OA.TA.I^OG-TTE OF A COLLECTION OF OLD ORIENTAL ARMOUR & ARMS, The Property of A GENTLEMAN, Deceased; A COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN ARMOUR AND ARMS, Of the 16th and 17th Centuries, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN ; ALSO Jliliur-Htlhii Court J^foor&s anil Armour Of the 17th Century ; DECORATIVE FURNITURE, PORCELAIN, &c, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES: jNUUT(AArS\0 WHICH Mill b t ^olb bn ^urtton bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, M ANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALK - 0 - I. THE highest bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5».; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode,. and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in paid of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN, deceased. G 3 , o 4 , 8 ' 9 Z. 10 INDIAN ARMS AND ARMOUR. Two regulation swords ; and two steel-hilted scimitars 4 A scimitar, the hilt inlaid with silver ; another, similar ; and one, ~ with plaques of silver on the grip 3 A scimitar, the hilt inlaid with diaper pattern in silver; and another, with Benares work hilt 2 A blunderbuss, with gun-metal barrel, the lock stamped with a crowned c. R.; a six-barrelled pistol; and a flint-lpck pistol, with gun-metal barrel $ 3 A battle-axe, of gun-metal, the hilt unscrewing and fornnng a short sword ; and a yataghan, with ivory grip 2 Two gauntlet swords Four steel-hilted swords, straight back-edged blades —Northern India, 11th century — Four ditto - Four steel-hilted scimitars - A scimitar, the hilt plated with silver; another, inlaid with scrolls in silver ; and one, with large disc pommel ^7 3 K 2 4 11 A broad-bladed scimitar, doubly grooved, white metal hilt; and a scimitar, gun-metal hilt chased with monsters’ heads and lotos ornament 2 Four leaf-shaped lance heads ; and four bowie knives .✓ 8 Four cuttars, of bright steel Two cuttars, with steel hilts, chased with flowers and bead ornament; a two-bladed dagger; a dagger, the hilt of brass chased with i5 figures ; and a curved knife 16 '/V 17 18 19 f 9/i 20 21 £ , /&, o 22 23 /* 2- , £> 24 A-'- b 1 T /*/J7 *> 28 27 /' /f, * 29 /?/• 30 A Dagger, with curved blade, the hilt of pale green jade, drooping pommel and scroll knuckle guard * A match-lock gun, used by the hill tribes ; and three others 4^; Four flint-lock guns j* A flint-lock blunderbuss, of large bore ; a small match-lock carbine ; and a gun, similar 3 Four flint-lock guns , Four match-lock ditto Two sword walking-sticks, European blades; and three steel javelins A processional hunting spear, mounted with lobe ornaments and / plaques of silver-gilt, chased with scroll and floral ornament r** A coat of bronze mail, reinforced with copper plaques, lined withered silk Two pairs of mail hose; and two mail caps A coat of mail, strengthened by steel plaques —Northern Indian Another, similar A steel helmet, with remains of gold damascening, brass and steel camail A pair of circular cow-hide shields, painted with ornaments oj^a rej ground and studded with five silver bosses A circular transparent hide shield, with four copper-gilt bosses chased with scrolls A small Benares ware buckler; a circular hide ditto, with brass bosses; and one, of black hide, larger 3 31 A gun-metal model of a cannon; and a turtle shell 2J 5 ? 32 * 33 ^ 34 * 35 0 36 & 37 ^ 38 ^ 39 ^ 40 <> 41 ? 42 5 43 A Fine Tiger-Skin Rug Another A leopard-skin rug Another Another Another A panther-skin rug Three Indian carved and painted wood figures.,of deities ; and a pair of light wood sandals A bull’s horn, engraved with leaf ornaments ; a smaller ditto ; and a horn tazza, formed as a bull supporting a cobra <*££0- 3 A Dresden muffineer ; a Japanese bronze candlestick, formed as a stalk ; and two horn figures of deer Two white marble boxes; and a tray, inlaid with flowers in coloured stones jJh? -' A musical instrument, shaped as a peacock and covered with snake- skin 44 A service of Mason’s iron-stone china, painted with Chinese orna- ~P ments in colours, consisting of— Two soup-tureens, covers and stands Four vegetable-dishes and covers Four sauce-tureens, covers and stands A salad-bowl Seventeen oval dishes and a strainer Seventeen soup-plates Fifty-eight large plates Twenty-two small plates B 3 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. / t f, 0 45 /r f 0 , ° 46 /./ 4 -. 47 A Louis XV. Small Sword, with silver hilt chased with scroll j and figures, bayonet-shaped blade C A Louis XY. small sword, the hilt of silver chased with iEsop’s Fables on a gilt ground, part hexagonal blade engraved wit' scrolls, &c. A curious English sword, with silver hilt, with the date letter 1804, the grip with two oval panels chased on the one side with the Tower of London, and on the reverse a coat-of-arms, triangular blade A hunting hanger, the hilt of silver with fluted and shell design, date letter 1735, fluted back-edged blade, partly blued and gilt, scabbard and mounts A hunting sword, with silver shell hilt chased with a basket of flowers and scrolls, hexagonal agate grip, black-edged blade— signed Pieter Loos Tot, Amsterdam, 1710 / X/, O 50 A hanger, with silver hilt, flint-lock pistol combined, fluted serrated | blade— English, 18 th century /•/?. o 48 "i 49 II / * - /. 3 . O THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. fll A stiletto, entirely of steel, with turned grip, armourer’s mark blade—1 6th century HZ- 52 A dagger sheath, of ivory, carved with portraits— VI th century 53 A hand cannon, of very early date— loth century lAcJZ. 54 A flint-lock pistol; a flint-lock, engraved and gilt; a bronze plaquette —16 th century ; and an early glaive 4 Three sword scabbards ; a copy of an early sword ; and three blades 4 06 A pair ol stirrups, chased with scrolls and partly silvered pi A pauldron and a rere brace—17 th century ■ and a pair of engraved gauntlets pfa'O* o8 A pinioning belt for execution—17^A century y - 4 - •v : V_ A* 7 A 9 A pair of Scotch pistols, entirely of steel 60 A stiletto, horn grip, engraved blade 0 61 A Left-Hand Dagger, inlaid with gold and silver —\Qth centuryt o 62 A dagger, pierced steel pommel and qnillons, grooved bljde- lftth century & 63 A fluted globose breast-plate 64 A rere brace and a pair of elbow pieces ; and three pieces of chain mail >65 An English Guisarme — 15th century THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 71 ORIENTAL ARMS AND ARMOUR. Two old Japanese match-lock guns,inlaid with silver; and a lacquer stand 2 A Persian helmet, inlaid with arabesques and inscriptionsin silver, camail attached / A hood, of riveted chain mail, with plume-holder on circular plate attached, the rings stamped with an inscription; and two chain mail shirts 3 An Albanian flint-lock pistol, enriched with silver ornamentation Two vambraces, one ornamented with engraved chevjon and gilt lines, chain gauntlet attached 2 Malay sword, wooden sheath enriched with metal, engraved with scroll work ; and a breast and neck guard connected by chain mail —Indian 2 An Indian scorpion dagger, with knuckle rings and claws attached A Parrying Shield, semicircular knuckle protector .damascened in silver, the cross bars of blued steel See ‘ Oriental Arms and Armour,’ by Lord EgertonTof Tatton 8 2, /JL , & so A" , o 81 //* 0 82 2 # 2, o 83 ( 8 /y, S 84 A pair of flint-lock pistols, mounted with silver, with the letter S under an earl’s coronet, and signed H. Delany, Londini ( 7 / S - ■ From the Alton Towers Collection A pair of wheel-lock pistols, enriched with chiselled steel, the barrels engraved Lazari Cominaz An engraved and ribbed powder flask ; and a horn flask, mounted with ivory From the Londesborough Collection A cross-bow, the stock of light wood inlaid with ivory, engravec steel bow and windlass —German A cross-bow, with goat’s-foot lever —temp Elizabeth 2 A cross-bow, the stock of light wood inlaid with ivory engraved, com¬ bination of goat’s foot and windlass lever —English A prodd ; and two cross-bow bolts 3 A circular brass repousse powder flask ; and a small repousse steel “ A 85 The barred vizor of a helmet; and two wrought-iron door knockers 86 87 A pair of spurs, with pierced rowels and ornamental flutings A pair of spurs, with sharp spiked rowels ; and ornamented wit fluted and rope ornament 3 ith 3 ^' 9 88 A Wheel-Lock Gun, with rifled barrel, the mountings are en¬ graved with hunting subjects, and the name of the maker, Casper Zelner, is damascened on the face of the barrel From the Londesborough Collection O 89 A German wheel-lock gun, with engraved mountings and ivory^ . inlay * t^> 90 A blunderbuss ; and a bayonet O 91 A pair of flint-lock pistols, with brass mountings, engraved, an signed John Munden 92 Two halberds, probably Scotch ; and a halberd —temp James II. 93 A spontoon, with interlaced ornament on either side of the blade 94 A cavalier’s gauntlet glove, embroidered in silver threads ; and a pair, with the backs embroidered in silk / 95 * 96 * 97 * 98 )llS -7 y .ade-ytepip „ y SWORDS AND RAPIERS. A Venetian schiavona, with brass pommel chased with scrolls * —17 th century A Rapier, with ringed guard, counter quillons and knuckle bow , From the Baron de Cosson Collection A Colishemarde, with guards and knuckle bow ornamented with figures in high relief, pierced pommel and engraved blade- 7 -fem? Charles II. _ , A cup-hilted rapier, pierced with scroll ornaments, and roped edge, " long straight quillons and semicircular knuckle bow— Spanish, 17 th century 99 A Swept-Hilted Rapier, with ring guards, long centre curved quillons and double knuckle bow, the hilt entirely inlaid with y scrolls, &c. in silver, the blade 43 in. long ^ ^ ; A rapier, with counter curved quillons and knuckle bow, two rings connected by scrolls and shells, doubly grooved blade 43 in. - long A plain cup-hilted rapier ; and a pair of duelling foils 3 A basket-hilted sword, stamped with armourer’s mark —circa 1670 A two-handed sword A Z'' 10 /J/+ 104 105 106 /, /X, o 107 / 4 /. 108 J09 /'/, & 110 Z.J ' ^ in / '+ 2-,

132 A Three-Quarter Suit, consisting of helmet, with plated neck and ornamented ear guards, gorget, breast-plate, pauldrons, rere and vambraces, gauntlets, long lobster cuisses and knee guards, profusely studded with steel rivets, slightly roped— Charles I. DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. nrr>ft ] 1 motnl mlt vagpq, nf T ,mus TVT dpsion Ji. « . and -t hrce bvonp i o medcd s - 1 3 4 - A pair of rmall vnaca, of Chin e se porcelain, onamolled wi tfa-fig a gea in tw^ p QT ^k*— h i yh ; two W orcester cups , and —three jmari plat a a l A ^Viinpsp pnrrplnin di ti h enamelled with asters and ntbnn Anirnm Ht co l our s—13 in. and~& hiu»a nd wh ile-Nankis-tlisfe} with-willow-pattera— 13 \ in.- 136 A shaped jardiniere, with lifting top, of black and red Boul \e, o mounted with chased metal-gilt 137 Two Chinese bowls, enamelled with flowers in colours and gold ; a bowl, with flowers in oblong panels, blue borders; and one, /j g 8ni « ller 4 12 6 88 139 Z' /?, ^ i 140 /, ^ * 141 143 «/7 144 /* r? 145 o 146 147 /j. 148 44& JL5Q. An Imari bowl, with chrysanthemums and prunus ; another, enamelled with flowers ; and three smaller ditto 5 A set of five famille rose plates, with an uncoiled kakemono in the centre—9 in. diam. ; and five octagonal plates, /with. / chrysanthemums and flowers in blue and red A jug and cover, enamelled with hawking figures ; two mugs, with figures ; a small jug and cover, with flowers ; a cup and saucer and a Dresden cup and sai.cer ' A pair of Dresden bottles, encrusted with birds and flowers—10 in. high A Worcester service, painted with flowers in shaped panels on a dark blue ground, gilt scrolls and borders, consisting of a sucrier and cover, milk-jug. basin, two plates, twelve tea-cups, six coffeg^ cups, and twelve saucers A service, with gilt scrolls on the borders, consisting of a sucrier / and stand, milk-jug, basin, twelve cups and eleven saucers A pair of Chelsea bosquet candelabra for two lights each, with a figure of a boy and a girl—10 in. high A pair of Chelsea figures of a shepherd and shepherdess playing ^ musical instruments—6^ in. high A crown Derby group of Neptune—10 in. high A pair of Derby groups of Count Bruhl’s Tailor and Wife—10 in. high A Chinese coverlet, of black crape, embroidered with dragons, peonies ■ g and buildings in colours and gold, fringed border Derby t w o . ha ndl ed nupn, p a in f e d with cornflower s A jioif r>f fr rrn ad RS fi gn r pg nF j o pair nf ontulla- s ticks, , with - flowers -ob a dark bluo groun d ■— and two - email -groups . FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stum ford Street and Charing Cross. '**:• * <£•