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'b ■ , y > , - • \ ^ i ;, Yv'b v * • i -A.b * ..(■ r A-. aV' Yp . p- /A <- o' •• s' >■ - i 'V v. • f" ■ • * A s l X /% . A. , > ' A ■-A- /••• a • . . yv ' ' ' ■ ■ ' . '■ . g >:• i ;. • . vV ' • • A , A- " r ■ J ' - A>V > V-,. A, > , \ , , _ j. L I \ Ac a: y f A 7- 7... . , 'A ' . ' V.' . ..A ■ fr ' T- " ■ A- > A- - * « y' c n- ' A : Ay v f , :'Av t> / A-rfe v” U' f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/entirecollectionOOIeav a jL. / i TITE ENTIRE COLLECTION OF ® ;] <€> Q) 6 ENGRAVINGS, STATUARY, ETC. THE PROPERTY OF Mr. CHARLES L. FROST, OF THIS CITY, Comprising choice examples of the French, Belgian, Dusseldorf, English and American Schools, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION AT THE 'Clinton Hall, Art .Galleries.Astor Place,- KJ ton 5 j pj tT' ' a CJ -xjb ’ Tf’iulaij and <~Jaiaolatj /pneninQs., MARCH 18th & 19th, at 7i o’clock. ! & / 9 LEAVITT, STREBEIGIT c&i OCX, JOHN H. AUSTEN, Auctioneer. A’ d. Among the Paintings are specimens — FOREIGN. By Carl Hubner—Joostens— Touissant—A. R. Jones—Vaarberg— Musin—Moulinet—Seignac—Lanfont de Metz—Carolus—Delaroche —Cantilini—H. Vernet—Bakalowitcz—-Von Schendel, etc. etc. AMERICAN. J. W. Casilear — Thos. Hicks — Eastman Johnson—J. F. Kensett— S. R. Gifford—Wm. Hart—James M. Hart—A. D. Ahattuck—Fait W. Ranney—Fagnani—Inman—Bispham—J. R. Brevoorf—Butman — J. F. Cropsey— A. Wust— Lambdin — Holberton—Sonntag — F. Howland, etc. etc. lalleries open for Exhibition, Free, Day and Evening. £-« NO. LIBRARY M.KNOEDLER&GO. 556-8 Fifth Ave. New York %• SPECIAL NOTICE. A Mr. Charles L. Frost, begs to announce that prior to leaving for Europe, he will sell by auction, through Messrs. Leavitt, Strebeigh & Co., Clinton Hall, Astor Place, his entire collection ot Paintings, Engravings, Statuary, &c. Furthermore, he would state, that the Paintings in this collection have been selected by himself during many years, and no others included. And that every Painting will be sold by Auction to the highest bidder, with- out any reserve or limitation whatever. TERMS OF SALE. A sufficient deposit will be required from all purchasers, at the option of the Auctioneer. It shall apply to all goods purchased at this sale. All purchases must be paid for within twenty four hours from the day of Sale, or the deposit will be forfeited and the sale annulled, or the goods resold for account of purchaser, at the option of the Auctioneer. N. B.— The Pictures are elegantly framed and the frames will be sold with the Pictures without extra charge. Parties unable to attend the Sale can have their orders to pur¬ chase faithfully executed by the Auctioneers. is ao nwjfl Wek.fr CATALOGUE. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fruit and Flowers. P. VERBRUGGEN, 1668. Fowls— —Oil COpper. A pair. FLORIAN. Tennyson's Maud. L. M. WILES. Cattle Piece. J. A. OERTEL. Quail. G. BURLING. Fandscape and Cattle. J. CULVERHOUSE. Reminiscence of Italian Fife.— Costume of the Abruzzi Mountains. CEPHAS G. THOMPSON. This pa nting was presented to the Sanitary Fair by the artist, and there purchased. 8 Fruit. FORSTER. 9 io 11 L 2 13 H 15 16 D 18 l 9 20 2 1 22 23 Parler au Port. W. FRERICHS. Temptation. F ruit. Monkey Pedlar. Van Dyke’s Daughter. FR10F0LL0, 1697. ROESEN. “ MAES.” SHUSTER. Interior. Attributed to TENN1ERS. Ouail and Young. Chickens. Spring. The Sentinel. Still Life. Black-and-Tan. New Bethel, Conn. Summer Evening;'. The Novel Reader. W. HOLBERTON. W. HOLBERTON. BEAULIEU. P. MORAN—Philadelphia. T. MARTIN. FRAYNEAU. J. FAIRMAN. BREVOORT. J. O. B. INMAN. 24 Roman Girl at the Fountain. T. HICKS. 25 Fish. INGRAM. 26 Gathering Grapes. 27 Companion BENSELL.—Philadelphia Do. Do. 28 Scene on the San Joaquin. (near Stockton , Cal.) BUTMAN. 29 Near Monterey, Cal. Do. 30 Moonlight Scene—Landscape. YON BOM BERGIIER. 3 i Cattle Piece. 32 Companion. 33 Chickens. 34 The Miniature. W. KOOMAN. Do. GYSLINCKES. CAROLUS. 35 Training the Dog. LANFANT DE METZ. 36 The Architect showing his Plans. STKOEBEL. 37 Strolling Players—exterior. A verv fine specimen of the Dusseldorf school. II. D1 ELENS. 38 Landscape—White Mountains. > II. B1SPHAM. 39 40 4i 42 43 44 45 46 47 4 8 49 50 / / 5i 52 Dead Game. W. H0LBERT0N. Landscape—near Bethel, Me. BUTMAN. Landscape. J. W. CASILEAR. Study for a larger Painting. Albert Durer, at the age of ten. J. D. BLONDER. Pen and Ink Sketch. J. F. CROPSEY. Italian Beauty. CARL MULLER. Considered one of the finest efforts of this artist. Learning to Sew. SAUVAGE. Cattle—Landscape. Marine View. The Serenade. View in Italy. Do. W. RANNEY. WALD0RP, 1S52. NOTTERM AN. CANALETTL Do. Two fine perspective Views. Landscape—near Haarlem. C. F. DE VOGEL. Lady and Gent. (Watercolor.) DAVID, Paris. Raphael’s Transfiguration. A superb copy, very highly finished. 54 Dog and Game. 5 S Do. 56 Rye Flowers. HENRIETTA RONNER. Do. VON SEBEN. One of the finest works of this Artist. i i ^ f W 5 7 Landscape. 58 Do. A. BLAKELOCK. Do. Probably the best specimens of this Artist. ?q Landscape—Evening;. J.M.HART. Verv fine in tone and color. 60 Venus and Cupid. G. H. YEWELL. Very warm and rich in color. 61 Wood Gatherers. MAROHN. 62 Tasso in Prison. A. JOOSTENS, London. Paintings by this Artist are highly esteemed—only three specimens known in this country. 65 Exterior—May Pole VEROX. Highly finished—exquisite in drawing and color. 64 Shepherd and Sheep. 65 Landscape. LAURENT DE BEUL. M. A. KOEKOEK. j /> 66 Marine. “ The Getty ” off Ostencl . , * F. MUSIN Considered the Chef d’ euvre of this Artist in this country. 67 Exterior—The See-Saw. B. BE LOOSE 68 Street Scene. CONSTANTIN 69 Landscape—Sunset. 70 Pheasant on the Wing. 71 Cook’s Aid. 72 Cleaning the Cage. Companion. A. WEST. A. F. TAIT. J. DEYAIJX. J. DEVAUX. 73 Market Scene. Moonlight. P. G. CANTILINE 74 Interior. Candlelight. 7 5 Finding of Moses. 76 Dog and Partridge. 77 Marine. TH. KRUSEMAN 78 Moonlight Scene in Holland. J. CULYERHOUSE. Do. LOEMANS. TOBIN. ENGRA VINO'S. 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 H emicycle. DELAROCHE. Telemaque. Colored. PAPRTY. Eugenie and Maids. Colored. Lost in the Woods. Colored. Der Pferstall von Phillipp Wou- vermann. H oly F am ily—proof. EELSING. Second Thoughts are Best. o Etching—very fine. Bacchus and Ariadne. Photograph. Madonna. Photograph. 88 Return from Skating. Water color. T. WORTH. 89 Setting out. 0 H VERNET. 9 ° Coming back. (h 0 Companion. H. VERNET. 9 > Curiosity. F. / NOTTERMAN. 92 Still Life. W. HOLBERTON. ✓^93 Landscape—Bay Santa Cruz and Ranche. Near San Francisco. 7 7 *^ BUTMAN. This picture was painted in California by the artist. 94 Mother’s Darling. 95 Rustic Prayer. ^ 7 ) 96 Cattle Piece. 97 The Convalescent. G. LAMBDIN. VON SEBEN. H. BISPHAM. J E. LELIUX. A very fine specimen of the French school. Rich in color 98 The Swing. J. CRAWFORD THOM, Pupil of Ed. Frere. \n Y- 7 / 99 Winter Scene. T. K. SPOHLER, of Antwerp. 100 Dignity. j, ANSDELL 101 Pacific Coast. GRANVILLE PERKINS. One of the finest examples of this rising young artist- C 102 Sunset at Sea—rafter a storm. JfP Do. 103 Flowers. ? )h( W. LIOLBERTON. 104 A Showery Day. J. BREVOORT. 105 The Return. E. BEMINDT. 106 A Good Time in the Garden. E. L. HENRY.; Very highly finished—full of detail. 107 Cattle Piece. h. savry. / ?a d by Mr. D’Huyvetter the finest specimen of this air''-'' in this country. / MAROHN St A fine portrait. F. BOYLE, i S. COI jEMAN. 6~h ~y V \s HUYCK. Do. i [ 3 Girl and Cherries. 114 Sappho. An undoubted original. 11 5 Eli and Samuel. <’ Ji \ A vety fine Pastel. 116 View near Dusseldorf. FAGNANI, 1863. T- •' MIG NON. A HQ o ASBEOK. / / /*• 1 * I . i ’ 117 Companion. , 118 Chickens. The duel. // A Do. // u ! A. JACOMIN O / A , ti 9 Impudence. ' HERMANN. t 20 Ulysses discovering Achilles at the Court of Lycomedes. EU ST A CII1US Le SUEUR, Paris, 1617. 12 i Landscape—a New-England Farm-yard. G. H. DUEEIE. A painting..wonderful in detail, pure in color, and considered the masterpiece of the artist. f 122 Landscape—Autumn afternoon. AVM. HART. /i23 Coast Scene. Hr. RUGGLE8. One of the last paintings of this artist. Z) o 124 The Smoker. DOUW. Very highly finished. 125 Christmas Present. J. GOUPIL, Pal is. Rich in color—exquisitely finished. vA-m * O / t 1 126 The Return Home. VON SEBEN. 127 Shelter from the Storm. Do. 128 The Dancing Jack. C ' DAMSCHROEDER. 1 129 Scene in the Alleghanies. W. L. SONNTAG. i 30 The Burial of the Bird. C. SCHUSSELE, 1865. One of the last and best examples of this artist. J ‘ ) V 131 Newport Rocks. J. F. KENSETT. I- 132 133 134 / Coast Scene. DE HAAS. Mother and Daughter. A. F. TA1T. Dream of Youth. F. HOWLAND. A fine painting—-wonderful in its detail. The Intercepted Letter. CARL HUBNER. y) - ‘ 0 A fine example. The Loving Doves. A. LERAY, pupil of De la Roche. From the Paris Exhibition ot 1865. The Lovers. A. LAFARRE Village School. K L J ED. MOULINET. o This painting cost in Paris, 10,000 francs. 139 The Noon-clay Hour. JAMES M. HART. The Sick Child. Peace. . r SEIGNAC. 142 E. J. B0KS, Pupil of N. DeKeyser, Director ol Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerp. Considered the chef (PEvvre of this artist. kL ' ; 143 Torre dei Schiari. {Carnpagna di Roma.) S. R. GIFFORD. Landscape—Early Autumn. ^ J. AY. CASILEAR. rw / l h -v ./l ^ 1 144 The Trapper’s Last Shot. w. ranney. This celebrated picture was painted for the Art Union, and has a world wide reputation. Sheep and Landscape. A. R. JONES, pupil of Yerboeckoven. Hill-side near Lake Champlain. A. D. SHAT LUCK. Just Awake. EASTMAN JOHNSON. Painted expressly for Mr. Frost, by this artist. The Pet Parrot. BAKALOWIOZ. An exquisite little cabinet gem. LOUIS TOUSSAINT, Dusseldorf. A painting remarkable for its fine treatment of light and shadow. 148 The Countess. A. COVNOT. , a 149 Italian Market Scene. ' A very highly-finished cabinet picture. P. CARON. i 50 Street Scene in Antwerp. HQ H4 a \&o HS s A /*% if If ; ,• ft i45 ! W v * ,46 / fyt m. 1 47 a 0 i 5o a Sunset. )n 151 Fitting the Armor. A. EYERSEN- J. M. HART. YAARBERG. ] 0 A Highly-finished. 152 The Toilet. IL. HOLLANDER, Amsterdam. 153 The Butterfly. 154 Landscape. 155 Chickens. BROCHARD. A. BELLOWS. IIOLBERTON. J J >* A ^ if 156 Young Quail. HOLBERTON. 157 The Card-players. y- A'ERON. 158 Friendly Meal. J. CRAWFORD THOM.. y T 59 Children and Cherries. P. FOURIER, // I 60 R aspberries. HOLBERTON. /J 161 Cherries. /* y Do^ / 162 Norwegian Landscape. Qo m. Mn.n^R. 1*63 Candlelight Scene. u 4 YAN SCHENDEL. i 64 Virgin and Child. ^ 1 65 Bacchus & Ariadne. Gerard Lairesse. 166 Companion. These two Paintings from the John Hunter collection—two very fine examples of the Dutch School. The Dutch esteem f Lairesse as their greatest historical Painter. 167 Trout. INGRAM. . 168 Sheep. Chromo , after Rosa Bonheur. ni68 a Phoebus. Painted in body colors. > i68 b Companion. MARBLES. 169 I nno cell ce. In oval frame. R. II. PARKES. 172 Prayer. Statuette. B. M. PICKETT. V li • LEAVITT, STEEBEIGH & CO, Clinton Hall, Astor Place, New York, FOR THE SALE BY AUCTION OF Paintings, Books, Autographs, AND ALL KINDS OF rtnarj) flropcttji. Collections of Paintings Catalogued and Sold Libraries Catalogued and Sold. A Diu- -• X3