Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofpictuOOyoun_0 A CATALOGUE OF THE PICTURES AT GROSVENOR HOUSE, LONDON; WITH ETCHINGS FROM THE WHOLE COLLECTION. EXECUTED BY PERMISSION OF THE NOBLE PROPRIETOR, AND ACCOMPANIED BY HISTORICAL NOTICES OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS. JOHN YOUNG, ENGRAVER IN MEZZOTINTO TO HIS MAJESTY, AND KEEPER OF THE BRITISH INSTITUTION. LONDON: J. DOW DING, 82, NEWGATE STREET. TO ROBERT EARL GROSVENOR, VISCOUNT BELGRAVE, BARON GROSVENOR, SfC. 8fC. SfC. THIS WORK is MOST RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS LORDSHIP'S OBEDIENT AND OBLIGED SERVANT, JOHN YOUNG. The following Catalogue has been prepared under the auspices of the Noble Earl whose Pictures it describes; and who has per- mitted Etchings to be executed from the various subjects in his Splendid Collection. These Etchings are submitted to the public, in the hope that they may serve as an agreeable and interesting accompaniment to the Gallery, and a useful book of future reference. It may perhaps have been expected that, on this occasion, a Catalogue Raisonne would be presented to the public, containing critical remarks on the merits of the respective Pictures ; but from that the writer has altogether abstained. Diffident of his own abilities for such an undertaking, he has resigned the direction of public taste to those whose talents and acquirements confer value and authority on their opinions; and he has contented himself with collecting such well authenticated facts and circumstances relative to the Pictures, as appeared to him to be most useful and interesting; subjoining, by way of Appendix, an account, alphabetically arranged, of the several Masters whose works are contained in the Grosvenor Gallery. The basis of this Collection was laid by the late Earl Grosvenor, who, with great judgment, selected some of the best Pictures formerly in the possession of Lord Waldegrave, and Sir Luke Schaub ; to which he added some very fine works, purchased for him in Italy, by Mr. Dalton, then Keeper of His Majesty's Pictures. It is, however, still more creditable to his Lordship's liberality and discrimination, that he discovered and patronized the rising talent of the English School; and selected some of the best productions of West, Gainsborough, Wilson, and Stubbs, which will be found not merely to add to, but to adorn the present Collection. Happily for the Fine Arts, the taste as well as the liberality of the Father has descended to the present Earl; who, at almost un- limited prices, has enriched his Collection with some of the most valuable productions of the Italian, Dutch, and Flemish Schools. To the principal part of the Pictures of the late Marquess of Lansdowne, he has added the entire Collection of Welbore Ellis Agar, (purchased at the price of thirty thousand guineas); from the Collection of the Marquess de Santiago, at Madrid, the inestimable Picture of the Meeting of Jacob and Laban, by Mu- rillo, particularly described by Cumberland in his " Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain;" the Woman taken in Adultery, by Titian, originally in the Barberini Gallery: the Gerrhard Douw, from the Duke of Prseslin's cabinet: the Rembrandt, from the King of Sardinia; the Paul Potter, from Mr. Crawford, of Rot- terdam; and lastly, from the Convent of Loeches, those chef d'oeuvres of Rubens, which are, perhaps, the most splendid specimens in Europe of all that is grand and magnificent in Art. London, April 2, 1821. 3TUBBS. r CATALOGUE. No. 1. CHAMBERLAIN. PORTRAIT OF JANE, LADY GROSVENOR, Grand-mother to the present Earl. J( On Canvas. 3 ft. 10 in. high. 3 ft. 11 in. wide. No. 2. 1>UUcf C^r/lif- STUBBS - THE GROSVENOR HUNT. The Scene is near Eton Hall. Portraits of the late Lord Grosvenor, and of his Brother, Mr. Thomas Grosvenor, &c. are introduced. ^ For this Picture, which has been considered as the best work of the Artist, he received five hundred guineas. Mr. Stubbs was the most eminent Animal Painter of his time. His work on the " Anatomy of the Horse," with Plates, etched by himself, from his own Designs, is highly esteemed. On Canvas. 4 ft. 11 in. high. 7 ft. 11 in. wide. / N °' 3 * • ft (>S Lis' SIR PETER LELY. PORTRAIT OF SIR THOMAS GROSVENOR. This Artist was State Painter to Charles the Second ; and although inferior to his predecessor Vandyke, his Pictures have always been held in high estimation. The instances of Artists accumulating property, are few; and a record of such carries with it a considerable degree of interest, when the means which have been acquired by Art, are employed in promoting its improvement. Sir Peter Lely employed the ample means acquired by his professional labours in the Collection of Pictures and Drawings; and these at his death were so numerous, and were held in such estimation, that his Sale lasted for forty days, and produced twenty-six thousand pounds. The Series of Beauties he painted for his Royal Patron are the most popular, if not the best of his Works. On Canvas. 4 ft. 1| in. high. 3 ft. 4 in. wide. B 2 ANTI ROOM. No. 4. WEST. THE DEATH OF GENERAL WOLFE. The wounded Officer on the right of General Wolfe, is Major General Monckton, second in command, who was shot through the lungs, but who recovered, and lived for many years. The General is supported by Mr. Adair, the Surgeon, on his left, and on his right by his Aid-de-Camp, Captain Hervey Smyth. Immediately above the General is Colonel Barre ; and close to the Officer holding the Colours is Colonel Williamson. Captain Debbieg is introduced behind General Monckton ; and the Officer in the uniform of a native regiment, calling the attention of the General to the French colours, is the late Sir William Howe. The right of the Picture exhibits a Grenadier of the General's own regi- ment, and his servant, lamenting his fate. A prejudice was created against this Picture, during its progress, in consequence of the Artist adopting the modern military costume, instead of the classic dress of Antiquity ; but Earl Grosvenor agreeing with Mr. West, that it would appear ridiculous to represent modern troops in the dress of Greeks and Romans, in recording a victory, which added a great province of America to the British dominions, purchased the Picture. His Majesty afterwards ordered a duplicate for himself; a third is in possession of the family of the Artist; and a fourth was painted for the Earl of Bristol. On Canvas. 4 ft. 11| in. high. 7 ft. wide. No. 5. HOGARTH. THE DISTRESSED POET. This Picture was presented by the Painter to Mrs. Draper, Midwife to Her late Majesty. At Mrs. Draper's death, it was sold for five guineas to Mr. Ward, a Solicitor, who possessed a very considerable collection of pictures; it was afterwards purchased by the late Lord Grosvenor at Mr. Ward's Sale, for about twenty pounds. On Canvas. 2 ft. \ in. high. 2 ft. b\ in. wide. Engraved by the Painter. CAHALTETTl. ANTI ROOM. No. 6. HOPPNER. PORTRAIT OF ROBERT EARL GROSVENOR. On Canvas. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 2 ft. wide. Engraved in Mezzotinto by J. Young, Engraver in Mezzotinto to His Majesty. No. 7. Mr I a . B &r/4^ DE LO uth ER berg. * ^ "> *■*"* ( /*> . SEA SHORE, WITH FISHERMEN LAUNCHING THEIR BOAT. Painted for the late Lord Grosvenor, as a Companion to the Sea Shore of Gains- borough, No. 11. On Canvas. 3ft. 2 in. high. 4 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 8. CANALETTI. L-0>i~ tv Jhi vie- ' A VIEW IN VENICE. WWjiu* The Metropolis of the Adriatic has furnished subjects for the greater part of the Woiks of this Artist. They are generally exact copies of the spots they represent, which greatly adds to the interest they possess ; and by a combination of nature and art, they convey an idea of grandeur and magnificence. On Canvas. 1 ft. 8 in. high. 2 ft. 9 in. wide. 4 ANTI ROOM. STUBBS. PORTRAIT OF BROOD MARES, IN A LANDSCAPE, Presents from Lord Clive and others, to the late Lord Grosvenor. On Canvas. 2 ft. 8 in. high. 8 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 10. HOPPNER. PORTRAIT OF THOMAS GROSVENOR, ESQ. Uncle to the present Earl. On Canvas. 2 ft. 11 in. high. 2 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 11. GAINSBOROUGH, SEA SHORE, WITH FIGURES BUYING FISH. This Picture receives additional value, from the consideration that the Artist employed his pencil only on four subjects of the above description. On Canvas. 3 ft. 3 in. high. 4 ft. 2 in. wide. BAEfSBOB-OTTG ,1 WILSON. NOB.THLCOT3B. 1. J. CHALOTT, 19- ANTI ROOM. No. 12. WILSON. VIEW ON THE RIVER DEE NEAR EATON HALL. Painted for the late Lord Grosvenor. On Canvas. 1 ft. 9 in. high. 2 ft. 11 in. wide. No. 13. NORTHCOTE. A MAN WITH A HAWK. The Portrait of the Artist's Brother; painted for the late Duke of Dorset. This design was taken from a celebrated Picture by Titian, in the Collection of the Earl of Carlisle, f- On Canvas. 4 ft. 2 in. high. 3 ft. 3| in. wide. Engraved by S. W. Reynolds. No. 15. JOHN JAMES CHALON. LANDSCAPE, WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES. Purchased by Earl Grosvenor, at the Gallery of the British Institution. On Canvas. 3 ft. high. 3 ft. 11 in. wide. 6 ANTI ROOM. No ' 14 ' GL^J> t/^xu^ WEST. THE BATTLE OF THE BOYNE. Painted for the late Earl Grosvenor. This is the original Picture, from which Hall engraved his Print. In the centre is King William, on a grey horse, crossing the Boyne, and fol" lowed by his Staff ; amongst whom, immediately above the horsemen in front, Prince George of Denmark and the Duke of Ormond are introduced. On the right, supported by three officers, is the Duke of Schomberg, who was mortally wounded ; and the Rev. George Walker, who was killed in the battle, is seen in the back-ground. On Canvas. 5 ft. high. 6 ft. 11 in. wide. No. 16. GAINSBOROUGH. PORTRAIT OF MASTER BUTTALL, Better known under the Name of the Blue Boy. This Picture was painted in consequence of a dispute between Gains- borough, Sir Joshua Reynolds, and several other Artists. The former having asserted that he thought the predominant colour in a Picture ought to be blue ; the others were of opinion that it was not possible to produce a fine picture on such a principle ; and the Artist in consequence painted this Portrait as an illustration of his opinion. It was considered that he had proved his assertion ; and his performance having excited great attention, and become a general theme of praise with the Artists of that day, tended much to enhance the reputation he had already acquired. This Picture was purchased at Mr. Buttall's sale by Mr. Nesbit ; it became afterwards the property of Mr. Hoppner, who disposed of it to Earl Grosvenor. On Canvas. 5 ft. 10 in. high. 4 ft. wide. Plate TP.*;. WEST. ANTI ROOM. 7 No. 17. HOPPNER. PORTRAIT OF GENERAL GROSVENOR. In the Uniform of a Lieutenant Colonel of the Grenadier Guards. On Canvas. 4 ft. 5 in. high. 3 ft. 3 in. wide. No. 18. WEST. THE BATTLE AT LA HOGUE, • i/V/ v**< I ~) (T"**-w Painted for the late Earl Groavenor. This is the original Picture from which Woollet engraved his celebrated Print. The principal figure directing the attack is Sir George Rooke ; and the small figure in the distance is King James the Second. On Canvas. 5 ft. high. 6 ft. 11 in. wide. [8] No. 19. CARLO MARATTI. | ^ ™- zs~ From the Orleans Collection. A small model for the Picture formerly in the ^ Barberini Palace. On Copper. 8± in. high. 6| in. wide. L IT? 26. TITIAN, JV." 2d. V Jf . A V .ft) il . C. MAEATTI. CX.AX7BE, , DRAWING ROOM. 11 No. 31. CARLO MARATTI. ,„ . , , ^ DAVID AND BATHSHEBA. £ ^ Wt^, (uOi - «' And it came to pass in an evening tide, that David arose from off his bed, ** and walked upon the roof of the King's house: and from the roof he saw a " woman washing herself; and the woman was very beautiful to look upon." 2d of Samuel, v. 2. Oval, on Canvas. 4 ft. 5 in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 27. CLAUDE LORRAINE. LANDSCAPE, WITH PEASANTS DANCING. Painted in 1651. / . . "X • Q , From the Collection of the late Mr. Agar. On Canvas. 3 ft. 2 in. high. 4 ft. 4 in. wide. 12 DRAWING ROOM. No. 32. GIOVANNI BELLINI. THE CIRCUMCISION. |* r >u/<) ,^(Th^ This Picture was formerly in the possession of the celebrated Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray. On Wood. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 3 ft. 4 in. wide. No. 34. NICOLO POUSSIN. ARCAS AND CALISTO. Calisto transformed into a Bear by Juno, is pursued by her son Areas, to whom she was unknown. — Ovid Met. B. ii. On Canvas. 2 ft. 10 in. high. 3 ft. 10 in. wide. No. 37. GUIDO - yt. ft. U., ft THE VIRGIN, WITH THE INFANT CHRIST SLEEPING. This Picture was formerly in the Collection of Sir Luke Schaub, at whose Sale, about seventy years since, it was purchased by the late Lord Grosvenor, at the price of three hundred guineas. The circumstance of a small picture producing so liberal a price, was noticed by most of the peri- odical publications of that day. Sir Luke Schaub was the proprietor of the celebrated Sigismunda, by Corregio; the picture which gave rise to the painting of the same subject by Hogarth. On Wood. 1 ft. 3^ in. high. 2 ft. 8 in. wide. Engraved by Sir Robert Strange. \ PLA.TE 11 JV"3z. & . BBIXOTI it. Potts sitt. RTTTD O , Plate DRAWING ROOM. 13 ^U^^d VELASQUEZ. tW t^ry PORTRAIT OF HIMSELF. On Wood. 1 ft. 10 in. high. 1 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 35. ANDREA DEL SARTO. PORTRAIT OF THE CONTESSINA MATTEL From the Agar Collection. On Wood. 2 ft. high. 1 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 36. NICOLO POUSSIN. THE ISRAELITES RETURNING THANKS FOR THE WATER U, ^ IN THE DESERT. This is considered to he a finished study for the picture in the Collection of the Marquess of Stafford. " And Moses lift up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: " and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their " beasts also." Numbers, ch. xx. v. 11. On Canvas. 1 ft. 7^ in. high. 1 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 38. NICOLO POUSSIN. BOYS AT PLAY. 1 ^ ^ ^ ' This celebrated picture was one of the Agar Collection, and has been ^ ' GA**+.t successfully engraved by Mr. Smith, and also by Mr. Woodman for Foster and Tomkins's British Gallery. On Canvas. 1 ft. 9 in. high. 1 ft. Of wide. Engraved by Capt. Baillie. No. 39. PAOLO VERONESE. THE MARRIAGE FEAST. & A Model for the celebrated picture in Venice. On Canvas. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 5 ft. 10 in. wide. U. Engraved by E. Smith. 14 DRAWING ROOM. No. 40. GIOVANNI BELLINI. 'S 2 ^ ^ ' 3 ' . THE VIRGIN, WITH THE INFANT CHRIST, ST. FRANCIS, AND OTHER SAINTS. Formerly the property of Archbishop Fenelon. On Wood. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 3 ft. 4 in. wide. No. 42. GASPAR POUSSIN. LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES: A MORNING SCENE. From the Agar Collection. 3 W' On Canvas. 3 ft. 1 in. high. 4 ft. 4 in. wide. Engraved by S. Middiman. No. 45. FEDERIGO BARROCCIO. THE REPOSO. ^ Purchased bv Mr. Dalton. in Italv. for the late Lord Grnsvennr. « Purchased by Mr. Dalton, in Italy, for the late Lord Grosvenor. On Slate. 1 ft. 5± in. high. 1 ft. 10 J in. wide. Engraved by the Painter. Irr'V FLJTE 14. BATR'OC'L'IO . TZATE I CLATDBE. k*** DRAWING ROOM. 15 RAPHAEL. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH ST. JOHN. On Wood. 2 ft. 1 in. high. 1 ft. 8 in. wide. No. 43. FRA. BARTOLOMEO. HOLY FAMILY. On Wood. 1 ft. 11 in. high. 1 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 44. GUIDO RENI. THE SHEPHERD'S OFFERING. A finished Model for one of his large Pictures. Octagon, on Wood. 1 ft. 4 in. high. 1 ft. 4 in. wide. P-u V. c, y) RAPHAEL. ^ PUOwb fU^~ SAINT JOHN IN THE DESERT. 8 The Pitti Palace, at Florence, contains a similar composition, by the same Master, on a larger scale ; and a repetition was in the Collection of the late Duke of Orleans. On Wood. 1 ft. 3 in. high. 1 ft. li in. wide. Engraved by Bervic. No. 50. RAPHAEL. THE REPOSO, WITH ANGELS. S K 0"\VT tAr^ This singular Cabinet picture formed one of the most distinguished ornaments of the Agar Collection ; and from its size and form, appears to Lf~*v Ca^vw^v/**\ I*-U.j have been intended as a companion to No. 56. It is worthy of notice, that the extraordinary carving of the frame was said to be executed by the Monks of the Convent for whom the picture was painted. .(U^U^iC On Wood. 1 ft. 6 in. high. 1 ft. 0| in. wide. LuA)<^C Ac<^n j UJ' No. 51. RUBENS. THE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL. This appears to have been the first thought for the Grand Gallery picture, in the Collection of Mr. Miles, of Bristol. On Wood. 1 ft. 4| in. high. 11 in. wide. I BASS AIT. Raphael. GUIDO. BAPHAB1. BARROCHIO. DRAWING ROOM. 17 No. 53. BASSAN. THE SHEPHERD'S OFFERING. The Pictures of this Master are seldom seen on so small a scale. On Canvas. 1 ft. 61 in. high. 1 ft. 11 in. wide. Engraved by Stadler. ft^M** RAPHAEL. ^'fr^ THE VIRGIN, WITH THE INFANT CHRIST SLEEPING, IWay From the Lansdowne Collection. {-. j*Vs On Canvas. 2 ft. 10 in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. Engraved by Bartolozzi. No. 72. BLr JoM-l CLAUDE. • LANDSCAPE, MORNING: THE RISE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE ^ The Companion to No. 70. From the Agar Collection. On Canvas. 2 ft. 1 in. high. 3 ft. 2 in wide. r H\ Potus sift. THE GALLERY. 25 No. 73. RUBENS. THE FATHERS OF THE CHURCH. Pope Gregory, St. Jerome, Ambrose, and Augustin , with the Arch- Duchess Isabella Clara Eugenia, the great friend and patron of Rubens, in the character of St. Clair, carrying the consecrated Host in a pix, attended by the Dominican, Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Norbert. This is one of the series of Pictures presented by Philip the Fourth to the Duke d'Olivarez. See No. 60. On Canvas. 14 ft. high. 14 ft. 6 in. wide. E 26 THE GALLERY. No. 74. A. DEL SARTO. U is HOLY FAMILY, WITH SAINT JOSEPH AND SAINT ELIZABETH. A repetition of the Picture in the Louvre. From the Agar Collection. On Canvas. 4 ft. 7 in. high. 3 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 75. TITIAN. THE WOMAN TAKEN IN ADULTERY. From the Barberini Gallery. " And the Scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in Adultery. M>M K0.S2. " Now Moses in the law commanded us that such should be stoned: but what \#> sayestthou?" YH^«^ " He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." St. John, chap. 8, v. 3, 5, 7. The figure on the Left, with the paper in his hand, is supposed to be a Portrait of the person for whom the Picture was painted. This Picture was brought to Paris by a French Officer, and subsequently purchased by Earl Grosvenor. It is in fine preservation, and few Pictures of this great master of colour have remained in so pure a state. On Canvas. 5 ft. 3 in. high. 6 ft. 8 in. wide. I TITIAN A THE GALLERY. 27 No. 76. RUBENS. ^S^Sx^ PORTRAITS OF HIMSELF AND HIS FIRST WIFE. Rubens is represented as drawing the attention of his Wife to a distant prospect ; the flowers were painted by Velvet Breughel, who was particu- larly patronised by this great artist. This Picture was purchased by the late Mr. Agar, from the celebrated Collection of Sir Gregory Page Turner. The learned connoiseur will not fail to recognize in this fine Picture an allusion to the story of the celebrated Greek painter, Pausias, and Glycera his Mistress. On Canvas. 7 ft. 7 in. high. 6 ft. 2 in. wide. 28 THE GALLERY. No. 77. LODOVICO CARRACCI. HOLY FAMILY. l^lA v^> From the Agar Collection. \\ , (VwLWu^ ' The ancient Masters having devoted nearly the whole of their time to the decoration of Churches and Monasteries, accounts for the frequent recur- rence of this subject. The application of the Fine Arts to purposes of devo- tion was not only permitted, but enjoined by the religion of their times. On Canvas. 4 ft. 2 in. high. 3 ft. ^ in. wide. Engraved by Raimbach. No. 78. RUBENS. 1XION EMBRACING THE FALSE JUNO. Formerly in the celebrated Collection of Sir Gregory Page, of Blackheath ; from whose son it was purchased by the late Mr. Agar. On Canvas. 5 ft. 7 in. high. 8 ft. 1 in. wide. Z8 j ■ 1> » Plate [29] No. 79. RUBENS. TWO ANGELS. From the Agar Collection. This Picture is apparently a Study for one of his larger Compositions. On Canvas. 3 ft. high. 2 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 81. THE TRIUMPH OF VENUS, On Canvas. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 3 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 80. CORREGGIO. 1)14 HOLY FAMILY IN A LANDSCAPE. ^ This exquisite Picture, in point of taste, colour, and composition, has not been exceeded by the best examples of the Italian School ; it was held in such estimation by Sir Joshua Reynolds, that he made an offer of two thousand pounds for it to Mr. Agar. On Canvas. 2 ft. 2 in. high. 1 ft. 7 in. wide. 30 THE SALOON. PIETRO DA CORTONA. THE ANGEL APPEARING TO HAGAR. v Purchased many years since by the late Earl Grosvenor. See Quotation, No. 19. Gen. chap. 16, v. 7 and 8. On Wood. 3 ft. 8 in. high. 4 ft. 10 in. wide. c Mil No. 83. BERGHEM. /ol—Vv, LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES AND CATTLE. Formerly in the Collection of M. M. de Julienne ; de Gagnac, and de Gagny. This Picture was disposed of at a public sale in Paris, about fifty years since. Several English gentlemen appearing as competitors for it, agreed that it should be purchased by one of their number, and that the possession of it should be determined by drawing lots. Mr. Agar was the successful adventurer, and we may form a judgment of the estimation in which the Picture was held, by stating, that the price paid for it was twelve hundred pounds. On Canvas. 4 ft. 8 in. high. 6 ft. 10 in. wide. N'8z. THE SALOON. 31 No. 84. P. VERONESE. f 5 2 ^ Ko . THE SALUTATION. ^ fl tJJjtZ %4o " And the Angel came in unto her, and said, hail, thou art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women." " And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be." — St. Luke, ch. 1, v. 28, 29. 3 ft. 2 in. high. 2 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 92. PIETRO DA CORTONA. ' ^'(6, THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE. On Canvas. 2 ft. 10 in. high. 2 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 85. j MURILLO. ^ ^ ^ ' ' SAINT JOHN. Q&y fiy, This Picture was brought from Genoa by Mr. Andrew Wilson, from whom it was purchased by its present possessor. On Canvas. 2 ft. 5 in. high. 2 ft. 9 in. wide. No. 93. \^ SASSO FERRATO. 5^ ^ ^ . 4f VIRGIN AND CHILD, WITH SAINT JOHN. H NWU: ^r^*^ From the Agar Collection. On Canvas. 2 ft. 11 in. high. 2 ft. 4 in. wide. 32 THE SALOON. No. 86. PHILIP DE KONING. A VIEW IN NORTH HOLLAND. On Canvas. 4 ft. 2 in. high. 5 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 87. JOHN ELIAS RIDINGER. DEER IN A LANDSCAPE. This Picture is the only known work of the Artist in this country. On Wood. 8 in. high. 10 in. wide. No. 90. ALBANO. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. On Copper. 9 in. high. 7 in. wide. No. 89. POLIDORO. SAINT PETER. This Picture, and the Companion, No. 91, were, originally, the doors of a Cabinet, and have been esteemed the most exquisite works of the master in his country. On Wood. 8^ in. high. 3 in. wide. j P«AAvw ^> No. 91. / U-.l^4(,Jv POLIDORO. SAINT PAUL. Companion to No. 89. On Wood. 8i in. high. 3 in. wide. J!-:>T. Pox, ! ,".) OR O. POLIDO ES.O. TRTfiYlSANI. « 7 THE SALOON. 33 No. 94. TREVISANI. JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BRETHREN. " Then there passed by Midianites merchantmen : and they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit, and sold Joseph to the Ishmaelites for twenty pieces of silver : and they brought Joseph into Egypt. Genesis, ch. 37, v. 28. On Canvas. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 5 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 95. TENIERS. LANDSCAPE, WITH PORTRAITS OF THE ARTIST AND HIS WIFE, In conversation with a Gardener. O In the back ground, across the water, is a view of the Castle of Teniers. From the Collection of the late Marquess of Lansdowne. On Canvas. 4 ft. high. 8 ft. 3 in. wide. ^Vt). \ (d^&t Gvi/*S)KuLj ^T«->v-v»~^ fX/rf*^—, ^VW\ , F 34 THE SALOON. No. 97. ANDREA DEL SARTO. HOLY FAMILY. From the Agar Collection. On Canvas. 2 ft. 6 in. high. 1 ft. 10 in. wide. No. 96. VANDYKE. THE MARRIAGE OF ST. CATHERINE. From the Agar Collection. On Canvas. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 3 ft. wide. no. 98. %$rcl . Bvtr GASPAR POUSSIN. VIEW OF THE SYBIL'S TEMPLE AT TIVOLI. I bra This Picture was purchased at Lord Waldegrave's sale. The Compa- nion, the Fall at Tivoli, was, at the same time, sold to the late Lord Ash- burnham, and is now in the possession of the present Earl. Both Pictures have been extremely well engraved for " Pond's Collec- tion of Landscapes from Claude and Poussin. Oval, on Canvas. 3 ft. 3 in. high. 2 ft. 8 in. wide. A.I3E3. SARTO. Pot .so j ES . Both. [35] No. 101. RUBENS. £*X> SARAH SENDING AWAY HAGAR. From the Agar Collection. Mrs. Siddons was so much struck with the dignified attitude of Sarah, that she considered it as a model worthy of her imitation, and visited the Agar Collection several times for the express purpose of studying it. On Wood. 2 ft. 4 in. high. 3 ft. 4 in. wide. CUYP. LANDSCAPE, FIGURES AND CATTLE. This Picture is exquisitely painted, and a true representation of nature. On Wood. 1 ft. 4 in. high. 1 ft. 10 in. wide. No. 100. CUYP. SHEEP. This Picture is esteemed as a fine specimen of the Artist. On Wood. 1 ft. 1§ in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. ft [f] icff) No. 105. BOTH. LANDSCAPE, WITH FIGURES. f ^ V / H*-n ^ Canvas. 3 ft. 6 in. high. 4 ft. 3 in. wide. 36 ANTI DINING ROOM. No. 104. WOUWERMANS. A HORSE FAIR. On Canvas. 1 ft. 11 in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 103. TENIERS. A DUTCH FAMILY SAYING GRACE On Wood. 1 ft. 2 in. high. 1 ft. 9± in. wide. VW. 6tM~oAr*JL tJm^c^ \% .f«L 1774(61) No. 102. REMBRANDT. HIS OWN PORTRAIT WHEN YOUNG. From the Collection of M. de Calonne. This Picture is said to be the earliest known representation of the Artist. In point of finishing, it is equal to the finest works of Gerrhard Douw ; and was one of the first Pictures added to this Gallery by the present Proprietor. On Wood. 1 ft. 31 in. high. 11 in. wide. L No. 106. RUBENS. A VIEW IN HOLLAND, WITH HARVEST PEOPLE. This Picture will be viewed with particular interest, being the work of the celebrated Artist at the age of 1 8 or 20. On Wood. 1 ft. 21 in. high. 1 ft. 10 in. wide. No. 107. TENIERS. AN INTERIOR, WITH FIGURES SMOKING. On Canvas. 1ft. 10 in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. *. PLATE 3d WOUWIRMAKS. y°i07. . v. ANTI DINING ROOM. 37 No. 108. FYT. A HAWK AND OTHER BIRDS. On Canvas. 3 ft. 1 in. high. 4 ft. 3 in. wide. Iftr^o. tic To-At- On Canvas. No. 113. FYT. DEAD GAME. 3 ft. 2 in. high. 4 ft. 5 in. wide. No. 112. VANGOYEN. VIEW OF A TOWN IN HOLLAND. On Wood. 2 ft. 2 in. high. 3 ft. 1 in. wide. £v4 t6^£- No. 109. HOBBEMA. A FOREST SCENE: WITH FIGURES PAINTED BY A. VANDEVELDE. From the Agar Collection, and formerly in the possession of Mon. Fiziau of Amsterdam. On Canvas. 2 ft. 11 in. high. 4 ft. 1 in. wide. No. 114. HOBBEMA. A FOREST SCENE: vV From the Agar Collection, and formerly in the possession of Mon. Fiziau of Amsterdam. 2 ft. 10 in. high. 3 ft. 11 in. wide. f\ WITH FIGURES PAINTED BY A. VANDEVELDE. On Canvas. 38 ANTI DINING ROOM. No. 110. CUYP. A MOONLIGHT, WITH CATTLE. On Wood. 2 ft. 4 in. high. 1 ft. 7 in. wide. No. 111. CUYP. A RIVER VIEW, WITH BOATS AND FIGURES. This Artist has been justly celebrated for his correct representation of the particular times of the day. The glow of heat in a calm summer's day is given with all the truth of nature. On Wood. 2 ft. 2 in. high. 1 ft. 6 in. wide. No. 115. PAUL POTTER. LANDSCAPE; A VIEW NEAR THE HAGUE, WITH CATTLE AND FIGURES. This Picture was painted for Van Slinglandt, in whose possession it remained until the year 1750, when it was purchased by a celebrated Col- lector, and taken to Paris; it was afterwards sold to Mr. Crawford, of Rotterdam, at a public auction in that city for £1350. It is worthy of remark, that after a lapse of nearly two hundred years, the scenery remains in the state the Artist saw it ; and the house with a turret in the distance, now the property of a friend of Mr. Crawford, is scrupulously preserved unal- tered ; exhibiting an uncommon instance of forbearance, and respect for a spot which promises to be immortalised by the fascinating pencil of Potter. On Wood. 1 ft. 6 in. high. 1 ft. 8 in. wide. No. 116. A. VANDEVELDE. A FARM YARD, WITH CATTLE. From the Le Brim Cabinet. On Canvas. 1 ft. 7 in. high. 1 ft. 11 in. wide. > I'ZATE ^ ANTI DINING ROOM. 39 No. 119. LE NAIN. AN ITALIAN SCENE, WITH FIGURES. On Canvas. 1 ft. 9| in. high. 2 ft. 1 in. wide. Hf2- No . 120. REMBRANDT AND TENIERS. LANDSCAPE, WITH FISHERMEN. The Figures in the foreground of this Picture are from the Pencil of Teniers, who afterwards selected it for his private Collection. On Wood. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 5 ft. 2 in. wide. r No. 121. CHEV. VANDERWERF. HOLY FAMILY. From the Agar Collection. This Picture was painted for the Elector Palatine, who presented it to Cardinal Ottoboni. On Canvas. 1 ft. 9i in. high. '■AAA. a 1 ft. b\ in. wide. No. 122. REMBRANDT. THE VIRGIN AND SAINT ELIZABETH. This celebrated Picture, which, on the Continent, was considered as the chef d'oeuvre of the master, was formerly in the collection of the King of Sardinia, and was added to this Gallery in 1812. The date shews it to have been executed when the Artist was only thirty-four years of age, and before he had adopted his latter style. The subject is taken from the description given by Saint Luke, of Mary's visit to Elizabeth, previous to the birth of our Saviour. At the moment of Mary's Salutation, Elizabeth spoke out with a loud voice, " BLESSED ART THOU AMONG WOMEN." On Wood. 1 ft. in. high. 1 ft. 7 in. wide. Engraved by Burnett. No. 123. GERRHARD DOUW. INTERIOR OF A CHAMBER; A WOMAN SUCKLING A CHILD. From the celebrated Cabinet of the Due de Praeslin. Of all the Flemish Painters this artist holds the most conspicuous rank. He was not less distinguished for the sweetness of his pencil, than by the truth of his co- louring; while he is allowed to have excelled all others in delicacy and finishing. His pictures have been equally the objects of admiration of his own countrymen, and with the connoisseurs in Italy; and they have always been sold at high prices. Many of the most celebrated collections boast the possession of even a moderate specimen, while this is esteemed among the finest of his works. The Companion Picture is in his Majesty's Collection. On Canvas. 1 ft. 7 in. high. 1 ft. 3 in. wide. 1 40 ANTI DINING ROOM. No. 117. REMBRANDT. PORTRAIT OF THE WIFE OF BERGHEM. On Wood. 2 ft. 1 in. high. 2 ft. 4 in. wide. No. 124. REMBRANDT. PORTRAIT OF BERGHEM. This Picture, and the Companion, No. 1 17, appear to have been painted when Berghem was about thirty years old, and consequently, when Rem- brandt was forty-eight. They were added to this Collection by the late Earl Grosvenor. The real name of this artist was Van Haerlem ; and it is said, that while pursuing his studies under Van Goyen, he was one day followed by his father to his master's house for the purpose of chastising him ; and Van Goyen wishing to screen him from the effects of his father's rage, called out to his other scholars, " Berg-hem," which means " hide him," by which name he was afterwards known. On Pannel. 2 ft. 8 in. high. 2 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 118. REMBRANDT. A MAN WITH A HAWK. On Canvas. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 3 ft. 1 in. wide. No. 125. REMBRANDT. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. On Canvas. 3 ft. 7 in. high. 3 ft. 1 in. wide. TE 40. HEMERANB.T. REMBRANDT. *2?°128. S ?AGNO L E T T €> , b3 [41] mining, maont No. 126. On Canvas. GUERCINO. ^S'M ^ A MADONNA. 2 ft. 11 in. high. 2 ft. 4 in. wide. ^ ft^Cu-j , ' 'J No. 128. ZUCCHERELLI. ^ MACBETH, WITH THE WITCHES. *> — -"/Vv ~Ula Although this Picture, from its strong resemblance to the Spanish School, ^ has been given to Morales, the fact is not exactly ascertained ; but its merits are such as entitle it the distinguished rank it has obtained. On Canvas. 3 ft. 4 in. high. 2 ft. 5 in. wide. 44 DINING ROOM. No. 136. RUBENS. THE WISE MEN'S OFFERING. From the Collection of the late Marquess of Lansdowne. " And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down and worshipped him : and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts, gold, frankincense, and myrrh." Saint Matthew, ch. ii. v. 11. This Picture was painted for the altar-piece of the Chapel of White Nuns, at Lovain, and has been considered on the Continent, to be a chef d'ceuvre of this great Master ; with the singular reputation of having been enti re- painted by himself in eleven days. On Canvas. 10 ft. 9 in. high. 8 ft. 1 in. wide. Rubens . \ Finite „ , . 1 Wfi 3 7 SCHH>OITE . DINING ROOM, 45 V No. 134. SALVATOR ROSA. HIS OWN PORTRAIT. This Artist has been equally celebrated as a Poet and a Painter. He is here exhibited as a poet, in the act of writing ; and from the strong marks of individuality in the countenance, the Portrait has the appearance of having been a correct resemblance. On Canvas. 4 ft. 5 in. high. 3 ft. 1 in. wide. R-Vrl No. 137. SALVATOR ROSA. THE MARYS AT THE TOMB. " In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn, came Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, to see the sepulchre." " The angel of the Lord descended from Heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it." " And the Angel said unto the women, Fear not ye, for I know that ye seek Jesus which was crucified." " He is not here : for he is risen, as he said: Come, see the place where the Lord lay. St. Matthew, c. xxviii. v. 1,2, 5, 6. On Canvas. 4 ft. 4 in. high. 3 ft. in. wide. 1 U 1 / y 1^ 7 No. 135. PARMIGIANO. THE VISION OF ST. JEROME. A model for the celebrated large Picture, now in the Collection of George Watson Taylor, Esq. On Wood. 1 ft. 5 in. high. 1 ft. 1 in. wide. No. 138. SCHIDONE. MAGDALEN, WITH ANGELS. l^o 1 r - (vl J 0n Canvas , j ft< 31 in- high, ! ft , l i in . wide . 3^ 5r^< 46 DINING ROOM. No. 139. HORIZONTE. LANDSCAPE. On Canvas. 4 ft. 4 in. high. 3 ft. wide. No. 142. ■ . . , VELASQUEZ. ^3 ^ ^^J^ ' PORTRAIT OF THE PRINCE OF ASTURIAS. Son of Philip the IVth. attended by the Due d'Olivarez and other Officers of State at the gate of the Palace. On Canvas. 4 ft. 9 in. high. 3 ft. 2 in. wide. No. 140. ANDREA DEL SARTO. HEAD OF ST. JOHN. A Study for one of his large Pictures. On Wood. 10 in. high. 8 in. wide. No. 141. TINTORETTO. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD. From the celebrated Collection of M. de Calonne. On Canvas. 2 ft. 4| in. high. 2 ft. wide. No. 143. ANDREA DEL SARTO. ] *°) l ** ^"j A HEAD OF CHRIST. \fl . |U~ A Study ; Companion to No. 1 40 On Wood. 10 in. high. 8 in. wide. 'J? LATE 46 AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MASTERS, WITH REFERENCES TO THEIR PERFORMANCES. Place of Nativity. Date. Death. Albano, Francesco, - Bologna, - - 1578 1640 Saloon, 81, 90. Bartolomeo, Francesco, ^ ^^"nS*™ \ 1469 1517 Drawing Room, 43. Bassano, Giacomo, - Bassano, - - 1510 1592 Drawing Room, 53. Bellini, Giovanni, - Venice, - - 1422 1512 Drawing Room, 32, 40. Be rretini, P. da Cortona, Cortona, - - 1596 1669 Saloon, 82, 92. Berghem, Nicholas, - Haerlem, - - 1624 1683 Saloon, 83. Both, John, - - - Utrecht, - - 1610 1650 Anti Dining Room, 105. Barroccio, Frederick, - Urbino, - - 1528 1612 Drawing Room, 45, 57. Bran, Charles Le, - Paris, - - 1619 1690 Drawing Room, 47. C analetti, - Venice, Anti Room, 8. Carracci, Lodovico, - Bologna, Drawing Room, 28. Gallery, 77. Chamberlain, Mason, - Anti Room, 1. Chalon, J. J. - - - Anti Room, 15. 1697 1768 1555 1619 1787 1600 1682 Claude, ----- Lorraine, Drawing Room, 27, 29, 46. Gallery, 59, 62, 64, 67, 70, 72. Dining Room, 132. Correggio, - - - - 1494 1534 Saloon, 80. Cuyp, - - - Dort, - - - 1606 Anti Dining Room, 99, 100, 110, 111. Domenichino, - Bologna, - - 1581 1641 Drawing Room, 21, 22. Douiv, Gerrhard, - - Leyden, Anti Drawing Room, 123. - 1613 1674 Fytt, Place of Nativity. - - - Antwerp, - Date. Death. 1625 Anti Dining Room, 108, 113. Gainsborough, Thomas Sudbury, - - 1727 1788 Anti Room, 11, 16. Guido, Reni, - - - Bologna, - - 1575 1642 Drawing Room, 37, 44, 48, 55. Gallery, 63. Guercino, - - - - Cento, - - 1590 1666 Dining Room, 126. Hogarth, William, - London, - - 1698 1764 Anti Room, 5. Hoppner, John, - - London, - - 1758 1810 Anti Room, 6, 10, 17. Hobbema, - - - \ Antwerp or > a ^ QUt \q\\ ( Haerlem. $ Anti Dining Room, 109, 114. Horizonte, - - Antwerp, - - 1656 1740 Dining Room, 139. Koning, de, - Saloon, 86. - - Amsterdam, 1619 1689 Lehj, Sir Peter, - - Soest, Westphalia, 1617 1680 Anti Room, 3. Loutherbourgh, J. P. Strasburg, - - 1734 1812 Anti Room, 7. Marratti, Carlo. Camorara near Ancona, 1625 1713 Drawing Room, 19, 31. Murillo,, - - Pilos, near Seville, 1613 1685 Drawing Room, 52. Gallery, 69. Saloon, 85. Mignon, Ab. - - - Franckfort, - 1639 1679 Dining Room, 130. Mengs,Antonio Raphael, Auszig in Bohemia,1728 1779 Dining Room, 131. Morales, - Badajos, - - 1509 1586 Dining Room, 133. Northcote, James, - Anti Room, 13. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF THE MASTERS, &c. Place of Nativity. Date. Death. Poiissin, Gaspar, - - Rome, - - - 1600 1663 'Dining Room, '23, 42. Saloon, 98. Poussin, Nicolo, - Andel in Normandy 1594 1665 Drawing Room, 34, 36, 38. Gallery, 71. Pietro Perugino, - Perusia, - - 1446 1524 Drawing Room, 24. Parmigiano, - Parma, - - 1504 1556 Drawing Room, 30. Dining Room, 135. Polidoro, Saloon, 89, 91. Potter, Paul, - - - Enkhuysen, 1625 1654 Anti Dining Room, 115. Reynolds,Sir Joshua, Plympton, Devon. 1723 1792 Drawing Room, 25. Raphael, da Urbino, 1483 1520 Drawing Room, 41, 49, 50, 54, 56. Ilubcns, Sir Peter Paul, Cologne, - - 1577 1640 Drawing Room. 51. Gallery, 60, 6/i, 65, 68, 73, 76. psaloon, 79. Anti Drawing Room, 101. 106. Dining Room, 136. Ridinger, John Elias, Ulm, in Swabia, 1695 Saloon, 87. Rembrandt, near Leyden, - 1606 1668 Anti Dining Room, 102, 117, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125. Rosa, Salvator, - - Naples, - - 1614 1673 Dining Room, 134, 137. Stubbs, George, - - Liverpool, - 1724 1806 Anti Room, 2, 9. Sarto, Andrea del, - Florence, - - 1488 1530 Drawing Room, 35. Gallery, 74. Saloon, 97. Dining Room, 140, 143. Snyder s, Francis, - - Antwerp, - - 1579 1657 Gallery, 58. Schidone, Bartolomeo, Modena, - - 1560 1616 Dining Room, 138. 1'lace of Nativity- - Rome, Date. Death. 1594 1668 Sacchi, Andrea, Gallery, 66. Spagnoletto, - - - Sativa, in Spain, 1589 1656 Dining Room, 127. Titian ----- Friuli,Ven. Terr. 1480 1576 Drawing Room, 26. Gallery, 75, Zfe Trevisani, Francesco - Trieste, - - 1656 1746 In the Saloon, 94. Teniers, David, - - Antwerp, - - 1610 1694 Saloon, 95. Anti Dining Room, 103, 107, 120. Tintoretto, - - - - Venice, - - 1512 1594 Dining Room, 141. Vinci, Lionardo da, - Florence, - - 1445 1520 Drawing Room, 20. Vandevelde, A. - - Amsterdam, - 1639 1672 Anti Dining Room, 116. Velasquez, Don Diego, Seville. - - 1594 1660 Drawing Room, 33. Dining Room, 142. Veronese, Paolo, - - Verona, - - 1530 1588 Drawing Room, No. 39. Vandyck, Sir Anthony, Antwerp, - - 1599 1641 Saloon, 96. Vangoyen, John, - - Leyden, - - 1596 1656 Anti Dining Room, 112. Vanderwerf, Adrian, - Rotterdam, - 1659 1727 Anti Dining Room, 121. Vernet, Joseph, - - Avignon, - - 1712 1789 Dining Room, 129. Anti Room, 4, 14, 18. Wilson, Richard, - - Wales, - - 1714 1782 Anti Room, 12. Wouivermans, Philip, Haerlem, - - 1620 1668 Anti Dining Room, 104. Zuccherelli, Francis, - Florence, - - 1710 1788 Dining Room, 128. London: Printed by R. J. Richards, 48, Crooked Lane. 7,Wvb^*v% &4»ti3a . [<.IW noting Kx,y ^ V^^^uX ■i ffA