0cqwpc00ccomutpf/f0c qwpc0 anfwetpt 0 am f0e ^owfofoor) ptepff t0at maf?pe 0cpt mp p?octotp. pft0ow tq t0c (!apf foft oot) fionhcet® meffee fot mn tettoitpcposf 0 fi oftfe (owft. C0$a «? wpcg xwebopi) ♦ £)i6e gofb ttfc’xv m fiat 0epe ©off 0onfcef0 got oot j t0o vftmb. putgaforp ? t0e Caw pe not ooq fty ofljd/Sot %% dpfpcfaepot) map 0e i e'Wptpcg ooq pfap e. C ; C^ fegmb &ep pe otapfoi) $ tfje promts offattffpeBefge acbefpwerpf die faoWps office fawttj^of pucgatopr* <2c f gpe appecpe 0p auctorpte iff. ege appocafppe i tQzMucfyept .Bfcenbit frnnue GtomatiM) m ef i otmwmtt) o&o* Sr oxmomftm fmctomm be mm m mgiU mmj bta* $t apeep© ®{j® 0e mktovqU aflowe fa ft. §ancta mb fafwfope . a ♦ atom g&t ptopcrpe af/o 6p epamppf of 0%'0p£ fmt mart pf) ^eba^q^cOasfa^bfowfgrego^^of) pzepfi qtwcfy prapet De^opttfc fit matfy f) t0e bap of p© fepfi fo$ ifyz fio'wtfftofputgatoft tgape I>p tfte comet oftfc avrtet gwpcg t^jmhft of £0pe £0a£ £0cp was DeCpm ? tptfurtgoffge pawnee gpt0epj:apee6 of tgefiipb font mattpty » ^e0afb tgaqq^gaffgafbofge 0ofp farntpe gepr at t@e proper of tge mo(0orof gob.'Cgo'vr f0affap 8e abate 0 parfapf me notofUjoft pm pec* $affi £0e q we tgo w fape afpfef dot 0 gnae 0*ofopq mp fegjj g«b fa^i) ofmp fyowot of 00 q fce/o* fgatmpfgpiS) pstiot bepD qwo ftepppr0p*rj* 7&ekpf t0att0pe arfge piaperoaffattttpe* £i tgprtwo fpr ft mapnate «r mot zffpcm rij fo mpeg ae fgep ae report 2 f) gob,1£0e £fjtpb ieppe f0e atmom of f tepnbpa t bapeooi otfjtrwp 0e foumtowb §\w) to tQe iugement of gob ttf the c^jftb ofotfoz.fflp * bapee 0e mofxpfof t0e faft fummacyot) a«b beffe^t to bo ft fM °wm inianft to $p«j. / J£w t0e 0pe fofb^v' repie^afit )t$m coh) tm SMtmetf ofpttb tfjat pe to fop be^pfe q-wpcf} tyvft mb o»& 6e^r 0e mmirntop oftb fo mpeg qyvft §e wae ofg?ofipq: bo incontinent Vpf 0 owt owpbefep. Jmoxpo fgoofb 0aue jfiifonbpcpei ne ptfgooS) $e bopng iop? fiftfmtpof.§>tainboofo &mntioe» v? t fafatcti) bafortn) hitigit &eus,§egim&fp pt ; fioofb 6e bopip gaSo’g’W ^ bSfCp 'CgoS iz . ini* !©«omobo pofedf le tfm mtfmcote t (t c. Hffec fgp famine otib mpggf tfhxf l>6 to ^kbeifomb vftfiow ae mpeg ggewe mpeg offtet g§zm, ffttL 0a ^ ffefp anb bpfpgentfp*ftMouet6to2utnqwatfo jile bicce cmicotuo/Zoltct reuette eras curt) flattn) poff i'e bare* 1£6e* tin. conbpcpoj) be'vroptlp.iL meffte.tmViSfemofMie peccatatua tcDimeq^pc^ j0oolb 6e\tnbet|ionbpt of Qtot contort (sbewoptboa{moTtet0eq^pc0afcet t0obpae Deipmpe of Danger of t 0 e e'wptfejfanb beet 0 . 2 Do not 1 0 at t 0 e frnibre of C 0 c^> ftew* bpe Sccefl^t ctp after f$t fttye q^?pc0 pempttpn.jJoB^ip. Sptyetamn* met (i.eeteta. j(£t feffwapee. SDeteiinqueuwf me pzopmque mei et qut no^ uecunt oBfiti ft mt met $ p3omeet0atae ptpe^pttpq #06.^* ^Dtuictaa quae beuotautt tuomtt :et be Sentre etue qt>tca0et eae beue* / £tiatpeto (ap f 0at t0e ejpcufo* 02 patent 0? ot0et q^pc6 0af Dpe t0e goobpe of t$?n) becefjtyt f0af ca(l £0e fmtfy l fieftq papnpe anb iotmtm qrnpt t0e beetle f0attapf2t0erof*om £0ett) ippf0 greiaufepeof 6ptnantpEt)« $e*mt*&eppefaftpng of patens anb ftepnbpe of £0en>. beceffpt tty t0e q^pc0 qmtj t0ep at gopn 0p t0en$ Beanfe 10 t0cffaptof grape t0eparimt0 to t0e nsftp6png fee 0 ff0apt papnpe. Cftye apeetpege fpgntof tffe 0p8pC ppt* region* to. SercpDtgat after t0a£ agnet 0ab Bepti ftpffpt itf frapfoq tty ioafi b«upb gauand tognepffane of tgpeflefapbfo aftge pe^ppf q\rpc0 wpt0 0pm put 50m gptbpfe a6o^f eTppr&fSanfe banmatpon it) f0e qurpcg apperpe cfeetfp 0p fgepzopgct rppaf t0at faffpug f bo pennane fox f0e faoi^ftye ofpioaot%pioffctfatotffen)tot®e mapg ftyngfeeof tgaprpapnpe.^otgepsfgo^aepjapete^pgpfte faffpng anb otapfone t 0 e q^rpeg £00^ mapggeuc partpeppant fgp^epngps an$ patfe t0pef0e q'Wpcgtgo^fgoofb wot beffafubo.^fo* fo a@ rg©^ tope f0im 0eanb tqfgpe wfbfctgep fgatb© fozfge affcttigp beetg* fjupfa tfFub pzcaflftgat ton famt bene SoSifcQ mtfettcotbm [scat ft&zitw c$ modnm CtJlotGoWpeom) fpfeftrapfte fox to 'wn&ctjfonb bet q*wa0at pfewet i$t e0p^t pe floottj* Bbbpcpon* to ^nbetffonb (t f:ct)\!Mbe* q^aflat pftmet f 0 e cftyfb ’ 6 oo:t) (i fo: to 0 auc mot patfjtf ^nbccffonb^ng^t^ to vnbet(?onbt 0 attO^t ^eit) t£e $tt. pftwctj tf)af £e to fap (bfmnue /mace/mcccut^ue/rupitct/fti * tia/anbfatwtnu6/(ioft^c.?u.plancf5 at nam$ tfjc Su.batjee of t 0 e o^ft:fc:eW£t£c 6 ootj^s ttom^tof pflanef rengttant it) tQc 0 eg^nn^ng of tfle ba^ . C 0 c anc^cne fays tflaf fofaefbtbfftyp oftQe fb*Wrtba£ cft ( 3 o^ : of futjba{vf weitU 3 fatecbat* fafurwie. 'Cffc bcr^ naturef ae.^m.^ju'c^ anb it) ew£e£Cr) oot) bom^ nre ooqpfimef mmoff afjfo ttofpfttflafqweq \te beg^q to co^rttf t0 e fbvnba^ m mo|l 0eg^q fo co^mt tftye ^a^ee^oOiDenue/J^atuaise/ luttd/^afurmie/^up^ec/^ateianD fo ofotQete.&t q^eq t()e nombjjt (6 fa^f ve moff neb{>e0eg{>q 0e o;D^c ae fa$> ^e, $t affo fo not^fg f0att0egtcfe60eg£nn£8 tfia^c bap iqt0e morning tfjeto^te atm^Dbag anb ffje ctpftyq meq at nq>bnpg(K anb (;t {•« t0a\>c q We^t wj booth beg^tp to covntfotatoot)§o*wt after mt>Dn{$(Jt tffc fo^nba^tcng^e fofattwo flome/Senue af.m.Come/metcwtme at.im.0ome/fima at;B. 0om© fotumue at.Bf.fiome iupitet at. Sii.0ome mace anb |0af 0eg£q ut.Bm. 0ome fofaf.tp.ffcme Bentie at.jP.0ome metcuuue (? fo of ot0ets “vqjf 1ft feet) f0e t0at m wofb mberftonb.jOmq oot) c0£tb (je 0ooiq m moff mtberffonb at q^0at 0om anb tfyt 0e tq t0e Oeg^nn^ng of t0e 0om ox it) t0e m^bbj* w l t0e eptb. jjf £t & * ( 0* 6eg^nn^n0 0e f 0af 0ab of t0e pta net qmpt pe 0oojq anb of pf of afo* anb pt be ti) t0etnpbbpe 0e |0af 0ofb of t0e pfanet qmpc 0e woe flooiq anb of no ot0et pf pt 8e it) f 0e epnb 0c J0«f 0ofb of t0at pfanet qmpt 0epe 0o*q anb ae pt t0at foffo wpe / 0ot not jia^nftenbant t0epfanetoft0e0om qmpt 0e pe f Ijat 0aue foibfbpp a6o uet0eot0ete.i2tq‘wpc0 mo: pe pt of f0ebap f0af 0aueft»bf0pp affo t0at pe cauf t0at oot) c0pfb 0otDpe of fpnbzp ptontt^ anb ae fpnbjp conbpcpone 0of afmpee f0e pfanet of f0e 0om qmpt t0cp at 0oiq $m Dompnacpoq a0o«e af . pc0 fofto^pe. t0af pe 0 oo 2 q “wnbet fofpe pmbent anb mpf anb 0e pe oq gret fpefeat/anbq w0at t0png t0at 0ept^e 0e 0ofe bpe at WertMe tq t0erq f0eff. q^t c ^ t 6 6o:q ^nbet Benue of e*w tipcO ooq fotovrfuf in t0e epnb guob tq iefu ccpft anb teg^pfet. f0atte0ootq ^nber metcucme pe meffeebtf fo^tf^f fwqt( 'wettfab^f^ t® not 'trpf, C^«t8af ^e 0ootq 'wnbec fima ae ooq gret fox$t$ m’w&iii yyfct ge topo^e f0aamf^if anb te^gto^e. 8oorq ^nbet fas? f ntnue pe 0acbp/n^tfee/anb ^ fong/anb $e not a^?acpc^i»e . Ate* 0ooiq vnbet 0atb^fa^c ^ffa^gc anb te^b 0of ? fyng c 0 apff anb it>aga 0 o^nb. q V(»c 6 ?e 0oo2q ^ttber mate $s ooq gret fpefear/feat/f 0e^f/bf ffa vant/tKfla0^f/gcft anb of te^b eo^fom. & qifo Both moz’at foyet 0e f0oofb 0eqo(b 0e^t afoz 0c fpcfe fo of f 0 e|)fetnet 58 ^o 2 b^t. C / C0t|ttop^feeoft0e^it.^nge < .zConf^bttmt f0e coyvte of f0e0ob)>8 IJe'Wjwfge cmD t0e ~mpg0f of af mpgfltg gob f0e % 0 tttaf*f^f 0 efoot) fofftyt) 80ewe f0c goob (5 t§z e^f t0cqx?)>c0 go mtwpe aff^g^e q^gc0 at it) tQt ftt? mmimt it) i§t 0em*| f$|*$g tfjejj mofl net^e rflSbe0emottet5qmi wji -fe iic atrp^tg. pe mo2 mt to not f 0af offer f$e Soofyte of poqiff (t of affeofbgps f0e f^ng of atiee f>e f 0e f^tff * fptfiwnfotfi^tfyttmmtQqmyt t0ep or 8o$) attb tfyz fpg of fffcfom) f0e feff mottefg, CfJpe pe nof fo fop f 0af f0c f0$tgpe 0appfwtt\*i Sot 1 0c fptge ae fpc0 pjopptfee (t f0e ipgf aOom af f$gitg. 0£ fe moj a me fo notify f 0af 1£0$>r fpnge Befofittpe t0e faztwtt® p'wnfoztwm of mat? $ of mmet) m g* f vm& in f0e 0oofe of f&f 0o£ctm affa>feg€gg0f expert CflDf f0e ftttgaf a£iee,fptff c0cpf«e. X ^pnb fttffe0af 0e q^c0 p& §QZf) if) f0e f^ig of Ife&eftotf) f0e m£b mote wt) fo f0e mf»b amgl f0a£8c of gtef / attb f?of not 8e omt t)>c0 tso omtpowfjt.jljc fpatSauebdmajjge 0e ^o ttgg0t0owt6/0c f0af0auctfigg0f J^bqtb pcwppf goobb£e/0c fpafSe ctofS^f 0af?efy/anb incdtpntnt appapftf. ij)c ffiaUpfpeqmtt fettb*£ foxtwm (5 0aw«; m£c0 ffrpf.fyt fQaltifpt trifaqngp edmot) ^f0 efbqmttf pc\?ppf. $e f0af0e cfppett it) fegr ct$ , i)e ffyaWt oot) (wtimoGpfof foma^gc. $e (Qattaph mttgette of £s crcnemm (i f0aff£ttb 0«ti) fcffgobi %*t bpfpoffcf of at f^rng^e f 5otyf00q?ft f 0a t) it) % f0.pppm.5cat, $e fiat not 0e omtpow^no"omtt^0/0ef00f0eooqgtcf fom^cafoV^0e f0a$e mat^t af .pp&jearo^ £f 0e mat^ 0e 0^ not 0t fpafttof 8e c0a# • ge f0af8e mebpafut fez fan) ofps ftc^ad^ artb f0af0e 8ef^ i?) f Be mtfe of <)t0et«, f0of0aue t0^fb;pi)/0e f0at0c fp^ef fo* fo tsog 0^t).§d0af0aue oi) f^wg it) tfyt fSufbet (i it) 1 0e 0e^b (£ 1 f0e 8ob^. j^e f0af0e t|c0 of f0e beef0 of o^ero.08f(jt(f fowt) ffiafnot f^m/0e f0af0e t bSgept ofSeplipeof.mt* feef .iftc f0af 0aise gtef fapunts l f0e aage of.ppm^eate / cmbpffeifyapp* 0e f0af ^‘wc.fpppS^eats offer nafm. C'Cb 5 mapbjt) f0af f$a£8c So^t) it) t0af f^n) f0af0e ptfutfrffiaffy&w ba^gef (&mfj f0o fSafSc oot) feac f0o f0af &^e 0pt 0o^f8o«b anb gtef oot) goob^ae. §0o f0af0e t^g0f fe# it) f( ? e aage of. Sweats attb it) f0e aage f§Q «) bange^t ofbeeffi/a«& pf fQo-fQwp ffio ffialfie it} Do^rS** fepuiu $eam g ffioffuf* fa t jbzowof fipc fiepb.lgfic ba$poft$t §>otoftQcmat} anb of tfie womat) ffialfie tpfc to ffie mo'wfosjffie qippcfi $eatfp fc^ffpoffiapt «»**& imt & fpitent [|H0^6^r« C£f^ft«0oft0«tttiie.tt. cfiepfue « C after fie q^opcfi pafiott) it) tfie fpng of foutne ippcfi fw m%& ampf wt) to tfie mpb map |fialtte tpgfif fiacbp (ftpf fw^/belpcpoweffiaf poffepb tfie goobpe gfie^pt) to fiprt) fie offitte pf ffiaf fie isMb bo ffialfie bopt) mcfitt i fpnent fie ffiaf efoiefi pm to put tfiemto/epnb .jjqpe $o wtfifiepb ffiat 0pfp2pe cTeptpcfi ooi) p ffialfie ctafifipt fie ffiafmapfc ppfgtpttagee fieffiaffepf ip® ftepttbpe (t fepf wptfi tfie (italic geptefieffiaffiapppt) to °ffP 6 att & ffiaf epcetet fi cn ) mpf tmD ffialfie ipcfi fie^e fie ffialfie Tmtfian&fwf foitfie fet'wpabopq tofipm ffiaf not U trembpf anbffiaf atm to gooblpar efla^t fie (fialfapfc *we»gcne of po cm* rtempe fie ffialfie fipfpttg of oot) bog fie ffiat c?ipecptmiif fpnbip papnpe fip mmet)aafi ffialfie it) pet^ltf)^(pipui.3eat fie ffialfie it) pctpf of tester anb ffialfie fiomffip fcptznee anb ^enoTvm tq.ppM.3eat anb ffialfie fiafion* bant (i afcftpf anb ffiaf fpis>e. fpppS,$eai6 $dii.momt§a after nafm anb ffiel jfe reform) trpft. fL^fie boiwtfiet ffiat ffialfie fiott) it) ffiat tpm ffialfie affecfuo we of gtef ftrwfiom anb ooq feat (t ffiaf fuflrtffiaah) ffio it) pr 'wnbeponbpng ffiaf cum to effec (5 to tfie gooblpar patfp ffio ffiaffiaue mapnapfio^ffianbe anb fpnb:pcfipfb*pq ffio ffialfie tfie. pSi^at at tfie fe(i effort anb ffio ffiaf fiaue it) tfie mpbbpe office fiobp oot) fpng ffio ffialfie mafabpmanb/pfffioffiapps ffio ffiaf Spue, ($>$i» $ear afrec natur ffio ffioolb fiepr tpngpe anb p:ccpoV6 ffoonps apot) fipr ♦ 'fefie bapeof 5«pifec anb of tuna at to ffiem rpgfif goob/anb tfie bapceof mate tpgfif e vp tatib aempefi ffie mat) ae tfie cornet) ffialfie fp& foffiefio^fgTtpcfi fa^fioeps (t q W) tfie cott) pe fa wpt) fie ae fiat tfie caf fo? ps pact* Cfiep ffiaf &epp wepf ffiapte attb ffiaf not pzoff pf fo t fiett) tio fo of fiete attb ffiep ffialfie m ptifpf 'wttffiawfeftif. 0®f tfi^ fpg of iiu cfiepfwt 3 t) 'wpefi pe 0o2f) it) ffie fpttgof gerntni from tfie mpb map St) to tfie mpb i^pttg ffiaffiaue fpnfep So^ttbpe fie ffialfie faptd mtpn cpfiif fie ffiaf fpwc oppt) fpue $, tapffittafipf fi? ffiaf ceffapf fpabip pet^ne anb fie ffiaf go fo fpnbxppfiiepe nof ftenttpf a ffiafmapl; m ii fpnbzp ppfgrpnctpgee 0 c f§a®t oot) ^anfut 0 ef 0 af nofaBapb it) f 0 cpfop« q'wcpt 0 e woe 0 ozt) 0 e fBaflte wpe cwD tteglpgct it) psnegocee 5 c f 5 af 0 ap', ppt) to tpe 0 ee "wt) fo.w^^cote. fle fptft Wpf f 0 af not fpue fong 6 ot 5 c f 5 affapfcfltange wemet) (traffic fopt marpt 0 ef 0 ajtfc Bptpng ofoot) bog 5 c 5 awc f 5 rtfooi) fpng of ptt) ot offset 5 c f^afiSe tozmtpt it) fiafptp ffiafpae t 5 c fc (i Cj>uc*;C.5c«t6 (t,j*\ monct 0 e (i mot after nafm. C^ 0 c mapbpt) 1 0 af f 0 af 0 c 0 o*t) it) t 0 at fpti) f 0 af ctl to 0 ono m (i f 0 af put 0 pr feff 0 efoz it) t 5 cgoobp 6 ofof 0 ecef 0 o | 0 af 0 c repjo\Ypt of fafe ctpnj f 0 omof? Bernard af.pmt*5cacepff00 waft 0c e0 apfif5o/f0af f0o w oot) petpf (i f0af fpue.fflp 5eareaffctnafut anb f0af0onewt gob* 1£0e bape of mercutiue of fof at to f0cttj tpg0f goob. / C0c bapeeof tuna (5 of fienue at to t0eii) tpg0f cwpf fo mpeB mat) ae f0c wotnat) f0af cpfe anb gabbet t0epc goobbpe of f0cpt fucceffome/ 0ot wpt0 geef papn tficp bat wfc of f0cpt pzopctgoobbpa fo mpc0f0aff0ep Beawatpepowe. 4 L®ft§t fpttg of ftmcet.uu.c0eptuc fJjwTf jf ^ tffet fape t0e letter t5at 0c t0at f0af0e 6oozt) it) t5 c fpng of Ai}| Bbfr cancer fro ft) t5c mpb jjwpng fit) to t0e mpb i wliet 5c f0ai0e Httl lUMv* mafp<^owett) ot) io^ow foztunc* IC^fic ma^^t) t0at f0afoe 0ozt) tt) f0af f(»n) f0af6e futowe anb incflfpticnf f0o f0aftk angetp g medf pnent f0o f0a(0c io^o ve . $0o f0af0c fmaf/io^ove/feewpaB^f/^^e attbf0af fuffctfpnbzppctpfe fBcvpcBfBo (5aft0opf*5f f0cp map6 pt onp feewpe f0o f0aftecompcnfc f0ctt) 5 pt fptt) f 0 o f 0 affic oot) gtef fow» 6 o:ct (i ( 0 af fapfz gref pap^ (t trawapf wt) fo*ip;pio*5cate/0of after f 0 o f 0 af 0 auc rcft.§) 0 o f 0 af 0 aue mapnapfoonnpa $ 0 o mofi nebpe 0 e matpf af.^ iii.3eat6 Hotmowre (i gpftpef 0 af foffo^ . $ 0 of 0 af 6 auc vowttbpefiof f 0 o j 0 af 0 c 0 opffpf BefOetn^bpept) anbfOaf Baucpctpfi^fBc 'wafer, §> 0 of 0 afl 5 c 0 omt 0 c of 0 cre it) t 0 cfcgref of we? mct).$ 0 o (Baf 6 e Bpftpngofoot) bog anbfBafi^ue.fviwj'.jeate after nafut ITBcbapeeof Jupiter of Benue at fof 0 ctt) rpg 0 f goob (l ofgoobfSozfwi) anb f 6 c bapee of mare cpg 0 f evpf.zSf affo ntpc 0 tnat) ae womet) f 0 af 0 atie goob fott wne anb wpeforp of tBcpcennempe. C J©f fpng of ko f$c.$.cfyptut. & te $ fa qwpc0 pe Sou) Snbet (0e fpng ofXco ftott) I (0c 0aff '5 wffet wt) (o (0c 0aff aug wff ge f0afbc fapc anb 0atbp 0c f0af fpepfe opppnfp anb |0a(0c meptcpfuf 6c f0af wcpp wpf0 (0cnj (0at weppe anb (0af6e arrogant if) wot ym&W II bpe.1£0ep f0afg0ewc 0ptt) oot) perpf it) cctfapt) tpm * i2f a(.^(PSt*5cat 0c f0afl&c fppet fot to bo 0pnj fltong 0ot 0c f0af f0o w af pctpfe pe 6cnefpcpe f0a(Be wt) (0anfefwf 0c |0af 6c 0onow* rptof goobpcwppfanbf0afo6tept) f0af 0e/0af 6egpt)0cf0af0auegoob* bps dc tfpo2effecwpe 0c f 0 afl 5 e mgrat (o t0ep/fpe anb 0c f0a(8c grct anb »npg0fp. / C0cp f0af g0euc 0pwt) c0atgepf cdmwnptc anb fo mpc0 ae 0c as (eft 0c f0af 8ptj 0c f0af curt) to bpgttpfe anb |0a(6e fo wpt 0c f0af tapfc (0c foitwt) of.tiufabpe 0c f0af mapf* pplgrpnapgee anbf0affu/fctbowfbwc ofpe fpg0f 0c f0af fat ftott) 0pe anb 0c f0af 6c b2cba6pf it) water 0c f0a( fpnb peb monep af.piim.jear (0c f0af 6c fepf2 0c f0af6e it) Dowt anb f0af perpf of fun) fo2b (t af.p anb ffiatfcyf.fyp.yate.aftei rnrtm, C 1£0e womat) t0at ffydlk Sotqiqt^t^fSafScfSamfut anbmgenpowe anb f0of0af tapfcgret fiapf) anb f0at0e ncgtpgent f0ep f0oofb matp pt at,pu,$eare anb f0o f0af^ 0c ooi) f0oit tfi) wpt0 pt fpiP0oTpf6anb, |)pt fegunb tyaff&of fong fpuc anb f0af 0aue fpnb:p goobbpe % oot) of0et wnai).§0o f0«ffaffconj0pe pt fpne f0afBe ti) pctpf (i f0af bp f0o?tfpf0o f0affuffet bo wfiom a(.^» 5 cace m f0o ef0app t0ope bottom© f0o f 0 affpuc.fc»p. 5 eat 6 after not w . §0e ffatfimz oot) wrmowfepb anb aft0pftgps {QoXfa'woz 0pt.#>0o f0afte* lot it) fpnb:p f®:towe,1£0e bapee ofmetcutme anb offot f0af6e to tffeti} Vpg0tgoob (if0c bapee of mateffaMe to t$m tpg 0t ewpf ♦ &t afjfo mpc0 *0c mat) as (0c 'womar) f0affuffet fpnbjp temptacpone fo mpc0 T£gf0 gref papt) t0cp maptefpfl t0ep f0af befpt t0enj to fpue c0affpfe Sot t0epfftaf fuffet mp<$ q weptc\*>pt t0cp 0c , <[$)f £0 c fpngof 60:a,S».c0cpti«: *2f0oofbtemem6pt of t0e fpng of fifoa fo: 0c t0at p* 0o:i) ftoit) f0c 0atf §>eptem0et *wi) to t0c mpb £)c£o0et f0af0c tpg0t mpg0fp 0c |0af 0e p:pfpt anb0onowtpt it) t0c fct\vpe of capf am 0c f0ofgo ti)'fpnb:p pfctcpe %nbm npt (if0af^pr) ») oot) frange 6mb, $e f0af feepp rnpfpe goob pf 0e bpfw wtpfcnot 6c ^?^i) btpnftpng 0c f0a( not &epp £e piomee 0c f0a(Bc nopt 0c futtt fp&iet anb of ot0 et goobpe 0e f0af&e ma^tanbf0afnot fiepp0pHjoonfp tope -wpf 0ef0af fpepf: Cpg0ttp (if0af 0auc no (F:opf0 ctt'wpe pe npg0t0o we 0e f0af 0auc tt) pe mpg0t t0c f$pn gpe of t0 at) t0af at beceffpt anb f0af0aue fust) fpng it) pe mcm0:pe.C0^t f0af§0eue 0pit) 0oie (t oppi) vemct) anb f0af cppcrpment c'wpf foifo'wne ^pnbiprffmpefo 0an'eamfepfof 0pnj anb p0af fpnc.ftop,$eartpe anb, tut, mo«ct0e.C / C0P kernel) t0at f0af0op:t) it) t0at tpn) (0at0c fowaBpf anb ofgcetcowapgc f0o f0af anno we t0e Dect0 anb0ptcnnempeanb f0af go it) flange p focpe. §»0o f0af0e goob anb topowe . ^0o f0af tctop pt 0c pt f)o^|0astb anb pe f0o 0c not matpf at.)>ui.$cartpe f0o (SaCnot 0c c0apfl , §*0e f0af 0auc no foonpe of pr f pr|! 0o^fanb.$0o f0af mapfe mapnap ppf grpnapgts anb after ^^ttt^carrpe f0o ffiafpwfpct tt) goob^ar anb f0o f0af0aue gret 0ono^t anb foxepnganb fowi) after f0o f0af6e grewtffp fepa anb f0af6e fio^rtof Bpmpng a0o“wt t0c feet a0o'W^mb,(Dtt,$cat anb after naf^t f0aftpue.0o.of$care , C6cbapeeaf5enu^ mbofUimfSdt 0c to 0pm rpg0t goeb/anb t0c bapesof mercurtue f0afi5c to t0ai) rpg0tc^ 'wtfM otfo mat) ae t0c mmo) f0af&c it) bovt vt) to t$c dectflAm* *s dcm it) f0e c^nd. C£Dft0* ft* tg offco:pm6.$iiu0epfut gjy *2te£bf0*r0e q^i>c0 £a Soon) iq f0c ftng of §co;pwe ’ from t0c m|>d £>ctoDct Si) to t0t m^d j&ouedct f0af0auc 9 ° of) f 0 * 0 ^ 1 ) $ e fMk <*>*) gcet foinpcatm. 1£0c fq’fr tyt^| mmat) t0«t 0c f0af tom fox to 0auc n) manage f 0at0e wjffi /ft oot) teftg^om 0e (0af feem ic^t0 good ipp^to £0e ^mo^ gee 0e ffjaifuffct bo wfom it) Befog fioon^e i f0c aage 0 f.ip 5 . 5 ear 0e f0af0e 0atdt> ae oot) ftot) andf0a$e fomtftf of fo 2 tt).§^ W^faci»ffe 5 f 0 at 0 eg 0 e^i)to 0 ^m 0 c f0at0e oot) gret goer \v(>ftfanb ftti d^ coutreee fo: to Twderjtond of t0e co^ffutt) ant) oit^tione of ftndz^e^ tee (i fffafomteun) at^e ennem<* t0e^ map notno^ 0pm it) onp mapnat t0at map 6c. ^pe ^^f6e f 0 af 0 aue(pnb*pgoobdpeanbf 0 affuffetftnd 2 p dowfome of t0e ftomofr a (0a£0e iopom and fflat fom to fpnb 0pm feff TPpt0 topom pcwppf . 5*) ( 0 C *£30t f0ufbet 0c f0af 0auc oot) fpngnet 0c fmpf votive and ffefc0png 0c f0al0c dpffawpt. -©ffpmpe 0c (0atfap oot) t0png and do t0c ot0e 1 0e|0af 0aue mtidee mat’d 'wptO ptt).jf)e f0a(0c 0pt t^tjof oot)oiofof0er6et>jf.)5cf0af0c it) doW't and0aucfutt)enncmpe it) (0c aage of .(p;ppiif . 5 iate . £t pf0e e[0apppe 0c f0af fpue, f^p;pitii. jear after natur.4L / C0 c cornet) t0at ffiafee 6o:t) it) t0pe fptt) f0af0e ampadpf (ifapr.tSt f0af not Belong Tvpf0 ptfptj! 0o*wf0and 0of aftetf0o f0aftciop ipppt0 oot) of0ct 6c pe good aud fapt0fuf fetitppe f0o f0al 0aue 0onnom (C T*pcto 2 of Bpr ennempe.!§>0o f0af jufet do^fom of t0e ffomofc f0o f0af35c Tvpe andi0af 0aue Sendee it) t0c f0ufbct (0o mof? nedpe d:epd pc epnb t0c g'wpcfi f0af 0c 6o"wtfuti) 6e mnomt) and (0af fpue.&>p. 5 eate after name *fe0e dapee ofmatemD of fatumue ar r pg0t good to t0ci*nt0c dapee of tupitec ar cv^ft0f^ |0af0e fycgt of vpoz d andppcfcanf of f0c ta^f(im^;r^ mutant 6|jc0 f0e^mfd not M fat’d of t0ctt). C ^Dft0e ftng of fagittartiie^ 2 gf 0 do(diK’nderf! 0 df 0 at 0 cicr ^0 ts6otf)^ndct fag^fat^ue frotf)t0cmi’dnomm0cr mifom$defem0et0c f0af 0am good effec and f0af 0am me^ra’ of e'wpt^cO ooi)f*tt0at 0c ftpe0c|0af oGte^t) 6^ tcmfeqjof) 0cf0afgo 0^ defect ptac^s i^ntcnnpf (idangcrom and f0af rum ^pf0 gcct ^^tge 0c f0affet0att: 6 f^^w)to oxv> t e fw*9‘todap and0ef0afnot m tm comt# Wat 0c ae 0c f0af0aue fUtt) feng^e it) pe 03b{>e fc no matjmpp f 0 o f 0 afomccutt) yc ennem^e [ 0 of 0 a£ D^fpcnbm^c 0 mone^ 0 p 0 ofp of ev^ company f 0 o | 0 af 0 e caffyt mot 0 et offonnye anb | 0 affuffet gtefumty.§ 0 o f 0 at ta^ft gret papt) f 0 a$>t to t 0 at f 0 o ma£ 0 aue t 0 e goofcqje of 0 |jt frceb^ 8 » C 0 e£f 0 oof& mat^eaftpiut^ca* (i f 0 a£ 0 aue e^ft 0 ^c cm) at. pim,$eat anb 0 ^etn^ attaint 5 eat ( 0 af 0 auc gtef io£.§ 0 o [ 0 a£fuffer bo^ 0 m 0 |j cn^tj ants f 0 a 00 e pact^t of to£ a f 0 of 0 auc.( y bcccfkt Tot) to f 0c m^b iatiuct f0af0e tcacunb fow^catom (i ooi)0catanb fufoftaw0om (if 0 at 0 eno 2 tp| 0 ^t offtaige t0^ng^e ♦ f)e |0at 0auc f^nbjjj t^m^e anb |0af eppet ywnt ffc^f 0c f0at6e gomtnom of 0cp|tye ^t0.uii,feef 0c f0af not 0c tong ^{>(0 £e ^f 0e [0a£fuffet fpnb:^ ^c0^nge (J tt^ffee it) 0 ^e 3 o^pt 0 0epb 0e/0af 0a0anbom) ftnb^goobpeanb t£c0ee 0c f0af0aue oot) gtet pet^f at.p$t.m*0c f0a£6eof od tpg0t gtc t courage 0c f0af 0a3f 0oneft pevp^f anb f0a&c qtc0 0£ mmet) anb f0aC0e conbuc $ fur of ma^tie 0 j»e 02 ct 0 cc f 0 af mapfi ftnbtp mf 0 tntge anb fp^enge a 0 ouc 0 ^n) 0 cf 0 aC^we.^n. 3 catanb.iui.monet 0 .affct natut . 1£0e mmet) f0af f0af0c 0oit) I fftyefptt) f0afl5e f0aamfufat)b b2c^Qfuff0of0a{ omteutt) 0^ecnncm^eanb f0of0af 0auc c0^fbt^t)of.m.met)(0o (0af mapf:mapnapppfgiamageel 0 ^ 3 o^f 0 e)>banbaftet f 0 o f 0 af 0aue gtet goobre.f£t f0o f0af 0am bo^fom it) 0£t c^t) anb f0af0c it) 0^t goobfpcfl cjfa^f attb f0o f0af f^m . f^u'^eat: anb . tiii « monct 0 after natur. / C0c bapceof fatutnue anb of mate f0ai6cto t0ett)tpg0f goob. C0c ba^ee of fbf f0af6e to f0en) e'vqtf anb fo tn^c0 t0e mat) ae f0e mm3 ^atbcraoffbnnaS^fe 0of f0c^ f0af0c cn^^om . €£>ff0e f^ng of aquat^ue. (Ot.c0cpfut. 1C we fpnb t0c qwpc0 pe 6o:t) it) t(3e fpng of aqua rpue fcottj t0e mpb ianuet wt) to tfie mpb faucet ampadpf anb pracumb 0e fQatnot 0efepf i wapt).1C 0cp f0af geue 0ptt) monep af.ppm. jeat 0e f 0a! 6c t pe afta^c 0c f0afwpt) ol0c (0atgoor 0c [0af6e tpg0r fepti(tf0afbe 0owrt wpt0 ptt) 0c f0at0aue Djepb it) watpr anb aftcc 0cf0af0auc goobfozfowt) 0ef0afgoit) fpnb:p(irange ptacpe. womai) t0at ffiafde 6ozt) it) t0pefpnj f0af0e belpcpowe anb (0af0aue fpn* top tpmpe fftpf foi pr c0pfbtpt) (0o f0afBe it) gret peewit) tfie eageofe.ft0c fpug of ppfree. j>ii‘C0epfut. *£t0at pe 6ott) wnbcc ppfcce fed t0e fewetpet w») to t0empb mare 0c f0a? ftaptfc mptfz apb fepene tfudjia * fctfp0e f0at’ go mpc0 0c f0afl)eooi) fotnycatut mom co woptowe 0c (0at fap t0c ooi)(ibo f0e ot0 ct 0c f0af fpnb mopnep 0c f0aftruft i 0pe fappene anb f0at 0que goob foi tut) 0c [0af6c oot) befenbo w* of webo we pof mot0ec fee c0pfl)tpt) 0c f0af0auc toepb it) wafers 0c f0af pae fpg0f fp 0pe abwcrfpfee attof0af 0auc.^m.$earanb.S.monct0 after nafur. 1C0e womet) f0af f0af0e 0ott) tt)f0affplt) f0afBebefpcpowe: fampfper iqgeffpe ptefanf of co wrapge fetuanf attb (0af0aue bowfowt f 0pt ept)(tf0o f0af 0aucbow^ fbwr 0p mfampfe 0pr 0owf0aub fdaf fepf 0pr anb wpf0 f 0at f0o f0af 0auc gref papt)wpf0 fftangete f 0o f0af not 0aucpf t0at pe pt awtt): f0o/0a£ 0auc bowfour’of0pr ftomab on\>of^t c0pfb 0cbf0o f0af fpwc . . 3 eat aftcc nafut .C0e bapee of mot e aub of fafurnue at to f0enj cwpf (t fo mpc0 t0cmat) aef0c womat) f0af fpuc fapt0fuftp, Ci^ept cnbpf0 t0c nafpwete$of mat) anb of wemet) after t0e.biq ( 0 eq^c 0 fj att) (j amenb mp fa^ftee fot pf g 6am fapt(t$pt $ put me to atamenbpnq .jfot t e^f b 0 (>ttg< 0 a£t (pee 6ot antmbpe 0 {> po'wpr famotft (0af epe itfnotQnpyee t HL'&tyzfptftnatpot) fpefope of(ptane* rt fl t$t rntpot) oftatptj fax (0c owa maffetepe (0c papemtb j t (0e emperom re fpnfopotfyzt Ctpng^e t$atpe to fap (0c xpefit h c t£(fy>q fo^ng of feme tq ga^f^jsbi p n oO^fbwf^e cownfpe ftatzom ztUpe (i^f re ooq ttaq>oq mo(t ffoxpfani of o(0ete tq 0om«>m jtotg0( ^a^ene $ iq fm£ttf00cpb tq (0c nac^oq fpamt^e at tfycUpnqpe of/eaflptfe/ baiagoq/of poitugaf/of Wrturttccanbfi>«l)jpbisf^8anberfpeaftbt0cpac tptef readme t(0ettaq>5 ofptakpetfyz (tpnq of cecrfmtb (0c ( 2 pm ofnapke a nb fjptb*C mtftqwga ortbccfpeae^cn^effotmefcjie fame it) atmapn^c ^p(0 o^( (0eempc tcyn at fpttbcp fcpttgs (0a( pe to fap (0c tipn% off roc (3b (0c hpngi ofmgfib (mb ofaoooiiBto^ot^t^fanbt^mttcm bufz^eezfye (i at f0e oPo^ve jap b o0ebpent to f0e c0ptc0of romapne. CC0* fegunb nacpoq fpefzpe of gtefzpe. £>ta cefpefzSb oftOpenacpoq q^pc0 pegtepfz pfopn$pe pt for 'Yvepacpoq t0af pt ae flab t0efpiq6ppa(fpt. 1D0e gt ef aet0e pattpatfz of conjiantpnoBpf: atc00pf0ope (i a00ot$(af0efpptptueft0pngpe tot0e tfpctef cpecowt 5 ufzpe anb etfpe. C0ep at no ^ oot ) fyd H00et f 01 t0af f0at t0e ageronpene anb futfe as occupy (t fapfzpq^po^ fenffp f0e mof* gtef patfpofg£ec$t0e pattptapfzpq 6p f0e agozonpene anbtmfzeo0ep6noffof0etomapq c0ttc0 1£0ep0amfpnbtp atnme. 1£0ep at coniamnyt 0e f0e c0ptc0 foz t0at C0ep xvotb fail t0af.§pue fatten tm not) poccbit a fidottquob not) effputgafottutq . ; Tea*wme.C0e c0^tbzpq oft^at fanb at c^tcwcpfpt ( ncfco^cne. 1£0c fa0 nef co^meputtge tt) kfu apfi two patfde ooti gob (0 c o(0ct ma?| anb bcn^ee ( 0c ^tg^n mato to 0c mother of gob 8ot (0cg fa£ $cc( ( 0a( kfu tryfl ye oot) maq.'Ocp fpe^fi _ (0 c &sngapc rc0 of ton? anb (0e£ a0a$>ap t'q (0a^t pat(gnac(j(e» CC0c«W*m?qw) of mo&mpene* £D6ufij&(0eKaqK»q of mown^nscaff^of oog 0crcfy6 of motet). 'C0o^pn&£6 in tzfu ct^fl oot? Snbctfionbmg anb oo?) wejjf anb (0e£ bwf tq fp0^c ii) (0c p:owpne of fen^e (i (0e|> at oot) gte( nomf^t f0ep wfz fpect>a(fy of do* (i 0ato w (0q> 0auc Mke tfyopc 0£f0ope as tenge ^ m^fete mb 8|>f0op ffa^fftte m (0c totym tfqfifc (0c 0o^ 'w tp( anb of f 0e fe((ct of cafbei Jc it) (0c W£( ^fga^t of fc((ec ataflpc (0 c(j 0aue 8ej>t) wbet (0co0cb^cne of 0ofy c0^tc0 roma^t) (0q?t pattqath Sae it) (0e confe^f genetafof faynt 0oot) of (0c fattreq (i fang at to^tg wbet (0c pape gnnoccnf,w.8o( fet) f^q (0cp at tetmnyt. 1£0ep wt f^eff con* bamnyt it) tfcconfeftof&onffatttynofyt anbaftzt (0c^ at te(mn{>( to (0c o0cbpcne of (0e tomans) cfyytcft Rafter (0q? at te( wn£( to (0e$>t fafo anb e^fopp^ot) iq (0c q\^c0 (0e£ patfe wpt . Cl£0e.§n.nacpoq fpcft(je of atmm^cne fa^(0at (0ps nac^one of atmznyzm pe ne(jr an(0poc0c (0cj> vvft at of oot) (anga(tgc t't) (0c 0of^ 'wt^t anb it) (0c fee 'W^8of(0ec0(?rc0 aeg^o wtb f^ng it)(0cc6ptc0 mgf^f0 anb (0e met) a (0e 'wemen Snbct^onbps af (0e(t 0aue (0cpt pj)wa((8a((0ct) cafca(0of£& (0c qw^c0 (0cpo0c^ ae(o (6c pape it) gcct be^oepot) anb tnmens . ^0cp faff (0c fentccn anb c^tt^e no f^c0 anb b^nft^e no ”w^t) anb zyttye ffcfc0 (0c fatetba^j , e^c 0epb a (0c cfetfepe t0at at not p*cpffpe 0ae t0cpc cto wnpe fq^aept, £5 wt) t0ep go to t0e 0o£p fepuf&et t0 ep pap no tcpOut to t0e factafpne . 'CBep enter iq tefutufafen) *wpt0 oppq (fanbacefo: t0atr0e factafpne biebpe tfym* 'CBemmeq \*>fpe ^eppnge ae ineq*4Dmr) t0ep mpt to t$e (ofbompene incontinent it <0aft0epaf0peg0e^pqt0cnj.- CCBe.ip. nac^oi)fpctz^eof tBcfucpene* a ^pnb tBat (fa naepoq of t0e furpercs Bae f0apt mtt) ; ofooqcptenampt/uct0eg^pc0pe moft appetanb ettwpe i t0e ot0ereof t0e tab of futpe, 1£0e pe^ppffbi^ufeapcfan | gage fpefepe fattafpq. 1£0e0ofpmpttp6anb offpe of t0e mee pe ingtcfi . 'Oe Baue BpfBope anb fteppe f Bept conffy tuepone of gre&e a oBepe to tffcty it) at f Bpngpe tBep mapft factpfpeof fewq 6*epb (i ae t0e oppnpone of gtefee ae t0e fatpne.1£0ept pefwnjcteffpenerqtBeBofptanbq^pcB foffoTvpefBeit) anb at caifytfa? matpfapne q^pc0 wae conwcfpt it) tBe tpnj of tBe appopflpfe Bat tBep at not owet goob cteflpene. C/CBe.p.nacpoq fpefcpe of moroiaBpene ♦ t£ fBaf rnapfcepnb of motoiaBpene f0e q^pc0 Tvae gretwmfpu) nontBee tBe tprqBp paffpt it) f0e fanb of a^rp&anbfpapnjejBotno^tBepatfeitp tBep at taffpf momadyemfoi f0pe tBat it) fpnbip tBpngpe tBep 0e& tBcmapnereoffBccteffpensBeanbtq ataBpe tBep'wfe of tBe wtpq Cangage it) tBe Botp o ( fpce$ anb I0ofp tBpn £ gpe (i oBepofo f0e cBptcB oftea^n) anb to tBe BpfBope offotpne* C0 e P ff)jpwctBern»)fBefangage a$pmonpenne 02 m fafpq tBep at beffetantfo tBe of fafpq fo* fBpe tBat ii) tBept 0ofp offpe tBep Bane tBept 0ome owe fang anbfo*t0at /tBat t0e bap nafatefpe bp^pbpfiq»^im. Ba^tpeof tBe bap anb of tBe npgKt it) fompcB Bawe Botp offpe t Bo^te fafmpe t Bpme anb afatBep otapffone at fong tBe qwpcB tBep fap not aftutfk covflm offatpnofoitfypstfyat tfyfatpm (ope it) t$e 0egfwn:£8 (0er fapptin t$z e^ttb o: it) t\Jz fydpjaapmmt m.w.pat^e $ otfyae rtj.p. 'IZGpe fteoot) mctoi) ip%$t §em)>ft0ep comtt)mg not) 0e manage owt f0att0e£ 0c 0o:n of £0qjt et£0 (5 6mb. 'Cfie jf cattgete or nof tcfonr^ ») manage (iqmi) oot) mat) fef^s £s iv)tf 0c not matqt agept) Got it) c0a$fefe ♦ C0e caiie of jo gcef bj^fpot) ct^»m £0c crpffyt) met) \raefo: £0p« £0af I £0c tytt) paffpt £0e ecpffpene ‘wae fttanypt pi tmpzfGptto mapfe not oot} cdfcpt genecafas to £0$ta caua £0apt re tpfpug fim)0ettf$tye it) fpni>ippat£pafoif0a)>t pe no mat) tQatputtpe temepb* enbpf0 £0e ftafenbac offfipppat& twnftatpt of ftancty I engfpf0 to £0 c fc’oppng of afmpg0fp gob pi of 0pe gfotpom mo£0er matp aub of £0e 0ofpcomfof 0pwpt) pxtm fpf fparpe f0e.^m*t>a^ ofrapng oot) £0om fan&. &&&£&* (i.itt . / THE KALENDER OF SHEPHERDES VOL. III. A THE KALENDER OF SHEPHERDES THE EDITION OF PARIS 1503 IN PHOTOGRAPHIC FACSIMILE A FAITHFUL REPRINT OF R. PYNSON’S EDITION OF LONDON 1506. EDITED WITH A CRITICAL INTRODUCTION AND GLOSSARY By H. OSKAR SOMMER, Ph.D. VOL. III. REPRINT OF R. PYNSON’S EDITION LONDON 1506 LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. 1892 . ]— [ Ere begynneth the Kalender of Shepherdes. [Woodcut No. 2.] [A i verso] [Woodcut No. i.] [A ii refto] H ere before tyme thys boke was prynted In parys In to corrupte en- glyfthe and nat by no englyfle man wherfore thefe bokes that were brought Into Inglonde no man coude vnderftonde them pfetly and no maruayll for hit is vnlekly for a man of that countrey for to make hyt Into perfyte englyffhe as it Ihulde be. C Newely nowe it is drawneout 5 ot frenffhe ito englyffhe at the inftaunce&cofteand charge of. RychardePyn- fon and for by caufe he fawe that men of other countres intermedellyd with that that they cowde no Ikyll in/ and therfore the forefayde. Rycharde. Pyn- fon and fhuche as longethe to hym hath made it into playne englyffhe to the entente that euery man may vnderftonde it/ that thys boke is very profyta- 10 ble bothe for clerkes and laye people to caufe them to haue greate vnderfton- dyng and in efpeftyall in that we be bounde to lerne and knowe on peyne of auerlaftinge deth. As the lawes of god fhewith howe we may knowe to kepe his comaundementis and to knowe the remedyes to withftonde dedly fynne there be many men and women thynkes them felfe wyfe and knowes and ler- 1 5 nes many thyngis but that that they be bounde to lerne & knowe that they knowe nat as fyrfte the x. commaundementis of god and the v. comaunde- mentis of the churche that euery creature that purpos to be faued fhulde lerne and knowe and have them as perfetly as there pater nofter. you people how wyll ye fhryue you and yf ye breke any of the comaudementis and ye knowe 20 not them. C Truly there is but fewe that knowes them therfore lerne for ye be bounde to that as well as to lerne your pater nofter. €T For howe can you kepe oure lorde godis comaundementis and ye knowe them not. C Alfo ye be bounde to breke nat one of them on peyne of danacyon for and thou breke one thou brekeftall. offende the lawe in .i. poynt and offende in all. for & thou 25 breke one thou dofte nat goddis byddynge. for he byddyth the to breke none. C All that ye do in thys worlde here but if it be of god. or in god. or for god all is in vayne you fhuld not rede lhuch vayne maters, for redynge of vanite en- genderyth vayne thought diftroyes deuofo in man. CT what nede it a thyng that is nought to rede or ftody. on youre fynne and what grafe by god in you 30 wrought is, C Alfo in thys boke is many mo maters loke in the tabyll here folowynge 7 [A ii verfo] THe Kalender of the Shepeherdes. ft Ehefe be the contentis of this prefent Bokej of the Shepeherdes kalederj Drawer out of Frenche into Englyffhe \ with many goodly addicyons New- ly putte therto. 5 T7 Irft the Prologe of the Audtor that faieth howe euery man may lyue X iijxx. & xij. yeres by the lefte/ and they that dye before that terme it is by violens or outrage of themfelfe in their yothe. ft The feconde Prologe of the Great Maifter fhepeherde/ that proueth true by gode argument/ all that the firft fhepeherde fayeth. i° ft Alfo a Kalender with the Fygures of euery Saynt that is halowed in the yere/ in the whiche is the fignes/ the houres/ the mometes & the newe Mones. ft The table of the mouable feftis with the compounde Manuell. ft The table for to vnderftande euery day in what fgrie the mone is in. ft Alfo fygures of the clyps of the fonne and of the Mone/ the dayes howres & 1 5 momentes. ft The trees and braunches of Vertues and vyces. ft The paynes of hell that is ordeyned for euery dedely fynne with figures, ft The garden and felde of all vertuous that fheweth a man howe he fholde knowe whether he be in the date of the grace of god or nat. 20 ft A noble declaraeyon of the feuen princypall peticyons of our Pater nofter. C Alfo the (Aue maria) of the thre falutacyons/ One made the aungell Ga- bryell. the feconde made faynt Elyfabeth/ and the thirdemaketh our Moder holy churche. ft Alfo the Crede in Englyffhe of the xij. Artycles of our faithe. 2 5 € Alfo the x. comaudemetes in Englyffhe/ and they, comaudemetes of the chyrche Catholyke. ft Alfo a fygure of a man I a fhyppe that fheweth the vnftablenes of this tra- fetory worlde. ft Alfo the gardyne & felde of all vertuous & of the iiij. Cardynall vertuous. 3° ft The fyfnamy of manes body with a warnynge of deth & ij. wemes balat 9 . ft The gouernauns of helth for the body & howe it fhall be preferued. ft The nomber of all the bones & vaynes in a manes body/ & for euery dyfe- afe/ to be late blode in them. ft The hye Aftronemy of fhepeherdes of the two great fercles of heuen/ and 35 the foure finale with the vij. pianettes and the natures of the xij. fignes with a fygure of the zodyake. 8 [A iii redo] H Ere byfore tyme there was a fhepherde kepynge his fhepe in the feldes whiche was no clerke ne vnderftode no manere of fcrypture nor wretynge but only by his naturall wyt. C He fayeth that lyuynge and dyenge is all at the wyll and plea- lure of almyghty god. C And he fayeth that by the courfe of 5 nature a man may lyue thre fcore and xii. yere . or more. C For euery man is xxxvj. yere olde or he come to his full ftrengthe and vertue/ And than he is at the belt bothe in wyfdome and alfo in fadnes and dyfcrecyon/ For by xxxvj. yere/ and if fo be that he haue nat gode maners than It is vnlykely that euer he fhall haue gode maners after whyle he lyue. IO C Alfolyke wyfe as a man is waxynge and growynge xxxvj. yere. fo it isgy- uen hym as many mo to enclyne and go fro the worlde by the gyfte of nature And they that dye byfore that they be thre fcore and xij. yere olde/ ofte tyme it is by vyoles or outrage of themfelf. and they that lyue aboue that terme is be gode gouernaunce and gode dyet. 1 5 C The defyre of this fhepherde was to lyue longe holylye and to dye well. But this defyre of longe lyfe was in his foule. whiche he hoped to haue after his deth. For the foule fhall neuer dye. whether it be in blylfe or in peyne. C Therefore this fheparde thought that lxxij. yeres here in this vale of wrech- ednes is but a lytyll and a fmale terme to the lyfe euerlaftynge whiche neuer 20 fhall haue endynge. C And he fayeth. he that offerith himfelfe here to leue vertuefly in this wo- rlde. after this lyfe. he fhall receyue the fwete lyfe that is fure and laftyth euer without ende. Forthoa man lyued here a.C.yereormore itis but alytell ter- me to the lyfe to come. C Therfore faythe this Iheparde. I wyll lyue foberly 25 with thefe fmale temporall goodes that Ihefu hath lente me and euer to ex- yle the defyre ofwordely ryches & wordely worfhyp. For they that laboureth for it and haue a loue to theyr goodes. And vayne worfhype. offt it departes man for the heuenly treafoure. C It Ihetteth manes hart e/ that god may nat entere. C And byldys man a place of no reft in the lowe londe of darkenes. 30 C Here after folowyth a nothere prologe of the maylter Iheparde that fhewyth and prouethe the audtors prologe true that is before re- 9 B herfyde. and fothe diepardis difputys one with a nothere but thys that folowith fhewith the mayder dieparde to the other of the de- uifyon of this kalender. [A iii verfo] [Woodcut No. 3.] C Here begynneth the maifter Shepeherde. 5 '| r T is to be vnderdonde that there be in the yere iiii. quarters that is to I callyd yere . Imnus . edas . and . autunnus . € Thefe be the foure feafons in the yere. as Prymetyme is the fprynge of the yere as Feueryere . Marche, and. Aprell. Thofe thre monethes. C Than comethe fommer. as. May. June. and. luly. and in thofe iii. mo- lo nethes euery herbe. grayne. and tre in his kynde is in his mode drengthe and fayrnefie euene at the hyghede. C Thanne cometh. Autonne. as Augud. September and. October, that all thefe fruytis waxethe rype and be gaderyde and howfyd. C Than comethe. Nouember. December, and. Ianyuere. and thefe iii. mo- 15 nethes is the wynter. Thetymeof lytell profite. C we fhepardis faythe that the age of a man is. lxxij. yere & that we lekene but to one holle yere. for euer- more we take vj. yere for euery moneth. as Ienyuere. or Feueryere. & fo forthe [A iiii redto] for as the yere chaungeth by the twelue monethes. Into twelue fondry ma- ilers fo dothe a man chaunge him felfe twelue. tyme in his lyfe by twelue a- 20 ges and euery age ladeth fyxe. yere. if fo be that he lyue to thre fcore & twelue for thre tymesvi. makethe eyghttene. & fix. tymes fix. makethe fix and therty and than is man at the bed and alfo at the hyghed. and twelue tymes fyxe. makethe thre. fcore. and twelue. and that is the age of a man. C This mud ye rekene for euery moneth fyxe yere. or ellys it may be vnder- 25 donde by the foure quarters and feafons of the yere. So deuydyde man into foure partyes as to youthe/ drength. wyfdome/ and age. he to be. xviij. yere. yonge. eyghttene yere dronge. xviii. In wyfdome and the. foureth eyghtte- ne yere to go the full of the age of lxxii. C And nowe to fhewe howe man chaungeth twelue tymes euyn as the twel- 30 ue monethes do. C Take fyrd fyxe yere for Ienyuere the whiche is of no vertue nor drengthe in that feafone nothynge on the erthe growith. C So man after he is borne tyl he be fyxe yere is without wytte drengeth or connynge& may do no thyn- ge that profytethe 10 ft Than cometh Feueryere and the dayes begynneth to wexe in length and the fonne more hotter, than the erthe begynneth to wexe grene. So the other fix. yere tyll he come to twelue the chylde begynneth to growe bygger and to ferue and lerne fuche as is taught him. ft Than comethe. Marche in the whiche the laborer fowith the erthe & plan- 5 ted trees and edyfye howfes. the chylde in thefe vj. yere waxeth bygge to ler- ne dodtryne. and fyens and to be fay re and honeft. for than he is xviii. yere. ft After that cometh Aprell. That the erthe and the trees is couered in grene and flowers, and in euery party goodis increfyth habundantly. than cometh the chylde to gader the fwete flowres of hardynes but than beware/ that the io colde wyndes and ftormes of vyces bete nat the flowers of gode maners that that fliulde brynge man to honowere. for than is he xxiiii. yere. ft Than cometh Maye that is fayre & plefaunt/ than byrdes fyngeth in the forefte nyght and day the fonne fhynethe hote. and as than is man mode ioly & plefaunt and of delyuer ftrengthe & feketh playes & fportes for than is he 1 5 therty yere. ft Than cdeth. June & tha is the fone hyeft I his meridyornall he maye aflende no hyeer in his ftacyone his glemerrynge goldene beames rype- ethe the corne and than is man xxxvi. he may aflende no more for than hathe nature gyuen hym beauty and ftrength at the full / and repyd the fedes ofper- fet vnderftondynge. 20 ft Than cometh Iulii that oure fruytes ben fette a fonnynge & oure corne a- hardenynge. but than the fone begyneth a lytell for to defcende downewarde [A iiii verfo} fo man than goeth fro youthe towoward age and begynneth for to aquaynt hym with fadnes/ for than he is two and forty yere. ft After that/ than com- meth Auguft. Than we geder in our corne/ and alfo the fruytes of the erthe 25 ft And than dothe man his dilygens to gader for to fynde hymfelfe withall 1 the tymethat he may nouther gete nor wyn and than that vj/ yere is xlviij. Than comes feptember that vynes be made and the fruytes of trees be ga- dered/ And thanne ther withall he dothe freffhely begynne to garnylfhe his houfe and makes prouyfyon on nedefull thynges for to lyue in wynter which 30 draweth very nere and than is man in his mofte ioyful and coragyous eftate profperous in wyfdome purpofynge to gether and kepe as myche as fliulde be fuflyfyent for hym in his olde age/ whan he may geder no more/ and thefe fix. yere maketh foure and fyfty yeres. ft And then cometh October that all is into the forfayde houfe gadereth bothe Corne/ and Alfo other maner fruy- 35 1 tes. And alfo the laborers fowith newe fedys in the erthe. for the yere to come And than he that foweth nought fhall nought gadere And tha in thyfe other fix yeres a man fiial take him felfe vnto god for to do penaunce and gode war- kes / and than the benyfytes the yere after his dethe. he may gader and haue fperytuall profet and thenne is man fully the terme of iii. fcore yeres. Than comethe Nouember that the dayes be very fhorte and the fonne in 5 manergyueth no hete and the trees lefeth thayr leuys/ The feldes that were grene loke hore and gray, than all maner of herbes be hydde in the grounde. and than appereth no floures. And than wynter is come that the man hathe vnderftandynge of age and hathe loft his kldely hete and ftrengthe. his tethe begynne to rote and in his hede they chatre/ And then hathe he nomore hope io of longelyfe. But defyreth to come to the lyfe euerlaftynge/and thefe fyxeye- res for this monethe maketh hym thre fcore and vi. yeres. C Than cometth December full of colde with frofte/ and fnowe with great wynds and ftormy weders that a man may nat laboure nor noughte do. the fonne is than at the loweft that it may defcend. tha the trees and the erthe is hyd in fnowe. than it i s is gode to holde them ny the fyre/ and to fpende the goodes that they gadered in fomer. For than begynneth mannes here to wax whyte and gray / and his body croked and feble/ and then he lefeth his perfyte vnderftandynge/ & that vj. yeres maketh him fully thre fcore and xij. yeres. and if he lyue anymore it is by godegydyngein hisyouthe. Howe beit it ispoflyble that a man mayly- 20 ue tyll he be an hundreth yere olde. But there is but fewe that cometh therto. C wherefore I fhepherde fay more ouer that oflyuynge or dyenge the heuenly bodyes may ftere a man bothe to gode and euylt. without doute of aftuerte. But yet may man withftande it by his owne fre wyll/ to do what he wyll hi- felfe gode or baddeeuermore. C Aboue thewhiche inclynacyd is the might & [A 5 redo] 25 wyll of god that lengeth the lyfe of man by his goodnes or to make hit ftiort by his Iuftife. C wherfore we wyll fhewe you of the bodyes feleftyall and of there nature & mouynges and this prefent boke is namyd the compot for it comprehendis fully all the compot and more for the dayes. Owers and momentis and the 30 newe mones and the clyppys of the fonne and the mone and of the fynes that the mone is in euery daye. and this boke was made for them that be no clar- kes to brynge them to greate vnderftondynge. C And this kalender is deuydede in v. partyes. The fyrfte of oure fynes of the compot and the kalender. 35 C The feconde is the tre of vyces with the peynes of hell. C The thyrde is the waye of helthe of man. the tre of vertues. C The foureth is fefieke and gouernoure of helthe. C The fyfte is aftrology fyfnomy for to vnderftonde many dyfceyuynges and whyche they be. by lyckelyhode the whiche by nature are inclynede and can do them as ye fhall rede or ye come to the ende. C For to hauethe fhepardis vnderftondynge of theyr kalender ye fhulde vn- 5 derftonde that the yere is the mefure of the tyme that the fonne paftes the xii fynes retournynge to his fy rft poynte and is deuyded in the xii. monethes. C As. Ianyuere. Feueryere. Marche and fo forthe to. December. C So the fonne in thefe xij. monethes pafleth by the xij. fynes one tyme. C The dayes of his enterynge into the fynes in the kalender. and the dayes 10 C Alfo whan he partyth the yere as than xij. moneth. two and fyfty wekes. thre hundred, thre fcore. and fyue dayes. and whanne byfext is. thre fcore & vj. one daye/ as foure and twenty howres euery howre thre fcore mynutes. after thefe deuyfyons ye mufte vnderftonde for euery yere iii. thynges. C The fyrft fpekythe of the goldynne noumber. 15 € The feconde of the letter domynycall. C And the thyrde/ is the letter tabuler/in thewhiche lyethallthe chefeknow- legeof this kalender. for the whiche letter and noumber to vnderftonde that that they wolde. whether it be paft or to come, ye fhall put thre fygures after the kalender. of the whiche. the fyrfte fhall fhewe the valure and declaracyon 20 of the two other and it is to be vnderftande that in foure yeres there is one by- fext the whiche hath one daye more then the other, and alfo. as two Latters Dominycals fygned in one of the forefayde fygures and chaunges the letter daye of faynt mathewe. as the whiche is vigyll is put with the day vpon one letter by hymfelfe. 25 C Alfo the letters Feryals of this kalender is to be vnderftode as they of the other kaleders before the which are the nobers&the other iii. after the letters. [A 5 veri'o] feryalls. C Fyrft for caufe the letters dyflendeth lowe is the golden nomber aboue the dayes of the newe mone. C And the whyche to be the owre and the momentis of the fayde monethe whyche whanne they are in ferues 30 before the none of the day aboue there. H And whanne they are blacke ferues for after none of the fame daye in the places of the noumber betokenes that theyre noumber where it is. C The naturall daye is to be vnderftonde fro mednyght to mednyght xxiiii. howres and fhall farue the fayde noumbers or the letters ferryalles. xix. yere complete fro the yere that this caleder was 35 made A. Thoufande. foure hundrede. foure. fcore and feuentene one to the yere of A. M. v. C. and. fixtene. in the whyche yere fhall begynne to ferue thys goldynne noumber and the other noumberes after the letters feryalles all in the maner as they before for the other, xix. yere. ft And all theremnaut of the compot and of the kalender is perpetuall. For the goldynne noumber fo fhall they be eyght & thurty. yere of the whycheyeres. A. M. foure hund- 5 rede four fcore and feuentene. is the fyrfte. ft The feftes of the kalender are in theyr dayes of the whyche the folenuell are in rede and ftoryed in the veny- te ne the whyche venyte in thende of the bodyes aboue euery daye is one let- ter of the. A. b. c. for to vnderftonde in what fyne is the mone that day. And yet the fayde letters and the rubryffhe for the whvche fhall one fygure before io the kalender whyche fhall fhewe howe they fhulde vnderftonde it. ft Thys yere of thys prefent and kalender whyche began ne to have courfe the fyrfte day. of Ienyuere is A. thoufande. foure. hundrede. foure fcore and feuen in the whyche raynes for the goldynne noumber fixtene. the letter domynycall A. ft The letter tabuler f. and b. in the fyrfte lynes and theyr figures nereft 15 the goldynne noumber fixtene. the yere of thys kalender. ft To knowe the letter domynycall by the vers vndernethe Films efto dei celum bonus accipe gratis. ft Or by thys other verjes Frucftus alit canos el gelica bellica danos. 20 Elgenitrix bonadat finis amara cadat. Dat flores anni calor euis gaudia bufti Cambit edens griffo boabel dicens fiet agur ft For to Jet the monethe. A / deni/ di / ge/ bat / er/ go/ ci / phos/ a/ dri / phos/ [A 6 refto] 25 ft For the golden nomber and the pry me. ft Tar. nus. vn. din. nod. odto. fed. quincp. tred. ambo. de.cem. dod. fep. tern, quin. quar. tus. due. io. ta. no. veni. v. i. quat. ft To knowe the letter dominycall and the golden noumber. ft Newly and fubtelly the fhepherdis hath founde for to vnderftode the gol- 30 den Noumber and alio the letter Dominycall : and take a Pradtyfie whiche foloweth for it is very fubtyll and harde : if it were nat fhewed of theym that vnderftandeth and to this is nat to abyde ne to trauayle for becaufe of fygu- 14 res the whiche techeth euery man for to fynde and alfo for to vnderftande the forfayde praAyf. Fines canos agur ei 9 bona fru< 5 t 9 dicens anni & bellica griflo dat amara. El cambit gaudia datalit fiet Color genitrix danos boabel flares cadat gelicae- dens bufti. C Here be the four e Jecretys of this prefent Kalender. C Mobilis alta dies occurrans aureus oddo Sex deno cum d no erit inferior B veneris fancfta fed quinq, tred ambo Maria. Nec erit in toto dicens fymilis o£to. 10 Here after foloweth to knowe the holy dayes after the compownde manuwell by youre Joyntes. C who fo wyll knowe whan the holy dayes falleth/ take hede of the vij. letps A. b. c. d. e. f. g. the dayesof the weke ben by vij. one for fonday& for the other dayes vi. put them In the loyntes of the left hande/ in foure fyngers teche 15 theym we fholde with oure hande to be more fartayne A. b. c. In the backe of the hande & g aboue d ef/ within the hande for to fhewe what place every md- the fhulde be. In the lytell fecode fynger d b g c / be in the medyll fyngers and put In the leche fyngere d. fin the lytell fyngeres ende Ienyuere a boue a of the lytell fynger Feueryere/ & Marche/ aboue in the feconde fynger/ togeder 20 Aprell aboue g. and. Maye aboue b. lune aboue e. In the medyll fyngere Iulij aboue g Augufl: aboue tha cometh Septeber to the longe fynger aboue f. of the iii. fynger odtobere aboue a. Nouember aboue d. and aboue f Decem- ber on the lytell for to make fhorte the xii. monethes. [A 6 verfo] C After bran / pen/ cro/ lucy /the embry nge day es is fet for euery man to fall. 2 5 In thefe two lynes be as many fylables as be dayes in the Monthe/ fet them in as many loyntes on the lefe hande. C lanyuer. Ci / fi / 0/ ia / nus / e/ pi/ lu/ fe/ la/ nus / et / ken/ fe/ mau/ mar / an/ Prif/ ca/ fab/ ag/ vin / cen / ti / paulum / iul/ ag/ que/ ba / tild/ 30 ® Feueryere. Bri/ pur/ bias/ et/ a/ ue/ fe/ bru/ of/ co / laf/ ti/ ca/ va/ lent/ Iul/ con/ iun/ ge/ tur/ cum/ pe/ tro / math/ fo/ ci/ e/ tur. 15 C Marche. Mo/ fed/ mar / ci/ us/ bal/ to/ duth/ kes/ con/ gre/ go/ ri / um/ bo/ Pat/ ed/ wart/ cuth/ be/ ne/ ca/ pe/ ma/ ri/ am/ ge/ ni/ tri/ cem. 3 T Aprell. 5 Gil. gyp / ric/ et am/ brofi/ dat/ a/ pryl : le/ on : eu: fe: ti : bur : ci : poll: : al : phe : fef : ta : ge : or : mar : ci : que : vi : ta : lis. ® Maye. Phi : li : cruc : may : i : id : la : tin : nic : gor : de : ne : re : i : : Poft : e : a : dou : fe : qui : tur : poft : al. phe. ta. ger. ad. e. pe. q^ 10 C Iune Nic. mar. iu. bo : ni. fa. med : colum. bar. ba. ci. va. vi. ti. Bo. mar. marg. ed. wart. fi. mil. alb. el. io. on. le. pe pau. C Iulii. Ser. vi. iul. mar. ti. ni. tho. me. que. fra. be. die. ti. fouth. vn. ken. 15 Ar. nulf. marg. prax. mag. ap. crif. ia. an. dor. fam. fun. ob. gre. C Augufte Pe. fteph. fteph. au. guft. trans. do. ci. ro. lau. ti. bur. ci. ip. oon. Sump. ta. fit. a. mang. ni. bar. to. lo. ruff. ag. io. oon. fel. on. cut. C September 20 E. gid. fep. cuth. bert. ha. bet. nat. gor. gon. pro. thy. q^. cruc. Lam. ber. ti. q^. math. ma. mar. te. cle. fer. cyp. da. con. mich. ger. C Ocftober Rem, leo. fran. ci. fi. mar. tunc. di. ger. a. ni. a. ed. Poft. lu. cas. iu. in. de. ro. ma. crif. pi. ni. fi. mo. nis. quin. 25 3 T Nouember Om. nis. tunc. fane. ti. le. o. qua. te. o. mar. ti. bri. ci. a. ni. a. ed. Pre. te. cle. gri. ka. li. ni. a. que. fat. an. C December E. le. gi. bar. ba. ni. co. con. cep. et. lu. cie. al. ma. 30 O. fa. pi. en. que. tho. mas. prope. nat. fteph. io. tho. me. fil./ 1 1 Here occurs the firft gap in the copy of R. Pynfon’s ed. 1506 in the Grenville Colleftion, Britilh Mufeum. Sig. B 1 — 6 and C 1 — 6 are miffing. It may here be at once Hated that on the pages where red ink is ufed in the old edition to mark letters, thefe are expreffed in the prefent edition by italics. [A ii verfo, line 16 from bottom] 1 ft How euery moneth prayfeth it Jelfe of fome good ppryete. ft Ianuary. I Make me to be called lanyuere In my tyme is grete ftormes of coldnes For vnto me no moneth of the yere ; May compayre/ yf I auaunt me doubtles For in my tyme was as clerkes do exprefle Cyrcumcyfed the lorde omnypotent And adoured by kynges of thoryent. ft February. 10 ft I am February the mood hardy In my feafon the pure moder vyrgynall Offred her fone in the temple truely Makynge to god a prefent fpecyall Of Ihefu cryft the kynge of kynges all 1 5 [A iii re6to] Betwene the armes of the byffhop Symon. To whome praye we to haue remyflyon. ft Marche. ft Marche am I called/ in noblelTe flouryfihynge Whiche amonge moneths am of grete noblelTe For in my tyme all fruytes doth budde and fprynge To the feruyce of man in grete largeffe And lente is in me the tyme of holynefle That eche man ought for to haue repentaunce. Apryll. ft Amonge all monthes I am lufty Apryll Freffhe and holfom vnto eche creature And in my tyme the dulcet droppes dyftyll Called cryftall as poetes put in fcrypture Caufynge all floures the longer to endure In my tyme was the refurreccyon Of god and man / by dyuyne eleccyon. ft Maye. ft Of all the monethes in the yere I am kynge Flouryfihynge in beaute excellently 20 25 /* 7* 3 ° 35 1 Thefe deficiencies are fupplied from the unique copy of Wynkyn de Worde’s ed. 1 508, in the Library of Magdalen College, Oxford. '7 c For in my tyme in vertue is all thynge Feldes and medes fpredde mood beauteuoufly And byrdes fyngeth with ryght fvvete armony Reioycynge louers with hote loue all endowed With flagraunt floures all about renewed. lune. Who of my feafon taketh ryght good hede Ought not at all my name to adnull For in my tyme for all the comyns wede From fhepe is fhorne all the flefe and wull And had in marchaundyfe by grete fhyps full Ouer the fee/ wherfore we ought to praye Vnto our lorde/ and thanke hym nyght and day. [A iii verfo] Iuyll. C Yf that my tyme were prayfed all aryght Amonge all months I am one of the chefe For I enrype through my grete force and myght Fruytes of the erthe to man and bedes relefe Fedynge horfes / kyen/ moton/ and dronge befe With other propryetees that I coude tell But I mud pafle I may no longer dwell. C Augud. C I am named the hote moneth of Augud For redolent heet of Phebus bryghtnefle In my tyme eche man ought for to haue lull: To laboure in harued with grete befynes To repe and fhefe efchewynge ydleneffe And ryfe erly with perfyte dylygence Thankynge our lorde of his good prouydence. C Septembre. C Who can my name perfytely remembre With the commodytees of my feafon Ought of ryght to call me feptembre Plenteous of goodes by all maner reafon As wheet/ rye/ otes/ benes/ fytches/ and peafon Of whiche fruyte eche man ought to haue in dore To lyue dyredlly/ and thanke our lorde therfore. H Odtobre. € Amonge the other Ocftober I hyght Frende vnto vynteners naturally And in my tyme Bachus is redy dyght All maner wyne to prefte and claryfy 5 Of whiche is facred as we fe dayly The blyfted body of Cryft in fleffhe and blode Whiche is our hope/ refeccyon/ and fode. [A iiii refto] C Nouembre. € I Nouembre wyll not abyde behynde To fhewe my kyndly worthynes and vre For in my tyme the blaftes of the wynde Abareth lenes and fhedeth theyr verdure Wherfore euery prudent creature Ought for to lyue ryght as they wolde dye For all thynge taketh ende naturally. C Decembre. C Decembre euery man dooth me call In whofe tyme the moder Inuyolate Delyuered was in an olde oxe ftall Of Ihefu cryft goddes owne fone Incarnate Wherfore I thynke me the mooft fortunate Of all the other/ to whome pray we then That we may come vnto his blyfie Amen. C The begynnynges and endes of the foure JeaJons of the y ere. € The fyrft is prymetyme that thus dooth begyn From myd February/ vnto myd Maye And fro myd Maye fomer is entred in To myd auguft/ and than is harueft daye And fro that tyme wynter entreth alway On faynt Clements day who fo taketh hede At myd February it fayleth in dede. <[ Thus endeth the prayfe of the . xii. moneths w l the begynnynges & endes of the . iiii. quarters/ And confequently foloweth y e kalender w* the feeftes of the yere as fhepeherdes fpecefye. [A iiii verfo] l 9 35 C Fygure for to knowe in what fygne the moone is euery daye/ and the declaracyons is of the letters of the fygnes of the kalender here after folowynge. 1 u 111 1111 V VI Vll Vlll IX X xi xii Xlil xiili XV xvi xvii xviii XIX 5 Aries y n c V 1 ? f h Z P e u m a S i r q f Aries z 0 d U m a s i r q f X n b t k ? r g Aries r P e X n b t k ? r g y 0 c V 1 a f h Taurus ? q f y 0 c V 1 a f h z P d u m b s i Taurus a r g z P d u m b s i r q e X n c t k Gemini b s h r q e X n c t k ? r f y 0 d V 1 Gemini c f i ? r f y 0 d V 1 a f g z P e u m Cancer d t k a f g z P e u m b s h r q f X n Cancer e V 1 b s h r q f X n c t i ? r g y 0 Leo f u m c t i ? r g y 0 d V k a f h z P •5 Leo g X n d V k a f h z P e u 1 b s i r q Leo h y 0 e U 1 b s i r q f X m c t k ? r Virgo i z P f X m c t k ? r g y n d V 1 a f Virgo k r q g y n d V 1 a f h z 0 e u m b s Libra 1 ? r h z 0 e u m b s i r P f X n c t 20 Libra m a f i r P f X n c t k ? q g y 0 d V Scorpio n b s k ? q g y 0 d V 1 a r h z P e u Scorpio 0 c t 1 a r h z P e u m b f i r q f X Sagittarius P d V m b f i r q f X n c s k ? r g y Sagittarius q e u n c s k ? r g y 0 d t 1 a f h z 25 Sagittarius r f X 0 d t 1 a f h z P e V m b s i r Capricornus f g y P e V m b s i r q f u n c t k ? Capricornus s h z q f U n c t k ? r g X 0 d V 1 a Aquarius t i r r g X 0 d V 1 a f h y P e u m b Aquarius V k ? f h y P e u m b s i z q f X n c 3 ° Pifces u 1 a s i z q f X n c t k r r g y 0 d Pi fees X m b t k r r g y 0 d V 1 ? f h z P e Pifces y n c V 1 ? f h z P e u m a s i r q f CBy this fygure here aboue a man may knowe in what fygne the mone is euery day/ and the declaracyon of it is of the a/b/c/ letters that ben in the kaleder at thendes of the lygnes 35 & ben named the letters of the fygnes . wherfore marke wel fyrft the letter of the kaleder on the day that ye wolde haue/ than loke out the fayd letter in the fygure here aboue in the ly- gne dyfcendynge vnder the golden nbbre that renneth. Than loke at the heed of the lygnes where as is wryten the names of the fygnes / and it that beholdeth dyreftly ouerthwart the fygure to the fayd lettre is it that the mone is in that daye. And lyke as one golden nombre 40 ferueth for a yere/ fo the fayd lygne vnder the golden nbbre ferueth alone for the fame yere as in the yere of this kalender we haue . xv. for the golden nombre/ the lygne vnder . xv. fer- ueth all the fayd yere/ & whan we haue . xvii. the lygne vnder . xvii. fhall to the yere that . xvii. is for the golden nombre/ and fo of other. 20 [B i verfo] lanuary hath . xxxi. dayes and y e mone . xxx In iano claris/ calidifcp cibis potiaris Atq, decens potus / poft fercula fit tibi notus Ledit enim medo/ tuc potatus vt bene credo Balnea lucius intres/ et venam fcidere cures. 5 A Circumfifio domini viii iii xvii b Obtauas fanbti ftephani c Obtauas fanbti iohannis xvi iiii xi d Obtauas fanbtorum innocentiu V vii lvii e Obtauas fanbti thome martyris f Epyphania domini xiii vi g Felicis et ianua ii ix xviii A Sanbti luciani b Sanbti iudici X viii xlii c Pauli prime heremite xviii iiii xvi d Lini pape Sol in aquario e Archadii martyris vii 0 XXXV f Sanbtii hylarii Fehruarii g Felicis prefbyteris XV i viii A Sanbti mauri abbatis iiii viii ii b Sanbti marcelli pape c Sulpitu epifcopi xii 0 xvi d Sanbte prifce virginis e W ulftani epifcopi i X xvii f Fabiani et febaftiani ix V li g Sanbte agnetis xvii ii lvii A Vincentii martyris xi iiii xiii b Sanbti emerantiani c Sanbti tymothei d Conuerjatio Jandti pauli xiiii i xxix e Policarpi epifcopi iii vi xlv f Iuliani epifcopi g Agnetis lecundo xi viii XXXV A Valerii epifcopi et martyris xix vi xxviii b Batilde virginis c Saturnini et vibtoris 2 1 pX’N'C x c <; r+w •— r. -t _q •-o o 3 g >— -• srcrq ►+> a D- o [B i verfo] February hath . xxviii. dayes & y e mone . xxix. Nafcitur oculta/ febris februario multa Potibus et efcis/ Ii caute viuere velis % / Tunc caue frigora/ de pollice funde cruorem 5 Suge mellis fauu/ pedoris q morbos curabit viii i xlvi d Brigidi et ignacii xv i viii xxxi e Purificatio beate marie f Sandti blafii epifcopi V ii XXV g Sandli gilberti epifcopi io xiii X xxvi A Sandte agathe virginis b Vedafti et amandi ii X lv c San6ti anguli epifcopi X vii liiii d Pauli epifcopi/ lucii/ et cirii e Sandte appolonie virginis 1 5 xv in iii iii f Sol in pifce Sandte fcolaftice vii i liiii g Eufrafie virginis A Sandle eulalie XV vii XXXV b Sandi wulfrani c Valentini epifcopi et martyre 20 iiii ii xxvii d Fauftini et ioniti e luliane virginis xii 0 xxxiii f Policroni epifcopi et martyris i viii xxxix g Symyonis epifcopi et martyris ix XV xxxi A Sabine & iuliani martyribus 25 xvii iiii lix b Mildrede virginis c Sandorum . lxix vi viii 1 viii d Cathedra fandi petri e Policarpi Locus bifexti xiiii vii i f Mathei apojloli 3° ___ g Inuentio fandi pauli iii ix xlviii A Sandi neftori martyre xi viii Iiii b Sandi auguftini c Ofwaldi epifcopi et confefforis It is to be noted that the golden nombres fheweth the dayes/ houres and mynu- 35 tes of the newe mones. The reed nombres for the fore none/ and the blacke for the after none on the fame dayes that the nombres demonftreth. 22 Q-O crp: X C < ™ ^ ,-Q 3d O 3 3 ►— frcrq [B ii refto] Marche hath . xxxi. dayesj and the mone . xxx. Martins humores / gignit variofq,, dolores Sume cibum pure/ codturas f\ placet vre Balnea funt fana/ fed que fuperflua vana Vena nec abdenda/ nec potio fit tribuenda 5 XIX 1111 111 d viii 0 1 e XV i xlvi f g V viii xxxix A b ii dx lvi c xiii 0 xii d e X V XX f xviii ii xlvi g A viii V i b c XV i xxxiiii d iiii xviii xx xiii e xii X xxxiii f g i V xxx A ix 0 liiii b c xvii viii iiii d e vi i Ivii f g xiiii ix xlvii A iii ix xlix b c xi V xxxvi d xix i xlv e viii 0 xl f Sandti dauid epifcopi Sandti cedde epifcopi Martini et afterii Sanfti adriani martyre Fote/ eufebii/ perpetue Vidoris et vidtorini Perpetue et felici Depofitio fandli felicis Quadraginta martyrum Sandte agape virginis Sol in ariete Equinodtium Sandti gregorii pape Theodore martyris Sandti longini martyris Aprilis Bonifacie pape Patricii epifcopi Edwardi regis lofeph fponfi marie Sandti cuthberti Benedidti abbatis Affrodofii epifcopi Theodori prefbyteri Agapui martyris Annuntiatio dominica Caftoris martyris Refurrediio domini Dorothee virginis Quintini martyris San6li quirini martyris Adelmi epifcop’ f g h i k 10 1 m n o e f g 35 h 23 p-o cr P p go n x x p < ^ [B ii verfo] Apryll hath . xxx. dayesj and the mone . xxix. Hie probat in vere/ vires aprilis habere Cumda nafeuntur/ pori tunc aperiuntur In quo fealpefeit/ corp 9 faguis quoq^ crefit 5 E r g° loluatur / venter cruorq^ minuatur g xvi vi xlvii A b V i xiiii c io xiii X Iv d e ii vi xix f X i xlii g A 15 xviii iii xix b vii vii xix c Sol in thauro d e XV V X f 20 iii vii xlvii g xi vi xlv A i i xlvi b ix i xxx c d 2 5 xv ii vi xxii e f vi vi vii g A xiiii ix xxxvi b 30 iii X xi c d xii ii xxx e xix xi Ii f g 35 viii ii xxii A Sanfti gyldardi Marie egypciace Richardi epifeopi Ambrofii epifeopi Sanfti martiniani Sixti pape Eufemie virginis Egefippe et fociorum eius Perpetue epifeopi Paffio feptem virginum San6li guthlaci Iulii pape Sanbli zenonii epifeopi Mali Tiburcii et valeriani Ofwaldi arehiepifeopi Sanfti yfodori Aniceti pape Eleutherii et anthie Alphegi epifeopi Vibtoris pape et martyris Symonis epifeopi et martyris Samde fotheris virginis Sandli georgii martyris Wilfridi epifeopi et confefioris Marci euangelijie Cleti pape et confefToris San6ti anaftifii pape San6ti vitalis Petri mediolanehs Depofitio erkewaldi i k 1 m n o e f g h i k 1 24 PlO o' pj X C < [B iii retto] Maye hath / xxxi. dayesj and the mone . xxx. Mayo fecure/ laxari fit tibi cure Scindatur vena/ fz potio detur amena Eum calidis rebus/ fint fercula feu fpecieb Potibus aftribta / fit faluia cum benedibta 5 b Philippi Jacobi m xvi viii XXXV c Sanbli enaftafii epifcopi n V iii xxvii d Inuentio Jandle crucis 0 e Feftum corone fpinee P xii vi XX f Sanbti godardi C| io ii ii xxiiii g Iohannis ante portam latinam r X ix xxx A Iohannis de beuerlaco f b Apparitio michaelis s xvii iiii xii c Tranflatio nicolai t d Gordiani et epimachi V 15 vii X xxx e Sanbti anthonii martyre u f Nerei/ acfoilei/ & pancra X XV xvi xii g Sol in gemine y iiii xviii ix A Bonifacii martyris z xii i lvii b Ifidori martyris & 20 i ix lix c Brandani epifcopi et confefforis 2 d Tranflatio bernardi a ix viii 1 e Dyafcory martyris b f Sanbti dunftani c xvii ii xii g Sanbti bernardini d 25 A Helene regine e vi ix ix b Iuliane virginis f c Defiderii martyris g xiiii vi 1 d Tranflatio francifci h iii ii xl e Sanbli aldelmi 1 30 xi X xliiii f Auguftini anglorum apoftoli k g Bede prefbyteri 1 xix X lix A Sanbli germani m b Coronis martyris n viii ii Iiii c Sanbti felicis pape 0 35 xvi 0 xii d Sanble petronille virginis P 25 d [B iii verfo] Iune hath . xxx. dayes / and the mone . xxix. In iunio gentes/ perturbat medo bibentes # Atq> nouellarum/ fuge potus feruifiarum Ne nocet colera/ valet refeccio vera 5 Laduce frondes/ ede ieiunus bibe fontes V iii xmi f xiii ii xviii g ii ix XV A IO b X V Iv c d xviii vi xlv e f 1 5 vii i xxvi g xvi xvii ix A iiii xxvi xxvii b xii ix xiiii c Iulii d 20 i vii iii e ix viii xxiiii f g A xvii V xxxi b 25 vi X xxiiii c d xiiii ii XXV e iii ix xviii f g 30 xi viii xli A xix xi xxviii b c viii X XV d e 35 xvi i ii f Sandi nichomedis q Sandi marcellini r Sandi erafmi martyris r Sandi petroci f Sandi bonifacii epifcopi s Melonis archiepiicopi t Tranflatio wulftani v Sandi wilhelmi Tranflatio edmundi Tranflatio fandi yuonis Barnabi apoftoli Sandi bafllidis Sol in cacro. Solfticium Sandi bafilii epifcopi Viti et modefti Tranflatio richardi Sandi botulphi Marci et marcelliani Geruafi et prothafl f ’Tranflatio edwardi g Walburge virginis h Sandi albani martyris i Etheldrede. Vigilia k Natiuitas iohannis baptifle 1 Tranflatio eligii epifcopi m Iohannis et pauli n Sandi crefcentis martyris o Sandi leonis pape p Tetri et pauli apofiolorum q Conimemoratio pauli r 2 6 fL n VP k> [B iiii redo] Iuyll hath . xxxi. dayesj and the mone . xxx. Qui vult folamen/ iulio hie pbat medicamen Venarri non feindat/ ne ventre potio ledat Sompnu cdpefcat/ et balnea ciicda pauefcat Prodeft recens vnda/ alliu cum faluea muda 5 V i V § Odta. iohannis baptifte xii viii lvii A Vifitatio beate marie b Tranflatio thome apoftoli ii iiii liiii c Traflatio fan<5ti martini X iii xxxix d Sanfte zoe virginis et martyre e 06tauas petri et pauli f Tranflatio Thome martyris xviii ix xxxi g Depofitio grimbaldi vii iii Iii A Sanddi cerilli epifeopi b Septem fratrum martyrum xi i xlvi c Tranflatio beneditdi iiii ix xxxix d Naboris et felicis X V xxxix e Sandti priuati martyris i V 1 f Sol in leone Dies caniculares g Tranflatio fwithuni ix ix xlii A August. Tra. ofmundi b Sancdi kenelmi regis XV xvii xxix c Sancdi arnulphi epifeopi d Ruphine et iuftine V X X e Margarete virginis xiiii ix xxii f Praxedis virginis g Maria magdalene ii iiii X A Sancdi appolinaris X 0 lvii b Criftine virginis Vigilia c Sandli iacohi apoftoli xix i xlv d Anne mat r is marie e Septem dormientium vi xii xxiii f Samfonis epifeopi X X xxiii g Felicis et fociorum eius V ix Iii A Abdon et fennes b Sancdi germani 27 l n ,-Q T3 O 3 2 3"CfQ -h (T P- o c r p p j^oN^ [B iiii verfo] Auguft hath . xxxi. dayesj and y e moone . xxx. Quifquis fub augufto vinat medicamie iufto * Raro dormitet/ eftu coitu quoq^ vitet Balnea no curet/ nec multu comeftio duret 5 Nemo laxari / dz vel fleubothomari xui 111 xxx c ii i xvii d X iii xxx e f 10 g xviii 0 xlv A b vii V xiiii c XV ix Iiii d 1 5 iiii xvi li e xii iiii xi f g i ix lix A ix xii xlviii b 20 c Sol in virgine d xvii viii xiiii e vi viii Iii f g 25 xiiii iiii xlix A iii 0 xlix b c xi x ii d e 30 xix V xii f viii . X lix g xvi ix lix A b v V 1 vii c 35 xiii i lix d e Petri aduincula u Stephani pape x Inuentio fandli ftephani luftini prefbyteri Ofwaldi. Fejlum niuis. Tranffiguratio domini Feftum nominis Ihefu Sandti ciriaci Sandli romani. Vigilia Sanbii laurentii mar. Tiburtii martyris Clare virginis Hypolite et focie eius Eufebii Septtber. Vigilia AJJTiptio be ate marie SanClo roc hi Odta. fandli laurentii Sandli agapiti Sandti magni marty. Ludouici epifcopi Sandli bernardi Odtauas aflumptionis marie Timothei. Vigilia Bartholomei apojloli Ludouici regis. Sancdi feuerini Sandti rufi Sandli auguftini Decollatio iohannis baptifte Felicis et audadli Cuthburge virginis. 28 C < O 3 £3 ‘ "" trefQ '■*-> n> d n o“P to [B 5 redto] Septebre bathe . xxx. dayes/ and y e mone . xxix. Fi^udtus maturi/ feptembris funt valituri Et pira cum vino / panis cum ladle caprino Aqua de vrtica/ tibi potio fertur arnica Tuc vena padas / fpes cu femine mandas 5 ii ii xiiii f Sandti egidii & X vi X g Sandli anthonii 2 A Ordinatio fandli gregorii a b Trailatio fandli cuthberti b xviii iiii vii c Sandti bertini C 10 vii vi 1 d P Sandli eugenii d XV vi xxvi C f Natiuitas marie c f iiii i V g Sandli gorgonii g xii i xxxvi A Siluii epifcopi h 15 i X xiiii b Prothi et Jacinoti i c Martiniani epifcopi k ix V xxxii d Mauritii epifcopi 1 Odlober e Exaltatio Jdli crucis Sol libra m xvii ix vii f Odlauas beate marie n 20 g Edithe virginis 0 vi vi Iii A Lamberti epifcopi & martyris P xiiii i xiiii b Vidloris et corone q c Ianuarii martyris r iii xi xxxix d Sandli euftachii Vigilia f 25 e Santli mathei apoftoli s xi iii xii f Maurici et priorum eius t xix X xxix g Tecle virginis V A Andochii martyris u viii iii xxix b Firmini epifcopi et martyris x 30 xvi V xxxiii c Cipriani et iuftini y V ii xxxiiii d Coline et damiane z e Exuperii epifcopi & xiii ii ix f San Uti michaelis archangeli 2 ii V ix g Hieronimi prelbiteri. a 35 29 [B 5 verfo] October hath . xxxi. dayes/ & the mone . xxix. Otftober vna/ prebet cum carne farina # Nec non aucina/ caro valet et volucrina Quauis funt fana/ til eft repledtio vana 5 Quantu vis comede/ fz non precordia lede X xi viii A b c xvii vii i d 10 e vii vi vi f XV iii 0 g iiii 0 0 A X ix xlvii b >5 c i iiii xxvii d e ix X lv f Sol in Jcorpio. g 20 xvii viii xli A vi iiii XXXV b xiii 0 Iiii c d iii i xxvii e 25 f xi X xxxvi g A xix iii xxxvii b viii xviii xiiii c 30 xvi V x d V 0 xvii e f xiii V XX g A 35 .. b ii X xlv c Sandli remigii a Sandti leodegari b Candidi martyris Francifci confeftoris Appollinaris martyris Sandli fidis Marci et marciliani Sandle pellagie Dionifii et rufiici Gereonis et vidloris Sandti Nigafii Sandti wilfridi Lranflatio fancii Edwardi Sancfti calixti pape Wulfranni epifcopi None. Michaelis I mdte tuba Tranflatio etheldrede Luce euangelifie Fredefwide virginis Auftroberte virginis Vndecim. M. virginum Marie falome Sandli Romani Sandli maglorii Crifpin et crifpiani Euarifti pape Florentii martyris Vigilia Symonis et iude Narciflci epifcopi German i capnani Sandli quintini. Vigilia. 30 Clo crfj w X fi <3 <-*■ W O 3 ^ -• jrrcrq n p- o [B 6 refto] Noueber hath . xxx. dayesj and y c mone . xxx. Hoc fibi datur / cp reuma nouebri curat Quecp noftua/ vita tua fint preciofa dicSta Balnea cum venere/ tuc nullu coftat habere Potio fit fana/ valde atcp minutio bona 5 X V xli d Fejium omnium fan ft or um e e Commemoratio animarum f xviii viii Iii f Wenefrede virginis g vii vi xxviii g Sanfti amantii h A Leti prefbyteri i XV i xxxiii b Lonardi abbatis k iii xi xxxv i c Willibrordi archiepifcopi 1 xii iiii XV d Quattuor coronatorum m e Theodori martyris n i xi V f Sandli martini pape 0 g Sanfti martini epifeopi P ix iii Iviii A Paterni martyris q xvii vii xx xviii b Sanfti brici epifeopi r Idee ember c Traflatio erkewaldi Sol in fa r vi ii xxix d Sandli macuti epifeopi f xiiii ii xxxix e Sandli edmundi archiepifcopi s f Sandli hugonis epifeopi t iii vi ii g OcPcauas fantdi martini V ■ Ianuari Marche Apryll May weke day weke day weke d b xviij xxvij xxvi X V V vi iij xxix Frydaye e c xix xxiij xxvij xi V vi vi y xxix Thuryfdaye IO f d XX xxiij xxviij xi j V vi i xxix Wednyfdaye g e xxi XXV xxix xi ij vi i vi xxix Tuyfdaye a f xxij xxvi XXX xiiij vi ij V vi xxix Monday e b g xx jy xxvij Maye XV vi »j V V xxviij Sondaye c h xxiiij xxviij ij xvi vi mj V iiij xxviij Saterdaye i5 d i XXV xxix n ) xvij vi V V 1] j xxviij Frydaye e k xxvi XXX in J xviij vi vi V y xxviij Thurfdaye f 1 xxvij xxxi V xix vi j V V i xxviij Wednefdaye g m xxviij A'pryll vi XX V1 j i V xxvij Tuyfdaye a n xxix j j v 'j xxi vij ij iiij vi xxvij Mondaye 20 b o XXX n J vnj xxij vij u j n, j V xxviij Sondaye c P xxxi n, j ix xxli j. vij 11 U n ‘j iiij xxvij Saterdaye d q February V X xxiiij vi j V ni j »j xxvij Frydaye e r ij vi xi xxv vl j vi ln j y xxxvij Thurfdaye f s n j v 'j xi j. xxvi vnj m j i xxvij Wednyfdaye 2 5 g t mj vnj xiij xxvij viij i n, j xxvij T uyfdaye A V V ix xiiij xxviij viij ii n j vi xxvij Mondaye b a vi X XV xxix viij "j V xxvi Sondaye c b vi j xi xvi XXX viij iiij ”j iiij xxvi Saterdaye d c vnj x jj. xvij xxxi v !!-l V n J ”j xxvi Frydaye 30 e d ix xiij xviij Iune viij vi »j y xxvi Thurfdaye f e X xiiij xix ij ix 1J j i xxvi Wednefdaye g f xi XV XX n j ix i U J xxvi Tuyfdaye A cr a xi J xvi xxi n, j ix ij y vi xxvi Mondaye b h xvij xxij V ix "j y V xxv Sondaye 35 c i xiiij xviij xx iy. vi ix mj y iiij xxv Saterdaye d k XV xix xxiiij y ’j. ix V y “j xxv Frydaye e 1 xvi XX XV viij ix vi y y xxv Thurfdaye f m xv il xxi xxv ix X y i xxv Wednefdaye g n xviij xxij xxvij x X i |j xxv Tuyfdaye 40 A o xix xx jij xxvij xi X ii i vi xxiiii Mondaye b P XX xxiii xxix xij X iij i V xxiiii Sondaye c q xxi xxv XXX xi ij X n, j i iij xxiiii Saterdaye d r xxij 33 E [B 7 verfo.] C The fygure of the tabulare lettre of the whiche the valour is declared by the ii.prefentfygures/that is to weteby the firft lyne&feconde whiche done dyffre b b c b b d i ii iii iiii V vi vii viii ix X xi x ii xiii xiiii XV xvi xvii x viii xix 5 S k i O f f r k b O n S k k 0 f f 1 k b g S c c p 0 t 1 1 b g g t c c P P t 1 1 q g g m m c h h V 1 d q g g m m r h li V e d q q a m m r i h n e e q i a f e r i b n n e k i a f f r b b 0 n 10 s k k 0 f f 1 k b 0 g s k k P f f 1 1 b g g t c c P P t 1 1 q g g t d c p P V 1 1 q h g m m d h h V e d q h a m m r i i V e 'e q q a n m r i i n e e k i a f f r i b 0 n e k k a f f s b b 0 0 1 5 s k k P f f 1 1 b 0 g t k k P g e 1 1 c g g t d e p P V 1 1 q h g t d d P P V m 1 q h h m m d i h V e e q h a n m r i i V e e r q a n n r i i 0 c e k k a f f s i b 0 0 e k k b f f s c b 0 0 20 t k k p g f 1 1 c 0 g t 1 k P g g 1 1 c g g t d d P p V m 1 q h h t d d q P V m e q h h n m d i i V e e r h a n n r i i 0 e e r k a n n s i i 0 f e k k b f f s c b 0 0 t k k b g f s c c 0 0 2 S t 1 k p g g 1 1 e h g t 1 d P g g m 1 c h h t d d q P V m m q h h n d d q i V m e r h h n n d i i a e e r b a n n s i 1 0 f e r k b n n s k i 0 f f k k b g f s c c 0 0 t 1 k b g g s c c P 0 30 t 1 1 P g g m 1 c h h t 1 d q g g m m c h h V d d q q V m m r h h n e d q i a m e r i h n n e i i a f e r b b n n C This prefent fygure is for to fynde the lettre tabulare/ & procedeth as the fygure foloweth of the domynycall lettres/ wherby it behoueth to knowe the 35 golden nombre for the yere that ye wyll knowe/ and in the lyne that dyfcedeth dounewarde vnder the fayd nombre is the lettre tabulare/ and in lyke wyfe of the domynycall lettre in the fygure here after. Alfo ye ought to knowe that a golden nombre/ a domynycall lettre and a lettre tabulare ferueth alwayes for a yere fauf/ whan it it is byfyxte that ben two domynycall lettres/ & alfo two tabu- 4.0 lare lettres/ as the fygure here afore fheweth. It ought to be knowen that the domynycall lettres and the lettres tabulare be in the fryft lyne vnder the gol- den nombre . xvi . for the yere of this prefent kalender that is .M.cccc.xc.vii. and fo of the other. 34 [B 8 refto.] C The fygure for to fyndde the golden nombre and the letter do- mynycall togyder for euermore. b b c b d b i ii iii iiii v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii xiiii xv xvi xvii xviii xix f cdcbagfedc b ag f e dcbagf ed 5 c bagfe dc bagf e dcba gfedc b agf e dcba gf ed c bagfe dc bagf e dcba gfedc bagf e dcba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf e dcba gfedc bag f e dcba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf e 10 dcbagfedc bagf e dcba gf edc b agfe dc bagf e dcbagfedc bagf e d cb a g f ed c b a gf e d c ba g f e dc ba gfedc bagf e dcba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf e dcba gfedc bagf e 15 dcba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf e deb agfedebagf edebagf edebagf e dc bagf e dcba gfedc bagf e d eba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf e dcba g fe d c b ag f e d cb a g f ed c b a gf e 20 dc bagf e dcba gfedc bagf e deb agf edc bagfe dc ba g f e dcba g fe d c bagf e dcba gf edc ba gf e d ebagf edeba gfedc bagf e dcba g f ed c b a gf e d c ba g f e dc b a a fe 25 dc bagf e dcba gf edc ba gf e dc bagf edebagfede bagf e dcba g f ed c b a gf e d c ba g f e dc b a g fe d c bagf e dcba gf ede ba gf e dc ba gf e dcba gfedc bagf e dcba gf 3° edc ba gfe dc bagf e dcba gfedc bagf e deda gf edc ba gfe dc bag C In this prefent fygure it behoueth to beholde the golde nombre for the yere that ye wyll knowe/ and in the lyne ryght vnder the golde nombre alwayes in the lettre domy- nycall / c upon the golden nombre . viii. hye eefler/ and whan it falleth y* they come bothe 35 togyder corpus crifti & faynt Iohannes daye ben all in one daye/ dj vpon . xvi . fy eth the lowed eefters. And whan it falleth that candlelmaffe & fhrafte m togyder/ b/ fygnyfyeth all about where it is whan it falleth on the whiche is our ladyes daye in Marche on good 35 [B 8 verfo.] C Fygure perpetuall for ejler & other moeuable fejtes. 7 ii III 7 111 V A a X A m xxvi A a xvi A a ix A m xxvi b a X b m xxvii b a xvii b a iii b m xxvii 5 c a xi c m xxviii c a xviii c a iiii c m xxviii d a xii d m xxix d a xix d a V d m xxix e a vi e m xxx e a XX e a vi e m xxiii f a vii f m xxxi f a xiiii f a vii f m xxiiii g a viii g a i g a XV g a viii g m xxv lO 'VI vii viii ix X A a xvi A a ii A a xxiiii A a ix A a ii b a xvii b a iii b a xxiiii b a X b a iii c a xi c a iiii c a xxv c a xi c m xxviii d a xii d a v d a xix d a xii d m xxix '5 e a xiii e a vi e a XX e a xiii e m xxx f a xiiii f m xxxi f a xxi f a xiiii f m xxxi g a XV g a i g a xxii g a viii g a i XI xii xiii xiiii XV A a xvi A a ix A m xxvi A a xvi A a ii 20 b a xvii b a X b m xxvii b a xvii b a iii c a xviii c a xi c m xxviii c a xviii c a iiii d a xix d a V d m xxix d a xix d a v e a XX e a vi e m xxx e a xiii e a vi f a xxi f a vii f m xxxi f a xiiii f a vii 2 5 g a xxii g a viii g m xxv g a XV g a viii xvi xvii xviii xix A m xxvi A a xvi A a ii A a xxiii b m xxvii b a X b a iii b a xxiiii c m xxviii c a xi c a iiii c a xviii 3° d m xxii d a xii d a V d a xix e m xxiii e a xiii e m xxx e a XX f m xxiiii f a xiiii f m xxxi f a xxi g m xxv g a XV g a i g a xxii [Th e laft feven lines of this table are : fupplied from the ed. 1528 .] [In the table of the eclipfes of the fun and the mone following on the next page, the alierilks denote the place where the woodcuts are inferted in Pynfon’s edition.]. 3 6 [D 4 verfo] M. v. c. Ixxxvii the eclyps of the money e xviii. day of Janyuere . vi . houres.xvii. mo- mentes. M. v. c. Ixxxxvii. the eclyps of the fonne y e xix. day of July . ii . hou- res . xii . momen- tis. M. CCCCC. y' eclyps of the mo- ne the . ix . daye of Nouembre . i . houre .xii. mome- tis. M. v. c. i. the e- clyps of y e mo- ne y e . iii . day of Maye. v. hou- res . xviii . mo- 5 mentis. M. v. c. ii the e- clyps of the fon- ne the fyrft daye of Ottobre . viii . houres . lvii . mo- mentis. * M. v. c. vi. the e- clyps of the fon- ne the .xx. day of July . ii . houres xii . momentis. * M. v. c. xiii. the eclyps of y e fon- ne y e . vii . day of March . xi . hou- res . xii . mome- tis. * M. v. c. vi. y e e- clyps of the fon- ne .y e . xxiii . day of Decebre . ii . ho u res . xxiiii . momentis. * M. v ■ c. ii. the e- clyps of the mo- ne the . iiii . daye of Oblobre . xi houre. xii. mome- tis. * M. v. c. viii. the eclyps of y e mo- ne the .xiii . daye of June. v. hou- res. i. moment. * [Ei M. v. c. xv. the eclyps of y e mo- ne y e . xxx . daye of Janiuere . ii . houres . 1 viii . momentis. * M. v. c. xviii. the eclyps of y e mone y e . xxiiii . daye of Maye x . houres/ one moment. * M.v.c.iiii. the e- clyps of the mo- ne the . vi . daye of Marche one houre . ii . mome- tis. * M. ccccc. ix. the eclyps of the mo ne the. ii. daye of June . x . houres 1 . momentis. * refto] M. ccccc. xvi. y e eclyps of the mo- ne the. xxix. day of Janyuere . v . houres at euen xxxix . mometis. * M. v. c. xviii. the eclyps of the fon- ne the . viii . daye otjune .vi. hou- res . xlv . mome- tis. # M. v. c. v. the e- clyps of y e mo- ne the . xv . day of Augujl . viii. 10 hour . lvii . mo- mentis. * M. v. c. xi. the eclyps of y e mo- ne y e . xiv . daye 15 of Oblobre . vi . houres twel- ue mometis. * M. v. c. xvii. y e eclyps of y e mo- 20 ne the . xiii . day of Juli . xi . hou- res . xii . mome- tis. * M. v. c. xxii. y e 25 eclyps of y e mo- ne the . vii . day of Nouembre . xi . houres/ fyue momentis. 30 * 1 Here the edition of 1 508 lacks one leaf, namely C 1. The contents of this leaf corre- fpond to thofe of D 4 verso and E 1 refto of the 1528, from which I fupply them. The letters in italics are printed in red in this edition. 37 M. v. c. xx. y' e- clyps of the Ton- ne y e .xi . daye of Offobre foure 5 houres . xxvii . momentis. * M. v. c. xxiii. y e eclyps of y e mo- ne the . xv . daye ioof Auguft .xv. houres . v . my- mentes. * M. v. c. xx. the eclyps of y e mo- ne the . vi . daye of OElobre . liii . houres . xxvii momentis. * [Cii M. v. c. xxv the eclyps of the mone y e iiii. day of iu- ly . x . houres x . mynutes M. v. c. xxii. the eclyps of the mo- ne the . vi . daye of Septtbre . xi . houres . Ivi . mo- mentis. # fto] M. v. c. xxv. y e eclips of y e mo- ne y e . xxix . day of December xx . houres . vii mynutes. # M. v. xxi .... eclyps of ... . ne the . i . . . . March res . x tis * m. v. c. xxvi. y e eclips of y e mo- ne y e xviii . day of December x . hou . xiii . mi- nutes * M. v. c. xx. the eclyps of y c mo- 15 ne the xvi. day of Ocftober . xx . hou . xxiiii. my- nutes * M. v. c. xxxiiii. 20 the eclyps of y e fonne the . xiiii . daye of Ianu- uer. i. houre. xli mynutes 25 M. v. c. xxx. y e eclips of y e mone. . y e . xxx daye of Au- guft . xii . hou- res . Ivi . my- nutes. * m. v. c. xxxiiii the eclips of the mone y e xxx . daye of iany . ii . hou- res . xxvii . mynutes. M. v. c. xxx. y e the eclypes of mone the . vi . daye of Octo- ber . xi . hours xii. mynutes. # M. v. c. xxxv . the eclips of y e fonne the . viii daye of Iune . ii . houres . iii . mynutes. M. v. c. xxx. y e ecly. of y e fone y e . xxviii . daye of Marche y e xviii . houre y e xxiii . mynute * M. v. c. xxxvi the eclips of y e mone . y e . xxvii day of Noue- ber . vi . hours vi . mynutes. # [C ii verso] M. v. c. xxxvii. the eclyps of y e mone y e . xxiiii . daye of Maye. 30 viii . hours . viii mynytes. * M. v. c. xl. the eclyps of y e foil the . vi . daye of 3 5 Apryll . v . hou- res . xvi . mynu- tes m. v. xxxviii the eclyps of the mone y e . xxiiii . day of May . ii . hou- res . Iii . my. * M. v. c. xli. y c eclips of the mone y e . xii . day of Mar- che four hou- res . xii . mynu- tes. m. v. c. xxxviii the eclyps of the mone the . xxiiii . daye of Maye . ii . hou- res . ii . mynute. # M. v. c. xli. the eclyps of y e fon- the . xxi . day of Augufte . xxi . hours . xli . my- nutes. M. v. c. xxxix. the eclyps of y e fonne y e . xviii . day of Apryll iiii . houres . xxi mynutes. * M. v. c. xlii. y* ecly. of y e mo- ne y e . i . daye of Marche . viii . hours . xl . my- nutes. # 3 8 M. v. c. xlii. the M. v. c. xliii M. v. c. xliiii. m. v. c. xliii. y e eclypes of y e foh the eclips of the eclypes of eclips of y e mo- y e .xi. day of Au- the mone y e the fonne the ne the . iiii . day guft . xi . hours x . day of Ia- xxiiii . daye of Iuli . viii . hou- xlviii . mynu- nyuere fyxe Ianyuere . ix . res . xxiiii . my- 5 tes. houres . viii houres . ix . my- nutes. 1 mynutes. nutes. * * * * [C iii redto] M. v. c. xlv. the M. v. c. xlvii. M. v. c. xlvii. M. v. c. xlviii. eclyps of y e foh the eclyps of the eclyps of y e y e eclyps of y e y e . ix . day of Iu- y e mo. y e . iiii . mone y e . xxviii mo. y e . xxviii . 10 ne . viii . houres day of May daye of Octo- day of Apryll xl . mynutes x . hou. xviii ber . iiii . houref xi . hours . xlix mynutes xl mynutes mynutes * * * * M. v. c. xlix. the m. v. c. xlix. y e M. v. c. li. the M. v. c. Iii. the eclyps of y e mo- eclyps of the eclyps of the ecly. of y e mo- 15 ne . the . xii . day mone y e . iiii . fone y e . vi . day ne . iiii . daye of of apryl . ii . hou- day of Octo- of iune . ix . hou- Ianyuere . ix res . xlviii . my- ber . vii . hou- res . xxi . mynu- houres . xiiii . nutes res . xxiii . my- tes. mynutes. mentes. 20 # * * * C All the eclypfes of the fonne ben on the day / & of y e mone by nyght. And ye fhall wete y 1 al the eclyps of y e fonne & of y e mone appereth fdtyme otherwyfe tha we fe it/ for y e eclyps of the fonne may wel be by nyght/ & the eclyps of the mone may be by daye. But fuche eclyps appereth not to vs fhepe- 25 herdes. A clyps fhall be meruaylous to beholde Thrugh whiche many fhall be the wurs For many fhall fynde neyther fyluer ne golde It fhall be fo derke within theyr purs 39 [Pynfon’s edition 1506. D i redto] ft Pocula ianus amat ft Tangere crura caue cum luna videbit Aquofum. Infere tunc plantes : excelfas erige turres. Et fi carpis itertunc tardius ad loca tranfis. ft Februus vlgeo clamat 5 C Pifcis habens lunam noli currare podagram. Carpe viam tutus fit potio modo falubris. ft Martius arua colit ft Nil capiti noceas Aries cum luna refulget. De vena minuas et balnea tutius intres. Non tangas aures nec barbam radere debes. ft Aprilis florida prodit 10 ft Arbor plantetur cum luna Tharus habetur. Non minuas tamen edifices nec femina fperges. Et medicus caueat cum ferro tangere collum. ft Ros et flos nemorum. Maio fut fomes amorum ft Brachia non minuas cum luftrat Luna Gemellos vnguibus et manibus cu ferro cura negitur. Nunquam portabris apromifiore petitum. 15 ft Dat iunius fena ft Pedtus pulmo iecur in Cancro non minuantur Sommia falfa vides vtilis fit empt’10 rerum. Potio fumatur fecurus perge viatur. ft Iulio refecatur auena ft Cor grauat et ftomachum cum cernit luna leonem Non facias vefies 20 nec ad conuiuia vadas Et nilore vomas nec nec fumas tunc medecinom ft Auguftus fpicas. Lunam virgo tenens vxorem ducere noly. Vifcera cucoftis canes tradlare cruorem. Semen detur agro : dubites intrare carinam. ft September colligit vuas. 25 Libra lunam tenens nemo genitalia tangat. Aut renes nates: nec iter carpere debes. Extremam partem lybre cum luna tenebit. ft Seminat odtober Scorpius augmentat morbos in parte pudenda. Vulnera non cures caueas afcendere naues. Et fi carpis iter timeas de morte ruinam. 30 ft Spoliat virgulta Nouember Luna nocet femori per partes motu. Sagitte Vngues vel crines poteris prefcindere tute. De vena minuas et balnea tutius intres. ft Ouent habere cibum madtando. December Capra nocet genibus ipfam cum luna tenebit Intrat aqua noua citius 35 curabitur eger Fundamenta ruunt modicum tunc durati idipfum. ft Epilogus fequitur omnium fupra dictorum Que vix antiqui potuerunt fcribere libris Decurrendo polum conftanti mente rotundum 40 Aereafq,, domos tentando et fydera cuncfta Querz fluunt ex his et quomodo fol moueatur Intus habes collefta breui compendio et arte [Woodcut No. 52.] [Woodcut No. I*.] [D i verfo] C De duodecim fignis. Signorum princeps aries et taurus & vrna Tindaride iuuenes : et feruida branchia cancri Herculeufq^ leo nemee pauor afmaq^ virgo Libra iugo equalit pendent : et fcorpius acer Centorufq, fenex chiron et cornua capri Diledlufq, ioui puer : et duo fydera pifces 4T Idem de fignis : Corniger imprimis aries : et corniger alter Taurus, ite gemini : fequitur quos cancer aduftus Terribilifq, fere fpecies et iufta puella Libra fimuli nigrum in acuminie virus Centurufq, biformis adeft : pelagiq^ puella Et qui portat aquam puer vrniger et duo pifces C De quattuor partibus anni. C De vere. Verq^ nouu ftabat cindlum florente corona Pingens purpureo vernantia prata calore Ver placidum vario ne<5tit de flore coronas Vere nouo letis decorantur floribus arua Veris honos tepidum floret : vere omnia rident C De eftate. Stabat nuda eftas et fpicea ferta gerebat Horrida ethiopis fignis imitat figuram Scindit agros eftas phebeis ignibus ardens Frugiferas aruis fert eftas torrida meftes Fluuaceres eftatis habet fua tempore regna C De autumno. Stabat et antumnus calcatis fordibus vuis Labra per autumnu mufto fpumacia feruant Pomifer antunus tenero dat palmite frudtum Vite coronatas autunus degrauat vinos Fecundos autune locus de Vitibus imples C De hyeme. Stabat hyems glacie canos hirfuta capillos 41 Cuius nix humeros circiidat flumina montes Precipitat : fempq^ riget glacie horrida barba Albentes hec durat aquas et flumina nedtit Triftis hyems niueo montes velamine veftit. 5 C Here cdethe the fyrfte parte of the kaleder of fhepherdis. [D ii redo] C Here is the feconde parte of the compot and kalender that Jhewith of the tre of vices and the peynes of hell. I N the name of the fader fonne and holy gofle we porpos to fhewe the tre of vyces and moreouer of fynners for to vnderftonde theyr fynnes the whiche is deuydyd in vii. prencypall partys after the vii. dedly fyn- nes and eche dedly fynne is lykenede to a tre and euery tre hauynge vii. fmale braunches and all thefe vii. tres comethe owte of one tre by it felfe that is yelowe and comethe of one begynnynge and that is of the delyte and it bydes an ende. that is euer laftynge damnacyone whyche is ordenyde for 15 them that feke nat remedy by tymes by penaunce and repentans by theyrly- fe in tyme and houre. C And here after foloweth the tre of vyces the peynes of hell to fhewe the lay people what ponylfhementis ordeynyd for euery ded- ly fynne and that the people may the better fhewe theyr fynnes in confeflyon and make clene theyr confcyens that they may be the howfe of god. fo that 20 vartuesmay growe and fruftyfye to the profyte of your foules. C And the fyrft greate braunche of thys tre of vyces is pride and he hathe xvij. great brauches growynge out of hym. C As vayne glory of hymfelfe/ vayne glory of theworlde/to prays them that hauedone euyl/boftynge of fyn- nes/ Inobedyens/ dyflayuynges tempte God/ excefle/ mys prayfynge/ euyll 25 goodnes hardynes/ prefumcyone/ rebellynge/ obftynacyone/ fynne wyttyng- ly comon in fynne/fhame to dowell/ of echeof thefe comethethre&outofeche of thefe iii. other thre fmall brauches to the nomber of xbvij. fcore & thyrtene maners & in fo many wayes ye may fynne in pryde. the whiche fhall be ftiew- de fyrft and after the other dedly fynnes as they folowe in order. [Woodcuts N° N° II* III*, IV* V*.] 42 Vayne glorye of hlfelfe. vayne glory of y e world Gladde of euyll doynge Boftynge of fynne to fek hisioye & not the glory of god Ipocrefy Dyfprayfe the- felfe for to haue k prayfynge [D ii verfo] C The fyrft braunche of pryde. whan any beleueth y‘ godes cometh of him felte Or thlke that gode be gyuen the for theyr dedys yf they beleue to haue more thfi they haue To dyflemble to fhew the goodlyar thfi they be To feme gode by warkes & be not but by coloure To defyre prayfynge for his gode dedys To difprays his dedys y £ other fhulde prays the Or to repete his doynge bycaufe they be prayfyd To difprays the felfe by caufe other prayfis the r Rekenynge theyr fynnes To be glad of - that they be yll To haue no fha- me to be bad & euyll C The thyrde braunche of pryde To be prayfyde of their vnhappy dedys For to Ihewe openly that they be euyll dyfpofyd Hauynge a delyte to thynke on his euyll dedys For that they do loue the loue of the worlde For theyr finynge they doute nat god almyghty [ Or ellys that they loue nat god with theyr harte [For they vnderftonde nat vertu nor fynne a Nor to make themfelfe nat to be in wyllynge [ For to be fene gladly doynge euyll ~ c 2 20 *-< Oq c •T 3 ° n Cl 3 c 23 ctq' 35 0 rt rr n & o >t pj 40 Cl [D iiii redo] C The xiii. braunche of pryde harde the felfe ( That may nat fuffer paciently to be fmyten. in fyghtynge j To grodge agayne the wyll of god ( For to be fmyten blafpheme god or his fayntys { To lete any gode to be done. Nat to helpe to do gode whan they may. Or to be fory that ony body fhulde do gode to vp holde f For to fynne more liberally, euyll - For famulyarite that they haue to hi that finis [ Or that this fynne that they defende By chaftynge not willinge to - for fake yll do ynge to be hardyde in euyll C The xv. braunche of pryde ( By prefumcione or vnderftondethe to do euyll j Or by ignorans that they wyll nat vnderftond ( Defyrynge and prouokinge the felfe do to euyll f For to folowe euyll company. - For cuftome to do any venyall fynne I To ende . i . fynne that they may ende another ( By cogetacyons in theyr hartes onely By wordes fayde lyghtly Or by warke done vndefcretly C The xvi. braunche of pryde " finginge made | And to be in any erefy. > Or to be in futes of curfynge. [ Or wyttyngely in dedly fynne. meniftrynge y e j Les than his dute and vnworthely. - facramentes - withoute reuerens and vndeuoutly. [ without doinge theyr duty to the peple Indifcretli refeyue y e body ( withoute honoure deuofyone & reuerens of Iefu cryfte - Theftuoufly & of that they fhulde nat receyue. { To fay agayne the that is more wyfer than he. 46 fynnynge dedly fynnynge - venyally In doute dedly or venially V. € The xiiii. braunche of pryde. wyll nat here theyr betters to teche them gode ! ne to do there after ne mendeth them nat wylfully to do euyll for to be mendyde For they wyl nat leue theyr il coftome. Or els they gyue nat them to do gode Or that they reioyfe them in il doynge. To do a gaynfte thinges that are dout fome To beleue that thinge gode that is nat l gy ue them felfe to euyll withoute remedy fhame to do goode Noyfumnes Detraccyon [D 4 verfo] C The xvij. braunche of pryde. wyll to be gode ( By wekenes and faute of corage, and haue fham For to loue neclygently any gode that may be. [ For to be lyghtely afhamed for to do honoure Haue fhame to l For whan any wyll complyffhe to any perfone 5 • be goode and - Or whan any loueth it that is nat gode. be nat | Or whan they fwere for to do gode. for to be lyke to f whan they reioyfe them in euyll company, them that ben - For to fhewe the hurte of hymfelfe or other _ euyll [ For to obtayne his defyre. 10 C Here endeth the braunches and fmale fprayes of Pryde And hereafter foloweth the braunches and fprayes of En- uy. and the names of them all in ordre as they come one by an other. The fyrft is Detraccyon. The feconde Adulacy- on. The thyrde . Surfuracyon. The fourthe is To flaken the grace of the Floly gofte. The fyfte is fufpeccyon. The fyxt is Accufacyon. The vij. Vnthankfulnes. Theviij. is To luge. The ix. Subftraccyon. The x. drawynge other to euyll. The xj. is fals loue. r Sory of the p- fperyte of his nayboure. That hath nat reioyft his ney- bours pfperyte to reioyfe hym of his neybou- _ res hurte. C The fyrft braunche of enuy. f For to defyre thy neybours harme. a For thou may nat fufteyne to fe his gode. [ Therto they may nat oppres the in wretchednes f whan they thynke to do theyr neybour wronge. I Or they haue gyuen the thynge hym to hynder. [ For they may nat fe theyr neybours encrece { The whiche as doynge or caufeth to be done. And glad that other hurte hym & nat thy felfe. Or that he fuffreth by the godly Iuftyce. C The feconde braunche of Enuy. ' For cause of ly- f For thou art glad of thy neybours yll name. ghtnefte For hatrede cruell And lyinge wyttyngely i By euyll cuftome to hurte hym fo. Or to cuftome with fome other people. { As fpekynge wordes that fhulde noy & hurte Fyndige any euyll that is nat gode ne faythfull To fay they haue herde yll by other & haue nat. ( To the intete to caufe fome to haue trobyll - whan goodes come to hym that they hate. [ Or if any be defamyd to reporte it for a trouthe 47 ‘S 20 2 -5 3 ° 35 adulacione Sufurracyone fynne to the holy gofte fufpeccyone To noy vnder coloure of gode fauoure Noryffhe euyll - in gode lyknes To holde w' hi y l dothe euyll fhewyng llryfe and dyfcorde makynge ftryf - to lafte longe And nat labou- re for the peafe . ’ fcladeringe the gode people giulg the word - thynges they haue to fue god nat helpinge y e good people in ^ trybulacyone " to beleue ouer fone To lyue ouer - faythfully Or oft tymes to beleue [D 5 redto] € The iii. braunche of enuye ( To faye they knowe it and knowe it nat ( They vnderftonde to be more greater than it is To noryffhe or defende other in theyr folye Say thefe whiche profiteth or horteth by flateri Some tyme flatter venyall fomtyme mortall Sayige il be hynde the & fayre before theyr face ( For to haue any wynnynge or profyte For to hurte and hynder any gode perfone [ Or for to lefe the loue of him that doeth euyl C The iiii. braunche of enuy { By haftines mouynge the partyes Or by flaterynge or befynes Or in repeyre or by falfe langage ! By caufe they wolde haue the loue of fome other For thou woldyfte haue foe other helpe to noy hi To reioyfe oft to here or fe dyfcorde For malys that thou woldefte none haue glade to trauell to make it worfe and worfe And negligently groge if other wolde haue peas C The v. braunche of enuy { Tornynge theyr gode name in to euyll To fpeke hurte to trobyll theyr vnderftondynge Or to caufe them to lefe the loue of other people ( Abufynge them of the thankes of god To be wery to do gode workes And gyue to god of the worfte & nat the befte The whiche fofereth for the loue of god For penaunce of theyr fynnes Or fofferes all trobyllys in hope of cryftis glory C The vi. braunche of enuy By what fome euer occafyone indeferently I what thynge that they fay to the beleue it fhortly whether it be true or faille to beleue the fyrft tale To beleue the whiche thou fhuldeft nat beleue Or to beleue haftely that is fo indede And than iugeth the gode withoute difcrefyone Thinges vnbelevable & whiche may nat be whan fondry tymes thou hafte be dilfeyued For to beleue the that hath oft be namyd il 48 40 Accufacyone Excufacyon Vnthankfulnes To luge Often tymes - Or falfly Or of thynges that ben dout- full Of word By force - of fwerynge by holy gofpels No vnderftan- dynge the beny- fytes of god To do euyll for - gode Nat to do gode For gode done to the " Of the dedes Of other where it aptaynes nat Makynge fals Iugementes Euyll to be gode or of the co- trary. [D 5 verfo] C The vii. braunche of enuye { whan it is for the vegeaunce of him y l is accufyd wha they delyte to excufe other Or to hynder hym that they aceufe { wha they fynde y e iewell of him that they accufe wha they knowe y l he that is accufyd is not gylte wha they accufe theyr neybour becaufe of hatred { Sekynge occafyone to noy him that is accufyde Affermynge to be trewe and all falfle For they knowe nat what myfchefe may folowe C The viij. braunche of enuy. { whiche be doubtful to vnderftonde Manyfeftly and that are knowene faille Sekynge occafyone to couer theyr myfdede ( Geuynge the iewell to him that dothe it not For to lhewe him felfe innocent of theyr myfdede For to fhewe to be punyffhed for the euyll dedys How well that it be . by ftraynynge to afwere hi And worfe if they do it wylfully Or to fwere vn pmifyd of y e thing y* they fwere C The ix. braunche of enuye { How myche or howe well haue they done what goodnes without defarte they do to vs what thyiige is worthye for to retribue to hi felfe [ To him whiche holpe the in thy nelfefiite - Or to him that hathe gyuen the gode counfell [ Or to hym that hathe defended the frome euyll { But to do ill to him that hath done the gode Or to do hym at no tyme gode For gode done to the/ thou doeft harme agayne C The x. braunche of enuy. { By ingnorans where they ought not In doute of that wherof they wayte not Or to iuge without that they be requiryd ( For any gyftes that hath be gyuen afore or after For loue or for hatrede For certayne iewelles & delyuerynge { For lyghtnes or they be acoftomed Or to iuge that it is done by fporte Or wyttyngly entende to hurte other 49 G To drawe other To fynne ♦ [D 6 refto] C The xi. braunche of enuy. o a Iti temporal] thynges Thynges fpiri- - tuall Or of counfell 1 o f To gyue/ not to theyr pore thynges fuperfluus To holde laufull godes of other & nat departe { Godes that are expofyd in euyll vfage j Nat to be befy/ to amende the fynners Nor to fhewe them of peynes to come I Nor to teche other to do gode dedys j Not to gyue counfell to him that axeth it - Or to gyue, euyll councell wyttyngly [ Nat to ccuncell whan they may helpe any By example - By councell By force C The xii. braunche of enuye { vvha any hath fuautes & doth before them fynne wha any ledeth other in his company to do euyll Or any vnct the kynd of gode doynge dothe euyll { To drawe to y 11 company to fe yll doynge Or to be glade that they confente to euyll ( Or be theyr company fynnes more diledtabyll { To require and thretyne Nat to fefe ty 11 he be drawne to euyll By his opprefTyone and ftraynynge of the C The xiii. braunche of enuye Loue for the fa- I whan thou faueryft any in doinge euyll uoure of man whyche maye noy the and therfore they do it nat \ They do that thou be fene gracyoufe and meke For erthely pro- I Faynynge the a frende to him and art none < fyte Faynynge y* thou louefte hi more tha thou doeft I fhewynge to be his louer & be his dedly enmy For fleffhely lo- I Defende or fuftayne any in theyr fynne ue To promote them whyche are nat worthy to be [ For to labowre to lyue more delicyoufly C Here endethe enuy . And folowithe the braunchis of wrathe as iniquite .hatrede.contenewe I vylite . concentynge to raunfome omyfyde . vengeauns . impafiens . cryinge . blafphemynge. C Owt of thefe xi. grete braunches comethe ix. other finale braun- 35 ches. fo the noumber of all is a C. braunches. The whiche letteth a man that he may nat loue god ne his owne foule. &r for this fynne it is harde to be coftumed and be fauide. 5 ° Iniquite Hatred. Contynueng in vylyte. Concentynge To moke hym felfe To curfle To dyfiayue [D 6 verfo] C The firft braunche of wrathe. I For to kepe other to loue hym by vayne fcoffinge For dyledtalyons that thou hafte in mockynges Or that thou arte cuftomed fo to do Other in his thought without fpekynge. 5 Or of his mouthe by wordes. To caufe debate bytwene people. For to gyue euyll counfell to fynne. And wiflhynge y l he y l he hateth may do euyll Selge the fynne & repue them nat wha he may 10 C The feconde braunche of wrathe Dyfcorde - wronges Confpyracyos f For to manyfefte rancowers - To fhewe outwarde frendlhyp & be enmy i harte [To faye y‘ they loue i peas & haue malys i mynde . f In lhamynge other 1 5 Takynge from them theyr godeneffe [ Or hurtynge his body or good name [ Syfmatykes is tho that procure theyr fynne • Thynkynge the parfons that are euyll [ Or to confpire in any warkes 20 Repreuynges. - Sharpe worde To noye his neyghbours C The thyrde braunche of wrathe. { Repreue the pouerte in whiche they are The fekeneffe that they haue or haue had Or that they be come of pore kynrede ( Prouokynge other to Ier Full of repreuynges and wronges Seke howe that they may do damage By perfones outtrageous By hurtynge of his perfone or omyfyde For to take fro him his goodes or his renowne 2 5 30 C The foureth braunche of wrathe f Nat amedinge other - To be glad of theyr fynne. Hope to do euyll. ( As whan they haue lordefhipe a boue the fynner Or whan they be his ryght frende. Or whiche hopes to do euyll and may lete it I As to prays and be glad of the fynners And not morne for that that they haue done And nat amede them but be glad of euyll doyng By counfell that thou gyuefte By hope that thou hafte For thou defendeft them that dothe euyll 5 1 35 40 To raunfowme Homyfyde Vengeans Impacyens In pungnant godenefle to haunte ftry- - uynge To ftryue by wordes V. ' In defedaunt - lylge wyttlgly that they bele- ue nat to kyll [E i refto] C The v. braunche of wrathe { Beleuynge in any erefy. For to haue to ete or drynke For the loue of fome and hatrede of other. { For rancours fecrete in the harte. By cufrome that they be glade By opene hatrede that they wyll apeyre. { As in queftions vnprohtable. For to fhewe theyr fynnis For to agayne fay hym to whome they fpeke € The vi. braunche of wrathe f Hauynge wyl to kyll ! ' Hym felfe or other withoute wyll of kyllynge. To kyll vnwyfely or ingnorantly By treafon By hatrede. For he whiche he kyllythe is gode { Beleue that they do gode if they kyll any. Caftynge any gode gladly. Or to gyue any medefyne 40 C The vii. braunche of wrathe By wronge doynge beleue tis doa- < ge and is nat by faute of any thynge f Saynge fuchlyke wronges. - Or faynge of greter wronges I Or reherfynge wronges very fmall. T To hurte hym that amendis for good Or to do euyll to hym that hath done gode. ( If it difplefis the y l they haue done for thy gode f If any geuyth the not or lendeth the theyr gode That he hath done that he is nat bounde. [ Or hath nat hopyd to do thy lynne. In iugemetis of god In his wre- - chednefle of wronge of his neyboure C The viii. braunche of wrathe ( whan it plefeth the that plefys nat god Or for that plefeth not to the wyll of god. I For that thou loueft nat y* god wolde haue done f If thou be in any fekenefle - If thou be in greate pouerte ( Or if thou haue any aduerfy r te. ( For they haue myffayde the by any wordes Or they haue done the euyll in thy body I Or y 1 they haue mifdone to y e 1 thy godes. 5-2 o >1 v < 3 OQ n> to talke of thin- ges vnpfitable to fay lefynges or falfenefle To clater [E i verfo] C The ix. braunche of wrathe. As of fayrenefle of women Or of lenage of frendis. Fo graete malys. Or of thinges that hurtethe. For vauntynge or boftynge. By fraude or vnfaythfulneffe. ( For ouercomynge by forfe of fpekynge - Or for to hurte by flaterynge. [ Or for pleafure that they take. W p rT* n> B 3 Cfq o to vnderftbd of god that ptay- neth nat to him to aferme of god thiges vn- worthely to fay that it is god that is nat CT The x. braunche of wrathe As of the fouerayne withoute myght Or of his ryght greate godenes in vs Or of his rightfull Iuftyce. For any erroure that they ar in. For drede of lefynge. For couetyfe of wynnynge. Byleuynge as dothe ydolatours. "S In opynyon by euyll vnderftandynge. [ For to do agaynft the ordynauce of the churche. 1 5 20 C Here endeth the brauches of wrathe and foloweth the brauches of flewthe As fyrft euyll thought/ Noyfumnes/ Promptuous/ Pufyllanymyte/ Euyll wyll/ Brekynge vowe/ Impenytent/ Vnfaythfulnes/ Ignorans/ Vaynfo- roufulnes/ Heuynes / Euyll Hope/ Curyofyte/ Idelnes/ Euagacyon/ Emple- fynge to do gode. Here is the nombre of the great braunches. That is to 25 fay xvj. out of the whiche fyxtene great braunches Cometh an hundreth and feuen and thyrty fmale braunches whiche bryngeth man to euerlaflynge dap- nacyon and to the paynes perpetuall. W c 'C o c crq p- r+- CD C The fyrft braunche of flewth. Thought fupflues Dolorous Thought Thought detef- table { To delyte to thynke yll To thynke that theyr fynne is fwete Or longe abydyr.ge thinkynge in euyll I Howe darkly they may hurte l He that putteth his euyll to others. [ As doynge euyll to be fayde. ( Howe they may do euyll. -J As doynge euyll they may perfeuer. [And ho we they may refyft to god. 53 30 35 Noyfumnes. Prompnes. Pufalananymyte. Euyll wyll. [E ii retto] € The . ii. brauche of flewthe. - -< V To fyne by cu- ftome. fyne by malys. Or be not 1 wyll to leue the euyll By conftans. By pufalany- myte. By cruelte. I l I I I I € For other fynnes fuche lyke. For there cuftome is to do fynne. hor there is none y c repreuis the doynge euyll. when eny dothe euyll & leuyth it. when eny loues good & doth it not. when eny loues not the good but the euyll. when eny dothe good gaynft his euyll. when eny reioyfes not doynge gode. when it dyfplefes them not yf they do euyll. The thyrde brauche of flewthe. C Belewynge good that they vnderftand not. Changynge ofte tymes his purpofe in coufell. wayllynge in aduerfyte. To drawe them felfe fro god. To fayle the grace of god. To drede to be gyn that is gode. Ferynge vnprofytabyll thynges & newes* Plefauntlyer rumowres & cryes & fablys To fpeke newe thynges by his owne wyll. C The . iiii. braunche of flewthe. Drede where they fholde not. Drede more tha they fhold. Drede the that they fholde. { To drede it y l is to come & faye it is no damage. Lefle the fperytuall goodes for the temporallis ( yf temporall aduerfyte be ouer grete or heuy. | To make gret mornyng for y‘ which they haue lofte - to morne wha they haue not their defyre. I To groge wha any thige happeneth agayne the j As detrablowres y c they fe ryghtfully. Or to holde wyth the euyll to pleafe them j Or that it noyes them not of others doyng gode 4T The v. braunche of flewthe. I whiche bereth to the dyfhonoure of god. wyll to do euyll. Or to damage of his neyboure. [ Or to the damage of his foule And cuftomely [ For the lebfacyon of euyll. - to vfe euyll. - For the dyfplefaunce of god. I For thefe that they do pleafe theyr mynde To delyte them j Nat refyfl: euyll thought, felfe as moche - Loue euyll dyledtacyons as they may I yl [ Defyre that they may delyte. 54 4 ° Brekynge of vowes. Impenytentes. Vnfaythfulnes. Ignoraunce. [E ii verfo] C The . vi. brannche of flewthe. By neclygence. f wha any makes ther vow & I difprayflg to do it y l makes les his vow tha he hath promyfed. y c fulfillis not his vow w* gode hert as he fhold By forgettynge j Of foleme vow fecrete or thyngis y l pteynes therto 5 Of vow pmiffyd by hi felf or for other [ Of vow made to enter into relygyous By dyflpray- j Not to fulfyl theyr vow wha they haue oportunyte fynge. - Or wha they may & doth not other fuche lyke f Or y l he take no thought y* they may not do it ic C The vii braunche of flewthe. Leue and do no f For fynail penaunce & neuer to repete. penaunce. By deferrynge fro day to day of repentynge. [ By dyfprayfynge that they wyll not repete the. To haue no fha- j whan after lyteli fyn they rotes them in it. me to do fyn. - whan they haue no fhame of yll doynge. ( To be delyueryd to fulfyll dedly fyn. f After that they haue fynned & to a byde in fyn. purpofe to fyn. To feke occafyon to fall in euyll fyn. [ Or without forowe to be gladde of that yl doyng C The . viii. braunche of flewthe. To byleue the iewes or other vnfaythful men. That byleueth not in the arteceles of the fayth. Or that heres them fayd & wyl not byleue them In falfe godes as doth the farafyns. -> In Idolles or any fymulacres. [ Or to byleue in dyuers thynges or wychecrafte. Notto byleuey* at they fholde byleue. Byleue it that they fholde not byleue. To byleue Ig- f Dowthe in that whych they fholde byleue. norautly. ■ byleue & not faythfully it that they fhold byleue [ nythely to let the be dyfceyued of theyr trouthe. Indyfcrefyons This that they fholde vnderfta- de. they that haue no wyl to vnder- ftande. 3 ° The . ix. braunche of flewthe. Do without coufeyl this y l they fhold be coufelid Do without maner that that they fholde hope Do without wyfdome of thefe that is requyryd Dyfprayes wyt & woll not to be tawghte Trauayle not to vnderftonde fynes profytabyll To haue porpofe&fet not therbythat they fhold lerne. Or that takes not payne to vnderftande. Or to haue excufacyon. By fwerynge & neclygence of lernynge. 55 35 40 Vayne forowfulnes. Hevynes. Euyll hope. Curyofyte. In noyfumnes of leuynge. Falfe hope. To dyffpayre theym felfe. [E iii refto] I The . x. braunche of flewthe. whan good thynges be dyfplefaute. whan all thynges are noyfome. whan all thynges that they do ar heuy. To prefame to moche on the merfy of god. & though they amede the not to trufte on merfy To lyue in fyn without the drede of god. without dyftruccyon of the luftis of god. For the gretnes of the fyn that they haue done. To myftrufte of the marfy of god. Towarde the thynges deffen- dede. To warde gode counfeyll 40 C The . xi. braunche of flewthe. whan any expofyth hym felf in perrell of fyn. whan they ar moche affuryd to do fyn. wha they expofes the felf ouermoche 1 teptacibs And wyll not be good and leue the euyll. And not honour the good but loue the euyll Dyfprayfe the counfell of good men. Towarde y‘ cd- ( Ne do the comaundementes that they fholde. maundemetes. - Dyfprayfe the comaudemente of hym y 1 doth it [ Nor loue no thynge that is comaundyde. C The . xii. braunche of flewthe. " Dyfprayfe the f To contynewe to do peuyffhe wordes. good man. - And hauynge hope to do euyll only. [ Or to do bothe to geder. To dred not to j Ne to fet not by no thynges y l is fayd by the. be defamyde. - Ne care not who fo is fclaunderyd with the. ( Nor feke not who that other be edyfyed of the. To do good in f Dyflayuyngely thou vnderftondeft it well, euyll intenfyos - w‘ out dyfcrecyo thou fetteft not by who ne how [ vnwyfely for thou wylte not vnderftonde The . xiii. braunche of flewthe. Seke vnprofy- f wylllge to vnderftande the thlge y £ is y c maker of fyn. tabyll thynges. - Lahore to cbfoude other of langage. [ Or for to be callyd wyfe Ideotes or folys. Deliteto fevay- ( For to drawe other to it that is not laufull. ne thynges. - Or be that makes the & gyues the thy lyuynge. [ Or caufes the to vnderftonde all vanytes. Do y l no other f Doynge newe thynges that they fawe neuer. cane do. - Or lerne thynges that be euyll. [ Or thynges only for to make them lafte. 56 Idylnes. Euagacyons. Empleffyngetodogood Dyflolucyone [E iii verfo] 4T The . xiiii. braunche of flewthe. To leue to do Seke to do - euyll. Not to refyfte to do euyll. T That Is to fay to good thoughtes. - To good wordes. ( And to good workes. f By the concupyffens of the fleffhe. - The concupyffence of his iyen. [ And to lyue prowdly ( For loue that they haue to euyll. For dyfpyte that they haue to good. For neclygence of them felfe. In Idell thyn- ges. In thynges de- ledtabyll. In wycked thl- ges. Confentyng to ( thet hat be euyll j Trufte not the j that be goode. - To hurte them that be good. In vayne thyn- ges. In wantone thynges. In foliffhe glad- nes. The . xv. braunche of flewthe. To expofe them felfe to vanytes. To drawe not them felfe fro vanytes. wyllynge to abyde in vanytes. For they be euyll & plefaunte. A bydynge be longe fpafe and tyme. whan thy wyll is prouoked. Howe falfely thou may hurte. Or greuoufly hender. Or to do harme more at length. The . xvi. braunche of flewthe. By malys for to plefe them. For hatrede that they haue to good. For hatrede of good that they may do. whan they may not pfyte w*out they helpe the there where they be in perrell. There where they falle without helpe or focoure Or by hym felfe Or by other perfons Or holde fro them that they owe them. The . xvii. braunche of flewthe. In beholdynge the pepell to fythe by vanyte. Gyuynge ther yes to beholde any vanyte. Beynge in company of moche people & publyke In luftes of the body. In lyghtnes of corage. By forfe of fyngynge or cryenge. By ouer moche and longe laffynge. To be without payne whan they fholde morne. To prouoke other to laffynge. 57 h 5 io *5 20 25 3 ° 35 4 ° CD O •< o IO Sr O CfQ r-t er 20 2; £ o 7T ro 3 ° ►-] o' $• 35 §■' rr o_ cx n> Cu rt [E iiii re&o] C The fyrfte brauche of couetyfe. Befynes of I To lefe the fpirytuall goodes for the teporalles. thoughte. To be neclyet to the fpuall & not to y e teporall ( To dyfprayfe y e goodes of y e foule for y e body. Hope to wynne ( To holde with charge noyfome thynges. - without com- To procure y e goodes of other to haue profyte. mynge. I wyllynge to haue profyte for there befynes. That may not [To aquyre teporall goodes by grete deledtaciSs drawe the fro it To be boude in loue to haue temporall goodes. [ Or to impute them felfe more than they maye. C The . ii. braunche of couetyfe. Of theyr fubgettys or feruauntes lelfe the felfe. To theyr ennemyes by any maner way. To theyr neyboure by any fubtyll way. To theyr fubyedtes or other of teporall goodes. Or fuche lyke for fpecyall thynges by boftynge. Or in fpuall thynges makynge promyfles. Makynge induly without right or refone. Or that before they were coftomyd to do it Or that they be made by forfe of boyftyngis C The . iii. braunche of couetyfe. By couenaute [ whan any felles the derer by caufe of abydynge made. To lende money in hope to haue auauntage. I For that they lende it & doth a byde for it. Couenaute ma- j Or that they leue not to the y 4 they receyuyd. - de hauing hope Or by fynes they know y 4 they fhall wynne. To felle for mo- [ Or whan any receyues or lenes to haue bnfices. re to the whiche I As ar hefurers that lenes openly. y £ thou mai not - Or haue hope of wynnynge of that at they felle. be fone payde. [ Or by cuftome to fell fo. 5 Ouer moche fyl- lynge themlelfe 20 ners C The . iii. braunche of glotony. By fondry ma- f For to fatyffye all theyr defyres Nat refufe by no waye thynge that they defyre. And nat to refufe none yll appetyte. Or do that that other dothe nat. Or exquyred. -] By ftudy howe they may haue theyr lull:. By labour & payne that they take for it { Neuer content what fo euer they haue. Delycyous for the fwete fauoures. Nat wyfely beholdynge what it dothe coft 25 C The iiij. braunche of glotony. Byfore the laufull houre without nede. Or after whan the laufull is pafte. Or what houre it be without comaudement. what thynge thou defyreft to ete. . Clofely to kepe it that other knowe it nat ( Or fecretly that thou only byleueth. In the tyme of faftynge to ete fleffhe and vnlawfully -J In places as to ete in the churche. As to ete the mete that is forbede. 6 3 " At tyme that they fhulde nat Or to offence 35 40 To make exces Lechery Vnclennes In gyuinge nat the det In quantite of metis In our dere - metis vfynge other mennis tabyls Fornycacyon - Auowtry ExcelTe Of thought Of dede Or of bothe to gedyr For hatrede For to fhevve - trauelynge For abbomy- nacion [F i re£io] C The v. braunche of glotony { To ete more than the body hath nede To ete it that hurteth bothe body and foule V nder coloure of fekeneffe ( Care nat of the code fo it be fwete Thynkynge that it is no fynne ! Dyiprayes the metys of fmall pryce f By gloteny and frawdes By company and greate drvnkynge. [To fulfyll theyr foule appetyte C The fyrfte braunche of lechery ( with women maryed or wydowes - Or with any mayde that is a virgyne (_ Or comenne women that are corrupte ( wha man hath copany with other tha his wyfe - Or wome haulge cbpany w* other tha hir fpoufe [ Or that they be bothe in maryage f Or with women of theyr lynage with man or woman of theyr affenyte [ Or that the one parte be of relygyon C The ii. braunche of lechery { Longe deleblacyon of thought of lechery To gyue concentinge to fuche pleafure ( To Tforfe hi felfe to fulfyll his thought by warke { By polucioe at night ouer miche etlge or drlklge By reftynge in the company of women Euyll thought to fulfyll fuche warke { To moue or touche the fleffhe by delytynge To fulfyll warke and of the wyll naturally Or ony vyce not naturally C The iii. braunche of lechery f wha they loue other that they ought not to loue - wha they lcnowe they are nat loued on theyr pty [ Or they are difpytefull and regorous { For they drede laboure and trauell For drede to haue pouerte For drede that they fholde nat haue pleafure I Abomynacyone of it that they haue coftomyde Or for vnclennes of the warke [ wha any difprayfeth y e cbpany of other pty 6 4 [F I verfo] o to put the felfe ^ in perell c XT a to drawe them nat from it < r~t ft c n Delitynge the- felfe ' In clothynge c n c r® “t 3 s f r~t a> In delyte In difpenfe C The iiii. braunche of lechery f Some tyme for caufe of fome perfones. } Other tymes for dangeour of places. And other feafons for reafon of tyme. Of the warke that they knowe is bade , Or of perell whan they knowe it is daungeroufe. ( And for they be prouokyd in fuche perell ( In the operacyon of the fleffhe. Or to haue defyre and wyll to fulfyll it [ Or in thought & mynde to haue done it. ft The v. braunche of lechery r In iewels rynges fingnettis and ouches - In precyoufnefte of gownes gyrdels and bedis ( In takynge of faflyons newe brought vp. ( By wantonnes of chylderne to be mery - By diletflacyon of the bodyes takige theyr eafe. [ In doynge all that the harte defyres { Spendynge largely for louynge of the worlde Gyue where they ought nat. Nat to kepe them fro pleafure nor caufe other 5 10 *5 20 ft Here endeth the braunches of all the vij. dedely fynnes as they be afore re- herfed. with all the fmale braunches/ Alfo fhewynge howe that thre cometh of the great braunches eche by hymfelfe. And out of them thre groweth nyne & fo forthe. There is no man nor woman lyuynge but he fynnes venyally/ as it is wryten [Septies in die cadet iuftus] Lo if the right wyfe men do fyn vii. 25 tymes a daye by venyall fynne/ Than we wretched fynners howe oft do we fynne in one daye. God wote full ofte/ but yet for venyall fynne is many reme- dyes/ as holy water & holy brede/ &bleftynge of abyffhope/ & many other re- medyes/ alfo as for dedly fynne there is but fewe remedyes. But the fyrft is thou mud be fory for that that thou hafte done. The feconde is to haue meke 30 cdfeffyon. The thyrde is penaunce done with gode wyll / and neuer haue pur- pofe to fynne more. For penauns is dette that we muft pay to god for our fyn doynge/ and loke neuer that god fhall forgyue thy fynne without penauns/ or ellys to be delyuered by pardon of holy churche/ whiche helpeth greatly/ fo he fynne nat in hope of the fame/ For if that ye fynne in hope of the fayde pardon 3 5 i t ftandeth hy m to none effedt /for he were as gode as vn confeffed. Alfo fyn is ve- ry perylous/ for thre caufes. The fyrft he gyueth no warning Secdde loke as god fyndeth the fo he wyll iuge the. The thyrde whan thou arte dede remedy is pafte. 65 1 [F 2 redo] ft A remenbraunce of the vnftabylnes of the worlde. s wolde euery man thynke one his begynnynge. Fro whenfe he came and whether he fhall. Than wolde they fere bothe duke and kynge. And euery lorde bothe greate and fmall. Lytell wote they when they fyt on theyr benche. whan dethe wyll come and make them fall A waye fro him they may nat wretiche. Thoughe he be gretyft lorde of all. 1 ° [Woodcut No. r] And for as one thynge to thy mynde call Trull nat to myche to thy wyfe nor thvne eyre. But do well here what fo euer be fall For thys worlde is but a chery fayre 15 But well were he that ware fo wyfe. That coude be ware or he be wo. 20 He were a man of ful grete pryce. In thys worlde that coude do fo. we waxe nowe fo worldly nyfe. we call; our wyttes full farre vs fro. Lyke a player at the dyce. we wot nat well where that we go. But wolde we be ware of the fende our foo. Lefte that he do oure foules apayre Than fhulde we be ware or we be woo. 2 5 For this worlde is but a chery fayre. [Woodcut No. II*] It hath euer be fene yet bothe daye and nyght. Oft longe tyme here beforne. For there knowe the not kynge ne knyght. whether that he fhall lyue vntyll the morne. 30 To daye thoughe he be hole and lyght. And honteth bothe with hounde and home, whan he is man mode in his myght. In fhorte tyme thy lyfe is lorne. For on thy bere whan thou art borne. 66 [Woodcut No. 52] Than clymefte thou on a fledyr day re. Late thy gode dedys man go the beforne. For this worlde is but a chery fayre. [F 2 verfo] Thys worlde nowe adayes is il to trufte. For couetus walkethe a boute fo wyde. 5 And to all other fynnes is ouer luft. Both enuy and flouthe lechery and pryde. And fymony full fwete is kyfte. And on hye horfes dothe ryde. Some locketh him full fall in his chefte. 10 And fette full nye his bede fyde. But the daye fhall come they fhall curfe the tyde. Bothe barone burges prefte and mayer. That euer they dyd that tyme abyde For thys worlde is but a chery fayre. 15 [Woodcut No. I*] where is thy trefoure there is thy mynde. So faythe the gofpell yf thou wylte loke. Alacke men why be you to Iefu fo vnkynde. To loue fo myche a lytell mocke And all (halt thou leue behynde. 20 Thoughe thou loue rauany as dothe a roke Goodes of this worlde maketh many one blynde. And the fende them taketh with many a croke. Nowe Ihu that mary to thy moder toke. That was euer cleryfte vnder the ayer. 25 Thou waffhe vs in thy mercyfull broke. For this worlde is but a chery fayre. [F iii refto] [Woodcut No. 7] C Here after foloweth the peynes of hell and the ponyffhements for fynnes as Lazarus Ihewed after he was rayfed/ euen as he had fene in hell / As it ap- pereth by fygures folowynge in ordre one after another. 30 67 [F iii verio] O Vre fauyour Ihu Cryfte a lytell byfore his paflyon beynge that ty- me in Bethany he entred into the houfe of Symon & toke his bodely refeccyon/ & as he was at the table fyttynge with his appoftles & difli- ples/ there beynge one Lazarus brother to Martha & Mary mawde- 5 layne/ whicheour lorde had reyfed fro dethe to lyfe/ & than fymon praydeour lorde to comaude lazarus to fhewe all the copany what he had fene I the other worlde / & oure lorde gaue hym leue to fpeke/ And than fayde lazarus I fawe in Helle horryble greate paynes for fynners and the greateft paynes that I fawe was for proude men and women, and fo for eche of all the other vii dedly io fynnes eche payne by hymfelfe. &c. [Woodcut No. 8] [F 4 re&o] <[ Fyrlf fayde lazarus I {awe in hell wheles ryght hye fette on a hy lie & was In maner lyke mylles euermore tournynge a bout with grete noyfe rorynge & vyolens as it had be t’honder/ & the wheles were full of hokes and crampes of yron on them were hangyd and tormentyd proude men and women 15 Ryde ouer all other fynnes is kynge and captayne and as eue- Q * ry kynge hathe a greate company of people to be with him fo hathe pryde a great company and noumber of vyces. and loke as a kynge kepethe well all that longethe to him/ fo doth pryde noryffhe and cheryffhe all the fynnes that longeth to his lorde- 20 fhippe entyfynge the to perfeuer loge 1 pryde/ for it is the fynne that gretly difplefeth god a boue all other fynnis. And lyke as mekenefTeis plyant to brynge a man to all vertues. fo is pryde here redy to brynge them to myfchefe. & there is no fyn that makes a man lyke to the deuyll as pryde for proude people they wolde be abayde prayfyd and fet by. and thynkeft the- 25 felfe bettyr than other be. therfore it is nedetull that they be as the pharafyes and to dwell amonge deuils by caufe they defyre to be lefte aboue other men The deuyll may be lykenyd to a crowe hauynge a harde notte in his mouthe whiche he may nat breke with his byll tha the properte of the crowe is to bere it vp into the eyre a hye and lete it fall in fome harde place and fo breketh it & 30 than he difcendis downe and etethe the kernel!, fo dothe the deuyll he leftes prowde people a hye for to late them fall in to the depe dongeone of hell the de- ferens bytwene the proude people & the meke. there is as greate as betwene whete and chafe for the chafe is lyght and wyll affende a hye and the wynde berys it all a brode and than it islofte the whete is heuy and a bydes on the 68 erthe and is gaderyd and put in to the barne fo proude people that thynke the better tha other they fhall be in the copany of fendys. where meke men fhall be in paradyfe for euyr more. C Secondly fayde lafarus I fawe a flode of frofone yce in the whiche enuy- ous men & women were plongyd vnto the nauyll & than fodenly came acolde 5 wynde ryght great that blewe and dyd depe downe all the enuyous men & women into the colde water that nothynge was fene of them [F 4 verfo] [Woodcut No. 9] E Nuy is forowe in the harte/of the gode welthe and profperyteof other the whiche fynne is very badde for it is contrary to chary te that is the hede of all vertues/ by enuy thefendes knowe them that ben dampned fo as charyte in fyne of Saluacyon/ by the whiche god vnderftandeth who fhall be faued in paradyfe. The enuyous people be very felawes to the fendes/ for if an enuyous man do Wynne he is very glade/ & if he lofe he is an- gry with them that Wynnes it. enuyous folke be foule enfedte/ that the good people fyndeth them euyll/ for the enuyous be fory of theyr profperite. Thyn- ges ftynkynge & foule/ is to the enuyous ioyfull and plefaunt. as bakbytynge and fclaunderynge/ and rekenynge of other folkes fynne but nat theyr owne 10 '5 [F 5 refto] the enuyous folke feke theyr goodes in the euyll of other as reioyfynge them to here that other do il or be fayde il by/ enuy is but the felyfytes and goodes of thys worlde. For the curled enuy may nat afcende into heuen/ it is a harde 20 fynne to hele for it is in the harte a gayne the whiche it is harde and daunge- rous to put away by medefynes for without great peyne it may not be helyd Alfo the enuyous people be the gretyfte mortherers of the worlde & the gre- teft theues/ for they robe and kyll bothe body and foule/ fyrfte they robe man as thus in takynge a waye his gode name/ for by caufe gode name is better 25 than rychelfe therfore they be theues/ to take awaye that/ that they can nat gyue agayne/ if athefe ftele a mannys gode yet it may be poflybyll to be refto- ryde of it agayne/ but the gode name may neuer be reftoryde. Alfo they be mortherers for they kyll themfelfe bothe body and foule without the greate marcy of god &: repentaunce. The enuyous mannys tonge may be lekenyde 2,0 to a iii. edgyd fworde that hurteth & cottys iii. ways. The fyrfte he hurteth and woundeth his owne foule feconde he that a telly the the tale to the iii. is he that a tellythe the tale by. 69 C Therdly fayde lazarus I haue fene I hell a ca- ue foule and ftynkynge where Ierfull men and women be fmyten thoroughe with fwordes [F 5 verfo] [Woodcut No. io] S O as peas maketh the confyens of man to be the dwellynge place of god/ fo curfed wrathe makethe it the reftynge place of the fende. for in a wrathfull man there is no reafon / there is nothynge that kepeth fo moche the ymage of god in man as dothe peas & loue/ for god wolde be in peas and concorde/ but wrathe Chaftes them fo fro man that god may nat byde/ y e wrathful ma is lyke to a demonyacle the which hath a deuyll w 1 io in him. Therfore he tormenteth him felfe by caftynge and fpyttynge at the mouthe for forowe that his ennemye doth to hi fo the wrothefull ma is worfe than the demonyacle for without pacyens one fmyteth another and gyueth theyr bodyes and foules to the fende/ and after cometh vegeauce as to fyght [F 6 re£to] and kyll and thefe may come thoroughe. i. man alone, lyke as a irous dogge 1 5 caufes all the dogges in a ftrete to fyght by fyde him felfe many an other, the fyffher trobyles the water y'the fyffhe fhulde nat fe. fo the deuyll trobylleth the wrathfull men that they may nat fe with the iye of reafon Ire is the gate of all fynnes for whan wrathe is in a man all vertu gothe a waye for where wrathe is no vertu maye abyde. [Woodcut No. 1 1] 20 C The iiii fayde lazarus I fawe an horybyll darke hole in hell where as fer- pentis groate and fmall dyde byte and ftynge and tormetyd fore the flowthe- full of men and women and gnewe bodyes to the harte. [F 6 verfo] S Lewth is the entre of fynne and great enmye to god for he letteth me and women to ferue god & to knowe theyr maker & redemer/ & fender of al the goodes that they haue here/ they be great folys that be fo lleu- thfull here in thys lytell tyme of this fhorte ly fe/ that wvll no goodes gadre to brynge the foule to euerlaftynge lyfe. But a dayes people be fleuth- full in doynge of gode. & full dylygent to do euyll / and if they were as dylyget to do gode as euyll they were full happy. Nowe he that wyll thynke as after 30 his dethe is nat wyfe/ for than he fhall haue but the gode dedysthat he hathe 70 done in his lyfe byforne/ than fhall he forowe andplayne of the tyme that he hathe loft by fleutth and fhal forowe that he dyd no gode dedys whan he had tyme and fpace. [Woodcut No. 12] [G i refto] C The .V. maner fayde lafarus I fawe cawderons full of leed and oylle and other mettallys boyllynge in whiche was 5 depyde couetes men and wemen. C Ouetes is a grete fyn & wycked to god/ as for to Imagyne more on peny than the loue of god for ofte tymes men do lye and fwere or for fwere them felfe and fynnes dedely/ the fayth hope and charyte that ftiolde be in god/ the couetes men and wemen puttes in there ryches IO Fyrfte fayth for they beleue by theyr goodis to haue that at they do nede/ fo- ner than by the fendynge of god / The couetous man hathe his herte in his goodes more than in god/ There as is the herte there is the loue and loue is charyte and fo couetous men hathe theyr hartes on theyr ryches/ The couey- tous man fynnes gaderynge his good/ And in vfynge it euyll/ and in louyng , 5 it ouer moche and fome tymes better & god / the couetous man is take in the nette of the deuyll by the whiche he lefyth euerlaftynge lyfe. C For fmale temporall goodes/ as the movvfe is taken for one nottein the trape & lefythe his lyfe. The couetous men and wemen is lyke to the dogges the whiche ke- pes caryen/ whan there bellys be fulllyeth downe by it/ and kepes away the 20 byrdes and lattes them dye for hunger fo the couetous people gaderes tempo- rall goodes that the pore people maye not haue none of them but lettes them dye for hunger and holdes them in theyr fubyeccyon/ and the deuyll holdes the other in his. C The .vi. payne lafarus fayde that he fawe in a vale a flode fowle and ftynkynge and a table with towelles ryght defoneft where me 25 and wemen that were glotones were feruyd and fylled with todys & other venymous wormes & a breuyd of y e water of the fame flode T FIe throte is the gate of the caftell of the body of man/ fo when enmys wyll take a caftell yf they wynne the gate/ they woll lyghtly haue all the place after/ So yf the deuyll wynne ons the throte of man/ by glo- 30 tonye he wyll haue all the body after and enter in with all the hole co- pany of fynnes. C For glotonye confentyth fone to all fynnes/ and for thefe caufes ma ordeyne a good keper for the throte that is y e gate of the body that fende enter not/ for whan one holdes a horfe by the mowthe they ledeth hym 7 1 whether they wyll / the feruaunte efely noryfchyd is ofte tymes contraryous to his mayder / And the body that is replenyffhed with drynke & mete is re- bell to the foule fo that it wyll not do good workes / By glotony meny daye- es ofte tymes the whiche had leuyd lenger / & fo they be men kyllers for they 5 fleys them felfe/ for exces of ouer moche etynge et drynkynge. [G i verfo] [Woodcut No. i 3] and corruptes the bodyesand engendreth fykenesof whiche ofte tymes they fhortes theyr lyues/ glotony makes mete for wormes/ glotones lyueth after the defy re of the fleffhe after the rule of fvvyne etes without oure and mefure And as a fow lyes in mucke whiche is the infeccyon of glotony/ fo the gloton 10 lyeth in tauerne durynge. C The. vii. payne fayde Lafarus I fawe afelde ful of depe wellesfull of fy- re and brymdone of the whiche there came out a oryble fmoke and dynkyng In the whiche were lecherous men and wemen fore turmented of the why- che fyne the profes foloweth after. [G ii redto] [Woodcut No. 14] 1 5 F all the .vii. dedely fynnes lechery plefyth belle the fende for it fyles I I bothe body & foule to geder/and by lechery the deuyll Wynnes, ii fou- ^ ' les attones/ & meny lecherous men wyll auaute them felf & fay that they hath not had theyr full defyre of that fynne lecherous men and wemen is more hogly & fouler than the deuyll by the moche vfynge of thefe zo fynne/ that marchaunte is a grete foie that makes a bargyne of the whiche he knowes well that he fhall lefe therby & repente hym/ fo lecherous men hathe grete payne & fpendes his good to fulfyll his lofte that after repentes hym of his fpenfe/and yetis in grete peryll of his foule tyll he be confede&do fuffycy- ente penaunce/ The lecherous men and wemen be turmentyd here lyuynge [G ii verfo] 2 5 with iij hell paynes. as hete. dynklge/ & rumour of the cofcies/ firft they bren 1 theyr edeupifens/ they are dynkynge in theyr lhamefulnes. for fuche fynnes is all fylthe that fyles the body. For all other fynnes fyles nat the body but the foule& lechery fyles bothe body & foule/ lechery is the trape of thedeuyll/ &fo be it he brynges foules to hym / it is a gode thynge nat to here the foude of wy- 30 mens fpeche/ & it is a better thynge nat for to loke on them/&it bed of al nat 7 2 to touche them/ for to y‘ fyn is vfed foule rybaudry wordes & dyfhoneft tou- chynge/ & that bryngeththem to that fouledede/&oftethewordes of lechery infefteth many yonge folke that here it & therfore lechours & baudes be man quellers in dede. C The iiij. parte of the fhepherdes kaleder Jheweth of the garden of vertues. 5 W Ho fo wolde haue on the erthe great habudaus of fruytes or fedis Fyrft they muft put awaye all thynge that fhulde be noyeous/ & after laboure it well & fowe goode fedes/ So fhulde man laboure & clenfe his concyens of all his fynnes/ & laboure holy medytacybs & fowe vertues & gode werkes. for to gader the fruy te of grace ev- 10 laftynge there in ioye to lyue longe. The thyrde parte of this boke fheweth in the begynnynge of the Pater nofter / that is the oryfon ofour lorde. The ij. of the Aue maria, the thyrde fhall be the Crede. that is the xij . arty cles of the fay- the. Thefourthe fhall be the x.cdmaudemetes of thelawe. The v. is of the v. cSmaudemetes of the churche. The vi. fhall be the felde of vertues. For the 1 5 fyrft we fhall vnderftonde that the prayer of our lorde is the Pater nofter for * whan we fay it we alke fuffyciently of god all thynges nedefull for the falua- cyon of foule & body. &natonlyfor ourfelfe. but for all other/ andtherforewe fholde haue this prayer in great reuerence & faye it deuoutly to god. to yonge peple it fholde be taughte & fayde to them, for thowe they vnderftande it nat 20 yet it profyes them to haue the kyngdome of heue. & they fay it in parfyt loue & charyte. In the Pater nofter. we alke vii. petycyons. By eche petycyon we may vnderftande vii. other thynges. as the vii. facramentes of holy churche. the vii. giftes of the holygofte. thevij. armures of iuftyce fpuall. the vii. vertu- es pryncypall that we fholde excefie. the vii. warkes of mercy bodely. the vii. 25 werkes of mercy goftely. the vii. dedely fynnes that we fhulde drede. The de- claracyon is this/ Oure fader that arte in heuen thy name be made holy/ In thys petycyon/ we ax of god our fader to be his fonnes for other wyfe we can nat be callyd his fonnes/ nor he our fader/ & that his name may be made by vs moreholyer than any other thynge/ wherfore we receyuethe facramet of bap- 30 tyfme/ wy thout that man may nat be made the fonne of god. & to receyue the vertu of mekenefte agayne pryde & than toclothe the nakyd &helpe the nedy bothe bodely & goftly the .ii. peticyon thy kyngdom cu to vs in this petycyon In fo moch that the name of god may not be perfytely halo wed of vs in this [G iii refto] worlde we axe his royalme In the whiche perfytely we fhall halowe it for to 35 that kyngdome we be very ayers / This petyfyon is to vnderftade the facra- of preeft hode by the whiche we are taught to do good warkes & the gyfte of 73 K the holy gofte is the gyfte of vnderftandynge for to vnderftonde & defyre the kyngdome of heuen and fo we arrome vs with the helme of largenes a gay- ne couetous/ ft The thyrde petyfyon thy wyll be d 5 T erthe as it is in heuen For it is the faythfull wyll of god that his wyll fholde be fulfilled that is his 5 comaundementes by thispetycyonwe make of obefaunce to god of ourhertes whan we defyre to do his wyll/ by this is vnderftande the facrament of mary- age by the whiche we avoyde fornycacyon and the gyft of counfeyll of the ho- ly gofte for to ordure our obefaunce verytably/ And fo we arme vs with the bokeler of confolacyon agayne enuy. ft The fourth petyfyon our dayly bre- io de gyue vs to daye/ Here we axe of god to be fuftayned with materyall bre- de for our bodys and fpyrytuall brede for our foules/ That is the brede of lyf the body of Ihefu crifte by the whiche we receyue the facrament of the auter In myndeof his paflyon / the gyfte of the holy goofte is ftrength to be fayth- full in our byleue/ take we the fwerd of pacyence agayne the fynne of yre/ and 1 5 vyfet the feke men bodely and vfe the vertu of temperaunce agayne wrathe. ft The ,v. petyfyon is/ for gyue vs our fynnes as we for gyue all men/ And thefe .iii. petyfyons folowynge we axe of god to be delyuered fro al euyll as of the fyne that we haue done dedly and by thefe we axe god to be afloyled & to gyue vs pardon by his marcy by whyche we vnderftande the facramente of 20 penaunce for gyuenes of our fynne/ The holy ghoftis gyfte is fens for to vn- derftande the workes and afkape fynne/ ft And fo clothe vs with lyghtnes a- gayne couetous and coforte pore pryfoners and gyue good coufeyll to them that axe and nede it and take the vertu of fayth agayne couetous. ft The .vi. petyfyon is/ fuffer vs not to be ouer come in temptafyon by the feconde euyll 25 that is not done but it may happyne and we may fall by way of temptafyon/ Here we axe of god to be ftedfafte in the fayth & that we may gladly do good werkes in the vertu of hope and ftrengthe to do gode dedys and with ftonde temptacyon to the whiche profytes to vs the facrament of cbfyrmafyon whi- che gyues to vs the knowlege of god by the vertu of veryte/ The gyfte of the 30 holy ghoft/& fo takewe the fpere of fobernesagaynglotony/& coforte pygre- mes by vertu of hope, ft The .vii. petyfyon is and hope vs fro all euyll ame. The thyrde euyl is euyl of payne that fyners may haue yf they ferue not god and by thefe petyfyons/ we axe that we may be delyueryd fro al paynes/ and fauyd in paradyfe to fay we all amen. By thefe we axe/ fo it done as we defy- 35 re/ By the whiche we receyue the facramet of the latter anoyntige/ the which gyues vs the fewer way of faluafyon / the gyfte of the holy ghofte is drede of lugementes of gode & gyrde vs with the gyrdyl of chaftyte agayne lechery 74 [G iii verfo] and we bery them that be dede bodely and prayes for our enmyes ghoftly/ to kepein vs the hyeft and mode exelent vertu of charyte/ & to for bere that abo- minable fynne of lechery. C A declaracyon of the pater nofter . O Vre father ryght maruelous in his creacyon fwete to loue aboue all 5 the other Ioyes of heuen merowre of the trynyte/ crowne of Iocudy te/ and trefoure of felycyte/ holy be thy name & fwete as hony in oure mouth/ thou art the melodyous harpe that caufes deuofyon to fown- de inoureres and to haue it contynuallybythe defyre of our hertes/Thy rea- me come to vs/ In the whiche we fhall be euer mery in loy and reft without 10 troubyll and fewer neuer to lefe it/ Thy wyll be done in erthe as it is in heue As to loue all that thou loueft & to hate all that thou hateft and that we ke- pe euer more thy comaudementes/ our dayly brede gyue vs to day / that is to faye brede full of techynge and penaunce and brede for to fufteyne oure body- es/ C And for gyue vs our fyn thatwe do agaynfte the & agayne our neybou- 1 5 res & our owne felfe. For gyue vs thefe as we forgyue all men that greuethe vs by wordes or in oure bodyes or goodes/ & fuffer vs not to be ouer come in temptafyon that is to fay as by the deuyll the worlde and the fleffhe/ But de- lyuer vs fro all euyll workes redy done/ & alfo the for to come. Amen. C Here folowes the ftory of the pater nofter. 20 [Woodcut No. 1 5] Our fader y l is i heue holy be mad thy name thy kyngdom come to vs thy wyll be done i erth as I heue our dayly bred gyve vs to day & tor gyue vs our fynes as we forgyue other & fuffer not vs to be temptyd but delyuer vs fro all euyll. Amen. 25 * [G iiii redto] I N the ftory here by fore/ fheweth to the fymple people howe thys holy prayer the Pater nofter. fholde be fayde to god the fader & to god the holy gofte & to none other. The whiche prayer conteyneth & taketh al that be rightfully axed of god/ & our lorde Iefu cryfte made it there to the entente thatwe fholde haue more hope& deuocion/ & hemade it onatyme 30 whan he taughte his apoftles fpecyally to make oryfon. And than the dyfiy- ples fayde/ lorde & mafter lerne vs to praye/ & than our lorde openyd his holy mouthe & fayde to his apoftles/ wha ye wyll make any prayers after this ma- ner as hereafter foloweth ye fhall begyn faynge thus. 75 C Our fader that arte in heuen holy be made thy name/ thy royal- me mud cum to vs/ thy wyll be done in erthe as in heuen/ our dayly brede gyue vs to day/ & forgyue vs our fynnes as we forgyue other & buffer nat vs to be temptyd. but delyuer vs fro all euylb * C After this Jiory here byfore\ is Jayde the falutacyon of our ladyj that the an- gell Gabryell made to our lady. [Woodcut No. 1 6] hayle mari ful of gra- Thou art bleffid of al ce o r lorde be w* the. wime & I thi w 5 b ihs [G iiii verfo] [Woodcut No. i 7] Holy mary moder of god pray for vs fyherf Ayle mary fulle of grace god is with the/ thou arte bleflyd a monge all wemen and bleflyd be the freute of thy wombe lefus. Holy mary mo- ther of god praye forvsfynners. amen. CInthisaue marie be the.iii. mefteris. C The fyrfte is the falutacyon that augell gabryell made. ' 5 C! The fecoude is the louynge comendacyon that faynt Elyfabeth made mo- der to faynt John Baptyfte. C The thyrde is the fupplycacyon/ that ma- kes our mother the holy chirche. And they be the fayreft wordes that we can fay to cure lady. That is Aue maria where we do loue & praye & fpeke to hyr C And thefe fwete wordes be fpoke to our lady. And not to faynt katheryn 20 nor to faynt barbara/ ne to no other faynt/ C And yf ye wyll knowe how that ye fholde pray to other fayntes of paradyfe I anfwere that we fholde praye as our mother holy chirche fayes to faynt Peter/ faynt peter praye for vs/ fa- ynt thomas pray for vs/ And faynt Katheryne pray for vs. C And that they maye praye to god to gyue vs his grace/ and that he forgyue vs our fynnes. 25 And that he gyue vs grace to do his wyll and penaunce/ and that he gyue vs grace to do his wyll and penaunce and kepe his cdmaundementis/ and fo we fhall pray to the fayntes of heuen after the nefleflyte that we haue. Saynt . Peter . S . Andrewe . S . lames the grete . S . Iohn . S . Thomas. S. lames. S. Phelyp. S. Bartholmew. S. Mathewe. S. Symon. S. Iude. and faynt. Mathyas. 76 I belyue in god father almighty maker of he- uen & erthe, & in Iefu his only fon our lorde. [G 5 reflo] [Woodcuts Nos. 18 and 19] whiche was coceyued of the holy gofte. & fuf- fred paftyon vnd pds pylat crucifid buryed went i hell, the iij. day rofe from deth. AlTen- dyd into heue & fyttys at y c right hade of god & after cum to iuge the holy churche ca- The ryfynge of the the quycke & dede. tholyke. the c 5 mu- flefthe. the euerlaf- I beleue in the holy nyon offaintes & re- tynge lyfe Amen. goft. myflyon of fynnes [G 5 verfo] T Hyrdly of Ihu is the crede with the artycles of the fay the that we fhol- de truly byleue/ on peyne of dampnacyon. C This crede was ma- io debythe xij.apoftles of ourlorde of the whiche eche of them hathe put to his artycle. as it fhewed here byfore in the ftor eueryapoftles parte. C And the crede is the fatythe of all gode cryften people and without that we byleue in thefe twelue artycles faythfully/ we may neuer do that thynge that lhulde be plefynge to god. 1 5 C Here begynneth the crede. F Irft Saynt Peter put to the fyrft artycle/ and fayde : I byleue I god the Fader almyghty maker of heuen and of erthe. Seconde. Saynt Andrewe fayde I byleue in Ihu cryfte his onely fon our onely lorde. Thyrdly fayde Saynt lames the great I byleue that he was conceyued 2Q of the Holy gofte & borne of the vyrgyn Mary. C The Fourth fayde Saynt lohii I byleue that he fufferyd pafiyon vnder pons Pylat & was crucyfyed dede & buryed. C The Fyft fayde Saynt Thomas/ I byleue that he defien- to hell/ And the thyrde daye he rofe frome dethe to lyfe. C The Syxt. fayde Saynt lames the lefte I byleue that he aflended into heuen/ And fyttethe 25 on the ryght hande of god the Fader. C The Seuenth fayde Saynt Phely- pe I byleue that he fhall come & luge bathe quycke and dede. C The Eyghte. fayde Saynte Bartylmewe/ I byleue in the holy gofte. C The Nynth fayd Saynte Mathewe. I byleue on all holy Churche. C The Tenthe fayde Saynt Symon I byleue in the comunion of Sayntes. C The Aleuennth 30 fayde Saynt Iude I byleue of the ryfynge of the fleffhe. C The tweluethe fayde Saynt Mathyas I byleue in the euerlaftynge lyfe. Amen. C And thys holy crede all goode men and wymen fholde vnderftande it and euery mornynge fay it deuoutly whan he ryfeth frome his bedde knelynge on 77 his knees and fygne hym with the token of the crofte. And faye Credo in de- um/ Or I byleue in god father almyghty. As hereafter foloweth. And whan thou hafte fayd thy Crede. fay a Pater nofter. And tha to our Lady an Aue maria. 5 $T And than recSmende them to theyr gode Aungell. And fay my gode Aun- gell kepe me well. C And thys fay twys a daye at the lefte worfhyp thy ma- ker Ihu cryfte. [G 6 refto] C Here after foloweth the Crede as it fholde he fayde. I byleue in god father almyghty/ maker of heuen & erthe/ & in lefu cryfte io our only lorde/ whiche was confeyued of the holy gofte/ Borne of the virgyn Mary/ fuffred vnder pons pylat/ was crufifyed dede & buryed/ deflendyd in hell/ the thyrde daye rofe from dethe aflended into heue & fytteth on the right hande of god the fader almyghty/ & after lhall come to luge the quycke & the dede/ I byleue on the holy gofte/ the holy faythfull churche/ the comunyon of 1 5 fayntys/ the remyflyon of fynnes / the reyfynge of fleffhe/ the euerlaftynge ly- fe. Amen. £T Here after foloweth the x. comaudeme- tes in the table that god gaue unto Moy- fes in the moute of Synay. [Woodcut No. 20] One god thou fhalt honoure and loue him perfetiy god i vayne thou lhalt nat fwere nor by nothinge that he made thy fondaye thou fhalt kepe faruynge god deuoutly fader & moder thou fhalt Worfhip and thou fhalt longe lyue thou (halt kyll no man nor blode dyftroye Wylfully thou fhalt do no lechery in dede ne therto confent thou fhalt be no thefe ne no manes gode Witholde here no fals Wytnes ageyn no ma : nor by lye i no Wyfe the lull of the fleffhe defyre nat. but in mariage only, the goodes of other couyt nat to haue it vnrightfully. 78 ' 20 2 5 .30 35 [G 6 verfo] C The fourth maner of the boke of Ihus/ be the x. comaundementys of the lawe/ that god gaue to Moyfes I the moute of Synay/ For to geue to the pe- ple/ & euerymati & woman fhuldekepe thefe comaudementys on payne of da- nacyonof body& foule/all that hat'ne reafon/ For without they knowe the x. comaudementis they may nat fhryue them/ theyr ygnorauce fhall nat excufe 5 them. For eueryman fhulde thynke on them in theyr howfes/ and kepe them all tymes. fo ftraytly we be boude to kepe them/ that and a ma that knoweth not all the comaudementes if he thynke that he dothe no fynne to breke one wylfully & fo dye fodenly he fhall be damned for that one fynne body & foule withouten ende/ & by thys it appereth that the ignorans of the cbmaudemen- io tys is right perylous/ therfore euery body lhulde lerne them that muff gyue a rekenynge of ftraytly/ therfore all gode people that caft to be fauyd wyll ke- pe the lawe. $.nd than foure bleflyngys god wyll gyue them that dothe kepe them. The fyrft thou fhalt lyue in reft and peas without aduerfyte/ no myf- fortune fhall nat hurte the/ thy feldes fhall be to the plentyfull/ and thy trees 1 5 fhall be full of fruyte habundantly/ thy wyfe fhall haue chyldren & thou fhalt haue all that thou nedeft of worldely goodes great habundaunce. C Here after foloweth the v. comaudementys of the churche. [Woodcut No. 2 1] The fondayes here thy maffe & all other dayes that are comaudyd the fennys that thou hafte do. thou fhalt fhryue the ones a yere at the 20 leefte and at the leefte receyue thy maker at eifer mekely. thy holydayes thou fhalt halowe. Whiche that be commaundyd. the imbrynge dayes thou fhalt faff and the lente holyly [H i redto] T Hefe ar in the boke of lefus/ the v. comaundementes of the churche that fholde be kept with all them that haue reafon to theyr power/ &al- 25 fo if a man be fo feble & feke/ that he may nat receyue the facrament of the aulter at efter norfaft nor kepe hisholydaye/& if he haue awyfe to obey they fynne nat. The gode wyll is euer taken for the dede/ but thefe men fholde kepe them well from fwerynge : couetyfe/ & haue no defyre to fe playes daunces or iogelers for the dyfpreyfynge of holy churche. Bycaufe that they 30 ouerpafle the comaudemetys & caufes many to ren in damnacyon/ from the whiche kepe vs our lorde lefus. 5 Grandia non ditant : ditat bene grandibus vti. Difcite nunc mortales qua fint mortalia vana Preceflere patres matres magniq^ parentes Nos fequimur paribus ad mortem poftimus imus Vnde fuperbimus in terram terra redimus 20 Nupe non fueram nec ero poft tempore pauco Milia nunc putrium quorum iam nulla voluptas Perdita fama filet anima anxia forfitam ardet C Here after foloweth of the man 1 the fhyppej that fheweth Of the vnftablenes of the worlde. [H i verfo.] [Woodcut No. 22] 25 Qui finem attendit : felix/ et q bene viuit. Ego quifquis ades precor hie fta. per lege penfa. Morte premitues venia pete cortere plara : De reliquis cautus bene fac tecrimine lerua. Viue mori prefto muda Tub mente qetis. Semita n 5 Virtus deus optim 9 achora poll 9 . Felix qui potuit tam tutu tangere portu. Sed mifer eft quicumq^ cadet tub pefte gehene. r W ^ His worlde is vnftable and may be lykenyd to a fhype beynge in thefe I that is toftyd & whorlyd with the waues of aduerfyte/ fo man is euer vnfure of all thynge/ as of helthe of lyfe of profperyte a knowes neuer how longe or how fhorte whyle he ftiall haue none of them/ Therfore our beynge here is vnfure & maye be well lykenyd to a fhyppe that is euer in 80 grete Ieopardy to be drowned & to ronne one a roke/ So man is the fhyppe of frayelte that is euer in daunger of iii. grete rokes/ As the deuyll/ the worlde [H ii redto] and the fleffhe for dayly man is in daunger of thefe. iii. be delytynge in world- ly vanyte/ or by defyre of ryches/ ellys carnally dyfpofyd to loftes of lechery/ Or malyfyoufly fyred with enuey. 4T Thefe are we euer in comberauns of 5 thefe . iii. rockes that our fhyppe may not enter into no fewer hauen/ yf we wyll haue our fhyp to eter the haue of grace we mull haue .iii. fuer maryners that may kepe our fhyp fro the daunger of thefe .iii. rockes the fyrfte mufte be faythe and his feruaunte leffon/ For eche of them mult haue a helper/ & thefe fay the and lefon mufte hoyfe vp the fayle of good warkes hope & his feruau- i° te medytafyb muft fyt in the tope to loke after y e londe of pefe. But the chefe maryner is charite & his feruaunte pryaer mufte kepe the helme & ftere ryght to the porte of grace & this we muft conuaye our bodely fhyp yf we wyll euer come to the fwete He of refte/ where loue do dwell. C Ho fo wyll come to the feker hauen muft fayle thorowe . v. grete waters/ C The fyrfte is the water 1 5 of compuccyon/ that is to forowe & wepe for our fynnes the feconde is the wa- ter of compaftyon to forowe for our erne cryftynes heuy nes/ The .iii . is the wa- ter of deuofyon thynkynge on the grete goodnes and gyftes that god gyues/ The .iiii. is burnynge defyre in god by ferfentnes/ The .v. is Ioye that the ftedfaft foule hath be fayth here leuynge & whan that ye haue paflyd thefe .v. 20 waters yefhall a ryue vp to the londe of beheft to the whiche alle that leueth well fhall come to. God gyde me ryght/ that I wonfe myght Come to the porte of peace My exchaunge to make/ and retorne take 2 5 That my enmyes me not feafe One me folowed wolde haue me fwalowed In the golfe daungerous with worldly glofe/ he dothe me tofe Amonge the waues perylous 3° On rafes holowe/ fome do me folowe Enmyes me to take A grete nomber/ to fmyte me vnder : I dought I fhall not fkape The fende with wo/ the worlde alfo 35 My fleche do me trobyll where I wake or flepe/ they do me threte L This creafes my forowe dobyli They bed me not fpare/ but by theyr ware As all worldly vanyte They fay hope amonge/ for to lyue longe 5 Thus do they in comber me [H ii verfo] The worlde dothe fmyle/ me to be gyll And fo dothe the other two Nowe mufte I feke/ fome me to kepe To fane me fro my foo io I haue founde one/ euen god alone I nede no other ayde That by his myght/ put them to flythe And made them alle afrayde He fpake to me/ full curteyfly 1 5 And proferde me full fayer yf I do well/ with hym to dwelle In heuen to be his ayere w Ho fo wyll go the ftrayte way of faluafyon mufte pafle thorowe the felde of vertues and that fhall conuaye you to the toure of fapyence/ 20 That is to fay to the loue of god/ & without that we loue hym we fhall neuer be fauyd / And yf ye wyll come to the loue of god you mufte be in charite that is a fouerayne vertu/ they that loueth god kepes his comaudement &he that kepes them not/god wyll fay at the houre of your deth & at the daye of Iuge- ment/ nefio vos/ I knowe you not/ I wotte not what ye be/ go you fourth ye 2 5 curfyd & damnyd out of my company/ Therfor let vs loue & drede god &do his wyll/ here wyll we haue fpafe/ fyrft yf we wold knowe our felf what wret- ches we be/itwolde brynge vs to the knowlege of god&thefe purpofe we mu- fte notify one thynge/ & vnderftande.vii.fyrfte we mufte vnderftade of them that hathe wyt & dyfcrefyon with laufull age/ that & they do any dedly Tyne 3° Ignoraunce fhall not excufe them yf they doo a dedly fynne & wenys that it be none or knowes not that they haue do one/ thefe Ignoraunce fhall not ex- cufe them/ lo this the Ignoraunce ofhymfelfe & of god is ryghtperelous/ ded- ly fynne is the begynnynge of all euyll / As the vertu fyence is the begynner of all godnes. C There is .vii. thynges that we fholde vnderftande/ the fyrft 3 5 the .xii. artycles of the fayth that we fholde truly byleue/ The feconde the pe- tyfyons in the pater nofter. whiche we axe of our lorde alle thynges nedefull for foule and body and that we fholde kepe In the petyfyons/ The .iii. is the 82 ten commaundementes of the lawe & of holy chyrche which teches what we fholde do & what we fholde not do./ The.iiii. of whatvocacyon they be in the grace of our lordeor not & how that we may not know it nor vnderfta.de/ cer- tayne wayes we may haue knowleges whiche were good to vnderftande. C The .vi. to knowe god/ The . vii. to know our {elf/ by the whiche they come 5 to very loue & charyte of god for to do & fulfyll his comaundementes/ And then theyr rewarde fhall be the reame of paradyfe where they fhall euer leue of the .iii. fyrfte is fuffycyently fayd a redy/ that is to fay of the .xii. artykellys [H iii refto] in the whiche our fayth dependys/ of the thynges that we do axe of god in the Pater nofter. In the whiche lyes our hope. C Alfo the .x. comaundementes »o of the lawe and of holy chirche/ the whiche fhewes charyte by probacyon of lo- ue to god and doth his comaundementes & good werkes/ no we wyll I fpeke of the.iiii. other that men fholde knowe & vnderftande/ all men fholde vnder- ftande vocafyon and thynges that partaynyth to it/ to be ryghtfull and one- fte for profete of his foule and reftof his confyens/ euery good fhypparde {hold 1 5 vnderftande the arte of bargery / that is to knowe god pafture and lede the fhepe thether. C Alfo to knowe howe to hele them whan they be T fekenes & to clyppe them in fefone/ that the mafter and honowre haue no lofte. C Alfo the marchaunte fholde felle his ware truely and not dyfayue no more and he wolde be deceyuyd/ C Alfo preftes and al relygeous fholde vnderftande and 20 rules and aboue all thynge fholde knowe and kepe the lawe of god and teche it to them that vnderftandes it not/ The .v. thynge that all men fholde vn- derftande that hathe age dyfcrefyon is to knowe where he be in the grace of god or not/ and it is ryght harde to knowe but god knowes it all wayes. <[ Alfo fhepardes and fympyll people maye knowe where that they be in the 25 loue of god or not/ but they maye not call them felf Iufte but meke them and axe god of his marcy the whiche caufes the fynners to come to Iuftyfe and no other thynge pryncypally we fholde vnderftande thefe fynes/ what tyme that we fholde receyue the body of cryfte Ihefu/ and we receyue hym in per- fyte loue and charyte/ we be in the ftate of grace and in the way of faluafyon/ 30 and he that is not out of fynne ne in charyte a receiues that lorde to his dana- fyon. Of the whiche thynge euery ma knowes his owne cdfyence & no other The knowleges where that we be in the grace of god or not by thefe folowlg The fyrfte is yf a man do laboure by cofeflyon to clenfe his confyence & with gode wyll doth penaunce for his fynnes &that he be not in the daunger of the 35 fentence & is not in purpofe to do dedely fynne/ That is a fyne that the grace of god is in hym/ the feconde knowlege is yf a man be glade & with goodwyl 83 do kepe the comaundementis of god/ & hauea cuftome todogoodwerkes/ the iii. knowlege is whan any with good wyll do here the worde of god as prechT- ges & good counfeyles. C The.iiii. whan any be fory& contryte that they ha- ue do any fynne/ ft The .v. knolege is whan any haue a purpofe & wyll to ke- 5 pe them fro fyn in tyme to come. Lo thefe be the knowleges that fhepardis & fympell people haue to know where they be in the grace of god nor no. The.vi thynge man fholde kepe alle the c 5 maundemetis& loue god with all his herte with all his foule &mynde & than toconfyder.iii. thynges. Fyrfte to confyder of god his grete ryches/ his myght his grete Ioy& nobylnes. ft The. ii. toco- io fyder our lordes marueylous werkes/ & the .iii. is to confyder the innewmera- ble goodes that we receyue dayly of god/ Fyrfte to confyder his riches & grete [H iii verfo] aboundaunce of goodes that he hathe/ for all the trefoure that is in heuen or erthe is his/ he is the maker and the gyuer/ The feconde he is myghtfull/ for he made heuen and erthe the fee and all other thynges. ft Alfo prefyous fto- 1 5 nes and golde fyluer and other fayer mettalles/ & on the erthe fayer colowrde flowers of dyuerfe hewe/ Therfore we maye byleue that he is full fayer in he- uen our lorde Ihefu of whom all thynge hafe his bewte/ ft Alfo god hathe grete Ioyes in heuen the whiche we fhold pray to our lorde that we myghte fe hym in his Ioye the whiche ftiall laft euer more/ ft There was a fheparde 20 that fayde lorde I know the grete loue that you haue to man as to make vs wretches to the nobyll Image & femlytude body & foule. And alfo geues vs clothes to hell our bodys &c haue gyue me of nature vnderftandyng for to go- uerne my felfe & hath gyue me wyt/ ftreyngth & fayernes whereof mekely I thanke you/ Alfo good lorde I knowe well whan that I was loft thou bow- 25 te me agayne with grete paynes & fhedynge of thy prefyous blode & dyed for me geuynge your body your foule your lyfe & all to kepe me fro damnacyon Thyrdly ye haue callyd me by your grace to make me youre ayer of euer la- ftynge blyfle/ ye haue gyue fayth&vnderftadyng of you by baptyme & other of the feuen facramentis/& ofte tymes lorde ye haue for gyue me my fynnes. 3° But y e foule is nobly made of god & worthely to his Image & lykenyd to y e angels of all creatures moft nobly & farther/ by baptyme & faythe it is made the doughter & fpoufe of cry ft/ For to haue the erytageof padyfe & for the wor- thynes of it fhe (hold be lady/& the body fliold be feruante to the foule &obey it for refon foo requyres and they that dothe other wyfe preferryd the body 35 befor the foule &leuyth thevfeof refon & makes them lyke to beftes dyffedyn- ge fro nobyl dygnyte in to the meferabyll feruetude of fenfualyte by the whi- che he gouernes hym felfe & thus knowe I that I am man/ & as the feconde 84 what it is to be a cryften man thou axes/ & anfwere after my vnderftandynge that to be cryften is to be baptyfed & to folowe cryfteof thewhyche webecal- lyd cryften for to be baptyfyd & not to folowe cryfte by good leuynge theba- ptym do not faue the man without a kepe his connante. whan a refeyues ba- ptem a forfaketh the deuyll & they make promes to folow crift whan they fay 5 I wyll be baptyfyd & yf he kepe promes there made at the fonte ftone he is a faythful man/ & he y 1 brekethe thele promes afynes agayne god & is feruaut to the deuyll/ & is not cryften no more than a deed man on a walle/ Here axes the mayfter fhyparde in how many thynges fhold the cryfte man folow cryft for to fulfyll it he promefyth whanne he receyueth the facrament of baptem/ 10 He anfwers the fymple fhepard in thefe . vi. thlges/ the fyrft is clennes of c 5 - fyece for there is no thyng more plefyng to god tha clene cofyence & it may be made clenein. ii. maners/ the firft by baptem wha they receyuesit. The . ii. by cofeflyon of mouth/ & fatyffaccyon of werke & wha he is clene he is lyke to Ie- [H 4 redo] fu cryft whiche with the water of his mercy doth waffhe fynners & make the r 5 fayer/ The feconde thynge in whiche the cryftene man fholde folowe Cryfte/ is vmylyte and mekenes to the example of hym that is lorde of heue the why- che meked hym felf to take oure vmanyte and dyde be come mortall. wyll to loue trouthe & fpecyally iij. trouthes. The fyrft trouthe is to knowe hym felfe that he is mortall & a fynner/ and he that dyeth in fynne fhall be damned/ and 20 this is trouthe if they truly byleue/kepeth them that they do no fyn & threte- neth the fynner & caufes them to do penauce & amende, feconde is the trouth of temporall goodes for they are tracytoryes & we muft nedes leue the/&thys caufes ftiepeherdes to dyfprayfe ryches & to laboure to gete heuen/ that laftes euer. the fourthe is of god the ioye & felycite that al cryften men fholde defyre 25 & this drawes cryften me to his loue & caufes themtodogodewarkes. the .iiij. thynge that cryfte me fholde folowe cryfte in his pacyensi aduerfyte & fharp- nesoflyfeby penauce/ forcryftelyuedinpayne&pouerte/&thathefuffred for vs. the v. is thepyte fhewed to pore peple for cryfte here holpetheof bodelyfe- kenes&goftelyfekenes/ fofhuldewegyue of our goodes & cdforte thebodely 30 &goftely. the vi. is by fwetnes &deuocyo &charyte in conteplacyoof the myf- teris of his natiuyte/ ofhisdeth & paflyoof hisrefurreccy 5 &hisaflency 5 &of his chmynge to the Iugemet that oft fholde be in our hartys by holy medita- cyos. the latter queftyon is thys/ he that amendes hymfelfe & dothe penauns for his fynne/ he may be called a ftiepherde or a gode cryften man. 35 85 5 io •5 C The balad of the fhepherde. C I knowe that god hathe formed me. And made me to his owne lykenes. I knowe that he hathe gyue me trule. Soule and wytte/ lyfe with knowlege ywys. I knowe that by rightwys true balaunce. After my dedys luged fhall I be I knowe moche but I wote nat the varyans [Woodcut To vnderftonde wherof comes my foly No. VI # ] I knowe full well that I fhall dye. And yet my lyfe amend nat I. I knowe in what pouerte. Borne a chylde thys erthe aboue. I knowe that god hathe lente to me. Habundauns of goodes to my byhoue. I knowe that ryches can nat me faue. And with me I fhall none here away. 1 knowe the more gode that I haue. 20 25 3 ° [H iiii verfo] I knowe all this faythfully. And yet my lyf amende nat I. I knowe that I haue paffyd. Great parte of my days with playe and plefauns. I knowe that I haue gadered. [Woodcut Synnes and alfo done lytell penauns. No. 52] I knowe that by ignorans To excufe me there is no arte. I knowe that one houre fhall be. whan my foule fhall departe. That I fhall wyffhe that I had mended me. I knowe that than is no remedy. And yet my lyfe amende nat I. C Here foloweth the Jonge of a woman fhepher- de that vnderftode well id hir fonge profytes. In cofyder my pore humanyte. Aboue the erthe borne with great wepynge. 86 35 I confydre my fragilete. My harte is ouerpred with fynnynge. I confyder dethe wyll come verely. To take my lyfe but the houre wote nat I. I confydre the deuyll dothe watche me 5 The worlde and the fleffhe on me warreth draytly I confyder that myn ennemyes they bethe. That wolde delyuer me fro me dethe to dethe. I confydre the many trybulacyons : Of this foule worlde wherof the lyfe is nat clene. 10 I confydre C. M. paflyons That we pore creatures dayly fall in. I confydre the perfyte fentens of god & man. That bothe euyll & gode iuge fhall he. I confyder the lenger I lyue the worfe I am. 15 wherfore my confyence cryeth out on me. I confydre for fynne fome dampned as the boke fetth. which are delyuered frome dethe to deth. I confydre that wormes fhall ete me. My forowfull body this is credable. 20 I confyder that fynners fhalbe. [H 5 refto] At the Iugement of god mode dredable. O ye virgyn mary aboue all thynges mode dyledtable. Haue mercy on me at that dredefull daye. That fhall be fo meruelous & doutable. 25 whiche my pore foule greatly dothe fraye. In you than I put my trud and faythe. To faue me that I go nat frome dethe to dethe. Prynce of heuen your meke cretor. Cryeth you mercy/ to make a fethe. 30 And I purpofe neuer to fynne more Nowe faue me without ende fro dethe to dethe. [Woodcut No. IV*] 87 C Here begynneth the Jonge of dethe. [Woodcuts Nos. VII* ; VIII* ; VI*] ^ | "'Hough y* my picture be nat to your plefaus. And ye thynke that it be dredable. - Take it a worth for fuerly in fubftauns. The fight of it may to you profytable. There is no waye alo more doutable. Therfore lerne/ knowe yourfelfe and fe. [H 5 verfo] Loke man howe I am/ and thus mud thou nedys be. And take hede of thy felfe in aduenture red I. For adams aple all ye fhall dye. Alas worldely peple beholde my manere. Sometyme I lyued and had a fayre vyfage. Myn iyen be gone I haue two holowe holes here. I was mete to wormes in this pafiage. Take hede whyle ye lyue if ye be wyfe & fage. For as I am thou fhalt come to pouder. As holowe as a thymble/ what fhall the auaunce. Nought but thy gode dedes thou fhalt be as other. And with my lykenes you all muft dauce. The tyme that I was in this worlde leuynge I was honoured with lowe and hye But I kept not my confyence clene fro fynne Therfore nowe I do it dere aby. Lo what auayleth couetyfe pryde and enuy They be the brondes that dothe bren in hell. Trufte not to your frendes whan ye be dede reed I Nor your excecutours for fewe dothe well. But do for thy felfe or thou dye. And remembre whyle thou arte lyuynge. That god blefiyd all thynge without nay with his owne honde all but fynne. The deuyll can not clayme the but by fynne I fay A mende therfor by tyme and go the ryght way I wolde that I myght haue but one houre or two To do penaunce in or halfe a day 88 But whyle I lyued I dyd none do And nowe my dettes I do trewly pay Thou man I do gyue better counfell to the. yf that thou wyll do after it Than any was fhewed to me Thou ar halfe warned thynke on thy pytt. And cheufe of two wayes whiche thou wylte fiete To ioye or payne any of tho. In welthe or wo for euer to fyte Nowe at thyne owne choyce thou may ft go. For god hathe gyue the a frewyll Nowe chofe the/ whether thou wylte do gode or yll. [H 6 refto] € Hereafter foloweth the x. comaudementys of the deuyll contra- ry to them of our lorde . W Ho fo wyll do my comaundementes. And kepe them well and fure. Shall haue in hell great tourmentys. That fhall euermore endure : Thou fhalt nat fere thy god nor thynke on his goodnes. And to dampne thy foule thou fhalt blafpheme god and his fayntes Euermore thyn owne wyll be doynge Dyfteyue men and wymen/ and euer be fwerynge. Be dronken vpon thy holy daye. And caufe other to fynne and thou may. Thy fader nor thy moder loke thou loue nor drede. And helpe them neuer thou they haue nede. Hate thy neyghboure and hure hym by enuy. Murder and fhede mannys blode hardely. Forgyue no man but be vengeable. Be lecherous of dede and in touchynge dyleddable. Breke thy wedloke and fpare nat. And to dyfceyue other by falfhode care nat. The goodes of other thou fhalt holde falfely. And gyue it neuer agayne thou they fpeke curtefly. Company oft with wymen and tempe them to fynne * : ' Defyre thy neyghbours wyfe and his goodes thoughe thou may nat wyn Do this hardely and care nat therfore. And thou (halt dwell with me in hell for euermore. Thou (halt ley in frofte and fyre with fekenes & hunger. And in a thoufande peces thou (halt be torne a fondre. 5 yet thou fhalt leue euer and neuer be dede. Thy mete lhall be todys & thy drynke hote boylynge lede. Take no thought for the blode that god for the fhede C Hereafter Foloweth parte of the paynesj of Hellef For the comaundementes of the Heuyll i° As it is abo'ue fayde. In hell is great mournynge Great trouble of cryenge. Of thundre noyfes rorynge. [H 6 verfo] with plente of wylde fyre 1 5 betyngis with grete ftrokes lyke gonnes with a grete frofte and colde that ronnes And after a bytter wynde comes That gothe thorowe the foules with Ire There is bothe thourfte and hunger 20 Fendes with hokes poles theyr fleflhe a fonder They fyght and cofe on eche other wonder with the fythe of deuyls dredabyll There is lhame and confufyon Rumore of confyens for euyll leyuynge 25 They corfie them felfe with grete cryenge In fmoke and ftenche they be euermore lyenge with other paynes in newmerable C It is wreten in the appocalypes that faynt loha fawe a horfe of blake co- lower and vpon the horfe fat dethe/ and hell foloweth thefe horfe/ The horfe 30 betokeneth the fynner the whiche is blake of colowre for y e fekenes of his fyn And he bereth dethe for fyn is dethe of the foule/ And hell folowes for to fwa- lowe them as they be worthy yf they dye Impenytente. Aboue this horfe blake and hydeous Deth I am that ferfly do fyte 35 There is no fayrnes but fyght tedyous. 90 All gay coloures I do hyt My horfe ronnes by dales and hyllys And many he fmyteth dede & kylles. In my trape I take fome by euery way By townes & caftellys I take my rent. I wyll not refpet none not a our of a daye Byfore me they mode nedys be prefente. I He all with my mortal! knyfe And of duty I take the lyfe. Hellys knowes well my kyllynge I flepe neuer but worke & wake. It foloweth me euer ronynge He wayteth where I fmyte with my darte. A grete nomber he hath of me Paradyfe hathe nat the fourthe parte. Skant the . x . parte wronge hathe he I caufe many to fyghe at the harte. Be ware/ for I gyue no warnynge [I i refto] I caufe many to fyghe at the harte. Be ware for I gyue no warnynge. Come at ones whan I do knacke and call. And if thy boke be nat fure of rekenynge. Thou fhalt to hell body foule and all. 5 [Woodcut No. VI*] io 1 5 20 € Howe euery degre of Jiates fholde ordre them. ® The imperyall myght of a kynges magefte. On foure pylers grounded is gouernaunce. Fyrft do right iuftyce and equyte. To pore and ryche bothe in a balaunce. [Woodcut Than his ftately myght fhall further and auaunce No. I # ] He to be lyberall with force of humanyte And after vy<5tory haue mercy and pyte. 3T The byffliope. C O ye halfe goddys flourynge in prudence, ye byfifhopes with your deuout paftoralyte. Teche the people with noble eloquence 9 1 s io 20 Anyonte your flocke with cryftes deuyne. Fede the pore people with hofpytalyte. Be meke ande chafte in this melytante churche. Do fyrft your felue well and than teche vs to worche. C The knyghtes. O ye knyghtes that floures in fortytude. with laboure and trauell to gete nobley. Fyght thou for the people that is pore and rude. [Woodcut And if nede be for the churche thou dye. No. VI*] Loue trouthe hate wronge and velany. Apes the people by thy magnyfycence. And to all wymen be thou fhelde and defence. C The generalyte. Go home you perfones and couche nat in courte. Go teche Cryftes feruantes / and thyn owne laborere. Thou nygarde/ fowe out thy horde. In houfholde/ and be none extorcyoner. Monke pray / preche frere/ marchaunt go farre and nere. Drede god / kepe his lawe & honour your kynge. And your rewarde fhall ye haue/ at your endynge. 92 [I i verfo] ( J I i 1 cn 5- <-2 h oj O bfi lH _2 5 g JC - 1 — cd 2 73 ^ P C 3 id 3 >-< > _2 JD C O '3 O bfl ^ I , 5-4 CO p ^=: jj u d} C rt o c +-. _ '& 10 +3 o O rt d 2 Ph _d > CJ C < D C 4 -> c o cj c Folyfle Ioy. Immundycyte Ouer moche Spekynge eyt at ley Her Doubyll vnderfto- Lechery (dynge Dronkennes wodnes Indignacyon Cryenge Blafphemynge Grete cowrage Fyghtynges Hatred Detraccyon Ioy of aduerfyte Sorowe of pfpe- homycyd (ryte wykkydnes Sufurracyon To thynke euyll d o 4 -* _o &D P i-. - P d - £3 P Lechery The fruyte of the fleffhe The large waye Pryde rote of all euyll 3d CD 3 r—t tr a> < - n> °2- cT *<5 C - ^ Idylnes vagacyon wekenes Ar in the faythe Try lies Omyflyon Myfhope Syngularyte Dyfcorde Inobedyence Prefumpcyon boftynge Obftynacyon k ypocryfy Thefte Dyfleyuynge MylTwerynge Oker Reft Trefon s Symony 20 The tre of fynnes. | Woodcut No. 28] 25 93 [1 ii refto] Contemplacyon. loye. Honefte. Confeftyon. Pacyens. Compuuniftyon. Longanymyte. Dyfcreflyon. Jo Moralyte. Taciturn yte. Youthe. Sobrenes. Afflicftyon. '5 Dyfprayfynge. Happynes. Thryfte. Sufferynge. Reft. 20 Stablenes. Perfeueraunce. Magnifycence. O aj P r ,n a tu . e iy bo o O&hPhcJoSijhUWU _____ ' V Charyte. i P ■ PP "C The tre of vertues. [Woodcut No. 29] f Relygyon. Clennes. Obedyens. Chaftyte. Contynens. Afteccyon. ^ Virginyte. ' Drede god. Counfeyl. Mynde. V nderftondynge. Prouydens. Delyberacion. v Reafon. r Lawe. Streyghtnes. Equyte. Mendynge. Obferuauce. Iugement. , Yeryte. 94 [I ii verfo] C Here is the Jygnyfycacyon of euery vertu namyd In the tre afore fayde. F 'Mrfte what is mekenes/ the mother of all vertues and the rote where- 1 by the tre ftondes ryght fur e/ and yf mekenes lake the tre with all the bowes leyes doune with all his good branches/ mekenes is the wyl- 5 full inclynacyon of thought/ & it brynges man to the knowlege of god and it hath .vii. branches pryncypall/ & that is charyte fay the/ hope prudens Iuftes forty tude & temporance/ and of eche one Comes fonder other vertues as the tre Iheweth before. C Charyte. 10 C Charyte is a hye vertu a boue all other & it is the defyre of herte and thou- ghte& loueth welgod & hisneybours and thefe be his branches grace peas pe- ty fwetnes/ and marcy/ grace is affe< 5 tuall feruys & beneuolens bytwene fren- de and frende/ pefe is to be in refte well ordenyd with all his eame cryften and acordynge in god/ pyte is a wylle that defyres to helpe the nedy pore people & 1 5 all other that hath nede fwetnes is peafyble tranquylyte that is fwete & one- fte of condyfyon and partys of his plafes/ mercy is a peteous vertu/ that forgyueth the fynnes and trefpaffes of other/ as a wolde god fholde for gyue his fynnes compaffyon is whan any is fory for the horte or fykenes that his boure hathe/ benyngnyte is a good regarde of corage dylygente one frend to 20 a nother/ with fhowynge euer of good maners/ Concorde a thynge notcorrup- te as in erthe conioynynge & holdynge to geder. C Of fay the. C Fay the is as moche to fay as trouthe knowen of verbyll thynges lyftyn- vp thyer thoughtes in holy ftodynge & to byleue thynges that they fe not & it 25 is one of the branche of relygyon clennes obedyence/ Contynens virginyte/ and affeccion/ relygyon fhold vfe and kepe thefe vertues & then theyr feruys is fwete to god & hisfayntes and this they fholde vfe mith grete dylygence & kepe/ as clennes or virgynyte fhold be as well kepte in the body as in the fou- le for the regard &loue that they haue to god with d red/ Obedyence is awith- 30 drawynge of theyr purpofe wyll/ by deuofyon/ & to do as they be cbmaudyd/ contenens is refraynynge of flefhly defyres by moderalyon & counfell taken of hym felf or other affeccyon / is effufyone and peteous loue in his neyboure & comes of holy reioyfynge conceyued by good fayth in them whiche loues the felfe/ lyberalyte is a vertu of fre corage it kepeth no maner of couetoufie good- 3 5 des it geuythe largely where nede is without exces. 95 [Here are miffing in the Grenville copy I 3, 4, 5, 6, and K 1, 2, 3. The following pages are fupplied from the copy of Wynkyn de Worde’s ed. 1508, Magdalen College, Oxford.] [K iii verfo, line 8 from bottom.] C Of hope. A Lfo hope is a moeuynge of courage abydynge ftedfa- ftly to take & haue y e thynges y‘ a ma appetyteth and defyreth/ of the whiche the braunches ben Contemplacyon. S loye honefte. Confeflyon. Pacyence. Compunccyon & Lon- gnanymyte. Contemplacyon is the deth and dyftruccyon of carnall affeccyons/ by an interyore reioyfynge of thought ele- uate to compryfe hye thynges. Ioye is iocundyte fpyrytuall [K iiii redo] comynge of the contemnement of the thynges prefent & worl- 10 dely. Honefte is a fhame by the whiche a man yeldeth hymfelf humble towarde euery man / of y e whiche cometh a laudable prouftyte with fayre cuftome and honefte. Confeflyon is by y l whiche the fecrete fekenes of the foule is reuelate and fhewed vnto the confefloure to the prayfynge of god with hope to ha- 1 5 ue mercy. Pacyence is wyll and in feperable fuffraunce of ad- uerfary and contrary thynges for hope of eternall glory that we defyre to haue. Compunccyon is a doloure of grete value fyghynge for drede of y e lugement dyuyne/ or for y e loue of y l payment that we abyde. Lognanymyte is infatygable wyll 20 to accomplyffhe the holy and iufte defyres that a man hath in his thought. ft Of prudence. P Rudence is delygent kepynge of hymfelfe with dyfcre- te prouydence to knowe and dyfcerne whiche is good 25 and whiche is badde/ and the braunches are. Fere of god. Cou- ceyle. Memorye. Intellygence. Prouydence'. & Delyberacyon Fere of god is a dylygent kepynge that wakeneth on a ma by fay the/ and good maners of the dyuyne commaundementes Counceyle is a fubtyll regarde of thoughtes that the caufes 30 of fuche thynges that a man wolde do/ or that a man hathe in gouernaunce be well examyned and brought about. Memo- 9 6 ry is a reprefentacyon ymagynytyf by regarde of y e thought of thynges preterytees and pafied that a man hath feen done or herde recounted and tolde. Intellygence is for to dyfpofe by vyuacyte reafonable or euydently the date of the tyme pre- fent/ or of the thynges that ben now. Prouydence is by y e whi- 5 che a man gadereth in hym the aduenement of the thynges to come by prudent fubtylyte and regarde of y e thynges pafied. [K iiii verfo] Delyberacyon is a concyderacyon replynyffhed of maturyte and efperaunce tofore the begynnynge of fuche thynges as one hath delyuered and purpofed to do or make. i° C Of altempraunce. A Ttempraunce is a ftedfafl: and dyfcrete domynacyon of reafon agaynfi: the Impyteous moeuynges of the courage in thynges illycyte and vnlawfull/ and thefe ben his braunches. Dyfcrecyon. Moralyte. Tacyturnyte. Sobrenes 15 Affiyccyon / and Dyfprayfynge of the worlde. Dyfcrecyon is a reafon prouyded and allured/ and moderate of thumayne moeuynges to luge and dyfcerne the caufes of all thynges. Moralyte is to be tempred and ruled iufily and fwetely by y e maners of them with whome they be cotiuerfaunte kepynge 20 alwayes y e vertue of nature. Tacyturnyte is to attempre hy- felfe of mutyle and dyfhonefi: wordes / of the whiche vertue cometh a fruytefull refte vnto hym that foo hym modereth. Faftynge is a vertue of dyfcrete abftynence the whiche a ma kepeth ordeyned to wake and kepe the fandyfyed thynges in- 25 teryores. Sobrenes is a vertue pure and immaculate attem- praunce of the one party and of the other of man/ that is of y e body and foule. Affiyccyon of body is it by the whiche y e fedes of the wanton and wylfull thoughtes by dyfcrete chaftyfyn- ges ben opprefled. Dyflprafyng of the worlde is an amerous 30 loue that a man or woman hathe to the fpyrytuall thynges co- mynge/ and hauynge no regarde to the caduke thynges and tranfytoryes of this worlde. 97 N C Of Iufiyce. [K 5 retto] I Vftyce is a vertue wherby grace of communyte is vp- holden/ and the dygnyte of euery perfone is obferued and theyr owne yelded/ and the braunches ben thefe. Lawe. S Stretnes. Equyte. Correccyon. Obferuaunce. Iugemente. and veryte. Lawe is by the whiche all lawful thynges ben co- maunded to be done/ and to defende all thynges that ought not to be doone. Streytnes is by the whiche iurydyke venge- aunce is prohybyte/ and ftraytly is exercyfed Juftyce too the 10 tranfgreffours that haue offended. Equyte is a ryght worthy retrybucyon of merytes to the balaunce of Iuftyce ryghwyf- ly & iuftly thought. Correccyon is for to inhybyte & defende by the brydell of reafon all errours yf ony be accuftomed for to do ony euyll. Obferuaunce of fwerynge is a- iuftyce to con- 15 ftrayne ony noyfyble tranfgreffyon of lawes or cuftomes pro- uulgued to the people. lugement is by the whiche after theyr merytes or demerytes ony perfone or perfones herde/ is that he haue tourment or fuffre deth for his euyll doynge/ or guar- don and rewarde for his benefaytes. Veryte is that byy e whi- 20 che ony faynges or doynges ben recyted or ftiewed by appro- uable reafon without to adiufte/ demynyfthe or make it ony otherwyfe than it is. C Of force. T O haue Force for a fure and ftedfafte courage amon- ge tho aduerfytes of laboures and perylles that may happen to come/ or in the whiche a perfone may fall. And the braunches ben thefe. Magnyfycence. Tolleraunce. Reft. Sta- blenes. Perfeueraunce/ and reafon. Magnyfycens is a Ioye- ous clerenes of courage admynyftrynge thynges laudable & 30 magnyfycencyall/ that is to faye/ hye or grete. Confydence is to areft and holde ftrongely his thought/ and his courage/ by vnmoeuable conftaunce amonge fuche thynges as be aduer- [K 5 verfo] fe and contrary. Tolleraunce is cotydyanly or dayly fuffryn- ge and berynge the ftraunge improbytes and moleftees/ that 35 is to faye perfecucyons/ obprobryes/ and iniuryes that other 98 folke dooth. Reft is a vertue by the whiche a fekernefte is gy- uen vnto the thought of contemnement of y e vnftablenefle of tranfytory thynges and worldly vanytees. Stablenes is for to haue the thought or courage ftedfaft and fure without ca- ftynge it on dyuers thynges by ony varyenge or chaungynge 5 of tyme or of places. Ferfeueraunce is a vertue that eftablyf- fheth and confermeth the courage by a perfeccyon of vertues that is in a man/ and ben perfyte by force of longanymyte. Reafon is a vertue by the whiche a man comaundeth to do fu- che thynges as ben counceyled and delybered for to come to 10 thende/ whiche a man knoweth to be good and vtyle to be do- ne and had. C Here endeth the floure of vertues\ and how they be named and Jygnyfyed in the tree fygured. & How fhepeherdes by calculacyon and fpecu- # lynge knoweth the . xii . Jygnes in theyr courje reygnynge & domynyn- ge on the .xii. partyes of [K 6 S Ome ftiepeherdes faye that a man is a lytell worlde by hym felfe/ for the ly- keneftes and fymyli- tudes that he hathe of the grete * worlde/ whiche is the aggrega-* cyonof the.ix.fkyes.iiii.elemen- tes andall thynges inthemcon- teyned. Fyrfte man hathe fuche a lykenes in the fyrfte mobyle y 1 * is thefoueraynefkye&pryncy-* pall party of the grete worlde/ forlyke as in this fyrfte mobyle [ # The afterifks mark the place inferted fimilar woodcuts to Nos. z ; mannes body I iff whiche *5 ben good for letynge of * blodej and whiche ben indyfferent or euyll for the fame. 20 redo] the zodyake is deuyded in .xii. partyes that ben the .xii.fygnes fo man is deuyded in .xii. party- es and holdeth of thefe fygnes euery parte of his fygne as this 25 fygure fheweth. Thefygnesbe thefe. Aries. Thaurus. Gemini Cacer. Leo. Virgo. Libra/ fcor- pio. Sagittari 9 . Capricornus. Aquarius/ &Pifces. Ofy e whi- 30 che thre ben of nature of fyre / y 1 is Aries/leo/& fagittari 9 /& .iii. of nature of the ayre. Gemini/ libra/ & aquarius. And thre of s where in the edition of 1508 are md 30.] the nature of water. Cancer/ fcorpio/ and pifces. And thre of the nature of erth. Taurus/ virgo/ & capricornus. The fyrfte y ‘ is aries gouerneth y e heed & y e face of man. Thaur 9 y e necke & y e throte boll. Gemini y e fholdres the ar mes & hondes. Cacer 5 y e breft/fydes/mylt/& lyghtes. Leo y e ftomak y“hert& y e backe [K 6 verfo] Virgo the bely and the entrayles. Libra the nauyll/ the gray- nes/ the partyes vnder the haunches. Scorpio the preuy par- tyes/ the genytayles/ the bladder/ and the foundement. Sa- gittarius the thyghes onely. Capricorns the knees onely alfo 10 Aquarius the legges frome the knees to the heles and ankles And Pifces hath the fete in his domynyon. ft A man ought not to make incyfyon ne touche with yren y e membre gouertied of ony fygne the day that the mone is in it for fere of to grete effufyon of blode that myght happen/ne in 15 lykewyfe alfo whan the fonne is in it/ for the dauger & peryll that myght enfue. ft Here foloweth the nature of the . xii .Jygnes. ft Aries is god for blode letynge whan the mone is in it/ fauf in the partye that it domyneth. 20 ft Aries is hote & dry e/ nature of fyre/ & gouerneth the heed & the face of man / good for bledynge whan the mone is in it. ft Thaurus euyll for bledynge. ft Thaurus is drye and cold e/ nature of the erthe/ and gouer- neth the necke and the knot vnder the throte/ and is euyll for 25 bledynge. ft Gemini euyll for bledynge. ft Gemini is hote and moyfte/ nature of ayre/ & gouerneth y e (holders/ the armes/ and the two handes/ and is euyll for ble- dynge. 30 ft Cancer is indyfferent for bledynge. ft Cancer is colde and moyfte/ nature of water/ and gouer- neth the brefte/ the ftomack e/ and the mylte/ and is indyf- ferent/ that is to faye/ neyther to good ne to euyll for letyn- ge of blode. 100 [K 7 redto] ® Leo is euyll for bledynge. C Leo is hote & drye nature of fyre & gouerneth the backe/ & the fydes/ and is euyll for bledynge. C Virgo is indyfferent for bledynge. C Virgo is colde and drye & nature of erthe/ & gouerneth the 5 wombe and in y e inwarde partyes/ & is not ryght good ne ve- ray euyll for bledynge. Libra is ryght good for bledynge. C Libra is hote and moyfte nature of the ayre & gouerneth ye nauyll/ the raynes/ and the lowe partyes of the wombe/ and 10 is good for bledynge. ® Scorpius is indyfferent for bledynge. C Scorp ius is colde & moyfte/ nature of the water/ and go- uerneth the membres of man & is neyther good ne badde/ for bledynge. 1 s C Sagittarius is good for bledynge. C Sagittarius is hote & drye nature of fyre & gouerneth the thyghes and is good for bledynge. C Capricornus is euyll for bledynge. C Capricornus is colde and drye nature of erthe & gouerneth 20 the knees and is euyll for bledynge. C Aquarius is indyfferent for bledynge. € Aquarius is hote & moyft nature of ayre and gouerneth y e legges & is nether good nor euyll for bledynge. ® Pifces is indyfferent for bledynge. 2 5 C Pifces is colde & moyft nature of water & gouerneth y e fete & is neyther good ne to euyll for bledynge. Aries. Libra/ and Sagittarius ben ryght good. Cancer virgo. Scorpio. Aquari 9 / & Pifces ben indyfferent. Taurus. Gemini, Leo / & Capricornus ben euyll. 30 [K 7 verfo] C We maye knowe by this fygure the bones and loyntes of all the partyes of the body as w T ell within as without/ of the heed/ necke/ fholdres/ arm.es/ hades/ fydes/ breft/ backe/ hau- ches/ thyghes/ knees/ legges and of the fete. The whiche bo- 101 nes fhall be namen and nombred here after/ and it is called y e fygure anothomye. [Woodcut fimilar to No. 31.] C By this fygure one maye vnderftande the partyes of man- tles body oner the whiche the pianettes hath myght and do- 5 mynacyon to kepe them frome touchynge of ony yron/ ne to make incyfyon of blode in the vaynes that procedeth in the ty- [K 8 refto] me whyle that the pianette of the fayd party is conioyned to ony other pianette maleuolent without hauynge regarde of fome good pianette/ that myght encombre and lette his euyll 10 courfe. C The names of the bones in a mannes body J and the nom- bre of theym which is in all two hondred\ and eyght and forty. Ca. xxiiii. F 'Yrft on the fommet of the heed is a bone that co- uereth the brayne/ the whiche fliepeherdes call y e capytall bone. In the Ikol ben two bones whiche ben called parietalles that holdeth the brayne clo- fe and ftedfaft. More lower in the brayne is a bo- ne called the crowne of the heed/ and on the one fyde and on 20 the other ben two holes within the whiche is the palys or rofe bone. I n the partye behy nde the heed ben . iiii . lyke bones to y e whiche the chayne of the necke holdeth. The bones of the nofe ben two. The bones of the chaftes aboue ben . xi . And of the nether Iawe ben two. Aboue to the oppofyte of the brayne 25 ther is one behynde named collaterall. The bones of y e tethe ben .xxxiii. Eyght before. Foure aboue/ and four vndernethe fharpe and trenchynge for to cutte the morcelles/ than there is foure fliarpe/ two aboue and two vnderneth/ and ben cal- led conynes for they refemble conynes teth. After that be . xvi . 30 tethe that ben as they were hamers or gryndynge tethe/ for they chawe and grynde the mete the whiche is eten / and ther is on euery fyde foure aboue and foure vnderneth/ and than the four teth of fapyence on eche fyde of y e chaftes one aboue 102 [K 8 verfo] and one vnderneth. In the chyne from the heed dounewar- de ben. xxx. bones called knottes or ioyntes. In the brefte afo- re be. vii. bones/ & on euery fyde. xii. rybbes. By the necke be- twene the heed & the (holders ben. ii. bones named the (heres After ben the two (holder blades. From the (holder to the el- 5 bowe in eche arme is a bone called the adiutor. From y e elbow to the hande on eche arme ben two bones that ben called Can- nes. In eche honde ben. viii. bones/ aboue the palme ben. iiii. bones whiche ben called the combe of the honde. The bones in the fyngers in eche hande ben. xv. in euery fynger thre. At the 10 ende of the rydge ben the hocle bones wherto ben fattened the two bones of the thyghes. In eche kne is a bone called y e kne. plate. Frome the kne to the fote in eche legge ben two bones called Cannes or mary bones. In eche fote is a bone called the ankle or pynne of the fote/ behynde the ankle is the hele bone i 5 in eche fote the whiche is the lowed parte of a man/ and abo- ue in eche is a bone called y e holowe bone. In the plate of eche fote ben. iiii. bones. Tha ben the combes of y e fete in eche of the whiche ben. v. bones. The bones in the toes in eche fote ben to the nombre of .xiii. Two bones ben tofore the bely for 20 to holde it ftedfaft with the two haunces. Two bones ben in the heed behynde the yeres called oculares. We reken not the tendre bones of the ende of the (holdres nor of the fydes/ nor dyuers lytell gryftels and fpelders of bones for they be not co- prehended in the nombre aboue fayd. 25 ft 'Thus endeth the nothomye ft Here begynneth the fieubothomye. ft Here after foloweth the names of the vaynesj and where they rejlj & how they ought to be leten blode. Ca. xxiiii. [The firft eight lines on page 104 are printed in the edition of 1508 at right angles to the ordinary text by the fide of a woodcut fimilar to No. 32.] 103 [L i redo] "^jr TE may vnderftande by this fygure the nombre of y e vay- \/\/ nes anc ^ pEces of a mannes body where they ben/ & * * how they ought to be leten blode/ & no where elles./ foo that it be a naturall daye for blode letynge/ that y e mone 5 be not newe/ ne at the full/ ne in quarter/ & that it be in onyfygne before named good for bledynge/but yf that fuch fygne we- re it that domyneth the membre of y e whiche blode Iholde be leten tha for than it ought not for to be touched/ ne alfo that it be leten than for tha it ought not for to be touched / ne alfo that it be y e fygne of the fone. 10 c The names of the places where the vaynes be I are J, hewed by the letters Jet in the margyn after the fourme of y" pyclure A ft The vayne in the myddes of the forheed wolde be leten blode for the ache and the payne of y e heed/ and for feuers ly- targy/ and for the mygryme. [L i verfo] B ft Aboue y e two eres behynde in two vaynes the whiche be i6lete blode for to gyue clere vnderftandynge/ & y e vertue of lyght herynge/ & for thycke brethe/ & for doubte of mefelry. C ft In the temples ben two vaynes called the artiers for y l they pante the whiche ben leten blode for to demyneffhe & 20 take awaye the greter repleccyon & habundaunce of blode y l is in the brayne y* myght noye the heed and the eyen/ and it is good agaynft the goute/ mygryme/ & dyuers other accy- dentes that maye come to the heed. D ft Vnder y e tonge ben two vaynes y e ben lete blode for a feke- 25 nes named the fequamy & agaynft y e fwellynge. & appofto- mes of the throte/ & agaynft y e equinancy be y e whiche a ma myght dye fodaynly for defaute of fuche bledynge. E ft In y e necke ben two vaynes called oryginalles for y l they haue y e courfe & habundauce of all y e blode y c gouerneth the 30 body of ma/ & pryncypally the heed/ but they ought not to be leten blode without the counceyle of the furgyen/ & this bledynge auayleth moche to y e fekenefle of lepry whan it co- meth pryncypally of blode. 104 F ft The vayne of y e herte taken in the arme prouffyteth to ta- ke awaye humoures or yl blode y l myght hurte y e chabre of the herte or thappertenauce/ and is good for the y c fpyteth blo- de/ & y‘ be fhorte wynded/ by y e whiche a man may deye fo- daynly by defaute of fuche bledynge. 5 G ft The vayne of y e lyuer taken in y e arme taketh & demynyf- fheth the grete heet of the body of man/ & holdeth y e body in helth/ & this bledynge puffyteth alfo agaynft y e yelowe ax- es & appoftome of the lyuer/ & agaynft y e pluryfye/ wherby a man maye deye by defaute of fuche bledynge. >o H ft Betwene y e mayfter fynger & the leche to let blode helpeth y e doloures y l cometh in y e ftomacke & fydes/ as botches & appoftomes & dyuers other accydetes y £ may come in thofe places by grete habundaunce of blode & humoures. [L 2 refto] I ft In y e fyd es betwene the wombe and the hauche ben two 15 vaynes of the whiche y* of the ryght fyde is leten blode for y e dropfye/ and that of the lyfte fyde for ony fekenes that co- meth about y e mylte/ & they fholde blede after y‘ y e perfones be fatte or lene take good hede at four fyngers nye y e incyfi- on/ & alfo they ought not to make fuche bledynge without 20 the counceyle of the furgyen. K ft In eyery fote ben thre vaynes/ of y e whiche one is vnder the ankle of y e fote named fophane the whiche is lete blode for to dymynyffhe & put out dyuers humours/ as botches & appoftomes that cometh about the graynes/ and it prouf-25 fyteth moche to women for to caufe theyr meftruofyte to dy- fcende/ and to fyxe & emoroides that cometh in the fecrete places/ and fuche other lyke. L ft Betwene the wreft of the fote and the grete to is a vayne y e whiche is leten blode for dyuers fekeneftes & inconueny- 30 ences/ as y e peftylence that taketh a perfone fodaynly by y e grete fuperhabundauce of humours/ & this bledynge muft be made w £ in a natural daye/ y £ is to wete within . xxiiii. hou- res after y‘ the fekenes is taken on the pacyent/ and before the feuer come on hym/ & this bledyng ought to be done af- 35 ter the corpolence of the pacyent. M ft In y e angles or corners of the eyen ben two vaynes the 105 o whiche ben leten blode for y e reednes of the eyen/ or watry/ or y c renneth contynually/ and for dyuers other fekenefies that may happen & come by ouer grete habundaunce of hu- moures and blode. N ft In y e vayne of the ende of the nofe is made a bledynge y e 6 whiche is good for a reed pympled face/ as be reed dropes puftules/ fmale fcabbes and other infeccyons of the herte y* maye come therin by to grete replexyon & habudaunce of blode & humours/ & it auayleth agaynft popeled nofes and other femblable fekenefies. [L 2 verfo] O ft In the mouthe in y e gomes ben foure vaynes/ y 1 is to we- re two aboue and two benethe the whiche be lette blode for the chaufynges and canker of the mouthe/ & for tothe ache P ft Betwene the lyppe and y e chynne is a vayne that is leten 15 blode to gyue amendyment to them y £ haue an euyll brethe Q_ft In eche arme ben. iiii. vaynes/ of y e whiche y e vayne of y c heed is y e h ye It / y e feconde nexte isfrome the herte/ y e thyrde is of the lyver / & y e fourth is from the mylte otherwyfe cal- led the lowe lyuer vayne. R ft The vayne of the heed taken in y c arme ought to blede for 21 to take awaye y e grete replexyon & habundauce of blode y* may anoye y e heed/ the eyen or the bray ne/ & auayleth grete- ly for tranfmu table hetes/ & fwellynges of the throte/ & to them y* hath fwellynge faces and reed/ and to dyuers other 25 fekenefies that may fall by to grete habundaunce of blode. S ft The vayne of y e mylte otherwyfe called the lowe vayne lholde blede agaynft all feuer tercyens & quarteyns/ & in it ought to be made a large & lefie depe wounde than in ony other vayne/ for fere of a fynowe that is vnder it y £ is 30 called the lezarde. T ft In eche hande ben thre vaynes/ wherof y l aboue y e thom- be ought to blede to take awaye y e grete hete of y c vyfage/ & for moche thycke blode and humoures y c ben in y e heed/ this vayne euacueth more than that of the arme. V ft Betwene the lytell fynger & y e leche fynger is letynge of 36 blode y l auayleth gretely agaynft all feuer tercyens & quar- 106 teynes/ & agaynft ftemes/ & dyuers other lettynges that co- meth to the papes and the mylte. X C In eche thyghe is a vayne of the whiche y e bledynge auay- leth agaynft y e douloures y e fwellynges of the genytoures & for to make auoyde and put out of mantles body humou- 5 res that ben in the graynes. [L 3 redo] Y C The vayne that is vnder y e ankle of the fote w'out is na- med fciat of the whiche y e bledyng is moche worthe agaynft y e paynes of y e haunches/ & for to make departe/ & yftue dyuers humoures whiche wolde aftemble in y e fa yd place/ & auayleth to gretely to women for to reftrayne theyr menftruofyte whan they haue to grete haboundaunce. C Thus endeth the nothomye and fleubothomye of the hu- mayne bodyesj 6? how one fholde vnderftande them. H Ere before we haue fayd of y e regard of pianettes vp- 1 5 on f partyes of man / & the dyuyfyon & nombre of the bones of mannes body/ and now foloweth to knowe whan y l ony man is hole or feke or dyfpofed in ony wyfe to fekenefte. Wherfore thre thynges ben by the whiche Ihepeherdes kno- weth whan a man is hole or feke/ or dyfpofed to fekeneffe. If 20 he be hole/ to mayntene and kepe hym. If he be feke to ferche remedy to hele hym. If he be dyfpofed to fekenefte to kepe hy that he fall not therin. And for to knowe eche of the fayd thre thynges/ the fayd Ihepeherdes put dyuers fygnes. Helth pro- prely attempraunce/ accorde/ and equalyteof y e .iiii. qualytees 25 of man whiche ben/ hote/ colde/ drye/ and moyft. The whiche whan they be well tempred and egall y'one furmount not the other/ than the body of a man is hole. But whan they ben vn- egall & myfte tempred that one domyne ouer an other/ tha a man is feke or dyfpofed to fekenes/ & they ben the qualytes y l 30 the bodyes holdeth of the elementes that they ben made and compofed of/ that is to wete of the fyre heet/ of y e water colde of the ayre moyfte/ & of the erth drye. The whiche qualytees whan one is dyfmordered for the other than the body is feke. 107 and yf that one dyftroye the other of all/ than the body dyeth and the foule departeth. [L 3 verfo] C Sygnes by the whiche Jhepeherdes knowe a man hole and well dyfpofed in his body. 5 r I He fyrft fygne wherby fhepeherdes knowe a ma to be hole & well dyfpofed in his body is whan he eteth and drynketh wel after the conuenaunce of the hoger & thryfl: that he hath without makyng exceffe. Alfo whan he dygereth lyghtly/ & whan y* io that he hath eten and dronken emplyffheth & greueth not his ftomacke. Alfo whan he feleth good fauoure & good appetyte in that he eteth and drynketh. Alfo whan he is hongry & thyr- fty at y e houres that he ought to ete and drynke. Alfo whan he reioyceth hym with mery folke. Alfo whan they playe gladly 1 5 ony playe of recreacyon with felowes of mery courage. Alfo wha he playeth gladly in feldes and wodes to take the fwete ayre and fporte in medowes by waters fydes. Alfoo whan he eteth gladly and with good appetyte of butter/ chefe/ flaunes fhepes mylke w‘out leuynge ony thynge in his dyffh to fende 20 to the almes hous. Alfo whan he flepeth well w'out rauynge or dremynge of his marchaundyfe. Alfo whan he feleth hym lyght / & that he walketh well. Alfo whan he fweteth foone/ & that he neleth lytell or nothynge. Alfoo whan he is neyther to fatte ne to lene. Alfo whan he hath good colour in face/ and 25 that his wyttes ben all well dyfpofed for to do theyr operacy- on/ as his eyen for to fe/ his eeres to here/ his nofe to fmell. &c. And thus we leue of conuenaunce of aege/ the dyfpofycyon of y e body & alfo of the tyme. Of other fygnes I fay nothynge but thefe ben the mooft comyn / & that ought to fuffyfe for fhe- 3 ° peherdes to knowe the fygnes of helthe. C Sygnes oppojyte to the precedentes by the whiche Jhepe- herdes knowe whan they or other ben Jeke. 108 [L.4 refto] T Han whan ye may not well eete ne drynke/ or that they haue none appetyte to ete at dyner & fouper or whan he fyndeth no fauoure in that he eteth or drynketh/ or y* he is hongry & may not eete/ whan his dygeftyon is not good or that it be too longe. 5 Alfoo whan that he gooth not to chambre moderately as he ought to do. Alfo whan he is heuy & fad in ioyous companyes than fekenes conftrayneth a man to be thoughtfull. Sembla- byl whan he may not flepe or take his reft aryght/ and at due houre. Alfo whan his membres ben heuy/ as his heed/ his leg- 10 ges/ and his armes. And alfo whan he may not walke eafely and lyghtly/ and that he fweteth not often/ and his coloure is pale or yelowe/ or whan his wyttes as his eyen/ his eres/ and the other doo not kyndely theyr operacyons. In lykewyfe whan he maye not laboure and trauyle. Alfo whan he forge- 15 teth lyghtly/ that whicheof neceflyte ought to be kepte in me- mory/ and whan he fpytteth often/ or whan his nofe thrylles haboundeth in fuperfluous humoures. And wha he is necly- gent in his werkes. and whan his fleffhe is blowen or fwolle in the vyfage/ in his legges/ or in his fete/ or whan his eyen be 20 holowe in his heed. Thefe ben the fygnes that fygnyfyeth a man beynge in fekenes/ and who that hath mooft of the fore- fayd fygnes mooft is feke. C Other maner of fygnes almooft femblahle to theym aboue fayd and fieweth the repleccyon of euyll humoures for to be 25 purged of them . ’ R Epleccyb of yll humours & dyfpoficon of fekenes after thoppyny 5 of fhepeherdes/ y e which replecci- on is to knowe how to purge y e fayd humoures y‘ they engendre no fekenefles/ and be knowen by y e 30 fygnes y l foloweth. C Fyrft wha a ma hath ouer 1 [L 4 verfo] grete reednes in the face/ in the handes/ or in the nayles/ ha- uynge alfo the vaynes full of blode/ or blede to moche aty e no- fe/ or to often/ or to haue payne in the forheed. Alfo whan the 109 eeres foundeth/ & whan the eyen watereth or ben full of goal and haue the vnderftandynge troubled/ & whan the poulx be- teth to fade/ & whan the bely is longe refolute &laxe/ &whan one hath the fyght troubled/ & etynge alfo without appetyte 5 And al the other fygnes before fayd ben by y c whiche one may knowe the body euyll dyfpofed & haue in it corrupt humours fuperfluus/ and euyll. C 'Thus fynyjjheth of the fygnes by the whiche fhepeherdes knowe whan they ben hole and well dyfpofedj & other fygnes io oppofytesj by the whiche they knowe whan they ben feke or euyl dyfpofed. C A dyuyfyo and regyme of tyme of the whiche fhepeherdes vfeth after that the feafon (A tyme requyreth. A S ^ O remedy the fekenefles and infyrmytes that a 1 5 1 man hath/ and to kepe hym frome theym that he doubteth to come/ fhepeherdes faye that the tyme naturally chaungeth foure tymes in a yere/ & foo they deuyde the yere in foure quarters/ that is ver fomer/ herueft/ & wynter. And in eche of thefe quarters they 20 gouerne them as the feafones requyreth to theyr myndes/ & the better it is for them. And as the feafon chaungeth fo chau- ge they theyr maner of lyuynge & doynge/ & faye that chaun- gynge of tyme without takynge good heed otten engendreth infyrmytees/ for y l in one tyme behoueth not to vfe fome mee- 25 tes that ben good in another tyme/ as that, vfe in wynter is not all good in fomer/ and fo of the other feafones. CT And for to knowe the chaungynge of tyme after thefe fayde partyes/ [M 1 redo] they confyder the courfe of the fonne by the . xii . fygnes/ & faye that euery of y e fayd .iiii. quarters and feafons dureth.iii. mo- 30 nethes/ & y‘ the fonne paffeth by thre fygnes/ that is to wete in pryme tyme in pifces/ aries/ and thaurus/ & thefe ben the mo- nethes. February/ marche/ and apryll/ that y e erth and trees reioyceth and chargeth grene leues & floures that it is plea- fure to beholde. In fomer by Gemini. Cancer & leo/ and y e mo- 1 10 nethes ben. May/ iune/ & I u 1 y / that the fruytes of the erthe groweth and rypeth. In herueft Virgo. Libra/ & fcorpio/ & the monethes ben. Auguft/ feptembre/ and ocftober/ y'the erth and trees dyfchargeth fruytes and leues/ and that tyme eche felleth and gadereth the fruytes. In wynter by Sagittarius 5 Capricornus/ and aquarius/ and the monthes ben . Nouem- ber. December/ and Ianuari/ that y e erth and the trees ben as deed/ and vnclothed of leues/ fruytes/ and of all grenenefte. After the whiche foure feafons fhepeherdes deuyfeth y e tyme that man maye lyue in foure aeges/ as youth/ ftrength/ aege io and decrepyte/ & ben lykened to the foure feafones of the yere That is to wete youth to pryme tyme/ that is hote and moyft and as the herbes & trees of the erthe groweth/ fo dooth man in youth vnto . xxv . yere growe of body in ftreyngth/beaute/& vygoure. Force is lykened vnto fomer hote and dry / & the bo- 1 5 dy of man is in his force & vygoure/ and enrypeth vnto . xlv . yere. Aege is compared to the tyme of herueft/ colde and drye that man leueth of growynge and febleth and thynketh how to gader and fpare for fere of defaute & nede whan he cometh to ftoupynge aege/ and dureth to . Ivi . yere. Decrepyte is lyke- 20 ned to the feafon of wynter/ colde and humyde by a abundan- ce of colde humours and defaute of naturell heet/ in the whi- che tyme ma fpendeth that whiche he had gadered and kepte in the tyme pafied / & yf ye haue fpared nothynge/ he abydeth poore and naked as the erth and trees/ and dureth vnto . lxii . 25 yere or more. C Pryme tyme is hote & moyfte/ nature of ayre [M i verfo] and complexyon of the fanguyne. Somer is hote & drye/ na- ture of fyre/ and copleccyon of colerycke. Herueft is colde and dry e/ nature of erthe and coplexyon of the melancoly. Wyn- ter is colde and moyfte nature of water complexyon of y c fleu- 30 matyke. Whan a coplexyon is wel proporcyoned it feleth it fel- fe better dyfpofed in the tyme femblable to it than it dooth in other tymes. But for that euery man is not well cbplexyoned they ought to do as fhepeherdes done y* is to take regyment to kepe them felfe after the feafones & gouerne them by theyr 35 enfygnementes and techynges the whiche they vfe in euery quarter of the yere for to lyue the longer/ wyflyer/ & meryly. 1 1 1 d The regyment for prymetyme Marche. Apryll / & Maye . I N pryme tyme fhepeherdes kepe them felf metely well clothed/ not ouer colde ne ouer hote as with lynfey wol- fey/ douhlettes of fuftyan/ & gownes of a metely length furred 5 with lambe moft comynly. In this tyme is good letynge of blode to auoyde the euyll humoures that were gadered in the the body the wynter tyme. Yf fekeneffes happen in prymety- me it is not of his nature/ but procedeth of the humores ga- dered in the wynter paffed. Prymetyme is a temporate tyme io to take medecynes for them that be corporate & full of thycke humours/ to purge them. In this tyme they ought for toete lyght metes that refreffheth as chekyns / kyddes with vergy- us / borage/ betes / yolkes of egges/ egges in mone fhyne/ ro- ches/ perches/ pykerelles/ and all fcaled fyffhe. Drynke tem- 15 porate wyne/ bere/ or ale fo that they be not to ftrbge neouer fwete/ for in this tyme all fwete thynges ought not to be v fed & a man ought to flepe longe in y e mornynge & not on y e daye The fhepeherdes haue a generall regie or cuftome for all fea- fones/ that auayleth moche agaynft all infyrmytes and feke- [M 2 redo] 20 nefies/ that is/ not to lefe his appetyte for etynge/ and neuer for to ete without honger. Alfo they fay y‘ all maner of fleffhe and fyffhe is better rolled than foden/ and yf they be fonden to broyle them on a gyrde yron or of y e coles/ and they ben the more holfomer. 25 C The regyment for the tyme of Jomer . lime . Iuyllj and Auguft. T He fhepeherdes in fomer ben clothed with lyght gow- nes and fyngle/ theyr fhyrtes and fhetes that they lye inbenlynnen/forofallclothesitisthecoldeft/ they haue dou- 30 blettesof fylke/ of fey/ or of canuas manerly kerued/ and they ete lyghte metes/ as chekyns with vergyus/ yonge hares/ ra- bettes/ leblufe/ purcelayne/ melons/ gourdes/ coucombres/ pe- res/ plommes/ and fuche fyfdte as are named afore. And alfo they ete of all meetes that refreffheth. Alfo they ete lytell and often/ they breke theyr faft or dyne in the mornynge or euery e fonne aryfe/ and go to fouper or it dyfcende/ and they ete ofte of the aboue fayd metes and fourer for to gyue them an appe- tyte. They ete but fewe falte metes/ and refrayne them from fcratchynge/ they drynge often freffhe water foden w l fuger 5 candy/ and other refreffhynge waters/ and they do it alwaye whan they ben thryfty/ fauf onely at dyner and fouper tyme/ & than they drynke feble grene wyne/ or fyngle bere/ or fmall ale. Alfo they kepe them from ouer grete trauayle/ or ouer for- cynge themfelfe/ for in this tyme is nothynge more greuous 10 than chaufynge. In this feafon they efchewe y e company of wome/ & they bathe them ofte in colde water to afwage y e heet of theyr bodyes enforced by laboures. Alwaye they haue with them fuger candy or other fuger and dragees/ wherof they ta- ke lytell & often/& eche day in y e mornynge they force them by 1 5 coughynge & fpytyge to voyde fleumes/ & voyde the aboue & [M 2 verfo] by lowe the beft that they may/ and waffhe theyr handes with freffhe water/ theyr mouthe and theyr vyfages. C The regyment for heruejl. Septembre. OdloberJ and Nouembre. 20 I N herueft fhepeherdes ben clothed after the maner of pryme tyme/ fauf that theyr clothes be a lytell warmer In thys tyme they do dylygence to purge and clenfe them/ & letynge them blode to tempre the humoures of theyr bodyes. For it is the mooft contagyous tyme of the yere in the whiche 25 peryllous infyrmytees happeneth and cometh / and therfore they ete good and holfome metes/ as capons henes/ yonge py- ge 5 s that begyn to fle/ & drynketh good wynes/ & other good drynkes without makynge exceffe. In this tyme they kepe them from etynge of fruytes / for it is a daugerous feafon for 30 axes/ and they fay that he had neuer axes that neuer ete fruyt In this tyme they drynke no wat 9 / & they put no parte of the in colde water but theyr hand & theyr faces. They kepe theyr hedes fro colde in the nyght and mornynge/ and flepe not in y e 1 13 p none tyme/ and kepe them from ouer grete trauayle/ and en- dure not to moch honger ne thryd/ but ete whan it is tyme/ & not whan theyr mawes ben full. C The regyment for wynter tyme . December . Ianuary . 5 and February. T he fhepeherdes in wynter ben clothed in thycke gou- nes of rough clothe hye fhorne well furred with foxe for it is the warmed furrynge that is/ and cattes/ conyes/ ha- res/ and dyuers other thycke furres that be good and holfom io In this tyme of wynter fhepeherdes doo ete befe/ porke and braune/ of hertes/ hyndes/& all manerof veneyfo/ pertryches [M 3 refto] fefauntes/ hares/ foules of the ryuer & other metes that they loue bed/ for that is the feafon of y e yere that nature fuffreth mood grete plente of vytayle for the naturall heet that is dra- 1 5 wen within the body. In this tyme alfo they drynke ofte drd ge wynes after theyr copleccid/ badarde wyne/ or ofey. Two or thre tyme in the weke they ufe good fpyces in theyr metes For this is the mood holfome tyme of all the yere in the whi- che cometh no fekenes but by grete exceffe and outrages done 20 to nature/ or by euyll gouernement. Shepeherdes fay alfo y* pryme tyme is hote and moyde of y e nature of ayre complexy- on of y e fanguyne/ and y 1 is in y e fame tyme nature reioyceth & the poles openeth/ and the blode fpredeth through y e vaynes more than in another tyme. Somer is hote and drye of y e na- 25 ture of the fyre and complexyon of coleryke/ in the whiche ty- me on ought to kepe hym from all thynges that moeueth to hete/ all exceffe and hote metees. Herued is colde and drye of the nature of erthe and complexyon of melancoly/ in the whi- che tyme one ought to kepe hym frome doynge exceffe more 30 than in other tyme for daunger of fekenedes to y e whiche the fayd tyme is dyfpofed. But wynter is colde and moyd of the nature of water/ and complexyon of deumatyke/ than a man ought to kepe hym warme and meanely for to lyue in helthe. V £ o '3 h =; ‘x "5 0 § £ .'3 .5 > u 3 s « w s o *-< £ w 2 . S’ 3 o O' 3 a *1 O 51 o’ 3 ' o CT a c 3 00 — • ^ I. Cl ft == §' 3"! 3’ 2 ? 3 - ^3' n> So' CD H O' CD c ■-<; CD “t o < Solfticium verys. C All the cerkylles of heuen be fmale except the zodyake whiche is 10 large and contayneth in lengthe .iii.C.lx. of degrees & in largenes it is deuydyde by the myddes .vi. degrees in '5 one fyde and .vi. in the other fyde and this is made by a lyne called eclypetyke the whiche eclyptyke is the ftray- 20 the waye of the fone/ For neuer the fone de- partyth not fro that ly- ne. And alfo it is euer more in the myddes of 25 the zodiake/ but in the other planets euer mo- re they be in the one fy- de or in the other fyde of that lyne/ withoute 30 it be whane they be in the hede or in the tayle of the dragon/ as the mone is all y e mothes it paffes .ii. tymes & it 35 happyne y f it be whan it renewes it is a clyp- pys of the fone and yf 127 they be tul mone& that it be vnder thenader ot the ton/ yf it be ryght it is clyp- pys lenerall and yf it be but one party they fee it not/ whane it is clyppys of the lone they fe it not be ail the clymatys be vyle in fome clymat only/ but whanne the clyppys is of the mone it is lenerall all the erthe. s S whan he cbmaundeth ony good werke to be done/ fuche wer- ke prouffyteth not to hym ne to a foule/ but yf afterwarde he come to good eftate whyle fuche werkes is in doynge. And it fuffyeth that he be in charyte whan he commaundeth fuche [S 7 verfo] good werkes to be done though that he be not whyle they be 20 executed. And therfore it is a grete welth whan fuche as gy- ueth almeffe/ or that maketh a maffe to be fayd/ & he to who- me it is gyuen or the maffe commyfed be in charyte as in the prefent cafe. For yf thou gyue in the name of thy fader that is in purgatory & in grace of this chyrche for to be partycypyng 25 in the fuffrages ben merytoryous of bothe partyes/ that is to wete ex opere operato & ex opere operantis. Hec Ricardus in iiij. diftinc. .xlv. articulo .iiij. queftione .ij. C Note that he that receyueth dyuers ymo all y e worlde hath the particypacyon of his godes hath not laffe prouffyte of his 30 good werkes than yf he had receyued all for hymfelfe/ but be- reth to hym more prouffyte as to the augmentacyb of prayfe or glory/ and as to the fatyffaccyon of his fynnes/ and dymy- fhynge of the payne for them due/ to y e whiche thynges auay- leth the fayd affocyacyon as fayth Ricard 9 de media villa in 35 the place afore aledged. S Aynt gregory in the ij. queftyon of the .xiij. caufe in the chapytre. Gregorius fayth/ that the foules in purgatory ben foone delyuered by .iiij. maners and ben the .iiij. keyes that euery deuout perfone ought to hange at theyr gyrdelles for to open pur- 5 gatory whan he cometh to the chyrche. ft The fyrft keye is y e oblygacyon of preeftes. To this purpofe by fygure/ by audto- ryte/ & by example fheweth. Se macha ,xij. that Iudas Ma- chabeus fent .xij. M. dragmes of fyluer in oblacyon & offryn- ge for the fynnes of the Iewes y l were occyfed in the batayle io wherby is gyuen vs to vnderftande that y e oblacyon of y e pre- cyous body of Iefus gyuen to god his fader is of moche gre- ter vertue for to demynyffhe the paynes of theym that ben in purgatory than the fayd fyluer. And it is moreouer wryte in the aboue fayd place that yf Iudas machabeus had not had 15 [S 8 re£to] efperaunce y‘ they whiche were flayne fholde ryfe ones agay- ne it had ben to hy a thynge fuperfluous and vayne to haue prayed for them. Wherof it foloweth that it is a thynge holy and falutary to praye for them that ben dyfceafed to thende that they may be delyuered of theyr fynes. This reafon is ap- 20 proued by the au&oryte of dodtours of the holy fcrypture/ as of faynt Auftyn/ and faynt Georgy in the place afore aleged. It is proued by example of a byffhop that was vexed with a hete in his fete that none myght refreffhe them/ it happed in fomer on a day as fyffhers fyffhed in y e fee they caught a gre- 35 te yfe the whiche they "bare to y c byffhop whiche put it vnder his fete a certayne houre/ and than the byffhop herde a voyce that complayned the whiche he adiured/ & it anfwered. I am the foule of a preeft that fuffreth here my purgatory/ and yf y u were in theftate of grace and fayd an hondred maftes for me 30 I fholde be delyuered and faued/ y e whiche was done. Now take hede thou haft not an hondred/ but one. Purgatory by the lawe is no partye of helle/ but by dyfpenfacyon it may be in euery place, ft The .ij. keye is orayfon and prayers on fayn- tes by the whiche ben delyuered the foules from y e paynes of 35 purgatory. And this appereth by audloryte in thappocalyps/ in the .vij. chapytre. Afcendit fumus aromatu id est orationu 177 z odor de orationibus fandtoru de manu angeli cora deo. It ap- pereth alfo by the audloryte aboue fayd. Seta et falubris. &c. It appereth by an example of faynt Martyn as faynt Grego- ry recounteth of a preeft that prayed deuoutly to faynt Mar- 5 tyn the day of his feeft for the foules in purgatory/ and as he prayed he fawe Jxx. foules at the corner of the auter that tha- ked hym of y* they were delyuered by y e prayer of faynt Mar- tyn. Beholde than what the fayntes wyll do at the prayer of the vyrgyn Mary. Thou wylt peraduenture fay I perceyue io not theyr prayers. I axe the whan thou fayft. I had almooft broke my necke/ or fallen from myn hors/ or frome an hye tre [S 8 verfo] or that my chylde is not deed/ who dyde kepe the/ beleue that it is the pryers of fayntes. Thefe two fyrft maners ben more effycaced of as moche as they ben reported in god. C The .iii. 15 key is almefte of the frendes and parentes by y e which the pay- nes in purgatory to be demynyffhed. Ecclefiasftici. vii. Pauperi porrige manum tuam et mortuo non phibeas gratia. Et ec- clefiastici. xxii. Sup mortuu plora defecit enl lex eius. Ruth, primo. Faciet de ; vobis cu mlam ficut feceritis cu mortuis. To 20 this purpofe faynt Gregory recyteth of a knyght of y e kynge Charles the grete that by his teftamet left to his felawes his harneys & his hors to thend that he (hold gyue them to poore folke within .xxx. dayes/ or elles he recyted hym to the Iuge- ment of god. At the ende of y e .xxx. other dayes he mocked hym 25 of the cytacyon and dyfferred to do y e whiche was enioyned to hym. Than the kynge appered to his felawe in bewaylynge hym. And anone came two blacke moryens that toke hym & bare hym ouer mountaynes and valeys tyll he was all broke and fruflhed in pyeces. Do than almes and fulfyll the wyl of 30 thy frende without makyng delay. Aimes ought to haue .iiii. condycyds. Fyrft it ought to haue dede ioyoufly/ as faynt pou- le fayth. Se. ad cor! .ix. Hylarem datore diligit deus. It ought to be done habundaunily. Thobie. iiii. Quo poteris efte mife- ricors. After thy faculte and puyftaunce y £ is to wete lytell and 35 lytell. Thyrdly haftely and dylygently. Prouer. .iiii. Ne dicas tuo vado et reuertere eras cum ftatT poftis dare. Fourthly de- uoutly. Danielis. iiii. Elemofinis peccata tua redime. y l is w l 178 hert contryte and deuout. Do almes whiche as Thoby fayth delyuereth frome eternall deth. Doo not fo that the foules of thy frendes dyfceafed maye crye after the whiche is wryten lob . xix. Miferemini mei . &c. and alfo derellquerut me prop! qui mei et qui me mouerut obliti fut mei. It is wryten. lob. 5 xx. diuitias quas deuorauit euomet et de ventre eius extra- het illas deus. That is to faye that the executour or parent y* [T 1 redo] withholdeth the goodes of theym that ben dyfceafed fhall vo- me them in hell amonge the paynes where as deuylles fhall plucke them awaye with grete hokes of yron. IT The .iiii. keye 10 is the faftynge of the frendes of them that ben dyfceafed by y c whiche whan they ben made of the beynge in the ftate of gra- ce is made a grete parte of the dymynyffhynge of theyr payne This appereth euydently by a fygure of the byble. xxi. regum iii. where as we rede that after that Abner had be flayne by 15 treafon of Ioab & that it was comen to the knowlege of Da- uyd he fayd to all the people that were about hym. Gyrde you and clothe you with fackes/ and wepe and faft vnto euenfong for the foule of the fayd abner in efperauce that he fholde euy- te dampnacyon. In the whiche it appereth clerely by the pro- 20 phete ryall that faftynge and doynge of penaunce for the fou- les in purgatory prouffyteth moche to them for the dymynyf- fhynge of theyr paynes. C Now thou haft here prayers/ dyry- ges/ faftynges/ almefdedes/ and oryfons in whiche y u mayfte rendre partycypynge thy frendes and kynnefmen/ the whiche 25 thou ought not to deferre to do. For euen as thou dooft beyng in this worlde/ fo fhalt thou be done for whan thou arte deed. C Supra illud prealegatum faciet deus vobifcum mifericor- diam. &c. C Thefe foure keyes aboue fayd as it is wryten ought for to 30 be hangynge at the gyrdles of euery faythfull cryften man and cryften woman beynge in the eftate of grace/ charyta- bly to open the gates of purgatory/ that is to fay/ delyuer the foules whiche lyeth in paynes abydyge delyueraunce by the merytoryus werkes of good people. 35 ! 79