fe I .'£&. "\ ? - / Jff Jm ^H L^fl^lfl h> Hh^I e^^h kf; 4&^ CATALOGUE MODERN PICTURES AND Wlattt-talam Dratmttgs, THE PROPERTY OP W. A. DUNCAN, ESQ. ; ALSO, A SiyiALL COLLECTION, THE PROPERTY OF ROBERT CHARLES MAY, ESQ., C.E., Deceased, Late of 6, Great George Street, Westminster, and Clapham ParJc ; AND OTHERS, FROM DIFFERENT PRIVATE SOURCES; ALSO, MEG AND HER FAWN, A Group, in Statuary Marble, by M. NOBLE, and other pieces of Sculpture : 3i3Hf)tct) totll tot £o!fc toy aiiftion, toy Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THHIB GESAT EO@MS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, MARCH 20, And on SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1891, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson & Woods' Offices. 8 King Street, St. James s Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall l">e immediately put up again and re-sold. IL No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Chkistte, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Da:/'s Sale. On FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1891, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. DRAWINGS— In the Folio. 1 Penley (A.). Twenty Sketches and Studies of Mountains and Clouds 20 2 Ditto. Sketches of Cottages ; and Studies of Trees 9 3 Ditto. Derwkntwater ; and a Kocky Landscape 2 4 Ditto. An Italian Lake Scene ; a Woody Landscape ; and Trees 3 5 Ditto. A Lake Scene, with cattle ; three Views of Cottages and Landscape 5 6 Ditto. A Swiss Lake Scene ; and a Waterfall 2 7 McKewan (D.H.). A Coast Scene; and a Welsh Eiver Scene 2 8 Ditto. A Lake Scene, with Castle, &c. 3 9 T. Hearne. Chepstow Castle 10 Joy. A Sea-piece, with shipping in distress ; and a Sea-piece 2 B 2 12 Joy. A Sea-piece, with inen-of-war; and a Coast Scene, with shipping 2 13 Ditto. A Sea-piece, with a man-of-war and boats; and the companion 2 14 A Scrap Book, containing Thirty-nine Drawings, by Nicholson, Le Capelain. Fryer, S. G. Prout 15 Fielding (C). A River Scene ; and a Landscape 2 16 Ditto. A lioAD Scene, with cows ; and a Lake Scene 2 17 Ditto. A River Scene, with cows ; and a Lake Scene 18 Cruikshank (G.). Scene in Broad St., St. Giles's; &c. 3 19 Ditto. Tower of King's Gate, near Margate ; &c. 9 ^0 Ditto. The Bright Reform Bomb ; &c. 13 21 Illustrations of Time : and Phrenological Illustrations by G. Cruikshank 22 Caricatures, by G. Cruikshank 24 23 Keene (C). Four Illustrations to Punch ; and Society's pet — woodcut — after G. Du Mauri er 5 24 Fleur de Lys Passage : Etching, by J. M. Whistler 25 Illustrations from Punch — tvoodcuts — after G. du Maurier 3 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS— Framed. G. CRUIKSHANK. 26 Madame Celeste in the "Green Bushes" 27 Tea in the " Arbour " K. BACON. 28 Salisbuby ; and Sutton Cohlfield, by M. A. Evans A. MAC CALLUM. 29 Carrara Mountains J. CAMEEON. 30 Head of a Boy — pastel F. WALTON. 31 Abinger Mill E. J. POYNTEE, E.A., 1872. 32 Study fob a Head of Perseus — chalk M. STONE, E.A. 33 Silvia — pen and ink G. DU MAUEIER. 34 Oveb Scrupulous C. HAYES. 35 The Sand Pit C. HAYES. 36 A Pastoral 0. GEE EN. 37 Play THALES FIELDING. 38 Harleoh Castle 6 C. FIELDING. 39 Raglan Castle H. CHAMPION. 40 Summer W. COLEMAX. 41 SPRINGTIME ; and the companion H. HARPER. 42 A Mook ScEiNE C. S. LIDDERDALE. 43 The Vicar's Daughter BRITON MAZOR. 44 The Curiosity Stall S. G. PROUT. 45 The Hotel De Ville, Louvain PROUT. 46 The Cathedral, Chartres H. SKEDMORE. 47 On the Reach, Sherrington K. MACAULAY. 48 Hard at Wokk E. DUNCAN". 49 Still Life J. M. DAVIS. 50 Ireland's Eye A. WILLIAMS. 51 Neak Eahent, Dublin W. CALLOW. 52 Venice J. CULVERWELL. 53 A Bit of Irish Bog P. REID. 54 Dolly's Spring Cleaning F. W. CURRIE. 55 The River L. B. HURT. 56 A Scotch Moorland ARY SCHEFFER. 57 St. Augustine and St. Monica A. M. ROSSI. 58 "Our Father" 8 H. CAFFIER1 59 The Lock 60 Fishing A. M. ROSSI. 61 Little Roth H. WEIR, 62 Herons and Magpie 63 Thrush AND Nightingale BIKKET FOSTER. 64 A Wintek Scene S. RAYNER. 65 The Abbey Dour S. PROUT. 66 The Ponte Rotte, Rome — pencil W. HUNT. 67 A Bird's Nest TRISTRAM ELLIS 68 CypuUs W. CHEVALIER. 1879 69 A Lake Scene G. CHAMBERS. 70 Gospokt The folloiving are sold by order of the Executors of SA MUEL SPALDING, Esq., deceased. 71 A Peasant Girl, after Rembrandt, by W. Say — coloured DRAWINGS. W. E. LOCKHART, R.S.A. 72 Fishing Boats, near Aberdeen W. E. LOCKHART, R.S.A. 73 St. Andrew's Castle SAM BOUGH, R.S.A. 74 A Scotch River Scene J ISRAELS. 75 A Winter Scene J. MARIS. 76 A River Scene, with windmill B. KOPPE. 77 A Sea-pihce 10 A. PECQUEREAU. 78 A River Scene CLARA MONTALBA. 79 At the Mouth of the Thames STACQUET. 80 Sunset W. L. THOMAS. 81 Near the Riffel and the Giessbach — a pair 82 Lake Luoirne H. BRUCE. 83 A Scotch Loch PICTURES. J. ADAMS. 84 Salmon Trap on a "Welsh River 85 Glen Sat 11 A DIFFERENT PR OPER T ) \ S. OWEN, 1805. 86 A Coast Scene, with boats and figures ; and a Sea-piece, with shipping, the companion T. M. RICHARDSON. 87 A Sea-piece, with fishing boats 88 A Highland Scene, with deer S. PKOUT. 89 A Market Place in a Foreign Town H. GASTINEAU. 90 A View in Scotland, with figures on a road J. W. WEIGHT. 91 The Letter J. VARLEY. 92 Caernarvon Castle P. COLERIDGE. 93 On the Thames P. P. STEPHANOFF. 94 The Miniature 12 J. D. HARDING. 95 A Coast Scene, with figures W. L. LEITCH. 96 An Italian Lake Scene, with buildings 97 A Welsh River Scene 98 Lago d'Orta G. BARRET. 99 A Classical Composition : moonlight D. COX, Jun. 100 A Lake Scene, with boats and figures W. CALLOW. 101 A Harboub Scene P. F. POOLE, R.A 102 Going to Market C. HAAG. 103 A Tambourine Player W. LE^. 104 The Child's Prater J. J. JENKINS 105 A Brittany Shrine 13 J. HORNER. 106 View of Rome R. MULLER. 107 St. Peter's and the Vatican C. BENTLEY. 108 Hauling in Wreck off Whitby W. BENNETT. 109 Glen Nevis Exhibited at the International Exhibition, 1862 W. S. COLEMAN. 110 Sea Echoes P. DE WINT. 111 A River Scene, with a church and figures in a boat D. COX. 112 A Landscape, with view of a town BASIL BRADLEY. 113 Fox Hounds 114 Scotch Cattle S. SOLOMON, 1868. 115 Sacramentum Amoris H. B. WILLIS. 116 Cattle in a Landscape 14 PICTURES. II . ALKEN. 117 Attila, winner of the Derby, 1846 E. WEST. 118 A Pair op Views in Norway E. WEST. 119 A View in Scotland ; and a view in Norway H. CAFFIEKI. 120 In the Wood 121 The Strand F. BAENAED. 122 A Scene from the Battle of Life W. HUNT. 123 Heaoham Marsh 15 The following are the Property of W. A. DUNCAN, Esq. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. R. W. ALLAN. 124 A Northern Port MRS. COLEMAN ANGEL. 125 White Roses J. G. BINGLEY. 126 Porth Curnow, West Cornwall J. G. BINGLEY. 127 In the Woods R. BARNES. 128 The New Arrival F. W. CARTWRIGHT. 129 On the Thames, above Streatley F. W. CARTWRIGHT. 130 On the Thames, at Maidenhead F. W. CARTWRIGHT. 131 A River Scene : Vignette L6 E. WAKE COOK. l.'{2 Loch Katrine E. WAKE COOK. 133 Eiplet, Surrey E. WAKE COOK. 134 Near Barmouth E. WAKE COOK. 135 Backwater on the Thames E. WAKE COOK. 136 The Mill Pool E. WAKE COOK. 137 A Welsh Lake Scene E. WAKE COOK. 138 A Harvest Field E. WAKE COOK. 139 Cumberland E. WAKE COOK. 140 Ullswatkr E. WAKE COOK. 141 Clovelly 17 E. WAKE COOK. 142 St. Michael's Mount E. WAKE COOK. 143 Cornfield, near Pet worth A EAST. 144 A Eainy Day E. H. FAHEY. 145 At Cantley, on the Yare E. H. FAHEY. 14G At Buokenham, on the Yare J. FULLEYLOVE. 147 Ruined Beidge at Avignon P. GHENT. 148 A Grey Day, on the Trent A. GOODWIN 149 On the North Devon Coast ALBERT GOODWIN. 150 Tewkesbury J. E. GRACE. 151 The Heron's Pool 18 C. GREGORY. 152 Sundown 152a A Fishing Village KATE HAYLLAR. 153 Still Life C. NAPIER HEMY. 154 The Little Tbawler H. HERKOMER, R.A., 1887 155 Errands 156 Clothes Pegs W. LANGLEY 157 The Toy Boat W. LANGLEY. 158 An Old Salt A. HOPKINS. 159 Lilac YEEND KING. 160 Meditation YEEND KING. 161 In the Orchard JOSEPH KNIGHT. 162 Low Tide 19 G. M. DE L'AUBINIERE. 163 A Summer Afternoon 164 A Quiet Pool 165 The Evening of the Year G. M. DE L'AUBINIERE. 166 At Cerny-le-Mans G. M. DE L'AUBINIERE. 167 Eventide STUART LLOYD. 168 A Cornfield T. LLOYD. 169 Slapton Sands T. LLOYD. 170 Home from Church i MAX LUDBY. 171 Near Sandwich H. MACALLUM. 172 Heligoland P. MACQUOID. 173 "So Near and Yet so Far" C 2 20 H. M. MAESHALL. 174 Lambeth J. MOGFORD. 175 Lancaster Sands CLARA MONTALBA. 176 Venice HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 177 A Dead Calm, Cherbourg Harbour SUTTON PALMER. 178 A Landscape VV. P1LSBURY. 179 A Farmyard Scene W. PILSBURY. ' 180 Sand-hills O, RICKATSON. 181 An Irish River O. RICKATSON. 182 Autumn C. ROBERTSON. 183 St. Michael's Mount 21 C. ROBERTSON. 184 At Slindon, looking towards Littlehampton J. SHERRIN. 185 Pine Apple and Grapes JOHN STEEPLE. 186 On the Thames J. STEEPLE. 187 A Welsh River Scene R THORNE-WAITE. 188 Oxwich Bay E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 189 A Landscape, with a windmill and sheep E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 190 Feeding the Magpie E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 191 A Cornish Fishing Village E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 192 A Street in St. Ives, Cornwall E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 193 A Cornish Homestead 22 W. H. WEATHERHEAD. 194 Going to Mabket JOHN WHITE. 195 A Devonshire Highway B. WHITMORE. 196 A Coast Scene F. WILLIAMSON. 197 A Peep of the Sea E. M. WIMPERIS. 198 A Hay-field End of First Day's Sate, Second Days Sale. °*«c On SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 1891, AT ONE O'CLOCK PRECISELY. The following are the Property of W. A. DUNCAN, Esq. PICTURES J. CLAYTON ADAMS: 199 Winter M. ANTHONY. 200 On the Thames at Windsor J. AUMONIER. 201 The Hat-field E. BARCLAY. 202 By the Mill R. BEAVIS. 203 " Where Guadaixjuiver's Waters (tt ide ' 204 Pboud Gwydr 24 J. BRETT, A.R.A. J. BRETT, A.R.A. 205 Bedbuthan Steps F. A. BRIDGEMAN. y< 206 At Bellaggio W. CAFFYN. 207 Fern Oabting, in Betchworth Park PERCY R. CRAFT. 208 Small Gettings LUCIAN DAVIS. 209 "Beg, Sib" W. C. T. DOBSON. R.A. 210 The Pets ALFRED EAST. I, 211 A Cornish Habvest Field ALFRED EAST. 212 Evening Red 213 A Glimpse of Ben Venue A. L. EGG, R.A. 214 A Reverie 25 STANHOPE A. FORBES. dPETER 216 A Cornish Fishing Girl, 1886 215 A Young Trumpeter J. E. GRACE. 217 A Sumjeb's Afterncvn F. D. HARDY, 1879. 218 A Friendly Visit MARY HAYLLAR. 219 Poppies among the Corn JESSICA HAYLLAR. 220 More Ornamental than Useful 221 A White Azalea E. HAYES, R.H.A. 222 \ale Castle, Guernsey \ E. HAYES, R.H.A. 223 Fowet Harbour G. H. HITCHCOCK. 224 Evening J. HOLLAND. 226 Genoa 26 A. J. HOOK, 1883. 226 Winnowing Sand W. A. INGRAM. 227 Moonlight at Sea B. JENKINS. 228 Little Mobcaps YEEND KING. 229 Lessons out of Dooes 230 At the Well STUART LLOYD. 231 Changing Pastures : showery weather STUART LLOYD. 232 " When Autumn's Yellow Lustre Gilds the World " W. LOGSDAIL. 233 A Venetian Fisherman W. LOGSDAIL. 234 Cairo A. LUDOVICI. 235 The Bridesmaid A. SUKER. 236 Cornish Cliffs 27 H. M'CALLUM, 1882. 237 A Bass Fisher L. NEUBERT. 238 A Bavarian Landscape J. W. NORTH. 239 May Time G. B. O'NEILL. 240 The Visit to the Tower H. SCHLESINGER. 241 A Roman Water Carrier LESLIE THOMSON. 242 A Grey Day, Rye W. H. TROOD. 243 Left in Charge S. E. WALLER, 1889. 244 The Babes in the Wood F. WALTON. 245 On the Wey, near Guildford F. WALTON. 246 The Hill Top Farm 28 E. A. WATERLOW, A.R.A. 247 A Valley by the Downs 248 Near Bembbidge, Isle of Wight 249 Moonbise JAMES WEBB. 250 A River Scene, with barge JAMES WEBB. 251 On the Scheldt J. WEBB. 252 Simon's Bath E. YARZ. 253 Venice 29 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. E. FEE RE. 254 An Intebiok 255 Going to School G. ARMFIELD. 256 Dogs and Wild Duck W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A. 257 On the Thames, Lower East Smithfield W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A. 258 Shrimpers Hauling to Windward W. L. WYLLIE, A.R.A. 259 Rochester River E. CROFTS, A.R.A. 260 Royalists Scouting W. WEEKES. 261 Launch and his Dog Exhibited at the Royal Academy STRECKER. 262 Interior of a Cabaret / 30 T. WEBSTER, R.A., 1830. 263 THE CATHOLIC QUESTION COPLEY FIELDING, 1852. 264 VIEW OF THE ISLE OF STAFFA FROM THE SOUTH Exhibited J. B. BURGESS, R.A. 265 A Burgomaster E. HUME. 266 Shrimpers T. FAED, R.A., 1857 267 AN AYRSHIRE LASSIE E. ELLIS 268 A Coast Scene, with fishing hoats J J. HILL. 269 The Shepherd HUBLIN. 270 Orpheline B. RIVIERE, R.A., 187-'. 271 " The Lion is come up from his Thicket " L. R. MIGNOT. 272 A Landscape 31 C. CALTHROP. 273 " Here's to the maiden of bashful fifteen, Here's to the widow of fifty, Here's to the flaunting extravagant quean, And here's to the housewife that's thrifty ! Let the toast pass, Drink to the lass, I warrant she'll prove an excuse for the glass." Scene from ' School for Scandal. Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1871 T. WEBSTER, R.A. 274 Waiting for the Bone Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1860 Purchased from the artist A. STOKES, 1878. 275 " Oh, Coward Conscience ; now dost Thou afflict Me " J. T. LINNELL, 1873 276 The Coast of Devon E. DOUGLAS. 277 A Highland Hearth Engraved by R. P. Parkes Exhibited E. ELLIS. 278 The Derelict EGUSQUIZA. 279 The Morning Call 32 R. W. MACBETH, A.R.A. 280 SODDEN FEN Exhibited at the Eoyal Academy, 1886 Exhibited at Manchester, 1887 Exhibited at the Paris Exhibition, 1889 B. W. LEADER, A.R.A., 1869. 281 Spring B. W. LEADER, A.R.A., 1869. 282 Autcmn J. P. KNIGHT, R.A. 283 Thb Merry Pedlar T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A., 1856 284 Marsh Meadows, with cows : evening T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1857. 285 Up on the Mountains : goats BECHI. 286 The Old Story J. CLAYTON ADAMS. 287 Waste Land FALKENBERG. 288 On the Shore, Scheveningen 33 COPLEY FIELDING. 289 Caerpilly Castle J. W. GODWAED. 290 In the Streets of the Tombs, Pompeii VAN HAANEN. 291 En Voyage 0. BEGGEOW HAETMAN. 292 The Young Marauder W. HUNT. 293 A Flower-seller E. ANSDELL, E.A., 1350. 294 The Gamekeeper J. F. HEEEING, SEN., 1858. 295 The Straw Yard, winter L. EICHET, 1872. 29G On the Edge of the Forest J. ISEAELS. 297 La Veuve 34 D. COX. 298 A Coast Scene, with boats and figures P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. 299 Cradled in his Calling BRITON RIVIERE, R.A., 1855. 300 Necessity the Mother of Invention J. W. OAKES, A.R.A. 301 The Ferry H. W. MESDAG. 302 Fishing Flat, Scheveningen R. W. ALLAN. 303 The Haven under the Hill, Tarbert, N. B. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy J. P. KNIGH 1\ R.A. 304 John Knox, endeavouring to restrain the violence of the people, who, excited by his eloquence against the Church of Rome, de- stroyed the altar missals and images of saints at Perth, 1559 Exhibited at the Boyal Academy D. MACLISE, R.A. 305 THE MEETING OF ROBIN HOOD AND RICHARD CGEUR DE LION IN THE FOREST Vide Sir Walter Scott's " Ivanhoe " 35 The following are sold by order of the Executors of ROBERT CHARLES MA Y, Esq., C.E. deceased. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS. C. TAYLOE, 1872. 306 E.M.SS. Boyne 307 The Companion 308 Steamship off the Galloper Lightship F. EDSSEL. 309 The Old Custom House, Ipswich PICTURES. A. GILBEET. 310 Snow-clad Hills : by moonlight H. LE JEUNE, A.E.A., 1865. 311 Young Anglers W. DUFFIELD, 1860. 312 Fish and Still Life L. HAGHE, 1858. 313 The First and Last Effort W. J. BLACKLOCK, and M. STONE, E.A., 1851. 314 An Old Mill, near Haweswater 36 F. R. PIOKERSGILL, R.A. 315 A Wayside Flower. J. SANT, R.A. 316 The Fair Student D. MACLISE, R.A., 1862. 317 The Warrior's Cradle A. JOHNSTON, 1863. 318 A Cotter's Saturday Night W. J. GRANT. 319 Christ Healing the Demoniacs G. LANCE, 1857. 320 A Dead Mallard, and still life MISS A. F. MUTRIE, 1865. 321 Fruit, and still life MISS M. D. MUTRIE, 1865. 322 Flowers W. DUFFIELD. 323 Dead Pheasant, wild duck, and wood pigeon 37 W. MAW-EGLEY. 324 Rosalind and Celia " Do not seek to bear your griefs Yourself, and leave me out ; For by this heaven, now at our sorrows pale, Say what thou canst, I'll go along with thee." Act i., Scene 3. W. DUFFIELD, 1863. 325 A Dead Black Cock, a Mallard, and a Bittebn W. MAW-EGLEY, 1864. 326 FK ANCIS I., sick, and a prisoner, visited by his sister Marguerite D'Angouleme, and the Emperor Charles V., Madrid, Septem- ber 19, 1535 G. E. HICKS, 1859. 327 DIVIDEND DAY AT THE BANK OF ENGLAND J. F. HERRING, H. BRIGHT, and T. FAED, R.A., 1854. 328 THE VILLAGE FARM J. PHILLIP, R.A, 1866. 329 A SPANISH BELLE Exhibited at the International Exhibition P. WESTCOTT. 330 Studying the New Poor Law SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A. 331 A River Scene, with figures loading a barge with corn, and figures on a bridge 38 J. OPIE, R.A. 32 A Girl with a Pitcher GAINSBOEOUGH. 333 Head of a Lady— oval W. VAN AELST. 334 A Dead Cook, partridges, and implements of the chase Signed, and dated 1660 W. VAN AELST. 335 Dead Birds P. DE BLOOT. 336 Interior of a Kitchen, with peasants and still life Signed and dated J. VAN HUYSUM. 337 A Bouquet of Flowers in a Glass Bottle, and a marble slab with insects — signed 39 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. SCULPTURE. 338 Venus : after the antique 339 Thk Crouching Venus statuette — on statuary marble pedestal G PECORARO, 1874. 340 Bust of Juno MATTHEW NOBLE, 1874. 341 MEG AND HER FA WN— on Sienna marble pedestal FINIS London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited Stamford Street and Charing Cross. FORTHCOMING SALE. The Collection of Topographical Drawings of Mr. Edward Thomas. MESSRS. CHRISTIE, HANSON and WOODS respectfully give notice that they will SELL by AUCTION, at their GREAT ROOMS, King Street, St. James's Square, on TUESDAY, April 7, and two following days, at one o'clock precisely, The very extensive and highly interesting Collection of DRAWINGS, formed during a long series of years, by Mr. Edward Thomas, comprising upwards of six hundred examples, chiefly by the Landscape Painters and topographical draughtsmen of the Early English School, including works of the following : — 4 by W. Alexander. 4 by J. Farrington. A. E. Penley. 3 „ T. Allom. 5 „ A. V. C. Fielding. G. F. Phillips. 13 „ W. Anderson. 6 „ F. 0. Finch. J. Pillement. 3 „ T. Athow. 4 „ F. L. T. Francia. 2byG. Pne. 8 „ S. Atkins. 2 „ T. Gainsborough. 3 „ N. Pocock. S. Austen. 2 „ J. M. Gandy. B. T. Pouncey. 2 „ T. Barker. 9 „ H. Gastineau. J. Powell. 3 „ G. Barret, Sen. J. Gibbs. o u „ S. Prout. G. Barret, Jun. 4 „ W. S. Gilpin. A. Pugin. 2 „ W. H. Bartlett. 4 „ T. Girtin. 6 „ W. KPyne. 8 ,, J. Baynes. 15 „ J. Glover. M. Ricci. 2 „ C. Bentley. H. Gravelot. J. I. Richards. W. Blake. 3 „ W. Green. 4 „ G. F. Bobson. 8 „ J Bourne. 8 „ 8. H. Grimm. 9 „ M. A. Rooker. W. Brockedon. F. Grose. 4 ,, T. L. Rowbotham. S. Buck. J. Hassell. T. M. Richardson. 11 „ J. C Buckler. 3 „ W. Havell. 19 „ P. Sandby. 5 „ T. Butter worth. 14 „ T. Hearne. T. Sandby. W. Capon. A. Highmore. 3 „ R. Sasse. J. W. Carmichael. 2 R. C. Hoare. 3 „ R. B. Schnebbelie. 8 „ J. Carter. J. Holworthy. 2 „ D. M. Serres. J. Chase. S. Howitt. 2 „ J. T. Serres. G. Chinnery. W. J. Huggins. 8 „ G. S. Shepherd. L. Clennell. 4 „ J. M. Ince. 2 „ H. Shepherd. 4 „ J. Cleveley. S. Ireland. 2 „ W. P. Sherlock. 3 „ J. Collet. 4 „ S. Jackson. 3 „ J. Smith. J. Coney. — Jefferson. o „ W. F. Snullwood. 2 „ E. W. Cooke, R.A. 9 „ J. C. Joy. Caleb R. Stanley. S. Cook. W. Joy. 2 „ F. Stevens. R. Cooper. G. Knapton. 2 „ J. Storer. J. S. Cotman. 3 „ G. Laporte. 4 „ F. Swaine. D. Cox. 7 „ J. Lapoite. 2 „ W. Tomkins. 2 „ A. Cozens. 11 „ P. Le Cave. 3 „ T. Trotter. 2 „ J. Cozens. T. Lindscy. 3 „ W. Turner. 7 „ W. M. Craig. W. Linton. R. T. Underwool. 3 „ J. Cristall. 16 „ J. Malton. A. F. Varley. G. Cuitt. T. Malton. 21 ., J. Varley. 4 „ T. Daniel. 3 „ W. Marlow. W. F. Varley. S. Daniel. 4 „ J. Martin. W. Walker. 5 „ W. Daniel. T. Medland. 4 „ J. Wallis. 2 „ J. S. Davis. A. P. Moore, 2 „ T. Walmesley. 14 „ E. Dayes. 21 „ P. S. Muim. 2 „ J. Webber. W. W. Dcane. J. H. Mnntz. 2 „ G. Webster. H. de Cort. 12 „ J. P. Neale. W. F. Wells. 4 „ J. de Floury. 31 „ F. Nicholson. 2 „ W. Westall. 4 „ W. de la Motte. 4 „ <;. Nicholson. F. Wheatley. P. J. de Louthcr- School of Nicholson. 3 „ T. Whitcomb. bours-. W. Oliver. o „ J. M. Whiohelo. 3 „ P. de Wint. 3 „ H. O'Neill. 3 „ II. VV. Williams. A. Donaldson. 13 „ S. Owen. 8 „ P. Williams. J. Games. " W. Pars. C Wild. 3 „ IF. Edridj 28 ,. W. Payne. 3 „ T. Yates. 2 .„ E. Edwards. 2 .. J. Pearson. r, .. G. Yates i<&. >%-:-«! GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01023 8489