“ PRINTS ON SLUBBING FAST TO MILLING (VIGOUREUX PRINTING). TRADE- MARK. Wm * ■ [ CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY 182 and 184 FRONT STREET NEW YORK BOSTON : 39 Oliver street PHILADELPHIA : 126 and 128 south front street PROVIDENCE: 64 exchange place ATLANTA: 47 north pryor street MONTREAL: Canada, 59 william street. €>6 7 . 2 . C2.73' No 3360 . • Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class A 6 7 ' 2 . Book^JSJC 33G 0 ^4 ccesswn.kS^~-^~®~ REFERENCE GIVEN BY ~ I PRINTS ON SLUBBING FAST TO MILLING (VIGOUREUX PRINTING). TRADE- CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY 182 and 184 FRONT STREET NEW YORK BOSTON: 39 Oliver street PHILADELPHIA : 126 and 128 south front street PROVIDENCE: 64 exchange place ATLANTA: 47 north pryor street MONTREAL: Canada: 59 william street. No 3360 . g’Vfcl'^sH PRINTS ON SLUBBING FAST TO MILLING (VIGOUREUX PRINTING). No 1 . 30 parts Anthracene Yellow GG 20 chromium fluoride. No 2. 30 parts Anthracene Yellow BN 20 chromium fluoride. No 3. 30 parts Anthracene Yellow BN 20 chromium fluoride. No 4. 30 parts Vigoureux Bed A 20 5, chromium fluoride. No 5. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Violet B 20 chromium fluoride. No 6. 40 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown DWN 25 chromium fluoride. No 7. 40 parts Anthracene Chromate Brown WG pat. 25 55 chromium fluoride. No 8. 40 parts Anthracene Chromate Brown WS pat. 25 55 chromium fluoride. No 9. 20 parts Anthracene Chromate Brown EB 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 10. 40 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 25 55 chromium fluoride. No 11. 40 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown SWB pat. 25 55 chromium fluoride. No 12. 40 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown KDB pat. 25 5, chromium fluoride. No 13. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue B pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 14. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue BB pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 15. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue G pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 16. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue F pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 17. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue BBW extra powder pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 18. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue BW extra powder pat. 20 55 chromium fluoride. No 19. 20 parts Anthracene Acid Blue RR pat. 20 » chromium fluoride. No 20. 40 parts Anthracene Acid Blue EB pat. 25 chromium fluoride. No 21. 40 parts Anthracene Acid Blue ER pat. 25 If chromium fluoride. No 22. 30 parts Anthracene Blue Black BE pat. 20 If chromium fluoride. No 23. 30 parts Anthracene Blue Black BG pat. 20 » chromium fluoride. No 24. 30 parts Anthracene Blue Black C pat. 20 If chromium fluoride. No 25. 40 parts Vigoureux Green B pat. 25 » chromium fluoride. No 26. 40 parts Anthracene Chromate Green KFF extra pat. 25 if chromium fluoride. No 27. 40 parts Alizarine Brilliant Green G pat. 25 If chromium fluoride. No 28. 40 parts Alizarine Brilliant Green SE pat. 25 chromium fluoride. No 29. 30 parts Anthracene Chromate Grey KB pat. 20 If chromium fluoride. No 30. 30 parts Anthracene Chromate Grey G 20 chromium fluoiide. No 31. 30 parts Anthracene Chrome Black B for Vigoureux Printing pat. 20 chromium fluoride. No 32. 75 parts Anthracene Chrome Black B for Vigoureux Printing pat. 40 chromium fluoride. No 33. 75 parts Anthracene Chrome Black B for Vigoureux Printing pat. 40 jj chromium fluoride. No 34. 90 parts Anthracene Chrome Black PPN extra pat. 45 H chromium fluoride. No 35. 90 parts Anthracene Chrome Black P extra pat. 45 if chromium fluoride. No 36. 65 parts Anthracene Chrome Black F pat. 40 if chromium fluoride. No 37. 20 parts Anthracene Yellow BN 15 „ Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 20 » chromium fluoride. No 38. 20 parts Anthracene Yellow BN 30 a Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 15 a Vigoureux Green B pat. 35 a chromium fluoride. 2 No 39. 10 35 15 35 No 40. 15 40 35 No 41. 15 20 20 35 No 42 25 parts Anthracene Blue Black BE pat. 3 Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 20 „ chromium fluoride. No 43* 6.5 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue F pat. 0.6 „ Wool Bed B 5 „ chromium fluoride. No 44.* 24 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 20 Anthracene Chrome Blue F pat. 11.5 „ Anthracene Yellow BN 25 „ chromium fluoride. No 45* 21.5 parts Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. 35 Anthracene Chrome Blue F pat. 13.5 „ Anthracene Yellow BN 25 chromium fluoride. No 46.* 28 parts Anthracene Chrome Blue B,KW extra powder pat. 4 „ Anthracene Chrome Blue BW extra powder pat. 2 „ Anthracene Acid Blue BE pat. 20 „ chromium fluoride. No 47* 40 parts Vigoureux Green B pat. 9 Vigoureux Bed A 30 chromium fluoride. No 48* 35 parts Vigoureux Green B pat. 8 „ Vigoureux Bed A 1 „ Anthracene Yellow BN 30 „ chromium fluoride. parts Anthracene Yellow BN „ Vigoureux Bed A „ Anthracene Blue Black BE pat. „ chromium fluoride. parts Anthracene Yellow BN „ Vigoureux Green B pat. „ chromium fluoride. parts Anthracene Yellow BN „ Anthracene Chrome Brown D pat. „ Vigoureux Green B pat. „ chromium fluoride. The above quantities are to be understood per 1000 parts print paste. Nos 33 — 36 show 75% printed surface, all the others 50%. Nos 33 — 48 are shades which are required for officers’ uniforms of the German Austrian and Italian Armies. 3 Directions for Preparing- the Print Pastes for Anthracene Chrome, Anthracene Acid and Vigoureux Colours. A) with Oxalate of Ammonia for the prints with Anthracene Chrome Brown DWN, Anthracene Chromate Brown EB, WS, WG, Anthracene Chrome Black F and Combinations of these Dyestuffs with other Products (Nos 6 — 9 and 36). 20— 65 parts dyestuff are dissolved in 580—515 » water, and boiled up with 40 sennar gum (Vigoureux gum) or a corresponding amount of some other thickening; when cold, 10— 45 ,, chromium fluoride, 30— 50 55 oxalate of ammonia and 5 55 chlorate of soda, dissolved in 315—280 „ water, are added. approx. 1000 parts. B) with Oxalic Acid for all the other Prints (Nos 1 — 5, 10 — 35, 37 — 48). 7 — 90 parts dyestuff are dissolved in 590—505 „ water, and boiled up with 40 55 sennar gum (Vigoureux gum) or a corresponding amount of some other thickening; when cold, 5— 50 55 chromium fluoride, 15— 30 „ oxalic acid and 5 55 chlorate of soda, dissolved in 335—280 » water, are added. approx. 1000 parts. Instead of chromium fluoride, an equal weight of formate of chrome or Chromaline, or 3 — 4 times the weight of acetate of chrome 32° Tw., may be used. After printing, the goods are twice over steamed damp for 1 to 1% hours at a time at slight pressure (y 4 — % atm), then washed, soaped, dried, and combed in the usual manner. An addition of about 10 parts Turkey-red oil per 1000 parts print paste facilitates the wetting of the stubbing and the penetration of the print colour. * Anthracene Chrome Blue RRW extra Powder and BW extra Powder should be stirred to a paste with one-half the stated amount of ammonia before dissolving, after which hot water is poured over it. Without guarantee. 4 SfSW, THE GETTY CENTER