m. FOU FOURTH EXHIBITION hi OF "INTIMATE PAINTINGS” November 30 - December 31 1920 THE MACBETH GALLERY 450 Fifth Avenue, (New York At Fortieth SUvtxr***** FOREWORD F OR the fourth time we present to the public our exhibition of In¬ timate Paintings—pictures which are all capable of the intimate ac¬ quaintance of home surroundings. In life, our attention is attracted by the big, noisy fellow who dominates the crowd of which he is a part. But we do not invite him into the seclusion of our homes. In art, the big exhibi¬ tion picture, painted to be seen among other big exhibition pictures, also captures our notice, but it is usually nothing that we care to live with day after day. Most of our best artists from time to time paint a really beau¬ tiful little picture, often only for their own pleasure, and with no thought of the exhibition galleries. It has been our aim annually now for four years to search out the best of these, and to present them in a group that has come to be eagerly awaited. TITLES OF THE PICTURES Betts, Louis i “Yvonne” 24 x 18 $2500 Blakelock, Ralph A. 2 Indian Encampment 14 x 20 1800* Bruestle, George 3 Autumn 8 X 10 85 4 November 12 X 16 250 Brush, George deF. 5 The Weaver 12 X 15 4500 Bunce, Gedney 6 Evening Glow 14 x 17 300 Campbell, Blendon 7 The Golden Future 10 x 14 150 Carlsen, Emil 8 Blue, White and Gold 18 X 15 2250* 9 Wood Interior 20 X 16 1500* Carlson, John F. 10 Ice-Laden 12 X 16 300 Chase, Frank C. 11 Autumn Woods 12 X 16 175 Chase, William M. 12 Shinnecock Hills 15 X 16 450* Clark, Eliot C. 13 Autumn, Housatonic Valley 12 X 16 150 14 Autumn Glory 16 X 20 300 Coman, Charlotte B. 15 The Mill Pond 11 x 14 250 Couse, E. Irving 16 Moonlight Symphony 12 X 16 350 17 Twilight 12 X 16 350 Daingerfield, Elliott 18 Sunset Glow 11 x 14 600 19 Coming Storm 12 X 16 600 Davies, Arthur B. 20 Semele 8 X 15 500* No. 21 TITLES OF THE PICTURES Davis, Charles H. 21 It Is Springtime 17 x 21 $600 22 Little Road Up the Hill 17 x 21 600 23 Trees and the Hillside 17 X 21 600 Dewey, Charles Melyille 24 Surf and Rising Moon 10 X 18 500 25 After Rain 13 X 00 w X 750 Dewing, T. W. 26 The Flowered Gown 15 X 12 3000 Du Bois, G. Pene 27 The Staten Island Ferry 9 X 12 IOO Eaton, Charles Warren 28 In New England 8 X 10 125 29 Misty Moonlight 16 X 12 3 °° 30 Pine Grove 20 x 24 500 Foster, Ben 31 Wood Scene 15 X 12 250 32 Fisherman’s House 18' X 22 500 Fromkes, Maurice 33 Florentine Chain 24 X 20 1250 Garber, Daniel 34 Cuttalossa Bridge 20 x 18 750 Gilchrist, W. W. 35 The New Paris Hat 24 X 20 600 Groll, Albert 36 Sunset on the Marshes 14 x 19 0 0 i'- Harrison, Birge 37 The Hidden Moon 16 X 20 600 Hassam, Childe 38 Easthampton Street 18 x 15 2250 39 Old Lyme Church, Moon¬ light 24 X 20 2500 Hawthorne, C. W. 40 Calendulas 24 x 16 1200 Henri, Robert 41 “Noreen” 24 * X 20 1500 No. 97 No. 45 TITLES OF THE PICTURES Higgins, Eugene 42 Tramps Homer, Winslow 43 Clam Diggers (Water C 44 Clear Sailing Howe, William H. 45 In the Berkshires Howell, Felicie Waldo 46 Scissors to Grind Inness, George 47 Across the Valley 48 Sunset Kopman, Benjamin 49 The Coatmaker Kronberg, Louis 50 Ballet Girl in Blue Lever, Hayley 51 Fisherman’s House, E. Gloucester 52 Silvery Morning Lie, Jonas 53 Drying Sails 54 Clear Waters Melchers, Gari 55 Mother and Child 56 Summer Day Metcalf, Willard L. 57 Winter 58 Spring Miller, Kenneth Hayes 59 Tea Room 60 Eve Murphy, H. Dudley 61 Thames Embankment 62 Dawn 16 X 12 $3 oo 8 y 2 x 13 700 :|: 8 x I 2 ■Jf 0 0 18 X 24 800 X w 12 IS© 12 X 18 2250* 12 X l8 2250* 16 X 14 125 23 M x 17% 1250 20 X 24 45 ° 12 X l6 250 16 X 20 450 16 X 20 450 16 X 13 1200 13 X l6 600 8 X IO 500 8 x IO 500 20 X 17 700 16 X 12 300* 6J2 X IO i 5 ° 12 X l6 250 No. 17 No. 30 TITLES OF THE PICTURES Murphy, J. Francis 63 The Pool Myers, Jerome 65 Playing Nettleton, Walter 66 Bright Woodland Alley 67 An Old Oak Ochtman, Leonard 68 Moonlight O’Donovan, William R. 69 Autumn Olinsky, Ivan G. 70 The Yellow Jacket 71 Evelyn Palmer, Walter L. 72 The Pool (Water Color) Parcell, Malcolm 73 Old Gate, Trinity Hall Potthast, Edward H. 74 Ideal Day 75 Summertime Ranger, Henry W. 76 Breezy Day 77 Coming of Spring Ritschel, William 78 Morning on the Pacific Ryder, Albert P. 79 The River Ryder, Chauncey F. 80 Flooded Meadow 81 Summer Morning Smith, Granville 82 Autumn Sotter, George W. 83 The Canyon Wall 16 x 22 $5000* 8 X 10 1000 16 X 12 125* 20 x 24 600 14 X II 300 12 x 16 350 16 X 12 125 16 X 12 350 20 x 16 400 24 x 18 250 22 X 2 C 500 12 X 16 300 20 X 16 450 12 X 16 550* 12 X 16 350* 20 x 24 700 X 6 % 300* 16 X 20 400 6 X 8 125 10 x 14 350 qK X 7P2 75 No. 55 No. 2 TITLES OF THE PICTURES Symons, Gardner 84 Evening Glow 18 x 24 $700 85 The Brook in Winter 12 x 15 300 86 Iridescent Light of Evening 20 x 24 800 Tryon, D. W. 87 Spring Morning 12 X 2 2 l /2 1750 Twachtman, John H. 88 Venice 16 X 20 900 Vincent, H. A. 89 Morning Glow 18 x 24 300 90 The Derelict 8 X 10 175 Walker, Horatio 91 Cattle Resting 12 x 9 1500 92 Sheepfold 13 X 10 1500 W ALTMAN, H. F. 93 North Woods 15 x 13 250 * * * * Waugh, F. J. 94 A Bit of Maine Coast 9C2 x 12 J2 175 Weir, J. Alden 95 A Summer Day 24 x 20 3500 Wiggins, Guv C. 96 Wintry Day, Fifth Avenue 16 X 12 300 Williams, F. Ballard 97 Idle Hours 24 x 16 900 98 The Broad Valley 16 x 24 500* 99 Environs of Montclair 12 X 16 400 Yates, Cullen 100 At Ogunquit 12 X 16 250 *Excise Tax additional No. 71 No. 74