Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/coloradoglenwoodOOhote Jt?e Colorado at Qlepu/ood Sprigs The purpose of this book is to make known the fact that a com- modious and elegant hotel has been opened at that magnificent health and pleasure resort in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Glenwood Springs, Colo. It is located in one of the most romantic spots in America, and lies upon two important lines of railway, the Denver & Rio Grande and the Colorado Midland. Both are transcontinental routes, and the tourist in search of pleasure, no less than the health-seeker, will here find a most inviting resting place. The famous springs, the bathing facilities afforded by the great swimming pool, the luxurious bath establishment, and the unique cave-baths, far surpass everything of the kind in Amer- ica or the Old World. The elevation (5,200 feet), the purity of the atmosphere, the springs and their adjuncts, and the picturesque sur- roundings of valley, river and mountain, serve to make this spot an ideal resort ; and it has only needed a large and elegant hotel, such as The Colorado, to complete the matchless group of attractions. w. Raymond, Proprietor. THE COLORS DO. WITH BATH-HOUSE AND POOL IN THE FOREGROUND. OPEN THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. A. W. Bailey, Manager. Jf?e — 1 dp Mar. April. May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. 0 4) P