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HBlfc' fc' JXj Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofveryc1856chri X o CATALOGUE OF THE VERY CELEBRATED COLLECTION OF WORKS OF ART, THE PltOPERTY OF SAMUEL ROGERS, Esq., Deceased; COMPRISING ANCIENT AND MODERN PICTURES; DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS; EGYPTIAN, GREEK, AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES; GREEK VASES; MARBLES ; BRONZES , AND TERRA-COTTAS , AND COINS; ALSO, THE EXTENSIVE LIBRARY; COPIES OF ROGERS’S POEMS, ILLUSTRATED; THE SMALL SERVICE OF PLATE AND WINE: \ « • >: ' . WLfjiti) brill be g>olb bg Auction, bg Messrs. CHRISTIE and MANSON, AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1856, AND EIGHTEEN FOLLOWING DAYS , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - 0 - May be publicly viewed on Thursday, the 24th, and two following Days, and Catalogues had, price One Shilling, at Messrs. Christie and Manson’s Offices, 8, King Street , St. James's Square. CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of pay¬ ment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be im¬ mediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to be taken away, with all faults and errors of descrip¬ tion, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie and Manson not considering themselves answerable for the correct description or authen¬ ticity of any Lot. V. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. VII- Books. —The sale of any Book or Books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves, or want of list of plates. But if, upon collating, within three days, any should prove defective, the same may be returned, or an allowance made thereon. CATALOGUE. - o - First Day's Sale. - o - On MONDAY, APRIL 28 , 1856 , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - O -- EGYPTIAN ANTIQUITIES. 1 A nilometer 2 Seven scarabsei, with hieroglyphics 3 A scarabaeus, of brown basalt, with hieroglyphics beneath 4 Theth and Nephthis 5 Horus, hawk-headed, two; and a Typhonian figure 6 The infant Horus, with his finger to his mouth 7 Isis, with a throne on her head ; and Horus, hawk-headed, two 8 Nephthis, with altar on her head, two 9 Pasht, seated ; and Isis, with the throne on her head 10 Horus—three small; a cat; and a cat 11 Two nilometers; and two birds 12 Two pigmy gods ; and two square tablets, with kings’ names 13 A scarabaeus ; and eight small pieces 14 A garment, a Memphitic ornament, in cornelian 15 Horus, Isis, and Nephthis, standing 16 A pair of rings, of blue glass, with blue and white borders 17 A n eye, of cornelian; an eye, vitrified; and a head-dress, of basalt b 2 4 18 A very small Nephthis; the hawk-headed Horus; and Typhon, in the form of an hippopotamus 19 The cat-headed goddess Pasht, sitting; and one, nearly similar 20 A hawk, with the double crown of Upper and Lower Egypt 21 A hawk-headed Horus ; a pigmy god, holding up his arms with the sun on his head; and one, smaller 22 Typhon, as an hippopotamus; an elephant; and the wild goat 23 A lion-headed goddess; the young Horus, w'ith his finger to his mouth ; and a very small cat 24 A beautiful painting vessel for the eyebrows, with the brush, blue, with yellow ornaments, in the form of a column 25 A scarabseus-shaped tablet, with hieroglyphics ; and a priest, holding up his arms, with the sun on his head 26 Two kneeling figures, holding up their hands, with the sun on their heads 27 The god Chem, holding up his whip ; and the dog-headed god Anubis 28 Isis, with the throne on her head, of limestone 29 The hawk-headed Horus, with double crown; and the same, with the sun on his head, of limestone 30 The Ibis-headed Thoth; one, smaller; and the monkey Cyno- cephalus 31 A sitting figure, holding up his hands; and another, wdth the sun on his head 32 A bull; two very rude sphynxes ; the sacred Ibis; and a lion 33 A udometer ; and a pendant, in the form of a papyrus stalk 31 A large headed pigmy Pthah; and Isis nursing Horus 35 The upper half of the cat-headed goddess, with the sun on her head ; a king standing on a lion ; and an eye 36 Horus, with a double crown ; and the dog-headed Anubis 37 A Nubian head rest, of stone; a pendant, in the form of a papyrus stalk; a cornelian eye ; a scarabaeus, with a figure; and an animal 38 A head, enamelled ; and tw 7 o enamelled beads, blue and purple 39 A scarabaeus, of green serpentine, gilt 40 The pigmy god ; Horus between Isis and Nephthis; and the same, in intaglio, on a tablet 5 41 The cat-headed goddess Pasht; and Apis—very rude 42 The cat-headed goddess, seated ; and a pair of glass eyes 43 An elephant; the Cynocephalus, with the sun on his head ; and the hawk-headed Horus 44 A nilometer; Nepthis, with the altar on her head; and a solar disk, on a stand 45 A scarabaeus, with the Ibis, and hieroglyphical inscription. Pub¬ lished in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscriptions—Plate 101 46 A TABLET, of openwork, with six eyes at the back, Horus and Pasht, a head, and two dogs ; Anubis in the centre. Highly curious 47 A SCARAB./EUS, with inscription in honour of a priest, who styled himself beloved of King Thothmosis III., b.c. 1320. Published in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscriptions—Plate 101 48 A small scarabaeus, with Horus between two serpents ; and a cat 49 A bald-headed priest, seated, with a roll of parchment 50 A scarabaeus, with sphynx, and name of King Thothmosis ; and a pigmy god 51 A small scarabaeus, with the words “Ammon Mai” 52 A fly (rare) ; a scarabaeus; and a lion, in sandstone, with a goose 53 A scarabaeus, with the legs carved beneath ; and a small blue scarabaeus 54 A pair of ostrich feathers, the ornaments of a crown, of black marble 55 A face and neck, in profile, of rosso 56 A dog, with human head, seated 57 A mummy-shaped figure, with hieroglyphics 58 The pigmy god, in cornelian, with a gold ring attached 59 A Beautiful Egyptian Stone Ornament, to be Worn on the Breast: in the centre is a scarabaeus, in a boat, between the goddess Isis and the goddess Nephthis ; the under side of the scarabaeus, shown on the reverse, with a funereal in¬ scription between Isis and Nepthis. This very important specimen was brought to England by Belzoni. It is published in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscription ;— Plate 101 ; and in Pet¬ tigrew's Work on Mummies 6 60 A small scarabseus, with the legs shown underneath 61 A scarabseus, with hieroglyphics ; and another 62 A sitting cat; and a monkey—in onyx 63 A small scarabseus, with name of Thothmosis 64 A ram, with royal head dress; and a rabbit—in cornelian 65 A scarabseus, with border at the back; and a scarabseus, in green stone, with hieroglyphics 66 A female figure, seated, of blue glass ; an eye; and an elephant 67 A group : of Isis, Nephthis, the pigmy god, and Neith 68 A large Scarabseus, in black basalt: the hieroglyphics at the back are a funereal inscription, in honour of the person with whom it was buried. Published in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscrip¬ tions — Plate 33 60 A large Scarabseus, with similar inscription. Published in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscriptions — Plate 101 EGYPTIAN BRONZES. 70 A sphynx, formed of a beetle’s body and a hawk’s head ; and a figure of Osiris, with his two sceptres EGYPTIAN GOLD. 71 An harpy, with extended wings 72 A sacred asp, with solar disk on his head EGYPTIAN MARBLES. 73 A fine Egyptian funereal tablet, in which the deceased person is represented as presenting offerings to Horus Ra, Horus, Isis, and Nephthis : overhead is the winged sun 74 A royal funereal tablet: a king presenting offerings to Osiris, the deceased lying on a lion-shaped couch 75 An Egyptian shrine, in honour of Anubis, in the form of a temple, with a winged sun above, and hieroglyphics—22 in. 76 Head of a canopic jar, in the shape of a monkey’s head 77 A funereal tablet, with Anubis worshipped by a deceased person, hieroglyphics above 7 78 An Egyptian tablet, with two sitting figures; above it is the sun, with a pair of eyes, and hieroglyphics beneath. Published in Sharpe's Egyptian Inscriptions—Plate 32 79 A COLOSSAL HEAD OF NEPHTHIS, in red granite, inscribed with many hieroglyphics. It formed part of the lid of a sarcophagus, and was found in the Thebaide, and brought to Rome by Mr. Basseggio. On the back is a line of hierogly¬ phics, in honour of the goddess Nephthis. It is mouuted on a massive square pedestal of black marble—4 ft. 11 in. high. In the cell below it is a small Egyptian statue of a priest, in black basalt, holding a shrine of the class called pastophori. The hieroglyphical writing upon it is in honour of Neith, the goddess of Sais, and is published in Sharpe's Egyptian In¬ scriptions—Plate 33. It was made in the reign of Pharaoh Hophra, about b.c. 500. 80 A slab of Egyptian marble, with four priests of Osiris and Isis in hieroglyphics beneath—arched top 81 A smaller slab, with a youth before his father and mother, three figures seated beneath 82 A fragment of hieroglyphics ANTIQUE GREEK GOLD. 83 A gold fibula, with a goat’s head ; a gold earring, with an antique paste of a Greek mask ; and a small ring 84 A pair of earrings, with double circular drops; and one, with red cornelian 85 A pair of earrings, with dark blue glass above, and light blue ribbed drops. From Bishop Butler's Collection 86 One, with a matrix of emerald, and cornelian drops 87 An earring, with a matrix of emerald set in gold, and drop, formed of a bunch of grapes in seed pearls. Found in a Tomb at Canrusium 88 A small circle, chased, with a small jacinth in the centre 89 A ring, formed of a double band of gold, set with two jacinths 90 An earring, in the form of a lamp, set with small rubies 8 91 A large earring, in the form of a lamp, with openwork beneath 92 An earring, with a small bead cameo cornelian at the top, and light blue glass drop 93 An earring, with blue glass above, and a bird on a pearl beneath; pair smaller, and a very small gold drop 94 A Beautiful Earring, with curved top, the surface covered with Grecian honeysuckles, a circular knob below 95 Another, of great beauty, with a mermaid supporting a basket. Very perfect 96 An earring, with semicircular plates below, terminating in three points, set with antique glass ; and three rings 97 A pair of very elaborate and beautiful Earrings, each with a jacinth, a semicircle below, and numerous drops beneath 98 A Beautiful Fibula, with bow-shaped top, elaborately orna¬ mented with fillagree and honeysuckle ornaments 99 A very beautiful Necklace, composed of fluted beads of glass, of light blue colour, with a gold flower between each bead, from which is suspended a fruit-shaped gold ornament: a male bust, of gold, suspended from the centre 100 A ring, formed of a snake 101 A ring, with an intaglio of a female seated, holding a wreath, inscribed SIMA20NIA 102 A pair of earring drops, of glass, painted with white edge, set with gold ring above, and finial below 103 A PAIR OF VERY BEAUTIFUL BRACELETS, of blue glass, in two pieces, each joined with a gold band : a gold lion and pine cone form the ends of each. These rare and beau¬ tiful specimens were discovered in a tomb at Rome 104 A large fibula, formed as a double ring, with heads and fillagree ornaments at the extremity 105 The companion 106 A goat and a bird 107 Cupid, holding a disk 108 A youth, in a cloak, holding an urceus 109 A priestess seated, holding offerings 110 A group of three priestesses. Avery important specimen 9 111 Harpocrates, with a ting 112 Two, of Cupid 113 A ram’s head— found al Cannusiitm ; and Cupid, holding a wreath 114 A very elegant earring, with glass and gold drops 115 A small earring, formed as a cornucopia; and one, as a bunch of grapes 116 A long narrow case, with Greek and Roman letters 1 17 A pair of earrings, formed of broad bands, with minute fillagree ornaments 118 A pair of circular fibulae, with dower in the centres, and delicate fillagree ornaments round the borders 119 One, larger, with projecting centre, and circles of beads around 120 A pair of earrings, of broad bands, with elegant circular ornaments of fillagree 121 A small ornament, in the form of a circle, with openwork sides 122 An ornament, formed of a staff, with ring attached; and a child, holding a speculum, of thin gold 123 An earring, formed of a jacinth, and pearls suspended 124 A pair of earrings, formed of a globular drop, with pine-apple surface 125 A fibula, with a bird and curved end, with the pin. Very perfect 126 A sphynx; and two sphinxes, side by side 127 A fine Fibula, surmounted by a winged lion, small lions and two birds on the flat stem 128 Another, with a child on a horse, and three flowers of fillagree on the stem 129 A very fine large Fibula, circular, with raised centre, circles of blue glass set in the inner rim, on which are female figures seated between ornaments of peculiar form, the outer circle formed of disks, and trefoil pattern. This very perfect specimen is 2J in. in diameter 130 An earring, formed of a broad band, with circular fillagree orna¬ ments, surmounted by two sphynxes 131 One, larger, with very elaborate gold fillagree ornaments, sur¬ mounted by a bird: the circle ornaments on one side very 10 132 A pair of earrings, with minute fillagree ornaments 133 THE VERY CELEBRATED GOLDEN BULLA, formed of two curved gold plates, lentil shaped, (called by Plutarch, $axo£t$y]s } ) united by a third gold plate, bent double, and rivet¬ ed in three points to the two other plates, embossed with bay leaves, and bead borders : across this plate is inscribed “ Host. Hos. (Hostus Hostilius”), the designation of the first man of the Hostilian name at Rome; a name, therefore, likely to be assumed by his descendants Mr. Yates, in the Archaeological Journal, No. 30, after describing this work, gives the weights of the three most cele¬ brated bullas existing in this country, as follows— Mr. Rogers’s . . . 363 grains. Lady Fellows’s . .271 ,, British Museum . .271 „ This bulla is described in the Antologia, No. 21. Note by Mr. Rogers. —It was discovered among ashes and burnt bones, in an urn of red earth, by some labourers, in a vineyard about twelve miles from Rome, on the way to Albano. According to Ficcaroni, the first boy who wore a bulla in Rome was Tullus Hostilius; and this, in all probability, belonged to one of their family. Bought of Signor Antonio Bellotti, in 1821, who had possessed it ever since it was found in the summer of the year 1794. He had refused a hundred louis-d’or for it. The boys of Rome, say the historians, wore a hollow golden ball (Aurea Bulla), which hung from the neck on the breast, and which, when seventeen years old, they offered up to the Lares. 134 A very small ring, with a turquoise; two earrings, with glass; three small thin gold plates; a small tripod ornament; and a flat ring, chased with flowers 13;) A Portion of a Greek Necklace, formed of eight flat plates, with Victory in a biga, suspended from eighteen oval bosses, with double honeysuckle ornaments 136 A circular locket, with twisted fillagree borders and flowers, sus¬ pended by a chain 11 137 A BEAUTIFUL CIRCULAR RELIEF, from the top of a speculum, with a half-draped female, holding a scarf in her left hand, standing before a pedestal, holding a speculum in her right hand, a crane at her feet, a draped female attendant holding an urceus before her: they are represented as standing over a row of low arches. A magnificent specimen of Greek art End of First Day's Sale. Second Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK TRECISELY. - o - ANTIQUE GLASS. 138 An alabastron, blue, with yellow and white festoons 139 One, smaller, with yellow' border and handles 140 A small amphora, blue, with yellow and green ornaments 141 A flat, bottle, with one handle, blue, with waved ornaments of light blue and yellow 142 A small globular vessel; and one with cross link 143 A lachrymatory, with tall neck 144 An alabastron, of oriental alabaster 145 One, of blue glass, with yellow waved ornaments 146 One, smaller of yellow glass 147 A beautiful small amphora, of deep blue, with yellow borders 148 A small low bottle, and a small globular bottle, of blue glass, with white horizontal stripes 149 A very small urceus ; and four beads, of different coloured glass 149a A globular bottle, spirally ffuted. This very perfect work was found at Lucca ANTIQUE AND CINQUE-CENTO BRONZES. 150 A terminal figure of a satyr 151 A panther’s head 152 A bell, of square conical form, with handle 13 153 A large handle for a vase, fluted, with Grecian honeysuckle ornaments, of beautiful design 154 A spear head; an arrow head; a key; and a small helmet, of cinque-cento work 155 A stilus, with spirally fluted handle; a hand, holding an urceus; and a very small head of an eagle and of a lion 156 A speculum, with two draped figures in pointed Thessalian caps, with ornamented handle 157 A beautiful Female Bust, with thick hair: the eyes have been gilt—on sockle. T/us fine antique work was the property of Gavin Hamilton 158 A small statue of Adonis, with the boar’s head ; and a small bust 159 Two Greek helmets 160 A Greek helmet, with engraved border 161 A. candelabrum, on tripod of lion’s claw, the stem fluted, with Grecian honeysuckles between the angles of the tripod 162 Another, the stem marked with small branches of palm tree, the tripod stand imperfect 163 Silenus nursing the infant Bacchus: a fine Florentine bronze 164 The Antinous: a fine Florentine bronze, on plinth 165 The Fighting Gladiator: a fine cinque-cento bronze, on black pedestal 166 Cupids on tigers : a pair of antique bronzes, on plinths 168 A small Roman male head: a fragment, of very fine work; and head of a sea monster 169 A fibula, in the form of a lyre; and a small head of Harpo- crates 170 An ornament, formed of a grotesque figure, seated; a boss, with grotesque head; a panther; and two masks 171 A beautiful small Statue of a Youth, with a wreath round his head, bearing an urceus, a scarf falling over each shoulder 172 Two knife handles, with arabesque ornaments at the ends 173 A small bull’s head, and two other small animals; and an arm, holding a sharp instrument in the hand 174 A BULL, of the finest antique work, with beautiful patinum, two of the legs not quite perfect—in a leather case 14 175 An ornament for a girdle clasp, formed of bronze wire twisted into two circles, joined by twisted neck U6 A pair of clasp ornaments, with leaf pattern engraved 177 A pair of girdle clasps, formed of bronze wire, twisted into two circles 178 A small head of Jupiter ; two fibulae ; and a nail 179 A handle, in the form of a festoon ; and a fragment of a key 180 A fibula, of twisted wire, with flat circular end 181 A pair of fluted vase handles 182 A foot, on lion’s paw, with tiger’s head above : of beautiful patinum 183 An eagle’s head. Very spirited and fine 184 A child, dancing 185 A female, with her hands over her head, on marble plinth 186 A figure, nearly similar 187 A fibula, of Egyptian form 188 A beautiful Antique Candelabrum, with twisted stem, on tripod stand, the top circular, with doves at the angles— 13^ in. high 189 AN EXQUISITE SMALL CANDELABRUM, with a Roman lady seated in a chair, holding a cornucopia, a palm stem rising from her head—13^ in. high. This exquisite xcork was found in the sea , at Puzzuoli, and was purchased for Mr. Rogers by Mr. Millengen 190 A very beautiful Candelabrum, with fluted stem, on tripod lions’ paws, the top chased with foliage—4 ft. 7 in. high 191 The right foot of a youth : of very fine Greek work 192 A fragment of a Greek helmet 193 A pair of stags: of curious antique work 194 A fine Antique Candelabrum, on lions’ feet, surmounted by a faun, in grotesque mask, carrying a draped female on his shoulders—3 ft. high 195 Another, surmounted by the figure of a warrior—3 ft. high 196 Michael Agnolo’s Two Recumbent Figures: from the tomb of Lorenzo de Medicis, at Florence—18 in. long. Very fine bronzes 197 A cup, of German bronze, on stem, with Susannah and the Elders, and other subjects in relief 15 198 A pair of Venetian low candlesticks, on tripod stands, supported by sphynxes 199 Head of Medusa, in lead : a model of Mr. Rogers’s © knocker 200 A paper weight, formed as an anchor, from the copper and oak of the Royal Georye 201 A female head on both sides of a badge, on blue glass ; two Etruscan scarabsei, with stags standing and lying down, of cornelian 202 A small vase, of black marble; and a small alabastron, of cor¬ nelian 203 A lion seated, of limestone ; and a lion-headed leg 204 A gold Roman ornament, with onyxes set in gold ; two small square seals, of lapis lazuli ; an onyx flat bead ; and two fragments of an onyx cup 205 A red coral necklace, with pendant beads 206 An Etruscan scarabaeus, of cornelian, with a horse ; and a small plain scarabaeus 207 A scarabaeus, of onyx, with bird 208 Six plain gold earrings, each with an oval plain tablet; and two hearts, of cornelian, gold mounted ANTIQUE TERRA-COTTA. 209 A very curious small vessel, with handle and spout, formed as a hedgehog 210 A lamp, with Actaeon attacked by a dog, the spout broken 211 Head of a goat 212 A lamp, with Cupid draped 213 A lamp, in the form of a foot sandalled 214 A female head ; and two fragments, from a cup 215 A female head ; one, smaller ; and a relief of a child, seated 216 An old woman, seated, with a basket at her feet; and a small female torso 217 A beautiful lamp, with Cupid holding bow and arrow, riding on two dolphins, with crescent-shaped handle, and two burners 218 A small altar, with vases and alabastra on the top 16 219 A seated female ; a negro ; and a grotesque monkey and mask 220 A horse’s head. Very spirited 221 A sphynx, in relief 222 The Bridegroom—a relief in terra-cotta. Published in Bartolis Admiranda 223 A bride and attendant—the companion 224 Theseus carrying the bull, in terra-cotta 225 A Draped Female, Dancing, bolding a scarf in both hands, which from the action of the air forms a semi-circle behind her: the scarf restored in paper by Flaxman. An exceedingly elegant and beautiful work , of antique terra-cotta. The figure is 7 in. high, on verde-antique pedestal 228 A rhyton, with a dog’s head 227 A rhyton, with a boar’s head 228 A pair of small busts of Juno and Bacchus 229 A fragment of a mask ; and three small figures of boys 230 A small bust of a young man 231 A priestess, seated; and Cupid on a lion 232 Two small busts of children 233 A female bust, in a veil 234 Claudius, and two other medallions ; and four fragments 235 A female bust—life size: of beautiful antique work 236 Another, nearly similar 237 A male bust, in profile ; and two fragments of a frieze 238 An antique head of a draped female, in relief; and a modern copy of the same 239 A small bust of Jupiter, of alabaster 240 A head of Bacchus 241 Head of Jupiter, aud two other heads, of Etruscan work 242 Head of a child 243 A small figure of a piping shepherd ; and a relief of a catharista 244 Head of a priest—a medallion head 245 A lamp, with a sacrifice and busts in the centre 246 A child, beautifully modelled -cinque-cento work 247 A mother and child, by Sheuter—a small model 248 A bisquit cup,.with centaurs in relief 17 249 M. ANGELO—THE DUKE LORENZO DI MEDICI: a small model, in terra-cotta, for the statue in t he Chapel dei Depositi, Church of St. Lorenzo, Florence. From, Mr. Locke's Collection, Norbury Park 250 A frieze, of terra-cotta, with Flora and Ceres 251 Another, with two nymphs, one of them dragging a boar alter her 252 Mazeppa, by Lough, in plaster 253 ST. MICHAEL SUBDUING THE EVIL SPIRIT. A beautiful model, in terra-cotta , by Flaxman , of the large statue at Pet worth 254 A pedestal, richly carved with foliage, of Maltese stone. Pre¬ sented by Sir Gardner Wilkinson to Mr. Rogers ANTIQUE MARBLES. 255 A fragment of a cuirass, with Galatea on a sea horse, and dolphins beneath. From Sir John Coghill's Collection 256 A capital to a pilaster of the composite order, marble 257 A model of the temple of Erectheum, in wood 258 A circular cinerary urn, with vine leaves and rams’ heads in relief, inscribed “ Diis manibus Ti. Claudi Saturnini Ti. F. VII. Vir epulon,” and cover, ornamented with acanthus leaves—21 in. high 259 Mummy of an ibis, in case of terra-cotta—undisturbed 260 A small square cinerary vase, inscribed “ D. M. Claudiae Victoria; Claudi Prisca et Claudius Sabinus matri pientissimae” 1 261 Another, with a combat of four warriors, one of whom is kneeling and protecting himself with his shield 262 A small terra-cotta cinerary vase : on the front is represented the door of a sepulchre, with two ring handles, surmounted by festoons hanging from two cypress trees : a sleeping female on the lid c 18 263 A square upright cinerary vase and cover, with a male and female figure before a tomb, birds and fruit at the angles on the tablet below : the upper part of the inscription has been effaced ; below it are the words “ Sergia Sedata Sergia Laidis Lie. F. III. fecerunt et sibi ” : on the front of the lid are two cupids, holding a wreath 264 A small square marble cinerary vase, inscribed, “ L. Muninsi Friscus alia Friscise filius sertemre nepos,” containing the original ashes. From Bishop Butler’s Collection 265 A cinerary vase, of terra-cotta, with a combat of two warriors, attended by two furies : a recumbent figure on the lid—17 in. long 266 A fragment of a Grecian frieze ; and of a Roman frieze 267 Venus reclining: small relief 268 A torso of Cupid 269 A foot ; two hands; and two small fragments 270 H ead of a tiger—a fragment 270*A Roman female bust, imperial; the fragment of a Corinthian capital, and of a frieze 271 A lunette, with a tree in relief 272 An Owl, on a festoon of vine leaves: a beautiful antique mosaic 273 Head of an Apostle—fragment of an ancient fresco 274 A fragment of a Greek inscription : a hymn in honour of Bacchus, containing several epithets entirely new. From Sir J. Coghill’s Collection ; and of a Roman inscription, relating to a cohort 275 A square pedestal, of green serpentine 276 A hand, holding a stick ; and head of a child 277 A small oviform vase and cover, of Egyptian granite 278 A crater-shaped vase, of green serpentine 279 Bust of the Indian Bacchus, in yellow marble, on rosso plinth 280 A group of three figures; a beautiful model, in wax, by B. Cellini. From Nolle kins’s Collection 281 A Male Right Foot, of antique work, with the veins finely developed 282 A Male Left Foot 19 283 A Left Hand, oi Hercules, holding the Hesperian fruit, in Parian marble. From Nollekins's Collection 284 The toes of a left male foot 285 A Right Male Foot. From Nollekins's Collection 286 Two females, draped : a fragment of a relief, with modern border 287 A female right hand—under glass shade and cover. Mr. R. says of this Parian marble : “ A fragment ot a hand, introduced by Canova into the statue ol a Cupid, in possession of Lord Cawdor. ’ “ I have olten seen Canova kiss that hand.”— Townley 288 A vase of rosso-antico, of elegant form, on pedestal of the same marble 289 A fluted tazza, with two handles, on stem of rosso-antico 290 A smaller tazza, of the same marble 291 A VERY FINE ANTIQUE MARBLE BUST OF THE ELDEST SON OF NIOBE, or perhaps of Cincinnatus: the chest and nose restored by Flaxman. This noble bust was found by Mr. Fagan at Ostia, and brought by Mr. Rogers to London 292 A lion, in calcareous stone—21 in. long. This interesting work was found in the Thebaide, and bi'ought to Rome by Ml. B cissegio 293 A BEAUTIFUL MARBLE VASE AND COVER, of very elegant form, the surface covered with flowers and foliage in ielief, with double snake handles—18 m. high. This fine vase was the property of the Duke of St. Albans , and stood in its present position in the house when Mr. Rogers purchased the lease 294 THE CHANTREY PEDESTAL. The carving on this pedestal was executed in mahogany by Mr. Chantrey, in 1803, when un¬ known and in poverty, being employed by Bogaert, a German, at the rate of five shillings a day “Do you remember a workman who came in at that door to receive your orders? I was that workman.” c 2 End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day's Sale. 0 On WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30th, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PBECISELY. ARCHAIC GREEK VASES. 295 An cenochoe; and two lamps, with masks of Medusa 296 A ribbed cenochoe 297 A cylix, with head of Isis; and a cover for a vase 298 A cover for a vase, of white clay ; a small bust of the Indian Bacchus, in marble ; and three fragments, of terra-cotta 299 A crater, with Ceres seated, holding an ear of wheat: a youth before her, presenting a chaplet, and a female holding a cylix of fruit and leaves; rev. three draped figures : Grecian honey¬ suckle under the handles—black ground—16| in. 300 A beautiful small cylix, on stem, with frieze of rams and swans 301 A small globular cyathus, with a frieze of fish and Grecian honeysuckles below ; and a lamp—imperfect 302 An olpe, with a combat of two warriors, armed with spears and Athenian shields, two females looking on—the figures heightened with purple, on red ground—imperfect 303 A two-handled cylix, with two figures holding askoi, a vine grow¬ ing over them 304 A cyathus, with two bacchantes and two sphynxes—heightened with red and white, on yellow ground 305 A small aryballos ; and a lamp, with two female heads 306 A cylix, on stem, with four cocks—on red ground 307 A beautiful cylix, on stem, with a priest of Bacchus dancing 21 308 A small crater; and an aryballos, of white ware 309 A very small amphora, with a warrior, and a priestess leading a bull to sacrifice 310 A cylix, with a frieze of olive leaves and diamonds 311 A cylix, with bacchanals and cupids on mules, a satyr in the middle —imperfect 312 A cyathus; and a two-handled cylix, with owls and olive leaves 313 A small lecvthus, with four bacchantes round a vine—heightened with white, on red ground ol4 A small lecythus, with a lady seated, holding a speculum— sketched in outline only 315 Aset of three small alabasta, joined together with upright handle, painted with Grecian honeysuckles 316 A cylix, with Tethys bringing the armour to Achilles, and Grecian houeysuckles under the handles— 7\ in. diameter 317 A small upright cylix, with a frieze of leaves 318 An upright cylix, with a draped figure resting on a staff: a cross at the background ; rev. a draped male figure 319 A cyathus, with upright handles, Bacchus reclining on a couch among vines : two eyes, and two chymerae, at the sides— heightened with purple and white, on red ground 320 A small lecythus, with a draped female, holding a speculum, a chair behind her—on black ground 321 A prochous, with Theseus combatting a Baeotian warrior, armed with a shield, on which are two doves: a warrior, and a figure in a painted Thessalian cap, standing by—heightened with purple and white, on red ground—9 in. 322 A small two-handled cylix, with ivy and other leaves. From Sir H. Englejield's Collection} and a small bombylios, with a sphynx 323 A tall amphora, with two draped female figures, one of them holding a scarf; rev. a draped female—on green around— 13 in. 324 A small amphora, with Hercules slaying the Erymanthian boar. attended by Minerva ; rev. a priest seated, a warrior and two figures among vine branches, antifixa flowers on the neck—11 in. 22 325 A small cylix, with upright handle, with a frieze of fauns and bacchantes among vines, the figures heightened with purple and white 326 Another, of similar form, with a bacchante on a mule, two eyes, and two figures of Pegasus 327 Another, with a priest and priestess of Bacchus, among vines, two eyes, and two panthers 328 An alabastron, with Bacchus, bacchantes, and fauns 329 Another, with a male and female figure, in Etruscan borders, in¬ scribed on the lip A-J>POAl2lA KAAH ; before the figures is inscribed EPOS AN0EO KALE, and HO IIAIS KALOS 330 Another, with a winged female and a youth, inscribed KLOE-KALE 331 Another, with draped male and female figures 332 Another, with crossed white lines 333 A lamp, with double row of vine leaves 334 A small lamp, with mask, surmounted by a ram’s head ; and one with a negro’s head 335 A lamp, with bearded mask 336 One, with an open ring, painted with olive leaves 337 A plain ribbed cylix; one, smaller; and a very small stand 338 A Fine Ribbed CEnochoe, with a wreath of ivy round the neck, the haudle beautifully ornamented with leaves: a ram’s head above, and a mask of Medusa below 339 A fine CEnochoe, of early ribbed ware, with a frieze of olives on the shoulder, and three masks on the handle and lip— 18 in. 340 A Felice, with a warrior in a quadriga, seen in full face; rev. Hercules pursuing the stag of CEnoe, preceded by Mercury : figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—15iin. 341 A fine Pelice, with a bride seated at her toilette, an attendant holding a wreath, a youth holding a speculum before a tazza, Leda with a swan, and Eros, holding a cestus above ; rev. a bridegroom, seated, holding a speculum, a draped female, with a cista and bunch of grapes before him, and Eros holding a cylix above—Grecian honeysuckle border above, on black ground—19 in. Purchased in Apulia. A marriage vase of uncommon design 23 342 A Crater, with Hercules combatting the Erymanthian boar, on the back of which a dog is standing, a man in a Thessalian cap, with a spear in front; rev. two ephebi—13 in. The pencilling of this vase is uncommon 343 A large plain Nolan cylix 344 A Crater, with the youthful Bacchus, seated, holding a thyrsus, Ariadne at his side, a bacchante before him, offering grapes in a cylix, two fauns at the sides, and Eros above; rev. three Ephebi, olive leaf border above—black ground—13 in. 345 A tall amphora, with a female holding ears of wheat and a cestus, and a youth, with a disk before an Ionic colnmn ; rev. two Ephebi before a tree—black ground—22 in. From Mr. Millin- gens Collection 346 An Amphora, with the Dioscuri, in Thessalian caps, each leading a horse ; the same subject repeated on the reverse : the figures heightened with purple, on red ground—13 in. 347 A Noble Hydria, with Hercules overcoming Nereus, who has a dolphin’s tail, three men leading horses on the shoulder, two dogs and a faun below—on red ground—15^ in. A fine design : from Signor Campanari s Collection 348 A Pelice, with a warrior and herald in a quadriga; rev. Hercules, Nessus, and Dejaneira : heightened with purple and white, on red ground, with cover—16^ in. 349 A large two-handled cylix and cover, with arabesques and cupids —13 in. 350 A crater, with a female holding a bird and barley ears, Eros, with a cylix of fruit before her; rev. two draped figures—12 in. 351 A crater, with a female holding a thyrsus, a youth with one foot on a step, leaning on a thyrsus; rev. two draped figures before an altar—9 in. 352 A crater, with Minerva in a biga; rev. two female figures—much broken 353 A fine Amphora, with the bearded Bacchus in a quadriga, attend¬ ed by a dancing bacchante, inscribed 202TPAT0X KAAOS ; rev. the Dioscuri on horseback, carrying two spears each: heightened with white, on red ground—15 in. A fine design 24 354 A Lecythus, with Hercules and Telamon combatting two Amazons, one of whom has fallen to the ground, a wreath of ivy leaves on the shoulders: figures heightened with white, on red ground— 124 in. 355 A small cylix, with an athlete resting on a mastix 356 A small olpe, with a priest of Bacchus, seated under vine branches: heightened with white, on red ground 357 A crater, with a draped female holding a wreath, a naked youth standing before a cippus ; rev. two ephebi—on black ground— 11 in. j 358 A crater, of elegant form, with a wreath of vines and grapes round the neck—11 in. 359 A lecythus, with a warrior slaying a lion-headed faun, two bacchantes standing by, between two met®, ivy-leaf frieze above—on red ground—8 in. 360 An CEnochoe, with two females bringing hydria to a fountain, the water issuing from lions’ heads: the figures heightened with white, on red ground—9 in. Forming a portion of the subject of the celebrated Kallirhoe Vase , in this collection —of Nolan ware 361 A fine Stamnos, with Theseus, armed with shield and spear, combatting a centaur, Peirithous, in a pallium, and spear behind; rev. three ephebi—16 in. The ground is left a delicate light red on one side , it being unfinished. This in¬ teresting vase is from Sir Henry EnglefielcC s Collection 362 A cylix, with a horseman between two figures on each side, and friezes beneath—on red ground—8 in. 363 A VERY FINE HYDRIA, with eight horses of the sun drinking at a fountain, attended by two bearded men, over each of whom is inscribed KAAOE : three horsemen on the shoulders above, and three animals below: heightened with purple and white, on red ground—17 in. 364 A small pelice, with a youth seated, holding a bird, a male figure standing before him ; rev. two ephebi—on black ground— 7£ in. 25 365 A small Nolan amphora, with a female seated, holding a speculum, another standing, holding a cista; rev. an athlete, and a female washing her hands at a fountain—on green ground —11£ in. 366 A fine crater, with four figures at a symposium, a female playing on the Lydian pipes, a candelabrum standing at their side; rev. a daduchess faun holding a pine torch, and two draped females—on black ground—18 in. 367 A lecythus, with three bacchantes dancing among vine tendrils* Grecian honeysuckles on the shoulders—on red ground— 11£ in. 368 A prochous, with a warrior holding a shield, defending himself from two light-armed Thessalian horsemen, inscribed KAA02 —on red ground—7 in. 369 A plain black cylix 370 A crater, with a female holding a speculum between two winged genii; a Cretan dancer and tumbler (KuyStcrrfjr^ijj), ivy-leaf border, and Grecian honeysuckles—black ground—14 in. 371 A Fine Celebe, with Theseus about to shoot an arrow from his bow, Proserpine with a mastix before him, and CEthia with a bow and arrow behind him ; Pluto reclining at the foot of a tree, the symbol of the Shades, with one arm upraised ; rev. three ephebi—on black ground—16 in. A very beautiful design , inscribed KALE. From Dr. Braun’s Collection 372 A Noble Hydria, with Paris in helmet and white cuirass, his sword in his hand, seizing the statue of Apollo, which stands on a stone altar, the horses of a quadriga seen beyond a column at the sides, inscribed AXIAAET’IIAPIS’TPOIAO ; a warrior in a quadriga, attended by five figures on the shoulders: the figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—17 in. This very fine vase is unfortunately much damaged: it teas brought to this country by S. Campanari. Engraved in Overbeck's Abbeldungen znr Gallerie Heroischer Bildicerke, Taf 15, No. 11 373 A beautiful Calpis, of Nolan ware, with a combat of two warriors, armed with spears and Beeotian shields: a frieze of Grecian honeysuckles round the shoulders— 13 in. Very perfect 26 374 A small prochous, with Eros bearing a koluba. From Prince Canino’s Collection o75 A VERA FINE AND RARE AMPHORA: a warrior and female in a quadriga, accompanied by male and female attendants, a warrior and a female seated, both before and behind the chariot; on the other side is Theseus slaying the Minotaur, a composition of twenty figures, entirely surrounding the surface; beneath is a frieze of horsemen and hoplites, with Athenian and Boeotian shields, and a combat on the shoulder above; the figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—Min. This rare and important vase has a false lining, and two external spouts , one above and one below , for the purpose of cooling the wine. It is believed to be unique 37G A tall Amphora, with Theseus in a round cap, his club upraised, leading the bull of Marathon by a cord, a priestess of Minerva in a peplos, holding a prochous and a cylix before him, three draped figures behind, Grecian honeysuckles under the handles and on the neck, the handles twisted on—black ground—17^ in. From Prince Canino's Collection 377 A Fine Calpis, of Nolan ware: a winged female in a peplos, with extended arms, pursuing a citharista, a draped male figure behind her, a border of the square Etruscan pattern below—12 in. Very perfect and fine. From Prince Canino’s Collection 378 A small calpis, with a female seated, weaving a wreath, a basket on the ground before her 370 A small Amphora, with Castor and Helen in a quadriga, accompanied by a citharista, and two female attendants; rev. Castor and Helen standing before a horse. Mercury and a herald behind, antefixa flowers on the lid : the figures height¬ ened with white, on red ground—9 in. 380 A fine Crater, with a nymph seated, holding a thyrsus, two fauns at her side, and two bacchantes beyond; rev. three ephebi, Grecian honeysuckles under the handles, and olive-leaf wreath above: the figures heightened with white, on black ground—14^ in. 27 381 A pelice, with Eros holding a cylix over an altar; rev. a draped female holding a cylix of fruit between two cippi: on black ground—10 in. 382 A fine Pelice, with Antinous communicating to Achilles the death of Patroclus; rev. a male and female with hands clasped, and a priest of Bacchus. The inscription AXIA is nearly obliterated from the effect of restoration 383 A cotyliscos, with Theseus slaying the Minotaur, attended by four Athenian youths: heightened with purple, on red ground— 13 in. high 384 An oenochoe, with a huntsman armed with bow and quiver, and followed by a dog, holding a hare between three spearmen : figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground— 10 in. high 385 An Amphora, with Theseus combating the Amazons, who had invaded Attica, to rescue their Queen Antiope: one kneeling beneath him; rev. Theseus between two draped figures : on red ground—13 in. high 386 A beautiful Stamnos: a race of two quadrigas, surrounded by birds of omen, and a dog beneath; rev. two priests of Bacchus, and two bacchantes seated among vine branches—on the shoulder five figures reclining on couches—9 in. high. A very fine Archaic work 387 A fine Eecythus, with a warrior fastening on his greaves: Minerva before him, armed with spear and shield, and two attendant hoplites at the side—on red ground—13 in. high 388 A noble Hydria, with Minerva in a quadriga, attended by Theseus, Hercules, and a spearman ; a smaller representation of nearly the same subject on the shoulder; below is a boar- hunt: figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground —18 in. high. From Prince Canino's Collection 389 A small lecythus, with Minerva, a youth with a battle-axe pur¬ suing a faun, and attended by a herald: on a red ground— 8£ in. high 390 A small pelice, with two draped figures, one of them leaning on a pine staff—black ground—5 in. 28 391 A beautiful small amphora, with the combat of two warriors, attended by females ; rev. a warrior, attended by two females— on red ground—6 in. high, under glass shade 332 A stamnos, with Bacchus and two bacchantes, one of them holding a thyrsus and a snake; rev. Bacchus and two priests—on black ground—13 in. high— injured 393 A fine Stamnos, with Paris and Helen, attended by a herald and a female ; rev. Paris armed, the device of a scorpion on his shield, holding a cylix, Hecuba before him with a prochous, and Priam behind—on black ground—-16 in. high 394 A beautiful CEnochoe, with Apollo addressing Hercules, who is followed by a faun, attended by two draped figures— on light red ground—9 in. high. A very fine design 395 An Amphora, with two warriors in a biga, seen in face; a male and female figure with spears seen on each side ; rev. a poet playing on the lyre between two seated Athenians: figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—13 in. 39G A small hydria, with a lady seated, and four female attendants standing round her—on black ground—11 in. 397 An Amphora, with Hercules in the skin of the Nemaean lion, armed with a sword, combating three Amazons carrying shields, on which are the devices of a bull’s head and snake: one of them is kneeling at the foot of Hercules; rev. three Amazons, with singular devices on their shields: figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—131 in. high 398 A magnificent Celebe, of Nolan ware, with a draped youth in a quadriga, met by a draped winged female, who holds up her hand to stop the driver; rev. three ephebi: on black ground— 19 in. high. Purchased at Naples. This was the last addition to Mr. Rogers's Collection of Vases 399 A superb Crater, with a priest of Hymen leading Amphitrite, attended by two nymphs, and followed by Poseidon ; rev. a priestess pouring a libation into a cylix, held by a female with a lyre, near a column, and two other figures; two winged figures beneath the handle—on black ground—18 in. Pur¬ chased at Naples 29 400 A highly interesting Hydria : in the centre two warriors, one of them with a white shield, on which is a device in black, a negro, armed with club, spear, and quiver, one standing on each side, with rude Etruscan inscription ; and five small figures on the shoulder—14 in. high— much damaged 401 A Stamnos: in the centre is a lion, on plinth, supported by two Ionic columns, a statue of Cybele beneath; on each side is a tripod with round upright handles, surmounted by birds; rev. the Dioscuri in short chlamys, riding, and a warrior bear¬ ing a shield behind. This interesting specimen is heightened with purple , on red ground—much damaged —13 in. 401a An amphora, with Hercules combating three warriors, one of whom has fallen to the ground; rev. Hercules standing between tw r o bacchantes 410& A hydria, with two cocks standing between two sphinxes, on red ground—10 in. End of Third Day's Sale. Fourth Day's Sale. o On THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ARCHAIC GREEK VASES— continued. 402 A large cylix, with the Greeks and Teneri combating, round the the border 403 A cylix, with a seated female in the centre: inscribed *aAo; 404 A cylix, with heads and female figures—heightened with white 405 A cylix and cover, with heads of Isis 406 An cenochoe, with two female figures, and a winged genius—12 in. 407 An cenochoe, with Hercules subduing the Nemaean lion, Minerva standing by—on red ground—10 in. 408 A circular stand tor an amphora, with bacchanals dancing, and playing on the Lydian pipes—7 in. diameter 409 A pelice, with two draped figures and a head 410 A small lecythus ; and a prochous, ribbed 411 A bambyllos, with a lady seated, a female standing before her— black ground—8 in. 412 A plain cylix ; a lamp ; and a small oenochoe 413 An ascos; an aryballos ; a small prochous; and a cylix and cover 414 A cylix and cover; a lamp; three aryballi ; and a small cylix 415 Three cylices; a lecythus, white; and an aryballos 416 A pelice, with three draped figures; a cylix, with olive leaves, and a swan in the centre, and a stand 31 417 A curious red flat bottle, of Roman pottery 418 A circular cista and cover, of marble; and two female heads, in terra-cotta 419 A large cylix, with a horse and a figure with eyes, a man dancing, inside— much damaged 420 A small plain cylix; and a small alabastron, with frieze of birds and leaves 421 A tall ribbed amphora, with frieze of leaves round the neck—17 in. 422 A calpis, plain—16 in. 423 A ciater, with a youth seated, holding a cista, a draped female, standing by an altar, before her; rev. two ephebi: olive-leaf border above—on black ground—II in. 424 A cylix, with a shepherd seated on a rock, holding a staff, a bac¬ chante dancing, holding a wreath, wilh honeysuckle flowers beneath the handles 425 A small amphora, with Theseus combating the Danaides, one of them lying at his feet; rev. two warriors playing at dice—on red ground—7 in. 426 A fine cylix, with two eyes, and two warriors combating under the handles, attended by dogs : a grotesque mask in the centre— 11 £ in. diameter 427 Another, with an Athenian youth seated, a winged genius present¬ ing a fan: two athletes, with strigils and other figures beneath —on black ground—10i in. diameter 428 A cylix, with a warrior between two eyes, and two gallies on each side beneath : a mask in the centre : heightened with purple and white, on red ground—11 in. 429 A small lecythus, with a combat of three warriors—on red ground 430 A small black cylix and cover—broken; and an alabastron, with a sphynx 431 A small amphora, with Minerva armed, a warrior before her, fastening on his greaves : Mercury and a warrior standing on each side; rev. a herald between two warriors : the figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—7^in. 432 A two-handled cylix and cover 433 A small calpis, with a female seated 32 434 A plain two-handled Nolan cylix 435 A lecythus, with a female in a quadriga, preceded by a female playing the plectrum ; a draped female and a herald in front, with vine branches above—on black ground—lli in. high 436 A small oenochoe, of Nolan ware 437 A small cantharus, fluted, with thin tall handles 438 A small calpis 439 A flat cylix, of early Chusan ware, with a driver and a Victory in a quadriga, in relief: the subject repeated four times round the border, with boss in the centre 440 A cylix, on stem 441 A small calpis 442 A tall cantharus, ribbed 443 A Small Stamnos, with upright handles, a female holding a cylix, before a seated winged genius, with a bird on his hand ; rev. a youth, leaning on a cippus, holding a cestus, and a female with a speculum. This interesting little vase has the original cover 444 A rare Globular Vase, of early Chusan ware, with ornaments in relief, and four heads of tigers and rams, moveable, project¬ ing from the shoulders: the handles formed of birds. This interesting work is engraved by the Dilletanti Society 445 A rare and fine Cylix, on stem, with olive-leaf border: it is divided internally into four compartments, each with a cover, and a large cover surmounting the whole, painted with female figures: the handles of rare form 446 A rare Plate, with the Goddess of Medicine, holding a prochous, and attending an Athenian, who is kneeling before her: with an inscription, EniCTETOS ErPA£$EN. Purchased ly the Marquis of Northampton, at Rome, for Mr. Rogers 447 An aryballos, ribbed, with Cupid pursuing a bird, beneath a frieze of ivy leaves, on the neck : a medallion of a female head on the shoulder: the handles surmounted by a mask of Silenus— 7 in. high 448 A small calpis, of Nolan ware, with a female, pursued by a winged genius—on black ground—7 in. high 33 449 A small prochous, with long spout, and upright handle, with frieze of purple and white leaves, and small female masks at the side of the handle 450 One, nearly similar, with frieze of ivy leaves 451 A small cylix, with swans and ivy leaves, in white 452 A small calpis, with a female seated, holding a thyrsus : a winged female before her, holding an ascos—on black ground—6 in. 453 An (Enochoe, with a bacchanal holding a tortoise by a string, and an olpe before a pedestal, on which is a cantharus, a dog before him jumps up at the tortoise : figures heightened with white, on black ground—8 in. From Sir J. Coghill's Collection 454 A beautiful Small Lecythus, with horsemen tended by three figures, and dog pursuing a hare on the shoulder: figures heightened with purple, on red ground—5 in. 455 A fine Amphora, with the Dioscuri on horseback, attended by dogs; rev. the Indian Bacchus between two fauns, figures heightened with purple and white—15 in. high 456 A fine Amphora, with Hercules and an attendant placing a kid on a tripod, for sacrifice ; rev. a female playing the Lydian double pipes, with singular white border down her drapery, between two male figures, one of whom is dancing: figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—16 in. 457 An Amphora, with the bearded Bacchus holding a cornucopia, attended by a faun and dancing bacchante; rev. Bacchus and a bacchante on a couch: figures heightened with white — 13^ in. 458 An Amphora, with elongated neck, with a youth and female in the temple of Hymen; rev. a bride, and Eros with the torch of Hymen : on the shoulder, are two female heads and masks on the sides of the upright handles : heightened with white—20 in. 459 A calpis, with a bacchante holding a thyrsus, followed by a youth holding a cista: female heads under the handles—on black ground—15 in. 460 A tall narrow Amphora, with Aphrodite standing over an altar, two females with a speculum and patera; rev. a seated female and an ephebos before a cippus, with Grecian honey¬ suckle borders—red figures on black ground —20 in. o 34 461 A Crater, with Theseus seated, Minerva before him, and Mercury behind ; rev. two youths seated—black ground 12^ in. 462 A Pelice, with three females preceded by Mercury and a priest'; rev. a horseman between two youths: the figures of beautiful green colour, on red ground—15 in. 463 A Crater, with two youths crowned with olive wreaths, at a lectisternium, a female playing the Lydian pipes; rev. three essebes—black ground—13^ in. 464 A Celebe: four male figures wearing sacred vittae, and half draped, reposing on two couches, a female in a peplos, playing on the Lydian pipes, cylices on the tables before them ; rev. three ephebi — on green Nolan ground—18 in.—--the back broken 465 A crater, with a seated female holding a cylix between two fauns, one of whom holds a basket; rev. three ephebi, with cippi surmounted by lebes—black ground—11 in. 466 A fine Celebe, with the bearded Bacchus holding a cantharus, and a branch of the primitive vine, a bearded faun holding an ascos and prochous, and a bacchante holding a mastix of vine wood ; rev. a bacchante, holding a thyrsus between two dancing fauns—on black ground—16^ in. 467 A Crater : victory in a quadriga, the horses alternate red and white, preceded by a youth in a chlamys; rev. three draped figures: with olive-leaf wreath—black ground—14in. 468 A Pelice, with two athletes, with chlamys on their shoulders, one of them holding a quoit; rev. two ephebi, honeysuckle flowers under the handles—black ground—15 in. 469 A Celebe, of curious early Carthaginian ware, with friezes of leaves, crook-shaped ornaments, and seedpods in purple, on light ground—16 in. 470 A Calpis, with a' youth holding a mastix, and a seated female holding a cista before an altar, honeysuckle ornaments under the handle—black ground—13 in. 471 A Crater, with two youths on a couch, a female playing on the Lydian pipes, Doric columns and vine leaves in the background ; rev. three ephebi: a wreath of olive wreaths above, black ground—11 in. >3 472 A fine CelebE, of Nolan ware, with three ephebi, and olive- leaf border above—green ground—16 in. 473 A Crater, with the youthful Bacchus holding a mastix of olive wood, two nymphs of Nysa, and two fauns, one of them holding a lyre ; rev. three ephebi, olive-leaf wreath above—on black ground—13 in. A beautiful design A fine Celebe, with a draped bacchante holding a thyrsus and a torch between two fauns, a bacchante holdino- two torches behind; rev. three ephebi, one holding a cylix, and one a mastix, on fine green Nolan ground—17 in. 4/5 A very fine Cylix, with a frieze of a chariot race in honour of the death of Patroclus, round the edge : the figures heightened with purple and white 1 14" in. diameter. A very spirited design 476 A fine Tall Amphora, with a youth seated holding a mastix, a male and two female figures, and a boy around him : beneath are Minerva, a bacchante, and a female daducha, with a torch, seated; rev. Hercules, with his club upraised, sur¬ rounded by four fauns—on black gr ond—25 in. 477 An amphora, with two eyes, and two kneeling warriors painted on the shoulder—on red ground—15 in. high 478 One, nearly similar—14 in. high 479 A fine Scyphus, with Phaedra, the stepmother of Hippolytus, in a swing, emblematic of her unhappy fate; Aphrodite stands before her, holding a speculum in which she views herself, Eros propelling her, and a dog beneath her; rev. a draped female and two youths—on black ground. Engraved in Panofka's work , and in Gerhard Antike Bildwerke, plate 54 480 A VERY FINE CYLIX, of Nolan ware, with five athletae pre¬ paring to anoint each other with oil for the stadium, and five holding strigils ; inside, two athletae exercising their arms, pre¬ vious to the stadium. The anatomy and drawing of the figures remarkably fine—13 in. diameter—under a glass shade. OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AND IMPORTANCE. From the Canino Collection 481 A fine Amphora, with the long-bearded Bacchus holding a cylix, and two bacchantes supported on the shoulders of two fauns; rev. two warriors, one of them bearing a shield, with the device d 2 36 of an animal’s head upon it, standing between two heralds: figures heightened with white—17 in. high. From S. Cam- panari's Collection 482 A very fine Celebe, with Hercules attacking Achelous in the form of a bull, with human face and long beard, Orythia draped, holding a staff behind; rev. three draped figures—on black ground, with cover—18 in. high. Found in the Necro¬ polis of Ceres: a subject never before represented on a Vulcian vase. With the drawing 483 A VERY FINE STAMNOS, with two females, one holding a cyplius, and the other dipping a simpulum into a vase, before a terminal of Bacchus, on each side of which is a stamnos; rev. three bacchantes, one of them holding a thyrsus—on black ground—14 in. high. Also, a bronze simpulum, the handle terminating with two swans’ heads, which was discovered with the vase, accompanies it: and is of the same form as that held by the female. Published by Panofka, Berlin. 484 A fine Nolan Calpis, with Hercules and Mercury followed by two dogs, Minerva armed with spear and shield, and a draped female with a mastix on each side—on red ground—13 in. 485 A Lecythus, with two females in peploi, one holding a mastix and cylix, the other holding a prochous, Grecian honeysuckles above—on red ground—14^ in. 486 An Amphora, with a warrior, armed with two spears and a shield, on which is the device of a biga, a hound at his feet, a draped female pouring wine from a prochous into a tazza, an attendant in a pointed Thessalian cap, with axe and quiver at the side ; rev. a bacchante, between two fauns under vine branches, a frieze of tigers and goats below: the figures heightened with white, on red ground—16 in. 487 An Amphora, with a warrior and a female in a quadriga, pre¬ ceded by an hoplite; rev. two warriors standing side by side, a serpent on their shield between a herald and a draped female, antefixa flowers on the neck : the figures heightened with white, on red ground—17 in. 37 488 AN EXQUISITE AMPHORA, with a quadriga, in which is a driver in plain white tunic, with a singular CEolic shield hano-ino- on his back ; the driver, holding a mastix and spear, is pulling up his liorse at the me(a, and is received by four officers of the stadium, two in full armour, and a herald who proclaims his victory, a border of antifixa flowers ; rev. the long-bearded Bacchus, holding the primitive vine, and in his left hand a keras, between two dancing females and two satyrs—23 in. high. This fine vase and cover was found in its present per¬ fect state at Vulci 489 A beautiful Amphora, of Nolan ware, with a female figure bearing a lecythus and cylix, inscribed KAPNIA2; rev. a draped male figure—on black ground— 14 in. From the Du¬ rand Collection 490 A Lecythus, four armed horsemen attended by dogs—red ground —13in. high. Much damaged: from the Durand Collection 491 An Amphora, with the Indian Bacchus, a bacchante dancing and two grotesque fauns; rev. a warrior in a quadriga, at¬ tended by a herald and two attendants : figures heightened with with purple and white, on red ground—17 in. high. From the Durand Collection 492 A very fine Amphora, with a priest of Bacchus between two draped females- rev. Paris and Helen, and another female figure—black ground—19^in. 493 A VERY INTERESTING SMALL AMPHORA, with Ajax and Achilles playing at dice, their helmets and spears suspended behind them, with rude inscription; rev. the same subject—9 in. high. Believed to be the vase engraved in Panofka s work 494 A small hydria, of Nolan ware, with a draped figure seated, receiving a wreath from her female attendant, another attend¬ ant standing behind with instruments of the toilette—74 in. hiah 495 A NOBLE HYDRIA, of Nolan ware, with a frieze of bees and honeysuckle round the shoulder, Hercules strangling the Nemsean lion above; behind the group appears a single tree, slightly sketched over the tree are the letters AOHTEI, and 38 behind the lion EAONOI. “ It has been presumed that these two words are intended to be read together, and that it may have been a provincial reading of o'eVI \iovn , but this is very un¬ certain.”— Chev. Brondsted. From S. Campanari's Collection 496 A FINE FELICE, with a youth and female in a quadriga, followed by a male figure, and attended by three females carry¬ ing wedding gifts on their heads, preceded by a priest; rev. a man combating a centaur, two females and two ephebi stand¬ ing by—17 in. high 497 A NOBLE PELICE, with Pallas standing in the centre, the triquetra on her shield; before her is seated the long- bearded Bacchus, a priest of Bacchus and Mercury, and an hoplite standing at her side ; rev. a youth, on horseback, with two spears, attended by a dog, a warrior with a shield bearing the device of a biga, a herald, and a spearman : figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—21 in. high 498 A VERY FINE AMPHORA, with a faun in a nebris, sup¬ porting the long-bearded Bacchus, a bacchante dancing before them ; a bow and quiver are suspended in the vine branches, which form the background ; rev. the long-bearded Bacchus, seated on a mule, attended by two fauns, one of them bearing an askos on his shoulder: figures heightened with purple and white, on red ground—16 in. high. A fine Archaic work, from S. Campanari's Collection 499 A fine Amphora, with two warriors combating, a third kneeling between them, devices on the shield heightened with white; rev. nearly similar—17 in. high 500 A BEAUTIFUL RYTHON, in the front a grotesque head, with eagle beak : on the shoulder is a beautiful figure of Paris with a pallium over his shoulder, honeysuckle ornament on each side. From Prince Canino's Collection 501 A GRAND CELEBE, with a feast, three male figures on a triclinium and two females, one playing the Lydian double pipes, and the other bearing a crater, a lyre and garlands suspended above; rev. three draped figures, on black ground— *—19 in. high. Bought at Naples 39 502 A cylix, with six athletse, and one in the centre, in a green case 503 AN EXQUISITE ARYBALLOS, representing Venus and Cupid, attended by female figures, inscribed KAEOriATPA* ETNOMIA* ITAIAIA' ITT©HO • ETAAIMONIA : of the most ex¬ quisite design, the fruits and ornaments raised and coloured, and retaining the remains of gilding. Supposed to have been one of those vessels which were filled with oil from the Morian olives, and presented to the victor at the Panathenaic contest. From Signor Lusieri s Collection at Athens. Described in Hughes s “ Greece?' 'page 202. Purchased from Mr. Sams. Engraved in Stackelburg Grdlur der Hellenen, page 29 504 A FINE AMPHORA. Minerva, in an ample peplos, without a shield, standing between Bacchus and Hercules; behind her is a bull destined for sacrifice; rev. Minerva, with her aegis, helmet, and spear, on her quadriga, driving the four horses, who are trampling upon a falling barbarian, probably En- celadus. This vase seems to have reference to the prediction that the Olympian gods could not conquer the giants unless they were assisted by two demigods. The bull destined for sacrifice furnishes additional ground for supposing that the united worship of Minerva and the two great Theban heroes is also alluded to. This fine vase is highly interesting, both from the subject and its present state of preservation. — Chev. Brondsted 505 A VERY FINE AMPHORA, with Poseidon and Aphrodite standing by the side of each other on a quadriga, the horses of which the female figure is in the act of pulling up. The head of Poseidon, which is the only part visible, is surrounded by the sacred fillet; the hair of the female is collected in a net, and folded under the fillet. “The fact of a female driving is D a rare occurrence; still more so for Aphrodite to drive Poseidon : it is therefore probable that the artist should have written on the vase AMHTPITE instead of A4>POAITES. In this attitude Amphitrite appeared on the western pediment of the Parthenon, which represented the coniest between Pallas 40 and Poseidon. In the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius, a very careful author, it is likewise Amphitrite who manages the horses and chariot of Neptune. Betore the horses appear the words IIT0OKAES * KAA02, the name of the victor for whom this vase was made, in commemoration of his success, most probably at the Isthmian games ; the reverse, which is considerably injured, represents a quadriga, the horses seen full face; in it are two men, one ready armed, the other, the driver, with Thessalian cap and a mastix in his hand.”— Chev. Brdndsted —17 in. high 505a A SUPERB HYDRIA, of the Corinthian class. The principal picture contains six female figures, each bearing a hydria before a fountain, which flows through a lion’s mouth from a rock underneath an architectural gallery supported by Ionic columns. The first has placed her hydria under the stream ; the second is approaching the fountain, with the hydria on her head ; the third and fourth are retiring from the fountain, whence they have filled their hydriee ; the fifth and sixth are approaching with their empty hydrise : the name of the fountain is inscribed over it, KAAAIPEKPENE. Over the first woman, XIATMIX (Xi^vX\ s ); behind the second woman is the same name, Siy.uAi^ (probably indicating that they were sisters, or at least of the same family) ; before the third, ErEPATE (ErfEgccTe) • before the. fourth, KYANE (K ucxvs) ; behind the fifth, ETENE (E vzvs) •, behind the sixth, XOPONIKE (Xofoyooj). The first owner’s name, I'lf'n’oKga-re; xct\o$ } appears on the border. “ The fountain represented is undoubtedly the celebrated Athenian Kallirhoe, whence it was customary for those who were going to take an important part in any ceremony to draw water to perform their ablutions. There can be little doubt from the fact that Cyane, (who is apparently the handsomest and youngest,) holds a wreath, a common nuptial emblem, in her hand, that this vase was presented to her and Hippocrates on the occasion of their marriage. This view is supported by the statement of Thucydides, who says, speaking of the fountain— nat vvv tri at'o rov v tfgo te yociMKwv xoci els aAAa rcuv vogl&Tou rcu v$a,ri ^TjcrSaj. There is a small pic¬ ture near the neck, which has no connection with the one below. An armed warrior, with Baotian shield, is combating with a warrior, who although prostrate is endeavouring to defend himself with his Arrive shield : a third is advancing to his rescue : a draped female on either side show, by their ani¬ mated attitude, the interest they have in the contest. Two heralds, with the sacred fdlet round their heads, are in at¬ tendance. It is probable that this has reference to the mythos of the Laodacidro.”— Chev. Brondsted. Brought to this coun¬ try by Signor Campanari. Engraved by G. Scharf,\ in IVords- worth's “Pictorial Greece ” End of Fourth Day's Sale. Fifth Day's Sale. - 0 - On FRIDAY, MAY 2, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. In this Catalogue is comprised the entire Collection of Pictures , with the exception of the three fine works bequeathed to the Nation. PICTURES. . C BEGYN. 506 A landscape, with a female peasant keeping cows, sheep, and goats, near a pool of water DESIDERIO. vi 507 A view in front of a castle of elaborate architecture, with numerous '* figures witnessing a public execution -X o- o o cf A. DETO&-- ^ 508 A gentleman, in an orange dress, seated reading REMBRANDT SCHOOL. h^ 509 A man, in a black dress and gorget BORGOGNONE. 510 A melee of cavalry, under the walls of a town. From Lady Holland's ^ Collection i O _ t?0 43 BORGOGNONE. oil A battle piece—the companion. From Lady Holland’s Collection lx ' I ■ io. TINTORETTO. 512 A Venetian nobleman, in black dress VAN DER IIOOG. 513 A group of flowers, in a glass vessel V bT" MOMPERTS. 514 A bay scene, with Roman ruins and a group of figures Ip - 6 « VAN GOYEN. 515 A Dutch river scene, with figures in a boat • -5 . (s>. STOTHARD. 516 A feast, from Boccaccio ftT . / STOTHARD. 523 A set of five small illustrations to the “ Arabian Nights,” on one canvass, with painted grey borders fa \ V \> try . i if STOTHARD. 524 Adam and Eve, seated on a bank in Paradise, two angels looking on 3 T' ' L SIR J. REYNOLDS. 525 Portrait of the Marquis of Huntley, in a cuirass—whole-length. A beautiful small copy from Van Dyck __ f Q 0. SIR O. BEAUMONT. 526 Conway Castle: a horseman and other figures on the bridge, intro- - i duced by Sir D. Wilkie. This picture was presented by Sir George to Mr. Rogers , as a memento of the spot on which the Poet and the Painter first met SIR D. WILKIE. 527 The death of the red deer, with portraits of McIntyre and McGregor, the huntsman and piper of the Duke of Atholl, 1821. The engraved picture J. M. TURNER, R.A. 528 A sea piece, with fishing boats off a wooden pier, a gale coming on. An early tvorh of this Master. Beautifully true to nature LESLIE, R.A. Of] 529 The two children in the Tower, at prayer, at the bedside in their night¬ clothes. This interesting ivork teas painted for Mr. Rogers 3 cj 3 . iS % (f> < Jls-tT if- 45 A. JOLLI. 530 A Roman bath, under a vaulted colonnade, with rows o f Ionic columns ; a bay scene in the distance; figures in an arcade on the left: inscribed u Genio Caroli Cozenzali Bonarium Artium Antonio Jolli, D.D.D. * —grand upright X>. - I BRAUWER. 531 A landscape, with five peasants on a winding road near a cottage— evening scene. A very spirited sketch fcGu 5 ii ■ it P. NEEFS. 532 Interior of a Flemish cathedral, with figures. Very minutely finished^ \ls> * ff~ b . P. NEEFS. 533 Interior of a church—the companion 3-1 * DOMENICIIINO. 534 A classical river scene, with Apollo and Daphne oval —-o* /«■ • 7 DOMENICIIINO. 535 A landscape, with Apollo and Midas the companion r £t)‘ VAN DER NEER. 536 A Dutch river scene, with buildings on a bank, and numerous figures. Brilliant effect of rising moon 2*3? • /‘2-r VAN DER NEER. 537 A river scene, with the conflagration of a town—the companion^ )Cf • S • £ 1 GUARDI. 538 A circular church, and other buildings, with figures . i (i 3 . (Ip . (s> 46 s ■>** - .s—• • sr^ * ^. 15^' io • la Ljr • $ • ( y u • O ‘I ■ y \r ir- /r-* \X A> * ( . GUARDI. 539 The ruins of the temple of Peace—the companion CRUYL. 540 The Quirinal Palace, at Rome, with figures. Very highly finished PORDENONE. 541 A man in a turban, blowing a horn, and a page, with a group of four *i*V dogs, in a landscape GUIDO SCHOOL. 542 Lucretia. A small copy from the celebrated Picture P. SAANREDAN. 543 Interior of a Dutch church, with figures. Dated B. PEETERS. i 544 A river scene, with two vessels at anchor, near a square tower on the shore, and figures in a row boat in front S. ROSA. 545 Jason pouring the enchanted potion on the head of the dragon. From Lord Radstock’s Collection NOVARRA. 546 Portrait of a favourite cat.. From the Archbishop of Toronto’s Collec- (o tion, alluded to in the notes to Rogers’s Italy —“ The Bag of Gold.” Page 197 SAANREDAM. 547 Interior of a Flemish church, with figures VENETIAN. 548 A hawk, standing on a gauntlet. Very elaborately finished—dated 1673 47 BASSANO. 549 The adoration of the shepherds, who are kneeling before the Infant, surrounded by cattle and sheep ^ ar- .. DOMENICIIJNO. 550 A romantic landscape, with Tobit following the angel. A charming specimen. From President West’s Collection STEEN WYCK. 551 Interior of a cathedral, with a priest and figures before an altar—candle¬ light ib • \(c PRUDHON. -canuie- . X 552 A subject from Roman history: a child rushing into its mother’s arms. A finished study 4 ^' l. TENIERS. 553 A group of five peasants, seated round a table smoking, before a cabaret; a wooden building in the background ic(o - t LOCATELLI. 554 An Italian landscape, with a river falling in a cascade ; a palace and an aqueduct in the distance *-f • /4 - (o _ B. VAN ORLEY. 555 A knight, in rich dress and armour, (supposed to represent Charles V.,) on a white horse, trampling on a Moorish prince. This picture is supposed to refer to Charles’s campaign against Tunis loo - . ' GAROFALO. 556 The Riposo: the Virgin and Child seated on a stone plinth, St. John standing before St. Elizabeth and offering flowers, St. Joseph, in a yellow drapery, leaning on a staff; a river and mountains in the background. A lovely composition, coloured in a beautiful golden lo-x - i 48 '*>•>-• ti oL'Y • ^ r- L. VAN LEYDEN. 557 St. John and St. Mark, writing their gospels; the one in red, and the other in lilac drapery, with their respective emblems. An elaborate miniature ivorh S. DI FERRARA. 558 The Resurrection : Christ standing on the tomb, round which the Roman soldiers are reclining, stupified by the miracle ^ D P ARMEGI AN 0. 559 The Riposo: the Virgin and St. Joseph seated before an archway, the infant Christ and St. John on a cushion between them ; a cow and a horse in the background. From the Collection of Sir Thomas Lawrence /LCl^jzJL f II *s> (? • iff T-'d- ■ I m ; i ( \J\ - ( . HOLBEIN. 560 Portrait of Cardinal Csesar Borgia, in a crimson dress and cap ; with a blue background. A highly interesting historical portrait AS GUERCINO. 561 A party of cavaliers and ladies on the bank of a river, which some of them are crossing in a ferry boat; a city seen on the opposite bank. From the Collections of Mr. Udncy and Mr. Jiaik^ EVERDINGEN. 562 A romantic view in Norway, with wooden buildings, and a rocky height, crowned with firs VAN GOYEN. 563 A Dutch river scene, under the walls of a town, with boats moored near a gateway ^ Cq — TENIERS. 564 A cavern scene, with a group of peasants at their devotions before a stone cross; other figures seen on a winding road, with a rocky background. Painted with great breadth of effect. From Lady Holland's Collection bo 49 (A vV / A V- F. VANNI. 565 The doctors of the Church, kneeling in adoration before the Virgin, who appears in a glory above ; infant angels bearing a tiara and mitre in the foreground ^ ^ ?. 4- WATTEAU. 566 A masquerade: a group of five figures, in masquerade dress. From the Earl of Carysfort’s Collection /X r&>. i -**" WATTEAU. 567 A concert—the companion. From the Earl of Carysfort's Collection /ft* . ' A. DEL SARTO. 568 Head of St. John. Full of beautiful character. Prom the Mareschal- chi Palace , Bologna. Purchased thereby Mr. Rogers, in 1821 P. PERUGINO. 569 The Saviour, surrounded by St. Peter, St. John, and two other Saints. Painted on gold ground. Formerly the centrepiece of three compart¬ ments, the remainder of which still remains in Italy. This is said to have been one of Peruginos latest works !>% 7 Cl R. HANNAH. 570 Confidence: a post-boy whistling as he knocks at the door try - IV A R. HANNAH. 571 Diffidence: a girl ringing the bell. The much admired engraved pictures , purchased by Mr. Rogers, from the Royal Academy kA SEVERN. 572 The Neapolitan Vintage: a female peasant, with a basket of grapes on her head, and a man on a ladder, at the foot of which is a goat. Coloured with very rich effect / !'■'{. M - (a . E 50 JARVIS. v 573 Portrait of Pope, in a crimson dress, and black cap. This capital portrait was presented by the Duhe of Rutland to Crabbe, and by R. WESTALL. Is - 1 C 574 A romantic landscape, with a bridge over a river, and mountainous distance. Painted in the manner of Titian & tf L o ft . et *-'*- GAINSBOROUGH. * 575 The Cornaro Family. This admirable copy teas made from the en¬ graving, the original picture by Titian not then being accessible to the artist: the colouring is consequently of Gainsborough’s choice, and was always highly commended by Mr. Rogers PARMEGI AN 0. 576 The Virgin, seated, embracing the Infant. Full of dignified character !\ - o ^ // J. DE MABEUSE. o 577 Head of a nun. This small fragment was purchased by Mr. Rogers, - at Venice t ^ * 10 . Jyv TITIAN. qC 578 Samson lying in the lap of Delilah, who is holding a lock of his hair, which an attendant is cutting off. This fine design is from the Orleans Collection JL c^, \i L j‘^ f £ GEORGIONE. 579 A knight and a lady, in the foreground of a romantic landscape, with a view of Florence in the background. Coloured with admirable effect. This work is highly commended by Mrs. Jameson and Dr. Waa 51 CLAUDE. 580 A grand archway, of rich Roman architecture, with a party of cavaliers and ladies playing cards on a terrace; a Roman villa, with moun¬ tainous background on the sea shore— the ivhole illumined with a brilliant effect of evening sun. From the Orleans Gallery; en¬ graved in the Liber Veritatis. This was the first picture purchased by Mr. Rogers. From De Calonne’s Collection ^ )m - iff < SIR J. REYNOLDS. 581 The Mob-cap : the principal figure in the celebrated composition of the 11 Infant Academy.” The celebrated engraved picture R. WILSON. 582 An Italian landscape, with a ruined temple on a rock above a river, a group of three figures and sheep in the foreground ; a mountainous distance. Full of beautiful aerial effect. Of the finest tune of the artist, after his return from Italy to- LESLIE, R.A. 583 Sancho and the Duchess. One of the most favourite works of this distinguished artist. Purchased by Mr. Rogers from the Royal .Academy — engraved. This was borrowed by the Artist, while paint¬ ing the picture in the Vernon Gallery 111 b . FARRIER. 584 Going to School: an idle boy catching a fly on the wall £T tf . I > . VAN EYCK. 585 The Virgin, in a blue dress, with the Infant in her lap, seated in a Gothic niche, surmounted by elaborate Gothic tracing, in which are represented the seven joys of the Virgin, in relief. An exquisite miniature work, from the Collection of Mr. Aders. u This small picture is the ne plus-ultra of delicacy and precision of miniature painting in oil.”— Waagen. /r~ e2 52 SCHIAVONE. n >al \ M - ' <0 \>' 6 ^ - **■ 3 ^- - 58G The birth of St. John : the Infant is being tended by three females in the centre, St. Elizabeth on a couch in the background, and four figures, seated round the table, on the left. An admirably design A. VEROCCHIO. S' 587 Portrait of a noble Italian lady, the face seen in profile, in a crimson and white dress, ornamented with pearls, a veil hanging over the back of her head : the arms of the family of Soderini, of Florence, are emblazoned on the background. Dr. Waagen attributes this interesting portrait to A. Pollajuolo /2 n SIR J. REYNOLDS. 588 A girl with a bird. The celebrated engraved work ( q C&OV WESTALL, R.A. 589 A watermill, in a richly wooded landscape. Effect of evening sun HAYDON. 590 Napoleon standing on the shore of St. Helena. A small replica from Sir R. Peel’s large picture. Paintedfor Mr. Rogers. ** 1 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 591 A girl sketching. This picture , in the Marchioness of Tliomond’s Collection, formed the companion to “ The girl with the kitten ,” now in the Earl of Normanton’s Collection - J * SIR C. EASTLAKE, P.R.A. 592 The sisters. A most elegant ivork of the distinguished President of the Royal Academy f 53 RUBENS. 593 Solitude : a landscape, moonlight—a group of trees on the bank of a river, flowing through a flat country, a horse grazing in the fore¬ ground—admirable effect of the stillness of night—the moon emerg¬ ing from the clouds, and the stars faintly shining. This most beautiful well-known icorlt is from the Collection of Sir J. Rey¬ nolds, and is engraved by Bolswert - I o ' SCHIAVONE. 594* The dead body of Christ, deposited in the tomb by St. Joseph of Arimathea, the Magdalen, St. John, and another disciple standing by their side; the mouth of the cave is seen in the background 1 % CIMA DI CONEGLIANO, 595 The Virgin, in a red and blue dress, seated before a green drapery, with the Infant in her arms, who is handing a cross to St. Francis, a female saint on the other side, with landscape background \ WATTEAU. 596 A lady, in a red dress, seated on a bank, a cavalier playing on a lute at her side. Most brilliantly coloured. The engraved picture ^ CIMABUE. 597 The Virgin enthroned, with the Infant in her lap; St. Francis, St. Bernard, and four female saints standing at her side. From the Collection of the Right Hon. C. Greville. Coloured on gold ground, arched top -- • / CANALETTI. 598’ Front of the library of St. Roch, at Venice, with figures 3 f - tc, 54 c \° 2-t C H. HIMMELINCK. 599 Portrait of the artist, in a crimson dress and black cap, being the dress of the Hospital of St. John, at Bruges : this picture is highly- interesting, as it is the only known portrait of the artist. The portrait has been engraved at Bruges, and lately copied with the descriptions of the celebrated collections of England, by Percival. This rare work is dated 1462, and is from Mr. A decs’s Collection GAROFALO. 600 The Virgin, with the Infant seated on a pedestal before her, with St. Joseph, behind trees and mountains. Highly finished -* SIR J. REYNOLDS. 601 The strawberry girl. This celebrated picture was painted in 1775. Respecting it Sir Joshua observed that “ no man could ever produce more than about half a dozen really original works, and that,” he added, “ is one of mine.” Sir Thomas Lawrence wrote to Mr. Rogers? “ That magnificent display of impudent knowledge that kicks modesty out of doors, and makes you say 1 Aye, let her go,’ has never been from my recollection or eyes since I saw it ” \J he ~ SIR G. BEAUMONT. 602 A view of Patterdale Church. Painted on one of the Royal Academy dinner cards, and presented to Mr. Rogers by Sir George LESLIE, R.A. J 603 The first lesson : a lady, in a black dress, teaching reading to a child, in a white dress and red cap, standing by her side. Painted for Mr. Rogers, from the design by Raffaelle , and so well known by the fine engraving of Marc Antonio, which accompanies the picture SIR, J. REYNOLDS. 604 A romantic woody landscape, intersected by a stream of water. A highly poetical work, painted in the manner of Titian DOMENICIIINO. 605 A classical landscape, with a river and mountainous distance; the Judgment of Paris in the foreground. From B. West's Collection. Painted in a fine silvery tone DOMENICHINO. 606 A romantic landscape, intersected by a ravine, opening to a clear distance; in the foreground, at the foot of a tree, is represented Apollo flaying Marsyas, witnessed by a group of three nymphs—the companion. From B. West’s Collection h REMBRANDT. C4'€) . L Cy 607 The emancipation of the United Provinces : an allegorical composition of many figures, composed with masterly power, in grisaille. One of the most prominent is a lion chained at the foot of a rock, on which the tree of liberty is growing. The whole is executed with consummate skill, and the general effect is striking. From the Collections of Sir J. Reynolds and B. West RUBENS. 608 The horrors of war : the artist, as Mars, in armour, followed by two of his wives and infant cupids, who endeavour to restrain him from following Bellona, Discord, and the Furies. This superb and perfect work of the artist , is from the Balbi Palace , at Genoa , and subsequently from Mr. Champer no wne’s Collection. The larger picture is in the Pitti Palace ^ GUERCINO. ' C> / 609 A mother, in a crimson dress and blue drapery, with a child in her lap ; she holds a sparrow on her hand, on which the child is intently gazing, while he holds in his hand a thread attached to the bird. Mr. Rogers observes of it, “An effect of light to be often observed at noon in Italy, when the shutters are shut against the sun.” Full of beautiful feeling , and painted with fine effect of chiaroscuro. From the Borghese Palace. Engraved by Bcttelini , and brought by Mr. Ottley to England f 56 Vi Vr • V i^-tr' L. DI CREDI. 610 The coronation of the Virgin, by the Saviour, in a glory above; St. Nicholas, St. Barbara, St. Catherine, and St. Julian in adoration ; on a predilla beneath, is represented Christ rising from the tomb, with St. Francis and St. Anthony represented on the plinth beneath. This interesting early work is f ull of expression, and was purchased by Mr. Rogers, at Rome CIMABUE. 611 An evangelist writing, holding a book and inkstand in his hand. For¬ merly belonging to the Right Hon. C. Greville. From W. Young Ottley's Collection G. BASSANO. 612 Dives feasting with his friends ; Lazarus, surrounded by dogs, lying at the base of a column in the foreground, an attendant about to drive him away. It is remarkable that the red head-dress of the attendant exactly resembles that of the peasants of Friuli at this day. From, the Collection of President West. “ Approaching in glow of colouring to Rembrandt, and one of the best pictures of the Master.”— Waagen s~. £7 G. ROMANO. 613 La Vierge au Berceau. An exquisite small copy from the picture by I Raffaelle, in the Louvre GIOTTO. 614 The Virgin, in a crimson and blue dress, seated on a throne, with the Infant in her lap, under a gold canopy, surrounded by nine angels, tO four of whom support the canopy. Dr. Waagen attributes this exquisite work to Benozzo Gozzoli <-» ~ 57 FRA ANGELICO DA FIESOLE. 615 The daughter of Herodias dancing before Herod, who is seated with four courtiers at a feast; a soldier entering the apartment with the head of St. John in a charger; the execution seen on the left, outside the banquet room. Painted in distemper , and varnished. Mrs. Jameson says “ There is much simple elegance and grace in the head and figure of Salome, and much expression in the miniature heads of the old men.” Bought at Pome fp 3 fc - nr~* PALMA. 616 The Virgin, in a crimson dress and blue drapery, seated, with the Infant in her lap, who is presenting a cross to St. Francis ; St. Catharine, in a yellow dress, in adoration beneath REMBRANDT. 617 A forest scene, with horsemen and a beggar on a road, beneath a bank covered with trees, through the stems of which are seen a flat open distance. This masterly toorh, of the highest quality, was the pro¬ perty of President West , and teas a favourite study of Sir J. Reynolds s> r to . (j y GUERCINO. 618 The dead Christ, lying on a white drapery, watched by two angels, one of whom, in a blue dress, is reclining on a pedestal, weeping. An exquisite replica , on copper , of the picture in the NationaljGallery ftp?. . vi TITIAN. 619 Charles V., of Spain, in a suite of tilting armour, holding a spear, on a horse covered with crimson trappings, in a landscape. The admi¬ rable finished study for the grand picture in the Museum of Madrid. From the Orleans Collection & . .rr~fT? Nt tj- * t A. DURER. 620 The Grand Falconer: a man in a black dress, with hat and feather, with a falcon on his wrist. & ' b Most elaborately finished BARROCCIO. 62) La Madonna del Gatto. The very celebrated work, from the Salviati Palace, at Rome. Brought to England by Mr. Bay. It was lent to Palmaroni for some months to assist him, when repairing Mr. Carrs picture of the same subject, noiv in the National Gallery N. POUSSIN. 622 The adoration of the shepherds; three of whom are prostrating them¬ selves before the Infant, over whom the Virgin and St. Joseph are leaning at the foot of a column, near which an ass is standing ; an elegant female figure is bearing a basket of fruit on her head; the angel appearing to the shepherds seen in the background. From ' •' * Lord Radstock’s Collection. “ This exquisite picture is a proof that N. Poussin could be, when he chose, a poetical and effective colourist.”— Mrs. Jameson The three following Pictures were hung over Mr. Rogers's writing table, level with his eye as he sat. L. CARRACCI. 623 The Virgin, in a red and blue drapery, seated, holding a book over the head of the Infant, who is seated before her, holding an ear of barley; St. Francis, St. Peter, St. Paul, and St. Andrew, St. Catherine, and St. Agnes, in adoration before him. Bought by Mr. Rogers at Bologna, in 1821 f CLAUDE. 624 The mill: on the bank of a river, a shepherd seated, playing on the pipe beneath a group of trees, near which goats and cattle are grazing; a mill at the side of a round tower is seen on the right on the steep '*• bank of a river which stretches into an open distance; the whole illumined with magical effect of sunshine. This exquisite gem was from the Collection of President West, and is engraved, with slight variations, in the Liber Veritatis. Dr. Waagen says, in his de- 59 scription of this work, “ That few pictures inspire such a sense of the delicious stillness of a summer’s evening.” Mrs. Jameson describes it as “ Delicious for its soft, tranquil, Arcadian character ” RAFFAELLE. 625 Christ in the garden of Gethsemane, kneeling in prayer, an angel de¬ scending towards him with a chalice; St. James and St. John seated sleeping near the foot of a tree in front, and St. Peter re¬ clining, with his head on a bank, in the background. This precious little picture, painted by Raffaelle when he ivas about two and twenty, was originally a part of the predella to the altar, painted in 1505 for the Nuns of St. Anthony, at Perugia. From the Orleans Gallery and Lord Eldin’s Collection. Engraved by Flipart for the Crozat Collection, and also by Gruner • /o. / *. * End of Fifth Pay’s Side. Sixth Day's Sale. - 0 “»- On SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ■O- PICTURES. t NJ EARLY FLORENTINE. 626 The dead Christ, supported by the Virgin and St. John L. VAN LEYDEN. f 627 The birth of St. John ; and Christ mocked—a pair ^' \ \J 628 A subject from a novel - tv. STOTHARD. BIRD. 629 The death of Cleopatra u- f' FUSELI. 630 Satan summoning his legions F. COLE. 631 A romantic American valley, with Indians crossing a bridge over a f /. *' cataract: grand effect of an approaching storm. A scene from Cooper’s “ Prairie .” Purchased by Mr. llogersfrom the artist IIARLOWE. 632 Portrait of Stothard H- * After SIR J. REYNOLDS. 633 The infant Samuel H- WESTALL. 634 Zephyr flying in pursuit of a butterfly. /*- J'l JACKSON. 635 Portrait of Stothard—in profile *6* /v"”' Figure finely foreshortened SULLY. 636 Head of the Queen, in a coronet of brilliants. by the artist a. . "x— Presented to Mr. Rogers s FUSELI. 637 A witch, seated, gathering mandrakes * l O' *rx*— A. SACCHI. 638 St. Bruno and his disciples, in a landscape ; with a vision of angels in the background £_ PINTURRICCHIO. 639 The procession of the Magi, with other figures, descending a hill on horseback ; the buildings of Bethlehem seen in the background >> - *z>~ * C CAMPO VECCHIO. 640 A pair of views in Italy. From Prince Poniatowski’s Collection Jr* 62 REMBRANDT SCHOOL. 641 A philosopher, reading X, - FERRARA SCHOOL. 642 Four disciples, in a landscape ^ - -to, - . REMBRANDT. 643 Interior, with the Virgin and St. Joseph seated reading, the Infant ^ . y"" lying in a cradle before them—small. Most powerfully painted A GIORGIONE. 644 Buildings, in a landscape—a sketch A. DURER. 645 Portrait of a gentleman, in black dress and cap, and white collar—small ! tf' t*f: >r STEENWYCK. 646 Interior of a Gothic chamber, with a figure seated in the background. / Most delicately finished w HOOGEST. 647 Interior of Delft Church, of rich architecture ; with a group of peasants near the pulpit in the foreground. Illumined ivith brilliant effect of sunshine. Dated 1651 h~~*D TIEPOLO. V At ' .648 The Vision of Pope Leo, when saved from shipwreck :• the Deity, with angels bearing a cross, appearing to the Tope, who is kneeling on the n, (j,. sea-shore ; a group of figures round him—upright, arched top. A small finished study fdr an altar-piece DIEPENBECK. a * 7 v V ( 0 . 649 The Virgin, in a blue and red dress, kneeling in adoration over the Infant, who is lying on a cushion; two angels, in adoration, behind ^' y' F. LAURI. 650 Venus supporting the dead body of Adonis, and Cupid weeping at her side, in a woody landscape A. DURER. 651 John and Hubert Van Eyck: the former in a black dress and cap, with gold chain; the latter in a blue dress, edged with fur, and brown fur cap, seated at a table reading a manuscript. A highly interesting specimen K ’ H. HIMMELINCK. 652 Portraits of a gentleman, in a black dress, edged with fur; and a lady, in black dress, and white head-dress—a pair—small v 3 " 3 > - < 0 . TENIERS. 653 A corps de garde of monkeys, bringing in a cat as a deserter —torch¬ light. From Lady Holland's Collection ?' A, VENETIAN. 656 A romantic mountainous landscape : a peasant with sheep, and a male , and female figure in the foreground F. MOLA. 657 The Riposo : the Virgin, seated, with the Infant on her lap, before whom two angels are kneeling in adoration; St. Joseph, seated, ' feading, behind them, and a glory of cherubs above—woody land- , scape background. A very elegant design V * i^ - 7 STOTHARD. 658 The triumph of Charles V.: Victory is holding a wreath before the / king, who rides bareheaded, on a white horse. A very fine specimen, k- of colour STOTHARD. 659 The birth of Narcissus: a group of five nymphs watching the A most elegant composition STOTHARD. 660 The sailor’s return “ Soon through the whitening surge he springs to land, And clasps the maid he singled from the world.” Rogers's Poems , p. 174. STOTHARD. Kf / 661 The tournament. From Chaucer’s “ Rose and Leaf” *7 * STOTHARD. 662 The children in the wood ' i V if yW^ STOTHARD. 663 The death of Iphigenia. Most brilliantly coloured ■ 65 STOTHARD. 664 Four of the Muses, in a landscape. Engraved in Alaric Watts's Poems xh ' sr STOTHARD. 665 View from Salisbury Crags, looking over the Frith of Forth . fb, STOTHARD. 666 Don Quixote’s installation in the inn yard 3>~ * M. STOTHARD. •M 667 Don Quixote and Sancho Panza setting out on their adventures 3 7 ' ir STOTHARD. 668 Don Quixote at the ball "X "5 * STOTHARD. 669 Sancho Panza seated by the side of the Duchess lif * 3 . G. POUSSIN. 670 A woody landscape, with peasants reposing near a stream. Colonna Palace : bought of Irvine, at Rome H*' f From the G. POUSSIN. 671 A classical landscape, with buildings, a flock of sheep near a pool of water, and shepherds reposing. Bought by Mr. Rogers of Mr. Irvine , at Rome , 1822. From the Colonna Palace: —the companion OfT i\ . F ... 66 xj MOMPERTS. 672 An Italian scene, with a ruined Roman bridge across a river; peasants, with a mule, in the foreground. From the Marchioness of Tho¬ rn ond’s Collection J. DE MABEUSE. 673 A lady, in a rich dress and crimson cloak, as the Magdalen, holding a 3-1 - silver vase of ointment; a landscape background, and Gothic^circular S' top iUJ- V A V a> - i WATTEAU. 674 A party of cavaliers and ladies, seated on a bank, near a statue domenichino. 675 A caricature of hawking: a lawyer on a mule, with an owl in his hand, in a landscape. Mentioned by Waagen : a curious and interest¬ ing specimen. From the Borghese Palace ^/_ 7 WATTEAU. 676 A lady and gentleman, and a group of four children, in a landscape ] ^ small CRESPI. 677 Th« school: an aged female is instructing two girls in reading, others . are wording at a pillow, and reading. Full of simple and natural ' f- chatter ~ fZ LE NAIN. 678 A group of five peasant children : one of them, in a red dress, playing a *** ‘ ** violin, and another playing on a pipe. Admirably true to nature 9 07 DOMENICHINO. 679 1 he birdcatchers: nymphs in a landscape, catching various birds, which have been drawn to a decoy beneath a tree; two nymphs dancing on the left, near the bank of a river, and Cupid in a car at the the foot; a rocky height in the background. From the Borghese Palace /Xlc . FRA BARTOLOMEO. 680 St. Matilda, an angel holding a book ; and St. John the Evangelist reading, an eagle at his feet. A pair of exquisite miniature works DOMENICHINO. 681 The infant Christ, in a loose blue drapery, seated on a bank, his right foot resting on the cross ; at his side is a basket, containing the crown of thorns, and other emblems of his passion—beautiful landscape background. This exquisite cabinet specimen is from the Collections of Dr. Braggs and President West Jl . 5"^ W CAY D’ARPINO. 682 St. James of Spain, in gilt armour, on a white horse, brandishing his sword, a vanquished foe at his feet. From Sir Collection tie - l lo J. Reynolds's BRONZINO. ‘ f 2 68 HIMMELINCK. j f *7 I 685 A knight, in a black dress and helmet, holding a spear and banner, standing behind a gentleman, who is kneeling in prayer. “ These admirable little pictures retain much of his master, Roger Yan der Weyden, the elder, and belong therefore to the earlier time of Hemmeling.”— Waagen. The companion A. MANTEGNA. 686 St. Michael, in armour, overcoming the evil spirit; and St. Apollonia, in a crimson dress. A pair of exquisite figures, in niches , brought ^— from a shrine in Padua f * VENETIAN. 687 A Venetian lady about to embark in a boat; three figures near her: a ship in the distance * 6 . ^, XI u T 7 • F. MOLA. 688 Ilagar kneeling, with her arms extended towards the infant Ishmael, who is lying down before her : she is looking up to the angel who appears in a cloud above. From the Earl of Carysfort s Colle ction ^ L SCIIEDONE. 689 The Riposo. The Virgin seated, nursing the Infant; St. Joseph behind, holding a bunch of cherries, at the foot of a tree - upright ' 11 , \3K ' io - VELASQUEZ. 690 The hidalgo, or country squire, of Spain, in a yellow dress, smoking a pipe. Full of fine character. From the Orleans Gallery SNYDERS. 691 A larder, with a boar’s head, peacock, hare, lobster, dead birds, and ^ vegetables, on a table. An admirable example rt -j _ 69 MIGNARD. 692 The Virgin, holding the Infant on a sculptured pedestal, the youthful St. John standing before her. A beautifully finished copy from Raffaelle a. s. - I . VELASQUEZ. —-‘u-t tC^lvV- 693 Phillip IV., of Spain, in a black dress, hat, and feathers, on a bay charger, in a landscape : he holds a baton in his hand. A finished study, full of spirit and character : for the great^picture, under which it used to hang in the Retiro iCL A.li> GAINSBOROUGH. 694 An open landscape, with peasants in a cart crossing a rapid stream, near a group of trees ; a peasant, with a horse, in the foreground. From the Marchioness of Thomond’s Collection. A charming small specimen ( £*e /2u\dctt fjufiAe-e h 4 dn ■3k.^ X . | C . ( LiZ. SIR J. REYNOLDS. *v! 695 The sleeping girl. This most powerfully painted work, described by Northcote as one of his richest performances, was exhibited in 1787 ; when Mr. Northcote, speaking of Opie and himself, said—“ We found great difficulty in placing it, being so powerful in its effect, that it seemed to annihilate every picture near it” n ? {o. R. WILSON. 696 An Italian landscape, with a group of three figures near a round tower on the woody bank of a river. Coloured with beautiful golden effect fG$~- \ x GAINSBOROUGH. 6 697 A rustic landscape, with a cottage on a bank, near a stream, which cattle and sheep are about to pass, and at which a man is watering his horse. Brilliant in tone « „ , /X b ' ** 70 \K 7' 7 v p PORDENONE. 698 The dead Christ at the foot of the cross, supported by the Maries, St. John, and other disciples GIORGIONE. 699 The Riposo: the Virgin, seated, suckling the Infant at the foot of a - column —St. Joseph unlading the ass ; a palace at the edge of a lake in the distance M \i 1 ia lOT » V (O- G. BASSANO. 700 The adoration of the Magi: supposed to contain portraits of the Emperor Charles V. and his brother, the King of the Romans ; one of them kneeling and kissing the foot of the Infant, who is in the lap of the Virgin, under a rustic building; others are just alighted from their 'horses, and are preparing their gifts ; they are followed by attendants and camels : the white horse in the centre has a striking and luminous effect. This qrand ivorli is from 13. West’s Collection lZ 1T GAROFALO. 701 The Riposo: the Virgin, in a crimson dress and green drapery, seated, holding a book on a stone pedestal ; St.. Anne, in a white mantle, behind her; St. Joseph raising the Infant with both hands from a cradle, on which he stands; a rocky bay scene, with buildings, in the background. Full of grand and dignified character SIR J. REYNOLDS. 702 Prospect from his window on Richmond Hill, looking over the Thames, Marble Hall, and Pope’s Villa; a group of cattle and sheep in the foreground—in the manner of Rembrandt. One of his happiest productions in this style. From the Marchioness of Thomond’s Collection 5 &° 71 BONNINGTON. 703 A Turk enjoying the siesta : a long pipe in his lap, and crimson drapery suspended at his side : a broad shadow falls on the upper part of the figure, with fine effect *Cf f' •• WILSON. 704 The ruins of Adrian’s villa, with two figures, and open background. The ivell known engraved picture : of the highest quality - tS^ WILSON. 705 The ruins of Maecenas’s villa, with a group of figures—the companion I *3 (o * 10 ^^ SIR J. REYNOLDS. 706 Cupid and Psyche: she is holding a lamp, and leaning over the youthful god, who is sleeping on a couch ; landscape background. One of the most important and beautiful of his fancy subjects BARROCCIO. 707 The dead body of Christ, deposited in the tomb by Joseph of Arimathea and two other disciples, the three Maries behind them, and the crosses seen on the hill in the distance—arched top a 3 - W. VAN DE VELDE. 708 A sea piece, with two Dutch galleots under sail in a rtrong breeze; two vessels lying at anchor in the distance : a broad gleam of light falls upon the principal object, with grand effect it i ■ **?« - KC vend' G. BASSANO. IQ- 709 The good Samaritan, in a crimson dress, raising the wounded Jew, in order to place him on his mule, which stands by ; a silver bottle of wine and two dogs in the foreground ; the Levite seen in the open landscape distance. This noble study of colouring , full of dignity and feeling , is from the Collection of Sir J. Reynolds , icho kept it always hanging in his studio ( to VELASQUEZ. 1 ’ 710 Don Balthazar, son of Charles IV. of Spain, in a black and white dress, with crimson scarf, on a black charger, in the tennis court at Madrid ; a cavalier, attended by a page, and other figures around ; the royal mews are seen in the background. This noble work was purchased in Spain, by Mr. Woodburn, for Mr. Rogers , at the recommendation of Sir David Wilkie ^ N. POUSSIN. 711 The Catnpagna of Rome ; a grand composition of broken rocky scenery : a convent in a ravine at the foot of the mountainous background ; a peasant and family resting on a bank beneath a fine group of trees ; a stream of water on the left. This important work , highly com¬ mended by Mrs. Jameson and IVaagen, for poetic composition and careful execution , is from the Collection of Esq. WILSON. 712 An Italian landscape, with a convent on a rocky height, two figures in conversation in the foreground, and distant view of a river. From President West’s Collection GAINSBOROUGH. 713 A landscape, with a group of cattle and peasants on the bank of a river,, in which vessels and boats are lying and landing fish. Painted with wonderful transparency and brilliancy 73 SIR J. REYNOLDS. 714 Puck, or Robin Goodfellow ; Titania and Bottom seen in the back¬ ground “ Through the forest have I gone, But Athenian found I none, On whose eyes I might approve This flower’s force in stirring love.” This is perhaps the most popular work of the great English Master MURILLO. 715 The infant Saviour, holding the sphere, appearing to St. Francis, who kneels before a table, on which is a book. A very perfect specimen of the great Master : of cabinet size "VtU ‘ l O' P. VERONESE. 716 Mary Magdalen anointing the Saviour’s feet. lie is seated, surrounded by Simon and other figures, under a portico of Corinthian columns. This noble and important ivork differs from the great picture at the Dorazza Palace , at Genoa. It is from the Collection of H. Hope , Esq. See Hamilton's “ Schola Italica ” v RUBENS. 717 The waggon landscape: a scene among Flemish meadows, interspersed with groups of trees; a man in a red jacket is diiving a waggon down a steep road to a ford. Coloured with magical effect of evening sun. This very perfect ivork is from the Collection of the Marquis of Campden ’ VO - A. SACCHI. 7IS Christ bearing his cross, attended by St. Veronica and Roman soldiers. This finely designed ivork is from the Orleans Gallery , and from the Collection of H. Hope , Esq. % - T 74 > J s*r- - i J • t * 1 °!- hltV - ? . REMBRANDT. 719 Portrait of the artist, in a crimson dress, and brown cloak edged with fur; he wears a jewel suspended from a gold chain, and a black cap. This noble work, of the very highest quality, is from the Collection of the Earl of Carrysfort 0. i TINTORETTO. 720 The Miracle of St. Mark. The beautiful finished sketch for the great picture called “ II Miracolo del Servo,” in the Museum at Venice. ThisAvork is mentioned by Pilkington as having been his property. It was formerly at Carlton House, and was afterwards in the Col¬ lections of Tresham, Hoppner, and W. Young Ottley, Esq. GIOTTO. 721 Heads of Peter and John, in adoration before the body of Jesus: a fresco from a chapel in the Church of the Carmelite, or Church of Bran- cacci in Carmel, at Florence. This fragment was saved among others token the church was destroyed by Jire in 1769, and was brought to England by Mr. Townley; it was afterwards in the Collection of the Right Hon. C. Greville—engraved by Patch from a Drawing made while it formed par of the walls of the Chapel MURILLO. 722 St. Joseph, in a lilac and orange drapery, embracing the Infant, (\v ho stands by his side. This exquisite cabinet gem is from the Collection of H. Hope, Esq. ( TENIERS. 723 The enchantress, quitting the infernal regions: she is emerging from a cavern, guarded by Cerberus ; numerous grotesque figures around her. This extraordinary fine work teas with difficulty obtained by Sir J. Reynolds from Dr. Chauncey , in exchange for three of Sir Joshua’s own productions, and two others by celebrated Masters. It was purchased from the Marchioness of Thomond’s Collection 5L* M. D1 FERRARA. 724 Christ among the doctors, in the temple, discovered by Mary and Joseph : he is seated on a pedestal, surrounded by the Rabbis, in varied dignified attitudes ; a child, an owl, and the artist’s favourite emblem, the monkey, in the foreground ; the background is an architectural design of the period of the artist. This picture is mentioned by Lanzi, as a replica of a work in the church of St. Francesco in Bologna, and he supposes it to have been painted for a Cardinal Aldobrandi, who was legate at Bologna, in the time of Mazzolino. It was bought out oj the l ilia Aldobrandi by Mr. Ottley, from whose Collection it teas purchased by Mr. Rogers jp _ .. jf TITIAN. 725 La Gloria di Titiano : a finished sketch for the celebrated work, called also the Apotheosis of Charles V., and “ II Paradiso,” now in the Musee de San Fernando, but which when painted, owing its origin to a dream of Charles, was designed, as Charles informed Titian, for the Convent de St. Juste, in which he ended his days. This picture was held up before the king on his deathbed.— See “ Sterling's Cloister Life of Charles.” After the death of Charles Y. it was removed, by command of Philip IL, to the Escurial. Di. AYiagen, speaking of this sketch, says, “ The painting is throughout excellent, and of a rich deep tone in the flesh.” This important xvork was discovered in a gambling house in Madrid, purchased there by Mr. De Dour he, afterwards Danish Minister to London ; brought by Mr. Wallis to London; and afterwards purchased by Mr. Rogers - 10 . RUBENS. 726 The triumph of Julius Csesar: a grand composition of numerous figures beneath a bank, surmounted by a temple : painted at Mantua, from the fresco by Andrea Mantegna. Rubens himself seems to have set much value on it, as it was among his effects at his death. This highly important xvorh, from the Balbi Palace, at Genoa, was purchased by Mr. Rogers from Mr. Champer noxvne s-Collection 1 1 0 > • (o • 76 - * 7 * * > - - RAFFAELLE. 727 The Madonna embracing the Infant. This charming work, of sweet character, has been transferred from panel to canvas. Dr. Waagen assigns it to an early period of Raffaelle’s residence at Rome. It is well known by Flipart's engraving. Since 1721 in the Orleans Gallery, whence it was purchased by Mr. Hibbert, for 500 guineas; it was then in the possession of H. Hope. Esq., and at his sale, in 1816, was purchased by Mr. Rogers ^ RUBENS. 728 The battle between Constantine and Maxentius. One of the series of twelve sketches, from the history of Constantine, which were formerly in the Orleans Gallery; designed by Rubens for the tapestry manufacture, at Mortlake. This noble study formed part of Lord Ranelagh's Collection CORREGGIO. 729 The Virgin, in a red and blue dress, seated, looking down in adoration at the Infant, whom she holds in her lap, and who is raising his right hand to her shoulder ; St. Joseph, in a lilac and yellow dress, seated at her side ; with a landscape background. This exquisite and very celebrated work, probably of an early period of the great master, is from the Orleans Gallery, and purchased by Mr. Rogers from H. Hope's Collection. It is engraved AN. CARRACCI. 730 The coronation of the Virgin by the Trinity ; a group of noble figures seated on the clouds on either side, and smaller figures seen in the centre beneath. This noble capo d'opera teas formerly in the Pamphili Palace, at Rome, and was imported into this country by Mr. Bay, about 1800, from whom it ivas purchased by Mr. Rogers. See Mrs. Jamieson's admirable critique upon this noble ivork End of Sixth Day's Sale. Seventh Day's Sale. o On MONDAY, MAY 5, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - 0 - OBJECTS OF ART AND VERTU. 731 Seven oriental and other fans 732 Two blotting books, in velvet covers 733 A court sword, with polished steel hilt; a pair of shoe buckles; and knee buckles 734 A musical box, in tortoiseshell case 735 Another, larger, in outer leather case 736 Flaxman’s Reed Pen 737 A coral neglige ; and a bag, of American Indian bead work 738 A chased gold slide; and two casts, from gems 739 Three plaster reliefs— Kemble, by Flaxman, a pair; and Theo- clitas’s cup, by Flaxman 740 A pair of lachrymatories, of oriental alabaster, on bronze stands 741 A basin,of Venetian schmeltz, on stone 742 A red bottle, of Mexican ware; and a small green oriental bottle 743 A small vitrified figure of an Fgyptian priest 744 A small tazza, of alabaster 745 A pair of small vases, of coquillan nuts, elaborately carved with foliage. From the Chevalier Franchis Collection 78 746 Four heads of cherubs, beautifully carved in boxwood, by Ver¬ bruggen 747 A black cup and cover, of figtree wood, japanned. Purchased at Genoa 748 A stone slab, with scarabseus and two priests of Isis, in relief 749 A double bottle, of red Mexican ware 750 Ariosto’s inkstand—a small bronze 751 A jardiniere, of Derby porcelain, the semicircular front, painted with flowers ; and a small taper stand 752 Washington’s Coffee Cup, of plain white Sevrps porcelain. Sent to Mr. Rogers, from America 753 A tazza, of oriental enamel, in flowers, on copper 754 A tazza, of glass, gilt and silvered beneath 755 A pair of giey bottles, of oriental china. From Redleaf 756 A pair of small bottles, of green oriental china 757 A bell, of ruby glass, mounted with or-moulu, on tray of the same. Given bg the Duchess of Bedford 7 58 A tazza, of carton pierre, in imitation of giallo; and one in imi¬ tation of lapis lazuli 759 An ewer, and a pair of goblets, of Bohemian ruby glass, engraved with landscapes and animals 760 A handsome goblet, of the same, deep blue, with a boar hunt 761 A goblet, of green and white opalised glass; and a small ewer 762 A beautiful small basin, of vitro di Triua, pink and white 763 A library seal, surmounted by a bust of Dante, in case 764 A pair of long print-collector’s scissors, ornamented with engraving and gilt—inscribed “ C. Hughes to Mr. Rogers, Amitie ” 765 A silver pocket compass, by Dolland ; and an ancient silver sun dial 766 A powerful magnifying glass, mounted in silver 767 The miniature English bijou, with magnifying glass, in a case 768 A pocket accordion, in black case 769 Model of an egg, in marble, painted with a bee; and a red Japan saucer 79 770 An Italian inkstand, of or-moulu sot with corals, with three vases, a bell, and seal, and a stick of coral in an oval tray, with the arms of the Medicis 771 A beautiful deep plate, enamelled with flowers in blue, white, and gold tracery : of Moorish work 772 A beautiful small model of a lizard, in silver, on ebony plinth 773 A small figure of Buddha, in silver 774 A large silver medal of John and Cornelius de Witte, 1623; rev. “Nunc redeuent Animis,” &c. ; and a coin of Antoninus, mounted as a ring : of Roman work 775 A leaf-shaped flat cup and cover, engraved with foliage 776 A small agate cup ; a small oval stand, of agate ; and three spoons, of agate and bloodstone 777 A case, with specimens of the rocks of Sinai and Horeb, with a note from J. Sams ; and a bottle of water from the Castalian spring 778 Two or-moulu miniature frames ; and two ornaments of agate 779 A beautiful slab, of Florentine pietra dura, with a vase of flowers ; and a pair, smaller, with pears and cherries 780 A pair of carved oak doors of a cabinet, of German work ; and five panels, with busts and foliage 781 A marble chimney slab, with five subjects of birds, in coloured marbles. This once formed part of Mr. Rogers’s chimney piece , in the dining room 782 A large specimen of coral 783 A Persian lacquered flat round box and cover 784 A fine plaque, of Limoges enamel, with Venus in a car drawn by doves, attended by cupids 785 A Parisian clock, in or-moulu case, with two boys reading, on oval plinth—the movement in a bookcase 786 An ebony cabinet, with fall-down front and rising top, with drawers inside the fronts, with silver plate, engraved with historical subjects: of German work 787 Six Children, by Fiamingo, in wax — under glass shade. From Nolle kins’s Collection 788 The bijou almanack, by Schloss, with magnifying glass, on a desk of mother o’-pearl—under glass shade : on the mother-o’-peai l is Mr. Rogers’s coat of arms BO 789 A bronze and marble paper weight; a candlestick, formed of a plaster female figure 790 A vase, formed of American deal, with natural leaves. Sent from America by Mrs. Newton , the wife of the artist 791 A chest, of satinwood, with a cock and hen, in beautiful gold japan, on the lid 792 A knife, the handle beautifully carved with a male and female figure, and a dog, in boxwood — the blade engraved and gilt 793 A circular flat vessel and cover, of copper gilt, the surface covered with arabesques : it is supported on three couchant lions, of the style commonly called that of Solomon’s Temple 794 A paper weight, of giallo marble, with a small mosaic of the Arch of Const: ntine—in a case 795 A small oblong snuff-box, of silver gilt, the surface covered with arabesques, on dark blue enamel ground 796 A beautiful hexagonal snuff-box, of malachite, lined with silver—in chased gilt setting 797 A BEAUTIFUL MlNUTE STATUE OF A Man IN A PHRYGIAN Cap, in agate—the legs broken. From Bishop Butler's Collection 798 An alabastron, of agate, of rich brown colour 799 A pin, with the enamelled badge of the Legion of Honour 800 The Portland Vase : one of the original fifty copies made by Wed £ wood 801 A noble Jar and Cover, of fine old japan, with flowers on rich deep blue ground—29 inches 802 A Pair, similar, the cover surmounted by a figure of Cupid— 24 in. 803 A clock, by Gallo, Paris—on a plinth of malachite, with cornice of orMnoulu 804 A vase, of Swedish porphyry, with a square pedestal of satinwood— 4 feet high 805 A mahogany pedestal, in the form of a Doric column. Copied from the Temple at Poes turn 806 A noble Cisteen, of old Japan, enamelled with subjects of Chinese figures, and pencilled with flowers in gold on blue ground—24 in. diameter 81 808 A Pair of beautiful Tazzi, of Malachite, the handles formed of female winged figures of or-moulu, and plinths, with chased borders of or-moulu—total height 11£ in., under glass shades 809 A beautiful agate cup, mounted on plinth of or-moulu, with two masks 810 A Pair of beautiful Small Ewers, of Venetian Blue Glass, mounted, with stems, lips, and handles of or-moulu, and bands of or-moulu, surmounted with cherubs’ heads. From the Chevalier Francid's Collection 811 Two small cups, of agate 812 A beautiful small cup and cover, of agate, silver mounted, on tripod stand and plinth of or-moulu. From the Chevalier Franchi's Collection 813 A beautiful Cup, Cover, and Stand, of Onyx, of rich colour, mounted with rims of silver gilt, set with lasque rubies, a cameo on the handle at each side. From the Chevalier Franchi's Collection SILVER. 814 A BEAUTIFUL VASE, OF SILVER GILT, of classical form, with a libation before an altar, a youth with inverted torch in relief, with twisted handle and frieze of vines above, on fluted cippus of metal gilt. Purchased at the sale of Messrs. Rundell and Bridge 815 A SQUARE TAZZA, OF SILVER GILT, with doves at the angles, on fluted stem. Purchased at Rundell and Bridge's 816 ARIOSTO’S INKSTAND : a beautiful copy, in silver gilt, with Latin inscriptions on the tazza ; round the rim is inscribed “ Samueli Rogers hoc amicitite Pignus W. W. B. G. 1826” —under glass shade. Presented by Lord Grenville to Mr. Rogers 817 A beautiful Toilette Vase and Cover, of fine silver- fillagree, in the form of a flower, on stand, with leaf edges, and on feet, under glass shade 82 818 A pair of pedestals, formed as Doric columns, of satinwood—4 It. 8 in. high S i 9 A Circular Table, the slab inlaid with numerous specimens of rare marbles, on fluted mahogany plinth—25 in. diameter 820 A Pair of Pier Tables, with fine slabs of porphyry, on gilt tigers’ legs—the slabs 36^ in. by 14 in. 821 A tazza, of rosso-antico, with two handles, on plinth 822 ADDISON’S WRITING TABLE, of mahogany, with folding flap and drawer, on tripod stem 823 An elegant Mahogany Circular Stand, on three bronze lions’ legs, surmounted by sphynxes, and triangular plinth 18 in. diameter. Designed from Hope’s Book of Furniture 824 The Boar of the Florence Gallery, and the Dog of the Vatican small beautifully modelled copies, in silver, on black plinths 825 A Beautiful Agate Cur and Cover, mounted with silver gilt chased and openwork rims, on tripod stand and enamelled plinth. From the Chevalier Franchi s Collection 826 A VERY FINE TAZZA AND COVER, OF LIMOGES ENAMEL, with Abraham offering gifts to Melchizedec be¬ neath, boys with arabesques inside, a feast under the cover, masks, arabesques, and gold ornaments, mounted with metal gilt 827 A fine Tazza, of Limoges Enamel, with the passage of the Red Sea, and triumph of David, festoons, masks, and arabesques 828 A Salt Cellar, of Limoges Enamel, with classical figures and the date 1549 : a female head on the top 829 A VERY FINE AND RARE DYPTIC, of very early Limoges work : on each side is an ivory relief in three com¬ partments ; on the right the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Baptism of Christ, in leaf borders; on the left hand is the Pentecost, the Ascension, and Christ meeting Mary and Martha; on each side are four double figures of saints in silver gilt, of Byzantine character, with their names inscribed in Latin at their sides, and five gems on fillagree grounds, in a panel between the figures; the Virgin and Child and the Saviour, above and below—the total size of each leaf is 16| in, long by 10 in. wide—in a case 83 SCULPTURE. 830 A fine Bust of Trajan. From Mr. Nollekens's Collection MODERN SCULPTURE. 831 A Bust of Homer : a beautiful Italian copy from the antique, on half-column of porphyry scagliola. From Ampthill , a legacy from Lord Holland 832 A Pair of fine Crater-shaped Vases, of Verde-antique —17 in. high 833 A FINE COLOSSAL BUST OF ANTINOUS, in the character of Bacchus : a modern Italian work. Executed for Thomas Hope , Esq. Sod CUPID, BY FLAXMAN, seated, his right arm on his knees, on which his head is resting. This celebrated original statuette by Flaxman, was executed for Mr. Rogers , as a companion to the “ Psyche ” 835 PSYCHE, BY FLAXMAN, kneeling on one knee, her right hand concealed in her drapery ; her left hand raised to her cheek. This exquisite statuette was adopted for the monument of Mrs. Tighe , the author of a poem of the name of “Psyche ” 836 ROUBILLIAC’S ORIGINAL BUST OF POPE, in terra¬ cotta. Respecting this most interesting and beautiful work of art, Flaxman said that, “his father found him one morning at work upon it in his studio, when Pope was sitting to him in his arm chair there.” 837 FLAXMAN’S MICHAEL ANGELO AND RAFFAELLE: a'pair of beautiful plaster statuettes—24 in. high. Executed by the great sculptor for Sir Thomas Lawrence , and purchased at Sir T. Lawrence's sale by Mr. Rogers. Never executed in marble PLASTER CASTS. 838 Two busts of fauns 839 A model of a tazza, of Cellini, under glass shade 840 A bust of a boy ; and a pair of small busts of philosophers g 2 84 841 A portion of Stothard s Plateau 842 Bust of Johanna Baillie 843 Ditto of Mr. Landseer, Senior 844 Ditto of Campbell the poet 845 Ditto of Stephen Elliott 846 A seated figure of Plaustina, broken; a female caryatid figure ; and a small female torso 847 Seven fragments of reliefs 848 Four medallions, with figures in relief 849 Paris and Helen, from the celebrated mirror cover; and a medahon head of Flaxman 850 The Psyche, or Capuan fragment 851 A hand, adopted by Canova for the hand of Psyche ; a child s hand ; and a bust of Mozart CASTS FROM GEMS. 852 A collection of twenty-nine antique casts from gems, in a circular carved case, glazed 853 A collection of thirty-one ditto, in a mahogany box 854 A collection of twenty-three ditto 85 5 Twenty-three casts, from camei 856 The twelve Caesars, cast from camei 857 Thirty-six casts, from camei, in a box 858 Sixty ditto 859 Sixty ditto 860 Forty-nine, larger 861 Forty, in a case 862 Forty ditto 863 Forty ditto 864 A collection of casts, from Egyptian, Gnostic, and Greek gems, and Assyrian cylinders, in a deal case 865 Twenty-nine casts, from Greek medallions and gems 866 Fifty ditto, in a case 867 Two frames, containing forty-two casts from gems 85 868 A small circle of coloured glass ; and a buckle, from the “ lloyal George.” 869 Medallion head of Jupiter; the medallion of Syracuse; and two others by Wedgwood 870 Casts, by John Landseer, Senior, from four Assyrian cylinders End of Seventh Days Sale. Eighth Day's Sale. On TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - 0 - DRA WINGS. A. Durer . * . 871 q- * i Q r- • *3 . to. V" A. Durer . Janet . M. Schoen . 872 . 873 . 874 1 V *♦ A. Durer . . 875 t - l. A. Durer, after . 876 txo ' •• JT- ST ' L. van Leyden Rubens . 877 . 878 Watteau . 879 Head of a weeping child— on grey paper, heightened with white. Dated 1521. Head of the Duke of Saxony— pen, 1503 Head of Louis XI.— black cTialk^ St. Margaret— heightened uythwhite, on green paper Head of a man, in a hat and feather— black chalk The Virgin, kneeling before the Infant on the ground— pen and bistro? Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian— pen n A female head— black chalk, heightened j/ with white S' ^ Portrait of a gentleman, inscribed on the back “ Dessein que Watteau a laisse en mourant a moy son ami Payleur Juliet, 1721 ”—red chalk cx — 87 Rembrandt . . 880 / o . Aldegraver A. Durer . / - - . . 881 . . 882 A. .Durer . lie - . . 883 A. Durer . . . 884 A 7. Durer . . . 885 1 - fo A/ Durer . > - /s— ; . . 886 A. Durer . . . 887 /$- to. A. Durer . . . 888 .1 <° A. Dureiu-. . . 889 A^Durei^. . . . 890 A! Duiker . . . 891 1 German /ST • U> . . 892 B. Cellini . . . 893 /a - to - Pontormo . € 1ST- . 894 A. del^&yrto Parmegi^ino . 895 . 896 A * Raffaelle , . 897 °e % Raffaelle . . 898 5" ' •• C. Cignani G' sT . 899 Raffaelle . . 900 n- tc . A group of figures at a cottage door— bistre and red. Coloured with brilliant effect s' Head of the Elector of Saxony —-dialk . n * The Virgin seated, with the Infant, an angel holding a crown over hea h^penT^^ 3 ^^^}. Portrait of Melancthon —pen cy , L a c ^ ^ Portrait of a man in a cap, 1526-^r-chalk / A bishop; and a standard-bearer —pen figures. One dated 1505 A martyrdom— pen , on red peeper, 1505 a # The Emperor Maximilian, witnstnet3soT arms in the border —pen / The Reposo —pen and bistre Head of a man in a hat— chalk, 1521^ T T ,1 n ~ 7 ^ Head of a monk —in colours Head of a man, with moustache and beard —chalk The Ascension and Coronation of the Virgin — in colours o iffL u-t l f it Thirteen medallion portraits of the Medici ^ From Sir J. Family —in pen. nolds's Collection Portrait of the Duke Alexander de Medici, with the engraving by F. C. Lewis A man in a cloak —black chalk Small studies of figures —pen and reel chalk Female head —black chalk. From Sir Jj.J Reynolds's Collection Figure of Justice —chalk ; a sketch on the dr° reverse 4 C Portrait of the artist: and two small studies —black chalk A male figure, with writing on the Dack- pen study f -C&~ - Verrocchio IzTj J 3 - del Vaga ( Q Ag. Carracci A. del Sarto n h 901 902 903 904 A man kneeling —red chalk. Small studies —in A design for a ceiling— bistre, &c. t.O 2 Bacchanals — bistre. From 905 906 Lely's Collection The Virgin before a 907 908 909 910 A female figure —heightened with white. From Sir J. Reynolds s Collection , Sco. ^ ^\ — Small studies of heads—m 1 • 7 • •A^ Two figures kneeling—oesfre ^ 911 912 913 914 A man’s portrait— chalky &c^ ) p^O, % Head of an apostle —in crayons A classical landscape —bistre St. John writing —bistre — Studies —in red chalk . * 7? The torso of a child— white, on blue pager. From . Sir O-etX-*- - 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 P. Lely's Collection Design for an altar-piece— bipre, &c. 6 .L-ftJblgTl IOI clll dlLdl -pictc ^ ^ ^ / Part of the triumphal frieze— Fisfre^^^^ The Holy Family —bistre Part of a frieze — bistre Female figures Sketch of a ceiling —bistre The Holy Family, &c. Figures —chalk A female, with a cornucopia, leading a child —washed with red , on white. , Fine • • 924 925 926 An architectural design ; and a sketch Portrait of Massaro —chalks 2 A draped figure— bistre. From J. Reynolds's Collection H 89 A. A. Carracci *L. Penni ^T>' ^ ^ " Perugmo t - IX Georgioue iSf" 4 Pic V . ( -- -i. I Vasari Bassano “1" Canaletti I © • ( 0 . P. Pesselli r- G. da S. Sepolcro /- *• P. Tibaldi . '//- 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 937 938 939 940 941 942 A female head— in coloured crayons r t Architectural sketches— bistre .. ^ A view of Rome— Indian ink A man’s head— red chalk A man leaning on a stick- Christ with St. Veronica —-pen and bistre A monk kneeling in prayer— bistre, height¬ ened with white Head of a man, in a cap Three heads, after Raffaelle— chalks „ t Venus and Vulcan, with Cupids —pen i Q Figures kneeling before a horseman —pen and bistre The Piazza of the Rialto, at Venice— pen and Indian ink s' Death of a female saint; and a monk preaching —washed with blue A, del Sarto . . 943 ih Bolognese & Guercino 944 3 ' (O Ag. Carracci . . 945 Raffaelle . . 946 St. John— Indian ink and white. Sir J. Reynolds's Collection, &c. Fauns. From Sir J. Reynolds's Collection ; and an angel — bistre , on blue paper. From Sir P. Lely's Collection on A female seated on a lunette— chalky - grey paper 40 r Antique, after the . 1020 3T - {S' Antique, after the . 1021 i . Y \y Hodges jBegyn . . . . 1022 1023 LU tj. Hall . . . 1024 7> . Venetian School 1025 /Van Loo . 1026 P sf' {Venetian School . L» 1027 Vr S. Rosa, School of 1028 Modern . 1028a — O ' x • The martyrdom of a Christian before a Roman emperor / Perseus delivering Andromeda—a copy from one of the Herculaneum frescoes j ^ 7 - - J -O/ a youth the use of the pipes A set of eight Pompeian frescoes I A mountainous landscape, witncauTe. A small cattle piece Head of Puck, after Sir J. Reynolds —a sketch Horsemen, and a senator —a sketch Q A lady, in a blue dress A lady—oval The mote and the beam sketch s Glutei uuiy End of Eighth Day s Sale. Ninth Dai/s Sale. ■a On WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1856, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. \K}' 1029 / 3 /A 030 . I. 1031 / o/4 032 ,Jj 1033 3 / 1034 * 1035 N] 1036 4037 3 ' 3 1038 /• to 1039 w/ 4040 1041 1- t% 3-'7 1 1042 DRAWINGS, BY STOTHARD. Chinese trades: a set of four—m water colours Four ditto Four ditto Four ditte Three ditto ; and two of Chinese boats INDIAN INK. Beverley Minster, 1817 Chaucer’s Canterbury Pigrimage—title page to vol. 14 ^ Don Quixote A design for a Monument to Captains Moss and Riou— bistre — Milton and the Muses —bistre Design for the Monument to Fox— bistre p y (j Frontispiece to the British Poets Apollo and the Muses: design for Buckingham Palacer^-/ 1 engraved in Mrs. Bray's Life of Stothard nC^kjd Marriage of Henry VI. : four designs for Buckingham Palace —engraved in Mrs. Bray's Life H !i 98 / - I. 3 - tT V ■ / - (> *■1- i - x. i - n. (d. / /o I t • 7 ' q- /' > /• V/ It zT tr- (0_ If ■ > ,t f • -, ^1073 h I 1074 1075 1076 1043 1014 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 ,1069 1070 Lincoln Cathedral—the Chapter House Arming the Knight The Hay field The Pocket Atlas for the year 1822-24, and duplicate title -1^-7. mostly illustrations to Rogers’s Poems Design for a Monument to Nelson -" toU Coll Alto Illustration to Rogers, and a title page A frieze for Buckingham Palace /O' 1 - Illustrations to Fairy Tales - Cupids gathering roses Don Quixote wounded Gil Bias and the Beggar Cornelia and her Children - Nymphs gathering grapes. A beautiful border foi^ja shtver —bistre Design for the Monument of a Knight The Citizen of the World —engraved The Deserted Village, &c. Hector and Andromache V icar of Wakefield Small figures . Female figures Angels flying; and Death of the Virgin Figures in a state barge, &c. Canterbury Pilgrimage —a minute outline, in ]\gn J Parnell’s Hermit aSU^T 2 Canterbury Pilgrims setting out 2 Statue of Lorenzo de Medici, after M. Agnolo— Chinese figures; and a fan handle Illustrations to Fables Rustic Feast : illustration to Thomson’s “ Illustrations to a play 10<£i> to S' to Poets receiving wreaths from Fame Illustration to a novel A border for a plateau. Very fine- ■ bistre l/ — 'O — ^ — /•> Pocket Almanac —illustrations to Sir C. Grandison, CO CO 99 a ./^1W7 ,y]X 078 3-7 1079 i/j A 080 /o'/1081 • /i "1082 .. 1083 3. - 1084 ft. , 1085 3. 5-1086 /. 1087 * . 6. 1088 . a.. 1089 , tC, 1090 /. 4 1091 , 1092 ^ /kXo-^-'CA''? Don Quixote Illustrations to Burns’s Poems Design for a candelabrum— bistre O A mother and child Plenty—circle Designs for borders of a salver—a pair Three small figures The Bower Illustrations to Kenilworth: from the Pocket Almanac— small T’./oyjx The Golden Age Illustrations to Froissart’s Chronicles: executed for Hafoi^/F/ /gu-Jir ^A^LcJbcdci^ i . C 2 . .>101 f- li>. . ,-4102 L .. H 03 5 ~- 5"1104 I - ^ 1105 ' 1106 f- o- The Shepherds The Shepherds, before a sundial The Minstrel Illustrations to Burns’s Poems— pen outlines Death of Sir J. Moore— design for a frieze, bistre Designs for sculpture, at the Indian House— bistre Seed-time : from ie Thomson’s Seasons ” Peeusus Small figures : from the f ‘ Pleasures of Memory ” The Golden Age A lady, seated on a sofa A poet writing, &c. ~ A frieze, with cupids and arabesques, for Buckingham Palace'**/'^ —bistre A frieze, with cupids and nymphs, for Buckingham Palacp —bistre The Poets: a frieze for Buckingham Palace— engraved in Mrs. Bray s Life Illustrations to English History, a set of twelve : from^ie_^^_> Pocket Almanac Illustrations to Burns’s Poems Don Quixote A set of six illustrations to "Rogers’s Poems : from the Pocket Almanac h 2 100 l - u ■ a ' - Y- AJ ' W l 7' b ■ Lf' 9‘ 2 tl3 ' 3-1 - G - l- i - /i' 3 j 1107 x 1108 1109 /• 1110 1111 1112 to 1H3 .. 1114 1115 il b- If 1116 4. 1 # 7 6 . 1118 . 1119 q 1120 1121 , 1122 > 1123 1124 f o - b 1125 , i o 5^1126 , (O.H27 / ^128 „ 7 1129 1130 A philosopher reading Want; and a boy playing the guitar— illustration to Ro 9j™\ Juliet on the shore— illustration to Rogers xr-o-^>-*r-cr~ IN WATER COLOURS. The Shipwreck Small figures of Apostles Penseroso, and Allegro ; and Vignettes It 2-5 Hunt the Slipper —engraved in Rogers's Poems &-o The Dream. Very fine—engraved Phillip de Comines reading his Memoirs before the Court. 5 3 A very fine work From the “ Faerie Queene”— engraved The Marriage— engraved The Balcony —engraved Making the Will Amy Robsart. and Janet The Crucifixion— engraved Hylas and Cupids A School— oval A Mother and Child. An early work The Pocket Atlas— a set of 12 illustrations Poems T- MIX The Poet’s Dream The Lovers— a pair of drawings _ 7 y ‘ Arabian Nights’ Telemachus Cogia Hassan ; from the 1131 The Nurse , H32 Want: from the “ Pleasures of Memory” l—o— 101 a. (o 1139 H-. I) -1140 O' 1141 I ~ 1 1142 3 - /T- 1143 1144 -if- fc Douglas The Nativity. A beautiful design The Dance The Gnat Pleasures of Memory Four ladies seated, reading. Very elegant DRAWINGS, BY STOTHARD. Illustrations to Rogers's Poems, Edition of 1851. u , ^ 1145 The Swing. “ Pleasures of Memory,” page 10 / ^1146 Cupid swimming - , resting on two swans. “ Columbus,” end ' Cupid swimming, resting on two swans. “ Columbus,” end A ' I - U 1147 of Canto i. Lunette, with cupids and arabesques. Head of “ Pleasures of Memory,” Part n. if. 1148 Children in a Swing. End of note on Part i. “Pleasures „ ° * . ;6 1149 3 . io 1150 4151 of Memory A Youth playing the guitar. Frontispiece to “ Jacqueline *3 - 5 a > r 1152 1153 ■ to- Cupids gathering fruit. Analysis of “ Pleasures of Memory ” / Lunette of cupids and arabesques. “ Columbus,” Canto xi .—bistre A fountain. End of the “ Epistle to a Friend ”—Indian ink^^ The Interior, with a family reading. The concluding illus¬ tration to “ Human Life,” page 222 —coloured I lb A154 r- P 65 If- If 1156 1157 ja. 4-1158 1159 V" ’ X' 1160 Frieze of knights. Headpiece to Canto vi., “ Columbus,” page 110 A lady walking. Notes on Part ii., “ Pleasures of Memory ”—Indian ink w>-eu^ A lady and gentleman on a sofa. “ Human Life ”— yj water colours o A lunette of cupids and arabesques. Headpiece to the “ Pleasures of Memory ” Cupid as Mercury ; and two other tailpieces to “ Columbus ”, The Fountain —Indian ink Cupids with a mask. Headpiece to the prologue to lie spoken by Mrs. Siddons —coloured l I > . (O. I ( I o. Af - to lb . ; I . I . I 3 l U to- «?■ to. (o 10 tr H iq2 1161 Cupids in a boat. “Columbus,” the argument to Cantj^^^^ £1162 T wo boys. End of note to “Epistle to a Friend;” and three other small studies, mounted on one sheet ' 1163 Cupids, with spear and shield. End of note to “ Columbus ” —Indian ink , 1164 The four Judges on the Judgment Seat. “ Human Life/ 1165 A Philosopher seated, two children before him— water colours. End of “Jacqueline” 1166 Lady Jane Grey reading— Indian ink. “ Human Life”/; 1167 Marriage procession of cupids. “To a Friend on his Marriage ”•— -water colours 1168 A duplicate— Indian ink 1169 Interview between Sir T. More and his daughter Margaret. /. Notes to “ Human Life”— pencil outline I 1170 A fete champetre— water colours. Before “ The Analysis to Pleasures of Memory,” Part n. 1171 An Italian song— Indian ink 1172 The Harper 1173 Children at the fountain. From “ The Epistle to a Friend” / 1174 Two Boys 1175 St. Cecilia. Headpiece to “To a voice that had been ^ 1176 Children at. a fountain. From “ The Epistle to a Fri e nd^—^\f^^,. /Vv<— Indian ink 1177 Crossing the Bridge DRAWINGS, BY STOTFIARD. Engraved in Rogers’s Italy, edition of 1852. ^ q, Ji78 Foscari —Indian ink to 1179 Italian boy, playing the guitar—Bergamo —Indian ink 1180 The Tournament. End of the “ Foscari ”—Indian in 1181 A Gothic cross—the Pilgrim < x 1182 A priest officiating before an altar. Headpiece to ‘‘The (? - ‘0. Nun ”—bistre , ^1183 Woman and children on t he sea shore—Amalfi —Indian ink . X.S.. 103 1184 A fete Champetre, the campagna of Florence— water colours 1185 A fete champetre, the end of Naples— Indian ink Kh'J'ffc, ^ ^ 1168 The death of Raftaelle— bistre 3 0 1187 Another design for the same subject, the figures considerably varied 1 5 -. 88 The Pilgrim. Tailpiece to “ The Pilgrim” 1189 The Interview. Headpiece to “ The Interview”— inwater colours r it 1190 Gorasse— Indian ink 1191 Italian peasants, before a shrine ol the Virgin : 2> - /• “ Italy,” but not engraved— bistre . /^T192 The Gondola— Indian ink ^ , 0 1192a Piping Shepherds : “ Pleasures of Memory ” 4 _. 1^11926 The Vintage— bistre ; ‘‘Jacqueline” r . 1192c “ On a Tear ”— Indian ink y 1192c? A gothic gateway—page 164 ,^11926 Giovanni and Gazzia di Medici, by Gazzoni, after Giulio Vasari —in chalk, with a note from Mr. Lewis ~C\A^ The following beautiful Pictures , in oils, by Stothard, were inserted in the Cabinet in the Drawing-Room : ^ i£ll92 f A Fete Champetre, in the Park of Hafod ^ s 1192g The Princess : from the Arabian Nights—the companion ^ ‘ 3 1192A The Canterbury Pilgrims /9-0 ^1192/ Shakspeare’s Principal Characters— the companion „ yll92A Three ladies gathering flowers, in a landscape narrow upright^^ v Q 1193/ Three ladies reading, in a landscape—the companion ^ 0 * o End of Ninth Day s Sale. Tenth Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1856, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY- DRAWINGS. a/G,. 1193 Chinese drawings of birds and landscapes —in colours 8 (Modern ... 1194 Slight sketches of landscapes HS ,x /"jli95 An Italian lake scene —in water colours . C. Pyne . . . 1196 Petrarch’s house at Arqua, with a ' note from R. Chambers o— 1197 Views of Digentia and Vaucleuse—a pair —in bistre £1198 Outlines from gems, head of Minerva— pen , &c. ^^ 8 QCj, 3^_1199 Mr. Rogers’s Chusan vase— outline , made for the Dilettanti Society s*— t - t- I (F rench . 1200 4l. Westall . . 1201 i hj-R. Westall . 1202 .Lady Quin (Z>1— . . 1203 Tgrner, R.A. . . 1204 —in Indian ink terior, with a sportsman woman —in water colours colours :ie quarter-deck of the “V Dr. Monro's Collection n —in Qu^, From 1205 Elevations of East Horsley Place, the seat of Lord Lovelace 1 )?> -in pen 9 Mrs. Brown T. Uwins, R.A. 3 -. ~ tO 1206 Autufnu leaves from Massachusetts, with note from Mrs. Brown 1207 Views of Raff'aelle’s villa, and Urbino —in bistre ; with an autograph dedication by the artist to Sir Thomas Lawrence ; and two drawings of Raffaelle’s monnment p ) - 1208 An Indian drawing of the Divan —colours and gold ^1209 A collection of eleven beautiful Chinese drawings of figures, A. - - elaborately coloured— on, rice paper ^"" C) 1210 A collection of ten exquisite paintings, in colours, of subjects and i~>- arabesques from the great temple at Delhi —bound in yellow /JHD morocco, gilt leaves R. Wesiall . . 1*211 A peasant, with a donkey —bistre .Fuseli 1212 A sketch, &c. 1213*general Wolfe’s house; and Raffaelle’s villa —in bistre 1214 [A set of six Indian paintings, with figures and landscapes 5 ^Miss Clarke . . 1215 Miss iiatty . . 1216 Marchioness of 1217 3 WateR’ord Raffaelle, after . 1218 h T' Sir D. Wilkie. . 1219 2>- ^4- ~0~ ^ ' O - o - A lady drawing, &c. The gardens of the Tuilleries —water colours Pages bearing a wedding casket. A beauti/ul design, in water colours The Virgin and Child —in pen. Very spirited A family on the Danube J r 1220 Dunrobin, by moonlight, by the Duchess Countess of Sutherland ' 0 a n ah / ^_ , / <1 I —m water colours / Head of a girl, drawn by Sir Thomas at an early age ’^C& Monument of Petrarch; and Petrarch’s house— bistre, shaded with blue ((-/■ tv View of Raffaelle’s villa Parnassus: taken from Delphi, with letter on the back to Mr. Rogers Fort L’Ecluse, with the autograph of Sir G. Beaumont on the back, presenting U A __.. . . Sir T. Lawrence . 1221 er nr ■ Prout .... 1222 / i> - , Angiolini . 1223 J. Cartwright . 1221 * 7 - Sir G. Beaumont . 1225 the drawing to Mr. Rogers 106 l ^ Gilpin . Gilpin . II Hogarth Bartolozzi . to . 15 " .Gandolii fo lo Gandolfi 3~ ’ —Westall • • I o Harding . Fuseli . Wilson, R. I - 1 Wilson, R. i( jI Wilson, R. Wilson, R. >- ' t I - Gainsborough (y - ‘L Gainsborough 5~ • Gainsborough \s i~b .Const able, ll.A. ^ Lady Morley . ) . - Brown . Brown . 7P »- 1. Brown • • Brown 1226 1227 1228 A pair of compositions —in ^ j A pair of ditto Portrait of a gentleman —in crayons*— 1229 1230 small A female head —in crayons S° 1231 1233 1234 1235 1236 1237 1238 1239 1240 1241 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 Portrait of Raffaelle. An admirable copy for the engraving > Laocoon, Apollo, and Adonis. Highly finished drawings, in red ch Arcadian shepherds surprised by warriors —in water colours Sir Thomas More, after Holbein— in Prometheus Vinctus. A very grand design —pen and Indian ink Cader Idris— in black and white chalks Tivoli—sunset— in coloured crayoni^-jfi^- The Campana and St. Peter’s; and the Tiber— in coloured crayons $-x> The Temple of Peace— Indian ink, height¬ ened with white. Very fine, with the engraving . Two small studies of trees— in black lead A landscape, with trees— black clialk and white , on blue paper. Fine A woody landscape, with a cow drinkirm-—■ black chalk and white , on blue paper 1 -— the companion Stoke Church —water colours V—crfe- The Nurse—from “ Romeo and Juliet” — water colours 7 Studies of heads— pencil A criminal, confessing before execution— black lead Studies of heads— black lead Indian ink - 4, ^ Roman figures 107 Brown . . 1248 Trjsfiam . 1249 > l V Gainsborough . fO ° . 1250 Pistrucci . 1251 "V Pistrucci . 1252 11- Hon. Mrs. Norton 1 ' 1253 J. M. H. . . . sj - 1254 / Hunt .... 1255 tf TURNER, R.A. 1255a 3ot/— to- Roman ladies— Indian ink 8 3 Minerva in a quadriga, after Flaxman— Indian ink A peasant girl, seated ; and a landscape— a pair of early studies —black lead/\J^yG^JUL Antinonus reporting to Achilles the death ofPatroclus. From Mr. Rogers's Greek Vase ^ Battle between the Greeks and Trojans— three pen outlines. From a cylix in Air. Rogers's Collection c Three figures of children — in water colours p „ Sir T. More’s house, at Canterbury; and Dryden’s birthplace L ^ Interior of a village church —in water colours. From Dr. Monro's Collection sj STONEHENGE: the celebrated work, ~ ' engraved in the England and Wales —- La r sr- i> - r to * b. Il' r . I'b - ly, IV lb ■ THE CELEBRATED ENGRAVED DRAWINGS, FLAXMAN. 1256 The Supplicants of yEschylus {^57 Apollo : from Homer 125.S Jupiter and the Supplicants of yEschylus 1^59 The Seven Chiefs against Thebes l^bO^Minerva and Penelope : from the Odyssey *L 26 l Agamemnon and a herald : from Homer 1262 >01 vt BY from the Iliad 1*262 ^Clytemnestra 12G3 ^tlebe before the Gods 1^64 The Horses of the Sun 1^65/Minerva and Juno, in a quadriga: from the Iliad 1*266 /Dante. Dated 1 792 1267 Oytemnestra 1268 Dante. “ The Inferno,” Canto xn. n. •&-0 /5~d J&~^> r° 108 tr. x' Ur- CG ( r 3 T s - 1*209 Design for a classical monument— Indian ink -eJJLey^o. 1270 Two studies from nature. Dated 1792 1271 Illustrations to Human Life : seven beautiful studies in pen and bistre; witk-uTetteiclQ -MlvRegers.. Dated 1823 f ^ 1272 Two sketches from nature; and two, by Fuseli, from M. Agnolo ' £n> 1274 , ,o. £>. |i_ r> 1275 A Collection of the Frescoes and Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, after M. Agnolo, by G. Vasari, thirty-seven, in a book-box— russia. From Sir F. Lely's and SirJ. Rey¬ nolds's Collections Sir J. Revnolds’s Sketch-Book, with numerous studies of figures and landscapes, and MS. notes relating to his tour in Italy— in parchment ' 1 6 lo. 1276 Another Sketch-Book, of Sir J. Reynolds’s studies of figures, 1277 fc> - tG - V in chalk and pen, some of them slightly washed < £ r ’t> Another Sketch-Book, of Sir J. Reynolds’s, with slight studies —in black lead 1278 Gilpin’s landscapes: a collection of twenty-seven landscapes, in Indian ink ; with MS. note— morocco 4 1279 A ■ 5-1 - *• I ■ 1280 k ' % 1281 , . (r 1282 -»//—1283 it 1—1284 il^_L285 li | T286 , ^ 1287 ”3. % fc i—1288 ‘ 1289 l BEAUTIFUL COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS OF FLOWERS, in water-colours, on vellum, exquisitely finished by a German artist of the seventeenth century— morocco, gilt leaves. From the celebrated Sayrado Collection , at Venice, sold in 1775, and afterwards from Mr. Ottley's Collection A large scrap-book, with thick paper leaves ; and two, smaller, with blue paper A russia scrap-book, with leaves, lettered “ Prints’’ Two thick scrap-books— russia, lettered “ Scuola Romana” Two sc rap - boo k s— half - bound Four portfolios Four small portfolios, with flaps, lettered “ Stothard 0 ’ Four ditto One larger, lettered “ Flaxmanand two others A parcel of catalogues of celebrated collections Gilpin’s sketch-book : a collection of thirty landscapes, in Indian ink ; and numerous MS. notes by him L(J 109 1290 1291 I - 6 1292 1 s' / 1293 1294 '71295 A collection of thirty-five lan ds At p es, in Indian ink; and numer¬ ous MS. notes A portfolio, of red morocco, with friezes of Egyptian ornaments round the borders A letter-case, in blue morocco, embroidered with gold by the Duchess of York, and given by Her Highness to M^-Rogers Fox Talbot’s sun pictures in Scotland ^ IMT) 'Nine views in Paris and Malta & & Four, from sculptures Portrait of Dana, author of “ Two Years before the Mast ”4 q A circular pen case, of black and gold japan, with birds and flowers A collection of American seaweeds, brought over and presented by Captain Morgan, of the ‘ f Southampton ” 4~ -v- -■ r r . r r [ ENGRAVINGS. 1300 Raffaelle’s Cupid and Psyche— vellum. Sir J. Reynolds's copy , with his autograph 1301 Cumberland’s inventions 1302 Museum Romanum Causei, 2 vols.— plates, unbound Rome 1746 1303 Four blotting-books— in morocco 1304 Horatii, Satira V., Illustrated with Roman views. Presented to Mr. Rogers, by Elizabeth Duchess of Devonshire Rome 1816 1305 The Duchess Countess of Sutherland’s views on the coast of Sutherland— coloured 1306 Westmacott’s Psyche 1307 Goldicutt’s Antiquities of Sicily, three parts 1308 Ruskin’s Examples of the Architecture of Venice— -Indian paper. 3 parts 1851 1309 Cockerell’s Tympanum of St. George’s Hall, Liverpool 1310 Gruner’s fresco decorations and stuccoes, in the churches and palaces in Italy— plates, partly coloured 1814 1311 Mosaici della Cupola Ghigiana, after Raffaelle, by Gruner— Indian proofs 1312 Raffaelle’s Cartoons, by Dorigny 110 1313 Jackson’s works of Titian and P. Veronese Venct 1745 1314 Porta di San Giovanni, by Gregori— h.-b. Fiorenz 1774 1315 Campo Santo di Visa—plates, russ., gilt leaves Fiorenz 1812 1316 Florentine school: engraved by Lasiniere from the frescoes at Flo¬ rence— h.-b. russ. 1317 Hamilton Schola Italica— h.-b. Roma 1773 1318 Alford’s (Lady M.)—Illustrations to the Journey of Life: and Recollections of Rome, by the Ladies Compton 1319 Panofka—Manners and Customs of the Greeks— coloured plates 1849 1320 M. Agnolo’s Prophets in the Sistine Chapel, with numerous sketches, in chalk, by W. Young Ottlev. From Mr. Locke's Collection 1321 Lithographs, from two vases in Mr. Rogers’s Collection—the death of Alcmena, and Hector and Andromache 4 PHOTOGRAPHS. 1322 Portrait of Mr. Dana, sent by him to Mr. Rogers 1323 A portrait, after Richmond 1324 The children of Mrs. Synot 3 1325 Mrs. Shute, and two of her four children 1326 The Duchess of Argyll, after Swinburne 1327 Wordsworth, after Carriek 1328 A lady and child 1329 A lady and child; and a boy in a cap 1330 The Palais de Justice, at Paris 1331 A museum, at Paris 1332 The Church of St. Mark, at Venice 1333 The west front of Notre Dame, at Paris 1334 The Pantheon, at Paris 1335 A small view of the same 1336 Arc de l’Etoile 1337 Portrait of Lord Brougham ; and of a Russian lady 1338 A daguerreotype portrait of Mr. Rogers, after Lawrence—in red morocco case Ill 1339 Another copy 1340 Another copy 1341 A view of Mr. Rogers’s house, from the Green Park lo42 A magnifying glass, in mother-o’-pearl case, silver mounted End of Tenth Day's Sale. Eleventh Day's Sale. On FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1856, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ENGRAVINGS. 1343 French caricatures— lithographs 1344 H.B, caricatures, with a key 1345 Gilray’s and other caricatures 1346 Views of a college, after Marlowe 1347 English river scene, after Wilson, by Woolley 1348 Architectural designs, &c.— lithographs 1349 Naworth Castle, See.—lithographs 1350 Modern portraits— lithographs 1351 Modern views— lithographs 1352 Plans of the Palace of Westminster 1353 Views in Greece, by Schulback 1354 Daniel’s Taj Mahal 1355 Hogarth painting 1356 Strolling players— proof 1357 William III., after Wyck 1358 The Distressed Poet 1359 Landscape, after Claude, by Vivares 1360 Houbraken’s heads—14, framed % 1361 Portraits of Mr. Rogers, &c. 1362 The Rialto, after Turner,by Py e—proof, &c- 18 17 39 33 6 14 9 8 12 8 2 13 24 113 1303 Fac-similes of Egyptian and Syrian inscriptions, by Dr. Lee —privately printed q 1364 Small book plates from the Spectator and Guardian 13() 1365 Watson’s Outlines to Rogers's Human Life q O V- 1366 Stothard’s Illustrations to Robinson Crusoe, &c. 75 1367 Modern lithographs 1368 From antiqne gems, &c. ^2 1369 Book plates, after Stothard— proofs, &c. 21 1370 Fac-simile of Milton’s agreement with the publisher for Paradise Lost; and Mr. Rogers’s Dilletanti Cards 1371 After Stanfield, &c. 137-2 Destruction of the Houses of Parliament; the Wreck; vignette, after Turner, &c. 4 1373 Etchings, by Louisa Tovvnley (; 1374 Genezano, by Lady M. Alford 3 13/5 Etchings, by Lady E. Monk and Miss Wedderburn 5 1376 Lithographic views and subjects, by English artists 17 1377 Cumberland’s Inventions 1378 Pediment of St. George’s Hall, Liverpool— lithograph 1379 After Jackson and Newton 13 1380 Christ blessing little Children, after Stothard, by Worth¬ ington 2 1381 Landscapes, after Claude and Gainsborough 8 1382 Cicero at his villa ; and Meleager, by Woolh^t 1383 A Jew, after Rembrandt, by Pether; and the Infant Jupiter, after Sir J. Reynolds— mezzotint pr(,ofs PORTRAITS. 1384 Dr. S. Clarke, by Holloway— proof, &c. |Q 1385 Portrait of Mr. Rogers, and the antique bust in his collection 3 1386 The Remington family, by Halfpenny— private ptiate, See. 7 1387 Lord Byron, after West all, by Phillips, &c. 5 1388 Right Hon. T. Grenville, Dr. Price, Kippis, See.—proofs, &c. 5 1389 Portraits of Mr. Rogers y 1390 The Duke of Bedford, after Harding, by Dean— proof &c. 4 114 1391 Sir J. Mackintosh, and other lithograph portraits 1392 H. Mackenzie, after Geddes, &c.— proofs 1393 Patrick Bryden, after Geddes, &c. 1394 J. Jekyll, after Lawrence, by Jaye, &c. 1395 Portraits, in outline, by Humphrey 1396 Marquis of Aylesbury, Lamartine, &c.— lithographs 1397 Napoleon at St. Helena, after Haydon, &c. 1398 Dr. Hunter, by Sharpe; Dr. Price ; and Lord Tenterden 1399 Lord Grenville, Sir S. Romilly, Rogers, &c. 1400 Cardinal Gonsalvi, after Lawrence; and Napoleon, after Haydon 1401 Lord Durham, Lord Grenville, and Mr. Gladstone— proofs 1402 T. Erskine, Malthus, and Washington— proofs 1403 H. Hallam, A. Hallam, Sir A. Shepherd, &c .—proofs 1404 Sir W. Scott, after Lawrence, by Robinson ; and the Duke 4 11 16 18 5 5 4 3 3 4 4 of Reichstadt— proofs 1405 Duke of Wellington, after Lucas; and the Marquis of Northampton, after Claudet, &c. 1406 Right Hon. T. Grenville, and the Archbishop of York, after Richmond—privately printed 1408 Hallam, junr., after Richmond; Lord Grenville, after Jackson, &c.— proofs 1409 Duke of Devonshire, Empress Eugenie— lithographs, &c. 1410 Lord Brougham, after Lawrence; Dugald Stewart, and Prescott, after Richmond 1411 T. Campbell, after Thompson, &c. 1412 Lord Carlisle—private plate; and Lady Ellesmere, after Thorburn— proof before letters 1413 R. Smith, after Jackson; Washington, after Stewart; and Nuza Kahn, after Lawrence 1414 Lord Denman, aher Eddis; W. Empson, after Linnell— proofs 1415 Napoleon, after Delaroche, by Francois— India proof 1416 Sarpedon, by Watson— proof, See. 6 115 1417 Sir Roger de Coverley, after Leslie; and Garrick, after Zoffany 3 1418 Arundel Society’s publications, with the three Pamphlets 1419 The Virgin and Child, after Raffaelle, by Foulard— lithographic proof 1420 The Wellington Shield, by Stothard— proofs 7 1421 Canterbury Pilgrimage, by Schiavonetti— India proof 1422 Holloway’s Cartoons— India paper, 7 with the analysis 1423 Tivoli, after Turner, by Goodali— proof before letters 1424 Ancient Italy, after Turner— proof before letters 1425 The Temple of Jupiter, by Pye— India paper , presentation proof to Sir T. Lawrence 1426 Confidence and Diffidence, from Mr. Rogers’s pictures— artist's proofs 1427 The Virgin and Child, after Raffaelle, by Watt -—presentation and Artist's proof 1428 From sculpture 7 1429 Plans of the Palace of Westminster, &c.— lithographs 1430 Lithographic views 14 1431 Mercury, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Deane— mezzo , proof 2 1432 The Laughing Girl, and the Sleeping Girl, by Bause— proofs 1433 Cherubs’ heads— proof, &c. 4 1434 Robinetta, by Jones; Felina-Puck, &c. * 4 1435 The Infant Academy, after Sir J. Reynolds, &c. 3 1436 The Oxford Window, by Facius 6 1437 Guardian Angels, by Hodges ; and Lady C. Howard, by Green —proofs 1438 Cherubs’ heads, bacchante, St. Cecilia, &c. 4 1439 Innocence; and Lord Malden— proofs 1440 The Holy Family, by Sharp —proof before letters 1441 The Frescoes at the Villa Magliana, after Raffaelle, by Gruner 1442 Virgin and Child, after Guercino, by Bettelini, &c. 1443 Alpine mastiffs, after Landseer —India proof 1444 Landscapes, by Westall— mezzo , &c. i 2 7 116 1445 After Raffaelle, by Gruner— proofs 5 1446 Saints, by Ruschewegh— small plates; and after Raffaelle, by Bartolozzi 5 1447 Genezano, etchings by Lady M. Compton ; and the Vintage, by Severn 1448 Christus Consolator, after Scheffer, by Smith— small plate, &c. 13 1449 The Watermill, after Constable— India proof, mezzo 3 1450 Eddystone Lighthouse, after Turner, by Lupton— India proof, mezzo 3 1451 The Supper at Ernmaus, by Menezez, with a note to Mr. Rogers ; and Oreo, by Crawford— proofs 3 1452 The Venetian Girl, after Wood, by R. Graves— proofs, in two states 1453 Christ blessing little Children, the Village Dance, &c., after Stothard 4 1454 The Kitten, after Collins, by Shenton— India proof 1455 Old English Poets, by Robinson— proofs 6 1456 D. Webster— presentation proof; O’Connell, Washington Irving, &c. 4 1457 Schiller, Southey, &c.— proofs 6 1458 Earl Grey, after Lawrence, by Cousens— proof; Lady F. Russell, &c. 4 1459 Judge Haliburton, Byron, Rogers— proofs , &c. 7 1460 Dumont, Sterne, Gibbon, Wordsworth— proofs , &c. 7 1461 Marquis of Stafford, Lord King, &c. 6 1462 Charles II. receiving the pine apple at Wotton, after Harding, &c. 10 1463 Princess Victoria, after Westall, by Finden, &c. 2 1464 Holy Family, after M. Agnolo, by Lucas, &c. 1465 From Mr. Rogers’s antique marble bust— proofs 4 BY STRANGE. 1466 Mary embracing Christ, after Guercino, &c. 2 1467 The children of Charles— on India paper 117 1468 The Horn-book ; and an angel 1469 The children of Charles 1470 Danae and Venus 1471 Cupid, after Schedone, &c. 1472 St. Cecilia and St. Agnes 1473 Venus binding Cupid; and St. Jerome 1474 Charles, in his robes 1475 Cartoon of Pisa, by Schiavonetti— India proof; and Calumny 1476 Cartoon of Pisa— India proof, before letters 1477 The same— unfinished proof , India paper 1478 Library at Holland House— proof framed 1479 Lady Belgrave, after Lawrence, by Cousens— -proof, framed 1480 Christus Consolator, after Scheffer 1481 Christus Judex, after Scheffer— proof , presented brj the artist to Mr. Rogers—framed 1482 Portrait of Henry Luttrell, after D'Orsay 1483 Tour de Nesle, by Callot, &c. 9 1484 A figure, after M- Agnolo, from Mr. Rogers’s drawing 3 1485 St .George, after Raffaelle —proof &c. 4 1486 Holy Family, after Raffaelle, by Edelinck, &c. 8 1487 After Raffaelle, by Dorigny ; and small plates by Le Clere 1488 Friezes, after Polidoro, by Saanredan 8 1489 Coronation of the Virgin, after Raffaelle, by Frei, &c. 5 1490 After Raffaelle, by Larmessin 6 1491 La Foix L’Esperance et La Charite, after Raffaelle, Desnoyer 1492 Poesie, by R. Morghen —proof 1493 La Madonna della Sedia, by R. Morghen —prooj 1494 The Lunettes of the Vatican, by R. Morghen and Volpato— some proof s 9 1495 La Gloria de Titiano, by Cort, &c. 6 1496 Turenne, by Nanteu.il ; Pascal, Motheus, &c. 4 1497 Colbert, by Nanteuil; Louis XIV., &c. 3 1498 J. Medici, by Gruner— proof, &c. 3 118 1499 Tile Vintage, after Robert, by Mercuri —India paper, &c. 4 1500 Hieroglyphic statues, after Raffaelle, by Andran 13 1501 The Marriage; and Battles of Louis XIV., after Le Brun, by Le Clerc 9 1502 Chalice, after A. Mantegna, by Hollar 1503 After Rubens, woodcuts, by Jegher 4 1504 Houbraken’s heads 3 1505 A. Van de Velde—A cow; and Everdingen—A landscape 1506 Dusart—Strolling musicians. Fine 1507 Ostade—Interior, with peasants 1508 The works of Count Goudt. Very fine 1509 Both—The ferry —before the name 1510 Waterloo—Landscape, with Hagar 1511 Dusart—A mountebank 1512 Charles V., after Rubens, by Bloeteling, &c. 3 1513 Margaret, Queen of Louis XI., by Picart —privately printed 1514 The Cornaro family, by Baron, &c. 6 1515 After Watteau, by Le Bas, &c. 7 1516 Battle of the Standard, after L. da Vinci, by Edelinck— proof 1517 The Enchanted Castle, after Claude, by Vivares —proof 1518 Roman buildings, by Piranesi 4 1519 La Madonna della Torre, after Raffaelle, by Watt— artist's India proofs 2 1520 After Claude, by Woollett and Vivares 3 1521 Ecce Homo, after Correggio, by Ag. Carracci 1522 Georgione, Aretino, Piombo, and Boccaccio, after Titian, by Van Dalen 1523 Piombo, Aretino, and Boccaccio, by Van Dalen 1524 The Doctors of the Church, after Rubens, by Van Dalen; and portrait of Rubens, by Pontius 1525 Portrait of Dante, by R. Morghen 1526 Martin Tromp, by Suyclerhoff, &c. 2 1527 Erasmus, after Holbein, by Vosterman, &c. 3 1528 Louis XL, by Moran, &c. 4 1529 Cardinal Borromeo ; and Bentivoglio, by Moran 2. 119 1530 Rubens, by Pontius 1531 Aretino; and small heads, by Hollar 11 1532 Burgomasters, by Suyderhoff, after Kcyser 1533 La Vierge & la Voile, by Poilly, before the cross hatchings on the veil 1534 St. George, after Raffaelle, by Vosterman, with reverse 1535 The Bathers, after Veneziano—copy; and the Cassolette 1536 A. Vico—Judith and Phaeton 1537 A. Mantegna—The descent to Hell. Very fine 1538 J. Campagnola—Christ and the woman of Samaria, after Georgione 1539 Beatrizet—Tomb of Pope Julius II., &c. 1540 M. Agnolo> after—Figures 6 1541 The Nativity, after B. Peruzzi, by A. Carrari 1542 The Crucifixion; and a martyrdom, by A. Carrari 1543 A g. Carracci—Portrait of Titian. Very fine 1544 Ag. Carracci—St. Jerome—unfinished. Very fine. From Durand's Collection 1545 Etchings, by Guido and Carracci 7 1546 Parmegiano—Cupid— rare ; and small subjects 4 1547 M. Schon —The Temptation of St. Anthony. Very fine and rare 1548 Jost. Ammon —The embarkation, from St. Mark’s, Venice—> ivoodcut — very rare; and a bird’s-eye view of Florence 2 A. DURER. 1549 The St. Hubert. Very fine 1550 Melancholy 1551 The Knight of Death. Extra fine 1552 The Turk and his family 1553 Les Oflfres d’Amour; and a lady on horseback 1554 Small Passion of Christ, &c. 16 1555 St. Jerome in his chamber 1556 St. Anthony, reading, in a landscape 1557 Five of the Apostles 1558 The coat of arms with the cock ] 559 1500 1561 3 562 1563 1564 1565 1566 1567 1568 1569 1570 1571 1573 1574 1575 1576 1577 1578 1579 1580 1581 1582 1583 1584 1585 1586 1587 120 The cannon Frederic Duke of Saxony Cardinal Albert, &c. 2 Erasmus Melancthon REMBRANDT. The Circumcision. Fine The Descent from the Cross. Fine Abraham Franz Ephraim Bonus. Very fine The Mill The Three Trees. Fine Philip baptizing the Eunuch A landscape, with a cow drinking MARC ANTONIO. The Almighty appearing to Noah Bai'tsch , No. 3 David and Goliath— proof before the tablet. Extra fine and rare 10 Joseph and Potiphar's wife. Fine 9 The Nativity, after Francia 16 The Murder of the Innocents. Very fine 20 Christ in the house of the Pharisee. Very fine 23 The Descent from the Cross. Very fine 32 The Virgin and Child, from the Madonna del Foligno. Very fine 52 The Virgin and Child. Very fine and rare 61 La Vierge au Berceau. Very fine 63 The Virgin, with the arm covered 35 The Last Supper 26 Five saints * 113 The Martyrdom of St. Felicita. Fine 116 The Choice of Paris. Very fine 245 121 ] 588 Galatea 350 1589 Mount Parnassus. Very fine 247 1590 The angles of Ghigi Palace 342-4 1591 Quos ego 352 1592 Amadeus. Very fine 355 1593 Trajan between Rome and Victory. Very fine 361 1594 Philosophy. Very fine 381 1595 Poetry — before the inscription on the tablet. Extremely rare 382 1596 The Pest. From Sir T. Lawrence s Collection 417 1597 The young mother. Fine 432 1598 The woman in meditation. Fine. From Sir P. Lely's Collection 445 1599 Portrait of Raffaelle. Very rare 496 1600 Statue of M. Aurelius. Very rare 514 1601 Two figures from the Drunkenness of Noah . 464 1602 A man carrying the base of a column. Very fine 476 1603 A female, holding a vase, and pouring water on a plant. This is the work attributed by Dr. Waagen to Francia 383 M. DA RAVENNA. 1604 St. Michael. Fine 106 1605 The Rape of Helen. Fine 210 1606 Venus taking the thorn from her foot 321 1607 A battle, &c. 420 A. VENEZIANO. 1608 The three Maries. Fine 1609 The Stregozzo. Very fine G. BONASONE. 1610 The Dead Christ 1611 The portrait of M. Agnolo, &c. 2 1612 The Reposo, after M. Agnolo 1613 Clelia, &c. o O 122 G. GHISI. 1614 The angles of the Vatican 6 1615 The Prophet Joel, after M. Agnolo —unique unfinished proof 1615a A VERY CHOICE COLLECTION OF 167 ITALIAN WOODCUTS, formed by Mr. Rogers, and bound together in one volume— russia. Many autograph notes by Mr. Rogers End of Eleventh Day's Sale. Twelfth Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1856, at one o’clock precisely. - 0 - ILLUSTRATIONS TO Mr. ROGERS’S WORKS. 1616 Illustrations to Rogers’s Italy, after Turner and Stothard : the only complete set —India 'proofs , large paper 1617 Illustrations to Rogers’s Poems and Italy —Indian proofs, large paper 56 1618 Plates to Rogers’s Italy —large paper proofs 15 1619 Ditto 33 1620 Ditto 56 16*21 A complete Collection of the Illustrations, by Turner and Stothard, to Rogers’s Poems. Very choice artist's proofs, on India paper, including several plates which have never been published 1622 Views of Florence, after Turner 37 1623 Bridge of Samois 35 1624 Bay of Naples 35 1625 Lake of Como 35 1626 Campagna of Rome 35 1627 Amalfi 35 1628 Lake of Geneva 35 1629 St. Bernard dogs 35 1630 The tomb of the Foscari 50 1.631 The Tournament 80 124 1G32 The Brides of Venice 50 1633 William Tell’s Chapel 35 1634 Rome, from the Tiber 35 1635 Marengo 35 1636 The Great St. Bernard 35 1637 Portrait of Mr. Rogers, the second portrait after Sir T. Law¬ rence— artist's proofs S 1638 The Travelling Musicians 4 1639 Loch Lomond, after Turner 3 1640 The Reconciliation 1 1641 The Wreath 3 1642 The Fountain 1 1643 St. Cecilia 1644 Cupid and Psyche 3 1645 Rome, from the Tiber, 3—one of them unfinished 1646 The Vision, from Columbus, 15—in different stages 1647 The Fountain, 4—one of them unfinished 1648 An Arrival, 6—two of them unfinished 1649 The boy of Egremond 12 1650 The Phantom, from Columbus, 12—unfinished 1651 Martigny 3 1652 The Brides of Venice 3 1653 A trophy, 2; and the same, smaller 1654 The Pilgrim’s return 5 1655 Woodcuts, after Stothard, to Rogers's Poems— India paper —85 sheets 1656 Stothard and Westalfs Illustrations to Rogers’s Poems, &c. 31 1657 Stolhard’s Illustrations to British Novels— proofs 31 1658 Woodcuts, after Stothard, to Rogers’s Poems 213 1659 Watson’s Designs to the Poem of Human Life, in a port¬ folio— cloth 1660 Another copy 1661 Another copy 1662 Another copy 1663 Another copy 1664 Another copy 1665 Another copy 125 ROGERS’S WORKS. 1666 Ode to Superstition— -first edition, 4to., sewed Cadell 1786 1667 The same, with the Pleasures of Memory, 4ro.— bound 1792 1668 The Pleasures of Memory— first edition, 4to., Ids. Cadill 1792 1669 Pleasures of Memory, the fifth edition, with other poems, 8vo. —bds. Cadell 1793 1670 Pleasures of Memory, with Stothard and Westall’s illustrations— large paper, mor., gilt leaves 1801 1671 Pleasures of Memory, the first edition, with Stothard’s woodcuts, printed entirely on India paper— bds. 1810 1672 The Fpistle to a Friend, first edition, 4to.— bds. Cadell 1798 1673 Another copy 1674 Another copy 1675 Human Life, first edition, 4to.— bds. Murray 1819 1676 Columbus—one of the first copies printed, without title or date, 4to. — bds. 1677 Another copy— bds. 1678 Another copy— bds. 1679 Columbus, believed to be the first edition published, 4to.— bds. Cadell 1810 1680 Another copy, without title— stitched 1681 Columbus, with Stothard’s woodcuts— some pages imperfect 1682 Italy, first edition, with some interesting notes in pencil, by the author, 8vo.— bds. Longman 1822 1683 Italy, 8vo., with spaces left at the heads of the chapters for illus¬ tration , 1829 1684 Italy, with Turner and Stothard’s illustrations— with a few pencil marks by the Author 1830 1685 Pleasures of Memory— sewed Paris 1805 1686 Pleasures of Memory, plates after Stothard— presentation copy , from Epes Sargent, of Boston Boston 1795 16 y 7 Human Life, second edition— calf Cambridge 1820 126 1688 Italy— Stothard’s and Turner s plates, printed in lithograph, mor., gilt leaves—presentation copy from T. Cooper Philadelphia 1834 1689 Poetical works, edited by Epes Sargent— presentation copy , mor., gilt leaves Boston 1854 1690 Poetical Works —Turners and StotharcCs plates, old fashioned calf gilt leaves Philadelphia 1852 1691 La Vita Umana Poema di Samuele Rogers da Vittorio Paciotti Torino 1820 1692 Lara and Jacqueline, first edition— calf Murray 1814 1693 Jacqueline— sewed Cadell 1814 1694 Human Life, 1819; with Campbell's Theodric, and other poems ROGERS'S WORKS , PUBLISHED BY MOXON. 1699 Rogers’s Poems, in 2 vols., 4to.— purple mor., gilt leaves. The large and rare edition, with Indian proofs of the plates 1839 1700 Another copy— plain purple mor. 1701 Another copy— mor., gilt leaves 1702 Another copy— mor., gilt leaves 1703 Another copy— mor., gilt leaves 1704 Another copy— mor., gilt leaves 1705 Another copy—mor., gilt leaves 1706 Rogers’s Poems, 2 vols., 8vo.— proofs, mor., gilt leaves 1834 1707 The same— impressions, mor., gilt leaves 1852 1708 Another copy 1709 Another copy 1710 Rogers’s Poems, with woodcuts, 2 vols., 8vo.— mor., gilt leaves 1852 1711 Another copy— mor., gilt leaves 1712 Another copy— cloth 1713 Another copy— cloth 1714 Another copy— cloth 1715 Another copy— cloth 1716 Another copy— cloth 12 / 1717 The same, pocket edition— red mor., gilt leaves 1848 1718 Another copy— cloth, gilt leaves 1719 Rogers’s Poems, 2 vols., 8vo.— cloth 1852 1720 Another copy 1721 Another copy 1722 Another copy 1723 Another copy 1 724 Rogers’s Italy, 8vo.— proofs, red silk, gilt leaves 1830 1725 Another copy 1726 Another copy 1727 Rogers’s Poems— bds. 1842 1728 Another copy 1729 Rogers’s Italy, 8vo.— proofs before letters, bds. 1830 1730 Another copy 1731 Another copy 1732 Another copy 1733 Another copy 1734 Another copy 1735 Another copy 1736 Another copy 1737 Another copy 1738 Another copy 1739 Another copy 1740 Another copy 1741 Another copy 1742 Another copy 1743 Another copy 1744 Another copy 1745 Another copy 1746 Another copy 1747 Another copy 1748 Another copy 1749 Another copy 1750 Another copy 1751 Another copy 1752 Another copy 128 1753 Rogers’s Italy— proofs before letters , Ids. 1754 Another copy 1755 Another copy 1756 Another copy 1757 Another copy 1758 Another copy 1759 Another copy 1760 Another copy 1761 Another copy 1762 Another copy 1763 Another copy 1764 Another copy 1765 Another copy 1766 Another copy 1767 Another copy 1768 Another copy 1769 Another copy 1770 Another copy 1771 Another copy 1772 Another copy- 1773 Another copy 1774 Another copy 1775 Another copy 1776 Another copy 1777 Another copy 1778 Another copy 1779 Another copy 1780 Another copy 1781 Another copy 1782 Another copy 1783 Another copy < 1784 Another copy 1785 Another copy 1786 Another copy 1787 Another copy 1788 Another copy 1830 129 1789 Rogers’s Italy— -proofs before letters, bd$. 1830 1790 Another copy 1791 Another copy 1792 Another copy 1793 Another copy 1794 Another copy 1795 Another copy 1796 Another copy 1797 Another copy 1798 Another copy 1799 Another copy 1800 Another copy 1801 Another copy 1802 Another copy 1803 Another copy 1804 Another copy 1805 Another copy 1806 Another copy 1807 Another copy 1808 Twenty-five copies 1809 Twenty-five ditto 1810 Twenty-five ditto 1811 Twenty-five ditto 1812 Rogers’s Poems, 8vo.— proofs , ids. 1834 1813 Another copy 1814 Another copy 1815 Another copy 1816 Another copy 1817 Another copy 1818 Another copy 1819 Another copy 1820 Another copy 1821 Another copy 1822 Another copy 1823 Another copy 1824 Another copy K 130 1825 Rogers’s Poems— proofs, bds. 1826 Another copy 1827 Another copy 1828 Another copy 1829 Another copy 1830 Another copy 1831 Another copy 1832 Another copy 1833 Another copy 1834 Another copy 1835 Another copy 1836 Another copy 1837 Another copy 1838 Another copy 1839 Another copy 1840 Another copy 1841 Another copy 1842 Another copy 1843 Another copy 1844 Another copy 1845 Another copy 1846 Another copy 1847 Another copy 1848 Another copy 1849 Another copy 1850 Another copy 1851 Another copy 1852 Another copy 1853 Another copy 1854 Another copy 1855 Another copy 1856 Another copy 1857 Another copy 1858 Another copy 1859 Another copy 1860 Another copy 1834 A 131 1861 Rogers’s Poems— proofs, bds. 1834 1862 Another copy 1863 Another copy 1864 Another copy 1865 Another copy 1866 Another copy 1867 Another copy 1868 Another copy 1869 Another copy 1870 Another copy 1871 Another copy 1872 Another copy 1873 Another copy 1874 Another copy 1875 Another copy 1876 Another copy 1877 Another copy 1878 Another copy 1879 Another copy 1880 Another copy 1881 Another copy 1882 Another copy 1883 Another copy 1884 Another copy 1885 Another copy 1886 Another copy 1887 Another copy 1888 Another copy 1889 Another copy 1890 Another copy 1891 Another copy 1892 Another copy 1893 Another copy 1894 Another copy 1895 Another copy 1896 Another copy 132 1897 Rogers’s Poems— proofs , Ms. 1898 Another copy 1899 Anolher copy 1900 Another copy 1901 Another copy 1902 Another copy 1903 Another copy 1904 Another copy 1905 Another copy 1906 Another copy 1907 Another copy 1908 Another copy 1909 Another copy 1910 Twenty-five copies of the same 1911 Twenty-five ditto 1912 Twenty-five ditto 1913 Twenty-five ditto 1914 Twenty-five ditto 1915 Twenty-five ditto 1916 Twenty-five ditto 1917 Twenty-five ditto 1918 Twenty-five ditto 1919 Twenty-five ditto 1920 Twenty-five ditto 1921 Twenty-five ditto 1922 Five ditto— not proofs 1923 Rogers’s Poems : w'oodcuts after Stothard— mor.,gilt leaves P924 _ Poems: no plates, with directions in pencil in Mr Rogers’s writing— bds. 4925 - Pleasures of Memory, 7 copies— cloth, bds. 4926 _Poems, with MS. notes, 2 vols.— woodcuts , cloth 4927 - Poems, with MS. notes 1928 Rogers’s Jacqueline, 134 copies— sewed 4929 -Voyage of Columbus, 2 copies— sewed 1930 Rogers’s Italy, 3 copies, 8vo.; one without title— bds. 1931 - Italy— cloth 1816 1834 1810 1852 1853 1830 1842 1931*Rogers’s Italy —cloth 1852 1932 - Poems —cloth 1851 1933 Rogers’s Italy, 4 copies— hds. 1824 1934 - Italy, 12 copies— hds. 1829 1935 -Italy, in double colums, 5 copies —sewed 1840 1936 -Pleasures of Memory, &c., double columns, 8 copies —sewed 1839 1937 -Poems, standard poets, small edition, 6 copies— cloth , hds. QUARTO. 1938 Rogers’s Human Life, 1819 ; and Epistle to a Friend, 1789, 2 vols.— hds. 1939 - Voyage of Columbus, 7 copies— hds., 1 sewed 1810 1940 -Pleasures of Memory, 1792; and Epistle to a Friend, 1798, 2 vols.— hds. 1941 -Voyage of Columbus— with Stothart's cuts , 9 copies— hds. PLATES & BLOCKS, ENGRAVED AFTER STOTHARD. STEEL PLATES. 1942 Cupids, bearing a shield—engraved in the folio edition 1943 A king and queen—two plates 1944 A small vase, with vines in relief 1945 The Parthenon 1946 A bandit, seated 1947 The choragic monument ofLysocrates 1948 The sundial—never published 1949 A small vase, with cupids and vines in relief WOOD BLOCKS. 1950 A set of ten wood blocks, with capital letters forming Wittingham, with figures from Shakspeare End of Twelfth Day's Sale. LONDON: Printed by VV. Clowes and Sows, 14, Charing Cross. I■ A 1 h * r,r . A U l 7 ' ""V' ■ < z n AA/.i / - 1 ■' .>» >VUe \. - ' or ooy 7a y.y ■ \ kAA ■ , ' O -A . ; ' : • -X -i 7 , -a 1 , v. 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