saaesssesaeieieK PRESENTED TO THE F. INSTITUTE 0^. - ?®88m&888m fi-/ *~y/?o. Franklin Institute Library FHILrtbELFHIrt Class mj. ' ' Book^)..3>.&.V.'T‘ Accession '..S^ library of reference, except when required by Committees of tne institute, or by Members or holders of second class stock, who have obtained the sanction of the Committee. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation. Article VI.—'The Secretary shall have authority to loan to Members and to holders of second class stock, any work belonging to the second class, subject to the following regulations : Section 1.—No individual shall be permitted to have more than two books out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two mem¬ bers of the Library Committee; nor shall a book be kept out more than two weeks ; but if no one has applied for it, the former borrower may renew the loan. Should any person have applied for it, the latter shall have the preference. Section 2.—A fine of ten cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of a book beyond the limited time ; and if a book be not returned within three months, it shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to his fines, forfeit its value. Section 3.—Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace the book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall replace them or make full restitution. Article VII.—Any person removing from the Hall, without permission from the proper authorities, any book, newspaper, or other property in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who may inflict any fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Article VIII.—No Member or holder of second class stock, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid, or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library or Read¬ ing Room. Article IX.—If any Member or holder of second class stock, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the foregoing rules, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report him to the Committee on the Library. Article X —Any Member or holder of second class stock, detected in mutilating the newspapers, pamphlets or books belonging to the Institute, shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. TESTS OF POWER REQUIRED FOR COTTON AND OTHER BY DYNAMOMETERS BELONGING TO THE AMOSKEAG MANUFACTURING COMPANY; AND THE LOCKS AND CANALS COMPANY, OF LOWELL, MASS. BY SAMUEL WEBBER, C.E., MANCHESTER, N. H. Vlprinted for the NEW ENGLAND COTTON MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION. 1874. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute TO IION. E. A. STRAW, PRESIDENT OP THE NEW ENGLAND COTTON MANUFACTURERS’ ASSOCIATION, THIS COLLECTION OF TESTS, COMMENCED AT niS REQUEST, IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE COMPILER. £ A- u l Derry Mills, ManchT Rockport, Mass., \ “ Social ” Mill, ) l Woonsocket, ) U Salmon Falls, N. II., j Masconomet, ) ( Newburyport, f U Granite Mill, F. Riv’r U Mauchaug, Mass., j Whittenton, ) l Taunton, Mass., S' j Essex Mill, Pat- ) ( erson, N. J., j Westville, Taunton, Manchester Print W orks, Weetamoe Mill, Fall River, Merrimac Manfg. Go., Lowell, f a Machine. 36 inch Amoskeag Pattern 3 1,507 Picker, Whitin’s Pattern, 2 1,026 built at Amoskeag Shop. 3 1,617 Whitin’s Lapper, 30 inch. 2 2,045 U U 4Q U 3 1,500 O CO 3 1,500. “ “ 30 “ 3 2,100 Platt’s “ 3Cf “ 2 1,100 U U U 2 1,016 U U U 2 1,066 “ “ 36 “ 2 1,130 “ “ 36 “ 2 1,130 Kitson’s ' “ 2 1,344 U U 2 1,530 u u 2 1,066 u u 2 1,500 Kitson’s Compound, 4 1,500 “ Lapper, 2 1,500 “ Compound, 4 1,600 U U 4 1,600 u u 3 1,600 No. Beaters. Revolution Beaters. Note.— Ft. lbs., in all cases in this book, refers to lbs. lifted 1 ft. per second, 550 of which = 1. II. P. 7 DELIVERING COTTON LOOSE ON FLOOR. No. Rev. Lbs. Cott’n Ft. Lbs. Remarks. Fans. do. per Day. per sec. Power. 1 1,420 5,000 6,868 12.488 Counter-shaft included \ °?b> ( o.Uz4 14. 1 . 1 1,183 3,000 2,971 5.402 U u I 1,155 2,000 891 1.620 u a 1 1,360 3,000 1,149 2.090 a u 2 j 1,456 l 1,620 3,200 3,298 5.996 Cotton blown through long dust-box. 2 1,600 3,000 3,151 5.730 “ previously opened in mixer “ 1 750 3,000 697 1.258 “ delivered to last machine. 1 700 8,330 3,490 3,679 6.345 1 700 10,900 6.689 DELIVERING COTTON IN LAP. No. Revolution Lbs. Cott’n wt. Lap Ft. Lbs. Horse- Faus. Fans. per Day. per Yd. per Sec. Power. 3 1,822 1,000 2,670 4.860 2 1,200 1,000 1,676 3.048 1 1,560 1,000 1,622 2.950 1 2,000 600 • . . 1,387 2.395 1 870 1,500 2,769 5.034 2 .... . . . 3,487 6.340 1 2,703 4.914 2 1,600 .... 2,486 4.520 2 1,354 .... 2,667 4.848 2 1,421 2,511 4.566 2 1,507 .... 10J oz. 3,237 5.886 2 1,507 .... 3,441 6.256 2 1,456 1,200 2,080 3.776 2 1,668 .... 2,514, 4.571 2 1,177 .... 1,867 3.394 2 1,500 2,000 11 oz. 2,830 5.145 3 ! 2. 1,500 1. 2,000 2,000 8 oz. 6,025 10.954 2 1,500 12 oz. 3,045 5.536 3 | 2. 1,600 1. 2,100 3,300 11 oz. 6,807 12.360 3 U 5,795 10.530 1. 1,600 1. 2,100 .... 3,897 7.086 Remarks. 1st Picker. 2 Beat’s & Fans=2,024 = 3.68 2d “ without Feed-motion=2.487 2d " “ '• =2.252 1st ,l 2d 1st “ & Hayden Trunk & Dust-box. 2d 1st “ 1st “ without Feed =3.584 2d 1st “ without Feed =3.885 2d 1st “ without Feed =2.976 2d 2d “ with Evener. 2d 1st “ 2d “ with Evener. 1st “ on previously-opened Cotton. 1st “ same Machine without Cotton. 1st “ “ 1 Beater and Fan stopped. COTTON OPENERS AND LAPPERS. Date. Place. Machine. No. Beaters. Revolution Beaters. Oct., 1873 j Merrimac Mnfg. /_ ^ Oo., Lowell, j Kitson’s Compound, 4 1,600 U it it it 4 1,600 u U a a 4 1,380 u ct a a 4 1,380' u u u a 4 ,1,380 u a u 2d Lapper, a a 2 1,700 u u 2 1,700 u a u a 2 1,550 u a a a 2 1,550 u u U t( 2 1,400 u u u a 2 1,400 Nov., 1873 ( Tremont Mills, 1 1 Lowell, i “ Compound 4 1,380 (( it tl U ■ 4 1,500 u U a a 4 1,500 u a f Whitehead & Atherton 3 1,300 u a Whipper Lapper, 3 1,300 u a “ 3 1,300 u a . 3 1,300 May, 1873 Great Falls, N. II., Whitehead & Atherton Old 1st Lapper, ( 1 3 1 1. 1,200 2. 1,500 U a “ 2d “ 2 1,500 Nov., 1873 j Westville Mill, 1 ( Taunton, i Kitson Lapper, 2 1,500 Jan., 1874 j Clipper Mill, Bal- ) ) timore, Md. ) U it 3 1,380 it U Whitehead & Atherton, 3 1,380 Feb., 1874 ( Jackson Co. Mills, ) 1 N ashua, f Kitson Compound, 4 1,380 it U it U 4 1,380 ^ Kitson Compound, C 1. 700 u Boott Mills, Lowell, < New Style, with 2 ( “ Broken ” Beaters, 4 ! 1. 950 2. 1,380 a it j Kitson Compound, Old 4 * Style, 4 \ 1,390 u ' Same Machine, 1st pair Beaters removed, and Mar., 1874 j Whittenton Mills, ) 1.24 in. Whipper Cyl- 3 1 1. 1,000 l Taunton, i inder substituted bv 3 ( 2. 1,390 Whitehead & Ather¬ ton, 1,000 rev. p. min. 1.24 inch “ Broken ” 3 j 1. 1,000 it tt Beater substituted for 1 Whipper, by Kitson, 2. 1,390 O'! O'! 'M (M CO COCOCOCOCOCO COTTON LAPPERS — ( Continued '). X. No. 3 ■ 3 - 3 - 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 Revolution Lbs. Cott’n Wt. Lap . Fans. per Day. per Yd. 2. 1,600 1. 2,100 2. 1,600 1. 2,100 2. 1,380 1. 1,850 2. 1,380 5,000 5,000 3,000 197^ oz. 19^ oz. 11 oz. 1. 1,850 2. 1,380 1. 1,850 4,500 18 oz. 1,700 2,250 8| oz. 1,700 1,550 2,300 10 i oz. 1,550 1,400 1,750 8J oz. 1,400 1,380 4,200 12f oz. 1,500 1,500 3,540 Ilf oz. 1,300 3,260 13 oz. 1,300 3,600 13-J- oz. 1,300 1,300 4,080 14| oz. 2. 1,500 1. 2,000 12 oz. 1,500 .... 8 oz. 1,500 2,000 11 oz. 1,380 3,930 16 oz. 1,380 3,600 12 oz. 1,380 3,840 13 oz. 1,380 .... .... 1. 1,730 2. 1,380 4,800 14 oz. 1,390 3,300 15 oz. 1. 1,000 2. 1,390 3,350 15 oz. 4,420 19£ oz. 1. 1,000 2. 1,390 3^300 L5 oz. Horse- Remauks. 7,333 7,414 4,815 3,889 5,864 3,744 2,615 2,923 2,141 2,410 1,667 8,871 8,518 7,106 4,482 4,623 4,448 3,918 5,116 3,687 2,830 4,383 5,883 5,674 4,590 4,525 3,282 8,142 5,047 13.33 13.48 8.75 7.07 10.66 6.80 4.755 5.315 3.891 4.382 3.080 16.128 15.487 12.92 8.15 8.407 8.085 7.123 9.300 6.70 5.145; let Trial, a. m., Heavy Lap. 2d “ p. m., “ Speed reduced. “ without Cotton passing. Speed same, Lap increased. regular, following last machine. “ without Cotton, reduced. Lap heavier. “ without Cotton, further reduced. “ without Cotton.. 2 Trials on Cotton from Bale. 1 Trial “ “ 1 Trial without Cotton “ Taken as running “ Without Cotton. Opened Cotton, 1 Scratcher, 2 Beaters. Following last Machine. 2d Bicker. 7.969 1st Picker, working Cotton from Bale. 10.607 10.318 8.346 8.228 5.950 without Cotton. working Cotton from Bale, without Cotton. 14.805! Work’g Bl’k Cotton, dyed after Card’g. 9.177 1 Without Cotton. 3,906 7.102 6,308 11.505 Work’g Black Cotton, asatabove test. 5,000 9.091; Working White Cotton from Bale. 3,691 6.711 Without Cotton. 6,588 11.978 Working Dyed Cotton, as before. All on previously-opened Cotton. 10 COTTON CARDS. Date. Place. Description. Width. Revol’n Lb. Cot. per Day. June, 1871 ( Derry Mills, Man- } \ Chester, N. H., \ Hand-Stripper, 30 116 30 U { Amoskeag Mills, l '/ Manches’r, N. H., S Self-Stripper, 36 110 36 Aug-., 1871 Mauchaug, Mass., Saco W. P. Co. “ Breaker, 36 128 40 U U U “ “ Finisher, 36 128 40 Jan., 1872 Whittenton, Taunton, Mason’s Breaker, “ Self-Stripper, Finisher, 30 127 U u u 36 120 u a a “ “ Breaker, 36 120 u u a “ “ Single, 36 120 Mar., 1872 April, 1872 Ilaydensville, Mass., Whitin’s Self-Stripper, 36 120 Salmon Falls, N. H., Saco W. P. Co. “ Breaker, 36 125 U U U “ “ Finisher, 36 125 May, 1872 Rockport, Mass., Whitin’s Breaker, 48 137 u U U SacoW, P. Co. S. S. Finsh’r, 36 123 u Masconomet Mill, Mason’s Breaker, 24 133 Newburyport, Mass., Saco W. P. Co. Finisher, •36 127 June, 1872 j Manchester Print 1 ( Works, N. H., f u u a 36 120 27 Nov., 1872 j Essex Mill, Pat- / j erson, N. J., \ Howard & Bullough, 36 115 76 Apr., 1873 Clinton Mill, Mason’s Cylinder, Wood, 30 130 Woonsocket, Mass., “ “ Iron, 30 132 May, 1873 Weetamoe, F. River, J. Pettee, Single, 36 120 Nov., 1873 Granite, “ Davol & Co., 36 136 June, 1873 j Ocean Mill, New- ) ( buryport, j Saco W. P. Co. Self-Strip’r, 36 125 U U U U 36 125 u < u u u 36 125 Sept., 1873 Atlantic Mills, Lowell Ma. Shop, “ 36 130 65 U Lawrence, Mass., ♦ a a 36 130 65 u U u u 36 130 65 u a u u 36 130 65 u T$or., 1873. u u u 36 130 45 Westville, Taunton, Mason, 36 156 36 11 COTTON CARDS—{ Continued). Ft. Lbs. per Sec. Horse- Power. No. per Railw’y. H. P. of Railw’y- Total U. P. Cards per 11.P. Remabks. 44.85 .081 6 10 0.585 1.40 7.14 Single Carding for Hosiery, old. 78.92 .144 11 0.645 2.229 5. “ “ “ Tickings. 46.92 .085 52 1.437 5.857 8.88 2 Tests, Double Carding for fine Cambrics. 70.77 .129 13 .530 2.207 5.89 98. .178 28 .806 5.790 4.83 Hand-Stripper, very old. 62. .112 10 .361 « 1.481 6.75 80. .145 22 1.016 4.206 5.23 80. .145 11 .380 1.975 5.57 70. .126 9 .253 1.387 6.47 Single Carding. 50.58 .093 64 1.020 6.972 9.18 Doable “ 50.58 .093 16 .233 1.721 8.26 201.36 .366 48 1.794 5.088 2.48 Hand-Stripper, old. 85. .155 12 .361 2.221 5.40 Self 105. .191 68 2.539 15.527 4.40 Iland-Stripper, Old. 147. .268 11 .512 3.460 3.18 Self 40. .073 12 .601 1.477 8.12 “ 280. .527 1.90 Single Card, Coiler, 8 W’kers & Strip’rs. 158. .288 24 .247 7.159 3.35 Iland-Stripper, Breaker, old. 113.21 .206 12 .507 2.979 4.03 Self “ , Finisher, “ 120. .218 12 *.667 3.283 3.66 92. .167 15 .689 3.194 4.70 63.57 .116 10 .430 1.590 6.29 Single Carding. 66.07 .120 32 1.535 5.375 6. Breaker. A 65. .118 8 .354 1.298 6.16 /■ 4 W y 'y Finisher. , - A> 150. .273 60 2.267 18.647 3.28 Breaker. ‘S' > 143.75 .261 60 2.267 17.927 3.35 \\. * ^ \ 139.13 .253 9 .906 3.183 2.83 Finisher. c/>, 125.22 .228 9 .906 2.958 3.04 82.92 .151 9 .906 2.265 3.97 76.74 .139 6 11 .803 2.337 4.71 Single Carding. - '—<■« * Estimated. 12 RAILWAY-HEADS FOR CARDS. Date. Place. Description. June, 1871 Amoskeag Mills, N. H., Breaker, Lap-Head, August, 1871 Mancbaug Mills, Mass., U 44 J anuary, 44 1872 u Wkittenton Mills, Mass., (( U U U u 44 May, u Salmon Falls, N. H., u 44 44 u Rockport, Mass., u 44 44 u Masconomet, Newburyport, Mass., u 44 June, a Manchester Print Works, N. H., u 44 April, 1873 Clinton Mill, Woonsocket, R. I., u 44 June, a Ocean Mill, Newburyport, Mass., u 44 September, u Atlantic Mill, Lawrence, Mass., u 44 June, 1871 Derry Mill, Manchester, N. H., Finisher Railway, 44 U Amoskeag Mills, Manchester, N. H., U 44 44 u u u u u u 44 August, u Manchaug Mills, Mass., u 44 January, 1872 Whittenton, Taunton, Mass., u (4 March, 44 Haydensville, Mass., u 44 U u Salmon Falls, N. IT., u 44 May, u Rockport, Mass., u 44 44 a Masconomet, Newburyport, Mass., u 44 June, u Manchester Print Works, N. H., (4 44 April, 1873 Clinton Mill, Woonsocket, R. I., 44 44 June, 44 Ocean Mill, Newburyport, Mass., 44 44 44. u u u u u 44 t4 September, u Atlantic, Lawrence, Mass., 44 44 November, u Granite, Fall River, Mass., 44 44 44 u Westville, Taunton, “ 44 44 44 u U U 44 44 13 RAILWAY-HEADS FOR CARDS. No. of Cards. Diameter of Roll. 32 9 inches. 52 tt 28 U 22 tt 64 tt 48, 48in tt 08, 24in tt 36 tt 24 Can. 32 9 inches. 60 5 inches. 10 1£ inches. 11 tt 11 tt 13 tt 10 a 9 tt 8 tt 12 tt 11 u 12 it 12 tt 10 tt 8 tt 9 tt 15 tt 11 tt Velocity of Roll. Ft. lb. per Sec. Horse-Power. 10 yds. per min. 578. 1.051 9.42 tt tt 790. 1.437 10. tt tt 443. .806 10. tt tt 559. 1.016 7.33 tt tt 560. 1.020 10. tt tt 987. 1.794 11. tt tt 1396. 2.539 10. tt tt 519. .944 11.66 tt tt 135.76 .247 12. tt tt 844. 1.555 14.5 tt tt 1247. 2.267 320 revolutions. 321. .585 400 tt 395. .716 378 tt 361. .656 290 tt 291.46 .530 302 tt 188. .361 220 tt 139. .253 230 tt 128. .233 200 . tt 198.38 .361 360 tt 282. .512 282 tt 336. .601 394 tt 278.57 .507 200 tt 236.36 .430 200 tt 194.44 .354 365 tt 498. .906 412 tt 379.17 .689 306 tt 310. .564 312 tt 441.51 ' .803 DRAWING-FRAME S.—COTTON. 3 T U T 1 r; '- 1 1 % 4c * • . •+* ~ Date. Place. Maker. June, 1871 Derry Mills, Manchester, N. EL, Unknown, 44 44 Amoskeag Mills, Amoskeag, “ Amoskeag Co., 1st, U U 44 44 44 44 “ “ 2d, July, 44 Langdon Mills, Whitin, August, u Mancliaug Mills, Mass., Saco W. P. Co., 1st, 44 u 44 44 44 “ “ 2d, January, 1872 Wbittenton, Taunton, Mass., Mason, 44 44 44 44 44 44 u 44 44 44 44 44 March, u Haydensville, Mass., Whitin, April, u Salmon Falls, N. H., Saco W. P. Co., May, Kockport, Mass., Mason, a u Masconomet, Newburyport, Mass., “ 1st, a u 44 44 “ 2d, June, u Manchester Print Works, N. EL, Saco W. P. Co., 1st, U u 44 44 44 44 “ “ 2d, ' November, u Essex, Paterson, N. J., Howard & Bullough, April, 1873 Clinton, Woonsocket, R. !., 44 44 44 44 44 44 Whitin, 1st, “ 2d, “ 3d, May, (4 Weetamoe, Fall River, Mass., 44 44 44 Whitin, 1st, “ 2d, June, 44 Ocean, Newburyport, “ Higgins, 1st, 44 44 44 44 “ 2d, November, 44 Granite, Fall River, “ Whitin, 1st, 44 44 44 44 “ 2d, 44 44 Westville, Taunton, u 44 44 44 Mason, 1st, 2d, 15 16 DEAD-SPINDLE ROVING-FRAMES. Date. Place. Description. Size of Bobbin. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. April, 1871 Stark Mills, Lowell Speeder, 10 2 X 5 s 28 720 44 44 Manchester, N. H., u u 8 x 4 52 904 44 44 44 44 u a 44 64 830 June, “ Amoskeag Mills, “ “ built 12 x 6 30 501 44 U Manchester, by Atnoskeag Co., 10 x 5 40 601 44 44 44 44 44 40 575 44 U u u 8x4 46 887 44 44 a u 44 64 782 a 44 a u 44 64 906 Mar., 1872 Haydensville, Brown Speeder, 9x4* 30 U U U U U 7x3’ 44 “ 1873 Am. Linen Co., F. River, (4 44 44 78 1277 Nov., “ Westville, Taunton, 44 4 4 44 60 962 Mar., 187& Haydensville, Pettee, “ Soft Bobbin,” 44 40 ROVING-FRAMES. Date. Place. Description. Size of Bobbin. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. Aug., 1871 Manchaug, Mass., SacoW. P. Co. Slubber 12 x 6 48 590 Sept., 44 Wauregan, Conn., 44 4 4 44 52 540 44 44 44 14 Higgins & Sons’ “ 44 40 475 April, 1872 Salmon Falls, N. IT., Masconomet, Newbury- 44 4 4 44 56 530 May, 4 4 port, Mass., Saco W. P. Co. “ 44 60 543 J une, 44 Manchester P. Works, 4 4 4 4 44 44 360 Mar., 1873 Am. Linen Co., F. River, Higgins & Sons’ “ 44 64 606 44 44 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 44 60 515 44 44 44 44 44 W alker & Hacking “ 44 64 543 April, 44 Mannville, R. I., Prov. Mach. Co. “ 44 68 648 May, 44 Weetamoe, Fall River, Curtis, Parr & Co. “ 44 48 550 June, 44 ( Ocean, Newbury- ) Higgins & Sons’ “ 44 48 560 44 44 l port, Mass., f 4 4 4 4 44 68 560 Nov., 44 l Granite Mills, ) ( Fall River, Mass., )' llowa’d &Bullough“ 44 48 630 44 44 44 44 44 56 630 IT DEAD-SPINDLE ROVING-FRAMES. Diam. of Boll. Rev. Roll. Draft. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spindl’s H. P. Remarks. H 175 4. 18.3g. 465 16.6 .845 33.67 Average half-full H 162 6. 18.3 5.i 597 11.49 1.086 47.88 u 149 6. 18.3 5-i 626 9.78 1.138 56.24 n li 178 3.50 80. 25. 461 15.36 .838 35.80 tt 1A 170 4. 25. 12.50 522 13.05 .949 41.15 u 159 4.24 75. 17.70 554 13.85 1.007 39.72 ii 180 5.78 17.70 1.381i 682 14.83 1.240 37.10 126 6.04 12.50 2. lik. 563 9.06 1.023 62.56 144 6.04 12.50 2. hk. 670 10.47 1.218 52.54 H 585 19.50 1.064 28.20 tt li 1,037 23.58 1.887 23.32 u u 125 6.60 1.25hk 4.13 h 859 11.01 1.561 50. tt u 175 6.50 0.95 li 830 13.63 1.509 40. tt u .... 500 12.50 .910 44. tt - J i , -- p. r\ ,N. .S A V 4 » ROVING-FRAMES. " A Tt Diam. ol Roll. Rev. Roil. Draft. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spindl’s H. P. li 152 5.63 0.52 h 739 15.39 1.343 35. Average half full. u 135 4.79 72.85 15.21 g 684 13.15 1.244 41.8 It tt a 125 4.48 60. 13. 521.20 13.03 .948 42.13 tt tt u 142 4.72 85. 18. 692. 12.36 1.259 44.4 “ New Frame. tt 183 3.80 47.9 0.56 h 796.5 13.27 1.448 41.4 4 t 92 4.03 0.13hk 0.53 h 357 8.12 .650 68. u 212 0.43 1220 19.06 2.217 28.75 “ Old Frame. u 180 0.52 1154 19.24 2.100 28. tt 190 0.49 778.83 12.16 1.419 45. u 107 4. 0.14 0.55 621 9.13 1.129 60. tt 44 156 738.5 15.38 .738.5 35.76 li 150 4.17 0.12 0.50 454 9.44 .824 58.25 tt 44 150 4.17 0.12 0.50 827 12.16 1.503 45.50 tt li 174 4.53 76.6gr. 0.39 725 15.11 1.318 36.42 tt 44 174 4.53 76.5gr. 0.39 862 15.51 1.567 35.75 tt 9 18 ROVING-FRAMES.—( Continued.) Date. Place. Description. Size of Bobbin. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. July, 1871 Langdon Mills, N. H. Prov. Ma. Co. Slubber, 10x5 48 615 Aug., “ Manchaug Mills, Mass. Saco W. P. Co. Inter., tt 80 736 U tt U tt tt City M. Co. Slubber, tt 88 720 Sept., “ Wauregan, Conn., Iliggins & Sons “ tt 52 509 Jan., 1872 1 AYhittenton Mills, Wm. Mason “ tt 56 670 tt tt ( Taunton, Mass. tt tt tt 64 634 April, “ Salmon Falls, N. H., Iliggins & Sons Inter., it 88 630 Nov., “ Essex, Paterson, N. J., Mow’d & Bull’ll Slub., it 80 564 tt tt tt tt tt Saco W. P. Co. “ tt 60 525 Dec., “ AYash’gton, Gloster,N. J., Higgins & Sons “ tt 76 750 Jan., 1873 Potomska, N. Bedford, City Ma. Co. “ 52 450 April, “ Manville, R. I., Prov. Ma. Co. 1st In., tt 80 769 tt U Social,Woonsocket, R.I. City Ma. Co. Slubber, it 80 714 May, “ Weetamoe, Fall River, Curtis, Parr & Co. In., tt 68 650 June, “ ( Ocean Mills, New- Higgins & Sons In- 1 it 64 780 U U l buryport, Mass., termediates. 1 it 88 780 Nov., “ Granite, Fall River, How’d& Bull’ll Inter., it 66 694 May, 1872 Rockport, Mass., Prov. Ma. Co. Slubber, it 60 477 ROVING-FRAMES. Date. Place. Description. Size of Bobbin. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. July, 1871 Anioskeag, Manchester, Prov. Ma. Co. Interm., 9 x 4 2 84 815 It It Langdon, “ tt tt tt 80 773 Sept., “ AVauregan, Conn., niggins & Sons “ tt 96 575 Jan., 1872 Whittenton, Taunton, Mason “ tt 72 676 May, “ Rockport, Mass., Prov. Ma. Co. “ tt 72 588 tt It tt tt Saco W. P. Co. “ tt 84 604 tt tt Masconomet, Mass., Prov. Ma. Co. “ tt 80 630 June, “ Manchester P. AY., N. H. SacoAY. P. Co. 1st “ tt 72 550 Nov., “ Essex, Paterson, N. J., Mow’d & Bull’h “ tt 100 562 Mar., 1873 j Am. Linen Co., Fall Higgins & Sons “ tt 72 730 tt tt ( River, Mass., Walker & Hacking 11 tt 72 781 April, “ Clinton, Woonsocket, Higgins & Sons Slub., tt 72 530 Nov., “ ( Westville, Taunton, Prov. Ma. Co. “ tt 80 880 tt tt ( Mass., tt tt tt 80 576 Sept.., 1871 Wauregan, Conn., niggins & Sons Inter., 8x4 80 709 Dec., 1872 Washington, N. J., tt tt tt 96 900 Jan., 1873 Potomska, N. Bedford, City Mach. Co. “ tt 104 575 April, “ Manville, R. I., Prov. Ma. Co. 2d “ . tt 136 952 19 ROVING-FRAMES.—( Continued.) Dinm. of Roll. Rev. Roll. Draft. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spindl’s H. P. Remarks. li 138 4. 39.77g 0.84h 434. 9.04 .789 60.86 Half-fall Bobbin. u 133 5.03 0.52h 1.25 676. 8.98 1.300 62. It tl tt 216 4.03 Ue 0.54 1550 17.62 2.819 31.21 tt tt a 130 4.03 . 554. 10.66 1.008 51,67 tt tt u 120 4.80 12i-g. 0.66 747. 13.33 1.358 41.26 a 173 4.50 ...... .... 925. 14.45 1.682 38.05 it 112 5.14 18.g. T.g. 600. 6.82 1.091 80.66 n 176 6. 70.25 0.69 879. 10.99 1.595 50. 101 6. 60 . g. 1.00 470.6 7.84 .856 70. *1 tt 200 1650 22.71 3.000 25 30 ii 130 4. 0.131i 0.55 446. 8.58 .811 64. tt tt a 95 4.2 0.55 1.30 577. 7.21 1.049 76. tt tt ii 120 5.41 . . . 848. 10.60 1.541 52. tt tt H 140 5.30 0.50 1.32 939. 13.81 1.707 40. tt tt ii 130 5.30 0.50 1.32 483.76 7.56 .878 73. tt tt ii 130 5.30 0.50 1.32 996. 11.32 1.811 48.5 “ New Frame ii 124 6.20 0.39 1.21 780. 11.82 1.418 46.5 “ just started. ii 145 4.90 469. 7.81 .853 70. tt ROVING-FRAMES.—{ Continued.) Diam. of Roll. Rev. Roll. Draft. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Sjgndl’s Remarks. H 140 5.25 0.47 li 1.25h 575 6.84 1.045 80.58 Half-fall Bobbin. ii 118 4.50 0.84 1.88 681 8.51 1.238 64.62 ii 93 5.07 is.g. 1.50 723 7.53 1.314 73.06 tt tt ii 120 .... .... 814 11.30 1.480 48.65 tl It ii 100 5.20 .... .... 475 6.60 .863 83. li tt ii 108 5.20 .... .... 507 6.04 .924 91. tt it ii 100 5.27 0.56 1.49 537 6.72 .977 82. tt tl ii 110 5.03 0.53 1.30 417 5.79 .758 95. tl li H 107 4.20 0.69 1.45 781 7.80 1.42(i 70. tt tl ii 138 5.50 0.43 1.20 911 12.05 1.656 43.5 tl tt ii 140 5. 0.49 1.26 858 11.92 1.561 46. tl it ii 118 4.80 1.14 326 4.59 .593 120. “ Centrifugal ii 174 6.50 55.g. 9.95 937 11.14 1.705 47. “ Presser. ii 141 3.76 55.g. 0.55 833 9.47 1.585 58. tl ii 125 5.67 0.85 2.33 539 6.74 .981 81.5 tl ii 180 .... .... 1,175 12.24 2.137 45. tt ii 118 6.18 0.55 1.39 573 5.51 1.042 100. tl ii 100 5. 1.30 3.27 885 6.53 1.610 84. ii 20 ROVING-FRAMES.—( Con/in ued.) Date. Place. Description. Size of Bobbin. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. iTulj, 1871 ( Langdon Mills, Man- } \ Chester, N. H. i ( Prov. Machine Co. ) 1 Fine F. Frame, J 7x31 144 934 Aug., tt Manohaug, Mass., Saco W. P. Co. 2d In., tt 136 968 tt (l U LL “ Fine F. Frame, tt 136 979 Sept., tt Wauregan, Conn., tt tt tt 128 993 tt tt LL LL Higgins & Sons “ tt 128 993 Jan., 1872 "Whittenton Mills, Win. Mason “ tt 112 779 tt tt Taunton, Mass., tt tt tt 128 935 tt tt LL LL tt tt tt 112 935 LL tt LL LL tt tt tt 136 861 April, tt Salmon Falls, N. H., Higgins & Sons “ tt 152 1060 May, a Rockport, Mass., Saco W. P. Co., “ tt 128 904 June, tt Manchester P. W., N. H. “ 2d Interme., tt 144 1000 Nov., tt Essex, Paterson, N. J. How’d & Bull. F. F. F. tt 144 873 tt a u U it Saco W. P. Co. “ tt 144 775 Dec., tt Wash’gton, Gloucst.,N.J. Higgins & Sons “ 7x3 140 1350 Mar., 1873 Am. Linen Oo., F. River, tt tt 7x31 144 1305 April, LL j Clinton Mill, Woon- ) tt tt tt 120 760 tt LL ( socket, Mass., ) lL lL tt tt tt 120 744 tt LI Prov. Mach. Co. “ tt 120 707 a a Social Mill, “ City “ “ tt 160 1041 a LL tt LL tt tt tt tt 160 1041 u LL it tt Wm. Mason “ tt 160 900 May, LL Weetamoe, Fall River, Curtis, Parr & Co. “ tt 144 1060 June, LL j Ocean Mill, New- \ Higgins & Sons “ tt 136 1160 tt LL ( buryport, Mass., ( tt tt tt 152 1160 Nov., LL Granite Mill, Fall River, How’d & Bull’h, “ tt 160 1070 July, 1871 Amoskeag, Man’r, N. H., Prov. M. Co. F. F. F., 6x3 128 611 May, 1872 Rockport, Mass., tt tt tt 128 900 a LL Masconomet, New’port, tt tt tt 136 1000 Jan., 1873 Potomska, N. Bedford, City Mach. Co. “ tt 168 900 April, LL Manville, R. I., Prov. “ “ “ tt 184 1129 Nov., LL Westville, Taunton, tt tt tt tt tt 128 832 Aug., 1873 Mancliaug, Mass., Saco W. P. Co. F.F.F., 5x21 144 1117 June, 1871 Manchester P.W., N. H., tt tt tt tt 152 1340 21 ROVING-FRAMES.—( Continued.) Diam. of Roll. Rev. Roll. Draft. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spindles perll.P. Remarks. U 98 5. 1.88 ll. 4.76 h. 577 4.01 1.050 137. Bob. i full. t. 115 5.90 1.25 4. 823 6.05 1.496 91. tt tt u 94 6.30 1.87 5.95 * 716 5.26 1.302 104.5 tt tt a 100 5.98 1.54 4.75 910 7.11 1.655 77.4 tt u 106 5.98 1.54 4.75 1,093 8.54 1.988 64.4 tt tt u 130 6. 0.66 1.90 645 5.76 1.173 97. tt “ OldPattern u 104 4.54 0.88 4. 692 5.47 1.250 102. •t “ New “ u 104 4.54 0.88 4. 584 5.22 1.063 105. tt tt tt tt u 133 6. 0.66 1.90 757 5.57 1.377 99. tt “ Col’d Rov. u 110 6. 1.21 3.62 691 4.55 1.256 121. tt “New Pat’m tt 98 6. 1.32 4. 512 4. .931 137. It u 100 5.45 1.30 3.64 646 4.49 1.175 122.5 tt tt 14 97 5.34 1.49 4. 733 5.09 1.333 108. u it 44 94 6.66 1 . 3.33 873 6.06 1.588 91. t> tt 44 141 .... 4. 1,534 10.96 2.789 50. tt tt 44 123 6.60 1.25 4.13 1,046 7.27 1.903 76. it tt 44 95 6.60 1.14 3.80 549 4.57 .998 120. tt “Cent. Pres’r 44 93 6.60 1.14 3.80 506 4.22 .920 130. tt “ Spring “ 44 86 6.60 1.14 3.80 413 3.44 .733 164. tt tt tt tt 44 120 6.86 1.27 4.37 1,167 7.28 2.121 75.2 tt “ Bad order. 44 120 6.86 1.27 4.37 900 5.63 1.635 98. tt “ Sim. Frame 44 97 6.86 1.27 4.37 622 3.87 1.131 141. tt tt 1 in. 120 6.40 1.20 3.80 995 6.91 1.808 80. tt tt 4 t 120 6. 1.32 3.90 842 6.19 1.540 83. tt tt 44 120 6. 1.32 3.90 1,065 7. 1.937 79. tt “ New Frame 11 126 6.40 1.21 3.88 1,414 8.83 2.570 62.25 tt tt 44 89 5.92 1.25 3.70 256 2.00 .463 276. tt tt 44 98 5.87 .... .... 682 5.33 1.241 103. tt “ Old Frame. 44 100 6.17 1.49 4.50 541 4.00 .983 138. tt tt (4 92 6.10 1.39 4.28 685 4.08 1.245 135. tt tt 44 86 5. 3.87 9. 604 3.77 1.263 146. tt tt 44 125 7. 0.55 1.95 597 4.67 1.086 118. tt tt 44 61 6. 4. 12. 603 4.18 1.096 131.4 it tt 44 86 6 . 3.64 10.75 631 4.15 1.147 132.5 tt tt THROSTLE-SPINNING. Date. Plaoe. Description. No. Spin. Weight Flier. Rev. of Flier. Rev. Roll. Draft. April, 1871 ( Stark Mills, ) }Man’r, N. IL, [ ( Araosk’g Sli’p [ 1 23 years old, ) 128 3| OZ. 3,820 94 8.27 U U U U 44 44 3,820 94 8.27 u U U i Locks and Ca-» ) 1 nals Co., 30 y. ) (4 4 oz. 4,000 94 7.84 Nov., u U ^ xVmosk’g Sh’p ( "j 23 years, ) 44 3| oz. 4,100 100 8.27 U a a U 44 44 4,220 103 8.27 u u u u 44 44 4,220 u u u u 44 44 3,690 90 8.27 u u u u 44 44 3,280 80 8.27 u u u (( 44 44 2,954 72 8.27 a u u a 44 44 2,685 66 8.27 June, 1872 Amosk’g Mill No.2 j Araosk’g Sh’p ) ( about 20 yrs., ) 44 4 oz. 3,071 76 9.35 U u u a i U 44 44 3,170 74 10.26 U u U U | U 44 44 3,042 73 9.35 a a a u 2 U 44 44 3,332 78 9.35 u u U U 2 u 44 3£ oz. 3,226 76 9.35 u u “ “ 3 u 44 4 oz. 3,694 96 6.65 u u “ “ 3 u 44 44 3,450 90 6.65 Aug. 7, “ “ “ 3 a 44 44 3,450 90 6.65 “ 8 u u “ 3 a 44 44 3,450 90 6.65 June, u U U *2 a 44 44 8,690 76 7.09 U u “ “ 3 a 44 44 3,820 79 7.09 U a “ “ 3 u 44 44 3,717 73 8.27 July, a “ “ 5 u 160 2J oz. 4,136 72 8.39 U u “ “ 5 u 44 44 4,142 64 9.93 April, u ( Appleton l ') Mills, Lowell, j Lowell M. S’p.,old, 128 3|- oz. 3,800 81 8. July, u Pepperell Mills, a 44 3.45 oz 4,929 71 7. U a Biddeford, Maine, u 44 44 4,929 71 7. a u 11 a 44 44 4,929 71 7. u u U u 44 2.83 oz 4,929 71 7. a u u u 44 44 4,929 71 7. u a u u 44 44 4,929 71 7. Feb., 1874 Nashua Mfg. Co. (4 44 4 oz. 3,778 59 8.66 bO tO ^ tO tO M 23 DEAD-SPINDLE. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spiudl’s H. P. Remarks. H g r - 13. weft. 954 7.45 1.734 74. Heart Motion on Lift, A. 1.61 h. 13. U 929 7.25 1.689 76. Mangle “ “ Similar Frame, B. 1.61 12.33 wa. 1,077 8.38 1.959 65. 1.61 13. weft. 930 7.25 1.690 76. Similar to Frame B. [Mangle, leveled. 1.61 13. U 867 6.72 1.576 81. Frame A changed to [and oiled. 689 5.38 1.252 102. “ Rolls stopped, leveled, cleaned, 1.61 13. weft. 722 5.64 1.313 97. “ speed reduced, in full operation. 1.61 13. U 604 4.72 1.079 110. '• “ “ further. 1.61 13. u 486 3.80 .883 145. “ “ “ 1.61 13. 44 428 3.34 .778 164. “ 1.60 14. 44 746 5.83 1.357 94. 1.50 16. 44 688 5.36 1.250 102. 1.50 14. 44 767 6.00 1.395 92. 1.50 14. 44 848 6.62 1.542 83. Speed increased from last Trial. 1.50 14. It 757 5.91 1.377 93. Similar Frame, Malleable-iron Flier. 1.50 10. warp. 920 7.19 1.673 76. Old Frame, refitted in New Mill. 1.50 10 . 44 881 6.89 1.601 80. “ Speed reduced. 1.50 10 . 44 757 5.91 1.377 93. “ very hot afternoon. [in night. 1.50 10 . 44 938 7.33 1.703 75. “ Rainy morning, weather changed 2. 14. 44 649 5.07 1.180 108. Similar Frame. Fair day, 2 Trials, ex- 2. 14. 44 740 5.76 1.345 95. Similar Frame. [ceptionally light. 2. 16. 44 739 5.76 1.343 95. it tt 2.86 24. 44 971 6.07 1.766 90. 2.86 28. 44 954 5.96 1.735 92. 1.65 12.50 “ 977 7.63 1.776 72. Banding Tests. [16$ on one side. 3.14 22. 44 1.102 8.60 2.003 64. Com’n Flier, empty Bobbin, long Band, 3.14 22. 44 1.058 8.27 1.924 66.5 “ “ 16 sp. across, 8 each side. 3.14 22. 44 1,014 7.92 1.845 69. “ “8 “4 3.14 22. 44 927 7.24 1.686 76. Pearls Flier 16 on one side. 3.14 22 . 44 884 6.90 1.607 79.75 “ “ 16 across, 8 each side. 3.14 22. 44 841 6.57 1.528 83.75 “ “. 8 “ 4 “ 2.50 22. 44 986 7.70 1.793 71.10 Bands hard and heavy. 24 RING SPINNING. Date. Place. Maker. 2 m 3S No. Spill. Wt. Spiu. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft April, 1871 ( Stark Mills, ) '( Man’r, N. 11., ( Lowell Ma. Shop, ljin 144 12JOZ 4,480 100. 7.84 Nov., 1871 tt U u 144 U 4,480 100. 7.84 U tt U u 144 144 a 4,480 4,380 May, 1872 Atnosk’g Mills, “ Amoskeag Co., 11 iii .t 73. 7.26 tt tt • U U 144 5,100 72. 8.48 tt tt a (4 144 u 5,727 75. 7.76 June, 1872 tt tt a a 128 13 5,066 62. 7.68 U a 44 128 it 5,240 68. 8.40 July, 1872 Langdon Mills, “ Saco W. P. Co. 44 128 12i 5,900 62. 6 7.44 Aug., 1872 Manchaug, Mass. 44 160 10 5,857 54. 7.68 Sept., 1872 Wauregan, Conn., Whitin, 44 144 12 5,028 63. 7.26 tt tt U <4 144 m a 4,968 54. 6.75 tt tt U 44 144 5,060 53. 6.75 tt U u I Tr, 44 240 u 4,930 53. 6.75 u U u 240 a 5,010 64. 6.75 June, 1872 ( Derry Mills, ) ( Man’r, N. H., f u 2 120 tt 2,211 90. 6. Nov., 1872 a Stark Mills, N.H., Lowell Ma. Shop, If 144 12i 4,524 101. 7.84 tt U 44 144 tt 4,255 95. 7.84 u tt U 44 144 tt 3,893 87. 7.84 tt tt u 44 144 tt 3,476 78. 7.84 tt a u 44 144 tt 3,200 73. 7.84 Mar., 1872 Ilaydensville, Ms. Whitin, 120 5,609 84. Jan., 1872 ( Whittenton, 1 ( Taun’n, Mass. J “ No. 1 Mill, William Mason, M! 128 12 4,325 100. 9.50 a a 44 128 tt 4,325 100. 9.50 tt a u a 44 128 tt 3,500 120. 5. a u tt a 44 128 tt 3,800 100. 7.37 a tt u a 44 128 tt 4,826 114. 8. u U (4 u 44 128 tt 3,800 100. 8. u tt a a 44 128 tt 3,400 86. 7.37 tt “ No. 2 Mill, u H 160 tt 4,050 130. 8. a it tt u 44 160 tt 5,067 96. 9.50 u a a u 44 160 tt 5,067 84. 6.50 Mar., 1872 Salmon F’ls, N.H. Saco W. P. Co., 44 144 11 4,972 68. 7.25 Apr., 1872 \ Appleton Co., | ( Lowell, ) Lowell Ma. Shop, 44 144 12 5,120 100. 8. May, 1872 Rockport, Mass., William Mason, 44 72 tt 5,240 68. 7.27 tt U U 44 108 tt 5,440 68. 7.27 tt « a Saco W. P. Co., 44 192 11 5,460 68. 7.27 tt ( Masconomet, ) 1 Newburyp’rt, ) U 44 192 tt 6,000 75. 6.66 June, 1872 Amoskeag, No. 6, Amoskeag Co., H 128 5,154 61. 7.68 U U U 44 128 6,187 68. 7.68 tt U u 44 128 3,544 74. D tt Manches’r P. W., Saco W. P. Co., 128 5,950 64. u Manchester, N.1I. U 44 192 .... 5,950 56. RING SPINNING. From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spin. H. P. Frame. Spindl’s H. P. Remarks. 1.61 12.33 wp 750 5.21 1.363 106. Old Bands, Bobbin half full. 1.61 12.33 “ 865 6. 1.572 92. Same Frame, new Bands. • • • • 630 4.37 1.145 126. “ Rolls stopped, Spindles only. 3.80 24. “ 631 4.38 1.148 126. 3.30 28. “ 715 5. 1.300 110. Same Frame as last trial. Speed and Draft 4.40 34. “ 845 5.87 1.537 94. Similar ‘ “ [changed- 4.42 34. weft 727 5.68 1.322 97. 4.42 37. “ 794 6.20 1.444 90. Similar to last Frame. 4.26 33. warp 698 5.45 1.268 101. 12. 46. “ 596 3.73 1.084 148. Three Trials, averaged. [started that A.M. 4.33 30. “ 1,306 9. 2.375 61. Wet day, Frame near open door, not previously 7. 48. “ 1,111 7.70 2.020 71. Common Bobbin, 1-8 inch Bands. 7. 48. “ 979 6.80 1.781 81. Chambered Bobbin, 1-16 inch Mule Bands. 7. 48. “ 1,476 6.15 2.084 90. Common Bobbin and Band, Draper’s Spiral 4.60 30. “ 1,451 6.04 2.639 91. “ “ “ “ [Bolster. 1.33 8. “ 634 5.28 1.153 104. Hosiery Frame. 1.61 12.33 “ 841 5.77 1.510 95. 1.61 12.33 “ 769 5.34 1.399 103. Same Frame as last, Speed reduced. 1.61 12.33 “ 677 4.70 1.230 117. “ “ “ further. 1.61 12.33 “ 584 4.05 ' 1.062 136. 44 44 44 44 1.61 12.33 “ 527 3.66 .959 150. 41 44 44 14 .... 23. “ 782 6.52 1.423 84.4 2 ' 3 - z 4 16. “ 787 6.15 1.431 89.5 Colored Rovings, Black and Orange. 1.90 16. 727 5.68 1.322 97.5 White “ 1.90 9. weft 677 5.29 1.231 104. 44 44 1.90 14. “ 649 5.10 1.180 108. 44 44 ( 2. 60 2 / 3 00 11. warp 820 6.40 1.491 86. Colored “ (( 11. “ 700 5.46 1.273 100. “ “ Black and White. 1.90 14. weft 680 5.31 1.237 103. White “ 1.15 9. warp 1,018 6.36 1.852 86.5 44 44 o 1 3. 1 4 IT. « 1,060 6.60 1.927 83. Colored “ Black and Orange. 3.40 22. il 1,055 6.59 1.917 83.5 White 3.62 25. “ 735 5.10 1.336 108. 1.65 12.50 “ 740 5.14 1.346 107. Average of four Tests. 3.80 28. “ 501 6.96 .911 79. Old Frame. 3.80 28. “ 728 6.74 1.323 82. 44 44 3.80 28. “ 1,023 5.33 1.861 103. 4.50 30. “ 1,179 6.14 2.143 90. 4.42 34. “ 660 5.15 1.200 107. 4.42 34. “ 789 6.16 1.434 89. Same Frame, last Trial, increased Speed. 14. “ 480 3.75 .872 147. 30. “ 886 6.92 1.611 80. 42. u 1.150 6. 2.091 92. 26 RING SPINNING.—( Continued.) Date. Place. * Maker. Diam. King. No. Spin- Wt. Spin. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft July, 1872 Pepperell Mills, Saco W. P. Co., H 128 ll. 2 oz 5,666 84 7. 44 Biddeford, Me., U a 128 44 5,666 84 7. u 44 u a 128 6. 2 5,666 84 7. u 44 u a 128 ll. a 5,666 84 7. a u u a 128 44 5,666 84 7. u u u a 128 44 5,666 84 7. Oct., 1 £ 72 Amoskeag Mill, Amoskeag Co., n 144 44 4,600 70 7.26 44 Manchester, N.II. U a 144 44 5,250 77 7.26 u 44 a a 144 44 6,127 90 7.26 u a a a 144 44 7,355 107 7.26 a a a a 128 13. 3,090 66 9.35 u u a a 128 44 4,050 82 9.35 a a a a 128 44 5,672 115 9.35 Dec., 1872 Washington Mill, Gloucester Foun., 1-rV 128 12. 6,000 70 7.30 a Gloucester, N. J., Whitin, H 128 44 5,890 63 7.30 a U a a 128 44 6,356 70 7.30 u u Lanphear, a 128 .... 6,000 72 7.30 u u Fales & Jenks, a 128 6,000 72 7.30 Feb, 1873 ( Oocheco, Do- } ver, N. II., Cocheco Co., if 128 4,820 66 7.90 (4 44 Saco W. P. Co., H 192 4,895 67 7.90 u 44 a u 192 4,895 67 7.90 April, 1873 Clinton Mill, Whitin, a 192 12. 5,460 68 8.14 U Wounsocket, Ik I. a a 192 44 5,540 69 8.14 44 44 a a 128 44 5,380 67 8.14 a 44 a a 128 44 6,020 75 8.14 a Social Mill, R. I., a a 192 44 5,715 64 7.52 u 44 a a 192 44 5,715 64 May, 1873 j Am. Linen Co., ) Fall River, Higgins & Sons, H 224 12.83 5,200 56 7.09 44 Davol Mills, “ Saco W. P. Co., a 128 11. 6,000 74 6.52 a a a a 128 44 5,270 65 6.52 u u a a 128 44 5,430 67 6.52 June, 1871 Pacific Mills, Whitin, if 160 12. 6,059 73 6.79 a Lawrence, Mass., a 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 u 44 a 44 160 44 6,059 a a a 44 160 44 6'05 9 6,059 u u “ Altered* 44 160 7. 73 6.79 u u a a 44 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 a a a a 44 160 44 6,059 u u a a 44 160 44 6415 9 Sept., 1873 Atlantic Mills, Lowell Ma. Shop, H 176 12. 5,802 96 7.60 44 Lawrence, Mass., a 44 176 44 5,802 96 7.60 Nov., 1873 Westville, Taun- William Mason, 44 192 8. 5,864 107 9.45 a ton, Mass. Light Spindle, 44 192 44 5,651 102 9.45 Mar., 1873 j Crescent Mill, } Fall River, a 1 8 192 6. 5,570 67 7.50 * Spindle cut off at butt, and reduced in diameter—top as before. 27 RING SPINNING—( Continued.) From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spin. H. P. Frame. Spi mil’s H. P. Remarks. 3.14 22. warp. 850 6.64 1,545 83. Spindles banded singly. Empty Bobbin | Averages 1.667 II. P.. 7.26 lb. per 3.14 22. u 983 7.69 1.788 71.5 Full “ f Spindle, or 77 Spindles per H. P. 3.14 22. “ 900 7.03 1.636 78. Spindle shortened at butt. Average one-half full. 3.14 22. u 939 7.33 1.707 75. Common Spindle, long Band. 16 Spin, on one side. 3.14 22. u 817 6.38 1.485 86. “ 16 Spin, across, 8 each side. [Av. | full. 3.14 22. “ 750 5.86 1.364 94. “ 8 “ “4 “ “ 3.30 24. “ 619 4.30 1.125 128. Straight Spindle. 3.30 24. “ 716 4.97 1.302 110. “ Same Frame, increased Speed. 3.30 24. “ 978 6.79 1.779 81. “ “ Further “ 3.30 24. “ 1,553 10.78 2.824 51. U 44 44 44 1.50 14. weft. 422 3.30 .768 167. Taper Spindle. 1.50 14. “ 627 4.90 1.140 112. “ “ increased Speed. 1.50 14. “ 1,053 8.23 1.915 67. “ “ Further “ 4. 30. warp. 853 6.64 1.551 83. Bobbin one-half full. 4. 30. “ 896 7. 1.629 78.5 44 44 4. 30. “ 1,006 7.86 1.830 70. 44 44 4. 30. “ 827 6.46 1.562 85. 44 44 4. 30. “ 776 6.06 1.410 90.5 44 44 3.54 28. “ 746 5.63 1.358 98. 44 44 3.54 28. “ 991 5.16 1.800 107. “ “ Cocheco Dynamometer. 3.54 28. “ 1,016 1,370 5.29 1.847 104. “ “ two-thirds full, Amoskeag “ 3.80 31. “ 7.35 2.491 77. Half hill, damp day, next to wall of mill. 3.80 31. “ 1,204 6.27 2.190 87.66 “ Clear day, in centre of room. 3.80 31. “ 736 5.75 1.337 95.75 44 44 44 3.80 31. “ 910 7.11 1.655 77. 4.37 32. “ 996 5.18 1.811 106. Empty Bobbin, j Av’ge, 1,069.5 ft. lb.=1.945 H.P. Full “ 1 =5.57 lb. Spin.=99. Spin. H P. 4.37 32. “ 1,143 9.95 2.078 92. 4.13 29. “ 1,410 6.29 2.580 88. Half-full Bobbin. 4.50 29. “ 947 7.40 1.722 74.2 Frame not level, old Mill. 4.50 U 726 5.68 1.321 97. Bands too tight and Bobbins too heavy. 4.50 u 726 5.68 1.321 97. Bobbin lighter than last. 4.40 28.50 “ 1,098 6.87 1.996 80. Empty Bobbin, ( Av’ge, 1.120 ft. lh.=2.037H. P.= 4.40 28.56 “ 1,141 1,007 1,050 1,253 7.15 2.073 77. Full “ 1 7.01 lb. Spin.=78.5 Spin. H. P. 6.30 Empty Bobbin only on Spin. Rolls stopped. Full 6.56 4.40 28.56 “ 7.83 2.378 70. Empty “ J Av’ge, 1,432 ft. lb. = 2.602 H. P. = Full “ | 8.951b. per Spin.=61.5 Spin. H. P. 4.40 28.56 “ 1,630 10.19 2.965 54. 1,087 1,447 1,395 6.80 Empty Bobbin only on Spindle. Rolls stopped. Full 9.04 2, 15. “ 7.92 2.536 70. Empty “ J Av'ge, 1,470 ft. lb. = 2.671 H. P. = Full “ 1 8.85 lb. Spin. = 66. Spin. IL P. 2. 15. “ 1,575 8.77 2.807 62. 0.95 9. “ 1,270 6.61 2.309 83. Two-thirds full Bobbin, tight Bolster. 0.95 9. “ 886 4.61 I 1.610 119. Half-full Bobbin, tight Bolster, reamed out. 4. 30. “ 806 I 4.20 1.466 131. “ “ Evidently full fast enough. RING-SPINNING.—( Continued.) Date. Place. 0 Maker. Diam Ring. No. Spin. Wt. per Spindle. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft. Jan., 1874 Mt. Vernon Mills, Bridesburg Mfg. 204 8 OZ. 5,050 128 7. u U Baltimore, Md„ Co., u 204 U 5,050 128 7. ■ u u “ Carroll Spin.,” U u 204 a 5,050 80 7. U u u u a 204 u 5,050 80 7. U u a * (4 a 204 a 5,050 80 7. U u u U a 204 a 5,050 80 7. U u u u a 204 u 5,050 80 7. U a u a a 204 u 5,050 80 7. U a a u u 204 u 5,050 80 7. Feb., 1874 Nashua Mfg. Co., Fales & Jenks, a 128 u 5,930 94 7. U u ( Altered from ( Throstle, a a 128 u 5,930 94 8.06 SAWYER April, 1872 j Appleton Mills, 1 Lowell, Lowell Ma. Shop, 44 160 4 oz. 6,050 120 8. U a U Altered from old 44 128 44 3,055 4,027 66 8. a ct u Throstle-Frame, 44 128 44 88 8. u u a 44 44 128 44 5,000 107 8. u u u 44 44 128 44 2,950 83 8.07 a u a 44 44 128 44 4,027 110 8.07 u a u 44 44 128 44 4,027 110 8.07 a a u 44 44 128 44 4,027 110 8.07 a (( u 44 U 128 44 4,115 117 8.07 a a u 44 44 128 44 4,022 115 8.07 Oct., 1872 Stark Mills, Man- 44 44 128 44 5,605 115 7.84 u a Chester, N. II., 44 44 128 44 5,069 104 7.84 a a U 44 44 128 44 4,386 3,753 90 7.84 a u u 44 44 128 44 77 7.84 Jan., 1873 “t 44 44 128 44 4,180 90 7.84 U U u 44 44 128 44 4,900 104 7.84 U a (4 44 44 128 44 5,320 115 7.84 u a (4 44 44 128 44 6,320 135 7.84 a u “t 44 44 128 44 4,600 91 7.84 a u 44 44 44 128 44 5,230 106 7.84 a a 44 44 44 128 44 5,770 117 7.84 a u 44 44 44 128 44 6,350 130 7.84 Feb., 1873 j Cocheco Mills, 1 Dover, N. H. Old Frame alter’d If 128 3J oz. 6,002 78 7.90 Mar., U Stark Mills, “ 44 It 128 Si oz. 5,290 110 7.84 U u King Philip, F. R. Saco W. P. Co., New, If 160 44 6,260 65 7.31 U u 44 44 44 160 44 6,260 a a Manville, R. I., Fales & Jenks, alt., H 128 44 7,730 80 11.25 a u 44 44 44 128 44 7,730 80 11.25 April a c( u j Social Mill, ( Woonsock’tjR.I. 44 Wlritin, New, 44 If 192 192 44 44 6,448 6,448 77 77 7.52 7.52 * Frame had been in operation three weeks longer. t Same frame. t Similar. RING- SPINNING.— ( Continued.) From To Ft. Lb. Frame. S’O ►-I.2 H. P. Frame. Spin ell’s H. P. Remarks. 0.85 Ilk 6. wp 1696. 8.31 3.080 66. Mill cold, 60° Fahr. Oil at 65 cents pergallOD. 0.85 6. “ 1875. 9.19 3.409 60. “ damp “ “ 35 “ 1.83 12. “ 1661. 8.14 3.020 67. “ “ “ “ 35 1.83 12. “ 1500.39 7.35 2.727 75. “ “ “ “ 65 1.83 12. “ 1464. 7.18 2.662 77. “ “ “ “ 65 1.83 12. “ 1348.25 6.61 2.451 83.2 “ warmer — 70°, 65 “ 1.83 12. “ 1134. 5.56 2.062 .... Ends down. Traveler stopped = 13.60 per cent. 1.83 12. “ 1009. 4.95 1.835 .... Rolls stopped = 9.52 per cent. 1.83 12. “ 884. 4.33 1.007 .... Bobbin off = 9.53 per cent. Spin, only 67.35 per ct. 2.50 22. “ 1034.30 8.08 1.880 .... Empty Bobbin. Warm and clear. 2.50 22. “ 1271.20 9.93 2.311 .... Fall 1152.54 9. 2.095 61. Average “ Bands heavy and hard. SPINDLE. 1.05 12.50“ 662. 4.14 1.204 133. Average of 18 Tests. Bobbin half full. 1.65 12.50“ 207. 1.62 .376 340. Bobbin half fall. Loose Bands, 55 in., ^ in diam. 1.05 12.50“ 326. 2.54 .593 216. It 1.65 12.50“ 454. 3.55 .825 155. 1.65 13. wf. 211. 1.05 .384 333. “ 1.65 13. “ 322. 2.52 .586 219. tt 1.65 13. “ 343. 2.68 .623 205. “ Damp day, wet floor. Bands 544in. 1.65 13. “ 303. 2.37 .551 232. “ Dry day. New Bands, 554 in. 1.65 13. “ 399. 3.12 .725 176. “ Common Ring Bands, 4 diam. Dry. 1.65 13. “ 417. 3.26 .758 167. “ “ “ Damp. 1.61 12. wp 731.58 5.71 1.330 96. Half-full Bobbin, 1.10 in. Band. 1.61 12.33“ 541. 4.26 .984 180. “ Speed reduced. 1.61 12.33“ 444. 3.47 .808 158. “ Speed further reduced. 1.61 12.33“ 361. 2.82 .656 180. tt tt tt tt 1.61 12.33“ 451. 3.52 .820 156. “ 1-8 inch Band. . 1.61 12.33“ 596. 4.60 1.083 118. “ Speed increased. 1.61 12.33“ 667. 5.21 1.218 105. “ Speed further increased. 1.61 12.33“ 890. 6.96 1.619 80. tt tt tt tt 1.61 12.33“ 486. 3.80 .884 145. “ New Bolster, 1.10 in. loose Band. 1.61 12.33“ 611. 4.73 1.112 115. “ “ Speed increased. 1.61 12.33 “ 718. 5.61 1.306 95.5 “ “ Speed further increased. 1.61 12.33“ 899. 7.02 1.634 78.5 tt tt tt tt tt 3.54 I'O GO 4 577. 4.50 1.049 122. “ Spiral Bolster. [Rolls, 24 per cent. 1.61 12.33“ 547. 4.28 .995 129. “ Cyl. and Spin., 56 per ct., Traveler, 20 p. ct., 6. 40. “ 613.43 3.83 1.115 143.5 “ 366. 2.28 .665 “ = 60 per ct. of whole power for Cyl &Spin. 7. don. 40. “ 493. 3.85 .897 143. Empty Bobbin, 334 grains weight. 7. dou. 40. “ 525. 4.10 .955 134. Half-full Bobbin = 172 gr. yarn additional. 4.37 32. “ 750. 3.91 1.364 140. EmDtv “ 1 Average, 846 ft. lb. = 1.538 H. P. 4.37 32. “ 941. 4.90 1.711 112. Full “ ( =4.40ft. per Spin.=125. Spin. H.P. 30 RING-SPINNING.—( Continued.) Date. Place. * Maker. Diam Ring. No. W r t. per Rev. Spin. SpiudJe. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft Jun. 2,1873 ( Pacific Mills, i Lawrence, j Whitin, altered ( to Saw. Spin., If 160 3.7o oz 6,059 73 6.79 44 44 44 u 160 u 6,059 73 6.79 44 44 u u 160 u 6,059 73 6.79 “ 5, “ u u u 160 a 6,059 73 6.79 44 u a u 160 a 6,059 73 6.79 a a 44 u 160 a 6,059 73 6.79 “ 2 “ a a u 160 a 6,059 a a u u 160 a 6^059 6,059 “ 5 “ u a a 160 41 Sep. 30, u ( Same Frame 1 repeated. U u u a 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 a a u 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 u 44 u a 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 Dec., “ Stark Mills, Man- Lowell Ma. Shop, if 128 3.75 5,820 97 9.48 44 Chester, N. U., Old Frame alter’d u 128 44 5,820 97 9.48 Jan., 44 Mar., 44 u u u u Jun. 2, Sep. 30, “ u Potonska Mills, N. Bedford, Mass., Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Mass., Fales &.Jenks, Eabbeth Spind. Lowell Shop, al. to Rabbeth Spin, by Fales & Jenks, H a a u if u u Jun. 2, u 5 , Pacific Mills, Lowell Machine Shop, Pearl Spindle No. 3, RABBETH 480 3f oz. 6,100 80 7.50 160 44 6,100 80 7.50 160 44 6,160 79 7.50 160 44 6,200 80 7.50 160 44 6,200 80 7.50 160 44 6,200 80 160 44 6,200 Spin only 160 44 6,200 80 7.50 160 3f oz. 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 .... 160 44 6,059 73 .... 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6.059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 PEARL 160 3£ oz. 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 160 44 6,059 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6,059 73 6,79 160 44 6,059 73 6.79 160 44 6.059 31 SAWYER SPINDLE.—( Continued.) From To Ft. Lbs. Frame. Ft. Lbs. Spindle. H. P. Frame. Spiudl’s H. P. hanks. 4.40 28.50 wp 692. 4.32 1.2581 4.40 u u 724. 4.53 1.317 r 121 4.40 a u 706. 4.79 1.394 J 4.40 u u 720.5 4.54 1.3211 4.40 a a 727.4 4.58 1.322 l 117 4.40 a u 805.7 5.04 1.405 J 479. 3. 554. 3.46 490. 3.06 4.40 u a ,689.7 4.31 1.2541 4.40 (4 44 758.6 4.74 1.372 [ 116 4.40 44 14 827.6 5.17 1.534 l.fil 15.25 “ 416.6 3.25 .757 169 1.01 44 44 522.7 4.09 .950 135 SPINDLE. 4. 30. warp 2285. 4.75 4.155 116 — 4. 44 44 759. 4.73 1.380 116 + 4. 44 4 1 770. 4.81 1.401 114 4. 44 4i 702. 4.39 1.277 125 4. . 584. ...... 571. 500 3.125 -71p c 4. 44 44 690.5 4.315 1.255. 128 4.40 28.50 “ 609. 3.80 1.1071 4.40 44 44 689. 4.31 1.253 \ Av ge, 1 QQ £ 4.40 4 4 4 4 696. 4.35 1.265 J 1 oA.D 460. 2.89 532. 3.32 4.40 44 617. 3.85 1.1221 • • • • 44 4 4 672.3 4.20 1.252 ^ iiv ge, 1 QO 4.40 44 4 4 712.8 4.45 1 .290 J 2.88 4.40 44 *4 574.5 3.59 1.0451 4.40 44 44 627.7 3.92 1.141 [ Ay ge, i ii 4.40 44 44 672.4 4.20 1.222 J SPINDLE. 4.40 44 44 519.6 3.25 .9451 Av ge, 4.40 4 4 4 4 064.3 4.15 1.208 i 141 4.40 44 4 4 687.5 4.30 1.250 J 383.9 o 4.0 -74p ,• 526.8 8,29 =7<>p <• 4.40 4i 4k 578.9 3.62 1.0531 4.40 44 U 682.5 4.28 1.241 l ge, 134 4.40 44 44 710.5 4.44 1.292 | 4.40 . 430. 2.69 =74p c Remarks. Empty Bob., clear day, l Av. of 3 tests, 738. ft. lb., I full “ “ < 1. 323 H. P., 4.56 lb. per Full “ “ / Spin., 121 Spin, per H. P. Empty Bob., damp day ( Av. of 3 tests, 753 ft. lb., J- fall “ " < =1.369 H. P. = 471 lb. per Full “ “ ( Spin.=117. Spiu. perll.P. Empty Bob. only on Spin. Rolls stopped=69.5 pr. Full “ “ “ [cent, of whole. Empty Bobbin only = 67.5 per cent. Empty Bobbin ( Average, 758.6 ft. lb., 1.372 H. P. i full 4 '• 4.74 lb. per Spindle. Full “ ( “ 116 Spindles per H. P. Empty Bobbin, J Average, 470 ft. lb.= .854 II. P.= Full “ 1 3.67 lb“ per Spin.=150 Spin. II.P. | 3 Frames taken together average, J full, | Full = 4.491 II. P. Empty = 3.877 H. P. Half-full Bobbin. “ Centre of cylinder J in. below whorl. “ “ “ raised level with “ Ends down. Traveler stopped = 16.93 per cent. Rcving Broken, Draught stopped = 1.70 per cent. Rolls stopped = 10.17 per cent. [oiled. J full, Bands all put in order, and Frame well Empty Bobbin, clear day. J full Bobbin j Average, 664 ft. lb. = 1.208 II. P.= Full “ 1 4.15 lb. per Spin.= 132.5 Spiu. H. P. Empty Bobbin only = 75.5 per cent. Full “ = 76.3 “ [ster-step. Empty Bob., damp day, but with fresh oil in Bol- i full Bobbin j Average, 667.4 ft. lb.= 1.232 H. P. = Full “ 1 4.17 lb. Spin. = 132 Spin. H. P. Empty Bobbin only on Spindle = 74 per cent. “ “ Reduced in weight from 379 gr. to 214 gr. i full Bobbin ( Average, 624.8 ft. lb.= 1.136 n. P.= Full “ 1 3.90 lb. per Spin. = 141. Spin. II.P. Empty Bobbin, clear day. | full Bobbin j Average, 123 ft. lb = 1.134 II. P.= Full “ | 3.90 lb. Spin. = 141 Spin. II. P. Empty Bobbin on Spindle only. Rolls stopped. Full Empty Bobbin, damp, showery day. J full Bobbin j Average, 657.31 ft. lb = 1.195 H.P.= Full “ j 4.11 lb. per Spin.= 134 Spin. U. P. Empty Bobbin only on Spin. Rolls stopped. 32 RING-SPINNING.—( Continued.) Date. Place. Maker. Diam King. No. Spin. Wt. of Spindle. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft. >ep. 30, ’73 Pacific Mills, Pearl Spin. No. 2, If in 160 4J- OZ. 6,059 73 6.79 (t It It tt 160 a 6,059 73 6.79 it tt tt U 160 a 6,059 73 6.79 “ 25, “ Atlantic Mills, U tt 176 a 5,719 80 7.60 tt tt u tt 176 a 5,719 80 7.60 tt tt u It 176 a 5,719 80 7.60 “ 27, “ tt tt it 176 a 5,719 80 7.50 it tt it it 176 a 5,719 80 7.60 tt tt u a 176 a 5,719 80 7.60 “ 25, “ tt tt u 176 a 5,285 103 7.60 tt tt tt a 176 it 5,285 103 7.60 U (( u a 176 u 5,285 103 7.60 tt tt tt a 176 u 5,448 90 7.60 ti tt tt it 176 ti 5,448 90 7.60 tt tt tt u 176 a 5,448 90 7.60 “ 26, “ tt tt u 176 a 5,448 66 7.60 tt tt u u 176 a 5,936 72 7.60 “ 27, “ tt u a 176 tt 5,735 70 7.60 tt tt u u 176 u 5,735 70 7.60 tt u t< a 176 a 5,735 70 7.60 BIRKENHEAD Mar., 1873 Ric’d Borden Mill Win. Mason, Bir- If in 192 4 oz. 5,100 69 8.14 U Pall River, Mass., kenhead Spin., it 192 it 5,100 it Arner. Linen Co., Higgins, altered 11 160 a 5,830 69 7.09 tt tt to Birkenhead, ti 160 a 5,830 a U ti ti 160 tt 6'840 81 7.09 May, 1873 tt a tt 160 tt 5,750 68 7.09 U tt tt it 160 tt 5,750 68 7.09 U tt a ti 160 tt 5,750 68 .... a tt a tt 160 a 5,750 68 tt tt it ti 160 a 5,750 RICHARDSON June, 1873 Ocean Mills, New- Lowell Ma. Shop, If in 208 .... 5,200 67 U buryport, Mass., Richardson & tt 208 5,440 71 tt it Cumnock’s Spin. tt 208 .... 5,290 68 it tt and Bolster, tt 208 .... 5,000 65 tt tt tt tt 208 .... 5,290 68 EXCELSIOR Oct., 1872 Frankford, Pa., Bridesburg Man- If in it 204 4 oz. 2,960 62 6 . Dec., 1872 tt ufacturing Co., 204 tt 4,103 90 6 . tt Wingohocking M’l tt tt 204 tt 5,081 111 6 . tt tt It tt 204 tt 6,053 130 6 . tt tt tt tt 204 tt 6,923 148 6 . tt tt tt tt 204 ti 5,035 68 7. tt tt tt tt 204 tt 6,020 79 7. tt tt tt tt 204 tt 7,009 90 7. tt tt tt tt 204 tt 8,026 102 7. 33 PEARL-SPINDLE.—( Continued.) From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft.Lb. Spin. H. P. Frame. Spindl’s II. P. Remarks. 4.40 warp. 28.50 732.14 4.58 1.3311 Av’ge, 108. Empty bobbin. Bolsters too tight fit. Damp day. 4.40 28.50 839.3 5.25 1.526 f Half full Bob. ( Av’ge, 815.48 ft. lb.=1.483 11. P. = 4.40 28.50 875. 5.47 1.591 J Full j 5.10 lb. perSpin.=108. Spiu. H. P. 2.80 20.50 806.5 4.58 1.466 Empty Bobbin. Taken just as running in mill. 2.80 20.50 959.7 5.45 1.745 Full “ [No cleaning. 2.80 20.50 883. 5.02 1.605 no. Average. [and oiled. 2.80 20.50 685.5 3.90 1.246 .... Empty Bobbin. Same Frame, thoroughly cleaned 2.80 20.50 758. 4.31 1.378 Full “ 2.80 20.50 721.8 4.10 1.312 134. Average Bobbin. 1.87 14. 806. 4.58 1.465 Empty ‘ Similar Frame, taken as running 1.87 14. 1000. 5.68 1.818 Full 1.87 14. 903. 5.13 1.641 107. Average “ 44 4 4 2. 15. 824.60 4.68 1.500 Empty “ Frame like last. Spindle half an 2. 15. 962,46 5.47 1.752 Full “ [inch ehorter. 2. 15. 893.53 5.07 1.621 110. Average “ 3.68 28. 701.75 3.986 1.273 138. Half full “ Same Frame, finer Yam. 3.68 28. 789.47 4.486 1.435 122. “ “ 4 p. m., same Frame, speed incr’d. 3.68 28. 694.9 3.94 1.263 Empty “ 10 a.m., “ cool morning. 3.68 28. 915.24 5.20 1.666 Full 3.68 28. 805.08 4.57 1.465 120. Average 4 44 44 44 SPINDLE. 3.53 29. 817.71 4.25 1.487 129. naif full “ Bands very tight. 666.60 3.47 Spindle and Cylinder only = 81.50 per cent. 4.13 29. 630.66 3.94 1.147 139. Bobbin half full. 516. 3.23 .938 Spindle and Cylinder only = 81 per cent. 4.13 29. 836. 5.22 1.520 106. Bobbin half full. Too high speed for Frame. 4.13 29. 690.8 4.31 1.256 128. 44 4 Same Frame as above. 4.13 20. 680. 4.25 1.237 130. 44 4 “ Bands eased. 593. 1.079 Ends down. Traveler stopped = 12.8 per cent. .... . 553. 540. 3.375 1.006 .982 .... Weight off Rolls = 5.88 per cent. Rolls stooned. Spin, and C'vl. only = 79.4 per ct. SPINDLE. 3.90 29. 975. 4.69 1.773 117. Bob. 4 full. Banded in usual way. Belt too tight. 3.90 29. 1082. 5.20 1.967 106. 4t Frame not level. Belt too tight. 3.90 29. 711.6 3.42 1.294 160. 44 Level. Belt easy. 3.90 29. 746.6 3.59 1.359 153. ** Belt tight. ( Banded, 6 Spin, with long 3.90 29. 575.4 2.77 1.046 199. 44 Belt easy, j Band across, 3 on each \ [side. 2. 12. 326. 1.60 .593 344. 1st Frame tested of this Spindle. 2. 12. 565. 2.77 1.027 200. 2d “ Bobbin half full in all cases. 2. 12. 769. 3.77 1.398 146. U 44 2. 12. 1038. 5.09 1.888 108. 44 44 2. 12. 1273. 6.24 2.314 88. 44 44 2.90 20.5 620. 3.04 1.127 181. 44 44 2.90 20.5 804. 3.94 1.462 140. 44 44 2.90 20.5 1009. 4.94 1.834 111. 44 44 2.90 20.5 1206. 6.11 2.266 90. 44 44 3 RING-SPINNING.—( Continued.) Date. Place. * Maker. Diam. Ring. No. Spin. Wt. Spin. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft Dec., 1872 Frankt'ord, Pa., Bridesburg Mtg. If in 204 4 OZ. 9,067 118 7. u CC Co., CC 204 CC 5,081 62 7.50 u CC CC CC 204 cc 6,053 72 7.50 cc cc CC CC 204 cc 7,009 84 7.50 cc cc CC cc 204 cc 8,026 96 7.50 cc cc CC cc 204 CC 9,067 108 7.50 CC cc CC cc 204 cc 10,071 121 7.50 Mar., 1873 Stark Mills, Man- cc 1 T <; 204 cc 4,900 116 8.30 U Chester,' N. H. cc cc 204 cc 5,050 118 8.30 CC CC cc cc 204 cc 5,200 120 8.30 cc CC cc cc 204 cc 4,736 120 8.30 cc cc cc cc 204 cc 5,264 131 8.30 June, 1873 cc u cc 204 cc 4,287 110 8.30 April 2, ’73 Mannville, R. I., cc H 204 cc 8,300 80 5.71 U CC Cast-Iron Step cc 204 cc 8,300 80 .... U cc and Bolster, cc 204 cc 8,300 u cc CC cc 204 cc 8^300 cc cc CC it 204 cc 8,300 cc cc cc cc 204 cc April 3, ’73 cc CC cc 204 cc 9,300 91 5.71 U cc cc cc 204 cc 8,300 80 5.71 cc cc cc cc 204 cc 7,550 73 5.71 cc cc cc cc 204 cc 6,870 67 5.71 cc cc cc u 204 cc 6,390 62 5.71 April 7, ’73 cc Brass Step and cc 204 cc 9,600 100 5.71 CC cc Bolster, cc 204 cc 8,740 91 5.71 CC cc CC cc 204 cc 8,300 86 5.71 CC cc CC cc 204 cc 7,650 80 5.71 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 6,870 72 5.71 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 6,150 64 5.71 April 9, ’73 cc Ring changed, 204 cc 9,440 98 6 5.71 CC cc CC cc 204 cc 8,300 86 5.71 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 7,450 77 6 5.71 cc cc cc cc 204 cc 6,870 70 6 5.71 cc cc cc cc 204 cc 6,150 64 5.71 Apr. 11, ’73 cc cc cc 204 cc 10,040 104 5.75 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 9,080 94 5.75 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 8,300 86 5.75 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 7,650 80 5.75 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 6,970 73 5.75 CC cc cc cc 204 cc 6,000 63 5.75 Nov., 1873 Weetaraoe Mills, cc ♦ H 204 cc 5,760 90 9.06 CC Fall River, Mass., cc cc 204 cc 5,760 90 9.06 Jan., 1874 Clipper Mills, cc If 132 cc 4,660 122 6.50 CC Baltimore, Md., cc cc 132 cc 4,660 122 6.50 CC CC cc cc 132 cc 2,700 70 6.50 35 EXCELSIOR SPINDLE. —(Continued.) From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spin. H. P. Frame. Spiudl’ 2.90 20.5 wp. 1508. 7.89 2.742 74.5 4. 30.5 ii 546. 2.67 .993 205. 4. 30.5 U 705. 3.45 1.282 159. 4. 30.5 u 929. 4.55 1.649 121. 4. 30.5 u 1174. 5.75 2.134 95.5 4. 30.5 u 1475. 7.23 2.862 76. 4. 30.5 u 1754. 8.60 3.190 64. 1.50 13. weft. 864. 4.23 1.571 130. 1.50 13. u 896. 4.39 1.629 125. 1.50 13. u 963. 4.72 1.753 116.5 1.50 13. u 693. 3.40 1.260 162. 1.50 13. u 772. 3.78 1.404 145. 1.50 13. u 571. 2.80 1.038 196.5 7. 40. warp 993.33 4.87 1.806 113. 893.33 1.624 843.33 1.530 816.66 1.485 766.66 3.76 1.394 100. .182 7. 40. it 1233.33 6.04 2.242 91. 7. 40. ii 916.86 4.50 1.665 122. 7. 40. ii 772.73 3.79 1.405 145. 7. 40. ii 700. 3.46 1.273 159. 7. 40. ii 646. 3.17 1.175 174. 7. 40. ii 1372. 6.73 2.495 82. 7. 40. ii 1140. 5.59 2.073 98. 7. 40. ii 983.33 4.84 1.788 114. 7. 40. ii 833.33 4.08 1.576 135. 7. 40. ii 755. 3.70 1.373 149. 7. 40. ii 714. 3.50 1.298 157. 7. 40. ii 1190. 5.83 2.163 94.2 7. 40. ii 953. 4.67 1.733 118. 7. 40. ii 834. 4.09 1.517 134.5 7. 40. ii 733.33 3.59 1.333 153. 7. 40. ii 573.5 2.81 1.053 195. 7. 40. ii 1283.33 6.28 2.333 87.5 7. 40. ii 983.6 4.82 1.788 114. 7. 40. ii 833.33 4.08 1.515 135. 7. 40. ii 743.33 3.64 1.351 151. 7. 40. ii 643.33 3.15 1.190 175. 7. 40. ii 500. 2.45 .909 224. 4. 36. weft. 640. 3.14 1.165 175. 4. 36. ii 656.25 3.21 1.193 171. 4. 6.50 wp 607.43 4.60 1.104 J Av. 4. 6.50 ii 700.33,5.21 1.274 1 HI- 4. 6.50 ii 319. 2.42 .580 228. Remarks. 2d Frame. U It tt It Bobbin half full. Bands too tight, j “ | Cyl. & Spin. 68.4 p. c., Twist 16 do., Rolls 15.6 do. It tt (t tt tt j Bobbin half full. New Bands, larger, ] Cyl. & Spin. 61.4 p. c., Twist 20 do., Rl's. 18.6 do. i Bobbin half full. New Bands, larger, ) C. & S. 66.66 p. c., Twist 18.02 do., Rolls 15.32 do. Bobbin half full. Half full. New Frame, a new mill. Cold and wet. “ Yarn broken, Trav’r stop’d = —10.0T. p. c. Roving “ Draught “ = — 5.03 “ Top Rolls off = — 2.69 “ Bottom Rolls stopped = — 5.08 “ ) Bands off. Spindles stopped =—67.11 “ I Cylinder only = — 10.07 “ Half full. Weather warmer, but mill damp. “ and cooler all through the experiments. Twist-gear changed. Colder than last test. tt tt tt tt tt tt Mill still very cold and damp. tt tt tt Warm day. Wind S. W. Empty Bobbin. Full Fuli >ty [ Average, 4.95 lb. per Spindle. 36 RING-SPINNING_( Continued.) Date. Peace. Maker. S M ss No. Spin. Wt. Spin. Rev. Spindle. Rev. Roll. Draft June, 1872 Amosk’g Mills, Amoskeag Co., l^in 128 5,154 61 7.68 CC CC CC a 128 . • • . 6,187 68 7.68 CC cc * U u 128 3,506 74 9.35 Oct., 1872 cc u u 128 3,090 66 9.35 CC cc u u 128 4,050 82 9.35 cc cc a u 128 5,672 115 9.35 u cc u u 144 . . . . 4,600 70 7.26 ti cc a u 144 .... 5,250 77 7.26 cc u a u 144 .... 6,127 90 7.26 cc cc u a 144 .... 7,355 107 7.26 Feb., 1874 cc u u 144 5,004 66 7.26 CC cc a u 144 .... 5,700 75 7.26 cc u u a 144 .... 6,316 83 7.26 cc cc a u 144 7,384 97 7.26 cc cc a u 144 8,380 110 7.26 PUSEY SPINDLE. Jan., 1874 Clipper Mill, Pusey Bros., Wil- 2Jin 132 .... 3,132 108 4. U Baltimore, Md., mington, Del., U 132 3,132 108 4. u Wilmington, Del., U If in 132 .... 6,026 84 8.86 u U u u 132 .... 6,026 84 8.86 u u u cc 132 .... 7,030 98 8.86 u u u cc 132 .... ,.7,030 98 8.86 37 PERRY SPINDLE {Dead). From To Ft. Lb. Frame. Ft. Lb. Spin. n. p. Frame. Spindl’s H. P. Remarks. 4.42 34 warp 493. 3.85 .896 143. Bobbin half full. Set on Whorl which revolves around Spiudle, the latter free to move. 4.42 34 608. 4.75 1.106 116. Bobbin half full. 1.50 14 weft. 339. 2.65 .616 208. it ii 1.50 14 311. 2.43 .565 226. it ii 1.50 14 CC 440. 3.44 .801 160. ii ii 1.50 14 u 669. 5.23 1.217 105. ii ii 3.30 24 warp 439. 3.05 .800 180. ii ii 3.30 24 CL 518. 3.60 .941 153. ii ii 3.30 24 LC 716. 4.97 1.202 110. ti ii • 3.30 24 u 956. 6.64 1.738 83. ii ii 3.30 24 u 437.5 3.04 .795 181. ii ii 3.30 24 a 514. 3.57 .935 155. ii it 3.30 24 cc 639. 4.44 1.162 124. ii ii 3.30 24 cc 804. 5.58 1.462 98. it ti 3.30 24 u 1000. 7. 1.818 78.5 ii ii {Dead.) 0.75 3 warp 1145.84 8.08 2.083' Av. j Empty Bobbin, a 0.75 3 CC 1218.75 9.23 2.216 J 67. ( Full “ =8 oz. Yarn. 2.25 20 cc 404.35 3.06 .735] Av. j Empty “ 2.25 20 cc 525.22 3.98 .955 J 156.25 ] Full “ = 2 oz. “ 2.25 20 ti 521.21 3.96 .949-1 Av. j Empty “ 2.25 20 CC 712.80 5.40 1.278 J 123.5 (Full “ =2 oz. “ a Bobbin placed on a tube which revolves around Spindle. 38 MULE-SPINNING. Date. Place. Description. No. Spin. Ac. Rev. Spindle. St’ch. Sec. St'ch, July, 1871 Amosk’g Mill, N.H. 1 pair Smith Mules, 896 4,500 65 in 194 U Langdon, “ ( 1 Saeo W. P. Co. Im- ) proved Sharpe & Roberts 704 5,000 60 19. Aug., 1871 Manchaug, Mass., j 1 Saco W. P. Co. Cur- 1 tis, Parr & Madely. 696 5,000 64 22 . a a a a a 652 5,000 64 22 . Sept., 1871 Wauregan, Oonn., 1 Curtis, Parr & Madely, 696 4,860 62 21.66 a a a i 1 Marvel & Davol, 1 Sharpe & Roberts, 516 4,560 61 21 . Aug., 1871 Manchaug, Mass., 1 Fm. Mason & Co., old, 832 4,170 60 19.33 Sept., 1871 Durfee Mills, | 1 fm. Mason & Co., ( Warp t 5 t Gau., new. t 1 Wm. Mason & Co., 1^ 768 4,600 60 18. U Fall River, Mass., < Gauge, 5 months old, 768 4,600 60 18. ( 1 T \ T oz. warp, Jan., 1873 j Whittenton, } Taunton, Mass., Ilaydensville, Mass. 1 Wm. Mason, “ “ “ 576 3,000 60 18. Mar., 1873 1 “ If Gauge, 468 4,200 60 17.5 Apr., 1873 Salmon Falls, N. H. 1 Saco W. P. Co., S. & R., 560 3,850 60 17. U j Appleton Mills, | Lowell, 1 Platt Bros. If Gauge, 600 2,460 64 15.5 U a Same Mule, Twist ch’d, 600 3,220 64 17.5 May, 1873 Rockport, Mass., i| 1 Franklin Foundery, '{ Geared Mule, 600 3,470 60 % 23.33 U a a i 1 Saco W. P. Co., F. F. 1 Pattern, 544 3,850 60 18. a Masconomet Mill, 1 Wm. Mason, If Ga., old, 480 3,690 60 19.5 a Newburyp’t, Mass., a a a 572 3,690 60 19.5 Nov., 1873 ( Essex, Paterson, \ N. J., ( 1 Curtis, Parr & Co., If i inch Gauge. 704 3,700 63 22 . a a 1 Marvel, JJavol & Co., 1 If inch Gauge, 600 3,550 60 18. Mar., 1873 Granite Mill, F. R., j 1 Platt Bros. & Co. If ga. 1 warp. Same Mule, 552 4,713 64 19. Nov., 1873 a a a 552 5,300 64 17. Mar., 1873 Slade “ “ 1 Mason, 1^ Gau. warp, 556 4,480 60 18. May, 1873 Weetamoe, “ 1 Parr & Curtis l-j\ ga. wp. 544 5,106 63 17. a a a 1 “ l-j^ “ wef. 600 4,113 63 17. Nov., 1873 Westville, Taunton, 1 Wm. Mason If “ “ 480 3,100 60 18. 39 MULE-SPINNING. Draft. 'From! To L DRAFT* TWIST BACKING. Sec. Ft. Lb. 58. 4.33 40. 4. 3.85 U u 8.99, 3.33 30. weft. 7.17 4.70 33. “ 8.74 5.95152. 8.74* 5.95 52. 8.71 “ ““ 9.15 8.40 7.70 7.70 36. “ 29. warp. 3.85 29 8.50 2. 8.56 8 . 7.95 7. 3.62 1.65 1.65 3.80 7.21 3.80 17. weft. 27. “ 31. “ 13. “ 12.50 wp 26. weft. 32. “ 8.2514.50 36. 8.25 4.50 36. 7.30! 4. 8.10 3.33 30. warp. 30. weft. 2 . 2.5 2.5 4.33 3. 2 . 2 . 2 . 1. 7.47 3.88 29. warp. 3. 7.47! 3.88 29. “ ' 3. 7.50 3.80 28. “ j 3. 7.15 4.15 29.5 “ 2. 8.43 4.15 35. weft. 2. 10.77 1.95 21. “ 2. 1,604 2,912 2,772 2,701 2,220 2,579 2,918 2,892 1,536 2,512 2,946 1,647 1,694 1,500 1,613 2.244 1,207 3,104 3,127 1,967 2,620 2,093 1,009 Sec. 12 14 14 13»o 13 13 j 9 i 2 (2 12 ll 6 n 9 \l 14 10 12 6 12 6 15 12 11 9 8 10 10 10 Ft. Lb. Sec. [Ft Lb 1,185 1,912 1,772 1,701 1,660 1,592 1,839 ^ 1,153 j 1,842 I 1,114) 1,050 1,235 1,082) 627 j 2,078 2.503 | 1,742 f 1,314 1,254 1,357 1,405 1,625 873 2,195 2,217 1,517 2,046 1,512 855 Average Ft. Lb. 349 912 772 701 600 605 388 383 478 374 400 813 813 368 444 372 421 475 367 695 854 363 517 465 309 Lb. p Spind 1.472 1,146 1,912 1,772 1,701 1,660 1,592 1,486 1.473 859 941 955 1,700 2,031 1.173 1,102 1,124 1.174 1,404 734 1,944 1,977 1,099 1,664 1,257 690 Lb. per Average Spindles H. P. per II.P. le. 1.64 1.63 2.75 3.21 2.59 3.22 1.91 1.93 1.92 1.46' 2.00 1.70 2.83 3.38 1.96 2.03 2.34 2.29 2 . 1.225 2.677 2.084 3.476 3.222 3.093 3.019 2.895 2.702 2.678 1.562 1.710 1.736 3.091 3.693 2.133 2.004 2.045 2.135 2.533 1.335 3.525 1 3.535 3.58 1.976 3.06 2.10 1.46 3.594 1.998 3.025 2.287 1.255 335. 338. 200 . | 173. ' A 225. 171. B 287. 284. 1 it 287. j 370. 274. 322. 194. 163. 281. 272. 235.) o 240. j 275- 450. 156. D 153.2 279. 180. 262. 382.5 * Mules balanced each other. + Companion Mules. A Mules rather new and stiff. B Mules old and not quite level, c Mules quite old. d Belt new and slipped. Not up to proper speed. COTTON-LOOMS. Date. Place. Description. Wicltl No. Warp No. Weft. Picks Clo’h per inch. Picks p. min. April, 1871 Stark Mills, Ainoskeag Mills, Lowell M. S., Sheeting inches. 36 16. 16 56 x 48 128 June, 1871 Amosk’g Co., Ticking, 28 10 . 48 x 50 118 tt tt “ Print Cloth, 28i 30. 33 64 x 64 120 July, 1871 a “ Fine Sheeting, 40 24. 30 64 x 80 125 tt tt tt It 49 24. 30 tt 120 tt tt a u 60 24. 30 tt 116 tt u u 100 24. 30 ' tt 70 tt tt “ Fancy Gingham 28 13.5 16 56 x 56 82 tt tt “ “ [Goods, 28 24. 28 tt 94 tt tt “ simple Check 11 28 24. 28 tt 94 Aug., 1871 It Manchaug, SacoW.P.Co.Plain “ 37 46. 52 140 U U it 37 46. 52 138 tt u tt tt tt 37 46. 52 154 u tt Whitin’s “ “ 36 46. 52 151 u tt tt tt tt 28 30. 32 64 x 64 150 a it tt tt tt 28 30. 32 tt 130 1856 Ind. Orchard, Lowell M. S. 11 “ 36 23. 24 64 x 72 126 tt tt tt it 39 23. 24 64 x 68 126 Feb., 1872 Langdon Mills, U Whitin’s “ “ 40 30. 33 88 x 100 120 tt tt tt tt 40 33. 38 72 x 80 120 Mar., 1872 Haydensville, it tt tt 36 23. 27 64 x 64 120 April, 1872 Salmon Falls, Whittenton Mills, SacoW.P.Co. “ “ 36 25. 31 64 x 72 125 Jan., 1872 Mason’s Drop-box L’m 36 9. 11 tt 112 tt U 1 Thomas's Patent “ 36 9. 11 tt 118 tt a Mason’s 4 Harness “ 36 9. 11 tt 115 tt tt tt tt tt 36 9. 11 tt 125 tt a 1 Devolving Box, Mason’s 4 Harness, 36 9. 11 tt 110 tt tt 36 9. 11 tt 120 tt tt 1 Crompton, New Fat. “ Old “ 36 9. 11 tt 118 tt a 36 22 . 24 tt 118 May, 1872 Eockport Mills, W. Mason’s Drill, “ 33 28. 32 83 x 68 145 a tt tt U tt 36 28. 32 tt 140 a U tt tt tt 40 28. 32 tt 135 tt tt “ “ [Pat. 40 28. 32 tt 140 u it Lewiston Sh., Mason’s 40 28. 32 tt 140 a it Wm. Mason, “ 40 28. 32 tt 117 u Masconomet “ “ Plain Sheeting, 40 30. 36 80 x 84 130 tt it Lesley, “ 40 30. 36 tt 130 U it tt tt 48 30. 36 tt 122 tt tt tt tt 36 30. 36 tt 130 Nov., 1872 Essex, Pat’n, N.J. Dale Mfg. Co., “ it Mosquito-Net Loom, 72 30. 30 12 x 12 88 tt Jacquard on Silk Serge Fancy Braid Loom, /_ 27 100 68 tt 96 Doub. Bk., 48 Shut. \ April, 1873 Clinton, Woon’kt Whitin’s Plain Loom, 40 31. 32 64 x 72 129 tt Social, “ tt tt 40 31. 32 | 5.66 x 68 7.76 x 84 | 139 Sept., 1873 Atlantic, Law’nce Lowell Mach. Shop, 40 22 . 24 64 x 68 145 tt tt tt tt 36 15. 16 52 x 52 156 a tt tt tt 36 20 . 20 56 x 56 156 Nov., 1873 Weetamoe, F. E., Kilburn, Lincoln &Co. 20 29. 35 64 x 64 154 tt Granite, “ Davol & Co., 20 29. 35 tt 154 COTTON-LOOMS. Ft. Lb. per Sec. Loom. H. Power Loom. No. Tes’d Total H. P. Loom? per II. P. Remakes. 75.28 0.160 8 1.282 6.25 Dynamometer driving Counter-Shaft. 106.15 .193 20 3.855 5.18 It kk kk kk 35.14 .064 20 1.278 15.62 U kk kk kk 51.15 .093 12 1.117 10.75 kk kk kk 62.15 .113 9 1.019 9. “ kk kk kt 64.90 .118 15 1.779 8.47 44 .k kk kk 89.10 .162 3 .486 6.17 kk kk kk 96.82 .176 10 1.760 5.68 «» kt kk kk 86.35 .157 10 1.568 6.37 u kk kk kk 48.95 .089 15 1.333 11.23 kt kk kk kk 65. .118 i .118 8.47 ) kk •k kk kk / 72.05 86.35 .131 .157 i i .131 .157 7.63 [ 6.37 ) kk i. u ,, J New Looms ii n .i j ju9t started. 85.80 .156 4 .624 6.41 ) kk “ “ “ ( Old Looms. 64.35 .117 4 .469 8.55 > kk :: :: :: j ;; 53.90 .098 4 .391 10.20 ^ 60. .109 10 1.090 9.17 kk kk kt 64.50 .117 10 1.170 8.55 “ kk kk kk 115.7 .210 8 1.682 4.76 44 tk kk kk 74.4 .135 8 1.082 7.41 kk kk kk kk 71.86 .131 6 .786 7.83 “ kk kk 59.60 .108 10 1.084 9.23 44 kw kk kk 166. .302 1 .302 3.31 Dynamometer applied direct to Loom. Doubtful. 96.43 .175 1 .175 5.71 kk kk kk kk 102.5 .183 1 .183 5.47 kk “ old Loom, “ 85.70 .156 1 .156 6.41 kk 44 new 44 44 80. .145 2 .290 6.90 44 “ C.-ehaft. No doubt correct. 87.16 .158 1 .158 6.33 44 “ Loom quite new. Doubtful. 141.17 .257 1 .257 3.89 kk kk kk kk tk 116.2 .212 1 .212 4.72 44 “ “ old, “ 63.44 .116 4 .464 8J62 * “ Counter-Shaft. Correct. 77.60 .144 2 .288 7.09 kk “ “ New Loom, “ 55. .100 1 .100 10 . kk “ “ Old 63.33 .115 3 .345 8.70 kk kk kk 64.44 .117 3 .357 8.55 44 tk kk 50.86 .092 4 .370 10.87 44 kt tk 73. .133 2 .266 7.52 kk tk kk 80. .145 2 .289 6.90 kk “ “ Old Loom. 76. .138 1 .138 7.25 kk kk kk kk 57. .104 2 .207 9.61 kk 50. .091 8 .727 11 . “ 32.5 .059 1 .059 17. 44 “ direct to Looms. 44.27 .080 1 .080 12.5 kk kk kk 61.12 .111 14 1.561 9. kk “ to Shaft. 93.62 .170 12 2.043 6. kt kk kk 92.6 .168 4 .673 6 . kk ki kt 108. .196 12 2.351 5.10 kk kk kk 108. .196 12 2.351 5.10 kk kt kk 63.44 .115 10 1.153 9. kk kt kk 66.50 .103 12 1.233 10 . kk kk kk 42 COTTON-SPOOLERS. Date. Place. Description. No. Spin. Rev. Spin. No. Yarn. Lb. p. Spin. H. P. May, 1857 Ind. Orc’d, Mass. Lowell Ma. S’p, upright, 100 936 23 1.18 0.215 June, 1871 Amoskeag, No. 3, Amoskeag Shop, 80 700 10 2.35 .342 Aug., U Manchaug, Saco W. P. Oo., 100 663 46 .92 .167 Jan., 1872 Whittenton, Mason, “Skein Sp’ler,” 60 16 3.11 .340 Mar., 1873 Haydensville, Whitin, upright, “ 80 800 30 3.62 .527 April, May, U Salmon Falls, Saco W. P. Co. “ 100 700 25 1.80 .327 a Rockport, U U 70 1,000 28 2,82 .359 U a Masconomet, Lewiston Ma. Shop, 80 600 30 1.57 .228 U u W eetamoe, William Mason, Lowell Ma. Shop, 130 640 29 .81 .192 Sept., a Atlantic Mill, 96 700 15 1.62 .282 Nov., u Granite Mill, George Draper & Son, 80 630 29 1.28 .186 COTTON-TWISTERS. Date. Place. Description. Diam Ring. No. Spin. Rov. Spin. Lb. p. Spin. H. P. June, 1871 Derry Mills, j Ring Frame used as ) ) Cass. Yarn-Twister, f 1| in 100 5,186 12.50 2.273 Nov., U Stark Mills, Duck “ 3J 80 2,812 10. 1.467 Jan., 1872 Whittenton Mill, Mason’s Ring,No. 17 Y’n 24 48 3,400 9.23 .805 Nov., U Dale Silk Mill. English Flier-Twister, 100 3,897 4.30 .783 U a Paterson, N. J., a a . . . . 112 3,005 3.30 .673 COTTON-WARPERS. Date. Place. Description. No. Yarn. No. Ends. H. P. June, 1871 Amoskeag, 10 230 0.171 Aug., “ Manchaug, Lewiston English Box, 46 383 0.118 Jan., 1872 Whittenton, Mason, 9 240 0.119 May, “ Masconomet, Lewiston, 32 400 0.177 Nov., “ Granite, English, 29 358 0.113 COTTON-DRESSERS. Date. Place. Description. No. Yarn. No. Ends. Yards p.Min Lb. p. Sec. H. P. June, 1871 Amoskeag, Amoskeag Co.,Old Style 10 1,872 4 627 1.141 Jan., 1872 Whittenton, Mason’s “ 9 1,920 10 1,177 2.139 Mar., “ Haydensville, Whitin’s “ 23 2,300 7 1,060 1.927 SLASHERS. May, 1871 Amoskeag, Howard & Bullough, 28 2,720 20 . 869. Aug., 1872 May, “ Manchaug, a a 46 2,298 28.57 855. Rockport, Clint’n, Woon’kt, a a 28 2,592 24. 702. April, 1873 a a 31 2,800 38.57 583. May, “ Weetamoe, F. R., a a 29 1,728 30. 395. 1.581 1.555 1.277 1.061 .702 43 MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY AND TOOLS. Date. June. 1871 Jan., 1872 U U July, 1871 Mav, 1872 July, 1871 Jan., 1872 May, “ Mar., Nov., U U u May, “ it U Nov., “ May, “ Nov., “ U it it it May, 1873 June, <( <( (i Peace. Description. Revolu. Amoskeag Mills, Whittenton “ (( u Langdon “ Rockport, Langdon Mills, Whittenton, Rockport, Mass., u u ( Paterson, N. J., < Whitney’s Sew- ( ing Ma. Man., Rockport, Mass., ti it Paterson, N. J., it ti Rockport, Mass., Paterson, N. J., ( Whitney’s Shop, ( Paterson, N. J., Manch’r P. W., TJnderhill Edge- Tool Co., Nash- ' ua, N. H., Collins Axe Co., Collinsville, Ct., U <1 (( it ( 1 Filling-Winder, on No. 34 ( Yarn, 100 Spindles, 1 Fil. Wind., 17 Fan, 80 Spin., 1 Reel; Skeins per 60 Spin., 1 FoldingMa., 70 yds. per min. 1 “ “ 75 “ 1 “ “ 70 “ 1 Cloth Shear, 4 Blades, Fan to same, Total, 1 Cloth Shear, 5 Blades & Fan, ( 1 Cloth Shear, 3 Blades and } Fan, 1,200 Rev. [hard wood 1 Cir. Saw, 18 in. diam., 3 in. 1 “9 in., 1 in. pine wood, ( 1 Small engine Lathe, on 3-8 / inch Iron, [cut, 1 in. Iron, 1 6 ft. Windsor Lathe, heavy 1 Upright Drill, 3-4 in. Drill, j 1 Upright Press Drill, 4 Sp., I only 1 cutting, 1-4 in. hole, 1 Crank-Planer, 2 in. stroke, 1 5 ft. “ 4 ft. “ _ ( 1 Profiling Machine, 1-4 in. i Cutter, quick speed, [speed, 1 Pro. Ma., 1| in- Cutter, slow 1 Milling Ma., small work, j 1 Small screw-cutting En- l gine, J in. Screws, ( 3 Polishing-Wheels, 12 in. } Diam., 1-J- in- Face, 1 Log-Wash. Ma. in Bleach’y, 1 Roll, 10ft. long, 20 in. Diam. 2 u u 27 u 1 Grindstone, 6 ft. Diam., ;■} 12 in. face, grinding Axes 1 Grindstone, 6.6 in. Diam., 1 13 in. face, grinding Axes, in > Wood Boxes, ) do. do. in Iron “ Stone in Revolution alone, 1 Stone, 3 ft. 10 in. Diam., 11 in. Face, grinding in Wood Boxes. \ 1 do., 2 ft. 8 in. Diam., 12| in. J Face, grind, in Wood Boxes, 1 Polishing Wh’l, 1 ft. Diam., 3 in. face, on Axes. 2,910 2,000 180 2,000 516 2,070 2,056 1,300 4,000 1,000 ) ioo j 120 84 175 175 175 229 229 1,320 Ft. Lb. 793. 484. 76.5 164. 69. 216. 1171. 526. 1697. 2275. 1645. 700. 900. 51. 116. 88 . 168.75 125. 135. 152. 147. 121 . 122 . 633. 7650. 1680. 6260. 5263. 2807. 4300. 3645. 658. H. P. 1.442 .870 .140 .300 .126 .393 2.130 .957 3.087 4.136 3.000 1.273 1.637 .092 .212 .160 .307 .227 .245 .276 .267 .220 .222 I. 151 13.818 3.055 II. 383 9.57 5.103 7.810 6.627 1.200 44 FLAX MACHINERY. Date. Place. Description. Size. April, 1871 Stark Mills, Man- 1 1st Drawing-Frame, “ Tow,” 4 Deliveries, U U Chester, N. H., 1 2d 6 “ a u U 1 Roving Frame, “ 48 Spindles, a u u 1 Fairbairn’s Spinning Fra. “ 108 “ a a u 1 Long Line Spreader, “Flax,” 1 Delivery, a a u 1 “ 1st Drawing, “ 2 Deliveries, u u a 1 “ 2d “ 6 “ a a u 1 “ Roving Frame, “ 48 Spindles, u u a 1 Fairbairn’s Wet Spinning-Frame 116 “ u u u 1 Lawson’s “ “ “ “ 116 “ Nov., 1872 Arkwright Mills, 1 Long Line Spreader, 1 Delivery, a a Paterson, N. J., 1 2d Drawing-Frame, 3 Deliveries, a a U 1 Roving-Frame, 40 Spindles, u u U 1 Wet Spinning, 96 a u a 1 Twine-Polisher, Ordi’ry Pressure, u u a u Ex. Heavy “ WOOL MACHINERY. WOOL-CARDS. Date. Place. Description. Width. Diam. Revolti. Ft. Lb. H. P. f 1 Davis & Fur- Jan., 1871 Demy Mills, -j her 2d Breaker, 40 48 in. 96 500 .910 ( 6 Workers. Oct., 1871 Manchester P.W. j 1 Double Oylin. j Card, 10 Work., 40 48 “ 130 700 1.273 U U a U 40 48 “ 82 659 1.179 WOOL-JACKS. Date. Place. Description. Revolu. DRAFT. TWIST. Ft. Lb. H. P. Ft. Lb. H. P. June, 1871 Derry Mills, j 1 Davis & Fur- ( ber, 200 Spin., 2,457 431 .784 361 .657 FLAX MACHINERY Draught. Gills Speed. Hells Speed. Spindle Speed. Ft. Lh. per Second. Horse-Power. 8. to 1 180 per min. 340 0.619 7. “ 1 180 “ .... 632 1.149 8.* “ 1 100 Revol’ns, 590 1,297 2.358 6. “ 1 30 2,665 1,860 3.382 30. “ 1 54 per min. 70 “ • • • . 560 1.018 16. “ 1 108 “ .... 427 .767 14. “ 1 102 “ 84 “ .... 604 1.097 12. “ 1 130 “ 108 “ 540 1,132 2.058 7.89 “ 1 39 “ 2,925 2,335 4.246 7.89 “ 1 40 “ 3,176 2,702 4.913 520 .947 790 1.436 1,077 1.957 2,700 1,903 3.460 1,653 3.005 * .... 2,853 5.186 WOOL MACHINERY.—( Continued) WOOLEN-LOOMS. Date. Place. Description. Width. Harness ‘ Picks 1 per min. Ft. Lbs. H. P. June, 1871 U Oct., 1871 tt Derry Mills, tt ( Manchest. Print l Works. a 1 Satinet Loom, j 1 Broad Cromp- ( ton Loom, ^ U tt 1 Thomas, 36 in. 90 “ 90 “ 108 “ 10 10 10 95 86 86 65 122 285 348 233 .221 .519 .633 .424 FINISHING-MACHINERY—( Continued.) Date. Place. Description. Revolu. Ft. Lb. H. P. June, 1871 Derry Mills, 1 Broad Gig, 54 inches, empty, 160 279 .507 it tt “ set light, old Teazles, 160 570 .927 tt it “ set heavy, new “ 160 1,100 2.000 tt tt 1 Rotary Fulling-Mill, [ton & Co., 126 1,395 2.536 tt tt 1 38 in. Hydro-Ex., Rice, Bar- 580 1,100 2.000 it it 1 30 in. Hydro-Ex., Laconia Pat., 630 999 1.817 46 TESTS OF SHAFTING. Date. Place. Length. Diameter. Weight. Weight of PulleyR. Total Weight. April 1871 Amoskeag Mills, 8 ft. 6 in. inc. 1011b. 5771b. 678 lb. U U 34 U 404 1,974 2,378 U u 114 a 1,366 1,859 3,225 u u 228 u 2,732 3,617 6,349 u u 342 u 4,098 5,331 9,429 u u u u 16 178 2| me. u 2,427 2,988 5,415 u a 10 ft. 4 in. a u u 80 H a u (4 32 2f u r 3,910 5,393 9,303 u U 48 2f u a u 32 24 a July, 1871 “ 10 2f u a “ 48 2f u 1,289 1,456 2,745 u “ 32 24 u u u Similar line 1,006 2,295 a “ 34 24 u a 32 2-4 u 1,484 1,736 3,220 a “ 32 24 a u a “ 1 10 ft. 4 in. 176 24 24 “ “ _ 2,336 2,999 5,335 a a Similar line 2,336 2,999 5,335 Jan., 1872 Whittenton Mills. Ab’t 200 ft. 2i 24 u 2,700* Feb.', 1872 Langdon “ 24 ft. 10 in a 295 350 645 Mar., 1872 Haydens ville, j Salmon Falls, { N. H., 42 24 4 24 a 428 April 1, ’72 9 231 “ “ 3,151 2,354 5,805 April 2, ’72 May, 1872 U Same shaft. 3,151 2,354 5,805 Eockport,Mass. r 9 ft. 10 in 3 “ ] U a 32 32 24 24 “ “ 1,987 2,000* 3,987 96 14 “ May, 1872 Masconorn’t M’l 10 ft. 8 in. 3 u ' Newburyport, 24 24 u J 127 ft. 1 in. 24 u 3,554 4,268 7,882 64 2 “ 64 ft. 3 in. If “ Nov., 1872 Paterson, N. J., 100 If u unkn’wn unkn’wn unkn’wn Nov., 1873, Granite Mills, Fall River, Ab’t 200 ft. 2 u u a U * Estimated. 47 TESTS OF SHAFTING. No. of Bear’gs. Rev. per Minute. Ft. Lbs. Horse- Power. Coefif. Friction Remarks. 2 216 49 .089 .0336 continuous oiling. [Kerosene Oils mixed- Single Counter. Dreyfuss Pat. Oiler. Sperm and 8 216 196 .357 .0413 4 Count’s like above. Connected with Belts. Same 15 216 325 .590 .0500 Single line. Oilers as above. [Oils mixed- 30 216 650 1.181 .0501 2 Lines like above connected. Oils, etc., same. 47 216 1,022 1.858 .0552 3 “ “ “ “ “ 25 216 378 .687 .0338 Single line, “ “ 26 210 873 1.587 .0334 Single line, Oils, etc., same. . 12 150 275 .499 .0640 ORDINARY OILING. Single line. Oiled in ordinary way, daily. Tallow 12 150 217 .394 .0610 in Boxes, as safeguard in case of Heating. 44 44 44 4k 13 150 291 .537 .059 44 44 44 44 24 211 793 1.442 .0759 Single line. Had been oiled a. m., test at 11 a. m. 24 211 679 1.234 .0650 “ “ Taken just after oiling. 155 314 .571 4 210 143 .260 .114 “ “ Sprung in centre by pull of Belt. 5 120 147 .267 31 211 857 1.558 .0714 “ “ Tallow in Boxes, taken at noon ; had 31 211 619 1.120 .0516 been oiled early in a. m. Tallow removed from Boxes, and sponge saturated 30 185 376 .685 .0568 in oil substituted. Time of testing as before. Oiled daily in usual manner. 37 245 1,028 1.870 .0585 44 44 44 44 11 170 184 .335 Dreyfuss Oilers. .... 200 302 .549 44 44 Date Due • - 3 - ♦ / . ; " 7i ■ • 1 ' 1 * ' foi? 30- v"? 3 6 7 7 u/ssj ' T 7