:UUUUUUUyUUUUU5JUUUUlJ OMAK ARRANGED BY JOHN EDWARD LEE, F.S.A hf^rifiiirLnnnr^ginrirtrtnftf^rinnnnfinnnnnnnnrinnnnnnnnrtnirifininnnnfinftnrti 1 • ‘Tf f • ' - v I 'A s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/detaiis/romanimperialphoOOIeej ROMAN COINS LONDON : PRINTED BV SPOTTISWOODE AND CO., NEW-STREET SQUARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET ROMAN IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS BEING A SELECTION OF FORTY ENLARGED PHOTOGRAPHS of ROMAN COINS ARRANGED BY JOHN EDWARD LEE, F.S.A., F.G.S. AUTHOR OF ‘ ISCA SILURUM " AND TRANSLATOR OF KELLER’s ‘ LAKE DWELLINGS LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. 1874 All rishts reserved PREFACE -- The origin of this little publication may be told in few words. A series of about one hundred and fifty profiles of Roman Emperors, Empresses, and Caesars is now in progress, drawn in lithograph from medallions and coins, but considerably enlarged. It will probably be published shortly after the appearance of this volume. During the progress of the work. Photographs were taken of some of the coins, with a view of lessening the labour of drawing for lithography : this, however, was not found to answer, and the plan was abandoned. But, as the Photographs were very characteristic, the figures or profiles being enlarged three or four times, and as this style of illustration always carries with it the impress of truth, it was thought advisable (although the imperfections in the coins must necessarily be magnified in the same proportion) to bring together in this volume a selection of forty photographs from coins of different periods, not only to show the actual likenesses, which are of considerable interest, but also to indicate the state of Art at the time the coins were minted. Short memoranda, chiefly V taken from Mionnet, have been added respecting each of the individuals. A note has also been made as to the metal from which the coins were struck, and the actual inscription around the profile has also been given. As this mode of illustration must necessarily be expensive, and probably there will be but few purchasers, the number of copies printed has been limited to one hundred. ViLi,A Syracusa, Torquay: 2^th March, 1874. vi NOTES ON THE COINS PHOTOGRAPHED AND THE PERSONS REPRESENTED UPON THEM. I. JULIUS. I B.—DIVOS IVLIVS. Caius Julius Caesar, born at Rome ioob.c., became Triumvir with Pompey and Crassus b.c. 6o, quarrelled with Pompey b.c. 52, and gained the battle of Pharsalia b.c. 48 ; was created Perpetual Dictator b.c. 44, and was assassinated shortly after¬ wards. II. AUGUSTUS. I B.—CAESAR AVGVSTVS DIVI F. PATER PATRIAE. Caius Octavius Caepias, born at Velletri b.c. 63, was the heir of Julius Caesar and adopted by him. He came to Rome b.c. 44, when he took the name of C. Jul. Caesar Octavianus. Be¬ came Triumvir with Antonius and Lepidus b.c. 43, but shortly found himself sole master of the Republic. Received the title of Emperor from the Senate b.c. 29, and that of Augustus b.c. 27, He is known by this name in history, and his successors took it as a surname. He died at Nola a.d. 14. B I III. AGRIPPA. I B.—M. AGRIPPA L.F. COS. III. Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa was born of an obscure family, probably about b.c. 63. He was a great friend of Augustus, and married Julia, his daughter, after the death of M. IVTarcellus, her first husband, b.c. 21. Received the Tribunitlal power b.c. 18, and died b.c. 12. IV. TIBERIUS. 2 B.—TI. CAESAR DIVI AVG. F. AVGVST. IMP. VIII. Tiberius Claudius Nero was born at Rome b.c. 42, and married J ulla, the daughter of Augustus and widow of Agrippa, B.c. 11. Was adopted by Augustus after the death of Caius and Lucius, A.D. 4. Succeeded Augustus, and took his name as a surname, a.d. 14. He died at Misenum, in Campania, having been murdered by the orders of Caligula, a.d. 37. V. DRUSUS (JuNR.) 1 B.—DRVSVS CAESAR TI. AVG. F. DIV. AVG. N. Nero Claudius Drusus, the son of Tiberius and Vipsania Agrippina, was born b.c. 13. He received the Tribunitlal power A.D. 22, and was poisoned by his wife Livia a.d. 23. 2 VI. GERMANICUS. 2 B.—GERMANICVS CAESAR TI. AVGVST. F. DIVI AVG. Germanicus, the son of Drusus senr. and Antonia, was born B.c. 15. He was adopted by Tiberius, and made Csesar a.d. 4. He died at Epidaphne, near Antioch, poisoned by Piso, the Governor of Syria, a.d. 19. VII. AGRIPPINA (Senr.) I B.—AGRIPPINA M. F. GERMANICI CAESARIS. Agrippina, the daughter of Agrippa and Julia, was born B.c. 15, and became the wife of Germanicus. She was exiled by Tiberius to the island of Pandataria, where he suffered her to die of hunger. VIII. CLAUDIUS. I B.—TI. CLAVDIVS CAESAR AVG. P. M. TR. P. IMP. Tiberius Claudius Drusus, son of Drusus senr., was born at Lyons b.c. 10. On the death of Caligula he was made Emperor by the soldiers, and was recognized by the Senate a.d. 41. He was poisoned by his wife Agrippina a.d. 54. 3 IX. NERO. I B.—NERO CLAVD. CAESAR AVG. GER. P. M. TR. P. IMP. P. P. Lucius Domitius Nero was the son of Cneius Domitius Ahenobarbus and Agrippina junr. He was born at Antium A.D. 37 ; was adopted by Claudius, and made Csesar a.d. 50, when he took the names of Tiberius Claudius Nero Drusus. He succeeded Claudius a.d. 54, and committed suicide on the revolt of Galba a.d. 68. X. GALBA. I B.—SER. GALBA IMP. CAES. AVG. TR. P. Servius Sulpicius Galba was born at Rome of a noble family b.c. 3. When Governor of Tarragonese Spain, under Nero, he revolted against him, and was proclaimed Emperor in Spain and Gaul, and on the death of N ero became master of the whole Empire a.d. 68 ; but was killed after a short reign of seven months by the Praetorian Guards, who proclaimed Otho in his stead. XL OTHO. Gold.— IMP. OTHO CAESAR AVG. TR. P. Marcus Salvius Otho was born at Rome a.d. 32. He joined the revolt of Galba, and then conspired against him ; but he had to contend for the Empire with Vitellius, and having been defeated, he killed himself a.d. 69, having only reigned ninety- five days. 4 XIL VITELLIUS. I B.—A. VITELLIVS GERMAN. IMP. AVG. P. M. TR. P. Aulus Vitellius was the son of Lucius Vitellius and Sextilia, and was born a.d. 15. He was sent by Galba as Legate into Lower Germany a.d. 68. The following year he was proclaimed Emperor by the Legions of Germany, who had revolted against Galba, at the time when Otho was made Emperor by the Praetorian soldiers. Vitellius gained a victory over Otho, and at his death succeeded him ; but was put to death the same year, A.D. 69, after a reign of eight months, by the soldiers, who took the side of Vespasianus. XIII. VESPASIANUS. I B.—IMP. CAES. AVG. VESPAS. COS. II. TR. POT. Flavius Vespasianus, the son of Flavius Sabinus and Ves- pasia Polla, was born near Reate, in the Sabine country. He was made Governor of Judaea by Nero a.d. 66. He was proclaimed Emperor by the Legions of Egypt, and afterwards by the other soldiery. Vitellius was put to death, and Vespasianus remained master of the Empire, a.d. 69. He died a.d. 79. XIV. TITUS. Silver.— T. CAES. IMP. VESP. PON. TR. POT. Titus Flavius Vespasianus, the son of Vespasianus and Flavia Domitilla, was born at Rome a.d. 41. He was made Caesar a.d. 69, and was associated with his father in the Empire, 5 and styled Imperator, a.d. 71. He succeeded his father a.d. 79, and died a.d. 81. His name is well known in history in connec¬ tion with the siege of J erusalem. XV. DOMITIANUS. I B.—IMP. CAES. DOMIT. AVG. GERM. COS. XIIII. CENS. PER. P. P. Domitianus, the brother of Titus, was born a.d. 51. He was made Caesar a.d. 69, and succeeded his brother a.d. 81. He was assassinated a.d. 96. XVI. NERVA. I B.—IMP. NERVA CAES. AVG. P. M. TR. P. COS. II. P. P. Marcus Cocceius Nerva was born at Narnia, a city of Umbria, of a consular family, a.d. 32. After having been Praetor and twice Consul, he was chosen Emperor by the Senate and the Praetorian Guards the day on which Domitian died. Nerva died A.D. 98. XVII. TRAJANUS. I B.—IMP. NERVAE TRAJANO AVG. GER. DAC. P. M. TR. P. COS. V. P. P. Marcus Ulpius Trajanus Crinitus was born at Italica, in Spain, A.D. 53. He was Governor of Lower Germany under Domitian and Nerva. He was adopted by Nerva, and associated in the Empire with the titles of Caesar and Imperator, but without 6 the title of Augustus, a.d. 97. He succeeded Nerva a.d. 98, and then took the title of Augustus. He died at Selinunte, in Cilicia, a.d. i i 7. XVIII. HADRIANUS. 1 B.—HADRIANVS AVG. COS. III. P. P. Publius .^lius Hadrianus was born a.d. 76, and was adopted by Trajan a few days before his death, and a.d. 117 succeeded to the Empire. He died at Baiae, in Campania, a.d. 138. XIX. SABINA. I B.—SABINA AVGVSTA HADRIANI AVG. P. P. Julia Sabina was married to Hadrian about a.d. ioo. She destroyed herself about a.d. 137. XX. ANTONINUS PIUS. I B.—IMP. T. AEL. CAES. HADR. ANTONINVS AVG. PIVS. Titus Aurelius Fulvius Bojonius Arrius Antoninus was born at Lanuvium, a city of Latium, a.d. 86. On the death of Lucius .^lius he was adopted by Hadrian, and made Caesar a.d. 138. He then took the names of T. .^Blius Hadrianus Antoninus. He succeeded Hadrian the same year, and received from the Senate the title of Augustus and the surname of Pius. He died at Lorium, in Etruria, a.d. 161. 7 XXI. FAUSTINA (Senr.) B. Medallion.*— DIVA AVG. FAVSTINA. Annia Galeria Faustina, the daughter of Annius Verus, the Prsefect of the City, was born a.d. 105. She became the wife of Antoninus Pius before he was adopted by Hadrian. She died A.D. I41. XXII. FAUSTINA (JuNR.) I B.—FAVSTINA AVG. PII. AVG. FIL. Annia Faustina was the daughter of Faustina senr, and Antoninus Pius. She was married to Marcus Aurelius about A.D. 140, and died a.d. 175. XXIII. COMMODUS. B. Medallion.— IMP. COMMODVS AVG. PIVS FELIX. Lucius or Marcus .Tilius Aurelius Commodus Antoninus, the son of Marcus Aurelius and Faustina junr,, was born at Lanu- vium, in Latium, a.d. 161. He was made C^sar a.d. 166, associated in the Empire with the title of Imperator, and received the Tribunitial power a.d. 176; but did not receive the title of Augustus till the following year. He succeeded his father a.d, 180, and was put to death a.d. 192 by some of the companions of his debaucheries. * This beautiful coin is in the collection of the Rev. S. S. Lewis, of Cambridge. 8 XXIV. PERTINAX. I B.—IMP. CAES. P. HELV. PERTINAX AVG. Publius Helvius Pertinax, the son of Helvius Successus, a freedman, was born a.d. 126. He was Prsefect of Rome under Commodus, after whose death he was chosen Emperor by the Praetorian soldiers and the Senate a.d. 192 ; but was put to death the following year by the same soldiers who had raised him to the throne, after a short reign of eighty-seven days. XXV. SEPTIMIUS SEVERUS. 1 B.—SEVERVS PIVS AVG. P. M. TR. P. XII. Lucius Septimius Severus was born at Leptis, in Africa, A.D. 146. He was Governor of Pannonia and Illyria under Com¬ modus and Pertinax ; and after the death of the latter he was proclaimed Emperor by the Legions of these provinces. He then marched to Rome, and having got rid of three other claimants for the Empire, he remained sole master a.d. 197, He died at York A.D. 211. XXVI. CARACALLA. I B.—M. AVREL. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG. BRIT. Bassianus, commonly called Caracalla, was the son of Septi¬ mius Severus and Julia Domna. He was born at Lyons a.d. 188. He was made Caesar a.d. 196, and then took the names of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. In a.d. 198 he was invested with c 9 the title of Augustus, and succeeded his father a.d. 211 , jointly with his brother Geta, whom he caused to be murdered the following year in the arms of his mother. Caracalla was assassinated a.d. 217, it is said, at the instigation of Macrinus, the Praetorian Praefect. XXVII. GETA. I B.—SEPTIMIVS GETA CAES. Lucius or Publius Septimius Geta, the brother of Caracalla, was born about a.d. 189. He was made Caesar a.d. 198, when Caracalla was made Augustus, and became Augustus himself A.D. 209. On the death of Severus a.d. 2 i i he came to the throne jointly with Caracalla, but was murdered by his instigation a.d. 212, after having reigned only thirteen months. XXVIII. MACRINUS. I B.—IMP. CAES. M. OPEL. SEV. MACRINVS AVG. Marcus Opelius Severus Macrinus was born at Caesarea, in Mauritania, of obscure parentage, a.d. 164. He was the Praeto¬ rian Praefect under Caracalla, and believing that it was the intention of this prince to destroy him, he had him assassinated, and was proclaimed Emperor by the soldiers a.d. 217. He was killed the following year after the loss of a battle with Elagabalus, who had been chosen Emperor by the Legions of Syria. He only reigned fourteen months. 10 XXIX. ALEXANDER SEVERUS. I B.—IMP. ALEXANDER PI VS AVG. Bassianus Alexianus, the son of Gessius Marcianus and Julia Mamaea, was born at Area, in Phoenicia, a.d. 205. He was adopted by Elagabalus, and made Caesar a.d. 221, when he took the names of Marcus Aurelius Alexander. The following year he was proclaimed Augustus and Emperor by the Senate, when he added to his other names that of Severus. He was assassi¬ nated, it is said, at the instigation of Maximinus, one of his Generals, a.d. 235. XXX. GORDIANUS PIUS. I B.—IMP. GORDIANVS PIVS FELIX AVG. Marcus Antonius Gordianus (sometimes called Gordianus HI. or Gordianus Pius) was the son of Gordianus Africanus 11 ., and was born a.d. 222. He was made Caesar by the Senate when Balbinus and Pupienus were raised to the Empire a.d. 238. After the death of these two princes he was proclaimed Augustus the same year. He was assassinated a.d. 244, at the instigation of Philip, the Praetorian Praefect. XXXI. PHILIPPUS (Senr.) I B.—IMP. P. M. IVL. PHILIPPVS AVG. Marcus Julius Philippus was born at Bostra, in Arabia, a.d. 204. He was made Praetorian Praefect by Gordian a.d. 243, and after the death of Gordian was proclaimed Emperor by the Prae- II torian soldiers a,d. 244. He was killed near Verona after having been defeated by Trajanus Decius, who had been chosen Emperor by the Legions of Pannonia a.d. 249. XXXII. OTACILIA SEVERA. I B.—MARCIA OTACIL. SEVERA AVG. Marcia Otacilia Severa was married about a.d. 234 to Philip, before he came to the throne. She retired into private life after the death of her husband, XXXIII. TRAJANUS DECIUS. I B.—IMP. C. M. Q. TRAJANVS DECIVS AVG. Caius Messius Quintus Trajanus Decius was born at Bubalia, in Pannonia, a.d. 201. He was sent by Philip to suppress the revolt of Marinus, in Moesia and Pannonia, but was himself pro¬ claimed Emperor by the Legions of these provinces, and kept on the throne by the death of Philip a.d. 249. He lost his life in a marsh, after an unfortunate battle with the Goths near Abricium, in Thrace, a.d, 251. XXXIV. HERENNIA ETRUSCILLA. I B.—HERENNIA ETRVSCILLA AVG. Herennia Etruscilla was the wife of Trajanus Decius, and is known only by her coins, and by one inscription. 12 XXXV. TREBONIANUS CALLUS. I B.—IMP. CAES. C. VIBIVS TREBONIANVS GALLVS AVG. Caius Vibius Trebonianus Callus was bom in the island of Meninx, on the coast of Africa, about a.d. 207. After the death of Trajanus Decius he was proclaimed Emperor by the Army A.D. 251, but was killed by his own soldiers near Terni a.d. 254. XXXVI. CARINUS. B. Medallion.— IMP. C. M. AVR. GARIN VS P. F. AVG. Marcus Aurelius Carinus, the eldest son of Cams, was born A.D. 249 ; became Caesar a.d. 282. The following year, when his father and brother were fighting with Persia, he remained in the West and governed the Western provinces with the title of Imperator, but without that of Augustus. But on the death of his father he took this title a.d. 283, and Numerianus took it in the East. He was assassinated in Moesia a.d. 285. XXXVII. CARAUSIUS. 3 B.-IMP. C. CARAVSIVS P. F. AVG. Marcus Aurelius Valerius Carausius was born in Belgian Gaul, of obscure parentage. Maximianus Herculius having given him the command of a fleet to defend the coasts of Great Britain and Gaul, he went over to Britain, and was there proclaimed 13 Emperor a.d. 287, He kept his position so far that Maximianus was obliged to give him the title of Augustus, and to leave him master of Britain. Carausius was assassinated by Allectus, one of his officers, a.d. 293. XXXVIII. ALLECTUS. Gold.— IMP. C. Al.LECTVS P. F. AVG. Allectus was the lieutenant of Carausius, after whose assassi¬ nation he was proclaimed Emperor a.d. 293. He was killed in battle with Asclepiodorus, a General of Constantins Chlorus, A.D. 296. XXXIX. CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS. 2 B.—IMP. CONSTANTINVS P. AVG. Flavius Galerius Valerius Constantinus, the son of Constan¬ tins Chlorus and Helena, was born at Naissus, in Dardania, a.d. 274. He became Caesar a.d. 306, but was not Augustus, or recognized as such by the whole Empire till a.d. 308. He was converted to Christianity a.d. 311. He gradually got rid of his colleagues, and at length, a.d. 323, reigned alone. He removed the seat of Empire to Byzantium, and re-named the city Constantinopolis. He died in Bithynia a.d. 337. 14 XL. JULIANUS. 2 B.—DN. FL. CL. IVLIANVS P. F. AVG. Flavius Claudius Julianus, the son of Julius Constantius (brother of Constantinus Magnus) and Basilina, was born a.d. 331, at Constantinople. He became Caesar a.d. 355, and against his will was proclaimed Emperor by his soldiers at Paris a.d. 360, and was kept in the enjoyment of his title by the death of Con¬ stantius II. in the following year. He lost his life in a battle with the Persians a.d. 363. He is well known to have relapsed into heathenism. I.ONDON : PRINTED BY SPOTTISWOODS AND CO., NEW-STREET .‘^OirARE AND PARLIAMENT STREET 15 ! JULIUS AUGUSTUS AGRI PPA i t I 1 IV D R U S U S , Vi 1 . AGRIPPINA, (Senr.). ' i i ~ J ^ ' 1 , I ■ ■ -i i ■ ’ I 1 . : 1 i I ■| ■1 /I ’■i i VIII IX NERO I i 1 1 e; t 1 XL OTHO. 4 VITELLIUS XIII II XiV. ■ XV DOMITIANUS NERVA TRAJANUS XVIII SABINA I i: \ ;i 1 li ' I I i i i I i i iis ' r ;:i ii; ;3 i [ i i ! ■< FAUSTINA, (8enr.). XXII FAUSTINA, (junr.)^ COM MODUS. XX( V PERTI N AX XXV SEPTIMiUS SEVERUS XXVI CARACA L LA XXVII G ETA XXVIII MAC RIN U S XXIX. ALEXANDER SEVERUS. XXX. GOR DI ANUS PIUS. XXXI PHILIPPUS, (Senr.) XXXII OTAC LIA SEVERA ii' 1 ij r ii i XXX DECI US. TRAJAN US XXXIV H E R E N N 1 A ETRUSCILLA i XXXV TREBONIANUS GALLUS XXXVI CARINUS XXXVII CARAUSIUS XXXVIII ALLECTUS XXXIX. CONSTANTINUS MAGNUS. XL J U LI A N U S ( I I V 0. . '{ • f- Ci w f. I 41 '- :vr;. i? 0 .. ■i- I A •■ •« y.' ‘v 4 o -V. . / A •V., 4. , f i