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J V, 7 : ’ ' ' ■ ' ' i ' - 1 1 ' i 1 ■ te - - v Y-* , Y \ .. .]- ij 'A , 1 , K -y 3\. a. ,1 XX V >' l-.U< ■ \ J f ,c ' \ X» 'i(7 / r y y v A; J n .1 -V A c,; . - « . ■. , -t . - . V '-X ' 7,if 7'-, _ A *>«0 \'S \ ■Y A a v; , J- • - » •" ' k A . Jrtv V • Xy * ' X 3y , " , tf .XXy . ; Y X A\ y '-'7^7 ; X - x ; _ . ’ i i r ■ -A f X>'V-- ■ ;■ ; % , -XL '■ ' f Y j X7 r J'. > Y ■A ‘ T . \ Y . A > .,... > ;\ ! i. ' / '' - " k 7 . ' ’ ^ ' ■' ^ , ' p v ^ ^ A » ~A 1 yy > v> •• *• 7 ^ AtY A "v )/ -y .» 1 v Y A / . ' ■ At '. y- y, J yvi .,•* . A 1 f -A . X , .. ' . Sf -- A' ' W / >. A 7 / ; X ■• ' AA 7V7 \ v Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/mrjohnhsherwoods1873geor MR. JOHN H. SHERWOOD’S 40 COLLECTION OF FINE JVToderq Oil Paii| tigg^ NOW ON EXHIBITION I (From 9 a. m. to 6 to p. m., and 8 to 10 p. m.) AT HIS residence and gallery, ; No. 522 FIFTH AVENUE. ’ /nd to be ^old by ^Auction ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20 th and 30th, BEGINNING AT EIGHT O’CLOCK EACH EVENING. The Messrs. LEAVITT, Auctioneers. tl(is dolledtioij aPe ^moi)g tl\e repfe^'ei|ted iq A IV1 E R I c A. N . George A. Baker. S. J. Guy. A. F. Bellows. S. R. Gifford. J. G. Brown. W. Plomer. W. Bradford. E. L. Henry. „ J. F. Cropsey. G. H. Hall. Sami. Colman. James M. Hart. F. E. Church. M. J. Heade. A. B. Durand. G. Innes. W. M. Davis. J. B. Irving. J. 0. Eaton. E.Johnson. G. G. Fish. A. Lawrie. O. Achenbach. Juliette Bonheur. Emil Adam. C. E. Boutibonne. C. Baugniet. G. H. Boughton. W. A. Bouguereau. E. Bosch. J. Coomans. H. Calmelet. A. Cabanel. J. Caraud. B. Desgoffe. L. Y. Escosura. F o r e r;G. N , L. Glaize. J. L. Gerome. A. Gues. C. Herbsthoffer. H. Harpignies. G. De Jonghe. F. Jacovacci. E. Kindler. Helois Leloir. P. M. Lenoir. Hugues Merle. R. Maes. A. Mollinger. B. Ploschet. T. Eckenbecker. G. C. Lambdin. W. Morgan. S. A. Mount. J. McEntee. R. M. Pratt. W. T. Richards. A. D. S'nattuck. W. L. Sonntag. A. F. Tait. P. P. Ryder. W. Whittredge. A. Siegert. PI. & C. Shayer. F. Schonfeld. E. de Schamphiles. H. Schlesinger. E. Stammel. A. Steinheil. C. Spitzweg. J. C. Thom. R. Van der Ouderaa. E. Verboeckhoven. J. G. Vibert. P. Vertin. P. Richter. Mr. John H. Sherwood begs leave to announce that, in con¬ sequence of a contemplated absence from New York for a term of years, he has concluded to sell, by Auction, his entire Collec¬ tion of Paintings at his Residence and Gallery, No. 522 Fifth Avenue. These pictures were mostly painted to order, and in many instances are the best examples thus far sent out from the studios of the artists whose names are signed’ to them ; and some of the works have never been exhibited in public. Among the pictures in the Collection which were painted to order, are an important work by Boughton, and others by Guy, J. G. Brown, Ryder, William Morgan, W. Whittredge, J. Beaufain Irving, Winslow Homer, W. H. Beard, Lawrie, R. M. Pratt, E. L. Henry, A. D. Shattuck, George C. Lambdin, Jervis McEntee, George H. Hall, Sanford R. Gilford, James M. Hart, William Bradford, W. M. Davis, A. Gues, Wm. T. Richards, W. L. Sonntag, M. J. Heade, and George Innes. The Collection will be opened for exhibition, by card only, on Tuesday morning, April 22d, and will continue until the day of sale. Cafel^ of StLqi^iorj May be obtained from the Auctioneers, Messrs. Leavitt, Clinton Hall. CONDITIONS OF SALE. -H--—- 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and address, and to pay down twenty-five per cent on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within three days from the Sale. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the sale; and the remainder of the Purchase- money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency, (if any,) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. SPECIAL NOTICE. Admission to the Sale will be given by Cards, for which early application should be made to the Auctioneers. I DURAND, A. R, N.A., New York. A Forest Opening—Catskill Mountains. 2 PLOSCHET, BAZABATZKY, Dusseldorf. Mosque in Tiflis. 5 3 GUY, S. J., N.A., New York. Ox Team—N oonincr 4 CROPSEY, JASPER F., N.A, New York. A Mountain Brook. S BOUGHTON, GEORGE H,N.A., London. Culprit Fay. 6 BOUGHTON, GEORGE IE, N.A., London. Winter Landscape. 7 BAKER, GEORGE A., N.A., New York. Gentleness. 6 8 ALBANO, FRANCESCO. 1578—1666. Death of Adonis. ( From the Hunter Collection. ) RYDER, P. P., New York. Grandmother’s Corner. TIIOM, J. C., IO London. The Scissors’-Grinder. 11 COOMANS, JOSEPH, A Pompeian Lady. ( From the Chicago Collection. ) Paris. (Tod 1 2 JOHNSON, EASTMAN, N.A., Nest Hunting. New York. % 7 13 MORGAN, WILLIAM, New York. An Idyll of Spring. 14 BONIIEUR, JULIETTE, ( Sister and Pupil of Rosa Bonlieur. ) Pari: Brood of Turkeys in Landscape. SIEGERT, A., Sunday Morning. 16 WHITER EDGE, WORTHINGTON, N.A., New York. A Forest Stream. 17 SIIAYER, II & C., London. Fairfield Lawn—Isle of Wight. 8 i8 HERBSTHOFFER, C., Paris. A Visit to the Grandparents —Polish Costumes. 19 IRVING, J. BEAUFAIN, N.A., Reconciliation. New York. 4 20 ESCOSURA, LEON Y., Pans. The Presentation. 21 DESGOFFE, BLAISE, ( Pupil of Flandren. Medals 1861, ’63. ) Pi ris. Objects of Art. 22 New York. BROWN, J. G„ N.A., Street Musicians. 9 23 HOMER, WINSLOW, N.A., New York. Snapping the Whip. 24 POUSSIN, N, The Dance of the Seasons before Time. ( From the Collection of the late W. E. Burton, who brought the pic¬ ture from London. ) 25 BEARD, WILLIAM H., N.A., New York. The Legend of White Fawn. 26 BAUGNIET, C., Paris - The Bridal Morning. 27 JOHNSON, EASTMAN, N.A., New'York. News from the War. 10 - 28 WHITTREDGE, C WORTHINGTON, N.A., New York. A Shady Nook on a Meadow Brook. 29 SCHONFELD, F., Dusseldorf. Landscape . ( From C >llection of United States Sanitary Fair. )’ v - , v /Vf ' < ~ 3 ° LAURIE, ALEXANDRE, A., New York. Near Elizabethtown, Adirondacks. 3i % BOUTIBONNE, C. E., ( Medal 1847. ) Paris. Return from the Promenade. 32 COLMAN, S., N.A., Rome. The Principal Gate at Granada, Spain. 11 33 Paris. GLAIZE, LEON, ( Medals 1864,’66, ’68. ) Head of Turkish Woman. 34 HENRY, E. L., N.A., New York. Dr. Spring’s Old Brick Church, Printing House Square. 35 BOUGnTON, GEORGE LI., N.A., London. Sunday Services of Puritan Scouts —under the Shadow of a Great Rock. 3d DE SCHAMPIIILES, E., Dusseldorf. Swiss Cottage—Twilight. o o A 37 GUY, S. J., N.A., / I / A/* New York. The Little Stranger. V 12 38 BOUGUEREAU, W. ADOLPHE, Paris. ( Pupil of Pecot; Prize of Rome 1850; Medals 1855, *57; and E. U., 1867 ; Legion of Honor 1367. ) The Coming Storm. JZdrtrD 39 VAN DER OUDERAA, R., Brussel: ( Pupil of Baron Henry Leys. ) The Wedding Jewels. / (MH) 40 SHATTUCK, A. D., N.A., Cattle in Landscape. New York. >lhL5 4i MORGAN. WILLIAM. New York. Christmas Morning. 42 DE JONGHE, GUSTAVE, ( Medal 1863. ) The Letter. Paris. 13 43 FISH, G. G., New York. Just Awake. 44 TITIAN, (COPY AFTER). The Tribute Money. 45 TAIT, A. F., N.A., New York. Ouail and Young. 46 DAVIS, W. M, J New York. Huckleberrying, Long Island. 47 STEINHEIL, A., Paris. The Poor Student — XVlth Century. 14 48 MAES, R, Brussels. Poultry. 49 MAES, R, Brussels. Poultry. So SCHLESINGER, H., Brussels. Head of Spanish Lady. ( From Gambart Collection. ) Si MOUNT, S. A., N.A., New York. ( Deceased. ) Fisherman’s Luck. 52 MERLE, HUGUES, ' Paris. ! Medals, 1861, '63; Legion of Honor, 1866. % 0 j A Mignon 15 McENTEE, JERVIS, N.A., New York. A Frosty Morning. F \0 54 HALL. GEORGE H., N.A. Strawberries. New York. ss HALL, GEORGE H., N.A., Raspberries. New York. 56 BOUCHER, FRANCOIS.—1704-1768. The Stolen Kiss. ( From the Hunter Collection, Originally from the Gallery of the Elector of Bavaria. ) 57 JORDAENS, HANS.—1539-1599. Does and Herons. o 1C 58 HANS, JORDAENS, 1539-1599. Landscape, with Hawk Pounc¬ ing on a Duck—Companion. ( From Hunter Collection. ) 59 SPITZWEGr, c., Landscape. Paris. 60 GIFFORD, SANFORD R., N.A., ^ y Tivoli. New York. SJf-C 17 Water-Color Drawings MOLLINGER, A., French Farm. Paris. 62 HARPIGNIES, HENRY, 5 Paris. ( Pupil of Accard; Medals, 1866, ’68. ) The Haunted House. 63 CALMELET, H., Dusseldorf. 18 Lauterbrunnen Valley. LELOIR, MME. HELOISE. ( Medal, 1844. ) The Bouquet. 65 VERBOECKHOVEN, EUG, Brussels. ( Medals, 1824, ’41, ’45, ’35 ; Legion of Honor, 1855. ) Study of Goat. 66 CALMELET, H., Dusseldorf. Aiguille Verte—Chamouni. 67 BELLOWS, A. F., N.A., New York. Spring Morning in Surrey— # England. $3 Q 68 COLMAN. S.. N.A., New York. Corpus-Christi Day, Seville, Spain—“ The Giralda.” 10 Oil Paintings. 69 BOUGIITON, GEORGE H., N.A. London. Early Moonrise in Winter. 70 SHATTUCK, A. D., N.A., Sheep. New York 71 VIBERT, J. G., Paris. ( Medals 1864/67, ’68. Legion of Honor 1870. ) V espers. 72 HART, JAMES M., N.A., New York. Adirondack Scenery. 20 ADAM, EMIL, Dusseldorf. Group of French-Blooded Stock BOSCH, E., Dusseldorf. Dog’s Head. 75 Bath of Venus, (On Porcelain.) (From the Collection of the late Jerome Bonaparte of Bordentown, N. J.) 76 f OMER, WINSLOW, N.A., New York. Country School. 77 BRADFORD, WILLIAM, New York. Coast of Labrador. 73 KINDLER, E., Dusseldorf. Marriage Ceremony of the Greek Church, in Russia. 79 LAMBDIN, GEORGE C, N.A., Philadelphia. Grapes. 80 New York. BROWN, J. Gr., N.A., Touch Him, if you Dare ! C 0 0 8 1 DAVIS, W. M., New York. •* Dog’s Head 82 HENRY, E. L., N. A., New York. Independence Hall — The Com¬ mittee Proceeding to Announce the Declaration to the Citizens. 22 83 GUES, A., Paris. Boccaccio Reciting a Poem—Ital¬ ian Costumes of the XVIth Century. // d-o 84 WHITTREDGE, WORTHINGTON, NA., New York. Trout Stream, near Milford, Pa. & 85 achenbach; Oswald, Dusseidorf. ( Medals 1859, ’61, ’63. Legion of Honor 1863. ) An Italian Villa. 86 / 2SZ) IRVING, J. BEAUFAIN, N.A., New York. The End of the Game. ; v 7 87 RICHARDS, W. T., N.A., Philadelphia. The Lauterbrunnen Valley- Switzerland, 23 88 CHURCH, FREDERICK E., N.A., New York. Sunset in the Tropics, 89 GEKOME, J. L., Paris. ( Medals 1847, ’48, ’55. Legion of Honor 1855. Member of Institute 1865. Medal of Honor 1807 (E.U). Officer of Legion of Honor 1867.) Diogenes, 0 0 ( The large Diogenes, lately sold from the Belmont Collection, was an enlarged copy from this picture. ) 9 ° SONNTAG, WILLIAM L., N.A., New York. In the White Mountains. 9 1 JACOVACCI, F., The Connoisseur. Koine. H ?! 0 92 IRVING, J. BEAUFAIN, N.A., New York. A Convivial Party. V v 4 24 93 ARTIST UNKNOWN. (Artist’s signature par¬ tially obliterated.) The Reprimand—Candle-light Effect. ( From the Burton Collection. ) 94 GUY, S. J., N.A., New York. The Knot in the Skein. / CrV~Z> 95 CABANEL, ALEXANDER, Paris. (Pupil of Picot. Prize of Rome in 1845. Medals 1852, and ’55. Legion of Honor 1805. Member of Institute 1863. Officer of Legion of Hon¬ or 1864, Grand Medrl of Honor 1867, (E. U. ) 2 , Eve after the Expulsion from Paradise. 96 ECKENBECKER, T., Dusseldorf. Moorish Landscape, 25 97 ARTIST UNKNOWN. Prairie Fire. nr EATON, J. 0., In the Shadow, New York. 99 ARTISTS UNKNOWN. (Companions.) The Tomb of Washington, ioo Mount Vernon. (From tlie Burton Collection.) IOI LENOIR, P. M., Paris. (Pupil of Gercme and Jalahert.) / '* Egyptian Women Water-Carriers, 26 102 VERTIN, PAUL, The Hasnie. Street Scene in Leyden. 103 HOMER, WINSLOW, N.A., Army Teamsters. New York. / 0 A -t- 104 WHITTREDGE, WORTHINGTON, N.A., New York. Trout Brook. 105 CARAUD, JOSEPH, Paris. ( Medals, 1859, ’61, ’63. Legion of Honor 1867. ) The Finishing Touch. O j— ' 0 106 LAMBDIN, GEORGE C., N.A., Philadelphia. Amateur Circus. 4 p Cxi/ U 27 io7 HEADE, M. J., New York. Tropical Scene — Birds and Flowers. ^ 0 V 108 RICHTER, PAUL, Paris, T wilight—Landscape. 109 BRAUER. Peasants Attacked by Banditti. ( From Burton Collection. ) I IO MEVENLEER, F. Cavalry Skirmish. ( From the Hunter Collection. ) to & 111 MAZOLINI. (Copy by), Sacrifice of Isaac. Rome. 28 I I 2 New York. BEARD, W. H., N.A., Deer. ( This Picture represented Mr. Beard at the Paris Universal Exposition.) 0 113 BROWN, J. G., N.A., New York. The Reluctant Bride. 114 DESGOFFE, BLAISE, Paris. ( Pupil of Flandrin. Medals, 1801, ’63. ) Fruit and Objects of Art. US DURAND, A. B., N.A., New York. A Reminiscence of High Peak, Catskills. *0 /vj A _ V- u 0 116 INNES, GEORGE, N.A., New York. View in Ulster County. 11 7 COUTOURIER, P. L., • Paris. F owls—Barn-yard. u 0 29 118 PRATT, R. M., N.A., New York Darning Stockings. ^ ) 119 LAMBDIN, GEORGE C., N.A., Philadelphia. Patriotism. 120 GLAIZE, LEON, Paris. ( Medals 1864, ’66,’68. ) Curiosity Shop. II 7-r I 2 I STAMMEL, E., Dusseldorf. Reading the News. GIFFORD, SANFORD R, N.A., New York The Column of St. Mark, Venice. 30 / 0 4 ' ' } . A t* ' ; \ f ' / V T~ 1 ' "■ kj • ' ■' r- ‘ i i ' ( '" r >Z /»' jj(‘ ' - ; ■ /A xv *• Hft 7' A ” A'. M \ ? a. A Y,y's \ ' N ’ A -'• A / • ■ - A A* , I A / A S A ■A 7 — " • - \ -o' • 7 , x, - */ s ~y - . ,■ i_ (i* -v • * yA A 7 A • iC • / /■ ■ • • , / ia / A ' a A - > ' r _^r-v . *^ k . ' k ; > A l r ■ \ A (r ll .( V ,' | * ' (. ' AV A*., .( ; A ■}) A ; " $ \y V $ 'V s ■ , O' , £. v > -V V V \ X j \ / V '■ V ( ' -x. \ ' 6 , . 7 . il . k -■ V v -7 W-vMJ^v k <'x •", - ■ ^ \ k X'Vt -• ■ - i . . ( . , / ■. id y ' < >-x V'?7 v f VA; O'; ^ V . v\ - ->-' V ~ / ' ■ / ' rp-x .{ v v 'V- -7 j? ■- 1 r ’ r. ' • > V r \- 1 ’ < t" ’<; • Y v ^ > ( f-v j kk ./• •.'< ^K' -r f , '■ kv ' >'k : V.,' , -. y> 1 ■ 7. \ < r ■, //' v -k . x' ' : -\ ■- - .v ' Y •/ -v • ' V ( ,, V ' - ‘S • ...,: t . ■' ■/'■':• ( r.kW I - : r$£ . 45 , I . ( ■ J , J?' z' X ,■ r \ m <* * : ■>' : ' - » ■ ZM ^ , .; N > ■ 1 ' ,, ' Y ^ ■ ' • < ' -'" ■ 7 ■' / X V > ■" '■ ■> ■ -X yst^r'p 1 ; cV . • " ■ ■■:*■.* A'' : i { ■■■ s !/•: A •' It, ;:■ v t~V V'' ■ - I / ; // ■■/ ■'■■ ’ ! 3cx-t i ■+?: x- ’ XX , ■'■•■■ ■ "' -- k •'* k \ f r r 7 ijy '. - V.. Hi. ." W- . . . . J < ..X ,:. L ' ' ■" x x ) c-~ '' ^ -A ,J5JU 7 ' . ’> ■„• i /x ^a _• yr , 7 ' 1 . A',/.,,. ./ /A• - ^ ;/ V -k ■ • ■’ ■/ v N '/r. ' d\ x W ■ - ' - - . , ! - ' " ' .j ,) ■ ' ^ ■ ' ' ■' ' ;■: ' ■ ' I , / ■ ! v V . i y v ) A 5. ■ ■ ' . ■ ' A V ■ . f ' 4 ' U | . ' ' ,, . 1 , ^ ■ 1 ■ - ■ ' ' % ,V. ■ix < 5 - / ;• Wsii 1 A\ - .1 ,v / K y -f Yy’y