Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofmezzoOOchri 24 -. 36 . 2 . J5.' y S . 7 - tecsUrcLu . 7 4 ^. 2 . / 5 /. /S' S'. S3. sr. So. 2 b. 29 . 39 . ■ ■ 9 ?- 19 . 39 fata. /ln*s7 . v i ? . 6 ~ 9 ■ ^3 . 1^7. , (dC . 7 £/— 77 6 . A?4 - /-^ 6 /4^ L^i_ (3-jr-c lc~ /5/. So. 32 . -3 v~. / O £/- ■ /3 o. /3&. CX.C^-cyfi /i+Q-. - /&/ V GlaJ-. 2/. 23 ■ 2 4-- 3 o. 3^-. 3. 3Y- U-O. V-U- y.5'. i+c.So. &£> J'^r. 6 3.66- oQ. <| j ' / /O'l- ■ /Ob'. /oS. //£> ■ /2o. /26~. /3 2 ■ /6 S~- /$£ /3*. /3f. /4-o. /¥ f- At 9 Ois.CsO'ctt. 1. f. //./«.. 2 5 '^. 3/ .36' 3? %.a.y. i+i. uz. . if. £>. u~7. 6'/, 3~z ,$r _ t^o - .,&'U l / ba^^- ~ fovU/.a^* /$ 0 ■ ^ /St/-. /£~&. 4- 11.27- i+o ■ t+j. 6 y-. Jy. t . ■ 2, ' /0 3.-/&?-. CsUSCsttC^ . (JJt^UsLj-Ci-cL /2Z . /2 g-. / 30 . /3 C /3 r - /4 ^ ' /4 ^ 3 ' a. £*-tM< /y.'f- /S/■ / 6- . 33,3y~.3& . . tj- o -. 46" 6”o . <5~P l> 3. C b ■ b 7 g r ^±^L±y - Ou^*~£tc f3j L- , i J$Zu^ 7/- /a-'es¬ ter . // O . //<2 / 20 - ' 33 -/ 36 . &Xte^rx^--( . 32 -£-&-c 7 L-. /3Q. /y-O. /4-f. /£> 6 - /S7. 3 9 - 2 ^. 2 /■ 2-o Messrs. CHRISTIE, IANS0N & WOODS, AT TKMXR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues . had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Wood’s Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square , S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 0 I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19 , 1898 , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. In the Folio. 1 Landscapes, after J. M. W. Turner, R.A., by J. Pye, H. Le Keux, y * R. Wallis, and others —some proofs 30 auties of Claude Lorraine, by Every, Phillips, Lupton, and ^ others 21 3 Studies of Wild Animals, by and after J. F. Lewis —proofs 6 4 The Adoration of the Shepherds, after Jordaens; two Etchings, by Waterloo ; &c. 4 5 Portraits, after Holbein, by Facius, M. A. Bourlier, T. Cheeseman, and others —mostly in colours 29 6 Portraits, after Kneller, Lely, Isaac Oliver, and others, by J. Hou- y braken 16 7 Portraits, after Yandyck, Sir A. Moro, G. Honthorst, &c. 7 8 Baron Wandesford, after Yandyck, by J. Watson ; and two others yf j Z? 9 Charles, Lord Townshend, after Kneller, by J. Smith— proof; and 9 10 Richard Low, after Huys 2 /■ The Duchess of Manchester, after Kneller,by J. Faber ; Countess ^ *//- 13 t? > 15 16 /, ^ 17 /, / , ' 18 19 £ • /# . O 20 ' A O 39 Yiscount Ligonier, after Reynolds, by E. Fisher; and The / / Marchioness of Wharton, after Lely 2 40 George III., by Freschi— proof; Empress Marie Louise ; Wil- ^7 liam Pitt, after Hoppner ; &c. 10* * 41 Samuel Butler; Ben Jonson; Shakespeare; and others, by Washington, after Stuart, by J. Heath 2 /, /S~. & 55 George, Prince of Wales, after Sir J. Reynolds, by F. Haward-^ / printed in colours I if r iZ . O 56 George, Prince of Wales, after Gainsborough, by J. R. Smith— printed in colours 57 Sir David Baird, after Raeburn, by Hodgetts; and Lord Lynedoch, A after Sir T. Lawrence 2 fl/s- 58 The Maid of Saragossa, after Sir. D. Wilkie; and one other A 59 Portraits of the Elector of Brandenburg, Frederick the Great, Colbert, and two others h *''* 7 1 7 / 60 Portraits of tlie Emperors William I. and Frederick of Germany ; Prince Bismarck; Caprivi; and one other 5 61 Professor Huxley, after J. Collier— artist’s proof d/?'- ^ 62 Portrait of Mr. Tattersall— coloured lithograph; and three others 63 La douce Impression de l’Harmonie, after Boilly, by Wolff— a pair 2 'C&ttU-e ■/' 64 Amour Enchaine, after Boucher ; and one other 2 J*r- - 65 Views of English Ports— a set of four; Whitehall Gate, by . r Vertue: and Port Cornwallis —in colours 6 ^ 66 Old Views of London and Westminster, by Maurer and others 6 ^ J? ’ 67 The Riot in Broad Street, after Wheatley, by J. Heath ; and The Departure, after Smirke 2 0 68 Naval Engagements— a pair, in colours; and The Action on the . 4 Dogger Bank— a pair 69 Admiral Hosier’s Ghost, by Mosley; The Sovereign of the Seas; and A View of Edinburgh 3 70 View of Old London— water-colour drawing —by W. Denistoun; and A Sea Piece— in oils 2 OTHER PROPERTIES. 71 The Bower of Venus, after Westall, by Kellaway— printed in ^ colours ; Roman Charity —ditto 2 72 Allegorical Subjects— proofs ; and The Bride, after Schaffer, by Jfy - E. Slocombe 3 73 Two Children, after Sir T. Lawrence, by G. T. Doo —printed in/j^^ £ colours 74 Race Horses and Jockeys —a pair, in colours 2 75 Bolton Abbey, after Landseer, by W. T. Davey— proof 8 76 The Holy Family, after Raphael; and Portraits of Two Ladies— & drawings in water-colours 2 & >7 JZ , O 77 Nymphs; and Cupids, after Cipriani, by W. Ryland— proofs , in red 2 z,*r. 0 78 France ; and Russia, after Ansell, by W. Nutter— a pair 2 M 0 79 The Three Fine Arts, after Kauffman, by Bartolozzi: Faith, after Cipriani; and Minerva and Mars, after ditto / ’ /■' * - 80 Minerva and Mars, after Cipriani, by ditto— proof /&/*■ 81 Oliver Cromwell and his Chaplain, after ditto, by Bartolozzi / o ■ + 82 Andromache and Ascanius, after Cosway, by Conde; and The y Duke of York, after Opie, by Fittler ^ 2a/& c , & 83 Paris ; and Helen, after A. Kauffman, by W. Ryland— a pair 2 ^y^/ 0~~, 0 84 The Judgment of Paris; and Yenus Regina, after ditto, by ditto 2 85 Yirgil writing his Epitaph, after ditto, by Burke— proof 2 . J.. % /■ S‘ 0 86 c Olim truncus eram/ after ditto; and Industry and Patience, ' K 7 /- /■ / / after ditto, by Facius 2 0 87 Morning Amusement, after ditto, by W. Ryland —in brown 0^7 0 88 Achilles mourning the Death of Patroclus, after ditto, by ditto; . and The Death of Lindamore, after Rigaud 2 89 Shepherd, Nymph and Cupid, after ditto— proof; and A Naiad, after Cipriani— in red 90 Conjugal Affection, after Smirke, by R. Thew A?/t\ /# , 0 91 Thisbe, after J. Hoppner, R.A., by W. Nutter; and Alope, after ,< G. Romney, by R. Earlom 2 /4 92 The Gipsy Fortune-Teller, after Stothard, by B. Granger t&y' ^• cZ, 93 The Spirit of a Child ; and Of such is the Kingdom, after Peters, by Bartolozzi and W. Dickinson —printed in colours 2 f/t 94 Hebe, after Huet Yilliers, by C. Turner —ditto /y/ , 0 95 Fighting Dogs, after Morland, by J. R. Smith— printed in colours ; - 0 —. 96 Horses in a Landscape, after Gilpin, by Y. Green— first state 9 97 Abraham and Hagar, by G. Wille— proof ; and The Flemish , - Eat Catcher, after Ostade t> 98 The Unjust Steward, after F. Boll, by T. Gosse; and The Lord of the Vineyard, after Rembrandt, by Pether— proofs 2 0 99 Cupid and Psyche, after Sir .J. Reynolds, by W. Say (j /100 Children with a Torch, after ditto, by Facius ^101 Mercury Inventing the Lyre, after Barry, by J. R. Smith; and /V Callistra in her Retirement 2 102 Joseph Interpreting; Jacob seeing Joseph’s Coat; and Ben- r jamin’s Money, after Guercino ' 103 The Entombment of Christ, after Carracci; and Castor and , Pollux, after Rubens, by V. Green 2 < & 104 Triumph of Bacchus ^hr -—' wl05 Salisbury Cathedral, after* J. Constable, R.A., by D. Lucas— S ' C 7 . early proof O 106 Young Waltonians, after ditto, by ditto —fine proof PORTRAITS. & 107 H.R.H. The Duke of York, after Beechey, by C. Turner— proof, /t unframed O 108 Edward Bastard, M.P., after Brokedon, by ditto— proof; John r Bellamy, Esq., after J. R. Smith ; and two others— ditto 4 0 109 Henry, Lord Holland, after J. R. Smith, by S. W. Reynolds 110 John Kemble, as “ Cato,” after Sir T. Lawrence, by ditto O 111 Napoleon on the Gangway of the “ Bellerophon,” after Sir C~ Eastlake, by C. Turner (" ^ ^ ^ 112 Countess of Mornington, after Lady Burghersh, by T. Hodgetts—^ ' _/ proof 113 The Earl of Chatham in the House of Peers, by J. K. Sherwin O 114 The Duke of Wellington— with autograph & 115 Rev. John Wesley, after Enoch Wood 10 //, <7 116 ^ / a/ - ^117 Sir John Aubrey, after Reynolds, by J. Jones Isaac Newton, after Van tier Bank; aud Richard Penderill,after Zoust 2 ^ V /*2 118 ^ v The Earl of Derby, after Gainsborough, by G. Keating \J^tT a 7 f A J,/ Sir William Staines, after Beechey, by W. Say / , /& , 0 123 Captain Cook, after Webber, by Bartolozzi —proof in brown; and Cowper, after Lawrence, by ditto 2 Mrs. Duff, after Cosway, by J. Agar —printed in red The First Marquis of Salisbury, after Edridge, by A. Cardon— /- X/* / ' / r 0 124 7^4 125 / * £ , 0 3.26 127 /J/* 128 , & 129 proof A 2 JT' /o , O 130 if i tf~. 0 131 tf • /if , 0 132 4 ^ ’ ^133 , J2. . 0 134 6 . // . /135 y. <7 ,