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ST . ■ ■ - . . TriE PROPERTY of .i mz (VUu I to CU cA A GENTLEMAN, in the .North of England • COMPRISING Many fine Works by the following great find admired Majcrs, viz. Caravaggio, .Latin,. Pour bus, Ne (fiber , P. Veronefe ,. _ , Pouffiti, i , Teniers, Mieris, Baffano, S. Rofa, Brauwer, Ruyfdael, . . Barocio, : Ruiejysy OJlqde, Storch, Furini, * V. Dyck, Metzu, V. Uden, particularly A HOLY FAMILY, a noble Composition, by Caravagio, and a Portrait of the DUC d’ALENCON, by Pourbus,—Capital. lul n: b»l:*oq il ».;• ’ ,?ro 1: ,_) :• T. > ' . •) V. mm WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, L. UZL On SATURDAY, MAY the ift, 1802, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. Miy be Viewed till the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. ILAP05-D5HOS 332 I s \ i - .-mi*". m CONDITIONS of SALE. I . rr-'HE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpute arife between Two or more I Bidders, the Lot fo disputed lhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds zs. 6 d. And fo on in pro¬ portion. : • 11 4 i . '■ III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of'Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part 1 of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, die Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. , t •- . « IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale., V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; all. Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, lhall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Salev CATALOGUE, &c, &c, &c. SATURDAY, MAY the ift, 1802. y t/:"? —O' <■' ( «•*' - 3 -..." ~ /- " Jj Carre — / - V. Dyck / Parry — 2 „ y — Schobarts *4 -22, -6\. Keffel i 7 " S'- _ P. da Cortona /lT»* Rubens — 2 » S - Huens — / " /O Lancret ^— - 1 — 2 3 4 5 6 7 -8 9 10 11 12 J 3 PICTURES. Pair of fmall Portraits, the Due d’Alba, and M. de Thou Two fmall Landfcapes, and one Hiflorical by Alb. Durer A Cattle Piece A Sketch, the Death of Adonis, and Robbers, by Aldegraef Two, a Sea Piece and a Toper A Sea Port, and a Landfcape, Breughel Two of Fifh, highly finilhed Two, Drunken Boors and a Philofopher •Virgin, Child and St. Catherine, after The Horrors of War, a Sketch, after Chrift Blefling the little Children A Fete Champetre A Boy’s Head, a Study, Italian, and an old Man’s • Profile, by Wright *3 y 4 . G. Pouffin — / " /“ S. Ruyfdael «_ ~ J- Ruyfdael — ' ' V. Uden — 3 //V 3 — Townley _ ^ -• /iT“• Teniers 4 /r, 3 Oftade 3 ,.^ ' 3 ., 6 Ferg — 4.. /3 . ^Haufmann S" /3~~' V. Goyen /* Sso s 3.. .r- A .m Mignard V. Caltelli - Titian — - Italian — , 6 / Netfcher A eniers - Glauber — Jordaens e Guido — . G. Pouffin . - Teniers - Old Dietrich --^Iorl^nd oBreemberg. Mo re els , 'Titian ( 4 ) .i 3 * ‘‘v •me. -.zAmi f > «£r-_ %.> >- ■ * 14 A Landfcape, rtyle of, and a Cattle Piece, by R. di Tivoli 15 Two, a Halt of Travelling Waggons, and Boors- regaling 16 A Woody Landfcape 17 A View in Flanders- 18 A Pair of Cattle, and a Halt of Travellers, and a Vie** of Weftminfter Rrirtcrp k,,'T.r_ 19 20 21 22 2 3 of Weftminfter Bridge, by Turner A Pair of Smokers and Mifers j The Schoolmafter o s'/Zsyj ^^ 35 ? •S~ ‘ - - ' Ffcnrrish 1 / 3 ~ A/ - ^Swaneveldf '.'.3 .^/^LaiVefle'' ^ 2 ,,/2 .A F. Furinr .. /3 - /'S? < ^Titian « 2 ~,, ^«-~ Holbein A3.. 2. j A •• /O '-. Lingelbach A* - -Waterloo 2 $ ‘■■•Wouvermans* / ^ T. Wyck A - >A* — Brdoking y> «-Breughel 2 " ^ Drogfloot jF ,./6 - V. Balen 2 T — Velvet Breughel • /T- Molyn - yj.jo&. Peters- ,T~- Rubens /•• //- WilforV-' ^^Tiepolo /J. 6 Rembrandt — 6o < s ) . • 50 An Aflembly lifiening to -a Greek Philofopher 5! A Landfcape and Figures 2 y 52 Ba’ccharite Nymphs' 0 • 53 Armida lamenting the lo’fs of Rinaldo ~ A** A& 54 A Sea'Piece 55 Portrait of Gregory the 13th, after . Portrait of an Author (1 /i t ,£i 57 A Landfcape and Figures * * 58 A Dutch Fair A 59 A Landfcape A Halt of Travellers, ftyle of \ .uJT A? ■q liu II > .66 67 68 ■69 70 N, X~^ *,» ' . Old Frank's ^3 —— - Riley /•• X?--Trevifani ' 6 ---Tetliers 2 .. 2 Stella- — «3 Ruyfdael 2 , /Z. /Bardcio S 0 .. /<^c- Le Nam De VI icger •• Bnftrter. 11 i 7 hju - 2 "A Mieris — 2 .. A 2 . ^Vv r rightDerby ' 9 ' 9 “ Steen wyck _I I I 1 61 A Landfcape with Figures 62 The •Whale' Fifhefy 62* A vievy of a Village, in Flanders ‘63 A Tapagie with riiany Figures 64 Crucifixion 65- A Landfhape, View of a Canal and Village A Landfcape 'A Sea Engagement' ; A Head, very fpirited i}A 2 o-zvA View of a Terrace and Bridge yA^lA/vA Chrift with his Difdplesat Emaus 71 Jofeph explaining the Butler and Baker’s Dream, ' ‘ School of < T 72 Jacob’s Journey 73 The Sacrifice of rphigenia; 2 Sketches 74 Danae -ft/'* * 75 A Converfakioriat Card£ } r . ** 76 Venus and Cupid, on*black Marble,, a high finilhed ' cabinet Picture ~ f 'y 77 A Landfcape with a Watermill 78 Salvator Mundi - F } 1 y? An Italian Farm Yard with Figure's"preparing'fo r Market, highly finifhetl and with" fine Effi£ A /A' “* 80 A View of the Strand at Williamftadt with the Fleet of King William in the Difiance q-L8r Tire Judgement of Solomon ^ 4 '/^ , 82 -Lucretia • <^•83 iA'CaVeirn Sc'ene by Moonlight — ' > v ' 84 The Interior of-an Abbey, very delicately and highly fini fhed V V ' . h l r r n !£( { fit ft ) ; «. c Stork ■ 85 ,. 3 o ^ ' / •''/ J5 2 .. //.. S. t-4 * .Jo y

/ 3 jt- ’Pjte Circumc-ifion, a rich and finely coloured Pi&ure ^n Italian Landfcape,, a grand Scene --W A Horfe Market r . 23 —~~ The Dutch Schoolmafter \^J 2 - A Landfcape with Boors playing at Skittles A Lady diftributing Alms, a beautiful and highly^ .V/- 7 w/Ai- / Sy. 2 — / / '.'/S Holbien V. Dyck Italian 0,11. im.J 'I 97 98 99 /. . /& Rubens — too / — - V. Dyck — 101 2 .. J/ y Everdingen 1 “* 102 JA. del Sarto — 104 /., /? » Salviofi — 105 &,. ^ .. V. Dyck — 106 ■ j?. - P. Veronefe — : IX>9 /£?.. tp.. 6 M. Roque — 308 2 ■ 22 -o V. Dyck — 109 J!>o .~o V. de Velde - , ; no Oftade — in <- 9 . '/$.,/ Raphael — 112 —- -Berghem — ”3 s '3 >, 2 . 2 Brydel r a d. •_j t?:_ 7 y. sf. Ruins and piguces >— A Pefcent from the Crofs, a Sketch, fchool of J/2* > ^ V Chrilt ledfrom the Judgement Hall St. Paul pn his Way to the Areopagus Defcent from the Crofs, in the Stile pf Caravagio A Calm with Shipping *—■ s '23 A Pair of Interiors with Figures ^ 2 % A Holy Family, School of j . Ruins and Figures, Cattle palling a Ford v • A Pair of Battle Pieces, very fpirited c iZ y .:Jc: il y ^ . r’ * Landfcape, View of a Town in Holland c /c ' The Golden Age, with his own Portrait > Soldiers playing at Cards y cyey-zr \J 3 A Portrait, a fine Chara&er, painted with great ■ Spirit . . \ t - > • 'V Landfcape, View on a River, with Cattle'and Fi- Stile of <_ ^ gures, 6 Ditto S.. A. PoufGn Vourbus , „M. Angelo da Caravagio 120 IZI 122 123 ( 7 ) Ditto, the Companion >■ -■/■• ’ *<" The Crucifixion, a Repetition of the celebrated Piaure of this Subjed t /Cc^ Portrait of the Duke d’Alenfon, 1574, very finely painted, and equal to Titian (X' AI-/X -t* / cs/L: The Holy Family, with Saint Elizabeth—a noble Compofition-one of the fineft Pidures of this great Mailer 9 '€trJtcrT/ V FINIS. ' . '■ - • t ■—* | 7 . Smeeton, Printer, 148 , St. Martin’s Lane, j