X. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/housegardensbook00wrig_0 t 7 ■■j. r l; z .y; . • ' y- N... S A V . THINGS THE SMALL HOUSE STANDS FOR We dream of a castle in Spain, hut we build a cottage in the country. And therein lie the interest and the pic- turesqueness and the abiding charm of a small house. It is a realization in parvo of big things. It is an adequate satisfying of our desires for a home in which to express personality and develop a life and shelter the next genera- tion. Most of /imerican life centers about and is concerned "with the small house, with the men and women who have realized in the actuality of brick and mortar and shingle, in the reality of shadowed lawns and quiet garden paths, the big dreams for which America stands. Patterson & Dula, Architects i I I 1 HOUSE & GARDEN’S BOOK of houses Containing Over Three Hundred Illustrations of Large and Small Houses and Plans, Service Quarters and Garages, and Such Necessary Architectural Detail as Doorways, Fireplaces, tFindows, Floors, Walls, Ceilings, Closets, Stairs, Chimneys, etc. Edited by RICHARDSON WRIGHT Editor of House & Garden I I I 1920 NEW YORK CONDE NAST & COMPANY The House & Garden Books House 6? Garden’s Book of Houses House Garden’s House Garden’s Book of Interiors Book of Gardens Copy r i fill t September 1919 by (^>nde Nast & Co. Second Print ing Janunry 1920 Third Printing July 1920 CONTENTS Things the Small House Stands For 2 Patterson & Dula, Architects A House by the Side of the Street 6 Dwight J. Baum, Architect Foreword 7 "PoejM for the Dedication of a Home” 8 Don Marquis Inviting Entrances to the House , o Old and New Doors 10 Windows That Give Character to a Faqaie 11 A \’ariety of Chimneys 12 Exterior Lattice That Enlivens Walls. 13 The Touch of Wrought Iron 14 Closets for Every Room IS Fireplaces and Their Decoration 16 Types of St.airs 18 Doors Inside the House IQ The Molded Plaster Ceiling 20 Open Beams on Walls .and Ceilings 21 The Delicacy of a Free Standing Stairs 22 John Russell Pope, Architect Six Types of Wall Finish 23 Tile, Brick, Wood and Cement Floors 24 Windows from the Inside 26 White as a Color for Houses 28 Aymar Embury II, Architect Visualizing the New House 29 The Residence of C. C. Mullaly, Philipse Manor, N. Y 30 Dwight J. Baum, Architect The Residence of Mrs. A. W. Sage, Middleburg, Va 31 The Residence of J. M. Townsend, Mill Neck, L, 1 32 IT. Lawrence Bottomley, Architect \ House for Tw'o in the Southern Style 33 Julius Gregory, Architect .An Italian House for the Country’ 34 Randolph H. Almiroty, Architect The Things That Goldsmith Forgot 36 John Russell Pope, Architect .An Italian Country House 37 Richard Henry Dana, Jr., Architect The Residence of M. S. Mannes, New Rochelle, N. Y 38 Albro & Lindeberg, Architects ■A Small House for Three 39 Harry IF. Knowlton, Architect The Residence of Frank D. Potter, Rye, N. Y 40 Lewis Colt Albro, Architect The Residence of F. A. Nelson, Architect, Montclair, N. J 41 The Residence of Robert L. Wood, Chestnut Hill, Pa 42 John L. Graham, Jr., Architect California Bungalows 44 Two Livable Sm.all Houses 46 The Residence of J. McWilliaais, Jr., Pas.adena, Cal.. 47 Reginald D. Johnson, Architect Small Country Houses 48 Kenneth IF. Dalzell, Architect .A Commodious Dutch Colonial Home 49 Dwight J. Baum, .Architect * Two Small Houses East and West SO .A Cottage and a Lesser Country House SI •A Cottage at Rye, N. Y S2 Lewis Colt .Albro, Architect The Home of F. O. Zenke, Fieldston, N. Y S3 Dwight J. Baum, Architect .A Bow Dutch Country House S4 .Aymar Embury II, Architect The Residence of H. Norton, Oyster Bay, L. I S5 Peabody, Wilson & Brown, .Architects .An .Architectural Epigraai S6 Bloodgood Tuttle, Architect .A Small Clapboard Suburban House S7 William T. Marchant, Architect .A Dutch Colonial House for a Small Family S9 Frank J. Forster, Architect The Residence of Howard Chapman, .Architect, Stamford, Ct 60 .A French Chateau for an American Suburb 61 Eugene J. Lang, Architect Mr. George Rule’s Home at Great Neck, L, 1 62 .Aymar Embury II, Architect The Half-Ti.mbered House in the Suburbs • 63 IF. Stanwood Phillips, Architect The Gajibrel-Roofed House 64 Aymar Embury II, Architect .A Suburban Home in the Italian Manner 63 IF. R. Bajari, Architect .A Standard for Architectural Detail 66 Lewis Colt Albro, Architect .A Livable Suburban Home 67 Looker & Marsh, Architects The Residence of Robert Haskins, Richmond, Va 68 IF. Duncan Lee, Architect The Residence of F. I. Kent, Scarsdale, N. Y 69 Patterson & Dula, Architects The Sunlight Makes It So 70 Charles I. Berg, Architect .An English Cottage in Kentucky 71 IF. E. Gore, Architect The Residence of Henry R. Swartley, Jr., Esq., Great Neck, L. 1 72 Bates & Howe, Architects The Hoaie of Frank M. Simpson, Little Falls, N. Y 73 Dwight J. Baum, Architect The .Approach to the House 74 Goodwin, Bullard & Woolsey, Architects Stucco and Weather'ed Oak 73 .4. J. Bodker, Architect Half Timber and Stucco 76 E. J . Kahn, Architect .A Gambrel Roof Type 77 .Adden & Parker, Architects .A Norman-English Farmholtse 78 Julius Gregory, Architect .A New England Design in Brick 80 C. F. Townsend, Architect .A Livable House in Rochester, N. Y 82 C. R. Newkirk, Architect The Home of Louis J. Sny'der. Rye, N. Y 83 .Aymar Embury II, Architect .A Colonial Plan in White Shingles 84 Charles C. May, Architect The Home of E. C. Thiers, Pasadena, Cal 86 Reginald D. Johnson, Architect .A Small Colonial Country House 88 Morris & Erskine, Architects .A Simple Design in Stucco 89 IF. Lawrence Bottomley, Architect .A Rest House of Mrs. Payne Whitney’, Manhasset, L. 1 90 J. H. PhilLps, Architect The Joseph E. Brush House, Fieldston, N. Y. 92 Dwight J. Baum, .Architect The Residence of .Allan Lehman, Tarrytown, N. A' 94 John Russell Pope, Architect The Residence of D. Barnes, Manhasset, L. 1 96 Peabody, Wilson & Brown, Architects .A Seashore Holtse at South Dartmouth, Mass Qg Harry B. Russell, Architect .A Remodeled Pennsylvania Farmhouse,.- 100 Duhring, Okie & Ziegler, .Architects Four Country Houses 102 //. T. Lindeberg, Architect .A Touch of Italy in New A^ork 104 Benjamin W'istar Morris, .Architect Two Small Garages 103 Frank J. Forster, Architect Garages Outside and In the House 106 .A Servants' Blhlding and Garage 108 Dwight J. Baum, Architect The Garage in Relation to the House lOQ .Addresses of .Architects and Decorators iio 6 House & Garden’s A HOUSE BY the SIDE »/ the STREET Next to a house by the side of the road comes a house by the side of the street — a house set close to where men pass and repass on their various occasions. Here is one — the residence of Arthur F. Elliot, Esq., at Fieldston, New York City — which stands close to the lot line, with only a narrow grass strip and a privet hedge separating it. Walls are of cream stucco, trim of chestnut stained brown and the window frames and sash are painted different shades of brown to give color variation. Three shades of brown shingles comprise the roof. Blinds are pale bluish green with black strap hinges. The brick corbelling around the windows is of different shades of red, the joints matching the stucco in color. Dwight James Baum was the architect of the house Book of Houses 7 FOREWORD T he pages of this book fall into three groups: the architectural details that are used inside and out the house; the houses them- selves with their plans, and some with interior views; and finally the service quarters and garages, etc., with their respective plans. This grouping is logical. The architectural beauty of a house is the sum total of its details — the sum total of its windows and doors and roofs and chimneys and ceilings and stairs and floors. To use these successfully one must study them in relation to their surroundings, and in these pages the surroundings are shown. The complete houses are chosen for their livable qualities, their adaptability to the different parts of the country, and for the variety of their architectural treatments, sizes and costs. Garage and service quar- ters, which are essential adjuncts to the modem house, complete the volume’s illus- trations. On the last page the names and addresses of the architects who have con- tributed to this book are given, to facili- tate direct communication. These illustrations represent the work of over eighty architects in all parts of the United States. They are men who have striven to stimulate the movement in which all forward-looking Americans must Ije interested — better homes. I X the acquiring of a house there are three steps. First you must decide whether you want to live in your own or some other person’s house, whether you want to be a tenant or an owner. Second, if you decide to build, you must have a fairly definite idea of the sort of house you want. Thirdly, you must build it on honest lines that conform to the principles of good architecture as the age and com- munity demand. Each of these steps plays a very vital part in that rather hazy ideal which we are pleased to call .America. tenant nation is a discontented nation. Russia was an empire of tenants, and when the iron band of Tsardom was broken, the country dissolved into chaos. France stood firm during the war because her people own their own land and houses. England must go through the toils of readjustment because her tenantr}* is largely out of pro- portion to her body of home owners. The solidarity of .American ideals depends ver\- much upon the increase in the number of people owning their ovn homes. There is a movement on foot to induce Americans to accomplish this and it is thriving because more and more people see that owning one’s own home is the basis of good citizen- ship. Our malcontents merely rent flats. The backbone of a nation is its everyday people who own their everyday homes and live their everyday lives and do their everyday work. Owning a home is the beginning of being re- spectable. It starts, or should start, a perma- nent foundation for the family. Reams have been written on the decay of home life in America. In turn, the bicycle, the narrow skirt, the motor, the movies and Georgette crepe waists have borne the brunt A FEW DON’TS for HOME BUILDERS Don’t deceive your architect as to what you can really afford to spend. Don’t be afraid to spend a few dollars for pre- liminary information. It is usually money well spent. Don’t think you can build for what your friends did five years ago. Both labor and materials have gone up since then. Don’t expect solid gold door-knobs when the al- lowance for all the hardware is only fifty dollars. Don’t try to make your upstairs twice as big as your downstairs. Don’t change your mind as to what you want after it is half built. Don’t give the builder his final payment until the job is completely finished. Don’t assume that the lowest bidder will always be the most satisfactory. Don’t expect the architect to do his work for nothing. Even architects are subject to temptation. Don’t think, either, that he knows nothing about building houses. He has probably built more of them than you have. And above all, don’t expect to get something for nothing. It can’t be done, especially when the other man knows the game better than you do. of the blame. In each successive generation the real issue is dodged. Home life decays when houses decay. Home life is just as permanent as the house that it graces. In the age when men built homes that would last, they cultivated a home life that would last as long and longer. Houses built of shoddy materials, thrown together for a short ten years’ existence — these are the marks of decay. The builder is not entirely to blame, nor is the architect nor the state of the market. Lasting materials aplenty are available, good architects are readily found, nor is the honest builder a rara avis. The fault lies with the man who first dreams of the house. The fault lies with his plans for living; whether the house is to last or not. There is still another angle to the prob- lem. A house may be honestly built, it may be a home of noble ideals, and yet fail in an important part of its mission. For every house is a part of the com- munity, and the mission of every house is to enhance, by its contribution, the fin? appearance of that community. Bad architecture, eccentric architecture, play the same havoc in a town that the bad repute or objectionable eccentricity of one person will play in a family circle. Houses are like people. Each has definite expressions of character, or, as Ruskin put it, “All good architecture is the expression of life and character.” Houses as well as people should confonn to what their environment and age con- sider to be good taste. An Arizona ranch house, suitalfle in design to the Arizona environment, would be an esthetic and architectural crime on Commonwealth -Avenue, Boston, and the Colonial fami- house, harmonious with a Philadelphia suburb, would be an eyesore on the limit- less plains of North Dakota. That is where the architect enters upon his work. ''~r^HE value of employing an architect X is not generally understood. People somehow think that an architect is an un- necessary middleman between themselves and the building of their homes, an expense that can readily be eliminated from the budget. No mistake is more lamentable. Pleasing, livable houses may, conceivably, be built without the services of an architect, but they succeed more by chance than by good management. There is scarcely a sub- urb in America todav but blushes for its 8 House & Garden’s monstrosities directly traceable to well-inten- tioned folk who thought they could get along without an architect. Employing an architect should be the first step toward building a house. The layman may dream his house — usually a hazy sort of dream about something cute in the Dutch Colonial line, but the architect defi- nitely dreams its execution. The layman may know what kind of house he wants, but the architect tells him how to build it. Some day an architect will write his con- fessions. Then the lay mind will be able to grasp what manner of man it is who can find a point in space and say with certainty that yonder, where only birds circle and dip, shall men walk; who can dissolve a chaotic pile of stone and brick and cement and shingle into a habitation; who can reduce visions to paper and from that paper build a house. The archi- tect is the lone son of the arts whose feet are fimily rooted on earth. With the nonchalance of an acrobat he jug- gles in one hand such mundane mat- ters as stress and strain and water- proofing and grillage, while with the other he cry'stallizes dreams into sky- lines. Were it not for these seem- ing contradictions, the architect could readily be understood. The architect must be a practical man. He must be a good house- keeper, something of a lawyer and engineer, he must know real estate values and insurance in addition to being a good business man. He must understand the fundamentals of sani- tation for his professional qualifica- tions, as well as being a fair plumb- er, steam-fitter and electrician, a good painter, an excellent carpenter and a mason, and know something about plastering, marble and tile set- ting, and should work fourteen hours a day. That means a liberal educa- tion, obtained at an early age if a man expects to live long enough to prac- tice it in time to make a living. On the whole, his remuneration is not high compared with the number of unproductive years spent in acquiring this theoretical and practical knowledge. A nother stumbling block in the way of . building is the matter of costs. A great many f>eople still nurse the fond dream that a good ten-room house with all modern improvements, built of lasting mate- rials and designed with individuality, can be run up for a mere .'p5,000. Plenty of us still think of building in terms of Centennial Year prices. We are aj)t to forget that prices have soared — but that wages have soared also. If a man has a definite figure beyond which he dare not pass, then he must accept what he can get for that sum. Put if his purse allows liim even the slightest margin, he should insist on getting the most modern improvements and the best work. In either case his architect will save him the waste and expense that ]>o(jr buy- ing and bad workmanship incur. .Many good ~*eople, to ref)eat, can't understand this until (he roof begins to leak, or the floors to sag, or the jjlaster crack, or the paint peel off, or tlie heater fail to heat — then they begin to realize that what they thought a saving was, in reality, a dead loss. It is wiser to go in debt for a well-built house than to jday safe on a flimsy, jerry-built structure that won’t last ten years. Consider a home a permanent investment capable of paying interest all the days of your life. If you can’t build a home on that basis, then something is the matter with your earning capacity. I N addition to the leakage caused by bad designing and bad materials there is the waste of space in the average small American house. If yoii figure that a house is an in- vestment of capital, doesn’t it seem unwise to have that investment working only part of the time? Did it ever occur to you that, in the small house at least, there are some rooms which could be eliminated ? There is no place in the modern home for rooms that are not used, just as there is no place in the modern room for furniture which does not serve to increase the comfort and con- venience of the bod}" or quicken the pulse at the sight of good line and color. The modern house should be 100 per cent complete, ful- filling and sufficient. No room should exist that does not play a definite role in the daily life of the household. When it ceases to serve that end, it should be made over for some other purpose. We have already eliminated the parlor of our parents’ days — the parlor that was opened onl}’ for funerals and weddings and when the minister came to call — and have created in its stead tlie living room, a 24-hour a day con- tribution to the home life. In many households the dining room could be eliminated. The dining room works about two hours a day — the rest of the time it is occupying s]iace that might Ije used for other purposes. Unless one has a large family whicli requires a separate room for eating, or one can afford a large house with its attendant ritual of formal meals, then the dining room should be eliminated. Instead of a separate dining room, make the living room larger and eat in one corner of it. The same rule aj)plies to the uj)stairs of a house. Once on a day peo])le were wedded to the idea of a large liedroom. 'I'oday the movement for sleeping out of doors is on the increase. Consequently the bedroom per se need not be large, the sjnice that it used to occupy can be given over to a dressing room or boudoir or a more comfortable bath or more closets. 'I'liese commonsense re"pe of house and location. The good architect welcomes the intelligent cooperation of his client. If more architects had it, their work would be far simpler. As matters stand to-day, the women of Ameri- ca direct the spending — even in building — and the men foot the bills. The architect has to deal with the women folk and the women, in the majority of cases, cannot be e.xpected to have the same sort of technical interest in building mate- rials that they exercise in the choice of their gowns or the purchase of their foodstuffs. In short, the men have been putting the respon- sibility up to their wives, and the wives have been pestering the architects, in turn, with all manner of well-intentioned but devastating whims. If you doubt this, ask any architect. I T is only fair that the average American should know more about architecture and building — fair to the architects, fair to the builders and fair to himself. He will get bet- ter values and more genuine satisfaction. His interest will be sincere and fruitful. He will find that his interest — in the subtle fashion that SLicli interest has — can change a liouse to a liome whilst it is ljuilding. And of the vari- ous kinds of satisfaction in this old world none is greater or more lasting. d'he adventure of making a home is a real adventure. It has a glamor and an e.xcitement and an ecstasy of its own ; and it brings its own rare measure of contentment and pride and satisfaction. It is an adventure open to all. To the quickening of that romance and to the consummation of that satisfaction the ]>ages of this book are dedicated — to the ap- preciation and attainment of better homes. Poem for the Dedication of a Home These stones are not a hearth until they know The red and kindly miracle of flame. Nor this house Home until love makes it so. Houses, for good report., or didnous fame. Take on the aspect of their tenants’ minds; The thoughts that seemed deep hidden in the brain Shall shine forth from the very eaves and blinds: Joy, sorrow, service, sacrifice and pain! No portals may bar sorrow out nor dread. And these expectant, empty rooms await The sold new born, the body newly dead. Rapture and grief, and all the gifts of Fate. . . . But when a hundred human years have gone. Here on this south and sunward-looking slope, God grant this homely fortress fronts the dawn With still unconquered kindliness and hope! — Don Marquis. Book of Houses 9 INVITING ENTRANCES TO THE HOUSE The entrance should crystallize the architechire. In the residence of H. P. Vaughan at Sherborn, Mass., the architecture is Cape Town Dutch, and the doorwav typifies it. G. P. Fernald, architect Another of the doors in the Vaughan residence is cut in the old Dutch fashion and lighted by a square panel above, giv- ing the door an unusual interest of line and decora- tion. Shield panels add to the effect For a Dutch Co- lonial type the Germantown hood and settles form the most pleasing and simple entrance A hooded entrance lends protection to the door of the home of G. A. Blake, Esq., Charles City, Iowa The broken pedi- ment is a type often used suc- cessfully with a Colonial entrance porch. From the residence of W. B. J o h n s o n. Esq., Charles City, Iowa An overhang forms the porch roof in the residence of G. R. Morris, Charles City, Iowa, the entrance coming at one corner ub a flight of brick steps {Left) The half-timbered house can have a separate entrance porch, as in the residence of Mrs. C. P. Orvis at Scarsdale, A, 1'. J. A. Bodker, architect ‘Right-. Tudor brick arches with a whitewashed brick ves- tibule form tlw entrance to the home of Gardner Steel, Esq., in Pittsburg, Pa. Loui-. Stevens was the architect of the house -"t 'V' 10 House & Garden’s .1 splendid study in contrasts is found in the residence of Harry Harrison, Esq., at ,St. Davids. It opens on a wide circling drive and is flanked with evergreens sil- houetted against whitewashed walls OLD and NEW DOORS Philadelphia is recognized as an architectural center both of the past and present. The Germantown hood on this residence, for exampl i, is a distinguishing detail of Colonul Phil- adelphia architecture. A distinctive note is given by the stone jars A trellised gate repeats the curve of the entrance hood. Boxwood borders the front iawn. The terrace and walls are of red brick relieved by trellises The fan light window, plain panel door and semi-circular door step of brick were first found at Stenton and are now copied in modern ivorks. Philip Dyre was the archi- tect of this house Lights over the door and on the sides give the Colonial entrance an interesting silhouette from within. The top panes are known as fan lights or sunbursts Book of Houses 11 WINDOWS THAT GIVE CHARACTER to a FACADE This unusual stairs window repeats the general character of the door below and abundantly lights the hall. Frederick J. Sterner, architect The overdoor window and two story bay are especially distinctive types in the English house to the right. . 4 . Winter Rose, archi- tect Casement windows add interest to a fa- cade. In this residence they are placed in the sleeping porch. Robert R. M c G 0 0 d w i n , architect The stone Tudor stairs window in this home is in keeping with the dignified entrance of that period. C. A. Valentine was the architect Arched dormer win- dows, casements and double sash are all used successfully in this Colonial design. AT ur phy & Dana , architects An arched panel sunk in above a window will give it distinction and add variety to a facade. Heacock &■ B'okanson were the architects In a long dormer a row of casetnent wuidows can be effectively used. The sun room windows here are unusual. J. U'. O’Connor, architect 12 House & Garden’s An unusual location for the chim- ney is in the angle of the wall, where, as here, it can crop out against the contrasting stucco. From a house in England de- signed by Geoffry Luca, architect Gillies A Cluster of twisted chimneys such as this, in the residence of George Marshall Allen, Esq., at Convent, N. J is an em- phatic point of focus on the sky line of the house. Charles I. Berg, architect A very unusual design is found in this stack of an English country house — very broad at the base, with a slate collar and widely separated chimneys diagonal with reference to the house line The stepped chimneys of Ber- muda are unusual and grow in size with the annual coat of whitewash given these houses A stack rising out of the val- ley of the eaves is an interest- ing architectural expression. Its form is in keeping with the simplicity of the faqade. Edmund B. Gilchrist was the architect 1 1 Book of Houses 13 EXTERIOR LATTICE THAT ENLIVENS WALLS a garden background and en- closure for the service yard lattice is excellent. The design shoidd be carefully chosen and worked out Tying up with the wood trim, the lattice that cov- ers the pillars of this porch has pleasing deco- rative value. From the residence of M. J. Cur- ran, Esq., Phillips Beach, Mass. Peare & Quiner were the architects Placed around' the en- trance, lattice both adds a decorative note and serves the utilitarian purpose of carrying vines that will eventually cover it. The residence oi Dr. S. Sco- field. Douglaston, L. 1. R. C. Edwards, architect For formal grouping with a window the lattice shoidd be of a special design which carries out consistently the period or decorative note of the architecture of the house In a less public spot the lattice decoration for the window need not be so formal, as shown in the photograph below. Both examples are taken from the Curran residence 14 House & Garden’s THE TOUCH of WROUGHT IRON A delicate tracery of wrought iron forms the balconies over the en- trance of the Frank A. Hine residence at Glen Cove, L. I. Walker & Gillette, architects Book of Houses 15 If not used, a halhvay can be blocked up with book shelves, making a cosy reading corner. On the other side can be a clothes closet One end of this double closet holds laundry hamper and bathroom supplies, while the other is fitted with shelves for linen and blankets The doors of the bedroom closet can have long mirrors to afford a complete view. The walls can be covered with the fabric used for curtains A special closet for tools, a closet big enough to work in, is the dream of every handy man about the house The built-in ward- robe should be sup- plied with plenty of shelves and clothes poles. Mirrors can be either inside or outside the doors The end of the bed- room chimney breast usually af- fords space for a small boot, linen or book closet CLOSETS for EVERY ROOM 16 House & Garden’s An indented panelhig forms the shelf and overmantel in the living room of the residence of J.S. Halle, Esq., at Tarrytown, N . Y . Cupboards are concealed behind. Taylor & Levi, architects. Amy Sominers, decorator The old flower picture is a favorite for over- mantels. Add to it a pair of tole vases, little figurines and a strip of old velvet to break the mantel line. Lee Porter, decorator A painting hung flat against the wall is the sim- plest decoration. Care should be exercised in selecting a suitable canvas and arranging the mantel ornaments. Lee Porter, decorator The living room fireplace in the residence of Frederick Dana Marsh, Esq., at New Rochelle, N. V., is surmounted by a carved gilt mirror and antique columns. H. G. Morse, architect In a man’s room a cupboard has been built in the overmantel paneling to serve as gun closet. Cups and mounted trophies are used for decora- tions. The architect was Robeson Lea Perot FIREPLACES AND THEIR DECORATION Book of Houses 17 There is an atmosphere of privacy about a fireplace in a fog. In this residence — the Dobyne House at Beverly Farms, Mass. — the din- ing room fireplace is set off hi a corner by itself. The mantel stone is carved with family coats of arms and above that is a plain panel to be filled some day with a painting, flanked by carved panels and narrow closets A living room fireplace of dig- nity and distinction has stone sides and a heavy oak carved mantel. Inset bookcases range on cither side. The furniture group- ing leaves an open space before the hearth. Color is given this room by the Chinese panels be- tween bookcases, and the plaster beamed ceiling which is painted blue, red and white The unusual blending of brick and cement and the little niche high up by the ceiling give this bedroom fireplace interesting indi- viduality. A rag mat lies before th‘> hearth. The chair covering is of green. F. Pat- terson Smith, architect 1 ^ — — i Jy -rj : ^ f r 18 House & Garden’s STAIRS An excellent example of a whorl newel — a small turned newel en- circled by a whorl of spindles — is found in “Whitby Hall,” Philadelph-a Modern turned spindles of good line are used on the stairs at “Cogshill,” the Philadelphia home of Jessie Wil- cox Smith. E. B. Gilchrist, architect A stair panel in wrought iron, after the French ISth Century mode, exe- cuted by Samuel Yellin, is shown in the center above The substantial characteristics of late 17th Century spindles and newels are found in the hall at “Heale House,” Salisbury, England Squnn spindles and newels with mahogany hand-rails and cap constitute a good modern usage. E. B. Gilchrist, architect .Arcaded English Renaissance spindles and newels, in the home of J. B. Townsend, Esq., Bryn Maivr, Pa. Eyre & Mcllvaine, architects 19 Book of Houses In modem repro- duct i o n s of the classical doorway the frame is often painted on? color and the door an- other. Delano & Aldrich, architects In the C olonia houses of New En- gland ih? classical interior door was a sine qua non. It was beautifully pro- portioned and modeled A succession of wide doorways, each with its distinctive frame, affords a pleas- ing vista, hi this, the New York residence of A. G. Paine, Jr., the wide door- ways add to the openness of the room scheme. C. P. H. Gilbert, architect u In the New York residence of Stewart Walker, the architect, an old cupboard has been introduced for a doorway, a novel and dis- tinctive treatment The interior door is capable of carrying much decorative detail. In this doorway of an Englhh residence a decorative panel is in- troduced over the lintel Wall ornaments may lake the shape of molded plaster swags and drops, as in this example of early 18 iA Century work found at this London residence A combination of molded niches , flower swags and ceiling ornament characteristic of early Wth Century work, dignifies this English hallway A molded plaster frieze, pilasters and ceiling enrichinent enter into the deco- rative composition of this mid-lSth Century dining room. Sir Ernest New' ton, architect A i ■ nter ceiling decoration of great delicacy found in the Powel House, o Colonial Philadelphia residence THE MOLDED PLASTER CEILING Another of the molded plaster ceiling decorations which are found in the old Powel House at Philadelphia Book of Houses 21 on WALLS and CEILINGS Hand-adzed open beams have a quality of pleas- ing crudness that makes their use acceptable for cotmlry houses. Pea- body, Wilson & Brown, architects To the left we have a bedroom in an English cottage where open rafters and beams give the ceiling an unusual character. A. N. Pren- tice, architect The minstrel’s gallery of this fnodern home is used for a writing cor- ner. Its position and beamed treatment make it unusual. Henry G. Morse, architect An open timbered ceil- ing establishes antiquity and picturesqueness. The stairs in this living room are built on heavy sup- porting beams in character with the other construc- tion. Bloodgood Tuttle, architect The room above is a copy of one in England. To maintain the exact spirit of the original the hard- ware and timbers were hand-wrought and the trim and plaster applied un- evenly. John P. Benson, architect The RIGID DELICACY of a FREE STANDING STAIRS One of the best modern examples of a free standing stairs that we have in America is to be found in the residence of R. L. Bacon, Esq., at Westbury, L. /. It is attached to the main construction only at top and bottom. While rigid, it is also delicate. The wrought iron balustrade is painted dull black and the rosettes are touched with burnished gold. The architect was John Russell Pope Book of Houses Even in the most formal rooms of classical design the plaster tinted wall forms a fitting back- ground for the furniture. The molded frieze and niches with their wrought iron consoles in this dining-room add to its char- acter. Delano & Aldrich, archi- tects Mark out the plaster wall with moldings, and you have a paneled wall. If desired the wall can first be covered with canvas. After that painting produces any de- sired effect. The walls to the right are peacock blue with gold moldings. Mrs. Emott Buel, dec- orator Remembering that the wall is the background of the room, one should choose its finish according to the furniture to be used. In the room below oak furniture is placed against rough cast walls. The ceiling has open beams. Albert J. Bodker, architect One of the most satisfactory wall finishes is dignified wood panel- ing. The color of the paint will decide the tone of the room. In this dining-room a pale green tint is used effectively with the Hepplewhite furniture and simple fireplace. Harry Redferji, archi- tect SIX TYPES of WALL FINISH Wood stained and oiled makes an elegant background, especially if the wood is well chosen and placed in regard to its grain. It serves in the hallway below to give character to the Italian fur- niture grouped before it. Lee Porter was the decorator 24 House & Garden’s Where one desires jormalHy, as in this Adam dining-room, the floor should be oj marble. A substitute jor this expeyisive treatment would be tiling or even checked linoleum oj a high grade. In less formal rooms the floor could be painted to simu- late tiles. Howard Major, architect Brick laid in white bond makes a pleasant and permanent flooring jor the porch, sun room or terrace. Tile might also be used or tile inserts with brick. Here the red oj the bricks contrasts with the white- washed walls and green shutters. Charles Willing, architect A I’ery unusual floor treatment jor a timbered room consists in using hand-adzed planks smoothed doivn. Henry G. Morse, architect TILE, BRICK, WOOD and CEMENT FLOORS Book of Houses 25 The parquet floor is justly popular because it is serviceable, permanent and adds interest to a room. Bloodgood Tuttle, architect THE VARIED FOUN- DATIONS of A ROOM The floor in the living-room above con- sists of wide boards pegged down. It is smoothed, oiled and polished so that the rich grain of the wood is brought out. The ceiling beams are hand-adzed and the walls rough plaster. Bowen Bancroft Smith, architect It is a fallacy that paved floors are neces- sarily cold, cheerless and uncomfortable. One can use rugs to suit the taste. The floor has a satisfying solidity, and is easily cleaned. The floor in the room below is paved with biscuit colored quarries. George Howe, architect 26 House dr Garden’s THE INSIDE Leaded casement windows odd finish to this hrench doors and windows are fitted for dining room. Cross & Cross, architects interior passages and exterior entrances WINDOWS FROM The Colonial window and its Arched triple windows will decorative trim has a simplicity lighten the sun porch. Kenneth worth copying Murchison, architect A cottage room is enhanced ivith small pane windows. F. Sterner, architect Rounded arched windows suit the stairs. E. B. Gil- christ, architect A PORTFOLIO of LARGE and SMALL HOUSES Plans, Interiors, Service Quarters and Garages and a Note on Visualizing the New House 28 House & Garden’s WHITE AS A COLOR FOR HOUSES Not o?ily because it is just as durable as other colors, but because it is more pleasing and more usejul, white is the best for country houses. It accents the house in the landscape. It reflects the sunlight so that its shadows are all the more shadowy. It forms a per- fect background for vines and shrubs and adjacent trees to silhouette against. And it imparts a clean, fresh air so desirable for the home. If you doubt it, study this portico of the F. P. King residence at Tarrytown, N. Y. Aymar Embury II. architect Book of Houses 29 VISUALIZING THE NEW HOUSE The home of N. C. Rinek. Easton, Pa., was inspired by a Cotswold design. Plans were obtained from the English architect T he evolution of the house plan is marked by several stages, each of which is more complicated and more finished than the one before. First the architect may draw the roughest sort of sketch during tlie client's first visit, when the general idea of the house is dis- cussed. Next he makes the preliminary drawing. These may be in pen- cil, water color or pen and ink, and will picture the house as it should appear when finished. No dimensions are given — these are merely pic- tures for the owner to study. Then, if the owner has accepted the pre- liminaries, there come the working drawings, finished blue prints, that show 34” scale plans and elevations, 34" or scale details and in some cases full size details. With these the builders can go ahead. These sets of drawings might, at first, seem adequate, and yet many owners are not able to grasp in full detail all that the plans hold. It is no small knfck to visualize the completed house from even the most finished of pre- liminary drawings and scale plans. One must think in three dimensions. Consequently, the model can be built. Now a model is a luxur}-. Find a man who has a model of his prospective house, and you find one who can afford to pay for such grati- fications. And yet, no owner can really afford to miss the details that model can give, unless he is willing to risk ultimate disappointment. Building a house should be such an event in a man's life that he will miss no opportunit}- to make that house approximate perfection. The model helps him do this. It is the finished house greatly reduced. Placed in a setting that approximates his own, he can study con- tour, lights and shades, ]>roportions of wings and the arrangement of windows. Models can be made simple or elaljorate, with paper walls and roofs or finished in ma- terials that faithfully simulate Iwick and tim- ber, stucco and slate. The model may even lie made in sections; a section to a floor, so that the disposition of the room and the location of From the plans and eleva- vations the model was built. .4 study of these two pic- tures shows the value of a model the doors and windows studied. These depend on how much the owner wants to pay. Working with a model as a basis he can also plan the outline of his landscaping, study the massing of shrubbenx measure the proportion of the lawns and drying }’ards, walks and drives. The new house may, in reality, be an old one that the owner ])lans to restore or remodel. In this case, no architectural model is necessary, althougli it is just as necessary that he should visu- alize the finished place before the work, is started. The restoration of old houses to their erst- while glory is the most intere.sting task the owner can set himself, es]iecially if he finds a Colonial or Georgian house of good design and workmanship. Here he should strive to maintain the original atmosphere, keeping to style and detail in any additions or modern improvements. .A. Spanish idiosyncrasy will ruin a Colonial house and Italian touches on a Georgian liou.se are an aliomination. Remodeling an old hou.se is (juite a different matter liecause tlie original architecture may lie atrocious — alleged Queen .Anne or (luestionable Rural Gothic. Here the old arcliitecture must be hidden beneath the new, and the new can lie almost anv stvle one chooses. 30 House &. Garden’s The RESIDENCE of C. C. MULLALY, Esq. PHILIPSE MANOR, N. Y. DWIGHT J. BAUM, Architect On one side of the ground floor are the dining room and service section; on the other, the living room with Us flanking porches and fireplace at one end. Four bedrooms and two baths are above, besides the maid's quarters An unusual architectural feature no- ticeable at the rear is the manner m which the larger dormer has been brought forward so that it blends into the main line of the house, thus greatly increasing the bedroom space Gillies The house is of Dutch Colonial influence, clap- boarded, comfortably loiv to the ground and with red bricked porches and door- step. It is white, with blu- ish-green blinds and red tile chimney caps The entrance is sharply accented by its peaked * gable within which the space is occupied by a bathroom. A box of gerani- ums and trailing foliage plants crowns the door frame, adding a touch of color Book of Houses 3 The furnishings of the house are consistent with the exterior. Here in the bedroom, for example, are cream colored walls, hand- blocked chintz curtains, hooked rugs, an old four- poster with valance and tester and a lovely old silk patchwork quilt On the dining room walls is a quaint gold and green paper with a design of urns. The rug is green and the furniture, which is painted mahogany color, has simple gold decora- tions. Old brass candle- sticks and green tole vases on the mantel complete the Colonial schem‘> “BOXWOOD”, the RESIDENCE of MRS. ANNE WARD SAGE At Middlehurg, Piedmont J^alley, Virginia To the old farmhouse the owner added a wing. Other- wise it is as it was at the beginning. The walls are field stone, with a roof of dark gray. The deep porch and galleries are characteristic of Southern architectiire 32 House & Garden’s An effective planting of honey- suckle and box adds to the atmosphere of intimacy and simplicity of the entrance. Shingles form a fitting back- ground It is a careful study of the Long Island farmhouse. The shingles are whitewashed, shutters blue-green, chimneys white with black caps Mahogany and oak furniture are combined in the living room. An overdoor panel by Rosina E. Sherwood, and an overmantel by Wilfred D. Glehn give color notes The RESIDENCE oj J. M. TOWNSEND Jr., Esq. MILL .NECK, L. I. W. LAWRENCE ROTTOMLEY Architect 33 Book of Houses A HOUSE FOR TWO in the SOUTHERN STYLE Being the Residence of F. C. Malcolm, Esq., at Pelham, N. Y. of Which the Architect Was Julius Gregory I T is a distinct problem to create a livable small house. By a small house we mean one that has suf- ficient accommodations for two and a servant, or two and a child and a servant. By livable we mean a house that you can live in and still maintain your self-respect. There are hosts of small houses scattered over the country, but it cannot be said of all of them that they are livable according to this canon. Yet the more people appreciate the relation be- tween good architecture, good decoration and good living, the quicker will they demand that small houses be designed and furnished with the same care and professional skill that is lav- ished on large houses. A case in point is the small house shown on this page. The aim of the architect was to give to it the character and dignity found in some of the old Southern Colonial types of architec- ture. This has been accomplished by simple materials used in a natural way. The scheme of a two-story porch follows the Southern Colonial precedent. Further Col- onial details are the broad chimney furnishing fireplaces on two floors, the quarter-circle win- dows on each side the chimney, the small paired windows throughout, with pierced shutters, and the distinctly Colonial type of entrance door with side and fan lights. The materials used were white clapboard on the side and matched boarding on the front. The chimney is brick whitewashed, the surface being broken half way up with a wrought iron device and the cap pronounced with a triple row of un- painted brick. The Plan Inside, the plan is simple. There is the usual house-depth central hallway with living room on one side and dining room on the other, both letting out on the front terrace, which has a brick floor, through French doors. The sun porch is so located that it is connected with Southern Colonial in character, the exterior is a com- bination of simple materials used in a natural way. Clapboard walls are painted white, chimney white- washed and blinds painted green the pantry, through the kitchen, and can be used for a dining porch. Stairs leading to the second floor have a sim- ple iron rail and open on a narrow hall that gives access to the four bedrooms. These four bedrooms are served by two baths. There is a plenitude of closet space. On the third floor are sufficient accommodations for a maid — a bedroom and bath — and large storage spaces. While there is nothing unusual about this plan, it is livable, compact and provides a maximum of comfort and accommodations. Rooms are well lighted and well ventilated. They furnish a background against which the occupants by the exercise of discriminating taste can create rooms of interest and distinction. The first floor plan is simple and compact, with livable space assign- ed to each room On the sec- ond floor are four b e d- rooms, two baths and a plenitude of well placed closets 34 House & Garden’s .h the house is built 0)1 a sloping grade, the garage is under the kitchen. The window arrangement on this facade is irregular hut interesting. The bal- cony of the stairs land- ing can be seen and the window of the break- fast room with i/i window box An ITALIAN HOUSE for the COUNTRY- TAe HOME of ALFRED I. STERN SCARSDAI.E, N. Y. KANDOU’H II. .AI.MIRlirV, .Irclnu-a The porch is in- corporated in the structure itself and carried out on each side. The roofs of these end sec- tions are natural cedar lattice which, in time, will be covered with vines Looking down the terrace you see the brick pavenient, the solid doors to the arched French win- dows and the heavy decora- tive brackets of the gallery. Potted plants range down the terrace edge Book of Houses 35 T he walls are light , pinkish gray stucco and the roof is of variegated slate. On this side long win- dows open on a brick paved terrace from which steps ,give approach to the garden. At each end is a covered porch with arched o penings . A 'gallery with a wrought iron railing runs along the level of the second floor .1 simple arrangement is found on the first floor — house-depth hall with living room on one side and dining and breakfast room on the other. Kitchen and service rooms are separate. There are plenty of closets On the second floor are four master bedrooms, two of them opening on the gallery. Four baths are provided. Servants’ chambers and hall are separate, securing privacy. The stairs wind interestingly 36 House & Garden’s THE THING THAT Wheyi Oliver Goldsmith wrote that he loved everything old — old fnemh., old times, old manners, old hooks, old wine — he unaccount- fibly forgot to mention old houses. The dwellings and the actual haunts of his old friends must have included among them some of those happy Tudor creations which still remain as beautiful wit- GOLDSMITH FORGOT nesses to the vitality, freshness and pride of the village mason and carpenter. It is in the naive spirit of that period that the Resi- dence of Allan S. Lehman, Esq., at Tarrytown, N. Y., has been built. This entrance motive is reminiscent of that time of fine craftsmen and noble residences. John Russell Pope, architect Book of Houses 37 The architecture is simple and dignified, carrying out the general Italian feeling. The wings house garage and service quarters. It is a compact house, readily heated and easily run Eliminating unused rooms, the first floor con- sists of a smart entrance hall, a graceful little stairs, a large living-room with a small study on one side and an octagonal dining-room on the other Upstairs the plans call for three bedrooms, each large and well aired, opening onto iron bal- conies. A dressing and bathroom is provided for each, with a little sewing- room looking over the forecourt AN ITALIAN COUNTRY HOUSE RICHARD HENRY DANA, Jr., Architect 38 House & Garden’s THE RESIDENCE of MAXWELL S. MANNES, Esq. UPPER NEW ROCHEELE, N. Y. ALBRO & LINDEBERG, Architects An unusual color scheme has been used on the sun porch — heliotrope, dull black and French gray. The bench hiding the radiator is upholstered in gray and black linen. The curtains are glazed chintz The servants’ quarters are connected with the garage, chauffeur's and gardener’s apartments by an enclosed courtyard. There are jour rooms on the jirst floor and seven, with a sleeping porch, above estate. It is white clapboard with green shingles and blinds, awnings are in jield green and white. A rough chimney adds a Book 0 \ f Houses 39 One end of the house terminates in a per- gola-roof- ed porch — Bill = m Shingled walls and broad eaves give interesting effects o f line The architecture fol- lows the lines of a New England farm- house A SMALL HOUSE for THREE upstairs there are, in addition to the master’s suite of bedroom and The downstairs plan shows a house-depUi hall and wide living dressing alcove, two chambers and a bath. It is a house designed room, with good-sized dining room and kitchen, after the Colonial for a family of three Hat'ry W. KnowUon, architect 40 House & Garden’s The street side shows the pic- turesque skyline, the broad wall surfaces and the interesting touch of half timber in the sun room gable. The chim- neys are an im- portant feature in the effect Upstairs a mas- ter’s suite is house-depth and other bedrooms range down the hall, with serv- ant s’ rooms above the kitchen. Econo- my of hall space gives good room area here The house is modern English adapted to American re- quirements. Built of rough red brick laid in En- glish bond; roof variegated rough slate. T his view shows driveway entrance A livable plan has been devel- oped, opening from the hall on one side to the dining room and service quarters beyond, and on the other to the living room and loggia with its gable roof THE RESIDENCE OF FRANK RYE, N. Y. D. POTTER, Esg. Lewis Colt Albro, Architect Book of Houses 41 THE RESIDENCE OE ERANCIS A. NELSON, Architect UPPER MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY The house lies among the woods on slop- ing ground below the level of the road, with a fine view from northeast to south, a view commanded by the broad brick terrace and the rows of French doors opening out upon it Teboi On the exterior hand-hewn cypress shin- gles are used, stained with old Virginia white. The lines of the building and 'woodwork are simple and farmhouse in character, the only attempt at ornamenta- tion being the fan panels over the doors A masteF s suite occupies one end of the house, with a large size sitting room ad- jacent. Three other bedrooms and two baths are provided. The third floor has accommodations for servants and storage. Ample closet space is provided The living room is paneled on two sides with bookcases set in. This is painted soft gray. The ceiling is hand-hewn timbers and rough plaster. French doors open on the terrace. At the end is an enclosed porch, with dining room and service quarters beyond 42 House & Garden’s !!il SiS B»r:: "M-!'”" >>««»inru •i!n !!!-:: 'M'"!""'' «»» unuSsti !:!!! !!!!*■ iiiiiiSui !!!!!■ ’ ' iiii'iiiiiii 111 ■•III i ^ilOi iimiinfii III iiiiiiHii mil ill iiiiii iiimiriiM iss iiiiiiiiii mil ill iniiiiimiiimiiiii iiimiui imiin I 1*1 iiiiaiiii Wallace The broad and substantial DtUch Colonial lines of the house mass well against the wooded slope behind. It is wide white clapboarded with solid shutters on the ground floor and green blinds above. The whitewashed chimneys and the unstained shingles, left to weather naturally, carry on the well judged simplicity of the whole A mouse color rug with a hint of purple to give it life is on the light oak waxed floor of the living room, from which the stairs ascend directly. French gray walls with trim a slightly darker tone of the same color, stair treads matching the floor. The risers, posts and balusters are French gray and the handrail is finished in dark mahogany Two tones of French gray are in the living room panels, the darker one in the stiles. The cor- nice is a very light gray which almost matches the ceiling. Over the mantel is a panel of plaster framed in wood which extends to the ceiling. At the right of the picture is the entrance to the vestibule Book of Houses 43 The glassed in porch serves as a winter sutirooni where potted plants bloom through the cold weather. Above it is a sleeping porch for sum- mer use. The woods and hill to the north act as good protectors from cold winds. The view shown here is of the southwest exposure The RESIDENCE of ROBERT L. WOOD, Esq, CHESTNUT HILL, PA. JOHN GRAHAM, Jr., Architect At the east end of the red brick paved terrace is the breakfast porch with its pergola roof. Here and on the supporting pillars grow climbing vines. A line of stepping stones leads from the end of the terrace There is little waste space in the house, considerable cleverness having been shown in the utilization of the corners and angles. As is fitting in a house of this architectural style, the plan shows open rooms without suggestion of restriction At the rear is the entrance with its two white painted benches, knocker and old black iron hanging lantern. This entrance opens into the vestibule which in turn connects directly with the living room shown opposite Two bathrooms and four chambers are on the sec- ond floor, besides the ser- vants’ quarters. A fire- place in the children’s room is a welcome feature on wintry nights. A straight lengthwise hallway serves all Ate rooms 44 House & Garden’s The large bungalow illustrated above and to the right requires a building lot of considerable width. The shingled walls are painted light gray, the trimming white, and the shingled roof is green, while blue-red brick is used for the porch floors, chimneys and front walk. Interior woodwork is of pine throughout, which in the living room and dining room is finished in soft gray enamel, and elsewhere is in white paint and enamel. Hardwood floors are found in all principal rooms. E. W. Stillwell, architect Designed for a corner lot, the Colonial bunga- low illustrated below and to the left presents an exceptionally pleasing appearance to both the front and the side street. Gable cornice effects, rose ladders, and French windows, with grille work simulating miniature balconies beneath them, comprise interesting details. The exterior walls are of narrow siding, which, including the trimming timbers, are painted white, while the shingled roof is painted green. The front entrance is floored with white cement CALIFORNIA BUNGALOWS Livable Small Homes of Good Architecture Book of Houses 45 'A In that it has a com- paratively flat roof with wide overhangs and somewhat simu- lates the rambling ap- pearance, the house shown above and to the right quite readily sug- gests the type of bun- galow so popular in California some years ago. Save for its shin- gled roof, which is grayish-green, and the brick chimney on one side, the exterior is of pure white, producing a color scheme that is charmingly enhanced by the liberal use of garden greenery. Floyd A. Dernier, architect The Colonial bungalow so popular in Cali- fornia is charmingly typified in the little home shown above and to the right. With its well-balanced structural lines, its sweep- ing terrace, its Colonial entrance, and its two pairs of French windows, with a neat little rose ladder at each side of them, this bungalow presents an atltractive front ap- pearance. The walls are painted white, the shingled roof grayish green, and the fro7it terrace is edged with blue-red brick, while the flooring of the terrace is gray cemetit. Floyd . 4 . Dernier, architect IN OLD and NEW DESIGNS Their Plans and Interior Treatments 46 House & Garden’s There is commendable compactness in this little Dutch Colonial design. The irregularity of the roof gives it interest, although adding slightly to the expense. It is finished in white throughout. The exterior is wood shingles. On both floors the design is simple and livable. Kenneth W. Dalzell, architect TWO LIVABLE SMALL HOUSES for the COUNTRY or SUBURBS The little white shingled bungalow demonstrates the fact that, with careftd treatment, the bungalow type of house can readily he made attractive and given an air of perma- nence. The treatment of window muntons is char- acteristic of the neighbor- hood — Illinois. The plan i-, open and simple, pro- viding sufficient room for a small family. Bliss De- signing Co. Book of Houses 47 The beauty of the exterior ties in its well balanced proportions and in the grouping of the windows and doors which, although numerous, afford plenty of wall space. A large porch extends across the entire front. The exterior finish is white plaster; wood- work is painted white and blinds are green. The roof is stained dark gray. Careful consideration has been given to the grounds While the plan is original the arrangement econo- mizes on space and is thor- oughly convenient. The stairs are tucked away back of the dining room and in proximity to the kitchen, thus eliminating back stairs. The living room is house depth. This room has a recessed win- dow at the farther end and a large fireplace midway of one side THE RESIDENCE of JOHN McWilliams Jr., Esq. PASADENA, CALIFORNIA The second floor accom- modation consists of three bedrooms, two sleeping porches and two baths. The closets are unusually large and each has a win- dow. The owner’s bedroom is furnished with mahog- any; old rose and cream being the color scheme of the hangings. Ivory enam- el woodwork. A sleeping porch connects with this room Interest is given the porch by the manner in which the columns are spaced and grouped. The ends of the porch are roofed in, with an open space at the center where only the pergola beams filter the light to the dining room Reginald D. Johnson, Architect 48 House & Garden S' Colonial characteristics adapt them- selves readily to the small house. In this little cottage a Germantown hood marks the entrance and the continued pent roof breaks the facade pleasantly. Wide red cedar shingles have been used to cover the exterior walls. They are laid 11" to the weather and painted white. The roof is of similar shingles stained moss green SMALL COUNTRY HOUSES in BRICK and SHINGLE KENNETH W. DALZELL, Architect The same general style and plan is followed in another house, by the same architect. In this instance the plans show a larger kitchen and a back stairs, with a slightly different chamber arrangement. The woodwork is white pine throughout . The dinhig room is wainscoted to the window sill height .Advantage is taken of the grade to place a garage under the sun room. The house is ex- ecuted in tapestry brick laid up in mortar and with white trim. The roof is of sea-green slate, the gutters and leaders are copper. Vines will greatly enhance the appearance of the facade when they have developed The house is built on a hillside, which affords space for a billiard room under the sun porch. There is no third floor nor is there any back stairway, but the stairs are so arranged that privacy is possible with- out waste space. The house is fnished in oak down- stairs and white pine upstairs 49 Book of Houses A COMMODIOUS DUTCH COLONIAL HOME The Residence of J. J. Hamilton, Fieidston, New York DWIGHT JAMES BAUM, Architect The plan has avoided the usual central hall, the living-room, dming-room and porch opening up together^ The large pantry serves also as servants’ dining- room. Interior trim is gumwood; floors of oak; two brick fireplaces with Co- lonial mantels. Walls are sand finished While symmetrical, the exterior shows the entrance off center. It is accented by a hood and lattice sides. The south wing fornix a large porch while the north gives a liberal she garage. Walls are cased in 12 " wide red cedar siding painted white with color relief in the blinds, which are an unusual shade of green. Thz chimneys are of rough red brick — “black headers” — overburned brick that was discolored and twisted in the kilns The second story reverts to the central hall type with four master’s rooms and two baths. The owner’s and child’s room open into a large sleeping porch. The maid’s room and hath connect with the kitchen by a private stairway. All of the woodivork is in white enamel 50 House & Garden’s The residence of R. Eickolmeyer, Esq., Tarry town, N. V., has the touch of formality demanded by brick and slate, relieved by white trim, blinds and keystones. Dwight J . Baum, architect H The living room faces the street, awarding a degree of privacy to the porch. The garage is well incorporated in the wing. Three baths and six rooms are above imimm I® 13X15 TWO SMALL HOUSES /rom EAST and WEST A complete eight-room Dutch Colonial house for a double end lot is that of O. M. Carrick, Esq., at In- terlaken, near Seattle, Washington. The walls are shingled. Designed bv N. E. Coles 1 p — n PLISS'C- t-l S O - — kOO M LIVING irooM t4 J-f; m( .iBi^ »L ,ii ' , LLA « >7 Oak floors are hi the main rooms, polished fir in others; tile in bathroom . The interior woodwork is old ivory throughout Book of Houses 51 The first floor plan of the clap- board cottage has just enough rooms for a small family to live in and be comfortable F Ji\\ i :r Lc/\/W Upstairs there are three bed- rooms, a bath and a sleeping porch. Each room is well pro- portioned and well lighted The clapboard house has livable possibilities and will, with foun- dation shrubbery, present a fine- ly finished appearance. Ken- neth L. Dalzell was the architect Q 1 I [ 1 — ^ 1 li U 1 1 » H / ' H PrFBF ]pX' K ■ \ M n t t 1 1 n ^ UUUt 1 L:i A COTTAGE and A LESSER COUNTRY HOUSE Livable Designs in Clapboard and Stucco Built on Colonial lines with modern adaptations, this subur- ban home furnishes all the nec- essary comforts. Veranda and sleeping porch add to the floor size. W. T. M archant, architect Two baths and four chambers on the second floor, with sev- eral more in the third, make this residence possible for a growing family 52 House & Garden’s The architectural design was inspbed by an old cottage in Surrey. A study of the general lines and details shows how successfully this inspiration has been worked out. The roo] lines have an interesting ajid harmonious pitch. Rough, variegated slates laid in a random fashion give color to the roof. To the rich texture of the walls is added the interest of an occasional advanced header. Casement windows enhance the effect of cosiness and complete the picture A COTTAGE on the ESTATE of GEORGE ARENTS, Jr. Esq. RYE, NEW YORK LEWIS COLT ALBRO, Architect The entrance is a composition in itself. Eaves swing down low, with a pent roof covering the door and the windows. A broad breasted chimney intervenes, capped with decorative brick tops and chimney pots. The entrance is flanked by fine old box. The path is of broken flagstones The plan illustrates a cottage built primarily for farmhouse life, with a combination kitchen and living room. Four bedrooms and a large bath are on the second floor. It is a plan that can readily be adapted to small fam- ily use. The space is sensibly di- vided and the dining room eliminated 55 Book of Houses THE HOME 0/ F. O. ZENKE, FIELDSTON, N. Y. DWIGHT J. BAUM, Architect Esq . Brick and stucco have effectively been com- bined in the architec- tural composition of the entrance One side of the first floor is given to ser- vice and garage and the other to living and dining rooms The unusual arrange- ment of the plan gives interest and a maxi- mum of comfort on the second floor Modern structural de- vices give the house a feeling of age suitable to the English type of architecture 54 House & Garden’s A BOW DUTCH COUNTRY HOUSE Designed for House y Garden by AYMAR EMBURY, IT. The long sweep of the roof is car- ried down to form a rear porch. A Colonial entrance dignifies this piazza. Balanced windows and settles at either end give a nice symmetry. The service wing is complete in itself. A trellised porch is at the other end The lower floor has a house depth living-room and a dining-room, both up two steps from the entrance. The study and a pantry fill the end with kitchen in the wing. Upstairs pro- vision is made for three bedrooms and two baths, with plenty of closet room and cross ventilation pro- vided On the front a long bow window , extending the height of the second story, is the unusual departure from the Colonial design which distinguishes the lionise. It affords a light hall which can serve as sewing corner. Plain panels are used instead of shingles on the upper spaces be- neath the eaves Book of Houses 55 ) The style is Colonial, all architectural features being omitted to obtain a farm cottage type of building. Wide clap- board walls are painted white, shutters green and the hardware black The distinction between living and ser vice quarters on the first floor plan is marked. The rooms are large but the individuality of each has been preserved and the plan is simple and livable From the master suite to the other end of the second floor runs a narrow hall with bedrooms and baths conveniently arranged along it. The rooms communi- cate easily and are well ventilated THE RESIDENCE OF HUNTINGTON NORTON, Esq. OYSTER L. I. PEABODY', WILSON & BROWN. .Architects 56 House & Garden’s The entrance owes much of its charm to architectural restraint — to the things the architect refrained from doing to it. It is tucked away behind the kitchen ell, a broad doorway with a deep portico, overhead exposed beams and a narrow light ofi either side AN ARCHITECTURAL EPIGRAM IN AN ENGLISH COTTAGE BI.OODGOOD lUTTLE, Architect The plan is as unusual as the exterior. Kitchen and service entrances are near- est the road, leaving the rear of the house free for access to the garden. Bed- rooms are compactly placed Instead of accepting tht commonplace criticism that “all small houses are alike, excepting that some are worse than others", the architect has said that some may be better than others. It is an English cottage frankly developed for an American suburb, with rough plaster walls, shingles laid in the form of thatch and leaded casement windows The driveway gate leading to the garage is so designed that it is not only a na- tural part of the house, but an interest- ing architectural story by itself. The gates, the grill panel lighting the long narrow kitchen and the carrying over of the thatch shingled roof supported by a rough plastered pillar on this side make an unusually picturesque and complete composition Book of Houses 5 VWiOF Architecturally the house follows no distinctive type, save that it is American and has adapted the use- ful points of many styles. The structure is wide clapboard painted white, with green shutters and a green shingled roof A SMALL CLAPBOARD SUBURBAN HOUSE WILLIAM T. MARCHANT Architect The plan is informal, provid- ing space for a hall with liv- ing room on one side and din- ing room beyond; den, stairs and kitchen on the other side. The veranda off the living room gives a touch of privacy not found on the front porch On the second floor there are one large chamber with a fire- place, three smaller ones, two baths and a sleeping porch. Large closet space is evident, as is the opportunity for light and ventilation. It is a com- pact arrangement for a small family, convenient, comfort- able and unostentatious 58 House & Garden’s The house is located on a slightly elevated plateau commanding a view of the distant Hackensack valley. This rear porch is enclosed, offering pro- tection from the western storms, but is open in summer. The rich play of lights and shades in the dressed stone and the sweep of the roof to shelter the porch are among the interesting architectural features of this view .4)1 open Colonial fireplace is a feature of the living room. Aged chestnut beams support the ceiling. Windows are set in a deep recess. One end is used as a dining corner The rooms are arranged for free and informal living. En- trance is directly into the liv- ing room. The dining room has been eliminated, an end of the living room being used Book of Houses 59 On the upper floor the bedrooms are spacious, with cross ventilation in each. Ample closet space is provided. A general bath is located with easy access to each chamber A DUTCH COLONIAL HOUSE for a SMALL FAMILY FRANK J. FORSTER, Architect The decorations of the bedrooms are in keeping with the character of the house — simple and adequate. This is the chamber over the living room The Dutch house lends itself to picturesque treatment. The graceful curves of the long, low-sweeping roof form a pent roof for the front and create a porch in the rear. The stone is cut, its shades varying from bluish gray to light sienna. The Colonial details have been carried out in every respect. It is the residence of Reginald Halladay, Esq., at Demarest, N. J. 60 House & Garden’s The RESIDENCE o/HOWARD CHAPMAN Architect at STAMFORD. CONN. The Colonial design, which in its adaptions has become a purely Amerkafi product, has been used for this house. It is executed in brick laid in white bond. The entrance is pro- nounced by a simple hooded porch. Balance is given the plan by the use of a conserva- tory on one end and a porch on the other, each having the same general character. Field stone walls support the terraces and mark the property line ft g ' III III' ft i A fireproof garage under the house is of great convenience, and the economy of heating and construction more than offsets the slight increase of insurance. The successful coinhination of brick and field stone is shown in this terrace view Coutant The business end of the house has received equal consideration with the comforts of the family. Thus, on both floors, has been provided a miniature kitchenette for preparing all the food for the baby. The location of a reception room behind the hall makes another interesting addition to the comforts. The service quarters are ample and conveniently placed Book of Houses 61 Taken from the lesser chateaux of France, this desigit is adapted for the American stiburb. Walls are stucco over wire lath and painted gray. Slate forms the roof and stone or cement the foioidations An end elevation shows the house designed for a sloping lot which, with excavatio7i, affords a basement and a side entrance. The iron railing and steps are at one end of the garden terrace The entrance is simple in its classi- cal lines, dignified in its adorn- ment. An angular pediment is imposed over a rounded door The success of the house depends upon the exactness of its detail. The windows play the decorative role in the fagade A FRENCH CHATEAU for an AMERICAN SUBURB EUGENE J. LANG, Architect At the rear of the house stretches a terrace; steps at either end lead to the garden. The dining room opens on this All the bedrooms face the rear and command the garden view. The floor accommodates three chambers, three baths and a study 62 House & Garden’s (jlillies Among the interesting points of the front of the house are the arched brick panels of the first story and the wide overhang of the eaves creating a covered terrace. The design i: Dutch Colonial of the gam- brel roof type On one end is a large living room with fireplace, opeyiing on a screened piazza, and on the other end the dining room with a door leading to the garden, and the pantry. The kitchen is sizeable and well placed Upstairs are three bedrooms and a bath, sufficient room for a small family. Economy in hall space affords ample room for plenty of closets. Overhang- ing eaves protect the lower windows in front anil rear MR. GEORGE RULE’S HOME AT GREAT NECK, I.. I. AYMAR EMBURY If. .Inhitect 63 Book of Houses In the constr 2 iction of the William Wiese residence at Scarsdale, N. Y., stone, tile, half timber and stucco are successfxdly combined. Roof lines come close to the ground, thereby producing a broad, loiv and hospitable front LI6R>MLT DININO K.OOM On one side the great hall, a room of baronial proportions, is a dining room finished in old ivory Georgian paneling; on the other, the library with its pointed windows and vaulted ceiling CH»vN\BEI^ ■1 hooded entrance, characteristic of this type of archi- tecture, gives an air of hospitalit y and makes a fitting passage to the great hall which lies directly behind HOUSE in the SUBURBS The second floor accommodates two bedrooms en .suite and two other cham- bers with their respective closets of good size. The master suite of bath, cham- ber and sleeping porch is an excellently arranged feature W SI'AXWOOD PHILLIPS. .Irchitect 64 House & Garden’s 1 doorway arrangement, common to certain types of Co- lonial houses, lia\ been reproduced here. It ;'s a six panel door K'ilh side light', set in a frame of dignified moldings. The overhang gives protection to this entrance In this little country house the gambrel roof design is developed along simple but permanent lines. The lower floor is stucco, the ends of the second and the dormers are shingle and the roof slate, giving a variety of harmonious textures, with plenty of light and shade. The foundation planting is good NClO^£ TOH roROH u A GAMBREL ROOF HOUSE Home cjf ir. P. Beo'selU Psq., Forest Hills, L. I. AYMAR KMHUin’ H, .Inhiicct The simplicity which characterizes the exterior is evident in the room arrange- ment. On the first floor is a house-depth living room, with its porch, a vestibule hall and lavatory, a small dining room ivith pantry behind and a kitchen in a separate wing. Upstairs three chambers, three baths and a maid's room afford sufficient space for a small family. Closet accommodation is sufficient and all rooms are well ventilated and lighted Book of Houses ^ 5 ^ -fzooA, -/Uji- :■ ' -^TJL JJ- fi OOA, - // A SUBURBAN HOME in the ITALIAN MANNER From the Italian villa was taken inspiration jor this suburban home. It is oj cream colored stucco on frame construction, with a tin roof painted red. The iron work is black and shutters and entrance are painted Italian blue. A fence screens the service yard. The loggia is to be floored with red tile; other floors are stained dark. Woodwork is to be painted and enameled. Adequate wall space in all rooms offers possibilities for the arrangement of furniture. De- signed for House &r Garden by William R. Bajuri 66 House & Garden’s A STANDARD for ARCHITECTURAL DETAIL You may have often •wondered why you like one arrhileclural glimpse more than another. Nine times out of ten the one you like is a combination of many elements put together with such studied artistry that none could be detracted or added. The elements of this garden front entrance — it is the residence of M. C. Migel, Esq., at Monroe. New York — are hard burnt, red, irregular bricks laid with a slightly struck white joint and in Flemish bond; key-block, skew backs and sill of W'hile marble: and the detail of the door itself in white painted wood. The shuttered window above, the brick path below and the specimen cedars frame the picture. Lewis Colt Albro, the architect Book of Houses 67 The half timber and roof lines proclaim its ar- chitecture English cottage. Casement windows, a hooded entrance portico and porches at each end make a pleasing design The living room, which opens on the screened porch, has a generous fireplace, timbered walls and ceiling and wide French doors. The plan is open and livable A break in the roof lines to accom- modate the tipper casements fol- lows cottage precedent A LIVABLE SUBURBAN HOME TOOKER & M,\RSH Archilei i ' 68 House & Garden’s The architecture is an adaptation of Colonial jarni- house designs dignified and modernized by a balcotiy over the entrance with a wrought iron balustrade. The long, low lines of the porch are in harmony with the general de- sign of the house, inviting summer outdoor living Upstairs the rooms are so dis- posed as to af- ford light and cross ventilation for all. The own- er’s suite con- tains bedroom, boudoir and bath. A guest suite occupies the remainder of the front of the house, with maid’s room and another guest chamber behind THE RESIDENCE of ROBERT HASKINS, Esq. RICHMOND, VIRGINIA W. DUNCAN LEE, Architect The house is built around a terrace set be- tween the ell of the service quar- ters and the sun room. A house- depth hall di- vides the down- stairs rooms, giving a large living room, which is further enlarged by a porch. Dining r o o m, kitchen and pantry are on the other side, running back in- to the ell A n interesting study in roof lines is presented by the rear ele- vation. Although they are broken, all are harmoni- ous to one pitch. The irregular fenestration and the use of lattice and window boxes give this intimate side of the house a charm that will be made com- plete when the garden is fully developed 6 ^ I Book of Houses SCARSDALE, N. Y. The RESIDENCE of F. I. KENT, Esq. PATTERSON y DULA, Architects The walls are rubble with a heavy coating of white- wash, a combination that gives interesting light and shade effects In this inner court white walls form a clear back- ground for the foundation blanting and pronounce the window openings Broken and repeated roof lines give the house unusual architectural interest. These together with the grouping of windows and the arched gate and door, and the oriel up under the eaves of the ell, produce a pleasing facade fidl of contrasts and rich in texture An arched service gate with a pent roof breaks n 70 House & Garden’s THE SUNLIGHT MAKES IT SO You rant blame men for worshipping the sun. Such a human old god he is! lie moves across the paved terrace and warms the slates. He lifts up the heads of geraniums standing primly in a row beneath the window. Ilis fingers feel out the crannies of the rough wall and emblazon the window panes. At his call casements fling open, and men and women and little children come out to sit at breakfast in the sun-washed alcove that overlooks the garden. Now you can, if you see nothing more in it, call this the rear terrace of Mr. George Marshall Allen's house at Convent, N. J. And you can say that Charles 1. Berg, who designed it, has created a fine bit of architecture, that the texture of the wall is extraordinary, etc., etc. But it’s more than just architecture — and the sunlight makes it so Book of Houses 71 The use of English cottage de- tails gives a livable atmosphere to this small house design. Stucco and half-timber have been suc- cessfully combined. The roof lines and bay window commend it to the prospective builder. A garage is built in the house One chimney suffices for this house. It provides a fireplace in the living room and a flue for the furtiace. Through this rounded entrance door one comes to a vestibule, with the dining room on one side and a long living room on the other The rooms are placed with interesting economy. Downstairs are the long living room, dining room and kitchen, with the garage and furnace room on the same level. Upstairs are tu'o bedrooms and a bath — enough for a family of two ENGLISH COTTAGE FEELING IS FOUND IN THIS SMALL HOUSE AT lADLXAH, KEN'FUCKY \V. K. (lOKK, Architect 72 House & Garden Bates & How, Architects THE RESIDENCE OF HENRY R. SWARTLEY, Jr., Esq. GREAT NECK, L. I. There may be many modern entrances that reflect the Colonial spirit, hut few do it so faithfully and so suc- cessfully as this. The iron balustrade is espe- cially beautiful Although divided into separate parts, the build- ings are co-ordinated in- to a unit. The living- room, hall and dining- room form one division, linked by the kitchen with the garage An upstairs sitting-room is one of the advantages of the second story plan. Bedrooms are arranged to command maximum light and ventilation. Closet space is plentiful Arched French windows on the lower floor and the pillared entrance re- lieve the straight Colon- ial lines. There is nice Georgian balance in the porches at either end Book of Houses 72 The HOME o/F. M. SIMPSON, Esq., At LITTLE FALLS, N. Y. DWIGHT JAMES The slope of the lot permitted a terraced garden with concrete and lattice retaining walls English cottage feeling has been attained in the design. It has a nicety of balance in window spacing, porches and roof lines. .4 terrace and lawns front the house. Flower boxes and potted plants add color to this fagade At one end of the terrace a lat- tice wall and arched gate have been successfully used 74 House & Garden’s THE APPROACH The fault ivith a great deal of our domestic architecture is that no sufficient approach is provided. Space is a requisite to an apprecia- tion of architecture. The beauty of this home — the residence of C. F. T. Seaverns, Esq., at TO THE HOUSE Hartford, Ct. — is greatly enhanced by its dig- nified approach — the wide stretch of roadway and the lawn which are before it. Goodwin, Bullard & Woolsey were the architects of the house. Olmstead Bros., landscape architects Book of Houses 75 An adaption of an English type has been used for the home of J. A. Rock- well at Warren, Pa. Walls are soft cream stucco and trim weathered oak STUCCO AND WEATHERED OAK A. J. HODKER, Architect .An irregular disposition of the rooms gives interest and a livable quality to the first floor The narrowness of the lot required a long plan. This gives plenty of light and air to the chambers 76 House & Garden*!' In designing his home at Elmsford, N. Y., Mr. Kahn made a delightful use of stone as a relief to the orange stucco and silver gray exposed chestnut beams E. J. KAHN, Architect The house is quite small. It grows nat- urally out of its hillside plot, the stone, stucco and half-timber and the shingle roof blending with the trees and outcrop- ping stone One end of the living room is a large fireplace, 18' long and 10' deep, The house was built for the children. They have a nursery in addition with settles inside. Off the living room is the entrance hall. There is to their bedroom. This leaves space for the master’s chamber and an ample kitchen. The. dining room faces the view dressing room, a guest room, closets and two baths Book of Ho uses 77 The gambrel roof type is a popular design because it makes a roomy house. Its architecture is intimate, informal, and it suits most settings. In this interpretation a wing, in the style of the main house, is added at one end. The windows are grouped in a pleasant fashion, with shutters to finish them and to give a note of contrasting color to the white shingled walls and woodwork. The entrance is pronounced by a portico with high-back settles on each side A fireplace nook finishes one end of the living room. The hall runs through to the back porch and past the stairs in the rear. Dining room and kitchen are in close proximity with a pantry and service entry at one end A GAMBREL ROOF TYPE IN WHITE SHINGLES ADDEN k PARKER Architects Four large sunny bedrooms and twO" baths are on the second floor. The living room chimney affords a fire- place in the upstairs halls — evidently a very pleasant detail. Each cham- ber is equipped with two conveni- ent closets iUieOOM I HUl 3lDE,00,n 78 House & Garden’s The architecture is a cross between English and Nor- man farmhouse. It is executed in warm gray stucco laid ofi rough, with occasional sills of red brick and irregular foioidations of stone bleeding off into the stucco without any line. The roof is shingles with five different tones of green and red. The whole effect of the house is one of soft tones and easy contours In one of the wings half- timber construction is re- vealed through the stucco. The beams are rough and pegged together. Windows throughout the house are leaded casements. The acute angle of the roof, a Norman feature, gives the house an appearance of great height. Wide eaves with a slight kick-up af- ford interesting details for adaptation to less preten- tious English designs A recessed door with a pronounced shelf above it and a flagged pavement below makes an unusual but simple entrance A NORMAN-ENGLISH FARMHOUSE /orCHARLES E. CHAMBERS, Esq. RIVERDALE, N. Y. JULIUS GREGORY, .hchiuct Book of Houses 79 This house is an answer to the question of what type of house one should build. The house should suit the setting. Viewed from this point, the stone foundations are a continuation of the stone on the hillside; the stucco has the rough surface of stubble fields; the occasional exposed , timbers re- peat the exposed limbs of trees Of the many interestbig windows, the bays are the most pronounced. They are of rough timber pegged together and have leaded casements. This combination of rough stone, rough stucco and rough beams maintains a scale that is necessary to such types of architecture. More delicacy would prove unsuitable The studio wing is sep- arate from the living quarters. The studios are provided since both Mr. and Mrs. Chambers are illustrators The studio disposition o f t h e chambers adds to their interest. Stairs and closets have found un- usual but prac- tical corners ' Vr’PE'R'.ih'k.s' orSi'vi>to 80 House & Garden’s One of the features of the home of W. E. Davis, Jr., at New Haven, Conn., is a rear living veranda with a sleeping porch above. These face the garden and the rose-bowered pergola. The house is red brick. White marble trim and white woodwork help maintain the Colonial as- pect of the architecture A NEW ENGLAND DESIGN in BRICK CHARLES FREDERICK TOWNSEND, Architect Old ivory wood trim relieves the gray paneled walls in the living room. The curtains are old gold and blue used with gilt valances. An Adam atmosphere is given by the mantel and lighting fixtures The square Colonial plan has been adapted to modern requirements, giving a house- depth living room, a small dining room and service in the rear extending so that it forms a corner for the porch Three chambers, two baths, a den, a com- modious glassed-in sleeping porch and closets in each room are provided on the second floor. The service stairs give privacy to the front of the house Book of Houses 81 The Colonial aspect is found in the lines of the stairs. Here the walls have a gray scettic paper and the woodwork is old ivory save for the mahogany hand rail. The rug is gray and the stairs carpet plain rose hi the guest room the walls have a gray, small patterned paper, with which the yellow and pink hollyhock design of the chintz curtains contrasts pleasantly. The furniture is mahogany. Over the dresser a gold mirror is hung on gold silk cords. The rug is one-tone gray A gambrel roof of slate, brick walls, pierced shutters on the first floor and an entrance portico estab- lish the Colonial precedents o f the architec- ture. Vines and foundation planting will further age the house The dining room walls are ivory paneled, the rug sapphire blue, and the hangings gold and silver shot taf- feta with dull gilt cornice boards. The built-in china cupboard is bal- anced by a recessed door 82 House & Garden’s The first fioor plan shows a livable dis- position of rooms. The entrance is on the side. Although open, the plan pro- vides interesting details, such as the liv- ing room fireplace corner, a tiled porch and the compact service quarters Upstairs there are two master bedrooms and two smaller chambers, a bath and a toilet, and a sewing room. The stairs are kept to one corner and do not en- croach on the hall space. Each room has its commodious closet The home of W. W. Nichols, Esq., at Rochester, N. Y., is a typical American suburb type of architecture showing in- fluences of English cottage design. It is executed in stucco, with half-timber in the hall and living rooms Viewed from the garden the house shows picturesque overhanging eaves, a solid chimney stack, window boxes in the porch roof off the master bedroom, and the porch, which is a continuation of the half-timber bay of the living room A LIVABLE HOUSE i 11 ROCHESTER, N. Y. C'LKMKNIR.NKWKIKK .Irchifcct WIU.IAM PITKIN, Jr., I.andsca pe .Irchiuc! Book of Houses 83 On the basis of a nondescript 1880 house, the architects managed to give the finished structure a pleasant form in which the Colonial aspect is preserved. The study and porch wing has a Southern Colonial aspect. C olonial feel- ing is also found in the breakfast porch THE HOME OF LOUIS J. S N Y D E R , RYE, N. Y. AYM.AR EMBURY II R LEWIS E. WELSH. \Jssociate Architects There is really a great deal of room in the house — a big study flanked by a porch, house-depth living room and hall, a small dining room with a large breakfast porch and a service wing af- fording plenty of space for kitchen, pantries, laundry and servants’ rooms The closets practi- cally filling the front of the hall are ar- ranged with a nice economy of space. To the four original chambers have been added those in the two wings — marked with black — an ex- tra bedroom at one end and three maids' rooms and a bath in the other 84 House & Garden’s M ■ V The house is javored by a charming location — the brow of a hill commanding a view across a wide valley. Tall trees shade the site. Heavy, hand-split cypress shingles painted white cover the walls 1 kW ■ v| A Colonial at- A IS m 0 s p h e r e is maintained in- 1 ;l side the house. On the landing — IN usually a bleak spot — are built- in bookshelves A COLONIAL PLAN IN WHITE SHINGLES The difference in levels adds to the interest of the house. At one end is a living room. The porch has a brick border with a field of random, broken tile — the wastage from a floor job. The dining room is set in the rear of the house to catch the view. ,4 small kitchen and its closets and porch complete this floor Book of Houses 85 By keeping the stairs and hall down to a minimum there ha.-, been found room upstairs for four chambers, a bath and a work- room, and, in addition, closets tucked away under the eaves and in odd corners. The master’s bedroom is dignified by a fireplace. It is a house commodious enough for a small family From the rear is another view of the valley. Here is the dining room and the porch, with its lattice panels. This is glassed in winter. The dormers upstairs are joined together by two other windows, giving more space in the chambers HOME OF CHARLES C. MAY, ARCHITECT 7'he chimney , which was given one coat of paint, has been per- mitted to weath- er into a nice gradation of tones 5cd * 2 . Sad lO-o'x 86 House & Garden’s The architecture of old California, adapted to meet modern needs, fits into the hillside setting naturally. The low angle of the roofs is a char- acteristic feature, as are the doors and the heavy- barred grill which is set in the wall The mam rooms of the house are built around two sides of this court, the rest of the space being taken by the ser- vice quarters. So it is a small house, very com- pact in its arrangement, quite unusual and yet livable Behind the grill lies this paved court or patio with a wide door open- ing into the living room on one side and another to the dining room. The windows of the master’s bedroom open on a bal- cony with wooden bal- usters Three bedrooms and two baths occupy most of the second floor. Stairs, upper stair hall and passage are kept at a minimum of size. A storage room takes the place of the usual attic and is far more con- venient Book of Houses 87 THE HOME OF E . C . THIERS The side of the house shows a pleasing variation of windows — a balcony window from the main chamber, another balcony from the tall arched windows on the stairs landing and one chamber window tucked up under the eaves. The chimney is btiilt solid and deep, giving a shadow to the ivall PASADENA, CALIFORNIA REGINALD D. JOHNSON, Architect Along the dining room side, entrance is gained by an arched gateway m the patio wall, which is here pierced by another grill and decorated with a fountain The garden is built in two levels and sur- rounded by a low stucco wall. The small window this side of the entrance lights the coat closet off the entrance hall House & Garden’s A SMALL COLONIAL COUNTRY HOUSE MORRIS & ERSKINE, Architects Various elements of Pennsylva-nia Colonial style have been incorporated in this home of William S. Ellis, Esq., Moylan, Pa . — the wide eaves, the Germantown hood with settles pronouncing the entrance, the large chimney stacks and the small pane sash The Colonial architecture has come through the walls, as witness this hall glimpse of simple stairs with mahogany rail and treads and newel. Simplicity characterizes the house throughout. The woodwork is white, the floors dark stain and oiled On the garden side a porch extends the width of the house, the living and dining rooms opening on it. Service is compactly placed in an extension toward the drying yard Four chambers, two baths, ample closets, a simple hall and plenty of light are on the second floor Book of Houses 89 The grounds are kept as simple as pos- sible, with lawns broken here and there with colorjid plantings. An interesting gate gives entrance to a lower level While the house cannot claim any especial period, it is reminiscent of a minor French chateau simplified to an American country setting. The walls are deep cream stucco on hol- low tile with a roof of irregular blue slates. The garage is connected with the house A SIMPLE DESIGN IN STUCCO— THE HOME OE E. E. BARTLETT, Esq. AMAGANSETT, L. I. W. LAWRENCE BOTTOMLEY Architect Along the front of the house is a stone flagged terrace bordered with low boxwood. This runs to the end of the main structure. Beyond are the service wing and the garage. Vines and potted plants will enrich the facade 90 House & Garden’s A writing table is set before casement windows that open on the bird garden — a garden enclosed by high walls over which trails the wild grape, and flanked with berried shrubs. Midway is a bird fountain A REST HOUSE AND BIRD GARDEN ON THE ESTATE OF MRS. PAYNE WHITNEY, MANHASSET, L. I. J. H. PHILLIPS, Architect Decorations by Karl Freund When Mrs. Whitney asked her architect to design a little rest house in the woods, she had in mind a witch’s cottage, such as one sees in fairy tale books. The love- ly old oak paneled room, imported from England by Karl Freund, was enclosed with masonry walls; the lower story stuc- co ; above, brick and oak half -timber work, taken from old barns on Long Island. The roof is old English slate of varied sizes and colors — purple, green ami gray — laid with wide joints and raked to allow the moss to grow The room, views of which are shown here and opposite, has a dark oak wainscot. The mantel is composed of simple round columns supporting a cornice, and faced with a carved Portland stone arch. Win- dows are divisioned by straight mullions. The plaster ceiling is covered with medal- lions of Scriptural subjects grouped around a sunburst. Reddish stones, rough hewn, comprise the floor. Over it is laid a large hooked rug in a tessellated pattern. The room is furnished with a chosen col- lection nl \Mh and \7th Century pieces Book of Houses 91 up under the eaves, and reached by an old plank stairway, is a little room with rustic furniture and hooked rugs. The mantel is of Tudor style. Iron guinea hens act as fire dogs This view, frotn the end of the garden, shows the bird bath, fountain and stone walks. Entrance to the garden is through a I6th Century solid iron door on the chimney side of the house .i quaint entrance was made ivith an old carved wood paneled door and stofie architrave. To make this Tudor door the architect used old stone fragments and two stone heads. A candle fixture set in the little window above lights the door- way and vestibule 92 House & Garden’s THE JOSEPH E. BIWSH HOME, FIELDSTON, N. Y. When possible, the house should turn its hack to the road. This arrangement affords a convenient loca- tion for the service quarters in close proximity to the tradesmen’s wagons and gives the owner the privacy of a garden in the rear. It also gives a garden facade in which the real loveliness of the house can be shown. This was the successful arrange- ment used in the residence of Joseph E. Brush, Esq., at Fieldston, N. Y. You are looking at the garden view, along the line of the entrance and the two projecting wings of the house. Dwight James Baum was the architect and arratiged the planting Book of Houses 93 The rear view shows the study with a sleep- ing porch above, the screened-in porch at one side and the kit- chen entrance at the other The garage is an in- tegral pari of the house, its windows being cur- tained to camouflage its real purpose. The kitchen porch faces the road A simple plan adds to the livable quality of the house. Living room, study and porch on one side; dining room, kitchen and pantry on the other Upstairs are flve chambers, a sleeping balcony and three baths, arranged in suite with abundant closet space, cross ventilation and plenty of light 94 House & Garden’s The RESIDENCE of ALLAN LEHMAN, Esq. TARRYTOWN, N. Y. JOHN RUSSELL POPE, Architect An interesting feature of the meadow front is the rather original conception of an oriel chimney carried on a project- ing corbel of stone moldings. A sundial, set in the upper part of the chimney, has been computed to register hours and quarters accurately Ciillles In the design and execution of the library the architect has used mellow old oak panel- ing walls, originally in a Jacobean residence and readjusted to new conditions, and an ivory ceiling molded from original casts of old work. Furniture by Schmitt Brothers Brick and wood, stone and slate, stucco and leaded work have been made to produce what the architect wished — the old world charm possessed by such historic Tudor houses as Compton Wynyates in Warwick- shire and Ockwells Manor in Lancashire I I Book of Houses 95 The dining room is unusual in being ( replica of \5th Century English G It is copied from an old house in S( set and is done entirely in antique ct plaster. The furniture is original 16th tury examples. Schmitt Brothers, deco. While a part of both, the din- ing room porch is a happy transition between house and terrace. A sleeping porch with rows of casement windows is above. The tall windows lo- cate the great hall, which is the feature of the plan The forecourt is a veritable library of Tu- dor architecture — a small entrance with low pointed arch, leaded casements, walls of stucco-filled half-timber, rough brick walls with random stone ashler and quoins, stair tower, rough slate roof and brick chimneys ^ /^V' - ■' t ‘ 96 House & Garden’s THE RESIDENCE OF COURTLANDT D. BARNES, Esq. MANHASSET, L. I. PEABODY, WILSON & BROWN, Architects It is called “Nonesuch House" and the name well fits it. The long, low roof line and the rambling character of the plan fills you with a sense of old world comfort such as you get in some of the beautiful English estates A bit of the \?>th Century, in its most distinguished mood, is the dining room with the painted Chinese paper. The furniture is old Sheraton This detail of the exterior shows the uneven quality of the brick and the unusual disposition of the casements that give the faqade character Book of Houses 97 The living room goes back to the llth Cen- tury, the paneling and half timber work hav- ing been removed from a house of that period in East Anglia. The walls are old plaster with pargeting. Suit- able furniture was se- lected — some for com- fort and one or two bits to carry out the atmosphere of the peri- od. Schmitt Brothers, decorators Tebbs The library carries out the I8th Century spirit. A quaint old chintz is used for slip covers on t h e comfortable a r m- chairs and sofa, and at the low casement win- dows. Other furniture, which does not appear in this view of the room, is Sheraton. Hooked rugs of a gay desigii give the needed color I 98 II 0 s e & G a r d e n’ .i The house is built directly upon a big rock and the vigorous treatment of gray shingled walls and green blinds harmonizes well with the rugged character of the foreground. Whiteivashed chim- neys with red pots give a touch of individuality The feature of the parlor is the corner cupboard, filled with old pink china which happily matches the filmy hangings at the windows. Walls are paneled and painted white. Old lustres and trail- ing ivy make a charming decoration Book of Houses 99 A SEASHORE HOUSE at SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MASS. T/ie views on this page show the opposite ends of the living room. A fireplace is at each end. The furniture is old English oak, Dutch and American Colonial, all antique. The hangings are blue Walls in the living room are painted the yellow of fresh butter. Dado and doors are gray. Upholstery chintz has a black ground with gay flowers and fruit. Beams are hand-hewn and stained a deep brown HARRY B, RUSSELL, Architect 100 House & Garden’s The house stands on land granted by William Penn to the owner’s an- cestors in 1714 and the house, a remarkable type of Pennsylvatua Colonial farmhouse, dates from about the same year. It is the residence of Major W. McM. Rutter The six panel, double door type of entrance is characteristic of the epoch. Its classical pro- portions, delicate mold- ing and decorative fan light make it a stand- ard for architectural reproduction. Latticed icalls form a back- ground (Left) From the gar- den one passes under this covered portico and through the panel- ed door to the dining room A R E M O I) E I. E D PENNSYLVANIA DI HRING, OKIE cS: ZIKCl.ER. Architects Book of Houses 101 Among the in- triguing elements of the Colonial house are its varying levels and unsuspected nooks. That in- terest is evident in this view of the c hildren’s room w i t h its cupboards and little stairs lead- ing up The spirit of the old house is suc- cessfully repro- duced in this kitchen wing where field stone laid in wide bond, white painted trim, simple dormers and deep door- ways are the ele- ments success- fully used 102 House & Garden’s .1 remarkable combi- nation of whitewashed brick walls and Span- ish tiles is found in the residence of Nel- son Doubleday, Esq., at Oyster Bay, L. I. The entrance vesti- bule is pronounced by an arch and border of exposed brick, flanked by tall cedars. The feeling of the house is Italian, yet it is an Italian adapted successfully to an .liuerican country en- vironment There should be no rear to a country house. The service wing should be so combined with the house that one can approach it from any angle. This is proven in the residence of George Bourne, Esq., at Mill Creek, L. I. Garage and kitchen are in, the southeast wing, which is suc- cessfully incorporated in the lines of the house and hidden by the border plantings FOUR COUNTRY HOUSES By H. T. LINDEBKRC: Architect Book of Houses 103 Among the interesting features of the house of Henry Rawle, Esq., at Morristown, N. J is a glassed flower room leading to an octagonal breakfast room, also glassed, that looks out over the stretch of lawn on one side and through the formal planting of cedars on the other Because it commands the south view looking out over the garden, this facade of the home of Laurance H. Armour, Esq., at Lake Forest, III., shown below, has large windows in the living room, hall and dining room. The half-timber extensions have sleeping porches above I 104 H 0 u s e & G a r d e n ’ s 1 A TOUCH o/ ITALY in NEW YORK Given the setting, the architect and the means, one can recreate in our American environment even the most subtle spirit oj Italian architecture. The joundation oj the study here is a strip of lawn and red bricked terrace. An arched loggia opens on this, and above it the end oj the house wing covered in pink plaster stucco with stone trim and wrought iron balcony, and roojed in red Spanish tile. The jountain, the Italian marble benches, the bow window and the shadows cast by the broad eaves over the ja^ade have caught and held the Italian jeeling suc- cessjully. This glimpse is on the estate oj J. C. Baldwin, Jr., Esq., at Mt. Kisco, N. V. Benjamin Wistar Morris was the architect oj the house. E. F. Sanjord, scidptor oj the jountain Book of Houses 105 The scheme for this garage was to house two cars and afford living accom- modations for the chauffeur. These are treated as separate units, a fire wall separating the living quarters from the garage proper. The rooms, which are on the first floor, include a bedroom, bath and large closet. A window in bath and bedroom provides light and ventilation and the quarters, although compact, are sufficient for comfort. In the garage proper there is space for two cars. It is heated by a system placed in the cellar and the cellar is reached by an outside stairs. Provision has been made for such necessary equipment as patented trap for waste oil and gas, ivith a concrete floor pitched to drain to the trap. Electric lights and attachments are planned, a gasolene storage in the cellar and a work bench at the rear. Beneath the eaves is a storage room. The construction calls for stucco over holloiv tile and a slate roof. The view to the left shows the chauffeur’s rooms TWO SMALL GARAGES DESIGNED for HOUSE & GARDEN By FRANK J. FORSTER, Architect In planning the one-car garage below the architect removes it from the ordinary class by makbig it an architectural feature that will grace a small property. It is inexpensive, built of clapboard siding painted white. The doors are of batten construction and the roof is shingle stained silver gray. The dip of the ridge gives individuality to the roof. A trellis to one side adds interest and is a small item of expense. On the other side, built in as part of the structure, is a small closet for grease, etc. There is a cement floor inside and a work bench at the rear. A door from the garage leads to the space behind the trellis where gasolene and other accessories as need not be covered can be stored. The ceiling of the garage can he either left unfinished or boarded over, in which case storage room is provided for extra accessories. Tivo windows, one on each side, afford sufficient light for working around the car during the daytime 106 House & Garden's GARAGES OUTSIDE and IN THE HOUSE o{ Varied Construction A two car garage with glass inserts in doors and plenty of windows. Most garages are too dark for working and the rhauffeur is hindered. The solution is plenty of windows The garage attached to the house by a covered passage or kitchen wing is an almost ideal arrangement. Here the grouping is convenient Bates & How, archi tects If built close to the house the garage should have the same general architectural treatment. This design has a wide door and plenty of light. Beam ends support bird houses The garage in the house can be an integral part of the foundations where different levels exist. In this case a glassed-in porch is above, in harmony 'with the rest of the house A combination of rubble stone walls and slatted balustrade makes an interesting treat- ment for the country garage. The doors are wide, but the 'windows too small Book of Houses 107 DESIGNS FOR ONE, TWO and THREE CARS Showing A Range of Costs Here the bank is cut to give room for a garage which supports a porch above. Being a part of the house it requires no extra heat- ing plant The high roof of this two car stucco garage allows for a half story attic where winter tops can be stored in summer and extra supplies kept. A border planting would help the appearance. IT. //. Allen, architect Field stone and white wood trim together luith the dignified architectural design give this garage a pleasing character. Large windows and doors provide the neces- sary light for chauffeurs and mechanicians. Taylor & Levi, architects The garage as one unit in a series of attached buildings can also serve the purpose of housing the heating plant, the chauffeur being stokesinan in winter. The wide door in the garage above is commendable .A hillside always provides the possibility for a garage. Here the building fits simply into the bank, the roof lying almost level with the garden terrace 108 House & Garden’s The garage accommodates three cars, is well lighted and ventilated Behind are located the servants’ rooms. The group is developed in white clapboard, with a shingle roof and green shutters .4 court, boiler room and coal bin separate the garage proper front the living quarters. Here we find a bath, kitchen, living room and two chambers A SERVANTS’ BUILDINC; and (lARACiE on the COUN'I'RY IB.ACE of MRS. NASH ROCKWOOO, RIVERHAEE-ON-HLIDSON, N. Y. DWIGHT JAMES BAUM, .irchiteci The living quarters front the garden with an arbor extending before them. When covered with vines this archway will make a pleasant sitting room in summer Book of Houses 109 Walls surrounding the kitchen quar- ters are provided in the garage. From the residence of P. S. Kent, Esq., II ar tsdale, N. V., of which Patterson & Dula were the architects If the garage is in proximity to the house it should have the same general architectural character. Here the harmony is further accented by a con- necting passage. This is on the estate of C. P. Orvis, Esq., Scarsdale, N. V. . J. A. Bodker, architect A remarkable ga- rage group is on the estate of laurence Armour, Esq., Lake Forest, III. The garage is flanked on either side with chauf- feur’s quarters and repair shop, all thatched roofed The main necessity in any garage entrance is ample door space. /I5 in this case, which is on the property of G. W. Davidson, Esq., at Greenwich, Conn., practically the entire facade has doors. A . L. Harmon, architect no Book of Houses Addresses of ARCHITECTS and DECORATORS Adden & Parker. Albro, Lewis Colt Allen, H. W Almiroty, Randolph H Atkinson & Alexander Atterbury, Grosvenor Bajari, W. R Bates & How Baum, Dwight James Benson, John P Berg, Charles I Bliss Designing Co Bodker, Albert J Bottomley, \V. Lawrence Buel, Mrs. Emott Chapman, Howard. .... Coles, N. E care of Eugene W. Crane, 1704 Eirst Ave., N., Seattle, Wash. Cross & Cross 681 Eifth Ave., New York Cit} Dalzell, Kenneth W Maplewood, N. J Dana, Richard Henry, Jr 331 Madison Ave., New York City Delano & Aldrich 126 E. 38th St., New York City Dernier, Eloyd A Eay Building, Los Angeles, Cal. Duhring, Okie & Ziegler 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. Edwards, R. C Woolworth Bldg., New York City Embury, Aymar II 132 Madison Ave., New York City Eyre, Wilson, & Mcllvaine 1003 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fernald, G. P. . . .care of Little & Brown, 70 Killjy St., Boston, Alass. Forster, Frank J 33 W. 42nd St., New York City Freund, Karl 10 E. 46th St., New York City Gilbert, C. P. H 1123 Broadway, New York City Gilchrist, Edmund B Harrison Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Goodwin, Bullard & Woolsey 4 E. 39th St., New York City Gore, Wh E Paducah, Ky. Graham, John, Jr 130 S. 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa Gregory, Julius 56 W. 45th St., New York City Harmon, A. L 3 W. 29th St., New York City Heacock & Hokanson Bailey Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa Howe, George care of Mellor, Meigs & Howe, 205 S. Juniper St., Philadelphia, I’a. Hunt, IMyron T . .1017 Hibernian Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Johnson, Reginald D Staats Co. Bldg., Pasadena, Cal. Kahn, E. J 56 W. 45th St., New York City Knowlton, Harry W 24 Mcmadnock Ave., Lowell, Mass. Lang, Eugene J 477 Fifth Ave., New York City Lee, W. Duncan 'Praveler’s Bldg., Ridimond, Va. 2 W. 47th St., New York City . . .70 Kilby St, Boston, Mass. 34 S. 16th St, Philadelphia, Pa. 597 Fifth Ave., New York City 36 Pearl St., Hartford, Conn. 15 E. 40th St., New York City 205 S. Juniper St., Philadelphia, Pa. Morris, Benjamin Wistar 101 Park Ave., New York City Morris & Erskine Crozer Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. Morse, Henry G 101 Park Ave., New York City Murchison, Kenneth M 101 Park Ave., New York City Murphy & Dana . .331 Madison Ave., New York City Nelson, Francis A 15 W. 38th St., New York City Newkirk, Clement R 40 Clarendon Bldg., Utica, N. Y. Newton, Sir Ernest Grey’s Inn Court, London, England O’Connor, J. W 3 W. 29th St., New York City Patterson & Dula 15 E. 40th St., New York City Peabody, Wilson & Brown 389 Fifth Ave., New York City Peare & Quiner 6 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Perot, Robeson Lea 26 S. 17th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Phillips, J. H 681 Fifth Ave., New York City Phillips, W. Stanwood 103 Park Ave., New York City Pope, John Russell .527 Fifth Ave., New York City Porter, Lee 409 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. Prentice, A. N.. . .Hastings House, Norfolk St., Strand, London, Eng. Redfern, Harry care of Central Control Board, Latymer House, 134 Piccadilly W., London, England Rose, A. Winter (deceased) Russell, Harry B 9 Park St., Boston, Mass. Schmitt Bros 343 Madison Ave., New York City Smith, Bowen Bancroft 104 W. 42nd St., New York City- Smith, F. Patterson 67 Milk St., Boston, Mass. Sommers, Amy 312 W. 99th St., New York City Squires, Frederick 27 E. 22nd St., New York City- Stern, B. E 56 W. 45th St., New York City Sterner, Frederick J 150 E. 62nd St., New York City Stevens, Louis 238 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Stillwell, E. W California Building, Los Angeles, Cal. 4'aylor & Levi 105 W. 40th St., New York City Looker & Marsh 101 Park Ave., New York City ’Fownsend, Charles Frederick 55 Church St., New Haven, Ct. Tuttle, Bloodgood 44 W. 34th St., New York City Walker, Stewart 128 E. 37th St., New York City Walker & Gillette 128 E. 37th St., New York City Willing, Charles 1()27 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. 12 Bosworth St., Boston, Mass. 2 W. 47th St., New York City Jackson, Mich. 46 W. 46th St., New York City 35 Bedford Square, London, England 20 W. 43rd St., New York City 3437 Franklin Blvd., Chicago, 111. 35 W. 39th St., New York City Riverdale-on-the-Hudson, N. Y. 331 Madison Ave., New York City 331 Madison Ave., New York City Rockford, 111. 62 W. 45th St., New York City 597 Fifth Ave., New York City 20 E. 46th St., New York City 315 Fifth Ave., New York City Lindeberg, Harrie T Little, Harry McGoodwin, Robert R Major, Howard Marchant, W. T May, Charles C Mellor & Meigs / I .. . ’k.- mit-