\ t) WcX^ t Af M ,< ry ^ r \ T>C CL^TZ+-*/X^ * * /C&VW^tJ^ ’ (a/OtI\ Vv-fl-V \—<^ 7 ^ CJLa 'Q( y-{-^r> G / i> ' CL ,p, ( 4 >\^*' Wa(AM C fl CrJjL i^AaVm'^, , fitfUJ r Aa-^-o* r^- i-r ^ 2 -( , hLff^yj " 2 _ ^/ ’v^ C H 6 IWI Nov. V\ O -A. T A. H, O G XT E OF DECORATIVE FURNITURE AND (©Rjrcts of Jlrt, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; A GRAND SUITE OF SIX PANELS OF OLD BRUSSELS TAPESTRY From the Ruccellai Palace, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY; ALSO TWO FINE PANELS OF OLD FRENCH TAPESTRY AND A PAIR OF GRAND FRENCH CHANDELIERS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; ALSO DECORATIVE FURNITURE, THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN: fr^oLLoPE & So**,; LruMMOWDC^IA WHICH aaam tie roio db auction i>» Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THBXB (SBBAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1884, 7 o AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - 00 ^ 0 -- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods Offices, 8 King Street , St. James’s Square, S. W. 26H1-034 W CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (it any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29 , 1894 , AT ONE 0 CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OP A GENTLEMAN. NANKIN PORCELAIN. * cr^o 1 Three aster-pattern dishes 2 Three ditto 3 Three ditto Four ditto cups and saucers 5 Two aster-pattern dishes 6 A pair of ditto 7 A pair of ditto bowls 8 A pair of ditto 9 Three ditto / . 10 Three ditto 7 . C - 11 Four ditt0 PERSIAN WARE. 12 A deep Persian ware dish, painted with inscription—14 in. diam. 13 Another, with floral border, and portrait of a lady in the centre— 15^ in. diam. 14 Another, painted with a lady playing a guitar—16 in. diam. oC o 15 Another, with two ladies in the centre, and birds and flowers in medallions C : Cc ii 2 Z . G . a / < 4^- /AL /orQ 16 A jar and cover, witli figures in tents on dark blue ground 17 A pair of long-necked bottles, witli brown decoration on white ground 18 Two bowls, with ornaments in blue /o-G 19 A long-necked bottle, with animals on blue ground—12 in, high <■ ^ - / . 2> ' 20 Another, with figures in medallions—12^ in. high ^ * 2 . *2 . Z - / o 3. 7. b / ' / (8~r7 o 6 — „. 21 A circular dish of earthenware, with a Chinese river scene in the centre, and border of arabesques enamelled in colours—in ebonised frame . 22 A tall, two-handled vase of coloured earthenware, with raised and incised decoration Itu 23 A pair of Italian brass altar candlesticks, on triangular bases 24 A pair of large Persian metal-work vases and covers, elaborately pierced and engraved with arabesque foliage, figures and inscrip- tions i 25 An oblong casket, with five panels of cut-glass in or-molu borders, chased with terminal figures of boys, &c. ^7^-1 1 1 -t 26 A Foun-L eaved Screen, with panels of old leather, painted with flowers in colours on gilt ground a ^ So —o — (>n o . P 's 27 A Four-Leaved Screen, with leather panels, richly painted with Z birds, vases of flowers and other decorations—7 ft. 3£ in. high /Sc^f^Le, \ 28 A Leather Screen, with four panels, painted with fruits and flowers / 2 >. /3 , 29 A Louis XY. Carved and Partly Gilt Screen, with three panels covered with rich old brocaded silk, and fitted with reversible hinges r KHcP~. 30 A Pair of Old Carved Walnut-Wood Chairs, with high backs and square seats covered with old Venetian velvet with fringe 31 A Pair of Old Carved and Gilt Chairs, with square backs and seats covered with red and gold Venetian velvet with fringe // A3 /o /3 T70 - / O S’ *// 32 A Louis XVI. Carved and Gilt Fauteuil, with loose cushion, the back and seat covered with old French silk brocade 33 A Louis XV. Writing-Table, of violet and rose-wood, with drawer, mounted with chased or-molu, the top covered with morocco leather—3 ft. 11 in. by 2 ft. 34 A Louis XVI. Tulip-Wood Encoigneure, mounted with a vase and drapery, and other ornaments of chased or-molu, surmounted by a marble slab 35 An Oak Occasional Table, of Jacobean style, on shaped and carved standards—6 ft. by 2 ft. 6 in. 36 A Mahogany and Satin-Wood Occasional Table, with inlaid top, shaped border and reeded legs 37 An Italian Cassone, the front painted with three subjects of figures in landscapes, the ends with coats-of-arms, thereover carved and painted with arms and gilt—5 ft. 2 in. long , Louis XVI. Mahogany Writing-table, with five drawers, mounted with borders, escutcheons and gallery of or-molu— 4 ft. 9 in. long A Louis XVI. Small Oval Mahogany Table, with drawer, and a shelf below, mounted with or-molu and surmounted by a marble slab Li- 40 A Louis XIV. Three-Leaved Carved Wood Screen, enamelled white, with panels of bevelled plate glass above and old brocaded silk below ^l L C*-^i 38 A 39 —*_41 ’■/o A Louis XVI. Mahogany Etagere, with two shelves, mounted with metal-gilt —**—<*.— y/, A Semicircular Satin-Wood Cabinet, inlaid with arabesque orna¬ ments in coloured woods The Companion Cabinet An Upright Satin-Wood Cabinet, with mahogany borders, with glazed folding doors enclosing shelves above and four small and four large drawers beneath, mounted with metal-gilt 6 '?■'? /o. /o 3l.,(=> /V ./o 45 A Marqueterie Table, of mahogany and satin-wood, with Shaped front, the top top inlaid with a military and two musical trophies 46 A Louis XVI. Upright Mahogany Secretaire, with folding doors of looking-glass above, and cylinder revolving front and drawers, mounted with metal-gilt and with marble slab 47 A Louis XVI. Marqueterie Commode, with five drawers, inlaid with vases and bouquets of flowers, and friezes of scroll foliage, mounted with chased metal-gilt and surmounted by & veined marble slab with moulded border 48 A Pair of Marqueterie Commodes, of harewood, with shaped fronts inlaid with flowers and festoons of foliage of coloured woods —3 ft. 10 in. wide J 49 An Old Oak Side-Table, inlaid with ebony, on massive legs with stretcher, and with two leaves at sides to draw out l 50 A Walnut-Wood Buffet, with three shelves above and two drawers beneath, carved with terminal lions’ masks and other y: /£>' 6 - c £/- */ ornaments—6 ft. 1 in. wide 51 An Upright Oak Cabinet, with folding doors above and below and large drawer in the centre, carved with lions’ masks, cherubs’ // heads and other ornaments in bold relief ( 52 A Flemish Cabinet, of carved oak, with folding doors above and below, with two small panels of marqueterie, and carved with lions’ masks and other ornaments 5o An XVIIIth Century Complete Set of Vestments, for the performance of High Mass, elaborately embroidered with gold, consisting of Chasuble Two Dalmatics Two Stoles Three Maniples One Burse One Veil 7 H- 54 Another Set, embroidered with silver, consisting of Chasuble Two Dalmatics Two Stoles Three Maniples One Burse One Veil s /' One Scarf ' ■ ' ' ° 55 An Aubusson Carpet— 16 ft. 6 in. by 10 ft. 73. n /v€^u. , / 3> , 56 A Ditto ^ 57 Three Sets op Silk Damask Curtains, vallances and holders /O S'Ct-lSL*. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. -n 5. - /■/ - // / 5 " /o 58 An Augsburg Clock of Architectural Design, with four fluted columns at the angles, decorated with strap work, masks and flowers, entirely of metal-gilt with the exception of the dial, which is silvered with the figures in translucent enamels—1 6th centunj 59 An old German hexagonal table clock, of metal-gilt engraved and slightly pierced —signed Jeremia Pfaff Augusta j/~- 60 An old English square table clock, of metal-gilt, with silver dial, supported by terminal figures and slightly engraved —signed Michael Fabian Thorn 61 An old English clock, in brass case slightly pierced and engraved x // 62 An oval drawing, of two monks, by Cattermole, 1850, in wood frame carved with monkeys and palm trees y' .J 8 ANOTHER PROPERTY. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A VmT,TN 1 b v Ande^ bow —in case /O . / O /o * /o 3 — - 5* S / / . x - /a 64 A Mandoline, fluted and inlaid with ebony, engraved ivory and mother-o’-pearl —Italian 17th century r ) 2 — • 65 A Large Cistre — signed, and dated 1799 C 66 A Smaller Ditto, inlaid with ivory and ebony, surmounted by a female head, gilt — signed, and dated Konigsbergs, 1694 2 __ 67 A Viole DAmour, the top carved with a satyr’s head — signed, and dated Munchen, 1736 £ A lute, inlaid —French 18 th century A French guitar, inlaid with ebony and ivory 70 A violin trapezoid, of satin-wood CAL/1X~g- A Ch 1 A pocket violin v /■ H- gold thread ' 1 "A C r 2 —— /. / / C*-T7 C> 5 73 An ivory flute 01 7 4 A flute douce; and a hautbois— by M. Lot, Paris ^ 75 A Louis XIV. cistre 76 A violin bow, fluted, and with ivory mount /- , 77 Another, with ivory mount inlaid with mother-o’-pearl '7 2- 78 A slender pocket violin, inlaid with ivory and tortoiseshell— signed, and dated 1673 - ... 79 A Louis XIII. trompette, of brass 8y A Violin / / 81 A Violincello — by J. B. Guadagnini, Cremona, 1760 82 A cornemuse, of wood, inlaid with white metal; and leather pouch VlJtHlC- 83 A small model of a guitar 0 84 A Guitar, in inlaid satin-wood case, with machine head— by G. Ranee, circa 1800 ^ 85 An Empire Harp, in frame painted black and gold, and carved with terminal winged female figures, Ac.— by J. Schweiso, late foreman to S r Erard Q ~ Formerly the property of Dean Alforcl of Canterbury , and played on by him in his youth 85a A Ruggieri V iolin -signed “ J. Bapt. Rogerius Boa: Nicola ■f " - ’ ' Amati de Cremona alummas Brixise. Fecit Anno Domini 1720 -m case 7 / 85b A Fine Tourte Violin Bow, with tortoiseshell, mother-o’-pearl and inlaid gold mount 85c A Violin cello, by Carlo Bergonzi, Cremona, 1733; and a bow —in case Formerly the property of Joseph Gillott, Esq. DECORATIVE objects. 8G A Louis XIV. Boulle Bracket Clock, with chased and enam- ,_ 77 0 elled dial, mounted with masks, foliage, ornaments and borders of chased or-molu ; and bracket ^87 A Louis XVI. Clock, by Lepaute, in drum-shaped case of or-molu, surmounted by a cock crowing, and with two figures of children allegorical of Arts and Sciences, on oblong flutecLplinth—15i in. high 88 A Pair of Italian Bronze Fire-Dogs, of open triangular design, with figures of children, cherubs, flowers and vases, surmounted by figures of Jupiter and Juno—32 in. high ■5 89 A Pair of Russian Curtains, of gold and silver thread, brocaded with flowers in coloured silks mounted on maroon velvet— 10/i5. 9 in. by 6 ft. 6 in. —with holders 90 A Pair of Larger Ditto, en suite—10 ft. 9 in. by 8 ft. 6 in. — and holders ^ // 7 / 10 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 91 •So^ ~ // z 3 92 /O A PANEL OF OLD FRENCH TAPESTRY, representing a Chinese mandarin in a palanquin, with equestrian and other —■’"figures, pagodas and buildings, with narrow border -11 ft. 6 in. by 15 ft. 2 in. AN OBLONG PANEL, with a Chinese river scene, with a fishing boat and five figures, and two Chinese figures under a palm tree, in border of scroll foliage and other ornaments—10 ft. by 13 ft. 6 in. cN 3o- 93 94 95 p Z —,, —, / 44../0 . A GRAND FRENCH CHANDELIER, of or-molu and cut glass, " of Louis XYI. design, with five figures of cupids above, and five larger ditto beneath, supporting branches for thirty lights, deco¬ rated with cut-glass pendants and festoons THE COMPANION CHANDELIER An Upright Inlaid Secretaire, with shaped rising front and drawers below and cupboard and dt awers abova—80 in. high, 48 in. wide CLSx^o h , A Louis XY. Carved and Gilt Pier Table, with shields-of- arms, crown, flowers and scrolls, surmounte 1 by a red and grey marble slab—53 in. by 32 in. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. . GRAND SUITE OF SIX PANELS OF OLD FLEMISH TAPESTRY, each with an allegorical subject of numerous figures, illustrating the “Interests of Human Life,” from Italian designs of the 15th century, in rich borders of birds, flowers and fruits, comprising— A Panel — 13 ft. 3 in. by 17 ft. 4 in. Another —18 ft. 2 in. by ft. 6 in. 99 Another—13 ft. 9 in. by 17 ft. 6 in. 100 Another— 13 ft. 6 in. by 18 ft. 101 Another—14 ft. by 20 ft. 6 in. 102 Another—13 ft. 6 in. by 20 ft. Purchased from the Ruceellai Palace, for which Palace it was made //o. 5. ■ A ■ u xvmZ fUvTrt 11 y ■ /o . '-r? O . u t5"- '>-/& - S- /V ?r75- OTHER PROPERTIES. 103 A Louis XY. Clock and Pair of Candelabra, with old Dresden porcelain figures of a gentleman and two children representing Summer and Winter, on open scroll plinths of chased or-molu, and foliage branches mounted vj?ith coloured porcelain flowers —glass shades and stands C—/-/ 1. 104 An Upright Show Cabinet, of black Boulle, with glazed semi¬ circular ends, and doors above and below enclosing shelves— 93 in. hi^h, 66 in. wide ^ 105 A Sheraton Sideboard, with shaped front and five drawers, inlaid with scroll foliage, laurel festoons and other ornament in coloured woods—66 in. wide Jcr THE PROPERTY OF A NOBLEMAN. 106 A Sheraton Wardrobe, of inlaid mahogany and tulip-wood, with rounded ends, folding doors in the centre enclosing trays, and ■ ■— drawers below, the cornice carved with acorn ornament— 7 ft. 6 in. high, 8 ft. wide 107 A Chippendale Winged Mahogany Book Case, with glazed -— " folding doors above and cupboards beneath—7 ft. 4 in. high , 11 ft. wide 1~~ 108 A Sheraton side-table, with inlaid borders and brass ray / // ^ / ■ 109 A pair of semi-circular ditto, with inlaid borders, the fronts carved with a vase and drapery—6 ft. wide 110 A set of twelve old English chairs and a pair of arm-chairs, with high open backs, the seats covered with blue stamped velvet r: -411 A settee, en suite, the arms carved with eagles’ heads oCo 112 Nine plain Chippendale chairs, with open rail and scroll backs - - 113 A large centre ottoman, on carved ball and claw feet, stuffed, and covered with old brocade ‘1 7- 114 A Large Bordered Turkey Carpet, crimson ground 115 Another, light ground &-T70 . 116 f 7 /o 118 179 120 /O — A /& ' 121 z . /$ • 122 /z./.i™ S-6' ■ 124 125 J/'J +t am ’ o ■ — / / w' * A pair of carved and gilt side-tables, the top carved with scrolls and foliage A large Empire carved and gilt sofa, with loose seat, stuffed, and covered with crimson silk A pair of ditto arm-chairs, covered en suite An upright inlaid Sheraton hanging wardrobe, with folding doors and drawer beneath X A ditto mahogany dwarf wardrobe, with folding doors in the centre and at the sides, and live drawers above fO V, A small oval inlaid Sheraton table, on pillar and triangular phnthC*y£ S/cc An octagonal-shaped ditto, of rose and satin-wood, on legs with^ stretcher A pair of semi-circular folding card-tables, of satin-wood, painted with flowers and borders of rosebuds and foliage An old English clock, by W. Chew, Eateley—in tall case, of oak and mahogany, with inlaid borders J A Cabinet, shaped as a commode, of inlaid hare find rose-wood, with folding doors enclosing a small gilt cabinet, drawers and shelf, inlaid with five medallions of musical trophies in coloured woods—4 ft. 3 in. wide ) 7 T A mahogany kneehole dressing-table, with five drawers— 4c ft. wide A small chimney glass, in three divisions, with bevelled edges—in carved and gilt frame—15 in. by 4: ft. 6 in. A mahogany table, with semi-circular folding ends and carved borders—5 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft. L