1590 JANUARY. T W T F 1 2 3 4 61 7 ' 8 | 9 1 10 11 13 14 ' 15 16 17 18 19! 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30,31 .. FEBRUARY. S M T W T F S I .. .. .. I l 21 3 i 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 . . MARCH. s IV! T w T . F □ S 17 2 i 3 4 1 sj 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ,28 29 APRIL. M T W T F S S M T W T F 1 3 4 51 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 ' : 24 25 26 27 28 29 7 31 ...... 1590. JULY. S M T W T F ' S ...12,3 4 1 5 6 7 | 8, 9 [ 10 11 | 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27128,29 30 ! 31 . . .. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. M T W T F S 1 2! 3, 4| 5| 6 ' 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 t 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 ( 29 30 OCTOBER. S M T W T F S 1591. JANUARY. S M T , W T j F S II 2 3 8 1 9 10 15]16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31 41 5 1 6 7 11112 13 14 18119 20 21 25 26 27 28 FEBRUARY. S M ; T W T F | S 1| 21 3l 4| 5| 61 7 8 1 9 1 10 11 1 12 1 13 14 15116 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 MARCH. S ’ M T W T F S II 2| 3| 41 5| 6 1 7 8 9 10| 11 12 13 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30,31; . .. •• • • ••••••! •• !••!•• APRIL. S M T W T F S 1591. JULY. S Ml T W , T Fi S 1 2i 3| 4 7 1 8 9 10 11 14 151 161 171 18 21 22 23 24 25 28 29 30 31 . . AUGUST. S' M T Wi T FI S 2| 3| 4| 5 | 6 | 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 : 25 26,27 28 30 31 . . I . . SEPTEMBER. S M T W T F I S 1 2 3 4 5 61 7 | 8 | 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . . I . . I . . OCTOBER. | 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7' 81 9 10 11 12' 15 16|17 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 1 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 . . . . JUNE. SIM T W T F ; S 1 21 31 4 5 6, 7 8| 9 10, 11 1 12 1 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25,26 27 28 29 30 | . DECEMBER. s M s T i W i Tl FI s i| i 1 : 4 1 5 1 6 11 12 13 3 7| 81 9 10 14 15 16 17118 19 20 21 22,23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. ...II 2 j 31 4 5 6, 71 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1718119 20121 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 28 ! 29 30 31 .. .. The Fernekes Chemical Co Per. fi * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/chasbaumbachcoimOOchas I cR,.l..-o CHEMICAL UO. Chas. von Baum bach, president. C. A. Meissner, treasurer. R. von KALTENBORN, Secretary. Th. Gerhardy, manager. The Fepnekes Chemical Co. Per 1890 CHivS. BAU MBACtf Qq I M PORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN (i)pMs ar>d lfr)enr)ica s, PATENT MEDICINES, Paints ar\d Oils, Yarriis^es, Window Glass, Druggists’ ar\d Painters’ Silgdries, Gtc., Gtc. Milwaukee, Wis. J- H. YEWDALE * lb. Vi lb % lb. 1-16 lb. Absorbent.. per lb. $ 65 | 65 I 70 $ 75 $ 75 Borated & Carbl. 10 p. c. “ 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 30 Corros. Subl. 1 gr. to 1 oz “ 1 00 1 10 1 20 1 30 Jodoform, 10 per cent. “ 2 20 2 30 2 40 2 50 Salicylated, 10 “ “ 1 10 1 20 1 30 1 40 Lint. Medic. — Best grades- Boracic Acid, 10 per cent .per lb. 1 50 Carbol. “ 10 “ U 1 50 Cottons— Absorbent and Medicated- Seabury (Sc Johnson’s : Lb. pkes . 34 lb. V\ lb. % lb. 1.161b. Absorbent, U. S. P per lb. $ 65 $ 65 I 70 $ 75 $ 75 “ Hospital... “ 40 45 50 55 65 Borated “ 75 75 80 85 85 Carbol. and Salicyl “ 1 00 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 25 Jodoform, 1-oz. glass salt mouth bottles per doz. 2 50 Styptic, 1-oz. “ “ u (C 2 00 Lb. pkgs. oz. pkgs. Improved Absorb Lint., 8. &J. ...per lb. 65 85 Lint Borated, Carbol. Salicyl. and Sublim ..per lb. 1 00 Cottons — Absorbent— Wyeth’s 1-lb. rolls 54 “ fib. “ U 59 “ fib. boxes 2 03 “ fib. “ 61 1 13 “ 1-oz. “ 6 6 72 “ foz. “ 66 45 Cotoin, 15-gr. vials, Merck’s per vial 3 00 Cowliag-e Down 55 Crab, Orchard Salts 22 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 29 Crab’s Eyes per oz. $ 15 “ Polished per doz. 30 “ Powdered per lb. 1 50 Cream Tartar- Grocer’s per lb. 18 Crystals, Pfizer’s “ 32 Powdered, “ “ 35 “ “ by bbl “ 30 Creasote— Commercial per lb. 48 From Birchwood tar “ 1 85 Creoliu “ 65 Crocus— Martis (iron oxide red) per lb. 9 Metallorum (Antimony Crocus) “ 40 Cubebin, 15-gr. vials, Merck’s per vial 35 Cudbear, Opt per lb. 24 Cumarin peroz. 2 40 Curare, 15-gr. vials, Merck’s per vial 28 Cuttle- Fish Bone per lb. 27 “ “ powdered “ 27 Dextrine “ 10 Dextro, Quinine per oz. 1 45 Diastase, Merck’s “ 1 50 Digitaline, Merck’s , per drm. 50 Dispensatories each 6 00 Dover's Powder per lb. 1 30 Drag-on’s Blood- In mass per lb. 35 Powdered “ 45 In reeds “ 55 Duboisin, Sulphate, 5-grain vials, Merck’s per grn. 14 Dulcamara, Stems cut per lb. 10 Dye Colors—. Diamond Package per doz. 75 “ Easter “ 75 Handy Package “ 75 Magic Package Dyes “ 75 Peerless “ 75 Elaterin, 1-grm. vials, Merck’s per grm. 1 10 Elaterium, in £ oz. vials per oz. 2 40 THE CHA IS. BAUMBACH CO. Emery- Flour per lb. | 5 Grain, all numbers “ 7 Epsom Salts, by bbl. 1 3-10 “ 3 Ergot— From rye, Spanish per lb. 50 Powdered from rye “ 55 Ergotin— Bonjean’s per lb. 4.00; per oz. 30 Purified, for hypodermic use, liquid “ 1 50 Eserine, Sulphate, 5-grn. vials, Merck’s per grn. 14 Essence, Bay Bum, Cumming’s per lb. 2 00 Essence— Fritzsclie’s, for Liquors, Cordials, etc. Arrac per pint 3 00 Arrac Punch “ 4 00 Bitters, Angostura “ 4 00 “ Bonecamp “ 4 50 “ Hamburg “ 4 00 “ Spanish “ 4 00 “ Stoughton “ 4 00 “ Swiss Alpine “ 4 00 Brandy, Blackberry “ 3 60 “ Catawba “ 6 00 “ Cherry “ 3 00 “ Cognac “ 3 00 “ Peach “ 3 00 Cider Vinegar Essence u 3 00 Cordials, Absinthe “ 4 00 “ Anisette “ 3 00 “ Benedictiner “ 4 00 “ Curacoa “ 4 00 “ Kirschwasser “ 4 00 “ Kuemmel Allash 11 3 00 “ Nordhaeuser Corn “ 4 00 “ Peppermint “ 4 00 “ Zwetschen “ 3 00 “ Currant “ 1 00 Gin, Holland “ 3 00 Grape “ 1 00 Rum, Jamaica “ 3 00 “ New England “ 3 00 “ Punch “ 4 00 u St. Croix “ 3 00 Whiskey, Bourbon “ 6 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 31 Essences, Etc.— Continued. Whiskey, Malt per pint “ * Rye “ “ Scotch “ “ Wheat “ Wine, Catawba “ “ Port “ “ Sherry “ Etlier- Acetic, Pfizer’s per lb. “ Squibb’s “ Butyric - “ Chloric, U. S. P., Pfizer’s “ Formic “ Nitrous, cone. Mallinckrodt’s, 1-lb. bots incl “ “ “ “ £-lb. “ “ “ “ “ J-lb. “ “ “ “ “ Schieffelin’s, 1-lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ i-lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ i-lb. “ “ “ Spt. Nitr. U. S. P “ Stronger, Squibb’s, 1-lb. tin incl “ “ “ fib. “ “ “ “ i-lb. “ “ Sulphuric, concentrated, 1 -lb. cans incl., Pfizer’s, “ a u 2-lb U U U iC 6C cc g Yfo cc u u 66 “ washed, 1-lb. “ “ “ #< “ “ 2-lb. “ “ ■ “ “ 5-lb. “ “ “ “ “ commercial 1-lb. “ “ “ “ “ u 2-lb. “ “ “ “ “ « 5_ lb> « “ Ethereal Oil, or heavy oil of Wine, Squibb’s per oz. Ethyl, Bromide “ “ Iodide “ Eucalyptol, Merck’s “ Saunder’s per doz. Eugenol, Merck’s per oz. Exalgine “ Extracts— FLAVORING FOR SODA FOUNTAIN SYRUPS. Apple per lb. Banana “ $4 00 4 00 6 00 4 00 2 50 2 00 2 00 65 1 10 1 40 65 2 25 1 50 70 90 75 85 00 41 07 12 16 77 75 74 74 72 70 70 68 66 80 29 62 45 00 50 60 1 25 1 25 32 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Extracts— Flavoring-— Continued. Blackberry per lb. Cherry “ Chocolate ' c Coffee.. “ Don’t Care “ Ginger “ “ Ale -. per gal. Lemon per lb. Nectar “ Orange “ Orgat “ Peach “ Pear “ Pineapple “ Raspberry “ Rose “ Sarsaparilla “ Sassafras “ Strawberry “ Vanilla “ Wintergreen : u Fluid, Bnrrough Bros 25 per cent, discount. “ Chapman and Green’s 25 “ “ “ Eli Lilly & Co ....25 “ Merrill’s 25 “ Parke, Davis & Co 25 “ “ “ Squibb’s net. Fustic per lb. Witch Hazel, distilled per gal. Logwood, 15 and 25 lb. boxes, Sanford’s per lb. “ 1-lb boxes “ “ “ “ is “ “ Assorted “ Extracts, Medicinal, Solid- Aconite Leaves, Aqueous per lb. “ “ powdered peroz. ' “ Root; U. S. P per lb. “ “ powdered peroz. Aloes, Aqueous per lb. “ “ pow T dered peroz. Arnica Flowers per lb. Belladonna Leaves, U. S. P... “ “ Aqueous. 51 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 4 50 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 25 12 80 Hi 12J 13i 15i Hi 1 25 30 3 19 30 1 00 30 2 70 2 70 1 40 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 33 Extracts, Medicinal, Solid — Continued. Belladonna Leaves, powdered per oz. $ 34 Bitter Root per lb. 2 62 Black Cohosh, powdered per oz. 30 Blood Root per lb. 2 70 Buckbean “ 90 Buchu Leaves “ 2 70 Buckthorn Bark “ 2 25 Burdock Root “ 1 80 Butternut Bark “ 1 88 Calabar Bean per oz. 98 Calamus per lb. 2 50 Calendul Aqueous “ 2 25 Carduus Bened “ 90 Cascara Sagrada “ 3 75 “ “ powdered peroz. 45 Cascarilla per lb. 3 38 Centaur, min “ 1 50 Chamomill “ 1 75 Chelidon “ 1 50 Cinchona, Red, assayed “ 10 50 “ fuse. frig, par peroz. 25 Clover, Red per lb. 2 25 Coca Leaves, powdered per oz. 58 Cohosh, Black per lb. 2 25 “ “ powdered peroz. 30 “ Blue per lb. 1 58 Colchicum Root, Acetic, powdered peroz. 34 Colocynth, Apple “ 45 “ Comp per lb. 2 75 “ “ powdered peroz. 23 Columbo Root per lb. 2 62 Conium Leaves “ 1 88 “ powdered peroz. 30 Cubebs, Ethereal “ 54 Culver’s Root per lb. 3 38 “ “ powdered. peroz. 34 Cynae Ethereal “ 30 Damiana, powdered “ 58 Dandelion Root per lb. 1 00 “ powdered peroz. 30 Digitalis Leaves per lb. 1 80 “ u powdered per oz. 30 Dulcamara per lb. 1 50 34 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Extracts, Medicinal, Solid— Continued. Elecampane Root per lb. $1 50 Eucalypt. Globul., powdered peroz. 38 Ferri Pomat per lb. 70 Fumariae u 1 60 Gentian Root “ 90 “ “ powdered peroz. 30 Golden Seal Root, powdered “ 49 Graminis per lb. 80- Gratiolae “ 1 50 Hellebore, Black, powdered per oz. 30 Henbane Leaves per lb. 2 70 “ “ powdered peroz. 34 Hops per lb. 3 60 Horehound Leaves “ 2 00 Ignatia Bean, powdered per oz. 75 Indian Hemp, Black per lb. 3 00 “ “ Foreign “ 7 20 “ “ 11 powdered per oz. 58 “ “ White per lb. 3 00 Ipecac, powdered per oz. 1 69 Jaborandi per lb. 3 75 “ powdered peroz. 58 Jamaica Dogwood, powdered “ 1 12 Jalap per lb. 2 70 “ powdered peroz. 27 Jugland, nuc per lb. 1 00 “ fol “ 2 00 Lettuce “ 2 00 Licorice, purified “ 75 Lobelia, powdered per oz. 30 Male Fern, Ethereal “ 20 Mandrake per lb. 2 62 “ powdered peroz. 30 Mezereon “ 27 Millefol per lb. 1 10 Myrrhse “ 3 00 Nux Vomica Alcohol per oz. 24 “ “ powdered “ 30 Opium Aqueous “ 75 “ “ powdered “ 1 12 Orange Peel per lb. 1 75 Ox Gall per oz. 22 Pimpinellre “ 30 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 35 Extracts, Medicinal, Solid— Continued. Prickly Ash Bark per lb. $2 70 Pulsatilla, powdered peroz. 20 Quassia per lb. 3 15 “ powdered peroz. 38 Rhatany per lb. 1 80 “ powdered peroz. 30 Rhubarb per lb. 3 75 “ powdered per oz. 34 “ compound per lb. 3 38 Sarsaparilla, powdered .....peroz. 49 Savin per lb. 1 35 Scullcap, powdered peroz. 38 Senna per lb. 2 63 Squills “ 1 75 Stramonium Leaves “ 1 80 “ “ powdered peroz. 30 2 } 20 55 4 oi 15 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 99 Sumac, Sicily per lb. Summitates Juniperi “ Svapnia, in £ oz. vials per oz. Syrup- Blackberry per lb. Buckthorn Bark Dover’s Powder Ginger Iodide Iron Ipecac Orange Peel, Sweet. Raspberry Rhei “ Aromat Rock Candy, bbl. and b bbl., inch, 85c gal per gal. Sarsaparilla per lb. compd Seneka Squills “ compd Stillingia “ compd Tolu Wild Cherry All other syrups furnished at lowest market rates. Tallow, Deer, Tabul per lb. Tamarinds “ Pulp ... “ Tapers — Three months, green label per doz. Six “ “ “ “ Tapioca . per lb. Tar— Barbadoes per lb. Common, by bbl “ North Carolina Pine per bbl. “ “ in gal. cans, sealed per doz. “ in qt. cans, “ .... “ in pt. “ “ ... “ in b gal. cans, corked. “ in 1 qt. “ “ “ in 1 pt. “ “ $ 7 20 3 00 50 50 75 40 49 75 40 50 45 45 90 45 45 50 35 45 45 45 35 40 40 12 40 45 65 15 5 50 3 25 3 00 2 25 1 10 70 2 50 1 30 80 100 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Terebene — “ pint bottles, incl 70 a i a tt u u 80 u u << tt 4 U 90 “ 1 oz. “ “ 10 Terpine Hydrate, in ounce bottles, incl 32 “ “ in bulk 3 00 Terra Alba “ 5 Thymol per oz. 44 Tin Muriate — Crvst 27 Oxide tt 60 Solution CC 15 Tincture— Aconite Leaves per lb. 50 “ Root tt 50 Aloes U 40 “ and Myrrha U 60 Arnica Flowers u 40 Asafcetida u 50 Avena, Cone., Keith’s, lbs u 1 50 “ “ k lbs u 1 62 Belladonna a 50 Benzoin u 60 “ comp u 60 Buchu u 50 Calabar Bean tt 60 Calendul u 50 Camphor, U. S. P u 50 Cannab. Indie u 65 Cantharides u 60 Capsicum u 50 Cardamon u 65 “ comp tt 50 Cascarilla u 50 Castorei u 2 00 Catechu u 50 Cimicifuga u 50 Cinchona, compd u 50 “ Red u 60 Cinnamon tt 50 Colchicum Root u 60 “ Seed iC 75 Columbo “ 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 101 Tincture— Continued. Conium per lb. $ 50 Cubebs “ 75 Digitalis “ 50 Ergot “ 60 Galls “ 50 Gelseminum “ 65 Gentian, compd “ 50 Ginger, Jam “ 6o , Guajac “ 50 u Ammoniated “ 60 Hellebore “ 50 Hyoscyamus “ 50 Iodine “ 90 “ Comp “ 100 “ Colorless “ 1 00 Ipecac “ 90 “ Opium, Squibb’s “ 2 20 Iron Acet “ 75 “ Muriate “ 30 “ “ tasteless » “ 75 Jalap “ 50 Kino “ 50 Lobelia “ 50 Myrrha “ 60 Nux Vomica “ 50 Opium, U. S. P <£ 1 00 “ Camph. (Paregoric) “ 50 “ “ Squibb’s <£ 55 “ Deodor “ 1 90 “ ££ Squibb’s “ 2 60 Orange, Peel, Bitter “ 50 “ “ Sweet 11 50 Pulsatilla 11 50 Quassia “ 50 Rhatany “ 50 Rkei “ 50 “ and Aloes <£ 50 “ Aromatic <£ 50 Sanguinaria ££ 50 Serpentaria ££ 50 Soap, Camph. (Opodeldoc) ££ 65 Squills ££ 50 Stramonium ££ 50 102 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Tincture— Continued. Strophanthus, P. D. & Co.’s. Tolu Valerian “ Ammon Veratr. Viride Tripoli — Missouri Mount Eagle Trypsin, Fairchild’s Trupentine— Chian, true Common, soft Spirits Venice White (Gum Thus.) Twines — Cotton Bag “ White, 4 ply Flax, No. 1 Bag “ “ 36 B. C << a ^ f( “ “ 18 “ u u 24 11 u u 11 u u g a Linen Pink “ “ on 4 oz. spools.... “ Variegated Sea Island, assorted colors.. Uretlian, Merck’s, oz. vials Vaccine Virus- Bovine Crusts “ “ Points •.. Vanilline, cryst ,per lb. $1 12 . “ 60 . “ 50 . “ 75 . “ 75 5 ..per doz. 60 4 00 45 12 :et price. 28 U 6 ....per lb. 22 U 20 <• 18 U 21 u 18 u 21 u 22 a 24 u 38 c. 00 u 50 u 38 u 35 ...per oz. 60 1 50 P k g- 75 6 25 Vaseline Preparations— Pure Vaseline “ “ White qual “ “ perfilmed Blue Label Camphorated, Carbolated 5 lb. 1 lb. cans, No. 2, No. 1, No. 0. cans, pr lb pr doz. pr doz. pr doz. 1 28 33 1 92 1 14 78 2 55 65 3 25 1 80 1 08 3 40 85 3 40 1 92 per doz. 67 per gross 7 20 1 80 1 80 43 2 84 1 70 43 2 84 THE CHAS. BATJMBACH CO. 103 Vaseline Preparations— Continued. Oil per doz. 2 48 “ perfumed “ 1 70 Veterinary, 5 lb. cans, 1.07; 1 lb. cans per lb. 25 Ointments, all kinds, 1 lb. cans “ 65 Pomade, 5 lb. cans, 1.70; 1 lb. cans, 43; No. 2 per doz., 2.70; No. 1 per doz. 1 44 Camphor Ice “ 1 28 Cold Cream, No. 2, per doz., 3.40; No. 1 “ 1 44 Veratria, in £ oz. vials per oz. 1 40 Verdigris- Lump per lb. 35 Powdered “ 40 Vinegar, Squill “ 35 Wafers— In sheets 8x10 inches per 100 65 Round or square, in boxes per doz. 60 Cachets, No. 1 per 1000 1 20 “ “ 2 “ 1 10 “ “ 3 “ 1 00 Washing Crystal per gross. 1 50 Waters— Assafcetida per lb. 50 Bitter Almonds “ 35 Camphor “ 30 Cherry Laurel “ 30 Chlorine “ 30 Cinnamon “ 40 Cologne per gal. 6 00 Distilled “ 20 Elder Flower per lb. 35 Fennel “ 35 Lime per gal. 50 Orange Flower per lb. 30 Rose, distilled “ 30 Waters, Mineral— Appolinaris, hampers, 50 qt. jugs, $6.25 per doz. 1 65 “ cases, “ bots., 7.50 “ 1 90 “ “ 100-qt. “ 10.50 “ 1 40 Bitter, Friedrichshall, cases, 50-pt. bots., $11.00 “ 2 75 “ Rakoczy, “ “ “ 10.00 “ 2 50 Carlsbad Muehlbr, t£ 50-qt. “ 14.00 “ 3 75 ££ Schlossbr, “ u <£ 14.00 “ 3 75 104 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Waters, Mineral— Continued. Carlsbad Sprudel, cases, 50-qt. bots., 14.C0. Congress, 4 doz. pt. bots., $6.25 “ 2 “ qt. “ 4.75 Hathorn, 4 “ pt. “ 6.25 Hunvadi Janos, 50-qt. “ 10.75. Vichy Wax— Bayberry Bees, yellow “ “ pure, 1 oz. cakes “ white u “ “ No. 2 Carnauba , Laundry Parafhne Sealing, for fruit cans, red Wine- Antimony Colchicum seed Ipecac Opium Wood- Brazil, ground (Fernambuc) “ bybbl Cam Fustic, Cuba “ “ by bbl Hypernic, cut “ by bbl Juniper Log, Campeachy “ “ by bbl Nic Red Saunders, ground Xylol Zinc- Acetate - Bromide ... Carbonate, Precipit Chloride, Pfizer’s Cyanide, per doz. $3 75 ... “ 1 65 ... “ 2 50 .... “ 1 65 ... “ 2 75 ... “ 2 75 50 cc 30 a 35 u 48 u 36 u 22 .per gross 3 50 11-13 u ....per lb. 50 U 75 u 90 u 1 75 15 u 12 cc 7-9 u 3f ' u n u 6 u 4 6C 12 a 4 u 93 8 u 5 cc 6 2P 44 23 28 cc 60 ...per oz. 13 CC 27 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 105 Zinc— Continued. Ferrocyanide Iodide ... Lactate Oxide “ true, Hubuck’s... Phosphate Phosphide Salicylate Sulphate “ C. P Sulpho Carbol, Pfizer’s Tannate Valerianate .per oz. $ 27 U 52 U 34 .per lb. 11 U 60 .per oz. 18 u 70 u 49 ..per lb. 6-8 U 22 .per oz. 14 Ci 34 per lb., $3.50; “ 33 Fluid Extracts— Prices quoted in 1 lb. bottles; in | lb. bottles, 10c. per lb. extra; in | lb. bottles, 20c. per lb. extra; in 5 lb. bottles, 10c. per lb. less. Discounts.— Burrough Bros.Mfg. Co., 25 per cent.; Eli Lilly & Co., 25 percent.; Parke, Davis & Co., 25 per cent.; E. R. Squibb, net. Burrough Eli Parke, E. R. Bros. Lilly Davis Squibb. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Abscess .root $... $1 50 $1 50 $ Aconite leaves 1 10 1 10 1 10 Aconite root, U. S. P. (Assayed).. 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 05 Adam-and-Eve 1 50 Adder’s-Tongue 1 50 Adonis vernalis 3 00 3 00 Agrimony 1 05 1 00 1 05 Ailantus 1 90 1 90 1 90 Alkanet 1 50 Allspice 1 20 1 20 Aloes, 1 65 1 60 1 65 Aloes and Myrrh 1 75 1 75 1 75 For making tincture. One pint represents Purified Aloes and Myrrh, each 8 ozs. Alstonia Constricta 3 00 3 00 Alum root 1 20 1 20 American Columbo 1 25 1 25 American Hellebore (see Vera- trum Vi ride) 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 American Ivy 1 20 1 20 1 26 100 Fluid THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Extracts— C oiitinued. B. Bros- Eli Lilly P., D. E. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Squ American Saffron $2 40 $2 40 $2 40 ; $. American Sarsaparilla 1 00 1 05 American White Ash bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 American Wormseed 90 1 00 90 Angelica root 1 20 1 20 1 20 “ seed 2 00 1 50 Angustura bark 1 50 1 50 1 50 Anise 1 50 1 50 1 50 Apple Tree bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Aralia Compound 1 30 One pint represents Spiknard, Yellow Dock, Burdock Root, Guaiac Wood, each 2^ ozs.; Sassafras, Prickly Ash Bark, Elder Flowers and Blue Flag, each 2 ozs. Arbor Vitae 1 20 1 20 1 20 Areca-nut 2 25 2 25 2 25 Arnica flowers... 1 20 1 20 1 20 Arnica root, U. £ 3. P 1 20 1 20 1 20 Aromatic 2 50 2 50 2 50 One pint represents Cinnamon and Ginger, each 5| ozs. ; Cardamon and Nutmegs, each 2^ ozs. Arrow-wood 1 50 Asafetida 1 50 i 50 1 50 Ash Maple bark 1 50 Asparagus root 1 50 1 50 1 50 Avena sativa ‘ ........ 1 50 1 50 Avens 1 00 Bael fruit 2 25 2 25 2 25 Balm of Gilead buds 1 50 1 50 1 50 Balmony 90 1 00 90 Balsam Fir bark 1 20 1 20 Bamboo Brier comp 1 25 Barberry bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Basswood 1 50 Bayberry 90 1 00 90 1 10 2 10 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 107 ^ Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. E. R. Mffr. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Bay Laurel $3 00 $3 00 $3 00 $ For the preparation of superior Bay Rum. Bearsfoot 1 75 1 75 1 75 Beech bark 1 50 Beech drops 1 50 1 50 Belladonna leaves (Assayed) 1 25 1 50 1 25 1 10 Belladonna root, U.S.P. (Assayed) 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 35 Bell wort root 1 50 Benzoin (for tincture) 2 00 2 00 2 00 Benzoin compound 2 00 2 00 2 00 Four times the strength of the U. S. P. Tincture. Berberis Aquifolium 2 40 2 00 3 00 Beth-root ... 1 05 1 00 1 05 Birch Bark for Birch Beer 1 50 Bistort — 1 50 1 50 Bitter Bugle weed 2 00 2 00 Bitter-root 1 20 1 20 1 20 Bitter-sweet, U. S. P 1 20 1 00 1 20 1 10 Black Alder 90 1 00 90 Black Ash bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Blackberry root, U. S. P 1 00 1 00 1 00 Blackberry compound 1 20 1 20 1 20 One pint represents Blackberry root, 14 ozs. ; Cloves and Cas- sia, each 1J ozs. Black Birch 1 50 Black Cohosh, U. S. P 1 20 1 20 1 20 90 Black Cohosh compound 1 20 1 20 1 20 One pint represents Black Co- hosh, 6 ozs.; Blood root, 2 ozs.; Cherry bark and Lico- rice, each 4 ozs. Black Haw, TJ. S. P 1 20 1 20 1 20 Black Hellebore 1 20 1 20 1 20 Black Indian Hemp 1 20 1 20 1 20 Black Oak bark 1 20 Black Pepper 2 00 2 00 2 00 Black Sanicle 1 50 Black Walnut hulls 2 00 108 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Mfg. Co. Eli Lilly & Co. P., D. & Co. Black Walnut leaves $ $2 00 $2 00 Black Willow bark 1 50 1 50 1 50 Black Willow buds 2 00 2 00 2 00 Bladder- wrack 1 35 1 35 1 35 Blazing-star 1 50 Blessed-thistle 1 20 1 20 1 20 Blood-root, Acetic 1 05 Blood-root, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Blood-wort 1 50 Blue Cardinal 1 50 Blue Cohosh 90 1 00 90 Blue Cohosh comp 1 50 1 20 One pint represents Blue Co- hosh, 8 ounces; Ergot and Waterpepper, each 4 ounces; Oil Savin, 2 ounces. Blue Flag, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Blue Gentian 1 50 1 50 Boldo leaves 3 00 3 00 3 00 Boneset, U. S. P 90 1 00 90 Borage 1 00 1 00 Boxwood bark 90 Broom corn-seed 1 20 1 20 Broom tops 1 50 1 00 1 05 Buchu, Short, U. S. P 1 50 1 40 1 50 “ Long, “ 1 80 “ Compound 1 50 1 50 1 50 One pint represents Buchu, 8 ozs. ; Juniper Berries, 4 ozs. ; Pareira Brava, 3 ozs. ; Cubeb, 1 oz. E. R. Squibb. $ 1 10 Buchu, Juniper and Potassium Acetate 1 50 1 50 One pint represents Buchu, 12 ozs.; Juniper Berries, 3 ozs. ; Potassium Acetate, 2 ozs. Buchu and Pareira Brava 1 50 One pint represents Buchu, 8 ozs. ; Pareira Brava, 8 ozs. Buckbean leaves Buckeye bark 1 50 1 50 1 20 1 20 1 20 1 20 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 109 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. EliLilly P. D.. E. R. Mfg-. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Buckhorn Brake $1 20 $1 00 $1 20 $ Buckthorn bark, U. S. P 1 00 1 00 1 00 90 Buckthorn berries 1 05 1 00 1 05 Bugle-weed 90 1 00 90 Burdock root 90 1 00 90 Burdock seed 1 20 1 20 1 20 Butternut (bark of root) 1 00 1 00 1 00 90 Button bush 1 20 1 20 Button Snakeroot 90 1 00 90 Cactus Grandiflorus 4 00 4 00 4 00 Calabar bean 3 60 3 60 3 60 Calamint 1 50 Calamus, U. S. P 1 20 1 20 1 20 Calendula flowers 2 40 2 40 2 40 Calendula herb, IT. S. P 2 40 Canada Snakeroot 1 05 1 20 1 05 Canada Thistle 1 50 Cancer root 1 50 Canella 1 00 1 00 1 00 Cannabis Indica, U.S.P.( Assayed) 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 35 Cantharides 5 50 5 50 5 50 Capsicum, U. S. P 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 30 Caraway seed 1 35 1 35 1 35 Cardamom seed 3 00 3 00 3 00 Cardomom compound 2 40 2 00 2 40 2 10 Eight times the strength of the U. S. P. tincture. Cardinal flower 1 50 Carnauba root 3 00 3 00 Caroba leaves 3 50 3 50 Carrot seed 1 50 Cascara Amarga 3 00 3 00 Cascara Sagrada 1 25 1 50 3 00 90 Cascara Sagrada Sweet 2 50 3 00 Cascarilla 90 1 00 90 Cassia 1 80 1 80 Cassia buds 2 00 Castor bean 1 80 1 80 Castor leaves 1 80 1 80 1 80 Catechu 1 20 1 20 1 20 110 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P.. D. E. R. t Mfg\ Co. & Co. & Co. Catechu compound $1 50 One pint represents Catechu, 10 ozs. ; Cassia, 6 ozs. Catnep 90 1 00 90 Cedron seed 5 00 5 00 Celery seed 1 80 1 80 1 80 Centaury 90 1 00 90 Cereus Bonplandii 5 00 5 00 Cereus Macdonaldii 5 00 Cevadilla seed 1 80 1 80 Chamomile, German 1 20 1 20 Chamomile, Roman 1 20 1 20 1 20 Cherry bark, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Cherry bark, U. S. P., I860.. 1 05 1 00 1 05 Cherry bark compound 1 05 1 00 1 05 One pint represents Cherry bark, 12 ozs. ; Blood root, Ipecac and Opium, each 1 oz. One pint represents Pale Cin- chona bark, 8 ozs.; Bitter Orange Peel, 6 ozs.; Serpen- taria, 1^ oz. Cinchona comp., detannated For making tincture U. S. P. One pint represents Red Cin- chona bark, 8 ozs.; Bitter Orange peel, 6 ozs. ; Serpen- taria, 1£ oz. (Assayed) 2 50 2 50 Cinchona, detannated 2 20 2 50 2 20 Cinchona, pale (Assayed) 1 50 1 50 1 50 Cinchona, red, comp., (Assayed) 2 00 2 00 90 Cherry bark, detannated 1 40 1 40 1 40 Chestnut leaves, U. S. P 90 90 90 Chewstick 2 00 2 00 Chickweed 1 50 Chicory 1 30 Chirata, U. S. P Cinchona Calisaya, TJ. S. P. (As- 1 80 1 80 1 80 sayed) Cinchona comp. (Assayed), (for 2 00 2 50 2 00 1 60 preparing Huxham’s Tincture) 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Ill Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P D. E. R. Mfg Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Cinchona, red (Assayed) $2 00 $2 25 $2 00 $1 60 Cinnamon 1 80 Cinquefoil 1 50 Clarry herb 1 50 Cleavers 90 1 00 90 Cloves 2 10 2 10 2 00 Clover tops 1 20 1 20 1 20 Coca leaves, U. S. P. (Assayed)... 2 00 2 25 2 00 1 60 Cocculus 2 00 1 20 1 20 Coffee, green berry 1 50 1 50 1 30 Coffee, roasted, for syrup 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 30 Colchicum root, U. S. P. (Assayed) 1 20 1 20 1 20 Colchicum seed, U.S.P. (Assayed) 2 50 2 50 2 50 1 30 Colocynth 1 75 1 75 1 75 Coltsfoot 90 1 00- 90 Columbo, U. S. P 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 10 Comfrey 90 1 Oh 90 Condurango 3 00 3 00 3 00 Coniuin leaves ' 1 20 1 20 1 20 Conium seed, U. S. P 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 Consumption Brake 1 50 Coolwort 1 50 Coriander seed 1 20 1 20 1 20 Corn Silk (green) 1 50 1 50 1 50 Coto bark 4 00 4 00 4 00 Cotton root bark, U. S. P 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 00 Couch-grass, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Cramp bark 90 1 00 90 Crane sbill, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Crawley root 3 00 4 50 Cubeb, U. S. P 3 35 4 00 3 35 2 85 Cucumber tree flowers 1 50 O O 00 Culver’s root, IT. S. P 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 10 Cumin 2 00 Damiana 2 40 2 20 2 40 Dandelion, IT. S. P 1 25 1 25 1 25 1 00 Dandelion compound 1 25 1 25 1 25 One pint represents Dandelion, 8 ozs. ; Pipsissewa, 4 ozs., Uva ursi, 2 ozs. ; Angelica root, 2 ozs. 112 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. E. R. Mfy . Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Dandelion and Senna $i 25 $1 20 One pint represents Dandelion and Senna, each 8 ozs. Deer Tongue i 20 1 20 Dewberry 1 20 1 20 Digitalis, U. S. P. (Assayed) 1 25 1 25 1 20 1 10 Dill 2 00 Dita bark 2 25 2 25 Dittany 1 50 Dogwood, U. S. P 1 00 90 Dwarf Elder 1 00 1 00 1 00 Dyers’ Broom 2 00 Echinacea 2 00 Elder flow r ers 90 1 00 90 Elecampane 90 1 00 90 Elephant’s foot 3 00 3 00 Ephedra antisyphilitica 3 50 3 50 Equisetum hyemale 1 80 Ergot, U. S. P 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 70 Ergot, ethereal 2 00 2 00 2 00 Eschscholtzia 3 00 Eucalyptus, TJ. S. P 1 15 1 35 1 15 1 00 Euphorbia pilulifera 4 00 4 00 European Centaury 2 00 European Elder 1 80 1 80 European Linden 2 00 European Sanicle 2 00 Evening Primrose 1 50 1 50 1 50 Eyebright 1 80 Ealse Bitter-sweet 1 05 1 00 1 05 Ealse Grom well 1 80 Ealse Unicorn root 1 80 1 80 1 80 Eennel seed 1 20 1 50 1 20 Eever-bush bark 1 20 1 20 Eever-bush berries 1 20 Eeverfew 1 00 1 00 1 00 Eever-root 1 50 Eigwort 1 80 1 80 1 80 Fireweed 90 90 90 Five-flowered Gentian 2 50 2 50 2 50 Fleabane 1 20 1 20 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 113 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B Bros. Eli Lilly P . D. E. R. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Florida allspice $ $1 20 11 20 $ Foxglove (see Digatilis) 1 25 1 25 1 25 Fringe-tree bark 1 50 1 50 1 50 Frostwort 1 00 1 00 1 00 Fumitory 1 50 Galangal 1 50 1 50 Galls 1 50 1 50 1 50 Garden Celandine 1 00 1 00 1 00 Garlic 1 20 1 20 1 20 Gelsemium, U. S. P. (Assayed)... 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 00 Gentian, U. S. P 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Gentian, compound 1 15 1 20 1 15 1 00 One pint represents Gentian, 10 ozs. avd. ; Bitter Orange peel, 5 ozs. avd.; Cardamom, ozs. avd. German Chamomile 1 20 1 20 1 20 Ginger, U. S. P 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 10 Ginger (Soluble) for syrup 1 00 1 00 1 00 Golden-rod 90 1 00 90 Golden-seal, U. S. P 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 60 Golden-seal (Non-alcoholic) 1 90 2 00 1 90 Golden-seal, colorless 1 60 1 60 Gold-thread 2 25 2 25 2 25 Grains of Paradise 1 50 Gravel-plant 90 1 00 90 Great Laurel 1 20 1 20 Green Osier bark 1 00 1 05 Grindelia compound 2 00 2 00 2 00 One pint represents Grindelia Robusta, 10 ozs. ; Senna and Rhubarb, each 3 ozs. Grindelia robusta, U. S. P 1 90 1 75 1 90 Grindelia robusta solu., for syrup 1 90 Grindelia squarrosa 2 00 2 00 2 00 Ground Ivy 1 50 Ground Pine 2 00 Guaco leaves 2 40 2 40 Guaiac resin 1 80 2 00 Guaiac wood 90 1 00 90 Guarana, IT. S. P 4 00 4 00 4 00 114 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly p. . D. E. R. Mfg- . Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Hair-cap moss $1 20 $1 20 $1 20 $ Hardhack 90 1 00 90 Heal-all 1 50 Helonias compd 1 50 1 50 Hemlock bark 75 1 00 75 Henbane, U. S. P. (Assayed) 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 10 Hollyhock flowers 1 50 Honey locust leaves 1 40 Hop 1 70 1 70 1 70 1 35 Horehound 90 1 00 90 Horehound compound 1 25 1 25 One pint represents Horehound, Jersey tea, Elecampane, Spike- nard, Comfrey and Cherry bark, each 2J ozs.; Blood root, H oz. Horse-chestnut bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Horse-chestnuts 1 50 1 50 Horse-radish 1 20 1 20 1 20 Horse mint 1 50 Hound’s tongue 1 35 1 35 Hydrangea 1 05 1 00 1 05 Hyssop 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ignatia bean (Assayed) 2 10 2 10 2 10 Indian Black root 1 80 1 80 Indian Physic 1 00 1 00 Indian Pipe 1 50 Indian Turnip 1 20 1 20 1 20 Ipecac, U. S. P. (Assayed) 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 85 Ipecac and Opium 2 75 2 50 2 40 Ipecac and Seneka 4 25 4 00 3 00 Jaborandi, U. S. P 1 75 1 80 1 75 Jalap (Assayed) 1 80 1 80 1 80 Jamaica Dogwood 3 00 2 25 3 00 Jatrophe 2 00 Jersey Tea 1 20 1 20 Jerusalem Oak leaves 1 50 Jewel-weed 1 50 Johnswort 1 00 1 00 1 00 Judas-tree 3 00 3 00 Juniper berries 90 1 00 90 90 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 115 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. EliLilly P. D. E. K. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Kamala $3 00 $3 00 $3 00 $ Kava-kava 2 00 2 00 2 00 Kino 1 60 1 60 1 60 Kola nuts 4 00 5 00 Koosso, U. S. P 2 40 2 40 2 40 Labrador Tea 2 00 2 00 Lactucarium, U. S. P 7 00 7 00 7 00 Ladies’ Bed-straw 1 50 1 50 Ladies’ Slipper, U. S. P 1 15 1 25 1 15 Large-flowering Spurge 1 80 1 80 Larkspur seed 3 50 3 50 3 50 Lavender compound 1 60 1 60 1 60 Eight times the strength of the U. S. P. tincture. Lavender flowers 1 50 Lemon balm 1 20 1 20 1 20 Lemon peel 1 20 1 20 1 20 Lettuce 1 20 1 20 1 20 Levant Wormseed 1 50 1 50 Licorice, U. S. P 90 1 00 90 1 00 Licorice (for quinine mixtures)... 1 20 1 00 1 20 Life Everlasting 90 1 00 90 Life-root 90 1 00 90 Lily of the Valley Flowers 2 00 2 00 2 00 Lion’s foot 1 50 Lippia Mexicana 4 00 3 20 Liverwort 1 50 1 50 1 50 Lobelia herb, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Lobelia compound 1 05 1 00 1 05 One pint represents Lobelia herb, 8 ozs., Skunk Cabbage and Blood root, each 4 ozs. Lobelia seed 2 50 2 50 2 50 Locust bark 1 50 Logwood 75 1 00 75 Lovage 1 20 1 20 1 20 Low Mallow 1 50 Lung Moss 1 50 Lungwort 1 00 1 00 1 00 Lupulin, U. S. P 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 35 116 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P. , D. E. R. Mfg . Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Lupulin compound 11 80 $1 80 $ One pint represents Lupulin, Lettuce and Scullcap, each 5J ozs. Mace 2 50 2 50 2 50 Magnolia bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Maiden-hair 1 50 Male Fern 1 25 1 50 1 25 Manaca 3 50 3 50 3 50 Mandrake, U. S. P. (Assayed) 1 05 1 00 1 05 1 00 Mandrake compound 1 05 1 20 1 05 One pint represents Mandrake, 6 ozs.; Jalap, 6 ozs.; Senna, 4 ozs.; Potassium carbonate, 2 ozs., and Aromatics. Mango fruit 3 00 3 00 Man-root 1 50 Manzanita leaves 2 40 2 40 2 40 Marshmallow herb 1 00 Marshmallow root 1 00 1 00 1 00 Marsh Rosemary 1 00 1 00 1 00 Masterwort 1 20 1 20 Matico leaves, U. S. P 1 80 1 80 1 80 Mayweed 1 50 Mercury weed 3 50 3 50 Mezereum bark, U. S. P 1 50 1 50 1 50 Mistletoe 1 20 1 20 1 20 Motherwort 1 05 1 00 1 05 Mountain Ash 1 50 Mountain Mint 90 1 00 90 Mugwort 90 1 00 90 Mullein leaves 75 1 00 75 Mullein root 1 20 1 20 Musk-root 3 25 2 50 3 25 Myrrh 2 10 2 10 2 10 Navelwort 2 00 Net-leaf Plantain 1 50 Nettle-root 1 20 1 20 Nutmegs 3 00 3 00 3 00 Nux Vomica, U. S. P. (Assayed).. 1 25 1 35 1 25 1 10 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 117 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Opium, aqueous (Assayed) $2 50 $2 50 $2 50 See Tr. Opium Deod. Opium, camphorated (Assayed)... 2 10 2 00 2 10 Eight times the strength of the U. S. P. tincture. Opium, concentrated (Assayed)... 5 50 5 00 For preparing laudanum ex- temporaneously. Four times the strength of the U. S. P. tincture. Orange peel, bitter, U. S. P 1 05 1 00 1 05 Orange peel, sweet 1 05 1 00 1 05 Orange peel, soluble, for syrup... Orange peel, compound 1 20 1 80 1 80 One pint represents Sweet Or- ange peel, 12 ozs.; Coriander, 2 ozs.; Cardamon, § oz. ; Cin- namon, 1 oz.; Anise, J oz. Oris Root 1 25 1 25 1 25 Oris root, Florentine Oswego Tea 1 50 1 50 Ox-eye Daisy 2 00 2 50 Pale Rose 2 00 Pansv 1 20 1 20 1 20 Papaw seed 1 20 1 20 Paraguay tea 1 80 1 80 Pareira Brava, U. S. P 1 50 1 60 1 50 Parsley root 1 20 1 20 1 20 Parsley seed 1 35 1 35 1 35 Peach leaves 1 25 1 25 Pellitory 1 20 1 20 1 20 Pennyroyal 90 1 00 90 Peony 2 00 Peppermint 1 00 1 00 1 00 Persimmon bark 1 20 1 20 Pichi 4 00 4 00 4 00 Pimento 2 00 Pink root, U. S. P 1 50 2 00 1 50 E. R. Squibb. $ 1 10 1 35 118 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts — Continued. B. Bros. EliLilly Mfg. Co. & Co. Pink root, compound.. $1 50 $1 50 One pint represents Pink-root, White Indian Hemp, Man- drake, Bitter-root, each 2f ozs.; Balmony, 6 ozs. Pink-root and Senna 1 00 1 50 One pint represents Pink-root, 10 ozs.; Senna, 6 ozs. ; Potassi- um carbonate, 240 grains; Oil Anise and Oil Caraway, each 160 minims. P., D. E. R. & Co. Squibb. $1 50 $ 1 50 1 35 Pipsissewa, U. S. P .... 1 00 1 00 1 00 Pitcher-plant root i 50 1 50 1 50 Plantain leaves 90 1 00 90 Pleurisy-root .... 1 20 1 20 1 20 Poison Oak .... 1 80 1 80 1 80 Poke berries .... 1 50 1 50 1 50 Poke root .... 1 00 1 00 1 00 Polypody 1 50 Pomegranate bark (of root) .... 1 25 1 25 1 25 Poplar bark 90 Poppy heads .... 1 05 1 00 1 05 Prickly-ash bark, U. S. P .... 1 05 1 00 1 05 Prickly-ash berries .... 2 50 2 00 2 50 Pride of China 2 00 2 00 Privet 1 50 Ptelea ... 1 00 Pulsatilla .... 1 50 1 50 1 50 Pumpkin seed ... 1 80 1 80 1 80 Purslane 2 50 2 50 Quassia, U. S. P .... 1 00 1 00 1 00 Quebracho ... 2 50 2 00 2 50 Queen of the Meadow 90 1 00 90 Quinine Flower ... 2 25 2 20 2 25 Ragweed 1 20 Raspberry leaves ... 1 00 1 00 1 00 Red cedar 1 50 Red Oak bark 1 20 Red Cohosh 1 25 1 20 Red Poppy flowers 2 50 Red Rose, U. S. P ... 3 60 2 50 1 00 1 00 90 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 119 Fluid Extracts— Continued. - B. Bros. Mfg. Co. Eli Lilly & Co. P., D. & Co. E. R. Squibb. Rhatanv, TJ. S. P , $1 10 $1 20 $1 10 $ 90 Rhubarb, U. S. P. (Assayed) 2 25 2 25 2 25 1 90 Rhubarb, aromatic , 2 00 2 00 2 00 Twice the strength of the U. S. P. Tincture. Rhubarb and Potassium comp’nd. , 1 80 1 80 1 80 One pint represents Rhubarb, 8 ozs. ; Golden-seal, 4 ozs ; Cassia, 4 ozs. ; Oil Pepper- mint, 30 minims. (Potassium carbonate to be added when dispensed, or when preparing Neutralizing Cordial). Rhubarb and Senna One pint represents Rhubarb, 4 ozs. ; Senna, 12 ozs.; Potas- sium carbonate, 240 grs. ; Aro- matics. Rhubarb, sweet One pint represents Rhubarb, 5 ozs. avd. ; Licorice root and Anise, each 2\ ozs. avd. ; Cardamom, f ozs. avd. 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 One pint represents Sarsapa- rilla, 12 ozs.; Licorice root, 2 ozs.; Sassafras bark, If ozs.; Mezereum, J oz. Sarsaparilla compound (for syrup) Four times the strength of the IT. S. P. syrup. Sarsaparilla and Dandelion One Pint represents Sarsapa- rilla andDandelion,each 8 ozs. 50 1 40 1 50 50 1 50 1 50 Rhus Aromatica 3 00 2 50 3 00 Rosinweed 1 80 1 80 1 80 Rue 1 00 1 00 1 00 Sage : 90 1 00 90 Sampson Snakeroot 2 40 1 50 Sandal-wood 3 00 3 00 3 00 Sarsaparilla, U. S. P 1 50 1 40 1 50 1 60 Sarsaparilla compound, U. S. P... 1 50 1 40 1 50 1 60 120 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts — Continued . Sassafras bark Sassy bark Savin, U. S. P Saw Palmetto Seed. Saxifrage Scullcap, TJ. S. P Scullcap compound, B. Bros. Eli Lilly P. „ D. E. K. Mfg. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. 1 90 $1 00 1 90 $ 3 00 2 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 1 10 1 20 1 10 90 1 25 1 25 1 25 One pint represents Scullcap, 8 ozs. ; Ladies’ Slipper, 4 ozs. ; Hop and Lettuce, each 2 ozs. Scurvy grass Senecio Seneka, U. S. P... Senna, U. S. P Senna compound, 1 50 1 50 1 20 2 40 2 50 2 40 1 85 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 One pint represents Senna, 8 ozs.; Jalap, 4 ozs.; Fennel and Coriander, each 2 ozs. Senna and Jalap 1 50 1 50 1 50 One pint represents Senna, 10 ozs. ; Jalap, 6 ozs. ; Potassium carbonate, 160 grs. ; Aro- matics. Serpentaria, U. S. P 1 75 2 20 1 75 Shell-bark Hickory 1 20 1 05 Sheep Laurel 1 20 1 20 1 20 Sheep Sorrel 1 20 1 20 Shepherd’s Purse 1 20 1 20 1 20 Silkweed 1 20 1 20 1 20 Simaruba bark 1 80 1 80 1 80 Skunk Cabbage 1 00 1 00 1 00 Sneeze-weed 1 20 Soap-tree bark 1 20 1 20 1 20 Soapwort 1 00 1 00 1 00 Solomon’s Seal 90 1 00 90 Sourwood leaves 2 50 1 50 2 50 Southernwood 1 20 1 20 1 20 Spearmint 90 1 00 90 Speedwell 1 50 1 60 o © & THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 121 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B, Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. E. it. Mfgr. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. Spice-wood berries compound $1 80 $1 80 One pint represents Spice-wood berries, J oz. ; Mugwort, 13 ozs. ; Bitter orange peel and Licorice root, each 1 oz. Spikenard 90 1 00 90 . ... Squaw-vine 1 20 1 20 1 20 Squaw-vine compound 1 50 1 50 1 50 One pint represents squaw- vine, 8 ozs.; False Unicorn, Cramp Bark and Blue Co- hosh, each 2| ozs. Squill, U. S. P 1 00 1 00 1 00 90 Squill compound 2 00 2 00 2 00 One pint represents Squill and Senega, each 8 ozs. Star-anise 1 60 Stavesacre seed 2 50 2 50 2 50 Stillingia, U. S. P 1 20 1 40 1 50 90 Stillingia compound 1 50 1 40 1 50 Four times the strength of Syrup Stillingia Comp., Am. Disp. Stone-root (Green) 1 05 1 00 1 05 Stramonium leaves (Assayed) 1 05 1 20- 1 05 Stramonium seed, U.S.P.(Assa’d) 1 05 1 20 1 05 90 Strawberry leaves 1 50 Strophanthus (see Tine. Strop’us) 1 50 2 00 1 50 Stvlosanthes 2 00 4 00 Sumach bark 75 1 00 75 Sumach berries, U. S. P 75 1 00 75 Summer Savory 90 1 00 90 Sundew... 2 50 2 50 2 50 Sunflower seed 1 20 1 20 Swamp Dogw'ood 1 00 Sweet Basil 1 50 Sweet Cicelv 1 25 1 25 Sweet Fern 1 00 1 00 1 00 Sweet Gale 1 20 1 20 1 20 Sweet gum bark 2 00 2 50 Sweet Marjoram 1 50 Tag Alder 75 1 00 75 122 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. Mf'g 1 . Co. & Co. & Co. Tamarac bark • $ $1 20 $1 20 Tansy 75 1 00 75 Tar, soluble, for syrup ,. 1 50 Tea 2 00 1 55 Thyme ,. 1 00 1 00 1 00 Tobacco 1 20 1 20 Tolu .. 2 10 Tolu (Soluble) for syrup .. 1 00 1 00 1 00 Tomato herb 1 50 1 50 Tonka bean .. 5 00 5 00 5 00 Tormentilla 1 20 1 20 Trifolium compound, for sryup. .. 2 50 Trumpet.plant 2 50 2 50 Tulip-tree bark 1 00 75 Turkey-corn .. 1 80 1 80 1 80 Turmeric .. 1 20 1 20 1 20 Twin-leaf root 1 35 1 35 Unicorn root .. 1 80 1 80 1 80 Urtica Dioica .. 1 20 Ustilago Mavdis (Corn Ergot)... .. 1 75 1 75 1 75 Uva ursi, U. S. P .. 1 00 1 00 1 00 Yaccinium Crassifolium 1 25 1 25 Valerian, U. S. P .. 1 10 1 20 1 10 Veratrum Viride, U. S.P. (Ass’d) 1 50 1 50 Vervain ... 1 00 1 00 1 00 Violet 1 50 Virginia Stonecrop 2 40 2 40 Wafer-ash 1 00 1 00 Wahoo ... 1 50 1 50 1 50 Wall Pellitory 2 00 Water Avens 1 00 1 00 Water Eryngo 1 00 1 05 Water-fennel seed ... 1 80 1 80 1 80 Water Germander 1 50 1 50 Water Hemlock 1 50 1 50 Watermelon seed ... 1 80 1 80 1 80 Water-pepper 1 00 75 White Agaric 3 60 White Bryony ... 1 50 1 50 1 50 White Clover 1 50 White Cohosh 1 50 E. R. Squibb. $ 90 90 1 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 123 Fluid Extracts— Continued. B. Bros. Eli Lilly P., D. E. R. Mfg-. Co. & Co. & Co. Squibb. White Hellebore $1 50 $1 20 $1 20 $ White Indian Hemp 1 05 1 00 1 05 White Oak bark 75 1 00 75 White Pine bark 1 00 90 White Pond Lily 1 00 1 00 1 00 White Poplar bark 90 1 00 90 White Vervain 2 50 2 50 White Willow bark 90 1 00 90 Wild Bergamot 2 00 2 00 Wild Carrot seed 1 50 Wild Indigo 90 1 00 90 Wild Yam 90 1 00 90 Willow herb 1 20 1 20 Wintergreen 1 00 90 Winter’s bark 2 00 2 50 Witch-hazel, U. S. P 90 1 00 90 Wood Betony 2 50 2 50 2 50 Wormseed, Levant 1 50 Wormwood 90 1 00 90 Xanthium Spinosum 1 50 1 50 Yarrow 75 1 00 75 Yellow Dock, U. S. P 1 10 1 20 1 10 90 Yellow Dock compound.. 1 50 1 50 One pint represents Yellow Dock, 8 ozs. ; False Bitter- sweet, 4 ozs.; American Ivy and Figwort, each 2 ozs. Yellow Parilla 1 20 1 20 1 20 Yellow Pond Lily 1 00 90 Yerba buena 2 50 2 50 Yerba reuma 2 50 2 50 2 50 Yerba santa 2 50 1 75 2 50 “ for syrup 2 50 1 75 Zedoary root 1 50 124 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. John Wyeth & Bro., Philadelphia. Discount, 15 per cent. Elixirs— 5 Lb. Bottles. Pints. Each. Per Doz. Bismuth $4 00 $11 00 “ and Strychnia 4 00 11 00 Black Cohosh compound 3 00 8 00 Bromide Ammonium 3 50 10 00 “ Calcium 3 50 10 00 “ Lithium 6 50 18 00 “ Morphia 3 50 10 00 “ Potassium 3 50 10 00 “ Sodium 3 50 10 00 Buchu and Pareira Brava 3 50 10 00 Buckthorn bark *, 3 50 10 00 Cinchona (Calisaya) 3 00 8 00 “ Ferrated (Red Bark) 3 50 10 00 Calisaya Bark and Bismuth 3 50 10 00 “ “ “ Iron 3 50 10 00 “ “ Iron and Bismuth 3 50 10 00 “ “ “ Pepsin 6 50 18 00 “ “ “ Strychnia 3 50 10 00 “ “ “ Pepsin and Bismuth 7 00 20 00 “ “ Iron, Pepsin, Bismuth, Strychnia 7 00 20 00 “ 11 Iron, Bismuth and Strychnia 4 00 11 00 Cathartic (or Compound Laxative) 3 50 9 00 Cinchonidia 2 80 7 50 “ and Iron 3 00 8 00 “ Iron and Strychnia 3 00 8 00 Citrate Lithia 7 00 20 00 Corydalis compound 3 00 8 00 Cordial, Ferrated # 3 00 8 00 Coca Leaves 3 50 10 00 Eucalyptus compound 3 25 9 00 “ Globulus 3 00 8 00 Gentian, with Tinct. Chloride of Iron 3 00 8 00 “ Ferrated 3 00 8 00 Guarana (Paullinia Sorbilis) 5 50 15 00 “ and Celery 4 50 12 00 Helonias compound 3 50 10 00 Hops 3 00 8 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 125 Elixirs— Continued. 5 Lb. Bottles. Pints. Each. Per Doz. Licorice compound $3 00 $ 8 00 Matico “ 3 50 10 00 Pepsin 4 50 12 00 Pepsin and Bismuth 6 50 18 00 “ Bismuth and Iron 7 00 20 00 “ “ “ Calisaya Bark 7 00 20 00 “ “ “ Strychnia 7 00 20 00 “ “ Strychnia and Iron 7 00 20 00 “ Iron and “ 6 50 18 00 “ Pancreatin and Bismuth 7 00 20 00 Phosphates and Calisaya (Chemical Food, with Cinchona) 3 00 8 00 Phosphorus compound 3 50 10 00 “ free 3 50 10 00 Pyrophosphate Iron 3 50 10 00 Rhubarb and Magnesia 3 50 10 00 Taraxacum compound 3 00 8 00 Valerianate of Ammonia 4 00 11 00 “ “ “ and Strychnia 4 00 11 00 “ “ Iron 3 00 8 00 “ “ Morphia 3 00 8 00 Wahoo, (Bark of Root) 3 50 10 00 “ and Blue Flag 3 25 9 00 Preparations of Beef- Beef and Wine 3 00 8 00 “ Wine and Iron 3 00 8 00 “ “ Iron and Cinchona 3 50 10 00 Syrups— Chloral Hydrate , 3 50 . 10 00 Hypophosphites Compound, Churchill’s 3 50 10 00 “ “ with Iron.... 3 50 10 00 Hypophosphite Iron 3 00 8 00 Iodide of Lime 4 50 12 00 Lactophosphate Lime 5 50 15 00 “ Iron 5 50 15 00 “ “ and Lime 5 50 15 00 “ Lime and Pepsin 7 00 20 00 Lactophosphates Comp. (Lime, Iron and Potash) 7 00 20 00 Phosphate Compound (Chemical Food) 3 50 10 00 of Manganese compound 6 50 17 50 Superphosphate of Iron 3 00 8 00 126 THE CHAS. BATJMBACH CO. Liquors— • 5 Lb. Bottles. Pints. Each. Per Doz. Acid Phosphoric $3 25 $9 00 “ “ compound 2 35 6 50 Bismuth 4 00 11 00 Pepsin 3 50 10 00 Wines— Wine of Pepsin (made from the stomach of pig) 4 50 12 00 Bitter Wine of Iron 3 50 10 00 Wine of Wild Cherry Bark 3 25 9 00 Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry Bark 3 50 10 00 Wine of Ergot 4 50 12 00 “ Calisaya 3 00 8 00 “ Iron 3 00 8 00 “ Lactophosphate of Lime 5 50 15 00 Preparations of Cod Liver Oil — Discount 10 per cent. Cod Liver Oil, Marvin’s 7 00 “ “ “ with Phosphate of Lime 8 00 “ “ “ and Hypophosphites (Lime and Soda) 8 00 Preparations Containing Quinine — Elixir Phosphate Iron and Quinine 4 00 11 00 “ “ “ Quinine and Strychnia... 4 00 11 00 “ Pyrophosphate Iron, Quinine & Strychnia 4 00 11 00 “ “ “ “ and Arsenic 4 00 11 00 “ Quinine and Strychnia 4 00 11 00 “ Valerianate of Ammonia and Quinine 4 00 11 00 SyrupHypophosphitescompound(with Quinine) 4 00 11 00 “ Lactophosphites of Iron, Quin, and Strych 4 00 11 00 “ Phosphate Iron, Quinine and Strychnia... 4 00 11 00 Wyetli’s Dialysed Iron — Discount 10 per cent. A pure Neutral Solution of Peroxide of Iron in the Colloid Form. The result of En- dosmosis and Diffusion with distilled water. Per doz. bottles, in boxes with dropper, (regular size) 8 00 Per doz. in 1 lb. bottles, (for Hospitals and Dis- pensing) 12 00 John Wyeth & Bro.’s, Miscellaneous— Discount 10 per cent. Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu and Pareira Brava per 5-pint bot. 7 00 Compound Fluid Extract of Buchu and Pareira Brava per doz. pts. 20 00 Solution of Carbolic Acid (each fluid ounce con- tains 40 grains Carbolic Acid) per doz. pts. 6 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 127 John Wyeth & Bro.’s, Miscellaneous— Continued. Papoma per gross $36 00 Saccharated Pepsin per oz. 20 “ “ per lb. 2 50 Liquid Rennet, 4-oz. bottles per gross 20 00 Warburg’s Tincture (Anti-malarial tonic) per lb. 2 50 Crystalized Liniment, without Morphia per doz. 2 00 “ “ with “ “ 3 00 Boracic Acid, c. p. in impalpable powder per lb. bot. 1 00 Pure Menthol Pencils per doz. 2 00 Spencer’s Chloramine Pastilles “ 2 00 Wyeth’s Liquid Extract of Malt “ 3 00 John Wyeth & Bro.’s Compressed Tablets— Discount 1 0 per cent. Bi-Carbonate Potash, 5 gr per gross 20 00 “ “ 5 gr per doz. 1 75 BLCarbonate Soda, 5 gr per gross 20 00 “ “ 5 gr per doz. 1 75 Borax, 5 gr per gross 20 00 “ 5 gr per doz. 1 75 Chlorate Potash and Borax per gross 20 00 “ “ “ per doz. 1 75 Chlor. Potash and Mur. Amm per gross 20 00 “ “ “ “ per doz. 1 75 Chlorate Potash, in paper boxes, 5 gr per gross 16 00 “ “ “ “ 5 gr per doz. 1 40 “ in glass stoppered bottles per gross 20 00 “ “ “ “ “ per doz. 1 75 Fehling’s Test per gross 30 00 “ “ per doz. 2 75 Muriate Ammonia, 3 gr per gross 20 00 “ “ 3 gr per doz. 1 75 Peptonic Pills, 65 in bottle, large per gross 96 00 “ “ “ “ per doz. 8 00 “ “ 30 in bottle, small per gross 48 00 “ “ “ “ per doz. 4 00 Soda Mint, large per gross 40 00 “ “ per doz. 3 50 in screw-top bottles, small per gross 20 00 “ “ “ “ per doz. 1 75 in glass stoppered bottles per gross 24 00 “ “ “ “ per doz. 2 00 In one pound boxes or bottles. Bi-Carb. Soda per lb. 80 128 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Compressed Tablets — Continued. Chlorate of Potash per lb. $ 60 “ “ and Borax “ 1 “ “ and Mur. Ammonia. Muriate of Ammonia, 3 grains Soda Mint Cocaine Hydrochloride per tube (20 tablets) 30 For Hay Fever, Bose Cold, Asthma, etc. Cocaine Hydrochloride — For making Extemporaneous Solutions. One tablet if added to 30 drops of water makes a 4 per cent, solution; if added to 60 drops of water makes a 2 per cent, solution; if added to 120 drops of water makes a 1 per cent, solution. Price per tube (each containing 20 tablets) 1 00 Corrosive Sublimate Antiseptic Tablets — (Suggested by Chas. Meigs Wilson, M. D.) (7.7 grs. Hydrarg. Chlor. Corros., 7.3 grs. Ammonium Chloride.) Each tablet contains the requisite amount of Corrosive Subli- mate to make a 1 to 1000 solution when added to a pint of water. By increasing or diminishing the amount of water, the strength of the solution may be altered at pleasure. Per dozen bottles, each containing 25 tablets 3 00 Per bottle, each containing 100 tablets 65 Alkaline and Antiseptic Tablets— (As suggested by Dr. Carl Seiler.) EACH TABLET CONTAINS ! Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Biborate, Sodium Benzoate, Sodium Salicylate, Sodium Chloride, Eucalyptol, Thymol, Menthol, 01. Gaultheria. Per dozen bottles (50 each) Per bottle of 100 each Compressed Chemically Pure Medicinal Lozenges. Put up in one and five pound bottles. A deduction of 5 cents per pound from the list prices, when ordering in bulk (5 lb bottles). No charge for bottles. Officinal Lozenges of the United States Pharmacopoeia, 1880. Acidi Tannici per lb. 1 00 Tannic Acid, 1 grain. Ammonii Chloridi “ 60 Ammon. Mur., 2 grains. Catechu “ 75 Catechu, 1 grain. 4 00 ao o 8 3 8 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 129 Lozenges— Continued. Cretae . per lb. $ 60 Prepared Chalk, 4 grains. Cubebae “ 1 50 Oleo-resin Cubeb, 1-2 grain. Ferri v “ 60 Ferric Hydrate, 5 grains. Glycyrrhizae et Opii “ 1 00 Ext. Liquorice, 2 grains, Ext. Opium, 1-20 grain. Ipecacuanhae “ 75 iDecac, 1-4 grain. Krameriae “ 1 00 Ext. Rhatany, 1 grain. Magnesiae “ 75 Magnesia, 3 grains. Menthae Piperitae “ 50 Oil Peppermint, 1-6 min. Morphinae et Ipecacuanhae “ 80 Morph. Sulpb., 1-40 grain, Ipecac, 1-12 grain. Potassii Chloratis “ 50 Potass. Chlorate, 5 grains. Sodii Bicarbonatis ..; “ 50 Sodium Bicarbonate, 3 grains. Sodii Santoninatis “ 1 25 Sodium Santoninate, 1 grain. Santonin (U. S. P. 1870) “ 80 Santonin, 1-2 grain. Zingiberis “ 50 Tinct. Ginger, 2 min. Officinal Lozenges of the British Pharmacopoeia. Acidi Tannici per lb. 70 Tannic Acid, ^ grain. Bismutki “ 1 00 Bismuth Sub-Nit, 2 grains, Magnesia Carb, 3% grains, Precip. Chaik, 3% grains. Catechu “ 60 Catechu, 1 grain. Ferri Redacti 11 60 Reduced Iron, 1 grain. Ipecacuanhae “ 60 Ipecac, x /i grain. Morphinae “ 80 Morph. Mur., 1-36 grain. Morphinae et Ipecacuanhae “ 80 Morph. Mur., 1-36 grain, Ipecac, 1-12 grain 130 THE CIIAS. BAUMBACH CO. Lozenges — Continued. Sodii Bicarbonatis per lb. $ Sodium Bicarbonate, 5 grains. 50 Lozenges of the London Hospital for Diseases of the Throat. Formulae suggested by Dr. Morell Mackenzie. Made with Black and Red Currant Paste. Acidi Benzoici per lb. 80 Benzoic Acid, grain. Acidi Carbolici “ 80 Carbolic Acid, 1 grain. Acidi Tannici “ 90 Tannic Acid, V/^ grains. Aconiti “ 70 Tinct. Aconite, B. P., min. Ammonii Chloridi “ - 70 Ammon. Mur., 2 grains. Boracis . “ 70 Borax, 3 grains. Catechu “ 70 Pale Catechu, 2 grains. Cubebse “ 90 Cubeb, grain. Guaiaci “ 75 Guaiac Resin, 2 grains. Hiematoxyli “ 75 Ext. Logwood, 2 grains. Kino “ 70 Kino, 2 grains. Krameria “ 1 20 Ext. Rhatany, 3 grains. Lactucse “ 85 Ext. Lettuce, 1 grain. Potassse Chloratis “ 70 Potass. Chlorate, 3 grains Potassse Citratis “ 85 Potass. Citrate, 3 grains. Potassse Tartas Acidse “ 80 Potass. Bitartrate, 3 grains. Pyrethri “ 75 Pellitory Root, 1 grain. Sedativi “ 80 Ext. Opium, 1-10 grain. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 131 IiOzenges— Continued. Unofficinal Lozenges. Acid Benzoic per lb. $ 60 Acid Benzoic, 1-2 grain. Acid Carbolic “ 75 Acid Carbolic, 1 grain. Acid Salicylic “ 75 Acid Salicylic, 3 grains. Aconite “ 60 Aconite Hoot, 1-16 grain. Alum “ 50 Alum, 2 grains. Alum and Catechu “ 60 Alum, 1 X grain, Catechu, 2 grains Alum and Kino , “ 60 Alum, 1 grain, Kino, 1 grain. Ammon. Chloride and Licorice “ 65 Ammon. Mur., 2 grains, Ext. Liquorice, 8 grains. Ammon. Chloride and Cubebs “ 75 Ammon. Mur., 2 grains, Cubebs, 1 grain. Bismuth and Charcoal “ 90 Bismuth Sub-Nit., 2 grains. Charcoal, 5 grains. Borax “ 60 Borax, 3 grains. Bronchial “ 1 00 Oleo-res. Cubeb, 1-5 grain, Tolu, 1-5 grain, 01. Sassafras, 1-10 grain, Ext. Liquorice, 7 grains. Brown Mixture “ 60 Ext. Liquorice, 3 grains, Opium, 1-20 grain, Acid Benzoic, 1-20 grain. Camphor, 1-20 grain, Tartar Emetic, 1-10 grain, 01. Anise, 1-20 grain. Brown Mixt. and Mur. Ammon “ 60 85 min. Mist. Glyc. Comp., U. S. P., and 3 grs. Ammon. Mur .at. Caffeine Citras “ 1 50 Caffeine Citrate, 1 grain, Capsicum “ 60 Capsicum, 1-5 grain. Charcoal 10 grains “ 70 Charcoal 20 grains “ 60 Coryza “ 1 00 Oleo-res. Cubeb, 1-5 grain, Tolu, 1-5 grain, 01. Sassafras, 1-10 gr., Ext. Liquorice, 7 grains. Eucalyptus “ 90 Eucalyptus, 3 grains Ginger, strong “ 70 Tinct. Ginger, 15 min. 132 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Lozenges— Continued. Ginger and Soda Bicarb per lb. $ 60 Tinct. Ginger, 10 rain., Soda Bicard, 2 grains. Guaiac “ 60 Res. Guaiac, 2 grains. Guaiac and Potass. Iodide “ 75 Res. Guaiac, 2 grains. Potass. Iodide, 1 grain Hsematoxyli “ 60 Ext. Logwood, 2 grains. Ipecac and Opium “ 75 Dover Powder, 1 grain. Ipecac and Squill “ 65 Ipecac, 1-4 grain, Squill, 1.2 grain. Iron and Chocolate “ 70 Reduced Iron, 1 grain. Jackson’s Ammonia “ 1 25 Ammon. Mur., 1 grain. Morph. Mur., 1-14 grain, H.yos- cyamus, 1-2 grain, Ulmus, 3 grains, Ext. Liquorice, 3 grains, Tolu, 1-5 grain. Jackson’s Pectoral “ 1 25 Ipecac, 1-15 grain, Kermes Mineral, 1-15 grain. Morph Mur., 1-20 grain, Tolu, 1-5 grain, Ol. Gaultheria, 1-20 min., Ext. Liquorice, 2 grains. Kermes Mineral “ 75 Kermes Mineral, 1-2 grain. Kino “ 50 Kino, 2 grains. Lactucse “ 65 Ext. Lettuce, 1 grain. Liquorice, 5 grains “ 1 00 Made of Mellor & Rittenhouse’s Pure Extract of Li- quorice. Liquorice, 10 grains “ 85 Made of Mellor & Rittenhouse’s Pure Extract of Li- quorice. Liquorice and Aniseseed “ 75 Morph., Sulph., 1-80 grain, Tartar Emetic, 1-80 grain. Oil Star Anise, 1-10 min., Ext. Liquorice, 5 grains. Licorice Powder, Compound (U. S. P.) “ 55 Pulv. Glycyr. Co., U. S. P. Lime Juice “ 60 Lime Juice and Ginger “ 60 Pastiles de Paris (See Coryza) “ 1 00 Oleo-res. Cubeb., 1-5 grain, Tolu, 1-5 grain, Oil Sassa- fras, 1-10 minim., Ext. Liquorice, 7 grains. Peppermint (Mitcham Oil) “ 75 Oil Peppermint, Mitch., 1-3 min. Pepsin “ 1 25 Pepsin Sacch., 5 grains. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 133 Lozenges— Continued. Pepsin, Bismuth and Ginger per lb. $1 25 Pepsin Saccb., 2 grains, Bis. Sub-Nit., 3 grains, Ginger. 1 grain. Pepsin, Bismuth and Charcoal “ 1 25 Pepsin Sacch., 5 grains, Bis. Sub-Nit ,3 grains, Charcoal, 5 grs. Pepsin and Charcoal, with Magnesia and Ginger.. “ 80 Pepsin Sacch., 2 grains. Charcoal, 3 grains, Magnesia 2 grains. Ginger, 1 grain. Pepsin and Calcii Lactophos “ 1 00 Pepsin Sacch., 3 grains, Calcii Lactophos , 2 grains. Pepsin and Ferri “ 100 Pepsin Sacch., 3 grains, Ferri Pyrophos, 2 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Lemon “ 65 Potass. Chlor., 2 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Lemon “ 55 Potass. Chlor., 3 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Vanilla “ 65 Potass. Chlor., 2 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Vanilla “ 55 Potass. Chlor., 3 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Vanilla “ 50 Potass. Chlor., 5 grains. Potass. Chlorate, with Wintergreen “ 50 Potass. Chorls., 4 grains. Potass. Chlor. and Ammon. Mur “ 60 Potass. Chlor., 2V Z grains, Ammon. Mur., 2% grains. Potass. Chlor. and Cubebs “ 1 00 Cubebs. Chlor. Potash. Ext. Licorice. Oil Sassafras. Potass. Chlorate and Guaiac “ 65 Potass. Chlor., 1 grain, Res. Guaiac, 2 grains. Ipecac, 1-8 grain. Potass. Chloride “ 65 Potass. Chloride, 5 grains. Potass. Citras “ 75 Potass. Citrate, 3 grains. Potass. Tartras Acida “ 75 Potass. Bitartrate, 3 grains. Pyrethri..... “ 65 Pellitory Root, 1 grain. Quinise Tannat. and Chocolate, 1 grain “ 2 25 Quin. Tannat., 1 grain, Chocolate, 9 grains. Quinise Tannat. and Chocolate, 2\ grains * “ 4 00 Quin. Tannat., 2 l / z grains, Chocolate, 1% grains. Rose Leaf and Alum “ 1 00 Red Rose Leaf, 1 grain, Alum. 1 grain. Rhatany Comp “ 85 Ext. Rhatany, 1 grain, Cubeb, 1-4 grain, Potass. Chlor., 2 grains. 134 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Lozenges-- Continued. Rhubarb Aromatic per bl. $ 75 Rhubarb, 2 grains, Pulv. Aromatic, 1 gram Rhubarb and Magnesia “ 75 Rhubarb, 2 grains, Magnesia, 2 grains. Rhubarb and Ginger “ 75 Rhubarb, 2 grains, Ginger, 1 grain. Rhubarb, Ginger and Soda -.. “ 75 Rhubarb, 2 grains, Ginger, 1 grain, Soda Bicarb , 2grains. Santonin and Chocolate “ 1 20 Santonin, 1 grain. Santonin and Calomel “ 1 00 Santonin, 1-2 grain. Calomel, 1-2 grain. Santonin and Podophyllin “ 1 00 Santonin. 1-2 grain, Res. Podoph., 1-20 grain. Spitta’s. (See Coryza) “ 1 00 Oleo-res. Cubeb, 1-5 grain, Tolu, 1-5 grain, Oil Sassa- fras, 1-10 grain, Ext. Licorice, 7 grains. Squill Comp “ 75 Squill VA grains, Senega, VA grains, Tartar Emetic, 1-25 grain. Tar “ Wild Cherry “ 1 Morph. Sulph., 1-50 grain, Ipecac, 1-50 grain, Kermes Mineral, 1-4 grain, 01. Amygd. Amara., 1-100 min., FI. Ext. Wild Cherry, 1-10 min., Tinct. Verat. Virid., 3-10 min. Wistar’s “ 90 Opium, 1-10 grain, Ext. Licorice, 2 grains, Oil Anise, 1-30 min. Granular -Effervescing' Salts — Discounts— Keasbey & Mattison, 10 per cent.; Bishop, 10 per cent.: Wm. R. W., 20 per cent. K. & M. Bishop. W. R. W. Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Acid, Salicylic $ 6 00 $ 8 00 $ 6 00 Ammon. Bromide 5 00 Antipyrine Apollinaris Salt Bismuth Ammon. Citrate 18 00 7 50 4 00 “ Citrate 6 50 Bromide Caffeine Bromo Caffeine 10 00 10 00 * “ medium 6 00 “ “ small 3 00 “ “ and Morphia 12 00 “ “ and Pepsin 12 00 “ “ Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnia 12 00 Bromo Soda 10 00 8 8 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 135 Effervescing Salts— Continued. K. & M. Bishop. Per doz. Per doz. Caffeine Citrate $10 00 $10 00 “ Hydro. Bromate 10 00 “ and Bromide Potassium 6 00 “ “ Sodium 6 00 “ Citrate and Pepsin 10 00 Carlsbad Aperient 3 50 “ Salt 5 00 6 00 Cerium Nitrate 6 50 7 50 “ Oxalate 5 00 7 00 Cocaffeine (Coca-Caffeine) 12 00 Cocaine 10 00 Congress Salt 4 00 Crab Orchard Salt 4 00 ■ Friedrichshaller Salt 5 00 Gingerade Guarana 10 00 Hunyadi Janos Iron Bromide 6 50 “ Carbonate 4 00 “ Citrate 4 00 “ and Arsenic Citrate 5 00 “ and Quinine 8 00 . “ Quinine and Arsenic 9 00 “ Quinine and Strychnia Ortho- phosphate 10 00 “ Iodide 5 00 “ Phosphate 4 00 “ Quinine and Strychnia 10 00 Kissingen Salt 4 00 5 00 Lithium Benzoate 10 00 12 00 “ Bromide 10 00 “ Carbonate 10 00 “ Citrate 10 00 10 00 “ Potass 10 00 “ Citrate, with Potass 10 00 “ “ “ Sodium 10 00 “ “ Soda & Potass. 10 00 “ Salicylate 10 00 with Potass 10 00 “ and Sodium 10 00 “ with Sodium 10 00 Magnesian Aperient 4 00 4 00 w. R. w. Per doz. $10 00 10 00 5 00 6 50 6 50 4 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 10 GO 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 136 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Effervescing Salts— Continued. Magnesium Citrate K. & M. Per doz. . $4 00 Bishop. Per doz. 14 50 W. R. W. Per doz $4 00 “ “ small . 2 25 “ “ English style . 3 25 Sulphate 4 00 Nux Vomica Extract 5 50 Pepsin . 8 00 “ (Saccharated) 7 00 “ and Bismuth . 9 00 7 50 7 50 “ Bismuth and Iron . 10 00 10 00 “ “ and Strychnia . 10 00 8 00 8 00 “ “ and Soda . 10 00 Phosphates Comp. (Chemical Food).. . 4 00 Potassium Benzoate . 6 00 8 50 “ Bicarbonate . 4 00 5 00 4 00 “ Bromide . 5 00 5 50 5 00 “ Citrate . 5 00 6 50 5 00 “ “ with Lithia . 10 00 “ Iodide . 5 00 6 00 5 00 “ Nitrate . 4 00 5 00 4 00 Pullna Salt . 4 00 4 00 Rochelle Salt . 4 00 Seidlitz Mixture . 4 00 5 00 4 00 Seltzer Salt . 4 00 4 50 4 00 Sodium Bicarbonate . 4 00 4 00 “ Bromide . 5 00 5 00 Soda Citrate Tartras 4 00 “ Salicylate . 6 00 “ “ with Potass Bromide. . 6 00 6 00 Vichy Salt . 4 00 5 00 4 00 “ Lithiated . 5 00 Keasbey & Mattison’s Effervescing Salts, Put up in one pound Bottles. Bromo Caffeine Caffeine and Bromide Soda CC 1 50 “ “ Potash “ 1 50 Citrate Caffeine “ 3 00 “ Lithia Cl 3 00 “ Magnesia True Cl 1 25 “ “ English 11 63 Lithiated Potash cc 3 00 Lithium Salilcylate Cl 3 00 Pepsin, Bismuth Strychnia cc 3 00 Vichy Salt ‘ cc 1 25 PRICE LI ST O F GELATINE COATED C A Ps U Pills and Granules, FLUID EXTRACTS, And Other Pharmaceuticals, PREPARED BY ' McKesson & robbins, MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. NEW YORK, January 15, 1890. OFFICES: Nos. 91 and 93 Fulton Street, New York. LABORATORIES & WAREHOUSES : 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82 and 84 Ann Street, and 91, 93, 95 and 97 Fulton Street. Esr. of Daniel C. Robbins, John McKesson, Jr., Wm. Hull Wickham, Wm. L. Vennard, Geo. C. McKesson, Herbert D. Robbins. INDEX. Abstracts, McK. & R 3 Acids, McK & R 3 and 4 Albolene 4 Albolene Ointment 27 Balsams, McK. & R 5 Cerates, McK. & R.__ 5 Chloride of Methyl 6 Cocaine, McK. & R 7 Cod Liver Oils, McK. & R.._7and 8 Collodions, McK. & R 8 Confections, McK. & R 8 Cordials, McK. & R 8 Elixirs, Aromatic, McK. & R., 9 to 11 Ergotin, McK. & R ...12 Essences, McK. & R 12 Lxalgine .30 Extracts, Flav.. McK. &R. 12 and 13 Extracts, Fluid, McK. & R. 141022 Extracts, Fluid, for Syrups and Tinctures, McK. & R. ..22an 60 5 ° 75 75 55 5 ° 60 60 70 2 00 75 75 1 00 1 00 75 1 75 60 40 60 75 75 75 60 70 60 75 l S Z 5 65 60 2 50 90 x 00 75 75 75 75 6 » CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R. M McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations 29 OLEATES. MEDICINAL, McK. & R. Oleate, Aconite, 2 %, Duquesnel’s.. oz. “ “ 2 %, Merck’s oz. “ Arsenic, 2 %.. .. ...oz. “ Airopine, 2 % .. oz. “ Bismuth, Precipitated . ...oz. “ Cocaine, Normal (50# Alkaloid) (J 4 oz. 1.10) oz. “ “ 5 %, in oz. vials oz. “ “ 5 %, in 1 oz. vials oz. We were the first to offer these useful preparations of Cocaine, and we have seen no other Oleate Cocaine equal in quality to the McK. & K. Oleate, Copper, 10# oz. “ ” 5 % oz. “ Precipitated 1 oz. “ Iodoform, 2 %_ oz. “ Iron, Precipitated oz. This Oleate — beins a true salt of iron — makes an excellent substitute fi r the old fashioned strengthening plaster. Oleate, Lead, io#__ oz. “ “ 20# ’ ..oz. “ Manganese, 2 % oz. “ “ IC#._. oz. “ Mercury, 5 %, oz. “ “ 6 % ....oz. “ 10 %, U. S. oz. “ “ 20 % _oz. “ and Morphine (Mercury 20#, Morphine 5#) oz ,l Morphine, 5 % oz. “ “ 10$.. oz. McK. & R. Oleate M jrpliine 10 per cent (one of the most potent of the Oleates) is prepared as described above, and will keep for a long time, whereas an Oleate made with an inferior acid will become black in a few days, its appearance being thus impaired, if not its efficacy. Oleate, Quinine, 5% oz. “ 10# oz. “ “ 25% * oz. McK. & R. Oleate Quinine is very prompt in action ; some of the best authorities stating that it produces the characteristic effects in half an hour. Oleate, Sodium oz. “ Strychnine, 2% oz. “ Tin oz. “ Veratrine, U. ST, 2 %. oz. “ “ 10% oz. 44 Zinc, 5 % oz. “ “ lO% • oz. “ 12^56 - oz. “ 20 % OZ. 44 Powdered, precipitated oz. OLEO-RESINS. Oleo-resin Capsicum oz. “ Cubeb oz. 44 Ergot oz. “ Ginger oz. 44 Lupulin oz. 44 Male Fern. oz. “ Pepper, (black) lb. Opodeldoc, Liquid (gross, 10 50) doz. “ Steer’s (gross, 10 50) doz. Opium, Denarcotized, U. S. oz. Oxgall, Insipissated, McK. & R lb. Purified, U. S., McK. & R oz. 44 “ Powdered “ oz. Oxymel, Squill.. lb. PANCREATIN, McK. & R. In 1 oz. vials oz. In 1 lb. bottles lb. In % lb. bottles lb. In lb. bottles lb. PEPSIN. McK. & R. Quality and Strength Guaranteed. Pepsin, Concentrated, in 1 oz. vials each 44 “ in % lb. bottles lb. “ “ in y 2 lb. bottles lb. “ in 1 lb. bottles lb. Each grain dissolves about 1,000 grains coagulated albumen. Saccha rated Pepsin of any desired strength can be conve- niently made from the McK. & R. Concentrated Pepsin. One part Concentrated to twenty parts Powdered Sugar Milk yield Saccharated of full pharmacopoeial strength (1880). CAUTION I-SPECIFY “McK. A. R.” 2 50 5 ° 2 5 40 25 8 00 * 25 1 00 25 20 25 5 ° 25 20 20 25 75 20 20 25 30 50 4 ° 60 20 25 3 ° 25 25 25 30 75 20 3 ° 25 12 40 40 45 6 00 6 10 6 25 75 10 25 10 10 10 00 30 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. Pepsin (National Formulary), i oz. bottles _oz. “ “ “ Y lb. bottles.. lb. “ “ “ y 2 lb. bottles lb. “ “ “ i lb. bottles lb. One grain will dissolve 500 grains coagulated albumen. .• c — — 1 tt c D jx I Cpblll^ uctLLUctl d LCU , U • O. X • ^ ill 1 V Idio U U4< “ U. S. P., in Y lb. bottles lb. “ “ U. S. P., in lb. bottles lb. “ “ U. S. P., in 1 lb. bottles lb. Saccharated, in lots of 5 lbs., 10# discount. Pepsin, Liquid, in 1 lb. bottles lb. PILL, BLUE, U. S., prepared in strict accordance with the U. S. Pharmacopoeia lb. 50 7 00 6 85 6 75 2 00 2 25 2 10 2 oc 75 50 THE FUTURE ANALGESIC, EXALGINE. There is little doubt that Exalgine, known chemically as methylacetparatoluidine, is destined to become the favorite agent for the control of pain. Its unquestionable power, its gentle, but effective action, its freedom from after-effects such as rash, or cyanosis, which not infrequently follow the administration of other derivatives of the aromatic series, all combine to represent the ideal analgesic, or pain destroyer, more nearly than any other drug. Dr. Dujardin-Beaumetz, who has had a very wide ex- perience with exalgine, says : “I have seen it subdue pains which had resisted all other analgesics, and this with doses which have not exceeded 50 to 60 cgm. (8 to 10 grains) in the 2\ hours.” “It combats polyuria, convulsive symptoms, and, perhaps, epilepsy.” “I have never seen an eruption appear.”' M. Brigonnet, of the Cochin Hospital, Paris, cables us that Exalgine has been extensively used in the treatment of La Grippe with great satisfaction ; he mentions such well-known names as those of Dujardin-Beaumetz, Bardot, Desnos, and Michaux. The secret of its success would appear to be due to the fact that it is not only one of the most potent analgesics, but has antipyretic properties as well. A word of caution : the mildness of the action of exalgine has led to its employment in this country, in some cases, in large doses. “ It is understood,” says Dr. Dujardin-Beaumetz, “ that only moderate dos^s are to be employed, 4 grains two or three times a day.” Desnos has used 20 grains in the 24 hours without bad effects, but such large doses are unnecessary, except, of course, in special cases. Put up in one ounce tins, and in gelatine-coated pills of 2, 3 and 5 grains. The “Cordial Exalginique ” will be found a very agreeable preparation in the treatment of headache ; it contains 2 ]/ z grains to the tablespoonful, and more exalgine can be added if thought advisable. McKesson & robbins, Manufacturing Chemists, NEW YORK. CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & W.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 31 PILLS, GELATINE-COATED, McKesson & bobbins. OVOID IN SHAPE. CONTINUOUS COATING. (process and machinery patented.) It will be readily conceded that the preference of the medical and phar maceutical professions for Gelatine-Coated Pills, which is now so general, has been established by the merits of our manufacture. The re- putation which the McK. & R. Pills have gained has induced (as is usually the case) many imitations, in most of which, unfortunately, the price has been more of an object than the quality. We respectfully urge upon all who would protect themselves against these, the necessity of mentioning our name or initials in ordering pills from other wholesalers. Nearly all the prominent j .bbing houses in the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the Colonies carry the complete line; and the pills maybe procured from them by specifying “ McK. & R. ” when ordering. By observing this precaution, the pharmacist will avoid inconvenience to himself and disappointment in results, to his physician and patrons. We ask attention to the following features of the McK. & R Pills : ist. — They are reliable, being made strictly in accordance with the for mulas given, and of the best materials only. 2d. — They are soluble ; the gelatine, being speedily converted into jelly, the contents of the Pill are left free to act. To test the solubility of THE COATING, PLACE A PILL IN THE MOUTH AND NOTE THE RAPID DISSOLUTION OF THE GELATINE. A SINGLE TRIAL OF A DOSE OF COMPOUND CATHARTIC Pills will attest their solubility and efficacy. 3d. — They are easy to take ; patients, who have found it almost impossi- ble to swallow a plain or sugar-coated pill, are surprised at the readiness with which the McK. & R. Capsuled Pill “ goes down,” on account of the ovoid shape and the nature of the coating. 4th.— Our Pills are ovoid and, unlike others, necessarily soft , when coated. Our process is the only one in which the mass can be coated when soft ; in fact, the pills must be soft in order to be coated by our machinery and the COATING COMPLETELY COVERS THE PILL WITH GELATINE. ACETANILID (Antifebrile) 2 grs. ACETANILID (Antifebrile) 5 grs. ACETATE MORPHINE, Morphine, Acetate. ACID, ARSENIOUS, See Arsenious Acid. ACID, SALICYLIC, See Salicylic Acid. ACID, 1 HYMIC, See Thymol. ACONITINE, Amor., Merck, 1-100, 1-60 gr. ACONITINE,CRYS.,Duques., 1-500, 1-200 gr. AGARICIN, 1-6 gr. ALOES, U. S. ALOES, BARBADOES, B. P. f 5 grs. i Pulv. Aloe Barb., 2 1-2 grs ■< Pulv. Saponis, 1 1-4 grs ( Conf. Rosae, i 1-4 grs. Ol. Cari. ALOES, DILUTE, Hall Dinner Pill, ( Pulv. Aloe Barb., 1 gr, ■< Pulv. Saponis, 1 gr ( Ext. Glycyrrhizae, Theriaca, aa y 1 gr ALOES, SOCOTRINE, B. P., 5 grs. ( Pulv. Aloe Soc. , 2 1-2 grs ' < Pulv. Saponis, Conf. Rosae, aa , 1 1-4 grs f Ol. Myristicae. — ALOES and ASAFETIDA, U. S., ALOES and ASAFETIDA, B. P., 5 grs. { Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1 1-4 grs. ) ■< Asafoetida, 1 1-4 grs. V / Pulv. Saponis, Conf. Rosae, aa , 1 1-4 grs. ( ALOES and IPECAC COMP. (Abernethyi, 100 Pills. 40 60 60 60 1 60 40 40 40 40 40 40 60 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R.” 500 Pills. 1 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 7 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 80 32 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. Pills. 5oo Pills. -2 grs. I -2 gr. f 1 1-2 grs 1-8 gr. 1-20, 1-10 and 1-5 gr. 1-4 gr. 1-2 gr. 1 gr. ALOES and IRON, l Pulv. Aloe Soc., Ext. Conii, aa, 1-2 gr. ) -< Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. >- f Pulv. Zingib. Jam., 1 gr. 1 ALOES and IRON, B. P., 5 grs. fPulv. Aloe Barb., i gr. I J Pulv.Cinnam. Co. , i 1-2 grs. ! '1 Ferri Sulph., 3-4 gr- ( (Conf. Rosae, 1 3-4 grs.J ALOES and MASTIC, Dinner, Lady Webster.! ALOES and MYRRH, U. S. ALOES and MYRRH, B. P., 3 grs.j fPulv. Aloe Soc., 1 gr. { Myrrha, 1-2 gr. Crocus, 1-4 gr. Conf. Rosae, 1 1-4 grs. ALOES and MYRRH, B. P., f Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1 2-3 grs. Myrrha, ' 5-6 gr. Crocus, 5-12 gr. Conf. Rosae, 2 1-12 grs. ALOES and NUX VOMICA, j Pulv. Aloe Soc., I Ext. Nucis Vom., ALOES, NUX VOMICA and BELLADONNA. ( Pulv. Aloe Soc., Ext. Belladonnae, / Ext. Nucis Vom., ALOIN, ALOIN, ALOIN, ALOIN, ALOIN COMPOUND, j Aloin, Res. Podophylli, an, 1-8 gr. i I Ext. Belladonnae, 1-4 gr- < ALOIN and ERGOTIN, Ergotin and Aloin. ALOIN, HYOSCYAMUS. NUX VOMICA and IPECAC, “Pil. Salutis,” Dr. Thomas. J Aloin, Ext. Hyoscyami, aa. Ext. Nucis Vom., Pulv. Ipecac., ALOIN and IRON COMPOUND, No. 1. l Aloin, Ext. Nucis Vom., ) < Ferri Sulph., Pulv. Saponis. 1 Pulv. Myrrhae, aa, 1-2 gr. } ALOIN and IRON COMPOUND, No. 2. I Aloin, Ext. Nucis Vom., ) •< Ferri Sulph., Pulv. Saponis > I Pulv. Myrrhae, aa, 1-8 gr. ) ALOIN and IRON COMPOUND, No. 3. ( Aloin, Ext. Nucis Vom., •< Ferri Sulph . } Pulv. Myrrhae, I Pulv. Saponis, Pulv. Ipecac, aa, 1-8 gr ALOIN and IRON COMPOUND, No. 4. (Aloin, Ext. Nucis Vom., ) •< Ferri Sulph,, Pulv. Myrrhae, / / Pulv. Saponis, Ext. Bellad., aa, 1-8 gr. ) ALOIN and STRYCHNINE. J Aloin, .1-5 gr- i 1 StiTchnina. 1-60 gr. f ALOIN, STRYCH. & BELLADONNA, No. 1. ( Aloin, 1-5 gr -< Strychnina, 1-60 gr ( Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 gr ALOIN, STRYCH. & BELLADONNA, No. 2. ( Aloin, x-io gr. < Strychnina, 1-50 gr f Ext. Belladonnae 1-6 gr, ALOIN, STRYCH. & BELLADONNA, No. 3. i Aloin, 1-5 gr, •< Strychnine. 1-120 gr f Ext. Belladon., 1-8 gr 40 1-2 gr. i-4 gr- > 1-6 gr. \ E:f No, ;! No si 1 80 40 I 1 80 45 45 45 40 50 60 1 00 60 80 60 60 2 05 2 05 2 05 5 S r9 - 50 2 80 50 | 2 30 50 2 30 1 80 2 30 2 80 4 80 2 80 3 80 80 | 3 80 60 I 2 80 2 80 2 80 60 2 80 60 j 2 80 60 | 2 80 60 | 2 80 CAUTION ! -SPECIFY “MeK. A R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 33 ALOIN, STRYCH. &. BELLADONNA COMP. f Aloin, r-5 gr. ‘ J Strychnina, 1-60 gr. 1 Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 gr. (.Ext. Rhamni Purshianae, 1-2 gr. ALOIN, STRYCH., BELLAD. and IPECAC. j Aloin, 1-4 gr. Strychnina, 1-60 gr. { ) Ext. Bellad., 1-8 gr. Pulv. Ipecac., 1-16 gr. ( ALTERATIVE. j Pulv. Opii, Pulv. Ipecac., 1-8 gr. I I Massa Hydrarg., 1 gr. j AMMONIUM, MURIATE, COMPOUND. ( Ammonii Murias, 1 gr. Pulv. Opii , Acid. Benzoic., aa, 1-32 gr. Ext. Glycyrrhizae, 1 3-4 grs. - Pulv. Acaciae, 1-8 gr. Camphora, 1-50 gr. Ol. Anisi, 1-32 m. _ Antim. et Pot. Tart., 1-60 gr. This is the Brown Mixture of the U. S. P., with the addition of 1 gr. Ammonii Murias. AMMONIUM, VALERIANATE, 1 gr. ANDERSON, Scot FORMULA. { Aloe Soc., Pulv. Saponis, ) Pulv. Colocynth., Pulv. Cambogiae'V Ol. Anisi. j ANTHELMINTIC, Santonin and Calomel. ANTI-BILIOUS. j Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 1-2 grs. | | Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. j ANTI-CHILL. { Chinoidinum, 1 gr.] Ferri Ferrocy., 1 gr. I Ol. Piper Nig., 1 gr. f Acid. Arseniosum, 1-20 gr.J ANTI-CHILL, Half Strength. J Chinoidin, Ferri Ferrocy., aa, 1-2 gr. ) Ol. Piper. Nig., 1-2 gr. V Acid. Arseniosum, 1-40 gr. ) ANTI-CHOLERA, 2 grs 1 Pulv. Capsici, Asafcetida, 1 ■l Pulv. Piper. Nig., Camphora, aa, 1-3 gr. v ( Pulv. Opii , 1-12 gr. ) ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Brundage), ' Res. Podophylli, 1-10 gr. ] Ext. Belladonnae, 1-10 gr. Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. V Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-4 gr. Pulv. Capsici, 1-4 gr.J ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Palmer), ( Aloe Soc., Ext. Hyoscyami, Ext. Nucis Vom., Pulv. Ipecac., 1 ANTI-CONSTIPATION (Ringer), j Hyd. Chlor. mite, I Ext. Hyoscyami Aq., ANTI-CRAVE. See Capsicum and Hyos ANTI-DYSPEPSIA (Fothergill), ' Strychnina, Pulv. Ipecac. , Pulv. Piper, nig., I Ext. Gentian., ANTI-DYSPEPTIC. f Strychnina, 1-40 gr. 1 J Ext. Bellad., Pulv. Ipecac., aa, 1-10 gr. I 1 Massa Hydrarg., 2 grs. j l. Pulv . Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. J ANTI-HYSTERIA, (Sequin). (See Gold Chloride and Val. Zinc. Comp.) ANTI-INTERMITTENT, See Quinine List. ‘ gr- 1 gr- r -3 gr- -10 gr,, i-2 gr. 3 grs. 1-20 gr. 2-3 gr- 1 1-2 gr. 1 gr. 100 Pills. 70~ 70 60 1 20 80 40 60 60 50 60 80 80 60 60 80 500 Pills. 3 30 3 30 2 80 5 80 3 80 1 80 2 80 2 80 2 30 2 80 3 80 3 80 2 80 2 80 3 80 CAUTION I-SPECIFY “WcK. & R.*‘ 34 McKesson & Robbins' Pills and Granules, aa y 2-3 gr. 2-3 gr. i gr. 1-2 gr. 1-20 gr. 1-20 gr. 1-32 gr. i-io gtt. ANTI-LITHIC, See Quinine List. ANTI-MALARIAL, See Quinine List. ANTIMONY COMPOUND, U. S., Calomel Co. ANTI-NERVOUS. I Zinci Oxid., Ext. Valer | Ext. Hyoscyami, ANTI-PERIODIC. Cinchonidinae Sulph., Ferri Sulph. Exsic., Res. Podophylli, Res. Gelsemii, Strychninae Sulph., Oleoresina Capsici, APERIENT. ( Ext. Nucis Vom., -< Ext. Hyoscyami, ( Ext. Coloc. Comp., APERIENT, Dr. Barker, APERIENT, MODIFIED. ( Aloin, 1-4 gr. Ext. Bellad., i -8 gr. 1 ■l Irisin, i -8 gr. Ext. N. Vom., i -8 gr. > ( Res. Podoph., i -8 gr. Oleo. Capsici, i -6 gr. ) APERIENT, MODIFIED, Half Strength. APHRODISIAC. ( Ext. Turnerae Aphrodisiacae, 2 grs ■< Phosphorus, 1-100 gr ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-3 gr ARSENIATE OF STRYCHNINE See Strych. ARSENIC, IODIDE, 1-35 gr. ARSENIOUS ACID, 1-60, 1-50, 1-40, 1-30, 1-20 gr. i-3 gr 1-2 gr. 2 grs Laxative, Special. si it 2 grs. 1 1-2 grs. ) 1-2 gr. f 4 grs. 3 grs. I 1 gr. f 3 grs. 2 grs. 1 1 gr. f Aloes and Asaf. Asafoetida, Ext. Nucis Vom., ASAFETIDA, j Asafoetida, > Pulv. Saponis, ASAFETIDA, U. S., j Asafoetida. I Pulv. Saponis, ASAFETIDA COMPOUND, j Asafoetida, j Ferri Sulph. Exsic., ASAFETIDA and ALOES, ASAFETIDA and NUX VOMICA, No. 1. 3 grs. J. ASAFETIDA & NUX VOMICA, No! 2. j Asafoetida, 3 grs. | I Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-12 gr. f ASIATIC. 1 Acid. Arseniosum, 1-12 gr. { 'l Pulv. Piper. Nig., 1 gr. ) ATROPINE, 1-300, 1-200, 1-120 and 1-100 gr. ATROPINE, 1-60 gr. ATROPINE and MORPHINE, No. 1. j Atropina, 1-300 gr. ) { Morphinae Sulph., 1-24 gr. j ATROPINE and MORPHINE, No. 2. j Atropina, 1-60 gr. I j Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. f ATROPINE and MORPHINE, No. 3. j Atropina, 1-100 gr. | 1 Morphinae Sulph., 1-4 gr. j ATROPINE and MORPHINE, No. 4. ) Atropine, 1- 100 gr. | ) Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. ) BELLADONNA EXT., 1-20, 1-8, 1-4, 1-2 gr. BIN-OXIDE MANGANESE. Mangan., Bin-Ox. BISMUTH, SUBNITRATE, 3 grs. 80 1 50 40 40 40 40 40 60 60 50 60 80 75 1 00 1 20 1 00 40 80 100 Pills. 500 Pills. 80 60 80 80 1 00 3 80 2 80 3 80 3 80 4 80 3 80 7 30 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 80 2 90 2 30 2 80 3 80 3 55 4 80 5 80 4 80 1 80 3 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. Sc R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, BISMUTH, SUBNITRATE, 5 grs. BISMUTH and PEPSIN See Peps, and Bis. BI-SULPHATE QUININE, See Quinine List. BLACK HAW EXTRACT, 3 grs. BLAUD FORMULA. See Ferruginous. BLUE MASS, U. S., 1-2, 1 and 3 grs. BLUE MASS, U. S., 5 grs. BLUE MASS, COLOCYNTH, HYOS. & PO- DOPHYLLIN (H. Marion Sims). f Massa Hydrarg., 4 grs. 1 Ext. Colocynth Comp., i 1-2 grs. ! Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-2 gr. j [Res. Podophylli, 1-12 grs. J BLUE MASS COMPOUND. Massa Hydrarg., 1 gr Pulv. Opii 1-2 gr Pulv. Ipecac., 1-4 gr BLUE MASS and IRON, j Massa Hydrarg., 2 grs. I I Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 gr. f BLUE, COLOC. and BELLAD., See Hepatic. BROWN MIXTURE, Ammon. Mur. Co. CAFFEINE, CITRATE, 1 gr. CALCIUM, SALICYLATE, 1 gr. CALCIUM, SULPHIDE (Calx Sulphurata), 1-20, 1-10, 1-4, 1-2, 1, 1 1-2 grs. CALCIUM, SULPHIDE, 2, 2 1-2 and 3 grs. CALCIUM, SULPHIDE, COMPOUND. . J Calx Sulphurata, 1-20 gr. j I Ext. Taraxaci, 1 gr. f CALOMEL, 1-20,1-10,1-4,1-2, 1, 2 and 3 grs. CALOMEL, 5 grs. CALOMEL, COLOC. and HYOSCY., 5 grs. t Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite., i gr. J < Ext. Hyoscyami, i gr. > ( Ext. Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. ) CALOMEL COMPOUND. ( Antim. Sulph., 1-2 gr. 1 ■< Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1-2 gr. V ( Resina Guaiaci, 1 gr. ) CALOMEL COMP., B. P., Plummer, 5 grs. ("Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, i 1-8 grs.' J Antim. Sulph., i 1-8 grs. 1 Pulv. Resinae Guaiaci, 2 1-4 grs. [Ol. Ricini, 1-2 gr. CALOMEL and COMP. EXT. COLOCYNTH. j Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, j Ext. Coloc. Comp., CALOMEL and OPIUM, No. 1. j Hydrarg. Chlor. /lite, 1 Pulv. Opii, CALOMEL and OPIUM, No. 2. j Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1 Pulv. Opii, CALOMEL AND PIPERINE. -{ Hyd. Chlor. Mite, Piperina, aa CALOMEL and PODOPHYLLIN. j Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1-8 gr. | } Res. Podophylli, 1-32 gr. ( CALOMEL & SANTONIN, Santonin &. Calo. CAMPHOR and HYOSCYAMUS. j Camphora, 1 gr. 1 Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. CAMPHOR, HYOS. & VALERIAN. ( Camphora, 1 gr. ■< Ext. Hyoscyami Ale., 1 gr. ( Ext. Valerianae, 1-2 gr. CAMPHOR, MONO-BROMATED, 1 gr. CAMPHOR, MONO-BROMATED, 2 grs 100 Pills. 500 1 gr. l 4 grs. ) 2 grs. ) 1 gr- f i -4 gr- I [-16 gr. ( r-4 gr. y 1 20 60 40 45 80 ! £ 60 [ 2 45 ! 2 2 00 80 50 60 60 40 45 80 45 45 80 65 65 1 00 50 | 2 SO | 2 60 | 2 I 45 45 _35 Pills. i _ 80~ I 80 80 ! 05 ! 80 ! 80 ! 05 80 80 30 80 80 80 05 80 05 05 80 05 30 80 80 05 05 05 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A H. 36 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, 1 gr, CAMPHOR, MONO-BROMATED, 3 CAMPHOR, MONO-BROMATED, 5 CAMPHOR & LUPULIN, Lupulin & Ca CAMPHOR & OPIUM, Opium & Cam| CANNABIN, TANNATE, bots. 25 pills, CANNABIS INDICA EXTRACT, 1- CANNABIS INDICA EXTRACT, 1- CANNABIS INDICA EXTRACT, 1- CANNABIS INDICA EXTRACT, CANNAB. IND. & ERGOTIN, Ergot. & CANNAB. IND. & PHOS., Phos. 6 c Can. CAPSICUM, CAPSICUM 6c CHINOIDIN, See Chine CAPSICUM & HYOSCYAMUS. Anti-Ci J Pulv. Capsici, i 1-2 grs. | I Ext. Hyoscyami, aq.. 2 1-2 grs. f CASCARA SAGRADA EXTRACT, 1 gr CASCARA SAGRADA EXTRACT, 2 grs CASCARA SAGRADA EXTRACT, 3 grs CASCARA SAGRADA AND NUX VOMICA, 2 grs. ( i -5 gr- ' VOMICA and l Ext. Cascarae Sagradae, a Ext. Nucis Vom., ( Ext. Pelladonnae, Ext. Cascarae Sagrad I Ext. Nucis Vomicae, CASCARA SAGRADA, NUX BELLADONNA. 2 grs 1-8 gr, CASCARA SAGRADA and STRYCHNINE, j Ext. Cascarae Sagradae, 2 grs. j j Strychnina, 1-60 gr. f CATHARTIC COMP., U. S., 1870. CATHARTIC COMP., U. S. Formula, 1-2 gr CATHARTIC COMPOUND, IMPROVED f Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., igr. ) I Pulv. Jalapae, Res Leptandrae,a«i-2 gr. | -j Ext. Hyoscyami, Ext. Taraxaci,aa 1-4 gr. J- | Res. Podophylii, 1-4 gr. 1.01. Menthae, Pip., J CATHARTIC VEGETABLE. 'Pulv. Ext., Coloc. Comp. 1 1-2 grs ' Res. Podophylii, 3-8 gr. Res. Leptandrae, 1-8 gr. Pulv. Jalapae, Ext. Hyoscy. aa, 1-4 gr. Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1-2 gr. 1 . 01 . Menthae Pip. CERIUM, OXALATE, 1 gr. CERIUM, OXALATE, 2 grs. CERIUM, OXALATE, 3 grs. CHALYBEATE, TONIC TABLET, (Prof. Austin Flint’s Formula), CHAPMAN DINNER, FORMULA. Dinner, Chapman. CHARCOAL, WILLOW, 3 grs CHELIDONINE, MUR., bots. 25 pills, 1 gr. CHINOIDIN, 1-2 and 1 gr. CHINOIDIN, 3 grs. CHINOIDIN, POWD. PURIF., 1 gr. CHINOIDIN, POWD. PURIF., 2 grs. CHINOIDIN, POWD. PURIF., 3 grs. CHINOIDIN, POWD. PURIF., 5 grs. CHINOIDIN, P. PURIF., & CAPSIC., No. 1. j Pulv. Chinoidini Purif., 2 grs. ( 1 Pulv. Capsici. 1-4 gr. ( CHINOIDIN, P. PURIF., 6 c CAPSIC., No. 2. J Pulv. Chinoidini Purif., 3 grs. ( 1 Pulv. Capsici, 1-2 gr. f 100 Pills . 500 Pills. . 1 25 6 05 . 1 50 7 80 5 00 50 2 30 i 60 2 80 80 8 80 . 1 20 5 80 ; 40 1 80 60 2 80 40 1 80 45 2 05 60 2 80 80 3 80 80 3 80 70 3.30 45 2 05 40 1 80 45 2 05 45 2 05 80 3 80 1 20 5 80 1 60 7 80 50 2 30 45 2 05 15 00 45 2 05 60 2 80 45 2 05 60 2 80 80 3 80 1 20 5 80 60 2 80 80 3 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. CHINOIDIN, P. PURIF., & CAPSIC., No. 3. J Pulv. Cftinoidini Purif. 3 grs. I \ Pulv. Capsid, 1 gr. f CINCHONA BK. ALKALOIDS, Quinine List CIT. IRON & CINCHONIDINE, Quinine List. CIT. IRON and QUININE, Quinine List. CIT. IRON, QUIN, and STRY., Quinine List. COCA EXTRACT, 1 gr. COCA EXTRACT, 2 grs. COCA EXTRACT, 3 grs. COCAINE, CITRATE, 1-16 gr., uncoated pellets for dentists’ use, per doz: bots. cf 10 pellets, 1.75 net. COCAINE, MURIATE, bots. of 25, COCAINE, MURIATE, bots. of 25, COCAINE, MURIATE, COCAINE, MURIATE, CODEINE, CODEINE, CODEINE, CODEINE, CODEINE. 1-20 gr. 1-10 gr. 1-8 gr. 1-4 gr. 1-16 gr. 1-8 gr. 1-5 and 1-4 gr. 1-2 gr. 1 gr. -J 5 grs. COLCHICINE, bots. 25 granules, 1-60 gr. COLE DINNER, See Dinner, Cole. COLOC., BELLAD. and BLUE, See Hepatic. COLOCYNTH COMP. EXTRACT, 3 grs. COLOCYNTH COMP., B. P., 4 grs. f Pulv. Coloc. Pulpae, 4-5 gr. J Pulv. Aloe Barb., 1 3-5 grs. ! Pulv. Scammon. Virg., 1 3-5 grs t Potass. Sulph. Ol. Caryoph. COLOCYNTH COMP., B. f Pulv. Coloc. Pulpae, 1 gr. 1 I Pulv. Aloe Barb., 2 grs. I Pulv. Scammon. Virg. 2 grs. f Potass. Sulph. Ol. Caryoph. J COLOCYNTH COMP. EXT., B. P., 5 grs. f Coloc. Pulpa, 1 1-5 grs. Ext. Aloe Soc., 2 2-5 grs. -{ Res. Scammon., 4-5 gr. j- Pulv. Saponis, 3-5 gr. I Cardamom. Sem., 1-5 gr. J COLOCYNTH COMP. & BLUE MAS* j Pil. Coloc. Comp. B. P. 33 t . ( j Massa Hydrarg., 2 gis. f COLOCYNTH COMP, and PODOPHYLLIN. j Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 1-2 grs. j | Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. f COLOCYNTH and HYOS., B. P., 5 grs, J Pil. Coloc. Comp. B. P., 3 1-3 grs. I I Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 2-3 grs. f COLOCYNTH, HYOSCY. and BLUE MASS. I Extt Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. ) -< Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 gr. V f Massa Hydrarg., 1 gr. j COLOCYNTH, IPECAC and BLUE. ( Massa Hydrarg.. % Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., f Pulv. Ipecac., 2 grs 2 grs. -6 gr s.) s -r 100 Pills. 500 Pills 80 3 80 1 50 i 2 30 75 3 55 1 00 4 80 80 3 80 1 00 4 80 1 20 5 80 1 60 7 80 80 3 80 1 00 4 80 1 40 6 80 2 00 9 80 3 60 17 80 80 80 3 80 70 3 30 80 3 80 80 ! 3 80 80 3 80 80 3 80 8 3 80 80 3 80 80 3 80 CAUTION ! -SPECIFY “WIcK. & R.” 38 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, 100 Pills. 500 Pills. COLOCYNTH, NUX VOM. and BELLADON. ( Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs. ) •< Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-2 gr. > ( Ext. Belladonnae, 1-10 gr. ) 80 3 80 COLOCYNTHIN, bots. 25 granules, 1-8 gr. COMPOUND CATHARTIC, Cathartic Co. 1 60 7 80 COMPOUND COLOCYNTH, Coloc. Comp. COMPOUND CONIUM, See Conium Comp. COMPOUND GALBANUM, Galbanum Co. COMPOUND HELONIAS, Helonias Comp. COMP. HYPOPHOSPHITES, Hypophos. Co. COMPOUND IRON, See Iron, Compound. COMPOUND PHOSPHORUS, Phos. Co. COMPOUND PIPERINE, See Piperine Co. COMPOUND PODOPHYLLIN, Podoph. Co. COMPOUND QUININE, See Quinine List. COMPOUND RHUBARB, Rhubarb Comp. COMPOUND SOAP, See Soap Comp. COMPOUND SQUILL, See Squill Comp. COMPOUND STRYCHNINE, Strychnine Co. CONIUM COMP., B. P., 5 grs. ( Ext. Conii, aq., 4 i-6 grs. ) ■< Pulv. Ipecac. 5-6 gr. V f Theriaca. ) CONIUM EXTRACT, t gr. CONVALLAMARIN, bots. 25 each, 1-100 gr. COOK FORMULA. fPulv. Rhei, i gr.'j I Pulv. Aloe Soc., i gr. j Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 3-4 gr. ! Pulv. Saponis, 1-4 gr. COPAIBA, COPAIBA, COPAIBA and OLEO-RESIN CUBEB, J Massa Copaibae, 2 grs. "I Oleoresina Cubebae, 1 gr. COPAIBA and OLEO-RESIN CUBEB, j Massa Copaibae, 3 grs. | I Oleoresina Cubebae, 2 grs. j COPAIBA COMPOUND, See Gonorrhoea. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE, 1-100, 1-60, 1-50, 1-40, 1-30, 1-20 and 1-10 gr. CORROSIVE SUBLIMATE and OPIUM. 3 grs. 6 grs. 3 grs. } 5 grs. Hydrarg. Bichlor., 1-30 gr. Pulv. Opii, H PILL, (De Mussy) 1-16 gr. Pix Liq. Purif . , 1 gr. Pulv. Doveri, 1 1-2 gr. Benzoini., 1 gr. if CREASOTE, WOOD. See Wood Creasote. CROTON CHLORAL (Butyl Chloral), 1 gr. CROTON CHLORAL (Butyl Chloral), 2 grs. CROTON OIL, 1-2 gr. CUBEB, OLEO-RESIN, WITH SODA, j Oleoresina Cubebae, 1 gr. | 1 Sodii Bicarb., 1-8 gr. j CYANIDE MERCURY, Mercury, Cyanide. DAMEANA EXTRACT, 3 grs. DAMIANA and PHOSPHORUS COMP. ( Ext. Turnerae Aphrodisiacae, 2 grs -j Ext. Nucis Vom., ( Phosphorus, i-3 gr -100 gr •} 40 1 80 40 1 80 1 60 45 2 05 60 2 80 1 00 4 80 60 2 80 1 00 4 80 40 1 80 60 2 80 70 3 30 90 4 30 1 60 7 80 80 3 80 60 2 80 1 00 4 80 1 50 7 30 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R.»* McKesson & Robbins' Pills and Granules, Dig. 1 1-2 grs. i 1-2 grs. i gr. i i-5 grs. i i-5 grs. i 1-5 grs. i- 5 o gr. J 2 grs. 1-2 gr. i -2 gr. i) • J it i- 6 o gr. )■ i gr. \ f Opium. 1-20 gr. 1-10 gr. DANDELION EXTRACT, 3 grs. DANDELION and LEPTANDRIN. j Ext. Dandelion, i 1-3 grs. | 1 Leptandrina, 2-3 gr. j DATURINE, SUL., bots. 25 each, 1-100 gr. DIGITALINE, PURE (Merck), 1-100, 1-60 gr. DIGITALIS COMPOUND. j Pulv. Digitalis, Pulv. Scillae, aa, i gr. ) I Potassi Nitras, 2 grs. f DIGITALIS & PHOSPHORUS, Phos. & DINNER, Chapman. fPulv. Aloe Soc,. J Pulv. Mastiches, j Pulv. Ipecac., I Ol. Fceniculi. DINNER, Cole. f Massa Hydrarg., J Pulv. Aloe Soc., | Pulv. Jalapae, (.Ant. et Pot. Tart., DINNER, Lady Webster. Pulv. Aloe Soc., Pulv. Mastiches, Pulv. Rosae Gallicae., DIPSOMANIA ■{ Strchninae Nitras, DIURETIC. j Ext. Buchu, Potass. Nit., aa, 1 Scillae oulv., 1-2 DOVER POWDER, See Ipecac an ELATERIN, ELATERIUM (Clutterbuck), EMMENAGOGUE. f Ergotin, 1 I Ext. Helleb. Nig., Ferri Sulph. Exsic., Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1.01. Sabinae, EMMENAGOGUE (Mutter). ( Ferri Sulph. Exsic., -< Terebinthina, Venet., I Aloe Soc., EMMENAGOGUE, with EXT. COTTON R’T. r Ergotin, igr.) Aloe Soc., -I Ext. Gossypii, I Ferri Sulph., (Ol. Sabinae, EMENAGOGUE (Rigaud). Aloes, Purified, McK. & R Pulv. Saffron, Pulv. Savin, Pulv. Rue, ERGOTIN ; Equal to 5 grains Ergot, 1-2 gr. ERGOTIN ; Equal to 10 grains Ergot, 1 gr. ERGOTIN ; Equal to 20 grains Ergot, 2 grs. ERGOTIN ; Equal to 30 grains Ergot, 3 grs. ERGOTIN ; Equal to 50 grains Ergot, 5 grs. ERGOTIN and ALOIN. j Ergotin purif., i gr. ) I Aloin, i - 5 gr. J ERGOTIN and CANNABIS INDICA, No. 1. < Ergotin purif., i gr. j ") Ext. Cannabis Indicae, 1-2 gr. ) ERGOTIN & CANNABIS IND., (Half Strength) ERGOTIN and CANNABIS INDICA, No. 3. j Ergotin Purif., 1-2 gr. j 1 Ext. Cannabis Indicae, 1-8 gr. f 1 gr. f 1 gr. ! -2 gr. J iK gr- X gr. X gr. X gr. 100 Pills. 45 60 1 00 60 60 45 45 45 40 60 1 20 60 1 00 45 1 00 45 60 90 1 25 1 60 2 40 1 25 1 25 1 00 80 500 2 2 2 4 6 7 11 6 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A. R, 39 Pills. 05 80 80 80 05 05 05 80 80 80 80 80 05 80 05 80 30 05 80 80 05 05 80 80 40 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, ERGOTIN COMPOUND, l Ergotin Purif., ■< Ext. Cannabis Indicae, f Strychnina, EUCALYPTUS EXTRACT, EUONYMIN, EUONYMIN, EUONYMIN COMPOUND. I Eunoymin, Ext. Rhei, < Ext. Hyoscyami, aa , ( Ext. Nucis Void , 1-8 gr. Aloin, EXPECTORANT. I Pulv. Scillae, J Pulv. Ipecac., ] Pulv. Digitalis, ! Ext. Lactucarii, EXTRACT BELLADONNA, EXT, BLACK HELLEBORE EXTRACT CANNAB. IND., Iioo Pills 500 PTso 3 grs. 1-6 gr. 1-60 gr. 2 grs. 2 grs. 3 gr s. » gr- 1 gr- gr- 1-2 gr. ] i-4 gr. I 1- 4 gr- f 1 gr. J Belladonna Ext. , See Hellebore Cannab. Ind. Ext. EXTRACT CASCARA SAG., Cas. Sag. Ext. EXTRACT COCA, See Coca Extract. EXTRACT DANDELION, Dandelion Ext. EXTRACT GELSEMIUM, Gelsemium Ext. EXT. GRINDELIA ROBUSTA, Grin. Rob. Ext. EXTRACT GUARANA, Guarana Extract. EXTRACT JABORANDI, Pilocarpus Ext. FERRUGINOUS, Blaud, 3 grs. FERRUGINOUS, Blaud, 5 grs. FERRUGINOUS, Blaud, Improved. ( Sodii Carb. Exc. / i_r : -t Ferri Sulph., aa , f Acid. Arseniosum, 2 1-2 grs. 1-60 gr. TON. TABLETS, P. - 1-4 gr. 5 grs 1 gr. 00 50 75 80 20 45 45 1 20 1 00 1 00 80 1 00 1 10 1 00 1 20 60 45 80 40 40 45 60 500 Pills. 3 80 1 80 9 80 15 80 3 80 5 80 7 80 23 80 19 80 12 30 8 55 3 80 5 80 2 05 2 05 5 80 4 80 4 80 3 80 4 80 5 30 4 80 5 80 2 80 2 05 3 80 1 80 1 80 2 05 2 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “WIcK. &. R." 42 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 100 Pills. 500 Pills. IRISIN COMPOUND. ( Irisin, 1-4 gr. ) •< Strychnia, 1-40 gr. V ( Res. Podophylli, 1-10 gr. ) ~~6ir 2~80 IRON, ARSENIATE, 1-20, 1-8 and 1-4 gr. IRON, Blaud, See Ferruginous. 45 2 05 IRON BY HYDROGEN, Quevenne, 1 gr. 40 1 80 IRON BY HYDROGEN, Quevenne, 2, 4 grs. IRON and ALOES, See Aloes and Iron. 60 2 80 IRON and CINCHONID., CIT., Quinine List. IRON and IODOFORM, Iodoform and Iron. IRON and PEPSIN, See Pepsin and Iron. IRON and PHOSPHORUS, Phos. and Iron. IRON and QUININE, CITRATE, Quinine List. IRON, CITRATE, and STRYCHNINE. j Ferri Citras, 1 gr. | | Strychnina, 1-50 gr. f 60 2 80 IRON COMPOUND, U. S. 45 2 05 ( Pulv. Myrrhae, 1 1-2 grs. ) ■< Sodii Carb., 3-4 gr. > 1 Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 3-4 gr. ) * IRON, FERROCYANIDE, 3 grs. 45 2 05 IRON, IODIDE, Blancard Formula, 1 gr. 60 2 80 IRON, LACTATE, 1 gr. 45 2 05 IRON, PHOSPHATE, and STRYCH. j Ferri Phosphas., 2 grs. ) j Pulv. Strychninae, 1-60 gr. f IRON, PHOS. & ALOES, Phos., Iron & Aloes. 80 3 80 IRON, PROTO-CARB., Vallet, 2 and 3 grs. 40 1 80 IRON, PROTO-CARB., Vallet Mass, 5 grs. IRON, QUIN, and STRYCH., Quinine List. IRON, QUININE and ZINC, VAL., Quin. List. 45 2 05 IRON, VALERIANATE, 1 gr. IRON and QUIN., CIT., and STR., Quin. List. JABORANDI EXTRACT, See Pilocarpus Ext. 80 3 80 JAMBUL, 2 1-2 grs. 80 3 80 JAMBUL, 5 grs. LACTATE IRON, See Iron, Lactate. LADY WEBSTER DINNER, See Dinner. LAPACTIC, See Aloin, Strych, Bel. & Ipec. 1 40 6 80 LAXATIVE, Cole. ( Res. Podophylli, 1-10 gr. 1 -< Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1 gr. > ( Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 3 grs. ) 45 2 05 LAXATIVE, SPECIAL, Dr. Fordyce Barker. fPulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 2-3 grs. "I Ext. Hyoscyami, 1 1-4 grs. | -j Pulv. Aloe Socotrin., 5-6 gr. V 50 2 30 Ext. Nucis Vom., 5-12 gr. { Pulv. Res. Podoph., Ipecac, aa, 1-12 gr. J LEAD and OPIUM, See Opium and Lead. ' LEPTANDRIN, 1-4 gr. 45 2 05 LEPTANDRIN, 1-2 and 1 gr. LEPTANDRIN & PODOPH., Podoph. & Lep. 55 2 55 LUPULIN, 3 grs. 40 1 80 LUPULIN and CAMPHOR. | Lupulinum, 1 gr. j ) Camphora, 1 1-2 grs. I 80 3 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. it R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 43 ioo Pills. 500 Pills. MANGANESE, BINOXIDE, 1 gr.l MANGANESE, BINOXIDE, 2 grs. MANGANESE, BINOXIDE, 3 grs. MERCURY, BINIODIDE, 1-40, 1-25, 1-16, 1-8 and 1-4 gr. MERCURY, CYANIDE, 1-20 gr. MERCURY with CHALK, 1-4 gr. and 1 gr. MERCURY with CHALK, No. 1. (Hutchinson) J Hydrarg. cum creta, i gr. | 1 Confect. Rosae, q- s. ( MERCURY with CHALK, No. 2. (Hutchinson) ( Hydrarg. cum creta, i gr. -< Pulv. Doveri, i gr. f Ext. Gentianae, q. s. MERCURY with CHALK, No. 3. (Hutchinson) f Hydrarg. cum creta, i gr. ) J Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. 1 j Ferrum Reductum, 2 grs. 1 l Ext. Gentianae, q. s. J MERCURY, IODIDE, and OPIUM. ) Hydrarg. Protiodid., 1-4 gr. ) 1 Pulv. Opii, 1-4 gr- ) MERCURY, PROTOIODIDE, 1-20, 1-16, 1:10, 1-8 gr., 1 centigr., 1-5, 1-4, 1-3, 1-2 gr. MERCURY, SALICYLATE, 1 gr. MERCURY, TANNATE 1 gr. MONO-BROM. CAMPHOR, Camphor, M. B. MORPHINE, ACETATE, 1-8 gr. MORPHINE, ACETATE, 1-4 gr. MORPHINE, MURIATE, 1-8 gr. MORPHINE, MURIATE, 1-4 gr. MORPHINE, SULPHATE, 1-20,1-16,1-10 and 1-8 gr. MORPHINE, SULPHATE, 1-6 gr. MORPHINE, SULPHATE, 1-4 gr. MORPHINE, SULPHATE, 1-2 gr. MORPHINE, VALERIANATE, 1-8 gr. MORPHINE and ATROPINE, Atropine & Mor. MORPHINE and BELLADONNA, No. 1. j Morphinae Sulph., 1-6 gr. ( 1 Ext. Belladonnae, 1-8 gr. j’ MORPHINE and BELLADONNA, No. 2. j Morphinae Sulph., 1-8 gr. ) 1 Ext. Belladonnae, 1-4 gr. j MORPHINE and BELLADONNA No. 3. j Morphinae Sulph., ( Ext. Belladonnae, i-4 gr. I 1. 12 gr. 1 CAMPHOR, -8 gr 2 grs 1 gr MORPHINE, HYOSCYAMUS & No. 1. ( Morphinae Sulph., -< Ext. Hyoscyami, ( Camphora, MORPHINE, HYOSCYAMUS & CAMPHOR No. 2. ( Morphinae Sulph., 1-6 gr -< Ext. Hyoscyami, 2 grs ( Camphora, 1 gr MORPHINE, HYOSCYAMUS & CAMPHOR, No. 3. ( Morphinae Sulph., 1-4 gr. 1 ■< Ext. Hyoscyami, 2 grs. > I Camphora. 1 gr. \ MURIATE MORPHINE, Morphine, Muriate. MURIATE PILOCARPINE, Pilocarpine, Mur. MYRRH and ALOES, See Aloes and Myrrh. 60 80 1 10 40 I 40 ! 40 40 60 80 80 40 80 75 60 80 60 80 60 65 80 1 00 80 70 70 60 80 80 1 00 2 80 3 80 5 30 80 80 80 80 2 80 3 80 3 80 1 80 3 80 3 55 2 80 3 05 3 80 4 80 3 80 3 30 3 30 2 80 3 80 3 80 4 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “WcK. Sc R." 44 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. MUSCARINE, SUL., bots. 25 each, 1-100 gr. NAPHTHALIN, 3 grs. NAPHTHALIN, 5 grs. NAUPATHIC, (sea-sickness) J Atropinae Sulph., 1-70 gr. ) Strychnina, 1-70 gr. f NEURALGIA, Brown-Sequard. ( Ext. Hyoscyami, Ext. Conii, aa y 2-3 gr. ) Ext. Ignat. Am., Ext. Opii, an , 1-2 gr. | Ext. Aconiti, 1-3 gr. Ext. Cannabis Indicae, 1-4 gr. I Ext. Stramonii, 1-5 gr. (Ext. Belladonnae, 1-6 gr. NEURALGIA, Brown-Sequard, As above, without Ignatia Amara. NEURALGIA, Brown-Sequard, Half Strength ' Ext. Hyoscyami, Ext. Conii, aa , 1-3 gr. ' Ext. Ignat. Am., Ext. Opii, an, 1-4 gr. Ext. Aconiti, 1-6 gr. Ext. Cannabis Indicae, 1-8 gr. Ext. Stramonii, 1-10 gr. Ext. Belladonnae, 1-12 gr. NEURALGIA. Dr. Gross’, See Quinine List NITRATE SILVER, See Silver, Nitrate NITRO-GLYCERIN, 1-200, 1-100 and 1-50 gr. NUX VOMICA EXTRACT, 1-8, 1-4 and 1-2 gr. NUX VOMICA and PHOS.. Phos. and N. V. OPIUM, U. S., 1 gr. OPIUM EXTRACT, 1-4 gr. OPIUM EXTRACT, 1-2 gr. OPIUM EXTRACT, 1 gr. OPIUM, POWDERED, 1-2 gr. OPIUM and ACETATE of LEAD, No. 1. •{ Pulv. Opii, Plumbi Acet., da , 1 gr. }- OPIUM and ACETATE of LEAD, No. 2. J Pulv. Opii, 1-2 gr. | I Plumbi Acet., 1 1-2 grs. f OPIUM and CAMPHOR. J Pulv. Opii, I gr. 1 1 Camphora, 2 grs. ( OPIUM, CAMPHOR and ACETATE LEAD. 1 Pulv. Opii, I gr. 1 ■l Camphora, 1 gr. > ( Plumbi Acet., 1 gr. \ OPIUM, CAMPHOR and HYOSCYAMUS. ( Camphora, r gr. ) -< Pulv. Opii, 1-2 gr. > ( Ext. Hyoscyami, Eng., 1 gr. ) OPIUM & IODIDE MERCURY, See Mercury. OPIUM and IODOFORM, lodo. and Opium. OPIUM and IPECAC, See Ipecac and Opium. OPIUM and NITRATE SILVER. J Pulv. Opii, 1 gr. \ | Argenti Nitras, 1-4 gr. j | OXALATE CERIUM, OX GALL, J Fel Bovis Purif., j Pulv. Zingiberis, OXIDE ZINC, See Cerium, Oxalate. 2 grs. 1 1 gr. f See Zinc, Oxide. j PEPSIN, Pure, U. S. P., 1880, 1-2 gr.i Each pill equals 2*4 grs. Saccharated Pepsin. PEPSIN, Pure, U. S. P., 1880, 1 gr.; Each pill equals 5 grs. Saccharated Pepsin. PEPSIN, Saccharated, 5grs.| PEPSIN and BISMUTH.' 2 grs. ( 3 grs. \ \ Pepsinum Sacchar. 1 Bismuthi Subnit., CAUTION I-SPECIFY “McK. A R 100 Pills. 500 Pill?. ~2 80 60 4 80 1 00 3 80 80 1 40 1 6 30 1 30 | ; 6 30 90 I 4 30 60 2 80 40 1 80 60 2 80 60 2 80 80 3 80 1 00 4 80 60 2 80 60 2 80 45 2 05 60 1 60 | 2 80 80 i j 3 80 1 1 25 i 6 05 45 2 05 80 3 80 1 00 4 80 80 3 80 90 4 30 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 45 xoo Pills. 500 Pills. PEPSIN, BIS. and STRYCHNINE, No. 1. i Pepsinum Sacchar., 2 1-2 grs. i < Bismuthi Subnit., 2 1-2 grs. > ( Strychnina, 1-60 gr. ) PEPSIN, BIS. and STRYCHNINE, No. 2. 1 Pepsinum purum, i gr. ) ■< Bismuthi Subnit., 5 grs. V ( Strychnina, 1-60 gr. ) 1 25 6 05 1 60 7 80 PEPSIN and IRON. j Pepsinum Sacch., 1 1-2 grs. 1 1 Ferrum Reductum, 3-4 gr. f 80 3 80 PETROLEUM, Each pill contains 2 grains crude petroleum. 60 2 80 PETROLEUM COMPOUND, I'Petroieum, Pix Liquida, aa, 1 gr. 1 j Strychninae Sulph., 1-100 gr. 1 j Magnesii Carb., 1-2 gr. [ 1 Ol. Gaultherke, i-iogtt. I 60 2 80 PHENACETIN. 2 grs. 1 25 6 05 PHENACETIN. 5 grs. 2 20 10 80 PHENACETIN & SALOL. j Phenacetin, 2)^ grs. \ j Salol, 2 l / 2 grs. S PHOSPHATE IRON & STR Y., Iron, Ph. & Str. 2 00 9 80 PHOS. IRON. QUIN. & STRYCH., Quin. List. PHOSPHIDE ZINC, See Zinc, Phosphide. PHOSPHIDE ZINC and N. V., Zinc, Phos. PHOSPHORUS, 1-200, 1-120, 1 40 6 80 1-100, 1-60, 1-50, 1-30, 1-20 and 1-12 gr. PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, No. 1. 1 Phosphorus, 1-100 gr. 1 } Ext. Nucis Void., 1-4 gr. j 50 60 2 30 2 80 PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, No. 2. J Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. 1 1 Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. j 60 2 80 PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, No. 3. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. \ 1 Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-8 gr. f 60 2 80 PHOSPHORUS COMPOUND, No. 4. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ( 1 Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. J 60 2 80 PHOSPHORUS COMP, and IRON. i Phosphorus, 1-100 gr. ) < Ferri Phosphas, 1-2 gr. r ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-8 gr. ) 70 3 30 PHOSPHORUS, DIGITALIS & EXT. HYOS. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. / 1 Pulv. Ext. Hyos., Digitalis, aa, 1 gr. f 70 3 30 PHOSPHORUS and DIGITALIS COMP. f Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. 1 j Pulv. Ipecac., 1-4 gr. 1 ) Pulv. Opii, 1-4 gr. | 70 8 30 1 Pulv. Digitalis, 1-2 gr. J PHOSPHORUS and EXTRACT ACONITE. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ( 1 Ext. Aconiti Ale.. 1-16 gr. ( 60 2 80 PHOSPHORUS and EXT. CANNAB. INDICA. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ( 1 Ext. Cannabis Indicse, 1-4 gr. 1 70 3 80 PHOSPHORUS and IRON. ( Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. 1 1 Ferrum Reductum. 2 grs. f PHOSPHORUS and NUX VOM., Phos. Co. PHOSPHORUS and QUININE, Quin. List. 70 3 30 PHOSPHORUS and STRYCHNINE. j Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. j > Strychnina, 1-60 gr. (" PHOSPHORUS and VALERIANATE ZINC. J Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. 1 1 Zinci Valerianas, 1 gr. f 70 3 30 70 .j 3 30 CAUTION !- SPECIFY “McK, & R.”' 46 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 100 Pills. 500 Pills. PHOS., EXT. NUX VOM. and EXT. ALOES. ( Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. j ■< Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. V ( Ext. Aloes Soc., 1-2 gr. ) 70 3 30 PHOS., EXT. NUX VOM. and CARB. IRON. ( Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ) -< Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. V { Ferri Carb., 1 gr. ) 70 3 30 PHOSPHORUS, IRON and ALOES. 1 Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. 1 ■< Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 1 1-2 grs. V ( Ext. Aloes Soc., 1 gr. ) PHOSPHORUS, IRON and QUIN., Quin. List. 70 3 30 PHOSPHORUS, MORPHINE & VALER. ZINC. ( Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ) -< Morphinae Sulph., 1-12 gr. > f Zinci Valerianas, 1 gr. 1 1 20 5 80 PHOSPHORUS, N. VOM. & CANTHARIDES. 1 Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. j •l Pulv. Nucis Vom., 1 gr. > 70 3 30 ( Tinct. Canthar. Cone., 1 m. 1 PHOS., QUININE & N. VOM., Quinine List. 1 50 PHOS., QUIN., IRON & STRY., Quinine List. 7 30 PHOSPHORUS, SULPH. ZINC & LUPULIN. ( Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. ) -< Zinci Sulphas, 1 gr. V f Lupulinum, 1 gr . ) PHYSOSTIGMINE, SALICYLATE, 70 3 30 bottles 25 granules, 1-100 gr. 1 60 PICROTOXIN, 1-80 gr. PIL. HYDRARG., See Blue Mass. 60 2 80 PILOCARPINE, HYDROCHLORATE, 1-60 gr. 80 3 80 PILOCARPINE, HYDROCHLORATE, 1-30 gr. 1 40 6 80 PILOCARPINE, HYDROCHLORATE, 1-8 gr. 2 00 9 80 PILOCARPUS EXTRACT, 3 grs. “ PIL SALUTIS,” (Dr. T. G. Thomas) see Aloln, Hyoscy., Nux Vomica and Ipecac. 1 20 5 80 PIPERINE, 1-4 gr. 50 2 30 PIPERINE, 1-2 gr. 60 2 80 PIPERINE COMPOUND. j Piperina, 1-4 gr. ) 1 Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1-4 gr. f 60 2 80 PLUMMER FORMULA, See Calomel Comp. 45 2 0& PODOPHYLLIN, 1-40, 1-20, 1-8 and 1-4 gr. 40 1 80 PODOPHYLLIN, 1-2 and 1 gr. 45 2 05 PODOPHYLLIN and BLUE. j Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. ) j Massa Hydrarg., 2 1-2 grs. f PODOPH. & HYDRAST., Hydrast. & Podoph. 70 3 30 PODOPHYLLIN and LEPTANDRIN. j Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. 1 ) Res. Leptandrae, t gr. ( 70 3 30 PODOPH., CAPSICUM and BELLADONNA. ( Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. ) -< Ext. Belladonnae Ale., 1-8 gr. >• ( Pulv. Capsici, 1-2 gr. ) 70 3 30 PODOPH. COLOC., HYOSC. and CALOMEL. f Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr.) J Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-4 gr. 1 j Pulv. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 gr. f [Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1 gr.J 80 3 80 PODOPHYLLIN COMPOUND. ( Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. ) ■< Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-8 gr. > | Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-16 gr. \ 70 3 30 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. Sc R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 47 PODOPHYLLIN COMP., Dp. Janeway. { Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr. - ] Aloe Soc., 1 gr. ! Ext. Belladonnae, 1-4 gr. f Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. J PODOPHYLLIN COMPOUND, Eclectic. { Res. Podophylli, 1-8 gr."] Res. Leptandrae, 1-16 gr. Res. Juglandis, 1-16 gr. V Res. Cimicifugae, 1-32 gr. Ol. Capsici. J PODOPH., HENB. & N. VOM., Podoph. Co. PODOPHYLLIN, EXT. COLOC. & BELLAD. i Res. Podophylli, 1-2 gr •{ Ext. Coloc. Comp., 2 grs ( Ext. Belladonnae, 1-4 gr PODOPHYLLOTOXIN, bottles 25 granules, 1-8 gr. POKE ROOT EXTRACT, 1-2 gr. POKE ROOT COMPOUND. 1 Ext. Phytolaccae Ale., 2 grs. } ■< Ext. Stillingiae Ale., x gr. > { Ext. Stramonii Ale., 1-8 gr. j POST PARTUM, Dr. Fordyce Barker. f Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 1-2 grs.'l Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1 1-2 grs. -j Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-6 gr. j- I Pulv. Aloe, Pulv. Ipecac., aa, 1-6 gr. | [ Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-3 gr. J POWD. PURIF. CHINOIDIN, See Chinoidin.j PROTOCARBONATE IRON, Iron, Protocarb. PROTOIODIDE MERCURY, Mercury, Prot. QUEVENNE IRON, Iron by Hydrogen. QUININE, IPECAC, DIGITALIS & OPIUM, see Heim. RHEUMATIC FORMULA. Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1 1-2 grs Ext. Colch. Acet., 1 gr. ■ Ext. Hyoscyami, 1-3 gr. , [Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1-3 gr. J RHEUMATIC without MERCURY, f Ext. Colocynth., Comp., 1 1-2 grs. ' Ext. Colch. Acet., 1-2 gr. J Res. Podophylli, 1-4 gr. 1 Pulv. Capsici, 1-4 gr. i Ext. Belladonnae. t-io gr. [Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-10 gr. RHUBARB, U. S. RHUBARB COMPOUND, U. S. RHUBARB COMPOUND, B. P., f Rhei pulv., 1 1-4 grs. I Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1 gr. ■< Pulv. Saponis, Pulv. Myrrhae,«a, 5-8 gr. Theriaca, 1-2 gr. I [ Ol. Menthae Pip. J RHUBARB COMP, and BLUE MASS, j Pil. Rhei Comp., 3 grs. ) ) Massa Hydrarg., 2 grs. ( RHUBARB COMP, and CALOMEL. j Pil. Rhei Comp., 1 1-2 grs. | I Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite, 1 gr. f RHUBARB, IPECAC and SODA. I Pulv. Rhei Sodii Bicarb., aa , 1 gr. I } Pulv. Ipecac., i-S gr. ( SALICIN, 1 gr. SALICIN, 2 1-2 grs. SALICIN, 5 grs. SALICYLIC ACID, 1 gr. SALICYLIC ACID, 2 1-2 grs. 5 grs. Pills. 70 70 80 1 00 45 80 50 80 80 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 1 00 1 60 45 60 CAUTION !— SPECIFY "McK. A R-’ 500 Pills. ~ 330 3 30 3 80 2 05 3 80 2 30 3 80 3 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 2 80 4 80 7 80 2 05 2 80 48 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, lioo Pills- 500 Pills. SALICYLIC ACID, 5 grs. SALICYLIC ACID with MORPHINE, No. 1. j Acid. Salicylicum, 2 1-2 grs. | ) Morphinae Sulph., 1-12 gr. j SALICYLIC ACID with MORPHINE, No. 2. j Acid. Salicylicum, 5 grs. < 1 Morphinse Sulph., 1-8 gr. f SALINE CHALYBEATE-TONIC TABLETS (Flint’s Formula), SALOL, SALOL, SALOL with MORPHINE. j Phenol Salicyl. (Salol), \ Morphinse Sulph., SALUTISj (T. G. Thomas) See Aloin Nux Vomica and Ipecac. SANDAL WOOD EXT., McK. & R., SANDAL WOOD EXT., McK. & R., SANTONIN, SANTONIN, SANTONIN and CALOMEL, No. 1. ( Santoninum, 1-2 gr. 1 •< Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite., 1-2 gr. >• ( Theobroma Cacao, ) SANTONIN and CALOMEL, No. 2. ) Santoninum, 1 gr Hydrarg. Chlor. Mite., 1 gr Theobromae Cacao, SCILLITOXIN, bottles 25 each, 1-300 gr SCLEROTIC ACID, bottles 25 pills, 1 gr SCOTCH CATHARTIC. [Pulv. Aloes Barb., 1 1-4 grs.) j Pulv. Gambogiae, 1 1-4 grs. ^ 2 1-2 grs. 5 grs. 5 grs. I t- 8 gr. f Hyos., 1 gr. 2 grs. 1-2 gr. 1 gr. Ol. Anisi, 1-24 gr. 1 - 8 gr. 5-6 gr. 2 - 3 grs. 1-4 gr. 5 grs. gr- j. s. f 1-16 gr. [ Mel. Alb., q. s. SEA-SICKNESS, see Naupathic. SEDATIVE. I Morphinae Sulph., Pulv. Ipecac., Pulv. Camphorae, Ext. Hyoscyami, SILVER, NITRATE, SOAP COMPOUND, B. P., J Pulv.Opii, ) Pulv. Saponis, SPARTEINE, SULPHATE, SQUILL COMPOUND, U. S. STROPHANTHUS. STROPHANTHUS STROPHANTHUS and IRON. ) Pulv. Sem. strophanthi, 1 Fern Sulph., Potassii Carb STRYCHNINE, 1-200, 1-100, 1-60, 1-50, 1-40. 1-32, 1-30 and 1-20 gr. STRYCHNINE, ARSENIATE, 1-120. 1-60 gr. STRYCHNINE COMPOUND. ( Strychnina, Phosphorus, aa, 1-100 gr. < Ext. Cannabis Indicae, 1-16 gr. / Ginseng. Ferri Carb., aa, 1 gr. STRYCHNINE, NITRATE, (Dipsomania) 1-60 s r, STRYCHNINE, SULPH. ,1-200, 1-100,1-50 gr SULPHATE CINCHONINE. See Quinine List SULPHATE CINCHONIDINE, Quinine List, SULPHATE QUINIDINE, See Quinine List. SULPHATE QUININE, See Quinine List SULPHUR, IODIDE, 1-25 and 1-10 gr SUMBUL EXTRACT, (Musk Root), 1 gr 4 grs 1-4 gr. 1-20 gr. 1-4 gr. T_ 4 gr. I 1-2 grs. j 1 00 1 00 1 60 50 80 1 40 1 70 1 60 2 40 40 80 80 1 00 1 00 2 00 45 1 00 75 70 1 60 45 80 1 60 2 00 40 60 65 40 40 40 1 00 4 80 4 80 7 80 2 30 3 80 6 80 8 30 7 80 11 80 1 80 3 80 3 80 4 80 2 05 4 80 3 55 3 30 7 80 2 05 3 80 7 80 9 80 1 80 2 80 3 05 1 80 1 80 1 80 4 80 CAUTION ! SPECIFY “McK. A R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, ioo Pills. SUMBUL COMPOUND, 1 Ext. Sumbul, Ferri Sulph. Exsic, aa i gr. •< Asafetida, 2 grs. I Acid. Arsenious., 1-30 gr. SYPHILITIC, Ricord Modified. f Hydrarg. Protiodid., 1-2 gr. J Lactucarium, 1-2 gr. ] Ext. Opii, 1-10 gr. [Ext. Conii, 1 1-2 grs TARTAR EMETIC, 1-100, 1-20, 1-8 & 1-4 gr. TERPIN, HYDRATE, 2 grs. THYMOL, (Thymic Acid.) 2 1-2 grs. TONIC, Dr. Aiken, See Quinine List. TONIC ALTERATIVE. ) Hydrarg. Bichlor., Strych. Sulph., ) Acid Arseniosum, aa, 1-60 gr. > Ferri Sesquichlor., 1 gr. ) TONIC LAXATIVE (Dr. Skene), See Quinine, Colocynth and Belladonna. TONIC-LAXATIVE, (Fothergill) Quin. List. TRIPLEX. I Ext. Aloe -< Massa Hydrarg., | Res. Podophylli, TRIPLEX, (Dr. Francis.) Pulv. Aloe Soc., Pulv. Scammonii, Pulv. Myrrhse Massa Hydrarg. Ol. Tiglii. Ol. Cari. VALERIAN EXTRACT, VALERIANATE AMMONIUM, 2 grs * gr -4 gr. r 3 grs. Ammon., Val. VALERIANATE IRON, Iron, Valerianate. VALERIANATE MORPHINE, Morph., Valer. VALERIANATE ZINC, See Zinc, Valer. VALLET MASS, See Iron, Protocarb. VEGETABLE CATHARTIC, Cathartic, Veg. VERATRINE, 1-32 gr. WARBURG TINCTURE. Each pill represents 1-2 fl. drachm of the Tinct. j WARBURG TINCTURE, in bottles of 25 Each pill represents 1 fl. drachm of the Tinct. | WARBURG TINCTURE without ALOES. in bottles of 25 Each pill represents i fl. drachm of the Tinct. WARBURG TINCTURE, without ALOES. Each pill represents 2 fl. drachms of the Tinct. WOOD CREASOTE, 1-2 gr. WOOD CREASOTE, 1 gr. ZINC, OXIDE, 1-2 & 1 gr. ZINC, OXIDE, 2 grs. ZINC, PHOSPHIDE, 1-6 and 1-4 gr. ZINC, PHOSPHIDE, 1-2 gr. ZINC, PHOSPHIDE, and EXT. NUX VOM. j Zinci Phosphidum, 1-10 gr. ( I Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. f ZINC, VALERIANATE, 1 gr. ZINC, VALERIANATE, 2 grs. ZINC, IRON and QUININE, VAL., Quin. List.; ZINC and PHOSPHORUS, Phos. and Zinc. 1 1 20 1 20 40 1 20 1 00 1 20 70 80 80 60 2 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 50 65 45 50 60 80 80 75 1 00 49 500 Pills. 580 ! 5 80 1 80 5 80 4 80 5 80 I 3 30 3 80 3 80 2 80 9 80 14 80 14 80 24 80 2 30 3 05 2 05 2 30 2 80 3 80 3 80 3 55 4 80 CAUTION T-SPECIFY “WIcK. & R.»* 50 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, Pills of Sulphate, Bi-Sulphate of Quinine, AND OTHER CINCHONA ALKALOIDS. The value in and reputation of Gelatine-Coated Pills have been created by our manufacture and advertisement, and these well known facts should be respected by the trade. We claim that the “McK. & R.” BI-SULPHATE Of Quinine Pills are more soluble and more readily assimilated than Sulphate of Quinine taken in powder, and have lately strongly urged their general use. The demand has largely increased, and experience has justified our further claim that on account of prompt action and perfect solubility, Bi-Sulphate of Quinine, although containing less of the Qui- nine Alkaloid, is more efficacious, dose for dose, than Sulphate of Quinine. Bi-Sulphate of Quinine was formerly sold 50 and even 75 cents per oz. higher than the Sulphate, but we have brought the price of McKesson & Robbins’ beautifully white and uniform crystals to the same figure as the Sulphate ; and were it not for the greater difficulty attending the crystal- lization of the former for the market, due to its ready solubility, it could be sold lower than the Sulphate. We have deemed it advisable, in order to facilitate their general introduction, to reduce prices of our Bi-Sul- phate of Quinine Pills below those of the Sulphate, and have no doubt that their sale will be largely increased. We would particularly request that McK. & R. BI-SULPHATE Quinine Pills be specified. Many so-called Bi-Sulphate Quinine Pills offered in market are not made of true Bi- Sulphate Quinine. Very respectfully, MCKESSON Sl ROBBINS. ANTI-INTERMITTENT, (Dayton). f Quininae Bi-Sulph., 2 grs. I J Pulv. Opii, i -4 gr. 1 1 Pulv. Ipecac., 1 Pulv. Capsici, 1-6 gr. f 1-2 gr. J l-LITHIC. fSalol. 1 grl Res. Podoph., 1-32 gr. J I Ext. Colch.,, 1-20 gr. | j Ext. Phytol., 1-16 gr. [ 1 Quin. Sulph., i -2 gr. | (Pulv. Capsici, 1-8 gr. J l-MALARIAL. f Quininae Sulph., 1 gr - 1 Cinchonidinae Sulph., 1 gr. j Acid. Arseniosum, 1 Acid. Carbolicum, Menthol, 1-40 gr. f 1-8 gr. (Pulv. Capsici, i-4 gr. J CINCHONA BARK ALKALOIDS. f Quininae Sul., Quinid. Sul., aa, -j Cinchoninae Sulph., (Cinchonidinae Sulph., 100 Pills. 500 Pills. 1 60 80 1 30 1 10 7 80 3 80 6 30 5 30 CINCHONIDINE, Alkaloid, 1 gr. CINCHONIDINE, Alkaloid, 2 grs. CINCHONIDINE, Alkaloid, 3 grs. CINCHONIDINE, SALICYLATE, 2 1-2 grs. CINCHONIDINE, SULPHATE, 1 gr. CINCHONIDINE, SULPHATE, 2 grs. CINCHONIDINE, SULPHATE, 3 grs. CINCHONIDINE, SULPHATE, 4 grs. CINCHONIDINE, SULPHATE, 5 grs. CINCHONIDINE and CAPSICUM. Cinchonidinae Sulph., 2 grs. | Pulv. Capsici, 1-2 gr. \ 50 2 30 80 3 80 1 20 1 5 80 1 00 i 4 80 40 ; 1 80 40 1 80 50 j 2 30 60 2 80 80 | 8 80 1 00 4 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, 51 CINCHONIDINE COMPOUND. j Cinchonid. Sulph., Ferrum Reduct., aa y i gr. ) I Acid. Arseniosum, 1-32 gr. J CINCHONINE, SULPHATE, 1 gr. CINCHONINE, SULPHATE, 2 grs. CINCHONINE, SULPHATE, 3 grs. CINCHONINE, SULPHATE, 5 grs. HEIM’S, { Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. Pulv. Digitalis, 1-2 gr. Pulv. Ipecac., 1-4 gr. Pulv. Opii, 1-4 gr. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 1-4 gr. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 1-2 gr. “HOSPITAL QUININE,” 1 gr. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 1 1-2 grs. “ HOSPITAL QUININE 4 ” 2 grs. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 3 grs. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 4 grs. “ HOSPITAL QUININE,” 5 grs. The unbleached, crystallized, combined, alka- loidal salts of Cinchona Bark (Cinchonine alone separated) containing fifty per cent, pure Quininae Sulph. HUBBARD FORMULA, Quin, and Aloes Co. IODOFORM, IRON and QUININE, No. 1. I Iodoformum, 1 gr < Ferri Proto-Carb., 2 grs ( Quininae Sulph., 1-2 gr IODOFORM, IRON and QUININE, No. 2. { Iodoformum, Ferri Proto-Carb., Quininae Sulph., -2 gr. 1 gr -4 gr IRON and CINCHONID1NE, CIT., 2 grs. IRON and CINCHONIDINE, CIT., 3 grs. IRON and QUININE, CITRATE, 1 gr. IRON and QUININE, CITRATE, 2 grs. IRON and QUININE, CITRATE, 3 grs. IRON and QUININE CITRATE, 5 grs. IRON and QUININE, CIT., and STRYCH. j Ferri et Quininae Cit., 2 grs. i < Strychnina, 1-60 gr. j IRON, QUININE and STRYCHNINE. 100 Pills. 75 40 40 50 80 1 40 40 40 40 40 45 00 80 00 1 30 ) Ferrum Reductum, Quininae Sulphas, Strychnina, 1 gr. 1 gr. 1-60 gr. VALERIANATE. IRON, QUININE and ZINC NEURALGIA; Dr. Gross, f Quininae Sulphas, Morphinae Sulphas, j Strychnina, Acid. Arseniosum. (Ext. Aconiti, NEURALGIA; as above, without Morphine. PHOSPHATES IRON, QUIN, and STRYCH. i Ferri Phosphas, 2 grs < Quininae Phosphas, 1 gr ( Strychninae Phosphas, 1-60 gr PHOSPHORUS and QUININE. j Phosphorus, 1-50 gr. J I Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. j PHOSPHORUS, IRON and QUININE. ( Phosphorus, 1-100 gr. ) ■{ Ferri Carb. (Vallet), 1 gr. j- si 90 60 90 50 90 1 30 2 20 1 20 1 15 1 45 1 85 1 75 1 40 1 40 1 50 ( Quininae Sulphas, gr. CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R.” 500 Pills. 3 55~ 1 80 1 80 2 30 3 80 6 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 1 80 2 05 2 80 3 80 4 80 6 30 4 30 2 80 4 30 2 30 4 30 6 30 10 80 5 80 5 55 7 05 9 05 8 55 6 80 6 80 7 30 52 McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules, 100 Pills. 500 Pills. PHOS., IRON, QUININE and NUX VOMICA. 1 50 ~ 780 f Phosphorus, i-ioo gr. 1 1 Ferri Carb. (Valiet), j Quininae Sulphas, [Ext. Nucis Vom., i 1 gr. 1 1 gr. r r-2 gr. .1 PHOS., QUININE, IRON and STRYCHNINE. 1 50 7 30 ( Phosphorus, i-ioo gr. / < Quininae Sul., Ferrum Reduct., aa ( Strychnina, -y i- ■60 gr. ) QUINIDINE, SULPHATE, 1 gr. 40 1 80 QU1NIDINE, SULPHATE, 2 grs. 45 2 05 QUINIDINE, SULPHATE, 3 grs. 60 i 2 30 QUINIDINE, SULPHATE, 5 grs. 90 | 4 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1-10 gr. 40 ! 1 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1-4 gr. 40 i 1 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1-2 gr. 40 1 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1 gr. 40 1 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 1 1-2 grs. 40 1 80 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 2 grs. 45 2 05 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 3 grs. 65 3 05 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 4 grs. 85 4 05 QUININE, BISULPHATE, 5 grs. 1 05 5 05 QUININE, BROMIDE, 1 gr. 1 10 5 30 QUININE, BROMIDE, 2 grs. 1 80 8 80 QUININE, BROMIDE, 3 grs.; 2 60 12 80 QUININE, CARBOLATE, 1 gr- 1 50 7 30 QUININE, HOSPITAL, “ Hospital Quinine.” ! 2 80 QUININE, MURIATE, 1-2 gr. 60 QUININE, MURIATE, 1 gr. 90 ! 4 30 QUININE, MURIATE, 2 grs. 1 60 7 80 QUININE, MURIATE, 3 grs. 2 20 ; 10 80 QUININE, SALICYLATE, 1 gr. 1 10 j 5 30 QUININE, SULPHATE, 1-10 gr. 40 1 80 QUININE, SULPHATE, 1-4 gr. 40 ! 1 80 QUININE, SULPHATE, 1-2 gr. 40 1 80 QUININE, SULPHATE, 1 gr. 40 1 80 QUININE, SULPHATE, 1 1-2 grs. 45 2 05 QUININE, SULPHATE, 2 grs. 50 2 30 QUININE, SULPHATE, 3 grs. 70 3 30 QUININE, SULPHATE, 4 grs. 90 4 30 QUININE, SULPHATE. 5 grs. 1 10 5 30 QUININE, SULPHOCARBOLATE, 1 gr. 1 50 7 30 QUININE, SULPHOCARBOLATE, 2 grs. 2 40 11 80 QUININE, SULPHOCARBOLATE, 3 grs. 3 60 17 80 QUININE, SULPHOCARBOLATE, 5 grs. 6 00 29 80 QUININE, VALERIANATE, 1-2 gr. 80 3 80 QUININE, VALERIANATE, 1 gr. 1 00 4 80 QUININE, VALERIANATE. 2 grs. 1 80 8 80 QUININE, VALERIANATE, 3 grs. 2 40 11 30 QUININE and ALOES, 1 gr. 1 00 4 80 J Quininae Sulphas, 3-4 gr. / 1 Pulv. Aloe Soc., 1-4 gr. ( QUININE & ALOES CO., Milder (Hubbard). 1 25 6 05 ( Quininae Sulph., -< Aloe Soc., Piperina, aa , 1 igr. j -2 gr. V | Strychninae Sulph., 1- so gr. ) CAUTION '-SPECIFY “McK. &. R.” McKesson & Robbins’ Pills and Granules. 53 100 Pills. 500 Pills. QUININE & ALOES CO., Stronger (Hubbard) t Quininae Sulph., i 1-2 grs. ) ■< Aloe Soc., Piperina, aa , 2-3 gr. > ( Strychninae Suloh.. 1-40 gr. j ~~1~G5 ~T 05 QUININE and ARSENIC. j Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. ( ) Acid. Arseniosum, 1-30 gr. \ 1 20 5 80 QUININE, BI-SULPHATE, and CAPSICUM,' 1 Quininae Bi-Sulphas, 2 grs. 1 ) Pulv. Capsici. 1-2 gr. f 1 50 7 30 QUININE and CAPSICUM, No. 1. j Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. | 1 Pulv. Capsici, 1-4 gr. | 1 15 5 55 QUININE and CAPSICUM, No. 2. j Quininae Sulphas, 2 grs. 1 1 Pulv. Capsici, 1-2 gr. i 1 00 7 80 QUININE and CHLORIDE GOLD CO.,Bauduy J Auri Chlorid.,i-2ogr. Strych. Sul., 1-40 gr. ) j ) Ferri Arsen.. 1-6 gr. Quininae Sul., 1 gr. ( 1 70 8 30 QUININE, CAMPHOR & BELLADONNA. ( Qnininae Sulph., 3 grs. ) < Camphora, 1-2 gr. > ( Ext. Belladonuae, 1-4 gr. ) QUININE, COLOCYNTH and BELLADONNA 1 50 7 30 (Tonic Laxative, Dr. Skene). 1 Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. 1 ■< Ext. Belladonnae, 1-10 gr. V f Ext. Coloc. Comp., 1-2 gr. ) 1 80 6 30 QUININE and IRON BY HYDROGEN, No. t. ■1 Quininae Sulph., Ferrum Reduct., aa , 1 gr. ^ QUININE and IRON BY HYDROGEN, No. 2. j Quininae Sulph., 1-2 gr. 1 1 Ferrum Reductum, 1-2 gr. j 1 20 5 80 85 4 05 QUININE and IRON, CARBONATE. j Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. 1 f Ferri Subcarb., 2 grs. f 1 20 5 80 QUININE and IRON, IODIDE. j Quininae Sulphas, 1-2 gr. ( 1 Ferri Iodidum, 1 gr. 1 90 4 30 QUININE and STRYCHNINE. j Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. 1 ) Strychnina, 1-60 gr. f 1 20 5 80 QUININE, ARSENIC and NUX VOMICA. 1 Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. f -< Acid. Arseniosum, x-60 gr. v ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. \ 1 20 5 80 QUININE COMPOUND, No. 1. j Quininae Sulph., Ferrum Reduc., aa y 1 gr. | 1 Acid. Arseniosum, 1-32 gr. f 1 20 5 80 QUININE COMPOUND, No. 2. j Quininae Sulph., Ferrum Redu.,rt«,i gr. ( 1 Acid. Arseniosum, 1-60 gr. f 1 20 5 80 QUININE COMP, and EXT. DANDELION. 1 Quininae Bi-Sulph., Ext. Tarax., aa , 1 1-4 grs. 1 •< Ferri Sulph. Exsic., 2 grs. > ( Acid. Arseniosum, 1-24 gr. ) 1 25 6 05 QUININE COMP, and STRYCHNINE. j Quininae Sulph., Ferrum Redu.,a«, 1 gr. | ( Strychnina, Acid. Arsen., aa , 1-20 gr. ) 1 20 5 80 QUININE, IRON and DIGITALIS. j Quininae Sulph., Ferrum Reduct., ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. ) 1 20 5 80 QUIN., MORPH. & VALERIANATE ZINC. ( Quininae Sulph.. 1 gr. ) ■< Morphinae Sulph., 1-12 gr. V ( Zinci Valer., 1-2 gr. ) 1 25 6 05 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R 54 McKesson & Robbins' Pills and Granules. lioo Pills. 500 Pills. QUININE, PHOS. and NUX VOM., No. f. ( Quininae Sulphas, 1 gr. ) < Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. V ( Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-40 gr. ) 1 50 i 7 80 QUININE, PHOS. and NUX VOM., No. 2. j Quininae Sulph., i gr. Phosphorus, 1-60 gr. ( j Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. ( 1 50 7 30 QUININE, QUASSIA and NUX VOMICA. j Quininae Sulph., Ext. Quassiae, aa , r gr. ( j Ext. Nucis Vom., 1-4 gr. ) ; 1 20 5 80 TONIC, Dr. Aiken. ( Quininae Sulphas. 1 gr. i Acid. Arseniosum, Strychnina, aa, 1-50 gr. > ( Ferrum Reductum, 2-3 gr. 1 1 20 5 80 TONIC-LAXATIVE, Fothergill. f Quininae Sulph., 2-3 gr. 1 ! Strychnina, 1-30 gr. ! 1 Ferrum Reduct., aa , 1-4 gr. | t Ext. Bellad., aa, i-4gr.J TONIC LAXATIVE (Skene) Quin. Col., & Bel. 1 25 6 05 VALERIANTES QUININE, IRON & STRYCH. j Quin. Val., Ferri Val., aa, 1 gr. 1 ) Strychnine Val., 1-60 gr. f 1 45 7 05 . VALERIANATES QUININE, IRON and ZINC. Quin. Val., Ferri Val., Zinci Val., aa , 1 gr. }• VALERIANATES QUININE, IRON and ZINC, 1 45 7 05 Half Strength. 90 4 30 ZINC, PHOSPHIDE, NUX VOM. & QUININE. ( Zinci Phosphidum, r-10 gr. ) ■< Ext. Nucis Vomicae, 1-4 gr. > f Quininae Sulph., 1 gr. ) 1 85 6 55 REFERENCE TO THE GELATINE COATED PILL. Originated by McKesson & Robbins, 1870 . “The process of coating the McK. & R. pills with gelatine not only takes away the disagreeable appearance, odor and taste, but forms a hermetical coating about the medicine, pro- tecting it from atmospheric moisture, and thus preventing de- terioration. This fact enables one to purchase them in larger quantities without fear of change of their composition. They are not affected by climate, changes in temperature, or varia- tions in the hygrometric conditions of the atmosphere ; and drugs, which otherwise oxidise rapidly, may be preserved in this state for years. The gelatine coating is perfectly transpa- rent and very thin, so that it requires but half a minute in the mouth to dissolve it. Being of ovoid shape, they do not re- semble ordinary coated pills ; they are swallowed with the greatest ease where the above mentioned are rejected. The slippery character which the coating assumes after having been- taken into the mouth renders the pill almost imperceptible to- the sensitive mucous membranes of the soft palate and fauces, and this, we think, contributes greatly to the ease of adminis tration.” -Reprinted from the Obstetric Gazette , U. S. A.) McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. 55 PLASTERS-McK. & R. Of the U. S., British and German Pharmacopoeias, and other formulas. Plaster, Aconite lb. Adhesive .. lb. Ammoniac, U. S lb. “ and Mercury, U. S .lb. Anodyne - lb. Antimony . - lb. Arnica Root, U. S H>. Aromatic lb Asafetida, U. S . - lb. Belladonna, Extract of Leaf lb. “ “ Root, U. S . lb. “ Root lb Calefaciens lb. Canada Pitch, U. S . lb. Cantharides . . . -lb. Cerussa, Ph. G - lb. Comfrey - lb. Conium .. lb. Cumin lb. Diachylon, simple, U. S., Cans lb. i “ “ “ Rolls lb. | “ “ Ph. G lb. | “ with Gum lb. j Diapalma lb. Galbanum, U S lb. | “ British lb “ Compound, U. S. P., 1870 lb. j “ Crocat, Ph. G lb. j Hyoscyamus Extract ... lb. ; “ Leaf lb. Iron, Roborans ..lbj “ U. S - lb. Labdanum lb. j Lead lb. | Lead, Iodide lb. Logan’s lb. Manus Dei lb. Melliot (Ph. Ger ) _lb. Mercurial, U. S. P. (Strong) _lb 1 “ Mild...- lb. “ with Ammoniac _lb. Mother (Emp. Matris) Ph. G lb. Myrrh lb. Nuremburg lb. Olibanum lb. Oli varum lb. Opium, U. S lb. Oxycroceum, Ph. G lb. Pitch, Burgundy lb. “ Canada .lb. “ Compound (King Formula Irritating) _lb “ with Cantharides lb. Resin, U. S. lb. Saponis, U. S lb. Vigo lb. with Mercuiy.. . lb. Potassium, Chlorate, purified, McK. & R. (5 lb. tins, 25) ...lb. Powder, Aromatic lb. Catechu, Compound lb. Chalk, Aromatic lb. “ Compound, U. S _lb. “ and Opium lb. Cochineal, Compound lb. Composition, in bulk lb. Diaphoretic lb. Dover’s, U. S., 1880 lb. “ with Potassium Sulphate lb. Insect, True, McK. & R _doz. Jalap, Compound lb. James’ lb. Kino Compound. lb. Licorice Compound lb. Lobelia Compound lb. Morphine Compound lb. Neutralizing ..lb. Opium Compound lb. Rhubarb, Compound, U. S lb. Scammonv Compound oz'. 72 75 1 00 2 00 38 1 75 1 00 5° 5° 1 00 60 40 5° 1 25 1 5° 28 1 50 75 75 75 2 25 75 25 1 25 1 20 1 10 1 5° x 25 70 1 5° 5° CAUTION ?— SPECIFY “McK. Si, B.” 56 McKesson & Robbins' Preparations. Powder, Tar (50 #) lb. “ Tooth _ _ lb. “ Tragacanth Compound., . ...lb, Tully, U.S lb. Powdered Drugs, McK. & R., see page 64. Powders, Seidlitz, Full (40 lbs.) doz. 3.25 .gross “ Usual (30 lbs.) doz. 2.75 gross Soda, doz. 1.50 gross Pulp, Tamarind, Genuine .. . lb. QUININE, Bi-Muriate with Urea, 1-8 oz. vials 1-8 oz. “ “ I oz. “ ...oz. Bl SULPHATE. McK. & R oz. Bromide, Carbolate, Salicylate, SULPHATE, Sulpho-Carbol., Tannate, Valeriante, Resin, Copaiba Galbanum Jalap Scammony, U. S. Yerba Santa Salts, Lemon, boxes “ “ bulk “ Smelling, bulk “ Wormwood 1-4 1-8 1-12 1-16 I oz 5 oz oz. oz. .- oz. oz. vial oz. -2 “ oz. oz. “ oz. “ oz. ** oz. cans oz. cans oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. oz. ; oz. oz. doz. lb. lb. lb. SALTS, GRANULAR, EFFERVESCENT McK. & R. s. Put up in % lb. bottles, and 1 lb. and larger sizes to order. Ammonium, Bromide doz. Antipyrine doz. Bromide of Caffeine % lb. bots...doz, “ ...1 lb. bots...each “ -5 lb. bots...each Caffeine and Brom. Potas % lb. bots doz. Caffeine, Citrate... ...doz. Cerium, Nitrate doz. “ “ Oxalate doz. Lithium, Bromide . . . . doz. “ Citrate doz. Magnesium, Citrate.. .doz. Pepsin, Bismuth and Strychnine .doz. Potassium, Bromide doz. Seidlitz, Mixture • doz. Sodium, Bromide doz. “ Salicylate doz. Vichy Salt doz. Salve, Deshler lb. Soda Mint lb. Sodium, Benzoate, McK. & R oz. “ Salicylate, “ lb. SOLUTIONS (also Liquors). Solution, Acid Phosphate of Lime lb. “ “ Phosphate Compound without Iron . . .lb. “ “ “ “ with Iron lb. “ Aluminium, Acetate lb. “ “ Chloride lb. “ “ Compound lb-. “ Ammonium, Acetate -lb. “ “ Anisate ...lb, “ “ Citrate lb. “ “ Sulphide lb. “ Arsenic, Bromide ...lb. “ “ Chloride, U. S .lb. “ “ “ De Valangin ..lb. “ “ Hydrochloric, Br. P ...lb. “ Arsenical, Pearson. lb. “ Arsenious Acid, U. S. ...lb. “ Atropine, Fleming oz. “ “ British oz. 36 00- 30 cx> 16 50 3° 25 25 45 1 00 2 25. 1 05 45- 50 55 6r, 8a 95 43 38 1 65 55 1 30 25 70 25 90 75 75 75 1 00 75 5 co- 18 00 8 5a * 75 8 00 8 50 9 00 50 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R. McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations, Solution, Barium, Chloride - lb. “ Bismuth - - lb. “ Bi-> econate of Morphine lb. “ Bi-Sulphate of Lime lb. “ Bromine, Smith .lb. “ Calcium, Chloride lb. “ Chloride Zinc, Medicinal... .lb. “ “ “ Commercial lb. “ Clemen lb. “ Copper, Villate . lb. “ Donovan, U. S ..lb. “ Fehling lb. “ Fowler, U. S.... lb. “ Gutta Percha, U. S. ..lb. “ “ “ (Turpentine) lb. “ Hydrastis, Colorless. lb. “ Iodine, Bromide oz. “ “ Compound (Lugols) ...lb. “ Iodohydrargyrate Potassium oz. “ Ipecac and Opium lb. “ Iron, Acetate, U. S. P. lb. “ “ “ Ph.G lb. “ Iron, Acetate, Radem lb. “ “ Citrate, U. S. .lb. “ “ “ and Quinine lb. “ “ Chloride, U. S._ lb. “ “ “ Ph.G lb. “ “ “ Br lb. “ “ Perchloride lb. “ “ Pernitrate .lb. “ “ Persulphate * lb. “ “ Protoxide lb. “ “ Subsulphate .lb. “ “ Tersulphate lb. “ Lead, Subacetate, U. S. lb. “ Lime lb. “ “ Saccharated .lb. “ Magnesium Citrate doz. “ Mercury, Nitrate oz. “ Morphine (Magendie) . .oz. “ “ Sulphate, U. S lb. “ Naphthol Cone., McK. & R., i oz. vials oz. “ “ “ “ i lb. bottles lb. For making French Naphtholized Water (Ruault Formula) take % dram McK. & R. Cone. Solution to 1 pint water. “ Nitroglycerin, 10% oz. “ “ oz. “ Opium Sedative lb. “ Pepsin, U. S. P... lb. “ Peroxide of Hydrogen lb. “ Phosphorous (Thompson) .lb. “ Pitch, Alkaline lb. “ Potassa lb. “ Potassium, Citrate, U. S lb. “ “ Permanganate, U. S lb. “ Sodium, A rseniate lb. “ “ Bi-Sulphite lb. “ “ Chlorinated, bulk gal. “ “ “ C. S., bots doz. “ “ “ G. S M bots doz. “ Strychnine, British oz. “ “ Hall oz. “ Van Swieten ..lb. “ Zinc Chloride, U. S. P lb. “ “ “ Commercial .lb. TEST-SOLUTIONS (U. S. P.). Test-Solution Acetate of Lead _oz. “ Albumen oz. “ Ammonia-Nitrate Silver oz. “ Ammonia Sulphate of Copper oz. “ Bichromate Potassium oz. “ Bitartrate of Sodium ..oz. “ Carbonate Ammonium oz. “• “ of Sodium _oz. “ Chloride of Ammoninm o j.. “ “ Barium oz. “ “ Calcium oz. “ “ Gold oz. “ Chromate of Potassium oz. “ Ferric Chloride oz. “ Ferricyanide Potassium oz. «« A “ lh “ Ferrous Sulphate oz. ... . " ■< 57 35 55 i 75 40 6 o 30 25 12 I OO 3 » 30 75 12 3 00 1 50 1 25 25 1 25 15 1 65 60 60 60 60 2 00 25 25 25 25 30 25 75 25 25 30 15 40 2 00 IS 3 ° 80- 15 1 25 40 20 1 00 75 75 1 io 50 20 - 60 25 40 5 °- 40 2 25 2 75 12 12 30 25 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 50 5 5 5 50 58 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. Test-Solution Gelatine. oz. *• Hydrosulphuric Acid oz. “ Hyposulphite of Sodium oz. “ Indigo oz. “ Iodide Mercury and Potassa oz. “ Iodide of Potassium oz. “ Iodine oz. “ Magnesium oz. Mercuric Chloride oz. “ Nitrate of Barium oz. “ Nitrate of Silver oz. Oxalate of Ammonium oz. “ Permanganate of Potassa oz. “ Phosphate Ammonium oz. “ Phosphate of Sodium oz. “ Picric Acid .oz. “ Platinic Chloride oz. ‘ 1 Potassio-C upric T artrate oz. “ Sulphate of Calcium oz. “ Sulphate of Copper oz. “ Sulphate of Potassium oz. “ Sulphate of Silver oz. 11 Sulphide of Ammonium oz. “ Tannic Acid oz. “ Tartaric Acid oz. .■Spirits, Ammonia lb. “ Aromatic .lb. “ Fetid, Br. P lb. Angelica, Aromatic lb. “ Compound lb. Anise lb. Balsamicus lb. Cajuput, Br. P lb. Camphor lr>. Carmelita lb. Chloroform, U. S lb. Chamomile, distilled, Ph. G lb. Cinnamon, U. S .lb. “ Ph. G lb. Elder Flowers, distilled, Ph. G .lb. Ether .lb. “ Compound lb. Gaultheria, U. S ...lb. Juniper, U. S. lb. “ Compound U. S lb. Lavender, U. S lb. “ Compound : lb. Lemon, U. S. lb. Lettuce, distilled lb. Mastic, Compound lb. Melissa, Compound... 1". “ distilled, Ph. G lb. Muriatic Ether, Ph. G. lb. Myrcia, U. S . -gal. Nutmeg, U. S lb. Orange, U. S. lb. Peppermint, U. S . .lb. Pimenta lb. Raspberry, distilled, Ph. G. ..lb. Rose .lb Rosemary lb. Sage, distilled, Ph. G. lb. Spearmint, U. S lb. Tar lb. Tilia, distilled ... lb. Strophanthus Tincture (See Tincture). Suet, Prepared lb. Sulphur, Iodide oz. SYRUPS— McK. & R. Of the U. S., British and German Pharmacopoeias, and other formulas. Syrup, Acacia, U. S. ...lb. “ Almond lb. “ Althaea lb. “ Blackberry, (Rubus).-- lb. “ “ and Matico.. lb. “ for Soda Water gal. “ Bloodroot lb. “ “ Compound lb. “ Bromide Calcium, see page 58. “ “ Iron, U. S. lb. “ “ “ and Quinine ...lb. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 S 5 25 5 5 5 5 5 75 5 5 5 5 25 5 5 5 50 55 75 50 65 65 1 50 1 00 50 1 00 85 1 00 1 00 1 00 90 75 5° 1 09 50 5° 50 55 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 25 1 00 1 00 3 00 1 00 1 00 65 5° i 00 50 75 1 00 1 00 5° 75 75 65 5o 90 2 00 60 60 75 2 00 Syrup, McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations, 59 & Bromide, Lithium .lb “ Potassium lb, Juinine and Strychnine lb. sodium lb. Buchu lb. Buckthorn Bark lb. “ Berries lb. Butternut lb. Cascara Sagrada lb. Cherry, Wild lb. Cherry, Wild, Compound... lb. Chestnut lb. Chloralhydrate lb. Chlorhydrophosphate Calcium .lb. “ Iron lb. Citrate of Iron lb. “ “ “ and Quinine. lb. Citric Acid, U. S lb. Coca lb. Codeine lb. Coffee lb. Corn Silk lb. Coto Bark lb. Cubeb lb. Dandelion lb. Dover lb. Ery throx y Ion lb. Eucalyptus lb. Fennel lb. Gall Aromatic. lb. Garlic lb. Ginger lb. Grind elia Robusta lb. Hop lb. Hydriodic Acid, U. S lb. Hvpophosphites. U. S lb. with Iron, U. S. P lb. Hypophosphite Iron, &c., see page 58. 14 Lime, &c., see page 58. 44 Manganese lb. 4 4 Potassium lb. 44 Sodium, &c., see page 58. Iodide of Iron, British lb. U.S : lb. Ph. G lb. and Manganese lb. 44 14 4 4 and Quinine lb. “ “ Lime lb. “ “ Manganese lb. 4 4 4 4 Potassium lb. 4 4 4 4 Starch lb. Ipecac. ...lb, 44 McK. & R doz. Krameria lb. Lacto-Phospate Iron, see phge 58. 4 4 4 4 Lime, &c., see page 58. Lactate Iron lb. Lactucarium lb. Lemon gal. Licorice Extract lb. 44 Root lb. Lime, U. S ...lb. Lobelia lb. “ and Blood Root lb. Morphine... ...lb. Orange Flowers, U. S lb. Orange Peel, Curasao lb. 44 4 4 Seville, U. S. P lb. Orgeat lb. Partridge Berry Compound lb. Phosphate of Iron, Quinine & Strychnine, U. S. lb. Phosphates, Compound, see page 58. Iron, &c., see page 58. Phosphate Calcium lb. Pineapple, pure, for Soda Water gal. Poke Root. lb. Poppy lb. 44 Ph. G lb. Prqfoxide Iron .lb. Pyrophosphate Iron lb. Quebracho Bark lb. Raspberry, pure, for Soda Water gal. 60 00 75 75 60 60 75 75 40 75 75 00 60 60 60 00 5 ° 75 5° 75 75 00 60 60 60 75 60 60 60 60 5 ° 75 70 70 75 75 75 6S 45 5 ° 40 25 00 60 90 75 00 60 75 60 00 1 00 2 00 60 50 5» 5 ° 50 1 00 60 75 50 75 75 2 00 g«g/Mry “M-I> ». r> n 60 McKesson & Robbins' Preparations. U. S. Rhatany, U. S. Rubus, U. S., see Blackberry. Rumex Compound (Scrofulou: Sanguinaria Senega Senna Lime Squill. Tar. Tolu. Yerba Santa, Aromatic gal. 2 75 .gal. 2 75 ..lb 6o ..lb. 6o ..lb. 6o ..lb. 6o ..lb. 5 o ..lb. 6o ..lb. 70 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 6o ..lb. 6o ..lb. 6o gal. 3 50 gal. 3 50 gal. 2 50 ..lb. I 06 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 50 gal. 1 25 ..lb. 40 __lb. 65 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 gal. 2 00 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 ..lb 60 gal. 3 50 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 40 ..lb. 50 .lb. 60 ..lb. 60 lb 67 SYRUPS, McK. & R. These Syrups are carefully prepared from published recipes, and are neatly put up in one and five pound amber glass bottles, with formulas, direc- tions and doses on labels. Other Syrups, not mentioned in this list, made to order at short notice. SYRUPS. Bromide Calcium “ Lithium Hypophosphite Iron Iron and Manganese Lime “ andiron “ Iron and Soda “ and Soda (Churchill) “ 44 “ and Potassa “ “ “ “ and Iron “ Soda Lacto-Phosphate Iron 14 Lime. 44 and Iron 44 and Pepsin “ 44 and Soda _ “ “ Soda, Potassa and Iron Phosphates, Compound (Chemical Food) “ Iron, Quinine and Strychnine (Aitken) . Sarsaparilla and Iodide of Lime In 1 lb. In 5 lb. Bottles. Bottles. doz . each . 12 00 4 80 13 5 ° 5 40 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 6o 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 9 00 3 60 15 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 15 00 6 00 9 00 3 60 20 00 8 00 12 00 4 80 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. & R. McKesson & Robbins’s Preparations. 6t \ TABLETS, COMPRESSED, McK. & R. TABLETS. Ammonium, Muriate, 3 grs. in 1 lb. boxes... lb. “ “ Boxes 40 tablets doz. “ 44 boxes 40 tablets gr>ss Borax, 5 grs., in x lb. boxes ..lb. “ in boxes of 40 tablets doz. “ in boxes of 40 tabl ts _ . gross Pepsin, in boxes of 40 tablets doz. in boxes of 40 tablets gross Potassium, Chlorate, in 1 lb. boxes .lb. 1 ‘ in boxes of 40 tablets. doz. “ “ in boxes of 40 tablets gross Potass. Chlor., Amm. Mur., 1 ib. box lb. “ 44 “ in boxes of 40 tablets doz. “ l£ “ “ in boxes of 40 tablets gross Soda Bicarbonate, in x lb. boxes lb. ** “ in boxes of 40 tablets d z. “ “ i n boxes of 40 tablets gross Soda Mint, in 1 lb. bottles lb. “ “ in bottles of 40 tablets .doz. “ “ in bottles of 40 tablets gross 1 11 11 3 40 1 11 1 11 1 11 Talcum, Purified (National Formulary), 1 lb. can lb. “ “ “ 41 5 lb. cans ..lb. 90 15 50 90 15 5° 5°' 00 60 i5 50 90 15 5» 80 IS 50 80 25 _5p- 25 2 3- TEREBENE, McK. & R. TEREBENE. Terebene, 1 lb. bottles, inclusive lb. 44 y 2 lb. bottles, inclusive lb. 44 % lb. bottles, inclusive lb. 44 1 oz. bottles, inclusive.. lb. 80 90 1 05 1 70 tinctures, McKesson & robbins’. Of the U. S., British and Germ. Pharmacopoeias and other reliable formulas. TINCTURES. Tincture, Aconite Leaf lb. 44 44 Root, U. S.. lb. “ “ 44 Ph. G..__ lb. “ 44 44 Etherial. Ph. G ..lb. 44 4 4 44 Fleming’s lb. “ Aloes, U. S lb. “ 44 Compound, Ph. G... lb. 44 44 and Myrrh, U. S lb. 44 Amara, (National Formulary) lb. 4 4 Ambergris lb. “ Ambrette .lb. 44 Anchusa lb. 44 Antispasmodic lb. 44 Apocynum Cannab lb. “ Arbor Vitae. lb. “ Arnica Flowers, U. S lb. 44 44 Root, U.S lb. 44 Aromatic, Ph. G lb. “ Asafetida, U. S._ .lb. 44 Belladonna, U. S lb. 44 Benzoin, U. S lb. 44 44 Comp. U. S lb. 44 Bestuchef, (Golden Tincture) , lb. 44 Bitter Root ...lb. 44 Blackberry lb. “ Bloodroot, U.S. lb. “ Blue Cohosh lb. “ 4 4 44 Comp lb. 44 Blue Flag lb. 44 Boldo _]b. 44 Box (Buxus) lb. 44 Bromide Iodine lb. 4 4 44 4 4 De-color lb. 44 Bryonia, U.S lb. 44 Buchu, Rriiish lb. 44 Cactus Grandiflora lb. 44 Calabar Bean lb. 44 Calcium, Iodide lb. 44 Calendula, U. S... lb. 44 Calumba lb. 60 75 75 90 90 60 60 60 75 4 00 75 5° 5° 70 60 50 50 60 60 50 75 60 50 50 60 60 60 1 60 60 2 00 2 50 60 50 1 50 90 90 60 .50- CAUTION !- SPECIFY “McK. A R, 62 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations TINCTURES-Continued. Tincture, Camphor “ “ Compound “ Canella _ _ _ “ Cannabis Indica u “ “ Ethereal “ Cantharides. U. S “ Capsicum, U. S k ' Cardamom, U.S “ Comp., U. S... “ Cascarilla “ Castor, U. S. P.,1870 “ “ British “ “ French Codex “ Catechu Comp., U. S., 1880 41 Celandine “ Chamomile “ Cherry Bark ■* k Chewslick “ Chinoidin kk . Chiretta, U. S “ Cinncifuga “ “ Comp. (King Formula) “ Cinchona, U. S “ Comp., U S “ Detannated (National Formulary) 41 “ Pale “ Cinnamon kk Compound kk kk Vinos, Ph. G Civet... “ Cloves. “ Coca “ Cocculus Indicus “ Cochineal. “ Colchicum Root “ kk Seed, U. S u kk kk Ethereal 4 ‘ Collinsonia “ kk Ph. G “ Colocynth, Ph. G “ Conium, U. S “ Copper, Acet. (Rademacher) Corn Silk kk Coto Bark Cotton Root Bark “ Cramp Bark ■“ k ‘ “ Comp. (King Formula).. kk Cranesbill k> Cubeb, U.S Cudbear kk Curcuma.. 4 ‘ Damiana ,k Digitalis, U. S... kk •• Eth., Ph. G “ Drosera Rotundifolia “ Dulcamara.. “ Ergot Br 4 ‘ k - Ethereal “ Erythroxylon Eucalyptus “ Eupatorium “ Expectorant (King Formula) ... “ Foxglove, U. S.. “ kk Ph. G “ Fucus Vesiculosus.. Galls, U.S “ Compound : “ Garlic “ Gelsemium, U. S “ “ Fresh Root. “ Gentian “ “ Compound, U. S “ Ginger, U. S 4 ‘ Glycyrrhiza “ Golden Seal, U. S “ Green Soap, U. S “ Grindella Robusta “ Guaiac, U. S “ “ Ammoniated, U. S “ “ Dewee “ “ Ethereal ..lb. 5 ° ..lb. 75 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 1 40 ..lb. 70 ..lb. 50 _.lb. 75 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 5 o ..lb. 2 25 ..lb. 1 5 o ..lb. 3 00 .lb. 60 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 . lb. 60 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 60 _.lb. 60 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 85 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 90 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 5 o ..lb. 75 ..lb. 75 ..lb. 3 00 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 85 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 70 ..lb. 70 ..lb. 85 ..lb. 65 ..lb. 65 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 60 ..lb. 65 _lb. 1 00 ,.lb. 65 ..lb. 65 ..lb. 65 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 50 ..lb. 85 ,1b. 50 _lb. 1 00 ,1b. 90 .. lb. 60 .lb. 60 .lb. 70 .lb. 85 .lb. 65 .lb. 65 .lb. 75 .lb. 50 _lb. 1 00 .lb. 65 .lb. 5 ° .lb. 60 .lb. 60 .lb. 50 .lb. 70 .lb. 50 .lb. 50 .lb 60 .lb. 50 .lb. 50 .lb. So .lb. 1 00 .lb. 70 lb. 75 .lb. 85 .lb. 1 00 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R.’ McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations, 63 TINCTURES-Continued. Tincture, Guarana “ Hellebore Black “ “ White “ Amer. (see Verat Vir.) “ Hops, U. S “ Ho:ehound “ Horse-chestnut “ Hydrangea “ Hydrastis.. “ Hydropiper “ Hyoscyamus. U. S... «... 44 Ignatia Amara. U. S “ Indian Cannabis, U. S 44 Iodine, U. S “ 44 Ph. G “ “ (Churchill) “ Colorless “ Compound “ *• Ethereal “ Ipecac “ and Opii, U. S. (Liq. Doveri.) , “ Iris “ Iron, Acetate, U. S British “ “ “ Etherial Ph. G “ “ Rademacher “ 44 Chloride “ Tasteless “ Etherial, Bestuchef “ Pomati “ Jaborandi “ Jalap “ Juniper Berries 41 Kalina “ Kino “ Krameria “ Lactucarium. “ Larkspur Seed “ Lavender, Comp., U. S “ Leptandra “ Lettuce “ Licorice. _ . “ Life Root “ Lily of the Valley Root “ Litmus “ Lobelia and Capsic. (King Formula.! “ 44 British 44 Comp. (King Formula ) “ 44 Ethereal, Br 44 “ Herb 44 44 Seed 44 Lupulin Malva * Marrubium “ Matico 44 Mountain Balm 44 Musk, McK & R 4 4 44 U. S 44 Myrrh, U. S 44 and Capsic (Hot Drops) “ Comp 44 Nux Vomica, U. S 4 4 4 4 Ph. G 44 4 4 Eth. Ph. G 44 British 44 Opium, U. S., 1870 “ 4 4 44 1880 44 4 4 Ph. G 44 Acetate, U. S., 1870 44 Ammon, Br 44 Comphorated. U. S. 44 Crocat, (Ph. G.)____ 44 Deodorized, U. S., 1870 44 Opium, Deodorized, U. S.. 1880 44 Orange, Bitter, U. S 44 4 4 Sweet, U. S 44 Orris 44 Pellitory 44 Phosphorus, Alcoholic 4 4 4 4 Ethereal Thompson .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .Ib. _lb. .lb. .lb. ,1b. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. ,1b. .lb. .lb. lb. .lb. .lb. .lb. ,1b. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. Jb. lb. .lb. _lb. .lb. .lb .lb. .lb. .lb. .lb .lb. .lb. .lb. 1 5 ° 1 25 1 25 2 00 75 1 65 50 50 1 00 1 00 80 40 75 80- 40 65 75 6a 6a 50 1 25 90- 60- 50 So So 50 75 70 70 70 75 60 50 50 90 75 50 70- 75 4 50 45 £ 6 5 60 65 S 1 00 1 2*5 1 50 2 75 1 25 50 3 00 1 5 ° 2 00 50 50 So 75 1 50 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R.” 64 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. TINCTURES Continued. Tincture, Physostigma, L'.S._ lb 90 Phytolacca.. lb- 50 Pilocarpus ..lb- 65 Pimpinella, Ph.G lb 1 00 Pleurisy Root. -lb- 60 Podophyllum lb- 60 Poison Oak, (Rhus tox.) .lb- 75 Poke Root lb- 50 Poppy lb- 60 Priclkly Ash Bark lb- 50 Pulsatilla lb- 50 Pyrethrum, U. S lb- 75 Quassia, U. S ...lb- 5° “ Compound lb- 75 B uillaia lb- 5 ° uinine .lb- 1 5° “ Comp. (Dr. Loomis) lb- 2 00 Quebracho lb- 1 50 Red Saunders lb- 60 Rhatany, U. S._ lb- 5 ° Rhubarb, U. S lb- 60 “ Aqu. Ph. G lb- 5° Aromatic, U. S lb- 7 ° “ and Aloes lb- 60 “ and Gentian .lb- 60 “ and Senna lb- 60 “ Sweet, U. S lb- 70 “ Vinosa, Ph. G '. lb- 75 Rhus Toxicodendron lb- 75 Saffron, American lb. 60 “ Spanish, U. S .lb- 1 5° Sandalwood lb 1 00 Sanguinaria. lb. 5° Savin lb- 60 Scullcap lb- 60 Scutellaria y lb- 60 Senega .lb. 60 Senna, Hr. (Compound) .lb. 50 Serpen taria, U. S lb. 50 “ Comp. (King Formula.).. ...lb. 75 Snake Root, Compound lb. 1 00 Soap lb. 60 Bark _lb. 5 ° “ Camphorated lb. 60 “ Green, U. S lb. 5° Squill, U. S lb. 5° “ Compound lb. 60 Star-grass _lb. 100 Stone Root lb. 75 Stramonium Compound. .lb. 5° “ Leaf.. lb. 5 ° Seed, U. S. P '. lb. .75 Strophanthus, 5% (oz. 10) lb. 1 00 Strychnine Comp. (King Formula.). _ib. 75 Styrax lb. 60 Sudorific (King Formula.) .lb. 1 5° Sumbul, U. S lb. 1 00 Tar.. lb. 60 Thuja lb. 60 Tolu, U. S... lb. 70 Tonca ... lb. 75 Unicorn lb. 60 Valerian, U. S lb. 50 li Ammoniated, U. S lb. 90 “ Etherial, Ph. G lb. 75 Vanilla, U. S lb. 2 00 Veratrum Viride, U. S lb. 60 Vetivert Root lb. 75 Viburnum lbi 75 Violets. lb. 75 Wahoo lb. 60 TINCTURES, WARBURG’S. Tincture, Warburg’s _lb. 250 Yz lb. bottle lb. 175 Y lb. bottle.. lb. 1 60 1 oz. vials doz. 2 50 with Cinchonidine .lb. 1 50 “ “ Yz lb. bottles lb. 2 75 “ % lb. bottles .lb. 260 without Aloes lb. 2 50 CAUTION !— SPECIFY “WIcX. A R, 65 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. TINCTURES -Continued. Tincture, Wild Yam .. -lb. “ Xanthoxylum lb. “ Yerba Santa - - lb. TRITURATIONS, U. S. P.. 1880. Each grain represents i-io gr. of the Drug. Trituration, Aconitine, Nitrate.. .oz. Arsenious Acid oz. Atropine oz. Calcium, Sulphide... oz. Calomel oz. Codeine oz. Copper, Acetate.. oz. Corrosive Sublimate .oz. Elaterin Jpz. Ipecac oz. Iron, Arsenite oz. " Reduced .oz. Mercury, Protiodide (Yel.) _ ...oz, V Bin-Iodide (Red.) oz. “ “ Metal oz. Morphine, Sulphate... .oz. Potassium, Bichromate ..oz. Strychnine oz. Zinc, Phosphide... * oz. 6 3 7 VINEGARS McK. & R. "Vinegar, Aromatic, Ph. G “ Cantliarides, Br “ Colchicum, Ph. G “ Digitalis “ Distilled, Ph. G... “ Garlic “ Lobelia, U. S Opium, U. S. P., 1880 “ Raspberry “ Sanguinaria, U. S “ Squill, U. S lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. WATERS, COLOGNE McK. & R. Water, Cologne, Bell, Extra gal. “ qts doz. ‘ pts doz. ‘ Vz pts .doz. “ “ “ % “ doz. This is an agreeable and lasting Cologne, put up in flint Tinc- ture bottles. Water, Cologne, “ Diana’s Bath” gal. “ in 8 oz. long Florida Water bottles, stamped to retail 75 cents. doz. A very bleasant and cheap Cologne. Water, Cologne, ” Farina,” McK. & R gal. doz. Trial size doz. Delicate! Exquisite ! Permanent ! In Handsome Glass Muslirooin-Stopoered 8 oz. Flint Bottles. Klegant Illuminated Label. Water, Cologne, Marie Louise . _ gal. pts.. doz. “ “ Yl pts doz. 11 “ ” 11 ^ pts doz. This Cologne is made of the finest oils, and put up in extra fiint glass-stopped French squares , with illuminated labels. Water, Cologne, McK. & R gal “ Musk Odor gal ‘‘ Rose “ : gal “ ” Verbena Odor gal We have superior facilities for manufacturing Gob gnes, through our steam arrange meuts for distilling, and the purity o' our Ottoes ; all our Cologne Waters will be found to possess strength with delicacy of odor. Water, Florida, McK. & R. doz. WATERS, MEDICINAL, McK. & R. Water, Aconite ...lb. “ Anise, U. S __lb. “ Asafetida lb. *' Bitter Almond, U. S. lb. “ Camphor, U. S. lb. “ Caraway lb. Chamomile lb. *' “ Concentrated lb. ” Cherry Laurel lb. “ Chicory lb. 6 18 12 7 5 5 5 8 7 8 16 10 6 6 8 6 6 4 60 5f> 75 00 25 00 25 25 50 50 25 So 25 25 25 25 25 25 50 25 50 5° 00 00 75 75 35 75 75 5° 75 65 50 00 00 00 5° 00 00 00 00 50 50 00 5° 50 00 00 00 00 00 5° 3° 3° 5° 35 3« 30 3° 00 35 3° - CAUTION ! SPECIFY “McK. A. R, 66 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. WATERS, MEDICINAL-McK. & R.-Continued. Water, Chlorine, U. S lb. Cinnamon, U. S . lb. “ Spirituous, Ph. G lb. Creasote, U. S lb. Dill ..lb. Distilled gal. Elder Flower lb. l * “ Concentrated lb. Fennel, U. S lb. Heliotrope lb. Hyoscyamus lb. Javelle gal. Lavender .lb. Lead, U. S lb. Lettuce .lb. k * Concentrated ...lb. Lime gal. Lovage. lb. Melissa lb. “ Concentrated lb. Nux Vomica, Rademacher. lb. Opium, Ph. G lb. Parsley .. ...lb. Peppermint, Concentrated lb “ and Strychnine, i pint bottles doz. “ “ s “ “ bot. Coca doz. 44 5 pint bottles .. ...bot. “ i gallon demijohn... each Colchicum Root, i pint bottles .doz. 5 “ “ bot. “ Seed, i “ “ doz. “ ** 5 ‘‘ bot. Comfrey Comp., i pint bottles doz. “ “ 5 “ “ bot. Ergot, U. S ...lb. Ipecac, U. S lb. Iron, British ... lb. 4 ’ Bitter, McK. & R., i pint bottles.. doz. " “ “ 5 “ -bot. “ “ “ 4 oz. 4,4 doz. U.S. P lb. “ and Bismuth.. lb. “ “ Quinine. lb. “ Citrate, U. S. P .lb. Ladies’-Slipper lb. Opium, U. S lb. “ Rousseau (Ph. Fr.) lb. ‘ 4 S yd enham lb. CAUTION !— SPECIFY “McK. A R.” *5 35 3 » 3 ° 3 <> 15 5 ° 1 00 30 1 00 30 75 60 15 30 1 00 50 30 60 1 00 60 2 00 60 1 00 25 35 60 1 25 1 75 60 30 1 00 .30 30 25 60 1 00 3 ° 60 75 75 75 8 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 10 .x> 3 50 10 00 3 50 10 00 3 5 ° TO OO 3 SO 7 00 2 50 4 25 12 OO 4 50 12 OO 4 50 IO OO 3 50 90 90 70 IO OO 3 50 4 OO I OO I OO 67 McKesson & Robbins' Preparations Wine, Pancreatine, in i pint bottles .. “ “ in 5 “ “ “ Pepsin, McK. & R., i pint bottles . Pepsin, Ph. G - - R uinine, Br hubarb . “ Squill “ Tar. 4 ‘ White “ “ Stronger Wild Cherry in i pint bottles 41 “ “ in s " • " “ “ Detannated “ “ “ Ferrated, pints “ “ “ “ 5 " Zinc, Sulphate, purified, McK. & R McK. & R. POWDERED DRUGS. doz. .bot. doz. .bot. ..lb. ..lb. ..lb. lb. lb. -gal. -gal. bots. .doz. .doz. .bot. .doz. .bot. ...lb It seems highly proper to classify powdered drugs among pharma- ceutical preparation, because the selection and garbling of the crude drug and its reduction to a powdered form make a preparation of the powder, and as such it should carry the label of the producer as a guarantee of its purity, the same as a bottle of Quinine or Fluid Extract. We have recently adopted i lb. square tins as containers, and prices quoted below, which will be subject to market changes, include the cans, the increased cost for which is trifling. These cans are very slightly and make neat and attractive shelf packages. Powdered Cinchona Barks and Powdered Opium will be labeled with their respective assays, and upon the labels of Powdered Ergot and Powdered Narcotic Xeaves will be stated the year that the crudes were gathered. Other powders than those here quoted will be furnished, of guaranteed purity, upon application. Our desire is to have the trade order the following powders in i lb. cans only, and on that account we have merely added the increased cost, figured down to the lowest basis All powders sent out by us, in cans bearing our label, are guaranteed by us. Specify McKesson & Robbins’ powders in pound cans. Aromatic Powder.. lb. i Alum, Granulated, Purified lb. I Ammonium, Muriate, McK.&R.. pur. and gran., for prescriptionslb. j Bark, Cinchona, Y 3# total alkaloids lb. ! “ Calisaya, 6 % total alkaloids, over 2% being quinine. lb. “ Cuprea, ^ l / 2 % total alkaloids, over 2^ being quinine. lb. j Red, true, 6 % total alkaloids, over 2# being quinine. lb. “ “ “ R 3%' total alkaloids lb. Berries, Cubeb (coarse powder) lb. Boracic Acid. Purified, Impalpable powder. _lb. Borax, Granulated, Purified lb. Cantharides lb. Cloves "" "]”””lb! Copper, Sulphate, McK & R., pur. and gr., for prescriptions lb. Colocynth, Pulp (freed from teeds) lb. Cream of Tartar lb. Dover’s Powder, U. S., 1870, with Powdered Sulphate Potassa.Jb. “ 1880, with Powdered Sugar of Milk. lb. Ergot, Best Spanish, Purified ...lb. Extracts, Solid, Powdered, full line. “ Licorice, Calab. True Flowers, Red Rose jb’ Guarana j” jib! Gum, Aloes, Socotrino, Purified . . lb. Arabic, first select lb! “ “ “ granulated lb. Asafetida (preferable to the powdered form) lb. Gamboge lb. Kino lb! MasUc --.!!.!!..!!! lb! Myrrh jb! Opium (assay on every label) U. S. P .lb. “ “ 14 testing about 15^ lb. Scammony, Virgin (assay on label) at present 80# lb. Tragacanth, opt.. lb. Lead, Acetate, McK. & R., purified, granulated, for prescriptions. lb. Leaf, Aconite lb. “ Belladonna "!lb. “ Comum ""’ib! | “ Digitalis !!!!lb!j •* Hyoscyamus ."jb! 15 00 5 50 12 00 4 5° 1 25 i 00 1 00 75 75 2 00 2 50 8 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 9 00 3 25 25 1 50 12 28 80 1 00 90 1 00 80 2 00 25 2 10 40 3° 2 75 45 1 10 1 25 60 60 1 65 1 90 85 1 25 1 25 50 90 35 1 25 50 5 00 6 50 10 50 1 00 40 35 30 30 35 35 caution i-specify “imick. a f 68 McKesson & Robbins’ Preparations. Leaf, Senna, Alex.. _ . _ lb. Nutmeg Jb. Nux Vomica.. lb. Pepper, Black lb. Potassium, Acetate, Granular, Purified, in y 2 lb. bottles, inclusive.. lb. “ Chlorate, French lb. “ “ McK.& R., purified, gran’d, for prescriptionslb. Root, Aconite, English... ..lb. Belladonna lb. Ginger, Jamaica lb. Golden Seal lb. Ipecac, Brazil lb. Jalap . lb. Licorice, Russian. lb. Orris, Florentine. .lb. Rhatany lb. Rhubarb, extra lb. Sarsaparilla, Honduras lb. Senega lb. Serpentaria. lb. Valerian, Englisgh lb. Veratrum Viride lb. Seed, Anise lb. Cardomom lb. Colchicum, English lb. Lobelia .lb. Santonica (foreign vvormseed) _lb. Soap, White Castile lb. Sugar of Milk lb. Zinc, Sulphate, McK.& R., purified and gran’d, for prescriptions.. lb. McK. & R. PURIFIED SALTS. Should there be any difficulty in procuring these, kindly notify us that we may obviate it in the future. Aloes, Socotrine, Purified, i lb. tins lb. “ “ “ s lb. tins lb. Alum, Granulated, Purified, i lb. tins lb “ “ “ 5 lb. tins lb. Ammonium, Muriate, McK.& R., pur. gran., for presc. i lb. tins... lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 lb. tins. ..lb. .Asafetida, pur., McK. & R., i lb. tins lb. “ “ “ 5 lb. tins. lb. Boracic Acid, Purified, Impalpable powder, i lb. tins lb. “ “ “ “ 5 lb. tins lb. Borax, Granulated, Purified, i lb. tins ..lb. “ “ “ 5 lb. tins. lb. Copper, Sulphate, McK. & R., pur. and gr., for presc., i lb. tins. ..lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 lb. tins... lb. Cream of Tartar, i lb. tins lb. “ ■“ 5 lb. tins lb. Gum Aloes, Socotrine, Purified, i lb. tins lb. “ “ “ “ s lb. tins lb. “ Asafetida (preferable to the powdered form) i lb. tins lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 lb. tins lb. Lead, Acetate, McK. & R., pur. gran., for presc., i lb. bottles ...lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 lb. bottles ...lb. Potassium, Acetate, Granular, Purified, in y z lb. bottles, inclusive.lb. “ Chlorate, French, i lb. tins lb. “ “ 11 5 lb. tins lb. “ “ McK. & R., pur. gran., for presc., i lb. tins. lb. “ “ “ “ “ “ 11 5 lb. tins. lb. Zinc, Sulphate, McK. & R., pur. and gran’d, for presc., i lb. tins.. .lb. “ “ " “ ** “ “ 5 lb. tins., .lb. 45- 75 30 3° 75 3° 3° 70 35 30 90 2 40 40 35 . 30 35 1 25 50 75 50 55 40 30 1 5® 8a 55 30 50 40 25 85 80 12 25 23 50 45 50 45 25 23 30 28 45- 40 85 80 5° 45 40 35 75 3° 28 25 23 In ordering from other wholesalers any of our preparations, kindly specify “McK* & R.” Correspondents may rely upon the prompt ex- ecution of their orders. Express orders and freight orders received in the morning mail are shipped the day of receipt. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 137 Pills and Granules — Allaire , Woodward & Co.’s Sugar-coated. Eli Lilly & Co.’s Gelatine-coated. Keasbey & Mattison’s Gelatine and Sugar-coated. Parke , Davis & Co.’s Sugar-coated. The following condensed Price List of Sugar and Gelatine-coated Pills, gives prices at which they are held at present, subject to the fluctuations of the Market : Discounts.— Allaire, Woodward & Co.’s. 30 per cent.; Eli Lilly & Co.’s, 25 per cent.; Keasbey & Mattison’s, net.; Parke, Davis & Co.’s, 25 per cent. E. L. & CO. A. W. & CO. P., D. & CO. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Acetanalid, 4 grs $0 40 1 80 $ $0 40 1 85 1 Aconite Leaf Ext. |-gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 Aconite Leaf Ext. £gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 Aconite Leaf Ext. 1 gr 30 1 30 30 1 35 Aconitine, 1-60 gr Aconitine, (Duques- 25 1 05 25 1 10 12 55 nel’s) 1-500 gr Aconitine, (Duques- 40 1 80 25 1 10 nePs) 1-200 gr 40 1 80 25 1 10 Ague Chinoidin 2 grs. Iron Sulpb, exsic V 2 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp V* gr. Oil Black Pepper 1-tf gr. 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 20 95 Ague, Improved Chinoidin 2 grs. Powd. Capsicum.. V 2 gr. Iron Sulph. exsic. gr. Ague, Physio — Medi- 40 1 80 50 2 35 20 95 cal Chinoidin 2 grs. Powd. Capsicum ... hi gr. Lupulin % gr. Oil Peppermint..l-16 gr. 40 1 80 Aloes, U. S. P Purified Aloes.... 2 grs. Powdered Soap... 2 grs. Aloes and Asafetida, 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 U. S. P 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 i io' 12 55 Purified Aloes. ...1 y a gr. Asafetida l 1 ^ gr. Powd. Soap gr. 138 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. Aloes, dilute (Hall’s 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Dinner Pill) $ Purified Aloes 1 gr. Powd. Soap lgr. Extract Licorice 1 gr. Treacle 1 gr. 40 $1 80 $ $ 1 Aloes and Iron Purified Aloes 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic 1 gr. Ext. Conium seed V 2 gr. Powdered Ginger % gr. 25 1 05 20 85 30 1 35 12 55 Aloes and Iron,U.S.P. Purified Aloes 1 gr. Tron sulph. exsic... 1 gr. Aromatic Powder..l gr. Confection Rose q. s. Aloes and Mastich, U. S. P. (Lady Web- 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 ster’s Dinner Pill) Purified Aloes 2 grs. Mastich V 2 gr. Powd. Red Rose...^ gr. Aloes and Myrrh, U. 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 15 70 S. P Purified Aloes 2 grs. Powd. Myrrh 1 gr. Aromatic Powder % gr. 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 15 70 Aloes, Myrrh and Ir’n Purified Aloes 2 grs. Powd. Myrrh 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic. . 1 gr. Aloes and Nux Vo- 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 mica Purified Aloes D* gr. Ext. Nux Vomica Vi gr. Aloes, Nux Vomica 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 12 55 and Belladonna... Purified Aloes 1*4 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica 14 gr. Ext. Belladonna.. Mgr. 35 1 55 35 1 60 35 1 60 13 60 Aloin, 1-10 gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 20 85 15 70 Aloin, ^ gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 15 70 Aloin, £ gr 30 1 30 25 1 10 25 1 10 20 95 Aloin, £ gr 40 1 80 35 1 60 35 1 60 20 95 Aloin, 1 gr 60 2 80 60 2 85 60 2 85 30 1 45 Aloin compound Aloin V 8 gr. Podophyllin % gr. Ext. Belladonna... gr. 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 20 95 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 139 Pills and Granules i 1 ! A loin comp, and Strychnine $ Aloin % gr. Podophyllin l / s gr. Ext. Belladonna.. % gr. Strychnine 1-80 gr. Oleoresin Capsi..l-10 gr. Aloin and Nnx Vo- mica- Aloin gr. Ext. Nux Vomica. % gr. Aloin, Nux Vomica and Belladonna... Aloin 1-5 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica.^ gr. Ext. Belladonna...^ gr. Aloin and Strychnine Aloin 1-5 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna, No. 1 Aloin ...1-5 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna...*^ gr. Aloin , Strychnine and Belladonna, No. 2 Aloin 1-10 gr. Strychnine 1-50 gr. Ext. Belladonna..l-6 gr. Aloin, Strychnine and Belladonna comp . . . Aloin 1-5 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna... % gr. Ext. Cascara Sag- rada gr. Aloin, Strychnine, Belladonna and Po- dophyllin Aloin Strychnine 1-60 gr. Ext. Belladonna ■■■Vs gr. Podophyllin ~X gr. Alterative Blue Mass Powd. Ipecac gr- Powd. Opium.... ■V*g r. —Continued. :. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. 30s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 50 2 30 $ 40 1 85 40 1 80 50 2 30 40 1 80 40 i 85 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 80 40 1 85 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 30 25 1 05 25 1 10 P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $ 45 2 10 $ 20 95 40 1 85 40 1 85 20 95 40 1 85 20 95 50 2 35 25 1 20 25 1 10 13 60 140 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Am. Ash Ext., 2 grs ..$ AmmoniumBromide, 1 gr Ammonium Chloride, 3 grs Ammonium Muriate compound Ammon. Muriate...! gr. Powd. Opium 1-32 gr. Benzoic Acid 1-32 gr. Camphor 1-50 gr. Oil Anise 1-32 m. Tartar Emetic... 1-60 gr. Powdered Gum Arabic 1% gr. Ext. of Licorice..l% gr. Ammon. Picrate, ^ gr. Ammon. Picrate, l gr. Ammon. Picrate, ^gr. Ammon. Picrate, 1 gr. Ammon. Picrate, 2 gr. Ammon. Picrate, 3 gr. Ammon. Valerianate, 1 gr Anderson Scots’ Purified Aloes..l 3-5 gr. Powd. Colocynth 4-15 gr. Powd. Gamboge. 1-15 gr. Powd. Soap 1-15 gr. Oil Anise 1-30 gr. Anodyne Camphor 1 gr. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. Morph. acetate..l-20 gr. Oil Capsicum 1-20 gr. Anthelmintic Santonin 1 gr. Calomel 1 gr. Anthemis Ext., 2 grs.. Anti-Bilious Ext. Col. comp..2J4 grs. Podophyllin % gr. Anti-Chill 45 2 05 t 45 2 05 45 2 10 30 1 30 1 00 4 80 25 1 05 25 1 10 30 1 30 30 1 35 35 1 55 35 1 60 45 2 05 45 2 10 60 2 80 75 3 55 40 1 80 35 1 55 25 1 10 50 2 30 55 2 55 55 2 60 40 1 80 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 80 40 1 85 P., D. & Co. K & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $ $ 45 2 10 30 1 35 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 45 2 10 60 2 85 75 3 60 40 1 85 25 1 10 20 95 45 2 10 55 2 60 40 1 85 40 1 85 15 70 40 1 85 20 95 Chinoidin 1 gr. Ir. ferrocyanide. 1 gr. Oil Black Pepper 1 gr. Acid Arsenious.1-20 gr. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 141 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Anti-Chill, £ Strength $35 1 55 $ Chinodin % gr. Ir. ferrocyanide y^ gr. Oil Blk. Pepper y 2 gr. Acid Arsenious.1-40 gr. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Anti - Constipation, Brundcige 40 1 80 Podophyllin 1 10 gr. Ext. Belladonna.1-10 gr. Ext. Nux vomica *4 gr. Ext. Henbane ... % gr. Powd. Capsicum y± gr. 40 1 85 40 1 85 20 95 A n t i - C o nstipation, Carson 60 2 80 Ext. Cas. Sagrada 1 gr. Ext. Rhubarb 1 gr. Ext. Nux vomica M gr. Alotn y 3 s r. A n t i - C o nstipation, Fothergill 60 2 80 Strychnine 1-24 gr. Purified Aloes.. 1J4 gr. Powd. Blk. Pep. 1!4 gr. Ext.Cas. Sagrada 1% gr. 60 2 85 Anti-Constipation, Goss 50 2 30 40 1 85 Podophyllin Mgr. Ext. Colocynth.. . gr. Ext. Butternut . . .y. gr. Ext. Nux vomica.. % gr. Ext. Henbane V* gr. Ext. Gentian y gr. Ext. Cas. Sagrada . y gr. Powd. Can. Hemp.y, gr. A n t i - C o nstipation, Palmer 35 1 55 35 1 60 35 1 60 Purified Aloes. . . 1 gr. Ext. Henbane... 1 gr. Ext.Nux Vomica Mgr. Powd. Ipecac 1-1U gr. Anti - Dyspepsia, Fothergill Strychnine 1-20 gr. Powd. Ipecac . . % gr. PowJBlk. Pepper l l / 2 gr. Ext. Gentian 1 gr. Anti-Dyspeptic Strychnine 1-40 gr. Ext. Belladonna 1-10 gr. Powd. Ipecac.... 1-10 gr Blue Mass 2 grs. Ext. Coloc. comp. 2 grs. 50 2 30 45 2 10 35 1 55 35 1 60 45 2 10 35 1 60 20 95 142 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A.. W. & Co. P., D. & Co. IOC s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Anti-Dyspeptic, Pat- ton $1 50 7 30 | $ Pepsin l gr. Pancreatin 1 gr. Bismuth sub-nit.. I gr. . Berberine sulph..3i gr. Ext.Nux Vomica. 36 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp. 34 gr. Anti-Epileptic 1 40 6 80 1 40 6 85 Iron ferrocj anide34 gr. Quinine valer’ate. i gr. Zinc valerianate.../^ gr. Ext. Y.alerian 1 gr. Anti-Inte r m i 1 1 e n t, Dayton 1 25 6 05 Quinine bisulpb...2 grs. Powd. Opium 34 gr. Powd. Ipecac 1-0 gr. Powd. Capsicum.. .34 gr. Anti-Malarial, Har- per 1 00 4 80 Quininesulph’ie.li4 gr. Iron by hydrogen.% gr. Acid Arsenious..l-30 gr. Strychnine 1-50 gr. Ammon. picrate..l-5 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp..l4 gr. Anti-Malarial , M ad- din, milder 75 3 55 Strychnine. 1-40 gr. Acid Arsenious.1-24 gr. Iron by bydrogen..l gr. Quinine sulpbate...l gr. Purified Aloes 1-6 gr. Anti-Malarial , M a d- din, stronger 90 4 30 Strychnine 3-100 gr. Acid Arsenious..l-20gr. Iron by hydrog.l 1-5 gr. Quinine sulph...l 1-5 gr. Purified Aloes 1-5 gr. Anti-Malarial, M ad- din, with Phos- phorus, milder... 75 3 55 Phosphorus 1-120 gr. Strychnine 1-40 gr. Acid Arsenious..l-24 gr. Iron by hydrogen..l gr. Quinine sulpbate..l gr. Purified Aloes 1-6 gr. K. & M. 100s. 500s. $ 75 3 70 50 2 45 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 143 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A.,W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Anti-Malarial, Mad- din, with Phos- phorus, stronger.! 90 4 30 $ $ $ Phosphorus 1-100 gr. Strychnine 3-100 gr. Acid Arsenious 1-20 gr. Iron by hydrogen lhs gr Quinine sulphate l l A gr Purified Aloes 1-5 gr Anti-Malarial, Me Caw Quinine sulphate.. 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic % gr. Gelsemin 14 gr. Podophyllin 14 gr. Oil Black Pepper 1-10 gr Acid Arsenious. ..1-80 gr Anti-Periodic Cinchonidine sulph 1 gr Iron sulph. exsic. ^ gr. Podophyllin 1-20 gr. Strychnine sulph 1-32 gr Gelsemin 1-20 gr. Oleoresin Capsic.l-lOgrr Anti-Nervous Zinc oxide % gr. Ext. Valerian % gr. Ext. Henbane % gr. Aperient Ext. Coloc. comp. 2 grs. Ext. Henbane *4 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica..% gr. Aperient, Bauer, oval Ext. Henbane Vi gr. Ext. Aloes 1 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp....l gr. Pot. and Sod., tart 1% gr Aperient, Drysdale.... Powd. Rhubarb! % gr. Powd Ipecac 5-12 gr. Purified Aloes 114 gr. Powd. Nux. Vom. Vt gr. Aperient, improved.. Aloin Vs gr. Irisin Vs gr Podophyllin 14 gr. Ext. Belladonna .. 14 gr. Ex. Nux Vomica. ,14 gr. Oil Capsicum 1-10 gr. Aperient, mild Ext. Coloc. Comp l A gr. Ext. Henbane 5-6 gr. Powd. Rhubarb ...2 grs. Oil Caraway l-20gr. 90 4 30 50 2 30 50 2 30 50 2 30 50 2 35 45 2 05 35 1 55 35 1 60 50 2 30 35 1 55 35 1 75 1 00 4 85 50 2 45 45 2 10 25 1 20 50 2 35 20 95 45 2 10 35 1 60 20 95 35 1 60 144 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. & Co. 1008. 500s. A., W. 100s. & Co. 500s. P., D. & Co. 100s 500s. K. & M. 100s. 500s. Aphrodisiaca $1 00 $1 00 4 85 $1 00 4 85 $ Ext. Damiane 2 grs. Ext. Nux Vomica % gr. Phosphorus 1-100 gr. Apocynin Comp 40 1 80 Apocynin ftr. Leptandrin % gr. Podoptayllin % gr. Ampelopsin 1-16 gr. Oil Capsicum 1-16 gr. Apocynum Ext. 2 grs. 40 1 80 40 1 85 Arsenic Brom. 1-32 gr 30 1 30 Arsen. Iodide, 1-50 gr. 30 1 30 10 45 Arsen. Iodide, 1-35 gr. Arsenious Acid, 1-60 30 1 30 20 95 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 Arsenious Acid, 1-50 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 Arsenious Acid, 1-40 gr. 20 80 20 85 10 45 Arsenious Acid, 1-30 gr 20 80 20 85 20 . 85 10 45 Arsenious Acid, 1-20 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 Arsenious Acid, 1-12 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 Asafetida, 1 gr 20 80 20 85 Asafetdia, 2 grs 20 80 25 1 10 25 1 10 10 45 Asafetida, 3 grs 20 80 25 1 10 25 1 10 Asafetida, 4 grs 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 Asafetida, 5 grs 35 1 55 35 1 60 35 1 60 Asafetida, 6 grs 40 1 80 35 1 60 45 2 10 Asafetida, Comp 25 1 05 25 1 10 45 2 10 12 55 Asafetida 2 grs. Iron Sulph. exsic. .l gr. Asaf. and Iron, (See Asafetida Comp.) Asafetida and Nux Vomica 40 1 80 35 1 60 35 1 60 12 55 Asafetida 3 grs. Ext. Nux vomica, hi g r. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 145 Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. &Co. A.,W. & Co. P.. D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. Asafetida and Rliu- 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. barb $ 40 1 80 $ 40 1 85 $ 40 1 85 $ 15 70 Asafetida 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb.... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen, 1 gr. Atropine, 1-300 gr 30 1 30 Atropine, 1-200 gr 30 1 30 Atropine, 1-120 gr 35 1 55 30 1 35 20 95 Atropine, 1-100 gr 35 1 55 30 1 35 Atropine, 1-60 gr 40 1 80 . 40 1 85 40 1 85 20 95 Ballou 50 2 30 45 2 10 Ext. Coloc. comp.. 1 gr. Ext. Jalap 1 gr. Calomel 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac Vs gr. Belladonna Ext., 1-20 gr 25 1 05 12 55 Belladonna Ext., £ gr. 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 Belladonna Ext., 1 gr. 30 1 30 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 Belladonna Ext., Jgr. 35 1 55 30 1 35 12 55 Belladonna Ext. , 1 gr. Berberine Hydro- 40 1 80 35 1 60 chlorate, 1 gr Berberine Sulphate, 1 00 4 80 95 4 60 1 20 5 80 Berberine Sulphate, 2 grs 1 50 7 30 1 50 7 35 Berberis Aquifolium Ext., 3 grs 50 2 30 45 2 10 Berberis Comp. (See Cas. Comp) 50 2 30 45 2 10 Bilious, Junge 50 2 30 45 2 10 Mangan. Iodide. V A gr. Leptandrin, 3-10 gr. Juglandin 3-10 gr. Sanguinarin 1-5 gr. Ext. Henbane. . . 3-5 gr. Bilious, Wa rn 25 1 05 30 1 35 Ext. Col. oc. comp. 1 gr. Podophyllin gr. Ext. Jalap H gr. Ext. Henbane V$gr. Powd. Capsicum. gr. Bismuth and Ignatia.. 75 3 55 75 3 60 75 3 60 Bismuth Subnitr.4 grs. Ext. Ignat. Bean. 1 /^ gr 146 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. &Co. A.,W. & Co. P., D. &Co. K & M. Bismuth and N u x 100s. 500s. 1008. 500s. lbOs. 5'JOs. H»S. 5u0s. Vomica $ 80 3 80 $ 80 3 85 $ 80 3 85 * 40 1 95 Bismuth Subnitr. 5 grs. Ext. NuxVomica. 1 /^ gr. Bismuth Subcarbon- ate, 3 grs 60 2 80 55 2 60 55 2 60 Bismuth Subnitrate, 3 ers 50 9 30 45 2 10 45 2 10 Bismuth Subnitrate, 5 grs 70 3 30 Black HawExt., 3 grs. Black Hellebore Ext., 40 1 80 3o 1 60 1 gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Blennorhagic 65 3 10 Gum Turpentine 2 grs- Ext. Hops 1 gr. Camph. monobr. 1 gr. Pudophyllin y 8 gr. Blue Mass, J gr 20 80 20 85 10 45 Blue Mass, 1 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 Blue Mass, 2 grs 20 80 20 85 Blue Mass, 3 grs 20 80 20 85 25 1 10 10 45 Blue Mass, 5 grs 25 1 05 30 1 35 30 1 35 12 55 Blue Mass Comp 50 2 30 45 2 10 45 2 10 Blue Mass 1 gr. Powd. Opium 3^ gr. Powd. Ipecac \ gr. Blue Mass and Iron.. 40 1 80 Blue Mass 2 grs. Iron sulph. exsic....L gr. Caffeine Citrate, 1 gr. 1 80 8 80 1 80 8 85 1 00 4 95 Caffeine Citrate, 2 grs. 2 Calabar Bean Ext., 75 13 55 1-12 gr 40 1 80 35 1 60 ...... Calc. Sulph., 1-20 gr... 30 1 30 25 1 10 Calc. Sulph., 1-12 gr... 30 1 30 Calc. Sulph., 1-10 gr... 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 10 45 Calc. Sulph., J gr 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 Calc. Sulph., 1-6 gr.... 30 1 30 Calc. Sulph., 1-5 gr.... 30 1 30 30 1 35 Calc. Sulph., 1-4 gr.... 35 1 55 30 1 35 30 1 35 10 45 Calc. Sulph., 1-2 gr.... 35 1 55 30 1 35 30 1 35 10 45 Calc. Sulph., 1 gr 35 1 55 35 1 60 35 1 60 10 45 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 147 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. 100s. & Co. 500s. A., W. 100s. & Co. 500s. P., D. 100s. & Co. 500s. K. & M. 100s. 500s. Calc. Sulph., gr $ 35 1 55 $ $ $ Calc. Sulph., 2 grs 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 12 55 Calc. Sulph., grs... 45 2 05 Calc. Sulph., 3 grs 50 2 3J 45 2 10 12 55 Calc. Sulph. Comp.... 40 1 80 Calc, sulph 1-20 gr. Ext. Dandelion 1 gr. Calisaya Bark Alka- lofds, 2 grs 75 3 55 75 3 60 75 3 60 Quinine sulphate. % gr. Quinidine sulph ... *4 gr. Cinchonidine sulph., K gr. Cinchonine sulph. y 2 gr. Calisaya Bark Alka- loids, 3 grs 90 4 30 1 00 4 85 Quinme sulphate..^ gr. Quinidine sulph. ...% gr. Cinchonidine sulph., % gr. Cinchonine sulph.% gr. Calomel, 1-10 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 12 55 Calomel, £ gr 20 80 20 85 Calomel, \ gr 20 80 20 85 Calomel, \ gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 12 55 Calomel, 1 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 12 55 Calomel, 2 grs 20 80 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 Calomel , 3 grs 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 12 55 Calomel, 4 grs 30 1 30 Calomel, 5 grs Calomel Comp., U. S. 30 1 30 35 1 60 35 1 60 15 70 P., ( Plummer ) 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 15 70 Calomel 1 gr. Antimony sulp’d..J^ gr. Resin Guaiac 1 gr. Calomel and Ext. Colocynth Comp. 60 2 80 45 2 10 20 95 Calomel 1 gr. Ext. Coloc comp. 4 grs. Calomel, Ext. Coloc. Comp, and Hen- bane 60 2 80 Calomel.... 1 gr. Ext. Coloe. comp. .3 grs. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. 148 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. &Co. A., W. & Co. P , D. &Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 110s. 500s. 60 2 80 $ 50 2 35 $ 50 2 35 $ 25 1 20 Calomel and Opium. .$ Calomel 2 grs. Powd. Opium 1 gr. Calomel and Rhubarb Calomel.... y a gr. Ext. Rhubarb hjgr. Ext. Coloc. comp..!igr. Ext. Henbane 1-6 gr. Camphor Comp Camphor 1 gr. Powd. Opium 1 gr. Powd. Kino 1 gr. Ext. Capsicum. ..1-16 gr. Camphor and Hen- bane Camphor. 1 gr. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. Camphor, Henbane and Valerian Camphor 1 gr. Ext. Henbane alc...l gr. Ext. Valerian. ... gr. Camphor Monob r o- mated, 1 gr Camphor Monob r o- mated, 2 grs Camphor Monob r o- mated, 3 grs Camphor Monob r o- mated, 5 grs Camphor and Opium Powd. Camphor. ..2 grs. Powd. Opium 1 gr. Camphor, Opium and Henbane Camphor 1 gr. Powd. Opium *4 gr. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. Camphor, Opium and Lead Acetate Camphor 1 gr. Powd. Opium 1 gr. Lead acetate 1 gr. 40 1 80 40 1 85 60 2 80 40 1 80 30 1 35 40 1 80 45 2 05 75 3 55 75 3 60 1 00 4 80 1 25 6 05 50 2 30 55 2 60 50 2 30 60 2 80 40 1 85 15 70 50 2 35 25 1 20 30 1 35 15 70 35 1 60 45 2 10 30 1 45 75 3 60 40 1 95 1 00 4 85 50 2 45 75 3 70 55 2 60 20 95 45 2 10 55 2 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 149 Pills ancl Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. 100s. 500s. Camphor, Opium and Tannin $ 40 Camphor 1 gr. Powd. Opium % gr. Tannin 2 grs. Cannabis Indica Ext., i gr 40 Cannabis Indica Ext., i gr 50 Cannabis Indica Ext., i gr 60 Cannabis Indica Ext., 1 gr 1 00 Cannabis Indica and Sodium Arseniate 50 Ext. Cannabis Ind.% gr. Sodium arsen 1-40 gr. Capsicum, 1 gr 40 Cascara Sagrada Ext., 2 grs 40 Cascara Sagrada Ext., 3 grs 50 Cascara Comp 50 Ext. Cascara Sagr...l gr. Ext.BerberisAquif 2 grs Cascara Comp. ,D’ Ary , 1 gr 60 Ext. Case. Sagr...4-15 gr. Ext. NuxVomical-30gr. Ext. Belladonna 1-60 gr. Euonymin 1-5 gr. Xanthoxylin 4-15 gr. Oleoresin Capsi. 1-20 gr. A.,W. & Co. P., D. & Co. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 1 80 | 40 1 85 | 40 1 85 1 80 35 1 60 35 1 60 2 30 2 80 55 2 60 55 2 60 4 80 95 4 60 95 4 60 2 30 1 80 35 1 60 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 2 30 60 2 85 2 80 Cascara and Nux Vo- mica 60 2^80 Ext Case. Sagr.... 2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica..l-5 gr. Cascara, Nux Vomica and Belladonna... 60 2 80 60 2 85 60 2 85 K. & M. 100s. 500s. $ 20 95 20 95 20 95 30 1 45 Ext. Case. Sagr 2 grs. Ext. Nux vomica gr. Ext. Belladonna 1-16 gr. 150 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 500s. Cascara and Podo- phyllin | Ext.Cas. Sagrada 3 grs. Podophyllin M g r. Cascara and Strych- nine Ext. Cas. Sagrada 2 grs. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Catarrh, Hager’s Quinidinesulph. % gr. Cinchon. sulph.. % gr. Powd. Althea. . . M gr. Powd. Gentian. . M gr. Powd. Sandal.. 1-12 gr. Powd.Tragac’th Mgr. Glycerin M gr. Acid Hydrochlor. M gr. Cathartic, Cholagogue Podophyllin *4 gr. Blue Mass l A gr. Ext. Henbane .. Vs gr. Ext.NuxVomical-16 gr. Oleores. Capsi. . 14 gtt. Cathartic Comp. U. S. P., round or oval. Ext.C 0 l 0 c.c 0 mp.H 3 gr. Ext. Jalap 1 gr. Calomel 1 gr. Powd. Gamboge. Mgr. Cathartic Comp. ,Mild Ext. Coloc. comp.. 1 gr. Resin Jalap \4 gr. Calomel V 2 gr. Powd. Gamboge. M gr. Ext. Henbane.. . \4 gr. Oil Peppermint., q. s. Cathartic Comp,, Mo- dified, 3 grs Ext.Coloc. comp. 1 gr. Ext. Jalap gr. Calomel %g r. Powd. Gamboge.. 1-6 gr. Powd. Rhubarb.. X A gr. Powd. Ginger — ^gr. Cathartic Comp., Phy- sio-Medical, Carey Podophyllin \4 gr. Leptandrin V 2 gr. Apocynin l A gr. Powd. Capsicum. \4gr. Ext. Dandelion. 1 gr. 2 80 $ 50 2 30 50 2 30 30 1 30 30 1 35 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 05 30 1 30 30 1 35 50 2 30 100s. 500s. 100s. $ I 45 2 10 30 1 35 10 25 1 10 12 25 1 10 30 1 35 Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. & Co. 100s. 60 A., W. & Co. P. D. & Co. K. 100s. 500s. Ac M. 500s. 45 55 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 151 Pills and Granules— Continued. Cat hart i c Comp., Physio - Medical, Hasty Cathartic Compound, Vegetable E L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. $ 25 1 05 $ $ 1 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 10 Ext. Colocynth y a gr. Podophyllin M gr. Resin Scammony.% gr. Purified Aloes.... 1% gr. Powd. Cardamom.^ gr. Powd. Soap Ya gr. Cathartic Compound, Vegetable, (Gran- ules) Jalapin 1-16 gr. A'oin .y s gr. Podophyllin % gr. Leptandrin 1-16 gr. Powd.Gamboge.1-22 gr. Ext. Henbane l^gr. Powd. Soap 1-16 gr. Powd. Capsicum 1-84 gr. Oil Peppermint 1-128 gr. 25 1 05 Cathartic, Improved, 3 grs., round or oval 25 1 05 Ext. Coloc. comp...l gr. Ext. Jalap gr. Podophyllin % gr. Leptandrin Y gr. Ext. Henbane % gr. Ext. Gentian Y gr. Oil Peppermint.... 25 1 10 25 1 10 10 Cathartic Vegetable.. 30 1 30 30 1 35 Ext.Coloc.comp. 1% gr. Podophyllin % gr. Leptandrin Y gr. Powd. Jalap Y gr. Purified Aloes Y gr. Ext. Henbane Y gr. Oil Peppermint... Sugar and Gelatin Coated Pills. {In one pound bottles.) G. C. S. C. G. C. Cathartic comp.,U. S. P.,3|grs 2 00 1 20 1 75 CatharticComp. , V eg. , 3 grs..... 2 00 1 20 1 75 Cathartic Comp., Im., 3 grs M. 500s. 45 45 S. C. 1 00 1 00 2 00 1 20 1 75 1 00 152 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. &Co. A., W. &Co. P., D. &Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s . Caulophyllin, ^ gr $ 25 1 05 $ 25 1 10 $ 25 1 10 $ Cerium Oxalate, \ gr. 30 1 30 30 1 35 Cerium Oxalate, 1 gr. 75 3 55 75 3 60 40 95 Cerium Oxalate, 2 grs. 1 00 4 80 1 00 4 85 60 2 95 Cerium Oxalate, 3 grs. 1 Charcoal Willow, 3 25 6 05 75 3 70 grs Chimaphila Ext., 3 40 1 80 35 1 60 grs 50 2 30 45 2 10 Chinoidin, 1 gr 25 1 05 20 1 10 25 1 10 15 70 Chinoidin, 2 grs 30 1 30 25 1 35 30 1 35 20 95 Chinoidin, 3 grs 35 1 55 30 1 60 35 1 60 25 1 20 Chinoidin Comp 50 2 30 50 2 60 50 2 30 25 1 20 Chinoidin 2 grs. Iron sulph. exsic...l gr. Piperine V 2 gr. Cholagogue 45 2 05 35 1 60 Podophyllin gr. Ext. Henbane- H gr. Powd. Capsicum..J4 gr. Purified Aloes 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb 1 gr. Christopher, 2 grs 35 1 55 Calomel 2 grs. Powd. Rhubarb 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac V 2 gr. Cimicifugin, 1 gr Cinchonidine Sulph- 30 1 30 30 1 35 ate, £ gr Cinchonidine Sulph- 20 80 20 85 20 80 ate, 1 gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 05 10 45 Cinchonidine Sulph- ate, 2 grs 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 30 15 70 Cinchonidine Sulph- ate, 3 grs 35 1 55 40 1 85 40 1 80 20 95 Cinchonidine Sulph- ate, 4 grs 40 1 80 50 2 35 50 2 30 25 1 20 Cinchonidine Sulph- ate, 5 grs 50 2 30 60 2 85 60 2 80 30 1 45 Cinchonidine Salicy- late, grs 1 Cinchonidine, Iron 00 4 80 1 25 6 10 and Strychnine... 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 30 1 45 Cincho’idiue sulph, lgr Iron carb(Vallet’s) 2grs Strychnine .1-60 gr. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 153 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P.. D. &Ce. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Cinchonidine, Iron, Strychnine and Arsenic $ 50 2 30 $ $ 50 2 35 $30 1 45 Gincho’idine sulpb.lgr. Iron by hydrogen, 1 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Acid Arsenious, 1-60 gr. Cinchonine Sulphate, 1 1 PT 40 1 80 35 1 60 35 1 60 Cinchonine Sulphate, 3 grs 50 2 30 45 2 10 45 2 10 20 95 Coca Ext., 1 gr 40 1 80 20 95 Coca Ext., 2 grs 50. 2 30 30 1 45 Coca Ext., 3 grs Coca, Phosphorus and 60 2 80 60 2 8) 40 1 95 Strychnine 80 3 80 Ext. Coca 3 grs. Phosphorus .1-50 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Cocaffeine, 1 gr 2 00 9 95 Cocaffeine 2 grs 4 00 19 95 Cocaffeine 3 grs Cocaine Muriate, 1-16 6 00 29 95 gr 50 2 30 50 2 35 Cocaine Muriate, 1-10 gr 60 2 80 Cocaine Muriate, ^ gr. 75 3 55 75 3 60 Cochia 50 2 30 50 2 35 Ext.Coloc. comp 1 gr. Purified Aloes 1 gr. Potassium sulph % gr. Powd. Gamboge % gr. Powd. Scammony...p 2 gr. Codeine, 1-16 gr 1 00 4 80 80 3 85 Codeine, £ gr 1 25 6 05 1 00 4 85 Codeine, ^ gr 1 40 6 80 1 35 6 60 Codeine, i gr 1 50 7 50 1 40 6 85 Codeine, \ gr 2 50 12 30 2 25 11 10 Cohosh Comp., 3 grs. 30 1 30 Powd. B’k Cohosh..l gr. Powd. False Uni’n.l gr. Powd. B’e Cohosh..l gr. Ext. Scullcap q. s. 154 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills ancl Granules— Continued. E. L. &Co. A., W. &Co. Colchicum Ext., J gr.. Colocynth Comp. Ext. 3 grs Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Bine Mass, 3 grs Ext. Coloc. comp 234 grs Blue Mass 34 gr. Colocynth Comp. E xt. and Blue Mass, 5 grs Ext Coloc comp 2*4 grs. Blue Mass 234 grs. Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Henbane, 3 grs Ext Coloc comp..2 grs. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Henbane, 5 grs Ext.Coloc. comp 334 grs. Ext. Henbane \% gr. Colocynth Comp. Ext. Henbane and Blue Mass Ext Coloc. comp..3 grs. Ext. Henbane.. 1 gr. Blue Mass 1 gr. Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Ipecac Ext.Coloc.com p.234 grs. Powd. Ipecac % gr. Colocynth Comp. Ext. Ipecac and Blue Mass 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $40 1 80 $ 50 2 30 40 1 85 45 2 05 50 2 30 50 2 30 45 2 10 60 2 80 60 2 80 50 2 30 45 2 05 P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $ 40 1 85 $ 40 1 85 20 95 45 2 10 50 2 35 20 95 45 2 10 55 2 60 55 2 60 45 2 10 45 2 10 20 95 Ext. Coloc. comp..2 grs. Powd. Ipecac 1-6 gr. Blue Mass 2 grs. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 155 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P , D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s’ 500s. 100s. 500s. Colocynth Comp. Ext. and Podophyllin 40 1 80 $ 45 2 10 $ 45 2 10 $ 20 95 50 2 30 (see A.nti-Bilious)$ Colocynth Comp. Ext. Nux Vomica and Belladonna Ext. Coloc. comp. 2 grs. Ext. Nux Vomica % gr. Ext. Belladonna.1-10 gr. Conium Seed Ext., ^ gr Conium Seed Ext., | gr Conium Seed Ext., 1 gr Conium Seed Ext. and Ipecac Ext. Conium Seed 14 gr. Powd. Ipecac 14 gr. Cook’s Purified Aloes 1 gr. Powd. Rhubarb 1 gr. Calomel 14 gr. Powd. Soap.. J4 gr. Copaiba, 3 grs Copaiba, 4 grs Copaiba, 6 grs Copaiba and Cubeb, 3 grs Mass Copaiba 2 grs. Oleoresin Cubeb. ..1 gr. Copaiba and Cubeb, 4 grs Mass Copaiba 3 grs. Oleoresin Cubeb... 1 gr. Copaiba, Cubeb and Iron Citrate Mass Copaiba % gr. Ext. Cubeb 1*4 gr. Iron Citrate % gr. Copaiba Comp., 3 grs 25 1 05 25 1 10 30 I 30 30 1 35 35 1 55 40 1 80 25 .1 05 25 1 10 30 1 30 30 1 35 40 1 80 60 2 80 50 2 30 55 2 60 60 2 80 60 2 80 50 2 30 45 2 10 60 2 85 20 95 25 1 10 30 1 35 35 1 60 35 1 60 25 1 10 10 45 30 1 35 15 70 35 1 60 55 2 60 20 95 55 2 60 45 2 10 Mass Copaiba 114 gr. Resin Guaiac % gr. Iron Citrate % gr. Oleoresin Cubeb... % gr. 156 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. Copaiba Comp., 4 grs. 500s. 100s. 503s. 100s 500s. 100s. 500s. (S. C. Oval Pink ).$ Mass Copaiba 2 grs. Resin Guaiac y 2 gr. Iron Citrate y gr. Oleoresin Cubeb.. ..1 gr. 60 2 80 $ $ 20 95 Cornin, 2 grs Cornus Florida Ext., 50 2 30 45 2 10 2 grs Corrosive Sublimate, 25 1 05 25 1 10 1-100 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 10 45 1-60 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 1-50 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 10 45 1-40 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 1-32 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 1-30 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 1-20 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 1-16 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 1-12 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 1-10 gr Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 s gr ; Corrosive Sublimate, 20 80 20 85 20 85 1-6 gr Corrosive Sublimate 20 80 and Opium C« r. Sublimate .l-3u gr. Powd. Opium . . .1-16 gr. 40 1 80 Croton Oil, J gr Cubeb Oleoresin and 50 2 30 Alum 85 4 05 85 4 10 Oleores. Cubeb 2 grs.' Powd. Alum lgr. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 157 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A..W. & Co. P. D. & Co. Cubeb Oleoresin and 100s. 500s. 100s. 5C0s. ICOs. 5C0s. Soda | Oleoresin Cubeb. 1 gr. Sod. Bicarbonate . % gr. : 60 2 80 $ $ Cvpripedium Ext., 2 grs 50 2 30 45 2 10 Damiana Ext., 1 gr.... 40 1 80 Damiana Ext., 2 grs.. 50 2 30 40 1 85 Damiana Ext., 3 grs.. 00 2 80 55 2 60 55 2 60 Dandelion Ext., 3 grs. Dandelion and Lep- 35 1 55 tandrin 40 1 80 30 1 35 Ext. Dandelion. 134 gr. Leptandrin % gr. Dextro-Quinine, 1 gr Dextro-Quinine, 2grs Dextro-Quinine, 3 grs Dextro-Quinine, 4 grs Dextro-Quinine, 5 grs Dextro-Quinine, Ar- senic and Nux, 1^ grs ; Dextro-Quinine Comp (Eclectic), 3J grs D e x t r o-Q u i n i n e , Comp., 2 grs Dextro-Quinine, Comp. and Strych. 2 grs....... Dextro-Quinine, Er- gotin and Dig., 21 grs Dextro-Quinine, Hen- bane and Mor., 2J grs Dextro-Quinine, Iron and Digit., 5 grs Dextro-Quinine, Iron Pb. and Nux,, 21 grs Dextro-Quinine, Iron and Strych., 2 grs K. &M. 100s. 500s. 50 2 45 85 4 20 1 20 5 95 1 55 7 70 1 90 9 45 70 3 45 70 3 45 70 3 45 70 3 45 1 20 5 95 1 20 5 95 70 3 45 70 3 45 70 3 45 158 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s 500s. lOJs. 500s. Dextro- Quinine, Phosph.and Nux, li gr $ I ft $ 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine, Pod. and C a psicum, 3 grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine, Pod. and Leptan, 3 grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Bellad. Comp., 2\ grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Capiscum, 2§ grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Ext. Aeon., 2 £ grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Iron Carb., 3 grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Iron Comp., 3 grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Nux Vomica, 2^ grs 70 3 45 Dextro-Quinine and Morphia, 2 grs 1 20 5 95 Dextro-Quinine and Salicjr. Acid, 5 grs 1 20 5 95 Dextro-Quinine, Salic. Acid and Morph., 5 grs : 1 30 6 45 Dextro-Quinine and Strychnia, 1 gr 70 3 45 Dextro-N euralgic, 2^ grs 1 40 G 95 Dextro-N euralgic, without Mor.. 2\ grs 1 20 5 95 Dextro-Quinque, 1 gr 25 1 20 Dextro-Quinque,2grs 40 195 Dextro-Quinque, 3 grs 60 2 95 Dextro-Quinque, 4 grs 80 3 95 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 159 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. &Co. A., W. & Co. IOC’s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Dextro-Quinque,5grs $.. Diaphoretic Morp. Acetate . . .1-25 gr. Powd. Ipecac gr. Potassium Nitrate..l gr. Camphor *4 gr. Diarrhoea Pellets Calomel % gr. Morpb. Sulphate. 1.16 gr. Powd. Capsicum. 1-16 gr. Powd. Ipecac 1-82 gr. Powd. Camphor.1-16 gr. Digestive Pepsin 1 gr. Powd.NuxVom. gr. Gingerine 1-16 gr. Sulphur y 8 gr. Digitalin, 1-60 gr Digitalis Comp Powd. Digitalis 1 gr. Powd. Squill 1 gr. Powd. Potassium nitr 2 grs. Digitalis Ext., £ gr Dinner, Chapman Purifh d Aloes.. ..114 gr. Mastich gr. Powd. Ipecac 1 gr. Oil Fennel. Dinner, Cole’s Blue Mass 1 1-5 gr. Purified Aloes..l 1-5 gr. Powd. Jalap 1 1-5 gr. Tartar Emetic. ..1-50 gr. Dinner, Lady Web- ster’s (See Aloes and Mastich.) Dipsomania (See Strychnine nitrate.) Diuretic Ext Buchu 1 gr. Potossium nitrate.l gr. Powd. Squill *4 gr. Dupuytren Powd. Guaiac 8 grs. Powd. Opium y 8 gr. Corrosive subl...t-10 gr. 40 1 80 75 3 55 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 80 40 1 80 40 1 80 30 1 35 40 1 80 30 1 30 25 1 10 40 1 80 35 1 60 40 1 80 30 1 35 P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s 500s. 100s. 500s. SI 00 4 95 45 2 10 25 1 10 40 1 85 20 95 30 1 35 35 1 60 30 1 35 15 70 40 1 85 15 70 25 1 10 15 70 35 1 60 15 70 30 1 35 160 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Grannies— Continued. Dysentery Blue Mass 1 gr Gelsemperin .... ...1-6 gr Powd. Ipecac 1 gr Dysmenorrhoea, A vord Morphine sulph 1-10 gr Cimicifugin % gr Quinine sulph % gr Dysmenorrhoea, Fer guson Ext. Pulsatilla % gi Ext. Black Haw..lli gi Eccoprotie Ext. Aloes 2 grs Ext Nux vom 1-5 gr Podophyllin .... 6-10 gr Oil Cloves ..1 10 gi E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $ 40 1 80 $ 75 3 55 50 2 30 40 1 80 P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 50('s. 100s. 500s. $ 30 1 35 $ 75 3 60 40 1 83 Elaterium (Clutter- buck’s) , 1-10 gr 50 Elaterium (Clutter- buck’s), 1-12 gr 50 Elaterium (Clutter- buck’s), £ gr 60 Elaterium (Clutter- buck’s), J gr 1 00 Emmenagogue, Im- proved 70 Purified Ergotin....l gr. Ext. B k Hellebore.l gr. Purified Aloes 1 gr. Iron sulph. exsic.l gr. Oil Savin J^gr. Emmenagogue, Mut- ter 25 Iron sulph. exsic.l X A gr Purified Aloes ... % gr. Gum rurpentine.lJ4gr. 2 30 50 2 35 2 30 2 80 55 2 60 55 2 60 4 80 1 00 4 85 3 30 70 3 35 70 3 35 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 25 1 20 35 1 70 12 55 Emmenagogue, Rig- aud 50 2 30 45 2 10 Purified Aloes 1V6 gr. Powd. Rue % gr. Powd. Saffron % gr. Powd. Savin % gr. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 161 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. &Co. A.,W. & Co. P., D. &Co. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Emmenagogue, with Ext. Cotton Root, | 75 3 55 $ $ 75 3 60 Purified Ergotin....] gr. Powd. Aloes 1 gr. Ext. Cotton root....l gr. Iron suiph. exsic...] gr. Oil Savin gr. Ergotin, \ gr Ergotin, J gr Ergotin, 1 gr Ergotin, 2 grs 1 Ergotin, 3 grs 1 Ergotin, 5 grs 2 Ergotin and Aloin Purified Ergotin. ...1 gr. Aloin 1-5 gr. Ergotin and Cannabis Indica 1 Purified Ergotin....l gr. Ext. Canabis lnd..% gr. Ergotin and Cannabis Indica, (Half Strength) Purified Ergoti n..l4 gr. Ext. Cannabis Ind % gr. Ergotin Compound... 1 Purified Ergotin. 3 grs. Ext. Cannabis lnd 1-0 gr Strychnine 1 60 gr. Eucalyptus Ext. 2 grs. Eucalyptus Ext. 2 \ grs Eucalyptus Comp Ext. Eucalyptus. ...1 gr. Ext. Can. Hemp. 14 gr. Sanguinarin y 8 gr. Euonymin, 2 grs 1 Euonymin, 3 grs 1 Expectorant... Powd. Squill M gr. Powd Ipecac % gr. Powd. Digitalis gr. Ext. Lettuce 1 gr. “to 50 -L oo 2 30 45 2 10 65 3 05 65 3 10 65 3 10 15 5 55 1 .15 5 60 1 15 5 60 55 7 55 1 55 7 60 1 55 7 60 00 9 80 75 3 55 00 4 80 1 10 5 35 80 3 80 60 2 85 60 7 80 50 2 35 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 50 2 30 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 CO gr. Zinc valerianate... 1 gr. Phvtollacin, J gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Piperine, £ gr 40 1 80 Piperine, ^ gr 50 2 30 Piperine Comp 50 2 30 20 95 Piperine 14 gr. Calomel 14 gr. Podophyllin, 1-40 gr.. 20 80 Podophyllin, 1-20 gr.. 20 80 20 85 10 45 Podophyllin, 1-16 gr.. 20 80 Podophyllin, 1-10 gr.. 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 Podoyhyllin, ^ gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 Podophyllin, 1-6 gr... 20 80 Podophyllin, ^ gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 10 45 Podophyllin, ^ gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 15 70 Podophyllin, 1 gr Podophyllin, Bella- 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 15 70 donna and Calaba... 50 2 30 50 2 35 Podophyllin M gr. Ext. Belladonna.. 14 gr. Ext. Calab. Bean -14 gr. Podophyllin and Bel- lodonna, Comp Podophyllin 14 gr. Powd. Capsicum..!£ gr. Ext. Belladonna. ..]/» gr Powd. Milk Sugar.. L gr. 45 2 05 45 2 10 Podophyl. and Blue 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 15 70 Podophyllin 14 gr. Blue Mass 2 grs. Podophyllin, Capsi- cum and Bellad 50 2 30 20 95 Podophyllin M gr. Powd. Capsicum..!^ gr. Ext. Belladonna. ..14 gr. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 179 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Podopkyllin, Colo- cynth and Bellad...$ Podophyllin 34 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp. .2 grs. Ext. Belladonna...J4 gr. Podophyllin, Colo- cynth, Henbane and Calomel Podophyllin 34 gr. Ext. Coloc. comp..J4 gr. Ext. Henbane 1 gr. Calomel 1 gr. Podophyllin Comp.... Podophyllin % gr. Ext. Henbane 34 gr. Ext. Nux Vom...l-16 gr. Podophyllin Comp., Eclectic Podophyllin 34 gr. Juglandin 1.16 gr. Leptandrin 1 16 er. Macrotin 1-32 gr. Oil Capsicum 1-32 gr. Podophyllin Comp., Janeceay Podophyllin 34 gr. Purified Aloes 1 gr. Ext. Belladonna . 34 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica -34 gr. Podo phyllin and Henbane Podophyllin 34 gr. Ext. Henbane 34 gr. Podophyllin and Hy- drastia, Scudder... Podophyllin 1-20 gr. Hydras, sulph . .% gr. Podophyllin and Leptandrin Podophyllin gr. Leptandrin 1 gr. Podophyllin Ext., 1 gr Poke Root Ext., £ gr. 60 2 80 $ $ 60 2 80 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 80 40 1 85 50 2 30 35 1 55 40 1 85 50 2 30 50 2 30 35 1 55 40 1 80 20 95 40 1 85 20 95 40 1 85 20 95 60 2 85 45 2 10 15 70 35 1 60 180 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. & Co. A., w. & Co. P , D. & Co. K. & c M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s- 500s. 100s. 500s. Poke Root Comp $ 60 2 80 $ $ $ Ext. Poke root ale 2 grs. Ext. Stilling-, ale.. 1 gr. Ext. Stramon.alc. % gr. Poppy Ext., 1 gr Post Partum,Fordyce 40 1 80 40 1 83 Barker 40 1 80 65 3 10 Ext. Col. comp 1 Vi gr. Calomel l!4 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica 1-6 gr. Purified Aloes 1.6 gr. Powd. Ipecac 1-6 gr. Ext. Henbane y 3 gr. Potassium Bromide, 1 gr 40 1 80 45 2 10 Potassium Bromide, 5 grs 60 2 80 75 3 60 Potassium Iodide, 2 grs 55 2 60 55 2 60 Potassium Perman- ganate, 1 gr 50 2 35 50 2 33 Potassium Perman- ganate, 2 grs 75 3 60 75 3 6) Quassia Ext., 1 gr Quinidine Sulphate, 55 2 55 55 2 6 ) 1 gr 35 1 55 35 1 60 30 1 30 10 45 Quinidine Sulphate, - 2 grs 50 2 30 50 2 35 40 1 80 15 70 Quinidine Sulphate, 3 grs 65 3 05 60 2 85 50 2 30 20 95 Quinidine Sulphate, 5 QTS 90 4 30 30 1 45 Quinine Bisulphate, ? gr 20 80 25 1 05 Quinine Bisulpliate, ? gr 25 1 05 30 1 30 13 60 Quinine Bisulphate, 1 PT 25 1 05 40 1 80 10 75 x h 1 Quinine Bisulphate, 2 grs 40 1 80 60 2 80 26 1 25 Quinine Bisulphate, 3 grs 55 2 55 85 4 05 36 1 75 Quinine Bisulphate, 4 grs 70 3 30 1 10 5 30 46 2 25 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 181 Pills and Granules— Continued— E. L. & Co. A., W. &Co. P.. D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Quinine Bisulphate, 5 grs $ 85 4 05 $1 35 1 00 6 55 4 85 $ 56 2 7,> Quinine Bisulphate and Capsicum 1 00 4 80 i * r Quinine Bisulph’e.2 grs. Powd. Capsicum... gr. Quinine Bromide, 1 gr 1 00 4 80 Quinine Bromide, 2 grs 1 70 8 55 1 70 8 35 Quinine Carbolate, 1 gr 1 40 6 80 Quinine Muriate, 1 gr 1 00 4 80 30 1 45 Quinine Muriate, 2 grs 1 60 7 80 50 2 45 Quinine Salic 3 ’late, 1 gr 1 00 4 80 50 2 45 Quinine Sulphate, 1-10 gr 20 80 Quinine Sulphate, \ gr 20 80 25 1 10 25 1 05 Quinine Sulphate, J gr 25 1 05 30 1 35 30 1 30 13 60 Quinine Sulphate, 1 gr 25 1 05 35 1 60 35 1 55 16 75 Quinine Sulphate, 2 grs 40 1 80 45 2 10 45 2 05 26 1 25 Quinine Sulphate, 3 grs 55 2 55 60 2 85 60 2 80 35 1 75 Quinine Sulphate, 4 grs 70 3 30 75 3 60 75 3 55 46 2 25 Quinine Sulphate, 5 grs 85 4 05 90 4 30 90 4 30 56 2 75 Quinine Sulphocar- bolate, 1 gr 1 40 6 80 Quinine Sulphocar- bolate, 2 grs 2 30 11 30 Quinine Valerianate, i gr 60 2 80 50 2 35 50 2 35 50 2 45 Quinine Valerianate, 1 gr 1 00 4 80 75 3 60 75 3 70 182 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Quinine and Aloes.... $ 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate. % gr. Purified Aloes .... 34 gr. Quinine and Aloes Comp., Hubbard, Milder 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulphate...l gr. Purified Aloes 34 gr. Piperine 3 4 gr. Strychnine sulp l-5u gr. Quinine and Aloes Comp., Hubbard, Stronger 1 25 6 05 Quinine sulphatel34 gr. Purified Aloes % gr. Pipeline % gr. Strychnine sulp.l-4u gr. Quinine and Arsenic. 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Acid Arsenious..l-30 gr. Quinine a n d Blue Mass 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulph .... 2 grs. Blue Mass 1 gr. Quinine and Capsi- cum 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate.. 1 gr. Powd. Capsicum. .. 1 gr. Quinine and Capsi- cum No. 1 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate ..1 gr. Powd. Capsicum..^ gr. Quinine and Capsi- cum No. 2 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulphate.2 grs. Powd. Capsicum... % gr. Quinine Comp., No. 1 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen. 1 gr. Acid Arsenious 1-32 gr. Quinine Comp., No. 2 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen..l gr. Acid Arsenious. 1-60 gr. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 50 2 45 50 2 45 75 3 60 75 3 60 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A.,W. & Co. P., D. & Co. 100s. 500s. . 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. $ $ 65 3 10 $ 80 3 85 75 3 60 60. 2 85 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 183 Pills aiul Granules — Continued. E. L. & Co. A , W. & Co. P., D. &Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Quinine Comp, and Ext. Dandelion... $ 90 4 30 $ $ 90 4 35 $ Quinine bisulph..l% gr. Ext. Dandelion...] % gr. Iron sulph. exsic 2 grs. Acid Arseniousl-24 gr. Quinine Comp, with Strychnin e (Strych. Comp.), ' Formula “A” Quinine sulphate. 1 gr. Iron by hydrogeu..l gr. Acid Arsenious 1-20 gr. Strychnine 1-20 gr. 75 3 55 80 3 85 80 3 85 Quinine and Dover’s. 1 25 6 05 1 50 7 35 Quinine sulphate 2 grs. Dover’s Powder... 3 grs. Quinine and Gold Chloride, Bauduy 1 25 6 05 Gold chloride 1-20 gr. Strychni’e sulp..l-40 gr. Iron arseniate 1-6 gr. Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Quinine and Iron, No. 1 Quinine sulphate, 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen, 1 gr. 75 3 55 80 3 85 80 3 85 50 2 45 Quinine and Iron, No. 2 Quininesulphate, l^gr. Iron by hydrogen, %gr. 60 2 80 Quinine and Iron Carbonate Quinine sulphate. ..1 gr. Iron sub-carbon. ..2 grs. 75 3 55 80 3 85 80 3 85 50 2 45 Quinine and Iron Iodide Quinine sulphate.. *4 gr. Iron Iodide 1 gr. 75 3 55 50 2 45 Quinine, Iron and Digitalis... Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen. ..1 gr. Powd. Digitalis 2 grs. 75 3 55 184 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued.. E. L. &Co. A., W. &Co. P., D. &Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Quinine, Iron and Nux Vomica $ 75 3 55 $ 80 3 85 $ 80 3 85 $ Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. 1 ron carb.( VaU’t’s) 2 grs. Ext. Nux Vomica. % gr. Quinine, Iron, Strych- nine and Arsenic, No. 1 75 3 55 80 3 85 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogn.lj^ gr. Strychnine 1-20 gr. Acid Arsenious.1-20 gr. Quinine, Iron, Strych- nine and Arsenic, No. 2 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogn.l}^ gr. Strychnine 1-30 gr. Acid Arsenious..l-20 gr. Quinine, Iron by Hydrogen a n d Strychnine 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate... 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen..! gr. Strychnine sulp 1-00 gr. Quinine, Iron S u b- carbonate and Strychnine 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulphate..2 grs. Iron sub-earbon’te 1 gr. Strychnine sulp!-60 gr. Quinine, Iron and Zinc Valerianates 1 25 6 05 Quinine valeri’ate! gr. Iron valerianate. .1 gr. Zinc valerianate..! gr. 80 . 3 85 80 3 85 1 35 6 60 1 35 6 60 75 3 70 Q u i n i n e, Morphine and Zinc Valerian.. 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulph 1 gr. Morphine sulpb!-12 gr. Zinc Valerianate..^ 8‘ r * Quinine, Nux Vomica and Arsenic.. 75 3 55 75 3 60 50 2 45 Quinine sulph 1 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica.^ gr. Acid Arsenious!-60 gr. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 185 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A , W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & 100s. 500s. 100s. 503s. 100s 500s. 100s. Quinine, Quassia and Nux Vomica ...$ 75 3 55 $ $ $ 50 Quinine sulph 1 gr. Ext. Quassia 1 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica . % gr. Quinine and Strych- nine, No. 1 75 3 55 85 3 85 80 3 85 50 Quinine sulph 1 gr. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Quinine and Strych- nine, No. 2 1 00 4 SO Quinine sulph 2 grs. Strychnine 1-60 gr. Quinine Valerianate, § gr Quinine Valerianate, 1 gr Quinine, Zinc and Nux Vomica 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulph 2 grs. Zinc phosphide..l-16 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica. Y± gr. Rheumatic * 55 2 55 Ex. Coloc. comp.l>6 gr. Ex. Colch. acetic ...1 gr. Ex. Henbane % gr. Calomel % gr. Rheumatic, Loescli... 75 3 55 Sodium salicylate.3 grs. Ext. Colchicum....^ gr. Eit. Poke root ^ gr. 50 2 35 75 3 60 55 2 60 55 2 60 15 Rheumatic, without Mercury 60 2 80 Ext. Colocynth.-.lVS gr. Ext. Colch. acetic. % gr. Podophyllin % gr. Powd. Capsicum gr. Ext. Bellad 1-lu gr. Ext. Nux Vom...l-10 gr. Rhubarb, U. S. P., 4 grs 40 1 80 Powd. Rhubarb ..3 grs. Powd. Soap 1 gr. 40 1 85 40 1 85 25 M. 500s. 2 45 2 45 70 1 20 186 THE CHAS. BA LAIBACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P.,D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Rhubarb Comp., U. S. P 1 40 1 80 : $ 40 1 85 \ $ 40 1 85 $ 25 1 20 Powd. Rhubarb... 2 grsr- Purified Aloes 114 5:110 • Powd. Myrrh l& r . Oil Peppermint 1-10 g'r. Rhubarb Comp, and Blue Mass 50 2 30 40 1 85 40 1 85 25 1 20 Pil. Rhub. comp. ...3 grs. Blue Mass 2 grs. Rhubarb Comp, and Calomel 50 2 30 25 1 20 Pil.Rhub’b comp 1% gr. Calomel 1 gr. Rhubarb Ext., 1 gr... Rhubarb, Ipecac and 60 2 80 60 2 85 Soda 50 2 30 Powd. Rhubarb 1 gr. Powd. Ipecac .... 1-5 gr. Sodium bicarbon... 1 gr. Rhubarb and Iron.... 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 Powd. Rhubarb... 2 grs. Iron sulph. exsic....l gr. Salicin, 1 gr 60 2 80 50 2 35 50 2 35 Salicin, 21 grs 1 00 4 80 50 2 45 Salicin, 5 grs 1 50 7 30 1 35 6 60 80 3 95 Salicylic Acid, 1 gr... 40 1 80 30 1 35 30 1 35 15 70 Salicylic Acid, 2£ grs. 60 2 80 50 2 35 30 1 45 Salicylic Acid, 3 grs... 70 3 30 60 2 85 60 2 85 Salicylic Acid, 5 grs... Salicylic Acid, with 1 00 4 80 90 4 35 90 4 35 60 2 95 Morphine, No. 1. 1 00 4 80 50 2 45 Acid Salicylic. ...2*4 grs. Morphine sulp....l-12 gr. Salicylic Acid, with Morphine, No. 2. 1 35 6 55 Acid Salicylic 5 grs. Morphine sulph . ...% gr. Salol, 2£ grs 70 3 30 70 3 35 70 3 35 Salol, 5 grs 1 00 4 80 1 00 4 85 1 00 4 85 Sandal- wood Ext., 1 gr 1 00 4 80 Sandal- wood Ext., 2 grs. 1 50 7 30 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 187 Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Mjs. 500s. Sandal- wood Com $ 80 3 80 $ 70 3 35 $ 70 3 35 $ Oil Sandal- wood. .1 gr. Ext. Cubeb 1 gr. Balsam Copaiba.... 1 gr. SanguinariaExt., Jgr. 40 1 80 40 1 85 Sanguinarin, £ gr 50 2 30 35 1 60 Santonin, 1 gr 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 20 95 Santonin and Calomel 50 2 30 55 2 60 25 1 20 Santonin ^ gr. Calomel % gr. Santonin, Calomel and Podophyllin.... 60 2 80 Santonin % gr. Calomel gr- Podophyllin 1-10 gr. Santonin and Podo- phyllin Santonin % gr. Podophyllin 1-20 gr. 50 2 30 40 1 85 Sarsaparilla Ext., 3 40 1 80 45 2 10 Savin Ext., 1 gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Sea Wrack Ext., 3 grs. 50 2 30 50 2 35 Sedative 75 3 55 50 2 35 50 2 35 20 95 Morphine sulph.1-24 gr. Powd. Ipecac % gr. Camphor 5-6 gr. Ext. Henbane 1 % gr. Sedative, Mann 1 00 4 80 1 00 4 85 Ext. Coca leaves...^ gr. Ext. Valerian % gr. Ext. Cannab. Ind.^4 gr. Ir. carb. (Vallet’s).l gr. Acid Arsenious..l-80 gr. Strychnine 1-80 gr. Codeine 1-8 gr. Senna Ext., 2 grs 40 1 80 40 1 85 Silver Nitrate, £ gr.... 50 2 30 30 1 35 Silver Nitrate, \ gr.... 50 2 30 40 1 85 Sodium Bicarb., 4 grs. 30 1 30 30 1 35 Sour wood Ext., 2 grs. 50 2.30 Squill Comp 40 1 80 30 1 35 30 1 85 15 70 Powd. Squill % gr. Powd. Ginger — % gr. Powd. Soap 1 l /i gr. Ammoniac % gr. 188 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pills and Granules — Continued. E. L. , 100s. & Co. 501s. A., W. & Co. 100s. 500s. P., D. 100s. & Co. 500s. K. & M. 100s. 500s. Stillingin, 1 gr $ 35 1 55 $ $ 35 1 60 $ Stramon. Seed Ext., i gr Stramon. Seed Ext., 25 1 05 25 1 10 1 gr Stramon. Seed Ext., 35 1 55 35 1 60 1 gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Strophanthus, 1-20 gr. 50 2 30 50 2 35 Strophanthus, l gr.... 80 3 80 1 00 4 85 Strychnine, 1-200 gr... 20 80 Strychnine, 1-100 gr... 20 80 20 85 15 70 Strychnine, 1-60 gr.... 20 80 20 85 20 85 15 70 Strychnine, 1-50 gr.... 20 80 20 85 20 85 15 70 Strychnine, 1-40 gr.... 20 80 20 85 20 85 15 70 Strychnine, 1-32 gr.... 20 80 20 85 20 85 Strychnine, 1-30 gr 20 80 20 85 20 85 15 70 Strychnine, 1-20 gr.... 20 80 20 85 20 85 15 70 Strychnine. 1-16 gr.... Strychnine Comp. 20 80 20 85 20 85 * (Form “ B ”) 50 2 30 45 2 10 45 2 10 15 70 Strychnine, l-]00 gr. Phosphorus 1-100 gr. Ext.Cannab.In. 1-16 gr. Powd. Ginseng. 1 gr. Iron carbonate. 1 gr. Strychnine Nitrate, 1-60 gr 40 1 80 Strychnine Sulphate, 1-100 gr 20 80 20 85 Sulphur Iodide, 1-25 gr 35 1 55 35 1 60 Sulphur Iodide, 1-10 gr 35 1 55 Sumbul Ext., 1 gr 1 50 7 30 Sumbul Compound . . . 2 00 9 80 Ext. Sumbul 1 gr. Iron sulph.exsic. 1 gr. Asafetida 2 grs. Acid Arsenious..l-10 gr. Sundew Ext., 3 grs.... 55 2435 55 2 60 Syphilitic 50 2 35 Potass, iodide.. 2*4 grs. Corros sublim...l-40 gr. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 189 Pills and Grannies— Continued. E. L. &Co. A., W. &Co. P., D. &Co. K. & M. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Syphilitic, R i c o r d (Modified) $1 00 4 80 $ $1 00 4 85 $ 20 95 Mer. protiodide, l 4 gr. Lactucarium gr. Ext. Opium 1-10 gr. Ext. Con. seed... 1% gr. Tartar Emetic. 1-100 gr Tartar Emetic, 1-20 gr. Tartar Emetic, £ gr.... Tartar Emetic, l gr.... Tonic, Aiken Quinine sulph.... 1 gr. Iron by hydro... % gr. Acid Arsenious..l-50 gr. Strychnine 1-50 gr. Tonic, Maddin Zinc valerianate ...1 gr. Quinine vslerian’tel gr Iron carb,Vallet’s..l gr. Ext. Nux Vomica.^ gr. Ext. Aloes % gr. 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 75 3 55 80 3 85 1 00 4 80 20 85 29 85 80 .3 85 50 2 45 Tonic, Walker 1 00 4 80 Quinine sulpliate.2 grs. Iron carb, V allet’s 2 grs. Acid Arsenious 1-10 gr. Strychnine ,...1-60 gr. Tonic, Haematic, An- drew 75 3 55 90 4 35 Quinine sulphatel 1 gr. Iron by hydrogen l l Agr Acid Arsenious.1-40 gr. Powd. Ipecac yk gr. Strycnmne sulph 1-40 gr Tonic Hiematic, with Cinchonidine 60 2 80 50 2 35 Cinchonid’e sulph 1 gr. Iron by hydrogn l l /$ gr. Acid Arsenious.1-40 gr. Powd. Ipecac % gr. Strychn’e sulph 1-40 gr. Tonic Laxative, Skene 75 3 55 Quinine sulphate..l gr. Ext. Belladonna 1-10 gr Ext. Coloc. corap..J^ gr. 190 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Pills and Granules— Continued. E. L. & Co. A., W. & Co. P., D. & Co. K. & M 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. 100s. 500s. Trilliin £gr $ 30 1 30 $ $ 30 1 35 $ 20 95 Triplex 40 1 80 40 1 85 40 1 85 15 70 Purified Aloes .2 grs. Blue Mass ...1 gr. Podophyllin M gr. Triplex, Francis, 50 2 30 40 1 85 40 1 85 15 70 Purified Aloes.. 1 1-5 gr. Powd. Scam’y.. 1 1-5 gr. Powd. Myrrh.. 14 gr. Blue Mass 1 1-5 gr. Oil Croton 1-20 gr. Oil Caraway 1-5 gr. Uva Ursi Ext., 2 grs.. 40 1 80 40 1 85 Valerian Ext., 3 grs .. 60 2 80 55 2 60 Veratrine, 1-60 gr 25 1 05 25 1 10 25 1 10 Veratrine, 1-32 gr 30 1 30 30 1 35 30 1 35 Veratrine, 1-12 gr Veratrum Viride 35 1 55 35 1 60 Ext., 1 gr..... Veratrum Viride 30 1 30 30 1 35 Ext., £ gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Warburg’s Tincture... 2 00 9 80 60 2 85 60 2 85 Each pill represents 1 fluid dram Warburg’s Tincture. Warburg’s Tincture. without Aloes 2 00 9 80 00 2 85 Each pill represents 1 fluid dram Warburg’s Tincture in which the Aloes has been omit- ted. Yerba Santa Ext., 3 grs 50 2 30 50 2 35 Zinc Oxide, 1 gr 40 1 80 40 1 85 Zinc Oxide, 2 grs 40 1 80 Zinc Phosph., 1-10 gr. 40 1 80 45 2 10 45 2 10 15 70 Zinc Phosph., ^ gr 40 1 80 45 2 10 45 2 10 Zinc Phosph., 1-6 gr.. 50 2 30 45 2 10 15 70 Zinc Phosph., ^ gr 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 T5 70 Zinc Phosph., £ gr 60 2 80 65 3 10 65 3 10 20 95 Zinc Phosph. Comp... 60 2 80 65 3 10 65 3 10 Zinc phosphide . . gr. Ext. Nux vomica.. V* gr. Ext. Canab. Indi.. y & gr. Zinc Phosphide and Yux Vomica Zinc phosphide..l-10 gr. Ext. Nux Vomica. gr. 50 2 30 50 2 35 50 2 35 25 1 20 Zinc Valerian., 1 gr... 60 2 80 60 2 85 60 2 85 25 1 20 Zinc Valerian., 2 grs.. 75 3 55 75 3 60 75 3 60 50 2 42 Patent Medicipes Retail. Whole- sale. Per Doz. Acid — Mannate (Rio Chemical Co.) $ 1 00 $ 8 00 Acker’s English Remedies, large 1 CO 7 00 “ “ small 50 3 50 “ “ trial 10 80 Blood Elixir 1 00 7 50 Dyspepsia Tablets, large 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Abbott’s Menthol Plaster, on racks 25 1 75 “ “ no “ 25 1 62 “ “ Yard Rolls 7 50 “ Corn Plaster 15 88 “ Snuff. 35 2 50 A Corn Salve 10 85 Albespeyere’s Blistering Plaster, 1 metre 1 25 10 50 u u a 1 ^ a 75 6 00 Aletris Cordial (Rio Chemical Co.) .• 1 00 8 00 Allan’s Anti-Fat 1 50 11 25 Fly Brick 10 60 Soluble Bougies (gleet) No. 1 1 50 12 00 “ “ (gonorrhoea) No. 2 1 50 12 00 Allcock’s Bunion Plasters 25 1 50 Corn Plasters, in boxes 25 1 50 in envelopes 10 75 Porous Plasters 25 1 14 Allen’s Brain Food 1 00 8 00 Lung Balsam, large 1 CO 7 00 “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small ; 25 1 75 (Mrs.) Hair Restorer 1 25 10 00 “ Zvlobalsamum 75 6 00 Nerve and Bone Liniment.: 25 1 75 Root Beer Extract 25 2 00 Sweet Worm Wafers. 25 1 50 All in One Corn Cure 10 75 Alpen Oil 50 3 50 Alpine Tea, Wagner’s 20 1 25 192 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. American Corn Cure, Hinrich’s American Soft Capsules. Gray's — Balsam Copaiba Castor Oil Cod Liver Oil Copaiba with Oil Cubes Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba Oil of Sandalwood American Star Soft Capsules— Balsam Copaiba Castor Oil Cod Liver Oil “ “ with Iodide of Iron.... Copaiba, with Oil of Cubebs Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba Matico Injection, with Glass Syringe Oil of Male Fern, with Kamala Oil of Sandalwood Oil of Turpentine Sandalwood, C. and C. and Matico.... American Stock Food — 1 11). cans 9 “ Anakesis, Neustadter’s Anderson's Dermador, large “ small Vaginal Capsules, No. 1 (1 doz. in box) “ “ “21 “ “ “ “ “ 3 | “ “ An }» ell’s Rheumatic Gun Angler’s Petroleum Emulsion, with Hypopliospliite Angostura Bitters, large “ “ small Anicarboline, Family (see adv.) “ Veterinary Whole- Retail. sale Per doz. 20 1 25 25 1 75 25 1 75 25 1 75 50 3 75 50 4 CO . 1 00 7 50 25 2 00 25 2 00 25 2 00 50 3 00 65 5 00 65 5 00 1 00 7 00 75 5 00 1 CO 8 00 25 2 00 1 00 8 00 25 1 75 50 3 50 1 00 7 20 1 00 7 75 50 3 70 25 1 85 1 00 6 00 1 CO 6 00 1 00 6 00 1 00 7 50 1 00 8 00 2 00 15 50 1 00 9 00 25 1 50 50 3 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 193 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Anti-Dyspeptine $ 1 00 $8 00 Apiol Capsules. Joret’s 1 00 7 25 Armour’s Extract of Beef, 2 oz. jars 50 4 20 4 oz. “ 1 00 7 75 8 oz. “ 1 50 14 50 16 oz. “ 3 00 27 00 Army and Navy Liniment— Gardner’s, large 1 00 7 50 “ small 50 3 75 Arnold’s Balsam — Diarrhoea, large 1 00 7 50 “ medium 50 3 75 “ small 25 1 88 Bilious Pills 25 1 40 Cough Killer, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Porous Plasters 25 1 00 Surgeon’s Adhesive Plaster (yard rolls) 50 4 20 Soothing and Quieting Cordial 25 1 60 Arthur’s Elixir Sulphur 1 00 8 00 Athlophoros 1 00 8 50 Pills 25 1 75 Plasters 25 1 75 Powder 1 00 8 50 Atwood’s Bitters, Jaundice 25 1 65 Quinine Tonic Bitters 1 00 9 00 Aureoline, small 2 00 18 00 “ large 4 00 36 00 Austen’s Swa.Geh (Oswego Bitters), large 75 5 50 “ “ " “ small 25 1 75 Ayer’s Ague Cure 1 00 7 75 Cherry Pectoral 1 00 7 75 Hair Vigor 75 6 75 Pills 25 1 50 Sarsaparilla 1 00 7 75 Baker’s Pure Cod Liver Oil 1 00 6 50 Emulsion Cod Liver Oil, with Hypopb 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ Extract Malt 1 00 7 50 Cod Liver Oil, Lime, Wild Cherry 1 00 7 50 “ “ with Phosph. Lime 1 00 7 50 194 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Baker’s Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Established 1830. Put up in our capsuled bottles with steel engraved label. Will always be found of unequalled quality, and sure to yield the most satisfactory results. BAKER’S EMULSION. C. L. Oil with Hypo-phosphites. Made with our uuequalled Norwegian Oil, ren- dering it by common consent the Best Emulsion in the market. John C. Baker & Co., - Philadelphia. Patent Medicines — Continued. whoie- Retail. sale. Per doz. Baker’s Pain panacea, large $1 00 $ 7 20 “ “ medium 50 3 60 “ “ small 25 1 80 Solution Ferrous Malate (Am. Pharm. Mfg. Co.).. 1 50 12 00 Solution Fer. Malate Gentian and Cinchona 1 00 8 00 Solution Fer. Malate Beef and Port Wine 1 00 7 00 Baker’s (M. M.) Camphor Ice, large 20 1 0G “ “ “ small 10 50 “ Champion Sticky Fiy Paper., per box 50 Bangkoko 1 00 7 50 Barrell’s Indian Liniment 25 1 75 “ Worm Confections 25 1 50 Barrett’s Hair Restorer 1 00 6 00 Barry’s Tricopherous 50 4 00 Bartliolick’s Mother’s Relief. 2 00 16 50 Batchelor’s (W. A.) Hair Dye 1 00 8 00 Bateman’s Drops 15 60 Battle’s Bromida, 4 oz 1 00 8 00 “ 8 oz 2 00 15 00 “ 16 oz 3 00 27 00 Cinia 1 00 8 00 Co cal a c 1 00 8 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 195 Patent Medicines— Continued. Battle’s— Euca . Hemorrhoidal Pills Iodia Papine Veradia Baunsclieidt Oil Baxter’s Mandrake Bitters Bazin’s Camphor Ice Depilatory Powder Becker’s Compound Digest Beebe’s Catarrh Inhaler “ Inhalant Beecliam’s Pills Cough Pills Bell’s Worm Cakes Benedict’s (G. W.) Compound, large “ “ small Benson’s Capcine Plaster Celery and Chamomile Pills Skin Cure Benton’s Hair Grower Benzine — Rainbow Brand, large... “ small Best Tonic (a concentrated liquid Extract of Malt and Hops)... Biedert’s Infant Food Biroth’s Comp. Pepsin, ozs....per oz. “ “ lbs.. ..per lb. Pancreatine, Pure per oz. “ Sacch’ted. “ Powdered Pepsin, Sac- charated “ Powdered Pepsin, Sac- charated Is, 5 and ^ lb. .per lb. Pure Pepsin, ozs per oz. Wine Pepsin Blackman’s Balsam, large. “ small Blair’s Gout, Rheumatic Pills, square boxes Gout, “ “ round “ , Retail. Whole- sale. Per doz. $1 00 |8 00 25 2 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 8 00 1 50 12 00 25 1 88 25 1 25 50 2 50 1 00 8 00 1 25 9 00 65 5 00 25 1 67 25 1 75 50 3 50 1 00 7 00 50 3 50 25 1 58 50 4 00 1 00 8 50 1 00 7 50 20 1 00 10 75 25 2 00 50 4 50 45 5 00 1 50 45 25 3 00 1 20 8 00 1 CO 6 00 50 3 00 1 00 9 00 50 4 00 196 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. whole- Retail, sale. Per doz. Blancard’s Pills, large $1 25 $ 9 00 “ small 75 5 00 Bliss, Keen & Co.’s (F. E.) Cundurango, large 2 00 16 50 “ “ small 1 CO 8 50 Boerliave’s Holland Bitters 1 00 7 00 Boland’s Bitter Wine of Iron, pints 1 CO 7 00 “ “ quarts 1 50 13 50 Bonkocine 1 CO 7 50 Bosankos’ Cough Syrup 50 3 50 Liver Pills (Dr. Gunn’s) 25 1 75 Pile Remedy 50 3 50 “ Syringe - 50 4 00 Boscliee’s German Syrup 75 5 25 “ “ samples 10 85 Boudault’s Pepsin, |s each 3 00 “ jS “ 5 80 “ Neutral, and acid per oz. 1 25 80 Wine Pepsin 1 50 12 00 Bovinine, 6 oz 60 5 CO 12 oz 1 CO 8 00 Bowker’s Food for Flowers 25 2 00 Birch Beer Extract, 1 lb. bottles per lb 1 25 Ginger Ale, 1 lb. bottles “ 1 25 Gum Foam, 1 “ “ “ 75 “ 5 “ “ “ 50 Mead Extract, 1 lb “ “ 1 25 Root Beer Extract, 1 lb. bottles..... “ 1 25 Boyd’s Batteries, large 1 00 6 00 small 59 2 75 Brandretli’s Pills, (sugar coated) 25 1 50 Brant’s Indian Pulmonary Balsam 1 00 8 00 Brigg’s Fly Pads 10 60 “ Poison 5 25 Brightine 1 00 8 00 Bristol’s Sarsaparilla 1 25 10 00 Pills 25 1 75 British Oil 15 60 Brou’s Injection 1 00 7 50 Brown’s Alpha Headache Wafers 35 2 50 Brown’s (Chemical Co.) Iron Bitters 1 00 8 00 “ Curatine 1 00 8 00 Mettaur’s Pills 25 2 CO THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 197 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. per doz. Brown’s (Curtis & Brown) Camphorated Saponaceous Dentrifrice $ 25 I 1 75 “ “ Dontina 25 1 50 “ “ Household Panacea 25 1 75 “ “ Worm Comfits 25 1 50 Brown’s (Fred) Essence Jamaica Ginger 50 3 75 Brown’s (J. C.) Banner Liniment 50 3 00 “ Cough Balsam, large 50 3 00 „ “ “ “ small 25 1 75 “ Pain Destroyers, large (Huber) 50 3 00 “ “ “ small “ 25 1 75 Brown’s (John J. & Sons) Troches 25 1 75 Brown’s (Lyman) Globe Pills... 25 1 75 “ Seven Barks 50 4 00 Brown’s (N. K.) Bronchials, small 25 1 50 “ Essence Jamaica Ginger, large 50 3 00 “ “ “ “ small 25 1 50 Brown’s Fidelity Cockroach, small 50 4 00 “ “ 1 lb cans 1 50 13 50 Brown’s 1(0. P) Acacian Balsam, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 “ Assimilant 1 00 7 50 “ Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 “ Herbal Ointment, large 50 4 00 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 “ Liver Invigorator 1 00 7 50 “ Renovating Pills, large 50 3 50 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 “ Male Fern Vermifuge 50 3 50 “ Woodland Balm 50 3 50 “ Veterinary Ointment 50 4 00 Brown’s (O. P.) Suppositories, large 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Brown’s Hot Drops 50 3 00 Brown’s Shaker’s Valerian 35 2 75 Browne’s Chlorodyne, small 50 3 75 “ medium 1 50 10 50 “ large 2 25 18 75 Bryan’s Pulmonic Wafers 50 3 25 Buchan’s Carbolic Balm Ointment. 25 1 75 Hungarian Balsam 1 00 8 00 198 THE CHAS. BAXJMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Bueliupaiba— Chapin’s (E. S. Wells &Co.) $1 00 $9 00 Buckingham’s Whisker Dye 50 3.75 Bucklen’s Arnica Salve 25 1 75 Electric Bitters 50 4 00 Budd* s Liniment 25 1 75 Bull’s Baby Syrup 25 1 90 Blood Mixture 1 00 7 60 Cough Candy, large 25 1 9o “ “ * small 10 75 Diarrhoea Curative 25 1 90 Cough Syrup, large 1 00 7 60 “ “ medium 50 3 80 “ “ small ’ 25 1 90 Pain Drops 25 1 90 Pills 25 1 90 Recto Mistura 50 3 80 Bull’s (Dr. John) Sarsaparilla 1 00 7 50 “ Worm Confections 25 1 50 Bully’ S Vinegar 75 6 00 Burdock Blood Bitters 1 00 8 00 Root Oil (Vogeler’s) 50 3 75 Burdsall’s Arnica Liniment 50 3 25 Burnett’s Cocoaine, large 1 00 8 00 “ small 50 4 50 Kalliston 1 00 8 00 Calculi Resolvent, Carpenters 1 00 8 00 Calder’s Dentine, small 25 1 75 Caldwell’s Dyspeps. Remedy 50 3 75 Campbell’s Horse Foot Remedy, quarts each, 80 60 “ “ “ b gal “ 1 50 1 12 “ “ “ 1 “ “ 2 50 1 88 “ “ “ 5 “ per gal. 2 35 2 00 Arsenic Wafers, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ small 50 4 00 Campho-Plienique 1 00 8 00 Candy Bro.’s Red Cross Cough Drops, 4 lb. bot., each 1 00 “ “ 11 “ in cart’ns 3 doz. 1 00 Fruit Tablets (4 lb. bottles) each 1 00 Capillar is (T. Hill Mansfield’s) 50 4 00 Caramels (Matt. Ziegeler’s) 40 packages in a box 5 1 20 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 199 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. per doz. Carmelite Alpen Oil (R. H. George & Co.’s) $ 50 $3 75 Drops (R. H. George & Co.’s) 35 2 50 Herb Tea (R. H. George & Co.’s) 25 1 75 Swiss Female Powder and Tea (R. H. George & Co.’s) 1 00 8 00 Carlsbad Salts, Genuine -SSI '700 Carpenter’s Rocky Mountain Salve 50 3 50 Calculi Resolvent 1 00 8 00 Carter’s Extract Smart Weed, large 50 3 50 “ u “ small 25 1 75 Iron Pills 50 3 75 Little Liver Pills 25 1 50 Liver Bitters 1 00 7 50 Li ILe Nerve Pills 25 150 Smart Weed and Bellad. Backache Plasters .’. 25 1 37 Carter’s Pile Remedy 50 3 50 Indel. Ink 25 2 00 Cary’s Liver Pills 25 1 50 Castoria, Pitcher’s 35 2 80 Caswell, Massey & Co.’s Quinine Chocolates 50 4 00 Caulocorea 1 00 8 00 Caustic Cones, Fronerden’s 10 75 Celerina 1 00 8 50 Celery Bitters (Steuben Wine Co.) 50 4 00 Centaur Liniment Family, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ small 50 3 60 “ “ trial 25 1 80 “ Horse, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ small 50 3 60 “ “ trial 25 1 80 Chamberlain’s Green Mountain Salve 25 1 25 Pills 25 1 25 Relief, large _50 3 25 Chamberlain’s Relief, small 25 1 75 Ague Remedy 1 00 7 50 Cathartic and Liver Pills 25 1 50 Colic C. and D. Remedy, small 25 1 75 “ “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ “ large 1 00 7 00 Cough Remedy, small 50 3 50 “ “ large 1 00 7 00 Eye and Skin Ointment, small 25 1 50 200 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- , . , Retail, sale. Chamberlain’s— Per doz. Eye and Skin Ointment, large $ 50 $3 00 Golden Cerate 25 1 75 Liniment 50 3 75 Pain Balm, small 50 3 50 “ “ large 1 00 7 00 Cliamplin’s Liquid Pearl (new style) 50 4 50 Chapin’s Buchu Paiba 1 00 9 00 Chapman, Green & Co.’s Preparations— Celery Compound, Glycerole, pts 7 20 Fluid Extracts, a full line, at manufctr’s prices... Hemorrhoidal Lotion, 4 oz. bottles each 48 “ “ 8 “ “ “ 88 Metho-Glycerole of Bismuth and Hydrastia, pints per pt. 1 60 Migrainin (Celerj r and detannated Gua- rana), pints “ 1 40 Nitrogenized Iron, 1 lb. bottles per lb. 60 “ “ with Hypophospliites, 1 lb. bottles “ 68 Nitrogenized Iron, with Wild Cherry and Digitalis, 1 lb. bottles “ 80 Pepsin, with Wafer Ash, 1 lb. bottles “ 1 28 Rose’s Peptonized Beef, 1 lb. cans per doz. 8 00 “ “ “ i “ “ “ 4 50 “ Wine of Peptonized Beef, lb. bottles “ 8 00 “ “ Pept. Beef, with Iron, lb. bots. “ 8 00 “ “ “ Cod Liver Oil “ 8 00 “ Wine of Pep. Beef with Cod Liver Oil and Hypoph “ 8 00 White Pine Expectorant, pints, “ 7 20 Wine Mitchella compound, pints “ 9 60 Cliapoteaut’s Capsules Morrhuol 1 25 9 00 “ Santal Midy 1 25 9 50 “ Valerianic Ether 1 00 6 50 Chase’s Prepared Glue, 1 oz 15 1 00 “ “ 2 “ 25 1 50 Cheseman’s Female Pills 1 00 7 50 Cheerokee Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 Chester’s Cure, small 50 4 00 “ large 1 00 8 00 Chevalier’s Life for the Hair 1 00 7 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 201 Patent Medicines— Continued. Chichester’s Pennyroyal Pills Chinese Headache Cure Rat Destroyer Christadoro’s Hair Dye Cibil’s Beef, 9 ozs “ 4 “ “ 16 “ Circassian Liquid, small “ large Clark’s Anti-Bilious Compound “ “ Pills Female Pills (Fisk’s) Flax Salve Clark’s (Sir James) Female Pills (genuine only) Cobb’s L iniment Fair Lotion Little Podophyllin Pills Coca Beef Tonic, Liebig’s “ “ “ with Iron Citrate Coe’s Cough. Balsam, small Dyspepsia Cure Colden’s Liquid Extract Beef. Cole’s Crowline Insect Powder (J. W. & Co.) Carboli Salve, large “ “ “ small “ “ “ 1 10. jars “ “ “ Veterinary, large. “ “ “ “ small, “ “ Soap “ “ for shaving Collins* Voltaic Plasters Congo Bitters Bludbilder Congress Bitters Constitution Life Pills Water (Gregg’s) Constitutional Catarrh Remedy (Littlefield’s) Continental Hoof Ointment, 1 lb. cans a u i a a u u i u a 4 Cook’s Balm of Life Pills Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. $2 00 $16 00 25 1 75 10 75 1 00 7 75 1 00 9 00 75 5 00 2 00 16 00 25 2 00 50 4 00 1 00 7 50 25 1 75 1 00 4 00 25 1 75 1 00 7 50 25 1 75 1 00 8 50 25 1 50 1 00 8 50 1 50 12 00 35 2 75 1 00 7 50 1 00 8 50 25 1 75 50 3 50 25 1 75 2 00 18 00 1 00 7 50 50 3 75 25 1 75 15 1 25 25 1 85 75 6 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 8 00 25 2 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 8 00 1 00 6 00 50 3 13 25 1 65 1 00 7 75 25 1 00 202 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Cooper’s Magnetic Balm $ 25 $1 85 Corbett’s Shaker’s Sarsaparilla 1 00 8 00 Corn Ease (Huylar’s) 25 1 75 Costar's Bedbug Exterminator 20 1 25 Rat Exterminator 20 1 25 Insect Powder 25 1 50 Cough Cherries, 5 lb. canisters each 125 “ 20 cartoons in box per box 10 1 25 “ 40 “ “ “ 5 1 25 Cough Drops, Crown, 3 doz. packages in box.... “ 5 1 00 German Malt, 40 packages in box 5 1 20 Cowden’s Pills 25 1 50 Crain’s (Dr. J. S.) Fluid Lightning, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 3 50 Crook’s Comp. Syrup Poke Root 1 00 7 50 Wine of Tar 1 00 7 50 Crosby’s Vitalized Phosphates 1 00 7 75 Crossman’s Specific Mixture 1 00 8 00 Crudoform Liniment 25 1 75 Cuming’s Corn Cure 25 1 50 Essence Bay Rum per lb 2 00 Cushman’s Menthol Inhalers 50 3 75 Cuticream 25 1 75 Cuticura Anti-Pain Plasters (W. & P.) 25 1 85 Ointment (W. & P.), large 1 00 8 25 “ u small 50 4 25 Resolvent, “ 1 00 8 25 Shaving Soap, “ 15 1 35 Soap, Toilet, “ 25 1 80 Cutler’s Catarrh Inhalant 50 3 75 Inhalers 1 00 8 00 Cyclone Bug Guns 15 1 00 Dailey’s Horse Salve 50 3 70 Pain Extractor 25 1 85 Dame’s Wine of the Woods, large 1 00 10 00 “ “ small 25 2 50 Damiana Wafers 1 00 8 00 Damonia Remedy 1 00 7 50 Medicated Soap 25 1 75 Darby’s Prophylactic Fluid, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ small 50 3 75 Tooth Ache Plasters 25 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Parley’s Heave Remedy $ 25 $ 1 75 Davis’ (Perry) Pain Killer, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ medium 50 3 60 “ “ small 25 1 80 Day’s Condition Powders 25 1 25 Kidney Pads 2 00 16 00 “ Children. 1 50 12 00 “ Special 3 CO 24 00 Poultry Powders 25 1 25 Dean’s Rheumatic Pills 50 4 00 De Bing’s Pile Remedy 1 00 8 00 Declat’s Antiseptic Syrup, for Whooping Cough ... 1 00 8 00 “ Soap 35 2 40 Emanator, with Iodinized Phenic Acid, for In- halation 4 00 32 00 Glyco Phenique (external use) 75 6 00 Declat’s Hypodermic Solution of Ammonia Phenate 1 00 8 00 “ “ Iodo-Phenique 1 00 8 00 “ ■ “ Nascent Phenic Acid.. 75 6 00 “ “ Sulpho Phenique 1 00 8 00 Non-Saccharine Solution of Ammonia-Phenate... 1 25 10 00 “ “ Iodo-Phenique 1 25 10 00 “ “ Nascent-Phen. Acid.. 1 00 8 00 “ “ Sulpho-Phenique 1 00 8 00 Phenated Cod Liver Oil 75 6 00 Syrup of Ammonia-Phenate 1 25 10 00 “ Iodo-Phenique 1 25 10 00 “ Nascent Phenic Acid 1 00 8 00 “ Sulpho-Phenique 1 00 8 00 DeGratli’s Electric Oil 50 3 75 Deliorner, March’s 1 00 8 00 DeJongli’s Cod Liver Oil 1 00 8 50 Deming’s Pile Remedy (Keifer) 1 00 7 50 Discovery 1 00 7 50 Denton’s Balsam, large 50 3 80 “ small 25 1 85 DeSaucti’s Pills 75 5 00 Diastoid 1 00 9 00 Dick’s Wundersalbe 25 2 00 Dioviburnia 1 00 8 00 204 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued . Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Dit man’s Sea Salt, 14 lbs $1 00 $ 7 00 “ “ 6 “ 50 3 25 “ “ 2 “ 25 1 65 Douglass’ Capsicum Drops, 5 lb. cans per lb 25 Down’s Vegetable Balsamic Elixir, large 1 00 7 75 “ “ “ medium 50 3 88 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Drake’s Plantation Bitters 1 00 8 25 Dredger’s Insect Powder 20 1 25 Duane’s Blackberry Cordial 25 1 85 Cough Cordial, large 1 00 7 25 “ “ medium 50 3 65 “ “ small 25 1 75 Liver Pills.. 25 1 25 Worm Lozenges 25 1 50 DuClioine’s (Dr.) Nerve Pills 2 00 15 00 Female Regulator 1 00 7 50 Duffy’s Malt Whiskey 1 00 8 50 Formula 1 00 8 50 Dundas, Dick & Co.’s Congress Bitters 1 00 8 00 Empty Capsules ' 25 1 10 Laxatine \ 25 2 00 Macqueen Matico Injection 1 00 8 00 “ “ Ointment 25 2 00 Mentholine, Japanese Headache Cure 25 1 75 Mentholette 10 75 Seidlitine 5 35 Soft Capsules, Castor Oil 35 2 oO “ Cod Liver Oil 35 2 00 “ “ “ “ “ with Iodide of Iron.. 50 3 00 “ Copaiba 35 2 50 “ “ Cubebs and Copaiba 75 5 50 “ “ Docuta Sandalwood 1 50 12 00 “ “ Male Fern and Kamala 2 00 12 00 “ “ Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba 1 00 7 00 “ “ Medicinal Turpentine 35 2 00 “ “ Norwegian Tar 50 3 00 Soft Capsulets, Copaiba 20 1 25 “ “ Cubebs and Copaiba 35 2 75 “ “ Docuta Sandalwood 75 6 00 “ “ Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba 50 3 50 THE GHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 205 Patent Medicines— Continued. whoie- Dundas, I>ick A; Co.’s— Perdoz. Soft Capsuloids, Castor Oil $ 25 $ 2 00 “ “ Cod Liver Oil 25 2 00 Thermaline, large 1 00 8 00 “ medium 50 4 00 “ small 25 2 00 Puponco’s Golden Female Pills (genuine only) 1 00 5 50 Purang’s Rheumatic Remedy 1 00 7 25 Purno’s Catarrh Snuff 25 185 Putclier’s Dead Shot 25 1 75 Lightning Fly Killer ream $7.50, quire 40 Pyspepsine (Morse’s), 2\ oz 1 00 8 00 % lb. bottles per lb 4 75 Eberle’s Petrolatum 10 60 Ede’s Diamond Cement 25 1 50 Edey’s Carbolic Troches 25 1 75 Edison’s Polyform Liniment 1 00 9 00 Egyptian Oil, large 50 3 00 “ small 25 1 50 Eilert’s Daylight Pills 25 1 25 Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry 1 00 6 50 Electric Bitters (Bucklen’s) 50 4 00 Electric Cure, West’s 1 00 7 20 Electro Silicon 15 85 Elliott’s Med. Stock Food, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 Ellis’ Charcoal 25 1 75 Ely’s Cream Balm for Catarrh 50 3 75 Emser Pastilles 50 3 85 Engleliard’s Remedy (Remedium) 50 3 50 Vegetable Liver Pills 25 1 50 Eno’s Fruit Salt 1 50 10 50 Equine Condition Powders 25 1 25 Esau’s Crown Cough Drops, per 3 doz. box 1 00 Espey’s Fragrant Cream, large 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 “ Soap 25 1 75 Estberg’s Cryst. Calendula Jelly 25 1 75 Headache Capules 25 1 75 Evan’s Quinine Bitters, large 1 25 10 00 “ “ small 75 6 00 Injection G 1 00 7 50 “ per 3 doz. lots 21 75 206 THE CHAS. BA UMBA CH CO. Patent Medicines — C o 1 1 ti n ued. Retail. Fahnestock’s (B. A.) Vermifuge $ 25 (B. L.) “ 25 “ Lung Syrup 25 “ Worm Pastiles 25 Falirney’s Blood Cleanser (Panacea) 1 25 Fairchild Bros, and Foster’s Preparations — Elixir Calisaya per doz “ “ 5 It) bot each Ferrated Elixir Calisaya per doz “ “ “ * 5 It) hot each il “ “ with Bismuth per doz “ “ with Styrchnia.. “ Pliospliorized Elixir Calisaya and Iron... “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 lb. bot,. each Elixir Gentian, with Tinct. Chloride Iron (taste- less) per doz. Elixir Gentian, Ferrated “ “ Guarana “ “ Valerianate of Ammonia “ “ Phosphates Iron, Quinia and Strychnia, per doz. Comp. Syrup Hypophospliites “ Mossoleine Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil.... “ INFANT FOOD. Peptogenic Milk Powder per doz. 1 00 u a u u -cq PANCREATIC PREPARATIONS. Extractum Pancreatis per oz “ “ per lb “ “ ^ lb. bot each “ “ \ lb. bot “ Peptonising Tubes, 1 dozen tubes in each box. per doz. boxes PEPSINE PREPARATIONS. Pepsine in Scales per oz. “ “ per lb. “ “ ^ lb each Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 1 40 1 40 1 75 1 25 10 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 3 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 4 00 7 00 7 00 15 00 9 00 21 00 10 00 7 50 8 50 4 50 1 25 18 00 9 00 4 50 4 00 1 25 18 00 9 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 207 Patent Medicines— Continued. Fairchild Bros. & Foster’s Preparations— Retail. Pepsine, Powdered, pure from the scales... per oz. $ “ “ “ per ]b. “ “ “ j lb. bots each “ •“ “ i lb. bots “ u Essence *. per doz. “ “ 5 lb. bots each “ “ 1 gal. demi “ “ Saccharated per lb. “ “ per oz. Tablets Pancreatic Tablets, in bottles of 50 “ “ “ 100 “ “ “ 500 each “ “ Comp., in bottles -of 50 “ “ “ “ ' 500.. each Pepsine “ “ 80 “ 11 11 500.. each Pepsine and Extract Pancreatis Tablets, in bot- tles of 50 per doz. Pepsine and Extract Pancreatis Tablets, in bot- tles of 100 per doz. Pepsine and Extract Pancreatis Tablets, in bot- tles of 500 each Pepsine and Bismuth Tablets, in bottles of 50, per doz. Pepsine and Bismuth Tablets, in bottles of 500, each Pepsine, Bismuth and Pancreatic Tablets, in bot- tles of 50 per doz. Pepsine, Bismuth and Pancreatic Tablets, in bot- tles of 500 each Pepsine and Diastase Tablets, in bottles of 80 (only) per doz. Peptonate of Iron Tablets, in bottles of 50, per doz. Trypsin. Trypsin, in £■ oz. bottle “ 1 oz. “ Fargo’s Butter Color, large 1 00 “ medium 50 Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 1 25 18 00 9 00 4 50 8 00 5 75 8 75 3 50 30 6 25 12 00 4 50 6 25 4 50 6 00 3 00 9 50 18 00 7 25 6 00 4 25 6 25 4 50 6 25 6 25 1 00 4 00 7 00 3 50 208 THE CHAS. BAUM BA CH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Ketail. sale. Per doz. Fargo’s Butter Color, small $ 25 $ 1 75 “ “ 1 gal. cans inclusive pergal 2 75 Farnliam’s Asthma Remedy 2 00 12 00 Farrell’s Arabian Liniment, large 1 00 7 40 “ “ medium 50 3 70 “ “ small 25 185 Fayard & Blain’s Rheumatic Paper 35 2 00 Fellow’s Hypophosphites 1 50 11 50 Fenner’s Blood and Liver Remedy 1 00 7 50 Capitol Bitters 1 00 8 00 Cough Honey, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 German Eye Salve 25 1 50 Golden Relief, large 1 00 7 50 u “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Kidney Backache Cure 1 00 8 00 Pleasant Worm Syrup 25 1 75 Salt-Rheum Ointment, yellow 25 1 75 Soothing Syrup 25 1 75 St. Vitus Dance Specific 3 00 27 00 Vegetable Blood and Liver Pills 25 1 50 (Blocki) Cathartic Tea, large 25 1 50 “ “ “ small 10 75 Fennimore’s Cough Syrup, large 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Liniment, large 50 3 50 “ small 25 1 75 Filkin’s Pills 25 1 50 Fink’s Magic Oil, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Firwein 1 25 9 50 Fisher’s Cubeb Cigarettes 25 1 50 F. E. C. Kidney Remedy 1 00 8 00 Fitch’s Biliary Corrector, large 1 00 8 50 “ “ small 50 4 25 Cathartic Pills 25 1 85 Heart Corrector, large 1 50 12 50 “ “ small 75 6 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 209 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Flagg’s Cough Killer, large $1 00 $ 8 00 “ “ small 50 4 00 Relief, large 1 00 7 75 “ small 50 3 75 Fleming’s Mikado Cologne 25 1 75 Flint’s (Prof.) Condition Powders, large 50 4 00 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Remedy 1 25 10 00 Floraplexion 1 00 8 00 Pills 25 1 75 Soap 25 1 75 Fonerden’s Dental Cream 25 1 50 Instant Toothache Drops 10 75 Mounted Caustic 10 75 Foord’s Pectoral Syrup, large 1 25 11 09 “ “ small 75 5 25 Tonic Cordial 35 2 75 Foot Ease (Huylar) 25 1 75 Fosgate’s Anodyne Cordial 35 2 75 Fongera’s Comp. Iodinized Cod Liver Oil 1 25 7 50 Elix. Horse-Radish 1 00 9 00 Ready-made Mustard Plaster, No. 1 50 2 00 “ “ “ No. 2 50 2 00 Fowle’s Pile and Humor Cure 1 00 7 50 Frankfurt Fever Pills (Vogeler’s) 50 3 75 Frazier’s Root Bitters 1 00 7 50 Magic Ointment . 50 4 00 Freese’s Am. Mender Cement 25 150 Cementine 25 1 50 Hamburg Tea, Imitation 15 75 (J. C.) Hamburg Tea, Genuine 25 1 75 Freligli’s Rheumatic Remedy : 1 00 8 00 Tonic 1 00 8 00 French Eye Salve 20 1 00 Fronfield’s Cattle Powders... 25 1 50 Frostilla, Holmes’ Fragrant 25 1 75 Frye’s Cod Liver Oil and Hypophospliites 1 00 7 50 Gran. Sal. Acid 75 5 50 Syr. Hypophos 1 00 7 50 Syr. Hypo' Comp. Iron, Quin, and Nux V 1 25 11 00 Funk’s Cream of Roses 25 1 50 210 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Furguson’s Wonderful Oil Gambault’s Caustic Balsam Oar diner’s Rheumatic Compound Gardner’s Syrup Hydriodic Acid Garfield Tea, large medium small Gamier & Lamoureux’s Proto. Iod. Merc. Pills, 100 “ “ “ “ 500 Gaudicliaud’s Comp. Extract Sandalwood Gausewitz’s German Worm Powder, large “ “ “ small Cough Powder Colic Cure Spavin Cure Barb Cure Salve, large “ “ “ small Blister Plaster Gedney’s Capsules Copaiba, 1 doz. in box... ... u << 2 “ “ “ and Cubebs, 1 doz. in box l t U U 9 u C 6 CC 6 i o a Gem Oilers (Filled with Sewing Machine Oil) Gerber’s Milk Food, Swiss German Corn Remover Gibson's Cough Tablets per lb. Fruit Tablets, 1 lb. bottle “ Whole- Retail sale $ 50 Per doz. $ 3 50 1 50 12 00 1 00 8 00 12 00 1 00 8 00 50 4 00 25 2 00 35 1 25 1 00 8 00 50 3 50 25 1 75 35 2 65 50 3 60 1 00 7 20 50 3 50 25 1 75 50 3 75 15 85 25 1 55 50 2 17 25 1 55 50 2 92 75 4 25 15 1 00 50 4 00 25 1 50 40 45 40 “ “ 12-5 “ .- “ 35 Coltsfoot Rock “ 40 Licorice Tablets (Rose and Vanilla flavors) “ 25 Mint XXX Lozenges t: 45 Musk Lozenges “ 75 Giles’ Iodide of Ammonia Liniment, Animal; large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ “ small 50 3 75 “ “ “ ■“ trial size. 25 1 90 “ “ “ “ quarts 2 50 24 00 “ “ “ Family, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ “ * small 50 3 75 “ u “ trial size. 25 1 90 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 211 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Glenn’s Sulphur Soap $ 25 $ 2 00 Globe S. C. Pills (Brown’s) 25 1 75 Gluten Suppositories 4 50 Glycerole Shoe Polish 25 2 00 Godfrey’s Cordial 15 60 Going’s Colic Powder 1 00 8 00 Cough Powder 1 00 8 00 Tonic 1 00 8 00 W orm Destroyer 1 00 8 00 Golden Seal Bitters (Walsh’s) 1 00 7 50 Golden Specific 24 00 Gouraud’s Olympian Cream 1 00 7 50 Oriental Cream 1 50 11 00 Grsefenberg’s Children’s Panacea 50 3 50 Consumptives’ Balm, large 3 00 21 00 “ “ small 1 50 9 00 Dysentary Syrup 50 3 50 Eye Lotion 25 1 75 Fever and Ague Remedy 50 3 50 Green Mountain Ointment 25 1 75 Health Bitters 25 1 75 Manual of Health 25 2 00 Pile Remedy 1 00 7 00 Sarsaparilla Compound 1 00 7 00 Uterine Catholicon 1 50 8 75 Vegetable Pills 25 1 50 Graham’s Barber Soap, bars, 10 bars in box 1 50 Hair Dye, black and browm 50 4 00 Grantine (Cocaine Dental Cotton) 15 1 25 Graves’ (Dr.) Heart Regulator (now only one size) 1 00 8 50 Gray’s Specific 1 00 8 00 Gray’s American Hard Capsules, Dundas Dick 50 25 1 75 No. 11, Kron Essence 50 \ 50 25 1 75 No. 12, Malorts Drops — Dubbla 50 » 50 25 1 75 No. 13, Mixtura Simplex 50 1 50 25 1 75 No. 14, Moder Drops — Dorjens. 50 1 50 25 1 75 No. 15, Nerf Drops 50 > 50 25 1 75 No. 16, Prinsens Drops 50 1 50 25 1 75 No. 17, Prinsens Akta Drops.... 50 > 50 25 1 75 THE CHAS. BAZJMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Hesselrotli’s Importations— No. 18, Riga Balsam No. 19, Rosens Brost Drops... No. 20, Slag Yatten No. 21, Thielemann’s Kolera Drops LARGE. SMALL. Retail. Per doz. Retail. Per doz. $ 50 $3 50 f 25 $1 75 50 3 50 25 1 75 50 3 50 25 1 75 50 3 50 25 1 75 Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. HetlieringLon’s Tropic Fruit Laxative, liquid $ 25 $2 00 H. H. H. Horse Liniment, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ small 50 3 50 Hibbard’s Herb Extract 1 00 7 50 Pills 25 1 50 Rheumatic Syrup 1 00 8 00 “ Plaster 25 1 60 Throat and Lung Balsam 25 2 00 Hickey’s Corn Plasters 25 150 Hill’s Balsam Honey 25 100 Buchu, etc 1 00 7 00 Hair Dye, Black or Brown 50 4 00 Peerless Cough Syrup, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 3 5Q “ Worm Drops.. 25 1 50 “ “ Specific, large 50 3 50 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 Rheumatic Pills 25 1 50 Himrod’s Asthma Cure 1 00 7 50 Hind’s Radical Corn Remover..^ 25 1 50 Honey and Almond Cream 50 4 00 Hindercorns (Hiscox & Co.) 15 100 H inrich’s Am. Corn Cure 25 1 25 U. Starch Polish ; 15 1 00 Hire’s (Cli as E.) Root Beer Liquid, Concentrated, pts. 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ “ 1 gal. Jugs ....per gal 4 00 (Chas. E.) Root Beer Liquid, Concentrated, 5 gal. Jugs per gal 3 75 (Chas. E.) Root Beer Liquid, Concentrated, small 25 175 “ “ Dry 25 1 75 224 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. „ , whoie- ttetail. sale. Per doz. Hoff’s Malt (Tarrant’s) $ 50 $ 3 25 “ (Eisner’s) 50 3 50 Balsam, large 1 00 7 00 “ small 50 3 50 Pills 25 1 50 Hoffmann’s All Healing Salve 20 1 25 Imp. Red Drops 25 1 50 Worm Lozenges 20 1 25 Hogle’s Hoofoline, large 1 00 7 00 “ small 50 3 00 Holland’s Herb Tea 25 1 25 Holloway’s Arnica Plaster, large 25 2 00 “ medium 20 1 50 “ “ small 15 1 00 Ointment, genuine 75 4 50 “ 25 2 00 Pills, genuine 75 4 50 “ 25 1 75 Worm Confections 25 1 50 Holman’s Body Plasters 25 1 75 Foot Plasters 25 1 75 Infant Pads 1 50 12 00 Liver “ 2 00 16 00 Regular “ (Kidney) 2 00 16 00 Special “ 3 00 24 00 Spleen Belt 5 00 42 00 Hood’s Olive Ointment, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ small 25 1 75 Sarsaparilla 1 00 8 00 Tooth Powder, large 50 3 75 small 25 1 58 Vegetable Pills 25 1 50 Hoofland’s German Bitters 1 00 8 00 German Tonic 1 50 12 00 Greek Oil, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ small 50 3 75 Podophyllin Pills 25 1 50 (Dr.) Herb Tea 50 3 00 Hooper’s Aromatic Cachous, metal 25 1 25 “ “ paper 25 1 00 Female Pills, Genuine 1 00 5 00 “ “ Imitation 25 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 225 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Hop Pills $ 25 $ 1 75 Ointment 50 2 75 Plasters 25 1 75 Hop and Malt Bitters 1 00 7 05 Hop Bitters (Rochester) 1 00 7 20 Horlick’s Food for Adults, large 75 6 50 “ “ small 40 3 50 “ Infants, large 75 6 50 “ “ small 40 3 50 Gran. Extract Malt, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ small 50 4 00 Horner’s Rheumatic Lightning 1 GO 7 50 Horsford’s Acid Phosphate, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ small 50 4 00 Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters 1 00 8 00 Hough ton’s Pepsin Liquid 1 00 6 00 “ Powder 1 00 6 00 Hoyt’s German Cologne, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ medium 50 3 75 “ “ small 25 1 75 Rubifoam 25 2 00 Hubert’s Malvina Cream 50 4 00 “ Lotion 50 4 00 “ Ichthyol Soap 25 1 75 Humboldt’s Bitters 1 00 8 00 Humphrey’s Marvel of Healing, large 1 00 7 50 “■ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Family Mentor each 1 00 Specifics, Nos. 1 to 15 inclusive 25 1 75 “ “ 16 to 34 “ except 28, 32, 33... 50 3 50 “ “ 28, 32, 33 1 00 7 00 “ “ 28 per.pkg. 5 00 3 75 “ Anchor 2 00 14 00 “ Crescent : 5 00 36 00 “ Star 5 00 36 00 'Simples, Pellets and Tinctures 15 1 00 Veterinary Manuals 50 4 00 “ Medicators 35 2 50 Medicator Caps, rubber 5 40 226 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Retail. Humphrey’s Veterinary Specifics, for Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Dogs and Poultry. Put up in bottles, with directions : AA. Cures Fevers, Congestions, Inflamations, etc BB. Cures Disease of the Tendons, Ligaments or Joints, etc CC. Cures Disease of the Glands, Epizootic, Distemper in Horses or Sheep DD. Cures Worm Diseases, and eradicates them from the system. EE. Cures Diseases of the Air Passages, etc FF. Cures Colic, Spasmodic, Wind or Inflammatory Colic GG. Prevents Miscarriage, Abor- tion, or Casting of Foal in Mares, Cows or Sheep HH. Cures Diseases of the Kid- neys, Bladder or Urinary Pas- sages, etc II. Cures Cutaneous Diseases or Eruptions, etc JJ. Cures Diseases of Digestion, Loss of Appetite, etc Witch Hazel Oil Hunnewell’s Eclectic Pills Tolu Anodyne Universal Cough Remedy, large “ “ 44 small.... ...1 oz. hot. ! ...4 oz. hot. ...8 oz. bot. Hunt’s Kidney Remedy, Hurlburt’s Tracheal Drops (Croup) Husband’s Calcined Magnesia Isinglass Adhesive Plaster Hydroleine (Hydrated Oil) Hydronaplitlio 1 per lb. In one ounce bottles “ Imperial Glue Granum, large “ small $ 75 2 00 8 50 50 25 50 50 25 1 25 50 40 1 CO 10 1 25 75 Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 5 00 18 00 83 00 3 75 1 50 3 75 3 50 1 75 10 00 3 50 2 85 7 00 8 00 2 50 3 25 75 10 50 6 25 CUH.BS In 1 to 5 Days. GUARANTEED Not to cause stricture. Use two or three times a day with a x-4 oz. cone point Syringe. Inject slowly and as far into the urethra as it will go. [Mk Manufactured only by JTfee Evans GtaicalGo. CINCINNATI, 0. U.S. A. TRADE MARK. INJECTION “G” Outsells all similar Preparations Combined. The most effective and at the same time an absolutely non-poisonous cure for Gonorrhoea and Gleet All druggists, who are in the habit of pushing reliable Goods only, are advised to carry Big G in stock. Once started, it soon becomes a rapid seller, and remains staple. ORDER SO AS TO AVOID RISK OF FREEZING IN TRANSIT. Retailing at $1.00 — 1 dozen Big Gf @ $ 7.50 gives 60 per cent, profit. 3 “ “ @ 21.75 “ 65 6 “ “ @ 42.00 “ 71 “ “ The manufacturers, The Evans Chemical Co., Cincinnati, O., will furnish advertising matter, with dealers’ card, free upon request. 228 THE Cl I AS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. whoie- Retail. sale. per doz. Indian Tonic $1 00 $ 6 00 Ing-luvin, Warner’s 1 25 10 00 Injection, Big G '. 1 00 7 50 Brou 1 00 7 50 Dundas, Dick & Co.’s Matico 1 00 8 00 Grimault’s Matico 1 00 8 50 Malydor 1 00 7 50 “It Duz It” Pile Cure (Athlophoros Co.) 1 00 8 50 Isaacsen’s (Doctor) Sure Pop 25 1 50 Insect Powder 25 1 50 Ivory Polish 50 8 50 Jackson’s Glycerine Cream 25 1 75 Japanese Corn Files 25 175 Jacque’s Worm Cakes 25 1 50 Jayne’s Ague Mixture 1 00 7 60 Alterative 1 00 7 60 Carminative Balsam, large 50 8 80 “ “ small 35 2 85 Expectorant 1 00 7 60 Hair Tonic 1 00 7 60 Liniment or Counter Irritant 50 3 80 Liquid Hair Dye 1 00 8 50 Sanative Pills 25 1 65 Tape Worm Specific 2 00 18 00 Tonic Vermifuge 35 2 85 Jewsbury & Brown’s Oriental Tooth Paste, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 60 4 50 Jim Crow Corn Salve 10 75 Cough Drops, box of 3 doz. Cartoons 5 00 1 00 Tooth Remedy 10 75 Johanniter Oil 50 3 50 Drops 50 3 50 Salve 25 1 75 Tea, large 50 3 50 “ small 25 1 75 Johnson’s Anodyne Liniment 35 2 50 Liquid Extract Beef, 2 oz 35 3 00 “ “ “ 4 “ 60 5 00 “ “ “ 8 “ 1 00 8 50 “ “ “ lib 1 75 16 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 229 Patent Medicines— Continued . Johnson & Johnson’s Perforated Plasters— Pharmacopoeia Formulae combined with Rubber. Packed two dozen in a box. Size, 5x7? inches. Aconite per gross $ 7 00 Aconite and Belladonna .- “ 10 00 Arnica “ 7 00 Belladonna “ 10 00 Belladonna and Capsicum “ 10 00 Capsicum “ 6 00 Galbanum. “ 8 50 Hemlock 8 50 Iron “ 8 50 Opium “ 12 00 Pitch, Burgundy “ 8 50 Poor Man’s “ 8 50 Strengthening “ 5 60 Warming “ 8 50 Quinine “ 10 00 Any of above goods can be had in the name of the buyer at the following rates : 1 Gross per Gross extra 1 00 6 “ “ “ 50 \2 “ “ “ 25 Yard Roll Plasters. Pharmacopoeia Formulas Combined with Rubber. Perforated or Plain Spread. Size, 7 inches wide by one yard long. Aconite per doz. 6 00 Aconite and Belladonna mt 6 20 Arnica “ 5 75 Belladonna “ 6 20 Belladonna and Capsicum “ 6 20 Blister Cantharidal “ 6 20 Canthos Vesicant “ 9 00 Capsicum “ 5 75 Galbanum “ 6 00 Iron “ 5 75 Mercurial “ 7 00 Opium “ 7 50 Pitch, Burgundy ‘‘ 5 75 230 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Johnson & Johnson’s Perforated Plasters— Poor Man’s per doz. $5 75 Strengthening, 5 in. x 1 yd., $3.00; 7 in. x 1 yd.... “ 5 75 Thapsia, French Formula “ 5 50 Warming “ 5 75 Five Yard Roll Plasters. Pharmacopoeia Formulas in Rubber Combination. Plain or Perforated. 5 Yard Rolls. Belladonna, Perforated, 5 in. wide per roll 1 75 “ Plain, “ “ “ 1 75 “ Perforated, 7 in. wide “ 2 50 “ Plain, “ “ “ 2 50 Capsicum, Perforated, 5 in. wide “ 1 10 “ Plain, “ “ “ 1 10 “ Perforated, 7 “ “ 1 75 “ Plain, “ “ “ 1 75 Strengthening, Perforated, 5 in. wide “ 1 10 “ Plain, “ “ “ 1 10 “ Perforated, 7 in. wide “ 1 75 “ Plain, “ “ “ 1 75 Surgeon’s Perfect Rubber Adhesive Plaster. Perforated or Plain, on Strong Cotton Cloth. 1 Yard Rolls, 7 inches wide per doz. 2 20 5 Yard Rolls, 12 “ 13 50 5 Yard Rolls, 7 “ “ 9 00 5 Yard Rolls, 14 “ 15 00 On Twilled Linen. 1 Yard Rolls, 6 inches wide “ 5 00 5 Yard Rolls, 6 “ “ 24 00 *»n Twilled Cotton Cloth, (Extra Strong 1 .) 1 Yard Rolls, 7 inches wide “ 3 50 5 Yard Rolls, 7 “ ; “ 15 00 On Mole Skin. 1 Yard Rolls, 12 inches wide “ 4 50 5 Yard Rolls, 12 “ “ 24 00 1 Yard Rolls, 7 “ “ 2 50 5 Yard Rolls, 7 “ “ 12 50 THE CHA8. BAUMBACH CO. 231 Patent Medicines— Continued. Johnson & Johnson’s Perforated Plasters— Ready Cut on Spools. \ Inch Strips, 10 yards long per doz. $2 25 1 Inch Strips, “ “ “ 3 50 2 Inch Strips, “ “ “ 5 75 3 Inch Strips, “ “ “ 7 75 Perfect Mustard Plasters. Spread on Cloth or Paper. On Cloth. 10 Leaves in a Flat Tin Box- per doz. 2 00 6 “ “ Round Wood Box “ 1 50 3 “ “ “ “ “ 1 00 Yard Rolls, 6 inches wide, Round Box “ 2 00 Half-yard Rolls, 6 in. wide, “ “ 1 50 On Paper. 10 Leaves in a Flat Tin Box per doz. 1 75 Yard Rolls, 6 in. wide, Round Box “ 175 5 Yards in Box, 12 in. wide , “ 15 00 100 Leaves in Box. 2 in Envelope per box 1 25 6 “ “ Wood Box per doz. 1 25 3 “ “ “ 11 1 00 Spice Plaster. Yard Rolls, 6 in. wide per doz. 3 25 Surgeons’ Perfect Isinglass Plasters. Fine Silk and Strong Muslin. On Silk. White, 7 in. wide, 1 yd. long per doz. 4 00 Flesh, 7 in. “ 1 yd. “ “ 4 00 Black, 7 in. “ 1 yd. “ “ 4 00 On Muslin. Yard Rolls, 8 in. wide per doz. 2 75 5 yd. “ 11 in. “ “ 16 50 On Green Silk. Suitable for Mending- Billiard Cloth. Yard Rolls, 7 in. wide per doz. 4 50 232 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Johnson & Johnson’s Perforated Plasters— Corn Plasters. Round. Thin, 12 Plasters in a Box per gross boxes $6 75 Thich, 12 “ “ “ “ 8 00 Oval. Thin, 12 Plasters in a Box per gross boxes, 6 75 Thick, 12 “ “ 8 00 Red Cross ....per gross boxes, 10 00 Glass Top Boxes. Thin, 1 gross in Box per box, 55 Thick, 1 gross in Box “ 80 Bunion Plasters. Square. Thin, 6 in a Box per gross boxes, 6 75 Thick, 6 in a Box “ “ 8 00 Oval. Thin, 6 in a Box per gross boxes, 6 75 Thick, 6 in a Box “ “ 8 00 Red Cross “ “ 10 00 Glass Top Boxes. Thin, | gross in Box per box, 60 Thick, J gross in Box “ 80 Johnson’s (Dr. Clark) Indian Blood Syrup, large $ 1 00 “ “ “ “ small.. Johnston’s (W. & Co.) Sarsaparilla (old style) 1 00 “ “ (trial) “ “ (new style) Kidney Cure 1 00 Blood Bitters Cough Cure (Formerly Hill’s) English Buchu 1 00 Mandrake Pills Arnica Plasters (in envelopes) , Kill Em All per lb. Sure Shot Retail. Whole- sale. Per doz. •$ 1 00 7 00 50 3 50 . 1 00 7 00 50 4 00 75 5 00 . 1 00 7 00 75 6 00 15 1 00 . 1 00 7 00 10 75 20 15 25 1 50 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Retail. Jokes $ 10 Jones (Griggs & Co.) Red Clover Tonic 50 Judson’s Mountain Herb Tea 25 Pills 25 Kaiser Pills, Genuine 15 Kallidont 1 00 Kaskine (Substitute for quinine) 1 00 Pills. 25 Kaufman’s Sulphur Bitters 1 00 Pills 25 Piasters 25 Kearney’s (F. E.), Buchu 1 00 Keasbey & Mattison’s — {less 10 per cent, discount.) Eff. Acid Salicyl 75 “ Bromo Caffeine, large 1 25 “ Caffeine Citr 1 25 “ “ “ medium 75 “ “ ££ small : 50 ££ Carlsbad Salt 75 “ Cerium Oxalate 75 ££ Kissingen Salt 50 ££ Lithiated Potash 1 25 ££ Lithium Bromide 1 25 ££ ££ Citr 1 25 ££ Benzoate 1 25 ££ Magnes. Citr 50 £ ‘ ££ small 35 ££ Potash Citr 70 “ Vichy Salt '50 Other combinations see page 134. Keith’s Concentrated Tincture Avena, lb ££ Retail. Kellogg’ s Worm Tea $ 25 King of Pain, large 50 ££ ££ small 25 Kemp’s Balsam, large 1 00 ££ small 50 Liver Pills 25 233 Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 60 4 00 1 60 1 85 75 6 00 8 40 2 00 8 25 1 50 1 50 7 00 6 00 10 00 10 00 6 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 4 00 2 25 5 00 4 00 1 50 1 62 1 80 Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 1 75 3 00 1 75 7 50 3 75 1 50 234 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Kenan’s Poultry Powder $ 35 $ 2 50 Kendall’s Blister 50 4 00 Glyceroil 50 4 00 Spavin Cure, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ refined 50 4 00 Persian Pills 25 1 50 Treatise on the Horse 10 50 Kennedy’s Carboline 1 00 8 00 (Donald) Hair Grower , 1 00 8 00 “ Healing Ointment 50 4 00 “ Medical Discovery (by case $12.50) 1 50 12 00 “ Prairie Weed 1 00 8 00 “ Rheumatic Dissolvent 1 50 12 00 “ Rheumatic Liniment 50 4 00 “ Salt Rheum Ointment 50 4 00 “ Scattering Liniment 1 00 8 00 “ Scrofula Ointment 1 00 8 00 (Dr. David) Cherry Balsam 1 00 8 00 “ Favorite Remedy 1 00 8 00 (S. H.) Pinus Canadensis, dark 1 50 13 00 “ “ white 1 50 13 00 Kermott’s Blackberry Balsam 50 3 75 Pills 25 1 45 Kickapoo Indian Cough Cure (see Adv.) 50 3 50 “ Oil 25 1 75 “ Sagwa 1 00 7 50 “ Salve..... 25 1 75 “ Worm Killer 25 1 75 Kidder’s Asthmatic Pastilles 35 2 75 Digestylin 1 00 8 00 Saccharated Pepsine oz. 50 35 “ “ 48 and £s lb 4 20 Kidd’s Cough Syrup 25 1 75 Kidneywort, Wells, R. & Co.’s, dry 1 00 8 25 “ “ liquid 1 00 8 25 Kiefer’s Taraxine or Liver Invigorator, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 Kilmer’s Swamp Root, small 50 3 75 “ “ large 1 00 7 50 Ocean Weed, small 50 3 7§ “ “ large 1 00 7 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 23 5 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Kilmer’s— Female Remedy $1 00 $ 7 50 U. & O. Anointment 50 3 75 Prompt Parilla Pills 25 1 50 King’s Life Pills 25 1 75 (Dr.) New Discovery, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 “ “ “ trial size 10 60 “ Prepared Prescription 1 00 7 50 Kinney’s Dime Glue 10 75 Kitchell’s Liniment, pints 50 3 60 “ quarts 1 00 6 00 Kline’s (Dr. R. H.) Nerve Restorer, large 2 00 16 00 “ “ “ small 1 00 8 00 Knight’s Asthma Cure 1 00 8 00 Cough Cure 1 00 8 00 Dyspepsia and Constipation Cure 1 00 8 00 Koenig’s Herb Pills 25 1 25 Iron Pills 50 3 00 Nerve Tonic 1 00 9 00 Kramer’s (Dr. J.) German Eye Salve 25 1 50 Krembs’ Fly Paper (see Adv.) envelopes 10 50 “ quire 35 Kumyss 50 4 50 Kunkel’s Bitter Wine of Iron 1 00 8 00 “K-Wren” Balsam, large 1 CO 8 00 “ small 50 4 00 Troches, large 25 1 90 “ medium 15 1 30 small 10 85 La Blache Face Powder (4 shades) 50 3 75 Lactated Food (W. R. & Co.), large 1 00 8 00 “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Lacupia 1 00 8 00 Laird’s (G. W.) Bloom of Youth 75 -5 25 Cocoa Peptine 50 3 50 Oleo Chyle 1 00 7 50 White Lilac Soap 25 1 50 236 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Lactopeptine and Lactopeptine Preparations— Retail. Whole- sale. Per doz. (New York Pharmacal Association) — Lactopeptine, ozs doz.$ 1 00 “ 2 ® per lb. “ Elixir, 5s each “ “ Is doz. “ “ with Bismuth, 5s each “ “ Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth and Strych- nia, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth and Strych- nia, Is doz. •Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth Calisaya, Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya and Iron, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya and Iron, Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya Iron and Bismuth, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya Iron and Bismuth, Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya Iron and Strychnia, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Bismuth, Calisaya Iron and Strychnia, Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir with Phosphate Iron, Qumia and Strychnia, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir with Phosphate Iron, Quinia and Strychnia, Is doz. Lactopeptine Elixir, Phos. Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, 5s each Lactopeptine Elixir, Phos. Iron, Quinine and Strychnia, Is doz. Lactopeptine Syrup, Comp., 5s each “ “ “ Is doz. “ *' with Phos. Iron, Quin’e and Strychnine, 5s each $ 8 00 9 60 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 6 30 16 00 5 40 12 00 8 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 237 Patent Medicines— Continued. Retail. Whole- sale. Per doz. Lactopeptine and Lactopeptine Preparations (New York Pharmacal Association) Lactopeptine Syrup, with Plios. Iron, Quin’e and Strychnine, Is doz. Lactopeptine Liquid, 5s each “ “ Is doz. “ Wine, 5s each “ “ Is doz. “ “ with Calisaya, 5s each “ “ “ ' Is doz. “ Beef, Iron and Wine, 5s each “ “ “ “ Is.... doz. Lallemand’s Gout Specific $1 Lane’s Family Medicine Langell’s Asthma and Catarrh Remedy 1 Lange’s Cigarettes Plugs Laninan & Kemp’s Florida Water, large Lanoline, Liebreich’s lb. La Plata Extract of Beef, Is (Delacre’s) “ “ *s “ “ “ is “ Laubach’s Liniment Lauderbach’s (G. C.) Remedy 1 Laville’s Gout Liquor 3 Laxador Le Page’s Liquid Glue, large “ “ small “ “ i pints “ “ 1 pints “ “ 1 qts , 1 Lee’s (Windham) Pills Carbolic Thymol Soap Leonard’s Hamburg Corn Remover, large “ “ “ small Ley's Nipple Wash Liebe Liebig’s Infant Food Linquist’s Lightning Toothache Drops 00 50 00 10 10 75 50 00 00 00 25 25 15 50 75 00 25 25 50 25 50 50 $18 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 4 50 12 00 3 25 9 00 8 00 4 00 7 50 75 75 5 50 80 26 50 14 25 7 50 4 00 3 00 9 00 28 00 28 00 1 75 1 35 90 2 70 4 50 7 65 1 50 1 50 3 00 1 50 4 00 4 50 1 75 238 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pateiit Medicines — Continued. Retail. Liebig’s Corn Remover (Crossman & P.) large $ 50 “ “ “ small 25 “ “ (Hofflin’s).. Extract Malt (Vogler’s) “ of Meat, Is (London) il it 1 „ u 4 b Is (Chicago Brand) is “ “ “ is “ Liebig Co.’s Coca Beef Tonic “ “ with Citrate of Iron “ “ “ Iron and Quinine Lilly (Eli & Co.’s) Elixir Purgans Pills Aphrodisiac per 100 Syrup Yerba Santa Aromatic Wine of Coca, with Hypophosphites, Succus Alterans (McDade’s) . Listerine (Lambert’s) Liston’s (Prof.) Extract of Beef, Is “ “ “ is “ “ “ is 25 50 2 50 1 50 1 00 50 2 25 1 25 1 00 50 1 00 1 50 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 50 1 25 75 U U 50 Litliiated Hydrangea (Lambert’s). 1 00 Littlefield’s Constitutional Catarrh Remedy 1 00 Lloyd’s Euxesis, 50 Asepsin per oz Lloyd's Ergot per lb Hydrastis 1 50 Leontin 1 50 Long’s Tar Honey 50 Loeflund’s Infant Food 75 Extract Malt 75 Long’s Tooth Soap 25 Loose’s Fluid Extract of Red Clover 1 00 Red Clover Pile Remedy 50 “ “ Pills 25 Whole- sale. Per doz $ 3 50 1 75 1 75 3 75 28 00 15 00 8 00 4 30 22 00 12 00 7 00 3 75 8 50 12 00 18 00 8 50 60 8 00 10 50 16 50 8 00 22 00 12 00 7 00 3 75 8 00 8 00 4 00 1 00 2 00 12 00 12 00 3 50 6 00 6 00 1 75 8 00 3 50 1 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 239 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Lorenz Elite Face Powder, large $ 50 $ 3 50 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 Low’s Electric Liniment 50 3 00 Liver Pills, 25 1 50 Magnetic Liniment 50 3 00 Ludlum’s Gon. Specific 1 00 7 00 Lustro 25 175 Lutted’s Log Cabin Cough Drops (10 lb. and cabin) each 2 50 Lyon’s French Periodical Drops 1 00 5 00 “ “ “ genuine* 1 50 10 50 Kathairon 50 3 80 Kazothium 1 00 7 50 Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder 25 1 80 Insect Bellows 25 1 50 Poisoned Cheese 10 75 Tooth Tablets 50 3 75 “ Powder 25 1 80 Purified Assafoetida, large 10 70 “ “ small 5 35 Macqueen’s Matico Injection 1 00 8 00 “ Ointment (D. D. & Co.) 25 2 00 Magee’s Emulsion Cod Liver Oil 1 00 7 25 3Iaguire’s Condurango Bitters 75 6 00 Expectorant Syrup.. 50 3 75 Extract of Benue Plant 75 5 50 3Ia.jor’s Cement, large 25 1 50 small 15 1 00 for Leather 15 1 10 for Bubber 15 1 00 Best Liquid Glue 10 80 The out-door stand, with the 50 lb. weight, goes with an order of 8 doz. Cement of either kind, or Glue. The photograph, 10x12 inches, with frame, a 2-inch moulding and a strong easel so as to stand on a show-case, goes with 6 doz. A large thermometer, 4£x24 inches, guaranteed as being first-class, goes with 4 doz. Please state wliat sign you ivant. Malarion 75 4 50 240 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. whoie- Ketail. sale Per doz. Mallinckrodt’s Disinfectant Powder $ 25 $ 1 50 Malt Bitters, W. & P.’s 1 00 8 50 Malt Caramels, Box 3 doz. cartoons 1 25 Drops, Ziegeler’s, 40 packages in Box 5 1 20 Malted Milk, extra large 3 75 3 00 large 1 00 9 00 small 50 4 50 Maltine— Fer rated 7 50 Plain 7 50 With Alteratives 10 00 “ Cascara Sagrada 10 00 “ Cod Liver Oil 7 50 “ Hypophosphites 10 00 “ Pepsine and Pancreatine 10 00 “ Peptones 12 00 “ Phosphates, Iron, Quinia and Strychnia... 12 00 Malto-Viburnin 10 00 Malto-Yerbine 7 50 Malvina Cream 50 4 00 Iclithyol Soap 25 1 75 Lotion 50 4 00 Malydor 1 00 7 50 Pills 50 3 50 Manalin, (Dr. S. B. Hartman’s) 1 00 8 00 Mann’s Ague Balsam 1 00 .7 50 Catarrh Cure, large 25 1 60 “ “ small 10 65 Mansfield’s (J. H.) Capillaris 50 4 00 Marcliisi’s Uterine Catholicon, large 1 50 12 00 “ “ small 1 00 8 00 Italian Pile Ointment 50 3 /5 Mariani Wine of Coca 1 50 12 00 Marshall’s California Sugar Pine Balsam 50 3 50 Catarrh Snuff. 25 2 00 Catholicon 1 00 8 75 Cubeb Cigarettes, large 25 2 00 “ “ 10 ct. size 10 75 (Dr.) LungSvrup, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 241 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Marshall’s Pain Drops $ 25 $ 1 75 Rheumatic Oil Liniment, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 3 50 Marvin’s Cod Liver Oil 1 00 6 50 Mason’s Hair Dye, large 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 3Iathew’s Venetian Liquid Hair Dye 75 5 50 McAllister’s All Healing Ointment 25 1 75 Cough Mixture, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ small 50 3 50 Mocking Bird Food, 1 lb. hots 35 2 75 Silver Gravel 10 60 McArthur’s Syrup Hypophosphites 1 00 8 75 McDade’s Prescription, Lilly’s 16 50 “ Merrill’s ; 15 00 McGill’s Orange Blossom 1 00 7 50 3IcKesson & Robbin’s Fruit Juices 6 50 Gelat. Coated Pills — see list. 3IcLane’s (Dr. C.) Celebrated Vermifuge 25 1 38 “ Liver Pills 25 1 38 3IcLean’s (Dr. J. H.) Chills and Fever Cure, large 1 00 6 00 “ “ small 50 3 00 Cough and Lung Healing Globules, large 1 00 6 00 “ “ “ “ small 25 1 50 Condition Powders 25 1 25 Candy Vermifuge 25 1 25 Catarrh Powder 50 3 50 Liver and Kidney Balm 1 00 7 50 “ Pellets 25 1 50 Liquid Vermifuge 25 1 25 Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, large.. 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ “ small.. 50 3 50 Eye Salve 25 1 50 Tar Wine Balm, large 1 00 6 00 “ “ “ medium 50 3 00 “ “ “ ' small 25 1 50 Universal Pills 25 1 25 Volcanic Oil Liniment, large 1 00 6 60 “ “ v “ medium 50 3 30 “ “ “ small 25 1 65 AVonderful Healing Piaster 25 1 50 242 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. McMillen’s White Pine Cough Cordial, large $ 50 $ 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 McMunn’s Elixir Opium 50 3 50 Mellin’s Food, large 75 6 50 “ small 50 4 00 Mennen’s Corn Cure 25 1 50 Dr. Ward’s Jersey Corn Salve 15 1 00 Mensman’s Peptonized Beef Tonic, 16 oz 1 50 12 00 “ “ 12 oz 1 00 9 00 Mentliated Camphor (Lambert’s) 25 2 00 Menthol Pencils, Parke Davies, No. 1 25 1 25 “ Wey th’s, full strength 25 1 75 “ (Mentholine) D., Dick & Co 25 1 75 “ (Mentholette) “ “ 10 75 “ Vinaigrettes 25 1 75 Merchant’s Celebrated Gargling Oil, Family, small 25 1 80 “ “ “ Animal, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ “ “ mdm 50 3 60 “ “ “ “ small 25 1 80 Vegetable Worm Tablets 25 1 25 Merrell (W. S.) Manufacturing- Co.— A complete line of Fluid Extracts, Green, Ho- moeopathic and Imported German Tinctures. Acid Salicylic, true, from Oil Wintergreen, oz 60 Alkaline Elixir, Rhubarb Comp, with Pancreatin 6 75 u cc u cc u u per 5 pt. bot 2 40 Aromatic Syrup Yerba Santa doz 6 75 Bismuth’s Hydrastis, solution 18 00 Boro — Glyceride, solution 15 00 Colorless Hydrastis 12 00 Dialyzed Iron 4 80 Elixir Pines Compositus 6 75 “ “ “ per 5 pint bot 2 40 Ferro Salicylata per lb 83 Fluid Hydrastis doz 15 00 McDade’s Prescription 15 00 Nutrition Hypophosphites 6 75 “ “ per 5 pint bot 2 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 243 Patent Medicine— Continued. Merz Capsules— Retail. Empty, all sizes (see Adv.) per 1000 $. “ “ doz. boxes per 100 Empty, all sizes (see Adv.) per 1000 $. “ “ doz. boxes per 100 Elastic Filled Capsules. A Per doz. boxes of 1 doz. each. B Per doz. boxes of 2 doz. each. C Per doz. boxes of 3 doz. each. Apiol ...$ 2 60 $5 00 $7 40 Apiol, 5 minims. Olive Oil, 5 minims. Castor Oil, 10 minims 90 1 65 2 40 Cod Liver Oil, Norwegian, 10 minims 90 1 65 2 40 Cod Liver Oil and Iron ... 1 30 2 35 3 50 Cod Liver Oil, Norwegian, 10 min. Iron Iodide, 1-2 grain. Copaiba, Para, 10 minims 95 1 80 2 65 Merz Compound Sandal, 10 minims ... 1 80 3 50 5 00 Copaiba and Oleoresin of Cubeb ... 1 85 3 75 5 62 Copaiba, Para, 7 minims. Oleoresin Cubeb, 3 minims. Copaiba, Cubeb and Sandal.. 2 50 5 00 7 50 Copaiba, Para, 6 minims. Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 minims. Oil Sandal, East India, 2 minims. Copaiba and Sandal .... 2 20 4 25 6 00 Copaiba, Para, 5 minims. Oil Sandal, East India, 5 minims. Erigeron Oil, 10 minims .... 1 45 2 75 4 00 Eucalyptus Oil .... 1 45 2 75 4 00 Oil Eucalyptus, true, 5 minims. Oil Sweet Almond, 5 minims. Haarlem Oil, i0 minims .... 1 25 2 30 3 40 Male Fern and Kamala .... 3 00 5 75 8 50 Oil Male Fern, 7 minims. Kamala, sifted, 4 grains. Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 65 1 00 D Bulk per tin box of 100. $1 60 45 45 65 50 1 00 1 10 1 60 1 20 85 85 65 1 75 244 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. A B C D Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Bulk boxes of boxes of boxes of per tin 1 doz. 2 doz. 3 doz. box each. each. each. of 100. Sandal Oil, East India, 10 min ... $3 40 $6 75 $9 50 $2 10 Sandal and Cassia 3 00 5 75 8 50 1 75 Oil Sandal, East India, 9 minims. Oil Cassia, 1 minim. Terebene, 10 minims 1 65 3 00 4 50 90 Turpentine Oil, 10 minims 1 00 1 75 2 50 50 Warburg’s Tincture, 10 min ... Each Capsule of 10 min. represents 2 drachms of Warburg’s Tincture. 3 00 5 50 8 50 2 00 Wintergreen Oil, 10 minims 1 65 3 00 4 50 90 Extra Sized Elastic Filled Capsules. Per doz. Per doz. boxes of boxes of l A doz. 1 doz. each. each. Castor Oil, 2 1-2 grammes .. $1 00 $1 85 5 grammes .. 1 25 2 25 1 0 gram mes .. 1 65 3 00 Cod Inver Oil, 2 1-2 grammes .. 1 00 1 85 5 grammes .. 1 25 2 25 10 grammes 3 00 Male Fern, Kamala and Castor Oil, 2 1-2 gr... .. 2 50 4 50 Oleoresin, Male Fern, 1 grm. Kamala, 1-2 grm. Castor Oil, 1 grm. Hard Filled Gelatine Capsules. A B C D Per doz. Per doz. Per doz. Bulk. boxes of boxes of boxes of per tin 1 doz. 2 doz. 3 doz. box each. each. each. of 100 Castor Oil, 10 minims $ 80 $1 50 $2 20 $ 45 Cod Fiver Oil, Norweg. 10 min.. 80 1 50 2 20 45 Copaiba, Para, 10 minims 80 1 50 2 20 45 Copaiba and Oleoresin Cubeb 1 60 3 15 4 50 1 10 Copaiba, Para, 8 minims. Oleoresin Cubeb, 2 minims. Copaiba and Sandal 2 00 4 00 6 00 1 15 Copaiba, Para, 7 minims. Oil Sandal, East India, 3 minims. Sandal Oil, East India, 10 min ... 2 50 5 00 7 50 1 65 Sandal and Cassia 2 40 4 70 7 00 1 50 Oil Sandal, East India, 9 minims. Oil Cassia, 1 minim. Merz Comp. Sandal, 10 min 1 25 2 50 3 60 80 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 245 Patent Medicines— Continued. Tlie Merz Capsule Co.’s Specialties. Veterinary Capsules, for horses and cattle, three sizes, J and 1 oz. No. 10, large, in boxes of 10 per doz. boxes $2 25 No. 11, medium, in boxes of 10 “ “ 2 00 No. 12, small, in boxes of 10 “ “ 1 75 Foster’s English Sandalwood Capsules (hard), 40 in wrap, bottle per doz. 6 00 Hard Filled Capsules, 500 in Laquered can. Cobaiba, Para, 10 minims per hundred 40 Copaiba and Oleoresin Cubeb “ 1 00 Copaiba and Sandal “ 1 10 Cod Liver Oil, 10 minims “ 40 Castor Oil, 10 minims “ 40 Merz Compound Sandal “ 75 Sandal Oil, “ East India” “ 1 60 Whole- Retail. sale Per doz. Metcalf’s Liquor Pancreaticus $2 50 $21 00 Mettauer (Brown’s) Pills 25 2 00 Mexican Mustang Liniment, large 1 00 7 40 “ “ medium 50 3 70 “ “ small 25 1 85 Pulque, quarts 50 4 00 Micliaeli’s Acorn Cocoa, 1 lb tins 7 50 Miller’s Magnetic Balm 25 1 85 Harness Oil, No. 1 3 25 “ “ <£ 2 5 00 Miles’ Restorative Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 Nerve and Liver Pills 25 1 50 “ Nervine 1 00 7 50 “ trial 10c size 75 “ Tonic 1 00 7 50 New Cure for the Heart 1 00 7 50 Million Fly Paper (Krembs’) .....quire 35 Milwaukee Malt Extr. Co.’s New Era Beer 25 2 00 Mineral Earth, large 1 00 8 00 “ medium 75 4 50 “ small 25 2 00 246 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Misliler’s Herb Bitters $1 00 $ 8 00 Red Label Bitters (female diseases) 1 50 13 50 Green “ “ (for scrofula and kindred dis’s) 1 50 13 50 Herb Pills 25 1 50 M. I. S. T 1 00 7 50 Mitchell’s (Nov.) Adhesive Plaster, 5 y’d rolls, per roll 1 75 “ “ “ 1 “ “ 4 00 Belladonna Porous Plaster 1 50 Plaster, 1 yard roWs per yard 50 “ “ 5 “ “ per roll 1 50 Kidney Plasters 3 50 Rheumatic Plaster 1 75 Mocking-bird Food, A. & M.. 35 2 50 “ McAllister 35 2 75 Mofiatt’s Life Pills ’. 25 1 50 Phoenix Bitters 1 00 7 50 Moller’s Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 75 6 50 Montgomery’s Hair Restorer 1 00 7 50 Montserrat Lime Juice 50 3 75 Moreliead’s Magnetic Plaster 25 1 85 Morgan’s Sapolio, scouring 10 85 “ hand 10 85 Morse’s Indian Root Pills 25 1 85 Morrison’s Pills, No. 1 Imported 75 4 00 “ “ 2 “ 75 4 00 “ “ 1 “ small 35 2 50 “ “ 2 “ “ 35 2 50 Mother Noble’s Syrup, large 1 00 7 00 “ small 50 3 50 Mott’s Corn Cure 25 150 Liver Pills 25 1 50 Moxie XX 50 2 40 Syrup 1 00 5 40 “ per gal 2 00 Murdock’s Liquid Food, large 1 00 8 50 “ “ medium 55 4 75 “ small.. 15 1 10 Raw Food Suppositories, adults 15 1 00 “ “ « “ infants 5 30 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 247 Patent Medicines— Continued. whoie- Retail. sale. Per doz. Murray’s Charcoal Tablets $ 25 $ 1 75 Needbam’s Fluid Extract Eed Clover 1 00 8 00 Solid Extract Red Clover 2 50 20 00 Clover Blossoms ..per lb. 50 40 Nesbitt’s Tooth Powder 25 1 75 Nestle’s Condensed Milk 25 1 75 Mother’s Milk Substitute 50 4 50 Nicliol’s' Elixir Bark and Iron 1 00 7 50 Medicinal Cod Liver Oil 1 00 6 00 Protoxide Iron Rhei and Colombo (B. C. & Co.).. 1 00 8 50 Niobe Liquid, large 1 00 7 00 “ medium 50 3 50 “ small 25 1 75 “ trial size 10 70 Norwood’s Tincture Veratrum Viridi 1 50 12 00 Nubian Iron Enamel 25 2 00 Oleo Chyle 1 00 7 50 Only Lung Pad 1 50 12 00 Opodeldoc Liquid 15 1 00 Solid 15 1 00 Osborn’s Golden Ointment 25 1 75 Osgood’s Indian Cholagogue 1 50 12 50 Paas’ Easter Dyes, No. 1, one gross packages of 2 colors each 4 00 No. 2, 1 oz. vials Liquid Dyes 3 00 No. 3, one half gross packages, as No. 1 2 25 No. 4, 4 doz. packages, as in No. 1, 4 doz. vials, as in No. 2 3 00 Spare Dyes per gross 4 00 Packer’s Cutaneous Charm 25 1 75 Tar Soap 25 1 75 Paedotrophine, Neustaedter’s 50 4 00 Page’s Arnica Oil 25 1 75 •Climax Salve 25 1 87 Mandrake Pills 25 1 50 Yapo Cresoline, 2 oz 25 1 75 “ “ 4 oz 50 3 75 Vaporizer (complete, with Cresoline) 1 50 12 00 Pain King (Shaker’s) ....» 50 4 00 Paine’s Celery Compound (W. R. &Co.) r 1 00 8 00 248 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Retail. Palmer’s Cosmetic Lotion, large $1 00 “ “ small 50 Invisible Powder 25 “ Skin Success” (Ointment) large 75 “ “ “ small 25 Snow White Powder 25 Palpebrine, Dios Chem. Co 1 00 Pancrobilin Liq. R. & C 1 00 Pills, R. &. C 1 50 Papoma Infant Food 50 Pardee’s Asthma Remedy 50 Rheumatic Remedy 1 00 Parker’s Tonic, large 1 00 “ . small 50 Hair Balsam, large 1 00 “ “ small 50 Nerve and Bone Liniment 25 Pleasant Worm Syrup 25 Sarsaparilla 1 00 Universal Liniment 50 Parke, Davis & Co.’s Capsules, Gelatine, empty, and Empty Rectale Improved Empty Extra-sized Capsules, (Horse Capsules), No. 10, large, 1 oz Empty Extra-sized Capsules, (Horse Capsules), No. 11, medium, J oz Empty Extra-sized Capsules, (Horse Capsules), No. 12, small, £ oz Cascara Cordial Chaulmoogra Oil, 1 lb. bottles per lb. Chian Turpentine, oz. jars per oz. Chlor. Anodyne, oz. vials per doz. “ “ pint bottles per pint “ “ J pint bottles. “ “ i pint bottles. Dialysed Iron Glycerole Yerbine Comp., pt. bottles per doz. Goa Powder, 1 oz. bottles per oz. Gurjun Balsam, 1 lb. bottles per lb. Hematic Hypophosphites, in pint bots “ . “ in j gal. bots. ..per gal. Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 7 50 3 75 1 75 6 00 2 00 1 75 8 00 8 00 12 00 2 70 3 50 8 00 7 80 3 90 7 80 3 90 1 50 1 75 7 50 3 00 1 10 2 30 1 95 1 80 7 00 3 00 45 3 00 3 50 3 60 3 70 40 8 00 22 50 6 75 3 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 249 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Parke, Davis Co’s— Lozenges, Bronchial, in 5 lb. paper boxes. per lb. $ 26 “ Potass. Chlorate, in 5 lb. paper boxes.. per lb. 25 Syrup Trifol. Comp per doz. 7 50 Parmeles’s Vegetable Pills... $ 25 1 50 Parson’s Purgative Pills 25 1 50 Patcliin’s Magnetic Oil 35 2 75 Patey’s Cold Cream, small 25 1 50 Payson’s Indellible Ink 25 2 00 Peacock’s Bromides 1 00 8 00 Chionia 1 00 8 00 Fucus Marina 1 00 8 00 Pearl’s White Glycerine 75 5 50 Peckliam’s Croup Remedy 25 2 00 Peerless Cough Syrup, Hill’s, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 3 50 Worm Specific, “ large 50 3 50 “ “ “ small.. 25 1 75 “ Drops 25 1 50 Package Dyes 75 Toothache Drops, new style (Sellers) 25 1 25 Pell’s Corn Solvent 25 1 50 Peleg White’s Salve 15 85 Pepsin Stomach Bitters .’ *. 1 50 13 50 Perrin’s Fumigator, for Catarrh, small ... 25 1 65 Perry’s Moth and Freckle Lotion 2 00 16 00 Peruna, Dr. S. B. Hartman’s 1 00 8 00 Pete’s (Dr.) Cough Cure 35 2 75 Magic Palp Oil 25 1 75 Peterman’s Michigan Ague Cure 1 00 7 00 Pettit’s American Eye Salve 25 1 50 Cough Cure, large 50 3 50 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 Canker Balsam 25 1 50 Pfeiffer’s Cond. Powders 20 1 00 Poultry “ 20 1 00 Toothache Remedy 10 75 Phenol Sodique (H. B. & White) 50 3 75 250 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. „ whoie- Retail. sale. Per doz. Phillip’s Acid Wheat Phosphates, 12 oz $ $7 50 “ “ “ 3 pint each 2 25 Fountain Chocolate (5 lb. cans) u 2 50 “ “ (pounds) 75 6 60 Milk of Magnesia, 8 oz 50 4 00 “ « “ 3 pints each 1 25 Palatable Cod Liver Oil, combined with WTieat Phosphates, 14 oz 1 00 7 50 Palatable Cod Liver Oil, combined with Wheat Phosphates, 6 oz 50 4 00 Phosphated Cocoa, with Pancreatine, \ lb. cans.. 50 3 50 “ “ “ “ 5 lb. cans, each 2 75 Phospho. Muriate of Quinine Comp 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ “ 3 pt. bots.,each 3 00 Syrup of Wheat Phosphates, 12 oz 1 25 9 50 “ “ “ 3 pints each 3 00 Wheat Phosphates, 12 oz 1 00 7 50 “ “ 3 pints each 2 25 Pierce’s Extract of Smartweed 50 3 75 Favorite Prescription 1 00 7 75 Golden Medical Discovery 1 00 7 75 Nasal Injectors (Douches) 50 4 00 Purgative Pellets 25 1 50 Pike’s Toothache Drops 25 1 75 Pinkliam’s Blood Purifier 1 CO 8 CO Liver Pills 25 1 75 Sanative Wash 25 1 75 Vegetable Compound 1 00 8 00 “ “ Lozenges 1 00 8 00 “ “ Pills 1 00 8 00 Piso's Consumption Cure (one size only now) 25 2 00 Catarrh Remedy 50 3 75 Pitcher’s Castoria (Castor Oil Substitute) 35 2 80 Planten’s Gelatine Capsules, Castor Oil, No. 1 25 1 25 “ “ “ No. 2 35 2 00 “ “ “ No. 3 50 3 00 “ “ Cod Liver Oil, No. 3 50 3 00 “ “ Copaiva, No. 1 15 90 “ “ “ No. 2 25 1 60 “ “ “ No. 3 40 2 25 “ “ Copaiva and Cubebs, No. 1 25 165 “ u “ “ No. 2 40 3 10 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 251 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Platen’s Gelatine Capsules, Copaiva and Cubebs, No. 3 $ 50 $ 4 50 “ “ Empty Rectal, Nos. 1, 2, 3 25 1 10 “ “ “ Nos.00,0,1,2,3,4,5,6 25 1 10 “ “ “ Horse, ldr.toloz. 40 2 25 “ “ Oil of Turpentine 50 3 00 “ “ “ Male Fern, No. 2 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ Sandal wood, pure, No. 1 50 4 50 “ “ “ “ “ No. 2 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ “ “ No. 3 1 50 12 00 “ “ “ “ ( T ^Oil Cassia), No. 1 50 3 75 “ “ “ “ “ No. 2 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ “ “ No. 3 1 25 10 00 Platt’s Chlorides 50 4 00 Poland's Humor Doctor 1 00 7 50 White Pine Compound 1 00 7 50 Pond’s Extract, large 1 75 15 00 “ medium 1 00 7 50 “ small 50 3 75 Catarrh Remedy 75 5 50 Dentrifrice 50 3 75 Female Syringe 1 25 10 00 Inhaler 50 3 75 Lip Salve 25 1 75 Nasal Syringe 25 1 88 Ointment 50 3 75 Paper, medicated 25 1 50 Plaster 25 1 15 Toilet Cream 1 00 7 50 Soap, 3 cakes in box 1 35 Popliam’s Asthma Specific 1 00 7 00 Popp’s Stomach Powder 75 6 50 Porter’s Blood Purifier 75 6 00 (Madam Zadoc) Bitters 25 2 00 Cough Balsam, large 75 6 00 “ “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Pills 25 1 50 Power’s Asthma Specific, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ small 50 3 75 252 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Pozzoni’s Med. Complexion Powder, Pink $ 50 $ 3 75 “ “ “ White 50 3 75 “ “ “ Dove 25 1 75 Prussian Heave Powder 50 3 75 Purdy’s Japanese Corn Cure 25 1 50 Putz Pomade, small 10 35 “ large 15 65 “ lb. cans 65 4 50 Rabuteau’s Dragees of Iron 1 00 8 00 Radway’s Railroad Pills 25 1 50 Ready Relief. 50 3 70 Sarsaparillian Resolvent 1 00 7 50 Radcliffe’s (Dr.) Great Remedy or Seven Seals or Golden Wonder, large 1 00 7 00 small 50 3 50 Radical Corn Remover, (Hind’s) 25 1 50 Rand’s Sea Moss Farine 35 2 25 Randall’s Circassian (Cream Wash) 1 00 7 50 Ransom’s Hive Syrup and Tolu, small 35 2 40 King of Blood 1 00 7 25 Rataline 25 1 50 Raticide, large 25 1 50 small 10 75 Recamier Cream, with or without Glycerine 1 50 12 00 Balm, plain and fancy bottles 1 50 12 00 Moth and Freckle Lotion 1 50 12 00 Powder, White, Flesh and Cream 1 00 8 40 “ half boxes 50 4 50 Soap, Scented 50 4 50 “ Unscented 35 2 25 Vita Nuova (New Life) 1 00 9 00 “ Confections 50 4 50 “ Liver Pills 25 175 New Life for the Hair 2 00 16 50 Sarsaparilla 1 00 8 00 Red Cross Cough Drops (Cartoon 36 boxes) per cartoon 1 00 “ “ jars, 4 lbs each 1 00 Reed & Carnrick’s Beef Peptonoids, 6 oz 1 00 8 00 “ “ 16 “ 2 50 18 00 Liquid Peptonids, 16 oz 1 00 8 00 “ “ Iron and Wine, 16 oz 1 00 8 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 253 Patent Medicines — Continued . Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Reed & Carnrick’s Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk, 16 oz $1 00 |8 00 Peptonized Cod Liver Oil and Milk and Hypo. L. and Soda 1 00 8 00 Soluble Food, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 “ “ 51b. cans 36 00 Liquid Pancrobilin, 16 oz 1 50 12 00 Pancrobilin Pills, bottles of 103 1 50 12 00 Phospho-Caffein Compound, 4 oz. bottles 50 4 00 “ “ “ 8 oz. “ 1 00 8 00 “ “ ' “ 32 oz. “ 3 00 24 00 Lacto-Preparata, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ small 50 4 00 Sulpho-Calcine, 16 oz 1 00 8 00 Velvet Skin Soap 25 2 00 “ “ Powder 25 2 00 Renne’s Pain Killer Magic Oil, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Revivum, for Hair 50 4 00 Reynold’s Gout Specific 1 50 12 00 Rliigoline 1 00 6 75 Richardson’s Sherry Wine Bitters 1 00 8 00 Richmond’s Samaritan Nervine 1 50 12 00 Richter’s Anchor Pain Expeller 50 4 00 Ridge’s Food for Infants, No. 1 35 2 60 “ “ ££ No. 2 65 4 75 ££ ££ ££ No. 3 1 25 9 50 ££ ££ ££ No. 4 1 75 13 00 Rigollot Mustard Leaves, flat 50 2 75 ££ ££ in rolls 50 2 75 Ring ’s Vegetable Ambrosia 1 00 6 00 Ritmeier’s California Wine Bitters 1 00 7 25 ££ ££ ££ 3 doz. lots 7 00 Cheese Color 25 1 75 Essence of Life 35 2 75 Capilline, the Great Hair Renew r er 50 4 00 St. John’s White Lily Balsam 25 2 00 254 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. RITMEIERS California Wine Bitters is one of the best preparations ever offered to the public. It cures Liver Complaint, Disorder of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Headache. It is an excellent Appetizer and Tonic. Thousands praise this wonderful Kemedy. It is indispensable in cases of Female Debility, and espec- ially Loss of Blood. It purifies the Blood and regulates the- System in general. PRICE PER BOTTLE, $1.00 W. RITMEIER, Prop, and Manuf., MILWAUKEE , WIS. Rifcmeier’s German Essence of Life. An invaluable medicine and a certain and infallible cure for Habitual Constipation. It cures Diseases of the Skin, Hemorrhoidal Affections, Dyspepsia and Liver Dis- eases; stands unequalled as a Blood Purifier. If taken in time, it will prevent all Diseases of the Blood. It satisfies everybody. Try it at once. Price per bottle, 35 Cents. W. RITMEIER, Prop, and Manuf.. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale Per doz. Roback’s Blood Pills, sugar-coated $ 25 $ I 35 Scandinavian Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 Stomach Bitters 1 00 7 50 Robare’s Aureoline (Blond Hair Dye), large 4 00 36 00 “ “ “ “ small 2 00 18 00 Robertson’s Infallible Corn Cure 25 1 50 Blood Purifier 1 00 7 50 Cactus Oil 1 00 7 50 “ Soap 15 1 00 Robinson’s Beef, Wine and Iron 1 00 7 00 Corn Pencils 25 1 50 Cod Liver Oil 1 00 6 00 Cit. Magnesia, Gran. Eff., 5 oz. blue bot’ls 50 3 00 Elixir Gentian and Chlor. Iron pints 1 00 7 00 “ Paraldehyd “ 1 50 12 00 THE CHAS. BAVMBACH CO. 255 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Robinson’s Hypophosphites pints $1 00 $7 00 Lime Juice and Pepsin pints 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ 6 ozs. 50 3 75 Phosphorized Cod Liver Oil 1 00 7 50 Phosphoric Elixir pints 1 00 7 00 Wine Coca “ 1 00 7 00 Robinson’s Groats 25 1 20 Oatmeal 25 1 20 Patent Barley 25 1 20 Roboran’s Syrup 1 00 6 75 Roche’s Embrocation 2 00 15 00 Rocky Mountain Oil, large 59 3 50 “ small 25 1 75 Roger’s Effervescent Citrate of Magnesia 40 2 75 Liverwort and Tar 1 00 7 50 Roman Eye Salve 25 1 75 Rose Cream Glycerine 25 2 00 Rosene’s Fluss Plaster 25 1 75 Rossman’s Cure for Piles 50 3 75 “Rough On” (E. S. Wells)— Bile Pills 10 75 “ “ 25 1 75 Corns, large 25 1 50 “ small 15 1 00 Cough, (Liquid) large 1 00 9 00 “ medium 50 4 20 “ “ small 25 2 00 “ (Troches) large 25 1 75 “ “ small 15 1 00 samples 10 75 Dentists’ Tooth Powder, large 20 1 25 “ “ “ small 10 75 Dirt, £ lbs 10 96 “ 26 ozs 25 2 40 Itch Ointment 50 4 20 Pain (Liquid) 20 1 50 “ “ 50 4 20 “ “ 1 00 9 00 “ (Porous Plaster) 10 90 Piles 50 4 20 Rats, large 25 1 50 256 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. “Rough On” (E. S. Wells)— Rats, small “ Field Size Toothache, large “ small Worms Rowntree’s Ext. Cocoa, 5 lb. cans, per lb. Powd. Chocolate, ? “ “ Royal Glue Rubifoam (Hoyt’s) Rusli’s Buchu and Iron Mandrake Pills ... Sarsaparilla and Iron Russia Salve (Redding’s) Sabine’s Condition Powder Cough Syrup Liniment Ointment Pills Relief No. 1 Plaster Tea, Cathartic “ Root and Herb Worm Lozenges Sage’s Catarrh Remedy Salicylica, for Rheumatism Sal. Muscatelle Salts of Lemon Salvation Oil (A. C. Meyer).... Samaritan Oil.: Sander & Son’s Australian Extract Eucalyptus. Sanford’s Extract Ginger “ Hamamelis, large “ “ medium “ “ small Liver Invigorator, less than £ doz., $7.90... Radical Catarrh Cure Santal Midi Saponax Tooth Wash (Boiles’) Sargent’s Dermaline “ Cream Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. $ 15 $ 1 00 1 00 9 00 25 1 50 15 1 00 25 2 00 65 50 10 85 25 2 00 1 00 7 75 25 1 50 1 00 7 75 25 1 85 50 3 25 50 3 75 50 3 75 25 1 75 25 1 60 25 1 85 25 1 85 25 1 60 25 1 75 50 3 75 25 1 75 50 3 40 1 00 7 50 1 00 7 50 10 60 25 1 90 25 1 65 1 00 8 00 50 3 50 1 75 15 00 1 00 7 00 50 3 50 1 00 7 70 1 00 8 25 9 00 25 1 75 25 1 50 25 1 50 THE CHA8. BAUMBACH CO. 257 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Saunders’ Face Powder, Pink, White, and Brunette $ 35 $ 2 75 Savage’s Ursina 75 6 50 Sawyer’s Salve 50 4 00 Scliefter’s Pepsin, Saccharated per oz 25 “ “ J and 1 It) bots., per lb 3 50 Sclienck’s Mandrake Pills 25 1 50 Pulmonic Syrup 1 CO 8 00 Sea Weed Tonic : 1 00 8 00 Scliiffmann’s (Dr.) German Asthma Cure, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ “ small 50 4 00 Sclineeberger’s Snuff. 5-25 Sclioenf eld’s Kidney and Liver Tea 25 1 75 Scotcli Oats Essence... 1 00 8 00 Scott & Browne’s Buckthorn Cordial 1 00 7 50 Cocoa Beef and Iron 1 00 8 00 Emul. Cod Liver Oil', Hypoph. Lime and Soda ... 1 00 7 50 Palatable Castor Oil, 4 oz 25 1 75 Soluble Beef, \ lb. cans 50 4 50 “ i lb. “ 1 00 9 00 Scott’s Electric Hair Curlers 50 4 20 “ Plasters 25 2 00 Scovil’s Blood and Liver Syrup 1 00 7 50 Seabury & Johnson’s— Pliarinacopoeial and Unoflieinal Plasters. In India Rubber Combination. Porous or Plain Spread. Aconite “ and Belladonna ... “ Opium Ammoniacal Ammoniac and Mercury.. “ “ Guaiac Arnica “ and Belladonna Assafoetida Belladonna and Capsicin.. “ Capsicum. 5x7^2 in. 2 doz. in a box. Per Gross 1 yd. Rolls. 7 in. wide. Per Dozen. 5 Yard Rolls. Per Roll. 5 inch’s 7 Inch’s wide. wide. .$15 00 $7 00 $ $ . 18 00 9 00 . 21 00 9 00 9 00 9 CO 9 00 12 00 7 00 7 00 9 00 13 50 7 00 2 25 2 90 13 50 7 00 13 50 7 00 2 25 2 90 258 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. They Will Not Be Impo sed Upon . We give below extracts from a few letters we have lately received from pharmacists in different sections of the country, showing how our caution to retailers against permitting themselves to be made the victims of substitution has been heeded. It is hardly necessary to say that instances which compel retailers to take such action as is indicated by these letters, are extremely rare. This is due to the fact that jobbers generally recognize that manufacturers are entitled to the full benefit of the good-will they establish with pharmacists, and when the latter specify or are known to want a special make of goods, the honest and fair-minded distributor will always furnish it. There are, however, some jobbing houses that will not hesitate to deprive a manufacturer of the fruits of his labors in building up a demand for his goods, by attempting to run in, wherever possible, goods upon which they can, by some hook or crook, make a little extra profit. As the rule, of course, these goods are inferior in quality, and can be bought at all sorts of “ special ” discounts, so that the jobber, by billing them to the retailer at somewhere near the price of the established brands with which they seek to compete, can make more out of the retailer than he can on honest goods. We believe there are few jobbers who will descend to this system of poaching upon the good will of manufac- turers, but these few have placed themselves in direct and open antagonism to every manufacturer against whose goods they thus dis- criminate, and the latter has no means of defense but to bring himself into direct communication with the retailer. And what constitutes The Defense of the Manufacturer is the Protection of the Retailer, As the following letters, referred to above, prove. A retail firm at Fairbury, Neb., writes as follows: “We inclose memorandum of articles which we need, and which we, after our experience in ordering from the jobbers, feel that we can only get direct from you. Our orders are cut and substitutions made always, we may say, when placed with jobbers. If you do not choose to ship direct to us, ship through . We would like a catalogue of your goods with discounts and smallest quantity of goods to enable us to get favorable terms.” Another retail firm at Warren, O., accompanies an order with the following : “ We have been trying to get your goods in , » but they THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 259 would send us every other make but S. & J., some of the goods being worthless. The above order we judge is large enough to entitle us to the discount; if it is not, let us know.” A Peekskill, N. Y., pharmacist complains that he has several times ordered S. &, J. Absorbent Cotton from a jobber and received another and inferior make, which was returned every time with the injunction to send nothing but S. & J.” But repeated substitutions resulted in a direct order as the only remedy. A Troy, N. Y., believer in first-class goods, writes : “ About a month ago I sent to for some Mead’s Adhesive Plaster. They sent me an inferior article. I then sent back for the better article and they sent me word they had none, that this was just as good. I then sent to another house and found that they too had the inferior article. I asked the second house why they kept the inferior goods? ‘ It is and ’ they said, ‘and we get better terms from them,’ ‘and inferior goods and none of my custom if I can help it,’ was my reply. I have had the same trouble, of late, with absorbent cotton, and in other ways I have had strong reason to complain of other goods.” In justice to some of the jobbing houses of which complaints simi- lar to the above have been made, w r e must state that we have found the substitutions complained of to be, in some cases, the fault of order clerks, who have done the substituting in their efforts to unload un- salable goods which the house had stocked on the strength of a few orders turned in by the representative of the manufacturer and the promise of similar efforts to maintain a steady sale for his goods. But, however innocent the motive which led to these substitutions, the act was no less unfair and disastrous to the buyer and to the manufacturer, and they are mutually interested in preventing its recurrence. There are plenty of fair-minded and strictly honest jobbing houses in every part of the country, from which retailers should be able to get w r hat they want, at proper prices, every time, but if they cannot w r e are glad to invite direct correspondence and to afford them every facility for getting w r hat they want in our line without danger of sub- stitution. Respectfully, SEABCJRY &■ J0I1N50N, NEW YORK, LONDON and HAMBURG. Proprietors $eabury pi?armaeal Caboratories. 260 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Seabury & Johnson’s— o X (}oz 1 yd - Rolls - 2 'Xoi a Tl»-w«e, Per gross. Per doz. Belladonna Opium $2100 $9 00 Canton Flannel 9 00 “ Red Felt 9 00 Benson’s Capcine 21 06 Blister (Cantharidal) plain 7 00 “ “ camphor’d 7 00 Bryonia 18 00 9 00 Calendula 18 00 9 00 Calefaciens( Pitch and Canth’s or Warming) 15 00 7 00 papsicin 10 00 6 50 Capsicum 10 00 6 50 Galbanum 15 00 7 50 Comp 15 CO 7 50 Hemlock 15 00 7 00 Iron 12 CO 7 00 Lead 7 00 Mercurial 9 00 Opium 21 00 9 00 “ and Arnica 21 00 9 00 “ “ Camphor 21 00 9 00 “ “ Iodine 21 00 9 00 Pitch Burgundy 12 00 7 00 Pitch and Cantharides (Cale- faciens or Warming) 15 00 7 00 Poor Man’s 12 00 7 00 Roborans 12 00 7 00 Soap 7 00 Strengthening 7 50 7 00 “ 5 inches 3 50 “ (D’ble size, 7 x 12 in) 18 00 “ Satin backs 18 00 “ Neptune (on M’kt’sh Cl’h) 18 00 Sumach (Rhus Tox.) ..... 21 00 9 00 Thapsia French Formula 7 00 Yigo Cum Mercurio 9 CO Warming (Pitch and Canth’s or Calefaciens) 15 00 7 00 Witch Hazel 15 00 7 00 5 Yard Rolls, Per roll. 5 in. 7 in. wide. wide. 1 75 2 50 1 25 2 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 261 Patent Medicines — Continued. Surgeon’s Rubber Adhesive. Seabury and Johnson’s Strong Cotton Cloth, it it a a a a a u a .i a a a a Twilled Linen, English Moleskin, Yard Rolls. Per doz. 7 in $ 6 50 7 “ porous 6 50 i “ strips. 1 “ “ U “ “ 9 a c. 2\ “ “ 3 “ “ 6 “ 7 00 6 “ 12 00 Mead’s Adhesive. On Cotton Cloth, 12 in. it it J it “ “ “ “ 1 “ u u 9 u u u oi a “ “ 3 “ Emp. Adhes., U.S.P. 8 “ 12 “ 3 50 1 75 10 Yard 5 Yard. Spools. Per Roll. Per doz. $2 50 $ 2 50 4 50 6 00 7 50 10 00 12 50 15 00 3 00 4 50 1 25 3 50 4 00 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 75 Mustard Plasters. On Cloth. 100 Plasters in a Square Decorated Tin Box per doz. 21 00 10 “ “ Flat “ “ “ 2 50 6 “ “ Round “ “ “ 150 3 “ “ “ ' “ “ “ 1 00 Half- Yard Rolls, 6 in. wide “ u *• 175 One “ “ 6 “ “ “ “ 2 50 Five “ “ 12 “ “ 21 00 On Paper. 100 Plasters in a Square Decorated Tin Box per doz. 15 00 10 “ “ Flat “ “ “ 1 75 Yard Rolls, 6 in. wide, in “ “ “ 1 75 Five Yard Rolls, 12 in. wide “ 15 00 262 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Seabury & Johnson’s— Corn Plasters. Round or Oval. Slide Boxes— 15} Plasters each. Thin. Round or Oval per gross boxes $ 9 00 “ “ Arnioated “ “ 9 00 “ without holes for Soft Corns per doz. 75 Small size per doz. boxes 75 Mead’s (Medicated) “ “ 1 50 Glass Top Boxes — 144 Plasters. Round or Oval per box 75 “ “ Arnicated “ 75 Bunion Plasters. Square, Round or Oval. Slide Boxes— 6 Plasters each. Square, Round or Oval per gross boxes 10 00 “ “ “ Arnicated “ “ 10 00 Mead’s (Medicated) per doz. boxes 1 50 Glass Top Boxes— 72 Plasters. Square, Round or Oval per box 85 “ “ “ Arnicated “ 85 Antiseptic Isinglass Plasters. Surgeons’ Plasters. Yard Rolls Per doz. On Fine Pure Silk, 7 in., (flesh, white or black) $5 50 Tracing Cloth, 7 in., (flesh, white or black} 4 00 Strong Muslin, 8 in., (white) 3 50 “ 11 in., “ “ £ in. strips, (white) “ 1 in. “ “ Canton Flannel, 7 in 7 00 Gold Beaters’ Skin, 6 in 4 00 Surgeon’s Trasp’t, 6 in 6 00 Court Plasters. In Rolls, Heavy Spread. Flesh, White or Black Silk. Fine Silk, 7 in 6 00 Ribbed Silk, 6 in 12 00 Green Silk, 7 in 6 00 5 Yard Rolls. Per doz. 19 00 Thick. $12 00 12 00 1 00 1 00 12 12 1 00 1 00 10 Yard Spools, Per doz, $ 2 00 3 00 88 THE CHAS. BATJMBACH CO. 263 Patent Medicines— Continued. Court Plasters. Seabury & Johnson’s— No. 3. Leather, Silk, slide, mirror with scissors.. per doz. Tablets, Cloth, Centennial, 6 pcs per gross “ Silk, Elegant, 3 pcs., 2 x3 “ “ “ “ 3 pcs., 1^x2^ £ * “ “ “ 1 pc., 2 x3 ££ “ Ribbed, 1 pc., 2 x3 ££ ££ Cloth,Bals’mic,3 pcs., Ijx2| ££ ££ ££ ££ 3 pcs., 2 x3 ££ Taffe assorted colors Invelope Silk, assorted colors, invelope Silk, assorted colors. 18 . 19. 20 . 21 . 22 . 23. 24. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Taffeta, 1 pc., 2^x38, Arnica, 1 pc., 2*x3*, U Arnica, 1 pc., 2x3, ii Bals’mic, 1 pc., Ijx2^, << Crown, 1 pc., 2x3, u assorted colors. Envelope Cloth, assorted colors. Tablets, Skin, Gold Beaters, 3 pcs., 2x3 Envelope ££ ££ 1 pc., 2£x3| Tablets, Kid, Mechanics,’ 1 pc., 2x3 ££ Silk, Floral Satin Slides $6 50 7 50 7 50 5 00 3 25 6 00 2 50 5 00 5 00 4 00 3 00 1 00 1 25 6 00 4 00 5 00 21 00 Sea Moss Farina Secord’s Terraline Seely’s Catarrh Remedy Pile Ointment Seller’s Imperial Cough Syrup, medium ££ ££ ££ small Liver Pills, plain sugar-coated Vermifuge Senier’s Asthma Remedy Setlmess Extract Malt Seven Barks Concentrated (L Brown’s) Seven Sutherland Sisters’ Hair Grower. ££ Cleaner. Se vera’s Stomach Bitters, large £ ‘ ££ small Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. $ 35 $2 25 1 00 8 00 1 00 6 00 50 3 50 50 3 50 25 1 75 25 1 50 25 1 50 25 1 50 50 3 75 1 00 7 00 50 4 00 1 00 8 00 50 4 00 1 00 7 CO 50 3 50 264 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Severa’s— Balsam for Lung Diseases $ 50 $ 3 75 St. Gotliard’s Oil 50 3 75 Balsam of Life 75 5 00 Kidney and Liver Cure (Diuretic) 1 25 10 00 Rheumatic Cure : 1 00 7 50 Blood Purifier (Alterative) 1 00 7 50 Cholera and Diarrhoea Cure 50 3 75 “ “ small 25 1 75 Vermifuge 35 2 75 Little Liver Pills 25 1 50 Healing Ointment 25 1 75 Golden Eye Salve 25 1 50 Itch and Skin Ointment 50 3 75 Sure Cure Liniment 50 3 50 Condition Powder, large , 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Shakelton’s Inhaling Cases, complete 1 00 8 00 Shaker Elixir of Malt (Sutton’s) 1 00 7 50 Shaker’s Extract Roots or Curative Syrup 60 4 80 Family Pills 25 1 80 Pain King 50 3 75 Plasters 25 1 80 Shallenberger’s F. and A. Antidote 1 00 7 50 Sheffield’s Creme Dentifrice, tube 25 1 75 Sheridan’s Cavalry Condition Powders 25 1 60 Shiloh’s Belladonna Porous Plasters 25 1 50 Catarrh Remedy 50 3 50 Consumption Cure, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ small 50 3 50 “ “ samples 10 75 System Vitalizer 75 5 25 “ “ samples 10 75 Silver Cough Cure 50 3 50 Herb Medicine 1 00 7 00 Oil 50 3 50 Soap.... 25 1 75 Worm Medicine 25 1 75 Silverine 10 75 Simmon’s Liver Regulator, liquid 1 00 7 50 “ “ powder 1 00 7 50.0 O THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 265 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Simmon’s Pills $ 25 $ 1 58 Sister Agnes’ Herb Cure 50 3 50 Sleeper’s Lightning Fly Poison per quire 35 Sloan’s Condition Powders, large 50 2 50 “ “ small 25 1 25 Hoof Ointment 50 4 00 Instant Relief. 50 3 50 Ointment, Family, small 25 1 50 “ Horse, large 50 3 00 Slocum’s Coltsfoot Expectorant 1 00 8 00 Oxygenated Cod Liver Oil 1 00 8 00 Psychine 3 00 27 00 Smax 10 75 Smith’s Bile Beans 25 1 50 (L. Albert) Hoof Liquid 1 00 8 00 (Mrs. B.) Tonic Syrup 1 00 7 50 Smith’s Asthma Cure . 1 00 7 50 Smith Brothers’ Cough Drops, 5 lb. boxes per lb 25 “ “ 5c size, 40 cartoons in box per box 1 25 Soden Mineral Pastilles 50 4 20 Spalding’s Cephalic Pills 25 175 Prepared Glue 25 1 75 Spring Blossoms (F. M. & Co.), large 1 00 7 50 “ “ small 50 3 75 Sprucia Chewing Gum per box 85 Stafford’s Olive Tar 50 3 75 “ “ Inhalers 75 6 00 Stange’s Cod Liver Oil, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 4 00 Extract Malt 1 00 6 50 Riga Balsam 25 1 75 Sunhed Salts 25 1 75 Starlight Soap 15 1 25 St. Bernard Vegetable Pills 25 1 75 St. Jacob’s Oil (Vogeler’s) 50 3 75 Steer’s Opodeldoc (solid) 15 1 00 “ (liquid) 25 1 00 Steiner’s Rat Paste, large 25 1 35 “ “ small 15 90 266 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Steketee’s Anti-Bilious Root and Plant Pills $ 25 $ 1 50 Beerenberg Kruiden (Dutch Herbs) 25 1 65 Blood Purifying Bitters, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 Condition Powders 25 2 00 Cough Cure 25 1 80 Harlem Oil (Genuine). 25 1 65 Holland Worm Cakes 25 1 50 Horse Liniment 50 4 00 Liniment 25 1 80 Neuralgia Drops 50 3 75 Worm Destroyer (in capsules), large 50 3 50 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 “ “ (in bottles) 25 1 75 Stephens’ All Right Corn Salve 25 1 50 Eye Salve 25 1 50 Sterling’s Ambrosia 1 00 8 00 Steven’s Yegetine, dry 50 4 00 “ liquid 1 25 10 25 Stoddart’s Peerless Liquid (white and flesh) 50 3 50 Stone’s Cod Liver Oil 1 00 8 00 Bronchial Wafers 25 1 75 Stollwerck’s Brust Bon Bons 20 125 Storm’s Cough Candy 10 60 Strong’s Arnica Jelly 25 1 50 “ “ (Veterinary), large 50 3 25 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 “ Shaving Soap 15 1 00 “ Toilet Soap 25 1 75 “ Tooth Soap 25 1 75 Sulphur Bitters (Kaufman’s) 1 00 8 25 Suppositories — (Hall and Ruckel’s), Hollow, \ gross in box : A. B. Uterine or Nasal per gross, $4 50 $5 00 No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. Rectal per gross, $2 75 $3 25 $4 00 $4 50 No. 4. No. 5. per gross, $9 00 $9 00 No. 6. 9 00 Vaginal, \ gross in box, Veterinary per gross, SWIFT’S SPECIFIC THERE IS ONLY ONE SWIFT SPECIFIC (S. S. S.), AND IT HAS NO EQUAL AS A BLOOD PURIFIER. It is Purely Vegetable and contains no Mercury, Potash, Arsenic or other Poisonous Substances. AS AN EVIDENCE OF THIS FACT We have a standing Reward of $1000 that we will pay to any Competent Chemist who will find, on analysis, a particle of any poisonous sub- stance in SWIFT’S SPECIFIC. NEVER FAILS TO CURE- Contageous Blood Poison, Scrofula, Skin Cancer, Erysepalis, Boils, Pimples, Blotches, or any disease of the Blood. TO THE TRADE. We have an elegant assortment of printed matter that we will fur- nish to dealers upon application, with their business card handsomely printed on the cover. Among this assortment is to be found beauti- fully illustrated riddle books, pamphlets, etc., that contain a vast amount of interesting and valuable information. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA 268 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Retail. Swaim’s Panacea $2 00 Swan’s (Mother) Worm Syrup 25 Sway lie’s All-Healing Ointment 50 Panacea 2 00 Pills, Liver 25 Tar and Sarsaparilla Pills 25 Sweedish Bitters 25 Sweet’s Blood Renewer 1 00 Vegetable Liver Pills t 25 Swift’s Syphilitic Specific, large 1 75 “ “ small . 1 00 “ “ powder 50 Swinton’s Tooth Paste 25 Swiss Pills 50 Sykes’ Atmospheric Insulflators 50 Catarrh Cure, dry, in packages 1 00 “ “ liquid 1 00 Ear Specific 1 00 Dr. Jackson’s M. U. Pastiles for the ladies 1 00 Liver Tonic 1 00 Specific Blood Medicine 1 50 Concentrated Vegetable Ointment 50 Mother Hawkens’ Medicated Cologne Bath 50 Syrup of Figs (California), large 1 00 “ “ small 50 Roborans 1 00 Taft’s Asthmaline, large 1 50 “ small " 25 Balm of Gilead 25 White Pine Syrup 50 Tallnian’s Seidlitz Powder 25 Tamar Indien (Grillon’s) 1 00 Tanner’s German Ointment 25 Tanret’s Pelletierine 3 00 Tansy Compound Pills 2 00 Tar-Oid 50 Taraxine, Kiefer’s, large 1 00 “ small 50 Tarrant’s Ext. Cubebs and Copaiva, 1 doz. hots, $7.88.. 1 00 Seltzer Aperient, 1 doz. hots, $7.88 1 00 Teaberry 25 Whole- sale. Per doz. $18 00 2 0 0 4 00 16 00 1 75 2 00 1 75 7 50 1 50 14 00 8 00 4 00 2 00 3 75 3 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 15 00 3 50 3 50 8 00 4 00 6 75 13 00 1 75 2 00 3 50 2 00 6 75 1 75 24 00 15 00 4 00 7 50 3 75 8 00 8 00 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 269 Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Tebbet’,s Hair Regenerator $1 00 $ 6 00 Terraline, Secord’s 1 00 8 00 “That Liniment,” large 1 00 7 00 medium 50 3 50 small 25 1 75 “That Pile” Remedy 1 00 7 50 Thayer’s Cachous, plain bot tb 1 35 Thermaline (D. D. & Co.’s), large 1 00 8 00 “ medium 50 4 00 “ small 25 2 00 Thomas’ (Dr. S. N.) Electric Oil, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ “ small 25 2 00 Thompson’s Aromatic Tooth Soap 25 1 75 Eye Water (Troy) 25 1 75 Thorley’s Improved Horse and Cattle Food, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ “ “ medium... 50 3 60 “ “ “ “ small 25 1 80 Thorne’s Ext. Cop. and Sarsapar., gen., 1 doz. hots 10 00 “ “ “ imitation 4 50 Three Kings’ Holland Tea 25 1 50 Timm’s Sticky Fly Paper per box 50 Tanglefoot Holder and Trap 2 25 Thurston’s Tooth Powder, large..... 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Til wing's Corn Cure 25 1 50 Thymola 50 3 00 Tilden’s Asthmaticine, pints 13 50 Bromo Chloralum, pints 50 3 75 “ “ 5 pints each 1 25 Diptherine, pints 1 00 8 00 Elixir Iodo. Bromide Calc. Co., pints 1 25 9 50 “ “ “ “ “ 5 pints each 3 75 Ferrated Wine of Wild Cherry 1 00 7 50 Firwine, pints 1 25 9 50 Fluid Extract Buchu, U. S. P., with Juniper Ber- ries, Uva Ursi and Cubebs 1 00 6 00 Malto Pepsin, 1 oz. vials per oz 50 “ “ l lb., \ lb. bottles per lb 7 50 “ “ Elixir, pints 9 00 Nephriline, pints 1 50 11 25 270 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Retail. Tilden’s — Phthisis Compound, pints $1 00 Sarsaparilla with Iod. Pot. and Pyro. Iron 1 00 Solution Iodo. Bromide Calc. Co., pints 1 25 Tobias’ Horse Liniment 1 00 Venetian “ large 50 “ “ small 25 Todd’s Anti-Bilious Liver Pills 25 Tolu Rock and Rye, (L. & M.) 1 00 Tongaline (Mellier’s) 1 00 “ 5 pint bottles each Topping’s Syrup 1 00 Tousley’s Sneezeless Catarrh Snuff, large 50 “ “ “ small 25 Townsend’s Old Jacob Sarsaparilla 1 25 S. P. “ 1 25 Townsley’s Indian Toothache Anodyne 25 Trasks’ (Dr. A.) Magnetic Ointment, large 40 “ “ “ small 25 Trix, large small Trommer’s Extract Malt Preparations — Extract Malt, Infants 50 “ “ Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos 1 00 “ “ With Alteratives 1 CO “ “ “ “ Cit. Iron &. Qu’ne. 1 00 “ “ “ “ Cod Liver Oil 1 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ &Id. I’n 100 “ “ “ “ Hops, plain 1 CO “ “ “ “ Hypophosphites .. 100 “ “ “ “ Iodides 1 00 Pepsin 1 00 “ ££ £< u Pyrophos. I’n F’d 1 00 Tropical Fruit Laxative 25 Turlington’s Balsam 15 Tutts Expectorant Syrup, large 1 00 “ “ small 25 Liquid Hair Dye 1 CO Liver Pills 25 Sarsaparilla and Queen’s Delight 1 CO Tyndale’s Compound Syrup of Eucalyptus, Formula No. 1 and 2 1 50 Whole- sale. Per doz. $8 CO 6 00 9 50 8 00 4 50 2 25 1 50 7 50 8 00 5 50 8 00 2 75 1 50 9 50 9 50 1 50 2 90 1 85 70 35 4 00 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 7 50 % 7 50 ‘ 2 00 60 7 50 2 00 7 50 1 50 7 50 11 6*60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 271 Patent Medicines— Continued. whoie- Retail. sale. Per doz. Uncle Sam’s Condition Powders, large $ 50 $ 2 50 “ “ small 25 1 25 Harness Oil, large 75 4 50 “ “ small 50 3 00 “ “ boot and shoe size 25 1 50 Nerve and Bone Liniment, large 1 00 7 50 “ “ “ medium 50 3 75 “ “ “ small 25 1 90 Universal Putz Pomade, small 5 35 “ “ large 10 65 “ “ 1 lb. Cans 65 4 50 Upliam’s Asthma Cure 50 3 75 Depilatory Powder 1 00 7 50 Fresh Meat Cure 1 00 8 00 Vacuum Oil Blacking, £ pint 25 1 50 “ “ 1 “ 50 3 00 “ “ 1 quart 7. 75 4 50 “ “ in 5 gal. cans each 4 50 “ “ by the bbl per gal 75 Valentine’s Corn Salve (Eureka) 15 1 00 Improved Tar Drops.. 10 75 Menthol Pencils 10 75 Preparation Meat Juice 1 00 8 25 Van Buren’s Ladies’ Tonic '. 1 00 6 00 Rheumatic Compound, large 1 00 7 CO “ “ small 50 3 50 Van Buskirk’s Fragrant Sozodont 75 6 00 Sozodont Tooth Powder 50 3 50 Van Deusen’s Worm Confections 25 1 50 Van Dusen’s Three Kings Drops 40 2 50 Van Stan’s Stratena Cement 25 150 Velpau’s French Female Pills 1 00 4 50 Pepsin 50 4 50 Vera Cura 25 2 00 Vick’s Bed Bug Killer 25 1 75 Victor Baby Food, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ small 25 1 75 Vin de Cliapoteaut 1 00 9 50 Vitae Suppositories 25 2 00 Liniment 25 2 00 Pills 50 4 00 272 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Vogeler’s German Worm Cakes $ 25 $ 1 25 Kiettenwurzel Oil (Burdock Root Oil) 50 3 75 Wakefield’s Ague Specific 1 00 6 75 Blackberry Balsam 35 2 12 Cathartic Pills 25 1 50 Cough Syrup, large 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Egyptian Liniment, large 50 3 25 “ “ small 25 1 50 “ Salve 25 1 15 Eye Salve 25 1 50 Golden Ointment 25 1 50 Liver Pills 25 1 50 Magic Pain Cure..., 50 3 50 Nerve and Bone Liniment 25 1 50 Wine Bitters 75 4 75 Worm Destroyer 25 1 50 Walker’s California Vinegar Bitters, old style 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ new style 1 00 8 00 Walnut Leaf Hair Restorer (Becker’s) 1 00 7 00 Wampole’s Bromo Pyrine, large 1 25 10 00 “ “ small 75 6 00 Perfected and Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil 1 00 8 00 Perfected and Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil, per 5 pint hot 3 00 Concentrated Extr. Malt 25 2 00 Syrup Hydriodic Acid 1 00 8 00 Comp’d Syrup Hypophosphites 1 25 10 50 “ “ “ per 5 pint bot 3 £0 Warner’s (H. H.) Safe Asthma Cure 75 5 60 “ “ Cure for Animals 1 25 10 00 “ “ Diabetes Cure 1 25 10 00 “ “ Kidney and Liver Cure 1 25 10 00 “ “ Nervine, large 1 00 7 00 “ “ “ small 50 3 75 “ “ Pills f 25 140 “ “ Rheumatic Cure 1 25 10 00 “ “ Tippecanoe, “The Best” 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ XXX 1 00 8 00 “ “ Yeast, 3 doz. in case case 10 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 273 Patent Medicine— Continued. “ Warner’s Log Cabin Remedies.” Retail. Warner’s Log Cabin Sarsaparilla $1 00 “ Hops and Buchu Remedy 100 “ Cough and Consumption Rem- edy, large 1 00 “ Cough and Consumption Rem- edy, small 50 “ Sealpine, for the Hair 1 00 “ Extract, for External and Inter- nal use, large 1 00 “ Extract, small 50 “ Plasters 25 “ Rose Cream, for Catarrh 50 “ Liver Pills 25 (Dr. C. D.) German Hop Bitters, large 1 00 “ “ “ “ small 50 White Wine and Tar Syrup, large 1 00 “ “ “ small 50 “ “ “ sample.... 25 Warner, Win. R. & Co’s Preparations. (See adv.) — Antiseptic Pastilles (Seiler’s Formula), in screw capped bottles of 50 Tablets each per doz Antiseptic Pills per 100 “ Compound “ Cachous, plain bottles per lb Chalybeate Pills per 100 “ “ compd “ Compressed Chlorate Potash Tablets per lb “ “ 11 “ in nickel cap- ped bottles per doz Compressed Chlorate Potash Tablets per gross “ Soda Mints, in nickel capped bot- tles per doz Soda Mints per gross Eff. Bromide Potash and Caffeine Eff. Bromo Soda Elixir Salicylic Acid Compound Ingluvin Liquid Pancreopepsine pints Little Cathartic Granules per 1000 Parvules, all kinds per 100 Sugar-coated Licorice Lozenges per lb. Whole- sale. Per doz. $ 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 5 00 5 00 3 00 85 3 00 50 6 00 3 50 7 00 3 50 1 90 4 00 40 40 1 25 30 40 45 1 00 9 00 1 00 9 00 8 00 8 00 8 50 10 00 8 50 90 25 25 274 THE CHAjS. BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines — Continued. Warner, Wm. Q. & Co.’s Preparations- plr doz. Vegetable Liver Pills per 1000 $ $ 90 Warner’s Syrup of Wild Cherry, large 50 3 00 “ “ “ small 25 1 75 Mandrake Liver Pills 25 1 25 Mocking Bird Food 35 2 50 Water of Happiness 25 1 60 Weatlierley’s Michigan Catarrh Remedy 50 3 75 Weare’s Horse Powders, large 1 25 9 60 “ “ medium.., 25 2 00 “ “ small 15 1 25 Sure Cure for Heaves, large 1 50 13 80 “ “ “ small 50 3 00 Weaver’s (Dr. S. A.) Cerate 25 2 00 Canker and Salt Rheum Syrup 1 25 10 50 Weber’s Alpine Tea 25 1 25 Wei De Meyer’s Catarrh Cure 1 00 8 50 Well’s Brain and Sexual Pills 2 00 18 00 Great Neuralgia Cure 50 4 00 Hair Balsam, large 1 00 7 20 “ “ small 50 4 20 Health Renewer 1 00 9 00 May Apple Pills, large 25 1 75 “ “ small 10 75 Wells, Richardson & Co.’s Kidneywort, dry 1 00 8 25 “ liquid 1 00 8 25 Lactated Food, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ medium 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Perfected or Improved Butter Color, large 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ “ medium 50 3 75 “ “ “ “ small 25 1 88 “ “ “ “ trial size 15 1 25 “ “ “ “ in 1 gal. cans 27 00 Refined Catechu., 1 lb per lb 13 “ “ \ lb “ 14 “ “ l lb “ 16 West’s Cough Syrup, large 1 00 7 00 “ 11 medium 50 3 50 “ “ small., 25 1 75 Electric Catarrh Cure 1 00 7 20 Nerve and Brain Treatment 1 00 7 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 275 Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale Per doz. West’s Pulmonary Balsam, large $1 00 $ 7 00 “ “ medium 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Vegetable Liver Pills 25 1 25 West India Bitters, quarts, 1 doz. in case, per case... 1 00 6 00 “ small 50 3 50 Five case lots, 50c per case less. Wliat is it? (Haskin’s), large 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 1 75 Wheaton’s Itch Ointment 50 3 75 Wheeler’s (Dr. T. B.) Compound Elixir Phospli’s, etc. 1 00 8 00 Chem. Works, Digestin, ^ and 1 lb. bot..per lb 6 50 “ “ peroz 50 Whitcomb’s Asthma Remedy 1 50 11 50 Soothing Syrup 25 1 50 White Beaver Cough Cream 50 3 50 Wonder Worker (Yosemite Yarrow)..... 50 4 00 White’s (Dr.) Extract Dandelion 1 00 7 50 Pulmonaria, large 1 00 7 50 “ small 50 3 75 Stomach Bitters 1 00 7 50 (Dr. N. G.) Pulmonary Elixir, large 50 * 3 88 “ “ * “ small 35 2 50 White’s Blood and Nerve Restorer 50 3 50 Ideal Gold Paint, large 25 2 00 Pepsin Pills 25 1 50 Whittier’s Liniment 50 3 50 Wilbor’s Cod Liver Oil and Phosphate Lime 1 CO 8 75 Willcox’s Compound Tansy Pills 2 00 15 00 Williams’ Indian Pile Ointment 1 00 7 50 Wilson’s Carbolated Cod Liver Oil 1 00 6 50 Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism 1 00 7 50 Neuropathic Drops 50 3 75 Preparation of Hypophosphites (Blodgett) 3 00 22 50 Winchell’s Teething Syrup 25 1 50 Winchester’s Genuine Prep. Hypophos., large 2 00 16 00 “ “ small 1 00 8 00 “ “ “ with Manganese 1 00 8 50 (J.) Specific Pills 1 00 8 50 Windsor’s Soothing Syrup 25 1 50 276 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Patent Medicines— Continued. Whole- Retail. sale. Per doz. Wing’s Corn Cure $ 25 $ 1 75 Corn and Bunion Plaster 10 75 Health Pills 25 1 50 Winslow’s (Mrs.) Soothing Syrup 25 1 75 Wisliart’s Dyspepsia Pills 1 00 7 50 Pine Tree Tar Cordial 1 00 7 60 Worm Drops 25 1 50 Wistar’s Balsam Wild Cherry 1 00 8 00 Cough Lozenges (stamped), Ellis’...^ 15 1 00 Wolcott’s Pain Annihilator 50 4 00 “ Paint, large 50 4 00 “ “ small 25 2 00 Wolfe’s Schiedam Schnapps, quarts 1 25 10 00 “ “ pints 75 5 50 Wolfrmn’s Healing Balsam 25 175 Woodbury’s Dyspepsia Killer, large 50 4 00 “ “ small -25 2 00 Wood’s Improved Hair Restorative 75 5 50 Blackberr)’ Carminative 25 1 75 Worm Destroyer, large..... 50 3 50 “ “ small 25 175 Wood & Selick’s Cough Drops 5 35 “ “ 5 lb. box, with jar 1 25 Woolford’s Sanitary Lotion 1 00 7 75 Worthington’s (Dr.) Cholera and Diarrhoea Specific... 25 1 75 Wright’s Pile Ointment 50 3 50 “ Pills 25 1 50 Wuerzburger Salve 25 2 00 Wynkoop’s Iceland Pectoral 50 3 75 Young’s Cough Syrup 15 1 20 Zoa-Phora (Woman’s Friend) 1 00 7 75 Zteller’s Mocking Bird Food 3 00 Zopesa, large 75 5 50 Zonweiss, in glass jars 50 2 75 In tubes 25 1 75 Zymel 50 3 60 pure Wirjes aqd piqdors. FOR MEDICINAL USE. Ale— Imported Bass’, pints .per doz. $2 00 Porter— Imported Bass’, pints (by cask, 8 doz. $1.90) “ 2 00 “ Guinnes’, pints “ “ CC CC 2 00 Brandy— Arzac Seignette , .per gal. 6 00 Blackberry CC 1 50- 3 00 California CC 3 75- 2 75 “ Original 10 gal. kegs CC 3 00- 2 50 “ “ h bbls cc 2 75- 2 60 “ “ Barrels u 2 50 Catawba 11 3 00 Domestic c c 2 50- 1 75 Hennessy cc 7 00- 8 00 “ cases * 16 50-15 00 u 18 00-16 50 “ a * * * cc 20 00-18 00 Martell cc 10 00- 7 50 Gin- De Kuyper 4 50 large (per case 15 bots., $15.00) per doz. 15 00 “ small “ 12 “ 9.00 cc 10 50 Domestic 2 00- 1 75 Rum- Jamaica London Dock cc 7 00- 5 50 New England .. “ 2 50- 2 25 Whisky, Bourbon — Edge water (T. J. Megibben), 1882 u 3 75- 4 00 “ “ 1884 ... “ 3 25- 3 50 “ “ 1886 2 50- 2 75 Hermitage, 1886... cc 3 00- 3 25 E. H. Taylor, Jr. Co., O. F. C., 1886 cc 2 75— 3 00 “ “ “ 1884 cc 3 25- 3 75 278 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Whisky, Bourbon — Continued. Roland 1886 $2 25- 2 50 Rye — Edge water 1882 cc 4 00 McBrayer 1884 “ 3 25- 3 50 Menominee Valley u - 1 50- 1 75 Catawba, dry 1 25- 1 50 Catawba, sweet cc 1 25- 1 50 Imported Wines — Chateau la Rose (Eschenauer) qts. and pts 5.per case 23 00-24 00 Margeaux, “ cc 11 00-12 00 Pontet Canet, “ cc 12 00-13 00 Red Seal, u 9 00-10 00 St. Estephe, “ cc 7 00- 8 00 Port, Pure Juice ..per gal. 2 75- 2 00 “ Oporto CC 3 .00- 2 50 Alto Dori u 3 00- 2 50 Sherry Palido, extra pale CC 4 00- 3 50 “ Rudolph Cadiz cc 2 50- 2 00 Tokaji Maslas per case 10 00 Villanyi CC 7 00 California Wines — Angelica ..per gal. 2 00- 1 25 Port a 2 00- 1 25 Sherry CC 2 00- 1 25 Miscellaneous Articles FLINT GLASS SHELF BOTTLES. PRICES PER DOZEN, NET. Tincture Bottles. Salt Mouth Bottles. Tincture Bottles- -(Mushroom Stoppers.) 1 ounce, 2 “ height, 4 inches “ 5' “ per doz. $ U 4 “ U 6 U u 8 “ 6C 7 u “ 1 1 pint, 1 quart, i gallon, 1 “ U 9 u “ 1 u 10 u “ 1 u 12 u “ 2 u 14 (l “ 3 Salt Mouth Bottles— 1 ounce, height, 4 inches per doz. 2 “ “ 43. “ “ 4 “ “ 5f " “ 1 60 75 90 05 20 35 40 60 75 90 05 280 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Salt Moutli Bottles— Continued. 8 ounce, height, 7 inches per doz. $1 35 1 pint, “ 8J- “ “ 1 50 1 quart, “ 10 " “ 1 95 £ gallon, “ 121 “ “ 3 00 1 “ “ 13| “ “ 4 80 Balsam or Oil Bottle. Syrup Bottle. Balsam or Oil Bottles— 1 pint, height, 9 inches per doz. $2 40 1 quart, “ 11 “ : “ 3 00 | gallon, “ 13 “ “ 4 50 Syrup Bottles — (Loose Stoppers.) 1 pint, height, 9 inches per doz. 1 50 1 quart, “ 11 “ “ 1 95 £ gallon, “ 12^ “ * u 3 00 Blue Furniture Bottles— Tinctures. Salt Mouths. 1 ounce per doz. $1 00 2 “ “ 1 25 4 “ “ 1 50 8 “ “ 1 75 Pint “ 2 50 Quart “ 3 50 J gallon “ ' 6 00 Subject to 20 and 10 per cent. Discount. $1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 75 4 00 7 50 FOR DRAWER PULLS, ^T/pfCAC. i TINCT. MYRRHS I RES/fV/l 1 r/NCT. CARD AM. C. ULMUS Style A. Style B. DECORATED SHOW JARS. STYLE A 8 GALLONS $12.00 EACH. STYLE B. 10 GALLONS 15.00 EACH. SHOW GRADUATE. 24- INCHES HIGH .-$5.00 EACH. (Gold Bands top Sc bottom.) PLAIN BLACK, IMITATION MALACHITE OR TENNESSEE MARBLE, $ 2.50 EACH. J THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 281 Furniture Bottles — Continued. Recess Ware- Subject to Discount of 40 per cent. Having Oblong Recess with square corners to take the label, so that its surface is flush with the outside of the bottle. per doz. $1 40 1 80 “ 2 65 “ 3 70 “ 6 20 Recess Saltmoutli Bottles. i pint, height, 5| inches, stoppered per doz. 1 45 £ “ “ 7 “ “ “ 1 85 Pint, “ 8 “ “ “ 2 70 Quart, “ 9f “ “ “ 3 80 £ gallon, “ “ “ “ 6 50 Recess Tincture Bottles. \ pint, height, 5J inches, stoppered. i « « 7 i « Pint, “ 8£ “ Quart, “ 10* “ * gallon, “ 1 2\ “ 282 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Recess Ware — Continued. per doz. U u XX Balsam or Oil Bottles. With Loose Glass Caps. i pint i “ 1 it 2 1 “ 1 quart 2 gallon . 1 quart. Recess Balsams. With Loose Glass Caps. per doz. XX English Balsam or Oil Bottles. With Glass Caps Ground on. Less 40 per cent. Discount. 1 pint per doz. 1 quart “ l gallon “ XX Syrup Dispensing Bottle. With Loose Stoppers. Less 40 per cent. Discount. Fint. \ pint per doz. $3 50 Pint “ 3 75 Quart “ 5 00 5 gallon “ 8 00 1 “ “ 12 00 Quart Recess Syrups “ 3 70 $4 75 5 00 5 75 6 50 7 75 12 00 6 50 7 50 9 00 14 00 Blue. $4 25 4 50 6 00 9 50 14 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 283 Recess Ware— Continued. XX Ether Bottles— Used also for Chloroform. Ground Stoppers and Glass Caps Ground on. Less 40 per cent. Discount. I pint per doz. $4 00 | “ “ 6 50 1 “ “ 7 00 1 quart “ 8 25 i gallon “ 12 00 W. H. HAMILTON & CO., (See Advertisement.) PITTSBURGH, PENN., MANUFACTURERS OF Superior Flint Prescription Ware. Flint Prescription Vials, French Squares, Philadelphia and Baltimore Ovals, Plain, Round Shoulder Prescrip- tions and Union Ovals— (Narrow Mouths.) Less net price. By Case, than Case. Per Cross. Per Gross. \ and J ounce, 5 gross boxes $ 1 38 $1 57 1 ounce, 5 gross boxes 1 38 1 57 2 “ 3 “ 1 62 1 85 284 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Flint— Continued. NET PRICE. By Case. Less than Case. 4 Per Gross. Per Gross. 4 ounce, 2 gross boxes $2 25 $2 57 6 “ 1 “ 2 75 3 14 8 “ 1 “ 3 25 3 70 12 n ^ u 4 75 5 42 16 it 1 a 2 5 50 6 27 32 “ \ “ 8 75 9 98 Assorted, J to 8 ounce, 1 gross boxes 2 03 2 57 Plain Round Shoulder Prescriptions — (Wide Mouths. ) Less than Case. Per Gross. $1 85 ounce, 5 gross boxes By Case. Per Gross. $ 1 62 1 “ 5 “ 1 62 1 85 2 “ 3 “ 1 88 2 14 3 “ 2 “ 2 25 2 57 4 “ 2 “ 2 50 2 85 6 ll -J^ ll 3 00 3 42 8 “ 1 “ 3 50 3 99 12 ll ll 5 00 5 70 16 “ i “ 5 75 6 56 20 “ i “ 6 25 7 41 24 “ i “ 8 27 32 u i “ 9 00 10 26 Plain, Square or Oblong- Prescriptions— \ ounce, 5 gross boxes /. By Case. Per Gross. $ 1 50 Less than Case. Per Gross. $1 71 1 “ 5 <£ 1 50 1 71 2 “3 “ ' 1 75 2 28 3 “ 2 “ 2 25 2 85 4 it p ii 2 50 3 14 6 “ 1 ££ 3 00 3 70 8 “ 1 <£ 3 50 4 28 12 “ h u 5 00 6 27 16 “ i “ 7 41 Assorted, l to 8 oz., 1 gross in boxes 2 38 2 97 Amber Glassware— (French Squares.) 1 drachm * ounce ( ( 1 95 3 a U 1 95 8 4 U 6C 1 95 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 285 Amber Glassware— Continued. 1 ounce per gross $ 2 40 2 “ “ 3 00 3 “ “ 3 45 4 “ “ 4 35 6 “ “ 5 40 8 “ “ 6 75 12 “ “ 8 85 16 “ “ 11 10 Blue Glassware — (Round Prescriptions, Narrow Mouth.) J ounce per gross 2 10 1 “ 2 70 2 “ “ 3 45 3 “ “ .4 00 4 £t “ 4 95 6 “ “ 6 00 8 “ “ 6 60 Ball Neck Panels— 3. 4 Holding Quantity named. ounce, 5 gross boxes By Case. Per Gross. $ 1 50 Less than Case. Per Gross. $1 71 1 U 5 u 1 75 2 CO u U 3 u “ 1 88 2 14 u u Q U i t o 1 88 2 14 If u 3 “ 2 13 2 42 2 u 2 “ “ 2 13 2 42 2i u 2 J.' “ 2 50 2 85 3 u 2 “ “ . 2 75 3 14 4 u 1 “ “ 3 50 3 99 5 u 1 “ 3 75 4 28 6 u 1 u “ 4 00 4 56 8 ii 1 “ “ 5 00 5 70 Homoeopathic Vials— (Heavy Pat. Lip.) £ drm., short or long Vials 1 u U (C u U 75 2 u u a u u 90 3 u U u u a 1 20 4 u U U {( “ 1 80 6 a u a u u 2 40 8 u << a a u 3 00 286 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Screw-Neck Tube Vials — (Flint Glass, with Nickel- plated Caps.) The necks of these Vials are finished with a thread, and the caps screw directly on the glass. S. 1 drachm per gross $2 25 S. 2 “ “ 2 50 S. 3 “ “ 2 75 | x inches “ 5 25 i x 5£ “ “ 6 00 Miscellaneous- Citrate Magnesia Bottles per doz. 50 ' Carmine Inks, 1 oz per gross 1 71 “ “ 2 oz “ 2 00 Sewing Machine Oil Bottles, oz. holding “ 2 42 2\ “ “ 2 85 Hock Wines “ 8 00 Brandies, 6s “ 7 50 5s “ 8 00 Morphine Bottles— J ounce, 5 gross boxes 1 “ 5 “ 2 cc 3 << 4 “ 2 “ Mucilage Bottles — 2 ounce 3 “ Diamond Flasks— Full Measure— J pint, £ gross boxes 1 “ * “ 1 quart, l “ Flasks, Shoo- Fly Style— £ pint, \ gross boxes 1 “ * “ 1 quart, £ “ Slioo-Fly Flasks— Full Measure— £ pint, J gross boxes 1 “ i “ 1 quart, £ “ Pic-Nic Flasks— 1 quart, £ .per gross U cc per doz. Cl per gross cc ce .per gross . per gross cc per gross 1 89 1 89 2 30 3 24 35 40 3 15 4 28 6 75 2 70 3 60 6 30 3 15 4 28 6 75 2 70 3 60 6 30 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 287 Druggists’ Green Glassware- Prescriptions; heavy moulded, round shoulder. Narrow Mouth. Less By Case, than Case. Per gross. Per gross. | ounce, 5 gross boxes $ 97 1 “ 5 “ ... 1 01 1 12 2 “ 3 “ ... 1 22 1 35 3 “ 2 “ ... 1 50 1 65 4 “ 2 . “ ... 182 2 02 6 “ 1 “ ... 2 23 2 47 8 “ 1 “ ... 2 61 2 92 Prescriptions; round shoulder. Wide Moutli. jounce, 5 gross boxes 95 1 05 1 “ 5 “ .. 1 08 1 20 2 “ 3 “ .. 1 19 1 32 to to .. 1 55 1 72 4 “ 2 “ .. 2 03 2 25 6 “ 1 “ .. 2 43 2 70 8 “ 1 “ .. 2 84 3 15 Druggists’ Packing Bottles— Wide Mouth. Narrow Mouth. By Case. Less than Case. By Case. Less than Case. Per gross. Per gross. Per gross. Per gross. 1 pint, l gross boxes $4 39 | 4 87 | 4 12 $ 4 57 1 qrt., £ “ 6 89 7 65 6 62 7 35 J gal., ^ “ 10 80 12 00 10 53 11 70 1 “ 1 doz. boxes 17 10 15 39 15 12 16 80 Long INeck Panels— 1 ounce, 5 gross boxes By Case. Per gross. ..$ 1 22 Less. than Case. Per gross. $ 1 35 2 “ 5 “ .. 1 62 1 08 3 “ 2 “ .. 2 03 2 25 4 “ 2 “ .. 2 30 2 55 6 “ 1 <• .. 2 97 3 33 8 “ 1 “ .. 3 65 4 05 12 “ 1 “ .. 5 00 5 00 16 “ 1 “ .. 5 81 6 45 288 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Short Neck Panels— 1 ounce, 5 gross boxes By Case. Per gross. ...$ 1 08 Less. than Case. Per gross. $ 1 20 2 CC 5 “ 1 49 1 65 3 CC 2 “ 1 89 2 10 4 CC 1 “ 2 16 2 40 6 C C 1 “ 2 84 3 15 8 cc 1 “ 3 51 3 90 12 cc 1 “ 4 73 5 25 16 cc 1 “ 5 67 6 30 20 cc 1 “ 6 35 7 05 24 cc i n 5 7 02 7 80 Long* or Short Neck Ovals, or Bluing- 1 ounce, 5 gross boxes By Case. Per Gross. Less. than Case. Per Gross. $ 1 12 2 “ 3 “ 1 28 1 42 3 “ 2 “ 1 55 1 73 4 “ 2 “ 1 89 2 10 6 “ 1 “ 2 30 2 55 8 “ 1 “ 2 77 3 08 12 “ 1 “ 3 85 4 28 16 “ 1 “ 4 73 5 25 32 “ 1 “ 6 75 7 50 Moulded Castor Oil Bottles, Round— ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 6s to gallon, 1 gross boxes By Case. Per Gross. $ 6 21 Less than Case. Per Gross. $ 6 90 8s U 1 K 4 32 4 80 10s u 1 u 3 85 4 27 12s C i 1 ll 3 24 3 60 16s u 1 u 2 84 3 15 20s u 1 u 2 30 « 2 55 24s (( 1 CC 2 03 2 25 30s u 1 CC 1 89 2 10 40s u 3 CC 1 62 1 80 50s CC 3 CC 1 35 1 50 60s 3 CC 1 35 1 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 289 Wine or Brandy Bottles — 4 to gallon. 1 gross boxes I per gross $8 55 5 “ 1 “ “ 6 55 6 “ 1 “ “ 6 00 8 “ 1 “ “ 4 85 Common Long- or Peddler’s Vials— By Case. thantKse. Per G ross. Per G ross. 1 ounce, 5 gross boxes $ 1 01 $ 1 12 2 “ 5 “ 1 22 1 35 Ink Bottles— 1 ounce, square or cone, 3 gross boxes 1 35 1 50 H&2oz., “ 3 “ 149 165 Schnapps or Bitters Bottles— Quarts, 1 gross boxes per gross 9 12 5s to gallon, 1 gross boxes “ 7 13 6s “ “ “ “ 6 55 Pints, “ “ “ 5 13 Demijohns (Handled and Covered) — \ gallon per doz. 3 00 1 “ . “ 4 20 2 “ “ 6 00 3 • “ “ 7 20 5 “ “ 9 60 Hock Wines, Imported, 5 to gallon per gross 8 00 Clarets, Imported, 5 to gallon “ 8 00 Acid Bottles (Ground Stoppers) — J pint per doz. 90 1 “ “ 1 05 1 quart “ 1 38 J gal “ 2 13 1 “ “ 2 88 Patent Medicine Vials— British Oil Godfrey’s Opodeldoc (large and small) Liquid Opodeldoc Beer Bottles — Champagne style, 14 and 16 ozs. “ “ 30 ozs Exports, pints “ quarts “ full pints “ “ quart L C 1 35 U 1 35 1 35 Plain. Stoppered. Per Gross. Per Gross. .$6 00-6 50 $11 25 7 50 13 00 6 00 11 00 6 50 11 50 6 50 11 50 7 50 13 00 Druggists’ S^dries Alcohol Lamps — With Ground Glass Caps — 2 ounces v each $ 25 4 “ “ 30 8 “ “ 45 JOHNSON & JOHNSON. Antiseptic Bandages— Adhesive. I inch x 5 yards per doz. 1 75 1 “ x 5 " “ “ 2 00 2 “ x 5 “ *■ 4 00 3 “ x 5 “ “ 6 00 Cotton Bandages. 1£, 2, 2\, 3, 3J, 4 in wide per lb. 60 Assorted, 1J in. to 4 in “ 60 Linen Bandages 1£, 2, 2J, 3, 3£, 4 in. wide “ 1 50 Assorted, 1J in. to 4 in “ 1 50 Linen finish, assorted “ 85 Flannel Bandages. Assorted “ 2 00 Bichloride Gauze Bandages. 1-1,000, 1-2,000, and Carb. 5 per ct., 2 in.xlO yds...per doz. 1 00 1-1,000, 1-2,000, “ 5 “ 3 in.xlO yds... “ 1 25 1-1,000, 1-2,000. “ 5 “ 4 in.xlO yds... “ 1 50 Iodoform Gauze Bandages. (10 percent.) 2 in. x 10 yds “ 2 00 3 in. x 10 yds “ 2 75 4 in. x 10 yds. “ 3 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 291 Antiseptic Bandages— Continued. # Plain Gauze Bandages. 2 in. x 10 yds per doz. $ 85 3 in. x 10 yds “ 1 00 4 in. x 10 yds “ 1 25 Piaster Paris Bandages. 1£ in. x 5 yds., spread “ 1 30 2 in. x 5 yds., “ “ 1 40 2\ in. x 5 yds., “ “ 1 55 3 in. x 5 yds., “ “ 1 75 3J in. x 5 yds., “ “ 185 4 in. x 5 yds., “ “ 2 00 Esmarch Bandages. Kubber each 60 Martin’s, 2 in. x 3 yds per roll 1 00 “ 2 in. x 4 yds “ 1 25 “ 2 in. x 5 yds “ 1 50 “ 3 in. x 3 yds “ 1 25 “ 3 in, x 4 yds “ 1 50 “ 3 in. x 5 yds “ 1 75 Antiseptic Gauzes (In Sealed Packages) — Borated, Carbolated and Corros. Subl. 5 yd. roll, 1yd. wide per roll 55 100 “* 1 “ “ 6 75 1000 “ 1 “ per yd, 6| Eucalyptol, Napthaline and Thymol. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide 75 100 “ 1 “ 10 00 Iodoform Gauze. 10 per ct., 1 yd. x 1 yd per yd. 25 10 “ 1 yd. x 5 yds per roll 1 10 10 “ 1 yd. x 25 yds “ 5 00 20 “ 1 yd. x 1 yd per yd. 40 20 “ 1 yd. x 5 yds per roll 1 75 40 “ 1 yd. x 1 yd,. per yd. 60 40 “ 1 yd. x 5 yds per roll 2 50 Plain Gauze. 5 yds 6| 25 yds : 6f 50 yds 6| 100 yds. 5 292 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Iodoform Sprinklers— Hard Rubber “ Wood Jute— 1 lb. packages.... 1 lb. packages. 50 lb. bales 1001b. “ Corrosive Subl. Plain. Tarred. In 1 lb. packages 25 lbs., in tin lined cases 50 lb. bales Oil Silk— 5 yds,, in roll or box, 28 in. wide.. 1 1 a ( t 28 1 1 Extra Heavy. 5 yds., in roll or box, 28 in. wide.. < ( u u 28 ( 1 Oil Muslin — 5 yds., in roll or box, 36 in. wide. 1 “ “ “ 36 Oakum, (Specially Prepared.) — 1 lb package 50 lb Bale Styptic Cotton— 1 oz. Bottles Iodoform Cotton— 1 oz. Bottles Spongio Piline — 36 Inches Wide .per doz. $12 00 CC 4 00 28 25 CC 18 cc 15 35 CC 30 ll 25 72 Cl 80 ...per vd. 95 Cl 1 00 ...per yd. 50 Cl 60 0 18 ii 13 per doz. 1 75 .per doz. 2 00 .per yard 5 00 THE MYRON E. MEYER MEG. CO. MANUFACTURERS OF ANTISEPTIC • MATERIALS, • PLASTER • PARIS • BANDAGES, • ETC. Originators of the sterilized, bleached, moist and absorbent antisep- tic gauze. All goods bearing our name are guaranteed to be of the very best quality. Myron E. Meyer Mf«. Co. A full line of our goods kept in stock by the Chas. Baumbach Co. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 293 Antiseptic Gauzes— BLEACHED, MOIST AND ABSORBENT. Carbolated, 5 per Cent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll $ 50 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 9 00 Carbolated, lOperCent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 55 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 10 00 Corrosive Sublimate, 1-2000. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 50 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 9 00 Iodoform, 10 per Cent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 1 25 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 20 00 Kucalyptol, 10 perCent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 1 00 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 15 00 Thymol, 5 per Cent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 75 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 10 00 Borated, 10 per Cent. 5 yd. roll, 1 yd. wide in tin can per roll 65 100 “ “ “ in heavy Gutta Percha tissue “ 8 00 All our gauzes are sterilized, and sealed hermetically and will re- tain their full strength for years. Gauze in any medication made to order. Jute— Finest quality, Bleached, Hackled per lb. 25 Carbolated or Tarred l ' 35 Elastic Webb Bandages— 2 inches wide, any length, per yard 18 2 \ “ “ “ “ 20 Plaster Paris Bandages — (Prepared with the Finest Dent’l Plaster.) 3 inches wide by 6 yards long, in paste board box, per doz. 1 50 2\ “ 6 “ “ “ <£ 1 40 2 “ 6 “ “ “ “ 1 25 3 “ 3 “ “ ££ 1 00 2 11 3 < < • << » ( < ‘ QQ 294 THE CHAS. BAUMBACII CO. Muslin Roller Bandages— Quality and strength guaranteed. 1 inch x yds per lb. $ 65 1J inches x 5 yds “ 65 2 “ x5 “ “ 65 2 \ “ x 5 “ “ 65 3 “ x5 “ . “ 65 3* “ x 5 “ “ 65 4 “ x 5 “ “ 65 Assorted from 1 to 4 inches ! “ 65 Bandages any width or length same price per lb. as above. White Flannel Bandages— 2 inches x 5 yds per doz. 2 00 2 \ “ x 5 “ “ 2 50 Antiseptic Gauze Bandages— Moist— Carbolated or Corrosive Sublimate. 3 inches x 10 yds per doz. 2 00 6 “ x 15 “ “ 4 00 Oil Fabrics and Protectives— Oil Silk (Extra Heavy.) 1 yard, 30 inches wide per yd. 1 05 5 “ roll, 30 inches wide “ 100 Oil Silk (Medium.) 1 yard, 30 inches wide “ 80 5 “ roll, 35 inches wide “ 80 Oil Muslin. 1 yard, 36 inches wide “ 60 5 “ roll, 36 inches wide “ 50 Carbolated Oil Silk. Per yard ’ 1 75 McIntosh Cloth. Per yard 1 60 Gutta Percha Tissue. Heavy, 1 yd., 36 inches wide per yd. 60 “ 5 “ roll, 36 inches wide “ 50 Medium, 1 yd., 36 inches wide “ 45 “ 5 “ roll, 36 inches wide “ 40 Pedicle Silk. 5 yds., on glass spool in bottle. ,per doz. bots. 12 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 295 Oil Fabrics and Protectives— Continued. Catgut (Carbolated, Chromic, Corrosive Sublimate or Juniper.) 2 yds., fine, on glass spool in bottle per doz. bots. $3 00 2 “ medium, “ “ “ “ 3 00 1 “ coarse, “ “ “ “ 3 00 3 spools, assorted sizes in one bottle “ 8 00 1 doz. assorted skeins in bottle “ 12 00 Silk Worm Gut. 1 doz. strings in bottle “ 6 00 Antiseptic Ligatures (Czerny’s Silk). Carbolated or Corrosive Sublimate, 5 yards long, on glass spools, one spool in each bottle; fine, medium, coarse, extra coarse per doz. bots. 2 00 4 spools, assorted sizes in 1 bottle “ 6 00 50 yds., any size, on glass spool in bottle “ 12 00 Catgut Ligatures. 1 doz. assorted strings in each bottle “ 12 00 On Glass Spools, fine, medium or coarse, 1 spool in each bottle per doz. bots. 3 00 2 Strings of fine, 2 Strings of medium and 1 String of coarse on each spool, in one bottle per doz. bots. 9 00 Chrome Catgut, same price as above. Surgeons’ Antiseptic Sponges. I dozen in 1 bottle, 1 “ 1 “ Plain bleached.. Potters’ ,per doz. 2 50 , “ 2 25 “ 2 00 . “ 50 . “ 15 00 Drainage Tubes. Absorbable Bone Drainage Tubes, \ doz. in a bottle, as- sorted, 2, and 3 inch per doz. bots. 9 00 Rubber Drainage Tubes, Pure Gum, 5 in one bottle, as- sorted per doz. bots. 6 00 Surgeons’ Rubber Adhesive Plaster. 1 inch Strips on Spools per doz. 5 00 In lbs. %s. M s. ozs. Wool, Plain per lb. $2 00 $2 10 $2 20 $2 25 Carbol. and Corros. Sublim... “ 2 25 2 35 2 45 2 50 Iodoform, 10 per cent “ 2 75 2 85 2 95 3 00 Oakum, Plain per lb. 20 Carbolated “ 30 296 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. SHORSE & CO. Antiseptic Gauzes — Carbol. 10 per cent., 5 yd. cans per yd. $ 11 “ “ “ 60 yd. boxes “ 9 Corros. Subl., 1 gr. per yd., 5 yd. cans “ 11 “ “ 1 gr. ££ 60 yd. boxes “ 9 Iodoform 10 per cent., 5 yd. cans “ 25 “ “ “ 60 yd. boxes “ 23 Salicyl. “ “ 5 yd. cans “ 20 In 1 yd. cans, 2c per yard advance on 5 yards. Bandages. Carbol., 1 in. x 5 yds . per doz. 40 “ 1J in. x 5 “ “ 60 <£ 2 in. x 5 “ - £ 80 ££ 2\ in. x 5 ££ ££ 1 00 ££ 3 in. x 10 ££ ££ 2 00 ££ 6 in. x 15 ££ ££ 4 50 Catgut Ligatures. (CarbDl., Chromic or Juniper). 100 yds., in vial (specify sizes wanted) 5 00 10 ££ ££ ££ ££ ££ 75 6 ££ on spools, assorted 75 3. ££ in vial, ££ 25 1 ££ ££ (specify sizes wanted) 10 Silk Ligatures. (Carbol. or Corros. Subl.) Surgeon’s, 6 skeins, assorted, on spools 50 Braided, 3 yds. (4 sizes; specify sizes wanted) 40 Eye, 10 yds 40 McIntosh Cloth, red per yd. 1 60 Protective Oil Silk, green “ 1 60 Bone Drainage Tubes, Decalc., 2 in per doz. 2 40 ££ ££ 2\ in ££ 3 00 ££ ££ 3 in “ 3 60 Rubber ££ ££ (4 sizes) per foot, 5c, 6c, 7c, 8 ££ ££ ££ Carbol., 6 assorted, in vial 25 Plain Jute, in layers per lb. 25 Oakum ££ 20 Antiseptic Sponges, small per doz. 2 04 ££ ££ large, flat ££ 9 00 ££ Cotton Sponges ££ 50 ££ Paper ££ 60 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 297 Flannel Bandages, 2 in. x 5 yds per doz. $2 “ “ 2\ in. x 5 “ “ 3 “ “ 3 in. x5 “ “ 3 “ “ 4 in. x 5 “ “ 4 Bleached Muslin Bandages, 1 lb. boxes, ass’ted per lb. XJnbl’ched “ “ “ “ “ “ Dental Plaster Bandages. 1 in. x 3 yds per doz. ljin. x 3 “ “ 2 in. x 3 “ “ 2| in. x 3 “ “ 3 in. x 3 “ “ 1 l£in. x 5 “ “ 1 2 in. x 6 “ “ 1 2\ in. x 6 “ “ 1 3 in. x 6 “ 1 SEABURY & JOHNSON. Roller Bandages— Cotton. lj^ln. 2 Iq. 2^ In. 3 In. 3*4 In. 4 Pure, Rolled, 3 yds lb.$ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ 75 $ Ass’d, lJto4in., 3 “ .. 75 75 75 75 75 Elastic. B. W. B 6 00 7 20 English Open. White, 3 yds 50 75 90 1 10 1 “ 6 “ .. “ 1 00 1 00 1 50 1 80 2 20 2 Gray, 3 “ 45 45 75 85 1 00 1 Flannel. White, plain, 3 yds 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 “ “ 6 “ U 2 00 2 50 3 00 4 00 4 Red, “ 6 u u 3 00 3 50 4 50 5 00 5 An’sep. Lister’s 3 yds.. ... “ 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 25 2 “ “ 6 “ .. u 2 50 3 00 4 00 4 50 5 Gauze. An’sep. List’s 10 yds... 80 85 90 1 00 1 Plain, 10 « .... ... “ 60 70 '75 80 85 1 Cor. Sublim’te 5 “ .... ... “ 50 60 70 80 90 1 “ “ 10 “ .... ... “ 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 Hydronaphth’15 “ ... ... “ 50 60 70 80 90 1 “ 10 “ .... ... “ 1 00 1 20 1 40 1 60 1 80 2 Iodoform, 10 “ .... ... “ 2 00 2 25 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 00 50 00 80 65 70 75 90 95 . 00 00 25 40 50 In. 70 75 25 I 50 10 : 25 : 50 50 50 00 25 00 00 00 00 00 00 U • 298 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Roller Bandages— Continued. Linen. 1*4 In. 2 In. 2*4 In. 3 In. 3*4 In. 4 In. Linen, 3 yds lb. $1 50 $1 50 $1 50 $1 50 $1 50 $1 50 Ass’td, 1^ to 4 in., 3 yds. “ 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 Linen Finish, 3 “ “ 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Ass’td, 1J to 4 in., 3 “ “ 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 Plaster Paris. Gauze, Mull, 5 yds. doz. 1 20 1 30 1 50 2 00 2 25 2 50 Crinoline, 5 “ . “ 1 25 1 35 1 60 2 00 2 25 2 50 Rubber. Rubber, 3 yds each 75 90 1 00 u 4 (( a 90 1 00 1 10 “ 5 “ “ i 00 1 25 1 65 “ Porous, 3 yds “ 85 1 00 1 30 u u 4 a “ i 00 1 10 1 35 a it g a “ i 10 1 35 1 75 Self-Fastening. 1 In. Self- Fastening, 10 yds..doz. 4 00 6 00 8 00 Starch. Starch, 5 yds 35 1 60 2 00 2 25 2 50 Antiseptic Lints, Wools, Jute, Oakum, etc. and Miscellaneous Dressings— Plain Jute. 100 lbs. $ 15 50 lbs. $ 18 Pounds. $ 25 Ounces. $ Tarred 25 25 40 Bleached (Absorbent) \ 35 Borated 35 Carbolated 10 35 Hydronaphthol . . . . 5 75 Absorbent Lint. 65 85 “ small packages... .gross 6 00 Borated 10 per cent. 1 00 Carbolated ....10 1 00 Cor. Sublimate .... 1 “ 1 00 Hydronaphthol 5 1 00 Salicylated .... 5 1 00 Flax 1 50 1 75 Oakum, U. S. N Oakum. 12 12 18 30 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 299 Antiseptic Lints, Etc.— Continued. Peat. 100 lbs. Coarse, for Poultices $ 12 Fine, for Wounds , 12 Cotton, Bleached “ Unbleached “ Fine Wool. 50 lbs. Pounds. Ounces. $12 $ 15 $ 12 15 40 35 2 00 Paper. Paper (Dr. Fowler’s Formulae).... “ Plain 20 20 60 25 Wood. Wood, Pine 25 Wood Flour. Wood Flour 20 Antiseptic Gauzes, S. & J. In 5 yard Tins, 25, 50 and 100 Yard Rolls. 1 yard wide. Bleached Gauzes. 5 Yard Rolls. Per Roll. Plain Absorbent $ Benzoated, 5 per cent 1 00 Borated, 10 per cent 75 Carbolated (Lister’s) 10 per cent 65 Cor. Sublimate, tin box, ^ per cent 65 Cor.Sublimate, waxed paper, ? per cent 60 Eucalvptol, 5 per cent 1 00 Hydronaphthol, 5 per cent.. 1 00 Iodoform, 5 per cent 1 50 “ 10 “ 1 75 Napthaline, 5 per cent 75 Salicylic Acid, 5 per cent 75 Thymol, 5 per cent 1 25 25 Yard Rolls. Per Roll. $ 50 Yard Rolls. Per Roll. $ 100 Yard Rolls. Per Roll. $ 6 50 15 00 10 00 8 00 7 50 7 50 15 00 15 00 25 00 35 00 10 00 10 00 20 00 Unbleached Gauzes. Plain 5 50 Carbolized 7 00 Cor. Sublimate 7 00 300 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Antiseptic Ligatures and Sutures — Continued. Catgut. No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. Assor’d 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs Sizes. 3 Str’gs Carbolized, Lister ’sdoz.$3 50 $3 50 $4 00 -$4 00 $4 00 $3 50 Chromic .. “ 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Cor. Sublimate.... .. “ 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Hydronaphthol . . . ... 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Oil Juniper .. “ 3 50 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 Twisted Silk — ! In Solution. 5 yards long, warranted free from all foreign matter. No. 0. No. 1. No. 2. No 3. No. 4. Assor’d 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs 2 Str’gs Sizes. 6 Str’gs Carbolized doz. $1 50 $1 50 $1 75 $2 25 $2 50 $1 75 Chromic 1 50 1 50 1 75 2 25 2 50 1 75 Cor. Sublimate.... 1 50 1 50 1 75 2 25 2 50 1 75 Hydronaphthol. . . 1 50 1 50 1 75 2 25 2 50 1 75 Oil Juniper . “ 1 50 1 75 2 00 2 50 3 00 2 50 Surgeon’s Silk— On Spools. Made from the best Corticelli Silk. White, 10 yards on each Spool per doz. $ 75 “ 18 " “ “ “ 1 00 Oiled and Rubber Fabrics and Protectives. Silk, Muslin and Paper, S. & J. Fabrics. Oiled Silk, Regular, 28 inches wide “ “ “ “ Porous “ “ S. & J. Special, Guar. ex. strong “ “ “ “ Porous “ Muslin, 36 inches wide “ “ “ Porous : “ Silk Protective, Green, 22 in. wide “ “ “ Yellow, 28 “ “ Paper, Hospital, 40 in. wide Dressing Paper, Mead’s, 24 “ 25 Yd. Rolls. “ “ “ 24 “ 50 “ “ u u 24 “ 100 “ Gutta Percha Tissue, 36 in. American, Light.... “ “ “ “ English, Heavy.. Felt, White. 27 inch, Thin.... “ “ “ Thick... “ “ Adhesive “ Thin.... “ “ ' c “ Thick.. 1 Yard. 5 Y ard . Flat Box. Rolls. .. $ 85 $3 75 .. 1 00 4 00 ,.. 1 00 5 00 .. 1 25 5 50 60 2 50 85 3 00 .. 1 50 7 00 ... 1 00 5 00 1 00 Per Roll. 75 1 50 3 00 1 Yard. 5 Yard. Flat Box. Rolls. 40 1 50 50 2 25 ... 4 00 ... 5 00 5 00 6 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 301 Miscellaneous— (&' & J.) Drainage Tubes. Decalcified Bone. Antiseptic. Put up in finest quality Oil of Benue. Smaller sizes at reduced prices. 1 in a bottle, largest size per bottle $ 40 3 “ . “ “ 1 20 6 “ “ “ 2 40 12 “ “ “ 4 50 24 “ “ “ 7 50 Drainage Tubes— Rubber. Made of the finest purified Para Rubber, and warranted free from sulphur. No. 1. No. 2. No. 3 Yt Inch. -JL Inch. % Inch. Antiseptic per doz. feet $1 75 $2 75 $3 00 Plain “ 1 25 2 25 2 50 Esmarch Rubber Tourniquet Strap. Made of the finest Para Rubber, and warranted free from impurities. Each 60 Bandage Gum.— For Surgical and Dental Use. Made of the finest Para Rubber, and warranted free from impurities. Light per lb 3 00 Medium “ 3 00 Heavy “ 3 00 White Rubber Sheeting. 1 yard, 45 inches wide 1 00 5 “ 45 “ “ 5 00 Spongio Piline. Per yard, 36 inches wide 5 00 Mackintosh Cloth. 1 Yard. 5 Yards. Best quality, Pink, 44 inches wide $1 50 $6 50 Antiseptic Tablets. Corros. Sublimate, 7 3-10 grains, 25 in bottle per doz. 2 00 “ “ 7 3-10 “ 50 “ “ 4 00 “ “ 7 3-10 “ 100 “ “ 8 00 Hydronaplithol, 3 grains, 100 in bottle “ 4 00 Sulphur Candles. 1 lb. Round Tin Cans per doz. 2 00 302 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Darby’s Toothache Plasters per doz. $1 75 Dental Capsicum Plasters (80 plasters) “ 7 50 Hydronaphthol. Crystals, in 1 oz. vials per lb. 3 25 “ in 1 lb. tin cans 2 50 “ in 5 lb. “ “ 2 50 Pastilles, in tin box (12 in box) per doz. 1 75 Tablets, 3 grains (100 in bottle) “ 4 00 Soap, 1 per cent “ 2 00 “ 5 “ “ 2 00 Atomizers — Davidson’s, No. 61 22 50 a “ 59 tt 20 00 66 “ 53 tt 12 50 tt “ 58 n 11 66 a “ 54, 55, 56 and 57... u 11 25 a “ 60 u 10 42 a “ 62 u 9 60 tt “ 63 and 61 66 8 00 Delano’s No. 550 6 67 a a 551 8 84 it tt 552 9 17 tt tt 561 16 50 Little Daisy Perfume, Davol’s 1 50 Magic, Davol’s No. 1 8 50 a tt “ 2 6 50 it tt “ 3 9 00 u a . “ 4 9 00 ti tt “ 5 10 50 a a “ 6 10 50 tt tt “ 12 3 50 it tt “ 25 (hard rubber tubes) 14 00 a tt “ 30 « u U 11 50 tt tt “ 31 “ u U 9 00 tt tt “ 32 “ “ “ 9 00 tt tt “ 33 u “ (C 6 50 Phenix, Improved Throat 6 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 303 Atomizers — Continued, NAZAL MAGIC ATOMIZER , No. 4. DAVOL RUE9CR CO. HARD RUBBER MAGIC ATOMIZER, No. 33. 304 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Atomizers— Continued . Steam Atomizer (C. & S.), No. 15 each $3 50 German, “ 1 “ 60 “ 670-4 per doz 9 25 “ “ “ “ 670-12 (brass) “ 13 25 “ “ “ “ 670-12 (nickel) “ 15 50 “ “ “ “ 72 “ 17 00 “ 72 “ 17 00 W. T. & Co.’s Phenix Steam Atomizer each $3 50 No. 1 Acme “ “ i 50 Steam Atomizer, Extra Fittings, C. & S. Drip Cup, “ 25 “ <«' << il > it tv r n ,, THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 305 Atomizers— Continued. Steam Atomizer, Extra Fittings, C. & S. Face Shields, each $ Tubes (C. &S.)..... per doz. 1 “ “ “ (German) “ 1 75 “ “ “ (brass) “ 3 25 NEW PERFUME ATOMIZER, No. 12. HARD RUBBER MAGIC ATOMIZER, No. 25. £ s 306 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Atomizers — Continued. THROAT MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 3. MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 5. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 307 Atomizers— Continued. HARD RUBBER THROAT MACIC ATOMIZER No. 31. MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 1. 308 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Atomizers— Continued. MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 2. DAVOL RUBBER CO. LITTLE DAISY ATOMIZER. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 309 Atomizers— Continued. TOILET MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 6. HARD RUBBER NASAL MAGIC ATOMIZER No. 32. 310 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Bags, Ice, Rubber- No. 1, long, Spinal “ 2. “ 3 00 “ 3, round, Head ... “ 3 50 U 4 6 ( ... “ 4 00 Bags, Paper, (Union, Square Satchel Bottom.) NO. 1 MANILLA. No. Per 500. No. Per 500. No. Per 500. \ $ 50 4 $1 45 12.... $3 15 £ 60 5. _ t _ .. 1 70 14. . 4 15 1 80 6 2 00 16.... 4 50 1} 85 7 2 20 20.... 5 00 2 1 00 8 2 40 25.... 5 50 3 1 25 10 2 60 30.... 6 50 (Less Discount of 25 per Cent.) Bags, Gonnorhoea Bandages, Suspensory (T. W. Heinemann’s). U. S. ARMY STYLE (One in Box.) The finer suspensories are put up in handsome show boxes, ena- bling the dealer to display them to advantage without removal from the boxes. These suspensories are superior to any ever before offered to the trade — soft, strong, cool. N. B. — Elastic goods should never be exposed to sunlight, or fat or oil*of any kind, or excessive changes of temperature. No. 01, no Buckles, Thread per doz. $ 6 00 “ 2, two “ “ “ 7 50 “ 4, Silk, no Buckles “ 9 00 “ 04, “ “ “ 9 50 ELASTIC BAND SUSPENSORY. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 311 Bandages, Suspensory— Continued . No. B 2. Thread, two Buckles per doz. $ 9 00 “ E 5. Silk, four Buckles “ 13 00 L. D. HAND-MADE STYLE (T. W. Heinemann’s.) (With Puckering String Adjustment. One in Box.) No. 36. Silk per doz. “ 036. Silk “ “ 022 “ 3 50 4 00 5 50 ELASTIC SUSPENSORY. (Formerly called “J. P. Hand-Made Style.” Exactly same Goods as Genuine J. P. One in box. No. 010. Double Strength Linen, open web per doz. 2 75 “ Oil. Double Strength, fine Silk, open web... “ 4 75 “ 12. Heavy silk, open lace work, with satin bands and trimmings “ 10 50 “ 13. Cotton, plain web “ 2 50 ORDINARY STYLES. (T. W. Heineman.) Each one is put up in a Handsome Card Board Wallet. No. 30, with perennial strings per doz. 1 00 “ 31, Hand-knit cotton sacks, with perennial strings “ 1 50 “ 033, Knitted Hadley thread, with draw or puckering strings, in bulk “ 1 75 Bandages, Suspensory, (Ware’s) — Bycicle, Non-Elastic per doz. “ No. 10 “ C. S., No. 2 “ Eclipse “ 4 75 6 00 1 35 1 00 312 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Bandages, Suspensory, (Ware’s)— Continued. J. P., No. 112 $1 50 J. P., No. 4 2 00 Jumbo, No. 21 4 00 University 2 75 RAWSON’S U. 8. ARMY. Retail, sale Per doz. No. 1 $ 1 50 $ 9 90 “ lb 1 75 10 00 “ 2 2 00 12 00 “ 3 2 50 14 00 “ 4 3 00 15 00 “ 5. Silk Bag 3 50 18 00 “ 6. All Silk 5 00 27 00 SYRACUSE. No. 10 per doz. 1 50 “ 16 “ 3 00 “ 21 “ 4 50 “ 26 “ 6 00 “ 31 “ 7 50 “ 34 “ 12 00 Bandoline Coudray’s, No. 1161 per doz. 1 25 Powder “ 70 Fig-. 98. Baskets, Sponge, Obelisk, large; height, 68 in. (Fig. 98) each, 5 00 “ “ small; “ 58 “ “ 3 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO, 313 Baunscheidt’s Instruments each $1 50 Beaker Glasses, nests of 5, 1 to 6 oz ..per nest, $ 50 “ “ 6, 1 to 8 oz CL 65 “ “ 10, 1 to 24 oz “ 1 75 Contents. Size. Per doz. “ 2 xlf in. $ 98 LL 2 LL 2ixl| “ 1 00 a ... 3 LL 2*xlf “ 1 24 11 ... 4 LL 2fx2 “ 1 35 • (t ... 8 “ 3|x2J “ 1 58 LL ...12 4 x3 “ 1 88 CL ...16 Li 4jx3f “ 2 25 “ ...24 Li 5 x3| “ 2 63 << ...32 LL 6 x4 “ 4 12 LL ...48 6|x4 “ 5 25 Bed Pans, White (French shape) 8 00 “ Yellow, “ 6 00 Blacking — Harness Oil (Frank Miller’s), £ pints. 1 75 “ “ pints.... LL 3 25 “ “ quarts . n 5 00 Shoe, Acme LL 1 40 “ Bixby’s Best, large a 85 “ “ medium LL 70 “ “ small LL 35 “ Bixby’s Polish Royal Li 1 00 “ Brown’s French Polish LL 1 00 “ Diamond Gloss u 75 314 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Blacking— Continued. Shoe, Jettine “ Mason’s, large “ “ medium “ small “ Frank Miller’s, large “ ‘‘ medium “ Frank Miller’s, small “ “ Crown Dressing. “ (Jacquot’s)French, No. 2 CC CC CC CC Q o “ (Marcerou’s) “ “ 2||0 C C CC CC CC j CC CC CC CC O Waterproof (Frank Miller’s), large. “ “ small. per doz. CC CC CC CC CC CC CC c c CC CC CC CC CC CC Blow Pipes, with bulbs, 8 in. “ “ 9 in “ “ 10 in “ Books— Companion to the U. S. Dispensatory each, Dispensatory, U. S “ “ National “ “ American (King’s) “ Parrish’is Pharmacy, leather “ Pharmacopoeia, U. S., cloth “ “ “ leather “ “ Germanica, German or Latin text “ Rudolphy’s Pharmac., Directory “ “ Chem. and Pharmac., Directory “ Bottles— Bourbon, samples, 8 oz ...per doz. Caswell, plain round, 8 oz “ “ “ u 16 oz “ Coal Oil, round, 4 oz “ “ “ 8 oz “ Cologne, No. 740 and 309, 1 oz. pressed “ (l 9 u u Cologne, No. 740 and 309, 4 oz. pressed, cut stopper “ Cologne, No. 740 and 309, 8 oz. pressed, cut stopper “ Cologne, No. 740 and 309, 16 oz. pressed, cut stopper “ Cologne, large variety of styles and prices. $ 80 50 40 30 50 40 25 90 28 45 65 ' 40 80 1 00 1 48 95 4 00 4 25 4 50 6 00 6 00 8 00 9 00 6 00 4 00 5 00 1 50 2 00 4 50 85 1 00 1 50 50 80 1 50 2 00 4 00 5 50 9 00 COUNTER. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 315 Cologne, Counter, 1 gal., flat hollow, cut stopper, engraved “Cologne” or “Bay Rum” each $2 50 Cologne, Counter, 2 gal. flat hollow cut stopper, engraved “Cologne” or “Bay Rum” each 3 50 Extract, ^ oz., glass stopper, Lubin bottle per doz. 60 Extract, 1 oz., glass stopper, Lubin bottle “ 65 For covering square, round and oval, 12 oz. Bougies— English. Pungents, for smelling salts.... Toilet, cut engraved and decor- ated Tooth Powder, 1 oz. round, sprinkler tops per doz Tooth Powder, 2 oz. round, sprinkler tops “ Water, Rubber, with handles, cloth lined, No. 1, 1 qt “ Water, Rubber, with Handles, cloth lined, No. 2, 2 qt “ Water, Rubber, with handles, cloth lined, No. 3, 3 qt “ Water, Rubber, with handles, cloth lined, No. 4, 4 qt “ Woulff’s, with three necks, 1 pt. “ “ “ 1 qt. “ “ “ igal u a u a Sample, Ground Stopper. ‘ 2 25 ; 3 25-3 75 2 00-18 00 65 75 12 80 13 60 14 40 15 20 65 1 00 1 25 2 50 each a 6 inch x 1J inch. 4 ounces.. ...per doz. 2 15 9 “ x 2 a 10 “ .. ... “ 3 00 12 “ x LL 1 pint .. “ 4 10 15 “ x 3 LL 1 quart.... .. “ 6 00 18 “ x 3£ Li 2 “ .. “ 8 50 21 “ x 4£ LL 3 “ .... .. “ 13 00 24 “ x 5 LL 4£ “ .... .. “ 17 Oo 27 “ x 5^ Li 7 “ .... .. “ 22 50 30 “ x 6 LL 9 2 x “ .... .. “ 30 00 .per doz. 85 316 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Boxes— Pill, American, No. 29. it (i u a a a u 6 c u u u u English- “ German oth, wet and dry, and are recommendable in every other respect. No. 6. ,per doz. $8 00 No. 99 per doz. 6 00 No. 33 per doz. 8 00 No. 66 per doz. 4 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 325 Brushes — Continued. Flesh (Leiner’s), No. 11, Single Straight “ 34, Four rows, large curved “ “ “ 7, Not detachable, brist. all around “ Electric, Scott’s Cloth, No. 41, Black and White.. U U 40, “ Centre U U 42, “ and White. 6i U 338, << u u 52, “ and White.. “ “ 1195, Olive Back “ “ “ 1294B “ “ “ 1206G, Tourists and Travellers “ “ “ 1196, Olive Back “ “ “ 1213 “ “ “ 1199 “ “ u 1198, Rose Wood, Black Bristles “ “ 11 1212, Curved Back, Gray “ “ “ u 1183, Olive Back, White “ u “ 11 1209, Black Bristles “ “ “ 1199 bis., Rose Wood, Black Bristles. “ “ “ 1184, Olive Back, White u “ “ “ 1205 “ “ “ 1216 “ “ “ 1185, Olive Back u “ 1193, “ “ “ 3 00 11 00 8 00 9 00 1 75 2 00 2 00 2 25 3 35 3 75 4 00 4 00 4 25 4 50* 5 00 5 75 6 00 7 00 7 00 7 88 8 50 8 50 8 75 10 25 14 00 326 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Brushes -Continued. A $ Bailey’s Rubber U C( No Hand. Per doz. small or toilet $ 2 00 “ “ large or hand 4 00 1, Tampico, square 38 “ 40, “ oval 1 00 “ 1052, Olive wood back 2 00 “ 1086, Box w T ood, solid back 2 50 “ 431, “ “ “ 3 50 Leather back 4 75 Hair (Scott’s) Electric, No. 1 8 40 “ “ u “ 2 12 60 “ “ “ “ 3 16 80 “ “ “ “ 4 21 00 “ “ “ “ 5 25 20 “ Wire N. G. Yellow oval and square... 1 75 “ “ N. G. B. Black “ “ ... 1 75 “ “ No. 321, Asst’d. colors and shapes 2 50 “ “ “ 302, Black oval and square.... 2 50 “ “ “ 201, Decor. Backs, square 3 00 “ “ “ 86 150 “ Bristles, No. 58 1 60 “ “ 11 131 Asstd. Backs 2 00 “ 11 11 84 Oval, black centre 2 35 “ “ “ 210 2 50 “ “ u 211 Asstd. Backs 2 50 32, 230, 140, 21 231 5 100 212 2 60 2 60 2 88 2 88 2 88 3 25 3 25 3 25 “ “ “ 571 Olive wood, oval 3 25 “ « “ 95 3 60 “ “ “ 703 3 60 “ “ “ 1 4 25 Hair, No. 203 4 25 “ “ 235 4 60 “ “ 518 4 60 “ “ 665 Rose wood, solid back 4 85 “ “ 705 Olive wood, square 5 25 “ “ 252 5 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 327 Brushes— Continued. Ter doz. Hair, No. 457 Olive wood, solid back, oval.... $ 5 50 “ “ 92 London, square 5 50 “ “ 553 Square, black 5 75 “ “ 712 Olive wood, Penetrator, black 6 50 “ “ 650 Olive wood, solid back 6 50 “ “ 538 6 75 “ “ 13-11 Olive w’ood, solid back, oval 7 00 “ “ 250 Oval 7 00 “ “ 645 “ 7 00 “ “ 651 Satin wood, solid back 8 50 “ “ 528 Olive wood, solid back, square 9 25 “ “ 500 Fox or Olive wood, solid back 9 25 “ “ 930 Ladies’ Brush, Fox wood, solid back 9 25 “ “ 500 Barber’s black oval 9 25 “ “ 472 Fox wood, solid back, square 9 75 “ “ 668 Olive or Fox wood, solid back 10 50 “ “ 705 Olive wood, solid back 10 50 “ “ 88 White Celluloid, fancy back, oval 6 75 “ “ 99 “ “ plain “ “ 8 25 “ “ 4 “ “ “ “ square 9 60 “ “ 7 “ “ “ “ oval 10 25 “ “ 4 Amber Celluloid, plain back, square 10 00 “ “ 38 “ “ fancy “ 10 25 The “Perfect Penetrator.” A new hair brush 6 25 Brushes Infant. No. 592, Plain White Bone per doz. 1 30 “ 593-5, “ “ “ “ 1 65 “ 626, “ “ “ “ 1 85 “ 739-4, Decorated Bone '. “ 1 85 “ 627-6, Plain White Bone “ 2 30 “ 762, Fancy Decorated Bone “ 2 60 “ 763 bis., “ “ “ “ 3 00 “ 631, Plain White Bone “ 3 00 “ 590-5, Plain Blonde Horn “ 3 25 “ 764 bis., Fancy Decorated Bone “ 3 60 Hat, Leiner’s Silk Plush, “Gem,” small “ 2 00 Leiner’s Silk Plush, “Gem”, large “ 3 00 No. A. M., Rosewood Handle “ 4 50 “ 16553, Plush Back “ 3 60 328 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Brushes— Continued. Brushes, Lather- No. 1, Hard Rubber set, Boxwood Handle per doz. $3 u 9 a (i u a u a 4 ^ u ^ a 11 a k u a ^ Celluloid, Asstd. Colors “ 3 No. 55, Enameled Handle “ “ 64, Fancy Handle “ “ 68, Enameled Handle, Twine bound “ “ 66, Enameled Handle “ “ 79, “ “ Twine bound “ “ 58, Enameled Handle “ “71, “ “ Twine bound “ 1 “ 59, “ “ very thick “ 1 “ 100, Fancy “ “ 1 “ 72, Enameled “ Twine bound “ 1 “ 98, “ “ Badger “ 1 “ 96, “ “ Twine bound “ 1 “ 118, “ “ “ “ “ 1 “ 92 “ ■“ “ 1 “ 122, Buffalo Horn and Bone Handle “ 1 “ 108, Twine bound “ 1 “ 115, Enameled Handle, Fancy Twine bound... “ 2 “ 72x “ 2 “ 130, Assorted Fancy Bone Handles “ 3 “ 5, Enameled Handle, Fancy Twine bound. “ 3 “ 794, Bone Handle, Badger “ 4 “ 796, “ “ “ “ 4 “ 3, Bone and Mahogany Handle, Badger “ 4 Brushes, Nail — No. 281-5, Plain per doz. 1 “ 282 6, “ “ 1 “ 1097-5, Winged “ 1 “ 283-7, Plain “ 1 “ 1098-6, Winged “ 1 “ 284-8, Plain “ 2 “ 1010-5, Boxwood “ 2 50 00 50 00 38 50 60 65 75 75 00 00 15 15 25 50 70 75 80 90 00 15 00 00 25 25 00 00 35 50 65 80 00 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 329 Brushes— Continued. Brushes, Nail- No. 289-7, Winged per doz. $2 15 “ 1099-7, “ “ 2 20 “ 1100-8, “ “ 2 75 “ 1096-10, Plain “ 3 25 399W, Black, Box Wood, Winged “ 3 60 “ 345-6, Black Horn, Winged “ 3 60 “ 989-6, Plain “ 4 00 “ 433-9, Oval Back, White “ 4 25 “ 401R, Boxwood, Winged “ 4 50 “ 400-8, Handle on top, Black, Concave or Convex “ 6 50 Brushes, Tooth — No. 1-3 per doz. 38 “ 21 “ 55 “ 659, Baby “ 65 “ 46 “ 70 “ 43 “ 75 “ 38 “ 75 “ 55-C “ 75 “ 121 “ 80 “ 37-C “ 85 “ 190 “ 90 “ 79 “ 90 “ 81 “ 95 “ 82 “ 1 00 “ 907, Medium Soft “ 1 15 “ 824 “ 1 15 188 “ 1 20 “ 547-X “ 135 u 169 “ 1 35 u 173, Double Ender, Bone Handle “ 1 35 “ 194 “ 1 50 “ 847, The Ladies’ Brush “ 1 50 “ 5338 “ 1 50 ^ 207 “ 1 50 “ 209 “ 1 50 “ 840 “ 1 50 8, Wax Back “ 1 50 “ 132 “ 1 65 “ 174 “ 1 65 “ 820, Fancy Handles, Black and White “ 1 65 “ 254, Badger Hair “ 1 80 330 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Brushes — Continued. Brushes, Tooth— No. 223-4, London per doz. $1 80 “ 832, Perfect Finish “ 2 00 “ 205 “ 2 00 “ 800 “ 2 00 “ 5562, Wax Back “ 2 00 “ 117, The Ladies’ Brush “ 2 15 “ 245, “ La Valli&re ” “ 2 35 “ 223-5, London “ 2 50 “ 102, “ The Sphinx ” “ 2 65 “ Ad.-5. Goat Hair, very soft “ 2 65 “ 802, Boxwood Handle, Pocket “ 2 65 “ 801, Fancy Bone Handle, Pocket “ 3 00 Ideal Felt Tooth Polishers, 18 in a Box per doz. 2 00 Felt Holders “ 2 75 Scott’s Electric ** 4 50 HAVE YOU TEETH THEN PRESERVE THEM BY USING BailBifg Rubber 1 Tooth Brubh. No. 1 per doz. $2 00 No. 2 “ 2 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 331 Caclious — Champagnes, card of 2 doz. assorted $1 25 Hooper’s, metal boxes per doz. 1 25 “ paper “ “ 1 00 Jokes, metal boxes 60 Oriental, card of 3 doz card 1 20 Schuele’s per doz. 75 Sinax “ 75 Trix. small “ 35 “ large “ 70 Warner’s, 1 lb. plain bottles per lb. 1 25 White Rose per doz. 60 Yale, per box of 4 doz. boxes “ 2 50 Camplior Ice- Baker’s, large 1 00 “ small 50 Bazin’s 1 25 Hazard, Hazard & Co.’s 1 50 Hegeman’s 1 75 Vaseline 1 28 Caps, Bottle, paper (Hunt’s Pattern), Nos. 0, 1, 2, 3 per gross 40 “ “ “ “ 4 and 5 “ 60 Wine and Liquor Bottles, assorted colors per 1000 6 00 Catheters, English per doz. 85 German, extra fine, brown “ 2 75 “ “ yellow, 6d, plain “ 2 25 “ “ “ 6c, olive tip “ 2 75 Jacques, Genuine “ 4 75 Nelaton’s “ 2 25 Chemical Flasks, Flat or Round Bottom, 2 ounces each 13 (( a a a 4 u it ^5 it a a a 0 tc a “ “ “ “ i pint. . . . ............. “ 18 Flasks, Flat or Round Bottom, 1 gal each 25 “ “ “ “ 1 quart “ 30 “ “ “ “ igal , “ 40 a a a a 1 (< 11 60 332 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Chest Protectors (T. W. Heinemann), Single and Double. LUNG PROTECTING VESTS. Per doz. No. 200. These Vests are made of red felt, but the parts im- mediately over the lungs are made of chamois skin $30 00 Alpine Chest Protector. Discount 33K percent. No. 210. Extra large per doz. “ 211. Large “ “ 212. Good size “ “ 213. Medium “ “ 214. Small “ 46 00 42 00 38 00 34 00 30 00 Sing-le Chest Protector. No. 101. Extra Large per doz. 8 50 “ 102. Large “ 7 00 “ 103. Medium “ 6 00 Double Chest or Lung Protector. No. 121. Extra Large per doz. 16 50 “ 122. Large “ 14 50 “ 123. Medium “ 12 00 LADIES' VICTORINES. ENGLISH CURASS. Per doz. No. 161. Extra large... $31 50 “ 162. Large 25 00 Per doz. No. 141. Extra large... $27 50 “ 142. Large 24 00 “ 143. Medium 20 00 THE CHAS. BA UMBACH CO. 333 Chest Protectors, T. W. H — Continued. No. 130, 131, 132, 133, 134. YANKEE CURASS. Per doz. No. 131. Extra large... $25 00 “ 132. Large 20 00 “ 133. Medium 16 50 ALASKA STYLE. Per doz. No. 151 $23 00 Czarewitch. No. 171. Extra large per doz $35 00 “ 172. Large “ 28 00 “ 173. Medium “ 22 50 Cigars, Choice Domestic— American Ticker per 1000 20 00 Amor, 4^ in., 50s “ 24 00 Bayard Taylor, 4§ in., 50s “ 70 00 Carolina, 4| in., 50s “ 68 00 Cross Keyes “ 35 00 Crown Jewels, 4 3-16 in., 50s “ 60 00 Equi Valencia “ 25 00 Girfle and Girfla, 4£ in., 50s 33 CO Key West 35 00 Kitty “ 30 00 La Flor de Puerto, 4£ in., 50s “ 60 00 La Teresa,. 4J in., 50s “ 28 00 Lady May, in., 50s “ 25 00 Little Essies’, 4 in., 50s “ 20 00 Lulu, 4 5-16 in., 50s “ 35 00 334 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Cigars, Choice Domestic — Continued. Mark Twain, 4 in., 50s per 1000 $60 Mascara, Coqheta “ 35 “ Conch. Chica “ 65 “ “ Especiales.... “ 80 Mascotte, 4J- in., 50s “ 25 North Pole, 4 5-16 in., 50s “ 30 Our Preference, 4§ in., 50s “ 55 Queen Esther, 4 3-16 in., 50s “ 60 The Plug, small, 3| in., 50s “ 30 Tontine, 4^ in., 50s “ 30 Colognes— Austen s. Forest Flower, trial per doz. 1 “ “ small “ 1 “ “ medium 3 “ “ large “ 7 Hazard, Hazard & Co’s. No. 6, 5 pint “ 10 Bathing “ 6 Kastman’s Jockey Club “ 8 No. 625 “ 8 Violet 8 White Heliotrope “ 8 White Bose, Aloha, Blue Bells of Scotland and Arbutus, 4 ounces “ 4 00 Farina. Genuine (opposite Juelich’s Place) “ 6 25 “ No. 4711 “ 5 00 Fleming’s. Mikado “ 1 65 Fiorestan. Small “ 1 75 Large “ 6 25 Hoyt’s. German, small u 1 75 “ medium “ 3 75 11 large “ 7 50 CnCrtOOi OTCn Oi M M O OOOOOOOOOO OOOO OO OCnCnO OOOOOQOOOO THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 335 Colognes — Continued. Lazell’s. 8 oz., glass stopper per doz. $ 8 19 “ “ “ “ 15 Lnndborg’s Rhenish, Plain Bottles. No. 201, Long, round, cork stopper, 4 oz “ 4 “ 202, Short, square, “ “ .... “ 4 “ 208, i pint, round, cut-glass stopper “ 10 “ 211, 1 “ “ “ “ “ 18 “ 214, 1 quart “ “ “ “ 31 Wickered Bottles. No. 205, Short, square, cork stopper, 4 oz “ 6 “ 209, \ pint, round, cut-glass stopper “ 13 “ 212 , 1 “ “ “ “ “ 21 Cologne Oils — Eastman’s Farina Cologne Mixture per lb. 6 a ci u ci g “ Royal “ per lb. 10 “ “ “ ^ “ 5 Lazell’s, Ballard’s Cologne Oil per lb. 5 “ Redwood “ “ 7 Lundborg’s Oil Cologne, (one quality only) “ 7 00 00 25 25 00 50 50 50 00 00 00 50 25 00 00 00 00 00 336 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Combs, W. H. Noyes & Bro.’s. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 337 Combs, W. H. Noyes & Bro.’s— Continued. W. H. Noyes & Bros.'s Nickel-Plated Improved Metal Hack Dressing Combs. 30 Riding per doz. 40 44 .' . “ 035 Pocket : “ 040 “ : “ 60 Hotel 44 70 44 “ 60c 44 44 70c « . “ 150 Patent Case 150 | in. teeth, dressing 165 1 “ 44 170| 44 44 175 f “ 44 270 £ 44 44 0270 i 44 44 coarse. 275 * 14 44 280 £ 44 44 370 f 44 44 metal guard. 450 1 44 11 patent case. 0450 1 44 44 coarse 455 f 460 f 44 44 465 1 44 44 550 f 44 “ 555 f 44 44 560 1 44 44 565 1 44 44 570 f 44 4 4 0570 f 4 4 4 4 coarse 575 f 44 4 4 580 f 4 4 4 4 665 1 44 44 670 1 44 44 675 1 44 44 680 1 44 44 770 1 44 44 coarse 775 1 44 44 870 Slant Barber 97 0 44 dressing 1070 H. M. Barber 1170 44 1175 Acme, 7£ 44 8 CC C( (6 <6 < C CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC $ 55 70 70 90 1 50 1 75 2 25 2 50 1 10 1 00 1 15 1 25 1 50 1 25 1 25 1 50 1 75 1 75 1 10 80 1 00 1 10 1 30 75 1 15 1 25 1 35 1 50 1 35 1 65 1 80 1 35 1 50 1 80 2 00 1 25 1 50 1 35 1 75 1 50 1 50 1 65 1 75 2 00 338 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Combs— Continued. Raw Horn Dressing. 5 per doz. 54 “ 6 “ 64 “ 7 “ 74 “ 8 “ 8 * “ Raw Horn Fine. No. 8 . 9. 10 . 11 . 12 . 13. 15. 6 7 n 8 Wide 1 in. VA in. Back. $ 45 $ 50 $ 60 50 60 65 60 70 80 70 80 90 75 90 1 00 85 1 00 1 15 95 1 10 1 30 1 20 1 40 Fine. s. .per gross, |2 50 2 75 U 2 75 3 00 cc 3 25 3 50 u 3 75 4 00 cc 4 50 4 75 u 4 75 5 00 c c 5 00 5 25 ka. .per doz., 0 45 60 70 80 90 1 00 Swage Back Dressing. 5 inch per doz., 0 60 5J “ “ 70 6 “ “ 80 64 “ “ 90 7 “ “ 1 00 7 \ “ “ 1 10 8 “ “ 1 15 Blonde Fine. No. 10 11 12 13 14 15 Per gross.. .$5 50 $7 00 $8 00 $9 00 $ 10 00 10 50 Raw Horn Barber Combs— Hand Made. No. 51. 74 in. long, f in. wide, coarse and fine 1 25 “ 52. . 74 “ 4 “ “ “ .. 1 25 “ 61. 74 “ \ “ “ “ 1 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 339 Combs — Continued. Ivory Fine Combs. Discount of 20 per cent. REGULAR WIDTH. No. 8 9 10 11 12 S. Fine per doz. $1 10 $1 55 $ 2 20 $2 45 |2 70 S. S. Fine “ 1 45 2 05 2 60 2 90 3 20 S. S. S. Fine.. “ 2 00 2 75 3 45 3 85 4 25 MEDIUM WIDTH. No. 8 o 10 ll 12 S. Fine per doz. 2 00 3 00 3 75 4 25 4 55 S. S. Fine “ 2 75 3 60 4 55 5 20 5 70 S. S. S. Fine.. “ 3 25 4 85 6 10 6 75 7 30 Dressing. Celluloid, Blonde or Black Buffalo per doz. 75-6 00 Infant, assorted “ 1 00 Lead, for coloring the hair “ 6 00 Ridding (Cased.) H, 4 in., Horn „ per doz. 40 No. 12, 4 in., Horn “ 75 No. 0, Clear Horn “ 75 No. 150-C., Metal Back, Horn “ 1 10 Dressing Combs. Ordinary Grade, Stamped “ Goodyear Rubber Co.” No. 199 — Heavy Curved Back. 6 inch. 7 inch. 8 inch. Per doz* 44c 50c 61c No. 201- Heavy Fluted, Curved Back. inch. 9 inch. Per doz 75c 90c No. 202- Extra Heavy, Curved Back. 7 inch. 7)4 inch. 8 inch. Per doz 75c 80c 85c No. 203 — Heavy Curved, Quill Back. 6 inch. 7 inch. 8 inch. Per doz 75c 95c 1 05 340 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Combs — Continued. No. 224 — Heavy Curved, Quill Back. 8 inch per doz. $1 40 No. 228 — Extra Heavy, Plain Back. 8 inch. 9 inch. Per doz 2 85 3 35 No. 240 — Narrow Quill Back. 7 b inch [ 7 inch .per doz. 72 mam No. 241 — Narrow Plain Back. per doz. 60 Children’s Round Combs. Ordinary Grade, Stamped “Goodyear Rubber Co.” No. 350 — Heavy Quill Back. * Per doz 52 No. 351 — Extra Heavj^ Quill Back. Per doz 1 10 No. 353 — Plain Back Medium. Per doz 24 No. 352 — Heavy Fancy Back. Per doz Ridding Combs. No. 300 — 3 inch. Per doz. 35c Fine Combs. Plain. No. 10 “ 11 “ 12 1 20 3? inch. 4 inch. 38c 40c per doz. 21c . “ 23c . “ 26c THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 341 Combs— Continued, Fancy. No. 12. “ 14. Pocket Combs. Per doz No. 301. ..$ 90 Extra Wide. .per doz. 60c . “ 70 c No. 302. No. 303. $1 00 $1 18 Side Combs. 3J inch Quill Back per doz. pairs, $ 20 Dressing Combs. Regular Grade Stamped “ Goodyear Rubber Co.” in Gold Letters. No. 205 — Heavy Quill Curved Back. 7 inch. 8 inch. Per doz $155 $2 25 No. 206 — Extra Heavy Plain Back. 8 inch. 9 inch. Per doz $3 45 $4 00 342 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Combs— Continued. No. 207 — Extra Heavy Curved Back. 8 inch. Per doz $1 45 9 inch. $2 25 No. 208 — Heavy Curved Grooved Back. 7 inch. Per doz $1 15 8 inch. $1 35 No. 242 — Barber Quill Back. inch. VA inch. Per doz (all coarse) $1 35 $1 35 No. 244 — Barber Plain Back. 7\ inch, per doz 1J10 No. 275, same style as 244. Mottled, 7\ inch, per doz 1|32 No. 244 — Barber Plain Back. 7\ inch, per doz 1J10 No. 275, same style as 244. Mottled, 7\ inch, per doz 1|32 No. 225 — Barber Graduated Quill Back. 7? inch, per doz .1 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 343 Combs— Continued. Pocket Combs. No. 306 — Curved Quill Back. 4 inch per doz. $ 65 No. 307 — Curved Quill Back in Slides. 4 inch “ 81 No. 308 — Quill Back in Slides. 4 inch “ 40 No. 308a — Same as 308, without slides “ 40c No. 309 — Heavy Plain Back. inch per doz. 60c No. 310 — Same as 309; all coarse teeth, 4^ inch.... “ 60c No. 311 — Heavy Plain Back in Slides. 4J incfi per doz. 85c No. 312 — Heavy Quill Back, in Slides. 5 inch per doz. 1 25 No. 313 — Same as 312; all coarse teeth, 5 inch “ 1 25 No. 317 — Heavy Quill lliniDli Graduated 5 in. Slides per doz. 1 30 Fine Combs. Regular Grade Stamped “Goodyear Rubber Co.” in Gold Letters. Plain. S. S. S. Per dozen 10 40c “ 11 42c “ 12 44c 46c “ 14 55c Med. S. Med. Med. S. Plain. Fancy. Fancy. “ 10 47c 30c 48c “ 12 52c 32c 55c “ 14 63c Extra Wide Fancy. S. S. S. “ 12 65c 70c “ 14 75c 80c 344 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Combs— Continued. Dressing Combs. Superior Grade, Stamped “ Goodyear Rubber Co., Superior,” in Gold Letters. No. 210 — Heavy Curved Quill Back. 8 inch. 8 l / 2 inch. Per dozen $4 00 $4 60 No. 211 — Heavy Curved Back. 8^ inch. .perdoz., 4 90 -GOODYEAR-RUBBCR co. ! ■ No. 212 — Heavy Fancy Back, Graduated. inch. Per doz $2 36 8 inch $2 62 8 inch No. 213 — Extra Heavy Straight Back. per doz., 4 10 No. 215 — 7 inch, Graduated Barbers’ per doz., 1 63 “ 216—7 “ “ “ Mottled “ 1 63 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 245 Combs— Continued. Pocket Combs. Superior Grade, Stamped “ Goodyear Rubber Co., Superior,” in Gold Letters. “TTOffDYEAH HUBBtR 2 0. . HBBMi No. 314 — Quilled Back, in Slides, per doz $1 60 “ 315 — Heavy Curved Back, in Slides, per doz 1 70 Superior Fine Combs. Stamped “ Goodyear Rubber Co., Superior,” in Gold Letters. Fancy I II M^ *?■ in ^ es ;;;;;::;:;;; per < < doz - • ™ 12—3 “ “ 84 13 31 “ “ oy 1 iiiiiiv “ 14-4 “ « 92 Fancy I11I M No. 17-3J inches per do z . $1 10 18— 4 “ “ 1 18 19 — Same shape as No. 17, 4 inches per doz. 1 20 Columbian Dressing- Combs. 8 inch. 9 inch. No. 34 “ 1 45 2 10 Corks — Machine Cut — Subject to per cent, discount. Superfine (XX) Straight or Tapered Corks. No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 35 38 41 48 59 70 89 96 116 139 162 185 208 237 260 326 375 429 485 Fine (X) Straight or Tapered Corks. No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 12 14 17 21 25 32 45 64 76 92 105 118 145 158 198 229 260 294 346 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Corks — Machine Cut — Continued. Vial, Extra Long — No. XX Quality. Quality. per gross $ 43 $ 12 46 14 53 17 63 21 “ 76 25 91 32 1 09 40 1 16 59 “ 1 34 84 “ 1 85 1 01 “ 2 35 1 23 ii 23 0 per gross “ 1 . “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 “ 9 “ 10 Assorted (X) Vial— No. 1 to 6 “ 3 to 6 Assorted (XX) Vial — No. 1 to 6 per gross “ 3 to 6 “ Net Prices, Original 5 Gross Packages. (A) Brand— Regular Length. Gross No. 0 per gross ti ll -| ll a u 9 n u n 3 ^ ii 44 44 4 j 44 ii u g u “ “ 6 “ it u j ii “ “ 8 “ it u p ti 11 11 10 “ “ “ 1-6, assorted “ ii a 2—0 4< 44 “ “ 3-6 “ “ Extra Long. Gross No. 0 per gross ii ii ^ 11 ii ii 2 44 “ “ 3... “ ii ii 4 ii “ “ 5 “ it u 0 44 58 63 17 19 20 24 29 35 44 48 58 70 80 29 30 32 21 23 26 31 38 45 54 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 347 Corks— Machine Cut— Continued. Gross No. 7 per gross $ 58 “ “ 8 “ 67 << “ 9 “ 92 “ “ 10 “ 1 17 “ “ 1-6, assorted “ 36 “ “ 2-6 “ “ 39 “ “ 3-6 “ . “ 42 Jug— Straight or Tapered — No. 12, Diam. If, Length If per gross 74 “ 13, “ is tt -LyS, If CC 82 “ 14, “ If, “ If CC 89 “ 15, “ Iff, “ H cc 1 02 “ 16, “ 13 < t is, if cc 1 17 “ 17, “ 17 “ if cc 1 31 “ 18, “ If, “ if t c 1 50 “ 20, “ If, “ if cc 1 88 “ 22, “ If, “ if cc 2 22 “ 24, “ IX “ i¥, H cc 2 69 “ 26, “ 2 “ if ft 3 09 Assorted, Hand-cut Soda — cc 70 No. 8— If 53 “ 8 — If cc 58 “ 8— If cc 63 “ 8— If cc 78 “ 9— If cc 58 “ 9— If.... cc 63 “ 9— If.... cc 70 “ 9— If.... n 86 “ 10— If.... cc 65 “ 10 — If.... cc 72 “ 10 — If.... cc 77 “ 10— If.... cc 95 Specie or Jar. 1 inch diameter CC CC H if if If If If if cc cc cc cc cc .per gross 45 . “ 54 . “ 68 . “ 80 . “ 97 . “ 1 12 . “ 1 32 . “ 1 54 348 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Corks— Machine Cut— Continued. 21 2 | 2 \ 2f 2f Oi 3 inch diameter. U u u u u u u 3 | 3 f 3 f 4 .per gross $1 98 . “ 2 20 . “ 2 46 . “ 2 72 . “ 3 08 . “ 3 44 . “ 3 80 . “ 4 13 . “ 4 86 . “ 5 69 . “ 6 62 . “ 7 48 Wine, XX or Superfine. No. 8 — 1^ per gross 1 18 “ 8— If “ 1 42 “ 9—1* “ 1 32 “ 9— If “ 1 63 Wine, X and XX Assorted. No. 8 — 1* per gross 92 “ 8— If “ 1 05 “ 9—1* “ 1 03 “ 9— If “ 1 13 Corks, Rubber— IMPROVED FORM. These are the same numbers and sizes as the corks sold and used by the Trade, and will be found much better adapted for druggists’ use than the old patterns. No. Length. Taper. In box. Per gross. 1 Te inch - T6 to fg 5 gross. $ 1 10 2 11 “ l to f 5 “ 1 30 3 3 <« fe t° i 7 e 3 “ 1 60 4 13 “ t to * 3 “ 2 00 5 i “ «to * 2 “ 2 50 6 15 “ 3 . f n _ 9 _ 4 IU x 6 2 “ 3 00 7 1 13 + n 10 TH 16 2 ££ 3 75 8 1* “ t tO y^ 1 “ 4 75 9 H “ 11 to | 1 “ 5 50 10 li “ 1 to if 1 ££ 6 50 16 1 It to 1J 1 “ 4 17 25 18 H “ 1 * to 1 * i “ 24 50 19 i* “ lf 9 6 tO If t “ 30 25 22 If to 1 * i “ 37 50 Less 50 per cent, discount. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 349 Cork Borers per set $2 00 Cork Machines— Maple, open one side, block tin lined per doz. 5 50 “ “ two sides, “ “ 6 00 “ brass block, hinge “ 16 00 Cork Presses— Large, Iron each 35 Small “ “ 20 -\V. T. cu7 Rotary, large each 75 “ * small “ 50 Cork Pullers per doz. 1 75 Cork Screws— Acme per doz. 5 25 Annlieuser-Busch, double point screw “ 2 00 No. 0, Wood handle “ 60 “ 3, Greeley’s “ 75 “ 4 , “ “ 80 “ 5, “ “ 1 00 “ 6, “ “ 1 25 “ 050, Assorted on card “ 1 75 “ 100, Polished wood handle “ 1 75 11 110, Hercules handle, small “ 1 35 “ 223, “ “ large “ 2 00 “ 350, Closed “ 1 35 “ 1000, Superior “ 12 50 Samson each 2 00 “ extra screws per doz. 1 75 “ “ clamps ; “ 1 75 Cosmetics— Baker’s round stick per doz. 50 Bazin’s flat, No. 540 “ 75 “ round, No. 542 “ 1 25 350 THE CILhS. BAUMBACH CO. Cosmetics— Continued. Coudray’s genuine, flat, plain foil, No. 960 per doz. $ 75 “ * “ oval, fancy “ “ 940 “ 1 00 Italian, “ small *• 88 “ large “ 1 75 Ladwig & Schranck’s . “ 50 Pinaud’s No. 815, small, oval “ 1 00 “ “ 818, medium, oval, white only.... “ 2 25 Sanlangue’s flat stick “ 45 Crucibles — Hessian or Sand, 6 in nest per nest 30 “ “ 5 “ “ 20 “ “ 4 “ large “ 60 Cupping Glasses— Bell Shape, assorted per doz. 1 00 Rubber Bulb, with Glass Cup “ 2 50 Curlers, Scott’s Electric “ 4 20 No. 9, Clean Side “ 2 00 Ideal “ 3 75 Diamond Dust “ 2 00 “ per lb. 40 Dishes, Evaporating— (Best German Porcelain, Glazed Inside, with Heavy Rim.) Fig 398. Heavy lilm. Fig 398. Heavy Kim. No. 8, diam. 5| in., contents, 16 oz each 44 “ 7, “ 6| ‘ £ “ 20 “ “ 50 6, “ 7\ 11 “ 24 “ “ 60 “ 5, “ 8 “ “ 1 quart “ 65 4, “ 9 “ “ 3 pints <£ 75 3, 10 “ <£ ^ gal “ 98 2, <£ 11 £< “ 3 quarts <£ 1 30 “ 1, “ 12 “ “ 1 gal 1 60 “ 0, “ 14 “ “ 2 “ 2 60 “ 00, <£ 17 <£ “ 3 “ “ 3 75 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 351 Dishes, Evaporating— Continued. 9 10 , 11 12 , Fig. b6. Light Rim, Shallow. No. Diameter. Contents, so-called. Contents, actual. Each. 2 6| in., 16 oz., 16 OZ., $ 45 3 7f “ 1 quart, 26 “ 60 4 9| “ 3 pints, 2\ pints, 75 5 10| “ 1 gal., \ gal., 1 00 6 11| “ 3 quarts, 5 pints, 1 30 7 19 “ 1 gal., 6 “ 1 60 8 12| “ U “ 1 gal., 2 00 .131: “ •14| “ .15| “ .18 “ 2* 3 H H 2 2\ No. 00, “ 0 , “ 1 , “ 2 , “ 3, “ 4, “ 5, “ 6 , “ 7, “ 8 , “ 9, “ 10 , “ 11 , “ 12 , Fig. 62. Berlin, Blue Stamp. diam. 2| in., contents 1 oz., each a 3 u u 1 1 h a u gx “ u ^ 66 iC “ 3| “ “ 3 “ “ U £ U U 4: “ 11 “ 4| “ “ 6 “ “ “ 4| “ “ 8 “ “ “ 5 | “ “ 12 “ “ “ 7\ “ “ pint “ “ 8f “ “ quart “ “ 10| “ “ \ gal “ 11| “ “ 3 quarts “ “ 13| “ “ 1 gal “ “ 16 “ “ 2 “ “ & S S 352 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Dishes^ Evaporating — Continued. Fig. :m Light Kim, Deep. Nested 1 ounce to 1- ounces, or single sizes. 1 to 12 ounce per nest $2 00 No. 9, diam. 2\ in., 1 oz per doz. 1 85 8, “ 3 “ 2 “ .. U 2 25 7, “ 3? “ 3 “ U 2 80 6. “ 3| “ 4 “ U 3 35 5, “ 41 “ 6 “ cc 4 12 4, “ J.3 ■*4 “ 8 “ 3 50 3, “ 5k “12 “ c c 5 00 2 “ 5| “ 16 “ “ 5 40 1, “ 6 “20 “ cc 6 30 Evaporating Basins, Porcelain, (Cas*aroles,) with Cover and Wood Handle. No. 1, 8 oz 60 “ 2 , 12 “ 68 “ 3, 20 “ 1 35 “ 4, 32 “ 1 70 Kohhr’s Enameled, German Evaporating Dish. Heavy Rim. No. 8, diam., 5^ in., contents, 16 oz 40 “ 7, cc 6? “ 20 “ CC 50 “ 6, u 74 “ 24 “ CC 60 “ 5, cc 8\ “ 1 quart it 65 “ 4, “ 9k “ 3 pints cc 75 “ 3, cc 10 “ 4 gal cc 1 00 U n cc 11 “ 3 quarts “ 1 30 “ 1, cc 124 “ 1 gal cc 1 60 “ 0, cc 14 “ 2 “ cc 3 00 “ 00, cc 26 “ “ 3 “ cc 3 75 Dishes, Glass, Evaporating — With Lips. 2 inches diameter. 3 “ . 4 “ “ 5 “ “ 6 “ .per doz. 1 50 . “ 1 65 2 00 2 75 . “ 3 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 353 Dislies, Iron, Evaporating— 2 gallons, 15 inch $1 50 1 “ 12 “ 75 i “ 10 “ . 55 Droppers, Medic., bent or straight per doz. 30 Douches, Nasal- Fountain, W. T. & Co.’s. per doz. Mead’s, 12 oz u “ 24 oz “ Pierce’s “ 5 00 3 50 4 75 4 00 Siphon, W. T. & Co.’s per doz. 4 50 Thudicum’s, pints “ 4 00 “ quarts “ 5 50 Tin Reservoir, capacity f pt “ 3 00 354 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Drawer Pulls (Price Bros.) — No. 336. Full size of Pull, 2^x5 inches $ 85 “ 346. “ “ 2£x4J “ 78 “ 346 and 336. Imitation Glass Labels 1 25 “ 336 “ 346. Glass Label, gold letters, black ground. 1 75 “ 346 “ 336. “ black “ white “ 1 50 “ 336 “ 346. “ “ “ gold “ 1 75 “ 346 “ 336. “ “ “ white “ gold border 1 75 NEW STYLE OF BOUND FRONT PULL. No. 196. “ 196. “ 196. “ 196. Fig. 196. Bronzed Iron, size, 4§x2 inches, Glass Label.... “ “ “ “ Paper Nickel Plated, “ “ “ Glass “ .... “ “ “ “ Paper “ .... 2 00 1 50 2 50 2 00 No. 300, Bronzed Iron, size, 4|x3 inches, Glass Label ... $1 50 “ 300, “ “ “ 4| x3 “ Paper “ ... 1 00 “ 400, Nickel Plated, “ 4|x3. “ Glass “ ... 2 00 u 300, “ “ 4|x3 “ Paper “ ... 1 50 We furnish the Glass Label with a black letter on white ground (as being the easiest read), unless otherwise ordered. THE Cll A S. BAUM BACH CO. 355 Drugs Mills, Enterprise— No. 3 each $5 00 “ 5 “ 8 00 “ 7 “ 10 00 “ 9 “ 16 00 “ 12 “ 22 00 Less 10 per cent, discount. Ear Cleaners- Ear Spoon, Bone per doz. 1 25 “ and Pick “ 50 Eye Batlis— Glass 60 China 1 20 Face Preparations and Toilet Powders— Arnica Jelly, Strong’s per doz. 1 50 Atkinson’s Violet Powder “ 1 25 Blue Paper, Toilet “ 40 Bourgeois Rouge “ 75 Chamberlain’s Rose Cream “ 4 00 Champlin’s Liquid Pearl “ 5 50 Coudray’s Blanc de Perle Liquid “ 4 25 Cuticream “ 1 75 Dorin’s Blanc de Perle “ 1 75 “ Theatre Rouge “ 1 75 “ “ “ small “ 75 Eastman’s Vinegar Rouge “ 1 00 “ Aloha Powder, No. 701 “ 1 75 Espey’s Cream, small “ 1 75 “ * “ large “ 3 50 Evilo Face Powder “ 1 75 Funk’s Cream of Roses “ 1 50 Gouraud’s Oriental Cream “ 11 00 “ Olympian “ “ 7 50 Hagan’s Magnolia Balm “ 5 50 Hebra’s Viola Cream “ 3 75 Hobb’s Meen Fun “ 1 00 Hunter’s Invisible “ 190 La Blache Face Powder “ 3 75 356 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Face Preparations, Etc.— Continued. Laird’s Bloom of Youth per doz. $5 25 Lazell’s Toilet .. “ 1 00 “ Face ‘ 1 25 Lorenz’s Elite Powder, white and flesh.... “ 1 75 Lubin’s Bose Nursery Powder “ 2 00 “ Violet “ ‘ “ “ 2 00 Malvina Cream, “ 4 00 “ Lotion “ 4 00 Palmer’s Invisible “ 1 75 “ Snow White “ 1 75 Pearl’s White Glycerine “ 5 50 Pozzoni’s Complexion, Medicated ,*... “ 3 75 Ricksecker’s Face Powder “ 1 75 “ Violet “ “ 1 25 Sanglangue’s Complexion Powder “ 1 50 Shand’s Perf. Chalk Balls, white “ 65 “ . “ “ “ pink “ 1 00 Saunder’s Face Powder, white and flesh “ 2 75 Stoddart’s Pearl Liquid “ 3 50 Tetlow’s Gossamer Powder, white and flesh “ 1 75 “ Swan Down “ “ 11 11 1 25 “ White Rose “ small “ 2 00 “ “ “ “ large.. “ 3 50 “ No. 5 Cascarilla 50 “ “ 6 Lily White. “ 70 “ “ 7 “ “ “ 50 “ “ 8 “ “ u 40 Faucets— Wood per doz. 1 25 “ Cork Lined, B’s No. 2 “ 75 “ « “ “ “ 3 “ 1 00 << “ “ a a 4 “ i 20 Wood, Metal Key, No. 4 “ 3 00 Cups, Rubber “ 5 00 Feeding Cups (Sick Feeders), large “ 2 00 “ “ small f* 1 65 Filters (French, Gray Paper, Round, 100 Sheets) — No. 15 — 6 inches diameter pack 15 “ 19— 8 “ “ 18 “ 25—10 “ “ 25 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 357 Filters— Continued. No. 33 — 13 inches diameter pack $ “ 40—15 “ “ “ 45—18 “ “ “ 50—20 “ “ White, French quire Filtering Racks (Wire)— No. 5, pint each “ 7, quart “ “ 9, 4 gallon “ 12 . 1 “ “ Finger Cots— Rubber, heavy per doz. “ light “ Flasks (Pocket, Leather-covered with Britannia Metal Caps) — No. 8, 4 pint per doz. 9 “ 8,f “ “ 11 “ 8, 1 “ “ 13 Funnels (Glass)— Y 1 ounce each 2 “ “ 4 “ << 8 “ “ Pint “ Quart “ 4 gallon “ 1 “ “ 33 45 50 60 25 30 45 60 70 30 25 25 25 50 8 10 12 15 18 20 30 40 358 THE CHAS. BAUMBHCH CO Funnels (Glass)— Continued. J * I i jj i M Glass— Ribbed Inside. bounce each$ !f Pint j Quart “ I £ gallon “ Hard Rubber. No. 10, 4 ounce per doz. “ 11 , 8 “ “ “ 12, Pint u “ 13, Quart....! “ Glass, Separating:, with Stopcock. 4 inch, 6 ounce each 5 “ 12 “ “ 6 “ H Pint “ 7 “ Quart “ 8 “ 4 Gal “ Gallipots— 4 ounce 1 “ 2 “ 4 “ 6 “ 8 “ 12 “ 16 “ Tie-over, Yellow. per doz. u u (( u u u tl 15 18 20 25 30 2 65 3 10 4 25 5 00 2 50 1 50 1 25 90 67 1 75 2 00 2 25 2 50 2 75 12 15 20 35 50 70 80 90 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 359 Gallipots — Continued. White China. \ ounce 1 “ 1 “ H “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ German Porcelain, with Wood Top I ounce 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ Tie-over, Earthenware, White. \ ounce 1 “ 2 “ 4 “ .per doz, $ 20 . “ 30 . “ 40 . “ 45 50 “ 65 90 .per doz. 60 . “ 65 . “ 75 90 . “ 1 10 . “ 1 35 per doz. 24 24 . “ 30 “ 55 WOOD COVERS. METALLIC COVER TOP. ^ ounce l ounce per doz, 1 u 7T ....... " “ 35 i “ U 1 1 “ “ 45 1 “ tt 2 “ “ 55 2 “ u 4 “ “ 70 4 “ t< Glass Tubing', assorted sizes per lb. Glass Stirring Rods, assorted sizes “ Goggles, Clear, Blue, Green and Smoked Glass per doz. 35 40 50 60 80 40 50 70 360 THE CHAS BAUMBACH CO. Graduates— Glass, Conical Shape — 1 ounce 1 “ . 2 “ 3 “ . 4 “ . 6 “ . 8 “ . 12 “ 16 “ . 24 “ QO ft Graduates — Glass, Tumbler Shape — Tumbler Shape. 1 ounce. 2 “ 3 “ . 4 “ . 8 “ . 16 “ . 32 “ . .each $ 15 “ 15 “ 20 “ 25 “ 30 “ 35 u 40 “ 50 “ 60 u 75 “ 1 00 .each 18 “ 25 “ 30 “ 35 “ 40 u 75 “ 1 15 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 361 Phenix Graduates. GRADUATED BY WEIGHT UPON THE AMERICAN AND METRIC STANDARDS. ALL ENGRAVED WITH DOUBLE SCALE OF LINES, A Guarantee of Accuracy Accompanies Each Graduate. American Standard, Cone and Tumbler Shape. — Whitall, Tatum & Co. Cone Shape. Tumbler Shape. Cone Shape. Tumbler Shape. To Deliver. 60 minims each $ 25 120 minims “ 30 ? oz., Cone Shape “ 20 1 oz., Cone Shape and Tumbler Shape “ 25 2oz., Cone Shape and Tumbler Shape “ 28 3 oz., Cone Shape “ 33 4 oz., Cone and Tumbler Shape “ 38 6 oz., Cone Shape “ 48 8 oz., Cone and Tumbler Shape “ 55 12 oz., Cone Shape “ 67 16 oz., Cone and Tumbler Shape “ 80 32 oz., Cone and Tumbler Shape 1 40 362 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Acme Graduates— Whitall, Tatum (Sc Co. Made flat on bottom, without foot, lessening the liability of break- age, and reducing the cost. Each Graduate bears guarantee of accuracy. Furnished in the following sizes only: American Standard- s' ounce 1 “ 2 “ 4 “ 8 “ 16 “ 32 “ Graduates— English— 1 ounce 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 16 “ 32 “ .each $ 18 “ 20 “ 25 30 “ 45 65 “ 1 15 each 30 . “ 35 . “ 40 . “ 45 . “ 65 . “ 90 . “ 1 35 Melric, Double Scale. \ ounce, 20 C. C each 20 1 “ 40 “ “ 20 2 “ 75 “ “ 25 3 “ 100 “ “ 33 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 363 Graduates— English— Continued. 4 ounce, 150 C. C each $ 40 6 “ 200 “ “ 45 8 “ 300 “ “ 60 16 “ 500 “ “ 85 32 “ 1000 “ “ 1 35 Minim. 1 drachm, cone shape each 18 2 “ 11 11 20 Tall Graduate (New Style). Specially adapted for measuring small quantities. 1 ounce each 20 1 “ and Minims “ 28 1 “ Minims and 30 C. C “ 38 4 ounces. 8 “ . 16 “ 32 “ .each 40 . “ 75 . “ 1 00 . “ 1 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 364 Hair Oils— Brillantine, Cou drays “ Eastman’s “ Pinaud’s Societe Hygienique Oil American. Tallmann’s Cocoanut, 2 oz “ “ 4 oz No. 917 “ 881 “ 926 “ 105 “ 804 “ 90 “ 929 “ 930 “ 379 “ 396 “ 380 Brown’s Bay Rum Hair Oil, small “ “ “ large “ White Rose Hair Oil Hair Powder- Gold, Silver and Diamond Dust Horn Capsules (for Powders) — No. 11 “ 13 “ 15 : Horn Scoops (Round and Square Ends) — No. * “ 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 0 per doz. U U per doz. U a u u u per doz. .per doz. .per doz. << Imported. No. 12 “ 14 “ 16 “ 18 per doz. U cc $3 00 2 00 3 00 4 25 1 25 2 00 60 70 70 75 75 1 15 1 25 1 50 1 50 1 85 2 00 1 15 1 75 2 00 2 00 1 15 1 75 2 15 40 50 65 85 1 12 1 38 1 10 1 50 2 00 2 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 365 Horn Spoons— No. 1 per doz. $ 50 “ 2 “ 65 “ 3 “ 75 “ 4 “ 1 00 Imported. No. 12 “ 14 “ 16 “ 20 “ 22 “ 24 “ 28 Horn Spatulas— No. 1 “ 9 “ 4. “ 6 . “ 0. per doz. U U per doz. U < C Imported. No. 12 per doz. “ 14 “ “ 16 “ “ 18 £< Horse Fleams— 2 Blade, brass each 3 “ <£ •“ Hydrometers— For Acid, Ammonia or Alkali ;each u Lyes, Lime, Syrup or Bark “ Spirits, one scale “ Milk Urinometers, with test glass “ “ thermometer U. S. Custom House Spirit Hydrometer, two scales, with thermometer 85 1 15 1 75 1 88 2 00 2 50 3 00 50 63 75 75 1 00 1 25 75 1 00 1 25 1 50 4 50 6 00 40 40 40 40 40 1 00 1 00 366 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Jars, Decorated Show Jars— Fig. 15. Fig. 584. THE ETRUSCAN DECORATED WINDOW JARS. Fig 15. This is a new and beautiful style Jar for windows or the interior of stores. We can furn- ish them Lettered — Pure Drugs, Toilet Articles, etc. — in gilt and floral decorations. Colors, Quaker Green and Light Blue. Special col- ors and mottoes furnished to order. Height, 22 inch each $ 3 50 NEW STYLES DECORATED URNS. Fig. 584. Height, 27 inches. With Mottoes. With Heads... each 4 50 “ 5 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 367 Jars, Decorated Show Jars— Continued. GLASS PEDESTALS. For Show Bottles, Urns, etc., etc., with Ebonized Wood Top. Fig 1 . 586. 12 inch high each $2 00 18 “ “ 2 25 24 “ “ 2 50 Fig 586. The New Decorated Urn, Fig. 584, and Pedestals, Fig. 586, are very handsome and ornamental, making a fine display for window or store. We make in various colors, to imitate stones, such as Malachite, Cornelian Marble, Venetian Marble and Scotch Granite, and they bear a close resemblance to the stones of which they are imitations. a-SECTlON SECTION] ELEVATED. Fig. 34. THE ACME SECTION JAR. Fig. 34. Made of clear crystal Glass, in sec- tions. Each section or compartment being a complete Jar in itself, and so made that it forms a cover for the sec- tion below it. FOUR SIZES. A 3 Sec., 6£ inch x 14£. B 3 Sec., 5i “ x 14^. C 3 Sec.. 4% “ x U$. X 3 Sec., 2i “ x 5|. SIZES. A B C X Sections per doz $2 80 $2 25 $1 65 $ 45 Covers per doz 1 15 85 60 24 3 Section Jars, and covers per doz 9 50 7 65 5 60 1 60 368 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Jars, Decorated Show Jars— Continued. CLIMAX SECTION JAB. No. 1, Pyramid “ O “ U 24 00 “ 3, ££ a 32 50 PRICE PER DOZEN. A SIZES. B C Single Sections $ 3 90 $3 25 $2 60 Covers 2 00 1 30 1 00 Bases 2 00 1 30 1 00 3 Section Jar and Cover.. 13 75 11 00 8 75 3 Section Jar cover base and 15 60 12 25 9 85 Height of 3 Section and Cover Jars 24 in. 21 in. 17 in. SIZES OF SECTIONS. A. 6 ^ inches wide, 6 inches deep. B. 5J “ “ 5 C. “ “ 4 Jars, Hydrometer— 8 inches high 10 “ “ 12 “ <£ 15 “ “ 18 “ “ Jars, Milk Glass, Impervious to Fats — Jars, Ointment, Porcelain— .each | 25 “ 30 “ 38 “ 50 “ 65 per doz. 4 00 5 00 Fig-. 6 id. Flat Top, Impervious to Fats. Fiff. 373. \ pound per doz. 1 “ “ 4 50 6 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 369 Jars, Ointment. Porcelain— Continued. Fig. 299. GERMAN PORCELAIN. Steeple Top, Cover Fitting Outside. Fats. Fig. 299. 4 oz., 5 inch high 8 “ 6 “ 16 “ 7\ “ Impervious to per doz. $4 00 “ 6 00 “ 8 50 White, Flat Top. Fig. 56. Fig. 56. Jars, Glass Ointment— Plain, or Witli Raised Glass Tetters on 1 lb. and 2 lb. Sizes. These Jars are made in Amber and White Opaque Glass, with Steeple Top or Flat Top. They are much preferable to Earthen- ware, as the latter are liable to be penetrated with grease, when they become discolored and ran- cid. Glass resists grease for an unlimited period. These Jars can be fitted with Glass Labels to match Shop Furni- ture Bottles, at the usual cost, in addition, of Glass Labels. Flat Top. Height. 1 pound, 3^ inches. i “ 4* “ 1 “ 5 2 “ 6-2 .per doz. (< Amber. Opaque. $1 25 $1 40 1 80 2 15 3 00 3 30 4 20 4 60 370 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Jars, Glass Ointment— Continued. Steeple Top. Height. Amber. Opaque. £ pound, 4| inches $1 50 h “ 5| “ “ 1 90 2 25 1 “ 6 | “ 3 10 3 40 2 “ 8 | “ “ 4 30 4 70 Fig. 240 . Sponge Jars, Extra Heavy, with Cut Kuobs. Fig. 240. Quart each $1 25 £ gal “ 1 75 1 “ “ 2 25 2 “ 3 50 Fig. 388. Sponge Jars, with Oval Glass Covers. Double thick, hand-made. Fig. 388. 2 gal., 20 in. higl: 3 “ 23£ 4 “ 26 “ 5 “ 26£ .each $2 00 , “ 3 00 . “ 4 50 “ 6 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 371 Jars, Glass— Continued. HffiffiWfil Ring Jars, with Glass Covers. Plain. Fig. 51. Quart, 9f inch high * gah, 1H U “ 4 50 3 qts. 12 u “ 5 50 1 gal., 13| l i “ 6 75 2 “ 17| a “ 18 00 Fig. 51. Counter Urns, Glass Covers. Plain. Fig. 53. Pint, 10£ in. high per doz. 5 50 Quart, 11^ “ “ 6 75 igal., 14j “ “ 10 00 1 “ 16* “ “ 15 00 Fig. 53. Pnglisli Counter Urns, on Foot. Fig. 296. Quarts, 13f in. high per doz. 9 00 * gal., 15* “ “ 12 00 1 “ 19 “ “ 18 50 372 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Jars, Glass — Continued. Fig. 17. LEECH , VASE SHAPE. Lettered in Black. Fig. 57. No. 1, 13 inches high “ 2, Ilf “ “ 3, 101 “ “ 4, 9 “ “ 5, 7f “ each $5 00 . “ 4 50 . “ 4 00 . “ 3 50 . “ 3 00 PATENT GLOBE. A Handsome Jar for General Display. Height. Capacity. Per doz. 4 inches, 2 ounces $1 80 6 “ 8 “ 2 25 8 “ 1 pint 3 15 10 “ 1 quart 4 73 12 “ 3 pints 6 75 14 “ 3 quarts 9 45 16 “ 4 “ 12 15 18 “ 6J “ 16 50 20 “ 9 “ 21 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 373 Jars, Egyptian— 2 oz., 3^ in. high. Per doz. $1 15 6 a 5 1 50 12 “ 6? “ .. 2 25 1| pt. 8 “ 3 00 2i “ 9J “ ., 4 50 4 “ 11 6 50 7 “ 13 9 50 6 qt. 15 12 50 2 gal. 17 “ 15 00 Julep Tubes per doz. 20 Key Rings— Assorted Sizes, 1 doz. on card “ 25-1 00 Labels— Imitation Glass each 5 Glass for Shop Furniture, lettered to order “ 8- 15 Seidlitz Powder per 100 50 Lamp Chimneys (Best Flint, Oil Finished and Wrapped) — Nos. 0. 1 2 Sun St. or Bulb, Crimped Top per doz. 40c 41c 52c “ Hinge, “ “ “ 41 43 54 Boxes containing 3 doz. No. 0 or 1 chimneys each box 30 “ “ 6 “ “ Oorl “ “ 40 “ “ 3 “ “2 “ “ 40 “ 6 “ u 2 “ “ 50 << 374 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Lamp Chimneys— Continued. Argand Chimneys, Imported per doz. Student “ “ “ Nutmeg “ “ “ Leader, No. 2, 3 doz. in a box per box Chimney Globes for Tubular Lanterns per doz. Lamp Burners — No. 0, Sun Burners per doz. u 2 (( “ 11 n 9 u u u Banner, Fireside, Ktc., Etc. No. 0, Sun Hinge Burners per doz. u i u u it n it n u a a it It O ll ll U ll Argand Burners 11 Tubular Lantern Burners “ No. 1, Leader Burners “ ll 9 u ll u Liquor Thieves “ Medicine Glasses — Tumblers, Moulded per doz. “ “ Family,” Fine Glass, Engraved Figures and Lines, accurate “ Goblets “ Mirrors — Langham, No. 1, Oval per doz. Oriental, No. 10 “ Grecian, Square “ Celluloid, No. 26, Oval “ Corallin, No. 1, Oval, Plate Glass “ “ No. 3, Square “ Celluloid, No. 68, Oval, Fancy Back “ Florence Hand. No. 5, Plain glass, oval, 3J in. glass. u g u “4 “ “ 8^ “ “ 5 “ 9, “ <£ 5| £< “ 70, Plate glass, “ 4£ 11 u g0j » « 5 per doz. U u a cc $ 30 35 25 2 50 50 50 60 80 85 90 1 35 3 00 1 75 75 1 25 2 25 6 50 9 00 50 1 00 1 25 40 70 2 00 8 50 9 00 10 00 10 00 2 75 3 50 4 75 5 75 8 50 10 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 375 Mortars, Glass— The end of the Pestle and the interior of the Mortar are ground or slightly roughened. 2 oz., 4 oz., 8 oz., pint and quart per lb. $ 25 - Mortars, Iron, Heavy. Bell Shape. Goblet Shape. 1 pint, diameter 51 inches each 40 1* “ 51 “ a 50 2 “ “ 5f “ u 60 3 “ 7 “ u 80 * gal. “ 7| “ u 1 20 3 quarts, “ 8f “ u 1 60 1 gal., 9f “ u 2 00 2 “ 12 “ u 4 00 4 “ u 7 50 Goblet Shape. 1 pint, diameter... inches each 30 •J^ C C (6 5 “ Ci 35 2 “ “ 5| “ (( 50 \ gal-, “ 7 “ (( 75 ■j_ << << 8f “ ti 1 40 9 it a 101 “ u 2 25 Deep Shape. Shallow Shape. Mortars, Procelain, Deep Shape- No. 3-0, 8 inches diameter, 1 gallon 1 50 “ 2-0, 7 1 quart U 1 25 “ 1-0, 6J 1 pint U 1 10 “ 1, 51 12 ounces u 88 “ 2, 5 8 “ u 75 “ 3, 4 4 “ u 55 “ 4, 31 2 “ u 43 Made of the Best Metai. 376 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. GROUT’S EXCELSIOR GOLD MORTARS. Gilded with the THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 377 Mortars, Procelain, Shallow Sliape- No. 3-0, 10 inches diameter, \ gallon each $2 10 “ 2-0, 9 “ li quart “ 1 15 “ 1-0, “ 1 “ £< 1 10 “ 1, 6£ “■ 1 pint “ 1 00 “ 2, 5f “ | “ ££ 85 “ 3, 5 “ 8 ounces “ 70 “ 4, 4J ££ 4 ££ ££ 60 ££ 5, 3J ££ 3 ££ ££ 50 ££ 6, 3 £< 2 ££ ££ 38 Mortars, Sign, (Gilded with Best XX Gold Leaf) — 14 inches high, 20 24 26 30 each 9 00 , ££ 17 00 ££ 22 50 ££ 26 50 ££ 36 50 McLewee’s Illuminated Signs— 21x18 inches, for gas each 30 00 21x18 £ * with patent duplex burner, for oil... ££ 32 00 378 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. No. 4-0, 3 inches across top, 21 oz. capacity $ 25 “ 3-0,31 U 6 6 31 “ 66 30 “ 2-0, 31 U 66 41 66 66 35 “ 1-0. 4 6 ( “ 6 6 6 6 6 40 “ 1, 41 6 6 66 9? 6 6 66 45 “ 2, 5 66 66 15 6 6 66 50 “ 3, 6 66 4< 20 “ 66 60 “4, 6J 6 6 66 281 66 66 75 “ 5, 7 6 6 66 36 6 6 66 1 00 “ 6, 8 6 6 49 6 6 , “ 1 20 “ 7, 81 U 60 6 6 66 1 50 “ 8, 91 66 70 66 66 1 90 u 9, 101 66 66 102 66 66 2 40 “ 10, 12 66 “ 146 6 6 n 2 70 “ 11, 13 66 66 1* gal. “ u 3 15 “ 12, 14 66 6 6 2 “ 802 oz. capacity, “ 3 50 Pestles, one-tbird price of Mortars and Pestles complete. Moulds, Suppository— F g. 1U. Fig. 113. Rectum, in tin frame, 6 moulds (Fig. 114) per set, 50 “ “ 12 “ “ 83 “ nickel plated, 6 “ 30grs. (Fig. 113) “ 2 75 “ “ 12 “ “ “ 3 25 Vaginal, in tin frame, 6 “ “ 83 “ “ 12 “ “ 1 50 Nail Files- No. 7632 per doz. 80 “ 2 “ 1 25 THE CHAS. BATJMBACH CO. 379 Needles— Surgeons’, straight and curved per doz. $ Night Tapers— Three months, green label per doz. Six “ “ Nos. Nos. Nos. White 10, 20, 40, Black 15, 25 45, Maroon ... 16, 26, 46, 50 45 75 White 50, Black 55, Maroon... 56, 60, 70, 80, 90, 65 75, 85, 95, 66, 76, 86, 96, 380 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Nipples— Continued. Perdoz.- Per No. 55. Black $ 17 LC 65. CC 21 LL 85. c c 25 56. Maroon 23 <« 66. LC 25 << 86. CC 30 << 50. White 14 60. C C 19 << 80. CC 21 << 1. Black, Davidson’s 30 “ 2. White “ lc 3. Black, Eureka 40 t( 4.. White “ 35 Maw’s. No. 15. Black 12 << 25. CC 15 CC 45. CC 21 lc 16. Maroon 15 LC 26. CC 17 L C 46. u 25 LC 10. White 10 LC 20. c c 12 Li 40. « 19 Seamless. No. 2. White (Maw’s) 13 “ 8. CC CC 19 LC 3. “ extra large 19 LC 4. “ large 15 4 C 2. Black (Maw’s) 15 LC 8. U ll 21 CC 3. “ extra large 21 CC 4. “ large 18 CC 2. Maroon (Maws) 17 CC 8. tt << 25 CC 3. “ extra large 25 CC 4. “ large 23 Nipple Shells, in pairs or single per doz. Phoenix, with loop “ gross. $1 70 2 38 2 55 2 33 2 52 2 97 1 48 1 90 2 12 1 27 1 48 2 12 1 48 1 70 2 55 1 05 1 27 1 90 1 35 2 03 2 03 1 58 1 58 2 25 2 25 1 94 1 80 2 70 2 70 2 48 70 90 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 381 tipple Shields — Glass, with bone shield, No. 260, w r hite nipple.... per doz. $> 80 “ “ “ “ “ 261, Black “ .... “ 85 “ “ “ “ “ 267, Maroon “ .... “ 85 “ “ “ “ “ 262, with flexible rubber tube “ 1 00 White, all rubber “ 40 Black, “ “ 50 Maroon “ “ 50 Nursing Bottles (Without Fittings)— Maw’s Flint, straight wide mouth “ 50 Alexandra shape, flint “ “ 60 Oval “M” “ “ “ 60 Acme “ 60 382 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Nursing- Bottles— Fitted- Nonpareil, green glass, ordinary white gum fittings, 6 in box per doz. $1 00 Manhattan, green glass, 6 in box 125 Eagle, flint glass, white fitting, each in box “ 2 00 Triumph, flint glass, with Nipple only “ 1 65 C. B. Co., flint glass, Maroon tube and nipple, each in an attractive box with two brushes... “ 175 Peerless flint, No. 2, each in box “ 3 00 Acme per doz. $2 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 383 Nursing- Bottle Brushes— Large, for cleaning bottles per doz. $ 25 Tube “ fittings U 15 Nursing Bottle Fixtures— No. 8, with extra long cork, bone connections, white, per doz. 60 cc cc cc u ic “ black and maroon 65 French nipple fitting, dozen in a box, maroon... “ 85 Black, bone connections U 60 Maroon, “ “ U 60 White, “ “ (( 55 Peerless, No. 2 u 1 50 Cl Cl 4 Cl 75 Paper, Closet- Per Case . Per Doz. 100 Rolls. Bolls, Factory $ 1 20 ! 1 7 50 “ J. J.../. 85 6 00 “ Perforated, Hotel 1 50 11 00 “ “ Factory 1 35 10 00 In Packets, Gem 1 20 8 75 “ Standard 85 6 50 “ Tip Top 70 5 25 Fixtures for Unperforated Paper 2 00 “ Perforated “ 80 Paper, Dennison's Powder and Prescription- Discount 20 Per Cent. Price Price No. Size. Per M. No. Size. Per M. 4 10 46 White 4|x4 $ 30 7 15 46 Blue 4fx4 30 13 20 52 4|x2| 25 16 3£x2^ 17 55 5 x3^ 30 19 25 61- 5£x3f 30 25 4£x2| 20 72 White 6|x4£ 35 34 47-16x3 21 72 Blue 40 40 25 73 White 5fx5£ 40 43 25 73 Blue 45 Paper, Litmus in Books, Blue or Bed per doz. 60 “ Sheets, “ “ 60 Wrapping, Manilla No. 1, ass’d sizes and weights per lb. 7\ Blue Print, size 24x36 per ream 2 40 White “ “ “ 2 30 384 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Paper — Continued. Japanese Stripe and assorted colors, 18x24 per ream $1 25 “ “ 24x36 “ 1 65 Waxed, 12x18 “ 2 00 “ Manilla, 24x36 per quire 15 Prescription Paper, assorted colors, 20x25 per ream 2 00 “ “ “ 24x36 “ 2 00 Percolators, Glass, Heavy- Pints each 25 Quarts “ 25 £ Gallon “ 50 1 “ “ 75 2 “ “ 1 25 Per cola tor s—N arrow— Recommended by the Chicago College of Pharmacy, as best adapted to carry on the process of Percolation, described in the “U. S. Pharmacopoeia.” No. 3, 240 cc about ^ Pint each 25 “ 4, 360 cc “ f “ “ 30 “ 5, 530 cc “ 1 “ “ 35 “ 6, 740 cc “ 1J “ “ 40 “ 7, 1,240 cc “ 2\ “ “ 50 “ 8, 1,960 cc “ £ Gallon “ 60 “ 9, 3,000 cc “ 3 Quart “ 75 “ 10, 3,780 cc “ 1 Gallon u 125 “ 12, 7,600 cc “ 2 Gallon u 175 Perforated Rubber Stoppers for above, 5 ets. each. Net. Percolating* Jars — Graduated, for receiving the Pefcolate — Quarts per doz. 7 00 ^ Gallon “ 9 00 1 “ “ 15 00 2 “ “ 33 00 Perfumery— Baldwin’s Queen Bess per pint 4 00 Colgate & Co.’s Tripple Extracts — In ^ pint bottles. Caprice, Cashmere Bouquet, White Lilac per pint 3 20 All other Odors “ 3 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 385 Perfumery- Continued. The following is a list of Colgate’s Ddors, in £ pints. Heliotrope. New Mown Hay. Jockey Club. Pansy Blossom (New). Lily of the Valley. Wood Violet. Lotus Blossom (New). White Heliotrope (New). May Blossom. White Rose. Musk. Ylang Ylang. Cashmere Bouquet, 1 oz. bots., £ doz. in box, per doz., $5 10 Eastman’s Royal Perfumes, regular Odors, ^ pintG. S. bot- tles per pint, 3 00 Azalea, Magnolia. Pond Lily, Bouquet de Caroline, Marechale, ' Rose Geranium, Carnation Pink, Marie Antoinette, Stephanotis, English Violet, Mignonnette, Sweet Briar, Essence Bouquet, Millefleurs, Tea Rose, Frangipanni, Moss Rose, Tube Rose, Heliotrope, Musk Rose, Upper Ten, Jasmine. New-Mown Hay, Verbena, Jockey Club, Night-Blooming Cereus, West End, Jonquille, Ocean Spray, White Heliotrope, Lilac, Oppoponax, White Rose, Lily of the Valley, Orange Flower, Wild Roses. Lotus Flower, Patchouly, Special Odors, in J pint G. S. bottles pint 4 00 List of Special Odors. Arbutus, Blue Bells of Scotland, Duches of York, Fow Chow Musk, Gabrielle, Japanese Myrtle, Manono, Millionaire, Marigold. Violette de Parme, Jacqueminot Rose, Musk pint 6 00 Royal Frangipanni “ 6 00 Farini Cologne Mixture u 6 50 Pure Musk Tincture “ 7 00 Royal Cologne Mixture “ 10 00 386 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Perfumery— 1 Continued . Her Majesty (New) pint $7 00 Eastman’s Royal Perfumes. No. 710, Assorted Odors per doz. 2 00 “ 712, Duchess of York “ 4 00 “ 713, Marigold, small “ 4 00 “ 714, Gabrielle, “ “ 4 00 “ 715, Blue Bells of Scotland, small “ 4 00 “ 716, Arbutus, small “ 4 00 “ 718, Duchess of York “ 8 50 “ 719, Marigold “ 8 50 “ 720, Gabrielle “ 8 56 “ 721, Duchess of York “ 15 00 “ 722, Marigold . “ 15 00 “ 723, Gabrielle “ 15 00 “ 724, Assorted Odors, in cartons “ 4 00 “ 734, Assorted Odors “ 1 75 “ 736, “ “ Couplets “ 4 00 “ 746, “ “ G. S “ 3 50 “ 754, “ “ “ “ 3 75 “ 755, “ a u “ 7 50 “ 756, “ u Glass Stop “ 12 Oo u 775, “ " Cork u “ 80 “ 783, Aloha, Carton’s, G. S., large “ 15 00 “ 784. Regular Odors, 8-oz. cut “ 30 00 “ 784, Special “ “ “ “ 36 00 “ 784, Musk «' “ “ 48 00 “ 789, Assorted Odors, Glass Stop u 4 50 “ 795, Aloha “ 6 00 “ 799, “ medium “ 9 00 u 800 to 813, Special Odors, 2-oz., G. S “ 8 50 of the following odors: Italian Pink, Frangipanni, Lilac, Jacqueminot Rose, Lily of the Valley, Jockey Club, Arbutus, Manono, Blue Bells of Sotland, Fow Chow Musk, Japanese Myrtle, Gabrielle, Millionaire, Violette de Parme. Foote & Jenk’s Linden Bloom, £ pints per pint $4 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 387 Perf inner y— Continued. Lazell’s Perfumes, Pints, bulk perfumes, in £s of the following odors per pint $3 00 Azalea, Musk Rose, Stephanotis, Bridal Bouquet New T Mown Hay, Sweet Lotus, Carnation Pink, Night Bl’g Cereus, Violet, Essence Bouquet, Ocean Spray, West End, Erangipanni, Orange Blossom, White Lilac, Heliotrope, Patchouly, White Rose, Jockey Club, Persian Bouquet, Wood Violet, Lily of the Valley, Rose Geranium, Ylang Ylang. Special Extract of Iris Inta per pint 4 00 “ “ Musk in |s a 5 00 U “ Roman Frangipanni in ^s “ 7 00 it “ Rosalia tt 4 00 Lazell’s Standard Perfumes— s ounce, ^ dozen in a box per doz. 2 00 1 “ * a tt tt 4 00 2 “ i a tt (C 8 00 Trial size, 1 dozen, on cards a 75 Lundborgf’s Triple Extracts. (One quality only.) Put up in pint and half pint bottles, with patent, Trefoil, glass stoppers. Guaranteed of Standard Quality and Strength and uniform character. We carry in stock a full line of Lundborg’ s Triple Extracts and solicit your order at fol- lowing quotations: Bouquet de Caroline, Millefleurs, Spring Flowers, Bridal Bouquet, Moss Rose, Stephanotis, Ess. Bouquet, Musk Rose, Sweet Brier, Frangipanni, New Mown Hay, Sweet Pea, Heliotrope, Night Blooming Cereus, Tea Rose, Honeysuckle, Ocean Spray, Tuberose, Jasmine, Orange Flowers, Upper Ten, Jockey Club, Patchouly, Verbena, Magnolia, Pond Lily, Violet, Marechale, Rondeletia, West End, Mignonnette, Rose Geranium, White Rose. Less than 3. pints, net 3 00 3 pints, or less than 6 pints, net U 2 85 6 pints, or more, net u 2 75 388 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Perfumery— Continued. Specialties: Arcadian Pink, Fascination, Tally-Ho, Wood Violet, Ylang Ylang, Lily of the Valley. Less than 3 pints, net per pint $4 00 3 pints, or less than 6 pints, net “ 3 80 6 pints, or more, net “ 3 70 Musk, less than 3 pints, net “ 5 50 “ 3 pints, or less than 6 pints, net “ 5 25 “ 6 pints or more, net “ 5 15 Latest Specialty: Harvest Queen, (registered), J pint bottles only. Put up in no other size. Less than 3 pints, net per pint 4 00 3 pints, or less than 6 pints “ 3 80 6 pints or more, net “ 3 70 The following select Odors are put up only in one, two and four - ounce bottles, as represented above, and are not in- cluded in bulk Odors. Edenia 1-oz. No. 75...2-oz. No. 37...4-oz. 49. Marechal Niel Rose. ...1-oz. “ 76...2-oz. “ 38...4-oz. 50. Alpine Violet 1-oz. “ 77...2-oz. “ 88...4oz. 51. Lily of the Valley 1-oz. “ 78...2-oz. “ 89...4-oz. 52. Goya Lily 1-oz. “ 79...2oz. “ 40...4-oz. 53. 1- oz., Round, Glass Stop doz. 2- oz., "Rounded Square, Glass Stop “ 2 oz., “ “ “ in Cartons.. 4 “ 4 oz., “ “ “ “ 4oz., “ il “ in Cartons “ $6 00 9 00 9 50 15 00 15 50 in Cartons. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 389 Luiulborg ,? s Toilet Perfumes— (One quality only.)— Trefoil Stopper, Patented April 28, 1874. Per doz. No. 7, | doz., | oz. Round, glass stopper, regular assort- ment $ 3 75 “ 11, £ doz., 1 oz. Round, glass stopper, regular assort- ment 5 50 “ 14, J doz.,1 oz. Wood Violet, Round, glass stopper.... 6 00 “ 15, % “ 1 “ Ylang Ylang, “ “ .... 6 00 “ 16, £ “ 1 “ Arcadian Pink, (registered), Round, glass stopper 6 00 “ 17. J doz., 1 oz. Fascination, (registered), Round, glass stopper 6 00 “ 18, | doz., 1 oz. Tally-Ho, (registered), Round, glass stopper 6 00 21, £ doz., 2 oz. Rounded Square, glass stopper, regular assortment 8 00 21 Carton, J doz., the same. Each bottle in carton.... 8 50 27, £ doz., 2 oz. Arcadian Pink, glass stopper 9 00 28, i “ 2 “ Fascination, “ 9 00 29, * “ 2 “ Tally-Ho, “ 9 00 30, £ “ 2 “ Wood Violet “ 9 00 31, i “ 2 “ Ylang Ylang , “ 9 00 41, ^ “ 4 “ Rounded Square, glass stopper, regu- lar assortment 13 50 41, Carton, £ doz., the same. Each bottle in carton... 14 00 44, | doz., 4 oz. Arcadian Pink, glass stopper 15 00 45, l 11 » 4 “ Fascination, “ 15 00 46, i “ 4 “ Tally-Ho, “ 15 00 47, i “ 4 “ Wood Violet, “ 15 00 48, £ “ 4 “ Ylang Ylang " 15 00 92, J “ | “ Musk, Round, “ 4 25 93, } “ 1 “ “ “ “ 6 50 94, % “ 2 11 “ Rounded Square, glass stopper... 9 50 95, \ “ 4 “ “ “ <£ “ ... 16 50 “ 100, Quartette, T *g doz., 1 bottle each : No. 75, 1 oz. Edenia; No. 76, 1 oz. Marechai Niel Rose; No. 77, 1 oz. Alpine Violet; No. 79, 1 oz. Goya Lily, in handsome carton per doz. boxes 24 00 “ 500, 3 doz., 1 oz., Round, glass stopper, regular assort- ment 2 00 Musk is put up in Nos. 92, 93, 94, 95 and “Triple Extract” exclusively, and furnished by Package only. 390 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Perfumery — Continued. Ricksecker’ s — Bulk, new 8 oz., g. s. bottles as follows pint $4 00 *Martha Washington, Jockey Club, White Rose, *Spanish Jessamine, *Florida Breeze, *White Clover, True Frangipanni, Essence Bouquet, Ylang Ylang, West Eng, Damask Rose, Lily of the Valley. * Trade Marks. The $4.00 perfumes are distinguished by words “ Extra Strength, 1885,” printed in red across the label. No. 33, Golden Gate, 2 oz per doz. 9 00 “ 41, Martha Washington. 2 oz “ 9 00 “ 45, Wedding Bells, 2 oz “ 9 00 “ 37, Edgewood Violets, 2 oz “ 9 00 “ 55, White Clover, 2 oz ? “ 9 00 “ 52, True Frangipanni, 2 oz “ 9 00 “ 9, Flat, assorted odors, lj.oz “ . 6 00 Spieliler’s S. & T. Extracts— In 16 oz. bottles, per bottle 4 50 49, She, Vera, Coeur Fidele Turkish Rose and Madelon Tallin an’s— ^ oz., c. s. assorted, No. 254 per doz. 1 50 £ “ “ Musk, “ 129 “ 1 75 Vogeler, Son & Co. — FEDORA — (Trade mark registered.) per lb. 4 00 Stepliany’s — (See advertisement) . Extracts, 1-pint bottles 4 00 “ | “ . 4 20 Of the following odors : Forget-me-not, Clematis, Frou-Frou, Heliotrope, Turkish Violet, White Rose. 1-ounce, square, G. S : per doz. 4 00 2 “ “ “ 6 50 2 “ Octagon, Glass Stop 11 7 00 2 “ “ in fancy Carton “ 7 50 Chatelains, Painted Porcelain, small “ 6 00 “ “ “ large “ 8 00 Perfumeries— Imported. Atkinson’s 1 oz. White Rose per doz. $ 5 62 Bayley’s Essence Boquet “ 11 00 “ Marechale “ 11 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 391 Perfumery — Continued . Coudray’s Bouquet des Alps, large per doz. $13 50 Lubin’s 1 oz. assorted odors “ 6 25 4 oz. “ . “ 18 00 26 oz. “ per bot. 7 50 Lautier Fils- May Bells, Evangeline, Edelweiss, Kaiser Blume. In 18 oz. bottles per bot. 4 00 “ 1 “ “ per doz. 6 00 Perfumes and Novelties, Assorted. No. 60, Handkerchief Extract ....per doz. 70 “ 3668, Woodbine Cologne “ 70 “ 3755, Glass Be volvers “ 80 “ 607, Glass Tumbler “ 85 “ 360, Assorted Extract on Stand “ 1 00 “ 599, Decorated Vases “ 1 35 “ 400, Handkerchief Extract “ 1 35 “ 368, Goody Two' Shoe “ 1 50 “ 470, Decorated Vases “ 1 75 “ 496, “ “ “ 1 75 “ 367, Assorted Extract on Stand “ 1 85 “ 1030, Fancy Glass Novelty “ 1 90 “ C. C. C. Cologne on Stand “ 1 90 “ 720, Handkerchief Extracts “ 2 00 “ 783, Violetta, on Wire Stand “ 2 00 “ 99, Cologne “ 2 00 “ 50, Tappan’s Sweet Bye and Bye “ 2 00 “ 3441, “ Idalia Perfumes “ 2 00 u 3692, “ Flore tta Extracts “ 2 00 “ 136, Fancy Bottle Cologne “ 5 50 “ 134, “ ^ “ “ 5 50 “ 150, “ “ Extract each 1 35 “ 352, u “ “ 2 00 Pessaries — Glass, concave, globe or round per doz. 1 20 Hard Bubber, bow “ 1 75 “ Hodges “ 1 75 “ concave “ 1 75 “ horseshoe “ 3 00 “ Thomas “ 3 50 Soft Bubber, inflated “ 3 00 “ to inflate “ 3 50 Meigs’ Bings “ 2 50 Smith’s Patent “ 1 75 392 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Pill Machines — Pill Finishers “ Silverers “ Pill Tiles — Glass, 8x10 each 1 “ 10x12 “ 1 Porcelain, 8x10 “ 1 “ 10x12 “ 1 Pink Saucers per doz. Playing Cards — (U. S.) Manufactured by the Russell & Morgan Printing Co., round cornered and indexed. Every pack in a box. No. 999 — Steamboat, round corners, ass’t backs... per doz. $ No. 101 — Tigers, extra quality, assorted Plaids, Star and Calico backs “ No. 155 — Tourists, Andrew quality, neat set pat- tern backs “ No. 808 — Bicycle, Harlequin quality, white enam- eled, Bicycle and ass’t fancy backs.... “ 1 No. 808x — Bicycle, gilt edged “ 1 No. 188 — Capital, First Highlander quality, tinted enameled, fancy backs “ 1 No. 188x — Capital, First Highlander quality, extra enameled, fancy backs, gilt edges “ 2 No. 202 — Sportsman’s, Harry quality, enameled, high finish, assorted backs “ 2 No. 202x — Sportsman’s, Harry quality, extra, enameled, high finish, assorted backs, gilt edges “ 3 00 25 50 60 75 00 75 75 50 60 90 35 80 80 48 70 38 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 393 Playing Cards— Continued. No. 707 — Cabinet, Mogul quality, for Progressive Euchrfe, 37 cards in a pack, including 4 counters, double enameled, original assorted backs, cloth boxes per doz. No. 707x — Cabinet, extra, for Progressive Euchre, gilt edges, cloth boxes, stamped in gold “ No. 303 — Army and Navy, Mogul quality, all linen assorted fancy backs, double enam- eled, highest finish, cloth boxes, superfine poker cards “ No. 505 — Extra Army and Navy, gilt edges, all linen, double enameled, cloth boxes “ No. 404 — Congress, Great Mogul quality, finest double enameled, gilt backs, cloth boxes “ No. 606 — Extra Congress, gilt edges, finest double enameled, cloth boxes, stamped in gold “ Jl^'Order by the above numbers. Pocket Toilet Cases— Pullman with Comb per doz. Sea Side, No. 79, with Comb, Button Hook and Nail Cleaner “ Rapid Transit, with Tooth Brush “ Pocket Vial Cases No. 612, black leather, contains twelve 3 dr. vials, each “ 655, “ “ “ “ “ 638, “ “ ten ^ oz. & 14 two dr. vials “ , No. 654, black leather, contains twenty-four 3 dr. vials Pomade— Bazin’s, No. 420, small “ “ 421, medium “ “ 422, large Coudray’s Hongroise, No. 980 Savage’s Ursina .per doz. ii U a u $2 48 3 15 3 60 4 95 4 95 6 30 80 1 25 2 00 1 50 2 25 2 50 3 00 2 00 2 50 3 25 2 25 6 50 394 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Powder Folders, (Nickel-Plated.) Fig. 434. Fig 119. Fig. 119 each “ 434 “ Probangs— Common On Whale Bone, tipped “ Wire, Camel Hair Prognosticators (Barometers and Thermometer combined). Proof-Glasses Puffs- Powder, A per doz. “ B “ “ C “ “ D “ “ E “ “ y “ Razor Strops — F. F. Combination Strop per doz. B. B. German Belt “ “ A. A. Acme Action, No. 1 “ Receivers, Plain- Pints each Quarts “ \ Gallon “ -I u (i Receivers, Stoppered— ^ Pint each 1 “ “ Quarts “ £ Gallon “ $2 50 1 50 50 75 75 2 75 1 35 1 10 1 25 1 50 2 00 2 50 2 75 4 00 2 00 2 60 3 25 40 50 60 90 60 65 75 95 1 35 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 395 Retorts (Tubulated and Stoppered) — 4 ounces 1 pint 1 “ 1 quart I gallon 1 “ 9 “ Fig. 436. 3 rings. “ 121. 4 “ .each $ 60 “ 65 “ 70 “ 75 t£ 1 00 “ 1 50 “ 1 75 .each 75 “ 1 00 Rubber Stopples — Improved Form— 1, length 9 16 inch, taper > rV 1° T* 55 2, CC H ft ¥ to 1 ft 65 3, cc 3 4 ft l¥ tO T¥ cc 80 4, cc 1 3 l¥ ft I to 1 ft 1 00 5, cc ¥ ff U to 1 ft 1 25 6, c c H ft f to 1¥ cc 1 50 7, cc l ff n to 10 T« cc 1 88 8, cc h\ ft ¥ tO n ft 2 38 9, cc n ff Uto f ft 2 75 10, cc ii ti 1 to If. cc 3 25 16, cc i ff If to u ft 8 62 18, cc H if 11 to H ff 12 25 19, cc u ft If 6 to H ff 15 12 22, cc H ff If to 1 i¥ ff 18 75 396 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Each. Saccharometers, for Brewers, Kaiser’s, plain $ 50 “ “ with Thermometer.... 100 “ Balling’s plain 50 “ “ with Thermometer.... 1 25 “ Copper 5 00 “ Silver ! 10 00 Sachet Powders— Hazard, H. & Co., i lb. bottles per lb. 3 50 “ “ Frangipanni, Reseda, Lily of the Valley, Ylang-Ylang and White Rose “ 7 00 Colgate’s, assorted \ lb. bottles per doz. 8 00 “ in envelopes “ 2 13 “ in 1 oz. round paper boxes “ 2 55 Eastman’s, No. 702, in envelopes “ 75 “ l lb. bottles per lb. 3 00 Lazell’s ^ lb. bottles “ 3 00 “ Small Glass Jars, Metal Screw Cap per doz. 1 50 “ Fancy Packets “ 1 00 “ Souvenir Packets “ 3 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 397 Scales, Torsion Balance— No. 269 — Prescription or Jeweler’s Scale, with upright pans. Highly finished metal and glass case. The best and handsomest upright pan balance ever made. Capacity 8 ounces. Sensitive to l-64th grain. 3-in. German silver pans. With rider beam graduated on upper edge from £ grain to 8 grains, and on lower edge from ^ centigram to 5 decigrams $35 00 No. 254 — Counter scale, nickel plated throughout ; very hand- some and accurate. Sensitive to 2 grains. May be loaded with 20 pounds, without damage. Pans, 9 in. diameter $30 00 Scales- Hand, German, nickel pans, 8 inch beam each 2 00 “ “ “ 9 “ “ 2 50 “ “ horn pans, 5 “ “ 1 35 “ “ “ 6 “ “ 1 60 “ “ 7 “ “ 1 75 “ “ “ 8 “ “ 2 00 “ “ “ 10 “ “ 2 75 “ Saddle, German, horn pans, 1 side, 5-10 to 5 gr. “ 3 00 2 sides “ “ “ 3 50 Pocket, Fitches “ 1 00 Glass Pans, 2£, 2f and 3 inch per pair 40 398 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. We have in Stock a Full line of GENUINE HENRY TROEMNER’S Standard Scales and Weights THE MOST RELIABLE AND BEST FINISHED SCALES MADE. All Genuine Scales or Weights of this make have Henry Troemner plainly stamped upon them. Empire Box Scale. (New.) Fig-. 82— This Scale has 8-inch nickel pans, in a cherry box, with O. G. moulding, marble top, glass dial, etc. No. 1, diamter of pans, 8 in., capacity, 20 lbs $10 00 Cherry Box Scale. Fig. 87- Box made of cherry, with neat hand-carved decorations. Heavy nickel-plated pans; glass dial ; marble top, etc. No. 1, diameter of pans, 8 in., capacity, 20 lb, .$12 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 399 Ebony Box Scale. Fig. 89- In ebony box, gold lines; gilt dial; heavy nickel-plated pans, marble top. No. 0, diameter of pans, 7 in., capacity, 10 lbs $12 “ 1, “ “ 8 in., “ 15 lbs 14 “ 2, “ “ 9 in., “ 25 lbs 16 Oiled Walnut Box Scale. Fig. 91- Fine oiled walnut case, with bird’s eye maple panels; hand- carved feet, natural finish; heavy nickel-plated pans; marble top, made in three sizes. No. 0, diameter of pans, 7 in., capacity, 10 lbs $15 00 “ 1, “ “ 8 in., “ 15 lbs 17 00 “ 2. “ “ 9 in., “ 25 lbs 19 00 Eastlake Box Scale. (New.) Fig. 92— Very popular scale, highest grade; box of polished oak and Hungarian ash; Eastlake design; hand-polished; marble top, with chiseled recess moulding; gilt dial; nickel-plated pans. No. 1, diameter of pans, 9 in.; capacity, 25 lbs $21 00 Also furnished in Mahogany or Cherry at same price. 838 400 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Antique Oak Box Scale. (New.) Fig. 98- Scale is in an Antique Oak Case, very richly moulded; front panel carved with delicate tracery; Tennessee marble top, with cut corners; gilt dial; heavy nickel-plated pans. The scale is the very newest design. No. 1, diameter of pans, 9 in.; capacity, 25 lbs r $22 00 Glass Box Scale. (New.) Fig. 86- Box of very heavy plate glass; beveled edges; pans, frame, and entire inside works are nickel, bottom of box cushioned in plush; the whole inside works are finely finished and are visible. No. 1, diameter of pans, 9 in. ; capacity, 25 lbs $42 50 Robervahl Scale. Fig. 7 5— Neatly ornamented in gold lines; heavy brass pans and brass indicator. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 401 No. 2, diameter of pans, 9 in. ; capacity, 15 lbs $7 50 “ 3, “ “ 8 “ “ 10 “ 6 00 “ 4, “ “ 6 “ “ 6 “ 5 00 Troemner’s Solution Scale. (New.) Fig*. 80— Capacity 20 kilos (about 45 lbs.) It will weigh liquids with an accuracy that cannot be approached by ordinary methods. The scale is provided with two weighing beams and sliding poises. One of these is divided into one hundred parts, each part representing one gram; the other beam is divided into ten parts, each representing one hun- dred grams. A bar with a sliding poise is placed under the weigh- ing beams, for the purpose of balancing the empty bottle or con- tainer, which is quickly done by sliding the poise along the bar until a correct balance is secured. No. 80, capacity 20 kilo $20 00 Candy Scale. Figr. 16— Specially made for retail druggists for weighing out candy, cough drops, etc. Weighs to one pound, notches on beam quarter ounces ; nickel-plated ; movable scoop, etc. Scale requires no weights, and is mounted on a polished oak base. No. 16, capacity 1 lb. $8 00 402 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Laboratory Scale. (New.) Fig. 7— Scale specially designed for Laboratory and Pharmaceutical work; has six-inch nickel pans, which are movable. Scale will carry one pound in each pan; is sensible to a J grain; has a full set of weights, running from 8 oz. Troy and down to 1 grain; these are neatly fitted in a projecting shelf attached to the base of scale. Metric weights furnished in place of Troy when so desired. No. 7. diameter of pans, 6 in., capacity, 1 lb $ 9 00 “Climax” Box Prescription Scale. Fig, 120. This scale has 2§-inch nickel-plated pans; cherry-mahogany box and ebony mouldings; marble top; hinged cover; and is a reliable and substantial scale. No. 120, diameter of pans, 2f in $12 50 Troenmer’s Famous No. 12 Box Prescription Scale. In French polished ebony box with marble top, which has counter-sunk basin in it to hold the weights; pans are of solid THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 403 nickel; scale is sensible to ^ grain; has glass cover provided with stop hinges, all of the finest workmanship, and one of the most popular scales we have ever introduced. Used and sold in all parts of the world. All genuine scales have our full name stamped upon them. To avoid corrosion and cleaning no metal parts are put on the outside of box, excepting the pans and hinges. No. 12, diameter of pans, 3 in $18 00 “ 13, “ “ 3f in 20 00 Troemner’s Dispensing Scale. (New.) Fig. 6— Handsomely finished scale for rough prescription work ; has 3f inch nickel-plated movable pans; a side-beam in front of scale with a sliding weight; this beam is divided into 120 divisions, each division representing one grain; an extra row of metric divisions is placed on bottom edge of beam, each representing one decigram. Platform or shelf is attached to base of scale, in which are fitted a set of solid brass Troy weights, 2 oz. and down. Scale sensible to £ a grain. No. 6, diamater of pans, 3f in., capacity, 4 oz. $ 8 00 The New “Victoria” Box Prescription Scale. Fig. 15- Box of “ Antique ” Oak , of the finest finish, richly carved by hand; has drawer for weights; hinged cover with beveled French 404 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. plate glass top; stop hinges; scale is full jeweled, like a watch; all bearings set wdth “Agate” to prevent rust or corrosion; pans are of solid nickel; scale has the very highest attainable sensibility; elegant Tennessee marble top; the entire mechanism is the very best and latest improved ; scale is sensible to grain, and owing to the “Agate” settings is specially adapted to damp climates. No. 15, diameter of pans, 3 in $25 00 Weights are only included where they are mentioned. In ordering, always give the figure by which the scale is Our Scales and Weights are so badly “counterfeited ” that it is necessary to caution our patrons to accept none unless our name *s stamped upon them. Army Prescription Scale. Fig*. 9— On polished walnut box; scale can be taken apart and packed away in drawer of box; a well-finished and reliable scale, made in a mechanical way; well adapted for physicians’ offices; a full set of weights are included. known. CAUTION. No. 0, beam, 8 in. ; weights, 2 drachms to £ grain $6 00 5 00 3 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 405 Prescription Scale. Fig*. 10- Scale has indicator pointing downward; slide attachment on needle ; by shoving this to the right or left, scale is quickly bal- anced; has nickel-plated pans; entire scale is lacquered, on a polished walnut box with drawer; total height, 11 J inches; a full set of weights included. No. 10, diameter of pans, 2f in.; weights, 2 dr. to £ gr $8 Prescription Scale. P. 36— On marble base; improved raising apparatus; open beam, provided with an adjusting slide , which, if moved to the right or left, quickly balances the scale; entire scale heavily plated with nickel; a full set of weights included. No. 1, nickel-plated, pans, 2^ in 11 2 , 11 u 2 | “ “ 3, “ “ 3 “ 00 9 00 10 50 12 00 406 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Prescription Scale. P. 44- Same scale as the P. 36, except that it is mounted on a marble top Eastlake box, with drawer. Scale provided with attachment for balancing, also a full set of weights; these scales sensible to wg grain. No. 1, nickel-plated, diameter of pans, Th. in. i ( o a u d 93 1 1 U ^ U U U 0 (l ,$10 . 12 . 14 Prescription Balance. P. 03- In French polished mahogany case, with counterpoised door, sliding upward; scale is of finest finish, all lacquered; pans of solid nickel ; these have been increased in size; has improved raising apparatus; adjusting screws on the beam, sensible to ^ grain. This scale is one of the leading favorites. No. 63, diameter of pans, 2f in. ; beam, in $22 00 Same scale provided with all “Agate” bearings, $5.00 extra. 8 8 § TEE CEAS. BAUMBACH CO. 407 Prescription Balance, P. 57— Of very superior finish; same general style as the P. 95 and P. 63, but is much larger and carries a heavier load; can be safely loaded with 2 ounces; has 3-inch solid nickel pans; entire scale lacquered; adjusting screws on the beam; Tennessee marble base; sensible to ^ grain. No. 57, diameter of pans, 3 in.; sensibility, grain $18 Same scale, all nickel-plated, with a glass level attached.. 22 Agate Prescription Balance. P. 88. Extra Large Size. Scale has indicator pointing upward, and weighs rapidly. Scale is full jeweled, having all “Agate ” bearings, making them proof against rust or corrosion. Beam is plated with gold , all the other parts nickel, so as to save cleaning; has adjustable screws on the beam; sensible to 1-100 grain; scale is very roomy and comfortable to work with, and will stand the hardest kind of continuous usage. No. 88, diameter of pans, 3 in.; beam, 10 in $26 Fine mahogany case with sliding door, to suit this scale.. 12 00 00 00 00 408 THE CHAS. BAUMBHCH CO. Prescription Balance. P. 64. This balance is of extra large size and capacity, having 3f inch nickel pans; will carry four ounces in each pan; has every mod- ern improvement, and is of the finest and best construction; sensible to 1-30 grain ; glass case is of mahogany, with counterpoised door u sliding upward. No. 64, diameter of pans, 3f in.; beam, 9 in $26 00 Same balance with all bearings of “ Agate,” extra 5 00 “Agate” Prescription Balance. P. 96. Solid Silver Pans. Extra fine balance, in French polished mahogany case, with counterpoised door sliding upward; has leveling feet; glass level; balance has indicator pointing downward ; beam is plated with THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 409 gold, all the other parts nickel ; pans are 3 inch, of solid silver; all the bearings are jeweled; glass case is extra large and roomy, and made of old mahogany. No. 96, diameter of pans, 3 in. (solid silver) ; sensibility, 1-100 grain $45 00 Note. — We have discarded Nickel-plated pans for Solid Nickel, consequently there is no plating to wear off. The word Balance is used to designate those instruments of high precision and mechanical excellence. The counterpoised sliding door of our mahogany cases is sus- pended with sash cords and weights, to counterbalance the weight of the door. Never apply oil to any of the working parts of a scale. German Pocket Scale. Fig’. 72 — In leather-covered boxes, German make, brass beam with weights. Beam, 6 in.; pan, 2\ in each $ 75 Per doz., net, 5-in. beam. “ “ 6-in. “ Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Horn Pan Scale. Fig-. 78- Fine Berlin make ; polished brass beams. Horn pans. Beam, 5 in. ; pan, 2 in each $1 00 “ 6 “ “ 2\ “ “ 1 25 Saddle scales, rider to weigh 5 grains 2 50 “ “ “ “ 10 “ 3 50 410 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Troemner’s Aluminium Grain Weights. Fig . 55— J to 5 grains per set $ 25 Per doz. set, net. Troenmer’s Square Aluminium Grain Weights. Fig. 56 — Made of pure sheet aluminium ; made concave, so they can be picked up readily. i grain to 10 per set $ 40 Per doz. set, net. Troemner’s Prescription Weights (Warranted). Fig. 58 — 6 grain to J grain (nickel silver) $ 10 Per doz. set, net. 6 doz. packed in a box. 2 drachms, and down to £ grain 25 Per doz. set, net. Grain Weights. Fig. 23- In mahogany box, with pincets; specially adapted for dis- pensing purposes. 300-grain piece down to T V grain. .$ 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 411 Troy Cup Weights. Fig. 59— 4 oz. and down $ 1 50 8 “ “ “ 3 16 “ “ “ 4 32 “ “ “ 5 Troy Block Weights. Fig. 37- Solid brass in cherry block. 1 oz. to £ grain $ 1 00 Two 2 “ “ 1 75 3 “ “ 2 50 10 “ “ 4 00 Troy Block Weights. Fig. 38 In oiled walnut blocks, lined with poplar. The weights are of brass, highly finished. 20 oz. to J grain , $ 7 00 30 “ “ 9 00 50 “ “ 12 50 Metric Weights. Fig 23- In mahogany box, with pincets; specially adapted for dis- pensing purposes, and very popular. 20-gram piece and down to 1 centigram .$ 1 75 ©88 412 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Metric Weights. Fig 24- In velvet-lined mahogany block. Large weights of brass and lacquered, small weights sf aluminium all of the finest finish. 20-gram piece and dow r n to 1 centigram $ 3 50 “ “ “ 5 no “ “ “ a Brass Block Weights. (Avoirdupois.) Fig. 50- Solid brass weights in walnut or cherry block. 1 lb. to £ oz brass $2 25; nickel $3 2 “ to “ “ 3 50; 4 4 “ to “ “ 5 00; “ 6 Metric Weights. Fig. 20- Weights of solid brass in cherry block. 20-gram piece and down to 1 centigram $0 50 “ “ “ “ “ “ 1 100 “ “ “ “ “ “ 1 Metric Weights. Fig. 32- Weights of solid brass; small weights of nickel silver. 1 kilogram to 10 gram, $5 1 “ “ 1 . “ 6 1 “ “ 1 centigram 7 50 00 00 00 50 50 65 10 60 50 50 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 413 Nickel-Plated Queen Anne Block Weights. Troem- ner’s. Fig. 45- In highly-finished ebony block; weights set in recesses on top of block, and are heavily plated with nickel. 1 lb. to ^ oz., nickel-plated $5 2 << << a a a ~ 4 u u a u n g Tincture Press— Troenmer’s— This is the only press made having a wrought-iron screw, machine-cut thread, working in a copper socket, to prevent rust- ing up. Quart $3 \ gallon 4 1 “ 6 2 “ * 9 50 00 00 25 50 75 00 414 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Troemner’s Drug- Mill- Made for the grinding of roots, herbs and barks, etc. ; can be instantly taken apart and thoroughly cleaned. Ground matter falls into an enclosed box, which prevents it being blown about. Price $16 00 Pulleys for steam power, extra 6 00 Cork Pressers. Fig\ 160— No. 3, Iron, Japanned 18 Per doz., net THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 415 Slioultler Braces, Male and Female- In ordering special Braces, give measure from tip to tip of shoul- der, across the back, length of back and circumference at waist. Ladies’ Braces are made with waist belts. Fig. 152. Acme Shoulder Brace per doz. $12 00 Open Shoulder Caps. Plain or Gold Stamped Leather Backs. Strong Web, Plain or Fancy. Strong, Neat, Nickeled Buckles. Male or Female. Fig. 153. Lateral Brace per doz. $10 75 Plain or Gold Stamped Backs. Plain, Fancy or Embroidered Web. Nickeled or Brass Buckles. Male or Female. 416 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Shoulder Braces— Continued. Fig. 154. Paris Brace per doz. $10 75 Gold or Plain Stamped Backs. Embroidered Fancy or Plain Web. Strong, Nickeled Buckles. Male or Female. Fig. 155. Star^Brace per doz. $10 00 Gold or Plain Stamped Backs. Web., etc., as Fig. 153. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 417 Shoulder Braces— Continued. Fig. 156. Mikado Brace per doz. $10 75 Plain or Gold Stamped. Backs made to lace. Web, as Fig. 153. Fig. 157. Boss Shoulder Brace, Web, etc., as Fig. 153. per doz. $10 00 418 THE CHAS . BAUMBACH CO. Shoulder Braces— Continued. Fig. 159. London Brace Web and Finish as Fig. 160. .per doz. $8 00 Fig. 160. Victoria Brace, Web., etc., plain or fancy. .per doz. $6 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 411) Shoulder Braces— Continued. Fig. 161. Steel Spring Shoulder Brace per doz. $16 00 Fine White Sheep, Jean or Sateen backs. Shoulder Caps, fine white Sateen or Jean. With Suspender Attachments, for gentlemen. Fig. 162. Steel Spring Shoulder Brace per doz. $12 00 For Ladies. Same as Fig. 161, without Suspender Attach- ments. 420 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Shoulder Braces— Continued. Fig. 163. Laced Back Shoulder Brace Made of ‘Sateen or fine Jean white elastic nickeled Buckles, Also made in leather. per doz. $8 75 Web, strong THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 421 Show Globes— Pineapple Shape. Plain. Pineapple Shape. Engraved. Plain. Engraved. £ gallon, 26 inches height over all $1 00 $1 25 1 “ 30 “ “ “ 1 25 1 75 “ 32 “ “ “ 1 50 2 00 2 “ 40 “ “ “ 2 00 2 50 422 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Show Globes— Continued. Vase Shape. Engraved. Wayne Shape. Vase Shape J gallon $2 00 $2 50 1 “ 2 75 3 25 2 “ 3 75 4 25 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 423 Show Globes— Continued. Pressed Diamond. Spiral Pineapple. Pressed Spiral Diamond. Pineapple. £ gallon $1 50 $1 50 1 “ 2 00 2 00 2 “ 3 00 3 00 424 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Show Globes— Continued. Roman Vase Shape. With Two With Three Stoppers. Stoppers. \ gallon $1 50 $1 80 1 “ 1 80 2 25 2 “ 2 70 3 15 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 425 Show Globes— Continued. Peerless Pineapple Shape, With Two With Three Stoppers. Stoppers. $1 58 $2 00 2 00 2 50 3 00 3 75 J gallon 1 “ 2 “ 426 THE CIIAS. BAUM BACH CO. Skins, Chamois — Finest Grade — Per Kip. Per doz. No. 1A $i 65 $ 70 “ 2A o 25 85 “ 3A 3 35 1 50 “ 4A 4 50 2 00 “ 5A 5 60 2 20 “ 6A 6 80 3 00 “ 7 A 7 85 3 50 “ 8A 9 00 4 00 “ 9A 10 25 4 50 “ 10A 11 50 5 00 “ 11A 13 00 5 75 “ 12A 16 00 7 00 “ 13A 18 00 8 00 “ 14 19 50 8 50 “ 15 22 00 9 75 Gold Beaters . 1 00 Plaster, extra large . 13 00 Split, “ “ . 8 00 Toilet 75 Silk, Surgeons’— Twisted, on cards each 25 “ “ (White) “ 50 Braided “ “ 50 Skeins per doz. 50 Sieves— Brass Hair, No. 40, 10 inches “ 30, 10 “ “ 50, 9£ “ “ 40 “ 30 : “ 24 Soaps, Toilet, Shaving, etc.— Bazin’s Erasive per doz. 60 Colgate & Co.’s, No. 56, Barbers Shaving, 1 lb. bars per doz. 2 55 each 1 25 . “ 2 50 . “ 2 00 1 50 , “ 1 40 1 40 1 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 427 Soaps, Colgate & Co.’s— Continued. cashmere bouquet 0 1 No. 91, Cashmere Bouquet per doz. $2 55 “ 24, Castile, Mottled, Imported, 3 oz. cakes.... “ 37 “ 83, “ White, “ 4 “ .... “ 11 — , Eau de Cologne “ 67 1 97 No. 194, Glycerine, Oval, large per doz. $1 28 181, 210 , medium, small .... 1 03 75 No. 193, Honey, Oval, large per doz. $1 28 “ 182, “ “ medium “ 1 03 “ 210, “ “ small “ 75 “ 213, Marguerite Toilet “ 1 59 “ 116, Medicated Tar “ 1 06 “ 207, Naiades Toilet “ 1J59 428 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Soaps, Colgate & Co.’s — Continued. No. 154, Oatmeal, large, “ 218, “ small “ 214, Pansy Toilet... No. 206, Rosodore Toilet “ 63, Sand “ 186, 7th Regiment “ 39, Silver Plate “ — , Turkish Bath “ 225, White Wing “ — , Black Harness, 12 oz. cakes. “ White “ “ “ , Soaps, Coudray’s Frencli- No. 299, Glycerine “ 300, Jockey Club “ 296, Lettuce “ 297, White Rose ,per doz. $1 28 75 “ 1 59 per doz. $1 59 53 “ 1 59 , “ 60 “ 44 “ 58 1 30 “ 1 25 per doz. 3 3 “ 3 00 “ 3 00 88 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 429 Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Soap — First Quality Glycerine. No. 340, Bar, 1 doz. bars in wood box per gross $60 00 No. 342, Imt. Riegers, \ doz in paper box. per gross $24 00 “ 350, Shah of Persia, £ doz. m paper box.... “ 42 0Q No. 352, “ 354, Medallion, \ doz. in paper box, D. &. Q., \ doz. in paper box.... .per gross $15 00 21 00 No. 356, Large Medallion, £ doz. in paper box..per gross $33 00 Second Quality Glycerine. No. 440, Coupon Bar, 1 doz. in paper box .per gross $24 00 430 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Soap— Continued. No. 450, Oval Pressed, 1 doz. in paper box per gross $12 00 “ 450J, Oval Pressed, ^ doz. in paper box “ 13 00 No. 452, Crown Glycerine, 1 doz. in paper box or ^ doz. in paper per gross $10 00 “ 455, 30 per cent. Glycerine, \ doz. in paper box “ 15 00 “ 458, Imperial, ^ doz. in paper box “ 15 00 Third Quality Glycerine. No. 605, Daisy, 1 doz. in paper box per gross 4 “ 610^, XX Bar, 3 doz. in paper box “ 8 “ 606, Ball, 3 doz. in wooden box “ 5 “ 607, Giant Glycerine, 1 doz. in paper box... “ 9 Miscellaneous. No. 510, Boudoir, ^ doz. in paper box per gross 10 00 Complexion Soap. Dark, Imt. Pears, pronounced as fully equal, if not superior, to the imported article, \ doz. in paper box per gross $16 50 8 8S-8 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 431 Delorme & Quentin Co.'s Soap — Continued. Chimes of Normandy, White Rose Odor, Trans- parent, ^ doz. in paper box per gross $16 50 No. 217, 30 per cent. Scented Glycerine per gross $10 00 Shaving Soaps. No. 34, Tinfoil, wrapped, 1 doz. in paper box per gross 6 50 Transparent Shaving Stick, in round boxes, 1 doz. in paper box “ 18 00 No. 35, Round Cake, 1 doz. in box “ 5 00 The same, 6 cakes in roll, equal to 1 lb. Ten lbs. in wooden box single box 1 75 Reduction according to quantity. French Milled Soaps. French Milled Soaps. No. U ii a a 105, Brown Windsor, £ doz. in paper box, wrapped 113, Honey, i doz. in paper box, wrapped, 120, Glycerine, ^ doz. in paper box, wrap’d, 121, Oat Meal, J “ 112, Elder Flower, £ doz. in paper box, “ per gross $9 00 “ 9 00 “ 9 00 “ 9 00 “ 9 00 No. 118, White Lily, “Our Leader,” ^ doz. in pa- per box, wrapped per gross $9 00 132 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Soap— Continued. No. 119, Scotch Thistle, i doz. in paper box, wrapped per gross No. 114, Lohengrin, \ doz. in paper box, wr’p’ed, per gross “ 115, Norma, “ 116, Faust, “ “ “ “ “ 124, Fairy Queen (Turkish Bath) Brown and Yellow, 1 doz. in paper box “ “ 127, Star and Crescent, Bed, Brown, Green and Yellow, 1 doz. in paper box “ Hotel Soap, 6 doz. in wooden box “ Honey, J doz. in paper box “ Oat Meal, | doz. in paper box “ Almond, J “ “ “ “ No, 260, Glycerine Pine Tar, £ doz. in paper box “ “ 125, Four Leaf Clover, \ “ “ 134, Bose, elegantly wrapped ^ doz. in pa- per box “ “ 135, Lily of the Valley, elegantly wrapped ^ doz. in paper box “ “ 136, Violet, elegantly wrapped ^ doz. in pa- per box “ “ 138, Ess. Bouquet, elegantly wrapped \ doz. in paper box “ “ 142, Wood Violet, elegantly wrapped | doz. in paper box “ “ 148, Musk Bose, elegantly wrapped £ doz. in paper box “ “ 145, Jockey Club, elegantly wrapped \ doz. in paper box “ $9 00 $9 00 9 00 9 00 5 00 4 50 4 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 10 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 18 00 21 00 21 00 24 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 433 Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Soap— Continued. Castiles. No. 176, White Castile, pressed, 1 doz. in paper box per gross $5 50 “ 176, Mottled Castile, pressed, 1 doz. in paper box .. “ 5 50 “ 71, Mottled Olive Castile, 1 doz. in paper box “ 4 50 Cosmetiques. Olive, Wax, Pomatum, large size per gross 22 50 “ “ “ small “ “ 15 00 Cocoanut Oil Soap. No. 1, Long Bar, 1 doz. in wooden box per gross $24 00 “ 2, Square Cake, wrapped, 1 doz. in paper box “ 7 50 “ Variegated Bar, 1 doz. in w'ooden box. “ 15 00 “ 3, Square Cake, 1 doz. in paper box u 5 50 “ 3J, White Bar, 1 doz. in wooden box “ 15 00 “ 4J, Mottled Pressed Cake, 1 doz. in paper box “ 4 50 “ 5, White Pressed Cake, 1 doz. in paper box “ 4 50 “ 5|, Mottled Cocoa Castile, 1 doz. in paper box... “ 8 50 “ 6, Long Bar, 1 doz. in wooden box ‘‘ 15 00 “ 26, Almond Pressed, 1 doz. in paper box.. “ 5 50 “ 8, Turkish Bath, 1 doz. in paper box “ 5 50 “ 175, Pocine, 1 doz. in paper box “ 5 00 Our Cocoanut Oil Soaps, which have been in the market for many years, are well known for their purity, and we shall always strictly adhere to our standard. Medicinal Soaps. No. 360, Transparent Carbolic, elegantly wrap- ped, i doz. in paper box per gross $18 00 434 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Soap — Continued. No. 61, Toilet Tar, elegantly wrapped, £ doz. in paper box per gross $15 00 “ 62, Toilet Carbolic, elegantly wrapped, \ doz. in paper box “ 15 00 “ 68, Toilet Sulphur, elegantly wrapped, \ doz. in paper box “ 15 00 “ 63, Carbolic (tinfoil), 1 doz. in paper box... “ 7 50 “ 60, Juniper Tar, w rapped, 1 doz. in paper box “ 9 00 “ 69, Sulphur, wrapped, 1 doz. in paper box “ 9 00 “ 65, Ox-Gall Soap, a servicable cleanser of the most delicate fabrics “ 15 00 Eastman’s— No. Ill, Carbolic per doz. 1 25 “ 133, 30 per cent. Glycerine “ 75 “ 140, Pine Needle Complexion “ 1 00 “ 141, Flax Seed “ 1 00 “ 150, Aloha “ 2 00 “ 164, Thistledown “ 175 “ 279, Dominus “ 66 “ 283, Puck “ 75 “ 303, Lettuce “ 2 00 “ 535, Blue Bells of Scotland “ 2 00 “ 537, Sulphur “ 1 25 “ 539, Tar “ 75 Eberle’s Cocoanut Oil “ 45 Pond Lily, box of 50 large cakes per box 2 50 Farina “4711” Soaps— No. 4711, Glycerine, large size per doz. 2 40 “ “ “ small “ 1 58 “ “ “ “ 17 qf; Graham Bros. & Co.’s— Cocoa, No. 235, \ lb Bars per doz. 34 “ Cream, Pink and White “ 38 Oriental, 6 cakes in box “ 40 Red Cross “ 42 Druggist Castile, Mottled or White “ 42 Mecca, Toilet, 4 cakes in box “ 60 Edelweiss, Glycerine “ 65 “ Honey “ 65 “ Oatmeal “ 65 Monarch, Glycerine “ 75 “ Honey “ 75 “ Oatmeal “ 75 Phoenix, Glycerine, No. 724 “ 75 “ Honey, “ 725 “ 75 u Oatmeal, “ 730 “ 75 Turkish Bouquet, “ 702 “ 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 435 Graham Bros, & Co.’s — Continued. Cocoa Castile per doz. $ 75 Dog Soap ££ 75 Druggists Carbolic Acid, No. 720 “ 75 “ Glycerine, “ 710 “ 75 “ Honey, “ 709 “ 75 “ Oatmeal, “ 712 “ 75 “ Old Windsor, “ 714 “ 75 “ Palm Oil, “ 711 “ 75 “ Princess, “ 713 “ 75 “ Sulphur, ££ 719 “ 75 “ Tar with Glycerine, No. 718 ££ 75 Roses of Cashmere, “ 703 ££ 1 25 Hygienic Shaving Soap, 10 ft box “ 1 50 Druggists Bouquet, No. 723 “ 1 75 Soaps, Jas. S. Kirk & Co.’s — No. 85. Cocodes Tropiques per doz. 35 “ 160, Mikado “ 42 “ 202, Nevada “ 42 “ 161, Flake White “ 60 “ 118, Turkish Bath “ 65 “ 184, May Flower “ 70 li 198, Royal Glycerine “ 75 ££ 197, u Honey “ 75 <£ 199, ££ Oatmeal “ 75 “ 196, “ Windsor £< 75 “ 176, Sovereign Transp. Glycerine “ 75 “ 187, White Lilac Glycerine “ 75 <£ 183, u “ Honey “ 75 “ 182, Rose Almond “ 80 “ 149, White Russia Bath “ 80 “ 116, Glycerine and Spermaceti “ 94 “ 80, Oatmeal “ 1 20 £ ‘ 129, Carbolic “ 1 25 “ 101, Commonwealth 11 1 25 189, Corona “ 1 25 ££ 128, Juniper Tar Oil “ 125 “ 140, Sulphur ££ 1 25 “ 200, Hollywood “ 1 67 £< 139, Caledonia ££ 1 88 ££ 114, Juvenile ££ 2 08 ££ 180, Cologne Bouquet ££ 2 50 ££ 119, Jockey Club ££ 3 00 436 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Low, Son & H.’s Soaps— Brown Windsor, 3 cake packets per doz. $ 75 Lnbin’s, large “ 7 50 “ medium “ 5 00 small “ 3 50 Medicinal — Carbolic. Buchan’s Toilet “ 1 50 “ Disinfecting Cakes “ 1 50 Calvert’s Toilet “ 1 75 “ Medicinal “ 3 25 Cole’s Carboli “ 1 75 Delorme & Quentin Co.’s No. 62 “ 1 25 “ “ “ 63 “ 63 Eastman’s No. Ill “ 1 25 Kirk’s No. 129 “ 1 25 Stiefel’s. Arnica, (10 per cent. Tinct. Arnicae.) “ 1 50 Aromatized Lac Sulphur, (10 per cent. Sulphur Praecipit.) “ 1 50 Birch Tar, (10 per cent. Pix Liquida.) “ 1 50 Birch Tar and Sulphur, (10 per cent. Pix Liquida and 10 per cent. Sulfur depur. lot.) “ 1 50 Boracic Acid, (5 per cent. Acid Boracic. Pur.) “ 1 50 Borax, (10 per cent. Natr. Biboracicum) “ 1 50 Camphor, (5 per cent. Camphora) “ 1 50 Carbolic Acid and Glycerine, (5 per cent. Acid Carbolic Pur.) “ 150 Eucalyptol (5 per cent. 01. Eucalypti Rectif.) “ 1 50 Freckle per doz. 1 50 Gaultheria, (3 per cent. Acid Methylsalicylic) “ 1 50 Glycerine, Transparent, (20 per cent. Glycerin. Pur,) “ 1 75 Iehthyol, (5 per cent. Natr. Sulfo-Ichthyolic.) “ 175 Iodide Soda and Sulphur, (5 per cent. Sulfur depur. lot. and 3 per cent. Kalium Iodatum)... “ 1 50 Iodol, (1 per cent. Iodolum.) “ 1 75 Medicated Animal “ 1 50 Naphtol and Glycerine, (2£ per cent. Naphtol Pur.) “ 1 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 437 Soaps, Medicinal— Continued. Naphtol and Sulphur, (2£ per cent. Naplitol, Pur. and 10 per cent. Sulfur depur. lot.) per doz. $1 50 Pine Scented “ 1 75 Salicylic Acid and Glycerine, (3£ per cent. Acid Salicylic Pur. and 10 per cent. Glycerin, Pur,).. “ 1 50 Sublimate, per cent. Hydrarg. Chlor. Corrosiv.) “ 1 75 Tannin and Balsam Peru, (3 per cent. Acid. Tan- nic. Pur. and 3 per cent. Bals. Peru Ver.) “ 1 50 Thymol, (3 per cent. Thymol. Cryst. Albiss.) “ 1 50 Sulphur. Delorme & Quentin Co.’s No. 60 per doz. 75 “ “ “ “ 68 “ 1 25 Eastman’s No. 537 “ 1 25 Glenn’s “ 2 CO Tar. Hazard, Hazard & Co.’s Juniper Tar per doz. 2 25 Delorme & Quentin Co.’s Juniper Tar No. 69 “ 75 “ “ “ Toilet “ “ 61 “ 1 25 Eastman’s Tar No. 539....... “ 75 Kirk’s Juniper Tar Oil “ 1 25 “ Tar Oil and Glycerine “ 80 Packer’s “ 1 75 Robinson’s Indexical “ 68 Thymol, Sargent’s “ 1 80 Miscellaneous. Pond’s Extract Co.’s Toilet per doz. 1 35 Ricksecker’s Skin “ 1 75 Rieger’s Transparent Glycerine “ 2 75 438 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Soaps, Pear’s — Less 10 per cent, discount. No. 100, Wash Balls, size, No. 1 per doz. $2 45 “ 101, “ “ 2 “ 3 75 102, “ “ 3 “ 5 85 “ 103, Oval Tablets, “ 1 “ 2 50 “ 104, “ “ 2 “ 3 75 “ 105, “ perfumed with Otto of Rose, size, No. 3 per doz. 5 55 No. 106, Square Cakes, size, No. 1 “ 2 50 “ 107, “ “ 2 “ 3 75 “ 108, “ perfumed with Otto of Roses, size, No. 3 per doz. 5 55 No. 109, Round Shaving Cakes, size, No. 1 “ 2 45 “ 110, “ “ “ 2 “ 3 75 “ 111, “ “ “ 3 u 6 10 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 439 Soaps— Continued. No. 112, Shaving Sticks, size, No. 1 per doz. $2 20 “ 113, “ “ “ 2 “ 3 35 “ 114, “ u “ 3 ” 5 50 “ 115, Transparent Glycerine, 3 tablets in box, per doz. boxes (36 cakes) 5 60 (Same, per dozen cakes, $1.86%.) No. 120, Unscented Transparent per doz. 1 45 “ 466, Opaque Carbolic “ 1 50 “ 470, “ Juniper Tar “ 1 65 “ 469, Pumice Stone “ 1 65 “ 542, Lavender Water, 4 oz. bottles “ 8 40 “ 626, Fuller’s Earth, White Powder “ 1 69 “ 640, Violet Powder, in tin packages “ 1 65 Robinson’s Indexical— Giant Honey, Glycerine, Elder Flower and Oat Meal per doz. 1 12 White Glycerine “ 1 35 Newport Oatmeal “ 75 Pumice “ 90 Sand “ 80 Silver “ 90 Tar “ 68 Shaving— Colgate’s, 1 lb. bars per doz. 2 55 Cuticura .. “ 1 35 Graham’s Barber Bar per box 1 50 Lloyd’s Euxesis per doz. 4 00 Strong’s Arnica “ 1 00 Williams’ Barber Bar, round or square 10 1 lb. bars 2 70 “ “ Favorite per doz. 60 “ “ Clipper, tin foil cakes “ 53 “ “ Mug, “ “ “ 45 “ “ Traveler’s Stick “ 1 75 “ u Yankee “ 90 Spatulas, Steel Blade Riveted Handle — 3 inch blade each 18 4 “ “ 20 5 “ “ 25 6 “ “ 30 7 “ “ 35 8 “ “ 45 9 “ “ 60 10 “ “ 75 440 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Spatulas— Continued. 11-inch blade Spatulas, Plated— 3-inch blade .. 4 5 6 .each $1 00 “ 1 20 .each 28 . “ 30 . “ 35 . “ 40 . “ 45 8 “ “ 55 Pocket per doz. 6 00 Specific Gravity Bottles, with Thermometer, 100 C. C., each 1 10 Speculums, Assorted Sizes— Silvered and Coated per doz. 4 25 Spring 1 Lancets each 1 25 Stoves, Pocket and Nursery- Improved per doz. 1 35 Mayflower, No. 1020 “ 1 75 “ “ 1022 “ 2 75 No. 1 Night Stove and Food Warmer each $1 00 Straws per bundle 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 441 Supporters— Fitch’s Supporter per doz. $18 00 Fine Calf, Russet or White Sheep. Pads, lined with Velvet or Kid, plain or nickel-plated, gold or plain stamped. Also made in Hard Rubber. Perforated Buckskin Abdominal Belt each $2 50 Lined with fine Red Flannel. 442 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Supporters — Continued. Cuts of Intra-Uterine Pessaries. No. 1. Prolapsus. No. 3. Anteversion. No. 5. Cutters Ring Retrov. No. 7. Cutters Anteversion. No. 2. Retroversion. No. 4. Cutters Ring. No. 6. Cutters Ring Antev. McIntosh, Abdominal, each $ 3 00 Babcock’s Uterine “ 10 00 McIntosh’s “ complete “ 5 00 “ “ cups “ 2 00 “ “ Rubber Tubes pair 25 Syphons, Glass, 18 inches long.* each 60 Syringes, Glass- No. 3, Female, Jet Cap, “ 4, “ 5, 66 n 66 66 66 66 O, “ 7, 66 2 oz. “ 3, 66 3 oz. “ 9, 66 4 oz. “ 0, Male, a h u “ 2 , “ “ 3 , “ “ 4 , “ “ 5, “ “ 6 , “ 2 oz. 3 “ per doz. 55 60 . “ 75 . “ 1 00 , " 1 20 “ 1 50 . “ 1 75 . “ 35 40 “ 45 50 “ 70 “ 75 1 00 “ 1 25 1 50 “ 1 75 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 443 Syringes, Glass— Continued. No. 0, Cone Point “ 1, “ “ 2 , “ Glass Cased— No. 0 “ 1 . Glass, Ear — bent and straight. “ Eye “ Nasal Glass, McElroy’s— No. 00, Male 00, “ in Wood Case (( Q (< (( “ o’ “ “ 1, Male or Female u 2 11 11 “ 3,’ “ “ << 4 “ “ “ 5 , “ “ “ 6, “ “ “ 1, Ear — straight or bent CC 0 u u u Nasal, No. 1 Hypodermic— No. 12 “ 2 .. “ 645 - 6 . “ 3 Needles Metal, Female, 1 oz “ 2 “ Male, P. P “ 1 oz.... “ 2 “ “ 4 “ “ .12 “ “ 16 “ u 24 “ Horse 24 “ (in wood cases) “ 36 “ “ extra pipes per doz. $ 40 . “ 45 . u 50 “ 45 . “ 50 . “ 70 . “ 70 . “ 1 00 . “ 45 . “ 60 . “ 90 . “ 65 . u 80 . “ 1 00 . “ 1 12 . “ 1 25 . “ 1 50 . “ 1 90 . “ 2 25 . “ 1 00 . “ 1 50 . “ 1 00 . “ 8 00 . 12 00 . “ 15 00 . “ 18 00 . “ 2 00 . “ 1 30 . “ 1 50 , “ 75 . “• 1 90 “ 2 25 . “ 3 00 . “ 3 75 . “ 5 25 . “ 7 50 . u 9 00 . “ 13 50 . “ 22 50 . “ 27 00 .. “ 4 50 444 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Rubber, Elastic Bulb- Alpha— “A,” “b,” ; “c,” : “D,” “E,” “I,” Omega, No. 3 “ “ 4 Chamberlain’s, Utero- Vaginal Davidson’s— .perdoz. $17 50 . “ 17 00 . “ 16 00 . “ 15 00 . “ 13 00 . “ 10 00 . • “ 7 50 . “ 5 50 . “ 15 00 iN0 - 1 “ 16 67 “ 2 “ 13 34 ££ 3 “ 13 34 ^ , , 4 “ 14 58 Delano s— No. 508, Eye and Ear “ 3 25 “ 511, White Bag, hard rubber pipe “ 8 00 Davol’ s— fc ‘Acme,” No. 20, two hard rubber pipes “ 5 00 ‘‘Empire,” two metal pipes “ 2 50 “ three “ “ “ 2 75 “Eye and Ear,” No. 510, metal pipes “ 2 50 “Ear and Ulcer,” Pure Gum “ 2 00 RUBBER CO, “Globe,” No. 1, three pure metal pipes... 2, three hard rubber pipes. “ 3, two metal pipes “ 3, three metal pipes “ 4, two hard rubber pipes.... “ 4, three 11 “ .... perdoz. $6 88 7 50 3 00 3 25 , “ 3 75 “ 4 25 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO 445 “ Household, ” No. 1, 5 jet pipes .perdoz. $12 00 “ 2, 3 “ “ 7 50 “ 3, 2 “ “ 5 00 “ 4,2 “ 4 50 Mattson’s— No. 1, Family, white metal tubes per doz. $16 00 “ 1, “ hard rubber tubes “ 16 50 Irrigator, for Ladies, white metal tubes “ 16 00 “ “ hard rubber “ “ 16 50 “ “ No. 2 “ 9 50 “ “ “ 3 “ 8 00 Vaginal Irrigator, without S3^ringe “ 4 00 Waverly, metal tubes “ 10 50 “ hard rubber tubes “ 11 00 446 THE CHAS. BA UMBA CH CO. Syringes, Mattson’s— Continued. Grenoble, No. 1, hard rubber tubes per doz. $9 75 “ 2, “ “ “ 6 75 u £ U (i “ 4 25 “4, “ 11 vagin’l irriga- tor at’m’t “ 11 00 Moleswortli’s No. 1 “ 13 50 Tyrian, No. 20, 5 hard rubber tubes “ 12 50 u “ 45, slate color, 3 hard rubber pipes... “ 3 50 Tyer’s Physicians’ Companion Syringes “ 24 00 The French Jet Syringes. THE CHAS BAUM BACH CO. 447 Syringes— Continued. No. 10, Male 66 -1 66 1 ? “ 2, Vaginal “ 3, “ “ 5, Ear and Nasal Syringes, Fountain— per doz. $1 50 2 00 “ 2 35 “ 3 00 2 35 Davol’s Household. French Jet Tubes. No. 1, one pint per doz. $ 9 50 “ 2, one quart “ 10 50 “ 3, two “ .... ? “ 12 00 “ 4, three “ “ 13 50 “ 5, four “ “ 15 00 Davol’s Household. Hard Rubber Tubes. No. 11, one pint... ** 12, one quart. “ 13, two “ . “ 14, three “ . “ 15, four “ . ..per doz. $10 50 .... “ 12 00 .... “ 13 50 .... “ 14 25 .... “ 15 00 Tyer Rubber Co.— Fairbanks, No. 1, one pint per doz. $10 00 “ “ 2, one quart “ 12 00 448 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Tyer Rubber Co. — Continued. Fairbanks, No. 3, two quarts per doz. $13 “ “ 4, three “ “ 17 “ “ 5, four “ “ 20 Mattson’s— Climax, Hard Rubber Tubes. No. 1, one pint per doz. 10 “ 2, one quart “ 11 “ 3, two “ “ 13 “ 4, four “ “ 17 Excelsior- No. 1, H. R. Fittings, Capacity, one pint per doz. 10 “ 2, “ “ one quart “ 11 “ 3, “ “ two “ “ 12 “ 4, “ “ three “ “ 13 “ 5, “ “ four “ “ 15 Home— No. 2, Contents, one quart per doz. $15 “ 3, “ two “ “ 16 “ 5, “ four “ “ 20 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 25 50 75 00 00 00 00 THE CIIAS. BAUMBACH CO. 449 Tanks— Alpha, H. R. Tubes, No. 1, one pint per doz. $ 11 00 No. 2, one quart “ 12 50 “ 3, two “ “ 15 00 “ 4, four “ “ 16 50 Phenix Dispensing- Tank, each 1 75 This Tank is designed for dispensing heavy oil, such as Castor Oil, Olive Oil, Glycerine, etc. Bottles of any size can be filled directly from the pump spout, thus avoiding waste and overflow, while the tightly-fit- ting cover prevents evaporation and excludes dust. Furnished unlettered or let- tered — either Oleum Olivar, Oleum Ricini, or Glycerinum. Contents, 2 gallons. Names other than the three given above can be painted on the cans at a cost of 25 cents each. Teething- Rings— White Rubber per doz. 30 Black “ large “ 40 Bone “ 60 Ivory “ 1 75 Tents— Sea Tangle, hollow, assorted sizes per doz. 1 25 “ solid, “ “ 1 25 Sponge, carbolized u 1 75 Test Glasses “ 1 75 Test Tubes— 3 inch per doz. 20 4 “ “ 25 6 “ “ 35 8 “ “ 50 9 “ “ 60 450 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Test Tubes— Contiuued. 3-6 inch nested 3-7 “ “ 3-9 “ “ Test Tube Racks— 15 holes 18 “ Thermometers, Dairy- nest $ ii U each U 10 15 30 50 60 Fig. 4. 8 inch, tin case (Fig. 3) perdoz. $ % 30 8 “ all glass (Fig. 4) « 2 CO Thermometers, Brewer’s— Copper Case, 12 inch Metal Scale each 1 50 Fig. 25. Copper Case, 14 inch Metal Scale “ “ 12 “ Porcel. “ U $ 2 00 1 75 2 50 85 “ “ 14 “ a a (( (t a a Metal “ U ( < a IQ a Porcel. “ cc 1 25 1 10 Flat, Wood Back, Metal “ ( c .in mm I ■! mnjj mu ih ii 1 1 ii in ii mill 1 1 1 in [, i mm I i! 1 1 1 1 ‘ 1 1 [i 1 1 1 ' > ' ' ‘^i 1 1 ■ n 1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1| n i m m Fig 1 . 28. Flat, Wood Back, Porcel. Scale each $ 1 25 V Shape “ Metal “ « 1 25 Cellar, 10 inch per doz. 7 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 451 Thermometers — Continued. Fig. 33. Iron Angle (Fig. 33).... each $ 5 CO Mash or Steam Tub, 42 inch long “ 6 00 Wood Frame and Wood Handle, 10 inch “ 50 “ “ “ 12 inch “ 75 Fever — 4 and 5 inch Round each 100 Fig. 4 inch, Flat (Fig. 21) each $ 1 25 li J 6 Q ' ym l Fig-. 23. % 4 inch Pat. Twist (Fig. 23.) each $ 1 50 Fig. 22. 4 inch Syphon Shape (Fig. 22) each $ 1 25 Hick’s. .1 “ 2 25 452 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Thermometers, Fever— Continued. Fig. 31. 4 inch Thermometer, as No. 67, in black enamel case with gilt bands, safety chain and clasp. (Fig. 31.) each $ 1 50 Glass— 7 inch 9 “ 12 “ per doz. 2 4 Thermometers, Plain, Japanned Tin — 7 inch, F.’s Scale per doz. $ g u (i io “ T 11 12 “ “ Thermometers for Drawing Room, Parlor or library. No. 45, 10 inch Black Polished Wood per doz. “ 166, 8 “ Boxwood, highly finished “ “ 166, 10 “ “ * “ “ “ 1C6, 15 “ “ “ “ “ 197, 7 “ Beveled-edge Porcel. Scale on heavy oak, walnut or ebonized wood back, fine polished “ “ 124, 10 inch “ 1 25 1 38 1 62 2 00 4 50 6 75 8 00 11 00 10 00 16 00 888 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 453 Thermometers — Continued. Show— 2 feet, Wood, Enameled White, Black Figure each $ 2 50 3 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 5 25 Standard— Fig-. 2. Tin Case Thermometers with seasoned Tubes, tested and graduated with special care as to accuracy. Scale Tube and case extra heavy, mounted with bright metal clasps. (Fig. 2.) * No. 5, 10 inch per doz. $ 8 10 * “ 6, 12 “ “ 10 13 7, 14 12 15 Thermometers, House or Cabinet— Fig. 7. Fig. 10. No. 17, 8 inch, square end walnut case Thermometers, (Fig. 7) per doz. $2 00 No. 18, 10 inch, square end walnut case Thermometers... 2 25 454 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Thermometers, House or Cabinet— Continued. No. 38, 8 inch Thermometer, scale and tube extra heavy, mounted with ornamental clasps and guards on bevel edge frame. Frame made from one-quarter inch alternate strips of walnut, cherry and maple, fastened together and sawed at an angle of 45° to show the variegated colors on all four bevels, scale beveled at same angle as case. (Fig. 10) $10 13 Thermometers, Storm Glasses (See Prognosticators, Fig. 15)— Fig. 20. Fig. 15. * No. 152 — 12 inch antique oak frame, maximum and min- imum tubes same as 57 and 153, mounted together on same plate. (Fig. 20) $24 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 455 Thermometer — Metal Plates — Metal Plates, 12 inch “ “ 14 “ Porcel. “ 13 “ Tincture, Presses— Troemner’s, quart.... “ % gallon, 66 -j^ 66 6 6 9 6 6 .per doz. $ 8 00 . “ 9 00 . “ 12 00 each 3 25 “ 4 50 “ 6 75 “ 9 00 Toothpicks— Ivory, 3 Blades per doz. 25 Quill, No. 3 M. 70 “ “ 4 “ 85 “ “ 5 “ 90 With Nail Cleaners per doz. 50 Wood, Hard, double point case, $3.25; “ 55 “ Soft, “ “ “ 3.00; “ 50 Tooth Preparations— Bazin’s Charcoal Tooth Paste per doz. 2 75 Brown’s Camphorated Dentifrice “ 1 75 Calder’s Dentine, small “ 1 75 Hazard, Hazard & Co.’s Camphorated Chalk, 4 oz. “ 3 50 “ “ Dentine, 4 oz “ 3 50 “ “ Saponaceous Dentine, 2 oz “ 1 75 Hood’s Tooth Powder, small “ 1 58 Hoyt’s Rubifoam “ 2 00 Jewsbury & Brown’s Oriental Paste, small “ 4 50 Long’s Tooth Soap “ 1 75 Lyon’s Tooth Tablets “ 3 75 “ “ Powder “ 180 Sheffield’s Cream Dentifrice “ ■ 1 75 Strong’s Arnica Tooth Soap “ 1 75 Sweet Saponax “ 1 75 Teaberry Powder “ 1 75 Thurston’s “ small “ 1 75 “ “ large “ 3 50 Thompson’s Tooth Soap “ 1 75 Van Buskirk’s Sozodont “ 6 00 Wright’s My rrha Soap “ 150 Zonweiss, in bottles “ 2 75 “ in tubes “ 1 75 456 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Trusses, Adults, Manufactured by the Hasting’s Truss Co. — Best Common, single " per doz. $ 4 00 Common French, single “ 7 00 “ “ double “ 13 00 Best French, single “ 9 00 “ “ double i.. “ 18 00 Set Screw, Imperial, single “ 12 00 “ “ “ double “ 24 00 “ “ Acme, single “ 16 00 “ “ “ double .. “ 32 00 Chase’s Improved, single “ 12 00 Scrotal : “ 13 00 Extension Pad, single “ 12 00 “ “ double “ 24 00 Chase’s Improved, single, Water Pad “ 16 00 “ “ double “ “ 32 00 Childrens’ and Youths’. Childs’, French Best, single per doz. 4 75 “ “ “ double “ 9 25 “ Chase’s Improved, single “ 4 00 “ “ “ double “ 13 00 “ Pure Bubber, single “ 6 00 “ N. Y. Elastic, single “ 7 00 Youths’ French Best., single “ 6 00 “ “ “ double “ 12 00 “ Chase’s Improved, single “ 7 50 “ “ “ double “ 16 00 “ Pure Rubber, single “ 7 50 “ Chase’s Improved, Water Pad, single “ 6 00 Celluloid- Adults, single, No. 5x10 per doz. 22 50 “ double, No. 5 “ 37 50 Cliildrens’, single, No. 6 “ 12 00 “ double, “ “ 24 00 Youths’, single, “ “ 18 00 “ double, “ “ 30 00 Elastic, New York, Cedar Pad, single “ 10 00 “ “ “ double “ 15 00 “ “ Kid Pad, single “ 10 00 “ “ “ double “ 16 00 “ “ Hard Rubber Water Pad, single, “ 18 00 “ “ “ “ “ “ double, “ 28 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO, 457 The Hastings Truss Co.’s Superior Leather Covered Trusses, (Adults.)— Reversible, Adjustable to any Angle or Flexion. Mountings, heavy Nickel Plated. Covers, fine Russia Calf or Sheep, Silk or Thread Web. Pads, polished Ivory, Hard Rubber, Ebony, Ena- melled, Cedar, fine Kid or Chamois. Improved Reversible Clutch Joint Neck by which the Pad is held rigidly to any adjusted position. Mountings, heavy Nickel Plated. Covers and Pads as Fig. 1 . 458 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Trusses— Continued. Fig. 3. Chase’s Improved Fine per doz. $9 Improved, Reversible Clutch Joint Neck. Fine Nickeled Mountings. Pads and Covers as Fig. 1. 25 Fig. 5. Chase’s Improved. (Radical Cure).... ...per doz. $12 00 Nickel Plated Mountings. Pads and Covers as Fig. 1. Fig. 23. Extension Pad. Single per doz. $1200 Double “ 2400 Single and Double. Fine Nickel Mountings. Covers and Pads as Fig. 1. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 459 Trusses — Continued. Fig. 26. French, Common. Single per doz. $ 7 00 Double “ 13 00 Covers, Russet or Cochineal. Pads, Kid or Chamois. Fig. 28. French, best per doz. $9 00 Covers, Russet, Sheep or Calf. Pads, Fine Kid, Hard Rubber or Chamois. Single and Double. Covers, Sheep or Fine Calf. Pads, Fine Kid, Hard Rubber or Chamois. 460 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Trusses— Continued. Fig. 35. Best Common, Single per doz. $4 00 “ “ Double “ 8 00 Single and Double. Covers, Cochineal. Pads, Buff Chamois. Water Pad Trusses. Adults— Fig. 45. Chase Improved, Water Pad per doz. $16 00 Single and Double. Reversible. Heavy Nickled Mountings. Covers, Russet Sheep or Fine Calf. Pad Covers, Fine Silk Mesh, Kid or Chamois. THE CHAS. BATJMBACH CO. 461 Water Pad Trusses. Adults— Continued. Fig. 49. New York Elastic, Water Pad per doz. $16 00 Single and Double. Belt, Heavy Elastic Web, 1£, If and 2 inches wide. Pads as Fig. 45. Trusses, Superior Elastic, With Improved Safety Catch Fastenings. Adults— Fig. 50. New York Elastic Reversible, Single. ..per doz. $ 9 50 Double.. “ 14 00 Nickel Mountings. Web, 1J, If or 2 inches wide. Pads, Cedar, Hard Rubber, Enamalled and Kid. 462 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Trusses— Continued. Fig. 51. New York Elastic, Double perdoz.$14 00 Webbing and Pads as Fig. 50 Trusses, Leather Covered. Adults. Double- Fig. 55. Acme. (Patented.) perdoz. $32 00 Adjustable to any Angle or Flexion. Supplied in large quan- tities to the U. S. Government. Mountings, Heavy Nickel Plated. Covers, Fine Russia Calf-or Sheep; Silk or Thread Web. Pads, Polished Ivory, Hard Rubber, Ebony, Enamelled, Cedar, Fine Kid or Chamois. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 463 Trusses — Continued. Fig. 56. Imperial or Set Screw.. per doz. $24 00 Improved Clutch Joint Neck by which the Pad is rigidly held in any adjusted position. Mountings, Heavy Nickel Plated. Covers and Pads as Fig. 55. Fig. 63. French Common per doz. $13 00 Covers, Russet Sheep or Cochineal. Pads, Kid or Chamois. Fig. 64. French Best per doz. $18 00 Covers, Russet Sheep or Calf. Pads, Fine Kid, Hard Rubber or Chamois. 464 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Leather Covered Umbilical Trusses. Adults — Fig. 66. Bow Umbilical per doz. $16 00 Plain or Nickeled Fixtures. Covers, Russet Sheep, Calf or Web. Pads, Fine Kid, Hard Rubber, Enamelled or Chamois. No. 67. French Umbilical per doz. 16 00 Covers and Pads as Fig. 66. Fig. 70. Elastic Umbilical per doz. $20 00 Double Web. If or 1£ inch wide. Pads as Fig. 66. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 465 Leather Covered Youths’ and Children’s Trusses — Double are made with Spring, Stiff or Flexible Back Pads as ordered. Fig. 72. French Best. Youth’s per doz. $6 Child’s “ 4 Covers, Russet, Sheep or Calf. Pads, fine Kid or Chamois. Youths’ and Children’s Umbilical Trusses— Fig. 86. Bow Umbilical per doz. $8 Covers, Russet Sheep or Calf. Pads, Hard Rubber, Cedar, Enamelled, fine Kid or Chamois. Indestructible Hard Rubber Trusses. Adults. — Reversible. Adjustable to any Angle or Flexion. Supplied in large quantities to the U. S. Government. 00 75 00 25 00 00 00 466 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Trusses - Continued. Fig. 91. Imperial or Set Screw. (Reversible.) Single % per doz. $24 00 Double “ 48 00 Made with our latest Improved Clutch Joint Neck, by which the Pad is rigidly held in any Adjusted Position. Fig. 92. Improved Chase. (Reversible.) Single per doz. $22 50 Double •. “ 45 00 Clutch Joint, Neck as in Fig. 91. No. 93. Improved Chase Water Pad. (Reversible.) Single per doz. 37 50 Double “ 75 00 Clutch Joint Neck as Fig. 91. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 467 Trusses— Continued. Fig. 100. Self-Adjusting or Cross Bodv. Single. . per doz. $24 00 Double “ 39 00 Applicable to Either Side. Pad Adjustable. Fig. 101. Continuated Spring. Single per doz. $24 00 Double “ 45 00 Applicable to Either Side. Pad Adjustable. Fig 103. New York Elastic. Single per doz. $22 50 Double “ 37 50 Single or Double, Hard Rubber. Applicable to Either Side. Pads and Web as Fig. 50. 468 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Trusses— Continued. No. 104. New York Elastic. Single perdoz. $22 50 Double “ 87 50 Single or Double. Perforated. Web as Fig. 50. No. 105. New York Elastic, Spiral Spring Lever. Single per doz. $30 00 Double “ 45 00 Hard Rubber Plate. Pads and Web as Fig. 50. No. 118. Improved Elastic Umbilical per doz. $50 00 With Hard Rubber Pad. Belt of Fine, Strong Elastic Web 5 inches wide. Centre Apex Pad as in Fig. 115. Indestructible Hard Rubber. Youths’ and Childrens’ Trusses, Single and Double — Fig. 120. Chase Improved. Reversible. Made also with Water Pads. Child’s single doz. $15 00 “ double “ 30 00 Youth’s single “ 17 00 “ double “ 34 00 Fig. 123. Chase Improved. Made also with Water Pads. Child’s single doz. $15 Of) “ double “ 30 00 Youth’s single “ 17 00 “ double “ 34 00 Fig. 121. French. Lightest AVeight Combined with Ade- quate Strength. Same Price as No. 120. Fig. 124. French. Same Price as No. 120. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 469 Trusses— Continued. Fig. 122. Self-Adjusting or Cross-Body. Applicable to Either Side. Same Price as No. 120. Fig. 125. Self-Adjusting. (Double.) Same Price as No. 120. Tubes— Glass, for nursing fittings per doz. $ “ assorted sizes and lengths per lb. “ Julep, bept and straight per doz. Tubing— India Rubber, r 3 6 in. diam. inside, light per foot u l. u u cc u 4 U 3 . U i t i C U U 1 U H U U “ & “ “ heavy “ a l t( << it ft It 3 . (t It it it tc i it a it tt tt tt tt tt tt . tt 3 . tt tt it tt 4 tt 2 « << tt .t India Rubber, ^ in., white, for nursing bottles, per pound, $ .90 per foot India Rubber, £ in., maroon, for nursing bottles, per pound, $2.00 per foot India Rubber, £ in., pure gum, for nursing bottles, per pound, $2.00 per foot Tweezers— Gifford’s, No. 1, on card per doz. << tt 2 “ “ H. & W.’s, “ 1, “ “ (< tt £ tt tt tt tt y it ft 8 40 20 5 6 8 10 5 6 8 10 12 14 18 3 4 4 40 45 50 30 50 470 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Twine Holders— Fig. 154. Fisr. 91. Glass, Plain, with blue rim around bottom, Fig. 154, each, $ 40 “ Engraved, “ “ “ 94, “ 50 Glass, Coated and Punty Cut, Fig. 153 each $1 25 “ Polka Dot, Fig. 395 “ 50 Nickeled Mortar “ 1 25 Urinals, Glass, male and female each 50 “ “ with handles “ 50 Urinometers— With test glasses, in cases each 50 “ graduated test glasses, in cases “ 100 Vinaigre, Bully’s “ 6 09 Pinaud’s perdoz. 0 00 Societe Hygienique “ 5 00 Rouge “ 80 Waters, Toilet— Eastman’s Perpetual “ 4 00 Florida (L. & K.) “ 5 50 “ (Lazell’s,) small “ 1 25 “ “ large “ 4 25 Toilet, Colgate’s, lavender, 8 oz “ G 80 “ <£ violet, “ “ 8 50 “ <£ “ 3 oz “ 4 25 <£ “ “ 1 oz “ 1 77 “ Coudray’s Lavender distilled “ 5 00 “ “■ “ amber “ 6 00 “ Eastman’s, No. 670, lavender, distilled “ 4 25 “ “ “ 670, “ amber “ 4 25 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 471 Waters, Toilet— Continued. Toilet, Eastman’s, No. 621, 4 oz., fancy wicker, ladies’ flask per doz. $ 8 GO “ “ “ 737, Royal violet water, 8 oz., c. s “ 8 00 “ “ “ 738, Royal violet water, 4 oz., c. s.... “ 4 25 “ Lubin’s Lavender amber “ 8 50 “ “ “ distilled “ 6 00 Lundborg’s Lavender, 5 oz., round distilled “ 6 00 “ “ “ “ amber “ 6 50 “ 11 “ wicker, distilled “ 7 50 “ “ “ “ amber “ 8 00 Weights, Single, separate from full Sets — Ounces I J 1 2 4 8 Nest each $ 10 20 30 40 50 60 Block “ 15 25 35 50 60 70 If Nickel Plated, 5 cents each extra. Wicks— Candle per lb. 24 Kerosine, No. 0, f inch wide per gross 20 “ “ 1,1 “ “ 28 u “ 2, 1 “ “ 40 “ “ 3, 1J “ 70 “ Argand “ 80 Above Wicks in roll 32 yds., same as above. “ Pett “ 20 “ Nutmeg “ 20 “ Tom Thumb “ 12 “ German Student “ 55 Wrapper— Seidlitz Powder per 100 80 GOLD SEAL, RUBBER GOODS THE BEST MADE. Gold Seal Druggists’ Goods, Gold Seal Rubber Hose, Gold Seal Rubber Belting, Gold Seal Rubber Clothing, GOLD SEAL BOOTS and SHOES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 372 and 374 East Water St., AILWAUKEE. W. W. WALLIS, Manager, (j(H>dyear^]^Ubber Goodyear Union Syringes — Manufactured Exclusively by Goodyear Rubber Company. Goodyear Improved Enema (in Pasteboard Boxes) — With 2 Nickel Plated Pipes per doz. $ Goodyear Original (in Wooden Boxes)— With 3 Nickel Plated Pipes per doz. $5 25 474 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Goodyear Superior, No. 1 (in Wooden Boxes) — With 4 Nickel Plated Pipes and Eye Spray per doz. $11 00 Goodyear Popular Syringe (in Pasteboard Boxes) — With 2 Hard Rubber Pipes per doz. $3 15 “ 3 “ “ “ “ 3 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 475 Goodyear People’s Syringe (in Pasteboard Boxes)— With 2 Nickel Plated Pipes per doz. $2 95 “ 3 “ “ “ “ 3 25 Goodyear Eye and Ear (in Wooden Boxes)— With 2 Hard Rubber Tubes per doz. $3 15 “ 2 Metal Tubes “ 3 00 476 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Goodyear Practical (in Wooden Boxes)— With 3 Nickel-Plated Pipes per dOz. 55 40 Goodyear No. 3 (in Wooden Boxes) With 3 Nickel-Plated Pipes per doz. $8 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO, 477 Goodyear No. 5 (in Pasteboard Boxes) — White Metal Mountings and Pipes per doz. $3 60 Goodyear No. 4 (in Wooden Boxes) With Hard Bubber Pipes ,per doz. $11 40 478 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO Goodyear No. 7 (in Wooden Boxes) — With 3 Hard Rubber Pipes per doz. $7 00 Goodyear No. 10 (in Pasteboard Boxes) — With 2 Hard Rubber Pipes per doz. $4 75 “ 3 “ “ “ “ 5 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 479 Goodyear Fountain Syringes— Made by Goodyear Rubber Co. only. Best quality of Bag and Tubbing. Hard Rubber Patented Irrigating Female and Vaginal Pipes, and Patented Reversible Injection Tubes. No. 1,1 Pint, perdoz., $ 9 00; with Irrigator Tubes... $10 00 “ 2, 1 Quart, “ 10 50; “ “ “ ... 11 50 “ 3, 2 “ “ 11 50; “ “ “ ... 12 50 “ 4, 4 “ “ 21 00; “ “ “ ... 22 00 480 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Goodyear Bag 1 Syringes (Hard Rubber Tubes)- Vajrinal. 1 , 2 , 3 . Syringe Bulbs— Single Neck per doz. $ 90 Single Neck, with Screw “ 95 Syringe Valves— Metal Hard Rubber per doz. 5 . “ 25 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 481 The Lady’s Syringe- Manufactured by Goodyear Rubber Co. We recommend it as the simplest and most perfect Vaginal Syringe in the market. It is made of one piece of soft rubber, without any tubing, valves, screw threads or extra nozzles, and consists of the nozzle or vaginal plug, and a bulb. The vaginal plug is the essential feature of the instrument. It is constructed in such a manner that when its nozzle is pressed against the vaginal inlet it closes the latter so perfectly that when the bulb is pressed upon, the injection enters the vagina and expands all its folds which harbor the discharges to be removed. As long as the bulb is pressed upon, the injection is held in contact with the entire mucous membrance, and is withdrawn the moment the bulb is allowed to expand. By repeating the injecting and withdrawing several times, the vagina can be more perfectly cleansed than can be done by any other instrument. Per dozen $24 00 Goodyear Cupping' Cups — Put up with three sizes of glasses, with a superior quality Rubber Bulb that can be detached. Price... French Cupping Cuj per doz. $8 (X) “ 4 00 482 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. The Goodyear Atomizers— Manufactured only by Goodyear Rubber Company. “Gold Seal” Trade Mark on every box. No. 2A Hard Rubber Tube, continuous stream... per doz. $10 No. 6, Continuous Stream per doz. $8 No. 7, Throat, Downward Spray “ 8 No. 8, Post Nasal, Upward Spray “ 8 50 40 40 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 483 Hard Rubber Funnels— No. 10, \ pint “ U,i “ “ 12 , 1 “ “ 13, 1 quart Hard Rubber Suppositor Syringes— No. 11. Ring Handle. No. 12. Ring Handle. No. 15. Knob Handle No. 16. Knob Handle. Hard Rubber Syringes— 600 — l ounce P. per doz. $2 65 , “ 3 10 . “ 4 25 . “ 5 00 .per doz. $4 10 .per doz. $4 75 .per doz. $3 00 .per doz. $3 60 .per doz. $3 16 601 — | ounce P. 602 — | ounce P. 610 — l ounce P. 611 — y ounce .per doz. $2 10 .per doz. $2 10 per doz. $2 12 .per doz. $2 78 624 — \ oz. glass barrel, soft rubber points. .per doz. $3 25 484 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO Hard Rubber Syringes— Continued. 625 — \ ounce soft rubber points per doz. $6 05 61 — | ounce P ....per doz. $3 70 61A — j ounce P, Bulbous Tip per doz. $4 00 61 B — | ounce Infant, Ring Handle per doz. $5 00 61C — | ounce Excelsior P per doz. $4 25 61D — | ounce Excelsior P per doz. $5 75 62— | ounce Rectal per doz. $5 00 63 — 1 ounce Rectal per doz. $5 75 630—1 ounce Rectal, plain per doz. $5 00 63A — 2 ounce Rectal per doz. $7 12 64 — 3 ounce Rectal per doz. $8 40 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 485 65 — 6 ounce Rectal per doz. $11 00 65 — 6 ounce Bent Rectal Pipe per doz. $12 10 486 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Hard Rubber Syringes— Continued. — 12 ounce, with Extra Bent Rectal and Vaginal per doz. $19 00 71 — \ ounce Vaginal. ,per doz. $3 70 72 — 1 ounce Vaginal. .per doz. $4 25 73S — 2 ounce Vaginal, with Shield. per doz. $9 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 487 Hard Rubber Syringes— Continued. 74 — 3 ounce, with Bent Vaginal Pipe per doz. $9 50 74S — 3 ounce, with Bent Vaginal Pipe and Shield, per doz. $11 60 63 — Long Pipe, 1 ounce Uterine per doz. $8 00 69 — £ ounce Dental per doz. $5 25 488 THE CHAS BAUM BACH CO. Hard Rubber Pessaries— Concave. Bow. Horseshoe. Smith’s Concave. Bow. Horseshoe. Smith’s Concave per doz. $1 60 Bow “ 1 16 Horseshoe “ % ^8 Smith’s “ 1 ^ Thomas Modification of Smith’s, Emmet’s THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 489 Soft Pessaries — White Inflated Ring, no stem “ Meigs’ Gutta Perclia Ring Pessaries— Per doz Goodyear^ Breast Exhaust— $2 25 1 70 $2 00 er-Extra— Camel-Hair Pencils — Very best for lettering and striping, hair 1 to 2\ inches long. Each length of hair put up in gross packages of assorted sizes. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 . .... “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 : Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 Camel-Hair Artists’ Brushes— Nickel-plated ferrules; polished handles. No. 1 per doz. U 9 C 6 “ 3 “ “ 4 “ “ 5 “ “ 6 “ Assorted, 1-6 “ “ 1-6 per gross Swan- Quill Pencils— For lettering and striping; hair ^ to 2f inches long. Per doz. I to 1| inches $ 80 If to 2\ “ 100 Metal Tube Camel-Hair Pencils— Extra large; in metallic tubes; hair 1 to 2\ inches long. Per doz. 1 to 1^ inches $1 40 If to 2 \ “ 1 60 Camel-Hair Dagger Stripers— Wood handle per doz. Camel-Hair Marking Brushes— In tin; cedar handles. No. 1 per doz. u q u “ 3 “ u 4 “ Assorted ‘‘ 60 76 92 12 32 60 00 10 80 Per gross. $ 8 40 10 80 Per gross. $14 40 16 80 $ 1 60 64 76 88 1 00 80 8 40 per gross THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 35 Camel-Hair Sworcl Stripers— No. 1 “ 2 “ 4 Assorted Ox-Hair Sword Stripers— No. 1 “ 2 44 3 “ 4 Assorted Siberian Ox-Hair Lettering Pencils — In quills; very elastic; gold and silk bound. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 44 5 44 6 “ 7 44 8 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 U U U No. 10, extra large “ 12, 44 44 Siberian Ox-Hair Striping* Pencils — In quills; very elastic; gold and silk bound. No. 1 44 2 44 3 44 4 44 5 44 6 44 7 44 8 Assorted, Nos. 1 to. 8 Ci u cc No. 10, extra large u ]2 11 11 per doz. $ 88 . 44 1 00 ' 4 1 20 44 1 40 44 1 20 .per doz. $ 1 08 1 28 44 1 48 44 1 72 44 1 40 .per doz. $ 52 . 44 64 . 44 76 . 44 88 . 44 1 04 . 44 1 20 . 44 1 40 . 44 1 72 . 44 96 .per gross 9 60 .per doz. 3 60 . 44 4 80 ..per doz. $ 56 .. 44 68 .. 44 96 .. 44 1 08 .. 44 1 28 .. 44 1 48 .. 44 1 72 44 1 92 .. 44 1 00 per gross 1 1 20 ..per doz. 4 00 44 5 60 36 THE CHAS. B AU MB AC H CO. Super Extra Black Sable Pencils — In metal tubes; for lettering and striping; hair 1 to If inches. No. 1 per doz. $ 1 20 “ 2 “ 1 60 “ 3 “ 2 40 “ 4 “ 3 20 “ 5 “ 4 40 “ 6 “ 5 60 “ 7 “ 7 20 “ 8 “ 8 80 Assorted “ 4 40 “ per gross 48 00 Ex. -Ex. Super Black Sable Bettering' Pencils— In quills; extra fine; gold and silk bound. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 6 . “ 8 Assorted Nos. 1 to 8 “ “ 1 to 8 No. 10, extra large “ 12 , Super Black Sable Striping Pencils— In quills; gold and silk-bound. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8. “ “ 1 to 8. No. 10, extra large ... “ 12 , “ ..per doz. $ 1 20 .. “ 1 60 .. “ 2 20 .. “ 3 00 .. “ 4 00 .. “ 4 80 .. ££ 6 40 .. ££ 8 00 .. “ 4 00 .per gross 46 00 ..per doz. 10 40 .. “ 15 20 ..per doz. $ 80 .. “ 1 00 .. £< 1 40 .. “ 2 00 .. <£ 2 60 .. “ 3 40 .. “ 4 20 .. “ 5 20 .. ££ 2 60 per gross 30 00 ..per doz. 8 00 ... “ 10 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 37 Extra Artist’s Red Sable Brushes— Warranted pure; round and flat; polished handles. No. 1 per doz. $ 88 “ 2 “ 96 “ 3 “ 1 08 “ 4 “ 1 28 “ 5 “ 1 44 *■* 6 “ 1 60 “ 7 “ 2 00 “ 8 . “ 2 40 “ 9 “ 2 96 “ 10 “ 3 44 “ 11 “ 3 92 “12 “ 4 60 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 6 “ 1 08 “ “ 1 to 12 “ 2 20 “ “ 1 to 6 per gross 12 00 “ ££ 1 to 12 “ “ 20 00 Extra Large Sizes— Round and flat. No. 14 — Round or f Flat per doz. $ 8 00 “ 16— “ * “ “ 10 40 ££ 18— “ | ££ “ 14 00 “ 20— “ | “ ££ 20 00 Red Sable Riggers, Long Hair, 20 per cent, advance. Artists’ Russia or Black Sable Brushes— Round and flat; polished handles. No. 1 per doz. $ 48 “ 2 “ 56 “ 3 “ 64 “ 4 “ 72 “ 5 “ 80 ££ 6 “ 88 “ 7 “ 96 “ 8 ! “ 1 04 “ 9 ££ 1 12 “ 10 ££ 1 24 “ 11 .' “ 1 32 ££ 12 “ 1 40 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 6 “ 68 “ “ 1 to 12 “ 80 “ ££ 1 to 12 per gross 8 00 38 THE CHA8 BAUM BACH CO Black Sable Brushes— For water colors; in silver plated ferrules. NO. 1 “ 2 .... “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 Assorted Ox-Hair Artists’ Brushes— Round and flat; polished handles. No. 1 • “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 Assorted Ox-Hair Fresco Brushes— Long hair; round and flat; polished handles. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 Assorted Red Sable Lettering' Pencils — In quills. No. 1 “ 2 u g “ 4 “ 5 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 per doz. LL L i L L ,per doz. per gross per doz. LL u u Li Li per gross per doz. LL LL $ 2 80 4 00 5 20 6 00 7 60 9 20 6 00 $ 60 72 88 1 00 1 20 1 44 1 00 11 20 $ 60> 72 88 1 00 1 20 1 44 1 00 11 20 $ 84 1 24 1 84 2 28 3 12 4 32 5 20 6 20 4 3 12 36 00 per gross THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 39 Red Sable Miniature Pencils — Pointed; in quills. No. 1 per doz. “ 2 “ “ 3 “ “ 4 . << “ 5 “ “ 6 : “ “*7 “ “ 8 “ Assorted, Nos. 1 to 8 “ “ “ “ per gross Miloncello Lettering- Pencils— In quills or metal tubes. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 Assorted. per doz. per gross Ostrich Feather Dusters— Full center. Prices and discounts subject to change without notice. The numbers of the bell and picture dusters represent the length of the feathers in inches. No. 5 T per doz. “ 6 “ “ 8 “ $ 84 1 24 1 84 2 28 3 12 4 32 5 20 6 20 3 12 36 00 $ 68 76 1 00 1 44 2 00 2 48 2 88 3 40 2 00 20 40 $1 40 2 00 2 60 3 20 40 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Ostrich Feather Dusters— Continued. No. 9 . per doz. $ 4 40 “ 10 “ 6 00 “ 11 “ 7 60 “ 12 “ 9 20 “ 13 “ 12 00 “ 14 : “ 15 20 “ 16 “ 18 00 “ 18 “ 19 20 “ 20 “ 20 00 “ 22 . ' “ 20 80 “ 24 “ 21 60 Picture Dusters— For pianos, paintings and other polished surfaces. Fine soft feathers. No. 5 “ 6 “ 8 “ 9 “ 10 “ 11 “ 12 “ 14 Parlor Dusters — Soft, black-tipped feathers, for fine work. No. 14 “ 16 “ 18 “ 20 “ 22 “ 24 Wool Dusters— No. 00 per doz. $ 3 60 0 “ 6 00 “ 2 “ 7 60 “ 4 “ 10 00 “ 6 “ 12 40 per doz. $26 00 “ 28 80 31 20 “ 33 60 36 00 38 00 per doz. $ 6 00 “ 8 00 “ 10 40 “ 12 00 “ 15 20 <£ 18 00 “ 22 00 “ 26 00 “ 30 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 41 Split Turkey Feather Dusters— No. 10 per doz. “ 11 “ “ 12 < “ “ - 13 “ “ 14 “ “ 15 “ “ 16 “ Net Prices. Handled Shoe Brushes— No. 36 “ 1 “ 522 “ 315 “ 524 “ 316 “ 61 “ 331 “ 335 “ 29 “ 25 “ 141 “ 340 “ 150 Porters’ Shoe Brushes— No. 36 “ 24 Mud Brushes— No. 209 Daubers— No. 1 “ 8 Peerless Royal Bailey’s, rubber per doz. U ,per doz. U per doz. .per doz. U $4 50 5 00 6 00 7 00 8 00 8 50 9 50 $1 20 1 38 1 75 1 85 2 00 2 40 2 65 2 65 3 25 3 75 4 25 4 50 5 85 7 00 $2 65 5 00 $1 35 $ 85 1 20 1 25 1 75 2 00 42 THE CH&S. BAUMBACH CO. Scrub Brushes — V Net Prices. No. 47 per doz. $1 “ 140 “ i “ 12 “ i “ 120 “ 1 “ 439.... “ i “ 460 “ i “ 430 “ 1 “ 49 “ i “ 32 “ i “ 43 “ 2 . “ 64, Rice Root, 2 rows “ “ 227, “ “ 1 Stove Brushes— No. 0 per doz. $1 “ 9 ..... “ i “ 31 “ i “ 6 “ 1 “ 65 “ l Rubber Scrub Brushes— With long handles. No. 0, Tampico per doz. $2 Rubber Scrapers— 6 in. Rubber Belting per doz. $1 12 “ “ “ “ 2 15 “ “ “ “ 3 Oil and Stove Blacking- Brushes— No. 1 per doz. $2 “ 2 “ 2 00 15 25 30 35 50 60 75 90 00 90 75 00 35 40 75 88 00 00 20 20 00 50 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 43 Common Counter Dusters — All gray bristles. Net Prices. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 “ 4 Extra Counter Dusters— All bristles; black outside. No. 1 “ 3 “ 4, Round End “ 5 “ 6 Fancy Counter Dusters— Painted blocks; all white bristles. No. 1 “ 2 “ 3 per doz. $ 2 U “ ■ 4 per doz. $ 3 “ 4 6 . “ 8 “ 10 per doz. $ 6 . “• 7 , “ 8 Extra Fancy Counter Dusters — Black Japan blocks; fancy inlaid. No. 10 per doz. $ 7 “ 20 “ * 9 “ 30 “ 10 Polished Handle Counter Dusters— All white bristles. No. 1 per doz. $ 6 “ 2 “ 7 “ 3 “ 8 Round End Counter Dusters — All white bristles; polished handles. No. 1 per doz. $ 7 “ 2 “ 8 “ 3 “ 10 “ 4, gray bristles “ 8 8 8 8 8 888 888 888 8 8 8 8 S S SSSS 44 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Double Counter Dusters— Net Prices. No. 2 per doz. $ 8 00 “ 5 “ 13 00 Baker’s Brushes— Wire fastened; all bristles. No. 1, Washing per doz. $ 4 50 “ 2, “ “ 5 50 “ 3, Dusting “ 8 00 “ 4, “ “ 10 50 “ 5, Grease, (round) “ 3 50 Floor Brushes— All bristles; for family use, with handles. No. 1, 10 inch per doz. $ 9 00 “ 2, 12 “ “ 12 00 All Russia bristles; for Schools, Stores and Halls, with handles. No. 3, 12 inch per doz. $18 00 “ 4, 12 “ “ 24 00 “ 6, 14 “ “ 39 00 “ 8, 16 “ “ 45 00 “ 14, 14 “ gray bristles “ 15 00 “ 16, 16 “ ' * “ “ 18 00 “ 18, 18 “ “ “ 21 00 Carpet Brushes— With handles. No. 20 v ...per doz. $ 9 00 “ 24 ft 25 00 Window Brushes— No. 0 '. per doz. $ 4 00 “ 1 4 “ 6 00 “ 10, Wire Fastened “ 9 00 u 12, “ “ “ 12 00 “ 13, u u Rubber Bands “ 18 00 “ 14, “ « u “ “ 27 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 45 Car Washers or Oblong- Window Brushes— Net Prices. No. 000 “ 00 “ 0, Wire Drawn u 9 u u Window Brush Handles— 8 feet 10 “ 12 “ Round End Window Brushes— 18 inch handle 30 “ “ Pope’s Head Brushes— No. 1 “ 2 Cobweb Brushes— No. 1 “ 2 Crumb Brushes— No. o : “ 1 “ 2 “ 3 Water Closet Brushes— No. 1, Tampico Fiber “ 2, Mixed Bristles doz. $ 5 50 6 C 5 00 6 6 8 00 C C 10 50 6 16 50 6 i 22 50 doz. $ 1 00 i 1 25 i 1 50 doz. $ 7 00 C i 9 00 ..per doz. $ 8 00 C 10 00 ...per doz. $ 6 00 8 00 doz. § 3 50 .. ‘ 4 50 1 i 7 00 6 i 4*' 12 00 doz. 1 4 50 6 ( 6 50 Beer Glass Brushes— No. 0 per doz. $ 2 00 “ 1, Patent “ 2 50 “ 10, “ “ 3 50 “ 12, “ “ 5 00 “ 13, Ale-Glass, Patent “ 3 50 “ 14, Patent, Double “ 6 50- 46 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Glass Handle Brushes— Net Prices. Extra per doz. $ 2 00 O 2 * Bottle Brushes— Yial per doz. $ Small “ Medium “ Large “ 1 Assorted “ Extra Large “ 3 Nursing Tube “ Nursing Bottle “ Lamp Chimney Brushes— Extra per gross $ 8 “ per doz. Mucilage Brushes— Wood Handles per gross $ 1 Tin Caps and Handles “ 1 Brewers’ Brushes— No. 0, Tampico per doz. $ 4 “ 1, Kitool “ 8 “ 2, Mixed Bristle “ 10 “ 3, All Bristle “ 15 “ 4, Rice Root “ 5 “ 5, Bass or Coir “ 7 Furniture Rubbing Brushes — 3 row, shoe handles per doz. $ 2 4 “ “ .-. “ 3 Barbers’ Dusters— No. 1 per doz. $ 3 “ 2 “ 5 “ 3 “ 7 Printers’ Lye Brushes— No. 1 per doz. $ 2 “ 2 “ 3 “ 3 “ 4 “ 10 ^ “ 5 “ 20 “ 6 “ 30 “ 7 “ 6, Benzine Brush “ 3 “ 7, *? “ 3 50 00000*01 to 0*00* OO* 00*0000 0*0* — I O to H ooooocoo* ooooooo* ooo oo 15 o o o o o OO 0*0 0*0*000000 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 47 Tanners’ Scouring* Brushes— Net Pi ices No. 0 per doz. $ 6 00 “ 1 “ 4 50 “ 2 “ 7 00 “ 3 “ 10 00 “ 4 “ 15 00 “ 5 “ 24 00 “ 6 “ 30 00 Tanners’ Blacking* H rushes — No. 9, Round per doz. $ 5 00 “11, Oval “ 10 00 “ 13, “ ..... “ 9 00 “ 20, “ “ 5 00 Tanners’ Paste and Stuffing Brushes— No. 7 per doz. $ 4 50 “ 12 “ 3 50 “ 14 “ 10 00 “ 15 “ 13 00 “ 16 “ 6 50 “ 17 “ 4 50 “ 18 “ 4 50 Cane Brooms — For Street or Stable Use. Twine drawn, with handles. 14 inch per doz. $5 50 Extra Cane Brooms — Pitched or drawn. 14 inch per doz. $7 00 16 “ “ 8 00 Bass or Coir Brooms— Wire fastened. 14 inch per doz. $8 00 Extra Bass or Coir Brooms — Pitched or wire fastened. 12 inch per doz. $7 00 15 “ “ 9 00 Straight Handle “ 5 00 Straight Handle Cane Brooms “ 7 00 Kice Root Hoof, or Dandy Brushes— No. 72 per doz. $1 50 “ 700 “ 2 65 Dandy “ 2 00 “ “ 4 00 48 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Hoi •se Brushes— Leather Back . Net Prices. No. 12 per doz. $ 1 75 “ 65 “ 1 85 “ 14 “ 2 00 “ 515 “ 2 50 “ 1120 “ 2 75 “ 523 “ 3 50 “ 108 . “ 4 00 “ 1602 “ 4 75 “ 544 “ 5 50 “ 555 “ 6 75 “ 422 “ 7 50 “ 100 “ 9 50 “ 300 “ .10 75 “ 500 “ 13 50 64 \ “ 13 50 “ 410 “ 18 00 “ 493 u 18 50 “ 450 “ 20 00 “ 65 “ 30 00 Peerless Window Cleaners- Double Rubber. 8 inch per doz. $ 2 50 10 “ t “ 3 00 12 “ “ 3 50 14 £< 4 00 18 “ “ 5 50 Carpet Sweepers— Bissell per doz. |20 00 Goshen 24 00 Grand Rapids “ 27 00 California “ 54 00 CROWN FLOOR PAINTS Are made from such materials as long experience has sliown to be the best adapted for painting floors. ToeyDEY QUICKLY and become very HAED, leaving a. durable finish. 65 French Ochre 70 Orange 75 Dark Drab 85 Venetian Oxide 95 Light Drab 90' Red Brown SPECIAL NOTICE. "T^HE high reputation attained by the Crown * Floor Paints has brought out many worthless imitations. Some manufacturers are ottering a cheap, quick drying barrel paint, others a common root paint, but none have succeeded in producing a Floor Paint having all the good qualities of the Crown. While it dries hard in a few hours, it is sufficiently elastic so as not to crack, scale or chalk off. It will not settle down and become hard in the bottom of the package, hence there is no loss from sediment. It has the property of resist- ing the destructive action of heat, acids, gases, alkaline solutions, etc. Any dealer handling Crown Floor Paint is authorized to guaran- tee it to give perfect satisfaction, if used in accordance with directions on each pacha i/e, or the money paid for the same refunded and charged to our account. With first order we furnish an elegant window sign, showing the colors on wood, and a good supply of sample cards showing colors on paper. NET PRICES. Gallon - - 75c. Half-Gallon - - 80 Quarts, per gallon - 85 MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BRADLEY VROOM AN, Jtaint nub (Color ©r mixers, CHICAGO. THE CHflS. BflUjVIBACH CO Wholesale Agents, MILWAtJKEE, IS. CROWN BUGGY PAINTS HEADY FOR USE I ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR PAINTING CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, And all work where a HIGHLY POLISHED and DURABLE SURFACE is desired . LOOK OUT F OR imitations of the Crown Buggy Paints. Our rapidly increasing trade has astonished our competitors, and they are endeavoring to get our business by making lower prices. This can easily be done by using cheap varnish, which soon loses its gloss, and makes the work look worse than before it was painted The secret of our success is that we grind our Buggy Paints in durable coach varnish , which will stand ex posure to the weather and retain its gloss for a long time. PRICE LIST. Qts. Pts y 2 Pts. Ivory Black, - $1.00 $ .60 $ .40 Victoria Lake, 1 .50 .85 .60 Wine Color, 1 .OO .60 .40 English Green, 1 .OO .60 .40 French Yellow, 1.00 .60 .40 Coach Green, 1 .OO .60 .40 Vermilion, 1.50 .85 .60 Discount, 50 per cent. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY BRADLEY <3c VROOMAN, Paint • and • Golor • Grinders, OHII OA-G-O THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., Wholesale Acents, MILWAUKEE, - WISCONSIN. Paints & Painters’ S*iRdries VARNISHES, COACH COLORS, ILLUMINATING OILS, ETC. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COLORS. First Quality Oil Colors. (In patent cans)— Ivory Drop Black ...Is. 2s, 5s 14 Eng. Coach Black ..Is, 2s a 14 Sign Painters’ Black ...Is i i 20 Lamp Black ...Is, 2s, 5s l 4 13 Black Paint ..Is, 2s, 5s “ 11 *Chinese Blue • ds, is, Is < i 38 *Prussian Blue -is, is, Is u 28 fUltramarine Blue ..is, Is i 6 18 Blue Paint ...Is U 11 Raw Turkey L T mber ...Is, 2s, 5s i i 12 Burnt Turkey Umber ..Is, 2s, 5s u 12 Raw Italian Sienna ..Is, 2s, 5s < c 13 Burnt Italian Sienna ...Is, 2s, 5s u 13 Vandyke Brown ...Is, 2s i i 13 Bronze Green ..Is i i 18 Paris Green ..Is 20 Chrome Green, L., M. &D.. ..Is “ 12 English Vermilion ds, Is 6 i 70 Permanent Vermilion ..Is u 25 American Vermilion 14 English Rose Pink ..Is l c 16 Tuscan Red ..Is 11 18 Turkey Red ...Is u 18 Indian Red ..Is, 2s, 5s u 13 Venetian Red ..Is, 2s, 5s, 12^s, 25s.. u 8 Red Lead ..Is lli 50 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. First Quality Oil Colors, The S.- IF.— Continued — Chrome Yellow, L., M. 0. & D. 0..1s, 2s, 5s per lb. $ 16 Golden Ochre Is “ 12 Yellow Ochre Is, 2s, 5s, 12|s, 25s “ 8 Prices of above made on basis of * in i and 1 lb. cans, as- sorted: f in | and 1 lb. cans; balance in 1 and 2 lb. cans, assorted. Price in 5 lb. cans, let. less; 12i and 25 lb. tin pails, 1£ cts. less, and kegs, 2 cts. per lb. less. Quick Drying*, (The Sherwin-Williams) — For coaches, cars, interior decorations, etc., etc. Abbreviations for Patent Press Cans, P. C. BLACKS. Ivory Drop Black, XXX per lb. | 50 Ivory Drop Black, XX CC 40 Ivory Drop Black, X C 6 30 English Coach Black, A CC 25 Above in 1 , 2, 5 and 10 It). cans, 5 and 10 It). P.C. S. W. Co. Lamp ) , Black. }ls, ^s, 5s, 10s, and 5s P. C.... CC 25 REDS. Per Tube. Per lb. French Carmine ..is, 1 and 5s P. C. $ 65 $ 5 00 AA Carmine 35 2 50 Carmine Striping is, Is 50 4 00 Empress Scarlet Is and 5s, P. C. 20 1 00 English Vermilion, pale is, Is. 25 1 25 English Vermilion, deep is, Is and 5s, P. C. 25 1 25. Orinoco Vermilion, M. and D Is and 5s P. C. 60 American Vermilion, pale and deep Is. 40 Turkey Red Is. 40 Tuscan Red 15 36 Indian Red, Light and Dark Is and 5s, P. C. 15 32 Royal Red Is. 25 Burgundy Gear Is and 5s, P. C. 85 Wine Color, B Is, 5s and 5s, P. C. 36 Wine Color, B. ex. d’k 45 Wine Color, C 50 Wine Color, D Is and 5s, P. C. 65 New Solid Wine 35 Rich Wine Is and 5s, P. C. 40 English Venetian Red Is. 15 25 English Rose Pink Is. 15 40 Ottoman Red, XXX 20 1 25 Gear Red 40 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 51 Quick Drying', The S.- TT r . —Continued. Per Tube. Per Cuyahoga Red .Is and 5s, P. C. $ $ 1 Columbia Red .Is and 5s, P. C. Euclid Red .Is and 5s, P. C. 1 Mazurka Red, L .Is and 5s, P. C. 1 Mazurka Red, D .Is and 5s, P. C. 1 Mandarin Red .Is and 5s, P. C. 1 Pasha Red .Is and 5s, P. C. Vienna Wine .Is and 5s, P. C. Sicilian Wine .Is and 5s, P. C. Ohio Lake .Is and 5s, P. C. Europa Carmine .Is and 5s, P. C. 1 Puruvian Red LAKES. .Is and 5s, P. C. English Scarlet, XXX 60 4 English Scarlet, XX 50 4 English Rose, XXX 20 1 English Rose, XX Is. 20 1 English Purple, XXX 50 4 English Purple, d’p and ex. d’ pXX... is, 45 • 3 English Crimson, XXX is, 65 5 English Crimson, XX is, 55 4 American Crimson, XXX.. . Is, 20 1 American Crimson, XX Is, 20 1 American Scarlet Is, 20 1 Munich, XXX 35 2 Munich, XX 30 2 Carmine, XXX is, Is, 40 3 Carmine, XX is, is, 35 2 Covering is, 20 1 Carriage ;, 2s and 5s P. C. 20 Claret Is, 20 Coach Is, 20 Maroon Is, 1 Chatimuc Is, -1 Yellow, XXX 2 Yellow, XX BLUES. - 1 Cobalt Blue 20 1 Prussian Blue 20 Ultramarine Blue is, Is, 20 Talbot Blue Is, Azure Blue Is, lb. 00 75 00 00 00 00 60 40 40 80 25 60 50 00 20 00 00 50 00 25 25 00 00 50 00 00 25 00 65 90 75 00 00 00 50 00 75 60 CO 40 52 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Quick Drying-, The S.- W— Continued. BROWNS. WHITES. YELLOWS. English Chrome Yellow L. M. O. & D. 0. .Is and os, Golden Ochre Is and 5s, Dutch Pink P. Per tube. Per lb. c. $ 15 $ 33 c. 15 32 .Is, 32 .Is, 50 .Is, 15 35 .Is, 15 45 c. 40 C. 15 40 , c. 15 40 .Is, 20 50 .Is, 20 ,80 .Is, 20 60 . C. 50 . c. 60 . c. 40 . c. 55 . c. 50 . c. 45 . c. 15 45 .Is, 20 80 .Is, 20 1 00 . C. 15 30 .Is, 20 50 .Is, 20 50 .Is, 15 25 Collapsible Tubes hold about two ounces each. Special colors made to order. Sample Books furnished on application. ™ , r , \ Black Trade discount, / 0t h er Colors. Per cent. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 53 Distemper or Fresco Colors— The S.- W.— This line of Colors is prepared to meet the wants of Fresco and Scenic Artists, Grainers and others, and is a much better grade of goods than usually sold under this name. They are the finest selected colors, ground impalpably fine, and put in white glass jars, about 3 inches by 2f inches in diameter, with a close- fitting tin cover, rendering the package valuable after the color is used. Ivory Drop Black per jar $ Lamp Black “ Bremen Blue “ Cobalt Blue “ Prussian Blue “ Ultramarine Blue “ Raw and Burnt Turkey Umber “ Raw and Burnt Italian Sienna.. “ Vandyke Brown “ Black Walnut Stippling “ French Crown Green “ Emerald Green “ Chrome Green, L. M. & D “ Ultramarine Green “ French Carmine “ 3 English Vermilion, L. & D “ Indian Red “ Venetian Red “ Turkey Red “ Orange Mineral “ Red Lead “ Naples Yellow “ Dutch Pink “ Rose Pink “ Chrome Yellow, L. M. O. & D. O “ Golden Ochre “ Yellow “ <£ Cremnitz White “ Carmine Lake “ Crimson “ “ 1 Maroon “ “ Red “ “ Rose “ “ Scarlet “ “ 1 Florentine “ “ Solferino “ “ Yellow £ ‘ “ 12 15 35 50 32 28 12 12 12 15 18 36 18 38 75 75 14 12 33 26 22 50 16 18 20 16 12 25 70 00 45 45 45 60 65 28 90 54 THE CHAS. BA UMBA ( H CO. Prepared Graining- Colors- Light Oak Is, per lb. $ Dark Oak . ....Is, “ Black Walnut Is, “ Chestnut Is, “ Ash Is, “ Maple Is, “ French Washed Ochre in Oil — F G 12J and 25 lb. pails per lb. 7 6 100 lb. kegs “ 6J 5| English Venetian Red in Oil— F G 12| arid 25 lb. pails per lb. 7 6 100 lb. kegs “ 6J 5£ Zincs — The S.-W. Co.’s Green Seal French per lb. “ “ Red “ “ “ English Crystal “ Prices of above Zincs given of 25 lb. pails. Price in 12£ lb. pails, } cent higher. Green Seal, in patent cans, regular assortment per lb. Is 2s 3s 5s Red Seal, in patent cans, regular assortment per lb. Is 2s 3s 5s China Gloss (Zinc in Var.) in patent cans, regular assort- ment per lb. Is 2s 3s 5s 10s 25s Raynolds’ Genuine Colors. (Ground in Oil.) Special Notice. — We trust our Customers will not confound above brand “GENUINE” Colors with those of other manu- facturers branded “Genuine,” but which are confessedly THEIR second and third qualities, and offered at correspondingly low prices. Black, Coach and Drop Blue, Sign Writers’ Lamp, Refined Paint Paint Chinese U it u u u u Prussian Ultramarine a ti u u Vi lb. Cans, 3 cts. per lb. advance, lb. Cans, 5 cts. per lb. advance 12 12 12 12 12 12 H 4 H 4 9 8 7 12 11 16 £ 15 17 13 13 m 35 31 19 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 55 Raynoltls’ Genuine Colors — Continued. Brown, Umber, Raw and Burnt.... Assorted Cans, per lb. $ 12 Sienna, “ “ .... “ “ 13 Vandyke “ “ 13 Green, Durable Emerald — Light, med. and dark shades, “ “ 14 Double deep shade 11 16 Window Blind, three shades, “ “ 13 Chrome, three shades “ “ 13 Olive “ “ 14 Bronze “ “ 14 Quaker “ “ 14 Paris “ “ 16 Unchanging “ “ 23 Imperial “ “ 11 Yellow, Chrome, three shades “ “ 15 Golden Ochre “ “ 12 English Golden Ochre (Special), 12£ lb. pails, “ 11 “ “ “ 25 “ “ 10 French (Yellow Paint) Assorted Cans, “ 8J “ “ 25 lb. Cans, “ 7 Red, English Vermilion Assorted cans, per lb. 70 American Vermilion “ “ 15 Swiss Brilliant Vermilion... “ “ 21 Indian “ “ 14 Rose Pink “ k< 16 Tuscan “ “ 20 Venetian (Red Paint) “ “ 8J “ “ 25 lb. cans, “ 7 Flat Brick “ “ 9 Patent Dryer, Extra Strength. .Assorted cans “ 6 Graining Colors- Light and dark Oak “ “ 12£ Walnut “ “ 12 Chestnut “ “ 12£ Ash “ *• 12 King's County (Colors in Oil) — Raynolds’ — Black, Coach and Drop Assorted cans, per lb. 11 Paint T “ “ 9 Paint 25 lb. cans, “ Blue, Prussian Assorted cans, “ 25 Ultramarine “ “ 16 Paint '.. “ “ 10 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 56 Kings County, Raynolds’ — Continued — Brown, Umber, Raw and Burnt Assorted Cans, per lb. $ Sienna, Raw and Burnt u “ Vandyke Green, Chrome, three shades “ “ Paris u “ Yellow, Chrome, three shades “ “ French, (Yellow Paint) “ “ French 25 lb. cans, “ Red, Scarlet Vermilion Assorted cans, “ Indian u 11 Venetian (Red Paint) “ “ > “ “ 25 lb. cans, “ Extra, or Trade — (Colors in Oil) — Raynolds’ — Black, Coach and Drop Assorted cans, per lb. Paint Paint 25 lb. cans, “ Blue, Prussian Assorted Cans, “ Ultramarine “ “ Paint “ “ Brown, Umber, Raw and Burnt “ “ Sienna, Raw and Burnt “ Vandyke Green, Chrome “ “ Paris “ “ Imperial “ “ Yellow,Chrome “ “ French (Yellow Paint) “ <£ ££ “ 25 lb, Cans, Am. Floated Ochre, for priming “ u a u u a 12 ^ 11 Golden Ochre ( U P. C. Co.”) 25 “ ££ “ “ 12 % “ Red, Scarlet Vermilion Assorted Cans, per lb. $ Indian Venetian (Red Paint) “ “ Venetian 25 lb. Cans, Raynolds’ Permanent Flat Brick Red— Especially adapted for producing a perfectly flat, bright color on any kind of brick wall. Superior to anything of the kind ever before in use, and ready for application when thinned to proper consistency with Spirits Turpentine. It dries in less than three hours, and is therefore unlikely to be injured by rain. Only one coat of ordinary red in oil is required before finishing with this Flat Brick Red. 9 9 9 10 16 12 8 7 12 11 8 7 9 7 6 19 14 9 7 7 7 8 13 8 10 7 6 41 4£ 6* 6i 8 5% THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 57 Masury’s Pure Colors, Ground in Oil- Brown. Raw and Burnt Umber Raw and Burnt Sienna Vandyke Brown Black, Refined Lamp Black Coach Black Per lb . net. Assorted Cans, $ 13 14 14 14 15 Sign-Writers Black “ 17 Ivory Black “ 15 Drop Black “ 15 Lettering Black “ 15 Blue Black “ 16 Blue, Prussian Blue “ 32 Ultramarine Blue “ 20 Chinese Blue “ 35 Azure Blue “ 28 Green, Chrome Green, L., M. & D “ 15 Blind and Shutter Green, L.,M.&D. “ 15 Quaker or Olive Green, L.,M.&D. ££ 16 Paris Green ££ 20 Unfading Green ££ 30 Deep Front Door Green ££ 16 French Verdigris “ 30 Red, Indian Red ‘‘ 14 Venetian Red (in 100 lb. kegs, 7c) “ 8J Tuscan Red “ 20 Royal Red “ 10 Western Red “ 30 American Vermilion, L. & D “ 16 English “ ££ “ Rose Pink “ 18 Rose Lake “ 40 Yellow, Chrome Yellow, L., M. O. & D. O. “ 15 Dutch Pink “ 16 English Oxford Ochre (in 100 lb. kegs, 7£c) “ 9 Yellow Ochre (in 100 lb. kegs, 7c) “ 8J Golden Ochre “ 13 Stone Ochre “ 8^ Patent Dryer “ 6 Graining Colors, Light Oak “ “ Dark £< ££ ££ Walnut * “ 13 ££ ££ Chestnut ££ ££ Ash 58 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Masury’s Superfine Coach Painters’ Colors for Coach, Carriage & Car Work— These Colors are ground in Japan and will dry at once. Per lb. net. Black, Superfine Ivory Jet Black $ 40 “ Ivory Black 32 Coach Painters’ Drop Black 26 Lamp Black 20 Red, Superfine Tuscan Red 30 “ Royal Red 19 “ Aurora 1 00 “ Indian Red 25 Western Red 40 One-coat Scarlet 50 “ “ Claret 50 “ American Vermilion, L. and D 32 Eureka Vermilion 40 English Vermilion, L. & D “ Wine Color 30 “ “ “ No. 1 25 “ Rose Pink 30 Brown, Superfine Raw and Burnt Turkey Umber 26 Vandyke Brown 27 “ Portland Brown 38 “ Amber Brown 38 “ Portland Amber 38 Baldwin Brown 38 Raw and Burnt Italian Sienna 27 Blue, Superfine Chinese Blue 75 “ Ultramarine Blue 60 Prussian Blue 75 “ Cobalt Blue 1 00 Perfect Blue 1 00 “ Azure Blue 30 White, Superfine Silver White 27 Flake White 37 “ Chremnitz White 37 Green, Superfine Quaker Green, L., M. and D 37 “ Coach Painters’ Green, L., M. and D... 37 “ Very Deep Green 60 “ Brewster Green, L. and D 40 “ Merrimac Green, L. and D 30 “ Royal Green, L. and D 30 “ Milori Green, L., M. and D 60 “ New Green 40 “ Brilliant Green 40 “ Masury’s Green, L., M. and D 60 “ Nile Green 1 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 59 Masury’s Superfine Coach Painters’ Colors for Coach, Carriage and Car Work— Continued— Per lb. net. Yellow, Superfine French Chrome Yellow $ 50 “ Chrome Yellow, L., M., 0. and D. O... 37 “ Perfect Yellow 2 00 “ Citron Yellow 37 “ Naples Yellow, L. and D 75 “ Dutch Pink 37 “ Golden Ochre 25 “ English Oxford Ochre 20 “ Imitation of Gold, for Striping 50 “ Car Body Color 20 “ Pullman Standard Car Body Color 25 Lakes, .Superfine Chatemuc Lake 75 “ Red Lake, A 1 12 “ “ “ B 1 50 ££ Brilliant Lake, A 2 25 “ “ “ B 2 60 “ New Lake 2 40 “ Carriage Part Lake 50 “ Scarlet Lake 3 75 Perfect Purple 1 85 “ One X Purple Lake 2 60 “ Magenta Lake 2 40 “ English Crimson Lake, A 4 00 ££ “ “ “ B 4 75 “ Carmine Lake, A 1 85 “ “ “ B 2 60 “ “ Red 4 00 “ Opaque Carmine 1 60 <£ English Scarlet Lake, C 4 00 “ “ ££ “ B 3 50 “ ££ <£ <£ A 3 00 English Purple Lake 5 00 “ <£ ££ ££ B, Deep and Ex- Deep 3 75 Munich Lake, B 3 75 ££ ££ ££ A 2 40 American Crimson Lake, B 1 50 ££ ££ ££ ££ A 1 10 ££ Carmine No. 40, L. and D., 1 lb., \ lb. and i lb. cans 5 00 ££ Carmine Brown 2 50 60 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Masury’s Superfine Coach Painters’ Colors for Coach, Carriage and Car Work— Continued. Lakes, Superfine Yellow Lake, A $1 50 “ “ “ B 1 85 “ Rose Lake A 75 . “ “ B 9J “ Swiss Lake 87 WHITE LEAD IN OIL. Strictly Pure. 12*, 25, 50, 100, 250 and 500 lb. Kegs and Casks. Southern White Lead Co., St. Louis per lb. $ 7 * St. Louis Lead and Oil Co., “ 7* In 25 lb. tin cans, 4 to case, * cent per lb. advance. In 12* lb. “ 8 “ 1 “ “ “ . , In 100 lb. cases assorted, S T ° V 5 V° I lb. cans @ 2*e. over keg price. In 1 lb. cans, alone, 3*c. over keg price. “ 2 “ “ “ @ 2|c. “ - “ “ “ 3 “ “ “ @ 2*c. “ “ 5 “ “ “ @ lfc. “ “ We will on June 30th and December 31st, pay the following rebates, if the quantities specified have been taken by those dates; and Provided , that the buyer has maintained our prices in mak- ing sales. To buyers of 3 tons and less than 10 tons, 4 per cent. “ “ 10 “ “ “ 25 “ 6 “ “ “ 25 “ “ 50 “ 8 To make up the required quantity, all purchases of regular Corroders bran ds of strictly pure White Lead, Red Lead and Lith- arge may be counted. Fancy Brands— St. Louis, pure, in kegs per lb. $ 5* In 25 lb. tin cans, 4 to case, * cent per lb. advance. “ 12 * “ “ 8 ' “ 1 “ Assorted Cans— 1 to 5 lbs.— Crown, 100 and 60 lb. cases per lb. $ 6 All 1 lb. cans. * cent per lb. extra. Zinc White— In Oil— Y. M. Co.’s Green Seal, cases of four 25 lb. cans per lb. $ 9f “ “ “ “ eight 12* “ “ 10 “ “ Red “ “ four 25 “ “ 9* “ “ “ “ eight 12* <£ “ 9* Above guaranteed strictly pure, and free from any mixture of American zinc. CHURCH’S IMPROVED •ALABASTINE. 32 0^2 *3 5^ 32 <32 32 t- o <32 rs ft— 32 4 QT2 <32 IT CAN BE MIXED AND APPLIED BY ANY ONE 0 a 0 a. IO Deep Pearl 3 2 +■> 3 0 12 ! Alabas- ' tine Blue 00 1 Light Pearl c 0 O 13 Light Blue s- 6 Green ® CO C 0 1 0.2 1 °-£ II Light Olive 1 3 Steel Gray < £ o Off 9 Olive Gray ~ H— o Id U. 0 4 Rose Pink 7 Sage Green 0 c M ® 0 Q 5 Buff 8 Canary i_ 2 Seal Brown 3 0 r 1 14 Terra Cotta i i 1 7V\,o.de by spreading J^labastine on with a Brush. iyy h P*" tJ 4 P> W rt* M- O® s •-<* ® w 3 P-« ® K* = CO r< ^ ® rd* 3 »-«- z! CA 3 CO 2 fii • ^ s» m ig i ° 3 tJ S.0Q Iq p o W -. C± IS x m 9 »=l o M » o P» PL, I — *- 3 M C3 CO B P* s=* PL manufactured only by ALABASTINE CO., GRAND RAPIDS. MICH. GBURGB’S IMPR0Y>eD ALABASTINE tfhe Permanent Wall Coating. Adapted to all Styles of Wall Work from Plaiq Tinting with Stencil Ornamentation to the Most Elaborate Decorating in Wall Relief Work. The Only Article, for the Purpose, Advertised Among Consumers. The reputable dealer has two objects in view in handling a lifie of goods. To handle those goods on which he can make the most profit and those that possess merit and will give satisfaction to his trade, and on which a trade when once established will be a satis- factory and growing one. No sharp dealer confounds price with profit , and he will not handle goods unadvertised and for which there is no demand, but prefers rather to handle those goods on which there are large sales, and consequently, large profits, which are advertised and possess merit. Alabastine is the only wall coating advertised in the west among the users. No kalsomine, or non-setting mixture, is other than a temporary coat, that requires more labor and expense to remove it from the wall than to apply it, while Alabastine is a hard setting porous cement that forms a stone like shell, and every coat added from time to time improves and strengthens the wall. We shall continue to spend a very large amount of money in advertising our goods to consumers and feel that every dealer should know the difference between Alabastine and the kalsomining or non -setting preparations, which he can learn by carefully reading the sample ' circular. Remember we say “that no kalsomine maker can claim dura- bility,” as all users know that kajsomines and non setting prepara 1 tions of all nature, and under whatever name, scale off in a compara- I itvely short time, instead of hardening with age, like Alabastine. If any dealer will send us the name of a good decorator in his J town, we will be glad to send both the dealer and decorator, litho- : graph proofs, showing different styles of wall decorating which can be done with Alabastine, and the line of stencils which we manufacture. N. B. — Notice the two new shades of Alabastine, Nos. 8 and 1-4, which by intermixing with other tints shown on sample card will pro- duce an endless variety of the leading fashionable tints for decorating. Alabastine Company. , . < ^ ‘ ~ ~ ; 1 : ’ 1 - ’ v i J & \ ©HE (©HAS. BAUMBAGH (i>0., Wholesale Druggists, MILWAUKEE, WIS. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. ALABASTINE. SUBSTITUTE FOR CALCIMINE, WHITING, WALL PAPER, ETC. FINISHING WALLS AND CEILINGS. CHEAP AND EASILY APPLIED. 61 FOR 5 lb. packages in cases of 100 lbs. White per lb. 10c | All tints per lb. Bbls., Half Bbls. and Kegs. White per lb. 9c | All tints per lb. Ready for use by adding hot water. Sample cards showing twelve beautiful tints furnished upon application. Discounts on ton lots, 45 off, and ton buyers will be sorted up during the season at same discount. On less than ton lots, 40 off. On less than full cases, 35 off. 10c ★ ★ i* ★ Whites DESIRABLE $hade$ Raynolds' oJSgC READY FDR USE ff C.T.RHYN0L0S & Co.NEttl YORK & CHICAGO PAINTS. House and Villa— PURE LINSEED OIL MIXED PAINTS. These paints are manufactured of selected materials; an. unlike the host of so-called Chemical, Enamel, r, at. n 62 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. and other articles of similar styles which flood the market, are a pure, reliable article, the result of long experience in manufac- turing Paints, and will, on trial, at once recommend themselves. They are warranted to contain no benzine, alkalis, or water, but are Pure Linseed Oil Paints (weighing about 15 lbs. to the gallon), and such as any first-class painter would prepare. Their base or composition is Carbonate of Lead, Oxide of Zinc and Linseed Oil, tinted with fine durable colors; thus producing when properly applied, a hard enamel surface that will not chalk, peel or blister, and is unaffected by temperature or moisture, thereby making them a very desirable and economical paint. Barrels, of 45 to 50 gallons per gal. $1 20 Half Barrels, about 25 gallons “ 125 Buckets, 5 and 10 gallons “ 1 30 Cans, 1 gallon each “ 1 35 Cans, half gallon each “ 1 40 Cans, quart each “ 1 45 Shades Nos. 95 and 397, 35 cts. per gal. advance; No. 99, 59 cts. per gal. advance; Inside White, 20 cts. per gal. advance. packed in cases as follows : i-gal. cans, 24 in case. 5-gal. cans, 12 in case. 1-gal. cans, 6 in case. 2-gai. cans, 4 in case. Please' observe size of cans, and the number packed in cases, as a guide when ordering. Rebate. — To purchasers of 300 gallons or more, during the year, of above House and Villa Brand of Mixed Paint, we will allow a rebate from regular Price List. Particulars as to rebate on different quantities, to be had on application. Sample Cards, showing 33 colors, furnished on application. Raynolds’ Ready Mixed Paints— Of same quality as House and Villa, but in packages of one pound and upwards, for the convenience of buyers requiring only a small quantity. Assorted Cans— 1 to 3 Pounds. Inside White, No. 101..., Per lb. , | 12 Blue Gray Per lb. .... 8 12 Outside White, No. 100. 12 Dark Drab, No. 328 12 Light Drab, No. 324 12 Lavender, No. 84 12 Lead Color, No. 342 12 Fawn, No. 98 12 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 63 Raynolds’ Ready Mixed Paints — Continued. Per lb. Per lb. Blue Gray, No. 86 $ 12 Light. Buff, No. 78 $ 12 Olive Green, No. 96 12 Lilac, No. 322 12 Dark Straw No. 388 12 Bronze Green 15 Black, No. 104 12 Light Olive 15 Stone Color, No. 336 12 Medium Olive 15 Yellow Stone Col., No. 338 12 Olive Green 15 French Gray, No. 88 12 Pea Green, No. 339 15 Brown, No. 326 12 Light Blue, No. 345 15 Venetian Red, No. 102... 12 Dark Blue, No. 347 20 French Ochre, No. 1 ) >... 12 Olive Green, Dark, No. 461 15 A’ eh Color, No. 314 12 Permanent Green, No.99. 15 uaiiv o. 323 12 Chrome Yellow, No. 345. 15 Warm Gray, No. 90 12 Light Maroon, No. 327... 20 Silver Gray, No. 80 12 Dark Maroon, No. 95 20 Pearl Gray, No. 82 12 Vermilion, No. 149 20 Sample Cards furnished on application. Raynolds’ “Plymouth Cottage” Paints— To meet the large and growing demand for Liquid Paints, at a cost within the means of all, we confidently offer the above brand as excelling in durability, covering capacity, and uni- formity of tints, any other paint of equal cost. Consumers can rely upon their producing, when properly applied, a hard and durable surface, unaffected by temperature, thus making them a very popular paint. Bbls., of 45 to 50 gals per gal. $ 95 Half bbls., of about 25 gals “ 1 00 Cans, 5 and 10 gal^ v . “ 1 05 “ 1 gallon each “ 1 10 “ J “ “ “ 1 15 “ quart each “ 1 20 Shade 67, 50 cts. per gal. advance. “ 65, 35 Packed in cases same as House and Villa. Sample Cards showing- 20 colors furnished upon application. Raynolds’ “Nonpareil” Cement Paint- Fire and water proof. In liquid form, ready for the brush. Composed of Linseed Oil and the most desirable pigments, free from cheap and injurious ingredients. This paint is especially designed for painting old and new shingles, tin, iron, slate or other roofs, barns, fences, sheds, farm buildings of all kinds, engine and boiler rooms, grain elevators. 64 THECHAS. BAVMBACH CO. saw mills, plaining mills, and manufactories of all kinds, rail- road buildings, car and car roofs, cisterns, etc., etc. Jl^’One gallon will cover two hundred square feet or more, two coats, according to the condition of the surface on which it is spread. Barrels, 45 to 50 gallons per gallon Half barrels, of about 25 gallons “ Buckets, 5 to 10 gallons “ Cans, 1 gallon “ u l u a ? “ k “ Sample Cards, showing- 8 shades, furnished upon application. 70 75 80 85 90 95 English Sliingle Stains, Dexter Bros..- per gallon $ 75 English Shingle Stain is made of the very best English Ground Colors, and contains no benzine, water or creosote, and will not freeze. The color will not wash off, and will retain its brightness long after other stains have faded or turned black. One gallon of English Stain will dip about 500 Shingles, or paint about 1,500 Shingles when brushed on. Butcher’s Boston Polish or Hard Wax Finish for Floors, in- terior Wood Work and Furniture. The Hard Wax Finish is put up in 1, 2, 4 and 8 lb. cans, at 60 cts. per pound. Butcher’s Liquid Polish— 1 gallon each $2 50 £ “ “ 1 25 1 quart “ 70 1 pint “ 40 i “ “ 25 No. 3 Reviver — 1 gallon 1 a J 1 quart 1 pint £ “ .each U u u 2 50 1 25 70 40 25 NEAL’S CARRIAGE PAINTS QUALITY AND DURABILITY ABSOLUTELY UNEQUALED. They Dry Quick and Hard, with a Beautiful Glossy Finish, rendering Varnishing Entirely Unnecessary. ONE COAT WILL MAKE AN OLD CARRIAGE LOOK LIKE NEW. Any Inexperienced Person can do the Work. Vermil’n Yellow. Coach Green. Quaker Green. Garnet, Dark Wine. Acme Wine. Raven Coach Black, W E desire to make no extravagant representations to influence pat- ronage, preferring to rely upon the MERITS OF THE MATER- IALS, our SPECIAL MANUFACTUR- ING FACILITIES, and the REPUTA- TION already secured. We GUARANTEE in our Paints ALL THE REQUIREMENTS and qua! ities a THOROUGHLY RELIABLE and FIRST-CLASS Carriage Paint should ' possess, while the simplicity of appli- cation is at once apparent. PRICE LIST. Qts. Pts. y 2 Pts Citron Yellow, .75 .45 .30 Garnet, .75 .45 .80 Rauen Coach BTk , .75 .45 .30 Vermilion, 1.00 .60 .40 Coach Green, Quaker Green, .75 .45 .30 .75 .45 .30 Acme Wine, .75 .45 .30 Dark Wine, .75 .45 .30 Discount, 40 per cent. Beware of worthless imitations of our pods, the) wiii never give satisfaction, MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, IVIIOH. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO . Wholesale Ag'ts. MILWAUKEE, WIS. GRANITE FLOOR PAINTS Manufactured by a peculiar and special process (invented by us) from the purest and finest materials by skilled workmen. READY FOR USE, A LIGHTNING DRYER. Effectually resists hot water, alkali, soap, etc. French Yellow. ■■■I GUARANTEED to be far superior l-to any Paints heretofore offered Ufor painting floors, steps or piazzas. There are three great faults with the Paints heretofore used, namely: Deep Yellow. , Light Red- | —a First, they require a long time to dry, which causes great inconven- ience; second, they never dry per- fectly hard, and consequently will not wear; third, cold water will stain, hot water blister, and soap, to a certain extent, will remove them. We present the GRANITE FLOOR PAINT to the public with the assur- ance that it has none of the above faults. NET PRICES. Gray- Deep Red. Drab- ■■■ Gal., 75c; Half Gal., 80c; Quarts, 85c per Gal. MANUFACTURED SOLELY BY Acme White Lead and Color Works DETROIT, MICH. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO.. Wholesale Ag’ts, MILWAUKEE, WIS. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 65 Butcher’s Boston Piano and Furniture Polish- Put up in 4 oz. bottles at 25 cts. per bottle, or $2.50 per dozen. DRY PAINTS, Blacks— Dry- Drop Black, English, extra super, lump and powd., per lb. $15-17 Bone Black “ 4- 6 Black Lead, East India “ 7-10 Lamp Black. (All Barrels Extra )- Ordinary (sold by count),l lb and assorted papers $ Ordinary, £ lb. papers “ * “ - Germantown, 1 lb. and assorted papers “ | lb. papers 10 “ i “ 12 “ assorted papers 10 Coach Painters’, 1 lb. papers u 1 it 2 Eddy’s Refined, “ assorted papers 25 Finger’s per 100 Blues— Dry- Chinese, genuine, powdered and lump per lb. $ 50-55 Prussian, “ “ a Soluble, Tieman’s Celestial .\ Cobalt Bremen Ultramarine, H. M “ A. B “ Violet Bbls. Less than Bbls. per lb. per lb. 3 $ 4 $ 7 8 0 9 9 11 .. 10 12 .. 12 14 . 10 12 .. 14 17 .. 15 18 .. 17 20 . 23 26 . 25 28 ,. 28 31 . 25 28 [)' 65 80 ). $ 50-55 U 42-50 Cl 45-50 (i 7U10 cc 35 cc 70 “ 12-16 “ 10-14 55-60 66 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Browns — Dry— Vandyke Brown, German, Umber, Burnt, Turkey .... “ Raw, “ “ Burnt, American. “ Raw, Sienna, Burnt, Italian “ Raw, “ “ Burnt, American. “ Raw, Spanish Brown Greens — Dry- Emerald Green, durable, 6-lb. cans.. “ “ “ bulk Magnesia “ “ 6-lb. cans. “ “ “ bulk Chrome “ K. 6-lb. cans. “ “ “ bulk “ “ K. K. 6-lb. cans. “ “ “ bulk Brunswick “ bulk Woodbine “ 6-lb. can Ultramarine Green Greens — In Oil — Marseilles, assorted cans. Magnesia, “ “ . Emerald, 11 “ . Woodbine “ “ . Strictly Pure Paris Green— per lb. $ 6-7 . “ 5-7 . “ 5-7 “ 2-4 . “ 2-4 . “ 7-9 . “ 8-10 ‘ 1 2-4 “ 2-4 per lb. $ 14 . “ 13 . “ 14 . “ IS . “ 11 . “ 10 . “ 9 . “ <8 . “ 6-7 . “ 16 per lb. $ 16 . “ 16 . “ 14-16 . “ 17 USUAIi ADVANCE FOR PACKAGES. SPECIAL PRICES FOR QUANTITY OF 500 LBS. AND OVER. © O u is © 5-1 O* Quotations will be furnished as soon as prices are decided by the associated manufacturers. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 67 Reds— Dry- Vermilion, English, pale and deep per lb. Chinese, in small papers “ “ American, pale and deep, 6 lb. cans... “ “ American, pale and deep, bulk “ “ Oriental, “ “ “ “ Parisian, “ “ “ “ Swiss, “ “ “ Tuscan Red, English, 10 lb. boxes “ Indian “ “ “ Venetian" “ “ “ “ American “ Orange Mineral, English “ “ “ American “ Red Lead, English “ “ “ American “ Litharge “ Rose Lake, English “ Rose Pink “ “ Carmine, No. 40 “ “ Lake “ Red Chalk Fingers “ Victoria Lake “ Chatemuc Lake “ Florentine Lake. “ Scarlet Lake “ Crimson Lake “ Vienna Lake “ Turkey Red “ $ 80 98 14 16 18 24 24 18-20 15-18 8-10 lf-2* 1 - 1 | 9j-ll 8 - 8 | 10 n 30-35 11-12 3 5 ) 1 00 8 60 75 2 50 1 10 2 00 60 70 Whites— Dry- White Lead — pure — bbls. and kegs per lb.$ 6|-7^ Flake White — English “ 12-16 Zinc — V. M. Co.’s Green Seal “ 10 “ — “ “ Red Seal “ 9 “ — American — Extra Super “ 6^ Paris White, Cliffstone — Imported “ 1 05-2 AVhiting, Common “ 70-S0 “ Extra Gilders “ 80-90 Chalk, Lump “ |-1 Plaster, Dentists per bbl. 2 50 “ Calcined, N. Y “ 2 25 Barytes, Sulphate, Floated per lb. lif-2^ 68 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Yellows— Dry- Chrome Yellow, pure. “ “ K “ “ K.K Ochre, Golden “ Genuine French, N. M. B “ American Dutch Pink Mineral and Earth Paints— Prince’?, bbls “ kegs Winter’s bbls Green Bay Drab, bbls Chattanooga Mineral, bbls .per lb. $ 23 “ 14 “ 10-11 “ 8 “ 1 |“ 2 ^ “ 1-2 “ 10-12 2 1 85 1 OILS, TURPENTINE, NAPTHA, ETC. (Prices are subject to Market changes without notice.) Linseed, Raw per gal. $ 60 “ Boiled, (kettle boiled) “ 63 Spirits Turpentine “ 48 Sperm, strictly pure, W. B “ 90-95 Whale “ “ “ 60 Fish “ “ “ 40-50 Lard, extra ice pressed “ 52 “ No. 1 “ 39 Carbon, P. W. Wis. test “ 8| “ W. W. ££ ££ 10 ££ P. W. 150° ££ 9 ££ W. W. 150° ££ H. L. 175° ££ Elaine ££ Eocene ££ Scarlet Rose Naphtha, 63°, deodorized . Gasoline, 74°, ££ 87°, Paraffine, Winter, 25° Signal or Lantern Castor, Brown’s Brilliant.. ££ Lubricating, No. 3. Cylinder ££ Capitol” £ ‘ ££ Model” “ 10| ££ 11J ££ 15| ££ 12| ££ 12f ££ 8j ££ 10J ££ 15 ££ 14 ££ 45 ££ 124-128 ££ 1 00 ££ 36 ££ 33 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 69 Oils, Naptlia, Turpentine, Etc.— Continued. Engine “ Eldorado ” per gal. $ 21 Eldorado Castor “ 21 Machine, “Peerless” “ 20 “ “Challenge” “ 19 “ “Golden” “ 18 West Virginia, Natural “ 25 “ “ Zero “ 13 “ “ 15° above “ 10 Miners’, Winter White “ 54 “ “ Yellow “ 52 Neatsfoot, strictly pure “ 60 “ No. 1 “ 52 Straits, genuine “ 38 Bank, “ “ 37 Peanut “ We guarantee our oils to be as represented. Cooperage prime and guages correct. Above are barrel prices; for less quantities an advance will be charged. In making shipments of oils the railroad companies take them for separate transportation, and forward in special cars two or three times a week. On this account, customers fre- quently do not receive them as promptly as their other goods which are shipped by us at same time. VARNISHES AND JAPANS. (In Bulk.) No. 1, Furniture per gal. $ 85-1 00 “ “ light (Chicago) “ 70- 80 Extra No. 1, Furniture “ 1 10-1 20 Hard Oil Finish, light, Berry Bros “ 1 40-1 60 Hard Oil Finish, XX “ 1 15-1 30 Damar, extra fine “ 1 50 Shellac, Alcohol, Orange “ 2 50-3 00 “ “ White “ 3 00 Coach, No. 1 “ 1 00-1 20 “ extra light “ 1 40-1 60 Oil Shellac “ 1 10-1 20 Japan, Extra Coach “ 1 20 “ Turpentine “ 75 Liquid Dryer “ 75 “ Crystal “ 85 Turpentine Asphaltum “ 60-70 Benzine “ “ 55-60 Walnut Stain ; “ 80 70 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. American Varnish Co. ? s List of Household Varnishes- Extra Coach No. 1 Coach Extra Copal No. 1 Copal Extra Flowing Extra Bat. Damar No. 1 Damar Elastic Light Oil Finish. Hard Oil Finish Outside Graining Inside Graining Asphaltum Japan Dryer Walnut Stain Galls. i Half Galls. 1 Qts. Pts. Half Pts. $2 80 $1 55 $ 85 $ 45 $ 30 2 60 1 45 75 40 28 2 80 1 55 85 45 30 2 00 1 20 75 40 28 2 80 1 55 85 45 30 2 80 1 55 85 45 30 2 55 1 45 75 43 25 2 80 1 55 85 45 30 2 60 1 45 78 41 28 4 00 2 20 1 05 63 45 2 75 1 54 83 46 32 1 75 1 10 55 32 22 1 75 1 10 55 32 22 1 75 1 10 55 32 22 Discount, 30 per cent. Mazolene, Furniture Polish per doz. Rosenberg's Elastica Finish, No. 1, for outside work, 1 and 5 gallon cans per gal. Elastica Finish, £ gallon can each Elastica Finish, No. 2, for inside work, 1 and 5 gallon cans per gal. Elastica Finish, No. 2, for inside work, ^ gal. cans.. .each u it (< (< it << tt a it tt a it i tt (i In 1 gal., £ gal., Jgal. and | gal. cans, in quantities less than one case of 12 gallons, 20 per cent, from list, and in one case of 12 gallons and upwards in one delivery, 25 per cent, from list. In 5 gallon cans 25 per cent, on sales of less than 50 gallons. On sales of 50 gallons and upwards in one delivery, 25 and 10 per ct. Murphy’s Varnish for Finishing 1 Coats — Palest Durable Body Varnish, for finishing coats on best work per gal. Medium Drying Body Varnish, for finishing coats on bodies per gal. Pale Durable Carriage Varnish, for finishing coats on fine running parts per gal. Hard Drying Carriage Varnish, for finishing running parts with one coat per gal. No. 1 Carriage Varnish, for finishing running parts of ordinary work per gal. $2 00 3 50 1 85 95 55 2 50 1 35 70 40 6 00 6 00 5 00 4 50 4 no THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 71 Murphy’s Varnish for Under Coats — Per Ga). Hard Drying Body Varnish, for under coats on best work $5 00 Rubbing Body Varnish, for under coats on bodies 4 00 Quich Rubbing Varnish for under coats on hurried work. 4 00 Black Rubbing Varnish, for under coats on bodies or running parts 4 00 Murphy’s Coach and Railway Japan, Etc.— PerGai. Enamel Top Varnish, for re-finish’g old carriage tops.. $4 00 Japan Gold Size, for binding and drying colors J 50 Coach Maker’s Japan for binding and drying colors... 2 00 Pale Drying Japan, for binding and drying colors 1 7d THE CITAS. BAUMBACH CO. (J. T. Kay 11 olcls & Co.’s— REMARKS. An experience of over thirty years in the manufacture of Varnishes, has enabled us to produce a quality of Fine Coach Varnisii that has established a high standard with the builders of superior coaches and cars. It is hardly necessary to add that the large quantities used by consumers, the increasing demand from dealers, and the re- ceipt of letters from our customers testifying to their reliability, superiority, and general satisfactory character, fully endorse the claim that our Varnishes are in all respects equal, and in some respects superior, to the best imported, and are rapidly taking 'the place of same. They are made of the best materials, and are not sold until well aged, settled and proved to be right in every respect after a most thorough test. In addition to style of packages mentioned on pages else- where, we quote quality in barrels of about forty-five gallons each at a reduction of twenty cents per gallon net. Special quotations furnished upon application for cheaper qualities in bulk. Finishing Varnishes for Coaches and Cars. Put up in gallon and half gallon (panel) cans. Quart and pint cans, subject to an additional charge of 25 and 61 cents per gallon, net. Per Wearing Body Tarnish $ For finishing the bodies of Coaches and Cars. Superior in durability, lustre, flowing and color, and in all respects equal to the best English. Sets in 18 to 24 hours, free from dust, and dries hard in three days. Medium Body Tarnish For finishing the bodies of Coaches and Cars. Similar to wearing body in all respects, except being a quicker dryer. Hard Drying Body Tarnish For Under Coats on superior work. Made of the very best Zanzibar gum. Dries very hard, and can be rubbed in about three days without sweating. Pale Carriage Tarnish For finishing the Wheels and Under Parts of Carriages. Flows and works freely. Possesses uniformity, fullness and brilliant lustre. Sets quickly, and dries hard in 24 hours. Gal. 6 00 6 00 5 00 5 00 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 73 C. T. Raynolcls & Co.’s— Continued. Imperial Coach Body Varnish For finishing the Bodies of Coaches. A superior durable fin- ishing varnish, pale in color, flows freely, of good durability and brilliancy. A safe varnish to use in all weather. Sets in eight hours and dries hard in 24 hours. Elastic Bearing per gal. For finishing the Wheels and Under Parts of Carriages. Very elastic, good body, light color and durable. Sets quickly and dries hard in 24 hours. One Coat Coach per gal. For finishing Coats. Pale, hard drying, heavy body and brilliant. Made specially for work where only one coat of heavy bodied varnish is required. Rubbing Body per gal. For Under Coats. Made for superior work, very light in color, sets quickly, and can be rubbed in three days without sweating. Quick Rubbing, Extra Pale per gal. For Under Coats. Made of superior material, pale color, quick dryer. Can be rubbed in two days without sweating. Quick Rubbing, No. 1 per gal. For Under Coats. Made of very hard gum, dries hard quickly, and can be rubbed in two days without sweating. Black Rubbing per gal. For Carriage Parts and Under Coats. Is used chiefly on work requiring despatch, where time cannot be given for coats of black and rubbing varnish. It flows well, and dries hard with an intense black lustre. Can be rubbed in two days with- out sweating. Discount, to dealers only, in Case lots, 20 per cent. C. T. Raynolds & Co.’s Miscellaneous Varnishes— In One Gallon {Panel) Cans. Outside Varnishes. Durable Coach, Extra Light per gal. A good, flowing brilliant varnish, adapted to coach and wagon work; sets in five hours, and dries hard over night. Coach Body, Pale per gal. For coach and wagon work, and largely used for agricultural implements. Good working qualities and lustre ; dries hard in 24 hours. $4 50 4 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 3 50 4 00 3 25 3 00 74 THE CHAS , . BAUMBACH CO. C. T, Raynolds & Co.’s Miscellaneous Varnishes — Continued. Extra Light Coach per gal. $2 50 Made from selected gum, and with exceeding care. It is of light color, good durability, and has a brilliant lustre. Suitable for carriage or exterior house work*; dries in 24 hours. No. 1 Coach, Extra per gal. $2 25 Graining Coach, Extra Light “ 2 00 No. 1 Coach, Ordinary “ 1 60 Black Varnishes Black Leather “ 4 00 Black Enamel, for Carriage Tops “ 2 50 Black Baking Japan -. “ 1 25 Black Asphaltum, Best ’. “ 1 10 Japan and Dryers. Japan Gold Size “ 3 25 Excelsior Coach Japan “ 2 25 Superior for Coach and Car Painters. Discount, to Dealers only, 20 per cent. Nobles & Hoare’s Varnishes— Best Wearing Body per gal. $6 75 “ Medium “ “ 6 75 “ Railway “ “ 6 75 “ Hard, for hurried work “ 6 75 “ Elastic Carriage, for Gears “ 5 50 “ Hard “ “ “ 5 50 “ Japan Gold Size “ 3 50 “ Surfacing (rubbing) “ 4 00 Parrott’s Varnishes— In One Gallon Square Cans. Finishing Varnishes No. 1, English Wearing Body per gal. $5 50 “ 2, Medium “ “ 5 50 “ 3, Wearing Carriage (elastic gear) “ 5 00 “ 4, Heavy Gear (one coat) “ 4 50 “ 6, Elastic Coach (one coat) “ 3 50 “ 5, Heavy Gear, No. 2 (one coat) “ 4 00 Rubbing Varnishes. Rubbing Body (4-day) “ 4 50 Hard Drying Rubbing (3-day) “ 4 25 Quick Rubbing (2-day) “ 4 00 Rubbing Carriage (2-day) “ 4 25 Black Rubbing (3-day) “ 4 25 Quick Black Rubbing (2-day) “ 4 CO THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 75 Parrott’s Varnishes— Continued. Miscellaneous. Coach per gal. $ 2 75 “ No. 1 “ 2 50 Wagon “ 2 25 Agricultural “ 2 00 Coach Japan “ 1 75 Valentine’s Coach Varnishes— Finishing— In Sealed Cans. Wearing Body per gal. $ 6 00 Elastic Gear “ 5 00 One-Coat Coach “ 4 50 One-Coat Gear “ 3 50 Rubbing. Hard Drying Body (4-day rubbing) per gal. $ 5 00 Quick Leveling (2-day rubbing) “ 4 00 Flatting..-. “ 3 00 Black Japan “ 4 50 Black Color and Varnish “ 4 00 No. 1 Black “ 150 Miscellaneous. Enameled Leather per gal. $ 4 00 Japan Gold Size “ 3 50 Crown Coach Japan “ 1 75 Dark Permanent Wood Filling “ 4 00 Light Permanent Wood Filling “ 4 00 Boss Enamel Carriage Top Dressing. Gallons each $ 2 25 J Gallons “ 1 25 Quarts per doz. ’ 8 00 Pints “ 5 00 i Pints “ 3 00 McCloskey’s Liquid Royal Wood Filler— This is the only Filler by which a perfectly smooth and hard surface can be obtained wdthout the necessity of rubbing off. The Light Liquid Filler is particularly adapted for pine, where it is of the utmost importance to retain the original light color of the wood, as it is perfectly transparent. It is only necessary to give the softest woods one coat of the Liquid Filler and one coat of Varnish or Amber Finish to obtain a finish far Superior to that usually obtained by two coats of Shellac and two coats of Varnish. In Cases of Twelve Gallons. Per gal. % gal. Quarts. Pints . Light $ 2 00 $ 2 10 $ 2 25 $ 2 40 Walnut 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 65 Cherry 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 6.5 Mahogany 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 65- 5 and 10 gallon cans, 5 cts. less per gal. W^doW Glass French Window Glass— Per box of 50 square feet. Less current rate of discount. 25 40 ( 50 54 f GO 70 80 84 OO 04 lOO { { I { ! ! Sizes. 6x8 to 11x15 11x14 to 16x24 18x22 to 20x30 15x36 to 24x30 26x28 to 24x36 26x36 to 26x44 26x46 to 30x50 30x52 to 30x54 30x56 to 34x56 34x58 to 34x60 36x60 to 40x60 1st, 10 50 11 50 15 50 16 50 17 75 19 00 21 00 22 00 23 00 24 00 26 50 Single. 2d. 3d. 4th. 9 00 8 50 8 00 10 75 10 25 9 75 14 00 13 00 12 50 15 00 13 50 16 25 14 75 17 50 15 25 19 50 17 00 1 20 25 18 00 21 25 19 00 22 75 21 00 24 50 23 00 Double. 1st. 2d. | 3d. 1 13 00 12 50 12 00 16 00 15 00 14 50 20 50 19 50 18 50 22 00 20 75 19 50 25 00 23 00 21 50 26 00 25 00 23 00 28 00 26 50 24 50 30 00 28 00 26 00 31 00 30 00 28 00 32 50 31 00 29 00 , 36 00 33 50 32 00. 4th. 11 50 Sizes above — $15 per box extra for every five inches. All sizes above 52 inches in length, and not making more than 81 united inches, will be charged in the 84 united inches bracket. An additional 10 per cent, will be charged for all Glass more than 40 inches wide. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 77 American Window Glass— Per box of fifty square feet. Less current rate of discount. United Inches. 'Sizes. Single. Double. Aa A B C Aa A B C 25 40 50 54 60 70 80 84 90 94 100 6x 8 to 10x15 11x14 to 16x24 18x22 to 20x30 15x36 to 24x30 26x28 to 24x36 26x36 to 26x44 26x46 to 30x50 30x52 to 30x54 30x56 to 34x56 34x58 to 34x60 36x60 to 40x60 $10 50 11 50 15 50 16 50 17 75 19 00 21 00 22 00 23 00 24 00 26 50 $ 9 00 10 75 14 00 15 00 16 25 17 50 19 50 20 25 21 25 22 75 24 50 $ 8 50 $ 8 00 10 25 1 9 75 13 00, 12 50 13 50 14 75 1 15 25 1 17 00 1 18 00 i 19 00 1 21 00' 23 00 $13 00 16 00 20 50 22 00 25 00 26 00 28 00 30 00 31 00 32 50 ! 36 00 1 • $12 50 15 00 19 50 20 75 23 00 25 00 26 50 28 00 30 00 31 00 33 50 $11 00 13 50 18 00 18 75 21 00 22 50 23 75 25 25 27 00 28 00 30 00 $10 CO 12 00 Sizes above — $10 per box extra for every 5 inches. An additional 10 per cent, will be charged for all Glass more than 40 inches wide. All sizes above 52 inches in length, and not making more than 81 united inch'es, will be charged in the 84 united inches bracket. TUBE COLORS. American Finely Prepared Tube Colors, for Artists’ Use. Single Tubes — Class A — By doz., $1.00. American Vermilion, Antwerp Blue, ' Asphaltum, Bistre, Bitumen, Black Lead, Blue Black, Bone Brown, Brilliant Yellow, Brown Ochre, Brown Pink, Burnt Umber, Megilp, Mummy, Mauve, Magenta, Naples Yellow, 00 — E. P.» Naples Yellow, 0 — P., Naples Yellow, No. 1 — L. r Naples Yellow, No. 2 — M., Naples Yellow, No. 3 — D., Netural Tint, New Blue, Olive Lake, 78 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. American Finely Prepared Tube Colors, for Artists’ Use Continued. Burnt Roman Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Terre Verte, Caledonian Brown, Cappah Brown, Cassel Earth, Cork Black, Copal Megilp, Chrome Green, No. 0 — P, Chrome Green, No. 1 — L, Chrome Green, No. 2 — M, Chrome Green, No. 3 — D, Chrome Yellow, No. 1 — L, Chrome Yellow, No. 2 — M, Chrome Yellow', No. 3 — D, Chrome Orange, Chrome Red, Cologne Earth, China White, Chinese Blue, Cremnitz White, Crimson Lake, Emerald Green, Elake White, French Green, French Naples Yellow r , Flesh Ochre, Gamboge, Gold Ochre, Geranium Lake, Greenish Naples Yellow', Indian Lake, Indian Red, Indigo, Italian Pink, Ivory Black, King’s Yellow, Lamp Black, Light Red, Light Raw Sienna, Olive Tint, Orpiment, Oxford Ochre, Paris Blue, Paris Green, Payne’s Grey, Permanent Blue, Permanent Yellow, Permanent White, Permanent Green, Light, Permanent Green, — Medium, Permanent Green — Deep, Persian Red, Prussian Blue, Prussian Brown, Prussian Green, Purple Lake, Raw Sienna, Raw Umber, Red Brown, Roman Ochre, Rome’s Yellow, Scarlet Lake, Silver White, Sugar of Lead, Transparent Gold Ochre, Terra Rosa, Terre Verte, Vandyke Brown, Venetian Red, Verdigris, 'Verona Brown, Veronese Green, Yellow' Lake, Yellow Ochre, Zinc White, Zinc Yellow', Zinnober Green — Light, Zinnober Green — Medium, Zinnober Green — Deep. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 79 American Finely Prepared Tube Colors, for Artists’ Use Continued. Single Tubes — Class Blue Verditer, Brown Madder, Burnt Lake, Carnation Lake, Cerulean Blue, Citron Yellow, Chinese Green, Chinese Vermilion, Single Tubes — Class Carmine No. 2, Cobalt Blue, Cobalt Green, Emeraude Green, Extract of Gamboge, Extract of Vermilion, Indian Yellow, Lemon Yellow, Lemon Yellow — Pale, Madder Lake, Madder Lake — Deep, Malachite Green, Mars Brown, Mars Orange, Mars Red, Single Tubes — Class Cadmium — Lemon, Cadmium — Pale , Cadmium — Light, Cadmium — Yello w . Single Tubes — Class Antimony Yellow, Burnt Carmine, Capucine Madder, Cobalt Yellow — Light, Cobalt Yellow — Deep, Cobalt Yellow — Greenish, Crimson Madder, B — By doz. $1.75. English Vermilion, French Vermilion, Gaude Lake, Green Lake, Imperial Orange, Perfect Yellow, Rubens Madder, Sepia, C — By doz. $3.00. Mars Violet, Mars Yellow, Oxide of Chromium, Oxide of Chromium — Transp. Orange Vermilion, Paul Veronese Green, Pink Madder, Purple Madder, Rose Madder, Robert’s Lake, Scarlet Madder, Scarlet Vermilion, Strontian Yellow, Ultramarine, Viridian. D — By doz. $3.50. Cadmium — Deep, Cadmium — Red , Cadmium — Orange . E — By doz. $4.80. French Carmine, Madder Carmine, Orient Yellow, Ultramarine Ash, A r iolet Carmine, Yellow Carmine, Yellow Madder. 80 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. American Finely Prepared Tube Colors, for Artists’ Use Continued. Single Tubes — Class F — By doz. $6.00. SPECIAL Madder No. 1, Red Brown, Madder No. 2, Yellow Brown, Madder No. 3, Deep Crimson, Madder No. 4, Maroon, Madder No. 5, Deep Scarlet, Madder No. 6, Flesh. Double Tubes- Cremnitz White, Flake White. Treble Tubes - Cremnitz White, Flake White. Quadruple Tube Cremnitz White, Flake White. Discount to trade only, 30 and MADDER LAKES. Madder No. 7, Purple Intense. Madder No. 8, Rose Intense. Madder No. 9, Olive, Madder No. 10, Citron, Madder No. 11, Greenish. -By doz. $2.00. Silver White, -By doz. $3.00. Silver White, ? — By doz. $4.00. Silver White, 10 per cent. Windsor & Newton’s Finely Prepared Tube Colors— Ordinary Colors, per dozen, $1.50. No. 1 Antwerp Blue. 2 Asphaltum. 3 Bitumen. 4 Blue Black. 7 Bone Brown. 8 Brown Ochre. 9 Brown Pink. 10 Burnt Umber. 11 Burnt Roman Ochre. 12 Burnt Sienna. 13 Caledonian Brown. 14 Cappah Brown. 15 Cassel Earth. 15J Chrome Lemon. 16 Chrome Yellow. 16£ Chinese Blue. 17 Chrome Green, Light. 18 Chrome, Deep. 19 Chrome Green, Middle. No. 37 Lamp Black. 38 Light Red. 38| Magenta. 39 Megilp. 39 J Mauve. 40 Naples Yellow, Light. 41 Mummy. 42 Naples Yellow, Deep. 43 Neutral Tint. 45 New Blue. 46 Orpiment. 47 Olive Lake. 48 Payne’s Grey. 49 Oxford Ochre. 50 Prussian Blue. 51 Permanent White. 52 Prussian Brown. 53 Permanent Blue. 54 Pyne’s Megilp. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 81 Windsor & Newton’s Finely Prepared Tube Colors- Continued. 20 Chrome, Orange. 55 Purple Lake. 21 Chrome Green, Deep. 56 Roman Ochre. 22 Chrome, Red. 57 Raw Sienna. 23 Copal Megilp. 58 Scarlet Lake. 24 Cologne Earth. 59 Raw Umber. 24£ Cork Black. 60 Sugar of Lead. 25 Cremnitz White. 61 Silver White. 26 Crimson Lake. 62 Terre Verte. 27 Emerald Green. 63 Terre Rosa. 28 Flake White. 64 Vandyke Brown. 29 Gamboge. 65 Transparent Gold Ochre. 30 Indian Lake. 66 Verdigris. 31 Indian Red. 67 Venetian Red. 32 Indigo. 68 Yello w Lake. 33 Italian Pink. 69 Verona Brown. 34 Ivory Black. 70 Zinc White. 35 36 Jaune Brilliant. Kings Yellow. 71 Yellow Ochre. Whites in Double Size Tubes No. “ Quadruple “ “ All the following are 2 inch Tubes. Per dozen , $2 40. No. 72 Cerulean Blue. 75 Chinese Vermilion. 73 Burnt Lake. 77 Vermilion. 74 French Vermilion. 79 Brown Madder. 74^ Geranium Lake. Green Lake, Light. Green Lake, Deep. Rembrandt’s Madder. 79J Sepia. Reubens’ Madder. Vermilion, Pale. No. Per Dozen , § 4.20 . No. 76 Citron Yellow'. 89 2 r Indian Yellow Imitation, 80 Fr. Veronese Green. 90 Mars Yellow'. 81 Carmine, No. 2. 91 Mars Brown. 82 Lemon Yellow, Pale. 93 Mars Violet. 83 Cobalt Blue. 95 Mineral Grey. 84 Lemon Yellow, Deep. 97 Orange Vermilion. 85 French Ultramarine. 98 Scarlet Vermilion. 86 Malachite Green. 99 Pink Madder. 87 Indian Yellow. 100 Strontian Yellow. 88 Mars Red. 103 Rose Madder. 89 Madder Lake. 108 Viridian. 82 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. Windsor & Newton’s Finely Prepared Tube Colors- Continued. Per Dozen, § 6.60 . No. 110 Carmine. 111 Violet Carmine. 115 Cadmium Yellow, Pale. 117 Cadmium Yellow, Deep. 118 Cadmium Yellow, Orange. Field’s Orange Vermilion. Orient Yellow. Per Dozen, §9.00. Aurora Yellow Primrose Aureolin. Per Dozen, §12.00. No. 112 Ultramarine Ash. Extra Madder Carmine. Extra Purple Madder. Discount to trade only, 40 and 10 per cent. Wheeler’s Patent Wood Filler— For all Light Woods, use Color No. 1. For Rosewood, use Color No. 2. For Walnut, use Color No. 3. For Dark Walnut, use Color No. 5. For Mahogany, use Color No. 7. For Dark Antique Oak, use Color No. 10. For Ebony, use Color No. 70. In ordering, be particular to mention Color wanted. 1 and 2-lb. Tin Cans per lb. $ 16 5 lb. Tin Cans “ 15 101b.* “ “ 14 25 lb. “ “ 12 1001b. Kegs “ 1 H Half Barrels (of about 300 lbs. each) “ Barrels (of about 700 lbs. each) “ 8| Two Barrels (one shipment) “ 8 Five Half Barrels (one shipment) “ 8 Discounts to the Trade only. Cans and Kegs, as per above list, less 15 per cent.; Half barrel and barrels, less 5 per cent. No. 104 Madder Carmine. 105 Brilliant Ultramarine. 106 Purple Madder. 107 Burnt Carmine. 109 Mars Orange. Aureolin. Indian Purple. Yellow Carmine. OrRaiReRtal Glass. We now carry a large assortment of the following, and solicit your orders: Rolled Cathedral Glass, tints and pot metals. Ondoyant Glass, tints and pot metals. Venetian Glass, tints and pot metals. Crown Discs, white and colored. Samples furnished free on application. Glass Tiles, for Mural Decoration, all colors. Enameled Glass — Single and Double. A large variety of patterns, both plain or clear and obscure. See sample sheet opposite. Plain Colored Glass — Purple, Yellow, Blue, Green, Ruby Single, Ruby D. S. Cut Glass — Embossed and Sand Blast. We furnish to order at very low prices. See sample sheets of designs, with special quotations. Plain Ground — Cut to size. Single or Double strength. Leaded Glass — For Churches, Dwellings, Stores, etc. Send for estimates and designs. Ribbed Glass — For Skylights. Large stock on hand; all sizes; ^ and £ inches thick. Rough Plate Glass — For Flooring, etc.; and Polished Plate Glass. We are agents for De Pauw Plate Glass Co. and Mississippi Glass Co., and are prepared to furnish at very lowest prices. Special prices given to those wishing to contract for buildings. Price lists and discounts furnished on application. 84 THE CBAS. BA VMHA 1 H < 0 THE GHAS. BAUMBACH GO. 85 Single & Double No 12 B Clear \ nr ^ • • ▼ 'ft • ♦ ► _ w , » • w • £ > '2: .• • \ ¥ \ 4 # # •*• .♦ • *. ft • .* /T\ •* •/ ♦a* •• • \ * • \ * ■•. • / «▼* % « ♦ • 4* • # • \ ft * 4 •• • X »A* •t:. » * .*?*.. *jr ♦ w ♦ /7\ -& *. • ** v •• • % ft *% • »* /V s *.. * \ • * / • < % # # *• • V % /* ® •• ♦ < * 4 A{1 \ • / *A* • 4« .‘ v » •• • •• * • •ft.* / • *•. ft ft if •#* • f « .* •I*'* •* • % * \ • > x • •• * % • / •A* • 4* X • \ V * * • * .•T*. * w < * \ • / •*• / • \ • * % • #* *A' • 4* xT\ iff \ • V »A.’ ##• x • • *s If •• • * ft .ft • 4 # A • • ✓;f X * •• » « * .•V*. % \« •3 / • • / * • \ * ♦ *A« • 4< .▼» X • ■ iff • *, ► % • ,• 'A. • 4* .▼» X* \ * ► \ •/ »A» <”* • % i’ ■\ • * / « *, \ • / X • • \ • / .*• • •*. ft > \ • .♦ /T\ / • r * >• ft 86 THE (’HAS. BAUM BACH CO. " ^ Single&Double No.53. Clear & Obscured. THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 87 S/ngle N o. 3 2. Cl ea r & Obscured. ' T w mm z' w > i / \ / \ / , /jc , \ / \ / \ • • xV • • *V € • • « z' \ / \ / V ;t'. V -• \ / \ / \ ■ # • • / , \ / \ / , \*0 • • • • X < H \ / \ / \ \+0 •_• ^ V .'Ji • • 88 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Single&Double No.33 B. Clears Obscured. \»/ 'r y c • A, ' i ' \< 'I » • «i • ^ v ». \ l / ■ r * vl ► « "I THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 89 No. 153. No. 154. No. 155. 4 n*(~\ ^ y^-sh UK n •f lA, •*&* L£/T\_gj No. 163. No. 166. No. 167. 92 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. No. 171. THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. No. 173. No. 175. 94 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO No. 178. No. 179. No. 180. * Painters’ Supplies Alums — Ground per lb. $ 3-4 Lump “ 3-4 Axle Grease — Frazer’s, wood boxes, 4 doz. in case per case 3 15 “ “ “ Diamond X “ 2 15 Mica “ “ “ 2 84 “ 10 lbs., wood pails per doz. 6 55 “ 15 “ “ “ “ 8 50 “ 25 “ “ “ .• “ 13 25 kegs and barrels per lb. 4 Borax, Refined “ 11 Boston Coach Oil, pints per doz. 1 85 “ “ quarts “ 3 05 Brocades — Flitters and Metallics, for illuminating Sign Work: METALLIC BROCADES. Gold per lb. 3 05 Silver “ 3 55 Blue “ 5 00' Crimson “ 5 00 Green “ 5 05 FLITTER BROCADES. Gold per lb. 2 50' Silver “ 3 00' Blue • “ 3 05 Crimson ^ 3 00- Green “ 3 05 Discount to the trade only, 20 per cent. Bronze Powders— Gold, Copper, Crimson, Fire, Lemon, Orange, Maroon, Rich or Light Gold, and Deep Gold. No. 2000 per lb. $1 05 “ 3000 “ 1 15 “ 4000 “ 115 “ 5000 “ 1 20 “ 6000 cr 1 35 French striping or lining bronze “ 3 25 Silver, Green and Blue. No. 6000 “ 2 05 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 96 Cans— Turner’s Patent Improved, for Retail Druggists’ use. 2 gallons each $2 00 5 “ “ 3 00 10 “ “ 4 00 Evenden’s Patent Pitch Top Jacket, for Transportation. 1 gallon each 40 2 “ “ 55 3 “ ;■ “ 70 5 “ : “ 85 10 “ “ 1 35 Less per cent, discount. Chalk- Red, Finger’s per lb. 6 White (by bbl. 65c.) “ 2 Crayons, white per gross 10 “ assorted colors “ 60 “ carpenters’ blue “ 1 00 “ “ red “ 90 “ “ white “ 70 Charcoal Crayons per box 20 Crockett’s Specialties— No. 1 Preservative, in 1, 2 or 5 gal. cans per gal. 2 50 No, 2 “ “ “ “ u 4 00 Spar Composition, “ “ “ “ 4 00 Car and Carriage Primer, in 1, 2 or 5 gal. cans “ 3 00 Painters’ Composition, “ “ 11 ■“ 2 50 Cutlery- Painters’ Palette Knives or Spatulas, Riveted Cocoa Handles. 3 inch blade, 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 per doz. 2 15 2 35 . “ <2 75 . “ 3 40 . u 4 00 , “ 5 25 . u 6 75 . « 8 75 , “ 10 75 . “ 14 00 THE CHAS. BAUM BACH CO. 97 Cutlery— Continued. Artists’ Palette Knives, Cocoa and Ebony Handles: 3 inch, tapering blades per doz. $2 40 3£ “ “ “ 2 50 4 “ “ “ “ 3 00 4J “ “ “ “ 3 00 5 k u u u 3 95 6 “ “ “ “ 3 75 Pocket Palette Knives, Ivory Handles “ 6 00 Gilder’s Knives: Single' Edge Blade, Cocoa or Ebony Handles... “ 5 00 Hack Knives, medium size .* “ 4 00 “ “ large “ “ 4 50 Putty Knives, Cocoa Handles, Square Point : No. 120 “ 1 50 “ 150 “ 1 85 1540, “ 2 00 ££ 01535 ££ 2 00 ££ 306 .' ££ 2 00 Half-Clipped Point: No. 150 ££ 185 ££ 306 ££ 2 00 ££ 01535 ££ 2 00 ££ 1540 ££ 2 00 Scraping Knives: 3 inch ££ 3J ££ ££ 4 ££ ££ Emery- Grain, all sizes per lb. Flour ££ Cloth per quire 5 00 5 75 6 50 7 5 75 Paper 00-1 1 ( Rm. $4.75 ) f£ 2 1 “ 6.00 [ ££ ( ££ 6.50 J Enamel Dressing*— West’s— In % or 1 gal. cans.... In 5 or 10 gal. ££ No. 4, 1 qt. cans ££ 3, 1 pt. ££ “ 2,*pt. “ Eiller — Wood, English, dry ££ Renos ££ ££ Silver White ££ 30 ££ 35 ££ 40 ..per gal. 3 00 . • “ 2 95 per doz. 10 00 ££ 8 00 ££ 4 25 ...per lb. 6 21 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 98 Diamonds, Glaziers — Keyed, Ebony Handle each $4 00 “ “ ’ “ Extra “ 4 50 “ Cocoa “ “ o 00 “ Snake “ “ 6 50 “ Plated “ 10 00 Wheeled Glass Cutter per doz. 75 fc THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 99 Frosting- White per lb. $ 45 Glaziers’ Points, Triangles or Sharps— In ^ lb. papers, 100 papers in box per box 5 50 • Less quantity per doz. 75 In bulk per lb. 11 Glue— Calsomining, white X per lb. 15 “ “ XX “ 22 “ “ XXX “ 24-28 Irish “ 18-20 Carpenters’ C. Gelat “ 15-16 “ Ribbon “ 16-18 “ “A” Cabinet “ 18 “ Sizing “ 9-12 “ Ground, Pure Hide Stock “ 16-18 “ “ Second quality “ 12-14 Gold Paints— Bessemer’s, large, dry per doz. 4 00 “ “ liquid “ 1 50 “ dry and liquid . “ 2.50 Japanese, dry and liquid “ 1 75 Marsching’s dry and liquid “ 2 50 “ “ large 11 4 25 “ liquid, large <£ 1 50 ££ ££ pqr gal. 2 50 Meyer’s, large, dry per doz. 4 00 ££ ££ liquid 1 ££ 1 50 ££ dry and liquid ££ 2 25 Winchell’s, dry and liquid “ 2 00 ££ No. 1 Italian ££ 1 50 liquid per gal. 2 50 Graining Combs— English, steel per set 1 20 Leather ££ 50 Gums— Asphaltum per lb. 10-12 Shellac, bleached ££ 33 ££ V. S. O ££ 28 “ Campbell’s D. C ££ 35 100 THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. Iron Enamel— Bonnell’s Nubian per gal. $ 50 “ “ 4 oz. bots per doz. 2 00 Leaf, in Packs of 20 Books, of 25 Leaves Each — Aluminium per pack 2 25 Gold, Pale or Light Shade “ 6 00 “ Usual or Medium Shade “ 6 65 “ Deep Shade, XX, best quality “ 7 00 “ Patent, for outside work “ 8 00 “ Imitation or Composition “ 2 00 “ “ “ large size “ 2 50 Nickel “ 2 25 Silver “ 2 25 Lye- Concentrated, strictly pure per case of 4 doz. 3 25 Ordinary “ “ “ 2 00-3 00 Paint Burners — For removing paint from wood or iron each 5 00 Paint Mills— No. 5, Hand ! each 6 00 “ 4, “ “ 8 00 Palettes, Wooden, Plain, Oval, Mahogany — 10 to 12 inches long per doz. 3 50 12 to 14 “ “ 3 75 Plain Maple, 10 to 15 inches “ 4 50 Polished, Oval, Mahogany, Maple and Walnut, 10 to 12 inches long per doz. 8 50 Polished, Oval, Mahogany, Maple and Walnut, 13 to 18 inches long per doz. 8 50 Paper- Sand, B. A. & Co.’s No. 0-1 2 and assorted per ream 3 00 “ “ “ “ per quire 20 “ “ “ 2-3 per ream 3 35 “ “ “ “ per quire 25 Metropolitan, all numbers.. per ream 2 50 “ “ per quire 15 Pearl — Aurora per lb. $2 75-6 00 Pumice Stone — Lump per lb. 6-10 Powdered “ 5 Putty- In bladders (bbls. If cts.) less per lb. In bulk, bbls. or tubs “ l?-lf THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. 101 Rotten Stone- Select, lump per lb. $10-12 * “ powdered “ 7 Rubbing Felt, \ inch thick “ 2 00 Slating* (see page 94.) Smalts— Black, coarse or fine per lb. 7 Blue, “ “ “ 10 11 Standard “ 8 Brown “ 8 Green “ 8 Maroon “ 8 Steel “ 8 Vermilion “ 12 Stains— Wood, Mahogany, Cherry and Walnut per gal. 1 00 Masury's Wood Stains. 5 Gal. Tins, Per Gal. •1 Gal. Tins, Per Gal. X A Gal. Tins, Per Gal. Quarts, | Per Gal. ! Pints, Per Gal. A Pints, Per Gal. Cherry $2 00 2 00 $2 10 2 10 $2 25 2 25 $2 35 2 35 $2 50 1 2 50 $2 65 2 65 Light Oak Bark Oak 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 i 2 50 2 65 Antique Oak 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 65 Mahogany 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 65 Ebony 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 | 2 50 2 65 Walnut, 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 ! 2 50 2 65 Ash 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 2 50 2 65 Chestnut 2 00 2 10 2 25 2 35 ! 2 50 2 65 Rosewood 2 30 2 40 2 55 2 65 2 80 2 95 Tins — Japanned, 10x14 inches , heavy , per doz. $1 90 ' “ 12x14 “ “ “ 3 75 “ 14x20 “ “ “ 4 65 “ 18x24 “ “ “ 7 25 jPlLL KINDS OF Soda Water Apparatus — MADE BY — OTTO ZWIETUSCH, 705 to 719 Chestnut St., MILWAUKEE, WIS. We have constantly on hand a selection of Generators, Fountains, Marble Draught Apparatus, Patent Atmospheric Apparatus, Etc., Etc. All Apparatus manufactured by Mr. Zwietusch are made of the best materials, and are furnished with his latest inventions and im- provements. Among the most important we mention his Patent Generator, Patent Glass Syrup Faucet, Patent Double Stream Draught Tube, the Dolphin Faucet, Patent Atmospheric Apparatus, new Cooling Arrangements, Air Chamber, Improved Fountains, and the Patent Automatic, Self-Regulating Generator, used mostly for pre- serving Beer, Cider and Wines, which, together w T ith lower prices, render his Apparatus equal, if not superior, to Eastern manufacture, which is the testimony of all customers having them in use. — I - THE HELICON. Size— Length, 34 inches; width, 24 inches; height, 66 inches. PRICES OF HELICON —With Ten Syrups and Three Draught-Tubes. In Belgium Black, with Griotte base and tablets of Tennessee, Bardillo, Griotte and Sienna marbles 8575 00 In Tennessee marble, with black base and tablets of Italian Bardillo, Alps- Green, Sienna and Onyx marble 550 00 In American Bardillo, with Black base and tablets of Tennessee, Belgium Black and White Italian marbles 525 00 With twelve syrups and five draught-tubes, size, 24x38, add to each 50 00 Address all orders to OTTO ZWIETUSCH, 705 to 719 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wis. - ii - OTTO ZWIETUSCH’S The above represents a Patent Atmospheric Soda W ater Apparatus, which needs but to be seen to be appreciated by all familiar with the business. It is the most economical, as well as the most durable, the simplest, and therefore the best apparatus ever constructed. By this invention the water, including 1 the requisite syrups, can be drawn at a cost not exceeding 1 L / S cts. per glass, leaving; a hand- some margin for the enterprising proprietor. There is no three nor four feet space occupied on the counter, and no cumbersome machinery to be put up. It; can be placed anywhere, takes up but very little room, and never gets out of order. All parts coming in contact with acids, etc., are well protected by pure tin or silver against their corroding influence. Bicarbonate of Soda and Acids must be used by this Apparatus to produce Soda Water, but by this machine the result ig far better than by the old way, using common brass pumps and a single solution of Bicarbonate of Soda. No acids need be put into the Syrups, except the natural fruit extracts. It consists of a well Tinned Pump, Copper Fountain. Tin Suction and Con- nection Pipes, Cooliner Tub, an I a heavy Silver-Plated Draw Cock. Price of Apparatus, as shown above $65 00 Or, Apparatus as shown above, without Silver-Plated Counter Draw Cock... 55 00 One Four Syrup Dolphin Draught Apparatus 70 00 Send your orders to 0TT0 ZWIETUS0H, 705 to 719 Chestnut St., Milwaukee, Wig. - hi - ZWIETUSCH’S UPRIGHT IRON GENERATOR Patented July 30, 1872. The above cut represents my patent Generator, which is made of iron and lined in the interior with heavy sheet lead. It is precisely the same Apparatus as the copper one, differing only in material, thus comprising the same good qualities. The washer having the sieves is made of heavy copper, and has a cover of gun-metal bolted to it. The Apparatus is strong and durable, the cheapest in market compared with others, and very suitable for a small business. 1= RICES ‘ Including Elastic Charging Pipe, Gauge, Funnel, Wrenches, full instructions, package and delivery to depot. No. 1, charging from six to fifteen gallons of water 1 $100 00 No. 2, charging from ten to twenty-four gallons of water 120 00 Send orders to OTTO ZWIETUSCH, 705 to 719 Chestnut St., MILWAUKEE, WIS. —iv - LICORICE PURE (Y. & S.) CALABRIA, 4, 6, 8, 12 and 16 Sticks to lb. PURE (Y. & S.) CALABRIA (Ringed,) 17 Sticks to lb. ACME LICORICE PELLETS. TAR LICORICE AND TOLU WAFERS. MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY YOUNG & SMYLIE, Brooklyn, N. Y. GOOD NEWS TO HORSE OWNERS, A SURE CURE FOR HEAVES. These Celebrated Powders are made from a receipt of a noted Prussian Veter- inary Surgeon, and have been thoroughly tested for the past four years in this country. They are composed of pure vegetable remedies, and are a safe and sure cure for Heaves, and all ailments from which Heaves arise, such as Coughs, Colds, Lung Fever, Loss of Appetite, Epizootic, Pink-eye, and Distemper. As a blood purifier they have no equal. Ask your Druggist for Prussian Heave Pow- ders. If he does not keep them have him order some at once, or order yourself. TESTIMONIALS. Reedsburg, Wis., July 23, 1883. GEO. PHIPPS, Manager Baraboo Medicine Co. Dear Sir: Inclosed draft to balance account. Your Heave Powders are sell- ing well, and what is better they are doing all that is claimed for them and giving entire satisfaction. The last gross I ordered have come to hand. Truly, Moses Young. Green Bay, Wis., Nov. 20, 1883. BARABOO MEDICINE GO. Gentlemen: Inclosed please find P. O. order to balance account for Heave Powders. You may send me three dozen more. They sell. John Robinson, Druggist. B. M. C. Grand Meadow, Minn. Gentlemen: Your Prussian Heave Powders are the “boss” Heave Powders. Send me four dozen more. S. S. Baken. PRICE, 50 CENTS PER PACKAGE. PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDER CO., Green Bay, Wis, For Sale by The Chas. Baumbach Co., Wholesale Druggists, Milwaukee. EIL^Y’S GRRAM BALM. Catarrh hay-fever Is known throughout our broad land. It supplies a public want. Everywhere it is recognized as the standard remedy for NASAL CATARRH, and a valuable addition to the list of reme- dies. It has the unreserved endorsement of the wholesale and retail drug trade. The following are our prices, regulated by the quantity: 1 dozen *. S 3 75 3 dozen and less than 6 dozen 3 65 6 dozen and less than 12 dozen 3 60 1 gross 42 00 ELY BROTHERS, PRpPRlETORS, 56 Warren St., New York City. — vi - Established 1863. Incorporated 1886. The Mellor and Rftnhotise Co., MANUFACTURERS OF IN ALL its forms. STICK, M. AND R. BRAND. Sizes — 4, 6, 8, 12, 14 and 16 sticks to the pound. Put up in handsome 5-pound wood boxes, 20 boxes (100 pounds) to the case. LICORICE LOZENGERS. Cylindrical in form ; put up in handsome 5-pound tin boxes, with glass panel, with scoop for retailing, 20 boxes (100 pounds) to the case. Powdered Extract, Powdered Root, Select Root, Am- monical Glycyhrrhizin, Equal to the best, and Superior to most, of the imported. VOU WANT COODB. YOU WANT STANDARD GOODS. THEY ESTABLISH YOUR REPUTATION. All wholesale Druggists have our goods in stock. Ask for them, and take no other. 214 and 218 North 22c! Street, PHILADELPHIA. - vir — Established 1854. Established 1 854. Millar Brothers, GUMMED LABEL PRINTERS, 1 _Z© Clark St. } 13 lEParls: !F?.o'w ; , CHICAGO. NEW YORK. W. H. HAMILTON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF FLINT GLASS * BOTTLES, OFFICE AND WORKS, T^a,il 2 ?OELcL-, 20th and S 1 st Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. Is/olf^ Bros. & (fo. ; IsiiT)it^d ; = PITTSBURGH, ©K. — — MANUFACTURERS OF High- Class Artists', Varnishers’ BRUSHES Gilders’, Grainers’ and Coach Painters’ Fitch, Badger, Sable and Camel Hair Brushes and Pencils of Every Description, J. W. Coughtry & Sons, CIGARVILLE, 1ST. Y., • MANUFACTURERS OF . MiftVftNft CIGARS.:- Special Brands for drug trade " Key West" and "Fly." Better than any 5c., equal to any 10c, Cigars. $ 35.00 per 1000 each. CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., Agents for above Brands. - VIII — CUSHMAN'S MENTHOL INHALER CURES Catarrh, Asthma Hay Fever, BRONCHITIS, COLDS, AND SORE THROAT, HEADACHE and NEURALGIA. DESTROYS MIASM. A RELIABLE PROTECTION AGAINST Contagious Diseases. Druggists will increase sales by showing the Inhaler to their customers; a few inhalations will not hurt the Inhalers. It affords immediate relief, and convinces the customer of its merits. so H. D. CUSHMAN, Prop’r, Two Rivers, Mich. YOUR ORDER SOLICITED. CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., Milwaukee, Wis. — IX - ESTABLISH BID IIS) 1840. HENRY TROEMNER, MANUFACTURER OF FINE DRUGGIST SCALES. |q fiqisq and perfect mechanism they are qot surpassed by aqy in the world. They are used exclusively iq all the Uqited States Mints, aqd by seventy-five per ceqt. of tlqe Pharmacists iq America. For Sale by the CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., and at 4S and 50 Lake St., Chicago. RAWSON 7 S LJ- =>. ARMY Patent Elastic Self-Adjusting - SUSPENSOR Y BANDAGE. A Marvel of Support, Relief, Comfort and Durability. Automatically adjustable, rendering 1 displacement impossible. The only per- fect article ever offered to the public. It is cut in the exact form of the testicle, in different sizes, and fits as perfectly as any other article of gentlemen’s attire. It is far superior to any Testicle Supporter in the world. IMPORTANT TO THE TRADE.— Dealers will confer a favor by returning 1 to us any of Rawson’s U- S. Army Suspensory Bandages in which the Elastic has deteriorated or the Bandage has in any way become imperfect while in sto^k, and we will replace them with new goods, We make this request as it is our aim to keep only first-class goods, perfect and superior in every particular, on the market of our manufacture S. E. U. RAWSON. FOR SALE BY THE CHA.S. BAUMBACH CO. — X — McKesso n & robbins’ Pure Fruit JUICES. /T\ade from pure, fresl? Fruit. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING: blackberry. CATAWBA. CHERRY. CURRANT. LEMON. ORANGE. PEACH. PINEAPPLE. PLUM. RASPBERRY. STRAWBERRY. These Juices are prepared from Ripe SELECTED Fruit, and retain their flavor for a long time ; they do not ferment or change. They are adapt- ed for flavoring Syrups, Jellies, Blanc Manges, Ice Creams, Soda Water, And in all cases where a rich fruit flavor is desired. Qoptaii} T)0 /}rtifi<;ial flavoring U/l?atever SUPERIOR ADVANTAGES. These Juices are the strongest in the market, and hence the most economical. § § 10 © E o S3 ft ft ft r a © cS 08 © © © d d rj O •r-S ’§ © © be be q dc a a ) r O © ft i- 1 o 1 rj ■bXj S3 c > S3 ft * • 1— ( ft OtT of 3 a; q r o be ft o •r— 5 .o _q oeT H S3 bC 03 © © 5 -ft ft o pj S3 S3 o O JD 6 JD be be © j—i iO - XI — WHAT THE DRUGGISTS SAY ABOUT McK. & R. ’s Pure Fr uit Juices. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Fond du Lac, Wis., May 18, 1889. Dear Sirs — We have used your Fruit Juices for four or five years, and we are greatly pleased with them. We think that we owe our success of our large Soda Water and Milk Shake sales to the superior quality of vour Fruit Juices. Respectfully Yours, DITTER, MITCHELL & CO. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Eau Claire, Wis., May 17, 1889. Dear Sirs: — It is with pleasure that I recommend your Fruit Juices in preference to any others. They give entire satisfaction and my Soda sales have doubled since I have begun to use your juices. Very truly, E. A. BALLARD. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Bay City, Mich., May 18, 1889. Dear Sirs — We take pleasure in stating that we find the McK. & R. Fruit Juices very satisfactory, and we think finer than any we have ever used before. Respectfully, HULL & TILTON. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Detroit, Mich., May 17, 1889. Dear Sirs : — We take great pleasure in stating that we have used your Pure Fruit Juices for several years, and have found them uni- formly satisfactory in every particular. Yours truly, FRED. D. STEVENS & CO. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Janesville, Wis., May 18, 1889. Gentlemen — Having used your Fruit Juices for four years past, I am glad to offer a word in their favor, for I realize that a large share of my success in my Soda Water department is owing to them. I have pur- chased in bulk and have been well pleased with the way they have kept; my syrups have a fruity flavor which I was never able to obtain by the use of any extracts, and I am glad to recommend them to anyone. With best wishes for your continued success with the same, I am, Yours truly, E. B. HEIMSTREET. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Beloit, Wis., May 21, 1889. Gentlemen — We noticed a marked increase in our sales of Soda Water when we commenced the use of McK. & R. Fruit Juices. We expect to use them exclusively as long as we continue in business. Respectfully, C. A. SMITH & CO. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Fond du Lac, Wis., June 13, 1889. Gentlemen — As your Fruit Juices gave such excellent satisfaction for the last two vears we shall continue to use them. Yours, &c., KENT & GEISSE. Mess. McKesson & Robbins: Milwaukee, May 20, 1889. Gentlemen — We have used your Fruit Juices for two years, and have found them to fulfill all our expectations. They are very rich and represent faithfully the true flavor of the several fruits from which they are made. Our trade also endorses them, and we anticipate a large increase of our wants during the coming season. Very truly, your friends, SPIEGEL, CROLIUS & CO. -Xll - FREE EASTMAN'S ALOHA. INQUIRE OF YOUR JOBBER THE METHOD OF OBTAINING FREE SAMPLES OF EASTMAN'S ALOHA PERFUME AND ALOHA TOILET SO/IP. For Sale by the CHAS. BAUMBAOH CO. IF NOT, WHY NOT — — SELL — 61]it]ese Rat, DESTROYER. It is put up in the same manner as rough on rats. The packages are neater and hold exactly one-half more, making it an easy seller. It is a more powerful poison, and is supplied to the trade by the Chas. Baumbach Co., Milwaukee, Wis., at 75c per dozen; retails at 15c per box; it netting you $ L.05 on 75c invested. ALL HOUSES Of r?ATS,Ml<’EMLLVERrtl^ I THEY EAT IT READILY AND ONCE EATEN DEATH IS CERTAIN FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCGIS1 Are now being Shingled, both Roof and Sides, and Stained with DEITER BROTHERS’ ENGLISH SHINGLE STAINS. Which give that Soft Velvety Effect considered so Artistic and which Blends so harmon- iously with the Landscape. Absolutely an OH Stain, contain- ing no Benzine, Water or Creosote, and will not wash off. Costs less and more durable than Paint. A package of Stained Boards, with full information, mailed to any address on application. DEXTER BROTHERS, Sole Manufacturers, BOSTON. MASS. - . i THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO-, Agents for MILWAUKEE, Will carry stock of these Stains, so there will be no delay in ordering. - XIII - NICKEL-PLATED IMPROVED METALLI0 BACK DRESSING COMBS, 30 Ridding $ 55 40 “ 70 455 | in. teeth $ 1 10 460 1 “ 1 20 035 Pocket 70 465 1 “ 1 30 040 “ 90 550 t “ 75 065 Coarse Dressing .... 1 65 60 Hotel 1 50 555 f “ 1 15 560 I “ 1 25 70 “ 1 75 60c “ 2 25 565 I “ 1 35 570 f “ 1 50 70c “ 2 50 0570 h “ 1 50 140 Plantation 75 575 f “ 1 65 145 “ 85 580 | “ 1 80 150 I in. teeth 1 00 165 f “ 1 15 665 1 in. teeth 1 35 670 1 “ 1 50 170 1 “ 1 25 675 1 “ 1 80 175 f “ 1 50 270 \ “ 1 25 0270 i “ 1 25 680 1 “ 2 00 770 1 “ coarse.... 1 25 775 | “ l 50 275 h “ 1 50 280 l “ 1 75 370 fin. Met. G’rd.... 1 75 450 I in. teeth 1 00 0450 1 “ 1 00 870 Slant Barber 1 50 970 “ Dressing 1 75 l070 H. M Barber 1 75 1170 “ “ ‘ 1 75 1175 ^ “ « 2 00 Terminal numbers indicate length of combs. PHCKGD IN HANDSOME SHOW BOXGS. THE ABOVE GOODS SUPPLIED TO THE TRADE BY THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. - xiv - $t. Sabine’3 2tUItl)ctlmtttcl 9ta. 2 . 3>er erfte unb grofte ©dbmerjbefteger bev 2Be!t, unb famt nut y?ed)t ber giirft ber 'adjmei^oerttfger genannt roerben turivt tuenn nDe anbere Witte! febl'fcblaqen, Cholera 61)oltfrtt=aWorbu^, .tlolit, .^rampfe, Waaem Sdimeru’u, JHutjr, ^iattljoc, fauren Wagon, Urn nerbaulidifcit, uuJ> alte tuuerc Sdnncrtcn ®g ioUte ftetg im Jpaufe gebalteu roerben, ba beffen mtiger ©e- brautf) md)t nur ^eit unb ©elb fpart, fonbent bfterg bag i’ebett rettet. 93oUe ©ebraudb^ampetfung auf feber glafcbe. ei g 25 ©entg per ftlafdje. 2>*. fcaWne’* ^nbiamfcbcr Sltauter &uften ©rtlfam. giir fcEjnette unb gritnblidbe fpeilung alter Uebel ber Sunqe unb beg £alfcg, trie $uften, ©ticfbuften, ©rfaltungeu, Sec ferfett, €d>minbfud)t, 2!ftf>nTa, SrontyitiS. $iefe!be ift aug 2Buv^e(n unb Shauteru Perfertigt, unb enttjalt nidbt§ Dtadb- tbeiltgeg felbft fur bie frf)tr?ac^fte ©onftitution. 2$olle ©e= beaudb§amreifuitg auf febem $acfet. 9BteiS 50 (Sentd . 5?r. &ab Inc’* HUtMctuifrijetf ^vavtievihee. (Sin $urgir= unb ^Iutreimgung§=9ttittel, jurtpeiluug Pon 93erftopfung, nerbofem Stopftreb, ©atlenfranb beiten, Uitperbautidbfeit, faiirem Wagen, u. f. tt>., fcbeibet aDe fdfledflen (gaftc aug, inbem eg neueg reineg ®!ut berborbringt, unb beilt in $o!ge beffen aUe 2Irteu $autaugfdb!age, trieferibe 2lugen, ^tnnen tnt ©eficbt, Scrofeln, ©al^flufi, fttecbten, gelbe ©eftcbtgfarbe unb laufenbe Obren, :c. T>iefer Sbee ift leidjt unb Pon angencbmen ©efdjmacf, unb begbalb bag geetgnetfte Witte! bei ben oerfdjiebenen ftrantbeiten Pon jarten grau’en nub fleinen Stinbern. qBmS 25 ecntS. Dr. F. A. Sabine Medicine Co., Milwaukee, Wis. For Prices see Patent Medicines, page 256. IMPORTANT! To Architects, Builders, House-Painters, Decorators, Boat-Build- ers and Yachtsmen, desiring an EXTREMELY DURABLE Finish for wocd. Are superior to any Varnishes or Wood- Finishes in the mar- ket, for the follow- ing reasons, viz.: They possess more body, higher lustrei greater resisting properties to atmos- p h e r i c influences, action of water and alkali, are more elas- tic, will not scratch or mar white, and are more durable. WORKS 7 34 — 740 East 14th Street , 733—739 East 13th Street , 199-207 Avenue D. For all classes INSIDE WORK, Requiring ex- treme durability use No. 2 Elastica Finish. FOB Outside Work, Requiring ex- treme durability use No. 1 Elastica Finish. MANUFACTURED BY Standard Yarnish Works. D. ROSENBERG & SONS, Office, 207 Ave. D, New York. SEND FOR SAMPLES AND FULL PARTICULARS. -XV- jSouTHERpI White up co„ ST. LOUIS AND CHICAGO, MANUFACTURERS OF StPietljj Pure White Lead, The Southern White Lead is manufactured entirely from the best refined Pig Leads, and is ground in Pure Linseed Oil, and as the Com- pany manufacture only STRICTLY PURE, parties buying White Lead branded “Southern Company” are absolutely sure of obtaining A PERFECTLY PURE ARTICLE. SI. LOUIS FACTORY , CHICAGO FACTORY , MAIN AND LOMBARD STREETS. 16th AND BROWN STREETS. FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS IN WHITE LEAD. — XVI- G. S. NEEDHAM. E. B. NEEDHAM. D. NEEDHAM’S SONS. 116 and 118 DEARBORN STREET, - - CHICACO. R ed Clo ver Bl ossoms , Solid Extract of the Blosso ms, and Fluid Extract of the Blossoms. BEST BLOOD PURIFIER KNOWN. Cures Cancer, Catarrh, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Rheu matism, Erysipelas. Whooping Cough, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles, and all Blood Diseases. When you order, call for Needham’s Clover, and you will get the pure article —no adulteration or mixture. Be sure the name, D. NEEDHAM’ S SONS, is on each package you buy. SE3STID ZET-O-R. CIRCULARS -A.T'TD PRICES. rmg- "- ! FLV PAPER TRADE SUPPLIED BY CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. MANUFACTURER OF Glaziers’ TJiarpopds, IMPORTER OF Factory Glass Cutters’ Sparks. 16 Maiden Lane - XVII - NEW YORK OFFICE OF IljB Dr. J. H. McLBaijMetfioiiiB Co. Corner Broadway and Biddle Street, St. Lonis, Mo. To the Drug Trade: We desire to call your attention to our Price List for the series of Dr. J. H. McLean’s Remedies, of which we are the sole Proprietors and Manufacturers. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial, large per doz., $7 00 “ “ “ small “ 3 50 “ “ Volcanic Oil Liniment, small “ 1 65 “ “ “ “ “ medium “ 3 30 “ “ “ “ “ large “ 6 60 “ “ Sarsaparilla .* “ 7 50 “ Vegetable Condition Powders “ 1 25 “ “ Chills and Fever Cure, large “ 6 00 “ “ “ “ “ small “ 3 00 “ “ Universal Pills “ 1 25 “ “ Candy Vermifuge “ 1 25 “ “ Liquid Vermifuge 1 25 “ Wonderful Healing Plaster (Porus), 2 doz. in box “ 1 50 “ “ Tar Wine Lung Balm, small “ ] 50 “ “ “ “ “ “ medium “ 3 00 u large “ 6 00 “ tl Cough and Lung Healing Globules, small “ 1 50 “ “ Cough and Lung Healing Globules, large “ 6 00 “ Celebrated Catarrh Powder “ 3 50 “ Liver and Kidney Balm u 7 50 “ “ “ “ “ Pilletts “ 1 50 “ Strengthening Eye Salve “ 1 50 Dr. J. H. McLean’s Medical Almanac for 1890, containing Storm Calendar and Weather Forecasts, by Rev. Irl R. Hicks, the “ Storm Prophet”’ is now being distributed . It is published in eight languages, viz.: English, Swedish, German, Bohemian, French, Spanish Nor- wegian, Hollandish. If you wish a supply, order through the Chas. Baumbach Co. when you are buying goods, Respectfully, The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co. - XVIII - ^\REMBS & @3., 183 W. Randolph St., CHICAGO., ILL., T MANUFACTURERS OF MILLION FLY PAPER per ream, $6.00 “ “ “ ' Envelopes, per 100, 2.00 KREMBS’ ASTHMA PAPER per 100 Envelopes, 15.00 A quick and sure relief. KREMBS’ ANTI-PERSPIRATION POWDER, per doz. boxes, 1.75 Warranted harmless and to stop disagreeable perspiration of feet, or any other part of the body in short time. KREMBS’ ACORN COFFEE, put up in % and lbs per lb., .20 KREMBS’ FUMIGATING- POWDER, best quality, put up in one ounce packages per lb., 1.25 FUMIGATING POWDER “ .90 Refiners of Photographers’ Wastes. WHEELER’S PATENT WOOD FILLER. For beauty of finish and durability no wood should be naturally finished with- out first filling the pores with this article. Specified by all prominent architects. In use ten years. The wood-work of the principal public and private buildings throughout the world are and have been treated with this article. Genuine has our Name and Trade Mark on each package. Brei^ig's Bitfyog erj Silicate Paints. Economical. Durable. Wood Dyes or Stains, Floor Polish, Oil Finish. Easton’s Imperial Piano and Furniture Polish and General Gleaner. For cleaning and polishing varnished surfaces. Those having the care of public buildings, churches and private residences, in cleaning the polished wood-work, will find, after a trial, this article indispensable. For cleaning the inside of railroad cars and street cars, it saves time and revives and preserves the finish indefinitely. THE BRIDGEPORT WOOD FINISHING GO., Principal Office: Chicago Office <$ Warehouse : New York Office: New Milford, Conn. 2 1 1 E. Randolph St. 240 Pearl Street. — XIX — W. R. WARNER & CO.S peeRtess eFFepveseiNG sftbTS. Large Discount to the Trade. Gran. Eft. Apollinaris Salt “ Acid, Salicylic “ Bromo Potash “ Bromo Soda Caffeine and Bromide of Potass “ Caffein. Citras “ Chalybeate Saline Crab Orchard Salt *' Caffeine Bromid Cerii Nitras “ Cerii Oxalas ‘‘ Carlsbad Salt Congress Salt “ Friedrichhall Salt “ Gingerade “ HunyadiJanos “ Kissingen Salt Lithii Benzoas Lithii Bromid “ Lithii Citras “ Lithii Carbonas “ * Lithii Salicylas “ Magnesiae Citras “ Magnesiae Sulphas “ Pepsin. Bismuth and Strychnin “ Pepsin and Bismuth k ‘ Pepsin, Bismuth and Iron “ Potass. Bi-Carb “ Potass. Todid “ Potass. Bromid “ Potass. Citras. “ Potass. Lithiated . “ Potass. Nitras “ Pullna Salt *■ Seidlitz Mixture, “ Seltzer Salt “ Sodii Bromid “ Sodii Bi-Car.b “ Sodii Salicylas and Potass. Bromid “ Vichy Salt Per dozen Bottles. $ 4 00 • 000 © 10 00 ; g to oo . 2 10 0u . a ioou . 3 7 . § 0u . © 10 ° n . Z 6 50 * 6 50 ; S 5 00 . ® 4 00 . £ 5 00 • * 4 nn . «. 5 00 O 4 00 . O 10 00 . $ 10 00 • V 10 00 . § 10 00 . a ioo° .5 4 00 .5 4 00 .2 8 00 . > 7 50 . * 10 00 4 00 . g 5 00 . § 5 00 . r 5 00 . 35 10 00 . H 4 00 . os 4 00 . 4 00 . W 4 00 . A 5 00 a* 4 00 6 00 4 00 WILLIAM R. WARNER & CO., —MANUFACTURER OF — Soluble Sugar-Coated Fills. (Supplied by all leading Druggists.) PHILADELPHIA. - XX — ^PoWDERElLDRlJGS In ordering the a/bo^re; please speeify A- W. 5c CO/S EXTRjfl SELECT POWDERS They are warranted to be absolutely pure ar\d made from} the best stock obtainable. -ADMIRE, WOODWARD & 00., PEORIA, ILL. 5END . <=> ~T d F=? N, California Wines & Brandies. The druggist is more intellig-ent than most of merchants, tbererefore reason should always appeal to them, and remedies that have merit, if recommended, will increase the confidence of your patrons. We therefore ag-ain remind you of the old standard and reliable SCHOENFELD’S KIDNEY, LIVER AND BLOOD TEA. Dry and Spiritless. Retails 25c per package. So palatable that children cry for it . and Mamas Buy it. Dr. Hoffman-Schoenfeld’s Improved Red Drops. The greatest pain reliever of the age. The famous Cholera, Cramp and Diarrhoea Cure. Try a dozen with your next order, and they will make you friends. Sam- ples for free distribution furnished by the Late STERN & ROSE, PION EER J>31 OUSE Winery and Distillery at' Eastern Offices and Cellars : (HICAGO, 185 and 187 Lnke St. NEW YORK, 14 and 18 Vpgpy St. BOSTON, 37 Bromfltdd St. LOS ANGELES, CAL. TRADE SUPPLIED BY THE S. PFEIFFER MFG. CO., CHAS, BAUMBACH CO,, Milwaukee, ST. LOUIS. JYI O. — XXIV — Oqe of the reasons Why dealers so generally handle The ^herwin-Williams Colors Is because these goods rrieet the Wants (both as to quality and price) of the rqajority of the intelligent practical painters of the country. EMMERT PROPRIETARY COMPANY, 155 West Washington St., - CHICAGO, ILL. We iqvite thfe atteqtioq of tf\e Qrug trade to our liqe of Standard and reliable preparations : Eilert’s Extract of Tar and Wild Cherry, Eilert’s Daylight Liver Pills, Dr. Winchell’s Teething Syrup, Dr. Jaques’ German Worm Cakes, Happy Home Blood Purifier, Uncle Sam’s X. and B. Liniment, Uncle Sam’s Condition Powder. Tf\ese goods are honestly put up and allow a fair profit to tlqe dealer. Priqted rqatter furnished oq application. Emaekt Proprietary Co. REBATE PLAN, ADOPTED MAY 1st, 1889. WAMPOLE’S Granular Effervescent BROMO-PYRINE, Antipyrine Sodium Bromide Cafflen Hydro-Bromate. Per Doz. Retail Price. GRANULAR EFFERVESCING BROMO-PYRINE (LARGE 4-OZ ), $10 00 $1.35 GRANULAR EFFERVESCING BROMO-PYRINE (SMALL 2-OZ ), 6.00 .75 IN POUNDS, $2.35 PER LB. DISCOUNT ten per cent. A full line of Effervescing Salts, comprising all known combinations. Quota- tions cheerfully furnished for Salts in bulk. WAMPOLE'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES. Each fluid drachm contains sV grain STRYCHNIA, associated with the Hypophos- phites of Lime, Soda, Potassium, Iron, Manganese and QUININE. Put up in 16-Ounce Bottles, full Measure. - $10.50 Per Dozen net. Put up in 5-pint bottles for convenience in dispensing, and as a regular stock bottle. 5-pint bottles, each $3.50, net. Wampole’s Perfected and Tasteless Preparation of Cod Liver Oil. Combined with Extract of Malt, FluidJExtract of Wild Cherry Bark and Syrup Hypophosphites Compound (containing Lime, Soda, Potassium, Iron, Manganese, Quinine and Strychnia). Containing the curative agents from 25 per cent. Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil. Rendered Pleasant and agreeable by the addition of choice Aromatics- For full directions see circular surrounding bottle. We invite your attention to the “fac simile” of an Analysis made by Chas. M. Cresson, M. D., certifying to the value and efficacy of this Preparation, and which we have printed on the back of our circular. NUTRITIVE. TONIC. STIMULANT. Put up in 16-Ounce Bottles, full Measure. $8 00 per Dozen, net. Put up in 5-pt. bottles for convenience in dispensing, and as a regular stock bottle 5-Pint Bottles , Each $3.00 net. WAMPOLE’S SYRUP HYDRIODIC ACID. (PERMANENT) GUARANTEED UNALTERABLE. Each fluid Ounce contains in Tasteless and Unchangeable Syrup, 6.72 Grs. Hy- driodic Acid, thus representing 6.66 Grs. of Iodine. Price, $8.00 per Dozen. Wanpole’s Concentrated Extract of Malt. A Pleasant and Agreeable Preparation of MALTED BAKLEY with HOPS. The bitter taste may be objectionable to some, and. if so, the Extract may be rendered pleasaut and palatable by the addition of sugar. PUT UP IN BOTTLES CONTAINING TWO FULL GLASSES. PRICE, $2.00 PER DOZEN, NET. RETAIL, 25e. PER BOTTLE. On Orders of one Item or assorted,, amounting to $30 list, a discount of 5 per cent, will be allowed. - XXVI - C. SCHILLING &, CO., Pure California Wires and Brandies, San Francisco, Cal. OFFICE : N. W. Corner Pine and Battery Streets. WINE VAULTS : 242-248 B PI A. 1ST 1ST AN STREET, W. C. DePAUW COMPANY, DePAUW’S American Plate Glass moRKS, NEW ALBANY, IND. CAPACITY: 2,000,000 Feet Plate Glass; 200,000 Boxes Window Glass; 4-0,000 Gross Fruit Jars. N. T. DePauw, Pres’t. W. D. Keyes, Sec’y. - XXVII - C. W. DePauw, Vice-Pres’t. 4t 5> riai* Jvabber (joods.” We take pleasure in calling the attention of Dealers to our line of DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES, which we sell under our trade mark JHard Rubber ai?d Bulb Syriijges, /atomizers, Ripples, Nursing Bottles, Fittings, Stopples, Teething Rings, Tubing, Belts, Breast Pumps, Air Goods, Urinals, Letter Bands, Shelting, Etc. MANUFACTURED BY Rubber czcd.. ANDOVER, MASS. - XXVIII — •• • • • iiSTHMA-Lj-L.!' ♦ ♦ • CURED BY • ♦ * Dr. R. SGhiffraann's German Asthma Dure. THE LEADING ASTHMA CURE. No waiting for results. Its action is immediate, direct and certain, and a cure is the result in all curable cases. A single trial convinces the most skeptical. Two sizes selling at 50 cents and $1.00. Attractive Advertising Matter sent Prepaid to all Druggists who ask for it. No Wall-flower but a Ready Seller wherever Introduced. Sold by the CHAS. BAUM BACH CO,, Milwaukee. R. SCHIFFMANN, M. D., Prop., ST. PHUL, MINN. © e STEPHflNY'S © © QUADRUPLE PERFUMES and Toiter sows. ‘For-get-me-not, White Rose, Turkish Violet, Clematis, Heliotrope, Frou-Frou, Jockey-Club, Union-Club, have no equal in strength and fragrance. STEPHANY’S COLOGNE Refreshing, Lasting, Hygienic. The only American Cologne made after the Genuine Farina For- mula, elegant and easy selling style. Stephany’s Bouquet, Transparent and Glycerine Toilet Soaps, Strictly Pure and Reliable, Highly Perfumed. - XXIX — OlAS. BA(JMBACh Co., AQENT5. 00 c3 x CD tr. ci CD OQ C3 ?! OQ These Essential Oils are NOT ONLY ABSOLUTELY PURE, but PERFE CTLY SOLUBLE^ MOST HIGHLY CONCENTRATED of UNEQUALED AROMA and MOST ECONOMICAL. - xxx - CHICAGO GLUE COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF Glue, Gelatine and Sand Paper, 216 Lake St., CHICAGO. HASTINGS & CO., Philadelphia, SI© and 821 Filbert St. 5 “DIAMOND BRAND” GOLD LEAR ASK YOUR DEALER FOR THIS BRAND. my r^f=?ie:iniid. IDO YOU USE VASELINE oar COSMOLINE YET T VOU ID CD I Well, you're foolish for paying 28c per lb. or thereabouts for Vaseline or Cos- mo/ine, when 14c covers the cost of Argoline Petrolatum, in 5 lb. cans — and the article is superior to either. Order a 5 or 10 lb. can from MESSRS. CHAS. BAUM BACH CO., and we guarantee you'll use no other. See price list page 15. CELEBRATED GLOBE BRAND powders, FRENCH GOLD PAINT, GOLD, SILVER, ALUMINIUM AND METAL LEAF, M ETALLICS, FLITTERS, ETC., ETC , ETC., FULL LINE OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS. MARSCHING & CO., branch house. 27 Park Place, NEW YORK. 76 Fifth Ave , CHICAGO. — XXXI — /ic,CP‘ /y.\^ « «* ^ ^ ,e> " &°"&' ^ V' c>'kv^ ?K v* < CV®\ ^ O* ARNIGARBORINE FOR Scalds, Burris, Woilr\ds, Piles, Fever Sores, Salt Rtieilrq, arid all Diseases of tt|e Spin. Price $1.50 per dozen VETERINARY fIRNICfIRBQLINE. - FOR ALL Hbrasioris of tt\e SFiri arid all Diseases of tl\e Feet of Horses ar\d Cattle. Price $3.00 per dozen. Marx & Rawolle, ISTHIAXA 1TOR.K:, — - — MANUFACTURERS OF Chemically Pure Glycerine. BRILLIANT! COLORLESS! ODORLESS! SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHER IN THE WORLD. TEST IT -A. IsTE CONVINCE YOURSELVES! - XXXITI - Parrott Varnish (%, 1ANUFACTURERS OF- Fine Conch and Cor Varnishes, BRIDGEPORT, CONN. ALBERT A. PADDON, MANUFACTURER OF Turned-Mould Bottles AND OTHER WARE, ITT .A.ixiiBEK. COLOR. Hock 5’s, 6’s, 10’s & 20’s. Brandy 4’s, 5’s, 5|’s, 6’s & 8’s. Claret 5’s, 6’s & 10’s. Schnapp 4’s, 5’s & 10’s. Export Beer Bottles, Champagne Beer Bottles, Apollinaris Bottles, Seal Bottles, Bottles with Stoppers attached, LASALLE, ILLINOIS. - XXXIV — SUPERIORITY ^TTHINED. The T(oise ho ld > yr i nge. PATENTED SEPT. 17, 1878; MARCH 4, 1879. TRADE MARK 1 ‘ HOUSEHOLD” REGISTERED. Recoir\n\ei\ded for Clear\lir\ess, Efficiency and Durability, by tl\e Medi- cal Profession generally. Every Syringe thoroughly tested and Warranted. THE MAGIC ATOMIZERS. PATENTED MAY 1, 1883, JULY 24, 1883; MAY 26, 1885. Continuous Spsay. With jiapd Rubber of JHetal ^pubes. In all tl\e various styles, for tl\e Toilet, Throat or Nasal Affections, and ernployn\ent in tl\e Arts. Mould Work of Every Description. Special Goods to Order. Full Lin© of Rubber Goods, for tl\e Druggists’, Surgical and Stationery Trade. DAVOL RUBBER CO., Providence, R. I. — XXXV - GRAY’S AMERICAN HARD CAFSURES DUNDAS, DICK & CO., Selling Agents. These Capsules are especially adapted for export, and being hard, are suitable for the trade in warm and damp climates. They hold 10 minims each, and where the quantity of medicament is not sufficient to till a capsule, the bulk is made up with a bland oil or milk sugar, whichever is best suited to the nature of the ingredient; those containing milk sugar being practically, pills without an excipient. They are easily swallowed, and dissolve quickly in the stomach. They are put up in tin boxes containing 30 Capsules. In ordering please specify GRAY’S AMERICAN HARD FILLED CAPSULES. GRAY’S AMERICAN HARD FILLED CAPSULES. Price, per doz. boxes.. Apiol $0 00 Cascara Sag rad a, No. 1 2 30 (Each Capsule represents 5 m. Fid. Ext.) Cascara Sagrada, No. 2 2 80- (Each Capsule represents 10 m. Fid. Ext.) Cascara Sagrada, No. 3 3 30 (Each Capsule represents 15 m. Fid. Ext.) Castor Oil 1 75 Cinchonidine Sulph., 1 gr 1 40 Cinchonidine Sulph., 2 gr 1 60 Cinchonidine Sulph., 3 gr 1 80 Cinchonidine Sulph., 4 gr 2 00 Cinchonidine Sulph., 5 gr 2 20 Cod Liver Oil— Norwegian 175 Cod Liver Oil and Iodide of Iron 2 50 Copaiba Para, 10 m 1 75 Copaiba and Iron 2 50 Cubebs and Copaiba 3 50 Eucalyptus 2 50 Matico, Cubebs and Copaiba 4 00 Nitroglycerin : 3 00 Pennyroyal Oil, 1 m 2 00 Pennyroyal Oil, 2 m 2 25 Quinine Sulphate, 1 gr 1 75 Quinine Sulphate, 2 gr 2 50 Quinine Sulphate, 3 gr 3 25 Quinine Sulphate, 4 gr 4 00 Quinine Sulphate, 5 gr 4 75 Sandalwood 6 50 Tar, 10 m , 2 50 Terebene, 10 m 3 50 Turpentine, 10 m 2 50 Warburg’s Tincture 10 00 (Each Capsule represents 2 dr. Waburg’s Tincture N. F.) Wintergreen Oil, 10 m 8 50 FOR SALE BY TME CHjOlS. BAUMBACH CO, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN- - XXXYI - HD1E2 VOE’S SUPERIOR SNUFFS MACCOBOY, FRENCH RAPPEE, LUNDYFOOT, PLAIN SALT AND SWEET SCOTCH. In Jars of 5 to 20 !bs., Cans of 1 oz to 10 lbs., Bladders of 1 to 10 lbs., and Bottles of 4 oz., 6 oz., and 1 lb. In JARS per lb., $0 40 In CANS of 2 lbs., 3 lbs., 5 lbs., or 10 lbs “ 38 In I lb. CANS “ 40 In 8 oz. “ “ 42 In 4 “ “ 45 In 2 “ “ 'A gross boses per gross, 8 00 In 1 “ “ “ “ “ 4 60 In 4 “ GLASS, 14 gross boxes “ 20 00 In 6 “ 4 doz. in case “ 30 00 In 1 lb., *1 doz. In case per case, 5 50 In BLADDERS, Small per lb., 40 In “ Assorted . . . . •* 38 In “ Large “ 30 *In pint Mason’s Improved Jars, perfect and fit for domestic use afterwards. For Sale by CHAS. BAUMBACH CO. PECKHAM’S CROUP REMEDY IS THE CHILDREN’S MEDICINE For Colds, CoUgRs, Hoarseness, WRoopir\g CoUgR, Croup. Pleasapt, Safe, Certain. 25c a bottle. $2 a dozen DO YOU KEEP IT? We give 50. Calendars (5x8) with i doz. order. 100 with 2 doz., 200 with 4 doz., and a supply of handsome lithograph cards goes with each order. Dealers name printed on Front of both Calendars and Cards. “Have sold Peckham’s Croup Remedy since 1879 It is the most reliable and satisfactory proprietary medicine in the market. The demand is rapidly increas- ing.— W. H. Goodyear, Druggist, Hastings, Mich. “I have just received the second 2 dozen of your Peckham’s Croup Remedy. The first 2 dozen was received but two weeks since and is all sold.”— G. M. Frazee, Druggist, Twin Valley, Minn., Jan 14th, 1889. ‘‘Peckham’s Croup Remedy is a staple article with me. I have been selling drugs and medicines for the last twelve years in Freeport, and my sales of this reliable family medicine more than treble any other proprietary remedy on my shelves.”— A. M. Herrington, Druggist, Freeport, Mich., Jan. 1, 1889. Write for samples of advertising matter to DR. H. C PECK HAM, Freeport, Mich. Always in full supply at the Wholesale Drug House of THE CHAS. BAUMBACH CO., - MILWAUKEE. — XXXVII — J. W. BUTLER, Prest. C. L. BLANCHARD, Treas. JOHN MOSS, Sec’y. aper (Company, “Taper ZXLa.rai_Lfe-(3tuLxe:.xs a. rad. 1 )galgrs, BOOK, PRINT and FLAT PAPERS Card Boards , Envelopes , UL.EO SOO WRAPPING PAPERS, Twines, Tags, Hit <3.., Edte:. A LARGE LINE OF Wedding • Goods, • Ball • Programmes, • Folders, • Tassels, • Etc., KEPT CONSTANTLY IN STOCK. 358 iP 360 Broadway, MILWAUKEE. — XXXVIII — ATARRH DR. SYKES’ SURE CURE. Estab. in Chicago, 111., 1 870; moved to Cincinnati, O., 1888. This is undoubtedly the oldest and most satisfactory Catarrh Medicine in the market. Gives universal satisfaction when used with our Atmospheric Insufflator, and taken internally it does not fail in eradicating the foul monster. Please keep for reference. price Cist of Dr. Sykes’ Sure-