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THE "HUNDRED BEST" SERIES contains the loo best lyrics of foreign literatures selected by the best critics Ready 1. LES CENT MEILLEURS POEMES (LYRIQUES) DE LA LANGUE FRANgAISE. Choisis par Auguste Dorchain. 2. *D1E HUNDERT BESTEN GEDICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE (LYRIK). Ausge- wahlt von Richard M. Meyer. LAS CIEN MEJORES POE31AS (LIRICAS) DE LA LENGUA CASTELLANA. Escogidas por Marcelino Mencndez y Peiayo. 4. LE CENTO MIGLIORI POESIE (LIRICHE) BELLA LINGUA ITALIANA. Scelte da Luigi Ricci. 5. THE HUNDRED BEST POEMS (LYRICAL) IN THE LATIN LANGUAGE. Selected by J. W. Mackail. 6. AS CEM MELHORES POESIAS (LIRICAS) DA LINGUA PORTUGUESA. Escolhidas por Carolina Michaeiis de Vasconceilos. 7. DIE HUNDERT BESTEN GEDICHTE DER DEUTSCHEN SPRACHE (EPIK). Ausge- wahlt von Richard M. Meyer. S. DE HONDERD BESTE GEDICHTEN (LYRIEKA IN DE NEDERLANDSCHE TAAL. Gekozen door Albert Verv^rey. Others in Preparation * Supersedes Die hesten Gedichte der deutschen Sprache^ Erstes Hunderi. Lyrik, Lembeck^ of which, however, a limited number can still be had if particularly wanted. Price of each volume I with paper cover ^ is. net; in cloth, as. net; in leather, 3^. td. net; postage, id, extra, LONDON & GLASGOW : GOWANS & GRAY. LTD. Gowans^s Nature Books The object of these little books is to stimulate a love for nature and a desire to study it. Each Volume contains Sixty Photographs by the best Nature Photographers, and is printed on the finest paper obtainable. No. X.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Chas. Kirk, of British Birds and their Nests. No. a.~V/ILD FLOWERS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs from Nature, by Cameron Todd. No. 3.~WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Second Series. By the Same. No. 4.-^BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs from Life, by A. Forrester. No. 5.— V/ILD BIRDS AT HOME. Second Series. By Chas. Kirk. No. 6.-FRESHWATER FISHES. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, M.A. No. 7.— TOADSTOOLS AT HOME. Sixty Photographs of Fungi, by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. 8.— OUR TREES AND HOW TO KNOW THEM. Sixty Photographs by Chas. Kirk. No. 9.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Third Series. By Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. io.~LIFE IN THE ANTARCTIC. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Members of the Scottish National Antarctic Expedition. No. II.— REPTILE LIFE. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, M.A. No. 12.-SEA-SHORE LIFE. Sixty Photographs by the Same. No. 13.-BIRDS AT THE ZOO. Sixty Photographs from Life, by W. S. Berridge, F.Z.S. No. 14.— ANIMALS AT THE ZOO. Sixty Photographs by the Same. No. 15.— SOME MOTHS AND BUTTERFLIES AND THEIR EGGS. Sixty Photographs by A. E. Tonge, F.E.S. Ho. 16.-WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Fourth Scries, By Somerville Hastings. Ho. 17.— BRITISH MAMMALS. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Oxley Grabham, M.A., T. A. Metcalfe, Sydney H. Smith, and Chas. Kirk. No. 18.— POND AND STREAM LIFE. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, M.A. No. 19.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Third Series. By Chas. Kirk. No. 20.-ALPINE PLANTS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. No. 21.— FOSSIL PLANTS. Sixty Photographs by E. A. Newell Arber, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.S. No. 2a.-ALPINE PLANTS AT HOME. Second Series. By Somerville Hastings. No. 23.-OUR FLOWERING SHRUBS AND HOW TO KNOW THEM. Sixty Photographs by Chas. Kirk. No. 34. -WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Fourth Seriea. Sixty Photographs by Peter Webster. No. 25.-TOADSTOOLS AT HOME. Second Seriea. By Somerville Hastings. No. 26.-WILD LIFE IN THE FALKLAND ISLANDS. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Arthur F. Cobb, B.A. No. 27.— BIRDS AT THE ZOO. Second Series. By W. S. Bc^ridge. No. 28.— ANIMALS AT THE ZOO. Second Series. By W. S. Berridge. No. 29.~WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Fifth Series. Sixty Photographs by Arthur Brook. Others In Preparation, PRICE Is. Net Each Volumk: Postage 2d. EUch. SPECIAL NOTE WILD BIRDS AT HOME, Series I.-IV., and WILD FLOWERS AT HOME, Series I.-IV., can each be had bound in one volume, in cloth gilt, price 5/- each net ; postage, 5d, each. LONDON Sk. GLASGOW: GOWms & GRAY, LTD GowANs's Art Books, No. 2 HE Masterpieces of Van Dyck CARSON & NICOL, LIMITED. PRINTERS, GLASGOW BLOCKS BY HISLOP &. DAY, EDINBURGH Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artistb {UJizi, Florence) {Galerie des Ujffizi^ Florence) Selbstbildnis {Florenz, Ujffizien) F, Hanjstaengl^ Photo, THE MASTERPIECES OF VAN DYCK (1599-1641) ■ Sixty reproductions of photograf>hs from the original paintings by F, Hanfstaengl^ affordin^^ examples of the different characteristics of the Attist^s work GOWANS «& GRAY, Ltd. 5 RoBFRT Sti'ERT, Adelphi, Lovdon, W.C. 5b Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1914 , First Edition^ Novembe?-, IQ04. Reprinted^ January. igo5, May, IQOS^ September, iQOSt January^ IQ06. Second Edition, April, igoy. Third Edition (from entirely new plates)^ October, igoy. Reprinted (with slight re- arrangement^, February, igo8, April, igog, January^ igio, April, ign^ February, igi4. TV this Third Edition of " The Master- pieces of Van Dyck^^ the publishers have fnade some slight alterations^ and the volutfie now contains only pictures accepted as genuine by Mr. Lionel Cust in his large monograph on the life and works of the artist. The publishers beg to express their thanks to Mr. Franz Ha7ifstaengl for the readiness with which he has permitted them to make use of his valuable collection of photographs. Many lovers of Art will no doubt wish to possess larger copies of some of the pictures thatt those given in this little book^ which are necessarily very small. The publishers beg to refer such readers to ^ ages 6j et seq., for particulars. 6 Portrait of Himself in his Portrait db l' Artiste, encore Youth jeune {Tkt Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {L'Ennita^e, Saint- P Her sbourg) Selbstbildnis in jungen Jahrkn {Petersburg, Ereinitage) F. Han/staengit Photo, The Artist's Wifb La Femme de l'Artistb {Pinakothek, Munich) {PinacothequCt Munich) Die Frau des Meisters {MUnchen, Pinakothek) F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo, 8 9 Equestrian Portrait of Charles I. Charles Ikr A Cheval {Prado, Madrid) iPrado, Madrid) EiN Reiterbildnis von Karl I., KdNic von England {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanftt«utt£l, Phot; xo Equestrian Portrait of Charles I. Charles Ier A. Cheval (JVindsor Castle) {Galerie royale^ Windsor) EiN Reiterbildnis von Karl I., Konig von England {^Windsor, Kgl, Schloss) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, zz Equkstrian Portrait of Charles I. Charles Ier A Cheval {National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationale, Londres) £iN Rbitbrbildnis von Karl I., KdNiG von England {London, Nattonalgalerie) F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo, 13 Queen Henrietta Henkiette-Marie, de Profil {IVtndsor Castle) {Galerie royalty Windsor) Henrietta Maria, Gemahlin Karls I, (.Windsor, Kgl. Schloss) F, Hanfstaengl, Photo. Queen Henrietta Henriettk-Marie, de Face {IVindsor Castle) {Galerie royaie^ Windsor) Henrietta Maria, Gemahlin Karls I. {Windsor, Kgl, Schloss) F, Han/staengl, Photo, Prince Charles (Charles II.), Charles II. Eldest Son of Charles 1. vtrv d'une Akmurk {Windsor Castle) {Galerie royaU, Windsor) Prinz Karl (Karl II.), altester Sohn Konigs Karl I. {Windsor, Kgl. Schloss) F. Hanjstaengl^ Photo. x6 Charles, Prince of Wales ; Enfants de Charles Ier, le Prince James, Duke of York, de Galles, la Princesse Marie AND Princess Mary et le Due d'York (Windsor Castle) {Galerie royale, Windsor) Kari., Prinz von Wales; James, Herzog von York, und Prinzessin Mary {Windsor, K^L Schloss) F. Hanjstacngl^ Photo. 6 Don Ferdinand of Austria Don Ferdinand d'Autriche {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Don Ferdinand von Osterreich {Madrid, Prado) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, William II. of Orange and his Bride, La Princesse Martb Maria Henrietta, avec son Fianc6 Daughter of Charles I. Guillaume II. {Royal Museum^ Amsterdam) i^Musie royal^ Amsterdam) Wilhelm II. VON Oranien und seine Braut, Maria Henrietta, Tochter Karls I. {Amsterdam^ Kgl. Museum) F, Han/statngl^ Photo, 20 David Ryckaert {PradOy Madrid) David Ryckaert {Madrid, Pradd) F, Hanfstaengl, Photo, David Ryckaert {Prado, Madrid) 31 Philip, Lord Wharton Philippe, Lord Wharton {J'ke Ilerntitage^ St. Petersburg) {L' Ermitage^ Saint-Pitersbourg) Philip, Lord Wharton {.Petersburg^ Eremita^^e) F, Han/staengl, Photo, 22 Francesco db Moncada FRAN901S de Moncade {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie impiriaUi Vienne) Francesco db Moncada {Wien^ Kaiserl. Galerie) F, Hanjstaengl^ Photo, 23 Philip Herbert, Fifth Earl of Pembroke {Dulwtch Gallery) Philip Hbrbbrt, der fOnfte Graf von Pembroke {Dulwich^ Gaierie) F. Hanfstatngl^ Pholo. Philippe Herbert, CoMTE de Pembroke (Gaierie, Dulwich) 24 Thomas Killigrew Thomas Killigrew (Dukg of Devonshire ^ London) {Due de Devonshire^ Londres) Thomas Killigrew {London, Herzog von Devonshire) F, Han/staengl^ Photo, «5 Thomas Killigrkw and Thomas Killigrew et Thomas Cakew Thomas Carew {Windsor C as tie) {Galerie royalty Windsor) Thomas Killigrew und Thomas Carew {^Windsor, Kgl. Schloss) F, Hanjstaensl, Photo. Georgb Digby, George Digby, second Comte Earl op Bristol, and de Bristol et William, William, Earl of Bedford premier Due de Bedford {Earl Spencer^ Althorp) {Comte Spencer^ Althorp) George Digby, Graf von Bristol, und William, Hbrzog von Bedford {Althorp, Graf S/>encer) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 27 GbORGB VlLLIERS, DuKE OF GeOKGE ViLLIKRS, DuC DE Buckingham and his Brother, Buckingham et Fkancis Villiers, Lord Francis Villiers Fils du Due de Buckingham {Windsor Castle) {Galerie royale, IVindsor) Geokg Villiers, Herzog von Buckingham, und sein Bruder, Lord Francis Villiers {IVindsor t Kgl, Schloss) F. Hanfsiaengl^ Photo. 28 Le Comte de Pembroke ET SA ScEUR LA COMTESSE DE CARNARVON {Due de Devonshire^ Londres) Graf von Pembroke und seine Schwester, Grafin von Carnarvon {London^ Herzogvon Devonshire) F. Hanfstaengly Photo. The Earl of Pembroke and his Sister, THE Countess of Carnarvon {Duke of Devonshire, London) 29 Maria Luise von Tassis Marie Louise de Tassis {Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) {Galerie Liechtenstein, Vienne) Maria Luise von Tassis {Wien, Liechtenstein Galerie) F, Han/staengl^ Photo. 30 Anna Wake, Lady Sheffield Anna Wake {Royal Gallery, The Hague) {Musee royal, La Haye) Anna Wake, Lady Sheffield {Haag, KgL Galerie) F. Han/staengl^ Photo, The Countess of Southampton La Comtesse de Southampton {Ea^l Spencer^ Althorf) {Comte Spencer^ Althorp) Grafin von Southampton (A Ithorp, Graf Spencer) F, Hanjstaengl^ Photo, 32 Dorothea, First Countess OF Sunderland {Earl Spencer, Althorp) DoROTH^E Sidney, COMTESSE DE SUNDERLAND {Comte Spencer^ Althorp) Dorothea, erste GrXfin von Sunderland {Althorp, Graf Spencer) F. Han/staengl, Photo, 33 7 34 Portrait of a General Homme en Cuirasse, WITH A Red Scarf tenant un BAton {Royal GalUry^ Dresden) {Galerie royale, Dresde) BiLDNIS EINES FeLDHBRRN MIT ROTER ArMBINUU {Dresden, Kgl. Galerie^ F, Han/staengi, Photo IS Peter Paul Rubens Pierrr-Paul Rurens {Earl Spencer^ AUhorp) {Comte Spencer^ Althorp) Peter Paul Rubens {Althorp, Graf spencer) F, Hanfstaengl^ Photo- The Burgomaster Le Bourgmkstrb OF Antwerp d'Anvers {JPinakothek, Munich) (Pinacothique^ MunicJi) Der Burgermeister von Antwrrtkn {Miifichen, Pinakothek) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo. The Burgomaster of La Femmk uu BouRGMEsrkii Antwerp's Wife d'Anvers {Pinakoikek^ Munich) {Pinacotheque^ Munich) Die Frau des Burgermeisters von Antwerpen {Munchen^ Finakothek) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 38 The Brothers Lucas and Les Fk^res Lucas et Cornelius Cornelius de Wael de Wael {Royal Gallery, Cassel) {Galerie royale, Cassel) Die Bruder Lukas und Cornelis de Waeu {Cassel, K^l. Galerie) F» Haftjstaengly Photo. 39 0 P. Snayeks, Battle and P. Snayers, Pkintre de Batailt s Landscape Painter et de Paysagb {Pinakofhrk, Munich) {Pineuothiquf, Mvnkh) P. Snayers, Schlachten* und Landschaftsmaler {MUnchen^ Pinakothek) F. Hanfstacnglt Photo. 40 Picture of Caspar Ckayer, Portrait du Peintkr THK Artist Gaspard Crayhk {.Liechtenstein Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie Liechtenstein^ Vienne) BiLDNIS DES MaLERS KasPAR CrAYER {PVien^ Galerie Liechtenstein) F. Han/staengl, Photo, SUSANNE FoURMENT AND HER SUSANNE FoURMENT ET SA Daughter Katharina Fills Katharina {The Hermitage, St. Petersburg) {L'Ermitage, Saint- Pitershourg) SuSANNE FoURMENT MIT IHRER ToCHTER KaTHARINA {Petersburg, Eremitage) F. Han/staengl, Photo, 43 Family Group Groupb de Famillk {Xhe Hermitage ^ St. Petersburg) {V Ermitage^ Saint- Peter abourg) Familienbildnis (Petersburg, Eremitage) F, Han/staengl, Photo. Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Gaierie imperiale^ Vienne) BiLDNIS EINES MaNNES {IVien, KaiserL Gaierie) F* Hanfstaen^l, Photo. 45 Portrait of a Man Portrait d'Homme {Imperial Gallery^ Vienna) {Galerie impSriale^ Vienne) BlLDNIS BINES MaNNES {Wien, Kaiser I. Galerie) F, Hanjsiaengl^ Photo. 46 TiiR Theorbo-player Le Joueur de Th6orre {Prado, Madrid) {Prado^ Madrid) Der Theorbespieler {Madrid, Prado) F, Hanfsiaengl^ Photo. 3 5.? ^ «^ ^ i2 ^ H Head of the Virgin , Tfera de la Viergr {Pitti Gallery^ Florence) {GaUrie Pitti^ Florence) KoPF DER Madonna {Fhrem, Galerie Pitti) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 49 The Holy Family La Saintb Famille {Imjurial Galltry^ Vienna) {GaUrit im/erialet Viewu) DlB HBILIGB FaMILIB {IVien, Kaiserl. GaUrie) F' Han/staen^l. Photq^ 50 The Virgin and Child T,a Vikrge kt l'Enfavt {Duhvich Gallery) {Galerie, Dulwich) Madonna mit Kind {Dulwich^ Galerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo, The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l'Enfant {Lil'c/itenstein Gallery, Vienna) {jGalerie Liechtenstein^ Vienne) Madonna mit Kind {IVien, Liechtenstein Galerie) Han/staen^l^ Photo* 53 Chrtst on the Cross Le Christ sur la Croix {Academy t Venice) {Academie, yenise) Christus am Kreuz (Venedig, Akademie) 55 TiiR Mourning for Christ Le Christ pleuri* {Jtioyal Gallery, Berlin) {Music royal, Berlin) Beweinung Christi {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) f. Uanjitaen^it Fhotp. 5« Unbelieving Thomas L' Incredulity de Saint Thomas {J'hc ^'iermiiaget St. Petersburg) {L 'Ennita^e^ Saint- Petenbaurg) Der unglaubige Thomas {Petersburg, Eremiiage) F. Han/staenglt Photo, 57 The Boy Jesus treading L'Enfant Jfisus foulant aux ON THE Serpent le Serpent {.Royal Gallery, Dresden) {Galerie royale, Dresde) Der Jesusknabe, auf die Schlangb tretend {Dresden, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanfstaensl, Photo, 53 59 Thr Two Johns Lf.s deux Jean {/ioyal (JalUry^ Berlin) {Music royal, Berlin) Dm beidrn Johannes {Berlin, Kgl. Galerie) F. Han/staen^i, Fhoto. St. Skba<;ttan Saint S6bastien iPinakoihekt Munich) {Pinacoth^que^ Munich) St. Sebastian {Miinchen^ Pinakothek) F, Hanfstcungl^ Photo. 6i St. Sebastian Satnt SAbastten {T/t€ Hermitage, Si. Petersburg) {L 'Ermitage, Saint-Fdtersbour^) St. Sebastian {Petersburg, Eremitage) F. Han/staengl, Photo, 63 64 D/I^DALUS AND ICARUS D^DALE ET ICARE {Earl Spencer ^ Althor/>) {Comte Spencer^ AU/iorp) Daedalus und Ikakus {AlthorPy Graf Spenrer^ , F. Hanjstaen^ls Photo. A Complete List of Published Photographs of VAN DYCK'S PICTURES Write for information and further particulars to Mr. Herbert Furst's Art Reference Library, 8, Duke Street, Auelphi, London, W.C. z. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS— F = Folio (io"x 8") Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 3/- R= Royal (15" XI 2") t* «/- I = Imperial (21" X I S'^ - 12/. Facs = Facsimile (28" x 20 J") - ii 30/- E = Extra (34i"x 26") - *» $0/- Average Dimensions are quoted. Ih ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Prince William of Orariga atvd hlB Bridt), Mary Hemietta Stuart, Da,ughter of Charles I.. - The Magdalen, John Bapt^ Franck, Jacob vao der l^orcht, Burgo- luaater of Antwei-p, The Magdalen, Christ <.n the Cross, John MaldPUd, Sth Blahop of Antw^erp, The Deposition, - The Eutooibaieut, Oaasar Alexander SoasiU Christ on the Croas, A l^rieat, Martin Papyn, Thomas Francis of Carig; Prince of Saxony, . Children of Charles f., The repentant Sinners, The Mourning for Christ, Christ Mocked, - The t wo Sal I i ts John, • Nyn.ph bath lug, • ▲ I>elafaille, Qoancillor Antwerp, an, Do. (Six CoU.) Autv» erp 2 12 162 B B 111 108 72 173 274 345 7S6 F R I F,iCf F R I F 13. I F I I R I B I R I I F R I F R I E F R F R I F R F R • F R FRI • < 2 S M •9 Th9 MMrtyrdom of St. Peter, Th« Orucifiiton— Le Christ I'epouge, .... Drunken Silenne snpportecl bj Fawn and a Bacchante, A.anbr.>»e IVoBa. Poge ot Gen?*, TJi* IMr Trialty. Rain »4 BniBMUi, • .\ Ladf , . . . , - DcmbU Portrait (4 a Qkntlteman and ht» Wife. - t'c* Fs,\ittast Prana ftufdsr* and l&aheUa T9U AMcb« ! ' Sebauitiaia Lewrse with WU« aiKl Cfhtld, .... Portrait of aa Italian Nobleman, The Palnt«r Jan Wildeu», - The Brothers Lacac and. C^-rnelis de Wael, .... PrlncesM MarU de Barbanson, Duche6«d d'Arenberg, . Oovnt Hfturi dc Berg he. ^aKton d« France — Duke Orleana, .... finilUnmn de Keuhcurg, L&dy Elisabeth CW>oU, GounteM of De?cn»blre, Lftdy Wharton, ,*rthur Goodwin, • William . I II. D« ke o« Devongh i re. The Karl of Pembroke, *od bii Sluter.OounteMofC^'rBArTrvn, T^mae Eillifrew, i^amee Biacaloj, £arl »( I.H>rb.r. ^largaret, ConuteM of Carilsle, with her Daughter, leabeiiH Clara Rugonia— ftegent of the Neth«rl«cd». The Boj Chrlit iraad'o; the Seipent, • . . . . (Ibarlea" I. ol SselaQd K>^»7 br Sir P. Lelyh .... RenrletU ef Frasre. Qytmo »f Charle* r Portrait of a To«cg Man, - fit. Jerome, .... A Lady with her Child, The Children of Ghildren I., Portrait of a Lady with fold laoed Bcdiee, - - . . Portrait of a OentlemaQ with aiovee. .... Portrait of a Lady, Portrait of old ThpMiae Parr, PhiUlp Bubeas, • Bafelbert Tale, B*roi». »| Wemm»l, .... The DsTjsken BUitniw, . • Budapest OacMl Chaotilly Deronshire, ChatH'nrorth DeTonebiro. Hardwick DeTonahire, London 169 B 170 B a I? 5J 54 55 60 13 14 15 18 19 142 95 W *5 SB 5!? 17 4a 49 61 97 104 I OS 1 06 107 m F RI FBI FBI FBI FB I I I I F R \ FBI F a I FBI P K F K F * F R F R R R I E RI R Pv R R F B 1 B B B R R B B 1 Bin, ▲ Generftl with » Ked Scsxl on Dresdea 234 K ▲ eentlemnn la BlftCk, ,, 235 R A Lady io Blftck, .... 236 R A Man in a Fur CoAt, M«t«4 M 237 R Portrait of a Man, rhiUpp Herbert. Stb Ji&ri of S4S B Fembroka, .... Dulvich 26 F R I The Madcnna and ChU4, • 27 F R I Portrait of a Knlffht. • „ 28 F B Caritat, „ 23 FR Lady Digby on her Deathb Florence. Pitti 42 Cardinal Ouido Bentiyef 51 I Rett OB the Flight iBt« Egypt. • „ 43 I The Painter's own Portrait. Florence, Ufi^rl 51 Xargaerite de Lorraine, vife of Prince Oasten of France. •1 I B 71 The Virgin and Child— and God snrronnded hj Angela la Heayen, M B P Snat Portrait of Jean Montfort, • M B F I Kquestrian Portrait of Charles L in Armoar, Frankfort B I A Tovng Man, .... Btaede) Mus. B F I E^t on the Flight int» Egypt. • Anne Wake, wife ef Bir 8. Glakgo-r 48 F R Bhftffield, .... Hague T8 F P. I Sir S. Sheffield. .... 100 Qulntyn Simons, the Painter, ■ii Llerre Museum 79 Saint Sebastian, ... Marie de Medicia, . „ Lille Museum B 784 F B F Portrait of aa Artist, • The Emperor Theodoeins refused Admisaion into the Chcrch London N. 0. F R by St. Ambrose, M 146 F R Oomelius ran der Ocost, M 147 F R I The Miraenloos Draft of Fiehea, . ,f 148 F R Equestrian Portrait ef Charlea S2G 1., King of England, . M F R I His own Partrait. .... 43S y Christ crowded with Thorns, Madric. Prado B I Portrait of Darid Rlokant, the Painter, . . . : . N B I Cardinal Infant Dvn. Ferdhiaud of Austria, .... «> The Countess of Oxford, M K 1 E Henry of Nassau, Prince of M B 1 Am611e ds Bolms, Princess ef B I Charles I.. King of England, E I An old Woman, .... B I Senry Count de Ikrgb, •t B 1 A Musician, B I Portrait of an unknown Person, B I }*ortrait of Van Dyck and the Barl of Bristol. Henry Liberty, Organist of M * 1 I M S JJater Dol riisa ♦ ^ 68 A Mduk. .... by » Satyr, Salat Frauaie of Ai>»!&i Id Kcataey, Tb« M&^onnft und Child with Bl Acthoy, . ▲ youag WonsAU, - Tho BnriE&iuftater 9t A«t'S'«ri^, The Wife th* foroier, Bt Mfct?, J«»n«, »od St. JohB, Portr»H »f • yoaai ia*n (Frftoi •nydersji, fSiJi own Portrait, - T&4 Painter J»n d* WmI »Bd bit Wife. .... I'be Kujiarer Kwrt Malery, Duke Chj^rl«i Aiecauder de Orolx, The Ducheci de Crcix, - M)«d»me Oorlys dt Kol* and h«r Daughter, fortrait of an ankiwwTi Persoa, Tb» Organlat Liberty. • Taa Dyck'i Wife— Mary Ruth rffXk, &««t ou th« Flight into Egjpi. Bt. 8ebaiiti&n boing ti«d U a Tre«, Bc.wunab aud the lldari, • E« wailing C'hri»t., • The Marty : douK of 8t. Bebaatiaa. The Marqulf da MirabsUa, • Jau BnxeghMl. General Tilly. Albert C««nt WalleatUlai, ■ OuttaTUS Adolphu* of Swedes. The Paiut«r PalawedABt, Mary of Medirl, • Woi^anf Wilbetm Dukt of jNwuburg, Oo^yu de N'^ie the B<;«ipt»r, Chrift an the CrytA, Tb« BatUe »f Martia I'SgliM, P. ftuayert— Battle Scene and Landacaps Painter. Tha VirgiB aud lefaat Chrl»t, Th« Virgin asd th« Doauis. The Tirgin and Ac)?«ls w^a«plng ©▼es- th« d»«»d bcdt «i>f Ohrlet, AtigMbi proteeting Bat at Bebui' tiaa. ... ?«nu« demanding Armi traw Vulcan for Ataeas, BlnaMe aud Armida. • Charlen I., King of Rnglaed, Portrait of th» Chiidrro Cfaariail., fortraita »f Ohju-iM Lndorick^ l>i*k«of Bavaria, aad Rupe: t hit brother. after vardi ereatad by Char 1m I.. Duk« of OamberlaQd, i«a&«lla(Jlara.Sog«BU9( 4«rirto. CofMita »f Spain, and Madrid, Fr«.^c Milan, Br<5ra Munich Piwis, Lo»Tr» sa 54 55 56 111 112 Ml 114 116 117 113 133 231 515 323 524 525 326 52? S29 438 471 472 F I I I I F R I Fact F R I Fac« F R I Facs F RI F RI F R I Faci F R I F R I FRI FBI Faci FRI FaoB F R I FRI F R I Fact FRI FRI FRI FRI FR FR F R FR FR FR F R FRI Fac« F R I F R F R F R FI FI F F F P I F IS 69 SquestriAD Portrait »f Fran^ot* de MoDC*de, Marquis d'Hytoua, Comia.Ander-in- ehlef of th« Bpanlah Troops in th« NQtherl^nas, Sast Portrait oi the Former, Portraits of a Mau aud a Child, - Portraits o< a Lady and her Daojhttr, . . . . Portrait frf ib« Duk* •t Rlch- moad, , . . . Portrait of » M*Sl. Portrait of » Hau. Portrait of a Man, B«ad of aa old Hau, Bust of Balnt Joseph, • The Martyrdom of St. Seb%BUati, Portrait of a Lady, Van Dyck'i owa Portrait, Jeaa OruMet Richardot, Pretl- deat of the Friyy Council of the Nether I ends, with Lis Sou (sometimes ascribed to Bubens), The Deposition, .... Christ on the Cross, Madouua aud Infant Christ, Portrait of an unknown Person, The Vir^n and Infant Christ. with An|r*I*> - - • - rhomai Killigrew and Thoo^u Caiew, Isabella BrMUt, S^iracs's first wife. A yonng Woman, - "La Vierje aux Pardrlx," • Bt. Sebastian, • • . . The unbelieyiag Thomas, • King Charles I. ef Bogland. Henrietta of Prance, Q>isen 0.1 Charlfes 1., - - • William II. of Nissau. Do. Head onlj, Henry Danrers, jK^rl of Danby, • Philip Lord Wbartcn. - Philip Lord Wharton (Head only), Sir Thomas Wharton, • Sir Thomas Chalonet, • Jan van den Wouver, - Inlgo Jones— The i4.rohiteme(BorgheBe) R*aae (OorBinl) Eiomf (St Lake) Rome (Capitolei Ei. Petersburg (Hermitage) 84 85 86 b7 S8 Si 90 SOa 31 92 92> 85 94 95 96 87 iOO 101 102 F FI FIB FI F F F F F F F FI FIB I I I I FB F R P R 1 F R F R F R F B F R I a F R I F R F B I B FBI FBI F R I F R F R F R FB F B FB FB FBI I 70 h Ko. •* 5 «^ M ▲ jroting TTeififta, .... Vienna (Iin penal QjUlery 14 £ F Coni^* H«ai7 ?»a d«m Bargb, • ,5 25 RI F AMin, 26 R F Priuce Cbarle* Ludovio ot Bararla, 27 R F Prince Rupsrt of B»T»rl», • 28 R P Sftiston Aud Delilah, • Th« CrucifleA Cbrist, „ 29 R I F H JO R I F The Holy Fftailly,- M $1 R F Joha de Mcutfotk, » dpiuilak H SS R F Portrait cf * Hun. I2S R F T»ans rat'elTing th« Arms ol 129 R F Portrait of a Msn, 130 n F m p. y St. R.>a*Mft recelTlnf the Wreath from ihe In£>int Ohriet. 260 £ I F The £le8f«^a. s 265 R F 265 K V PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. As IkiTieatrlan Portrait ct Charles 1., King of England, accom* ranled by Sir Thomae Nor- toe, hli Equerry, ou Foot, • Bt. C&tlierine, .... The Vli giu and OhlMI, Ohriet Healing the Sick Tfoman, King Charlee I. en Horseback, aeeompanied by M. de St. Antoiiie, hie Eqnerry, ou Foot, eanrying the Kiug'i fielmet, ring Charlee I.~Fr©nt, Profile, aad three-qnartere, Henrietta Haria, Qcees of Charlee L, Fall Length. Po., Half Length 1a White Batin. . Do,, Bust, • De., Froflle,- Charloa, Prince of Wales, Jame^, Duke of York, aud the Prin- ceae Mary> . . . - Prince Charica, Prinoe*! Mary, James, D«ke of York, the Prlacesa lilisabeth. and the PriueesB Aanc, Prince Charlee (Charles II.;.»M&r KUB el Charles I.. Ix Arm*vs. H,J£.'e BuckSng haac Palace. B.M.s at Windsor Castle 21 23 24 2S 9 l« II 12 13 14 IS IT 71 1X0. Sua. e; i< ■ ^ ^■ 54: — — . ridtta M&rUh ceatMl vrith H M 'b at niikA Af Vnrk • • . o* X urK,| • • • w laQsor vas»it> 18 _ _j - 19 t K 20 U R •* 81 W ft Qoor^o \^i]li6rSi sfK^oud Ou^d cf £uclciit£[^^'ini, Aiid ills l)rot}i4)f| Lord Fraucia Villiors, • M 11 F S C*rew. ... 11 F R Mr Riiolliiiff .... 24 F R JAAfy, Oount68i of Donott * * 25 Vflui«tl*, Ij"idy Dlgby, . • • 26 F R I Poirtrftitf of 3k BAaq !& JLm%ottT • Holiord I Sc&^IiAi ..... 1 Tbo Holy Psiniily,- . « • Kann B I KAfQuis JLixil>]roB# SpiciolA (Stu^ T 1 V4." «. 4 liicen bensceui {t F^R St* J oroicOf • . . • . SS jftaria LoalM too Tainii 56 Por^Ai4 of A OoQ^loQiAn {orron* oously ciillod ^^AlioxiA^oixi) • 57 F R I Faci DVTiAi 01 ^urUbi . • • > 38 y R Poi^triki^ of ft ^VoxxxftHf • • ■ 33 F R Do. MftD, • • ■ wi%n tfuo wziiiai • • • 40 F R 41 F R Portrftit of * LiAdy, • • « H 43 T R Do. tb« Pftlnt^r Sf %rtiQ Ryckft^r^i * M 4] F R vorp f&uiLily of XmaIsi ■ * •* 45 F R pA9fv&i4* r\f An f%\A If An ■ . f o«i>rMiu ox mu v/ia flKMU. " • 46 F R Do. % Yolinjj Lftdyi • ■ 47 F R J» Do. Oon.Dt J obD of ]^AAMkii 48 F R jP Do. tb# ArcbdnchosB, Clurik •* 49 F R UaTlSe on tno uroM, • « • •* SO F R Portrait e« * Man, 51 F R R** » 1 * * n* 52 F R y Do. too f ainMr, uux'** 65 Grayer, • *• F R p 54 F R iPO. Qo., {-iflBcrat ■ Do. a Lady, 154 F R f Makina 1004 F R RnrlAl ni f^ViHaf • • a « ounai iH ih/unsi), • • • • Moorloose B p f orkraii 01 a mau, • ■ • Monta^u^ 1005 F R QrAndson, . . • • Norfolk B I Tb# Luto Playar, • « • • dt. taiitlii6 in ^^c^ftasy, ^ * Northbrook 31 F R SO P R Qa«en HearioSta, Wifa of Charles I., and her Fool. Geofttay I B Hndaon, • . - • • B Ltioy. CoanteM of Oarliri*. - Windsor ^7 F R I S5ary, Dacheei af Bichmofi^, M»«. Andri. ts FR I r«.'trait 9i a Br^ihi, Parte B I n tnuL No. W^ett»A% «f ABiZie-MibPie of Cama- difl, wife of Kerdi- nsnd de Botaschot, • Areiibeig B 1 Count Albert d'Arenberg (buitt),- „ Chauteroe B W Fraucie 11. da BaBHompierre, 15 I Kerdin&nd de Boisaeljot, Carbon B ? .lanaoB Kay. Rarl ol Car(.i«]#>, Cobhani B I rh« Paluter Jordaeai. hU Wife, and two childrott, • Cook B 1 A Lady ol Quality, Oaartoryski. Paris B F OouutesB of PembtokCi B F Til 6 Entombmonl, h V Sladaus Vinck, .... Dans«!ftte B I Lord John, and Lord Bern&rd Stuart, Daruby B I B Colouel Charles Oavendish, Devon, London H F R 1 Luciua Gary: Lord Falkland, •I H FBI Dorothy Sidney, Couuteas of Sunderland, .... •( Dorand-Ruel B FBI Ifortrait of a Woman, • B I The Hones of the Sun'i Oh&rlot diaperiing the Shadoira of the Night. . . . . Farrer B 1 Fertrait of a Brif nole, . Do. Maria Ruthren. Wifo Franohettl B X ol the Artist, Harford fi I Portrait of a. Man, ... Bouderson B I Cbriat on the Cross Hens. B I WilUam Villl«r.s, Viscoun*Oran- Hersog 3 I 3 Portrait of a Mas., Hen gel B I &lr John Lambert, B I The Earl of Newport. • Northbrook h I Portrait wf the Artiet. - Pembroke B I Marjaret of Lorraine. • Pfuiigst 1003 F R Madonaa and Child, Rothschild 1008 F R The Infant Christ, Tonng Ricbardot, t« Bylsky B I B F A Lady with a Pearl Vecklaoe Rand^rt 10G9 F R Daedalus and Icarus, • B^ucei „ 9 F R St. Bartholoxnov, . . » . 10 F R St. John. M 11 F R (• 22 F R St. M.itthew, M 15 F R Peter Paul Rubeni (full iength}, . H 14 F B fieuige Digby, S»cond Earl ol Brintol. and William, Earl, &)td afterwards Duke of Bed- ford, ., 16 FBI Charles I, of England. • ,1 17 y R Pcnelopo. wife uf VTilliaw 11., . 1. It F R Dorothy, first Couetess of San- Speucer 18 F R Catheri'ie, wife of J. Sarage, Karl RiverB, and her daughter. Lady Elizabeth Thimbleby - M ao F B 1 fiachel de Ravi^foy, Countess of bouth&oiptoji.- M 11 FBI ▼onetla, liady Dig by. after hiU M 21 F B Q*ts.ai A\ii-vn 4l'Aireab«9ju • «t B I 73 An AUeeory (Cupi^i with Fioweri tie.), .... af v,harlM I., • Portribit of « &ent)einik;3. St. RoBulle, .... Mrstic If »rriAf« of BV C&thsrlae, Portrait of the ArtJ«t (witk Portr»l* of » "^'oOT».«., . y«ri>fcj Warnaiit Wejliiiftoa CHURCHES, Em Tnnua. St. Ang^Mttne In EcsiMr. • Elevation of tha Crots, Dhrist «n th* CroJ Not* * Daoie, Sketci:«ei. Unfinished ftcd Doubtful Plcturea nsC been inolndod in ttils Iiiet. 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