jSt\T^8HB w^ , " A Brief DISCOURSE Conceniing the Three chief Principles OF Magnificent Building. \Soliditj, \iz\Comeniency, I and '• Ornament. It By S' Sdtha&ttr Gtrbier D’ottviUy Knight. LONDON, Printed in the Year \ 6 6 2 . K I N G S MOST EKceilent Majefty. The Epiflle your Royal Father of blelled memory, confirmed unto me during my life, by the Great Seale of ■ England,) is to intro- duce Forreign Prin- ces dr their publick Reprefentatiyes to your Sacred Pre- ,,4ence. And in re- gard the Place of Surveyor Generali was alfo intended to me (after late Inigo foms) I doe make bold ! to ' introdnce the ' three Capitall Principles of good Building to your Sa- cr^ Majefty, who hath ieen tnbreftate- ly Palaces and Build- ings , than all your Ariceftors, and may be a Pattern to all - ^ A 3^ fu- ^he Epiftk ' future Pofterity, by Building of your own Pdace worthy your Self, and place- ing it as the lidia?is for their health, de- light, and eonvien- cy (as well as Solidi- ty and Ornament,^ ha Matina alii Montis la Sera alii Eonti, ac- cording to v/hich the main body of your jyedmttry. your Royal Wai:e may be fet on the fide of Saints fames ^ Park, and the Gar- dens along the Ri- ver. If the Book af- foards any thing worthy your Sacred Majefties further fa- tisfadion, I have obtained my end, and done the Du- ■A4 ty The Epiftk, See. ty intended by Your Sacred Majefties Mojl humble,m0fi obedient, mofi Loyal Subjell and mofi pealous Servant Balthazar Gerbier D’ouvilly Knight. T o 'V-'/.y ’ '■ J g) r}>< i,i.'t.a\»f ■ ('i-*-^C'|^^’^ iifti ■,'r'''^''‘itf'jii^'»''» '*r'i'''' }d -4 • , * SV.i ■'t ■ •■ <■ • !'.■, .', /r ■,'- \ ' ■/ 'vV- ■' *C'''*v'l'‘' ■' ' ' ■ ^ fj ■' "'V-' H *' ' ‘ It ’ , .. • ■,:•■ , , ":*y ,„ .'^ 'V': '. '?