lloyP M P^s* - KJr 1 1 Wti ^\_ s .!» # ; iB£5rr\£ V BfflKaWfsf ^V- j. nl' jjr\Kj^ u jjf k. r j(m*.'~ - ’ t ■l'1 m m M « , 1 yjf — ■ ■ ■ ?* V ^f\ ij X :< :>['{ . ■ i ’ M 1' \ j p&w l-J OA,T^VLOa-XJB OF A COLLECTION OF PICTURES Ug lljr ©lb Rasters, REMOVED FROM PRYOR’S BANK, FULHAM; AND THE PROPERTY OF MBS. M. B. BLANE, Deceased, late of The Birks, Bournemouth ; AND From Different Sources: WHICH Mill toe roli> toy Auction toy Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, ATT THmia GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -®o>«o«- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 hvng Street, St. James’s Square, S. W. |0 ZOIW" ’-* 1 CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller- IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default • of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any default or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cloared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sal 9 shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale- CATALOGUE. — -ooXXoo——. On FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1894, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. The following property has been removed from Pryor s Bank, Fulham. PORTRAITS. 1 Richard II. ; and Richard III. From an old screen in Winchester Cathedral 2 Henry IV. ; and Edward II. —ditto 3 Lady Hdnbden 4 Lord Burleigh 5 Lord Leicester 6 Earl of Warwick 7 The Earl of Sussex 8 Sir Hugh Middleton 9 Henry VIII. ^*36 10 Margaret Tudor, mother of Henry VII. Formerly at St. Mary's, Coventry. jf- < ?tv Jb&nxcydic J& B 2 4 3'A- M- /h'A /0‘A & / / Jl/A 2 3A £ 3 -/ 47 . 3. /r. . y. ir. - 22 tr 4- '? &/*- &’A /*/*. AL¬ 11 Mart, Queen of Scots &(?*.*•> 12 Lord William Russell (pc Ok . ^•xoU^hj 13 John Milton 3c*■*-*/- 14 ^r^Ia t thew II Ah' y&A\ '/tfCieJUjL 15 Horace Walpole, with Madame de Dcffand’s doff 00 16 Mary, Queen of Scots a.?***- 17 Elizabeth of Bohemia A^a.a (22 Aloysius, Duke of Gonsaga *23 Portrait of Andrea Doria'^*'*- 24 Pope Clement YII. Jlo* 25 Catherine of Aragon and Prince Arthur From Strawberry Hill /3*/( See inscription on the bach } ^SstAAlJl idyUtteh. T Jx%C^vo/y 26 Portrait of a Man, in furred robe and cap —dated 1540 Awr- 27 Ferdinand of Spain— whole length Jv-xt^ 28 Charles V. in Armour 29 Soldiers in Armour— a pair—whole length $?cx<*v 9>o- 30 Cervantes— whole length rK A^CXt() COS1MO ROSELLI. 38 The Virgin and Child, with cherubs on gold ground y ^ ) ' A. NUCCL 39 A Saint, with a lily branch and book— full length From the Collection of Mr. Blades bc't-SO ANDREA DA VELLETRI. 40 Two Wings of a Triptych, with saints on gold ground From the Borgia Collection (?oy^’ 3 -° TADDEO GADDI. v cZs' w/\/ 41 Two Wings of a Triptych, from the church of San Michele, Florence, with saints and heads on gold ground 56<,tr BYZANTINE SCHOOL. 42 Madonna and Child, with saints c/o£/x^yrr. 6 // zC LUCAS CRANACH. 43 Consultation of African Warriors roMAJky / Purchased at the Sale of the Baron de Bodin, in Paris 2-0 kj.® VERMEYER. 44 St. Peter’s, Rome, with procession 3C ytis-o VERMEYER. 45 The Vatican, with pontifical procession ft J. B. FRANCKS. 46 An Interior, with figures dancing H. MEMLINC. 47 Saints and Donors, with coat-of-arms and buildings iri^he back¬ ground /*. f WOHLGEMUTH. 48 The Presentation in the Temple 49 The Nativity WOHLGEMUTH.] J? i> VAN EYCK. •^-O 60 Two Donors in Prayer ^ •sCOZ-Q. CtQsz*e*c%'oZ-lls'' MATSYS. 51 The Dead Christ, and the three Marys S*3 2/ BREUGHEL. 62 St. John Preaching— on copper 7 */ SIR A. MORE (School of). 53 A Philosopher z&x/A 54 A Gentleman, holding his gloves 3* A& # < ^ l/ ‘ ‘&*&n*xpJlb & 43^ctmi VAN DYCK (After). 55 Charles I. and his Family, by Stone VAN DYCK. 66 The Crucifixion aok'x JANET. 57 Henri II., of France /ox.& HOLBEIN. a 1 1 68 Sir Anthony Brown Engraved in Lodge’s Portraits ^ LARGILLIERE. 69 PRiNc^OmcRBfie- Edward Stuart Formerly in the possession of his sister , the Countess of Albany /?*/«- POURBUS. 60 Thk Duche6S of Strozzi * *-*/?" SUSTERMANS. 61 Marie de Medicis 3 BRONZINO. 62 Portrait of the Duchess Biancho Cappello 8 // COELLO. 63 The Infanta Maiua, ,-nslti'of Philip of Spain M'fr 44 J7 // /X -HONT HORST. 64 Poutuait of Prince Rupert fwJp (fFzA^- & OOlw&cC' " ICYo-vtL^ . BRONZINO. sdrrltCfi^ 65 Alebsandro de Medici, Duke of Tuscany J .d/rr^AstJ-^ From the Collection of the Marquis Rinnciui BR0NZ1N0 - 66 Eleanora de Toledo, and her son, Ferdinand de Medici . A - ALL0EI - 67 Portrait of a Princess of the Mediois Family, in embroidered robe— three-quarter length Formerly in the Collection of the Marquis Rinncini SIR P. LELY. 68 Countess of Chesterfield SIR P. LELY. 69 Moll Davis, the actress, holding a guitar W1SSING. 70 Mary - of Modena three-quarter length Engraved 9tl ■ (xo&xopfiw // SIR G. KNELLER, 1720. 71 Portrait of a Lady, seated, with a basket of flowers Signed, and dated 1720 0 ZUCCHEBO. 72 Queen Elizabeth Given by Charles I. to Judge Twisden, of Roy den Hall, Kent . ZUCCHERO. 73 Mabie Stuaut— whole length From the King of Holland's Sale JANSSENS. 74 Loud Keepek Coventry— full length fifcujr bjjLJ(aA>oa2p^ A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. PICTURES. 75 Portrait of Camden, the antiquary ■* 0X7 P. BORDONE. 76 A Lady Playing a Guitar Mticiy- A. BRAUVVER. 77 An Interior, with smokers 9haJou C ANA - I/EPTO . 78 Scene on the Grand Canal 40x3c Ob^A^h .— CUYP. 70 A Landscape, with cattle and figures 1pK30 6~D 4/i/i ({ g ainsborought . 80 A Grand Landscape J~ox(o e> ShadbiMirt 3 r (? F. GUARDI. 81 Views on the Adriatic —apair /<4*/ir tr W. DE HEMSCH. 82 A Landscape, with figures 9 83 A Landscape HOBBEMA. 2Cx.iJo $.j£>+usC &— // DE KEYSER. 84 Portrait of an Old Woman U-o SIR G. KNELLER. 85 Portrait of Queen Mary y^k^v-yyyjd /3'/± SIR P. LELY. 86 The Countess of Rochester ooxsv y~Kw>n^ N. MAES. 87 An Interior, with a burgomaster, his wife and child i 36 y { f” N. MAES. 88 Portraits of a Lady and Gentleman —a pair /o!r MARIESCHI. 89 Views in Venice— apair 2 $kzsn,6Ji, OS'S 11 G. METSU. 90 Interior, with a lady and gentleman From the Vernon Collection J. B. PATER. 91 A Lion Hunt 2 ox/6 From Mr. Goding’s Collection G. PENS. 92 Portrait op a Youth, holding a scull /C x/a G. POUSSIN. 93 A Classical Landscape uc x6c <4 A)4/ REGEMORTER. 94 Jan Steen’s Hostelry, with figures li9 txi/-o /O'cAtn REMBRANDT SCHOOL. 95 The Adoration of the Magi REMBRANDT. 96 Portrait of a Man, in brown dress and cap ^K-'icbo 2±x4& SIR J. REYNOLDS. 97 Portrait of Lord Pulteney jdsWtvrcAsV Engraved 98 A Bull Hunt RUBENS. /lAX t-f-0 rhji-rJM*. 12 J. EUYSDAEL. 99 A Eiver Scene, with waterfall G. SCHALKEN. 100 A Girl holding a Parrot D. TEN1EES. 101 A Landscape, with castle and figures ■&0Xi/-O XX L - t$LA+J-tOvfc> 3c D. TENIEliS. 102 The Temptation of St. Anthony On copper 2-0 x /C 103 A Dutch Toper D. TENIEES. /*/ 104 Milking Time A. VAN DE VELDE. /«Vi- W. VAN DEE VELDE. 105 A Sea Piece, with shipping /6* 2-0 9 h AdU* (of X2> J. B. WEENIX. 106 Dead Game WAMfiAtJT 107 Portrait of a Lady as a Pilgrim -Aild 9}c SIE D. WILKIE. 103 Eeading the Will /*xxo Aifu*>-otsdr /X 13 R. WILSON. 109 An Italian Lake Scene 0 R. WILSON. 110 The Thames at Kew ZUCCARELLI. 111 A Lake Scene 36* v%- OChAyOi^y^ DIFFERENT PROPERTIES . VAN AVERCAMP. 112 Winter Scenes —a pair J'* S' 'AhJLOtsl fr 113 The Alchemist WYCK. /i JAN STEEN. 114 An Interior, with figures A. OSTADE. 115 The Village School S2x// ISAAC OSTADE. 116 The Halt at the Hostelry Signed and dated L,c f ~ v '40 VAN BALEN AND BREUGHEL. 117 The Forge op Vulcan k 14 Jr BREUGHEL. 118 A River Scene, with figures and animals /JLA/S- Jr VAN DER NEER. 119 A Moonlight Scene 7 * GUAEDI. 120 Piazzetta op St. Mark /<**x*a. Jr DE HOOCH. 121 An Interior, with figures /0 6/*. TIEPOLO. 122 A Design for an Altar Piece Zt/-x/6 RUYSDAEL. 123 A View Near a Village, with peasants and animals /3 x rtf VAN GOYEN. 124 A Landscape, with peasants fishing in a pond iST G. VINCENT. 125 A Forest Scene, with cottages and figures ZG-A&0 CtoLcXsyr^ J- G. DOR& 126 Burning of Stbasburg Cathedral— drawing 127 A Landscape VAN GOYEN. 7*9 15 AUDRAN. 128 Garden Scenes, with figures /^x/y 3 LONGHI. 129 A F£te ChampStue HOGARTH. 130 Portraits of Two Gentlemen MARIESCHI. 131 Views of Venice Sc**-4r 3c-*^-o 5 OSTADE. 132 Boors Smoking ^ MORLAND. 133 A Pig-sty /6x/^ HERRING. 134 A Farmyard, with animals 2 -C BOTH. &A*SL 135 A Landscape, with peasants and animals MORLAND. 136 Figures at an Inn Door ?*y ROSALBA. 137 Head of a Girl— crayons rtr l f 16 REMBRANDT SCHOOL. /$- 138 Head of an Old Man REMBRANDT (After). 2- 139 Portrait of Himself ^f’v6 (y!aAjM>7iA W. DE GARAY. 140 Tres Adroit 3ox$n JfiAui&sM J. F. HERRING, 1831 SfSL 141 Hunting Scene, clearing the hrook ^extyrj NASMYTH. Trt& A Road Scene, with figures REMBRANDT. A Figure W. n. FAULKNER. J'/*- 144 A Girl witii a Parrot £^- 151 Interior of DE WIT. a Guard Room /6 *Xc 152 Pigeons HONDEKOETER.) 3 k*. ixp 0. R. LESLIE, R.A. Juliet W. ETTY, R.A. IS^A Bather, background by J. Linnell, Sen. W. ETTY, R.A. Wzr A Jewish Rabbi GEORGE SMITH. 153* The Gardener’s Offering COX. tST Rhyl Sands c MARK FISHER. K& A Landscape, with peasants and animals 4' £ /o-- ji /' /S~.~ J-. - S. ROSA. 159 A Landscape, with brigands ^-^uiAa^r, 160 Divine Love TITIAN (After). 6exSt) The following are the Property of Mrs. M. R. BLANE, deceased , late of The Birks, Bournemouth. DRAWINGS. F. NICHOLSON, 1811. 161 Roman Tower at Chester /6< tff UNKNOWN. 162 Scotney Castle ; and A Leaniug Tower 2 KOELMAN. 163 A Landscape, with animals fS ■qL i^n^oi/yx, DE WINT (Style of). 164 View of a Country House; and a Mountain Scene /«*/6 19 PICTURES. 165 The Marriage of the Virgin /c*r A. BLOEMART. 166 An Old Woman 167 A Miser UNKNOWN. /ox p J. WYNANTS. 168 A Road Scene, with sandbank and figures //•< / 20 /c/>- DE HEEM. 173 Lk Goust FRAGONARD. 174 A Fete Champetre ^7 FINIS. London : Printed by Wsi. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. ■ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY