CATALOGUE / gt OF THE PORTION OF THE CELEBRATED LIBRARY OF M. GUGLIELMO LIBRI, INCLUDING MANY SCARCE PUBLICATIONS RELATING TO AMERICA ; EAEE JUKTA AKD ALD1>'E EDITIONS; ^lurtnt Utusitiil ^natises ; §oo!is iorifftit tit faaiious ^ialcils ; IMPORTANT WORKS RELATING TO ITALIAN HISTORY &TOPOGRAPHY; A large Collection of enrh^ Italian Giorxali, and other Works illustrating the Literary History and Bibliogi-aphy of Italy; scarce English Books printed abroad; French Facetiffi ; FINE HOR^ AND OTHER MANUSCRIPTS UPON VELLUM; |lumcrous |^ublicatbivs wlathrg to llje Tjistovg of Ibe Sctciufs ; An EXTEAOIlDI^^ATlT COLLECTION OF THE EAEEST TeEATISES IN EXISTENCE EESPECTINQ Ancient Aeithmetic, Algebea, Asteonomt and Geometet, Comprising original Editions of the scarcest Writings of Tycho Bkahe, Bojibelli, Borelli, Cardants, Cataldi, Galileo, Ghetaldi, Ghaligai, Kepler, Bekedetti, Pacioli, Cavalieri, Torricelli, Grimaldi, Fermat, Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Gauss, Abel, Jacobi, Cauchy, Legendre, Delambre, Copernicus, Leibnitz, Huygiiens, &c. &c. with a VERY COMPLETE AND UNIQUE SERIES OF WORKS RELATING TO GALILEO ; AND ^ most Interesting CcIIectioiiofgooIiS imtlj l^utograpl) Annotations, Written by Illustrious Men; including Galileo, Ivepler, Ferrari, Torricelli, Borelli, Henkicus Stephanus, Melancthon, Campan-ella, Ramus, Flamsteed, La Monnoye, BUFFON, HuYGHENS, &.C. &C. PART THE FIRST, A-L. ^ IJT WHICH WILL BE FOUND GuiCCiARDiNi Histoire d'ltalie (Paris, B. Tun-isan (Aide,) 1568, m folio) unl-nown to all hibliographers ; Ferrari e Tabtaglia, Cartelli di Disfide, Ibi', unique ; II Yiaggio fatto dagli Spagnivoli a TORNO AL Mondo, (Yenetia. 1536,in 4to.) extremely rare ; Abbacho (Treviso, 1478,in 4to.) thefirst hook on Arithmetic ever published ; BoRGi Arithjietica (Yenetia, 1484, in 4to.) extremchj rare , Ortega, (Lyon, 1515, in4to.) thefirst hook on Arithmetic piihlished in French; ~iHpI)nni, "abbaco, anunpuhlished Manuscript of the XVth Century; La Theorique des Cielz (Paris, 1528, in folio), the first book on Astronomy published in French; TntmECENSis de Cometis, (1474, in 4to.), thefirst work published on Comets ; ©ommunc Stinctorum, exquisitely -ni-itten by the celebrated Jarry ; lEbangcHa "armclUCC, ■with 20 beautiful illuminations ; JFirUOUSt, SI)af; ^nmai^, a magnificent manmcript with splendid illuminations ; The scarcest Editions of the Sacko Arsenale della Santa Inquisizione ; Colucct, Antichita Picene, (31 volumes, m folio); Grjsvii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Italle, (45 volumes, in folio), uncut; Giulini, Memorie di Milano, (12 volumes, in 4to.); Fantuzzi, Scrittori Bolognesi, (9 volumes, in folio); Bandini et Assemansi, Catalocus Bibliothec-e Medice^, (12 volumes, in folio) ; Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Eoi, (10 volumes, in folio) ; &c. BY MESSES. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, AUCTIONEEES of LITEEAEV rEOPEETY AKD WOEKS ILLUSTEATIVE OF THE FINE AETS, AT THEIR HOUSE, 13, (late 3) WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, W.C. On THURSDAY, the 25th of APEIL, 1861, & Eleven following Days, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY EACH DAY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED.) MAT BE VIEWED THEEE DAYS PEIOE, AND CATALOGITES HAD. PBINTID BY J. DAVY AND SOS'S, 137, LOSG ACEB, lOIfDOX. CONDITIONS OP SALE. I. The highest bidder to be the buyer ; and if any dispute arise between bidders, the lot so disputed shall be immediately put up again, provided the seller cannot decide the said dispute. II. No person to advance less than Gd. ; above ten shillings, Is. ; above five pounds 2s. Gd. ; and so on. III. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and to pay down 10s. in the pound, if required, in part payment of the purchase- money ; in default of which the lot or lots purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The lots to be taken away, at the buyer's expense,immediately after the con- clusion of the sale; and in default of which Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and JOHN WILKINSON will not hold themselves responsible if lost, stolen, damaged, or otherwise destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the purchaser. If, at the expiration of One Week after the conclusion of the sale, the books or other property are not cleared or paid for, they will then be catalogued for immediate sale, and the expense, the same as if re-sold, will be added to the amount at which the books were bought. Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and JOHN WILKINSON will have the option of re-selling the uncleared lots either by public or private sale, without any notice being given to the defaulter V. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed ; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the purchaser will be at liberty to take or reject them, provided they are returned within One Week after the conclusion of the sale, when the purchase-money will be rehtrned. VI. The sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts, autographs, all magazines, and reviews, all books ii\ lots, and all tracts in lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections, and errors of description. The sale of any lot of prints or drawings, is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. VII. No Imperfect Books will be taken back, unless a note accompanies each book, stating its imperfections, with the number of lot and date of the sale at which the same was purchased. VIII. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no lot can on any account be removed during the time of sale. IX Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money required and deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; and if any loss is sustained in the re-selling of such books as are not cleared or paid for, all charges on such re-sale shall be made good hy the defaulters at this sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend this Sale mag have their Commissions faithfully executed hy their humble Servants, S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, Wellington Street, Strand. CONTENTS. IiTTEODUCTiON (in English) * Page iv Introduction (en Fran^ais)! • V List of the Facsimiles . . . xxxii Plates . . . • Catalogue of the Libri Library- • 1 First Day's Sale . . Thursday, April 25th, 1861 . Page 1 Second Day's Sale Friday, April 26th, „ 40 Third Day's Sale Saturday, April 27th, „ 87 Fourth Day's Sale Monday, April 29th, „ . 129 Fifth Day's Sale Tuesday, April 30th, „ . 169 Sixth Day's Sale Wednesday, May 1st, „ . 211 Seventh Day's Sale Thursday, May 2nd, „ 247 Eighth Day's Sale Friday, May 3rd, „ 284 Ninth Day's Sale Saturday, May 4th, „ . 320 Tenth Day's Sale Monday, May 6th, . 359 Eleventh Day's Sale Tuesday, May 7th, . 397 Twelfth Day's Sale nf ;i lioa "Wednesday, May 8th, „ Uli flip T.-isf. nf Tfp-fefpn/'ps mpntinnftfl in flir . 437 > Tnh'nrl7i/\t3nn. has been reluctantly abandoned. f Pour des motifs de sant^ la Table des Renvois annonc^e dans V Introduction n'a pas pu gtre termin^e, et on a dii y renoncer. INTRODUCTION. (*) The extent of this portion of the Catalogue will be sufficient to explain the delay that has necessarily taken place in its production. In preparing the former portions of the library for sale, the Manuscripts and the specimens of Ancient Bindings distinguished themselves generally even by their outsides from other books, with which they had got mixed up, and, except in some few instances, were readily to be found at the periods fixed for the two former sales. In a very weak state of health to undertake an examination, even the most rapid, of so considerable a mass of books as remained, in order to select those which under every circumstance it was indispensable should be reserved, so as not to renounce entirely the hope of future labours, was an overwhelming task which had often to be interrupted, and which, in spite of various renewals, almost created a fear that strength to complete the undertaking might be withheld. For good or for evil the labour is ended. The owner retains about ten thousand volumes, and bids farewell, not withoiat some regret, to those of which this Catalogue furnishes a description. The Collection about to be sold is composed for the most part of Books relative to the Sciences (more particularly Mathematics), and their History, taken in its most extended sense, that is to say, comprising also many works of biography, bibliography, literary history, and even general literature, necessary to shed light on the march of the human mind. Persons not in the habit of devoting themselves to researches of this sort, will hardly believe that so considerable a number of books could have Ibeen amassed for the purpose of a special study, and may perhaps be led to imagine that a love of bibliographical curiosities, rather than the desire of studying the history of science, gviided the formation of this new library, which has been gathered together in England within a few years only. Allow the owner to repel such a supposition. With the exception of those booka which every collector is sometimes necessitated to buy in parcels or lots for the sake of procuring a volume long sought for, and thus met by accident mingled with many others, every work has been selected solely for one object, and to augment the sources of research and study. In our day, a host of works devoted to any special science, allows every man who has received a certain amount of education, to trace for himself more or less easily the current of several branches * For reasons similar to those stated in the Catalogue of Manuscripts it has been thought advisable to give this Introduction in Frencli and English. INTRODUCTION. (*) En voyant I'etendue de ce Catalogue, on s'expliquera comment la publication en a pu etre retardee. Les Manuscrits et les anciennes reliures de cette Collection se distinguaient generalement, meme a I'exterieur, des autres livres avec lesquels ils se trouvaient confondus, et, sauf quelques exceptions, on a pu facilement les trouver au moment de les mettre en vente. Mais, avec une sante tres aflfaiblie, entreprendre de soiimettre a un examen, meme fort rapide, la masse si considerable de livi-es qui restaient, pour cboisir ceux que, dans toute hypothese, il etait indispensable de garder afin de ne pas renoncer entierement a I'espoir de travaux futurs, c'etait un travail accablant, qui a du etre souvent interrompu et qui a fait craindre, a plusieurs reprises, qu'on n'eut jamais la force de I'acliever. Bien ou mal, ce travail est termine. Nous gardons dix mille volumes environ, et nous nous separons, non sans quelque regret, de ceux dont on trouvera la description dans ce Catalogue. La collection qiii va etre vendue se compose, en grande partie, de livres relatifs aux sciences (aux matbematiques en particulier) et a leur histoire prise dans son acception la plus etendue, c'est a dire comprenant beaucoup d'ouvrages de biographic, de bibliograpbie, d'histoire litteraire et meme de litterature generale, propres a jeter quelque lumiere sur la marcbe de I'esprit bumain. Les personnes qui n'ont pas I'babitude de ce genre de recbercbes croiront avec peine qu'un nombre si considerable de livres ait ete reuni dans un but d'utilite speciale, et Ton sera peut-etre porte a croire que la curiosite bibliogra- pbique plus que le desir d'etudier I'bistoire des sciences a du presider a la formation de cette nouvelle bibliotheque rassemblee depuis peu d'annees en Angleterre. Qu'on nous permette de repousser une telle supposition. Excepte ces livres que tout collectem* se trouve force d'acbeter parfois en paquets ou en lots, afin de se procurer le volume qu'il a longtemps cberche et qu'il rencontre par hasard mele a beaucoup d' autres, tons ces livres ont ete rassembles dans un meme but, et pour augmenter les sources de recbercbe et d'etude. De nos jom's, une foule d'ouvrages speciaux permettent a tout bomme qui a reju une certaine education de se mettre, plus ou moins facilement, au courant de plusiem's branches de * Aiusi qu'ou I'avait fait pour le Catalogue des Manuscrits, et pour les memes motifs, on a cru devoir donuer cette LUrodudion en Anglais et Fran^ais. vi INTEODUCTION. of knowledge. In physics as well as morals, everything tends to specialize ; and as, without taking the pains of making their own bread, most persons find it more convenient to satisfy their wants by purchasing from the baker, so there are heaps of other things which are sought ready-made in some Besume or other treatise devoted to its special subject, having more regard to the faciHty of the means of obtaining the required knowledge than to the verification of the results. "We may ask however if, whilst attending entirely to this principle of the division of easy labour which the description, now become famous, of the manufacture of a needle has rendered popular, it be possible to ^^reserve to the mind that strong superiority and that amplitude of views, which it would acquire by cultivating with perseverance a field more vast and more beset with difficulties ? Even without entering into any such discussion, it will suffice to remark, that whilst limiting his reading to special works no one can flatter himself with being able to discover the traces, so often effaced, of that mysterious path followed by the human mind, especially at those epochs when didactic books, if not absolutely wanting, existed only in a very small number, and to transmit them to posterity only the most limited means existed. Men who have devoted themselves to the study of antiquity are not ignorant that the reading even of all the ancient books which remain would in no way be sufficient to make us acquire even a moderately correct idea of the state of the knowledge of the ancients, and that medals, inscriptions, figured monuments of every kind, must be thoroughly studied and examined to supply this defi- ciency of wiitten records. Not very long ago, in an ancient idol dis- covered in Germany, the proof was found that the old Teutons knew and employed the expansive power of steam. Perhaps wise agricxilturists, who in our days apply themselves to the introduction of machinery for field-labour, are far from imagining, that even in the time of the Romans, the Gauls employed a most ingenious machine for reaping. It is from the medals of Domitian, and not from the writings on natural history, we have learnt that the two-horned rhinoceros, whose existence was long denied, was known to the Romans, and it is by carefully examining the unintelligible inscriptions the Norsemen left on rocks, and not by the reading of treatises on geography and navigation that we have been led to think that the Scandinavians, several centuries before Columbus, had landed on the shores of North America. It would be erroneous to suppose that such discoveries cannot take place except in regard to peoples, whose hterary and historical monuments have in great part disappeared. Notwithstanding the invention of printing— not' withstanding the immense number of books which for four ceutmies have been continually getting into circulation — there is a host of curious and useful inven- tions, of interesting facts, which, in default of having been announced and described in special publications, have hardly been noticed in their own day, and which are now either totally forgotten, or wrongly attributed to those who reproduced them long after the original inventors, Without doubt this INTEODUCTION. vii savoir. All physique, ainsi qu'au moral, tout tend k se specialise!', et de meme que, sans prendre la peine de faire son pain chez soi, chacun trouve plus commode de se le procm-er tout fait cLiez le boulanger, il y a ime foule d'autres clioses qu'on cherche a aclieter toutes faites dans tel Resume, ou dans tei autre ouvrage special, ayant egard plutot a la facilite des moyens qu'a la perfection du resultat. On pourrait se demander si, en etendant a tout ce principe de la division du travail facile, qu'une description, devenue celebre, de la fabrication de I'aiguille, a rendu populau'e, il est possible de conserver a I'esprit cette superiorite forte et cette amplem* de 'vues qu'il acquiert en cultivant avec perseverance un champ plus vaste et plus herisse de difficultes. Mais, sans entrer dans une telle discussion, il suffira de faii-e remarquer qu'en se bornant a la lecture des ouvrages speciaux, nul ne pourrait se flatter de retrouver les traces, si souvent effacees, de ce chemin mysterieux que I'esprit humain a suivi, aux epoques surtout ou les livres didactiques, s'ils ne manquaient pas absolument, etaient en tres petit nombre et ou Ton avait des moyens si bornes pour les transmettre a la posterite. Les hommes qui se sont livres a I'etude de I'antiquite n'ignorent pas que la lecture meme de tous les anciens ouvrages qui nous restent ne suffit aucunement pour nous faire acquerir une idee mediocrement exacte de I'etat des connaissances des anciens et que medailles, inscriptions, monuments figures de toute espece, on doit tout examiner, tout etudier, pour suppleer aux ecrits qui nous manquent. II n'y a pas tres longtemps que, dans une vieille idole decouverte en Allemagne, on a trouve la preuve que les anciens Germains connaissaient et employaient la force expansive de la vapeur. Peut-etre les savans agricul- teurs qui, de nos jours, s'appliquent a introduire les machines dans les travaux des champs sont loin de s'imaginer que, du temps des Romains, les Gaulois employaient une machine fort ingenieuse pour faire leurs moissons, C'est dans des medailles de Domitien et non pas dans des ecrits sur I'histoire naturelle, que nous avons appris que les Eomains connaissaient le rhinoceros bicorne dont on a longtemps nie I'existence, et c'est en examinant avec soin des griffonnages indechififrables, graves sur des rochers, et non pas en lisant des traites de Geographic ou de Navigation, qu'on a ete induit a penser que les Scandinaves, plusieurs siecles avant Colomb, avaient aborde sur les plages de I'Amerique septentrionale. On serait dans I'erreur si Ton supposait que de telles decouvertes ne peuvent avoir lieu qu'a I'egard de peuples dont les monuments litteraires et historiques out en grande partie disparu. Malgre I'invcntion de I'imprimerie, malgre le nombre immense des livi'es qui depuis quatre siecles ont ete continuellement mis en la circulation, il y a une foule d'inventions curieuses et utiles, de faits interessants qui, faute d' avoir ete annonces et decrits separement dans des ouvrages speciaux, ont ete a peine remarques dans leur temps et qui sont actuellement ou tout-a-fait oublies ou attribues k tort a ceux qvd les repro- duisirent longtemps apres les premiers inventeurs. Sans doute cela a tenu viii INTEODrCTION. has sumetimes been owing to the precocity of an invention thrown, in its germ, in the midst of a society not yet in a state to appreciate the discovery or to ch-aw a profit from it ; but more often this indifference or forgetfuhiess has been caused by the manner in which these discoveries — these germs — are to be foimd mixed up and almost lost in the midst of totally different subjects. Up to the present time hardly any attention has been given to these ancient discoveries, except when analogous inventions, made in more modern days, have given the hint to curious and clear-sighted minds. This has happened in regard to the satellites of Jupiter, known to the Chinese prior to Galileo, as well as in regard to certain labours of the Hindoos, who in the theory of numbers were in advance by several centuries of the day when Euler reproduced the same results in Europe, but it must in no ways be supposed that these forgotten discoveries are always to remain without influence on the future. Besides, independently of a design for immediate and practical utility, he, who wishes to apply liis mind to the study of the progress of human knowledge, ought to propose to himself a problem of a higher order. He ought, in attentively examining the road pursued by inventors, to endeavour to discover, track by track, at least as far as is permitted, their method of arriving at such invention. To neglect the path by which human nature ought to have passed to arrive at such or such a discovery, — for example, not to stop at a mathematical theorem, until at the hands of a Lagrange or a Gauss it has received a definitive form, — would be to act as a naturalist who attempted only to study insects under the shaj^e of beautiful butterflies, without giving the slightest attention to the caterpillars, or to those less perfect larvae which at a later period are to be transformed into those self-same lepidoptera. The study of the progress of the human mind is surely of equal importance to that of entomology, and no one will be found willing to admit that the transformations of an insect are more worthy of interest than the successive developments of the human thought. In the same ratio, by reason of the always increasing number of books, as bibliography gains in importance and utility, and is seen to keep pace more and more with literary history, so the interest which collectors attach to certain books appears to increase in proportion to the degree of instruction they hope to derive from them. It is to certain striking anecdotes — to some curious peculiarities concerning the lives and labours of celebrated meh, unexpectedly discovered in works till then neglected or little known — that these books most often OAve their sudden rise in value. It is this that has pointed them out to the attention of the well-informed collector. For example, it is very doubtful whether the moral precepts contained in the Ricovdi di Monsignor Sahba da Castiglione (1) would have hindered his work from falling into oblivion, were there not amongst these precepts to be found many facts relative to Italian Art in the XVIth century, and, above all, if therein had not been discovered the anecdote, now become famous, of the equestrian statue, the work of Lionardo da Vinci, having been destroyed at Milan by Gascon Archers. Who cared for (1) See Lot 1533 in the present Catalogue. INTEODUCTION. ix parfois a la precocite d'une decouverte jetee en gerine au milieu d'une societe qui n'etait pas encore en etat de I'apprecier et d'en tirer parti ; mais le plus souvent I'indifference ou I'oubli n'ont eu pour cause que la maniere dont ces decouvertes, ces germes, se trouvaient confondus et presque perdus au milieu de matieres tout-a-fait diflferentes. Jusqu'a present on n'a guere prete attention a ces anciennes decouvertes que lorsque des decouvertes analogues, faites dans des temps plus modemes, eurent donne I'eveil aux esprits curieux et eclaires. Cela est arrive pour les satellites de Jupiter, connus des Chinois avant Galilee, et pour certains travaux des Hindous qui, dans la theorie des nombres, ontdevance de plusieurs siecles le jour ou Euler reproduisit les memes resultats en Europe ; mais il ne faut nullement supposer que ces decouvertes oubliees doivent toujours rester sans influence sur I'avenir. D'ailleurs, independamment d'un but d'utilite immediate et pratique, celui qui veut appKquer son esprit a 1' etude des progres de I'entendement bumain doit se proposer un probleme d'un ordre plus eleve. H doit, en examinant attentivement les voies suivies par les inventeurs, cbercber a decouvrir, autant du moins que cela nous est permis, la metbode d'invention. Negliger le chemin que I'bumanite a du parcourir pour parvenir a telle ou telle decouverte, ne s'arreter par exemple a un tbeoreme de matbematiques que lorsqu'il a pris entre les mains de Lagrange ou de Gauss ime forme definitive, c'est faire ce que ferait un natm'aliste qui n'etudierait les insectes que sous la fonne de brillans papillons et qui n'accorderait auctme attention aux cbenilles, aux larves moins parfaites qui se sont plus tard transformees en ces memes papillons. L'etude des progres de I'esprit humain vaut bien celle de I'entomologie, et Ton ne saurait admettre que les transformations d'un insecte soient plus dignes d'interet que les developpements successifs de la pensee bumaine. A mesure que, par suite du nombre toujours croissant des livres, la biblio- grapbie gagnait en importance et en utilite, on I'a vue marcher de plus en plus d' accord avec I'bistoire litteraire, et I'interet que les collecteurs attacbaient a certains livres augmenter en proportion du degre d'instruction qu'on en pouvait retirer. C'est a quelques anecdotes piquantes, a quelques particularites curieuses concernant la vie et les travaux des bommes ce'ebres, inopinement decouvertes dans des ouvrages jusqu' alors negliges et pen connus, que ces livres ont du le plus souvent lem* fortmie subite. C'est la ce qui les a signales a I'attention des Collecteurs instruits. H est fort douteux, par exemple, que les preceptes de morale contenus dans les Ricordi di Monsignor Sabba da CastiglioneiV) eussent pu empecber ce livre de tomber dans I'oubli, si a ces preceptes n'eussent pas ete meles beaucoup de faits relatifs aux artistes Italiens du XVP™^ siecle, et si surtout on n'y avait pas decouvert I'anecdote devenue celebre de la grande statue equestre, oeuvre de Leonard de Vinci, que les arbaletriers gascons avaient detruite (1) Voyez le No. 1533, du Catalogue place a la suite de cette IrUroduction. X INTEODUCTION. tliG Speculum Lapidum of Cammillo Leonardi (2) before an eminent man, M. Panizzi, in liis small literary gem entitled " Chi era Francesco da Bologna,^'' thought of using in an vmexpected manner the substance of what Leonardi had said about Francia, for whom, in this work, M. Panizzi has reclaimed the invention of the letters termed Aldine Italic ? It is one of the characteristics of our time that writers, making special researches, begin to comprehend, more and more, the importance of that knowledge which may be denominated collateral. Lord Macaulay has utilised to a degree, which most of the older historians would have deemed impossible, the glimmering lights spread through a host of writings which even their authors never dreamt of making historical authority, and Lord Brougham has introduced into his admirable scientific biographies the fruits of his readings as a Jurist and a Statesman. The history of a learned Society may, as Mr. Weld has shown, not only become more inte- resting, but also much more complete in points of vital importance, by the judicious employment of what many grave authors in former times would have designated " Gossip." What has already been so suitably done for literary history will eventually be carried out, having already been commenced, for the history of sciences. Solely for the reason that there are more persons who read Shakespeare or Dante than there are those who understand Copernicus or Fermat, it becomes manifest why the interest attached to what may be termed " Curiosities of Literature" is more common, and far wider spread, than that which is excited by books, such as form simply an epoch in the history of science. Now, however, the attraction offered by scientific writings is daily on the increase, thanks to the labomrs of eminent men who have devoted themselves to such researches; men — to cite only those of England — like Sir John Herschel, Professor De Morgan, Dr. Whewell, or Professor Grant, with whom may be associated the illustrious names of the ever-to-be-regretted Colebrooke and Peacock. There is one branch of mathematics — namely. Arithmetic — ^the history of which in these latter days has led to profound researches — to discus- sions which have not been entirely free from anger. The interest attached to works capable of clearing up the history of this base of mathematics has recently received a totally unexpected increase, thanks, above all, to the laboiu's of Professor De Morgan in England, and to the publications of Prince Bon- compagni in Italy. Indeed, the former by his excellent bibliography of ^'■Arithmetical Books," as well as by a host of dissertations spread through different seiials, but principally in the " Companion to the Almanac" has called attention to a large number of books, which he has described with consummate bibliographical skill, and analysed with that superiority which stamps his rank amongst mathematicians, whilst with publications undertaken with a zeal and liberality, never to be sufficiently praised, Prince Boncompagni, on his part, has done much to shed a new light on the history of Arithmetic and Algebra. (2) Sec Lot 414C. INTEODUCTION. xi k Milan. Qui songeait aii Speculum Lapidum de Gammillo Leonardi (2) avant qu'un liomme eminent, M. Panizzi, eut pense a employer d'mie maniere inat- tendue, dans nn petit bijou litteraire intitule Chi era Francesco da Bologna^ ce que dit Leonardi a propos du Francia, pour lequel dans son ouyrage M. Panizzi a revendique I'invention de ce qu'on appelle les caracteres italiques d'Alde? C'est un des traits caracteristiques de notre epoque que les hommes, qui font des recterclies speciales, commencent a comprendre de plus en plus I'importance des connaissances qu'on pourrait appeller collaterales. Lord Macaulay a utilise a un point que beaucoup d'anciens historiens auraient cru impossible, les lueurs repandues dans une foule d'ecrits dont les auteurs n'avaient jamais songe a faii-e ceuvre bistorique, et Lord Brougbam a introduit dans ses admirables biograpbies scientifiques le fruit des lectures du jurisconsulte et de rboname d'etat. L'bistoire d'une societe savante, pent, ainsi que M. Weld I'a montre, devenir non seulement plus interessante, mais aussi plus complete dans des points d'une importance vitale, par I'emploi judicieux de ce que plusieurs graves auteurs auraient autrefois designe sous le nom de commerage. Ce qui s'est fait surtout a propos de l'bistoire litteraire se fera, et a deja com- mence meme a se faire, pour l'bistoire des sciences. Seulement, comme il y a plus de gens qui lisent Sbakespeare ou Dante, que de gens qm comprennent les ouvrages de Copernic ou de Fermat, on s'explique pourquoi I'interet qui s'attacbe a ce qu'on pourrait appeler les Curiosites Litte'raires, est plus commun et plus generalemeut repandu que celui qu'excitent certains livres, qui font pourtant epoque dans l'bistoire des sciences. Cependant I'attrait qu'oflfrent les livres scientifiques augmente de jour en jour, grace aux travaux d'bommes eminens qui se sont voues a ces sortes de recbercbes, d'bommes, pour ne parler que de I'Angleterre tels que Sir J. Herscbel, M. De Morgan, M. Wbewell, M. Grant, auxquels on doit joindre les noms illustres et a jamais re- grettables de Colebrooke et de Peacock. II y a une brancbe des matbema- tiques, I'Aritbmetique, dont l'bistoire a donne lieu, dans ces deniier temps a des recbercbes approfondies, a des discussions qui n'ont pas ete toujours exemptes de passion. L'interet qui s'attacbe aux livres propres a eclaii'er l'bistoire de cette base des matbematiques s'est accru recemment d'lme fagon tout-a-fait inattendue, surtout par les publications du Professeur De Morgan en Angleterre, et par celles du Prince Boncompagni en Italic. En efiet le premier, par son excellente bibliograpbie des Arithmetical Books, ainsi que par une foule de dissertations repandues dans differentes publications, et principale- ment dans le Companion to the Almanac, a appele I'attention sur un grand nombre de livi'es, qu'il a decrits en bibliograpbe consomme et dont il a donne I'analyse avec cette superiorite que lui assure son rang dans les matbematiques, tandisque, par des publications entreprises avec im zele et une liberalite qu'on ne saurait assez louer, M. Boncompagni, de son cote, contribuait a. repandre mie luniiere nouvelle sm- l'bistoire de I'Aritbmetique et de I'Algebre. (2) Voyez le No. 4U6, du Catalogue. xii INTEODUCTION. The importance which, iu a bibliographical point of view, scientific books have already acquired has been confirmed by M. Brunet, who in the parts already published of the new edition of his invaluable Manuel du Libraire has justly .rendered conspicuous under the articles '^Abbaco," '^ Algorithmus" etc., the increasing value attached by collectors to this class of literature, and with pleasure we learn from references that the succeeding portions, looked forward to with impatience by the public, are to contain similar and nO less interesting articles. Bibliographers like M. Brunet know how to appreciate the services rendered to them by Amateurs fonning special Collections. For instance Mr. Halliwell, who since has devoted himself to totally different studies, originally made himself known to bibliographers by an extraordiary collection of scientific works which furnished to him the means of illustrating by interesting publica- tions certain points of the History of the Sciences in England. In the portion of the Catalogue now presented will be found a large number of books on Arithmetic and its liistory, nearly all grouped under the specific heading '■'■Arithmetic^'''' some of which are of an almost proverbial rarity, such as the '^ Ahbaco''^ (3) of Treviso (1478), and the Calandri (4), a work equally interesting as regards science or the arts of design, and of wliich the famous library of Earl Spencer only possesses an imperfect copy, no less than others which have remained unknown to the most celebrated bibliographers. To this latter class belong the Abbaco (5) of 1547, which is for the most part a sort of Block-Book (Xylograph), and the Algorithmus (6), printed at Strasburg in 1488. This last appears to have been the first book on Arithmetic, published in a city, now an integral portion of present France, whilst the Arithmetic (7), printed by Gourmont, seems to have been the earliest elementary work of the sort published in Paris, and the work of Ortega, so worthy of notice on many accoimts, the first book on Arithmetic published in the French language (8). Li these ancient works Ai'ithmetic and Algebra were hardly ever separated, and offer in consequence to the literary historian a much wider field than might be supposed. Indeed, in this Catalogue will be found under the heading '■'■Algebra'''' many rare works which in several resj^ects belong also to Arithmetic. At the head of this class must be placed the Challenges or Cartels (Cartelli) exchanged in the XVIth Centm-y between Ferrari and Tartaglia on the subject of the most arduous ques- tions in Algebra (9). This unique volume, discovered by Professor Gherardi of (3) See Lot 470. (4) See Lot 520. (5) See Lot 471. (6) See Lot 485. (7) See Lot 493. (8) See Lot 576. At Lot 597 will be found "Tonstall de Arte supputandi," printed at London, by Pynson, in 1522, in 4to., which is the earhest separate Treatise on "Arithmetic printed in England. (9) Sec Lot 178. INTKODUCTION. xiii L'importance que les livres de science ont recemment acquise sous le rapport bibliograpliique a ete constatee par M. Briniet, qui dans les parties deja publiees de la nouvelle edition de son celebre Manuel, a fait ressortir avec justesse aux articles Abhaco, Algorithmns, etc., la valeur toujours croissante que les collecteurs attacbent a ces sortes de livi-es. On apprend avec plaisir par des renvois, que les volumes suivants, qui sont attendus avec impatience par le public, contien- dront d'autres articles du meme genre. Les bibliograpbes tels que M. Brunet savent apprecier les services que leur rendent certains amateurs en formant des collections speciales. M. Halliwell, par exemple, qui s'est voue depuis a des etudes fort differentes, s'est d'abord fait connaitre aux bibliograpbes par une collection extraordinaire d'ouvrages scientifiques, qui lui ont foumi le moyen d'illustrer par d'interessantes publications plusieurs points de 1' historre des sciences en Angleterre. Dans le Catalogue que nous donnons ici on trouvera une foule de livres relatifs a FAritbrnetique et a son bistoire, presque tous groupes sous le titre di" Arithmetic, les uns qui sont d'une rarete presque proverbiale, tels c^qV Abhaco (3) de Treviso (1478) et le Calandri(4), ouvrage aussi interessant sous le rapport de la science que sous le rapport des arts du dessin, et dont la celebre bibliotbeque Spencerienne ne possede qu'un exemplaire incomplet, les autres qui etaient restes inconnus aux bibliograpbes les plus celebres. A cette derniere classe appartient im Abbaco(6), de 1547, qui est, en grande partie, une sorte de Block Book (Xylographie), et VAlgorithmus(Q), imprime en 1488 a Strasbourg. Celui-ci parait etre le premier livre d'Arithmetique public dans une des villes qui font partie de la France actuelle, comme 1' Arithmetique (7), imprimee par Gourmont semble etre le premier livre elementaire du meme genre qui ait pani a Paris, et comme I'ouvrage d' Ortega, si digne d'attention a plusieurs egards, est le premier livre d'Aritbmetique public en langue Fi-angaise (8), Dans ces anciens ouvrages, TAritbrnetique et I'Algebre n' etaient guere separees, et ils offirent par consequent a I'bistorien des sciences im cbamp bien plus vaste qu'on ne serait porte a le supposer. On trouvera eflfectivement dans ce Catalogue, sous le titre collectif d'Algebre, beaucoup d'ouvrages rares qui, a plusieurs egards, appartiennent aussi a I'Aritbmetique. En tete de cette classe vient se placer la collection des defis (Cartelli), ecbanges au XVP""^ siecle entre Ferrari et Tartaglia, au sujet des questions les plus ardues de I'Algebre (9). (3) Voyez le No. 470, du Catalogue. (4) Voyez le No. 520, du Catalogue. (5) Voyez le No. 471, du Catalogue. (6) Voyez le No. 485, du Catalogue. (7) Voyez le No. 493, du Catalogue. (8) Voyez le No. 576, du Catalogue. Au No. 597 on trouvera le Tonstall (Londres, Pynson, 1522, in 4to.) qui est le premier traits d'Arithmetique public s^parement en Angleterre. (9) Voyez le No. 178, du Catalogue. XIV INTEODUCTION. Bologna, who has described it in an interesting publication, acquires additional interest from the autograph annotations of Ferrari and Tartaglia, with which it is enriched. Under another general title, '■'■Astronomy,^'' which the exigences of a sale catalogue have not permitted to be rendered as complete as might have been, will be found another work, perhaps not less curioiis, the '' Theorique des Cielz " (10), which is the first book of Astronomy printed in French. This magnificent volume in Black Letter, containing a quantity of beautiful woodcut illustrations, and commencing with an ancient French ballad, has remained equally unknown to Lalande or Brunet, but marks an epoch in the history of the sciences. Under another heading, '' Comets,''^ will be met the first printed work (11), having for its subject those once so dreaded meteors. The number of books on Astronomy contained in this Collection is so con- siderable, that it was impossible to collect them under one heading without completely reversing the order usually followed in English catalogues. Not- withstanding the utility a more general classification might have offered to persons forming special collections — notwithstanding the advice of very enlightened bibliographers to apply to the principal portion of the books in this Catalogue the extension of the usage now generally adopted for works on Music, on America, and other like specialties — it was impossible to follow in this respect one uniform rule. Except, therefore, in some particular headings, Arithmetic for instance, which, on account of the importance such works had in the Catalogue, called for a particular classification, books only comparatively little known have been placed under generical titles, and the names of the most celebrated authors have been left in their proper place in their alphabetical arrangement. Every one will comprehend for example that works so rare as those pub- lished by Tycho Brahe in his own island, and emanating from his private press before his exile, could not be grouped with other books, less known, under the heading " Astronomy,''^ and that the precious volumes printed by Monteregio himself as well as certain other works, perhaps less rare — ^but more celebrated — such as the writings of Copernicus and Kepler, had to be kept in the general alphabetical order in which they are customarily to be found. Besides it should not be forgotten that this Catalogue is not a work on Bibliography. It is a sale-catalogue of which the compiling, often interrupted by sickness; then resumed and confided to other persons whom it was impossible to induce to adopt a perfectly uniform style of digest; has been subjected to exigences from which it could not be withdrawn. In a word the bibliographer has been sometimes compelled to yield to the auctioneer. Forced then to lot works which might with utility have been purchased separately, but which on account (10) See Lot 696. (11) See Lot 1841. "This is a volume of extreme rarity" {BibliotJieca Spenceriana, vol. IV. p. 27). INTEODUCTION, xv Ce volume unique, tlecouvert par le Pi-ofesseur Gherardi de Bologne, qui I'a decrit dans une interessante publication, acquiert un interet de plus par les annotations autograplies de Ferrari et de Tartaglia dont il est enrichi. Sous un autre titre general, Astronomie, que les exigences d'un Catalogue de vente n'ont pas permis de rendre aussi complet qu'il aurait pu I'etre, on trouvera un ouvrage non moins curieux peut-etre, la Theorique des Cielz (10), qui est le premier livre d'astronomie public en Franyais. Ce magnifique volume gothique, contenant une foule de belles impressions sur bois et commengant par une vieille ballade Franjaise, est reste egalement inconnu a Lalande et a M. Brunet, et fait epoque dans I'histoire des sciences. Sous le titre Cometes, on rencontera le premier ouvrage imprime(ll), qui ait pour objet ces astres autrefois si redoutes. Le nombre des livres d' Astronomie contenus dans cette Collection est si con- siderable, qu'il etait absolument impossible de les rassembler tons sous lui titre unique, sans renverser completement I'ordre suivi d' ordinaire dans les Catalogues Anglais. Malgre I'utilite qu'un classement plus general aurait pu offrir aux personnes qui forment des collections speciales, malgre les conseils de biblio- graphes tres eclaires qui nous engageaient a etendre a la grande generalite des livres de ce Catalogue I'usage jusqu' ici adopte seulement pour les ouvrages relatifs a la Musique, a I'Amerique, et a quelques autres specialites, il a ete impossible de suivre a cet egard une regie uniforme. Sauf done quelques titres particuliers comme Arithme'tiqite, par exemple, qui, par I'importance meme qu'ils avaient dans ce Catalogue appelaient un classement particulier, on n'a place que des livres comparativement peu connus sous certains titres generiques, et on a laisse a leur place, selon I'ordi-e de I'Alpliabet, les noms des auteurs plus celebres. Tout le monde comprendra, par exemple, que les ouvrages si rares publies par Tycho-Brahe dans son He et avec sa propre imprimerie, avant son exil, n'aient pas pu etre groupes, avec d'autres livres moins connus, sous le titre Astronomie, et que les volumes precieux qu' imprimait Monteregio lui-meme, ainsi que certains ouvrages, moins rares peut-etre mais plus celebres, de Copemic et de Kepler aient garde dans I'ordre alphabetique la place a laquelle on est accoutume a les trouver. D'ailleurs il ne faut pas oublier que ce Catalogue n'est pas un ouvrage de bibliograpbie. C'est un Catalogue de vente dont la redaction, souvent inter- rompue par des maladies, puis reprise, et confiee k diverses personnes aux- quelles il etait impossible de faire suivre une marcbe parfaitement uniforme, a ete soumise a des exigences presque inexorables. En un mot le biblio- graphe a du parfois ceder a VAuctioneer. Forces done de grouper des (10) Voyez le No. 696, du Catalogue. (11) Voyez le No. 1841, du Catalogue. En ddcrivant 1' exemplaire de Lord Spen^ cef Dibdin dit, avec raison, que c'est la un livre d'extreme rarete. xvi INTEODUCTION. of their number could not be sold isolated without rendering the sale inter- minable, the compilers of this Catalogue have been compelled to modify their labour according to circumstances. References at the end of this Introduction will serve to diminish, if not entirely to remove, the inconveniences of this want of uniformity. Among the generic headings, there is one ^'■Galileo'" — which deserves particular mention. The labours of this philosopher, the veritable creator of experimental philosophy, have had such an influence on the march of science, have served to found in Italy a school so fruitful and so brilliant, have raised such vivid jealousies — such bitter enmities — have been interrupted by such misfortunes, that in order to render better known what Science owes to Galileo — to render more evident even solely by the titles of the books the conflict of enthusiastic applause and of enraged persecution in the midst of which he advanced in his glorious career, it has been thought advisable to insert at the end of his own writings, and to attach them under his name, other works, now little known and not often to be found, by his partisans or adversaries, which may serve to throw a new light upon the history and labours of this martyr of Science. Whilst in the original editions of certain of his works are to be found those discoveries which his genius spread throughoiit, the reference to them has not always been noticed (12), although also mentioned in other works published in his day, such as for example the " Ragguagli di Parnaso" (13), by Boccalini, which would not seem to be of a nature to be cited in scientific discus- sions, but in which is to be seen the proof of the priority of his claim to certain dis- coveries disputed to be his. On the other hand it will be seen that he was fore- stalled in discoveries that are very generally attributed to him. For example, the equal duration of the fall of heavy bodies of different natures, falling in the same time from the same height, is affirmed in a book on the art of writing in cyphers, which Bellaso (whose name has almost simk into oblivion) published in the very year in which Galileo was bom (14). Other works having nothing scientific but the name, and even small dramatic pieces, offer proof of the fact, often men- tioned and always denied, that astronomers prior to Galileo had sought by the aid of certain instruments to bring distant objects (15) nearer. Finally, only to speak of the telescope such as Galileo constructed on the report that an instrument of the sort had been made in Holland, it is at variance with fact to affirm, as is generally done, that Galileo was the first to turn this instrument towards the heavens. Mr. J. Winter Jones, who, since Mr. Panizzi has justly been called to the general superintendance of the British Museum, directs Avith such zea^ (12) See Lots 2991, 2992, and 2993. (13) See Lots 1136 and 3033. (14) See Lot 3030. (15) See Lots 3037 and 3053. INTRODUCTION. xvii ouvrages qui avaicnt pu etre aclietes separement avec utllite, mais que, k raison surtout de lour grand noiubre, on ne pouvait pas vendre isolement sans rendre la vente interminable, les redacteurs de ce Catalogue out du modifier leur travail suivant les circonstances. Des renvois, places a la suite de cette Introdudion, serviront a diminuer, sinon a faire disparaitre entierement, les inconvenients de ce manque d'uniformite. Parmi ces titres generiques, on en remarquera un, Galilee, qui merite une mention particuliere. Les travaux de ce pliilosoplie, veritable createur de la pliilosopliie experimcutale, ont eu une telle influence sur la marche des sciences, lis sont servi a fonder en Italic une ecole si feconde et si brillante, ils ont suscite de si vives jalousies, de si ameres inimities, ils ont ete interrompus par de telles infortunes que, pour aider a faire mieux comprendre ce que les sciences doivent ii Galilee, pour rendre plus evident, meme par des titres seuls de livres, ce conflit d'applaudissements enthousiastes et de persecutions acharnees au milieu desquels il s'est avance dans sa glorieuse carriere, nous avons cru devoir rassembler a la suite de ses ecrits originaux, et en les rattachant a son nom, d'autres ouvrages maintenant pen connus et souvent introuvables, de ses partisans ou de ses adversaires, qui pouvaient jeter une nouvelle lumiere sur I'histoire et les travaux de ce Martyr de la science. Tandisque dans les editions originales de certains ouvrages de lui, on trouvera de ces dccouvcrtes que son genie repandait partout et qu'on n'a pas toujours remarquees (12), dans d'autres livres publics de son temps, tels que les Ragguagli di JParnaso(lS) de Boccalini, qui ne sembleraient pas de natiu-e a ^tre cites dans des discussions scientifiques, on aura la preuve de la priorite de certaines inventions qu'on lui a disputees. Aillem's, par centre, on verra qu'il avait ete devance dans des decouvertes qu'on lui attribue le j)lus generalenient. Par exemple, I'isoclironisme de la cMte des corps graves de differentes natures tombant dans le meme temps de la meme hauteur, est affirme dans un livre sur I'art d'ecrire en chiffres que Bellaso (dont le nom est presque tombe dans I'oubli) publiait I'annee meme de la naissance de Oalilee (14). D'autres ouvrages, qui n'ont de scientifique que le nom, de petites pieces dramatiques meme, offrent la preuve de ce fait, plusieurs fois affirme et toujours dementi, qu'avant Galilee les astronomes cliercliaieut, a I'aide 'de certains instruments, a rapprocher les objets eloignes(lo). Au reste, pour ne parler meme que du telescope tel que Galilee I'a construit sur la nouvelle qu'un instrument de ce genre avait ete fait en HoUande, il n'est pas exact de dire, bien qu'on le dise generalement, que Galilee ait ete le premier u tourner cet (12) Voyez les Nos. 2991, 2992, et 2993, du Catalogue. (13) Voyez les Nos. 113G et 3033, du Catalogue. (14) Voyez le No. 3030, du Catalogue. (15) Voyez les Nos. 3037 et 3053,_du Catalogue. iviii INTEODUCTION. and success the department of printed books in this immense establishment, has made known a small tract (16), printed by Jean Gazeau at Lyons in 1608, wherein will be found the proof that, from the very first days of its construction, the telescope was directed towards the heavens even in Holland itself, although without observing any thing that was new. It is one of those small gazettes published so frequently at tlus period, bearing the date of 12 November, 1608, with the following title, " Les Amhassades et Presents du Soy de Siam envoyez a V Excellence du Prince Maurice,^'' wherein at the end of political news there are mentioned new " spy-glasses" constructed by " a poor man, very religious and fearing God,'^ of Mildebourg {sic for Middelbiu-g), " tvho has had 300 dollars and will have more on condition of not teaching the said manufacture to any person in the world.'" At the conclusion of the description of the magnifying produced by this instrument the author adds " Even the stars which are not ordinarily visible to our sight or our eyes by their smallness and the iveakness of our vision may be seen by means of this instrument." It was not by turning by chance the new spy-glass towards the heavens, but in seizing and divining even with an incomparable promptitude of mind the marvels which the new instrument hardly rendered perceptible ! it was by coming at the first onset to the most brilliant results, by applying not only his eye but his genius to the telescope that Galileo was able in a f^w days to make the astonishing discoveries disclosed in his Nuncius Syderens. They reversed so completely the idea until then formed of the constitution of the ■universe, that for a long time the partisans of the ancient doctrines were obstinate in treating them as diabolical illusions. From that day forward gave way all that scaffolding of suspended spheres and solid heavens, which Coper- nicus had not had the audacity to attack, but which however an Italian philoso- pher, Patrizzi, whose reputation is far inferior to his merit, had dared to deny openly even anterior to the discoveries of Galileo. One can reatUly understand why the Peripaticians, until then absolute masters in the schools and whom the assertions of Copernicus had not much moved, closed their ranks and rose up in arms on the day, when by the discoveries of Galileo all the ancient errors were sapped to the foundation, and when the celestial machine seemed all at once to be toppling on their heads. The sad consequences of the strife which then commenced between dominant error and truth — which could not fail to triumph in the end — are but too well known ; and the different editions, announced in this Catalogue, of the Sacro Arsenale {\1), which is merely the Code of the Inqiiisition, will serve to furnish (16) From a verbal communication of Mr. Th, Watts, Assistant-Keeper of the same department in the British Museum, whose sure and varied erudition is so olili^ingly placed at the disposition of every literary student, it appears that he also had made the same remark respecting this small tract. (17) See lots 3049, and 3817-3821. INTEODUCTION. xix instrument vers le ciel. M. J. Winter Jones, qni depuis quo M. Panizzi a ete si justenient appele a la direction generale du British Museum, gouverne avec tant de zele et de succes, le departement des livres imprimes de ce grand etablissemeut, nous a fait connaitre (16) un petit livre imprime par Jean Gazeau a Lyon en 1608, ou Ton trouve la preuve que des las premiers jom-s de sa constrviction le telescope avait ete dirige vers le ciel en Hollande meme, sans donner lieu a aucune decouverte. C'est une de ces petites Gazettes publiees si frequemment a cette epoque ; elle porte la date du 12 Novembre, 1608, et a pour titre *' Les Amhassades et jyre'sents du Roy de Siam envoyez a V excellence du Prince Maurice." A la suite des nouvelles politiques on y parle des nouvelles lunettes construites par ^' im jnmvre hotmne fort religieux et craignant Dieu'^ de Milde- bourg (s2c) "g-we a eu trots cetis escus et en am^a plus en faisant d'avantage, a la charge de n'apprendre le dit mestier a jiersonne du monde." A la suite de la description du grossissement produit parcet instrument I'auteur ajoute " Mestnes les estoilles qui ordinairement ne paroissent a nostre veue et a nos yeux par leur petitesse et foiblesse de nostre veue se peuvent voir par lemoyen de cest instniment.''^ Ce n'etait pas en tournant presque par basard la nouvelle lunette vers le ciel, mais en saisissant, en devinant meme, avec une prompitude d'esprit incomparable les merveilles que le nouvcl instrument faisait a peine apercevoir, c'est en parvenant d'emblee aux resultats les plus brillants, c'est en appliquant non seulement son ceil mais son genie au telescope, que Galilee a pu en qtielques jours faire les decouvertes etonnantes que renferme son Nuncius Sydereus. EUes renversaient si completement I'idee qu'on s'etait formee jusqu' alors de la constitution de I'univers, que pendant longtemps les partisans des anciennes doctrines se sont obstines a les traiter d'illusions diaboliques. C'est a partir de ce jour la seulement que s'ecroulait tout cet echafifandage de spheres superposees et de cieux solides, que Copernic n'avait pas eu I'audace d'attaquer, et que pom'tant un philosoplie Italien, Patrizj, dont la reputation est de beaucoup inferieure au merite, avait ose uier ouvertement avant meme les decouvertes de Galilee. On comprend pourquoi les peripateticiens, maitres absolus jusqu' alors dans les ecoles, et que les assertions de Copernic n'avaient pas beaucoup emus, serrerent les rangs et chargerent leurs armes le jour ou, par les decouvertes de Galilee, toutes les vieilles erreurs furent sapees dans leur fondement, et ou la machine celeste sembla s'ecrouler tout-a-coup sur leur tete. Le^ funestes consequences de la lutte qui fut alors engagee cntre I'erreur dominante, et la verite qui ne pouvait manquer de triomphcr a la fin, ne sont que trop connues, et les difFerentes editions du Sacra Arsencde (11) que renferme ce (16) D'apres une communication verbale de M. Th. Watts, conservateur-adjoint du meme ddpartement au British Museum, et qui met, avec une si rare obligeauce son J229 Jl^^J007. A inzJi/r^ K^^K^ ^^t^/^.^^-^/ / ^' J^PJ773. /et/iru a ^yg fe/; ^>/ z;.^^ ^^^,^^^- -^-^^%.; JVP3i^7J. C>u iK- r2^-*^uO (_/ TZi.rniu.-rf^ rL^U-r>V4i^ -n-j ^ O-o. x^ttA^^ ^y^J^^^ytty^^ t.^^.^ II. ^ t ^ 3 *^ i^ ^ .:^ is. i ^ ^^ H> \^ O ■^-^ "i '^ \ x;^M ni. j^yeis. W 6 4 i ^9 471 J ^^ iz ^^ ni fCTy. dttC^lZ- -4 IV. s= <1 M y ^ ^ pi ^ 11^ f3 R r: i^i ^ ^ «:♦ o t3^ C5i f^ ?: "^ VJ •*-» ci O ^ c; ~ <3* s= ,^ -2 -a a CATALOGUE OF THE MATHEMATICAL, HISTORICAL, BIBLIOGRAPHICAL, AND MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF THE CELEBEATED LIBRARY OP M. GUGLIELMO LIBRI. FIRST DAY'S SALE. LOT 1 Abarbanelis (D. Isaac!) Prseco Salutia sive Vaticiniorum de Christo (Messia) et Salute per eundem parauda Esplicatio, Hebraice autograph of P. Th. Carpovius Mo. Amst. 1644 2 Abati (A.) delle Frascberie, Fasci tre, tico editions, scarce, vellum, 12mo. Venetia, 1651, and ^vo. Lugd. Bat. 1672 — Abbati (Gio.) La Sulami- i\Ae, plates, vellum, 8yo. Eoma, ]739 — Acampora (G.) Eaccolta di Kime di Poeti JSTapoletani, non piu ancora stampate, loitli autograph of Lord Glenhervie, uncut, 12mo. ]Sapoli, 1701 — Acbillini (C.) llime e 'Pro^e, uncut, 12mo. Venetia, 1662 — Adimari (L.) ^Q.t\re, portrait, 12?«o. Londra {Livorno), 1788 {together 6) Abati's Satirical Poems are mixed with Prose. For his wit he was sm-named " I'Abbate delle Vivezze e delle Argutezze." The Emperor Ferdinand III composed a very indifierent acrostic in Italian in his praise, instead of pro^ading for his necessities, which, as appears from someto. Modena, 1766 This is the first accm-ate description of the fall of an aerolite, which the author supposes to be the result of a volcanic eruption. 39 ^scbilo Tragedie, tradotte da P. Bellotti, 2 vol. in 1 LAEGE PAPEB, ffHt vellum, uncut roy. 8vo. Milano, 1821 A classical translation. 40 ^scbyli Tragoedise, cum Scboliis, Grsece, cura P. Victorii, vellum, H. Stephanus, 1557 — Sopboclis Electra, Gr. et Ital. volgarizzata ed esposta da M. A. Giacomelli, uncut, Roma, 1754 — Terentii (P.) Comcedise sex, cum ^lii Donati et Calpburnii Commentariiis, calf, Parisiis, B. Stephanus, ]541 — Pbajdri Pabul^ e le Pavole di Pedro, tradotte in Verso Toscano dal Azzolino Malaspina de Marcbesi di Posdinovo, u)icut, JS'apoli, 1765 4:to. 4 vol. 41 -^sopo Vita et Pavole, tradotte dal Conte G. Landi scarce, vellum 8vo. Yinegia, 1567 42 JEsopo. Volgarizzamento delle Pavole di Esopo, testo Antico di Lingua Toscana non piu stampato \2mo. Firenze, 1778 43 JEsopus moralizatus, cum bono Comento 42'o. impressus 1487 A very rare edition, containing a metrical version of sixty-one Fables of .(Esop, by Hildebert, Bishop of Toiu-s ; not in the Grenville collection. 44 ^voli (C.) de Causis Antipathise et Sympathise Eerum naturalium et de Divinis Attributis, 2 tracts in 1 vol. 4^0. Venetiis, 1580 Very rare, unknown to Toppi, who mentions an edition of the Tract de Divinis Attributis, dated 1573, on the authority of the BibUotheca Classica. The first tract is corrected throughout in manuscript. 6 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 45 AfFarosi (C.) Notizie istoriche della Citta di Eeggio, Parte prima uncut 4^V« ?^c°S:'rZ«, Manui, a'Auiai., ^^.;-^ '«//« on sides and lack ' ^ 80 Alamanni(L.)OpereToscane,2vol. Yenetiis,JuntcB,15^2 fine copy The edition cited by the Crusca. '' ^^^;;SlSL^^^^^^^^^^^ Farigi,EuUrtoStepMno,lU, This large copy has the Errata, the Dedication to the Dauphme, and the Privi- lege du Roy, which are generally dehcient. Alamanni (L ) La Coltivatione, scarce, with the dedication ^^f Ppf'9^ ^^" l^enLntinff), but titlepagedarnayed,Uo. ^^-3^' ^J/f^^^ 1546— Alamanni (L.) Opere Toscane, vellum, Svo. Lugd.l5SI— Alamanni (L) La Coltivazione, e le Api di Giovanni Eucellai folle annotazioni sopra le Api di R Titi, e -n f ^p^gra^ mx Toscani dell' Alamanni, plates, ivith autograph ofJ±. J^-^^ty, translator of Dante, uneict, Svo. Verona, 1745-Alamanni (L ) T rroUivazione • e le Api di G. RuceUai; con annotazioni del G. sLnct™: la Coltiv'azione e di R. Titi sopra le Api,^a,..«^^. half-calf, Svo. Milano, 1804 v ; ^^ ^^^"^Ztm^'^ ^' Coltivatione ^^^^ Morenza,B. Giunti, 1549 ^^ ^ This edition is pronounced by Gamba " moUo rara." 84 Alamanni (Luigi) Coltivazione.; et le Api de Giovanni Rnscellai, con aesiunta delli Epigrammi del Alamanni .-i^Qn aggiuuLa i- & g^^^ Fiorenza, Fihppo Giunti, 1590 of mirrors. 82 10 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 85 Albergotti (A.) II Culto di Maria Santissima illustrato, difeso e promosso nella Sposizione storica degli Avvenimenti success! in Arezzo dal 1796, nello Scuoprimento della di lei prodigiosa Im- magine detta del Conforto fino al 1800. 2 vols in 1, with curious MS. sonnets and other memoranda in the autograph of Giovanni Eossi, rough leaves 4!to. Lucca, 1800 A scarce work, relating to the Insurrection of the Aretlni against the French, in 1799. 86 Albertano, Giudice da Brescia, Tre Trattati della forma dell' Onesta Vita, della Consolazione, e de' Consigli e delle sei Maniere del parlare, traslatati de lingua Latina in volgar Eiorentino nel Secolo XIII. 4ifo. Firenze, Giu^ti, 1610 Cited by the Crusca and, according to Gamba, " raro." 87 Albertano, Guidice da Brescia, Tre Trattati vellum, fine copy 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1610 This rare edition was published by Bastiano de' Rossi. It is cited by the Crusca. 88 Albertano, Giudice da Brescia, Tre Trattati, della Dilezion d' Iddio, e del prossimo, e della forma dell' Onesta Vita : della Consolazione, e de' Consigli, e delle sei maniere del parlare (scritti nel 1235 e tradotti in Italiano ne' medesimi tempi) 4ito. Firenze, 1732 89 Albertano, Giudice di Brescia, Volgarizzamento dei Trattati di, da Soffredi del Grazia, fatto innanzi al 1278, trovato da S Ciampi 8yo, Firenze, 1832 90 Albertano. Volgarizzamento dei Trattati Morali di Albertano Guidice di Brescia da SolTredi del Grazia Notai-o Pistojese fatto innanzi al 1278, trovato e pubblicato da S. Ciampi 8yo. Firenze, 1832 91 Alberti (L. B.) El Momo, graciosa bistoria, compuesta en Latin e trasla- dada en Castellano, por Augustin de Almacan blacU letter, scarce, large copy folio. Alcala de Henares, J. de Mey Flandro, 1553 92 Alberti (L. B.) a P.Pozzetti laudatus. Accedit Commentarius Italicus quo Vita ejusdem et Scripta compluribus adhuc ineditis Monumentis illustrantur '^to. Florentice, 1789 This work and its unpublished documents ably illustrate the life of this emment architect of the XVth Century, so renowned for his inventions, the "Bolide" (for measuring depth of sea), and the " Camera Ottica." 93 Alberti (L. B.) Opere Volgari, per la piii parte inedite e tratte dagli Autografi annotate e illustrate dal A. Bonucci, 5 vol. portrait and plates, uncut Svo. Firenze, 1846-50 An important collection of the works (chiefly inedited) of this celebrated Florentine architect of the XVth Century, so well known as the author of the De Ee a^dificatoria, and also for his moral, historical, poetical, and scientific labours, including an Algorisimis, and the curious arithmetical Ludi matematici, published here for the first time. In a prefatory Notizia the celebrated Count Fossombroni has attributed to Alberti the invention of the Sostcgni. 94 Alberti (P. L.) Vita del Glorioso Confessore ed Anacoreta S. Guglielmo Magno, Duca d'Aqviitania Prottetore della Provincia Marittima della Toscana ^to. Siena, 1770 This Saint, notorious for his licentious life in his earher years, subsequently became the founder of the Guglielmini. THE LIBEI LIBRARY. 11 95 Albert! de Saxonia Tractatus Proportionum uncut Venexie, per A. Catharense, MCCCCXXXLYii {pro 1487) A curious and rare book, remarkable for its false date. Methodii (S.) Eevelationes, cum Tractatu continens in se quinque Capitula de Fine quinti Flagelli Ecclesise super Methodium (Opus- culum cura et ingenio W. Aytinger Clerici et Incolse Aug. Vindel. promotum) s. I. ^ a. sed Aug. Vind. circa 1485 A verj' rare and curious work, containing the Prophecies respecting the final Destruction of Turkey by Russia, &c. SteBa Clericorum, a scarce edition, tmknown to Panzer, Sain, ^c. s. I. ^ a. Pellibus Nigris Troiani (Thomas) La Oration del Troia, recitata nel Studio di Padua Adi XXX de Nouembre MCCCCC {Padua, 1500) Sermones de Spe, de Miseria Conditionis bumanse, &c. {a portion of some ivorJc) s. I. ^ a. 5 vol. 4:to. 96 Alberti Magni Secreta Mulierum et Virorura, icoodcut capitals, scarce, s. I. Sf a. {Argentorati, S. Knollotzer, 1480) — Laurenbergii (P.) in Synopsin Apborismorum Chymiatricorum Angeli Salse Notse et Animadversiones, loith autograph of the Presideis't de Montesquietj {Ramhurgi),\Q'iAi — Uefensio Ajiimadversionum et Notarum Lauren- bergii, auctore Arnoldo Schi-odero, ib. 1624, in one vol. — Pinella (P.) De Planetaria Naturali Phisonomia, portrait, vellum, Neapoli, 1649 3 vol. ^to. 97 Albini (P.) Meisznische Land und Berg-Cbronica, 2 vol. in 1, woodcuts of coats of arms, portraits, Sfc. lilacfe letter folio. Breszden, 1590 This author's real name was Weiss (TMiite). M. Guizot praises him for exact- ness and erudition. 98 Albizzi seu de Pisis (Bartb.) Liber Conformitatum Vitse Beati Francisci ad vitam Jesu Cbristi FIEST EDITION loith a date, ivoodcuts, large copy, with rough edges, original linding, loith, flowers impressed on the sides folio. Mediolani, per Gotardum Ponticum, M.ccccc.x. On the fly-leaf is the followmg note : " Liber iste conformitatum erit pro con- ventu Clarissarum in Brucella, ex douatione Domini Judoci de Eode, &c." The excessive rarity of this " Edition originale tres rare " (according to Brimet) has been the theme of most bibliographers. The blasphemous and ridiculous absurdities contained in the work were ably exposed in the Alcoran des CordeUers, and no doubt conti-ibuted much to render its fame enormous. Many of the gi-osser of these absurdities were carefully suppressed in the subsequent editions. The La Valliere copy sold for 450 francs. 99 Albucasis. Alsabaravii in prisco Arabum Medicorum Conventu facile Principis, qui vulgo Acararius dicitur, Liber TbeoricsD necnon Practicse, ivoodcut bg H. Beham fine copy in the original stamped binding folio, impensis Sigismimdi Grimm Medici ^ Marci Vuirsung, Aug. Vind. 1519 This author's real name was Abu-Kasem-Calaf-Ben- Abbas, and was sumamed Al-Sahravi, because a native of Al-Zarah, in Spam. He was more reno-nmed as a surgeon than as a physician, and was the first to describe surgical instruments, of which he has given figures. 12 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 100 Albucasis de Chirurgia, Arabice & Latine, cura J. Chauning, 2 vol, in 1 uncut 4to. Oxonii, 1778 A very interesting work for the history of Arabic sciences. The volume con- tains the figures of the surgical instruments of the Arabs. 101 Alchabitii in Astrorum Scientia Principis Opus ad scrutanda Stellarum Magisteria isagogicum restitutum ab Antonio de Pautis, qui ejusdem Libellum de Planetarum Conjuuctionibus addidit et pleraque scitu dignissima cum Joannis de Saxonia Commentario 4to. Bononice, apud Antonium Mamttium Aldi Filium, 1556 Renouard considers this work to have been printed at Venice by his brother Paul Manuce. Aldus. Virgilii Opera, imperfect Svo. s. I. ^ a. {Lugduni, 1501) The counterfeit of the Aldine edition of 1501, and considered by M. Eenouard equal to it in rarity. Aldus. Vito di Gozze (N.) Governo della Famiglia, Venetia, Aldo, 1589 — Einaldi (G. de) il Mostruosissimo Mostro, nel quali si ragiona del significato de' colori, e dell' berbe e fiori, Venetia, 1626 vellum in one vol. Svo. Aldus. Zanchi (Pauli) ad Venetiarum Senatum pro Bergomatibus Congratulatio. Jovita? Eapicii Oratio in Funere ejusdem P. Zanchi habita 4^o. Venetiis {Aldus), 1561 Scarce. Unknown to Renouard, who mentions Rapicius de Numero Oratorio as printed b}' Paolo Manuzio in 1554. \* Respecting Aldus see also Ai-chimedes, Astronomy, Bodino, Theocritus, Urbani, etc. in the present Catalogue. Alegris (F. de) Tractato nobilissimo della Prudentia et Justitia laqual debbe bavere chadauno justo Signore : Ee : Principi : Duci : Poten- tati : &c. large woodcuts very scarce Mo. Venetia, per MelcMor Sessa, 1508 A very curious treatise, in Prose, mterspersed with couplets, and having a sonnet at the commencement, ydih another at the end. Aleman (M.) dela Vida del Picaro Guzman de Al^avache, pi^imera parte EAEE, old French red onorocco, gilt edges Svo. Milan, 1603 See Brunei, new edition. Alembert (J. Le Eond d') Eecherches sur la Precession des Equinoxes et sur la Nutation de I'Axe de la Terre dans le Systeme Newtonien, plates, rare, calf 4ito. Paris, 1749 Alembert (M. de) Histoire des Membres de I'Aeademie Fran9oise, 1700- 1771, 6 vol. a classical hiograpliical work, calf 12mo. Paris, 1787 Alexandri de Villa Dei Galli Doctrinale seu Grammatica Latina metrice slightly ivormed, and wanting a few xvords in the last leaf, sold therefore not sulject to collation, vellum, ease 4ito. sine ulld notd, circa 1470 An edition, apparently totally unknown to bibliographers, containing 82 leaves, with 16 lines to a full page. C 18 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE :165 Alexandri Tralliani Medici Libri XII et Ehazae de Pestileniia Libellus Grsece, cum J. Goupyli Castigationibus FIEST EDITION {''Belle Edition,'' Brnnet), scarce, fine copy in old red morocco, gilt edges folio. Lutetice, R. Stephanus, 1548 A most valuable copy, as the margins supply many important MS. emendations of, and numerous Lacunae in, the text, tilled up in a beautiful old hand from early MSS., but chiefly from what the writer designates "Ex CoDlCE Andernaci." To a new editor it would be invaluable. 166 Alfieri (V.) il Misogallo Prose e Eime, satirical plate, Londra, 1799 — Eoscolo (U.) delle Origine e delFUfficio della Letteratura, Orazione, Milano, 1815 — Marre (Gr.) sul Merito Tragico di Vittorio Alfieri, ib. 1821, calf ^vo. in one vol. This first edition of the celebrated Misogallo, so obnoxious to the French, is a book of considerable rarity. 167 Alfieri (V.) Opere Varie filosofico-politiche, in Prosa e in Yersi, 4 vol. unctit, 12mo. Parigi, 1800-1 — Alfieri (V.) i Persiani di Eschilo, il Eilottete di Sofocle e le E-ane di Aristofane tradotte, 3 vol. in 1, Syo, Londra, 1804 — Alfieri (V.) Vita scritta da Esso, 2 vol. portrait and monument, uncut, 8vo. Londra (Firenze), 1806 — Marre (Gr.) sul merito tragico di V. Alfieri dissertazione, 8vo. Milano, lb21 — Gin- guene (P. L.) Lettres sur un Passage de la Vie de V. Alfieri, 8vo. Paris, 1809 (9) The last contains two letters from Alfieri to Ginguene respecting the Alfieri Library, stolen in Paris, 168 Alfonsi Eegis Tabulae Astronomicae fine copy, scarce 4to. (Venetiis) Opera et arte mirifica Johannis Samman de Landoia dictus Hertzog, 1492 169 Alfonsi Eegis Tabulae Astronomicae 4^o. (Venetiis), 1492 With the autograph signature and notes of B. Varchi, the celebrated Florentine historian. 170 Algazelis Arabis Logica et Philosophia, gcini=got]btc UtUv, corner of a \i restored in MS. Venetiis, P. Lieclitensteyn, 1506 — Linconiensis de Phisicis Lineis Angulis et Eiguris per quas omnes Acciones naturales complentur (editore Andrea Stiborio), tvoodcut, uncut, JVuretiberge, 1503 — Zacuti (Abrahae) Opus Epbemeridum sive Almanach Per- petuum, gem{=got]^tC letter, Venetiis, per Petrum Liechfenstien, 1502 in the original oak hoards, with pigskin hack 4to. in one vol. 171 Alqebra. Bachet de Meziriac (C. G.) Problemes plaisans et delectables qui se font par les Nombres, avec leur Demonstration VERY SCARCE Lyon, 1612 CoNTES NouvEAux et divcrtissaus dediez a Monseigneur le Due de Bretagne par Mademoiselle de B * * * Paris, 1716 BARE,^«e copies, calf gilt 12mo. in one vol. It has been generally admitted that it was only in the second edition (published in 1624) of the Problemes Plaisans, by Bachet, that the resolution of the equation ax-\-b=zcy in entire numbers is to be found. But at the end of the present and extremely scarce first edition we find the following general problem, which Bachet states is resolved in his never published EUmens Arithmetiqties, and which shows that the above-mentioned equation had been already resolved generally by him in 1612, when the present edition appeared. " Deux nombres premiers entre eux estant donnez (says Bachet, p. 172), trouver un multiple de I'un qui surpasse I'autre, ou quclque sien multiple, de tout nombre donn^ ; tellement que les diets multiples soyent les moiudres qui accomphssent cela." (See also Bachet in the present catalogue.) THE LIBEI LIBRAEY. 19 172 Algebra. Bombelli (R.) Algebra Opera con la quale ciascuno da se potra venire in pertetta Coguitiouc della Teorica dell'Arimetica, title mended by Madame de Sivionin, haJf vellum Bologna, 1579 Tliis celebrated work is of extraordinary rarity, and although Professor De Morgan inserts Borabelli's name in his index, on the authority of Dr. Peacock, he seems to have been unable to find a copy when he published his admirable work on arithmetical books. 173 Algebra. Algebra, with Arithmetic and Mensuration, translated from the Sanscrit of Brahmegupta and BMscara by H. T. Colebrooke uncut 4:to. 1817 A capital work for the history of algebra, and now scarce. 174 Algebra. Bija Granita, or the Algebra of the Hindus, by E. Strachey scarce 4ito. London, (1812) In this work will be found rules for the solution of indeterminate problems, and various propositions supposed to have been invented by Bachet de Meziriac, Fermat, Euler, and La Grange, are here clearly proved to have been known long previously to Oriental mathematicians. Sold for 40 francs m 1857, (See Brunet, edition of 1860). 175 Algebra. Billy (J. de) Nova G-eometriae Clavis Algebra scarce, but stained ivith oil 4:to. Paris, 1643 176 Algebra. Cardani (H.) Artis Magnse sive de Eegulis Algebraicis Liber unus, with autocjrapli signatures of " Jo. Cafuillus Gloriosus, Gijvnensis," the celebrated astronomer, at beginning and end of volume folio. Norimb. 1545 This is the original and very scarce edition of Cardan's celebrated Algebraical Work, Avhicli contains, for the first time, an explanation of the resolution of Cubic Equations. It is so rare that Mr. Morley (Life of Cardan, vol. I, p. 272) states, "I believe it is not in any English public Library." The introduction contains a short but good history of algebra as known up to that time, in which mention is made of Leonardo Pisano (by mistake called Leonardus Pisauriensis), and also of the discoveries of Ferro and Tartalea, these being fairly described. A copy sold for 45 francs in 1857. See Brunet (edition of 1860.) 177 Algebra. Cardani (H.) Opus novum de Proportionibus Numerorum, Motuum, Pouderum, Sonorum aliarumque Eerum mensurandarum. Prseterea Artis Maguae sive de Eegulis Algebraicis Liber unus, abstrusissimus et inexhaustus plane totius Arithmeticse Thesaurus. Item de Aliza Eegula Liber folio. Basilece, 1570 The Cavendish Copy. Very scarce, not mentioned by Professor De Morgan. The Ars Magna contains the algebraic discoveries of Cardan, originally published in 1545. The ojms novum, which appears here for the first time, contains much curious matter respecting Mechanics and Natural Philosophy. 178 Algebra. Eerrari (Lud.) e Nicola Tartaglia, cartelli di bisfide scientinche intorno la risoluzionb delle equazioni alge- briche, etc. a volume oe excessive rarity and presumed to be unique, FOEMERLT IN THE POSSESSION OF PROFESSOR S. GhERARDI 4:to. Milano e Venetia, 1547 A most extraordinary and unique volume, containing the mathematical discus- sions between Tartaglia, Cardan, and Ferrari, hitherto known only to algebrists, from the allusion to them in the several works of Tartaglia (namely, the Genm-ale Trattato, the Quesiti Diversi, and the Raglonamenti), whence we also derive the information that these debates, which attracted at that period much more attention than they would at present, were con- ducted in the most solemn manner, the challenges between the two cham- pions being delivered by heralds, marching in a grand procession, with their flags, accompanied by a crowd of people, proceeding the same as if c2 20 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETIOISr OF for a knightly toiivnament. The occasion of this deadly feud between two emment mathematicians arose thus : Tlie resolution of the algebraical question of the third degree was discovered, as is well known, by a professor at Bologna, named Scipio Ferro, towards the beginning of the XVIth Century, but who died without publishing liis secret. His method, how- ever, it seems, was guessed by Tartaglia, who communicated it to Cardan, under the most solemn promise (by oath) that he would never divulge it. But Cardan soon forgot his promise, and, heedless of his oath, made the method of resolution public. From that moment a tierce enmity arose between the two mathematicians, and a long literary quarrel was the con- sequence of this dishonourable behaviour. Cardan, smarting under the reproach of having committed perjury, stirred up against Tartaglia one of his own pupils, a Bolognese, like Ferro, the celebrated Lud. Ferrari, who had discovered the resolution of the question of the fourth degree, but is gene- rally supposed to have died without having published any thing, a fact disproved by the discovery of this volume. The present Cartelli and Kisposte, twelve in number, are the original defiances and replies sent by the champions to each other, and contain the whole of the scientific questions proposed either by Ferrari or Tartaglia, with the answers. Although mentioned in the works of Tartaglia, these Cartelli remained totally unknown until a distinguished professor of the University of Bologna (M. Silvestro Gherardi, now professor at the Royal University of Turin) discovered this copy, and published its contents in 184G at Bologna, in his most interesting work Di alcuni materiali per la storia della facolta matematlca in Bologna, which, like the original, has, however, now also become exceedingly scarce, and much sought after, although containmg only eleven of these Cartelli, all tliat at the time had been discovered. Since then Professor Gherardi had the good fortune to find the twelfth (the answer of Tartaglia to the sixth Cartello of Ferrari), and has now added it at the end of this treasure, and not bemg reprinted in the materiali, it still remains, in all probability, the only copy in existence. In this great curiosity not only have we six original tracts of Ferrari (perhaps the greatest mathematician of his time, and who was supposed not to have pubhshed any thing, for even Mr. jVIorley (Life of Cardan, vol. I, p. 265), speaking of Ferrai-i, says, " Honourably named and little more, for he died young, and left no written works behind him"), but we have them with his autograph several thnes repeated. In the first Cartello, Ferrari mentions numerous persons in different towns of Italy (more numerous perhaps than it would be possible to find there at the present time), who were able mathe- maticians and good judges of the matter, to whom he states that he will forward his Cartelli. Amongst these is to be found Signor Niccolo Simo, at Bologna ; and the various Cartelli contained in this volume are addressed in Ferrari's autograph to the said Niccolo Simo, each address in precisely the same handwriting. The fact of the Risposta of Tartaglia being also addressed in the same handwriting is explained by Tartaglia's postscript to the first Rispiosta, wherein is stated that as Tartaglia was not personally acquainted with the various mathematicians named by Ferrari in his first letter, he had sent to him 54 copies of his answer, one for Ferrari himself, and the other 53 to be forwarded to such persons as had been honoured with the cartel. This extraordinary volume was obtained by M. Libri from Prof. Gherardi, who has ^vritten on the fly-leaves at the beginning an interesting statement respecting his long and persevering inquiries for another copy tln-oughout the whole of the jiublic and private libi-aries of Italy, which resulted in proving that the present collection is quite unique, and that only one of the Ti-acUi in this volume, tlie second Cartello of Ferrari, could be traced, and that existed in the celebrated library of St. Mark, at Venice. In the Seconda Risposta there is a correction of some figures in the autograph of Tartaglia. 179 Algebra. Mohammed Ben Musa, Algebra, in Arabic and English, edited and translated by Frederic Rosen LARGE PAPER roi/al 8vo. 1831 A work celebrated in the history of science. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 21 180 Algebea. Eamchundra (an India Mathematician) Treatise on Prob- lems of Maxima and Minima, solved by Algebra, reprinted under the superintendance of Professor A. De Morgan, ^;Za^^s 8vo. 1859 181 Algebea. Taetalea [or Tartaglia] (JSicolo) Quesiti et Inventioni diverse, ivoodcut jJortrait and diagrams LAEGE PAPEE, VEEY EASE, dedicated to King Henet VIII, in the original morocco, ornaviented sides, gilt edges 4ito. Venctia per Venturino Riiffinelli ad insfantia et requisitione, Sf a projyrie Spese de Nicolo Tartalea Brisciano Autore, 1546 A celebrated work, containing the algebraic discoveries of TartagUa and his dis" cussions on the subject. In it will be found letters from Cardan, and his solemn promise never to communicate to anybody the resolution of the cubic equation as disclosed to him in a small poetical piece by Tartaglia. Cardan did not keep his word, and from that moment a bitter enmity severed their former friendship. This work contains much information respecting numerous Itahan aritlmieticiaus of the time. 182 Algebea. Tartaglia (N.) Quesiti et Inventioni diverse, woodcuts, dedi- cated to Hekey VIII, title mended, scarce, Venetia, 1554 — Delia Travagliata Inventione, cuts, no title page — La nova Scientia, cuts, Venetia, 1550 — Supplimento della Travagliata Inventione e Eagion- amento con M. Eicaedo Wentwoeth, Gentilhuomo del Ee d'lnghilterra, &c. ivi. 1551 in one vol. A collection of scarce tracts, containing several letters between Cardan, Tartaglia (before they quarrelled), and others, respecting algebraic ques- tions proposed by Colle, Fiore, Coi, Tivisano, &c.; the rule, in verse, given by Tartaglia for the resolution of the cubic equations, &c., the pro- position that the massinio tiro accade qunndo un pezzo d^ ariiglitria e elevato 45 gradi sopra V orizzonte. — See also Tartaylia in the present Catalogue. 183 Algebea. Tobisch (J. K.) Beitrage zur Vergleichung der Algebra im XVI Jahrh. mit der in unseren Tagen (mit Span. Texte des Dr. P. munez), plate 'ito. Breslau, 1846 A curious work on the history of Spanish algebra. *»* For other algebraical works see also Aritlimetic, Asiatic Researches, Bettini, Billy, Cataldi, Fermat, Mauroly, Renaldini, Stevin, Tartaglia, Viete, Wallis, Warmg, &c. in the present Catalogue. 184 Algiehs. Eelazioue dell 'Abbruciamento delle Galere nel Porto di Algieri, fatto dal Capitano Eiccaedo Gifeget, Inglese, 13 Aprile, 1604 4,to. Firenze, 1604 Raee, unhioicn to Loicndes, and other Bibliographers. 185 Alhazeni (Arabis) Opticae libri septem nunc primum editi cum Com- mentariis P. Eisneri ; et Ejusdem liber de Crepusculis & Nubium Ascensionibus ; item Vitellonis (Ciolek) Opticte libri X, cuts calf, loith tlie name of William Moore, the Astrologer, stamped in gold on sides, the Christian on obverse and Surname on reverse folio. BasilecB, 1572 The importance of these works, especi Uy that of Alhazen, is ably pointed out by M. Delambrein his Astronomic Ancienne (vol. II, pp. 411-432). The work of Vitello, who thus Latinized his Polish name Ciolek, is one of the best productions of the Xllltli Century, whether considered as to its ai-range- ment or the quantity of facts adduced therein. The author quotes Alhazen, but seems to have carefully and beautifully compared his statements with those of the Greek philosophers, which he luidoubtedly drew from the original sources. Euclid and Ptolemy are his grand authorities, but con- stantly strengthened by observations drawn frona Apollonius, Theodosius, Menelaus, Tlieo, Pappus, Proclus, Eutocius, and other Greek mathe- maticians. 22 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 18G Alidosi (G. N. P.) I Dottori Bolognesi di Teologia, Pilosofia, Medicina, e d'Arti liberali, dall Anno 1000 per tutto Marzo del 1623 vellum 4:to. Bologna, 1623 Important foi" the History of the Italian sciences. 187 Alidosi (Gr. N. P.) Li Dottori Bolognesi di Legge Canonica, e Civile dal principio di essi (nell anno 1140) per tutto 1' Anno 1619. Con li viventi per ordine del loro Dottorato 4i;o. Bologna, 1620 A scarce and interesting work, intimately connected with the History of the University of Bologna. 188 Alidosi (Gr. N. P.) Canonici della Cbiesa di Bologna (fino dall' anno 1014) Uo. Bologna, 1616 189 Alidosi (Gr. N. P.) I Signori Anziani Consoli, e Gronfalonieri di Giustizia della Citta di Bologna LARGE PAPER, rare, vellum 4fo. Venet. 1576 287 America. Horto (G. Dal') Historia dei Semplici Aromati et altre Cose, che vengono portare dall' Indie Orientali pertmenti all uso de a Medicina con annotationi di Carlo Clusio. Con un Trattato della Neve & del bever fresco, di Nicolo Monardes, tvoodcuts vellum, large copy, scarce 8.0. Venetia, 1597 288 America. Il Viaggio eatto da gli Spagkitoli a tor^o a'l Mondo line copy, red morocco, super extra, gilt edges, ly F. Bedford •^ ■^•^' Uo. s. I. (Venetia) mdxxxvi This excessivehj rare volume contains two accoimts of the Spanish ExpedWon round the World (from 1519 to 1522), imder the command of Ferdinand Magellan; the first written in a Letter addressed to the Cardinal ot Salzburg by the Imperial Secretary MassimUiano Transilvano; and the 32 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF other, in a Diary addressed to liis Grand-Master Philip de Villiers Lisleadam, by Sii- Antonio Pigafetta, a Knight of Rhodes. It is the first edition of Pigafetta's Work in Italian, and is so scarce that Colonel Stanley's copy sold for £17 17s, 289 America. Jouffroy (Marquis de) Des Bateaux a Vapeur, with a plate hvo. Paris, 1816 A very scarce tract, wi-itten to prove the priority of his invention over that of the American Fulton. 290 America. Kircheri (A.) Iter extaticum terrestre vellum 4IBEI LIBRAEY. 41 357 Andoter. Don Quixot redivivus encountring a Barns-Door, or the rare Exploits of Capt. Braines, &c. lialf morocco 4:to. Frinted for the Company of Informers, (1680) A scarce local tract, with an address ad Lectorem, in Verse. 358 Andrade (A. d') Eelation de la nouvelle Descouverte du Grand Catay, ou bien du Eoyaume de Tibet RAEE 8tJ0. Paris, 1627 359 Andreas Capellan von Pabst Innocenz IV. Hie hebt sicb an das Buch Ovidy von der lieb zu erwerben audi die lieb zeverschmehen als doctor hartlieb von latin zetiitsch bracbt bat. Hie bebt sicb an das bucb Albertanus von leydigung der lieb und minne : aucb von unsitten der frauwen, &c. curious icoodcnfs tilarfe letter, extremely rare, commencing on A ii, hut wanting C v, H iii, I iii, and having the corners of b iiiii and of 4 leaves at end mended folio. Straszhurg von Martino Schotten, 1484 This curious work, containing the earliest known decisions in the Court of Love, was written in Latin by Andrew Chaplain of Pope Innocent IV, circa 1260. How, or why, HartUeb should attribute the pieces to Ovid and Albertanus, must remain a mystery, as he undoubtedly had before him the original Latin, bearing the real name of the author, when he made his translation. The mystery is rendered still greater by his having prefixed a letter from Albertanus, the Judge of Brescia, addressed to Walter the Briton. 360 Andreini (G. B.) La Florinda, Tragedia, portrait and plate, scarce, hut date torn off, with manuscript notes hy the author vellum 4ito. Milano, 1606 Even rarer than the same author's " Adamo," the work on which Milton founded his Paradise Lost. The scene of this tragedy is laid in Scot- land. 361 Andreini (Isabella, Comica gelosa) Eime, tcoodcut portrait of this cele- brated actress, half calf 4^to. Milano, 1601 Andreini (I.) Lettere. Aggiuntovi di Nuovo li Eaggionamenti Piacevoli dell'istessa, Venetia, 1G47 — Fragnienti di alcune Scritture dellaS. I. Andreini, raccolte da E. Andreini, ih. 1647, in one vol. vellum 12mo. (2) Isabella Andreini was the mother of the author of the celebrated Adamo. 362 Andres (G ) dell' Origiue, Progress! e Stato Attuale d'ogui Letteratura, 8 vol. large paper, uncut 4ito. Parma, Bodoni, 1785-1822 Splendid edition of a capital work, which includes also the history of sciences throughout Europe. The Vlllth volume contains the author's additions to the previous editions. 363 Andres (G.) Lettera sulla Letteratura di Vienna, tradotto dallo Spa- gnuolo dal L. Brera, uncut Svo. Vienna, 1795 364 Andres (G.) Catalogo de' Codici Manoscritti della Eamiglia Capilupi di Mantova (including MSS. of Dante, etc.) uncut 8vo. 3Iantova, 1797 365 Anecdota Litteraria (Grseca, Italica et Latina) ex MSS. Codicibus eruta (ab J. C. Amadutio et J. L. Blanconio), 4 vol. plates scarce, uncut 8fo. Bomce, 1773-83 Amongst the valuable fragments edited in these volumes are unpublished writings of Libanius, S. Basil the Great, S. Csesarius, and other Fathers; Treatises by Aldus Manutius; the apocryphal Epistle of Christ to St. Peter ; Homilies of the Venerable Bede ; Italian and Latin Letters from eminent Scholars ; Ancient Letters and Poems in Italian and Latin ; Un- published Writings of the son of Dante ; inedited Papyri and Kalendaria, etc. etc. 42 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 366 Angelii (Nicolai, Bucinensis) Prsefatio ad Ciceronis Orationes, Manu- script, Florenticd, 1515 — Ovidii (P.) Heroides Epistolse et in Ibin, cum omnibus Commentariis et Vita ex ejus ipsius Libris collecta. His adjunximus Emblemata, Argumenta ac Yarias Lectiones J. B. Egnatii, Observatioues Constantii Eanensis, Versuum Interpreta- tionem per A.Battaleum et J. Scoppse Expositiones, iJeZZwwe., Venetiis, 1558 — Ciceronis (M, T.) Officiorum Libri III, Lselius, Cato Major et Paradoxa: accedunt M. Nizolii Defensiones Ciceronis contra C. Calcagninum, wants title-page ^ Venetiis, 1557 3 vol. folio. 367 Angelis (Lviigi de) Lettera Apologetica in favore di Eolcaccbiero Eolcac- chieri Cavaliere Sanese del secolo XII, il prime di cui si trovino Poesie Italiane (coUe sue Eime) ^vo. Siena, 1818 368 Anglia. Sibylla Erancica seu de Admirabili Puella Johanna Lotha- ringa, Pastoris Eilia, Ductrice Exercitus Erancorum sub Carolo VII. Item Dialogi duo de Querelis Erancise et Anglife, et Jure succes- sionis utrorumque Eegum in Regno Erancise. Omnia ex Bibliotheca M. Goldasti, velhtm 4 et Theocriti Locis, scarce, Venetiis, 1781 — Agander (N. G.) de hodierna Artium elegantium Constitutione, cum prisco illorum Habitu comparata, Upsalce, 1784 4r. Fitton's copy, half calf 8yo. Firenze, 1790 A valuable Treatise on Coal, with a BibUotheca Antracologica, or Bibliography of all the works on coal published before 1790. 381 Anuli (B.) Picta Poesis, woodcuts (ly le Petit Bernard J IQmo. Lugduni, 1564 382 Apbthonii Sophistse Progymnasmata et Fabulae, Gr. et Lat. P. Scobario Interprete, " Une des meilleures editions que Von a de ce Rlieteur.^'' (Brunet) 8yo. Apud FL. Gommelinum, 1597 383 ApoUonii Pergsei Conicorum Libri quattuor una cum Pappi Lemmatibus et Commentariis Eutocii. Sereni Antissensis Philosophi Libri duo, nunc primum in Lucem editi. Quae omnia P. Commandinus e Graeco convertit et cum commentariis illustravit, numerous diagrams, vellum, leaves uncut, very rare in this state folio. Bononice, 1566 384 Apollonii Pergsei Conicorum Libri V, YI, YII, Parapbraste Abalpbato Aspbabanensi nunc primum editi. Additus in Calce Arcbimedis Assumptorum Liber. Ex Codicibus ArabicisMSS. Abrabamus Ecchel- lensis Maronita, Latinos reddidit J. A. Borellus curam contulit et Notas adjecit, half vellum folio. Florentice, 1661 First and scarce edition of these works of ApoUonius, of which the original Greek is lost, and which Borellus discovered in the Arabic version. Sold for 39 francs 50 centimes at the Labey sale. 385 Apollonii Pergaei Conicorum Lib. V, VI, VII, Parapbraste Abalpbato Aspbabanensi nunc primum editi: additus in Calce Arcbimedis Assumptorum Liber ex Codd. Arabicis MSS. Abr. EccbeUensis Maronita Lat. reddidit et J. A. Borellus Notas adjecit, numerous diagrams, uncut folio. Florentice, 1661 44 THE MISCELLANEOrS POETION OF 386 ApoUoaii Pergaei Conicorum Libri IV, una cum Lemmatibus Pappi et Commentariis Eutocii ex Versione E. Commandini et cum ejusdem Commentariis : accedunt Sereni Libri duo de Sectione Cyliudri et de Sectione Coni (edente N. Buti), 2 vol, in 1 u)ict(f, i'are in this state folio. Fistorii, 1696 387 Apollonii Pergaei Couicorum Libri octo, et Sereni Antissensis de Sectione Cylindri & Coni Libri duo, Gr. et Lat. cura E. Halleii, numerous diagrams LAEGE PAPER, stained folio. Oxonice, 1710 Dr. Letherland's copy, with his numerous autograph notes and additions on separate sheets of paper. 388 Apollonius Pergaeus de Sectione Eationis, Spatii, &c. cura Edmundi Halley, ex Arabico MS. Latine versi, cum Praefatione Pappi nunc primum Grraece edita, calf 8vo. Oxonii, 1706 389 Appendini (P. M.) Notizie Istorico-Critiche sulle Antichita, Storia e Letteratura de' Eagusei, 2 vol. in 1, plates half hound 4:to. Bagusa, 1802-3 IncUiding several spechneus of Illyric poetrj^ 390 Appiauo Delle Guerre Civili de Eomani, Tradotto da A. Braccese, 8«o- Vineggia, Sabio, 1531 — Appiano Alessandrino, Historia delle Guerre esterne de' Eomani tradotta da A. Braccio e L. Dolce, 3 vol. in 2, vellum, 4!to. Verona, 1730 — Arriano, Le Guerre di Alessandro Magno, volgarizzate da P. Lauro, kalfrussia, 4ito.-Roma, 1793 (4) 391 Aprosio da Ventimiglia (P. Angelici) Bibliotheca Aprosiana {containing hiograpTiies) Libellus rarissimus in Latinam Linguam conversus, cum Praefatione Notisque J. C. Wolfii lialf hound 12mo. Ilamhurgi, 1734 892 Apuleii Apologia, cum Notis J. Pricaei Anglo-Britanni,^Z«i(es {Including that of tlie naked Venus'), vellum 4:to. Paris, 1635 President Renault's copy, with his book-plate. 393 Apuleius (L.) de Asino aureo (curante G. Piel), Paris, 1510 — Bartho- lomei Coloniensis Mythologica Epistola, ih. s. a. in the original stamped hinding in one vol. ito. Apuleio (L.) del L' Asino D'Oro, tradotto per M. Angelo Eioreuzuola, curious woodcuts 8vo. Venetia, F. de Leno, s. a. Apuleyo (L.) Historia del Asno de Oro, traduzida en Eomance Cas- tellano (por Diego Lopez de Cortegana, Arcidiacono de Sevilla) 8vo. Anvers, 1551 The last work is very scarce, this translation being inserted amongst the fii'st class of prohibited books by the Spanish Inquisition. 394 Aquilani (M.) Origine Qualita e Spezie de Popoui e Altro half morocco 4ito. Firenze, G. Marescotti, 1602 A scarce tract, containing curious information respecting the history of gar- denuig. 395 Aquileja. Eubeis (B. M. de) De Nummis Patriarcharum Aquileiensium, plates, half morocco, Venetiis, VI 4:1 — San Eiorano (C. G.) Pondazione della Chiesa di Aquileja, vellum, Milano, 1757 2 vol. 8yo. 396 Aquino (M. de) Catalogus Bibliothecae Selectae librorum ac Codicum Manuscriptorum, Vlmo. Romce, s. a. — Bibliotheca Saxiana hoc est Catalogus Librorum exquisita integritate et nitore eximiorum, item Catalogus Icouum, Nummorum et Gemmarum, quibus usus est C. Saxius, 2 parts in 1 vol. half calf Si-o. Trajecti ad liJienum, 1806 ■ (2) THE LIBRI LIBEART. 45 397 Aquino (Tommaso Niccolo di) Delizie Tarantine (Poesie Latiue). Opera Postuma e Prima Edizione da 0. A. A. Carducci con sua versione in ottava Eima e Comento (contenente molte richerche storiche intorno a Taranto), calf 4to. Venetia, Giovanni JSariletto, 1567 This Italian translation was unknown to Professor De Morgan, as was the work of Pelletario to Lalande. 547 Aeithmetic. Geometeia ; et Arithmetica complex Manusceipt on papee, imperfect in the Geometrical portion 4ifO. SiEC. XV. A very curious Treatise. In the Arithmetical portion, the Greek, Roman, and Arabic Signs for the Numerals are given. 648 Aeithmetic. Gottignies (A. F. de) Logistica et Clavis Logistica, 2 vol. in 1, plate, velhmi 4fo. Soma, 1675-79 Neither of these works of Gottignies was apparently known to Professor De Morgan, who however speaks in high terms of his Logistica universalis, printed in 1687. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 65 549 Aetthmetic. Ghaligai (F.) Pratica d'Aritbmetica 4:to. Firenze, Giunfi, 1552 This edition is so rare that it was unknown to Professor De Morgan, who men- tions two others, one without date, and the other 1562. Ghaligai mentions Giovanni del Socio as his own master, to whom and to Lionardo Pisano he assigns the appended Treatise on Algebra, by him termed Arcibra, a science he states to have been introduced from the Arabic by Guglielmo de Lunis. In regard to Numeration Ghaligai quotes Paolo da Pisa, and res- pecting Algebra, Euclid, Leonardo Pisano, and Giovamii del Sodo. The twelfth book of this work on the quadratic indeterminate equations is taken from a celebrated work of Leonardo Pisano, lost a long time, but recently discovered again through the indefatigable exertions of the learned Prince Boncompagni. 550 Arithmetic. Grottignies (^g. Franc, de) EpistoLe Mathematicae et Problema Staticum de Incremento Yirium per A^ectem, Sonice, 1678 — Ejusdem Arithmetica Introductio ad Logisticam uuiversa) Mathesi servieutem, so extremely rai'e, as to have remained uiiknoicn even to Professor De Morgan, and very curious, ih. 1676 vellmn 4tto. in one vol. This Arithmetica is the Introduction to Logistica Universalis, published at Naples in 1687, of which M. De Morgan gives a very favourable account. The Author was an eminent Mathematician, and evidently far superior to the average of his contemporaries. 551 Arithmetic. Gottignies (vEg. Fran, de) Arithmetica Introductio ad Logisticam universsD Mathesi servientem, plate vellwM 4ito. Pomce, 1676 See note to No. 550. 552 Arithmetic. Halliwell (J. O.) Eara Matlaeniatica ; or a collection of Treatises on the Mathematics and Subjects connected with them, from ancient inedited MSS. facsimile of ancient numerical fgures cloth ^vo. 1841 Contains several Treatises on Arithmetic and Algorism by Sacro Bosco (de Arte numerandi), Alexander de Villadei, &c. Professor De Morgan, however, has shown that i\Ir. Halliwell was T\Tong in publisliing Sacrobosco as inedited, as it had been printed at Venice in 1523. 553 Arithmetic. Jamblichus in Nicomachi Aritbmeticam Introductionem et de Fato, Gr. et Lat. cum notis S. Tennulii. Accedit I. Camerarii Explicatio in duos Libros Nicomachi, looodcuts riRST EDITION, scarce, vellum 4:to. ArnTiemice, 1667-1668 554 Arithmetic. Jean (A.) Aritbmetique au Miroir, (Paris), 1649 — Arithmetique au Miroir, engraved tJirougliout, ih. 1636 half morocco ^vo. i7i one vol. Very rare, unknown to Professor De Morgan. 555 Arithmetic. Kircberi (A.) Aritbmologia sive de abditis Numerorum Mysteriis, frontispiece and curious ivoodcuts tmcuf ^to. Pomes, 1665 Professor De Morgan does not seem to have seen this learned and scarce work, as he mentions Kircher only on the authority of Dr. Peacock iu his excellent Chronological List of Works on Arithmetic. This Aritlimologia is highly interesting for the history of numerical figures, deriving, on the authority of Abenragel, the origin of the Arabic numerals, " a Brahmanis Indise Sapientibus ex figura circuli secti inventi." This work contains also many curious indeterminate problems and " arcana numerorum." 66 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 556 Aeithmetio. Kobel (Jacob, Statachreyber zu Oppenheym) Eechen- piichlein fclacit letter, very rare '&vo. Oppenheym, 1522 An edition so rare that it remained unknown to Professor De Morgan, who mentions an edition printed at AiTgsburg in 1514, and reports another on the authority of Kloss as printed at Opjienheym hi the same year. Kastner mentions only an edition printed at Frankfurt in 1544, and evidently knew no other. In this Arithmetic the computation is by Counters and Roman Numerals, the Arabic being merely explained and placed in that portion showing how any number should be expressed at length in words, or by Roman or Arabic signs, 557 Akithmetic. Lana (P.) Prodrome overo Saggio di alcune Inventioni nuove premesso all' Arte Maestra Opera che prepara, ^:)?ff^es vet^y scarce folio. Brescia, 1670 As is well known to scientific men this is the first work in which an Air- BaUoon was described and iigured, but his descriptions of other useful and curious inventions have been apparently unnoticed or ignored. Amongst these we call attention to the Method of teachmg the Deaf and Dumb to Write, the Application of Meteorological Changes to the Motion of Clocks, the Observations on Ai-ithmetic (not mentioned by the learned Professor De Morgan), the Descriptions of Microscopes, Telescopes, &c. &c. Unfortunately for his reputation Lana was a believer in Alchemy, especially in the Transmutation of Metals, 558 Arithmetic. Laurenbergii (J.) Ocimn Soranum sive Epigraminata continentia varias Historias, & res scitu jucundas, ex Grsecis Latinis- que Scriptoribus depromptas, & Excercitationibus Arithmeticis accommodatas, plate Mo. SafnicB, 1640 A work of considerable rarity, unknown to Professor De Morgan, who mentions this Author's Arithmetica, printed at Sora m 1643. On the margins of this copy are the workings of several of the smns in a neat handwriting of the period. 559 Arithmetic. Laurenbergii (J.) Arithmetica, peculiaribus Observa- tionibus, & Exemplis Historicis illiistrata, Itidem Algebrse Principia rare 4ito. Sorce, 1643 A curious work, containing the solutions of numerous algebraic problems, some indetei'minate. The Arabic origin of the word algebra is here derived from " its inventor Al-Geber," and we note as a curious fact that the Arabic characters used to express the different powers given in this work, are in perfect accordance with the modern European notation, 560 Arithmetic. Leybourn (W.) Arithmetical Eecreations (with com- pendious Rules in Arithmetick) 3 2mo. London, 1667 Not mentioned by Professor De Morgan. Without doubt this was the original work which, enlarged afterwards by the author, appeared in 1694, under the title of "Recreations of Divers Ivinds." (See De Morgan.) 561 Arithmetic. Leonardo Pisano Opuscoli (sui numeri quadrati) pubbli- cati da B. Boncompagni, seconda edizione, plate presentation copy, with autograph inscription of Prince Boncompagni %vo. Firenze, 1846 Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonaccij was the most illustrious mathematician of the Xlllth century. In this second edition Prince Boncompagni says, that he has corrected many errors which were in the first, published by him in 1854. (For other writings of this author see Leonardo Pisano in the pre- sent Catalogue). THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 67 562 Arithmetic. Machine d'Arithmetique imitee des Chinois 4^0. Sjeo. xvii. This very curious Abacus, with Balls, or Arithmetical Machine, consisting of moveable Counters on Wires, is an improvement on the Chinese Souan Pan, being enlarged and applied to the French monetary system and calculation. 563 Arithmetic. Malcolm (A.) New System of Arithmetick 4to. Francof. And. Wechelus, 1580 Scarce. This work seems not to have been seen by Professor De IMorgan, as he only inserts the name of the Author in his index, without giving its title. 590 Aeithmetic. Sole (Francesco dal) Libretti nuovi (di tavole arit- meticlie) con le Eegole nequali mediante la Theorica & Pratica gli Adolescenti, Nobeli, Mercadanti, xbrtesani, Abbacbisti, &c. informasi delle sette Scienze &c. 4/o. Ferrara, 1546 Extremely scarce, and even unknown to Professor De Moi:gan, who quotes the 72 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE " Libretto di Abaco " of the same Author, published at Venice in 1526. The Libretti seem to have been printed at the expense of the cook of the Duke of Ferrara {M. Rinaldo Cuoco dello III. M. Duca) in 1546, although an attempt has been made, by erasure and the use of a Pen, to alter the date to 1552. 591 Aeithmetic. Sole (F. del) Instrutioni et Eegule sopra il Fonda- mento d'Abbacco, Arithmetica, Geometria, Cosmografia et Mathe- matica 4(^0. Ferrara, 1564 So scarce that it remained unknown to Professor De Morgan (who mentions another work by the same Author), Weidler, Lalande, &c. The Author is described on title-page as Francese and cittadino di Ferrara. 592 Arithmetic. Stepha-ISto (D. B.) dellt Stephaki da Meecatello SUMME AeISMETICE beautiful Manuscript ok paper, liaving a richly illuminated titlepage, iclth several figures and the author' s portrait, surrounded hy a horder, executed in goJd and colours on vellum 4to. Venetiis, per Fernardinum Venetum de Vitalihus, 1501 Extremely rare, imknown to Panzer, Lalande, Brunct, Ebert, and even to Maz- zuchelli, who quotes the author under the name of Allegris, but did not know this work. 629 AsTEOLOGT. Angelis (Alesandri de) In Astrologos Conjectores libri V scarce, velluin 4:to. Fomce, B. Zannetti, 1615 630 AsTEOLOGT. Opusculum Eepertorii proaosticon in mutatioues Aeris tarn via Astrologiea quam Metbeorologica. Accedit Hyppocratis libellus de Medicorum Astrologia, a Petro de Abbano in Latinum traductus,^«e copy, half hound in pigshin 4do. Venet. Erhardus Batdolt, 1485 Although mentioned by Lalande it is evident he could never have seen a copy of the book, for lie makes the Opusculum Repertorii and the Hippoci'ates two distinct publications. 631 AsTEOLOGT. Bellantii (L. Senensis) Liber de Astrologiea Veritate, et in Disputationes Joannis Pici Adversus Astrologos Eesponsiones KAEe, green morocco folio. Blorentice, Gherardus de Saerlem, 1498 Quoted by Lalande only from the Bibliotheca Hulsiana. 632 AsTEOLOGT. Bono Advogaeio (Piero) Pronostico dell' Anno 1496 e 1497, 2 vol. woodcut portrait to each 4ito. (Ferrara, 1495 or 1496) Excessively rare, if not unique. Mazzuchelli was unable to trace any other work of tliis author than a " Tractato delle Cometc," existing in manu- script in the Saibanti Library in Italy. The fine woodcuts exhibiting the author in his study with his book and astronomical instruments are very curious. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 79 633 Astrology Carelli (J. B.) Ephemerides ad Annos XYIII (1563- 1580). Cauones ejusdem uua cum isagogico Tractatu Astrologife studiosis valde necessario Ho. Venetiis, apiul V. Valgrisuim, 1563 The latest edition of this work known to Lalande is that of 1 558 gi^'ing the Ephemerides to 1677. 634j Astrology. G-aurico (Luca) Trattato d'Astrologia judiciaria sopra le Nativita de gli Huomini & Doune, curious woodcuts, with xylographic inscriptions, rare -ito. Roma, 1539 635 AsTEOLOGY. Goi^DiSALTi Toledo Epistola AstrologiaB defensiva. Amicus medicorum magistri Johannis Gauiveti : cum Opusculo quo Cell euarrant propter principium ejus inscribitur : et cum abbrevia- tione Abralie aveneezre de luminaribus et diebus creticis. Astro- logia Tpocratis blacfe letter, eaee, vellum 4to. Lugduni, J. Gleyn, 1508 This copy appears to have been seized from the Library of the celebrated Las- tanosa de Iluesca (the author of the "Museo de Medallas") by the Inqui- sition, and is endorsed on cover, " Maudose prohibir in totmn en 23 di Otobre di 1674." 636 Astrology. Kelway (T.) Judgements of Nativities, icants titlepage scarce, unJcnoivn to Lalande ^to. 637 Astrology. Mancini Colouua (Maria) Discorso Astrosofico delle mutationi de' tempi, e d'altri accidenti mondani dell' anno 1G70, Senza nota. — Albizzini (B.) Trattato Astrologico di quanto iufluis- cono le stelle a pro, e danno delle cose inferiori per I'anno 1727, Firenze, 1727 — Martelli (G. D.) Mercurio Celeste, ivi, 1727— Ger- mano di Palermo (Gio. Luca) Trattato Astronomico per I'anuo 1736, Palermo, 1736, half hound vellum ; from Lord Guildford's Library ito. in one vol. All imknown to Lalande. 638 Astrology. Melton (John) Astrologaster or the Figure- Caster, wood- cut on titlepage, scarce, calf 4:to. London, 1620 A very cui-ious treatise against astrology. This author was unknown to Lalande. 639 Astrology. Moll an (Jaques) Cartel aux Judiciaires et Celoteurs Astrologues, auquel sera combatue la vanite de leurs accreuz Pianettes, la nullite du Signe, la falsite du Zodiaque celeste, &c. woodcuts, very scarce, calf 8^0. Lyon, par Jean Stratins, 1585 Tliis extremel)^ curious work, in prose and in verse, seems to have been unknown to Lalande, Brunet, &c. Prefixed are various poems by or addi'essed to the author. 64i0 Astrology. Mont'albani (Ovidio) Filautiologia overo del vero Amor di se stesso, colla giudiciaria liiflessione delle Stelle dell' Anno Bisestile, 1660 4^o. Bologna, 1660 Unknown to Lalande. 641 Astrology. Origani (D.) Astrologia Naturalis, manuscript notes to several of the Horoscopes, uncut 4ito. Massilice, 1645 Unknown to Lalande. 642 unknown to Liaianae. Astrology. Portse (J. B.) Coelestis Physiognomiae libri YI, in quibus Astrologia refellitur, et inanis, et imaginaria demonstratur, with curio'us plates (see p. 60), vellum, scarce 4:to. Neapoli, 1603 80 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 643 Astrology. Euberti (B. de) Osservazioni de Astrologia et altre appai*- tenenze, circa della Medicina & Mutazione de Tempi fine copy in limp vellwn 4lished in French, and is beautifully printed in a large Gothic type, with numerous woodcuts and beautiful diagrams a la maniere noire, with xylographic inscriptions. The work differs from the Thcorica Planetarvm of Purbach, and very pro- bably was compiled from various Latiu sources. At the beginnino- there is a French poem (a rondeau or ballad), and at the end there are two small treatises by Ptolemy, " sm- les ArmUles et le meteoroscope." In a MS. note at the commencement, it is stated that this copy (the only one kno-u-n) was sold for 305 francs in 1852 at Paris. 697 Astronomy. Trabaud, le Mouvement des Corps Celestes, ou pre- miers principes d'Astrouomie, uncut 8uo. Paris, 1753 Pronounced by Lalande, " OuvTage fort clair et fort bon, comme tous ceux de cet auteur." 698 Astronomy. Turneisserus (L.) La nouvelle Estoile apparue sur tous les Climats du Monde, avec la Declaration de la Carte scarce Svo. Paris, 1590 699 Astronomy. Twysden (J.) on the Analemma, scarce, 1685 — Dunne (S.) Fixed Stars, 1792 — Landen (J.) on the Sun's distance from the Earth, 1771— Bradley (J.) on Eixed Stars, 1717— Bamfield, Astronomy opened, Fxon, 1764 — Wales (W.) & J. Dymond, Ob- servations, 1770— Chrysologue de Gry, Abrege d'Astronomie, Paris, 1778 — Piazzi (Gr.) Discorso, 1790 — [Darquier] Astronomic Pra- tique, Paris, 1786 4fo. ^' Svo. (9) 700 Astronomy. Twysden (J.) on the Analemma, 1685 — Halleii (E.) Catalogus Stellarum Australium, scarce, 1679 — WoUaston (F.) on a Transit Circle, 1793, two copies — Schacht (J. O.) de Motu Plane- tarum, Lugd. Bat.— Walker (W.) Epitome of Astronomy, 1807 4i'o. 4' Svo. (6) 86 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 701 AsTfiONOMY. Wollaston (F.) Astronomical Catalogue, 1789 — "Wol- lastou on a Meridian Dial, 'presentation copy 1793 — Wollaston on a Transit Circle, 1793 — Maskelyne (N.) on a Micrometer, 1778, &c. '^to. (5) \* Respecting Astronomy see also Argoli, Astrology, Astronomical Instrimients, Bailly, Bralie, Ca^sini, Comets, Copernicus, Danti, Delambre, Galileo, Hevelius, Huygliens, Kepler, Lalande, Laplace, Magini, Monteregio, Ptolemy, Purbach, Riccioli, Sacrobosco, &c., &c. 702 Astronomical Instruments. Aboul Hassan AH, Traite des Instru- ments Astronomiques des Arabes, traduit de I'Arabe par J. J. Sedillot, et publie par L. Am. Sedillot, 2 vol. plates ^to. Paris, 1834-35 703 AsTEONOMTCAL Instetjments. Adams (Gr.) Astronomical and Geo- graphical Essays by W. Jones, plates, 1812 — Adams, Treatise on the Globes, 1810 — Bransby (J.) The Use of the Globes, Ipsivich, 1808, three cojnes Svo. 5 vol. 704 Astronomical Instruments. Astrolabii quo primi mobilis Motus deprehenduntur Canones et de Mensurationibus Eerum Tractatulus mirious woodcuts, rare Mo. s. I. Sf a. {circa 1500) Unknown to Lalande. 705 Astronomical Instruments. Belli (Silvio) Libro del Misurar con la vista, ivitli curious loooclciits, fine copy, vellum, scarce {This edition ims unhnown to Mazzuchelli, loho mentions five others') Venet. Gior- dano Ziletti, 1566 — Lupicini (A.) Discorso sopra la fabrica e uso delle nuove Verghe Astronomiche, woodcuts, Fiorenza, 1582 — Oddi (Mutio) Eabrica et Uso del Compasso Polimetro, vellum, 3Iilano, 1633 3 vols. 4ito. THE LIBEI LIBKAET. 87 THIRD DAY'S SALE. LOT 706 AsTEOKOMiCAi- Instevments. Borda (Chev. de) Description et Usage du Cercle de Reflexion avec Tables, plates, uncut, Paris, 1787 — Pearson (W.) Eeport on the Properties and Powers of a Xew 3-feet Altitude and Azimuth Circle, lately fixed at Kil worth, irresen- tation copy, 1825 — Kater (H.) Description of a Vertical floating ColYvaiaiov, plate, presentation copy, 1828 4^0. 3 tracts 707 AsTEOifOMiCAL IxsTRUMEXTS. Cavallo (T.) on the Micrometer, 1793 5 copies — Boscovich (E..G.) Sulli Cannocchiali Diotrici, Milano, scarce, 1771 — Jones (T.) on a Transit Instrument^ 1814 th'ee cojyies — Nairne's Compound Microscope, two copies — Green (W.) on Telescopes, 1778 — Eamsden's Universal Equatorial, 1791, 8w. and 4^0. ^ (14) 708 Astro]s^om:ical Is^stetjments. Dollond on the Equatorial — Shuck- burgh (Sir G.) on the Equatorial, plates, 1793— On Eamsden's Equatorial, 1791 — Smeaton (J.) on Astronomical Instruments, 1795 Ludlam (AV.) on Bird's Astronomical Instruments, 1786 — Eussell (J.) on the Selenogi'aphia, 1797 — Troughton (E.) on Astronomical Instruments, presentation copy, 1809 4fo, (7) 709 AsTEOXOMicAL IxsTErME>'TS. Dauti (E.) Prime Volume dell' Uso et Eabbrica dell' Astrolabio, et del Planisferio, tcoodcuts scarce, all published 4ito. Firenze, Giunti, 1578 Danti was the maker of the great dial at Florence. The first edition of this miconimon work was printed in 1568. The second is much enlarged, and contains, in addition, descriptions and figures of ancient Astronomical Instruments. A copy sold for 27 francs, at Paris, in 1857. In this work Danti asserts the diminution of the "Inclinatione deUa Eclittica " a?i important discovery, generally attibuted to Tycho Brahe. See also Danti in the present Catalogue. 710 AsTEO^"OMTCAL IxsTEriiEKTS. Hooke (E.) on Helioscopes, 1676, scaf'ce- -DoWond, de la Lunette Achromatique, j97«f^s — Green (W.) on Telescopes, 1778— Pattrick (T.) on an Armillary Sphere, 1802— Englefield's Transit Instrument, 1814 — Watkins, on the Azimutal, 1796— Ferguson (J.) The Mechanical Paradox, 1764— Norie (J.W.) on the Planisphserium Coeleste, 1802 8vo. (8) 711 AsTBOXOMiCAL I>'STRrME>'Ts. Lupicini (A.) Disccrso sopra la Eabrica e Uso delle nuove Verghe Astronomiche, icoodcuts 4:to. Fiorenza, Marescotti, 1582 %* Other Works on Astronomical Instruments will be found under the names of their Authors in the present Catalogue. 712 Astruc (Jean) Memoires pour servir a I'Histoire de la Eaculte de Medecine de MontpeDier, avec la biographic des medecins de cette ecole depuis le temps des Arabes, et uu grand nombre d'anciens docu- ments, i^o/'/z-rt//", calf, scarce, ^to. Paris. 1767 88 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 713 Athamante, Tragedia de gli Academic! Catentati, plate Mo. Macerata, 1579 With an autograph note at the end in the handwriting of the celebrated bibliophilist, Belisario Bulgarini, stating that this book was bought by him at Siena, in 1597, for veuti soldi. 714 Athensei DeipnosophistjB Gr. cum Prsefatione Aldi Pii Mamitii curante J. Bedroto, old red morocco, gilt edges, with tlie arms of Louis Al- pJionse I}u Plessis de Richelieio, Cardinal de Lyons, stamjied in gold on the sides Basileoe, 1535 715 Athek,^um. Catalogue of the Library of the Athenseum, with the supplement, 2 vols, half morocco royal Sw. 1845-1851 Printed for members only. 710 Athertou (Bp. John) Life and Death of, inverse, woodcut, with additional plates 4^to. London, 1641 Eeprint of an exceedingly scarce tract. John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford, was executed for an unnatural crime. 717 Atila. La Gruerra d'Atila (ingenerato d'un Cane) Plagello di Dio tratta dallo Archivo de i Principi d'Esti (scritta in Latino per Tomaso d'Aquileia dipoi traportata in Lingua Provenzale da Nicola da Casola e ridotta iu Volgare Italiano da J. M. Barbieri) A VERY SCARCE ROMANCE 4to. {Fcrrara, 1568) 718 Attila ELAGELiitTM Dei. Tradotto dalla vera Cronica per Eoeco de gli Arminesi Padoano. Ove si narra come detto Attilla fu conceputo da un Cane, & di molfce Distruttioni fatte da lui nell'Italia (in Ottava Eima) very scarce Svo. Venetia, 1603 The only editions with a date of this curious metrical romance known to Brunei (even in his last edition) are those of Venice, 1583, Treviso, 1632, and Lucca, 1763. 719 Atmosphere, &c. Pugh, sur la pesanteur de I'Atmosphere presenta- tion copy Bouen, ISOO — Meteorological Journal, 1804 — Downie (M.) on the Atmosphere, Aberdeen, 1801 — Lavoisier on Atmos- pheric Air, Warrington, 1783 — Pringle (Sir J.) on different kinds of Air, 1774 — Watt (J.) Pneumatic Apparatus, Birmingham, 1795, scarce 8vo. and 46 Atwell alias Wells (G.) Faithfull Sur\'eyor, cuts with commendatory Verses, scarce 4^0- Cambridge, IQoS This work was unknown to Lalande. 727 (Aubin) Histoire des Diables de Louduu, ou de la Possession des Eeli- gieuses Ursulines et de la Condemnation et du Supplice d'Urbam Grandier Cure de la meme Ville, frontispiece ^^If 12mo. Amst. 1752 An interestmg narration of one of the most detestable deeds of the atrocious French INIagistrate Laubardemout. 728 Aucher (P.) Compendiose Notizie sulla Congregazione dei Monaci Armeni Mechitaristi di Venezia uell' Isola di S. Lazzaro (m Arme- nian and Italian), portrait half hound 12/«o. Isola di S. Lazzaro, 1819 729 Auctores Latins Linguae in uuum redact! Corpus, cum Notis D. Gotho- £j.g^i 4tto. (GenevcB) 158o Containins the gi-ammatical works of Terentius Varro,Verrius Flaccus, Sextus Pompeius Festus, ISonius Marcellus, Fulgentius Planciades, Isidorus, &c. with several works, "De Notis unciarum, denotis numerorum, de mmutus, &c. all very interesting for the histoiy of Arithmetic. 730 Audiffredi (J. B ) Catalogus Historico-Criticus Eomanarum Editionum ^asc\Ai:iL\, plate, uncut 4^to. Romto. in one vol. The " Ausonii Epistolse Bilingues " is a tract of the greatest rarity, totally unknown to bibliographei-s. See Beloe's Anecdotes of Literature, vol. V, p. 303. The Hymns of Duchat are so scarce as to have been quite unknown to his biographer Weiss. 741 Ausonii de Ambiguitate Vitse eligendse Eidyllion illustratum Libro Commentario H. Vagetii, vellum 8vo. Hamh. 1637 Presentation copy to the French Ambassador De Vaure, with the editor's autograph inscription. 742 Austen (Ra.) Treatise of Eruit-Trees and Spirituall Use of an Orchard, 2 vol. in 1, half calf 4to. (12) 753 AuTOBiOGEAPHT. Notices sur les Travaux de E, Millon, Morin, A. d'Orbigny, Peclet, Piobert, PoiseuiUe, C. Prevost, Eayer, Eecamier, A. Velpeau, Paris, 1842, &c. privately printed 4to. in one vol. Baldi was remarkable as a Linguist, as a Mathematician, and as a Poet. 800 Baldini (Baccio) Discorso sopra la Mascherata della Geneologia degl' Iddei de' Gentili, mandata fuori dall' lllustrissimo et Eccellentissimo S, Duca di Firenze et Siena jftne copy, vellum 4to. Firenze, Giunti, 1565 "Bella e rara operetta" (Gamba.) 801 Baldini (B.) Vita di Cosimo Medici primo Gran Duca di Toscana LAEGE PAPEE, EXTEEMELY EAEE, vellum, gilt edgcs foUo. Firenzc, 1578 The existence of any copy on large paper was unknowni to Moreni and Gamba. 802 Baldinucci (F.) Notizie de' Professori del Disegno da Cimabue in qua (dal 1260 sino al 1670), 6 vol. in 5, portrait FIEST EDITION of this important worh,Jine copy in vellwm Mo. Firenze, 1681-1728 803 Baldinucci (F.) Vocabolario Toseano dell' Arte del Disegno Uo. Firenze, 1681 The edition cited by the Crusca. 804 Baldinucci (F.) Lettera nella quale risponde ad alcuni quesiti in Materia di Pittura Uo. Bonia, 1687 805 Baldinucci (F.) Eaccolta di alcuni Opuseoli sopra varie Materie di Pittura, Scultura e Arcbitettura calf extra, tvith the arms of the Earl of Bute stamped in gold on sides Uo. Firenze, 1765 806 Baldinucci (F.) Lettera intorno al modo di dar Proporzione alia Figure in Pittura a Scultura, &c. EiEST EDITION, tmcut Svo. LivoTuo, 1802 807 Baldwin (G.) Tra Opera Drammaticba preso nella Visioni di Dafni e concatenate istoricamente uell' ordine che segue, cioe, II Trioufo di Melibeo, La Cipria Silene, e La Coronazione di Silene " Scritte nell' Estasi del Sonno Magnetico," tmcut 4:to. Londra, 1811 Privately printed, and nearly all the coj^ies destroyed after Baldwm's death as waste paper. Baldwin was the dupe of a clever Italian, who, under the pretence of communications during magnetic slumbers, deluded him completely. THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 97 808 Ballard (Gr.) Memoirs of Britisli Ladies celebrated for their Learning and Scientific Skill, half calf 4ito. Oxford, 1752 A very entertaining but scarce work. Sir P. Thompson's copy sold for £1. 8s. 809 Balloons Bourgeois (D.) sur I'Art de Voler, Paris, 1784 — Kratzen- stein (C. G.) TArt de JNavigeur dans I'Air, Copenliagen, 1784 — De I'Aerostate I'Academie de Dijon, ^j?rt/f.^, Z)yo;j, 1784 — Cavallo, der Aerostatik, Leijjzig, 1786, scarce Tracts 8t>o. (4) 810 Balloons. Lunardi (V.) Aerial Voyages in Scotland, portrait, Lond. 1786 — Lunardi, Pirst Aerial Voyage in England, plate, ibid, 1784 — Thoughts on Aerostation, ibid, 1785 — Baldwin (T.) Airo^aidia, j^lates, Chester, 1786, all scarce 8vo. (4) 811 Balloons. Prescheur (F. D.) de Artificio navigandi per Aerem 4fo. Rinthelii, 1676 A very early and scarce Tract on Balloons. 812 Balloons. Eapport sur la Machine Aerostatique de Messieurs Mont- golfier, scarce 4,to. Paris, 1784 Respectmg balloons, see also Lana in the present Catalogue. 813 Bandello (M.) Eime (scritte nel Secolo XVI) tratte da un codice della Eegia Bibliotheca di Torino, da Lodovico Costa FTKST EDITION, uucut 8vo. Torino, 1816 814 Bandierae (J. N.) De Augustino Dato Libri duo scarce, tmcuf Ho. Romce, 1733 An important work for the literary history of Italy during the XVth Century. 815 Bandini (A, M.) Catalogus Codicum Manuseriptorum Bibliotheca) Medicese Laurentianse Varia continens Opera Grsecorum Patrum, 3 vol. fine portrait of Bandini, and numerous facsimiles of manu- scripts, and ancient Greek illuminations half calf folio. Florentics, 1764-70 A most important catalogue of Greek Manuscripts, admirably executed, and a model of what every librarian ought to furnish of treasures committed to his charge. Many of the works were previously unknown, and Bandini in publishing the Anecdota of the Greek Fathers conferred a great boon on hterature. 816 Bandini (A. M.) Catalogus Codicum Latinorum et Italicorum Biblio- thecfB Medicea) Laurentiana?, 5 vol. Flor entice, 1744-78 — Ejusdem Bibliotheca Leopoldina Laurentiaua sive Supplementum ad Cata- logum Codicum Graecorum, Latinorum, Italicorum, etc. Biblio- tbecae Laurentianee, 3 vol. ib. 1791-93 half calf, rough leaves folio, together 8 vol. A celebrated catalogue, containing numerous extracts from ancient Latin and Italian Manuscripts, contained in the famous JMedicean Library at Florence, and including many mathematical works ; the Supplement contains the additions from monastic libraries. A copy of these eight volumes sold for eight guineas at the Heber sale. 817 Bandini. Assemani (S. E.) Bibliothecse Mediceae Laurentiana? et Palatina? Codicum MSS. Orientalium Catalogus, cum notis A. P. G(OY\\, facsimiles of manuscripts vellum folio. Florentice, 1742 Sold for 25 francs at the De Sacy sale. 818 Bandini. Biscionii (A. M.) Catalogus Bibliotheca^ Ebraicas Gra^re Plorentinse, 2 yol facsimiles of manuscrijits uncut 8vo. Florentice, 1.757 98 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 819 Bandiui (A. M.) Specimen Literaturse Florentinse Saeculi XV, 2 vol. vellum 8vo. FlorenticE, 1747-51 Containing a life of Cristoforo Landino, which serves as the ground-work for a history of the Italian literature of his age. In it will be found many important documents respectmg the XVth Centmy. 820 Bandinii (A. M.) CoUectio veterum aliquot Monimentorum ad Histo- riam prsecipue Litterariam pertiaentium vellvm 8yo. Arreti, 1752 A valuable collection of litei-ary letters never published before, including those of Aldus Manutius, N. Machiavelli, F. Guicciardini, L. Ariosto, R. Thomson {daled London, 1599), M. Corradi, &c. 821 Baudiui (A. M.) Vita di Filippo Strozzi (con documenti inediti), port. LARGE PAPER, scarce 4to. Venetiis, 1586 Speaking of this work, Montucla says onze manieres instead of trededvi, wliich shows that he could never have seen this curious volume. Barocius, an eminent mathematician and collector of Manuscripts, was persecuted by the Inquisition. 853 Barocii (F.) Cosmograpbia, ad Magnam Ptolemaei Matbematicam Constructionem, ad universamque Astrologiam instituens, Editio Secunda, with folded Jlgi(,res and woodcuts vellum Svo. Venet. 1598 854 Barotti (Gr. A. e Lorenzo) Memorie Istoricbe di Letterati Ferraresi colla continuazione da L. Cicognara e G. Baruffaldi, 3 vols. half vellum, uncut 4ito. Ferrara, 1792 — 1811 Containing Lives of Savonarola, Boiardo, Bianchini, Tebaldeo, Ariosto, Giraldi Cinthio, Olimpia Fulvia Morati, Bentivoglio, Cabei, Riccioli (the great Astronomer), Bartoli, &c. &c. Prefixed to the third volume is an Essay on the Scientific and Literary Genius of the Ferrarese Authors. The thi'ee volumes sold for 33 francs 50 centimes at the Reina sale. 855 Barozzi da Yignola (J.) Le due Regole della Prospettiva Pratica, con i Commentarii del E. Danti, engraved title, containing portrait, and plates folio. Eoma, 1583 Gamba calls this " prima e beUisshna edizione." According to M. Chasles, iu this work is to be found the origin of the method given by Newton for transforming curbs. 856 Baeozzi da Vignola (J.) Le Due Regole della Prospettiva, con i Commentarij del E. Danti, engraved title, containing piortrait, and plates, vellum folio. Roma, 1611 857 Barozzi da Vignola (J.) Le Due Regole della Prospettiva Pratica, con i comentarij del E. Danti, flates uncut, scarce in this state folio. Roma, 1644 Cicognara pronounces this the best work on the subject. 102 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 858 Barra (P.) L'Usage de la Glace, de la Neige, et du Eroid vellwm 12mo. Li/on, 1676 859 Baeeet (J.) Alvearie, or Quadrnj)le Dictionarie, English, Latine, Greeke, aud French, newlie enriched with Varietie of Wordes, Phrases, Proverbs, &c. (English Verses prefixed) blacfe ltttev,Jiiie copy in old calf folio. London, 1580 A valuable Dictionary for the explanation of obsolete words. Prefixed is " a briefe Instruction of Arytlunetike," which on account of its rarity was unknown to Professor De Morgan, or he would jjrobably have noticed as a curiosity that in those days it was necessary to teach " a young learner in the reading of the figvires both for tlie booke and also for the Tables." At the beginning there is in the handwi'itmg of tlie celebrated Magliabechi " Donatomi dal Sig. Enrico Newton Inviato d'Inghilterra, con sei altre libri in lingua luglese ildi 17 di Ottobre 1710." 860 Barros (A.) Proverbi Morali, tradotti dal A. Adimari, col Teste Spa- gnioio a rincontro, rare, vellum 12mo. Firenze, 1622 The only edition known to MazzucheUi is that of 1659. On this curious poetical work Lope de Vega wrote the well-known lines, commencing — " Este libro es un Diamante Pequeno en la cantidad. Pero en lo que es calidad No couoce semejante." 861 Barrow (I.) Lectiones Mathematicse, 2 vol. in 1 llrno. 1684-85 862 Barrow (I.) Geometrical Lectures, loants portrait calf 8vo. London, 1735 With Sir I. Newton's corrections and emendations. 868 Barthelemy Saint Hilaire (J.) de la Logique d'Aristote, 2 vol. 8vo. Paris, 1838 A classical work on the History of Greek Philosophy. 864 Baetholini (E.) De Naturae Mirabilibus Questiones Academicse, HafnicB, 1674 — Ejusdem Experimenta Crystalli Islandici Disdia- clastici quibus mira & insolita Eefractio detegitur, ib. 1670 vellum 4ito. in one vol. The second work on Icelandic Crystal is celebrated as containing some of the first Exj)ervments on Double Refraction. 865 Bartholiuus (C.) de Ortu, Progressu et Incrementia Regise Academiae Hafniensis Mo. Wittehergce, 1645 S66 Bartholomeo Miniatore Formulario da ditare littere a ogni Persona : & arispondere a tutti con ornato parlare : & con tutte le Mansione : con alcune belle Epistole azonte blacfe Icttft, uncut, very rare in this state 8vo. s. I. ed a. (SiEC. svi.) This Bartholomeo was Illuminator of Books (Miniatore) to Ercole da Este, Duke of Ferrara, to whom he dedicates his work. 867 Bartoli (Daniello) dell' Historia della Compagnia di Gesu I'Asia, tvith a frontispiece, calf Mo. Genoua, 1656 Very important for Oriental History. 868 Bartoli (D.) Huomo di Lettere difeso et emendate, prepared for a new edition, with numerous MS. corrections and additions \2mo. Venetia, 1663 869 Bartoli (D. sotto nome finto di Ferrante Longobardi) il Torto e'l Diritto del Non si puo old citron morocco, gilt edges 12mo. Venetia, 1671 THE LIBEI LIBEART. 103 870 Bartoli (D.) Opeee, 50 vol. uncut Vlmo. Firenze, 1829-37 Bartoli wasacelebratedjesuit oftlie XVIIth Century, andliis works are regarded as very elegant compositions by the Italians. The " Istoria della Compagnia di Gesu dell' Inghilterra," as well as his Histories of the Jesuits in China, Japan, Asia, Italy, »S:c. and his Lives of the Founder and other celebrated Members of tlie Society, all wi-itten from original documents, will always meet witli admu'ers. This edition contains the following works : — Istoria della Compagnia di Gesu della Cina, 8 vol. — dell' Italia, 4 vol. — Vita di S. Ignazio, 4 vol.— Storia del Giappone, 9 vol. — Storia dell' Asia, 6 vol. — Storia dell' Inghilterra e Missione al Gran Mogor, 6 vol. — Vita del P. Niccolo Zucchi, 1 vol. — Vita di S. Francesco Borgia e le due Etemita deU' Uomo, 2 vol. — Vita del P. Vincenzo Carafa, 1 vol. — Vita di S. Stanislao Kostka, 1 vol. — L'Eternita cousigliera, 1 vol. — L'Uomo di Letters difeso ed emendato, 1 vol. — L'Uomo in Punto di Morte, 2 vol. — Delle Grandczze di Cristo, 3 vol. ; and dell' Ortografia Italiana, 1 vol. 871 Bartoli (D.) contra i Quietisti llmo. Parma, 1832 872 Bartoli (D.) Lettere inedite e rare, con altre del Lana e del Casati raccolte da Ottavio Gigli Svo, Soma, 1838 A privately printed volume, containing much information respecting the scientitic labours of the Jesuits during the XVIIth Century. Bartoli, so well kno-n-n as a -writer, was also an astronomer and a savant. In one of his letters (dated 1677), Casati in some measure anticipates the discoveries of Chladny on the plaques vihrantes, and speaks of a Dutch singer who by his voice was able to break a tumbler. 873 Bartoli (Gr.) Degli element! del parlar Toscano Tratatto 4do. Fiorenza, Criunti, 1584 A scarce work (See Gamha). 874 Bartolini (Conte A.) Saggio Epistolare sopra la Tipografia del Priuli nel Secolo XV in the original richly ornamented binding, gilt edges 4:to. JJdine, 1798 875 Bartolini (G. F.) della futiira rinovazioni de Cieli e della Terra e de suoi Abitatori, uncut 4ito. Stamperia Bondiicciana, 1780 A most extraordinary work, which seems to have anticipated the whole of the dreams of Fourierism respecting the future conditions of our globe. 876 Bartolini (GTiovanni) Breve Annotationi nelli dui Almanachi di F. Cocanaro dell' Anno 1608 e 1609, et alcuni Presaggi (delle mutazioni del tempo), toith the Borghese arms emblazoned in gold and colours 4:to. Bologna, 1610 Unknown to MazzucheUi and Lalande. 877 Bartolini (G.) Discorso Astrologico delle Mutationi de' Tempi, col Pronostico dell' Anno e dell' EcHsse Lunare, Soma, 1611 — Zoboli (A.) Discorso Astrologico deUe Mutationi de' Tempi et de' piu notabili Accidenti sopra il presenfce Anno 1615, Bologna, 1615 — ■ Eota da Montereggio (B.) Lunario e Pronostico delle quattro Stagioni dell' Anno 1625, Firenze, 1624 — Eotilenzi (A.) Discorsi Astrologici nell' Occasione dell' Anno 1628, con le Lunazioni e Pronostici dell' Anno, Firenze, 1627 — Eontini (C.) Lunazioni dell' Anno 1630 e 1631, con i Pronostici di esse, Fiorenza, 1629-31 — Eivey (P.) Almanacbo per anni undici futuri (1629-1639), eon notabili Predizioni, ivi, 1633 — Eotilenzi (A.) Discorsi Astrologici, Lunazioni e Pronostici sopra I'Anuo 1635, ivi, 1635, cuts vellum in one vol. 4:to. A very curious collection of rare Pieces, all unknown to Ijalande. 101 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 878 Bartolomeo Romano, Proteo Militare, con I'Arte del Navigare, plates and woodcuts, ivitli xyJograpliic inscriptions 4:to. Napoli, 1595 This scai'ce work, containing mucli information respecting astronomy and the fine arts, with curious plates of perspective, was imknown both to Lalaude and Cicognara. 879 Bartolomeo Saluthio (F.) Vita dell' Anima desiderosa di cavar frutto grande dalla S. Passione di Giesu Christo (in ottava Rima), 36 7ieat engravings illustrating the Life of Christ scarce, vellum, unJcnown to Cicognara square Svo. JRoma, 1615 880 Bartolommeo da S. Concordio (F.) Ammaestrameuti degli Antichi Latini e Toscaui, raccolti, e volgarizzati (uel secolo XIV) vellum, best edition qtooted hy the Crusca 4ito. Firenze, 1734 881 Bartschii (J.) Planisphaerium Stellatum, cui adjcctse sunt Ephemerides V Planetamin ab Aimo M.D.C.LXII. ad M.D.C.LXXXVI. Opera et Studio A. Goldmayeri Mo. Norimhergce, (1661) 882 Baruffaldi (Gr.) Baccanali, con le dichiarazioni d'alcuni Vocaboli oscuri fne copy in " veaufauve,^'' hy Derome 8t'0. Venezia, 1722 883 Baruffaldi (O.) e Gr. B. Spoh^erini, Poemi Georgici del secolo XVIII, 'vignettes, uncut, 12??w. Venezia, 1790 — Maggi (C. M.) Scelta di alcune Rime Saere e Profane, uncut, Pisa, 1793 — Grozzi (Gr.) Sermoni, Syo. Brescia, 1808 — Pignotti (L.) Favole e Novelle, la Tomba di Shakespear, etc, calf, 12mo. Bassano, 1789 — Lorenzini (F.) Poesie, Svo. Napoli 1744 — Ferroui (S.) Poesie, aggiunti alcuni Sonetti di Gr. Roveda, Codogno, 1814 (6) 884 Baruffaldi (Gr.) Vita di L. Avio^to, fine portrait LARGE PAPER, vellum 4lates, original and scarce edition of a celehrated loorlc, ^to. Plorentice, 1662 — Bellini (L.) Gustus Organum, vellum, 12mo. Bononice, 1665 — Eectorius (L.) de Lapidis Eenum ac Vesicse AiFectus Curatione, tooodcut portrait in titlepage; prefixed is an Italian Sonnet by Carlo Dati, 4^T.n OK B..E P.PEK (Carta a.zurrina) pbob.b.x ^WB, ^^,^ want my 5 leaves at end ^'" ' 937 Beaibo. Delle Lettere da diversi Ee et Principi, et Cardinali et altn 937 ^™^^^.^. ^^^^. ^ ^^^^3 p. Bembo primo Volume Svo. J enetia, 1560 Amon-st these letters are those of Paolo Manutio, Pietro Aretmo, Ludovico 5Sosto B. Tasso, B. Varchi, &c. This rare volume i. a necessaiy Sup- plement to the Aldine Edition of Cardmal Bembo's Lettere, m 4 vol. 938 Bembo (P.) Prose, ..ryr«r.,..ZZem Svo- /^^l^^^'^' ^f ^ Bembo (P.) le Prose, stained, vellum Svo. tb. Comvn da Trmo, 1544 Bembo (P.) Eime, vellum 12-- ^-^y-' ^^^ Bembo (P.) Epistol^ Leonis decimi Pont. Max, nomine scripta.. Item Epistol4 ad Longolium, Bud^eum Erasmumque, et Benacus calf 8fo. Luyduni,T.PayanusproJ.amnta,15^0 Containing his letters to Henry VIIl, Kaphael, Lorenzo de'Medici, Ariosto, &c. ■ Bembo (P.) Lettere a sommi Pontefici a Cardinali et ad altri Signori et Persone Ecclesiastiche scritte, 4 vol. in 2 . ^ „ . i ron reisone x.clib Venetia, F. Sansovmo, 1560 rare, calf ' , The fourth volume contains the "Lettere a Prencipesse et Signore et altre gentili Donne scritte." -,. i . li. • Bembo (P.) Lettere da diverse Ee, et Principi, et Cardinale et altri Huomini dotti a M. Pietro Bembo scritte Pnmo Volume xruoiumi uuu g^^ Yenetia, Sansovmo, 1500 Amongst these letters is one from Paolo Manutio. 110 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 939 Bembo (P.) Le Prose cou le Griunte di L. Castelvetro, 2 vol. in 1 vellum ^to. Napoli, 1714 Gamba informs us that for tliis " pregevole edizione " we are indebted to 0. I. Vitaliano, who has corrected the numerous errors of former editors, and added, as notes below the text, the severe " Giunte del Castelvetro " in italic letters. 940 Bembo (P.) Opera collecta ab C. A. Curione old stamped pigskin, loith clasp Svo. Sasilece, 1567 A specimen of the binding of the period, having portraits of Luther and Me • lanchthon, with inscriptions, stamped on the obverse and reverse of cover. The initials of the first owner H. S. H., with the date 1569, is also im- pressed on the binding. 941 Benacci (Gr.) Storia Civile, Ecclesiastica e Letteraria della Citta d' Imola, 4 vol. onap, portraits, and 2>lates FINE PAPER, rare, old green morocco, gilt edges 4to. Imola, 1810 The fourth volume contains the biographies of the celebrated men of Imola. 942 Benci (S.) Storia della Citta di Montepulciano LARGE PAPER, portrait of^orsenna, vellum, gilt edges Mo. Fiorenza, 1641 The existence of any copy on large paper was unknown to Moreni. This copy contains marginal annotations evidently written by the autJwr himself. 943 Benedictiokes Pontieicales. Exaravit et pinxit Carolus Defer Anno 1748 Manuscript, written in imitation of printing, hy the calligrapTiist C. Defer, who has ornamented the volume with numerous drawings of flotoers, initial letters, Sfc. executed in water-colours, hound in red velvet folio. SiEC. xviii (1748) This splendid manuscript was executed for Henry Bennet Stuart Cardinal OF York, son of James III, better known as " the old Pretender." His arms, richly emblazoned in gold and colours, are on the Titlepage. 944 Benedict! Annianse Abbatis (S.) Concordia Eegularum, nunc primum edita, notisque et observationibus illustrata ab Hugone Menardo, 2 vol. vellum Mo. Paris, 1638 945 Benedicti (A.) Collectiones Medicinse 4to. Colonia, 1630 Contaming much valuable information respecting England. 955 Bentivoglio (Card.) Eaccolta di Lettere in Tempo delle sue Nuntia- ture di Eiandra e di Erancia, calf gilt 8ro. Boma, 1647 Containing his letters to John Barclay, Sir Toby Matthews, &c. 956 Bentivogli (Card.) Memorie overo Diario, Svo. Amst. 1648— Bentivoglio (Card.) della Guerra di Eiandra, Uo. 3 vol. in 1, Venetia, 1645 — Bentivoglio (Card.) Eelationi, vellum, Svo. Brusselles, 1632 (3) The author accuses Queen Elizabeth of fomenting rebellion in the Netherlands, in order to secure her own Dominion and to weaken Spain. 957 Berard (S.) Essai Bibliograpbique sur les Editions des Elzevirs les plus precieuses et les plus recberchees, precede d'une JSTotice sur ces Imprimeurs celebres par M. Adry Svo. Faris, 1822 958 Berardi (Car. de) Catalogo dell' Archivio scielto della Casa Eeale Stuaet esistente in Eoma 1839 Mantsceipt folio. Boma, 1839 An important document respecting the exiled Stuarts. 959 Bee&amo. Calvi (D.) Scena Letteraria de gli Scrittori Bergamascbi, numerous portraits, hy Pieteo Michielli very scarce, vellum 4to. London (1812) In the Bija Ganita are rules for the solution of mdeterminate problems and various propositions, supposed to have been invented by Bachet de Meziriac, Fermat, Euler, and La Grange, but evidently known long previously to Oriental mathematicians. Sold for 40 francs in 1857. See Brunet (edition of 1860.) 1034 Billy (Jacques de) Six Livres (en Vers) du second Advenement de Nostra Seigneur, avec un Traicte de S. Basile du Jugement de Dieu et plus les Quatrains sententieux de S. Gregoire de Nazianze, avec une breve et familiere Exposition scarce, vellum Svo. Paris, 1576 1035 Billy (Jacobi de) Nova Geometriso Clavis Algebra, numerous diagrams, autograph of Isaac Dalby, the mathematician 4 et Carmina Latina et Italica. Item Pauli Jovii Descriptio Lacus Larii, procurante A. M. Durini Arcbiepiscopo Ancyrano, portrait, calf 8vo. Avenione, 1776 The Larius is an exquisite description of the Lake of Como. The Italian poem, entitled " La Caduta de Longobardi," contains also much relating to the same lake. 136 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1161 Bologna. Alidosi (Gio. Nicolo Pasquali) Li Eiformatori dello Stato di Libertci della Citta di Bologna (1466-1614) descritti sotto le loro Famiglie, coats of arms, Bologna, 1614 — I Sommi Pontefici, Cardinal!, Patriarclii, Arcivescovi e Vescovi Bolognesi (270-1621) del medesimo, coats of arms, ivi. 1621 — Li Canonici della Chiesa (1014-1616) del medesimo, ivi. 1616— Li Cavalieri Bolognesi di tutte le Eeligioni et Ordini sino all' anno 1616 del medesimo, ivi. 1616— Li Confalonieri di Giustitia (1321-27 e 1376-1616) per lo stesso, ivi. 1616— Li Confalonieri del Popolo (1512-1580) per lo stesso, ivi. 1616 — Libro quinto delli Autiani, Consoli e Confa- lonieri di Giustitia (1456-1530) del medesimo, ivi. 1621 — Libro terzo de gli Antiani e Consoli del Popolo e Comune di Bologna (1350-1375) del medesimo, ivi. 1614 — Li Proconsoli e Correttori di Notari sino 1610 per lo stesso, ivi. 1616 TERT SCAECE, vellum 4to. Bassano, 1784-95 A very important -work, containing nearly 800 ancient documents from the Vlllth to the Xlllth century. 1184- Bologna. Statuta almi efc perinsignis Collegli majoris S. dementis Hispanorura Bononia? couditi, Bononice, 1648 — Ceremonias j Cos- tumbres usadas y guardadas, y que se deven usar y guardar en este insigne Colegio Mayor de S. Clemente de los Espafioles de Bolonio, Bologna, 16C0 — Sepulvedre (J. G.) Historia ^gidiana (de Bello in Italia ab ^gidio Albornotio Card. Collegii S. de- mentis Fundatore confeeto), stained, ih. 1628 folio, in one vol. The Ceremonias printed in Spanish at Bologna are very scarce. 1185 Bologna. Trombelli (Gr. Gris.) Memorie Istoriche concernenti le due Canouiche di S. Maria di Eeno, e di S. Salvatore insieme unite, plates and facsimiles, uncut 4>to. Bologna, 1752 An important work on the local history of Bologna. In the appendix, amongst other documents of the Xlth century, is a valuable ancient Necrologio Renano. 1186 Bologna. Vizani (Pompeo) Diece Libri delle Ilistorie di Bologna 4/0. Bologna, G. Rossi, 1596 First and rarest edition, containing, especially in the sixth book, in which the Author (termed by Orlandi " famoso e classico Scrittore ") treats of the Bentivoglio Family, many passages suppressed or considerably altered in all succeedmg ones. 1187 Bolton (Mr.) Autograph Diaet from Oct. 4th, 1775, to Sept. 27th, 1779 4^0. A most interesting diary by Mr. Bolton, a mathematician, who was taken after being teacher at Kimbolton Free School 11 years 7 months 13 days, to be tutor to the Duke of Manchester's children, and to supermtend the Architecture on the estate. From occasional memoranda, such as " Lady Caroline Herbert gave me a guinea for three lessons"; "The Duchess began to read Sir Isaac Newton's Optics"; "Wrote the Duchess a Cata- logue of my Books "; " Explained to the Duchess the nature of Vision by an artificial eye"; " Made John Corley's Will"; Drew Plan of Honeyhill Wood Lawn"; "The Duke and Duchess, with all the Company drank Tea at Stoughton (his Residence)"; " Observed a fine total Eclipse of the Moon with the Duchess"; "Worked at the Dial"; " Dined at the Castle"; " Edmund Burke came ;" it is clear that thewriter was highly esteemed not only by the Duke and Duchess but also by other visitors at the Castle. 1188 Bonamici (C.) Commentarii de Bello Italico, 2 vol. calf 4:to. Lngd. Bat. 1750 An interesting work relating the " Cacciata dei Tedeschi da Genova " in the year 1746. 1189 Bonamici (F.) De Motu Libri X half pigskin folio. Florentia?, 1591 An immense work, containing much information respecting the history of Italian Science. The Author explains at length the theory of Copernicus. 1190 Bonanni (P.) Observationes circa Yiventia quae in Eebus non viven- tibus reperiuntur cum Micrographia curiosa, numerous plates vellum 4/0. Homes, 1691 THE LIBEI LIBRARY. 139 1191 BoNABDO Eeatteggiano (Or. M.) La Grandezza, Larghezza e Dis- tanza di tutte le Sfere ridotte a nostre Miglia con alcune chiare Annotationi di L. Groto Cieco di Hadria, woodcut portraits of Bonardo and Groto, vellum ^vo. Venetia, 1584 A scarce and very curious work unknown to Lalande. L. Groto, a blind man, generally* known for his dramatic and otlier literary productions, shows here in his annotations to Bonardo a truly scientiiic character. He speaks of Colombo and his discoveries, he considers the etoiles filantes as small comets, he says that the earth is suspended by magnetic force in space ■without any support, like the coffin of Mohammed, etc. 1192 Bonarelli (Conte P.) La Fidalma e I'lmeneo vellum 12mo. JBologna, 1649 Bonarelli dellaEovere (Conte Guidubaldo) Discorsi in Difesa del doppio Amore della sua Celia, red velvet, gilt edges 4'^8 Borellii (J A.) Theories Mediceoruin Planetarum ex Causis Physicis dedactx, plates ^to. Florentice, IGGQ BoreUi has endeavoured to deduce from the observations of Hodieraa the movements of Jupiter's SatelUtes, and for this purpose has used the prm- ciples of the Law of Attraction, as afterwards promulgated by Sur Isaac Newton. 1''29 Borelli (J. A.) De Yi Percussionis Liber, with plates, Bononice, 1667— Ejusdem Historia et Meteorologia Incendii ^Etn?ei anni 1669. Accessit Eespousio ad censuras Honorati Fabri contra librum Auctoris de Yi Percussionis, tcith a plate representing an eruption of Mount jEtna, Reqio Julio, 1670 a collection of scarce works ^^o. in one vol. With the autograph of the celebrated mathematician Varignon. Tn/his volume we find the first edition of the " Liber de vi Percussionis. A celebrated mathematician (Baron Plana) has proved in the Meimires ot the Academy of Tm-m that in this work Borelli published the discovery ot the " Loi du choc des corps durs." 1230 Borelli (J A ) de Motionibus naturalibus a Gravitate pendentibus lAhev, vellum ^to. Reg io Julio, IQIO Fu-st edition of a celebrated work, contaming interesting inquii-ies on Capillary Attraction, the weight of the air, &c. 1231 Borelli (J. A.) Historia et Meteorologia Incendii ^tnsei Anni 1669. Accessit Eesponsio ad Censuras H. Pabri contra Librum Auctoris de Yi Percussionis, plate, scarce ^to. Begw Julio, 1670 1232 Borelli. Apollonii Pergjei Elementa Conica et Arcbimedis Opera nova & breviori Methodo demonstrata a J. A. Borellio, plates very scarce, vellum 12«iO- Homa, 1679 1233 BoreUi (J. A.) de Motu Animalium, 2 vol. plates 4ito. Bomrz, 1680-81 First edition of a celebrated work written by the author when almost reduced to mendicity, in the last year of his life at Rome, and published alter his death From a prefatory lile of BoreUi we see that in teaching astronomy he was induced to sav, " Ita Sancta docet Ecclesia, ita credendum (de sistematibus). See also ApoUonius, Galilei, etc. in the present Catalogue. 1234 Borelli (P.) Historiarum et] Observationum medico-pbysicarum Centui'iae II, 2 vol. in 1 . , .„ . . n -.^eo ^elJum 12mo. Casiris (Alhtensium) 1653 Dr. Cotton was not aware of any work prmted in this place. 1235 Borellus (P.) de vero Telescopii Inventore cum brevi omnium Conspi- ciliorum Historia et Centuria Observationum Microcsopicarum, 3 nsLrtsinl, fine portraits and plates _ ,^kk ^« an interesting icork 4:to. Saga-Comitum, 1655-o6 1236 Borgarucci (P.) La Fabrica de gli Spetiali (coUa maniere di fare con- serve, conditi, etc.) vellum ^to. Venetia, 1567 1237 Borgbini (Eaffaello) II Eiposo (pubblicato da A. M. Biscioni), with vignettes, uncut 4^o. Firenze, 1730 Best edition (cited by the Crusca) of an important work respecting the history of the fine arts. 144 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 1238 Borgliini (V.) Discorsi col Trattato della Chiesa e Vescovi Fiorentini, 3 vol. in 2, 'portrait and woodcuts of arms, ^c. PIRST EDITION 4ito. Fiorenza, Oiunti, 1584-85 This edition of a most important work for the histoi'y of Florence is cited by the Crusca, and is so rare, that even in 1688, Redi, ■writing to his friend G. Taletta, observes, " Non mi e stato possibile il trovar la seconda parte de' Discorsi del Borgliini ; questo libro 6 diventato qui piu che rarissimo." 1239 Borgliini (V.) Discorso intorno al Modo di far gli Alberi delle Eami- glie Nobili Eiorentine (pubblicato dal Can. Moreni) LARGE PAPER, tmcut 4ito. Fircnze, 1821 1240 BoRaoGNi (Grherardo) La Eonte del Diporto, Dialogo, nel quale si raccontano alcuni bellissimi e morali avenimenti, e si leggono nuove, e diverse poesie, e altre materie curiose vellwn, from the Colonna Library/ 4:to. Bergamo, per Comin Ventura, 1598 Fii'st edition, termed by Gamba and Brunet " belle et rare." This ciu"ious work contains ten Novelle. 1241 Borlase (W.) Natural History of Cornwall and of the Inhabitants, their Manners, Customs, Plays or Interludes, Exercises and Fes- tivals ; the Cornish Language, Trade, Tenures and Arts, map and plates, calf folio. Oxford, 1758 1242 Borlase (W.) Antiquities of Cornwall, with a Vocabulary op the Cornu-British Language, map and plates BEST EDITION, uncut, scarcc folio. London, 1769 1243 Borra (Luigi) Aniorose E,ime, with woodcut portrait on the titlepage, having beneath it fetters, with the inscription ^^ In comp>edibus ferreis ferpetuo^'' 'EiA.ViE.,fne copy, vellum 4to. Brescia, M. Marchetti, 1585 1301 Brescia. Fayni (B.) Catalogi quatuor Compendiarii S. Brixianse Ecclesiae : I, Episcoporum in Sede Brixiana : II, Cardinalium, et Episcoporura in alienis Sedibus Brixisensium : III, Yicariorum: et IV, Ecclesiarum omnium Brixianaj Sedis uncut, scarce in this state, half vellum 4to. Brixice, 1658 1302 Brescia. Gradonici (I. H.) Pontificum Brixianorum Series Com- mentario Historico illustrata. Accedit Codicum MSS. Elenchus in Archive Brixianae Cathedralis asservatorum vellum 4ito. Brixice, 1755 1303 Brescia. JNIanelmi (E.) Commentariolum de Obsidione Brixise, A. D. 1438, cum jS^otis J. A. Astezati, vellum 4:to. Brixice, 1728 At the end is bound up the " Difesa di tre Documenti antichi accusati di falso, " by Astezati. 1304 Brescia. Martiuengo (A.) Vite de' gloriosi Santi Martiri Faustino et Giovita et di Sant' Affra, et d' altri Santi Bresciani, Aldine anchor on titlepage ^vo. Brescia, 1602 1305 Brescia. Eossi (0.) le Memorie Bresciane Opera historica e simbolica, riveduta da F. Vinacessi, frontispiece portrait and woodcuts of antiquities, ^c. vellum Mo. Brescia, 1693 1306 Breviarium Alexandrinorum, Arabice Manuscript, finely written 8yo. 1307 Breviarium Monasticum pro omnibus sub Eegula S. P. Benedicti militantibus (cum Hymnis novis et Officiis).^«e copy in the original red morocco, gilt edges, with clasps, having the sides and back ornamented tcith gold tooling 8vo. Paris, 1652 1308 Beetdenbach (Berhard von) Die Fart oder Eeyz zu dem heyligen Grab gen Iherusalem auch zu der heyligen Junckfrawen Sant Kather- iuen Grab auf dem Berg Synai tilacfe letter, tvoodcuts, very fine copy, stamped vellum, ivitli clasp folio. Augsburg, durch Antonio Sorgen, 1488 1309 Bridges (M.) Catalogue de sa Bibliotbeque, manuscript prices, scarce 8vo. Londres, 1725 Amongst the MSS. were a Lucian in Uncial letters ; Henry Vllth's Misssal, with his autograph ; Horatius, Juvenalis et Persius, from the Library of IMatthias Corvinus, King of Hungary. The prices are curious, e.g. the Ariosto of 1516 sold for ten shillings. 154 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1310 Bridges (J.) Catalogua Librorum, cum Appendice Manuscriptorum LABGE VKS'E.R, frontispiece, scarce royal 8yo. Lond. 1725 1311 Briggii (H.) et H. Gellibraudi Trigonometria Britanica : sive Doc- trina Triangulorum Lib. II, calf gilt folio. GoudcE, 1633 In this new edition of Brigges, the Logarithms of Sinus have fifteeen numerical figures. 1312 Brigitse (S.)Eevelationum Excerpta Onus Mundi intitulata very rare, fine copy, calf 4:fo. RomcB, E. FrancTc, 1485 Orlandi mentions this edition, but Audifredi and Laire contradict him flatly, and agree that it must be regarded as apocryphal. The present copy however proves not only that the infallible Pundits were mistaken, but that Orlandi was correct. 1313 Bristol. Briefe Relation of a most liellisli Plot against Bristol! 4^0. London, 1642 1314 British Museum. List of Additions (of manuscripts, printed books, natural history, antiquities, etc.) in 1835, ^mcut royal 8vo. 1839 1315 Brocchi (Gr. M.) Descrizione della Provincia del Mugello con una antica Cronica per Ser Lorenzo di Ser Tnno da Lutiano della Nobil Eamiglia da Lutiano creduta di Consorteria degli Ubaldini Signori di Mugello con alcune Annotazioni, 7nap vellum ^to. Mrenze, 1748 Moreni pronounces this work " rara." The contemporary chronicle extends from 13GG to 1408, and is illustrated with valuable notes by Brocchi. 1316 Brocbard (M.) Musaeum selectum sive Catalogus librorum viri clariss. M. Brocbard, cum indice auctorum alphabetico, priced 8vo. Parisiis, VI 2d Witli curious prices of the most rare ancient French books. 1317 Bi'ockett (J. T.) Catalogue of bis Valuable Collection of Coins and Medals, interleaved, with prices and Names in 3IS. liaJfrussia ^ 8vo. 1823 1318 Broen (Marcus Jacobus) Excidium Hierosolymas (Carmen) autograph MS 4to. Venezia, per O.da 3Ionfera, 1518 The metrical Romance of Sir Bevis of Southampton. The only copy of this edition known to Count Melzi was that m his own possession. 1376 Buovo d'Antona (Sir Bevis of Southampton) nel quale si tratta delle Battaglie & gran fatti cbe lui fece e della sua Morte (XXII Cauti in ottava Eima), 12mo. Milano, per P. Malatesta, s. a. — Civeri (G. P.) Quattro Canti di Eicciardetto innamorato, con gli Argo- menti & Allegoric alle sue Figure di M. Cipriano Fortebraccio (in ottava Rima), woodcuts, etest edition, scarce, wormed, sold with all faults, ^vo. Venetia, 1595 — Varchi (B.) Sonetti, wants title-page, vellum, Svo. Venetia, 1555 — Satire del Menzini, MS. titlepage, uncut, Svo. s. I. Sf a. (4) 1377 Burcbelati (B.) Commentariorum Memorabilium Multiplieis Hystoriae Tarvisinas Locuples Promptuariura, looodcuts calf 4ito. Tarvisii, 1616 A very scarce and curious work, including many poetical Elogia addressed to the Author, with his Answers. Amongst the nobility of Treviso will be found the Family De Bonaparte. 1378 BuELESQUE Poetry. Lalli (G. B.) Rime giocose, Mligno, 1634 — Ariosto (L.) Rime, ivants title, Vinegia, 1559, vellum, 12mo. in one vol. — Lalli (Gr. B.) Moscbeide overo Domiziano il Moscbicida, Poema, 12mo. Milano, 1626^ — Boccbini (Bartolomeo) Le Pazzie de' Savi, overo il Lambertaccio, Poema Tragicoeroicomico, vellum, 12mo. Venet. 1641 — II Cacatoio, Le Lodi sopra, a portion oftlie two last Sonnets torn off, rare, 4nented sides folio. Oliva Roberti Sfephani, 1557 THE LIBKI LIEEAET. 165 l-il6 Calviniaxi. Vte victis Lusxis Elietorum Advaticorum advei-sus Leydenses Eructationes Munerario Godefrido Yrancken (iu prose and verse), Excudebat Mecastor Aedrpol, 1609 — Couspicilia Bata- vica Brillen Brillen pro Doctoribus Yallis Umbrosse per Gom- niarum Muysenbol, cut of Spectacles, Excudebat Arminius Bock- Iwrinc sumptibus Jani Ruytgersii, s. a. — Tirgse L. Scblaaffio Baudei ■ Gnomis Eacem prteluceuti a Gerardo Eligii Ebetoricas Studioso transmissje, Palceopoli Advaticoruiu, 1C08 — Catecbismus Calvi- nisticus, a very rare Parody, Excudebat Flancius vanden Bogaerd Anno 1609 — Serarii (X.) de Catbolicorum cum Hsereticis Matri- moniff Qufestiones, Colonice, 1G09 ; vellwn Svo. in one vol. The rare satirical pieces in this curious volume -were probably from the pen of C. Scribani, the author of the Amphitheatriun Honoris under the Pseu- donyme of Clarus Bonarschius. The Coiisjncilia is a curious play in Latin and Dutch. The Catcdiismns contains a poem against the whole of the Engbsh reformers, which begins by " Qua? meretrix scurrilior — Anna Bolena vDior," etc. The Vce victis contains several Odce, one on the Infandi wnores of Jesuits, and others relatuig to their actions iu America (Florida, Brazil, &c.) 1417 CAiIDE:^f Society's Publications from 1S39 to 1853 inclusive, 50 volumes, cloth lettered lb39-53 This valuable collection contains— Political Songs of England from John to Henry 11— Hayward's Annals of Eli^ibeth— Ecclesiastical Documents (I-Iistory of the Bisboprick of Somerset to 1174 and Charters from Cox IMacro's Library)— Norton's Description of Essex— Warkworth's Chronicle of Edward IV — Kemp's Nine Dales wonder— Egerton Papers— Cln-onica Joceliui de Brakelonda — Narratives of Contests in Ireland in 1641 and 1690 — -Willelmi de Rishanger Chronicou— Latin Poems of Walter Mapes, with Translations and Imitations, and his work De Nugis Curialium, 2 vol. — Travels of Nicander Nucius in Greek and English — Proceedings against Dame Abce Kyterler for Sorcery iu 1324— Promptorium Pal-vulorum, 2 vol. circa 1440— Letters relating to the Suppression of Monasteries — Leycester Correspondence, 1585-86— Chroniques de London from Hen. Ill to Edward III— Polydore YergU's History of England from Hen. YI to Eichard III — Thornton's Collection of early English Romances of Per- ceval, Isumbras, I^glamour and Degi-evant— Yerney's Notes of the Long Parliament— Autobiography of Sir John Braniston— Correspondence of the Duke of Perth— Liber de Antiquis Legibus, 1178-1274— Chronicle of Calais from 1485 to 1540— Polydore Yergil's History prior to the Northern Conquest — Italian Relation of England under Hen. YII, Italian and En- glish—Documents relative to the Church of Middleliam — Camden Mis- cellany, 2 vol. — Life of Lord Grey of Wilton— Diary of "Waher Yonge, 1604-1628— Diary of Henry Macliin, 1550-53— Huntingdon Yisitation| 1613— Obituary of Richard Smyth, 1627-74— Twysden on tlie Government of England— Letters of Ebzabeth and James YI— Chronicou Petroburgense — Chronicle of Queen Jane and Queen Mai-\' — Bury Wills and Inventories Pylgrymage of Sir Richard Guylford to the Holy Land, 1506— Secret Ser^-ices of Charles II and James II — Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London. 1418 [Camerini (F.)] Esame di quanto ba scritto il S. Abbate F. Mariani intorno a' Camerti Umbri mentovati daLivio di Filetimo Adiaforo (F. Camerini) Peruyia, 1739 1419 Cameeino. Lilii (C.) Historia di Camerino, 2 parts iu 1 vellum 4to. {Macerata, 1652) Probably one of the rarest books in existence, no perfect copy being known, having been rigidly suppressed, on account of the injurious libels 166 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF contained therein. The present is one of the most perfect known, as it wants only besides the titles, pages 219 to 224, and after page 25G in the first part, being the leaves deficient in every copy recorded, and of which no trace has hitherto ever been discovered. Besides these imperfections the generality of copies are defective of several sheets in the second part, but such is not the case in the present. 1420 Camerino (J.) Novelas Amorosas rare, fine cojjy 4ito. Madrid, 2^ or Tomas Junti, 1624 Interspersed with Poetry. A curious instance of Spanish written by an Italian born at Fano. Amongst the commendatory verses prefixed are poems by Lope de Vega, Guillen de Castro, A. Lop^z de Cuellar, N. Strozzi (in ItaHan) J, Euiz de Alarcon y Mendoza, &c. 1420* Campailla (T.) L' Adamo ovvero il Mondo create Poema filosofico folio. Roma, 1737 The notes and additions at the end are very important for the scientific history of Italy. 1421 Campanellae (T.) Astrologicorum Libri VII, Francofiirti, 1630 — Ejusdem Apologia pro Galileo, ib. 1622 — Ejusdem Prodromus Philosopliise id est Dissertatiouis de Natura lierum Compendium, ib. 1617, vellum 4ito. in one vol. The seventh book of the Astrologica, which treats " deFato Syderali vitando," is not in the former edition. The " Apologia pro Galileo" is one of the rarest of this celebrated author's works. 1422 Campanellae (T.)Atheismiis Triumphatus seu Eeductio ad Eeligionem per Scientiarum Veritates, vellum, very scarce 4ito. ItomcB, ajjud hceredem Barthol. Zannetti, 1631 1433 Campanella (T.) Atheismus Triumphatus, de Gentilismo non reti- nendo, de Prfedestiuatione & Eeprobatione & Auxiliis Divinaj Grratise Cento Thomisticus (cum appendice_^contra Macbiavellum) vellmii ito. JParisiis, 1636 In this work the celebrated author inveighs against Machiavelli because in his political aphoi'isms he has not taken into consideration " Coelum et Sydera." 1424 Campanellce (T.) De Sensu Eerum et Magia Libri IV vellum 4ito. Paris, 1637 1425 CAMPAi!^ELLiE (T.) PhilosopHse Eationalis Partes quinque, 4 vol. in 1 vellum 4ito. Paris, 1638 This scarce and original edition contains numerous AUTOGRAPH alterations and annotations by the author himself in his well-known coarse handwriting. 1426 Campanellse (Tho.) De Libris propriis et recta Eatione studendi Syn- tagma, scarce, Parisiis, 1642 — Aretinus (L.) de Studii et Literia ex Bibliotheca Gr. Naudasi, ib. 1642 Sw. in one vol. The whole of the original editions of the works of the celebrated Campanella are of great rarity. The author was jiut seven times to the torture, and imprisoned for twenty-seven years. |427 Campanella (T.) Opere Scelte (colle Poesie filosofiche) ordinate ed annotate da A. D'Ancona col Discorso sulla Vita e le Dottriue deir Autore, 2 vol. \2mo. Torino, 1854 Presentation copy, with the editor's autograph inscription. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 167 1428 Oampaxella.. Naudaji (Gr.) Panegyricus dictus Urbauo VIII, Pont. Max. ob Beneficia ab ipso iu M. Thorn. Campanellam collata scarce, vellum, ex dono auctoris (see note at the end) ^vo. JParisiis, 1644 1429 Campanella. Cypriani (E. S.) Vita Th. Campanella;. Accedunt hac secuuda editioue Appendices IV doctorum A'irorum de Campa- nella? Vita, Philosophia et Libi'is Schediasmata complectentes scarce Svo. • Amstelodami, 1722 1430 Campanella. Baldaccbini (M.) VitaeEilosofia di Tommaso Campanella presentation copy, with the author s autograph inscription Svo. JSfapoli, 1840 This mteresting biography is enriched by an Appendix, containing inedited letters of Campanella. 1431 Campani, Arcbimedis atque Boetii Tetragonismus id est Circuli Quadratura (edente L. Gauvico) icoodeut title, containing a curious map>pamondo, and diagrams, scarce 4ito. Yenetiis, J, B. Sessa, 1503 1432 Campani (Nic.) Lameuto di quel tribulato di Strascino Campano Senese sopra 11 male incognito il quale tratta della j)atientia et impa- tientia, icoodeut on title and at end, a scarce poem on the Mai Francese, calf Svo. Vinegia, Nic. Zoppino, 1529 1433 Camus (A. Gr.) Notice d'un Livre imprime a Bamberg en 1462, tviik Jive facsimile plates, large paper half morocco, uncut folio. Paris, 1799 A scarce and interesting work, describing several xylogi'aphic volumes of the utmost rarity. 1434 Cancellieri (F.) de Secretariis Basilica^ Vaticana3 Libri II. Prsemit- titur Syntagma de Secretariis Ethnicorum ac Veterum Christian- orum apud Gra^cos et Latinos. Accedunt Disquisitiones de Cellis G-regorianis, de Bibliotheca,' &c. et Sylloge veterum Monumentorum, 4 yo\.p)lates, calf 4:to. Romce, 1786 This learned and highly interesting work was printed at the expense of Pope Pius VI, and the few copies struck off entii'ely distributed in presents. It contains a great number of unpublished documents, and amongst them various inscriptions concerning the Fratres Arvali. 1435 Cancellieri (F.) Descrizione de' tre Poutificali cbe si celebrano nella Basilica Vaticana per le Feste di Natale, di Pasqua e di S. Pietro plate Svo. Roma, 1788 As an Appendix is given an account of the tiara and precious mitres worn bv the Pope and of a " Formale prezioso," the work of Benvenuto Cellini. 1436 Cancellieri (F.) Descrizione de' tre Pontificali cbe si celebrano nella Basilica Vaticana per le Feste di Natale, di Pasqua e di S. Pietro, plate, Roma, 1788 — Descrizione della Basilica Vaticana con una Biblioteca degli autori cbe ne hanno trattato, 'Roma, 1788 — Descrizione delle Funzioni cbe si celebrano nella Capella Ponti- ficia per la Settimana Santa, &.c. Roma, 1789 — Descrizioni delle Capelle Pontiiicale e Cardinalizie di tutto 1' anno, Roma, 1790 calf, gilt Svo. in one vol. Valuable for the History of the Catholic Liturgy as well as for that of the Fine Arts, and now scarce. 168 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1437 Cancellleri (F,) Storia de' Solenni Possess! de' Sommi Pontefici da Leone III a Pio VII. 4^o. Ro^na, 1802 Full of curious information, and replete with valuable unpublished documents. The long and interestmg notice of Pope Joan and of her statue (formerly in the Domo di Siena,; and forming one of the 170 Figures of Pontiffs) having been altered into that of Pope Zacharias, is well worthy of perusal. 1438 Cancellleri (F.) Dissertazione intorno agli Uomini dotati di gran Memoria ed a quelli divenuti smemorati, &c. uncut 12mo. Boma, 1815 Full of curious information ; with a list of works both on Artificial Memory and Chess. 1439 Cancellieri (F.) Lettera sopra il Tarantismo, I'Aria di Eoma, e deUa sua Campagna, etc. Italian morocco, gilt edges 12mo. Eoma, 1817 1410 Canciokeeo Valenciano. Libre de les Dones, mes verament dit de consells pi-ofitosos y saludables, asi por al regiment y ordre de la vida humana, co pera aumGt;ir la deuocio de la inraaculada Concepcio de la Sacratissima Verge Maria fet per J. Eoig. Ara novameut corregit y esmenat de moltes faltas, y de nou affegit la dispixta, o proces de viudes y donzelles : Fet per los Maguificha, J. Siurana y L. J. Valenti, ab una sentencia del A. M. Pineda (loaiifs folio 17, and will therefore be sold not subject to collation), Valencia, J. de Areas, 1561 — Commen^a lo proces, o disputa de Viudes y donzelles, ordenat per J. Siurana y L. J. Valenti, ab una sentencia ordenada per A. M. Pineda, Barcelona, J. Cortey, 1561 calf extra, by Mackenzie ^ Son Svo. in one vol. This scarce volume contains the best compositions of the Limosin Poets of the XVth Century. 1441 Cauigiani (Eistoro) il Eistorato, Poem a inedito in terza Eima del Secolo XIV, tratto da un Codice Eicasoliano per cura dell' Ab. L. Eazzolini 8yo. Firenze, 1847 1442 Cauones et Decreta Sacrosancti Oecumenici et Greneralis Concilii Tri- dentini sub Paulo III, Julio III, Pio IIII Pontificibus Max. Accedit Index Librorum Prohibitorum, 2 vol. in 1 velhim 8vo. Venetiis, Aldus, 1564 This rare edition was unknown to Le Plat. The Canones contam 186 leaves, and the Index 32 leaves. 1443 Canovai (S.) Elogio d' Amerigo Vespucci con una Dissertazione giusti- ficativa di questo celebre Navigatore 4^o. Firenze, 1788 1444 Caktabbigia. Catalogus Librorum Manuscciptorum in Bibliotheca Collegii Corporis Christi in Cantabrigia quos legavit M. Parkerus Archiepiscopus Cantuariensis LABGE PAPER foUo. Londini, 1722 THE LIBEI T.IBllAEY. 169 FIFTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 14t4:5 Cantalamessa Carboni (G.) Memorie intorno i Letterati e gli Artisti della Citta di Ascoli nel Piceno (dal Secolo XII siuo al XYIII) uncut ■^^<'- -Ascoli, 1830 A valuable work on' the Literaiy IVIen and Artists of this town, including Lives of Cecco d' Ascoli (the Adversary of Dante) ; P. Dini, scidptor ; Testa, poet; P. Vannini, sculptor; Vipera, architect; the Trasis, pamters, «S;c, liI6 Canti>-g DiCTioifAKT. Le Jargon ou abrege de I'Argot reforme comme il est a present en usage parmi les Bons Pauvres, tire et recueilly des plus fameux Argotiers de ce temps compose par un Pillier de Boutanche, qui maquille en Molanche en la Yergne de Tours, Eouen, s. «.— Le Branle ou Diable Aveugle, ou la Critique des Maximes du Monde, Faris, 170S, scarce 12mo. in one vol. Il-i7 Cantixo Dictio'akt. Le Jargon ou le Langage de I'Argot reforme comme il est a present en usage parmi les bons pauvres, tire et recueilli des plus fameux Argotiers de ce temps. Compose par un Pillier de Boutanche, qui maquille en Molanche en la A^ergne de Tours. Augmente de Xouveau dans le Dictionnaire des mots les plus substantifs de I'Argot scarce, half morocco 12«iO. « Troijes, 1728 1418 Cantu (C.) di Yittore Hugo e del Eomanticisino in Francia 24mo. Milano, 1834 Cantii (C.) Chateaubriand, Discorso Svo. Milano, 1855 Cantii (C.) Notizia di G. D. Eomagnosi 8vo. Milano, 1835 Cantii CC.) Eivoluzione della Yaltelina nel Secolo XYII Svo. Como, 1831 (4) The last contains an mteresting accoimt of the Vaudois Rebellion. 1119 Capece (S.) il Poema de Principiis Eerum colla Traduzione in Yerso Italiano sciolto e le Annotazioni di P. M. Eicci ; il Poema de Yate Maximo, I'Elegie, gli Epigram mi e due Prose Latme, portrait uncut 8^'0- Venezia, 1754 A poem, written durmg the XYIth Centur}', and very important for the history of science. 1450 Capellffi (G-.) de Eebus nuper in Italia gestis libri octo fine copy in vellum 8ro. s. I. (Anfverptce) 1533 The title-page exhibits a curious address to the reader, concludmg with " Tu vero erne, lege, juvabere et delectabere." 1451 Capelli (Angeli) Astrosophia Numerica sive Astronomica supputandi Eatio, Pars Prior, vellum 4/'o. Venetiis, 1733 A continuation appeared in 1736. 1452 CapeUoni (L.) Yita del Prencipe Andrea Doria, con un Compendio della medesima Alta e con due T&\o\e, 2}ortraits t'elhm -^to. Vinetia, G. Giolito, 1569 170 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1453 Capelloni (L.) Eagionamenti varii sopra Essempii : con Accidenti EAEE,/«e coi^j Uo. Oenova, 1576 Containing interesting Novelle. See Brimet (Edition of 18G0.) 1454 Capitoli dei Disciplinati della V. Compagnia della Madonna (del Secolo XIII) e Catalogo dei Testi a Penna che si conservano nella Pub- blica Biblioteca di Siena dato in Luce da L. de Angelis ^vo. Siena, 1818 This interesting volume contains also tlie list of the furniture, ornaments, manuscripts, illuminations, etc. which were in the possession of the Com- pany in the year 1325. 1455 Capitularia Eegum Erancorum; additse sunt Marculfi Monacbi et aliorum Eormulfe veteres, &c. S. Baluzius collegit et notis illus- travit, 2 vol. folio. Venetiis, 1772-73 1456 Capoa (L. di) Yita di Andrea Cantelmo, portrait and plates of arms lialf vellum 4^to. JS^apoU, 1693 Containing letters patent from Charles II, dated Edinburgh 1683, acknow- ledging Cantelmo as connected with the Stuart line. 1457 Capoa (L. di) Lezioni iutorno alia Natura delle Mofete original edition, scarce, vellum 4 Tous woodcuts of machines, etc. UNCUT, rare in this state 4:to. Bologna, 1683 1465 Capriata (P. G.) dell' Historla Libri XII, Aldine anchor on titlepage 8y(9. Geneva, 1644 Containing tlic History of his Time, and especially of the Wars in Italy from 1613 to 1634. THE LIBEI LIBEAEr. 171 14G6 Carso (P.) Orationes aurea? in qiiibus quicquid, clemonstrativo in genere irpiam reperiri potest, cum recondita eruditione habes Lector. Accedunt ejusdem ad claros Viros at a Doctis ad ipsum Caram EpistolsD, &c. vellum 4to. Soma, 1679 1468 Caraccioli de Litio (Eoberti) Opus Quadragesimale VERTLAEaE covY, icith tJie first Capital illuminated in gold and coloii/rs folio. Venetiis, Franciscus de Halhrunna, 1172 The numerous editions prove how popular this work must have been with his contemporaries, and that even in the present day he still iuids plenty of readers is not to be wondered at when we remember that in his Qua- dragesimale are to be found so many delectable bits that are similar to the choicest of the " petit Pere Andre, Menot, Barletta, and Maillard." 1169 Carazoli de Litio (Eoberti) Opus Quadragesimale FIKE COPT, lialf hound morocco folio. Neapoli, M. Mbravus, 1179 Very scarce, as are all the ancient editions printed at Naples. 1170 Carazoli di Licio (E.) Sermones de Sanctis vellum 4ito. Venetiis, 1190 1171 Caradoc of Lancarvau, Historie of Cambria now called "Wales, trans- lated into English by H. Lboyd. and continued by D. Powel, woodcuts and coats of arms hhck Utter, scarce 4:io. London, 1584 Best edition of this History. 1172 Carafa (J.) De Capella Eegis Utriusque Sicilia) et aliorum Principum seu de Sacris Aulicis Eebus, uncut folio. Neapoli, 1772 A very curious and valuable work for the history of Liturgies, containing amongst other things, the rites used on solemn occasions in England, an accoimt of the English Chapel Eoyal, &c. This copy formerly belonged to Camuzio, Archbishop of Tarso, who has mserted an original mvitation (addressed to himself) to assist Cardinal, the Duke of York, at the consecra- tion of Cardinal Antamori. 1173 Caravaggii (Petri Pauli) Greometria applicationum deficientium figura data specie, Mediolani, 1659 — Ejusdem Metbodus resolvendi omnes ^quationes Cubicas, et Quadrate Quadraticas, ih. s. a. — Mode di radoppiare ogni Triangolo rettilineo ecc. di Alberto Tirelli, Milano, 1682, vellum 4:to. in one vol. The works of Caravaggio are very scarce. IMontucla, speaking of this author, says, that the title-pages only of some of his pieces were known to bun, and that they indicated a geometrician superior to many of his contem- poraries. The name even of Tirelli was however imkno^vn to him. 1171 Caravaggii (P. P.) G-eometria Applicationum Deficientium figura data Specie, Mediolani, 1659 — Ejusdem in Geometria male restaurata ab authore A. S. L. Eima> Detecta^, with a table of diagrams, ib. 1650 — Ejusdem Metbodus resolvendi omnes Jilquationes Cubicas et Quadrate Quadraticas, ib. s. a. 4:to. in one vol. A collection of scarce treatises. Both Montucla and Chasles acknowledge that they had never seen the works of this author, whom they quoted solely OU the authoi'ity of other mathematicians. 172 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OE 1-175 Cardani (II.) Opus novum de Proportionibus Numerorum Motuum, Ponderum, Sonorum aliarumque Rerum meDSurandarum— Item ars magna sine de regulis Algebraicis — Item de Arithmetica et de Aliza liegula (Algebraical logistical) SCARCE folio. Basilece, 1570 A work celebrated in the history of mathematics. In the Ars magna (dated 1545) Cardanus quotes Leonardus Pisanus, Luca Pacioli, and says that the resolution of cubic equations, a discovery by Scipio Ferro of Bologna, having been again lost by his death, was rediscovered by Tartalia, when disputing with Fiore, and discussed between him "multis precibus exora- turn," and Cardan himself, who, with the help of Ferrari, was led to the demonstration of it. 1476 Cardani (H.) Libelli duo : Unus, de supplemento Almanacb : Alter, de Eestitutione temporum et Motuum coelestium. Item Grenitura3 LXVII insigues casibus et fortuna, cum expositione, icoodcut portrait on title 4:to. Norimhergcje, 1543 Amongst the nativities and biographies are those of Petrarch, Philelphus, Charles V, Francis I, Luther, Erasmus, Cardanus, Codes, Due de Bourbon, Henry VIII, Leo X, Savonarola, Joannes de Monteregio (Regiomoutanus), Albert Durer, &c. For an account of these "very curious" horoscopes, see Morley's Life of Cardan, vol. II. p. 279. 1477 Cardani (H.) Libelli Quinque: I. De supplemento Almanach. II. De Eestitutione temporum et Motuum coelestium. III. De Judiciia geniturarum. IIII. De lievolutionibus. V. De Exemplis cen- tum Greniturarum. Ejusdem antea non cdita Aphorismorum Astronomicorum Segmenta VII Opusculum incomparabile, tvood- cut portrait and diagrams, with mannscrijyt notes in an old hand- writing, Jine copy in red morocco, gilt edges, ly De Rome Mo. Noriiixbergce, 1547 A very curious work, containing horoscopes and interesting biographies of 100 eminent men, including Albert Durer, Jerome Savonarola, Leo X, Henry VIII, Erasmus, Luther, &c. Amongst those of mathematicians will be found nativities and biographies of Gab. de Aratoribus, J. Monteregius, L. Ferrari, G. Purbach, C. Agrippa, Fatius Cardanus, and of the author himself. This edition is much enlarged from the previous one. It is in this work that is to be found the mention of the terrible executions made during the reign of Henry VIII. 1478 Cardani (II.) in CI. Ptolema-i Quadripartitam Constructiouem Com-, mentaria cum Textu Latino et Geniturarum Exempla (XII) BARE, j^rs^ edition, half vellum folio. Basilece, 1554 Dedicated to John Hamilton, Archbishop of St. Andrews (hung at Sterling in 1571) for wliom he appears to have drawn his horoscope, as it is given among the "Geniturarum Exempla," where also will be found that of Edward VI, and that of Sir John Chcke. Bishop liurnet records under the year 1552, in his History of the Reformation, that Cardan told Arch- bishop Hamilton that, although lie had cured his disease (the dropsy), his fate would be the gallows. In his horoscope, liowever, there is nothing to indicate such an end to the Archbishop, unless Passio Cordis can be twisted into " Sufl'ering by the Cord." See Morley's Life of Cardan, vol. II, pp. 129-30, and also vol. II, p. 90, where Mr. Morley, speaking of these Commentaries erroneously, says, " They were lirst printed (by a French printer), with the addition of twelve illustrative Horoscopes, in 1555." This copy has valuable MS. notes. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 173 1479 Cardani (H.) De Subtilitate libri XXI, ivith a portrait of the aiitlior on the reverse of the titleparje, and other looodcuts original pigsJcin hinding, having various figures tvith the date 1554 stamped on the sides folio. Basilece, 1554 A celebrated and very popular work, containing numerous interesting obser- vations, mixed with the most absurd superstitions. We tind in it a tele- graph, a combinatory alphabetical lock, etc. The XVIth Book, " De Scientiis," contains treatises on georaetiy, arithmetic, algebra, music, etc. 1480 Cardani (H.) De Subtilitate Libri XXI, tvoodcuts, Basilece, 1554 — Apiani (P.) Instrumentum Sinuum, icoodcuts, JS^orimb. 1541 stamped pigskin folio, in one vol. Both works are rare. That of Cardan is of the greatest interest for the history of science. 1481 Cardani (H.) de Subtilitate Libri XXI ^vo. Liigduni, 1559 See a long account of the contents of this valuable work in Morley's Life of Cardan, vol. II, pp. 56-70, and respecting the important discoveries con- tained in the various works of Cardan (the original editions of which are now very scarce) see M. Libri Histoire des Sciences Mathematiques en Itahe, vol. III. 1482 Caebs. Metbode simple pour faciliter la Connoissance du Mediateur solitaire Makuscript 4:to. ^jEC. xviii. . A treatise on the Chances at Cards, with the following motto, " In Ludo Venenum ; In Scientia Remedium ; Sapiens omnia discit." 1483 Carelli (J. B.) Epberaerides ad Annos XVIII (1563-1580) autograph of Sib Hekkt Spelmax on fly-leaf and on iiflepage 4fo. Venetiis, 1563 This edition was unknown to Lalande, who mentions that of 1558, containing the Ephemerides to 1577 only. 1484 Carletti (F.) Eagionamenti sopra le cose da lui vedute ne suoi Yiaggi si deir Indie Occidentali (America) e Orientali come d'altri Paesi, fatte nel Secolo XVI e descritte da L, Magalotti half russia " 8vo. Firenze, 1701 1485 Carmeli (Padre M. A.) Storia de vari Costumi Sacri e Profani, 2 vol. in 1 vellum 8vo. Padova, 1750 A most useful work to the liturgical student, as it illustrates many portions of the Ritual. 1486 Carmina Poetarum nobilium J. P. Ubaldini Studio conquisita fine large copy, vellian 8vo. Mediolani, 1563 This rare volume contains Molza's Verses to Henry VIII, those of Bona- micus to Cardmal Pole, a long poem by Paul Manuce, etc. 1487 Carmina Poetarum nobilium Jo. Pauli Ubaldini Studio conquisita BARE, very large copy, apparently on finer paper than usual, slightly wormed 8vo. Mediolani apud A. Antonianum, 1563 This collection, pronounced by Brunet " difficile a trouver," contains two poems, addressed to Henry "VIII and Cardinal Pole. It also contains the verses by Paulas Manutius on the death of Bonfadio, reprinted by Renouard in his Aimales des Aide. 1488 Caro (Annibal) Eime, vellum Uo. Venetia, Aldo Manutio, 1509 The edition cited by the Crusca. 174 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OV i4S9 Caro (A.) Eime Venetia, Aldo Manutio, 1572 Caro (A.) Eime " Vencfia, B. Giimfi e FrntelU, 1584 Caro (A.). Apologia de gli Academiei di Bianchi di Eoma contra L. Castelvetro in Forma d'vmo Spaccio di Maestro Pasquino, con alcune Operette del Predella, del Bnratto, di Ser Pedocco in Difesa de la Canzone di A. Caro " Yenite a I'ombra de'gran Gigli d'oro" rare, lut stained with oil, vellum Parma, 1558 4ito. 3 vol. 1490 Caro (A.) Lettere Pamiliari, 3 vol. ^vo. Fadova, 1734 " Edizione molto piu copiosa della preeedente e pregevolissima" {Gamha).' ■ 1491 Caro (A.) Lettere inedite con Annotazioni di P, Mazzuchelli (tratte della Libreria Ambrosiana), 3 vol. fortrait uncut 8yo. Milano, 1827-31 A very interesting collection, containing the letters -vn-itten by Caro in the name of Ottavio Farnese, etc. 1492 Carpentarii (J.) Platonis cum Aristotele in Universa Philosopbia Comparatio, vellum 4/o. Parisiis, 1573 A translation of " Alcinoi Institutio," with a learned commentary to explain the doctrine of Plato. At the beginning there is an autograph note by Paolo Beni, the author of the Anticrusca and the vituperator of Dante, stating that (about the year 1600) he gave ^' una scudo d'oro in oro et bolognini 27" (a very high price) for this very book. 1493 Carpcntier (D. P.) Alphabetum Tironianum sen Notas Tironis expli- candi Methodus cum plurimis Ludovici Pii Chartis iisdem Notis exaratis et hactenus mQdatis, facsimiles of the Charters folio. Lutet. Paris. 1747 1494 Carrafa Marcbese di San Lucido (Perrante) i sei Libri della Carafe sopra varii e diversi Soggetti ad imitationc di Poeti Lirici Greci e Latini, red silk, gilt edges 4ito. JS^eirAquila, 1580 A scarce edition, as are all the early books printed at Aquila. 1495 Carre (M.) Metbode pour la Mesure des Surfaces, &c. par I'Applica- tion du Calcul Integral, plates, stained, Paris, 1700 — Eeyneau (E. Pc're) La Science du Calcul des Grandeurs en general, 2 vol. in 1, lest edition of each volume, half bound ih. 1739 & 1736 4ifo. 2 vol. 149G Carriages. Eowe (J.) on Wheel Carriages, plates, London, 1734 — Bowin (D.) on "Wheel Carriages, ih. 1773 — Anstice (E.) ou Wheel Carriages, plates, Bridgcivater, 1790 — Bigland (W.) Mechanic's Guide, Margate, 17*97 — AVickham (M.) on Broad bigb- Wheel Carriages, London — Gumming (A.) on Carriage Wheels, plates, ih. 1809 — March (J.) Voitures Inversables (^presentation copy) ih. 1785 4/o. Sf 8^J0. (7) 1497 Carve (Tho. Tipperaricnsis) Lyra site ANACEPHALiEOsisHiBEEKicA, in qua de Exordio, seu Origine, Nomine, Moribus, Eitibusque Gentis Hibernicpe succincte tractatur; cui quoqne accesserunt Annales Hibernife necnon Eerum gestarum per Europam ab Anno 1148 usque ad Annum 1650 4^o. Sulzhaci, 1666 This scarce work on Irish History contains the following engravings, viz. — lerna seu Hibernia Vetusta, a curious folding plate; Donatus O Brien quondam Hibernorum Rex, &c. an equestrian portrait ; Insula; Purgatorii S. Patricii Descriptio, a folding plate ; Portraits of Charles I, and of Tlios. Carve, the Author, fine impressions. The Bindley copy sold for THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 175 1498 Caryophylli ( Joannis) Encliiridion Difficultatum et Solutionum, Grraece old stamped black onorocco, liaving a medallion of the Crucifixion impressed in the centre of the ohverse of cover 4:to. Valachice {Jassy) 1697 This is probably one of the rarest books iu existence. It was written by an author, who, suspected of being strongly tinged with Calvinistic tenets, was therefore condemned by the Patriarch of Constantinople, by whom, at the same time, most of his wi'itings were rigidly suppressed. The binding is a line specimen of Jassy workmanship at the period. 1499 Casa (G. della) Opere, dopo I'Edizione di Eiorenza del 1707 e di Venezia del 1728, G Yol. frontispiece with portrait hest edition, uncut 4:to. Napoli, 1733 1500 Casa (Gr. della) II Galateo e I'Oratione a Carlo V Imperadore sopra la Eestitutione di Piaceuza, Fiorenza, J. and B. Giunti, 1561 — Cassola (Cav. L.) Madrigali, very scarce, Vinetia, G. Giolito, 1541, sliyhtly wormed, vellum, Syo. in one vol. — Casa (Gr.) II Galateo e Orazioni, Svo. Fiorenza, Giunti, 1598 — Casa (G.) Eime et Frose, vellum, 8vo. Fiorenza, Giunti, 1616 — Casa (Gio. della) Eime sposte per A. Severino, S. Quattromani e G. Caloprese, portraits, vellum, 4to. Napoli, 1694 (4) 1501 Casa (G. della) il Galateo, Venezia, 1819— Monti (V.) in Morte di Ugo Bassville, Mantova, 1798 — Strenna Italiana per 1835, plates ; and various others, 25 vol. 8yo. etc. 1502 Casalii (B.) iu Legem Agrariam pro coramuni Utilitate et Ecclesiastica Libertate tueuda ad Clementem VII Oratio uncut, scarce and curious 4ito. Romce, 1524 1503 Casas (Christoval de las) Yocabulario de las dos Lenguas Toseana y Castellana, accresciuto da Camillo Camilli scarce, vellum St'o. Yenet. 1587 1504 Casati (P.) Terra MacbinisMotuDissertationes GeometriccT,Mecbauieje, PhysicfO, Hydrostaticfc, xcoodcuts, vellum 4:to. Romcc, 1658 This Casati, a Jesuit, is celebrated for having prevailed on Queen Christina of Sweden to turn Eoman-Catholic. His work, in which several methods are explained in order to ascertain the true dimensions and weight of the whole earth, is full of curious experiments. For instance, from experiment the weight of the water, which was previously supposed to be 400 times that of the air, is here stated by Casati to be 1200 times. As a curious fact may be noted that the work is under the form of a dialogue between Galileo, Guldin, and Mersenne, the whole of them bemg much praised by Casati. 1505 Casati (P.) Eabrica et Uso del Compasso di Proportione, plates uncut 4:to. Bologna, 1664 The author, a Jesuit, quotes Galileo. 1506 Casati (P.) Mecbanicorum libri VIII, in quibus uno eodemque principio Vectis vires Physice explicantur et Geometrice demon strantur, with ivoodcuts, vellum Mo. Lugduni, 1684 The name of Casati, an eminent man. is not sufficiently known in our tune. He had the merit of inventing a telegi'aph. 1507 Casati (P.) Opticse Dissertationes, vellum 43_ The Knight of Elle, a Ballad- History of Duncan Campbelfand TcI?°^tV'''^'''(''''^' ^^'''S'ow, 1824-Humorous Poems, looodcut ib 1821 -Hurrah lor the Bonnets of Blue, 1829-HistorY of George Barnwell, cuts. Ma ncli ester— The Four Seasons, 25.— Birth Life and Death of the Redeemer, cuts, ib.~ PhHlip Quarll, cuts— Blanch and Rosahnda-Life of Robin Hood, c./^^,-Life of Sinbad the .Sailor— Lite of Jack Sheppard, cuts ; together 25 "^ '*^ 12mo. in one vol. 1659 Chap-Books, &c. Loch Erroch Side, &e. Stirling -Yout.^ Lochinvar, ^%^[^\9oio-The Haughs of Crumdel, ib.~The Reciter, ib. 1837 -Rest A^arrior Rest &c -Wha'U be King but Charlie, ^coodcuf, ^^».J«;y/.-Cadjow Castle-Three Weeks after Marriage, Falkirk -Three Popular Songs-Five Comic Songs-Draw the Sword Scotand, etc -The Minstrel, Brecliin, 1837; and 47 Ballads: together 59, half calf i2mo. in one vol. 1660 Chap-Books &c. Northern (The) Lord, Burslem, n. ^. — Paddv Carey, &c. Stirhmj, n. d.~The Royal Game at Cards, 18'>9— . Collection of Popular Songs, Falkirk, n. d.-Four Comic So"uffs woodcut, lb — Jockey and Maggy's Courtship, with the great diversion that ensued at their Bedding, woodcut— Anothev edition }^-f~^^^} ^^T^^^ Farewell, Carlisle--E\egj on Jamie Gemmill,' T«^7o;— The Braes of Balquither, Edinburgh, 1817- Six Scotch ^^^■f~tl ^?P^ar Songs-Seven Songs-Six Love Songs—The Wile of Beith, and her Journey to Heaven (in verse) — Six Popular Songs -Latin Prayers not fit for Irishmen- Life and Death ol Fair Rosmond— Life and Death of Robin Hood— Life and Death of Gibbs the Pirate, executed at New York 1831— Letters on Love, Courtship, and Marriage, to which is added the Honey-Moon, Nevdon Stewart— Utile Dominick, /^».— Life and W onderful Atchievements of Ed. Burke (in verse)- The Monk and the Miller's Wife (in verse)-The Mermaid of Galloway (in verse)-! our Songs-Five Sentimental Songs-Five excellent Songs, Newton Stewart— The Highland Laddie, and other Scotch ^o^xg^ iitirling—Fouv Xew Songs, Kewton Stewart; together 80 half calf 10, „„ ■ 7 '^ '' LZmo. in one vol. 1661 Chap-Books, &c. Tale of Three Bonnets (in verse), Stirlinn n d~ Bunvau (J.) Christ a complete Saviour, Falkirk, 1823— Trial of W. Paterson for Poisoning his Wife, Kilmarnock, 1815— Chew Chase— History of Thos. Hickathrift, n. ./.-Battle of Roslin Glasgow— Ki^tovj of Buckhaven, icoodcut — Another edition -1 Comical History ol Simple John— Five Irish Songs— Four Popular Songs— Four Favourite Songs — Five Favourite Son^s — Five Popular Songs-Mary of Castlecary, &C.-A True and AYonderful Declaration, 1832— Grinning made Easy— Young Grigor's Ghost (in verse)— A Groat's worth of Fun for a Penny— The Kaim of Mathers, Brechin, 1837— Journey in Quest of a Wife, JS^ewton Stewart— 3 emmj and Xaucy of Yarmouth (in verse)— Falkirk's Cariches— Another edition— Universal Fortune-Teller— Sir Xeil ^d Glengyle (m verse) — Battle of Bannockburn, a Ballad ^^^«5«;y.- Tragical History of Gill Moriee, a Ballad — Six bcotch Songs ; and Six Ballads ; together 35 ^''lf<^^^f l2mo. in one vol. o 2 196 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OE 1G62 Chap Books (Songs, Ballads, &c.). Watty and Meg, or the Wife reformed, Glnsgoio, 1828 — Hearts of Oak — Jock o' Hazeldean — Flora's Lament — Bay of Biscay — Bessy Bell — Allan Water — Gaberlunzie Man, &c. (seven books) Falkirk, n.d. — Andrew Lammie, ib. — Sr James the Rose, ib. — The Manly Heart — Isle of Beauty — The Jaunting Car — British Humourist — Comical Sayings of Paddy from Cork — Elegy on that valiant Champion, Sir R. Grierson, Glnsgoiu — Pictorial Bible, ivooducts, ib. — The Babes in the Wood, ih. — The Flowers of the Forest, composed 1513 — The Weary Woodman, &c. ivoodmtt — Adam Bell — The Conjuror's Guide — Duke of Gordon's Three Daughters, Glasgow — Donald is no more, ib. — Donald of Dundee, ib. — Admiral Benbow, &c. — Seven Popular Songs — Six Popular Songs — Glasgow Fair — and 20 Street Ballads, together 48, half calf Vlmo. in one vol. 1663 Chap Books : chiefly printed at Glasgow. Account of the Battle of Killicrankie in 1689, Newton Stuart, n.d. — The Vision of Almet, Falkirk, 1827 — Forbes (W.) The Dominie deposed, or some reflections on his intrigue with a young lass (in verse) 1823 — The Madrid Shaver's Adventures in the Laquisition, Kilmarnock, 1827 — The New Scotch Haggis; a selection of Bon Mots, &c. Glasgow, n.d. — The New Valentine Writer, ib. — The Arts of a designing AVoman laid open, ib. — The Golden Dreamer, ib. — Life of John Knox, ih. — Life and Prophecies of A. Peden, ih. — Our Goodman and Tak' me Jenny, ib. — The New Minstrel— The New Mirror of Love, Glasgoiu, 1832 — The Tragical Song of Sr James the Rose — Bunyan's (J.) Pilgrim's Progress, looodcuts, Glasgoio, 1837 — Reid (A.) The Pleasures of Matrimony, ib. — The Seraphim ; a collection of Songs — Token for Mourners — Maid of Islay, &c. — Tournament at Eglinton Castle, Glasgow, 1839 — The Universal Toast Master, with Proverbs, ih. — The Vermin Killer, woodcut, hy Bewick, ib. — Visits from the Woi'ld of Spirits, ih. calf gilt Vlmo. in one vol. 1661 Chap Books : printed at Glasgow. — Travels and Adventures of W. Lithgow in Europe, Asia, and Africa — The Three Advices — Twenty Songs by Robert Burns — New Historical Catechism, 1829 — Norwood Gipsy Fortune Teller — Shipwreck and Suffer- ings of Neil Dewar, on the Coast of America, 1816 — Narrative of the dreadful Accident which liappened in the Parish Church of Kilmarnock, 1801 — Scotland's Skaith ; or the sad effects of Drunkenness, 1828 (in verse) — Life of the Duke of York, 1827 — Life and Age of Man, and the Coast of Modestie, two old Scotch Songs, 1810— List of all the Criminals who have been executed in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, &c. 1829 — Robertson (A.) Letter on the Day before Execution, 1819 — Conversation Cards, 1838— The Broken Heart, a Tale of the Rebellion of 1515 — Account of the Wapeti or Gigantic Stag, 1822 — Pra?lium Gillicrankianum : Cantilena — The Old Way of Killicranky — and 10 Ballads, together 33, /^rtZ/'cffT/" 12mo. in one vol. 1665 Chap Books, Garlands, &c. (Printed at Glasgow). The Mavis, a Collection of Songs — The Nightingale — Burns' Bonny Jean — Burn-side — Scottisli Glory at Waterloo — Bruee's Address — Arthur McBride — Penivy- worth of Wit's Garland — Rosanna ; or the Oxford Tragedy, in verse — The Jolly Beggar, &c. in verse Chevy Chase, a Ballad — King Robert Bruce — Coming thro' the THE LIBEI LlBllAEY. 1^7 Eve &c.-Battle of Roslin-Bauks of the Ban 1«1G-Bauks of Se-^^^^^ T^^ttle of Wa- terloo &c.-Bold Dragoon-Tbe King's Wood Gipsey or complete i?o tune Teller, Loncl-^n^. 11 Ballads, published by Catnach and others, together 34, 7.aZ/c«7/ 12-«. ^n one vol ^niia<,l-pr— The Emerald— Jack the Giant Killer— i He ±iai mo S-The TroSlour-Toads and Diamonds-The Eobm- The Apollo-The Eose-The Primrose -Mother Muggins and her Do^^-The Gem-History of Jackey Jmgle-Whittmgton and his Cat-Blue Beard, together 19, ^^^^^ . ^ ^^^^ ^^^ half calj 1G67 Chappuys (G.) Considerations civiles sur plusieurs Histoires et prin- cipalement sur celles di Guicciardm .. r^ a y.Tr.or, JlL, gilt edges 8.o. Pans, Ah. L AngeUcoloSo Fine copy of a most interesting 'work, which is an imitation of the d^scors^ by Machiavelli. 1668 Cbarfin (BI.) Catalog^.e de sa BibUotheque, interleaved MS. m^es^ prices, {loants title), uncut o^"- ^"' ' A vorv interesting collection of rare books- and early raannscnpts which sold^aS prices : The Psalterium, printed upon vellum by Jenson in 1478 sJ?dfor 12 francs 60 centimes ^ the "Image du Monde, ioho MS. upon vellmn, 19 francs 95 centimes, etc. etc. 1PR0 CwAT^TES I Proclamation for apprehending and punishing Souldiers 1669 Charles J^.^^^Procla^ ^^^^^.^ of Warwick or in their Passage to the ^lf,i"uxxn f^^' broadside, London, 1640 Shirley, B. Ackland, G. Stradlmg, J. Mame, J. Fell, H. beikeiy, &c, &c. 1071 Cn..r,.s I. Two Proclamations for the free Passage of Ms^Sul^oc^^ 1072 Chames I. DeclarationrespectingtteBoandalous Imputation of an Intention to leavy War again.t h« Parhament ^^^^ MacU letter ^. . , . . , 1673 Chakles I. Declaration to his loving Subjects disavowing his inten- tion to leavy War against Parliament ^^^^ lilacfe letter , -r^ . , . r^ !i 1P7J. Cttai^fs I His Maiesties two Speeches to the Knights, Gentlemen 1674 Chables 1 M^^^^^^j ^^ ^^^ ^^^^P^.^^ ^^ Nottingham and Lincoln BUcUetter ^''- London, liA2 iP7r, Pttat^les I Letter to a Gentleman of Leicestershire respecting His ^'"^ ^"nia^^sties Overtures for Peace and showing that f- Wc.e-e- fulnesse of the late Treatie is not to be imputed to H. M. but to L Enemies alone, scc^rce, uncut ^to. Printed 1643 A very able Defence of Charles I. 198 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 1676 Charles I. The Princely Pellican : Eoyall Eesolves extracted from H|s;^Majesties Divine Meditations, with satisfactory Seasons that His Sacred Person was the onely Author of them, ft-ontisjjiece 4:fo. Printed in the Yeare 1619 At the end are Albion's Niobe and other Poems. 1677 Chaeles I (Tracts relating to) viz. The famous Tragedie of King Charles 1st, 1619 — Eoyall Legacies to his Persecutors and Murderers, 1619 — A Paithfull subjects sigh on lamented death, in verse, 1649 — Cooke (E.) Certain passages at Newport in the Isle of Wight, London, 1690 — Letter from Major General Ludlow to Sir E. S. Amsterdam, 1691— Butler (S.) The Plagiary exposed, Land. 1691 — Our modern Demagogues modesty and honesty in its true light, s. a. — Defense of Charles 1st by E. Hollingworth, Lond. 1692— Letter from General Ludlow to Dr. Holliugworth, Amsterdam, 1692 — Second Defence of Charles 1st, Lond. 1692 — True account of the Author of a book entitled Eikon Basilike, proved to be written by Dr. Gauden Bp of Worcester, ih. 1692 — Dr. Holliugworth's defense of K. Charles Ist's divine book called Eikon Basilike, ih. 1692 — Ludlow no Lyar, or a detection of Dr. Ilollingworth's disingenuity in his second defence of Charles 1st, Amsterdam, 1692 — The Character of King Charles 1st by E. Holliugworth, Lond. 1692— The Plain Dealer, ih. 1692 — Truth brought to light or the gross forgeries of Dr. Holliugworth detected, ih. 1693 — Defence of the Vindi- cation of Charles the Martyr, Lond. 1699— The Irish Massacre set in a clear light by T. Carte, Lond. 1715, together 18 scarce Tracts, calf 4ifo. in one vol, 1678 Chaeles I. Observations upon some of His Majesties late Answers and Expresses, no place or date — HolHngworth (E.) Character of King Charles I, uncut, London, 1692 — Charles II, Declaration of Willingness to issue a general Pardon, &c. dated Breda ^ Day of April 1660, uncut, scarce, London, 1660 4ito. (3) 1679 Chaeles II. Danvers (J.) The Eoyal Oake or Description of the Eoyal Progress, wonderful Travels, miraculous Escapes, &c. of Charles II, portrait of Mrs. Jane Lane Mo. London, 1660 1680 Chartiarii (F.) Theories) et Praxis interrogandorum reorum Libri IV vellum Uo. Bomce, Enffinelli, 1594 With the Aldine anchor on the title, unknown to Renouard. Eespecting torture, the author cites a splendid sentence of F. Pigna stating that " De novis tormentis excogitandis carnificum est potius quam jurisconsultorum." 1681 Chatterton (T.) Supplement to the Miscellanies 8i;o. London, 1784 1682 Chaucer (Geffi'ey) AVoorkes newly printed with divers Additions which were never in printe .before : with the Siege and Destruccion of the worthy Citee of Thebes compiled by Ihon Lidgate Monke of Berie (edited by John Stowe) xooodcuts lilacfe letter, fine copy in the original lindinrj folio. London Lhon Kingston for Ihon Wight, 1561 Scarce. Wilkes's copy sold for £9. 1683 [Chaussard] Petes et Courtisannes de la Grece, 2 vol. plates, including Music by Mthul and a figure of an ancient planisphere vncut 8yo. Paris, 1801 First edition of this curious work, THE LIBEI LIBEART. 199 1684 Cheliui (Uomeuico) Dimostrazioni di alcuni Teoremi di F. Gauss iutorno alle superficie curve 8vo. Roma, 1848 Presentation copy to F. Ai-ago from the author, with his autograph inscription. 1GS5 Cheliui (D.) Memoria sull' uso sistematico del Principj relativi al metodo delle Coordinate Eetiliuee 8vo. ih. 1849 Presentation copy to Arago, with the author's autograph inscription. 1GS6 Chemistry. Calestani (Girolamo) Osservationi (e farmacopea) nella qual s'insegna I'arte delle spezieria, 2 vol. in 1 vellum ito. Venet. F. de Franceschi, 1584 1687 Chemistry. Castelli (P.) Antidotario Eomano, Commentate dal Dottor Pietro Castelli e Memoriale per lo Spetiale Eomano, &c. di P. Castello, 2 vol. in 1, with the rare and finely etched portrait vellum folio. Messina, 1637-38 Castelli was a celebrated physician and professor of botany. 1688 Chemistry, etc. Chemical Essays, London, 1799 — Hare (E.) on the Blow-Pipe, Philadelphia, 1802 — Newman's new Blow-Pipe, London, 1817 — On Light and Colours, ib. 1786 — Harrington (E.) upon Heat, ih. 1798 — Morgan (W.) on Crawford's Theory of Heat, ib. 1781 — Home de L'Isle, du Feu Central, Faris, 1779 8fo. (7) 1689 Chemistry. Davy (Sir H.) Outlines of Lectures on Chemical Philo- sophy, London, 1804 — Caveutou (J. B.) JSTouvelle Nomenclature Chimique, Paris, 1816 — Gottliug (J. F. A.) Description of a portable Chest of Chemistry, London, 1791— Fulhame (Mrs.) on Combustion, London, 1794 — Berthollet, Art of Dying, scarce, Edinburgh, 1792 — On Callico Printing, London, 1789 — Pugh (S.) sur I'acide muriatique oxigene {presentation copy^ Ponen, 1804 — Ardouin, on Glass Blowing, London — Essay on Portable Furnaces, ib. 1786— Eandall (J.) on the Dry Eot, ib. 1807 8yo. (10) 1690 Chemistry. Kirwan (E.) on Phlogiston, London, 1787— Priestley (J.) Doctrine of Phlogiston, scarce, JSforthumlerland, 1800 — Scherer (A. N.) on Gaseous Bodies, London, 1801 — Ehrmann, des Lampes a air inflammable, Strashoitrg, 1780 — Harfuelin (M.) de theoria solutionis Chemicre, Abvoe, 1795 — Stephens (P.) on Votash, plates, London — Papworth (J.) on Dry Eot, ib. 1803 8vo. a)id 4ito. (7) 1691 Chemistry. Neri (A.) I'Arte Vetraria (degli Smalte, de: Colori, etc.) Firenze, 1661 — Giorgi (F.) sopra la Decomposizione dell'Acqua in Aria, plate, vellum, ih. 1785 — Berzelius, Aualisi Chimica d' ogni specie di Mineral! da eseguirsi facilmente colla Cannella dei Saldatori tradotta dal Sig. Fresnel, ib. 1822 — Mojon (G.) Corso Analitico di Chimica, 2 vol. Livorno, 1815 8vo. 5 vol. 1692 Chemistry. Thomson (A. T.) on Chemistry, London — Scherer (A.N.) on Gaseous Bodies, ib. 1^;00 — Trotter (T.) on the Choak-tlamps of Coal-mines, Newcastle, 1805 — Stevenson's Safety Lamp, London, 1817 — Eome de L'Isle, Feu central, Paris, 1781 — Morgan (W.) on Crawford's Theory of Heat, London, 1781 Svo. (7) 200 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION 01' 1693 Chemistry. Watson (E.) Chemical Lectures, Cambridge, 1771 — Bergman (Sir T.) on Cheiiiistry, London. 1784 — Higgins (B.) Chemical Enquix-ies, ih. — Chemical Essays, ih. 1799 — Waltire fJ.) on Chemical subjects, Nottingham, 1781^ — Henry (AV.) Nature and objects of Chemistry (joresentation copy) Manchester, 1799 8^0. (6) 1694 Chess. Ceccolini (T.) del Cavallo degli ^C2icc\n, plates 4/0. Paris, 1836 A curious work on the Move of the Knight in the Game of Chess, the perusal of which will prove instructive to the amateur. 1695 Chess. Giacobo da Cessole (Era) Opera nuova nella quale se insegna il regimento & costumi delli Homini & delle Donne di qualunque grado, stato e condition esser si voglia rare, fine copy Svo. Vineggia, Bindoni, 1534 This is an Italian translation of the famous Game of Chess by Jacobus de Cessolis, and is considered by Gamba in his Bibliografia as a Novella. 1696 Chess. II Giuoco degli Scacchi renduto facile a Principianti tratta- tello dair Inglese con annotazioni ed aggiunte da Colombo, plate uncut Svo. Parma, 1821 An interestmg collection of scarce Tracts on Chess, including the very- valuable " Lettera dell' Anonimo Modenese" (Ponziani) and curious histo- rical anecdotes. 1697 Chess. II Maestro de'Giuochi della Dama all' Italiana e alia Polacca e degli Scacchi 12mo. Milano, 1832 1698 Chess. II Puttino altramente detto il Cavaliero Errante del Salvio sopra il Gioco de' Scacchi con la sua Apologia contra il Carrera, Napoli, 1634 — Salvio (Alessandro) Trattato dell' Inventione et Arte Liberale del Gioco di Scacchi, H 2 slightly damaged, ivi, 1634 4^0. in one vol. 1699 Chess. Montigni (M.) Les Stratagemes des Echoes, ou Collection des Coups d'Echecs les plus brillans et les plus curieux, 2 parts in 1, plates square IQmo. Paris, 1802 1700 Chess. Eocco (B.) sul Giuoco degli Scacchi. Eistampato da E. Cau- cellieri con la Biblioteca ragionata degli Scrittori su lo stesso Giuoco EAEE, morocco, gilt edges 12mo. Roma, 1817 1701 Chiabrera (G.) Poemetti 4- Firenze,lQ21.2% Gamba does not seem to have been aware that all the four volumes ^ere printed at Florence, as he states that the fourth volume, prmted at Vemce m lb28, is the rarest. 1 70fi Chiabrera (G.) Ameideida, Poema Eroico con gli argomenti in ottaya 1706 ^^^^[^^^^^^1 Vestiero Idrontino (A. PescuUi), e col k A ,ta deU' Autore, Genova, 1654-Poemi Eroici Postumi di Chiabrera, tvi lQoZ,vdlum 12'«o. tn one vol. The Ruggiero (one of the Poemi eroki) is a continuation of the Orlando Furioso of Ariosto. 1707 Chiabrera (G.)I^ime, 3 vol. i?or'E Capitoli per la Vendita et Compra delle Terre delle Chiane, Orvieto 1641— Capitoli e Piante concordate sopra I'Operationi da farsi nelle Chiane, witJi the large and small folding plans, Itoma,imS 4^0. tn one vol. This politico-hvdraulic treaty was made under the supermtendeuce of the celebrated mathematicians G. D. Cassmi and V. \iviam. 1712 Chiesa (A.) e B. Gambarini, DeUe Cagioni e de Eimedi delle Inon- dazioni del Tevere e del Modo di renderlo navigabde deutro Eoma, rtlates and large plan ^Lg^vkv^^, vellum fol^o. i?m«, 1746 From the library of Cardmal Albani. 1713 CMesa (E A della) Theatro delle Donne Letterate con un breve Discorso deUa Preminenza, e Perfettione del Sesso Donnesco presentation copy to Cardinal Albani, vellum Svo. Mondovi, 1620 A very cmious work, contaming interestmg information respectijig many British Ladies, celebrated for their learning, mcludmg Mary Queen of Scots, Queen Mary, the Daughters of Sir Thomas More, «S:c. 1714 Chivvies. Eranklin (B.) on Smoky Chimneys, scarce London 1787 _-\Yalker (A.) on Smoking Chimuies, ib. 1777— Cause and Cure of Smokinc^ Cbimnies— Anderson (J.) on Chimnies, Lo7idon, 1783 — Dauforth (T.) on Chimnies, ib. 1796— Clavering (E.) on Chim- neys, ib. 1779-Cauty (W.) on CMmnies, &c 1772-Whitehuxst (J.) on the Construction of Chimneys, ib. 1/94 Svo. ^ Uo. (.b; 1715 Cni>-A. Chambers (Sir AV.) Traite des Edifices, Meubles, Habits Machines et Etensils des Chinois, 20 i9Z«^e5 4^o. P«m, 1775 1711 Chias O) 202 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1716 China. Historical and Geographical Description of the celebrated Mountain Lo-Feu-CiiajST, in the Province of Canton, and of its famous Temples, in Chinese, 5 vol. printed on Gldnese 'pa^er, ivitli numerous looodcut views, in a ease royal %vo. 1717 China. M^moires concernant I'Histoire, les Sciences, les Arts, lea Moeurs, les Usages, &c. des Chinois, par les Missionnaires de Pekin, 12 vol. jplates, calf Uo. Paris, 177G-1786 A most important collection, consisting of translations from the Chinese language, and of original tracts by the learned Jesuit Missionaries. These are the scarce volumes ; the contmuation may be readily obtamed in Paris. 1718 China. Notizie Yarie dell' Imperio della China e di qualche altro paese adiacente con la Vita di Confucio (di L. Magalotti) 12mo. Firenze, 1697 Chiefly derived from conversations with the Jesuit Father Griiber. 1719 China. Eodella (G.) Letters de la Cina, e da Goa, 8vo. Milano, 1620 1720 Chinese Drawing-Book called Kiay Tse youen Iwa Tchotten, 5 parts, comprising Delineations of Houses, Trees, Figures, and tlie various Objects necessary to form Landscapes, worked on Chinese jjajjer small folio, in a case 1721 Chinese Language. Lanjuinais (J. D.) sur I'Essai de J. P. Abel- Eemusat sur la langue et la Litterature Chinoise, Paris, 1811 — Sacy (S. de) Notice de la Lettre a M. Abel-Eemusat sur la Nature des formes grammaticales de la langue Chinoise, par G. de Humbolt, ih. 1828 — Brosset (M.) Essai sur le Chi-King et sur I'ancienne Poesie C\\mo\^e, presentation copy, ivith autlior''s autograph inscrip- tion, ih. 1828 — Langles (L.) Notice des Ouvrages elementaires Manuscrits sur la Langue Chinoise — Guignes (M. de) Eeflexions sur la Langue Chinoise, ih. 1807 — Lettre e'crite de Lintz par un Orientaliste Allemand, Strashonrg — Montucci (A.) Eeponse a la Lettre de M. de Guignes, Berlin, 1810 — Montucci (A.) Letters to the Editor of the Universal Magazine on Chinese Literature, including Strictures on Dr. Hager's two "Works, London, 1804 — Leontiew (A. L.) Lettres sur La Litterature Manchou, Paris, 1815 8ro. 9 tracts 1722 Cbirurgia (Hippocratis, Galeni, et Oribasii) e Grncco in Latinum conversa Vido Yidio interprete, cum nonnullis ejusdem Yidii Commentariis, sp>irited woodcuts, vellum folio. Paris, 1514 1723 Chivery (Philip Hurault Comte de) Momoires d'Estat (sur les Eegnes de Henry III et Henry lY) avec son Instruction a son Fils, 2 vol. 12mo. La LLaye, 1720 1724 Christinse Suecorum, &c. Eeginae S. Cong, de Prop. Fide Collegium invisenti Collegii Eucharisticon, curious folding inscription scarce 4:to. Romce, 1656 Containing poems in Greek, Latin, Dutch, French, Spanish, Italian, and various Oriental languages, all printed in their proper characters. Amongst the Latin is one entitled " Chi-istinte America Catholica." THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 203 1725 Chronica Sacri Monasterii Casineusis, auctore Leone Cardinali Epis- copo Ostiensi, continuatore Petro Diacouo, notis illustrata, edidit Angelas de Xuce, cum Yita S. Beuedicti calf folio. Lut. Paris. 1668 A very important -work for the liistoiy of the Langobards and Normans in Italy. 1726 Chronicon Xovaliciense (edidit Coelestinus Combetti) LAsaE PAPER, nncut royal Si'o. Taiiri7ii, 1843 Presentation copy, with autograph inscription of the editor. A celebrated work respecting the origin of Mediaeval history, and full of romance. It is published here in a more complete form than it was by Muratori. 1727 CnUECH-GovEENMENT. An Abstract of certain Acts of Parliament: of certaine of Her Maiesties Injunctions: of certaine Canons, Constitutions, and SynodaUes provincial, &c. veri/ large copy, with rouyh leaves, calf extra 4:to. without place, printer, or date (1584) This severe attack on the English Chui'ch was answered by Archbishop Whitgift in 1584. 1728 Ciaconis (A.) Historia ilia ceu verissima a Calumniis \dndicata quse refert Trajani animam precibus D. Gregorii Pontificis Eomaui a Tartareis Cruciatibus ereptam. — Quod D. Hieronymus fuerit Cardinalis, 2 tracts in 1 vol. fine coj)ies, vellum 4:to. Venetiis, 1583 1729 Ciaconii (A ) et aliorum Yitx et Ees Gestae Pontificum Eomanorum et S. E. E. Cardinalium, ab Initio nascentis Ecclesiae usque ad Clementem IX, ab A. Oldoino recognitae, 2 vol. manerous ivood- cut portraits tvith coats of arms and plates calf gilt folio. Eom<£, 1677 For continuation of this valuable work, see Guamacci. 1730 Ciampi (S.) Memorie della Yita di Messer Cino da Pistoia (del Secolo XIII), portrait, uncut 8i'0. Pisa, 1808 Cino was equally famous as a Poet and a Jurist. 1731 Ciampi (S.) Xotizie del Canonico Sozomeno illustre Letterato del Secolo XY, con il compendio della contiuuazione recentemente trovata deUa sua Cronaca dal 1410 fino al 1455 tmcut Si'o. Pisa, 1810 1732 Ciampi (S.) Notizie inedite della Sagrestia Pistoiese de Belli Arredi del Campo Santo Pisano e di altre Opere di Disegno dal Secolo XII al XY (con antichi documenti), plates uncut 4:to. Firenze, ISIO Very important for the history of Italian Arts. 1733 Ciampi (S.) Memorie di Scipione Carteromaco (Segretario deUa Acca- demia Aldina), Pisa, 1811 — IS'otizie del Canonico Sozomeno (del Secolo XY), ih. 1810 — Memorie del Cardinale Niccolo Forteguerri (del Secolo XY), ih. 1S13 8t'o. together 3 vol. 1734 Ciampi (S.) Memorie di Scipione Carteromaco (del ecolo XY-XYI) 8fO. Pisa, 1811 Containuig also the Greek, Latin, and Italian Poems of Carteromaco, with much information respecting the first Aldus. 204 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1735 Ciampi (S.) Meinorie di Niccolo Eortegiierri lustitutore del Liceo e del Collegio Forteguerri di Pistoja uel Secolo XV, Svo. Pisa, 1813 1736 Ciampii (S.) De Historia Ludorum Discendi Synopsis presentation copy, with autograph inscription 4ito. Varsavice, 1818 1737 Ciampi (S.) Notizie di Medici, Maestri di Musica e Cantori, Pittori, Arcbitetti, Scultori ed altri Artisti Italiani in Polonia e Polacchi in Italia, con Appendice degli Artisti Italiani in Eussia (con documenti inediti) Svo. Lucca, 1830 1738 Ciampi (S.) "Viaggio in Polonia neUa State del 1830, Firenze, 1831 — Lettere Militari con un Piano di Hiforma dell' Esercito Polacco del E/e Giovanni Sobiescki, publicate da S. Ciampi, Firenze, 1830 Svo. together 2 vol. 1739 Ciampi (S.) Bibliografia Critica delle antiche reciprocbe Corrispon- denze dell' Italia coUa Eussia, coUa Polonia ed altre Parti Setten- trionali, 2 vol. Svo. Firenze, 1834 An important work, full of unpublished documeuts. 1740 Ciampini (J.) de Incombustibili lino sive Lapide Amianto deque illius filaudi niodo, a curious Dissertation 4to. Homce, 1691 1741 Cibrario (L.) la Morte del Conte Carmagnola illustrata, con documenti inediti, Torino, 1834 — Notizie Biografiche del Conte P. Balbo, Typografia Favale, 1837 Svo. 1742 Cibrario (Cav. L.) Opuscoli Svo. Torino, 1841 An interesting work, containing, amongst other things, " Delle Giostre aUa Corte di Savoia " — " Del commercio degli Schiavi in Genova," &c. 1743 Cibrario (L.) della Economia Politica del Medio Evo, 3 vol, Svo. Torino, 1841-42 An interesting work, full of curious information respecting domestic life in Italy during the middle ages. 1744 Cibrario (L.) degli Scbioppi neU' Anno 1347, con alcune Notizie delle Valli di Lanzo, d' Ala, di Lemie e d'lJsseglio, del Secolo XIV. Della Storia di Ginevra e di alcune Ponti poco note della mcdesima royal Svo. Torino, 1844 1745 Ciearellus (A.) de Tuberibus et de Clitumno Plumine vellum Svo. Fatavii, 1564 From the Library of F. Cesi, with the stamp of the celebrated Academy of the Lined. At the end there is a manuscript addition (undoubtedly by some Linceo) on the curious subject of the pietra de' Tartufi. 1746 Ciceronis (M. T ) Orationes Pbilippicae, cum Enarrationibus F. Matu- rantii, half hound folio. Vicentice, H. de 8ancto Ursio, 1488 1747 CiCEEO (M. T.) DE Oeatoee, curante J. Eagio A SCABCE EDITION, half Titssia foUo. Lipsicd, M. Lotter, 1515 Filled with autograph notes of the Reformer, Puilip Melanc- THON, whose signature has been erased on the title-page. At the end, liowever, is the following inscription: — " Ollatoris huiiis prelectio felicem exitfi sortita est per Phil. Melancthone Musaru autistitem 4 nonas februarias, anno a natali Christiano 1524. THE LIBRI LIBE/VEY. 205 1748 Ciceronis de Oratore Libri III. Orator. De claris Oratoribus. Cum Correctionibas Pauli Manutii, icith manuscript notes in the orirjinal stamped picjshin, lolth scows from the Life of Christ and the letters G. 8. V. 15G2 impressed on sides 8vo. Venefiis, Aldus, 1559 From the Library of Georgius Sabinus, the Poet. The MS. Notes are very similar to the handwriting of Philip Melancthon, who was his father- in-law. 1749 Ciceronis Paradoxa, the heading of each printed in Greeh characters Baventrie, per Albertwn Paffraed, 1515 This edition is not mentioned by Panzer. Cicero de Diviuatione, cum P. Marsi Commentariis. Accedit Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis, Paris, 151<2 — Ejusdcm Ciceronis Liber de Pato, Somnium Scipionis, et de Legibus Libri III, Lutetioe, 1553-54i,fne copies, ruled, vellum, in one vol. 4vo. Firenze, 1809 1759 CiciSBEATUEA. Lettcra di un Signore Inglese sopra la Cicisbeatura con un Accordo di died Articoli da osservarsi, Lucca, 1768 — Lettera seconda, Firenze, 1770 — Lettera da un Signore Inglese circa il Metodo d' insegnare la Geografia, Lucca, 1768, scarce and curious loorhs on the Cavalieri serventi 8vo. in one vol. 1760 Cicognara (Conte L.) Storia della Scultura dal suo risorgimento in Italia fine al Secolo di Canova, 7 vol. portrait 8t'o. Frato, 1823 This valuable and important work was intended as a supplement to Winckel- mann's History of early Art. 1761 Cicognara (Conte L.) Catalogo ragionato dei Libri d' Arte e d' Anti- chita, 2 vol. interleaved half morocco, a valuable and now scarce worli 8vo. Fisa, 1821 1762 Cicognara (Conte L.) Memorie spettanti alia Storia della Calcografia scarce 8vo. Frato, 1831 Containing his accoiint of Nielli, Playing-cards, &c. &c. 1763 CiD. Historia verdadera y famosa del Cid Campeador, D. Eodrigo Diaz de Vivar, ivoodcut 4:to. Cordoba, s. a. 1764 CiGNAKi. Descrizione de' Cartoni disegnati da Carlo Cignani, e de' Quadri dipinti da Sebastiano Hicci, posseduti dal Console Giuseppe Smith colle Vite dei due celebri Prof'essori U7icut 4^to. Venezia, 1749 1765 Cincii (Julii) Oratio coram TJrbano YIII, pro Bcatificatione Dominicae a Paradiso FlorentiuEe, fundatricis optimse Monialium Sanctiss. Crucis, engraved titlepage 4''s COPT, icith his autograph, and also that of Gueneau de Montheillard Svo. 1730 1774 Claudiani Opera diligenter emendata per Thadseum Ugoletum Par- mensem SECOND EDITION, Very scarce, hut last two leaves slightly damaged, vellum 4:to. Farmce, Angelus Ugolefus, 1493 More complete than the first edition of 1482, and exhibiting a far better text, obtained from the collation of several manuscripts. This was Professor Porson's copy. 1775 Claudiani Opera Svo. Venetiis, Aldus, 1523 1776 Claudiani Opera, a scarce edition, Basiled, 1534 — Gesneri (C.) Moralis Interpretatio Errorum Ulyssis Homerici, &c. presentation copy to C. Glauser from Conrad Gesner, with his aidograjjh inscription, Tiguri, 1542 — Ovidii Metamorpboseos Epitome per F. Nigrum, ib. s. a. Svo. in one vol. With the autograph of Dr. Farmer, and with his IMS. Note respectmg the rarity of Gesner's work, which, he says, sold for 17 shillings in Crofts' sale. 1777 Claudiani (Claudii) Opusculum de raptu Proserpine legentibus multum utile atq3 iocundus, a scarce edition, hut slightly wormed, s. I. ^' a. {sed Lipsice circa 1490) — Velleii Paterculi (C.) Historise Eomanse Interpretatione et Notis illustravit E. Eiguez in Usum Delphini, front, Farisiis, 1675 — Faerni (G.) Fabulas Centum, LARGE PAPER, FatavH, 1718 4^0. 3 vol. 1778 Claudianus T. Pulmanni Diligentia e vetustis Codicibus restitutus. Accedunt M. A. Del-Eio Xotae et Aviani Fabularum Liber a T. Pulmanno ex jMembranis in Lucem editus, 3 vol. in 1 in the original binding, ornamented sides, having the initials D. G. interlaced stamped in gold on back \Qmo. AntverpicB, C. Plantinus, 1571-72 208 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 1779 Clavio (C.) Aritraetica Prattica, tradotta dal Latiuo dal Sig. L. Castellano e rivista del medesimo Padre Clavio con alcune Aggiunte, rare, vellum '^vo. JRoma, 1618 This version, enlarged by the author himself, is not mentioned by Professor De Morgan. 1780 Clavigny de Sainte Honorine (M, de) Traite des Langues (« scarce hooh on the Comparison of Languages'), Vlmo. Paris, 1672 — Sells, Lettre sur les petits Spectacles de Paris, imciit, 8yo. Paris, 1789 — Nodier (C.) Pranciscus Columna {the author of tlie celelrated Hypnerotomacliia of Poliphilus), precede d'une Notice par J. Janin, j;os^ Svo. Paris, 1844 (3) 1781 Clement XI. De Vita et Eebus Gestis dementis XI Pont. Max. libri sex. portrait and vignettes, vellum, uncut folio. Urhini, 1727 1782 Clementini (C.) Lncubrationes Medicinae. Item Eichardus de Signis Pebrium, Antonius de Grradis de Pebribus, et C. Barsisius de Pebrium Cognitione et Cura, Basilecp, H. Petrus, 1535 — Puchsii (D. L.) Paradoxorum Medicinae libri tres, ih. 1535 — Stoflerinus (J.) de Astrolabiis, &c. u'oodcuts hg Peter Jordan, Moguntioe, 1535 calf stamped sides and clasps folio, in one vol. The third work, which is full of fine woodcuts with Xylographic inscrip- tions, ends with leaf 77. 1783 Clenardi (N.) Tabula in Grammaticen Plebrseam, scarce, ^vo. Paris, PL. Gormontiiis, (1529) — Leusdeni (Jo.) Schola Syriaca una cum Synopsi Chaldaica et Dissertatione de Literis et Lingua Samari- tanorum, vellum., Ultrajecti, 1672 — Vallje (Laiu-entii) de Linguse Latinae Elegantia libri VI, Cantah. 1688 — Scioppii (G.) Gram- matica Philosopliica, vellum, Amst. 1685 8vo. 4 vol. 1784 Cleomedis Meteora, Grsece et Latine, cum perpetuo Commentario E. Balforei, Scott, velhim 4ito. Burdigalce, 1605 With the autograph of T. Henryson on the titlepage, and having his Arms stamped on the vellum cover. 1785 Clichtovei (J.) De Mystica Numerorum significatione Opusculum eorum prsesertim qui in Sacris Litteris usitati habentur, with elegant looodcut capitals scarce, halflound 4:to. Parisiis, PC. Stephanus, 1513 1786 Clichtovei (J.) De Vera Nobilitate Opusculum 4ito. Parisiis, S. Colin<^us, 1520 With the autograph signature and Notes of the celebrated historian Bene- detto Varchi. 1787 Clocks. Certificates on Arnold's Chronometers, London — Mayer (C.) on Arnold's Pendulum Clock, ih. — Instructions concerning Arnold's Chronometers, ih. — Earnshaw on Time-Keepers, ih. 1805 — Earnshaw and Arnold's Time-Keepers, plates, ih. 1806 — Arnold, Account of a Pocket Chronometer, ih. 1780 — Whiteburst (J.) on the Mensuration of Time, plate, ih. 1787 4ito. (7) 1788 Clocks. Hildeyard (T.) on a curious Clock, plates, London, 1727 — EUicott (J.) Influence of two Clocks on each other, ih. — L'Horloge du Laboureur, plates, Paris, 1791 — Whitehurst (J.) Mensuration of Time, plates, London, 1787 — Earnshaw & Arnold's Timekeepers, ih. 1806 — Arnold, Account of a Pocket Chrono- meter, ih. 1780 Uo. (6) THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 209 1789 Clocks. Jenkins (H.) on Clocks, London, 1778— Janvier (A.) sur les Horloges, plates, Paris, l&ll — Sully, sur les Montres et les Pendules, ib. 1728 — Mudge, on Time-Keepers, London, 1792 — Eeport on Madge's Time-Keepers, ih. 1793 — Ward's Compensa- tion Pendulum, Blandford, 1808 — Inventions in Time-Keepers, plates, London, 1806 — AVoodley (Capt.) Universal Time-Piece, ih. 1831- Svo. (8) 1790 Cocchi (A.) Discorsi Toscani sopra L. Bellini, sopra un Manuscritto in Cera, sull' uso externd dell" aqua fredda (cold water cure), &c. 2 vol. LARGE PAPER, very rare, vellum 4:to. Firenze, 1761 This edition is dedicated ti) the Countess of Orford, and this copy belonged to Sir Horace Mann, Bart, the Correspondent of her son Horace Walpole, and has his book-plate. 1791 Cocchi (A.) sotto iljlnto Kome di un Filosofo Mugellano) del Matrimonio coir Aggiunta di una Lettera ad una Sposa scarce ito. Farigi (^Ltalia), 1762 Strictly prohibited as an impious work. — See Lancetti's Pseudonimia. 1792 [Coccbi (A.)] Eagionamento del Matrimonio di un Filosofo Mugellano coir aggiunta di una lettera ad una sposa, tradotta daH' Inglese da una Fauciulla MugeUana Jine copy in gilt calf ; from Mollis'' s Collection 8i'o. Londra, 1762 Privately printed and very scarce, having been strictly prohibited, " perchS contiene qualche proposizione empia," probably the Section " del Diletto Venereo." 1793 Cocchi (A.) Consult! Medici (e Lettere), con un Appendice d'altri Scritti in parte inediti 8yo. Milano, 1824 1791! Cochelet (A.) Pali=estrita Honoris D. Hallensis pro Justo Lipsio adversus Dissertationem meutiti Idoli Hallensis anonymi cujusdam Hseretici, engraving on title-page 4:to. Antvopice, 1607 1795 Cockeram (H.) English Dictionary, or an Interpreter of Hard-English Words, p)(fi't of title torn off, and imperfect at end, vellum, 12mo. T. Harper, 1631 — Marcus Antoninus, Meditations, translated by J. Collier, 8^0. London, 1701 — Gay's (J.) Poems on several Occasions, 2 vol. plates, calf 12mo. Lond. 1731 — Gee (J.) on the Trade and xs^avigation of Great Britain, 12mo. 1738 — Smith (S. S.) Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Eigure in the Human Species, with Strictures on Lord Karnes, lialf russia, Si'O. Edinburgh, 1788 — Yerri (Cav. A.) The Adventures of Sappho, Poetess of Mitylene, in Italian and English, 2 vol. uncut, 8t'o. 1789 — Plutarch's Lives, with jN'otes, &c. by J. & AY. Langhorne, 8yo. Lond. 1825 — Eeynolds (G. AY. M) Modern Literature of France, 2 vol. crou-n '6vo. London, 1839 (11) 1796 Codagnelli (M ) Oratio ad S. P. Yenetorum Leonardum Lauredanum in Commendationem Magnifici Andrese Lauredani 4^0. s. I. Sf. a. (S^c. XV.) From the library of the Rev. Dr. Parr, whose autogi-aph " liber rarus " stands on fly-leaf. 1797 Codes (S. De) Memoria sobre que Providencias convendrian tomarse para precarver las Quiebras o Bancarrottas fraudulentas {Madrid, 1820) — Azedvedo (A. De) de Tortura, scarce, Matriti, 1770 — Villarroya (Don J.) sobre la Autoridad Eeal y Soberana Eegalia 210 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OE de conocer privativamente los Jueces todas las Questiones de Realengo que poseen los Eclesiasticos en Valencia, rare, Madrid, 1778 — Lardizabal y Uribe (M. D.) Apologia por los Agotes de Navai-ra y los Chuetas de Mallorca con una breve Digression a los Vaqueros de Asturias, Madrid, 1786 half hound small 8vo. in one vol. The last work is respecting tliat unfortunate race called Cagots, so well known to the English reader by the graphic description given by Grattan in his " Highways and Byeways " of " the Cagot's Hut." It is interesting and very scarce. 1798 Colangelo (E.) Vita di Giacomo Sannazaro, Poeta e Cavaliere Napoli- tano (con appendice di documeuti inediti), portrait uncut 8yo. JSfajyoli, 1819 1799 Colebrooke (M. H. T.) Essais sur la Philosopbie des Hindous, traduits de I'Anglais et augmentes de Textes Sanskrits et de Notes par Gr. Pauthier scarce, uncut, half red morocco ^vo. Paris, 1833 1800 Coleti (Eratelli) Catalogo delle Storie Particolari Civili ed Ecclesiasticlie delle Citta e Luoghi d'ltalia half vellum 4 ; Aurelianenses Prsesidatuum a Pyi'rho Englebermeo ; Turonenses Prsesidatuum a Joanne Sainson original calf binding, with four impressions of an engraving of Hope surrounded by a motto and a quotation from Psalm 70 folio. Parisiis, Galliot du Pre, 1543 The Coutumes themselves are in French. On the fly-leaf are autograph signatures of Jean de la Salle, 1547, and of Antoine de la Salle, 1677. 1887 Contareno (G.) la Eepublica e i Magistrati di Vinegia, Vinegia, B. Sabini, 1551 — Contarini (P. M.) Compendio Universal di Eepub- lica, vellum, Venetia, 1602 — Mutio Justinopolitano (H.) Operetta Morali, vellum, Vinegia, Q. Oiolito, 1553 — Guevara (A.) Aviso de Pavoriti e Dottrina de Cortegiani composta per A. Giavara {sic) Vescovo di Mondogneto e tradotta dal Spagnolo nell' Idioma THE LIBRI LIBRAET. 223 Italiano, vellum, Venetia, 1559 — Sarrava (Dottor.) lustitutione de' Mercauti die tratta del comprare et venders et della TJsura che puo occorrere nella Mercantia, scarce, vellum, Venetia, 1561 — Ulloa (A.) Dialogo della Deguita dell' Huomo, Venetia, 1563 — Mutio Justinopolitano Le Malitie Bettine, Pesaro, 1565 — La Morale Filosofia brevemeute descritta per due Filosofi ; Epitteto ed Aristotele ; et il trattato di Plutarco dell' Amor de' Genitori verso i Figliuoli, ridotto in Yolgare da G. Ballino, vellum, Venetia, 1565 — Possevini (Gio. B.) Dialogo dell' Houore, nel quale si tratta del Duello, della Nobilta, e dei Gradi d'Honore, vellum, Venetia, 1583 8vo. 9 vol. in 7 1888 Coutarino (G.) La Eepublica e i Magistrati di Vinegia, 8^0. Vinegia, G. Scotto, 1511 — Lanteri (G.) della Economica, trattato, Venetia, 1562 — Bonardo (G) Eicchezze dell' Agricultura, 8vo. ivi, 1584, vellum — Eoccabella (T.) Prencipe deliberante, 12mo. Venetia, 1628 — Scipioni (M. A.) Vera Eagione di Stato praticata, Piacenza, 1650-— Bresciani (G.) Yita del Beato Giovanni Sordi, Milano, 1649, uncut, 12mo. — Halifax (Marchese) Awiso ad una Piglia, frontispiece, calf, Svo. Verona, 1784 — II Ministero di Guglielmo Pitt, Traduzione da G. Montanari, calf, 8vo. Modena, 1768 \2mo. and 8vo. (6) 1889 Contarino (Luigi) II vago, et dilettevole Giardino ove si leggono gli infelici fini di molti Huomini illustri, i mirabili essempi di virtu, et vitii de gli Huoraini, I'opere deUe dieci Sibille, il Discorso delle Muse, I'imprese delle Amazzone i meravigliosi essempi delle Donne, gli inventori delle Scienze et Arti, ecc. 2 vol. in 1, with portraits and other woodcuts vellum 4:to. Ve7iet. Alessandro Je' Vecchi, 1619 A very ciu:ious and amusing -work. 1890 Contatoris (Dominici Antonii) De Historia Terracinensi Libri V 4fo. Romce, 1706 An important work, containing numerous ancient deeds, and also biographies of the iUustrious men of Terracina. 1891 Conti (Abate Antonio) su 1' Aurora Boreale 4^o. Venezia, 1739 Prefixed is the letter of P. Ignazio Angelucci, addressed to P. Kircher " della Fata Morgana." Conti asci'ibes the Aurora Boreale to electricity. 1892 Conti (A.) Prose, e Poesie, 2 vol. Venezia, 1739-56 — Illustrazione del Parmenide di Platone, di Antonio Conti, ivi, 1743— Eiflessioni su r Aurora Boreale di Antonio Conti, loith a plate, ivi, 1739 vellum 4to. in 2 vol. In the last work Conti attributes to electricity the Aurora Borealls. The celebrated discoveries of Franklin were inserted in the Philosophical Transactions only in 1751 and 1752. 1893 Conti (A.) Poesie e Prose, 2 vol. 4:to. Venezia, 1739-56 Including his Mathematical Works and those written in French. Prefixed to the second Volume is a Life of the Author, who was the intimate friend of Sii' Isaac Newton, and much involved in his disputes with Leibnitz. In the first Volume we find mention for the first time of the Aurora Borealis being supposed to be an electric phenomenon. 1894 Conti (G, de') La Bella Mano con una Eaccolta di Eime d'Antichi Tos,Qdim, frontispiece, calf 8w. Verona, 1750 224 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 1895 Conti (Q-. de) La Bella Mano, con una Eaccolta di Eime Antiche Toscane (non publicate nella Eaccolta dei Giunti) di Dante, Petrarca, Guide Cavalcanti, etc. etc. frontispiece, plate of tomb, and vignettes, uncut 4ortraits of Sampiero and Napoleon I, uncut 8vo. JSastia, 1833-34) 1940 Corsica. Saggio storico del Regno di Corsica (1729-68) portrait of General PaoU, uncut Svo. Venezia, 1768 1941 Corsignani (P. A.) de Viris illustribus Marsorum frontispiece, vellum Mo. RomcB, 1712 Au important biographical work, containing several ancient documents. 1942 Corsini (B.) Torraccbione desolato con alcune spiegazioui de 1' aggi- unta del suo Anacreonte Toscano, 2 \o\. portrait, French calf , gilt edges 12mo. Londra {Parigi) Prault, 1768 1943 Corsini (E.) Dissertationes IV AgonisticEe, uncut, -ito. Florentice, 1747 1944 Corsini (P. Odoardo) Eagionamento Istorico sopra la Valdicbiana in cui si descrive 1' antico e presente suo stato onap, uncut, rare in this state 4:to. Firenze, 1742 Moreni praises this work as " molto pregiabile per la scienza idrostatica, per la critica e per la perizia istorica." 1945 Corso (R.) Vita di Griberto Terzo di Correggio detto il Difensore con gli Honori della Casa di Correggio recitati nel Carnovale del 1554 con due Capitoli in Lode della Donne Correggesi rare Svo. Ancona, 1566 1946 Cortegiano (II novo) di Vita Cauta et Morale, vellum, fine copy of a curious hook 4t:to. s. I. Sf a. (circa 1530) 1947 Cortese (Gr. B.) il Selvaggio, in cui si trattano Innamoramenti, Bat- taglie, et altre Cose bellissime (in ottava Eiraa), woodcut of the Piazzetta di S. Marco at end, very scarce, fne copy in vellum 4>to. Venetia, O. A. di Nicolini da Sabbio, 1535 1948 Cortese (G.) sulle Ossa Fossili di grandi Animali teiTCstri e marini (nel territoi'io di Piacenza), map andplates 4do. {Parma, s. a.) 1949 Cortesi (C.) Giustina Eeina di Padova, Tragedia, 4:to. Vincenza, 1607 The earliest and only edition known to Allacci is that of 1610. 1950 Cortesius (P.) De Hominibus Doctis cum adnotationibus. Accedit Auctoris Vita. (Edidit B. Paperinius) velhnn 4fo. Florentice, 1734 An mteresting biographical work written during the XVth Century, and con- taining numerous lives of celebrated Italians, includmg that of Dante. THE LIBRI LIBEART. 22& 1951 Cortesii (T. A.) Liber unus, de Yirtutibus Bellicis Maithise Corvini, HuBgariae Eegis invictissimi, Y. Obsopoei Opera in Liicem editus 8vo. Haganoce, 1531 A very scarce Poem, in heroic verse, on the Deeds of IMatthias Corvinus, equally renowned for liis Bibliomania as for his military talents. 1952 Corti (Bonaventura) Sperieuze sulle minuge o corde d' intestini e sulle fuui, o corde di Canapa, icith plate 4:to. Modena, ISOJi A scarce work, written by an eminent man almost imknown out of Italy. 1953 CoETixjE (Dominici, Filii Martini, Epporediensis) Ej^ctclopjedia IManusceipt, with diagrams, entirely prepared for the press, in the original calf binding folio. VillcB Ducis Agri Bhodogini in ^dihns M. D. Kicolai Lion Yeneti Mense Jlaii, ii.D.xxsviii An extremely curious work, but which does not seem to have been ever printed. The following note, affixed by the licenser, to the author's defi- nition of the Deity, is sufficient to accoimt for its non-appearance : "Impia ista et veri athei hominis De Deo assignata Definitio qute non minus omni- bus omnium philosophorum opinionibus axiomatibusque qiiam Christianas Fidei repugnat principiis." 195i Cosmogi'aplii-cE Introductio cum quibusdjfhi Geometric ac Astronomi® Principiis ad earn rem necessariis, woodcuts half calf Svo. Venetiis per Jo. Antoniuni et Fratres de Sahio, 1533 Unknown to Lalande. In this rare work America is mentioned as discovered by Americus Vesputius and others. 1955 Cossali (P.) Effemeride Astronomica per 1' Anno V7Q4!, jjlafe Svo. Panna (Bodoni), 1794 1956 Cossali (Pietro) Origine, Trasporto in Italia, Primi Progressi in essa dell' Algebra. Storia critica di nuove Disquisizioni analiticbe e metafisiche arricchita, 2 vol. plates, uncut 4:to. JBarma, 1797-99 A celebrated work. 1957 Cossali (P.) Elogio di Luigi Lagrange, uncut Svo. Padova, 1813 A privately printed Memoir of this eminent mathematician, giving at end a complete hst of his writings, commencing with the Italian " Lettera al Conte G. C. di Fagnano," printed in 1754. 1958 Costa (Margherita) Flora Feconda, Poema, portrait vellum _ 4:to. Fiorenza, 1640 1959 Costanzo (A. di, Poeta del Secolo XVF) Einie, con le Eime di Graleazzo di Tarsia, calf, gilt, Svo. Padova, Comino, 1738 — Minturno (A.) Eime et Prose, e 1' Amore inuamorato, 2 vol. in 1, wants leaf of Tavola, calf Svo. Venetia, 1559 — Castaldi (C.) Poesie volo-ari e Latine (scrittejcirca il 1520) colla Yita, laege papee, vellum, royal Svo. Londra, 1757 — Silvio (Paolo) La Madalena Peuiteute, Poema Heroico, woodcut, with additional errata in MS. probably in the author's autograph, Vlrno. J\"apoli, 1599 (4) 1960 Costeri (F.) Sica Tragica Comiti Mauritio a Jesuitis ut aiunt Cal- vinista? Leydre intentata nuper Germanice, nunc Latine edita ab ^gidio Schondonehi S. J. Svo. Antverpiee, 1599 1961 Cotesii (E.) Harmonia Mensurarum et alia Opuscula Mathematica. edidit et auxit E. Smith, cuts, calf 4:to. Cantab. 1722 1962 Cotesii (E.) Harmonia Mensurarum et alia Opuscula Mathematica, edidit et auxit E. Smith, calf from Sir George Shuckburgh'g Library -ito. Cantab. 1722 230 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 19G3 Cotesii (R.) Harmonia Mensurarum et alia Opuscula Mathematica sive Analysis et Synthesis per Ration, et Angulor. Mensuram. Editlit et auxit E. Smith, MS. additions 4:fo. Cantab. 1722 " Ouvrage estime, vendu 24 francs Lalande" {Brunei). 1964 Cotta (L. A.) Museo Novarese, vellum folio. Milano, 1701 A most valuable biographical and bibliographical account of Novarese Avriters and their works, but especially of those remaining in manuscript. Amongst the Lives will be found those of Campano, Cattaneo, Mignotto, D'Ameuo, &c. &c. 19G5 Courier (P. L.) Memoires, Correspondance et Opuscules Inedits, 2 vol. uncut Svo, Paris, 1828 1966 Courtnei (Odoardi) Thysia Pbilosophica, scarce 4lates calf * folio. Paris, 1725 1968 Cousin (Jehan) Livre de Perspective, heautiful looodcuts folio. Paris, Jelian le Boyer, 1560 In this very rare Treatise on Perspective the author (who is described by his printer as a j^ainter not inferior to Xeuxis and who is still celebrated in France) seems to have made the drawings on the wood blocks himself, and had them afterwards cut by Jelian Le Royer, the printer, by whom with the exception of a few commenced by Aubin Olivier, his brother-in-law, they were engraved and finished. This work is highly praised by Cicognara. 1969 Cousin (V.) Nouveau Pragmens Pbilosophiques, tincut, ^vo. PariSf 1828 — Cousin (V.) Reeu.eil des Principaux Actes du Ministere de rinstruction Publique, scarce, uncut, 8i'o. Paris, ISld — Cousin (V.) Eapport sur I'lnstruction Publique dans Prancfort, Weymar et en Saxe, 4to. Paris, 1832 — Eapport sur I'lnstruction secon- daire, Uo. ih. 1843 (4) Containing most interesting Documents on Public Education. 1970 Cousin (V.) Pragmens Pbilosophiques, 2 vol. uncut, Suo. Paris, 1838 Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription. This work contains unpublished letters of Leibnitz, Bossuet, etc. etc. 1971 Cousin (V.) de la Metapbysique d'Aristote, suivi d'un essai de tra- duction du premier et du douzieme livres de la Metaphysique, Paris, 1838 — Le9ons sur la Pbilosopbie de Kant, ih. 1844 half calf Svo. in one vol. 1972 Cousin (V.) Cours de I'Histoire de la Pbilosopbie Moderne. Deuxieme Serie, 3 vol. tmcut 12mo. Paris, 1847 1973 Coussemaker (E. de) Histoire de 1' Harmonic au Moyen Age, nmne- roiis plates, including 37 pages of facsimiles of ancient onusical manuscripts from the IXth to the JCIVth century uncut 4ito. Paris, 1852 A most important work, now very scarce. It contains niunerous Mottetti and Chansons in Latin, French, etc. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 231 1974 Craig (J.) de Figurarum curvilinearum Quadraturis et Locis G-eome- tricis, plate, Lond. 1G93 — Ericii (B.) Thesium Mathematicarum Dyodecas, Basilece, 1G51 — Traudeuius (D.) Tyd-Zifter met een Eym-Bundel van den zelven, scarce, Amst. 1662 — Bierum (H.) 't inaeckeu van Sonne-wysers, cuts, rare, Groningen, 1676 4ito. in one vol. These works of Traudeiiius and Bierum are not mentioned by Lalande, and were therefore both unknown to him. In Craig's work the notation of the differential calculus is employed, and its discovery is attributed to Leibnitz. 1975 Craig (J.) Methodus Figurarum Liueis rectis & curvis eomprelien- sarum Quadraturas determinandi, tvith the additions published siibsequently in the Philosophical Transactions in MS. 1685 In this work Craig quotes the " new method of Leibnitz for the determina- tion of tangents," and makes use of the differential notations. 1976 Craig (J.) de Figurarum Curvilinearum quadraturis et Locis Greome- tricis, diagrams 4ito. 1693 With the differential notations which Craig calls (p. 6) "Leibnitii Calculum." 1977 Craig (J.) TUeologise Christianas Principia Mathematica 4:to. 1699 In this curious work the author, although reaUy a pious man, has calculated tliat in the year 3150 nobody will believe in the truth of the Christian Religion. 1978 Craig (J.) De Calculo Fluentium et de Optica Analytica 4to. Mediolani, 1749 1989 Cremona. Maniui (Lorenzo) Memoine Storicbe della Citta di Cre- mona, 2 vol. large paper, uncut 4/fl^'te. Sonetti e Canzoni di diversi Antichi autori Toscani in dieci libri raccolte. Di Dante Alighieri. Ciuo da Pistoia. Guido Cavaleanti. Dante da Majano. Era Guittone d'Arezzo. Canzoni e Sonetti senza nome d'autore ORIGINAL a:sd rare EDITION (jpuoted ly the Crusca), fine large copy, vellum 8i"o. Firenze, Philippo di Giunta, 1527 2051 Dante. Eime di Diversi Antichi Autori Toscani in dodici Libri rac- colte, Dante Alighieri lib. V. Cino da Pistoja lib. II. Guido Cavaleanti lib. I. Dante da IMajano lib. I. Era Guittone di Arezzo lib. I, Diversi Autori, lib. I. Incerti, lib. I vellum 8vo. Venezia, 1540 A reprint of the edition of 1527, with additions. 238 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2052 Dante. Saggio di Eime di Dante, di M. Antonio da Ferrara, di F. Sacclietti, di Liiigi Pulci, del Poliziauo, di Feo Belcari, del Berni, del Lasca, di P. Strozzi, di A. Allegri e di altri ; premessevi le Illustrazioni di M. L. Allacci alia sua Raccolta de' Poeti antichi, con Annotazioni inedite di A. M. Salviui ed altre aggiunte uncut 8vo. Mt'enze, 1847 2052* Dante. Versi Morali et Sententiosi di Dante, Petrarca, Ariosto, Boiardo, Berni, Dolce, Pescatore, Brusantino, Politiano, Cardinale Egidio, Victoria Colonna, Lorenzo de Medici, Martelli, Tasso, Fregoso. — Fregoso (Antonio Pbileremo) Opera laqual tratta de duoi Filosofi, cioe de Demoerito che rideva de le pazzie di questo Mondo, & Heraclito die piangeva la miserie humane. Sogno del Caravia, scarce, hut title ivanting \Qmo. s. I. Sf a. {circa 1530) 2053 Dante. L'Ottimo Commento della Divina Commedia testo inedito d'un contemporaneo di Dante citato dagli Accademici della Crusca, 8 Yo\. portrait ajid plates, calf extra 8i'o. Pisa, 1827-9 With the text of la Divina Comedia. 2054 Dante. Piccioli (Gr. B.) Saggio di Correzioni all' ottitno Commento della Divina Commedia, uncut ^vo. Firenze, 1880 2055 Dante. Petri Allegherii super Dantis ipsius G-enitoris Comoediam Commentarium nunc primum in lucem editum consilio et sum- tibus G. J. Baronis Vernon, curante V. Nannucci, plates of fac- similes, uncut royal 8vo. Wlorentias, 1845 2056 Dante. Alunno (F.) la Fabbrica del Mondo, nella quale si conten- gono tutte le Voci di Dante, del Petrarca, del Boccaccio, & d'altri buoni Autori con le Dichiaratione di quelle & con le sue interpre- tationi Latino, ivoodcut portrait on tlie title, slightly ivormed folio. Vincyia, JV. de Bascarini, 1546, on title-page 1548 2057 Dante. Aretino (Lionardo Bruni) Le Vite di Dante e del Petrarca (cavate da un MS. di Fr. Eedi), uncut 12mo. Firenze, 1672 2058 Dante. Aretino (Lionardo Bruni) Vite di Dante e del Petrarca, cavate da un Manoscritto uncut 8vo. s. I. 8^. a. {Fadova, Comino, 1727) " Uno de' pochi esemplari a parte." {Gamha). 2059 Dante. Arrivabene (F.) II Secolo di Dante, Commento Storieo colle Illustrazioni storiche di TJgo Foscolo sul Poema di Dante tmcut 8vo. Monza, 1838 2060 Dante. Audin De Eians (S. L. G. E.) del Casato e dell' Arme di Dante, with tlie arms emblazoned privately printed, scarce, uncut 8vo. Firenze, 1853 2061 Dante. ArsMO (Nic. de) Teactatus de Eeligione. Pejedicabilia. Teactatus de finali Judicio, with long and interesting Extracts from Dante in Italian, Hymns, &c. De Ludo. De Dilectione Peoximi. De Consilio. De Conteitione. Seemones de B. Virgme Maria, de Fide, de Elemosina, Ac. &c. Manusceipt Quodltbet of a leaened Italian Monk, ivritten in a very clear hand, chief y upon paper, hut occasionally on leaves of vellum large Agenda Svo. SiEC. xy. A curious and interesting Manuscript, THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 239 2062 Daxte. Azzoliuo (P.) Sul Libro de Monarcliia di Dante Alighieri Svo. Bastia, 1839 Printed for private distribution only. 2063 Daxte. Barcelliui (J.) Industrie Filologiche per dar risalto alle Virtu del San. Pont. Celestino V, e liberare da alcune taccie Dante creduto Censore della celebre Einunzia fatta dal medesimo Santo, vellum 8w. Milano, 1701 2064 Dakte. Bartoli (B.) Eagionamenti Accademici sopra alcuui Luoghi difficili di Dante, looodcut title-page and portrait fine copy in vellum 4tto. s. a. {Venezia XVI Secolo) Poggiali calls tlie present edition assai rara. 2065 Da>'te. Biancbini (G.) Tre Lezioni (sopra Dante, Petrarca e Yarcbi) vellum 4,to. Firenze, 1710 2066 Dante. Biancbini (Gr.) Difesa di Dante, t'e?Zw??i 12mo. Firenze, V7 IS 2067 Dante. Discorsi di Vine. Buonanni sopra la prima Cantica di Dante intitolata Commedia scarce, vellum 4ito. Fiorenza, B. Sermartelli, 1572 2068 Dante. Boccacio (G.) Vita di Dante Aligbieri, Milano, 1823 — Cesare (G. de) Memoria sulla Vita di Dante, JVapoli, 1811 12mo. 2 vol. 2069 Dante. Cardinal! (C.) Opuscoli. A Collection of 22 various Anti- quarian and Bibliograpbical Tracts, including bis Notes on "Winkelmann's Monunienti, and on a Manuscript of Dante in tbe Autograpb of Boccaccio, in one vol, half morocco, uncut 8vo. Ro7na, 1818-23 A manuscript List of the Contents is placed at tbe end of tbe volume. 2070 Dante. Carerii (A.) De Somniis deque Di^-inatione per Somnia brevis Consideratio, Patavii, 1575 — Ejusdem Possintne Arte sim- plicia veraque Metalla gigni Disputatio, ih. s. a — Discorso conti-a 1' Opera di Dante di A. Cariero, ib. 1582 vellum, tcitJi MS. notes 4to. in one vol. At the end of the Opuscula of Descartes will be found several Excerpta from his manuscripts containing enquiries on the theory of numbers. Both works of Craig are curious and scarce : they contain the differential nota- tion, and the English author ascribes to Leibnitz the invention of the ditferential calculus, (See Craig in the present Catalogue). 2185 Descartes. Eecueil de quelques Pieces Curieuses concernant la Pbi- losopbie de Monsieur Descartes vellum, scarce 12mo. Amsterdam (^Izevier) 1634 2186 Descartes. Poiret (P.) De Eruditione Solida, Superficiaria, et Ealsa, libri tres, in quibus Cartesianismi fund amenta, valor et errores, deteguntnr, front, and plate, vellum 12mo. Amstelodami, 1692 2187 Deseine (E.) Bibliotbeca Slusiana sive librorum Catalogus quos Joannes Gualterus Cardinalis Slusius sibi Eomje congesserat, &c. fine portrait of Card. Slusius, calf Ho. Bomce, 1690 An extensive and important catalogue of a library remarkable for its valu- a])le contents (printed books and MSS.) embracing the best works in Theology, Law, Sciences, History (mcluding many rarities respecting England, Scotland, Ireland, America, &c.) and Belles Lettres. Amongst the mathematical books we tind " Lucse Pisani de Arithmetica in fol. MS." which most probably shoidd be read Leonardus Pisanus. 2188 Deslyons (J.) Traitez singuliers et nouveaux centre le Paganisme du Eoy-Boit, rare, calf 12mo. Paris, 1670 Charles Nodier's copy of this curious work sold for 18 francs. 2189 Des Maizeaux, Eecueil de diverses Pieces sur la Pbiiosopbie, la Ee- ligion Naturelle, I'Histoire, les Matbematiques, '&c. par Mrs. Leibnitz, Clarke, Newton, et autres, 2 vol. 12mo. Amsterdam, 1720 Dedicated to Sh* Hans Sloane. 2190 Despauterii (J.) Ars Versificatoria, ex secunda Eecognitione 4:fo. Argentorati, 1512 Formerly the most popular treatise on Prosody. In Gui Patin's letters will be found the following epitaph made upon him : " Grammaticam scivit, multos docuitque per annos : Declinare tamen non potuit turaulum." 2191 Dextri (Elavil Lucii) Eragmentum Cbronici, cum Cbronico Marci Maximi et Additionibus Sancti Braulionis, etc. edidit J. Calderon FIEST edition, rare, old red morocco, with arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay on sides 4'6\i 2196 Dialects. Atinuzzi (L.) Bizzarie Poetiche, rare \2mo. Verona, 1779 Containin- several in the vulgar dialect of Yerona, and one entitled " vSnua liberata," in a sort of Macaronic, or as the author expresses it, "in lingua Todesca Italiauata." 2197 Dialects. Baldovini (E.) II Lamento di Cecco da Yarlungo, coUe Note d' Orazio Marrini calf, gilt, ly G. Rering S^"'- Bergamo, 1762 A curious poem, wi-itten in the language of the Tuscan peasants. 91QCI Directs Baldovini (E. colV Anagramma Fiesolano Branducci) 2198 DiALECT^..^^^B^a^^^^^ ^K ^^^ ^J^^.^^ ^ ^,^ Conta^-^^sco Dialect 12;«o. Frato,lSlQ 2199 Dialects. Balestrieri (Domenico) Lagrinie in Morte di un Gatto, portrait of the Compiler lamenting his dead Cat, 2 voLin 1 ^ / 12mo. Milano, Ivii rare, uncut A curious collection of poems by the first Tvits of the day, in Latin Greek Hetorw and Italianf includhig several in the Milanese, Yenetian and other dialects of Italy. This volmne contains also a Sogmmmacaromcam by Carlo Cantone, which was even unknown to the leai'ned M. Delepierre. 2900 Dialects. Balestrieri (D.) II Eigliuol Prodigo r^ fm^HT^l Dialect, portrait of Cardinal G. B. Mesmer 8vo. Milano, 1/18 Edited by Gr. C. Agudi. 2201 D....CTS.. Balestrieri Tersi in Morte del -leb- Po* D. Bal. strieri, portrait, uncut "''" ' rnntainme verses by the editor, F. Carcano, the Marchese A. Castelli, G B Ceppi G- Parini, and other cotemporary poets, several m the Milanese dialect. of his real name as a pseudonyme. 252 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETTON OF 2203 Dialects. Basile (G. B.) il Pentamerone overo lo Cunto de li Cunte, 2 vol. vellmn 12mo. Napoli, 1788 These delightful Novelle are in the dialect of Naples. 2204 Dialects, Basile (Cav. Gr. B.) La Chiaglira dla Banzola o per dir mii Fol divers tradott dal parlar Napulitan in Lengua Bulguesa, frontispiece, scarce 4mo Domino Herennio ejus nepote ex Cervinorura familia Joanni Mancino Politiauo douo concessus." The titles of each volume are printed within an elaborate woodcut border of the heads of various authors, with tigures of the Muses, &c. A copy sold for 312 francs at the Soubise sale. 2309 Doleti (S.) Caeminum Libri qtjatuob French calf, gilt edges Mo. Lugduni (St. Doletus), 1538 One of the most interesting but scarcest of Dolet's writings. Amongst these poems are several addressed to Rabelais, and one from Rahelais to Dolet; others written to Clement Marot, Michael Angelo, Marguerite de Yalois, Maud de Valois Queen of Scotland, de Motacilla Meretrice Romaiia, and other meretrices and amicce, de Eclipsi Solis 153G, &c. &c. In one of these poems Fr. liabelais " medicus doctissimus " is described as dissecting and explaining at Ijyons fabricam corporis of a man who had been hanged for his crimes, and then "publico spectaculo Lugduni sectus est." The author was burnt alive at Paris in 1546, and his works rigidly suppressed. 2310 Doleti (S.) Liber de Imitatione Ciceroniana adversus Eloridum Sabi- num, et Confutatio Maledictorum scarce, calf 4ito. Lugduni, apud eundem Doletum, 1540 A most outrageous attack on Erasmus, which created many bitter enemies. 2311 Domenichi (L.) Historia di Detti, e Eatti degni di Memoria di diversi Priucipi e Hiiomini Privati Antichi, et Moderui, woodcut portrait, fine copy, ruled, vellum, gaxfre edges Mo. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1557 Containing many examples taken from English history. 2312 Dominis (Marei Antonii de, ArcJiiepiscopi Spalatensis) de Eadiis Visus et Lucis in Vitris perspeetivis et Iride Tractatus per Joannem Bartolum in Lucem editus SCARCE, vellum Mo. Veiietiis, 1611 A celebrated work much praised by Newton. 2313 Dominia (Marcus Antonius de, Archiepiscopus Spalatensis) Suae Pro- feetiouis Consilium exponit very fine copy in limp vellum, tvith gilt sides Mo. Londini, 1616 2314 Dominis (M. A. de, Archiepiscopus Spalatensis) Suae Profeetiouis Con- silium exponit, a piortion of sig. E defective, Lond. 1616- — Second Manifesto of M. A. de Dominis (declaring the cause why he left England), Englished by M. Gr. K. very scarce, Liege, 1623 Mo. in one vol. 2315 Dominis (M. A. de, Archiepiscopus Spalatensis) suae Profectionis Consilium exponit Mo. Hagce Comitis, 1616 This edition of the Archbishop's famous reasons for turning protestaut is perhaps even rarer than the original. 2316 Dominis (M. A. de, Archiepiscopi Spalatensis) Causce Profectionis suae ex Italia, large copy Mo. s. I. MDCivll Another edition of the Archbishop's reasons for quitting the Church of Eome, probably printed at Geneva. 2317 Dominis (M. A. de, Archiepiscopi Spalatensis) Epistola ad Episcopos Ecclesiac Christiauae scripta, in qua Causas Dicessus a suo Ej^is- copatu exponit, scarce Mo. Campidoni, 1617 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 263 2318 Dominis (Arclibp. M. A. de) Manifestation of his Motives of Departure from Spalato tincut, half calf Mo. John Bill, 1616 2319 Dominis (Archbp. M. A. de) Manifestation of the Motives of his departure from Spalato half morocco 4ito. hy Jolin Bill, 1616 This translation of the Archbishop's reasons for turning protestant -R-as issued on his arrival in England. 2320 Dominis (M. A. de, Archiepiscopus Spalatensis) De Eepublica Eccle- siastica, 3 vol. engraved titlepage hy JElstrache, and portrait of the author in each volume old calf folio. Bond. J. Bill, 1617-20, and Francof. 1658 This work was rigidly censured by the Sorbonne and prohibited. To mark the detestation of it a copy of this original and scarcest edition was burnt with the author by order of the Inquisition. 2321 Dominis (A. de, Archbishop of Spalato) Sermon preached in Italian, in the Mercers Chappel in London, to the Italians in that city, translated into English, a few leaves stained ivith oil, and slightly toormed scarce, half calf gilt, rough leaves 4ito. Bondon, J. Bill, 1617 2322 Dominis (M. A. de) Sui Eeditus ex Anglia Consilium exponit very scarce Mo. Barnes, 1623 This apology for returning to the religion of Rome is far scarcer than his reasons for qiuttiug it. 2323 Dominis (M. A. Archiepiscopus Spalatensis) Zaigt an und erklaret seine bewegliche Ursachen warumb er ausz Engelland von der falschen widerumb zu der wahren und allein seligmachendeu Catholischen Eomischen Kirchen getretten sey Mo. Dilingen, 1623 This German version is much scarcer than either the original Latin, or English translation, of the Archbishop's reasons for quittmg the English and re- entering the Romish Church. 2324 Dominis (M. A. de, Archhishop of Spalato) His Shiftings in Eeligion, by Eichard Neile, Bishop of Durham, imperfect, Bondon, J. Bill, 1624 — Sermon preached in Italian by Archbp. M. A. de Dominis in the Mercers Chappel in London, to the Italians of that city, ih. 1617 Mo. in one vol. 2325 Dominis. Eolation sent from Eome of the Processe, Sentence, and Execution done upon the Body, Picture, and Bookes of Marcus Antonius de Dominis, Archbishop of Spalato, after his Death, plate, date cut off, Bondon, — M. Ant. De Dominis, Archhishop of Spalato, his Shiftings in Eeligion, by Eichard Neile, Bishop of Durham, Bondon, 1624, half morocco Mo. in one vol. 2326 Dominis. Annosi (F.) Synopsis Apostasiae Marci Antouii De Dominis olim Archiepiscopi Spalatensis nunc Apostatae vellum ^vo. Antverpice, 1616 Fidelis Annosus was the Pseudonyme of the famous English Jesuit, John Floyd, who also iu his writings assumed the names of Daniel a Jesu and Herman Loemel. An autograph note of Dr. Bliss states " Not in the Bodleian Catalogue, 1843." 2327 Donnadieu (A.) Catalogue of Valuable Autograph Letters and His- torical Manuscripts Mo. 1851 A copy on large paper, with numerous facsimiles of lettres of Aretino, Borgia, Newton, Rubens, etc. etc. 2G4 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2328 Donado (Gr. B.) Viaggi a Constantinopoli, 3 vol. half calf 12mo. Voietia, 1688 Donado was sent as Envoy (Spedifo Bailo) in 1680, and returned home in 1684. This copy belonged to the Earl of Munster (Col. Fitz-Clarence, son of King William IV) and has his crest stamped in gold on backs. 2329 Donado (G-. B.) della Letteratura de Turclii 12?«o. Venetia, 1688 A curious and scarce work, containing the list of numerous Turkish Manu- scripts relating to arithmetic, geometry, optics, music (with musical notes) etc. 2330 Donati Grammatici Fabularum breviatio Ovidii Nasonis elegans & succinta, extremely rare, hut icormcd in tlie hacJc margin 4to. JPetrus Maifer Normannus Motliomagensis Civis (Patavii circa 1479) 2331 Donati (A.) Eoma vetus ac recens, utrmsque J^ldificiis illustrata, mimerous 2)lates, Amstelcedami, 1695 — Scarfo (G. G.) vari Antichi 'M.on\xmQni\, plates of coins, antiquities, Sfc. uncut, Venezia, 1739 Mo. 2 vol. 2332 Donati (S.) De' Dittici degli Antichi, Necrologi e Calendari, plates of Diptychs, Lucca, 1753 — S. Epiphanii de XII G-emmis Eationalis Summi Sacerdotis Hebrseorum Liber, Opera et Studio E. Eogginii, Romce, 1743 — Macedo (E.) Somnia quinquaginta in Itinerario S. Avigustini post Baptismum Mediolano in Eomani excutiebat levi Brachio P. Eulgentius Eosseus, Lugcl. Bat. 1681 — Ambrosii Abbatia Generalis Camaldulensis (B.) Hodoeporicon a N. Bartho- lini editum, Florentice, s. a. — Brenna (A.) De Vera vel Ealsa Traditione Historica, Romce, 1755, vellum Mo. in one vol. A collection of interesting tracts. The Hodoeporicon, written by a celebrated man during the XVth Century, contains curious exposures respecting the relaxation of monastic discipline at that time. 2333 Dondi-Orologio (A. C.) Prodromo dell' Istoria Naturale de Monti Euganei, Padova, 1780 — Dondi-Orologio (A. C.) Lettera deUo sprofondamento di una Costa di Monte negli Euganei, Padova, 1787— Dondi-Orologio (A. C.) Saggio d'Osservazioni Fisicbe fatte alle Terme dei Monti Euganei, plates, Padova, 1782 ^vo. 3 vol. 2334 Dondis (J. de) Medicina3 Promptuarium, wants title folio. Venetiis, apiud Juntas, 1576 A scarce work, written in the year 1355, Dondi was a friend of Petrarch. 2335 Doni (A. E.) Diseguo, slightly stained 8yo. Vinegia, G. Giolito de Ferrari, 1549 One of the scarcest works of Doni, containing curious information respect- ing the most celebrated artists of that period. 2336 Doni (A. E.) LaZucca, cioe i Cicalamenti; le Baie; le Chiacchiere (con la Post Scritta di Lettere e di Sonetti) ; i Eiori (Grilli, Passerotti et Earfalloni) ; i Erutti con la Post-Scritta (cbe contiene Lettere attribuite a Dante, al Ee Eoberto, al Petrarca e ad altri) 9 parts in 3 vol. portrait and curious tvoodcuts FiEST EDITION, Calf, hut not Uniform Svo. Venetia, F. Marcolini, 1551-52 This very curious Avork, which illustrates many old Italian proverbs, is much sought after in this edition, as in the subsequent the mteresting letters attributed to Dante, Petrarch, &c. were suppressed. Boimd up at the end of the second volume is another work of Doni entitled " Le Ville," printed at Bologna in 1566, and so scarce that it has been supposed and asserted to be unpublished. 2339 2340 2341 THE LIBEI LIBEAEi'. 265 2337 Doni (A F ) I Mondi, Libro Primo, icith many tcoodcuts, including portraits of the Author, Gelli, Aretino, Castiglione, Sansovino, Burchiello, MacchiavelU, Aluniio, Tartagha, and others scarce, calf "^to. Vinegia Marcolmi, l^b2 2338 Doni (A. F.) Pistolotti Amorosi de Magmfici Sig. Academici Pelie- grini, 2 vol. in 1, calf S^o. Tinegia, F. Marcohni, 1554 In Prose and Verse, scarce. Doni (A. P.) La seconda Libraria, ristampata con giunta de molti Libri, verg scarce Svo. Vinegia, F. Marcolim, looo Coutaining Novelle, amongst wliicli the Belfegor of Machiavelli, and also two entire Ai-ticles, omitted in the subsequent reprints. Doni (A. P.) La Libraria, nella quale sono scritti tutti gli Autori Volfrari,con cento discorsi sopraquelli, F»«e^ia, 1580— La seconda Libraria, ivi, Marcolini, 1551, scarce, vellum 12mo. in one vol. Containing several NoveUe. Doni (A. P.) La Libraria, six icoodcut portraits, cut in the head line calf l2mo. Vinegia, G. Giohto, 155 1 2342 Doni (A. P.) il CanceUieri, Libro dell' Eloquenza e Libro della Memoria, 2 vol. in 1 4^o. Vinegia lo62 2343 Doni (A. P.) li Mondi Celesti, Terrestri et infernali, de gli Accademici FeUesviui, icoodcut portrait . ^^^^ half calf 8uo. Venetia,I>. Farri,loio Including the veiy humorous "Infemi," of which the thkd is entitled " Infemo delle Puttane et de Euffiani." 2344 Doni (A. P.) i Marmi, 4 parts in one vol. curious woodcuts vellum ^io. nnetia, 1609 These imaguiary conversations are really delightful, being full of ^pirit, pleasantry, and curious anecdote. The volume contams several JSavelle and Poems, amongst which is one bv Arnaut Daniel, ni the Proveuzal Dialect, with Translation. The woodcut of the Fool ridmg the Lobster gave rise to the " Songes Drolatiques de Pantagi'uel." 2345 Donii (J. B.) Commercium Literarium cum A. M. Bandinii Commen- tariis de Vita et Scriptis J. B. Donii, 2 vol. in 1 ,„.. ^^ half calf fo^io. FJorentta, 1754^-55 Donius was the great friend of the famous Scotchman Dempster, of whom an account will be found in this hfe. He was a celebrated writer on the history and theory of music. 2346 Donii d'Attieby (Ludovici, Episcopi ^duensis) Plores Historise Sacri Collegii S. E. E. Cardinalium, 2 vol. in 1 vellum folio. Lut. Fans. 1660 2347 DoxNE (Ladies). Cabei (G. C.) Ornaraenti della Gentil Donna Vedova, vellwn, 8vo. Venetia, 1574- Guasco (A.) Eagionamento ad Lavinia sua Pigliuola della maniera del governarsi ella m Corte andando per Dama alia Infante D. Caterina Ducbessa di Savoia, vellum, 4/0. Turino, 1586-Marinella (L.) la Xobilta et rLccel- lenza delle Donne coi Difetti e Mancamenti de gli Huomini, calf silt, %vo. Venetia, 1621— Ercolani (G.) Le Erome della Solitudme Sacra, jjlates, calf gilt, Svo. Bologna, 1654— Barbaro (P.) Pruden- tissirai et gravi Documenti circa la Elettion della Moghe, tradotti per M. Alberto LoUio, fne copy, vellum, 8w. Vinegia, G. Giolito 1548 ^^\ Barbaro seems to have despised little women, as he asserts "le donne ^di statura picciola esser piu tosto atte a ufficio di concubina che di mogUe. 266 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2348 Donne. Dardano (L.) la Bella e Dotta Difesa delle Donne in verso e prosa, woodcut portrait on title-page and last leaf, slightly ivormed, calf 8vo. Vinegia, 1554 In the Poem, at p. 26, is the mention of Gilberta, better known as Pope Joan. This author lived in the XVth Century. 2349 Donne. Dolce (L.) Dialogo della Institution delle Donne scarce, vellmii 8yo. Vinegia, G. Criolito, 1560 Containing some Novelle, not quoted by Gamba. 2350 Donne. Luigini (E.) II Libre della Bella Donna scarce, vellum 8vo. Venetia, 1554 Edited by G. Ruscelli, who pronounces the production " bellissimo libro." 2351 Donne. Manfredi (Mutio) Kaccolta di Eime per diverse Donne Romane (dedicataa Giov. Buoncompagno), 2 vol. vellum Svo. Bologna, A. JBenacci, 1575 Scarce, giving a complete list of the most beautiful ladies of the period. 2352 Donne. Marescotti (Ercole, sotto finto Nome di Hercole Filogenio) della Eccellenza della Donna Discorso rare, fine copy in vellwm 8vo. Fermo, 1589 The work contains also prose and poetical Ritratti of the most beautiful Italian ladies of the time. 2353 Donne. Marinello (Giov.) Le Medicine partenenti alle Infermita delle Donne, curious, vellum 8vo. Venet. Valgrisio, 1574 2351 Donne. Marinello (Gio.) Gli Ornamenti delle Donne, ne quali si racconta, come vaghe, et belle possono con Parte apparir le Donne vellum Svo. Venetia, 1610 2355 Donne. Marinella (L.) la Nobilita et Eccellenza delle Donne co' diffetti e mancamenti de gli Huomini, Discorso Svo. Venetia, 1621 2356 Donne. Eime diverse d'alcune Nobilissime et Virtuossime Donne raccolte per M. Lod. Domenichi half vellum ^oo. Imcca, 1559 2357 Doppelmayer (J. G.) Griindlicbe Anweisung zur Beschreibung grosser Sonnen-TJhren, plates, including map of America vellum folio. Niirnherg, 1719 A capital work on Dialling. Unkno^vn to Lalande. 2358 DoEAT. Aurati (Jo.) Ad Deum pro Sanitate sibi restituta, Ode Latiua & Grseca, Paris, 1571 — Ejusdem Mouodia Tragica (de Mart. Carapano Med. e latronum manibus diviuiter liberato) ad Eegem Heuricum III Parsenesis, ih. 1576 half morocco Svo. in one vol. Jean Dorat was one of the most celebrated poets of his time. 2359 Dorbelli (Mcolai) secundum Doctrinam subtilis Scoti Logicse brevis Expositio, scarce 4:fo. FarmcB, 1482 This author was one of the warmest admirers of Duns Scotus, and among the earliest who wrote on logic. His work was unknown to Wadding. 2360 Dort Synode's Judgement concerning the five Articles, and also their Sentence touching Conradus Vorstius uncut 4:to. London, 1619 THE LIBRI LIBEARY. 267 2361 Dortous deMairanLettresauP. Parreuiu,Missionaire a Pekin; contenant diverses Questions sur la Chine, Conjectures sur I'Origine de la Fable de I'Olympe, sur la Balance des Peintres, sur les ISEonstres, sur THoroscope d'Auguste, sur la grande Comete de 1680-81, et sur la Eoue d'Aristote, avec Remarques, plates French calf 8i"o. Faris, 1770 Amougst the " Lettres a Parrenin" will be found, " Dissertation siu" la P^riode Lunisolaire de 600 Aus." 2362 Double Staes, etc. South (Sir J.) Catalogue of 838 Double and Triple Stars, presentation copy to La Place, 1826 — Labaume (B.) Catalogue of 195 Double Stars, two copies, 1829 — South (Sir J.) on the Occultation of 8 Piscium by the Moon, presentation copy, 1829 — Rumber (C.) Preliminary Catalogue of Fixed Stars of the Southern Hemisphere, scarce, presentation copy, Hamburgh, 1832 — Richardson (W.) Determination of the Aberration of Light from 4119 Observations made at Grreenwich during the years 1825, 1S26, 1827, and 1828, with the two Mural Circles of Trough ton and Jones, presentation copy, 1828 — Kjiorre (K.) Der Ort des Polarsterns fiir jeden Tag der Jahre 1823-30, berechnet aus Bessels Tafebi, scarce, Nicolajen, 1824 4vo. Lugduni JBatavorum, 1599 An interesting work. 2364 Dbammi. La Pamiglia d'Anglade, Milano, 1822— Monti (V.) il Ritorno d'Astrea pel ritorno della Dominazione Austriaca in Milano, ivi, 1816 — Le Consequenze impreviste d'un Duello, di Gr. Rosini, Fisa, 1832 — Torquato Tasso, Dramma del Sig. Goethe versione di Gr. Sorelli, Firenze, 1820 — Ippolito, Dramma Serio, Napoli, 1798 — Silvio Pellico, Trattenimento Drammatico e Musi- cale, Londra, 1834 — Le Orfane Suizzere, Ven. 1770 — Civetteria e Sentimento, Farigi, 1835 8^0. 8 vol. 2365 Deammi pes Musica. Noris (M.) Totila 12mo. Venetia, 1677 Passerini (F.) Dio Placato, Oratorio posto in Musica vellum 8vo. Firenze, 1692 Dedication copy to the Grand Prince Ferdinand of Tuscany, with his arms stamped in gold on sides. Strinati (M.) il Martirio de' SS, Fanciulli Griusto e Pastore, Melodrama Sacro 12mo. Roma, 1712 Minati (Conte N.) Chilonida, Opera (transportata alia Prosa da Gr. D. Stati), scarce, vellum \2mo. Roma, 1715 Altered for the Carnival of 1715. This Opera seems to have been from 1676 downwards a favorite for Carnivals and public Festivals. Calsabigi Alceste, Tragedia per Musica Si'o. Vienna, 1767 Barzoni (V.) Narina 8i-o. Crema, 1826 (6) 2366 Deawing, etc. Art of Drawing, by P. B. 2'>l(ites, London— Avt of Drawing, ih. 1755 — Artist's Assistant, plates, ih. 1786 — Complete Aquatinter, ih. 1801 — Drawing Studies, ih. — Jackson on Chiaro Oscuro, ih. 1754 — Instructions for Painting Transparencies, ih. n. d. — on Pictures, by Barry, ib. 1803 — Painting at Greenwich, by Thornhill Svo. and -ifo. (11) 268 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2367 Dreame (A), or Newes from Hell, with a Kelation of Pluto falling sicke bj reason of this present Parliament, cut 4ito. Sicilia on the backside of the Cyclopean Mountains, 1641 A Satire against Archbishop Laud. 2368 Dreux Du Eadier (M.) Eecreations bistoriques, critiques, morales et d'Erudition, avec I'Histoire des Eous en Titre d'Office, 2 vol. calf 12mo. Paris, 1767 2369 Drexelii (H.) Zodiacus Christianus locupletatus, 12 elegant cuts vellum 32vio. Col. Agrip. 1632 2370 Droiiart (Sieur) Hecueil des Pieuses Pensees sur la Passiou du Eils de Dieu, 12 plates by Callox very scarce, calf 12mo. Paris, 1666 These twelve Etchings by Callot, usually termed " La petite Passion," are before the numbers, in which state they are of rare occurrence. 2371 Drjden (J.) The Assignation, or Love in a Nunnery Uo. London, 1673 2372 Dubois (L. J. J.) Description des Objets d'Arts qui composent le Cabinet du Baron V. Denon, scarce 8yo. Paris, 1826 2373 [Du CcEur Joly] Nouveau Comus, ou Trois Heures d' Amusement, contenant les Tours de Cartes, les Problemes d'Aritbmetique, de Greometrie et de Vhy^ic^we, frontispiece half calf 12mo. Paris, 1802 2374 Dudleio (Eoberto, Duca di Nortumbria e Conte di Warwick) dell' Areano del Mare Libri sei, 3 vol. numerous engravings (including Volvelles and Coasting Charts of Amebica, Asia, Africa, and Europe) folio. (printed in different sizes) Firenze, 16-16-47 Original edition and of extraordinary rarity, the copies having been printed for private distribution only. The Sebright copy sold for £21. It would almost fill a volume to give an exact idea of the varied contents of these three volumes, equally important to the astronomer (although unhnowTi to Lalande) the navigator, the geogi'apher, the student in natural philosophy, and the linguist. A fact not generally known is that this work (as well in this as in the subsequent edition) contains many vocabularies of various American languages, some of them from the original notes taken by the author himself whilst (as he states in liis work) he was travelling in America. 2375 Dudleo (R. Duca di Northumbria e Conte di WarivicJc) Dell' Areano del Mare Libri sei, 2 vol. numerous plates (including volvelles) and maps (America, &c.) calf royal folio. Fiorenza, 1661 This excessively rare woi^k is remarkable for its many valuable projects for the improvement of navigation and ship-building. Amongst the " Portulani" are those of Abraham Kendal and John Diez for the Coasts of America and the West Indies. The author was the son of the fiimous Sir Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, by the Lady Douglas Sheffield, whom he had secretly married and afterwards compelled to silence respecting the cere- mony, even forcing her to espouse Sir Edward Stafford, when he hunself was desirous of uniting himself to the Countess of Essex. On several occasions, however, the Earl of Leicester acknowledged his son as legiti- mate, and left him the bulk of his'property, which he enjoyed in spite of the opposition of the Dowager Countess of Leicester. Having been defeated by that lady in his attempt to obtain his father's titles, he in disgust quitted England. In 1G20, when created by the Pope a Duke of the Roman Empire, he assumed tlie title of Duke of Northimiljerland and Earl of Warwick, residing at Florence, where he was made Graiul Chamberlain to THE LIBEI LIBRA.IIY. 269 tlic Duchess, wife of Cosmo II, and devoting himself to his extreme love of naval architecture and gimnery. The fruits of his studies were commu- nicated to the public in this now excessively rare work. This copy belonged to the famous Sir Joptn Narbrough, so remarkable for his " Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, &c." His autograph, " John Narbrough his booke 1680," is on the back of the first titlepage, and is repeated at the bottom of page 1. 2376 Duduict (J.) Le Nouveau Sciatere pour fabriquer toutes Sortes d'Horloges solaires sans Centre avec line seule Observation de Soleil, &c. cuts, Blots, 163 1 — Heurtevyn (B.) Discours analjtiques des Cieux, Mouvements et Parties d'iceux ; autrement de la Sphere ou Globe Celeste, Faris, 1617— Belot (J.) Instructions pour apprendre les Sciences de Chiromance et Physiognoraie. Plus un Discours astronomique du Comette de 1618 avec les Predictions d'iceluy, ctofs, ib. 1619 8yo. in one vol. A collection of three rare works, of which Heurtevyn and Belot were unknown to Lalande. 2377 Duels. Marozzo (Achille) Opera nova chiamata Duello, overo fiore deir armi de singulari abattimeuti offensivi, et diffensivi, with curious looodcuts, illustrating the art of self-defence EARE, vellum 4ito. Mtctince, in cedihus Antonii Bergolce, 1536 2378 Duels. Paris de Puteo (M.) del Duello, libro de Ee, Iraperatori, Prencipi, Signori, Gentil' huomini et de tutti Armigeri, continente Disfide, Concordie, Paci, Casi accadenti et indicii eon ragione Essempli et Authoritate de Poeti, Historiograpbi, &c. scarce, calf gilt 8yo. Venetiis, 1510 2379 Duels. Recueil des Edits, Declaration?, Arrests et autres Pieces concernant les Duels & Eencontres, calf 12mo. Faris, 1689 2380 Duels. Susio (Giovan Battista) Tre Libri della ingiustitia del Duello, et di Coloro, che lo perinettono vellum ^to. Vinegia, Giolito, 1558 A full account of this rare work will be found in Tiraboschi's Biblioteca Modenese. 2381 Duels. Villa (Hippolito) Eisposta fatta in Vita sua contra quello cbe gli scrisse e publico contra il Signor Enea Pio insieme con detta publicatione e con le lettere o cartelli passati fra essi, senza nota (15G1) — Manifesto di Giuseppe Samacbini contra 1' Imputa- tione datali da Hippolito Villa, senza nota (1561) Uo. in one vol. Two very rare tracts, apparently printed for private circulation only. 2382 Dulaurens (F.) Specimina Mathematica vellum 4:fo. Farisiis, 1667 A curious work on geometry and algebra. The author discusses the princi- ples and definition of geometry, and speaks of the theory of equations. The work is chiefly curious for the notations employed in it. For instance, n instead of = ; 1 for — ; |_4^| for a*, etc. 2383 Du Moulin (P.) Anatomie de la Messe, portrait inserted old citron onorocco 8vo. Geneve, 1636 Original and complete edition of a work full of curious anecdotes against popery. 2384 Duni (E.) Origine, e Progressi del Cittadino e del Governo Civile di Eoma, 2 vol. uncut, 8yo. Roma, 1763-64— Eumford (Conte di) Eelazione di uno Stablimento per i Poveri eretto in Monaco, portrait, uncut, ^vo. Venezia, 1821— Miollis (.G. M. de) Aviso d' 270 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF una Madre alle sue Figlie, ISmo. Lynn, 182G — Martini (L.) della Lettura conveniente al bel Sesso, Si'o. Ililano, 1826 — Martini (L.) sulla Fisiologia delle Va,^^\om., presentation copy, tvith the author's autograph inscription, 12mo. Torino, 1826 — Martini (L.) Eiforma della prima educazione, Svo. ih. 1834 — Milesi Mojon (Bianca) Oenni pel miglioramento della prima Educazione de' Fanciulli, presentation copy from the authoress, uncut, 12mo. Milano, 1830 — Torelli (L.) Analisi del" Uomo e dell' umana Societa, 8vo. ih. 183G — Eestelli (F.) il Monte delle Sete, Memoria, ^vo. ib. 1837 — Marescotti (A.) sugli Ecouomisti Italiani del nostro Secolo, 8vo. Firenze, 1858 together 11 volumes 2385 Dupin (Baron Charles) Memoires divers {chiefly respecting JEnglish ShijJs) Autograph Maistusceipt, having at end hound tip a Thesis " de Psy- chologia Somerica " printed at Paris in 1832 Svo. 1801-32 2386 Duplessis (P. A. Grratet) Catalogue des Livres rares et precieux de sa Bibliotheque, ^rice^ 8vo. Paris, 1856 A curious collection of facetioe, proverbs, and other French books. 2387 Durandi ( Jacopo) Dell' Antica Condizione del Vercellese, e dell' Antico Borgo di Santia, calf 4to. Torino, 1766 Presentation copy from the autlior, with a ]\IS. list of his works, and the autographs of A. S. Millin and Balbo. 2388 Durandi (J.) delle Anticbe Citta di Pedona, Caburro, Grermanicia e dell' Augusta de' Vagienti, uncid 8vo. Torino, 1769 2889 Durandi (J.) dell' Antico Stato d'ltalia e sulla Gallia Antica uncut 8vo. Torino, 1772 2890 Durandi (J.) Alpi Graie e Pennine (con anticbi diplomi inediti) 4lates fine copy, old calf 4ito. Basil. 1746 This curious historical poem contains much information respecting the Norman history in Sicily, with an account of the captivity and redemption of Richard Cceur de Lion. 2405 Ecclesiastical Miscellanies. Considerazioni sul Celibato Eccle- siastico e sul Yoto Solenne di Castita, da C. A. P. scarce, 8vo. Monaco, 1829 — Lettera d'Istruzione a una Monaca Novizia, vellum, 8yo. Padova, 1738 — Foggini (P. F.) Consultazione Teolo- gico-Morale se obi interviene per Necessita ai Teatri pubblici vi possa intervenire lecitamente e in qual Maniera, Vlmo. Roma, 1754 — Budardi (C.) La Eeligion Cristiana provata da un solo fatto o sia dissertazione del sacerdote Eomano con Note daU' Abate F. A. Zaccaria, vellum, 8t"o. Montefascone, 1786 — Manzoni (A.) Osservazioni sulla Morale Catolica, uncut, 8vo. Milano, 1819 — Petroni (S. E.) Eitratti storico-poetici dei Soggetti piu noti del Vecchio Testamento, 2 vol. uncut, Vlmo. Londra, 1822 — Cattaueo (C.) Eicercbe Economiche sulle Interdizioni Israelitiche, uncut, 8vo. Milano, 1836 (8) 272 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 2406 Ecclesiastical Miscellanies. Eior di Virtu (Scritto nel Secolo XIV) historiato ed un Capitolo in Eima alia Gloriosa Vergiue Maria, woodcuts, Svo. Firenze, et in Pistoja, s. a. — Giustiniano (Beato Laurenzio) Libi'o de la Vita Solitaria, tradotto dal Rev. Don Agabito A^eronese, velhi,m, Svo. Veneiia, A. Arrivahene, 1561 — Luigi di Granata (F.) Specchio della Vita Humana, tradotto dal Sig. G. Miranda, vellum, 12mo. Vinegia, 1570 — Gattico (G.) Sicuro Viaggio de Giustitiaudi e di qualunque altro Morieute, vellum, IQmo. Milano, 1630 — Grossi (G. B.) il Monte della Pieta o siano i Miracoli di Nostra D. della Costa nella Citta di S. Eemo, frontispiece (a loorh that deserves to he treasured for its absurdities and lying miracles), Svo. Oenova, 1683 — Dresselio (G.) dell' Inferno, vellmn, 12mo. Eoma, 1691— Eubbi (A.) CCCLXVI Giorni deir Anno consecrati alia Passione di Gesu Cristo, uncut, Vlmo. JJdine, 1829 — Weinkopf (G.) Catechetica applicata, 8ro. Zara, 1832 — Gesu al Cuore del Giovane, red morocco, Ylmo. Roma, 1836 (9) 2407 Eclipses. Baily (F.) Annular Eclipse of the Sun, tu'o copies, London, 1818 — McGrigor (D.) Solar Eolip»se, Glasgow, 1820 — Hancock (B.) Doctrine of Eclipses, two copies, Norwich, 1782 — Sykes (A. A.) Eclipse mentioned by Phlegon, London, 1732 Svo. (6) 2408 EcOLES NoEMALES. Seances recueillies par des Stenographes et revues par les Professeurs, 10 vol. ; Debats, 3 vol. and a vol. of plates, tcncut Svo. Paris, 1800-1 A very important collection, and scarce in England. It contains the lectures, given immediately after the ending of Terrorism in France, on mathematics (includmg aritlmietic) by Lagrange and Laplace ; on natural history by Daubenton ; and on other branches of learning by Monge, Haiiy, Berthollet, Sicard, etc. The amalgamation of high science with the republican language of men who a few years afterwards became the most obsequious flatterers of emperors, kings, and even subjects, is exceedingly curious ; for instance, Daubenton, speaking in his second lecture of the Lion, which had been called " Le roi des animaux," energetically says, " II n' y a point de rois dans la nature," and the whole assembly bursts into cries of admiration and " attendrissement." The Debats, m Avhich periodically pupils (Aleves like Fourier, Lacroix, and others) asked for explanations from the professors, are exceedingly interesting. 2409 Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, conducted by Sir D. Brewster and Professor Jameson, 14 vol. in 7, plates, LJdinb. 1819-26 — New Edinburgh Philosophical Journal, ib. 1826 — Edinburgh Journal of Science, conducted by Sir D. Brewster, ib. 1824-27 half calf Svo. in 9 vol. 2410 Edrisi Geographia Nubiensis id est totius Orbis in VII Climata divisi Descriptio, Arabice, verg scarce i^to. Romce, 1592 Sold for 40 francs at the Langles sale. (See Brunei.) 2411 Education, etc. Bell (A.) Education at Egmore (presentation copy) Lond. 1807 — Sacomb, Education Physique des Enfans, Par. 1806 Two Essays, Lond. 1777 — Blair (W .)'Y FiCcmeCon.te&t,p)resentation copy, ib. 1806 — Sur les Decouvertes, etc. Paris, 1784 — On Green- wich Hospital, Greenwich, 1790 — On the Invisible Girl, plate, London, 1805 — Eules for the Conduct of Life, ib. — Paas, Specimens of Card Borders, ih. 1793 — Eippingham (J.) Art of Extempore Public Speaking, i6. 1813 — Introduction to Grammar of the Latin Tongue, Oxford, 1714— Home : a Poem, Edinb. 1808— The Ee- pository, London, 1788 — The Critical Eeview Svo. (16) THE LIBEI LIBEART. 273 2412 Edwards (J.) Catalogues of rare and curious printed Works and of Manuscripts, 2 vol. in 1 8vo. 1787-90 The following will serve as specimens of the curious printed prices. The " Speculum vitje Christi," by Caxton, £5. 5s. The " Booke for Mannes Soul," by Caxton, £2. 12s. Gd. The " Cliaucer," by Caxton, £6. 6s. The "Tristan," by Verard, £3. 13s. 6d. The " Boccace des nobles hommes," etc. folio, uponvellum, £9. 9s. &c. 2413 Effemeride Astronomiche di Milano per 1840 presentation copy to M. Boiivard royal 8ro. Milano, 1839 2414 (Eginharti) Francorum Eegum Pipini, Caroli Magni et Lodovici Annales ab Anno 741 ad 829 Autore incerto Benedictino (Egin- harto) . Item Caroli Magni Vita et Gesta Autore Eginharto calf gilt 12mo. Colonize, 1561 Duchesne was the first to prove that both works are from the pen of Egin- hart, and subsequent critics have confii-med this opinion. 2415 Egnatii (Ja. Bapt.) Eunebris Oratio in Laurentii Hispaniarum Legati Funere habita 4i'o. Venetiis (Aldus) 1506 Uukuo-m.! to Reuouard. Egnazio was the celebrated Aldine Editor, and this rare Tract of four leaves is perhaps even rarer than his " Oratio in Laudem B. Prunuli" (Bruguoli), printed by Aldus in 1502, and described by M. Eenouard as " petite piece de toute raretd." 2416 Egnatii (Jo. Bapt.) Oratio habita in Eunere clarissimi Imp. JSTicolai Ursini Nolffi Petilianique Principis 4^0. s, I. ^* a. {in all prohahility') Venetiis, Aldus, 1509 Unknown to Eenouard* Tliis Oration is much rarer than the same author's "ad Franciscum I Panegyricus," which sold for £13. in Heber's sale. 2417 Electricity. Interesting Memoirs, by G-. Belli — L. Nobili — F. Puccinotti e L. Pacinotti — L. Bacelli — F. Zantedeschi — F. Mayer — F. Elice — V. Antinori — L. Palmieri — C. Matteucci — Gr. Majocchi — F. Orioli — L. J. Duperrey — E. Becquerel — A. de la Eive — A. Peltier — R. Laming — A. Masson ; and other Tracts mostly presentation copies, privately printed Sro. (28) 2418 Electbicitt. Dal Xegro (S.) Xuovo metodo di costruire Macchine Elettriche di grandezza illimitata e nuovi Sperimenti diretti a retti- ficare I'Apparato Elettrico, plate uncut 8t'0. Venezia, 1799 2419 Electricity. Dell' Elettricismo : o sia delle forze Elettriche de' corpi svelate, &e. con una dichiarazione della Luce 'EleiiviQa., fron- tispiece, uncut 8vo. Venezia, 1746 Containing a curious " Novella filosofica e galante," imknown to Gamba. 2420 Electricity. Desaguliers (J. T.) on Electricity, London, 1742 — Nairne's Electrical Machine, ib. 1783 — Principles of Electricity — Eogers' Electrical Machines, ih. 1 779 — Eoulaud, Machines Elec- triques a Taffetas, Amsterdam, 1785 — On Lightning, Rocliestcr, 1775— Maggiotto (F.) della Macchina Elettrica, Venezia, 1781 8w. (7) 2421 Electricity. Desideratum (The), io?2(?o??j 1760 — Dollond's Electrical Machine, ib. — Nairne's Electrical INIachine, plates, ih. 1787 — Aldini (J.) G-alvanic Experiments, presentation copy, scarce, ib. 1803 — On Medical Electricity, SevenoaJcs, 1782 — Birch (J.) Medical Electricity, London, 1803 — Lowndes (F.) INIedical Elec- tricity, ib. 1787 ' 8vo. (7) 274 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2422 Electeicitt. Euler (J. A.) de Causa Physica Electricitatis una cum aliis duabus Dissertationibus de eodem Ai'gumento 4,to. Fetropoli, 1755 2423 Electbicitt. Eraukliu (B.) on Electricity, scarce, London, 1760 — Franklin, Opere Filosoficlie, Paclova, 1783 — Lyon (J.) Frank- liuiaii System of Electricity, London, 1791 — Kirby (T.) on Elec- trical Fire, privatelij printed — Hoadly and Wilson, Electrical Experiments, London, 1759 — Ingen-housz, Lettre a N. C. Molitor [1786] — Pringle (Sir J.) on the Torpedo, London, 1775 Mo. and 8i'o. (7) 2424 Electricity. — Freke (J.) on Electricity, London, 1746 — Birch (J.) Medical Electricity, ib. 1803 — AV"atson (W.) Sequel to Experi- ments, lb. 1746 — Lowndes (F.) Medical Electricity, ih. 1787 — Symes (E.) Fire Analyzed, Bristol, 1771 8w. (5) 2425 Electricity. Penrose (F.) on Electricity, Oxford, 1752 — Desaguliers (J. T.) on Electricity, London, 1742 — Watson (W.) Experiments, with Sequel, 2 parts, ih. 1746 — Jones (W.) on Electricity, ib. 1800— Principles of Electricity ^vo. (6) 2426 Electricity. Watson (AY.) Experiments on Electricity, with Sequel, 2 parts, London, 1746 — AVatson, Account of Experiments, ib. 1748— Freke (J.) Letter to Watson, ib. 1746— AVatkins (F.) Electrical Experiments, ib. 1747 — Wilson (B.) on Electricity, ib. 1746 '^vo. (6) 2427 Electricity. Wilson (B.) on Electricity, London, 1746 — Freke (J.) on Electricity, ib. 1746 — Lowndes (F.) Medical Electricity, ib. 1787 — Enquiry into Electricity, ih. 1746 — Xairne's Electrical Machine, plates, ib. 1796 — Maggiotto (F.) della Macchina Elet- trica, Venezia, 1781 — Lullin (A.) de Electricitate, Geneva, 1766 8t;o. (7) 2428 Electricity. AVilson (B.) on Electricity, plates, London, 1752 — Cavallo (T.) Medical Electricity, lialf calf, ib. 1780— Carpue (J. C.) Electricity and Oalvanism, half calf , ih. 1803— AVilkinson (C. H.) Lectures on ]S'atural Philosophy, and Essay on Electricity, half calf, ib. 11Q9 8m 4i vol. 2429 Elogi. Elogio Istorico, di M. A. Bobba, A'escovo d'Aosta (nel Secolo XVI), compilato da G. Morozzo, Torino, 1799 — Elogio di N. Machiavelli, s. I. 1779 — Elogio Storico-Politico del Sommo Ponte- fice Pio Sesto, portrait, Homa, 1799 — Hyacintlii A'incioli Epistola de XII doctiss. Lucensibus viris, Vcnetiis, 1725 — Eistretto della A'ita del Beato Andrea Ibernon, laico prot'csso dell' Ordine di S. Francesco, Roma, 1791 — Baudisson (J. M.) Orationes, Augustce Tatirinorum, s. a. — Coccia (Maria Eosa) Experimeuto Estem- poraueo nell' esame da essa sosteuuto avanti i quattro Sig. Maestri di Capella esaminatori della congregazione dei Signori Musici di S. Cecilia di Eoma, portrait and folding plate of music, Homa, 1775 —Elogio dell' Abate O. A. Taruffi da G. G. de Eossi, ib. 1786— Considerazioni intorno alia Cavalleria Amorosa eroica e poetica, s. I. et a. — Bertio (A. P.) Commentariolum ad J. et C. Luchessini, Lucce, 1788 Sfo. in one vol. 2430 Elogi degli Uomini Illustri Toscani (scritti da M. Lastri, G. Pelli, &c.), 4 vol. half morocco, uncut Svo. Liicca, 1771-74 Containiug Lives of Dante, Galilei, Brunetto Latini, Maccliiavelli, ^lagalotti, Mercati, Orgagna, Kedi, Torricelli, Amerigo Vespucci, Leonardo da Vinci, Giov. DA Verrazzano, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Viviani, &c. &c. THE LIBBI LIBRAET. 275 2i31 Elogi Italiaki, 12 vol, uiicut Suo. Venezia, 1781-82 Edited by A. Kubbi. This valuable collection of 30 Elogi contains tlio following Lives : Doge A. Gi-itti, by Melisso Cipridio ; Andrea Doria, by N. Grillo ; C. Zeno, by Neralbo Jlelanteo ; Raimondo MontecuccoH, by Conte A. Paradisi ; B. Castiglione, by A. Rubbi and G. V. Benini ; Card, G. Bentivoglio, by B. da Luri; Conte C. di Firmian, by Conte G. B. G. d'Arco ; G. Botcro, by Conte G. F. Galeani Xapione di Cocconato Passerano ; C. Colombo, by Marcliese I. Diirazzo ; D. Vallarsi, by Conte Z. Betti ; Pietro Louibardo, byN. N. ; Card. S. Palkvicini, by Conte A. Cerati; 13. and P. Giovio, by Conte G. B. Giovio ; Galilei, by A. Rabbi ; C. Galiano, by A. Bonafede ; A. Fa\Te, by J. Durandi ; F. Redi, by N. N. ; P. A. Micheli. by A. Cocchi ; Conte F. Ginanni, by A. Rubbi ; G. Cerati, by Conte A. Cerati; San Filippo Neri, by Conte G. B. Gazola ; Leonardo DA Vixci, by A. Rubbi ; G. Tartini, by F. A. Morossi ; Conte F. Algarotti, by Conte G. B. Giovio ; Card. A. M. Quirini, by A. Brognoli ; Dante Alighieri, by G. F.; F. Petrarca, by A. Rubbi ; C. Frugoni, by Conte A. Cerati ; F. R. Moraudo, by Marchese J. Piudemonte ; G. B. Spolverini, by Marchese I. Pindemonte; P. Metastasio, by A. Rubbi; D. Durante, by Conte G. B. Corniani ; A. Palladio, by Conte G. B. Giovio ; and Marchese S. Maffei, by Marchese I. Pindemonte. 2432 Elogi di due illustri Scopritori Italiani (S. A. Baudini e E. Eedi) Sro. Siena, 1784< 2433 Elucidarius Dyalogicus Theologie tripertitus infinitarum questionum resolutivus. Yade jNIecum, curious woodcut on title black lettft 4, vellum ^vo. JDuaci, 1616 Presentation copy, with the author's autograph inscription. This work is not mentioned by Lowndes. 2457 English Books printed Abroad. Kellison (M.) Survey of the New Religion detecting manie grosse Absurdities which is iniplieth autographs of'''' Thomas Hutchinson,''' and " Thomas NoJces 1604" St'o. Doivay, Laurence Kellam, ]603 Unknown to Lowndes, who mentions a quarto edition of 1G05. 2458 English Books printed Abroad. James II, Royal Tracts (Speeches, Messages, Letters, &c. with Imago Regis), frontispiece, con- taining full length portrait fine copy with rough leaves 12mo. Paris, E. Lucas, 1692 2459 English Books printed Abroad. Loe (W.) The Merchant Reall, preached at the Englishe Church of Merchants Adventurers scarce, hut slightly ivormed 4to. JIamhoroughe, hy Paxde Lang, 1620 2460 English Books printed Abroad. Mac Curtin (H.) Elements of the Irish Language grammatically explained in Euglisli. To which is added a Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse, written in the Language, scarce Sdo. Lovain, 1728 2461 English Books printed Abroad. Martyrologe (The Roman), set forth by Gregory XIII, and reviewed by Urban VIII, Englished by Gr. K[eynes] of the Society of Jesus a small portion of the leaf of moveahle feasts defective Svo. St. Omers, 1667 2462 English Books printed Abroad. More (Sir Thomas) Dialogue of Comfort against Tribulation, ^?je looodciit portrait, {unknown to Granger) ilnclt letter, rare, lut titlepage, dedication, and talle mended, in the. original oaJc hoards covered loith leather, fastened hy hrass clasp 8uo. A7itverpicE, apud Joannem Foulerum, Anglum, 1573 John Fowler, the learned printer, appears to have been a Bristohan and a poet, as he has prefixed to the rare portrait of More verses in Latin, entitled, " Johan. Fouleri Bristoliensis in D. Th. Mori effigiem, Hexas- tichon," and in English (12 Imes), " The same in English Meter." 2463 English Books printed Abroad. N[orris] (S.) Guide of Faith, or a Third Part of the Antidote against pestiferous Writings of all English Sectaries, and in particular against Bilson, Fulke, Rey- noldes, Whitaker, Field, Sparkes, White, and Mason, with an Appendix to the Antidote, 2 vol. in 1 4tto. Permissu Stiperiortim {printed ahroad), 1621 2464 English Books printed Abroad. Persons (F. Robert) Discussion of the Answere of M, William Barlow, D. of Divinity, &c. about urging of the Oath to Catholicks, &c. scarce, limp vellum 4ito. Printed ahroad Permissu Superiorum,lG12 3465 English Books printed Abroad. Persons (F. Robert) Tem- perate Ward-Word to the turbulent and seditious Wach-word of Sir Francis Hastinges Knight 4^0. Imprinted {ahroad) ivith License, 1599' THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 279 216G English Books priin'ted Abkoad. Prempart (J.) Historical Ee- lation of the famous Siege of the Citie called the Busse, Amster- dam, 1630 — Hugo (H.) The Siege of Breda translated by C .H. G. frontisjnece and jjldtcs, scarce, nn/iuown to Lowndes, Tijpis Judoci Dooms, 1627 folio, in one vol. 2467 ENGLISH Books printed Abroad. E. (T.) Treatise of the Groundes oftheOldand Newe Eeligion, with an Appendix containing a briefe Confutation of W. Crashaw his first Tome of Eomish Eorgeries and Falsifications 4^o. Anno Domini, 1608 2468 English Books printed Abroad. Eichelieu (Armand John De Plessis Carduall of) Christian Instruction translated by Thomas Carre Confessour of the Eeligious Daughters of Zion old calf, gilt edges i2mo. Paris, hy L. De La Fosse, 1562 {for 1662) Scai-ce. This is stated on title to be " the 30 Edition." 2469 English Books printed Abroad. Eicheome (Father Lewis) Pilgrime of Loreto, translated by E. W. scarce, calf gilt 4to. Faris, 1630 2470 English Books printed Abroad. Stella (Diego de) Contempte of the World and the Yanitie thereof, translated by G. C. two ivoodctits, scarce 12mo. (Foiien in Framice) 1584 2471 English Books printed Abroad. Teresa (Saint) Elaming-Hart or her Life written by herself, translated by M. T. scarce, old English olive morocco, gilt edges St'O. Antwerpe, J. Menrsins, 1642 2472 English Books printed Abroad. Tursellinus (H.) Admirable Life of Saint Francis Xavier. Englished by T. F[itz-Herbert]^ engraved title containing portrait vellum, scarce 4to. Faris, 1632 2473 English Books printed Abroad. Yanx (Laurence) Catechisme or Christian Doctrine necessarie for Children and ignorante People ; with the Use and Meaning of Ceremonies and a briefe Fourme of Confession verg scarce, but 3 or 4 letters at corner of E S torn off l^mo. Cum Frivilegio {printed abroad) 1583 2474 English Books printed Abroad. Woodhead (Abraham) Short History of the first Beginning and Progress of the Protestant Eeligion, in English and Italian, with MS. Notes very scarce, uncut 8vo. Arrezzo, 1767 Unknown to Lowndes and other bibliographers. 2475 English Poetry. Ballads by W. T. London, 1716 — Compleat Yalentine Writer, ib. — London Medley, ib. — The Whim, ib. 1745 — Eochcster's Poems, ib. — Consummation, ib. — On the Legion Club, Dublin, 1756 Svo. (7) 2476 English Poetrt. Gray's Elegy, plate, London, 1771 — Mallet, Edwin and Emma, 'ib. 1776— Blair (E.) The Grave, ib. 1790— The College, ib. 1797— Socrates, ib. 1806— Dibdin, New Tear's Gifts, ?6.— Floriau, The Turtle-Dove, Caen, 1789 Svo. (7) 2477 English Poetry. [Huddersford (G.]) Topsy Turvy, Bubbl and Squeak, and Crambe Ecpetita, 3 parts, London, 1793-9 — Peda- gogues Disaster, Bristol, 1795 — INIoffet (\Y.) Irish Hudibras, Loudon, 1755 — Black (J.) Jupiter and Yenus, Lpswich — jAdven- turea of Satan and Peter Pindar, London, 1795 — Silenus, ib. 1773 Svo. (8) 280 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2478 English Poetry. Eusted (E.) Poetical Pieces, London — The Jubilee, ib. 1809— Letters from M'Shuffle to M'Shift, ih. 1805— The Looking- Grlass, ib. 1784 — The Impartial Jvidge, ib. 1717 — Dialogue in Verse, ib. 1731, a curious collection 8vo. (6) 2479 English Poetet. Seward (Miss) Monody on Major Andre, Lich- Jield, 1781 — Hymn to the Light of the World, London, 1703 — Poems by a Lady, plate, ib. 1781 — The Day of Judgment, Cam- bridge, 1757 — Heroic Epistle to Mr. "Winsor, London, 1808 — The Love of Glory, ib. 1806— Epistle to a Lady, ib. 4ito. (7) 2480 English Poetry. Stockdale (P.) Poems, presentation copy to Paoli, London, 1784— The Pittiad, ib. 1785 — Ehyme and Eeason, ih. 1780— Eitzgerald (W. T.) Nelson's Tonib, ib. 1805- Love's Victims, ib. 1793 — Tresham (H.) Britannicus to Buonaparte, ih. 1803— The Alexandriad, ib. 1805— Chatsworth ib. 4to. Petropoli (1755) THE LIBRI LIBEAET. 287 2545 Euleri (J. A.) Meditationes de Motu Yertiginis Planetarum ac prsecipue Veneris, jjZo^e, MrtCM^ 4:to. Petropoli,VlQO 2546 Euleri (Leonardi) Mechanica sive Motus Scientia analytice exposita, 2 vol. plates, calf Mo. Petropoli, 1736 This scarce work is priced by Brimet from 26 to 30 francs. 2547 Euleri (L.) Theoria Motuum Planetarum et Cometarum. plates uncut 4to, Berolini, 1744 Scarce ; with some manuscript explanations on the margins by the celebrated author himself. 2548 Euleri (L.) Opuscula Yarii Argumenti, plates, 3 vol. in 2 vellum 4to. Berolini, 1746-51 An important and scarce collection, containing,: Nova theoria lucis; de perturbatione motus planetarum a resistentia ^theris orta ; de propaga- tion e soni ac lurainis ; de numeris amicabilibus ; nova theoria mag- netis, etc. 2549 Euleri (L.) Opuscula Yarii Argumenti. De Motu Corporum, Tabulae Astronomical Solis ac Lunse, Nova Theoria Lucis et Colorum, etc. plates, Berolini, 1746 — Ejusdem Conjectura Physica circa propa- gationem soui ac lumiuis una cum aliis dissertationibus de numeris amicabilibus, de natura sequationum, ac de rectificatione ellipsis, plate, ib. 1750 — M. Gr. Pauli et J. G. Yolkelt, Historia Philosophise Corpuscularis, Lips. 1745 — C. J. A. Corvinus, et J. E. Gredingius de Elementis Corporum, Jence, 1738 — A. J. Biel de vera et nimia simplicitate Elementorum, Li2)s. 1745 — Euler (L.) Gedancken von den Elementen der Kcirper, Berlin, 1746 — Widerlegung der Gedi&nckew,FranJcfurt, 1746 — Anmerkun- gen iiber die Gedancken von H. E. Nebel, Giessen, 1747 — Priifung der Gedancken, Leipzig, 1747 — E. P. de Muncbbaussen, de Ele- mentis Corporum sive Atomis Naturae, Gottingce, 1741 — L. L, Procopius et L. Thiele de Monadibus, Primislavice, 1748 — J. C, Eschenbacb, Eealitas Monadum Corporum ex natura Corporis demonstrata, Wismario) (1749) — Neuer Yersucb einer Priifung der Justischen SchrifFt wieder die Lehre von den Monaden von J. J. H. Leipzirj, 1748 — C. Pfauzius, de Elementis, LipsicE, Prcelo Wittirjaviano, 1666 — J. Sperling et J. Praetorius de Ele- mentorum Qualitatibus, Wittenh. 1652 — Collegii Physici Dispu- tatio X de Elementorum Natura sub Prsesidio C. Preibisii tuebitur J. M. Schober, Lips. 1620 half hound vellum 4to. in one vol. A valuable collection of controversial Tracts. The German Tract by Euler, " Thoughts on the Elements of Bodies," which gave rise to the controversy is so rare that it was entirely unknown to his biographer, Lacroix. 2550 Eulehi (L.) iNSTiirTioNUM Calculi Integbalis, 4 vol. plates uncut 4:to. Petropoli, 1768-1794 Original edition of a very scarce and highly important work. 2551 Euler. Mascheronii (L.) Annotationes ad Calculum Integralem Euleri, 2 parts, uncut, very scarce 4to. Ticini, 1790-92 2552 Euleri (L.) Dioptrica, 3 vols, plates, scarce 4to. Petropoli, 1769-71 2553 Euleri (L.) Opuscula Analytica, 2 vol. tmcut, scarce 4to. Petropoli, 1783-85 Tliese two volumes relate almost entu-ely to the theory of numbers, and the integrates definies. 288 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 2554 Euler (L.) Letters on Physics and Philosophy, 2 vol. half calf , London, 1795 — Hutton (J.) ou Heat, Light, and Eire, lialfcalf Edinb. 1794, 8w. 3 vol. 2555 Euler (L.) Introduction a 1' Analyse Infinitesimale, traduite du Latin, avec des Notes et des Eclaircissements, par J. B. Labey, 2 vol. in 1, plates, uncut 4 Facetiae. Discours de Deux Savoyards I'un Charpentier et I'autre Tailleur, lesqnels changerent de Femmes I'un I'autre le premier jour de Mai, 1601, en Vers, Lyon, 1601 — Eesponse di Gestes de Arlequin au Poete fiis de iVIadame Cardine en langue Arlequine, en Vers, Paris, 1585 — La Surprise et Fustigation d'xAngoulevent, Poeme heroique, woodcut, ib. 1603 — Amours de Tabarin et d'IsabeUe, ib. 1621 Tecliener^ s rejjrints (limited to 76 copies each) square IQmo. 4 vol. 2615 Faceti.e. Discours de deux Savoyards I'un Charpentier et I'autre Tailleur, lesqnels changerent de Femmes I'un I'autre le premier jour de Mai de I'annee presente 1601, avec leurs Disputes et Cartels de DefB en Eithme Savoyarde Techeners reprint (limited to 76 co^nes) square Vomo. Lyon, 1604 2616 Facett-E. Divers Propos et Joyeuses Eencontres dung Prieur et dung Cordelier en maniere de Coq a lasne, en A'ers, blacfe (cttcr, Paris, s. a. — Eecueil de tout Soulas et Plaisir et Parangon de Poesie comme Epistres, Eondeaux, Balades, Epigrammes, Dizains et Huictains nouvellemeut compose, en Vers, blacfe letter, Paris, 1552 Techcner'' s reprints (only 76 copies of each struck off) square 16;«o, 2617 FACETiiE. Divers Propos et Joyeuses Eencontres dung Prieur et dung Cordelier en IManiere de Coq a lasne, en Vers blac& letter, Techener's reprint (only 76 copies struck off square \Qmo. Paris, s. d. 2618 Faceti^. Drudonis (H.) Practica Artis Amandi, et Alia ejusdem Materise, frontispiece dated 1652 12mo. Amstelodami, 1651 A collection of Facetiae, including Pontani Charon, de Arte meretricia, Kiuthisii Agncolce Scrmo de ilUcito Amove, Carmina amoAoria, <&c. &c. 29i THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2619 Eacetite. Eloge Eunebre de Michel Morin, avec ses regrets sur la mort de sou Aue et son Testament Svo. Troi/es, s. a. This work probably suggested to Goldsmith his " Madame Blaise." 2620 Eaceti.^. Ephesian (The) and Cimmerian Matrons, two notable Examples of the Power of Love and Wit ; to which is added the Mysteries and Miracles of Love, 2 vol. in 1, frontispiece Svo. Savoy, 1668 2621 Faceti.e. Estat (L.) Deplorable des Eemmes d' Amour de Paris, la Harangue de leur Ambassadeur envoye au Cardinal Mazarin et son Succes 4Yo. Paris, 1649 A rare and virulent Satire against Cardinal Mazarin. 2622 Eacettje. Estreines Universelles de Tabarin pour I'An mil six cents vingt et un, Eouen, s. a. — La Querelle arrivee entre le Sieur Tabarin et Erancisquine sa Eemme, Paris, 1622 — Amours de Tabarin et d'lsabelle, en Yers, ib. 1621 — Procez, Plaincts et informations d'Un Moulin a Vent de la Porte Sainct Anthoine centre le Sieur Tabarin, imperfect, ib. 1622 — Estrennes admirables du Sieur Tabarin, ih. 1623 — Les Eantaisies Plaisantes et Eaceties du Chappeau a Tabarin, ih. s. a. — Almanach Prophetique du St. Tabarin pour I'Annee 1623, ih. 1622 — Les Arrests Admirables et Autheutiques du Sieur Tabarin, ih. 1623 — La Descente de Tabarin au:s Eufers, s. I. 1621 — Eencontre de Gautier Garville, avec Tabarin en I'autre Monde, ih. 1634, 10 curious Tracts in 1 vol. UNCUT, THICK PAPEB, Tccliener'' s reprints {limited to 76 copies eacJi, ofwliicli only 10 on tins paper) square 16mo. 2623 Eaceti^. Estreines Eniverselles de Tabarin, pour I'An Mil six cens vingt-et-un a toutes sortes d'estatz suivant le temps qui court, envoyees en poste de par dela le Soleil couchant riNE PAPEE, Techener's rep>rint {limited to 76 copies) sqtiare Idmo. Rouen, s. a. 2624 EacetIzE. Extaze propinatoire de Maistre Guillaume, en Vers, Paris, s, a. — Amours de Tabarin et d' Isabelle, en Vers ; thick paper, ih. 1621 — Procez, Plaintes et Informations d'un Moulin a Vent, tliich paper, ih. 1622 — Querelle entre le Sieur Tabarin et Erancis- quine sa Eemme, ih. 1622 — together 4 Techener's reprints {only 76 copies of each printed) square \Qmo. 2625 Eacetle. Extaze Propinatoire de Maistx'e Guillaume en I'Honneur de Careme prenant, en Vers Techener^s reprint {limited to 76 copies) square lQ>mo. Paris, s. d. 2626 EACETiiB, Earce des Quiolars tiree de cet ancien Proverbe : Y ressemble a la Quiole, y fait de Gestes, lequel se met ordinaire- ment en usage quand on voit une personne qui, par ses actions, par ses paroles et par ses habits, croit cacher la bassesse de sa naissance, la pauvrete de sa cuisine ou les imperfections de son esprit. Par P. D. S. I. L. Techener's rep)rint {limited to 76 copies) square \Qmo. Rouen, s. d. 2627 Eacetije. Elitneri (J.) Nebulo Nebulonum hoc est Jocoseria Nequitias Censura, curioMS plates, vellum, rare (See Brunei) Svo. Francof. ad Muenum, 1663 THE LIBEI LIBRAEY. 295 2628 Faceti^. French (the) Rogue, or the Life of Monsieur Ragoue de Versailles, very comical and delightful. Done from the Oritjinal hj J. S. VZiiio. London, Y10\. Interspersed with rhymes. 2629 Faceti.t:. Furetiere (A.) Nouvelle allegorique ou Histoire des derniers Troubles arrivez au Royaume d'Eloquence Vlmo. Amst. 1658 2630 Faceti^. Grarzoni (Tornaso) La Sinagoga de gl' Ignorant!, a curious loorh, vellum, Tenet. 1594 — Guazzo (S.) Dialoghi Piaceuoii (della Prudenza et Dottrina del Re, del Principe di Valaechia, del Giudice, de' Magistrati, delle Imprese, &c.) vellum, Venetia, 1586 4ito. (2) 2831 Faceti^. Gozzi (Carlo) La Tartana degl' Influssi per I'Anno Bissestile 1756, in Verse LAEGE PAPEE, rare, vellum Svo. Parigi, 1757 2632 FACETiiE. Guazzo (S.) Dialoghi Piacevoli (sull' onore delle donne, etc.) vellum, 4. s. I. ^' a. (circa 1610) This work is dedicated to Giov. Fabro Linceo, and is connected with the history of tlie celebrated academy of Lincei. The whole of tliis volume is engraved on copper. 2721 Fendt (T.) Mouumenta Clarorum Virorum, engraved throughout on \1^ plates, calf folio. Francofurti ad Moenum, \^SQ These fine plates, engraved by JosT Amman, exhibit a great number of monuments (amongst which are those of Dante, Petrarca, ]\Iarsilio Ficino, etc.) at that time existing in several to^\ms of Italy, etc. Cicognara terms this volume a preziosa serie. 2725 Fenelon (F. de Salignac, Archevcque Due de Camhray) Explication des Maxiines des Saints sur la Vie luterieure V2mo. Paris, 1697 First edition, scarce, having been prohibited and suppressed. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 305 2726 Fenelon (M. de) Eeflexions sur la Ehetorique et sur la Poetique calf Vlmo. Amsterdam, 1717 2727 Fenestella (i, e. A. D. Flocco) d' i Sacerdotii e d' i Magistrati Eomani tradotto (da F. Sansoviuo) vellum 8ro. Vinetia, G. GioUto, 1514 This edition was uiiknoAvri to Fabricius, who speaks of the reprint of 1517 as being translated by A. Motta instead of its being dedicated to him by Sanso^ino. 2728 Feemat (P.) Yaeta Opeea Mathematica, 5 folding plates calf extra folio. Tolosce, 1679 Very fine copy of a celebrated work which is so scarce that before the Revo- lution of 1848, the French Government decided to have it reprinted but that Revolution having prevented the accomplishment of such a scheme, the works of this great geometrician are now really introuvables. This copy is one of those without the portrait. 2729 Feemat. Diophanti Arithmeticorum Libri sex et de Numeris mul- tangulis Liber uuus cum Coiumentariis C. G. Bacbeti et Observa- tionibus D. P. de Fermat. Accessit Doctrinse analytics Inventum. novum eollectum ex variis ejusdem D. de Fermat Epistolis vellum folio. Tolosce, 1670 It is well known that this edition contains the most important discoveries of the celebrated Fermat on the theory of numbers. See also " Descartes" in the present catalogue. 2730 Feema-t. Genty (I'Abbe) I'lnfluence de Fermat sur son Siecle, relativement aux progres de la Haute G^ometrie et du Calcul scarce and important Sro. Orleans, 1784 2731 Fernandez de Andrada (Pedro) dela Naturaleza del Cavallo, Sevilla, 1 580 Calestani (Girolamo) Osservationi nel comporre gli Antidoti & ^ledi- camenti Venefia, 1570 D' Amato (Cintio) Xuova et utilissima Prattica di tutto quelle cb' al diligeute Barbiero s' appartieue, curious plates of Venesection, ^'c. including full length portrait of author JS'apoli, 1671 in old gilt calf 4:to. 3 vols, in L This copy appears to have belonged to the Cardinal de Urbino : see MS. leaf following first work. At the end of Calestani's book are three leaves of MS. Recipes, apparently in that author's autograph, addressed " 111"° et ReV* Mons"' mio." If these, as is probable, were for the Cardinal's own complaints, he must have been afflicted with gout, deafness, tooth- ache, &c. the last prescription being headed " Couti-a il Mai Francese." 2732 Feeraea. Borsetti Ferranti Bolani (Ferrantis) Historia almi Fer- rarise Gymnasii (atque hominum doctorum), 2 \o\. frontispieces uncut 4:to. Ferrarice, 1735 The University of Ferrara as a testimonial of the gratification afforded by this work presented the author with 150 Scudi. 2733 Feebaea. Frizzi (A.) Memorie per la Storia di Ferrara (dai tempi piu remoti fino al 1796), 5 vol. numerous plates, half vellum 4:to. Ferrara, 1791-1809 A scarce and important work. 2734 Feeeaea. Giovio (P.) Yita di Alfonso da Este Duca di Ferrara tradotta da G. B. Gelli, vellum Svo. Venetia, G. de Bossi (1556) Gamba is of opinion that this translation would furnish many excellent gleanings of words for a new edition of the Crusca Vocabolario 306 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION" OF 2735 Febea-ra. Giraldi (Gr. B.) Commentario delle Cose di Ferrara et de' Principi da Este tradotto per L. Domenichi vellum, scarce ^vo. Venetia, G. de Rossi (1556) 2736 Feeeara. TJghi (L.) Dizionario Storico degli Uomiui Illustri Fer- raresi, 2 vol. in 1, tmcut 8yo. Ferrara, 1804 The biographies are not so copious, but much more numerous than in Barotti and Baruffaldi. 2737 Feeeaea, etc. Giraldi (G. B.) Commentario delle Cose di Ferrara et de' Priucipi da Este, Venetia, 1597 — Giovio (P.) Vita di Alfonso da Este Duca di Ferrara, tradotta in lingua Toscana da G. B. Gelli, ivi. 1597, vellum, ^vo. in one vol. — Augelieri (A.) Saggio Istorico intorno alia condizione di Este, vellum, Svo. Venezia, l7i5~Honofri (F.) Cronologia Veneta, vellum, V2mo. Venetia, 1663 (3) 2738 Ferro (G. F.) Istoria dell' Antica Citta di Comaechio (con antichi monumenti), view and plates, vellum 'ito. Ferrara, 1701 Interesting for the Gothic and Langobardic history. Comaechio is celebrated for its early and extensive fisheries. 2739 Feu Geegeois. Marci Graeci Liber Ignium ad comburendos Hostes, Lat. & GdMice, privately printed, scarce 4ito. Faris, 1804 A very curious treatise on the manufacture of the Feu Gregeois, edited for the first time from two MSS. of the XlVth and XVth Centuries. It is important for the history of the invention of gunpowder. 2740 Ficino (Marsilio) della Christiana Eeligione EIEST EDiTiois^, scurcc, vcry large copy in tlie original oaTc hoards, with clasps folio. Fisa, per Ser Lorenzo e Ser Agnolo Fiorentini, 1484 This is one of the first books printed at Pisa. 2741 Ficoroni (F. de') La Bolla d'Oro de' Fanciulli Nobili Eomani e quella de' Jj\\)Gvi\m, plates, calf Eoma, 1732 From the library of the Rt. Hon. Edmimd Burke, 2742 Fidelissimi (G. B.) Centurie d'Osservationi Thaumaphysiche vellum 4:to. Bologna, 1619 A work, at the same time, full of curious information and of the most absurd error. The chapter on the scintillation of the stars is interesting. 2743 Figatelli (G. M.) Eetta Linea Gnomonica per delineare horologj, numerous woodcuts, with xylographic inscriptions, etc. 4^to. Forli, 1667 2744 Filangieri (G.) La Scienza della Legislazione (colla vita dell' Autore), 5 vol. portrait, uncut '^vo. Filadelfa, 1799 2745 Filheul (M.) Catalogue de ses Livres Hares et Singuliers (manuscrits et imprimes), manuscript prices and additions by Mercier de Saint Leger 8yo. Faris, 1779 Very curious prices. A MS. upon vellum in four volumes of the " Bible en Francois par G. de Moulins," 44 francs 12 sous. " LeMystere de la Destruc- tion de Jerusalem, 1491," 19 francs 15 sous. "Roman de Meliadus, 1532," in folio, " magnifique exemplaire," 40 francs, &c. 2746 Filicaia (Vincenzio da) Canzoni in occasioue dell' Assedio e Libera- zione di Vienna 4ito. Firenze, 1684 Original edition of these celebrated poems. (See Gambaj. THE LIBEI LIBRAEY. 307 2747 Filicaia (V. da) Poesie Toscane, portrait vellum 4ito. Firenze, 1707 Gamba pronounces tliis work " raro," and saj-s " magnifica edizione postuma procm-ata ed assistita da Scipione di Filicaia Figlio dell' Autore." 2748 Filippi (M.) Yita di Santa Caterina Yergine, e INIartire, in ottava Eima, con una Eaccolta di Sonetti e Canzoni spirituali, icoodeuts vellum ^vo. Venetia, Guerra, 1578 "Written chiefly whilst the author was a prisoner in the Castello a Mare at Palermo. Talenti (C. Monaco di Yelombrosa) Eime nnciit l2mo. Pergamo, 1602 Lemene (F.) Eosario di Maria Yergine, Meditationi Poeticlie vellum 18 wo. Milano, 1691 Capponi (Y.) Parafrasi Poetiche degl' Inui del Breviario, tratte dal Codice originale della Libreria Eiccardiana 8yo. Firenze, 1818 rilicaia (Y. da) Poesie Toscane 12mo. Firenze, 1708 Lippi (Lorenzo, sotto TAnagramma di Perlone Zipoli) il Malmantile T2t.cqm^, frontispiece and portrait, calf Svo. Firenze, 1749 Eedi (F.) Poesie, Nizza, 1781— Eime di G. F. Zappi e di Faustina Maratti sua Consorte, ivi, 1781, vellum 12mo. in one vol. Gratteschi (Y.) delle Eime Parte prima 8^0. Fiorenza, 1611 (8) 2749 Fine Aets. Bologna. Le Pitture di Bologna dell' Ascoso Aecade- mico Grelato (Conte C. C. Malvasia) \2mo. Bologna, 1706 Boscliini (M.) le Eiccbe Miniere della Pittura Yeueziana, plates etched hij tlie author, vellum 12mo. Venezia, 1674 Boschini was a poet, a painter, and an engi-aver. All his Mi-itings connected with painting are highly valuable. Musumeci (]M.) In cbe I'Arcbittettura puo gioTarsi delle Scoperte Monumentali, presentation copy, tcith the author's autograph inscripttion Svo. Catania, 1845 Milizia (F.) Operette Scelte 12mo. Torino, 1830 Containing his Lives of Brunelleschi, Fontana, and Bernini. Piles (Mr. De) Cour de Peinture par Vrmci^es, plate iincut 12mo. Amst. 1766 Tonci (S.) Descrizione ragionata della Galleria Doria preceduta da un breve saggio di Pittura, uncut 12mo. Soma, 1794 Zanotti (F. M.) Orazione in lode della Pittura, della Scoltura e dell' Architettura Svo. Bologna, 1750 (7) 2750 FiN'E Aets. Cellini (B.) Yita da lui medesimo scritta FIKST EDiTio>', LAEGE PAPEE (quoted bg the Orusca), very scarce Uo. Colonia, s. a. {Napoli, 1728) •Dedicated to the Earl of Burlington. 2751 Fi:^E Aets. Carrara (F.) delle Lodi delle Bell' Arti Orazione, Soma, 1758— Mancini (F.) delle Lodi delle Belle Arti, Orazione e Com- ponimenti Poetici detti in Campidoglio, vellum, Roma, 1750 — Panseron (Sr.) Elemens d' Architecture, plates. Pans, 1782 — Eagguaglio di quanto e avvenuto in Pisa pel Monumento in Marmo alia Memoria di A. Y. Berlingbieri, plate, Pisa, 1830 4^o. 4 vol. x2 308 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2752 Einsei (0.) Quadrans Astrolabicus, omnibus Europse regionibus inserviens, Paris, opud 8. Colinceum, 1534 — Ejusdem Quadratura Circuli tandem inventa et clarissime demonstrata. De Circuli Mensura, &c. De Multangularum Figurarum Descriptione. De iuvenienda Longitudinis DifFereutia, &c. Planisphserium Geogra- pliicum, tvoodcufs, ib. 1544 folio, in one vol. Both rare, and the last unknoAvn to Lalande. 2753 Eiua?i (0.) do Mundi Sphsera sive Cosmographia Libri V, cuts 4ito. Luteticp, 1555 This edition was unknown to Lalande. 2754 Eiueo (0.) Opere (Arimetica, Greometria, Cosmografia e Orivoli tra- dotti da C. Bartoli et gli Speccbi tradotti dal Cav. E. Bottrigaro), numerous diagrams Atto. Venetia, 1587 This translation seems to have escaped the researches of the learned Professor De Morgan. 2755 Eine (O.) La Theorique des Cieux et sept Planetes scarce, vellum ^vo. Paris, 1607 Unknown to Lalande. 2756 Einescbi (E. V.) Istoria compendiata di alcune antiche Carestie e Dovizie di Grano occorse iu Eirenze cavata da un Diario MS. in Cartapecora del Secolo XIV. 4^o. Firenze, 1767 This Diary commences at 1320 and ends with 1335. 2757 Einescbi (V.) Notizie Storicbe sopra la Stamperia di Eipoli, le quali possono servire all' illvistrazione della Storia Tipografica Eioren- tina, uncut 8t;o. Firenze, 1781 A most useful monography of the early press at Ripoli, worked by the Domi- nican nuns of Florence during the X Vth Centuiy. and from which (curiously enough !) was issued an edition of the Decamerone of Boccaccio. This work affords most interesting information respecting the Florentine illuminators of the XVth Century, as well as the price of paper, lead, ink, &c. &c. 2758 Einescbi (V.) Saggio di un Poema inedito (di E. Tommaso di Matteo Sardi) intitolato Anima Peregriua, uncut Bzjo. Firenze, 1782 This poem is an early imitation of the " Divina Commedia " of Dante. 27.59 Einescbi (V.) Memorie sopra il Cimitero Antico della Cbiesa di S. Maria Novella di Firenze, pZafe*, vellum 8vo. Firenze, 1787 Interesting for the history of fine arts in Florence. 2760 Eiogbi (F.) Dialogo fra il Catbecumino et il Padre Catbecbizante nel qual si risolvono molti Dubbi, liquali sogliono far li Hebrei, centre la Verita della Santa Fede Christiana vellum 4ito. Roma, per gli Heredi d"" A. Blado, 1582 This very learned catechism, intended for the conversion of the Jews, is of great rarity. 2761 Eiore di Virtii, scritto nel secolo XIV, e ridotto alia sua vera lezione LABGE PAPEE, BARE, vclluni Svo. Roma, 1740 An excellent edition by G. Bottari, from a MS. in his own possession, placing as foot-notes the various readings of other MSS. 2762 Eiorelli (G.) La Monarcbia dH OYxenie, portrait vellttm folio. Venetia, 1679 Interesting for the history of the Venetians in the East. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 309 2763 Fiorentini (F. M.) Memorie della Gran Contessa Matilda restituta alia Patria Luccliese, con Note critiche e molti Document! appartenenti a Matilda ed alia di lei Casa di Gr. D. Mansi, 2 vol. in 1, portrait BEST EDITION, uncut 4ito. Lucca, 1756 This work is highly praised by Sismondi. The second volume (347 pages) is entirely tilled with documents of the Xlth Century. 2764 FiEDOusi (Abul Kasim) Suau Namaii in Persian, a Series of Heroic Poems on the ancient History of Persia from Kiumurs (the Adam of the Fire-Worshippers and Grandson of Noah) down to the Invasion and Conquest of that Empire by the Saracens in 630, 2 vol. A magnificent Manusceipt of the Homer of the East, exqui- sitely ivritten loithin lines of gold, having the first tioo pages sur- rounded hy arabesque ornaments in gold and colours, and adorned witli 20 splendid Illuminations {each the size of the page'), illus- trating THE Deeds of Eustem and other Heroes, executed in the best style of Oriental Art folio. S.EC. xvii. Mr. Atkinson, who gave an Abridgment of the Shah-Naraah in English, con- siders Fu-dousi "the sweetest as well as most sublime poet of Persia," and says " in epic grandeur he is above all, and he is besides one of the easiest to be understood." 2765 Fire, Fire, Fire, Where ? Where ? Where ? (with Hymn on last leaf) scarce A. Moreni, completing the series Mo. Firenze, 1782 2830 Firenze. Ursulini (Ignatii) inclytae Nationis Florentiuse Pontifices et Cardinales, 2 vol. in 1, vellum Svo. Florentlce, 1706 Contaming lives of popes and cardinals bearing the names of the INIedicis, Aldobrandini, Barberini, Pazzi, and other eminent Florentine families. 2831 Firenze. Varcbi (B.) Storia Fiorentina, frontispiece, portrait, and Medici Genealogy, vellum folio. Colonia, 1721 This copy contains the rigidly suppressed passage detaihng the infamous treatment of the Bishop of Fano by Pier Luigi Farnese. The edition is quoted by the Crusca. THE LIBEI LIBRARY. 315 2832 FiEEyzE. Varillas (Sieur de) Les Anecdotes de Florence ou I'His- toire secrete de la Maison de Medicis, loith autograph of D'Ansse de Villoison, vellum 12mo. a La Mai/e, 1G85 2833 FiEE>-zE. VeUuti (D.) Cronica di Firenze dal 1300 al 1370 half calf Firenze, 1731 An esteemed edition, cited by tlie Crusca. 2831 FiEENZE. Verini (U.) De Illustratione TJrbis Florentiae Libri tres fine copy, vellum folio. Lutetice, 15S3 This first edition of a poem, by an author who died La 1490, is justly pro- nounced by Moreni "karissima." 2835 FiEENZE. Yerini (TJ.) De Illustratione Urbis Florentiae Libri tres scarce, vellum 4^fo. Florentice, 1636 2836 FiEEXZE. Yillani (Giovanni) Storia (fino al 1318), Fiorenza, P. e J. Giunfi, 1587 — Villani (Matteo) Istorie che continua quelle di Giovanni suo Fratello, con 1' Aggiunta di Filippo suo Figliuolo che arrivano sino all' Anno 1364, 2 vol. in 1, ivi, Criunti, 1581 ^ 1577 VEET EAEE, fiw copics in vellum 4ito. 3 vol. in 2 Best editions of these celebrated histories, quoted as such by the Crusca. The dltficulty of uniting the three works into a complete set has been pointed out by Briuiet, Gamba, and other Bibliogi-aphers. 2837 FiEEXZE. Yillani (P.) Liber de Civitatis Florentiae famosis Civibus, ex Codice Mediceo Laureutiano nunc primum editus, aliique fere Synchroni Scriptores de Floreutinorum Litteratura, cura G. C. Galletti. Accedunt F. Bocchii Elogia Florentinorum Doctrinis iusignium, 2 vol. in 1, uncut 4to. Florent. 1847 Sf 1844 An important work for the scientific and Uterary history of Florence. \* Respecting Florence see also Amrairato, Aretiuo, Bandini, Borghini, Conipagni, Lami, Manori, Moreni, Toscana, Varchi, YUlaui, &c. &c. 2838 Firenzuola (M. A.) le Rime, calf 12mo. Fiorenza, B. Giunti, 1549 Fu-st edition, cited by the Crusca. Gamba styles it " raro." 2839 Firenzuola (A.) Opere, 3 vol. nnctif 12mo. Firenze (JVapoli), 1723 This copy has in vol. I the rare leaf (pages 299-300), containing the com- mencement of the Index to Apideio, which was abandoned and suppressed. •' Corretta e rara edizione " {Gamba), quoted by the Crusca. 2840 FiEE-AYoEKS. Biringuecio (Y.) de la Pirotechnia libri X, dove ampiamente si tratta non solo di ogni sorte et diversita di miniere, &c. numerous woodcuts of furnaces, stills, crucibles, and other implements, several leaves at end toormed and mended first edition, scarce ito. Venefia, 1540 Tliis edition was unknown to Cicognara, who considered his of 1 550 as the first, and observes " Quest'opera non comune, specialmente in questa prima edizione, e interessante per la fusioue dei metalli e per ogni altra cosa che da quella dipende." 2841 Firmiani (Comitis Caroli A.) Bibliotheca Firmiana sive Thesaurus Librorum quem magnis sumptibus collegit, con Appendice con- tenente la Raceolta di Medaglie d'Uomiui lUustri, 8 parts in 7 vol. — Ejusdem Bibliotheca manuscripta, 8 vol. 4ito. Mediolani,l78S The sixth volume of this extraordinary Catalogue, almost unkno^l^•n out oi Italy, is entirely filled with titles of books in the English and Bas-Breton languages. The fifth contains the list of the editions of the XYth Century (some of gi-eat rarity). In the fourth the description of books relating to America is to be found. The manuscripts also are valuable. 316 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2842 rischer (J. C.) Greschichte der Physik seit der Wiederberstellung der Kiinsteund Wissenscbaften bis auf die neuesten Zeiten, SYol.jylates half morocco ^vo. Gottingen, 1801-8 A most valuable History of the Physical Sciences. 2843 Elaccttjs Illteictts. Endlicher Bericbt und Erklerung der Theologen beider Universiteten Leipzig und Witlemberg belaDgend die Lere mit Warming von den streitigen Artickeln so Flaccius Illyricus mit seinen Anhang nu lange zeit erregt und dadurcb die Kirchen Gottes in Deutscbland jemerlicb verunrubiget, betriibt und zerruttet bat tilacfe letter 4^0. WiUemlerg, Hans Luft, 1570 A very scarce and important Attack on the Doctrhies of Flaccius Illyricus by the Protestants attached to the Augsburg Confession. 2844 Flaminiorum (Marci Antonii, Joannis Antonii et Gabrielis) Carmina, Epistolse, (Vita et Monumenta), portrait vellum 8tJo. Patavii, Cominus, 1743 M. A. Flaminio was celebrated as the most elegant of the Latin poets of the XVIth Century. 2845 Flaminii (J. A.) Epistobie Faniiliares, nunc primum editse et Argu- mentis, Notis, Auctoris Vita, aliisque Accessionibus illustratse a D. J. Capponi LARGE PAPEE, rare, vellum 4'icrs Veris novissimi Filiola Carolo et Marise nata XYII Martii Anno M.D.C.XXXYI scarce, half calf gilt Mo. Oxonice (1636) Containing Verses in Latin by R. Baylie (Vice-Chancellor), Lords William and Robert Seynivir.r, Lord Spencer, Hon. W. Herbert, R. Burton, H. May, Sir E. Gary, A. Woodhead, R. Tempest, E. Gayton, J. Mayne, G. Cart- wright, &c. ; in Greek by A. Gil, J. Poingdextre, H. Langley, J. Castillon, &c. ; in English by T. Sugge, R. AVest, J. Mayne, W. Cartwright, M. Llewellin, G. Bathurst, D. Digges, A. Wright, G. Croke, I. Withers, &c. and in French by J. Poindextre and H. Lucas. 2853 FLUEA2TCE EivAULT (Sieur de) Elemens de I'Artillerie concernans taut la Theorie que le Pratique du Canon, enrichis en cette nouvelle edition de la description d'une nouvelle Artillerie qui ne se charge que d'air ou d'eau pure, plus d'une nouvelle fa9on de pouldre a Canon tres violente qui se faict d'or par un rare Artifice, 2 vol. in 1, xcoodcuts 8t'o. Paris, 1608 This curious and rare work contains the earliest known figm-e and description of an Air-Gun, of which the author attributes the invention to Marin Bourgeois of Lisieux in Normandy, a man whose great discoveries in music, astronomy, etc. are here described. It also contains an interesting historical avant propos respecting the invention and progress of gunnery, and the preparation of fulminating powder, &c. This work has been quoted in the controversy respecting the invention of the steam engine. 2854 Folengi (Theophili) Merlini Cocaii Macaronicorum Poemata calf Svo. Mediolani, 1522 A very scarce edition, but unfortunately wanting the title, for which one from the edition of 1561 is substituted. 2855 Folengo (T.) La Moscheide di Merlino Cocaio recato in Versi Italiani (col Testo Latino Macaronico in fronte) da F. Antolini. Aggiun- tavi la Batracomiomachia d'Omero 12mo. Milano, 1817 2856 Folli (Francesco) Stadera Medica, deUa transfusione del sangue comentata dall' autore ecc. portrait and plates vellum 8vo. Firenze, 1680 A scarce work on the transfusion of blood, an operation which was greatly praised two centuries ago. 318 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2857 Eontana (C.) Utilissimo Trattato dell' Acque Correnti, numerous plates calf folio. Roma, 1696 Cicognara considers all the works of this eminent Engineer wortliy of great attention. 2858 Eontana (D.) della Trasportatione dell' Obelisco Yaticano et delle Eabriche di Nostro Signore Papa Sisto V, portrait, and numerous fine engravings hy Nat. Bonifaciiis folio. Itoma, 1590 " Opera Pregevole" {Cicognara). 2859 Eontana (E.) sopra il falso Ergot (Malattia del Grano) e Tremella, 4ito. Firenze, 1775 — Eontana (E.) Opuscoli Scieutifici (sulla respirazione, sul termometro, etc.), uncut 8yo. Firenze, 1783 (2) 2860 Eontance (Gr.) Disquisitiones Physico-Matliematicse PEINTED ON LARGE BLUE PAPER (carta azzurriiia), RARE, lialflound Mo. PapioB, 1780 Several of these Disquisitions are astronomical. 2861 Eontani (E.) I E-iti JSTuziali de' Greci, two fine vignettes LARGE BLUE PAPER {carta azzurrina') scarce, privatelg printed royal Mo.- Firenze, 1789 2862 Eontanini (D.) Memorie della Vita di Monsignor Giusto Eontanini Arcivescovo di Ancira, portrait vellum royal ifo. Venezia, 1755 2863 Eontanini (D.) Eaccolta delle Lettere scritte al Abate G. Eontanini dappoi Arcivescovo d' Ancira intorno alia Storia letteraria, manu- script additions LARGE PAPER, scarce, uncut ^vo. Venezia, 1762 Containing most interesting letters on literary subjects, written by Apostolo Zeno, L. A. Muratori, A. Magliabechi, S. Salvini, &c. 2864 Eontanini (G.) delle Masnade e d'altri Servi secondo I'Uso de' Lon- gobardi 4to. Patavii, 1739 Containing also the Italian Letters of Fracastoro, and the Discourses of Eamusio and Fracastoro on the Increase of the Nile. 2906 Fracastorii Vita. Menckenii (F. 0.) de Vita, Moribus, Scriptis, Meritisque H. Fracastorii Commentatio, ^or/rrt/^ on titlcpage 410. Lipsice, 1731 2907 Fragmenta Vaticana Locornm ex Jure Antejustiniano ab incerto Scriptore collectorum, edidit A. Mains, recognovit A. Betbmann- HoUweg \2mo. Bonnae, 1S33 2908 France. An excellent Discourse upon the now present Estate of France faithfully translated out of French by E. A[llde] lilnfU IrttPV, RARE, hut imperfect at end 4to. London, J. Wolfe, 1592 2909 France. [Barzoni (V.)] I Eomani uella Grecia 8vo. Londra (Venezia), 1797 First edition of a bitter satire on the French Domination in Italy, which was most rigorously suppressed by order of Napoleon I, mIioui the author, under the name of Flaminio, liolds up to contempt. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 323 2910 France. Caroli IX Galliarum Eegis Literse ad Tridentinam Syno- dum. Necnon Card, a Lotharingia et E. Ferrerii Orationes du» in eadem Synodo habitse TEET EAEE, uticut VenetUs, ex qfficina J. Zileti, 1562 Most probably from the press of PauUis Manutlus, who was appointed printer for the Council of Trent. Ziletti was a bookseller, and several works pub- lished by him were prmted at the Aldine Press. Mureti (M. A.) Oratio in Funere Karoli IX Gallorum Eegis Mediolani, 1574 Blanci (G.) Paraenesis ad Henricum IV Homed, 1595 Samaniego de la Serna (P. J.) Oratio coram Ducibus BurgundijB et Biturigum MassilicE, 1701 4:to. 5 vol. 2911 France. Cbarles IX. Ordonnances faictes en son Conseil sur les Plaiuctes, Doleauces et Eemoustrances des Deputez des trois Estats tenus en Orleans, calf Qvo. Lyon, 1572 2912 Frakce. Chartier (Alain) Discours sur I'llistoire du Eoy Charles YII, scarce, limp vellum 8vo. Paris, 1594 2913 Fra>'ce. Castillonei (B.) Grallorum Insubrum antiqufe Sedes, idth ancient inscriptions uncut, rare in this state 4to. Mediolani, 1541 2914 Fra>-ce. Diarium Statuum Generalium Franciae habitorum Turonibus Anno 1483 Eegnante Carolo octavo Manuscript folio. S^c. xviii. A transcript of an important original document which was formerly in the possession of M. Herouard, first physician to the king, but which is sup- posed to be now lost or destroyed. 2915 France. Examen d'un Diplome de 1' An 877 (Confirmation d'un Lieu nomme Uscias faite a Hodo Abbe de Corbie) 8vo. Paris, 1832 2916 France. Exemplum Eesponsionis Christianissimi Galliarum Eegis, ad Protestationem, qua Ca^sarea Majestas Eomffi in eum inveeta est, uncut, sold icith aU faults as it icants the " Alia lectu non indigna,'^ s. I. 1536 — Du Verdier, Discurs von der Stadt Lyon durch A. von Verdier Herrn zu Vauprivas, blacfe letter, JSfumberg, s. a. — Cirni Corso (A. F.) Comentarii della Guerra ultima di Francia, ha f calf, jRoma, 1567 — Davila (H. C.) Historia delle Guerre Civili di Francia, calf Venetia, 1638 4/o. 4 vol. 2917 France. Flori (G.) de Bello Italieo et Eebus Gallorum pr^clare gestis Libri sex, vellum 4to. Lutetice, P. Stephanus, 1513 2918 France. Francesco I. Copia del Triumpho del Christianissimo Ee di Franza nel Intrata facta de la inclita Citta di Milano con tutta la sua Baronia, &c. xii Octobrio, 1515, con la Intrata che fece nel CasteUo adi XIIII del dito Mese, woodcut view Uo. {Milano, 1515) A veiy scarce cotemporary account of the pageant. 2919 France. Francesco I. Coppia della Eisposta che fa il Ee di Francia alle Parole dette dalla S. M. Cesarea alia Presentia della S. IS". S. P. Paulo et al S. Collegio delli Cardiuali, woodcut border round title, very rare, fine copy Uo. Bologna, G. B. di Phaelli, s. a. (Secolo XVI) X 2 824 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 2920 France. Francicse Historise veteris et sincerse Corpus folio. Hanovice, 1613 A valuable collection of the early French Historians, and equally important for the History of England. It contains the works of Ivo, Gregory of Tours, Paul AVarnelTidus, xlimoinus, Adelmus, Eginart, etc. This copy • was that used by Sharon Turner for his History, and has his autograph signature on titlepage. 2921 Fkance. Giuntini (T.) Discorso sopra lo Stato della magnifica Citta di Lione, iitJe in MS. heaufifulhj executed, half morocco, Lione, 1582 — Cerrio (Gr.) Risposta per la Verita al Trattato delle Usiirpa- tioui de Ee di Spagna sopra la Corona di Francia doppo il Regno di Carlo YIII, Mirandola, 1626— Obrechti (U.) Alsaticarum Rerum Prodomus, Argent. 1681 — Havre (J. van) An Virtiitis sive de vera Animi Tranquil] itate Satyrje tres, fine portrait, Antv. 1627, tlie last tico ivorl's in one vol. — Busbequii (A. G.) Episto- larum Legationis Gallicae Libri II, old calf, with arms on sides, Bruxellis, 1632 4^to. 4 vols. 2922 Fea>ce. Henri IV. Fons (J. de la) Discours sur la Mort de Henry le Grand, 2 editions Paris, 1610, and Lyon, 1610 Raemond (C. de) Regrets funebres sur la Mort de Henry IIII,Par25, 1610 Regrets de I'Armee Fran9oise pres Challons (Challons, 1610) Larmes et Sanglots de la desolee France Paris, 1610 Suares (J.) Sermon funebre ib. 1610 Borbonii (N.) Dirse in Parricidam ib. 1610 Nerveze (M.) Discours funebre ib. 1610 D'Amour (P.) Oraison funebre ib. 1610 vellum 8vo. 8 tracts in 1 vol. 2923 Feance. Histoire de I'Estat de France tant de la Republique que de la Religion sous le Regne de Francois II, title slightly oiiended EAEE, calf, ivith arms of Lord Stuart de Rothesay stamped in gold on sides Sfo. s. I. 1576 This work was -wTitten by a warm partisan of the Reformers, who dared not prmt his name lest he should become subject to the pains and penalties due to the author of so violent an attack on the House of Guise and the Papacy of Eome. It has been attributed to Louis Regnier Sieur de la Planche, but as the author sneers (see p. 404) at Regnier for being " plus politique que religieux," it is not likely that he would have written thus of himself. The Cahdnist, Jean de Serres, who wrote the Commentarii de Statu Religionis is much more Ukely to have written this book also. 2924 Feance. Maillet (D.) Origine de la Bibliotheque de Rennes, Sennes, 1845 — Bayeux : Notice sur les Etablissemens litteraires et scientifiquec! de la Ville de Bayeux, privately 2)}nnted, JBayeux, 1834 — Ollivier (J.) Rapport a M. le Miuistre de I'lnstructiou publique sur le Plan d'une Bibliotheque du Dauphine, Paris, 1838 8ro. (3) 2925 France. Privileges de Sault, Avignon et Orange. An important Collection of MS. and printed papers respecting these Territories, many of those printed at Avignon and Aix from 1700 to 1780 of great local interest and excessively rare 4^o. in one vol. 2926 Feance. Suite des Memoires d'Estat recueillis de divers Manuscrits : en suite de ceux de M. de Villeroy, 3 vol. (2 to 4) vellum 8yo. Paris, 1625 A valuable collection of separate Tracts and State Papers, illustrating the Memoirs of Villeroy. Amongst the latter are the " Instruction pour rAnglcterre," the various Letters to the King of Scots & the Queen of P^ngland, the Replies of the Ambassadors, &c. &c. THE LIBEI LIBRAEY. 325 2927 Fhakce. Yacca Berlingbieri (Leopold) Exafmoa des Operations et des Travaux de Cesar au Siege d'Alesia Svo. Lucqiies, 1812 2928 France. Yoix (La) publique au Eoy, 162i— Eesponse a la A^oix Publique envojee de la Cour, 1624^Le ReraerciemeDt de la Yoix Publique au lioy, 1G21 — Response a la Lettre d'une personne de Condition toucbant les regies de la couduitte des Saints Peres dans la composition de leurs ouvrages pour la deffence des Yeritez com- battues, ou de Flnnocence calomniee, 1G51 — Ai'rest du Conseil D'Estat avec une Declaration du Eoy, eoncernant les Immunitez de I'Eglise, Far is, 105 7 — Le Yeritable Perfection de la Yie Cbretienne dans toutes les conditions soit du Marriage ou du Celibat, soutenu centre les Entreprises insuportables de la Domination Episcopale, s. d. — La Yie et la Conduite de Messieurs les Evesques d'Alet & de Pamiers— Condannation et Defense par Innocent PapeXII du Livi'e imprime a Paris en MDCXCYII sous ce Titre: Explication des Maximes des Saints sur la Yie Interieure, &c. en Latin et en Francois, 1099 — Eeflexions Con- solantes foudees sur la premiere Instruction Pastorale du Cardinal de Noailles et adressees par M. L'Eveque D' Angers aux Fideles de son Diocese, 1718 — Eeflexions sur la Nouvelle Liturgie D'Aniere, 1721 — Eeflexions sur I'Histoire de la Captivite de Babylone, 1727 — Lettre de M. L'Arcbeveque d'Embrun a Mon- seigneur le Cardinal de Eoban, Faris, 1731 — Lettre de M. I'Abbe de * * * sur un Libelle, ih. 1735 — Lettre ecrit de Flaudre, par le Sieur Ci-Devant Cocber de M. L'Evesque de * * * a Monseigueur I'Arcbevesque de Paris, sur la Tolerance & ses deux dernieres Ordonnances, 1730, calf 8yo. in one vol. An interesting collection of curious and rare Tracts. 2930 Francesco (S.) Fioretti di, tmcut ^fo. Firenze, 1718 This edition, cited by the Crusca, of a celebrated Testo di Lingua was superintended by F. Buonarroti. 2931 Francesco (S.) Fioretti di. Testo di Lingua (del Secolo XIY) secoudo la Lezione adottata dal P. A. Cesari con Note di P. Fraticelli uncut IQmo. Firenze, 1845 2932 Francesco d'Assisi (S.) Notizie Sicure della morte, sepoltura, canoniz- zazione e traslazione di F. d' Assisi e del ritrovamento del lui corpo 8yo. Fuligno, 1824 2933 Fraucesconi (D.) Congettura cbe una Lettera creduta di Baldessar Castiglione sia di Eaffaello D' Urbino THICK PAPER 8yo. Firenze, 1799 2934 Fi-ancbi (Guglielmo) Sole della Lingua Santa nel quale brevemente e cbiaramente si contiene la Grammatica Hebrea scarce 4to. in one vol. A collection of very scarce tracts. The Discorso is of the second edition, and contains the passage relating to the duration of the rotation of the sun. The work of Fustel contains a treatise on book-keeping. 2994 Galilei (G.) Istoria e Dimostrazioni intorno alii Macchie Solari e loro Accidenti, ^wiTiois,f ne copy, vellum 4:to. Roma, G. ATascardi, 1G13 2996 Galilei (G.) Istobia e Dimostrazioni intorno alle Macchie Solari e loro Accidenti, port I'ait and plates, numerous manuscript notes, Poma, G. Mascardi, 1613 — Le Operazioui del Compasso Geometrico, et Militare di Galilei, tvith a plate and ivoodcuts, Padoua, 1619 vellum 4i(ites Svo. Venezia, 1837 3025 Galilei. Morellii J.) Codices Manuscripti Latini BibliothecsD Nanianae, I Codici IManoscritti Italiani (e Provenzali antichi). 2 vol. in 1 LAEGE PAPER, iinciif 4ifo. ih. 1776 A classical bibliogi-apliical work. At the end of each volume wiU be found several works of Galileo, B. Cellini, &c. edited for the first time from the MSS. in tliis collection. 3026 Galilei. Eaecolta d' Autori che trattano del Moto dell' Aequo, 3 vol, plates 4-ncei, Castelli, Campanella, &c. What gives more interest to this work is a list of the published and unpublished works of all the celebrated men whom he mentions, several of which are since lost, never having appeared in tj'pe. 3028 Galileo's History. Barberini (Maphsei, postea Urlani ¥111) Poemata, edidit Josephus Brown, portrait hy Yertue LARGE PAPER, rare, imcut Svo. Oxon. 1726 The existence of copies on large paper was unknown to Brunet. Williams's copy sold for £l. It is well known that Urban VIII had written a Latin poem, praising the discoveries of Galileo, and that he afterwards became his bitter enemy. 3029 Galileo's History. Beati (Galnelis) Spha?ra Triplex Artificialis, Elementaris, ac Coelestis ; varias Planetarum Affectiones, et praesertim I\Iotus explicans, with diagrams and other woodcuts scarce, vellum 8vo. Homce, J 662 This scarce work, by Beatus, the Jesuit Mathematical Professor at Rome, is not mentioned by Lalande. The author seems well disposed towards the Copernican system, but cannot maintain it against the Chmxh of Rome. 3030 Galileo's History. Bellaso (Giovan Battista) H vero Modo di scrivere in Cifra con Facilita, Prestezza et Sicurczza TERY RARE, Calf (/Ut Small 4:to. Brcssa per Jacoho Britanico, 1561 A most curious and interesting work, first published (at Venice) in 1553, as the author himself tells us at the end of this volume. Mazzuchelli says only that " Bellaso (nobile Bresciano) studio le scienze ma non contemplo che le cose piii maravigliose." As a proof of that assertion at the end of this work on crN-ptogi-aphy we find seven propositions, the explanation or demonstration of which are contamed in seven paragi-aphs printed in cifra, witha notice at the beginning stating that if these cifve are not explained within a year from the time of the publication, he (Bellaso) will readily communicate his secret to any person requesting him to do so. Now 33G THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF amongst those propositions we find the demonstration ^of the impossibility of the quadratura del circolo, and the " Eagione perche lassando cadere da aho a basso due palle, una di ferro e V ahra di legno, cosi presto cada in terra quella di legno come quella di ferro." It is wonderful to find in an almost unknown book (which nobody, not even Mazzuchelli, seems to have perused) published first in 1553, and reprinted in the very year in which Galileo was born, one of the most important discoveries of Galileo, that on the fall of bodies, which was only published by him during the XVIIth Century. 3031 Galileo's Histoet. Benzenberg (Dr.) Versuche iiber die TJuidre- hung der Erde aufs neue berechnet, 2 plates a valuable tract 8vo. BusseUorf, 1845 3032 G-ALiLEo's Histoet. Blancani (Jos. e Societate Jesu) Spb^eraMundi seu Cosmograpbia iu qua nova Tjcbouis, Iveplei'i, Galilei aliorum- que astronomorum inventa continentur, diagrams vellum folio. MutincB, 1653 At the end is a bibliographical essay on mathematical books. 3033 Galileo's Histoet. Boccalini (T.) De Eagguagli di Parnaso. vellum 8vo. Milano, 1613 In this curious satirical work one of the Ragguagli is respecting the "Admi- rable Cmchton." In these Ragguagli is also to be found the first men- tion of the microscopes invented by Galileo. See "Boccalini" in the present Catalogue. 3034 Galileo's Histoet. Chiabrera (G.) Alcune Poesie non mai prima d' era publicate (ecu gli elogj di Galileo, del Ciampoli e d' Altri dello stesso autore) Svo. Genova, 1791< 3035 Galileo's Histoet. Ciampoli (Monsignor Giovanni) Prose dedicate al Card. Girolamo Colonna, ivith a frontispiece vellum 4:to. Eoma, 1649 In honour of Ciampoli it should be stated that his constant defence of his master Galilei was the real reason of his exile from Rome by Pope Urban VIII, in whose eyes his attachment to the great philosopher was an unpardonable crime. This work seems to have been unknown to Ginguen^, who wrote Cianipoli's life for the Biographic Universelle. 3036 Galileo's Histoet. Cicognini (J.) Lagrime di Gieremia Profeta (Poema) rare, with autograph " Di Franc". Giuutini Donato dall' Autore," Fiorenza, 1627 — Canzone iu Lode del famoso Galileo Galilei, ivi, 1631 {extremely rare) 4:to. in one vol. 3037 Galileo's Histoet. Colombo (L. Delle) Eisposte Piacevoli e Curiose alle Considerazione di certa Mascbera saecente nominata Alimberto Mauri, fatte sopra alcuni Luoghi del Discorso del medesiino Lodovico dintorno alia Stella apparita I'Anno 1604 fine copy, rare, vellum . 4:to. Fiorenza, 1608 In this almost unknown work we find the Occliiale frequently mentioned as applied to astronomical observations, and as the telescope was not yet invented at that time, it shows that Occhiale (Spectacles) were used for astronomical obsen^ations. See also on this point lot 2239 of the Cata- logue of the choicer portion of Mr. Libri's collection sold m August, 1859, at these Rooms. See also Nos. 3053 and 3154 in the present Catalogue. 3038 Galileo's Histoet. Colombo (M.) Brevi osservazioni sopra diverse materie di Letteratura, uncut 8t»o. Farma, 1832 Containing curious remarks respecting the work of Galileo on the Gerusa- lemme of T. I'asso. THE LIBRI LIBEARY. ' 337 3039 Galileo's Histobt. Eschiuardi (F.) de Impetu Tractatus duplex, j^lates, uncut Eomce, 1684 This learned Jesuit gives a fair accoimt of the mechanical discoveries of Galileo. This work contains many interesting disquisitions on the cause of gravitas ; " quare Bombardas longiores efficacius percutiant" — "Tremor nocetMachinpe " — " Ventorum horologium" — " De Sectione Isthmi (Suez)" — "Conjecturas Columbi (ex ventis) de novo muudo," etc. etc. Eschinardi was the first to suggest (in 1670) immersing thermometers in ice in order to have a correct graduation of them; and to make them comparable, in the present work he discusses the important question " an iEqualibus gradibus caloris corresi;)ondeant aequalia spatia gradus de novo thermometro Spiritu vini rarefacto." See " Eschinardi" in the present Catalogue. 3040 GrALiLEo's HiSTORT. Eabroni (A.) Lettere incdite di Uomini illustri 2 vol. ^;Zff^e5, tcncut 8vo. Firenze, 1773-75 ^ This valuable Collection of unpublished Letters was intended as a Supple- ment to the " Vitae Italorum," and contains Letters of Galilei, Borelli, Tycho Brahe, Bouillaud, Campanella, Cassini, Dati, Divini, Fabri, Falco- nieri, Finchio,Huygens,Holstenius, Levera, Magalotti, Marchetti, Michelini, Montanari, Nicolini, Redi, Ricci, Rinaldini, Rossetti, Stenone, Viviani, &c. &c. publislied here for the first time, and which for the greatest part have never been reprinted. For the scientific history of Italy this is a truly invaluable collection. 3041 GrALiLEo's HiSTORT. Fabroni Elogi d'illustri Italian!, Tom. I LARGE PAPER, '^vcau fauve,^' gilt edges, hy De Borne 8vo. Pisa, 1786 Containing Lives of Galilei, Redi, Frisi, &c. &c. 3042 Galileo's History. Fabroni (A.) Elogi d'illustri Italiani, Tom. I calf gilt 8vo. Pisa, 1786 Containing Lives of Card. Leopold de' Medici, Galilei, Redi,. Giacomelli, Zanotti, Frugoni, Metastasio, Perelli, and Frisi. 3043 Galileo's History. Figliucci (F.) Stanze sopra le Stelle e Macchie Solari scoperte col nuovo Occhiale, con una breve Dicbiaratione 4:fo. Roma, 1615 Scarce, unkno'wn to Lalande. 3044 Galileo's History. Fortsebritte der Naturwissenscbaft in biogra- pbiscben Bildern bearbeitet von mebreren Gelebrten, 4 parts 8^0. Berlin, 1856 Containing Lives of Copernicus, Keppler, Galilei, and L. von Buch. 3045 Galileo's History. Fossombroni. Prolusione di Galileo di V. F[ossombrom] 8vo. Firenze, 1843 A Poem wTitten by Count Fossombroni, Minister of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, at the age of ninety years. 3046 Galileo's History. Frisi (P.) Elogio del GaYtleo, portrait of Galilei hy Piroli inserted, large paper, uncut 8vo. Livorno, 1775 3047 Galileo's History. Frisi (P.) Elogi di Galileo Galilei e di Bona- ventura Cavalieri, zincut 8vo. Milano, 1778 With numerous mteresting manuscript notes. 3018 Galileo's History. Gallutii (T. e Societate Jesu) Carminum Libri III, vellum IQmo. Bomce, 1G16 It is well known that Father Galluzzi did his best in order to reconcile Galileo with hia bitter opponent Father Grassi. 338 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 3049 GrALTLEo's History. Inquisizioke. Sacro Arsenale overo Prattica deir Officio della S. Inquisizioue con I'lnserzione d'alcune Regole fatte dal P. Inquiaitore T. Mengliiui e di diverse Annotationi del Dott. Gr. Pasqualone 4ito. Soma, 1693 A celebrated work. In this volume we find tlie proof that the Rigoroso EsAJiE mentioned in the sentence against Galileo signifies tortura. 3050 Galileo's History. Library of Useful Knowledge, Lives of Eminent Persons (Galileo, Kepler, Newton, &c.) uncut Sfo. London, 1833 Containing one of the best Lives of Galileo (written by Mr. J. Drinkwater Bethune). 3051 Galileo's History. Ltncei. Odescalchi (Baldassare, Dnca di Ceri) Memorie istorieo critiche dell' Accademia de' Lincei e del Principe Federico Cesi secondo Duca d' Acquasparta Fondatore e Pi-incipe della medesiraa, uncut Mo. Roma, 1806 A very important and now scarce work, containing several unpublished docu- ments relating to the celebi-ated Lincei Academy, the most extensive scien- tific society ever imagined, by which Galileo was constantly supported, and m which Bacon, the great philosopher, was proposed and refused admit- tance. 3052 Galileo's History. Marchetti (A.) Eisposta apologetica nella quale si confuta il Saggio dell' Istoria del Secolo XVII scritta da G. B, C. Nelli (con documenti inediti), uncut 4to. Venetiis, 1624 The author (who was an opponent to Aristotle) says that he was the suc- cessor of Galileo at the university at Padova. This scarce work is replete with curioixs information, and we find in it the mention of a sort of teles- cope (or perspicillum), used, it is said, by Pope Leo X at the beginning of XVIth century, loerspicillum possecUsse cerium est, etc. says Gloriosi (p. 239). 3088 Galileo's Supporters and School. Gloriosi (J. C.) Eesponsio ad Controversias de Cometis peripateticas seu potius ad Calumnias et Mendacia cujusdam Peripatetici (F. Liceti), icith autograph of " Antonii Saneelicii," {the celebrated opponent of Gian7ione) limp vellum 4ito. Venetiis, 1626 3089 Galileo's Supporters and School. Guiducci (Mario) Discorso delle Coraete, scarce, and quoted'by the Crusca 4^o. Firenze, 1619 Weidler attributes the authorship of this discourse to Galileo himself, and it will be found in the second volume of the works of that eminent mathema- tician. The work was replied to by the Jesuit Grassi, under the assumed name of Lotharius Sarsus, an answer which gave rise to the deadly enmity between Galileo and the Jesiuts. 3090 Galileo's Supporters and School. Guiducci (Mario) Discorso delle Comete, scarce, Firenze, 1619— Sarsii (Lotharii i.e. Horatii Grassi) Libra Astronomica ac Pbilosopbica qua Galila>i Galilaei Opiniones de Cometis, a Mario Guiduccio in Florentina Academia expositse atque in lucem nuper editae, examiuantur, rare, Ferusice, 1619 — De tribus Cometis Anni 1618 Disputatio Astronomica publico habita in Collegio Eomano Societatis Jesu ab uno ex Patribus ejusdem Societatis (H. Grrsissi), plate, Eomce, 1619 vellum 4to. Fistoja, 1738 3106 Galileo's Supporters and School. Marchetti (A.) Vita, e Poesie, portrait, vellum 4ito. Venezia, 1755 Gontaining much information respecting the school of Galileo. 3107 Galileo's Supporters and School. Marcbetti (E.) Discorso Apo- logetico ove si esaminauo e si ribattono varie Censure del Abbate D. Lazzerini contro alia Traduzione di Lucrezio del Sig. A. Mar- chetti, uncut 4ito. Lucca, 1760 3108 Galileo's Supporters and School. Michelini (Famiano) Trattato della direzione de' fiumi, nel quale si dimostrano da' suoi veri principi i moti piii sicuri che sogliono farsi dall' Acque, plates large paper, vellum 4ito. Firenze, 1664 A celebrated work. 3109 Galileo's Supporters and School. Michelini (E.) Trattato della Direzione de' Eiumi, plates LARGE PAPER, very scarce 4>to. Firenze, 1664 3110 Galileo's Supporters and School. Montanari (G.) Pensieri Eisico- Matematici intorno diversi eiFetti de Liquidi in Cannuccio di vetro & altri Vasi, plate, Bologna, 1667— Lettera all' C. A. Sampieri in risposta ad alcune obiezioni intorno i suoi Pensieri Eisico-Mate- matici, ib. 1667 — Cometes Bononise observatus Anno 1664 & 1665, plate, ib. 1665, vellum. 4to. Milano, 1768 — Genovesi (A.) Letters familiari, 2 vol. in 1, Svo. Venezia, 1775 (2) 3313 Genovesi (A.) Lettere familiari, 2 vol. vellum 8vo. JVapoli, 1774 3314 Gentile (Conte M. A. Canonico Fiorentino) L' Uomo singolare nella Storia dei Secoli Napolcone Primo, uncut 8vo. Parma, 1807 THE LTBEI LIBEAEY. 365 3315 Gentilis (Scipii) Solymeidos Libri duo priores de Torquati Tassi Italicis express! cum Praefatioiie Aldi Mannuccii VEET SCABCE 4:to. VenctUs apud A. Salicatium (Aldus) 1585 Aldo Mannucci considers this version quite equal to the original. 3316 Geod.esta, etc. Hedraei (B.) ISTova et accurata Astrolabii Geome- trici structura, nee non Quadrantis Astronomici Azimuthalis, cum utriusque Usu, folding plates, vellum, Lugd. Batav. 1643 — Gnudi (F. de) Tramutazione Guomouica, plates, Bologna, 1700 — Damen (C. H.) de Montium Altitudine Barometro metienda et Eefrac- tionis Astronomicae Theoria, thick vxs^Vi, presentation copy, uncut, HagcB, 1783 — Cordara de' Conti di Calamandrana (G.) de Van- taggi deir Orologio Italiano sopra L' Oltramontano, unknown to Lalande, Alessandria, 1783 — Donini (D.) Lettera Geodetiea, plates, uncut, Bologna, 1818 Svo. 5 vol. 3317 Geographi Minores, Gr. et Lat. Periple de Marcien D'Heraclee, Epitome d'Artemidore, Isidore de Charax, etc. ou Supplement aux dernieres editions des Petits Geographes d'apres un Manuscrit Grec de la Bibliotheque Eoyale, avec un carte par E. Miller, map, uncut 8uo, Paris, 1839 3318 GEOGEAPniCA taria. J. F. Gronovii Dissertatio de Gothorum Sede originaria ; Libellus Provinciarum Eomanarum et Civitatum Provinciarum Gallicarum cum Notis A. Scbotti ; L. T. Gronovii Notae in Yibium Sequestrem ; J. C. Hagenbucb de Ostionibus ; et Animadversiones in Strabouem e MS. Cod, Mediceo calf 8t'o. Lugd. Bat. 1739 3319 Geogeapht. Catalogue des Cartes et Ouvrages Geograpliiques qui composent le Cabinet de Simon Schropp et Compagnie (including Maps and Works on America), Berlin, 1817 — Catalogues des Livres et Cartes Geographiques de la Bibliotheque du Baron "Walckenaer, Paris, 1853 Sfo. 2 vols. The last contains an extraordinary collection, chiefly of works respecting geogi-aphy and of early travels, amongst which occurs the celebrated original Portulano, by " DeUa Cosa, Pilote de Christophe Colomb." 3320 Geogeapht. Jomard (M.) Eemarques sur les Decouvertes Geogra- phiques faites dans I'Afrique Centrale 4^o. Paris, 1827 3321 Geology. Bonnard (M. De) Notice Geognostique sur quelques Parties de la Bourgogne, maps Svo. Paris, 1825 3322 Geology. Bonnard (M.) sur la Constance des Faits Geognostiques qui accompagnent le Gisement du Terrain D'Arkose a I'Est du Plateau Central de la France, plate, presentation copy with the author s autograph inscription Svo. Paris, 1828 3323 Geology. Breislak (S.) Introduzione alia Geologia, 2 vol. presenta- tion copy, icith author s autograph inscription, a classical xoorh uncut Svo. Milano, 1811 3324 Geology. Brocchi (G. B.) Trattato Mineralogico e Chimico sulle Miniere di Ferro del Dipartimento del Mella, 2 vol. TELLUM PAPEE, hoards Svo. Brescia, 1808 3325 Geology. Clave (E. De) Paradoxes ou Traittez Philosopbiques des Pierres et Pierreries contre 1' Opinion vulgaire,^/rt^e5 vellu7n Svo. Paris, 1635 The author of this scarce work attributes to the " chaleur centrale," the formation of aU stones and fossUs. 8GG THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 3326 Geolooy. Luc (J. A. de) Lettres sur THistoire Physique de la Terre renfermant de nouvelles Preuves geologiques et historiques de la Mission Divine de Moyse, half calf, Paris, 1798— Tata (D.) Lettera (a Sir "W. Hamilton) sul Monte Volture e dell' Etimo- logia del Monte Volture. Lettera al Tata di C. S. Minervino, 2 vol. in 1, plates of Coins, half hound, Napoli, 1778— Martin (B.) Physico-G-eology or a new System of Philosophical Greography, maps, 17G9— Gioeni (Cav. (x.) Saggio di Litologia Yesuviana, half hound, Napoli, 1790 — Classificazione delle Eocce secondo i piu celebri Autori (Brongniart, Delametherie, Lucas, Brochant, Dolomieu, Thomson, Haiiy et Eaujas), Milano, 1814 — Paoli (D.) Eatti per servire alia Storia de' Mutamenti avvenuti sulle Costa d' Italia da Eavenna ad Ancona per gl' interrimenti, e considera- zione sul moto radente, Firenze, 1842 — Lavezzari (J.) Nouvelle Cosmologie raisonnee, Paris, 1842 ^vo. 7 vol. 3327 Geology. Masculi (J. B.) De Incendio Vesuvii anno 1631 Libri X. cum Chronologia superiorum incendiorum et Ephemeride ultimi, ivith two plates, vellum, Neapoli, 1633 — Burnetii (T.) Telluris Theoria Sacra, 2 vol, in 1, frontispieces and plates, uncut, Lond. 1702 — Bottom (D.) Pyrologia Topographica, plates, vellum, Neapoli, 1692 ^ 4^o. 3 vol. 3328 Geology. Eozet (Capitaine) Note sur les Alpes Dauphinoises, 1844 — Passerini (E.) sopra i Minerali, e Eocce di Vincigliata, Pisa, 1842 — Cozzi (A.) Eicherche Geologiche e Mineralogiche sopra Montieri, Firenze, 1842 — Collegno (H. de) sur la Metamorphisme des Eoches de sediment, Bordeaux, 1842 — Eapport par MM. Hericart de Thury et Brongniart sur un Memoire relatif a la Geologic des Environs de Erejus, ih. 1833 — Peruzzi (U.) Meraoria della State attuale della fabbricazione del ferro in Toscana, Firenze, 1846 — Memoire sur des Eoches Coquillieres trouvees a la Cirae des Alpes Dauphinoises, plate, Grenolle, 1813 — Memoire sur la Eormation d'un Cabinet d' Amateur, plate, s. I. et a. — Ebelmen (M.) Eechei'ches sur la decomposition des Eoches, Paris, 1848 presentation copies, together 8 tracts 8vo. \* Eespecting Geology see also Moro, Stenone, &c., in the present Cata- logue. 3329 Geometry. A Treatise in Persian on Geometrical Elevations, &c. 12mo. Printed at Scutari A. H. 1220 (1805) 3330 Geometry. Benedictis (J. B. de) Eesolutio omnium Euclidis Pro- blematum aliorumque una tantummodo circini data apertura, ivith diagrams vellum 4:fo. Tenet iis apud P. Ccesanum, 1553 In this exceedingly scarce work the author attempted to solve problems in a manner almost similar to that afterwards followed by Mascheroni in his celebrated " Geometric du Compas." 3331 Geometry. Brunus (Jordanus) de Triplici Minimo et Mensiira ad trium speculativarum scientiarum et multarum activarum artium principia libri V. ivoodcuts St'o. Francofurti, 1591 A very scarce poem on geometry and astronomy by the celebrated and unfortunate Giordano Bruno. See also No. 1334-1337 in the present Catalogue. 3332 Geometry. Collignon (N.) La Geometria delle Curve applicata alia Arti ed alia Industria, numerous diagrams uncut 8vo. Firenze, 1857 An excellent work, but little known out of Italy. THE LIBRI LIBEART. 367 3333 Geometet. Euclidis Elementorura liber decimus, Petro Montaureo interprete, calf, Lutet. Vascosanus, 1552 — Sanctiuii (A.) Proposi- tiones Geometricfe Euclidi restitutse (de incriptione hectagoni in circulo, etc.) vellum, Maceratce, 1655 — Marchetti (Angelo) Natura della Proporzione e della Proporzionalita, vellum, Pistoia, 1695 — Burrow (R.) Restitution of Apollonius Pergseus on Incli- nations ; also the theory of GfunnQvy, plates, 1779 4/o. 4 vol. 3334 Geometey. Fergola (N.) Trattato analitico de' Luoghi Geometrici, plates, uncut Svo. Napoli, 1818 3335 Geometey. Plauti (Prof.) Alcune Ricerche intorno I'antica Geometria 4^to. Napoli, 1826 A curious work, full of useful information respecting the researches of modern geometricians for the purpose of restoring the missing wurks of ancient mathematicians. 3336 Geometey. Gandolfi (Prof. H.) Ristretto di Geometria Mais^uscetpt, with diagrams, in old red morocco, covered ivitJi gold tooling 4:fo. Brescia, Sj:c. xviii. 3337 Geometey. Giannattasio (P.) Elementi della Geometria Sublime. Parte prima, le Istituzioni su i Comcx, plates, half calf, JSfapoli, 1791 — Modderman (J.J.) Specimen Mathematicum de Sectionibus Conicis in ipso cono consideratis Groningce, 1808 — Chelini (Domenico) Sui Centri de' Sistemi Geometrici, Memoria. Fre- sentation copy to F. Arago, from the author, with his autograph inscription. Roma, 1849 8tJ0. 3 vol. 3338 Geometey. Lorenzoni (A.) Divisione Geometrica in parti uguali di un angolo qualunque in tutti i numeri dispari, portrait, presenta- tion copy, with author''s autograph inscription, Bologna 1827 — Soda (D.) Soluzione, e Dimostrazione del difficilissimo problema della Trisezione della Linea Retta e di tutta la sua Teorica, Napoli, 1813 — Griffoli (G.) Pigure complesse Memoria prima tendente all illustrazione del primitive insegnamento delle Mate- matiche di G. D. Romagnosi, Montepulciano, 1840 8t'o. (3) 3339 Geometey. Pardies (J. G.) Elemens de Gi'ometrie, cuts, 12mo- Faris, 1683 — Simpson (T.) Elements de Geometric, uncut, 8vo- Faris, 1755 — Payne (W.) Introduction to Geometry, cuts, calf, 12mo. London, 1768 — Bonnycastle (J.) on Plane and Spherical Trigonometry, Svo. calf, London, 1806— Atwood (G.) on Motion, calf, Svo. Cambridge, 1784 — Euclid, Elements, by E. Stone, vol. 2, Svo. London, 1731 — Keith (T.) Plane Geometry, half calf, Svo. London, lS14i — Robertson (A.) Conic Sections, half calf Svo. Oxford, 1802 8 vol. %* Respecting Geometry see also, in the present Catalogue, the headings : ApoUonius, Archimedes, Cavalieri, Euclides, Fermat, Ghetaldi. Keplerus, Mersenne, Paciolo, Pappus, Pascal, Torricelli, Viv-iani, etc. etc. 3340 Georgii (E.) De Harmonia Mundi totius Cantica tria EAEE, half russia folio. Venetiis, Bern, de Vitalibus, 1525 A very curious medley of erudition de Rebus omnibus et quibusdam aliis. Each Canticle is divided into eight tones, learnedly descanting on God, Christ, Man, the Scriptures, Ccelestial and Terrestrial Phsenomena, Good and Bad Angels, the Doctrines of the seven wise blasters, the Operations of Nature and Art, &c. &c. This first edition, which was prohibited, is uncastrated, and contains the passages ordered to be expunged by the Index. Mersenne, in his work on Genesis, has exposed some of the heretical notions which Georgius derived from his attachment to Platonists and Cabbalists. 808 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 33^1 Georgii (Dominici) Historia Diplomatica Cathedrae Episcopalis Civi- tatia Setise in Latio, cum appendice Monumentorum uncut 4ito. Bomce, 1751 Containing an ancient Calendarium Setinum, Legenda S. Lidani, Legenda SS, Petri et Marcellini Martyrum, and various other important documents. 3342 Gerardi Cremonensis Theorica Planetarum, woodcuts, extremely EAKE, unknown to Weidler, and never seen hy Lalande, hut given on the authority of Mansi,Jine copy, Bononice per me Dominicum Museum, 1480 — [Marci Beneventani] Tractatus de Motu octavae Spherse, diagrams, unknown to all Bibliogeaphebs, s. I. Sf a. (ib. circa 1480) 4^o. in one vol. 3343 Gerardo (P.) Vita et Gesti D'Ezzellino terzo da Eomano, da I'origine al fine di sua famiglia, sotto la cui tirannide mancarono di Morte violenta piu di XII miUia Padovani calf 8vo. Venetia, V. Roffinello, 1544 3344 Gergani (Z.) Cateclaesis Christiana, Grsece eaee, vellum Suo. Wittehergce, 1622 3345 Germain (Mile. Sophie) Eemarques sur la Nature, les Bornes et I'Etendue de la Question des Surfaces elastiques, et Equation generale de ces Surfaces 4^o. Paris, 1826 An important work by this celebrated lady-mathematician, who was croAvned by the Institut in 1815 for successfully answering a question on Vibrations, which had been thrice proposed for competition without obtaining a reply. This copy belonged to the authoress herself, and, besides her numerous MS. additions, contains the draft of a long scientific letter respecting Mr. Wheatstone's experiments on Vibrations, entirely in her autograph. 3346 Germain (Mdlle. S.) Memoire sur la Courbure des Surfaces, plate scarce 4ito. Berlin, 1830 3347 Germain (Mdlle. S.) Considerations Generales sur I'Etat des Sciences et des Lettres aux diflferentes Epoques de leur Culture 8vo. Paris, 1833 An interesting work, privately printed. Prefixed is a biographical account of Mademoiselle Germain by Mons. Libri. 3348 Geemania. Istoria dell' Impero Germanico e dell' Italia dai Tempi dei Carolingi fino alia Pace di Vestfalia, 2 vol. scarce, uncut, Stoc- holma, 1769-72 — Confederatio quorundam S. R. I. Electorum et Principum inita Moguntife 15 Augusti 1658, Manuscript, 1658 — Tractatus de Imperio ac Dignitatibus Autbore J", ac A". B. C. D. S. D, E. calf, Colonics, Agrip. 1675 — Caroli VI Capitulatio con- clusa Erancofurti ad Moenum, 1711, ILagce, 1713 Mo. 5 vol. 3349 Gerraanicarum Eerum Scriptores ab H. Meibomio Seniore et Juniore editi et illustrati cum Dissertationibus historicis varii Argumenti utriusque Meibomii, 3 vol. in \, portrait vellum folio. ILelmccstadii, 1688 A collection of early Chronicles and valuable Dissertations, throwing much light on the history of the periods they nan-ate, not only of Germany, but also of England, France, and other nations. One of the most curious is the " Cosmodromium Gobeliui Pei'sonse," in which will be found as the Apology for Potiphar's wife, that her husband " exsectus est propter sacerdotium & Eunuchus est vocatus." In the " Chronica Oldenburgensium Archi-Comitum," the invention of Printing is distinctly ascribed to Mayence by the author John Schiphower, who was born in 1463. This copy formerly belonged to the Grand-Count Solms, (who came to London with William III) and has on titlepage his autograph signature, " Fredericus Magnus Comes Solmensis." THE LIBRI LIBEAET. 369 3350 Germano (Gio.) Trattato intorno alle Figure Anathomiclie delli piu principali Animali terestri. Aquatili e Yolatili con la Simpatia et Convenienza che hauno con il Corpo lluix\a,no,Jlne jjJa/es scarce, vellum folio. NajjoU, 1625 3351 Gerrard (J.) Siglarium Eomanum, uncut 4:to. Londini, 1792 A most useful work for reading Latin Abbreviations in Inscriptions and Manuscripts. 3352 Gersdorff genant Schylhans (Hans ron) FelJtbuch der AYundartzney, newlich getruekt, uud gebessert Ano M.D.XXX. curious large woodcuts of surgical instruments and operations, several of lohicTi have xylograpliic inscriptions, tcants 4 leaves (Ixi-lxiv), in the middle of '''' Incarnativa^'' old stamped calf 4:to. Strassburg, 1580 The three Glossaries of Terms (in Latin and German) are curious and valuable. The large woodcuts of St. Ajithouy and Job are interesting specimens of early engraving on wood. 3353 Gerdonno (Johannis de) Tractatus de Eegulis Mandatorum qui stringit Conclusionum Processu fere totam Theologiam practicam et moralem, scarce, unknown to Panzer and Sain 4:to. (Paris.) Industria A. Cayllant, s. a. circa 1-190 3351 Gesenius (W.) Geschichte der Hebraiscben Spracbe und Schrift very scarce %vo. Leipzig, 1815 A most valuable work both for philology and bibliography. It entei's learnedly into the Semitic Languages, and devotes a distinct Dissertation to the Phoenician and Punic. 3355 Gesneri (A. S.) Selectse Exercitationes scholasticae varii Argument! calf Vlrno. Norihergae, 1780 Containing, besides Life of J. G. Styrzel, Ilistoria G}Tnnasii Rotenburgensis, de Educatione et Institutione puerili, de Bibliotheca Rotenbm'gensi, &c. and some interesting bibliographical information, 3356 Gesneri (C.) Epistolae Medicinales. His accesserunt Aconiti primi Dioscoridis Asseveratio et de Oxymelitis Elleborati utriusque Descriptione et Usu Libellus, Tiguri, loll — De Cometis Dis- sertatioues uovse T. Erasti, A. Dudithii, M. Squarcialupi et S. Grynsei cuts, Ex ojjicina L. Ostenii sumptihus P. Pernce, 15S0 vellum 4ito. in one vol. Amongst Gesner's Letters is a very long and interesting one to Dr. John Key (the Caius of Foreigners). 3357 Gesta Eomanorum, a Eeeord of Ancient Histories blacfe letter, calf 12mo. London, 1098 From this ancient popular collection of Tales Gower, Chaucer, Lydgate, Occleve, Shakspeare, and others, have taken several of their plots. 3358 Geszler (H.) ¥orm\ji\RTe unniTu-tach 'Rethorica, fine woodcnt by Sans Behem fclacfe letter 4ifo. Augspurg, E. (Eglin, 1507 A very curious and imcommon work, in which many of the Forms are copies of real Docimients. 3359 Ghaligai (Francesco) Practica d'Arithmetica EA.RE,j?«e copy, vellum 4to. Homa, Tinassi, 1668-79 A very important collection. This is the first Italian periodical on scientific and literary matters ever published, and contams numerous original observations and papers by Cassini, Borelli, Campani,Montanari,Hevelius,Gottignies, etc. etc. not to be found elsewhere. Under the year 1670 we find the im- portant discovery of Father Eschinardi, a Jesuit, who for the true gradu- ation of the thermometer first suggested immersing it into ice. 3401 GiOENALi. Giornale de Letterati d' Italia, 43 vol. in 45, plates vellum 12mo. Venezia, 1710-1740 A literary journal, edited by Apostolo Zeno and his brother, and therefore justly held in great estimation. It contains many original works by the most celebrated Italian scientific and literary men of the time, and amongst others, the first discoveries made in the year 1717, by Fagnani, on the Lemniscata, discoveries which at that moment attracted very little notice in Italy, but which in consequence of the labours of Lagrange, Euler, Gauss, Abel, Jacobi, etc. etc. have rendered the name of Fagnani most conspicuous, although even now it is too generally supposed that these discoveries (published in the present Giornale as early as 1717) appeared only in the Produzioni, which Fagnani published in 1750. 3402 GiORNALi. Giornale de Letterati (di Pisa), 102 volumes in 51, plates vellum 12mo. Pisa, 1771-96 A valuable copy of this important literary journal, having the name of the contributor affixed to each article. It was published under the direction of Monsignor Fabroni the learned autlior of the Vitae Italorum, and con- tains much literary and scientific information respecting Galileo and his school. For instance, in the first volume we find a dissertation of the celebrated astronomer Perelli, showing that " Galileo fosse il primo ad applicare il pendolo all' orologio." 3403 GiOEKALi. Giornale (Nuovo) de Letterati d' Italia, 43 vol. j^lates tmcut 12mo. Modena, 1773-1790 This celebrated journal was edited by Tiraboschi, and contains much re- condite information respecting the literary history of Italy. 3404 GiOEKALi. Giornale de Letterati per tutti 1' Anni 1686-87-88-89-90, 5 vol. plates, vellum 4to. Bologna, 1824 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 375 3406 GiOENALi. Nuova Eaccolta d' Opuscoli scientifici e filologici, 4 vol. plates 12mo. Venezia, 1755-58 Containing G. Galfi Ossen-azioni intorno 1' Opere di C. Maclaurin ; J. Plancus de Urina cum Sedimento caeruleo ; G. A. Lazzarini sopra 1' Arte della Pittura ; Memoria delle Accademie di Siena ; G. B. Passeri Is- TORiA DELLE PiTTURE IN Ma.iolica ; Chronicon Bononiense (1162-1289) ; DoUeonii (L.) Catalogiis MSS. Codicum Lolliuianse Belimensis Biblio- tlieca3 ; Giulio de Toschi di Fagnano, INIarchese di Sant' Onorio, Multi- sezione degli Archi di Cercliio ; Pollidori (P.) Vita Alexaudri VII ; etc. 3407 GriOEXALE. Eaccolta d' Opuscoli Scientifici e filologici, di A. Calogiera, 51 vol. pZaiftfs, Venezia, 1728-1757 — Xuova Eaccolta, 42 \o\\xm.e?,, plates, ivi. 1755-1787, together 93 vol. vellum \2mo. A celebrated collection of important Treatises by the most eminent scholars of Italy, including many highly interesting mathematical papers, biogra- phies, dissertations on subjects in natural history, antiquarian lucubrations, medical disquisitions, topographical communications, literary essays, etc. 3408 GiOEXALi. Saggio Critico della Corrente Letteratura Straniera, degli Autori della Storia Letteraria d' Italia, 3 vol. in 10 parts uncut Svo. Modena, 1756-58 3409 GriOE]S^ALi. Scelta di Opuscoli Interessanti tradotti la maggior parte da Varie Lingue, 6 vol. in 1, plates 12mo. Torino, 1776-77 %* The above ten lots contain perhaps the most complete series of Italian Scientific and Literary periodicals of the XVIlth and XVlIIth centuries, ever oflered for sale. — See also " Baretti," " Biblioteca Italiana," " Caffe," " Gori," " Gozzi," etc., in the present Catalogue. 3410 Giosefo De 1' Antichita Giudaiche, Tradotto per M. Pietro Lauro, Vinegia, 1544 — Tbucydide delle Guerre fatte tra Popoli della Morea et gli Atlieniesi tradotto per F, di Soldo Strozzi, Venetia (ciVca 1550) — Polieno, Stratagemi, tradotti per L. Carrani, ca//", Yinegia, G. Qiolito, 1552 8yo. 3 vol. 3411 Giouane da Fano (Frate) Operetta devotissima cbiamata Arte de la TJuione laquale insegna unire lauima con Dio, &c. ilacfe letter, eaee IGmo. Bressa per Damiano ^ Jacomo Philippo Fratelli, 1536 3412 Giovanui Crisostomo (S.) della Providenza di Dio, Trattato che nessuno puo esser offeso se non da se medesimo, ed Epistola a Teodoro esor- tatoria alia Penitenza tradotti da Cristofano Serarrighi scarce, Jine copy in vellum 8yo. Vinetia, Aldo, 1554 3413 Giovanni Chrisostomo (S.) Delia Compunzione del Cuore Trattati due, volgarizzati nel buon Secolo della Lingua Toscana (inediti) half morocco f uncut 8t'o. Eoma, 1817 3414 Giovanni di Nicolo da Camerino (Frate) Menioriale scritto nel Secolo del 1300 e pubblicato dal Conte Monaldo Leopardi uncut royal Svo. Fesaro, 1833 Containing various Legends of Saints, Fables, Dialogues, " Novelle " a Ci'oniclietta di Kecanati, etc. (some in prose and some in verse) wTitten during the XlVth Century. 3415 Giovanni (Giovanni di) L' Ebraismo della Sicilia half hound 4tto. Palermo, 17 4>S A curious work relating the history and state of the Jews in SicUy during the domination of the Ai-abs, Normans, Aragonians, etc. etc. 37G THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 3416 Giovenazzi (B.) Catalogus Librorum Italicorum, Latinorum, et Ma- nuscriptorum ma^no sumptu, et labore, per trigiuta annorum spatlum Liburui Collectorum, vellum 8vo. Libiirni, 175G A very important collection, formed by an Englishman (J. B. Jackson, Esq. who wi'ote on engraving and printmg in Chiaro Oscuro, &c.) and con- taining, besides most splendid manuscripts, rare editions of Dante, Boc- ■* caccio, Pulci, &c. &c. 3il7 Giovio (Monsignor P.) Le Iscrittioni poste sotto le vera Imagini de gli Huomini Famosi, tradotte in Volgare da H. Orio woodcut title, calf 4t'o. Moretiza, L. Torrentino, 1552 Containing biographies of Dante, Monteregio, Savonarola, Machiavelli) Ariosto, Sir Thomas More, etc. 3418 Giovio (P) Le Inscrittioni poste sotto le vere Imagini de gli Huomini Eamosi in Lettere, tradotte di Latino in Volgare da H. Orio (colle Vite di Dante, Machiavelli, Tommaso Moro, etc.) vellum 8yo. Venetia, F. Blndoni, 1558 3419 Giovio (P.) Gli Elogii, Vite brevemente scritte d' Huomini illustri di Guerra Antichi et Moderni, tradotte per L. Domenichi Jialf vellum 4ito. Fiorenza, L. Torrentino, 1554 To each of the Elogi are appended Verses on the Persons mentioned thei-ein. Amongst other celebrated men commemorated will be found Henry VII, Columbus, Francis I, Gaston de Foix, Sir John Hawkwood, James V of Scotland, Matthew Corvinus King of Hungary, Thomas Howard Duke of Norfolk, &c. &c. 3420 Giovio (P.) Libro de' Pesci Romani tradotto in Volgare da Carlo Zancaruolo 4to. Venetia, 1560 A beautifully printed work containing Novelle. (See Gamha.) 3421 Giovio (P.) Istorie del suo Tempo, con Aggiunte et eon una Selva di varia Istoria, uella quale si ha Notitia delle cose piu rare, che souo state ricordate sominariameute dal Giovio, di Carlo Passi et un Indice de' Nomi Antichi, e Moderni delle Citta, Castella, ^Provincie, Popoli, Monti, Mari, Fiumi, et Laghi, de quali il Giovio ha fatto nelle sue Istorie mentione, 2 a^oI. vellum 4to. Venezia, G. De Cavalli, 1564 At the end of the second volume is bound up the " Supplimento di G. Ruscelli," printed at Venice in 1608. The entire work contains many interesting particulars relative to English History. 3422 Giovio (P.) Vite di Leo X et d'Adriano VI et del Cardinal Pompeo Colonna, tradotte da L. Domenichi, stained, sold therefore with all faults, calf, Fiorenza, L. Torrentino, 1551 — Giovio (P.) la A^ita del Don Ferrando Davalo, tradotta per M. Lodovico Domenichi, vellum, Vineffia, G. de Bossi, 1557 — Giovio (P.) Lettere Volgari. raccolte per L. Domenichi, vellum, Venetia, G. B. et M. Sessa, 1560 8vo. 3 vol. Amongst the "Lettere Volgari" is one addressed to Edward VI. 3423 Gipsies. Caronni in Dacia (Felice), Mie Osservazioni Locali, Nazio- nali, Antiquarie sui Vaiacchi specialmente e Ziugari Transilvani 8vo. Milano, 1812 A very important work to the Etymologist, containing some curious Obser- vations on the Language of the Wallachians, with its analogy to the Italian and the Gipsy tongues. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 377 3424 Giraldi Cinthio (G-. B.) Orbecche, Tragedia, with a looodcut portrait on the title-page, scarce, good copij, vellvm ^vo. 1547 Renouard considers tliis edition to be a counterfeit of the rare Aldine. 3425 Giraldi Cinthio (G. B.) Le Fiamme (in Versi) fne copy in limp vellum Svo. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1548 3426 Giraldi Cinthio (G. B.) Discorso intorno al comporre de i Eomanzi, delle Comedie, e delle Tragedie, e di altri Maniere di Poesie vellum 4^0. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1554 3427 Giraldi Cinthio (G. B.) Discorsi, stained Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1554 Giraldi Cinthio (G. B.) Dell' Hercole Canti veutisei (iu ottava Eiraa), ivoodcut portrait, calf Modena, 1557 Uo. 2 vol The Hercole is a poetical Romance of considerable rarity. 3428 Giraldi (G. B.) Commentario delle Cose di Perrara, Venetia, 1597— Giovio (P.) La Vita di Alfonso da Este Duca di Ferrara, tradotta da G. B. Gelli, scarce, ivi, 1597 vellum 8tJ0. in one vol. 3429 Giraldini (P. F.) Discorso sopra la Pietra Belzuar Minerale, engraved title-page, scarce ^to- Firenze, 162G Amongst the Testimonials is one from the Duke of Northumberland. 3430 Girard (A.) Tables des Sinus et Trigonometrie, autograph of ''Joseph Torricelli, 1739 " EXTREMELY BARE, and unhioion to Brunei, who mentions only a reprint o/1629 \%no. La Raye, chez Jacob Elzevie, 1627 These useful Tables were no doubt made the constant Hand-Book of Reference by early mathematicians, and the wearing out of the copies by constant use will account for their great rarity, which is equal to that of the small Pastissier, so destroyed by thumbing in the kitchen, as in late years to have sold for £30. and upwards. 3431 GiRODAT. Eecherches Critiques et Historiques sur I'origine, sur les divers etats et sur les progres de la Chirurgie en France, ivith portraits of eminent surgeons, and vignettes 4ito. Faris, 1744 An important work, with numerous ancient documents. 3432 Gisberti (Domenico) Urania, Poesie Celesti, Musiche, e Sacre,frontis- inece and cuts of the constellations vellum 8tJ0. Monaco, 1673 Unknown to Lalande. 3433 Gisleberti, Balduini V Rannonice Comitis Cancellarii, Chronica HannonisB nunc primum edita Cura et Studio Marchionis du Chasteler '^to. Bruxellis,\1M 3434 Giulianelli (A. P.) Memorie degli Intagliatori Modern! in Pietre Dure, Cammei, e Gioje dal Secolo XV fino al Sec. XVIII vellum 'ito. Livorno, 1753 A valuable work for the History of Gem-Engraving. 378 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 3435 GiuLiNi (Conte Gr.) Memoeie spettanti alia Storia, al Governo ed alia Descrizione della Citta e della Campagna di Milano ne' Secoli Bassi con la Continuazione, 12 vol. onaps and plates of antiquities, coins, Sfc. uncut 4tito. Milano, 1760-71 A most important and very rare work. It contains numerous ancient documents, and affords an immense number of interesting facts respecting the social, domestic, literary, and scientific history of Lombardy during the Middle Ages, and forms an indispensable Supplement to IMuratori. The Xllth volume contains a very extensive general Index. Sir Mark Sykes's copy sold for £17. 17s. 3436 Giulio Ossequente e Polidoro Vergilio de' Prodigii (e GriovaccMno Camerario degli Ostenti). Per Damiano Maraffi fatti Toscani, ivoodcuf portrait of M^araffi, and elegant cuts hy " Le Petit Bernard " rare, fine copy, calf extra, gilt edges ^vo. Lione, G. de Tournes, 1554 A collection full of curious facts, interesting for the history of Science. 3437 Giustino Historie di Trogo Pompeo, nuovamente in lingua Tosca tradotta, old ornamented calf binding 8vo. Vinegia, Sahio, 1535 3438 Glandorpii (J.) Onomasticon Historise Eomanse folio. Francof 1589 Fouquet's copy in French calf, with his large arms impressed in gold on sides, and having the small arms and his * * stamped also in gold on back. Sub- sequently it belonged to E. H. Barker, 0. T. N. (Old Thetford Norfolk), better known as " Old Tom Noodle " (according to Bishop Blomfield's interpretation of the initials), who has written on the fly-leaf the following note : "A book of very great rarity, and of great utility : see a very long note on it in the Bibliotheca Parriana, E. H. Barker, May 12, 1836." 3439 Globes. Wriglifc (G.) Use of the Globes, London, 1783— Moore (E.) Supplement to former Treatises on the Globes, ih. 1751 — Donne (B.) Use of the Ge-Organon, Bristol, 1787 — Dunn (S.) Universal Planispheres, London, 1759 — A Manuscript Volume on the Globes Sw. (5) 3440 Gloriosi (Joannis Camilli) Exercitationum Matbematicarum Decaa prima, vellum ^to. Neapoli, 1627 A scarce work. The author confutes the quadrature of the circle by Porta, comments on. Vieta, and gives the solution of interesting questions respecting the theory of numbers. 3441 Gloriosi (Joannis Camilli) Exercitationum Matbematicarum Decas tei-tia, vellum Mo. Neapoli, 1G39 *^ See also " Gahleo's Supporters and School,"in the present Catalogue. 3442 Glossas (Veteres) Yerborum Juris Grjeca^ quae passim in Basilicis reperiuntur, quas ex variis MSS. Codd. Bibl. Eeg. C. Labbaeus nunc priraum eruit, digessit, et notis illustravit vellum '^vo. Parisiis, 1606 The Latin meaning of many of the words is -wi'itten in a cotemporary hand on the margins. 3443 Glossarium Latinum Bibliotbecse Parisinse antiquissimum Ssec. IX, descripsit, primum edidit, Adnotationibus illustravit G. F. Hilde- brand royal 8vo. Goettingce, 1854 3444 Gmelin (J. F.) Gescbicbte der Cbemie, 3 vol., half calf, uncut 8vo. Gottingen, 1797-99 A very valuable History of Chemistry, containing also much curious biblio- graphical information respecting works on the subject. THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 379 3445 Goldasti (M.) Politica Imperialia, sive Discursus Politici, Acta publica, ^ et Tractatus generales de DD. NN. Imperatoris et Kegis Eoma- norum, Pontificis Eomani, Electorum, Priucipum, et Communium Juribus, Privilegiis, Eegalibus, Dignitatibus, &c. &c. f,(ilf folio. Francofurti, 1614 A most valuable Collection of scarce and curious Tracts, in Prose and Verse, by various Authors, including T. Naogeorgi Incendia seu Fyrgopolinices Tragoedia ; Legatio Henrici VII Anglise Regis ad Regem Romauorum ; Gravamina Germanise; Julius Dialogus festivus et elegans, quomodo Julius II post Mortem Coeli Fores pulsando ab Janitore illo D. Petro intromitti nequierit ; Confessio Ecclesise Gallicse et Helveticse, &c. &c. 3446 Groldoni (C.) Opere Teatrali, 28 vol. neat vignettes lest edition, uncut 8ro. Venezia, 1788-92 Many of Goldoni's Plays are wi-itten in various dialects. 3447 G-oldoni (C.) Commedie scelte e Vita 12mo. Fariffi, 1831 3448 Goldoni (C.) Commedie Scelte, Faviffi, 1803— Pederici (C.) Commedie Scelte, portrait, Milano, 1828— Nota (A.) Teatro Comico, 5 vol. Livorno, 1821-22 12«io. 7 vol. 3449 Goldsmid (J.L.) Catalogue of bis Curious Library (MSS. of Eomances of Cbivalry, Caxtons, English Mysteries, &c.) 31S. Frices, 1815— Catalogue of the Library of J. P.'Tuflfen, Frices, 1818— Catalogue of the Chardin Library (printed Books and MSS. from the Yaticsin), partiaUi/ priced, ISld, half calf Svo. S vol. 3450 Golnitzii (A.) Itinerarium Belgico-Gallicum, engraved title-page 'vellum 12mo. Amst. Elzevir, 1655 A curious Itinerary, containing notices of Joan of Arc, Rabelais, Rubens, Plantin, &c. 3451 Gon9alez de Salas (J. A.) de Duplici Viventium Terra, frontispiece and plates of arms, very curious, vellum, Lugd. Bat. Elzevir, 1650 — Eitteri (S.) Cosmographia Prosometrica, hoc est Universi Ter- rarum Orbis, Eegionum, Populorum, Insularum, Fluviorum, Mon- tium, Marium, &c. Descriptio, arms and monogram of A. de Harley in gold on sides and lack, Marpurgi, 1619 ^to. 2 vol. 3452 Gorii (A. P.) Monumentum sive Cokimbarium Libertorum et Servo- rum Livise Augustas et Caesarum, adjectis notis A. M. Salvinii, plates ; fine copy in " veaufauve, ^^ from tlie Soubise Library folio. FlorenticB, 1727 One of the plates is dedicated to Sir Thomas Dereham of Dereham, Bart, and another to Consul Smith. 3453 Gori (J. Er.) Symbolae Litterarise Opuscula Varia Philologica, Scien- tifica, Antiquaria, Signa, Lapides, Numismata, Gemmas et Monu- menta Medii ^vi nunc primum edita complectentes, 20 vol. in 10, plates of antiquities, coins, Sfc. calf ^vo. FlorenticB, 1748-54 3454 Goselini (G.) Vita del Principe Don Eerrando Gonzaga, half hound, Milano, 1574 {at end 1575)— Leoni (G. B.) Vita di Francesco Maria di Montefeltro della Eovere IIII Duca d'Urbino, Venetia, 1605— Eantuzzi (Conte G.) Memorie del Maresciallo Enea del Conte N. Caprara, U7icttt, Bologna, 1783 — Lancetti (V.) di P. Alfeno Varo Cremonese Console Eomano Dissertazione, large PAPEE, with author^s autograph inscription, Milano, 1818 4:fo. 4 vol. 380 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OE 3454* Grottignles (A. E. de, S. J.) Logistica, vellum 4^o. Bomce, 1675 The author calls Logistica the science now termed analysis, and maintains that every theorem may be demonstrated by thia method. 3455 Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen, 24 vol. uncut ■ ^vo. Gottingen, 1814-25 A valuable periodical, containing besides much scientific literary information an account of several of the most important mathematical discoveries of the celebrated Gauss, written by himself. 3456 GouDiN. Traite des Proprietes communes a toutes les Courbes, suivi d'un Memoire sur les Eclipses de Soleil, Paris, 1788 — Le Gendre (A. M.) Memoire sur les Transcendantes Elliptiques, ib. 1794 — Arbogast sur la Nature des Eonctions arbitraires, &c. St. Peters- hourg, 1791 — Eapport de Pronj et Molard sur les Projets pour remplacer la Machine de Marly, Paris, 1795 — Programme general des Cours des Ecoles Normales, ih. 1795, plates 4:to. in one vol. A collection of valuable tracts. 3457 Goujet (C. P.) Memoire historique et litteraire sur le College Eoyal de Erance, 2 vol. 12mo. Paris, 1758 A most interesting work, containmg Lives of the Professors, includmg George Crichton, J. M. Poblacion, O. Fin^, P. Eamus, J. Pena, G. Postel, David Saintclair, G. P. de Roberval, P. Gasseudi, J. B. Morin, P. de La Hire, J. N. De L' Isle, R. Bidet de Moncarville, &c. 3458 Goulin, Memoires Litteraires, Critiques, Philologiques, Biograpbiques et Bibliograpbiques sur THistoire de la Medicine calf 4to, Neapoli, 1759 3580 Hagiologt. Mezzadri (B.) De Sanctis Martyribus Cosma et Da- va.\?Lno, plates of mosaic pavements Mo. Somce, 17 17 3581 Hagiologt. Poccianti (M.) Vite de sette beati Piorentini Fondatori del Sacro Ordine de' Servi, con la ginnta dal P. M. Lucca Perrini Tialf morocco 8vo. Morenza, 1589 Negi'i could never have seen this rare edition, for he says flie work is in Latin and inedited. 3582 Hagiologt. Rastelli (G-. B.) Descrittione della Pompa et del Appa- rato fatto in Eoma per la Translatione del Corpo di S. Grregorio Nazianzeno dal Monistero di S. Maria di Campo Marzo nella Chiesa di S. Pietro nella Capella Gregoriaua, a scarce pageant, Perugia, 1583 — Columnse (M. A. Cardinalis) Relatio de Vita et Miraculis B. F. Didaci de S. Nicolao, Bomce, 1588 — Arigonii (Pompei) Oratio de Vita et Miraculis B. Fratris Didaci, ib. 1588 — Sordi (Conte Don F.) Vita e Miracoli del Beato Giovanni Sordi Vescovo e Martire di Vicenza, portrait, uncut, Cesena, 1765— Boldi (B.) Heros Horarum omnium sive F. Columnfe Prajnesti- norum Principis Laudes, engraved title, Bomce, s. a — Historia de la Vida del Bienaventurado San Amar con el Martirio de Santa Lucia, woodcut, Madrid, s. a. ■^to. (6) 3583 Hagiologt. Eomualdi a S. Maria, Flavia Papia Sacra, scu. Sancto- rum omnium Ticini quiescentium Agiologiura, breves eorundem Sanctorum Histori;©, de cseteris aliis Sanctorum partialibus Ee- liquiis, et de Longobardorum Eegno ac Gestis vellum folio. Ticini JRegii, 1699 A learned and moct important work for Church-History. The Agiologium Ticinense is arranged as a Calendar. 3584 Hagiologt. Eoscbmanni (A.) Conjecturse pro asserendo Episcopatu Sabionensi S. Cassiani Martyris Imolensis, plates calf 4to. Brixince, 1748 St. Cassian, a learned scribe of the IVth Century, suffered mart}Tdom in- flicted on him by his persecutors with his own steel pen and ponderous manuscripts as is shown in the engravings to this book. 3585 Hagiologt. Simii (V.) Catalogus Sanctbrum et plurium Virorum illustrium qui veluti Mystici Flores effloruerunt in Valle Umbrosa scarce, limp vellum 4:to. Bomce, 1693 3586 Hagiologt. Vita S. Osii, Patris et Confessoris Maximi, et Acta Synodi Constantinop. &c. Greece Manuscript, in a fine clear liandof the XVI Century, calf 4:to. 3587 Hagiologt. Vite et Exempli de li Sancti Padri dilligentemente emeudati per gli discreti Compagni Leonardo Pacbel e Ulderico Scinzenceller, scarce, hut loants all before A 3. Sold therefore with all faults folio Mediolano, 1490 394- THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 3588 Hagiologt. Vite de Santi Padri, con le Vite di alcuni Santi scritte nel buon Secolo, 4 vol. vellum Mo. Firenze, 1731-35 A scarce edition, cited by the Crusca. Cavalca, so remarkable for his pure style, is supposed to have been the Translator of most of these Lives, in w'liich the purest Italian language of the XlVth Century is to be found. 3589 Hagiologt. Yite de' Santi Padri. Yolgarizzamento per diversi eloquentissimi Dottori. Teste di Lingua, 4 vol. in 8 half hound, tmcut 8vo. Bologna, 1823-25 3590 Hagiologt. Wiberti Arcbidiaconi co?etanei Vita S. Leonis IX Papse, vellum, 8vo. Lut. Paris, 1615 — Eomano (R.) della Vita, Virtu e Miracoli del glorioso S. Gregorio Taumaturgo, vellum., 12mo. JVapoU, 1728 — Eossi (P.) Meditazioni sopra la Vita di S. Gemi- niano, plates, autograph, of Domenico Vandelli, 8vo. Venezia, 1738 — La Eiviere (J.) Vie de Sainte Eugenie, 8w. Paris, 1853 (4) 3591 Hales (Jobn, of Man) Golden Eemains, engraved title hy Hollae. 4ito. London, 1659 3592 Hall, alias Line (Prancis, S. J.) Explication of tbe Diall sett up in tbe Kings Garden at London An. 1669, ivitli the large plate and the 73 figures thereon on a larger scale {inchiding portraits of Charles II and his Queen) scarce Mo. Liege, 1673 Unknown to Lalande. A copy, wanting the large plate, sold for 17s. at Sir Mark Sykes' sale. 3593 Ilalleii (E.) Tabulse Astronomicae. Accedunt de usu tabularum prae- ce^tn,fine p)ortrait, uncut 4. Paris, 1810 (4) 3603 Harrach (E. A. ab) Symbuleuticon, icith the large engraving by J. F. G^reufer, scarce ito. Somce, 1620 3604 Hartsoeker (Xiebolas) Conjectures Physiques, map of America and Australia, calf 4ito. Amst. 1706 Unknown to Lalande. The author is equally celebrated for his discovery of the Spermatic Animalcules and for the singularity of his quarrelsome disposition. 3605 Haewich, a great and famous Sea-Pigbt (26 jS"ov. 1652) between the English & Dutch between the Coasts of Norfolk and Essex 4:to. London, 1652 3606 Hae'svood. Arvood (E.) Prospetto di varie edizioni degli Autori Clas- sici, Greci e Latini, tradotto da M. Pinelli, with MS. prices in red inJc to the principal books, vellum Svo. Yenezia, 1780 3607 Hatchett (C.) on Zoophytes, London, 1800 — Hatchett on a IMineral substance, ib. 1805 — Hatchett on an Artificial substance, 2 parts, ib. 1805— Hatchett on Lac, ih. 1804 all piresentation copies 4^to. (5) 3608 Havemanni (M.) Astraea sive Epitomae Sideralis Seientiae, plates, scarce, tinJcnoicn to Weidler, Francof. 1650 — Claesz (W.) Arith- metische eude Geometrische Practijcke der Bosshieterye, plates, blacfe letter, a rare work on Gunnery, Rotterdam, 1641 4ito. in one vol. 3609 Haworth's Catalogue of a curious collection of Works on Archery, Hunting, and Fishing, MS. prices, 1826 — AVillett (E.) Catalogue of his choice Collection of Prints and Books of Prints, MS. prices and names, 1813 — Morton (Earl) Catalogue of his Valuable Library, large and fine paper, 1S29 8i'o. (3) 396 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 3610 Hajm (N.) Biblioteca Italiana, o sia notizia de' libri rari nella lingua Italiaua, loith manuscript prices to each article on the margins 4^to. Venezia, 1728 3611 Haym (N. P.) Biblioteca Italiana, o sia Notizia de' Libri Eari nella Liugua Italiana, vellum -ito. Venezia, 1736 With printed prices in Venetian lire (worth six pence each). Very curious. Both the Dantes of Foligno and Mantova (1472) are priced 80 lire. The • Ariosto of 1515, 30 lire\ and that of 1532, 15 lire. The Teseide of Boc- caccio, (Ferrara, 1475, fol.) '20 lire. The Sonetti of Burchiello, (1477, in 4to.) 10 lire. The Canzoni a Ballo, (1568, in 4to.) 6 lire. The Cento Novelle antiche (1525), 2 lire, etc. etc. 3612 Hayward (Sir Jobn) Life and Eaigne of Henrie IIII, extending to the end of the first year, London, John Wolfe, 1599 — Relation of the State of Religion used in the West Part of the World, ih. S. Waterson, 1605, hoth scarce 4to. Paris, 1744 The principal author of this work was Dr. Fr. Quesnay, and he was assisted in it by the Abbd Des Fontaines, M. Louis and others. 3693 History of Medicike. Sangiorgio (P.) Cenni Storici sulle due TJiiiversita di Pavia e di Milano e Notizie iutorno ai piu celebri Medici, ChirurgUi e Speziali di Milano, fino all' Anno 1816, divided into 3 vol. -plates, uncut Svo. Milano, 1831 3694 History of Philosophy. Pepi (A.) Eichercbe sull' Idee Me- tafisiche degli Antichi Popoli, uncut, 4ito. Palermo, 1777 — Damiron (P.) Essai sur i'Histoire de la Philosopbie en Erance au dix-neuvieme Siecle, Svo. Paris, 1828 — Montrone (M^" di) Del Cinismo ossia della filosofia dei Cinici, etc. Svo. Napoli, 1820 (3) 3695 History of Sciences. Bielfield (Baron de) Progres des AJle- mands dans les Sciences, les Belles-Lettres et les Arts calf 12mo. s. I. 1752 3696 History of Sciences. Artificia Hominum Miranda Naturae in Sina & Europa, half velliiAn 12mo. Francof. ad Iloen. 1655 Curious for the History of Science. 3697 History of Sciences, Bolletti (G. Gr.) dell' Origine e de' Pro- gressi dell' Institute delle Scienze di Bologna plates, calf gilt Svo. Bologna, 1709 3698 History of Sciences. Canestrini (G.) della Milizia Italiana dal Secolo XIII al XVI Svo. Containing much curious information and several documents respecting Sir John Hawkwood and his Free Lances 3699 History of Sciences. Clement-Mullet (J. J.) Eecbercbes sur I'Histoire Naturelle et la Physique chez les Arabes uncut Svo. Paris, 1808 THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 405 3700 HiSTOET OF SciEKCES. Cuvier (M.) Eapport Historique sur les Sciences Naturelles depuis, 1789 — Bervic (M) Eapport sur les Beaux Arts — Dacier (M.) Eapport sur les Progres de THistoire et de la Littt'rature Aucienne — Delambre (M.) Eapport His- torique sur les Progres des Sciences Mathematiques, half calf, in 1 vol. Paris, Imprimerie Imperiale, 1810 — Marchetti (A.) Discorso contra le Censure del P. M. D. Gr. Grandi, Lucca, 1714 4:to. 2 vols. 3701 History of Sciences. Goguet (President De) de TOrigine des Loix, des Arts, et des Sciences, et de leurs progres chez les Anciens Peuples, plates, 6 vol. calf l2mo. Paris, 1758 A very interesting work, 3702 HisTOET of Sciences. Halliwell's (J. O.) Collection of Letters (written by Tycho Brahe, Harriot, Pell, Oldenburg, etc.) illus- trative of the Progress of Science in England from the reign of Elizabeth to that of Charles II Svo. 184-1 A very interesting collection. 3708 HisTOBT OF Sciences. Heroart (I. E.) Admiranda Ethnicae Theo- logise Mysteria propalata, &c. ubi Lapidem Magnetem antiquis- simis Nationibus pro Deo cultum commonstratur, 2ylc-fes calf 4fo. Infjolstadii, 1623 The Colbert copy, and subsequently in the possession of D'Ansse de Vil- loLson, whose autograph signature is on the titlepage. Tlie work itself is a learned attempt to prove that the properties of the loadstone were well known to the Ancients. 3704^ HiSTOET OF SciEKCES. Hill (Thomas) Natural and Artifial {sic for Artiiicial) Conclusions, woodcut blacfe letter 12;«o. London, 1670 Containing many ciuious Recipes (see cut of " How to walk on the Water," No. XLIX, and No. LXXIX.) 3705 History of Sciences. Jourdain (C.) sur I'Etat de la Philosophic Naturelle en Occident au XII Siecle presentation copy, with author s autograph Svo. Paris, 1838 An interesting work. It contains extracts from several manuscripts, some relating to the history of Arithmetic. 3706 History of Sciences. Manni (M.) de Florentinis inventis com- mentarium, uncut Mo. Ferrarias, 1731 3707 History of Sciences. Vergilio (Polidoro) Dialoghi tradotti per E. Baldelli, scarce, vellum, Vinegia, F. Oiolito, 1550 — Yergilius (P.) de Eerum luventoribus Lugduni, 1558 — Bassonis (S.) Philoso- phite Naturalis adversus i^ristotelem Libri XII, scarce, Amstero- dami, Elzevir, 1649 — Gassendi (P.) Exercitationes adversus Aristoteleos, ih. 1619, vellum, the last two in one vol. — Vermi- glioli (G. B.) di un Quadrante nnico ed inedito nel Rluseo dell' Universita di Perugia Lettera, plate, Perugia, 1825 — Pieraccini (L.) Sistenia delle Cognizioni Umane fondamenti di Enciclopedia Eazionale, 4 vol. Firenze, 1836 Svo. 8 vols. *^* Respecting the history' of sciences, see also Algebra, Arithmetic, Fabroni, Galilei, Ideler, Lana, &c. &c. in the present Catalogue. 406 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 3708 Hobbes (T.) De Principiis & Katiocinatione Geometrarum ubi osten- ditur iucertitudinem falsitatemque non minorem inesse scriptis eoriim quam scriptis Physicorum et Ethicorum, plates calf 4ito. Londini, 1666 " Scarce — not in the Bodleian," (See MS. note at the beginning) — most of the copies having been destroyed in the Great Fire of London. The volume contains (p. HQ) some manuscript corrections which, in all probabihty, are in the handwriting of Hobbes himself. 3709 Hobbes (T.) Rosetum Geometricum sive Propositiones aliquot frustra antehac tentatae, cum Censura brevi Doctrinae Wallisianae de Motu calf 4s 4:to. Sagce-Comitum, IGdS Original edition of an interesting work, intended to prove that there are inhabitants in the various planets, and in which the author, amongst other things, vindicates to Borelli the theory of gravitation. 3748 Hugenii (C.) Opera varia et Opera Eeliqua, 4 vol. portrait and plates calf 4:to. Lugd. Bat. 1724, and Amstelodami, 1728 Two important and scarce collections of the works of one of the greatest mathematicians of the XVHth Centurv. 410 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 3749 Hugenii (C.) Exercitationes Matliematicse et Philosophicse, edidit P. J. Uylenbrock, 2 vol. uncut, scarce 4to. in one vol. Neither of these editions appear to have been seen by Lalande, who quotes the former on the authority of Lamhacher, and the latter on that of the Catal. Bibl. Bunaviance. 3775 Ideler (J. L.) Meteorologia veterum G-rsecorum et Eomanorum half calf Svo. Perolini, 1832 A very important work for the liisstory of Sciences. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 413 3776 Ideler (J. L.) Uber die Zeitrechnung der Chinesen 4vo. Lngd. Bat. Elzevir, 1628 Eagnani (P.) de Opinione probabili Tractatus, tmcut ^vo. Bomce, 1665 Becani (M.) Analogia Y. ac N. Testament! 8fO. Moguntiee, 1620 Castalionis (S.) Dialogi Sacri* l%no. Glasguoe, 1776 Manuale Ordinaudorum Vlmo. Lugduni, 1817 Ernstii (Henrici) Notae brevissimss ad Arnobium et ad Hippolyti Ora- tiones 12mo. Haunice, 1726 (12) 8846 Isidori Hispalensis (S.) Opera omnia recensente E. Arevalo nunc ancta accurante J. P. Migne, 8 vol. in 4 imperial 8yo. Farisiis, 1850 Best edition of a work full of information respecting the history of Sciences. 3847 Isocratis Oratio de Regno gubernando D. Bonomino Interprete scarce 4:to. Brixiw per Angelum Britannicum, 1503 Unknown to Mazzuchelli. Bonomino was the intimate friend of Cardinal Bembo. 3848 Isocrate, Les Epistres, traduictes en Eran9oys par Loys de Matha 4ifo. Faris, 1547 Prefixed are verses in Greek and French in praise of Henry II. 3849 IsoGBAniiE des Hommes Celebres, ou Collection de Fac-simile de Lettres Autographes et de Signatures, executes par Th. Delarue, . avec la table et les prix des Yentes, 4 vol. and Livraisou 20, con- taining the priced Index which is usually wanting 4fo. Faris, 1848 A valuable and now scarce collection of Letters, all admirably facsimiled. THE LIBEI LIBRARY. 421 3850 IsoGRAPHiE. Dorow (W.) Pacsimile von Handscbriften beriihmter Manner und Prauen aus der Sammlung des Herausgebers, 4 parts, containing \l(j facsimiles, portraits Mo. Berlin, 1836-38 An interesting collection of facsimiles of autograph letters of celebrated per- sons, Avitli portraits and biographical sketches. This is a sort of German Isographie, including also English, Russian, and French celebrities. 3851 Issola (J.) Obras 8w. Madrid, 1634 A curious collection of poems (several amatory) written in Spanisli by an Italian, who was a Minister of the Inquisition. 3852 Ita-LIA. Albert! (F. L.) Descrittione di tutta Italia e degli huomini famosi chel banno 'Aln^tvAta., fine portrait hy Thomas Brixianus original and scarce edition, vellum folio. Bologna, Giacarelli, 1550 3853 Italia. Amati (B.) delle Origini Romagnuole 8vo. Forli, 1831 3854 Italia. Abchivio Stoeico Italiaisto ossia Eaccolte di Opere e Documenti finora inediti o divenuti rarissimi risguardanti la Storia d'ltalia, con XXIX Appendici ed Indici, 47 parts (complete) 8vo. Firenze, 1850-58 This valuable series, which forms an mdispensable supplement to IVIuratori, comprises : — Pitti (J.) Istoria Fiorentina — Sozziui (A.) Diario Senese — Cagnola (G. P.), G. A, Prato, e G. M. Burigozzo Cronache Milanesi — Vite di ilhistri Italiani inedite o rare con illustrazioni — Foscarini (M.) Storia Arcana — Roncioni (R.) Istorie Pisane con illustrazioni di F. Bonaini — Crouaclae Pisane di Autori diversi — Malpiero (D.) Annali Veneti — — Cronica Veneta detta Altinate, e Cronaca antica (in Francese) del Canale — Narrazioni e Documenti sulla Storia di Napoli (1522-1667) — Tommasi (G.) Sommario della Storia di Lucca — Lettere di Pasquale de Paoli — Nores (P.) Storia della Guerra di Paolo IV contro gli Spagnuoli — Paralepomeni di Storia Piemontese, per cura L. Scarabelli — Galvani (G.) delle Gente e delle Favelle loro in Italia — Cauestrini (G.) Documenti per la Storia della Milizia Italiana — Cronache e Storie inedite delle Citta di Perugia. 3856 Italia. Bandarino (II Poeta) le due Giornate dove si trattano de tutti i Costumi th 'in le Cita de Italia a loco per loco usar si sogliouo, slightly wormed, very scarce 8vo. s. I. 1556 A very curious account of Italy in the shape of dialogues. 3857 Italia. Biancbi Giovini (A.) Ultime Osservazioni sopra le Opiuioni del Sig. A. Mazzoldi intorno alle Origini Italicbe 8vo. Milano, 1842 3858 Italia. Bonamici (C.) Opera (de Bello Italico, etc.), 2 vol. uncut Svo. Aug. Vind. 1764 Containing the description of the " Cacciata dei Tedeschi da Genova" in 1746. 3859 Italia. Brusoni (Gr.) Historia d' Italia, calf folio. Torino, 1680 The author was decapitated. 3860 Italia. Canuti (M.) Question Italienne, suivie de quelques reflexions sur les afiaires des Etats Remains, Baris, 1846 — Costaz (M. le Baron) Rapport Verbal sur Touvrage intitule Etudes statistiques sur Rome, ib. 1833 — Precis Politique sur les derniers evenemens des Etats Remains, ib. 1832 — Avis an Peuple sur les projets du Clerge Romain, Nantua, 1844 — Beltrami (J. C.) Italic et I'Europe, P«v7>, 1834— Naples selon I'Histoire 8t'0. G tracts 3861 Italia. Capelltt) (G.) de Rebus nuper in Italia gestis Libri octo 8vo. Antverpice, 1533 422 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 3862 Italta. Caravitse (P.) Commeutaria super Eitibus Magnse Curiae Vicarise Eegni Neapolis cum Commentariis A. Troysii et J. F. Scaglioui super eisdem Hitihus, folio, Venetiis, 1586 — Casoni (F.) Annali della Eepubblica di Geuova del Secolo XVI, imperfect, folio, Geiiova, 1708 — Guicciardiui (F.) Histpria d'ltalia, gli ultimi quattro libri non piu stampati, first edition, 4ito. Vinegia, G. Giolito, 1564 (3) 3863 Italia. Compendio storico e politico dell' Italia, 4 vol. velhm 12mo. Napoli, 1793-94 3864 Italia. Fiani (O.) il Genio d'ltalia overo Hicerche filosofiche su gli Acquisiti inutili alia Francia EAEE, uncut Milano, 1801 The " Acquisiti inutili " are the paintings and statues talcen away from Italy. 3865 Italia, Giesebrecht (Gr.) De Litterarum Studiis apud Italos primis medii sevi sseculis 4co, frontispiece, 8«o. Torino, 1790 — Coyer (Abbe) Voyages d'ltalie et de HoUande, 2 vol. 12mo. Faris, 1775 — Fatto Istorico, half hound, 8w. 1783 (5) 3809 Italia. Guicciardini (F.) Istorie d'ltalia ridotte in compendio da Manilio Plantedio, vellum, from Bp-. Shiplefs Library, Fiorenza, s. a. — Guicciardini (F.) dell' Historia d'ltalia gli ultimi quattro Libri, non piu stampati, Vinegia, Giolito, 1564 — Leoni (G. B.) Considerationi sopra I'Historia d'ltalia di M. F. Guicciardini, vellum,, Venetia, 1600 — Oricellarii (B.) de Bello Italico Commen- tarius iterum in Lucem editus, toncut, Lond. 1733 Ho. 4 vol. 3870 Italia. I Sanguinosi Successi di tutte le guerre occorse in Italia ; pricipiando dal 1509 fino a nostri tempi 1569 (in ottava Eima) woodcuts EXCESSIVELY EAEE, if not UNIQUE, 8t>o, Venetia,!). de Franceschi,15G9 Tliis very curious poem, diAdded into twenty-six Cantos, commences with the League at Cambray, and concludes with the Siege of Malta. It contains several curious facts connected with the sacking of Rome, the Siege of Siena, &c, &c. No other copy than the present has occurred for sale, it being the one mentioned by Brunet (Manuel IV, p. 199.) 3871 Italia. Italiae brevis et accurata Descriptio, vellum, 12mo. Ultrajeeti, 1650 — Description bistorique de 1' Italia en Forme de Diction- naire, 2 vol. in 1, map and plates, vellum, 8yo. La Haye, 1776 — Fasti e Vicende degl' Italiani dal 1801 al 1815 o Memorie di un' Uffiziale per servirc alia Storia Militare Italiana, 13 vol. maps and plates, vol. 2 damaged, uncut, 12mo. Italia {Firenze) 1829-38 together 15 vol. THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 423 3872 Italia. Leo (H.) Entwickelung der Verfassimg der Lombardischen Stadte bis zu der Ajikunft Kaiser Friedrich I in Italien 8vo. Hamburg, 1824 A most important work on the Cities of Lombardy under the Langobards, Franks, and Germans, prior to Barbarossa. 3873 Italia. Lunig (J. C) Codex Italise Diplomatieus, 4 vol. (vol. II damaged at end, sold therefore not subject to collation) folio. Francof. et Lipsice, 1725-35 An immense collection of impoi-tant documents from the Yth Century do'ftii- wards, including several I'espectlng England. 3874 Italia. Ossuniana Conjuratio qua D. Petrus Gyron Ossunse Dux Eegnum Neapolitanum (irrito tamen Eventu) sibi despouderat uua cum Eelatione Stratagematia Cardinalis Borgise designati Ti-aci ^ViCce^^OYis,, privately printed, uncut 4:to. 1623 3875 Italia. Pozzo (Marchese G. dal) Maraviglie Heroiebe di Matilda la Gran Contessa d'ltalia, j^ortraits and plates VEEY BARE, especially in this uncut state folio. Verona, 1678 3876 Italia. Scboller (K.E.) Italienische Eeise, 2 vol. 8w. Leipzig, 1831-32 Valuable for the notices of Art in Italy. 3877 Italia. Scoto (A.) Itinerario overo Nova Descrittione de' Viaggi principali d' Italia, 8 vol. in 1, vellum, 8t-o. Vincenza, 1638 — Craveri (G. G.) Guida de Forestieri per la Eeal Citta di Torino, p)l"tcs, calf, 8vo. Torino, 1753 — Description des Beautes de Genes et de ses Environs, map and plates, llrno. Genes, 1773 — ^Notizia delle Cose piu osservabili della Citta di Verona, plan and plates, half morocco, 8t"0. Verona, 1795 — Nuova Guida di Milano, plate of the Cathedral, uncut, 12mo. Milano, 1787 — Informazione alii Fores- tieri delle Cose piu notabili della Citta e Stato di Bologna, map, 8vo. Bologna, 1791— Cadioli (G.) Descrizione delle Pitture, Scul- ture, ed Arcbitetture nella Citta di Mantova, Svo. Manfova, 1763 (7) These ancient " Guides " contain the description of numerous moniunents, statues, pictures, etc. which were destroyed or dispersed at the time of the French irruption, towards the end of the last century. 3878 Italia. Simonde di Sismondi (I. C. L.) Compendio della Storia d' Italia dei Secoli di Mezzo, 2 vol. 12mo, Lugano, 1834 — Tesauro (Conte E.) del Eegno d' Italia sotto i Barbari, F.pitome, jjortraits and maps, calf 8vo. Venetia, 1672 — Eosa (G.) Genti stabilite fra r Adda ed il Mincio prima dell' Impero Eomano, Svo. Milano, ] 844 — Guazzesi (L.) Lettera iutorno ad alcuni Fatti della Guerra Gallica Cisalpina, uncut, Svo. Arezzo, 1752 " (5) 3879 Italian- Islakds. Albert! (Fr. Leandro) Isole appartenente alia Italia desoritte, (Corsica, Sardegna, Sicilia, Venetia, &c.) old calf 4:to. Venet. G. M. Leni, 1576 3880 Italian^ Islands. Callejo y Angulo (P. del) Description de I'lsle de Sieile, avec un Memoire sur son Etat politique par le Baron Agatin Apary, onaps and plans, calf Svo. Amst. 1734 — Busacca (E.) suUo Istituto d'Incoraggiamento e sulla Industria Siciliaua, Svo. Palermo, 1835 — Cocborellfe (B.) TremitanjB olim Diomedea? Insulae accuratissima descriptio, 4/0. Mediolani, 1604 — Albert! (L.) Descrittione di tutta Italia, et di tutte I'lsole all" Italia appartenenti (con la descrizione delle chiese, delle pitture, degU 424 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF uomini famosi, etc.), 2 vol. in 1, maps, vellum., 4to. London, 1834 3891 (Jackson) Catalogus Librorum Italicorum, Latinorum, Manuscrip- toruni a quodam magno sumptu et labore per decern Annorum Spatium Liburni collectorum, scarce, calf gilt 8vo. s. I. Sf a. Not mentioned by Lowndes. This collection of rare books was purchased en masse by the Due de la Valliere. 3892 Jacobi (C. Gr. J.) Disquisitiones Analyticse de Fractionibus Simpli- cibus, scarce 4to. Lutet. R. Stephanus, 1549 The beautiful portraits contained in this volume are by the celebrated G. Tory de Bourges, and bear his mark. A copy sold for 42 francs at the La Serna sale. 3953 J o\u (P.) Opera, omnia,, woodcut 2}ortrait folio. £asilece, 1578 Containing Historia sui Temporis (valuable for English History) ; Descrip- tiones Britannia^, Scotiai, Hiberniaj, &c.; Anglorum Regum Chronicon; Muschovia ; Larius Lacus ; de Piscibus Eomanis Libellus. 3954 Julius Obsequens de Prodigiis cum animadversionibus I. Scbefferi et P. Oudendorpii : accedunt supplementa C. Lycosthenis curante I. Kappio, uncut 8vo. Curia? EegnitianoB, VJTi THE LIBEI LIBEAEY. 435 3955 Julius Secundus Dialogus (D. Erasmi) et Euclides Catholicus J. A. Ferrarii, ivitk autographs of Eichard Oicen Cambridge and W. Eazlitt, calf 8i-o. Oxon. 1680 Two rare and laughable Satires, with Preface, to prove Erasmus the author of Julius II, denied by S. Peter entrance into Heaven. 3956 Junckeri (Christiani) Commeutarius de vita, scriptisque, ac meritis Jobi Ludolfi, cum Epistolis clarorum virorum et Specimike LixGr.B HoTTEyTOTTicj:, tcith portrait of Ludolf scarce Svo. Lips. 1710 3957 Junii (H.) Nomenclator omnium Eerum propria Nomina variis Lin- guis (Germanice, Belgice, Gallice, Italice, Hispanice, Anglice) explicata indicans in old English calf binding 8ro. Antverpice, C. Plantinus, 1583 With some very curious English explanations in a handwriting of the XYIth Century. See particularly pages 25-26. 3958 Junii (H.) Animadversiones & Observationes varife ; Ejusdemque Commentarium de Coma, portrait, calf Svo. Sagce Comit. 1737 The histoiy of " Chevelm*e" is very interesting. 3959 Jureconsultorum illustrium Imagines quae inveniri potuerunt ad Vivam ElEgiem expressae ex Musseo Marci Mantufe Benauidii, engraved title and 25 large portraits (including the rare one of Da>'TE and that of Socino) Vellum folio. JRomae, Ant. Lafrerii Seguani, 1566 A scarce collection of fine early copper-plates. Marco IMantova Bena^ades, well known to bibliographers for his rare little work of " L'Heremita," was a collector of fine books and manusci'ipts, as well as of pictures. 3960 Justini Historici Epithomatum in Trogi Pompeii Historias Libri XLIV et Lucii Elori Gestorum Eomanorum Epithoma folio, s. I. ^' a. (Venetiis circa 11:90) With the autograph signature and numerous MS. notes of Justinianus Cardulus, wlio in a memorandum at end records having purchased the book in Jmie, 1490. 3961 Justini Historic! Libri XLIV et S. Aurelii Yictoris Epitome, with autograph signature and notes of Jean Chretien de Nancy, to ichom this icork ivas presented by Henri Due de Lorraine in 1607 in old stamped binding Svo. Lugduni, apud Gryphium, 1543 3962 Justino abreviatore di Trogo Pompeio, Libro posto diligentamente in materna lingua da Hieronymo Squarzafico Alexandrine EAEE, very large copy in the original wooden boards, folio Yenesia ale spesse diJohanne da Colonia : e Johanne GheretzemMC ccci.xxYii At the end is the Translator's Dedication to the wily Count of Campobasso, " di larte militare imperatore egregio," whose character is so ably drawn by Sir Walter Scott in his " Anne of Geierstein." 3963 Justiniani Institutiones Juris Civilis, cum accuratis annotationibus Sylvestri Aldobrandini Florentiui i!cmf=gotI)lc letter, printed in red and black, tcith icoodcuts, vellum, scarce, but tvormed Svo. Tenet, apud Heredes L. A. Juntce, 1539 (at end 1538) Unknown to Renouard. E E 2 436 THE MIS CELL AINEOUS PORTION OF 39G4( Juvenalis cura tribus Commentariis videlicet Ant. MancinelH, Domitii Calderini et Greorgii Valise, Venetiis, per Joannem de Cereto de Tridino, 1492 — Persius cum Commentariis Joannis Britannici et ejus Eecognitioue, et cum altera Recognitione ejusdem, {the latter in manuscript, transcribed from the copy in his own autograph hy , his Pupil Jo. Eranciscus de Acris, as is certified hy him in a note in his own handwriting. To a future Editor these manuscript notes would he very important^ Brixice, per Jacohum Sritannicum, 1500 — Ovidii Metamorphosis cum E,. Eegii Enarrationibus, Venetiis, 1493 folio, in one vol. 3965 Juvenalis et Persii Satyrae orange morocco, the sides covered with fleurs-de-lys, and having the arms of Louis Ji^ IV in centre, stamped in gold, folio. Parisiis, 1644 3966 JuvEXALis. Giuvenale. Satire scelte, ridotte in versi Italiani ed illustrate da M. Cesarotti, col Testo Latino carta distinta, uncut 8vo. Parigi, 1805 3967 Ksestner (A. G.) Greschichte der Matbematik, 4 vol. 8vo. Gottingen, 1796-1800 A classical work, which forms an indispensable supplement to that of Montucla. 3968 Karsten (W. J. Gr.) Beytrage zur Aufnabme der Theoretischen Matbe- matik, 4 parts in 1, tmcut 8vo. Hostok, 1758-61 Containing an attempt to demonstrate that the Pi'inciples of Differential and Integral Calculus may be so stated as to have the old geometrical evidence predominating ; Defence of Algorithmus speciosus against Krause ; Review of Segner's Demonstration de la Regie de Des Cartes pour connoitre les Racines des Equations ; on Euter's new Principles of Mechanics and their use ; on Difficulties in the use of Infinitesimals, &c. &c. 3969 Kent. Letter from Lord Fairfax concerning all the Proceedings in Kent 4to. London, 1648 THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 437 TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. LOT 3970 Kepleei (J.) Prodromus de admirabili Proportione Orbium Coelestium, &c. Tnhingce, 1596 — Kepleri (J.) Strena seu de Xive Sexangula, Francofurti, 1611 — De Vita & Morte Tychonis Braliei, Oratio Funebris Joban. Jessenii a Jessen, ivoodcut portrait, Pragce, 1601 — Ambrosii Ehodii Cometa per Bootem, curious woodcut on title page, {Wittelergae) apud Helovigium (1619) — Kepleri (J.) Diop- trice, Aug. Vind. 1611, vellum 4:to. ' A collection of scarce mathematical tracts. Jessen's Oration on Tycho Brahe is exceedingly rare. The Prodromus was Kepler's first work. Pre- fixed to Kepler's Dioptrice are several Letters of Galileo Galilei. 3971 Kepleei (J.) Ad Yitelliouem Paralipomena quibus Astronomije Pars Optica traditur, numerous diagrams, tcith the author s portrait inserted, vellum 4to. Francofurti, 1604 Containing the author's method for calculating Eclipses, which is used to the present day (see Lalande). This was the presentation copy from the author to Baron von Schonberg und Widenhoff, and has a long inscription in his autogi-aph. A most estteresting Memorial of one of the greatest of Astronomers. 3972 Kepleri (J.) ad Yitellionem Paralipomena quibus AstronomiaB Pars Optica traditur, plates, scarce 4to. in one vol. 4026 La Bruyere (J. de) Les Caracteres de Tbeophraste traduits du Grec, avec les Caracteres ou les Mceurs de ce Siecle, 4 vol. portrait l2mo. Lyon, 1735 444 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4027 La Bruyere (M. de) Ses Caracteres, avec ceux de Theopliraste, 2 vol. portrait hy SouhraTcen, calf, 12mo. Amsterdam, 1743 — Lettre ou Reflexions d'un Milord contra FAdmission des Juifs aux Brevets, &c. uncut, Svo. Londres, 1768 — Pensees morales de divers Auteurs Chinois et de Confucius traduites par M. Levesque, 2 vol. in 1, French calf, gilt edges, 12mo. Paris, 1782 — Girault (J.) la Bonne Mere ou Moyens de fortifier les enfans et de leur procurer una bonne Dentition, frontispiece and plates, 12mo. Bronsvic, 1790 — Cros-Mayrevieille, La Methodologie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, appliquee a la Science de I'Histoire, ^vo. Paris, 1848 — Dufour de St. Pathus (J. M.) Gruide des Locataires et des Proprietaires, 12mo. ib. 1818 — Dupin (Baron C.) Eapport du Jury Central sur les Produits de I'lndustrie Pran9aise exposes en 1834, avec Introduction, 3 vol. ih. 1836 — Bern (J.) Expose general de la Methode mnemonique Polonaise, presentation copy, with author's autograph inscription, ^vo. ih. 1839 — Bellin (A. Gr.) des Avantages du Concours, with author s autograph, royal %vo, Lyon, 1846 together 12 vol. 4028 Lacabane (Leon) De la Poudre a Canon, et de son Introduction en France, privately printed 8vo. Paris, 1844 Containing some curious documents concerning the Use of Gunpowder during the Xlllth and XlVth Centuries, published from ancient MSS. 4029 La CaiUe (M. de) Ephemerides des Mouvements celestes pour dix annees 1745-1755 4:to. Paris, 1744 4030 La Caille (D, de) Lectiones elem en tares Opticse in Latinum traductae a C. S. Accessit brevis theoria Micrometri Objectivi a R. J. Boscovich, plates, vellum 4o. Aug. Vind. 1760 A celebrated and scarce work. 4053 Lambert (J. H.) Observations Analytiques 4ito. 1770 An interesting Memoire, in which Lambert points out his own previous dis- coveries on the subject of what is called La Serie de Lagrange. 4054 Lambert (J. H.) Examen d'une Espece de Superstition ramenee au Calcul des Probabilites 4ito. 1771 A curious Memoire. 4055 Lambert (J. H.) Anlage zur Architectonic, 2 vol. uncut 8t'o. Riga, 1771 4056 Lambert (J. H.) Freye Perspective, 2 vol. in 1, plates half hound Svo. Zurich, 1774 THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 447 4057 Lambinet (P.) Eecherches sur TOrigine de I'lmprimerie, particuliere- ment en ses premiers etablissements au XV Siecle en Belgique uncut 8^0. Bruxelles, 1799 4058 Lami (J.) Delicise Eruditorum sen yeterum avcKSorwv Opusculorum Collectanea, 18 vol. plates, uncut Svo. Florentice, 1736-69 A valuable collection of important inedited pieces respecting the history oi Italy, and containing the following works : Michaelis Glycae Epistolse Gr. et. Lat.— Leonis Urbervetani Chronicon Pontificum et Chronicon Imperatorum — Nicetse Heracleensis ia Epistolam I ad Corinthios En- narationes, Gr. et Lat.— Laur. Bouincoutrii Historia Sicula — Maximi IVIargimii, Dionysii Cateliani, Antonii Eparchi, Arseuii Monembasiensis EpistolcT, Gr. et Lat. — Charitonis et Hippophili Hodoeporicon — F. Pauli Florentini de origine Ordinis Servorum — F. .Dominici Joannis Theotocon libri duo posteriores — T. MafFei in Magnificentise Cosmi Medicei De- tractores libellus^Acta Apocryplia S. Romuli — Catalogus Grsecus Codicum MSS. Zenonis Pistoriensis — Pius Fons et Carmina alia Italica — Gabrielis Severi et aliorum Graecorum recentiorum Epistolse, Gr. — Francisci Car- rariensis Poemation — Instrumenta Antiqua et Epistolai — ^Acta S. Genesii Mimi Martyris Italice versa et illustrata — F. M. Raffaelli della Famiglia, della Persona, degi' Impieghi e delle opere di M. Bosone da Gubbio — Vita deUa B. Oringa. Dowling was unable to see the 18th Volume of this work, which is extremely rare, and quotes Fontani as his authority for its existence, with the observa- tion " Ego autem tomum decimum octavum non vidi." 4059 Lami (J.) Memorabilia Italorum Eruditione prsestantiiun quibus vertens Speculum gloriatur, 3 torn, in 2 vellum ^vo. Florentice, 174<2 A scarce and almost unknown work, containing amongst others the biogra- phies of Muratori, Cassini, Guglielmini, Grandi, Perelli, &c. 4060 Lami (J.) Catalogus Codicum Manuscriptorum qui in Bibliotheca Eiccardiaua Florentiee adservantur, in quo multa Opuscula anec- dota in Lucem passim ]^voieT\int\ir,J'rontispiece and facsimiles uncut folio. Lihurni, 1756 An admirable catalogue, with most interesting extracts from many of the Manuscripts, amongst which will be found the narrative of the death of the celebrated Cecco d' Ascoli, burnt at Florence in 1327. The facsimiles include a Gregorius Nazianzenus, in Greek, of the Xth Century; a Pliny (Historia Naturalis) of the IXth Century, &c. 4061 Lami (J.) de Eruditione Apostolorum, 2 \o\. frontispiece uncut 4ito. Florentice, 1766 A very learned work respecting literary history, containing unpublished documents and also catalogues of ancient manuscripts of the New Testa- ment. 4062 Lami. Eontani (F.) Elogio del Dr. G-. Lami (con Documenti e I'lndice delle Opere inedite del Juami) , fro?itispiece with medallion portrait tmcut 4^0. Firenze, 1789 4063 Lamo (A.) Discorso intorno alia Scoltura et Pittura dove raggidna della Vita et Opere da B. Campo, portrait, Cremona, C. Draconi, 1584 — Campo (B.) Barer sopra la Pittura, tico woodcuts, s. a. 4to. in one vol. Interspersed with poetry. Speaking of the present edition, Cicognara says that it is " la piii completa e la piu rara." 448 THE MISCELLANEOUS POETION OF 4064 Lamoignotst. Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotlieque de M. de Lamoignon, avec un Table des Auteiirs, 3 vol. in 1 vellum 8vo. Paris, 1791-2 A celebrated collection, almost the whole of the books being bound in morocco, with the book-plate " Bibliotheca Lamoniana." 4065 Lampillas (Saverio) Saggio Storico-Apologetico della Letteratura Spagnuola contro le pregiudicate opinioni di alcuni moderni Scrittori Italiaui, Parte prima, deUa Letteratura Antica, 2 vol. in \, frontispiece, vellum 8vo. Genoua, 1778 4066 Lampredi (Gr. M.) sopra la Filosofia degli Anticbi Etruschi half russia, uncut 4to. Lucca, 1760 4068 Lamprias de Scriptis Plutarcbi, Grr. et Lat. nunc primum editus ab D, ^CB^cheMo, presentation copy to Theodore Canter, with inscription in the autograph of the Editor, Aug. Vind. 1597 — Phrynichi Epitomse Dictionum Atticarum sive Ecloga, Gr. et Lat. a P. J. Nunnesio integritati restituta cum ejusdem et Davidis Hceschelii Notis, ib. 1601, vellum 4:to. in one vol. Lamprias was the son of Plutarch. From this scarce and little known volume we find how many works of the celebrated Plutarch have been lost. 4069 Lana (F.) Prodromo di alcune Inventioni nuove, plates scarce, fine copy, vellum folio. Brescia, 1670 The invention which Father Lana has published in this very curious Prodromo are almost innumerable in every branch of science and art, even in painting. Amongst those most worthy of attention are his method for writing in cypher, for telegi'aphs, for teaching the blind to wi-ite, for the instruction of the deaf and dumb, for balloons or aerial machines, for telescopes, micro- scopes, &c. without taking into account his directions for his universal panacea, for perpetual motions, for the transmutation of metals, for making the philosopher's stone, and for similar vagaries of one of the most learned philosophers of his time. 4070 Lanis (F. T. De) [Lana] Magisterium Naturae et Artis Opus Phy- sico-Matbematicum, 3 vol. plates vellum folio. Brixice et Barmce, 1684-92 This work may be regarded as an attempt to explain various theories advanced in the Prodromo. The third volume, which did not appear until after the author's death, is said by his biographer Eyries to be "tres-rare." It would require an explanatory volume to give an idea of this Avork, which is truly a cyclopedia of all sciences connected with natural philosophy. 4071 Lancilotti (C.) Guida alia Chimica, che introduce gli Aifetionati alia Operationi Medicinali, &c. 2 vol. in 1 vellum 12mo. Modona, 1672 A curious and scarce work not upon alchemy but upon real chemistry. It contains a chapter on " Oi'o Fulminante." 4072 Lancillotti (P. D. Secondo) V Hoggidi ovvero il Mondo non peggiore ne piu calamitoso del passato, portrait vellum Svo. Yenetia, 1680 A very amusing comparison of things in ancient and modern times. THE LIBEI LIBEAET. 449 4073 Lancelloti (S.) Farfalloni de gl' Antichi Historic! calf 8w. Venetia, 1677 A very curious and amusing work. 4074 Lancre (P. de) Tableau de I'laconstance et Instabilite de toutes cboses Jine copy in old calf, marhled edges 4to. Paris, 1682 This important work contains the history of the " College de Navarre " from 1304 to 1640, with about 300 biographies of celebrated Frenchmen con- nected with that " College," and also numerous documents. 4105 Launoii (J.) De Varia Aristotelis in Academia Parisiensi et in Scholis Protestantium Fortuna et J. Jonsii de Historia Peripatetica Dis- sertatio. J. Hermannus ab Elswich edidit, Wittemherg, 1720 — Thura (A.) Idea Historise Litterarise Danorum, Hamhurgi, 1723 vellum 8vo. in one vol. It is well known that the philosophy of Aristotle, which was so strenuously maintained by the Roman Church against Galileo, had been previously condemned by the same Church, and even by the Fathers, who directed Pcripaticians to be burnt. THE LIBEI LIBEARY. 453 4106 Lauraguay (Comte de) Catalogue d'une Collection de Livres Choisis, manuscript prices, calf 8fo. Paris, 1770 Amongst the rai-e articles selling for low prices are : Roman des trois Pele- rinages, 26 francs — "Gringore Les folles Entreprises,"^?7'wY('rf tipon vellum, 54 francs — Le Mystere de la Destruction de Troyes, 1491, 66 francs — Dante, 1472, 66 francs — Gyron le Courtois, 1519, fol. 16 francs — HistorijB August£e, Aldus, 1521, 2 vol. 8vo. printed tqwn vellum, 85 francs, etc, 4107 Law. D'Asti (D. A.) dell' JJso e Autorita della ragion civile nelle Provincie dell' Imperio Oceidentale dal di che furouo inondate da' Barbari sine a Lotario II. 2 vol. in 1, vellum, Svo. Napoli, 1720- 1722 — Maudriu. Storia di L. Maudrino, celebre Contrabbandiere di Fraucia, e suo Processo ultiinamente seguito in Valenza. Tra- duzioue dal Fraucese da P. Chiari, frontispiece, uncut, Hvo. Venezia, 1762— Beccaria (C. B.) Dei Delitti e delle Pene coll' Aggiunta del Commentario di M. de \o\tsi\vQ:,frontis2nece, auto- graph of C. Stearne Tighe, calf 8ro. Londra, 1774 — Pagano (F. M.) sul Processo Criminale, IQmo. Milano, 1802 — Constant (B.) Comento sulIa Scienza della Legislazione di Gr. Filangieri, 12ino. Capolarjo, 1833 — liomaguosi (Gr. D.) Eicherche sulla A^alidita dei Giudicj del Pubblico a discernere il vero dal false, 2 vol. uncut, Svo. Firenze, 1837 — Petitti di Eoseto (Conte C. J.) della condi- zione attuale delle Carceri e dei mezzi di migliorarla, uncut, 12mo. Torino, 1840 (8) 4108 Law. Pithcpi (P.) Mosaycarum et Eomanarum Legum Collatio. Justiniani Imp. Novellas Constitutiones III. Juliaui Antecessoris Dictatum de Consiliariis et Collectio de Contutoribus cvim Notis P. Pithoei, aiifograph ofii. Hahtet, JBasilece, 1574 — Aretini (A.) de Maleficiis Tractatus, vellum, Venetiis, 1578 — Sclimid (J. A.) de Corporibus Doctrinje Philippico, Pomeranico, &e. Helmstadii, 1706 — Duni (E.) de veteri ac novo Jure Codicillorum Commeu- tarius. Accedit coutraria J. H. Boehmeri Disputatio de Codicillis sine Testibus validis cum Animadversionibus, vellum, Romce, n62i — Bouttervvek (F.) de Fundamento Successionis Grermanicae, &c. LAEGE PAPER, Gott. 1786 4i'o. 5 Vol. 4109 Lazzari (M.) Confutazioni di alcuni Errori del Dott. B. Zannetti uella Storia del Eegno de' Longobardi 4/o. Eoveredo, 1756 4110 Leber (C.) de I'Etat Eeel de la Presse et des Pamphlets depuis Fran- cois I jusqu' a Louis XIV 8^0. Paris, 1834 A very interesting work, in which is cited, amongst other curious docu- ments, the Ordonnance of the 10th of September, 1563, condemnmg every person connected, without a royal permission, with the publication or im- pression, of any book or composition whatever, to be etrangle etpendu. 4111 Le Beuf (L'Abbe) Dissertations sur difFerens sujets d'histoire et de literature — Annuaire de la Bibl. E. de Bruxelles, 2 vol. in 1, fac- simile woodcuts, half calf Svo. Paris, 1843 4112 Le Brun (M.) Anecdotes Typograpbiques ou Ton voit la Description des Couturaes, Mceurs et Usages singuliers des Compagnons Imprimeurs Unpublished Manuscript, dated V 7''" 1762 folio. Briix. 1762 A very curious work, entirely prepared for the press, formerly in the " Biblio- theque Publique de 1' Academic Itoyale des Sciences de Bordeaux." The author calls himself " Ancien Frote, Graveur et Auteur." 454 THE MISCELLANEOUS PORTION OF 4113 Lechi (L.) della Tipografia Bresciana nel Secolo XV Memorie, ivith 8 plates of facsimiles of type, Printer s Devices, Sfc. uncut, only 150 copies ])rinted 4 4136 Leibnitz. Eecueil de divers Pieces et Lettres sur la Philosophie, la Religion naturelle, I'Histoire, les Matbematiques par Leibniz, Clarke, Newton, Couti, & autres, 2 vol. calf \2mo. Amst. 1740 4137 Leibnitz. Lamprecht (vSig.) Yita del Sig. Barone G. G. di Leibnitz, tradotta da G. Barsotti, portrait 8yo. Eo7na, 1787 4138 Leicestee. Relation of the Execution of the Ordinance of Parlia- ment touching the Militia 4/o. London, 1642 4139 Le Laboureur (Louys) Charlemagne, Poeme Heroique, loith a frontis^ piece, old calf 8ro. JBaris, 1664 4140 Lelewel (J.) Geographic du Moyen Age, 4 vol. in 3, loitli ohlong 4:to. Atlas of ancient Maps, (Latin, Arabic, Ltalian, Catalan, Sfc.) Jialf green morocco, marbled edges 8vo. Bruxelles, 1852 An admirable work, contauiing, besides the important geographical notices, much cilrious bibliographical information. 4141 Lenglet Du Presnoy, L'Histoire justifiee contre les Romans, veaufauvCy Amst. 1735 — Boulainvilliers (Comte de) Memoires presentes au Due d'Orleans Regent de Prance, 2 vol. in 1, Haye, 1727 — Calmet (A.) Abrege chronologique de I'Histoire Sacre et Prophane, Nancy, 1729 Vlmo. 3 vol. 4142 Leutuli (Paulli) Historia Admiranda de Prodigiosa ApoUoniae Scbreierae, Virginis in agro Bernensi, Inedia, et complurium aliorum de prodigiosis Inediis Narrationes, portrait of the Fasting Girl, very scarce, dedicated to King James the First, Lern^ TI>'TED PAPER FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTIOX 0^'LT, tcith Fhotographs of the more beautiful. Specimens of Binding inserted royal Svo. London, 1859 4212 Libri (Gr.) Catalogue of the Choicer Portion of his Library PRI>'TED ox TINTED PAPER FOR PRIVATE DISTRIBUTION ONLY, tcith Fhotographs of the more beautiful Specimens of Binding inserted royal Svo. ib. 1859 4213 Liburnio (X.) le Occorrenze Humane half bound Si"0. Vinegia, Aldus, 1546 Tills delightful gossiping volume, now, as M. Ronouard observes, '' devenu assez rare," contains in Imaginary Conversations much curious information respecting the Kevival of Letters. The fifteenth Dialogue is devoted to a Description of the Libraiy of Francis I, and to Mi'Slc. 4214 Lieder. Drey schone ueue Lieder, &c. tcoodcuts blaflt letter Svo. GedrucTct in diesem Jahre Containing I, '' Das Droscherlied von beriihmten Dichter B. Saubolz " (in the Low Patois and facetious); 11, "Was nutzet mich das Adelleben ; " and in, " Harmonic imd Freude." 4215 Life and Death of John Atherton, Bishop of "Waterford and Lysmore in Ireland, who was Hanged at Dublin, 1641. for an Unnatural Crime, itc. in Terse, woodcut reprint, -ito. London, 1641 4216 Ligorio (Pirrho) Trattato dell" Antichitii di Tivoli all" Hippolito Secondo Cardinal di Perrara, nel qual trattato particolarmeute si narra della Villa Hadriana rNPl'BLTSHED MS. OF THIS EMINENT AnTIQUART foUo. SjEC. Xvi. Tiraboschi atlirms that the works of Ligorio would have been most useful to Antiquaries if they had not remained inedited, as he was by profession a painter and architect. 4217 LiGFE. Les qnatre Eecueils contenant les Choses plus memorables advenues sous la Ligue tant en Prance, Angleterre, qu'autrea Lieux, 4 vol. EXTREMELY RARE, vellum Svo. s. 1. 1590-95 A most valuable and hiteresting collection of Political Documents. Amongst them are to be found : Histoire veritable de la Conspiration de G. Parry contre la Royne d'AxGLETERRE depuis 1584 ; Declaration des Causes qui ont men les Dues, Comtes, &c. d'Ecos.^e a prendre les Armes ; Lottre de la Royne d'Anoleterre an Maire de Londres ; Extraict et Aphorismes de la Harangue de M. de Belic\Te a la Royne d'Axgleterp,e pour la Ro\Tie d'Escosse : Response aux Calomnies d'un preteudu Anolo'S ; Histoii'cdu Siege et Prinse du Fort faict en IrL-\nd par les Italiens et Espagnols ; Voyage de Sir F. Drake aux Ixdes Occident.mes : Advertissement siu- la Conjuration taitte par la Ligue contre la Royne d' Angleterre : Du Voyage et du Retoir notable du graxd C.u^itaine Drake des Ixdes, avec les riches Dispouilles des Espagnols; Des Preparatifs de la grande et formidable Arm^e d'Espagne contre ceux de la Religion en general mais prmcipalement contre l' Angleterre ; De la Mort de la Royne d'Escosse ; Lettres envoyees d'Angletekre a Dom B. de Mendoze ; Brief et simple Discours des grands Appareils de Philippe Roy d'Espiagne contre la Royne et le Royaume d' Angleterre, avec ce qui s'en est ensuivi es Mois d'Aoust et Sejitenibre. 1588 ; tScc. &c. THE LIBRI LIBRAEY. 465 4217* LiGUEiA. Bracellei (J.) Lucubrationes (de Bello Hispaniensi, de Claris G-enuensibus, Descriptio Lygurisp, Epistolse, &c.) 4orf rait, vellum 4ifo. Brescia, 1592 4266 LoMBAEDiA. Cogrossi (Gr. B.) Fasti istorici di Crema descritti in Yersi, Jine portrait of Bishop L. Calini 8vo. Venezia, 1738 4267 LoMBARDiA. Daverio (M.) Memorie sulla Storia dell' Es-Ducato di Milano (dal 1339 al 1447) uncut 4tto. Milano, 1804 4268 LoMBAKDiA. Eino (A.) Historia di Crema raccolta da gli Annali di P. Terni 4ito. Venetia, 1566 4269 LoMBAEDiA. Erassoni (C.) Memorie del Einale di Lombardia umiliate air A. S. Erancesco III Duca di Modena, &c. plates uncut 4tto. Modena, 1778 4270 LoMBAEDiA. Leo (E.) Vicende della Costifruzione delle Citta Lombarde fino alia Discesa di Eederico I, in Italia, traduzione dal Tedesco del Conte C. Balbo, wicut 8vo. Torino, 1836 4271 Lombardia. Macanei (D.) Verbani Lacus Locorumque adjacentium cborograpbica Descriptio cum Commentario Stazii Trugi Catalauni 4to. Lugd. opera Q-ilherti de Villiers, impensis G-ul. Huyon, etc. 1515 In this curious work the Principles and Faculties are represented as the Roots and Stem of the Tree ; functions, acts and operations as its Branches, Boughs, and Leaves ; and Effects or Results as its Flowers or Fruit. 4330 Lunig (J. C.) Codex Italia? diplomaticus, 4 vol. half calf folio. Francofurti Sf Lipsics, 1725-35 A most important collection of State Papers from the Vth Century down- wards, including several respectmg England. 4331 Lupicini (Antonio) Discorso sopra la fabrica e use delle nuove Verghe Astronomicbe, woodcuts fine copy, uncut, raee in this state 4ito. Fiorenza, G. Marescotti, 1582 4332 Lusignano (S.) Eaccolta di cinque Discorsi intitolati Corone scarce, half calf 4tto. Padova, 1577 In the first Corona the author treats of the Origin of the Kingdom of France ; in the second how a King of France ought to be the Roman Emperor and the Destroyer of the Mahometan Sect ; in the third of the Nobility of Jerusalem ; in the fourth of Canonized Kings and Emperors (including Irish and English Saints); and in the last of a Universal Chronology reduced under the Power of the Planets. 4333 Luynes (H. D. de) Commentaire Historique et Chronologique sur les Ephemerides intitules Diurnali di M. Matteo di Giovenazzo LARGE PAPER, half Calf 4:to. Paris, 1839 4334 Lydi (J. L,) de Osteusis quae supersunt una cum fragmento libri de Mensibus ; ejusdem Lydi Diarium tonitruale fragmentumque Manl. Boethii de Diis et Prsesensionibus, ex Codd. Eegiis edidit, Graecaque supplevit et Latine vertit C. B. Hase uncut 8^0. Parisiis, 1823 Important both for the history of astronomy and for that of the science of the Etrmians respecting Thunder, taken from the ancient works of Tages. 4335 Lyon. Institution de 1' Aumosne generale de Lyon, folding vieio of the hospital, vellum, gilt edges 4^0. Lyon, 1662 A very interesting account of this noble charity. Eye OF THE PIEST PORTION OF THE CATALOGUE. iMiHllwwimiiiiBfiiiiii&MiiiiMiiiiiiffl ' '<^t^ ;i^'-^ '^ ^"^^^ <-i<^P Xc^ >^<-^.0 - C^'" o >=^0 ^^i^ko ii^^g^Ao ;h:^>.9 -C^O i^-ti:^. r Xj^o XC^Xo ''^oiZd ; Partner and S^SSL it is my intention to devote whatever pecuniary advantage may ■xclse. from the sale ot l^ announced issue of the work to the funds of the several benevolent institutions above mentioned. \S. LEIGH SOTHEBY. A SMALL COLLECTION OF paintings aiib grulmitgs k Pabtrn ^rttsts, ARE NOW BEIKG EXHIBITED, BY TICKETS ONLY, UNTIL APRIL 30, AT THE GALLERY OF MESSES. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY & JOHN WILKINSON, WELLINGTON BUILDINGS, NORTH WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, RECENTLY ERECTED FOR THEM AS AN ADDITION TO THEIR HOUSE OF BUSINESS, FOR THE MORE ADVANTAGEOUS DISPOSAL BY OP CABHET PICTUEES, DMWnaS, EI&MVn&S, AllfTIQTJITIES MD WORKS OF ART. THE COLLECTION EXHIBITED IS THE PROPEKTY OF S. LEIGH SOTHEBY, F.S.A., By wTiom it has heen formed during the last Tvxnty-five Tears. The Collection is not for Sale. Tt is only placed in the Gallery, with the view of showing the capabilities of the Building for the purposes for which it has been specially erected. The Catalogue of the Collection, will be charged Sixpence ; and should there be any gain by the sale of it, the amount wiU be appropriated to the "ARTISTS' BENEVOLENT FUND." Free Tickets of Admission may he obtained on application at the Offices of Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson, 13, Wellington Street, Strand. m NOTICE OF SALE. Messrs. S. LEIGH SOTHEBY and JOHN WILKINSON Avill Sell by Auction, at their House, 13, (late 3), Wellington Street, Strand, London, in the Month of June next, THE SECOND PART, M— Z. OF THE PORTION OF fg THE CELEBRATED LIBRARY OP • M. GUGLIELMO LIBRI. THIS PORTION will embrace ANCIENT MUSICAL TREATISES; RARE MATHEMATICAL PUBLICATIONS IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM; TOPOGRAPHICAL AND HISTORICAL ¥ORKS; BOOKS WITH AUTOGRAPH ANNOTATIONS BY ILLUSTRIOUS MEN; AND Important anb Stuta Writings IX EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE AND LITERATURE. m m m II w BPot ii 5^^^^^^^^^^^^t^r^^^^r^^^^!^J^ JUf/^t7~I)/3/:fr IIBRARV QETTY CENTER GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 00990 9785