8s 1873 Mar. 29 NeLe George Leavitt^ New York A collection of oil paintings. C^TA.LOaUE OP A COLLECTION OF NOW ON EXHIBITION, And to lo Sold by Auction, AT THE CLINTON HALL SALE ROOMS, jkBT-mm :pziAC^» Saturday Evening, March 29th, c.^"' AT 7J O'CLOCK. NJ.L GEO. A. LEAVITT k CO., Auctioneers, i^ciifiii^ici'ir^ mw m^j^mmm 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and address, and to pay down twenty-five per cent, on the dollar in part payment, or the whole of the Purchase money if required^ in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, with all faults and errors of description at the Buyer's expense and risk, within three days from the Sale. 4. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any ace- county be removed during the Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. 5. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency, (if any,) at- tending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. CATALOGUE. Price of Frames. 1 Scene on the Rahway River, N, J. 8 00 E. F. MARCO, N, T. 2 The Sheep at Home 8 00 E. F. MARCO, N. T. 3 Cascade in the Catskill Mountains 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. T. 4 A Brook in Westchester Co., N. T. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 5 Jungfrau. Swiss. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. T. The price of th? Fra,m3 is stitsi on the Citalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. Price of Frames. 6 On the Hudson River 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 7 Dover Plains, N. Y. 20 00 J. E. BRAUN, Philadelphia. 8 Evening on the Passaic River 9 00 EUGENE F. PLACEMAN, Baltimore. 9 Afternoon on the Hudson River 9 00 J. E. BRAUN, Philadelphia. 10 Scene on Lake George 20 00 EUGENE F. BLAOKMAN, Baltimore. 11 On the Hudson River 9 00 0. A. SOHRADER, Hartford. ] 2 Scene from the Hudson River in distance 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 13 Forest Scene— Steuben County 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at -which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. Price of Frames. 14 Tuschbach Swiss 20 00 P. HERDER. 15 On the Delaware, Pa. 4 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 16 Scene in the Callicoon, N. Y. 4 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 17 Lake of the Four Cantons Swiss. 9 00 H. E. GEYER. 18 Forest Scene, Westchester Co., N. Y. 20 00 P. HERDER, Boston. 19 Sunset on the Delaware 9 00 J. E. BRATJN, Philadelphia. 20 Dover Plains 6 00 ROB'T VAl^ NESS, N. Y. 21 Orange Brook, N. J. 6 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. Price of Frames. 22 In the White Mountains, N. H. 18 00 H. E. GEYER, N. Y. 23 View In Essex Co., N. J. 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 24 On the Passaic River, N. J. 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y, 25 The Vernal Fall, Yosemite 33 00 H. E. GEYER, N. Y. 26 The Great Eugri Swiss, 9 00 J. E. BRATJN, Philadelphia. 27 French Farmer Returning from Work 9 00 HERM. HARTWIOK. 28 Finster Aarhorn Swiss 20 00 F. T. GREEN. 29 A Brook in the Orange Mountains 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The price of the Frame is'statcd on the Catalogue, at -which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. Pric*' <>t Framts. 30 Scene in Westchester Co., N. Y. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 31 Deer in Great Hurry 9 00 C, BIRD, Boston. 32 Connecticut Valley, Conn, 18 00 H. E. GEYER, N, Y. 33 Scene on the Delaware, Pa, 33 00 E. F. MARCO. 34 Matterhorn Swiss 9 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N. Y. 35 Scene in Hudson County, N. J, 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 36 Scene in Morris County, N. J. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 37 Delaware Water Gap 18 00 H. E. GEYER, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 8 Price of Frames. 38 Hyde Park, on the Hudson Elver 20 00 D. R KEAENEY, N. Y. 39 Scene in the Eockv Mountains 36 00 D. E. NICOLS, Boston. 40 Lake Thun Swiss 9 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N. Y. 41 Cattle in Pasture 9 00 C. BIRD, Boston. 42 Scene in Hudson County, N. J. 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 43 Scene in Morris County, N. J. 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 44 Deer in the Central Paik 18 00 C. R. EBERLE, Philadelphia. 45 Wetterhorn Swiss 20 00 F. T. GEEEN, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 9 PrJce of Frames. r, 46 Scene in the White Mountains, N. H. 33 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N. Y. 47 On the Delaware, Pa, 37 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 48 View on the Merced. Hutching'sHotel 65 00 ^7^0- H. E. GEYER, N. Y. 49 Lake Thun Swiss , 20 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N.Y. 50 View on the Hudson Eiver near West Point lo UU G. G. HARTWICK, N. Y. 51 Evening in the Rocky Mountains 9 00 P, BILLOW, N. Y. 52 Morning in the Forest 9 00 ^ G. R. EBERLE, Philadelphia. 53 Farmers' Noon 9 00 r HERM. HARTWICK, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. LO Price of Frames, 54 In the Orange Mountains 6 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 55 On the Scottish Coast 6 GO EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 56 View in Essex County 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 57 On the Bronx Elver, N. Y. 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 58 Orange Brook, N. J. 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 59 Matterhorn Swks 4 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 60 Scene in the Orange Mountains 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 61 Scene on the Passaic Elver, N. J, 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optioaal with the purchaser of the Picture to take or uot. 11 Fiiceof Frames. 62 Cows at Noon 9 00 ' C. BIRD, Boston. 63 Horses at Rest 9 CO C. BIRD, Boston. 64 Scene on the Susquehanna River 9 00 E. D. LAURIN, Philadelphia. 65 Orange Valley, N. J. 9 00 P. HERDER, Boston. 66 On the Delaware 4 00 ^ . ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. / 67 Finster Aarhorn Swiss 4 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 68 Dover Plains, N. Y. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 69 View on the Passaic, N. J. 5 00 . ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The Price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at -which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 12 Price of Frames. 70 Lake Thun Swiss 9 00 D. E. NICOLS, Boston. 71 Farm Yard .. 9 00 J. 0. EOHLMAN, Boston. 72 Spring in the Orange Mountains, N. J. 9 00 0. A. SOHEADER, Hartford. 73 Scene on the Hudson River 18 00 0. A. SOHSADER, Hartford. 74 Windgaelle Swiss. 20 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N. Y. 75 Winter on the Pleasant Speedwell, N.J. 33 00 GEO. G. HARTWIOK, N. Y. 76 LakeofWallenstadt 18 00 P. HERDER, Boston. 77 Lake Aachen Swiss 9 00 D. E. mOOLS, Boston The price of the Frame is stated oa the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 13 Price of Frames. 78 Morning in the Fore?t 9 00 ^ X- ,; 0. BIRD, Boston, 79 On the Scottish Coast 6 00 ROBERT VAN NESS, N. T. 80 Dover Plains, N. Y. 6 00 ^"^^ ROBERT VAN NESS, N. T. 81 View on the Delaware, Pa. 5 00 ROBERT VAN NESS, N. Y. ' 82 In the Alleghany Mountains 5 00 ^v ROBERT VAN NESS, N. Y. 83 Forest Scene, Sullivan Co., N. Y. 18 CO ROBERT VAN NESS, N. Y. 84 Scene on the Delaware, Pa, 5 00 f^- ROBERT VAN NESS, N. Y. 85 Angler's Nook, Westchester Co., N. Y. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 14 Price of Frames. 86 JuDgfrau Swiss 20 00 F. T. GEEEN, N. Y. 87 Scene in the Yosemite Valley, Oal. 37 00 G. G. HARTWIOK, N. Y, 88 Forest Scene, Sullivan Co., N. Y. 18 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 89 Deer 18 00 ^ 0. R. EBERLE, Phila. 90 View on the Hudson River 9 00 D. E. NICOLS, Boston 91 Connecticut Valley 9 00 C. A. SCHRADER, Hartford 92 Forest Scene and Orange Brook 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 93 On the Passaic River, N. J. 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 1^ Price of Frames. 94 Cascade in the Oatskill Mountains 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 95 Scene in the Orange Mountains, N. J. 5 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 96 Cook's Mill in Winter, N. J. 18 00 EOB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 97 Lake George 20 00 EUGENE F. BLAOKMAN, Baltimore. 98 Lake of the Four Cantons Swiss 37 00 H, E, GEYEE, N, Y. 99 Scene from near Conspiration Point, Yosemite Valley 65 00 GEO. 6. HAETWICK, N. Y. 100, Scene on Lake George 20 00 '-^ ^^^^^L'GENE F. BLACKMAN, Baltimore. 101 Horse Copy from Hartman 9 00 HEEM. HAETWICK, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, at which price it is optional with the purchaser of the Picture to take or not. 16 Price of Frames. 102 Dover Plains, N.Y. 6 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 103 Forest Scene in the White Mountains 5 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 104 Schreckhorn Swiss 4 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 105 On the Delaware, Pa. 4 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 106 Connecticut Valley 9 00 0. 0. JACOBS, N. Y. 107 Matterhorn Swiss 18 CO H. E. GEYER, N. Y. 108 Sunset in Sullivan County, N. Y. 37 00 ROB'T VAN NESS, N. Y. 109 Deer 9 CO ^ t/ HERM. HARTWICK, N. Y. The price of the Frame is stated on the Catalogue, atVhi