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Danics Primary Qlrit!)metic: Containing the Oral Method with the Mothod of Teaching the Combination of Figures by Sight. 20 cts. Dames’ SuteUertnal Qtritfymeti^, Containing a large Number of Practical Example*. 25 ets. 4. Dantes’ QVrit!)metic, Designed for the use of Schools and Academies. Revised Ed. 45 cts. ta Saties’ JScijool ■Srit?jnutu for 5Ttarl)ft*. 45 Cts. Dailies’ Hnioereitj) Slritljmelic, Embracing the Science of Numbers, and their numerous Applications. 75 cts. Ctejj to tBsixf*’ JHnittrsitj) Srittmrtic for Cractim. 50 cts. Datnea’ Gfkmentani Algebra, Being an Introduction to the Science, and forming a connecting link between Arithmetic and Aloebua. 75 cts. sfefe to Satin' Elementary aigrbr* fpr Ctatljrr*, 50 cte. Datiics’ (Elements of (Bieomctrji aub Grrigonomctrr}, with Applications ru Mensuration. This work embraces the clo mentary principles of Geometry and Trigonometry. The reasoning is plain and concise, but at the same time strictly rigorous* New and Enlarged Edition \t/^ V//v $1.00. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2020 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/lecturesonprogreOOunse >r RESULTS OF THE GREAT EXHIBITIONS I LECTURES ON THE PROGRESS OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, RESULTING FROM THE GREAT EXHIBITION IN LONDON, DELIVERED BEFORE THE SOCIETY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE, AT THE SUGGESTION OF H. R. H. PRINCE ALBERT, BY DR. WHEWELL, SIR HENRY T. DE LA BECHE, PROF. OWEN, JACOB BELL, ESQ., DR. LYON PLAYFAIR, PROF. LINDLEY, PROF. SOLLY, PROF. WILLIS, JAMES GLAISHER, ESQ., HENRY HENSMAN, E8Q., PROF. ROYLE, AND CAPT. WASHINGTON, E. N. NEW YORK: A. S. BARNES & CO., 51 JOHN-STREET. CINCINNATI: H. W. DERBY. 1856. I ■ 2Sm CONTENTS. PAGE Lectuee I.—Dr. Whewell on the general bearing of the Great Exhi¬ bition on the Progress of Art and Science. 3 “ II.—Sir Henry T. De la Beche on Mining, Quarrying, and Metallurgical Processes and Products. 29 “ III.—Professor Owen on the Baw Materials from the Animal Kingdom. 59 “ IV.—Jacob Bell, Esq., on the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes and Products. 101 “ Y.—Dr. Lyon Playfair on the Chemical Principles involved in the Manufactures of the Great Exhibition. 119 “ VI.—Professor Lindley on Substances used as Pood. 159 “ VII.—Professor Solly on Vegetable Substances used in the Arts and Manufactures. 185 “ VIII.—Professor Willis on Machines and Tools for working in Metal, Wood, and other Materials. 221 “ IX.—James Glaisher, Esq., on Philosophical Instruments and Processes, as represented in the Great Exhibition... 243 “ X.—Henry Henssnan, Esq., on Civil Engineering and Ma¬ chinery generally. 305 “ XI.—Prof. Boyle on the Arts and Manufactures of India- 338 “ XII.—Captain Washington, E. N., on the Progress of Naval Architecture, and on Life-Boats. 405 • • • DR. WHEWELL ON THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE GREAT EXHIBITION. It seems to me as if I were one of the persons who have the least right of any to address an audience like this on the subject of the Great Exhibition of the Art and Industry of All Nations, of which the doors have so lately closed ; in¬ asmuch as I have had no connexion with that great event, nor relation to it, except that of a mere spectator — one of the many millions there. The eminent and zealous men in whose wide views it originated, by whose indomitable energy and perseverance the great thought of such a spectacle was embodied in a visible, material shape; those who, from our own countries or from foreign lands, supplied it with the treasures and wonders of art; those who, with scrutinizing eye and judicial mind, compared those treasures and those wonders, and stamped their approval on the worthiest; those who can point to the glories of the Exhibition, and say, “ quorum pars magma fui —those persons may well be considered as having a right to express to you the thoughts which have been suggested by the scenes in which they have thus had to live: but of these I am not one. I have been in the Exhibition, as I have said, a mere spectator. Never¬ theless, the Council of the Society of Arts have doue me the honour to express a wish that I should offer to you such reflections as the spectacle of the Great Exhibition has sug- (D 6 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION tive power are, after having had so great a manifestation of what they do. To discover the laws of operative power in literary works, though it claims no small respect under the name ot Criti¬ cism, is not commonly considered the work of a science. But, to discover the laws of operative power in material pro¬ ductions, whether formed by man or brought into being by Nature herself, is the work of a science, and is indeed what we more especially term Science; and thus, in the case with which we have to do, we have, instead of the Criticism which naturally comes after the general circulation of Poetry, the Science which naturally comes after a great ex¬ hibition of Art: two cases of succession connected by a very close and profound analogy. That this view of the natural and general succession ot science to art, as of criticism to poetry, is not merely fanciful and analogical, we may easily convince ourselves by looking for an instant at the progiess of art and of science in past times. For we see that, in general, art has preceded science. Men have executed great, and curious, and beautiful works before they had a scientific insight into the principles on which the success ot their labours was founded. There were good artificers in brass and iron before the principles of the chemistry of metals were known; there was wine among men before there was a philosophy of vinous fermentatiou; there were mighty masses raised into the air, cyclopean walls and cromlechs, obelisks and pyramids—probably gigantic Doric pillars and entablatures—before there was a theory of the mechanical powers. The earlier generations did; the later explained that it had been possible to do. Art was the mother of Science: the vigorous and comely mother of a daughter ot far loftier and serener beauty. And as it had been in the period of scientific activity in the ancient world, so was it again in the modern period in which Science began her later growth. The middle ages produced or improved a vast body of arts. Parchment and paper, printing and engrav¬ ing, glass and steel, compass and gunpowder, clocks and watches, microscopes and telescopes, not to speak of the marvels of architecture, sculpture, and painting, all had their origin and progress, while the sciences of recent times were in their cradle or were unborn The dawn of the six- ON THE PROGRESS OP ART AND SCIENCE. 7 teenth century presented, as it were, a Great Exhibition of the works which men had been producing from the time of the downfall of Roman civilization and skill. There, too, might he seen, by him who travelled from land to land, beautiful textures, beautiful vessels of gold and bronze, of porcelain and glass, wonderful machines, mighty fabrics; and from that time, stimulated by the sight of such a mass of the works of human skill,—stimulated still more by the natural working of those powers of man from which such skill had arisen,—men were led to seek for science as well as art; for science as the natural complement of art, and fulfilment of the thoughts and hopes which art excites;— for science as the fully developed blossom, of which art is the wonderfully involved bud. Stimulated by such influences, the scientific tendencies of modern Europe took their start¬ ing impulse from the Great Exhibition of the productions of the middle ages which had accumulated in the sixteenth century; and have ever since been working onwards, with ever-increasing vigour, and in an ever-expanding sphere. As the successful scientific speculations of the last three centuries have been the natural sequel to the art-energies of the preceding ages, so must the newest scientific specula¬ tions of our contemporaries and their successors, in order to be successful, be the result and consequence of the powers, as yet often appearing in the undeveloped form of art alone, which exist among us at the present day. And thus a great spectacle of the works of material art ought to carry with it its scientific moral. And the opportunities which we have lately had of surveying the whole of the world in which art reigns, and of appreciating the results of its sway, may well be deemed too valuable to be let slip for the pur¬ poses of that scientific speculation which is the proper se¬ quence of such occasions. So it has seemed to those who have from the beginning taken a lofty, and comprehensive, and hopeful view of the great undertaking of which the first act is now completed; and especially to that mind which has always taken the most lofty, and comprehensive, and hopeful view. And in order to carry into effect this suggestion, it has been determined that persons well qualified to draw from the spectacle the series of scientific morals which it offers, 8 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION should present them to you here;—that critics should analyze for you some of the fine compositions with which you have become acquainted;—that men of science should explain to you what you ought to learn from such an ex¬ hibition of art. And it has been thought that it Might not be useless that you should be reminded, in the first place, how great and unique the occasion is, and how pecu¬ liar are some of the lessons which even the most general spectator, unfit to enter into the details of any of the special arts, may draw from it. For indeed it is obvious, at a glance, how great and un¬ exampled is the opportunity thus given to us, of taking a survey of the existing state of art in every part of the world. I have said, that if, in the sixteenth century, an intelligent spectator could have travelled from land to land, he might, in that way, have seen a wonderful collection of the works of man in many different countries; and combining all these in his thoughts, he would have had in his mind a repre¬ sentation of the whole progress of human art and industry up to the last moment, and a picture of the place which each nation at that moment occupied in the line of that progress. But what time, what labour, what perseverance, what hardships, what access to great and powerful men in every land, what happiness of opportunity, would be im¬ plied in the completion of such a survey! A life would scarcely suffice for it; a man could scarcely be found who would achieve it, with all appliances and means which wealth and power could give. He must, like the philosophers of ancient days, spend all his years of vigour in travelling; must roam in the varied regions of India; watch the artisan in the streets of the towns of China; dive into the mines of Norway and of Mexico; live a life in the workshops of England, I ranee, and Germany; and trace the western tide of industry and art as it spreads over the valley of the Mississippi. And when he had done all this, and however carefully he had done it, yet how defective must it be at least in one point! How far must it be from a simultaneous view of the condition of the whole globe as to material arts! During the time that he has been moving from place to place, the face of the world has been rapidly changing. When lie saw Tunis it was a barbarous state; now that he ON THE PROGRESS OE ART AND SCIENCE. 9 has to make up his account, it is the first which asks for a leading place among the civilized communities of the indus¬ trial world. When he visited the plains of Iowa and Wis¬ consin, they were wild pi’airie; they are now the fields from which the cereal harvest is swept by the latest improved reaping machine. When he was at the antipodes, the naked savage offered the only specimen of art in his rude club and frail canoe; now there is there a port whose lofty ships carry regularly to European markets* multiplied forms of native produce and manufactures. Even if his picture be complete as to surface, what anachronisms must there be in it! How much that expresses not the general view of the earth, but the accidental peculiarities of the traveller’s personal narrative! And then, how dim must be the images of the thing seen many years ago compared with that which is present to the eye! How impossible to com¬ pare the one with the other—the object now seen in age with a similar object remembered in youth ! And after all, when we have assumed such a traveller—such a one as never has been—the Ulysses of modern times—seeing the cities of many men, and knowing their minds—seeing the work¬ shops of all nations, and knowing their arts—we have but one such. His knowledge is only his. He cannot, in any clear or effective manner, communicate any large portion of it to others. It exists only for him—it perishes with him. And now let us, in the license of epical imagination, sup¬ pose such an Ulysses—much-seeing, much-wandering, much- enduring—to come to some island of Calypso, some well- inhabited city, under the rule of powerful and benignant, but plainly, he must believe, superhuman influences, and there to find that image of the world and its arts, which he had vainly tried to build up in his mind, exhibited before his bodily eye in a vast crystal frame;—true in every minutest thread and hue, from the sparkle of the diamond to the mighty bulk of the colossus; true to that which belongs to every part of the earth; and this, with the effects which the arts produce, not at the intervals of the traveller’s weary journey, but everywhere at the present hour. And, further, let him see the whole population of the land— thousands upon thousands, millions upon millions, streaming to this sight, gazing their fill, day after day, at this wonder- 10 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION ful vision, inviting the men of neighbouring and of distant lands to gaze with them; looking at the objects, not like a fairy picture in the distant clouds, but close at hand; com¬ paring, judging, scrutinizing the treasures produced by the all-bounteous earth, and the indomitable efforts of man, from pole to pole, and from east to west; or, as he would learn more truly to measure, from east to east again. When we have supposed such a vision, do we not seem to have gone beyond “Quicquid Grecia mendax Audit in kistoria all the wonders of that wondrous ancient Odyssean tale? And yet, in making such a supposition, have we not been exactly describing that which we have seen within these few months ? Have not we ourselves made part of the popula¬ tion of such a charmed isle,—of the crowds which have gazed on such a magic spectacle ? But now that we have had the spectacle before us, let us consider for a moment what the vision was, and what were the reflections which it excited. We had, offered to our review, the choicest productions of human art in all nations; or, at least, collections which might be considered as repre¬ senting all nations. Now in nations compared with nations there is a difference; in a nation compared with itself at an earlier time, there is a progress. There may not always be a progress in good government; there may not necessarily be, though we would gladly hope that there is, a progress in virtue, in morality, in happiness. But there always is, except when very adverse influences roll back the common course of things, a progress in art, and generally in science. In the useful and ornamental arts nations are always going forwards, from stage to stage. Different nations have reached different stages of this progress, and all their different stages are seen at once, in the aspect which they have at this moment in the magical glass, which tli£ enchanters of our time have made to rise out of the ground like an exhalation. The infancy of nations, their youth, their middle age, and their maturity, all appear, in their simul¬ taneous aspect, like the most distant objects revealed at the same moment by a flash of lightning in a dusky night:—or ON THE PROGRESS OP ART AND SCIENCE. 11 we may compare the result to that which would be pro¬ duced, if we could suppose some one of the skilful photo¬ graphers whose subtle apparatus we have had exhibited here, could bring within his field of view the surface of the globe, with all its workshops and markets, and produce instantaneously a permanent picture, in which the whole were seen side by side. But it is not a mere picture of things which are found standing together that we have had presented to us; the great achievement was the bringing them together. You have most of you probably heard of the careful and economical critic, who proposed to reduce the extravagance of the wish of the impatient separated lovers, that the gods would annihilate space and time; and who remarked that it would answer the end desired if one of the two were annihilated. By annihilating the space which separates different nations, we produce a spectacle in which is also annihilated the time which separates one stage of a nation’s progress from another. An ingenious speculator of our own day, clothing these metaphysical abstractions in the form which modern science assigns to them, has shown how we might, theoretically speaking, be, in a few instants, actual spectators, bodily and contemporaneous eye-witnesses, of all the events which have passed since man lias existed upon earth. For, if we only imagine that, as the visual impressions on the vehicle of light, by which alone vision can take place, travel away from the scenes by the occurrence of which their configura¬ tion was given to them, we also travel after this moving vision, and go but a very little faster than light itself, we shall overtake successively the visual images of all suc¬ cessive events, and see them as truly as a distant spectator (and what spectator is not more or less distant?) sees what passes before his eyes. We might thus see now what is passing around us, and the next minute, by rushing to the borders of the solar system, where the images are still travelling outwards, see the first inhabitant of this island placing his foot upon its coast; and in the intermediate distances we should successively overtake and see, with our bodily eyes, in inverted order, the events of the English, Norman, Saxon, Roman, and British times; and we might mark, at each period, the food, the clothing, the arms, the 12 THE GENERAL BEARING OP THE EXHIBITION tools, the houses, the machines, and the ornaments of the various times. Now, that which this scientific dream thus presents to us in imagination, the Exhibition of the Industry and Arts of All Nations has presented as a visible reality; for we have had there collected examples of the food and clothing and other works of art of nations in every stage of the progress of art. From Otaheite, so long in the eyes of Englishmen the type of gentle but uncultured life, Queen Pomare sends mats and cloth, head-dresses and female gear, which the native art of her women fabricates from their indigenous plants. From Labuan, the last specimen of savage life with which this country has become connected, we have also clothes and armour, weapons and musical instruments. From all the wide domains which lie within or around our Indian Empire wo have rich and various contributions; from Sincapore and Ceylon, Celebes and Java, Mengatal and Palembang. The ruder and more primitive of these regions send us their native food and clothing, their fishing nets and baskets; but art soon goes beyond these first essays From Sumatra we have the loom and the plough, lacquered work and silken wares; and as we proceed from these outside regions to that central and ancient India, so long the field of a peculiar form of civilization, we have end¬ less and innumerable treasures of skill and ingenuity, of magnificence and beauty. And yet we perceive that, in advancing from these to the productions of our own form of civilization, which has, even in that country, shown its greater power, we advance also to a more skilful, powerful, comprehensive, and progressive form of art. And looking at the whole of this spectacle of the arts of life in all then- successive stages, there is one train of reflection which can¬ not fail, I think, to strike us; namely, this:—In the first place, that man is, by nature and universally, an artificer, an artisan, an artist. We call the nations, from which such specimens came as those which I first mentioned, rude and savage, and yet how much is there of ingenuity, of inven¬ tion, ot practical knowledge of the properties of branch and leaf, of vegetable texture and fibre, in the works of the rudest tribes! IIow much, again, of manual dexterity, acquired by long and persevering practice, and even so, not ON THE PROGRESS OF ART AND SCIENCE. 13 easy! And then, again, not only how well adapted are these works of art to the mere needs of life, but how much of neatness, of prettiness, even of beauty, do they often possess, even whrni the work of savage hands ! So that man is naturally, as I have said, not only an artificer, but an artist. Even we, while we look down from our lofty summit of civilized and mechanically-aided skill upon the infancy of art, may often learn from them lessons of taste. So wonderfully and effectually has Providence planted in man the impulse which urges him on to his destination,— his destination, which is, to mould the bounty of nature into such forms as utility demands, and to show at every step that with mere utility he cannot be content. And when we come to the higher stages of cultured art—to the works of nations long civilized, though inferior to ourselves, it may be, in progressive civilization and mechanical power, how much do we find in their works which we must admire, which we might envy, which, indeed, might drive us to despair! Even still, the tissues and ornamental works of Persia and of India have beauties which we, with all our appliances and means, cannot surpass. The gorgeous East showers its barbaric pearl and gold into its magnificent textures. But is there really anything barbaric in the skill and taste which they display ? Does the Oriental prince or monarch, even if he coniine his magnificence to native manufactures, present himself to the eyes of his slaves in a less splendid or less elegant attire than the nobles and the sovereigns of this our Western world, more highly civilized as we nevertheless deem it? Eew persons, I think, would answer in the affirmative. The silks and shawls, the em¬ broidery and jewellery, the moulding and carving, which those countries can produce, and which decorate their palaces and their dwellers in palaces, are even now such as we can¬ not excel. Oriental magnificence is still a proverbial mode of describing a degree of splendour and artistical richness which is not found among ourselves. What, then, shall we say of ourselves ? Wherein is our superiority? In what do we see the effect, the realization, of that more advanced stage of art which we conceive our¬ selves to have attained? What advantage do we derive from the immense accumulated resources of skill and capital 2 14 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION —of mechanical ingenuity and mechanical power—which we possess? Surely our imagined superiority is not all imaginary; surely we really are more advanced than they, and this term “advanced” has a meaning; surely that mighty thought of a progress in the life of nations is not an empty dream; and surely our progress has carried us beyond them. Where, then, is the import of the idea in this case ? What is the leading and characteristic difference between them and us, as to this matter ? What is the broad and predominant distinction between the arts of nations rich, but in a condition of nearly stationary civilization, like Ori ental nations, and nations which have felt the full influence of progress like ourselves ? If I am not mistaken, the difference may be briefly ex¬ pressed thus :—That in those countries the arts are mainly exercised to gratify the tastes of the few; with us, to supply the wants of the many. There, the wealth of a province is absorbed in the dress of a mighty warrior; here, the gigantic weapons of the peaceful potentate are used to pro¬ vide clothing for the world. For that which makes it suit¬ able that machinery, constructed on a vast scale, and em¬ bodying enormous capital, should be used in manufacture, is that the wares produced should be very great in quantity, so that the smallest advantage in the power of working, being multiplied a million fold, shall turn the scale of profit. And thus such machinery is applied when wares are manu¬ factured for a vast population;—when millions upon mil¬ lions have to be clothed, or fed, or ornamented, or pleased, with the things so produced. I have heard one say, who had extensively and carefully studied the manufacturing establishments of this country, that when he began his sur¬ vey he expected to find the most subtle and refined machinery applied to the most delicate and beautiful kind of work—to gold and silver, jewels and embroidery : but that when he came to examine, he found that these works were mainly executed by hand, and that the most exquisite aud the most expensive machinery was brought into play where operations on the most common materials were to be performed, because these were to be executed on the widest scale. And this is when coarse aud ordinary wares are manufactured for the many. This, therefore, is the meaning of tho vast and ON THE PROGRESS OP ART AND SCIENCE. 15 astonishing prevalence of machine-work in this country:— that the machine with its million fingers works for millions of purchasers, while in remote countries, where magnificence and savagery stand side by side, tens of thousands work for one. There Art labours for the rich alone; here she works for the poor no less. There the multitude produce only to give splendour and grace to the despot or the warrior whose slaves they are, and whom they enrich ; here the man who is powerful in the weapons of peace, capital and machinery, uses them to give comfort and enjoyment to the public, whose servant he is, and thus becomes rich while he enriches others with his goods. If this be truly the relation between the condition of the arts of life in this country and in those others, may we not with reason and with gratitude say that we have, indeed, reached a point beyond theirs in the social progress of nations ? I have, perhaps, detained you too long with these general reflections, suggested by the mere general aspect of that great display of the works of nations in every stage of pro¬ gress, which we have had lately before our eyes. But I hope you will recollect, that I began by claiming the privi¬ lege of speaking as a mere spectator, who had not had occa¬ sion to study the objects there assembled in a special and official manner. There is, however, one view of the sub¬ ject, perhaps a little less obvious, which I should wish to endeavour to bring before you : I mean, the view suggested by the Classification of which such a collection has been found to be capable. Perhaps, at the first thought, it might be supposed to divide any collection of things, however numerous and various, into classes, is a work of no great difficulty, though when the collection is great it may require much time. For, it might be said, You have only to de¬ termine according to what resemblances and what differences you will make your classes, and then to go through the work, sticking to these. But any one who has attended a little more to the science of classification, or even who has made the attempt on any considerable scale, knows that this is not so: and that except the scheme of classes be very skilfully and very happily devised, it lands us in into¬ lerable incongruities and even in impossibilities. Indeed, without seeking any exemplification of this remark in the 16 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION classificatory sciences, winch, can throw on this subject only a distant and doubtful light, we have experimental evidence of the difficulty of classifying a great collection of the pro¬ ducts of art and industry, in the attempts which were made to perform that task on the occasions of the French Expo¬ sitions in 1806, in 1819, in 1827, in 1834, and in 1844. On the first occasion, the distribution adopted was entirely geographical; on the second, it was what was called an entirely material or natural system, dividing the arts into thirty-nine heads,, the consequence of which is said to have been great confusion. In 1827 a purely scientific arrange¬ ment . was attempted, into five great divisions, namely, chemical , mechanical, physical, economical, and miscella¬ neous^ arts. But this was deemed too artificial and abstract, and in 1834 M. Dupin made the division depend on the lelation of the arts to man, as being alimentary, sanitary, vestiary, domiciliary, locomotive, sensitive, intellectual, pre¬ parative, social. This analysis was also adhered to in 1839. In 1844 an attempt was made to unite some features of the previous systems, and the objects were classified as woven, mineral, mechanical, mathematical, chemical, fine arts, ceramic, and miscellaneous ; which was still complained of as confused, but which was, on the whole, retained in 1849. I do not think there is any presumption in claiming for the classification which has been adopted in the Great Ex¬ hibition of 1851 a more satisfactory character than we can allow to any of those just mentioned, if we ground our opinion either upon the way in which this last classification was constructed, or upon the manner in which it has been found to work. And there is one leading feature in it which, simple as it may seem, at once gives it a new recom¬ mendation. In the systems already mentioned there were no gradations of classification. There were a certain num- bei, thirty-nine or five, nine or eight, of co-ordinate classes, and that was all. In the arrangement of the Great Exhi- ltion of 18t)l, by a just and happy thought, a division was adopted of the objects to be exhibited into four great Sec¬ tions, to which other Classes, afterwards established, were to be subordinate; these sections being Raw Materials, Machinery, Manufactured Goods, and the works of the Fine ON THE PROGRESS OF ART AND SCIENCE. 17 Arts. The effect of this grand division was highly bene¬ ficial, for within each of these sections classes could be formed far more homogeneous than was possible while these sections were all thrown into one mass: when, for instance, the cotton-tree, the loom, and the muslin, stood side by side, as belonging to vestiary art; or when woven and dyed goods were far removed, as being examples, the former of mecha¬ nical , the latter of chemical processes. Suitable gradation is the felicity of the classifying art, and so it was found to be in this instance. But within this limit how shall classes be formed ? Here, also, it appears to me, simply as a reader of the history of the Exhibition, which any one else may read, that the pro¬ cedure of those who framed the classification was marked with sound good sense and a wise rejection of mere technical rules. For by assuming fixed and uniform principles of classifica¬ tion we can never obtain any but an artificial system, which will be found, in practice, to separate things naturally re¬ lated, and to bring together objects quite unconnected with each other. It was determined, that within each of the four sections the divisions which had been determined by commercial experience to be most convenient should be adopted. “ Eminent men of science and of manufactures in all branches were invited to assist in drawing each one the boundaries of his own special class of productions.”* And it was resolved, for the general purposes of the Exhibition, to adopt thirty broad divisions; of which Classes, 4 were of Raw Materials; 6 of Machinery; 19 of Manufactures; and 1 of the Fine Arts. And these thirty Classes may be considered as having been confirmed by their practical ap¬ plication to the collection, and to the work of the juries in dealing with it; except that, in some instances, it was found necessary to subdivide a class into others. Thus Class X., which was originally described as Philosophical Instruments, was found to consist of materials so heterogeneous, that there were separated from it three classes, of Musical, of Horo- logical, and of Surgical Instruments. And to Class V., Machines, was added an Accessory Class, Y a, Carriages. And, on the other hand, Classes XII. and XV., Woollen * “Illustrated Catalogue,” Introd. p. 22. 18 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION and Worsted, it was found could be advantageously thrown into one. Within these Classes, again, were other subdivisions, which were marked in the Catalogue by letters of the al- . phabet. Thus, the Third Class consists of substances used for food; and of these the vegetable division contains Sub¬ classes, A, B, C, I), E, F, G-: the first being cereals, and the like; the second, fruits; the third, drinks, and so on. And in like manner, the Sixth Class, 'manufacturing ma¬ chines and tools, had Sub-classes, A, B, C, D, E, F : as A, all spun and woven fabrics; B, manufactures of metals; C, manufactures of minerals and mining machinery, and the like. And, again, each of these Sub-classes was separated into Heads, by numbers. Thus, the Sub-class, cereals and the like, are, 1, the common cereals; 2, the less common; 3, millet; 4, pulse and cattle-food; 5, grasses and roots; 6, flours (ground grain); 7, oil seeds; 8, hops. And the Sub¬ class A, of manufacturing machines and tools, included the Heads 1, machinery for spinning and weaving cotton, wool, flax, hemp, silk,—for working caoutchouc, gutta percha, hair; 2, paper-making; 3, printing. And to show how much practical experience governed these sub-divisions,*1 may mention, that great aid in this task was found in the Trades’ Directories of Birmingham and Manchester, and other great manufacturing towns. I have followed this classification into the ultimate rami¬ fication of the Catalogue, at the risk of being, I fear, tedious for a moment; partly because I wish to make a re¬ flection upon it; and partly, also, that you may see what a vast work is performed if this classification be really cohe¬ rent and sound. For, first, turn your attention to the one Head which I have mentioned: this single Head includes no less than this,—all machinery for the complete forma¬ tion, from the raw material, of all fabrics of cotton, wool, flax, hemp, silk, caoutchouc, gutta percha, and hair. This is Head 1 of Sub-class A. Under this Head, or under the first Particular Head, cotton, are very many Articles in the Great Bxhibition. Besides this Particular Head, and the other Particular Heads, wool, flax, caoutchouc, &c., included in the General Head 1, there are two other Heads in this ON THE PROGRESS OF ART AND SCIENCE. 19 Sub-class, each of like extent. Along with this Sub-class A, are also Sub-classes B, C, I), E, F, each of an extent not much inferior to A; and thus, this Class VI. contains a great mass of Heads, each including a vast number of Articles. Yet, in the Catalogue, this Class VI. is one of the smallest extent of all the thirty. And though this may arise in part from some of the others being followed out into greater comparative detail than this Class VI., yet still enough will remain in this mode of putting the matter to show to you how vast and varied is the mass of objects which has thus been classified, and how great the achieve¬ ment is if this mass have really been reduced into permanent order; if this chaos, not of elements only, but of raw ma¬ terials mixed with complicated machines, with manufac¬ tured goods and sculptured forms, have really been put in a shape in which it will permanently retain traces of the ordering hand. What the value and advantage would be of a permanent and generally accepted classification of all the materials, in¬ struments, and productions of human art and industry, you will none of you require that I should explain at length. One consequence would be that the manufacturer, the man of science, the artisan, the merchant, would have a settled common language, in which they could speak of the objects about which they are concerned. It is needless to point out how much this would facilitate and promote their work¬ ing together; how fatal to co-operation is diversity and ambiguity in the language used. One of our old verse writers, expanding, according to the suggestions of his fancy, the account of the failure of men in the case of the tower of Babel, has made this cause of failure very promi¬ nent. He supposes that, the language of the workmen being confounded, when one of them asked for a spade, his companion brought him a bucket; or when he called for mortar, handed him a plumb-line'; and that, by the con¬ stant recurrence of these incongruous proceedings, the work necessarily came to a stand. Now the conditions necessary, in order that workmen may work together, really go much farther than the use of a common language, in the general sense of the phrase. It is not only necessary that they should call a brick a brick, and a wire a wire, and a nail a 20 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION nail, and a tube a tube, and a wheel a wheel ; but it is desirable, also, that wires, and nails, and tubes, and wheels, should each be classified and named, so that all bricks should be of one size, so that a wire number 3, or a tube section 1, or a six-inch wheel, should have a fixed and definite signifi¬ cation; and that wires, and tubes, and wheels, should be constructed so as to correspond to such significations ; and even, except for special purposes, no others than such. It may easily be conceived, for instance, how immensely the construction, adjustment, and repair of wheel-work would be facilitated, if wheels of a certain kind were all made with teeth of the same kind, so that any one could work in any other. And something of this sort, something which secures some of these and the like advantages, has been done with reference to cast-iron toothed wheels. And an eminent en¬ gineer, whose works stood in the Sixth Class of the collec¬ tion to which I liaA 7 e just referred, has proposed a system by which a like uniformity should be secured in the dimen¬ sions and fitting of machinery; and especially with regard to screws; fixing thus their exact diameter and pitch, as it is called—a process which would have the like effect of making the' construction, application, and repair of all work into wdiich screws enter vastly more easy and expeditious than it now is. Now these are the great and beneficial effects. which follow from a good and generally accepted sub-classi¬ fication of one of the lowest members of that classification which the Catalogue exhibits to us. Mr. Whitworth would classify screws, and wheels, and axles, as the millwrights have classified toothed wheels. But screws, or wheels, or axles, are merely one kind of tool, one element of ma¬ chinery ; and tools and machinery are only one class out of thirty of the great collection of which we are speaking. If, then, so great benefits arise from a common understanding as to the species of one of the lowest members of our classi¬ fication, may we not expect corresponding advantages from a fixation of the names and distinctions of the higher mem¬ bers ?—of the names of tools and machines, for instance; and from a perception of their relations to each other, which a good classification brings into view; and then, again, from a clear perception of the relation of class to class, and of their lines of demarcation t And may we not expect that ON TIIE PROGRESS OF ART AND SCIENCE. 21 or such grounds, the very language of Art and Industry, and the mode of regarding the relations of their products, shall bear for ever the impress of the Great Exhibition of 1851? There is one other remark which 1 should wish to make, suggested by the classification of the objects of the Ex¬ hibition ; or, rather, a remark which it is possible to express, only because we have such a classification before us. It is an important character of a right classification, that it makes general propositions possible; a maxim which we may safely regard as well grounded, since it has been delivered in¬ dependently by two persons, no less different from one an¬ other than Cuvier and Jeremy Bentham. Now, in accord¬ ance with this maxim, I would remark, that there are general reflections appropriate to several of the divisions into which the Exhibition is by its classification distributed. Eor example: let us compare the First Class, Mining and Mineral Products, with the Second Class, Chemical Pro¬ cesses and Products. In looking at these two classes, wo may see some remarkable contrasts between them. The first class of arts, those which are employed in obtaining and working the metals, are among the most ancient; the second, the arts of manufacturing chemical products on a large scale, are among the most modern which exist. In the former class, as I have said, Art existed before Science; men could shape, and melt, and purify, and combine the metals for their practical purposes, before they knew anything of the chemistry of metals; before they knew that to purify them was to expel oxygen or sulphur; that combination may be definite or indefinite. Tubal-Cain, in the first ages of the world, was “ the instructer of every artificer in brass and ironbut it was very long before there came an instructer to teach what was the philosophical import of the artificer’s practices. In this case, as I have already said, Art preceded Science : if even now Science has overtaken Art; if even now Science can tell us why the Swedish steel is still un¬ matched, or to what peculiar composition the Toledo blade owes its fine temper, which allows it to coil itself up in its sheath when its rigid thrust is not needed. Here Art has preceded Science, and Science has barely overtaken Art. But in the second class, Science has not only overtaken Art, 22 THE GENERAL BEARING OE THE EXHIBITION but is the whole foundation, the entire creator of the art. Here Art is the daughter of Science. The great chemical manufactories which have sprung up at Liverpool, at New¬ castle, at Glasgow, owe their existence entirely to a pro¬ found and scientific knowledge of chemistry. These arts never could have existed if there had not been a science of chemistry; and that, an exact and philosophical science. These manufactories now are on a scale at least equal to the largest establishments which exist among the successors of Tubal-Cain. They occupy spaces not smaller than that great building in which the productions of all the arts of all the world were gathered, and where we so often wandered till our feet were weary. They employ, some of them, five or six large steam-engines; they shoot up the obelisks whicli convey away their smoke and fumes to the height of the highest steeples in the world; they occupy a population equal to that of a town, whose streets gather round the walls of the mighty workshop.* Yet these processes are all derived from the chemical theories of the last and the pre¬ sent century; from the investigations carried on in the laboratories of Scheele and Kirwan, Berthollet and Lavoi¬ sier. So rapidly in this case has the tree of Art blossomed from the root of Science; upon so gigantic a scale have the truths of Science been embodied in the domain of Art. Again, there is another remark which we may make in comparing the First Class, Minerals, with the Third Class; or rather with the Fourth, Vegetable and Animal Sub¬ stances, used in manufactures, or as implements or orna¬ ments. And I wish to speak especially of vegetable, sub¬ stances. In the class of Minerals, all the great members of the class are still what they were in ancient times. No doubt a number of new metals and mineral substances have been discovered; and these have their use; and of these the Exhibition presented fine examples. But still, their use is upon a small scale. Gold and iron, at the pre¬ sent day, as in ancient times, are the rulers of the world; and the great events in the world of mineral art are not the discovery of new substances, but of new and rich localities of old ones,—the opening of the treasures of the earth in * “Illustrated Catalogue,” p. 184. ON THE PROGRESS OE ART AND SCIENCE. 23 Mexico and Peru in the sixteenth century, in California and Australia in our own day. But in the vegetable world the case is different; there, we have not only a constant accumu¬ lation and reproduction, but also a constantly growing variety of objects, fitted to the needs and uses of man. Tea, coffee, tobacco, sugar, cotton, have made man’s life, and the arts which sustain it, very different from what they were in ancient times. And no one, I think, can have looked at the vegetable treasures of the Crystal Palace without seeing that the various wealth of the vegetable world is far from yet exhausted. The Liverpool Local Committee have enabled us to take a starting-point for such a survey by sending to the Exhibition a noble collection of specimens of every kind of import of that great emporium; among which, as might be expected, the varieties of vegetable pro¬ duce are the most numerous. But that objects should be reckoned among imports , implies that already they are ex¬ tensively used. If we look at the multiplied collections of objects of the same kind, some from various countries, not as wares to a known market, but as specimens and sug¬ gestions of unexplored wealth, we can have no doubt that the list of imports will hereafter, with great advantage, be enlarged. Who knows what beautiful materials for the makers of furniture are to be found in the collections of woods from the various forests of the Indian Archipelago, or of Australia, or of Tasmania, or of New Zealand? Who knows what we may hereafter discover to have been collected of fruits and oils, and medicines and dyes; of threads and cordage, as we had here from New Zealand and from China examples of such novelties; of gums and vegetable sub¬ stances, which may, in some unforeseen manner, promote and facilitate the processes of art ? IIow recent is the appli¬ cation of caoutchouc to general purposes! Yet we know now—and on this occasion America would have taught us if we had not known—that there is scarcely any use to which it may not be applied with advantage. If a teacher in o\ir time were to construct maxims like those of the son of Sirach in the ancient Jewish times—like him who says (Ecclus. xxxix. 26), “The principal things for the whole use of man’s life are water, fire, iron, and salt, flour of wheat, honey, milk, and the blood of the grape, oil, and clothing”—he could hardly fail to make additions to the list, 24 THE GENERAL BEARING OF THE EXHIBITION and these would be from the vegetable world. Again, how recent is the discovery of the uses of gutta percha! In the great collection were some of the original specimens sent by Dr. Montgomery to the India House, whence specimens were distributed to various experimentalists.* Pet how various and peculiar are now its uses, such as no other sub¬ stance could replace! And is it not to be expected that our contemporaries, joining the insight of science to the instinct of art, shall discover, among the various sources of vegetable wealth which the Great Exhibition has disclosed to them, substances as peculiar and precious, in the manner of their utility, as those aids thus recently obtained for the uses of life ? And before we quit this subject, let us reflect, as it is impossible, I think, not to reflect, when viewing thus the constantly enlarging sphere of the utility which man draws from the vegetable world, what a view this also gives us of the bounty of Providence to man, thus bringing out of the earth, in every varying clime, endless forms of vegetable life, of which so many, and so many more than we yet can tell, are adapted to sustain, to cheer, to benefit, to delight man, in ways ever kind, ever large, ever new, and of which the novelty itself is a new source of delighted contemplation. I might go on to make other reflections upon the peculiar characters of the various classes of the Great Exhibition, but the time does not allow me, nor is it needful, since all that I aspired to do was to offer to you specimens of such re¬ flections. Several of the classes will, no doubt, suggest ap¬ propriate reflections to those who have to deliver lectures to you on special subjects. In the mean time, though I must now hasten to a conclusion, I cannot but perceive how im¬ perfectly I have discharged even the limited task which I ventured to undertake. For I have as yet said nothing of the effect which must be produced upon art and science by this gathering of so many of the artists and scientists (if I may use the word) of the world together; by their joint study of the productions of art from every land, by their endeavours to appreciate and estimate the merits of produc¬ tions, and instruments of production; of works of thought, skill, and beauty. * “Illustrated Catalogue,” p. 876. ON THE PROGRESS OP ART AND SCIENCE. 25 In speculating concerning universities, we are accustomed to think that, without underrating the effect of lectures and tasks, of professors and teachers, still that among the most precious results of such institutions is the effect produced upon those who resort thither by their intercourse with, and influence upon, each other. We know that by such intercourse there is gen ’rated a community of view, a mutual respect, and a general sympathy, with regard to tho elements of a liberal education, and the business of national, social, and individual life, which clings to men ever after, and tends to raise all to the level of the best. And some such effect as this would, we may suppose, be produced upon the students of the useful and the beautiful arts by their resort to any university in common. To any univer¬ sity, I have said; but to what a university have they been resorting during the past term ? To a University of which the Colleges are all the great workshops and workyards, the schools and societies of arts, manufactures, and com¬ merce, of mining and building, of inventing and executing in every land—Colleges in which great chemists, great mechanists, great naturalists, great inventors, are already working, in a professional manner, to aid and develope all that capital, skill, and enterprise can do. Coming from such Colleges to the central University, may we not well look upon it as a great epoch in the life of the Material Arts, that they have thus begun their university career—that they have had the advantage of such academical arrange¬ ments as there have been found, and still more, as I have said, that they have had the greater advantage of inter¬ course with each other ? May we not except that from this time the eminent producers and manufacturers, artisans and artists, in every department of art, and in every land, will entertain for each other an increased share of regard and good-will, of sympathy in the great objects which man’s office as producer and manufacturer, artisan and artist, places before him—of respect for each other’s characters, and for the common opinion of their body, all increased by their being able to say, “ We were students together at the Great University in 1851 V’ November 26, 1851. . LECTURE II. MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. SIR HENRY T. DE LA BECHE, C.B., F.R.S. ( 27 ) SIR HENRY T. DE L.\. BECHE ON MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. Mineral matter, unlike animal and vegetable substances, cannot, in its original or natural state, be modified by man for his use. While he can obtain important varieties of animal substances, by treatment of the animals themselves, or by perpetuating certain varieties of them, and can, by culture, produce valuable modifications in plants, or their parts, no skill of his can alter the natural condition of an ore in the mine. His power commences with that of dis¬ covering the mineral matter required by him. Mineral substances have thus to be regarded, industrially, as essen¬ tially connected with the means of extraction and the after processes by which they are rendered available for use. W T hile plants and animals differ in various regions of the earth, and the traffic connected with the raw materials they afford is adjusted to this difference, mineral matter of the same character may be discovered in any part of the world, at the Equator or towards the Poles; at the summit of the loftiest mountains, and in works far beneath the level of the sea. The granite of Australia does not necessarily differ from that of the British Islands; and ores of the metals may (the proper geological conditions prevailing) be found of the same general character in all regions. Climate and 3* (29) 80 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL geographical position have no influence on the composition of mineral substances. Though geographical position has no influence on natural mineral substances, except so far as modifications may be produced by the action of the atmosphere, it may, never¬ theless, constitute a most important element among those on which depend the actual uses of those substances. All other conditions being equal, it may decide their extraction or non-extraction. Even important minerals may be so situated as to be unproductive of advantage to those endea¬ vouring to obtain them for use. No doubt, geographical position may be modified by the labour of man, and so that the mineral matter in the same locality, which could not be profitably raised at one time, may be most advantageously worked at another. The condition of man, therefore, oc¬ cupying different areas on the earth’s surface as nations, becomes an element of the utmost importance as regards the useful extraction of mineral substances. The condi¬ tions under which such divisions of mankind may exist, their laws and customs, are important to the developement of any mineral wealth, as it were, latent in the areas occupied by them. These may either tend to impede or promote that developement; and the different divisions of men may, by their regulations, act most variably on each other, and, instead of advancing their common good, introduce systems of mutual checks, to the disadvantage of all. The more advanced a nation, the greater, under equal general conditions, is its power over the disadvantages which may happen to be presented by geographical posi¬ tion, thus producing facilities for the developement of its mineral wealth. The cost of transport—that frequent im¬ pediment to the profitable working of mineral substances— may become so lessened by addition to easy communica¬ tions of various kinds, that finally the working of mineral substances can be changed from unprofitable to profitable. In the cases of many ores, these and the fuel needed for smelting them may be brought together by facility and cheapness of conveyance, so that industries, new to a land, may spring up. Although man, by his general advance, may thus accom¬ plish much for the developement of mineral wealth, there PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 31 are natural limits to liis progress which cannot he overcome. Although ho may effect the easy transport of mineral mat¬ ter over rivers and valleys, and even through portions of the earth itself, either by his canals or his roads, and thus, as regards such transport, change the face of a country from one of difficulty to one of facility, the greater geogra¬ phical arrangements remain unaltered. He cannot change an inland country, in the central position of a continent, to a maritime state, though he can materially modify its position as to the ready means of transport to the coast. An inland locality may pour in its mineral products, by means of increased facilities of transport, upon a sea-port, so that not only may they replace similar substances pro¬ duced at greater cost near such a port, but, by means of the sea, be transported even far to other lands, competing in their markets, should the regulations of the nations holding them permit, with those which had hitherto satis¬ fied them. The profitable developement of mineral wealth will, therefore, depend upon the natural occurrence of mineral substances, due to geological causes—upon the geographical position of the localities where the useful mineral substances are present,—and upon the condition of man in a given area. The first condition is unalterable by man, the re¬ maining two may be most materially modified by him. As mineral matter in its first, or natural state, cannot be modified by man, it becomes important that when specimens of it are shown as illustrative of mineral wealth, especial reference should be made to those processes by which such mineral matter is rendered useful. AVithout this precau¬ tion much misconception may arise. Let us, for example, consider the ores of the metals. The mere exhibition of any ore, however rich, is in itself of little value beyond the information that the specimen came from some stated locality. The circumstances connected with'its mode of occurrence, and with the means at command to render its extraction useful, are essential. Pieces of rich ores are of frequent occurrence in localities where, from a want of their sufficient abundance, it would be useless to attempt any profitable working of them. Hence collections of ores may often be most fallacious, indeed it is unfortunately 32 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL somewhat too common to find specimens of ores shown as the ordinary products of mines where they are really rari¬ ties, for the purpose of promoting the purchase of shares in such mines. There is a name for such specimens in Cornwall, where they are termed Slocking stones. These really come from the mines, but they are unfair representa¬ tions of their produce. Again, it often happens, that without the slightest inten¬ tion of producing erroneous impressions, proprietors or agents, when requested to transmit specimens of their ores, will select, instead of such as show the general quality of those raised, some fine example of their best ores, a good stone of ore , as it is often technically termed, while at the same time the mine itself may be returning large profits by the working and dressing of comparatively poor ores, operations of which the agents might be justly proud; not the slightest deception is intended, but nevertheless a collection of such specimens becomes extremely fallacious, and conceals and does not exhibit the real industry both required and employed. The teaching influence proposed by collections of ores is defeated alike by both the causes above mentioned. Most important knowledge of its kind is sacrificed, and the public misled by impressions received from gazing on a mass of glittering objects, instead of carefully considering the kind of mineral substances which really produce, by the industry of man, the metals so essential for his welfare and progress. As these Lectures are not intended to interfere with the reports of the juries, it would be out of place to enter upon systematic details respecting the class now under considera¬ tion. Ample information will be found regarding these in the report of my colleague, M. Dufrenoy, than whom no one could be better qualified for the task, by talents, ex¬ perience, position, or love of justice. Looking at the Exhi¬ bition as the.mcans to a great end, and not the end itself, its bearing on the future may, probably, be best illustrated by a selection of subjects, which should show deficiencies as well as important exhibitions. The one may be as valuable for progress as the other, if carefully considered and rightly understood. As fuel is at the base of all the operations the products of which have found a place in the late Exhibition, the PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 33 power of producing fire being peculiar to man, and one without which his range on the earth’s surface would be very limited, and his advance trifling, it may, in the first instance, be desirable to glance at that portion of fuel which is included in Class I. All our mineral, or, as it has been termed, fossil fuel, is derived from vegetable matter, the growth of various geological times, and of different regions, embedded amid detrital matter of various kinds from local circumstances, and presenting modified aspects in accordance with the general physical and chemical conditions to which it has been subjected. Its chief divisions, for industrial purposes, may be regarded as lignite (the brown coal of the Germans), and coal, the latter of various kinds. Indeed the whole con¬ stitutes a series, at which woody matter, but slightly altered, is at one end, and stone-coal, or anthracite, is at the other. It may suffice for our present purpose, to mention that the physical and chemical conditions above mentioned are the causes of these differences, and have been of such an order that the proportion of the oxygen and hydrogen of the ori¬ ginal vegetable substance became gradually diminished as regards the other two component parts, carbon and nitrogen, so that the carbon greatly predominates, and stone-coai, or anthracite, is the result. Now, the character of these fossil fuels is of the greatest importance in their varied uses, the products of many opera¬ tions depending upon it, especially certain metallurgical processes. As this character does not necessarily depend upon geological age—though, as a whole, the older rocks usually contain only that state of fossil fuel known as coal of some kind,—it may be expected to vary materially in different parts of the world. The kind of fossil fuel found may determine the developement of certain branches of in¬ dustry, other circumstances being favourable. That mineral fuel should be much represented in the Exhibition was scarcely to be expected. Its jjrcsence, in¬ deed, from lands where it was not generally known to be found, might be advantageous, especially if accompanied by proper information as to its mode of occurrence, and proba¬ ble abundance and power of extraction. For example, it was important to examine specimens of coal from New 34 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL Zealand, and learn the thickness and dip of the beds of some of them; and inspect others from Labnan, where the Eastern Archipelago Company are now working a nine-feet bed. The importance of such localities for the supply of fossil fuel, as regards steam-navigation, is evident. Look¬ ing, however, at the demand for, and supply of, fossil fuel of various kinds in well-known lands, as for instance, in our own, it may be very much doubted if any mere exhibition of a few specimens, without regard to general views of the manner in which the coals may be variably employed, could be viewed as instructive. There were, however, some good individual illustrations,—as for example, that of the thick or ten-yard Staffordshire coal,—showing the different work¬ ing scams, alike interesting to science and coal-mining. In this and several other cases, where huge masses of coal wei’e sent from some of the British collieries, we have excellent examples of the disinterested aid afforded to the Exhibition. The greater proportion of these exhibitors could look for no return whatever, except the gratification of having assisted a cause which they considered to be good. It was not probable that ten tons of their coals would b* altered in their mode of consumption except by new adjust¬ ments and demands not depending upon the Exhibition, though the cost they incurred was often heavy, in raising and transmitting their specimens. As regards the coals of the world, it is well known that, though our country may not be that containing the largest amount of fossil fuel (the United States far exceeding us in this respect), it is at the present moment, nevertheless, the land in which the largest amount is raised. The annual weight raised in this country is usually now estimated as equal to 35,000,000 tons, or, taking the ton of coal as equal to about a cubic yard, more than eleven square miles of a bed of coal, three feet thick, supposing the whole of the coal removed. Of this large amount about 2,728,000 tous are exported, leaving the remainder, or 32,272,000 tons, for domestic and industrial consumption, the portion devoted to the latter being largely employed for the smelt¬ ing of our ores, especially those of iron. The annual pro¬ duce of our collieries may, indeed, exceed 35,000,000, and more nearly approach 40,000,000. Steps are being taken PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 35 at the Museum of Practical Geology in order to obtain more correct data on this head. As illustrative of the importance of our position as a maritime state, combined with our possession of cheap heat, well situated, the copper smelting of Swansea, with that of Neath, Tai-baeh, and Llanelly in its vicinity, may be ad¬ vantageously adduced. We there find, in addition to the greater portion of the copper raised in the British Islands, cargoes of that ore, and of what is termed the regulus of copper, brought round by the Cape of Good Hope from Aus¬ tralia in one direction, and round Cape Horn from Chili and other South American lands in another. Altogether the copper smelting of South Wales forms an excellent illustra¬ tion of the advantageous union of geological and geographi¬ cal conditions, combined with a state of man in a given area fitted to seize and utilize those conditions. Though regarding the specimens of coal as such, and un¬ connected with processes to which they were material, the Exhibition might be defective, it contained important illus¬ trations of the mode of occurrence and of extraction of coal. Among the maps, sections, and collections connected with this subject, the exhibition from the coal district of North¬ umberland and Durham should be cited. It formed an im¬ portant series of illustrations, comprising maps, sections, specimens of the various coals, the rocks by which they are accompanied, plans of the mode of working the collieries, sections of pits, and the machinery in them, with the safety- lamps used in the district—a highly valuable series, and one formed expressly for the Exhibition. A beautiful model by Mr. Nicholas Wood exhibited the methods of working coal in the northern counties. There were others also in the English department alike instructive, as directing attention to that important subject, the ventilation of collieries, one which has so justly of late attracted public attention. Much good may, no doubt, arise from the appointment of in¬ spectors of collieries in the different districts in this country; but the more effective saving of life from colliery explosions must be looked for in the instruction generally of the coal¬ miners themselves. The amount of mischief arising from the foolhardiness of ignorance in our collieries can only be credited by those who are compelled to employ men with a 36 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL want of education they deplore, or who have, in discharge of duties, visited coal-mines after fearful and desolating ex¬ plosions. Safety-lamps are important in connexion with this subject. In addition to those usually employed in this country, there were two from Belgium, where, as well as in France, much attention is paid to the proper ventilation of collieries by the Government authorities. As relating to the ventilation of collieries, a model of opening and closing the doors in them, by the passage of the horses and wagons, or of the men, without the attendance of boys or others for the purpose, had very important bear¬ ings, so many accidents having occurred from the ventilation being disarranged by leaving open such doors. It was a good case of a valuable contrivance, apparently little known beyond the colliery itself—the Foxhole Colliery, near Swan¬ sea—being made more extensively so by means of the Ex¬ hibition. As connected in the Exhibition with collieries, though in reality applicable to shafts generally in mines, we should here mention the very important method adopted by Mr. E. Rogers of sinking shafts at Abercarn Colliery, Mon¬ mouthshire. By employing electricity in blasting, he is enabled to explode three or more holes, inclined to each other in the depth, simultaneously; and thus lifts a large mass at once from the centre of the sinking, other large masses being in like manner afterwards detached from the surrounding portions towards the sides. By thus calling in the aid of electricity, and by employing gutta-percha tubes of great size in connexion with the pumps, and so avoiding the destruction of the usual arrangements, which frequently take place during blasts while sinking a pit, better work is accomplished, with greater rapidity, and at less cost than by the ordinary methods. This successful application of science and of modern knowledge is deserving of all atten¬ tion by miners. That there has been, and unfortunately still is, great waste in our collieries, viewed as a whole, however the work¬ ing of some districts may exceed that of others (and even those not over remarkable for progress, may yet exhibit valuable exceptions), has been long known, and often pointed out. It was, therefore, an advance in the right PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 37 direction, when the small coals, sometimes consumed at the pit’s mouth, at others thrown back in the workings, were used for, as they have been termed, th e patent fuels. There are now many of them of different kinds, applicable to differ¬ ent purposes, according to composition. In them the small coal is usually cemented by some bituminous substance, press¬ ure being employed. One kind in the Exhibition was shown by Mr. Azulay, in which great compression alone caused the particles of the coal-dust to cohere. In Warlich’s process, specimens of which were also exhibited, after the small coal is made to cohere with some bituminous body by pressure, there- suiting bricks are exposed to heat, in order to decompose the bituminous substance, the heat being graduated according to the use to be made of the fuel. This is a highly impor¬ tant point in the patent fuel employed for steam purposes, since, by carefully selecting a proper coal, and heating the brick so as to coke the cementing matter without injury to the coal employed, a very useful product for steam-ships may be obtained. In the French department, and in a small case, accom¬ panied by a description and explanatory drawing, the whole seldom heeded amid more showy objects, were to be seen some sorted and crushed coals, with a few pieces of coke, having an important bearing upon the employment of cheap and effective heat. It illustrated the method of M. Berard for separating foreign matter, such as iron pyrites and slate, from coal. Its general principle was that of the “jigging- machine” of the miners, for separating ores, after crushing, from the stony matter with which they may be associated, by agitating the whole in water, so that the various portions become arranged according to their specific gravities. The apparatus, which it would require the needful drawings to explain properly, is remarkably ingenious, and the result certain. In a country like ours, where coal is abundant, such a method might, at first sight, appear little wanted. The Exhibition was not, however, intended for this land alone, but for “ all nations •” so that the application of such a method becomes most important in many, numerous small seams, or coals with much iron pyrites, rendering them, in common parlance, u sulphurous,” and otherwise valueless, 4 38 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL being rendered worth working by its use. Its value is, however, also understood in our country; for, we are in¬ formed, works are now erecting for its employment at New¬ castle. By using the method of M. Berard, the Chemin de Fer du Nord, France, was enabled to employ a coal pre¬ viously found injurious to the locomotives, and a considera¬ ble saving was effected. The reduction of ash in the washed coal was very considerable. Not to dwell longer upon mineral fuel, important as ex¬ tended views of that subject might be, did time permit, it may now be desirable briefly to consider the ores of the useful metals. The subject of metal mining includes a consideration of the ores, as such; their mode of occurrence in the ground; the methods employed for their extraction ; and the means adopted for “ dressing” them, as it is termed, or of rendering them marketable. The smelter then receives them, and by such metallurgical processes as may be suitable produces the metal. Respecting the fallacious impressions which the inspection of mere specimens of ores may convey, some remarks have already been offered. No doubt, ores commonly called of the same kind differ, by containing foreign substances, making a material alteration in the labours of the smelter. This is a subject of great importance, requiring all the skill of the metallurgist. Small additions of peculiar substances pro¬ duce great modifying influences. Many a smelter finds him¬ self at fault as to the causes of certain deteriorations of produce which the scientific metallurgist traces to the ore; and here Science steps in and aids that ordinary practice which might be sufficiently successful so long as ores of the ordinary composition—those to which the smelter has been accustomed—were operated upon. Specimens of ores are valuable when selected to illustrate important points of this kind, or when they accompany illus¬ trations of their mode of occurrence, modifications in conse¬ quence of that mode of occurrence, or arc connected with processes and their results. With the exception of the last, the ores of the Exhibition possessed scarcely any of these conditions; indeed, some were sent from mines which, as previously mentioned, should have been justly proud of their methods of dressing ores of ordinary, and even low PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 39 quality; yet the specimens transmitted were rich, requiring no refined means of treatment. There were, nevertheless, very rich specimens from some parts of the world, known to represent considerable masses of the same kind; as, for example, the Burra-Burra mines of South Australia have furnished to commerce a large amount of valuable copper ores similar to those exhibited, and many a mass of mala¬ chite from them, which might, as in Russia, have been extensively employed in works of art, has passed beneath the hammer and crushers, and into the furnace. Small as the metal exhibition of Sweden may have been, the ores sent were good examples of those whence the fine iron of that land is obtained. In like manner, there was no reason to doubt that the rich iron ores of the United States and of Canada did fairly represent masses of the like ores in those countries; and so also with ores from some other lands. Looking, however, at those shown generally, the previous remarks were needed. One of the most important series of ores in the Exhibi¬ tion, viewed with reference to its object, and, coupled with the information with which it was accompanied, as illustra¬ ting a particular mineral produce in a given country, was that of the iron ores of Great Britain, collected and sent by Mr. Samuel Blackwell. It was formed at both much trouble and cost by its exhibitor, and for no other purpose than to render good service to the Great Exhibition, in the first place, and to the stores of the Museum of Practical Geo¬ logy, to which it was presented for national use, in the second. The ores in this collection are of two kinds; the one, known as clay ironstone—an indifferent name—is funda¬ mentally a carbonate of iron, mingled variably with the matter of the ancient mud and silt, among which it was originally deposited, and from which it has, under geolo¬ gical conditions, been separated into continuous beds or ranges of nodules. The amount of metal in the ore depends upon that of the carbonate of iron in it. In the ordinary carbonates of iron (which are still not quite pure), known as spathose iron, and of which there were specimens from Austria, the Zollverein, and other places, there is usually from fifty to sixty per cent, of protoxide of iron. In the 40 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL clay ironstones the metallic iron ranges sometimes up to forty per cent. The clay ironstones are most important to Great Britain, the greater part being found associated with the coal-beds in our coal measures, and so that they are worked with, or near to each other. From these ores more than 2,000,000 tons of iron are now made in this country. Besides those in the Blackwell Collection numerous speci¬ mens of these ores were to be found attached to illustrations of the products of different iron-works. The other iron ores in the Blackwell Collection were varieties of the oxides, chiefly haematites, the quantity of metallic iron in which, when the ore is good, is from sixty to seventy per cent. The amount of haematite ores worked in this country, though they are abundant, is not compara¬ tively considerable. It is, however, smelted alone, and there were illustrations of this in the Exhibition; and it is, also, mixed with the clay ironstones in many furnaces. llespecting the mode of occurrence of ores—a most im¬ portant point—the Exhibition did not furnish many illus¬ trations. As regards specimens of that character, it was not to be expected that they could be readily sent. Such collections are the work of time; requiring, moreover, a constant attention to given objects of inquiry, in connexion with the general subject, as is abundantly proved by the difficulty experienced by all mining schools in satisfying these requirements. We have a fine illustrative collection of this kind at the Museum in Jermyn Street, but it took us sixteen years, with all our opportunities, and the hearty co-operation of able men in the mining districts, to obtain it. It is by no means easy to find proper illustrations, in sufficiently moderate volume for exhibition, of some of the chief facts observable in a mineral vein, or lode, often only to be seen on the great scale. With respect to the mode of occurrence of the metal¬ liferous ores, it may, in all its generality, be regarded as twofold, in beds or layers, or filling cracks, fissures, and other cavities. The clay ironstones, and certain oxides, known as bog-iron ore, belong to the former division. The alluvial, or other detrital beds, in which gold is found, as in California, Australia, Russia, and many other lands, may be considered as also included in it. So, likewise, such PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 41 deposits as the cupriferous slates of Mansfield, of which there were specimens in the Zollverein department. The sections on the wall, horizontal and vertical, will show the mode of occurrence of the clay ironstones with the associated coal-beds in Merthyr Tydvil, the chief locality for iron-works in South Wales. In such districts some beds of ironstone, and in the sections before you many are shown, bearing various names, often present constant characters for con¬ siderable distances, while others are more variable in com¬ position and thickness. Looking at the auriferous beds in some regions, even those from which much gold may, as a whole, be obtained, we must often regard the mode of occurrence of the metal as, taken with the bed, to represent a poor ore. When, as in some of the Russian gold washings, two hundred tons of the detrital mass have to be washed and examined, to obtain a single pound weight of gold, it can be viewed as little else. The best illustration to be found in the Exhibition of the mode of occurrence of the clay ironstones and associated coal, was that afforded by the beautiful model accompany¬ ing the Ebbw Vale collections: the sequence in which, from the coals, ironstone, and limestone used, through the models of the furnaces to the various products, was highly instruc¬ tive and creditable to the Company exhibiting them. The model was formed of an original part made by Mr. Thomas Sopwith (so well known for his skill in that department as well as in others), to which the Company had added a con¬ tinuation. The model is constructed to a common scale for height and distance, the surface represented to correspond with the actual ground, with the rivers, roads, fields, and buildings, while the lower part exhibits—every coal and ironstone bed being shown—the true relative positions of the various beds, with the works which have been carried on upon them. Considering how completely these models may be made to record all the workings, and how far supe¬ rior they are to the usual plans and sections, it appears surprising that they should not be more used than they are, affording, as they do, such clear and accurate information to all interested. As to illustrations of the mode of occurrence of ores in 4 * 42 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL mineral veins or lodes, tlie most instructive and important were specimens of part of the silver lode of Kongsberg, Norway; and of part of the lead lode of Grassington, Yorkshire, sent by the Duke of Devonshire. A few large lead specimens in the English department exhibited points of interest; and these, with some specimens in the South Australian copper series, certain of the iron and zinc series in the American collection, a few specimens from Canada, a few mining sections from Cornwall, and those accompany¬ ing the exhibition of the lead series of Allenheads, North¬ umberland, may be said to complete the illustrations of this kind. The means of extracting ores from the metal¬ liferous mines were but slightly represented. There were illustrations of safety fuzes for blasting, some methods of raising and lowering the miners and for raising the ores, and a few Cornish mining sections. With reference to this subject, however, a large and beautiful model of water- wheels, connected with pumps from the Devon Great Con¬ sols Coppermines, requires especial mention. The dressing of ores did not receive overmuch illustration. There was a good model representing the methods of dressing the inferior copper ores of Tywarnhayle mines, Cornwall; and it may be deserving of remark that, although the produce of Cornish and Devonian ores does not exceed an average of about eight per cent, of the metal after the ores are dressed, the mines of that district have been estimated as furnishing one-third of the copper raised throughout other parts of Europe, and the British Islands. The Truro com¬ mittee sent good illustrations of preparing tin ore for the smelter, and there were also some other illustrations of dressing tin ore. The lead-dressing of the Allenheads mines, Northumberland, was well shown; and the Kongs¬ berg (Norway) series exhibited the dressing of the silver ores of’ those mines in a detailed manner. With respect to the metallurgical processes and the metals produced, the case was different, more especially as regards iron. This metal, the most important to mankind, formed the chief feature in Class I., whether in the British or Foreign departments. There were some excellent illus¬ trations from different British iron-works, including the ores and fuel employed. The various kinds of iron were PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 43 well exhibited. The Ebbw Yale exhibition contained a model showing the method adopted at those works for utilizing the gases evolved from the surface. The propri¬ etors of the Low Moor and Bowling Iron-works did not forget their old reputation for iron, and exhibited some re¬ markable specimens. As a general illustration of British iron, that of Mr. Bird may be cited. Some remarkable pieces were to be there found from various works and dis¬ tricts. Among them was probably the largest bar of iron ever rolled, being seven inches in diameter and twenty feet one inch long: this was made by Messrs. Bagnall, of West Bromwich, and weighed nearly one ton and three quarters. There were some fine examples in this collection of large drawn tubes, and others illustrating the qualities of the various irons. Canada and Nova Scotia exhibited theii iron : some bar-iron of good quality from the former was remarkable for being manufactured from bog-iron ore, not usually found good for bar-iron. The Austrian series of iron was excellently well dis¬ played, and very illustrative. Many parts of the scries showed the ores whence the metal had been obtained, with the various parts of the processes, including the slags. In this collection was a most remarkable example of the fine rolling of iron, the latter itself being necessarily of excel¬ lent quality. The “ iron -paper,” as it was termed, from Neudeck, in Bohemia, was superior to all of its kind in the Exhibition. It may not be out of place here to cite this Bohemian “ iron-paper,” in illustration of some of the useful effects of the Great Exhibition. It soon attracted the at¬ tention of those skilled in iron, as such thin rolled iron is important for button-making. A spirited party, connected with the iron trade, at once proposed, in a proper quarter, to imitate this Bohemian product. This was attempted, and though the result was not quite equal to the original, before the Great Exhibition closed thin rolled iron of a quality not heretofore produced in this country was to be had in the market. There were good illustrations also of tlr£ Belgian iron, as employed for various purposes. Though Russia did not put forth her strength in fine iron, there were, nevertheless, some excellent examples of it, both from her imperial and private 44 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL works. Some specimens of sheet-iron were remarkable for their quality. Sweden was deficient in that iron for the quality of which she is so celebrated; and France, though raising a large quantity of iron, was scarcely represented in that metal. There was but little iron in the Zollverein de¬ partment. The Siegcn iron, produced from the cai-bonate and hydrated oxide, was not, however, neglected; and the illustrations of iron from Nassau were effective, as were, indeed, those of the general mineral produce of that state. Spain sent some of her iron, and the United States for¬ warded some good illustrations of theirs. The Exhibition may be said to have given rise to the most complete view of the iron produce of this country which we possess. Mr. Samuel Blackwell, himself an ironmaster, accompanied the collection of iron ores, previously men¬ tioned, by a statement of great value. He estimates the gross annual production of iron in Great Britain to be now upwards of 2,500,000 tons. “Of this quantity, South Wales furnishes 700,000 tons; South Staffordshire (includ¬ ing Worcestershire), 600,000 tons; and Scotland, 600,000 tons. The remainder is divided among the various smaller districts.” The iron of England and Wales was produced by 336 furnaces in blast in 1850. Though a considerable quantity of British iron is exported, a very large proportion remains to be variously employed in our own industry. With regard to copper, the chief illustration of its smelt¬ ing, as practised in this country, came, as might be ex¬ pected, from Swansea, where, as has been already stated, so much of the copper ore, not only of the British Islands, but of other parts of the world, is converted into metal. The series sent was important. The Messrs. Bankart ex¬ hibited illustrations of their patent process of reducing cop¬ per ores. Though referred to Class II., mention should be here made of Mr. Longman! s process of reducing copper ores. In it the sulphuret of iron and copper, known as copper pyrites, is roasted with chloride of sodium (common salt). Sulphate of soda is produced, the copper is converted into a soluble sulphate, the iron left, and the chlorine liberated. The copper is then thrown down from its solu¬ tion. There was also copper from the smelting works, Bruce mines, Lake Huron, Canada; and the Burra-Burra PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 45 copper ores were accompanied by copper smelted at their works, recently established at those mines. In the Zoll- verein department were to be found illustrations of the pro¬ cesses followed in extracting the copper from the cupriferous state of Mansfeld, and those also showing the manner of obtaining the silver from the same beds. Rolled copper was exhibited in the Russian department; a feiv pieces of copper were sent by Austria, and others from the Roraas Works, Norway; a cake of copper, with the ores from which it was obtained, was sent from the mines at Montccatini, Tuscany; copper, accompanied by specimens illustrating the method of its smelting, was exhibited from Rio Tinto, Spain, as also some fine copper from Seville. Regarded as a whole, the copper exhibition was defective. As to lead, the illustrations were chiefly British. There was an excellent exhibition of Pattinson’s important pro¬ cess for desilverizing that metal—a process which has been of such service to lead-mining generally, rendering many lead-mines workable with profit which must otherwise have been abandoned. The chief ore whence lead is extracted is that known as galena, or the sulphuret of lead, furnishing from seventy-five to eighty-three parts of the metal, accord¬ ing to purity. It usually, though not always, contains silver in variable proportions. Upon the quantity of silver often depends the profitable raising of the ore. Previous to the invention of Mr. Pattinson (of Newcastle-upon-Tyne), about twenty ounces of silver in the ton of lead were required to render the extraction of that metal worth the cost, since then as little as three and four ounces in the ton of lead will repay extraction. Now, as so many ores contain small quantities only of silver, the importance of the process is evident. In a scientific point of view it is one of much interest, as it consists in so conducting the work that por¬ tions of the lead can crystallize, by which the silver becomes excluded, in the manner in which, in many crystallizing processes, foreign substances are excluded during crystalliza¬ tion. Thus, by degrees, a mass of mixed lead and silver is left, extremely rich in the latter. When this richness in silver arrives at the point desired, that metal is extracted, in the usual manner, by cupellation. The lead-smelting at the Allenheads mines, and at the Wanlock Lead Hills, 46 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL Dumfriesshire, both excellently displayed, are both founded on Pattinson’s process. While touching on the Wanlock Lead Hills exhibition, we should not pass over the arrange¬ ments by which the fumes from the furnace are prevented from escape, and from damage to the surrounding country, while lead, to the amount of thirty-three per cent, from the deposits, or “fume,” is obtained. The Grasshill mine, Teesdale, transmitted illustrations of its lead-smelting, accompanied by sheet-lead and lead- pipes. The Snailbeach lead-mine, Shropshire, also sent sheets and pipes. From Cornwall, also, and from Ireland, there were examples of lead products. There was also some lead from Bleyberg and Vedrin, Belgium; from Spain; from Tuscany, and the Zollverein. The foreign examples of this metal were, however, inconsiderable, viewed as a whole, the chief part of the lead exhibition being British. As illustrating both the good quality of the metal, as well as a proper method of drawing it, we should not pass over the stall of M. Poulet, in the French department, containing lead wires and tape, or spun lead, as it was termed. With regard to zinc, the chief exhibition was that of the Vieille Montague, Belgium, dispersed in the Belgian, French, and English departments. This establishment is the most considerable of its kind in the world. The illustrations of its produce, sent by the Company to whom it belongs, were alike remarkable for their abundance, variety, and impor¬ tance. The establishment now employs 2646 persons, and it produced 11,500 tons of zinc in 1850. With the excep¬ tion of some ingots of zinc from the Eschweiler foundries, Stolberg (Zollverein department), and others from the Ster¬ ling Hill Mine, New Jersey, there would appear to have been no other illustrations of zinc smelting and drawing. As respects tin, a very important process for separating wolfram (tungstate of iron) from tin ore, was sent by Mr. Oxland, the inventor, from the Drake Walls Tin Mine, on the Cornish side of the Tamar. It may be termed a mixed process of dressing and smelting. Much difficulty arises in the dressing of tin ore when wolfram is present, as too often is the case in Cornwall and Devon, the specific gravity of the two being so nearly alike, that of the tin ore (peroxide of tin) being 7, and of wolfram, 7T. After crushing, or PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 47 otherwise pounding, the mixed substances, they are roasted, and the wolfram still remaining unaffected, after again washing they are roasted with carbonate or sulphate of soda, aud the process so conducted that the tungstic acid leaves the iron and combines with the soda, thus decomposing the wolfram, and tungstate of soda being formed, the tin ore (commonly termed black tin) is then fitted for further treat¬ ment in the smelting-house. The ordinary method of smelting tin in Cornwall was shown by a model (sent by Mr. Bolitho, Penzance), of the reverberatory furnace em¬ ployed, accompanied by specimens of the various ores as pre¬ pared for smelting, and of the products of that process. The tin of Cornwall and Devon has long supplied the chief por¬ tion of that consumed in Europe and on the shores of the Mediterranean. In 1850, 10,052 tons of the ore were raised. Taking the ore at 50 1. per ton, it would have a value of 500,000/. in that state in 1850. Tin is now imported from other lands. In 1850, 1798 tons of tin, chiefly from Banca, were imported; aud 2211 tons were exported; showing that only 413 tons of British tin found its way elsewhere, the chief part of our tin produce being reserved for our own industry, for which it is in many ways so im¬ portant. Tin was shown from the Malay peninsula; from Scblaggenwald, Bohemia, and from the Avian mountains, Spain. llespectiug silver, Pattinson’s important process has been already mentioned. Attached to its illustrations was a large mass of silver, weighing 3000 ounces, well showing the “spitting// as it has been termed, which takes place while the mass was cooling. In the Allenheads series there was a cake of silver, prepared by the same method, weighing 8000 ounces. The Kongsberg collection was completed by proper illustration of the silver itself. There was also smelted silver from Prince’s Location, Lake Superior, Ca¬ nada; from the Almeria mines, Spain; and from Eschweiler mines, Stolberg (Zollverein). As to gold, there were examples of it from Canada, India, the United States, and West Africa. There was also a re¬ markable specimen of gold from Chili. The most important exhibition connected with gold was that from Beichcnstein, in Silesia. It afforded an excellent 48 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL example of an application of science by which ores pre¬ viously profitless became valuable; indeed, the mines had been abandoned for five centuries on account of their po¬ verty, though known to be auriferous. It is not the pre¬ cious character of a metal in a mine that renders it impor¬ tant, but its relative amount, making the difference between profit and loss in obtaining it. The Reichenstein case is one where the progress of science rendered a working pro¬ fitable not previously so. The process adopted was that of Professor Plattner, of Freiberg. The ores of the Iteichen- stein mines are arsenical pyrites, containing about 200 grains of gold in the ton. These are roasted in a reverbera¬ tory furnace, surmounted by a large condensing chamber, on which the arsenic is deposited, as it rises in fumes. Ox¬ ide of ii’on, a certain quantity of arsenic, and the gold in the ore, remain beneath. These are placed in a vessel, so that a current of chlorine gas is transmitted through them. The gold and iron are attacked, are separated from the resi¬ due by solution in water, and the gold is precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen. The importance of the process is evident; and it is but justice to Dr. Percy to state, that at the meeting of the British Association at Swansea in 1848, he advocated the employment of chlorine for a similar purpose. With respect to the metals platinum, palladium, iri¬ dium, and rhodium, they were shown in their different metallurgic states by Messrs. Johnson and Matthey; and the method -of reducing antimony was well illustrated by Mr. Hallett. We have entered into some detail on the subject of the metals, in their various states, from the ore in the mine to the metals themselves, not only from the importance of the subject, but also in order to show the character of the Ex¬ hibition as regards this portion of it. It will have been observed, that no mention has been made of some important metalliferous countries, and that, even as regards others, metallic products for which they have been long known have not been noticed as coming from them. Those old cradles of European mining, Saxony and the Hartz, did not transmit any of their products, nor any illustrations of their mining operations; neither were the mining regions of Mex- PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 49 ico and the South American States represented, except in¬ deed by a remarkable specimen of silver, and another of gold, from Chili. As a general fact, and one well known to all who had to investigate the subject, though here and there important exhibitions were to be found, mining gene¬ rally, even that of our own country, required far more illus¬ tration than it received. Let us not, however, be surprised at this; the marvel was, fairly regarding the conditions un¬ der which the collections were made, that so much had been accomplished, not so little. In no department of the Ex¬ hibition will have been found more perfect disinterestedness on the part of the exhibitors. The honest miner, not for¬ warding specimens of ores for the purpose of exciting atten¬ tion to shares in his mines, could gain nothing by sending illustrations of his ores and methods of preparing them, and yet the cost of transmitting such heavy articles was con¬ siderable. The collector and describer of the important series of British iron ores will not dispose of a ton more of his iron for all the trouble and expense which that collection has occasioned him. The same with ludicrous others. All these were thorough good-will offerings to a cause considered good, and, as such, are deserving of all public acknow¬ ledgment. The class under consideration also included steels and the alloys generally of the metals considered as raw materials. The first was an especial difficult subject to treat without reference to other classes where that metallic substance was employed, seeing that the various kinds of steel had to be made for the work for which they were intended. As, for example, in the Sheffield department, raw steel was shown, ■with one exception, in connexion with the various manufac¬ tures it contained. Fitting steel was to be found with the files, the springs, or the cutlery, as the case required. As steel is usually made, in this country, from Swedish and Russian iron, the steel of Mr. Solly, of Leabrook, made with British iron’, and exhibited, should be mentioned. As a steel exhibition alone the most illustrative collection was that sent by Messrs. Naylor, Vickers, and Co. It was accompanied by a large and beautiful model of the furnaces, rolling-mills, and forge, and was, altogether, a most effective display of British steel. In the Zollvercin department there 50 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL was a remarkable exhibition of steel by M. Krupp, of Essen, Dusseldorf; but here again it was difficult to separate a consideration of the raw material from the rolling-mills and other objects to which it was applicable. A broken cylinder of this steel, measuring fifteen inches in diameter, was par¬ ticularly remarkable. There were illustrations of steels from various lands, and they, with the irons, may be^ re¬ garded as the most effective part of the metallic collections in the Exhibition. With regard to brass, there was little that came within Class I., but the most important considered in it was the series exhibited by the MM. Estivant, of (riven, France. It was an excellent collection, composed of articles of ordi¬ nary manufacture at their establishment, often of great size and difficulty of execution. Though employing the usual mixtures of copper and zinc, it is stated that especial mea¬ sures are adopted by which the fine products shown are con¬ stantly obtained. There were rolled bars and tables of con¬ siderable dimensions, as well as excellent laminated brass of extreme thinness.? In the English series some alloys of iron with different metals were shown by Mr. Stirling. Articles made with them were also exhibited, and these alloys were stated to have some remarkable properties. There were varieties of other alloys in the Exhibition, many of considerable import¬ ance; but these were usually so combined in manufactures as not to come under Class I. There was, however, a case containing 176 specimens of the useful metals and their alloys, shown by Mr. Jordan, of Manchester, which should not be passed over without adverting to its very useful character. Plumbago, or black-lead, as it is so erroneously termed, should, perhaps, have been noticed after the coals, seeing that it is a substance chiefly composed of carbon with some admixtures of other substances, not unfrequently iron. The importance of plumbago for the arts and for crucibles is well known. After the Borrowdale mines, Cumberland, were somewhat exhausted, it became important, for that variety of plumbago employed in arts, to obtain some sub¬ stitute; and varieties of compounds were invented, but no¬ thing succeeded so well as the compressing process patented PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 51 by Mr. Brockedon, of which illustrations were in the Exhi¬ bition. By this process much of the Borrowdale plumbago dust has been utilized with advantage. It, or any other good plumbago, is ground into fine powder, placed in packets, and then receives a pressure equal to about 5000 tons. To prevent the injurious effect of disseminated air in the packets of fine powder, it is extracted by means of an air-pump, and thus the particles themselves can be brought into close juxtaposition and forced to cohere. Of the application of plumbago to crucibles there were several examples, some well known for their quality. Of building stones it could not be expected that there would be many not British. There were, however, a few specimens in other divisions. The most important series was that of Messrs. Freeman, of Westminster, where the various stones employed in London for architecture and engineering found their places. Dispersed illustrations of similar stones were also to be seen in other departments. With respect to marbles, serpentines, porphyries, and granites, it is needful to refer to other classes for a proper appreciation of those,exhibited, many being only to be found in a worked state. Taken as a whole, they were fairly re¬ presented. The British was an effective exhibition, more especially when regarded with reference to the mode of work employed. Marbles were sent from France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece, the German States, India, and even from South Africa. In foreign porphyries and granites there was no great display. The porphyry and granite of Sweden were, however, not forgotten; neither were the granites of the Vosges, France, and certain granites and porphyries of Portugal, unrepresented. liespecting slates, for the production of which this coun¬ try is so remarkable, there were good illustrations, especially when regarded with reference to their manufactured state. There were also examples of slates from Canada. Foreign slates were little exhibited; the well-known Angers slates, France, were only represented by a few of the smaller size. There were, also, examples of slates from the United States, Sardinia, and Nassau. Mr. Meinig, of Leadenhall Street, sent a splendid display of polishing, sharpening, and grind-stones, from all parts of 52 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL the world—a most remarkable exhibition of its kind. Simi¬ lar mineral products were to be found dispersed through various departments. Our own grind-stones were not for¬ gotten; and the well-known millstones of France and Bel¬ gium were well represented. Of porcelain or china clay, the chief exhibition was that from Cornwall and Devon, which, with the addition of Cornish felspar, used in porcelain, was effective. There were some examples of porcelain clay from France; and in the Chinese collection, among the various materials em¬ ployed in the manufacture of porcelain, were some illustra¬ tive specimens of similar clays. Many examples ot pipe and other clays were to be found, as well as excellent illus¬ trations of British fire-clays and bricks. The important subject of mineral manures was not for¬ gotten. The various substances, bones, teeth, coprolites, and concretions of phosphate of lime, from the tertiary series of Felixstow, near Ipswich, were shown, as were also the various bodies containing phosphate of lime from the British cretaceous series, of some localities. There was likewise an illustrative collection, pointing to the importance of mineral manures, in the French department. Of the mode of occurrence of gems there were some valu¬ able illustrations, such as of the emeralds of New Granada and the turquoises of Arabia. If it may be permitted to include the precious stones generally (and a very fine col¬ lection of cut gems was shown in the Class I., British Depart¬ ment), looking at the exhibition of them generally, it may be probably regarded as the most remarkable ever assembled in a single building. You will have gathered from the foregoing sketch, that, as regards mineral raw materials, mining and metallurgical processes, the Exhibition was of a very unequal character. While there may have been many deficiencies, there were, at the same time, many important illustrations of this class. Regarding the subject as a whole, we have to repeat what has already been said of a particular branch of it, that the marvel is how, under all the conditions of collection, so much that was effective could have been accomplished. It is most desirable that the real character of this portion of the Exhibition, as, indeed, of all others, should be thoroughly PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 53 understood, alike for the benefit of present knowledge as for future progress. Depreciation or exaggeration, the one by reaction usually producing the other, have to be alike avoided. By analyzing the truth, we obtain results such as may really produce advance, and advance is your object. The Great Exhibition, brilliant as its course has been, is not the end ; it is the means to the end. You do not intend to stand still, and look back upon its past splendour as a thing only of history; you propose to consider how far you can render it available for future public good. There is a movement, which cannot be mistaken, towards more general instruction connected with the industry of our country—a movement arising out of the late Exhibition. That this movement should be effective the utmost care will be needed; and as far as the Great Exhibition can instruct us, and assist the good cause, it is of the utmost importance that its bril¬ liant and deserved success should not so far dazzle us that we pass unheeded many considerations of the most essential kind. As regards the class with which we are now occupied, it is probable that which will be eventually found the least complete. It could scarcely be otherwise. I may be here reminded that this is of the less importance, seeing that the State has already provided instruction as regards it, and, indeed, somewhat more. No doubt, the commencement of the School of Mines, lately opened at the Museum of Practi¬ cal Geology, has been very successful, and that there is excellent promise for the future; but this present success and this promise for the future seem only to point out the more strongly that industrial instruction should be extended, and that, if carefully considered with reference to the wants and habits of our country, schools ‘in aid of the various branches of industry, now receiving no educational assist¬ ance whatever, may bo equally successful. Best assured, there is no want of power in our land to jwoduce the result desired; that power has but to be aroused, and to be skil¬ fully adjusted, to become effective. Viewed as suggestive, the deficiencies were valuable as pointing out the need of instruction generally respecting the true character of mineral raw materials, the means of extract¬ ing them, and the methods of rendering them available to 54 MINING, QUARRYING, AND METALLURGICAL man. It was not to be expected that the mass of the thou¬ sands daily visiting the Exhibition should be capable of forming a correct judgment on the subject, but it became an object of importance to endeavour to ascertain the pro¬ portion of those termed—from the kind of instruction they usually receive—the educated classes, who really appre¬ ciated such deficiencies. Beyond those whose business of life it was to take part in the commerce and industry con¬ nected with the subject, and who readily understood them, it was but too clear that little knowledge of the kind was diffused. This arose from no want of power to grasp the subject, but simply that, under ordinary circumstances, this kind of knowledge had not been brought under considera¬ tion. It is one, nevertheless, of no slight value to many occupying the highest stations, who, if their mineral wealth were abstracted, would find their resources most materially deteriorated. It is no less important to numbers of persons daily speculating in mines, ignorant of all connected with them, except the traffic in shares. It is not a true inference, as has been sometimes drawn, that such want of knowledge is simply a private matter. It is a national loss, the amount of capital thoroughly wasted, and which, if rightly employed, would have been beneficial to the public, is enormous. As has been seen, there were numerous and important illustrations of the subjects included in our class; many more especially valuable, as showing the applications of science to the means of rendering mineral substances useful. Some of these may not, indeed, have had claims to imme¬ diate novelty; but their juxtaposition was, nevertheless, highly suggestive of the direction in which the mind might be advantageously employed for further progress—an important point in exhibitions of this kind. Science is essential to progress in our department, and it is most cheering to find its union with practice daily becoming more thoroughly appreciated in this country, where hitherto we have not possessed the educational advantages, as regards instruction connected with industry, possessed by many other nations. We have had the advantage of seeing, during the late Exhi- tion, how eagerly our foreign brethren in industry seized upon all showing the useful applications of science; how anxious they were to visit the localities whence illustrations PROCESSES AND PRODUCTS. 55 of them were derived. Let us not he laggards in the same field; let us also utilize the Exhibition for progress, and not let its suggestions pass unheeded. It has been seen, that while we had much to teach, and many were the points connected with our mineral wealth which engaged the anxious attention of our visiters from other lands, we had also much to learn. Let us strive to learn as well as teach, and thus improve, for the advantage of all, the good fellowship esta¬ blished, by the influence of the Great Exhibition, among so many able men of various lands; and so that, in times to come, that Exhibition may be truthfully regarded as having been a real benefit to man. December 2 , 1851 . ' . LECTURE III. ON THE RAW MATERIALS FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. RICHARD OWEN, F.R.S. ( 57 ) RICHARD OWEN, F.R.S. ON THE RAW MATERIALS FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. In coming before you this evening with some observations on the “ Animal Substances used in Manufactures, dis¬ played in the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations,” I am actuated rather by a deference to the august source of the suggestion that originated the present series of lectures, and by the desire to comply with the re¬ quest with which the Council of this Society have honoured me, than by any confidence in the worth of what I may have to say. My habitual studies have, truly, left me little leisure for their extension beyond the structure, develope- ment, and purely scientific relations of those parts of animal bodies which mankind have converted to their outward use; and as for their applications to the arts and manufactures, and the various processes to which they are thereto sub¬ jected, I must confess myself herein a poor scholar merely, and a very recent one, owing such elementary information as I may possess to opportunities afforded during the pre¬ sent year by the Great and happily-conceived Exhibition; from which every one, no matter what his social or intel¬ lectual grade, must have derived, if he availed himself of it at all, lasting instruction and benefit. No one could feel more conscious than myself of my want of all that special ( 59 ) 60 ON THE RAW MATERIALS knowledge and experience which might have been looked for in a Juror for the Class (TV.) of “ Vegetable and Animal Substances used in Manufactures, as Implements, or for Ornaments;” and I was aware that the only grounds on which my name could have suggested itself to the Council of the Great Exhibition, as that of one likely to serve them in that capacity, were my known devotion to the science of the organization of animals.* It was, however, urged, that such scientific knowledge would help in guiding to right conclusions on the nature and relative perfections of the raw materials assigned to the inspection of Jury IV.; and I need not say, that whatever aid it was thought I might con¬ tribute towards the successful carrying out a design, enlist¬ ing the warmest sympathies of every Englishman, was most heartily rendered, to the best of my ability, at the call of the Royal Commission. In the present concluding scene of that Act of the Great Industrial Drama in which I have been a humble performer, I must entreat your kind indul¬ gence whilst I offer you, what alone I feel competent to do, some results, namely, of investigations into the nature, organization, and developement of the “ Animal Substances chiefly used in Manufactures, as Implements or for Orna¬ ments,” being fully conscious that most of the members of this highly useful and distinguished Association know much better than I can pretend to do the art-and-manufacture relations of the subjects of the present discourse. . For the “raw materials” from the vegetable and animal kingdoms, adapted for manufactures, mankind owes more to the powers and operations of jSlature than to the inventions and appliances of Art; and in the series of the various organic products of almost every climate which were exposed to view in the Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, the relati-ve excellence of the objects to be com¬ pared might be deemed to be due rather to peculiarities of soil and sky than to the individual merits of the exhibitors. Almost every vegetable or animal substance may, however, be modified, and, in relation to its utility to man, improved, by a change of the circumstances under which it is naturally * “Official, Descriptive, and Illustrated Catalogue” (List of Jurors), vol. 1. p. 45. FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 61 developed, such change or improvement being suggested by a patient study of the respective influence of those cir¬ cumstances upon the useful properties of the substance. A further improvement may be effected by carefully de¬ fending the raw material during the progress of its devclope- ment from all external influences calculated to deteriorate or injuriously affect it. The value of every organic product in commerce is much influenced by the mode of its collection, or removal from the animal or plant when developed, and by the processes for separating the useless or less valuable parts, or heterogeneous matters, from the marketable con¬ stituent ; and, in the sense in which the term “ raw ma¬ terial” was extended in its application to that section of the Exhibition assigned to Jury IV., great scope for both chemi¬ cal and mechanical skill was afforded in the extraction and preparation of several of the vegetable and animal sub¬ stances applied “ in Manufactures, as Implements, or for Ornaments.” In the examination and comparison of the very numer¬ ous and diversified substances confided to their judgment, the Jury IV., over which I had the honour to preside, were guided and influenced by the consideration of the invention, ingenuity, skill, and industry manifested in the amelioration and perfection of these several substances, and by the de¬ grees in which unfavourable conditions of soil and climate had been thereby overcome; and in deciding on individual merits, they were careful to take into account the natural facilities which favoured, and the natural difficulties which opposed, the realization of the desired qualities in the raw produce transmitted for exhibition. After a preliminary general survey of their field of operations had shown its vast extent and the great practical importance of the objects to be compared, the Jury, having regard also to the earnest desire expressed for expedition in their decisions, resolved themselves into two Committees, one for the Vegetable, the other for the Animal Kingdom ; reviewing and testing from time to time in general meetings the evidence of the special examinations confided to those Committees. The subjects selected for this evening’s lecture, and on which I shall now proceed to speak, are the most valuable and important of those “raw materials” which fell under 6 62 ON THE RAW MATERIALS the survey of the Committee for the “ Animal Kingdom.” And, first, of the animal substances used for textile products and clothing. Wool. The raw material of most importance and in most general use for the above purposes is wool. This is a peculiar mo¬ dification of hair, characterized by fine transverse or oblique lines, from 2000 to 4000 in the extent of an inch, indica¬ tive of a minutely imbricated scaly surface, when viewed under the microscope, on which, and on its curved or twisted form, depends its remarkable felting property, and its con¬ sequent value in manufactures. Most quadrupeds possess the woolly variety of hair as an under-clothing, but in a small proportion, and hidden by the smooth, exterior, coarser, and straighter kind of hair. In the wild sheep (e. g. the argali of Central Asia, Ovis ammon, and the mouflon or musmon of Sardinia and Cor¬ sica, Ovis musimon ), the woolly variety of hair is deve¬ loped in excess; and in the domesticated races the fleece has been modified and improved, in various degrees, by crossing the breeds, by choice of climate and pasture, and by care¬ ful attention and defence during its growth, until not only has the original coarse character of the product disappeared, but qualities of wool of different kinds and of different de¬ grees of superiority have been obtained, generally divisible into two classes, one better adapted for “carding,” the other for “combing,” and both available for a great variety of useful and elegant textile fabrics. In judging of these qualities in the wools exhibited, the Jury tested the fineness and elasticity of the fibre, the de¬ grees of imbrication of the scaled surface of the fibre as shown by the microscope, the quantity of fibre developed in a given space of the fleece, the comparative freedom of the fleece from extraneous matters, and the skill and care employed in preparatory processes; such, for example, as that termed “ scouring” the fleece, upon which depends its liability or otherwise to mat at the bottom of the staple. Probably a more extensive, varied, and instructive collec¬ tion of wools was never brought together under one roof for OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 63 inspection and comparison than that which was contributed to the Great Exhibition; and it exemplified, in a remark¬ able degree, the extent to which pastoral life—commenced, according to oldest records, in Central Asia, the habitat of the argali—has since been spread over the globe. From the provinces of Chinese Tartary, from Thibet, and India, in the East, to the lately redeemed tracts of the United States in the far West; from Iceland and Scandinavia, in the North, to the Cape of Good Hope, Australia, and Tasmania, in the South, specimens of the staple of the flocks there, and in almost every intermediate latitude and longitude, preserved and multiplied under the fostering and modifying influence of civilized man, had been transmitted for inspec¬ tion and comparison. If the test of the value of a domestic animal be the numbers on the preservation of which human care is be¬ stowed, and on the extent of the habitable globe over which mankind has diffused the species, then the sheep takes the first rank. With regard to an animal so essentially related to the welfare of mankind, every fact in its natural history is of special interest, and we are particularly concerned in the endeavour to trace the origin of the domesticated variety to which we owe so much. The recent progress of palaeontology, or the science of fossil organic remains—remarkable for its unprecedented rapidity—adds a new element to the elucidation of this question, which was so ably discussed by Buffon, and the naturalists of the last century. At present, however, the evidence which palaeontology yields is of the negative kind. No unequivocal fossil remains of the sheep have yet been • found in the bone-caves, the drift, or the more tranquil stratified newer pleiocenc deposits, so associated with the fossil bones of oxen, wild boax-', wolves, foxes, otters, bea¬ vers, &c., as to indicate the coevality of the sheep with those species, or in such an altered state as to indicate them to have been of equal antiquity. I have had my attention particularly directed to this point in collecting evidence for a “ History of our British Fossil Mammalia .” Wherever the truly characteristic parts, viz. the bony cores of the hoims, have been found associated with jaws, teeth, and other parts of the skeleton of a ruminant, corresponding in 64 ON THE RAW MATERIALS size and other characters with those of the goat and sheep in the formations of the newer pleiocene period, such sup¬ ports of the horns have proved to be those of the goat.* No fossil horn-core of a sheep has yet been anywhere dis¬ covered : and so far as this negative evidence goes, we may infer that the sheep is not geologically more ancient than man; that it is not a native of Europe; but, has been in¬ troduced by the tribes who carried hither the germs of civi¬ lization in their migrations westward from Asia. Natural history, as yet, possesses no facts or principle adequate to the satisfactory solution of the question, whether the domesticated sheep—the Ovis aries of Linnaeus—was created as such in special relation to the exigencies of man; or whether it was the result of man’s interference with the habits and wild mode of life of the argali (Ovis ammon of Linnaeus), or other untamed and unsubdued species of sheep. Analogy would point to the latter hypothesis as the more probable one. Domesticated varieties of animals have been established from wild originals for the behoof of man¬ kind, within a comparatively recent period in his history; of which the turkey, introduced and diffused over Europe and Asia since the discovery of America, is an example. Permanent varieties of the Ovis aries itself have been in¬ stituted by the art and interference of man, of which I shall presently have to recount the chief circumstances of a very recent and remarkable instance. The most ancient records of our race, both sacred and profane, tell us of the sheep as already an animal domesticated for the food and clothing of man; and it is a significant fact, that both the Scythians of the elevated plains of Inner Asia,—who, according to Herodotus, obtained felt,f and, according to Strabo,J food * A characteristic fossil of this kind found associated with re¬ mains of the mammoth and leptorhine rhinoceros, in the newer fresh-water pleiocene of Walton, in Essex, is figured in my “His¬ tory of British Fossil Mammalia,” p. 489, cut 204. -j- Herodotus, iv. 73, “They live under trees, covering the tree in winter with strong and thick undyed felt, and removing the felt in summer.” J “They do not till the ground, hut derive their sustenance from sheep aud fish, after the manner of the nomadic Scythians.” —Strabo, xi. cap. viii. p. 486. Both cited by Mr. Yates in his classical work, “ Textrinum Anti quorum.” FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. G5 from their flocks—and the patriarchal Hebrew shepherds of the plains of Mesopotamia—the earliest instances of pastoral life—dwelt in that part of the earth where the wild argali ( Ovis ammon ) still exists in greatest numbers. The ancient Hebrews were wholly an agricultural and pastoral people. Their pastures are described, in the 65th Psalm, as being “ clothed with flocks.” The religious metaphors of the Bible are chiefly derived from pastoral life, and in no part more touchingly than in the sacred po¬ ems ascribed to the Royal Psalmist :—“ The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy crook and thy staff, they comfort me.” (Ps. xxiii. 1, 2, 4.) And again, how beautiful a pastoral picture is portrayed in the following few and simple words: “ He shall feed his flock like a shepherd; he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young.” (Isa. xl. 11.) It is not, however, from the records of a people so exclusive as the Jews that we can trace the course of the diffusion of domesticated flocks from the Asiatic centre where history points to the beginning of pastoral life. The classical authors of Greece and Rome, however, afford sufficient indication of the chan¬ nels by which this element of civilization was diffused. We learn from Strabo, that sheep-breeding had extended to Northern Africa; and that, in his time, the dry and hot climate of ^Ethiopia exercised the same influence on the growth of wool as at the present day: “ The ./Ethiopian sheep,” he says, “ were small, and instead of being woolly, were hairy like goats.”* Of the numbers of the domesti¬ cated sheep in Northern Africa at the time of Pindar we may form an idea from the epithet u TroXt^Xos,”—“abound¬ ing in flocks,” applied by that poet'f' to distinguish Lybia. It appears, by quotations from Hipponax—a poet of Ephe¬ sus, who flourished about‘540 years before Christ, and who alludes to the woollen fabrics of the Coraxi, who occupied * Cap. ii. sec. 1, 3, cited in “Textr. Ant.,” p. 94. f Pyth. ix. 11, cited in ibid., p. 25. 6 * 66 ON THE RAW MATERIALS part of modern Circassia—as well as from contemporary reference to the commerce of Miletus, at that period the greatest commercial city next to Tyre and Carthage, that the progress of sheep-breeding towards the north-west was across the Euxine Sea, and the straits connected with it, into Europe. Thrace is called by Homer “ the mother of flocks;”* and this is the earliest record of the domestic sheep in Europe. From Thrace we trace them to Thessaly, and thence to Greece, where they were so generally and successfully reared and tended, that “ Arcadia” became the scene of all that the poets sing of the beautiful in pastoral life. Here the god Pan was feigned to be born—Pan the god of Arcadia; and to trace his worship from Greece to the colonies settled in Italy and Spain is to follow the pro¬ gress of the diffusion of the domesticated flocks and the pastoral people over whom Pan especially presided. From Spain and Italy the breeding of sheep extended into Germany and Gaul; and Caesar found abundant cattle (pecoris magnus numerics'), which may be inferred to in¬ clude sheep, amongst the aborigines of Cantium or Kent, whom he describes as being “ the most advanced in civiliza¬ tion of all the ancient Britons.” I shall here quit the his¬ tory of the diffusion of the domestic sheep, with the remark tha.t some of those procedures, which are now most influ¬ ential in improving the staple of the fleece, were practised in ancient times. Yarrof speaks of the custom of the Athenian shepherds of covering their sheep with skins, in order to improve the fleece; and the Cynic Diogenes, in reference to a similar practice amongst the shepherds of Me- garis, whose children were allowed to run about naked, says, “ he would rather be the ram, than the son, of a Mega- rensian.”| The continuance of these arts of ancient pastoral life, combined with suitable climate and locality, and the exer¬ cise of skill and tact in crossing and breeding from the best varieties of the domesticated sheep, have combined to produce the fine qualities of the staple, which were so remarkably * Iliad, A. 222. f De Re Rustica, ii. 2. (“Textr. Ant.,” p. 40.) I Diog. Laert. vi. 41. (Ib. p. 42.) FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 67 illustrated in the specimens exhibited in the Crystal Palace. After the comparison of the wools exhibited by the growers of different nations, our Jury were unanimous in making the first mention of those transmitted from Ger¬ many as being pre-eminent in the qualities of highest value. Under “ German Wools’ 5 were included those from Aus¬ tria and Austrian Silesia, Hungary, Prussia, Saxony, and Polish Silesia. In Austria, the Jury made first mention of the specimens exhibited under No. 90, by Messrs. Figdor and Sons. The fleeces exhibited by this firm presented in a high degree the desired qualities of substance and true¬ ness in the staple, due to the equality of size, and to the fineness and elasticity of the component fibres, the spiral curves of which were close and regular, and were immedi¬ ately resumed after being obliterated by stretching the fibre, the length of which was also considerable for wool of this “ felting” quality, the most valuable for the finest descrip¬ tions of cloth. Under No. 92 Count II. Larisch Moennich exhibited the product of a fine and well-known flock, from Silesia, by four fleeces, which presented similar excellent qualities to those of No. 90. The fine and high-bred fleeces of a pure stock merino, from Silesia, exhibited under No. 91 by Count Anton von Mittrowski, showed the valuable qualities of fineness and elasticity of fibre in an eminent degree. No. 89, sent by Count Joseph Hunyada von Ketheley, was a fleece from a flock in Hungary, an unwashed spe¬ cimen, but of a very fine quality of fibre; it was a little inferior to the best Silesian examples only in being some¬ what thinner or poorer in substance. The fine imbrication and elastic properties of the fibre were, however, remarkably characteristic of this fleece. From the difficulty of arriving at a correct judgment of the degrees of individual merit, especially from samples giving an uncertain indication of the average value of the produce of the flocks, the Jury, whilst awarding the prize medal to the best exhibitors, came to the conclusion of testifying their sense of the peculiar value and excellence of the felting or carding wools, adapted to the manufacture 68 ON THE RAW MATERIALS of the finest kinds of cloth, which were exhibited in the Austrian department, by recommending the transmission of a Council medal to the Government of that empire. In the Zollverein, the fleeces transmitted by E. Liibbert from Zweybrodt, near Breslau, were very remarkable for those qualities which, like the Austrian Silesian wools, adapt them for the fabrication of the finest cloths. The merino fleeces of two-year-old ewes, from Bromberg, exhibited by Legations-Bath Ivuepfer, were characterized by the fineness and regularity of the staple, and favourably illustrated the advance of the improvement of wool in the Prussian districts of the Middle Vistula. I must also mention the specimens exhibited under Nos. 45 and 46 by the Oberburggraf von Briinneck, viz. the fleeces of a ram and one ewe from a merino flock at Bellschwitz, and the specimens of wool in¬ discriminately taken from a merino flock at Bosenberg; for these, though rather inferior in quality to the finest Silesian wools, manifested a fineness, softness, and elasticity of fibre, and a regularity of staple, which in the opinion of the Jury merited an award to the exhibitor of the prize medal. The Bellschwitz flock was procured by the Oberburggraf in Spain in 1814, and afterwards improved by additions of the finest Saxon and Silesian races in 1820 and 1824. In America, the wool transmitted by Mr. J. H. Ewing, from Washington, Pennsylvania, was remarkable for the good substance of the fleece, as well as for the quality of the fibre, and the Jury awarded to him the prize medal. One of the able Experts, who rendered valuable aid to the Jury, was of opinion that “the wools shown by America most approximated to the character of the German wools.” In Bussia, the specimens of wool from Livonia ex¬ hibited by N. N. Schloss-Wikaten, appeared to be derived from a flock of Silesian origin, and exhibited all those characters of the fibre which adapt it for good clothing purposes. The wool from the merino sheep from Spain, for which that country was once so famous, showed all those charac¬ ters which distinguished it a century ago; but not the advance and improvement made by the sheep-breeders who have since introduced the same variety into suitable FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 69 localities in Saxony, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, and Austro-Silesia. The best examples of Spanish wool were exhibited under No. 230, by Hon Justo Hernandez. Of black and white wool from Salamanca, four samples were transmitted by this exhibitor:—1. Unwashed wool for clothing purposes; 2. Unwashed wool for worsted; 3. Wool washed before shear¬ ing, in the Saxon manner; 4. Wool sheared in February 1851. Don Hernandez had introduced into Spain the custom of clothing the sheep from the beginning of Decem¬ ber to the end of May; and amongst the specimens trans¬ mitted to the Exhibition, was a fleece which had been so defended, and one that had been exposed to the direct influence of the atmospheric agencies. The difference in the quality was remarkable, and spoke decidedly in favour of the temporary protection of the fleece. In France, the specimens of wool selected as meriting the reward of the prize medal, were those exhibited under No. 1249, by Le General Girod de l’Ain. The fleeces of merino wool, from this exhibitor’s flock at Nuz, although of a thin staple, and apparently not full grown, manifested the qualities adapting it for the finer descriptions of cloth in an excellent degree. No. 1080, from the “National Sheep-fold of liambouillet,” showed similar qualities in four fleeces of the true merinos. No. 1312, E. Lefevre: the specimens of wool in tufts transmitted by this exhibitor from Gevrolles (Cote d’Or) were long in the staple and very sound, forming a very superior description of combing ivool. No. 354, F. Ilicher: the two fleeces of rams, of pure merino breed, two years old, transmitted from Gouvix, Calvados, exhibited praiseworthy care and skill in the management of the flocks. Amongst the scries of wools shown in the French depart¬ ment were specimens characterized by a well-skilled English expert as “a wool of singular and peculiar properties; the hair glossy and silky, similar to mohair, retaining at the same time certain properties of the merino breed.” This wool was exhibited under No. 245, by J. L. Graux, of the farm of Mauchamp, Commune de Juvincourt (Aisne), as the produce of a peculiar variety of the merino breed of sheep. 70 ON THE RAW MATERIALS The Jury entered into an inquiry, not only into the commercial value and application, hut into the particulars of the production of this new kind of wool, and found it to be one of the very few instances in which the origination of a distinct variety of a domestic quadruped could be satis¬ factorily traced, with all the circumstances attending its developement well authenticated. The following is a brief statement of this interesting case. In the year 1828, one of the ewes of the flock of merinos in the farm of Mauchamp produced a male lamb, which, as it grew up, became remarkable for the long, smooth, straight, and silky character of the fibre of the wool, and for the smoothness of its horns : it was of small size, and presented certain defects in its conformation, which have disappeared in its descendants. In 1829 M. Graux employed this ram with a view to obtain other rams having the same quality of wool. The produce of 1830 included only one ram and one ewe having the silky quality of the wool; that of 1831 produced four rams and one ewe with the fleece of that quality; in the year 1833 the rams with the silky variety of wool were sufficiently numerous of themselves to serve the whole flock. In each subsequent year the lambs have been of the two kinds; one preserving the characters of the ancient race, with the curled, elastic wool, only a little longer and liner than in the ordinary merinos; the other resembling the rams of the new breed, some of which re¬ tained the large head, long neck, narrow chest, and long flanks of the abnormal progenitor, whilst others combined the ordinary and better formed body with the fine silky wool. M. Graux, profiting by this partial resumption of the normal type of the merino in certain of the descendants of the mal-formed original variety, at length succeeded, by a judicious system of crossing and interbreeding, in obtaining a flock combining the long fine silky fleece with a smaller head, shorter neck, broader flanks, and more capacious chest. Of this breed the flocks have become sufficiently numerous to enable the proprietor to sell examples of the breed for exportation. Tbc crossing of the Mauchamp variety with the ordinary merino has also produced a valuable quality of wool, known in France as the “ Mauchamp merino.” The fine, silky wool of the pure Mauchamp breed is remarkable i FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 71 for its qualities as combining wool, owing to the strength as well as the length and fineness of the fibre. It is found of great value by the manufacturers of Cashmere shawls, being second only to the true Cashmere fleece in the fine flexible delicacy of the fabric, and of particular utility when com¬ bined with the Cashmere wool, in imparting to the manu¬ facture qualities of strength and consistence in which the pure Cashmere is deficient. Although the quantity of the wool yielded by the Mau- champ variety is less than in the ordinary merinos, the higher price which it obtains in the French market (25 per cent, above the best merino wools), and the present value of the breed, have fully compensated M. Graux for the pains and care which he has manifested in the establishment of the variety. Our Jury, therefore, taking into considera¬ tion the quality of invention which had been superadded to the skill and industry requisite for obtaining the finer quali¬ ties of wool under any circumstances, in the developement of the new variety of sheep yielding the specimens exhibited in No. 245, recommended that the Council medal should be awarded to M. J. L. Graux. The comparatively moist climate of England is unfavoura¬ ble to the developement of the highest qualities of wool. We are essentially a practical people, and it does not pay to give the sheep the extensive range, or allow them the length of life, which are amongst the conditions to be added to climate for the acquisition of the finest fleece. The inter¬ minable plains and mountain-ranges of Australia and Tas¬ mania, where the flocks graze under the most favourable of skies, serve to produce for us the wools required for our manufacturers cheaper than they could be developed at home. Our business is to breed sheep for mutton, not for wool: to improve the stocks which in the shortest time put the most meat on the smallest bones. The fleece must always, therefore, be a secondary object with a good farm¬ er. Nevertheless, very respectable samples of wool were exhibited in the English department of the Great Exhi¬ bition. The samples of wool transmitted from Chichester by Mr. C. Dorrien gave evidence of a very high-bred flock, and ON THE RAW MATERIALS manifested qualities of fibre for which the Jury awarded the prize medal. The specimens of wool from the South Down wool, trans¬ mitted by Mr. J. Gr. Rebow, also presented qualities of such excellence as to call for the award of the prize medal. The fleeces of Cheviot wool, grown at an elevation of 2600 feet above the level of the sea, exhibited by Mr. Hen¬ derson, of Wooler, Northumberland, were remarkable for the fine silky quality of the fibre, which is well adapted for the blanket manufactory. Perhaps many w T ho are now present may recollect an object of curiosit} 7 which was shown in the south gallery of the English Department. It w T as a South Down ewe, stuffed, seven years old, which had never been shorn. The weight of the accumulated annual fleeces was 36 lbs. This specimen was exhibited by Mr. J. Moore, of Littlecot Farm, Pewscy, Wilts. In the department of Australia the case containing 132 specimens of merino wool, contributed by Lieut.-Col. E. Macarthur, exhibited very favourable examples of the con¬ dition of the fleeces of that valuable variety of the sheep in New South Wales. The Jury regretted that the quantities transmitted were too small to afford the requisite means of judging of the average qualities of the flocks; but, taking into consideration the important services rendered by Lieut.- Col. Macarthur to the colony of Australia by his persever¬ ing and successful endeavours to develope a source of wealth from the merino breed of sheep, they awarded to him the prize medal. The first importation of wool from New South Wales into England, in 1807, was 245 lbs. In the year 1848 the quantity from New South Wales alone amounted to 23,000,000 lbs., valued at more than 1,200,000b sterling.* In Russia, good examples of fine unwashed Cashmere goats’ hair were exhibited by J. Abramoff, of Ekaterino- slaff, and L. K. Narishkin, of Saratoff, district of Bala- sheffsk. Iu India, specimens of the wool of the sheep, the lamb, and the camel, were exhibited from Cutch, Sindh, and * “Official Catalogue,” vol. ii. p. 989. FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 73 Assam. Goats’ hair, or down, of Thibetian, Persian, and Hindostanee breeds, was also transmitted, together with a fine silky kind of down from the “Tsos” antelope. The specimens of wool, or down, the production of the Cashmere goats kept by his Royal Highness Prince Albert at Windsor, and exhibited by his Royal Highness, were in¬ teresting examples of an additional staple new to England, and gave encouragement by their quality to the repetition of similar efforts to multiply and preserve that remarkable variety of the genus Capra. This staple includes, besides the closer and finer hairs answering to the wool of sheep and the fur of other quadrupeds, a coarser or stronger kind of white hairs. Roth kinds are of value in manufactures—the stronger hairs, which require to be picked out prior to at¬ tempting to manufacture the finer portions, being after¬ wards used in the fabrication of coarse woollen cloths. This example of European Cashmere wool would have received a medal from Jury IV. had not one already been awarded to it by the Jury of Class XII. Hair and Bristles. Of the specimens of hair and bristles, a brief notice will suffice. The best developed and most valuable examples of these productions were exhibited in the Russian department, in which the Jury selected those shown under No. 340, by Kondriaozof and Jadenofsky, for the award of the prize medal, merited by the superior qualities of the horse-hair exhibited by them under that number. In the sample of white hair from the tail, the hairs were forty inches in length, and of the first quality for evenness, elasticity, and shining surface. In the sample of black tails, the hairs were forty-two inches in length. Fine specimens of white hair from the mane, of from twenty-eight to thirty inches in length, both transparent and opaque, and good samples of horse-hair for furniture, both twisted and untwisted, black, gray, and white, were also shown by the above firm. Of the sample of bristles exhibited in the Russian depart¬ ment, the Jury selected No. 135, sent by MM. Semenoff and Faleyeff, as deserving, from the superiority of the combined qualities of strength, elasticity, and fineness of surface, the 7 74 ON THE RAW MATERIALS prize medal. These qualities were particularly shown in the packets of the sorted variety called “ okatka.” Camels’ hair cloth, bristles from the wild boar and the elephant, and quills of the porcupine, were exhibitedin the Indian department; and I must not omit to mention that in the department of Spain, Don D. Delgado, of Saragossa, exhibited some interesting examples of the hair of the rab¬ bit and hare, shaved off the skin by a mechanical process. The vast numbers of those prolific rodents in Spain afford a large supply of this kind of hair, which is put to the same use as down. Baleen. I have next to speak of a substance which, though com¬ monly called “ whalebone,” has nothing of the nature of bone in it, but is an albuminous tissue, nearly allied to hair and bristles, both in its chemical and vital properties and ita mode of developement. Of all the creatures which man has subdued for his ad¬ vantage and use, that which surpasses every other animal in bulk, and which lives in an element unfitted for man’s existence, might be supposed to be the last that he would have the audacity to attack or the power to overcome. The great whales that u tempest the ocean” are able, as many instances—and a very recent one—have shown, to stave in the bottom of a ship by a blow of their muzzle, and crack a boat by a nip of their jaws, as easily as we would a nut. “ Si sua robora norint!”—if they did but know their strengt h, and how to use it, pursuit would be in vain, and whales would become the most dreaded instead of the most coveted of the denizens of the deep. The cetaceans, which afford the whalebone, or, more pro¬ perly, baleen-plates, are of a more timid nature than the great sperm-whales, which commonly cause the catastrophes alluded to; they have no teeth, but in their place they have substitutes in the form of horny plates, ending in a fringe of bristles—a peculiarity first pointed out by Aristotle.* * The passage occurs in the 12th chapter of the 3d hook of the “ Historia Animalium,” and has given rise to much speculation and controversy: “ Mysticetus etiam pilos in ore intus habet vice FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 75 Of these plates, properly called “ baleen,” the largest, which are of an inequilateral triangular form, are arranged in a single longitudinal series on each side of the upper jaw, situated pretty close to each other, depending vertically from the jaw, with their flat surfaces looking backwards and for¬ wards, and their unattached margins outwards and inwards, the direction of their interspaces being nearly transverse to the axis of the skull. The smaller subsidiary plates are arranged in oblique series, internal to the marginal ones. The base of each plate is hollow, and is fixed upon a pulp developed from a vascular gum, which is attached to a broad and shallow depression occupying the whole of the palatal surface of the maxillary, and of the anterior part of the palatine bones. The base of each marginal plate is the smallest of the three sides of the triangle; it is unequally imbedded in a compact subelastic substance, which is so much deeper on the outer than on the inner side, as in the new-born whale to include more than one-half of the outer margin of the baleen-plate. The form of the baleen-clad roof of the mouth is that of a transverse arch or vault, against which the convex dorsum of the thick and large tongue is applied when the mouth is closed. Each plate sends off from its inner and oblique margin the fringe of moderately stiff but flexible hairs which projects into the mouth. The bases of the baleen-plates do not stand far apart from one another, but the anterior and posterior walls of the pulp-fissure are respectively confluent with the con¬ tiguous divisions of the bases of the adjoining plates at their thin and extreme margins, which by this confluence close the basal end of the interspace of the baleen-plates, which interspace is occupied more than half way down the plate by the cementing substance, or gum. Thin layers of horn in like manner connect the contiguous plates, and may be traced extending in parallel curves with the basal connect¬ ing layer across the cementing substance. The baleen-pulp is situated in a cavity at the base of the dentium, suiilis setis similes.” To a person looking into the month of a stranded whale, the concavity of the palate would appear to be beset with coarse hair. The species of Halcenoplera, which fre¬ quents the Mediterranean, might have affoi’ded to the Father of Zoology the subject of his comparison. 76 ON THE RAW MATERIALS plate, like the pulp of a tooth; whilst the external cement¬ ing material maintains, both with respect to this pulp, and to the portion of the baleen-plate which it developes, the same relations as the dental capsule bears to the tooth. According to these analogies, it must follow that only the central fibrous or tubular portion of the baleen-plate is formed, like the dentine, by the basal pulp, and that the base of the plate is not only fixed in its place by the cement¬ ing substance or capsule, but must* also receive an accession of horny material from it. The baleen-plates are smallest at the two extremities of the series; in the Southern whale (Balcena Australis ) they rapidly increase in length to the thirtieth, then very gra¬ dually increase in length to about the one hundred and fortieth ; from this they as gradually diminish to the one hundred and sixtieth plate, and thence rapidly slope away to the same small size as that with which the series com¬ menced. Besides the external, and, as they may be termed, the normal, plates, which have just been described, there are developed from the inner part of the palatal gum, in the Bakina Australis, a series of smaller fringed processes, pro¬ gressively decreasing in size as they recede from the large external plates: the small plates clothe the middle region of the palate with a finer kind of hair, against which the surface of the tongue more immediately rests; they are also arranged in longitudinal series, which, however, are not parallel with the external one, but pass from the inner mar¬ gin of that series in oblique lines inwards and backwards. In the great Northern whole ( Bakina mysticetus ) the baleen-plates which succeed the large ones of the outer row, are more numerous, and are relatively longer and larger than in the Balcena Australis. Mr. Scoresby, who, in his account of the Balcena mysticetus, notices only the marginal plates, states that they are about two hundred in number on each side; the largest are from ten to fourteen feet, very rarely fifteen feet in length, and about a foot in breadth at their base. These plates arc overlapped, and concealed by the under lip when the mouth is shut. In the Balcenopterce, or fin-backed whales, the baleen-processes internal to the marginal plates are fewer and smaller than in the true whales ( Balance ). The marginal plates are FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 77 more numerous, exceeding three hundred on each side; they are broader in proportion to their length, and much smaller in proportion to the entire animal; they are also more bent in the direction transverse to their long axis. Each plate of the baleen consists of a central, coarse, fibrous substance, and an exterior compact fibrous layer; but this reaches to a certain extent only, beyond which the central part projects in the form of the fringe of bristles. The chemical basis of baleen, according to the experienced Professor Brande, is albumen hardened by a small propor¬ tion of phosphate of lime.* The final purpose of this singular armature of the upper jaw of the great whales is to secure the capture and reten¬ tion of the small floating mollusks and crustaceans, which serve principally as their food. When the capacious mouth is opened, the water rushes in, and is strained through the fringed surface of the roof and sides, whilst the small ani¬ mals are retained, bruised against the stiff bristled margins of the plates, and swallowed. Baleen, or. whalebone, from its tenacity, flexibility, elas¬ ticity, compactness, and lightness, is applied to a great variety of useful purposes. These were well exemplified in the collection exhibited under No. 103, by Mr. Henry Horan, which showed well-selected examples of whalebone plates from the Arctic whale (Balcena mi/sticetus ), which yields the largest and best kind; from the Antarctic whale (.Balcena Australis), which affords the second best kind; and from the great finner whale ( Balccnoptera. hoops), which affords the shortest and coarsest plates. With these exam¬ ples of the raw material, Mr. Horan exhibited specimens of the raw material in various states of preparation, and numerous and ingenious applications of the prepared baleen, dyed of different colours, as, e. g., for covering whip-handles, walking-sticks, and telescopes, and in the form of shavings for platting, like straws, in the construction of light hats and bonnets. An excellent and instructive series of prepa¬ rations of baleen was also exhibited by Messrs. Westall, in which was more especially deserving notice the great variety * For the microscopical characters, and other particulars of the baleen-plates, I must refer to my “Odontography,” vol. i. p. 311. y * 78 ON THE RAW MATERIALS of filamentary modifications of the whalebone material for numerous useful applications. Fine blades of whalebone from the Balcena mysticetus were exhibited in the United States department, under No. 531, by Mr. L. Goddard; and characteristic specimens of baleen-plates from the Balcena Australis had been transmitted by Mr. S. Moses from Y an Diemen’s Land. Silk. From a product of the most gigantic of animals I next proceed to notice one derived from a seemingly insignificant insect ; yet it is the most costly of all raw materials for textile purposes,—I allude to silk. The most valuable kind of silk, and that which is the subject of the most extensive and pains-taking culture, is a secretion of the larva of a species of moth, indigenous to China, called, par excellence , the “silk-moth,” and by entomologists Bornbyx mori, from its native and favourite food, the leaves of the mulberry- tree. Raw silk was imported into Europe long before the insect which produces it; but the antiquity of this raw material for the richest of our textile fabrics, by no means goes so far back as that of wool. There is no certain reference to silk in any part of the Old Testament; the Hebrew word so rendered by King James’s translators (Ezekiel, xvi. 10, 13) may signify “fine flax;” and the learned Braunius concludes that silk was unknown to the Hebrews.* The first definite mention of silk, with a notice of the creature producing it, is in the fifth book of the “ Historia Animalium” of Aristotle. He indicates the island of Cos as the place where silk was woven into cloth; and he mentions (cap. xix. p. 850, Duval) four states of the in¬ sect which produces silk, under the terms GK'o\r]^ Kaiinr], QoitfvXioi, and wiWaXoj; and these terms were understood by ancient writers after Aristotle, and no doubt cor- * De Vestitu Heb. Sacerdotum. My knowledge of the history of silk, as of wool, is chiefly derived from the “ Textrinum Anti- quorum” eZ Mr. Yates. FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 79 rectly to signify the states which modern entomologists would call the “young larva,” the mature or “ spinning larva,” the “pupa” with its cocoon, and the “imago,” or perfect insect. In the New Testament, the use of silk is mentioned once unmistakeably (Revelations, xviii. 12). The beautiful illustration of the Christian doctrine of the resurreation, -which Basil, in the year of our Lord 370, drew from insect metamorphoses, shows plainly that he had obtained his facts by a perusal of the famous zoological treatise of Aristotle :—“What have you to say, who disbe¬ lieve the assertion of the Apostle Paul concerning the change at the resurrection, when you see many of the in¬ habitants of the air changing their forms? Consider, for example, the account of the horned worm of India, which, having first changed into a caterpillar (eruca or veruca), then in process of time becomes a cocoon (bombylius or homhulio ), and does not continue even in this form, but assumes light and expanding wings. Ye women, who sit winding upon bobbins the produce of these animals— namely, the threads which these Seres send to you for the manufacture of fine garments—bear in mind the change of form in this creature, derive from it a clear conception of the resurrection, and discredit not that transformation which Paul announces to us all.”* Galen judiciously recommends silk threads for tying blood-vessels in surgical operations. The Roman poets and satirists made frequent mention of the luxurious silken clothes and attire, which were introduced at enormous ex¬ pense during the period of the Empire. The silk so obtained was exported from Persia and India; but whether the Bora- hyx mori had been introduced into those countries at that period, or whether the raw material was obtained from China, is uncertain. That silk was most abundant in China we learn from the oldest records of the singular people inhabiting that country, where from an early period, not only the mandarins, but all persons in easy circumstance, as well male as female, have worn silk, satin, or damask clothes. Even the uniforms of * “ Textrinum Antiquorum,” p. 215. 80 ON THE RAW MATERIALS the soldiers were made then, as now, of this elsewhere con¬ sidered so valuable material. Of toe wild original of the Bombyx mori there is the same incertitude as with regard to most domesticated ani¬ mals. I he description which is given by M. Berlin in his work entitled “ China, its Costumes, Arts, and Manufac¬ tures, seems to refer, as M. Latreille remarks, to the large Phalcena atlas. The wild silkworm is there said to curve a leaf into a kind of cup, and then to form a cocoon as large and nearly as hard as a hen’s egg. These wild cocoons are so strong and so compact, that the insects have great difficulty in extricating themselves, and therefore remain enclosed from the end of the summer to the spring of the following: year. These moths fly well. The domestic silk-moth, on the contrary, soon extricates itself, and has very feeble powers of flight. The wild silk-moth feeds indifferently on the ash, oak, and nagara; the Bombyx, mori , as its name implies, feeds by choice, if not exclusively, on the leaves of the mulberry-tree. I have now to speak of the introduction of the silkworm into Europe. According to Procopius, the Bombyx mori was first introduced into Europe in the reign of the Em¬ peror Justinian, by two Nestorian monks who had travelled in Seiinda, which, whether it be India or China is uncer¬ tain, and who succeeded in bringing a quantity of carts,— secured (according to Photius) in" a hollow cane,—to & Cou- stantinople, were they were hatched, and the larva, fed and 1 eared on the leaves of the black mulberry. The breeding of silkworms in Europe was confined for six centuries to the Greeks of the Lower Empire. In the twelfth century, the rearing of silkworms and the manufacture of silk were in¬ ti odueed by Roger, king of Sicily, into Palermo, whence this important branch of industry was rapidly and success¬ fully established in Italy, Spain, France, England, and subsequently in most of our colonies possessing a suitable climate. (( kijk is a secretion of a pair of long glandular tubes, called “ sericteria,” which terminate in a prominent pore or spin- naret on the under lip. Before their termination they receive the secretion of a smaller gland, w r hich serves to glue together the two fine filaments from the two i( sericte- FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 81 riathe apparently single thread being, in reality, double, and its quality being affected by the equality, or otherwise, of the secreting power of the “sericteria.” The silkworm commences spinning when it is full grown, in some con¬ venient spot affording points of attachment for the first formed thread, which is drawn from one part to the other until the body of the larva becomes loosely enclosed by the thread. The work is then continued from one thread to an¬ other, the silkworm moving its head and spinning in a zig¬ zag way, in all directions within reach, and shifting the body only to cover the part which was beneath it. The silken case so formed is called the u cocoon.” During the • • • . O period of spinning the cocoon, which usually takes five days for its completion, the silkworm decreases in size and length considerably; then casts its skin, becomes torpid, and as¬ sumes the form of the chrysalis. The main object of the silkworm-breeder is to obtain cocoons of a large size, composed of a long, strong, very fine, even, and lustrous thread. These properties of the silk were found realized in the highest degree in the speci¬ mens transmitted from France, in which country the de- velopement of the silkworm has for a long period exercised the care and pains of many able silkworm-breeders, and of late years has been the object of systematic advancement by the Central Society of Sericiculture of France. Much skill is exercised—I wish I could add without cruelty—in the art of killing the pupa and extracting it from the cocoon, and in preparing the latter for unwinding the delicate thread; heat being the agent of destruction in most of the processes, as it seems ‘to have been in the re¬ motest historic times in China. The method there employ¬ ed, according to the old French missionaries in China, is as follows :—“ The extremities of the cocoon are first cut off with a pair of scissors; they are then put in a canvass bag and immersed for an hour or more in a kettle of boiling lye, which dissolves the gum. When this is effected, they are taken from the kettle, are pressed to expel the lye, and are left till the next morning to dry. Whilst they are still moist the chrysalis is extracted from each cocoon, which is then turned inside out to make a sort of cowl. They are then easily wound into thread.” 82 ON THE RAW MATERIALS An accomplished author, who has celebrated the Great Exhibition in a worlc full of apt and striking allusions, beautifully apostrophizes the “ wondrous worm, self-shrouded in thy silken tomb! Anon to emerge in brighter form, on higher life intent; but that stern man thy mystic trans¬ formation intercepts, with fatal fires, consuming tenant for the sepulchre.”* The results of all the most approved modes of rearing the silkworm and preparing the cocoons were exhibited, and might be studied with advantage, in the Crystal Palace. The Bornbyx mori, having been bred and reared under the special care and management of man during a long suc¬ cession of aces, may be regarded as a domesticated species of insect; and it has become the subject, as in the higher domesticated races, of varieties, of which those called Sina, “ Syne,” and “Novi,” in France, are examples. The “ Sina” variety of the silkworm is known and esteemed for the pure whiteness of its silk, the thread of which is fine, but weak, and not very lustrous. The “ Syrie” variety is of large size, produces a cocoon abundant in silk, but the thread is rather coarse, and inclines to a oreenish tint. The “Novi” race is small, but the cocoons are firm and well made, and the silk has a yellowish tint. The specimens of cocoons and raw silk exhibited in the French department were numerous,. and the degrees of excellence hardly to be discriminated in the finest examples selected for the award of the prize medal. With regard to the superior quality of these raw silks and cocoons, the Jury, by their recommendation of the award of the Council medal to the “Central Society of Sericiculture of France,” desired to testify their admiration of the specimens exhibited by many members of that Society, and their appreciation of the important influence which it has exercised in the improvement of this beautiful and valuable product of the animal kingdom. The Jury, however, justly gave the honour of their first notice to the beautiful specimens shown under No. 782, by Major Count de Bronno Bronski, exhibitor of unbleached silk and silk cocoons from the Chateau de St. Selves, near * “The Lily and the Bee,” by Samuel Warren, F.R.S., p. 92. FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 83 Bordeaux, Department de la Gironde. The cocoons were remarkable for their large size and regularity of form, and the silk for the unusual length of the thread, its natural pure white colour, its fineness and lustre. The circum¬ stances under which this superior quality of silk was obtained are certified in a report by a Committee of the Agricultural Society of the Gironde, dated 28th April, 1847, to be as follows:—“In 1836 Major Bronski reared sepa¬ rately the eggs of the three varieties, ‘ Sina,’ ‘ Syne/ and ‘Novi/ In 1837 he set apart the cocoons of the varieties ‘Syrie’ and ‘Novi/ and on the exclusion of the imago, or perfect insect, he associated the males of the ‘Novi’ with the females of the ‘ Syrie ;’ and the hybrid ova were hatched at the ordinary period in 1838, the operations being re¬ peated in 1839 and 1840. With regard to the race ‘ Sina/ M. Bronski, in 1837, separated the white from the black worms as soon as they were hatched. He then selected the largest and best-shaped cocoons, and made a special collec¬ tion of the eggs from the moths excluded from those cocoons. This procedure was repeated in 1838 and 1839; but in 1840 he associated the males excluded from the large cocoons of the black worms with the females excluded from those of the white worms. In 1841 he associated the males of the ‘ Sina’ race with the hybrid females obtained from the above-described crossings of ‘ Novi’ and ‘ Syrie’ breeds.” By these and similar experiments M. Bronski at length appears to have succeeded in obtaining a race of silkworms not subject to disease, producing large and equal-sized cocoons of a pure white colour, the siik of which was equal in all its length, strong and lustrous, and presenting an average length of thread of 1057 metres. Very beautiful examples of raw silk were also transmitted from different parts of Italy; and amongst the Italian silks the first mention was due to those exhibited in Tuscany, which showed well all the desirable qualities of the cocoons and thread. From these the Jury selected for the award of the prize medal No. 51, exhibited by Professor Savi, of Pisa, for the specimens of raw silk from silkworms fed upon leaves of the Philippine mulberry. In the department of Sardinia the Jury selected as deserving, for their excellent qualities, the prize medal, the silks exhibited by Messrs. i 84 ON THE RAW MATERIALS H. Jacquet and Co., Messrs. Casissa and Sons, and Messrs, llignon and Co. Many of the silks exhibited in the department of Turkey were of a very fine character, exhibiting a good length of thread, with the qualities of fineness, strength, elasticity, and lustre. The Jury had great pleasure in awarding the prize medal to the School of Sericiculture at Broussa, as well as to some private exhibitors from Turkey. Very fine examples of silk were shown in the Indian de¬ partment, from which the Jury selected, as meriting the prize medal, the following:—D. Jardine, of Calcutta; Wat¬ son, of Surdah, Bengal; Mackenzie "Brothers, of Bengal; Jennings, of Commercolly; W. M’Nair, of Surdah, Bengal. Besides the silk from the ordinary silkworm (Bombyx mori), called in India pat, specimens of stronger and coarser kinds of silk were shown, from the ftzssu,r-moth ( Saturnia mylitta), which feeds on the leaves of the terminalia ca- tappa and zizyplius jvjuba. The cloth woven from this silk is called “ tussur-cloth,” and is made at Midnapore. The moonga-silk is from the Bombyx saturnia, which feeds upon the same trees as the tussur. A piece of moonga-silk cloth, made in Assam, was exhibited. The Plialcena cyn- thia produces the eri silk. This species feeds upon the ■ricinus communis. The eri cloth is also woven at Assam. It is observed in India, that the pat, or true silk, from larvae of the Bombyx mori fed on mulberry-trees grown in a strong clay soil, is generally better, the cocoons being larger and of better colour. In the Chinese department the quality of the silk developed in the native country of the silkworm was worthily illustrated by the specimens exhibited by Yun-kee, of Shang-hae; to whom the Jury, therefore, adjudged the prize medal. I must not quit the subject of silk without, finally, offering a tribute of praise to specimens of silk, from silk¬ worms, reared on leaves of the white mulberry, at Godai¬ ming, Surrey, and exhibited by Mrs. Catherine Dodge, which, considering the unfavourable conditions of climate, showed qualities that deservedly elicited the award of Honourable Mention from our Jury. FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 85 Feathers and Down. The most beautiful, the most complex, and the most highly-elaborated of all the coverings of animals, due to de- velopements of the epidermal system, is the plumage of birds. Well might the eloquent Paley say, — “Every feather is a mechanical wonder; their disposition, all in¬ clined backward, the down about the stem, the overlapping of their tips, their different configuration in different parts, not to mention the variety of their colours, constitute a vestment for the body, so beautiful, and so appropriate to the life which the animal has to lead, as that, I think, we should have had no conception of anything equally perfect, if we had never seen it, or can now imagine anything more so.” A feather consists of the “ quill,” the “ shaft,” and the “ vane :” the vane consists of “ barbs” and “ bar- bules.” The quill is pierced by a lower and an upper orifice, and contains a series of light, dry, conical capsules, fitted one upon another, and united together by a central pedicle. The shaft is slightly bent; the concave side is divided into two surfaces by a middle longitudinal line continued from the upper orifice of the quill, the convex side is smooth. Both sides are covered with a horny material, similar to that of the quill; and they enclose a peculiar white, soft, elastic substance, called the “ pith.” The barbs are attached to the sides of the shaft, and con¬ sist of plates, arranged with their flat sides towards each other, and their margins in the direction of the convex and concave sides of the feather; consequently they present considerable resistance to being bent out of their plane, although readily yielding to any force acting upon them in the direction of the line of the stem. The barbules are given off from either side of the barbs, . and are sometimes similarly barbed themselves, as may be seen in the barbules of the long feathers of the peacock’s tail. The barbules are commonly short and close-set-, and curved in contrary directions, so that two adjoining series 8 ON THE RAW MATERIALS 8G of barbules interlock together, and form the mechanism by which the barbs are compacted into the close and resisting vane of the quill, or “feather,” properly so called. When the barbules are long and loose, they characterize that form of the feather which is properly called a “plume:” and such are the most valuable products of the plumage of birds in a commercial point of vietv; as, e. g. the plumes of the ostrich. The lower barbs in every kind of feather are usually loose, forming the down, which is increased, in most birds, by what is called the “accessory plume.” This is usually a small downy tuft, but varies in different species, and even in the feathers of different parts of the body of the same bird. The value of feathers, for bed-stuffing, depends upon the proportion of loose soft down that enters into their com¬ position ; and, as the “ accessory plume” in the body- feathers of the swans, geese, and ducks, is almost as long as the feather from which it springs, hence arises the com¬ mercial value of the feathers of these aquatic birds. In the developement of plumage, the first covering of the bird is a temporary one, consisting of bundles of long, loosely-barbed filaments, which diverge from a small quill, and on their first appearance are enveloped in a thin sheath, which soon crumbles away after being exposed to the atmo¬ sphere.* These down-feathers are succeeded by the true feathers; to which they bear the same relation as wool does to hair, or the temporary to the permanent teeth. In most birds a certain proportion of the down-feathers is retained with the true feathers, and this proportion is usually great¬ est in the aquatic birds. It is most remarkable in the eider- duck {Anas mollissima) ) which maybe compared with the sheep in regard to the quantity and quality of the softer and warmer kind of the epidermal covering. The down of the cider combines with its peculiar softness, fineness, and lightness, so great a degree of elasticity, that the quantity of this beautiful material which might be compressed and concealed between the two hands of a man will serve to stuff the coverlet of a bed. * A good account of the mode.of formation of feathers is given m a paper by M. F. Cuvier, entitled, “Sur le developpeinent des Plumes,” in the “ Mdmoires du Mus6um.” tom. x. 10 ; or the arti¬ cle “ Aves,” in the “Cyclopedia of Anatomy,” may be consulted. PROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 87 Al] the varieties and modifications of the plumage of birds, serviceable in manufactures, or valued as ornaments, might be compared and studied with advantage in the Great Exhibition. An instructive and comprehensive collection of feathers and down, in different states of preparation for bed-stuffing, including English goose feathers, Irish goose and mixed feathers, Dantzig feathers, Russian goose feathers, and mixed duck feathers, Hudson’s Bay goose and duck feathers, Russian down and Greenland eider-down, were exhibited by Messrs. Heal and Son. Messrs. W. and C. Nightingale likewise exhibited an illustrative collection of feathers and down, showing the effects of their mode of purifying fea¬ thers by steam, without the use of sulphurous gas. In the Russian department good specimens of white Be- jetsk bed-feathers, gray feathers, and goose-down, were ex¬ hibited by J. Lapshin (No. 145), of Petersburg. Madame Ladighin, of Tamboff, transmitted a fine quality of down from the breast of the goose; together with articles made of goose-down. In the Indian department were shown white and black ostrich plumes; but these had been imported from Aden. If the ostrich ever steps into Asia, it is only a little way into the Arabian side of the Isthmus of Suez: the Struthio camelus belongs to a peculiarly African genus of the great wingless birds. Tippets, victorines, and boas, made from the down of the young adjutant-crane (Ciconia argala) w r ere exhibited from Commercolly; and also beautiful white feathers, of a smaller species of crane, from Arrahan. With regard to the application of quill-feathers as instruments for writing, I have nothing to say : the specimens illustrating that application having been placed, with other articles of stationery, under the inspection of another jury. Horns and Antlers. I next proceed to notice a class of raw materials from the animal kingdom extensively and variously exemplified in the Great Exhibition, most commonly used in the manu¬ facture of implements, and known by the general name of “ horns .” In common parlance any hard body projecting 88 ON THE RAW MATERIALS from the head, terminating in a free, unopposed point, and serviceable as a weapon, is called a “ horn such as the canine tusks which curve upwards and backwards through the skin of the head of the babyroussa, the larger incisive tusks of the elephant, and the long, straight, spirally-twisted tusk of the narwhal, which figures as the horn of the heraldic unicorn. Even the weapons to which the term u horn” is properly or technically applied consist of very different substances, and belong to two organic systems as distinct from each other, as both are from the teeth. Thus the horns of deer consist of bone, and are processes of the frontal bone; those of the giraffe are independent bones, or “ epiphyses ,” covered by hairy skin; those of oxen, sheep, and antelopes, are “apophyses” of the frontal bone, covered by the corium, and by a sheath of true horny material ; those of the Dicrci- nocerus (or pronghorned antelope) consist, at their base, of bony processes covered by hairy skin, and are covered by horny sheaths in the rest of their extent; they thus combine' the characters of those of the giraffe and ordinary antelope, together with the expanded and branched forms of the antlers of deer. Only the horns of the rhinoceros are composed wholly of horny matter, and this is disposed in longitudinal fibres, so that the horn seems rather to consist of coarse bristles compactly matted together in the form of a more or less elongated, subcompressed cone. The Indian and the Javanese rhinoceroses have a single horn; the Sumatran and African rhinoceroses have two horns; these, however, do not form a symmetrical pair, but are placed one behind the other. The anterior is supported upon a rough tract of the anchylosed nasal bones; it is always the longest, and this difference is considerable in the JRh. simus, in which it is straight and inclines forwards. The posterior horn, which is always the smallest in the two¬ horned rhinoceroses, is the one which is absent in the one¬ horned species. The horn in these is placed nearer the end of the nose in the old than in the young animal; and this change of position is effected by an order of growth analogous to that of the adductor muscle of the oyster, viz., by the addition of new fibres to the fore part of the horn in greater FROM THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. 89 proportion than to the hind part, where they may he ob¬ served to be always in a state of decay. The horns of the ruminants are always symmetrically disposed, and usually in a single pair; very rarely, as in the four-horned antelope (. Antilope quadricornis ), and in the great extinct Sivathere and Bramathere, in two pairs. In the ox, sheep, goat,- and antelope tribes the herns are always supported by processes of the frontal bones into which (save in some Antilopidce, e. g. Cervicapra, Dorcas ) the frontal sinuses are continued. A thin vascular layer of the corium is co-cntendcd with the periosteum of the bone- process, or “core,” and secretes the true horn, or “sheath.” Horns of this type are never shed, and the Ruminantia, that possess them are termed “cavicornia,” or “hollow- horned.” Such horns are usually simple and conical, though they may be straight, curved, bent, hooked, or spirally twisted; only one existing species ( Antilope ( dicranoceros ) furcifer) has them flattened, expanded, and bifurcate, like the great posterior horns of the extinct Si-vatherium. Such compound horns are developed in both sexes in the JBovidce, the Ovidce , in all goats, and many antelopes, as, e. g. the caama ( buhalis ), the goral (kernes), the mar ( 'capricornis ), the chamois ( rupi - capra), the gazelle, and the oryx ; but they are mostly larger in the males; they are not developed in the females of the Saiga and other species of Antilope proper, in the prong-horned antelope, the chiara ( 'tetraceros ), the madoqua (Ant. montana), the duyker-bok ( 'sylvicapra ), the bosh-bok (tragelaphus) , and the strepsieeros (calliope). Sometimes the horns are smooth and polished, sometimes longitudinally grooved; more commonly they are trans¬ versely ridged or “ annulate.” It is commonly believed that the horns of the ox acquire an additional ring every year after the third; but the addition of annuli is far from being annual in other species: many rings are gained in one year’s growth of the ram’s horns, and in those of the ring-horned antelope (Ant. cervicapra). The first formed horny sheath of the Cavicornia is commonly obtuse, thicker, and of a coarser texture, than that which is formed later; but it is equally extravascular, and is merely displaced and shed piecemeal by the formation of new horn-fibres beneath 8 * 90 ON THE RAW MATERIALS it, like other layers of epidermal substance. The more com¬ pact horny matter developed at the period of maturity, and the use to which the horns are then more habitually and forcibly put, gives their points a sharpness and compactness very different from the first formed substance. In the young oryx it is bent backwards before it is cast off, but the bony core does not partake of this form. The horns of deer, which consist wholly of bone, are pro¬ perly called “antlers.” They are covered by periosteum, and this by a soft vascular tegument technically termed the “ velvet,” during the progress of their growth. This once completed, the vessels shrink, the supply of blood is stopped, the integument of the antler dries and becomes detached, leaving the dense bony part as an insensible weapon. As this part loses its vitality, the absorbents proceed to sap its base, and at a certain season of the year the antlers are shed, after which the growth of another pair soon begins. Thus the antlers of the deer tribe are shed and renewed annually, like the hair; and the antlers increase in size and in the number of the branches, until the animal has attained its full maturity and strength. The red deer, at this period, will develope, in the course of about ten weeks, a pair of antlers weighing about twenty-four pounds. But the great extinct Irish deer ( Megaceros Hibernians ) must have thrown out of its circulating system in the course of a few months between seventy and eighty pounds weight of osseous sub¬ stance. The antlers of all the deer tribe have the same chemical and physical qualities as true bone; and the same chemical products, e. l .... ' : . ' 1 : v -v :a . ; - . ...... . . PROFESSOR EDWARD SOLLY, F.R.S. ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. In undertaking to describe to you the probable influence of the Great Exhibition on the cultivation and preparation of vegetable raw produce, I feel that I have attempted a task of some difficulty. The subject is a very important and a very extensive one, forming, as it were, the very ground¬ work and foundation of commerce, manufactures, and, I may say, indeed of national prosperity. To attempt to enter into the consideration of the whole subject, and to follow out one by one the various branches into which it naturally divides itself, would occupy many lectures instead of one; and I shall therefore content myself with rather trying to place before you such generalizations as have occurred to me during the course of my labours in the Jury, and select as illustra¬ tions a few of the more important of the many subjects which have been under our consideration. In using the term “raw produce,” it must be borne in mind that it is not to be confined to those substances, which in their crude and natural condition form articles of com¬ merce; but rather to those vegetable materials, whether crude or partly manufactured, which constitute the basis of the arts and manufactures, the crude matter on which the manufacturer exerts his skill, and which it is the especial object of his art to render fit for some new and useful pur- 16 * (185) 186 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED pose. It is in the state in which he obtains it; and it is, therefore, truly speaking, the raw material of his art, although, at the same time, it may really have undergone a long series of preliminary processes and operations. At the very outset of our inquiries, and in our very first attempt to draw general conclusions respecting the vegetable elements of commerce, we are met by one or two serious difficulties, which, whilst they tend to make our study more laborious and uncertain, at the same time teach us to be cautious and diffident, lest in our wish to draw general de¬ ductions, and arrive at first principles, we fall into the very common error of arguing on false or insufficient data. If the Great Exhibition had really contained specimens of all the principal raw produce of each different country, though it would, no doubt, have been difficult to compare them together, from the fact of their being dispersed and scattered over so large a space, yet we should then, at least, have had the means of making a fair estimate of the relative powers of production of each country. This, however, un¬ fortunately, was not the case: some countries were well represented, some indifferently, and some but very badly; and hence it is necessary in imagination to try and supply these deficiencies, before we can fairly reason on the whole as complete. In spite of all caution, however, it is probable, that the effects which the Great Exhibition will really lead to, will differ as widely from those which it might produce, as the Exhibition itself, in fact, differed from what it might have been. Taken in a broad sense, the Exhibition must be regarded as a great practical expression of the state and condition of human industry, as an indication of the degree of advancement to which it has arrived, and the changes which it is undergoing. As regards the future, then, we have to consider, What changes and improvements may we look forward to ? and how will those changes and alterations be influenced by the Great Exhibition ? Even a slight examination of the raw produce which forms the chief basis of our manufactures, must lead us to the conclusion that, in many cases, the best substances are IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 187 not used, nor are the best modes of preparing them followed. The history of every art gives us plenty of illustrations to show what apparently trifling circumstances have led to the use of some particular substance, and how long it has been before that substance has given way on the introduction of a new material, even though the new material was confess- edly superior to that previously in use. The cause of this has, no doubt, in part been the tenacity with which men in all cases cling to old customs and practices, and the cautious disinclination which prudent men generally have to enter into a new process; whilst in many cases it has certainly arisen from a combination of those in trade, determined to prevent any alteration, or the introduction of any new sub¬ stance. But, at the same time, there is no doubt that ignorance on the part of the manufacturer of what was his true interest, has been at the very foundation of this opposi¬ tion to change. If you were to place before any manufacturer specimens of all the substances which could be employed in his par¬ ticular manufacture, and if you could tell him from whence each could be procured, its cost, the quantities in which he might obtain it, and its physical and chemical properties, he would soon be able to select for himself the one best suited for his purposes. This, however, has never happened in relation to any one art; in every case manufacturers have had to make the best of the materials which chance or accident has brought before them. It is strange and start¬ ling, but nevertheless perfectly true, that even at the present time there are many excellent and abundant productions of nature, with which not only our manufacturers, but, in some instances, even our men of science, are wholly unac¬ quainted. There is not a single book published which gives even tolerably complete information on any one of the different classes of vegetable raw produce at present under our consideration. The truth of these remarks will be felt strongly by any one who takes the trouble to examine any of these great divisions of raw materials. He will obtain tolerably com¬ plete information respecting most of those substances which are known in trade and commerce; but of the greater number of those not known to the broker, he will learn 188 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED little or nothing. Men of science, for the most part, look down upon such knowledge. The practical uses of any sub¬ stance, the wants and difficulties of the manufacturer, are regarded as mere trade questions, vulgar and low—simple questions of money. On the other hand, mere men of business do not feel the want of such knowledge, because, in the first place, they are ignorant of its existence, and secondly, because they do not see how it could aid them in their business ; and if it should happen that an enterprising manufacturer desires to learn something of the cultivation and production of the raw material with which he works, he generally finds it quite impossible to obtain any really sound and useful information. In such cases, if he is a man of energy and of capital, he often is at the cost of sending out a properly qualified person to some distant part of the globe, to learn for him those practical details which he desires to know. This is no uncommon thing; and many cases might be stated, showing the great advantages which have arisen to those who have thus gained a march upon their neighbours. This want of knowledge, arising as it does from a want of communication between the first producer and the manu¬ facturing consumer, is the great cause why some of our manufactures advance so slowly, and why some branches of commerce are in so depressed a state. A moment’s con¬ sideration will suffice to show the bearing of this fact. Let us take the case of a gum, a resin, or a vegetable extract, collected by a native in the vast forests of Hindostan, and used by the calico-printer of Manchester: what connexion have these two with each other ? and what knowledge has the former of the purposes to which it is to be applied, or the latter of the sources whence it is derived ? The native col¬ lector sells the raw produce to the native buyer or broker, having generally taken care to adulterate it to a greater or less extent; the native broker sells it again to the mer¬ chant; the merchant consigns it to a house in England; and the English house employs their broker to introduce it to the manufacturer. Perhaps the article, from careless collection or from intentional adulteration, is greatly depre¬ ciated in value; still the manufacturer must use it, for he cannot get any better: he consults his broker, and learns IN TIIE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 189 that it is the best in the market, and that it always comes over in that state. So matters go on from generation to generation; and for want of a little knowledge, rightly applied, all parties persevere in a system which, whilst it invariably increases labour, at the same time certainly diminishes profit. It would lead me too far from the subject now under our consideration, were I to consider the effects produced in trade by these “ middlemen” and intermediate agents. I would now, therefore, only point out to you the effect which they produce in retarding the spread of knowledge. No doubt, such a system has its advantages, as well as its objections; that it tends to keep up the old rule-of-thumb mode of going on, there is likewise no doubt; and also, that with all its faults, and the inconveniences which it causes to manufacturers, they would be very sorry to see it in any way changed. It sometimes happens that a merchant rashly endeavours to set aside the old prejudice, and presumes to bring his goods directly to the manufac¬ turer ; if he does so, he is generally eyed with distrust and suspicion, and is told, as I have not unfrequently myself heard, “ Really we cannot entertain the thing in this form; you had better send it to ns in the ordinary way, through a broker.” I do not for a moment mean to say that this may not be the most business-like mode of proceeding; my ob¬ ject merely is to point out how this system tends to check improvement, and how the manufacturers, though they suffer from its effects, cherish and combine to uphold it. It may be taken as a pretty well-ascertained fact, that only those manufactures are in a really progressive state, of which the producer of the raw material and the manufac¬ turing consumer are in more or less direct communication, and where there is a mutual knowledge of the capabilities of the one, and the requirements of the other. TV hen there are many intermediate agents between the two, it is long before the complaints of the manufacturer reach the ears of the first producer, and it must be many years before the im¬ provement which the former desires can be brought about. Such a system of trade offers no facilities for the intro¬ duction of new kinds of vegetable raw produce; a new sub¬ stance, like a new process, is looked on with distrust. It 190 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED u is not in the marketthe broker does not know it, and that is nearly the same as pronouncing it of no value : it is put up to auction, sold for a tenth part of its value, and what becomes of it is a mere chance. Sometimes it falls into the hands of clever and enterprising men, a demand for it rapidly arises, and it is then afterwards brought to market; but more frequently it is thrown aside as useless, because no pains are taken to apply it in the right manner, and in a couple of years it is altogether forgotten, or if re¬ membered, it is as a worthless thing which was tried some years since, and found of no use; and, lastly, the report goes back to the country from which it was brought, that it is of no value in the European markets. As I have already said, the Great Exhibition presented to us a most valuable and interesting collection of the gums, resins, oils, dye-stuffs, fibres, and timber of many countries; necessarily far from complete, but still highly useful, because along with those substances well known to our manufacturers, there were samples of many which are wholly unknown, and not a few of those, which having been brought over in former years, and condemned and discarded in the manner just alluded to, are now beginning to excite attention, and are likely in time to become articles of com¬ merce. This department of the Exhibition possesses one peculiar advantage, namely, that it is not merely a record of the successes, but also, to some extent likewise, of the failures, of past years; and there are many cases in which failures are even more instructive than successes. In ex¬ amining thes^forgotten materials, we are naturally led to inquire into the reasons why they met with so little favour; we are induced to study the modes in which they were tried, and the causes which led to the failure of their employment. If these inquiries teach us the reason why former attempts failed, they may very probably suggest new modes of work¬ ing, better suited to the properties and peculiar characters of each substance; or, indeed, they may perhaps lead to altogether new uses and new applications. /N THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 191 Gums and Resins. On examining the collection of gums and resins in the Great Exhibition, it is impossible not to be struck with the number and variety of these substances shown, all imperfect though the series was; and also with the fact, that many of the finest and best are not at all used in the arts, whilst many of the inferior ones are. Now, there is no doubt that if these manufacturers who use gums and resins were well acquainted with the better sorts, they would soon learn to discard the inferior varieties. I might mention, for ex¬ ample, the fine red resin of the Xanthorrhoea of New South Wales, which, though it has been known in our Museums for more than half a century, is only now beginning to be used by manufacturers, and which will unquestionably ere long increase in estimation and demand. In a similar con¬ dition stand the beautiful Cowrie resin of New Zealand, the East Indian Dammers, and the line hard resins from Coorg. These resins all require a peculiar treatment, different from that employed with the ordinary resins of commerce : treated 'as those substances commonly are, they will be found re¬ fractory and useless; but by new processes, and under the influence of different solvents, their real value will in time be developed. Another point, and one which directly illustrates some of the remarks I have already made, is the great variation in quality which many of these substances exhibit, result¬ ing from want of care and attention in their collection and preservation. When, for example, we find that a substance imported from India as gum, and intended to be used as a substitute for gum arabic, is the product of at least twenty- four different trees, collected indiscriminately, and, in fact, is a mixture of gums, resins, gum-resins, and impurities of all sorts, it is not difficult to understand why it should be in little esteem, and fetch but a small price in our markets. A small portion of the mixture is excellent, but it is almost rendered useless by the quantity of trash sent with it; to remedy this, it must be carefully handpicked, and that, of course, still further diminishes its value. In the East Indian collection, which was unquestionably the richest and most interesting series in the whole Exhibition; there were 192 l.N THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USKB several specimens of well-known substances from new locali¬ ties ; amongst these I would mention the shellac from Singa¬ pore. It is stated that this important resin may easily be collected in almost unlimited quantities in the neighbouring jungles of the Peninsula. Now the value of shellac varies very greatly, according to the tree from which it is collected, and other circumstances j and the lac brought over is some¬ times so inferior as to be of very little use to the manufac¬ turer : if more care is not used in its collection, the trade in it will very probably ere long begin to fall off, as some of the other and less uncertain resins come more into use, and gradually replace it. In connexion with gums, we must not forget the very excellent artificial gum, which is now so largely made for the use of calico-printers and others, by roasting starch, and known under the name of u dextrine,” or British gum. This manufacture has now been' brought to such a degree of perfection, that it leaves little to be desired; it has, of course, diminished the value of natural gums, and increased the importance of the starch series. The manufacture of . starch itself has undergone several important changes during the last few years, chiefly due to the application of chemical science. Formerly, starch was almost entirely obtained from wheat and similar grains by fermentation; the cellular matter of the grain was destroyed by fermentation, and the particles of starch were thus liberated: this kind of process was not applicable to rice or maze, and it is only since the introduction of chemical modes of setting free the starch, that those grains have been available as sources of it. By the application of bleaching agents, too, the appearance of the starch has been greatly improved. New plants have been resorted to by the manufacturers of starch; of late years very large quantities of excellent starch have been prepared from sago, the meal of which, in fact, requires very little more than washing and bleaching to render it fit for use. Caoutchouc. A century ago caoutchouc or India-rubber v as only known as a curiosity—now it is regarded almost as a ne- IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 193 oessary of life, and of late not a year has gone by without some new and valuable application of this remarkable sub¬ stance. A few years since, the demand for India-rubber had increased so much, that importers began anxiously to look out for new sources, especially as the supply from South America was beginning to fall off. A little inquiry showed that abundance of milky-juiccd plants, yielding ex¬ cellent caoutchouc, flourished in the forests of tropical Asia; and from various parts of the East Indian empire, Assam in particular, excellent samples were sent. A trade soon sprang up, and large quantities of caoutchouc were sent over; it was, however, found that the rubber greatly dete¬ riorated in quality, and that the cargoes sent over did not at all correspond in goodness to the first samples; hence it soon acquired a bad name, and a diminished value in the market. The cause of this change was simple enough—the first sam¬ ples sent over were carefully prepared by intelligent persons, and in the manner which experience had shown to be the best; that which was afterwards imported was prepared in a careless and slovenly manner by the natives, not in the best manner, but simply in that manner which gave the least trouble. It is sad to see in how many instances, for the want of a little care and forethought, the abundant riches of the earth are destroyed, or rendered useless for the pur¬ poses of man. Gutta Percha. There is very little doubt that there exist many other vegetable substances similar to caoutchouc, which, like it, might be used for various purposes in the arts, but which must remain unknown and unused, till some happy acci¬ dent shall develope their value to those able to employ them practically. A few years since we witnessed in this room the introduction of that singular substance, gutta percha, when we awarded our large gold medal to Dr. Montgomerie, for drawing the attention of European artisans to its re¬ markable and valuable properties. I believe that there are many similar substances which might in the same way be introduced with advantage to the notice of English manu¬ facturers, and which are at present either only known to the 17 194 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED natives of the places in which they are produced, or perhaps even altogether unknown. The forests of Asia, Africa, South America, and Australia, are not half examined, and there is no doubt that their investigation would amply re¬ pay the trouble. There were several new and peculiar sub¬ stances of this class shown in the Great Exhibition, but for the present I shall merely mention one, namely, the Catti- mundoo, contributed from Vizianagram, a substance pos¬ sessing many of the properties of gutta pcrcha, and which is certainly likely to become a valuable import. Oils. On turning to the great class of vegetable oils, we find the same rich abundance of nature to admire; and here, as in the preceding case, we cannot but wonder at the com¬ paratively small number used by manufacturers, out of the hundreds presented to us by the fruitful earth. It would seem almost, as if in regard to the productions of the earth, there were certain vested rights which might not be set aside, and that we were bound to go on importing and using the same substances which our ancestors did, irrespective of the question, whether other substances might not be advantageously substituted for them. Of late years attention has been paid to some of the many good vegetable oils of Asia and Africa, and large quantities have been imported; yet there are still many which are quite as good, but almost unknown, though new oils are anxiously desired by candle and soap makers, by wool-spinners, by engineers in general for diminishing friction, and for various other purposes. Cocoa-nut and palm-oil have been extensively imported from Ceylon and the coast of Africa, chiefly for the manu¬ facture of candles; but there are, besides these, at least two dozen other solid vegetable oils, almost unknown to com¬ merce, and well worthy the attention of manufacturers, such as the vegetable tallow of the Yateria indica, the fat of the various Bassias, the oil of the Carapa, the oils of the Gar- cinia and of the Yernonia, the vegetable tallows of China and the Archipelago Islands. The various vegetable waxes, too, of which there are likewise many, and which may be had largely in Mexico, South Africa, and North America, IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 195 deserve notice. Some of these substances are already becoming known to manufacturers, especially certain of the kinds of vegetable tallow from China; and the importation of vegetable was is increasing. Till recently, indeed, the latter substance could not be imported into England, for the high duty imposed upon it amounted to a prohibition. Whilst bees’ wax paid a duty of 10s. per cwt., vegetable wax was charged hi. 12s., or at the rate of 112?. per ton. Recently the duty has been equalized, and the protection which long existed in favour of bees has been withdrawn. Amongst the fluid fixed oils, similar facts are to be observed; there are many excellent oils wholly unknown to commerce, but admirably adapted to the wants and re¬ quirements of manufacturers; these, too, arc waiting for some fortunate circumstance to bring them to the notice of those able to turn them to practical uses. Let us hope that it may n^t be the devastating and paralyzing influence of war which shall give rise to the introduction of these sub¬ stances ! I might mention many curious facts to show how difficult it is to introduce a new article of trade, however good, if in any way it interferes with the established custom and routine of commerce, and how in some cases it can only be brought in under a false name, in order to obtain an entrance into our ports ! Till quite recently the linseed oil required for Government use, throughout the Indian empire, was wholly sent out from Europe; and it is only within the last few years that it has been found out that the native- grown linseed is quite as good as the best which can be had from Europe. In preparing oils for exportation, some care and attention must be paid; when well expressed, oil has little tendency to change, but when prepared in a careless and slovenly manner, contaminated with mucilage and other matters from the seed, it soon becomes rancid, and then will not bear a sea voyage of any length. The value of these new oils, therefore, will mainly depend on the care and skill bestowed upon their preparation : if expressed with rude and imperfect machinery, they will arrive foul, discoloured, rancid, and of little value; whilst, if carefully prepared, they will come over fresh and sweet, and fit for any purpose in the arts to which they may be applied. Again, in collecting these oils 196 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED in our colonies ai:d elsewhere, some system must be adopted for the cultivation and preservation of the plants yielding them; the supply cannot fail to be small and uncertain, if the same reckless mode of cutting down trees is adopted, as has been the case with the trees yielding gutta percha and caoutchouc,—a system which, gradually but surely, leads to the extinction of the trees themselves. These remarks may to some seem almost self-evident, but they are nevertheless generally overlooked, and the usual consequences are dis¬ appointment, failure, and ruin. Several of the little known volatile oils were highly interesting; the sweet-scented, fragrant ones are all of value, though their importance in the arts is fast diminish¬ ing, as the progress of science brings us nearer and nearer to the mode of preparing them artificially. Amongst these oils several are of value, in consequence of their strong sol¬ vent powers over resin. Thus, for example, we have the excellent oil of the Eucalyptus piperita and Leptispermum, from New South Wales;—that country yielding at the same time valuable resins, and essential oils capable of dissolving them, and thus of rendering them practically useful in the arts. In connexion with this part of my subject, I would also draw your attention to a class of curious empyreumatic volatile oils, obtained by the destructive distillation of the bark of trees, such as the birch-oil of Russia, used in the manufacture of Russian leather, and from which it derives its well-known fragrant odour, and its power of withstand¬ ing the attacks of insects and the progress of decay. This oil does not appear to be so well known as it deserves; it might probably be used for other purposes besides the pre¬ servation of leather; it is possible, likewise, that similar oils might be obtained by the destructive distillation cf the bark of other trees. Dyes. * . There is, perhaps, no art which has undergone more im¬ portant changes and alterations during the last halt century 1 than that of dyeing; and here, as in all other branches ot applied science, we find many points of interest in studying IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 197 the vegetable raw products employed, which are, as it were, the ores from which precious metal is to be extracted, by the skill and knowledge of the manufacturer. Some of these changes were shown in a very interesting and instruc¬ tive way in the Great Exhibition, where we had the rude but efficient dye-stuffs of our ancestors, contrasted with the more elaborate processes, and more refined dyeing materials, of the present day; at the same time, it is impossible not to recognise the eminently progressive character of the art, which we may fairly anticipate will undergo as important changes in the coming half century, as it has experienced during the past. To some extent we may form an estimate of the state to which the art has arisen in each country, by observing the dye-stuffs employed; and in most cases, where woad, bugloss, and weld, are the chief sources of blue, red, and yellow, we may safely conclude that comparatively little progress has been made in the application of practical sci¬ ence to the art of dyeing. It would be foreign to our subject at present to enter at all into the operations of the dyer, and I shall, therefore, confine myself to the consideration of the materials of his art, quite independent of the manner in which he employs them. It is obvious that those dye-stuffs which require no preparation, but which, like log-wood, fustic, and madder, are yielded by nature in a state fit for immediate use, arc under very different circumstances from those which, like indigo, litmus, and annotto, undergo a process of prepara¬ tion before they are fit for the market. But even in the case of those which seem to require nothing more than the axe of the woodman, very great and important differences are to be observed. Climate, soil, and cultivation, produce the most marked differences in the growth of plants, and consequently also in the production of colouring matters. One illustration of this will perhaps serve as well as many, and will show not only how the production of dyes is regu¬ lated by apparently small circumstances, but also how those circumstances may be controlled and modified by the judi¬ cious application of science. It was observed that some of the madder grown near Avignon was inferior in the richness and brilliancy of its colour to that produced in other dis¬ tricts; and the proprietors being anxious to discover the 17 * 198 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED cause, were led to institute a chemical examination of the soil of their own land, in comparison with that of some of the best madder farms; the result showed that their soil was deficient in lime, whilst all the others contained it. They were, therefore, induced to give their land a good dressing of lime, and the result fully justified them, for the next year their crop of madder was inferior to none. The value of all these dye-stuffs depends on the care bestowed on their cultivation, and upon the attention paid to their collection and preservation, so that they may not suffer in¬ jury either from carelessness, or from adulteration. The importance of vegetable colouring matters generally is somewhat diminished by the numerous chemical discove¬ ries which have introduced to the dyer mineral or inorganic substitutes for many of them; but, at the same time, chemi¬ cal science has so greatly improved most of the processes of dyeing, that the dyer, by means of its aid, is now able to get many colours from the old vegetable dye-stuffs, which were quite out of the power of his predecessors. The im¬ provements in calico-printing, and dyeing in many colours, have gradually given rise to a demand for new colours and new dyes, so that at the present time good or promising new colours are received with a considerable degree of in¬ terest. Fortunately, there are many of these, and not a few which may be had in large quantities, and at low prices. Owing to the progress of the art, many colouring mat¬ ters which a few years since were regarded as of little or no value, are gradually rising in estimation; when first in¬ troduced, they were tried as substitutes for the ordinary dye-stuff's, and were treated in the same way as those dye¬ stuffs commonly were; the result was far from promising, and they were accordingly condemned. Now, however, new modes of operating are introduced,—the colouring matter is treated in accordance with the known laws of chemistry; and good and useful colours are obtained from it. Mun- jeet, Ohay root, and many other dye-stuffs, are in this man¬ lier gradually coming into use and estimation. The advancements which have been made in the manu¬ facture of mixed fabrics, call for corresponding changes and improvements in the art of dyeing, and render new inodes of dyeing, as well as new dyes, highly desirable. A IN TELE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 199 dye which serves well for wool or cotton, frequently will not take on silk or flax; and, consequently, though it will do very well for any one of these fabrics alone, it is of little use for a mixed fabric composed of two different fibres. Amongst some of the little known native dyes of India and other countries, there are many well deserving of careful examination; such, for example, as the black indigo of the Shan country, the black dye of New Zealand, and others. Dye-stuffs, for the most part, are bulky and heavy sub¬ stances, the carriage of which for any distance, by land, or even by water, makes a very serious addition to their cost; and, consequently, every mode of increasing the proportion per cent, of colouring matter is worthy of consideration; and those modes of preparation are best which yield the largest quantity of colour, and the least quantity of useless fibrous matter. Owing to the judicious manner in which the Chinese safflower is collected, it contains far more of the fine red colouring matter, and is consequently worth four or five times as much in the market, as the best Bengal saf¬ flower ; in addition to which, from want of due care in the drying, the latter is sometimes so much injured during the sea voyage as to be deteriorated at least fifty per cent. The loss thus sustained is often set down to “ the nature of the drug,” and not to the careless habits of those employed in collecting it! When we remember how many thousand tons of dyeing woods are annually imported, and how many thousand tons of it are absolutely useless woody fibre, we cannot help coming to the conclusion that here chemical science might be applied with great advantage, and that if colonists could be taught how to extract and concentrate the true colouring principles of these woods, much unprofitable labour and expense ■would be saved; nay more, these concentrated dye¬ stuffs might be profitably imported from places from which the cost of carriage would altogether prevent the importa¬ tion of the dye-stuff in its raw state. This is a matter of great practical importance, and one which has not yet re¬ ceived that attention which it deserves; there are no doubt difficulties in the way, but after the many triumphs which science has achieved, we surely need not be deterred by any ordinary difficulties. The consideration of this subject na- 200 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED turally leads to one very closely connected with it$ namely, the various substances used in tanning; in which, to some extent, the object just suggested has already been realized. The most experienced tanners all agree, that no substance has yet been introduced, capable of replacing good oak-bark in their art, but, at the same time, they readily allow that many substances are of great value as aids to oak-bark, and in the preparation of particular kinds of leather. The number of astringent barks and woods suitable for this art is very large; but, with few exceptions, the cost of freight would prohibit their being brought from any distance : in such cases extracts have been made, and imported either in the dry and solid form, like catechu and kino, or as a thick solution, like the mimosa extract of New Holland. The value of these extracts depends in a great measure on the mode in which they are prepared ; they should be rapidly concentrated, and exposed as little as possible to the air during evaporation, or otherwise they sutler a considerable degree of decomposition, and their value is proportionably diminished. Cotton. I would now draw your attention to another, and a very important division of raw produce, namely, fibrous materials, including cotton, flax, hemp, and a number of less exten¬ sively used but still highly valuable products, constituting the great elements of several of our most important manu¬ factures. In the first place, let us briefly consider the nature of cotton, of which this country imports at present about eight hundred million pounds a-year, the value of which, when manufactured, can hardly be estimated under thirty millions sterling. Cotton may be generally described as a soft, white, tubu¬ lar fibre found in the capsule of the Gossypium, or cotton shrub, and adhering to the seeds. Further, it is well known that there are a great number of different varieties of cotton distinguished by marked peculiarities, and known in com¬ merce either by the name of the country in which they are indigenous, or by some term expressive of their peculiar properties. These differences are not merely to be traced IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 201 to peculiarities of soil, climate, and cultivation, though they unquestionably exert a most remarkable influence in modi¬ fying the nature of the fibre, but are caused by distinct varieties in the plant itself. Botanists have shown that there are at least four separate and well-marked species of the genus Gossypium, namely, G. Barbadense, of which Sea Island and Bourbon cotton are varieties; G. Peruvianum , the Pernambuco or Brazil cotton; G. Arboreum , which yields the Nurma, or native cotton of India; and G. Indi- cum, the cotton of the Mediterranean, Africa, India, China, &c. Of these, the Sea Island has the longest, and the Ben¬ gal the shortest staple or fibre. The chief supplies of this important article are obtained from the United States, for about 84 per cent, of the whole quantity of cotton annually consumed in Great Britain is imported from North America; about 10 per cent, from the East Indies; nearly 4 per cent, from Brazil; and rather more than 2 per cent, from the Mediterranean. In North America the cotton plant grows freely and luxuriantly, and its cultivation and the collection of the fibre have reached such a state of systematic excellence, that there appears little further improvement to desire. The Sea Island cot¬ ton is long and yet fine, strong and at the same time silky; whilst from the careful manner in which the crop is ga¬ thered, the excellent mode in which the seeds are separated from the fibre, and the good arrangements followed in cleaning and packing it, the North American cotton reaches Europe in the best possible condition for the subsequent operations of the manufacturer. Next in importance as cotton-producers stand the British possessions in the East, but here not only have we a differ¬ ent variety of cotton to consider, but also a different soil, a different climate, and, above all, a different race of people to cultivate it. The native cotton of India has a far shorter fibre than that of North America; little care is bestowed on its cultivation and collection, and little care is taken to pro¬ tect it from injury, after it is collected. That the fibre is good and fit for manufacturing purposes is evident; for the muslins woven in the looms of India have long shown how the labour and ingenuity of the natives could with this cotton, even in spite of careless cultivation, and imperfect 202 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED methods, more than match European skill, though aided with all the appliances of modern science and mechanical invention. For a long series of years the attention of the East India Company has been directed to the improvement of the cot¬ ton cultivation, and many costly experiments have been made. In general, the result of these attempts has been, that little success has attended the introduction of long staple Sea Island cotton into India. At the same time, however, it has been most satisfactorily proved that, with due care and attention, excellent New Orleans cotton may be cultivated in the Indian Empire; and further, it has been shown, that with improved cultivation, with good modes of cleaning, and with constant care, the native Indian cottons may be so improved in character, as to become of far more value in the market than they at pre¬ sent possess. It is proved that the deficiencies of East Indian cotton do not depend on any inferiority of soil or climate, but merely on the careless or ignorant practices of those who cultivate it; and that, with continued care and attention, and by persevering in the introduction of improved methods, a complete change will in time be effected, so that, ere long, any quantity of sound and good cotton may be imported" for the use of manufacturers from British India. The cotton at present imported from the British colonies does not quite amount to a million pounds yearly, not an eighth part of one per cent, of the whole quantity imported; it is, however, rapidly increasing, and as regards quality, is highly deserving of praise. The cotton of British Guiana is excellent, and some of that lately sent over from the South African colonies is also very promising. Considerable pro¬ gress is also being made in the cultivation of cotton in the northern parts of Africa; the specimens contributed from Algeria give ample evidence that its cultivation has been well and judiciously carried on, and are most creditable to the colonists. The operation of cotton-cleaning is one of very great im¬ portance, for unless it is well and properly carried on, all the previous cares of the planter are of little avail; by the term “ cleaning” is not meant the separation of accidental IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 205 impurities, but the removal of the seeds, which is cither effected by an appropriate mechanical arrangement called a “saw-gin,” or by a simple roller; considerable difference is found to exist between the different varieties of cotton, in the force with which the fibre adheres to the seed: in the black-seeded varieties it separates easily, whilst in the green- seeded cotton it adheres so firmly, that it can only be sepa¬ rated by the use of the saw-gin. In using this instrument, in which, by the rapid rotation of a series of circular saws, the cotton fibre is caught and pulled from the seed, care must be taken or the fibre will be injured, by being broken or cut by the teeth of the saw. It is obvious that this is a serious fault, because the injury done cannot be remedied by any subsequent treatment. I mention it now chiefly because some of the finest cotton shown in the Exhibition, though beautiful cotton, clean, fine, and strong, was evi¬ dently injured by being over-ginned. And here, before dismissing the subject of cotton, I would say a few words respecting Mr. Mercer’s new process for modifying its chemical and physical properties, not only because it received the marked approval of the Jury, but also because it seems likely to produce very important altera¬ tions in the manufacture of cotton generally. The fibre of cotton, when examined by a lens, is found to consist of a flattened or ribbon-shaped tube; when treated with a cold strong solution of caustic soda, as in Mr. Mercer’s process, it appears to shrink, and assumes the form of a simple cylin¬ der; thus three important and very remarkable alterations occur at the same time,—the fibre becomes stronger, it acquires increased attraction for colouring matter, and it becomes smaller : the process is at once cheap and effectual, and the cotton is decidedly increased in value. In most cases where chemical agency is applied in the preparation of vegetable fibres, either to remove impurities, to destroy colour, or indeed for any other purpose, the object in view is generally attained at the sacrifice of a little strength ; it is therefore a peculiar feature of this discovery that the valuable properties conferred upon the cotton are not only not gained at the sacrifice of its strength, but, on the con trary, are even accompanied by an increase of tenacity. 204 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED Flax. Passing next to the consideration of flax and hemp, a sub¬ ject of peculiar interest at the present time in this country, I must briefly remind you of the leading principles followed in their preparation, before speaking of the present state and future prospects of this important branch of national in¬ dustry. The stem of these plants consists essentially of a woody core, and a sheath of fibrous matter surrounding it, cemented together by a peculiar sort of vegetable glue, which binds the whole into one solid reed or stem. In the preparation of flax, the great object in view is the removal of this matter, so that the fibrous part being no longer bound together, may be easily separated from the woody part of the stem. This vegetable glue is insoluble in water, but when steeped in that liquid, or indeed when exposed to moisture, it soon begins to ferment or undergo a sort of slow putrefaction. For ages it has been the practice to cause this slow putrefaction of the stems, either by exposing the flax plant to the dew, or by steeping it in ponds or pits of stagnant water, or by sinking it in the bed of a deep and slowly flowing river. To all of these three modes there are serious and strong objections j putrefaction is a slow, irre¬ gular, uncertain, and unwholesome process, it takes up much time, and the result is uncertain, because if it is not closely watched it may easily proceed too far, and the fibre be then destroyed or greatly injured. From time to time various ingenious modes of preparing flax by machinery have been devised, in which by the simple application of suitable mechanism the fibrous part should at once be separated, and obtained fit for spinning; it does not appear that any of these plans were found practically avail¬ able, however promising they seemed when first they were proposed. Within the last few years an important improvement has been made in the old mode of retting or rotting, which, as it remedies some of its defects, is certainly a step in the right direction. In Schenck’s process, warm water is used to steep the flax stems in, the required fermentation is at once brought on, hours in place of days are necessary; and from the short time occupied, the certainty with which the IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 205 desired effect is produced, and the complete control which the operator has over it, all fear of over-retting is altogether removed. The practical result, which may now be con¬ sidered as satisfactorily established, is, that flax retted by Schenck’s warm-water process is equal to the best flax as prepared under the old methods, and that whilst time and money are economized, and some of the objections of the old methods are removed, there is less danger of injuring the fibre, and hence a far more uniform fibre is obtained; in fact, the average product of the new mode is superior to the average product under the old process. In speaking thus, however, of this method of preparing flax, I do not wish to express anything more than a con¬ viction that it is a marked improvement on the old method; I do not consider it as a perfect process, or one that leaves nothing to be desired; on the contrary, I am strongly im¬ pressed with its faults and imperfections, and I have little doubt that in a few years we shall see it set aside and super¬ seded by a flu- better process. Fermentation is at best but a rude and imperfect mode of separating one kind of vege¬ table matter from the others, with which it is associated in a plant. Of course the same general remarks apply also in the case of hemp, which, though from its being a coarser fibre, it is less liable than flax to be injured in retting, is unques¬ tionably often greatly deteriorated by the fermentation to which it is exposed; indeed in the old modes of preparing hemp, it was never considered to be retted enough until it was evidently injured. In illustration of this rather strange statement, let me refer you to Antill’s observations on dress¬ ing hemp : he says, “ To know whether the hemp is rotted enough, take a handful out of the middle row, and try with both your hands to snap it asunder, if it break easily it is rotted enough, but if it yet appear pretty strong, it is not, and must lie longer till it breaks with ease.” Of the various other changes which the cultivation and preparation of flax and hemp is now undergoing, there is only one to which I would draw your attention, as it was prominently brought before the notice of the Jury, and as it has excited considerable attention from the accounts which have been published respecting it in the newspapers: 18 206 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED I refer to the flax-cotton of Mr. Claussen, who proposes to convert flax into a sort of cotton, or rather, by the action of solutions of carbonate of soda and of sulphuric acid, to split up and divide the fibre, thus rendering it available as a sub¬ stitute for cotton, and enabling the manufacturer to use it in mixed fabrics, by spinning it in combination with cotton, wool, and silk, on the ordinary machinery used at present for those fibres. I must confess that I am not at all san¬ guine as to the benefits to be derived from this proposal, though I think it by no means impossible that it may here¬ after lead to valuable and important improvements. Fibres. I now come to the third division of vegetable fibres, and here we have a wide and very comprehensive subject opened out to our consideration, namely, the various substitutes for flax and hemp. The most important of these are Jute, the fibre of certain species of C'orchorus ; Sun, the fibre of the Crot alar ia ; Manilla hemp, obtained from Musa textilis and paradisiacal Coir, the fibre of the cocoa-nut; pine¬ apple fibre; New Zealand flax; China grass, and Calooee hemp, obtained from various species of Urtica. In calling these the most important, I ought perhaps rather to say those best known in commerce; for I am by no means sure that they are so good or valuable as some of the less gene¬ rally known vegetable fibres. I might easily enumerate a long list of plants, yielding strong and serviceable fibres; the great difficulty which hinders their practical use in the arts, is the want of a good and easy mode of separating them from the other vegetable substances with which they are associated in the plants. That process which shall give us the means of preparing hemp and flax without the use of fermentation, will probably also enable us to use many other vegetable fibres quite as good, if not even better, for most purposes, than they are. Amongst the fibres ot India, and of South America in particular, there are several which promise hereafter to be of the greatest value; I would now only mention the Jetee, or bow-string hemp of llajmehal; the fibre of the Calotropis or Asclepias tenacissima , and the fibres of the Sanseveria and Hibiscus. IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 207 The attention of practical men has leen long directed to the strong and very beautiful fibre of the so-called China grass, which, it has recently been shown, is closely allied to, if not identical with, the Calooee hemp, or Rhea fibre of India. A simple but efficacious method of preparing this valuable fibre has lately been devised by Messrs. Wright, depending chiefly on the solvent powers of a hot solution of carbonate of soda, and its use is consequently rapidly increasing, particularly in the formation of mixed fabrics; when well prepared it has all the lustre and bril¬ liancy of silk. There is no doubt that with a little trouble this fibre may be had in almost unlimited quantities from India. Before dismissing the subject of these vegetable fibres, let me remind you of the beautiful silk cotton obtained from the Bombax and other trees in various parts of the world. This fibre is short and remarkably elastic, though at the same time, unfortunately, very tender; it is in India spun into a loose and coarse, but very warm, cloth; whilst in Europe it is generally considered as of no value; lately it has been applied advantageously in America to the manu¬ facture of silk hats, for which purpose it is said to answer admirably. Of these fibres, likewise, almost unlimited quantities may be had. Timber. And now, turning to the last class of raw produce under our consideration, let us devote a few moments to the im¬ portant division of wood and timber; a subject so extensive, that there are few who are not more or less interested in some of its numerous bearings, and the many purposes to which wood is applied, whether in building ships, in build¬ ing houses, for engineering purposes, or merely as an article of ornament. The quantity of wood of all kinds, annually imported into Great Britain, is not much less than ten millions of cubic feet; it is, therefore, a question of no small moment, to know from whence we are to obtain such an enormous quantity in future years; which are the best woods, and 208 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED from whence we may expect to obtain them most economi¬ cally, and with the least risk of failure in the supply. The number of woods at present admitted as first-rate for ship-building purposes is not more than eight; namely, English oak, live oak, African oak, teak, saul, greenheart, morra, and iron-bark: the latter only admitted as a fiist- class wood since the opening of the Great Exhibition. The number used in ordinary architecture is, of course, far greater; and the number used for the ordinary purposes of the carpenter is very large, because in each country the strongest, cheapest, or handsomest woods are employed, according to the purpose for which they are required. In tracing the history of any large forest, it will generally be found that when man first began to cut down the trees, he did so in the most wasteful and reckless manner, without any thought for those who should come after him. The re¬ sult has usually been, that in a brief period of years, the more valuable timber trees have become almost extermi¬ nated, no care having been taken, by the regular formation of plantations, to insure a future supply. I will say no¬ thing of the extent to which this has gone in foreign coun¬ tries, where often whole forests of valuable timber have been burnt solely for the sake of converting their ashes into ma¬ nure, but I will merely remind you of the gradual destruc¬ tion of timber which has gone on for centuries in our own country, leading, as it did, almost to the extermination ot the pride of the land, the oaks of old England ! It was not till the matter became one of urgent necessity that steps were taken to stay the evil. It was the gradual falling off in the supply of good oak suitable for ship-building purposes which led to the importation of foreign woods, and also to the pur¬ chase of colonial-built ships; and this in turn has led to a due appreciation of the real value of some of those woods. Almost every year is adding to the list of acknowledged good and serviceable timber trees, and new sources are con¬ stantly being discovered. It has never before happened that so large and important a collection of woods has been brought together, as we had recently an opportunity of examining in the Great Exhibi¬ tion, amounting as it did to several thousands. There were good specimens of the well-known old woods of commerce; IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 209 specimens of most of the new ones recently introduced, and of a multitude of woods wholly unknown to commerce, a good many of which possess qualities calculated to render them highly valuable in the arts. Amongst the less generally known woods lately intro¬ duced into commerce, mention may be made of the morra and greenheart of British Guiana, both excellent for ship¬ building; and the musk wood, blackwood, Iduon pine, and blue gum of Yan Diemen’s Land; the three former valu¬ able as beautiful ornamental furniture woods, the latter an enormous timber tree, which promises to become of much importance for ship-building. Fine samples of the wood of various species of Eucalyptus were also contributed from Western Australia. It was stated that one of these trees, fourteen feet -in diameter, was cut down on purpose, and that a plank of that width would have been sent over to the Exhibition, but that it was found impossible to do so, for want of saws of sufficient size to cut up the log. Two slices or sections cut from the stem of one of these magnifi¬ cent trees were, however, exhibited by Sir William Denison, though, perhaps, they excited less attention than they de¬ served, from the circumstance of their being hidden under the pile of Canadian woods in the centre of the nave; the larger of these sections was about six feet in diameter, the smaller one nearly three; the first was cut four feet above the surface of the ground, the latter at a height of 134 feet, just below the first branch ! Amongst the South African woods, too, there is one deserving of notice, exhibited under the name of red ebony; of the tree which produced it nothing is known, but its nature is so peculiar, and its properties as an orna¬ mental wood are so valuable, that it is a substance of considerable interest. It is dense and tough, has a fine red colour, and is so close and uniform in grain, that it resembles ivory rather than wood. It promises to be an important addition to the ornamental hard woods of com¬ merce. It is found that the value and properties of wood vary very greatly according to the soil and climate in which it grows; it is well known that the oak timber grown in neighbouring parishes often varies in goodness to a remark- 18* 210 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED able degree, and certain parts of England used formerly to be celebrated as yielding the most valuable ship timber. Precisely the same holds good on a large scale, and the same tree, which grown in one country affords a first-rate timber, may in another situation yield a very inferior wood. Thus the wood of a teak-tree grown in Malabar will be decidedly superior in quality to the wood of one grown in Moulmein, and the mahogany grown in Cuba will be more valuable than the same tree grown in the swamps of Honduras. It is unnecessary to point out the important bearing of these facts on the formation and ma¬ nagement of forests. Next in importance to obtaining good wood, the modes of seasoning and preserving it ought to be mentioned; and when we remember how prone vegetable matter is to decay, and how much often depends on the soundness of a single plank, I need not say much as to the careful study and consideration which this subject deserves. The evils aris¬ ing from the decay of wood are innumerable, and it is only from the frequency of their occurrence that we are at last led to regard them as almost necessary, and without a rem¬ edy. The decay of wood used in buildings is, indeed, a matter of the most serious importance, but it is far more so in all those cases where the timber is either sunk in the ground or plunged under water. Let me remind you, by the way, that the room in which we now are, and, indeed, all the surrounding buildings on the bank of the Thames, are entirely supported on wooden piles ; and these are all, no doubt, in a greater or less state of decay. To meet these evils the ingenuity of man has been di¬ rected, in the first instance, to modes of drying and season¬ ing woods, whereby those matters in it most liable to decay are removed, or rendered more stable; and, secondly, to methods of impregnating wood with various substances, cal¬ culated to preserve it from change. It is evident that the merits of any plan of this kind cannot be ascertained for a great number of years, because until it shall have been practically tested by satisfactory trials extending over a long period of time, its value cannot be considered as proved, and any premature statement can only be considered as an IN TIIE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 211 assertion or matter of opinion. Amongst those plans which have excited most attention are those of Messrs. Coucherie, Burnett, Bethell, and Payne; and some of the results already obtained are certainly highly promising. On the subject of timber, as in all the preceding classes, there is the same want of imformation, and the same diffi¬ culty in learning that which is known. Of the new woods only just introduced for ornamental purposes, such as the Huon pine, specimens have long remained concealed in cabinets and museums, and very nearly the same may be said concerning the more important timber trees, such as the iron-bark. On the other hand, of the eight acknowledged first-class woods, one at least, namely, the African oak, is the produce of an unknown tree; in fact, all that is known about it is, that it certainly is not an oak ! In this necessarily very brief and imperfect sketch of some of the points of interest connected with the six great divisions of vegetable raw produce, I have been obliged alto¬ gether to leave out all mention of the new and unexamined substances, of which a considerable number have for the first time been introduced to our notice in the Great Exhibition : of these I will only say, I earnestly hope they will not be set aside as mere curiosities, that they will neither be placed out of reach, on the upper shelves of our museum galleries, nor yet consigned to oblivion in their cellars ! Before concluding, then, let me remind you of the practi¬ cal conclusions to be drawn from this department of the Great Exhibition; and the facts, whether old or new, which it has brought out in a striking manner. The wants, the curiosity, and the ingenuity of man, have made him acquainted with the uses and properties of many of the productions of the vegetable kingdom ; but, neverthe¬ less, all that he knows, and all that he has done, does not amount to a tenth part of that which yet remains to be studied and applied. Our trade and commerce is but a trifle com¬ pared to the almost boundless wealth of Nature. Our traders, our manufacturers, and our men of science, are wholly ignorant of many matters connected with these 212 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED subjects- and the prejudices of men of business, the forms of trade, the regulations of the custom-house, t-he influence of laws, and the indifference of men of science, have all con¬ tributed to retard the spread of such knowledge. If any one thinks, that in saying this I am at all over¬ stating the truth, let him endeavour to learn the history and developement of any one trade, and he will be sur¬ prised at the difficulties which he encounters. As I have said before, w r e have no books which contain full and com¬ plete accounts of any single class of raw produce, scientific, practical, commercial, and statistical; nor have we collections in which the things themselves are arranged, and the informa¬ tion deposited. The books which treat of these matters are meagre and incomplete; old facts are left out because they are old, and, perhaps, because in the opinion of the author, they are of no value, and no references are given to those previous authors who have studied the same subject. Our hard-working and laborious neighbours, the Germans, have long felt the necessity of always giving lists of authorities, and hence their books are in many cases far more valuable than our own, not only more full and copious, but also of far more use to the student after truth, because they guide him, and enable him to become a thorough master of his subject by referring him at once to the works of all those who have written upon it. On the various branches of pure science we have many and excellent books; but on applied science, and on the relation of natural science to the arts and manufactures, we have few deserving the name. In the case of the applica¬ tions of human ingenuity, as in that of the productions ot Nature, we have the same imperfect means of acquiring knowledge—even those inventions which have received the special protection of the Government,—patented inventions; if you would trace the progress of the improvement which any art has undergone, you must undertake a search as tedious, as troublesome, and almost as expensive, as a search for an old will in the musty recesses of the Consistorial Pre¬ rogative Office ! If, then, you would make yourself thoroughly acquainted with such a subject, you must wade through many books. First, you will have difficulty in knowing what books to IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 213 refer to; then you will have trouble in knowing where to find them : and after all, when you have got over these difficul¬ ties, in all probability you will be disappointed, because the books will not have taught you half you desire to know. Now, the practical result that necessarily follows from these difficulties in the way of knowledge is, that true progress is retarded; time, labour, money, and ingenuity, are all wasted, in re-inventing old inventions, and in discovering facts which a previous generation had already discovered. Truly may we say, “ Life is short, but art is long.” The Society of Arts is one of the chief, and for a long time was, in fact, the only public body established for the promotion of industrial art; and at its first foundation it endeavoured to act the part of a mediator between the culti¬ vators of raw produce and the manufacturing consumers. It offered premiums for the discovery and introduction of all sorts of useful materials, and expended considerable sums in developing the productive resources of our colonies. It pointed out the wants and requirements of mechanics, and at the same time drew attention to those articles of raw pro¬ duce, which especially stood in need of improvement. The Society deserves the highest praise for the good which it has done, but at the same time we cannot help regretting that it has not done much more. In the Great Exhibition there were innumerable examples of the skill and ingeuuity wasted in re-inventing old inventions; and in the same way you would be surprised, on looking over the early volumes of the Society’s Transactions, to find how many of the im¬ portant inventions of modern days arc contained in them. Let me refer you, for example, to the volumes for 1775 and for 1801. In these you will find references to the silk-cot¬ ton, the cotton-seed oil, the various East Indian fibres, and the flax-cotton. In Dr. Roxburgh’s communication* are detailed experiments on the fibres of the Corchorus, the Asclepias, the Urticas, or China-grass, distinctly proving their value and importance,—showing them to be as good or better than flax and hemp; and yet more than half a century has elapsed, and these fibres are only just beginning * “Trans. Soc. Arts,” vol. xxii. pp. 363-396; xxiv. pp. 143-156; and xxiii. p. 407. 214 ON THE VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED to receive the attention of manufacturers. In the case .of flax-cotton, we have recently been strongly impressed with the great importance of a discovery by means of which the fibre of flax can be converted into a sort of cotton, capable of being carded like ordinary cotton, possessing the advan¬ tage, that it may be employed with wool or cotton in the manufacture of mixed fabrics, and having an increased affinity for colouring matters. Now, nearly all this was done about eighty years ago by Lady Moira, and is pub¬ lished in the First Volume of the Society’s Transactions. She states that tow and refuse flax of all sorts, boiled with an alkaline solution, and afterwards scoured, is converted into a sort of cotton, which she believes takes the dye better than flax. The result of this process is, that “ the fibres separate from one another,” after which it may be carded like cotton. It is highly interesting to observe the fate of Lady Moira’s scheme: she says, “It is plain that the ma¬ terial of flax-cotton in able hands, will bear manufacturing, though it is my ill fortune to have it discredited by the artisans who work for me.and getting spun an ounce of this cotton in Dublin I found impracticable. The absurd alarm, that it might injure the trade of foreign cot¬ ton, had gained ground; and the spinners—for what reason I cannot comprehend—declared themselves such bitter ene¬ mies to my scheme, that they would not spin for me. Such is my fate, that, what between party in the metropolis, and indolence in this place, I am not capable of doing my scheme justice. That it should ever injure the trade of foreign cotton is impossible.”* The suggestion of Lady Moira, though it came to nothing at the time, was not altogether without effect; for the ma¬ nufacture of flax-cotton was taken up with considerable spirit in various parts of the continent, though in every ease the process seems soon to have been relinquished. Amongst other authors who have written favourably on this subject, I may mention Beckmann and Dcs Charmes, who both speak of the great similarity of flax-cotton with ordinary cotton. The latter recommends cutting the flaxen tow into proper lengths before converting it into cotton. * Vol. i. pp. 202-213. IN TIIE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 215 Lady Moira sent over specimens of the articles manu¬ factured with flax-cotton to the Society, and they are now upon the table before you j and I will only say of them, that I did not see in the Great Exhibition any better sam¬ ples of flax-cotton than those prepared more than seventy years ago. I will also quote to you a brief statement by Mr. Bailey of Manchester, contained in a letter to the Society, dated 1775 : “ Some of the most ingenious manu¬ facturers in and about Manchester are most extremely pleased with this new staple, and think, if properly attended to, Lady Moira’s invention may prove a fruitful source of wealth.” These are, however, but a few out of many similar facts T might mention : they show plainly, that had the original objects for which the Society was established been strictly adhered to, and had its means enlarged in proportion to its utility, we should now have a most valuable record of the progress of human industry during the last hundred years : in fact, a great industrial museum of the whole world, not a mere magazine or storehouse in which natural productions and ingenious contrivances are piled up in endless confusion, where they may remain buried for ages, but a practical, useful, and well-arranged series, denoting past progress, and leading to future improvement—a place of reference, in which useful knowledge of all sorts would be accessible to every one, and at all times available for purposes of in¬ struction. The admirable collection of Liverpool imports, contributed by Mr. Archer to the Great Exhibition, though of course confined to articles at present known in commerce, and ne¬ cessarily far from complete, is still a good specimen of the way in which such a series may be made to convey practical information. To be of real value, it should be far more extensive, and it should also be accompanied by much more copious information, and by illustrations of all sorts. For example, dye-stuffs should be placed side by side with samples of the colours they yield ; and, in every case where practicable, the use of each substance should be illustrated. All imperfect as the Liverpool collection was, I question whether any one could spend an hour in looking over its ON THU VEGETABLE SUBSTANCES USED 216 contents, without learning some useful facts which he did not before know. The idea of a Museum of Industry is by no means new, for full thirty years ago S. E. Von Kces, who was then Chief Inspector of Factories in the Austrian Empire, formed a collection of the raw produce, and likewise ot the manu¬ factured articles, at that time used in Austria, and added to it, by way of comparison, a great number cf the productions of other countries. This collection contained upwards ot 12,000 specimens, and the descriptive catalogue extends over more than 2800 octavo pages. This catalogue, as a work of reference, is of considerable value, and in some points might have given useful hints to the compilers of the Catalogue of the Great Exhibition. One important feature in it is the fact that in most cases prices are given, whilst in the Exhibition Catalogue all statements relating to price were inadmissible, in accordance with a decision of the Iloyal Commissioners. It is much to be regretted that this was deemed necessary, for the value ot the Catalogue is, of course, greatly diminished by the exclusion oi infoi mation of such paramount importance. It is curious to observe, that Von Kees was led to form his museum, in the first instance, for his own private instruction, when he recencd the appointment of a Commissioner of Factories in 1810, and at first his collection was confined to manufactured articles alone; he soon found, however, the necessity of extending it, and rendering it more instructive, by^ the addition °of raw produce—thus forming a complete Trade Museum. The Great Exhibition has strongly shown the want of such a collection in England, and I feel that it is not foreign to the objects contemplated in these Lectures, if, in conclu¬ sion, I should ask my brother members why should not we, even now, commence the formation of such a collection, why should not the Society of Arts undertake that which would be so great a public benefit? In throwing out this suggestion, I would remind you, not only that the Society of Arts possesses greater facilities than any other Society for collecting a great Trade Museum, but also that the many valuable and interesting specimens already in the drawers and cabinets of our model-room, con- IN THE ARTS AND MANUFACTURES. 217 stitute of themselves alone a collection of the very greatest practical importance. With those 'who say that we need an enlarged and com¬ prehensive system of National Education I agree heart and soul; but I would even go farther—I say, let us have the means of teaching the schoolmaster as well as the scholar; let us, by collecting sound facts and useful information, obtain those means of instruction in applied science, which are at present almost wholly wanting. Jan. 21, 1852. 19 LECTURE VIII. ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. BY THE REV. ROBERT WILLIS, M.A. F.R.S. &c. JACKSONIAN PROFESSOR IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE. ( 219 ) THE REV. ROBERT WILLIS, M.A. F.R.S., &c. ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. The portion of the Exhibition which it is proposed to consider this evening, must he considered under a very dif¬ ferent aspect from those which have formed the subject of the previous Lectures. Considering the entire collection as made up of Natural Materials, Artificial Products, and the Processes by which the first are converted into the second, it is easy to show that the two first of these groups were exceedingly well and completely represented, and generally interesting and intelligible; but that the last, under which our present subject is included, was, on the contrary, im¬ perfectly represented, and so little understood, as to lose much of its interest. The consideration of natural or raw materials, belonging as it does to the natural sciences, has been long familiarized to all, as furnishing the most instructive, delightful, and interesting subjects of study and amusement, either in the animal, vegetable, or mineral kingdoms, according to the taste or habits of each observer; and the practical view of the subject which is especially directed to the useful pur¬ poses to which these natural materials may be applied, has been also long since illustrated by collections like that of the Museum of Economic Geology and others, which paved the 19* (221) 222 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING way for the magnificent and complete collection in the Great Exhibition, in which all nations combined to display with gratitude and pride the natural treasures, of which they are the several depositories, as stimulants to industry and commerce. The products include the great mass of objects that con¬ stitute our food and clothing, contribute to our daily neces¬ sities, comforts, and luxuries, and minister to our employ¬ ments, or to the enjoyments we derive from the fine arts; and thus every person is in one w T ay or other interested in them, and may understand them. The completeness of this part of the collection was also greatly promoted by the commercial advantages that promised to accrue to the ex¬ hibitor, as well as to the spectator, by the universal display and choice of all the useful and ornamental results of in¬ dustry, for the first time offered in one vast bazaar by the whole world of manufacturers to the whole world of cus¬ tomers. How different is the case with the processes and the machines concerned therewith ! In many cases noisy, of¬ fensive, and dirty, or requiring conditions of heat or damp, which made it impossible to carry them on in the presence of spectators; and if not labouring under these disadvan¬ tages, at least requiring long explanations and experiments to make them intelligible; it is plain that no attempt at a complete collection could be made, if, indeed, such a result were desirable. Enough of manufacturing machines were really shown to give to the general spectator an idea of their beauty of form and workmanship, and of the precision of their action, according to the style and manner of machine- making which characterize the present age; and such pro¬ cesses were selected for daily practice as were intelligible, at least by their results, if the steps that led to them remained mysterious to the lookers-on. Sheets of wdiite paper, entering at one end of a machine and duly delivered at the other in the complete form of a printed newspaper; envelope folding; weaving and spinning, and the like, served to show the general character of machine-craft, as contrasted with the slow production of such articles by the handicraft method with which most of the spectators were familiar. IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 223 These practical obstacles applied, perhaps, the most for¬ cibly to the class which is appropriated to the present evening, namely, machines for working in wood and metal, which require a solid foundation, are necessanly accom¬ panied in use by noise, chips, and other annoyances, and aie expensive to maintain in action, and not, generally speak¬ ing, intelligible or interesting to ordinary spectators, at least without systematic explanations, which could not be afforded under the circumstances. I trust that I have now said enough to show that, with¬ out iu any respect disparaging the Exhibition, or casting any shade upon that most admirable and unique incident of human history, which we have been so accustomed to look upon with umnixed admiration and delight, we must admit that, from the very nature of the case, this one department was very incompletely represented with respect to the machinery of our own country, and, of course, still more so with respect to other countries. Any attempt, therefore, to estimate from the Exhibition Catalogue the extent to which machinery is used in the manufactures of this or any other country, considered separately, or its relative employ¬ ment by different countries, would lead to the most fallacious and unjust conclusions. But one part of my duty this evening, which forms a principal point of the instructions under which I, in com¬ mon with my colleagues upon this occasion, have the honour of acting, is “ to state freely and without reserve my opinion upon the probable immediate effect of the Exhibition on the particular subject of the lecture.” For the reasons above stated, it is much more difficult to foresee and trace the effects that may be expected in the department at present under review than in the other branches of the collection. But there are two very desira¬ ble objects which I shall proceed to dcvelopc, and which, if we take advantage of the interest excited on the subject of manufacturing science and art by the Great Exhibition, we may possibly succeed in bringing to bear. The first object is to effect a more intimate union and greater confidence between scientific and practical men, by teaching them reciprocally their wants and requirements, their methods and powers, so that the peculiar properties 224 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING and advantages of each may be made to assist in the per¬ fection of the other. The second object is to promote a more universal know¬ ledge amongst mechanics and artisans of the methods and tools employed in other trades than their own, as well as of those employed in other countries in their own and other trades. With respect to the first object, it is no secret that there has always existed an unfortunate boundary wall or separa¬ tion between practical and scientific men, a mutual distrust or misunderstanding of their relative values, which has de¬ prived tffem of many great benefits that they might have mutually derived from each other’s pursuits. It is true that in many branches of science, as in chemistry, geology, and botany, this barrier has to a great extent been broken through; the practical man has found the benefit of scientific generalizations, and the theorist has been compelled to seek the facts upon which his theories are to be based in the mines and manufactories; thus compelling the two classes to work together and learn to understand each other. Still there remains too much of the ancient contempt for “ theory,” and of an overweening and conceited value for “ facts” and “ practice.” In no department of science is this carried to a greater extent than between the mathematical and practical mecha¬ nics ; and yet the mental process by which the parts of a complex machine are contrived and arranged in the brain of the inventor requires the geometrical faculty, as it is called, to a very high extent: that is to say, the power of con¬ ceiving mentally the relations of the parts of complex figures in space. So that, in truth, a man gifted by Nature as a mechanist is also qualified as a geometrician; and the un¬ taught inventor, struggling to give form and reality to his conceptions of a new machine, is, in reality, practising im¬ perfectly and unknowingly the very geometrical science he despises, and which, if he had acquired its elements, would at once have shown him how to systematize and arrange his ideas. For the system of mathematics, as it now exists, is the accumulated result of many centuries’ work of men thus naturally gifted with the geometrical faculty; and the man IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 225 who now, directing this mental power to the confection of machines, professes to exercise it “ self-taught,” is acting on the presumption that he alone can begin from the begin¬ ning, and dispense with the labours of those men of mighty intellect who worked so long to prepare a system for those who were to come after them. To ignore such labours is a piece of mighty presumption and a pure waste of intellect, which usually brings its own punishment in the loss of time and imperfection of the result. “Self-teaching,” in this sense of determined rejection of the previous labours of others, so far from being a source of pride and gratification, is a piece of folly, to use the mildest term, if it might have been avoided; and a lamentable misfortune, if the sufferer has had no opportunity of knowing what had been already previously effected and prepared by others in the same line. Of a piece with this is the case of persons who pride themselves upon executing very difficult works with imple¬ ments not inteuded for the purpose, such as elaborate carv¬ ing, which, we are told, was all done “ with a common pen¬ knife.” The experience of carvers of all ages having shown that there are certain forms of chisels and gouges that are proper for this work, a sensible man would certainly not waste his time by using the worst form of a cutting instru¬ ment that he could choose for this particular service. So far from admiring, we should pity the vanity and folly of such a display; and the more, if the merit of the work should show a natural aptitude in the workman: for it is certain, that if he has made good work with a bad tool, he would make better with a good one. To perfect and reduce to practice the idea of a new machine is no light effort of the intellect, and in proportion to the education of the inventor, so will his steps be rendered surer, more direct, and more rapid. As far as the relative motions of the parts of his machine are concerned his natural faculties may carry him, and probably suggest a variety of constructive methods and cunning devices by which these may be effected; but, in the next place, it becomes necessary to select from these the most appropriate to sustain the forces and resistances,—to estimate the strength to be given to the different parts, their proper qualities of weight, of lightness and stiffness, the amount of 226 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING friction, and a variety of other complex conditions, which can only he determined by statical or dynamical knowledge, but which are necessary to insure the durability, easy and economical working, and practical value of the contrivance. In the absence of the proper technical knowledge of theoretical mechanics, the proposed machine, if it possess any value, will only arrive at its perfect and permanent form through a series of abortive attempts, which, by a succession of failures and repairs, may perhaps lead to the removal of the weak points of the contrivance. Those parts which by chance were made unnecessarily strong and heavy, will pro¬ bably retain their original errors. The representations of machines and engines in the col¬ lections published in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, furnish abundant illustration of these remarks. In all that belongs to the mere motion of these contrivances, the greatest possible ingenuity and fertility of invention is displayed. But in all that concerns construction, framing and adapta¬ tion of form and dimensions to resistances, strains, and the nature of the work, a total absence of principle and ex¬ perience is manifested; so that it is apparent that these machines would act very well in the form of models, but that, if actually set to work, the most of them would knock themselves to pieces in a very short time. A profound knowledge of theoretical mechanics is not necessary for all persons concerned about machines, any more than an elaborate acquaintance with the entire subject of astronomy is needed by every sailor. Yet sailors have no horror of mathematics, aud know very well how to make use of the parts that are prepared for them. And all men who are engaged in the contrivance of machinery, whether in reducing to practice their own inventions, or those of others, should be competently instructed in the elements of the subject, as well as in the history of machinery; and the artisans themselves would find their labour greatly facilitated by a knowledge of geometry and mechanics to a limited extent, proportioned to their requirements. We may hope that one of the permanent results of the Exhibition may be, that men’s minds being more forcibly led to the consideration of the subject, a system of profes¬ sional education for practical men may be organized, so as IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTIIEll MATERIALS. 227 to enable every one to obtain just so much as may be neces¬ sary for him in his own position. The preparation of such a system of education is diffi¬ cult, and requires great care to avoid the error of teaching much that is unnecessary, and that, in fact, cannot be com¬ prehended, unless by a student who intends to devote much more time, and to enter much more profoundly into those branches of study, than is contemplated for the purposes we are now considering. But we know that difficulties of this kind have been already encountered, and, as it appears, successfully overcome in France, after failures had taught experience. I have already said, at the outset of these remarks, that not only do practical men require theoretical knowledge, but that, also, theoretical men require practical knowledge, a better acquaintance with the difficulties that practice requires them to lend a hand in developing, explaining, and over¬ coming. To form a system of education, strictly limited to the requirements of practical men, we must know what these requirements are, and must in imagination place ourselves in the position of these men, to understand the difficulties arising from their occupations, which theory may dispel. We must, in short, select the examples and illustrations of our applied mathematics from the familiar cases of actual machine-work, and endeavour to solve them with the least possible amount of geometry. It may be worth while to consider a little how this may be attempted. Every machine is constructed to perform a certain specific operation, and accordingly contains parts especially applied to the work in question; which working parts are connected by the mechanism in such a manner, that each shall move according to the law required by the nature of the work. One, perhaps, constantly revolving slowly; another, rapidly; and a third, back-and-forwards, and so on. But the connecting mechanism by which these different motions are tied together may be varied in many ways, and each is common to all machines that happen to require similar co¬ existent motions in their working parts. The nature and principles of trains of mechanism, by which dissimilar motions may be thus produced, the one from the other, can be taught without any reference to the 228 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING work or purpose of machinery, and is, indeed, best so taught. But to illustrate and fix the teacher’s meaning, it is well to show examples of the application of each motion to some real machine. Now it must always be recollected, that the merit of a piece of mechanism may be exceedingly great, if considered as an example of pure mechanism; that is, of the ingenuity or profound knowledge displayed in the conversion of one motion into another, although the purpose of the machine to which it happens to be applied may be very trivial. But this is not the way in which the world would judge of ma¬ chinery; and yet combinations of pure mechanism, that form the essential parts of the most useful and valuable machines in the manufacturing series, were originally in¬ vented for purposes of the most trivial and useless character. The u differential hox” of the bobbin-and-fly frame was first contrived for an equation clock; that is, to enable the hand of a clock to move round the dial in such a way as to point to the true time as shown on a sun-dial. The “ slide rest,” as we shall presently see, was contrived towards the end of the last century, to enable the amateur turners of the court of France to ornament their snuff-boxes with more precise patterns of guilloche work. The motions of a mouse¬ trap may be found in a steam-engine. Now, in showing the practical application of any given combination of pure mechanism, one machine will do as well as another; but it is better to select one whose pur¬ pose and functions are likely to be readily appreciated by the student, that his attention may not be too much dis¬ tracted from the mechanism. Thus, if I were teaching a mathematical student the differential motion, I should select the equation clock as the example, because its pur¬ pose depends upon an astronomical principle which forms part of his proper studies. But if I were teaching a me¬ chanist, I should rather take the bobbimand-fly frame for my example. In forming a system of instruction for practical men, therefore, we may, by a more practical selection of exam¬ ples, be enabled to teach the principles of mechanics, with¬ out greatly altering our present methods. It is true that 229 IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. our theoretical writers are rapidly introducing examples of the actual machinery of our own time into their systems, still these books are necessarily rather intended to teach machinery to mathematicians, than to teach mathematics to mechanists. It may be remarked that, at least in one branch of me¬ chanics, the “ strength of materials/' the value of theoreti¬ cal and experimental science has been fully recognised by practical engineers, and the Britannia bridge may be quoted as a triumphant example of the advantages that arise when theory and practice go hand in hand. We will now proceed to the immediate subject of our Lectm-e, namely, the machines for working in metal, wood, and other materials. The object of such machines is to work rough material into shape, which may be done in three different ways: (1.) By abrading or cutting off the superfluous portions in the form of chips or large pieces; (2.) If it possess duc¬ tility, we knead it, or press it into form in various ways, as by hammering, rolling, drawing, &c.; (3.) If it be fusible, we melt it, and pour it into a mould. I forbear to include the producing a given form by joining together pieces, be¬ cause each piece must be shaped in one or other of the abo?e ways. The most interesting series of machines is that which belongs to the first group; and to this I must, for the pre¬ sent, confine my attention. It may be interesting to sketch the history of their introduction. Machines of this kind are either general, like the lathe or the planing-machines, which are used for a great variety of purposes, or are espe¬ cially adapted to the production of a single object of manu¬ facture ; in which case they are often contrived in a series, as the block-machinery, the machines for making cedar pen¬ cils, and the like, and the introduction of such especial machines is of great importance, and has certainly not yet reached its limits. As the machine^ of this latter kind are commonly modifications of one or other of the fii’st, the history of the two must be considered together. The origin of the turning-lathe is lost in the shades of antiquity; and the saw-mill, with a complete self-action, turned by a water-wheel, is represented in a MS. of the thirteenth century at Paris, and is, probabty, of much earlier contrivance. The lathe was, in process of time, adapted to 20 230 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING the production of oval figures, twisted and swash-work, as it is called, and, lastly, of rose-engine work. The swash, or raking mouldings, were employed in the balusters of stair¬ cases and other ornaments at the period of the “ Renais¬ sance ” in architecture, about the end of the sixteenth cen¬ tury, and, therefore, the swash-lathe assumes somewhat of the character of a manufacturing machine. But the simple lathe was much employed in screen and stall-work during the middle ages. The first real treatise on turning is Mox- on’s (1680), which gives us a valuable picture of the state of the art at that period, and he has preserved to us the name of the engine-manufacturer of that day, Mr. Thomas Oldfield, at the sign of the Flower-de-luce, near the Savoy in the Strand, as an excellent maker of oval-engines, swash- engines, and all other engines, which shows that such ma¬ chines were in demand. A few drawings of such machines occur in earlier works, beginning with Besson, in 1569. From the treatise of Plunder, published at Lyons in 1701, we learn that turning had long been a favourite pursuit in France with amateurs of all ranks, who spared no expense in the perfection and contrivance of elaborate machinery for the production of complex figures. This taste con¬ tinued at least up to the French Revolution, and contri¬ buted in a very high degree to the advancement of the class of machinery that forms the subject of our present evening. In our own country the literature of the subject is so defective that it is very difficult to discover what pro¬ gress we were making during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. A few scattered hints only can be collected, whereas in France the great “ Encyclopedic ” and other works, abundantly illustrated, give the most precise and ac¬ curate knowledge of the state of this and other mechani¬ cal arts. Smeaton has recorded that, in 1741, Hindley the clock- maker of York showed him a screw-cutting lathe, with change-wheels, by which he could, from the one screw of the lathe, cut screws of every necessary degree of fineness, and either right or left-handed. It seems to be implied that this was a novelty, and that Hindley had invented it; and it was soon imitated by Ramsden, and is now uni¬ versal. At all events, such a machine is not alluded to in the French works already mentioned, and serves to show the TN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 231 advance we were then making in the practical improvement of the lathe. But the clockmakers, to which body Hindley belonged, were the first who employed special machines for their manufactures. Their wheel-cutting engine has been as¬ cribed to Dr. Hooke, about 1655, and its use rapidly spread over the Continent. The gradual improvement of this machine, and the successive forms which it assumed as the art of construction was matured, forms a very in¬ structive lesson. But herein our own countrymen have largely contributed to its perfection. Henry Sully, an English clockmaker, who removed to Paris about 1718, carried with him, amongst other excellent tools, a cutting- engine, which excited great admiration there. The form of the present French engine is, however, derived from Hulot’s machine (about 1763). But our English engines, in which the dividing-plate is superseded by a train of change-wheels, so contrived as to require an entire turn of a latch-handle for each shift, and thus secure against error, is derived from Hindley’s engine, which he showed to Smea- ton in 1741, and which finally passed into the hands of Mr. Reid of Edinburgh. The fusee-engine , which is another special clockmaker’s machine, must have greatly contributed to the perfection of machines for working in metal. But the next great step towards the perfection of machine tools was the slide-rest. The slow and gradual way in which this invaluable device acquired the distinct and individual form in which it now exists, is a very curious example of the history of machinery, the developement of which, at length, would occupy too much space on the present occa¬ sion, even if it could be made intelligible without drawings. Suffice to say, that although as early as 1648 Maignan pub¬ lished at Rome* engravings of two curious lathes for turning the surfaces of metallic mirrors for optical purposes, in which the tool is clamped to frames, so disposed that when put in motion it is compelled to move so as to form true hyperbolical, spherical, or plane surfaces, according to the adjustment, and that although the fusee-engines, screw-cut- ting lathes, and other contrivances already alluded to, em- * “ Perspectiva Hnvaria,” P- 689. 232 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING ployed tools guided by mechanism, yet the real slide-rest does not make its appearance until 1772, when in the plates of the French “Encyclopedic,”* we find complete drawings and details of an excellent slide-rest, as nearly as possible identical with that usually supplied by Messrs. Iloltzappfel and other makers of lathes for amateurs. It must have been contrived a little while before this publication; but the mea¬ gre descriptions that accompany the plates leave us com¬ pletely in the dark with respect to its history. Bramah’s slide-rest of 1794f is so different and so inferior in conveni¬ ence, that the two could not have had a common origin; and we must suppose that the French slide-rest was unknown to that ingenious mechanist, although it is scarcely possible that copies of the “ Encyclopedic ” should not have found their way into our libraries. But the improvements of the steam-engine, its applica¬ tion to giving motion to the wheels of mills and other ma¬ chines, the increasing employment of iron, and other advances in the construction of mechanism, which were now developing themselves, gave men courage to devise and carry out large and extensive schemes for the application of ma¬ chinery to manufactures. In our especial department we may record, as an early example, Bramah, who, in 1784, obtained the patent for his admirable lock, and immediately set about the construction of a series of original machine tools, for shaping with the required precision the barrels, keys, and other parts of the contrivance, which, indeed, would have utterly failed unless they had been formed with the accuracy that machinery alone can give. In Bramah’s workshop was educated the celebrated Henry Maudslay, who, as I am informed, worked with him from 1789 to 1796, and was enjployerl in making the principal tools for the locks. Foremost among the ingenious persons who carried on this great movement must be recorded Brigadier-general Sir Samuel Bentham.| From his own account it appears, * Tom. x. pis. 37, 38, 84, 85, 86. f Weale’s edition of “Buchanan’s Mill-work.” j Bentham’s patents. “Repertory of Arts,” vol. v. p. 293, and vol. x. pp. 221, 293, 367; also Memoir, by Mrs. Bentkam, in Weale’s “Quarterly Papers on Engineering,” vol. vi. IN MET AX, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 233 that in 1791 steam-engines in this country were extensively employed for pumping mines, and for giving motion to machinery for working cotton, and to rolling-mills, and some other works in metal; but that in regard to working in wood, steam-engines had not been applied, for no machinery, other than turning-lathes, had been introduced, excepting that some circular and reciprocating saws and working tools had been applied to the purpose of blockmaking by the contractors who then supplied blocks to the navy; even saw-mills for slitting timber, though in extensive use abroad, were not to be found in this country. General Bentham had at this time made great progress in contriving machinery for shaping wood, as is sufficiently shown by his remarkable specifications of 1791 and 1793; and he informs us that, rejecting the common classification of works according to the trades or handicrafts for which they are used, he classed the several operations that have place in the working of materials of every description ac¬ cording to the nature of the operations themselves , and, in regard to wood particularly, contrived machines for per¬ forming most of those operations whereby the need of skill and dexterity in the workman was dispensed with, and the machines were also capable of being worked by a steam- engine or other power. Besides the general operations of planing, rebating, mortising, sawing in curved, winding, and transverse directions, he completed, by way of example, machines for preparing all the parts of a sashwindow and of a carriage-wheel, and actually showed these and other machines in a working state in 1794 in London. This led to his appointment as Inspector-general of Naval Works, for the purpose of introducing these and various other machines into the royal dockyards, which he imme¬ diately set about effecting. From this time (1797) the introduction of machinery for the preparation of blocks and other works in wood at Portsmouth, Plymouth, and other Government establishments, takes its origin. In 1802 the General received a most powerful and efficient auxiliary in the person of Mr. Brunei, who in that year presented his plans for the block-making machinery. His services being immediately secured, and Mr. Henry Maudslay engaged for the construction of the mechanism, the admirable series of 20 * 234 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING machine-tools were finished and set to work in 1807, by which every part of the block and its sheaves are prepared. The completeness and ingenuity of this system, the beauty of its action, and the novelty of the forms and construction of the whole of the mechanism, excited so much admiration, that the whole of the machinery in Portsmouth dockyard has usually been popularly ascribed to Mr. Brunei alone. It must not be forgotten, however, that much machinery for the performance of isolated operations had been pre¬ viously employed, as well by Mr. Taylor of Southampton, the contractor for the blocks of the navy previously to 1807, as by General Bcntham himself in the dockyards. At this distance of time it would be impossible to dis¬ cover the exact shares of merit and invention that belong to Brunei, Bcntham, and Maudslay in this great work. To the first we may, however, assign the merit of completing and organizing a system of machine-tools, so connected in series, that each in turn should take up the work from a previous one and carry it on another step towards comple¬ tion, so that the attendant should merely carry away the work delivered from one machine and place it in the next, finally receiving it complete from the last. Some of the individual machines in the series had, it is true, been previously contrived and employed. Thus, the self-acting mortising-machine is distinctly described in Bentham’s specification of 1793, so completely as to entitle him to the full credit of the invention of mortising-machines, whether by the process of boring a whole first and then elongating it by a chisel travelling up and down vertically, or by the process of causing the hole to be elongated by the rotation of the boring-bit during the travelling of the work. The same specification describes boring-machines, some of which are similar in their arrangements to those of the block series; also the tubular gouge, which is employed in the shaping-machine, and the formation of recesses, by a revolv¬ ing and travelling tool for the inlaying of the conks. One of the most useful machine-tools that made its ap¬ pearance at the end of the eighteenth century was the cir¬ cular saw. This had been applied to cutting metal on a small scale, as in the cutting-engine, ever since the time of Dr. Hooke; if, indeed, these early examples were not more IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 235 like circular files than saws. Where or by whom the wood¬ cutter’s saw was put into the form of a revolving disk has not been recorded. It found its way into this country about 1790, some say from Holland, and was employed at South¬ ampton and elsewhere in wood-mills. Bentham greatly con¬ tributed to the practical arrangements necessary to give it a convenient form. He describes and claims the bench now universally used, with the slit, parallel guide, and sliding bevil guide, and other contrivances.* Brunei introduced a variety of ingenious and novel arrangements, as well as the mode of making large circular saws of many pieces.f Mr. Smart also contrived a series of sawing-machines for making canteens, cutting tenons, &c. After the completion of the block machinery, it becomes very difficult to trace the subsequent improvements. The art of machine-making for working in metal was gradually advancing, but is not recorded in patents, and very little described in books. The slide-rest principle was extended, large self-acting lathes constructed, and boring-machines of great precision and improving structure were called into existence by the necessity for extreme accuracy in the . cylinders of steam-engines. The best engravings of the machines of this period are in “ Rees’ Cyclopaedia,” and in the volumes of the “Transactions” of the Society of Arts. No greater proof of the obscurity which hangs over the history of machine-tool making, in the first half of this century, can be given, than the unknown origin of the planing-machine for metal. The machine which Nicholas Focq contrived in 1751, which has been called a planing- machine, has no title to the name, or any resemblance to the modern engine. It is nothing but a heavy scraping- tool, which is dragged along the bar upon which it is to operate, and rests upon it, pressed into hard contact with it by strong springs. It will, therefore, smooth the surface, and remove small irregularities, as a carpenter’s plane does with a board, but it will not produce a correct plane surface, or even make successive cuts. It is a mere plane , and not a plane-creating engine. Neither could the machines * 1793. Repertory, vol. x. p. 293. f Patent, 1802. 23G ON MACHINES AND TOOLS FOR WORKING patented by Bent ham in 1791, and Bramah in 1802, for planing wood, although real planing-engines, have suggested the engine in question, for their properties and arrange¬ ments are wholly different. The engineers’ planing-machine made its way into the engineering world silently and un¬ noticed ; and some years afterwards, when its utility be¬ came recognised and men began to inquire into its history, various claimants to the honour of its invention were put forward. We can only learn that, somewhere about 1820 or 1821, a machine of this kind was made by several en¬ gineers. Messrs. Fox of Derby, and Roberts of Manches¬ ter, appear amongst the number, and the forms which they gave to the engine have remained permanent. Mr. Clem¬ ent has also been mentioned, as well as others. It is clear that the inventors were not at all aware of the im¬ mense importance of their work, but experience has proved the utility of this machine to be so great, that it may be pronounced the greatest boon to constructive mechanism since the invention of the lathe. Nevertheless, no draw¬ ing or description of the planing-engine is to be found in any English book until 1838, when the Society of Arts pub¬ lished beautiful engravings of Mr. Clement’s machine; the. complexity of this, and the unfortunate arrangement of the bed, which he mounted on wheels, has prevented it from being adopted. The French and other Continental mechani¬ cal journals, much earlier began to give engravings and de¬ scriptions of the English planing-machine. In 1829 the “ Industrie!’ has one of the simplest, and the Bulletin of the “ Societe d’Encouragement,” the collections of Le Blanc, Armeugaud, and others, contain engravings, not only of the planing-macliines, but of the other machine-tools of all our . best English makers, generally accompanied by admirable descriptions and minute details, that may well serve as models to our own writers on such subjects, and at the same time show how much good service is rendered by the superior mathematical and theoretical education of French engineers. Be it remembered, too, that, not content with describing and analyzing our machine-tools, which they do in a most liberal and admiring spirit, they also employ their generalizing powers in the endeavour to construct improved forms, and with such great promise of success, IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 237 that, unless we also begin to apply science to this subject, we run considerable risk of falling behind our ingenious neighbours. The mortising-engine of the block machinery was applied by Mr. Roberts, of Manchester, to the formation of the key-ways of cast-iron wheels, and also to the paring, ox- planing by short strokes, of the sides of small curvilinear pieces of metal; such as cams, short levers, and other pieces that do not admit of being finished in the lathe. Thus, under the name of slotting and paring-machine, a new and genei-ally useful machine-tool sprang up; and sub¬ sequently another, derived from it, has been produced, and apparently with equal success, under the title of a shaping- machine. It is, in fact, a planing-machine, in which the tool is attached to the end of a horizontal bai-, which is moved to and fro, so as to plane, with short transverse strokes, a piece of work fixed on a complex adjusting-bed, or on a revolving mandril, so as to receive the action of the tool. [All these and other varieties of machine tools were, in the oral delivery of this Lecture, illustrated by models, without which, or diagrams, it would be impossible to state, in an intelligible form, the explanations of the general prin¬ ciples which these machines possess in common, which must be therefore omitted in this place.] The existence of such principles leads us to the hope that machines much moi-e compx-ehensive, and yet simpler in form, will be devised for the same purposes, by means of which the construction of machinery in general will attain to greater perfection; and machine-tools be introduced into workshops of a smaller character than at present, in the same manner as the lathe. In America, a variety of contrivances are employed in woi-kshops to facilitate and give pi-ecision to ordinary opei-a- tions : as, for example, the foot-mortising machine for wood. The earliest contrivance of this useful tool (the offspring of Bentham’s mortising engine), appears to be in a Pennsyl¬ vanian patent by John M'Clintic, in 1827,* since which the machine has got into general use in America, and has consc- * “ Journal of Franklin Institute,” vol. vi. pp. 18 and 163. 238 ON MACHINES AND TOOLS EOR WORKING quently been the subject of numerous patents for minor arrangements. One of these, by Page, was engraved in the “ Mechanics’ Magazine'' (1836, vol. xxvi. p. 385), and thus introduced to English workmen ; and in the last year Mr. Furness, of Liverpool, has patented some improvements in England, and endeavoured to introduce the machine. It formed a very interesting object in the Exhibition, together with other American contrivances for boring, tenoning, and such-like operations, which the peculiar conditions of that country have called into existence, by creating a market for them. In reviewing the comparatively slow progress of machine- tool making, it will appear that in this, as in other branches, steps in invention that, when once made, appear exceedingly simple and obvious, are often the most difficult to take. The chance that such steps will be made is increased by bringing to bear upon them the greatest number of heads; for the peculiar faculties or acquirements of one man, or set of men, may serve to carry on an invention to a certain point at which it is prepared for, and requires those of another set of men who may carry it further. In the old time, the ex¬ ceeding secrecy and jealous care with which every new con¬ trivance was guarded and watched, retarded the advance of machinery to an extent that we can hardly believe. Each man was working in ignorance of his neighbours’ improve¬ ments, and every Art was indeed a Mystery. And not only did these difficulties obstruct the progress of machinery, but the enormous expense of constructing new machines. We know that the art of construction has undergone a com¬ plete revolution since the block machinery was made, but we can scarcely estimate the prodigious amount of labour and thought that was required to give existence to that machinery, which, indeed, could never have been effected without the resources of the nation in the then imperfect state of the art. To these retarding causes must bo added the jealousies of workmen and their dislike of new methods. I have already alluded to the advantage of promoting a more universal knowledge of each other’s methods amongst the mechanists of different branches and countries. A very interesting part of the Great Exhibition was the collection of strauge-looking tools from France, Germany, and else- IN METAL, WOOD, AND OTHER MATERIALS. 239 where, differing in their forms and handles and mode of operation from those employed for the same purposes by our own workmen. Without doubt some of them might afford useful hints; for example, the universal employment of the narrow frame-saw on the Continent for work that we perform with broad-bladed saws, stiffened with brass (w iron backs, might lead our workmen to consider whether, after all, our practice is not carried too far in this respect. But the facilities for working in metal, and its general introduction into all kinds of frame-work, where wood was exclusively employed, as well as the substitution of cast- iron for brass, has made it imperative upon persons of all trades, which are affected by these changes, to learn the management of these new materials, if they desire to profit by the advantages consequent upon their employment. Thus, the philosophical instrument makers formerly employed brass for their metal work, and constructed their machines, even the largest astronomical instruments, in a great number of pieces screwed together. We have now learnt that stability is best insured by employing fewer pieces, and that cast-iron is, on all grounds, a better material than brass. But the tools and methods of working in cast-iron are wholly different, and therefore the philosophical instrument makers must turn engineers, and employ planing machines and the like. The making of large clocks, and various other articles of com¬ mon use, must undergo the same change. It is useless to say that these men can go to an engineer’s shop to get jobs done tor them as required. Such a method can only lead to a partial and imperfect employment of the new resources and advantages which are to be developed. For instead of a full and complete adoption of these novelties, the use of them will be necessarily evaded in every case where they can be dispensed with, unless the master-workman can employ them freely as his own. In machinery we have to deal with every kind of material, and to avail ourselves of the peculiar properties of all, in their appropriate places; and thus a skilful engineer should be familiar with every kind of mechanical manipulation and material, from a sheet of card paper to an iron bar, and ought to know as well how to hem a pocket handkerchief as to rivet a boiler. It is of no use for him to employ work- 240 ON TOOLS FOR WORKING IN METALS, ETC. men of any trade in carrying out new combinations unless be himself know how to instruct them. A musician who is about to compose a symphony need not be able to play on the violin like Paganini, or on the piano like Thalberg, but he must be well acquainted with the powers and manipula¬ tions «of these and every other instrument before he can write passages that will bring out their effects and be adapted to performance. And, in the same way, a man who intends to devise and carry out a new machine must be conversant with the peculiar properties and mode of manipulating every kind of material, that thus he may select and avail himself of them to the best advantage. And I am persuaded that one of the most important and instructive lessons which the Great Exhibition brought before us, consisted in the display and contrast of the application of different materials and different methods to identical pur¬ poses by the various nations of the universe. May we be enabled to read the lesson aright. LECTURE IX. PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS AND PRO¬ CESSES, AS REPRESENTED IN THE GREAT EXHIBITION. BY JAMES GLAISIIER, Esq., F.R.S. 21 ( 241 ) JAMES GLAISHER, Esq., F.R.S. OST PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS AND PRO¬ CESSES, AS REPRESENTED IN THE GREAT EXHIBITION. “ Philosophical Instruments and Processes, as repre¬ sented in the Exhibition,” form the subject of my Lecture this evening. To place you in possession of my proposed arrangements for treating this subject, you will, perhaps, permit me to speak of that which I have done as Reporter, and to present to you a brief sketch of the nature of the duties which devolved upon me, both in that capacity and in that of Juror for Class X. My design in writing the Report was to render it such a record of the subjects included in Class X., that as the time arrived when the present generation, witness of the contents of the Great Palace, should have passed away, it should stand to succeeding generations as an authentic record of the whole collection, so classified as to kind and merit as to defy the influence of tradition either to its enhancement or detraction; convinced that by so doing I was best fulfilling the trust confided to me, the object of which, the extension of human knowledge, could alone be achieved from the solid basis of truth. For the further extension of human knowledge, by mak¬ ing the Exhibition subservient to the improvement of art, science, and industry, were these Lectures instituted at the suggestion of His Royal Highness Prince Albert. As one (243) 244 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS honoured by the selection of the Council of this Society to assist in the promotion of this honourable and important scheme, it became to me a matter of deep reflection, how, in the brief compass of a lecture, I could best contribute to its advancement, and enlist at the same time the interest of gentlemen, many of them no novices in the use of in¬ struments and processes, of which, necessarily, my mention must be very brief. Reflection at length decided me to take you, step by step, not through the contents of Class X., but, as far as time permitted, through the novelties and improvements which they exhibited, and to set before you the fruits of examinations, which, necessarily special and confined to the few, were alone instituted for the advantage of the many. The reflections induced by the examination of works based upon the most brilliant discoveries of times, both past and present, I have been unable quite to suppress, and have combined them with my views relative to the im¬ mediate and future bearing of the Exhibition upon science, which last we are not only permitted but enjoined to express. To carry out this arrangement I shall trespass on your patience for a little beyond'the ordinary time. By placing before you, however, a true representation of the leading features of the Class we are about to analyze,—by placing, in fact, before you a true representation of its novelties and excellencies, in the same manner as the Report, shortly to be published, will give you a true representation of its contents as they existed,—I hope that the lengthened at¬ tention you may grant to me will be repaid by the possess¬ ing you of a part of that information, which, far from being ephemeral, has only been elicited by months of examina¬ tion, inquiry, and comparison, to be stored away among the scientific archives of the day, and so added to our treasury of knowledge, from which alone can we draw that clue to guide us through the unknown regions which still interpose between our knowledge of facts and their govern¬ ing laws. For the fulfilment of the duties of Juror and Reporter, two classes of investigations were required. That of Juror claimed and exacted from me the careful and unprejudiced examination of subjects, and involved a just determination AND PROCESSES. 245 of originality of construction, improvement of pi’ocesses, discovery of principles, and a correct appreciation of me¬ chanical shill; that of Reporter, a duty to which I was elected at a much later date, required still more for its ful¬ filment; and I found it necessary to make myself acquainted with the characteristics of each country’s contributions, how far the state of science was represented by each, the causes of deficiencies, and finally to examine with care the sources both of success and failure. The result of these investigations, which for months rendered the Exhibition a vast school to me, and a means of confirming long precon¬ ceived opinions, may enable me with success to point out those novelties and improvements which were most inacces¬ sible to the public, and even to those with whom the grati¬ fication of curiosity was a desire, slight in comparison with that for making themselves acquainted with the peculiarities of instruments with which they were least familiar. As the subjects in the collection were, without exception, illustrations, specimens, or models of those applications of science, which are exercising so great and beneficial an in¬ fluence over society and the civilized world, a few remarks upon the rise, progress, and importance of science, may not be considered an unfitting introduction to the description of the novelties and improvements in some of the products exhibited, which, combined with art and industry, it has placed at our disposal. In the early ages of the world, man, acted upon by the common circumstances of his race, impelled by the pressure of his physical wants, and actuated alike by a principle of curiosity and the desire of gain, soon became acquainted by actual discovery with the rough elements of geography, and passing from shore to shore, acquired a knowledge of coun¬ tries fiir separated, their inhabitants and productions, and so laid the foundation of that intercourse, which, improving as centuries rolled on, extended alike the sphere of human wants and the power for their supply. The variety of re¬ sources open to each country, by the exchange of material products, and the equally valuable interchange of ideas, soon raised the arts to a place of the highest importance, and enabled them long to maintain this rank and materially to administer to the necessities and comforts of mankind, 21 * 246 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS before men’s thoughts became directed to the elucidation of those causes, with the effects of which they were daily familiar; but the time came, slowly and gradually, when the powers of science became unveiled, very imperfectly it is true, but still so far as to impress on the mind of the in¬ quirer a conviction of its power to repay every attempt made to penetrate its obscurity. The steps in the progress of science, however, are, though numerous, so small, and pass by so unperceived, that insen¬ sibly we are not led to wonder at that which some years back would have been considered a miracle : in illustration of which are the means of locomotion now at our command through the applications of steam power ; the instantaneous communication between place and place, even to the connect¬ ing our own island with the Continent, through the agency of electricity; the discovery of electro-magnetism, and its subsequent applications, some of which I shall this evening mention; the discovery of photography, and its application to the purposes of astronomical science, and to the self-regis¬ tration of natural phenomena, which, all untliought of a tew years ago, but now in full activity, create no feeling other than that of admiration at the vast resources so gradually and surely unfolding to us. And when we pause to consider that the constituents of a great nation’s prosperity agricul¬ ture, manufactures, and commerce, in tlieir excellence, aie dependent upon science, the first upon chemistry, the second upon mechanics, the third upon navigation (itself dependent upon astronomy), we see that the repayment made by it. to the sources of its establishment puts nations in possession of an element, which, according to the culture bestowed upon it, is capable of conferring wealth, prosperity, and P °Such being, then, the nature of the repayment made by science for the culture bestowed upon it, it remains now to show how far its own interests have been promoted by en¬ abling the illustrious President, of this Society to carry out a conception, the success of which was. scarcely more desira¬ ble than necessary to the giving additional impetus to the ever, but not equally, advancing progress of science,—a con¬ ception which never before the present time could have been successfully realized; for long as it is since the free and AND PROCESSES. 247 unlimited intercourse between country and country lias pre- sented*any barrier to the progress of the arts and sciences, it is only lately that through their joint instrumentality space has been so far annihilated as to permit objects, to the attainment of which a limited time must suffice, to be suc¬ cessfully carried through; and had it not been for the recent and rapid advance of science, the Exhibition itself could not truly have represented its existing state in all countries at one and the same time,—a representation only to be effected by the sufficing of a few months for the erection of the building and the arrangement of its contents. The prosecution of the inquiry of how far the interests of science will have been promoted by the Exhibition brings me to the immediate subject of my Lecture, and requires that I should lead you back to the time when the Exhibition, with its multitudes, gave ample proof of the public willing¬ ness to incur both toil and expense for the refiued giatifica- tion afforded by the cultivation of intellect, a gratification so sought by our countrymen at home and visiters from abroad, that we are fairly entitled to look tor deep and last¬ ing results. An interchange of ideas between men of different countries has ever been esteemed valuable and conducive to the ex¬ tension of knowledge ; but never before the era of. the Ex¬ hibition was the gathering together men of all nations, and different pursuits, contending interests, views, and feelings, for its acquisition from one grand source, for a time made common to all, ever resorted to as a means to its further extension. Thousands of our countrymen have visited the collection of Class X., having seen for the first time instru¬ ments of which they may have read, or only heard, and therefore never clearly understood, and have returned lio.me with increased knowledge and new ideas; regulated in kind by individual bias, but dependent in amount and value upon the circumstances of education, mental capacity, and social position. Of visiters from abroad, the same mixture of classes was not to be anticipated, and experience has shown that the majority of foreign visiters were possessed of more extended information than the average class of their country¬ men,—information rendered valuable to us in proportion to its amount, and the facilities obtained by them for its dif- 248 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS fusion ) these must have been great, for practical scientific men were brought into contact with practical working men of their own and other countries, and men of science, both at home and from abroad, gathered to the Exhibition as to a common centre. The benefit to the humble and working classes of the community we may fairly expect to be great. For the first time has been placed within their grasp a knowledge of what has been done, what is doing, and by whom,—a knowledge necessary to the prevention of the useless repetitions which have so often engaged the attention of the ingenious me¬ chanic, who, ignorant that he is doing that which has long been successfully performed, sustains a real injury, whilst the talent and industry possessed by him are totally lost to other causes, which, with better information, he might have successfully embraced. At present it is my opinion, that the removal of erroneous impressions, the inculcation of new ideas, and the extension of his range of knowledge from the wide field of observation so freely offered to his inspection, will serve for the base of many an ingenious su¬ perstructure, to form ultimately an addition either to art or science. In support of my views, relative to the benefit to arise from the better direction of industry, I may make mention of a case which came under my notice whilst secre¬ tary to the Greenwich Committee. A mechanic brought before me and other gentlemen, members of the same Com¬ mittee, a folding joint of peculiar, and, as he thought, origi¬ nal construction, which he was desirous to exhibit; he had expended a considerable amount of ingenuity and industry in its manufacture, and his surprise and disappointment w r ere extreme on being told that many similar had been made. This is a single instance out of many which could be brought forward, individually of little detriment to the cause we are seeking to advance, but collectively of more importance. And as in order to the well-working of any scheme a strict attention to the most minute and apparently insignificant details is necessary, so, in like manner, to the carrying out the views of men qualified both by position and intellect to give direction to practical science and philosophical inquiry, is necessary the co-operation of talent and ability, which, individually small in amount, may in the aggregate be suf- AND PROCESSES. 249 llcient to turn the scale either of success or failure; and every step made towards the better education of the artisan is a step to secure this co-operation. I will now speak of the benefit to accrue from the study of the instruments in their different constructions, by a higher order of minds, intent upon their practical applica¬ tion. In proportion as it is necessary to the interests of science that theory, observation, and experiment, should march hand in hand, so is it equally essential that theo¬ retical and practical men of science should come into con¬ tact with each other, and both into contact with men to whom must be intrusted the construction ot instruments necessary to the completion of their views. A scheme more conducive to this end could scarcely have been designed than the collection both from this and foreign countries of instruments and their makers, to receive the criticism and judgment of individuals selected from among those in whose hands could the instruments exhibited prove chiefly ser¬ viceable; thus securing competent and impartial judges of their merits. The effect of this concentration of mind, both English and foreign, has been, and will still more be, to give direction to physical inquiry and mechanical skill, point out existing deficiencies and their remedies, and cause the conversion of heretofore suggestive into real practical improvements ; thus creating an interchange of information between nations, and so contributing to the advantage and wealth of all. As knowledge and industrial skill are rendered permanent chiefly through the publicity given to them, so, in like man¬ ner, is necessary to the extension of discovery and the developement of principles the publicity which the Exhibi¬ tion has so eminently afforded ; some instances of the accele¬ rating power of which, over the adoption of new methods and new applications, I shall this evening instance. But I will not occupy you longer with these reflections, founded, however, so far as connected with the Exhibition, upon the careful estimation of facts which have fallen beneath my own observation, and are not at all influenced by an imagin¬ ation which, from my having been engaged during my whole life in elucidating results from given and assured facts, is singularly averse to all speculative suggestions. 250 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS Before proceeding farther, it will be desirable to point out bow far the list of expected Philosophical Instruments has been realized. The following list is a copy of that drawn up by Dr. Playfair, and printed in the “ Official Catalogue PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS. DR. PLAYFAIR’S CLASSIFICATION. Instruments for Measuring of Space. 1. In fixed Observatories, as Transits, Transit Circles, Great Quadrants, Mural Circles, Zenith Sectors, Altarimeters, Equatoreals, Collimators, &c. 2. For Nautical Astronomy and Observations, as Sextants, Reflecting and Repeating Circles, Hip Sectors, &c. 3. Astronomical and Topographical Illustrations, as Globes, Orreries, Planetariums, Maps, Charts. 4. Optical Instruments, as great Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes, with their appurtenances, Equatoreal Motions, &c. 5. Apparatus subordinate to Graduated Instruments, as divided Object-glasses and Ileliometers, Eye-pieces, Micrometers, Micrometer Microscopes, &c. 6. Survey Instruments, Topographical, as Base Apparatus, Theodolites, Repeating Circles, Geodetic Signals, Levelling Apparatus, Miners’ and Prismatic Com¬ passes, Pocket Sextants, Perambulators, Pedometers ; Hydrographical, as Sounding Machines, Patent Logs, Current-meters, Silometers. Instruments to Measure tiie Effects of Mechanical and Physical Forces. 1. Mechanical, as Dynamometers, Tachymeters. 2. Mass-weighing Instruments, as Weighing Machines, Scales, Chemical and Assay Balances. 3. Density, as Areometers and other Instruments to de¬ termine specific gravity, Invariable Pendulums, At- Avood’s Machine. 4. To measure other physical effects, including Meteoro¬ logical Instruments, as Barometers, Hydrometers, Eudiometers, Thermometers, Pyrometers, Electro¬ meters, Rheometers, Magnetometers, &c. Relief or Model Mapping. —Specimens of Models. Standard Measures of Length. —Standard Bars, Standard Bar Measure. Dividing Machines. AND PROCESSES. 251 Balances. Coin-weighing Machines. Optical Instruments. —Telescope Microscopes, Optical Object-glasses for Telescopes, Solid Eye-pieces, Optical Glasses, Lenses, Prisms, Speculums, Light-houses, Heliostats, Saccharometers, Holoscopes, Spectacles, Opera Glasses, Dissolving Views Apparatus, Dioptric Prismatic Lantern, Phantasmagoria Lantern, Photo¬ graphic Camera, Multiplying Cameras, Photographic Glasses. Photography. —Daguerreotype Pictures, Talbotypes, Kalo- types, Sun Pictures. Air Pumps. Aerial Machines. The following list contains a similarly classified speci¬ fication of those instruments which really were exhibited, and a comparison with that of Dr. Playfair will show the omissions, and their nature :— PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS AS EXHIBITED. Astronomical Instruments. —Transits, Equatoreals, Tran¬ sit Circles, Altitude and Azimuth Instruments, Ap¬ paratus for recording Observations by means of Gal¬ vanic Currents. Nautical Instruments. —Reflecting Circles, Sextants, Sea- lead, Self-detector Compasses, Aquatic Velocimeter. Surveying and Levelling Instruments. —Transit Theodolites, Theodolites, Repeating Theodolites, Miners’ Theodolites, Surveying Cross, Levels and Levelling Apparatus, Beam Draining Levels, Levelling Protractor, Miners’. Com¬ passes, Astronomical Compasses, Diastemeter (Distance Measurer). Magnetism. —Magnets; Application of Electro-magnetism to the Movement of Machines. Electricity. —Electric Telegraph, Domestic Telegraph, Chemical Apparatus. Meteorological Instruments. —Self-registering Meteorolo¬ gical Apparatus, Barometers, Thermometers, Anemo¬ meters, Typhode'iciton or Storm Pointer, Pirometers, Dynamometers, Tide Gauges. Drawing Instruments. —Proportional Compasses, Cases of Instruments, Planimeter, Graphic Telescope, Protractors, Pentagraphs, Parallel Rulers, Sectors. Orreries, Planetariums, Astronomical Machines, Dialling Globes, Calculating Machines, Instruments for the Blind, Miscellaneous. 252 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS Application of Mechanical and Physical Science to Useful Purposes, not included in any of the preceding or subse¬ quent Sections. 1. Mechanics .— _ ,, . . ) When not included in Sec- a Stereo-Mechanics I ^ions describing their more 5 Hydro-Mechanics j extended uses, c Pneumo-Mechanics; Air-Pumps—rarefying and con¬ densing ; Hiving Bells ; Air Balloons, &c. 2. Sound. —(Not including Musical Instruments.) a Instruments to assist Hearing. b Alarums; Bells. c Models of Acoustical Buildings, &c. 3. Light. Instruments to assist Vision—as, Smaller Tele¬ scopes, Opera-glasses, Spectacles, Microscopes, Lenses, Mirrors, .Signals, Visual Telegraphs, Lighthouses, Op¬ tical Illusions, Gas and Solar Microscopes, Cameras, Photography, Polarization of Light, &c. 4. Heat. —Apparatus for producing Heat, for Freezing, Thermostats, Burning Lenses, and Mirrors, &c. 5. Magnetism and Electricity— Mariners’ Compasses, Elec¬ tric and Electro-magnetic Telegraphs, Electric Light, Applications of Electro-magnetism as a Motive Power, Therapeutic Applications of Electricity, Electrotype, Apparatus and Specimens, &c. 6. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Apparatus. 7. Miscellaneous. Instruments to Illustrate the Laws of Mechanical and Physical Science. 1. Kinematics. —Instruments to exhibit and describe Mo¬ tions and their Combinations; Compasses, Penta- graphs, Instruments for describing Elliptical and other figures, &c. 2. Mechanics, or Instruments to illustrate the Laws ot Static and Dynamic Forces. a Stereo-mechanics; as for illustrating Mechanical Powers, Accelerated and Retarded Motion, Equi¬ librium and Parallelogram of Forces, Levers, Ca- tlietometers, Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces, Elasticity, &c. b Hydro-mechanics, as Instruments to illustrate the "Motion and Impinging Force of Waves, &c._ c Pneumo-mechanics, as Apparatus connected with the Air-pumps, &c. AND PROCESSES. 253 3. Instruments to illustrate the Laws of Corpuscular Forces, as Whitworth’s Planes; Endosometers. 4. Instruments to illustrate the Laws of Sound. 5. Instruments to illustrate the Laws of Light. 6. Instruments to illustrate the Laws of Heat. 7. Instruments to _ illustrate the Laws of Electricity, in¬ cluding Voltaic and Thermo-electricity, Magnetism, Electro-magnetism, Magnetic Electricity, Dia-magnet- ism, &c. Many of the omissions are easily accounted for. More than one of our best opticians were averse to exhibiting at all; and when, finally, they did exhibit, sent such instru¬ ments as were most easily procurable, and which could be most ^conveniently sent. It was not to be expected but that the Exhibition, in its infancy, would have to contend with reluctance on the part of those whose contributions must, by their nature, be costly, and easily deranged, either by exposure or by transmission from place to place; but, as the undertaking progressed, and its success became assured, this reluctance was, in many cases, overcome by a convic¬ tion, that the benefit to be derived from exhibition would counterbalance the possible deterioration of the contribution, though the willingness to exhibit induced by this conviction, in several cases, came too late to be made available. All these considerations, among which the portability of the in¬ struments was one of great importance, influenced greatly the extent of the collection from foreign countries, forming altogether a combination of circumstances, the existence of which should prevent our entertaining any feeling of sur¬ prise, though we may be permitted to express one of disap¬ pointment, at the difference plainly observable between Dr. Playfair s list and my own specification of subjects actually exhibited. The same causes joined to the many and contending in¬ terests of those, particularly of our own country, who did exhibit, operated to produce other results. Many were im¬ pelled to exhibit from the opportunity afforded them of taking a recognised step in advance of their former position, by contributing some novelty, improvement, or specimen of good workmanship, the highest effort of their productive skill; others exhibited in a purely commercial point of 254 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS view, and sent collections of shop goods calculated to attract the attention of the undiscerning part of the public, more intent upon the possession of a cheap and attractive, than an essentially good instrument. Some few were actuated by a desire to preserve undiminished to our country the credit due to her philosophical instruments and their makers, and so furnished to the public an opportunity of inspecting instruments, too valuable, and in their use too exclusive, to he often so exposed; for in the practice of an observatory, in the use of balances, in the measuring rods of a survey, the standard measures of length by which they are deter¬ mined require a seclusion, the object of which would be totally defeated by the admission of the general public to the inspection of the instruments so in use. It must, however, be clearly understood that the instruments as collected did not truly represent the existing state of science. Since, in the Report, I have included such reflections as presented themselves to my mind at the time of writing, and when the instruments were all collected, those I shall speak of to-night will chiefly be the result of reflection and experience since the close of the Exhibition. In following out my proposed arrangement, I shall adhere as much as possible to the order observed in the Lists and in the Re¬ port; and as the subjects are numerous and varied, I must be permitted to pass without comment from one to the other, however differing in their objects and arrangements. According, then, to the order of classification, Astronomical Instruments claim our first attention. Astronomical Instruments. That, large astronomical instruments should be much re¬ presented in the Exhibition was not to be expected, and particularly from distant lands; their removal is at all times hazardous, and equally injurious, pi’obably, would have been their exposure for any'length of time : hence we find that, with the exception of the large equatoreal by Ross, there was not one; and in this case, the divided circles, or deli cate portions, were not large. This instrument was princi¬ pally remarkable for its solidity, good distribution of AND PROCESSES. 255 strength, and fewness of parts. It was furnished with clock motion, and was a fine specimen of engineering casting. As regards the instruments exhibited by Simms, they were distinguished, not only by excellent workmanship, but also for new contrivances, greatly facilitating observation; and, when it is considered how many men of a high order of mind have devoted themselves to the construction of astronomical instruments, any decided improvement indicates a very high order of merit: some of these improvements I will enumerate. To two equatoreals exhibited by Mr. Simms, he has adapted their equatoreal axes for the application of a level, and thus greatly simplified their adjustments, besides making them more useful instruments. To one of them was applied a clock-work motion, by means of which the motion of the telescope was made to counteract that of the earth, thus enabling the observer to look upon a moving object as though it were not moving. To an altitude-and-azimuth instrument, a telescope fur¬ nished with spider lines was placed in the centre of its azimuthal axis, for the purpose of acting as a central colli¬ mator and constant referring point. Another novelty was the conversion of the axis of a transient instrument into a telescope, thus affording a ready means of examining the form of its pivots, as well as readily adapting it to the observation of stars, both in the meridian and in the prime vertical. To a small transit circle, furnished with one lamp, was shown a mode of illuminating the divisions on the micro¬ meter head, on the limb and the field of view, in such a way that the observer should have complete power, either over the illumination of the entire field, or of the wires alone, the field itself being in darkness. The observer is thus enabled to record the position of a star whose light is so feeble that the amount of light merely sufficient to illu¬ mine the field is more than enough to drown that of the star, It is, in fact, an arrangement by which our optical power is increased by our present optical means. It would be well to dwell for a few moments on the different modes of illumination. As you all know, the field 256 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS of view in the telescope of an astronomical instrument is furnished with a system of one or two horizontal, and of five or seven vertical wires, as shown in the annexed diagram, which exhibits the appearance of the field of view when un¬ der full illumination, and when the wires only are illumi¬ nated. £ * An observation” by an instrument placed in the plane of the meridian consists in directing the telescope so that the star is bisected by the horizontal wire (to determine its north polar distance), and by noting the times at which it passes the several vertical wires (to determine its right ascension); these times being determined by mentally dividing into ten parts the space traversed by the star in one second, and deciding that tenth of the second when it crossed the wire, as shown in the example subjoined to the above diagrams. As there are but few object-glasses large enough to show many stars during the day, it is necessary that the field of view be illuminated in order that the wires be distinctly seen at night. This was done formerly by placing a small oval reflector in front of the object-glass of the telescope,— a plan not only objectionable on account of some part of the aperture being cut off, but because, on change of alti¬ tude, it was necessary to re-arrange the distant lamp or candle, so that the light should fall properly upon the AND PROCESSES. 257 reflector for convergence to the wire-plate of the telescope, as shown at c in fig. 1 of the annexed diagram. 1 2 (^Ql3 fn. The introduction of a diagonal reflector, placed within the axis of an astronomical telescope at an angle of 45°, was a very great improvement upon the preceding method. The light in this case passes from a lantern, h, placed near one of the pivots of the axis upon which the telescope turns, perforated to receive a convex lens : by this arrangement, the rays of light, after crossing, diverge upon and are spread over the surface of the reflector, cj h, by which they are turned at right angles, and are thus made to illuminate the field of view. The degree of illumination necessary is dependent upon the brightness of the object, and hence the necessity for a means of varying the amount of light; this has been effected in various ways, such as, by turning the lantern out of the direct line of the axis, by introducing an adjustable aperture between the lantern and the perforated end of the pivot, or by placing an expanding diaphragm between the eye-piece and the diagonal reflector. But Mr. Simms has effected all this much more simply and effectually by giving motion to the reflector itself, which is made to turn upon pivots (as oo * 258 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS shown in figure 3), by means of a rod proceeding from it, m, and terminating beyond the tube of the telescope, at or near the eye-piece, and consequently near the observer’s band. By this means, the maximum illumination is given when the reflector is situated at an angle of 45° from the axis of rotation and the optical axis of the telescope, the whole of the light being reflected perpendicularly upon the diaphragm; but if the reflector be turned to that position which is parallel to the axis, no light whatever is reflected from it. It is therefore evident, that between these two positions all degrees of illumination can be obtained. But there are some objects, such as comets, nebulae, small planets, and stars, which are visible only when all light is excluded from the field. To ascertain the position of such objects was one of great difficulty; the means usually adopted were, the insertion of very thick bars of metal in the wire-plate or diaphragm, instead of fine wires, and in observation to hide the star behind the horizontal bar to determine its north polar distance, the times of its disappearance behind the several vertical bars being noted to determine its right as¬ cension : but such observations were little better than guess¬ work, and were very unsatisfactory. Another method, cer¬ tainly much better, has been employed, the object of which was to illumine the wires, only leaving the field in dark¬ ness. This was done by opening a channel in the tube, nearly in the plane of the diaphragm, through which light was admitted from a lantern generally attached to the eye- end of the telescope. This arrangement, though certainly much better than the preceding, was open to grave ob¬ jections, and leads me to the last improvement exhibited, which answers admirably, inasmuch as it places the degree of illumination under the command of the observer, who can instantaneously alter it in such a manner as the case may require. This very great improvement is effected by the attachment of one or more prisms to the adjustable reflector, in such way, that when the reflector is in the position to reflect the largest quantity of light in the direction of the optical axis of the telescope, and consequently to fill the field of view with light, the prism is out of action; but that as the in¬ tensity gradually diminishes as the reflector approaches to AND PROCESSES. 259 that position parallel to the axis where no light is reflected, at that instant the prism takes up the middle pencil of rays proceeding from the lamp, and reflects it to another prism situated in the plane of the wire plate, by which it is Anally reflected, and illuminates the wires only, leaving the field in darkness, so that the observations of an extremely faint object can be as easily obtained as those of a bright one. This arrangement is explained in the following diagram. Let f d and f c represent the (axis of) movable reflector in its two extreme positions, viz. that in which it reflects the maximum quantity of light, and that in which it reflects no light whatever; h, the diaphragm upon which the cross¬ wires are fixed in the focus of the eye-piece; g, a prism so placed as to reflect upon, and diffuse over the diaphragm, such rays of light as enter it in the direction eg; and b e, b c, Lj, rays of light proceeding from the lantern a b. When the reflector is in the position / cl, the rays b e, l j, are reflected in the direction of the optical axis of the telescope, and consequently fill the field of view with li^ht, and give the appearance shown in the first diagram (p. 258)' As the reflector approaches the position f c, the intensity of the light gradually diminishes, and when the position f c is attained no light whatever is reflected; at this instant 260 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS the prism d, which has dropped from d to c, takes lip the middle ray, b c, and reflects it to g, causing the field of view to assume the appearance shown in fig. 2 of the diagram (p. 258). Mr. Simms exhibited a diagonal transit instrument, of the same form as that so much used on the Continent; in this construction the cone of rays which pass from the object- glass do not proceed directly to a focus, as in the ordinary telescope, but are reflected by a prism or speculum placed within the axis, and form an image in one of the pivots, in which also the wire-frame and eye-piece are placed, as shown in the annexed figure. O k il s F In this form of instrument the cone of rays transmitted by an object-glass, li, instead of proceeding to a focus at p, are intercepted by a prism at c, and reflected to g, where an image is formed upon the diaphragm in the focus of the eye-piece. The advantage possessed by this form of instrument over that ordinarily used is, that the observer is seated with all ease at his instrument, and has no change of position to make, whatever may be the altitude of the object under ob¬ servation ) the serious objection to its use has hitherto been AND PROCESSES. 261 the defective means obtained for illuminating the fund of view, as was to be seen in the instrument shown by Ertel in the Exhibition, where the old method was still adhered to, viz. placing a small diagonal reflector in front of the ob¬ ject-glass, as shown in diagram 2, a plan to which there are many objections : 1st. The difficulty of throwing light at all upon the reflector; 2dly. The trouble of re-adjusting it for every change of position; and, 3dly. Part of the object- glass is cut off. In the instrument exhibited by Mr. Simms, he has most ingeniously overcome these difficulties by in¬ troducing in the other pivot a convex lens, a, and at the back of the prism a second convex lens, b, the diameter of the latter being such that three segments of it project beyond the sides of the prism, c. In this arrangement the rays of light from the lantern, first converged by the small lens, after crossing, again diverge and fall upon the larger lens, by the refractive power of which they again suffer convergence and are diffused over the field of view, g. Germany furnished a portable universal instrument by Ertel and Sons : this was a beautiful instrument, intended by its maker to combine the greatest possible simplicity with the greatest possible firmness; its clamps were applied in all cases to the centre, to prevent the bending of the spokes or affecting the figure of the circle. The work of 'this instrument in every respect was found to be very good, the divisions were fine, clear, and distinct. A portable equatoreal, of good workmanship, was for¬ warded by Merz, of Munich, who, by not forwarding a more original and valuable instrument, did not do justice to him¬ self or German work, which was not properly represented in the Exhibition, for Germany by no means put forth her strength. The divisions on both these instruments were fine speci¬ mens of hand-dividing; and when it is considered that this operation requires the operator to be in a darkened room for weeks together, involving close application, of a most hurt¬ ful nature to his health, it is with much satisfaction we find that, beautiful as the divisions on Simms’s instruments were found to be, they were the work of his self-acting dividing engine, and that the whole of the operations of dividing and 262 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS cutting were performed by machinery, independent of any personal superintendence after the preliminary arrangements were completed. The application ot this machine inatciially lessens the expense of instruments, thereby placing the pur¬ suit of science more in the power of those who, earnestly wishing to be useful, could not with prudence incur too large an outlay in the purchase of instruments. It is remarkable that not a single astronomical instru¬ ment was furnished by France. I must for a moment be permitted a digression,. in order to complete my description of the novelties exhibited in this section. __ . . In the year 1800, Volta discovered that voltaic electricity was generated by the immersion of two metals in an acid, which acted on one of them: in 1820, Oersted linked together the sciences of electricity and magnetism, and proved that the one acts upon the other, not in straight lines, as other forces do. but in a direction at right angles: so that, if bodies be invested with electricity, they possess a tendency to place magnets in a position at right angles to themselves, whilst, on the contrary, magnets have the effect of placing bodies conducting electricity at right angles to themselves, and, consequently, an electric current exercises a magnetic action at right angles to its own direction : if, then, a wire be coiled in a spiral form, and electrified, it becomes a magnet; and if within this coil be placed a core of soft iron, which has the effect of concentrating its power, it becomes a very powerful magnet, and by making and breaking its connexion with a galvanic battery, thus alter¬ nately making and destroying the action of magnetism, we can instantly unmake this magnet and obtain a moving power, which it is evident, when once produced, is capable of application to many purposes by suitable mechanism. The Americans, with their characteristic energy, have extensively used these physical laws in their electric tele¬ graphs, and have also applied them to astronomical pui- poses, and to the determination of the difference of longi¬ tude. In the American department, No. 37, Bond exhibited an apparatus for observing transits by means of a galvanic circuit. It consists of a break-circuit-clock, battery, wires, AND PROCESSES. 263 and a cylinder, around which paper is wrapped. This cy« linder is mounted on a delicate axis, furnished with friction rollers, and revolves once in a minute; the circuit is broken and restored by the seconds pendulum, so that 60 seconds are recorded on one line: there are 60 lines on each sheet of paper. The armature of the electro-magnet carries a glass pen, supplied with ink from a small reservoir, and the records are made as the paper revolves under this pen. In ordinary transit observations the observer takes a second from the clock-face; counts the beats whilst the object passes the wires; records these times by the clock to the tenth part of a second; writes them in a book, still counting the beats of the clock; and after the transit of the last wire, continues counting on till he can look at the clock-face: but, in the new method, the coincidence of the wire and the object is noted, at which instant a key is touched with the finger, this touch causing an impression to be made on the recording apparatus,—of a dot if the touch be momentary, of a series of dots separated by equal spaces, if the intervals of time between successive touches be equal, as shown in fig. 1 of the annexed diagram; of lines of different lengths, if the times of pressing the key be variable, as shown in figs. 2 and 5; of equal lengths, if the times be of equal duration, or at equal intervals, as shown in figs. 3, 4, and 6. In this manner may be gene¬ rated a series of dots, lines, and blanks of all varieties of lengths. 1 • m * » 2 3 4 5 6 7 -“ y _n_ si 4 5 Lines of equal length, or spots equi-distant, may be re¬ gistered by the movement of a clock alternately making and breaking the circuit, as well as by the finger of the operator; and lines as in figure 3, or spaces in figure 4, may be made, corresponding to intervals of one second, and thus the clock 264 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS be made to mark seconds of time. If, then, an operator should make contact at the instant of the occurrence of any phenomenon, as that of a star passing a wire, one of these spaces would he broken, as is shown in figure 7 ; and it is easy to estimate the tenth of a second at which the contact was made, and hundredths of a second may be estimated by the use of a transparent scale, as in fig. 9, whose length, just equal to that of one second on the paper, being divided into ten parts, and made to cover the whole second, as in fig. 9, where the register appears between four seconds and five seconds, it is seen at a glance that the occurrence happened between four seconds and seven-tenths, and four seconds and eight-tenths of a second. The apparatus exhibited registered an unbroken line, as shown in fig. 8, but the principle of operation is the same. There may be many different modes of recording. In practice, the recording apparatus may be either near to the observer or at a great distance ) either at a few yards or at a thousand miles. In the former method, the eye and ear are brought into play ; and in the latter, the eye and hand. The question is, whether there be a closer connexion between the nerves of the eye and the ear, or between those of the eye and the finger. The latter operation seems to be the more simple, inasmuch as the observer has not to listen to a clock, and to write down one time whilst he is counting another. The practicability of thus recording observations is placed beyond a doubt, by such having really been recorded in America, at Washington, and other places, and apparently with greater accuracy than by the old method. As before remarked, the recording surface may be at a great distance from the observer, so that the galvanic telegraph is obviously applicable to the determination of differences of terrestrial longitudes, by connecting one sta¬ tion to another far separated by means of a wire; but it becomes imperatively necessary to ascertain whether the tinle occupied by an electric current traversing the wire be appreciable or not, and whether it really passes from station to station in less time than human means can detect. Experiments to determine this have been made on the long lines in America ) and the last results I have seen show AND PROCESSES. 265 that the electric current passes through a copper wire at the rate of about 12,000 miles in one second; and, consequently, that the time occupied in its progress is an element to be taken into account in determining longitude. As in some measure connected with this subject, I may mention that Mr. Shepherd exhibited an electro-magnetic clock, which, as an application of electro-magnetism, of great merit and promise, deserves commendation; as a clock, it does not fall within my prescribed limits; the sub¬ jects of horology, which, at first, were an integral part of Class X., being subsequently withdrawn from the adjudica¬ tion of the Jurors of this Class. The pendulum of this clock was kept in motion by im¬ pulses received from a remontoir escapement, wound up by an electro-magnet. By the vibrations of this pendulum, the circuit of a galvanic battery was completed through the coils of the electro-magnets, which were thus caused to al¬ ternately attract and release their respective armatures. The motion thus obtained was transmitted to the wheels by a peculiar form of click and ratchet escapement, invented by Mr. Shepherd, by which means the escape-wheel was locked and prevented from turning by the action of the wind upon the hands, the minute-hand being sixteen and the hour-hand twelve feet in length. The quantity of wire employed in this clock was 25,000 feet: with this great length, eight pairs of Smee’s batteries, of small size, immersed in half¬ pint jars, were found to be sufficient for two months. Nautical Astronomical Instruments. Of Nautical Astronomical Instruments, the Exhibition did not furnish many illustrations: those in the English department, by Simms, were sound and well made; and so, in a less degree, were those furnished by France, which were mostly made after Simms’s model. Belgium furnished several instruments, which were good in all respects; Rus¬ sia sent the two largest in the Exhibition, both well made. Of ordinary Nautical Instruments, the American depart¬ ment furnished a fine collection by Ericssen, mostly of a new construction; also a very ingenious compass by St. John. The peculiarity of this instrument consists in the 23 266 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS addition of two small magnets, moving freely upon fine points attached to the compass-card, near its east and west extremities. To the centre of each small magnet, and at right angles to it, is placed a brass indicator, which points to the centre of the card when not under the influence of disturbance, as in fig. 1 • and from the centre at other times, as in figs. 2 and 3. The deviation from the centre indicates the amount of disturbance, which, if local, is shown by the one of these indicators pointing farther from the centre than the other, as in fig. 3. The amount of these deflections is measured by semicircular scales fixed over the centre of the card. Levelling and Surveying Instruments. Instruments for levelling and surveying were furnished from England, France, and Belgium : generally well made, but not exhibiting any novelties or excellencies. Germany furnished several, all well made, in which Breithaupt’s use¬ ful method of covering the divisions with a thin plate of brass, for the purpose of protecting them from dirt, oxida¬ tion, and mechanical injury, was generally adopted. Breit- haupt himself exhibited a level, with a contrivance for greatly facilitating its adjustments, and of great importance while surveyors continue to assume that the circular collars of a level are equal. It is described in the Report. The Imperial Polytechnic Institution of Vienna exhibited some beautiful surveying instruments constructed under the direction of Professor Stampfer. The greatest improve¬ ment was the means afforded for measuring a vertical angle of 8°, by which the difference of altitude between two sta¬ tions, when greatly exceeding the length of the measuring AND PROCESSES. 267 staff, could be determined; an improvement of great value for work in a hilly country. Russia furnished a well-made levelling instrument, and America (Burt, 187) an instrument well adapted for survey¬ ing new countries, particularly in magnetic districts. It is applicable to the determination of time, latitude, and mag¬ netic declination. Mr. Andrew Yeates, of Brighton Place, New Kent Road, exhibited a prismatic compass, of simple construction, adapted for taking both horizontal and vertical angles, and so arranged that the former may be taken, the instrument being held in the hand,—the object, the hair in the vane, and the magnetic bearing, being seen at once : it is adapted for fixing on a tripod, and a means is afforded of repeating the observation. It is also adapted for taking vertical angles. It is independent of the magnetic needle, and can be used in districts abounding in iron. Optical Instruments. Let us now turn our attention to optical instruments. Respecting telescopes, though few in number, they were found to be for the most part good. France (Buron, 443) furnished one whose object-glass was of rock crystal, the performance of which, notwithstanding its property of double refraction, was found to be very satisfactory. A new kind of glass was exhibited by Maes (France), its base composed of the oxide of zinc and borax: it was extremely clear and free from colour, and promises to be of considerable use in producing achromatic object-glasses of a very perfect description. The Exhibition also made known a very fair attempt by Wray, United Kingdom (No. 309), to substitute a solid substance instead of flint glass, which, as a step out of the beaten path, and towards the possible revival of fluid object- glasses, is meritorious. As you all know, crystalline bodies affect light accord¬ ing to their structure, and the transparency of such bodies seems to depend upon their molecular arrangement. Thus, if striae occur in a disc of glass or lens through which an object is viewed, it is distorted if these striae be numerous, and the distortion is so great that the form of the object is 268 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS not recognisable; but if very numerous, it is not visible at all: the glass, ceasing to be transparent, becoming opaque, though still remaining translucent. To ascertain the different molecular states of the various discs of glass and object-glasses exhibited was, therefore, a part of the duty of the Jury. The modes adopted are de¬ tailed in the Report; and, therefore, I will here but briefly refer to the results. The object-glasses of Simms, which were chiefly of Eng¬ lish glass, were found to be good—the definition of the object becoming improved with the increase of power. Those of Buron were good; but some exhibited by this gentleman were not tried, the tubes being wanting. A small object-glass, by Boss, was very good; but in his large equatoreal there was none. The discs of glass furnished by Maes (France), and Daguet (Switzerland), were very good; as upon the whole was the noble piece of glass exhibited by Chance, which is no less than twenty-nine inches in diameter, and weighs 200 pounds; and I do hope that the same success will attend the obtaining its achromatic com¬ panion, and that the two lenses may be worked into an object-glass. I understand, however, that Messrs. Chance and Co. are not willing to incur the whole risk of the pecu¬ niary loss which would follow should not the high promise now held out be fulfilled; let us hope, however, that no impediment will delay the adaptation of these lenses to a telescope. It is pleasing to find, that whilst these exertions are being made for the improvement of object-glasses, the eye-piece also is receiving some attention. The Rev. J. B. Reade exhibited two, which he terms solid eye-pieces, from the component parts being cemented together. As one was a little over corrected, and the other a little under corrected, it is plainly possible for a perfect achromatic eye-piece to be constructed on this principle. Mr. Reade was the only ex¬ hibitor of improved eye pieces; and it is the more creditable to him, inasmuch as it is desirable that the improvement of both eye-piece and object-glass should march hand in hand, and that many gentlemen are turning their attention to the former, but very few to the latter. These are some of the first-fruits of the removal of the AND PROCESSES. 269 tax on glass, that great obstacle to the improvement of tele¬ scopes in this country, which prevented all attempts to pro¬ duce glass adapted to the construction of large achromatic glasses, and compelled us to purchase from abroad those we needed at an enormous price. The Exhibition satisfactorily proves that, at all events, we shall soon equal both the far- famed works of Munich and Paris; and let us hope in fair rivalry to excel them. The microscope, by the rapid advance in microscopic in¬ vestigations within the last few years, has been enabled to vie in importance almost with the telescope. Since the in¬ troduction of achromatic combinations, physiological inves¬ tigations have proceeded so rapidly, and our knowledge has increased so greatly upon animal and minute anatomy, that it was most gratifying to find so many superior instruments in the Exhibition. Those exhibited by Ross, and Smith and Beck, were beautiful instruments, and far exceeded any that were exhibited in the Foreign Section ; in which, that of Natchet was decidedly the best. The British micro¬ scopes were distinguished by the great amount of light obtained, the large aDgle of aperture, and consequent fine definition; also by the large, flat, and perfectly defined field. Perhaps I may be permitted to mention here some few of the applications of the microscope. In a geological point of view, it displays its almost magical powers, not only in the discovering of many strata of considerable thickness, found by its means to be entirely composed of infusorial remains, too small for the natural eye to distinguish their exquisite beauty of form and structure, but it also enables us to determine to what class of animals any fragment of a bone, however small, belongs. Any one possessed of a microscope can easily detect any adulteration in articles they purchase, by knowing the ap¬ pearance of different articles when separate: for instance, in flour and bread, a microscopist can detect whether any other grain than that of wheat has been mixed with it. The microscope and its applications (a beautiful series illustrative of which was exhibited by Leonard) are daily increasing in importance; and it is now indispensable to members of the medical profession. 270 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS There were two lighthouses exhibited, both entirely of glass, the one by Chance, and the other by Wilkins; both were furnished with large Argand lamps, lenses, and reflect¬ ing prisms. As the object of lighthouses is to transmit all the rays proceeding from the light in an horizontal direc¬ tion, the reflecting prisms above and below the light were so placed, that the incident rays on their second surface fell so obliquely, that they were totally reflected horizontally: thus those rays which would have illumined the sky and the waters of the ocean were made available to increase the equatoreal belt of light; the substitution of reflecting prisms will, doubtless, supersede the use of metallic reflectors in lighthouses generally. Of spectacles, a large number were exhibited, distin¬ guished only in the British portion for their various mount¬ ings, without any attempt for the improvement of the lenses themselves, as applicable to the peculiarities of vision. I beg here to be clearly understood, that I do not consider either shortsightedness, or the flattening of the eye by age, as peculiar. To meet such ordinary states of the eye, the glasses exhibited were ample; but I consider a malforma¬ tion of the eyes, such that one eye would require one form of lens, and the other eye another form of lens, as peculiar. At the time of the Exhibition, I did not know one optician in London to whom I could refer any one so afflicted with any chance of relief: the Exhibition did not make such person known in England ; but it has given the Jury an opportunity of making the want known, and gladly I avail myself of this opportunity to dwell upon it. I speak this from experience, and my personal acquaintance with gentle¬ men afflicted with peculiarity of vision, who in London have found no relief. Since the Exhibition, I have learnt that Simms pays some attention to these points. France fur¬ nished one exhibitor, Henri, who seems to have paid much attention to optical science and its application. I expect one of the good results of the Exhibition will be an endea¬ vour, on the part of some opticians in England, to meet this want. Of instruments connected with Physical Optics there were very few; indeed philosophical instruments of this class were quite wanting in the British portion. France furnished AND PROCESSES. 271 a beautiful series, including stereoscopes, polarimeters, sac- cbarometers, haloscopes, &c., as exhibited by Soleil. Per¬ haps the most useful of these instruments was the saceha- rometer. Light, as you are aware, when polarized appears to be transmitted by undulations in planes, and not at all in planes situated at right angles to them. In some bodies, each of the colours composing white light is not polarized in the same plane as in ordinary polarization, but the plane for each is slightly turned round, so that the whole is spread out: this circular polarization has been beautifully applied to chemistry, and made a test in the case of saccharine fer¬ mentation of the point to which it has reached and of the quantity of sugar formed. Hence this change of direction of the polarizing plane is of great practical value, and it oueht to supersede the old method by the use of the ordi¬ nary saccharometer,. That exhibited by Soleil was the only one, though many of the ordinary kind were exhibited in the British section. Meteorological Instruments. There were a large number of barometers, thermometers, and other instruments intended for meteorological observa¬ tions, but the greater part were of a very ordinary kind, and unsuited to the work intended. Respecting thermometers (for the purpose of forming a correct estimate of those exhibited), let me impress upon you that a good and efficient instrument must be either identical in its readings with an acknowledged standard, or its amount of deviation correctly ascertained, and applied in its use; this involves a necessity for the possession of a standard of undoubted accuracy, the nearest approach to which were the thermometers made by the Rev. R. Sheep¬ shanks, two of which, exhibited by Simms, may be consi¬ dered as the most accurate in this country. That kind of thermometer most easily rendered identical in its readings, and most amenable to correction, is of slender bore, with small bulb, and graduated on the stems itself; by such a construction the amount of error arising from want of even¬ ness in the bore of the tube, in the cutting of the divisions, or from a want of accuracy in the determination of the zero 272 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS points, may be determined, and when applied will render the instrument perfectly useful and trustworthy. These corrections, when once determined for such instruments, will remain constant; but no system of correction can restore accuracy to the readings of thermometers whose scales are ivory. Those of box-wood, a material in gene¬ ral use for maximum thermometers, require corrections which can be determined only by frequent comparisons with a thermometer whose errors are known, the index errors of such instruments being found to vary from day to day. Newman exhibited his well-known set of thermometers without alteration; but the conditions of good thermometers were best fulfilled in England by Messrs. Negretti and Zam- bra, and in France by Fastre. Several carefully-made instruments w T ere forwarded by Germany. In maximum and minimum thermometers there was nothing new exhibited, although great need has long existed for an effective maximum thermometer. Thanks to the Exhibition, however, this want has since been supplied. One of the good working parts of the Ex¬ hibition was the bringing together the jurors and the exhi¬ bitors, and the making each acquainted with the others’ wants. The jurors, in the performance of their duties, dwelt upon the wants of science, and suggested in some cases how they might be supplied; and in this case I urged upon the exhibitors the great necessity of a new instrument to supersede the one now in use for the determination of maximum temperatures, and suggested that such might be constructed, by introducing into the tube a piece of enamel or porcelain, its end towards the mercury terminated in a blunt point, or otherwise, as experiment might determine; a form of instrument which has since been successfully achieved by Barrow of Oxenden Street, and proved to be a great advance upon the old method, particularly for sun observations. But Messrs. Negretti and Zambra have in¬ vented another, of a better kind; a small piece of glass is inserted near the bulb and within the tube, which it nearly fills: on an increase of temperature, the mercury passes this piece of glass, but on a decrease of heat, not being able AND PROCESSES. 273 to repass, it remains in the tube, and thus indicates the maximum temperature. After reading it is easily adjusted. Four of these instruments I have had at work for upwards of a month, two in ordinary observations, and two subjected to severe tests, and all have answered admirably. Hitherto every series of meteorological observations has been more or less broken by the frequent plunging of the steel index into the mercury, or becoming otherwise deranged. Messrs. Negretti and Zambra have in their maximum thermometer supplied a want long felt. Newman exhibited his well-known barometers, the tubes of which wmre filled and boiled under a diminished atmos¬ pheric pressure. Mr. Newman remarks, that he has always found that mercury highly heated in glass tubes becomes oxidized, and also, that all tubes boiled under atmospheric pressure are foul. (I may observe that my experience has not led me to the same conclusion.) Orchard exhibited a barometer very similar indeed to Newman’s; but with the addition of a thermometer placed in front of the instrument, whose bulb was of the same di¬ mensions as that of the tube. G-riffiths exhibited a barometer furnished with a crook on the top to trap any air which might be above the mercury, for the purpose of insuring a vacuum. Ne¬ gretti and Zambra also exhibited a barometer with an air- trap glass cistern, with the intention of preventing the entrance of the air: the mercury in neither of these in¬ struments was boiled, an operation that I consider absolutely necessary. Harris and Son exhibited several self-compensating baro¬ meters, for the approximate determination of the atmos¬ pheric pressure. They are about one foot in length, and consist of two reservoirs connected by a bent tube, the one filled with mercury, and the other with gas; the adjacent portions of the tube being also filled with mercury and gas. There is also an arrangement for the approximate correc¬ tion for the expansion of the gas from heat. An instrument upon this principle, made by Ronchetti, was tried by me some years since, and was found to give tolerably approxi¬ mate readings for a time, that is, to within 01 of an inch either way, but ultimately failed entirely. Instruments of 274 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS this kind are of little or no value. Brown exhibited two barometers, at the price of 10s. 6<7. each; one such, upon trial, I found to act well: undoubtedly they were the cheapest in the Exhibition, and were better than any of the ordinary barometers exhibited. Yeates, of Dublin, exhibited several barometers, fur¬ nished with a ready means of cleansing the surface of the mercury in the cistern. M. Bourdon (France), exhibited barometers of an origi¬ nal construction, based upon the tendency possessed by a coiled and exhausted tube of thin metal to contract or elon¬ gate when subjected to variations of pressure. A description of the method of constructing one of these little instruments may not be uninteresting to you. The form of tube adopted by M. Bourdon is not circular, but a little flattened and curved inwards, as shown in the Fig. 3. Fig- 1. Fig 2. B c Fig. 4. F E annexed cut. The tube in use is quite exhausted of air, and hermetically sealed at both ends, and coiled in the form AND PROCESSES. 275 shown in the second figure. As the pressure from without increases upon the tube, it exhibits a tendency to exchange its original form for that shown in the third figure. If the tube be sufficiently elastic, it resumes its former figure as soon as the pressure is withdrawn, and the variations of curvature attendant upon the increased or diminished pres¬ sure, communicated to- an index moving over a dial-face, giving the readings of the barometer. According to M. Bourdon’s observations it would appear that the amount of contraction or expansion is proportionate to the sustained pressure; thus, if the two extremities of the tube become separated by the space of one inch for a pressure of twenty pounds upon the square inch, they will separate by a space equal to two inches for one of ten pounds’ pressure, and so on : consequently the graduations on the dial-plate are equal throughout the scale. M. Bourdon considers that the same action which brings together each of the ends of an arc, when the chord is bent either in pulliug,—as in fig. 1, or in pressing towards the arc,—as in fig. 2, is the same action as that which causes in the metal tube the variations of figure consequent upon different degrees of pressure; and he observes, that by diminishing the pressure upon the chord at A it will gradually relax, and both arc and chord assume the form of fig. 3,—an action corresponding in its effects with that produced by the withdrawal of the atmos¬ pheric pressure, which suffers the tube to re-assume the figure in which it was originally coiled. In reference to its amount, M. Bourdon observes, that if the pressure on the chord at A, fig. 2, be increased until it touch the arc of the circle at D, fig. 4, the angle at D is rendered more acute, and the two ends of the arc necessarily convergent, the amount of convergence, being at all times in proportion to the angle formed by the two chords of the arc, the curve of the arc being modified in the same proportion. An effect of the same kind is produced by pressing the chord simultaneously on many points towards the arc, as in fig. 4, the withdrawal of pressure being accompanied by the same return to the original figure; and M. Bourdon considers that the same action is induced by the external air, which maintains a simultaneous pressure on every part of the curve. These observations of M. Bourdon in connexion with the princi 276 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS pies which he has successfully applied, seem to me deserving of some consideration. The graduations of the instrument are determined by subjecting it to artificial variations of pressure in connexion with a standard mercurial barometer, by which means the points of coincidence are correctly as¬ certained and laid down, I have not had any experience of the working of these barometers, and do not expect that they are applicable to meteorological observations; but I have no doubt that their action as steam-pressure gauges is admirable. Many of these last were exhibited by M. Bour¬ don, in some of which the converse of the action you have just perceived was obtained by filling the tube with a gas or liquid, in which case external pressure caused an expan¬ sion or elongation, in opposition to the contraction you have now witnessed. The collection of Meteorological Instruments in the Ex¬ hibition would lead us to the conclusion that the conditions of good instruments are better understood and fulfilled by makers abroad than at home. That this will speedily cease to be the case, I feel assured. The opportunity offered to the members of the Jury of expressing their disapprobation to the makers, added to the increasing demand for good in¬ struments, and to the fact of the public becoming acquainted with the deficiencies of those usually furnished to them, will enforce a demand for instruments better worthy the investment of their time and money; and when we consider how worse than useless is the labour of the meteorologist when based upon bad or insufficient instruments, and how by these means he becomes instrumental to the propagation of error,—this circumstance alone demands increased care in the selection of those used. That the want of good in¬ struments is experienced I can myself testify. For years I have pursued the subject of meteorology, and have long been convinced that a widely-spread and universal system of simultaneous observation, uniformly reduced, must be the groundwork of its establishment as a science. For the sake of this establishment, I, by my individual and unas¬ sisted exertions, six years ago, reduced my system to prac¬ tice, and introducing it first among the meteorological observers, contributors to the Reports of the Ptegistrar- General, in a short time perceived with satisfaction some of AND PROCESSES. 277 the good results upon a limited scale. The observations thus made and reduced were published quarterly in the Re¬ ports of the Registrar-General at that time. Since then I have been gradually, and with success, increasing the num¬ ber of my observers, and have now established upwards of fifty meteorological stations in different parts of the country, all of which contribute observations made and reduced upon my own system. The publication of these Quarterly Re¬ ports, giving the combined results, has mainly laid the foundation of the present system of meteorology. The ready co-operation I have met with from gentlemen engaged in its pursuit has convinced me that they were only too glad to have direction given to their work, whilst the ready en¬ gagement of other gentlemen in this pursuit is equally con¬ vincing that they had waited only for a clear perception of its utility. I now come to that which had nearly caused the subversion of my scheme—the difficulty of obtaining good instruments at a fair and moderate price. To remedy this evil, to any great extent, was not in my power. Of the means possessed by me, I, however, availed myself, and have caused the construction of many barometers and ther¬ mometers superior to those previously in use. That I have been enabled to do this, is owing to the co-operation of Mr. Barrow, who, anxious for the furtherance of truth, complied with my request, and devoted his time and talents to the advancement of my views. All the barometers, and the greater part of the thermometers, scattered among my corps of observers, have been made under my direction by him, and constitute, with few exceptions, the most efficient in¬ struments at their command. The establishment of my system has been followed, first, by the Ordnance furnishing themselves with twenty sets of instruments, to plant twenty meteorological observatories at their stations, and next by twenty sets which are now being prepared by Col. Sykes for as many observatories in India. The Exhibition may be a means of contributing to the improvement of meteorological instruments generally. The public will have been informed of those localities where the best instruments may be procured, and where, without doubt, they will enforce the greatest demand. If 21 278 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS to the good results of the Exhibition, as applied to meteoro¬ logical science, I may add my own personal influence, I earnestly exhort all gentlemen, either designing to com¬ mence, or already engaged in meteorological research, to use instruments such only as I h|ve described as efficient, or abandon the pursuit entirely. I will here introduce some remarks, received in a letter, a few days ago, from one of my colleagues, Professor Miller, and which bear closely upon the point in question. “ Many observers have thrown away years in using bad instruments, or instruments unsuited to their particular object, not knowing the existence of instruments of a better construction, or better suited to the objects they had in view. I will begin with meteorology. Many observers use costly thermometers with brass scales, the errors of which cannot accurately be found, or with wrong scales, the error of which is variable; for want of knowing the existence of cheap thermometers, with the scales etched with hydro¬ fluoric acid, on the tube itself, in which the error can be determined with the greatest accuracy, and of which we had such beautiful examples, exhibited by Simms, Negretti, Fastre, and perhaps others. “ Respecting barometers, Show discovered a remarkable law between latitude and barometric pressure; but nearly every one of the English observations was doubtful, on ac¬ count of the badness of instruments and neglect of data for reducing the observations, many of the observers having used worthless instruments, in ignoi'ance that better were in existence. I tried to verify this law of Schow’s by using various English observations. “ Six years observations in the Mediterranean, by Capt. Smyth, I reduced as far as I could; but the labour was thrown away, because the instruments did not admit of determining the errors : that is, the error was not constant. “ Professor Chevallier, of Durham, had observed with a high-priced barometer for nine years, and that an obser¬ vation should not be lost, had instructed the ladies of his family to observe. He tried to obtain the constant error by comparison with a barometer of my own, of Bunton’s con¬ struction. The error was extremely variable; he anato¬ mized his barometer, and found a cistern constructed of AND PROCESSES. 279 such materials that the error mainly depended on the hy- grometric state of the atmosphere “ Observations made at Madras, for twenty-three years, by Mr. Croldingham, and printed in the East India Com¬ pany’s costly volume, are, for the same reasons, worth less than nothing. Lieutenant Sullivan, B.N., made numerous observations at the Falkland Islands, which, for the same reasons, are worthless. The same observation applies to Captain Fitzroy’s observations at an important meteorolo¬ gical station—the neighbourhood of Cape Horn. “ Visiters to the Exhibition have now seen a beautiful barometer, that gives absolute results; (Griffiths’) ba¬ rometer, with small constant errors; (Newman’s, Orchard’s) barometer, cheap, with a constant error, and not large. It is to be hoped, that after the Exhibition no observer will use, or artist make, a thermometer or barometer, except of the improved construction described above. Captain Basil Hall objected to the reflecting circle on account of the trouble of reading more than one vernier. Professor Smyth very lately complained of the difficulty of reading the vernier of a sextant, because the verniers and limb are not in the same plane. Would any body complain of the difficulty of reading verniers who had seen Ertel’s universal instrument, Beaulieu’s circle, Beaulieu’s beautiful sextant, the Austrian Miner’s theodolite, Breithaupt’s theodolite, Froment’s theo¬ dolite ? u The Austrian levels and theodolites give a surveyor great advantage in increased accuracy, great saving of time, and of one assistant in the use of the chain; in colonies where labour is scarce, in places where the ground is difficult, and intersected by hedges and ditches, their advantages are inestimable. In marine surveying, much time would be saved by the use of Ertel’s universal instrument, instead of the clumsy transits provided by the Admiralty. Time in such cases must be measured by the cost of maintaining a ship’s crew. One instrument and one observer can with it determine time and latitude, and make any triangulites for surveying with more facility on account of the direction in which the observer looks, than with any other instrument or instruments. “ Would any observer about to fit up an observatory order 280 PHILOSOPHICAL INSTRUMENTS any meridian instrument except such as Simms exhibited ? But for the Exhibition, a quarter of a century might have elapsed before the peculiarities of the construction of that meridian circle became generally known; even that might, in my opinion, be improved by adopting Steinheil’s disc of glass for the circle. “ A chemist who has seen Wollaston’s contrivance for steadying the beam of a balance (Dover’s balance, Nissen’s balance) will not be willing to put up with the cumbrous machinery used for that purpose in many of the foreign balances. Neither will he like to use knife edges with two small agate planes, instead of a single long one in the mid¬ dle, or curved instead of plane supports for the pans. “ English balance-makers may also take a lesson from the foreigners, and get rid of the too much adjustment of many of our balances. The great excellence of L. Oerting’s ba¬ lances appears to be in a great measure due to the unpreju- dPed manner in which he adopted that which was really good in the English balances, and to its skilful combination with the good points of the instruments with which he was acquainted before he came to England.