Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofsmall00chri_19 O .A. T .A. O G XT 33 OF A SMALL COLLECTION OF JUrfeJtf LoO\A INTERESTING OBJECTS AND ©lb English jfuvnttuve FROM BILTON HALL, RUGBY, FORMERLY the RESIDENCE of JOSEPH ADDISON, Including a Fine Miniature in Enamel of Joseph Addison, by Zincke, and Old English Furniture, Needlework, &c., which were removed by Joseph Adaison from Holland House; ALSO A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Of the Periods of Louis XV. & XVI., THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN Giving up his Residence in London; A COLLECTION OF PORCELAIN AND FAIENCE, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; &e. WHICH Mill ^ 0 15 bp Junction bjr Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. an 7 v CONDITIONS OF SALE. —- 0 - I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. CHPasTiE, Manson aBd Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. -K>«- On FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following have been removed from Bilton Hall , Rugby, formerly the residence of Joseph Addison and the Countess of Warwick; were placed there by Joseph Addison , and are believed to have been removed there from Holland. House. A An octagonal snuff-box, of silver and mother-o’-pearl, containing au oval miniature in oils, of Joseph Addison whem a \yung man O 2 A Miniatuhe Portrait of Joseph Addison, in blue coat and fy bottomed wig : enamel by Zincke—in oval gold locket An old French coffre fort, of walnut-wood, with brass strengthen-^^^ f O ings terminating in fleurs-de-lys An Old English Walnut-wood Arm-Chaih, with open back, and arms carved with scroll foliage and with spirally fluted ^ stretcher for the legs, the seat stuffed, and covered with ^ needlework Au old English bench, with open back and ends, boldly carved with scroll foliage, coronet and shields 0 5a A set of four oval alabaster plaques, painted with subjects* illustrating the history of Lot—in black frames ^ 5b A panel, of old English needlework, representing a stag hunt, with flowering plants and fruit tree O 5 4 S:/s~. C f/f X Ji A Square Walnut-wood Stool, with carved legs, the seat covered with old English needlework representing Europaand ^ attendants Rt V An Old Oak Fire-Screen, the top elaborately pierced and carved with Cupids, scroll foliage, and surmounted by a crown, fitted with an old needlework panel representing three oriental figures at a repast in a garden An Old Needlework Panel, illustrating the Story of the Rescue of Andromeda by Perseus Another, with Juno, Yenus, and other mythological figures An Old Flemish Ebony Cabinet, with folding doors, boldly p carved with classical subjects, Cupids, masks, scrolls and^^' columns, surmounted by a veined marble slab An Old Inlaid Walnut-wood Cabinet, with folding doors and massive cornice, carved with Moses with the Tables of the/ . l o Law—89 in. by 90 in. A pair of Chippendale mahogany folding card-tables, with carve^ borders and open square-shaped legs The following are the Property of A GENTLEMAN giving up his Residence in London. 13 Four Louis XYI. Carved and Gilt Chairs, the borders carved *■ £ *? M with scale pattern and beaded ornament and foliage, with square-shaped backs and seats covered with pale grey satin /^^ brocaded with flowers in colours A , O corners, with drawer, richly mounted with frieze of arabesque foliage and flowers, chasings of nymphs and cupids, and figures of children at the angles of chased or-molu, on legs wreathed with foliage, and riband stretcher, with a vase of flowers in the centre—32 in. wide 46 An Old English Chime Clock, by Thomas Bray, Westminster, » & in scroll-shaped ebonised case, mount* d with pierced panels and chasings of metal-gilt, and surmounted by a vase ol the same—28 in. high 8 The following were the Property of the late CARLOS COOPER , Esq., of Old Lake?iham, Norwich. ORIENTAL PORCELAIN. /••r. /,f. o' | 47 A pair of old Nankin circular dishes, painted with flowers ; and a yp Q y larger ditto dish f 48 A pair of ditto plates, with vases of flowers and scroll borders'; an octagonal plate ; a small basin, with dragons and flames; one, with lotos plants ; and a pair of basins and stands, with raised white ornament 49 A pair of small basins and stands, with dragons in blue; two /o other basins; a double-gourd bottle, with yellow body, the neck painted with flowers ; a pear-shaped ditto, similar; and a jar and cover, with red and gold decoration ^ t *L ^7^ A largo willow-pattern bowl and cover, with animals’-head handles and crown on the cover; one, painted with flowers; and a large /J willow-pattern basin , / * . 51 A Large Cylindrical-shaped Old Nankin Vase, painted with . / A & ^ ' /*- * A ( j ra g on g ) scroll foliage and flowers, in white on brilliant blue ground—18 in. high 52 An octagonal Chinese plate, enamelled with a mythological C? subject, in coloured border ; a basin, enamelled with figures, on pink scale ground ; a brown basin, painted with flowers inside; a pair of saucers, with decoration in red, green and /ypt gold ; and a circular blue dish, with gilt flowers 53 pair of small fluted bowls, e namell e d with panels of figures, aru ruby ground-; a. bowl, with-sligh t dooora ti on - i& rod a ndcopias and .gold lot os cap and a cup, with dragons ; and'’ Ahree old Japan platcs^-wit h flowers in red, bluo and gol d- — 54 An Old Imari Fluted Vase and Cover, with slightly raised pg peonies, kiku and prunus branches, in red, blue aud gold— Jh , 21 in. high //. // 9 , 55^A set of tliree ditto vases and covers and a pair of beakers, painted with scroll foliage, flowers, birds and kylins, in red, blue aneh gold, the covers surmounted by kylins—19 in. high 56 A pair of red ware tea-pots, of pierced bamboo pattern; an old English glazed ware tea-pot, with raised figures —hy Wood ; • and a white Wedgwood basket-pattern jug and cover 57 An old Worcester blue and white basin, painted with flowers; and four ditto cups and saucers, with dragons, in the Japan^so • y yy style THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. ENGLISH PORCELAIN. .C 58 59 I.eP- A bowl, painted in the Chinese taste, blue border ; a spirally fluted cup and saucer, painted with flowers ; a fluted cup, with Chinese figures; an inkstand, with sprays of flowers; two jugs; and a Vienna cup, painted with sprays of flowers A Derby biscuit group, of Cupid and two nymphs—13 in. high ; and a biscuit figure of Shakespeare—11^ in. high A pair of white glazed figures of a shepherd and shepherdess^and a Wedgwood figure of a Triton yA^^yyA^ 'C ■ A white cup, cover and saucer, with prunus in relief; seven cups and four saucers, similar; a bowl; a jug ; two small bowls ; two coffee-cups; a square-shaped tray ; and an egg-cup A Plymouth vase and cover, with leaves in low relief; and two Bow jugs C Two octagonal blue and white Worcester plates ; two cups and saucers; five odd cups; one saucer ; three leaf-shaped cups ; and three jugs and one cover A fluted Lowestoft pilgrim bottle ; a Wedgwood plate ; ditto spill- a vase ; three cuj)S, with exotic birds ; three jugs; and four other pieces \ l ' A /■ t/ ' * J-t / 10 65 fee A Crown-Derby plate, painted with fruit and butterflies ; and five other plates A pair of Chelsea leaf-shaped dishes, painted with insects ; and a pair of plates, the borders formed as vine leaves 67 A fluted Crown-Derby dish, with Cupid in the centre, blue and gold borders; an oval basket-pattern dish, with sprays of flowers; and a leaf-shaped dish, with decoration in blue 68 A fluted Worcester cup and saucer, painted with fruit, blue and gold border; a fluted Crown-Derby cup aud saucer; and a ^ Chelsea-Derby cup and saucer, with festoons of flowers /69 1 ■ A Chelsea-Derby cup and saucer, with spirals of pink and green ; a slightly fluted Crown-Derby cup and saucer, festoons of flowers in low relief; a Chelsea-Derby cup and saucer, with festoons of flowers in green; and a Chelsea cup and saucer, Jlr- painted with exotic birds 70 'll 'T 72 A fluted Worcester cup and saucer, painted with a landscape in brown; another, with Chinese decoration in red and gold; another, with spiral flutings and leaves in low relief; and two cups and a saucer, with a landscape in green A Crown-Derby cup and saucer, with scrolls on the edge; three ^ . . odd saucers and four cups £ Two Chelsea cups and saucers, painted with sprays of flowers ; a fluted Crown-Derby cup, with bands of blue aud gold ; two Chelsea cups, with flowers ; a saucer and a Wedgwood cup, the saucer painted with the “ Infant Academy ” A Lowestoft cup and saucer, painted with frigates; three cups and two saucers, painted with coat-of-arms ; aud two othe r 7 saucers An oval Wedgwood tazza, painted with convolvuli ; a Delft bulb- stand, with decoration in blue; and a mug, painted with classical subjects 11 FAIENCE. , 0 [ 81 ' & 82 87 , 2 * A brown faience censer—12 in. Mgh ; a pilgrim bottle, with scrolls in relief; and a bottle for suspension, with wood graiy. ornaments An octagonal Lambeth ware dish ; a bottle, with Persian orna¬ ments in blue ; a Persian flat-shaped bottle ; and a thin faience bowl An unglazed faience vase, with character in brown ; a similar jug, with pierced top ; and a vase, with cone ornaments A pair of splashed bottles, with open lips; a Linthorpe pottery vase ; four small faience lamps ; a glazed stand ; a faience ing, pewter cover and foot; and four other pieces l 0 ? ?- Four delft plates, with boys and stags in the centre ; and one, with sprays of flowers in the Chinese taste A Persian bowl, with cone ornaments in brown; one, with decoration in blue, pierced panels; and a pendant, formed as/^ Jp an egg, with cone ornaments in blue A dish, with conventional flowers in green, blue and red—13^ in. diam. ; four deep faience dishes; a white bowl, with slightly incised decoration ; and three saucers A Rhodian sweetmeat-dish, in six divisions—9 in. diam. $■' ^ Three tiger ware jugs *7 n TY&t* Three smaller A glazed faience jug, painted with flowers and inscription ; a glazed bust, representing Music —signed De Yers, 1859 ; and two figures of orientals A grotesque statuette of an officer—13^ in. high ; and a lustered plate, with a fawn’s head in the centre A coloured ware tea-pot ; a faience bust; two glazed white stands ; two mottled saucers; an Indian terra cotta ; a green faience saucer ; a glass vessel, from Rhodes ; and two other pieces 12 CONTINENTAL PORCELAIN. / -*88 A fluted two-handled Sevres cup and saucer, painted with festoons ' " ' of flowers 89 A part of a service, painted with birds and flowers in the style of " ^ old Hizen, consisting of— Seven fluted plates Two octagonal plates One dish Four shaped dishes, and Ten plates 90 A Sevres Service, painted with vases of flowers, festoons of jewel // y ^rnaments, and turquoise blue and gold border, consisting of— A pair of ice-pails and covers // A pair of small tureens, covers and stands A bowl j/ Four octagonal plates Eight deep plates, and Eighteen plates f various y y ^ ^ > V 14 - 4 / 7 , / Cl 15 A large dish, with peonies and fir branches—16^ in. diam.; a V pair of dishes with willow-pattern—14£ in. diam.; a disli, with utensils in an armour-shaped panel, in the centre—15 in. diam .; and a dish, with sprays of flowers and bands of diaper ornaments—14 in. diam. /II 6 Six small plates, with petal-shaped panols on the border, the storm dragon in the centre— 6 ^ in. diam. (D jr, the CHINESE ENAMELLED PORCELAIN. ( 7 ^ /, *f p>~ & * r. i 117 Two cups and a saucer, with slightly raised flowers, coloured i border; a bowl, with dragons and Ho-Ho ; a satsuma bowl, 7 and a square-shaped vase, with panel of flowers and lane scapes in blue _ 118 A lavender crackle vase, enamelled with kylins—7 in. high 119 A small octagonal famille verte taper-stand; a coffee coloured ^ bowl; a jug, painted with figures ; seven blue and white * cups; three bowls; twelve various saucers; and three enamelled bowls 120 Three famille verte plates, enamelled with baskets of flowers in 0^7 -fL /v Aar>tT>A rvo'nnlc rvn fliA ramvl nr am n a n m ^ the centre panels on the border— 8 ^ in. diam. 0 121 Eight plates, enamelled with stags and fir trees in the centre— A/TcT 8 ^ in. diam,. 0 — 2? 122 Eleven famille verte plates, with baskets of flowers in the centre panels on the border— 8 ^ in. diam. 123 Five Plates, enamelled with diamond-shaped panels of toys and A A /«/ buildings in the centre—9 in. diam. a* ANOTHER PROPERTY. / ^7 124 A cut and polished amethyst pendant, in silver frame r\ , J.25 A Stomacher, of enamelled silver-gilt and gold, richly mounted f 49* M * * with numerous coloured stones, &c. Av CIAa A /j 12G A head ornament, partly enamelled and set with numerous E jr* y * & various-coloured stones 15 c o Qt warriors —- ^ 0 127 A walking stick, of ebony, the handle of copper-gilt, chased with figures boar hunting 2 / t> 128 A Capo de Monte cup and saucer, with figures and festoons ofy^ / » flowers in relief in colours ^129 A vestment and chasuble, of cut crimson velvet, with bands of . embroidery in gold and colours—1 6th century y/ 130 A small boxwood carving of a crucifix—17^ century 131 Two statuettes, in box-wood carvings, of Roman warriors Flemish 11th century t & 132 An Oval Vessel, of Palissy ware, a reclining female figure in dbr- - the interior emblematic of water ^ 6 ? 133 An ivory taukard and cover, engraved in a shaped panel with Bacchanalian figures / / , 2d 134 A pair of facetted rock-crystal flacons, mounted with a band round 9? the neck of copper-gilt X>135 A belt, formed of six large plaques of gold and silver, chased with figures, arabesques, birds, scrolls, &c., and ydth^three / /f large amethysts in the centre <2 , :ZZ*/ r c fZ-O QV 66 A Necklace, formed of twelve oval silver plaques, with alternate smaller oblong plaques, with arabesque decoration of trans-* lucent coloured enamel :: O 137 A mandarin necklace, composed of lapis lazuli beads; and two composed of malachite ~yV 138 A small parcel-gilt silver group, of the Madonna crowned and holding the Infant Saviour on her lap , & 139 A silver-gilt group, of the Madonna and Infant Saviour, under a gothic arch / ? ^40 An octagonal reliquaire, of rock-crystal, mounted with enamel¬ led gold border, and containing an enamelled gold figure of a bishop and eight small cells for relics ? , O 140a A processional cross, formed of plaques of rock crystal, mounted with enamelled silver ' y 7 t> 140b A Persian scimetar, with watered blade, ivory hilt, and gilt^^/ scabbard, mounted -with enamelled silver-gilt 141 A Small Silver and Silver-Gilt Cabinet, containing three drawers, decorated with plaques of silver, with exotic birds and foliage in translucent enamels, surmounted by a figure of Diana— V ienncse £ 0 . T> 145 142 A Shield-shaped Powder Flask, of ivory, carved in relief aJ/* /& / 0 with boar and stag-bunting subjects, mounted with silver, enamelled in translucent colours with terminal figures, strap- work, &c. ^ ^ Xf 143 A rock crystal group of Leda and the Swan, mounted with silver-^. ^ gilt and gold, and studded with jewels fa • 0 144 A Silver Handle, formed as a terminal female figure, and chased in the style of Louis XIY. Parcel-Gilt Silver-Gilt Cup and Cover, of gothic design, surmounted by a figure of a soldier holding a cup—on three feet, formed as grotesque figures holding shields Z/ THE ' BILTON HALL ■ PORTRAITS. SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1898