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Two chibouque stands, of Persian enamel, painted with portraits andX
flowers in colours and gold ; four parts of ditto; and five cu|h^
stands, similar
8 A Persian sword, with nielloed silver hilt, in silver scabbard em- *
' * ^ bossed with flowers, vessels and trophies f&st
J. /J. 6 9
J. c7-r? w
7/, o 12
/ '//, 0\z
/• */", o 14
l7* L? ,0 15
A group of two warriors —signed
A Shojo and carp ; and a street dancer &
A figure of a temple Nio and monkey ; and a group of an Oni dancing
A group of a fisherman and a boy holding a sparrow
A group of two fishermen and octopus
A small group of a man with a lantern, exorcising a fox; a fisher¬
man and carp ; and the badger tea-pot 3 ^
A group of a skull, rats and snake; and a small group of toads
upholding a lotos leaf 2 ^
/* /*r- 0 16 A wooden tree trunk, with monkeys and shells in orange-wood and ^
O 17
^ F. O 18
J. ^ 19
t?* if, o 20
^ . 21
A fisherman ; No dancers; and a box and cover, formed as a tree
trunk, with cat and birds 3
A pair of vases, with figures picnicing in low relief
A huntsman hawking ; spearing tortoise; and the figure of a man
and toad 3 ^
The goddess Benton ; and Shokei upholding a koro 2
A group of three fishermen killing an octopus; and a hawker selling £
mushrooms 2
£* <*A > O 22 Two figures upholding a lotos leaf, with figures of toads; and a
temple Nio, with figures of monkeys
a N
23 A group of Diakoku, a child and rat; and a large netsuke, fonned as
a mythical horse
7 24 A large netsuke, formed as a pilgrim ; a sleeping Musume; Daruma ;
a kylin ; and two Samouri 5
25 A wooden netsuke, formed as two Shi Shi; an ivory ditto, with a
Chinese warrior ; a workman sleeping ; a man with a mask ;
and a wood ditto, with boy and persimmon fruit zz
0 26 A carved wood and ivory group, of a pilgrim carrying a shrine on s
his back, and boy—on carved dark wood stand
? 27 A dagger, the scabbard of ivory, carved with numerous warriors and *
ladies in low relief
) 28 Another, nearly similar
> 29 An ivory paper-knife, the handle carved with cranes and peonies^ . >
lacquered with plants and insects /
^30 A Miniature Cabinet, of ivory, with three drawers, three small
cupboards, sliding door and open shelves, delicately carved in
high relief with quails and millet seed, basket-pattern base and
back—9 in. high, 6f in. wide —on dark wood stand] carved and
pierced with cloud ornament—in case of the same carved with
basket work— signed
Japanese Clock, with brass dial engraved in the European
taste, in upright rose-wood case mounted with three small ivory
figures of Oni, and surmounted by a figure of Shokei 7
31 A
32 A pair of Dresden plates, with open white and gold borders, the
centres painted with landscapes and figures on dark blue and
gold ground ; and a circular ditto dish, dark blue
painted with a garden scene and lovers
£,33 A pair of Sevres plates, painted with borders of arabesques, animals
and birds, and with the crown and monogram of Louis b
in colours and gold ; and a large cup and saucer, en suite
/< ///
34 A pair of Berlin beakers, painted with medallions of landscapes and
figures in coloured and gilt borders and gilt inside —in case ;
and a pair of small candlesticks, painted with figures onJaj^ 2 ^
35 A large Berlin bowl and cover, painted with subjects of figuri
regaling, &c., and flowers, and with cut lemon knob—12 in. diamj?
36 A pair of large Berlin vase3 and covers, with mask handles, festoons
^' / / cP of pink drapery and gilt laurel in relief, painted with garden^
scenes, figures and flowers—23 in. high
X /«? /S7 A plate, painted with a landscape and Cupids dancing around a tree,
in salmon and black border, richly gilt—in glazed velvet framq^
An oval-shaped plateau, painted with Neptune, river gods and
goddesses and animals in pink border, richly gilt with arabesque ,
ornament—in similar frame Cyy 1 *
j./s, 0 39 A tankard, painted with an interior and figures drinking and
/ / 38
/V, O
smoking, after Teniers, and coloured arabesques on chocolate .
ground in richly gilt border, mounted with metal-gilt cover
/£,/£ .
/«/ 7 ^. £ 41
- 43
«/ A 0 , 0
Cabaret, painted with The Judgment of Paris, Achilles and
Agamemnon, and other classical subjects in lake, green and other
' coloured borders richly gilt, consisting of coffee-pot, chocolate-
pot, hot-milk jug, sucrier and covers, a pair of cups, covers a
saucers, and plateau with pierced border
A Pair of Vase-Shaped Ice-Pails, pierced covers and liners,
painted with subjects from Boccaccio in lake, salmon and gold./,
borders, on tripod stands—17^ in. high
A Pair of Campana-Shaped Vases and Covers, painted with
classical subjects, nymphs and Cupids on pink and gold grouud,
and with gilt mask handles, on square pedestals—21 in. high
A Clock, in pedestal-shaped case of Vienna porcelain, painted with
flowers and lake and gold scroll panels, and a landscape with
peasants and sheep, mounted with metal-gilt— in. high —on
inlaid wood stand
44 A Rouen ware jug and cover, and oval dish, painted with Amphitrite
and festoons of flowers in colours; and a pair of bellows, with
Delft blue and white plaques painted with figures, masks a
raised ornament
45 A blue and white Delft ink-stand, with raised scroll borders, painted^
with figures and flowers; and a ditto model of a commode, with
two drawers '■'C yniy*-
pair of square-shaped blue and white Delft vases and covers
painted with boats; a pair of triple shell sweetmeat dishes ; and
// (i
two small coloured faience ink-stands
46 A
47 A curious vase, of ancient Mexican pottery, with bands of figures in
relief, the lower part entwined by serpents; and a ditto shaped
patera, of red terra cotta, with six figures in relief
From, the Bateman Collection
48 A large ditto vase, of black pottery, with masks in relief, twisted
serpent rim and mask feet, and with incised ornament; and-a
Mexican war idol, of red terra cotta A
From the Bateman Collection
49 Fifteen Crown Derby Plates, painted with named views in
colours in square medallions in the centres, and pale green anc
gold borders
50 A Set of Thuee White and Gold Derby Yases, with open
scroll handles, on circular plinths, each painted with a view in
colours — centre vase 13 in. high—by Bioor
51 A Globular Derby Yase and Pierced Cover, with gilt rams’-
& head handles, on open white and gold tripod, painted with views
in three medallions on green ground —by Bioor —12 in. high
52 A Set of Three Ditto Oviform Vases, pale green, white and
<3 ' ' * / & gold, with open scroll handles, each painted with a basket of
flowers in a medallion —centre vase 12 in. high—by Bloor ^7
ft 53 A pair of Crown Derby seaux, with white and gold shell handles,
painted with groupa of flowers in pale canary-coloured borders <&
ft 54 A ditto ink-stand, with two vases, pounce-box and cover, pen-tray and
cover, serpent handle, painted with flowers in gilt borders d
„ ^ 55 An Old Worcester Tea and Coffee Service, printed with
^7 ' /® landscapes, ruins and figures in colours, consisting of tea-pot,
//< o
cover and stand, coffee-pot, sugar-basin and covers, basin, ten tea¬
cups, four coffee-cups and thirteen saucers yy /C
56 A Crown Derby mug, with decoration in red, blue and gfold ; a ditto,
with cornflowers in green and blue ; a small Worcester blue and
white tea-cup and saucer ; and a dish, with flowers on dark blua
and gold ground /fUZ'&Au
Crown Derby Dessert Service, painted with bouquets of
flowers on white ground, with gilt edges, consisting of oblong
centre dish, four diamond-shaped, three shell-shaped, two heart-
shaped, and two oval fluted dishes, sugar-tureen, cover and stain
and twenty plates
% of—/
58 A Rockingham Dinner Service, painted with bouquets of flowers on
, ft basket-pattern ground, and with gilt edges, consisting of—-
Soup-tureen, cover and stand
Four vegetable-dishes and covers
Three sauce-tureens and covers
Fourteen oval dishes, in sizes
Sixty-nine dinner-plates
Six dessert-plates, and
Twenty-four soup-plates
, 59 A pair of Chelsea vases, with pierced covers surmounted by canaries,
^ 1 ' & encrusted with coloured flowers, and female-mask handles—10 in,
in ft
Jt. -
60 A set of four Lowestoft vases, enamelled with vases of flowers in
colours in blue and white borders—11A in. high c
61 A George III. Jubilee jug, of Liverpool cream-coloured ware, printed
with allegorical figures, views, inscriptions and date October 25^
1809—8 in. high 1 2
62 A larger Liverpool jug, printed with “ Success to America,” em¬
blematic figures, inscriptions, &c.—-9^ in. high
63 Another, printed with a vessel in full sail, in ink and colours, and a
view of Liverpool lighthouse and signals on Bidston Hill
64 A blue and white willow-pattern tea service, consisting of milk-jug,
basin and stand, twelve cups, eight saucers, a dish, a basket and
three stands ; a blue and white puzzle jug, with flowers, a basket
and stand and six plates, printed with a garden scene, and a dish
and strainer, with festoons in blue
65 A Wedgwood dessert service, of octagonal shape, painted with flowers
and foliage, consisting of two dishes on feet, four other dishes an
the Duke of York; and one other medallion portrait
67 A pair of copies of the Barberini vase, in dark crimson jasper j
68 An oblong plaque, carved with the Triumph of Diana in high relief
—5 in. by 7£ in.
69 A pair of ditto, carved in relief with The Death of Sir Philip Sidney,
and Scotch Peers before Queen Margaret—4 in. by 16^ in.
velvet frames
k is
70 Joan of Arc Leading a Charge ; and the Companion : a pair of oblong
plaques carved in high relief—5 in. by 12^ in .—in carved wood j
3%/ f { 1
f.f' * 72
f, 74
/£,/£, o
s£s / , D 76
, «/", * 77
6, /& ,o 78
«?/. tT. o 79
/- /P, / 80
^ , I 1
tf , o 82
Roman battle subjects: a pair of ditto—5 in. by 13£ in. —in carved
wood frames &*-.
A cylindrical vase and cover, carved with a bunting subjepi in hi^
relief, figures of eagles, &c.—9 in. high /Cs
A large tankard and cover, carved with Europa and other Subjects
in bigb relief, and with female-figure handle, surmounted by
Cupid with a guitar—15 in. high
A large cylindrical-shaped vase, carved with a Bacchanalian subject
in high relief—9^ in. high S/2
The Village Band : a set of four figures, with conductor—6^ in. high*
—on carved wood pedestals
A brigand—8 in. high —on ebonised pedestal
A girl reading, leaning on a pedestal, with terminal bus^Y a statuette
—10 in. high —on Algerine onyx plinth
Napoleon I.: a statuette—10 in. high —on ebonised pedestal
Summer and Autumn : a pair of large figures of childen—12£ in.
high —on circular marble plinths
Night and Morning: a pair of statuettes—13^ in. high —on ebonised"
Summer and Autumn: a pair of large figures of an Italian pea^tnt
girl and youth, bearing wheat sheaf and basket of grapes-^.
17i in. high —on ebonised plinths
A small oblong casket, of ivory with ebony borders, carved with
figures of saints and cherubim, foliage, &c. O'?
Another of ivory and box-wood, carved with medallion busts, masks,
arabesques, and borders of zigzag ornament
A large ivory casket, carved with borders of scroll ornament, and
raised panels with figures of warriors, &c. in niches—13J in.
55 A globular vase and cover, painted with classical subjects, and con¬
taining a watch, on enamelled pelican stem and silver-gilt foot,
enamelled and painted with figures and arabesques—9 in. high^
56 A shell-shaped model of a car, painted with figures, and mounted
with enamelled metal-gilt borders and dragon handle, the si^es
of engraved rock-crystal
57 A bowl and cover, in the form of a bird with two necks, painted with
classical subjects and arabesques on silver ground—13 in. high
58 A small ebonised cabinet, with folding doors enclosing drawers
inlaid with enamelled plaques painted with subjects of figures
and columns at the angles, and mounted with metal-gilt—13 ss '
high iL
>9 A knife, fork and spoon, of enamelled silver-gilt, with Viennese enamel
handles painted with figures and arabesques
)0 An oliphant, painted with bands of classical subjects, on kneeling
£ figure stem and hexagonal foot, and cover with figure^ of
warriors and children in relief, surmounted by a pelican
1 An upright plaque, painted with the Virgin and Child in grisaille— ? .
in gilt wood frame '/ /s'? " 77 "
2 An oblong plaque, with two figures at a repast in grisaille and gold
—signed I. L.—in metal-gilt frame
3 A triptych, painted with The Annunciation and two figures of saints
in grisaille—in folding carved wood frame
'4 A larger ditto, painted with a subject from the Life of Christ, saints
and angels in colours —signed I. C., 1539—in folding wood Qy
c/7 ^ ^
/' /• 0
95 A shaped plaque, painted with Christ crucified—in metal-gilt fram
with cherubs in high relief; and a larger ditto, painted with i
group representing Charity, in colours—in nearly similar fram
96 An octagonal ebonised frame, with enamel border, mounted wit!
metal-gilt, containing two small Dresden enanmls painted witl
Scriptural subjects, and relics of saints St
/. /O. 0 97 Three portraits of ladies—in oval metal-gilt frames; and a portrai
of a lady : a large miniature—in leather case sSScSx?*-
. /# . o 98 Mrs. Siddons; and two other portraits of ladies, mounted on velve
heart shield V
99 Countess de Provence and two other ladies, in similar mount
100 The Holy Family : a large miniature —signed G. Marfigli, Rome
/* s* 7 ' & 1767 —in glazed velvet frame
101 An oblong snuff-box, of white Dresden enamel, painted with ai
0^/7 £
f inscription and garden scene inside the lid; and a circula
ditto box, painted with Cupids and small landscapes in pink an<
gilt borders on green ground
rJ 102 A pair of Battersea enamel salt-cellars, painted with small medal
lions of landscapes and figures in colours on pink grounds am
one larger ditto, with flowers on white ground & v
103 A circular box, of Dresden porcelain, painted with bouquets o
flowers and mounted with silver; and a toilet-box and cover, o
Rouen faience, painted with Yenus chastising Cupid, in colours
104 A porcelain scent-bottle, formed as a group of three figures at £
fruit tree, coloured—in leather case
)5 A needle-case, of enamelled silver filigree work ; a pair of enamelled
metal-gilt heart-shaped boxes; and a small Chinese Anted and
pierced ivory box and cover
36 A circular ivory and horn box, the lid carved with The Choice of
Paris, silver mounted; and a pair of ivory medallion portraits
of Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Buckingham—in leather^
)7 Medallion head of a Caesar, carved in clouded amber with ivpry
drapery—in leather case
)8 A vase, of rock-crystal, carved with open elephant’s-head handles
in. high —fitted with chased silver cover and ring handle;
)9 An oval-shaped dish, of enamelled metal-gilt and plaques o
engraved rock-crystal, the centre plaque engraved with The
Finding of Moses
LO A small oval tazza, of striated brown agate, mounted with dragon
handles, rim and stand of enamelled metal-gilt—4f in. high—in
LI A large ebony casket, inlaid with plaques of Capo di Monte porce¬
lain with classical subjects in relief, coloured and gilt, and
figures of the Seasons at the angles, on dolphin stem and plinth^/ 1
—24 in. high
L2 A pair of octagonal Capodi Monte plaques, with Satyrs in relief, in
ehonised frames with gilt metal mounts, the borders inlaid with
coloured stones '■ y . v )
13 A Ship’s Chronometer, by William Rogers, Liverpool —in brassy A/’/?
? bound mahogany case
sfa /V ( V
/, 0 ^
/ * &~-~,
if 4 i? . O
/♦ / , o
A pair of French porcelain oviform vases and covers, painted with
figures —signed P. Philippot, mounted on metal-gilt tricod
stands with rams’ heads in relief
A Louis XVI. Clock, by Eugene Cornu et Cie., in case of
or-molu chased with laurel wreaths and surmounted hy a vase,
and with two bronze figures of Cupids at the sides—22 in.
high /fa
116 A Pair op Louis XV. Candelabra, of brouze and or-molu, with
figures of children bearing cornucopiae branches for two lights
each—131- in. high
117 An Oblong Sheraton Table, of inlaid mahogany, satin and tulip
woods, with rising top in two divisions enclosing glass show
case, and drawer beneath, painted with nymphs, after A. Kauff¬
man, in two oval medallions, cornucopiae and festoons of
flowers suspended by ribbons—29 in. wide /£iS>
118 A Cabinet, en suite, with three doors painted with nymphs in
large medallions, enclosing shelves and drawers, Cupids with
flowers, shells, &c., in ribbon and rose-branch borders on the top
—34 in. high, 54 in. wide ^\
A19 An Upright Secretary, of mahogany, with inlaid satin and rose
wood borders, with fall-down front inlaid with a basket of
flowers, ribands, cords and tassels in coloured woods, drawer
above and three drawers beneath — 59 in. high, 36 in. wide //
120 A Semicircular Folding Card-Table, of inlaid mahogany and
rose-wood, the top and sides inlaid with musical trophies
flowers and arabesques in marqueterie of coloured woods /w
121 An Oblong Table, of old English marqueterie, with sliding top
and drawer beneath, inlaid with birds, flowers and other orna-
ments in coloured woods — 30 in. wide
.22 A Secretary, with shaped front and ends, writing slide and
0 revolving cylinder front and three drawers beneath, inlaid with
birds, cornucopia) and flowers in coloured woods—44 in. high,
43 in. wide
.23 An Oval Table, with two drawers, inlaid with a vase and wreaths
of flowers, birds and scroll foliage in coloured woods—45 in.
124 An Upright Secretary, with fall-down front, drawer above and
folding doors below, similarly inlaid—68 in. high, 40 in. wide
L25 A Set of Six Chippendale Mahogany Chairs and Two Arm
Chairs, with open shield-shaped backs carved with festoons of
drapery, tassels and foliage, the seats covered with old crimson - *
morocco leather &
126 An Upright Ebonised Show Cabinet, with glazed sides and
door with arched top enclosing shelves, and door beneath, with
columns at the angles, and borders inlaid with plaques of
Yiennese enamel painted with classical subjects, arabesques, &c.
in colours, and mounted with enamelled metal-gilt—72 in, hi
36 in. wide
Loudon : Printed by Wu. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.