CATALOGUE OF THE Cellar of Wines AT EASTON PARK, WICKHAM MARKET, THE PROPERTY OF HIS GRACE THE LATE DUKE OP HAMILTON, K.T. which (by Order of the Executors ) mill foe Dj> auction t \\) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TEC1IK GKKAT &QQU S, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, And on THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Square, S. W. '2L>dC'* CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon wnich there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. N VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. ( N.B.—Lots 1 to 88 are in the OLD CELLAR.) SHERRY. 1 Three Dozens of Sherry, Gibb and Bruce (two or three sorts) i Lin 84, F . y Bin 83, B. / 2 Three ditto 3 Two ditto and four bottles, more or less 4 Three Dozens of Sherry, Buckler, hi 5 Three ditto and ten bottles, more or less 6 Three Dozens of Solera, 1820, Famin, while seal ^JZ^Bin 7 Three ditto c Xo ^ Ay ' / y/ Mahler, Bin 39, F./5^^ 53 One Dozen and Six Bottles of Steinberg, 1857, Knobel (Bin 38) ; One Dozen and Three Bottles of Johannisberg, 1868, Feist (Bin 45, F.) ; and Six Bottles of Hock, old (Bin 50), more or less <3m 7 CHAMPAGNE. 54 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Champagne, Jubber, mixed lot more or less (of winch sixteen bottles are ullaged) Bin 44, F v 55 One Dozen and Nine Magnums of Champagne, Jubber, more or less (of which six magnums are ullaged ) »/Bin 43, F. MALAGA. 56 Thkee Dozens of Malaga, 1840, Troughton & Co., dipped red , Bin 84, B./ /j 57 Three ditto ^ 58 Five ditto and five bottles, more or less 59 Three Dozen and Five Bottles of Malaga, more or less Bin 25 60 One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Malaga, crest on bottles (Bin 20); One Dozen and Five Half-Bottles of Ditto (Bin 12) ; Eleven Half-Bottles of Malaga, Sir A. Clarke (Bin 11); One Dozen and Two Half-Bottles of Malaga (Bin 78); Six Bottles of Malaga, Bonaparte (Bin 63) ; and Five Bottles of Mountain Malaga (Bin 62), more or less MISCELLANEOUS, including LIQUEURS. 61 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Bucellas, Colonel Cochrane * , / (Bin 28) ; Six Bottles of Bucellas (Bin 22); and Eight Bottles of Lisbon (Bin U0), more or less H 62 Ten Bottles of Constantia, Hood (Bin 18) ; One Dozen and One Bottles of Constantia, Hood (Bin 80); and Seven Half-Bottles of Constantia, Thompson, red wax (Bin 7Q more or less 63 One Dozen and One Bottles of Sparkling Moselle (Bin 33); Seven Bottles of Alicante (Bin 21) ; Eight Bottles of Calcavella ( Bin 23); and Five Bottles of Frontignan (Bin 64), more or less 8 64 Two Dozen and Two Bottles of White Wine (? Chablis) (Bin 27, B. and F.) ; and One Dozen and Three Bottles^/ X of White Wine (Bin 36), more or less /fy t, 65 Eleven Bottles of White Wine ( Bin 48) ; Five Bottles of White Wine (Bin 49) ; Seven Bottles of White Wine (Bin 54) ; Seven Bottles of White Wine ( Bin 56); Six Bottles of White Wine, black wax (Bin 52); Two Bottles of White Wine (Bin 51) ; Ten Bottles of White Wine (Bin 61); Two Bottles of White Wine (Bin 72); and, 7 Two Bottles of White Wine (Bin 73), more or less 4 ) 66 One Dozen of Bed Wine, mixed (Bin 65); Eight Bottles of Bed Wine (? Laclirymse Christi) (Bin 70) ; Eight Bottles of Bed Wine (Bin 26) ; aud Seven Bottles of Bed Wins/ 's (Bin 79), more or less 67 One Dozen of Brandy, Pliillipson 68 One ditto ' Bin 35, F. (it//* 69 One ditto 70 One ditto d 71 One ditto and ten bottles, more or less 72 One Dozen of Brandy, Sazerac deFor spjfrom Famin Bin 40, B. 73 One ditto 74 One ditto 75 One ditto 76 One ditto 77 One ditto 78 One ditto 79 One ditto 80 One ditto 81 One ditto 82 One ditto and ten bottles, more or less *^ 2 / - ’A* 0 8*3 Ien Bottles of Brandy, Paris, 1873 (Bin 76, B.) ; Eleven Bottles of Brandy, Lemoine, 3 anchors (Bin 68); and Five , Bottles of Brown Brandy, from Mr. Tollemache, 1891 (Bin 69), more or less /c*S 84 One Dozen of Swedish Brandy, from Mr. Dickson, more or less it'd/ Bin 76, 85 One Dozen of Whisky, McCulloch, more or less Bin 67 - 86 Two Dozens of Orange Brandy, Berry Bros, Bin 56, F. 87 One ditto and six bottles, more or less 88 Eight Bottles of Noyau (Bin 47); Seven Half-BottlS^ of / Curasao (Bin 66) ; Six Bottles of Cherry Brandy, Morel’s (Bin 59); Five Bottles of Rosalie (?) (Bin 46) ; Four S Bottles of Brandy (Bin 58) ; and Four Half-Bottles 0EV7 /y Setubal (Bin 57), more or less (N.B.—Lots 89 to 170 are in the NEW CELLAR.) SHERRY AND MADEIRA. 89 Three Dozen and Seven Bottles of Brown Sherry, more or less Bin 3, B. 90 Three Dozens oe Madeira, red ivax Bin 13, B. ^ r 91 Three ditto, more or less CLARET. 92 Three Dozens of Mouton Rothschild, 1872, Cafe Voisin ' 7 V ^ /* ' 93 Three ditto / y c 94 Three ditto 95 Three ditto 96 Three ditto ~ Jf7r— 97 Five dozen and three bottles, more or loss 10 Centre Bi n y 98 Three Dozens of Claret, bottled 1889 & 99 Three ditto 100 Three ditto < Sf 101 Three ditto 102 Three ditto •A ^ ^ 103 Five ditto and five bottles, more or less 104 Three Dozens of Latodr, red capsule T'J&Ls&k j 2 * f - 105 Three ditto yj/yj >—. 106 Three ditto and six bottles, more or less yy/ Jb— - 107 Three Dozens of Claret, Bristol, red wax /f/> Bin 1, B. 108 Three ditto /Iron bin, end 144 Three ditto ^ 145 Three ditto / _ 146 Four ditto and ten bottles, more or less 7 tJy/, 147 Three Dozens of Champagne, Lanson , first quality 148 Three ditto VI/. 152 Five ditto and nine bottles, more or less 153 Two Dozen and Three Bottles of Champagne, carte blanche, more or less {of which twenty bottles are ullaged)^ Bin 154 Two Dozen and Three Magnums of Champagne, Lemoine which seventeen magnums are ullaged ); and One Dozen and Four Bottles of Ditto {of which one dozen are ullaged), Bins 14 B^and E, < /? /frrl&'irM 149 Three ditto 150 Three ditto 151 Six ditto more or less End of First Day’s Sale. 4 Second Day’s Sale. On THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1897, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. SAUTERNE. 155 Three Dozens of Chateau y’ Quem, 1858 156 Three ditto 157 Three ditto and two bottles, more or less 158 Three Dozen and Nine Bottles of Sauterne, 18.64, Suiduirant, Cafe Voisin, more or less 3*0// Bin 11 B. Bin 21 B. MOSELLE. 159 Three Dozens of Sparkling Moselle, Scharzberg st>/* t Iron bin , right top 160 Three ditto ^ 161 Four ditto and five bottles, more or less • S&>%) 162 Three Dozens of Sparkling Moselle, Feist Brothers, more or^g^ l ess Iron bin, right bottom 163 Four ditto, ullaged, more or less -V 14 MISCELLANEOUS. wax 164 Two Dozens of Palermo Wine {Bin 1, F.) ; and Eleven Bottles of Dark Wine {Bin 3, F.), more or less 165 One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Burgundy {Bin 8, B.) ; and Two Dozen and Five Bottles of White Wine, blue wcl {Bin 8, F.), more or less £"4A 166 Three Dozen and Four Bottles of Old White Wine, Bucellas (?) {Bin 20) ; and Five Bottles of Wmp Wine {Bin 22 B.), more or less / j> 167 Four Dozen and Seven Bottles of White Graves, Clos St. Robert, more or less Bin 21^F 168 Two Dozen and Six Bottles of Various Wines ( Bins 9, B. and 10) ; and One Dozen and Two Bottles of Red Wine __ {Bin 22, B.), more or less /PA* 169 Three Dozen and Eight Bottles of Ginger Wine, more or less /t 170 Three Dozens of Brown Sherry, more or less Bin 25 ■ . // > /*£/r £ + A ZrzT^. (. N.B.—Lots 171 to 177 are in the ENTRANCE TO CELLAR.) SHERRY. 171 One Dozen and Eight Bottles of Sherry, Lankester, red seal ; One Dozen of Sherry {Bin 42) ; and One Dozen and^* Six Bottles of Sherry {Bin 41), more or less SO A ' CLARET, PORT, BURGUNDY, LIQUEURS, Etc. 172 One Dozen and Three Bottles of Margaux, 1874; Seven Bottles of Port, 1873, Paris, black seal ; Four Bottles of Port, 1878, Lankester; and One Dozen and Eleven Bottle: of Burgundy, two sorts, more or less 15 173 Four Dozen and Six Bottles of Moselwein ; and Two Dozen and Nine Bottles and Three Half-Bottles of Mandarin, Wine, more or less ANDARINE 7 . 174 Two Dozen and Five Half-Bottles of Kirsch; One Dozen and Three Half-Bottles of Champagne, 1874, Firre, Theron & Co. ; Five Half-Bottles of Anisette, dry ; and Three Half-Bottles of Maraschino, more or less three y 175 One Dozen of Whisky, red wax ; and Seven Bottles of Whisky, Alexander, capsuled , more or less 176 Nine Bottles of Punch; and One Dozen and Four Odd Bottles of Liqueurs, more or less 177 Eleven Bottles of Swedish Brandy ; Three Bottles of Bum, Lankester ; Three Bottles of Curasao, in stone cruches ; One Bottle of Gin ; and Two Bottles, contents / p unknown, more or less / (N.B.—Lots 178 to 229 are in the TOWER CELLAR .) CLARET. 178 Three Dozens of Latour, 1878, Whi 179 Three ditto 180 Three ditto 181 Three ditto 182 Three ditto 183 Three ditto 184 Three ditto 185 Three ditto 186 Five ditto and eleven bottles, more or 10 187 Three Dozens of Larose, 1870, Whigham and VernpH 188 Three ditto 'fA ^ 189 Three ditto 190 Three ditto 191 Three ditto 192 Five ditto and eleven bottles, more or less 193 Three Dozens of Durfort, 1870, Cafe Voisin ^yv^ D^j/ 194 Four ditto and seven bottles, more or less _ Bin G 7?M 195 Three Dozens of Claret, red wax 196 Four ditto and eight bottles, more or less; and Ten Bottles of Margaux ( Bin A.), more or less J-z — -jj CHAMPAGNE. 197 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, Ay. Famin ?/P 198 Three ditto 199 Three ditto 200 Five ditto, more or less 201 Three ditto, ullaged 202 Three ditto 203 Three ditto and nine bottles, more or less % < 2 —*- j~$yi - 204 Five Dozen and Ten Bottles of Champagne, Moet, " D’Ay # Rosee Cremant,” more or less {& &/*